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Network Service Tool V Version 2.

2 Installation Instructions
About Network Service Tool V ......................................................................................1
Computer Requirements.........................................................................................
Installation Instructions........................
................................................................ ......... 2
Additional Notes ............................................................................................................. 2
Multiple USB Ports................................
.................................................... 2
Firewall and Ethernet Connection ..............................................................................
.................... 2

About Network Service Tool V

Network Service Tool V (NST V) is designed to be the primary technician interface to start up and
troubleshoot the Carrier Comfort Network (CCN). The software is designed to run on any
computer utilizing the Windows 2000
2000/XP/Vista/7 operating system. The computer needs a USB
port to support
upport the USB to CCN Converter which is required to run NST V
NST V provides an environment from which you can easily perform the following tasks:

Display current controller status and configuration data

Dynamically switch between customary US or metric units
nstall, commission, monitor, and control any CCN device including Comfort Controllers
and Universal Controllers (Note: 203FID and VVT Gateway are NOT supported)
Backup and restore CCN device configuration
View and save CCN network alarms
onfigure and troubleshoot the CCN network with the aid of Bus Diagnostic utilities which
includes Bus Monitor
Create and edit BEST++ (custom) program
Supports USB, Ethernet and Modem Dialup connections
Supports ComfortVIEW CCN Import/Export to move data
databases between NST V and

Computer Requirements

Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

o Windows 2000 Professional
o Windows XP Professional
o Windows Vista Business or Ultimate 32/64 bit
o Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate 32/64 bit
Hardware requirements
o Pentium 600 MHz processor with 256K cache RAM
o 512 Mb of memory
o 4 Gb
b hard disk with 1 Gb free for NST V
o CD-ROM drive
o One free USB port


Installation Instructions
The NST V CD contains the following software:

NSTV application
USB Driver for the USB to CCN C

Note: DO NOT attach the USB to CCN Converter

onverter to the computer before installing the NST V
To begin the installation process, insert the NST V CD into the computers CD drive and AutoRun
will begin the installation. If AutoRun does not initiate the installation, then double click on the
SETUP.EXE application in
n the CD
CDs root directory to begin the installation. Follow the dialog box
prompts to complete the installation.
Note: When the NST V application
lication software installation has completed, DO NOT reboot your
Keep your NST V CD in the CD drive and connect the USB converter to you
your PC. Follow the
dialog box prompts to install the USB driver. The driver installation is a two part installation; first it
will be necessary to install the USB Bus driver (ftdibus.inf) followed by the Port driver (ftdiport.inf).
Once the USB driver has been fully installed, remove the NST V CD from
m the drive and reboot
your PC.
Note: If installing the USB Converter driver on a system running Windows Vista or Windows 7
then refer to the Additional Notes section of the readme.doc file in the Network Service Tool V
folder of the NSTV installation.

Additional Notes
Multiple USB Ports
If your PC has multiple USB
SB ports and you plug the USB converter into a USB port that has never
had the converter connected to it before, you will be prompted to reinstall the USB driver for the
converter. This is normal for Windows USB
USB-based communication devices. The required USB
driver can be found in the FTDI USB Driver folder under the Network Service V folder.
Therefore, we recommend that you install the USB driver for all USB ports on your computer to
which you may connect the NST V USB converter. To do this, plug the USB converter
onverter into each
USB port and complete the driver installation.
Firewall and Ethernet Connection
In order to use NST V to connect to Ethernet based CCN controller
controller, you must first ensure that
any network firewall is disabled
disabled. Windows comes with a firewall which can be disabled (turned
off) by selecting Windows Firewall from the Control Panel.


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