997 060160 1
997 060160 1
997 060160 1
2 Installation Instructions
About Network Service Tool V ......................................................................................1
Computer Requirements.........................................................................................
Installation Instructions........................
................................................................ ......... 2
Additional Notes ............................................................................................................. 2
Multiple USB Ports................................
.................................................... 2
Firewall and Ethernet Connection ..............................................................................
.................... 2
Computer Requirements
Installation Instructions
The NST V CD contains the following software:
NSTV application
USB Driver for the USB to CCN C
Additional Notes
Multiple USB Ports
If your PC has multiple USB
SB ports and you plug the USB converter into a USB port that has never
had the converter connected to it before, you will be prompted to reinstall the USB driver for the
converter. This is normal for Windows USB
USB-based communication devices. The required USB
driver can be found in the FTDI USB Driver folder under the Network Service V folder.
Therefore, we recommend that you install the USB driver for all USB ports on your computer to
which you may connect the NST V USB converter. To do this, plug the USB converter
onverter into each
USB port and complete the driver installation.
Firewall and Ethernet Connection
In order to use NST V to connect to Ethernet based CCN controller
controller, you must first ensure that
any network firewall is disabled
disabled. Windows comes with a firewall which can be disabled (turned
off) by selecting Windows Firewall from the Control Panel.