Oem Bulletin # 13T-06: Unloader Valve Changes
Oem Bulletin # 13T-06: Unloader Valve Changes
Oem Bulletin # 13T-06: Unloader Valve Changes
Date: 11/12/2013
Description of Change:
Both the solenoid valves and the coils used on the Carlyle screw compressors will be changing.
Valve Markings
Valve Markings
Fig 3 - Old Oil Control Valve w/Markings 8TB0884 Fig 4 - New Oil Control Valve
w/Markings 2BNB000627
The old supplier discontinued production of these solenoid valves. A new supplier has been
qualified and will be used for all future production. The new solenoid valves require a coil with a
higher temperature rating.
If you require any additional information or clarification, please contact Application Engineering.