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Next Move 2

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1st level

The final objective of learning a foreign language is that the pupils reach stages
of linguistic competence, understanding that as the ability to interact in such
language. This is a complex process in which cognitive, affective and social
elements take part. A specific communicative activity requires the use of oral
and written language and the use of resources and strategies of linguistic and
non-linguistic communication concerning the context where it takes place. In the
same way, learning a foreign language has to help the development of positive
and receptive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. Furthermore, it is
intended to encourage and value the effort and confidence in one's own ability
to learn a foreign language. The Information and Communication Technologies
will be mediating vehicles for learning.
In short, the foreign language field has the aim of training people who
can use it to understand, speak and have a conversation, read and write, so its
use must be the starting point from the beginning. The starting point will be
situations of use that will encourage internalising the language working rules,
which will allow the pupils to establish which elements of the foreign language
work like in the language they know and which strategies help them to a better
It is recommended in the First Cycle to give priority to oral skills; in the following
cycles the skills will be developed gradually and in an integrated way. The
individual learning development will involve different ways of processing the
information and the acquisition of different abilities.
1.- Listen to and understand messages in varied oral interactions, using the
transmitted information to do the specific tasks related to their experience.
2.- Express and interact orally in simple and regular situations that have a
known content, using verbal and non-verbal procedures and taking a respectful
and collaborating attitude.
3.- Write different texts with varied purposes about subjects already discussed
in the classroom, and with the help of models.
4.- Read, in an understanding way, several texts related to their experiences
and interests, drawing general and specific information according to a previous
5.- Learn how to use with progressive autonomy all the means available to
them, including new technologies, to obtain information and to communicate in
the foreign language.
6.- Value the foreign language as a mean of communication and understanding
among people from different origins and cultures, and as a learning tool with
different contents.

7.- Show a receptive and confident attitude in ones own ability to learn and use
the foreign language.
8.- Use the knowledge and previous experiences with other languages for a
faster, more effective and more autonomous acquisition of the foreign language.
9.- Identify phonetic, rhythmic aspects, accentuation and intonation, as well as
linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the foreign language and use them as
basic elements of communication.
1.- Understand globally simple oral messages in regular classroom situations.
2.- Understand and use some linguistic and non-linguistic conventions in basic
situations of communication.
3.-Interact with the others in classroom situations of communication.
4.-Reproduce songs and poems with the appropriate rhythm and intonation.
5.- Participate in groups or pair's tasks where the studied language is used.
6.- Recognise the meaning of words and simple sentences by their
7.- Introduce reading and writing in English with the vocabulary worked in class.
8.- Appreciate the communicative value of the English language through
classroom activities.
9.- Value the cultural aspects of the English language in a close and significant
context for the pupil.
- Pupil-centred learning: children at this age are curious by nature and have a
natural need to communicate with the others. Next Stop tries to keep that
curiosity up and generate in them a desire to find out about new things. It uses
their need for communication to introduce them in the communicative
competence in another language. Next Stop is an active, motivating and
attractive method.
- Next Stop focuses on the meaning: the language, through activities, is
presented in a context close to the pupil, to his/her interests and experiences.
The stress falls on the communicative purpose of the new language.
- Learning through experiences: the more variety of experiences the pupils
have, the more enriched the learning is. Next Stop contributes through songs,
texts, games, stories, chants, etc.
- Development of basic skills: we try to develop listening, speaking, reading
and writing, although at this level the oral skills are the priority through a
vocabulary close to the pupil. The vocabulary is revised and recycled
systematically in Next Stop to assure it is internalised. And we have the word of
the day in each lesson.
- Several learning levels: Next Stop takes them into account so each unit can
be treated in a different level of depth, besides taking into account those pupils
who finish fast and the ones who need reinforcement. There are also optional
activities and extra activities with photocopiable material.
- Pupil's grouping: the activities require several types of groups in their
development: alone, in pairs, in small groups and in big groups.

- Autonomous learning: Next Stop's main objective is to develop skills and the
necessary knowledge to achieve autonomy in one's own learning, in a positive
and collaborative working atmosphere.


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: I (Units 1)

- Children learn to follow and use classroom commands.

Learn to use commands in class.

Learn to spell the alphabet.
Learn to ask people how to spell
Learn to pronounce phonemes
blending ake
Practice reading skills and
explore the value of politeness.
Learn about national favourites
in Canada.

1. Listening, speaking and talking

Listen and repeat the dialog.

Listen and read the dialog.
Listen and follow commands
Act out the dialog and change
Listen and chant.
Listen and say the words.
Listen and connect the letters.
Listening to and understanding a
song, a story and a chant.
Listen and point the words said.


Motivation to improve in the

learning process.
Enhance students confidence to
the use of English.
Good will towards reflecting on
Interest in participating in the
classroom activities.

Listen and circle the correct

- Talk to a friend to follow
commands in class.
2. Reading and writing.
- Listen and read the dialog
- Listen and read the story.
Read the story and complete it.
- Read and listen to the song.
Then sing it.
- Listen and read the dialog. Then
act out a dialog to represent some
useful classroom language used.
- Read about national favourites in
- Read and identify : true or false
- Read and draw completing a
sentence from the reading.
- Complete the conversation. Then
act out it.

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt


C D 1.
Pupil's book.

the following division of activities within each

- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening and
speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.

For fast finishers.

photocopy for each pupil. (teacher's

book )
Coloured pencils.
Scissors and glue.
Classroom objects pictures
Teachers resource kit CD-ROM print out
Poster, magazine, newspaper pictures

The same patterns are repeated in each

lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.
- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.
- Register the facts.
- Acquires greeting and farewell routines.
- Is able to work on following commands
- Knows how to spell the alphabet and words.
- Is capable of making a secret message using
the alphabet and the required tools properly.
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom
- End of unit
- Self-evaluation worksheet
Starting evaluation: if the pupils have taken
English in pre-primary education we'll dedicate a
lesson to revise, mainly orally, the contents they
must have worked on, to know the starting point.
From the previous knowledge we'll select the points

- Education for Peace: Explore the value of
- Moral and civic education: collaborating with the
others for the success of the activities.
- Education for solidarity: creating a positive, helping
and respectful atmosphere in the classroom, to
facilitate teamwork.

to work on in our didactic units.

Test Teacher's book,

GRADE: 2nd

TERM: I (Unit 2)

- Children learn to say the time and their daily routines.


Identify the time and review the

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
- Ask What time is it?
Express daily routines.
- Listen and repeat the dialog.
Identify sounds through a chant
- Listen and indentify the correct
ime, ine
Practise reading skills and
Listen and say, what the time
explore the value of being
then complete the words.
- Listen and read the dialog, then
Learn about Traditional food from
act it out.
- Sing and act out daily routines
- Listen chant and repeat the


Motivation to improve in the

learning process.
Good will towards reflecting on
Interest in participating in the
classroom activities
Respect each others opinion.

Listen daily routines, point and

say the word.
Talk to a friend about ones daily

2. Reading and writing.

- read the story then complete the
Using visual and verbal
context to recognise words.
- Listen and read. Then repeat the
- Read and complete the
- Read about Germany traditional
- Read the story and connect to
make correct sentences.
- Read and complete the
conversation. Then act out making
a new friend.

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt


A clock
Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM

the following division of activities within each

- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening
and speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each

For fast finishers.


pringout (optional)
Daily routines pictures.
the lesson
Word and Picture Cards from the lesson.
C D 1.
Pupil's book.
Coloured pencils.
Scissors and glue.

lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine

acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.
- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.
- Register the facts.
- End of unit
- Self-evaluation worksheet
- Acquires greeting and farewell routines.
- Is able to ask the other's names and give his/her
- Is able to ask for his/her friends daily routines
using a clock.
- Knows how to say the time
- Knows how to say his/her classroom routines
- Identify learnt sounds correctly ime , ine
- Follows simple instructions.
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom

- Education for Peace: care for others Be careful!.
- Moral and civic education: collaborating with the
others for the success of the activities.
- Education for solidarity: creating a positive, helping
and respectful atmosphere in the classroom, to
facilitate teamwork.


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: I (Unit 3)
- Children learn to identify animals and insects.


Identify farm and wild animals,

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
and insects
- Listen and repeat the dialog.
Identify how near or distant it is
Listen and point. Then repeat.
an object (animals.insects)
- Draw your animal, talk to a friend
Identify sounds through a chant
ose, one
Listen and point. Then say the
Practise reading skills and
explore the value of
- Listen and read the dialog, then
act it out.
Identify singular and plural forms
Listen and sing.
Practice forming plurals of nouns
- Asking What is this? that?
by adding the plural -s
What are these? Those?
Read about traditional animals in


Motivation to improve in the

learning process.
Good will towards reflecting on
Interest in participating in the
classroom activities.


Answer this is / that is / these

are/ those are ...(animal)
- Listen chant and repeat the
sounds one, ose.
- Look and listen. Then connect
the letters.
2. Reading and writing.

- Look at the picture and write what

it is.
- Read and underline the blending
-Listen and read the story.
- Read the story and answer the
- Look and write according to the
- Read about the animals from
Kenya .
-Read the story and choose the
best option.
- Listen to the song, then read it
and sing it.

In each unit the activities are arranged in

Extension activities:


Pictures from animals

sequence along the different lessons. We do

the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening
and speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.

To reinforce what has been learnt

For fast finishers.

Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM

pringout (optional)
Pictures of animals
Alphabet cards, cards with words from
the lesson
Word and Picture Cards from the lesson.
Picture cards from classroom objects.
Cardboard , colour pencils and glue
C D 1.
Pupil's book.

The same patterns are repeated in each

lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.
- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.
- Register the facts.
- End of unit
- Self-evaluation worksheet
- Acquires greeting and farewell routines.
- Is able to ask the other's names and give his/her
- Knows how to say, identify animals and insects.
- Knows how to say, identify distance of objects
- Identify learnt sounds correctly one, ose
- Answering with: this/that is, these/ those
- Follows simple instructions.
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom

- Education for Peace: Generosity, care for others.
- Moral and civic education: collaborating with the
others for the success of the activities.
- Education for solidarity: creating a positive, helping
and respectful atmosphere in the classroom, to
facilitate teamwork.


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: II (Unit 4)
- Children will learn to express their favourite food.

Practice talking about likes and

Practice more about food.
Learn to ask ones likes and
Identify sounds through a chant
une, oon
Practise reading skills and
explore the value of trying new
Develop reading skills through
singing a song
Learn about food markets in

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
- Listen , point the say vegetables.
- Listen and read about likes and
- Asking and answering questions
about likes
- Listen and chant.
- Listen and say, then color.
- Listen and read the dialog, then act
it out.
- Sing and act out
2. Reading and writing.


Interest in participating in the

classroom activities.
Recognition of words proper from
the unit
Good will towards reflecting on
their own learning.
Respect for their classmates'

- write the letters than match

according to the picture oon, une
- Read and listen to the story.
- Read the story and answer the
- Write words and practice spelling
them with a partner.
- Read and circle all the correct
- Complete the conversation , then
act out making a new friend
- Look at the pictures and write

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do
the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt
- For fast finishers.


Food word cards

Food pictures
Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM
pringout (optional)
Word and Picture Cards from the lesson.
C D 1.
Pupil's book.
Props for acting out the story.
Box, hat bow
Smal pieces of paper

Main activities: these are the main

activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening
and speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each
lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.

- Direct observation.

Magazine pictures of food

Scissors and glue.

- Education for Peace: Generosity, care for others.
- Education for solidarity: respect the others in their

Participation in the classroom activities.

Pupils' books revision.
Register the facts.
End of unit
Self-evaluation worksheet

- Identify, illustrate and write names of food.
- Be able to ask ones preferences. Do you like...?
- Express likes and dislikes: I like../ I dont like
- Spells favourite food.
- Follows simple instructions.
- Identify learnt sounds correctly oon, une
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom

class contributions.
- Moral and civic education: recognising the
importance of saying please when asking for something
and saying thank you.


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: II (Unit 5)
- Children learn to identify and express their abilities.

Practice indentifying abilities

Learn to ask about abilities
Learn to answer the abilities
someone can or cant do.
Identify sounds through a chant
ea, ee
Practise reading skills and
explore the value of being
Learn about especial events in

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
- Listen and point, then say.
- Match the pictures and say.
- Listen , read and say
- ask and answers with a friend
- Listen a chant ee,ea
- Draw pictures and talk to a friend.
- Listen and read. Then say the
- sing and act out.
2. Reading and writing.
- Write the letters then match
- Read the chant and underline


Interest in participating in the

classroom activities.
Recognition of words and objects
proper from the unit
Good will towards reflecting on
their own learning.
Regular use of Greetings,
Please and Thank you in
Respect for their classmates'
Respect each others abilities.
Encourage yourself about your

- Read the story and answer the

- Read the questions nd circle your
- Listen and read the dialog. Sing the
- Read about especial events in
- Read the question and find the
correct answer
- Complete the conversations then act
out making a new friend

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do
the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt
- For fast finishers.


Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM

pringout (optional)
Pictures about ailities
C D 1.
Pupil's book.
Scissors and glue.
Colored board paper to make kite, string,
thread or wool.
Library book about ancient Egypt or
information from internet

activities aimed to obtain the intended

objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening
and speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each
lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.
- Direct observation.

- Education for Peace: Generosity, care for others.
- Education for solidarity: respect the others in their

Participation in the classroom activities.

Pupils' books revision.
Register the facts.
End of unit
Self-evaluation worksheet

- Students express their abilities and recognize
their friends abilities
- Be able to ask their partners about their abilities
- Identify learnt sounds correctly ea, ee
- Follows simple instructions.
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom

class contributions.
- Moral and civic education: recognising the
importance of saying please when asking for something
and saying thank you.


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: I I(Units 6)

- Children learn to express the hobbies they like and dont.

Learn to express their hobbies

I like , I dont like.
Learn to ask friends about their
hobbies : what do you like
Learn to pronounce phonemes
blending ay, ai
Practice reading skills and
explore the value of friendship
Learn about family in Argentina



1. Listening, speaking and talking

Listen, point and say.

repeat the dialog.
Listen and read the dialog.
Act out the dialog and change
- Listen and chant ai, ay
- Listen and say the words and
color them.
- Complete the picture then talk
abot a friend about yourself
- Sing and act it out.
2. Reading and writing.
- Listen and read the dialog
- Listen and read the story.
Read the story and complete it.

Motivation to improve in the

learning process.
Enhance students confidence to
the use of English.
Good will towards reflecting on
Interest in participating in the
classroom activities.
Respect each other opinion

- Read and listen to the song.

Then sing it.
- Listen and read the dialog. Then
act out a dialog to represent some
useful classroom language used.
- Read about family in Argentina,
then complete the sentences.
- Read and draw completing a
sentence from the reading.

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do
the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt
- For fast finishers.


C D 1.
Pupil's book.
photocopy for each pupil. (teacher's
book )
Coloured pencils.
Scissors and glue.
Pictures of hobbies
Teachers resource kit CD-ROM print out
Poster, magazine, newspaper pictures

Closing activities: these are used for a

quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.

As we can see, we give priority to listening and

speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each
lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.
- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.
- Register the facts.

- Education for Peace: Explore the value of
- Moral and civic education: collaborating with the
others for the success of the activities.
- Education for solidarity: creating a positive, helping

and respectful atmosphere in the classroom, to

facilitate teamwork.
- Acquires greeting and farewell routines.
- Is able to say their hobbies they like or dont
- Is able to talk with a partner about their hobbies.
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom
- End of unit
- Self-evaluation worksheet
Starting evaluation: if the pupils have taken
English in pre-primary education we'll dedicate a
lesson to revise, mainly orally, the contents they
must have worked on, to know the starting point.
From the previous knowledge we'll select the points
to work on in our didactic units.
Test Teacher's book,

Unit 7

GRADE: 2nd

TERM: I (Unit 7)

- Children learn to indentify and say places around the town

Identify places around d the

town and means of transport.
Express where students live
Identify sounds through a chant
igh, y, ie
Practise reading skills and
explore the value of hospitality
Learn about home life in

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
- Ask : Where do you live?
- Listen and read.
- describe where an animal lives
and guess.
- read the dialog, then act it out.
- Listen chant and repeat the
sounds igh, y ie
- Listen and say then color.
- Listen , point and say.
- Sing and act out
2. Reading and writing.
- read the story then match.
- Look and complete the sentences
- Read about home life in Mongolia


Motivation to improve in the

learning process.
Good will towards reflecting on
Interest in participating in the
classroom activities
Respect each others opinion.

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do
the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening

Read the story and complete the

sentences about your country.

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt
- For fast finishers.


A clock
Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM
pringout (optional)
Places and objects pictures.
the lesson
Word and Picture Cards from the lesson.
C D 1.
Pupil's book.
Coloured pencils.
Scissors and glue.

and speaking skills on these levels, that is why

most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each
lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.
- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.
- Register the facts.
- End of unit
- Self-evaluation worksheet
- Acquires greeting and farewell routines.
- Is able to ask the other's names and give his/her

- Education for Peace: care for others Be careful.
- Moral and civic education: collaborating with the
others for the success of the activities.
- Education for solidarity: creating a positive, helping
and respectful atmosphere in the classroom, to
facilitate teamwork.

Is able to ask friends where they live.
Express where some animals or insects live.
Be able to talk to a friend about where an
animal lives.
Identify learnt sounds correctly igh, y, ie
Follows simple instructions.
Shows interest in participating in the classroom


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: II(Unit8)

- Children express their abilities in playing musical instruments.


Identify musical instruments

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
Identify days of the week.
- Listen and point, then say
Express their abilities in playing
- Listen and act out.
musical instruments.
- listen read, then say
Learn to ask about friends
- Listen and read the dialog, then
interests (review units)
act it out.
Identify sounds through a chant
- Listen and sing.
- Asking; Do you play....?
Practise reading skills and
- Listen chant and repeat the
explore the value of helping
sounds oa, ow
each other.
Listen , then color.
Read about a boy from Australia.
- Make the fun days chart, then
talk to a friend.
- Sing and acct out
- Complete the conversation then


Motivation to improve in the

learning process.
Good will towards reflecting on
Interest in participating in the
classroom activities.

act out making a new friend.

2. Reading and writing.
- Read and underline the blending
-Listen and read the story.
- Read the story and answer the
- Read about a boy in Australia
-Read and answer the question
- Look at a chart and answer about
Your hobbies.

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do
the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt
- For fast finishers.


Musical instruments pictures

Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM
pringout (optional)
Hobbies pictures
the lesson
Word and Picture Cards from the lesson.
Cardboard , colour pencils and glue

The learning of the word of the day is

placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening
and speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each
lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.

C D 1.
Pupil's book.


- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.
- Register the facts.
- End of unit
- Self-evaluation worksheet
- Acquires greeting and farewell routines.
- Is able to ask the other's names and give his/her
- Knows how to say the days of the week
- Knows how to say, identify musical instruments.
- Knows how to say, identify what they like
- Be able to talk to a partner about likes and
- Identify learnt sounds correctly oa, oe
- Follows simple instructions.
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom

- Education for Peace: Generosity, care for others.

- Moral and civic education: collaborating with the
others for the success of the activities.
- Education for solidarity: creating a positive, helping
and respectful atmosphere in the classroom, to
facilitate teamwork.


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: II (Unit 9)
Objectives: Children recognize different means of transport

Practice vocabulary learnt

(review units)
Indentify means of transport
Practice numbers to 100.
Expressing quantity of objects .
Identify sounds through a chant
ue, ew
Practise reading skills and
explore the value of caring the
Develop reading skills through
the reading about city life in

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
- Listen , point the say vegetables.
- Listen and guess
- Listen and chant. ue, ew
- Listen and say, then color.
- Listen and read the dialog, then act
it out.
- Talk to a friend about objects
they can see.
- Sing and act out
2. Reading and writing.
- complete the sentences : I dont,
I like.
- write letters then match to the
correct picture. .


Interest in participating in the

classroom activities.
Recognition of words proper from
the unit
Good will towards reflecting on
their own learning.
Respect for their classmates'

- complete the pictures and write the

correct answers.
- read about city life in Thailand.
- Complete the sentences about
your country.

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do
the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in
sequence in each lesson.
- Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt
- For fast finishers.


Transport pictures
Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM
pringout (optional)
Word and Picture Cards from the lesson.
C D 1.
Pupil's book.
Magazine pictures of food
Scissors and glue.

As we can see, we give priority to listening

and speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each
lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.
- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.
- Register the facts.
- End of unit
- Self-evaluation worksheet
- Identify, illustrate and write names of means of

- Education for Peace: Generosity, care for others.
- Education for solidarity: respect the others in their
class contributions.
- Moral and civic education: recognising the
importance of saying please when asking for something
and saying thank you.

Practice numbers to 100.
Be able to express what mean of transports
students use.
Follows simple instructions.
Identify learnt sounds correctly ue ew
Shows interest in participating in the classroom


GRADE: 2nd

TERM: II (Unit 10)
Children learn to describe the clothes they wear

Learn to say clothes

Learn to describe clothes.
Express what clothes students
Identify sounds through a chant
Practise reading skills and
explore the value of sharing with
friends and family
Learn about musical instrument
from Peru

1. Listening, speaking and talking:
- Listen and point, then say.
- Listen , read and say
- find your friends things the say:
this is Marias
- Listen a chant th
- listen, say then color.
- listen and read
- draw and color the clothes then
sing and act out.
-complete the conversation, then
act out.
2. Reading and writing.
- read and color .


Interest in participating in the

classroom activities.
Recognition of words and objects
proper from the unit
Good will towards reflecting on
their own learning.
Regular use of Greetings,
Please and Thank you in
Respect for their classmates'
Respect each others abilities.
Encourage yourself about your

-find the words in a puzzle

- Read the chant and underline
- Write th in the correct place.
- Read the story and match.
- Read about musical instruments in
- Circle the correct answer.
- Complete the conversations then act
out making a new friend

In each unit the activities are arranged in
sequence along the different lessons. We do
the following division of activities within each
- Opening activities: these are aimed to
greet and to see for the first time the
subjects we are going to work with, and
even remember and take up again
previous aspects we are going to need.
The learning of the word of the day is
placed here.
- Main activities: these are the main
activities aimed to obtain the intended
objectives in each unit, arranged in

Extension activities:
- To reinforce what has been learnt
- For fast finishers.


Teachers Resource Kit CD_ROM

pringout (optional)
Pictures about ailities
C D 1.
Pupil's book.
Scissors and glue

sequence in each lesson.

Closing activities: these are used for a
quick revision of what's been worked in
each lesson, to remember the word of
the day and to say goodbye.
As we can see, we give priority to listening
and speaking skills on these levels, that is why
most of the activities are directed to this end.
The use of written language will depend on the
pupil's level in his/her mother's tongue and the
teacher's study about the convenience of
introducing it or not.
The activities will have an increasing level
of difficulty and they will be motivating and
close to the pupil's world. Many of them mean
a "Total Physical Response", besides
provoking verbal and non-verbal responses.
The same patterns are repeated in each
lesson. Some of them are aimed to routine
acquisition, to work in group or alone, of
extension (fast finishers) and reinforcement,
for those who need to work a bit more in
certain aspects.

- Direct observation.
- Participation in the classroom activities.
- Pupils' books revision.

- Education for Peace: Generosity, care for others.
- Education for solidarity: respect the others in their
class contributions.
- Moral and civic education: recognising the

Register the facts.

End of unit
Self-evaluation worksheet

- Students identify clothes they wear
- Be able to talk to a partner about what he/ she
- Be able to identify their friends clothes.
- Identify learnt sounds correctly th
- Follows simple instructions.
- Shows interest in participating in the classroom

importance of saying please when asking for something

and saying thank you.

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