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Teens 4 P2

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AACI USE ONLY Sections 1st 2nd 3rd


NAME: ____________________________SURNAME: _____________________________

Time allowed: 2 hs
SECTION A: Reading Comprehension
Read the text and choose the correct option, true (T) or false (F).

Every year, in late March, people and institutions come together to switch off all non-essential lights for
sixty minutes at 8.30 p.m. local time. They do this to show their support for the fight against the climate
crisis and loss of biodiversity. Millions of people all around the world join in, as do governments,
businesses and institutions. By switching off their lights and measuring the reduction in the amount of
energy that is being used, people are showing that it is possible to make a difference.
The World Wide Fund for Nature in Australia introduced the idea in 2007 because they wanted to show
that climate change was a real issue and that when individuals work together, they can make a difference.
The first Earth Hour was held on 31 March 2007 at 7.30 p.m. in Sydney. More than two million residents
and 2,000 businesses turned their lights out for one hour. The lights also went out on the famous Sydney
Opera House. The people of the city of San Francisco were so inspired by the event in Sydney that they
organised their own 'Lights Out' event in October of the same year. This was the beginning of the Earth
Hour movement. In 2008, 35 countries and more than 400 cities joined in.
By 2012, 152 countries and more than 7,000 cities and towns were taking part. In recent years, the
numbers have kept increasing, with more than 188 countries and territories worldwide taking part each
year. In 2019, more than two billion photos were shared on social media platforms.
A number of celebrities have put their names to the cause, including singer Ellie Goulding, tennis star
Andy Murray, TV host Ellen de Generes, actor Leonardo di Caprio and ex-Beatle Paul McCartney.
Politicians and world leaders have also given their support, and thousands of famous tourist places have
turned off their lights, including the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Empire State Building in New York and the
Pyramids in Egypt.
The Earth Hour movement has achieved much more than just getting people to turn off their lights. Since
2007, among other actions, they have planted trees in various countries around the world, including a
2,700 hectare forest in Uganda and 17 million trees in Kazakhstan. They worked together to prohibit the
use of plastics on the islands of the Galapagos, one of the most important nature reserves on the planet.
And they have sponsored solar power projects in India and the Philippines.

1. People who take part in Earth Hour are in favour of the fight against climate crisis. T / F AACI use
2. Earth Hour began as a way to visibilize the severity of climate change. T/F
3. The Earth Movement began 10 years ago in Sydney, Australia. T/F 1st

4. Many famous and important people have joined the movement in recent years. T/F
5. The Earth Hour movement has generated many other green actions worldwide. T/F

SECTION B: Language in Use
I. Choose the most suitable alternative. R
1. This time next year I _________ at university.
a. will be studying b. am studying c. study AACI use
2. If we had left home earlier, we __________ the plane.
a. would catch b. caught c. would have caught 1st

3. I need to have my washing machine _________.

a. repairing b. repair c. repaired 2nd

4. I'm finding this new school hard but I'm sure I'll _________ used to it soon.
a. be b. get c. got 3rd

5. Jenny studied the whole week for the exam so she’s likely _________.
a. pass b. to pass c. to passing
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

An ancient tennis ball

Did you know that Lincoln Cathedral hides a strange story? Until recently, nobody knew that there

was a tennis ball on the roof of Lincoln Cathedral except the family of the boy who AACI use

1)____________(put) it there, at the beginning of the 20th Century. Almost 100 years ago, Gilbert 1st

Bell and his brother 2)____________(play) outside the cathedral, near their father’s bread shop
when the ball 3)__________(land) on the cathedral roof and was never 4) __________(see) again.
The story 5)____________(be) part of the Bell family history since that day. Gilbert’s 78-year-old

nephew David 6)____________(tell) his children and grandchildren about it. Whenever they visited R

Lincoln they used 7) ____________ (check) to see if the ball was still there.

As a joke, Christopher wrote a letter to the cathedral staff and asked if anyone

8)____________(see) the ball during all those years. ‘If we ever 9)____________(find) it, you can

have it’, they replied. So far, however, there 10)__________(be) no sign of it.

Adapted from Target PET - Richmond

III. Complete each of the following sentences using the word in CAPITALS so that it means the
same as the original sentence.

1. Despite the rain, they continued playing. ALTHOUGH

They continued playing _____________________________________________________raining.

2. He never studied before an exam when he was in high school. USE

He ______________________________________ before an exam when he was in high school.

3. That woman lives next door. She works in a bank. WHO

The woman ___________________________________________________________ in a bank.

4. My parents say I can’t stay up or use my phone after 11 PM. ALLOWED

I ____________________________________________________ or use my phone after 11 PM.

5. It’s possible that the school postpones the competition because of the bad weather. MIGHT

The school _____________________________________________ because of the bad weather.

6. ‘Did you go to Sarah’s party last weekend?,’ asked Jane. IF

Jane asked __________________________________________________the previous weekend.

7. I can’t take guitar lessons because I don’t have enough free time. COULD

If I ____________________________________________________________take guitar lessons.

8. ‘You all have to participate in the project,’ said the teacher. TOLD AACI use
The teacher _______________________________________________ participate in the project.

9. Students clean the classrooms before they leave school. CLEANED

Classrooms _______________________________________________ before they leave school.

10. We’ll go to the park as long as it doesn’t rain. NOT 3rd

If ________________________________________________________________ go to the park.

SECTION C: Writing
Choose one of the following tasks. Write between 100 - 120 words.
1. You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that your story
must begin with the following sentence:

Just as the film began, I received a text message on my mobile phone.

Write your story.

2. Here’s part of an e-mail you have received from a friend.

Guess what? I have won tickets for a music festival next weekend! Have you ever won anything?
What was it? How did you win it? How did you feel after winning it? Why?

Write an email, answering the questions.








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_________________________________________________________________________________ 1st



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