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BESM Card Captor Sakura

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The document provides an overview of the Card Captor Sakura manga/anime series including details about the Clow Cards and characters.

The Clow Book is a collection of mystical cards created by Clow Reed that contain great magical powers. Each card has its own abilities and personalities.

Clow Reed was a powerful wizard of mixed English and Chinese heritage who created the Clow Cards by combining Western and Eastern magic. Few could learn to use the new form of magic he created.

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation
by Ewen "Blackbird" Cluney

When this seal is broken, disaster will come to this world...
Cardcaptor Sakura is a fun, cute, and insanely popular series by CLAMP, with about 11 manga volumes so far, plus an anime
series, a movie, and more merchandise than you can shake a magic wand at. What follows is an adaptation of stuff from the series into
Big Eyes, Small Mouth. For the most part, it has two sections; details on the Clow Cards, and stats and info for the characters from the
series. This will intially only cover the first story arc, and only the manga (the first 6 volumes; it's what I have access to right now).
Thanks to: Assorted CCS webmasters, notably Rabi, Ruby, and Ann the Sakuranomiko. Manga translators; Fuu-chan, Kittyhawk,
and Ann the Sakuranomiko. CardCaptor ML people who answered my questions; Meghan, KSaintTail, OcealLily, and Bonita Kelso.
on the card (in roman characters); otherwise the card can
manifest again and resume wreaking havoc. A Card Captor's
destiny is not entirely in her own hands, as many of the cards
will be naturally drawn to her, especially as she comes to
possess more and more cards (others don't care; it depends on
their individual temperament).

The Clow Cards

The Clow is a book containing a collection of mystical
cards created long ago by a powerful wizard named Clow Reed.
Each card is in some ways a living thing, and when not
contained or controlled the cards can act on their own, using
their powers to cause chaos. The cards are neither good nor
evil, but rather they are alien to we humans, acting more as
forces of nature, acting simply because they are rather than
out of any particular motivation. Because of their chaotic
nature, Clow Reed sealed them in the Book of the Clow, and
placed the guardian beast Cerberus (Keruberosu) on the cover.
One who possesses these cards can make use of their
incredible magical powers. Further, they can be used for
fortune-telling, though one must have a decent number of them
(at least 10 for a simple reading) in order to do so. They are
used mu ch like the tarot cards the resemble, and in the hands
of a Card Captor or similar magic user (especially with the likes
of Cerberus to interpret) the foretellings of the cards are
virtually infallible, though not necessarily very clear.

The Final Trial

Inside the Book of the Clow, Clow Reed wrote "When the
Clow Card's seal is broken there will be a disaster for the world.
When the disaster begins, the day of eternity will come
because of the heart's prayer."
Clow did not take the power he created lightly, and the
essences bound in the cards are very powerful as well. A new
Clow Card Master must be tested by the second Clow
Guardian -- Yue, the Judgement Maker, who resides on the
back cover of the book. If Yue cannot be defeated, a calamity
will come about. The Card Captor and those affected by the
cards will lose their memories of not only the cards, but of their
most loved ones as well.

Clow Reed
Clow Reed was of mixed heritage -- his father was English,
his mother Chinese, both families gifted with an affinity for
magic -- and he combined aspects of Western and Eastern
magic in order to create the Clow Cards. Clow was a
phenomenal spellcaster, and few could learn to use his new
form of magic.
The Li family represents Clow's Chinese side, a line of
famous warriors, they currently reside in Hong Kong and still
practice magic as in days of old.

New Attribute: Clow Power (4 points/Level)

A character with this Attribute has a number of Clow
Cards and the ability to use them to produce magical effects.
The level of Clow Power determines the number of cards the
character possesses. In the manga there are 19 Clow Cards in
all, but in the TV series there are more, hence Level 6.
Clow Power is treated as a specialized form of the Magic
Attribute. When a character uses a card, they must expend
Energy Points as per a spell of the equivalent Magic Level (3
Energy per spell level). The available effects from a given card
are reasonably fluid; each one is dedicated not to a particular
effect, but to a given concept or force, and as such players
have a good deal of leeway in how they use their magic. The
main limit on what a given card can do is that it has a particular
level (see the card descriptions below), and cannot create
effects which go beyond that level.
Level 1 1-3 Clow Cards (14 Levels of Clow Cards)
Level 2 4-8 Clow Cards (28 Levels of Clow Cards)
Level 3 9-12 Clow Cards (42 Levels of Clow Cards)

Card Captor
Should the Cards become lost or endangered, Cerberus is
charged with the recruitment of a Card Captor -- a human (who
must have some magical potential) who can be granted the Key
of Seals to recapture the Clow Cards. Cerberus may grant the
Key to any candidate he feels worthy. A Card Captor can use
the Key to make Clow Cards revert to their card form and gains
the ability to sense the magical energy of the cards. In order to
keep a card under control, the Card Captor must write her name

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

Level 4 13-16 Clow Cards (56 Levels of Clow Cards)

Level 5 16-19 Clow Cards (70 Levels of Clow Cards)
Level 6 20+ Clow Cards (84 Levels of Clow Cards)

tall, slender woman with long, straight black hair in a flowing

black dress, wearing a crown of sorts; in this form The Dark is
capable of human speech.
Powers: The Dark can be used to create darkness, ranging from
that of twilight to an impenetrable blackness that only The
Light can hope to break. It's most frightening power is to create
a dark void into which it can banish someone.

Clow Cards Descriptions

The following is a guide to the various Clow Cards. Note
that this list includes ones from both the manga and anime for
completeness. Temperament is the sort of personality the card
will exhibit if freed (cards are always easier to capture if they
can be persuaded to return of their own will), Manifestation is
how the card will appear and act if allowed to run free, and
Powers explains what the user can do with the card.

The Earthy (Level 5)

Temperament: Aggressive
Manifestation: The Earthy lies deep within the ground, causing
terrible earthquakes and reshaping the earth itself, creating
pillars of rock and the like to attack or just wreak havoc. When
personified, it appears as a tall, slender woman made of stone.
Powers: The Earthy can be used for any number of earthelemental effects. This can include causing earthquakes, as
well as manipulating rock and soil in any number of ways.
More subtle effects can include making soil more fertile,
reshaping stone, and so forth.

Card Level
Each Clow Card is given a level from 1 to 6, which
describes the overall power of the card, and as such
determines a number of things. When the card manifests, its
stats are based on the level (see below). In order to capture a
card by brute force alone, one must use a card of a greater level
toward which it has no particular resistance (for example, The
Fiery -- Level 5 -- could be used to capture The Wood -- Level
4, though it would be a brutal and unpleasant way to do it).
Finally, the level of the card is the highest level of magical
effect it can be used to create (see BESM, p. xx).

The Erase (Level 4)

Temperament: Playful and Mysterious
Manifestation: The Erase will hide somewhere safe in an
intangible form, using its power to make people and objects
vanish. If forced to reveal its form, it appears as a woman in a
checkered jester's outfit. Should the card be incapacitated
somehow, the effects of its magic will fade, and those it made
disappear will reappear, usually with their memories of the
incident gone as well.
Powers: The Erase can be used to "erase things" in a number
of ways. This can include the simple erasure of writing, as well
as selective elimination of memories. It can also cause people
to temporarily disappear, for up to a couple of days.

Clow Card Character Stats

The following are the approximate stats of a manifested
Clow Card, determined by the level of that card.












The Fiery (Level 5)

The Dark (Level 6)

Temperament: Aggressive
Manifestation: The Fiery is a powerful battle card, and as such
attacks at random once unleashed. It appears as a swirling
storm of pure fire, though it will sometimes reveal a humaniod
form, a girl made of flames with massive fire-wings.
Powers: The Fiery can be used to create fire on a wide range of
scales, ranging from lighting a candle up to and including
incinerating a building.

Temperament: Mysterious
Manifestation: The Dark pulls victims into a dark void, where
they can only see themselves and inky darkness, and nothing
can be found as far as one reaches in any direction. When it
chooses to be less aggressive, it will simply create more normal
darkness wherever possible, as it considers light in all forms its
enemy (including The Light -- though Sakura was able to
change this). When taking solid form, The Dark appears as a

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

The Flower (Level 2)

Temperament: Friendly and playful, though sometimes spiteful.
Likes parties, but hates being left out.
Manifestation: A tall slender woman with green hair in a
flowing pink dress, if uncontrolled, the Flower Card will use its
flower-creation ability with abandon, which can literally bury
people in flower petals. It also likes to dance.
Powers: The flower card is used to create flowers. These can
be of any normal type of flowers the character is reasonably
familiar with, whether one at a time or raining down from the

The Illusion (Level 4)

Temperament: Alien
Manifestation: The Illusion appears as an amorphous blob of
swirling kaleidoscope colors, but it can pick up images in the
minds of humans and project those in place of its own image. If
the viewer expects something in particular, more often than not
they will see it.
Powers: Illusion can be used to create all manner of illusions,
though those of people seem to be the most effective.

The Fly (Level 2)

The Jump (Level 2)

Temperament: Docile
Manifestation: A light blue bird, usually small and friendly. If
somehow brought to act violently it grows in size, flies about,
creating a fierce wind as it flaps its wings, and shoots powerful
wind blasts from its beak.
Powers: The Fly card can, of course, be used to fly. When
used with the Key of Seals, the Key will grow wings so that the
user can ride on it.

Temperament: Likes to fight but not very smart

Manifestation: A furry pink thing with legs and ears vagely
like a rabbit. It can vary its size, and will often cause objects to
jump around.
Powers: Allows the user to bounce and jump incredibly high;
this manifests as ethereal wings which appear on the user's

The Glow (Level 1)

Temperament: Gentle, Playful
Manifestation: The Glow manifests as swirling, glowing lights,
like ephemeral fireflies. This is a sight that is beautiful and
quite harmless. It takes on humanoid form when it wishes,
appearing as a slender woman in a sort of swimsuit type
garment with a highneckline and giant glowy poofballs on her
chest, hear, and rear.
Powers: The Glow can be used to make little swirling lights that
resemble fireflies. It's possible to alter these to look a little
different, and make them move in nifty patterns or whatever if
desired, but regarldless the effect is always beautiful and

The Light (Level 6)

Temperament: Benevolent
Manifestation: If freed, The Light will create light in any
number of places. This can range from illuminating darkness,
all the way up to creating a second "sun" that shines even at
night. In solid form, The Light appears as a tall, slender woman
with luminous, wavy hair; she wears a long, flowing white
dress and a crown of sorts. In this form The Light is capable of
Powers: The Light can be used to create light, its intensity
ranging from that of a small candle up to that of the sun.
Illumination provided by the card can negate even magical
darkness (such as that created by The Dark or The Shadow)
and easily blind others if of sufficient intensity.

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

The Maze (Level 4)

Temperament: Alien
Manifestation: The Maze can pull unsuspectcing victims into a
realm of its own creation, a seemingly endless maze with
nothing but smooth walls. No matter what means one uses, it's
impossible to go higher than the upper edge of the maze walls;
if one tries to fly the maze walls will actually grow taller as
Powers: The Maze is used to throw others into a maze, just as
it will do at random when uncontrolled. The user can set the
parameters for the maze thus created, making it larger or
smaller, easier or more difficult (or nearly impossible) to escape.

Powers: The main use of the shield is to create a magical barrier

to protect against attacks, magical or otherwise. This can
absorb up to 15 points of damage per 3 Energy put into it, to a
maximum of 12.
The Sword (Level 3)
Temperament: Aggressive
Manifestation: The Sword can alter its size somewhat, and
even reduce itself to a tiny brooch pin. When worn by an
unususpecting victim it can possess them, maniftesting the
actual sword to attack others.
Powers: The Sword allows for the creation of an actual magical
sword of exceptional quality and unnatural sharpness, usually
an ornate fencing sword. At full power it can easily cut
through rock or metal. Further, the magic provides the user
with the skill necessary to use the sword thus created

The Mirror (Level 4)

Temperament: Mischevous (to the point of being dangerous)
Manifestation: The Mirror card can imitate a specific person,
and tends to go and do mischief in that person's name. In its
own form it appears as a girl dressed in an elaborate, flowing
kimono. She has a circular mirror on her head and chest, and
ephemeral wings. The Mirror is one of the most human of all
the Clow Cards, capable of speech and possessing a measure
of humanlike emotions as a result of reflecting humanity.
Powers: The Mirror's main use is to create a "reflection" of a
given person -- that is, a magical duplicate that looks and
sounds just like them. A reflection created in this manner has
the same stats as the person imitated, but cannot copy special
powers. The Mirror can also be used to affect actual mirrors,
creating illusory alterations in what is reflected and so forth.

The Thunder (Level 4)

Temperament: Aggressive
Manifestation: The Thunder is likely to manifest in the clouds
during a lightning storm of its own creation, throwing lightning
bolts down at random. When it solidifies somwhat, it appears
as a vaguely feline beast made of pure crackling electricity.
Powers: The Thunder can call forth or eliminate storms, create
thunderclaps or call down lightning bolts, and so forth.
The Watery (Level 5)

The Shadow (Level 4)

Temperament: Aggressive
Manifestation: The Watery is, naturally, at home in water, even
if that's as small as a swimming pool or aquarium. Being such
an aggressive card, it will attack at random. Against victims
who are underwater, it simply creates a small but powerful
whirlpool to hold them under until they drown, but it is
perfectly capable of attacking with streams of water and such.
While usually formless, it can take on a semi-humanoid form, of
a girl with great fluid wings and flowing hair, made entirely of
Powers: Watery has a number of functions. It can be used to
attack, firing streams of water at an opponent, to create a
bubble by which one can go underwater and still breathe, to
manipulate water in different ways (clearing it out, making it
rain, etc.), and so forth.

Temperament: Aggressive, deceptive

Manifestation: The Shadow is usually unseen, concealed in
shadows which it can collect and manipulate, either by
affecting objects as though what cast the shadow were
actually there, or by using amorphous tendrils of shadow-stuff.
Strong light will negate these shadows, revealing its normal
manifestation, a black robe with an unseen form inside.
Powers: The Shadow gives the user a quasi-elemental control
over shadows. Shadows can be taken, altered, used to
manipulate objects, and so forth.
The Shield (Level 4)
Temperament: Defensive, Protective, Nice
Manifestation: Because it is made to protect "special things,"
The Shield will usually find such objects and use its power to
prevent anyone from getting to them.

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

The Windy (Level 5)

New Character Attribute

Presence Sense (1 point/Level)
This is the ability to sense unnatural "presences" around
oneself. It is possessed by psychics, those who can use magic,
and a select few other people who are gifted with this ability
for no known reason. The character can feel the presence of
ghosts, the use of magic, Clow Cards, and other "phenomena"
around them.
Relevant Attribute: Soul
Level 1 A limited, flaky sense of the supernatural.
Level 2 A faint but unmistakable sense.
Level 3 The character's intuitions are vague but usually
Level 4 The character can discern some specifics and is
nearly always correct.
Level 5 Most anything will be noticed by the character.
Level 6 Nothing escapes the character's razor-sharp sixth

Temperament: Kind, gentle and friendly

Manifestation: If freed, the Windy will manifest by creating
unusual patterns of wind throughout a given area. These will
usually be harmless unless it becomes agitated, in which case
anything up to a hurricane is possible. In more whimsical
moods it can deliberately use its wind to knock over objects,
scatter papers, and knock people down. When it takes on a
solid form it appears as a tall, slender woman made out of
flowing, shimmering yellowish air, solidified just enough to
have a definite shape.
Powers: The Windy can be used to control and manipulate
wind. This includes the creation or cessation of wind, as well
as using directed wind and/or the Windy's manifestation to
contain or disable opponents. Despite its gentle nature,
Windy, as one of the four element cards, is among the most
The Wood (Level 4)

Temperament: Gentle
Manifestation: The Wood manifests as an ever growing series
of branches; it doesn't seek to hurt anyone, only to grow and
find water and sunlight.
Powers: The Wood is a quasi-elemental force, and it can be
used to create a number of objects out of wood, which can in
turn be used for a number of purposes. This can include vines
to entangle, trees for shade, cages to contain, and so forth. It
can also be used to manipulate existing wooden objects,
though its power is greater over actual living wood.

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney
endless array of costumes), Sakura has been gradually
collecting the Clow Cards.
Sakura lives with her father (Fujitaka) and older brother
(Touya); her mother (Nadeshiko) passed away when she was
three years old. She attends Tomoeda Elementary School and
enjoys P.E. and music (not much for math, though), and is into
cheerleading as well. She's often the center of attention at
school despite (or more likely because of) being a little naive at
times. While other students are content with observing her,
Tomoyo likes to videotape Sakura whenever possible.
Quote: "That was a little scary, but at least everyone's okay."

Sakura Kinomoto
Birthday: April 1
Blood Type: A
Favorite Subjects: physical education, music
Least Favorite Subject: math
Extracurricular Activities: cheerleading
Favorite Colors: pink, white
Favorite Flower: Cherry blossoms
Favorite Foods: Rice omelets, noodles
Least Favorite Food: Konnyaku (taro root curd)
Best Recipe: Pancakes
Top of Wish List: A new school bag
Stats: Mind 4, Body 4, Soul 6
Attributes: Animal Guardian (Kero-chan) 3/4, Clow Power,
Combat Mastery 1, Cuteness 4, Energy Bonus 2, Item of Power
(Key of Seals) 2, Presence Sense 2
Defects: Ageism 1, Attack Restriction 2 (Loved Ones), Attack
Words 2, Easily Distracted (Penguins, Yukito, etc.) 2
Attribute/Defect Notes:
Animal Guardian (Kero Chan): Kero-chan is considered
Level 3 until Sakura gets the Fiery; once he can take on his true
form he counts as a Level 4 Animal Guardian.
Clow Power: The level of Clow Power steadily rise during
the series, to 5 by the time the first story arc ends.
Item of Power (Key of Seals): The Key of Seals is a magical
item which usually looks like a little key pendant, but which
can be turned into a baton that can be used to invoke the
magic of the Clow Cards or to turn cards back into their card
Presence Sense: The level of Presence Sense likewise
steadily rises to 5.
Skills : Acrobatics (Cheerleading) 3, Athletics 3, Cooking 1,
Rollerblading 3
Derived Values: Combat Value 5/4, Health Points 50, Energy
Points 70
Appearance: A 10-year-old Japanese girl with short brown hair
(sometimes done up in pigtails) and green eyes. Her clothes
vary, though for school she wears a uniform, with the addition
of roller blades and knee and elbow pads on the way there. At
Tomoyo's insistence, she wears an incredible variety of
costumes when out after Clow Cards -- never the same one
twice, though all are fanciful and elaborate.
Personality: Sakura is a cheerful, energetic girl, who's very
loving to the people she cares about, and helpful to everyone.
She's a little timid and has trouble objecting when she's asked,
and a tad naive. She really likes cute animals, especially birds.
Background: Sakura was just your average fourth-grader until
the day she found a mysterious book in her father's library in
the basement. The Clow. The Guardian Beast of the Clow, a
cute fuzzy thing that goes by the name of Cerberus, recruited
her as a Card Captor to collect all of the Clow Cards. Since
then, aided by Cerberus ("Kero-chan") and her best friend
Tomoyo (who videotapes her exploits, as well as providing an

Nickname-Kero chan
Favorite Foods-Sweet things
Most disliked foods-Bitter things
Favorite thing-Video Games
Favorite Colors-Red and Orange
Favorite type of TV show-Quiz shows
Favorite Flower-Sunflowers
Thing Most Wanted Now-New Game Software
Residence-At present, Sakura's room
True AppearanceStats: Mind 5, Body 3, Soul 7
Attributes: Cuteness 4, *Elemental Affinity: Earth, *Elemental
Affinity: Fire, Flight 1, Presence Sense 4, **Solar Power
Defects: Delicate Body 2, Easily Distracted (sweets, video
games, etc.)
Attribute/Defect Notes:
Elemental Affinity: Earth/Fire: Kero-chan's power elements
are Earth and Fire; he takes half damage from them, and when
the Earthy and Fiery are sealed he gains the ability to take on
his true form (see Cerberus, below) as well as deflect any
attacks that use those elements.
Solar Power: Kero-chan is aspected to the sun; the more
brightly it shines overhead, the more powerful he becomes. As
such, at night he is at +1 to all die rolls and during the day he is
at -1.
Skills : Clow Lore 5 (Kero-chan has extensive knowledge of the
Clow Cards and how they work), Fortune Telling 5, Video
Games 2
Derived Values: Combat Value 5/4, Health Points 50, Energy
Points 60
Appearance: Due to limitations in his power during the day
Kero-chan has taken on a form that resembles a stuffed toy, a
sort of liony thing with fairy wings. He claims his true form,
which he can only reveal when there is enough magic (when
Sakura get one of the cards of his elements -- fire or earth), is
more "studly," but Sakura has yet to see it.
Personality: Kero-chan is friendly to the point of being
overbearing at times, and a tad arrogant and lazy to boot. Even
so, he knows when it's imp ortant to be serious and
responsible; he just takes advantage of those times when he
doesn't have to.

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

Background: Kero-chan is the nickname given to Cerberus, the

guardian beast of the Clow Cards. He has watched over the
Cards since their creation, and until needed resides on the
cover of the Book of the Clow. The Book seems to have been
passed around by unknowing owners all over the world before
it wound up in the Kinomoto family's basement, where he
awoke when Sakura opened the book, and found all the cards
were gone. To fulfill his duty, he has recruited Sakura as the
Card Captor, charged with the mission of collecting all of the
cards. Because the Book of the Clow was stored in Osaka for a
long time, Kero-chan has acquired an Osaka accent (a sort of
"backwoods" version of Japanese that people tend to find
funny for some reason). He's quickly adjusted to living with
Sakura, and has developed a taste for sweets, as well as video
Note that Kero-chan is aspected towards the Sun, Fire,
Earth, and Light; if he is incapacitated any cards relating to
these things are weakened (become one level lower).
Quote: "Whaddaya' mean? There's no way y'all can do it with
that card!"

Favorite Food: buckwheat noodles, sushi

Least Favorite Foods: bell peppers
Best Recipe: Italian food
Top of Wish List: a new video editing machine
Stats: Mind 5, Body 2, Soul 4
Attributes: Ageism 1, Cuteness 3, Personal Gear 1, Wealthy 2
Defects: Delicate Body 2, Easily Distracted (Sakura)
Skills : Fashion Design 4, Photography 4, Sewing 3, Singing 3,
Video Recording & Editing 4
Derived Values: Combat Value 3/1, Health Points 30, Energy
Points 45
Appearance: A delicate 10-year-old girl with long black hair
and blue eyes. She wears the usual uniform at school, but
otherwise favors long dresses. Of course, her wardrobe is vast
and she may turn up wearing just about anything imaginable.
Personality: Tomoyo is friendly and reliable, though a little
eccentric. She has a passion for photographing and
videotaping Sakura, which may reflect deeper feelings.
Background: Tomoyo is Sakura's best friend, and the daughter
of a wealthy toy company executive. Despite living with such
wealth, she is a friendly and caring person -- if a bit odd at
times. She has a passion for photography and video taping,
and her favorite subject is none other than Sakura Kinomoto.
With her extensive allowance she was already into video
editing and fashion design, and when she learned that Sakura
had become the Card Captor, she took it upon herself to
provide costumes worthy of a real magical girl and to capture
Sakura's heroic deeds on video. She also provides occasional
gadgets from her mothers company besides, which has thus far
included such things as cell phones, radios, and the like.
Quote: "It's so wonderful! The cute Sakura becomes the valiant
Card Captor at night, bravely defending the town against the
evil Clow Cards!"

Cerberus (True Form)

Mistress: Sakura Kinomoto
Birthday: A secret
Symbol: The Sun
Affiliation: Positive, Yang (Light)
Eyes: Gold
Body: Orangish gold
Magic System: Western Magic
Favorite Food: Sweet things
Favorite Thing: Loud Fun
Least Favorite Thing: Being Sad or Lonely
Other form: White winged orange stuffed animal
Stats: Mind 5, Body 6, Soul 8
Attributes: *Elemental Affinity, Flight 3, *Solar Power
*See Kero-chan for descriptions of these.
Skills : Clow Lore 5, Fortune Telling 5
Derived Values: Combat Value, Health Points, Energy Points
Appearance: A massive predatory cat with yellow-orange fur
and great white feathered wings. He has a silvery armor-thing
over his head and chest, inset with large red gems.
Personality: Same old Kero-chan...
Background: This is Cerberus' true form, more fearsome and
powerful by far, though inside he's really the same old Kerochan.
Quote: "Whater' ya' starin' at! It's me!"

Shaoran Li
Birthday: July 13th
Bloodtype: O
Favorite Classes: Gym and Math
Worst Class: Japanese
Club: None
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Flower: Peony
Favorite Food: Tenshin and Chocolate
Worst Food: Konnyaku
Best Recipie: None
Wish: Clow's Magic
Stats: Mind 4, Body 4, Soul 5
Attributes: Ageism 1, Cuteness 4, Energy Bonus 2, *Item of
Power: Ranshinban 1, **Item of Power: Magic Sword 2, Magic
3, Presence Sense 3
Defects: Attack Words 1, Easily Distracted (Yukito)
Attribute/Defect Notes:
Item of Power: Ranshinban: Li's compass is a thing with
the Eight Trigrams and a yin-yang symbol in the center, which
can be used to detect Clow Cards. When activated a beam of
light shoots from the compass to the nearest card.

Tomoyo Daidouji
Birthday: September 3
Blood Type: A
Favorite Subjects: music, Japanese
Least Favorite Subjects: none
Extracurricular Activities: choir
Favorite colors: beige, white
Favorite flowers: lily magnolia, cherry blossoms

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

Item of Power: Magic Sword: Li's sword serves as a focus

for his magic, and can similarly be used to activate Clow Cards.
Magic: Especially considering his age, Shaoran is a very
powerful magic user. His spells most often use ofuda, specially
prepared wards consisting of magical symbols carefully
inscribed on paper. He can also focus magic through his
sword. His preferred method of attack is to fire off a lightning
bolt from his sword.
Skills : Acrobatics 3, Athletics 3, Melee Attack 3, Melee
Defense 3, Unarmed Attack 3, Unarmed Defense 3
Derived Values: Combat Value 4/3, Health Points 45, Energy
Points 65
Appearance: A 10-year-old Chinese kid with messy brown hair.
Shaoran wears the usual Tomoeda uniform at school, and a
variety of western-style clothes for casual purposes. For battle
he has an ornate Chinese-style robe in green, accessorized
with matching shoes and a hat, not to mention his sword (a
typical kung fu sword, scaled down a little bit).
Personality: Shaoran is rough and prideful, but actually a
pretty nice guy at heart. He's also easily embarrassed.
Background: Shaoran (or more properly, Shao-Lang, which
means "small wolf") is a member of the Li family, an ancient
lineage of warriors and sorcerers. He is one of the family's most
promising sorcerers, and he has come to Japan armed with
what power and knowledge he's gained so far in the hopes of
capturing the lost Clow Cards. When he learns that Sakura has
begun collecting them he starts by trying to take them from
her, but ends up helping her. He falls in love with Yukito at first
sight, and although he's unlikely to admit it, may have feelings
for Sakura too.
Quote: "I sense something from her... I don't know what it is,
but you should stay away."

effective weapon against magical creatures and structures (20

Skills : Clow Lore 2, Mathematics 4, Shinto 3, Teaching 4
Derived Values: Combat Value 5/3, Health Points 55, Energy
Points 60
Appearance: A tall, slender woman with long reddish hair. She
has a large wardrobe, ranging from stylish western clothes for
school to any number of casual outfits, to the standard miko
outfit she wears when working at her family's shrine (red
hakama and white top).
Background: Kaho is a school teacher, currently acting as a
long-term substitute match teacher at Tomoeda Elementary
School. She's also trained a priestess at her family's shrine, and
still carries out the duties of that post. Among these is, when
the time is right, to deliver the moon bell to the one who Clow
Reed predicted would become the new Clow Card Master
(which she does at the end of Vol. 6).
Kaho also dated Touya for a while when they were both
younger, but left to study abroad without telling him until the
day before.
Quote: "I still have a small role to fulfill."
Fujitaka Kinomoto (Sakura's Father)
Birthday: March 1st
Occupation: College Professor
Favorite Foods: Sweet things and Menrui
Worst Food: None
Favorite Thing: Video Games
Favorite Colors: White, Ivory and Brown
Favorite Flowers: Nadeshiko, Peach, and Cherry
Best Recipie: Snacks
Specialty: Remembering People's faces
Hobby: Cooking
Wish: Nothing
Stats: Mind 7, Body 4, Soul 4
Attributes: Appearance 3
Skills : Archaeology 4, Athletics 3, Cooking 3, Teaching 4
Derived Values: Combat Value 5/3, Health Points 40, Energy
Points 55
Appearance: A tall, slim, broad-shouldered man with short,
dark hair. He nearly always wears conservative wester-style
clothes and glasses.
Personality: Friendly, kind, good-natured, paternal.
Background: Fujitaka is an archaeology professor at a
university, and the single father of Sakura and Touya, since his
wife Nadeshiko passed away when she was only 27. They'd
married when he was 27 and she only 16, despite some
objections from members of Nadeshiko's family (notably
Sonomi), and were very happy. He still thinks of her a lot and
dedicates himself to being a good father to their two children.
Quote: "Good morning Sakura! You're certainly energetic

Kaho Mizuki
Birthday: February 11th
Occupation: Elementary School Teacher
Favorite Food: Sake
Worst Food: Marshmallow
Favorite Thing: Walks
Favorite Color: Kinari
Favorite Flower: Tsukimisou
Best Recipe: Can't make anything
Worst Thing: Memorizing streets
Hobby: Collecting Children's Artifacts
Special Talent: Not remembering Streets
Stats: Mind 5, Body 4, Soul 7
Attributes: Appearance 4, *Item of Power: Moon Bell 3,
Presence Sense 4, Supernatural Training 4
Attribute/Defect Notes:
Item of Power: Moon Bell: The "Moon Bell" is a magical
item, a metal object in a crescent moon shape with a handle in
the middle and the moon kanji on the front, as well as
numerous multi-colored ribbons attached. It can be used to
deflect magical attacks (much like the Shield card), as well as to
project magical force from itself, making the bell itself an

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

Nadeshiko Kinomoto (Sakura's Mother)

Birthday: May 20th
Occupation: Model
Favorite Foods: Sweet things and Black Tea
Worst Food: None
Favorite Thing: Sunshine
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Flowers: Wisteria, Peach and Cherry
Best Recipie: None
Bad At: Remembering People's faces
Hobby: Naps
Specialty: Can sleep anywhere
"I would love to see her... but I'm happier to know that
she is in the beautiful place above the sky."
-- Sakura
Sakura's mother, Nadeshiko, passed away when she was
only three years old, but she is far from forgotten. The rest of
the family holds her in their hearts, Sakura especially; although
she knows her mother mainly through stories that her father
and brother tell, she loves her mother very much, and speaks
to her photograph regularly. For that matter, Touya used to see
the appartition of Nadeshiko sometimes when he was younger.
Though he promised her not to cry, Fujitaka thinks about her a
great deal.
Nadeshiko was 16, still in high school, when she married
Fujitaka -- then a 27-year-old novice teacher. She was a model
in junior high and high school, and Fujitaka has plenty of
photos of her, some even clipped from magazines.

still doesn't prevent him from embarrassing her in front of

Yukito (though she typically responds by stomping on his
It's been hinted that he's sensitive to "things" -- unnatural
presences -- like his mother, and he can occasionally sense
such things (including Clow Cards) though he rarely knows
exactly what he's sensing.
Background: Touya is a second-year student at Seijou High
School. He lives with his sister Sakura and father Fujitaka, and
hangs out with his friend Yukito a lot of the time. Touya is into
athletics, especially soccer, and when not in school he's often
working one of an endless succession of part-time jobs.
Quote: "If it isn't the little monster."
Yukito Tsukishiro
Birthday: December 25th
Bloodtype: AB
Favorite Subject: Math
Worst Subject: None
Club: None
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Flower: Yukiwariso
Favorite Food: Anything
Worst Food: None
Best Recipie: Curry, Shakyu
Wish: A new lunch box
Stats: Mind 5, Body 4, Soul 8
Attributes: Strong Soul 3
Defects: Bottomless Stomach 1. Marked 1 (white hair)
Skills : Athletics 2, Barber 1, Math 2
Derived Values: Combat Value 5/3, Health Points 60, Energy
Points 65
Appearance: A slender teenaged guy, deceptively delicate
looking, with medium-length pale hair. He wears glasses and at
school the standard uniform.
Personality: Yukito is friendly and kind to everyone, and
generally a very cheerful and pleasant person, if at times a little
Background: Yukito is Touya's best friend and they spend a lot
of time together. He lives with his grandparents, not too far
from the Kinomoto family's place, and usually rides with Touya
to school. Although he eats a whole lot -- three times more
than Touya, who is himself an active and growing teenager -Yukito is slim and surprisingly athletic. Although not part of
any club, he's been known to help out with a number of them,
and has played with several of the school's sports teams when
What he doesn't know is that he's actually Yue's alternate
identity (see below).
Quote: "Sakura-chan, you're certainly energetic today, aren't

Touya Kinomoto (Sakura's Older Brother)

Birthday: February 29
Blood Type: O
Favorite Subject: chemistry
Least Favorite Subject: none
Extracurricular Activities: soccer
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Flower: peach blossoms
Favorite Food: steak
Least Favorite Food: ganmodoki {tofu-based fried dish}
Most Adept Recipe: rice omelet, fried noodles
Top of Wish List: a new pair of sneakers
Stats: Mind 4, Body 5, Soul 5
Attributes: Appearance 4, Presence Sense 4
Skills : Cooking 2, Driving (Motorcycle) 1, Singing 1, Soccer 3,
Unarmed Attack 2, Unarmed Defense 2
Derived Values: Combat Value 4/2, Health Points 50, Energy
Points 45
Appearance: A tall, slender, broad-shouldered teenager with
short black hair. He wears his uniform to school (azure jacket,
black pants, tie), but goes for athletic type stuff on his own
time (T-shirts with jeans or shorts, usually), or whatever is
required for one of his many part-time jobs.
Personality: Even though he acts mean and teases her a lot,
Touya actually loves his little sister, and is more than willing to
protect her if the need arises (which it has, on occasion). That

Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney


Other Characters
Chiharu: Mihara Chiharu is one of Sakura's classmates (a
girl with pigtails). She's been friends with Takashi (see below)
since kindergarten, and never takes his fibbing seriously. She's
also in the cheerleading club, and likes stuffed animals.
Kimura-sensei: Kimura Yukie is a teacher at Tomoeda
Elementary School.
Midori Makiko
Naoko: Yanagisawa Naoko is another of Sakura's
classmates. Naoko has medium, straight hair and wears
glasses. Not much for P.E. apart from cheerleading. Likes ghost
Rika: Another one of Sakura's classmates, Rika is a quiet,
polite girl has short hair. She also has a crush on Teradasensei.
Sonomi Daidouji: Tomoyo's mother Sonomi is a wealthy
executive who words a toy company. She is very busy and
while well-meaning has little time for her daughter. She also
happens to be Nadeshiko's cousin, and cared very deeply for
her (ever since kindergarten), such that she still harbors a great
deal of resentment towards Fujitaka for taking "her" Nadeshiko
Takashi: Yamazaki Takashi is one of Sakura's classmates, a
boy with short black hair. His most notable trait is that he's
constantly telling the most outrageous stories he can come up
with, just to see if anyone will believe him. Takashi is also
Shaoran's friend.
Terada-sensei: Terada Yoshiyuki is a teacher at Tomoeda
Elementary School, and in love with Rika.

Mistress: Sakura Kinomoto

Birthday: A secret (Different from Yukito's)
Symbol: The Moon
Affiliation: Concealment (Dark)
Eyes: Purpleish silver
Hair: Silver
Magic System: Oriental Magic
Favorite Food: Doesn't Eat
Favorite Thing: To sleep
Least Favorite Thing: To be bothered
Secret Identity: Yukito Tsukishiro
Stats: Mind 5, Body 6, Soul 9
Attributes: Appearance 6, *Elemental Affinity: Wind,
*Elemental Affinity: Wood, Flight 2, **Lunar Power, Magic 5,
Presence Sense 5
Defects: Marked 2 (white hair, angel wings, etc.)
Attribute/Defect Notes:
Elemental Affinity: Wind/Wood: Yue is aspected to the
"elements" of Wind and Wood. As such, attacks directed
against him simply reflect back at him.
Lunar Power: Yue is also linked to the moon, and as such
the brighter the moon the more powerful he becomes. During a
new moon he is at +2 to all die rolls, during a crescent moon +1
but during a gibbous moon he's at -1, and during full moon -2.
Skills : Clow Lore 4
Derived Values: Combat Value, Health Points, Energy Points
Appearance: A tall, lithe man with long white hair tied into a
ponytail when it gets halfway down his back and great white
feathered wings. He wears a white Chinese-style tunic with a
blue gem at the throat, a long white coat with yellow and blue
trim, belted at the waist with a white sash, and white breeches
that end in "shoes" that leave his toes exposed. Showing
apparent disdain for the ground, he constantly hovers.
Personality: Yue is calm, rational, and direct. He wants only to
fulfull his purpose and go back to sleep with a minimum of
Background: Yue is another guardian of the Clow, Cerberus'
opposite, named for the Chinese word for the moon. Like
Cerberus, he can only reveal his true form when enough of the
Clow Cards have been collected. However, his mortal form is
Tsukishiro Yukito. Yukito has no knowledge or memory of this
or anything that happens while Yue takes over. His purpose is
to test the one who would become the new Clow Card Master.
In order to take control of the cards, he must be defeated in
magical combat.
Note that Yue is aspected towards the Moon, Wind,
Wood, and Darkness; if he is incapacitated any cards relating
to these things are weakened (become one level lower).
Quote: "Very well. The trial continues."


Card Captor Sakura

A Big Eyes, Small Mouth Adaptation

Ewen Blackbird Cluney

CCS Links
Ann's Shrine to Card Captor Sakura
Card Captor Cynical
Card Captor Sakura And Company
Rabi's Card Captor Sakura Page
Release! A Card Captor Sakura Site
Sakura's Clow Cards


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