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The Parable of The Generous Vineyard Owner (Matt 20:1-16)

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The Parable of the

Generous Vineyard Owner

(Matthew 20:1-16)
A. B. Caneday

Precautions Concerning directed, for the parable’s evident focal point of

Par ables similarity between the “kingdom of heaven” and

I nter pr eting Jesus’ par ables is fraught

with dangers as witnessed throughout the his-
tory of interpretation.1 In a sense, explaining a
the earthly analog is not the human workers but
the human owner (anthrōpō oikodespotē) of the
vineyard who stands in contrast to them—thus
parable is like explaining a riddle the title, “The Parable of the Generous Vineyard
A. B. Caneday is Professor of or perhaps a joke. As explanation Owner.”2 This modified title features a catchword
New Testament Studies & Biblical
Theology at Northwestern College “spoils” a riddle for the quick-witted that evidently links the parable’s “good” vineyard
in Saint Paul, Minnesota. and indulges the dull, so explana- owner (Matt 20:15) to the earlier narrative con-
tion tends to diminish the genius cerning Jesus’ exchange with the Rich Young Man
He has written many scholarly
of Jesus’ parables and shortcuts who inquired, “Teacher, what good thing must I
articles, including contributions
to two recent edited volumes: The delight for those who hear with do in order that I might have eternal life?” Jesus
Faith of Jesus Christ: Exegetical, understanding. Nevertheless, occa- responded, “Why do you inquire concerning the
Biblical, and Theological Studies sionally Jesus concedes to his tor- good thing? Only one is the Good One” (19:16, 17).
(Paternoster, 2009) and A Cloud of
Witnesses: The Theology of Hebrews
pid Twelve and provides for them As accepted titles tend to mislead understand-
in its Ancient Context (T. & T. Clark, his own explanation of his parables ing, so do other common popular assumptions and
2008). Dr. Caneday is co-author (e.g., see Mark 4:13-20; 7:17-23), uses of the parables. Contrary to popular notion,
(with Thomas R. Schreiner) of setting an example for Christian Jesus does not teach the crowds with parables to
The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical
Theology of Perseverance and teachers and ministers to follow. reveal his message so that even the most spiritually
Assurance (InterVarsity, 2001). As with several of the accepted dull hearers will understand. Nor does he design
titles for Jesus’ parables “The Par- his parables as clever illustrations to alleviate mis-
able of the Workers in the Vineyard” seems mis- understanding of his identity. 3

34 SBJT 13.3 (2009): 34-50.

The purpose of Jesus’ parabolic teaching has crowds and without a parable he said nothing
a frame of reference, namely, the Old Testament. to them so as to fulfill what was spoken through
Behind the Greek parabolē stands the Hebrew the prophet saying, “I will open my mouth in
māšāl, which the LXX translates as parabolē in all parables; I will pour forth what has been hidden
but five of its thirty-three instances occurrences. from the foundation of the world” (Matt 13:34,
As such, parabolē is elastic, referring to proverbs, 35; citation of Psalm 78:2).6
maxims, similes, allegories, fables, analogies, rid-
dles, taunts, wisdom oracles, and dark enigmatic As with parables in the Law, the Prophets, and the
sayings. Jesus’ parables fall along this spectrum. Writings, Jesus’ parables—by bearing the double
Best known are his story parables narrated by force of revealing and concealing—convey an
each evangelist in the parable discourse (Matt indicting and judging aspect. In addition to ways
13:1-53; Mark 4:1-34; Luke 4:4-30). Jesus also that Jesus’ parabolic teaching fulfills Asaph’s say-
utters pithy parabolic maxims (Matt 9:14-17; Mark ing of Psalm 78 as outlined by D.  A.  Carson, it
2:18-22; Luke 5:33-39), parabolic riddles (Matt seems Jesus’ teaching in parables entails judgment
22:41-46; Mark 12:35-37; Luke 41-44), and par- as does Asaph’s psalm.7 The psalm’s extended reci-
ables designed to be understood by his enemies tation of the Lord’s covenant faithfulness and
to provoke them to carry out their murderous repeated refrain of Israel’s persistent unfaithful-
conspiracy against him (Matt 21:33-46; Mark ness is parabolic. Thus, to recite the psalm is to
12:1-12; Luke 20:9-19).4 recite a parable, and recitation calls for hearing.
Enigmatic as his parables are, so is the pur- Rehearsal requires understanding. Retelling this
pose of Jesus’ parables, prompting misunderstand- psalm demands wisdom to discern its parables
ing, even avoidance of the Gospel writers’ plainly that warn of Israel’s judgment, that is, defiant,
stated explanations of why Jesus teaches in para- rebellious, and covenant breaking Israel. Whoever
bles. They have a double force, for they simultane- hears or sings Asaph’s psalm without discerning
ously reveal and conceal things concerning the its parables incriminates oneself with the judg-
gospel of the kingdom. Jesus’ disciples ask, “Why ments orally rehearsed.
do you speak in parables to the crowds?” (Matt Likewise, Jesus’ parables call for hearing with
13:10; Mark 4:10; Luke 8:9). Jesus plainly tells discernment which is the featured significance of
his disciples, the parable of the Sower narrated by each Synoptic
Gospel.8 The parable is a veiled presentation about
To know the mysteries of heaven’s reign has been hearing the gospel of the kingdom (Matt 13:1-9;
given to you, but not to those. For whoever has, Mark 4:1-9; Luke 8:4-8), followed, first, by Jesus’
to that one will be given even more. And whoever stated purpose for teaching in parables and, sec-
does not have, even what that one has will be ond, by his explanation of the Sower (Matt 13:10-
taken away. Because of this I speak to them in 23; Mark 4:10-20; Luke 8:9-15). Mark cogently
parables, that seeing they do not see and hearing records, “You do not understand this parable?
they do not hear, nor do they understand. Indeed, Then how will you understand all the parables?”
with them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled (4:13), disclosing the preternatural genius of Jesus’
(Matt 13:11-14). 5 parables: every time someone retells his parables,
revealing and concealing invariably take place.
Again, in the midst of narrating the parable dis- Either one listens with discernment or one hears
course, Matthew uniquely explains, with gradations of impairment, even hearing
sounds without registering.
Jesus spoke all these things in parables to the Jesus’ parables conceal the truths of the king-

dom of heaven within plainly spoken earthly anal- Thus, they refocus the meaning of the parable in
ogies for all to hear. “Whoever lacks discernment, line with their modern sensibilities, prejudices,
even what one does have will be removed, but and historical-critical reconstructions.
whoever has discernment receives even greater” Use of parables isolated from their literary con-
(Matt 13:12).9 Consequently, one does not hap- texts also leads to incorrect interpretations and
hazardly engage deciphering Jesus’ parables wrongful conclusions concerning individual par-
except to one’s own peril, even whether writing ables. Isolation treats parables as individual units
or reading an essay in a theological journal that that become illustrations of timeless spiritual and
concerns Jesus’ parables. eternal truths. Not all isolation of parables from
Hearing without understanding manifests their contexts occurs at the hands of novices who
itself in varying degrees and ways. For example, tend to read the Bible devotionally in solitary bits
failing to discern that Jesus’ parables teach heav- and pieces. In quest of the authentic sayings of the
enly realities by way of earthly analogies, many historical Jesus, scholars often resort to isolation
suppose that Jesus’ concerns are this-world- in their attempt to identify the original meaning
focused, even socio-political. Thus, some impose and context of parables. The parable of the Gener-
upon Jesus’ parable of the Generous Vineyard ous Vineyard Owner suffers such abuse.16
Owner a foreign ideology such as Marxism as Unlike Luke’s account, Matthew and Mark
though Jesus were rebuking economic practices follow the narrative concerning Jesus’ encounter
of his day as he “foresaw a society of simple com- with the Rich Young Ruler and Peter’s assertion,
munism, ruled by God” in concert with much “Look, we have left everything and followed you”
that Karl Marx taught.10 So, one contends, “In (Matt 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-28)
his parable of the vineyard laborers, the point with Jesus’ aphorism, “But many who are first
is that workers receive not according to their will be last, and last ones first” (Matt 19:30; Mark
work but according to their need.”11 Others, evi- 10:31). Unique to Matthew’s Gospel, following
dently afraid to offend Jewish sensibilities and Jesus’ aphorism is the Generous Vineyard Owner
to be accused of being anti-Semitic, recast Jesus (Matt 20:1-16). Placement of this parable and
as “a teacher connected with the Pharisaic tradi- the fact that the aphorism follows the parable as
tion” and reject the traditional understanding of a punctuating inclusio (20:16)17 suggests on the
Matt 20:1-16 addressing Pharisees.12 Culbertson surface that the parable explains the chiastic and
reacts against interpreters who believe that Jesus aphoristic inclusio but now inverted, “In this man-
tells the parable against the Pharisees, for it is ner, the last shall be first and the first last.”18
unthinkable that Jesus tells a parable that entails
a vineyard that does not represent Israel. So, he The Par able of the Generous
insists that the Jesus of “Pharisaic identity” offers Vineyard Owner
the parable “as a message of comfort to the Jewish Human Story; Heavenly Meaning
people in a time of crisis and upheaval.”13 To do Jesus announces that heaven’s reign (hē basileia
this Culbertson rejects the connection between tōn ouranōn), that is, God’s redeeming dominion,
the parable (20:1-15) and the saying, “Thus, the is analogous to a human master of a house who
last will be first, and the first last.”14 went out early in the morning to hire workers for
Still others become so entangled in discuss- his vineyard.19 So begins a parable that has proved
ing details concerned with day-laborers in first- difficult to understand given its wide and diverse
century Israel that they get lost in the accretions explanations, uses, and abuses. Verse 1 provides
of their own historical reconstructions including smooth transition from the question about reward
literary parallelisms found in rabbinic writings.15 and the epigrammatic saying about the first and

the last (19:27-30) with the explanatory “for” Unexpected Features in the
(gar), confirming that Jesus’ parable of the Gen- Earthly Story
erous Vineyard Owner develops progression in Jesus’ human story entails an owner of a house
his response to Peter’s query (19:27). who is faced with the need of day laborers to
Also worthy of brief notice is the adjectival use tend his vineyard, presumably to harvest grapes.
of anthrōpos, a human master of the house. Here, Early in the morning, at dawn, he goes to the
as in many places throughout the New ­Testament, marketplace in the village to hire workers. He
translators regularly fail to account for anthrōpos and the laborers agree upon a denarius for the
as an adjective in Jesus’ parables when he sketches day’s wage. 26 Without any stated reason other
heaven’s reign with analogies to things human as than to hire more laborers, at three-hour intervals
in human sower (13:24), human enemy (13:28), throughout the day he returns to the marketplace
human merchant (13:44), human master of a house where he finds others standing idle whom he hires
(13:52; 20:1), and human king (18:23; 22:2). 20 at the third, the sixth, and the ninth hours. Finally,
Inexplicably, even the TNIV disappoints, not he returns at the eleventh hour to find still others
accounting for anthrōpos at all.21 Likewise, when who are inactive for the whole day. He hires them
exegetes overlook Matthew’s adjectival use of and sends them to work in his vineyard.
anthrōpos they more easily drift to misconstrue Thus far, Jesus purposefully and deftly tells a
the parable as commenting upon earthly socio- credible story with only semi-inconspicuous atyp-
political matters rather than portraying heav- ical elements in the parable, such as the lateness of
enly things.22 For example, Pablo Jiménez reifies hiring some of the laborers, perhaps those hired
the protracted imagery by claiming, “The main at the ninth hour but especially those hired an
topic of the parable of the laborers of the vine- hour before sunset, and the willingness of labor-
yard (Matt. 20:1-16) is God’s attitude toward the ers hired from the third through the ninth hours
poor. The divine attitude would be depicted by to trust the owner to give them “whatever is right”
the landowner’s merciful treatment of the labor- without agreeing upon a set wage and no mention
ers (v. 10).”23 of any wage for those hired last.27
By telling the vineyard parable Jesus offers The greatest unexpected feature of the parable
no commentary upon human contractual work correlates with the epigrammatic and chiastic
relationships of his day, whether they are just inclusio that envelops the parable, and Matthew
or unjust.24 Rather, Jesus draws a point of verti- actually inverts the aphorism itself to accentu-
cal analogy from what is human to teach what ate the featured element of surprise within the
is divine by formulating an image of an earthly parable—“Thus, the last shall be first and the
employment situation to teach how God, in his first last” (20:16; cf. 19:30). This atypical element
redeeming dominion, distributes his kingdom’s of the parable comes at the end of the day when
reward (misthos, 20:8).25 Locate and understand the laborers are to be paid. Instead of paying the
the human-divine analogy that Jesus draws and workers in the order of their being beckoned from
one discerns the meaning of the parable. Keep the marketplace and sent to the vineyard, the
in mind, however, that Jesus’ analogical stories owner instructs his foreman to give the workers
(parables) entail both similarity and dissimilar- the wage in inverse order, giving one denarius to
ity between things human or earthly and things each worker, beginning with the last and progress-
divine. Atypical or unexpected features may ing to the first hired. Once those who began work
accent dissimilarity. at dawn see that the workers hired an hour before
sunset receive a denarius, they expect more but
receive the same, the amount agreed upon at the

beginning of the day. fact that Jesus purposefully stretches human
Interpreting the parable as having a single imagination as Huffman rightly observes, “Jesus
point, featuring God’s graciousness, as the par- deliberately and cleverly led the listeners along by
able is regularly interpreted, encounters difficulty degrees until they understood that if God’s gener-
when considering the inverse order of pay that osity was to be represented by a man, such a man
figures prominently in the parable. Thus, some would be different from any man ever encoun-
exegetes dispute that the parable’s inverse order tered.”31 Yet, even Huffman’s observation does not
of pay features God’s generosity or his equity. sufficiently account for the fullness of the atypical
Lebacqz would rewrite the parable: “If the parable features of the parable. It seems that the point of
were meant to focus on the generosity of the land- Jesus’ parable is not adequately encompassed by
owner, it would be told in a different order: those exegetes who identify a singular point from this
who were hired first would be paid first. Seeing multiple point parable. Yes, the parable teaches
them receive a denarius, those hired last would that God’s giving of the kingdom of heaven does
expect to receive about a tenth of a denarius.”28 not take into account any human merit for the
From a different angle, challenging the claim that whole dispensing is of his grace that is free from
the parable teaches both God’s justice and gen- external constraints. 32 Yet, the staging of the para-
erosity, Derrett contends, “It is usually thought ble yields meaning that is more complex than this.
that this parable teaches God’s ‘behaviour’ by a Here is the genius of Jesus’ parable. He devises
picture utterly unlike human behavior: if this were a story that intentionally stretches credibility by
true it would run contrary to almost every other depicting a “generous” man who hires day labor-
parable…. On the contrary the story is as as [sic] ers whose plan unfolds and becomes evident only
lifelike as it is amusing.”29 after one has heard the whole parable. 33 Consider
Even though Lebacqz and Derrett appeal to the exquisite progression of the parable. The gen-
valid reasons for not accepting at face value the erous man’s plan entails (1) not only repeated
traditional single-point understanding of the par- appearances but even an unexpected and very late
able, both engage in exercises in missing the fuller appearance at the marketplace to contract work-
point of the parable. Both inadequately take note ers to work for an hour, (2) specifying agreed upon
of the divergent or unexpected features of the payment only for the first laborers contracted
parable. Thus, both domesticate the parable. For but keeping open payment schedules for laborers
example, Derrett tames the unexpected features of later employed, (3) transgressing ordinary human
the parable in his effort to make it lifelike by rely- affairs by inverting the order of distributing the
ing upon the Talmud for minimum wage regula- wage from last to first hired while the first hired
tions and by assuming conditions that the parable watch and wait expectantly, (4) distributing the
neither states nor implies. 30 same wage to everyone equally without distinc-
Efforts to domesticate these unexpected fea- tion, (5) purposefully devising a plan to provoke
tures derive from hearing without adequate dis- to jealousy the expectant first hired workers, in
cernment. Jesus’ purpose is not socio-political. He order that (6) he could feature both his equity and
is not overturning human employment practices generosity by (7) giving the identical reward to all
by imposing a new ethic to govern hiring con- indivisibly thus banishing jealousy.
tracts so that all workers should receive the same The generous vineyard owner’s atypical order
pay for unequal duration of labor. Jesus’ parable is of pay, bringing the last hired to the front of the
an earthly story that figuratively portrays things line and sending the first to the back of the line to
heavenly, not earthly. watch with expectancy until they would receive
Criticisms of the parable’s design misses the their wage, and atypical generosity in dispens-

ing the same wage of a denarius to all the later called but few are chosen”—is likely not origi-
hired workers incites the first employed workers nal but an interpolation by assimilation to Matt
to grumble, saying, “These last worked only one 22:14. 36 Like Mark, Matthew’s account concern-
hour, and you have made them equal to us who ing Jesus’ encounter with the Rich Young Ruler
have borne the burden of the day and the scorch- followed by Peter’s inquisitive reminder—“Look,
ing heat.” The owner’s reply underscores (1) the we have left everything and followed you. What
justice of his action, (2) the fact that he kept the then will there be for us?” (Matt 19:16-30; Mark
contract he had made at the beginning of the day, 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-28)—includes Jesus’ prov-
(3) that he does not banish the first hired work- erb, “But many who are first will be last, and last
ers and turn them away empty-handed, (4) his ones first” (Matt 19:30; Mark 10:31). 37 Following
generosity to give to those last hired even as to these words, Matthew’s Gospel alone includes the
those first hired, (5) his rightful authority to do Generous Vineyard Owner (Matt 20:1-16) stand-
with his possessions as he desires, and (6) the jeal- ing between Jesus’ two proverbial statements, the
ousy of the first laborers to guard their perceived second presented as the inverse of the former. It
advantage or superiority over the other workers is worth noting that the epigrammatic saying of
juxtaposed with his own generosity. 34 19:30 which is chiastic—“Many first ones will be
The stress of the parable’s end falls upon this last, and last ones first”—becomes an inverted
interaction between the vineyard owner and the chiasm in 20:16—“In this manner, the last shall
workers first contracted. 35 From this interaction be first and the first last” (20:16).
it seems evident that distribution of the equal As stated earlier, this placement of the parable,
reward reveals both the owner’s equity with gen- enveloped within these two statements of the
erosity and the first laborers’ jealousy to safeguard same chiastic epigram presented in an inverted
recognition of longevity of service over brevity in chiastic arrangement, accentuates the primary
the vineyard. This complicates discernment of the unexpected or atypical feature of the parable,
parable’s meaning. namely, the inverted distribution of equal reward,
beginning with the last hired and moving to the
The Meaning of the Earthly Story first employed. Add to this the fact that the adverb
Contrary to efforts to uncover the original con- (houtōs), “in this manner,” introduces the inverted
text where Jesus first spoke this vineyard parable, bracketing epigram, it is difficult to avoid the obvi-
as though that were possible given that Matthew’s ous, that the enclosing proverb, particularly with
Gospel alone narrates the parable, it is incumbent its inversion in 20:16, enforces the point of the
upon exegetes to acknowledge that placement of parable and that the parable explains, develops,
the parable obligates one to understand the par- and prepares for the inverted specific proverbial
able within the narrative of the First Gospel not inclusio, “In this manner, the last shall be first and
within an unknown context. Unlike Mark and the first last.”
Luke, Matthew includes the parable. The exegete’s Against this, despite observing the relationship
task, then, is to determine its significance and between the inclusio and the proverb, C. L. Mitton
meaning within the flow of the narrative. strangely concludes, “This, however, cannot have
First, determining what Matthew most likely been the original meaning of the parable, since
wrote is reasonable and necessary, given the diver- in the parable itself there is no reversal of rank or
gent testimony of Greek manuscripts concerning privilege. First and last receive the same payment.
20:16. Modern translations reflect the assessment The whole point lies in the equality of the reward,
of scholars that the second proverbial expres- not its reversal.”38 Mitton assumes that the brack-
sion as read in the KJV and ASV—“for many be eting proverb—“The last shall be first and the

first last” (Matt 19:30; 20:16)—requires reversal diately following the Generous Vineyard Owner
of rank or privilege, that rich and poor, power- (19:30; 20:16) as an inverted chiastic bracket.
ful and weak, prominent and obscure, or great Placement of the epigram in 19:30 follows Jesus’
and insignificant will have their ranks reversed, responses first to the disciples’ question—“Who
presumably calling for distribution of unequal then is able to be saved?” (19:25)—and then to
rewards, the rich will become poor while the poor Peter’s inquisitive reminder—“Look, we have left
become rich, etc. Yet, as Mitton acknowledges, everything and followed you” (19:27). Keeping
“there is in fact no note of rejection … all, even in mind that the concern is salvation, inheriting
the grumblers, receive the same reward.”39 What eternal life, Jesus says,
if, however, the proverb requires only the kind of
inversion that Jesus depicts in the Generous Vine- Truly, I tell you that in the regeneration when
yard Owner, a leveling that dispenses with pro- the Son of Man is seated upon the throne of his
portional ranking, and not a reversal that either glory, you who have followed me will also sit
expels the dawn-hired-laborers empty-handed or upon twelve thrones and will judge the twelve
that allocates differing or varying rewards to the tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses
workers?40 What if the bracketing aphorisms— or brothers or sisters or fathers or mothers or
“The first shall be last and the last first” and the children or fields on account of my name, will
chiastic inverse “The last shall be first and the first receive back a hundred times and will inherit
last”—are generalized proverbs that bear slightly eternal life. But many first ones will be last, and
different meanings depending upon the referents last ones first (Matt 19:28-30).
within their given contextual uses? What if the
Generous Vineyard Owner adds a perspective Thus, it seems evident that the epigram of 19:30
that alters the referent for the epigram in 19:30 to entails warning and consolation. Jesus offers con-
a different referent for the epigram in 20:16? solation to Peter and to all who like him have
After all, two of the four uses of the proverb and become poor in this world’s goods to follow Mes-
the only uses in Matthew’s Gospel envelop the Gen- siah. Jesus delivers warning also to those who
erous Vineyard Owner (Matt 19:30; 20:16). The like the Rich Young Ruler are rich in this world’s
other two uses occur in Mark 10:31 and Luke 13:30 goods. Many who have all will be last; those who
with a similar expression in Mark 9:35.41 Given have left all will be first.45 It is worth noting that
that Mark 10:31 is parallel to Matt 19:30, it seems the saying in 19:30 is generalized: “many first
reasonable to suppose that the proverb’s meaning ones …” (polloi esontai prōtoi eschatoi kai escha-
bears the same sense in both passages.42 In Luke toi prōtoi). This is in keeping with Jesus’ parable
13:30 it seems evident that the proverb’s referent concerning the camel passing through the eye of
punctuates the “eschatological reversal” that entails a needle. Not all the rich are excluded from the
banishment from and admittance to the kingdom.43 kingdom of heaven. Some rich ones will be saved
Many of the religious elite who seem to be in the because salvation, inheritance of eternal life, is
kingdom will at last be excluded, while others, par- not impossible for the wealthy, for “with God all
ticularly Israel’s outcasts including Gentiles who things are possible” (19:26).
seem excluded, will be admitted.44 Placement of the proverbial saying in Matt
Matthew places the proverb at the end of Jesus’ 20:16, however, suggests that a different referent
dialog with the disciples (19:23-29) which comes may be in view than that in 19:30 (cf. Mark 10:31)
upon the heels of his exchange with the Rich and in Luke 13:30 where some first ones are ban-
Young Man concerning inheriting eternal life ished from the kingdom (“Depart from me all you
(19:16-22) and directly before and then imme- doers of unrighteousness” [Luke 13:27]).46 This is

so for two reasons. ning with Adam and climaxing in Christ. Origen
First, the parable itself in Matt 20:8 seems to regarded the five intervals as various stages of life
provide the explicit referent by stating, “Call the when individuals may come to faith in Christ. Still
workers and give to them the wage, beginning others have identified the first workers with the
from the last until the first” (20:8). The parable Jews and the last with Gentile believers.47
calls for inversion of and specificity of the referent Modern scholars reject these proposals as alle-
in the proverb. The parable, as will be shown more gorization. Though Irenaeus’s approach exceeds
clearly later, does not depict banishment of indi- the parable’s intent, Origen’s instincts seem close
viduals from the kingdom but rather banishment to the mark. The varied work start times may
of rank and status from the kingdom by the equal partially signify that Christ’s disciples come to
gracious reward given to all alike regardless how repentance at different times in their lives. Given
much one abandons in devotion to the kingdom the flow of the narrative (Matt 19:16-20:16), the
depicted by varied starting times of activity in the different hiring times seem likely to signify the
vineyard. varied calling of Christ’s disciples which includes
Second, use of the proverbial saying in 20:16 variations concerning how much they are called
bears two indicators that specify its referent to be to forsake in order to follow him faithfully.48 Even
different from the referent that the saying bears though the hiring of laborers at the third, sixth,
in 19:30. The adverb “thus” or “in this manner” and ninth hours is hardly the key to interpreting
(houōs) draws the linkage between the parable the parable, surely their mention is more than
and the proverbial saying in 20:16. The epigram mere drapery to the story. Their inclusion is cru-
expresses a fitting conclusion to the parable. Addi- cial to provide credibility concerning both the
tionally, unlike in 19:30, the saying in 20:16 does reasonable heightened expectation on the part
not generalize but specifically identifies “the last of the earliest employed laborers as they wait for
ones” and “the first ones” with substantive adjec- their pay and the understandable though inexcus-
tives including articles (hoi eschatoi; hoi prōtoi). able complaint of unfairness they exhibit upon
The epigrammatic saying altered from 19:30 sig- receipt of the identical pay as all the other workers
nals its different application. In 20:16, then, “the receive who sustain fewer hours of intensive labor.
first ones” (hoi prōtoi) does not seem to bear the Exegetes are right to make the case that the
same referent as “many first ones” (polloi prōtoi) parable teaches God’s generosity and mercy.49
bears in 19:30, referring to “many rich.” In 20:16 Yet, criticisms of this traditional interpretation
the referent is to those individuals who are figu- that the parable’s main point is to banish every
ratively represented by the first workers hired imagination of meriting entrance into the king-
by the generous vineyard owner. Whom do they dom of heaven raise valid observations. 50 If God’s
represent, (1) Jews, (2) Scribes and Pharisees, as graciousness were the whole point of the parable,
traditionally understood, or (3) the Twelve? the conclusion would seem not only extraneous
but also distracting if not confusing. If God’s gra-
The Message of the Earthly Story ciousness were the sole point, would not pay-
Identifying the persons figuratively portrayed ment of the laborers in the order of their being
as hired at different intervals in Jesus’ parable, hired while requiring them to remain until all are
but especially the first and the last workers, has paid put greater stress upon the disproportionate
proved to be no small task. Irenaeus took the and generous reward given to those last hired? If,
good owner’s frequenting the marketplace to hire Jesus designs the parable simply to overthrow all
workers at five intervals as representing five dis- notions that the reward of eternal life is received
tinguishable periods of redemptive history begin- by merit, why does he present a parable in which

humans enter into an agreement to work in the themselves bear both similarities and dissimilari-
vineyard for a day to receive a denarius as the ties to the earthly analogies Jesus sketches with
reward (misthos)? Nevertheless, as shown earlier, his parables. The parables themselves restrict the
those who criticize the traditional interpretation analogous features so that only those whose hear-
tend not to recognize either that Jesus’ parable ing and vision are impaired will insist upon liter-
does entail elements that feature God’s gracious- alizing the various aspects of Jesus’ stories, thus
ness or that he fashions the story to accomplish brutalizing his parables to their own harm.
more than make this singular point. What, more As avowed earlier, Jesus’ staging of his story
than God’s graciousness, does this earthly story with atypical and unexpected features points us
feature?51 to the message of the parable. Consider these
To understand the fuller message of this para- features.
ble, it is necessary to pose a series of questions that (1) Doubtless the generous vineyard owner
exegetes regularly fail to raise, it seems, because figuratively represents God. Why does Jesus have
so many tend to restrict meaning of a parable to this same good vineyard owner invert the order of
only a single point. 52 Why does Jesus stage his par- pay inciting those first contracted for one denarius
able as he does? In his parable of the kingdom of for a day’s labor to complain about equity? Why
heaven, why does he present workers in a vineyard would a good man deliberately strain the human
agreeing to receive a wage for their labors, if his sense of justice for some by lavishing generosity
gospel does not teach that one merits eternal life? upon others? Why would Jesus include such an
Why does he figuratively represent God with the element concerning a man who represents God?
atypically generous man who throughout the whole Why does Jesus tell parables with unexpected
day contracts more hires whom he sends to work twists? One could ask why Jesus presents him-
in his vineyard? Then, why does Jesus introduce self analogous to one who breaks into a strong
another unexpected feature but this time with man’s house to plunder his property after tying
a twist when he portrays this atypically generous up the strong man (Matt 12:29). Or, one could ask
man as purposefully provoking the first laborers why Jesus portrays himself as a thief who comes
hired to object to his generosity which renders unexpectedly at night (Matt 24:43-44). Is Jesus
the later workers their equals by his inverting a thief? Clearly Jesus embeds unexpected twists
distribution of the equal reward requiring them and turns into his parables to arrest attention to
to remain until last as they wait expectantly for the message he conveys through his stories not
a larger sum while watching as the other workers that every feature finds tit-for-tat correspondence
receive a full denarius, their own agreed upon to the heavenly kingdom. 53
wage set at dawn? To be sure, reception of the (2) Ponder the unusual order of distributing
same reward by the eleventh-hour laborers fea- the identical and impartial wage (misthos). He
tures the good vineyard owner’s generosity. Yet, inverts the order of pay by sending to the back
because Jesus gives his parable this unexpected those who expected to be at the front of the line
twist he diverts attention away from the last work- to receive their agreed upon wage, and he brings
ers hired to the first and to their sense of inequity to the front those who expected to be at the back.
triggered by the generous equal pay given to all, So the first hired sent to the back of the line now
there must be something more that this parable watch expectantly, anticipating a wage larger than
conveys than God’s generosity. agreed upon at dawn, given the owner’s gener-
As shown early in this essay, it is paramount osity. The sameness of the wage for all, regard-
that we understand that Jesus’ parables are earthly less of longevity in the vineyard, signals that the
analogies of heavenly things. The heavenly things reward (misthos) figuratively depicts eternal life,

which the Rich Young Ruler expressed a desire the kingdom of heaven will provide sanctuary for
to inherit. Jesus figuratively represents the equal people who demand exacting proportional reward
giving of salvation, the salvation about which the and grumble with envious protection of privilege
disciples inquired when they asked, “Who, then, for themselves because salvation is equally given
is able to be saved?” (Matt 19:25). 54 to all without discrimination? Surely he is not.
(3) Reflect on the owner’s unexpected gener- Rather, the design of the parable is to dispel such
osity as he dispenses the identical wage to all his notions from disciples now, for the reward will be
workers, including those hired an hour before all of grace.
sunset. The sameness of the wage eliminates the (6) It now becomes evident that by telling his
notion that Jesus’ parable teaches that eternal parable, Jesus reinforces his response to Peter’s
life is merited. What a strange merit system this query when he inquires, “Look, we have left every-
would be, for regardless of labors expended no one thing and followed you. What then will there be
earns either more or less than another. God’s gift for us?” (Matt 19:27). Jesus responds to Peter not
is lavish and right, for he who gives generously will by rebuking but by assuring the disciples that
never be anyone’s debtor, because he who gives their inheritance will be extravagantly dispro-
justly always gives more than anyone deserves. portionate to what they have left behind to follow
(4) Consider, therefore, the irony of the protest Christ, for they will receive back a hundredfold
offered by the first employed workers when the of all they have left on account of Christ and they
owner’s equity incites their complaint of inequity: will inherit eternal life in the age to come. The
“These last worked only one hour, and you have inheritance received equally by all suffices lav-
made them equal to us who have borne the bur- ishly. The dialog with Peter triggered by Jesus’
den of the day and the scorching heat.” The lavish comments following the exchange with the Rich
reward for those who labored less provokes the Young Ruler is the backdrop against which Jesus
objection erupting from the first-hour laborers’ tells his parable to dispel any lingering sense that
sense of inequity. This feature of the parable calls equal inheritance of such lavish recompense may
upon Jesus’ disciples to assess “how far their sym- constitute inequity for disciples who abandon
pathetic reactions are still governed by human much to follow Christ.
ideals” of proportional reward “rather than God’s In the Last Day, in keeping with the promise
uncalculating generosity.”55 of eternal life, Jesus proclaims in the gospel of
(5) Again, following their protestation of being the kingdom, God will give the reward of eternal
rendered equal with the later employees, examine life alike to everyone who enters the kingdom. 57
the dialog that ensues between the first workers Receipt of the reward by those who enter late
hired and the owner of the vineyard. The owner features the disproportional lavishness of God’s
is right to defend himself, “Friend, I am doing gift of eternal life in his kingdom while receipt
you no injustice.”56 After all, the first laborers of the reward by those who enter early features
can only nod affirmatively when the owner asks, the indisputable justice of God’s gift of eternal
“Did you not agree with me upon a denarius?” It life within his dominion. He gives the salvation
is noteworthy that the owner of the vineyard nei- he promises. The first-hour workers no less than
ther removes the denarius from those who express those who worked one hour within this vineyard
jealousy, signifying loss of eternal life, nor ban- parable figuratively represent individuals who
ishes them to punishment, signifying expulsion have entered into the kingdom of heaven who will
from the kingdom. Instead, he says, “Take what at last also inherit the life of the kingdom, the eter-
is yours and go. I desire to give to this last one nal life about which the rich young ruler inquired.
even as to you.” Is Jesus teaching, therefore, that No one receives less than what is right, and all

receive more than deserved. No one is cheated, for who are first will be last, and last ones first”
God’s lavish gift of eternal life will never wane by (19:30)—to contrast the presumed destinies of
being distributed. Early or late entrance into the individuals based on appearances in the pres-
kingdom does not enlarge or reduce the reward ent age. The saying provides smooth segue to
to be inherited in the Last Day, for God’s gift is the Generous Vineyard Owner given as a fuller
lavish, disproportionate to human labors, and just. response to Peter’s question to chasten any lin-
The parable serves as a warning to banish now gering misconception concerning reward in the
every vain notion that would protect supposed kingdom.
privilege because of how much one has forsaken So, within Matthew’s narrative the Generous
on account of the kingdom. Its purpose is not to Vineyard Owner connects back through the pro-
provide an advanced pictorial preview of the Last verbial saying of 19:30 with Jesus’ call for selfless
Day with some disciples actually grumbling in sacrifice in order to inherit eternal life, explicitly
that Day against God’s equity and lavish generos- present in his exchange with the rich ruler (19:16-
ity but yet awarded eternal life. In that Day there 21) and in his dialog with his disciples (19:22-30),
will be no room for privilege and rank, for anyone especially once Peter offers his inquiry, speaking
who has ears to hear will take heed that the right- for the Twelve. Thus, the traditional interpreta-
ness and lavishness of God now and evermore tion of the parable is on track even if it stops short
banishes every imagination that he will give the of the parable’s full meaning when exegetes and
reward of eternal life with proportionality either commentators contend that the parable portrays
to longevity in the kingdom or to how much one God as gracious and merciful who gives eternal
abandons to follow Christ. 58 life without merit.
Yet, the second half of the parable is both
Conclusion unnecessary and confusing, if Jesus designed the
Inheriting eternal life comes by way of radi- parable simply to present God’s gift as gracious
cal devotion to Christ that, for some, such as the and unmerited. Therefore, exegetes who see mul-
Rich Young Ruler, requires forsaking all one’s tiple points being presented in this parable are
earthly goods to follow Christ (Matt 19:16ff). more fully on target.
Accordingly, when Jesus speaks of wealth block- The parable does not present a singular point
ing the entrance into the kingdom and offers the but features a cluster of three primary points: (1)
saying concerning the camel passing through the the extravagance of God’s gift of salvation that
eye of a needle, the Twelve respond, “Who, then, knows no reduction in its dispensing; (2) the
is able to be saved?” (19:25). Jesus’ response— equality of God’s singular and indivisible reward
“With humans this is impossible, but with God of eternal life; and (3) the equity of God’s equal
all things are possible”(19:26)—grounds hope and extravagant reward of life to all his people.
for Peter who asks the question on behalf of his Indeed, eternal life to be inherited in the Last
fellow disciples, “Look, we have left everything Day will be lavishly given not earned. God will
and followed you” (19:27), and receives assurance distribute to all his people in the age to come the
that everyone who forsakes all earthly things for indivisible gift of eternal life identically not pro-
Christ’s sake will receive back one hundredfold portionally either to how long one is active in the
and eternal life. Jesus teaches his followers to kingdom or to how much one forsakes on account
regard eternal life as a prospective gift or reward of Christ in this present age. God’s awarding sal-
of incentive, not as retrospective wages earned or vation in that Day will be just, for no one will be
merited. cheated or treated unfairly because God’s lavish
Jesus offers the proverbial saying—“But many reward does not deplete with distribution.

Thus, the parable banishes as vain any notion stories and pictorial speech. Jesus used this
that proximity to Christ, early entrance into the appealing parabolic approach to catch their
kingdom, or how much one forsakes on account attention and to seek to get them to ponder
of Christ will result in ranking at the head of the the true meaning of what He said (246, 259).
line at the judgment. The reward of eternal life  4
For categorization of Jesus’ parables see Snodgrass,
to be inherited in the Last Day is God’s lavish Stories with Intent, 9-15.
gift, unmerited, indivisible, and just, that he will  5
“You will indeed hear and not understand, and you
distribute equally to every follower of Christ and will indeed see and not perceive. For the heart of this
dispense without measure, without depleting the people has become calloused, and with their ears
reservoir of his reward so that whether last or first they barely hear, and their eyes they have shut, lest
all receive the same lavish gift, and God does this they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and
without becoming indebted to anyone. 59 understand with their heart and they turn and I heal
them” (Matt 13:14, 15; cited from Isa 6:9, 10).
Endnotes  6
On Matthew’s use of Psalm 78:2 to explain Jesus’
Cf. Klyne Snodgrass, Stories with Intent: A Compre- teaching the crowds in parables, D. A. Carson is par-
hensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus (Grand Rapids: ticularly instructive. See D. A. Carson, “Matthew,”
Eerdmans, 2008), 4-7. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary (vol. 8; ed. Frank
C. L. Mitton observes, “In the first edition of his E. Gaebelein; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984),
book on ‘The Parables of Jesus’ Jeremias called this 320-23. As the psalmist brings together well known
parable by its conventional title: ‘The Workers in the “things from of old” but in such a manner as to dis-
Vineyard’. In the 1963 English Edition, however, he close things that have been concealed or hidden,
changed it to ‘The Good Employer’, and that places enigmatic, and riddle like, laying the Lord’s righteous
the emphasis where it belongs” (“Expounding the acts of redemption alongside Israel’s privilege and
Parables: VII. The Workers in the Vineyard [Mat- rebellion, so Jesus teaches in parables things for-
thew 20:1-16],” The Expository Times 77 [1966]: 309). merly hidden. Clearly, “things formerly hidden” no
3 Erich H. Kiehl (“Why Jesus Spoke in Parables,” longer remain concealed as formerly because Jesus
Concordia Journal 16 [1990]: 245-57) does much to now reveals them, albeit in parables that sustain a
perpetuate this mistaken notion concerning why certain quality of concealment in Jesus’ revealment.
Jesus taught with parables. Kiehl states, Surely, as Carson points out, Jesus does not reveal
things that have formerly been hidden so that they
The Gospels do not record Jesus speaking will remain hidden. Yet, as Jesus teaches in parables
parables in the usual meaning of the term in the very act of revealing entails some measure of
the earlier part of His ministry. But later on, concealing as made evident by Matt 13:11-14. “Taken
during His great Galilean ministry, because as a whole, Jesus’ parables preserve the expectation
of His hearers’ false view of the Messiah, of the apocalyptic coming of Messiah. They also
Jesus began to speak in parables. In so doing, introduce a new pattern of an inaugurated kingdom
He tried in this way to get them to think and that anticipates the Parousia. Moreover this pattern
ponder what He was actually telling them. . . . rests on Jesus’ self-understanding as the Messiah who
unites in himself streams of revelation from the old
Since Jesus’ hearers would not listen to Him covenant that had not been so clearly united before”
on His terms, that is, the true meaning of (322).
the kingdom of God as revealed in Scrip-  7
See ibid., 322-23.
ture, Jesus then began to speak in parables.  8
Of the three Synoptic Gospels, Mark emphatically
His hearers had an innate love for graphic underscores the feature of hearing by bracketing

Jesus’ telling of the parable with the words, “Listen…. Temple Jewish audience, about their responsibilities
Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear” (4:3, 9). within the Vineyard, the House of Israel, and about
Simply because the proverbial statement of Matt God’s generous providence.”
13:12—“For whoever has to him will be given even 15
See, e.g., J. Duncan Derrett, “Workers in the Vine-
more; but whoever does not have, even what he has yard: A Parable of Jesus,” Journal of Jewish Studies 25
will be taken from him”—is found with slight varia- (1974): 64-91.
tion elsewhere (Matt 25:29; Mark 4:25), is no reason 16
For example, see Fortna (“Exegesis and Proclama-
to assume that it is to be read as generalized here. tion,” 66) who states, “The parable itself extends only
Given use of the same verbs in 13:11 (humīn dedotai through v. 15. The moral that follows in v. 16 (‘There-
gnōnai ta mystēria) it is more likely that 13:12 refers fore, the last will be first and the first last’) is hardly
to the giving of knowing, discerning. original; rather, it collides with the thrust of the
Howard L. Parsons, “The Commitments of Jesus and story (‘You have made them equal to us’—v. 12b). Its
Marx: Resources for the Challenge and Necessity addition by ‘Matthew’—or possibly someone earlier
of Cooperation,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 23 in the process of handing on the oral tradition stem-
(1985): 467. ming from Jesus—seems to have been occasioned
Ibid., 462. Parsons claims that Jesus strives for a soci- by its superficial parallel to the relatively incidental
ety that “is similar to Marx’s ‘higher stage’ of commu- phrase in the story, ‘beginning with the last up to
nism in which the rule is: ‘From each according to his the first’ (8c). The saying is found elsewhere as an
abilities, to each according to his needs.’” In a some- independent logion of Jesus (Mk 10:31, Lk 13:30); in
what less overt manner, Robert Fortna advances the Mt it appears immediately before this story (19:30)
notion that the parable rebukes economic inequities. so as, with v. 16, to frame it.”
“In opposing social evil, the church must address its 17
In Matt 20:16 the King James Version reflects a lon-
root economic cause. And what is called for is no eco- ger reading with the inclusion of a second proverbial
nomic program, no simple espousal of a Marxist sys- statement, “for many be called but few are chosen.”
tem, but rather a Marxian dethroning of the reigning Modern translations accept the shorter reading and
economic ideology. In this respect Marx and Jesus do not include the longer. If the longer reading was
are in agreement” (“Exegesis and Proclamation: ‘You original scribes may have dropped it by homeoteleu-
have made them equal to us!’ [Mt 20:1-16],” Journal ton, the repetition of endings. It is equally plausible
of Theology for Southern Africa 72 [1990]: 70-71). to explain the inclusion of the additional words by
See Philip Culbertson, “Reclaiming the Matthean assimilation to Matt 22:14.
Vineyard Parables,” Encounter 49 (1988): 264. Cul- 18
Snodgrass’s reasoning seems circuitous: “Although
bertson assails William Barclay as “blatantly anti- v. 16 begins with houtōs (‘thus’), I do not think it is
Semitic” (265). intended to be the nimshal of the parable [the point
Ibid., 267. or message of the parable]. It is, rather, placed here as
Ibid., 265. Culbertson reasons, “The Nimshal [the a reminder of the point that dominates 19:13-20:34.
point of the parable] unquestionably has no relation Gar (‘for’) in 20:1 shows that Matthew saw the par-
to the Mashal [the parable story], for the Mashal able as in some way an example of the proverb, which
is not about the reversal of fortunes; it is rather a indicates that human perceptions on ranking are
Mashal about the equality of all creatures, and about without significance and will be stood on their heads
God’s autonomy in rewarding obedience…. In no in the kingdom, which is indeed the message of the
instance … is there a suggestion that an appropri- parable” (Stories with Intent, 371-72).
ate Nimshal might be “the last will be first and the 19
On expressions such as homoia estin, see D. A. Car-
first last.” With the Nimshal removed, the parable son, “The ΟΜΟΙΟΣ Word-Group as Introduction
makes complete sense as spoken by a Jew to a Second to Some Matthean Parables,” New Testament Studies

31 (1985): 277. He points out that the usual trans- by the street to be hired. It would also describe the
lation—“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who clash between the values of human sociopolitical
sowed”—does not draw the analogy out sufficiently. systems and the values of God’s reign” (39). Jiménez
Instead, he proposes translating, “The kingdom of consciously rejects the caution Joachim Jeremias
heaven is like the case of a man who sows etc.” issues, “Why did Jesus tell the parable? Was it his
Modern translations do not translate anthrōpō in object to extol God’s mercy to the poor? If that were
Matt 20:1. The KJV translated, “the kingdom of so he might have omitted the second part of the par-
heaven is like unto a man that is an householder” able (v 11ff)” (The Parables of Jesus [London: SCM,
(likewise the ASV). Matt 13:24 (anthōpō speiranti), 1954], 27).
28 (echthros anthrōpos), 44 (anthōpō emporō), 52 24
John Dominic Crossan misses the parable’s meaning
(anthōpō oikodespotē); 18:23 (anthrōpō basilei); 20:1 by contending that the point is neither justice nor
(anthōpō oikodespotē); 22:2 (anthrōpō basilei). mercy but simply that the kingdom of heaven will be
The TNIV translates Matt 20:1, “For the kingdom of unexpected (In Parables: The Challenge of the Histori-
heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the cal Jesus [New York: Harper & Row, 1973], 114-15).
morning.” 25
Characteristic of those who reject the Christian
For example, see William Herzog, Parables as Sub- church’s understanding of the parable as presenting
versive Speech: Jesus as Pedagogue of the Oppressed salvation under the imagery of an indivisible reward
(Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1994), 79-97. disproportionate to labors expended is Karen Leb-
Herzog argues that Jesus’ parable addresses abuse acqz, “Justice, Economics, and the Uncomfortable
of peasants by wealthy landowners. For a brief cri- Kingdom: Reflections on Matthew 20:1-16,” Annual
tique of Herzog’s proposal, see Snodgrass, Stories of the Society of Christian Ethics (1983): 31-32. Leb-
with Intent, 372-73. Snodgrass observes, “Herzog’s acqz concludes, “[F]or me, this parable addresses the
approach is an example of one laying the culture over way we interpret the world and develop expectations.
the text, rather than letting the text lie in its culture, What do we do when our calculations are wrong and
and then bending the text to one’s own ideology” our expectations are disappointed?” (38-39).
(373). 26
Whether a denarius was a fair wage (so Derrett,
“The Laborers of the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16): A “Workers in the Vineyard,” 68) or a generous wage
Hispanic Homiletical Reading,” Journal for Preach- (so Eta Linnemann, Parables of Jesus: Introduc-
ers 21 (1997): 38. Characteristic of many exegetes, tion and Exposition [London: SPCK, 1966], 68) is
Jiménez imposes onto the text things that Jesus nei- inconsequential, for those hired last a denarius was
ther mentions nor assumes. So, Jiménez claims, “The certainly a generous wage, given the fact that the
landowner … pays all the workers ‘the usual daily dawn-hired-laborers agreed to one denarius, obvi-
wage’ (v. 2), knowing that they needed at least that ously what they deemed equitable.
amount to take care of their families. The under- 27
For many exegetes the vineyard owner’s repeated
standable complaint of the laborers who toiled all returns to the marketplace to hire more laborers,
day long exemplifies the attitude of those who judge but especially the later hires, indicates that it was
according to the prevalent social values (vv. 9-15)” the day before the Sabbath when the grapes were at
(38). Evidently Jiménez believes that human employ- their peak to be harvested (e.g., Derrett, “Workers in
ers who pay human workers proportionally to work the Vineyard,” 71-72). This is utterly extraneous to
expended do injustice. He concludes that a sermon Jesus’ parable.
on the parable would make the main topic “God’s 28
Lebacqz, “Justice, Economics, and the Uncomfort-
love for the poor” and would “stress God’s love for able Kingdom,” 34.
all Hispanics—particularly for those who can be 29
Derrett, “Workers in the Vineyard,” 71.
seen in cities like Austin and Los Angeles waiting 30
Norman A. Huffman ably shows that we have no

assurance that paying a minimum wage was in force completely earn their salvation on an agreed-upon
at the time of Jesus and that Derrett’s reconstruction basis (first workers); and others obtain their salvation
of the parable is just that, his own story more than by various combinations of works and grace (third,
Jesus’ story (“Atypical Features in the Parables,” sixth, and night hours)? This is clearly not a correct
Journal of Biblical Literature [1978]: 209-10). interpretation of the parable” (127). Stein seems to
Ibid., 209. sense his exaggeration for he adds a note: “Since I
H. A. W. Meyer expresses this point of departure have said that the parable does not teach the doc-
from earlier exegetes. He states, “The proposition: trine of ‘justification by faith,’ it nevertheless must
‘that in dispensing the blessings of the kingdom of be observed that it does teach the graciousness and
heaven, God takes no account of human merit, but mercy of God which is one of the essential founda-
that all is the result of His own free grace … does tions upon which the doctrine of justification by faith
not constitute the leading thought set forth in the is built” (165, n. 38).
parable, though, no doubt, it may be supposed to 36
See note 17 above.
underlie it.” (Critical and Exegetical Hand-Book to the 37
Luke’s account has Peter claiming, “Look, we have
Gospel of Matthew [trans. Peter Christie; New York: left behind homes to follow you” (Luke 18:28).
Funk & Wagnalls, 1884], 352). Meyer’s reasons for 38
Mitton, “Expounding the Parables,” 308. Mitton
his statement are less persuasive than his insightful adds, “Moreover, it is clear that the choice of context
observation. is Matthew’s. He introduces into a Markan context
As indicated earlier, use of “Is your eye jealous a piece of material which he apparently knew as an
because I am good?” is a catchword linking the par- independent unit, without any context, and places it
able to the narrative concerning The Rich Young where he thinks its meaning will fit most appropri-
Man who inquired, “Teacher, what good thing must I ately.” If one grants Mitton’s assumptions, then his
do in order that I might have eternal life?” and Jesus conclusions are clear.
responded, “Why do you inquire concerning the good 39
thing? Only one is the Good One” (Matt 19:17, 18). 40
Craig L. Blomberg observes, “Surely J. B. Bauer is
The expression within the question, “Is your eye evil” correct to stress that the parable teaches not the
(ho ophthalmos sou ponēros) occurs also in Matt 6:23. reversal of order but the abandonment of every form
It is an idiom referring to jealousy. For the idiom, of ordering. All is based on mercy” (Interpreting the
see also Deut 15:9; 1 Sam 18:9. Given the idiomatic Parables [Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1990],
expression for jealousy in Matt 20:15, the goodness of 222. Blomberg refers to J. B. Bauer, “Gnadenlohn
the vineyard owner bears the sense of “generous.” See oder Tageslohn (Mt 20,8-16),” Biblica 42 (1961),
also note 1 above. 224-28.
Cf. Robert H. Stein, An Introduction to the Parables of 41
The epigram in Mark 9:35—“If someone wishes to
Jesus (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1981), 127. Stein, be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” R.
however, seems to overstate his case when he rejects T. France proposes that use of the proverb in Mark
the interpretation “that Jesus in the parable seeks to 10:31 is a gentle rebuke to Peter rather than referring
demonstrate that salvation is by grace alone. This to “those like the rich young man, whose comfortable
interpretation has had a continual succession of pro- situation in life might make them seem first” (The
ponents since the time of Luther. Yet not only does Gospel of Mark [New International Commentary
this look like a reading of this basic Reformation on the Greek Testament; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
issue into the parable, it is refuted by the fact that 2002]), 408.
the first workers clearly earned their denarius or 42
On Mark 10:31 see James R. Edwards, The Gospel
‘salvation.’ Are we to conclude that some people are according to Mark (Pillar New Testament Commen-
saved by grace alone (eleventh hour); some people tary; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002), 317. Com-

menting upon the chiastic saying, Edwards notes, national Commentary on the New Testament; Grand
“Its simplicity captures a profound irony of disciple- Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007), 751. France observes,
ship. The kingdom of God topples our cherished “This parable, unlike that of 21:28-32, does not
priorities and demands new ones. It takes from those depict people outside the kingdom of heaven, those
who follow Jesus things they would keep, and gives to for whom there is no reward at all. It is about equal-
them things they could not imagine. Those who take ity among disciples rather than about insiders and
their stand on the riches—whatever they be—will outsiders.” (n. 22).
have nothing to stand on. Those who give up every- 47
Robert H. Gundry, Matthew: A Commentary on His
thing—not only possessions but even people and Literary and Theological Art (Grand Rapids: Eerd-
places, indeed their own lives (8:35)—to follow Jesus mans, 1982), 399.
will not simply be compensated for their sacrifices 48
Cf. Blomberg, Interpreting the Parables, 224.
but surfeited a hundred times over with the same, 49
John Calvin appeals to this parable as he explains,
and in the world to come with eternal life.” “But lest we should think that the reward the Lord
Darrell L. Bock, Luke (2 vols.; Baker Exegetical Com- promises us is reduced to a matter of merit, he has set
mentary on the New Testament; Grand Rapids: forth a parable.” He quotes Pseudo-Ambrose (The
Baker, 1996), 2:1240. Bock offers a comment on Matt Call of the Gentiles) who interprets the parable and
20:16 which suggests that in his mind he conflated concludes, “For he does not pay the price of their
the Generous Vineyard Owner with the Tenants of labor but showers the riches of his goodness upon
the Vineyard in Matt 21:33-46. He states, “Matt. those whom he has chosen apart from works. Thus
20:16 deals with the taking of the kingdom from the they also … who sweated in much labor, and did not
vineyard keepers in order to give it to another, a point receive more than the latecomers, should understand
similar to Luke’s” (n. 20). that they received a gift of grace, not the reward
Cf. I. Howard Marshall, Commentary on Luke (New for their works” (Institutes of the Christian Religion
International Commentary on the Greek Testament; [trans. Ford Lewis Battles; Philadelphia: Westmin-
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978), 568. See also Rob- ster, 1960], 3.18.3).
ert H. Stein, Luke (New American Commentary; 50
The traditional understanding of the parable since the
Nashville: Broadman, 1992), 380. Stein observes, Reformation receives modern expression by Günther
“The lack of the article before ‘last’ and ‘first’ indi- Bornkamm, Jesus of Nazareth (trans. by Irene and
cates that neither all the last nor all the first would Fraser McLuskey; New York: Harper & Row, 1960;
experience this reversal. Some Jews . . . did believe. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1995). Bornkamm states,
The saying contrasts not all the last and all the first “The idea of the merit of good works and man’s claim
but ‘last ones’ kinds of people and ‘first ones’ kinds upon God is most clearly shaken and abolished in the
of people.” parable of the labourers in the vineyard (Mt. xx.1-
Cf. Alan P.1 Stanley, Did Jesus Teach Salvation by 16)…. Thus the idea of reward has received a com-
Works? The Role of Works in Salvation in the Synoptic pletely new meaning. Detached from deeds of merit
Gospels (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2006), 193. On Matt and the claims of man, it has become an expression
19:30, Stanley observes, “The saying is somewhat of divine justice and grace, to which man is directed,
ambiguous but seems to summarize the irony of the now more than ever called to effort and faithfulness,
situation with general application. The Rich Young and on which he must lean” (142-43).
Ruler who had everything appeared to be first and 51
Blomberg categorizes this parable among “complex
the disciples who had left everything appeared to be three-point parables” (Interpreting the Parables, 221-
last. However the reverse is in fact true. The last will 25). He identifies the three main points: (1) arrange-
be first and the first will be last.” ments with the earlier groups of workers hired
Cf. R. T. France, The Gospel of Matthew (New Inter- portray that none of God’s people will be treated

inequitably; (2) arrangement with the last group of within 19:16-20:16, which correlates to 17:24-27
workers hired underscores God’s generosity born out (“‘Where Two or Three are Gathered Together’: Lit-
of freedom to give as he wishes; and (3) equal distri- erary Structure as a Key to Meaning in Matt 17:22-
bution of the same reward indicates that all genuine 20:19,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
disciples are equal before God (225). 39 [1996]: 549-58). His observation concerning the
Blomberg objects to this tendency: “Commentators role of the vineyard parable within the context is on
who restrict the meaning of a parable to only one target: “A paradox is thus highlighted: The way of
main point invariably try to excise one or more of sacrifice and selflessness is the way to abundance
these verses [vv. 13-14a, vv. 14b-15, and v. 16] as and glory; the way of loss is the way to gain. The par-
later appendices. If a parable can make three points, able of the laborers in the vineyard that immediately
then the entire passage fits together as a tightly knit follows, however, tempers our understanding of this
unity” (ibid.). concept. Reward in the kingdom is not a matter of
For several of Jesus’ parables that employ unexpected piling up a great number of meritorious sacrificial
features and exaggeration in various ways, see Huff- works. It is a matter of grace” (553).
man, “Atypical Features in the Parables,” 207-20.
On reward as life in the kingdom, not a propor-
tional gradation of heavenly awards, see Craig L.
Blomberg, “Degrees of Reward in the Kingdom of
Heaven,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
35 (1992): 159-72. On pages 160-62 he focuses upon
Matt 20:1-16. See also Blomberg, Interpreting the
Parables, 221-25.
France, Gospel of Matthew, 748.
“Friend,” as used in Matthew’s Gospel, bears a wry
touch of irony (cf. 22:12; 26:50). Cf. Snodgrass, Sto-
ries with Intent, 370.
Blomberg makes the case that the use of “evening”
or “twelfth-hour imagery” represents the Last Day
(Interpreting the Parables, 224). He refers to Hans
Weder, Die Gleichnisse Jesu als Metaphern (Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1978), 223.
G. De Ru believes that Jesus formulated the par-
able and aimed it originally against the scribes and
Pharisees but that Matthew redirects it to Peter.
“This parable, which was originally directed against
the scribes and Pharisees, was repeatedly applied by
the early Christians to Jesus’ own followers, that is
the Church itself. The way in which the Evangelist
connects it with Peter’s question (Matth. xix 27)
clearly shows this” (“The Conception of Reward
in the Teaching of Jesus,” Novum Testamentum 8
[1966]: 209-10).
David McClister sees Matt 17:22-20:19 as an elabo-
rate chiasm with the Vineyard parable subsumed


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