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United States Patent: Fournier Et Al

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(12) United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.:

(45) Date of Patent:

Fournier et al.



Inventors: Alain Fournier, Le Plessis Robinson

US 6,516,606 B2
Feb. 11,2003

4,585,189 A


Buxton .................. .. 244/129.4

5,369,954 A

* 12/1994

Stuart .................. .. 239/265.17

5,941,061 A

8/1999 Sherry et al. ............... .. 244/54

(FR); Bernard Laboure, VeliZy (FR)


(73) Assignee: Hurel-Hispano Meudon, Meudon la

Foret (FR)



* cited by examiner


Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this

patent is extended or adjusted under 35

86 09838


U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.

Primary ExaminerEhud Gartenberg

(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmYoung & Thompson

(21) Appl. No.: 09/906,050

(22) Filed:

Jul. 17, 2001

Prior Publication Data


The invention discloses an aeroengine nacelle afterbody of

the type comprising a common noZZle for exhausting the

US 2002/0006333 A1 Jan. 17, 2002


mixed hot and cold gases originating respectively from the

fan duct and from the aeroengine combustion chamber, the

Foreign Application Priority Data

Jul. 17, 2000

(FR) .......................................... .. 00 09301


Int. Cl.7 ................................................ .. F02K 3/02


US. Cl. ........................... .. 60/262; 60/798; 244/54;

239/265 .11

Field of Search ........................ .. 60/262, 796, 798;

244/54; 239/265.11


References Cited

said noZZle having a longitudinal axis more or less coinci

dent With the axis of the said engine. The common exhaust
noZZle consists of tWo half-nozzles Which are more or less

symmetric With respect to a plane containing the said

longitudinal axis, the said half-nozzles being, on the one

hand, individually hinged via one of their longitudinal edges

to a support structure hanging doWn from the Wing structure
or from the fuselage of the aircraft and, on the other hand,

lockable together along their opposite longitudinal edges.


3,347,578 A

* 10/1967

Sheehan .................... .. 244/54

5 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

U.S. Patent

Feb. 11,2003

Sheet 1 0f 4

US 6,516,606 B2

U.S. Patent

Feb. 11,2003

Sheet 2 0f 4

US 6,516,606 B2

U.S. Patent

Feb. 11,2003

Sheet 3 0f 4

US 6,516,606 B2

U.S. Patent

Feb. 11,2003

Sheet 4 0f 4

US 6,516,606 B2

US 6,516,606 B2


and becomes detached, the vibrations cause forces in uncon

trolled directions Which the V-blade/V-groove structure may

have dif?culty in Withstanding. Admittedly, more sophisti

cated V-blade/V-groove structures have been developed (for


examples ones using 90 dovetail pro?les to avoid any

rotational movement) but attachment to the doWnstream end
of the fairing remains a problem.

The present invention relates in general to an aeroengine

nacelle afterbody of the type comprising a common noZZle
for exhausting the mixed hot and cold gases originating
respectively from the fan duct and from the aeroengine
combustion chamber, the said noZZle having a longitudinal

To overcome these draWbacks, according to a second

aspect, the invention provides an afterbody of the aforemen

tioned type and in Which each half-fairing and each half

axis more or less coincident With the axis of the said engine.

noZZle folloWing on one from the other are made as a single

The invention therefore relates to What is commonly

knoWn as an LDMF (or long duct mixed ?oW) nacelle


In knoWn afterbodies of this type, the CNA (common
noZZle assembly) is either ?xed, via radial arms, to a primary
noZZle, itself secured to the turbine housing, or ?xed to the


assembly formed of tWo hinged parts, aside from solving the

aforementioned problem, presents numerous advantages

doWnstream end of the thrust reverser fairing Which sur

rounds the compressors/combustion chamber/turbine

Which are as folloWs:

assembly. In both cases, the CNA is made of a single part,

by dispensing With the means of attachment to a separate

Whereas, in general, the fairing in Which the aforementioned

afterbody, savings are made not only in material and

labour, but above all in nacelle Weight; noW, in

assembly is included consists of tWo half-fairings Which are,

on the one hand, individually hinged to a support structure,
and, on the other hand, lockable together opposite the said


aeronautics, any Weight saving has an appreciable


The aforementioned support structure is either the engine

structure in question is admittedly lengthened but its

bulk in terms of cross section is reduced, this making
it easier to transport and to handle, the cross-sectional
bulk often being more dif?cult to deal With than the

ticularly given the increasingly tight safety standards in case

lengthWays bulk;

a fan blade should break and become detached. When such

and, above all, by having a unitary afterbody, there is far

an incident (known as fan blade off) occurs, the fragment

greater freedom to choose Where a thrust reverser Will

of blade Which has become detached, on the one hand,


afterbody upstream of the doWnstream edge of the

mixture of cold and hot ?oWs if it is installed doWn

stream (as seen above, such doWnstream mounting is

doWn the corresponding engine, With the result that the

turbine Windmills, something Which reduces but does not
completely eliminate the harmful vibrations.
The problem of attaching the CNAbecomes all the greater
if there is a desire to install a thrust reverser in this CNA,

dif?cult to envisage in the case of a separate CNA


because of the additional offset Weight that the doors

and other auxiliary parts of the reverser contribute).
This possibility of installing the thrust reverser in such a
Way that it acts on the mixture of ?oWs, While keeping a part
of CNA structure doWnstream, in turn, affords a consider

ticular forces to be transmitted.

able advantage.
When the thrust reverser acts only on the cold ?oW, there


remains, at the time of thrust reversal, a thrust in direct-jet

According to a ?rst aspect of the invention, provision is

made, in order to reduce the effect of mounting the common
noZZle (CNA) With an overhang, for this noZZle to be made

mode, provided by the hot ?oW, While braking is by means

of the reversal of the cold ?oW. The braking is therefore the
result of the difference betWeen the thrust of the hot How and
the thrust-reversal of the cold How and, to be satisfactory,

in the form of tWo half-noZZles Which are more or less

symmetric With respect to a plane containing the said

longitudinal axis, the said half-noZZles being, on the one

be mounted: for example, the reverser could be made to

act only on the cold ?oW if the doors are installed in the
turbine or alternatively could be made to act on the

leads to an imbalance With an out-of-balance effect Which

causes violent vibration. In this case, it is necessary to shut

because of the Weight added by the reverser and the par

economic impact during operation;

by replacing the one-piece CNA by incorporating the
CNA into the tWo-half structure of the fairing, the

strut if the engine is installed in a nacelle under the Wing, or

a pylon structure, itself mounted on the aft fuselage of the
aircraft, if the engine is installed in a lateral nacelle.
Attachment of the CNA poses numerous problems, par

strikes the surrounding parts, Which entails providing rein

forcements capable of preventing it from being able to cut
through vital parts of the aircraft and, on the other hand,

Thus, the CNA is no longer a separate part requiring

attachment to a separate afterbody, and it folloWs that the
problems inherent With this attachment are eliminated
The union of the fairing and of the CNA into a single

requires a high, and therefore noisy engine speed.


When the thrust reverser acts both on the cold How and on

hand, individually hinged via one of their longitudinal edges

the hot ?oW, the braking ability is better. It is thus possible

to the said support structure and, on the other hand, lockable

either, for the same engine speed, to obtain more radical

braking or, for the same intensity of braking, to run the
engine at a loWer speed, therefore With a substantial reduc
tion in the noise.

together along their opposite longitudinal edges.

The CNA is furthermore attached to the doWnstream end

of the fairing by collaboration betWeen a part forming a

joint, having a V-shaped part, provided in the doWnstream

end of the said fairing and a complementary V-shaped
groove formed in the end facing it of the CNA (an assembly

NoW, this question of noise is increasingly penaliZing to

airlines, in that a certain number of airports have already
forbidden the use of thrust reversal beyond a certain time in

knoWn to those skilled in the art by the name of a V-blade/

V-groove structure). Such a structure, illustrated for example

in FIG. 4 of Us. Pat. No. 4,998,409 is designed to transmit
axial forces and Withstand them. NoW, if a fan blade breaks


the evening. It sometimes folloWs, in the event of a delayed

take-off, that it is impossible to resort to thrust reversal,
Which presents an element of risk. Thrust reversal With a

loW, therefore acceptable noise level Would alloW thrust

US 6,516,606 B2

reversal to be used regardless of the time of landing and

parts 10a, 10b designed to surround the assembly formed by

Would free the airlines of this concern and of this risk.

the compressors 38, the combustion chamber 4 and the

The subject of the invention is therefore a long duct mixed

?oW nacelle afterbody for an aeroengine comprising an

turbine casing 5, the split of the engine coWling and of the

upstream Zone and a doWnstream Zone by reference to the

thrust reverser fairing into tWo parts being along a more or

less vertical plane of section. Each thrust reverser half

direction in Which the gases ?oW, Which consists of tWo

fairing 10a, 10b has three aerodynamic surfaces or skins,

parts Which are more or less symmetric With respect to a

namely a nacelle exterior surface 11, a fan duct exterior

surface 12 and a fan duct interior surface 13. The surfaces 12

plane containing the longitudinal axis of the aeroengine, the

said parts being, on the one hand, individually hinged by one
of their longitudinal edges to the said support structure and,
on the other hand, lockable together along their opposite
longitudinal edges, each of the said parts comprising, from
the outside inWards, in the upstream Zone, three aerody
namic surfaces, namely a nacelle exterior surface, a cold
?oW duct exterior surface and a cold ?oW duct interior
surface and, in the doWnstream Zone, tWo aerodynamic
surfaces, namely a nacelle exterior surface and a mixed hot
and cold ?oW surface.


mixed hot and cold ?oWs duct interior surface 16. Thrust
reverser doors 17 are installed in the fairing 10a, b, to act on
the cold ?oW.
reverser fairing are each formed of tWo halves, 9a, 9b and
10a, 10b, respectively, but the common noZZle or CNA 6 is
made as a single part. The tWo half-coWlings 9a, 9b and the

half-fairings 10a, 10b are mounted hinged to the engine

beam (not depicted) by means of hinges, 18 and 19 respec
tively. On the opposite side to the hinges, the half-coWlings

The invention Will be better understood on reading the


prior art;
FIG. 2 is a vieW similar to that of FIG. 1, modi?ed by the
incorporation of a ?rst embodiment of the present invention

(nacelle under the Wing);

FIGS. 3a and 3b are perspective vieWs of a second

embodiment of the present invention incorporated into an

under-Wing nacelle, With a thrust reverser With tWo doors

Which are respectively deployed and stoWed, and Which act


on the cold ?oW;

FIGS. 4a and 4b are perspective vieWs of a third embodi
ment of the present invention incorporated into an under
Wing nacelle, With a upstream tWo-door thrust reverser


A ?rst modi?cation, according to the invention, of this

knoWn structure consists in producing the CNA, like the

engine coWling 9a, b and the thrust reverser fairing 10a, b,

to be hinged, for example by means of three hinges 23

installed in the 12 oclock position on the engine beam, and
are equipped With the same number of latches 24 installed in


In the description hereinbeloW, the same references Will

be used from one ?gure to another to denote parts Which are
identical or similar.

FIG. 1 depicts a propulsion system of the prior art,

shoWing the air intake 1, the fan 2, the fan casing 3, the
compressors 38, the combustion chamber 4, the turbine
casing 5 and the exhaust noZZle Which consists of a primary

9a, 9b and the half-fairings 10a, 10b have latches such as 20

alloWing them to be latched in the closed position. Of
course, the purpose of this hinged tWo-part assembly is to
alloW easier access to the hot parts of the aeroengine.
The thrust reverser fairing 10a, b is secured to the engine
by means of V-blade/V-groove structures Whose position on
the upstream end of the half-fairing 10b is indicated as 21,
for connection to the fan outer casing 3, and optionally as 22,
for connection to an engine internal casing. Complementary
structures are positioned opposite on the said casings.
It Will be understood, according to the prior art, that the
CNA 6 is mounted With an overhang on the turbine casing

that is to say in tWo parts 6a and 6b as shoWn in FIG. 2 Where

the primary noZZle 8 has been omitted in order not to
complicate the draWing. These half-CNAs are mounted so as

Which are respectively deployed and stoWed, and Which act

on the mixture of cold and hot ?oWs;
FIG. 5 is a vieW in longitudinal section of lateral nacelle
according to a fourth embodiment; and
FIGS. 6 and 7 are respectively sections taken on the lines
VIVI and VIIVII of FIG. 5.

In this prior-art system, the engine coWling and the thrust



description given hereinafter With reference to the appended

draWings in Which:
FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective vieW of the propulsion
system of the Rolls Royce Trent 700 engine of the Airbus
A330 (nacelle under the Wing), illustrating the state of the

and 13 delimit a fan half-duct (cold ?oW) 14a and 14b

respectively. For its part the CNA 6 has tWo aerodynamic
surfaces, namely the nacelle exterior surface 15 and the


the 6 oclock position and alloWing the CNA to be closed up.

In this Way, the CNA 6 is not only held by its upstream end,
but is also held along tWo of its generatrices.
As the CNA is no longer mounted With an overhang, it is
possible for the location at Which the thrust reverser is
installed to be modi?ed, that is to say to leave the fairing
10a, 10b alone and to install the thrust reverser in the CNA.
The half-CNAs 6a, 6b are connected by a V-blade/V
groove system to the exterior skin 12 of the fan half-ducts
14a, b so as to provide sealing and so as to transmit the axial

noZZle 8 (hot gases) and of a secondary noZZle 6 (mixed hot

and cold gases). It is this secondary noZZle Which is referred

modi?cation is not limited to splitting the CNA into tWo

to as the common exhaust noZZle or CNA in the context

hinged halves but to combining each half-fairing 10a or 10b

of the present description and of the claims. The common

exhaust noZZle 6 is mounted by radial arms 7 on the primary

single piece.

In a preferred embodiment of the invention, hoWever, the

and the half-CNA 6a or 6b Which folloWs on from it into a

noZZle 8, the assembly being ?xed to the turbine casing 5.

It is to be noted that these arms are thus secured to the hot

parts of the engine and experience undesirable thermal

loadings. Furthermore, they give rise to engine performance


The system further comprises an engine coWling made in

tWo parts 9a, 9b and a thrust reverser fairing made in two


Thus, if reference is made to FIGS. 3a and 3b, there can

be seen a unitary fairing or afterbody 25, the upstream part
of Which forms the fairing of the compressors/combustion
chamber/turbine assembly and the doWnstream part of
Which forms the CNA. The unitary afterbody 25 is formed
of tWo halves 25a, 25b Which are more or less symmetric
With respect to a more or less vertical plane of section and

US 6,516,606 B2

Which are mounted so as to be hinged by means of hinges to

As can be seen in FIGS. 5 to 7, the nacelle is mounted on

the engine strut 26 and lockable in the closed position by

means of latches mounted opposite the hinges. Depending

axes of articulation 35a and 35b are de?ned on this pylon

a pylon 34 secured to the aft fuselage of the aircraft. TWo

on the dimensions and other characteristics of the engine,

and tWo series of hinges 36a, 36b are aligned along these

from four to eight hinge points Will be provided in the 12

oclock position and from four to eight latches Will be
provided in the 6 oclock position.
The unitary afterbody is secured to the fan casing 3 by

(there being ?ve pairs of hinges in the embodiment

illustrated). These hinges are situated on each side of a more

or less horiZontal plane H Which contains the axis R of the

aeroengine. On the opposite side to the hinges, the tWo

unitary afterbody halves 25a, b have latches 37a, 37b for
closing off the said afterbody. In FIGS. 6 and 7, the upper

means of V-blade/V-groove structures, Whose position on

the upstream end of the half-fairing 10b is indicated at 21
for connection to the fan outer casing 3 and optionally at 22

half 25a of the afterbody is depicted open in ?ne line at 25a.

The thrust reverser doors 30 are shoWn in the section of
FIG. 7.
As can be seen, in the section on the line VIVI of FIG.

for connection to an engine inner casing. Complementary

structures are positioned facing them on the said casings.
As can be seen, the unitary afterbody 25 de?nes, betWeen
its skins 12 and 13, the fan duct or cold ?oW duct 14. It Will
be understood that the fan duct 14 is in fact made up of tWo


fan half-ducts. In the upstream part of the unitary afterbody

5 (FIG. 6), the unitary afterbody 25 comprises, from the

outside inWards, the nacelle surface 37, the exterior surface
12 of the fan duct and the interior surface 13 of the fan duct,
Whereas in the section on the line VIIVII of FIG. 5 (FIG.

25 are mounted tWo pivoting thrust reverser doors 30,

capable, under the effect of a ram 31, of moving from a

stoWed position in Which they complete the Wall of the

7) there remain only the surfaces 37 and 12.

The unitary afterbody 25a, b therefore changes from What

fairing (FIG. 3b) into a deployed position in Which they

block practically the entirety of the cold ?oW duct (FIG. 3a)

is commonly knoWn as a tWo half-duct D-duct con?gu

ration to a tWo half-duct C-duct con?guration. It is there

fore of the D/C-duct type.

and de?ect this cold ?oW upstream, in the direction of the

arroW F1, the hot ?oW continuing to be ejected in the

It is to be clearly understood that, as in the case of the

underWing nacelle afterbody illustrated in FIGS. 3a and 3b,

direction of the arroW F2.

25 the thrust reverser could be installed in the unitary afterbody
Instead of a tWo-door thrust reverser as depicted, for
of the lateral nacelle at a location such that it acts on the cold

example a PAPILLON (trade name of the assignee

?oW only.

company) thrust reverser as described and claimed in French

Although, in the embodiments described and depicted

hereinabove, the unitary afterbody alWays comprises a thrust

patent no. 95/06561 by the assignee company, it Would be

possible, as an alternative, to install a four-door thrust

reverser (of the petal type) as described and claimed in

French patent no. 81/10693 by the assignee company, and
depicted in FIG. 1.
The embodiment in FIGS. 4a and 4b differs from that in
FIGS. 3a and 3b only in the installation of the thrust reverser
doors. Aside from the components already identi?ed With

reverser, the invention also covers cases Where no thrust

reverser is installed in the said afterbody: this is because it

is conceivable, in particular, for an aircraft to be equipped
With four underWing nacelles, tWo on each side of the
fuselage, and only the inboard nacelles of Which are to be
35 ?tted With thrust reversers.

What We claim is:

reference to the previous Figures, We can here see the

1. An aeroengine nacelle afterbody of the type comprising

doWnstream end 32 of the skin 12 and the mixed hot and

cold ?oW duct 33 doWnstream of this doWnstream end. This

a common noZZle for exhausting the mixed hot and cold

gases originating respectively from the fan duct and from the
aeroengine combustion chamber, the said noZZle having a

time, the Zone in Which the thrust reverser doors 30 are

installed is such that in the deployed position they block the

mixed ?oW duct 33 so that, give or take leakage (Which may,

longitudinal axis more or less coincident With the axis of the

said engine, Wherein the common exhaust noZZle consists of

incidentally, be deliberately introduced), all the thrust is

tWo half-noZZles Which are more or less symmetric With

reversed in the direction of the arroW F3. The doors 30 may,

for example, as depicted in the ?gure, belong to an

upstream tWo-door thrust reverser as described and


via one of their longitudinal edges to a support structure

depicted in French patent no. 86/09838 by the assignee

hanging doWn from the Wing structure or from the fuselage

of the aircraft and, on the other hand, lockable together along

company, or a PERT (trade name of the assignee company)

thrust reverser as described and claimed in French patent

their opposite longitudinal edges.

No. 97/06780, also in the name of the assignee company.

FIGS. 5, 6 and 7 shoW a fourth embodiment applied in the

2. An afterbody according to claim 1, in Which the fan

duct is made up of tWo fan half-ducts, each of Which is
de?ned betWeen an exterior skin and an interior skin belong
ing to a half-fairing, the tWo half-fairings being more or less

case of an engine installed in a lateral nacelle.

In this case, the plane dividing the unitary afterbody into

tWo more or less symmetric parts is a more or less horiZontal



In the section of FIG. 5, the same elements can be found

as Were found in the perspective vieW of FIGS. 4a and 4b,
the thrust reverser once again being installed in such a Way
that it acts on the mixed ?oW. The doors 30 are depicted in
solid line in the stoWed position and in dotted line in the
deployed position. The pivot axes of the tWo doors 30 can

the unitary afterbody.

symmetric With respect to a plane containing the said

longitudinal axis, and being, on the one hand, individually
hinged via one of their longitudinal edges to the said support
structure and, on the other hand, lockable together along

their opposite longitudinal edges, Wherein each half-fairing

and each half-noZZle folloWing on one from the other are

made as a single piece.

3. An Afterbody according to claim 2,Wherein it delimits

be seen at 39. The thrust reverser may, as before, be of the

upstream tWo-door type, or be a PERT thrust reverser.

The bene?t of FIGS. 5 to 7 is that they more clearly shoW

the location of the hinges and that the number of skins
changes from three to tWo, from upstream to doWnstream, in

respect to a plane containing the said longitudinal axis, the

said half-noZZles being, on the one hand, individually hinged

both a duct for cold gases and a duct for mixed hot and cold


gases, and in that it further comprises a door-type thrust

reverser situated in such a location that, in the deployed
position, the doors block only the How of the cold gases.
4. An afterbody according to claim 2, Wherein it delimits
both a duct for cold gases and a duct for mixed hot and cold

US 6,516,606 B2

gases, and in that it further comprises a door-type thrust

reverser situated in such a location that, in the deployed
position, the doors block the How of the mixed hot and cold

to a support structure hanging doWn from the Wing structure

or from the fuselage of the aircraft and, on the other hand,

lockable together along their opposite longitudinal edges,

each of the said parts comprising, from the outside inWards,
in the upstream Zone, three aerodynamic surfaces, namely a


5. A long duct mixed ?oW nacelle afterbody for an

nacelle exterior surface, a cold flow duct eXterior surface and

a cold flow duct interior surface and, in the doWnstream
Zone, tWo aerodynamic surfaces, namely a nacelle eXterior
surface and a miXed hot and cold flow surface.

aeroengine comprising an upstream Zone and a doWnstream

Zone by reference to the direction in Which the gases ?oW,
Wherein it consists of tWo parts Which are more or less

symmetric With respect to a plane containing the longitudi

nal aXis of the aeroengine, the said parts being, on the one

hand, individually hinged by one of their longitudinal edges


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