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) We Ob-: MARCH 18, 1920

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The type and number of spars used in the cantilever wing is a matter to be decided by individual designers. For the present purpose I have assumed that two spruce spars are used, and that they are of the box type. Taking the strength of spruce as 4,000 lbs., the moment of resistance must equal the bending moment multiplied by a factor of safety, say, of about 7. The moment of resistance, M / Z , from which Z = - =
56 OO


= 14. The spar must


A Suggested Parasol Cantilever Monoplane By way of an illustration of the facility of storing and road transport of a machine which can be effected by the cantilever wing, the writer has got out the following general design, which will show the fundamental idea, although the details can be altered to any desired extent. For various reasons the fundamental idea includes the employment of a parasol monoplane wing. In the first place, this arrangement is unsurpassed for the excellence of the view obtained. The wing is on a level with the eyes of the pilot, and by slightly stooping of by craning his neck, he can see under or over the wing. For landing, especially the view forward and downward is exceptionally good, which is of considerable importance for a machine to be used for crosscountry flying, .where landings may have to be made on unfamiliar grounds. Secondly, the parasol arrangement permits of swinging the wing round until it lies parallel with instead of at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the fuselage. The manner in which it is suggested to do this is as follows : Normally the wing is supported from the body on two pairs of raked centre-section struts, which are braced in a longitudinal plane by diagonal tubes, forming a rigid structure. The upper ends of these struts are connected by a stout longitudinal member, to which are attached all the spars (if more than two are employed), and which has a longitudinal hinge, preferably in the form of a long rod. The attachments of the lower ends of the struts to the fuselage is by means of quickly detachable devices. In addition to the centre-section struts there is a small cabane, terminating at the top in a point to which the wing is swivelled. This cabane need not take any of the flying loads, but serves as a support for the wing when this is swung longitudinally for storage or road transport. When it is desired to swing the wing round all that has Some Practical Applications to be done is to undo the four quick releases, swing the Having now, presumably, proved that the cantilever wing centre-section struts outwards until they lie flat against the need not be so very inferior as regards efficiency, it might be lower surface of the wing, where the struts are held in their asked why, as it is certainly not generally superior to the horizontal position by spring clips, turn the wing, which is ordinary wing, one should bother about it at all. The writer pivoted on the central point of the cabane, until it lies will endeavour to show in the following notes some practical parallel with the body, where it would be secured in position advantages which this type of wing possesses, and which by catches on the rudder post and behind the engine resappear to tend to render its adoptionfor small machines pectively. A machine of the dimensions suggested in the at any rate worth while. When in the future the owner- diagram, Fig. n (see p. 313), would then occupy a space 26 ft. pilot takes out his machine for cross-country flights, he will long by about 6 ft. 6 in. wide by 7 ft. high, and could be towed not like to be restricted in his choice of routes by questions comfortably along a road. Swinging the wing around in the of housing, and of whether or not there is any shed or tent manner suggested would be much more of a one-man job available in which the machine can be stored. He will expect than any arrangement of folding wings. Also it would occupy it to be capable of being housed in any reasonable-size garage. far less time, and there would be no danger of straining the Moreover, if the machine can be easily transported along hinges and thus having trouble with erecting after the wings the road, his choice of landing grounds is enormously increased, had been folded for some time. The thick rigid wing with since he can then land in any field large enough for this pur- a central support and with the two supports at the nose and poseand with a machine landing at less than 40 m.p.h., tail of the fuselage would be subject to no stress that would a^very small field will sufficeand then have the machine have any appreciable effect even after long storage in this towed to the nearest garage or farm outhouse, where it can position. be left until again required. (To be continued.} 312

have a section modulus of 14 at c. A section of the dimensions shown in Fig. 10 would give approximately the desired value of Z. From the formula Z = -J= (BD - bd3) we ob6D tain Z = {3 -5 x 5 -s 3 - 2 -9 x 3 -5s) = 13 -8 which is just Under the required figure. In order to make the moment of resistance everywhere equal to the bending moment multiplied by the factor of safetyin other words, to obtain a constant factor , B=3'5' of safety along the spar, * a taper other than a straight taper, would be required. As. however, this would be expensive to make., a straight taper would be preferable, and the writer would suggest the following dimensions, the spar being everywhere as deep as the wing section will allow, and having a straight taper both in a horizontal and vertical plane. The dimensions at c, are shown in Fig. 10, Those at b and a would, of course, be correspondingly greater. At the end rib m a spar width of { in., with flanges about I in. deep. The webs ^o be of a constant thickness of 3 in. throughout. A rough calculation shows that these dimensions would give factors of safety at e, g and i respectively, of 8-8, 12-15 and 16-95. This would, of course, mean carrying a slight amount of unnecessary weight, but, on the other hand, such a straight taper spar would be very much cheaper to make. The weight of such a spar, of the dimensions indicated, would be between 25 lbs. and 30 lbs., or approximately 1 lb. per ft.-run. The ribs, internal drag bracing and covering could probably be made for a weight of about 60 lbs., so that, assuming the front and rear spars to be of equal weight, the total wing weight would work out at in the neighbourhood of n o lbs. to 120 lbs., or about 1 lb./sq. ft. This is, of course, somewhat heavier than a braced wing, but, on the other hand, the thin braced wing would, it has been shown, have to be of 166 sq. ft. area to give the same landing speed, and, taking itsjweight as -7 lbs./sq. ft., would weight 116 lbs. Even from the point of view of weight, there would-not, therefore, appear to be so much against the cantilever wing as might be expected. I admit that these figures are very approximate, but they will, I think, serve to show that both reasonable performance and weight may be expected from the cantilever wing.

Another advantage which would attend the employment of the cantilever type of wings is connected with the matter of trueing-up. The ordinary machine requires a great amount of attention to keep it in flying trim, incidence and other wires requiring adjustment at frequent intervals as they stretch and contract with changes in temperature. As a matter of fact, the writer is under the impression that one of the chief reasons why the Germans turned their attention to the cantilever wing was the facility with which it could be maintained in the field. Certainly, the non-technical owner-pilot will not wish to be constantly fussing about with incidence wires, checking angles of incidence with spirit level and so lorth. He will want to feel that once the wings are in place on the machine they are there for good, except in case of breakage. The cantilever wing will go a long way towards reducing trueing-up troubles. Yet another purpose for which the cantilever wing will be found useful is that of small biplanes with large stagger. It is well known that very small machines have a tendency to be unduly sensitive longitudinally. It is true that this can be counteracted to a great extent by using a large tail plane and a small elevator, and also by having the e.g. well forwardsay, about -2 of the chordand placing the tail at a negative angle. By employing two cantilever wings, very heavily staggered, and having the top plane at a greater angle of incidence than the lower, a great amount of longitudinal stability can be obtained without the use of a large tail plane, and taken in conjunction with the far forward e.g. position, should practically stop the hunting of small machines.

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