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|||||||||||||III US005293708A

United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,293,708

Strayer et al. 45) Date of Patent: Mar. 15, 1994
1805399 8/1970 Fed. Rep. of Germany ... 42/71.02
76 Inventors: Sandy L. Strayer, 305 Hickok, Round 2192048A 12/1987 United Kingdom ..................... 42/7
Rock, Tex. 78681; Virgil P. Tripp, Primary Examiner-David H. Brown
8907 Sparkling Creek Cir., Austin, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-James L. Jackson
Tex. 78729
(21) Appl. No.: 910,636 A frame/handgrip assembly is provided for autoloading
22 Filed: Jul. 8, 1992 handguns of the Model 1911A1 type which incorpo
rates a gripless preferably metal frame structure having
51 Int. C. ....................... F41A 11/00; F41A 21/00 guide rails for receiving a conventional slide and having
(52) U.S. C. ......................................... 42/75.03; 42/7; a configuration for receiving other standard 1911 A1
42/71.02 components. The frame structure defines opposed
(58) Field of Search ....................... 42/7, 71.02, 75.03, handgrip seats including one or more keyways. An
42/75.01 integral handgrip structure is provided having spaced
56) References Cited connector elements having one or more internal keys
for establishing mating, interlocked structural relation
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ship with the handgrip seats. The handgrip structure
965,386 7/1910 Hanson ..................................... 42/7 incorporates an integral trigger guard and both the
1,024,932 4/1912 Vander Haeghen ..................... 42/7 trigger guard and the connecting elements of the hand
1,407,959 2/1922 Stokke ...................................... 42/7 grip are physically interlocked with the frame structure
2,460,598 2/1949 Rosvall ..................................... 42/7 by means of screws, pins, etc. The frame and handgrip
2,828,568 4/1958 Sakewitz ................................... 42/7 structures may cooperatively define a wide internal
2,832,266 4/1958 Sunderland ............................... 42/7 cartridge magazine receptacle for receiving a wide,
3,167,876 2/1965 Milroy ...................................... 42/7 staggered row, enhanced volume cartridge magazine.
3,683,535 8/1972 Lewis .......... ... 42/7.02
3,758,978 11/1973 Theodore ........................... 42/71.02 The handgrip structure is a structural element of the
4,242,824 1/1981 Pachmayr et al. ................. 42/71.02 frame/handgrip assembly and defines outer grip sur
4,539,889 9/1985 Glock .................................... 89/147 faces presenting surface preparation for efficient grip
4,638,582 /1987 Farrar. 42/71.01 ping and defining a maximum handgrip thickness being
4,811,510 3/1989 Chesnut .................................... 42/7 substantially the same as the handgrip thickness of a
4,825,744 5/1989 Glock .................................... 42A145 standard Model 1911A1 handgun. The frame and hand
4,833,812 5/1989 Farrar ..... ... 42/7.02 grip sections of the assembly each provide for wholly
4,862,618 9/1989 Szabo ........................................ 42/7 contained location of structural and operational compo
4,878,304 11/1989 Cupp ............... 42/71.02 nents while establishing a functionally interdependent
4,888,899 12/1989 Chesnut et al. ......................... 42/50 relationship between such components.
4,893,546 l/1990 Glock .................................... 89/145
4,936,036 6/1990 Sniezak et al. .. ... 42/71.02
5,113,603 5/1992 Buegel ...................................... 42/7 42 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 1994 Sheet 1 of 5 5,293,708

U.S. Patent 5,293,708
U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 1994 Sheet 3 of 5 5,293,708
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FIG. 15


Art 106
U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 1994 Sheet 5 of 5 5,293,708
1 2
ture thereof. Consequently, many law enforcement
FRAME/HANOGRP ASSEMBLY FOR personnel, to achieve higher round capacity, have fa
AUTOLOADING HANDGUN vored autoloading handguns of smaller caliber than the
typical 0.45 caliber ACP simply because the smaller
FIELD OF THE INVENTION caliber permits a larger number of cartridges to be con
This invention relates generally to autoloading hand tained within the storage magazine of the handgun.
guns and more specifically to a handgun frame/hand Obviously, this is considered a trade-off because smaller
grip assembly incorporating structural and operational caliber cartridges such as 9 mm cartridges frequently
mechanisms that are interdependent upon the frame and have significantly less knock-down power as compared
handgrip from the standpoint of location and function. 10 to 0.45 caliber ACP cartridges.
This invention also concerns a frame/handgrip assem It is considered desirable, therefore, to provide a
bly which facilitates enhanced cartridge capacity and autoloading handgun that may be manufactured to han
yet having a handgrip of substantially the same external dle 0.45 caliber ACP cartridges and yet will have an
configuration and manual "feel' as compared to a con 15
increased round capacity to provide greater fire-power
ventional Government Model 1911 Al handgun. than is ordinarily obtainable with the standard Model
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1911 A1 handgun. It is also desirable to provide a auto
loading handgun of increased round capacity which
At the present time, all autoloading handguns, incorporates a handgrip having substantially the size
whether composed of cast or machined metal or poly 20 and feel of the standard Model 1911A1 handgun. Here
mer, have an integral frame structure incorporating a tofore, these desirable features have not been consid
receiver for the barrel, hammer and reciprocating slide ered attainable.
mechanisms and having a handgrip structure that is Increased capacity handguns, because of the larger,
integral with the frame. There is not presently known in bulkier frames thereof, are generally considerably
the handgun industry a frame/handgrip assembly for heavier in weight as compared to the 1911 Al handgun.
autoloading handguns wherein both the frame and the 25 This is because significantly more metal is required in
handgrip provide for location of structural and opera the handgrip and magazine receptacle portions of the
tional components and wherein these structural and frame. In some cases, manufacturers have chosen to
operational components, located wholly within the provide a handgun frame which is manufactured of
frame or handgrip or co-located by assembled frame light-weight aluminum or aluminum alloy material, thus
and handgrip structures, are functionally interdepen 30 minimizing the weight of the enlarged metal frame. This
dent. is also considered an undesirable "trade-off' because
In the sport of competitive target shooting with hand aluminum and aluminum alloys are of considerably less
guns, rapid-fire handgun target shooting activities have structural integrity as compared to a metal such as steel
become a significantly important aspect of handgun and when constructed with thin metal sections to mini
target shooting events. Of late, considerable interest has 35 mize "bulk' they tend to develop stress fractures during
developed toward the provision of handguns having use. It is desirable, therefore, to provide a staggered
increased round capacity, as compared to the 1911 A1 row magazine, increased round capacity, autoloading
handgun which, in 0.45 caliber ACP, has a magazine handgun of large caliber such as 0.45 caliber ACP and
capacity of seven rounds. A number of autoloading which has approximately the same handgrip size and
handgun designs are presently being marketed which weight as compared to a standard Government Model
employ staggered-row cartridge enhanced capacity
magazines and wherein the frame of the handgun con 1911 A1 handgun of the same large caliber. Heretofore
struction has a handgrip and magazine receptacle of this feature has also been considered unattainable.
sufficiently large internal dimension that larger, stag During the development of the autoloading handgun
gered row magazines can be received therein. 45 frame/handgrip assembly of the present invention a
One of the principal problems with these types of number of design considerations were considered para
increased capacity handguns is that the increased width mount. It was decided that the resulting handgun, to be
internal magazine receptacles required by wide stag acceptable to most target shooters, should have the
gered row cartridge magazine, together with the wood capability of utilizing many parts such as the slide, bar
or polymer grip plates with which they are typically 50 rel, recoil assembly, hammer assembly, etc. of the 1911
provided, causes the handgrips to be quite large and Al handgun because it is well known to be the most
bulky. Large dimensioned handgun grips are consid dependable and most widely used handgun for target
ered generally unacceptable to most target shooting shooting and for law enforcement. Another major de
enthusiasts, especially female target shooting enthusi sign parameter was to provide an increased round ca
asts whose hands are typically anatomically small. 55 pacity autoloading handgun having an increased width
Handgrips for autoloading handguns of the standard magazine chamber or receptacle while maintaining
Government Model autoloading handgun are of a di essentially the same external handgrip width as con
mension that provide most target shooters with a highly pared with the standard 1911 Al handgun. An even
desirable manual "feel' thereby causing these types of further major design consideration was to provide an
handguns to be preferred for the purpose of target 60 increased round capacity autoloading handgun con
shooting as compared with autoloading handguns of struction having an overall weight closely approximat
increased round capacity having large, bulky handgrips. ing the overall weight of a standard 1911 A1 handgun
In the field of law enforcement, autoloading hand and to do so without resorting to the use of lightweight
guns are often utilized. In this case autoloading hand metal such as aluminum to form the frame structure.
guns with increased round capacity are highly desir 65 For a lighter than usual model, it was also considered
able. Handguns having large handgrips to permit in appropriate to utilize lightweight metals such as alumi
creased round capacity are not well received in the field num, titanium, etc. for the frame and to provide a frame
of law enforcement because of the wide and bulky na design utilizing such lightweight metals without any
3 4.
sacrifice from the standpoint of adequate structural cushion the sharp force ordinarily imparted to the user's
integrity. hand during firing to thus provide the frame/handgrip
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION assembly with a "soft shooting feel" during handgun
shooting activities.
It is a principal feature of the present invention to It is another feature of this invention to provide a
provide a novel frame/handgrip construction for auto novel separable frame/handgrip assembly for autoload
loading handguns wherein structural and operational ing handguns which provides for location of the main
components are located within one of the two major spring assembly wholly within the handgrip construc
structural components, i.e., the frame or the handgrip tion and yet functionally interdependent with the ham
and are functionally interdependent with operational 10 ner assembly which is located wholly within the grip
components that are located in or supported by the less frame construction.
opposite major structural component. It is an even further feature of this invention to pro
It is another feature of the present invention to pro vide a novel frame/handgrip assembly for autoloading
vide a novel frame/handgrip assembly for increased handguns incorporating a rigid frame to which is releas
round capacity, autoloading handguns wherein the 15 ably assembled a handgrip section incorporating an
handgrip portion thereof is of substantially the same integral trigger guard and wherein both the handgrip
external thickness dimension as compared with the and trigger guard sections are mechanically interlocked
Government Model 1911 A1 handgun and yet has an with the frame structure.
internal magazine receptacle of greater than standard It is another important feature of this invention to
width. 20 provide a novel frame/handgrip assembly for autoload
It is another feature of this invention to provide a ing handguns wherein the frame defines guide rails for
novel frame/grip assembly for autoloading handguns novably receiving a reciprocating slide and wherein
which accommodate large, staggered row cartridge the guide rails are either interrupted or uninterrupted,
magazines to provide for enhanced round capacity. depending upon the character of manufacture that is
It is also a feature of this invention to provide a novel 25 desired.
frame/grip assembly for autoloading handguns which is It is also an important feature of this invention to
of light weight construction without any sacrifice from provide an enhanced round capacity staggered row
the standpoint of structural integrity so that the result cartridge magazine which is properly positioned within
ing autoloading handgun, including the enhanced num the magazine receptacle of the handgun by a stop shoul
ber of rounds thereof, approximate the weight of a 30 der at the lower portion of the magazine which stops
loaded conventional Government Model 1911A1 hand against the lower end of the handgrip structure.
gun. It is another feature of this invention to provide a
It is a further feature of this invention to provide a novel enhanced round capacity staggered row cartridge
novel frame/grip assembly for autoloading handguns magazine having a base structure including a frangible
wherein the handgrip portion thereof may define a large 35 blow-out section for safely releasing any sudden build
dimensioned internal cartridge magazine chamber for up of gas pressure within the magazine.
containing enhanced volume staggered row cartridge It is also an important feature of this invention to
magazines and yet provide an external handgrip dimen provide a cartridge magazine having a unique relation
sion being substantially the same as the handgrip dimen ship between the helix direction of the compression
sion of a standard Government Model 1911 Al hand spring and the configuration of the follower.
gun. Briefly, the various features of the present invention
It is an even further feature of this invention to pro are realized through the provision of a frame/handgrip
vide a novel frame/handgrip assembly for autoloading assembly for autoloading handguns which incorporates
handguns which includes a gripless frame composed of a gripless frame structure of a design having efficient
metal or any other suitable material to which is releas 45 structural integrity whether composed of steel or
ably assembled a handgrip structure composed of poly whether composed of other metals or other suitable
mer material or any one of a number of suitable metals materials. Though the term "metal frame' is frequently
including but not limited to steel, aluminum, titanium, employed herein, it is not intended to limit the range of
sintered metals and metal composites, etc. metal and non-metal materials that may be employed in
It is another feature of this invention to provide a 50 the manufacture of the frame structure. The frame
novel frame/handgrip assembly for autoloading hand structure is of elongate construction and defines guide
guns incorporating a handgrip structure of polymer or rails for receiving the reciprocating slide portion of the
metal composition and which may be machined, cast, handgun. The frame/handgrip assembly of this inven
sintered, additive machined or formed by any other tion is capable of receiving conventional 1911A1 com
suitable process. 55 ponents such as the slide assembly, trigger assembly,
It is among the several features of this invention to hammer assembly, slide lock, thumb safety, rear, ham
provide a novel frame/handgrip assembly for autoload mer, spring, leaf spring, magazine catch, etc. These
ing handguns wherein the frame and handgrip may be elements, referred to herein as structural and "opera
assembled by a sliding fit and are provided with a key tional components' are incorporated herein by refer
keyway structural interlocking configuration to pro ence to the extent needed for a complete description of
vide for substantially rigid assembly between the frame a functional handgun assembly. The standard slide of a
and the handgrip. Government Model 1911 A1 handgun is receivable in
It is another feature of this invention to provide a properly interfitting relation with the guide rails of the
novel frame/handgrip assembly for autoloading hand frame structure. In fact, many operational components
guns incorporating a frame to which is releasably as 65 of the standard 1911 A1 handgun are capable of being
sembled a polymer handgrip that is substantially rigid received in interfitting relation with the frame/hand
from the standpoint of handgripping and feel and being grip assembly of this invention. To suit the needs of
slightly yieldable to provide "controlled flexibility” to manufacturer or user, the guide rails of the frame may
5 6
be uninterrupted as is the case with the standard 1911 grip, i.e., molded checkering, enhances its structural
Al handgun, but, if desired, the guide rails may be integrity.
interrupted to form pairs of front and rear guide rail BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
The metal frame structure includes a forwardly ex 5 So that the manner in which the above recited fea
tending, substantially U-shaped guide trough or "dust tures, advantages and objects of the present invention
cover' for receiving the recoil spring assembly of the are attained and can be understood in detail, a more
handgun, the integral side structures of the U-shaped particular description of the invention, briefly summa
guide trough are preferably of greater thickness as com rized above, may be had by reference to the embodi
pared with the 1911 A1 handgun so as to provide for O ments thereof which are illustrated in the appended
support of various sighting devices such as optical sight drawings.
ing devices The metal frame further defines a cartridge It is to be noted, however, that the appended draw
magazine receptacle of sufficient dimension for receiv ings illustrate only typical embodiments of this inven
ing the upper portion of an enhanced volume, staggered tion and are therefore not to be considered limiting of its
row cartridge magazine so as to permit the feeding of 15 scope, for the invention may admit to other equally
cartridges serially therefrom during operation of the effective embodiments.
handgun. The metal frame structure further defines
handgrip seat bosses on each side thereof having hand IN THE DRAWINGS
grip seats of a character adapted to receive by means of FIG. 1 is an elevational view of a frame/handgrip
sliding fit, an integral handgrip structure in such manner assembly constructed in accordance with the present
as to establish firm, mechanically interlocked relation invention.
between the frame and handgrip structures, FIG. 2 is an elevational view of the frame portion of
The handgrip structure is preferably composed of a the frame/handgrip assembly of FIG. 1.
polymer material and, though substantially rigid, may FIG. 3 is a rear elevational view of the frame struc
have a degree of "controlled flexibility” to permit a ture of FIG, 2.
cushioned or "soft feel' as the handgun is fired. This FIG. 4 is a front elevational view of the frame struc
soft, cushioned feel may also be attained by providing a ture of FIG. 2.
"joint” for interconnecting the frame and handgrip FIG. 5 is a plan view of the frame structure of FIG.
structures which permits controlled flexibility at the 2.
joint. The soft, cushioned feel which is imparted to the 30
FIG. 6 is a bottom view of the frame structure of
hand of the user during firing, instead of the sharply FIGS. 1 and 2.
imparted force that is ordinarily felt, adds to the plea FIG. 7 is an isometric illustration of the handgrip
sure of the shooting experience through use of the fra portion of the frame/handgrip structure of FIG. 1.
me/handgrip assembly of this invention. The handgrip
structure further includes an integral trigger guard 35 FIG. 8 is a rear elevational view of the handgrip
which is received by the metal frame in such manner structure of FIG, 7.
that both the trigger guard and the polymer handgrip FIG. 9 is a front elevational view of the handgrip
are mechanically interlocked with the frame structure. structure of FIG. 7.
In the region of the trigger guard, the handgrip defines FIG. 10 is a bottom view of the handgrip structure of
a trigger shoe opening which is in registry with an FIG 7.
internal trigger track that is defined interiorly of the FIG. 11 is a plan view of the handgrip structure of
handgrip. The trigger shoe is movably positioned FIG. 7.
within the trigger shoe opening and the trigger bow is FIG. 12 is a side elevational view of the handgrip
captured for linear movement within the trigger track structure of FIG. 7.
by the frame structure. Rearward movement of the 45 FIG. 13 is a sectional view of the handgrip structure,
trigger is limited by the frame. being taken along lines 13-13 of FIG. 10.
The handgrip structure may also define a large di FIG. 14 is a fragmentary elevational view of the
mensioned internal cartridge magazine receptacle handgrip portion of a frame/handgrip assembly repre
which merges with the cartridge magazine receptacle senting an alternative embodiment of the invention.
of the metal frame to permit the insertion of large ca 50 FIG. 15 is a fragmentary sectional view taken along
pacity, staggered row cartridge magazines into the fra line 15-15 of FIG. 5 and showing a portion of the
me/handgrip assembly. To permit desirable handgrip internal surface configuration of the frame structure of
feel by most handgun shooters and to permit effective the frame/handgrip assembly.
use of the handgun by persons having rather small FIG. 16 is a fragmentary elevational view of an inter
hands, the handgrip defines an external thickness di 55 mediate portion of the frame structure of FIGS. 2-6,
mension being substantially the same as that of the Gov with a portion thereof cut away and shown in section to
ernment Model 1911A1 handgun. This feature obviates depict a spring-detent receptacle thereof in detail.
the large, "bulky” feel that is a characteristic of all FIG. 17 is a fragmentary elevational view of an inter
autoloading handguns presently known which are capa mediate portion of the frame structure with a portion
ble of receiving enhanced volume, staggered row car thereof cut away and shown in section to depict an
tridge magazines. undercut curved slot for receiving the retention tab of
The polymer handgrip, which is a structural element an ambidextrous safety.
of the frame/handgrip assembly, is typically of molded FIG. 18 is a partial sectional view of an upper portion
construction which defines external checkering or other of the handgrip structure representing an alternative
surface preparation of how substantially the entire sur 65 embodiment thereof incorporating a molded structural
face area thereof to permit optimum manual gripping of insert.
the handgrip portion of the handgun during shooting FIG. 19 is a side elevational view of a staggered row,
activities. The external surface preparation of the hand increased round capacity cartridge magazine to be re
7 8
leasably received within the frame/handgrip assembly and are shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 respectively. The frame
of FGS. 1-18. structure further defines opposed guide rails 24 and 26
FIG. 20 is a rear elevational view of the staggered which are defined by respective elongate parallel guide
row, increased round capacity cartridge magazine of grooves 28 and 30. The guide rails and grooves receive
F.G. 19. 5 the respective guide flanges of an elongate conventional
FIG. 21 is a front elevational view of the cartridge slide member, not shown. As mentioned above, the slide
magazine of FIGS. 19 and 20. member may be the conventional slide of a 1911 Al
FIG. 22 is a top view of the cartridge magazine of handgun or a corresponding slide having appropriate
FIGS. 19 and 20. guide flanges. It should be born in mind that the present
FIG. 23 is a bottom view of the cartridge magazine O invention is not intended to be limited strictly to the use
construction of FIGS. 19-22. of a conventional 1911A1 slide; the guide rails and slide
DETALED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED may be of differing dimension as compared to that of
EMBODMENT the model 1911 Al handgun in the event such is desired.
This character of handgun construction is preferred
Referring now to the drawings and first to FIGS. 5 only because it lends use of the frame/grip assembly of
1-6, a frame/grip assembly constructed in accordance the present invention to utilization of standard 1911 Al
with the present invention is illustrated generally at 10 handgun components in operative assembly with the
and incorporates an elongate, gripless frame structure frame/grip assembly of this invention. The frame fur
shown generally at 12 and a handgrip structure, releas ther defines an elongate recess 32 within in which is
ably interconnected with the frame structure and shown 20 received a conventional slide stop having a portion
generally at 14. The frame structure is preferably com thereof received within a slide stop receptacle 34. Aper
posed of a metal material and the handgrip structure is tures 36 on opposed sides of the frame 12 are provided
preferably composed of a polymer material but other to receive the transverse pivot pin of the slide stop.
materials may be employed for the frame and handgrip The rear portion of the frame structure 12 is of bifur
structures without departing from the spirit and scope 25 cated configuration by virtue of a central slot 38 and
of this invention Thus, while metal or polymer may be defines opposed, spaced, rearwardly extending projec
specifically mentioned, it is not intended to limit this tions 40 and 42 having aligned apertures 44 for receiv
invention to these specific materials. ing a conventional hammer mounting pin. Side surface
With respect to FIGS. 1 and 2, it should be born in 16 of the frame defines a specifically configured aper
mind that the metal frame structures shown in these 30 ture 46 for receiving a conventional thumb safety lock.
figures are substantially identical with the exception The forward U-shaped guide trough or dust cover
that in FIG. 1 the guide rail portion of the frame is portion 18 defines elongate narrow top surfaces 48 and
uninterrupted, while the embodiment of FIG. 2 illus 50 which are seen in FIGS. 2 and 5, and which are
trates interrupted guide rails having front and rear pairs disposed in spaced, parallel, coplanar relation. Top
of guide rail segments. Otherwise, the structures of the 35 surfaces 48 and 50 are positioned a few thousandths of
frame embodiments shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 are identi an inch lower as compared to the bottom surface 52 of
cal and thus are referred to herein by corresponding the respective guide grooves 28 and 30 for the purpose
reference numerals. of providing clearance for the retainer flanges of a con
The frame structure 12 is composed of a metal or any ventional slide. The U-shaped portion 18 of the frame
other material having the substantial structural integrity 40 forms a substantially cylindrical trough portion 54
of metal or otherwise being suitable for the intended which receives the recoil spring and spring guide as
purpose. From the standpoint of metal, a wide range of sembly of the conventional 1911 Al handgun. The for
metals and metal composites may be employed to form ward portion of the frame also defines a bottom recess
the frame structure. Typically, the metal frame 12 is 56 to provide clearance for the barrel link.
composed of steel and forms upper, forward and rear 45 It is desirable to provide means for insuring substan
portions essentially corresponding to the structure of a tially rigid assembly of the handgrip structure 14 to the
Government Model 1911 Al handgun to thereby per frame structure 12. For this purpose the frame 12 de
mit various components of the model 1911 Al, such as fines opposed grip seat bosses 58 and 60 which have a
the slide, recoil spring assembly, trigger assembly, ham generally rectangular upper portion. The grip seat
mer assembly, etc. to be received in operative relation bosses 58 and 60 each define grip receiving seat depres
therewith. The frame structure defines a forwardly sions or recesses such as shown at 62 which are of a
extending U-shaped guide trough portion defining a configuration conforming to the upper configuration of
dust cover for the recoil assembly and having flat sur the grip structure 14. The handgrip seat recesses 62 are
face portions 16 and 18 on each side thereof which may defined in part by a peripheral structural support shoul
be disposed in substantially coplanar relation. The side 55 der 64 which almost entirely encompasses the upper
surface portions are of sufficient structural integrity for peripheral edges 66-68 of the handgrip structure 14 as
support of various sighting devices such as optical shown in FIG. 1 and which provides support in shear
sights. While the standard 1911 A1 frame has a thick for the mating edges of the handgrip. This feature pro
ness dimension of 0.750 inches at the dust cover, the vides a structural interconnection between the frame
frame of the present invention has a dust cover thick and handgrip structures so that the handgrip is sup
ness dimension of 0.830 inches to provide wall structure ported against lateral movement by means of this struc
of greater thickness and structural integrity for drilled tural peripheral shoulder interconnection. The hand
and tapped support of optical sighting devices. This grip seat bosses 58 and 60 further define one or more
particular thickness dimension is not intended to limit keyways such as shown at 68 which define alignment
the invention, it being within the scope of this invention 65 edges 70. The keyways are located within the respec
to employ any desirable thickness dimension for the tive handgrip recesses 62 and receive interlocking keys
dust cover. Opposed planar side surfaces 20 and 22 72 of corresponding configuration and location as
define the opposite side of the frame structure of FIG. 1 shown in FIGS. 7 and 13 so as to be received in me
5,293,708 10
chanically interlocking relation with respect to the key will be described in greater detail in relation with the
way slots 68. The alignment edges 70 of the keyways staggered row magazine to be discussed hereinbelow.
are preferably oriented to establish a desired handgrip In the alternative, the handgrip retention bushings may
angle, for example 17.5 relative to the guide rails. The be press fitted into appropriate receptacles defined
keys and keyways may be oriented to establish any 5 within the frame structure and may be secured against
suitable directional relationship for keyed assembly of rotation by any number of suitable means. For example,
the handgrip and frame constructions Also, if desired, the bushings may be pinned to the frame structure or
the handgrip may define keyways within which are may be of non-circular configuration to be received
received keys that are defined by the frame. within a corresponding non-circular receptacle. If de
Another provision for stabilization of the structural 10 sired, the bushings may be externally threaded for posi
interconnection of the frame and handgrip structures is tive retention within internally threaded bushing recep
accomplished in the region of the integral trigger guard tacles formed in the frame structure.
portion 76 of the handgrip and its seated relationship The handgrip seat boss 58, as shown in greater detail
with structural components of the frame structure. As in FIG, 16, defines an internal passage 102 having a
shown in FIG. 6 an intermediate portion of the frame 15 small forward bored section 104 and a larger rear bored
structure defines a substantially planar platform 78, section 106 to define an elongate internal receptacle for
having a peripheral edge structure 80 extending about receiving a conventional spring-urged slide stop and
the periphery thereof and defining a lateral support thumb safety detent assembly.
shoulder 82 which is disposed about the planar surface As shown in the fragmentary sectional view of FIG.
78. The frame structure further defines a connecting 20 17, the handgrip seat boss 60 forms a curved, undercut
projection 84 forming a connecting pin aperture 85. As slot 108 which is provided to receive the projecting
shown in FIG. 11 a forwardly projecting platform por guide tab portion of a conventional ambidextrous safety
tion 87 of the handgrip structure 14 defines a substan having its pivot shaft received by aligned frame open
tially planar support surface 88 which is disposed in ings 110. On the opposite side of the frame structure, a
face-to-face, seated relation with respect to surface 78 25 conventional thumb safety is also supported by the same
of the frame structure when the handgrip is in proper shaft. The undercut slot 108 serves to capture the ambi
assembly with the frame. In this position the peripheral dextrous safety and retain it in movable assembly with
edge 80 provides support in shear for the periphery of the frame structure.
the projecting platform 87. As mentioned above the frame/handgrip assembly of
As shown in FIGS. 11 and 13 the forward portion of 30 the present invention though adapted to receive stan
the trigger guard support platform structure 87 further dard cartridge magazines with serially oriented car
defines a depression forming a connecting receptacle 90 tridges may, if desired, define a rather wide magazine
within which the connecting projection 84 is received receptacle for receiving large staggered row cartridge
in close fitting relation. When the connecting projection magazines therein. According to the present invention a
84 is properly positioned within the receptacle 90, the 35 magazine receptacle is defined cooperatively by the
aperture 85 is positioned in registry with aperture 91 of frame and handgrip structures. As shown in FIGS. 5
the trigger guard 76 such that a transverse locking de and 6, the frame 12 forms a top opening 114 of generally
vice such as a pin, screw, etc. may be secured to the rectangular configuration having its upper, forward
frame/handgrip assembly to lock the projection 84 in portion in registry with a curved cartridge feed depres
intimate secured relation within the recess 90. This 40 sion or recess 116 which serves to guide cartridges into
structural interrelation provides lateral stability for the the cartridge chamber, of the handgun barrel. The gen
forward frame/handgrip connection as well as support erally rectangular opening 114 defines the upper por
ing the frame against upward or downward rotation tion of a cartridge magazine receptacle 118. The car
relative to the handgrip. As shown in FIG. 15, in the tridge magazine receptacle, as shown in the bottom
region of the interlocking relationship of the keys 72 45 view of FIG. 6, is defined by internal stepped surfaces
with the keyways 68, screws or other connecting ele 120 and 122. The internal surfaces of the magazine re
ments 92 extend through screw holes 94 in the handgrip ceptacle are also defined in part by the inner surfaces of
14 and are received by respective threaded openings 94 a trigger bow which is slidably received within a trigger
of bushings 96 which are located internally of the frame track which is cooperatively defined by track section
structure 12. To provide anti-rotation locking of the 50 124 of the frame as shown in FIG. 15 and track section
bushings with respect to the frame structure the bush 126 of the handgrip as shown in FIG. 13. In effect there
ings 96 have flats 98 formed thereon which engage a fore, the trigger shoe and trigger bow are wholly con
horizontal shoulder anti-rotation 100 formed by an in tained within the frame/handgrip assembly with up
ternal step of the metal frame. The bushings 96 are ward movement thereof being restrained by the trigger
preferably press-fitted into internal apertures of the 55 bow guide surface 125 of the frame. As shown in FIG.
frame. The bushings 96, in addition to functioning as 13 a groove is shown at 126 which cooperatively de
elements of the handgrip retainer structure, secure the fines a portion of the trigger bow track of the handgun
handgrip and frame in immovable assembly. The bush assembly. The groove or recess defining trigger track
ings 96 retain the keys of the handgrip in fully seated section 126 is in communication with a trigger shoe
relation within the keyways of the frame and thus se opening 128 through which the finger engaging trigger
cure the frame and handgrip in immovable, force trans shoe portion of the trigger projects for manipulative
mitting relation, thus enabling the frame and handgrip engagement during firing of the handgun. When the
in immovable, force transmitting relation, thus enabling handgrip is assembled to the frame, the trigger bow
the frame and handgrip to resist any tendency for sepa portion of the trigger will be captured and supported
ration during shooting activities. The bushings 96 fur 65 against all but linear movement by the interdependent
ther provide for lateral location of the upper portion of relationship of the frame and handgrip and with its
the staggered row magazine which is received within rearward linear movement being limited by the curved
the magazine receptacle of the handgun, this feature rear portion of the trigger track section 124 of the
11 12
frame. Consequently, the trigger must be in place when 152 of the handgun structure is provided with rather
the frame and handgrip are assembled. fine checkering which further assists the user's manual
As shown in FIGS. 7, 8, 9, 13 and 18 the internal gripping of the handgun assembly. The textured sur
surface configuration of the opposed internal connec faces 150-152 will effectively permit the user to effi
tion portions 75 and 77 of the handgrip structure 14 ciently grip the handgun assembly so as to effectively
defines a pair of keys 72 and 74 to be received in inter resist any slipping of the handgun relative to the hands
locking relation within the keyways 68 and 70 of the of the user during recoil as the handgun is fired. Addi
frame. Although the keys 72 and 74 may be formed tionally, the forward blunt surface 154 of the integral
integrally with the handgrip structure such as by mold trigger guard portion of the handgrip 54 is provided
ing, they are preferably composed of metal or any other 10 with fine texturing for efficient gripping thereof and is
suitable structural material defined by an insert 130 oriented in substantially normal relation with respect to
which is molded into or otherwise attached to the hand the planar surface 88. This feature enables efficient
grip structure as shown in FIG. 18. Preferably the insert two-handed gripping of the handgun assembly to effec
130 is composed of a hardened metal and defines a plu tively enable stabilization of the handgun during two
rality of openings 132 through which moldable material 15 handed, rapid fire conditions.
of the handgrip extends in order to establish a positive, As shown in FIG. 14, representing an alternative
interlocked relationship with the material of the hand embodiment of the handgrip construction, the trigger
grip structure. The insert 130 defines an upper opening guard portion of the handgrip construction may define
136 to receive the locking screw that is threaded any suitable connection structure, i.e., a dove-tail
through bushing opening 94 and provides for excep groove as shown at 155 for support of sighting devices
tional strength of the structural interconnection be such as laser or infrared sighting devices, global posi
tween the frame and the handgrip structures. tioning device telemetry devices etc. These features are
As shown in FIGS. 15 and 18 the inserts 72 and 74 especially applicable to military or police usage but may
each form anti-rotation shoulders 137 against which are have application for civilian usage as well. If desired the
positioned frame anti-rotation shoulders 139 when the 25 handgrip may also define a forwardly extending U
frame and handgrip are properly assembled. These anti Shaped trough or "dust cover” as shown at 157 in FIG.
rotation shoulders of the frame and handgrip provide 14 for establishment of an interfitting relation with a
for force transmission in a direction that is transverse to frame structure which does not incorporate a dust
the orientation of the parallel edges 140 and 141 of the coVer.
keys and substantially parallel to the guide rails 24 and 30 The handgrip structure 14 is preferably composed of
26. Additionally, the anti-rotation shoulders 137 are a readily moldable material such as any one of a number
located a substantial distance from the point of rotation of suitable polymer materials or any one of a number of
established by the connecting screws extending through suitable metals. From the standpoint of metals, the
openings 94 and 136 and thus the resulting lever arm handgrip may be composed of steel, aluminum, alumi
about the pivot point provides for significant force re 35 num alloy, titanium, etc. The handgrip is preferably a
sisting capability. Relative adjustment of the frame and molded structure for ease of manufacturing although, if
handgrip is easily facilitated by the interengaging posi desired, it may be machined or manufactured by any
tioning shoulders 137 and 139. Shoulder 139 may be other suitable process as well. Especially when com
adjusted by adding or removing metal therefrom. This posed of polymer material, the handgrip structure of the
feature makes the fit of the frame and handgrip "guns handgun assembly may be substantially rigid from the
mithable" for alteration of the relative positioning or standpoint of gripping but may have a controlled flexi
orientation of frame and handgrip. bility allowing a certain degree of flexure during firing.
The handgrip 14 defines a cartridge magazine recep This feature enables the handgun assembly to have a
tacle passage 138 which is internally belled at its lower "soft' or "cushioned' feel rather than the sharp impact
extremity 140 so as to provide for efficient guiding the that is normally felt when a handgun of this nature is
upper end of a cartridge magazine therein. This is espe fired. If desired, the keyed connection between the
cially an advantage to facilitate rapid magazine reload frame and handgrip may be designed to provide a de
ing. The lower end of the handgrip 14, about the car gree of cushioning to promote a "soft feel" during
tridge magazine opening, defines a stop shoulder 142 shooting.
which encompasses the magazine opening and which is 50 As shown particularly in FIGS. 10, 11 and 13, the
engaged by a positioning surface 144 formed as the magazine receptacle portion of the handgrip structure is
upwardly directed surface of a magazine base pad 146 formed in part by an integral wall structure 156 defining
of a staggered row cartridge row magazine 148 which is a centrally oriented, vertically opening slot 158. Op
discussed hereinbelow in relation with FIGS. 18-22. posed, generally parallel surfaces 160 and 162 are inte
The handgrip construction 14 comprises a structural 55 gral with the handgrip structure and project rearwardly
element of the frame/handgrip assembly; thus it needs of the wall structure 156. The lower portion of the wall
no internal metal handgrip structure as is typically the structure defines a transverse structural rib 164 located
case with most autoloading handguns. On its curved immediately below a transverse spring locator slot 166.
side surfaces as shown in FIG. 7, the handgrip structure The reinforcement rib 164 is provided in the handgrip
14 defines diamond shaped checkering 150 which is structure for receiving and locating a conventional leaf
integral with the material from which the handgrip is spring of the autoloading handgun assembly. The op
composed. This checkering is intended to provide the posed parallel surfaces 160 and 162, together with the
handgrip with an outer, roughened or textured surface wall or partition 156 cooperatively form an elongate,
to enable the handgun assembly to be securely gripped vertically oriented receptacle or slot which receives a
by the user even under warm conditions when the user's 65 mainspring housing 163. The mainspring housing 163 is
hands may be perspiring. This checkered surface prepa pinned by a suitable connector extending through aper
ration is also designed to enhance the structural integ ture 165 and defines an internal mainspring receptacle
rity of the handgrip The forward curved surface area 167, the mainspring though wholly contained within the
13 14
handgrip, is structurally and operationally interdepen assembled relation with the elongate tubular portion of
dent upon the hammer assembly which is wholly con the magazine.
tained within the frame. This interdependent character In the unlikely event that substantial gas pressure
istic is not present in handguns wherein the handgrip might be developed within the magazine, the base pad
section is defined by the frame. structure is designed to effect release of the gas prior to
The lower, generally tubular portion of the handgrip the development of any significant gas pressure that
structure 14 defines a forwardly projecting arcuate boss could otherwise rupture the magazine and/or the hand
168 having an arcuate, tapered surface 170 which grip portion of the handgun. This safety feature is pro
merges with the textured forward surface 152. The boss vided by forming a blowout opening in the lower wall
168 together with its tapered surface forms an inclined 10 206 of the base pad and locating a blowout plate 208
forward projection which, when the handgun assembly within the base pad which is held in place by the spring
is held, forms a tapered, arcuate ledge position for en 187 and which defines a weakened wall structure which
gagement by the lower portion of the little finger of the will be sheared and displaced through the base pad
user. This arcuate, tapered ledge further functions to 15 opening in the event excessive pressure is encountered.
establish a firm structural interrelation between the As shown in the bottom view of FIG. 23, the rupture
hand of the user and the handgrip portion of the frame/- disc 208 may define an aesthetically pleasing pattern
handgrip assembly. The arcuate boss 168 also functions such as the star pattern shown at 210. By providing a
to enhance the structural integrity of the lower portion rupture disc of this nature, the cartridge magazine will
of the tubular handgrip structure. release any excessive gas pressure downwardly to
Referring now to FIGS. 19-23 the enhanced volume 20 thereby provide protection for the user against injury to
staggered row cartridge magazine 148 defines opposed the hand or face.
side surfaces 172 and 174 which are of generally planar In view of the foregoing, it is clearly seen that this
configuration and which are disposed in substantially invention accomplishes the provision of a frame/hand
parallel relation. Surfaces 172 and 174 merge smoothly grip assembly for autoloading handguns which estab
with converging tapered surface portions 176 and 178 25 lishes a unique mechanically interlocked assembly of a
respectively. gripless frame structure and a handgrip structure. The
The tapered upper side surface portions 176 and 178
frame/handgrip assembly provides wholly contained
of the magazine have intermediate, opposed, inclined structural elements of the handgrip which are function
ally interdependent with structural and operational
depressions 180 and 182 which, in conventional manner, 30 components located wholly within the frame and vice
form inwardly inclined guide ridges to guide cartridges versa. The frame/handgrip assembly further accom
during upward movement thereof from their staggered plishes the provision of an enhanced cartridge capacity
row positions so that they emerge at the upper, dis handgun assembly while minimizing the external thick
charge opening 184 in serially oriented fashion and in ness of the handgrip portion of the handgun and while
location to be transported forwardly into the cartridge 35 minimizing the overall weight of the handgun assembly.
chamber of the handgun barrel. The upper rear portion Thus there is provided through the present invention an
of the cartridge magazine defines a pair of opposed autoloading handgun capability in a handgun having a
inwardly directed retainer flanges 186 and 188 which handgrip dimension and overall weight that closely
define a spacing therebetween of less dimension than approximates the dimension and weight of a conven
the width of the cartridges to be contained in the maga 40 tional Model 1911 A1 handgun.
zine. The flanges 186 and 188 secure the rear portion of In view of the foregoing, it is evident that the present
the cartridges against upward movement and release invention is one well adapted to attain all of the objects
the cartridges only after sufficient forward movement and features hereinabove set forth, together with other
thereof the clear the retainer flanges. A follower mem objects and features which are inherent in the apparatus
ber 190 of greater lateral width than the spacing of the 45 disclosed herein.
retainer flanges 186 and 188 is urged upwardly against As will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art,
the retainer flanges or against cartridges contained in the present invention may be produced in other specific
the magazine by means of a coil spring 187. The fol forms without departing from its spirit or essential char
lower 190 defines an elongate, arcuate cartridge trough acteristics. The present embodiment, is therefore, to be
192 which functions to orient the cartridges with re 50 considered as illustrative and not restrictive, the scope
spect to the magazine and to serve as a guiding surface of the invention being indicated by the claims rather
for the last of the serially oriented cartridges. than the foregoing description, and all changes which
Along its length, the cartridge magazine also defines come within the meaning and range of the equivalence
a substantially planar end surface 194 as shown in FIG. of the claims are therefore intended to be embraced
19 and a more rounded end surface 196 as shown in 55 therein.
FIG. 21. These end surfaces are preferably integral with What is claimed is:
the side surfaces 176 and 178. For cartridge inspection 1. A handgun frame/handgrip assembly for an auto
the side surfaces define a plurality of apertures 198 loading handgun comprising:
through which cartridges may be inspected to deter (a) a frame having side portions defining parallel slide
mine by rough estimate the number of cartridges re 60 guide rails, said frame defining at least one hand
maining within the magazine at any given time. grip seat on one of said side portions thereof defin
The base pad 146 is preferably of molded construc ing an alignment edge, said frame further defining a
tion, being molded from any one of a number of poly cartridge magazine receptacle;
mer materials. The base pad structure forms an internal (b) an integral handgrip being configured for estab
receptacle 200 within which portions of the side sur 65 lishing intimate removable interlocked assembly
faces 172 and 174 are slightly belled outwardly and are with said frame, said handgrip having side portions
received in interlocking relation with internal, lateral and defining a cartridge magazine receptacle in
slots 202 and 204 to thus retain the base pad in firmly registry with said cartridge magazine receptacle of
15 16
said frame, said integral handgrip further defining (a) one of said handgrip seat and said integral hand
at least one connecting element at a side portion grip defines an inner peripheral restraining shoul
thereof being in connecting engagement with said der; and
handgrip seat and having aligning engagement (b) the other of said handgrip seat and said integral
with said alignment edge; and 5 handgrip having an outer peripheral shoulder for
(c) retainer means retaining said frame and integral intimate supported engagement by said inner pe
handgrip in releasable interlocking assembly. ripheral handgrip restraining shoulder.
2. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, 10. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
wherein: 1, wherein:
(a) said frame defines a first housing for indepen 10 (a) said frame defines outwardly projecting seat
dently containing structural and operational con bosses on each side thereof, said seat bosses each
ponents; defining a handgrip seat; and
(b) said handgrip defines a second housing for inde (b) one of said seat bosses having an elongate slide
pendently containing other structural and opera 15 11.stop and thumb safety plunger passage therein.
The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
tional components; and
(c) said first and second housings positioning said 1, wherein:
structural and operational components in interde said integral handgrip defines at least one internal key
pendent relation. having an assembly stop shoulder being engaged
3. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, 20 by said frame to establish proper relative position
wherein: ing of said frame and integral handgrip.
(a) said integral handgrip has a first positioning ele 12. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
ment; and 1, wherein:
(b) said frame has a second positioning element for (a) said frame defines at least one anti-rotation stop;
positioning engagement with said first positioning 25 (b) said key defines at least one anti-rotation structure
element when said frame and handgrip are in as being disposed in intimate force transmitting en
4. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, gagement with said anti-rotation stop when said
wherein: frame and integral handgrip are in properly seated
said integral handgrip defining external integral 30 13. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
roughened handgrip surfaces for enhancing non 1, wherein:
slip manual gripping thereof during shooting activ (a) at least one handgrip seat of said frame defines an
ities. outwardly facing keyway on a side portion thereof;
5. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, and
wherein: 35 (b) said integral handgrip defines an inwardly facing
said integral handgrip being composed of a substan key on a side portion thereof for tightlocking inter
tially rigid polymer and defining external handgrip engagement within said keyway.
surfaces having integral checkering on the side and 14. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
forward areas thereof to provide said handgrip 1, wherein:
with non-slip characteristics to enhance manual (a) said frame defines opposed handgrip supporting
gripping thereof, said integral checkering enhanc bosses at opposed sides thereof defining a handgrip
ing the structural integrity of said handgrip. seat and having a peripheral restraining shoulder
6. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, establishing intimate lateral peripheral restraining
wherein: engagement with said integral handgrip;
(a) said integral handgrip defines an integral trigger 45 (b) said handgrip supporting bosses each defining a
guard; and key slot; and
(b) connecting means of said frame and said integral (c) said integral handgrip having a pair of structural
handgrip establishing structural interrelation of inserts embedded therein each defining a key for
said integral trigger guard with said frame. establishing intimate structurally interconnected
7. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, 50 engagement with respective key slots.
wherein: 15. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
(a) at least one connection element projecting from 1, wherein:
one of said frame and said integral handgrip; and said guide rails are interrupted forming front and rear
(b) at least one connection receptacle being defined guide rail segments on each side of said frame.
by the other of said frame and said integral hand 55 16. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
grip and receiving said connection projection in 1, wherein:
intimate, laterally supported interfitting relation (a) said frame defines upper and lower elongate paral
therein. lel groove surfaces forming elongate parallel guide
8. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, grooves on opposite sides thereof being located
wherein: immediately below respective ones of said parallel
(a) said frame construction defines outwardly facing guide rails; and
opposed handgrip seats on each side thereof form (b) said frame at its forward portion further defining
ing a first key element; and an upwardly opening elongate generally “U”
(b) said handgrip construction a second key element shaped trough having parallel upper edges, said
establishing intimate keyed relationship with said 65 parallel upper edges being disposed in off-set rela
first key element. tion with said lower elongate groove surfaces to
9. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 1, provide slide clearance for said parallel upper
wherein: edges.
17 18
17. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim defining a dispensing end of less width than the
1, wherein: width of said magazine, receptacle; and
(a) said integral handgrip defines opposed internal (b) said connection bushings defining lateral guide
trigger tracks therein; and surfaces for centering said dispensing end of said
(b) said frame interfits with said handgrip and defines 5 cartridge magazine relative to said cartridge recep
a closure for said internal trigger tracks. tacle and cartridge opening of said frame construc
18. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim tion.
1, wherein: 28. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
said handgrip construction further defines a trigger 25, wherein:
shoe opening disposed on registry with said op-10 (a) said frame defines opposed anti-rotation structure;
posed internal trigger tracks. and
19. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim (b) said connection bushings establishing nonrotat
1, wherein: able engagement with said anti-rotation structure
said integral handgrip defines a sight mounting base. to thus prevent rotation of said connection bush
20. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 15 ings during threading and unthreading of said con
1, wherein: nector Screws.
said frame and integral handgrip establish a rigid 29. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
connecting joint, said integral handgrip being 1, including:
formed of a substantially rigid polymer material a main spring housing being disposed in removable
having sufficient controlled flexibility to permit 20 assembly with said integral handgrip.
very slight relative movement of said frame and 30. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
handgrip during shooting by virtue of said con 29, wherein:
trolled flexibility of said polymer material so as to (a) said frame being composed of metal and having a
cushion force transmission to the hand of the user key receptacle;
during shooting and provide the user with a soft 25 (b) said integral handgrip and said mainspring hous
shooting feel. ing being composed of a substantially rigid mold
21. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim able polymer material; and
1, wherein: (c) at least one structural key insert defining said
said frame and handgrip, when in assembly, coopera connecting element and being in molded structural
tively define a confined trigger track. 30 interconnection with said substantially rigid mold
22. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim able polymer with portions thereof disposed for
21 wherein: interlocking engagement within said key recepta
(a) said handgrip defines a first internal trigger track cle, said key insert being disposed for aligned
section; and contact with said alignment edge.
(b) said frame defines a second internal trigger track 35 31. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim
section, when in assembly with said handgrip, said 30, wherein:
second trigger track section defining a closure for (a) said key receptacle being a key slot being open at
said confined trigger track. one end and establishing the angular relation of said
23. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim integral handgrip with said frame; and
1, wherein: 40 (b) said key element also being of corresponding
said integral handgrip defines a trigger shoe opening configuration with said key receptacle and entering
and further defines an internal trigger track in reg said key receptacle from said open end during as
istry with said trigger shoe opening. sembly of said integral handgrip and said frame.
24. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 32. A frame/handgrip assembly for autoloading
23, wherein: 45 handguns comprising:
said frame defines a trigger retaining shoulder which, (a) an elongate gripless metal frame having elongate
when said frame and integral handgrip are in as parallel slots on each side thereof and defining
sembly, defines a downwardly facing closure for elongate parallel slide guide rails, said elongate
said integral trigger track. gripless metal frame defining an upwardly directed
25. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 50 cartridge opening and defining an internal maga
1, wherein: zine receptacle being in registry with said cartridge
(a) said frame and said integral handgrip define regis opening and being of sufficient internal width for
tering connection apertures on each side thereof; receiving a wide, staggered row, enhanced volume
(b) connection bushings being located within each of cartridge magazine, said elongate gripless metal
said connection apertures of said frame and define 55 frame further defining a handgrip connection on
internally threaded openings; and each side thereof; and
(c) connector screws extending through said connec (b) a handgrip composed of substantially rigid poly
tion apertures and being received by said connec mer material and forming a structural element of
tion bushings for securing said frame and said inte said frame/handgrip assembly, said handgrip hav
gral handgrip in releasable assembly. 60 ing a frame connection on each side thereof being
26. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim receivable in releasably connected mating relation
25, wherein: with said respective handgrip connection of elon
said connection bushings being non-rotatable relation gate gripless metal frame and extending in angular
with said frame. relation said elongate gripless metal frame, said
27. The handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 65 handgrip being an integral unitary structure form
25, including: ing a wide internal cartridge magazine receptacle
(a) a staggered row type cartridge magazine being of sufficient internal width for receiving a wide,
receivable within said magazine receptacle and staggered row, enhanced volume cartridge maga
19 20
zine therein, said handgrip having external grip handgrip, said peripheral edges supporting said
ping surfaces defining external checkering for en peripheral surfaces of said handgrip structure in
hancing the efficiency of manual gripping thereof shear.
during shooting activities. 39. The frame/handgrip assembly of claim 37,
33. The frame/handgrip assembly of claim 32, 5 wherein:
wherein: said handgrip includes structural inserts embedded
said handgrip has a maximum external width of less therein, said structural inserts forming said internal
than .305 inches. keys.
34. The frame/handgrip assembly of claim 32, 40. An increased cartridge capacity autoloading
wherein: O handgun frame/handgrip assembly comprising:
said handgrip has a maximum external width of less (a) a gripless frame composed of metal and defining
than 1.4 inches. opposed parallel slide grooves, said frame further
35. The frame/handgrip assembly of claim 32, defining handgrip seats having a first key connec
wherein: tion on each side thereof and defining a cartridge
(a) said handgrip defines an integral trigger guard and 15 magazine receptacle and cartridge passage;
having embedded therein opposed rigid keys each (b) an integral handgrip composed of polymer mate
defining anti-rotation shoulders; and rial and having a connection portion defining
(b) said elongate gripless metal frame defining op spaced connection elements at the sides thereof
posed stop shoulders disposed for engagement with having a second key connection for establishing
said anti-rotation shoulders and establishing an 20 intimate removable assembly with said key connec- .
interlocking anti-rotation connection between said tion of said handgrip seats, said handgrip having an
elongate gripless frame and said handgrip; and external maximum thickness of less than 1.4 inches
(c) means establishing an interengaging relation be and defining a cartridge magazine receptacle in
tween said trigger guard and said elongate gripless registry with said cartridge magazine receptacle of
frame. 25
36. The frame/handgrip assembly of claim 32, said frame and being of sufficient internal dimen
wherein: sion to receive therein an enhanced volume stag
(a) one of said elongate gripless metal frame and said gered row cartridge magazine; and
handgrip having a keyway; (c) means for establishing releasable interlocking as
(b) the other of said elongate gripless metal frame and 30 sembly of said first and second connection elements
said handgrip having a key disposed in structurally of said frame and said handgrip.
interconnected and aligning assembly within said 41. The increased cartridge capacity autoloading
keyway; and handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 40,
(c) said key and said keyway cooperatively defining wherein:
said frame connection and said handgrip connec 35 (a) said gripless frame defines a seat on each side
tion. thereof having a first key element; and
37. The frame/handgrip assembly of claim 32, (b) said integral handgrip having a pair of spaced
wherein: connection portions each having inwardly facing
(a) said elongate gripless metal frame defining a hand second key elements having keyed assembly with
grip seat on each side thereof defining said hand respective ones of said first key elements.
grip connection, each of said handgrip seats defin 42. The increased cartridge capacity autoloading
ing at least one elongate keyway establishing a handgun frame/handgrip assembly of claim 41,
direction of linear frame/handgrip assembly; and wherein:
(b) said handgrip having internal keys on each inter (a) said first key elements are keyways defined by said
nal side thereof defining said frame connection and 45 frame; and
being in interlocking and orienting relation with (b) a pair of structural inserts being in embedded
respective keyways. assembly with said spaced connection portions of
38. The frame/handgrip assembly of claim 37, said integral handgrip and defining keys disposed
wherein: in keyed assembly within respective ones of said
said handgrip seats define peripheral edges for inti 50 keyways.
mate engagement with peripheral surfaces of said



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