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A Review of Implementing ADC in RFID Sensor

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The article discusses general considerations for designing a sensor interface for passive RFID tags to meet power and timing constraints imposed by RFID standards. It also surveys suitable analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for passive RFID sensing applications and proposes a specific sensor interface for carbon nanotube gas sensors.

The general considerations discussed are exploring power and timing constraints imposed by ISO/IEC 15693 and ISO/IEC 14443 standards for HF RFID tags. A generic multisensor interface is also proposed.

The key component is clearly the analog-to-digital converter (ADC).

Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Sensors
Volume 2016, Article ID 8952947, 14 pages

Review Article
A Review of Implementing ADC in RFID Sensor
M. Zurita,1 R. C. S. Freire,1 S. Tedjini,2 and S. A. Moshkalev3

Federal University of Campina Grande, Rua Aprigo Veloso 882, 58429-900 Campina Grande, PB, Brazil
Universite Grenoble Alpes, LCIS, 50 rue de Laffemas, BP 54, Valence Cedex, 26902 Rhone-Alpes, France
Center for Semiconductor Components, UNICAMP, P.O. Box 6061, 13083-870 Campinas, SP, Brazil

Correspondence should be addressed to S. Tedjini;

Received 3 September 2015; Revised 3 January 2016; Accepted 8 February 2016
Academic Editor: Andrea Cusano
Copyright 2016 M. Zurita et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The general considerations to design a sensor interface for passive RFID tags are discussed. This way, power and timing constraints
imposed by ISO/IEC 15693 and ISO/IEC 14443 standards to HF RFID tags are explored. A generic multisensor interface is proposed
and a survey analysis on the most suitable analog-to-digital converters for passive RFID sensing applications is reported. The most
appropriate converter type and architecture are suggested. At the end, a specific sensor interface for carbon nanotube gas sensors
is proposed and a brief discussion about its implemented circuits and preliminary results is made.

1. Introduction
In the last years, many technological developments have
dramatically expanded the functionality of RFID. Advances
in microelectronics, embedded software, and RF/microwavecircuit integration are making new RFID applications possible [1]. Among these new applications, the use of passive
RFID tags as environmental sensors has a huge number of
possibilities [2], including the Internet of Things (IoT) [3] and
human care assisting solutions [4].
There are too many ways to transform a RFID tag
into a RFID sensor. Some of them exploit the sensitivity
of the tag antenna to the physical characteristics of its
surrounding environment or its influence on RFID chip
response as reported in [57]. However, if the addition of
sensing capabilities to passive RFID transponder is made by
integrating a sensor interface to the digital core of tags chip, a
full set of components should be developed: more specifically,
an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a signal conditioning
circuit to the sensors, and a multiplexing circuit to allow
interfacing multiple sensors.
The key component for these augmented tags is clearly
the analog-to-digital converter. When looking for possible
solutions, the designer will face a huge number of architecture
topologies and different approaches to implement it. This

reality brings flexibility to design stage but also some incertitude about the rightest choice. In this context we present a
survey analysis on the most suitable ADCs for RFID sensing

2. Sensors Connected through the Digital Side

RFID tags with sensors connected through the digital side
do not have any modification in the analog front-end circuit
or antenna. The sensing data is usually transmitted to the
reader upon a specific requesting command according to
the communication protocol. The main advantages of this
solution are its compatibility with the current RFID standards
and its capability to interface multiple sensors.
A sensing tag compliant with an existing RFID standard
will not need any modification on the corresponding readers
hardware or firmware to be read. It means that all existing
commercial readers are potentially capable to get the sensing
data of these improved RFID tags.
The capability to interface multiple sensors, in spite of the
increased complexity on the tag circuitry, is also a notable
advantage. Different kinds of sensors can be embedded on
the same tag and almost any kind of sensor can be adopted
(limited by the power consumption) making it a powerful
sensing device.

Journal of Sensors

The main challenge to design the components of the

sensors interface is to meet the time and power constraints.
Since all energy available in a given transponder is delivered
by the reader, all steps of sensing, signal conditioning, and
analog-to-digital conversion must be done as fast as possible
to allow storing or transmitting the digital result before the
end of communication and consequently end of powering
energy. In other words, the protocol timeout constraints
prohibit minimizing speed rates to save power.

3. Power Constraints
The major constraint for all passive RFID transponders is
the limited amount of available power. A study on the main
concerning about power constraints of HF RFID systems
operating at free space is covered by this section. Systems
embedded in different medium or in mixed medium needs
a more complex analysis [23].
Near the field, the magnitude of the magnetic field along
the central axis of a circular loop antenna can be calculated
|| =

2(2 + 2 )


where is number of windings, is the current through the

antenna, is the antenna radius, and is the distance from
the center of antenna plane [24]. Far from the field, that is,
for > /2, the magnitude of the magnetic field can be
calculated by [25]

|| =

2 1
( 3 2) + ( 2) .


For the 13.56 MHz ISM band (13.56 MHz 7 kHz)

European regulations limit the magnetic field strength to
60 dBA/m at 10 m from the reader [26], while current
American FCC rules limit to 42 dBA/m at 10 m from the
reader. This difference should be harmonized in the near
future [27]. Considering both regulations, (1) and (2) can
be used to calculate the magnetic field strength generated
by a reader operating at maximum power limit as depicted
in Figure 1. The magnetic field strength generated by a
typical HF reader along its central axis is also represented as
According to the ISO/IEC 15693-2 [28] the RFID
transponders should be able to operate at a magnetic field of
150 mA/m (103.5 dBA/m). This field strength corresponds
to a maximum operating distance of approximately 1 meter
by European regulations or 50 centimeters by American FCC
rules. However, RFID tags featuring a power consummation
below the standard defined limit can operate at longer
distances. Theoretically the maximum operating distance will
be the limit of far field to near field, where the magnetic
coupling is no more possible. This corresponds to approximately 3.5 meters for 13.56 MHz. In other words, RFID
HF tag consuming less than 69.7 dBA/m or 51.7 dBA/m
will be able to operate at the maximum distance of 3.5 m

Magnetic field strength (dBA/m)




Distance (m)
Typical reader

Figure 1: Maximum allowed magnetic field strength for 13.56 MHz

ISM band according to European and American regulations
(60 dBA/m @ 10 m and 42 dBA/m @ 10 m, resp.). The lower curve
represents the magnetic field strength of a typical HF reader (square
coil, 10 10 cm, 6 turns, 125 mA).

under European and American regulations, respectively.

When the ISO/IEC 14443-2 (NFC standard) [29] is adopted,
the minimum magnetic field required for a transponder
operation is 1.5 A/m (123.5 dBA/m), which corresponds to
a maximum communicating distance of 42 centimeters by
European regulations or 20 centimeters by American FCC
A recent NF4 NFC tag chip, developed by EM Microelectronic, requires only 0.7 A/m (116.9 dBA/m) for activation
[30] (less than a half of the minimum required by ISO/IEC
14443-2), being able to operate at approximately 54 centimeters of distance from the reader (considering European
regulations). Taking such commercial solution as the state of
the art, it is possible to conclude that similar tags including
some sensing circuitry will operate below 54 centimeters,
since the sensor interface and the sensor itself will draw more
energy, requiring a strongest field to be powered. Evidently,
active RFID sensor tags can operate at longer distances, since
their energy is not provided by readers communication field.

4. Timing Constraints
Besides the above explained power constraints, sensor interface circuits and sensor itself should comply with timing
constraints imposed by standardized communication protocol. The time constraint related to the chosen protocol
should be taken into account for circuit design and choice of
sensors. Analog-to-digital converter and signal conditioner
are usually the most time consuming circuits:
AFE + Core + ADC + SCC + MUX + Sens 1 ,


where AFE is the response time of the analog front-end

circuit for a transmission operation, Core is the time need
by the digital tags core to complete all operations related
to command decoding and sensor interface control, ADC is

Journal of Sensors

Reader Read REQ





Figure 2: Time diagram of a full sensor reading sequence. Only

crosshatch slices are taken into account for total 1 time internal.

the time interval of one complete analog-to-digital conversion (including sample holding time), and SCC and MUX
are the time consumed by signal conditioning circuit and
multiplexer, respectively, before to deliver the sensor signal to
ADC. Sens is the response time of the sensor, that is, the time
between its powering and a correct output. Finally, 1 is the
maximum allowed time for a tag to reply on a reading alike
request. The time diagram of a full sensor reading sequence
performed by a RFID sensing tag is depicted in Figure 2.
For HF tags complaint with ISO/IEC 15693 protocol, the
timeout constraint for 1 is defined as [31]
, minimum,

{ 4224
, nominal,
1 = {

{ 4256
, maximum.
For NFC complaint tags, the ISO/IEC 14443 protocol
defines the timeout constraint for 1 as [32]
1 = {4096








Solving both (4) and (5) for the nominal carrier frequency (13.56 MHz), the minimum and maximum timeouts are 309.14 s/313.86 s for ISO/IEC 15693 protocol and
302.06 s/4949 ms for ISO/IEC 14443 protocol. This way,
a sensing system targeting both standards should consider
the most restrictive timing limits, that is, 309.14 s as the
minimum timeout and 313.86 s as the maximum timeout.

5. Cost and Size Constraints

The size of passive RFID tags is usually constrained by its
antenna size since all other components are integrated on

a tiny silicon chip plus a small tuning capacitor (sometimes

even the tuning capacitor is integrated on the chip), taking
an area of no more than some few square millimeters. Furthermore, the antenna type and size have also a huge impact
on tag costs. This way, aspects of cost and size are treated
together, departing from the tag antenna characteristics.
There are basically three types of antennas currently
adopted for HF RFID tags:
(i) Ferrite core coil antenna.
(ii) Planar spiral coil antenna.
(iii) Air core copper wire coil antenna.
Ferrite core coil antennas presents a small aperture but
allows a very good read range when well aligned with the
interrogator reading field. In spite of its small form factor,
it is still being a not flexible and thicker component, which
makes it not convenient for integration with stickers, product
labels, or other common applications where a flat element is
desirable. Moreover, its cost is typically ten times greater than
the equivalent printed coil in high volume [33].
Planar spiral antenna is one of the most common types
currently in use. They can be fabricated with copper over
FR4 (or similar substrate) by etching process or printed with
some conductive ink over paper or a polymer substrate. The
last one is the most cost effective, allowing mass production,
but is also the less robust solution. Its low cost and physical
characteristics makes this type of antenna the best suited for
mass consumer applications.
Air core copper wire coil antenna is an alternative for
planar spiral coils. Similar coil shapes implemented in planar
solutions can be made in air core wire coil but taking the
benefit of a lower parasitic series resistance and the possibility
to stack multiple wire turns to reduce the inner or outer
coil dimension. Furthermore, since its terminals are wire
ends, it can be easily connected to IC pads or other standard
electronic components without dedicated machinery. They
are usually thicker and more expensive than printed planar
spiral ones.
Generally speaking, the minimum area of a given tag
antenna is constrained by the power required by its circuitry
and the desired operating distance from the reader. As much
as the power consumption increases, bigger will be the area
of antenna needed to harvest this energy from the reader
at the same distance. Longer communication distances will
also require bigger antennas to provide the same amount of
The impact of the required power over the tag size can
be estimated regarding the elementary model of an HF
RFID tag front-end with a resistive load (Figure 3) and its
corresponding factor equation [24]

/ + /


where is the parasitic series resistance of antenna, is the

inductance of antenna, is the carrier frequency, and is
the load resistance.
For evaluation purposes, two sets of planar square spiral
coil antennas were designed and simulated. Considering that

Journal of Sensors

Table 1: factor and conductive ink area for two sets of planar
spiral coils.


Approach 1

Ink area (mm2 )


Approach 2

Ink area (mm2 )


HF antenna model




Magnetic field strength (A/m)



Approach 1
Approach 2


Tag size (mm2 )

Coil area (mm2 )





Figure 3: Elementary model of an HF RFID tag front-end and load.

the amount of conductive ink is an important parameter

for the cost of printed antennas, the design approach of the
first set of coils took the ink savings as the main priority,
regardless factor. For the second set, coils were designed
taking the factor as the main priority, regardless the amount
of conductive ink needed. The resulting factor and the total
ink area for each coil is presented on Table 1. For both sets a
fixed resistance of 3 k was adopted as circuit load.
The two sets of tag antennas were simulated considering
the losses of a full bridge rectifying circuit, coil parasitics and
proper tuning capacitors for 13.56 MHz carrier frequency.
All simulations were performed to obtain the minimum
magnetic field strength needed to deliver 1.6 mW to the load.
Simulation results are depicted on Figure 4.
As one can see, the relationship between cost, size, and
power demand is quite evident. As much as the field strength
decreases, bigger is the coil area needed to provide the same
power to the load. Cost reduction with conductive ink also
impacts the coil area. For all simulations, the magnetic field
strength was considered uniform and constant along of whole
coil area. Evidently, in real case this convenient assumption
will be seldom satisfied, making necessary bigger coils for
practical operations [34].
When RFID tags with sensing capabilities are considered,
the cost of integrated sensors and the sensor integration itself
may take values much higher than those involving antenna
fabrication and chip integration. Temperature sensors for
usual environment conditions (20 to 50 Celsius) can be
easily integrated with the tag circuitry at very low cost. A light
sensor can be easily integrated onto a chip but needs a special
care on tag packaging to allow the light entrance. However,
other sensors may need a special fabrication process which
is not compatible with current CMOS processes used for
tag circuit fabrication. Its integration requires more complex

Figure 4: Minimum HF tag size according to two different

approaches. Approach 1: coil tracks were designed with minimal
width to save conductor costs. Approach 2: coil tracks where
designed with optimal width and number of turns to keep the same
quality factor.

and expensive techniques, besides the additional costs of a

dedicated packaging.
For mass production at low cost the most promising
alternative are fully printed sensors (or thick film sensors). Its
fabrication processes can be easily adequate with the process
of printed antennas. Furthermore, some printed and flexible
sensors such as photodetectors, temperature sensors or gas
sensors are transitioning from R&D to mass production [35].

6. Sensor Interface
A generic diagram of a passive RFID tag with a multiple
sensor interface integrated to its digital core is shown on
Figure 5. The sensor interface is composed by three main
components: a multiplexer, a signal conditioner, and an
analog-to-digital converter.
Once the energy is the most scarce resource in such
systems, the role of the multiplexer is not only to select the
sensor signal to be processed but also to select the sensor
witch should be powered, keeping others unconnected to
save that power. Even the selected sensor should be switched
off as soon as the ADC sample-and-hold circuit finishes its
job. Some sensors need a significant warm-up time before
to be ready for correct readings. These kinds of sensors are
not appropriated for passive RFID solutions and should be
avoided if possible.
The signal conditioning circuit is also a very common
need when a sensor signal should be sent to a analog-todigital converter. Although its clear importance, the signal
conditioning circuit should be minimized in order to save
power. Generally speaking, four different solutions are proposed for this block, being only one (the last) a real signal
(i) Bypass and ADC Input Range Statically Adjusted. If
the adopted ADC has an adjustable input range and
only one sensor is interfaced or multiple sensors with
similar output voltage range, the input range of A/D

Journal of Sensors

Analog front-end

Digital core



Sensors interface

Digital core

Sensor 1


Sensor N



Sensor 0


Figure 5: A generic diagram for a passive RFID tag integrated with a multiple sensor interface.

converter can be adjusted to fit the sensor signal range

and the signal conditioning circuit eliminated. This
solution is very light in terms of power consumption
but in practice can only be adopted in some cases
because ultralow power ADCs usually have a limited
capability of input range adjusting, specially for small
differences between minimum and maximum voltages.
(ii) ADC Input Range Dynamically Adjusted. If the
adopted ADC has an adjustable input range and
multiple sensors with nonsimilar output voltages
are interfaced, the input range of the analog-todigital converter can be dynamically adjusted to fit
the signal range of the selected sensor according to
previous established values stored into tags memory
or physically defined component values. Once more,
the major problem is the limited capability of ADC
input range adjusting.
(iii) Bypass and High Resolution ADC. This solution consists in adopting an ADC with a resolution much
higher than the needs of target application in order
to avoid spending power with analog signal conditioning. Although the consummation of a high
resolution ADC is higher than the similar one with a
minimum adequate resolution, the additional power
can be smaller than the necessary to support an
analog conditioning circuit.
(iv) Signal Conditioning. Depending on the sensor, different signal treatments can be necessary. The most
common treatments considering a voltage signal are
offset and gain adjusts. Instrumentation amplifiers
(IAs) are usually employed in conventional sensor
signal conditioning circuits. However, conventional
IAs are too much power consuming for passive
RFIDs. Even the best current commercial low power
devices [36, 37] consumes about of 72 W which is
almost twelve times the whole power requested by the
best commercial UHF tag. In other hand, application
specific IAs have been reported at much lower power
consuming like 3 W [38], 1.8 W [39] and even
192 nW [40], indicating that its use is possible for
RFID sensing tags at HF and UHF as well.

Notwithstanding, sensing RFID tags for some specific

applications can dispense the ADC, the multiplexer and even
have a conditioning circuit as simple as a RC. The detection of
product seal violation [41] is a good example of sensing RFID
tags without an analog-to-digital converter. The threshold
detection of a given quantity can also be implemented using
a simple Schmitt trigger gate and some few components.
In this case, the sensing tag will not be able to provide a
precise information about the quantity magnitude but only
its placement below or above a previous defined threshold.
Although the ADC is not a mandatory component to read
sensors through the digital side of a RFID transponder, a
generic sensor interface should have at least one, specially
if the information about the quantity magnitude should be
acquired. Since the ADC is usually the most complex and
critical component of the sensor interface, its design tends to
be the major challenge. Its characteristics also have influence
over the signal conditioning circuit or are influenced by it.
A right choice on the most appropriated converter type and
implementation approach is very important at this point. A
more careful analysis about analog-to-digital converters for
passive RFID sensing applications will be carried out on the
next section.

7. ADCs for RFID Sensing Applications

A good indication of the most appropriated ADCs for RFID
sensing applications can be found looking for the most
energy-efficient implementations reported on VLSI and ISSC
conferences. Taking the power consumption as the main
guideline, the figure of merit (FOM) of more than 400 analogto-digital converters reported on VLSI and ISSC [42] over
the last ten years were classified according to its type and
represented on Figure 6.
Since 2007 the most efficient converter year after year is
the successive approximation register (SAR) [43], followed
by pipeline and Delta-Sigma types. More specifically, except
by the converter proposed by Patil et al. [17], all ADCs
featuring a FOM below 7 fJ/Conversion-step are SAR type
with a capacitive DAC implementing some variation of the
charge redistribution approach, first proposed by [44].
When the figure of merit of all the reported CMOS ADCs
since 1997 to the present are organized by the technology
node, the result is a clear advantage of SAR type for all nodes
below 350 nm as can be seen in Figure 7.

Journal of Sensors
Table 2: The most efficient converters reported on VLSI and ISSCC since 2008.

fs (MHz)

1E + 06
1E + 05


1E + 01




1E 01


1E + 00










1E 01


1E + 00

1E + 02


1E + 01

1E + 03


1E + 02

Tech. (nm)

1E + 04


1E + 03



1E + 04


FOM (fJ/Conversion-step)

1E + 06

1E + 05


FOM (fJ/Conv-step)




FOM (fJ/Conversion-step)


Technology node (nm)


Figure 6: Figure of merit (FOM) of the reported ADCs on ISSCC

and VLSI over the last ten years.

The most efficient converters reported on VLSI and

ISSCC since 2008 are listed with more details on Table 2. The
limit of 7 fJ/Conversion-step was arbitrary chosen.
Almost all these converters were implemented in CMOS
90 nm or below. A remarkable exception was proposed by
Jeong et al. [19]. A 7.5 ENOB SAR ADC achieving a very low
FOM and very low power consumption (about of 100 nW)
using a relatively old technology (180 nm). In fact, this is
only reported ADC above 90 nm featuring a FOM below
10 fJ/Conversion-step. The converter uses a charge recycling
technique which saves previous sample MSB voltage and
reuses it throughout subsequent conversions, preventing
unnecessary switching of large MSB capacitors as well as
conversion cycles.
It is important to note that a good analog-to-digital
converter for passive RFID sensing applications should have
not only a low FOM but also very low power consumption.



Figure 7: Figure of merit (FOM) of the reported ADCs on ISSCC

versus technology node. Only designs on CMOS processes were

Some solutions as the asynchronous converter proposed in

[17] or the pipeline converter proposed in [45] achieves a very
low FOM but under high sampling rates and higher overall
power consumption than other similar solutions with lower
sampling rates.
In spite of the the very good results achieved by recent
ADCs on Table 2, there are other aspects to be considered
before to choose a specific design for a given application. The
target technology node, silicon area, operating temperature
and calibration procedures are only some of most common
aspects. All the things considered, the choice can fall on an
ADC which the power consumption is not exactly the lowest
one. Fortunately, depending on the operating distance and
the size of tag antenna, the power available to an HF RFID
tag can be quite high. For instance, the power induced onto
a tag load by the typical HF RFID reader refereed on Figure 1

Journal of Sensors

Power at tag load (W)

1E + 5

8. Proposed Sensor Interface

1E + 4
1E + 3
1E + 2
1E + 1
1E + 0

10 12 14
Distance (cm)




Figure 8: Power induced onto a tag load by a typical HF RFID reader

according to its distance from the reader. The reader antenna is a
square coil, 10 10 cm, 6 turns, and 125 mA. The tag is equipped
with a square spiral planar coil, 12 12 mm, 8 turns.

was simulated according to its distance from the reader. For

this simulation a tag equipped with a small square spiral
planar coil (12 12 mm, 8 turns) connected to a 3 k load
was assumed. Simulation results are presented in Figure 8.
As one can see, there is virtually no power issues for
short distances. On the other hand, for communication
distances above 14 cm the available power is only some few
W, requiring a more careful choice of the analog-to-digital
converter. At 14 cm, the available power to the tag load is
about of 39 W. The standard tag circuitry consumes between
15 and 25 W. It means that the power portion left for
the whole sensing circuitry (ADC + signal conditioner +
sensor multiplexer) is about of 14 to 24 W. Since the Signal
conditioner uses to demand a significant power, is reasonable
assume that the the power left to the ADC will not be more
than a half of this total, that is, 7 W.
According to the previous timing analysis (Section 4),
the maximum and minimum timeouts for HF RFID tags
complaint with both ISO/IEC 15693 and 14443 standards, are
between 309.14 s and 312.86 s. Considering that part of this
time will be consumed by the tags logic core, analog frontend and sensor interface component delays, the time left for
one analog-to-digital conversion will be slightly smaller. In
practice it will correspond to conversion data rates between
3.5 and 5 kSample/s.
Summarizing, in order to be appropriate for passive
HF RFID sensing at a reasonable distance from reader,
an ADC should have a maximum power consumption of
7 W, assuming the worst case and leaving some power
margin to other sensor interface blocks and the sensor itself.
Concerning the timing constraints, a minimum sample rate
of 3.5 kSample/s should be satisfied. Only three ADCs listed
on Table 2 do not fulfill these conditions. All others are SAR
type and satisfy both constraints with a good margin.
In fact, the charge redistribution SAR ADC is a very
suitable solution for passive RFID sensing as demonstrated
by Brenk et al. in [46]. An ultra-low power 8-bit SAR
ADC has been designed and used to implement a passive
temperature sensor UHF RFID tag able to establish a stable
communication up to 6.5 m from the reader.

Recent researches in nanotechnology field demands for small

sized gas reactors called micro- and nanoreactors [4749].
Essentially, these reactors are small volume chambers, typically less than 1 mL, equipped with gas input and output channels and micro-sensors inside. The design and construction of
these systems aims at a comprehensive control of factors such
as size, configuration, surface quality, integration, and costs.
Works on high performance mass and pressure sensors based
on carbon nanotubes have already been reported [50, 51]. The
micro- and nanoreactors are at the base of high performance
nanodevices, allowing a more detailed assessment of physical
and chemical processes occurring inside and on the surface
of the nanostructures as compared with more conventional
A common issue with these micro-reactors is connecting
the inside sensors to outside world where all measuring
instruments are placed. In conventional approaches these
connections pass through the chamber walls by mean of
metal pins electrically insulated from the body using some
hard material like borosilicate sealing glass. The problem with
that solution is the inconvenient gas leakage caused by failures
in insulation material due to the stress they are submitted.
This problem can be eliminated replacing pins and insulator
by some kind of wireless communication. For that, an RFID
solution is proposed.
Since the main goal is eliminating all sensor pins, the
distance between tag and reader is not a big issue. Moreover,
since all intended gas reactions can be well monitored
taking 5 samples per second, a HF RFID system can nicely
satisfy all requirements. In addition, an integrated solution
containing sensors and all the measuring circuitry could help
the adoption of these reactors for non-scientific applications.
Although the possibility of operate close to the reader
antenna, where the magnetic field strength is high, the
available energy to the tag should not be too high due to
the small communication inductor (antenna) which area
is very limited by internal micro-reactor dimensions. On
the other hand, the accuracy required by such scientific
applications demands a good signal conditioning circuit
which prohibits some power saving alternatives.
The proposed interface and sensors to be integrated on
a passive HF RFID tag are briefly explained on the next
8.1. Temperature Sensor. The temperature is an important
player on most chemical reactions. Additionally, the behavior
of carbon nanotube gas sensors is also influenced by environment temperature. The capacity to measure it simultaneously
to gas measurements gives to the system valuable information
to improve its accuracy.
A low power temperature sensor was designed based on
the Zero Temperature Coefficient (ZTC) concept. According
to [52], most of current CMOS technologies present a specific
biasing point where temperature effect over the carrier
mobility and voltage threshold cancel each other for a wide
range of temperatures. If the ZTC point of a given transistor
is known, it is possible to design a temperature independent

Journal of Sensors






Output voltage (mV)






Figure 9: Low power temperature sensor based on ZTC characteristic of MOS devices.

GS = GSF + VT (1



where GSF and DF are the gate-to-source voltage and drain

current of the current source MOS operating at ZTC point
and VT is the threshold voltage temperature coefficient.
So, under constant drain current the gate-source voltage is
proportional to the temperature.
The implemented low power temperature sensor is
depicted in Figure 9. 1 is the constant current source biased
at ZTC point by 1 and 2. 2 is the sensing device. The
circuit was designed to operate under a 1 V power supply,
the current through 1 was about 10 nA and 1, 2 totaling
about of 10 M. The total power consumption of whole
sensor is about of 110 nW.
The sensor was fabricated in 180 nm CMOS process
(Figure 16) and tested for a temperature range from 30 to
130 C (22 to 266 F). The simulated and measured response
of the designed temperature sensor are shown in Figure 10.
As one can see, the empirical response of the temperature
sensor is even more linear than the simulated one. Since the
observed deviation of the simulated output from the ideal
linear behavior is mostly related to the variation of the ZTC
operation point of 1 (Figure 9), this improved response is
probably due to a small variation in threshold voltages of
fabricated MOS transistors or due to a fortunate combination
of mutual canceling effects in designed layout which places
high sized biasing resistors and a very large pMOS transistor.
The temperature error between the measured sensor
output and an ideal linear response within the entire tested
temperature range is represented on Figure 11. The highest
absolute error occurs in 130 C, being approximately 1.8 C,
or 1.38%. The absolute error remains smaller than 0.1 C
for temperatures bellow 60 C and smaller than 0.5 C for
temperatures between 60 C and 115 C.


Temperature ( C)




Measured points
Ideal linear response
Simulated response

Figure 10: Measured and simulated response of fabricated temperature sensor.

Measured error ( C)

constant current source in s very simple way. If such constant

current is applied through a diode connected MOS, its GS
will be given by [53]





Temperature ( C)





Figure 11: Temperature error between the measured sensor output

and an ideal linear response within a 30 to 130 C temperature

8.2. Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensor. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

present a high surface-to-volume ratio which makes them
very suitable for gas sensing applications [54]. Its main advantage over conventional gas sensors, based on semiconducting
metal oxides (MOX), is its low energy consumption. In
addition, CNT based gas sensors are very sensitive and can be
decorated by nanoparticles sensitive to the gases of interest,
achieving an improved performance on gas sensing.
There are basically two different configurations for carbon
nanotube sensors: field effect transistors and chemiresistors.
Field effect transistors based on single-wall carbon nanotubes
are very sensitive but need a complex fabrication process
[55]. Chemiresistive CNT sensors do not needs a so complex
fabrication process and can be made in two different ways
(i) Thin films of mixed metallic and semiconducting
CNTs deposited between two electrodes.
(ii) Microsensor formed by a small quantity of CNTs connecting two electrodes separated by few micrometers.

Journal of Sensors

mean of a short duration current pulse (about of 10 A
during few microseconds). For that, appropriated values of
resistance should be used for 0 to 3 resistors. Since the
exact resistance value of each CNT microsensor is not well
determined (depending on the amount and characteristics
of deposited nanotubes), both and resistors are placed
externally to the chip.



Figure 12: Schematic drawing of the CNT gas microsensor. Oxidized silicon substrates (1), gold patterned electrodes (2), wire
bonding connections (3), and the gap with DEP deposited carbon
nanotubes (4) compose the device. The inset shows a closer view of
the CNTs deposited between the gold electrodes [22].

Thin film sensors are usually simpler to build when

compared with micro-sensors. Common manufacturing
approaches are chemical deposition and jet printing [57, 58].
In spite of its simplicity, thin film CNT sensors get easily contaminated by gases or other substances. That contamination
changes the sensor response and usually requires a special
treatment to be removed.
On the other hand, CNT microsensors are fabricated
by micromanufacturing techniques, which are clearly more
complex than chemical deposition or jet printing but are less
sensitive to contamination since the contaminants can be
evaporated from the surface of carbon nanotubes by a pulse of
current. Additionally, the reduced size of these microsensors,
allied with their high sensitivity due to strong self-heating by
Joule effect [56], makes them very attractive to be used in
microreactors. A schematic drawing of the CNT gas microsensor is depicted on Figure 12.
A previous microreactor containing one CNT microsensor inside has already been fabricated following the same
directions explained, but without any embedded electronics,
being all measurements made from outside [22, 59].
8.3. Multiplexer. Following the previous explained guidelines, a five-input sensor multiplexer was conceived as shown
in Figure 13. Primary selection is made by 3 : 8 digital MUX
commanded by the digital tags core (lines 0 to 2). The
four first addresses correspond to four external CNT sensors
(Sens 0 to Sens 3) and the last address corresponds to the
internal temperature sensor (not shown). The selection of an
external sensor connects its left side to ground by the corresponding switch (0 to 3) and its right side to the output
(out ) through the corresponding analog transmission gate
(SW0 to SW3).
All external sensors have two biasing lines, V read and
V clear, controlled by read sens and clear sens inputs. The
V read line is intended to reading operations, so it brings a
small current to the selected carbon nanotube sensor through
the corresponding biasing resistor (0 to 3) forming
a simple voltage divider proportional to sensor response.
The V clear line is intended to clear the selected sensor by

8.4. Signal Conditioning Circuit. The CNT gas microsensors

designed for this system are planned to present a gas free
resistance between 80 k and 100 k. Previous experiments
indicate a resistance variation between 0.001% and +20%
under gas exposure [59]. If a 4 A biasing current is applied to
the sensor, the minimum resistance variation will correspond
to a 2.347 V variation on the sensor signal. Such small
voltage signal requires a 108 dB gain stage in order to fit in
a 600 mV input rage ADC, so a signal amplification stage is
mandatory for this specific application.
To achieve the desired gain keeping a minimal interference on the signal, an instrumentation amplifier (IA)
is required. Very low power implementations have been
reported with capacitively-coupled topologies [39, 40] which
make them attractive for passive RFID sensing. However, due
to the need for a high linearity device with a programmable
gain, a traditional resistive feedback IA has been chosen.
Moreover, the short distance between tag and reader ensures
enough power to feed this device. The proposed signal
conditioning circuit is represented in Figure 14.
The gain adjustment, needed to adequate the voltage
range of different CNT microsensors, is defined by a 4-bit
word (Gain) which controls the programmable gain amplifier
(PGA). The zero adjust is obtained by an 8-bit capacitive DAC
connected to the positive IA input and controlled by ZeroAdj
digital input. Both Gain and ZeroAdj words are informed
by the digital core of the tag. The power consumption of
the complete signal conditioning circuit designed in 180 nm
CMOS technology, with a 1.2 V supply voltage, achieves about
of 9 W in simulation.
8.5. Analog-to-Digital Converter. As demonstrated in
Section 7, the charge redistribution SAR ADC is a very
suitable solution for passive RFID sensing. For this reason,
an 8-bit capacitive SAR ADC was chosen for this application.
Its DAC working principle is based on the charge sharing
between binary weighted capacitors, using only CMOS
controlled switches as depicted in Figure 15. Its conversion
sequence can be resumed in 10 steps as follows:
(i) 1 : switch 1 is turned to in and switches 0 to 7 are
turned to 1 node connecting all lower capacitance
plates to in potential. At the same time, switches 2
and 2 are closed discharging any residual voltage on
the nodes and OUT and setting OUT to zero.
(ii) 2 : switches 2 and 2 are opened and switch 1
is turned to REF setting the voltage on the upper
capacitance plates to REF in .
(iii) 3 : switch 7 is turned to REF+ setting and node
to (REF+ REF )/2 in . Since the Cs capacitor


Journal of Sensors
Biasing network







































s2 s1 s0


Figure 13: Schematic diagram of CNT sensors connected to a biasing network and multiplexing circuitry.

was discharged during 1 phase, this same potential

will appear on OUT . At this point, the voltage signal
on OUT node will indicate the value of 7 output.
A negative voltage means that the sampled voltage
(in ) is less than half the reference voltage, resulting as
7 = 0 or 7 = 1 otherwise. If the resulting bit was zero,
the SAR controller should turn the 7 switch back to
(iv) 4 to 10 : the testing sequence described in previous
step should be repeated for switches 6 down to 0 .
At the end of last step, all output bits (0 , . . . , 7 ) will
be known, completing the analog-to-digital conversion.
The successive approximation register in charge of all
control signals was implemented by a finite state machine

fully customized to save power. Moreover, once the conversion finishes the SAR cuts off its feeding clock to avoid
unnecessary power consumption with gate switching.
With the view to improve the converter accuracy without
increase the energy demand, a low power and low offset
time domain comparator (TDC) [60] was used. The layout of
all DAC capacitors and TDC main components were made
according to common centroid techniques.
The ADC was fabricated in IBM 180 nm CMOS process.
A chip photograph is shown in Figure 16. The total chip
occupies 2.0 1.5 mm2 and the ADC core area is 275
145 m2 , including a Daisy Chain testing structure.
Static tests were performed in order to measure the
differential non-linearity (DNL) and the integral nonlinearity
(INL) which gives +0.98/0.59 and +1.03/3.30 LSB, respectively. High values are due a parasitic-nonlinear capacitances

Journal of Sensors














Figure 14: Proposed signal conditioning circuit.























Figure 15: Capacitive DAC adopted for A/D converter.

which were underestimated during the design stage. The

measured DNL and INL are presented in Figure 17.
The FFT spectrum was measured using 65536 points with
0 dB normalized sinusoid inputs at 2.92 kHz and 44.8 kHz as
shown in Figures 18 and 19. The measured SNDR is 40.01 dB
and the SFDR is 42.77 dB. Results indicate ENOB equals
6.35 bits. The total power consumption with 1 V of supply
voltage is 6.01 W at 100 kS/s which corresponds to a figure
of merit (FoM) equals to 538 fJ/Conversion-step. Preliminary
refined measurements indicate that about of 85% of whole
consumption is only in successive approximation register
(SAR) unit which is slightly greater than expected.

Figure 16: Micrograph of chip containing the proposed low power

charge redistribution SAR ADC (at center) and the low power
temperature sensor (at left).

8.6. Overall Results. The overall simulated and measured

results for power consumption and time delay are summarized in Table 3. The time delay of whole system is much lower
than the maximum allowed by ISO 15693 and ISO 14443


Journal of Sensors




Table 3: Power and time consumption of sensor and sensor

interface according to simulation and testing results.


Output code




Output code



Figure 17: Measured DNL and INL error of fabricated ADC.

Output spectrum with fIN = 2.92 kHz

2nd harmonic
42.8 dB
3rd harmonic
5th harmonic
53.1 dB
50.8 dB

Pout (dB)




Frequency (kHz)



Figure 18: Output spectrum of designed ADC for an input frequency of 2.92 kHz.

Signal conditioning circuit
CNT sensor
Temperature sensor
Overall results

Power consumption
0.20 W
9.00 W
6.10 W
4.80 W
0.11 W
20.21 W

Time delay
1.0 s
7.0 s
12.0 s
10.0 s

30.0 s

constraints concerning HF tags was presented and a generic

multisensor interface was proposed. A survey analysis on
analog to digital converters was made over more than 300
reported converters. Analysis shows that, over the last eight
years, the successive approximation register A/D based on
capacitive DAC is the most appropriated solution achieving the best results in technology nodes below 350 nm. A
specific sensor interface for carbon nanotube gas sensors
was proposed. Simulation and measured results indicate that
the designed system is more than ten times faster than the
maximum time acceptable by the corresponding standard,
leaving a wide time margin for core processing or system
adjusts. Finally, the overall estimated and measured power
consumption are compatible with the target application,
which should be capable of operating at few centimeters from
the reader antenna as intended.

Output spectrum with fIN = 44.8 kHz

2nd harmonic
42.8 dB

Pout (dB)


5th harmonic
50.8 dB


Conflict of Interests
3rd harmonic
62.7 dB

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests

regarding the publication of this paper.




Frequency (kHz)



Figure 19: Output spectrum of designed ADC for an input frequency of 44.8 kHz.

standards, as discussed on Section 4. Although the analogto-digital converters consume more energy than expected,
its power consumption is still within the limits previously
discussed. Moreover, the total power consumption is still
compatible with a NFC system for a 10 to 14 cm distance
range, according to the simulation results of Section 7.
Since the proposed system is a sensor interface for passive
HF RFID tags, it could be integrated to a standard tag circuit
as a single chip solution or connected with a RFID interface
chip, like the NF-4 from EM Microelectronic [30], with the
help of a simple glue logic circuit.

The authors acknowledge the support from Region RhoneAlpes (France), the CNPq (Brazil), and the INCT/NAMITEC
(Brazil) for the financial support and MOSIS for chip fabrication.

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