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Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities Using Metasploit Tool-IJEME-V7-N5-3

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Education and Management Engineering, 2017, 5, 23-34

Published Online September 2017 in MECS (
DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2017.05.03

Available online at

Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool

Ritu Choudharya*, Mehak Khuranaa

Department of computer Science, The NorthCap University, Gurgaon, India,
Department of computer Science, The NorthCap University, Gurgaon, India

Received: 03 February 2017; Accepted: 28 March 2017; Published: 08 September 2017


With the rising importance of the client-side execution scenario, attackers also shifted their focus to the
browser based attacks, and compromises based on client devices. Though security experts have come up with
various solutions to such attacks but, the attackers at the same time find new ways and technologies to deal
with such situations. In this paper, we will discuss about the framework called Metasploit and then we shall
define what exactly the Metasploit Framework is and how it can be used in various attack scenarios, this will be
followed by a brief description of the terms used including; the exploits, its modules, payloads and meterpreter.
Later, the uses of the product will be discussed. The basic purpose of metasploit framework is a module
launching, the attacker is able to configure an exploit module and initiate it at a target system. If the exploit
succeeds, the payload is executed on the system for which it is targeted and the attacker can interact with the
victim machine using the shell created on the host machine. There are number of exploits and payload options
available in metasploit framework. It is one of the most useful frameworks as far as the security is concerned.
Lastly, we will discuss the method to attack the compromised systems by malicious PDF file using Metasploit
Framework. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to impart a deep understanding of what Metasploit is
and how it can be utilized when one needs to get the access of the local or the remote machine.

Index Terms: Exploits, Vulnerability, Metasploit, Payload, Meterpreter, Shell.

© 2017 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research
Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.

1. Introduction

The Internet today has a great impact on people’s lives. Thousands of sites are coming up day by day and
with finite number of resources available, the monitoring of these websites for reliability and security is
* Corresponding author. Tel.:+919818760537
E-mail address:
24 Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool

impossible for the security experts to avoid the presence of vulnerabilities in every website. Cyber security has
been a big challenge and the software exploits are serious threats to cyber security, which allows attackers to
run malicious code on a victim’s machine which are vulnerable and lead to the attack (BRANDIS, et al., 2012).
An attacker sitting on a remote machine can easily gain access of the target machines or servers of any
organization’s network and can be a great danger to the organization. This access can be gained in many ways.
One of the ways is attaching malicious file in mail. Another method is by uploading the malicious content in
the form of advertisement or exciting contents so that a victim opens that malicious link. (TZERMIAS,
Zacharias, et al, 2011) Another method can be utilized by transferring the malicious content through pen drive
or by other means. These methods can lead to the access of the victim’s machine and attacker can gain all
important and personal information of the victim. Due to increased security awareness of security experts or
analysts, attackers are targeting client machines to have access to networks. Generally, the attackers trick the
users into opening a file that contains malicious content or the exploit. This file could, for example, be located
on a website or could be received as an attachment to an email. However, more recently an increasing number
of attacks have been reported in PDF documents, mainly because these files are widely used, also users often
feel safe and think that these files are static documents which do not contain executable code, but this is in fact
not the case (LUKAN, 2012). As, PDF documents may contain JavaScript code and embedded content. In this
paper, the study of the method to exploit the Adobe Acrobat Reader software has been done (ADOBE, 2006)
which is most commonly used to view the PDF files websites using a powerful open source framework called
Metasploit (KENNEDY, et al., 2011), (BRANDIS, et al., 2012). Metasploit is the Kali Linux inbuilt tool
which includes many commands to gain system and other victim information so as to exploit his machine. The
basic purpose of this framework is to develop and execute the exploit code against the remote target. Using this
framework one can analyze the security vulnerabilities and can easily exploit those vulnerabilities that exist in
any software to break his identity and personal information. On other OS such as windows, Metasploit tool can
be downloaded to perform same functions.

2. Background

This section introduces and explains the important terms that are used in exploitation of PDF. These are
Metasploit framework, Payload, Meterpreter.

2.1. Metasploit Framework

The Metasploit is an open source framework which is a platform for inspecting security vulnerabilities and
generating a code that allows an attacker to break into someone else’s network to diagnose security risks and
analyze which vulnerabilities are needed to be addressed first. The Metasploit Framework is a tool that
incorporates exploits and vulnerabilities into one single location exquisitely for security specialists and analysts
in one place. This framework is mainly developed for security experts and analysts (ARYA, et al., 2016). The
initial users were security professionals, product venders, network administrators, etc who use the framework
in their own specific domain. Network administrators, for example use it for patch installation, security
researchers for developing other exploits and identifying vulnerable systems. The Metasploit allows penetration
testing software, Anti-forensic and many other evasion tools are also granted. Metasploit Framework is the
most influential platform for developing, testing, and running exploits on the vulnerable systems compromising
their security (BRANDIS, et al., 2012). It can also be used to build security testing tools and exploit modules
and can also be adopted as a penetration testing system. Metasploit Framework is one of the most useful
auditing tools which are freely available now days, from a wide range of profit making exploits to a broad
range exploit development field, all the way to network information collecting tools and internet vulnerability
plug-ins. (Ramirez-Silva, et. al., 2007) The Metasploit Framework yield a genuinely remarkable work niche but,
for novel users it’s a bit difficult to use as Linux distribution does not provide Graphic User- Interface
Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool 25

(GUI).Therefore one needs to know the syntax and commands to use the framework effectively.
In metasploit, for majority of attacks one needs to follow the basic steps mentioned below:

1) Find the appropriate exploit.

2) Gather Information on that particular exploit.
3) Set the payload and configure it.
4) Set options.
5) Execute the exploit.

In this paper how the local and remote attacks are carried out using metasploit by following above mentioned
method and then setting up the listener to capture the reverse connection will be discussed. After setting up the
listener, the attacker needs to send, upload or copy the malicious file to the victim’s machine. The exploit
executed can compromise the operating systems, applications or other services will be discussed in detail in
next sections.

2.2. Payload

In metasploit for each exploit there exist a payload which comes into the picture after the exploit is triggered
when the targets are selected and a payload must be set after the breach. Payloads in metasploit are dependent
upon the operating systems. A payload is a chunk of code that is to be executed when an exploit is chosen.
Metasploit Framework is basically a collection of various exploits and its payloads. Every exploit can be
attached with various payloads like reverse or bind shells, the meterpreter shell etc. There are 3 distinct types of
payload modules in the Metasploit framework: (1) Singles, (2) Stagers, and (3) Stages. These different types of
payload modules provide great adaptability and can be used in many different plots. Singles are the payloads
that are self-supporting and completely standalone and they can be as simple as adding a user to the target
system or running a .exe file. On other hand stagers establish a connection between the attacker and victim’s
machine and are crafted to be small and stable. Sometimes it is hard to combine both the reliability and the
overhead, so multiple similar stagers are used (BRANDIS, et al., 2012). Stages are payload segments that are
provided by the Stagers modules.
Table 1. Example of Payloads

Payloads Examples
Single windows/shell_bind_tcp
Stager windows/shell/bind_tcp
Stage windows/shell/bind_tcp

In the above table, it is visible that the single payload involves the entire path ‘shell_bind_tcp’, but we see
that stager and the stage differ in path. For instance, ‘windows/shell_bind_tcp’ is single payload having no
stage and ‘windows/shell/bind_tcp’ contains stager and a stage as well.
The payloads are as simple as adding new users or binding a shell to a target machine. The various payload
stages provide meterpreter execution, VNC Injection, remote shell execution, backdoor installations, etc.

2.3. Meterpreter

Meterpreter is the most useful and powerful payload among the payloads mentioned earlier which was
introduced in Metasploit version 2.2.Its difficulty in being detected makes it more powerful even for most of
26 Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool

the security analysts. Meterpreter can also be viewed as Meta-Editor which is an excellent dynamically unified
payload that is comprised in the Metasploit Framework. This payload completely lies in-memory by implanting
DLL stagers (BRANDIS, et al., 2012). If a machine is detected as compromised and has exploited the
vulnerability, the meterpreter payload creates a connection between the attacker and the victim’s machine and
this helps the attacker to connect with the host machine remotely. After the connection is established the
payload is delivered which can be used to open a remote shell with which to communicate. Meterpreter and its
extensions are executed completely through the memory allowing them to run under the scanning of classic
Anti-Virus detection.

3. Client Side Attack Metasploit

The web has become inseparable part of our lives but with advancement in technology there comes the
related security issues. The adverse consequences of the internet attacks are often miscalculated by the
companies, organizations and other institutions. Companies that have compromised their security as a result of
any data breach or malformations not only are the victims of business disruptions, but can also face many other
legal obstacles. Also, the subsequent reputation damage can have consequences like everlasting adverse effects
that can make customers leave and shareholders losing confidence and acceptance. A more adverse effect can
be a consecutive stream of security breaches which can originate a loss of reliability in online services among
the customers, critically harming the online trade economy, e-banking, e-government and e-health services. In
the recent times, software exploits are a growing threat to cyber security, allowing attackers to execute
malicious code on a victim’s machine by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in software running on the
machine. A remote attacker who gains access to client machines or servers on an organization’s network could
have harmful effects for the organization. Due to increased security awareness of server administrators,
attackers are targeting client desktop machines to gain access to networks. Typically, attackers trick users into
opening a document that contains an exploit. This document could, for instance, be located on a website or
received as an attachment to an email. Historically, Microsoft Office documents have been used by attackers to
exploit vulnerabilities within the Office product. However, more recently a growing number of attacks have
been embedded in PDF documents, primarily because these documents are widely used and users often believe
that they are safe, benign, static documents which do not contain executable code, when this is in fact not the
case. For instance, PDF documents can contain JavaScript code and embedded data or various types of
payloads which can be used to threaten the victim’s assets. (HOLIK, Filip, et al , 2014)
The exploitation of the systems using PDF documents are becoming more common these days, for example
the security organization RSA was attacked and exploited in March 2011, using a PDF exploit. In this attack
the confidential information about their authentication process, used in RSA’s products, was stolen;
compromising the security and affecting the confidentiality of customers using that product. The attackers can
attack within the Web platform. Some of these attacks originate from discovering the vulnerabilities in the
compromised systems and exploiting them. Metasploit is one of the various techniques or tools that can be used
to attack and get the access to the victim’s machine remotely (MAYNOR, et al., 2007). Through metasploit,
one can not only get the access to the victim’s machine but also control the actions taken on that particular
machine remotely. The attacker can easily create or delete any file or directory or can leak any confidential
information stored on the system. Also to exploit a system an attacker first needs to gather the relevant
information about the system like name of the compromised machine and operating system, processor,
architecture, etc used so as to figure out the available vulnerabilities and effective methods to exploit those
vulnerabilities. (SELVARAJ, 2010)

4. Portable Document Format (PDF)

PDF is a portable document format that can be used to present documents that include text, images,
multimedia elements, web page links, etc. It has a many features. It can be protected by password and can
Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool 27

execute JavaScript. PDF file format is publicly available and can be used by everyone (THOMAS, 1999). Any
file or document can be converted in to PDF format.

4.1. PDF Structure

To discover new vulnerabilities in software the understanding of the protocol and its file format is necessary.
In this paper, the PDF file format in detail and then its internals are discussed. The structure of PDF document
consists of:

 Header
 Body
 Trailer
 Cross Reference table

Header: It includes the version of the used specification.

Body: It includes the main part of the PDF, which includes the whole document data, text, images
multimedia, etc which is visible to the user.
Cross Reference Table (XSS): It includes the references which refer to all the objects of the document.
Objects include text, images, multimedia etc which is included in body (THOMAS, 1999). These references
allow the random access to the file which helps to locate objects easily. Each entry is table is formed for each
object and is 20 bytes long.
Trailer: It specifies how application reading the document should find the cross reference table and other

Fig.1.Structure of PDF

5. Attack Via Malicious PDF Through Metasploit

Now the concept and usage of metasploit has been understood, the applications can be viewed or the actual
attacks that can be performed by the product with the help of malicious PDFs.
28 Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool

Now days the number of attacks can be implied on PDF document where an attacker includes some shell
code in it, which uses some kind of vulnerability in how the PDF document is analyzed and presented to the
user to execute malicious code on the targeted system. The number of vulnerabilities is increasing over the
years. Some types of vulnerabilities in PDF reader are Execute Code, Overflow, denial of service, Memory
Corruption, Gain Privilege, XSS, Http Response splitting, CSRF, and Bypass Something. Code
Execution vulnerability is the most important vulnerability, which is used by an attacker to execute arbitrary
code on the target system.
We will be discussing a few common PDF attacks which can be carried out using metasploit framework
(MAYNOR, et al., 2007). The objective of metasploit is not only the exploitation of remote systems, but also
involves the generation of novel exploits as well. Therefore, in this paper we will only talk about the common
attacks using PDF document which can be carried out if the PDF reader not updated or is vulnerable to the
various threats. So given below is an example of attack to exploit a vulnerable PDF reader with the help of
Metasploit and accessing a host machine remotely.
The exploit on which we will be working can be generated within the Metasploit framework, so first we will
be creating a malicious PDF file and then we will analyze it in KALI Linux so that we can attain shell access
on the victim’s machine and execute a shell command to penetrate into the victim’s system to gain the
confidential information stored at the victim’s machine. Since Adobe Reader is supine to a stack buffer
overflow vulnerability because it is unable to implement proper boundary checks data provided by the users.
The attackers can benefit from this vulnerability and can run arbitrary code by obtaining access to the
permissions of the authorized users who are using the application (LOBIYAL, et al., 2016) The attackers can
also harm the application running remotely, which can result in denial of service to the authorized users.
Although, this is not a very novel vulnerability, but many newer vulnerabilities work in a similar pattern. So,
we will start by creating a malicious PDF file and use it in this particular client side exploit. Following are the
steps to attack a system using malicious PDF document:
In this exploit, we will generate a .PDF file that can be uploaded online, can be attached in an email or can
also be embedded into a website attracting the innocent and inexperienced victims to download it. (AHARONI,
2011) When users or the other victims will download this PDF file, it will set up a listener on their system and
give the attacker total control of their computers remotely.

Step 1: Find the Relevant Exploit

First, search for the well suited exploit by in Metasploit Framework which is apt to attack any vulnerable or
compromised version of Adobe Reader. This can be done using a simple command which can search the
various types of exploits available for a particular application. Since, we are dealing with adobe related exploits,
so we will be searching exploits for adobe by executing following command:

msf > search type:exploit platform:windows adobe pdf

This command will display all the exploits related to adobe along with their name, rank, date of disclose and
the description about each exploit listed, this will certainly make attacking easier for the attackers as this
feature shows all the options available and they are able to figure out which exploit is best to be used
(BRANDIS, et al., 2012). After the exploit is chosen by the attacker according to his need that particular
exploit is now to be used with the help command given below:

msf>use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe
Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool 29

Fig.2.Choosing the Exploit

Step 2: Collect Information on This Exploit

Now, the information available about the exploit can be displayed by the command:

msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > info

The displayed information includes the name of the exploit, module used, platform, privileges, rank, etc
along with the details about the available targets on which that particular exploit can be triggered. In the
description, the exploit is already in-fixed using a Metasploit payload into a PDF file. The generated PDF now
can be sent to a target machine as a social engineering attack.

Fig.3. Exploit Information

30 Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool

Step3: Set Payload

Now, we will set the payload to embed into the PDF with the help of following command:

msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > show options

The ‘Show options’ command after setting the payload displays the name of the malicious PDF generated,
its path and the launch message that will be displayed as soon as the victim clicks on the PDF file, the options
for the payload like listening address ,listening port and the process involved for that particular exploit will also
be listed.

Fig.4.Setting Payload

Step4: Set Options

Use the set command followed by the option name and the new value to change the default values. For
example, set the LHOST as the IP address of the local machine if the attack is carried out locally and for the
remote attack choose the RHOST option and set its value. Similarly, set the options for the listening ports.
Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool 31

Fig.5.Setting Options

Step 5: Exploit

Once all the options are set as per the attacker’s requirements, run ‘exploit’ and the malicious file is parsed
and is created which is now ready to send at the victim’s machine.

Fig.6. Running the Exploit

Step 6: Setting Up Listener

Before sending the malicious file to the victim machine, we first need to set up a listener to capture the
reverse connection that will be established when the file is opened.
32 Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool

Fig.7.Setting the listener to Capture Reverse Connection

Step 7: Uploading File Online or Attaching It to an Email:

Now, the malicious file can be uploaded online using online hosting websites or can be attached to emails
and can be sent in bulk to the compromised systems and also can be embedded into other websites which are
used more frequently by the users.

Step 8: Downloading Malicious File

In this step, the file uploaded in previous step is downloaded by the victim over the internet.

Fig.8.Malicious File sent to the Victim

Step 9: Shell Created

Now a shell is created on the victim’s machine through the use of a malicious PDF exploit which can help
the attacker to access the machine remotely, compromising its confidentiality.
Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool 33

Fig.9. Shell Created at victim's Machine

Once we get into c:\windows folder we can easily access the system the way we want and a backdoor is
created and he machine is compromised.

6. Conclusion

The main idea of this paper was to provide the basic understanding of Metasploit. Metasploit is a powerful
tool which provides various methods to attack as well as take security measures for the vulnerable systems. It
provides a huge assistance to the network security experts, network administrators, product vendors, and
developers to utilize this product in many different ways. However, the actual and the better ways to
completely understand the sophisticated architecture of the Metasploit Framework are to use it. As discussed in
the paper the attacks using metasploit are easy to perform and do not require a great knowledge to attack any
vulnerable system. Therefore, strict security measures or tools are needed to prevent these attacks. To be
concluded, yet windows system today is sheltered with broad level of security and an idea behind it was to
suppress all those disturbing creeps. The systems today require to be more secure and rigid so that not even
single exploit can prompt it be compromised. In future, more secure patches should be made in order to prevent
the systems from such exploits breaching security.


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34 Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using Metasploit Tool

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Authors’ Profiles

Ritu Choudhary is currently pursuing M.Tech. in Computer Science at The NorthCap

University, Gurgaon. She completed her B.Tech. from B.K. Birla Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Pilani in Information and Technology.

Mahek Khurana is currently working as assistant professor in The NorthCap University in

CSE & IT and has about 6 years of experience. She has completed her M.Tech from USIT,
GGSIPU in 2011 and B.Tech from GTBIT, GGSIPU in 2009. Her key areas of interest are
Cryptography, Information Security and Cyber Security. She is lifetime member of
Cryptology Research Society of India (CRSI).

How to cite this paper: Ritu Choudhary, Mehak Khurana,"Exploitation of PDF Reader Vulnerabilities using
Metasploit Tool", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), Vol.7, No.5,
pp.23-34, 2017.DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2017.05.03

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