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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Tekids 2

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The key takeaways are that hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer like a keyboard and mouse, while software refers to programs and instructions that allow the hardware to function. Both hardware and software need to work together for a computer to operate properly.

Hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer that can be seen and touched, like a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and CPU. Software refers to programs and instructions that the computer follows to perform tasks.

Hardware and software work together similarly to how the body and brain work together. The hardware are the physical parts like hands and eyes, while the software is like the brain's memory and knowledge that allows the physical parts to function through learned processes and instructions.

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Tekids 2 (Premium ICT Learning for Children)

Prepared by: Merabell M. Acedera


At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Distinguish between hardware and software.
Understand how hardware and software work together.


Subject Matter
Hardware and Software
Reference: Tekids 2 (Premium ICT Learning for Children) pages 18-23
Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures.



Learning Activities


Class! Let me read to you a short

conversation of Uncle Cesar, Jojo
and Nikko titled A Joystick Is
Not Enough
But let me ask you first do you
know what is a Joystick?
used for

Yes. Teacher. It
controlling the

Thats good.
(I will now read the Short Conversation)
Nikko and Jojo discovered that
a software cant run/function
without a hardware.
Computer Hardware are the parts

of the computer that can be seen

and touched. Can you give me an


Yes! Very good.
These are examples of computer
(I will present to them some
examples of a computer hardware
and I will ask them the names of those objects.)

A mouse,

Now. Lets move on to Computer
software. Computer software refers
the instructions that the computer follows
to do the task, such as opening a game.
These also called as Programs. Example to
this is the Camera.
(I will open the app Camera)
That Camera found in your computer is one
of the example of a computer hardware.
the one I opened is just a program, So if there
Is no camera to the computer its only the program
Do you think we can take pictures?

No! Teacher.

There is no
Yes! Very good, without a camera
the program wont take pictures by
itself. So we need both hardware and
software. Do you understand?
But, How Hardware and Software
work together? Your body needs two
things in order to work: A brain and
parts like hands and feet. The computer
also needs two things to work, Hardware

Yes! Teacher.

and software. We can compare the parts

of your body to hardware and software can
be compared to brain, which includes
your memory, knowledge and thoughts.
Before you go to school, you wear
shoes and tie their shoelaces right?
So, do you remember how you
were taught step-by-step
on how to tie them?
Teacher I still



remember it.
Good. With practice, you memorized
how its done.
The process is now in your head.
Its like having a program for tying
your shoelaces! The software is your
mind and the hardware are your eyes
and hands. Now you know how hardware
and software work together right?
B. Summary
Hardware and software are both needed by a computer to run.
Hardware are physical things while software are instructions that the
computer follows. Hardware and software always work together to
maximize their potential.
C. Generalization
We need both hardware and software to give function to the
D. Application
Group A for Girls and Group B for Boys, Each group must
compete to match the five names of the hardware in the white
board to its matching picture. The teacher will fold the names
and in the count five they will paste it on the white board. The
group who finish first will be the winner.


The following are simple activities. For each activity, identify the
hardware and software used.


1. Nikki creates a birthday card for her mom.

Hardware: Eyes and Hands
Software: Brain
2. Father listens to his favorite music.
3. Mother uses her favorite recipe to bake a cake for merienda.
4. The family members watch their favorite TV program.
1. Find out what other computer hardware you can attach to
your computer. Give at least three. Draw and label them.
2. Ask your parents what computer software are installed in
your home computer. List it down.

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