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Cardassian Sourcebook v1

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Writers: Tim Cooke, Jon Crew, Steve Kenson, Eric Rush, Guy Schipp, Paul Sinclair, Alexander Skrabut, Gregory J. Smith,
Kevin Thomas
Editing: Kevin Thomas
Original Art: Chris McCarver, Richard Spake, Kevin Thomas
Cardassian Starship Design: Gregory J. Smith
Contributors: Steven Asay, Guillermo Fiori, Bruce Ford, Dan Gurden, Greg Hughes, Janet Vandanebele
Maps: Jon Crew
Starship Sheet Design & Layout: Chance Bingen
Book Layout: Kevin Thomas
Quality Control: Matt Fernandez, Alicia Marquess, Brenda Smeby, Michelle P. Smith
Special Thanks: The players and staff at Anomaly Trek MUX, everyone at TrekRPGnet, Mike Lambert, Chris Larr, Steve Long,
Don Mappin, Jason Myers and anyone that we have mistakenly forgotten.
Maps for this document were created using ProFantasy Softwares Fractal Terrains and Campaign Cartographer 2.

Star Trek and everything that has anything to do with Star Trek and all related marks (, ,
& ) is property of Paramount Pictures, a Viacom Company. Used without permission.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Role
Playing Game, Star Trek: Voyager Role Playing Game, Star Trek The Role Playing
Game, and all related merchandise are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
No infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property is intended by this document.
This document is not created by, nor endorsed by Paramount Pictures, Viacom, or Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. They are not responsible for any content in this document, or its accuracy.
This document is totally non-prot and exists for the expressed purpose of promoting Star Trek,
Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game and the interests of role players
Cardassian Language Copyright 1996-2001 by Esther Schrager. Used with permission.

I Introduction
II T h e C a r d a s s i a n P e o p l e


III C a r d a s s i a n H i s t o r y


IV T h e C a r d a s s i a n U n i o n


V The Central Command


VI T h e O b s i d i a n O r d e r
VII T e c h n o l o g y
VIII S t a r s h i p s
IX C a r d a s s i a P r i m e
X Appendix A: Spacedock Ships

1 05




he Cardassians have evolved from bit-part villains on Star

Trek: The Next Generation into full-time adversaries for the Federation and Bajoran crew of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It is this
exploration of their culture that has led to the fascination of the subject among the franchises fans.
One might wonder how someone could be fascinated by a
race that is portrayed as brutal thugs, torturous murderers, and conquerors. How can someone appreciate what is, in essence, the Star
Trek equivalent of a Nazi?
But I bring to the table one Aamin Marritza. It was the episode Duet, and Harris Yulins powerful and stunning portrayal of
Marritza that rmly cemented me as a Cardassian acionado. Here
was a noble Cardassian, one prepared to pay for the racial crimes of
his people to bring about a new era in Cardassian history. It started
me thinking about the second side that belongs to every coin. The
Cardassians were a much deeper people than initially presented.
There was much more to them than their brutality. In fact, over the
years of Deep Space Nines development, it has become apparent
that the Cardassian coin has many sides.
Part of the reason why I love Star Trek so much is that it
draws parallels across real-life and tries to teach us something about
the Human Condition and ourselves. In truth, Cardassians draw historical parallels across several lines. There are certain aspects that
are similar to Nazi Germany. There are certain aspects that are similar to Communist Russia. Weve avoided trying to draw direct historic
parallels. In my own eyes, the Cardassians represent what the Federation represents: What humanitys future could possibly become.
What we hope it never becomes. Think what would happen if we
stripped our world of its precious resources, like we seem desperately determined to do. Then wonder what would happen if we

found a neighboring, peaceful world teeming with

life and resources. Would we, as a supposedly cultured race, behave any differently than the Cardassians? I would like to think that yes, we would
follow a different path. But Humans are tricky creatures, especially when their backs are to the walls.
Certainly, much of Cardassia that we have
seen has shown their brutality. But there are
moments of tenderness, of care, of noble dreams
and ideas, too. And so their issue becomes not so
black and white any more, but like most of Deep
Space Nines thematic coloring: moral shades of
grey. Right and wrong, like beauty, are often in the
eye of the beholder. And in writing this we have
attempted to see through the eyes of the Cardassians and to walk in their shoes. One thing we do
not do, however, is make excuses for their behavior. After all, right and wrong is in the eye of the
beholder. We present the picture; you and your
players must make the decisions.
It is out of my love of Star Trek in general and the Cardassians in particular that I originally embarked upon this project. I hope that love
shows through the pages and illuminates a complex fantasy culture that many, including myself,
nd so fascinating.
Id like to express my gratitude to those
who have worked untiring on this project for the
prospect of nothing more than contributing to the
Star Trek universe in their own not-so-little way.
Without them, this book would be thin indeed.
Kevin Thomas
December 2001




t rst glance, Cardassians seem very different from

Humans, Vulcans, Bajorans, and most other humanoid species of
the Alpha Quadrant. Their grey-toned skin and unusual facial structures make it almost impossible for an informed observer to mistake
them for any other species. In fact, Cardassians are different from
the other major species of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. These
dissimilarities derive from the Cardassians ancient ancestry. Unlike
those other species, the Cardassians descend from creatures more
reptilian than mammalian. In the museum wing of the Cardassian
Institute of Paleokhaldology, the exhibit in the center of the main
rotunda displays the beast that Cardassian science considers the
oldest direct ancestor of the modern-day Cardassian. To a Human,
this creature resembles a long-limbed, short-snouted alligator with
a ruff of fur on its upper back and sides (this mixture of reptile and
mammal features, while unusual throughout the Alpha Quadrant,
occurs frequently on Cardassia Prime). According to the Cardassians,
this creatures need to stand on its hind legs to eat tree leaves when
periods of drought killed its normal ground-level food sources eventually caused it to evolve into a more humanoid form which could
spend more time standing erect. By about ve million years ago,
the rst recognizable proto-Cardassian, Plesakhalda horrec, roughly
equivalent to the australopithecines of Earth, had arisen on the continent
of Rekonda (a minority of paleokhaldologists maintain that Cardassians rst evolved on Sotara).
The modern Cardassian still possesses a number of physiological features that make plain his reptilian forbearers. For example,
his brow ridges, neck structure, sternum, and thighs all have scale-like
skin structures. The scales show faintly in some Cardassians, prominently in others; the ner or less prominent the scales, the more
rened and weaker the Cardassian, according to popular - and

physiologically unfounded - belief. Perhaps the most conspicuous of the Cardassian features are the thick neck structure
and the upside-down teardrop-shaped feature on the forehead. Cardassian necks have less of a circular shape (as on
most humanoids); instead, they have a roughly oval crosssection created by a series of bones that are out from the
central neck towards the shoulders. (The distinctive shape
of these bones sometimes leads species ghting the Cardassians to collect one neck bone from each Cardassian killed
to wear on thongs as proof of a kill.) Thanks to this neck
structure, Cardassians have a more limited range of neck
motion than most humanoids; where a Human can turn his
neck far enough that he can see things in about 240 degrees
round him, a Cardassian only has about a 180-degree range
of motion/vision, forcing him to turn his body to view things
that a Human could see by craning his neck. A few Cardassians can forcibly disconnect their neck bones and turn their
heads through a nearly 300-degree range of motion; other
Cardassians refer to this painful (and to them, impressive)
stunt as the Cardassian neck trick. Because of the structure
of the Cardassian neck, attackers nd it very difcult to strangle or choke a Cardassian, and for a Cardassian to break his
neck accidentally is almost unheard of.
The cartilaginous, spoon-shaped forehead protuberance - the chufa - is primarily a throwback to the Cardassians cold-blooded reptilian ancestors, who needed such
features to dissipate bodily heat and regulate internal temperature. On a modern Cardassian, the chufa serves no
real purpose, like the appendix in Humans. The chufa has
a bluer color in females. Less noticeable to observers is
the Cardassian dislike of cold temperatures. While Cardassians are warm-blooded, the average temperature on their
home world is signicantly higher than that on Earth, Bajor,
Betazed, or most other species planets. Thus, Cardassians
prefer warmer environments; in fact, some studies show that
they feel better and are more likely to remain emotionally
healthy in such settings. Cardassians consider the average
starship or station temperature maintained by most humanoids uncomfortably chilly; conversely, a Human or Bajoran
visiting a Cardassian facility or vessel will quickly break into a
sweat. (Vulcans, however, can tolerate Cardassian preferred
temperatures quite well, and Cardassians who have visited
Vulcan nd it most pleasant.)
Due in large part to the harshness of Cardassia
Prime, the ancestors of the Cardassians were tough, durable
animals able to withstand injuries and periods of deprivation which would have killed equivalent animals on Earth or
Alpha Centauri. They passed this trait down to modern Cardassians, who have a high tolerance for pain. For example,
Cardassians have thicker, more durable bones that can withstand more force before they fracture than Human bones
can, and Cardassian epidermis retains scale-like qualities of
toughness that make it harder to cut than Human skin.

On the other hand, their quasi-reptilian ancestry

leaves the Cardassians with at least one vulnerability which
no other known humanoid species possesses: to them,
cobalt diselenide, a fairly common substance used in a variety of industrial processes by several humanoid species,
is extremely poisonous. Exposure to cobalt diselenide can
quickly cause illness and death in Cardassians - a fact
exploited by the Maquis rebels on several occasions when
they laced planets with the substance, driving the Cardassians away forever.

Cardassian Races
As a species, the Cardassians divide themselves into
three distinct races, though of course by 2376 these races
have become so intermingled that nding a pure example
of one is relatively uncommon. The primary race, from
which the majority of Cardassians descend, is the yhodan.
Yhodan Cardassians are marked by an evenly grey skin tone
and slightly smaller neck ridges. They originally come from
Okaba, Venarhond, and southern Patka. The hottest regions
of Cardassia - Rekonda, most of Sotara, and central Patka
- gave rise to the Neldan race. Neldan Cardassians have
darker skin than other Cardassians. In some cases, their skin
is so dark as to be almost black. They tend to be larger and
sturdier than other Cardassians.
Karadan Cardassians are from the northern torrid
and temperate zones of Cardassia Prime. Theres a sort
of umber-colored undertone to their skins that, to some

Cardassians, gives them a slightly sickly look. Where most

Cardassians have roundish brow ridges around their eyes,
karadans brow ridges are a little more ovate (which gives
them slightly better peripheral vision).
In all of the races, the only hair color is black;
there are no naturally born blonde-, red-, or brown-haired
Cardassians (much less ones with even more exotic hair
colors). Of course, Cardassians can dye their hair if they so
choose, just like most other species, but few do. Cardassians of all races have an average lifespan of 98 years for
men and 96 years for women. The highest recorded age
attained by a Cardassian is 144 years.

The Cardassian Brain

Compared to most humanoid minds, the Cardassian
brain is a model of efciency. Its ability to process nerve
impulses, sensory input, and information is greater than
that of most humanoid brains, due to its physiological structure and neurochemistry. As a result, the average Cardassian tends to be smarter and more perceptive than the average Human (or more cunning, as Stareet ofcers who
have fought the Cardassians might say). This trait allows the
Cardassians to train their children so that every Cardassian
develops a photographic memory. On the other hand, the
Obsidian Order has found that, once subjected to behavior
modication, Cardassians take longer to break free of the
effects of the modication than most other species.
Despite their efcient minds, Cardassians rarely
develop psionic abilities. Psionic Cardassians, who most often
possess the Receptive and Projective Telepathy skills, are
snapped up by the Obsidian Order or Central Command
as soon as their abilities are detected (usually this occurs
during their primary education, since the disciplines used to
instill eidetic memory bring psionic skills to the fore). Once it
brings a psionic Cardassian into the fold, the Order or Central Command trains him to become a top-notch operative.


All Cardassian citizens, whether they are soldiers or
not, are expected to live and die for the Union. During
their lives they are expected to serve the state selessly in
any manner they can and at any time they are called upon.
While this looks good on paper, most Cardassians serve the
state graciously out of one motivation: fear.
Over the shoulder of every Cardassian citizen is the
Obsidian Order, peering into their public and personal lives.
It is said that a Cardassian cannot sit down to eat without
the meal being duly noted, categorized and approved by the

Obsidian Order. This is not an exaggeration; indeed, the

Obsidian Order spies on its own citizenry with great alacrity
using every means at their disposal. Because of this invasion of privacy, few Cardassians living in the Union enjoy civil
liberties unless powerful friends protect them. Free speech is
unheard of, as people have been known to disappear for voicing their opinions. The right to bear arms is denied the civilian citizenry on Cardassia unilaterally, though some civilians
keep some sort of weapon in their home illegally. Assembly
of the citizenry (for any reason) without proper license is
grounds for arrest. Communiqus are regularly tapped, mail
opened, and homes bugged. People are paid handsomely for
turning in their treasonous neighbors and can usually gain
vesala by doing so. Families are encouraged to do the same;
after all, dedication to the state should come before blood.
Citizens are free to establish businesses so long as
they have the requisite approvals from the Ministry of Industrial Affairs. The private sector exists to serve the state, and
the state controls commerce with an iron hand. The military
is the largest consumer for these businesses, for without the
militarys patronage a business is sure to fail.

Who you know, not what you know, is one of the
most important factors for getting along in Cardassian society. A Cardassians elaborate network of contacts and favors
is of prime importance to them. This network is known as
vesala. Vesala is used like a currency or commodity; favors
are traded back and forth among members of Cardassian
society for personal or political gain. This is a sort of informal
stock exchange of name-dropping and favor swapping that
gives a Cardassian personal power over other Cardassians.
Everything on Cardassia is available for a price. Vesala
can be used to purchase promotions, political ofces, titles
and benets. It is because of this that a Cardassian does not
use his vesala lightly. Calling in too many favors at one time
will deplete the resources, and could hinder dealings in the
future. Some Cardassians perform favor after favor and rarely
call in their own, thus accumulating vast amounts of vesala
for use in one fell swoop. One of the few things that cannot
be bought with vesala is a Cardassians social standing.
It does not matter that a Cardassian has never
worked with the individual they are asking a favor from;
such blind favors are made all the time. Reputation means
more than acquaintance. If a Cardassian is known as someone who does not repay in kind, their name will start to circulate as being untrustworthy and favors will be hard to call in.
But be sure the provider can actually perform the requested
favor. If they have to go through someone else, the cost in
vesala can skyrocket.

Social Structure
By the dawn of the Second Hebitian period, a class
system evolved on Cardassia. This class structure has survived for centuries, even though the government and society that spawned it did not. The social classes are, from
lowest class to highest: Scralan, Tialek, Hibalek, Amarlek,
Ramalek, and Trelek (see below).
This class system traditionally marks a Cardassians
place in their society and determines what she can achieve
in her lifetime. Only the upper classes can attend the nest
schools without someone in the upper echelons to sponsor
them. If they do manage to obtain a sponsor, they will
receive the education necessary for achieving great things
on Cardassia. See below for more information on the Cardassian school system.
In the past, the Cardassian class system was much
more hard and fast than it is today. Socializing with those
outside your class was frowned upon socially. On modern
Cardassia, however, a Cardassian can actually jump classes,
making the class distinction much more ephemeral. In
theory a modern Cardassian is marked by his service to
the state, not by an outdated and ancient class structure.
Socializing, and even marriage across class lines occurs. The
greater disparity between the classes, the less common this
is, as the higher classes cling to their titles more than the
lower classes do. A Trelek woman would probably be
ostracized for courting a Tialek or Hibalek.
The class structure has survived and ourished
despite the militarys attempt to quash it. It has evolved into
an undercurrent of subtle prejudice and superiority rather
than a class that a Cardassian is locked into. In the eyes of
the modern state, all Cardassians are equal.

Social Classes
The following section describes the six different
social classes. When the text refers to population percentages it is referring to all Cardassians in the Union, and does
not include non-Cardassians or client/servitor races.

The Scralan class isnt really a class at all, not having
the lek sufx (which means resource in Cardassian). In
fact, the word scralan actually means useless. The Scralan
are made up of Cardassian untouchables who have fallen
from Cardassian grace as well as the non-Cardassians living
in the Union. These untouchables are generally met with distaste and disdain from other Cardassians (even those others

of the Scralan). It is extremely difcult for the Scralan to

jump class, as even noted accomplishments are met with
sneers from the other classes. Even getting small tasks
accomplished in the Scralan class is difcult, as few of the
other classes will take the Scralan seriously. Generally, Scralans have little love for the other classes. Most see the other
classes as a means of keeping them at the bottom of the
social ladder. Approximately eight percent of the population
is of the Scralan class.

The Tialek class is the lowest of all socially acceptable Cardassians. They traditionally make up the labor
class, such as janitors, ore miners and eld hands. In
modern Cardassia, this class still performs the work that
other Cardassians nd demeaning. No non-Cardassian may
progress above this class level, even through dedication
and service to the Union. The Tialeks are generally the
have-nots among the Cardassian people, living in the more
squalid of conditions on Cardassia, and make up approximately thirty-one percent of the populace.

Climbing the Social Ladder

A modern Cardassian Tialek, upon showing signicant ability, can obtain a sponsor to attend a military
academy. The same Tialek can now become an ofcer,
achieve great things, and make a name for himself (and
thereby his family). Once he has earned the respect of
his peers and supervisors, his family name could grow in
status, and perhaps his children will be known as Amarleks, Ramaleks, or even quite possibly (if his achievements are great enough) become a Trelek and join the
ranks of nobility. Earning enough respect for this may
be difcult, as those of the higher classes tend to cling
harder to their titles than the lower classes.
Likewise, embarrassments and disgrace can
send a Cardassian and his family down the social ladder,
leading to ostracism and even exile. Smart families are
quick to disown the disgraced Cardassian to prevent
him from dragging them down with him. Usually these
families maintain contact with their ostracized members, but they try to avoid aiding and abetting them.
Note that a raise in class is one of the few
things a Cardassian cannot buy with their vesala. Performing extraordinary deeds for the Union is the only
way to get ones family name blazing across the stars.

The Hibalek class, next on the social ladder, is traditionally a service class. This class is usually relegated to
performing service for the other Cardassians. Housekeepers, gardeners, and waiters are all examples of jobs for the
Hibaleks. Most common foot soldiers come from this class,
as do teachers, lawyers, and small business owners. The
Hibaleks generally consider themselves lucky; while they are
not the highest class, they do enjoy a certain amount of
prosperity not being among the labor class. Most Hibaleks
view their position among society to be necessary. They
believe that without them, the state could not function successfully, so they over-glorify their place in society. While
they may not have power, they do have responsibilities and a
strong sense of duty to perform their role in society. Approximately twenty-nine percent of the population is made
up of the Hibalek class.

class). Most of Cardassias political strife comes from the

struggle of this class against itself, as the upper echelons of
power struggle against each other for control of the government. Treleks are proud of who they are and where they
come from. They look down on the other classes with smug
superiority. They wield the most vesala per member than
any other class, and this is what keeps them on top. The
Treleks protect that power with veracity, and are generally
the meanest spirited when it comes to the lower classes.
They will do just about anything to protect what they have.
This includes murder, treachery, and deceit. Approximately
5% of the population is made up of the Trelek class.

Cardassian Education
Education is important to the Cardassians, and all
children living within the Union are instructed via the states
education system.


Primary Education

The Amarlek class, or Bureaucratic class, primarily

made up the bureaucracy and government of the Second
Hebitians. This tradition has continued, as most modern lowlevel Cardassian bureaucrats are recruited from this class, as
are low-level military ofcers. The Amarleks shufe paperwork across the data-nets for the glory of the Union. They
enjoy their middle-class lives, and especially the vesala that
usually comes with their positions in society. Most of the
Ministries are made up of members of the Amarlek class.
They generally view their little slices of Cardassian government as their own little private efdoms, and most tend
to run them as such. Approximately fteen percent of the
population is made up of the Amarlek class.

At the age of four, Cardassian children are given intensive mental training. At the age of six, they are placed into the
primary school system where specialized instructors monitor the
students progress. These instructors, called Tealakesh, are
adept at nding what a particular student is apt to excel in.
During this time, a Cardassian child lives with her family.
The Tealakesh are arguably some of the most pow-

The Ramalek class, or Merchant class, is mostly
a holdover from the glory days of the Second Hebitians.
Wealthy landowners and businessmen made up the middle
echelon of the government for the Second Hebitians. While
the wealth has drained away for the modern Ramalek, the
families still cling to the title desperately. Even though the
Ramaleks are not as prosperous as they once were, they
still enjoy a certain amount of power and vesala from their
place and position in Cardassian society. This class makes
up most of the high-level positions within the military and
government. Approximately twelve percent of the population makes up the Ramalek class.

The Treleks are the nobility of the Cardassian people.
They have the most sway in governmental affairs (in fact,
most of the Detapa Council, the leaders of the Central Command, and the leaders of the Obsidian Order come from this

erful Cardassians in the Union, for it is on their determination

where a child will be placed for his future. Most Tealakesh
have great amounts of vesala as parents romance them for
their childs placement. Tealakesh work for the Ministry of
Education, and some even whisper that this is merely a
branch of the Obsidian Order, but there have been no
foundation to these claims.
Once the Tealakesh has identied a childs strengths
and weaknesses, the child is assigned an advanced school
most beneting of their place in society, and sometimes that
means that a lower-classed Cardassian will attend the nest
schools through sponsorship. The Tealakesh help the child
by nding a sponsor. By showing prominent Cardassians
their students work and making suggestions to the right
people, the Tealakesh can obtain a sponsor for a promising
child. Some Tealakesh have even used their personal vesala
to move lower-classed children to the ranks of the t.
A sponsor is essentially putting his neck out on the
chopping block for the pupil, as a sponsor is responsible
for all actions that a student makes at her new school up
until graduation. Should the student stumble, the sponsor
will receive punishment and public humiliation. This makes
sponsorship quite a commitment for both the student and
the sponsor, but challenging the minds of the youth is something that most adult Cardassians enjoy doing. Once a Cardassian completes her advanced training years, the sponsorship ends and the sponsor is relieved of all responsibility for
the young adult. Some dedicated sponsors will follow the
career of the youth and watch over them, effectively becoming a patron to them.
A child completes public school at the age of nine
or ten. One of a students last acts as a child is to give a
molar to the state for identication on their tenth birthday.
This is seen as a rite-of-passage, and is celebrated among
the family with a small informal party.

Advanced Education
At the age of ten, a Cardassian will be placed into
their advanced schooling. These advanced schools specialize in the subjects that they teach. They are structured
around a three-term program consisting of three years
apiece (totaling nine standard years). This program will
instruct the student in whatever occupation she will eventually ll in Cardassian society with little emphasis on personal interests. There are no breaks for the student during
this time, and it is unlikely that she will see her families
during their advanced educations (though, regular contact
is kept via the comm channels and Data-net). At the end of
each term, a review of the student is held. If the student
fails review, she will either repeat the term again, or, in the
case of specialized schools (such as Intelligence school or
the Badorah Military Academy), the failed student will be
placed into less prestigious school with a different, more
mundane focus. These advanced academies are generally
unforgiving; if the student cannot make the grade, the student does not belong in that line of work and needs more
menial tasks to occupy them.

The basic layout for all Cardassian advanced education campuses is roughly the same. The school is split
into two wings, one half for the males and one half for the
females. Keeping the two sexes from co-mingling is the best
way to keep the young Cardassians attentions on their work
and off of the opposite sex. Each wing is broken down into
dormitories, where the young Cardassians live during their
tenure at their school. Each dorm is further broken down
into units with twenty young Cardassians in a unit. This
unit eats, sleeps, trains, and recreates together. Each unit
consists of both upper- and lower-classmen, and usually the
upper-classmen will lead the unit unless a lower-classman
shows uncanny ability. This structure teaches the Cardassian youth to both work as a group but keep the details of
their work secret from the others. When one member of a
unit breaks a rule, the entire unit is punished. As the upperclassmen graduate, the lower-classmen rise up in the ranks
of their unit, perhaps one day to become leader of it.
A typical day at a Cardassian Advanced School consists of rising before dawn for physical calisthenics. Morning
meal is afterwards, where the students receive a hot breakfast and can briey socialize with those outside of their unit.
Classes begin shortly thereafter, where the Cardassian is
taught their general studies. These classes are extremely challenging for the students. Midmeal is next, and more time is

Cardassian Schools
Badorah: This Military Academy represents the pinnacle of education for the Cardassian people. It is
the only school that trains its young students to be
part of the Command branch of the Central Command. It is also one of the most prestigious schools,
and only male Cardassians may attend. It also happens to be the single harshest of the schools that
a Cardassian can graduate from, and almost half of
all new students wash out in their third year. It is
located in Cardassia City.
BaKolmoir: This Military Academy teaches general
sciences, engineering, and medical sciences. It is the
single most prestigious science Academy, and only
the best and brightest young Cardassian minds will
be in attendance here. It is located in the southern
portion of the Patka continent, and has a female-tomale ratio of 20 to 1.
BaMarren: Cardassian ground soldiers are trained
at this Military Academy, located in Sotara along the
western shore of the bay.
BaGurfe: Located on Kora II, BaGurfe is the best
advanced training facility for Operations ofcers.
Aamin Marritza taught his advanced ling system
here after the occupation of Bajor.

allocated to this endeavor so that the student may enjoy her

meal. After lunch comes an hour of free time, where the
student can do as she pleases. Afterwards, the student goes
into specialized classes that apply more directly to their
future position in the Union. Next, the student eats dinner,
then has 3 hours to nish their studies for the day.
Upon graduation, the student immediately joins
the ranks of the rest of the Cardassian citizens in their
duty to the state: mandatory military service for two
years. After their military time is served, they join their
place in Cardassian society.

Cardassian architecture is respected throughout the
Alpha Quadrant, but their engineering regulations are not as
stringent as their Federation equivalent. Cardassians structures have an honesty to their design. They do not hide the
columns and beams of a structure behind elegant facades.
The fundamentals of Cardassian design are balance rather
than symmetry, ellipses rather than circles, curves rather
than right angles. Cardassian architects tend to favor the

number three in many of their designs. This theme is evident

throughout their cities, as on their Nor-class stations.
Much of Cardassian architecture is inspired by the
work of Tavor Kell. His starkly beautiful buildings are
renowned landmarks in Cardassia City and the planning
departments of the government ensure that new buildings
are constructed in a similar style.

The Cardassian people consider the arts to be less
important than many other races do. In the resource-hungry
society of Cardassia, where starvation and need are recent
memories, literature, poetry, and sculpture are of secondary importance. A career as an artist is considered slightly
shameful in a culture whose essence is duty and service.
The Cardassian State keeps a tight reign on its artists. It recognizes that art can be a powerful motivational
force. Only state sanctioned writers can be published. Only
the work of state sanctioned painters and sculptors may be
exhibited, and only in state-run galleries. Each individual
work must undergo a long and involved approval process

Valvac Halev: The Life of an Author

His rst novel, Nothing is Forgotten, was written shortly after he nished his service in the Second Order,
ghting against the Federation. It was a rambling epic describing the remembrances of four retired Cardassian
ofcers after their lifetimes of service. It was quickly approved by the Ministry of Arts and was added to the
Approved Books list in 2350 with critical and popular acclaim.
He married Marita Lech in 2352. In an interview given in 2354 to the Cardassian Media Ministry he
described his wife as being equally as important to him as the Cardassian people are. But in 2371 he said of her,
She was my only passion. She was my muse.
His second novel was Love Never Dies, describing the decades long romance between an enlisted soldier
and the wife of a senior government ofcial. Because of their dedication to the Cardassian State, the lovers
relationship is never consummated and the pair remains forever in love, but forever apart. Its publication in 2356
made Halev and ideological icon of the Cardassian people. The Cardassian propaganda machine claimed that every
single living Cardassian had read Love Never Dies.
In 2362 Marita was questioned by the Obsidian order about her brothers connection to the underground
movement. She was released but was no longer the woman Halev had married.
Halevs third novel was about an innocent Cardassian citizen, who is watched by the Obsidian Order, then
later imprisoned and tortured. Despite all of this the protagonist remains loyal to the end, when he is executed.
The novel was not approved. Halevs manuscript was smuggled to the Federation for publication. Illicit copies
were circulated throughout the Union.
In 2364, Halev was arrested and sentenced to a labor camp on Cardassia IV. Marita died a short while
later. All of his novels were placed on the Banned Books list. He became a cause celebre of the underground
movement, who secretly swapped his works.
The Detapa council released Halev in 2372. His novels were reprinted on Cardassia and he was acclaimed
as a hero for his perseverence.
Halev was an outspoken opponent to the Cardassian alliance with the Dominion. When the Dominion
authorities issued a warrant for his arrest, Halev ed to Klaestron IV where he currently resides.

by the Ministry of Public Health and Culture before

publication or exhibition.
Literature is the most popular art form
amongst the Cardassian populace and so it has
the most restricted guidelines. Permitted books
must actively promote Cardassian ideology or
discredit Cardassias enemies. Epics such as
The Never Ending Sacrice, which describes the
service of seven generations of a family to Cardassia, are favorites amongst Cardassian readers. These books are even preferred above
tales of valorous Cardassian ofcers defeating
the schemes of dastardly Stareet ofcers bent
on destroying the Union with their corrupt ideals
of democracy and individuality.
Cardassians who travel and the upper
classes have access to non-Cardassian literature. Dantes Inferno , Tolstoys War and Peace,
and KRataks The Dream of the Fire are all
highly regarded works. The Cardassians appreciate Shakespeares dramas but despise the comedies - particularly Romeo and Juliet, in which the
two lovers chose love over family.
The visual arts - painting, sculpture, and
holo-photography - are not highly regarded by
the general populace. Spending time admiring
such works is considered wasteful. There are
only a handful of galleries on Cardassia prime, all
of which are lled with depictions of family life
and Cardassians at war. Cardassia IV maintains
a museum of Hebitian works that have not been
sold off in the past, such as the bone carvings
from the First Hebitian period.
Many Cardassians express themselves artistically in the privacy of their homes and only their
friends and family ever view their work. The practical mentality of Cardassians means that many use
crafts as a creative outlet. Elaborately carved furniture or highly decorated potteries are more appreciated than objects dart by many Cardassians.
The underground movement attracts artists of all varieties who seek freedom of expression.
Writers work is distributed through the organization. Members of the movement hold secret exhibitions and readings. But this is not without risk; the
labor camps on Cardassia IV are lled with writers
whose work criticizes the government. These artists experienced unprecedented freedom during the
rule of the Detapa council. For eighteen months
in 2371-72, a large number of previously banned
books were printed, satirical cartoons were published and plays were performed that openly criticized the Cardassian State and way of life. This
halcyon era ended abruptly when the Cardassian
Union joined the Dominion. The Jemhadar visited those writers, satirists, and actors who did
not ee quickly enough.


Mealtimes are of great importance to Cardassians. Traditionally, the main meal of the
day was a time for the whole family to sit down
together. In modern times, the evening meal is
still considered a time for family, even if modern
lifestyles make it more difcult for the family to
eat together. A meal is just as important to lone
Cardassians or those away from their family, they
will never take work to their meal table; a meal
should be a time for conversation amongst friends
or intellectual discussion between comrades.
To a Cardassian, a meal is not just food to
be consumed; it is a feast of color and artistry. The
laying of the table, the color of the dishes and the
shape of the kanar bottle are all as important as
the food itself. Even a simple act, such as pouring
a glass of wine, is savored. Typically a Cardassian
will pause to admire the color of the drink before
pouring it. Perhaps he will even caress the elaborate spiral bottle before lifting the glass and savoring the aroma. Only then will he take his rst sip.
Food is also used as a symbol of power.
With whom you share your table is a measure
of status on Cardassia. If a powerful Cardassian
eats alone, he is stating that he considers no
one else is his equal. During the occupation of
Bajor, comfort women taken from refugee camps
were rewarded with the promise that their families would be well fed.
On the surface the Cardassian approach
to food makes them seem like an over-indulgent
species, but an examination of recent history shows
there are more concrete reasons. When drastic
food and resource shortages brought about a revolution, the new military government plundered
Cardassias artistic and archaeological treasures to
fulll their promise to put food on every Cardassians plate. With much of Cardassias great art
gone and a government that restricted new art,
the Cardassians established a new form of artistic
appreciation through their food and mealtime rituals.
Cardassians are omnivores, though many
of their dishes are meat or egg based. These are
generally cooked. Meat dishes include Semhal stew
and zabo meat steak, both of which are enjoyed
by non-Cardassians. Taspar eggs and Regova eggs
can be prepared in a number of ways, similar to
Terran chicken eggs. Many dishes are avored with
yamok sauce, a condiment that is found on every
meal table in the Cardassian Union. Hot sh juice,
a broth-like drink, is highly favored for breakfast.
Kanar is the Cardassian spirit of choice.
It comes in several varieties; it can be similar to
whiskey, wine, or liqueur. It is highly intoxicating
and the strong taste takes some getting used to.

In recent years kanar has proved popular outside the Cardassian Union, but the Dominion War has made it as difcult
to nd as Romulan Ale in the twenty-fourth century. Kanar
has a tendency to spoil, so keeping a supply on-hand is difcult for bartenders outside the Union.

Cardassian families are tightly knit. Usually, parents
will have between three and ten children, and sometimes
more. An only child is an anomalous occurrence. Families live
together in the Cardassian household, with the father being
the head of the house. It is not uncommon for the family unit
to be extended from unmarried aunts and uncles to grandfathers and grandmothers, all living together in the same
household. The Cardassian people venerate age, and elder
Cardassians are seen as wise to the ways of the universe.
Cardassian families share in the disgrace of one of
their members; therefore much pressure is put on the individuals to uphold the family name. If a family member stumbles, much effort is put into concealing the fact from the
powers that be. If concealment cannot be achieved or the
action is quite dastardly, then the member is usually ostracized by the family and turned into a pariah. Usually the
member will accept this disgrace to avoid having his family
disgraced in his name.
Divorce is uncommon among the Cardassians, except
in cases where the acts of the husband or wife would bring
disgrace unto the house as a whole. Generally two Cardassians who marry will do so for life, however a certain amount

of philandering is almost expected by the males of the species. While this is frowned upon by society, the people tend
to turn a blind eye toward this type of behavior among the
males. The female Cardassians do not enjoy this privilege,
as they can be outcast for such loose moral character. A disgraced woman carries a heavy social burden.
Cardassian mating is different from other species,
and sometimes those differences are very misunderstood by
outsiders. A potential mate indicates interest by expressing
a bickering, almost beligerent attitude. This bickering has
caused more than one interstellar snafu as misunderstandings spring from hot debates between diplomats. Fertility is
of paramount importance, as a mate that cannot bear children is shamed. Men prefer spirited women, and the females
of the species tend to prefer strong, dominant males.

The Feeds
Early in Cardassian history, the Obsidian Order
learned that well-entertained masses are often too distracted to be mindful of revolution. The best way to remain
in power was to placate the citizenry with the Feeds. The
Feeds are a network of broadcast screens throughout the
Cardassian city streets that broadcast propaganda to the
masses all day long. Each home on Cardassia is required
by law to have a Feed. On the streets, huge monitors show
speeches, trials and executions. In the home, the Cardassian has a choice of ve Feeds, however all of them are
essentially the same. All extol the glory of the Union. All
insist that service to the state brings happiness. And of

Feed Hacking
Criminals who wish to go against the rule of
law and modify their Feed units must make a Computer (Hacking) versus Difcult to modify the software, and Security (Security Systems) versus Difcult
to modify the hardware. This allows them to make
the modications, but not to avoid being caught at it.
The units are intentionally quite complicated pieces
of equipment. At random intervals, the unit makes a
self-diagnostic and reports any anomalous readings
to the Obsidian Orders central computer network.
There are several checksums in place for both hardware and software. For instance, disabling the selfdiagnostic will alert the Obsidian Order, because the
self-diagnostic will not take place as scheduled. Some
unscrupulous individuals have two feed units - a
modied version that they keep hidden and off-line,
and an unmodied unit that they keep online. They
can then hot-swap the two as needed, then hot-swap
them back to prevent detection. Even this is dangerous, though, as the self-diagnostic can begin at any
moment and alert the authorities.


course, the main Feed broadcasts the appropriate

propaganda of political speeches, trials and executions. Frequently the Feeds show the exact same
thing on all channels, and the home feeds can be
operated from the source, forcing the message to
play in the home whether the homeowners want it
or not. The same propaganda Feeds are broadcast
throughout the Union, not just on Cardassia.
Some unscrupulous individuals modify their
Feed unit, allowing them to receive Federation
broadcasts or to block the propaganda Feeds. These
individuals are criminals, and the Feed units can
report such alterations during random automated
diagnostics, so most Cardassians choose to just
leave them alone. At least one criminal a day gets
executed for Feed unit alteration, and that keeps
the citizens reminded that the Feed units are the
property of the government and are not to be modied by unauthorized personnel.

of wrath, vengeance, and the afterlife). While

he practiced the worship of these Presences at
his own temple in Govarr, it was not until after
his death that his teachings were passed on to
other priests. His faith, Telerath Jonak, gradually
spread peacefully throughout Cardassia.
The harsh conditions of modern Cardassia
lead to more and more people turning their back
on their faith. If the Divine Presences could not
prevent the famine and poverty that wracked Cardassia, then they must be powerless. Why should
they be still be feared and worshipped?
However, the Church and priesthood continued to exert considerable political inuence
during the reign of the Detapa council. During the
war with the Klingons, Togor Theghen, a senior
priest of Telerath Jonak, organized a demonstration for peace in the Imperial Plaza. The protest
received massive public support and lasted seven
weeks, until troops and tanks from the First Order

Worship is banned on Cardassia. There
is no organized religion and assembly for the purpose of a religious ceremony is a crime.
Ancient Cardassians were polytheistic and
worshipped a large pantheon of gods. The names
of these gods varied from region to region, but they
generally served the same purpose. This diversity
of gods gave rise to a large number of priests and
temples. Considerable wealth was accrued by the
priests at these temples. Mostly the wealth was used
for the purchase of sacred art and precious artifacts.
There were also lesser gods and spirits
that were worshipped. Small shrines were erected
to the spirits of particular streams or roads. Before
crossing the stream or walking the road, a small
prayer of thanks was given. It was believed that
everyone had a klaren, or guardian angel. Thanks
were given to this spirit every morning and an
offering was made every birthday.
About 5000 years ago a unied religion
arose on Cardassia. A priest named Heket traveled widely and discovered that different towns
worshipped different dieties. In one town that he
visited, Keldok (the sky god) was worshipped;
while in another town, Rhub (the god of crops
and the elds) was the primary deity. He was
disappointed that some gods were unknown in
some parts and that others went un-worshipped.
Realizing that hundreds of gods were too many
for people to remember, let alone worship, he
set about cataloguing the gods and categorizing
them into four Divine Presences. These were
Jonak Waresh (gods of the world), Jonak Mabd
(gods of the body and soul), Jonak Athela (gods
of fate and destiny) and Jonak StykAcken (gods


Selection of Cardassian Gods

Since gods had different names, in different
parts of Cardassia, the best-known name is
given, along with variations. Ironically, the
names of these ancient gods are still used
to name starships.

Keldok (or Keldak, Geldag): god of the

sky, the father of all other gods.

Glacett (or Marett, Lametta): mother

goddess and protector of pregnant women.

She was both daughter and wife of

Vakar (or Vashkara): god (or goddess in

Elekanda) of storms and lightning.

Tiamar: god of re. Anyone who was

burned was believed to have angered him.

StykRakan (or SyxKrak): god who transported damned souls to the underworld.

ArikAsha (or ArikVassa, Varikassa):

ruler of Vasha, the lowest level of hell. She
meted out punishment to the greatest of
evildoers. It was she that one prayed to
for forgiveness, for she was believed to be
capable of great mercy.

Bok: small winged, gargoyle like messenger of the gods.

moved in to disperse the protesters. Over one thousand men

and women died. At the insistence of the Central Command,
the Detapa Council outlawed all organized religion on Cardassia. Thegen was publicly executed for treason.
Religion is also banned on client worlds of the Cardassian Union. It is feared that religion may be a focus of
anti-Cardassian sentiment and a focal point for resistance.
An exception was made to this rule - Bajor. When Cardassia
banned the worship of the Prophets in the rst months of the
occupation, there was a massive response from the Bajoran
populace. A wave of strikes and protests swept across the
planet. In order that Bajor wasnt lost before it had been
fully secured, the Prefect ordered that the Bajorans could
continue to practice their religion. However constraints were
imposed, such as limits to the size of congregations.
Member worlds of the Union are permitted freedom of religion. However, they are not allowed to establish temples on planets other than their own.
There are a considerable number of devout believers in the underground movement who desire the right to
worship freely and publicly. This right was re-established
when the Detapa Council was restored in 2372. It was just
as quickly revoked in the following year when Cardassia
joined the Dominion.

Organized Crime
Before the Detapa Council, before the Central Command and the Obsidian Order, the Scravvan Families organized Cardassians globally. Despite famine, military coups,
wars, and the Dominion, the Scravvan Families business
prospers. Their business is crime.

Some historians believe that the Scravvan Families
originated in pre-industrial times, when gangs of gamblers
and racketeers protected rural townships from bandits.
While many Family members emulate the mixture of criminal activities and civic responsibility of those gangs, most
scholars agree that their origins can be traced back to early
industrial times. As towns grew into industrialized cities,
the large population masses made for easy exploitation by
those so inclined. Illegal gambling, drug dens and protection rackets were commonplace. Those who organized

Episode Seed: Scravvan Trouble

Family members have been dying of mysterious circumstances. Some suspect it is the Obsidian
Order trying to eliminate the heads of the families, and
others believe it is one Scravvan family attempting to
take over the resources of others through assassination. The characters must discover who is making hits
on the families and why...

these illicit activities formed close-knit groups to ensure

loyalty and discourage outside interference. With the Cardassian devotion to the family, it was inevitable that the
term family was applied to these criminal groups.
Initially the Families consisted of members of the
lower Scralan, Tialek, and Hibalek classes. They provided
drugs, prostitution, and gambling. Through typical Cardassian ruthlessness and organization these businesses grew
at a rate that would turn a Ferengi green with envy. The
Scravvan Families began to acquire interests outside their
petty criminal activities. Some backed labor movements and
unions, generally to facilitate racketeering but sometimes
for more benevolent purposes. Others expanded their businesses into wealthier neighborhoods and began to service
(and recruit from) the Amarlek and Ramalek classes. The
Families inuence continued to expand as industrialization
progressed and a global economy began to emerge. Several of the families are even of the Trelek class, who banded
together in secret almost 900 years ago to form a conglomerate of vesala to keep the lower classes down. A loose
worldwide confederation of disparate Families evolved from
this mish-mash of the Cardassian social ladder.
As famine swept across Cardassia, and the riots,
looting and disorder ensued, the Scravvan Families stepped in.
In many towns and cities the Families enforcers imposed curfews and maintained order. The Families ensured that food and
medical supplies reached the poorest Cardassians. Of course,
there was still a prot to be made in black-marketeering.
When the military seized control, they did their best
to crush the Scravvan Families. The Central Command


purged the government of any ofcials with ties to the

Families. Scravvan bosses were convicted in highly publicized show trials. The military also cleaned its own
house. Any soldier convicted of black-marketeering or
smuggling was executed.
Despite all of this, the Families survived. The Central Command may have eradicated hunger from Cardassia, but it did not eradicate poverty. While much of Cardassia prospered, there were still many areas where essential
goods and services were scarce. It was in these slums and
ghettos that the Families went to ground. Here they still
prospered despite the watchful eye of the Obsidian Order
and the harsh punishments meted out to these criminals.
The people of these poor neighborhoods did not care for
Cardassia or the military. Their loyalty was to their family
and to their Scravvan Family.
During Cardassias wars with the Federation and
Klingons, the Families conducted business as usual. But
when Cardassia allied herself with the Dominion, the Families chaffed under their new masters. When Legate Damar
openly deed the Dominion and formed his resistance movement, the Families gladly provided whatever aid they could.
Thousands of Family members were wiped out
during the massacre on Cardassia Prime at the end of the
war. Some smaller Families were wiped out completely.
Despite their losses the Families were often the only form
of organization left in many parts of Cardassia Prime. They
organized relief efforts and distribution of food. While
the government and the military struggled with the global
catastrophe, the Scravvan Families worked on the ground
with the Cardassian people.

Modern Scravvan Families

The bread and butter businesses of the Families
are the same as they have always been - supplying the
people with that which they desire and which the law says
they should not have: prostitution, drugs, and gambling.
These are conducted in the slums and ghettos of Cardassian
cities, where they can do so openly and without fear of the
authorities. Local Gangs of dispossessed youths are ideal for
recruitment as muscle.
The Families control virtually all gambling throughout Cardassia. They run every vole-ght and all the bets on
them. They conduct all of the betting on legal vole racing.
And they run every unlicensed casino in the Union. The
government has legalized a very few casinos and the Families have controlling interests in all of them. A few years ago
the Orion Syndicate tried to open gambling joints on several
border worlds. The Scravvan Families bombed every single
one in a span of a single day.
Smuggling and black-marketeering are also highly


protable for the Families. Luxury goods from outside the

Union are highly sought after among wealthier Cardassians.
The death penalty for black-marketeering still stands in the
military, but the crime is generally overlooked. Military supplies, from food and medical supplies to phaser ries and
even Galor-class disruptor banks regularly change hands
both inside and outside the Union. It was a point of pride
that the Scravvan families supplied weapons for self-defense

Vole Racing
Cardassians enjoy gambling, and the government condones it as long as it is state sanctioned
and the Central Command earns its cut. However this
does not stop illegal gambling activities, such as
the vole races, and its even more heinous cousin,
the vole ght.
Vole races are quite popular among the
Unions soldiers and civilians. The races are outlawed
on Cardassia, so the gamblers must meet in secret to
place their bets. The house acts as bookie, and odds
are laid according to strength, tenacity and speed of
the rodent-like creature.
Many gamblers bring their own voles to the
races. Such criminals will go to great lengths raising
and training their voles to ensure their bets.
Some even go so far as to pump their vole up with
various strength and endurance enhancing drugs,
but more than one trainer has been killed by doing so
by his fellow gamblers.
With numbers painted on their back to identify them, the gate drops on the track and the voles
explode off the line. The courses can vary from gambling den to gambling den, as the illegal nature of the
so-called sport makes regulation courses impractical.
It is not uncommon for the voles to ght on their way
to the nish line, and side-bets of which vole will win
the scrap start ying throughout the den. Eventually
one will cross the nish line and the bets are paid out.
The surviving voles will race again. This will continue
for two or three hours before closing down, only to
pop up elsewhere.
What isnt generally known is that the Families control the gambling dens throughout the Union.
If a den springs up to encroach on the Familys territory, it quickly gets raided by the Obsidian Order, shut
down, and the criminals engaging in the activity are
executed. This ensures that there is no competition.

to Cardassian colonists in the DMZ.

Senior Family members regularly mix with the upper
echelons of the Central Command and the Detapa council. It
is open knowledge that they control vast criminal empires but
they are regarded as important citizens of Cardassia.
The Families rarely ght amongst themselves. A
council of Family leaders settles disputes between Families. It is highly unusual for outright warfare to erupt
between Families. This is not to say that the Families
are a peaceful organization. Bitter enmity often exists
between rivals in different Families or even within the
same family. Promotion within a Family is often achieved
by eliminating a superior member. The Families bring
their collective might to bear on the Orion Syndicate and
Ferengi Daimons. The Scravvan Families consider The
Cardassian Union to be their territory. Any incursion by
criminal organizations from outside the Union is greeted
with extreme violence. The Scravvan Families believe
that the Cardassian people should be protected from outsiders and exploited by them.
The Families plays a dangerous game of balance
with the Obsidian Order. The Order is certainly not in the
pocket of these underworld families, as it does sometimes
catch the criminals and execute them. But the Families
go to great lengths to hide themselves from the Order by
working from within. Indeed, many high-ranking operatives
of the Obsidian Order (and Central Command) are part of
these underground crime families. These criminals ensure
that the Obsidian Order isnt looking in the wrong places.
They divert the Orders attention through vesala and identication of state traitors and other criminals. It is through
this unwilling partnership that the underworld eliminates
most of its competition. Sometimes the underworld will
sacrice part of itself to appease the Order, intentionally
setting up members that it wants to eliminate from its
ranks, all for the betterment of the Family.

Crime Family Ranks

Bravvan are the lowest Family members. They can
control a neighborhood, control a network of pimps and
girls, or run a vole-ghting syndicate with the associated
gambling. Gang leaders, pimps, and protection racketeers
dream of becoming a bravvan. For bravvan are part of the
family and are entitled to all of its privileges and its protection.
Sopravvan are the middle ranks of the Families.
They run casinos, control drug networks, or oversee
all of the Bravvan within a district.
A Ravvagul is senior member of a Family. He controls all Family activities in a city. Some Ravvaguls control
the entire criminal activities of small worlds.
Corlevvan is the title of the head of the Family. Corlevvan are generally well-known public gures. The heads
of the most powerful Families regularly keep in touch with
one another to ensure business runs smoothly.

Major Scravvan Families

The Tegraf Family is the most powerful Family on
Cardassia Prime. They control Cardassia City and several
other cities. Corlevvan Denan Tegraf and his eldest
son were killed in the Dominion massacre, leaving no
heir to the Family business.
The Sharal Family controls several major spaceports
on major worlds throughout Cardassia. Its primary income is
derived from the importation of banned goods and the smuggling of narcotics. Corlevvan Das Sharal is a recluse. He sees
no one in person and is believed to live aboard a starship.
The Tegraf Familys control of spaceports on Cardassia Prime
is an obstacle to Sharal getting a foothold on the capital.

When any government wields its power with an iron
st, as the Cardassian government has, political dissent is
sure to evolve. A repressive government unwillingly nurtures
groups who are dissatised with the state of their society,
and Cardassia is no exception to this sociological rule.
Dissent on Cardassia Prime is a rare thing, simply
because the Obsidian Order is so watchful for this type of
treasonous behavior. Because of this, the groups have to be

Dissident Groups
Several groups of dissent are listed below. The list is
by no means conclusive.
The True Way: A violent group opposed to the peace
treaty between Cardassia and Bajor. They blame the
Federation for Cardassias economic & political troubles.
Cardassian Underground: A non-violent dissent
group who focuses on peace as a solution for change.
They want a democratic society, civil rights, and a
better life for their children. After the Dominion War,
the Underground became the Democratist Movement.
The Federation Faction: This non-violent group
actively works toward the day when the Cardassian
Union and the United Federation of Planets can one
day merge as one.
Private Citizen: This group of citizens works to eliminate the Obsidian Order and undermine their efforts of
spying. They broadcast pirate feed signals across feed
lines, hoping to infect other Cardassians with their
ideas. The Obsidian Order considers this group to be
the most dangerous.


so cautious that they often border on paranoia. This makes

it difcult for a potential new member to join a dissident
group, and therefore their memberships are often limited to
two or three trusted people. On Cardassia, you are with the
Cardassian government, or you are against them. Dissenters
are prosecuted under the laws of treason and sedition.
The situation is a little different in the rest of Cardassian space. While the Order can maintain a rm grip on
Cardassia Prime, its inuence is not as wide-spread on other
planets. It is here that political dissention owers and blossoms for the Cardassian people. Groups organize themselves
into small cells to further avoid detection.
Protest is a difcult thing in Cardassian space. Those
who vocalized their dissent would draw unwanted attention
to themselves. Most would gather into small confederations
that would try to use their vesala to undermine the governments rightful authority. Until the Bajoran Occupation
it was the only way the people knew how to protest the
brutality of their government.
All of that changed when the Cardassians occupied Bajor. The Bajorans were spirited, and they fought
back where so many others had rolled over to the Central
Command. The Bajorans, through their actions of terrorism against their Cardassian masters, taught the Cardassian dissidents that violence could be an answer to political
problems. Until that time, the thought was unprecedented
and unimaginable. In the last several decades, some of
these Cardassian dissident groups have embraced violence
as a means to an end.

The Justice System

Cardassian justice is swift and effective. The legal
system both protects the Cardassian populace and shows
them clearly that they are being protected. To Federation
observers the system seems harsh and unfair because the
accused is not permitted a defense and there is a signicant possibility that innocent men and women might be punished. But to the Cardassians, the fate of a few innocents
matters little when compared to justice for the Cardassian State and its people.
The Cardassians boast that they have the most efcient criminal investigation system in the quadrant. Investigators have broad powers under Cardassian law, including
torture. The DNA records of all Cardassians citizens are
a powerful tool during an investigation. The Cardassian
authorities even allow investigators to cross the borders of
foreign powers to apprehend suspects.
When a suspect is arrested he is told, You have
the right to refuse to answer questions although such a
refusal may be construed as a sign of guilt. A suspect
may be interrogated or tortured to establish his guilt. Once


a convincing case has been made against the suspect, he

is imprisoned to await trial. He is no longer considered a
suspect; he is now an offender.
The trial of an offender serves two purposes - to
demonstrate the futility of behavior contrary to good order
and to assure the Cardassian people that criminals are
caught and punished. To facilitate this, trials are broadcast
across Cardassia. Trials usually last less than a single day,
to ensure that they are compelling viewing.
An Archon presides over a Cardassian court. She is
both the judge and prosecutor. A Public Conservator represents the offender. The Conservator may point out aws in
the Archons case but he may not call witnesses nor bring
new evidence. Conservators have occasionally won a case,
but this incurs the wrath of the Cardassian legal authorities. The offender is permitted a single Nestor, an advisor
appointed by the court. There is no public gallery, but the
family of an offender is expected to attend in order that the
Cardassian people may see them weep.
A trial begins with a declaration of the charges
against the offender and the sentence he is to receive. The trial
only shows how the offender was found to be guilty. Witnesses
are called and evidence is presented to prove the Archons
case. The Conservator may submit no evidence. The spouse
of the offender is given the chance to testify against him so as
to distance herself from his disgrace. The nal testimony
comes from the offender himself. He is compelled to testify.
There is no right to silence under Cardassian jurisprudence.
At the end of the trial, after the Archon sums up
her case, the offender is expected to concede to the wisdom
of the state and accept his sentence with equanimity.
The Conservator will counsel him to express remorse for his
actions. The offender is lead away to begin his sentence immediately. Executions are carried out within
days if the sentence is death.
Military and political prisoners are often submitted to
the same trial procedure. Such a prisoner may be offered a
lenient sentence if he agrees to confess all his crimes during
a trial. When the only alternative to accepting such humiliation is further torture, a prisoner might easily succumb.
When the Cardassian populace see a Federation ofcer confess to war crimes against Cardassian soldiers or a leading
dissident admit to crimes against the State, they will be certain of the absolute superiority of the Cardassian way.

The purpose of Cardassian science is to serve the
state. The Central Command controls all research and exploration. It dictates which sectors of space are to be explored.
It decides which research projects can proceed and which
are of no value to the State.

Episode Seed: Purity

A genetically engineered young Cardassian
woman has escaped the labs of the Obsidian Order,
and has thrown herself at the mercy of the Federation. She is the rst successful experiment for a
genetically pure Cardassian, and is very valuable to
the state. The Obsidian Order begins a massive manhunt. If the PCs are from the Federation, they must
either send her back, or give her asylum. If the PCs
are Cardassian, they are sure to gain vast amounts
of Vesala for nding her...
Cardassias unparalleled education system and the
renowned Cardassian attention to detail mean that Cardassia produces scientists of the highest caliber. A majority
of Cardassian scientists are women, due the gender bias in
Cardassian society. While many scientists are content to
work for the improvement of the State, some are dissatised with the emphasis on practical projects. There are close
links between the dissident movement and those researchers more interested in pure science.
The Cardassian Institute of Science is the Unions
pre-eminent centre for research. Most of the Unions weapons research takes place here. The Central Command
strictly controls it and security is very tight. The staff jokingly estimates that one in three of their number is an
Obsidian Order operative. Whether the Order is there to
protect the Institutes secrets or steal them is unknown.
Space exploration is carried out with the specic
purpose of increasing Cardassias resources. The discovery
of new mineral-rich planets is of primary importance. When
such a planet is located, it must be further appraised.
Detailed requirements for mining must be determined, potential hazards investigated and the indigenous population must
be evaluated to determine whether they can be employed as
vassals or must be subdued.
The military does not posses purpose-built explorer
vessels. Instead, Galor-class warships perform a limited scientic role. They are equipped with laboratories and have
a small complement of scientists. These scientists are usually assigned with specic missions in mind. The commanders of these ships are often women. Female ofcers who
overcome the sexism in the military to rise to the rank of Gul
frequently nd themselves sidelined by being assigned to
exploration vessels. These ofcers tend to be ruthless from
the bitterness of their position in the Union.
Advances in medical science are brought about for
military purposes. Surgical techniques are developed to
assist injured troops and vaccines are developed to allow
Cardassian forces to ght on alien worlds. The treatment
of ordinary Cardassian citizens is not considered important
enough to devote research to. In particular, attempts to prolong the average Cardassian lifespan are considered contrary
to the needs of the already overpopulated State.




The Hebitian Age
Cardassian recorded history begins in the rst Hebitian Era.
The reign of the Hebet dynasty and the subsequent prosperous and
peaceful years of the Hebitian League are considered to be a golden
age of Cardassian civilization. While it is true that this was an era of
unparalleled artistry that produced many of Cardassias most valued
artifacts and monuments; the Hebitian League was built on the backs
of slaves and the lower classes. As ever, most Cardassians were
simply struggling to survive.

The First Hebitian Period

Garash Hebet was born the only son of Onat Hebet, the
ruler of the city of Korlarem. Onat had used Korlarems armies
to conquer much of the surrounding region. He raised crippling
taxes on conquered peoples so that he could build Korlarem into
a vast and majestic city.
Garash was raised to rule over his fathers empire. However, as he approached manhood, it became apparent that he was
cut from a different cloth than his father. His aunt Madita, who
was matriarch of Korlarems wealthiest merchant family, had supervised Garashs education. Madita taught him that money and bargaining were often better methods for achieving ones goals than
force. While Onat was a straightforward man, Madita was wily. And
Garash learned that from her too.
Onat refused to hand over his city and his armies to his son.
But little by little, Garash gained control. With Maditas assistance
he gained a prominent place on the citys council. Here he could
inuence monetary and legal rulings for the city and the conquered
lands. Time and again he clashed with his father over council deci-


All years are in Terran Standard.
Circa -16000: City-states are
established. First use of metals.
Circa -10000: Several city-states
form an alliance, the Hebitian
League. First writing.
Circa -6000: First Hebitian Civilization falls.
Circa -3000: Heket, a priest, develops new religious doctrine.
Circa 2800: Julun Kassat spreads
Hekets teachings. Second Hebitian
period begins. Science and discovery mark this period.
Circa 600: Gunpowder weaponry
Circa 750: The Hebitian alliance is
destroyed by internal conict.
795: Third Hebitian Empire is
926: Third Hebitian Empire falls.
957: Sotaran-Hebitian


1181: Sotaran-Hebitian League dissolved.

Circa 1200: Early industry.




Circa 1400: Major industry

throughout developed nations. Electricity and internal combustion
engines widely used.
1558: Splitting of the atom.
1570: Bajoran solar sail vessel
crashes on Cardassia.
1574: Urrent Gar begins his campaign to unify Cardassia.
1579: Cardassia is on the brink of
nuclear war for eight days.


sions about taxation and funding for the army.

As Onat grew older he lost the stomach for the constant battling with
his son. He spent longer and longer away from Koralem, leading his armies
in battle. Garash Hebet became de facto ruler of Koralem. History does not
record the fate of Onat Hebet.
Initially, Garashs reforms were slow. As his inuence increased, he
made more and more sweeping changes. He abolished the heavy taxes that
were such a burden on the peoples that his father had conquered. He sent diplomatic
expeditions beyond the borders of his lands. His armies were re-deployed defensively.
Soon news of Korlarems wealth and prosperity spread throughout the Okaba region.
Harahk, the ruler of the city-state of Gurrettal saw Korlarem as a rich
target for his conquest. On four occasions, Garash had to lead his armies in
defense of his realm. Time and again he sent emissaries to his enemy, with
offers of alliances and trading pacts.
Harahk grew bored with the offers of peace and had the neck bones of
one emissary sent back to Garash. Enraged, Garash raised a huge army and lead
them to conquer Gurrettal. Garash Hebet was killed during the siege of the city,
and Gurrettal was razed to the ground in vengeance.
Garashs eldest son, Famar, became ruler of Korlarem. The city coffers had
been depleted by his fathers campaign against Harahk. Famar knew that he must
expand the citys trading links to restore the citys prosperity. He sent emissaries
and explorers to ever more distant lands.
He was rewarded when one of his expeditions met a similar party of
Karadan traders from Hannarad. These men had traveled far and wide in
search of trade. They knew of many peoples who were willing to exchange
foods, goods and treasures. The Karadan traders were invited to return to
Korlarem to meet Famar Hebet.
Famar was delighted to meet them. He spent days in discussion with
them. The more he learned of Cardassia, the more he wanted to know. Eventually the Karadan traders were dispatched back to their home, laden with
gifts and with a singular offer. Famar Hebet himself wished to make the journey to Hannarad to discuss an alliance.
From this meeting the Hebitian League was formed. Initially the League
was only a trading agreement between Korlarem and several city-states in Hannarad. In the decades that followed the trading expeditions from Hannarad and
Korlarem spread the news of the League. Slowly the League grew to incorporate
dozens of cities, spread over thousands of miles. Food, livestock, jewelry, and works
of art were traded across Cardassia. Eventually nations were formed peacefully
within the alliances of League. It was a time of peace, abundance, and prosperity
that lasted for four thousand years. Cardassia would never see such a time again.

The Fall of the Hebitian League

The League did not reach all of Cardassia. On the other side of the
virtually impassable Heshkar Ridge were the Sotaran nations. These peoples
developed at a slower pace then the Hebitian League as they did not have the
benet of shared technologies and peaceful coexistence. These were a people
endlessly at war. Their nations were created through conquest and borders
rarely remained constant from one year to the next.
Conict was inevitable when the Sotarans rst encountered the Hebitians.
The Hebitians appeared to be a fat and complacent people, ripe for conquest. But
in fact the Hebitians maintained a well-trained and well-equipped army. The rst
Sotaran assaults on the Hebitian cities were repelled with ease and punitive raids against
the Sotarans were simply massacres.
The Hebitians were all too keen to trade with their new neighbors after
they had been put in their place. The Sotarans learned Hebitian metallurgical
techniques and other technologies to craft swords and other weaponry. They

traded for riding animals to build a cavalry. Within a generation of their rst defeats
the Sotarans struck again.
The Hebitians found themselves at war with a battle-hardened enemy that
was as well-equipped as them and determined to avenge past defeats. Wars raged
on and off for one hundred and fty years. Bitter internal divisions within the Hebitian
League caused fractures within. Nations and cities not under threat from the Sotarans refused to aid those who were. Nations in western Patka saw their opportunity
to seize territory from the hard-pressed Hebitians on the other side of the straits. One
by one the Sotarans pillaged the League cities until they reached Koralem itself.
The siege of Korlarem lasted three years. The Sotarans breached the great citys
walls one by one. When the attackers reached the heart of the city, they put every man,
woman and child to death. Fasmar Hebet, ruler of the city and head of the Hebitian
League, was executed and his headless corpse was hung over the city gate for a month.
In the following centuries, small nations were born and died all across Okaba.
The displaced Hebitian peoples built new cities and fought the Sotaran conquerors
while Sotaran warlords fought over conquered territory.

The Second Hebitian Era

Historians broadly classify four and a half thousand years of history as the
Second Hebitian Period. This is inaccurate in two ways: primarily because this era
had little to do with the Hebet dynasty, and secondly, there was no single political
entity that lasted throughout the entire period.
The catalyst for the creation of a new unity between the nations of Cardassia
was the priest Heket. He had spent much of his life traveling throughout Cardassia to
study and catalogue the vast pantheon of gods worship by different peoples. From
all that he learned, he distilled a single, all-encompassing doctrine of faith. This he
named Telerath Jonak. And his followers spread his teachings across Cardassia.
Julun Kassat, a powerful Sotaran ruler, learned of Hekets teachings and took
them to heart. Some accounts say that Kassats transformation from aggressive warlord to advocate of Telerath Jonak was nothing short of miraculous. It is more likely
that Kassat had mellowed in his old age. He had achieved both wealth and renown, and
had a large family. He was perhaps looking for something different to occupy his time.
He had been recently been approached by Xanam Hebet, a leader of a
small Hebitian nation called Darada. Hebet had proposed and alliance,
but Kassat had laughed in his face
and told Hebet that he would conquer Darada if he chose. After he
read Hekets doctrines, Kassat summoned Hebet back to him. He told
Hebet that he would agree to an
alliance, provided Hebet agreed
to teach Telerath Jonak to his
people. He also threatened to conquer Darada and teach it himself if
the other leader declined. Hebet
In a similar manner, Kassat
the Warlord spread Hekets word to
many surrounding lands. His devotion to Telerath Jonak was famous,
but it was always the promise of
alliance that brought new nations
into the fold. By the time of Kassats death, there were peaceful and
Cardassian Bone Carving
allied nations across all of Okaba.
Kassats eldest daughter,

1580: Gars forces ght a limited nuclear war with Gerish. Gars
campaign ends.
1581: The rst summit between
Cardassian leaders.
1590: The rst manned rocket is
1592: The Obsidian Order is
1595: First interplanetary space
ight to Cardassia IV.
1597: Fusion power developed.
1604: Colony established on Cardassia IV.
1689: Warp drive developed.
1711: First contact with the
Zhavish. Interstellar war ensues.
1713: The Central Command is
1854: Zhavish rebels hijack the
Garamesh and try to crash it into
Cardassia Prime.




1946: Jagul Nujal Penor is elected

to the Detapa Council. The military begin to establish control of
the government.
2286: Contact with Klingon
Empire in the Betreka nebula. War
breaks out.
2289: First contact with the Federation.
2291: Troops massacre religious
protestors in Imperial Plaza. Religion is banned throughout the
2304: Betreka Nebula Incident
2328: Cardassia occupies Bajor.
2347: Union attacks Setlik III,
killing over 100 Federation colonists. Federation/Cardassian war


2348: Gharvaa Riots

2351: Construction of Terok Nor is
2354: Stareet drives Cardassian
forces out of Federation space.
2367: Truce between the Union and
the Federation.
2369: Withdrawal from Bajor. The
Bajorans invite the Federation to
administer Terok Nor, and they rechristen it Deep Space Nine.
2370: Treaty nally signed by both
Union and Federation. Demilitarized
zone is established
2371: Peace treaty signed with Bajorans. Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar
eets fail in an attack on the Founder
homeworld. Benjamin Sisko ies a
Bajoran solar sail vessel from Bajor
to Cardassia Prime. The Cardassian
government reveals that an ancient
Bajoran craft crashed on Cardassia
centuries ago.
2372: Civilian rebellion overthrows
the Central Command. Detapa Council regains control of government.
Klingons believe this proves Founder
inltration, and tries to capture Council members. Hostilities break out
2373: Cardassia joins the Dominion.
Dukat becomes ruler of Cardassia.
Dominion War begins.
2374: Federation retakes Terok Nor.
Dukat is captured. Damar becomes
leader of Cardassia. Betazed falls
to the Dominion/Cardassian alliance.
Romulans join the war. Federation
counter-attacks at Chin-toka.
2375: The Breen enter the war on
the side of the Dominion. Damar
leads a revolt against the Dominion.
As the Federation alliance begins it
nal offensive, the Jemhadar slaughter 800 million Cardassians. Dominion surrenders. The Treaty of Bajor
is signed.


Galebra, was a Telerath Jonak fanatic. She married Xanam Hebet, and together they
expanded the alliance, through conquest and threats. Their descendents would continue to exert considerable inuence within the alliance for over ve hundred years.
At its height, the Hebitian alliance was spread across a third of Cardassia.
Art, philosophy, and religion ourished, hand in hand with science and discovery. Many signicant advances were made in metallurgy, engineering, weaponry,
agriculture, and medicine. However, it was those technological advances that
brought an end to the alliance.
The history of the Hebitian alliance was never a peaceful one. Nations
within the alliance fought amongst themselves and those states on the borders
had to constantly defend themselves from without. The development of gunpowder weaponry sparked off an arms race within the alliance. As one nation gained
bigger and better cannons, they felt compelled to demonstrate them by trying
them out on their neighbors. As artillery became heavier and musketry was introduced onto the battleeld, more and more nations were convinced that they had
superiority over their enemies. Eventually the entire alliance was at war with itself.
The former alliance nations waged war amongst themselves for several
hundred years. Several attempts were made by rulers to unite nations and
restore peace. Usually they only succeeded in achieving temporary agreements between a handful of states. Some were more successful than others.
Rifon Haradas founded the Third Hebitian Empire when he negotiated a
pact between twelve nations. Together they conquered all of Okaba and most of
Sotara. Haradas declared himself Emperor of Cardassia and ruled from Korlarem
with an iron hand. His empire lasted until the death of his great grandson, who
left no heirs. The twelve-nation pact collapsed as its signatories fought bitterly
over who would rule the empire.
The Sotaran-Hebitian League was a loose alliance of states in Okaba and
Sotara that were freed after the collapse of the Empire. They allied for mutual
defense and economic benet and brought peace and prosperity to their peoples
for over two hundred years.
Historians classify other multinational alliances in Okaba as the fth through
to seventh Hebitian eras. Some even consider there to have been eighth and
ninth eras. By the end of the thirteenth century, there were no longer any accords
between nations of any kind.

The Unification of Cardassia

The crash of the Bajoran solar sailing vessel is arguably the most signicant single event in Cardassian history. It inspired one man to unify Cardassia, to
halt the planets descent into chaos and to drive Cardassians into space. And it
remained the most closely guarded secret on Cardassia for 800 years.
In the three hundred years since the end of the second Hebitian era, Cardassia had entered the industrial age. Cardassian nations exploited every last
resource that the planet could offer. The air in some cities was so polluted that
it was unbreathable. The oceans became dumping grounds for sewage, toxic
waste and waste nuclear materials. Vast swathes of forest were destroyed to
make way for the gigantic factory farms that were required to feed the everexpanding population, and the pesticides used on these farms found its way
into the water table to poison ora and fauna alike.
The shortages of resources resulted in conict. Wars were fought for
control of resource-rich regions, farms and even over single mines or factories.
There was international trade, however Cardassian leaders generally believed
that it was better to take something by force rather than pay for it.
One such leader was Urrent Gar. He was the ruler of Lerasan, a large nation
in eastern Sotara. Gar understood modern warfare and weaponry and his army
was his pride and joy. He had conquered two small nations and possessed nuclear
weapons to deter his larger neighbors.

The Coming of the Bajorans

It was early on a summer evening when the Bajoran
spacecraft came hurtling through the skies and crashed in a
remote part of Lerasan. Once the true nature of the crashed
object was known, Gars military moved quickly to seize the
craft. It was removed to a nearby base and a cover story
was concocted. The crashed vessel was later moved to a
secure location for detailed study. The corpses of the Bajoran crew were autopsied.
Until the existence of the Bajoran craft was revealed,
history had shown Urrent Gar to be megalomaniac conqueror.
But the truth about his motives is little different.
Urrent Gar came to see the vessel, he was shocked by the
absolute proof that aliens existed and that they had greater
technology than the Cardassians. He immediately realized
that these aliens posed a threat to Cardassia. Gar spent long
weeks wondering what to do about the ship. He considered
informing the world about the ship, but he did not believe that
other nations would put aside their rivalries, even in the face
of an alien threat. His nal solution was a dramatic one; he
would unify Cardassia and prepare the planet to ght.

Gars Campaign Begins

Gar made careful preparations. He knew that his
nation could not conquer Cardassia. He increased the size
of his armed forces and began to stockpile nuclear weapons.
He dispatched emissaries to secure allies and sent spies to
every nation on Cardassia. He hoped that the Bajoran ship
would yield technological advances that would assist him,
but he did not count on them.
It was more than four years before he made his rst
move. Within a week Gars assassins killed heads of state in
two nations, plunging them into political turmoil; his tanks rolled
across two small nations and into a third; and his nuclear missiles destroyed four major cities of his most powerful enemy.
Nations across Cardassia protested uproariously
about Gars actions. Gar appeared cowed by the threats
of retaliation, but while Cardassian leaders talked, he was
consolidating his gains.
Gar waited for almost two years before he struck again.
He began slowly, by seizing resource-rich territories from three
neighboring states. He then waited for their response.
The nations of Aravasi, Jarosana, and Koloen
formed a defensive alliance against further aggression by
Gar. But Gars spies had learned that the alliance was
somewhat shaky. Gar sent secret proposals to Aravasi
and Koloen offering them security and territory if they
did not assist the Jarosana when he attacked. They both
agreed. Gars armies outanked Jarosanas by maneuvering through Aravasi and Koloen. Jarosana surrendered
after only six weeks of ghting.
This relatively straightforward conquest allowed Gar
to continue his expansion. A small expeditionary force

was transported across the ocean to the desert region of

Elekanda. They seized towns and settlements and established bases with little resistance from the small indigenous
population. When the occupiers began to enslave the local
men and abuse their women, a erce resistance movement
began. The rebels hid in the desert and waged a guerrilla
war. Gars troops could not ght and survive in the desert
and failed repeatedly to hunt down the rebels.
Gars forces also conquered several small nations to
the north and to the west. His expansion continued until his
borders met those of powerful nations. Now Gar controlled
almost two entire continents but his next obstacles were formidable ones. He was surrounded on three sides by nations
armed with nuclear weapons.

Conquest of the North

Again Gar paused to consolidate his gains. Leaders
loyal to Gar were installed in conquered nations and the
populations were allowed the freedom to continue with their
lives. Only a small fraction of the resources from the conquered nations was siphoned off for Gars armies. But this
was enough for him to expand his armies still further.
To the north lay Findara, a nation of ercely independent people. Their nuclear arsenal was relatively small
but was easily capable of destroying Lerasan. The Findarans
had repeatedly threatened Gar with nuclear strikes if he continued his aggression. Gar knew they would not hesitate to
retaliate if he invaded their homeland.
Gars agents gradually inltrated the Findaran military. They discovered of the location of the Findarans
missile silos and they learned the exact quantity of mobile
launchers. Gars special forces were dispatched across the
border to destroy the mobile launchers while his agents sabotaged the silo-launched missiles. The operation was almost
entirely successful. When Gars tanks rolled into Findara
only two missiles were launched. One destroyed the Headquarters of Gars northern army and a signicant percentage
of the supplies and munitions required for the coming invasion. The second was a dud that landed on the capital of
Lerasan, only meters from Gars command bunker.
The invasion of Findara was a long and bitter struggle. Gars army had to root out the enemy from every mountain village and coastal harbor. The Findarans were a seagoing people and their navy was superior in both men and ships.
Gars army constantly found itself under the guns of Findaras
battleships or being outanked by amphibious assaults. Gars
air force systematically destroyed the Findaran navy before
the army could make serious progress.
It took almost two years to conquer Findara and
pockets of resistance fought on for years later. In the following year Gars armies marched through the rest of the
Hannarad continent. Most of the small nations were happy
to acquiesce to Gars rule when promised that they would be
left alone on the condition that they supplied him with the
resources he asked for.


Eight Days
Gar adopted different approaches to Redaran to the south and Wasir to the west. The Rendarans were a belligerent and aggressive people.
Gar knew that he would not get off as lightly
as he had in the conict with Findara. Instead
of the expected attack, he chose to amplify his
policy of deterrence. He increased the number of
nuclear missiles stationed close to the Rendaran
border. His message was simple: any Rendaran
attack would be suicide. Gar knew that his solution was not permanent, but it would keep the
Rendarans out of his hair for a while.
Gar adopted a policy towards the Wasiri
that was almost the opposite of his Rendaran
one. Wasir was a semi-democratic nation whose
people considered their way of life to be superior to that of every other Cardassian nation. Gar
offered the Wasiri peace. He unilaterally withdrew
his nuclear weaponry from the Wasir border
and offered a non-aggression pact. The Wasiri
government accepted the hand of peace. However
there was some internal dissent in Wasir. A large
number of Wasiri considered the formation of any
kind of alliance with Gar to be a betrayal of
their principals.
To continue his campaign of unication, Gar
need to bypass either Wasir or Rendaran to reach
the regions of Okaba, Venarhond and Kolari. He
achieved this through the backdoor. Golun Jakat,
Gars ambassador to Wasir successfully negotiated a
trade agreement that included a paragraph allowing
the movement of men and material through Wasir.
The Wasiri did not anticipate that Gar would use this
clause to mount an invasion.
The Wasiri feared the worst when Gars
men and tanks poured across their border. However Gar was simply taking advantage of his agreement. His ofcers were under strict instructions
that no harm was to come to any Wasiri person or
property, any damage was to be paid for and any
man violating these orders was to be handed
over to the Wasiri authorities.
However the troop movement caused
uproar amongst the Wasiri populace, despite its
legality and Gars personal assurances. There were
riots and blockades of the highways preventing the
passage of Gars troops. The Wasiri head of government resigned. The troops merely waited until
the local authorities cleared the roads and passed
through without major incident.
Gars target was the small and inconsequential coastal nation of Saditir. The Saditiri army
was well aware that Gars army was coming, however they were outnumbered ten to one. Gars
navy began shelling the Saditiri capital from
offshore as his army passed through Wasir. The


Saditiri governments resolve faltered even before

a single tank crossed into their country and they
surrendered. Their Generals were made of sterner
stuff and refused the order to surrender. Instead,
the army fought the invaders to the last man.
Gar believed that he had secured his beachhead into Okaba, but the Wasiri had different ideas.
The new Wasiri leader, Keren Hunak, closed the
roads through his nation and demanded that Gar
withdraw his troops from Saditir. Gar responded by
returning his nuclear weapons to the Wasiri border
and sending a new convoy of troops into Wasir.
A large contingent of Wasiri troops halted
the convoy and surrounded it. Hunak gave Gar
an ultimatum, Withdraw all occupying forces from
Saditir, and order the return of the troops currently
in Wasiri territory within eight days or face the
most terrible consequences.
The whole of Cardassia waited with baited
breath for eight days while two great nations threatened to begin a war that could result in the destruction of their entire planet. Hunak believed himself
to have the moral high ground and his actions were
widely supported by his people. Gar, however, was
unwilling to see the end of his campaign to unite
Cardassia. It was Gar who backed down.
On the evening of the seventh day, Gar publicly announced his compliance in person. His carefully worded statement portrayed the Hunak as the
aggressor who had almost plunged Cardassia into a
nuclear holocaust and suggested that it was time for
Cardassian nations to begin nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear Conflagration
While Gars diplomats worked very publicly with their Wasiri and Rendaran counterparts,
his troops were being relocated to Elekanda. Here
they began to systematically crush the rebels that
had been plaguing his outposts for years. Hunak
condemned Gars actions in Elekanda, but Gar
knew that the Wasiri people would not support a
confrontation over a few savages in a land thousands of miles away.
Gar continued his campaign in the only
direction that was open to him into Rekonda.
Long supply routes that traversed the ocean and
thousands of miles of deserts hampered his army,
but it was ghting less technologically advanced
peoples with disorganized militaries.
Gar fortied his borders in eastern
Rekonda, and began to build his forces. Shortrange nuclear missiles were targeted on Patkan cities.
While Gars troops were preparing to
invade Patka, his diplomats were negotiating the
disarmament of long-range nuclear weapons in
Okaba and Sotara. His negotiators had strict
instructions not to agree to any inclusion of short-

range weapons in the talks. Gar knew that he would need

in his continuing campaign.
Despite the fact that his forces were poised to invade
several Patkan nations, Gar began to paint himself as a
peacekeeper and unier. To add weight to his claim, he
returned three conquered nations to the rule of their own
people. These were three of the least troublesome of his
conquests, whose governments would support extensive
treaties with Gar. The three nations were not permitted to
have their own armed forces. Instead, Gars troops were
stationed in their territory, supposedly for their defense.
Gars critics, especially Keren Hunak, claimed that he
was merely trying to mask his warmongering conquests with his
talk of unication. But Gars words did not fall on deaf ears.
In Patka, eight nations were attempting to negotiate a mutual defense pact. The talks fell apart when two
nations declared that they intended to negotiate an alliance
with Gar. Like dominoes, the other Patkan nations followed.
None were prepared to face the might of Gars armies alone.
Soon every nation in Patka was clamoring to join Gar in an
alliance. Gars troops moved into Patka uncontested and
looked across the straits towards the nation of Gerish.
Okaba was home to the richest and most technologically
advanced nations on the planet. Gar knew that without these
nations, he would never fulll his vision of a unied Cardassia.
Gar moved his short-range nuclear missiles close into
Patkan cities. His troops ruthlessly quashed local protest. He
was gambling that Gerishs leaders would not target the populated areas with their own nuclear weapons.
Gerishs ruling elite was among the most ruthless
aristocrats on Cardassia. Some families could trace their lineage back to the First Hebitian era. They had remained in
power for thousands of years by crushing revolutions, conquering their enemies and betraying their friends. They did
not appreciate being threatened by an upstart like Gar.
Gerish launched a pre-emptive strike. Tactical
nuclear missiles were launched at concentrations of Gars
forces. Within minutes half of Gars soldiers were dead, consumed by the erce heat of nuclear reballs.
Gar made a mistake by believing that Gerish would
not re on Patkan cities. But Gerishs leaders were equally
mistaken when they ordered the nuclear strike. While they
severely damaged Gars ability to mount an attack, they
failed to target his nuclear weaponry and they succeeded in
making an enemy of the Patkans.
The attack inicted signicant collateral damage on
Patkan cities. Twelve thousand Patkan civilians were killed,
forty thousand lost their homes and uncounted thousands
would suffer the extended effects of radiation poisoning.
The Patkans demanded retribution.
The Patkan leaders requested that Gar launch a
retaliatory strike. Gar agreed, on the condition that the

Patkan nations would lend troops to conquer Gerish.

They readily agreed.
One hundred and twenty two tactical and strategic
nuclear warheads were launched at Gerish. Every city and
town, every military base, every power station, and every
major road were demolished by nuclear explosion. Forty
three million men, women and children perished that day.
In the invasion that followed, Patkan soldiers slaughtered
every survivor they encounter in revenge for their countrymen.
Every Cardassian nation condemned Gar. Across the
world, leaders began to negotiate defense pacts. Keren Hunak
tried to organize an alliance of nations to stop Gar, but too
many leaders could see the outcome of opposing him.

The End of the Campaign

Gar knew that he could not halt his advance into
Okaba. His forces could not wait for re-supply and reinforcements in the radiation-soaked wasteland of Gerish.
He ordered his forces into Ashkawin, a small agricultural
nation to the north.
The Ashkawin army held rm against the rst
assault. Morale was low among Gars troops. Many were
suffering from radiation sickness and all of them had witnessed the horrors of nuclear devastation rst hand. When
the Ashkawin forces counter-attacked, Gars army was
routed out of Ashkawin and back into Gerish. Gars generals withdrew their forces back across the straits into Patka,
against Gars direct order.
Gar was furious when he learned of the retreat. He
had three of his generals executed for disobeying his orders. He
began to plan another assault into Okaba. He vowed that any
nation that stood against him would face nuclear annihilation.
After Gars rage abated, he began to listen to the
calmer heads amongst his advisors. Notable amongst them
was Dal Vetrecia, a senior intelligence analyst and Gars lover.
They suggested that Gar should cease his attempts to conquer Cardassia by force. They proposed he should set up a
world government instead, and invite every nation to join.
Vetrecias intelligence on unconquered nations swayed
Gar towards their proposal. Most nations were afraid of Gars
military. The annihilation of Gerish had every advanced nation
building short- and medium-ranged nuclear weapons. Any
further nuclear conict would begin a nuclear arms race that
would have cataclysmic consequences. In private, Vetrecia
pointed out to Gar that a Cardassia unied by conquest would
be too weak to resist any alien attack. This convinced Gar.
What he did not realize was that Vetrecia had
manipulated him. She had played down the importance
of vital intelligence concerning the security of several
conquered nations and the potential effect Gars apparent weakness would have.


Her motives for her actions remain unclear. Perhaps she simply sought peace, or wanted to be the rst
lady of Cardassia at Gars right hand. Most likely, she
was engaged in an elaborate scheme to seize power from
him. But any historical evidence was lost in the chaos
that followed Gars fall.
Gar announced to the world that he was planning a
summit meeting for the leaders of every nation on Cardassia. This historic meeting would be the rst step to forming a united world government, Gar grandly claimed. He
also suggested that his empire was about to begin a space
program, and that he would allow any state that participated
in the summit to join the space program.
The summit appeared to be enormously successful.
Only three nations refused to attend: Wasir, Saditir and the
government in exile of Gerish. Every leader in attendance
wanted to meet with every other. More trade agreements
and defense pacts were signed during the summit than in
the whole of Cardassian history.


In reality the summit had achieved little. It overran by almost three weeks, yet the heads of state failed to
collectively agree on anything except that they would hold
further regular summits. The nations that had joined up to
Gars space program had only agreed to commit small quantities of resources with no promise of anything in return.
Despite this, after the delegates returned to their respective
nations, Gar declared himself the Unier of Cardassia.

The Space Age

The First Steps into Space
Cardassian nations had been using chemical rockets
for two decades as weapons and to launch communications
and spy satellites into low orbit. The prospect of building
rockets large enough to carry Cardassians into space was
prohibited by the vast cost involved. Only Urrent Gar, ruler

of two thirds of the planet, had access to the resources

required and the desire to venture into space.
Scientists and engineers struggled for almost ten
years to design a rocket large enough to carry a manned
capsule into orbit. Gar seriously considered scrapping the
program and replacing it with a massive missile defense project capable of defending Cardassia against attack from space.
But the solution was already under investigation. Almost
twenty years after it crashed, the Bajoran capsule gave up its
rst secret a lightweight alloy. This revelation was announced
as a breakthrough by a commercial metallurgical concern and
was quickly pressed into use by the space program.
Gar stood along side the leaders of every major
nation on Cardassia as he watched the rocket carrying the
capsule containing the astronaut Gir Yarin blast into space.
All of Cardassia watched for three days as Yarins capsule
orbited the planet and then returned safely to Cardassian soil.

To the Planets
In the decade following Yarins rst ight, a dozen
more Cardassians were launched into orbit. But the space
program was in danger of being cancelled. Several conquered nations in Gars empire were showing the rst signs
of revolt and Gar had to devote resources to maintain control. The other nations that contributed to the program were
growing weary of supplying valuable resources for no
measurable return.
Gar knew that if the space program were to survive
it would have to have a denite goal. He decided that Cardassia must venture to the planets. When he presented
his plan to the Cardassian leaders, he put it into terms that
they would understand. Any nation that contributed to the
program would be granted resources rights on Cardassia IV
in proportion to their contributions. No nation on Cardassia
could ignore this and every nation except Gerish contributed.
The project was given a ve-year deadline. If the
team could not achieve that, they would have to wait two
more years for the planetary orbits to reach alignment again.
There would be no test launches and no test ights. Against
all odds, a gigantic ve-stage rocket was designed, constructed and launched on time.
After a three-month ight, a six-man team led by
Darin Ikarra landed on the surface of Cardassia IV. Ikarra
and his team spent several hours outside in environmental suits before they opened their helmets to breathe the
air of a new world.
After the rst successful ight to Cardassia IV every
nation on Cardassia was hankering after further missions to
establish a permanent base and begin exploiting the planet.
Two further rockets were under construction when a further technological development was extrapolated from data
gained from the Bajoran ship fusion power.
The two missions were launched to Cardassia IV
and the base was established. Almost immediately following their launch, a fusion-powered craft was launched into
orbit by rocket and traveled to Cardassia V in a fraction of
the time the two great rockets took to reach Cardassia IV.

Gar now believed that he had achieved what he had

set out to do. In less than three decades he had unied
Cardassia and given her the power to face any threat from
space. Now seventy years old, he began to look for a successor.

Urrent Gars Legacy

Urrent Gar never quite achieved his dream of unifying Cardassia. National leaders would continue to meet
annually, but it would be another two hundred and eighty
years before a single government ruled Cardassia. However,
he did take his race into space and prepared them for conict among the stars.
But his most lasting achievement remained a secret
during his lifetime the Obsidian Order. He appointed Dal
Vetrecia as the head of the Order and charged her with three
specic tasks. Its primary objective was to protect Cardassia
from threats without and within. The second objective was
to safeguard the Bajoran craft and ensure its secrecy. Its
nal task was to ensure that when Cardassian ships ventured beyond the bounds of the Cardassian system it did not
approach Bajor. Gar believed that the Bajorans must be a
highly advanced civilization, and therefore should be avoided
until Cardassia was capable of meeting them on equal terms.
Gar failed to nd a successor whom he could trust
with his empire. As his mind was eroded by senility, his
empire was eroded by internal strife and rebellion. Finally
Obsidian Order agents at the command of Dal Vetrecia
assassinated him, so that she could place her puppet on his
throne. But she was too late, for Gars empire had fallen.

The Creation of the Union

In the rst decades of space travel, international
rivalries began to spill into space. Cardassia IV had been
terraformed by an engineered virus and had become the
breadbasket for Cardassia Prime. Every space-going nation
on Cardassia was racing to exploit it to its full potential. Military units were dispatched to protect their countries interests. Open conict became more likely with every passing day.
The discovery of warp travel averted the brewing
conict. Suddenly it seemed as if the Cardassians need not
squabble amongst themselves for scarce resources. Now
they had the whole galaxy to exploit.

Interstellar War
The Cardassians did not take tentative steps out
into the galaxy. Instead, there was literally a space race,
as each nation hurried to complete a starship before their
neighbors and be the rst to claim new worlds for exploration and exploitation. Hundreds of primitive starships ventured out beyond the Cardassian system and many of them
were never heard from again. At rst the Cardassians only
discovered uninhabited planets or those with primitive populations who could be easily enslaved, until they encountered
the space-going Zhavish and Cardassia became embroiled


in its rst interstellar war.

In 1711 the starship Faragan, belonging to
the Cardassian nation of Rendaran, encountered a
Zhavish exploration vessel. Gul Thakar of the Faragan made peaceful contact with the captain of the
Zhavish vessel, despite language difculties.
Each captain was escorted on a tour of
the others ship as part of the diplomatic pleasantries. Gul Thakar saw that the Zhavish vessel was
technologically decades beyond Cardassian ships.
He also observed that the ship was unarmed.
When he returned to the Faragan he contacted
the Zhavish captain and ordered that he surrendered his ship. He red a warning shot to
ensure his ultimatum was not misunderstood. The
Zhavish captain surrendered his vessel but not
without transmitting a coded distress call rst.
Thakars crew seized the Zhavish vessel and
ordered its crew to assist in dismantling the warp
core, sensors and computer for transport back to Cardassia. Three Zhavish crewmen were thrown out of
the airlock to ensure the crews co-operation.
Before the Cardassians could complete
their act of piracy, two Zhavish warships arrived.
The Faragan tried to ght, but she was outgunned and outnumbered. It took only minutes
for the Zhavish vessels to cripple her and leave her
stranded with failing life-support systems. The Cardassians aboard the captured Zhavish ship were
all spaced in revenge for the ships crew.
The Faragan sent a subspace message
back to Cardassia, reporting the battle. The Rendaran leader Dar Jasig ordered that a otilla of
ships be sent to hunt out Zhavish aggressors. The
otilla succeeded in destroying three freighters and
a scoutship before Zhavish warships caught
and annihilated them.
In retaliation, the Zhavish began to capture or destroy Cardassian ships. The Zhavish
made no distinction between ships of different
Cardassian nations. There was an uproar amongst
Cardassian national rulers.
Some Cardassian rulers called for Rendaran
to be held accountable for the Zhavish attacks, a
few demanded that the Rendarans surrender so as
to end the attacks, but most called for retaliation.
After three days of meetings, politicking, and military briengs, those in favor of retaliation won.
It took weeks to assemble a eet of forty
ships from disparate nations into orbit around Cardassia Prime. Jagul Fessec Klinn assumed command of the fleet and gave the order to depart
for Zhavish space.
When the Cardassian armada encountered
their rst Zhavish vessel, Klinn gave them an ultimatum to communicate to their leaders.
On behalf of the Union of Cardassian
Nations, I, Jagul Fessec Klinn, demand that all


attacks on Cardassian vessels shall cease immediately and that all captured Cardassian men and
material shall be returned to the Union. Failure to
comply will be considered an act of war and we
will respond accordingly.
The Zhavish did not respond. Instead
they sent twenty-five of their own warships
to engage the Cardassians.
In the ensuing conagration, Klinn used
his superior numbers to good effect. The Cardassian vessels positioned themselves close to
the Zhavish vessels to nullify the enemys weaponry advantage. Two or three Cardassian vessels
would co-ordinate their re onto each enemy ship,
destroying them before they could inict signicant
damage in return. The battle raged for twelve
hours before Klinn emerged victorious with nine
fully functional ships under his command.
Klinn took his eet to the Zhavish homeworld and blockaded the planet. The Zhavish,
under threat of nuclear attack form orbit offered
their surrender and agreement to Cardassias terms.
But that was not enough for Cardassias leaders.
Every starship available to Cardassia was
loaded with troops from dozens of nations. Tens
of thousands of Cardassian soldiers were transported to Zhavish and landed under the protection
of Jagul Klinns missiles. Zhavish had no choice
but to submit to Cardassian occupation.

The Central Command

Detapa Council



Following the war with the Zhavish, the

Cardassian leaders agreed that there was a need
for a single body to command Cardassian forces
in space and for the purposes of planetary invasion and occupation. The Central Command of
the Interstellar Forces of the Union of Cardassian
Nations was formed. Unsurprisingly it quickly
became known as the Central Command.
While the Central Command had responsibility for military operations outside of the Cardassian system, each nation retained control of
its own military on Cardassia Prime. The national
leaders strongly resisted any move to give the Central Command the role of exploration. They insisted
on retaining the right to explore and exploit independently.
As expansion continued, planets were discovered, the forces of the Central Command conquered worlds, and civilizations willingly entered
into alliances with Cardassian states. The regular summit of Cardassian rulers doubled in size;
with the leaders of independent colonies, planetary governors, and even the representatives of
conquered peoples all wanting their say. Important

issues were often debated for months. Practical decisionmaking became impossible.
The idea of forming a unied governing body for
Cardassia was raised on several occasions, but rejected
out of hand. No national leader was prepared to surrender his sovereignty, his armed forces or his conquered
worlds to some arbitrary body. However, the events of
1854 changed this general opinion.
The Central Command was engaged in both pacifying the populace of Gartis IV and protecting Wasiri
national ships and colonies from raids by the Kressari.
When Zhavish rebels staged a revolt on their homeworld,
the Central Command found itself stretched a little thin
and requested additional ships and soldiers from the leaders of the Cardassian nations.
While the leaders debated the issue, the Kressari
saw their opportunity and mounted a full scale offensive
against two Wasiri colonies. The Wasiri leader demanded
that the Central Command should protect them. Reluctantly the Union leaders agreed to pull troops from the
Zhavish homeworld and Gartis IV and dispatch the to aid
the Wasiri colonies.
The Kressari were proved hard to deter and the
Central Command found itself engaged in an extended campaign. At the same time, the Gartisian people began to
openly resist their Cardassian conquerors and the Zhavish
rebels engaged in a campaign of terrorism and guerrilla warfare against the Cardassians.
Events nally came to a head when a group of
Zhavish rebels captured the Cardassian warship Garamesh.
They used its missiles to destroy several Cardassian bases on
their homeworld, before setting course for Cardassia Prime.
Their intention was to crash the ship into the largest city on
Cardassia, martyring themselves for their cause.
The Central Command had only two ships within
the Cardassian system, the battleship Geldag and the scout
Bokella. The two ships engaged the Garamesh as it entered
the system. The Geldag inicted signicant damage on the
captured vessel but could not disable it before the Zhavish
rebels scored a lucky hit on the battleships impulse drive.
The Bokella continued to pursue the Garamesh, until its
course became obvious. The captain of the smaller scout
ship knew that he would be unable to destroy the warship
with his limited weaponry before it entered Cardassias atmosphere. Instead he ordered his ship to ram the engineering
section of the Garamesh. The warp core of the rebels ship
was ruptured and both ships were obliterated.
The leaders of Cardassia were shaken from their
complacency. When Tapal Feresh, ruler of Findara, put forward a plan for a united Cardassian government, Cardassian
leaders suddenly sat up and took heed. It had taken the
prospect of imminent destruction to convince them to act.
It took fteen years to establish the new govern-

ment and all of its bodies. As every new ministry was

established, conservatives and vested interests fought
the change. In particular, the Wasiri government was
intent on making the process as democratic as possible
and held referendums before it would consent to relinquishing any of its sovereignty.
In 1862 several nations disputed the distribution of
resources from the re-conquered world of Gartis IV. The
nations readied their armies and prepared to go to war. The
whole process of establishing a new government was at the
point of collapse. Tapal Feresh stepped in to negotiate a
truce between the nations involved. None of the nations
were happy with the eventual distribution of resources, but
Feresh emerged with a clear mandate to continue his reforms.
The nal stage of the new government was the most
radical the Detapa Council. The Wasiri government refused
to ratify any treaty that failed to include a democratically elected
governing body. Feresh realized that any united government
would invalidate it before it began if one nation failed to
participate. Feresh managed to win over the other national
leaders with the inclusion of a clause that allowed them to
ratify the candidates for the Council for the rst ten years.
In preparation for the new government the construction of Cardassia City was begun. The city was to be the
seat of government for all of Cardassia. The huge Imperial
Plaza was the centerpiece of the city, with all of the senior
ministries situated around it.
The rst ever Cardassian elections were held in
1870 and the fteen members Detapa council took control of the newly named Cardassian Union on the rst day
of the year in 1871.

For seventy-ve years, the Cardassian people enjoyed
the freedom of self-determination. While they have technically retained the right to vote since the founding of the
Detapa council, except for those rst decades, their choice
of candidate has been strictly limited to those approved by
the existing government.
After the rst ten years political reformers who were
keen to do away with the status quo dominated the Detapa
Council. The Council did its best to eradicate the power of
the tyrants, aristocrats and generals who had lead Cardassia
for thousands of years.
While the Council was busy enacting its reforms, it
failed to deal with the real problems of the Cardassian Union
the hunger and poverty of its people caused by a severe
lack of resources. Cardassias expansion into space had
failed to alleviate the resource problems face by Cardassia
Prime. Her wars of conquest had consumed more resources
than the conquered planets had ever supplied.


It was the failures of the liberal Detapa Council that

eventually allowed the military to regain power. And it did
so on the councils own terms - democratically.

The Military takes Control

The key to the militarys success was Itteva Penor, the
wife of one of the wining military candidates, Jagul Nujan Penor.
She was Cardassias most famous actress and her concern for
the plight of the poor became legendary. She was both the
gurehead of the campaign and its orchestrator. Despite all of
the atrocities carried out by the Penor government, the majority of the Cardassian populace remained devoted to Itteva for
generations after her death.
The woman who changed the face of Cardassian
politics was born into a family of farmers from the desperately poor region of Rekonda. She ran away from home at
the age of fteen to begin a career as a singer and actress in
Cardassia City. She was both photogenic and talented, but
more importantly she knew how to manipulate the media.
She was extraordinarily successful and became a household
name across Cardassia. But it wasnt until she became the
mistress of Jagul Penor that she turned her eye to politics.
Opponents of the Penor movement suggest that
Itteva had achieved all that she could hope to as an actress
and the only way for her to become richer was to rule
Cardassia. But few could deny that her desire to do something for Cardassias poor was genuine. She made sure that
Penors campaign visited the shantytowns in Cardassia City,
the desolate farms in Rekonda, and other places of destitution.
Jagul Penor and four other senior Central Command ofcers were elected to the Detapa Council with a
huge majority. His and Ittevas campaign was enormously
successful amongst the lower classes and his troops had
ensured that many of those inclined to vote against him had
decided to remain at home on polling day.
On the day he took power, Penor stood on a balcony in Imperial Plaza with his wife Itteva beside him and
addressed a huge crowd of his supporters. But it was
undoubtedly Itteva, looking every inch Cardassias queen,
who received that largest share of adulation.
Itteva lived up to her campaign promises. A vast
amount of wealth was redistributed to Cardassias poor. But
part of that wealth was also redistributed into Penors pockets. Itteva was the glamorous and benevolent public face
of the Penor administration, working to ensure that food reached
the hungry and that housing was constructed. Behind the
scenes Penors enemies quietly disappeared and his troops
ruthlessly quashed strikes and demonstrations of protest.
The election of Penors allies to the Detapa council
allowed him to push through radical reforms. He orchestrated the
selling off of Cardassian art treasures and historical artifacts.
And the Central Command began to use forced labor camps
for mining and agriculture on conquered worlds so that the
indigenous population produced the maximum resources.
When the time came for Penor to begin the campaign for re-election, Itteva was suffering from Orketts Disease. She valiantly campaigned beside him, despite the


weakening of her heart. After his successful re-election she

stood beside him in Imperial Plaza at his inauguration ceremony. That was the last time that she would appear in
public. Three weeks later she would be dead.
The grief of the Cardassian nation was unbounded.
The crowds were so vast that people were killed in the
crush. Life in Cardassia City stopped. The only trade was
in wreathes and memorial placards. These lled the streets
around the building where her body lay in state. Her funeral
was the culmination of days of morning. Her funeral procession through the streets of the city had a full military escort
of troops from the First Order.
Following Ittevas death, his former comrades on
the Detapa Council ousted Penor. The military continued to
dominate the council for decades, using their inuence to
ensure that the Central Command retained its autonomy for
the foreseeable future.
The Central Command made a deal with the Obsidian
Order. Using both subtle means and direct action, the Order
eliminated opposition to the militarys gradual stripping away
of the powers of the Detapa Council and the ministries. In
return the military gave the Order a similar autonomy from
the Council to that of the Central Command and granted it
widespread powers to monitor Cardassian citizens.
Thus the Cardassian people remained in the power
of the twin tyrannies of the Central Command and the Obsidian Order for more than three hundred years.

A Century of War
The Central Command pursued an aggressive expansion policy for almost three hundred years. As the Union
expanded, so did its requirements for resources. The vast
Cardassian military required an equally vast supply of metals,
dilithium and food in order to continue its conquests. World
after world was conquered, strip-mined and discarded. In
all that time Cardassia encountered no major threat and its
expansion went unchecked.

War with the Klingons

All that changed in 2286, when Cardassia encountered its rst interstellar power. And with typical Cardassian
arrogance, they attacked.
While scouting the Betreka Nebula, the Cardassian
ship Linagga detected a Klingon vessel that had been damaged by the nebulas emissions. The Cardassian captain
believed that the alien ship could be easily captured. The
Klingons fought back with their customary vigor and crippled
the Linagga. Both ships returned to their respective empires
and reported the battle. The Klingon Empire declared war
on the Cardassian Union.
The Klingons waged war with a savagery that the
Cardassians were unprepared for. They had neither the
resources nor the shipyards to maintain their eets at full
capacity during a protracted conict. Fortunately for the
Cardassians, the Klingons had both the Romulans and Federation on their border and could not afford to bring the full

might of the empire to bear.

After eighteen years of battles, raids, and skirmishes,
the Cardassian military was battered and bloody. The Central Command agreed a cease-re and pressured the Detapa
Council to negotiate with the Klingons. The Klingon Empire
was in crisis, following the destruction of Qonos moon
Praxis, so they readily agreed to end the conict. Both the
Klingons and the Cardassians declared themselves victors in
a war over a nebula that left the status quo unchanged.

The Occupation of Bajor

The war with the Klingons had left Cardassia with
a eet to rebuild and a signicant munitions shortage.
The exploration role of the Central Command had been
neglected as ships were re-deployed to ght the war. Cardassia needed resources desperately. It turned its eye to
its closest neighbor - Bajor.
Since the rst days of Cardassian warp travel, Bajor
had been considered off limits. The Obsidian Order had
always followed the directions of its founder and ensured that
Cardassian exploration and expansion had headed away from
Bajor. The Cardassians now knew that the Bajorans were
an advanced and peaceful species, so the Central Command
hatched a cautious plan for the gradual occupation of Bajor.
The Bajorans accepted the Cardassians offer of civilian advisors to assist in the construction of aqueducts and other
engineering projects. Military engineers later replaced these
civilian advisors. These engineers established three bases on
Bajor, ostensibly to minimize the disruption to the Bajoran populace. In fact they allowed a build up of Cardassian troops away
form the watchful eyes of the Bajoran authorities.
In 2328 the Cardassian forces on Bajor seized control.
They surrounded the bases of the Bajoran military, seized
local news stations and captured senior members of the government. Occupation troops landed without resistance. Cardassia had succeeded in a bloodless invasion.
The duration of the occupation proved to be anything but bloodless, however. Many Bajorans ed from their
homeworld. Those who remained were pressed into work
as the occupiers began the systematic strip-mining of the
planet. Any who refused were sent to forced-labor camps
and worked to death. The Bajoran resistance began at once
following the occupation, beginning with small acts of terrorism and eventually to guerrilla war. For every act of resistance the Cardassian Prefect ordered executions in reprisal.
In 2351 the Cardassians constructed Terok Nor, an
ore processing station, in orbit over Bajor. The station
became the seat of power for the Prefect of Bajor. It was
from Terok Nor that Gul Dukat, the last Prefect, oversaw the
withdrawal of Cardassian forces from Bajor in 2369.
Never in Cardassian history had the Union willingly

surrendered a conquered planet. Escalation of the Bajoran

resistance attacks to include off-world targets coupled with
falling ore output due to dwindling resources, and strong
pressure from the Detapa Council forced the Central Command to make the momentous decision to withdraw.
The withdrawal proved to be a huge loss of face
for the Central Command, particularly when a unique stable
wormhole leading to the Gamma Quadrant was discovered in
the Bajoran system. Stareet, who had undertaken administration of Terok Nor, successfully prevented ships from the
Fourth Order from laying claim to the wormhole

Fighting the Federation

The Cardassian Union made rst contact with the
United Federation of Planets in 2289 during its conict with
the Klingons. While shadowing a Klingon otilla, a Cardassian scout ship encountered a Stareet exploration vessel.
The Cardassian vessel opened re on the Stareet ship, but
the Stareet captain refused to return re. Once the Federation vessel had proved its peaceful intentions, the Cardassians agreed to talk.
The Federation and the Cardassians enjoyed cordial
relations for some years. The Federation applied diplomatic
pressure to persuade the Cardassians to end their war with
the Klingons and to withdraw from Bajor. The Central Command ignored all of the Federation entreaties. When the
Federation failed to take further action, Cardassias commanders believed the Federation to be a toothless opponent.
In 2347 the Obsidian order supplied intelligence to
Jagul Sharoc of the Second Order concerning a military build
up on the Federation world Setlik III. Without consulting
the Central Command, Sharoc ordered an immediate
pre-emptive attack. Cardassian troops landed on the planet
believing they were ghting Stareet forces. In fact they
massacred Federation colonists. The attack ended the following morning when the USS Rutledge responded to the
colonys distress calls and its security ofcers drove the
attackers from the planet.
When the Federation failed to respond aggressively
to the Setlik III massacre, the Cardassians belief that the
Federation was weak was proved beyond doubt. Within a
year Cardassia claimed several worlds close to the Federation border, despite several of them having Federation science teams and nascent colonies on them. When the Federation simply withdrew its people from those worlds, Cardassia pressed its attack.
The Central Command had learned a lot from the
Klingon conict. It was prepared for an extended war with
a large interstellar power. When it launched attacks on six
further Federation colonies close to the border it expected to
easily overcome any resistance.


The speed of Stareets response caught the Cardassian forces by surprise. The Federations superior technology, longer weapon range and abundance of photon torpedoes gave them a signicant advantage over their Cardassian opponents. When a small number of Stareet ships succeeded in destroying almost double their number at Minos
Corva, the Central Command began to re-evaluate its position.
The Central Command had two choices: to end the
invasion or to commit further forces. It chose to commit a massive force in an attempt to overwhelm the Federations defensive forces. One million men and 750 ships were from the
Second and Third Orders were ordered into Federation space.
The massive second wave of the invasion was too
large to catch Stareet by surprise but it was unprepared for
an offensive of this scale. Stareet Command ordered its
ships away from the border to prevent their destruction. Federation forces on the ground were outnumbered and were
quickly overwhelmed by the Cardassian military. Twentythree worlds fell to the Cardassians.
The Admirals at Stareet command knew that they
must oust the Cardassians quickly, before they brought in
reinforcements to hold the captured worlds while its front line
units renewed the invasion. But Stareets ships were scattered across Federation space and beyond. It took weeks to
gather a force large enough to wage a counter-offensive.
The Cardassians struck rst. Fifty ships from the
Third Order attacked Starbase 211 and the twelve starships
stationed there.
The Stareet vessels fought a valiant
holding action for twelve hours, allowing time for reinforcements to arrive. Of the defending vessels, only the USS
Victory survived the battle.
Admiral TKora commanded the Stareet forces
charged with ousting the Cardassians. She was a Vulcan and
a grand master of three-dimensional chess. Her approach
to the conict was methodical and cautious. She studied
intelligence on Jagul Sharoc, hoping to anticipate his
actions and outwit him.
TKora rst established a strong defensive perimeter.
She waited and watched. Time and again the Cardassians
attempted to break out, but TKora always had reinforcements in place to meet Sharocs offensives.
The second stage of TKoras operation was to disrupt
Cardassian supply lines. Flotillas of Stareet escorts and light
cruisers were dispatched into Cardassian space to destroy
cargo and transport vessels. Several larger forces were used
to destroy Cardassian bases and stations close to the border.
It was six months before TKora began the nal stage
of the operation. She began to liberate one world at a time
with force of seventy ships and ve hundred thousand soldiers. It was the largest force ever raised by the Federation. Collectively, Sharocs forces outnumbered TKoras tento-one but they were spread across twenty-three worlds,
giving TKora the advantage.
Admiral TKora was too successful in countering Jagul
Sharocs moves. She thwarted his every gambit except his last.
With defeat staring him in the face, Sharoc requested that the


Obsidian Order assassinate Tkora. One evening, at

her headquarters on Starbase 310, Admiral TKora
had plomeek soup for supper. It was poisoned. She
died in her sleep.
TKoras assassination did not help Sharoc.
Stareet still drove the Cardassians out of Federation
territory. The war had lasted seven years, but the
Cardassians would not admit defeat. The Central
Command still laid claim to the worlds that it had
conquered. Cardassia continued to engage in raids and
attacks across the border until 2367 when the Central Command agreed to a truce with the Federation.

An Uneasy Peace
The peace was broken only months later
by the Federation ship USS Phoenix under the command of Benjamin Maxwell, who single handedly
attacked Cardassian stations and ships that were being
used to re-supply forces close to the border. Only
co-operation between Federation Captain Picard
and Cardassian Gul Macet prevented the incident
causing renewed conict between the two sides.
A peace treaty was negotiated with the
Federation and a demilitarized zone was established between the two powers, but both Federation
and Cardassian colonists in the zone were unhappy
with the treaty that allowed their homelands to be
ceded to the enemy. Some Federation colonists
formed a secret defensive organization, the Maquis,
in response to incidents of violence by Cardassian
colonists against them and their families and friends.
The Maquis gained unofcial support amongst
Stareets ranks while a sympathetic faction of the
Central Command, in unwitting conjunction with
some of the criminal Scravvan families, covertly
supplied the Cardassians with weapons. The situation in the zone deteriorated into open conict and
terrorism. The Central Command appeared to be
unable to contain the problem.
The Central Command suffered a further blow
to its prestige in 2371, when it agreed to a peace treaty
with the Bajorans. In less than a century the Klingons,
the Federation, and Bajor had beaten Cardassia.

Cardassia and the Dominion

In late 2370, while exploring the Gamma
Quadrant, the Federation encountered the Dominion, a signicantly advanced interstellar power. The
Dominion response to Bajoran and Federation incursion in the Gamma Quadrant was an aggressive
one. Their Jemhadar soldiers ruthlessly destroyed
ships and slaughtered colonists. Every Alpha and
Beta Quadrant power sat up and took notice of this
new threat.

The Maquis
The uneasy peace between the
United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union was strengthened when, in
2370, both parties signed a treaty that
established a demilitarized zone. This zone,
varied in width along its ten light-years
of length, contains several star systems,
some of which were originally a part of the
Union, but many that originally belonged
to the Federation. Several systems even
exchanged hands in the favor of the Union,
some of which were Federation colonies.
Naturally, Cardassia attempted to subjugate these new worlds, and when the colonists refused to relinquish their homes, the
Maquis resistance began.
The Maquis is a secret organization operating outside the boundaries of
the will of the Cardassian Union and the
Federation. Upon their formation in 2370,
their exact numbers were unknown, but
it is estimated that they never exceeded
several hundred members at any given
time. They are comprised of Humans for
the most part, a good percentage of them
having Native American heritage. The other
races are those who had sympathy for the
Maquis cause, particularly Bajorans, who
had a good deal of previous knowledge of
Cardassian resistance tactics.
Their success at driving a thorn
into the Cardassian Unions side was complete until 2373, when the Union joined
sides with the Dominion against the Federation. In several deadly and concise battles, the Jemhadar crippled the Maquis,
chasing them through the Badlands and
back to their host worlds where they were
crushed once and for all. This was a deciding factor for the Union, who joined the
Dominion only if they could prove their
might by exterminating this disgrace of the
Cardassian military.
After the Dominion War conict
ended, the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone
was re-established by the Federation without Cardassias consent, and thus certain
Federation colonies once again fell under
the rule of Cardassia. It has yet to be seen
on whether or not the Maquis resistance
will rise up once again to harass and shame
the now-crippled Cardassian Union.


First Strike
The Cardassians were the rst race to take action,
albeit in an unauthorized manner. Enabran Tain, the retired
head of the Obsidian Order, joined forces with the Romulan Tal Shiar and his former colleagues in the Order. A
eet of advanced Keldon-class ships was constructed and
equipped with cloaking devices at the Orders Orias shipyards. An unprecedented joint eet of Romulan and Cardassian ships headed for the Founders homeworld under
cloak with intention of eradicating all life from the planet.
However, Colonel Lovok, head of the Tal Shiar force was a
Founder inltrator. The Founders had relocated to another
planet and a force of Jemhadar ships was waiting in
ambush. The joint eet was utterly destroyed.

Revolution on Cardassia
Had the attack on the Founders succeeded, the
Obsidian Order would have been able to avoid any political
recriminations for its actions. Instead, the Detapa Council
was outraged by the Orders unauthorized action and the
Central Command was furious over the Orders secret construction of warships. The Council and the Central Command began a political battle to control the Order.
With the government in political turmoil, the dissident movement seized its chance. Sympathetic members
of the government leaked details of the Obsidian Orders
failure and the militarys defeats to the public. The dissidents began to organize strikes and protests. The Cardassian people gladly joined the demonstrations for they had
lived in fear for too long.
The Obsidian Order was engaged in a struggle for
survival and it failed to foresee the protests or quickly
uncover the ringleaders. The Central Command used troops
to disperse the protests and break the strikes, but for every
demonstration it stopped two more began.
Word of a huge demonstration to be held in Cardassia City was spread across all of Cardassia Prime. The
authorities publicly denounced the protest as illegal and
imposed travel restrictions. But millions came from all across
the planet, many nishing the journey on foot to avoid the
troops that turned back personal vehicles and public transport. Cardassia City ground to a halt.
The protest was centered as close to Imperial Plaza
as the military blockades would allow. Leading dissidents
addressed the crowd, demanding an end to the Central Commands stranglehold on the Cardassian government and the
Obsidian Orders repression of the Cardassian people. Day
after day more and more Cardassians joined the protest.
After a week the Central Command ordered its
troops to end the protest. Armored vehicles and tens of
thousands of soldiers took position around the circumfer-


ence of the demonstration. An announcement was made,

demanding that the protestors disperse. Buoyed by their
numbers and the spirit of righteous anger, the protesters
refused. The Central Command gave the order to begin.
But the troops did not move.
When word of the troops refusal to end the protest
spread, the mood of the protest changed. Suddenly the
people realized that they had a chance to act. The crowd
stormed the barricades that prevented them from entering
Imperial Plaza. Then when they reached the centre of Cardassian government they occupied the ministries and seized
the headquarters of the Central Command.
In the wake of the popular uprising the existing
Detapa Council was dissolved and an entirely new council
was elected. The Council proceeded to reverse the laws
that gave the Central Command control over so many functions of the government. The senior members of the Obsidian Order were arrested and tried for crimes against Cardassia. They were found guilty, of course. The Order itself was
renamed the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau and brought
under the direct control of the Detapa Council.
The dramatic shift in power lead to the opening of
a large number of senior ministerial and military positions.
Anyone with ambition and a little vesala found that their
career could suddenly take leaps and bounds. One such
individual was Gul Dukat, who offered his services to the
Detapa Council as military advisor.

The Second Klingon War

The people of Cardassia barely had time to celebrate
their freedom before the Klingons attacked. The Klingons, like
every other Alpha Quadrant power, feared inltration by the
Founders. Chancellor Gowron believed that the new Detapa
Council must be Changelings and ordered their execution.
The Klingons strategy was not one of conquest.
Instead the bulk of their eet headed straight for Cardassia
Prime. Only the actions of Gul Dukat and the intervention
of the Federation ship USS Deant saved the Detapa Council
from the Klingons. When the Klingons realized that they
would have to go to war with the Federation to get to the
council, they ended the invasion and declared victory.
The Klingons retained several captured Cardassian
worlds and continued to engage in raids against Cardassian
colonies and shipping. The Detapa Council was too concerned with undoing the work of the Central Command on
Cardassia Prime to be bothered with the Klingons.
When Gul Dukat captured a Klingon Bird of Prey, he
used it to wage war on the Klingons. He tried to convince
the Detapa Council that they must ght, but they would not
listen. Determined to restore Cardassia to greatness, Dukat
approached the Dominion.

The Coming of the Dominion

In 2373 a large Dominion eet emerged form the
wormhole. Most of the Alpha Quadrant thought the invasion had nally come. But on Cardassia Prime, Dukats allies
were preparing the way for Cardassias return to greatness.
Members of the Detapa Council were placed under house
arrest and Dukats supporters in the military ensured that
any resistance to the coup-detat was swiftly dealt with.
Dukat met with the Dominion force and lead
it to Cardassia Prime. He proclaimed himself to be
the new leader of Cardassia, a Cardassia proud to be a
member of the Dominion.
The old regime was ruthlessly swept away by the
Dominion. Jemhadar troops were used to destroy the Maquis
in the Demilitarized Zone. Dukat and his Vorta counterpart,
Weyoun, began preparing for war. Dominion facilities were constructed to breed Jemhadar and build ships. Cardassian vessels
were retted and equipped with Dominion munitions.
The Dominion negotiated non-aggression pacts with
several interstellar powers including Bajor and the Romulans. The Federation and the Klingons were excluded. They
were the Dominions choice of opponents.

The War Begins

For months Dominion reinforcements continued to
come through the wormhole. The Federation knew that they
could not allow this to continue if they were to withstand a
Dominion attack. So they began construction of a sophisticated mineeld at the entrance of the wormhole.
The Dominion could not allow completion of the
mineeld, so they attacked the USS Deant as it laid the
mines. While Dominion eet was engaged, Stareet ships
destroyed the Dominion shipyards on Torros III. Although
undeclared by both sides, the war had begun.
The Dominion/Cardassian alliance had seized Terok
Nor after it had been abandoned by the Federation. It was
here Dukat and Weyoun established their headquarters, while
their engineers attempted to bring down the mineeld.
For three months, the Cardassians and their allies
scored victory after victory. Dozens of worlds fell to their troops.
But the mineeld remained in place, preventing the arrival of
vital Dominion reinforcements and essential Ketracel White.
When Stareet learned that Cardassian engineers
had discovered how to bring down the mineeld they
mounted a desperate attack. The Federation failed to breech
the alliances lines until their Klingon allies joined the fray.
The USS Deant entered the Bajoran wormhole, where Captain Benjamin Sisko convinced the entities that resided within
the wormhole to destroy the Dominion ships in transit.
Terok Nor was once again abandoned to the Federation. Gul Dukats daughter Tora Ziyal was a casualty of the withdrawal. He himself was captured, apparently mad with grief.
During a brief lull in the conict, Legate Damar,
became ruler of Cardassia. He was Dukats former secondin-command, so to outsiders his rise to power seemed natural. However the Dominion ensured that his succession went
smoothly, for they believed he could be easily manipulated.

Cardassia and the Dominion again pressed their

advantage. Their offence took them close to the Federation
core worlds. When Betazed fell, the alliance was within in
striking range of Vulcan, Tellar, Andor, and Alpha Centauri.

Back and Forth

When the Romulans joined their old adversaries Federation and the Klingons, it gave the beleaguered Stareet
ships and crews chance to recuperate. The eets of Romulan battleships, all fresh and undamaged, stopped the
Cardassian/Dominion alliance in its tracks.
For several months the outcome of the war seemed
to be balanced on a knife-edge. The Federation and Klingons
took the Cardassian world of Chintoka, while the Dominion
seemed ever closer to capturing Vulcan.


After months of secret negotiations, the Breen joined

the Dominion/Cardassian alliance and the war seemed to be
won. Stareet and the Klingons were powerless in the face
of the Breen energy-dampening weapon.

The End of the War

When the Klingons counter-attacked at Septimus III,
the Dominion refused to send reinforcements. The entire
Eleventh Order, over half a million Cardassians, was wiped
out. Damar realized that the Cardassia and the Dominion
were not allies. In fact, Cardassia was a member of the
Dominion and would be used to further the Founders ends.
Damar began a resistance movement. Initially his
operations failed, but with the help of a former Bajoran
resistance ghter, Kira Nerys, he learned how to conduct
a guerrilla war. One of the rst successes of his resistance movement was to capture a Breen energy-dampening weapon for the Federation.
When the Federation/Klingon/Romulan eets were
protected against the Breen weapon, the Dominion pulled
back behind Cardassias original borders. But the three races
began a massive offensive. Their aim was to destroy Cardassias and the Dominions ability to wage war.
When the eets clashed in the Getha system, the
Cardassian ships turned on their Dominion allies. Furious,
the Founder leader ordered the extermination of the entire
Cardassian population. Following her orders, the Jemhadar
massacred 800 million Cardassians and razed two-thirds of
the cities on Cardassia Prime.
Damar himself led the assault on the Dominion
headquarters. This resulted in his death, but not before he
enabled the renegade Changeling Odo to beam down and
convince the Founder leader to surrender.

Armistice and Beyond

The terms of the Treaty of Bajor meant little to Cardassia. For a nation brought to its knees, there is little prospect of waging war. For a people mourning for their slaughtered race, reparations are irrelevant. In the aftermath of
the destruction of their homeworld the Cardassians face the
monumental task of rebuilding their civilization and their
empire. But a greater challenge faces them, too. They must
rebuild their society.
Several groups vie for power and inuence on Cardassia Prime. Whether the Democratists have their way
and revive personal freedom, the Militarists restore the
power to the armed forces, or others rise to prominence,
the most successful faction will determine the course of
future Cardassian history.


The Ashes of The State

Several factions are vying for control of Cardassia
now that the Dominion war is over. This is by no
means a comprehensive list, only those who have
the most inuence.
The Democratists: Once known as the Cardassian underground movement, the Democratists want
Cardassia to become a democratic and free society.
This faction has started to increase in popularity as
they use the current state of affairs as an example
of what military rule has accomplished. The Democratists strongest voice is Natima Lang, a Cardassian
scholar who was in self-exile until recently.
The Spiritualists: The Spiritualists are made up
of those Cardassians who, through the years of religious oppression, have secretly carried the torch of
religion. They seek a return to values of Heket with
a religious-run state. A civilian who has changed her
name to Suset Heketa (literally, Child Of Heket) is
currently leading the Spiritualists.
The Isolationists: The Isolationists, made up of
the most xenophobic of the Cardassian people and
many former Obsidian Order operatives, wish to
close all of Cardassias borders, refuse external
assistance and only then work to nd a way to reestablish the Union. At the forefront of this movement is Gul Bernak.
The Militarists: The Militarists want to return to
the status quo. Their faction is currently small, but
they have been working with the Isolationists as
a way to accomplish their own goals. The current
head of the Militarists is Jagul Shamar.
Scravvana: The Scravvan families who survived
the nal days of the war have re-established their
coalition and are pushing for a return to Hebetian
basics. They want to return to a class structure
(with them on top, naturally). While small, they hold
a signicant amount of resources. The Spiritualists
and Scravvana have recently entered talks to consolidate their efforts.



he Cardassian Union is an interstellar nation that has gone

from being a peaceful state, to a ruthless totalitarian government usually run by its military, to an ally and puppet of the Dominion. Now,
following the Dominion War, the future of the Cardassian Union hangs
in the balance. The actions of its leaders and its people in the next few
crucial years will determine what sort of state the Union becomes.

Technically speaking, the Cardassian Union isnt a Union
at all, and never has been. Its actually a Cardassian-ruled empire
(even some Cardassians refer to it as such). Cardassians make up
the majority of citizens in the Union, although other species such as
the Klaestron are members or allies.
In theory, for about the past 500 years, the Union was governed by the Detapa Council, which oversaw the Central Command
(the Cardassian military) and the Obsidian Order (the intelligence
agency). In truth, the Central Command held the lions share of the
power in the Union during most of that period. The Detapa Council
merely rubber-stamped the Central Commands edicts. The Union
continued to expand to acquire resources for the core worlds, and
fought to protect its territories against potential invaders, such as the
United Federation of Planets.
In recent years, the Cardassian Union suffered one
upheaval after another: the collapse of Central Commands governmental power, a Klingon invasion, the toppling of the Detapa Council,
the alliance with the Dominion, war with the rest of the Alpha Quadrant, rebellion against the Dominion, and the slaughter of hundreds
of millions of Cardassians and the destruction of much of their home-


world. As the Cardassians struggle to rebuild, the Federation

and the other powers of the Alpha Quadrant can only hope
that these trials do not harden the Cardassians even further.
The Cardassian Union divides worlds into three categories: member worlds; afliate worlds; and client worlds.

The Cardassian Union encompasses several dozen star

systems in the Alpha Quadrant, located on the spinward border
of the Federation, roughly opposite the Romulan Empire.
Although it includes dozens of inhabited and inhabitable planets, and trillions of beings, the Union is still smaller than the
Federation or the Klingon or Romulan Empires. Cardassians
often consider themselves the underdogs in the Alpha Quadrant because of this; they feel other powers look down on
them, and they wish to prove themselves in the interstellar
political arena. Federation sociologists often attribute Cardassian aggression and feelings of persecution to this perception.
Far too many Cardassian worlds are resource-poor,
particularly in rare and valuable minerals like dilithium, pergium, and uridium. Some of these planets joined the Cardassian Union to gain access to resources from other worlds,
while others were annexed for what resources they could
provide to satisfy the rest of the Unions needs. Richer worlds
found along the Cardassian-Federation border, and in regions
like the Bajor Sector, often became centers of conict when
the Cardassians sought to claim their resources.

to advanced technology, although the Cardassians always

restricted them to non-military technology.
The Union evaluated potential member worlds based
mostly on their resources and potential for trade. Things like
cultural exchange (except in the case of trade items such as
art or entertainment) were largely considered irrelevant. If a
world could contribute to the economic health of the Union,
it was generally accepted. If it could not, it was ignored,
or possibly conquered in order to make it useful through
colonization or strip-mining of the worlds resources. Candidates for membership in the Union have often scrambled to
nd things of economic value they could offer, since winning
membership was preferable to joining through conquest.
The more the Cardassian Union expanded, the more
the Central Command relied on military power and conquest,
rather than negotiation, to expand the empire. Many of the
outermost worlds of the Union were conquered rather than
having the chance to join as formal members.
Since the end of the war, the Unions massive internal
problems have brought a halt to the incorporation of new
worlds; in fact, many member worlds coerced into joining
the Union have declared their independence. The remaining
member worlds have focused their efforts entirely on reconstruction and the intense political debate swirling around the
question of the Unions future government and policies. The
likelihood of the Union adopting a more egalitarian membership policy, one perhaps akin to the Federations, depends
entirely on the outcome of the power struggles currently occurring on Cardassia Prime and throughout the former Union.

Becoming a Member

Privileges of Membership

People outside the Cardassian Union widely believe

that worlds become members of the Union solely through
conquest. This is not the case. The Union may consider conquered worlds members on paper, but more likely classies
them as client states (see below). True member worlds
join the Cardassian Union in much the same way worlds join
the United Federation of Planets: they apply to the Cardassian government for membership, and undergo a process of
examination to determine if they are a t addition to the Union.
Originally, the Cardassian Union gladly accepted
any world willing to submit to its laws and requirements.
These generally involve restrictions on things like weapons,
warships, and standing militaries. The Central Command
accepted responsibility for the protection of member worlds,
ostensibly so those worlds could devote their own resources
to other matters, but also to ensure a military monopoly, and
to protect the Union from internal threats and rebellions.
Unlike the Federation, the Cardassians have no noninterference directive, so many of the worlds contacted by
early Cardassian explorers were primitive in comparison to
Cardassia Prime. They gladly joined the Union to gain access

To some, membership in the Cardassian Union

means little more than the opportunity to avoid outright military conquest by the Cardassians. Member worlds have limited rights within the Union. While they send observers to
the Detapa Council (and their members can stand for election to the Council itself), they are, among other things, forbidden to have their own military or security forces, or military vessels of any kind. The Central Command maintains
order throughout the Union. The Union also imposes restrictions on member worlds trade with other worlds. The Cardassian Union wants to keep valuable resources inside its
borders, rather than trading heavily with outside civilizations.
Still, member worlds do receive certain benets. The
rst and foremost is the protection of the Central Command.
Piracy and other forms of aggression are not tolerated, and
the Cardassian military ruthlessly roots out any threats to the
public order. Member worlds contribute to support the Central Command, but can call upon it for assistance in times
of need. This is particularly important to worlds near Klingon space, which value the protection the Union offers them

Member Worlds


against Klingon warriors and renegades.

Member worlds also receive preferential trade status
within the Cardassian Union, based on their seniority. Generally, this means Cardassian worlds receive the best goods, but
many other members obtain a share of resources stripped
from client worlds like Bajor. At the Unions height (about
2310-2340), citizens enjoyed a reasonably high standard
of living, comparable to the Romulan and Klingon Empires,
although still inferior to the core worlds of the Federation.
Lastly, member worlds share the fruit of Cardassias
advanced technology. Although the Central Command restricts
access to certain systems (mainly military-grade weapons
and shields) considerable technology, from warp drive to
replication systems, nds its way into the hands of Union
members. Since they have no equivalent of the Federations
Prime Directive, the Cardassians often give technology to
species barely into their Industrial Ages (though they always
make sure their allies cannot use that technology against
them). To these member races, the Federation appears a
stingy civilization, protecting its technological monopoly so
that it can dominate less-developed species.
In the wake of the Dominion War, all these benets
are in doubt. The Cardassian military is decimated and fractionalized, the Unions economy in shambles, and technology much less available than before (although a few surviving examples of Dominion systems offer some interesting
possibilities for future development). While many member
worlds have remained with the Union to take advantage of
rebuilding efforts and out of a sense of tradition or loyalty,
already several have broken away from the Union. Some
have declared their independence; others have petitioned to
join the likes of the Federation or Klingon Empire. Until a
new government emerges to rule Cardassia, nothing can be
done about such worlds.

A number of planets in and near Cardassian space
hold afliate status with the Union. This is an intermediate
position between independence and membership. The world
signs a mutual treaty of alliance with the Cardassian Union
and gains certain rights and privileges, in exchange for trade
concessions and agreements to respect Cardassian space
and right of passage. The inhabitants of Klaestron IV are one
example. After a Federation representative failed to mediate
their civil war some years ago, the victorious Klaestron government signed a treaty with the Cardassian Union to trade
for the materials and technology to rebuild.
Generally speaking, afliates are worlds the Cardassians desire relations with, but which they cannot (for
whatever reason) conquer or persuade to join the Union.
Klaestron IV, for example, is actually a member of the Fed-

eration. Since it could not join the Union, and the Cardassians could not annex the planet without provoking reprisals
from the Federation, afliate status provided the most mutually benecial relationship.
Afliates of the Cardassian Union receive favorable
trading status, but not the military protection of the Central
Command. Afliates maintain their own planetary defense
forces, although the Union severely restricts the operation
of those forces within Cardassian space. In most cases, an
afliate can only exercise military/security jurisdiction within
its own system or space.
Afliate status sometimes leads to a world becoming a full member of the Union at a later time. Unofcially,
the Cardassian Union has also used afliate status to create
buffer zones between the Union and other interstellar
powers, like the Klingon Empire. The Dominion showed no
compunction about turning these buffer zones into battlefields during the war, souring the Unions relations with
many of its affiliates.
Some afliates are found along the Federation/
Cardassian border. For the most part these are worlds
belonging to or allied with the Federation that, due to their
location, have been granted the right to trade with Cardassia by the Federation Council. During the Dominion War,
all of these afliates sided with the Federation, and as a
result their space was the site of frequent clashes between
Stareet and Dominion-Cardassian forces. Even more afliates exist in the areas nearest Klingon territory. Typically,
these are worlds that prefer to trade with the Union rather
than the Empire. The remainder of the Unions afliates are
scattered along the spinward border of the Union.

Client Worlds
A large number of planets in the Union are client
worlds. While these worlds are technically considered members, they enjoy none of the benets of membership. In
truth theyre not members but victims, worlds conquered
by the Central Command and incorporated into the Union
by force. In many instances they are resource-rich (at least
in the eyes of resource-poor Cardassia), and thus ripe for
exploitation to feed Cardassias needs.
The standard Cardassian procedure for annexing a
client world usually begins with a gul or other ofcer approaching the planetary government (or the largest and most powerful government on the planet) and offering membership
in the Union, including assistance from the Cardassians in
matters of technology and resource development. The standard agreement includes trade with other worlds in the Union.
Planetary ofcials are clearly informed that refusing the honor
of membership could cause them problems with their Cardassian neighbors. This thinly veiled threat has caused many


worlds to capitulate and become members.

Worlds that do not accept this generous
and reasonable proposal are invaded and conquered. Sometimes this involves a quick and outright military conquest, but some planets are
conquered more slowly, as Cardassian advisors
gather up the reins of power until theyre ready to
abolish the local government and place power in
the hands of a Cardassian prefect.
Once they occupy a client world, the Cardassians methodically loot its resources, treating it
as little more than a source of raw material for the
rest of the Union. They use slave labor, strip mining,
looting, and other immoral or dangerous practices
to extract everything of value from the client world,
and then virtually abandon it when they exhaust
its resources. The fate of the Unions client worlds
often encourages other planets to become member
or afliate worlds to avoid a similar fate.
The best-known example of a Cardassian
client world is Bajor, which the Cardassians occupied in 2328 under the guise of assisting the
peaceful Bajorans to utilize their worlds resources.
Bajorans were forced into labor camps, or allowed
some degree of freedom if they cooperated with
their Cardassian overlords. The Bajoran religion
(a source of rebellion) was initially banned, and
religious leaders arrested. Over the next several
decades, the Cardassians systematically stripped
Bajor of its resources, which were shipped to other
worlds in the Union. One of the prime reasons
for the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor in 2369
was the exhaustion of many of the planets easily
extractable resources.
Since the Federation came into contact
with the Cardassian Union, the Unions client world
policy has become a touchy subject. Many client
worlds are pre-warp, and thus the Federation
cannot interfere in their society (even to assist
them) due to the Prime Directive. Moreover, after
the Cardassians annex a client world, it becomes a
part of the Cardassian Union, which creates further
hindrances to Federation involvement, since Federation personnel cannot interfere in the internal
affairs of a foreign power. In practice, of course,
the Federation does what it can to assist worlds
annexed by the Cardassians, whether that assistance takes the form of supplies smuggled to the
planet to feed the needy or diplomatic lobbying
on the worlds behalf. For example, Federation
pressure was a factor in Cardassias withdrawal
from Bajor, and its assistance proved vital both for
Bajors recovery from the occupation, and in preventing the Cardassians from re-taking control of
the planet later on.
The Dominion War placed greater
demands on Cardassias resources than ever
before, though it also provided it with many


resources it had never before possessed. Cut off

from the Gamma Quadrant, the Dominion needed
new cloning facilities, shipyards, weapons plants,
and ketracel-white laboratories. The materials
to build these things came from the Cardassian
Union, leading to increased production quotas for
client worlds. On the other hand, with the aid of
the JemHadar, the Cardassians were easily able
to conquer additional worlds along the former
DMZ and their spinward border, then strip them
clean like a school of hungry dethka-sh.
Since the end of the war, the fate of the
remaining Cardassian client worlds is undecided.
The Cardassians abandoned many client planets
near the wars end to focus on protecting the core
of the Union. Many former client worlds are little
more than dead husks, stripped bare of most of
their useful resources. Those who can, do their
best to rebuild. The Federation has offered humanitarian aid, but its resources are also stretched thin.
Many worlds have been left to their own devices, at
the mercy of pirates, raiders, and other predators.


For the past ve centuries, the Detapa
Council has been the governing body of the Cardassian Unionat least in theory. In practice,
the Council held power for a scant few of those
500 years. Until recently, it served primarily as
a puppet of the Central Command and Obsidian
Order. Depending on how events on post-war Cardassia play out, the time may have come at last
for a true democratic civilian government to come
to power in the Union.

The original Detapa Council, founded some
ve centuries ago, was formed from a loose alliance of nobles, military leaders, and aristocrats
following the end of the Second Hebitian period.
Their world had already been unied for some
time, but under the control of dictators and autocrats. In 1871, protests over the disbursement of
war treasures led to the founding of the Council.
When it rst came to power, the Detapa
Council enjoyed an unprecedented popularity that
allowed it to enact many sweeping democratic
reforms. These changes, as welcome as they were
to the people of the Cardassian Union, were intolerable to the entrenched military elite and others
who had previously held the reins of power. Calling upon their connections and the power still
available to them, they slowly but surely began to
reverse or counteract the reforms. It took them

over a generation, but eventually they restored the system

to one more to their likingall the while preserving the
facade of a democratic government.
Thus, except for a brief period of idealistic activity, the Detapa Council has remained an impotent body of
gureheads for its entire history. While Council members
had prestige and vesala, the true powers in the Cardassian
Union were the Central Command and the Obsidian Order.
So strong was their hold upon the Council that they could
count on it to automatically approve decisions made by
military and intelligence commanders. The occasional idealist or reformer who made it onto the Council was quickly
neutralizedone way or another. Some members of the
Central Command actually considered the Council a good
place to keep political agitators and opponents, since they
could do no harm there. After all, the military representatives on the Council held all the power.
That changed in 2371 when a civilian uprising on
Cardassia Prime overthrew the Central Command following the destruction of most of the Obsidian Orders power
in the Omarion Nebula incident. Suddenly, the Detapa
Council found itself holding true powerand facing the
possibility of an invasion by the Klingons (who thought
the Council members were changeling inltrators). At a
loss for what to do, the Council accepted the assistance
of Gul Dukat to escape Cardassia Prime before the Klingons arrived to execute them.
After the invasion was halted, the Council returned
to power for a brief timeuntil Gul Dukat negotiated an
alliance between Cardassia and the Dominion. The inuence of the Council disappeared entirely as Dukat became
supreme ruler of Cardassia in the Dominions name. When
Dukat went mad and disappeared from public view, his aide,
Gul Damar, assumed his position. Damar eventually turned
against the Dominion and was killed ghting to overthrow
them. Whether the Cardassians form a new Detapa Council,
and if so how, is just one of the bones of contention among
the various political factions on Cardassia.

The Detapa Council traditionally has fteen members, although it has allowed some seats to remain vacant
at times in the past. Most members of the Council hold the
position of legate before their election (often as the result
of ancient family titles held hereditarily, or in recognition of
their service to the stateand the vesala they spent). If not,
they receive that title when they assume their seat on the
council. The law restricts the number of Central Command
ofcials on the Council to no more than ve. Despite this,
Central Command has historically exercised almost complete
control over the Council through their inuence in nearly

every other aspect of Cardassian life. If the conservative elements in modern Cardassian society have their way, any new
ruling body will likewise fall under military control.
Of the 15 members, historically at least eight represented Cardassia Prime itself and her closest, strongest,
most loyal colonies and former colonies. The remainder of
the representatives come from the rest of the worlds of the
Union. Thus, most worlds do not have their own representative; they share a Councilor with one or more other worlds
that helped elect him.
In addition to the 15 full members of the Council,
there are dozens, sometimes hundreds, of observers entitled to sit in on Council business and conduct preliminary
debate (but not to participate in nal debates, or to vote).
Just about any Cardassian with sufcient vesala and the
approval of the Central Command can obtain an observer
seat if he wants one.

By Cardassian law, the general populace elects members of the Detapa Council. Five seats on the Council come
up for election every two years, theoretically resulting in
a complete change in council membership every six years.
However, since there is no limit to the number of terms a
legate may serve on the Council, once a Cardassian obtains
a position on the Council, he can often manage to hold onto
it for a long time. Many members serve four to eight terms
before they choose to retire.
The popular nature of the vote has been little more
than a sham in recent centuries. The citizens do cast votes,
but the Central Command handpicks the slate of candidates
they choose from. A Cardassians ability to get nominated for
the voting, or to receive an observer seat, depends heavily
on his vesala. But as long as the Central Command exerts de
facto control of the process for nominating the voting members of the Council, it controls what the Council does.
The concept of political parties as they once existed
on Earth and other planets is foreign to the Cardassians.
Each candidates vesala network constitutes his own party
to offer support and secure votes. Trading favors and forging
secret alliances is as much a part of Cardassian politics as it
is of any other aspect of society.

The Prefect
The Detapa Council selects one of its members to
act as the head of the Council and Prefect of the Cardassian Union. The Prefect runs Council meetings and serves as
a tie-breaking vote. He is also the Supreme Commander of
the Cardassian military. For generations prior to 2371, the


Prefect of the Union was always a member of Central Command and a military ofcer. The military would not follow
a civilian Prefect and it was well known among the Council
that electing one would lead to an outright military coup. To
keep their power and position, the Council members always
elected one of their military brethren Prefect.
After the Omarion Nebula incident, popular support
swung away from Central Command, and the civilian members
of the Detapa Council seized the opportunity to further weaken
the militarys grip on the government. Unfortunately, the Klingon Empire took their uncharacteristic act of deance as proof
that they were actually changeling inltrators. This provoked the
Klingon invasion of Cardassia, and forced the Detapa Council to
ee Cardassia Prime to avoid capture and execution.

The Detapa Council has the legislative and executive
power in the Cardassian government. It drafts and passes
legislation, enforces the laws, raises and distributes money
for the operation of the government, controls the Cardassian
economy, and sees to the defense of the Union. Although
the Council has considerable power according to the letter
of the law, it has been largely impotent for centuries. For
the past several hundred years, all of the important laws
and edicts passed by the Council have been dictated by the
Central Command (or, on occasion, the Obsidian Order).
Any Councilor or observer can draft and propose legislation before the Council (though observers can only participate in preliminary debates, not the nal debate before
the Council votes on the measure). Council members debate
and consider the proposals; the sponsoring Councilor speaks
rst. In the case of legislation already approved or denied
by Central Command, this process is largely for showthe
decision has already been made.
By law, the Council and the Supreme Prefect
exercise control over Central Command and the Obsidian
Order. Again, in practice things are quite different. Central Command and the Obsidian Order split most governmental power between them, leaving the members of the
Detapa Council as puppets to carry out their wishes. The
Order lets the Central Command handle most day-to-day
matters, but gets involved whenever it wants something.
After the Omarion Nebula incident, the power of the
Order weakened considerably. Central Command tried to
tighten its control over the populace, leading to a backlash against the military and the establishment of Cardassias rst true civilian government.
In day-to-day matters, the Prefect holds executive
power, including command over the military. The Council
as a whole must verify some of the Prefects decisions after
the fact. Usually it approves the Prefects actions without
debate, since theyre what the Central Command wants.
Frequent questioning of the Prefects decisions indicates
that his political power is shakythat powerful Cardassians
see him as vulnerable.


For most matters, the Detapa Council requires only
a simple majority vote. However, in Cardassian politics, a
simple majority is almost a contradiction in terms. Technically, all members of the Council have equal authority.
In practice, each Councilors vesala determines his voting
power. The more vesala a Councilor possesses, the more
votes he can sway in favor of his position. By bringing his
inuence to bear, he can force Councilors who disagree with
him to vote the way he wants them to. The backrooms of the
Council chambers often become ugly battleelds of power
brokering, blackmail, and overt political pressure. The Central Command, with its vast amounts of vesala, can employ
that inuence to control the Council when it cannot use
easier, more direct methods for some reason.
While this system sounds simple, in practice it
becomes quite complex. Shifting webs of vesala in Cardassian society often demand that a Councilor try to be all
things to all sides. When different factions within the military
all bring their inuence to bear, or the demands of inuential
citizens conict, a Councilor may be torn between different
persons or groups to whom he owes equivalent favors. This
may cause him to temrasa horvelkliterally, split his true
vote. Since each Councilor only has one vote on any given
matter, he actually divides the effects of his vesala between
the positions of the various factions trying to inuence him
and then abstains from voting. As a result, the overall effect
of his personal inuence may diminish to little or nothing
which may have been the real goal of some of the people or
groups pressuring him.

Ministries of the Council

The Detapa Council and the Prefect delegate much
of the daily operation of the Cardassian government to
several Ministries, each headed by a Minister. The Council
appoints the Ministers, and may dismiss them at its pleasure. Like most of Cardassian politics, ministerial appointments and dismissals depend largely on vesala.
Ministers generally report directly to the Prefect,
who in turn presents their reports to the Detapa Council.
Ministers advise the Prefect on matters within their jurisdiction, and often have considerable inuence because of this.
Unlike most governments, the Cardassian Union has
no specic Ministry of Statea branch of government responsible solely for foreign relations. Many outside sociologists
attribute this, at least in part, to Cardassian xenophobia;
others view it a political maneuver on the part of the Detapa
Council (which is to say, the Central Command). In some
cases, individual ministries deal with intergalactic issues of
import to them. But in most instances, the Detapa Council
simply appoints a Minister Plenipotentiary to handle a situation or oversee the activities of various ambassadors (other
ambassadors report directly to the Council). Most plenipoten-

tiaries are Council members or other inuential Cardassians

with experience in the subject matter at hand, such as Federation border treaties or Sheliak trade agreements.
Among the hundreds of ministries and sub-ministries, the most important include:

The Ministry of Defense oversees the budgeting and
administration of the Cardassian military. Of course, it has
not exercised any actual authority for centuries. Central
Command assigns a senior or retired ofcer the position
of Defense Minister as a reward for years of loyal service.
Among the military, the job is widely known as a comfortable retirement position requiring almost no work. In the
past century or so, the Central Command has dispensed with
even the pretense of reporting its actions to the Ministry of
Defense, so the position is a mere sinecure.

The Ministry of Finance oversees trade negotiations
and treaties, sets interest and currency exchange rates, collects taxes and other moneys due the Cardassian government, and performs economic forecasts and analyses for the
Detapa Council. Because of the historically poor condition
of the Cardassian economy, the position of Finance Minister
has always been fraught with danger. More than one promising politician has seen his career dashed on the rocks of
Finance when he failed to meet the Councils too-high expectations. More than once the Council, or some prominent Cardassian, has had a rival or enemy appointed to the position
of Finance Minister as a way of ruining him.

Internal Security
The Ministry of Internal Security, or simply the Security Ministry, has from its earliest days been a puppet of the
Obsidian Order. The ministrys duties involve enforcing the
law and maintaining public order. In practice, it served as a
public arm of the Order, conducting searches and interrogations, surveilling suspected troublemakers, arresting known
or suspected criminals, and so forth. Members of Internal
Security often played the role of honest and harried public
ofcials, encouraging criminal suspects to cooperate with
them, rather than being turned over to the tender mercies
of the Obsidian Order. The ministry is riddled with barelyundercover agents of the Order, who keep watch over the
watchers themselves.
When the Omarion Nebula incident weakened the
Obsidian Order, Internal Security gained in power. Under the
Dominion, it cooperated with the JemHadar to enforce the
Dominions laws, but by end of the war Internal Security ofcers
revolted against the Dominion en masse rather than turn their
weapons on their own people. Their assistance greatly aided
the rebellion in ousting the Dominion from Cardassia Prime, but
made them a prime target for JemHadar retaliation; most of

them were slaughtered in the nal hours of the War.

The Ministry of Justice oversees the interpretation
and application of Cardassian laws in civil and criminal proceedings. Cardassian jurists have the title archon; the Minister of Justice also holds the position of Supreme Archon, the
nal, irrefutable arbiter of the meaning of the Unions laws.
The Supreme Archon rules from the Supreme Tribunal, the
highest court in the Union.
In many ways, being an archon is an easy job, for the
Cardassian judicial system operates on the principle of trying
only the guilty. Before the court even holds a trial, it ascertains
the defendants guilt (after all, Cardassian ofcials wouldnt
arrest an innocent man, would they?) and determines his
punishment. The government holds trials only to demonstrate
the unerring efciency of the mechanisms of justice to the
people, to give them the comfort of knowing that in the Cardassian Union, crime and evil are always punished.
In Cardassia, most serious crimes merit the death
penalty. Some would say that the executioners victims are
the lucky ones, for Cardassian prisons are infamous throughout the quadrant. From the enormous Central Prison on Cardassia Prime (where over a dozen prisoners die every day
from neglect or violence), to DelnarArok on Cardassia IV,
to the minor prisons on the outlying worlds of the Union,
the Cardassian penal system constitutes one of the cruelest
prison networks ever created.

Public Health and Culture

The Ministry of Public Health and Culture oversees
the physical, mental, and spiritual health of the Cardassian
people. De-emphasized almost to the point of nonexistence
over the past two centuries, many hope that this ministry will
revive itself in the new Cardassia. Associate ministers and
other employees of the ministry have historically been some
of the best-educated, and least-heeded, members of Cardassian society; if things change for the better on Cardassia,
they may become some of the most inuential as well.
Under the Central Command, Public Health and Culture has little or no funding. Mainly it distributes propaganda
masquerading as art, and occasionally administers a welfare
program or two when given the necessary resources. The
ministrys physicians and councilors work long hours for little
pay, which often leads to mistreatment of those under their
care. Many of its members harbor sympathies for the Cardassian underground movement, making the ministry even
more of a liability in the eyes of the Central Command.

The Ministry of Science is concerned with scientic
research and the development of new technologies. Like the
other ministries, it functions as little more than an arm of
the Central Command. The ministrys prime tasks involve the


development of new military technology like weapons and

shields, as well as research into subjects with potential military applications (such as the study of the Bajoran orbs).
It might be the inuence of the orbs, or simply the
high level of education among the scientists, but the Ministry
of Science is a bastion of the underground reform movement.
Scientists in the ministry chafe under the rule of the Central
Command; they long for opportunities to collaborate with
their Federation and Romulan counterparts, working on pure
research rather than military applications. Some seek to further the position of science in Cardassian culture, while others
merely want to end the military domination of the Union.

Originally, a sub-ministry of Finance, Allocation
was elevated to full Ministry status after the Gharva Riots
of 2348 on Cardassia Prime. In an empire with so few
resources, the careful allocation of them becomes a matter
of some priority. Ofcials called lexors handle resource allocation on the regional or planetary level, working closely
with the military. For the past several centuries, Allocation
was so closely overseen by the Central Command that
many ofcers joked it was the civilian branch of the military. Allocations vast inuence and close ties with the Central Command encourage what a Federation citizen would
label corruption and inuence-peddling among lexors
seeking to increase their vesala or make money on the
Unions vast black market.

Local Government
Like most other major interstellar powers, the Cardassian Union divides its space up into sectors, which constitute the largest unit of local governmental control. Sectors vary in size, generally based on how many inhabited
planets they contain; a large but relatively underpopulated
region of space might be one sector, as would a handful of
systems which all have inhabited planets, even though they
dont occupy as much space as the rst sector.
By law, a sector governor appointed by the Detapa
Council rules each sector. In practice, though, the sector
governor is a puppet; the real ruler of a sector is the chief
military ofcer appointed to it. In some sectors, these two
persons work together to present a facade of united leadership; in others, the civilian governor is a powerless gurehead, and everyone knows it. On rare occasions, a sector
governor with extensive military contacts and a great deal of
vesala actually gets to perform his job.


Local planetary and colonial government rulers go
by the title prefect. Historically, almost all prefects were
also military ofcers, so they had the authority of the Central Command backing them up. A prefect also has jurisdiction over the entire system his planet occupies, unless
the system has multiple inhabited worlds, in which case
the Central Command determines who has authority (usually the prefect with the highest military rank, best connections, or most vesala).
An extensive bureaucracy handles the day-to-day
matters of governing each world. Part of this governmental machine includes representatives from the major ministries of the Cardassian government. Each planet maintains
extensive records, for Cardassians are meticulous recordkeepers with an advanced science of information organization and retrieval. Most Cardassian bureaucracies are notorious for their lack of cooperation with each other, so prefects and other administrators often spend considerable
time building relationships (vesala again) with bureaucrats
so they can get things done.
In the aftermath of the Dominion War, some prefects
who survived the Dominion purge have become de facto
emperors of their worlds. Others avoided the JemHadar
only to be set upon and killed by their own people, who took
advantage of the opportunity to avenge years of oppression.
Once a new Union government arises, it will have to expend
considerable resources reining in out-of-control local governments and planets that have descended into near-anarchy.


Cardassian relations with foreign powers have never
been cordiala fact which surprises no one whos aware
of the native Cardassian predilection towards xenophobia.
At best, the Cardassian Union regarded the Federation and
the Klingon Empire with cold disdain, at worst with open
warfare. Independent worlds like Bajor often fared even
worse; unless they had the strength to fend off the Cardassians or work out an alliance with them, they were conquered and occupied.
One can sum up the state of Cardassias present foreign relations in two words: virtually non-existent. Without
a central authority, theres no one who can establish legitimate foreign relations with other powers. Some of the factions have reached out to seek foreign aid, but the results of
their efforts have been decidedly mixed.


The Klingon Empire

Despite the 2371 peace treaty, relations

between Bajor and Cardassia remain strained. Bajorans still vividly remember 40 years of occupation
and hundreds of millions of their fellows butchered
by their grey-skinned conquerors. Most Bajorans
are not at all unhappy to see the Cardassian Union
lying in ruins, the way their world did when the
Cardassians abandoned it.
Some, however, have taken the messages
of the Prophets more to heart, and feel sympathy
for their former oppressors. A few, hoping to help
create a kinder, better Cardassia and heal old
wounds, have been performing humanitarian aid
missions on Cardassia Prime, often working with
the Democratists or Spiritualists.

The Cardassians and the Klingon Empire

have long been rivals, even enemies. On the one
hand, the Cardassians admire the Klingon devotion to the military ideal. On the other, they consider the Klingons savage, brutal, and too bound
up in their antique concepts of honor. Given the
vast numbers of Klingons killed by Cardassians
during the Dominion War, and vice-versa, relations
between the two powers will likely remain touchy
for the foreseeable future.

The United Federation of

Over the past forty years, the Cardassians have, at best, regarded the Federation
neutrally. Usually hostilities or outright war
existed between them, and they never formally
exchanged ambassadors.
True to its principles, the Federation is
trying to help the Cardassians rebuild their society
at the conclusion of the Dominion War. Constrained
by the Prime Directive, it cannot directly help the
Democratists or other reform-minded factions that
appeal to it, but it can provide humanitarian assistance to all Cardassians. Already Federation science and engineering teams have helped to stave
off mass starvation with shipments of replicators
and cleared away millions of tons of rubble so that
rebuilding can begin. The Federation can only hope
that the example it provides, combined with the
sad straits which hundreds of years of military rule
brought Cardassia to, will cause Cardassia to rise,
phoenix-like, as a better, more egalitarian, society.

The Romulans
Although they admire the Romulans efciency and loyalty, Cardassians consider them
untrustworthy and sneaky. There has been little
in the way of formal relations between the two
powers, separated as they are by Federation space,
though they used to maintain embassies on each
others homeworlds. As with the Klingons, the
Romulans regard the Cardassians poorly because
of the recent war, so a warming of relations seems
unlikely at best.

The Breen
Cardassia has never had formal relations
with the Breen, regarding them as pirates and thugs.
Breen conduct during the War, including helping the
JemHadar butcher innocent Cardassians, has made
the Cardassians their bitter enemies.

The Ferengi Alliance

The Cardassians have never cared overmuch for the Ferengi, but have always understand
their usefulness. Ferengi traders have visited the
Union for centuries, although they found relatively
few lucrative business opportunities among the
resource-poor worlds of Cardassian space. Now they
plan to make even greater prots selling rebuilding
supplies and food to Cardassians, though Grand
Nagus Rom has undercut that market severely by
providing freefree!aid to potential customers.






he military has existed at the heart of Cardassian life for

centuries. It has dominated the government, oppressed the populace, quelled dissent, and expanded the borders of the Union in victory after victory. In recent years, wars with the Federation, the Klingons, and the Federation alliance have dimmed its glory, forcing it
to settle for stalemate or defeat instead of triumph. After its terrible
losses during the War, the Central Commands place in the new Cardassia remains precarious. Will it force a return to the pre-War status
quo; join forces with the reformers to forge a better Cardassia; or
take some other, as yet unforeseen, path into the future?
These, of course, are questions for each Narrator to answer
for his own series. This chapter primarily describes the Central Command seen throughout most of the Star Trek television seriesa
powerful, politically dominant, often corrupt military institution. A
Narrator whose series takes place after the end of the Dominion War
can use this information, and the accompanying notes about postWar events and activities in this book, to determine what role the
Central Command plays in Cardassian life at that time.

The Cardassian Military

Technically, Central Command is the formal name of the
leadership of the Cardassian military, but in practice the term has
come to refer to the entire military. Cardassians speak of sending in
the Central Command or Central Command policy the same way a
Federation citizen might say, let Stareet handle the matter.
For centuries, until the alliance with the Dominion, the Central Command effectively ruled the Cardassian Union, making highranking military ofcers the most important people in the government. The Unions resources were devoted to the continued support


and maintenance of Cardassias military might; all other concernsconsumer production, environmental preservation,
citizens rightswere secondary. The Central Command protected the Union and made Cardassia a force to be reckoned
with in the Alpha Quadrant.
The Dominion alliance at once both empowered and
emasculated the Central Command. By granting it access
to JemHadar troops and technology, the alliance allowed
it to accomplish things it never could have beforedestroying the Maquis resistance, standing rm and even advancing against the combined might of the Federation alliance.
But the agreement also placed it under Dominion control,
reducing a once proud, independent military force to the
puppet of shape shifting power mongers from the Gamma
Quadrant. Many surviving members of the Central Command
are deeply ashamed that they ever allowed the Dominion to
seduce them into near-slavery with its promises of power
and glory. This feeling colors their post-War political views,
pushing some into the xenophobic camp of Gul Bernak,
others into the ranks of the reforming Democratists or Spiritualists, and still others into countless other factions.

Military Structure
The Cardassian High Command
The true leadership of the military is the Cardassian
High Command, although Cardassians rarely use this term.
The High Command consists of the commanders of the various Orders, plus certain other senior ofcers and persons
awarded High Command status (a rare event). They form a
council that dictates policy for the military and much of the
Cardassian Union. For the past several centuries, the ofcers
of the High Command have de facto ruled the Cardassian
Union. A few members of the High Command sat on the
Detapa Council at all times to ensure military control of that
supposedly independent civilian body.
The High Command has always been rife with political maneuvering and inghting, as different ofcers (and
their staffs) pushed their personal agendas for the Central
Command and the Union as a whole. In theory, authority
in the High Command, and thus over the Central Command
as a whole, is split evenly among the heads of the military
Orders. In practice, the leaders of the older or more powerful Orders, and/or ofcers with more vesala, exercise more
authority. Considerable behind-the-scenes struggling and
power brokering takes place between the military leaders
as they struggle to decide military policy (including resource
allocation) so that they can present a united front to their
troops and subjects. In times of crisis, however, the Central
Command quickly unies against any outside threat.


The Military Command

While the Central Command handles the larger,
broad-policies, the Military Command handles the day-today affairs of the military. As the Central Command took
power, the Military Command evolved to ll the need of
the mundane decision-making as well as supply distribution. The Military Command has a wide range of duties that
it must execute with efciency and speed. In short these
duties consist of issuing the hard orders for the movement
of formations of troops, reinforcements and replacements
as directed by, and in compliance with, the directives and
desires of the High Command. At the same time the additional duties of forming doctrine, recruiting, conducting military research and the carrying out of supply must be tended
to by the Military Command.

Below the level of the High Command, the Central
Command is divided into cairhailo, or Orders, each of which
serves or patrols a specic region of space and includes
both space and ground forces assigned to that region. A
soldiers Order serves as perhaps the single most important
datum for identifying him and his duties; most Cardassian
ofcers use their Order as part of their titlefor example,
Gul Jasad, Third Order. Generally speaking, the highestranked Orders (beginning with the First) are the oldest and
most prominent, wield the greatest inuence in Cardassian
affairs, and hold correspondingly greater responsibilities.
Vital Statistics
The Cardassian Central Command consists of millions
of troops and ofcers, supplied with thousands of ships. Each
Order has between 500,000 and a million personnel, and
there are several dozen Orders throughout the entire Cardassian Union (the most prominent of which are described
below). Of an Orders personnel, approximately one percent
(5,000-10,000) are gul-level ofcers, generally starship and
unit commanders. Approximately ve percent (25,000-50,000)
are glinn-level ofcers, serving as aides to the guls and commanders of smaller units, and in similar capacities.
Each of the thousands of units within the Central
Command has its own unique symbol, typically worn as a
patch or personal communicator. Many Cardassians make a
hobby of learning the various emblems, or even collecting
examples of them.
The Central Command refers to its troops as
deshataro (soldiers), regardless of whether they serve in

the Space Forces or the Army. Army personnel tend to identify primarily with their squad or other organizational unit;
Space Forces personnel with the ship or wing they belong to.
In addition to the actual troops and ofcers, each
Order employs several million more civilian or quasi-civilian
employees to help it perform its political duties, keep it supplied, and so forth. The recordkeeping requirements alone
have spawned a whole new bureaucratic science. Even the
Federation, no stranger to sophisticated data management,
studies Cardassian methods in this eld.
Although Cardassias military forces appear vast, the
millions in the ranks of Central Command are still small compared to the trillions of individuals in the Cardassian Union.
Considerable turnover occurs in the lower ranks of the Central Command, as troops conscripted for mandatory military
service leave for civilian life and ofcers who have accumulated sufcient vesala retire to enjoy the fruits of their labors
without the burden of military discipline and duty. The High
Command has historically always sought ways to make the
Central Command even bigger and better organized.

First Order
The First Order is the most distinguished of all,
but it has lost some of its glory in recent years. Stationed
throughout the central and rimward sectors, the First Order
serves to protect many of the Unions most vital and
resource-wealthy worlds. It hearkens back to the Cardassian ideal of the military as protectors of the Union and
the Cardassian people; its soldiers maintain a certain proud
and romantic attitude towards their duties.
With Cardassia Prime located so close to the
border of the Union, the First Order has many opportunities to distinguish itself in battle, often against the forces
of the Klingon Empire. First Order soldiers are none too
fond of Klingons; some have Klingon dk tahgs and other
ornaments as trophies of their kills.
Apart from their conicts with Klingon warriors, soldiers of the First Order saw little action for years. The Federation-Cardassian War never truly endangered the core worlds
of the Union, so the First Order spent most of it in drills and
training exercises. This led to its eclipse by the Second Order,
which saw considerable action against the Federation.
Best known among the units of the First Order is
the Third Battalion, which trains specialized commandos
for difcult, often suicidal missions. Their motto, Death
to All, nicely sums up their attitude toward the enemies
of Cardassia. Their ruthlessness and skill in combat are
legendary among Cardassians.

Second Order
The Second Order, or Eagle Order (Cairhail Prethok), is widely considered the most inuential in the Car-

dassian Union. For many years it was led by Gul Dukat;

when Dukat became prefect of Bajor and a major gure in

Project Guardian
Sometimes lack of resources or the vicissitudes of galactic politics force the Cardassians to abandon space stations and similar facilities. Rather than
destroy the bases outright, Central Command prefers
to strip them of their useful components, leaving the
rest intact in case the Cardassian Union ever has the
chance to claim them again.
In order to protect these facilities from foreign powers, pirates, or other interlopers, Central Command chooses certain members of the First Order
and places them in cryogenic suspension within the
facility. Combat engineers program the sensor systems to revive the soldiers in the event of threats
to facility security. Central Command refers to this
program as Menrathu PalograProject Guardian as
roughly translated into Federation Standard.
To preserve the soldiers ability to ght even
after years of suspended animation, the Central Command developed a combat drug called kraxarin. Kraxarin preserves muscle tone and enhances a Cardassians
strength and ghting ability (in game terms, it grants
+1 Fitness for purposes of resisting damage only, +1
Strength, and +1 Reaction; a user must take a new
20 ml dose for every 12 hours of activity). However,
kraxarin has psychotropic side effects. It enhances the
native Cardassian xenophobia and racial paranoia (user
has Intolerant (All Other Species) for the duration of
the effect). It also reduces blood clotting capabilities
(increase the Difculty of all Tests to heal the character, whether naturally or with medicine, by 1 for the
duration of the effect).
Due to the destruction of Cardassia during the
Dominion War, no records exist of which facilities are
protected by cryogenically suspended soldiers.

Cardassian politics, his protg Gul Damar took over the

daily command duties. The Second Order exercised considerable power in Central Command and in Cardassian space.
Military historians trace the Second Orders rise to
power back to the start of the Federation-Cardassian conict. Members of the Second Order made rst contact with
the Federation, and determined that Stareet posed a potential threat to Cardassia. The Second Order also conducted
the raid against the Federation outpost at Setlik III, which
the Obsidian Order believed was a staging point for an
attack against the Union. Although this proved incorrect, the
Second Orders actions were vindicated by Stareets aggressive response. During the resulting war, the Second Order
distinguished itself time and again, earning great glory and
renown for its members. This meant more vesala for them
as people sought favors from them.
Ofcers of the Second Order (including Gul Dukat)
strongly protested the Central Commands decision to


negotiate a peace treaty with the Federation and to withdraw from Bajor. The Second Order remained hostile towards
the Federation, and agitated for preparation for a new offensive against both the Federation and Bajor, particularly after
the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole. Other leaders in the
Central Command wisely remained skeptical about Cardassias ability to sustain a new conict, and preferred to bide
their time using the peace negotiations while continuing to
rebuild the Unions military strength.
The Dominion alliance placed the Second Order back
in the forefront of the Cardassian military (but secondary,
of course, to the will of the Dominion). Damars rebellion
against the Dominion drew many soldiers of the Second
Order with him. Many of those who survived the rebellion
now participate prominently in Cardassian politics, often as
members of the Democratist or Militarist factions.

Third Order
The Third Order serves as the rapid response eet
of the Cardassian Union. Stationed on bases and outposts at
strategic locations throughout Cardassian space, its soldiers
carry out quick hit-and-run strikes against enemy targets,
provide support and reinforcements to other Orders, and
conduct military reconnaissance and scouting missions.
Soldiers of the Third Order have seen action in nearly
every military conict undertaken by the Cardassian Union in
the past 300 years, including the war with the Federation,
border conicts with the Klingon Empire, and the Klingon
invasion of Cardassia. Third Order troops helped reinforce the
lines against the Klingon invaders, and allowed vital elements
of other Orders, along with members of the Detapa Council,
to retreat from the advancing Klingons. The Third Order reputation for coming to the rescue of other Orders gives its
soldiers a certain cachet, as well as a measure of arrogance.
Soldiers of the Fifth Order often work with the
Third Order to perform surgical strikes and commando
raids on enemy targets. They plan these attacks to look
like random raids, pirate strikes, or accidents. Personnel
in combined Third-Fifth units are often the rst to enter
a potentially hostile situation in their role as scouts and
forward observers. They gather information to take back
to the other Orders so the Central Command can act with
full knowledge of the situation.
The Third Order suffered heavy casualties during
the Dominion War, since it often supported JemHadar
forces operating along the front lines. At rst proud of
their prominent position in the war effort, the soldiers
of the Third Order quickly realized the JemHadar and
the Dominion thought of them as little more than cannon
fodder and secondary support personnel for the true sol-


diers of the Dominion. This led to a weakening of morale

within the Order. Harsh punishments for dereliction of
duty only served to strengthen the Orders resentment
towards the Dominion. Many Third Order units turned
against the Dominion and supported Damars rebellion;
their members now tend to support the Democratist, Militarist, Bernak, or Shamar factions.

Fourth Order
The Fourth Order patrols and protects the space
near Cardassia Prime itself, including, when needed, the
Bajor System. Its often known as the Home Guard of
the Cardassian Union, since the Central Command entrusts
it with the protection of the home system, the heart and
soul of the Union. Historically it has also been the Order
which most often deals with the Ferengi and their interests
in Cardassian space.
Following the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor
and the establishment of the Demilitarized Zone with the
Federation, the Fourth Order reinforced positions in and
around Cardassia Prime and along the DMZ. With Cardassia located so close to the border itself, the Order could not
afford to relax its vigilance in the wake of the treaty. Fourth
Order ships and soldiers helped to blunt the Klingon thrust
towards Cardassia Prime during their invasion of the Union,
although they suffered heavy casualties.
The Dominion alliance built up the Fourth Order
again to protect Cardassia when the Dominion went to war
with the Federation and their Klingon allies. The Fourth saw
action during the war, but mostly through the rotation of
Fourth Order units to the border to reinforce the depleted
ranks of other Orders. Cardassia itself remained inviolate
until the very end of the war, when the Fourth again
endured extreme losses, at the hands of both the Federation alliance and the JemHadar.
The Cardassian rebellion presented a serious problem for the Fourth Order, which was charged with maintaining order on Cardassia Prime. Fourth Order soldiers found
themselves faced with ghting their own people. Many chose
to turn against the Dominion and join the rebellion, while
others continued to serve and obey their oaths of loyalty.
Fourth Order soldiers were stationed, along with Cardassian civilians, around Dominion bases to help protect them
against terrorist attacks from the rebellion.
When the rebellion provoked the ire of the Dominion, and they began the mass destruction of Cardassian
cities, the Fourth Order turned against their former allies
entirely, but it was too little, too late. Thousands of members of the Order died along with Cardassian civilians in the
Dominions slaughter. Many valiantly sacriced their lives in

an effort to stop the Dominion forces, to no avail.

For the past several decades, the infamous Gul Trepar,
a political enemy of Gul Dukat, has led the Fourth Order.
Having survived the Dominion War, he has become a prominent member of the Militarist faction. His sneering, arrogant
denunciations of the Democratists, Spiritualists, and Bernakians have earned him attention from the Cardassian people.

Fifth Order
The Fifth Order, also known as the Jade Order
(Cairhail Terapha), comprises the Central Commands military intelligence division. Central Command maintains the
Fifth Order so it does not have to depend entirely on the
Obsidian Order for military intelligence. The Jade Order is
far smaller than the Obsidian Order, and has a erce rivalry
with its larger civilian competitor. (The Jade Order uses
most of the same methods as the Obsidian Order; see
Chapter Five for details.)
The Fifth Order focuses its resources almost exclusively on military intelligence. While the Obsidian Order maintains internal security for the Cardassian Union by watching
nearly everyone, and studies everything it can about Cardassias enemies, the Jade Order concentrates on targets of military and strategic signicance. Its ofcers and agents were
especially busy during the Dominion War, when the Central
Command desperately needed accurate military information
and the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau (formerly the Obsidian Order) was both weakened by the Omarion Nebula incident and mistrusted by many in the Central Command.
Agents of the Jade Order inltrated and spied on Federation
and Klingon facilities and bases, collected information on
ship and troop movements, and ferreted out the Federation
alliances strategic plans through trafc analysis. They also
create many of the encoding methods used by the Central
Command; Fifth Order encryption techniques are, at best,
devilishly hard to break.
Ofcers of the Jade Order are military personnel
rst, intelligence operatives second. They share the same
erce devotion to Cardassia and their fellow soldiers as
the other Orders, and lack the cold disdain Obsidian Order
agents often have for the military. To the agents of the
Jade Order, their work is vital because it saves the lives of
fellow soldiers, and thus aids Cardassia. There are certainly
agents more concerned with personal power and inuence,
or merely playing the great game of espionage, but for the
most part, Jade Order agents are more honest and forthright
than their Obsidian Order counterparts.
Agents of the Fifth Order are often assigned to other
Orders to act as intelligence liaisons, and to keep a close
watch for any signs of trouble. While not overly popular with
regular troops and ofcers, Jade Order agents are regarded

Cardassian Diversionary Forces

While most of the Fifth Order is aimed toward
traditional Military Intelligence needs, it also provides
highly trained personal for various covert operations
in support of Military goals. Most of the active ground
force suborders are supplied with at least one company of diversionary troops. Individual Orders themselves have an additional brigade attached to them,
and the Central Command has ve independent regiments of such troops at its disposal at any one time.
The Fifth Order is responsible for training and
indoctrination while the eld forces actually command
them, with ve independent Central Command regiments falling under the administrative command of
the Third Order. Each unit is formed as according to
operational needs demand.
Typical wartime missions include the assassination of enemy military and political leaders, as
well as extensive deep reconnaissance of the enemys rear areas. They are assigned missions raiding
and destroying enemy headquarters, command posts,
communication centers, and stockpiles of weapons of
mass destruction.
They are also responsible for setting up and
maintaining a propaganda machine within enemy territory. By feeding the enemy with false information
they can create dissent among the populace as well
as confuse the leaders into making a bad decision.
better than agents of the Obsidian Order, whom most Cardassian soldiers consider underhanded and untrustworthy.
Jade Order agents are, at least, fellow soldiers.

Sixth Order
The Sixth Order makes up part of the deep space
eets of the Union. It stations its ships throughout explored
Cardassian space in sectors far from Cardassia Prime. It,
along with the Ninth Order, undertakes the majority of military deep space exploration and observation duties. Sixth
Order ships come equipped with better sensor and science
systems than most Cardassian vessels.
Most of the Sixth Orders exploration missions take it
spinward and coreward of the Cardassian Union, away from
many of the conicts the rest of the Central Command has
become involved in over the years. Although the ofcers of
the Sixth Order are as military as any in Cardassia, they are
also explorers, seeking new worlds and new resources for
the Union, making contact with new species, and studying


unknown phenomena in the depths of space.

The Dominion War brought the exploration work
of the Sixth Order to a halt (much as it did with Stareet
exploration duties). Ships and personnel were diverted back
into the heart of Cardassian space, particularly to deal
with Romulan incursions along the Unions antispinward and
coreward borders. Most of the Sixth Orders battles were
with Romulan forces, and involved more clever maneuvering and hit-and-run tactics than the sort of all-out battles
fought near Bajor Sector.
Overall, the Sixth Order suffered fewer casualties
during the Dominion War than Orders like the First or Third.
With the war over, the leaders of the Sixth Order are eager
to return to their work of exploring the frontiers of Cardassian space. These ofcers divide into roughly two camps.
The rst, usually belonging to the Militarist or Jagul Shamar
factions, advocates continued exploration to nd and conquer new worlds with resources useful in rebuilding Cardassian infrastructure. The other, more vocal, group typically
belongs to the Democratists or Spiritualists. It claims the
Cardassian Union has had enough conict. It calls for peaceful contact with new species along the frontier. It wants to
use trade to strengthen the Union, while nding uninhabited
worlds Cardassia can mine for much needed resources.

Seventh Order
The Seventh Order patrols and maintains bases
along the Cardassian Unions coreward frontier, where it has
often dealt with raids, piracy, and other dangers of unsettled regions. It also protects Cardassian colonies and client
worlds in the area, and aids the Sixth Order with exploration
and settlement missions. The Seventh Order saw very little
action during the Federation-Cardassian War.
Occasionally, the Seventh Order has discovered evidence of Romulan incursion into Cardassian spacemost
likely small, cloaked vessels performing long-range reconnaissance missions. The Cardassians have never found proof
that Romulan spies penetrated Union territory, and the
Romulan Star Empire would certainly deny any such allegations, so nothing has come of the incidentsbut the Seventh remains vigilant.
During the Dominion War, the Seventh Order reinforced the positions of the other Orders. It was at rst
assured of no trouble from the Romulan Empire, which
signed a non-aggression treaty with the Dominion, or the
Ferengi Alliance, which remained carefully neutral. Elements
of the Seventh Order deployed along the Federation-Cardassian border and went on missions inside Federation space.
When the Romulan Star Empire unexpectedly entered
the war on the side of the Federation, the Cardassians quickly


reassigned the Seventh Order, backed up by JemHadar troops,

to protect the coreward border against a potential Romulan
invasion. Although the Romulan cloaking device was a formidable advantage, superior Dominion technology all but neutralized it in many instances. Seventh Order ships tted with Dominion tachyon scanners enjoyed remarkable success at detecting
cloaked Romulan warbirds and engaging them as soon as they
tried entered Cardassian space. However, the Seventh still found
the Romulans formidable adversaries; a complex strategic game
of move and countermove locked up the Order and a large portion of the Romulan Star Navy in the coreward sectors. This
kept the Seventh out of most of the other action in the war,
although some units were still assigned to support the other
Orders against Federation and Klingon forces.

Eighth Order
The Eighth protects and patrols the Iron Path, a
series of systems with signicant industrial capabilities which
runs from Cardassia itself rimward and spinward through the
Union. It focuses on the far end of the path from Cardassia
Prime. This highly defensible position kept the Eighth Order
out of most conicts with the Federation, the Klingons, and
other powers. It generally also kept it behind the lines during
the Dominion War. However, as the War took its toll on the
Central Command, more and more units from the Eighth
Order were moved up to the front lines, or assigned to
protect the Iron Path closer to Cardassia from Federation
alliance strikes deep into Cardassian territory. Eighth Order
forces ended up seeing considerable action during the War,
particularly the nal battles.
Prior to its involvement in the Dominion War, the
Eighth Order was best known for dealing with pirates and
raiders along the far end of the Iron Path. Guls and starship personnel from the Eighth Order are quite skilled at
combatting smaller, faster starships, like most pirate vessels. Its ofcers often found themselves a little out of their
element going up against large Federation, Klingon, and
Romulan vessels, and sometimes suffered heavy losses as
a result.

Ninth Order
Like the Sixth Order, the Ninth is a deep space patrol
and exploration group, focusing on the frontier regions rimward and spinward of the Cardassian Union in the Alpha
Quadrant. The Ninth Orders missions took it into sectors
often sparse in stars and Class M planets, but which still
contains thousands of systems of interest to Cardassia. Historically, the Central Command has made the nding of
sources of valuable minerals and other materials needed by

Cardassian industry the primary focus of the Ninth Orders

missions. Its secondary missions include mapping and exploring new star systems, making contact with new forms of life,
and studying stellar anomalies. Any promising systems discovered are thoroughly surveyed, with an eye toward annexation and resource acquisition. Since the Cardassians have
no Prime Directive, they can contact, trade with, or conquer
newly-discovered species as they deem appropriate. Once a
system comes under the rule of the Cardassian Union, elements of the Seventh Order move in to patrol and protect it,
while the Ninth Order heads further out into the frontier.

Tenth Order
Like the Eighth Order, the Tenth Order patrols the
Iron Path, protecting shipping convoys of much-needed
materials from pirates and raiders. Their involvement in the
manufacturing and shipping capabilities of the Union gives
the Tenth Order a great deal of inuence in Central Command. Some consider its members bureaucrats or military
merchants, more concerned with logistics and supply lines
than military matters, but the Tenth Order is as capable a
military force as any other in the Union. In addition to its
quartermasters and logistics ofcers, the Tenth Order is well
known for its engineers, who often assist disabled vessels
and help build new industrial facilities for the Union. Often
forced to work with limited resources and outdated equipment, Tenth Order engineers are masters of improvisation
and unorthodox technique.
The Tenth Order was vital in protecting the Iron Path
from attack and keeping Cardassias industry operating during
various conicts. During the Dominion War, the Vorta established cloning, ketracel-white production, ship construction
facilities throughout the Iron Path, and the Tenth Order was
responsible for protecting and maintaining them. These sites
were tempting targets for Federation and Klingon forces striking at the Dominions industrial capabilities, so the Tenth Order
took heavy casualtiesbut as often as not, it held the line.

Eleventh Order
Over the course of the past century and a half, the
Eleventh Order has found itself supplanted by the Second,
Third, and Fourth Orders. At one time it was charged with
the protection of Cardassian colonies and client worlds
along the Unions antispinward border. It suffered disastrous
losses during some minor 23rd century conicts, and in the
Betreka Nebula Incident. As Cardassias attention shifted
to focus more and more on the Bajor Sector, the Cardassia-UFP border, and other antispinward territories, it was
decided that stronger Orders should take command in those
regions. The Eleventh Orders responsibilities were assumed
by other Orders, and it became a reserve unit, its duties
largely ceremonial. It performed support functions for other
Orders, and handled routine missions involving colonies and
other peacetime activities.
During the Dominion War, all able-bodied Orders were

expected to serve, and the ranks of the Eleventh swelled as

the Cardassian Union called upon every reservist and volunteer. As the soldiers fought and died, the ranks of the Eleventh
were increasingly lled with fewer and fewer fully trained and
able-bodied soldiers. The Eleventh Order went from a support
and reserve unit to an entire Order of old men, young boys,
and the walking wounded during the Dominion War.
Near the end of the war, the Eleventh Order was
assigned to protect Septimus III in Cardassian space. The
Order was poorly manned, and just as poorly equipped. The
Dominion withdrew its own troops and support from Septimus, and charged the Cardassian soldiers with holding it.
Despite promises of reinforcements from Central Command,
the Eleventh Order received no help whatsoever. A Klingon
attack force wiped out almost the entire Order. It was later
discovered that the Dominion chose to sacrice the Cardassian soldiers to provide a distraction for Alpha Quadrant
forces and further its own withdrawal plans.
The destruction of the Eleventh Order inspired many
Cardassians, including Legate Damar, to turn against the
Dominion. Their sacrice fanned the rst sparks of rebellion; many Cardassians consider them heroes. Several factions have already called for the establishment of a Star
of the Eleventh Order commendation to reward those who
sacrice everything for Cardassia.

Twelfth Order
Like the Eleventh Order, the Twelfth Order began
with a charter to protect Cardassian colonies and client
worlds along the Unions rimward border. For the most
part, the Twelfth Order performed its duties with distinction, earning the respect of the Central Command and the
Cardassian people, and the fear of enemies of the Union.
The Orders headquarters is on the Cardassian planet Sarpedion V, one of the most fortied and well-protected military installations in Cardassian space.
More than any other, the Twelfth Order has seen conict with the Klingon Empire when Klingon forces chose to
attack Cardassia. This includes numerous border skirmishes
over the years, leading up to the Klingon invasion of Cardassia, where the Twelfth Order took the brunt of the Klingon assault. During the Dominion War, the Twelfth Order
won most of its early clashes with the Klingons, thanks to
JemHadar assistance. Early victories spurred the Twelfth on
to bolder strikes against the Klingons, but the erce nature
of their opponents, coupled with growing dissent in the ranks
from working with the arrogant JemHadar, led to rifts in the
Twelfths discipline. As the War continued, the Twelfth Order
took considerable damage from Klingon offensives, and more
units from the Twelfth were diverted from the rim areas of
the Union to protect the front lines. Fallen Cardassian soldiers
were replaced with retirees called back into service or young,
raw recruits, or replaced altogether with more JemHadar. This
further weakened morale in the Twelfth Order.
Many soldiers of the Twelfth joined in the rebellion
against the Dominion, and most of them were killed for their


deance. Although it still controls the powerful Sarpedion V

installation, the Twelfth Order is much weaker than it has
ever been. If and when the Central Command is reorganized,
it will likely absorb several lesser Orders into the Twelfths
structure to bring it back up to ghting strength.

Other Orders
While the First through Twelfth Orders have traditionally been the strongest and most popular, the Central
Command has several dozen other Orders in service at any
given time. Loss of personnel, shifting needs, and many
other factors may cause it to combine two or more
Orders, create a new Order, or otherwise alter its table of
organization and equipment. Narrators should feel free to
create their own Orders or rearrange the Orders as they
see t for their series.

According to Cardassian law, all able-bodied civilians who have completed their mandatory military service
(see page XX) and are age 50 or younger belong to the
Central Command Reserves. In times of manpower shortages or need, Central Command can activate its reservists. Typically reservists ll support positionsthey maintain equipment, drive or pilot unarmed military transports,
build installations, and so forthbut they can, and sometimes do, see front line combat action.
During the latter stages of the Dominion War, millions of reservists were called up into the ranks, and tens
of thousands of them died. In many cases the Dominion
simply used them as Cardassian shields or cannon fodder,
or sent them on suicide missions to distract the Federation alliance forces while the JemHadar attained some real
military objective. Few families on Cardassia did not lose a
loved one in this manner.

The Cardassian Central Command divides the Unions
military forces into two main branches: the Space Forces, and
the Army. Each Order includes personnel in both branches
(though the proportions vary depending on the Orders
duties), which use the same system of ranks, uniforms, and
technology. The Central Command encourages troops and
ofcers to think of themselves as part of the Cardassian military as a whole, rather than members of a branch. The Central Command refers to all troops as soldiers, even if they
serve primarily on a ship.


Political Officers
Most ships and Army units in the Central Command have at least one, and sometimes more,
political ofcers. These are members of the Obsidian Order assigned to a ship or unit to watch over
it, ensuring that all personnel agree with and abide
by Union political doctrine and laws, and remain on
the alert for spies and traitors. The Political Ofcer
rarely enjoys much popularity among the soldiers
hes assigned to work with. Since hes little more
than a snitch and a martinet wrapping himself in
the Cardassian ag as a way of justifying his often
arbitrary power-mongering, this dislike is not surprising. But because the Political Ofcer can place
career-ruining comments in an ofcers le, or even
have Central Command personnel dragged off to
Obsidian Order interrogation centers, his word carries a lot of weight aboard ship.

Cardassian Space Forces

Of all the branches of the Cardassian military, the
Space Force is by far the best known and most inuential.
Space Force personnel crew the ships and space stations
of the Cardassian Union, patrol border and trade routes,
explore deep space, and make contact with new worlds and
species in peacetime. In times of war, the might of the Cardassian Fleet crushes the Unions enemies.
The eets prime vessel is the Galor-class Battle
Cruiser (and its uprated variant, the Keldon-class warship),
though it elds many other vessels (see Chapter Seven).
Usually commanded by a gul, these ships are found throughout Cardassian space. A typical Galor-class ship has a crew of
approximately 300 and performs a wide variety of missions.

Cardassian Army
The Cardassian Army handles planetary invasions,
garrison duties, the manning and protection of Cardassian
facilities, and similar ground-based activities. It is somewhat
less glamorous than the Space Forces, but easier to get into
and, sometimes, provides more opportunities for an ambitious ofcer to advance quickly through the ranks. Cardassian
Army units saw considerable action during the Dominion War,
defending planets within the Union from invasion by enemy

forces, and helping hold captured worlds along the border.

Miscellaneous Branches
The other branches of the Central Command include
Medical, Engineering, Logistics & Supply, and so forth. These
branches work primarily to support the Space Forces and
the Army, and are considered far less glamorous, with few
opportunities for advancement other than heading up a
department. During peacetime, branches like Science and
Engineering engage in research, analysis of scientic data,
weapons development, and so on. During wartime all their
efforts are devoted to the development of new ships and
weapons for the Central Command and the analysis of enemy
technology and information.
The Medical branch of the military, similar to
Stareets Medical Division, maintains the health and wellbeing of military personnel. Cardassian military medicine is
similar to that of Stareet, though the Cardassians place
little emphasis on counseling and other personnel engineering techniques. Ofcers of the Medical branch often have a
somewhat sinister reputation, since Cardassian medicine has
so often advanced using studies conducted on other, often
sentient, life forms (usually without their consent).

Life in the Cardassian Military

A high degree of regimentation and discipline characterize the Central Command. Soldiers must follow orders
immediately and to the letter. The Cardassian Central Command values obedience and devotion to duty over qualities
like personal initiative, imagination, and creativity. Ofcers
do not tolerate disobedience and shirking of duty; commanders mete out severe punishments, often involving the iniction of pain (or even execution) in the event of a violation. A
soldier who disobeys orders is punished, even if his disobedience resulted in a great success; he needs a lot of vesala
to escape punishment by his superiors when he disobeys.
Those who manage to avoid punishment for violations of the
rules usually rise quickly through the ranks. Cardassian discipline, instilled in soldiers almost from infancy, makes infractions a relative rarity (especially when compared to personnel from more individualistic species, such as Humans).
Cardassian soldiers and ofcers are also under the
near-constant surveillance of the Obsidian Order (and sometimes also ofcers from the Jade Order), who report any
concerns or potentially dangerous actions. A black mark on
a soldiers record may be enough to deny him promotion;
enough of them can end his career altogether.
The Central Command trains its soldiers to be ruthless in battle. The Cardassian military does not embrace

Federation concepts of minimum force and avoiding needless killing; in fact, most Cardassian soldiers sneer at the
Federations pacist ideals, believing that such tenets clearly
show the UFPs weakness as a civilization. Nor do concepts
like the Klingons honor cripple it. The Cardassian credo is
ght to win at any cost. Cardassians only take prisoners to
torture them for information or use them as political leverage against their enemies. They do not hesitate to kill their
opponents in battle, and Cardassian soldiers typically keep
their weapons on a lethal setting, rather than a stun level.
(Cardassian troops guarding installations in peacetime keep
their weapons set on stun primarily to avoid accidents and
to leave prisoners alive for interrogation.)
Recruitment and Training
All able-bodied Cardassian citizens must enter military service at the age of 18 for two years. They receive basic
training and education, and are indoctrinated into the Central
Commands way of thinking. Most Cardassians perform their
required years of service and return to civilian life.
Others, however, go on to formal training and a military career. These recruits attend one of the Central Commands training schoolseither the prestigious Cardassian
Military Academy on Cardassia Prime, or lesser (but no less
capable) academies such as the one on Kora II. The curriculum is particularly difcult; many prospective candidates
wash out before completing their four years of training. Most
return to the ranks as soldiers, but a few leave the military
altogether. Most Cardassians see no disgrace in being just
a soldier; its an honorable and praiseworthy occupation
which can earn one much vesala.
Cardassian military training is efcient and often
brutal, especially by Federation standards (though the legendary Cardassian photographic memory makes it easy
for recruits to learn military information). Every recruit
studies basic Cardassian strategic and tactical doctrine
(both space and ground), encryption techniques, weapons
and equipment, and similar subjects before specializing
in the eld to which his academys commandants assign
him based on his demonstrated aptitudes (his desires have
little, if any, effect on the assignment).
Training ofcers put recruits in situations intended
to harden them, foster obedience, create group morale, and
encourage them to learn ruthless behavior. For example,
privileges in the military barracks are assigned to soldiers
who earn them, which promotes competition, but squads of
soldiers often receive rewards and punishments as a group,
encouraging responsibility to ones fellow troops. A Cardassian soldier who earns a punishment for his squad is likely
to suffer more at the hands of his squadmates than through
any ofcial punishment. Commanding ofcers are aware of


this and quietly encourage it to maintain discipline.

Rules and Regulations

The Cardassian Central Command takes its rules and
regulations quite seriously. Ironically, although the military
does not encourage individual initiative, it does grant commanding ofcers wide discretion in making decisions and in
disciplining troops who violate regulations. Even with subspace communications, the Central Command cannot possibly oversee and approve every decision made by a Cardassian commander in the eld. Instead, the High Command
gives commanders enough latitude to allow them to respond
to changing conditions quickly and decisively. Of course,
they still have to answer for their decisions to their superior
ofcers at a later time.
Military personnel on duty must maintain a level of
decorum, avoid using intoxicants such as alcohol, and so
forth. These rules tend to get bent in frontier regions or on
client worlds, where Cardassian soldiers are largely free to

Cardassian Uniforms
All Cardassian military personnel, soldiers and ofcers, space and ground forces alike, wear the same
uniform. The uniform of the Central Command symbolizes Cardassian pride and strength to citizens of the
Union, fear and respect to foreign powers. It reects
the Unions emphasis on the military, and the Cardassian concern with protection and military might.
The Cardassian uniform is a complete bodysuit
which covers all but the hands, the neck, and head.
It has wide shoulders to accommodate the Cardassian neck ridges. The uniform is covered with armor
made of molded carbonitrium bers in a style that
evolved from ancient Cardassian ceremonial armor,
dating back to the First Hebitian civilization. A ared
clamshell cuirass covers the torso, affording protection
against melee weapons and some limited protection
from energy weapons. Flexible molded armor covers
the arms and legs, with armor often sandwiched inside
pockets of polymer cloth. In non-combat duty situations, the armor is trimmed back to just the ceremonial cuirass and shoulder armor over a standard duty
uniform. Order and unit insignia are worn on the left
shoulder of the uniform, while rank emblems are worn
on the left breast or collar.
In game terms, a Cardassian uniform provides +2
protection against physical attacks and +1 protection
against energy attacks (see page 118 of the Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine Roleplaying Game core
rulebook for rules on armor).


do as they please. Soldiers suffer few restriction on their offhours activities, even while in uniform. They can gamble,
visit pleasure houses, or whatever else they want, as long as
they commit no crimes.
Although minor violations of regulations are often overlooked, punishment for other violations is severe. A commanding ofcer who fails to maintain discipline and military readiness
can nd himself quickly replaced by the High Command.

Chain of Command
The Cardassian military has a strong respect for
the chain of command. The Central Command drills this
into new recruits from their very rst day, reinforcing the
Cardassian cultural respect for authority. Cardassian troops
are loyal and devoted to their superior ofcers, often to the
point of fanaticism. This affects the ofcers vesala (a popular ofcer gains considerable inuence from the support
of his troops), and sometimes the soldiers as well (serving
under a notable commander confers a certain amount of
prestige, and thus may provide some small augmentation
of a soldiers personal inuence).
The Cardassian Central Command uses the same
system of hierarchical ranks for all branches of the service. A
garresh is the lowest-ranked soldier, the rank where all new
recruits start (the Central Command does not have enlisted
personnel). Garresh make up the vast bulk of the military.
The lowest ofcers rank is that of kel, followed by glinn,
dalin, dal, gul, and jagul (see page XX for the Promotion
advantage for Cardassians).
The Central Command organizes each Order into
natorekor (battalions) of about 50,000-200,000 personnel
each, commanded by a jagul; kalnatorekor (companies) of
about 15,000-50,000 personnel each, commanded by a jagul
or gul; sharkalo (assault groups, or platoons) of 100-1,000
personnel each, commanded by a gul, dal, dalin, or glinn; and
kethasor (squads) of 10-50 personnel each, commanded by
a glinn or kel. A supreme jagul commands each Order, and
holds a position in the Central Command. For reasons of military tradition, many jaguls use the title gul in day-to-day
reference, invoking their formal title only when necessary.
Ofcers must generally hold a rank of at least glinn
to earn command of a department on board most starships or within most units. Larger vessels and units require
dalin or dal level ofcers. Guls are the rough equivalent
of Stareet captains. They are the majority of the commanding ofcers in Central Command, controlling starships
and bases, and serving as prefects and planetary governors throughout the client worlds of the Union. Many guls
are quite inuential, building up extensive vesala networks.
Jaguls are the equivalent of Stareet admirals, commanding entire battalions and Orders.

Rank Hath Its Privileges

Advancement in rank means more than just additional duties and responsibilities for Cardassian ofcers. It

also means increased opportunities and privileges. In the

military-dominated society of the Union, high-ranking ofcers gain great vesala from their position and the contacts
it provides them. Loyal troops can support a commanders
personal bids for power and inuence within the Central
Command, and friends from military academy and former
colleagues all become valuable contacts. (See page XX for
more information on vesala and rank.)
The Central Command also takes no small amount
of resources for the use of its own personnel. Cardassian
ofcers receive the best that the Union has to offer in terms
of housing and various luxuries. Even in frontier regions,
Cardassian guls often live like royalty. While Gul Dukat was
Prefect of Bajor, he ruled the planet like a virtual king, able to
take whatever he wanted from the Bajorans. Dukats troops
received discounts and gifts from the local merchants, Bajoran comfort women, and other incentives. Other prefects
and high-ranking Cardassian ofcers enjoy similar treatment.

The War Machine

The Cardassians ght a war much like they approach
anything else: One part determination, one part boldness,
one part underhanded tactics. While professing a dislike
for ghting their enemies on the ground they have shown
great skill when ghting among the stars. Even though they
uphold the ideal of the warrior, they prefer to rely on weapons that inict damage from a comfortable distance. It is
in this way that they can minimize their own casualties and
conserve valuable equipment, while maximizing damage to
the enemy. They have a tendency to be conservative in
combat, and sometimes appear plodding and sluggish, however, they are cunning and wily opponents who have initiative and guile when confronted with unique situations.

Provocation & Ambush

The primary tactic of the Cardassians is the use of
provocation, followed by an ambush, for both their offense
and defensive strategies. In essence, the Cardassians test the
strength of their enemy by baiting them into revealing their
hand. These missions must be carefully staged and well-planned.
If the mission goes wrong, the personnel involved may end up
being the scapegoat of the Central Command. This is especially
true in peacetime, when the Central Command will provoke a
neighboring power into a response that somehow benets the
Cardassian Union.
The Cardassians have brought the basic tactic of the
ambush up to a strategic art. The Cardassians have been known
to lay traps for enemies, presenting them with a situation, then
springing on them in ambush, hoping to overcome them before
they can react. During the Cardassian-Federation War the Car-

The Cardassian Principles of War

Concentration of Force: This means either the literal
massing of troops and ships in a specic area or the
use of range weapons to achieve a concentration of repower on a specic spot of the front lines. For example,
a commander will order the concentration of several warships weapons on one enemy ship during a battle.
Conformity of the Goal: The Commander of the unit
must achieve his mission with the forces and resources
that are allocated to him. He must be of benet to the
overall mission when it is completed. During the Dominion War, this was the one principle upon which most Cardassians and their Vorta spies routinely conicted over.
Coordination: More than any of the other principles,
coordination is considered the most important element
in the combined arms style of warfare which the Cardassians practice. Coordination of the various forces of an
order is necessary for eventual success. In the end of
Dominion War, this principle was ignored by the Dominion and it cost their side dearly.
Surprise and Security: This is enrollment of provocation and ambush into the basic principles of war, where
the tactics support security of an operation and the surprise value of an operation on the enemy.
Preservation of Forces: Unlike the Dominion, the Cardassians understand that waste is undesireable. The Cardassians frugal lives have hammered into their troops
that valuable lives and military equipment should be
preserved for ones future needs. The deaths of many
good Deshataro was one of the main reasons Cardassia
rebelled against the Dominion.
dassian military would ambush Federation ships, even when
the Federation ships were merely attempting to offer a truce.
Ambush became less common during the Dominion War, but
remains a time-honored Cardassian tactic.

An invasion generally involves a large region of space
rather than a single planet or system. Typically, the combat
elements of several Orders will be mobilized and sent to
participate in an invasion. Thus, many Orders end up ghting in places very far from their home territory. Having a
larger area to maneuver in, the Cardassians will seek to gain
whatever advantage they can. They achieve this by covert


inltration such as the usage of nebulaes and other stellar

phenomenon as cover. They also rely on brute force.
Normally, several battle wings act as spears to pierce
into the enemys space. Some will be tasked with the mission of destroying the enemys eets in the sector while
others will be assigned to secure targeted systems in conquest. Once these primary targets are eliminated then the
forces will span out into secondary systems. Finally they will
progress onto targets that were too tough to be taken in the
initial invasion or low-value targets.

Conquest of a system begins with the elimination
of any local space threat. This includes the destruction of
planetary defenses, such as vessels, mines, and satellites.
Each battle wing assigned to conquest duties will usually
be associated with a corps of ground forces (all from the
same Order) and will be aimed at key strategic locations
such as core systems, military production facilities and other
high priority targets. Afterwards, the warships of the invading force move to secure a defense perimeter around the
system to prevent any reinforcement or re-supply of the
enemys local forces. After extensive planetary reconnaissance, ground troops begin to land.
These initial assault troops are tasked with taking
control of governmental and military centers, key power and
industrial production centers, and transportation hubs such
as spaceports. Any resistance is usually met with a show of
heavy force. It is a common practice to begin rounding up
portions of the population, including leaders and ofcials, for
potential execution or long-term detention in labor camps in
order to encourage the local populace to cooperate.
If all goes well the army moves outward, seizing more
and more territory until the planet is considered pacied. However, the army sometimes ends up ghting long and protracted
campaigns on worlds that their enemy considers of vital importance. After being secured, a military ofcer is chosen to function as Prefect for the new client state of the Union. Militia
forces then replace the front line army troops and serve to garrison the planet and maintain order, while Space Force vessels
keep unwanted ships away from the area. These ships also carry
fresh troops to the planet, along with whatever other materials
the occupation forces require.

The Cardassians are diligent with its borders and their
defense. It is often said that Cardassian strategy starts with
defense and ends with attack. In most cases, the Union has
resorted to the ancient idea of pre-emptive attack: attack him
before he attacks you. This was clearly shown in the start of
the Cardassian-Federation War which began in 2347. It also
shows in the beginning stages of the Dominion War.
But yet as ambush and provocation form a cornerstone of Cardassian military thinking, they have no reservations in letting the enemy make the rst move. This means


Fast-Talking Through Patrols

Cardassian military ofcers are concerned
with three things: following orders, not making waves,
and brown-nosing superior ofcers. Narrators should
lower the difculty of Fast Talk actions against a Cardassian patrol by one level if the player comes up with
a sufcient lie that puts him in a position of power
over the Cardassians (pretending to be a legate or
an agent of the Obsidian Order, for example). Failure
of the Fast-Talk will usually mean the patrol wants to
take a much closer look at the players ship.
that they have to be ready to make the next move. Defense
is more of a tactical concept rather than a strategic one to
the Cardassians, and for this they have adopted three principle missions: patrol, escort, and rapid response.
The rst mission for defense is the patrol. The Cardassian Union is very conscious of the security of its borders in peacetime and regularly assigns various military units
from all of the Orders to patrol them. Patrols are required
to question all vessels entering Cardassian space as well
as those moving within it, asking for an identication code
and the vessels destination. Patrols are often stretched thin,
so they can sometimes be fooled by someone with a fair
knowledge of Cardassian military culture and a willingness
to exploit their tendency to obey orders without question.
The second defense mission is the escort. Military
ships regularly escort both military and civilian transports
to protect them from pirates and raiders, as well as attacks
by enemy vessels in wartime. The Cardassians often use
civilian transports to carry military equipment or supplies, using a variety of elds to shield them from sensor
scans. Since it is difcult to tell these transports from civilian freighters, they can often move strategic supplies without notice. On the other hand, pirates have been known to
capture a ship and nd a rich haul of military equipment
rather than spare parts or replicators.
The third defense mission for the Cardassian defense
is the rapid response. Cardassian forces respond quickly in the
event of a possible attack or invasion of Cardassian space.
During the Dominion Wars nal stages, many Cardassian
units were active on all fronts repelling attacks from Federation, Romulan, and Klingon forces. The size of the Unions territory often limits the speed of larger, strategically-valuable
responses. It may take days for reinforcements to arrive, so
local commanders, either in space or on the ground, are given
the authority to do whatever is necessary to protect the Union
and its citizens as while as newly won territory.
Normally, a tactical response force will consist of
one or two battle wings with perhaps a division of ground
troops attached to it. This force can usually stop an enemy
advance for at least enough time to allow a larger force
to be brought to bear. This tactic was seen in abundance
during the Klingon and the Dominion Wars. One the

ground, a force as small as a few platoons or as large as a

division will be used. It depends on the size of the ground
force present. No matter how tight the battle might get, a
Cardassian commander will have a reserve unit and not use
it, preferring to retreat with them than force them into the
fray. While the battle may have failed, the commander will
still have living troops to bring home (and command at a
future time if he isnt exiled for failure).
Another example of Cardassian defense thinking is
that of the heavily defended strongpoint. This is either built
around a space station or orbital defense platforms. They
also employ heavily-defended ground stations with extensive
transporter scrablers, sensors, and other xed defensive posts.
During the Dominion War the defensive features around Cardassia Prime cost the allies heavily in ships and personnel.

The Central Command in the

Post-War Era
Defeated, decimated, and demoralized, the Cardassian military is a shadow of its once-proud self. Where it
used to speak with a single voice, today it clamors with a
cacophony of voices, each trying to out-shout the others.
With no governing authority to provide it with direction and
focus, the Central Command has splintered into individual
units (from squad-sized to Order-sized), each following the
commands of the leader it recognizes. Some use their military might to back one of the factions making a play for
power on Cardassia (the Militarists, Gul Bernak, and Jagul
Shamar attract more military men than the other factions).
Others have returned to their traditional duties (as best
they can) and await further word from Cardassia Prime
once the political dust settles.





Although the military wields the most overt power in the
Cardassian Union, power backed by its awesomely destructive weapons,
the Obsidian Order is without a doubt the most feared organization
in Cardassia. Masters of espionage, assassination, sabotage, and
interrogation techniques, its agents are ruthless, cunning, and
extremely loyal to the Order and the Cardassian Union (in that order).
Although the Detapa Council has nominally controlled the Order for
most of its 800-year history, the Obsidian Order makes its own rules,
and keeps its own secrets.

Thanks to the secrecy with which the Obsidian Order shrouds
itself, the public knows very little of its history. Created in 1592
by the unier of Cardassia, Urrent Gar, it owes its existence to the
machinations of Gars lover, Dal Vetrecia, who was its rst head (the
position carries no formal title; as Vetrecia reputedly said, Power is
its own identier; titles mean nothing).
From the day of its inception, the Obsidian Order has played
a prominent, albeit shadowy, role in Cardassian life. It provides both
internal security and counterintelligence for Cardassia, and external
intelligence-gathering services for all branches of the Cardassian
government. (Of course, he who relies only on the Obsidian Order
for intelligence information is nothing but an employee of the agency,
even though he knows it not.) Although ofcially just a branch of the
government run by the Detapa Council, in truth the Obsidian Order has
historically shared ruler ship of Cardassia with the Central Command.
From 2348 to 2368, the Order was led by Enabran Tain, a
wily commander who controlled his people with an iron st and his
resources with the delicate touch of a master nancier. Responsible for
ordering the assassination of thousands and the destruction of billions


of bars of latinum worth of enemy property, he was perhaps

the canniest spy the Order ever trained. In the history of the
Order, Tain was the only head of the organization to survive
his time at the top and retire peacefully from ofce.
Sadly, Tains attempt to return to glory in 2371 led to
the Omarion Nebula disaster, which cost the Order virtually
all of its ships and most of its brightest agents. The newlyempowered Detapa Council reformed it into the Cardassian
Intelligence Bureau. That reform lasted until the DominionCardassian alliance in 2373, when Gul Dukat restored the
Order to its historic title and status. Today, in the wake of
Cardassias disastrous defeat in the War, the Order must
decide whether to remain in the shadows, or to step forward
and openly assume the Cardassian throne.


As the Cardassian saying goes, do not look for
the Order, it looks for you. The Obsidian Order has always
chosen its own recruits. After all, as the organization which
keeps watch over trillions of Union citizens every day, the
Obsidian Order knows better than anyone the capabilities
of any particular Cardassian. Only Cardassians can join the
Order; no afliated or client species can become agents.

The Makings of an Agent

When evaluating a potential recruit, the prime
qualities the Order looks for are ruthlessness,
resourcefulness, and loyalty. Agents of the Order must
be able to carry out their duties without hestitation,
squeamishness, or moral qualms. Although the Order
indoctrinates these qualities into its operatives to some
extent, without at least some raw talent for them, a
recruit is not likely to survive his training period.
Potential agents must possess creativity and cunning,
for they deal with some of the most dangerous opponents
in the galaxy. Because of this, the Order rarely nds suitable
candidates among the ranks of the Central Command. Military
ofcers often possess sufcient ruthlessness and loyalty, but
the military does not encourage the initiative or creative
thinking which make for a good intelligence operative.
Since the Order is virtually above the law in the
Cardassian Union, it demands complete loyalty from its
agentsloyalty to itself, rst and foremost, and to Cardassia
only secondarily. Agents suspected of wrongdoing (or, worse
yet, betrayal or collaboration with an enemy) become targets
for assassination. Alternately, the Order exiles rogue agents,
placing them outside its protection and forcing them to leave
Cardassian space. It doesnt even need to hire assassins to
deal with most rogues; every good agent has more than his
share of enemies willing to kill him for free.


The Obsidian Order watches carefully for new recruits
throughout the Cardassian population. They have a special
division that monitors all students of the various primary and
advanced schools throughout the Union.
When the Order nds someone it believes has the
qualities to make a good agent, it approaches the potential
candidate covertly, testing him for suitability. Often these
tests involve events orchestrated to determine if the
candidate has conicting loyalties, or easily succumbs
to bribery or blackmail. If so, the candidate may not
make a suitable agent.
If the candidate passes these tests, the Order
approaches him and offers training and an opportunity
to join. Few Cardassians refuse this offer, since everyone
knows the power of the Obsidian Order. Furthermore, rumors
abound of potential candidate who refused the Order, only
to suffer a fatal accident shortly thereafter. No one has
ever proved that the Order assassinates those who decline
to work for it, but it is a common beliefand a true one.
Those who accept the offer to join the Order rarely
show any outward sign of it. Most go on with their lives,
perhaps taking an extended vacation or sabbatical from
time to time, but otherwise blending in perfectly with the
people around them. A few recruits simply disappear, faking
their own deaths or vanishing without a trace, leaving their
old lives behind to devote themselves entirely to their new
life in the Obsidian Order.

All new recruits attend the Obsidian Orders special
training facility, the so-called Black Academy. Only the
highest-ranking members of the Order know the true
location of the Academy. All that most members know for
certain is that its not on Cardassia Prime, but is within
Cardassian space. It is located on a Class M planet with a
dry, barren surface. Animalssome of them quite hostile
inhabit the vast deserts, but no native sentient life exists.
The harsh terrain serves both as security and a resource
for training exercises.
The Academy itself is a collection of low buildings
that blends into the surrounding landscape. Inside, Obsidian
Order recruits learn the skills of espionage, inltration,
assassination, and intelligence gathering. Most agents claim
a Human wouldnt survive a week at the Black Academy;
theyre probably right. And survival is the name of the game.
The penalty for failure at the Academy is death, or exile
from the Order, which amounts to the same thing. Recruits
are tested to their limits. Those who fail, die. Those who
succeed go on to become full agents of the Order. An agent

of the Obsidian Order is a survivor who has endured a great

deal to achieve his position.
The training is brutal, even by Cardassian standards.
The photographic memory and other mental discipline drilled
into the recruits from their childhood are vital at the Academy.
Obsidian Order agents learn an extensive collection of
skills, from espionage to unarmed combat to techniques of
assassination, interrogation, and torture. The instructors at
the Academy treat their subjects as respectable arts to be
taught and learned with style and nesse. While the recruits
learn the practical aspects of their skills, they also come
to appreciate the beauty, if you will, in a well-conducted
interrogation or assassination.
Agents of the Order return to the Academy from
time to time for additional training. Since an agent who
gets rusty usually ends up dead, the Order doesnt have to
encourage agents to continue training.

The Obsidian Order organizes itself into branches,
each specializing in a particular aspect of intelligence work.
The Order usually assigns an agent to the branch most
suited to his talents, though it tries to broaden agents skills
and experiences by rotating them through various branches
during the course of their careers. The individual branches
of the Order work well together for the most part, although
some occasional inghting occurs over goals or resources.

Command Branch
The Command Branch oversees and coordinates the
activities of all the other branches of the Obsidian Order. As
the leadership of the Order, it sets policy, assigns missions,
chooses priorities, and makes other command decisions.
Only the most capable and ambitious agents earn one of the
coveted appointments to Command positions.
Although individual branch administrators have a fair
degree of freedom in conducting the affairs of their branch,
the Command Branch requires regular updates, and brooks
no deance of its authority within the Order. But like so
many other aspects of Cardassian life, the branch is rife
with intrigue and political maneuvering, so administrators
and agents may nd themselves caught up in their superiors
maneuverings, which sometimes allows them to play one off
against another and obtain an advantage for themselves.

The Analysis Branch analyzes all collected intelligence
data and prepares reports for Command and other branches,

as needed. Its broken down into bureaus, each devoted to

a specic subject: the Federation Bureau, Klingon Bureau,
Romulan Bureau, and so forth. The larger bureaus have
sub-bureaus devoted to specic subjects, such as Vulcan or
Romulan Naval Technology.
Analysis has access to a vast storehouse of
information gathered by the Obsidian Orders agents over
many years. The Obsidian Order saves everything
everythingwhich comes into its possession, and Analysis
keeps track of this vast amount of data and objects. Its
repositories include paper les, computer les, technologies,
biological samples, and more, all kept in specially designed
stasis chambers in a central archive on Cardassia Prime. The
archive is catalogued and cross-referenced in the meticulous
and efcient Cardassian style, allowing the Analysis Bureau
to access any given item or piece of information immediately
with its linked computer retrieval and transporter system (for
physical items). Some less vital physical items are scanned
by a Cardassian high-resolution replicator and their patterns
stored in computer les, allowing the Order to re-create
them at a later point.
Although Analysis has access to all the information of
the Obsidian Order, its agents have a reputation as bookish
and not suited for eldwork. Many agents of the Analysis
Branch are older and close to retirement, or assigned to
the branch as punishment from a superior. These factors
combine to give them a rather surly, curmudgeonly attitude.
Requests for access to information are often subject to
political runarounds and other games unless the requesting
agent has enough authority or vesala to push the Analysis
Branch around a bit.
The current head of the Analysis Branch is Gova
Jusett, a formidable Cardassian woman with iron-gray hair
and a disposition as sour as a Centauran lemon. Rumor has it
she was romantically involved with Enabran Tain many years
ago, but she never talks about her past. Her preservation
of much of the Orders archives from the tender mercies
of the JemHadar will undoubtedly contribute to the Orders
continued inuence, and to the rebuilding of Cardassia,
though its also possible that copies of parts of the archives,
kept in repositories elsewhere in the Union as a security
measure, will fall into hands other than those of the Order.

With their legendary abilities to reach any target and
make assassinations look like accidents, the agents of the
Assassination Branch are feared throughout the Alpha Quadrant.
Suspected of killings ranging from Federation ofcials, to
Romulan admirals, to the leaders of Klingon houses, they form
an important, if secretive, arm of Cardassian policy.
Cardassian assassins learn a wide variety of killing


techniques. They generally prefer subtle methods of

assassination, such as obscure poisons, genetically
engineered viruses, and equipment failures (for
example, the destruction of a shuttle or ship the
targets riding in, or the well-timed rupture of an
EPS conduit near him). Still, an agent can use
direct methods, including a well-placed sniper shot
from concealment or killing a victim with his bare
hands, if circumstances warrant.
Although considered no more or less
important than any other in the Order, the
Assassination Bureau does carry a certain
romantic quality in the minds of many Cardassians.
Agents serving in this branch often advance
more quickly than others. Of course, assassination
missions are some of the most dangerous, so
Assassination agents also suffer the largest number
of casualties. Still, the branch is considered one of
the fast tracks of the Obsidian Order, and most of
the Orders prominent agents have served at least
some time as assassins.
The current head of the Assassination
Branch of the Obsidian Order is Nex Kosa, himself
a skilled assassin known for operations against
Federation and Romulan targets. Kosa supports
Doret Tashom, but rumors swirl through Order
headquarters that Kosa has his own political
agenda. Due to Kosas staunch conservativism, this
may involve support for the Militarist, Gul Bernak,
or Jagul Shamar factions, or perhaps some scheme
to take over the Obsidian Legion.

The Counterintelligence Branch of the
Obsidian Order protects the Order and the Cardassian
Union against the intelligence operations of other
interstellar powers. Its agents carry out their duties
with extraordinary tenacity. For decades, Stareet
Intelligence has considered the Cardassian Union
the most difcult interstellar power to conduct
intelligence-gathering operations against.
When it roots out foreign spies and
operatives, Counterintelligence often works with
Interrogation to extract information from the
captives, then reprograms them for use as double
agents against their home government. At least
one of these double agents was highly placed
within Stareet Intelligence for years before the
Federation detected her. Her exposure forced
Stareet Intelligence to re-evaluate all the data it
had gathered on Cardassia for two decades.
Much of Counterintelligences success
comes from the renowned patience of its agents.
Rather than moving in to capture a potential spy
immediately, Counterintelligence prefers to bide its
time and bait him to uncover his confederates


and collaborators. Counterintelligence agents are

masters at constructing complex psychological
games to feed him false information and allay
any suspicions on his part. When its ready,
it releases a stream of false and misleading
information designed to put stress on the enemy
agentfake messages from home, evidence of
betrayal by superiors or loved ones, and so forth.
Only when the target nears the breaking point
do the operatives move in to capture him for
interrogation and subversion.
The inltration of changelings into
Cardassian society (even into the ranks of the
Obsidian Order itself) marred Counterintelligences
superb record. It was not as prepared as it should
have been for the Founders shapeshifting ability,
which is precise enough to fool sophisticated
scanning equipment. This allowed the Founders to
lead the forces of the Obsidian Order and the Tal
Shiar into a trap in the Omarion Nebula.
Since the Omarion Nebula disaster, the
Counterintelligence Branch has become paranoid
in the extreme, conducting blood screenings and
using other techniques, including torture, to detect
shapeshifting inltrators. There remains some
concern among the leadership of the Order that
the Dominion has not entirely withdrawn from the
Alpha Quadrant, and that changelings may still
hide among the citizens of Cardassia, waiting for
the right opportunity to strike.
The head of the Counterintelligence Branch
is Circha Osmat, who earned his position when
the previous head of the branch was executed
following the Omarion Nebula incident. A slight
man whose soft-spoken demeanor hides a core of
considerable deviousness and paranoia, Osmat is
loyal to Doret Tashom, and devoted to keeping the
Order free from any future inltrators.

The Orders Cryptography Branch handles the
design, implementation, and breaking of various types
of codes. They developed the recursive encryption
algorithm used in most modern Cardassian codes,
which has proven nearly impossible for foreign
powers like the Federation to break. The renowned
Cardassian memory, and a talent for mathematics,
makes the agents of the Cryptography Branch some
of the most efcient in the Alpha Quadrant. Agents
of the Cryptography Branch are often thought of
as homebodies, more comfortable working in a
lab with a computer than out in the eld. This is
sometimes the case, but most Cryptography agents
have served in other branches of the Obsidian Order,
so a wise person does not underestimate them.
Cryptography uses the most advanced

Cardassian computer systems to run their encryption and

decryption algorithms. They also rely on the information
gathered by the Inltration and Interrogation Branches to
provide them with valuable keys to unlocking different code
Once Cryptography breaks a code, the Obsidian Order
often keeps that information to itself, so as not to alert
the user of the code. This allows the Order to monitor and
decode transmissions to enemy agents and track their activities with much greater accuracy. Cryptography works closely
with Counterintelligence on such matters.
The Founders employed Cardassian cryptographers
to develop and break codes for them during the Dominion
War, giving the Cryptography Branch a somewhat undeserved
reputation as Dominion collaborators. Through their
cooperation, they gathered a considerable amount of
information on Dominion codes and encryption protocols.
Much of this data is worthless in the wake of the Dominion
surrender (the Founders will no doubt change their encryption
protocols), but it still provides valuable insight into the
Dominions espionage psychology.
Terbin Usa, an older Cardassian man with a bookish
exterior and wispy gray hair, currently heads Cryptography.
His placid appearance conceals a razor-sharp intellect and
insightful mind. He lost most of his family during the
Dominion War, including several grandsons. He wants to see
Cardassia strong enough to never again bow before an alien
oppressor. He doesnt care who rules Cardassia, as long as it
remains powerful.

The Inltration Branch performs short-term
penetration and extraction missions (Undercover Branch
conducts long-term inltration of other societies and
organizations). Inltration specializes in swift, silent raids
and precision strikes against carefully selected targets.
Inltration agents, trained in stealth, escape and evasion,
security penetration, and commando-style tactics, carry out
three major types of missions: reconnaissance; theft; and
extraction of personnel.
Reconnaissance (recon) missions consist of agents
operating behind enemy lines, or outside of Cardassian space,
to gather information by direct, long-range observation. The
agents nd out what they can about an area, individual, or
organization, and report back to the Order. Recon missions
are often conducted with the assistance of an undercover
agent already in place, although the Order takes care not to
compromise the identity of its undercover agents.
In a theft mission, an agent must acquire a particular
item or datum for the Order. This includes alien artifacts,

pieces of advanced technology, chemical compounds, genetic

samples, and many different types of information. Agents
learn how to overcome security measures intended to deter
thieves; some are specially trained to bypass computer
security lockouts to download sensitive data.
The Order often works with pirates and smugglers
to move its agents and materials into and out of Cardassian
space. With the help of a band of rogues, Inltration may
stage a raid or theft of other materials to cover up the
disappearance of the Orders true target. For example, a
band of pirates might attack a Federation merchant vessel
and steal its cargo, also seizing the top-secret case of
biogenic compounds on its way to a Federation research
station. To all outward appearances, the attack was merely
a random incident of interstellar piracy. Even if Stareet
tracks down the pirates, the Obsidian Order agents are long
gone with the biogenic compounds.
Lastly, Inltration also arranges the extraction of
people the Obsidian Order wants, from double and deep-cover
agents to individuals who have information of interest to the
Order. The latter are abducted for interrogation, and possibly
brainwashing. In some cases the Undercover Branch will
substitute an undercover agent, surgically modied, for the
abducted individual, either to cover his absence in the short
term or to inltrate some organization using his credentials.
Jora Kitrap, a Cardassian woman with considerable
experience in inltration and extraction operations, leads
the Inltration Branch. Quite young for a branch head,
she only recently replaced her mentor, who was executed
by the Dominion on suspicion of subversive activities. Her
eagerness to use the resources of the Obsidian Order to
help strengthen Cardassia and her headstrong nature have
already led to a warning from Doret Tashom that he will
not tolerate inltration operations carried out without his

Internal Security
The Internal Security branch of the Obsidian Order
is the best known, and most feared, arm of the organization
in Cardassian space. Its mandate is to maintain the rule of
law and order (along with the rule of the Central Command
and the Order) in the Cardassian Union. Internal Security
has historically wielded vast power on Cardassia. It works
closely with the Ministry of the same name, but behind the
scenes, using the Ministry as a public arm.
Prior to the Omarion Nebula debacle, Internal
Security held almost complete control over the Cardassian
law enforcement through its control over the Ministry. The
wishes of Internal Security could override those of any
archon or Ministry ofcer at any time, and all legal authorities
had to cooperate with (i.e., obey) the Obsidian Order at all


times. Cardassians suspected of dissidence or treason simply

disappeared into the interrogation chambers of the Order,
never to be seen again. Political enemies of the established
order were harassed and hounded by security and the legal
authorities until they mended their ways or were driven
to ruin. Not even high-ranking legates or members of the
Detapa Council were beyond the reach of Internal Security,
although the Obsidian Order needed more proof to bring
down people in such inuential positions.
The Omarion Nebula incident weakened the power
of the Obsidian Order in the Cardassian Union. Political
enemies of the Order, including the Central Command,
exploited the opportunities the Orders weakness presented.
Security forces operated with more and more detachment
from Internal Security, and the Detapa Council became
more deant of the Orders inuence. The alliance with the
Dominion, which preferred to maintain order with JemHadar
troops, didnt help matters. Whether the new head of Internal
Security, Doven Grissa, will try to restore Internal Security to
its old role remains to be seen.

Few people can keep secrets from the Obsidian
Order once it has them in one of its interrogation rooms.
Agents of this branch are masters at using questioning,
manipulation, and physical and psychological torture to pry
information from unwilling subjects, and to bend their minds
in whatever way the Obsidian Order wishes.
While the Romulan Tal Shiar prefers technological
methods (such as mind probes) for interrogation, the limits of
Cardassian neural technology require the Obsidian Order to
employ more traditional interrogation techniques. Agents
consider this an advantage rather than a shortcoming, and
many Cardassian interrogators takes a perverse pride in the
art of torture and manipulation, a skill they have honed for
many years. A Cardassian interrogator can wax poetic about
the many different ways of inicting pain, or the pleasures of
slowly breaking another persons will. In fact, theyre quite
fond of doing so in front of their victims.
In addition to extracting information, Cardassian
interrogators employ their techniques as instruments of
terror against enemies of the Cardassian Union. For example,
political prisoners were often tortured to death during
the Bajoran occupation, and Cardassians commonly made
examples of those who deed them, to encourage fear
in the local population. The mutilated face of the Bajoran
terrorist Orta is only one of thousands of examples of their
handiwork. The Cardassian mistreatment of political and
wartime prisoners is legendary among the Bajorans and
Stareet ofcers who served during the rst conict between
the Federation and Cardassia.
Like many branches of the Obsidian Order, the
Interrogation Branch fell into disuse during the Dominion
alliance. The Dominion preferred its own methods and
personnel for interrogation of prisoners, so Cardassian
interrogators went virtually unnoticed during the war. The


branchs last head, Aroth Vortam, was killed by JemHadar

soldiers during their attempt to purge Cardassia, plunging
the branch into a post-War internal power struggle. No
other high-ranking member has been able to defeat his
competitors and claim the leadership position.

Almost as feared as Internal Security, a branch
it works closely with, Surveillance keeps watch over ever
single man, woman, and child in the Cardassian Union. The
information it collects has always formed one of the primary
bases of the Orders political and social power.
Over the past several centuries or so, the Surveillance
branch built increasingly elaborate systems for keeping a watchful
eye on the Cardassian populace. It controls a vast information
network which includes viewing and listening devices across
Cardassia Prime and throughout the Union. Before the War,
there were few places the all-seeing eyes of the Obsidian Order
did not watch. Much of the Surveillance infrastructure was
destroyed by the Dominion; many agents feel that rebuilding it
should be one of the Orders chief goals.
Before the Dominion War, every Cardassian citizen
was required to have a tooth extracted at the age of 10
and placed in the archives of the State Identication Bureau
(which, while it masquerades as an ordinary government
agency belonging to the Ministry of Internal Security, is
really an arm of Surveillance). This gave the Order complete
genetic samples for every member of Cardassian society. The
Order could tune sensors and scanners to locate particular
individuals with astounding accuracy, and used genetic scans
as a security measure. Since the War ended, tooth collection
has become spotty at best, but will no doubt resume if
the Militarists or like-minded factions take control. The
Surveillance archives also include vast amounts of data
collected over the years, from recorded conversations to
psychological proles to forensic evidence.

Obsidian Order Undercover branch agents are among
the most dedicated of the dedicated. They undergo surgical
alteration to make themselves look like members of other
humanoid species, allowing them to inltrate other societies
and acquire information directly. The expert Cardassian
surgeons can make agents appear as nearly any humanoid
species, although a medical examination or genetic scan will
still reveal their true species. Many Cardassian undercover
agents operated for years without being detected on, among
others, Bajor, QonoS, and several Federation core worlds
(and in fact may still be operating).
In some cases, undercover agents go a step further,
undergoing treatments to give them false memories suited
to their cover identity. This prevents the agent from
being detected by casual neural or telepathic scans, but it
also completely suppresses the agents true memories and
personality. These undercover agents are not even aware

they are Cardassians, much less agents of the

Obsidian Order. The mental treatments, combined
with the Cardassian photographic memory, ensures
the agent will recall everything they experience
while undercover. When he completes his mission,
the Order extracts the agent and brings him to
Cardassian space and restores his true appearance
and memory.
Although the Obsidian Order claims it has
never had an undercover agent defect, some
undercover agents have gone missing. Since the
Dominion War, the Obsidian Order has lost track
of a number of undercover agents, particularly in
the Bajor Sector and Federation space. The fate
of these agents, and whether they have regained
their true memories, is unknown.

Agents in the Obsidian Order use the same
rank structure as soldiers in the Central Command.
Other than employing the same terminology, the
two systems have no connection; an Obsidian
Order gul cannot give orders to a Central Command
dal just because he has a higher rank.

Field Teams
Many missions require more than the skills
of agents assigned to just a single branchtheyre
team efforts, requiring operatives from many
different areas of expertise. The Order refers to
groups of agents assembled for a specic mission
(usually a short-term one) as eld teams.
The typical eld team consists of three to
ve agents specially picked for a given task. The
Order tries to include agents of different genders,
levels of experience, ages, and backgrounds, to
provide as many viewpoints on the problem as
possible (a young agent might, for example, be
aware of a relevant cultural trend which an older
one would not; a woman is more effective at
inltrating some areas than a man). Field teams
use a cellular structure; even when working on
the same mission as other teams, a team doesnt
know whos in any other eld team; only the team
leader (the highest-ranking agent on the team)
knows the names of other team leaders and how
to contact them.

At its height, the Obsidian Order could call
upon nearly the entire resources of the Cardassian
Union. Following the War, the Orders resources
are considerably more limited, but still formidable.

In addition to the unparalleled archives described

above, some of those resources include:

The Obsidian Order has bases and facilities
throughout Cardassian space, and some resources
outside the Union as well. These bases range from
the extensive archives maintained on Cardassia
Prime to simple safe houses hidden on planets in
the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Bajor
Sector. The Order conceals most if its facilities as
government ofces, trading companies, or other
innocuous structures. It keeps the location of its
bases as secret as possible; even the Detapa Council
and the Central Command know the locations of
only a fraction of the Obsidian Orders facilities.
The Order also has several space stations
located in isolated systems in Cardassian space.
Most of these stations are small, used primarily
for surveillance and as safe locations to conduct
espionage-related research (including weapons
development projects which the Order should not,
by law, engage in). Most of these stations were
kept out of JemHadar hands during the War thanks
to the veil of secrecy which hid them, and remain
viable assets today.

Ships and Shipyards

Although legally banned from using military
grade ships or weapons, for years the Order
maintained a secret shipbuilding facility on Orias III.
There the Order constructed a eet of Galor- and
Keldon-class ships with which to launch a surprise
attack on the Founders homeworld. Changeling
inltrators discovered the plot, and led the Alpha
Quadrant forces into a trap. Thereafter the facility
was occupied by the Central Command, and later
the JemHadar. Since the wars end, it has laid
abandoned; who knows what secrets it may still
holdor whether the Obsidian Order may have
decided to resume occupancy?

The Obsidian Order possesses a
considerable collection of Cardassian artifacts,
some dating back to the First Hebitian civilization,
along with latinum and other valuable materials.
When necessary, it uses these to fund its activities.
Although it does not, at present, have the
government support it once did, the Obsidian
Order has sufcient wealth to maintain itself for
a very long time.


Political Influence
One of the Orders greatest resources has always
been its political inuence. Before the Omarion Nebula
incident, the Orders power was challenged only by the
Central Command. It existed entirely above the law, even
the laws that supposedly governed it. The Orders inuence
guaranteed cooperation from the government and the wary
respect of the Central Command in most matters.




Since the end of the Dominion War, the Orders

political inuence has had relatively little worth, since as yet
theres no political system for it to wield power in. But thats
not to say that all of its inuence is gone. The Obsidian Order
is nothing if not adept at playing Cardassian power-brokering
games. Through the so-called Obsidian Legion, the Order
plans to set itself up as the ruler of Cardassiano more
pretense of having to answer to some other governmental
body! If necessary, it will cut a deal with another faction to
become the power behind the throne or take a secondary
place in the new government (whatever it may be). But
with its intelligence-gathering skills, resources, archives of
information on Cardassian citizens, and other assets, it wields
considerable inuence in post-War Cardassia and could easily
ascend to the position of absolute power on its own if it
plays its cards right.
In fact, in many ways, the Order is in the best
position of all the factions. The nature of the struggle
political inghting and backstabbingis one its used to
through long practice. Its forces and resources are more
intact, and more unied, than those of the Central Command,
and it has at least as much vesala as the military (if not
more, given the fractured state of the forces). Its skills
surveillance, assassination, inltrationgive it the ability to
wage a shadow war better than any other faction. The
possibility of a new Cardassia ruled, openly or secretly, by
the Obsidian Order is a very real one.




ardassian levels of technology are generally a few

years behind that of the Federation. Devices such as tricorders,
communicators, replicators, and transporters are used every day and
function in the same way as those of other races.
The Cardassians are not usually considered to be a race at
the forefront of scientic development, but Cardassian scientists are
amongst the best in the Alpha Quadrant. The pace of scientic
progress in the Cardassian Union is hampered by a lack of resources.
Often Cardassian engineers have had to come up with clever solutions
to problems that Federation or Romulan scientists could have solved
easily using existing materials; a particular example is the spiral wave
disruptor. Thus Cardassian scientists can be more adaptable because
they are more used to thinking out of the box.
While many technological advances have been made through
painstaking experimentation, it is often quicker and easier for the
Obsidian Order to steal technological data from other races. While
some engineers work to utilize stolen technology in Cardassian
systems, others struggle to produce innovative new devices. It is an
ambition of the Central Command that Cardassia will one day produce
a weapon that will give it a strategic advantage over its enemies.
The technology of surveillance and espionage is of considerable
importance in a state where the Obsidian Order is the second most
inuential organization. The Order is dependent on technology to
monitor the activities of both Cardassias enemies and its populace.

Power Systems
Cardassians use many different methods of generating power.
There is no standardized method of power generation on Cardassian


worlds and colonies. The availability of a particular fuel

is a stronger consideration than any other consideration,
including safety. Solar or geothermal generators are used
when possible but some worlds have no alternative to use
dangerous nuclear ssion reactors.
All Cardassian spacecraft use matter/anti-matter
reactors and fusion engines for propulsion. These operate
at a lower frequency than Federation equivalents, giving
Cardassian weapons and other energy emissions their
characteristic yellow/orange color.
Cardassian devices draw power from power cells
consisting of ampoules of isotolinium, a liquid that can
retain large amounts of energy. These power cells store
approximately 20% less charge than Federation sariumkrelide cells. Isotolinium will explode if released in a single
burst, although there are few recorded instances of this.

The Obsidian Orders looks over the shoulder of
every Cardassian citizen and watches every movement
of Cardassias enemies. It cannot achieve this without
sophisticated technologies. The most obvious of these is
the Feed in every Cardassians home, which surreptitiously
monitors the occupants while supplying them with
information. Information retrievable from the Data-net is
strictly limited. Even tricorders and PADDs can be protected
with explosive booby-traps.
To ensure the government of Cardassia is unhindered
by its people, the populace is kept uninformed. The Feeds
provide ve channels of upbeat and extremely biased visual
entertainment for Cardassian citizens. However, each Feed
screen contains audio and visual monitoring devices. Each
Feed unit contains sophisticated word and phrase recognition

Security Code Difficulties

Here are suggested levels of difculty to bypass security encryption at various levels of Cardassian society.
Obsidian Order

Routine (5)
Moderate (7)
Challenging (11)
Challenging (11)
Nearly Impossible (17)

To bypass the security (or disarm anti-tamper devices)

on PADDs or tricorders the difculty should be one
level less.


software because it is impossible to monitor each and every

household in the Union. Obsidian Order operatives will
directly monitor the Feeds of suspects homes. Although it
is not generally known that the Feeds are also surveillance
devices, those who are aware of it do not adjust their sets.
Tampering with the Feeds is a capital crime.
The Data-net provides communications and
information to all Cardassian citizens, up to a point. The
amount of information and the origin and destination of
messages that are permitted depends upon the users security
clearance. An ordinary Cardassian cannot access anything
other than State approved data, nor can she send or receive
messages from outside the Union. The Data-net is monitored
by software routines similar to those used in the Feeds.
The Obsidian Orders data security routines are every
bit the equal of the Romulan Tal Shiars. In fact, the
Romulan spies who have seen the internal workings of the
Obsidian Order have found them to be more paranoid about
security than their Romulan counterparts. Codes are changed
frequently and irregularly, all data access is monitored, and
DNA scans are required for the most sensitive areas.
Although the Obsidian Order posses the most
advanced security codes, the Central Command will not
allow the order to install those routines because of the
rivalry between the two organizations. Senior members
of the Central Command fear that the Order would be
able to access their deepest secrets through backdoors in
the security programs. The inferior security codes and lax
computer security protocols have resulted in the Central
Commands and the militarys data being relatively insecure.

Personal Equipment
Most Cardassian personal devices are similar to
their Federation equivalents, although they lack some of
the functions of Federation equipment. These items run
on isotolinium ampoule power cells that provide energy
for a shorter period.
If you need a specic item of equipment that is not
listed here, use information provided for similar devices in
the Technology chapter of the Star Trek: Deep Space
Nine RPG. Use the same basic abilities for the device, but
reduce the Duration.

Personal Access Display Device (PADD)

The PADD is the primary tool for data handle
and remote operation execution throughout he Cardassian
Union by everyone from the head of the Obsidian Order to
schoolchildren. It is used for updating databases, logistics
and manifest management, writing correspondence and
research. The Central Command, The Obsidian Order, the

military, scientists and professionals all rely on these portable

computers to access and share data.
Cardassian PADDs have gas-eld suspension
screens, allowing limited holographic imaging. Two type-2
isolinear rods store the PADDs data, giving a memory
capacity of 12.1 kiloquads.
Obsidian Order and military PADDs have built in
encryption for both data storage and transmission. Civilian
PADDs have no encryption, to allow easier monitoring of
PADD transmissions by the Obsidian Order. The Obsidian
Order has been known to rig PADDs containing classied
data with explosives to prevent security breaches.
Size: 18 cm x 9.5 cm x 2.5 cm
Mass: 0.2 kg
Duration: 29.3 hours

The Cardassian tricorder is more limited than the
Federation device. It has only eighty sensors compared to
over three hundred in the Federation version. It is intended
for use as either a battleeld or emergency scanner. There
are also medical and engineering tricorders in addition to the
standard model. Neither medical nor engineering tricorders
have detachable sensors. Subspace and RF transmitters are
not standard equipment in Cardassian tricorders but they
can be added as necessary.
Medical tricorders have only a limited medical
database. They are designed primarily as a scanner to assist
battleeld medics. Their usefulness as an aid to pathology
is strictly limited. Use on non-Cardassian subjects is not
recommended, due to the lack of physiological data.
Cardassian engineers, frustrated at the lack of
adaptability in engineering tricorders, often recongure
them to suit their own needs. While there is a standardissue engineering tricorder, no respectable engineer uses
one. Engineers often regard tricorders as personal property
because of the time and effort they have spent on them.
A tricorders with sensitive information in its
memory may be equipped with a trilithium explosive as
an anti-tamper precaution.
Range: 1,750 meters for long-range scans, 20 meters for
short-range scans.
Size: 16 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm
Mass: 0.25 kg
Duration: 12 hours
Anti-tamper charge Damage: 6+1d6

Equipment Terminology
The equipment and weapons descriptions include the
devices size and mass. Additional game statistics
Damage: The amount of damage a weapon inicts.
Duration: How long a device will function before its
power cell must be replaced. Weapons list Energy,
which is the number of charges contained in its power
cell. These charges are used up depending on the
setting that the weapon is red at. Unlike Federation
devices, Cardassian devices cannot be recharged.
Range: A beam weapons limit for ring at point
blank/short/medium/long ranges in meters. A sensors
range is the maximum distance at which it can detect
and gather information on energy or objects.

Medical Kit
Cardassian medical kits are in reality eld trauma
kits. They assist eld medics and starship medical ofcers
to get wounded men back into combat as quickly as
possible. A medical kit is equipped with a hypospray,
auto suture, dermal regenerator, and neural stimulator.
It includes drugs and medicines such as antitoxins,
analgesics, and hyronalin but does not include more
complex medicines. Also included are additional power
cells for the medical instruments.
The instruments in A Cardassian kit perform the
same functions as those in a Federation one. For further
details, refer to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine RPG
rulebook, pages 232-233.
Size: 25 cm x 25 cm x 8 cm
Mass: 1.5 kg

Personal Communicators
The Cardassian military have communicators that
attach to the left wrist of their uniforms. Enlisted men have
only radio transceivers, while ofcers communicators have
subspace and radio transceivers and universal translators.
Cardassian military communicators are designed to
enable transporters to readily lock onto their signal, for rapid


transportation of troops. However, this makes it easier for

an enemy to detect Cardassian troop positions.
Communicator range is 600km through intervening
terrain. Subspace communicator range is approximately 50,000
km, allowing ofcers to communicate with ships in orbit.
The Obsidian Order often uses sub-dermal
communicators on covert missions. These incorporate
subspace transceivers and a small universal translator database
that is programmed with mission specic languages.

Phaser Damage
1 Stun
2 Lethal



Size: 6 cm x 4 cm x 1.5 cm
Mass: 0.02 kg
UT Library: 141 languages
Duration: 800 hours

Notes: Stun will stun a human or Cardassian for one hour

and a Klingon for ve minutes. On a setting lethal, the
phaser will vaporize any substance. Energy rebound prior
to vaporization is common when used at this setting. For
further settings for phasers that have been modied, use
the Phaser Damage table on page 239 of the Star Trek:
Deep Space Nine RPG rulebook.


Isotolinium Ampoule Overload

The standard issue weapon of the Cardassian military

and Obsidian Order is the phaser (an acronym for PHASed
Energy Rectication). A phaser res a beam of rapid nadions
at its target. A variety of effects can be produced depending
upon the energy of the beam.
Cardassian phasers used isotolinium power cells that
discharge through super-conducting crystals. Upon triggering
the phaser, an initial low-powered multi-stranded beam is
red which focuses the full-power beam that follows within
one-thousandth of a second.
For simplicity, Cardassian phasers have only two
settings, stun and lethal. With only two settings, Cardassian
phasers are less useful as tools. However it is a straightforward
task to modify the beam emitter to be fully adjustable.
Cardassian soldiers are known to increase the energy levels
of the lethal setting.
Phaser pistols and ries are both used by the
Cardassian military. The rie has a larger power cell,
an extended beam accelerator, and a sight module that
incorporates passive and active EM sensors.
Phasers set on overload will explode within 30
seconds, doing 1 point of damage for every charge
remaining, to everything within a 3m radius, with a 10
points-per-meter drop-off.
Cardassian phasers can re on the following settings:

An isotolinium ampoule that releases all of its

charge in a single burst will explode with enough destructive
force to vaporize four cubic meters of tritanium.
A power cell will not explode if dropped, knocked
or even crushed. It requires an energy blast or explosion
to set it off. If a device with an isotolinium ampoule
power cell is hit, roll 1d6. On a 1-2 the power cell will
explode doing 16+4d6 damage within 2m, dropping off
at 10 points per meter.

Standard: The default setting. This inicts damage and

consumes charges as indicated on the damage chart.
Pulse: A phaser pulse inicts more damage but consumes
more energy. When ring in pulse mode add +1 point of
damage to the roll, but expend an additional two charges.
Continuous Beam: This mode consumes more energy
(two extra charges) to emit a continuous bean that the rer
can track onto the target. When employed, characters add
one die to their Energy Weapon (Phaser) tests that they
make to hit the target.
Phasers issued to troop contingents assigned to
crowd control or population pacication can also be set


onto wide beam stun.

Wide Beam: The width of a phasers beam can be
increased. The phasers maximum range is ten meters, but
the beam spreads to eight meters wide at its furthest point.
A Cardassian phaser on wide beam can only be set on stun
and uses nine charges.

Phaser Pistol

Settings: 1-2
Range: 5/20/50/100
Size: 23 cm long, 0.5 L in volume
Mass: 0.5 kg
Energy: 800 charges

Phaser Rifle

Settings: 1-2
Range: 5/40/80/150
Size: 50 cm long, 1.5 L in volume
Mass: 1.1 kg
Energy: 1,250 charges

Melee Weapons
Cardassians troops do not generally use melee
weapons either in combat or as part of ceremonial uniforms.
There are several tools issued to infantrymen that double as
weapons when required.

The sharuul is a short curved cutting tool.
The serrated blade curves back towards the handle
making it ideal for downward cutting motions. The
blade is one-sided and this makes it difcult to use
as a weapon.
Size: 15 cm handle with a 12 cm blade
Mass: 0.2 kg
Accuracy: 9
Block: +1
Damage: 2+2d6

The sharuul-ka is a double-edged blade
used for clearing forest or jungle. Soldiers preparing
to engage Klingons often arm themselves with a
sharuul-ka for close combat.

skill of Behavior Modication (Resistance) 4(5) and

the High Pain Threshold advantage for the purpose
of resisting torture.
It is possible to use the implant to resist
the pain caused by wounds. However, prolonged
use of the device can cause addiction.
If a character is forced to use the device
frequently, the narrator should have him make a
Moderate Presence test, modied by Willpower.
Failure means the character will gain the Addiction
(-2) disadvantage. If the character succeeds but
continues to use the implant frequently, the test
should increase in difculty.
No information is available about cranial
implants in the Cardassian Data-net, but even an
inquiry will result in the rapid dispatch of Obsidian
Order agents to investigate.

Isotolinium Explosives

In the never-ending shadow war of

espionage, the Obsidian Order relies on advances
in technology to give it the upper hand over its
opponents. The Order has its own scientists and
engineers who work to improve the technology
that it uses to spy on Cardassias enemies.
The sharing of technology between the
Obsidian Order and the Central Command is very
limited. The Order refuses to allow the military
access to its advanced devices for security reasons,
and while the Central Command is equally reticent,
the Order can usually uncover any military secrets
it needs to know.

Charged Isotolinium liquid is not the most

powerful explosive available to Cardassians, but
it has one signicant advantage - it is used in
Cardassian power cells. This makes concealment
frighteningly easy and it is also possible for a
skilled agent to convert a Cardassian PADD or
tricorder into an explosive device.
An Obsidian Order agent, disguised as a
merchant, could arrive at a starport and pass
through any security scanner carrying several PADDs
and transport to any part of the planet without
setting off alarms. He would then proceed to his
target and remove the power cells from his PADDs,
connect them together and add a detonator.
The Obsidian Order have been working
on modifying PADDs and tricorders to include
detonators, but the devices contain too small an
amount of explosive to be useful.
The standard detonator for an isotolinium
device is a micro-plasma detonator with both
timing and remote activators to give eld agents
exibility. A device made from four power cells
does 30+4d6 damage, in a 4m radius, with a 5
points/m drop-off.

Cranial Implants (Wire)

Voiceprint Mimicking Unit

This is one of the Obsidian Orders most

closely guarded secrets; an implant designed to
make the user virtually immune to torture.
The device is surgically implanted into the
post central gyrus area of the brain. When activated,
by a mental command from the user, it releases
endorphins, which stimulate the brains pleasure
centers. This can drastically reduce pain, thereby
making the user highly resistant to torture.
A character using the device receives the

This device is capable of recording and

imitating a persons voice accurately enough to
fool voiceprint identication scanners. First the
voice required needs to be recorded. The mimicking unit is capable of ltering out background
noise to achieve the required clarity. The unit can
then be programmed to playback any words or
phrases that are required.
Most races use verbal codes as well as
voiceprint identication for higher levels of secu-

Size: 75 cm
Mass: 2.5 kg
Accuracy: 7
Block: +2
Damage: 5+2d6

Espionage Equipment


rity, so that the mimicking unit alone is often not enough. A

detailed analysis of the units playback in comparison to the
original voice will reveal differences in the voice modulation
Size: 12 cm x 9 cm x 2 cm
Mass: 0.1 kg
Duration: 30 hours

Field Saturation Device

The eld saturation device is used to fool a wide
range of security scanners. It radiates a harmonic resonance
eld and emits ionizing particles into the surrounding area.
These are sufcient to neutralize all but the most sophisticated of scanners. The resonance eld has a 10m radius
and the ionizing particles will ll 100 cubic meters, making
the device fully functional in areas up to the size of small
cargo bays. The ionizing particles will disperse after about
ten minutes although this can be considerably quicker if the
device is used outdoors.
Usage: The device will reduce the Difculty level for evading security scanners by two levels. If used after the
devices supply of ionizing particles has been exhausted,
the device can still reduce the Difculty by one level, at the
Narrators discretion.
Size: 15 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm
Mass: 0.05 kg
Duration: 8 hrs
Uses: Contains 4 vials of ionizing particles.

Cosmetic Surgery
Intelligence agents often have their appearance
altered to appear to be members of another race. Obsidian
Order surgeons are capable of reproducing the appearance
of another individual exactly so an Order agent may have
immediate access to that individuals work and secrets.
While the surgery does include modication of the
vocal cords to alter the voice, it cannot match the victims
voiceprint, so voiceprint mimicking units are often required.
It also cannot change the color of blood, DNA, or internal
organs. A surgically altered agent cannot replicate behavior
or skills, making long-term replacement difcult.
Rather than replace a specic person, surgical alteration can be combined with deep mental conditioning to
create a deep cover agent.
To surgically alter a Cardassian to appear to be an
exact duplicate of an individual from another race requires a
Difcult Medical Science (Cosmetic Surgery) test. To simply
change the appearance of a Cardassian to that of another race


is a Challenging Medical Science (Cosmetic Surgery) test.

Deep Mental Conditioning

An Obsidian Order agent who undergoes deep
mental conditioning has her own memory and personality
suppressed and false memories implanted. This provides
her with an unbreachable cover identity. She will never give
herself away by forgetting details of her cover story. If she
is absolutely convinced that her cover persona is her real
identity, then she should never be discovered as a spy, even
by telepathy or under torture. It is not known whether a
mind-meld would uncover a conditioned agent.
Memories are suppressed using drugs and neural
treatment. False memories are implanted with post-hypnotic
suggestion and neural induction during sleep. The agent
also undergoes cosmetic surgery.
While the agent is in place, her subconscious mind
can process information in relation her mission. The agents
own identity can take control during periods of sleep and
wake herself. In this way it is possible for her to pass vital
information onto her superiors.
Some agents are conditioned to replace specic individuals. In order that they maintain their cover, the individuals behavior and mannerisms must also be studied and
included in the conditioning.
It is usually necessary for the Order to extract conditioned agents because they are usually incapable of breaking
through the conditioning for long enough to return. After an
agent has been extracted, she undergoes intensive deprogramming and debrieng. Her original memories will begin
to return with a few days with the assistance of drugs.
On occasion, conditioning breaks down while the
agent is in the eld, causing her a great deal of confusion.
The conditioning can also take a more permanent hold,
especially over a protracted period. This makes deprogramming particularly difcult.
To program a willing subject requires several weeks,
the correct equipment and drugs, and a Challenging Behavior Modication (Brainwashing) test. To deprogram a subject with the correct equipment takes several days and is
only a Moderate test. To deprogram an agent without the
correct equipment can be a protracted process often needing a counselor as well as a doctor. It will require a Difcult
extended Medical Science (General Medicine) or (subjects
species) test as well as an extended Nearly Impossible Medical Science (Psychology) test.

Most systems aboard Cardassian vessels are similar
to those of other Alpha Quadrant powers. Cardassian tech-

nology is approximately ve to seven years behind its Federation equivalent. Many Cardassian engineers nd that
reverse engineering other races technologies is often more
efcient than developing the same systems by themselves.
However, by the time these technologies are employed, they
are often outdated.
Signicant differences in Cardassian starship
design are the weaponry and embedded warp nacelles.
Other differences include spacecraft construction, shields
and navigational deectors. These are primarily caused
by lack of resources.
Cardassian starships are more robustly designed
than their Stareet equivalents. The spaceframe is simpler
and more compact, requiring less power for structural integrity elds. The materials used to construct different ships
of the same class can vary considerably, depending on the
availability of raw materials.
The bridge on a Cardassian starship is similar to the
bridge on any Klingon, Federation or Romulan vessel. There
is a central Guls chair and primary control stations are at
the front of the bridge. Only the Gul has a seat, all other
stations are manned standing.
Matter-antimatter reactors power Cardassian vessels and impulse engines provide sub-light propulsion.
All Cardassian ships use embedded warp nacelles. These
reduce the efciency of the warp eld but allow a smaller
deector-shield radius, making the shields comparatively
more efcient.
The primary weapon on a Cardassian warship is the
spiral-wave disruptor. The poor availability of large LiCu
crystal of sufcient purity forced the Cardassians to use disruptors rather than phasers as their main starship weapon.
To maintain beam-coherence, the emitters include a magnetic constriction coil that forces the disruptor beam to spin,
this acts in a similar fashion to the riing in old-fashioned
projectile weaponry. With true Cardassian efciency, redundant disruptor emitters are used as the primary component
in navigational deectors.
Spiral-wave disruptors are a less powerful than disruptor wave cannons. These use a compression oscillator
in the pre-re chamber that imparts a transverse component to the disruptor beam. However baryon particles
emitted by the warp nacelles of warships cause rapid depolarization of the beam. For this reason, disruptor wave
cannons are only mounted on the stern of warships. This
has lead to a common joke amongst Klingons that Cardassians only need weapons on the rear of their ships because
they are always running away.
Most Cardassian ships do not have torpedo tubes.
The Union can only manufacture 54,000 photon torpedoes
per annum and they are generally assigned to stations and
orbital weapons platforms. This can leave Cardassian ships
a signicant disadvantage if an enemy chooses to stand off

and attack with missile weaponry.

Cardassians are prepared to incorporate other races
technologies directly into their ships. The Obsidian Order
equipped their vessels with Romulan cloaking devices in order
to attack the Founders home world. Dominion shipbuilding
techniques helped speed up production of Cardassian warships, but Dominion technology proved difcult to adapt for
use on Cardassian vessels. Plans were made to incorporate
the Breen energy-damping weapon onto Galor- and Keldonclass ships but the war ended before this could begin.

Developing Technologies
The resources devoted by Cardassia to research and
development of new sciences and technologies pales in comparison to the Federation or Romulan Empire. However, the
projects under development are not insignicant.
The emphasis of the research is entirely military.
The benets these developments create takes years to lter
through to the Cardassian populace. Some of these projects
represent the potential for Cardassia to gain a signicant
advantage over its enemies, so the research is a tightly kept
secret. Often only those at the highest levels of the Central
Command know of such research.

Negative Matter Torpedoes

Negative matter has an identical spin and charge to
normal matter. A torpedo using the principal of negative
matter annihilation, whereby negative matter causes normal
matter to silently disappear on contact, would be more powerful than a quantum torpedo.
A photon torpedo causes damage through the explosive annihilation of the matter and anti-matter in its payload. A negative matter torpedo must deliver the negative
matter in its payload into direct contact with the target,
since the mutual annihilation of negative matter and matter
is non-explosive. Particle annihilation rarely exceeds 85%
in a photon torpedo detonation, while in laboratory tests
of negative matter torpedoes particle annihilation exceeds
92%. Since a negative matter torpedo does not need to
carry matter as part if its payload, the yield is more than
double that of a photon torpedo.
There are two obstacles to the deployment of this
weapon, synthesis of sufcient quantities of negative matter
and the containment of it. Any starship armed with negative matter torpedoes would have to devote signicant
resources and volume as payload for them. Unlike photon
and quantum torpedoes, which use the anti-matter from
a ships warp drive, negative matter must be stored on
board. Until these requirements can be reduced, the
weapon remains impractical.


Negative Matter Torpedo Launcher (Standard rules)

Range: 15/300,000/1,500,000/3,500,000
Spread: 5
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 30
Power [5 per spread plus 40 per round for containment]
Negative Matter Torpedo (Spacedock rules)
Damage 600
High yield: Yes
Atmosphere: No
Torpedo storage: .5 SU per 5 torpedoes
Negative matter storage and containment: .5 SU per 5
torpedoes, 2 Power per round per torpedo.

K-Layer Subspace Concealment

A starship equipped with warp symmetry generators could penetrate a deep subspace domain. Initially starships would only be able use this for concealment. A ship
would enter the deep domain and could proceed, undetected, at impulse speeds until it reached its target, where
it would emerge.
Scientists have already succeeded in projecting small
objects into a k-layer subspace domain and recovering them.
A prototype of a large warp symmetry generator is close to
completion. The Galor-class starship Philad is to be equipped
with them for a large-scale test.
Other potential uses for the k-layer include biogenic
weapon delivery and subspace transmission concealment.
There are also indications that ships in the k-layer may be
able to achieve transwarp velocities.

Project Soldier
Some Dominion technology became available to
Cardassian scientists when Cardassia joined the Dominion.
Some of this was made freely available by the Dominion and
some was stolen and studied by Cardassians. In particular,
the Cardassians acquired a signicant amount of data about
the genetic engineering of the Jemhadar.
The Ministry of Science deemed that it would be too
long and involved a process to build a Cardassian supersoldier from the DNA up. Instead volunteers from the Third
Battalion of the First Order underwent genetic re-sequencing. The aim was to create a Cardassian stronger, faster


Episode seed: The Philad Experiment

The PCs ship receives a distress call from the

Philad. They go to assist and nd the ship trapped

half in, half out of subspace. The transporters must
be modied before an away team can beam aboard.
The away team must deal with secretive scientists
and paranoid security ofcers before they can help.
Meanwhile the Central Command has sent a
warship to assist the Philad, with orders to protect
the secret by destroying any ships that get close,
Cardassian or Federation.
For further complications, strange things may
begin to happen aboard the Philad. The full nature
of k-layer subspace is not known. The crew may be
affected physically or mentally, the ship may begin
to shift in time or perhaps be attacked by creatures
native to subspace.

Enhanced Soldier Template

Fitness 3 [6]
Strength +1
Vitality +1
Co-ordination 3 [6]
Reaction +1
Dexterity +1
Intellect 3 [5]
Perception +1
Presence 2 [5]
Willpower +1
Psi 0 [5]
Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Eidetic Memory +3
High Pain Threshold +2
Toughness +2
Compulsion (attack non-Cardassians) -5
Medical Problem (can be poisoned by cobalt
deselenide) -1
Medical Problem (fatal cellular degeneration) -6
Species Enemy (Bajorans) -4

Cardassian soldier, who required less sleep and whose loyalty could be guaranteed.
Initial attempts failed and were immediately fatal
to the test subject. As a result, the level of genetic manipulation was reduced. The second batch of subjects did not
die during the process, however rapid cellular degeneration set in after only a few hours. One volunteer went
berserk after seeing several of his fellow subjects die. He
smashed the laboratory and killed three scientists before
security ofcers shot him down.
The third generation of soldiers has proved to be
more stable. Cellular degeneration has been delayed. The
expected lifespan of an enhanced soldier is now six to eight
weeks. It proved impossible to genetically engineer loyalty
in the soldiers, so they have been treated with the same
psychotropic drugs used in Project Guardian. The result is a
stronger, tougher and faster Cardassian soldier with a paranoid hatred of non-Cardassians, who must be kept in stasis
until required for combat.

Impermeable Deflector Shields

The use of subspace elds that provide total energy
isolation is being studied. All energy encountering such a
shield would be refracted with zero EM transfer. Such a
shield would be impervious to all outside forces. It is possible
to use impulse engines while the shield is active but a subspace eld cannot be established within the shield, making
warp drive impossible. Power consumption may prove to be
prohibitive, and there is no process for weapons re or sensors to exit the shield as yet.





uilding a starship is a monumental task that consumes

tremendous energy and resources. Which is why Cardassia
struggles to maintain a large eet.
After Cardassia gained warp capability, it used its starships
to conquer less technologically advanced races. It was not until
the war with the Klingons in 2286 that the Central Command fully
realized the difculty of waging a protracted interstellar war against
a foe with equally powerful starships. While Cardassia struggled to
repair and replace its ships, the Klingons seemed to have had an
endless supply. Although more shipyards were built, many of them
operated below capacity. Even during the Federation-Cardassian
conict, the Central Command could not capitalize on its early gains
because of a lack of front-line starships.
All of that changed when Cardassia joined the Dominion.
Vorta engineers provided advanced manufacturing techniques while
components and rened ores were brought from the Gamma Quadrant.
Cardassias shipyards doubled their output almost overnight. Classes
of ships that had hitherto been produced in small numbers were now
in mass production. Most Cardassian ships lacked torpedo launchers
until the Dominion provided them. Older ships were repaired and
retted. In six months Cardassias eets had doubled in size. Her
warships now made Cardassia a power to be feared.


The Galor-class Battle Cruiser is the backbone of the Cardassian
eet. More than half of the eet is made up of Galor-class vessels
and they are the ships produced in the largest number by Cardassias
shipyards. Other classes are less numerous because resource and


component availability prohibited construction.

The most powerful ship that Cardassia can eld is
the Kagor-class battleship. These massive vessels form the
backbone of any battlegroup, directing eet movements and
strategic operations. Warships are smaller than battleships
but are still designed with the same purpose in mind.
The Central Command favors cruisers as the optimal
vessels for their eet. Their size allows them to carry
considerable repower, yet they can still perform exible
roles. Some classes serve specic purposes, such as the
Tiamar-class assault cruiser, but most undertake a variety of
tasks, from border defense to exploration.
Construction of frigates and destroyers was
increased ten-fold during the build-up to the Dominion
war. The smaller size of these vessels allowed them to be
built at a faster rate than the larger cruisers. Guls and
Jaguls previously preferred to use cruisers and warships
when repower was called for and destroyers when speed
and maneuverability were required. Frigates tended to be
relegated to escort duties or were often left to support
occupying troops on conquered worlds.
Fast attack ships are smaller and faster than
destroyers are. They are intended for rapid response
missions and perimeter defense. These ships sacrice

weaponry for speed and agility.

Escorts and scouts are underused by the Cardassians.
The Central Command generally uses heavier classes of ships
for escort duties. Fast attack ships often perform scouting
missions. The Obsidian Order maintains its own class of
scout vessel, the Namuul.
While Galor-class ships are used to explore deep
space, laboratory ships and surveyors conduct research
within the borders of the Union.
Auxiliary vessels such as freighters, tankers and couriers
are often poorly maintained. They are usually last to receive
parts, repairs and upgrades. The Veras-class armed courier
tends to be an exception to this, as it is used to transport
important personnel and sensitive intelligence information.

Vessel Naming Conventions

The Central Command does not use a prex (such as
U.S.S.) before starship names. Vessels are simply referred
to by name. However a prex can be used to identify which
order the vessel belongs to. For example, the Tuplev, a
ship in the Second Order, is more correctly known as the
Second-Tuplev. This naming is used only during large-scale
operations involving ships from more than one order.

Cardassian Shipyards
The major starship construction facilities of the Cardassian Union are:
Altenek Nor: All Keldon-class warships are built here. Galor, Dakar and Aberax-class vessels are also built here.
Kregak II: This shipyard was located in what became the Demilitarized Zone between the Federation and the Cardassians. In
2370 it was decomissioned under the Cardassian/Federation treaty and abandoned. The Maquis nished the job by destroying it
in 2371.
Monak IV: Galor and Kalen-class battle cruisers, Durgor-class warships and Vidren-class frigates were constructed here before
the shipyards were destroyed by the Klingons in 2375.
Omekla III: Several classes of Cardassias largest warships are produced here, including the Kagor-class battleship.
Orias: The Obsidian Order built its Namuul-class scouts here. It also secretly constructed improved Keldon-class ships in order
to attack the Founders home world. The fate of the Orias yards remains a mystery. The Cardassian Intelligence Bureau may
control them or they may be a stronghold of loyal Obsidian Order agents. Whether they can still produce warships is unknown.
Tivak: Hundreds of smaller vessels, such as Hideki-class ghters and Guran-class fast attack ships, were constructed here until
the Cardassian resistance destroyed them with sabotage.
Torros III: The Dominion built a shipyard here in 2373. The Federation attacked and destroyed it later in the same year.
Sulenn Tok: The largest shipyard in the Union. It orbits Cardassia Va. See page 102 for more information.


Bok Vala-Class Shuttle

Class and Type: Bok Vala-class shuttle
Commissioning Date: 2352
Hull Characteristics
Size: 2 (20 meters long, 1 deck)
Resistance: 2
Structural Points: 40
Operations Characteristics
Crew/Passengers/Evacuation: 3/20/0 [3 pwr/round]
Computers: 1 [1 pwr/round]
Transporters: 1 personnel [1 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 1 av [2/rating used]
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System: 2.0/3.0/6.0 (7 hours) [2/warp factor]
Impulse System: 0.50c/0.75c [5/7 pwr/round]
Power: 120
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +0/12 light-years [6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +1/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Navigational Sensors: +0 [5 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 2
Weapons Systems
Spiral Wave Disruptors
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 16
Power: [16]
Microtorpedo Launcher
Number: 100
Launchers: 1 fv
Spread: 1
Arc: forward but are self-guided
Range: 1/100/500/2000
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 5
Power: [1]
Weapons Skill: 3
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 31/40
Power: [31]
Description and Notes:
Fleet data: These shuttlecraft are use as both transport
for troops and to provide air cover. They can carry 20 men
along with all their equipment. The shuttle is well armed
for a ship of its size and more than capable of matching a
Danube-class runabout in combat.

Bok Vala-Class Shuttle

Chintalka-Class Destroyer
Class and Type: Chintalka-class destroyer
Commissioning Date: 2315
Hull Characteristics
Size: 5 (200 meters long, 6 decks)
Resistance: 3
Structural Points: 100
Operations Characteristics
Crew/Passengers/Evacuation: 100/20/500 [4 pwr/round]
Computers: 2 [2 pwr/round]
Transporters: 2 personnel, 2 cargo, 2 emergency
transporters [3 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 1 av [2/rating used]
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System: 4.9/6.9/8.1 (6 hours) [2/warp factor]
Impulse System: 0.50c/0.70c [5/7 pwr/round]
Power: 130
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +0/12 light-years [6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +0/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Navigational Sensors: +0 [5 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 3
Weapons Systems
Spiral Wave Disruptors
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 12
Power: [12]
Disruptor Wave Cannon


Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: Aft (360 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 18
Power: [18]
Weapons Skill: 3
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 40/47
Power: [40]
Description and Notes:
Fleet data: The Chintalka-class destroyer is an older vessel,
now ending its useful service history. It is the forerunner
to the modern Galor-class ships in many respects. These
vessels were used as escorts, explorers, border patrol craft,
scouts, and general utility craft.
They have moderate weaponry, although their shields
and warp speeds are limited. Smaller hull sizes and crews
made them quick and cheap to construct. The main section
of the hull housed all crew quarters and control sections, with
impulse engines at the rear. The trailing column supported
the warp engines and fuel tanks. A small cargo hold and
shuttlebay were located at the front of the craft, though only
2 small utility shuttles were carried.
By the 2360s, Chintalka-class ships were being replaced by
Galor-class cruisers and those remaining were transferred to reserve
eets. After the initial battles of the Dominion War, many Chintalkaclass ships were restored to front-line units to replace battle losses.
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Chintalka,
prototype; StykRakan, part of the battle group that launched
a pre-emptive strike on Setlik III (2347); Chinych, defeated
the USS Stargazer but failed to destroy her (2351); Baladu,
valiantly defended Aschelan V against Klingon attackers
(2371). Also in service: Aravash, Terkganon.

Chintalka-Class Destroyer


Dreadnought-Class Self-Guided Missile

Dreadnought Class Self-Guided

Tactical Missile
Class and Type: Dreadnought Class Self-Guided Tactical Missile
Commissioning date: 2370
Hull Characteristics
Size: 3 (32m long, 1 deck)
Resistance: 4
Structural Points: 60
Operations Characteristics
Crew/Passengers/Evac: 0/2/0 [1 power/round]
Computers: 1 [1 power/round]
Transporters: none
Tractor Beams: none
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System 4.0/6.0/9.0 (48hrs) [2 power/warp factor]
Impulse System: .75c/.9c [7/9 power/round]
Power: 250
Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors: +0/16 light-years [6 power/round]
Lateral Sensors: +2/1 light-year [4 power/round]
Navigational Sensors: +0 [5 power/round]
Holo-emitters [20 power/round]
Sensor Skill: see text
Weapons Systems
Damage: 20,000
Location: Nose

Thoron Shock Emitter

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Damage: 18
Power: [18]
Plasma Wave Emitter Array
Damage: 20 at 1 MU range, drop-off of
50 per MU [20 power]
Range: 1,200,000
Firing Arc: 720 degrees area effect
Type I Quantum Torpedoes
Number: 10
Launchers: 1 f
Spread: 2
Arc: forward, but are self-guided
Range: 15/300,0000/
Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Damage: 30
Power: [5]
Weapons Skill: See text
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 100/133
Power: [100]
Self-Aware Computer
Intellect 3
Logic +1
Computer (own systems) 3(4)
Starship Tactics (Cardassian) 2(3)
Shipboard Systems (Flight Control), (Mission Ops), (Sensors),
(Tactical) 1(4)
Space sciences (Astronavigation) 1(3)
World Knowledge (target world) 1(2)
Multi-tasking (+2)
Description and Notes:
Fleet data: The Dreadnought is an experimental weapon. It carries a warhead
with 1000 kg of anti-matter and a similar amount of matter, giving it enough
destructive force to destroy a small moon. To enable the warhead to reach
its target, the Dreadnought is equipped with advanced stealth and defensive
capabilities, all controlled by a self-aware computer.
To remain undetected the Dreadnought makes random course changes while
it travels and emits a randomized EM eld to mask its warp trail. Even if this trail can be
picked up, it is likely to be a false reading, as the Dreadnought can project a holo-image
of its self up to 10,000 km away. The Dreadnoughts standard speed is warp 4, but it will
increase its speed to warp 9 once it has been detected.
To detect the Dreadnought in ight requires a Difcult Shipboard Systems (Sensors)
roll. Spotting the genuine article after locating the holo-image requires a further Difcult test.
The Dreadnoughts defensive capabilities are impressive. It is capable of
scanning an attacking vessel to determine a weapons frequency and adjusting its
own shields to that frequency, doubling the shields Threshold (or doubling the shields
Protection when using the standard rules). This requires a Challenging Shipboard

Cardassian Vessels
Kagor-class Battleship
Gulat-class Battleship (proposed)
Durgor-class Light Warship
Gural-class Warship
Keldon-class Heavy Warship
Kurgat-class Heavy Warship
Thalon-class Warship
Belshan-class Cruiser
Dhaval-class Incursion Cruiser
Durnat-class Assault Cruiser
Galor-class Battle Cruiser
Kalen-class Battle Cruiser
Kurnor-Class Incursion Cruiser
Promet-class Cruiser
Tiamar-class Assault Cruiser
Sholec-class Assault Cruiser
Valkar-class Light Battle Cruiser
Dorneg-class Frigate
Kheras-class Light Frigate
Ragar-class Incursion Frigate
Thalkar-class Heavy Frigate
Vidren-class Strike Frigate
Destroyers and Fast Attack Ships
Aberax-class Destroyer
Berak-class Perimeter Defense Ship
Chintalka-class Destroyer
Dakar-class Heavy Destroyer
Guran-class Fast Attack Ship
Hideki-class Fighter
Rathat-class Fast Attack Ship
Escorts and Scouts
Emred-class Armed Scout
Mithras-class Destroyer Escort
Namuul-Class Scout
Nuras-class Heavy Scout
Sugren-class Heavy Escort
Sulor-class Escort
Thurak-class Scout
Specialised and Auxiliary vessels
Shovash-class Medical Ship
Voreska-class Research Ship
Salgar-class Military Freighter
Gorvall-class Orbital Troop Transport
Bok Vala-class Military Shuttle
Tharbalt-class Warp Shuttle
Veras-class Armed Courier


Systems (Sensors) test, but include the TA/T/TS bonus. It

is also capable of sending a feedback pulse through any
tractor beam or energy beam that is affecting it. To prevent
boarding, the Dreadnought initiates a DNA scan of anyone
beaming aboard and can shut down life-support to neutralize
intruders. It is capable of discharging lethal electrical charges
form its circuitry to prevent tampering.
If the Dreadnought is attacked, it will respond
with all necessary force. The computer possesses the most
sophisticated tactical subroutines in ever written and its
weapons are among the most advanced ever built by the
Cardassian Union. The Thoron shock emitter is its standard
defensive weapon but its plasma wave emitter is particularly
useful against large numbers of small targets. If the
Dreadnought is forced to stop and ght it will use its quantum
torpedoes as a weapon of last resort.
While much of the Dreadnoughts construction
involves new and experimental techniques, the Cardassians
used existing technology where they could. This included
old kinetic detonators that have a tendency to malfunction
(roll two dice when a Dreadnought detonates, on a double
one it will malfunction).
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Only
twelve Dreadnought missiles were ever constructed. The rst
missile was launched against a Maquis base on Alpha 441
in the Badlands. The missile failed to reach its target and
was lost in the Badlands. The Central Command deemed
the missile to be an expensive failure and further production
was cancelled. The remaining stock of missiles was used in
the opening weeks of the Dominion War to devastating effect
against Federation starbases and ground forces.

Weapons Systems
Spiral Wave Disruptors
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 10
Power: [10]
Disruptor Wave Cannon
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: Aft (360 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 12
Power: [12]
Plasma Bombs
Number: 18
Launchers: 1 fv
Spread: 4
Arc: Fwd (self-guided)
Range: 1/30/1000/30000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Damage: 10
Power: [3]
Weapons Skill: 3

Gorvall-class Orbital Troop

Class and Type: Gorvall-class Orbital Troop Transport
Commissioning Date: 2325
Hull Characteristics
Size: 3 (30 meters long, 2 decks)
Resistance: 2
Structural Points: 60
Operations Characteristics
Crew/Passengers/Evacuation: 6/30/120 [4 pwr/round]
Computers: 1 [1 pwr/round]
Transporters: 1 personnel [1 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 1 av [2/rating used]
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System: None
Impulse System: 0.75c/0.95c [7/9 pwr/round]
Power: 128
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: None
Lateral Sensors: +1/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Navigational Sensors: +0 [5 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 3


Gorvall-Class Orbital Troop Transport

Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 36/45
Power: [36]
Description and Notes:
Fleet data: The Gorvall-class ships are troop transports, used
to ferry ground troops from larger ships in orbit. Each transport
can carry up to 30 troops, their light artillery and an APC. They
are quite basic craft, with no warp drive or long-range sensors.
They operate well in planetary atmospheres and are designed
to land in rough terrain. They are relatively well armed and each
craft carries a number of self-guided plasma bombs, used to
clear the target area before landing. These are crude weapons
by modern standards but do their job effectively.
Star Fleet referred to these craft as Boomerangs during
the Federation-Cardassian conicts, due to their basic shape and
continuous trips to and from orbital ships. At least one is usually
carried onboard Galor class ships & other larger warships.
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters:
Gorvall, prototype; Shargat briey landed troops on Vulcan
before being destroyed (2375).

Mithras-Class Escort
Class and Type: Mithras-class Escort Destroyer
Commissioning Date: 2365
Hull Characteristics
Size: 4 (147 meters long, 4 decks)
Resistance: 3
Structural Points: 80
Operations Characteristics
Crew/Passengers/Evacuation: 20/2/100 [4 pwr/round]
Computers: 2 [2 pwr/round]
Transporters: 1 personnel, 1 cargo [1 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 1 av [2/rating used]
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System: 6.0/8.9/9.1 (11 hours) [2/warp factor]
Impulse System: 0.70c/0.90c [7/9 pwr/round]
Power: 165
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +1/15 light-years [6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +1/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Navigational Sensors: +1 [5 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 4
Weapons Systems
Spiral Wave Disruptors
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Mithras-Class Escort
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 16
Power: [16]
Disruptor Wave Cannon
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: Aft (360 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 20
Power: [20]
Photon Torpedo Launchers
Number: 100
Launchers: 1 fwd
Spread: 6
Arc: forward, but are self-guided
Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 20
Weapons Skill: 4
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 50/66
Power: [50]
Description and Notes:
Fleet data: The Mithras-class was designed as a direct
response to the Klingon Brel-class ships which conducted
repeated raids and were agile enough to elude pursuit. As
well as proving effective against Klingon attacks, the Mithras
demonstrated itself to be a exible and capable ship as a
scout, an escort or on raids and patrols.
The Mithras has equivalent weaponry but a better


eld of re. They are the smallest Cardassian vessel to

mount photon torpedoes. They are faster at impulse speeds
than the Brel and have quicker acceleration. The Brel can
outrun the Mithras at warp speeds and has slightly better
Noteworthy Vessels/service records/encounters:
Mithras, prototype; Natal, encountered the Crystalline Entity
(2367), participated in attack on Klingon prototype vessel (2369),
destroyed four Maquis raiders in the Badlands (2372).

NAMUUL-Class Scoutship
Class and Type: Namuul-class scout
Commissioning Date: 2372
Hull Characteristics
Size: 3 (86 meters long, 2 decks)
Resistance: 3
Structural Points: 60
Operations Characteristics
Crew/Passengers/Evacuation: 3/9/30 [2 pwr/round]
Computers: 2 [2 pwr/round]
Transporters: 1 personnel, 1 emergency transporter
[1 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 1 av [2/rating used]
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System: 7.0/9.2/9.9 (12 hours) [2/warp factor]
Impulse System: 0.60c/0.80c [6/8 pwr/round]
Power: 165
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +3/17 light-years [6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +3/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Navigational Sensors: +2[5 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 5
Weapons Systems
Spiral wave disruptor
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 12
Power: [12]
Disruptor wave cannon
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: Aft (360 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 16
Power: [16]
Weapons Skill: 3
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 51/71
Power: [51]


NAMUUL-Class Scoutship
Description and Notes:
Fleet data: The Namuul-class scout, is a modied
Hideki-class patrol boat used by Obsidian Order agents for
special operations. These ships act as monitoring vessels
near borders, inltration craft for agents on missions and
couriers for senior member of the Order.
Outwardly it resembles a normal Hideki-class ship,
but all major systems have been upgraded, making it slightly
faster, more powerful and better armed. Shields have also
been improved. Most of these upgrades occupy the original
crew quarters and facilities, so it is very cramped inside, with
only basic life support. The internal layout gives additional
space to sensor analysis stations and communication recording
equipment, and at least one crewmember will always man
this position. It carries a variety of stealth probes to gather
information at long range. The class VIII probes can also be
used to deliver an agent to the surface of a planet, although
the re-entry and landing are uncomfortable. It is quite
common for these craft to use stolen technology, including
stolen cloaking devices (salvaged from Klingon Birds of Prey)
and energy-absorbing hull coatings to reduce the sensor
echo produced (see Raiders, Renegades, and Rogues,
page 88). All Namuul-class ships can operate in planetary
atmospheres and are capable of landing on the surface.
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters:
Namuul, prototype; Tagfhur, transported saboteurs to

Betazed to disable planetary defense systems (2373); Bok

Dal personal transport of Doret Tashom, current head of
the Obsidian Order; Frehrel, crippled the Excelsior-class
USS Lincoln after being discovered on a communications
monitoring mission (2374).

Tiamar-class Assault Cruiser

Class and Type: Tiamar-class Assault Cruiser
Commissioning Date: 2364
Hull Characteristics
Size: 6 (372 meters long, 14 decks)
Resistance: 3
Structural Points: 120
Operations Characteristics
Crew/Passengers/Evacuation: 560/2,000/8,200
[8 pwr/round]
Computers: 2 [2 pwr/round]
Transporters: 6 personnel, 4 cargo,
4 emergency transporters [7 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 1 av [2/rating used]
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System: 4.0/7.4/9.6 (9 hours) [2/warp factor]
Impulse System: 0.50c/0.70c [5/7 pwr/round]
Power: 225
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +2/12 light-years [6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +2/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Navigational Sensors: +2 [5 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 3
Weapons Systems
Spiral Wave Disruptors
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 18
Power: [18]
Disruptor Wave Cannon
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: Aft (360 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Damage: 22
Power: [22]
Weapons Skill: 4
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 75/108
Power: [75]
Description and Notes:
Fleet data: The Tiamar-Class Assault Cruiser is designed for
planetary assault. When modern defenses such as transport
inhibitors and deector shields make transporting troops
impossible, a Tiamar-class ship is capable of landing its troops
the old fashioned way. It carries 30 Gorvall-class transports, 60
Bok Vala-class shuttles which are sufcient craft to transport

Tiamar-Class Assault Cruiser

all of its two thousand troops and it carries ten Hideki-class
ghters to provide air cover for them. While it is not as well
armed as its close cousin, the Galor, it can still defend itself.
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Tiamar,
prototype; Kaldel, the rst ship to land troops on Betazed (2374);
Gazal, participated in the retaking of Chintoka, later destroyed
ghting the Dominion (2375). Also in service: Karanal, Ratibb.

The Cardassian term for a large space station is Nor.
This is often incorporated into a stations name.
The Cardassians do not have nearly as many
stations as the Federation has starbases, but those it
does have are still impressive structures. The graceful yet
functional appearance of Cardassian stations makes them
easily identiable. With true Cardassian efciency, the same
station exterior design can be contain a number of different
internal congurations for a variety of purposes.

Cardassian Station Types

Strategic stations are the most common type of
Cardassian station.
They are positioned along all of
Cardassias borders. Those along the Federation border
were abandoned or relocated after the Peace Treaty of
2370 but were re-established prior to the Dominion War.
Strategic stations often used for command and administrative
functions, rather than dedicated command stations.
Scientic space stations are devoted to the study of
interstellar phenomena and scientic research. Dangerous
scientic projects can be carried out aboard science stations
away from a planet and its population. Cardassian science
stations are often used as cover for military purposes such
as weapons storage or espionage.
Supply bases are used to supply starships and other


stations. Cardassian supply bases are heavily armed and

well defended. Stareet paid a high price in ships and crew
to destroy these bases during the Dominion War.
Service stations such as trading stations are few and
far between. However a few independent traders have set
up shop in abandoned Cardassian stations.
Deep space stations are used by the Central
Command to establish Cardassias presence beyond its
borders. Some are monitoring stations used to spy on
Cardassias enemies. Others are used simply to mark
Cardassian sovereignty over a particular planet or system.
Ore processing stations feed the resource hungry
Cardassian military machine. These are built in orbit of a
conquered planet and rene minerals from the ore that is
strip-mined from the planets surface.
Orbital weapon platforms are not strictly space
stations. They are small, unmanned structures with only
weapons and defensive systems. These were deployed
during the Dominion War in the defense of Chintoka,
Cardassia Prime and other important worlds.
The Cardassians employ a variety of other space
stations, including prisons, hospitals and museums.


Type: Ore Processing
Commissioning Date: varies
Hull Characteristics
Size/Structure: 4/Hybrid planar-columnar
triradial structure with 36 levels in inner core
Resistance: 6
Structural Points: 300
Personnel Characteristics
Crew/Inhabitants/Capacity: 200/500/25,000
[9 pwr/round]
Entertainment: 5 [15 pwr/round]
Systems Characteristics
Computers: 3 [3 pwr/round]
Transporters: 25 personnel [12 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 6, one at top and bottom of each
weapon tower, maximum strength 8
[2/rating used]
Power: 470
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +0/15 light-years [6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +0/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 3
Weapons Systems
Disruptor Wave Cannon
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10


Damage: 18
Power: [18]
Weapons Skill: 4
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 60/90
Power: [60]
Description and Notes:
Station Data: These large ore-processing stations are
intended for long-term, high-yield mineral extraction, such
as the systematic strip mining of a planet. Local labor is
often used for manual processing.
The station has a vertical central core which houses
the operations center, the fusion reactors and other vital
systems. The inner ring is the Habitat Ring, which has spartan
quarters for laborers and larger quarters for Cardassian
ofcers and crew. The weapons towers protrude above and
below the Habitat Ring. The Docking Ring is the outer ring.
All cargo is stored in the docking ring. The six large docking
pylons can receive ships as large as Kagor-class Battleships.
The ore processing machinery is in the base of each pylon.
Once these stations reach the end of their working
life, they are abandoned or destroyed. They are considered
too large to relocate.
Notable stations: Terok Nor, used to strip mine Bajor
(2351-2369); abandoned and claimed by the Bajorans,
administered by Stareet (2369-2373), discovered the
Bajoran Wormhole (2369): fought off Klingon attack (2372);
recaptured by the Cardassians and the Dominion (2373),
retaken by Stareet (2374). Empok Nor, abandoned and
guarded by soldiers from Project: Guardian (2372), the site
of a Ferengi/Dominion hostage negotiation (2374). Attok
Nor, Gamok Nor and Kamok Nor; part of the Sulenn Tok
shipyards over Cardassia Va.
Other stations: Stations using the same external
structure are rare but they can serve many purposes e.g.
science, hospitals or prisons.

Type: Supply
Commissioning Date: varies
Hull Characteristics
Size/Structure: 6/Mushroom with docking arms
Resistance: 8
Structural Points: 600
Docks: 42 small craft docking bays (up to size 3)
18 docks for ships up to size 4
6 docks for ships up to size 8

Personnel Characteristics
Crew/Inhabitants/Capacity: 400/12,000/20,000
[8 pwr/round]
Entertainment: 9 [27 pwr/round]
Systems Characteristics
Computers: 3 [3 pwr/round]
Transporters: 36 personnel [18 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 6, one at top and bottom of
each docking arm, maximum strength
10 [2/rating used]
Power: 450
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +1/16 light-years [6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +1/1 light-year [4 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 4
Weapons Systems
Disruptor Wave Cannon
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Damage: 22
Power: [22]
Weapons Skill: 4
Defensive Systems
Deector Shields
Protection: 80/100
Power: [80]
Description and Notes:
Station Data: These stations are intended for repair
and upgrading of the Cardassian eet. While they
do not posses the same facilities as a shipyard they
have excellent engineering workshops and carry a large
quantity of spare components. In times of war, these
stations can support up to twelve thousand engineers.
This signicantly reduces repair times, although assigning
the engineers can be a logistical nightmare.
These stations are mushroom-shaped with six
docking arms extending from the body of the station ad
curving underneath like the tentacles of a giant octopus.
There are small shuttle bays and docks for smaller ships on
the outside of the arms. Larger docks are on the ends of the
arms, well within the protection of the stations shield bubble.
Larger bays are located in the top of the mushroom.
Notable stations: Kelvas Repair Station. This facility was
used by the Dominion to install the Breen energy-dampening
weapon in its attack ships (2375).
Other stations: Four of these stations are located in orbit
around Cardassia Prime.






he rst thing that strikes you upon arriving on the

Cardassian homeworld is the heat. The suns light, diffused by the heavy
atmosphere, is reradiated off the rocks and buildings to create the
feeling of being in a furnace. When you take your rst breath to ward
off the shock of the heat, the cloying humidity in the air nearly chokes
you. Most non-natives spend the rst few minutes after their arrival
coughing until their lungs adjust. The general effect is somewhat similar
to living in a sauna, all the time. Even worse is the thick atmosphere
ensures that the heat is trapped at night, so there is no relief.
Cardassians, of course, love it.
Although once a lush, hot and humid jungle planet, Cardassia
Prime is, through a combination of orbital shifts, climatic changes and
bad resource management, now largely a barren and uninhabitable
wasteland. In spite of this, it is the home of the people and of
the Union, and the proud Cardassian populace would never consider
leaving it. Instead, they have hammered and shaped those areas of
the planet they can use until they better t their needs, and gone out
to the stars for the express purpose of bringing back the very things
their homeworld cannot provide, building a vast empire in the process.
Through all of this, the goal has always been to maintain and even
improve Cardassia itself - Cardassian colonies and conquered worlds
do not exist for their own sake, but as an extension of the homeworld.
The idea of just giving up and starting again on another world (like
the Romulans) or establishing new self-sufcient colonies (the main
aim of most Federation colonists) is totally foreign to them. Leaving
Cardassia Prime is a duty, and the only joy is in serving the state.
As has been mentioned in other works, it is not possible in
a project like this to relate every last intimate detail of Cardassia
Prime, although given the smaller habitable area of this world it
would be simpler than most. Instead, this chapter will attempt to


Cardassia Prime

give an idea of what this world is about, its highlights and low points, and
in combination with the rest of this work, some indication of what drives
the Cardassian need for expansion.

Planet Name: Cardassia Prime (Cardassia III)

Class: M
System Data: Cardassia Prime has one moon.
There are seven other planets in the system
besides Cardassia Prime. The two inner planets
are both Class F. Cardassia IV and Va are Class
M planets; Cardassia V, VI and VII are Class J
gas giants; and the outermost planet, Cardassia
VIII is Class G.
Gravity: 1.2 G
Year and Day: 344.35/26
Atmosphere: Oxygen-nitrogen, with traces of
argon; slightly higher than Earth-normal pressure.
Hydrosphere: Approximately 40% of Cardassia Primes surface is covered with water, including two small oceans, several large salt lakes or
inland seas, and various smaller bodies of fresh
water. Large, long rivers are rare compared to
most Class M planets.
Climate: Cardassia Primes climate is much hotter
and more humid than Earths; to Cardassians,
temperatures which seem comfortable to humans
are chilly. Much of the world is sere or desertied.
Sapient Species: Cardassians (6.8 billion)
Tech level: Level Six
Government: Dictatorial oligarchy (the Detapa
Council) with militocratic elements (the Central
Culture: Although formerly a peaceful and spiritual people, the Cardassians are now a militaristic and aggressive culture, having been driven
to such extremes by resource poverty.
Afliation: Head of the Cardassian Union.
Resources: Cardassia Prime is very resourcepoor (its resources were exhausted long ago); it
now relies on resources from other planets in its
system or Union, or which it has conquered.
Places of Note: The Imperial Plaza; the Hebitian Tombs; the Garethian Volcanoes.
Ship Facilities: There are several ship construction facilities in the Cardassian system.
History: Cardassia Primes history is that of the
Union - see chapter three.


Cardassia Prime is technically a Class M world, although it sits at the
extreme edge of the classication. At 19,000 kilometers in equatorial diameter,
it is huge for a world with a gravity of only 1.2 G, a situation brought about by
the low density of ferrous and other metals in its planetary make-up.
Although the world bears many supercial similarities, the climate
is markedly different from those of Vulcan, which is extremely dry, and
Ferenginar, which is merely wet and cold. The humidity often takes the
unprepared by surprise, as from orbit (through gaps in the heavy cloud
cover), Cardassia Prime looks a dead, arid world, orbiting at the inner
extreme of its suns biozone (the region in which the carbon-based humanoids
so common in the galaxy can evolve). The vast majority of the planets landmasses appear to be covered in grayish-brown desert, with relatively small
bodies of water (only two of which are large enough to qualify as oceans),
and little in the way of rivers. Most of the planets moisture beyond this is in
the form of vapor locked into the dense atmosphere, and while precipitation is common in the coastal regions, surface water evaporates or runs
away into the rock surprisingly fast.
Unlike many Class M planets, there is little in the way of climatic
variation on Cardassia Prime. The heavy cloud-cover acts like a thermal
blanket to ensure that divisions between climatic zones are extremely
fuzzy. Cardassian environmentalists tend to categorize by terrain rather
than temperature. There is some variation by latitude of course: at the
poles, temperatures approach those of the subtropical regions of Earth,
averaging around 26o Celsius; while the equatorial regions, favored by
the natives, regularly reach temperatures in excess of 36o.
Levels of rainfall tend to be fairly constant across the world, despite
Federation stereotypes of a parched world. Moisture tends to be retained
in the air, however, and then released in short, heavy bursts. Heavy showers (dropping in excess of 56mm of rain at a time, and accompanied by
spectacular lightning displays) strike around dusk on most days in the highlands, while many of the coastal regions get heavy monsoon-like downpours
lasting several hours every 3-5 days. With little axial tilt, there is little variation in seasons, although the equatorial regions experience a small rise in
temperature, coupled with doubled rainfall for about a quarter of the year.
The apparently sere terrain, located mostly in the highlands, is
actually barren rather than desert. The precipitation is there, but the soil
has been leached of all nutrients. Rainwater also has a tendency to run
off the surface rather than soak in, or just evaporate back into the atmosphere. What vegetation there is clusters around the dense population centers, where effort can be made to provide articial nutrients in the barren
soil. This is largely for recreational use, as Cardassia has been unable to
feed its huge population for several centuries, and relies on bulk imports of
foodstuffs from Kaldok.
This sorry state of affairs has arisen from past heavy industrial and
agricultural processes that wrecked the ecology while stripping the world of
its already scant minerals. As the population expanded, more and more of
the world was taken up providing food through industrial-scale farming, and













Cardassia City
Ruins of Korlarem
Mt. Sherur
Hebitian Tombs







vast elds of halakla (a staple food plant similar to

wheat) and other foodstuffs were created. As happened in parts of twentieth century Earth, rainfall
over large areas of such shallow-rooted vegetation
washed the nutrients into the oceans and over
a period of several centuries, most of the continents became barren. Meanwhile, the nutrients
in the oceans were picked up and broken down
by ocean-bottom crawling mining equipment supplying minerals to the heavy industry that was at
the same time making more areas barren through
unrestricted pollution.
There is literally nothing left in the majority of the planetary crust and ocean oors except
silicate rock. Cardassia Prime could probably do
well exporting glassware and electronic circuits, but
their technology moved beyond both some time
ago. Without access to Federation-style mass-replicator technology, Cardassia has to import everything it consumes. This, of course, has been the
driving force behind the Unions expansion.
Unlike Earth, Cardassias surface is predominantly land, and while continents exist, they
are linked by solid land bridges. Thus, the ancient
Cardassians tended not to think in quite the same
terms when naming their regions. Their continents tend to be dened by regions easily accessible by sea, rather than land. This is most obvious
in Patka, which is composed of sections of what
those from other worlds would consider two different continents, and in the relationship between
Sotara and Okaba, separated by a massive mountain range rather than a sea.
Each of the actual landmasses is dominated
by a central highland area, mountainous but worn
down by eons of heavy rainfall. The highest peaks
reach around 9500 m, but the majority of the highland
terrain lies between 2000 and 4000 m. These regions
are the most barren on the planet. You could travel
for days without seeing a single piece of vegetation,
except for patches of lichen-like life forms eking nutrition from the remains of old industrial waste dumps (if
Cardassia proves one thing, it is that life will try anything to survive). Temperatures are noticeably cooler
here, mostly as a result of the lower atmospheric pressure, although the air is still very humid. Precipitation
is lower than average, but thunderstorms and ash
oods are common. The military operates many of
its training camps in these regions, and other schools
and academies use the areas for hardship training,
a common theme in Cardassian education. The largest area of highland is the Heshkar Range, stretching
from pole to pole, separating Sotara from Okaba.
For many centuries, preventing cultural exchange and
trade between the proto-Neldan cultures and the
First Hebitian League. Its terrain is dominated by the
immense mountain ridge that runs the entire length
of the continent, never dipping below 3000 m, and


regularly exceeding 7000 m. In fact, the highest peak

on the planet, Mt Sherur at 9712 m, lies in the southern portion of this ridge.
Nearer to the coasts, where rainfall is
more predictable, temperatures are higher and
the atmosphere is denser. Vegetation begins to
appear, but consists of what on earth would be
called scrub, tough, short bushes, with root systems that extend a vast distance underground to
locate usable nutrients. The only lush vegetation
occurs in the more afuent areas of the huge cities
sprawling along the coastlines, carefully cultivated
to provide a little scenic variation for the elite.

High Guard
Cardassia Prime boasts one moon, Endera,
around half the size of Luna, which orbits its primary
in about 26 local days. Like most such satellites, it
is an airless ball of rock, and is largely ignored by
the population of the world below. It is not even big
enough to provide much nighttime illumination when
it is full, and is only infrequently seen as a thin slice
of silver through rare nocturnal gaps in the clouds. It
does carry vast amount of folklore, built up over millennia of speculation about this rare visitor from the
sky. The modern name, Endera, derives from one of
the ancient goddesses of the Yhorandi city-states of
central Venarhond. In the days of the First Hebitian
Period, Enderas was the hidden guardian of the hard
working, and only rarely showed her face to those
she protected. For a long time, it was said that to
see her face when working late in the elds at night
was to have gained her special favor. There are a few
military and scientic bases on Endera, but no effort
has been made to establish any kind of permanent
colonies on the satellite.
Like most homeworlds, Cardassia Prime is
orbited by a plethora of articial structures, although
unlike those in orbit about Earth or Betazed, all
are fully active - the Cardassian resource shortage
means that nothing would be abandoned just
because it stopped working. Nearly all such structures are military in nature: staging posts for shipping troops off-planet; ship construction facilities,
although most of these are in orbit around Cardassia V; and of course, orbital defense platforms,
of a dozen different varieties. Pre-war dissidentinspired rumor has it that half of the orbital weaponry is pointed at various population centers to
quell potential rebellions (that theory seems to be
proved after the Jemhadar attened several cities
during reprisals for Damars rebellion). Some civilian scientic and trade facilities exist, but are heavily monitored by both the Military Orders own intelligence units and the Obsidian Order, to ensure
nothing happens that does not benet the Union.

The centrer of modern Cardassian civilization lies in
the region of Okaba. Cardassia City, the vast governmental complex built upon the orders of the Detapa Council,
immediately following its incorporation, stretches for nearly
fty kilometers around the Bay of Selay on the west coast
of this sea. The site was picked for several reasons, but
primarily because it was no-mans land between several of
the most powerful of the warring city-states.
Cardassia City houses nearly half-a-billion citizens, all
of whom either work in or support the various governmental
institutions. The Detapa Council has its main meeting buildings and ofces sited around the Imperial Plaza, a vast semicircular paved area on a cliff overlooking the City of Heroes,
a park dedicated to those who have fallen in the service of
Cardassia. The Central Command maintains its primary council liaison ofces nearby, but keeps its main facilities in the
northern quadrant of the city, away from the civilians. The
vast bureaucracy of the Civil Service is based in a large complex of buildings to the south, where the civil servants do their
best to avoid the notice of both the Central Command and the
Council. Popular consensus has it that the Obsidian Orders
headquarters are in Cardassia City where they can keep an
eye on the Council, but opinion differs as to whether they are
based in the Central Commands complex, the Council buildings themselves, or somewhere in the warrens of the Civil
Service. In times of peace, foreign embassies are scattered
between the Imperial Plaza and the Central Command buildings, otherwise, the buildings are used to house extra command centers for the war effort.
The buildings of the city are prime examples of the
preferred Cardassian architectural style, found in large communities across the planet and the Union. The majority of
buildings are low, sprawling complexes of wings and galleries, built around carefully cultivated gardens, often lled
with exotic plants from across the Union. The decorative
half-arches and spire-like towers favored by the Cardassian
aesthetic dot the skyline at almost regular intervals, generally interspersed with the huge oval public feed screens used
by the Detapa Council and the Obsidian Order to keep the
public informed of current events.
The majority of the populace live in sprawling apartment complexes around the edges of the central administrative districts, with maglev-powered public transport vehicles
ferrying them into their ofces and workplaces every day.
Surprisingly, to an outsiders somewhat prejudiced view of
Cardassian society, the apartments are quite private locations, with walls and enclosed gardens available to all but the
lower castes. Despite constant Obsidian Order surveillance,
privacy from the neighbors prying eyes is highly valued.
Even the lower castes have access to individual apartments
within low accommodation blocks.
While the terrain in which Cardassia City rests is as
desolate and polluted as the rest of the planet, the city has
a generally lighter, airier feel about it, enhanced by the presence of so many gardens, and the lofty architecture. The feel-

ing of quiet industrious fervor that characterizes the Cardassian people is denitely present, however, and outsiders feel
the almost oppressive presence of the government and the
military everywhere they go, with frequent news and propaganda bulletins booming out across the city at regular intervals. It is also possible to sense a quietly desperate paranoia
in the faces of the people - the Obsidian Order keeps a closer
eye on the capital city than anywhere else in the Union.
Okaba is traditionally the home of the First Hebitian
civilization, and the ruins of Korlarem, the foremost city-state
of the League, still dominate the southern coast. The surviving structures, mostly single towers and free-standing walls,
already show signs of the styles that would be rened over
the next twelve millennia, and the remains of what is believed
to have been the largest-ever free-standing arch are a popular tourist attraction for visiting dignitaries. Two solidly constructed pillars (each over 40 m in diameter) rise gracefully
out of the rocks at opposite ends of the city (about a kilometer apart) and rise in curves towards each other to a height of
around 50 m. Tracing the outline of the curve would indicate
the entire structure would have stood over 400 m high, and,
given the lack of evidence of any kind of cement, there is
much debate over how a pre-industrial civilization could have
erected such a structure. And indeed, why.
The region is in a much worse state than it should
be, as it was the centre of the urry of archaeological digs
following the Councils rst encounters with other star-faring
civilizations, in which many archaeological treasures were sold
off. Little remains of any artistic value, but in the drier regions
it is still possible to descend from the higher plains into a
hidden gorge and be amazed by the striking architectural skills
of one of the older civilizations of the known galaxy.

While a bit cooler, Venarhond resembles its northern neighbor in climate and character. As the location of
many of the city-states that were the rst to join the Hebitian League, it has always been heavily populated, and, in
recent millennia, heavily polluted.
Venarhond is one of the dirtiest regions of Cardassia. The central sea of Venarhond itself, once home to a
thriving ecosystem is covered in an inches deep slick of
unusable waste material, and a thick miasma of smog overhangs the entire affair. While most such activity has been
moved offworld, a large proportion of the worlds heavy
industry still resides here, factories and reneries mounted
on rigs out in the sea, or in fenced-off sites along the
shores. There is little effort to control the waste output of
these industries, and so they continue to belch smoke into
the skies and efuent into the sea.
Some of Cardassia Primes oldest continuously-inhabited cities reside along the shores of Venarhond. These are
vast, bustling affairs, sprawling across hundreds of square
kilometers. Where one city ends, there will be a clear area of
maybe forty or fty kilometers before the next begins. A vast
monorail-based, rapid transit system links the communities
to each other and to the capital in Okaba.


The Garethian Volcanoes

South of Patka lies the mountainous region of
Garethia, one of the most volcanically active areas on
the planet. There are over a hundred active volcanoes
in the three mountain ranges bounding the central plateau, and it is rare for there to be a night on which the
horizon is not lit by the ruddy glow from one eruption or
another. Earthquakes are also common, and those few
Cardassians who live here, generally mineral prospectors
hoping for a lucky strike, have learned to build sturdy
structures which will survive most shocks, and can be
easily repaired in the event of the one they cant.
Several of the volcanoes erupt on a remarkable
predictable cycle, and often with spectacular pyrotechnical displays. Many Cardassians come here to view the
majesty of these eruptions from a safe distance, and
Cardassian poets have long sung of the dedication of the
re gods of old to their duties. Even when confronted
with some of the more spectacular volcanic displays of
other worlds, Cardassians will always remark that their
world has the most beautiful volcanoes of all.
There is little in the way of ruins of older settlements,
as limited amounts of building materials and usable land
ensured that older buildings have been stripped of usable
resources, demolished and rebuilt in a continuous cycle that
has persisted for thousands of years. In spite of this, there
are still some older buildings in regular use, although they
have been heavily modied to suit their current duties.
In recent decades there has been a movement within
the Detapa Council, backed by some of the more patriotic
elements of the Central Command, to start cleaning up the
region. The reasoning went that now that the Union has
other worlds it can transfer its heavy industry to, there was
no need to continue hurting the homeworld, and the longdelayed clean-up of Cardassia Prime could begin. The massive economic outlay required for the Dominion War delayed
the idea indenitely, and the brutal bombardment inicted
during the Jem-Hadar retreat ensured that nothing will be
done for a long time yet. Federation specialists have offered
their experience and technology to help out, but Cardassian
pride is a difcult thing to overcome.

Patka is one of the more spectacular regions of Cardassia Prime. Situated along the only link between the northern and southern oceans of the world, it gets the most vigorous weather activity on the planet. 150 kph storms whip
through the straits on an almost daily basis, and the resulting erosion has carved a series of spectacular natural sculp-


tures along the shores of both mainlands and the islands

scattered between them.
This region originally served as the main frontier for
the wars at the close of the First Hebitian Period. Unable
to send armies across the Heshkar Ridge in any signicant
numbers, the two sides concentrated on landing troops
across these straits instead. Fortress cities were built into
cliff faces along the entire length of both coasts, and those
that have not been blasted into glassy radioactive craters are
still occupied by lower caste Cardassian civilians.
The natural wind sculptures along the less-war torn
coasts are points of great pride for most Cardassians, and
are almost certainly the inspiration for the dominant feature of Cardassian decorative architecture. Rivalling the
great pinnacles of Vulcan in size, the majority of the sculptures are lofty curved spires, pointing into the prevailing
winds, their original bases carved out by repeated attacks
of storm-driven tidal waters.

Hannarad is the home of the minority karadan peoples, whose lengthy trading expeditions were instrumental
in forging the rst alliances between city-states, which ultimately led to the founding of the Hebitian League. The

The Hebitian Tombs

Between Hannarad and Okaba lie a series of
deep, water-cut gorges. Carved into the rocky walls of
these gorges at irregular intervals are obviously articial
openings, generally oval in section, and opening into
elaborate mazes of tunnels and chambers. No two are
alike, and many are carved in their entirety with ancient
pictograms and runes. The mazes closest to the lowlands are obviously the oldest, and are relatively simple,
but later examples are incredibly complex, twisting back
on themselves on many levels like a spelunkers nightmare. At intervals are doors in the walls, all long-broken
down to reveal small chambers, which once held the
body of a noble, and his most important regalia.
These are the tombs of the rulers of the First
Hebitian Civilization, and were carved, one maze per
generation, over a period of three thousand years. The
tombs were all located and looted centuries ago, but
rumors persist of there being one or two lost rulers,
whose tombs have yet to be found. Low caste treasure
seekers are continually rooting through the gorges, but
the Central Command gave up on the possibility of any
more treasures to sell a long time ago. They do, however, maintain a garrison near the entrance to the area
to conscate any discoveries for the good of the State.

region is dominated by the coastlines of the northern ocean,

and backing onto the Heshkar Ridge, it forced the people
to look to the sea for both living and trade. In past times,
sea-going Karadans roamed as far as Sotara in their pursuit
of protable trade, and of the vast whale-like khennara that
were once common across the northern ocean.
In many respects, this region probably resembles
the Cardassia of several millennia ago more so than any
other. Older-style communities still nestle in the valleys of
the dry rivers that once drained the highlands, with centuries old caves carved into the relatively unyielding bedrock.
Harbors are still common in the coastal villages, although
they rarely harbor any productive shing vessels. Several
ports are big enough to service the massive factory ships
that tend the plankton and seaweed farms, still able to grow
in the relatively clean waters of the Hannarad Bay.
The people of Hannarad are known for their erce
independence, tenacity and self-reliance, but as is the case with
most Cardassians, this has manifested as quick thinking and
a desire to improve their lot, rather than rebellion against the
system. Indeed, Hannarad has produced some of the more successful and dedicated members of the Central Command.

Sotara is the home of the neldan peoples, and was
the heart of their empire for several millennia during the
First Hebitian Period. Separated from their future rivals by
the Heshkar Ridge, they were able to develop their own distinct culture for two thousand years before their expanding
sphere of inuence clashed with that of the Hebitians. It was
the Sotaran nations that assaulted the Hebitian League, in
a series of wars that ultimately resulted in the sacking of
Korlarem, and the collapse of the First Hebitian civilization.
Sotaran leaders were ultimately instrumental in reuniting
Cardassia at the beginning of the Second Hebitian Period.
In many ways, Sotara rivals Okaba for the position
of foremost region on Cardassia Prime. It features the same
huge cities, and the same ancient archaeological sites, which
are just as heavily picked over. Its population is also comparable, but is slightly more oriented towards academic pursuits than that of Okaba. The planets largest civilian research
center is located at Ehuch in the eastern part of this region.
Sotara is also notable for being less polluted than
Okaba. While there is still little in the way of naturally growing vegetation, there are no examples of the huge areas of
blasted terrain so common near Cardassia City.

The isolated region of Kolari has always been known
for its peaceful qualities. The land is bleak, the mountains high,
and the journey long and arduous, all qualities which led to it

becoming a hermits paradise. Its little wonder that nearly every

one of Cardassias religious philosophies was born here.
Even at an early stage in the worlds history, it
had little to offer resource-wise, and was largely ignored
in favour of less remote, more easily farmed regions. For
millennia, the only inhabitants were scattered tribes of
migrant hunters. Towards the end of the First Hebitian
Period, a small number of refugees moved here to escape
the slaughter of the Sotaran onslaught on the Hebitian
League. During the more peaceful interludes in their struggles to survive in the barren landscape, the colonists
evolved radical religious beliefs, which were then carried
forth repeatedly into the collapsing Hebitian civilisations by
enthusiastic proselytes, each convinced they held the key
to peace. In turn, each disappeared under the onslaught of
established churches and dictatorial city rulers.
Eventually, some priests from the established religions migrated to the area to try and understand the
people. One such priest was Heket, and his experiences
here ultimately led to his own revelations, which in turn
reformed the Cardassian civilization.
These days, still sparsely-populated, Kolari is the
location of a number of holiday homes belonging to elite government ofcials. It may seem a strange location for vacations, but the region offers respite from the bustle and duties
of the cities, while offering opportunities to test an ofcers
mettle against the wildest region remaining on Cardassian.

Elekanda & Rekonda

These two regions are the least-populated areas on
Cardassia Prime. Consisting of two long, desolate coasts
connecting Sotara to Patka, and separated by vast, relatively low altitude plains, they were once the centres of the
Sotaran agricultural industry. Although largely wrecked by
the wars marking the end of the First Hebitian Period, the
farms were re-opened during the Second Hebitian Period,
and were heavily worked for most of the lifetime of that civilization. Towards the end of the Second Hebitian civilization,
more and more intensive farming methods were tried here
to feed the growing populace, but all that happened was
that the land became more and more barren, as the winds
blew the loose topsoil off into the sea. About two thousand
years ago, the entire region became about as useful as a
desert, and was rapidly abandoned.
A brief revival occurred once the Cardassians discovered how to get at the mineral riches under the sea,
and needed ports to work from, but once those too were
exhausted, the area was abandoned again.
Today, the entirety of both regions resembles
strangely bare moorland. Patches of scrub grow in places, but
its mostly bare rock. Here and there lie the skeletons of the
towns and villages of the old farming communities, standing
forlornly against the howling winds. Nothing of value remains
in any of the ruins, as they were looted centuries ago.


Animal Life on Cardassia Prime

Cardassia once had a thriving and diverse
biosphere, but as has already been shown, extensive over-farming, resource stripping and pollution
have led to many areas becoming uninhabitable
for most forms of life.
The dominant class of life form in all environments is the warm-blooded reptilian analogue exemplied by the Cardassians themselves. Once as varied
as mammals on Earth, there are now less than vedozen known species, few of which survive outside
of captivity. They range in size from a few inches
(such as the telek, roughly analogous to the terrestrial rat) to several meters (one of the most popular Cardassian food animals is the harrakka, a creature resembling a cross between an African elephant
and a water buffalo), and are capable of both daytime and nighttime activity. Many are omnivorous,
although most are not fully adapted to this lifestyle,
and records show that this is a trait that has evolved
in the last millennium, probably as a result of shortages of various foods.
Variations on the form exist both in water
and in air, although lower forms of life do still exist
in many regions. Fish and amphibian analogues are
relatively common in both seas and lakes, having
survived the pollution simply due to their simplicity,
but that same pollution has made them almost inedible for the Cardassian digestive system. Aerial life
on Cardassia is limited to a few glider variations of
the standard Cardassian life form, which to human
eyes resembles a furry pteranodon. True birds never
evolved on Cardassia.
Several alien species thrive in Cardassias climate, becoming pests in many cases. They originate
from a number of different worlds, perhaps surprisingly including Earth. The common rat has taken to the
tunnels under most Cardassian cities as if it evolved
there, and the estimated world population is estimated
to be several billion. The species has resisted several
attempts to eliminate it by biological and chemical
means, and following the near depopulation of one
small town in Patka twenty years ago when a biological agent jumped species, further experiments have
been banned by the Detapa Council.
The best-known alien pest is the Cardassian
vole, known locally as the schelikk. Although very
common on every Cardassian world, these six-legged
creatures actually originated on a small client world
of the Union near the Klingon border. It loves the
chemicals used in military cable insulation, and infestations have crippled warships and nor stations at
inconvenient moments in the past.



Class: M
Gravity: 0.98 g
Year and Day: 621.16/32
Atmosphere: Nitrogen/oxygen at Earth-normal pressure,
and Earth-normal proportions.
Hydrosphere: 69% of the surface is covered by the 3
large oceans.
Climate: Kaldok is a little cooler than Earth, and most humans
would nd it a pleasant planet to visit. Cardassians nd the
world to be a little on the cool side, especially away from the
equatorial continents. The atmosphere is quite turbulent, and
heavy storms frequently sweep across the oceans and plains.
Sapient Species: Cardassians (0.7 million) - any native
species heading for intelligence were wiped out when the
biogenic virus was unleashed (although rumours persist to
the contrary - see page 100: the Natives).
Tech Level: Six.
Government: Administered by an ofcer of the Ministry of
Agriculture in Cardassia City.
Culture: The majority of inhabitants are political dissidents
and convicted minor criminals sullenly working out their sentences in gulags and other prison camps. Several military
garrisons from the First Order ensure the peace. The majority of farmwork and shing is done by robots maintained by
the prisoners.
Afliation: Cardassian Union.
Resources: The oceans contain a number of useful trace
minerals which are slowly but methodically being strip-mined
by submarine factories, but the planets main use is as
the Cardassia Systems breadbasket. Food crops (genetically
enhanced to survive the harsh climate) are grown in the vast
elds which cover the continents (the planets name comes
from the amber glow cast across the Cardassian night sky
when the planet is full), while factory ships farm the vast
elds of protein-producing algae, seaweed and crustaceans
on the surfaces of the oceans. All this food is shipped back
to Cardassia Prime to feed the lower castes of the society.
Places of Note: The worlds largest community is Ikarraport, named for the leader of the rst Cardassian mission to
land on the surface. Once the center of offworld shipping,

Cardassia System
System Name: Cardassia
Afliation: Home system of the Cardassian Union; allied with the Dominion during the Dominion War.
System Type: The star Cardassia is a type G2 V (yellow dwarf) star.
Inhabited Planets: Cardassia Prime, the third planet is the homeworld of the Cardassians. The only other habitable planets in the system are
Cardassia IV and Va, but they are only sparsely populated.
Other Planets: The system has a total of eight planets, including Cardassia Prime. The two inner planets are both Class F. Cardassia V, VI and VII
are Class J gas giants; the outermost planet, Cardassia VIII is Class G.
Other Stellar Objects: There is an average-sized cometary cloud beyond Cardassia VIII.
Articial Objects: The Cardassia system is lled with numerous space-based construction facilities, factories, and the like, though several of the
largest and most important installations were destroyed or damaged by the Federation and its allies during the Dominion War.
SIS: Home system of the Cardassian people.

System Layout

Cardassia Prime


0.21 au
0.59 au
0.96 au
1.42 au
2.48 au
0.002 au
7.6 au
15 au
38 au


5,000 km
13,100 km
18,700 km
13,100 km
104,000 km
12,000 km
120,000 km
104,000 km
9,900 km






0.35 G
1.01 G
1.2 G
0.98 G

19 h
18 h
26 h
32 h

1.0 G

22 h

0.29 G

45 h

No of Moons





Planetary Size is not to scale with orbit.


it is now the administrative center, with the largest population of free citizens on the planet. It sits in the middle of the
continent of Odacnara, on the shores of a large lake. The
architecture is more reminiscent of a military outpost than a
city, consisting of solidly-built low buildings rather like blockhouses, none more than two stories high. This has become
necessary as local storms regularly feature winds over one
hundred miles per hour. Much of Ikarraports citizenry is
employed trying to predict the passage of these storms.
The majority of the worlds population, whether prisoner or guard, live in the scattered gulag camps. Outworlders
would be surprised to see that there are no fences or walls
around these camps, or even any surveillance equipment.
The Cardassian psychology, shaped to serve the people from
childhood, ensures that the vast majority of prisoners will
never even try to escape or perform any form of sabotage
(few dissidents wish to harm their homeworld). In addition,
the cold climate punishes any Cardassian that does try to
escape, and the guards relish the opportunity to relieve the
monotony of their duties with a drawn-out manhunt. The
average camp consists of a half-dozen low bunkhouses, halfburied against the storms, and arranged in a rough circle,
around a domed central hall and administration building.
Vehicles and equipment housed in underground garages and
workshops are used to reach and repair damaged automated
farm machinery. Seaborne facilities are basically more compact oating versions of the same concept. These are usually domed so that they can ride out rough seas, but oat
free, maintaining their position by mechanical means.
Ship Facilities: The world possesses a number of huge
starports out of all proportion to its population. Food prod-

The Natives
The more ethically-inclined scientists continue
to debate whether any sapient species existed or
was about to evolve on Kaldok before the virus was
unleashed. The most advanced species recorded was
roughly equivalent in intelligence to the eshnar, roughly
analogous to a Terran monkey, but some believe more
intelligent organisms did exist.
Given that some species did survive the virus,
especially at the bottoms of the oceans, some experts
give credence to the occasional report of large intelligent sea creatures attacking seaborne bases at the
height of the storms. Of course, say the government,
these are merely myths and propaganda spread by dissidents.
Or are they?
ucts are loaded directly on to the transport vessels instead
of via energy-hungry transporters.
History: Kaldok was one of the rst worlds to be visited
by Cardassian explorers, shortly after they acquired interplanetary spaceight. Those rst visitors found the world
cold and somewhat dry, but habitable. A richly varied ecosystem ourished here, in virtually every possible environment. It was rapidly discovered that Kaldoks biochemistry
was incompatible with that of the Cardassians, and while
civilian scientists clamored for access to study it in its undisturbed state, the government, desperately looking for ways


1 Ikarraport









to feed an already overcrowded planet, opted for a more

direct use - an agricultural colony.
The initial colonization efforts were manpower-intensive - colonies of over a thousand workers a piece were
established at various points around the equator following
the arrival of huge convoys of freighters. They cleared areas
of jungle to farm on an industrial scale, but found the process to be inefcient, especially considering the tenacity of
the local ora, which could grow back again overnight.
About twenty years after the rst colonies were
established, Cardassian genetic biologists invented a virus
designed to wipe out all native lifeforms on the surface of
IV. When unleashed it was about 95% successful. The virus
took about ten years to do its job properly, turning the lush
jungles, grasslands and ocean beds into massive elds of
decaying organic matter. This massive resource of nutrients
allowed the newly-introduced Cardassian lifeforms (carefully
chosen, and if necessary, genetically enhanced to survive in
the climate) to gain a rapid foothold on the new world. This
was the rst use of a technology that would later lead to the
Cardassian militarys preference for the use of biogenic weaponry in the conquest of some alien worlds for the Union.
Within fty years, Kaldok had become the main food
source for the homeworld. Since few Cardassians would volunteer to live and work on such a cold planet, gulags for political and criminal convicts were established very early to operate the farms. More recently, as the farms have expanded,
more work has been done by robot machinery, and the prisoners have become responsible for maintenance.
Other Details: To human eyes, Kaldok is an ideal world,
the very epitome of Class M, but to Cardassians it somewhat
chilly. Its huge equatorial continents are, however, ideally
placed for growing the food Cardassia needs to feed the billions on Prime, and in addition, vast algae, sh and seaweed
farms cover the oceans.
It is, at rst glance, a relentlessly boring planet.
Everywhere you look, there are at plains, stretching away
to the horizon. That of course, assumes you are not on the
oceans, which contain little in the way of islands. Mountains
are rare, and when they do occur, tend to be low and smooth
- more ranges of oversized hills than true mountains. As a
world with no moon, Kaldok has little tectonic activity. About
the only excitement the world can offer comes in the form
of the great storms that sweep across ocean and plain alike
with almost clockwork regularity and alarming ferocity. The
damage caused by these storms has gotten worse since the
Cardassians removed the great forests that protected the
inner areas of the continents.


Class: M
Gravity: 1 g
Year and Day: 168.47/22 (Jehaldar takes 1433.67 d to orbit the
Atmosphere: Nitrogen/oxygen at 1.1 Earth-normal pressure.
The oxygen content is quite high at around 23%, and combined with the cold gives a biting sensation when breathed.
Hydrosphere: 55% surface water, mostly in two small seas,
numerous lakes, bogs and fens. In addition, one third of the
surface is occupied by the polar ice caps and consists of glaciers, tundra or snow elds.
Climate: Jehaldarok is cold and bleak. Biting winds howl
across empty moorland and glaciers, driving freezing rains
before them. The grey skies rarely clear and when they do,
the light is wan and grey, from a distant sun. In the equatorial regions, the land is soft and boggy, and of no agricultural
value whatsoever. The polar regions are frozen over.
Sapient Species: Cardassians (approximately 3 million).
Tech Level: Six.
Government: The Cardassian Military rules Jehaldarok
with an iron st.
Culture: Jehaldarok is home to a number of military
bases, and as such, the dominant society is somewhat
basic and aggressive.
Afliation: Cardassian Union.
Resources: While there are some rare minerals in the mountain ranges, and a rich supply of hydrocarbons resulting from
the extensive moorlands, this worlds prime use to the Union
is its location. Being both remote and within easy reach of
the rich ring system of Jehaldar, it has proved an ideal location for an offworld military headquarters.
Places of Note: The Cardassian population here is surprisingly large - the military has adopted the moon as a training
and weapons development and proving ground. The planet
is dotted with military training bases, dedicated to producing soldiers who can endure and survive some of the more
extreme environments they might encounter. Most conscripts
will attend a three-month course here at some point in their
training, culminating in a ve-day wilderness survival test.
In addition, some of the more remote areas are used


for ground weapons testing and research, with aerial and

orbital ring ranges and so forth.
The Obsidian Order is rumored to possess a top-secret
facility in the northern Molakar Mountains, presumably disguised and hidden within the rock. There is much speculation
as to what the Order may be doing here, ranging from drugs
research to surveillance analysis to interrogation of high importance prisoners, but nobody will admit to knowing for sure.
Ship Facilities: The largest ship construction facility in Cardassian space oats in orbit around Jehaldarok. Capable of
constructing over a dozen Galor-class vessels at a time, Sulenn
Tok is a network of free-oating stations, construction rigs and
habitats, a hundred thousand miles across. A huge network of
automated defense satellites arrayed throughout Cardassia Vs
inner orbits controls access by non-Cardassian or civilian vessels. Construction materials are supplied by three Nor stations
(Attok, Gamok and Kamok) operating within the ring system,
mining and processing ore of many useful varieties. Numerous massive landing strips dot the surface of the moon itself,
wherever a base needs access for re-supply or troop transfer.
History: Jehaldarok was rst visited about thirty years
after Jehaldar . This delay was due to its presence simply
being missed by previous surveys, especially as the focus
was to resolve Cardassias food problem, and scientists
were convinced no habitable worlds could exist this far out

from the sun. Even after its existence was conrmed, and
surveys carried out, the government saw little immediate
use for the moon. Mineral resources were trace only, and
while the climate was certainly damp enough, the temperature ensured little Cardassian life could survive here.
Once its true value was realized however, and in
spite of the freezing temperatures, the Military rapidly took
control to establish a base for ship-construction using Jehaldars extensive ring system as raw materials. Further bases
were established and used to train Cardassias Orders in
endurance, survival and battle drills. Va has remained a
closed world ever since.
Other Details: Jehaldar is a huge gas giant well outside the
habitable orbits of Cardassias sun. It is, however, massive
enough to give off a fair amount of heat itself, and that heat has
ensured that one of its moons is at least barely habitable.
Va is the third of the Class M worlds in the Cardassia
system, and is very close to the Cardassian idea of hell. The
polar ice caps cover fully 67% of the moons surface, leaving
the equatorial regions covered in frigid windswept moorland,
pockmarked with shallow freezing lakes and bogs. The polar
temperatures are low enough that Andorians would have difculty there. Five massive mountain ranges dominate the
landscape, towering over the moors. The air is thin and has
a strong bitter smell.










hese starships were created using the additional rules for

Cardassian ships found in The Ship Recognition Manual, Volume
2: The Ships of the Cardassian Union, by Steve Long. The differences are only minor and make no difference when using other
Spacedock rules, particularly combat.



Class and Type: Bok Vala-class Shuttle
Commissioning date: 2352

Size: 2
Length: 19.5 m
Beam: 8.9 m
Height: 5.1m
Decks: 1
Mass: 11.2 tons
SUs Available: 525
SUs Used: 464

Warp Drive
Nacelles: Type 2 (embedded)


Outer Hull: 5
Inner Hull: 5


Specialized Hull:
Atmospheric Capability
Planetfall Capability

These ships have already been given statistics for standard

combat in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine RPG rulebook
and the Galor-class is also in the Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG. The Spacedock statistics for the Galor-class
can be found in the Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 1
and all three will be in the aforementioned second volume,
along with a host of other Cardassian ships.


Outer: 10
Inner: 10

Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 2 (Protection 50/80)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 1 (Protection 20)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 1 (Protection 20)
[1 power/10 protection/round]

Where are the Galor, Keldon and Hidekiclass ships?



Speed: 2.0/3.0/6.0 [1 power/.2 warp speed]

Uprating: +0.1 to standard, sustained & maximum
PIS: Type D (7hrs of maximum warp)

Impulse Engine
Type: Class 3A (.5c/.75c) [5/7 power/round]
Location: aft


Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use] 2

Warp Engine
Type: Class 2B (generates 130 power/round)
Location: below deck
Impulse Engine[s]: 1 class 3A (generates 28 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: None
Emergency Power: Type A (generates 25 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +25/round


Standard Usable Power: 158

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 3/20/0


Crew Quarters: None

Bridge: Front (Cockpit)


Core 1: starboard [5 power/round]


Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [3 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [2 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (no emergency shelters)
Gravity [1 power/round]
Consumables: 1 month
Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [2 power/round]
Industrial Replicators: None
Medical Facilities: 1 (+0) [1 power/round]
Recreation Facilities: None
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes

Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]

Cargo Holds: 100cubic meters
Escape Pods: None


Navigational Deector [5 power/round]

Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward ventral

Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 2 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.5/3.6-5)
Low Resolution: 12 light-years (1/1.1-3.0/3.1-8.0/8.1-12)
Strength Package: Class 4 (Strength 4)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)
Coverage: Standard
Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]



Strength Package: Class 5 (strength 5)

Gain Package: Alpha (+1)
Coverage: Standard
Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round]
Strength Package: Class 2 (Strength 2)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)

Aft Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Carkhet
Damage: 160 [16 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: aft ventral
Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Microtorpedo Launcher
Standard Load: Microtorpedo (Damage 50)
Spread: 5
Range: 1/100/500/2000
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Power: [1]
Location: under belly
Firing Arc: Forward

Microtorpedo Storage: 100

TA/T/TS: Class Beta [1 power/round]

Strength: 8
Bonus: +1

Probes: None
Sensor Skill: 2
Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 2
Co-ordination: 2 [1 power/round when in use]
Navigation Computer
Main: Class 1
Backups: 1
Inertial Damping Field
Strength: 6 [3 power/round]
Number: 1
Strength: 4 [3 power/round]
Number: 1
Attitude Control [1 power/round]
Communications Systems
Type: Class 4 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 4
Security: -3 (Uprating: Gamma)
Emergency Communications: Yes
Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Beta
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: aft ventral

Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10

Location: forward ventral
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse




Weapons Skill: 3
Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
Shield Generator: Class 2 (Protection 210+100)
[21 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type B (33% increase to 280 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Alpha (Threshold 70+10)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield

Type: Personnel [4 power/use]
Pads: 4
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 4 (30,000km range)
Energising/transition coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location: Aft

Auto-Destruct System: Yes

Cloaking Device: None

and to provide air cover. They can carry 20 men along with all their
equipment. The shuttle is well armed for a ship of its size and more
than capable of matching a Danube-class runabout in combat.

Security Systems
Rating: 0
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]


Science Systems:
Rating: 0
Specialized systems: None
Laboratories: None


Shuttlebays: None
Captains Yacht: No
Fleet data: These shuttlecraft are use as both transport for troops

Class and Type: Chintalka-class Destroyer
Commissioning date: 2315

Forward Spiral Wave Disruptor Array
Class: Carkhet
Damage: 160 [16 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round


Size: 5
Length: 202.5 m
Beam: 98.1 m


Height: 25.6m
Decks: 6
Mass: 2,958,000 tons
SUs Available: 1300
SUs Used: 1183

Type: Class 3 (.5c/.7c) [5/7 power/round]

Location: rear of command section
Impulse Engine
Type: Class 3 (.5c/.7c) [5/7 power/round]
Location: engineering section

Outer: 25
Inner: 25


Outer Hull: 8
Inner Hull: 8


Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 4 (Protection 70/110)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 4 (Protection 35)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 4 (Protection 35)
[1 power/10 protection/round]


Crew/Passengers/Evac: 100/20/500

Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [8 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [4 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (30 emergency shelters)
Gravity [3 power/round]
Consumables: 2 years
Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [5 power/round]
Industrial Replicators
Type: Network of small replicators [2 power/round]
Type: 2 Large units [2 power/replicator/round]
Medical Facilities: 3 (+1) [3 power/round]
Recreation Facilities: 5 [10 power/round]
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes, Turbolifts [2 power/round]
Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]
Cargo Holds: 100,000 cubic meters
Escape Pods: 3
Number: 40
Capacity: 6 persons per pod



Warp Drive

Impulse Engine


Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use] 5

Warp Engine
Type: Class 5H (generates 270 power/round)
Location: engineering section
Impulse Engine[s]: 2 class 3 (generate 48 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: 4 reactors (generate 5 power/reactor/round)
Emergency Power: Type A (generates 25 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +20/round



Standard Usable Power: 418

Bridge: Dorsal amidships


Core 1: starboard [5 power/round]
Core 2: port [5 power/round]


Navigational Deector [5 power/round]

Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward ventral


Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 2 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.5/3.6-5)
Low Resolution: 12 light-years (1/1.1-3.0/3.1-8.0/8.1-12)
Strength Package: Class 2 (Strength 2)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)
Coverage: Standard
Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]
Strength Package: Class 2 (strength 2)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)
Coverage: Standard

Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 2 (Strength 2)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)

Probes: 20 probes of various types

Sensor Skill: 3

Nacelles: Type 5A2 (embedded)
Speed: 4.9/6.9/8.1 [1 power/.2 warp speed]
PIS: Type C (6hrs of maximum warp)



Crew Quarters
Spartan: 48
Basic: 48
Expanded: 20
Luxury: 4
Unusual: None



Flight Control Systems

Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 2
Co-ordination: 2 [1 power/round when in use]
Navigation Computer
Main: Class 1
Backups: 1


Inertial Damping Field

Strength: 8 [3 power/round]
Number: 3
Strength: 5 [3 power/round]
Number: 2
Attitude Control [1 power/round]
Communications Systems
Type: Class 3 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 3
Security: -1
Emergency Communications: Yes
Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Gamma
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: aft ventral



Emitter: Class Beta

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward ventral

Emitter: Class Alpha

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: shuttlebay

Type: Personnel [4 power/use]
Pads: 6
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 4 (30,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class B (strength 2)
Number and location: 2 on Deck 2, 2 on Deck 5
Type: Emergency [4 power/use]
Pads: 10
Emitter/receiver array: emergency type 1 (5,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class A (strength 1)
Number and location: 1 aft of bridge, 1 in engineering
Type: Cargo [2 power/use]
Pads: 200kg
Emitter/receiver array: cargo type 2 (20,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class B (strength 2)
Number and Location: 2, deck 6


Cloaking Device: None

Security Systems
Rating: 3
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]
Science Systems:
Rating: 2 (+1) [2 power/round]
Specialized systems: None
Laboratories: 10


Forward Ventral Spiral Wave Disruptor Array
Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: forward ventral
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Forward Dorsal Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: forward dorsal
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Dorsal Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: dorsal
Firing Arc: 360 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Ventral Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: ventral
Firing Arc: 360 degrees ventral
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Starboard Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: starboard
Firing Arc: 360 degrees starboard
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Port Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: starboard
Firing Arc: 360 degrees port
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse



Aft Disruptor Wave Cannon (2)

Class: Rentaile
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: aft
Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


TA/T/TS: Class Beta [1 power/round]

Strength: 8
Bonus: +1

Weapons Skill: 4
Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
Shield Generator: Class 2 (Protection 300+100)
[30 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type A (25% increase to 550 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Gamma (Threshold
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield
Auto-Destruct System: Yes


Shuttlebays: Capacity for 4 size worth of ships
Standard Complement: 2 shuttles
Location: forward ventral

Captains Yacht: No
Fleet data: The Chintalka-class destroyer is an older vessel, now
ending its useful service history. It is the forerunner to the modern
Galor-class ships in many respects. These vessels were used as escorts,
explorers, border patrol craft, scouts and general utility craft.
They have moderate weaponry, although their shields and
warp speeds are limited. Smaller hull sizes and crews made them
quick and cheap to construct. The main section of the hull housed
all crew quarters and control sections, with impulse engines at
the rear. The trailing column supported the warp engines and fuel
tanks. A small cargo hold and shuttlebay were located at the front
of the craft, though only 2 small utility shuttles were carried.
By the 2360s, Chintalka class ships were being replaced by
Galor-class cruisers and those remaining were transferred to reserve
eets. After the initial battles of the Dominion War, many Chintalkaclass ships were restored to front-line units to replace battle losses.
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Chintalka,
prototype; StykRakan, part of the battle group that launched a
pre-emptive strike on Setlik III (2347); Chinych, defeated the
USS Stargazer but failed to destroy her (2351); Baladu, valiantly
defended Aschelan V against Klingon attackers (2371). Also in
service: Aravash, Terkganon.

Class and Type: Dreadnaught Class Self-Guided Tactical Missile
Commissioning date: 2370

Size: 3
Length: 32m
Beam: 8m
Height: 5m


Decks: 1
Mass: 38 tons
SUs Available: 820
SUs Used: 819
Outer: 15
Inner: 15


Outer Hull: 10
Inner Hull: 10


Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 1 (Protection 40/60)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: N/A


Crew/Passengers/Evac: 0/2/0
Crew Quarters
Spartan: None
Basic: None
Expanded: None
Luxury: None
Unusual: None
Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support N/A
Reserve Life Support [1 power/round]
Emergency Life Support N/A
Gravity [2 power/round]
Consumables N/A
Replicator Systems
Food Replicators: None
Industrial Replicators: None
Medical Facilities: None
Recreation Facilities: None
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes
Fire Suppression System: None
Cargo Holds: None
Escape Pods: None


Warp Drive
Nacelles: Type 4C
Speed: 4.0/8.0/9.0 [1 power/.2 warp speed]
PIS: Type J (48hrs of maximum warp)
Impulse Engine
Type: Class 6 (.75c/.9c) [7/9 power/round]
Location: aft


Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use] 3

Warp Engine
Type: Class 11 (generates 550 power/round)
Location: aft section
Impulse Engine[s]: 1 class 6 (generates 48 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: None
Emergency Power: None
EPS: standard power ow, +200 per round



Standard Usable Power: 598

Bridge: None
Core 1: Central [5 power/round]
Uprating: Class Beta +2 [2 power/round]
Navigational Deector [5 power/round]
Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: nose


Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 6 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.7/3.8-5)
Low Resolution: 16 light-years (1/1.1-5.0/5.1-12.0/12.1-16)
Strength Package: Class 5 (Strength 5)
Gain Package: Standard
Coverage: Standard
Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]
Strength Package: Class 5 (strength 5)
Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
Coverage: Standard


Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 5 (Strength 5)
Gain Package: Standard


Probes: None
Sensor Skill: see text
Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: see text
Navigation Computer
Main: Class 3 (+2) [2 power/round]
Backups: None

Inertial Damping Field

Main 6
Strength: 9 [3 power/round]
Number: 1
Backup: N/A

Communications Systems
Type: Class 1 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 1
Security: -0



Ventral Thoron Shock Emitter

Type 8
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Location: Central ventral
Firing Arc: 360 degrees ventral
Firing Modes: Standard


Plasma Wave Emitter Array

Damage: 200 at 1 MU range, drop-off of 50 per MU [200 power]
Number of Emitters: 1 shot per round
Location: Full hull coverage
Range: 1,200,000
Firing Arc: 720 degrees area effect
Forward Torpedo Launcher
Standard Load: Quantum Torpedoes Type I (400 damage)
Spread: 2
Range: 15/300,0000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Targeting System: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Power: [20+5/torpedo red]
Location: Nose
Firing Arc: Forward, but are self-guided


Torpedoes Carried: 10

TA/T/TS: Class Epsilon [6 power/round]

Strength: 11
Bonus: +3


Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
Shield Generator: Class 6 (Protection 1010)
[101 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type B (33% increase to 1330 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class eta (Threshold 330)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: None




Science Systems:

Dorsal Thoron Shock Emitter

Type 8
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Location: Central dorsal
Firing Arc: 360 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard

Auto-Destruct System: None

Tractor Beams

Security Systems
See text

Weapons Skill: See text

Attitude Control [1 power/round]

Hull Holoemitters: Class Beta [20 power/round of use]

Damage: 200,000
Location: Nose

Fleet data: The Dreadnaught is an experimental weapon. It carries a warhead with 1000 kg of anti-matter and a similar amount
of matter, giving it enough destructive force to destroy a small
moon. To enable the warhead to reach its target, the Dreadnaught
is equipped with advanced stealth and defensive capabilities, all
controlled by a self-aware computer.
To remain undetected the Dreadnaught makes random course
changes while it travels and emits a randomized EM eld to mask its
warp trail. Even if this trail can be picked up, it is likely to be a false


reading, as the Dreadnaught can project a holo-image of its self up to

10,000 km away. The Dreadnaughts standard speed is warp 4, but it
will increase its speed to warp 9 once it has been detected.
To detect the Dreadnaught in ight requires a Difcult
Shipboard Systems (Sensors) roll. To spot the denite article after
locating to holo-image requires a further Difcult test.
The Dreadnaughts defensive capabilities are impressive. It
is capable of scanning an attacking vessel to determine a weapons
frequency and adjusting its own shields to that frequency, doubling
the shields Threshold (or doubling the shields Protection when using
the standard rules). This requires a Challenging Shipboard Systems
(Sensors) test, but include the TA/T/TS bonus. It is also capable of
sending a feedback pulse through any tractor beam or energy beam
that is affecting it. To prevent boarding, the Dreadnaught initiates a
DNA scan of anyone beaming aboard and can shut down life-support
to neutralize intruders. It is capable of discharging lethal electrical
charges form its circuitry to prevent tampering.
If the Dreadnaught is attacked, it will respond with all necessary force. The computer possesses the most sophisticated tactical subroutines ever written and its weapons are among the most
advanced ever built by the Cardassian Union. The Thoron shock
emitter is its standard defensive weapon but its plasma wave emitter is particularly useful against large numbers of small targets. If
the Dreadnaught is forced to stop and ght it will use its quantum
torpedoes as a weapon of last resort.
While much of the Dreadnaughts construction involves
new and experimental techniques, the Cardassians used existing
technology where they could. This included old kinetic detonators
that have a tendency to malfunction (roll two dice when a Dreadnaught detonates, on a double one it will malfunction).
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Only twelve
Dreadnaught missiles were ever constructed. The rst missile was
launched against a Maquis base on Alpha 441 in the Badlands. The
missile failed to reach its target and was lost in the Badlands. The
Central Command deemed the missile to be an expensive failure
and further production was cancelled. The remaining stock of missiles was used in the opening weeks of the Dominion War to devastating effect against Federation starbases and ground forces.

Class and Type: Gorvall-class Orbital Troop Transport
Commissioning date: 2325

Outer Hull: 6
Inner Hull: 6
Structural Integrity Field
Main: Class 1 (Protection 40/60)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 1 (Protection 20)
[1 power/10 protection/round
Specialized Hull:
Atmospheric Capability
Planetfall Capability



Crew/Passengers/Evac: 6/30/120
Crew Quarters:
Spartan: 36
Basic: None
Expanded: None
Luxury: None
Unusual: None
Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [6 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [3 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (18 emergency shelters)
Gravity [2 power/round]
Consumables: 3 months
Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [3 power/round]
Industrial Replicators: None
Medical Facilities:
Main: 1 (+0) [1 power/round]
Recreation Facilities: 1 [2 power/round]
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes
Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]
Cargo Holds: 1,000 cubic meters
Escape Pods
Number: 10
Capacity: 4 persons per pod





Warp Drive: None

Size: 3
Length: 30.2 m
Beam: 52.7 m
Height: 10.9 m
Decks: 2
Mass: 5,400 tons
SUs Available: 750
SUs Used: 692

Impulse Engine
Type: Class 8 (.75c/.95c) [7/9 power/round]
Location: aft


Impulse Engine
Type: Class 8 (.75c/.95c) [7/9 power/round]
Location: engineering amidships


Impulse Engine
Type: Class 8 (.75/.95c) [7/9 power/round]
Location: engineering port





Impulse Engine

Type: Class 8 (.75/.95c) [7/9 power/round]

Location: engineering starboard
Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use]


Warp Engine: None
Impulse Engine[s]: 4 class 8 (generate 256 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: 1 reactor (generate 5 power/reactor/round) 3
Emergency Power: Type D (generates 40 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +50/round
Standard Usable Power: 256

Basic Uprating: Class Alpha (+1)

Emergency Communications: No
Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Beta
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: aft ventral

Type: Personnel [4 power/use]
Pads: 4
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 6 (40,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class E (strength 6)
Number and location: 1 on Deck 2


Cloaking Device: None

Bridge: Dorsal amidships 15

Security Systems
Rating: 2
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]

Core 1: [5 power/round]
Navigational Deector [5 power/round]
Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward ventral


Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 5 (strength 5)
Gain Package: Alpha (+1)
Coverage: Standard


Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 2 (Strength 2)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)

Probes: None
Sensor Skill: 3

Navigation Computer
Main: Class 1
Backups: 1
Inertial Damping Field
Main 12
Strength: 9 [3 power/round]
Number: 2
Strength: 6 [3 power/round]
Number: 2
Attitude Control [1 power/round] 1
Communications Systems
Type: Class 6 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 6
Security: -3 (class Gamma uprating)


Science Systems:
Rating: 0
Specialized systems: None
Laboratories: None


Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors: None

Flight Control Systems

Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 2
Co-ordination: 2 [1 power/round when in use]



Forward Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Garshep
Damage: 100 [10 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: front
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Dorsal Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Garshep
Damage: 100 [10 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: wings
Firing Arc: 360 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Ventral Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Garshep
Damage: 100 [10 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: below wings
Firing Arc: 360 degrees ventral
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Aft Disruptor Wave Cannon

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [22 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: aft
Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft



Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

Forward Launchers [2]
Standard Load: Plasma bombs (damage 100)
Spread: 4
Range: 1/100/500/2000
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Power: [1+1 per bomb]
Location: wings
Firing arc: forward, but are self-guided


TA/T/TS: Class Alpha

Strength: 7
Bonus: +0

Weapons Skill: 3
Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
19 x4
Shield Generator: Class 2 (Protection 360)
[36 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type A (25% increase to 450 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Gamma (Threshold 120)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield
Auto-Destruct System: Yes


Vehicle bay: capacity for one Kagar armored personnel carrier.
Captains Yacht: No
Fleet data: Fleet data: The Gorvall-class ships are troop transports, used to ferry ground troops from larger ships in orbit. Each
transport can carry up to 30 troops, their light artillery and an APC.
They are quite basic craft, with no warp drive or long-range sensors.
They operate well in planetary atmospheres and are designed to
land in rough terrain. They are relatively well armed and each craft
carries a number of self-guided plasma bombs, used to clear the
target area before landing. These are crude weapons by modern
standards but do their job effectively.
Star Fleet referred to these craft as Boomerangs during
the Federation-Cardassian conicts, due to their basic shape and
continuous trips to and from orbital ships. At least one is usually
carried onboard Galor-class ships & other larger warships
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Gorvall,
prototype; Shargat briey landed troops on Vulcan before being
destroyed (2375).

Class and Type: Mithras-class Escort Destroyer
Commissioning date: 2365

Size: 4
Length: 14.7.26 m
Beam: 65.95 m
Height: 22.4 m
Decks: 4
Mass: 12,454,000 tons
SUs Available: 1200
SUs Used: 1056


Outer: 20
Inner: 20


Outer Hull: 8
Inner Hull: 8


Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 3 (Protection 60/90)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 3 (Protection 30)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 3 (Protection 30)
[1 power/10 protection/round]


Crew/Passengers/Evac: 20/5/100
Crew Quarters
Spartan: 15
Basic: 5
Expanded: 4
Luxury: 1
Unusual: None


Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [5 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [6 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (24 emergency shelters)
Gravity [2 power/round]
Consumables: 1 year


Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [4 power/round]
Industrial Replicators
Type: Network of small replicators [2 power/round]


Medical Facilities:
Main: 3 (+1) [3 power/round]
Recreation Facilities: 3 [6 power/round]
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes, Turbolifts [2 power/round]
Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]
Cargo Holds: 5,000 cubic meters
Escape Pods
Number: 10
Capacity: 6 persons per pod


Warp Drive
Nacelles: Type 6C (embedded)
Speed: 6.0/8.9/9.1 [1 power/.2 warp speed]
Uprating (+0.1 to Standard)
PIS: Type H (11hrs of maximum warp)
Impulse Engine
Type: Class 5 (.7c/.9c) [7/9 power/round]
Acceleration Uprating: Class Beta (75% acceleration)
[2 power/round when used]
Location: aft


Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use]4

Warp Engine
Type: Class 5H (generates 290 power/round)


Location: engineering section

Impulse Engine[s]: 1 class 5 (generate 40 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: 4 reactors (generate 5 power/reactor/round) 12
Emergency Power: Type B (generates 30 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +200/round
Standard Usable Power: 330

Bridge: Dorsal amidships


Core 1: forward [5 power/round]
Core 2: engineering [5 power/round]


Navigational Deector [5 power/round]

Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward


Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 5 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.7/3.8-5)
Low Resolution: 15 light-years (1/1.1-5.0/5.1-12.0/12.1-15)
Strength Package: Class 5 (Strength 5)
Gain Package: Alpha (+1)
Coverage: Standard

Security Systems
Rating: 3
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]
Science Systems:
Rating: 1 (+0) [1 power/round]
Specialized systems: None
Laboratories: 12



Port Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Carkhet
Damage: 160 [16 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: port wing
Firing Arc: 360 degrees port
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse



Aft Disruptor Wave Cannon

Class: Tavor
Damage: 200 [20 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: aft
Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

Torpedo Launcher
Standard Load: Type II Photon Torpedo (200 damage)


Probes: 20 probes of various types

Sensor Skill: 4

Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Beta

Cloaking Device: None



Communications Systems
Type: Class 6 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 6
Security: -3 (Class Gamma uprating)
Basic Uprating: None (+0)
Emergency Communications: Yes


Starboard Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Carkhet
Damage: 160 [16 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: starboard wing
Firing Arc: 360 degrees starboard
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 4 (Strength 4)
Gain Package: Alpha (+1)

Inertial Damping Field

Strength: 9 [6 power/round]
Number: 2
Strength: 6 [4 power/round]
Number: 2
Attitude Control [1 power/round]

Type: Cargo [3 power/use]

Pads: 400kg
Emitter/receiver array: cargo type 3 (40,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and Location: 1 in engineering section



Navigation Computer
Main: Class 2
Backups: 2

Type: Personnel [4 power/use]
Pads: 4
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 6 (40,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location: 1 on Deck 2

Forward Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Carkhet
Damage: 160 [16 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: forward
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 5 (strength 5)
Gain Package: Alpha (+1)
Coverage: Standard

Flight Control Systems

Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 3
Co-ordination: 3 [1 power/round when in use]

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: aft ventral




Spread: 6
Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Power [20+5 per torpedo red]
Location: forward
Firing Arc: forward, but are self-guided

SUs Available: 1000

SUs Used: 999

Torpedoes Carried: 100

TA/T/TS: Class Gamma [2 power/round]

Strength: 9
Bonus: +2


Weapons Skill: 5
Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
24 x4
Shield Generator: Class 2 (Protection 400+100)
[40 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type B (33% increase to 533 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Beta (Threshold 130+10)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield
Auto-Destruct System: Yes


Shuttlebays: Capacity for 4 size worth of ships
Standard Complement: 2 shuttles

Captains Yacht: No
Fleet data: The Mithras-class was designed as a direct response to
the Klingon Brel-class ships that conducted repeated raids and were
agile enough to elude pursuit. As well as proving effective against
Klingon raids, the Mithras demonstrated itself to be a exible and
capable ship as a scout, an escort or on raids and patrols.
The Mithras has equivalent weaponry but a better eld
of re. They are the smallest Cardassian vessel to mount photon
torpedoes. They are faster at impulse speeds than the Brel and
have quicker acceleration. The Brel can outrun the Mithras at warp
speeds and has slightly better shields.
Noteworthy Vessels/service records/encounters: Mithras,
prototype; Natal, encountered the Crystalline Entity (2367), participated in attack on Klingon prototype vessel (2369), destroyed
four Maquis raiders in the Badlands (2372).

Class and Type: Namuul-class scout
Commissioning date: 2372

Size: 3
Length: 85.78 m
Beam: 60.14m
Height: 12.43m
Decks: 3
Mass: 120,000tons


Outer: 15
Inner: 15


Outer Hull: 8
Inner Hull: 7


Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 3 (Protection 60/90)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 3 (Protection 30)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 3 (Protection 30)
[1 power/10 protection/round]


Specialized Hull
Atmospheric Capability
Energy Sheath
Planetfall Capability


Crew/Passengers/Evac: 3/9/30
Crew Quarters
Spartan: 15
Basic: None
Expanded: None
Luxury: None
Unusual: None

Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [4 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [2 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (18 emergency shelters)
Gravity [2 power/round]
Consumables: 4 months


Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [3 power/round]
Industrial Replicators
Type: Network of small replicators [2 power/round]


Medical Facilities: 1 (+0) [1 power/round]

Recreation Facilities: 1 [2 power/round]
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes, Turbolifts [2 power/round]
Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]
Cargo Holds: 5,000 cubic meters
Escape Pods
Number: 5
Capacity: 4 persons per pod


Warp Drive
Nacelles: Type 7B8 (embedded)
Uprating: package 1 (+0.1 standard & sustained)


Speed: 7.0/9.2/9.7 [1 power/.2 warp speed]

PIS: Type H (12hrs of maximum warp)
Impulse Engine
Type: Class 4 (.6c/.8c) [6/8 power/round]
Acceleration Uprating: Class Alpha (66%)
[1 power/round when used]
Location: aft


Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use] 3

Warp Engine
Type: Class 5H (generates 280 power/round)
Location: amidships


Impulse Engine[s]: 1 class 4 (generates 32 power/round)

Auxiliary Power: 2 reactors (generate 5 power/reactor/round) 6
Emergency Power: Type B (generates 30 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +50/round
Standard Usable Power: 312

Bridge: Dorsal amidships
Core 1: starboard [5 power/round]
Core 2: port [5 power/round]
Uprating: Class Alpha +1 [1 power/round]
Navigational Deector [5 power/round]
Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward ventral


Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 7 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.8/3.9-5)
Low Resolution: 17 light-years (1/1.1-6.0/6.1-13.0/13.1-17)
Strength Package: Class 8 (Strength 8)
Gain Package: Gamma (+3)
Coverage: Standard
Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]
Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
Gain Package: Class Gamma (+3)
Coverage: Standard


Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 7 (Strength 7)
Gain Package: class Beta (+2)


10 Class VII stealth probes
10 Class VIII stealth probes
10 Class IX stealth probes
10 various probes (class I-VI)

Sensor Skill: 5
Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 3
Co-ordination: 2 [1 power/round when in use]
Navigation Computer
Main: Class 1
Backups: 1
Inertial Damping Field
Strength: 9 [3 power/round]
Number: 1
Strength: 6 [3 power/round]
Number: 1
Attitude Control [1 power/round]
Communications Systems
Type: Class 9 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 9
Security: -6
Basic Uprating: class Beta (+2)
Security Uprating: class Epsilon
Emergency Communications: Yes
Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Beta
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: aft ventral




Type: Personnel [4 power/use]
Pads: 6
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 6 (40,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location: 1, Deck
Type: Emergency [4 power/use]
Pads: 6
Emitter/receiver array: emergency type 2 (10,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location: 1, Deck
Cloaking Device: None
Security Systems
Rating: 2
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]
Science Systems:
Rating: 1 (+0) [1 power/round]
Specialized systems: None
Laboratories: 12


Forward Ventral Spiral Wave Disruptor Array
Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]



Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round

Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: forward ventral
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse



Forward Dorsal Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: forward dorsal
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Port Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: port
Firing Arc: 360 degrees port
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Starboard Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Ebshar
Damage: 120 [12 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 2 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: starboard
Firing Arc: 360 degrees starboard
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Aft Disruptor Wave Cannon

Class: Chehgesh
Damage: 140 [14 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: aft
Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Forward Torpedo Launcher

Standard Load: Probes
Spread: 2
Range: 15/300,0000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Targeting System: 4/5/7/10
Power: [20+5/torpedo]
Location: Nose
Firing Arc: Forward, but are self-guided
Torpedo Storage: 10


TA/T/TS: Class Alpha

Strength: 7
Bonus: +0

Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Namuul,

prototype, Tagfhur, transported saboteurs to Betazed to disable
planetary defense systems (2373), Bok Dal personal transport of
Doret Tashom, current head of the Obsidian Order, Frehrel, crippled the Excelsior-class USS Lincoln after being discovered on a
communications monitoring mission (2374).

Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
Shield Generator: Class 3 (Protection 410+100)
[41 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type C (50% increase to 615 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Gamma (Threshold 135+10)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield


Class and Type: Tiamar-class Assault Cruiser
Commissioning date: 2364

Weapons Skill: 3

Auto-Destruct System: Yes

Fleet data: The Namuul-class scout, is a modied Hideki-class

patrol boat used by Obsidian Order agents for special operations.
These ships act as monitoring vessels near borders, inltration craft
for agents on missions and couriers for senior member of the Order.
Outwardly it resembles a normal Hideki-class ship, but all
major systems have been upgraded, making it slightly faster, more
powerful and better armed. Shields have also been improved.
Most of these upgrades occupy the original crew quarters and
facilities, so it is very cramped inside, with only basic life support.
The internal layout gives additional space to sensor analysis stations and communication recording equipment, and at least one
crewmember will always man this position. It carries a variety of
stealth probes to gather information at long range. The class VIII
probes can also be used to deliver an agent to the surface of a
planet, although the re-entry and landing are uncomfortable. It
is quite common for these craft to use stolen technology, including stolen cloaking devices (salvaged from Klingon Birds of Prey)
and energy-absorbing hull coatings to reduce the sensor echo
produced (see Raiders, Renegades and Rogues, page 88). All
Namuul-class ships can operate in planetary atmospheres and are
capable of landing on the surface.

Size: 6
Length: 371.88 m
Beam: 192.1 m
Height: 66.2 m
Decks: 14
Mass: 1,784,000 tons
SUs Available: 2500
SUs Used: 2496
Outer: 30
Inner: 30


Outer Hull: 8
Inner Hull: 8


Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 5 (Protection 80/120)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40)
[1 power/10 protection/round]




Crew/Passengers/Evac: 560/2,000/8,200

Bridge: Dorsal amidships


Core 1: starboard [5 power/round]
Core 2: port [5 power/round]


Crew Quarters
Spartan: 1730
Basic: 650
Expanded: 160
Luxury: 28
Unusual: 5


Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [12 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [6 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (36 emergency shelters)
Gravity [3 power/round]
Consumables: 1 year


Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [6 power/round]
Industrial Replicators
Type: Network of small replicators [2 power/round]6
Type: 4 Large units [2 power/replicator/round]


Medical Facilities:
Main: 6 (+1) [6 power/round]
Secondary: 2 (+0) [2 power/round]


Recreation Facilities: 5 [10 power/round]

Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes, Turbolifts [2 power/round]
Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]
Cargo Holds: 180,000 cubic meters


Escape Pods
Number: 350
Capacity: 8 persons per pod


Warp Drive

Impulse Engine
Type: Class 3 (.5c/.7c) [5/7 power/round]
Location: rear of command section


Impulse Engine
Type: Class 3 (.5c/.7c) [5/7 power/round]
Location: engineering section


Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use] 6

Warp Engine
Type: Class 6K (generates 349 power/round)
Location: engineering section
Impulse Engine[s]: 2 class 3 (generate 48 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: 2 reactors (generate 5 power/reactor/round)
Emergency Power: Type B (generates 30 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +100/round




Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 6 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.7/3.8-5)
Low Resolution: 12 light-years (1/1.1-5.0/5.1-12.0/12.1-16)
Strength Package: Class 6 (Strength 6)
Gain Package: Beta (+2)
Coverage: Standard
Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]
Strength Package: Class 6 (strength 6)
Gain Package: Beta (+2)
Coverage: Standard


Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 6 (Strength 6)
Gain Package: Beta (+2)


Probes: 45 probes of various types

Sensor Skill: 3
Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 3
Co-ordination: 2 [1 power/round when in use]

Nacelles: Type 4B6 (embedded)
Speed: 4.0/7.4/9.6 [1 power/.2 warp speed]
Uprating (+0.1 to Standard, Sustained & Maximum)
PIS: Type F (9hrs of maximum warp)

Navigational Deector [5 power/round]

Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: forward ventral

Navigation Computer
Main: Class 1
Backups: 2
Inertial Damping Field
Strength: 9 [3 power/round]
Number: 3
Strength: 6 [3 power/round]
Number: 3
Attitude Control [1 power/round] 2
Communications Systems
Type: Class 6 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 6
Security: -2
Basic Uprating: Class Alpha (+1)
Emergency Communications: Yes
Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Gamma
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: aft ventral
Emitter: Class Alpha
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: starboard shuttlebays





Standard Usable Power: 397


Emitter: Class Alpha

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: port shuttlebays

Type: Personnel [12 power/use]
Pads: 20
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 6 (40,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class H (strength 8)
Number and location: 1 on Deck 2, 4 on Deck 10, 1 on
Deck 12
Type: Emergency [6 power/use]
Pads: 20
Emitter/receiver array: emergency type 3 (15,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class H (strength 8)
Number and location: 1 aft of bridge, 1 in engineering
section, 2 on deck 13
Type: Cargo [3 power/use]
Pads: 400kg
Emitter/receiver array: cargo type 2 (20,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and Location: 2 on deck 10, 1 on deck 12, 1 in
engineering section
Cloaking Device: None
Security Systems
Rating: 3
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]
Science Systems:
Rating: 1 (+0) [1 power/round]
Specialized systems: None
Laboratories: 4


38 x3

38 x2

Aft Disruptor Wave Cannon (2)

Class: Pelrec
Damage: 220 [22 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: aft
Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

46 x2

TA/T/TS: Class Beta [1 power/round]

Strength: 8
Bonus: +1

Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
Shield Generator: Class 4 (Protection 650+100)
[65 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type C (50% increase to 975 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Delta (Threshold 200+10)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield
Auto-Destruct System: Yes


Shuttlebays: Capacity for 240 size worth of ships
Standard Complement: 30 Gorvall-class orbital transports,
60 Bok Vala-class military shuttles
10 Hideki-class ghters
Location: 8 bays, port & starboard ventral
Captains Yacht: No

Dorsal Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Rentaile
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: rear of bridge
Firing Arc: 360 degrees dorsal
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse


Ventral Spiral Wave Disruptor Array

Class: Rentaile
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round



Wing Spiral Wave Disruptor Array (2)

Class: Rentaile
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: wings
Firing Arc: 360 degrees port & starboard
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

Weapons Skill: 4

Forward Spiral Wave Disruptor Array (3)
Class: Rentaile
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: forward
Firing Arc: 360 degrees forward
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10

Location: below wings
Firing Arc: 360 degrees ventral
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

Fleet data: The Tiamar-Class Assault Cruiser is designed for planetary assault. When modern defenses such as transport inhibitors
and deector shields make transporting troops impossible, a Tiamarclass ship is capable of landing its troops the old fashioned way. It
has sufcient transport craft for all of its two thousand troops and it
carries ghters to provide air cover for them. While it is not as well
armed as its close cousin, the Galor, it can still defend itself.
Noteworthy vessels/service records/encounters: Tiamar,
prototype; Kaldel, the rst ship to land troops on Betazed (2374);
Gazal, participated in the retaking of Chintoka, later destroyed
ghting the Dominion (2375). Also in service: Karanal, Ratibb.

Class and Type: Cardassian Ore Processing spacestation
Commissioning date: 2351




Size: 4
Diameter: 1451.82 m
Height: 969.26 m
Mass: 10,120,000 tons
SUs Available: 4000
SUs Used: 2916

Warp Drive: None

Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use] 12


Outer: 60
Inner: 60


Outer Hull: 16
Inner Hull: 16


Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 5 (Protection 80/120)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40)
[1 power/10 protection/round]

Recreation Facilities: 7 [14 power/round]

Mercantile Facilities: 8 (24 establishments) [16 power round]
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes, Turbolifts [2 power/round]
Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]
Cargo Holds: 1,056,000 cubic metres (253 cargo bays in
docking ring)
Ore Processing: in docking pylons 60
Escape Pods
Capacity: 6 persons per pod

Fusion Reactors: 6 type 22

(generate 1320 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: 3 reactors (generate 5 power/reactor/round) 9
Emergency Power: Type D (generates 40 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +250/round
Standard Usable Power: 1320


Crew/Inhabitants/Capacity: 200/500/25,000

Ops: top of central core


Core 1: central core [5 power/round]
Core 2: central core [5 power/round]
Core 3: central core [5 power/round]
ODN 36


Crew Quarters
Spartan: 231
Basic: 452
Expanded: 20
Luxury: 5
Unusual: 5


Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [13 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [6 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (72 emergency shelters)
Gravity [3 power/round]
Consumables: 1 year

Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 5 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.7/3.8-5)
Low Resolution: 15 light-years (1/1.1-5.0/5.1-12.0/12.1-15)
Strength Package: Class 5 (Strength 5)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)
Coverage: Standard


Lateral Sensors [5 power/round]

Strength Package: Class 5 (strength 5)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)
Coverage: Standard


Probes: 50 probes of various types

Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [12 power/round]
Industrial Replicators
Type: Network of small replicators [2 power/round]
Type: 12 Large units [2 power/replicator/round]
Medical Facilities:
Main: 3 (+1) [3 power/round]



Navigational Sensors: None


Sensor Skill: 3
Communications Systems
Type: Class 5 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 5
Security: -2
Basic Uprating: None



Emergency Communications: Yes

Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Gamma (x6)
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: weapons towers
Emitter: Class Alpha (x6)
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: docking ring



Type: Personnel [3 power/use]
Pads: 6
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 5 (35,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class C (strength 3)
Number and location: 1 in Ops, 3 on Promenade, 6 in
Habitat Ring, and 15 in Docking Ring
Cloaking Device: None
Security Systems
Rating: 4
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]
Science Systems:
Rating: 1 (+0) [1 power/round]
Specialized systems: None
Laboratories: 6


Spiral Wave Disruptor Array (6)
Class: Rentaile
Damage: 180 [18 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
Location: weapons towers
Firing Arc: 360 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse

38 x6

Weapons Skill:

Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
100 x4
Shield Generator: Class 3 (Protection 600)
[60 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type C (50% increase to 900 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Delta (Threshold 200)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield


Docking bays:


Station Data: These large ore-processing stations are intended for

long-term, high-yield mineral extraction, such as the systematic strip
mining of a planet. Local labor is often used for manual processing.
The station has a vertical central core which houses the
operations center, the fusion reactors and other vital systems. The
inner ring is the Habitat Ring, which has spartan quarters for laborers and larger quarters for Cardassian ofcers and crew. The weapons towers protrude above and below the Habitat Ring. The Docking
Ring is the outer ring. All cargo is stored in the docking ring. The six
large docking pylons can receive ships as large as Kagor-class Battleships. The ore processing machinery is in the base of each pylon.
Once these stations reach the end of their working life,
they are abandoned. They are considered too large to relocate.
Notable stations: Terok Nor, used to strip mine Bajor (2351-2369);
abandoned and claimed by the Bajorans, administered by Stareet
(2369-2373), discovered the Bajoran Wormhole (2369): fought
off Klingon attack (2372); recaptured by the Cardassians and the
Dominion (2373), retaken by Stareet (2374). Empok Nor, abandoned and guarded by soldiers from Project: Guardian (2372), the
site of a Ferengi/Dominion hostage negotiation (2374).
Other stations: Stations using the same external structure are rare
but they can serve many purposes e.g. science, hospitals or prisons.

Class and Type: Cardassian Repair space station

Commissioning date: 2359

Shuttlebays: None

Captains Yacht: No


TA/T/TS: Class Alpha [0 power/round]

Strength: 7
Bonus: +0

Auto-Destruct System: Yes

9 rating 3 docks (ships up to size 3)

[may supply 30 power/round/ship]
3 rating 5 docks (ships up to size 5)
[may supply 50 power/round/ship]
6 rating 9 docks (ships up to size 9)
[may supply 90 power/round/ship]

Size: 6
Diameter: 912.4 m
Height: 286.73 m
Mass: 18,880,000 tons
SUs Available: 5000
SUs Used: 4855
Inner: 70


Outer Hull: 20
Inner Hull: 20


Structural Integrity Field

Main: Class 5 (Protection 80/120)
[1 power/10 protection/round]
Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40)
[1 power/10 protection/round]


Backup: Class 5 (Protection 40)

[1 power/10 protection/round]


Crew/Inhabitants/Capacity: 400/8,000/20,000
Crew Quarters
Spartan: 7000
Basic: 4500
Expanded: 1400
Luxury: 10
Unusual: 20


Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [13 power/round]
Reserve Life Support [6 power/round]
Emergency Life Support (84 emergency shelters)
Gravity [7 power/round]
Consumables: 1 year


Replicator Systems
Food Replicators [14 power/round]
Industrial Replicators
Type: Network of small replicators [2 power/round]
Type: 10 Large units [2 power/replicator/round] 30
Medical Facilities:
Main: 5 (+1) [5 power/round]
Recreation Facilities: 9 [18 power/round]
Mercantile Facilities: 3 (9 establishments) [6 power round]
Personnel Transport: Jeffries Tubes, Turbolifts [2 power/round]
Fire Suppression System [1 power/round when in use]
Cargo Holds: 1,650,000 cubic meters
Escape Pods
Number: 30
Capacity: 10 persons per pod



Warp Drive: None
Reaction Control System (.25c) [2 power/round when in use]


Fusion Reactors: 6 type 25 (generate 1500 power/round)
Auxiliary Power: 12 reactors (generate 5 power/reactor/round)
Emergency Power: Type E (generates 45 power/round)
EPS: standard power ow, +400/round


Standard Usable Power: 1500


Space stations are designed in the same

way as starships. All Spacedock rules
apply unless it is specically stated.
The following systems are not required on
Warp Nacelles
Impulse Engines
Navigational deector
Navigational sensors
Attitude control

Space stations are considerably larger than
starships. For the purpose of Spacedock
calculations, consider the station to be
eight sizes larger than its rating, eg Deep
Space Nine is a size 4 station and so is
considered to be size 12 for the purposes
of Spacedock. This applies to all design
calculations /except/ for the bridge.
The stations mass and SUs are determined by the Starship Size Table (Spacedock, page 17). Physical dimensions can
also be taken this table. However, stations
with an open style of construction, such as
Deep Space Nine, will have larger overall
dimensions, so move up a line or two on
the table to determine the dimensions of
such a station. Conversely, stations with
a compact design, such as Spacedock, will
have smaller dimensions, so move down a
line or two on the table.

Resistance on stations may be as high as
20 for both inner and outer hulls.

Personnel Systems

Ops: central, dorsal


Core 1: central core [5 power/round]
Core 2: central core [5 power/round]
Core 3: central core [5 power/round]
Uprating: Class Alpha (+1) [3 power/round]


Sensor Systems
Long-range sensors [5 power/round]
Range Package: Type 6 (Accuracy: 3/4/7/10)

Designing Space


The average crew on a station is 6 per

100 SUs. The station is considered to
be a cruiser for the purposes of quarters
and crew breakdown. However, for a station with a specic purpose use a crew
breakdown that suits the purpose. For
example, a hospital station would have
the same crew breakdown and quarters
as a medical ship.


Mercantile Facilities
SU Cost: 8 per rating (see table)
Power Cost: 2 power per rating per round of use
Many stations have bars, restaurants, stores, gift shops, expensive boutiques or even brothels. Aboard starbases with a relatively high mercantile rating, some recreation items such as
holodecks may be run by merchants.




1 bar and 2 stores selling basic goods
bar/restaraunt and 5 stores
bar/restaurant & 8 stores, some luxury goods
12 establishments
15 establishments
18 establishments
21 establishments
24 establishments, rare & luxury goods.
27 establishments
30+ establishments, anything you desire

Propulsion Systems
Warp and impulse drives are not required. A Reaction Control
System is required.

Power Systems
Larger stations may use a warp core to provide power, but most
use fusion reactors. These are similar to the fusion reactors
that are used in impulse engines. They are relatively more efcient, since they do not require accelerator/generators, driver
coils or vectored exhaust directors.


Fusion Reactor
Class 20
Class 21
Class 22
Class 23
Class 24
Class 25
Class 26
Class 27
Class 28
Class 29
Class 30


Power Generated Per Round


Operations Systems
The bridge (or Ops), is calculated on the stations base size (not
the modied size). Although stations are larger, they tend to
require less control functions. They have no engines and needs
no navigation controls for example. A larger proportion of a
station is taken up by quarters, recreation and the like which
do not require command system.


High Resolution: 5 light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.7/3.8-5)

Low Resolution: 16 light-years (1/1.1-5.0/5.1-12.0/12.1-16)
Strength Package: Class 6 (Strength 6)
Gain Package: Alpha (+1)
Coverage: Standard
Lateral Sensors [5 power/round] 17
Strength Package: Class 7 (strength 7)
Gain Package: Alpha (+1)
Coverage: Standard
Navigational Sensors: None
Probes: 50 probes of various types

Sensor Skill: 4
Communications Systems
Type: Class 7 [2 power/round of use]
Strength: 7
Security: -5 (Uprating: class Delta)
Basic Uprating: Alpha (+1)
Emergency Communications: Yes 1


Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Delta (x6)
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: docking arms


Emitter: Class Alpha (x18)

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
Location: upper and lower docking arms, docking bays


Type: Personnel [5 power/use]
Pads: 6
Emitter/receiver array: personnel type 6 (40,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location: 36 throughout the station
Type: Cargo [7 power/use]
Pads: 1000kg
Emitter/receiver array: cargo type 3 (40,000km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class D (strength 4)
Number and location: 4 in main cargo bays


Cloaking Device: None

Security Systems
Rating: 3
Anti-intruder systems Yes [1 power/round]
Neutralization Fields: [2power/3 strength]
Science Systems:
Rating: 3 (+2) [3 power/round]
Specialized systems:
Propulsion Engineering
Systems Engineering
Materials Engineering (Structural/Spaceframe)
Laboratories: 50



Upper Spiral Wave Disruptor Array (3)
Class: Pelrec
Damage: 220 [22 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Location: upper even-numbered docking arms

43 x3

Firing Arc: 270 degrees

Firing Modes: Standard, pulse
Lower Spiral Wave Disruptor Array (3)
Class: Pelrec
Damage: 220 [22 power]
Number of Emitters: up to 3 shots/round
Targeting System: Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Location: lower odd-numbered docking arms
Firing Arc: 270 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard, pulse
TA/T/TS: Class Alpha [0 power/round]
Strength: 7
Bonus: +0

43 x3

Auto-Destruct System: Yes

Power Cost: Docking ports require no power to

operate but can transfer power to the docked ship
to a maximum of 10 x the rating of the port.

123 x4

A docking port consists of an airlock and docking

clamps. It allows large ships to dock at starbases
without needing large docking bays or the use of
transporters. Docking ports are rated for the maximum size ship they can handle. For example: a port
rated 5 could dock any ship up to size 5, could transfer up to 50 power/round to that ship and would
require 2 SUs.

Open frame dock

SU cost: 1 x rating (maximum Size of ship)



24 bays for size 2 craft
12 bays for size 1 craft
6 bays for size 3 craft

Docking port

SU cost: 0.25 x rating (maximum Size of ship).

Weapons Skill: 4
Shields: (Forward/Aft/Port/Starboard)
Shield Generator: Class 4 (Protection 800)
[80 power/shield/round]
Shield Grid: Type A (25% increase to 1000 Protection)
Subspace Distortion Ampliers: Class Zeta (Threshold 265)
Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 1 per shield

Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems


Docking bays:
18 rating 4 docks (ships up to size 4) [may supply 40 power/round/ship]
6 rating 8 docks (ships up to size 8) [may supply 80 power/round/ship]
Captains Yacht: No
Station Data: These stations are intended for repair and upgrading of the
Cardassian eet. While they do not posses the same facilities as a shipyard
they have excellent engineering workshops and carry a large quantity of
spare components. In times of war, these stations can support up to twelve
thousand engineers. This signicantly reduces repair times, although assigning the engineers can be a logistical nightmare.
These stations are mushroom-shaped with six docking arms extending from the body of the station ad curving underneath like the tentacles of
a giant octopus. There are small shuttle bays and docks for smaller ships
on the outside of the arms. Larger docks are on the ends of the arms, well
within the protection of the stations shield bubble. Larger bays are located
in the top of the mushroom.

Power Cost: none, but should be able to supply

power to the docked ship as per docking ports.
On dedicated construction facilities, the dock
may be required to supply power to test all of a
ships systems.
An open frame dock is used for construction and
repair of starships.

Alternative Nor-Class Stations

Science stations: In place of ore processing,
increase science rating to 4 and increase the
number of labs to 40, add specialized science
systems- two full skill and two specializations.
Hospital stations add an additional rating 7 sickbay, increase science rating to 3, increase labs
to 20, add 1200 spartan quarters (wards) and 5
unusual quarters. Remove cargo, ore processing
and 10 large industrial replicators.
Prison Stations: For prison stations replace ore
processing and cargo with 1560 spartan quarters
(cells) and increase security rating to 5.

Notable stations: Kelvas Repair Station. This facility was used by the
Dominion to install the Breen energy-dampening weapon in its attack ships
Other stations: Four of these stations are located in orbit around Cardassia Prime.


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