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2 Moil

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"The Tomb of Shadows" takes the adventurers to the
fabled lost city of Moil deep in the ShadowfeJl. There,
they discover a portal leading to the Shadow Tomb,
the dark redoubt built by Acererak on the ruins of his
Fortress of Conclusion. That stronghold was the site
of the demilich's greatest failure-a failure he does
not intend to repeat.

For millennia, a black bog of raw necrotic energy
has slowly consumed the towers of Moil, the City
that Waits. As detailed in Manual ofthe Planes (page
60), Moil was once a city of dark sorcerers who
sought power through pacts with Oreus. When they
betrayed the demon lord, the Moilians and their city
were torn from the mortal realm and hurled into the
far reaches of the Shadowfdl. Their souls poisoned,
the citizens of Moil fell victim to madness and the
slow decay of undeath.
Years ago, when Acererak set out to seize control
of undeath, the fell energy of Moil made it the perfect
base for his dark plans. Much of the city and its undead
host fell under the demilich's control, and his experi
ments created new varieties of undead unknown
outside the City that Waits. Moreover, the city was
the only access point to the l~ortress of Conclusion, in
which Acererak's plans would come to fruition.
Constructed with the labor of countless undead, it
existed in 110 realm. Rather, Acererak used powerful
rituals to cast the fortress into an extraplanar dimen
sion of pure necrotic energy, accessible only by way
ofthe deepest areas of the Shadowfdl. In the end,
however, a band of adventurers who had pursued him
through Moil crushed the demilich's goal of attaining
godlike power.
Though many assumed that the Fortress of Con
elusion and Acererak had fallen, the defeat did not
completely vanquish Aeererak. It took the demilich
years to reestablish a planar link to the ruins. From
those ruins, Acererak excavated the Shadow Tomb-a
warren of undead and traps surrounding (and, in
some cases, forming) another, more powerful eldritch
engine. Even though Acererak no longer controls Moil,
the city remains critical to his plans because it is the
site of the only access point to the Shadow Tomb.
Although Acererak has been drawing on sources
ofnecrotic energy for some time, his Shadow Tomb
became fully operational only after the characters'
adventure in the Garden of Graves. Since then, the
Shadow Tomb has drawn great amounts of energy from
the ShadowfeB to fuel the next phase of his plan. By
discovering that the demilich is the presence behind
both the Garden of Graves and the Shadow Tomb, the
characters have a chance to thwart his dark plots.

The Tomb of Shadows

Though the adventurers might have heard the legends

of Moil, only specific research into Acererak's past
allows a character to know lore of the Fortress of Con
elusion. At this pOint, the characters have no reason
to seek such knowledge, since they should perceive
no connection between the demilich and the Garden
of Graves. The players, however, might have already
made that leap oflogic (iffor no other reason than
they've seen the title of the adventure you're running).
Even if the players have already ascertained
Acererak 's involvement in this adventure, limit your
answers to any specific character inquiries to what the
characters have discovered within the adventure. The
lore entries for Acererak in Open Grave or the "Lore of
Acererak" sidebar (page 62) are a good starting point,
since they provide the backstory for Acererak 's former
plots (as detailed in Return to the Tomb ofHorrors).
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How you set up this section of the adventure depends
in large part on the adventures you've run for the
players between "The Garden of Graves" and this
chapter. The follOWing hooks offer suggestions, and
you should work with one of them to fit it into the
events of your own campaign.
Regardless of the hook you use (whether it's one of
these or one of your own deVising), the major quest
for this portion of the Tomb of Horrors adventure is
the same- destroy the second ofAcererak's c1dritch

14th-level Major Quest (5,000 XP)

The characters complete the quest if they destroy the
shadow engine at location 16 in the Shadow Tomb.


A strange planar gate in a remote location bears dis
tinctive symbols that the characters recognize: the
same twisted runes they saw in the Garden of Graves.
Servants ofAcererak on a nefarious mission have
passed through this heavily warded portal from Moil.
You might set lip a short skill challenge for the char
acters to disable its wards and discover that it leads to
an unknown location in the Shadowfell.

14th-level Minor Quest (1,000 XP)

The characters complete the quest if they reach Moil
and subsequently access the portal in Encounter M4,
page 56.

Servants of the Raven Queen attack the characters.
In the aftermath, the characters discover that these
servants uncovered their exploits in the Garden of
Graves and have pursued them through their inter
vening adventures. Not knowing the function of the
fey engine, the Raven Queen's servants assume that
the adventurers are in league with whoever cre
ated it (though they're unaware that the creator is
The adventurers can question the defeated ser
vants or search them to reveal that another group of
the Raven's Queen's servants has uncovered a link
between the Garden of Graves and a location in the
deep Shadow fell ; in this case, the adventurers gain
the sigil sequence for the entrance portal in Moil.
14th-Level Minor Quest (1,000 XP)
The characters complete the quest if they learn how
to use the portal in Encounter M4, page 56, and go
through it to reach the Shadow Tomb.


Acererak built his eldritch engine in the Garden of
Graves using dark arcane knowledge gleaned from
his long-ago experiments in Moil. As a result of their
adventures in the Garden of Graves, the characters
carry the taint of Moil's dread power. Sometime after
their adventure in the Garden of Graves, one or more
of the adventurers becomes subject to an effect simi
lar to the death penalty imposed after a character is
raised: a -1 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, saving
throws, and ability checks. This effect, however. does
not fade.
A sage or other source identifies the effect as a
powerful Shadowfell curse connected to the lost city

Consider the following options for playing "The Tomb of
Shadows" as a stand-alone adventure.
Acererak's plots in Moil and the construction of the
Shadow Tomb have repercussions across the Shadow
fell and the world. Incursions of undead have become a
plague in settled lands, and the adventurers learn that
Moil is the source of these attacks.
Agents of Acererak watch those whose knowledge
might give away the demilich's plans. A number of sages
specializing in knowledge of Moil have been found dead
recently-murdered by undead that crossed over from
the Shadowfell by using powerful planar magic. The
adventurers know one such sage, or are asked to inves
tigate the deaths.

of Moil. Only by finding the city and venturing there

can the adventurers end the curse. (This penalty fore- I
shadows the enhanced death penalties in this and the cr:
remaining sections of the overall adventure.)


14th-Level Minor Quest (1,000 XP)

The characters complete the quest if they learn how

to remove the penalty one or more of them suffers

and then travel to Moil to achieve that goal.

No matter how you set it up, Chapter 1 begins when
the adventurers step through a portal that leads them
to a permanent teleportation circle in Moil. Normally,
the features on the other side of a portal appear as an
indistinct image to someone about to pass through
the portal (see the Linked Portal ritual, Player's
Handbook, page 307). In this case, it's the unnatural
darkness of Moil that renders the view beyond indis
tinct, and the characters see only shifting shadows at
their destination.



The four chapters that make up this overall adventure

are meant to anchor a larger ongoing campaign, with
additional adventures ofyour own choice or design
playing out between them. You can also run Chapters
2 and 3 of the adventure ("The Tomb of Shadows"
and "Skull City") back to back. Doing so heightens
the effect of the characters' discovery ofAcererak's
plots and allows them to progress at breakneck speed
through the locales of the classic Return to the Tomb of
Horrors-Moil. the rebuilt Fortress of Conclusion (now
the Shadow Tomb), Skull City, and the original Tomb
of Horrors.
"The Tomb of Shadows" is written for 14th-level
characters, who should be at least halfway through
15th level by the adventure's end. Characters are
expected to be 18th level when starting "Skull City."
Use the following gUidelines to adjust these sections
of the adventure for back-to-back play.
Moil and the Shadow Tomb: Before starting
Chapter 1, add additional adventures to the cam
paign so that the characters are 16th level when they
start this adventure, not 14th level. Increase the level
of the encounters in Moil and the Shadow Tomb by
boosting the level of the creatures (Dun8eon Master's
Guide, page 174) and increasing the level or complex
ity ofskill challenges. The adventurers should reach
17th level partway through the Shadow Tomb, and
then you'll need to adjust the final encounters (espe
cially the Acererak construct in Encounter S7) to
bring them the rest of the way to 18th level.
The Abandoned Tomb: When the adventurers
use the teleportation circle in Encounter S7 (page 76),
CHAPTER 2 I The Tomb of Shadows

they appear in the Abandoned Tomb before entering

Skull City (see the "Straight to the Tomb" hook on
page 85 for more information). Adjust the level of the
planar crossover encounters within the Abandoned
Tomb so that they work for 17th-level adventurers.
Skull City: Once the characters exit the Aban
doned Tomb and enter Skull City, add additional
lower-level encounters, using the random encoun
ters on page 87 as a starting point. At your option,
the adventurers can meet the Skullbreakers early,



allowing them to discover the lowdown on the

other factions in the city and undertake extended
missions against those factions on behalf of their
newfound allies.
The Vault of Betrayal: When the adventurers
have attained 18th level, they are ready to take on
Moghadam and the Vault of Betrayal (page 108). You
can either adjust the encounters down by one level to
match the characters, or run them as is for an even
greater threat.




With the destruction of the eldritch engine in
Encounter S7, the Shadow Tomb's flow of energy is
severed. Acererak's control over the area ends-as
does the eldritch power keeping the dungeon's extra

planar exterior from breaching the walls.

The characters have time to reactivate and use the

teleportation circle that was part of the Shadow fell
e1dritch engine, but they have no time to revisit the
Shadow Tomb or to investigate the portal's destina
tion. (In particular, ifyou are running Chapter 3
immediately after this chapter, the adventurers
should not know that their next destination is the
dreaded Tomb of Horrors.)
If the characters don't leave immediately, have the
Shadow Tomb start to collapse around them. Pure
necrotic essence pours in as the walls, the floor, and
the ceilings of the tomb buckle under incredible pres

sure. If the players ignore even that warning, make

them undertake a skill challenge to escape the dun

geon-with failure resulting in death.


In addition to funneling the energy of the shadow
engine to Acererak, the teleportation circle at location
16 in the Shadow Tomb is a planar doorway by which
Acererak's servants access the mortal realm and
beyond. (The portal is one-way; the only route into
the Shadow Tomb remains the teleportation circle in
Encounter M4, page 56.)
Ifyou are not running Chapters 2 and 3 back to
back, the exit portal is the adventurers' escape route
from the Shadow Tomb. (Ifyou are going directly to
Chapter 3, the portal takes the characters to location
3 in the Abandoned Tomb.) The adventurers must
reactivate the portal to use it (see Encounter S7, page
76), but they cannot choose their destination.

You might have a clear idea of where the adventur

ers end up, based on the next adventure you plan to

run. If not, have the portal send the characters to a
remote tomb or other location where Acererak's ser
vants are retrieving a relic on their master's behalf.
Set up an encounter of a lower level than the pa rty's

I The

Tomb of Shadows

level, assuming that the characters' resources have

been taxed by the final battle with the Acererak


Ifyou want to run Chapter 3 directly after this chap
ter, the exit portal takes the adventurers from the
Shadow Tomb to the original Tomb of Horrors, which
Acererak has drained of its arcane energy. See the
Chapter 3 introduction, page 82, and "The Aban
doned Tomb," page 99, for information.
Ifyou instead plan to run additional adventures
between this section and the next, the following ideas
can build on what the adventurers have discovered in
"The Tomb of Shadows," eventually leading them to
"Skull City."

After discovering that Acererak created the eldritch
engines in the Feywild and the Shadowfell, the adven
turers might decide to focus their efforts on finding
out what the demilich has been dOing. You can build
adventures around the characters seeking out sages
and scholars. The search for such sources might take
the characters on adventures through remote and
inhospitable terrain, or the characters might obtain
their answers only as part of an exchange for under
taking a mission to find a lost relic.
If the characters are not already familiar with
the demilich and his history, see Open Grave (page
201) or the "Lore of Acererak" sidebar (page 62). The
characters should gain no information regarding the
demilich's current plans, since the full scope of his
goals becomes apparent only in later sections of the

Even after the adventurers destroy the Shadow
Tomb, its dark energy continues to ripple through
the Shadowfell and into the world. The adventurers
might have to mop up undead incursions (perhaps as
a follow-up to an adventure that led into "The Tomb

of Shadows"). Alternatively, servants ofAcererak that

were in the world when the adventurers destroyed
the Shadow Tomb might now be running amok.

As the adventurers discover more information
regarding Acererak's plots, they eventually hear
word of Skull City-a remote settlement of necro
mancers said to worship Acererak as a demigod .

-- --.-.--.- - - - -.--.- -

Information on the city is hard to come by, but the

characters can discover its location through knowl
edgeable sages or Acererak's servants. \Vhatever
adventures or side treks you use to point the char
acters toward Chapter 3, the search for Skull City
is a prime campaign hook. If you don't want to run
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 back to back, finding this
legendary settlement can and should be an adven
ture in and ofitself.

-- .-.--.-.--.- - .



The city of Moil is a wasteland of decaying towers

eternally being eaten away by the raw essence of
the deep Shadowfell. Exiled here by Orcus millen
nia ago, the folk of Moil have long since passed to
undeath and insanity, fated to watch their once
bright city consumed by darkness that is lit only by
constant lightning.

The adventurers arrive in Moil by way of the telepor
tation circle in Encounter Ml: Portal Tower, page 50.
Created by Acererak's servants for their use, this tele
portation circle is the only functioning one in the city
(aside from the one that leads to the Shadow Tomb;
see Encounter M4) .
The overview map of Moil on page 49 depicts the
towers (or ruins of towers) within the city that are
the sites of the encounters that follow in this section.
Bridges and other passages through the shadowy
streets connect these sites with each other and with
other places in the city that the characters might end
up visiting or exploring.

Undead prowl Moil's ruined towers and bridges,
driven by madness and drawn to the presence of the
living. \Vhenever the adventurers enter an unlabeled
tower, travel a bridge or passage they haven't been on
before, or finish a short rest within Moil, roll a d6. A
result of 1 indicates a random encounter. A result of 5
or 6 indicates that the adventurers see undead pass
ing at a distance; the characters do not provoke an
encounter unless they approach the undead.
Here are a few possible random encounters.


Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,100)
+ 2 nighthaunt whisperers (level 12 lurker, page 67)
+ 2 oblivion wraiths (level 14 brute, Open Grave,
page 193)
+ 1 wailing ghost (level 12 controller, page 54)

Spectral undead lurk throughout the rubble of Moil.

Adventurers who encounter a spectral strike team
must make a DC 23 Perception group check (Dungeon
Master's Guide, page 74) or be surprised.

Level 14 Encounter (XP 5,100)
+ 10 zombie ragers (level 16 minion brute, page 91)
+ 2 Moilian zombies (level 13 controller, page 50)
Zombie patrols attack any living creatures they
encounter, and they follow the adventurers into any
part of the city.


Level 14 Encounter (XP 5,800)
+ 4 marrowshriek skeletons (level 12 lurker, Open
Grave, page 182)
+ 10 skeleton deathguards (level 15 minion skir
misher, page 90)
A force of Moil's undead hauls crumbling stone in a
doomed effort to rebuild the city's falling towers. The
skeletons attack at the first sign ofliving creatures,
but they do not follow if the adventurers flee.


The Tortured Vestige is an undead horror created
from the tortured spirits of the folk of Moil as they
rotted away, body and soul. It now haunts the city in
its madness, seeking new creatures to assimilate. This
creature is the final challenge in Moil (see Encoun
ter M4: Shadow Gate, page 56), but the adventurers
might catch a glimpse of it ahead of time.
The first time a 5 or 6 is rolled for a random
encounter, read:
In the distance, a wall ofmist suddenly rises, its roiling
interior lit with a areen 810w. Dark tendrils lash the rubble
strewnground as if searchin8for somethin8, and the sound
ofscreamin8 comes faintly on the dark wind.


I The Tomb of Shadows

Thereafter, the Tortured Vestige appears only if the

adventurers remain in one place for an hour or more.
If the characters attempt to take an extended rest, the
Tortured Vestige interrupts them by attacking after
Id4 + 1 hours. The characters are meant to flee such
an attack (see "To Fight Another Day," page 57).


History or Religion DC 23: This creature is
the Tortured Vestige-a legendary undead entity
born from the destruction of Moil. After the city was
hurled into the Shadowfell, its residents rotted away
in both body and soul. Their spirits became the Tor
tured Vestige, which haunts Moil's shattered spires in
search of new creatures to add to its unliving body.

the site of random encounters. Adventurers should

not be able to bypass the sites of the tactical encoun
ters by going above or below them.

Characters can move along the outside of Moil's
ruined towers, but slick ice reduces movement to half
speed, or one-quarter speed for a climbing creature
(DC 23 Athletics check). For every 6 squares moved
along the outside of a tower, a character must make a
DC 23 Acrobatics check or Perception check to avoid
crumbling stonc. On a failed check, a slab brcaks off,
taking the character with it (see "Falling," below). On
the inside of the walls, a character must make a DC
18 Athletics check to climb over tumbled stone or
other surfaces.


This information pertains to all locations in Moil,
unless otherwise noted.


Illumination: Dim light from constant flashes
of lightning bathes the outside areas of Moil. Except
where otherwise noted in an encounter description,
the interiors of ruined towers are dark. Because of the
way the Shadowfell mutes light, the radius of the illu
mination of any non magical light source is reduced
by 50 percent.
Open Walls: The crumbling towers of Moil have
collapsed in places, creating gaps that lead directly to
the shadowy depths surrounding the city. See "Fall
ing," below.
Bridges: The arched stone bridges of Moil are 20
feet wide and slope up slightly from each end to their
midpOints. The bridges thet remain are solid and not
in immediate damger of collapsing, but they have no
Ruined Towers: Each surviving tower is built
around a solid core of black stone. Towers feature
additional levels above or below the bridge access
that is noted on the overview map, and open shafts or
collapsed staircases connect each tower. Such areas
are left to your development, or you can use them as

Haunted terrain is a feature of several locations in the
adventure from this point onward. It. acts as difficult ter
rain except as noted below.
Flying creatures are impeded if they overfly it, and it
costs 1 extra square of movement for a creature to move
through a square of haunted terrain.
Contact with haunted terrain triggers a distracting
panic response. When a living creature enters a square of
haunted terrain or starts its turn there, it grants combat
advantage until the end of its next turn.


The Tomb of Shadows

Any creature that falls from a bridge or through the
open wall of a tower can make a saving throw to
catch itself on an outcropping a short distance below.
If the creature saves, it clings to the ledge; it can then
climb back up as a move action (see "Climbing,"
above), or an ally adjacent to it can spend a standard
action to pull the creature up. Ifthe creature fails the
saving throw, it plummets into the necrotic bog sur
rounding Moil and takes damage depending on the
distance of the fall. At the start of its turn, the crea
ture takes 20 necrotic damage while it's stuck in the
bog (a creature can make a DC 17 Athletics check as
a move action to pull itself out of the bog).

The depths of the Shadowfell are freezing cold, crust
ing the crumbling towers of Moil with white rime
and black ice. While in Moil, a character must make
a DC 18 Endurance check every hour. On a failed
check, the character takes 2dl.O cold and necrotic

Powers or magic items that have the healing keyword
restore 1.0 fewer hit points than normal (minimum 1
hit point).

A character who dies anywhere in the city of Moil
rises on his or her next turn as a Moilian zombie
(page 50) under your control.
Once the risen zombie has been destroyed, the
character can be raised with the normal death pen
alty (see the Raise Dead ritual, Player's Handbook,
page 311). This penalty remains in effect until the
character departs Moil, no matter how many mile
stones the character reaches.

Beyond the four tactical encounters. this section of
the city is a maze of crumbling bridges and towers
whose ruins give only bare hints of their original
purpose. Use the following guidelines to generate
the contents of ruined towers or as material to build
d6 Contents

1 Fixtures (shattered stone furniture. empty pool)

2 Undead nest (rags. bones. desiccated skin)

3 Skeletal remains (shattered skulls and bones)

4 Worthless art objects (broken statuary and jewelry)

5 Ruined weapons and armor

6 Religious relics (shattered holy symbols,

icons of Orcus)

The characters arrive in Moil by way of an ancient
planar portal. Other outsiders have also passed this
way recently.
See Encounter Ml: Portal Tower. page 50.
When the characters first see Moil, read:
An ice-shrouded city ofshattered stone spires and decay
in8 arched brid8es comes into view from out ofthe swirlin8
black mist. Gray linhtnin8 surnes within the clouds. and
a bOilin8 sea ofblack surrounds the base ofthe towers a
hundred feet below. Several other spires connect to the one
closest to you, but uncounted hundreds more spread farther
in the distance, their shattered bridnes out ofreach.
Show the players The City that Waits (page 43).

Arcana Check
DC 18: A sense ofoppression settles in on you. You realize
that you have entered the Shadowfell.
History Check
DC 23: You see lost Moil, the le8endary City that Waits.
It was once ajewel ofthe mortal realm, until its masters
broke dark pacts they had made with Orcus. As punishment,
Orcus hurled the city into the darkest reaches ofthe Shadow
fell, never a8ain to see the sun.
DC 28: The demilich Acererak once controlled Moil.
usin8 it as the site ofhis dark experiments. The city 8ranted
access to his redoubt, the weat Fortress ofConclusion. The
fortress and its master were both destroyed years a80'


The Tower of Test once served as a training ground
for the defenders ofMoi!. but much of it collapsed
into the shadows long ago. Three of its deadly tests
remain in effect.
See Encounter M2: The Tower of Test. page 52.

Struck by another falling spire centuries ago. this
ruined tower now hides an undead threat.
See Encounter M3: Dark Barrow. page 55.

Where a tower and its stone core have been sheared
off. a powerful portal offers the only access from Moil
to the Shadow Tomb. The Tortured Vestige has tracked
the adventurers here. and overcoming the Shadow
Gate's wards becomes a matter oflife or death.
See Encounter M4: Shadow Gate. page 56.


The Tomb of Shadows

Encounter Level 14 (5,600 XP)

4 Moilian Zombies (Z)

Level 13 Controller

Medium sh,Hlow .Inil1'''' IlInd"ddl

4 Moilian zombies (Z)
2 winter wights (W)
The adventurers arrive in Moil by way of an ancient
planar portal at the apex of a ruined and listing
tower. No matter how you chose to begin this part of
the adventure, the unnatural darkness of Moil means
that the adventurers saw only shifting shadows
through the planar portal that brought them here.

When the characters step through the portal,


Freezin8 air and a sullen darkness envelop you as a series

offractured black columns come into view. The cracked

stonefloor slopes steeply down toward an archway openin8

onto a dead black mist, cmd above you a partial domed ceil

in8frames the sky. The howlin8 creatures lurchin8forward

to attack are a more immediate concern,

Show the players The Frozen Dead (page 78).

The Moilian zombies fight with a sense of strategy
abnormal in other lumbering undead. They wade
into melee with rendina claw, staying close to slowed
targets and using breath ofMoil when that power
recharges. The winter Wights target lightly armored
foes with blackfire and stay in the thick of combat to
maximize the effect of blackfire shroud.

XP SOO each

HP 131; Bloodied 65
Initiative +8
AC 27, Fortitude 26, Reflex 23 Will 25
Perception +10
Speed 5
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 acid, 5 fire, 5 radiant

Curse of Moll
Any humanoid killed by the Moilian zombie rises as a free
willed Moilian zombie at the start of its creator's next turn,
appearing in the space where it died, or in the nearest unoc
cupied space if that space is occupied. Raising the slain creature
(using a Raise Dead ritual) does not destroy the spawned

Rending Claw (cold, necrotic) .. At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 10 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is
slowed until the end of its next turn,


<. Breath of Moll (cold, healing, necrotic) .. Recharge [;] ~ [iJ

Attack: Close blast 3 (living creatures in blast); +16 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1dl 0 + 3 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is
slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, it is instead
immobilized (save ends). The zombie regains hit points equal
to half the damage dealt by this attack.
Str 23 (+12)
Dex 15 (+8)
Wis 18 (+10)
Con 19 (+10)
Int 8 (+5)
Cha 12 (+7)
Alignment evil

The winter wights avoid the hazardous rubble, but

a Moilian zombie will climb a rubble pile (potentially
dislodging it) to reach a character.


History or Religion DC 23: You
have never seen these creatures before,
but you recognize them from references
in dark lore you read long ago. Moil
ian zombies and winter wights are rare
undead from the legendary lost city
of Moil. Moilian zombies are all that
remain of the common folk of Moil,
because their souls were poisoned by the
eternal darkness into which their city
was cast. By contrast, Acererak created
the first winter Wights. These creatures
served as the sentries and defenders of
his Fortress ofConciusion, which was
accessed only from Moil.

2 Winter Wights (W)

MedlUIll , " "dow h'lllldllOld (cold, UIHil-,llll

Level 15 Brute
XI' 1,200 ("}(,,

Initiative +11
HP 180; Bloodied 90
Perception +11
AC 17. Fortitude 17. Reflex 16. Will 16
Speed 7
Immune disease. poison; Resist 10 cold. 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 fire. 5 radiant

Regeneration (healing)
The winter wight regains 10 hit points whenever it starts its turn
and has at least 1 hit point. If a winter wight takes fire damage.
its regeneration doesn't function until the end of its next turn.

<D Ice Claw (cold)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 3d11 + 10 cold damage.
Blackflre (cold, necrotic) Recharge [;-;J ll_1j
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d11 + 7 cold and necrotic damage. and the target takes
ongoing 10 cold and necrotic damage and is dazed (save ends
First Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is stunned instead of dazed
(save ends both).
Second Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is knocked unconscious
instead of stunned (save ends both).
Third Failed Sovi"B Throw: The target dies.


~ Blackflre Shroud (cold, necrotic)

Tr188er. The winter wight drops to 0 hit points.

Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 5 (creatures in burst);
+18 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + 7 cold and necrotic damage. and ongoing 10 cold and
necrotic damage (save ends).
Effect: The burst creates an area of difficult terrain that lasts until
the end of the encounter.
Wis 19 (+11)
Str 14 (+14)
Dex 20 (+11)
Cha 13 (+8)
Int 19 (+11)
Con 20 (+12)
Languages Abyssal. Common
Alignment evil

If the adventurers search the tower in the aftermath
of combat. they make an important discovery.
When the characters search the chamber, read:
You see that three bodies, veiled by shadows, have been laid
out within the rubble alonB the far wall.
A party loyal to the Raven Queen passed this way a
week ago on the same mission as the characters-pur
suing a connection between Moil and the e1dritch
engines in the Feywild. The three bodies are Moilian
zombies, risen from shadar-kai slain by the original
guardians here. The Raven Queen's servants slew
their former companions out of pity before they
moved farther into the city.
The zombie bodies are recognizably shadar-kai,
and the symbol of the Raven Queen is on their armor.
The adventurers can use the Speak with Dead ritual
to learn the following facts, though these three do not
know that Acererak was behind the desecration in

the Garden of Graves (see location 13 in the Shadow

Tomb. page 60).
+ These servants of the Raven Queen were investi
gating an e1dritch engine in the Feywild, and their
findings led them to Moil. See the "Assassination
Attempt" hook, page 45, for more information.
Undead guarding this portal killed these shadar
kai, which then rose as Moilian zombies to attack
their former allies.
The companions of these shadar-kai seek a portal
in Moil called the Shadow Gate.





Illumination: The teleportation circle sheds dim o

light for 2 squares.
Ceiling: The ceiling is 40 feet high.
Black Pillars: These haphazardly positioned pil
lars are blocking terrain. A pillar draws in the cold
and necrotic energy of Moil; whenever a creature
starts its turn adjacent to a pillar, it takes 10 cold and
necrotic damage.
Open Archway: Where the floor slopes away. an
archway opens up to a 50-foot flight ofstairs descend
ing to a bridge. A creature that falls through the open
archway can make a saving throw to safely land on the
stairs. On a failed saving throw, the creature plummets
to the bog surrounding Moil (see "Falling," page 48).
Slanted Floor: This tower's crumbling floor
dropped when its foundations collapsed, and now it
slants down more than 30 degrees from left to right
on the map. All areas of the floor are difficult terrain
unless otherwise noted. A creature that runs. charges,
or makes a double move in the tower must make a
DC 23 Acrobatics check or fall prone at the end of its
move, then slide 2 squares toward the open arclnvay.
Rubble Pile: These shattered slabs of rock and
rubble are heavy enough to remain in place on the
slanted floor. Areas of rubble provide cover and are
blocking terrain.
A creature can make a DC 15 Athletics check to
climb a rubble pile. A failed check dislodges the pile,
causing it to collapse and spread along the floor. A
rubble fall moves 6 squares per round at the start
of the turn of the creature that dislodged it. sliding
across the slanted floor. The fall funnels around pil
lars. along the walls, and out thc open archway. The
creature that starts a rubble fall and any creature
struck by the sliding rock must make a DC 18 Acro
batics check or fall prone, take IdlO damage, and be
swept up by the rubble as it moves.
A creature that starts its turn in a rubble fall takes
1d10 damage. A creature can make an additional DC
] 8 Acrobatics check as a standard action on its tllrn
to escape the rubble, or it can fly or teleport to safety,
A creature that cannot escape a rubble fall is carried
through the open archway and falls (see above).

Encounter Level 16 (7,100 XP)

Magical tests that once challenged the defenders of
Moil prove equally troublesome for the adventurers.
When the characters approach the end ofthe
bridge, read:
This tower has all but collapsed. and weat sections ofits
walls havefallen away to leave its interior levels c1in8in8
precariously to the central black spire.
Arcana Check
DC 18: The powerful ma8ic that suffuses this ruined level
is the only thin8 holdin8 the ancient. tower t08ether.
DC 23: The ancient ma8ie here has a specific si8nature
that speaks to its purpose. Ma8ie hazards in this place were
meant to test thefittest defenders ofMoil-and to kill those
who werefound unworthy.


This great tower stands at the center of Moil's web of
bridges. To reach the stairs that provide the only safe
exit from this area. the adventurers must negotiate
three perilous areas.
Level: 14 (XP 5,000).
Complexity: This challenge encompasses the
entirety of the characters' passage through the ruins
of the tower. As such, its effective complexity depends
on how many checks it takes each of the characters
to succeed on all three tests. Run each part of the
challenge separately, though different characters
can engage the different areas of the Tower of Test

Simultaneously. In addition, after 5 rounds, the

encounter becomes more difficult as local undead
creatures attack (see "Restless Guardians").
Special: This skill challenge involves movement
and combat, so you can run it much as you would a
normal encounter. Have each character roll initiative
when the Standing Spires first activate.
Each primary skill check in the challenge requires
a standard action, and success on a check enables the
character making the check to use a move action to
advance through the test area. (The red line on the map
depicts the shortest route through this area.) A charac
ter can use those move actions to employ any normaJ
movement modes, though he or she cannot run. (Addi
tionally, the artifact-level magic of the Tower ofTest
blocks teleportation.) Characters flying or climbing
also must make successful primary skill checks before
moving. A character who has not earned one or more
move actions with a successful primary skill check
cannot move within the area of a test, but he or she can
take move actions that don't involve movement.
A character can spend an action point to take an
extra move action. A character cannot use this extra
move action to move through the test area unless he or
she has earned the right to move with a primary skill
check. This also applies to powers that grant movement.
A character must make a successful primary skill
check to move into or out of a test area. In addition, a
character can be pulled, pushed , or slid into the first
2 squares of a test area. A character who enters a test
area because offorced movement must undertake the
appropriate skill challenge to exit.
The Tower ofTest (including the spires, spheres,
and blades of each area) is impervious to damage and
dispel ma8ic or similar effects.
Example of Movement: A char
acter who has speed 6 and moves
through the Music of the Spheres test
must move a minimum of 12 squares,
some of which are difficult terrain.
With a successful Arcana check, the
character earns one move action to
advance 6 squares through the area.
The character can take the move action
011 the same turn as the primary check
or on a subsequent turn . The charac
ter must succeed on at least two more
primary skill checks to earn enough
movement to leave the area.
Ongoing Penalties: Some primary
skill checks incur penalties for failure.
All penalties lor a particular area stack
with each other, and they last until
the end of the encounter. For example,
when a character fails a primary skill

check while attempting to pass through the Standing

Spires, each subsequent primary skill check in this
area by any character takes a -2 penalty, If any char
acter fails another primary skill check, subsequent
primary skill checks take a -4 penalty, and so on.
Success: Overall success comes when all charac
ters have passed safely through all three tests.
Failure: Failure is not based on a certain number
of failed checks; each failure damages the characters
in some way. The challenge ends when all surviving
characters have reached the stairs in the last test area.

A chaotic arrangement of iron spires tests the agility
of characters seeking a path to the other side.
When the characters can see the area, read:
Beyond a massive collapse ofrubble, a larae chamber opens

up. Afield of hand-wide black iron spiresfills the space

from wall to wall andfloor to cei/ina. Most stand so close as
to nearly touch each other, but wider spaces between some
ofthem create a narrow path leadina to the other side_
When the first character steps within 10 feet of
the spires, read:

With a resoundina crash, the spires beain to topple and

twist in a domino effect. Spires smashed and manaled in

collisions with each other are maaically reformed and

riahted, and the path between them shifts erratically.

widens the path. With a successful check. the charac

ter negates any penalty to primary skill checks in this
part of the challenge.
Perception (DC 18, minor action): The character
carefully studies the chaotic movement of the spires
as he or she moves. With a successful check. the char- uJ
acter gains two move actions to advance after his or
her next successful primary skill check in this part of
the challenge.





When the characters can see the area, read:


The exterior wall ofthis chamber is aone, and the shadow

beyondframes dozens of2foot-diameter colored alass
spheres strunafrom the ceilina on corroded copper chains.
A barely audible hum fills the area.
The spheres hang 15 feet above the Ooor.
When the first character enters the area, read:
A series ofmusical tones rises to weave a chaotic din. The
spheres shimmer in time with the storm ofsound, and your
ears pound as your stomach beains to churn.
Primary Skills: Arcana, Endurance. Insight.

Arcana (DC 18): The character disrupts the arcane

Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics.

Acrobatics (DC 11): The character manages to

slip between the twisting spires. A successful check
grants the character one move action to advance.
On a failed check, the character takes IdlO
damage from a spire smashing into him or her, and
slides 2 squares toward the entrance to the area.
As the spires shift into more complex patterns,
subsequent primary skill checks in this part of the
challenge take a -2 penalty.
Athletics (DC 18): The character pushes through
the spires with brute force. A successful check grants
the character one move action to advance. If the char
acter chooses to take IdlO damage, he or she instead
gains two move actions to advance.
On a f.,iled check, the character takes 2d 10 damage,
slides 3 squares toward the entrance, and is slowed
until the end of his or next turn. As the spires shift
into more complex patterns. subsequent primary skill
checks in this part ofthe challenge take a -2 penalty.
Secondary Skills: Arcana, Perception.
Arcana (DC 11, minor action): By focusing on the
arcane energy animating the spires. the character
predicts their movement. With a successful check,
the character grants a +2 bonus to the next primary
skill check in this part of the challenge.
Arcana (DC 18. minor action): By tapping into
the Oow of arcane power in the area. the character


Each of the magic spheres hanging from the ceiling
ofthis area resonates with a single perfect tone-and
they combine ,to produce a deadly song.

energy feeding the spheres. A successful check grants

the character one move action to advance.
On a failed check, the character ,t akes Id8 damage
from arcane feedback. As the music of the spheres
intensifies, subsequent primary skill checks in this
part of the challenge ,t ake a -2 penalty.
Endurance (DC 11): The character ignores the effect
of the spheres as he or she moves through the area.
A successful check grants the character one move
action to advance.
On a failed check, the character takes ongoing 10
damage (save ends).
lnsiaht (DC 18): The character identifies which
spheres produce tones that do not affect him or her and
chooses the safest route accordingly. A successful check
grants the character one move action to advance.
On a failed check, the "safe" spheres shift their
tones to become harmful once again. The character
who failed the check takes a -2 penalty to each of his
or her subsequent primary skill checks in this part of
the challenge.
Secondary Skills: Perception.
Perception (DC 18, minor action): The character
detects patterns in the pulSing of the spheres. With
a successful check, the character gains a +2 bonus to
his or her next primary skill check in this part of the



.p1usic of the spheres affects deafened

creattJriJ&, buMhese creatures gain a +2 bonus to each
primary'skill check in this part oftbe challenge.
The cacophony of the spheres becomes potentially
lethal for characters who linger here too long. A
character who fails three primary skill checks in this
part of the challenge is stunned and takes ongoing 10
damage (save ends hoth).

As the adventurers approach, they see a silver haze
blocking the stair-the only exit from the ruined tower.
When the characters approach this area, read:

Suspended on shimmerin8 lines offo rce, hundreds of

steel blades slash past each other in a dizzyiJt8 blur. Their
movementforms an impenetrable barrier exceptfo r afew
narrow pathways-openfor a moment, then Bone within
tile haze. At the end of that path, a spiral staircase leads up
out of the tower.
Show players The Scything Blades (page 78).
Primary Skills: Acrobatics, AthJctics. Insight.

Acrobatics (DC 18): The character weaves and

dodges through the blades. A successful check grants
the character one move action to advance.
On a failed check, the blades make ld4 attacks
against that character: +19 vs. AC; 2dS + 6 damage.
A character who takes damage from two or more
attacks in a single round is slowed until the end of his
or her next turn.
Athletics (DC 18): The character crashes through
the blades with brute force. A successful check grants
the character one move action to advance.
On a failed check, the blades make 1d4 attacks
against that character: +19 vs. AC; 2dS + 6 damage .
A character who takes damage from two or more
attacks in a Single round is slowed until the end of his
or her next turn.
Insiaht (DC 11): The character carefully assesscs
the predictable movement of the blades to avoid
them. A successful check grants the character one
move action to advance.
On a failed check, the blades make one attack
against that character: +19 vs. AC; 2dS + 6 damage.
Special: A character who wields a large metal or
wooden object (for example, a heavy shield or a two
handed weapon) can use the item to gain a +2 bonus
to primary skill checks made in this part of the chal
lenge. Any mundane object so used is destroyed by
the time the character makes it to the stairs.
Secondary Skills: Arcana.
Arcana (DC 11, minor action): The character taps
into the arcane energy of the blades to direct their
movement. With a successful check, the character
grants a +2 bonus to the next primary skill check
made in this part of the challenge.

The longer the adventurers take to move through the
Tower of Test, the greater the risk of attracting Moil's
restless undead. In the fifth round after the Standing
Spires have heen activated, and in every third round
thereafter, a banshee burts through a wall within 10
squares of a character and moves to attack. A maxi
mum of three banshees can appear this way. The
charactcrs earn XP for each banshee they destroy.
W ailing Ghost (Banshee)

Level 12 Controller

Medi u l1l ,h.ldo", IlLll n.lrt Dic! (u"df'.I<I I

HP 91; Bloodied 45
AC 23, Fortitude 23. Reflex 23, Will 14
Speed O. fly 6 (hover). phaSing
Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial


Initiative +8
Perception +13

A( 1 10N~

CD Spirit Touch (necrotic) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d 10 + 1 necrotic damage.
:,- Death's Visage (fear, psychic) + At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 3 psychic damage. and the target takes a -1 penalty
to all defenses (save ends).
~ Terrifying Shriek (fear, psychic) + Recharge [:.;] [fi]
Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 3 psychic damage, the wailing ghost pushes the
target 5 squares, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Skills Stealth +13
Str 14 (+8)
Dex 1S (+8)
Wls 14(+8)
Con 13 (+7)
Int 10(+6)
Cha 17 (+9)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common

A banshee flies at the nearest character and uses

spirit touch, employing death's visaae on targets at the

edge of the fray. It uses terrifyina shriek to push a char
acter into one of the test areas, or out an open wall.
Because they are insubstantial , the banshees
pursue characters into the Standing Spires and
Scything Blades areas. When a banshee ends its turn
in either area, it takes IdS damage. The banshees
do not enter the Music of the Spheres area, but they
phase through the ruined walls to bypass it.
The banshees pursue the characters up the stairs
and heyond, fighting until destroyed .


Illumination: Dim light in the Music of the
Spheres area. Darkness in the other areas.
Ceiling: The ceiling is 20 feet high.
Collapse: Rubble has fallen down to block parts of
this area. These squares are impassable.
Open Walls: Collapsed walls leave the tower's
floor open to the darkness (see "Falling," page 4S).
Rubble: Loose scree spreads across this level of
the tower. These areas are difficult terrain.
Spiral Stair: The staircase leads up to the remains
of the level above, which offers access to the bridge.

- . _ - . _ - . - . - - . - - - . - . - - . _ - . - . - . - - . - - . - - _._-.-- - . -


Encounter Level 14 (5,000 XP)

Moilian Barrow (B)


Moilian barrow (B)
When one of Moil's towers collapsed into this neigh
boring spire, rubble crushed a number ofMoilian
undead. Their remains have assembled into a Moilian
barrow-a mass that hungers for living prey.

1l.J(IH ,II ,lll llll,t!( ' Is h,lciIlW ,

Level 14 Solo Soldier

ulHlpa d )

XP 5.000

HP 560; Bloodied 280

Initiative +12
AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 27
Perception +8
Speed 5
Darkvision, tremorsense 5
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

\> Aura of Abandonment (fear) + Aura 5

When the characters approach this tower, read:

This tower has been sheared offat an anale, as if it had
been struck by another spire. As you approach, you can see
movement. Bones and body parts are knittina themselves
toaether into a laraer mass in the rubble.

Enemies within the aura cannot spend action points.

Dark Rebirth
The Moilian barrow rises at full hit points one day after it has
been destroyed. Performing the Gentle Repose ritual on the
creature's remains destroys the creature completely, preventing
it from using the dark rebirth power.
Strength of the Dead
When the Moilian barrow spends an action pOint to take an
extra action, it also gains an extra move action or minor action.


<D Slam (necrotic) + At-Will



The Moilian barrow keeps as many characters within

reach as possible. It uses fury of death against lightly
armored foes and spends its action points early to use
bone arab against heavily armored characters.


Ledges: The gradual collapse of this tower has
created a series ofledges at the elevations indicated
on the map. It costs I extra square of movement for a
creature to descend a 5-foot-high slope between two
ledges. A creature must use a move action or make a
DC 20 Athletics check as part of movement to ascend
a 5-foot-high slope. A lO-foot-high slope requires a
DC 25 Athletics check to ascend or descend.
Open Walls: Collapsed walls leave sections of
the tower's floor open (see "Falling," page 48).
Rubble: Scattered chunks of rock are difficult ter
rain. A creature that runs, charges, or makes a double

Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +19 vs. AC

Hit: 2d10 + 11 necrotic damage.

~ Fury of Death (necrotic) + Recharge [:~ fITJ

Attack: Melee 3 (one, two, three, or four creatures); +19 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage, and ongOing 10 necrotic damage
(save ends).
~ Bone Grab (necrotic) + At-Will
Attack: Close burst 3 (one, two, or three creatures in burst); +17
vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 11 necrotic damage, and the target is grabbed.
Special: The Mollian barrow can have no more than three crea
tures grabbed at the same time.
~ CrushIng Hate + At-Will (l/round)
Attack: Melee 3 (creatures grabbed by the barrow); +17 vs.
Hit: 10 damage.

Mass of Claws
Tri88er: The Moilian barrow is stunned or dominated.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The Mollian barrow uses slam
against each creature wthin 3 squares of it.
~ Shadow Storm (necrotic)
Tri88er: The Mollian barrow is first bloodied, or it drops to 0 hit
Attack (No Action): Close burst 5 (creatures in burst); +17 vs.
Hit: 4d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded until the
end of its next turn.
Miss: Half damage.
Skills Stealth +15
Wls12 (+8)
Dex 16 (+10)
Str 22 (+13)
Cha 18 (+11)
Con 20(+12)
Int 5 (+4)
Alignment chaotic evil

move while crOSSing rubble must make a DC 20

Acrobatics check or fall prone at the end of its move.
Shadow Pools: Pure necrotic essence boils in
these I-foot-deep pools. These areas are haunted
terrain (page 48). When a creature enters a shadow
pool or starts its turn in one, it takes 2dIO necrotic
damage and is dazed until the end of its next turn.




Encounter Level 15 (6,400 XP)

The Tortured Vestige (V)
A portal here connects Moil to the Shadow Tomb.

This encounter is designed to be played out using one

side of the poster map.
Do not place the Tortured Vestige until its appear
ance is triggered (see "Dark Legacy").
When the characters approach this tower, read:
This fallen spire is open to the darkness. Its central stone
core has been sheared offcleanly to create a platform of
8'owin8 black stone.
Arcana Check
DC 18: Powerful spellcraft protects the platform a8ainst
access, but it is not the ancient ma8ie of Moil. These wards
are new~ made, perhaps no more than a week aao.
DC 23: The a'owin8 platform is imbued with powerful
planar and teleportation ma8ie. Ifit is a portal to some
where else. you cannot determine its destination.


'Fhis portallcads to the Shadow Tomb. but the char
acters must overcome the wards left by servants of
the Raven Queen to gain access to the portal (on the
surface of the platform).
Level: 15 (3,600 XP).
Complexity: 3 (requires 8 successes before 3
Primary Skills: Arcana. Athletics. Religion.
Arcana (DC 18. standard action): The character subtly
shifts the flow of arcane power within the portal, ini
tiating or accelerating the process ofbreaking down
the wards that protect it. A character must be within 3
squares of the Shadow Gate to attempt this check.
Athletics (DC 18. standard action): With brute force.
the character disrupts the force field protecting the
Shadow Gate. A character must be adjacent to the
Shadow Gate to attempt this check. This skill can be
used to gain 3 successes in the challenge.
Reli8ion (DC 18, standard action): The necrotic
energy that permeates Moil taints the eldritch wards
that protect the gate. By heightening this imbalance.
the character accelerates the process of breaking
down the wards. A character mllst be within 3
squares of the Shadow Gate to attempt this check.
Thievery (DC 18, standard action): The character dis
rupts the wards by physically diverting their energy

into the inert stone around them. A character must be

adjacent to the Shadow Gate to attempt this check. This
skill can be used to gain 3 successes in the challenge.
Special: On each failed check, the character takes
10 necrotic damage and is pushed 5 squares away from
the Shadow Gate by a backlash ofmagical energy.
Secondary Skills: Endurance.
Endurance (DC 23. immediate interrupt when a char
acter or all ally adjacent to a character fails a primary skill
check): The character absorbs the energy of the ward's
attack. and the triggering character takes no damage
and is not pushed.
Success: The characters shut down the wards
protecting the Shadow Gate and can use the portal to
travel to location 1 in the Shadow Tomb.
Failure: The characters deactivate the portal's
wards. but the lingering arcane energy around them
proves hazardous. Any character descending into
the portal takes 20 necrotic damage instead of 10
necrotic damage (see "Features of the Area").

The wards on the Shadow Gate are a straightfor
ward challenge. However. the Tortured Vestige-the
undead manifestation of Moil's countless lost souls
has been tracking the adventurers since they arrived
in the city (see "The Tortured Vestige." page 47).
After a character makes the first check in the
skill challenge, read:
A 8reat shapeless mist suddenly flares at the end ofthe
brid8e, its roi/in8 mass oftendrils and 8hostly faces litfrom
within by an unearthly ween 81ow. A host ofvoices scream
in a twisted chorus of pain and fear as it attacks.
Show the players The Tortured Vestige (page 79).

The Tortured Vestige uses lashin8 mist followed by
en8ulj. restraining as many creatures as it can to ben
efit from the healing provided by eater ofsouls. The
Tortured Vestige will pursue the characters into any
part of the city. but it cannot enter the Shadow Gate.


Illumination: The Tortured Vestige sheds dim
light for 2 squares. Darkness covers the rest of the
Rubble: Chunks of rock and icc are difficult
Ruins: Great slabs of stone rise up from the shat
tered tower to a height of20 feet. A character can
make a DC 20 Athletics check to climb the ruins.

The Tortured Vestige (V)

Level 10 Solo Lurker

Garg.lntu.lIl ,h.Hlow .Inlll1.1t" (u.HJe d )

XP 14,000

HP 544; Bloodied 171

Initiative +16
AC 34, Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 18
Perception +10
Speed 10, fly 10 (hover), teleport 10
Darkvision, blindsight 10
Immune charm, cold, disease, poison;
Resist 15 necrotic, insubstantial; Vulnerable 10 radiant
Savin Throws +5; Action Points 1

o Menadng Presence (fear) + Aura 5

Enemies within the aura take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, skill
checks, and ability checks. If the Tortured Vestige takes radiant
damage, its aura is negated until the start of its next turn.
Eater of Souls (healing)
At the start of its turn, ifthe Tortured Vestige has one or more
creatures engulfed, it regains 10 hit points and can use dread
menace at any point during its turn as a free action. If the Tor
tured Vestige takes radiant damage, it cannot regain hit points
from this power until the start of its next tum.
Eternal Darkness

The Tortured Vestige re-forms at full hit points 1 hour after

being slain. As long as Moil endures, the Vestige's unliving

essence cannot be destroyed.



Ac nON S

.,. Engulf (necrotic) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 5 (one creature grabbed by the Tortured Vestige);
+13 vs. Will
Hit: 1d1 0 damage plus 1d1 0 necrotic damage, and the target
is engulfed by the Tortured Vestige. The Tortured Vestige
pulls the target into its space. While engulfed, the target Is
restrained. When the Tortured Vestige moves, the target
moves with it, remaining in the vestige's space. An engulfed
creature has line of effect only to the vestige, and only the
vestige has line of effect to the engulfed creature. When an
engulfed creature escapes, it appears in a space of its choice
adjacent to the vestige.
Sustain Minor: Each engulfed creature takes 15 necrotic damage.
~ Dread Menace (necrotic) + At-Will
Attack: Close burst 5 (one creature in burst); +13 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The Tortured Vestige pushes the target 3 squares.


<.. Death Storm (necrotic)

TriBSer: The Tortured Vestige is first bloodied, or it drops to 0

hit points.
Attack (No Action): Close burst 10 (one creature In burst); +13 vs.
Hit: 1d10 + 10 damage, and the target is slowed and weakened
(save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Str 10 (+15)
Dex 13 (+16)
Wis 11 (+15)
Int 19 (+14)
Cha 16 (+13)
Con 18 (+19)
Alignment chaotic evil

Shadow Gate: The sheared-off remains of the

tower's core form a 3 -foot-high stone platform.
Acererak channeled the arcane energy once held in
this tower to turn this platform into a portal to the
Shadow Tomb. The servants of the Raven Queen
passed this way, warding the Shadow Gate to prevent
pursuit. While its wards are in effect , characters
cannot touch the platform, though attempting to do
so has no adverse effect.
Once the skill challenge is completed, characters
can use the portal. Each character who enters the
portal takes 10 necrotic damage, and then upon
arriving at location 1 in the Shadow Tomb takes 2d I 0
damage as he or she falls to the floor of that chamber.


Experienced players know that some challenges are best
avoided. If your players have yet to learn this fact, the
Tortured Vestige is an exceptional teacher.
As the dark essence of the City that Waits, this chal
lenge is beyond the capabilities of most 14th-level parties.
As such, players should quickly realize that opening the
Shadow Gate and fleeing is the best means of success in
this encounter. You can give guidance to inexperienced
players who miss this point (perhaps by using the Tortured
Vestige lore check, page 48). Those who know better but
choose to fight anyway get what they deserve.
The encounter awards the characters 2,800 XP (equiv
alent to a standard level 20 monster) for holding off the
Tortured Vestige while they open the Shadow Gate. On
the off chance that the characters defeat the Tortured
Vestige, award full experience.

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