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Pexia's Guide To Omeria Introduction

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he valiant half-elven warrior rushes into The Obsidian Plain, and The Wither. Major city states cling
combat wielding a mythical glaive. She to the coastlines in this region. To the far south, the Nation of
commands a loyal army of undead and rides Odonburg utilizes the innate magic of emerald odonburgite
beside the great titan worm, Kongradol the gems to enhance its technology.
Conqueror. Although she never asked for this
role, it is now her burden to bear. 
A warlock who owes his powers to not one— Since the beginning of the Age of Triumphs, humans have
not two—but three otherworldly patrons stumbles through quickly spread over the Long Continent. Mankind started in
The Low, a realm of endless darkness hidden below the three regions: The Summer Land to the northeast, Odonburg
surface world, hunting for lost treasure for his goblin captors. to the south, and now-ruined Karnione in east central
If only he could free himself from the dokh nuzegh (Goblin Omeria.
for “anti-magic dog”) chained to his leg, he could use his The second most prolific race in Omeria are the Garrish
magic to escape. goblinoids of Gar Wabrizz. Emerging from their homes in
The Spear-Wielders of Arruquetta are among the most The Low a few centuries ago, the Garrish fought off the
powerful humanoids in the land. And they are led by X, an hordes of Olyothyrian elves to the west with help from magic-
assassin whose mastery of the spear knows no equal. X and sensitive creatures called dokh nuzegh.
the other spear-wielders patiently wait in the wasteland near Other races live in Omeria, too. From the island of Aegreya
the town of Dubufi. Soon, an army of technologically come the drakebloods, descendants of the Great Chromatic
advanced Dinzers will arrive: pitting 300 troops against 7. X dragons that once ruled the Basilisk’s Spine. Once the rulers
likes those odds. of Northern Omeria, two proud races of elves—the
This is Omeria. Olyothyrians and Anorians—have since dwindled to only a
few hundred thousand of their kind. Two major races of
 dwarves are found in Omeria as well. First, there are the
Omeria is a new setting for the Fifth Edition of the world’s exiled Von Doral dwarves who lost their kingdom to the
oldest and most well-known roleplaying game (you know the Garrish and their dohk nuzeghs. Then, there are ong-ongs of
one). It was originally created as an interconnected setting for Wallingmiotta, a strange, fur-covered race of dwarves who
“DM” Dave Hamrick’s Patreon, but quickly developed into an have more in common with gnomes than they do the Von
exciting world filled with exotic new locations, strange Dorals. Wanderer halflings sail across the Omeria Ocean to
creatures, and dangerous villains. The biggest feature of prove their worth as warriors. Even the undead have staked a
Omeria is the epic nature of its story. Although Omeria is a claim in Omeria as the slaveholding rulers of Xenem Dynasty,
young world—only a few million years old—it is constantly on an island named for its immortal emperor.
the brink of destruction. Forces beyond reality constantly 
fight to tear it apart. Were it not for the persistent efforts of a
few powerful beings, Omeria would have collapsed into the While religious worship has faded over time and has led to
void eons ago. Yet, third-eye diviners, crystal-ball-toting hags, the majority of Omerians practicing agnosticism or atheism,
and treasure cats see no way around it: Omeria is doomed. there are gods in Omeria. However, their origins vary. Some
This book is designed for both players and game masters. of the gods were dulons. Now extinct, dulons were created by
While it assumes that most game masters and players who the twelve arcane energies that preceded the Cosmos. With
take part in an Omeria campaign setting should be assistance from the four major elements, the dulons created
experienced, it has plenty of content to help with the Casar and later the four progenitor species: titans,
formulation of new adventures and campaigns set in this danaavrakti, elves, and humans. Unknown to most of their
world. And while the continent of Omeria and its three mighty worshippers in The Summer Land and Presson’s Enclave,
oceans are much smaller than a typical world, it possesses the Four Generals were actually dulons. Pexian scholars also
many pockets and secret lairs for game masters and players believe that Vapul, the God of Ice and Death, was originally a
to discover. dulon, though some argue it’s more likely he was once an
Game masters will get access to new magic items, spells, elemental.
villains, and monsters with which to challenge their players. The dulons’ first created race, the titans, have also been
Players will also discover new player options, story hooks, worshipped as gods, although not as frequently as the dulons
and an entirely new background system designed to themselves. The three most commonly worshipped titans are
encourage roleplaying. T’qin the Double Mantis, the Demon Brar’enaath, and Ereyth,
Mother of the Fey. Danaavrakti, the power-obsessed
 creatures whom the dulons created after the titans, have also
been worshipped as gods. Usteus, The God of Judgment, and
Also referred to as the Long Continent, Omeria is the only Yrena, The Goddess of Destruction, are both thought to be
known continent on the planet Casar. In the far north, the danaavrakti in disguise. There are also the Elementalists,
Rasgax Highlanders protect the lower lands from the horrors those who put their faith in the four core elements.
that hide in the ice and snow. Central Omeria is divided by
two great features: the Basilisk’s Spine Mountains and the
Three Great Wastelands: The Desolation of Ditimaya,
 expanding or collapsing, respectively. While red
necromancers see the Cosmos as an anomaly that should be
While the continent of Omeria is mostly safe for humanoids, aggressively eradicated. Naturally, most Omerians try to stop
much of Casar is still young and chaotic, and still home to the red necromancers at all costs, but certain sects of red
elementals who helped shape the Cosmos and the world. necromancers, such as the vivisectors and Disciples of Squall
West of Omeria, Suen’s wrath prevents both sailing and flying in Steel Church, persist.
ships from traveling too far from Omeria’s western coastline. Illusion magic is common throughout Omeria. Nearly all
Similarly, the Qhek water elementals who rule the Ocean of practitioners of magic know the minor illusion cantrip. For
Warna prevent creatures from sailing beyond Xenem some spellcasters who find necromancy and lichdom
Dynasty. Go too far north or too far south and you will have to distasteful, illusion’s simulacrum spell offers a roundabout
face the Winds of Vapul. form of immortality.
Unfortunately, the presence of humans and the high Abjuration magic is also common and is the favored tool of
number of spellcasters among them have taken a toll on the Pressonian Abjurers who tend to abhor other forms of
Omeria, too. Nearly all of Central Omeria was damaged by magic. The Summer Land’s Otari monks, the theocratic
the various wars that occurred during the 7th and 8th rulers of Presson’s Enclave, use abjuration magic as part of
centuries, resulting in the Three Great Wastelands. In other their martial arts style.
parts of The Long Continent, the deadly collision of And while divination is not limited by many laws, it is a
overchanneled evocation and necromantic energies have dangerous form of magic. Only the most powerful
literally torn holes in reality. One such hole destroyed the city spellcasters in Omeria can employ it without harming their
of Qola in the Tadju Confederacy of Central Omeria. A psyches.
second tear in reality recently removed the top of the
Basilisk’s Spine’s tallest mountain, Trenrock. 
 This book is divided into four parts for ease of browsing.
Casar is a young world that owes its existence to the random Each part is further divided into chapters. Definitions for
arcane energies that pervade the Cosmos. There are twelve campaign-specific terms are included in the Glossary at the
major types of energies in the universe. First, there are the end of the book along with an index categorizing all of the
four core elements: air, earth, fire, and water. Following the people, places, and things detailed in this book.
core elements come the eight energies of reality: abjuration, Part 1 of this book is intended to be read by players and
conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, game masters alike. It offers basic information on the
necromancy, and transmutation. campaign setting of Omeria, including its storied history, its
Worshippers of the four core elements are known as people, and all of the many locations that comprise The Long
Elementalists. Some Elementalists worship all four Continent.
elements, but most choose one of the four to follow. The most Part 2 of this book is intended for players and offers
well-known Elementalists are the citizens of Castlegrasp who information on character creation. This section includes
worship the earth elemental high priestess Gasta-Harrak. details on Omerian races—both old and new to Fifth Edition
Gasta-Harrak grants Castlegrasp’s greatest warriors, the —as well as new subclasses. Instead of backgrounds, this
Stonearms, the power of petrification. campaign book presents a new way of detailing characters
For historical reasons, three of the energies of reality are called motivations, which rewards players for staying true to
forbidden throughout most of Omeria. Transmutation was their character. Finally, the Omerian Grimoire gives details
forbidden following the violent and destructive Transmuter on Omeria’s magic and technology. This section includes new
Wars of the early 7th century. CShortly after transmutation spells and magic items for you to use in your campaign.
was forbidden, conjuration was forbidden during the Part 3 of this book is intended for game masters’ eyes only.
danaavrakti uprising a century later. Finally, most forms of It helps game masters new to Omeria create adventures and
enchantment are forbidden due to the effects it has on campaigns in the setting. Also, game masters can find
humanoid minds; many Omerians see enchantment as a form information on Omeria’s factions and major NPCs, as well as
of slavery. Of course, not all nations of Omeria follow these some of the biggest secrets that the players shouldn’t know
guidelines. Xenem Dynasty, a nation whose economy is built about.
on slavery, uses enchantment regularly. And many point Finally, Part 4 of this book offers a bevy of new monsters
fingers at the Castlegraspians for their unbridled use of and NPCs for game masters to challenge their players with
petrification, a transmutation effect. including the dreaded nightmare orbs, shapeshifting
Without conjuration to instantly teleport creatures around bufonem, and the mysterious treasure cats. Just like Part 3,
the continent, the Dinzers of Odonburg turned toward this section should be for the game master's eyes only.
evocation and the eponymous emerald odonburgite to fuel
their high-speed vehicles, weapons, and other technologies. 
Because of the vast deposits of emerald odonburgite the Omeria is a world in constant flux. Wars, intrigue, gods, and
Dinzers possess, the nation quickly rose from its humble monsters all play a hand in reshaping the world while the
tribal roots to the continent’s dominant power in just a few common folk do their best to keep up. As such, a player’s
decades. character in the Omeria campaign setting is often more than
Necromancy comes in two forms: gray necromancy and red just a person who goes from dungeon to dungeon plundering
necromancy. Gray necromancers, such as the vampires of treasure. The characters in an Omerian campaign should
Xenem Dynasty, see life and death as a balance. The two actually have an effect on the world, especially when they
forces must work together to prevent the universe from
start reaching higher levels. Part 3 details ways to create epic
level campaigns. Below is a basic layout of how an Omerian
campaign typically goes down:
Tier 0 (Levels 1 - 2). The characters are just starting their
adventuring careers. However, they may become embroiled
in a plot that will have long-lasting ramifications. Before
they reach 3rd level, they must decide whether they wish to
continue along the path set before them.
Tier 1 (Level 3 - 4). There’s no turning back, now. The
characters are too involved. They start to gain renown and
are already tied into the major plots of Omeria. Their
decisions can already be felt in and around their area of
Tier 2 (Levels 5 - 10). The characters are frequently
challenged by overwhelming odds. They must fight
monsters and villains capable of destroying entire villages
—if not whole cities. Major political decisions are leveraged
on the outcome of their deeds.
Tier 3 (Levels 11 - 16). The characters are among the most
powerful people in all of Omeria. Everyone turns to them
when the world is threatened. They might manage their
own settlements or have their own armies.
Tier 4 (Levels 17 - 20). The characters are godlike beings in
Omeria who can literally reshape the world as they see fit.
It’s rare that they ever fight anymore, and when they do, it’s
to save Omeria from forces beyond nature.


he world of Casar is relatively young compared elements (air, earth, fire, and water) developed their own
to the worlds found in other universes. Reality separate planes of existence. Each of these four physical
started approximately three million years ago elements had a greater sense of the universe and themselves.
when the first elementals willed themselves Those elements were Uve the Harrow, Ohm the Persistent,
into existence. And humanoids have walked Gasta the Pure, and Qhek the Intolerant. Ontologists
Casar for only the last sixteen thousand years. consider these the “true elementals.”
Treasure cats, the enigmatic air elementals The other eight elements continued to shape the Cosmos.
who are destined to exist through infinite incarnations of this These “psuedo-elements” were creation, death, evolution,
Cosmos, once shared with Pexian scholars that Casar’s force, mind, persistence, space, and time.
existence numbers less than 4 million years before it returns Time—the poison of reality—immediately disrupted the
to The Void. Skeptics doubt the treasure cats’ claims, Cosmic order and revealed the treasure cats, unusual wind-
believing that their perception of “what is real” is altered by creatures who came before the Void. These creatures spoke
their infinite nature. Still, the existence of The Amazing Clock of a great echo at the end of time where all of reality returned
and the recent arrival Hand of the Eight create omens that once more to the Void. To protect themselves against this
even the most logical Pexian scholar has trouble ignoring. prophesied doom, the elementals joined forces to create a
Regardless of Casar’s inevitable demise, the billions of world shell. Uve the Harrow lit a fire at the center of The
creatures who inhabit the world continue to thrive in its air, Void. Then, Gasta the Pure surrounded the fire with earth.
land, and waters. Qhek the Intolerant wrapped Gasta's earth with water. And
finally, Ohm the Persistent covered it all in its winds.
 As the pseudo-elements gained power, they turned their
attention to the world shell, bombarding it with their
The information contained in this chapter is widely known by unfettered energies. But the true elementals held and
most scholars throughout Omeria. Therefore, both players repelled the pseudo-elements. Knowing that the energies
and game masters can read this section of the book without would never cease until they were controlled, the true
spoiling too much for themselves. The timeline’s greatest elementals once again combined their efforts to protect
secrets are revealed later in chapter 12 of this book. existence. This time, they used fragments of the pseudo-
The first part of the chapter presents a detailed timeline of elements to develop all new creatures: the dulons. Crafted
the major events throughout Omeria’s young history. Then, from the pseudo-elements themselves, the dulons possessed
the chapter expands on the eight major ages not including a greater understanding of the universe. At the behest of their
the Void, which little is known about. true elemental creators, the dulons set out to find a way to
stop reality’s inevitable destruction.
[Timeline Goes Here]
 1,000,000 years before the Age of Triumphs
Casar's timeline is divided into nine distinct era, each one As creatures born of the eight pseudo-elementals powers, the
detailed below. dulons could wield the chaotic energies. This allowed them
 to reshape reality at will with a technique known as “The
Hand of the Eight.” The dulons used their powers to further
Outside of time protect the world shell from the pseudo-elementals’ harmful
energies. Once shielded, the dulons settled onto this new
In the beginning, there was only the Void. The Void was world, which they named Casar. As the world continued to
without shape or dimensions and free of time, simultaneously evolve, the dulons decided to study the pseudo-elements
infinite and nonexistent. When the Void ended—ontologists themselves. The dulons believed that if they better
prefer to say it “shattered” since it’s not possible to end what understood the pseudo-energies, the further they could
never had a beginning—it briefly created something outside prolong Casar’s existence. Whereas the dulons were born
of life and death, the death elemental Yoghryggdo. Vulnerable from a combination of the eight energies, their creation, the
to the passage of time, Yoghryggdo died the moment it came Titans, only possessed a single pseudo-element each. For
into being, but not before it damaged the fabric of reality with further analysis, the dulons also created four of the Titans
its screech. from fragments of their true elemental creators.
 
3,000,000 years before the Age of Triumphs 750,000 years before the Age of Triumphs
When the Voids, it caused an explosion of vast elemental The dulons kept plenty of distance between themselves and
energy. At first, these energies bled through the Void's their new creations, preferring to observe rather than
absence in a great wave of chaos. But as the Chaos Wave meddle. However, the Titans desired to create their own
spread further throughout the forming Cosmos, order divided races of beings. Quickly, Casar's oceans and land filled with
the elements and eventually they coalesced. Four of the animals, plants, and monsters, creatures designed
in the image of their respective titans. Many of these immortality as they did—they created the humans.
creatures lacked what the dulons considered "true essence,"
the same force of will that drives the Titans and the dulons 
before them. 3,000 years before the Age of Triumphs
After gathering data on their progeny, the dulons began
their next experiment: the danaavrakti. With these new Humans were unlike any creatures ever created in the
creatures, the dulons hoped to combine all twelve elements Cosmos. Humans were the first creatures the dulons created
into a single creature with the idea that it might be something that did not possess elemental energy. As such, they could not
new and more powerful than even the true elementals create their own creatures. However, they could propagate
themselves. The dulons created twelve such danaavrakti. similar to many of the Titan's creations. Unaware of their true
origin, humans evolved, expanded, and developed their own
 civilization. They worked closely with the elves who saw
25,000 years before the Age of Triumphs themselves as the caretakers of humans.
Some of the dulons chose to work alongside the humans.
The danaavrakti were a race of hyper-intelligent and powerful The dulons Asnas, Ilwyn, Thenir, and Tuteus revealed
creatures jointly created by the dulons and true elementals. themselves to the leader of the human tribes of northern
All twelve of the danaavrakti were imbued with a small Casar, a woman named Libby. They led Libby and her people
fragment from each of the twelve elements. The true to a cache of powerful gems imbued with the elemental
elementals and dulons believed that having a piece of each energy of persistence and taught them how to wield it. The
element would help the danaavrakti better understand the Northerners called these gems “summer diamonds” and used
Cosmos and would thus prevent reality’s inevitable them to repel the dark creatures that surrounded them at all
destruction. Unfortunately, eleven of the danaavrakti were not sides. A great city sprung up over the summer diamond
powerful enough to hold all of the energy. The twelve mines. The Northerners named it Presson’s Enclave, after
elements fought within these danaavrakti until a single Libby’s son.
element rose to prominence. The element of space, Other dulons continued their research. One dulon, Maf,
considered the most powerful of the twelve elements, became created a laboratory near the Titan Grihoo’s lair. There, Maf
the core element for nine of the twelve danaavrakti. The continued to seek ways to combine the elements of creation
danaavrakt Aruxius's illusion fragment defeated its eleven within a single being. Wary of the power bestowed upon the
competitors. And the danaavrakt Shirick's force fragment danaavrakti, Mag chose to use only the eight pseudo-
became its dominant energy. elements for this new being. Inevitably, he succeeded and
Only the danaavrakt Hulay was able to balance the power created The Hand of the Eight, a being who not only
of all twelve energies. Seeing itself as the greatest being in all possessed the eight pseudo-elements, but also a fragment of
creation, Hulay—often referred to as The Hand of the Twelve the dulons’ life essence.
—turned against its creators. Hulay attempted to destroy With the dulons’ power waning, a new threat emerged.
Casar and rewrite the Cosmos. The dulons knew that if they Yoghryggdo’s death screech continued to echo throughout the
were to keep Casar intact, they would have to develop a new cosmos. Inevitably, it poisoned the mind of a lesser elemental
creature to combat Hulay and its minions. Thus, they created of ice, the demon Vapul.
their third species, the elves.
 50 years before the Age of Triumphs
15,000 years before the Age of Triumphs
Many elementals saw Casar as a failed experiment. Some
Once more the dulons and true elementals combined their even rebelled against the true elementals. One such
efforts to create a new race of creatures. Instantly, thousands rebellious elemental, Vapul, a hybrid made from the true
of new creatures called elves appeared on Casar. The elves' elements of air and water, staged a failed coup against the
creators divided the elves into twelve distinct tribes. Each true elementals. After Vapul’s defeat, the true elementals
tribe had its own elemental energy which was divided among banished Vapul from their realms. They then imprisoned him
its population. At the command of their dulon-creators, the in the Treasure Cats’ time loop.
elves immediately took up arms against the danaavrakti in a After experiencing six million cycles in the Cats' time loop,
war the elves call Dazoe Ash'Caelora, roughly translated to Vapul noticed that there was a never-before-seen entity that
the War for Everything. At some point during this five existed briefly after the Void collapsed. Vapul correctly
thousand year war, one of the elven tribes, the Olyothyrians, theorized that this creature was born of the element of death
injured Hulay, greatly diminishing the danaavrakt's control —Yoghryggdo. Vapul served another eighty-two million cycles
over its elemental energies. Fearful of its own destruction, in the time loop, and with each pass, he pulled more and
Hulay and its nine servants fled to a new realm outside of the more power from Yoghryggdo's temporary existence.
Cosmos called The Cruel, where it has remained since. Finally, Vapul escaped the time loop. With Yoghryggdo's
Victors, the elves divided Casar in twelve regions, within power, he drove a wedge between the elemental planes of air
which they all settled. All twelve tribes built great cities, the and water and created The Nether, a realm of endless death.
Imfes, within which they created more of their own kind. Vapul brought his knowledge of Yoghryggdo and The Nether
Unfortunately, Dazoe Ash'Caelora did irreparable damage to back to Casar. Then, he enticed the elves of Imfe Mythse
Casar. Recognizing that Casar would be destroyed if the Anore to join with him in his quest to shatter Casar. With
dulons did not find a way to "cure" the land, the dulons Vapul as their dark general of winter and death, the Anorian
created their last great race, trading their own elves conquered much of Casar's largest land mass, Omeria.
Many humans fled further south, fearful of Vapul and his 
armies. However, the people of Presson’s Enclave refused to The Hand of the Eight—an event prophesied by Oxon of
cower before the Anorians and their dark god. After a fifty- Odonburg—signifies the coming of the end for Casar. And
year-long war, the leader of the Pressonian forces, a paladin while it refers to the position of The Amazing Clock’s eight
named Sir Camor of Jost, defeated Vapul at a hill a few miles hands, it is also the name of the one believed to be that
from Imfe Mythse Anore. Sir Camor banished Vapul back to harbinger of doom. Five years after the clock’s hands moved
The Nether. Immediately, the Anorian forces surrendered to into position, a young boy named Ninety-Three appeared in
the Pressonians. The Summer Land town of Greatwell along The Wound’s
 northern coast. After a band of brave angels attempted to
subdue the boy, the boy unleashed magic power never before
Current age seen in Casara. The boy’s raw arcane energy instantly
eradicated not only the angels, but also the entire town of
The last 1046 years of existence are collectively known as the Greatwell, killing thousands. It also opened a permanent
Age of Triumphs. Two major events triggered this era: when portal to a realm of shadow called The Other. Terrified of the
the Pressonians defeated Vapul at Camor Hill and— boy’s power, the nations of Odonburg mobilized to stop the
unbeknownst to most sentient creatures throughout Casar— boy. Arruquetta sent a regiment of their superhuman
when the last dulon, Maf, died at Grihoo’s lair. warriors, the Spearwielders, to rendezvou with the boy in the
Before Maf died, he pulled himself into the treasure cats’ village of Dubufi in The Wither. Simultaneously, the Dinzers
time loop to preserve himself. The treasure cats, having sent an entire battalion of remote travelers to Dubufi with
observed the efforts of the dulons for an infinite amount of similar intent. Already at war with each other, the
time, shared with Maf that the only way to stop reality from Arruquettans and Dinzers clashed. During this battle, the
destroying itself was to create one last powerful tool: the danaavrakti Minteco and her retinue appeared and captured
Hand of the Thirteen. The Hand of the Thirteen would wield the boy, taking him to the danaavrakti citadel, Shred. Already,
the fabled “lost element” that was destroyed at the same many fear what the boy in the hands of the danaavrakti could
moment Yoghryggdo was destroyed at the beginning of the mean for the fate of Casar.
Cosmos. Unfortunately, the treasure cats did not know where
to find the lost element. However, they prophesied that only a 
human could find the lost element. But they did not know Right around the same time The Hand of the Eight started,
who this human was or when they would find it. the Imbued Sorceress Moreen Trask and a group of
Since the Age of Triumphs began, the humans have spread adventurers discovered the hidden lair of Udozmoth the
to all corners of Casar. Some have even traveled beyond the Obese, the Titan of Persistence. Then, for the first time since
impassable oceans flanking both sides of Casar's greatest the Age of Elves, Udozmoth woke from his slumber and
continent Omeria. Although Vapul still stirs within The stormed across Omeria. After Udozmoth nearly destroyed the
Nether, he has not since fully returned. Tired of their own village of Dubufi in its rampage, another group of adventurers
seemingly endless existence, the great Titans now remain in stopped the Titan by calming it with an artifact pulled from
their hidden lairs. Only six races of elves remain from the its scales. Asleep again, the Titan snores peacefully in the
original twelve, and some, such as the Olyothyrians, are close desert sands just outside Dubufi.
to eradication. The danaavrakti briefly rose against the In the north, a half-Anorian soldier named Caustis Meyor
dulons' other creations but were swiftly defeated by the leading an army of undead elves woke the great worm
humans of Odonburg and Hearth. Other wars led by Kongradol the Conqueror from its rest. Armed with an
powerful, elemental-energy wielding creatures have sprung artifact capable of controlling Kongradol, Caustis rode
up in time, each one altering the face of Casar. Kongradol north to the northern city of Knotside where she
forced the city’s leadership into submission.
 Finally, a third Titan emerged from its lair. In the last three
1040AT - 1046 AT years, there have been various eye witness reports of a huge,
two-headed mantis racing across the three wastelands of
Shortly after its founding, the Dinzers gifted the Central Central Omeria. The mantis was identified as the titan T’qin
Omerian city of Castlegrasp a large, intricate clock with eight of the Four Winds. So far, nobody knows why the mantis is
hands, The Amazing Clock. Built by one of Odonburg’s on the move. Some believe he’s looking for something.
founders, the archmage Odon, this Amazing Clock could
predict the end of the world in eight distinct steps. Already, 
The Amazing Clock had signaled four of the five steps, or In 1040 AT, a group of terrorists entered the Tower of
Hands. The Fifth hand marked the reappearance of the true Burshai at Mount Trenrock and destroyed the Dinzer control
elemental Uve in 876. Two more alignments of the clock pylon there. It was revealed that the pylons were created by
occurred in 889 AT and 975 At. Then,in late 1040 AT, the the Dinzers to alter the memories of anyone who’d question
unimaginable happened: The Amazing Clock struck Hand of some of the more unusual aspects of the world. Viewed
the Eight. This event shook all of Casar. Almost every major unethical by most of Omeria’s nations, the Dinzers saw many
city on Omeria suffered riots and panic. World leaders who’d of their old alliances slip away. Then, in 1042 AT, Queen
known peace for decades began to turn on each other. New Daria of Emgavel declared war on the Dinzers, citing that
cults sprung up across the continent, all interpreting the end they broke their own laws against enchantment magic. She
as it best fit their tenets. Omeria is currently a land in chaos accused them of enslaving all of Omeria. Of course, this was
as its people prepare for the end. not the real reason the Arruquettans were angry. The

Dinzers used the pylons to mask the presence of gargantuan
deposits of emerald odonburgite in foothills near Arruquetta.
Emgavel’s forces won the first engagements thanks to their
mighty spearwielders, pushing Dinzer troops away from the
odonburgite mines in their terrority. But the Dinzer forces—
far larger and better equipped than the Arruquettans—seized
their city and took the Queen prisoner. The spearwielders
and their entourage holding Dubufi were the only members
of Arruquettans to escape the city’s occupation.
Although no one is exactly sure how it happened, Uve the
Harrow has returned to The Real. “Fair Eleven” Khan Hayyan
Harrak XI of Castlegrasp, protector of Uve’s prison, claims
Uve’s ring remains locked in a block of solid ice deep below
Castlegrasp’s royal palace, the Violet Qsar. Regardless, The
Burn’s fires once more churn. Surprisingly, the first target of
Uve’s wrath was not the city of Castlegrasp, but instead,
targeted the city of Nantgarth in Steel Church, blasting its
buildings and streets with violent meteor showers, killing
hundreds. In a strange twist, Steel Church’s order of
warlocks, The Disciples of Squall, evacuated Nantgarth and
converted its smoking remains into a temple of worship for
Uve. The warlocks—having fed off the power of Titans and
danaavrakti—see Uve, a true elemental, as a greater source of
As if all the chaos around them wasn’t bad enough, the
Summer Land’s Pressonians are currently tied up with a
problem of their own: the Anorian Revolution. Since the Time
of Triumphs, the Anorians have been relegated to Vaskil
Valley where the Pressonians continued to act as their
wardens. Finally, after years of abuse and neglect at the
hands of the humans, the elves have decided to revolt.
Already in political and economic disarray after Greatwell’s
destruction, the Pressonians have failed to control the
rebellion. Unsurprisingly, emerging Vapulite sects hope to
use the revolt to restore the Anorian’s faith in Vapul.


meria is a continent filled with a myriad of 
colorful cultures and fascinating people.
Rasgax howlers and drow monks hunt the Very few of Omeria’s sentient creatures are aware of the
cold plains and icy tundras of the Northern inevitable end predicted by the Treasure Cats at the start of
Reach and Syhros peninsula. Gnomes, ong- creation. In fact, most Omerians don’t even know about the
ong dwarves, and centaurs patrol the dense Treasure Cats. The few sages who’ve surmised the inevitable
forests of the Wallingmiotta. To their west, the end keep their secrets safe. Those who’ve tried to reveal their
goblinoids of Gar Wabrizz plot their expansion west. South secrets to the general public are usually found dead,
beyond the Basilisk’s Spine Mountains, humans, dwarves, disintegrated, or banished to another realm.
and canids cling to what few verdant areas the three great
deserts offer. Vampires, dragonblooded humanoids, and 
halflings populate the islands in Casar’s mighty oceans. Nearly every Omerian has something to say about magic and
Finally, the Dinzers, the most advanced human tribe in all of its use. Antimags believe that magic is a curse and will
Omeria, dominates the southern half of the continent. ultimately lead to damnation. Promags disagree and believe
that magic is a blessing of the progenitors.
 All three major nations of Northern Omeria—the
This chapter is divided into multiple sections, each one Kingdoms of Man, Gar Wabrizz, and The Summer Land—
covering a major aspect of Omerian lore such as its people, either limit the use of magic or openly reject its use
the languages, the passage of time, factions, magic, and altogether. With the exception of the mighty persistence-
technology. The content in this chapter should help both magic wielded by Pressonian Abjurers, most Summer
inform game masters and players on the intricacies of Landers are forbidden from the use of magic beyond a
Omeria and its people. Of course, it is in no way intended to certain level. The conservative governors of The Kingdoms of
limit how the gamemaster manages their stories or how Man prefer to relegate magic to utility and technology and
players portray their characters. Everyone is encouraged to disallow the use of jaduee-patr, magic stones crafted from the
adapt the content here to best suit their game and enjoyment. eight pseudo-elementals (see the section “Magic and
Technology in Omeria” later in this chapter for details), except
in very small doses. Finally, the Garrish goblinoids loathe
 magic so much, that the use of magic in their realm is
Omeria is a continent with billions of sentient beings living punishable by death—that is, of course, if you can first escape
in, under, and around its land. To say that all Omerians share their magic-sniffing aberrations, the dokh nuzegh.
a collective outlook would be a mistake. In the far north, the And then there’s Odonburg, the magocratic nation of
Rasgax hordes focus their efforts on repelling the ice demons Southern Omeria. Nearly all of Odonburg’s citizens, the
that lurk within the Winds of Vapul. Way down south in Dinzers, practice magic. Children are taught cantrips almost
Odonburg, wealthy Boscosian treasure hunters plunder the as soon as they learn to speak. Dinzer technology provides all
remains of forgotten sea elf strongholds, looking for lost manner of conveniences for the Dinzer people, from
relics and items of power. And in Central Omeria, the awesome vehicles such as their impressive warblimps, jets,
merchant kings of the Tribal Confederacy of Mighty Tadju and trains to devices used to prepare food to their remote
bicker and plot, all with dreams to seize the empty Omerian travelers which allow them to project their consciousness
throne. into constructs.
Still, there are a few things that most Omerians have in If there was any sort of balance between the two
common with each other, regardless of their location, ideologies, likely it would be found within Central Omeria.
species, religion, or socioeconomic status. Along the Weysevain Coast, the earth-elemental worshipping
people of Castlegrasp highly regulate the use of magic,
 especially transmutation magic. Meanwhile, further north
along the coast, in the cosmopolitan canyon-bound city of
Even before the first elves walked Omeria, Casar was a land Orbea, magic runs wild. Then, on the eastern side of Central
scarred by the danaavrakti and Titans who came before Omeria, the mysterious Steel Churchians warlocks actively
them. These scars present themselves as places of danger borrow magical might from Titans, danaavrakti, rogue
and intrigue, too deadly for most commoners to enter without elementals, and anywhere else they can find it.
aid. Plus, there’s the horrible creatures created throughout
the eras who still walk the lands, swim the seas, and sail the 
skies. Whether these beasts were borne from the Titans,
created by the danaavrakti, or a byproduct of human The gods hold an unusual place among most Omerians. Very
Elementalists, they often have no love for humanoids. These few Omerians actively worship gods, and even those that do
monsters are a plague on the land and seemingly impossible harbor a healthy fear of the divine. The gods of Omeria are
to eradicate. strange and unusual. Those “blessed” with seeing them with
Because of Casar’s scars, adventurers aren’t only valuable their own eyes rarely believe what they see.
—they’re a necessity.

The strongest religion in all Omeria is that of the Four 
Generals in Presson’s Enclave. Even then, most Pressonians
believe that the Four Generals were humanoids in armor The days of the week are as follows:
from beyond the stars—and certainly not the aberrant
pseudo-elemental aliens that they truly are. Day Name Nickname
Furthermore, following the defeat of Vapul and the 1 Fant Work Day*
Anorians during the Time of Triumphs, the Pressonians
actively fought against the expansion of new religions across 2 Child Reflection Day
Omeria, particularly in the north. Many of the religions that 3 Yung Determination Day
predated the Time of Triumphs and or started shortly
thereafter were quashed by Pressonian Abjurers in the first 4 Mahn Celebration Day
few centuries of the Age of Triumphs. 5 Eldur Remembrance Day
6 Murn Discovery Day
 7 Suruk Rest Day
Most Omerians use the Pressonian Common Calendar to
track the passage of time. A year on Casar is 336 days which *Most Omerians work Fant through Murn and rest on
is divided into twelve months of twenty-eight days each. The Suruk.
months are further divided into four weeks of seven days
each. 
The current year in which this adventure takes place is Instead of numbering each day of a month, days are referred
1045 AT. AT denotes the Age of Triumphs, the period of time to by the day of the week on which they fall and the order in
following the siege of Imfe Mythse Anore (since renamed to which they appear during the month. For example, the 15th
Knotside) and the fall of the demon god Vapul at the hands of day of Suen would be called the third Fant of Suen. The first
Sir Camor of Jost. and last days of the month use the appendages New and
Final, respectively. For example, the first day of Suen is called
 New Suen, whereas the last day of Suen is called Final Suen.
The months of the years are grouped by the seasons. A new 
year begins on Asnas, the first day of spring.
Although holidays and celebrations vary from nation to
Season Month Name Pronunciation nation, the most commonly observed celebrations are
Spring 1 Asnas OZ noz detailed below.
Asnas’ Morning. Most Omerians celebrate the first day of
Spring 2 Suen SOO en spring by rising in the early hours and holding a feast in the
Spring 3 Grimera GRY meer eh spring’s honor. This day is especially important for
Pressonians who also use this day to celebrate the defeat of
Summer 4 Ilwyn ILL win
Vapul at Camor Hill. Most observers offer gifts for friends and
Summer 5 Egyn EE gin family members during the morning feast which can last all
Summer 6 Naeyer NAY yair
the way into the evenings. This event also marks the passing
of a new year.
Fall 7 Thinir THE neer Dragonsbane. Dragonsbane started as a tradition shortly
Fall 8 Dektrix DEK trix after The War of the Burning Plains ended. Northern
Omerians decorate their doors with the skins of drake skins
Fall 9 Nehruer NEH roor or bones—or those of lizards if they can’t afford drake parts—
Winter 10 Tuteus TOO tay us to protect them from the Great Chromatics. Dragonsbane is
held on the fourth Murn of Thinir.
Winter 11 Bosva BOZ va Elements' Day. Especially popular in Central and
Winter 12 Tholona THO lo na Southern Omeria, Elements Day asks Omerians to worship
the four true elements, air, earth, fire, and water. Most, if not
all, Omerians favor one of the four elements over the others,
thus, the actual details of the celebration vary from location
to location. For example, Castlegraspians use it as a day to
celebrate Gasta the Pure, whereas the pirates of Boscos pay
tithes to Qhek the Intolerant. Elements Day is held during the
second Yung of Egyn.
Prayer for Minutes. Perhaps the most superstitious
holiday in Omeria, Prayer for Minutes was created by the
Dinzers of Odonburg to allow its citizens to revere The
Amazing Clock. The event is held within the city of
Castlegrasp, where the original clock stands, although
smaller celebrations are held in cities with fabrications. For
one hour, all observes must remain quiet and still, their mind
clear of sin. Prayer for Minutes happens on Final Tholona.
    Skaza. Originally a holiday held only by the Garrish 
goblins, Skaza quickly spread throughout Omeria. It is an Nearly all Omerians revere the elements. However, actual
exciting day of dance, drink, and celebration. Many humans worship of the elements is rare and, in some areas, illegal.
use the day to celebrate their non-human allies, especially The Pressonians actively hunt elemental-worshippers in and
elves. However, it’s viewed as a day of mourning for the Von around The Summer Land, fearful that such reverence could
Dorals, as Skaza denotes the day the Von Dorals were driven usher in a second Endless Winter.
from their caverns by the Garrish. There’s an old saying In Central Omeria, wanderer bards and druids actively
throughout Central Omeria, “Never hug a dwarf on Skaza” worship the elements, but do not personify the powers.
which means, “don’t press your luck.” Skaza falls on the third Instead, they cherish each element and its contribution to the
Child of Suen. creation of the world shell, Casar.
Week of Vigilance. The week of vigilance begins on the Some elements are feared and revered more than they are
fourth Fant of Neuhrer and ends on Final Fant. The week of worshipped. Naeyer, the Sun God, is only worshipped by the
vigilance is a time of rest, preparation, and, naturally, insane and desperate. Suen, Goddess of Storms, earns the
vigilance as Omerians prepare for winter. Rasgax respect of sailors and pirates who sail along Omeria’s
Highlanders take this week literally, ending their treks to western coast. But none would actually say that they
return to their holds. Many Omerians fast during this period, “worship” her.
especially northerners who still fear the Winds of Vapul. Omeria’s elemental gods include Gasta, Naeyer, Ohm,
Qhek, Suen, Uve, and Vapul.
In 1046 AT, Human Common (or just Common) is the most 
widely spoken language throughout Omeria. Pexian linguists Thanks to the worship of The Four Generals in Presson’s
believe that the first words of Common were taught to them Enclave and The Summer Land, dulon worship is the
by the elves, specifically, the Aiquans who spoke their own greatest level of worship in all Omeria. Since dulons were
dialect of Elvish that is not too dissimilar in structure and actively involved with human development during the Time of
sound to Common. Humans, they were viewed as greater powers and later
The elves have three major languages: Elvish Common (or venerated.
just Elvish), Sylvan, and Druidic. The elves created Sylvan to In addition to the worship of The Four Generals, a few
freely communicate with the Titans, whereas they developed sects around the Contested Lands worship the lesser known
Druidic to speak with the elements. dulon Onos who died a few hundred years before the Age of
Dwarvish, Halfling, and Gnomish also share elvish as its Triumphs.
linguistic ancestor. Although there’s a thousand years of Alien creatures in every aspect, art depicting the dulons
development among these languages, most post-elven rarely shows their true nature. Instead, the appearance of
humanoids have an easier time learning these languages dulons in the minds of humanoids has evolved to that of
than others. angelic or familiar appearances. Case in point, The Four
Titanic is the second largest family of languages and Generals are usually depicted as four muscular humans
includes Draconic, Giant, Goblin, and Orcish. These wearing armor and wielding greatswords, and Onos is
languages use more growls and grunts and hand gestures depicted as a great crocodile with feathery wings.
than words and are written with pictorials versus alphabets. 
Furthermore, speakers of titanic languages use a heximal Titans are the most powerful living creatures in all Omeria.
number system as opposed to the elves’ decimal system. As such, they are worshipped by many cults. The Steel
The primordial languages make up the third largest Churchians actively pursue magical imbuement from the
language family. Primordial includes the elemental languages titans, particularly those a little more “looser” with their
of Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran, as well as the language powers, such as and Brar’enaath, Ereyth, and T’qin.
of shadows, Beste. Both Pressonian Abjurers and Aspeathan Witch Hunters
Finally, the danaavrakti have their own set of languages: work diligently to quell such cults when possible. Steel
Infernal, the high speech, and Abyssal, the low speech. Most Church’s relative power keeps their cults very much free from
danaavrakti can speak both languages, but their minions are Pressonian/Aspaethan inquisition, although the rigorous
usually relegated to one or the other. The danaavrakti use bureaucratic system which Steel Churchians must obey
this division of language to exert control over their creations. keeps their powers in check.
Most elves refuse to speak either language. Omeria’s titan are Basked’dorian, Brar’enaath, Calanshop,
Dhucabra, Ereyth, Evereresta, Grihoo, Kongradol, Qua-Soko,
 T’qin, Udozmoth, and Zlige.
For the most part, religion is rare in Omeria. Beyond the 
devout worship of The Four Generals in The Summer Land, Rare and dangerous is the worship of danaavrakti. Only the
most religions are nothing more than niche cults dotted truly mad and evil turn to the danaavrakti for aid, and, even
throughout the continent. then, it’s unlikely the danaavrakti will repay the worship with
The Aspaethan Witch Hunters, probably the most well- rewards of power. Still, small danaavrakti cults persist
researched theologists in Omeria, believe that there are five throughout Omeria.
major types of worship in Omeria.

Interestingly, the two most popular danaavrakti cults are 
those dedicated to Usteus, the god of judgement, and Yrena,
the goddess of destruction. Both danaavrakti bless their Where there’s magic and technology, there are scholars.
worshippers with limited powers. Uterus has gone so far as These are the most well-known scholarly circles in all
to create his own domain within the Void-adjacent Omeria.
dimension, The Other, where his demonic angels lair.
Omeria’s danaavrakti are Aruxius, Darion, Donnaman, 
Drakien, Hulay, Loyk, Minteco, Mlaka, Shirick, Usteus, Yajud, If there was one library to rival Pexia’s it’d be the Library of
and Yrena. Three Visions in the Steel Church capital of Quorsea. Carved
into the center of a great natural pyramid of granite, the
 Library of Three Visions also holds countless magical tomes
Throughout history, certain humanoids have risen above their and ancient scrolls. Unlike Pexia, however, the Three Visions
ilk and demonstrated immense powers. These mighty also contains esoteric volumes dedicated to the practice of
individuals are called Beyonders. Loikiel the Transmuter, The borrowing.
Blue Mage, and Javon Sied are a few of the most well-known The library employs only three librarians at any given time,
Beyonders. Recently, the boy, Ninety-Three, achieved each one a mighty warlock in their own right. A tall, iron wall
Beyonder rank after he destroyed the town of Greatwell. surrounds the library, within which an army of blind warriors
Like moths to a flame, humans see these superhuman named the Cruciblekin operate. Fanatical to the extreme, the
beings as gods and give them worship. So far, only Loikiel the Cruciblekin not only defend the library from destruction, but
Transmuter has been able to grant a portion of his power to execute any who would dare lay eyes on the secrets held
worshippers. Aspaethan theologists suspect that the others within.
could do the same but choose not to. Despite the relatively small group of people who are
permitted access to the library, the librarians still employ a
 veritable army of lore collectors who travel far and wide
seeking recherché lore. Known as The Seekers, these Steel
Overall, the varied species of Omeria do not claim one or Churchians possess pitch black eyes and cover their faces
more gods as their own, instead worshipping those that best with chainmail cowls.
fit their ideologies (if any). Of course, there are a few
scattered cases where a small sect of non-dulon-created 
creatures might worship their supposed-progenitor. For The outside of this long, narrow building betrays the awe and
example, it’s not uncommon for ogre-only cults of Dhucabra wonder within. Once one passes through the tall, arched
to spring up across Aspaeth, as most ogres believe that they doors of Castlegrasp's main library and scroll vault, their
were created by the Illuminator (they are correct). breath is quickly ushered from their lungs. Arranged almost
The table below names the most worshipped gods in like a honeycomb, the Maktaba is home to thousands of
Omeria, the primary location of their worshippers, the scrolls, texts, and books, some of which predate even the
average alignment of their worshippers, and the domains Desolation itself.
they represent. The dual-minded domain appears in Chapter The Maktaba is not a public building. To gain access, one
5 of this book. must apply for one of the 1,000 available memberships, then
go through rigorous background checks and tests of
 intelligence. Once accepted, one must pay an annual fee of
Even if you include the Four Generals’ devout follower base, 1,000 gold pieces. Even then, the Maktaba's rules are very
agnostics and atheists far outnumber those who actively particular. Fortunately, the Maktaba's scholars are willing to
worship the gods. Most Omerians believe that the gods are perform research on behalf of those with the right amount of
nothing more than horrible creatures beyond their gold to spend. The price is steep, of course. Hiring one of the
understanding; and they’re usually right. Plus, the average Maktaba's scholars costs 2 gp per day (for a minimum of 10
Omerian commoner believes that it’s more important to focus days), and often, research can take as long as a year. "We are
on what’s ahead versus what’s above. There’s a popular neither cheap nor fast. What we are is thorough," the
Central Omerian expression: “you can’t plow the heavens.” scholars are fond of saying.
Within recent years, the Maktaba has acted as the
 Aspaethan Witch Hunters’ forward base of operations. In
fact, the Witch Hunters’ chief, Siphelele the Complete lives in
Humanoids were introduced to the world of Casar during a small manse across the street from the Maktaba where her
times of great upheaval. The titanic races struggled against warriors gather and train. Rumors prevail that Siphelele
their masters’ own dark and hungry whims, requiring them to chose the Maktaba as her base of operations not so much for
live brutal lives as a result. The elves were invented as the lore contained within, but for the ability to spy on the
weapons of war. And humans, the final dulon-created race, spellcasters and knowledge seekers who use it.
were thrust into the middle of it, surrounded on all sides by
monsters, demons, and rogue demigods. So, it’s no wonder 
that humanoids naturally flock to one another, forming close The shining gem of Odonburg, Pexia’s Academy for the
knit factions to better protect themselves against the myriad Arcane Arts is the top magic school in all of Omeria.
dangers of reality. Burgeoning spellcasters travel far and wide to learn in its
Omeria’s most well-known factions are detailed below, storied halls. And only the wisest and most powerful teachers
divided into six categories. in the world may share their secrets. It’s rare that a

Gods of Omeria
God Alignment Location Domains
Basked’dorian, the haunted NE Odonburg Death
Black Tezcatlipoca, the jaguar god CE Hearth Death
Brar’enaath, the maulfiend CE Obsidian Plain Death
Calanshop, the wise LG Tall Kuyji Knowledge
Dhucabra, the Illuminator CN Aspaeth Life
Dukkorr, the god of steel LE Contested Lands War
Ereyth, the whisperer CN Steel Church Trickery
Evereresta, the brazen CG Odonburg War
Gasta CG Central Omeria Nature
General Asnas, the spring NG The Summer Land Life
General Ilwyn, the summer LG The Summer Land Light
General Thinir, the autumn CG The Summer Land Knowledge
General Tuteus, the winter LN The Summer Land Death
Grimera, goddess of the land N Gar Wabrizz Nature
Grihoo, the traveler N Ocean of Warna Arcana
Kongradol, the conqueror N Northern Omeria War
Naeyer, god of the sun LE Desolation of Ditimaya Light
Ohm, the Persistent CG Ocean of Warna Tempest
Onos, god of rivers CN Contested Lands Nature
Or'oleg, god of madness CE Western Odonburg Death
Qhek the Intolerant LE Ocean of Warna Tempest
Qua-Soko, the reputable CE Northern Omeria Death
Suen, goddess of storms CN Weysevain Coast Tempest
T’qin, of the four winds N Obsidian Plain Knowledge
Tholona the Dawn, goddess of life NG Kingdoms of Man Life
Uduzmoth the Obese N Central Omeria War
Usteus, god of judgment LN Weysevain Coast Dual-Minded*
Uve, the harrow CE Central Omeria Light
Vapul, god of ice and death CE Northern Omeria Death
Yoghryggdo, the brief CN The Summer Land Death
Yrena, goddess of destruction CE War
Zealdir, god of retribution N Dorithell War
Zlige, the trickster NE Odonburg Trickery
Zuton, god of luck CN Weysevain Coast Trickery

spellcaster graduates from Pexia without eventually lycanthropic goblin; and a thieving elf named Osstaer Traenas
achieving grandmaster status. Even Odonburg’s emperor, (or O.T. for short).
Evadimus, was a student at Pexia—and later its headmaster.
In addition to its classrooms and study halls, Pexia holds 
one of the most formidable libraries in Omeria. Rows and Secrets of the Righteous—something of an ironic name—
rows of spellbooks clutter the library’s tall, oak shelves. The represent the interests of Odonburg and its wizards. While
undead monks who tend to the building take special care of the Righteous might argue that they are a group of scholars,
these tomes, ensuring that they remain intact for generations their tendency to get into fights, break into locked tombs, and
of students to come. put themselves in front of danger awards them the mantle of
 While the Secrets of the Righteous’ numbers are inferior to
In a world rife with ruins, treasure, and the dangers that those of their biggest competitor, Arruquetta’s Tip of the
accompany both, adventurers are a copper-a-dozen. The most Spear, the Secrets are far better funded. Even the lowest
famous Omerian adventuring groups and guilds are detailed ranking members of the Secrets are attuned to no less than
below. one or two items of magical nature. They also employ
valuable Dinzer technology. Of course, this all does very little
 to mask their status and nature. Thus, they are frequent
Most Central and Southern Omerian traders avoid The targets for pick-pockets and muggers.
Wither, the two-million square mile wasteland dividing The current guildmaster for Secrets of the Righteous is a
Aspaeth to the east and Dorithell to the west. Instead, they former Pexian aberrationist named Ujamar. Ujamar works
travel by sea, evocraft, or along the narrow coasts. However, exclusively from Odonburg’s capital with the Emperor and
there are a brave (or mad?) few who dare to travel through the Ministry. An extreme agoraphobe, Ujamar refuses to
the merciless expanse. These traders are known as leave the city without the use of a remote traveler unit.
Deadrunners. 
From gnolls to desert bandits to mad druids and month- Arruqueta, the second-largest city in Central Omeria, invests
long sandstorms, Deadrunners face all manner of horrors in heavily in adventuring and tomb-plundering. In fact, it has its
The Wither. As such, there are only two types of own government-sponsored adventuring guild titled the Tip
Deadrunners: the quick and the dead. The majority of of the Spear. In many ways, the Tip is less a guild than it is a
deadrunners drive old-tech vehicles powered with elemental- criminal organization. Those who join the Tip are rarely
drives. Most of these machines are as ugly as they are allowed to leave. And any who try to run off with a discovered
unreliable. There’s an old Deadrunner saying: “The most stash are usually found dead within a year, often at the hands
dangerous thing a Deadrunner faces in The Wither is their of the guild's trusted assassin, the X.
own lousy engine.” The Tip of the Spear is led by Euklides Olabarri who took
Unsurprisingly, most Deadrunners abhor the law. the job shortly after the city of Greatwell was destroyed by
Therefore, Deadrunners have no true leadership. Besides, the Beyonder Ninety-three. During his time in Greatwell,
Deadrunning is a way of life, not a guild. Deadrunners earn Olabarri managed the most profitable branch of the spear.
their monikers through guts and luck, not membership dues His ability to juggle the erratic nature of the Tip’s mostly
and team-building exercises. Still, there are some relatively chaotic adventurers and politicians demonstrated
large cartels of Deadrunners who collaborate to protect each immeasurable value to Arruqueta’s ministers.
other. The largest and most well-known of these cartels are
The Fire Knuckles, a band of despicable mercenaries who 
headquarter in the shantytown Ramsalan. Their leader, Sly
Davis, is a seasoned, one-eared Deadrunner with a penchant Although the previous section “Religion in Omeria” covers
for murder and torture. many details of Omeria’s gods and goddesses, below are a list
of some of the better-known religious orders that operate in
 Omeria and their leaders.
An unusual group of adventurers if there ever was one, Dr.
Bert and the Goodberries sail through the skies of Omeria 
aboard an older model Dinzer Warblimp named The Quiet Before the rise of Odonburg as Omeria’s most powerful
Muse. It’s unknown exactly where the group originated. The nation, the largest and most prosperous country in Omeria
Goodberries first appeared shortly after another band of was the Glorious Empire of Karnione. Sadly, Karnione
adventurers cleared a drow citadel in the Shyros Peninsula of collapsed shortly after the Transmuter Wars of the early 7th
its malevolent golemancer squatters. It’s believed that they century, in what many believe the true first Hand of the One.
arrived via a portal connected to an alternate dimension, Unlike many modern Omerian civilizations, Karnione
however, none of the Goodberries will confirm or deny this worshipped multiple gods, commonly referred to as the
claim. Regardless of their origin, the Goodberries often fight Karnionic Pantheon. The Pantheon consisted of nine divine
for the cause of good, always putting the needs of the many beings. Eight of the deities represented the eight forces of
before their own. psuedo-elemental energy in the Cosmos. The ninth god was
While the group bears the name of its friendly elephant Dukkorr, The Pantheon’s King. As he’s often described as a
folk captain, Dr. Philbert (or Bert, if you will), the true mind colossal ball of ever-churning molten iron, Pexian scholars
behind the guild is its human wizard, Aaron. Rounding out believe that Dukkor may have actually been an amalgamation
the group are a krig named Four; Dazen Sunstrong, a of all four true elements.
devilkin brawler; Jacobb, a dwarven borrower; Knosse, a
According to Karnionic myth, Dukkorr burned at the center openly berate non-humans, particularly the Anorian elves
of the Cosmos. Regularly, Dukkorr would erupt, sending bits who live in the Vaskil Valley in the northern part of The
of his “flesh” out into the Cosmos. Those bits of flesh became Summer Land.
great heavenly bodies. Casar and its two moons Ricoanus
and Yuduyama were originally bits of Dukkorr’s flesh. And the 
fourth bit of Dukkorr’s flesh was the dark, distant planet One cult in southwestern Omeria takes agnosticism to a
Zistruenope. Reachable only through a narrow path in The whole new level—the Temple of Twilight. The Temple of
Other, Zistruenope is a cold, seemingly lifeless sphere of iron. Twilight teaches its followers to believe in the power of self.
Although no one has ever found proof, a Karnionic cult In theory, if one looks within themselves for power, they will
dedicated to Zistruenope believed that the iron sphere held find greater power than they ever could borrowing magic
dark secrets to the universe. If the center of the sphere could from the gods, jaduee pat’r, or even the land itself. And with
be unlocked, one could communicate directly with Dukkorr. this power, Twilight worshippers will achieve true
In theory this would grant the communicator untold power. immortality. Whether or not this is true remains to be seen.
While Karnione may no longer exist, one mighty cult— Although it struggled to gain members in recent years, the
Creed of Iron—still operates around Omeria. Led by a Temple of Twilight played a large role in the events that led to
madman named Ozrolos, the Dukkor worshippers continue The Summer Land’s involvement in the Attack of Regrets of
their search for The Narrow Path, and, on a few occasions, 1025 AT. Many Omerians point toward the Temple of
have actually come close to finding it. Twilight’s priesthood as the true catalyst for the war.
Recently, a new sect of Temple of Twilight worshippers
 appeared in the village of Lezama on the road between
The monks of Etturan focus most of their efforts on Arruquetta and Orbea. The Cords are keeping a close eye on
uncovering lost elven ruins, buried dulon workshops, and the church’s mysterious leader, a young, charismatic man
abandoned titan lairs. Within these dangerous sites, the named Ethar.
cenobites uncover forbidden lore and ancient artifacts left
behind by the progenitors. Instead of cherishing these relics 
and sharing them with the rest of the world, the Etturans Vapulites, as the name would suggest, are cultists of Vapul,
destroy what they find. It’s their hushed belief that such the demonic god of ice and death. Thanks to the efforts of the
information should not be known by mortals. In fact, once a Pressonians, the worship of Vapul is rare throughout Omeria.
sect of cenobites uncovers lost information and learn it What few cults exist are rarely interconnected. One sect
themselves, they commit ritualistic suicide to “close the loop.” might operate out of Knotside while another might function
Etturan cenobites are some of the only humans in Omeria in Murktown just a few hundred miles to the north, with
that work directly with treasure cats, whom they revere. The neither sect knowing the other exists.
treasure cats point the Etturans in the direction of lost lore. If Despite the pressure put upon them by their enemies,
the Etturans are unable to secure the contents of a particular occasionally, cults of Vapul spring up and accomplish
point of interest, the Etturans use money lent by the treasure awesome feats, even in recent years. In 1030 AT, a
cats to hire adventurers and mercenaries better equipped necromancer devotee of Vapul obliterated the northern town
than they. Naturally, this places the lives of these would-be of Krasnovsk, instantly converting its citizens into undead
heroes-for-hire in jeopardy as they, too, will inevitably learn shadows. Then, in 1035 AT, a small cult near the town of
the lost secrets held within. Camor nearly succeeded in reviving Vapul via a ritual known
The largest Etturan temple is found in the city of Naqqad in as the Binding of the Three. And in 1046 AT, two separate
the Contested Lands. Their leader, Puya Tahreri the cults of Vapul fought to reclaim the crown of frost in Omeria
Cloistered never leaves her chambers at the top of the with the intent to open a portal to The Nether.
temple’s central tower. Within this small room, she There have been no known sightings of Vapulites since the
communes directly with treasure cats and collects forbidden two sects in Knotside were quelled. Of course, it’s only a
lore. Her room’s exits are trapped with enchantments matter of time before another death-obsessed fanatic tries
designed to kill Puya should she ever try to leave—voluntarily again to finish what Vapul started.
or otherwise.
The religious center of Presson's Enclave and the majority of Where’s the commerce, there’s crime. Here are some of the
The Summer Land, the Otari Monks of the White Pillar teach most notorious criminal organizations operating in Omeria.
the ways of the Four Generals, the oldest religion in all of 
Omeria. The primary function of the White Pillar is to ensure Originally from the ruined town of Qola, Black Rose Clan
the practice of the Epochal religion and the teachings within rose to prominence in The Summer Land shortly after the
the Testaments of Otar. White Pillar monks also act as War of the Burning Plains. An impressive criminal
arbiters, although final judgments are always passed by the organization, Black Rose is careful to never extend itself
Pressonian nobles, the Mydon Princes. beyond its means.
In recent years, many of The Summer Lands’ citizens have The clan deals extensively in black market goods,
started to question the methods and core morality of the particularly white bloom. White bloom, a powerful
White Pillar. Corruption runs rampant among the Otari who depressant when smoked, is banned in the Tadju
twist their interpretation of the Testaments to extort and bully Confederacy across the Wound. Using Ugash-do-Loqari
the lower-class. They are also extreme xenophobes, known to freighters, the Black Rose smuggles the goods to the south

where they sell them to their contacts within the Crystal 
Toad, a Pressonian criminal organization headquartered in If there’s anything more terrifying than the violent storms that
Castlegrasp. rock western Omeria’s coasts, it's the black flag of the
Recently, a half-Anorian woman, Sireen el-Halaby was Crushing Wave, symbol of the Odzedoz orcs. These strictly-
promoted to the leader of Black Rose Clan when the previous orcish pirates brazenly sail along eastern Omeria’s three
head was killed in the explosion that destroyed the town of major coasts, looting, plundering, and pillaging wherever they
Greatwell. Even in her first year as leader of the Clan, can. While it’s unknown just how many ships are part of the
Sireen’s done wonders to improve the Clan’s income, Odzedoz fleet, the few navies who dare to stand up to them
focusing primarily on extorting members of Pressonian believe that Odzedoz ships are like the heads of a hydra—sink
nobility and corrupt Otari monks. Although she would never one and two more will appear in its place.
consider herself “good”, she’s used the Black Rose Clan to Most sailors blame Cabal for the presence of the pirates.
support the efforts of the Anorian rebellion in Vaskil Valley, During the Attack of Regrets, Cabal’s leadership offered
supplying magic items and weapons to members of the training and ships to a band of wanderer orcs living in the
resistance. western foothills of the Basilisk’s Spine Mountains. Although
 the orcs originally helped the northerners fight the Dinzer
The Crystal Toad is the largest organization of smugglers forces during the war, the Odzedoz did not remain loyal to
along the Weysevain, Scorched Coast, and Mirror Coast. In the Cabalese. As soon as the Dinzers paid the orcs to double
recent years, their reach continues to expand, going as far cross the Cabalese, they did so without any qualms. In what’s
south as the further southern part of Ardhitupu, Odonburg. considered the most heinous attack committed during the
The Toads operate primarily from the Hag Peninsula where war, the Odzedoz sailed into Cabal’s harbor, slaughtered its
they hold a position on the Council of Waves. navy and a huge portion of its citizens, burned its ships, and
The Crystal Toad prefers to act as the logistics arm for assassinated all 10 members of its ministry.
many of the other major criminal organizations in Omeria. The current leader of the Odzedoz orcs is Mergigoth the
They run narcotics for The Black Rose Clan, stolen items for Brasher. Mergigoth usurped the position after its former
Deadrunners, and work as go-betweens for mercenary and leader, Mega the Brash, was killed by bounty hunters. Fearful
assassin groups like the Odzedoz Orcs. that he might meet a similar fate, Mergigoth has pushed the
Unbeknownst to the majority of the Toad’s members, the Odzedoz orcs further north, selling their services to anyone
Crystal Toad is led by an Pressonian Otari monk named willing to pay their price.
Daevid Nanakos. Nanakos’ close connection to the Mydon- 
Princes and merchant guilds of The Summer Land gives him
a business edge none of his competitors can match. Daevid’s Prince Loqari of Ugash, a famous merchant prince once said,
sons run the organization’s main branches, all working on “War in Omeria is like sunshine in The Wither; constant and
pseudonyms to separate themselves from their father’s relentless.” And it’s true. Even since the Time of Titans, there
status. Daevid’s daughter, Voula represents the Toads on the have been conflicts among the sentient creatures of Omeria.
Council of Waves under the pseudonym Scars Valeria. And from these conflicts rise notable military factions, some
of which are detailed here.
Although the town of Orbea is home to all manner of 
dangerous criminal organizations, none are more infamous Most Arruquettans are dangerous with a spear. But those few
than The Drowned Syndicate. Operating out of a restaurant warriors who actually bear the title spearwielder are among
called The Mystique, the Drowned Syndicate specializes in the deadliest warriors in all of Omeria. The spearwielders are
extortion, gambling, money laundering, and general thuggery. humanoids enhanced by prolonged exposure to emerald
The Drowned Syndicate is run by an intelligent water odonburgite, specifically the large gem that lies at the bottom
elemental named Hydrius Suenborn. At all times, Hydrius of the Pool of Goerrell. A single spearwielder possesses the
wears a leather diver's suit so he can maintain his strength of ten trained soldiers, can run nearly as fast as a
consistency without concentrating. Extraordinarily cocky— warhorse, and is able to withstand extreme heat, cold, and
especially for a water elemental—Hydrius enjoys taunting even blasts of lightning.
Orbea’s special police, The Cords, with blatant acts of crime Mostly, the Arruquettans use the spearwielders as their
committed in his name. He also enjoys challenging those city’s first line of defense. Since their inception, no force has
who’d try to undo his organization in high stakes games of ever successfully breached Arruquetta’s impressive walls.
Banzo, a popular card game played throughout the During the Attack of Regrets, the famous spearwielder Ibone
Weysevain Coast. Gopegui downed two Dinzer war blimps with a single throw
Despite Hydrius’ despicable nature, he earns incredible of a spear.
respect from his underlings. For Hydrius, it isn’t so much There are currently twenty spearwielders operating under
about hoarding what his organization steals that he enjoys, the banner of the Spear of Weysevain. The greatest of their
but the act of stealing itself. The majority of the syndicate's ilk is the masked assassin, the X, the so-called "Spear Arm"
earnings go back to the troops. This ensures that his of Queen Daria Emagavel.
employees are well-paid, which promotes loyalty. However,
Hydrius is quick to anger with anyone who betrays his trust. 
More than a few greedy syndicate members have been found Giving way to their titanic nature, the Branese Fangs are a
floating face down in Orbea’s Keqrab Bay, victims of the specialist unit of canid fighters from their island nation of
elemental’s wrath. Smoen Brana. Deadly fast and brutal, the canids swarm

violently over enemy lines, gnashing and tearing with their Naturally, the Warriorbrood has played a large role in Vaskil
sharpened fangs and claws. Those who’ve witnessed such Valley’s Anorian civil war where they’re celebrated by the
bloody assaults swear the Branese were possessed. browbeaten Anorians as folk heroes.
The Fangs first formed in response to an attack on their
island by Karnione during the Time of Humans. Angered by 
the disruption in peace the Karnoinic raiders brought to their Sixteen proud nations called Omeria home. The largest
island, the normally peaceful canids used a method of deep nation, Odonburg, dominates the southern hemisphere, while
meditation to unlock their aggressive side. Unfortunately, Omeria’s smallest recognized nation, the city-state of Ugash
most Fangs cannot return to their peaceful ways once they holds its own against the encroaching Tadju confederacy.
unlock their rage. The rare elder Fangs who don’t die on the Beyond these borders, larger political factions have formed to
battlefield often choose to self-exile from Smoen Brana protect themselves from threats too great to handle alone.
rather than endanger their own people.
The Branese Fangs are led by an order of monks called 
The Blood of Smoen Brana. These monks do not invoke their Knotside, Murktown, and Desneorus comprise the north’s
own rage. Instead, they manage and regulate the berserkers, strongest political affiliation, The Kingdoms of Man. Formed
pointing the warriors toward their next target. shortly after the start of the Age of Triumphs and destruction
 of Vapul, this coalition of three cities work toward the
Rasgax’s greatest warriors are called Howlers, terrifyingly common goal of preparing the north against future threats.
awesome combatants whose unearthly shrieks unnerve even Knotside acts as the bureaucratic arm of the Kingdoms,
the strongest challengers. A war-tribe of Howlers is heard employing governors and collecting taxes to fund major
long before it is ever seen, and more often than not, the projects. Murktown is the Kingdoms’ trade capital and also
Howlers’ opponents flee before they even see the Howlers in provides clandestine services. Finally, Desneorus functions
person. as the military command center of the north.
The howlers cover their bodies and faces in ritualistic The Council of Principals meets twice each month to
tattoos. They often wear animal hides with cloth kilts or discuss matters important to the three cities. Normally, the
flowing capes. Some smear their body in mud and animal council consists of one representative from each of the three
feces as a deterrent, lending further credence to the legend cities. Currently, Galliard Scoots represents Murktown and
that they are part animal. General Aldercy Ravensnow represents Desneorus. A recent
Smaller groups of Rasgax howlers usually follow the crisis in Knotside left the city without a principle, creating an
strongest members of their groups. But all Howlers answer immense power vacuum in the north.
to their great war chief Solvor Kardottir Vapulsbane. Despite 
her long years, Solvor continues to lead her people to victory Within the last few years, the island nations of Aegreya,
after victory against the dark things that lurk beyond the Xenem and Dar entered a pact to protect themselves from
Winds of Vapul. Many howlers believe that she is an perceived aggression from The Summer Land and Dorithell.
elemental herself. Although their allegiance was named for the large sea north
 of Aegreya and Xenem, the Pact of Tyrants serves as a double
Many Anorians of Vaskil Valley who train in the art of the gun entendre for these nations.
become gunmages. Perhaps the “mage” part of the name is Shortly after agreeing to the treaty, the nations began open
deceptive. After all, the Vaskil Warriorbrood are hardly trading among their borders. The Breathless Elves of Dar,
mages. Certainly, magic flows through their veins, along their historically peaceful toward the mainlanders, started building
arm, into their trigger fingers, and through their firearms. But fortresses along their rocky coasts. Meanwhile, Aegreya’s
this magic is not the magic of the cloistered wizards of drakebloods once more started secretly trading in slaves with
Odonburg or the stalwart abjurers of Presson's Enclave. intent to bolster their bloodline. Shi Xenem sees the alliance
Forbidden to use magic by their Pressonian masters, the as an opportunity to expand the reach of his undead nation.
Anorians were instead rewarded with the pistol, a primitive The alliance caught most of Omeria off guard. Already, the
weapon invented during the Year of Fire by the azers. But Dinzers have sent ambassadors to the nations to discourage
they accepted this gift and made it their own. Guns in hand, the alliance, calling it an act of aggression. The Summer
the Warriorbrood is a force to be reckoned with. Be thee Land immediately stopped trade with Dar, citing the move as
damned if ye should stand in the path through which they “a spit in the face of those who suffered during the War of the
ride. Burning Plains.” Still, there are some who see the alliance as
The Warriorbrood claims no true leader, but nearly all an opportunity to topple the world’s most powerful empires.
gunmages pay respects to the oldest member of their order, Dorithell’s bitter enemy, Nadorith, has begun talks with the
the outlaw Antd Dendar. Dendar spent the first hundred other nations of the Pact to offer their support. And there are
years of his life imprisoned in the dungeons of Imfe Caan rumors that Steel Church might join the Pact, an event that
Asaari for the crime of being born. Once released, he trained could shake all of Omeria to its core.
with the bandit Jelyn Hass and her gang. Hass not only taught 
Dendar the way of the gun, but the way of the Anorian people In the fifth century of the Age of Triumphs, twenty city-states
and the elements. As such, Dendar’s gunfighting style blends situated around The Wound banded together to protect
marksmanship, martial arts, and elementalism. themselves against the dangers of Dreadfields, the horrors of
The Low, and other existential threats. This confederacy

named itself for its great unitor, Tadju of Zerif, a sheep farmer 
and skilled illusionist. Today, the Tribal Confederacy of Tadju Necromancy is less an appreciation of death than it is a
is one of Omeria’s most powerful political factions. It’s nearly healthy fear. The Xenemese, considered the wisest
impossible to sail The Wound or Cross the Desolation of practitioners of necromancy in Omeria, believe that as with
Ditimaya without paying coin to one or more of the all things, death requires balance. This philosophy is called
confederacy’s toll collectors. gray necromancy. Gray necromancers know that life is
Only eighteen states remain from the original twenty. meaningless without death and vice versa. They openly
Although the states act independently, the confederacy itself oppose red necromancers who believe the opposite. Red
is presided over by Reshma Shaban. Reshma Shaban rose to necromancers, such as Vapulites, see the Cosmos as an
fame in the early 1040s when her political party, the anomaly that should be aggressively eradicated. While
Paragons of the True Emperor accused then President, Awf nihilists and anarchists comprise the majority of red
al-Awan, of failing to pull the neighboring nation of Ugash necromancy’s ranks, the wisest red necromancers cite
into the confederacy. ontological examples to support their philosophy: the
Talks of war continue to circulate among the Tadjuuni, as Cosmos did not wish to be created, and the creation of Casar
Shaban sets her sights on Ugash and their verdant belt. only serves to stall its inevitable collapse.
Shaban hopes to use the ancient Ditimaya legend of the True
Emperor to invigorate the eighteen states into invading 
peaceful Ugash. As one of the three forbidden paths, the stereotypical
depiction of a transmuter is that of a deranged, unhinged
 spellcaster obsessed with chaos. Loikiel the Archtransmuter
nearly destroyed all of Omeria during The Transmuter Wars.
 From those wars came unspeakable horrors that trouble
Omerians to this very day. So, the universal fear of
No matter one’s opinion on the importance of magic in transmutation isn’t unwarranted.
everyday society, there’s no denying that the arcane arts play a Still, those who are willing to risk their lives to learn the
major role in Omeria’s overall development. In the world of transmutation arts usually point toward the progenitors as
Omeria, magic is at the core of technology, too, especially in their inspiration, citing that the dulons and elementals
magic-savvy nations like Odonburg. reshaped the universe with their power. So why should
Note that this section details the function of magic in the humans do any different?
Omeria campaign setting and that details on new spells,
subclasses, and magic items are featured later in this book. 
While all eight paths are in use within Omeria, evocation is
 by far the most common.
The majority of magic used in Omeria pulls its strength from Evocation is considered magic of the Dinzers, the mighty
one or more of the eight pseudo-elemental energies that spellcasting tribe of the colossal nation of Odonburg.
permeate the Cosmos. The energies are then tied to one of Through the use of the prevalent emerald Odonburgite found
eight paths. Wizards who specialize in these schools are able in their lands, they have used evocation to rapidly expand
to create powerful, dangerous spells that maximize the their reach and technology.
potential of each path. As such, wizardry along with sorcery Arruquetta also utilizes evocation, but in a different
and some borrower pursuits is often seen as "unnatural manner. Whereas evocation typically involves outward
magic" as they leave irreversible effects on the world of projection and blunt force, the Arruquettans have developed
Casar. fighting styles that use internal evocation (or invocation, as it
were). This discipline gives Arruquettan warriors super-
 humanoid-like abilities. A single Arruquttan Spearwielder is
 capable of cutting down an entire unit of warriors by
Illusion magic, while common in Omeria, often falls into gray themself.
areas as far as anti-magic laws are concerned. Overall, spells Rumor has it that the Von Doral dwarves also have similar
that disguise one's appearance or makes divination magic invocation qualities. If they do, they keep it a well-guarded
difficult are illegal throughout most of Omeria. However, secret.
illusions are sometimes thought of as non-harmful forms of 
abjuration magic and should be a right guaranteed to most Enchantment magic is also forbidden throughout most of
common folks. Omeria, as it is seen as a direct violation of a person’s will—at
Some of the most powerful spellcasters in Omeria are least by humans. Elves and gnomes, on the other hand, see
illusionists and are dreadfully difficult to catch. Omeria's no issue with magic that bends the mind. Of course, most
skilled illusionists build layers upon layers of permanent humans are quick to point out that elves and gnomes have
illusions that keep themselves safe from harm. And thanks to natural protection against such magic.
(what Pexian scholars consider) the greatest illusion spell The biggest violators of the universal anti-enchantment
ever, simulacrum, many great illusionists live seemingly sentiment are the vampires of Xenem who use enchantment
forever. to bend the droves of humanoid slaves they possess to their
The canids of Smoen Brana are also particularly clever will. Although no mainland nation would dare test the might
illusionists, using their magic to defend their island from the of Shi Xenem and his undead legions, Xenem Dynasty’s
effects of The Contest Land's endless civil disputes. penchant for humanoid objectification has led to many close
conflicts. 
Bardic magic tends to use enchantment spells. As such,
bards that exhibit magic are often seen as criminals and Those rare few who are born with innate magic ability are
outcasts. For many bards, a large part of their job is about known as sorcerers. The most common types of sorcerers in
"keeping the balance.” They must only use their mind- Omeria are the Aegreyan drakebloods whose draconic
influencing powers for good and almost always away from the heritage offers them potent spellcasting ability. Many of the
prying eyes of those who’d persecute them. creatures conjured by the danaavrakt are also known to have
innate spellcasting abilities. The Imbued are powerful
 sorcerers who are able to tap directly into the energy of the
 jaduee-pat’r. Finally, creatures from the other planes of
Abjuration is the oldest form of magic in Omeria and existence such as The Other and The Cruel have
ultimately the art of the Pressonian Abjurers and the Monks demonstrated natural magic ability.
of the White Pillar. Shortly after their discovery of the Sorcerers are treated with trepidation by most spellcasters
summer diamond lode below what would become modern in Omeria. They’re frequently seen as dangerous and erratic.
day Presson’s Enclave, the elves of the Fairknot region taught Aspaethan Witch Hunters actively hunt and imprison known
the first humans the ways of abjuration. Many Pressonian sorcerers. And Pexian aberrationists take any chance they
spellcasters have sworn off the "higher arts", ceasing study can to find sorcerous “volunteers” to participate in advanced
beyond the 5th level. Only the most select abjurers access studies on their nature, hoping to unlock the secrets in their
these powers and, even then, the use of those spells are blood. So, it goes without saying that most humanoids who
limited. exhibit sorcery keep their powers a secret, lest they wind up a
Of course, abjuration isn’t restricted to just the test subject in some curious wizard’s dungeon.
Pressonians. Most major Omerian cities employ private
sanctum and forbiddance to protect their major institutions. ’
Shield is a common spell known by most magic practitioners. Shortly after the true elementals created the world shell
And nondetection is a favorite spell of many of Omeria’s less- Casar, the eight pseudo-elementals of the universe tore at its
than-reputable arcane tricksters. surface. The raw energy solidified and formed stones pocking
Casar’s young surface. The danaavrakti were the first to
 discover these gems, immediately understanding their value.
Like transmutation, conjuration is another banned path They called the gems the “jaduee-pat’r”, or power stones.
thanks to its historical significance. It has earned the The eight jaduee-pat’r are emerald odonburgite (force),
moniker “the fiendish art” thanks to the danaavrakti’s high kalapat’r (space), phantom pearls (creation), ruby
usage of magic throughout history. Even common conjuration blutvekzelnite (evolution), sjelstein (mind), slingfashi shi
spells like mage hand and produce flame warrant arrest in (death), summer diamonds (persistence), and vizier’s
most major Omerian cities. Journeyman spells like tourmaline (time).
entanglement and fog cloud may result in permanent All magic of the eight paths draws power from these
imprisonment, and higher-level spells that actually open stones. Summer diamonds are what protected early
passages to alternate dimensions are enough to justify Pressonians from the dangers of the titanic races during the
execution. Time of Humans. Xenem Dynasty’s supply of silingfashi shi
Still, there are those who see beauty in conjuration. Steel saved them from destruction shortly after Mount Claw
Churchians, who rarely follow the anti-conjuration tenets set exploded in 1,570 TH. And today, the Dinzer’s bountiful
forth by their neighbors, regularly use conjuration within supply of emerald odonburgite is what powers most of their
their own borders. Some specially licensed Dinzers use technology.
conjuration; in fact, conjuration and its principles are still Details on their function and magical properties are
taught at Pexia’s Academy for the Arcane Arts. And some detailed in Chapter 7 of this book.
elementalists use their own forms of conjuration to awaken
the elemental spirits in the land. 
 Considered "impure" magic by those who follow one or more
The elementals believe that time is poison. While the pseudo- of the eight paths, borrowers are those who draw magic from
elements of death and force are known to destroy some legendary creatures such as aberrations, celestials, fiends,
things, inevitably, time destroys all things. Those who tap into and fey. There are two primary types of borrowers: clerics
the power of time—diviners—do so with great caution. and warlocks.
Divination places incredible wear and tear on its caster’s
minds and bodies. While the lower-level spells such as detect 
magic and identify are not incredibly taxing, higher-level Clerics (also called magipriests) are only common in certain
abilities such as divination and foresight often drive their parts of Omeria, usually within cults or older religions. The
users insane. Only spellcasters with powerful minds should most well-known magipriests are the Pressonian Abjurers
ever use the path of divination and, even then, it can pose a who draw on the power of the infamous Four Generals. The
threat to even the greatest diviners. Monks of the White Pillar also derive their innate power
[Divination Rules sidebar from Guide to Magic of Omeria] (sometimes referred to as "ki") from The Four Generals.
Pexian scholars would argue that clerics are "just warlocks
with more rules."

 The Rasgax are also not fond of magic, particularly the
Warlocks are a little laxer in their practice of "borrowing" eight paths, but have been known to dabble in elementalism
than clerics. Instead of seeing themselves as direct servants and druidism. In fact, most northerners treat magic with
to higher powers, and unlike the clerics who rarely see their caution; even though it’s been a millennium since Vapul’s
chosen deities, warlocks have close relationships with their defeat, the dangers of magic are still ever present in their
patrons. As such, warlocks tend to be a little more minds.
sociopathic than most Omerians. Omerian warlocks, on Cyclopes from the island of Yazur possess highly sought-
average, usually have the short lifespans of all magic users as after anti-magic properties. The Pressonians and Dinzers
they are often the target of vengeful victims, paranoid must actively work together to protect the cyclopes as
conservatives, and sometimes, even their own patrons and hundreds are killed every year by black market poachers,
fellow warlocks. The Disciples of Squall in Steel Church are especially those from The Contested Lands.
the most well-known (and feared) warlocks in Omeria.
Druids, like the elementalists (see below), pull their power
straight from Casar itself, typically from nature and the fey
creatures that inhabit the land. Unfortunately, the strain of
druidism is incredible as any who open their minds to the
land are overpowered by the pain of Casar itself. Some druid-
warriors (often referred to as "rangers'') only pull a small
portion of the power granted by Casar to perform magic. This
balance protects rangers from the strain of druidism.
This connection to Casar’s pain and stress usually drives
druids insane, forcing them to become hellbent on the
destruction of humanoidkind, especially those who walk the
eight paths.
Druids and rangers are commonly found in Northern
Omeria’s large forests, especially the Sabalona Timberlands
and Amber Forests. Dangerous desert druids lurk within the
Desolation of Ditimaya and the Wither. Many of Kuzhuk’s
griffon-riders dabble in druidism, and there’s even a few
druids lingering in Odonburg’s dense jungles.
In the beginning, the world shell Casar was created by the
four true elements. As such, elemental magic is a potent and
common form of spellcasting, popularized by those who turn
from the eight paths or refuse to borrow. What makes
elemental magic unique, is that it does not rely on the power
of the pseudo-elements. Thus, it’s immune to effects that
would otherwise limit or prohibit traditional magic. Naturally,
this makes elemental magic much more dangerous than
eight path magic as abjuration does little to defend against
the elementalist’s powers.
Additionally, those who normally reject magic altogether
don’t necessarily see elementalism as a form of magic. In
fact, there are even Garrish goblins who dabble in elemental
magic, despite their historical hatred of spellcasters.
Some regions of Omeria are aggressively anti-magic. Gar
Wabrizz, the goblinoid nation, not only bans all magic but
frequently kills magic users on sight thanks to their terrifying
insect-like beasts, the dokh nuzeghs (roughly translated to
"no magic dogs"). Because magic is rare in Gar Wabrizz, the
goblins are free to explore the surface and live aboveground.


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