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1.If the applied voltage of a certain transformer is increased by 50% and the frequency is reduced to
50% (assuming) that the magnetic circuit remains unsaturated), the maximum core /flux density will
a. Change to three, times the original value
b. Change to 1.5 times the original value
c. Change to 0.5 times the original value
d. Remain the same as the original value
2.The low-voltage winding of a core-type transformer is subdivided into two equal halves, each of half
the original width of the single winding with the high-voltage winding in between these two halves of
low-voltage winding (instead of having usual construction of low-voltage winding adjacent to the core
and surrounded b the high-voltage winding.) Such an interlacing of coils would make the combined
primary and secondary leakage reactance (in terms of the primary) nearly
a. Twice
b. Equal
c. Half
d. One-fourth
3.Two 3-limb, 3-phase delta-star connected transformers are supplied from the same source. One of
the transformers is of Dy 1and the other is of Dy 11 connection. The phase difference between the
corresponding phase voltages of the two second Aries would be
a. 0
b. 30
c. 60
d. 120
4.In a transformer fed from a fundamental frequency voltage source, the source of harmonics is the
a. Overload
b. Poor insulation
c. Iron loss
d. Saturation of core
5.A 40k VA transformer has a core loss of 400W and. a full-load copper loss of 800W. The proportion
of full-load at maximum efficiency is
a. 50%
b. 62.3%
c. 70.7%
d. 100%
6.A single-phase transformer has a. rating of 15 k VA, 600/120V. It is reconnected as an autotransformer to supply at 720 V from a 600 V primary source. The maximum load it can supply is
a. 90 kVA
b. 18 kVA
c. 15 kVA
d. 12 kVA
7. Two single-phase transformers with turns ratios 1 and 2 respectively are connected to a 3-phase
supply on the primary side as shown in the figure. The voltmeter V2, will read

a. 100 V
b. 173 V
c. 200 V
d. 265 V
8. In a 3-phase transformer shown in the figure, the phase displacement of secondary line voltages
with corresponding primary line voltages will be

a. Zero
b. 300 lag
c. 30 lead
d. 180
9. Three 3-phase transformers each rated at 75 MVA, 132 kV/1 kV, have the following different
methods of cooling:
1. Self oil cooled
2. Forced oil cooled.
3. Forced air cooled.
The correct sequence in ascending order in terms of the weights of these transformers is
a. 1,2,3
b. 2, 3, 1
c. 3, 1, 2
d. 3, 2, 1
10. A single-phase induction regulator is a constant input transformer to obtain smooth variation of
the output voltage by varying the
a. ratio of turns between primary and secondary windings
b. frequency
c. flux density in the core
d. angle between the magnetic axes of the primary and secondary windings
11. An auto-transformer having a transformation ratio of 0.8 supplies a load of 10 kW. The power
transferred inductively from the primary to the secondary is
a. 10 kW
b. 8 k W
c. 2kW

d. Zero
12. Full-load voltage regulation of a power transformer is zero, when power factor of the load is near
a. unity and leading
b. zero and leading
c. zero and lagging
d. unity and lagging
13. In a single-phase transformer, the magnitude of leakage reactance is twice that of resistance of
both primary and secondary. With secondary short-circuited, the input power factor is
a. 1/ 2
b. 1/ 5
c. 2/ 5
d. 1/3
14. If a sinusoidal voltage source is connected to a power transformer, its no-load current would be
a. sinusoidal and lagging the voltage by 90
b. sinusoidal and lagging the voltage by less than 90
c. rich in third harmonic and its fundamental would lag the voltage by 90
d. rich in third harmonic and its fundamental would lag the voltage by less than 90
15. The zero power factor characteristic for the Potiers diagram can be obtained by loading the
alternator using
a. lamp load
b. synchronous motor
c. water load
d. dc motor
16. If all other requirements for parallel operation of transformer are fulfilled, which one of following
pairs of three phase transformers, with given VECTOR GROUPS, can be operated in parallel?
a. Y d 1 and Yy 0
b. Y d 1 and Dy 11
c. Dd 6 and Dy 1
d. Dd 0 and Dy 11
17. When short-circuit test on a transformer is performed at 25 V, 50 Hz, the drawn current I1 is at a
lagging p.f. angle of 1. If the test is performed at 25 V, 25 Hz and the drawn current I2 is at a
lagging p.f. angle of 2, then
a. I2 > I1 and 2 < 1
b. I2 > I1 and 2< 1
c. I2 < I1 and 2 > 1
d. I2 < I1 and 2 > 1
18. A 10 kVA, 400 V/ 200 V single-phase transformer with a resistance of 3% and a reactance of 6%
is supplying a current of 50 A to a resistive load. The voltage across the load is
a. 194 V
b. 196 V
c. 198 V
d. 390 V
19. A 3-phase alternator is connected to a Dd transformer. The hysteresis and eddy current losses of
the transformer are respectively 300 W and 400 W. If the speed of the alternator is reduced by 10%,
then the hysteresis and eddy current losses of the transformer will be respectively
a. 228 W and 262.44 W
b. 243 W and 324 W
c. 243 W and 360 W
d. 270 W and 400 W

20. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer:
List I
A. Shell type with wound core
B. Core type with core of laminated sheets
C. Shell type with laminated core
D. Core type with wound core
List II

a. 4 3 1 2
b. 4 2 1 3
c. 1 2 4 3
d. 1 3 4 2
21.In an autotransformer of voltage ratio V1 / V2 and V1 > V2, the fraction of power transferred
inductively is
a.V1/(V1+V2 )
c.(V1-V2)/(V1+V2 )

22. The windings of a Q kVA, V1 / V2 volts, three phase Dd core type transformer are reconnected to
work as a single-phase transformer, the power rating and the maximum voltage ratio of the new
configuration will be respectively
a. Q/3 kVA and V1/ V2 volts
b. 3Q kVA and 3 V1 / 3 V2 volts
c. 2Q kVA and 3 V1 / 3 V2 volts
d. 2/3Q kVA and 2 V1 / 2 V2 volts
23. Which one of the following relays has the capability of anticipating the possible major fault in a

a. Over current relay
b. Differential relay
c. Buchholz relay
d. Over fluxing relay
24. A single-phase transformer when supplied from 220 V, 50 Hz has eddy current loss of 50 W. If the
transformer is connected to a voltage of 330V, 50 Hz, the eddy current loss will be
a. 168.75 W
b. 112.5 W
c. 75W
d. 50W
25. In case of auto-transformers, which of the following statements are correct?
1. An auto-transformer requires less copper as compared to a conventional, 2-winding transformer of
the same capacity.
2. An auto-transformer provides isolation between the primary and secondary windings.
3. An auto-transformer has less leakage reactance as compared to the conventional, 2-winding
transformer of the same capacity.
Select the correct answer using .the codes given below:
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1 and 2
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 3
26. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer
List I (Transformer)
A. Power transformer
B. Auto transformer
C. Welding transformer
D. Isolation transformer
List II (Voltage ratio)
1. 230 V / 230 V
2. 220 V / 240V
3. 400 V / 100V
4. 132 k V / 11 kV
a. 4 2 3 1
b. 4 2 1 3
c. 2 4 1 3
d. 2 4 3 1
27. A two-winding transformer is used as an auto-transformer. The kVA rating of the auto-transformer
compared to the twowinding transformer will be
a. 3 times
b. 2 times
c. 1.5 times
d. same
28. A 20 kVA, 2000/200 V, 1-phase transformer has nameplate leakage impedance of 8% Voltage
required to be applied on the high - voltage side to circulate full - load current with the low voltage
winding short-circuited will be
a. 16 V
b. 56.56 V
c. 160 V
d. 568.68 V
29. The full-load copper-Loss and iron-loss of a transformer are 6400 W and 5000 W respectively. The

copper-loss and iron-loss at half load will be, respectively

a. 3200 W and 2500 W
b. 3200 W and 5200 W
c. 16O0 W and 1250 W
d. 1600 W and 5000 W
30. In a 100 kVA, 1100/220 V, 50 Hz single -phase trans former with 2000 turns on the high -voltage
side, the open- circuit test result gives 220 V, 91 A, 5 kW on low voltage side. The core-loss
component of current is, approximately
a. 9.1 A
b. 22.7 A
c. 45.0 A
d. 91 A
31. The use of higher flux density in the transformer design
a. Reduces the weight per kVA
b. Increases the weight per kVA
c. Has no relation with the weight of transformer
d. Increases the weight per kW
32. The function of oil in a transformer is to provide
a. Insulation and cooling
b. Protection against lightning
c. Protection against short circuit
d. Lubrication
33. A coil of 1000 turns is wound on a core. A current of 1 A flowing through the coil creates a core
flux of 1 mWb. The energy stored in the magnetic field is
a. 0.25 J
b. 0.5 J
c. 1 J
d. 2 J
34. Consider the following statements relating to the constructional features of a large power
1. The conservator is used to maintain the level of oil in the transformer tank 2. The bushing is used
to protect transformer insulation against lightning over-voltages
3. The Buchholz relay is an over current relay
4. Silica gel is used to absorb moisture.
Which of these statements are correct?
a. 1, 2, 3 and 4
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 4
35. Two transformers operating in parallel will share the load depending upon their
a. Ratings
b. Leakage reactance
c. Efficiency
d. Per unit impedance
36. A 1 kVa, 200/100 V, 50 Hz, single-phase transformer gave the following test results on 50 Hz :
OC (LV side) : 100 V, 20 watts
SC (HV side) : 5 A, 25 watts
It is assumed that no-load loss components are equally divided. The above tests were then conducted
on the same transformer at 40 Hz.
Tests results were:
OC (HV):160 V, W1 watts.
SC (LV): 10 A, W2 watts neglecting skin effect, W1 and W2 will be

a. W1 = 16 watts, W2 = 25 watts
b. W1 = 25 watts, W2 = 31.25 watts
c. W1 = 20 watts, W2 = 20 watts
d. W1 = 14.4 watts, W2 = 25 watts
37.The diagram given below shows the connection of a fourwire delta bank for obtaining a 3phase
4wire distribution system. The secondary voltages between the terminals are as indicated, a. What is
the voltage between the terminals b and d in the above system when the primary side is energized
from an appropriate symmetrical 3phase system?

38. If per unit impedances of two transformers connected in parallel are not equal, then which one of
the following statements is correct?
a. The power factor of the two transformers will be different from that of the connected load
b. Transformers will get overloaded
c. Dead short circuit occurs
d. The transformer with higher per unit impedance will share more load
39. A coil of 1000 turns is wound on a core. A current of 1 A flowing through the coil creates a core
flux of 1 mWb. What is the energy stored in the magnetic field?
a. 1/4J
b. 1/2J
c. 1 J
d. 2 J
40. Match List I (Type of Coil) with List II (Use of Coil) and select the correct answer using the code
given below the lists:
List I
A. Sandwitch coils
B. Disc coils
C. Cross-over coils
D. Spiral type
List II
1. Low voltage coils for currents above 100 A
2. High voltage windings of small transformers
3. Cooling oil is in contact with each turn of the winding
4. Shell-type transformer core
a. 2 3 4 1
b. 4 1 2 3
c. 2 1 4 3
d. 4 3 2 1
41. Match List I (Test) with List II (Quantities) and select the correct answer using the code given
below the lists:

List I
A. O C Test
B. S C Test
C. Sumpners Test
D. Load Test
List II
1. Copper loss and iron loss
2. Total losses
3. Iron loss
4. Copper loss
a. 3 4 1 2
b. 2 1 4 3
c. 3 1 4 2
d. 2 4 1 3
42. The exact equivalent circuit of a two winding transformer is given in the figure given above. For
affecting simplification, the parallel magnetizing branch, consisting of RC and XQ is shifted to the left
of the primary leakage impedance (r1 + jx1). This simplification introduces the inaccuracy, in the
neglect of:

a. Voltage-drop in the primary impedance due to the secondary current

b. Voltage-drop in the primary impedance due to the exciting current
c. Voltage-drop in the secondary impedance due to the exciting current
d. Reduction in values of RC and XQ of the exciting circuit.
43. A single-phase, 10 kVA, 2000/200 V, 50 Hz transformer is connected to form an auto transformer
as shown in the figure given above. What are the values of V1and I2 respectively?

a. 2200 V, 55 A
b. 2200 V, 45 A
c. 2000 V, 45 A

d. 1800 V, 45 A
44. Three single phase 11000/220 V transformers are connected to form 3-phase transformer bank.
High voltage side is connected in star, and low voltage side is in delta. What are the voltage ratings
and turn ratio of 3-phase transformer?
a. 19052/220V, 50
b. 19052/220V, 50 3
c. 11000/381 V, 50 3
d. 11000/220 V, 50

45. If the wave form of the voltage impressed on the primary of a star- delta bank contains 5th
harmonics, what are the wave forms of the resultant voltages of the primary and the secondary?
Primary Secondary
a. Peaked Peaked
b. Peaked Flat-topped
c. Flat-topped Peaked
d. Flat-topped Flat-topped
46. Two single phase transformers A and B are connected in parallel, observing all requirements of a
parallel operation, except that the induced voltage Ea is slightly greater than Eb; Zea and Zeb being
the equivalent impedances of A and B, both referred to the secondary side.

Under this operating condition with the primary bus-bars being energized, a circulating current will
a. Only in the secondary windings of A and B
b. In both the primary and the secondary windings of A and B
c. In both the primary and the secondary windings of A and B, as well as in the primary side network
d. In the primary and the secondary windings of A and B, and boost the voltages on the secondary
side of both A and B
47. Which three-phase connection can be used in a transformer to introduce a phase difference of 300
between its output and corresponding input line voltages?
a. Star-delta
b. Star-star
c. Delta-delta
d. Delta-zigzag
48. What is the efficiency of an autotransformer in comparison to that of a two winding transformer of
the same rating?
a. Slightly less than that of a two-winding transformer
b. Same as that of a two-winding transformer
c. More than that of a two-winding transformer

d. As low as 1/5th of the efficiency of a two-winding transformer

49. A two-winding transformer is converted into an auto-transformer. If we apply additive polarity and
subtractive polarity for the connections, then the secondary voltage is 2640 V and 2160 V,
respectively. What is the ratio of primary to secondary voltage on the original transformer?
a. 66 : 54
b. 54 : 66
c. 10 : 1
d. 1 : 10
50. Percentage resistance and percentage reactance of a transformer are 1% and 4%, respectively.
What is voltage regulation at power factor 0.8 lagging and 0.8 leading?
a. 2.4% and 0.8%, respectively
b. 3.2% and 1.6%, respectively
c. 3.2 % and 3.2%, respectively
d. 4.8% and 1.6%, respectively
51. If P1 and P2 are the iron and copper losses of a transformer at full load, and the maximum
efficiency of the transformer is at 75% of the full load, then what is the ratio of P1 and P2?
a. 9/16
b. 10/16
c. 3/4
d. 3/16
52. If the iron core of a transformer is replaced by an air core, then the hysteresis losses in the
transformer will
a. increase
b. decrease
c. remain unchanged
d. become zero
53. The equivalent circuit of a transformer has the leakage reactance X1, X '2 and the magnetizing
reactance Xm. What is the relationship between their magnitudes?
a. X1 >> X'2 >> Xm
b. X1 << X'2 << Xm
c. X1 X2 >> Xm
d. X1 X'2 << Xm
54. If the voltage applied to a transformer primary is increased by keeping the V/f ration fixed, then
the magnetizing current and the core loss will, respectively,
a. decrease and remain the same
b. increase and decrease
c. remains the same and remains the same
d. remains the same and increase
55. Sludge formation in transformer oil is due to which one of the following?
a. Ingress of dust particles and moisture in the oil.
b. Appearance of small fragments of paper, varnish, cotton and other organic materials in the oil
c. Chemical reaction of transformer oil with the insulating materials
d. Oxidation of transformer oil
56. A single-phase transformer rated for 220/440 V, 50 Hz. This frequency operation at rated voltage
results in which one of the following?
a. Increases of both eddy-current and hysteresis losses
b. Reduction of both eddy-current and hysteresis losses
c. Reduction of hysteresis loss and increase in eddy-current loss
d. Increase of hysteresis loss and no change in the eddy-current loss

57. What is the load at which maximum efficiency occurs in case of a 100 kVA transformer with iron
loss of 1 kW and fullload copper loss of 2 kW?
a. 100 kVA
b. 70.7 kVA
c. 50.5 kVA
d. 25.2 kVA
58. Cores of large power transformers are made from which one of the following?
a. Hot-rolled steel
b. Cold-rolled non-grain oriented steel
c. Cold-rolled grain oriented steel
d. Ferrite
59. A transformer has a percentage resistance of 2% and percentage reactance of 4%. What are its
regulations at power factor 0.8 leading, respectively?
a. 4% and - 0.8%
b. 3.2% and 1.6%
c. 1.6% and 3.2 %
d. 4.8% and 0.6%

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