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Ee Preboard Answers: C. Flux

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1. Which of the following is not a primary components of a transformer.

A. Primary winding B. Primary winding C. Flux D. Core
2. A fuse or an overcurrent trip unit of a circuit breaker shall be connected in _______ with each
undergrounded conductor.

A. Parallel B. Series C. Series-parallel D. All of these

3. Two Resistors are connected in series 2 ohms and 3 ohms and then connected in parallel. What is the
total resistance when connected series?

A. 5 B. 3.08 C. 7 D. 1
4. A 25 kVA transformer delivers a load of 12 kW at 0.6 pf lagging. What is max load kVA at 0.866
leading to be added so as not exceed transformer rating.
A. 13.2 B. 15 C. 12.8 D. 16

5. A single grounding electrode is permitted when the resistance to ground does not exceed?
A. 5 ohms B. 25 ohms C. 10 ohms D. 30 ohms

6. The overcurrent protection for 5.5 mm2 TW (2.6 mm dia.) copper shall not exceed ______ amperes.
A. 25 B. 35 C. 40 D. 30
7. Which is not true about the neutral conductor?
A. Is always the "white" conductor
B. 70% applied for a household clothes dryer for a branch circuits
C. Never apply ampacity correction
D. Carries the unbalanced current
8. Voltage in a generator is produced by
A. Resonance B. Pressures C. Chemical D. Cutting line of force.
9. Multiple start buttons in a motor control circuit as connected in ______.
A. series B. Parallel C. Series-parallel D. None of these
10. Which one has the highest electrical breakdown strength and longest life over all other materials
used for insulation.

A. Rubber insulation B. Impregnated paper C. Woven cloth D. thermoplastic

11. The connection of a ground clamp to a grounding electrode shall be.

A. Accessible B. Readily accessible C. Visible D. in sight

12. An alternation is _____________.

A. one-half cycle B. one Hertz C. one alternator D. two cycles

13. What is the combined opposition to current by resistance and reactance.
A. Q B. Z C. Xc D. I2R

14. A resistor has an indicated tolerance error of 10%. With a value of 1000 ohms, the minimum
resistance the resistor may have is _______.
A. 1,100 ohms B. 990 ohms C. 910 ohms D. 900 ohms

15. To transmit power economically over considerable distances, it is necessary that the voltages be
high. High voltages are readily obtainable with ________.
A. Rectified B. AC C. DC D. Carrier
16. Electron flow produced by means of applying pressure to a material is called _____.
A. photo conduction B. Electrochemistry C. Piezoelectricty D. Thermoelectricty
17. An AC ammeter or voltmeter is calibrated to read RMS values, this means the meter is reading the
__________ value.
A. Maximum B. Peak C. Average D. Effective
18. Raceways shall be provided with ________ to compensate for thermal expansion and contraction
A. According joints B. Thermal fittings C. Expansion joint D. Control-expansion
19. An instrument that is used to measure the diameter of a wire or cable to thousandths of an inch.
A. galvanometer B. micrometer C. Hydrometer D. Ruler
20. Where the branch circuit supplied continuous loads or any combination of continuous or non-
continuous load, the minimum branch circuit conductor size and overcurrent protection shall have
allowable ampacity and rating shall not be less than _____% the non-continuous load plus _____
percent of the continuous load.
A. 115%, 125% B. 100%, 125% C. 100%, 100% D. 125%, 140%
21. Determine the number of poles of induction motor running at 175 rpm. [No Answer]
A. 2 B. 8 C. 6 D. 12
22. Find the intensity of light source in candela if it gives illumination of 50 lux at a distance of 2m.
A. 25 B. 75 C. 50 D. 200
23. A dc generator internal resistance 0.15 ohm rated 120 volts charge two batteries A & B rated 90
volts, Battery A has internal resistance 0.32 ohm and battery B has internal 0.4 ohm respectively. Find
the charging voltage across the batteries.
A. 106.3 V B. 104.7 V C. 105.8 V D. 111.3 V
24. Two similar coils are connected in series. The total inductance for series aiding is 80H while 35H for
series opposing. Find the coupling coefficient.
A. 0.391 B. 0.875 C. 0.672 D. 0.554
25. A wire 100 cm long and carrying current of 40 A is in perpendicular whose magnetic flux density is 1.5
Wb/m2. Calculate the mechanical power which has velocity of 5 m/s.
A. 300 watts B. 100 watts C. 150 watts D. 600 watts
26. A conductor of length 1.0 meter moves at 60 angle to a uniform magnetic field of flux density 1.5
Wb/m^2 with a velocity of 10 m/s. Calculate the emf induced in it.
A. 15 volts B. 7.5 volts C. 10 volts D. 13 volts
27. Two wattmeter method is applied to 7.5 Hp, 85% efficiecny, 240 volts, 3-phase induction motor with
rated current of 18 A. Find the wattmeter readings in kW.
A. 2.16 & 4.42 B. 2.62 & 3.96 C. 3.24 & 3.34 D. 2.26 & 4.32
28. What is the IEEE standard device number 21
A. Overvoltage Relay B. Distance Relay C. Differential Relay D. Undervoltage Relay
29. A 4,400 Volt, 60 Hz transformer has a core loss of 840 Watts, of which one-third is eddy-current loss.
Determine the core loss of this transformer when it is connected to 4,600 volts, 50 Hz.
A. 977 watts B. 879 watts C. 679 watts D. 907 watts
30. The transformer oil used in transformer provides
A. Insulation B. Cooling & Lubrication C. Insulation & Cooling D. Cooling
31. A 220 kV three phase transmission line is 40 km long. The resistance per phase is 6 ohms per phase
and the inductance per phase is 20 ohms per phase. The shunt capacitance is negligible.

Determine the sending end line voltage when supplying 381 MVA at 0.8 power factor lagging at 220 kV.
A. 230+j15.4 kV B. 245+j10.4 kV C. 143.82+j12.4 kV D. 240+j15.4 kV

32. What is the permitted lighting fixture in clothes closet?

A. Pendant B. Recessed mounted C. open lights D. Partially enclosed lamp
33. Three resistances of 4,9, and 11 are connected in series and then in parallel. Find the effective
resistance in parallel connection.
A. 11 B. 24 C. 25 D. 2.2
34. A 100V dc shunt motor draws 27 ampere at rated load has 0.25 ohm armature resistance and 50
ohms shunt filed resistance. Find the starting resistance need to start the motor to limit the starting
torque to 200% of the rated torque.
A. 1.25 ohms B. 2 ohm C. 2.25 ohms D. 1.75 ohms
35. A water heater has 5.5 ohms resistance draws 40.5 A. Calculate the daily kWHR if it used 1.5 hr/day
A. 9 B. 13.5 C. 25.5 D. 27
36. The initial rate of rise of current through a coil of L=2H when suddenly connected to a dc supply of 12
volt is ______ Amp/sec
A. 5 Amp/sec B. 2 Amp/sec C. 4 Amp/sec D. 6 Amp/sec
37. Three 5 ohms resistance are connected in wye, find the equivalent delta connected resistance.
A. 25 ohms B. 2.22 ohms C. 20 ohms D. 15 ohms
38. The resistance phasor of a series RC circuit points to the right. The capacitive reactance phasor points
_______ while the diagonal of the rectangle having the two phasors as sides represents the
A. Up, impedance B. Down, impedance C. Left, current D. Up, total voltage
39. What is the power if V and I are 90 degrees out of phase?
A. infinity B. maximum C. zero D. constant
40. If the height of the transmission tower is decreased, the capacitance of the line will.
A. increase B. decrease C. remain same D. decrease exponentially
41. The voltage regulation is negative when the load is.
A. capacitive B. inductive C. resistive D. inductive and resistive
42. What is the value of a resistor with color code Red, Red Orange
A. 22 Kilo-ohms B. 24 Kilo-ohms C. 28 Kilo-ohms D. 25 Kilo-ohms
43. Which is not a cause for overvoltage in power system?
A. Resonance B. Lightning C. Fault D. Switching
44. A Three phase transformer rated 69kV/13.2 kV is connected wye-delta. What is the turn ratio?
A. 40/13.2 B. 40/7.62 C. 69/13.22 D. 69/7.62
45. If the resistance in a series RC circuit is increase in magnitude of the phase angle
A. Increases B. Remain the same C. decreases D. changes in an undetermined magnitude.
46. A capacitance C is charged through resistance R. The time constant of the charging circuit is given by.
A. RC B. 1/RC C. C/R D. R/C
47. At 25 degree C, the resistance of a copper wire is 25 milli-ohms. Find the resistance of copper wire at
25 degree C.
A. 24.7 milli-ohms B. 27.4 milli-ohms C. 34.6 milli-ohms D. 36.4 milli-ohms
48. What is the minimum number of wattmeter required to measure unbalanced power of a three phase
A. Two B. three C. four D. one

49. What is the type of communication that only one of the two party can transmit at a time.
A. Full duplex B. Bicomm C. Half duplex D. Simplex
50. The current in RLC circuit at resonance
A. Maximum B. infinity C. minimum D. zero
51. Caliraya Lake pumped storage power plant is used during
A. Peak hours B. off peak hours C. Intermittent load D. Base load
52. Two capacitor bank are connected in parallel, each rated 10 Kvar, 400V at 60 Hz. What is the net
capacitance of the each bank?
A. 198uF B. 166uF C. 153uF D. 181uF
53. Earthing is the term used in North America and Europe. What's the term used in PEC?
A. Bonding B. Grounding C. Bond D. Ground
54. Which is not the qualification of being a Professional Electrical Engineer?
A. Filipino Citizen B. 21 years of age
C. Good moral Character D. More than 4 years of qualified experience.
55. The equation of flux density of Alternator is given by B(t) = Bm sin 377t. What is the speed of
A. 1800 rpm B. 1720 rpm C. 1100 rpm D. 2000 rpm
56. Which power plant has a limited storage of energy.
A. Solar B. Hydro electric C. Wind D. Pumped storage
57. A 3 C charge and a 5 C charge are 10 m apart. A 7 C is placed in a line connecting the two charges, x
meter away from the 3 C charge. If the 7 C charge is in equilibrium, find the value of x.
A. 3.9m B. 5.0m C. 4.4m D. 5.7m
58. Which of the following insulators are selected for high voltage applications?
A. Pin type B. Disc type C. Suspension type D. Strain Type
59. What transformer test determines copper loss?
A. Open circuit Test B. Short circuit Test
C. Resistance Test D. Megger Test
60. Which is true about magnetic flux
A. have sources only B. have sink only
C. have source and sinks D. do not have source and sinks
61. What is the color of conductor insulation where the conductor is intended for grounding
A. Green B. Yellow C. Red D. Blue
62. Two lamps A and B of 252 and 40 candela respectively are situated 20 m apart. A photometer is
placed at the center of the line adjoining the two lamp, calculate its reading. [What is the height?]
A. 0.66 Lux B. 0.66 Lux C. 6.6 Lux D. 66 Lux
63. What is the reason why thermal power plant decreases capacity during summer?
A. decrease water level at the lake B. temperature rise of the lake
C. taking a bath or swimming on lake D. there is no rain
64. An industrial plant supplied from 2.5 MVA, 34,500/480 volts, three phase transformer connected wye
primary-wye secondary. What must be the CT ratio to be used for its secondary power
A. 500:5 B. 3000:5 C. 2000:5 D. 5000:5
65. Two solid changes of 1C and -8C respectively. The permittivity is 8.85x10 12 c^2/N-m2 and the distance
between the sphere center is 0.3m. Determine the force on the spheres and direction.
A. 1x10^13N attraction B. 8x10^11N attraction C. 8x10^11N Repulsion D. 0 N

66. As compared to Gauss Seidell, Newtons Rhapson has

A. More number of iteration & more time B. less number of iteration & less time
C. More number of iteration & less time D. less number of iteration & more time
67. Agreement between customer and Distribution utility approved by ERC
A. Wheeling service agreement B. Connection Agreement
C. Standard Interconnection agreement D. None of the Above
68. The effect of series capacitor on transmission line is used to improve
A. Steady Stage Stability B. Transient Stability
C. Both A & B D. Neither A or B
69. Chemical not used to protect or treat wooden poles from termite
A. Alkaline Copper Quaternar B. Copper Azole
C. Micronized Copper Azole D. All of the above
70. An automatic device that operates at preset values is known as
A. mercury switch B. relay C. fuse D. contactor
71. How many hours can a load be called a continuous load?
A. one hour B. Two hours C. 3 Hours D. 24 Hours
72. For a sinusoidal wave maximum value of 30 amperes, what is the average value over half cycle.
A. 9.55 B. 17.32 A C. 19.09 A D. 15
73. At a dc steady state, capacitor looks like a/an _____ circuit and an inductor looks like a/an ______
I. Short II. Open III. Grounded
A. II and I B. III and II C. II and III D. III and III
74. Which power plant cannot have single unit of 100 MW?
A. hydro-electric B. diesel power plant
C. steam power plant D. nuclear power plant
75. American Engineer wishes to practice Electrical Engineering in the Philippines must have _________.
A. APEC B. Foreign Reciprocity C. ASEAN D. AEPC
76. A separately excited generator generates 230 volts when driven at 1200 rpm. If the flux is increased
by 10%, What is the must be the primer mover speed so that the voltage is reduced to 220 volts.
A. 1023 rpm B. 1043 rpm C. 1087 rpm D. 1053 rpm
77. What device is used to measure the temperature of a motor winding while the motor is in operation
A. seismic probe B. resistance temperature detector
C. proximity probe D. thermocouple
78. Gauge #12 AWG with 2.0mm diameter has 0.08 ohm resistance, find the resistance of #10 AWG with
2.6mm diameter considering the same length and material.
A. 0.074 ohm B. 0.047 ohm C. 0.104 ohm D. 0.062
79. A single phase transformer with voltage ratio 13.2 kV/240V. If the high tension side is to be
connected into 13.8 kV, what would be its equivalent secondary voltage?
A. 245 V B. 251 V C. 232 V D. 260 V
80. What is the disadvantage of renewable energy?
A. intermittent B. lack of dependability
C. Both A & B D. neither A or B
81. What is the function of Zigzag transformer?
A. Step down the voltage B. stabilize the voltage
C. step up the voltage D. Derive a neutral for grounding

82. What is WESM?

A. Wholesale Electricity Spot Market
B. Wholesale Electricity Slot Machine
C. Wholesale Electricity Spare Market
D. World Electromechanical System management
83. Which of the following methods of generating electric power from the sea water is more
A. water power B. ocean power C. tidal power D. none of these
84. Solar collector generates 1Kw/M2 of thermal energy using the sun's energy. A collector having an
area of 1 sq.m heats water. The water flows at a rate of 30 liter/min. What is most nearly the
temperature rise in the water? The specific heat of water is 4200 J/kg degree C.
A. 0.1 degree C B. 0.5 degree C C. 5 degree C D. 30 degree C
85. In R-L-C Resonance circuit, has a resistance of 100 ohms, lower half-power frequency of 800 rad/sec
and bandwidth of 80 rad/sec. What is the inductance L and capacitance C of the circuit.
A. 1.25 H & 1.13 uF B. 1 H & 1.3 uF
C. 2.5 H & 15 uF D. 15 H & 3 uF
86. Find the average emf induced in a 500 turns coil if there is a current change of 0.25 ampere in time of
0.1 second.
A. 1250V B. 12.5mV C. 125mV D. 125V
87. A 10kVA, 440/110 volts 60 Hz, single phase transformer has an efficiency of 97.5% at rated load of
unity power factor. The full load copper loss is 150 watts and the core loss is 100 watts. What is the
Kva rating if its used as 550/440 volts autotransformer?
A. 50 B. 12.5 C. 25 D. 20
88. A light bulb having a tungsten filament draws 0.5 Amp at 110 Volts. The cold resistance of the
filament is 20 ohms at 20 ° C with temperature coefficient of resistance for tungsten at this
temperature of 0.005 per ° C. Determine the operating temperature of the bulb.
A. 1220 ° C B. 2520 ° C C. 520 ° C D. 2020 ° C
89. If the height of transmission tower is increased, which of the following parameters is likely to
A. Resistance B. Capacitance C. Inductance D. All of the above
90. A 12m wavelength has a frequency of _______.
A. 25kHz B. 250MHz C. 250kHz D. 25 MHz
91. Three resistances R1, R2, and R3 are connected in series across 120V dc source. IF R1 is 60 ohms, R2
has 40 volts with 1/2 ampere current. Find R2.
A. 8 ohms B. 800 ohms C. 0.8 ohm D. 80 ohms
92. Three resistances R1, R2, and R3 are connected in series across 120V dc source. If R1 is 60 ohms, R2
has 40 volts with 0.5 A current. Find R3.
A. 100 ohms B. 80 ohms C. 120 ohms D. 240 ohms
93. A 300m copper conductor has a resistance of 250 ohms. What is the size of conductor?
A. 0.0162mm B. 1.62mm C. 0.162mm D. 16.2mm
94. A 5 kW load at 120 volts is to be supplied by a line 100m long. What is the diameter of copper wire if
the allowable voltage drop is 5%.
A. 3.57 mm B. 5.38 mm C. 4.87 mm D. 6.82 mm
95. The wye connected three phase ACB voltage source has Vcn = 230 Vrms with 45 degrees angle. Find
the magnitude and angle of line voltage Vbc.
A. 400cis(-105° ) V B. 230cis(-105° )V C. 400cis(105° )V D. 400cis(-45° )V

96. The square root of the ratio of line impedance and shunt admittance is called.
A. Surge impedance of the line B. Regulation of the line
C. Conductance of the line D. None of the above
97. In a three phase balanced delta connected load with one line open, line A has 20 A. Assume line A is
the reference and the line c is open. What should be the zero sequence of line a?
A. 0 B. 10-j5.77 A C. 30+j17.32 A D. 10+j5.77 A
98. Two load are connected in parallel. First load takes 200 kVA at 80% lagging power factor and the
second load a pure capacitive load. What is the kVAR of capacitive load if the total load is 160 kW,
unit power factor?
A. 160 B. 120 C. 100 D. 90
99. What is variable capacitor
A. Varactor B. Resistor C. Inductor D. Thyristor
100. In Philippine Grid Code, which alert issued by system operator when the contingency reserve is
zero, a generation deficiency exists, or there is critical loading or imminent overloading of
transmission lines and equipment.
A. Blue Alert B. Yellow Alert C. Red Alert D. Security Alert

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