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EE Question 2

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It is desired to measure the insulation resistance between the motor winding and the motor frame, a 300-volt
30,000 ohm voltmeter in making the measurement. The voltmeter connected across the source reads 230 volts
and when connected in series with the insulation reads 5 volts. Find the insulation resistance?
A. 1.5 mega-ohms. C. 1.25 mega-ohms.
B. 1.35 mega-ohms. D. 2.0 mega-ohms.
2. A wire has a resistance of 1.0 ohm per 1000 ft at diameter of 0.1 inch. Determine the resistance of a 200 ft long
conductor if the diameter is 40 mils.
A. 2.5 C. 1.25
B. 25 D. 12.5
3. Two coils in a network are positioned such that there is 80% coupling between them. If the inductance of one coil
is 12 mH and the other is 6 mH, find the mutual inductance.
A. 6.8 mH C. 4.8 mH
B. 8.6 mH D. 8.2 mH
4. A capacitor is charged at 100,000 micro-coulomb in 2 seconds. What is the current in mA?
A. 0.5 C. 5
B. 0.005 D. 50
5. A coil of 50 ohm resistance and of 150 mH inductance is connected is parallel with a 50 micro-farad capacitor.
The source voltage is 100 sin (ώt +30deg). What is the equation of the line current?
A. 1.91 sin (ώt + 52.5deg)
B. 1.82 sin (ώt – 62deg)
C. 1.25 sin (ώt + 75.5deg)
D. 1.32 sin (ώt –75.5deg)
6. Two current, 5+j2 and 3-j2 enter a junction. What is the out going current?
A. 2+j4A C. 2A
B. 8A D. 8-j4A
7. A single phase induction motor is rated 5hp, 75% power factor and 220 volts. What approximate size of
capacitor is necessary to raise the power factor to about 95%?
A. 3 kvar C. 2.5 kvar
B. 2 kvar D. 3.5 kvar
8. A load of 10,000 KVA, 85% power factor lagging is connected to a 13,200 volt line. How much reactive power is
needed to correct the power factor to 97% lagging?
A. 5,156 KVAR C. 3,138 KVAR
B. 2,547 KVAR D. 4,753 KVAR
9. What capacitance must be placed in series with an inductance of 0.05 H so that at 100 Hz, the impedance
becomes equal to the ohmic resistance?
A. 50 uF C. 35.5 uF
B. 70.7 uF D. 87 uF
10. One leg of a radio tuned circuit has a capacitance of one times ten to the minus nine farad. It is turned at 200
KHz, what is the inductance of the other leg in henry?
A. 6.33 x 10-7 C. 20 x 10-3
B. 8.25 x 10 D. 120 x 10-3
11. A balanced delta connected load of 4 – j3 ohms/phase is fed by a 380 V, 3-phase system. Find the reactive
A. 52 kVARS C. 69 kVARS
B. 29 kVARS D. 87 kVARS
12. A balanced three phase wye connected source has using negative phase sequence, Vca = 398 Vrms with 90
degrees angle. Determine Van.
A. 230 + j 0 V C. 115 – j199 V
B. -115 – j199 V D. – j230 V
13. A balanced 3-phase wye connected source has using ABC phase sequence, Van = 230 Vrms with 30 degrees
angle. Determine Vbc
A. 190.5 + j330 V C. -190.5 – j330 V
B. 190.5 – j330 V D. – j381 V
14. A 240 V (line to neutral) three-phase source is connected to three 10 ohm resistance loads with both source and
load in the Y-configuration. Determine the current in each phase
A. 22 A C. 24 A
B. 20 A D. 28 A
15. In a balanced three-phase system, the wye-connected impedances connected are 10 ohms with 30 degrees
angle. If Vbc is equal to 416 V with 240 degrees angle, determine Icn. Assume the phase sequence is abc.
A. 12 + j20.8 A C. 12 – j20.8 A
B. 20.8 – j12 A D. 20.8 + j12 A
16. A 10 kva, 440/110 volts 60 Hz 2-winding transformer is used as an autotransformer What is the kva rating if it is
used as 550/110 volts autotransformer?
A. 40 C. 12.5
B. 25 D. 50
17. A 100 kva, 2300/230 volts 60 Hz 2-winding transformer is used as an autotransformer having a single winding to
step up the voltage of a 2300 volts line by 10%. If the transformer has 3.3% impedance as 2-winding transformer,
find the % impedance as autotransformer.
A. 0.3 C. 33
B. 0.003 D. 0.033
18. A 500 hp, 2400V, 3-phase motor of 90 percent factor and 95 percent efficiency is to be operated from a 13.8 kV
utility service through a wye-delta connected transformers. Compute the secondary winding current in ampere
of the transformer.
A. 157.3 C. 104.9
B. 125.6 D. 60.6
19. What is the possible synchronous speed in rpm of a 10 pole induction motor used on 60 cycle line?
A. 1200 C. 720
B. 1800 D. 3600
20. A three phase generator with full load current of 450 at 12,400 volts has 0.08 ohm, resistance and a
synchronous reactance of 2.8 ohms, what is the regulation in percent at 75 percent pow
21. er factor lagging?
A 12.8 C. 14.3
B. 18.9 D. 21.5
22. A 500 kva single phase transformer with 5% reactance is to share a load of 750 kva at 80% pf lagging with a
333 kva single phase transformer with 4% reactance. Calculate the kva delivered by each transformer.
A. 375 each C. 333 & 417
B. 350 & 400 D. 340 & 410
23. What is the slip in percent of a 6 pole synchronous motor running 1170 rpm?
A. 2.5% C. 2%
B. 3 % D. 0
24. What is the slip in percent of an induction motor running 427 rpm?
A. 2.5% C. 2%
B. 3 % D. 5%
25. An AC generator 1500 kva capacity has a full load efficiency of 91% at 100% power factor and 86% at 80%
power factor lagging current. What engine drive in HP is required if the genset is to supply entirely motor loads?
A. 3125 C. 1870
B. 2525 D. 2210

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