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2005 - Control For Recycle Systems Based On A Discrete Time Model Approximation

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B. del-Muro-Cuellar M. Velasco-Villa
H. Puebla and J. Alvarez-Ramirez

Instituto Mexicano del Ptroleo, PIMAyC.

Apartado Postal 07730, Mxico DF, Mxico

Departamento de Ingeniera Elctrica
Seccin de Mecatrnica
A.P. 14-740, 07000, Mxico DF, Mxico

Abstract: Exponential polynomials arising in transfer functions of chemical

processes with recycle and time-delay preclude the use of standar control technics
designed for free-delay systems. In this work a simple and eective methodology
to derive an approximate discrete-time model free of delay of a continuous timedelayed systems describing recycle and dead-time processes is proposed. The
method is based on the discretization of a sampled version of the time-delay term
c 2005 IFAC
in the original continuous model. Copyright
Keywords: Time delay; Discrete time; Discrete digital dynamic control; Chemical
industry; Model approximation.

Recycle and time-delay systems are founded commonly in chemical processes. On the one hand,
recycle systems enable the energy and matter
to be recovered in an industrial process. On the
other hand, transport delays are intrinsic feature
of chemical plants either with or without recycle.
Thus, to obtain realistic dynamic behavior of a
simulated chemical process, a nonminimum-phase
element should be included in the loop, preferably time-delay (Shynskey, 2002). Moreover, typical models of many interconnected reactor and
separation units include both recycle and timedelay.

Partially Supported by CONACyT-Mxico under Grant


The design of the control system for process with

recycle and dead-time presents some specific difficulties, because neglecting the eect of the recycle and dead-time leads to unsatisfactory performance and in some cases instabilities may appear
in the closed-loop response. Recycle and deadtime systems leads, in general, to transfer functions with quasipolynomials including transcendental exponential terms in both the denominator
and the numerator, and consequently the factorization into rational transfer function and pure
delay is not possible. These denominator deadtime induced terms preclude the use of standard
controller design techniques as the mathematical
methods employed by these techniques require
transfer functions with rational denominators.
Model approximation has been proposed to remove the exponential term from the denominator,

such as the method of moments (Papadourakis

et al., 1989) and Pade approximations (MalekZavarei and Jamshidi, 1987).
Several control techniques have been proposed to
control both recycle and dead-time processes. To
improve the performance of time-delay systems,
special control techniques have been developed,
such as the Smith predictor, (Smith, 1957) and internal model control (Morari and Zafiriou, 1989).
All of them provide time-delay compensation
based on process dynamic models.
In this work, we propose a quite simple methodology to approximate models of systems with recycle and dead-time. The key of the methodology is
to introduce a discrete-time model with a sampled
virtual input dead-time at the state by a zero
order or a triangular hold, which can capture
the dynamics of the continuous-time model. The
main advantage of the proposed approximation
methodology is that a discrete-time model free of
time delay is obtained. Then, the control design
based on the approximate discrete-time model can
be addressed with dierent compensator designs,
such as simple PID controllers and more sophisticated model-based controllers.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we present a certain class of time-delay systems,
which will be used to represent continuous-time
models of both processes with dead-time and
recycle. In Section 3 the approximate discretetime model is derived. In Section 4, an example
taken from the chemical-process control literature
with potential application in chemical processes
is used to shown the validation of the proposed
approximation and the closed-loop behavior of
control designs based on the approximate discretetime models. Finally, conclusions are carried out
in Section 5.
In this section, we present the class of time delay systems that involve time delays at the input signal and at the state. For typical recycle
processes, simple block diagram manipulations result in transfer functions that contain denominator dead-time terms. Thus, recycle processes with
time delay in both forward and recycle paths can
be considered within this class of invariant time
delay systems as shown below.
Consider the following class of linear time-delay

= Ax(t) + A1 x(t h) + Bu(t )

y(t) = Cx(t)
x() = (), [h, 0]


where x Rn is the state vector, u R is the

input, y R is the output, h 0 is the time-

delay associated to the state, 0 is the timedelay associated to the input, () is a continuous
function of initial conditions with h 0.
Finally, A, A1 Rnn , B Rn1 and C R1n
are matrices and vectors of systems parameters.
For simplicity in the presentation, and without
losing generality, we will consider the SISO case
systems, taking into account time delays in the
state and input. However, the extension of this
method to the multivariable case is straightforward. Taking the Laplace transform of the system
(1) leads to the following expression:

sX(s) = A + A1 ehs X(s) + Be s U (s)

Y (s) = CX(s)
which can be re-written as follows:
1 s

Y (s)
= C sI A + A1 ehs
U (s)
The characteristic equation of the above equation
is described
by a quasipolynomial
of the form

det sI A A1 ehs = 0. The time-delay associated with the state h leads to an equation
with an infinite number of solutions. It is noticed
that the class of systems described by (1) can be
represented by dierential-dierence equations.
Remark 2.1. From a theoretical point of view the
stability of linear time invariant systems with time
delays at the input signal and the state has been
widely studied producing several methodologies to
evaluate their stability properties. In particular
in Mori and Kokame (Mori and Kokame, 1989)
and Wang (Wang, 1992), the stability properties
of systems described by (1) are analyzed leading
to sucient conditions based on the value of the
time delays.
2.1 Recycle Systems as Time-Delay Systems
Consider the following recycle system,

U (s)
Y (s) = Gf (s) Gf (s)Gr (s)
Y (s)
N (s)ens


where Gf (s) = fDf (s) and Gr (s) = NrD(s)e

r (s)
with Gf (s) and Gr (s) are the transfer function of
the forward and recycle path respectively. N (s)
and D (s) are polynomials in the Laplace complex
variable s, h 0 is the time-delay of the recycle
transfer function Gr (s) and n 0 is the timedelay of the forward transfer function Gf (s). U (s)
and Y (s) are the Laplace transforms of the input
and output signals, respectively.
Simple block diagram manipulations give the following open-loop transfer function for the entire
Dr (s)Nf (s)ens
Gt (s) =
Df (s)Dr (s) Nf (s)Nr (s)ehs ens



Defining the error signal as ex (t) = x(t) xr (t),

the following dynamical system is obtained:
e x (t) = Aex (t) + A1 (t)

e ?bs



Yt k ? h


xt ? b

Fig. 1. General scheme of approximation.

The structure is the same as that in Eq. (2)
and exponential terms appears explicitly in the
denominator and numerator. Note that the corresponding characteristic equation is described by a
quasipolynomial equation with a state time delay


where (t) is a function defined as

(t) = (t h) (tk h),
(t) correspond to the error induced by the consideration of the ZOH on the delayed state feedback loop of system (1). In order to show explicitly
the order of approximation of system (5) with
respect to (1) consider also the solution of system
(6) on the segment t0 t h, which is given by
Z h
(t, s)A1 (s)ds
ex (t) = (t, t0 )ex (t0 ) +

considering the eect of the ZOH and the fact

that the initial condition is the same for systems
(1) and (5) it follows that
ex (t0 ) = (t0 ) r (t0 ) = 0


ex (t) =


(t, s)A1 (s)ds



The main purpose of this section is to propose

a simple and eective methodology to obtain an
approximate discrete time representation of the
original continuous time delay systems described
by (1).
Let us obtain a sampled time-delay model. We
consider the dead-time associated to the state as a
second (virtual) input to the system. Introducing
a zero order hold (ZOH) to the virtual input, as
shown in Figure 1, we have the following partially
sampled system:
x r (t) = Axr (t) + A1 (tk h) + Bu(t )
y(t) = Cxr (t)
x(t0 h) = ()
where (tk h) is a piecewise constant function
which corresponds to the virtual (sampled) input
for system (1).
Theorem 3.1. Consider the system (1) and the
partially sampled system (5) (see Figure 1). Under
this sampling condition, the solution xr (t) of
system (5) is an approximation of the solution x(t)
of system (1) with respect to the sampling period
Proof. Consider the solution of system (1) for
t0 t h and the initial condition (t h).
Notice that for t0 t h, the delayed state
x(t h) is determined by the initial condition
function and then, it is possible to consider the
following systems for t0 t h:

= Ax(t) + A1 (t h) + Bu(t )
x r (t) = Axr (t) + A1 (tk h) + Bu(t ).

Since (t) = (t h) (tk h) is a consequence

of the ZOH, then (t) is a function of order one
(with respect to the sampling period T ), this is
(t) = O(T ). The equation (7) can be seen as
an integration error between functions (t h)
and (tk h), therefore, considering a rectangular
(by the eect of the ZOH) numerical integration
method (quadrature formula), (Mathews, 1992)
it follows that the integral (7) represents also a
function of order one. To conclude the proof it is
suce to consider the step method (Driver, 1977)
for the solution of system (6) over the segments
tk t tk + h.
From the above developments it can be seen that
the error ex (t) can be minimized by considering
a sampling and hold device of greater order, for
example, a first order hold, that correspond in
terms of numerical integration to the use of a
trapezoidal method. On the other hand, it is
important to note that the error of approximation
ex (t) depends directly over the sampling period T .
Therefore, increasing the frequency T 0, will
also improve the approximation.
Now, let us get the discrete-time model. Consider
the solution xr (t) of the (partially sampled) system (5), over the interval t0 t h, with the
sampled initial condition (tk h):
Z h
(t, s)A1 (tk h)ds
xr (t) = (t, t0 )x(t0 ) +



(t, s)Bu(s )ds.

(tk h) and u(t ) can be viewed as external

inputs. By considering a ZOH over the input u(t
) it is possible to write

ut k

B# z ?m 1

z ?1

xt k


A# 1 z?m 2
Fig. 2. Approximate discrete time system.
Z tk+1
(tk+1 , s)ds
xr (tk+1 ) = (tk+1 , tk )x(tk ) +

[A1 (tk h) + Bu(tk )]

where (tk+1 , tk ) = e(tk+1 tk )A = eT A .

Proposition 3.3. An approximate discrete time

model for the continuous time recycle system (3)
is given by

U (z)
Y (z) = Gf (z) Gf r (z)
Y (z)
G (s)

where Gf (z) = (1 z 1 )Z( fs ) and Gf r (z) =

G (s)
(1 z 1 )Z( f rs ), i.e., Gf (z) and Gf r (z) represent the z transform of Gf (s) and Gf (s)Gr (s)
respectively, considering a ZOH device.
Proof. The proof is direct from the results obtained in the previous section, considering the
fictitious (two inputs) system

U (s)
Y (s) = Gf (s) Gf (s)Gr (s)
U1 (s)
and the corresponding discrete-time system

Proposition 3.2. An approximate discrete-time model

for the continuous-time system (1) is given by
k + A1 x(tk h) + Bu(t
k )
xk+1 = Ax


A = (tk+1 , tk ), A1 =
Z tk+1
(tk+1 , s)dsB

(tk+1 , s)dsA1


Proof. From the above developments and from

Theorem 3.1 we have that xr (t) is an approximation for x(t), then for t0 t h, it can be
obtained the following approximate discrete-time
k + A1 (tk h) + Bu(t
k ) (8)
xk+1 = Ax
applying the above developments over the segments tk t tk + h, then it follows that the
initial condition (tk h) are equal to the delayed
state x(tk h) obtained on the precedent segment
of time. This concludes the proof.
It is noticed, considering that the time delays h
and of system (1) are multiple of the sampling
period T , this is = m1 T and h = m2 T , (commensurable delays) system (8) can be depicted as
in Figure 2.
Now let us obtain the discrete-time model of Recycle Systems. As stated above, while the transfer functions for the recycle system may be constructed from the individual linear transfer functions for each of the subunits comprising the
plant, the resultant overall plant transfer function
will often contain denominator dead-time induced
terms. It is therefore necessary to simplify these
models before they can be used for control analysis
and control design purposes in a standard sense.
By exploiting the transfer function of the overall
recycle systems (4) we have the following result.

Y (z) = Gf (z) Gf r (z)

U (z)
U1 (z)

where Gf (z) and Gf r (z) represent the z transform

of Gf (z) and Gf (s)Gr (s), respectively, considering a ZOH at the inputs.
From (9), the global transfer function for the approximate discrete-time model of recycle systems
with dead-time can be obtained as
Gt (z) =

Df r (z)Nf (z)
Df (z)Df r (z) Df (z)Nf r (z)

with Nf (z), Nf r (z), Df (z) and Df r (z) are polynoN (z)

mials in z such that Gf (z) = Dff (z) and Gf r (z) =
Nf r (z)
Df r (z) .

Once the transfer function of the approximate

discrete model Gt (z) = R(z)/W (z) has been
computed, a feedback control design based on the
approximate discrete time model can be addressed
with dierent compensator designs, such as simple
PI controllers, standard polynomial approaches,
and more sophisticated model-based controllers.
This will be illustrated in the following section
with an example.

A case study consisting of a chemical engineering
prototype recycle system with dead-time in both
the forward and recycle path, will be used to
demonstrate the steps of the methodology and the
closed-loop performance of a discrete time control
design based on a polynomial approach (del MuroCuellar and Alvarez-Ramirez, 2003).
We have taken a recycle system and consisting of
two units: Gf (s) in the forward path and Gr (s) in

the recycle path. Each unit is a time-delay linear

system with the following transfer functions:
, Gr (s) =


Then, the description of the system is given by

U (s)

Y (s) = Gf (s) Gf (s)Gr (s)
Y (s)

U (s)
Y (s)
s + 1 (s + 1)2
or equivalently,

Output y(t)

Gf (s) =




Y (s)
(s + 1)e0.4s
U (s)
(s + 1) e0.2s







Fig. 3. Output following a step unit input.

where Y (s) is the output and U (s) is the input.

Let us consider the fictitious (two inputs) system


U (s)
Y (s) =
U1 (s)
s + 1 (s + 1)2
The corresponding discrete system with a ZOH at
the inputs and a sampling period T = 0.2, is given

0.01752z + 0.01534
Y (z) =
z 0.818z
z 1.637z 4 + 0.670z 3

U (z)

U1 (z)

The above system is a discrete-time approximation of the continuous system (10). By considering
U1 (z) = Y (z) we get the approximate discretetime model for system (10), based on a ZOH,

0.0175z + 0.0153
Y (z) =
z 3 0.818z 2 z 5 1.637z 4 + 0.670z 3

U (z)

Y (z)
The accuracy of the approximation can be improved by using a triangular hold (TH) at the
input U1 (z) (with a ZOH at the input U (z)).
Following the procedure as above we get,
(z) =

0.0060z 2 + 0.0218z + 0.0049
z3 0.8187z
z 5 1.637z 4 + 0.6703z 3

U (z)

Y (z)
We can use the approximate discrete-time model
based on the triangular hold (11) in order to
design a discrete controller to the system (10).
The transfer function (11) can be re-written as,
Y (z)


B(z) = 0.1813z 3 0.2968z 2 + 0.1215z

A(z) = z 6 2.456z 5 + 2.011z 4 0.5548z 3

0.0169z 2 + 0.0129z + 0.00404

It can be seen from (12), that the discrete-time

model has a pole in z = 1. Then, if the discrete model is adequate, a simple proportional
controller can follows step inputs. This property is
illustrated in Figure 3 on the continuous system,
with the control input u(kT ) = 1.2[v(kT )y(kT )]
and v(kT ) = 1.
Based on the approximate discrete-time model
we design a pole-placement discrete controller
(del Muro-Cuellar and Alvarez-Ramirez, 2003),
in order to shown the potential applications of
the approximation methodology for control design
purposes. This methodology provides a two degree
of freedom controller that allows to follow step
reference inputs and to reject step disturbances
at the input.
The discrete-timeh controller has the following
structure: U (z) = R(z)
S(z) Yref (z) S(z) Y (z) , where
Yref (z) is the reference command and R(z), T (z)
and S(z) are polynomials in the complex variable z. This control structure is equivalent to
an estimated (complete) state feedback procedure
endowed with integral action.
The characteristic polynomial D(z) induced by
the controller is
D(z) = A(z)S(z) + B(z)R(z)


In order to obtain the controller, the characteristic polynomial D(z) must be defined. To reject
external (step) loads, the polynomial S(z) should
contain the factor (z 1), i.e., S(z) = (z 1)S 0 (z).
In order to obtain proper transfer functions R(z)
and TS(z)
and a unique solution to the equation
(13), the degree of D(z) must be 2n, with n the
order of Gt (z).



Output y(t)











Fig. 4. Output following step input and rejecting

step disturbance for example 1.

Control input u(t)


both forward and recycle paths can be considered within a general class of invariant systems
involving time delays at the input signal and at
the state. By means of either a zero order or a
triangular hold on the time-delay at the state we
have derived a sampled time-delay model which
is used to obtain an approximate discrete-time
model free of dead-time of an original time-delay
continuous model. Using the presented method,
we can choose arbitrarily a suitable approximation of a delay element for a desirable design.
Although the suggested approach is restricted to
the class of recycle systems described here, it can
be applied to a wide class of linear systems including non-minimum phase systems. Numerical
simulations on a recycle system with dead-time in
both the forward and direct paths show both the
eectiveness of the proposed model approximation
methodology and the good closed-loop behavior
of control designs based on approximate discretetime plant model.









Fig. 5. Control input u(t) for example 1.

From the approximate discrete-time model (12)
we can get the following discrete controller:
T (z) = 0.6827z 6 2.4576z 5 + 3.6864z 4 2.9491z 3
+ 1.3271z 2 0.3185z + 0.0319

R(z) = 2.1112z 6 + 10.0611z 5 19.0533z 4

+ 18.4915z 3 9.7678z 2 + 2.6862z 0.3037

S(z) = z 6 4.7440z 5 + 10.0977z 4 12.2422z 3

+ 8.7128z 2 3.3621z + 0.5377

This discrete-time controller places all the closedloop poles at z = 0.6. Figure 4 shows the performance of the closed-loop system under a unit
step input and a step disturbance (20%) applied
at t = 10 sec. In a short-time scale, 5 s, the system
follows the step input and rejects the step input
disturbance. Figure 5 shows the discrete control
input u(t), which is acceptable for practical implementation purposes.

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systems. Recycle processes with time delay in

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