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1995 - Single-Loop Controllers Bring Boilers in Line

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Rietsecacninuttrs © teast1995 + teh By Dudley Harrelson 2nd Bi Pechota ‘The Foxboro Company For many specialty and retrofit applications, single-loop controllers remain the best fit. Take, for example, their role in providing reliable, flexible control of industrial boilers. Engineer’s Notebook | steam and is exhausted, which spins an clecti- eu Bu Belrees ler process seems simple, Some type | of fuels burned in the prosence of ain forming | heat and combustion gases. The heat is then absorbed by the boiler drum and transferred to the water inside. The heated water changes to cal turbine that produces electricity, and | | exhausts lower pressuse steam for condensing in the process. “Although this process ems simple, anything | «could go wrong at any time. The fame could go | out, the fue could run Tow, or the drum could | get ding: Lets take a look at how ro avoid these | problems. ! “The first sep is t0 take accurate measute- | ments. Typically, these measurements include floss, pressure, conductiviy temperature, stack analysis, and a level or evo, Ambient conditions ‘can affect performance of each measur device, so be sure 10 consider the hots dal condicions of boiler houses when selecting and installing devices. The second step isto bring the measurement signals back to the contral room. Use nwo-ire, loop-powered devices 10 cransmic all signals except the tack analy powered technology increases efile Insalltion costs. and eliminates ground loops ill. Cone x coer slat Reed Signal conditioning takes place at che micro- controller input points. Signal conditioning is done 0 provide a linea, overall loop response ro the controller. Ie also simplifes measurement. Examining four types of input signal charac- terization will help explain the signal condition- ing process. The frst signal isa zero-based pres: sare signal with a linear characteristic, The sec- ‘ond is.a temperature measurement made by thermocouple whose output is nonlinear. Mose electronic microcontollegs have thermocouple characterization curves “predefined” in the soft ‘ware — just eurn them on and set the range. Neat is a flow measurement made with a con- ventional d/p cell and orifice plate. It needs a square root characterization. Last is a combus- tion air flow measurement from the pressure drop across part of the boiler or preheater, This flow measurement is quite tricky because of a large deviation ftom the simple square root rear tionship. Hence. linearizing Furetion buile immo the microcon- roller sofia, yu must use the multipoint Pre-contrl functions ‘Now thatthe signals are inside the micro- to envision the contol 19 compensate the flow controller, you can schemes. You measurement signals for eh Jo this for natural gas and static pressure and temperature and doing ne compensation, The physial properties ‘scl defined, bur how do you perform the cal: slations? Tspicall, normalized equations are used 10 adjust the linear measurement ranges (0 engi- neering wns forthe calculation, Sometimes itis ‘necessity to convert from conventional notation to normalized equations. Essentially. a normal- ized equation uses the zero range value as the rercepe and the span as the slope in atypical AX + b selationship. lized values can be inserted into the slaw or steam table to gec data for den sste-corrected values such as mass flow of gases or drum level calculations An additional Function of the microprocessor

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