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Ai Chapter1

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Artificial Intelligence


• What is AI?
• The foundations of AI
• A brief history of AI
• The state of the art
• Introductory problems

What is AI?

• Intelligence: “ability to learn, understand and think”

(Oxford dictionary)

• AI is the study of how to make computers make

things which at the moment people do better.

• Examples: Speech recognition, Smell, Face, Object,

Intuition, Inference, Learning new skills, Decision
making, Abstract thinking

What is AI?

Thinking humanly Thinking rationally

Acting humanly Acting rationally

Acting Humanly: The Turing Test

• Alan Turing (1912-1954)

• “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (1950)

Imitation Game

Human Interrogator
AI System

Turing Test…Cont….
• Turing (1950) "Computing machinery and intelligence":
• "Can machines think?"  "Can machines behave intelligently?"
• Operational test for intelligent behavior: the Imitation Game

• Predicted that by 2000, a machine might have a 30% chance of

fooling a lay person for 5 minutes
• Anticipated all major arguments against AI in following 50 years
• Suggested major components of AI: knowledge, reasoning, language
understanding, learning
• 9
The Foundations of AI

• Psychology (1879 - present):

- Adaptation.
- Phenomena of perception and motor control.
- Experimental techniques.

• Linguistics (1957 - present):

- Knowledge representation.
- Grammar.

A Brief History of AI

• The gestation of AI (1943 - 1956):

- 1943: McCulloch & Pitts: Boolean circuit model of brain.
- 1950: Turing’s “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”.
- 1956: McCarthy’s name “Artificial Intelligence” adopted.

• Early enthusiasm, great expectations (1952 - 1969):

- Early successful AI programs: Samuel’s checkers,
Newell & Simon’s Logic Theorist, Gelernter’s Geometry
Theorem Prover.
- Robinson’s complete algorithm for logical reasoning.

A Brief History of AI

• A dose of reality (1966 - 1974):

- AI discovered computational complexity.
- Neural network research almost disappeared after
Minsky & Papert’s book in 1969.

• Knowledge-based systems (1969 - 1979):

- 1969: DENDRAL by Buchanan et al..
- 1976: MYCIN by Shortliffle.
- 1979: PROSPECTOR by Duda et al..

A Brief History of AI

• AI becomes an industry (1980 - 1988):

- Expert systems industry booms.
- 1981: Japan’s 10-year Fifth Generation project.

• The return of NNs and novel AI (1986 - present):

- Mid 80’s: Back-propagation learning algorithm reinvented.
- Expert systems industry busts.
- 1988: Resurgence of probability.
- 1988: Novel AI (ALife, GAs, Soft Computing, …).
- 1995: Agents everywhere.
- 2003: Human-level AI back on the agenda.

Problems of AI:
• Intelligence does not imply perfect understanding; every
intelligent being has limited perception, memory and
• Many points on the spectrum of intelligence versus cost
are viable, from insects to humans.
• AI seeks to understand the computations required from
intelligent behaviour and to produce computer systems
that exhibit intelligence.
• Aspects of intelligence studied by AI include perception,
communicational using human languages, reasoning,
planning, learning and memory.

Task Domains of AI
• Mundane Tasks:
– Perception
• Vision
• Speech
– Natural Languages
• Understanding
• Generation
• Translation
– Common sense reasoning
– Robot Control
• Formal Tasks
– Games : chess, checkers etc
– Mathematics: Geometry, logic,Proving properties of programs
• Expert Tasks:
– Engineering ( Design, Fault finding, Manufacturing planning)
– Scientific Analysis
– Medical Diagnosis
– Financial Analysis

• The following questions are to be considered before we
can step forward:
1. W hat are the underlying assumptions about intelligence?
2. W hat kinds of techniques will be useful for solving AI
3. At what level human intelligence can be modelled?
4. W hen will it be realized when an intelligent program has
been built?

AI Technique:
• Artificial Intelligence research during the last three
decades has concluded that Intelligence requires
• Intelligence requires Knowledge
To compensate overwhelming quality, knowledge possesses
less desirable properties.
A. It is huge.
B. It is difficult to characterize correctly.
C. It is constantly varying.
D. It differs from data by being organized in a way that
corresponds to its application.
E. It is complicated.
AI Technique
• AI technique is a method that exploits knowledge that should be
represented in such a way that:
The knowledge captures generalizations that share properties, are
grouped together, rather than being allowed separate representation. It
can be understood by people who must provide it—even though for many
programs bulk of the data comes automatically from readings.
In many AI domains, how the people understand the same people must
supply the knowledge to a program.
It can be easily modified to correct errors and reflect changes in real
It can be widely used even if it is incomplete or inaccurate.
It can be used to help overcome its own sheer bulk by helping to narrow
the range of possibilities that must be usually considered

‘W hat is our goal in trying to produce programs that do the
intelligent things that people do?’
Are we trying to produce programs that do the tasks the same
way that people do?
Are we trying to produce programs that simply do the tasks
the easiest way that is possible?
• Programs in the first class attempt to solve problems that a computer
can easily solve and do not usually use AI techniques.
• AI techniques usually include a search, as no direct method is available,
the use of knowledge about the objects involved in the problem area
and abstraction on which allows an element of pruning to occur, and to
enable a solution to be found in real time;

The second class of problems attempts to solve problems that are
non-trivial for a computer and use AI techniques. We wish to model
human performance on these:
1. To test psychological theories of human performance. Ex. PARRY
[Colby, 1975] – a program to simulate the conversational behavior
of a paranoid person.
2. To enable computers to understand human reasoning – for
example, programs that answer questions based upon newspaper
articles indicating human behavior.
3. To enable people to understand computer reasoning. Some people
are reluctant to accept computer results unless they understand
the mechanisms involved in arriving at the results.
4. To exploit the knowledge gained by people who are best at
gathering information. This persuaded the earlier workers to
simulate human behavior in the SB part of AISB simulated
behavior. Examples of this type of approach led to GPS (General
Problem Solver)

Criteria for success
How will we know if we have succeeded?


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