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Dynamic Behaviour of An Asymmetric Building - Experimental and Numerical Studies

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Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 2 (2014) 3848

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Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and


Dynamic behaviour of an asymmetric building: Experimental

and numerical studies
Q.-B. Bui a, , S. Hans b , C. Boutin b

Universit de Savoie, Polytech Annecy-Chambry, LOCIE UMR 5271, 73376 Le Bourget du Lac, France
Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de lEtat, LGCB, 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin, France

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Available online 8 July 2014

a b s t r a c t
The paper presents a study on the seismic assessment of a 21-story building having an
asymmetrical plan. The study applies the approach using in-situ measurements to assess
the buildings seismic performance. According to preliminary observations on site, the soil
may have a signicant inuence on the buildings behaviour. That is why it is important
to isolate the behaviour of the building from the soil effect (xed-base structure). First,
in-situ dynamic measurements are conducted to identify dynamic characteristics of the
building. The Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) method is used to determine the
vibration modes of the building in three dimensions (3D). First three vibration modes with
close frequencies and unusual mode shapes were identied, which shows the relevance of
the used method in the case of buildings having complex behaviour. Second, the relevance
of the applied approach was checked by using 3D Finite Element (FE) modelling, in both
cases: xed-base structure and soil + structure system.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Assessing the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings is actually an important subject in France and in Europe (Boutin
et al., 2005 [2], Hans et al., 2005 [15], Michel et al., 2010 [21]). This paper presents a study on a 21-story building in Guadeloupe (Overseas France). The building plan is asymmetric and the foundation is on piles. The building experienced several
earthquakes in recent years (up to 6 Richter magnitude) without signicant damage. A priori, according to observations on
site [20], high effect of soil is likely. The question which arises is did this building perform so well during earthquakes because of its structural design or owing to a positive contribution of the soil? Then, in the future, which maximum intensity
of earthquake could this building endure without signicant damage?
To assess the seismic behaviour of the structure itself (xed-base), it is necessary to isolate the dynamic behaviour
of the structure from the inuence of soil (Todorovska and Trifunac, 2008 [25], Kumar and Prakash, 2004 [17]). This paper
presents how the dynamic characteristics of the xed-base structure are identied. The ideal of this strategy was presented
in Luco et al. (1988) [19] for forced vibration tests. The present investigation is an application of this strategy on a usual
structure (asymmetric), by ambient vibration tests and supported by a more recent technique of data processing.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 79 75 94 70.

E-mail address: (Q.-B. Bui).
2214-6571/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Q.-B. Bui et al. / Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 2 (2014) 3848


2. Principles of in-situ dynamic measurements and data processing

In-situ dynamic measurements are directly performed on real structures (e.g. buildings or bridges). Accelerometers or
velocimeters are used as sensors to measure respectively the accelerations of the vibration or the velocities of the structure
(Hans et al., 2005 [15], Bui et al., 2011 [4]). With the help of these measured data, dynamic characteristics of the structure
such as its natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios can be identied. There are several methods for the in-situ
dynamic measurements in the elastic domain of material (Hans et al., 2005 [15]). Among these methods, the ambient
vibrations measurements is commonly used. In this method, excitations are human or natural activities at low amplitude
around the structure under study, such as vehicles, micro-earthquakes, waves, wind, etc. The action of these excitations is
assumed to be a white-noise (Clough and Penzien, 1995 [5]).
2.1. General soil + structure system
Consider a general soil + structure system that undergoes a displacement at the base v g (t ). At a point on the structure,
v S S (t ), the relative displacement of this point on the soil + structure system, compared to the base of the system
(position of the source v g (t ));
v t (t ), the absolute displacement of the considered point on the soil + structure system;
we have:

v t (t ) = v g (t ) + v S S (t )


In general for civil engineering structures, the excitation v g (t ) is considered to be a white-noise. In that case, the usual
relationship between the power spectral densities of the response ( S v ) and the excitation ( S p ) can be used (Clough and
Penzien, 1995 [5]):



S v () =  H (i ) S p =  H (i ) S 0


where, S 0 is constant. Consequently, to determine the frequencies of the soil + structure system ( ), the curve of S v () is
drawn and then the natural frequencies can be identied at peak positions on the curve.
2.2. Extracting dynamic characteristics of the xed-base structure
With a sensor on the building (at a height H ), the following equation can be obtained:

v t (t ) = v f (t ) + H . f (t ) + v (t )


where v (t ) is the horizontal displacement of the xed-based structure; v f (t ) and f (t ) are respectively the foundation
horizontal displacement and rotation (rocking). v f (t ) can be measured by a sensor being on the foundation and f (t ) can
be calculated by the relation (Luco et al., 1988 [19]):

f (t ) = z2 (t ) z1 (t ) /b f


where z1 (t ) and z2 (t ) are the vertical displacements of two sensors on the foundation and b f is the distance between these
two sensors. Eq. (4) is acceptable in the case of a rigid base.
2.3. Data processing
In this paper, a recent technique Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD), Andersen et al., 2007 [1], Brincker et al.,
2001 [3] is used for data processing. The FDD is known as one of the most user friendly and powerful techniques for
operational modal analysis of structures in the recent years (Ventura et al., 2002 [26]). This technique was applied with
success on several studies (Bui et al., 2011 [4], Michel et al., 2010 [20], Michel et al., 2012 [22]).
Any displacement vector v (static or dynamic) for this structure can be developed by superposing suitable amplitudes of
the normal modes:

v (t ) = 1 q1 (t ) + 2 q2 (t ) + . . . + N q N (t ) = q(t )


In time domain, the covariance matrix of the responses:

R v v ( ) = E v (t + ) v (t ) T

R v v ( ) = E q(t + )q(t ) H H = C qq ( ) H



Q.-B. Bui et al. / Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 2 (2014) 3848

Fig. 1. (a) Left: aerial view of the three studied buildings; (b) Right: general view of a building.

is the Hermitian transposed operator. The equivalent relation in the frequency domain is obtained by using the Fourier

S v v () = S qq ( ) H


If the modal coordinates (q1 , q2 , ...) are uncorrelated, then the power spectral density (PSD) matrix S qq () is diagonal
(Clough and Penzien, 1995 [5]). And if the mode shapes are orthogonal, then the above equation is a singular value decomposition (SVD) of the response matrix S v v ().
Therefore, FDD is based on taking the SVD of the spectral density matrix:

S v v () = U ()[si ]() H


The matrix U () is a matrix of singular vectors and the matrix [s i ] is a diagonal matrix of singular values. As it appears
from this explanation, plotting the singular values of the spectral density matrix will provide an overlaid plot of the auto
spectral densities of the modal coordinates. Note that here the singular matrix U () is a function of frequency because of
the sorting process that is taking place as a part of the SVD algorithm (see Fig. 5 for more details).
3. Case of Gabarre asymmetric building
3.1. Building descriptions
Three identical towers were built side by side (Fig. 1a), in Pointe Pitre, Guadeloup Island (Overseas France). They are
called Gabarre1, Gabarre2 and Gabarre3 respectively. Fig. 1b shows an example of Gabarre2 building.
Fig. 2 shows the plan of a regular storey. The black lines represent the reinforced concrete walls. The other walls are
brick masonry walls.
Such architecture with asymmetric plan is usually not recommended in the seismic design. However, these three buildings are not the only ones using this architectural type. In Guadeloupe, other buildings with the same type of asymmetric
plan can be observed. Therefore, a dynamic study on one of these buildings may help to also understand the behaviour of
the other similar buildings.
The foundation of the studied building consists of piles of diameters ranging from 0.65 m to 0.80 m, down to a depth of
33 m. Horizontal beams with great height (2 m), linking the heads of the piles were designed to withstand large horizontal
loads (Paumelle, 1972 [23]). The implementation of this type of beam can effectively strengthen the behaviour of piles in
earthquakes, even when their intensity is high (Finn, 2005 [12]).
3.2. In-situ measurements
The sensors used are Tromino triaxial velocimeters that can measure the vibration velocity in three orthogonal directions,
two horizontal directions (NS and EW) and one vertical direction. In total, ve sensors were used thus giving each time 15
data sets.

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Fig. 2. Plan of a current story of the studied building.

Fig. 3. Conguration for the deformed conguration: sensors are placed at oor center.

With a limited number of sensors, several congurations were needed to capture all the vibration modes of the building. Two main types of conguration were applied:
Deformed conguration is used to detect the axial bending deformation (transverse and longitudinal) of the structure. In this conguration, all sensors are placed on the vertical axis passing through the geometric center of the
building (Fig. 3). Two sensors are used as reference, one on the foundation (sensor 20) and another on the 19th oor
(sensor 21). Three other sensors are moved from one oor to another on the geometric central axis of the building with
the purpose of obtaining bending deformation on each oor of the building.
Torsional conguration is used to detect the torsional movements of the structure. The reference sensor 20 is always
at the 1st level. Four other sensors are put on the 18th story, one at the oor center and three other are on the oor
perimeter to better detect the torsional movements (Fig. 4).
3.3. Results of the soil + structure system (exible base)
Fig. 5 shows an example of the rst singular values obtained from a torsional conguration. In this gure, following the
principle of the FDD method, three rst modes can be detected at frequencies respectively 1.25, 1.37 and 1.53 Hz.
From the observations on these gures, it is suggested that there is a torsional mode at 1.37 Hz. To conrm this hypothesis, verication was done: the oor is considered as a rigid body; the rotational velocity of the sensors on the
building perimeter, relative to the geometric center of the rigid body is calculated and then, its power spectral is plotted. An example is shown in Fig. 6. On this gure, two torsional frequencies can be determined and are respectively 1.37
and 6.46 Hz.


Q.-B. Bui et al. / Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 2 (2014) 3848

Fig. 4. Conguration for the torsional conguration.

Fig. 5. The rst singular values obtained from a measurement of torsional conguration. Right: a zoom on the rst three peaks.

Fig. 6. Two spectra of two different sensors in a torsional conguration, relative to the oors geometric center, to determine the frequencies of torsional

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Fig. 7. First vibration modes of the Gabarre soil + structure system: (a) 1.25 Hz, (b) 1.54 Hz, (c) 4.90 Hz, (d) 6.46 Hz, (e) 8.45 Hz, (f) 11.83 Hz, (g) 14.80 Hz.

3.4. Result analysis

There are three rst vibration modes, whose frequencies are respectively 1.25, 1.37 and 1.53 Hz. Among these three
modes, the second is a torsional movement (1.37 Hz). Another torsional mode occurs at 6.46 Hz.
3.4.1. Interpretation of results
The building is not symmetric, this is why neither the transversal nor the longitudinal direction is the main direction of
the structure.
The principal axes of the building will be determined following the formula in the theory of Strength of Materials:

tan(2) = 2I xy /( I x I y )


where I is the moment of inertia, is the angle of the rst main axis from the horizontal (or building longitudinal direction).
Calculating the moment of inertia of each oor (Fig. 2), the principal axes of the building are determined. The rst main
axis makes an angle about 40 from the building longitudinal direction.
3.4.2. Analyse in three dimensions
An analysis of the building vibration was performed in 3D by the FDD technique. Fig. 7 shows examples of 3D mode
shapes obtained, data from a deformed conguration. The lines on the horizontal plane are the projections of the structure
deformation on this plane, which indicate more clearly the vibration directions in each mode. For example, the rst mode
at 1.25 Hz evidences a vibration direction which makes an angle 1 approximately 40 from the longitudinal direction of
the building (NS). The mode at 1.54 Hz shows a vibration direction forming an angle 2 about 130 from the longitudinal
direction of the building (NS), i.e. perpendicular to the rst mode (at 1.25 Hz).
3.4.3. Conrmation of the principal axes
In order to verify the performance of FDD method in the case in which frequencies of three modes are very close,
the above results were checked. To conrm the vibration angles 1 and 2 determined from the mode shapes in 3D, data
processing was done in these directions. Indeed, by using data measured in two longitudinal (NS) and transverse (EW)
directions of the building, data for a vibration in a direction inclined from the horizontal direction can be established, as

v = v NS sin + v EW cos


40 ; for the second mode:

For the rst mode:

130 . When processing data v , vibration spectrum in these directions can be obtained. Fig. 8 shows two spectra of vibration in both directions forming respectively 40 and 130 from
the longitudinal direction of the building (NS). This gure conrms that the vibrations are indeed decoupled in these two
directions, which are also the two main axes of the building.
3.4.4. Summary of results of soil + structure system
Summary of results of soil + structure system is presented in the second column of Table 1.
3.5. Fixed-base structure
The technique identifying dynamic characteristics of xed-base structure was used in the study of Luco et al. (1988) for
forced vibration tests. In the present study, the dynamic characteristics of the xed base structure were identied in the
case of ambient vibration tests.


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Fig. 8. The rst singular values in two directions 40 and 130 respectively, compared with NS.

Table 1
Comparison between the natural frequencies of soil + structure system and xed-base structure.
f (Hz)

Soil + structure

Fixed-base structure

f0/ f S S

Mode of vibration


1.25 0.01
1.37 0.03
1.53 0.02
4.90 0.03
6.46 0.06
8.43 0.1
11.83 0.4

1.38 0.01
1.40 0.03
1.70 0.03
5.10 0.03
6.46 0.06
9.16 0.2
12.34 0.40


1st X 0
1st torsion
1st Y 0
2nd X 0
2nd torsion
2nd Y 0
3rd torsion

Note: (1) f 0 and f S S are respectively the frequencies of the structure alone and of the soil + structure system, (2) X 0 and Y 0 are respectively the 1st and
2nd main axes in the building plan, which are respectively 40 and 130 compared to the longitudinal direction of the building.

Fig. 9. Spectrum S () in the NS direction, the case of the xed-base structure.

Fig. 9 is an example of a result of xed-base structure, calculated following the theory in Section 2.2. The results of
identied frequencies are presented in the third column of Table 1. From this table, it is observed that the frequencies
of translation modes of the soil + structure system are lower than when the structure is on xed base; which shows the
inuence of soil in the soil + structure system response, even with low-intensity excitations in ambient measurements.

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Fig. 10. Model of a Gabarre building in FE modelling, with xed-base.

4. FE modelling
The FE modelling of the building aims to full two main objectives. Firstly, to verify the mode shapes identied in the
previous section where an unusual dynamic behaviour was observed. Secondly, once the model is calibrated to correlate
with in-situ measurements, an assessment of the seismic capacity can be performed with the model.
4.1. Fixed-base structure
Modelling was done with the SAP2000 software, which was successfully applied in the study of Liu et al. (2005) [18].
The FE model was rstly built for the superstructure corresponding to the xed base (Fig. 10). The materials characteristics
were calibrated in modelling to reproduce the in-situ dynamic behaviour. Indeed, the current value of the Youngs modulus
of concrete in France is 32 GPa (Eurocode 2 [9]), but this corresponds to a concrete tested at 28 days. This value decreases
in the times due to the creep phenomena. Following the empirical formula gave in Eurocode 2, this Youngs modulus of
concrete can decrease until 12 GPa. Therefore, a calibration of concrete modulus was necessary in an interval from 12 to
32 GPa.
For Youngs modulus of masonry, to surmount the inhomogeneity of masonry panels, the in-situ values found in the
study of De Sortis et al. (2005) [8] were noted in which the mean modulus of masonry varied from 1.5 to 3 GPa. The
volumic mass and the damping ratio of concrete were taken of 2500 kg/m3 and 4% respectively. The modulus of steel was
taken of 200 GPa. To assess as accurately as possible the mass of the building, the mass of each oor was calculated taking
into account the permanent and live loads according to Eurocode 8 [10].
Following several preliminary simulations, it was observed that the natural frequencies of the studied structure depended
predominately on the stiffness of concrete. However, the stiffness of inll masonry played a signicant role on the torsional
modes. Indeed, by changing the stiffness of masonry, the 1st torsional mode may pass from 2nd mode to 1st or 3rd mode
of the structure. This is understandable because inll masonry panels are in the buildings perimeter, so they have an
important inuence on the buildings torsional stiffness.
To calibrate the Youngs modulus of concrete, rstly, the model was tested with a modulus E c,trial , the rst natural frequency (called f 1,trial ) obtained from the model was noted. According to the theory of Dynamic of Structures, the following
relationship can be derived:

E c,measured = ( f 1,measured / f 1,trial )2 E c,trial


Then, the Youngs modulus of masonry was calibrated by the same way, by using the rst torsional mode (3rd global mode).

E m,measured = ( f 3,measured / f 3,trial )2 E m,trial


After the calibration, the identied modulus of concrete and masonry were of 25 GPa and 1.5 GPa respectively. The comparison of the FE results and those of in-situ measurements is presented in Table 2.


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Table 2
Results of natural frequencies of the xed-base structure of a Gabarre building, obtained from in-situ measurements and FE model.
f (Hz)

In-situ measurements

FE model

Mode of vibration

Difference (%)


1.38 0.01
1.4 0.03
1.70 0.02
5.10 0.03
6.46 0.06
9.16 0.20
12.34 0.40


1st X 0
1st torsion
1st Y 0
2nd X 0
2nd torsion
2nd Y 0
3rd torsion

2 .1
1 .2
1 .2

Fig. 11. Modelling of soil + structure system in EF. The Soil + Foundation system is simplied and modelled by springs.

4.2. Soil + structure system

To this day, there are several possibilities to introduce the soil in the model (in the present case, it means piles + soil),
Finn et al. (2011) [13]. The rst possibility is to model the superstructure on the piles and then the soil will be modelled
by springs (linear or nonlinear) around the piles. This model is known as the Winkler model.
The second possibility is to use the substructures, meaning that only the superstructure is modelled and boundary
conditions between the superstructure and the foundation are added (Han, 2002 [14], Clouteau et al., 2012 [6]). In this case,
the piles + soil will be replaced by springs at the level of the foundation which is supposed to be super-rigid (Fig. 11). The
second approach is applied here because it is simpler.
During earthquakes, there is an interaction between soil and structure (including the piles). Soil stiffness in this case
varies according to the nature of excitations (intensity, frequency), Finn (2005) [11]. To take this effect into account, the
springs representing the soil should have a nonlinear behaviour and should vary according to excitation nature (e.g. frequency).
In the case of ambient measurements, the intensity of excitation is very low and therefore the soil behaviour can be
considered as elastic linear. The soil stiffness in ambient measurements corresponds to the starting point (excitation
intensity near zero) of the curve representing the variation of the soil stiffness following the intensity of earthquakes (Finn
et al. [12,13]). The nding of this starting point is very important for SSI study during earthquakes.
For the calibration of the spring stiffness, series of simulations were carried out, from the values found in a bibliographic
study (Jeremic et al., 2004 [16]). In the present investigation, a code was added for the optimisation of the model. For each
spring, the stiffness was varied from 104 to 107 kN/m, with a step of 50 kN/m. The spring stiffness giving a minimum error
were selected, where:

Error = sqrt ( f i,num f i,exp )2



with f i,num and f i,exp were respectively the numerical and experimental frequencies of the modes from 1 to 7.
The spring stiffness after the calibration are presented in Table 3.
The rst three mode shapes of the calibrated FE model are illustrated in Fig. 12. Comparison of the consistency between
the results of the FE model and in-situ measurements is presented in Table 4. It is observed that the natural frequencies and
the mode shapes of the model correspond well with results of in-situ measurements, this shows a good representation of

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Table 3
Spring stiffness for elastic foundation system in the present study.
Degree of freedom

Spring stiffness

Axial (vertical, z direction)

Transversal (horizontal x and y directions)
Torsional (around vertical z axes)
Rocking (around horizontal x and y axes)

5e6 kN/m
1e5 kN/m
6.5e6 kN/m
7.8e6 kN/m

Fig. 12. First (left), second (middle), and third (right) mode shapes of the building, in the model taking into account the effect of the foundation and the
soil. The vibration in the rst mode is the rst translation mode in the rst main axis of the building. The vibration in the second mode corresponds to the
rst torsion mode. The vibration in the third mode is the rst translation mode in the second main axis of the building.

Table 4
Results for natural frequencies of the soil + structure system of a Gabarre building, obtained from in-situ measurements and nite element model.
f (Hz)

In-situ measurements

FE model

Mode of vibration

Difference (%)


1.25 0.01
1.37 0.03
1.53 0.02
4.90 0.03
6.46 0.06
8.43 0.1
11.83 0.4


1st X 0
1st torsion
1st Y 0
2nd X 0
2nd torsion
2nd Y 0
3rd torsion

1 .6
3 .9
5 .1
2 .3

the numerical model. This good correlation enables to conduct a future assessment on the studied building, by introducing
simulated excitations in the model (for example Cornell and Vamvatsikos, 2002 [7], Villaverde, 2007 [27]).
5. Conclusions and prospects
The paper presents an investigation on the dynamic behaviour of an asymmetric building and the effects of its soil.
First, in-situ dynamic measurements were conducted to identify the buildings dynamic characteristics. The FDD method
was successfully used to identify the building vibration modes in three dimensions, which enables to identify the dynamic
behaviour of the building. For the torsional modes, verication was performed using the technique of rotation of a rigid
body. This technique associated with the FDD method enables to understand the actual dynamic behaviour of the complex
studied building. Then, the soil effect was isolated to obtain the dynamic behaviour of the xed-based structure which will
be useful for the seismic assessment of the structure.
Then, numerical models were performed to, on one hand, verify the validity of the dynamic characteristics identied,
specially the existence of the unusual mode shapes; and on the other hand, to calibrate the soil characteristics. These last
were derived from information obtained from the xed-base structure.
The numerical soil + structure system model reproduced the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the in-situ
measurements results, which showed a good representativeness of the numerical model. This good correlation enables
to conduct investigations on the seismic capacity of the studied building with the regulatory method (Clouteau et al.,
2012 [6]). The regulatory method is a simplied method which consists of soil springs. Its drawback is the inability to
account for the frequency dependence of the foundation impedance since the springs must have constant stiffness characteristics with respect to frequency. But its advantage is its simplicity still allowing for complex nonlinear model of the
structure together with all types of nonlinear behaviour of the soil springs (Gerolymos and Gazetas, 2006 [11]).
Calibrating analytical and physical models by the approach used in this paper is interesting for research on the soil
effect. This approach is even more promising in the case of instrumented buildings located in frequent earthquake areas.


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The advantage of this approach is that data are measured on site, which provides valuable information for a complex
phenomenon like earthquake (Rovithis et al. 2009 [24]).
We wish to thank ANR-ARVISE program and specially C. Chenais, J. Soubestre for the implementation of in-situ measurements. M.-C. Jean from ENTPE is warmly thanked for her advices to improve the English of this paper.
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