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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV Wit Transactions On Modelling and Simulation

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Computational Methods

and Experimental
Measurements XV

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Papers presented at Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV
are archived in the WIT eLibrary in volume 51 of WIT Transactions on
Modelling and Simulation (ISSN 1743-355X). The WIT eLibrary provides the
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G. M. Carlomagno
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
C.A. Brebbia
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK


I. Abdalla
Z. Bielecki
A. Britten
J. Everett
A. Galybin
A. Kawalec
H. Sakamoto
M. Tsutahara
F. Viadero
M. Wnuk
Z. Yang
G. Zappala

Organised by
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Sponsored by
WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation

WIT Transactions
Transactions Editor
Carlos Brebbia
Wessex Institute of Technology
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton SO40 7AA, UK

Editorial Board
B Abersek University of Maribor, Slovenia
Y N Abousleiman University of Oklahoma,

P L Aguilar University of Extremadura, Spain

K S Al Jabri Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
E Alarcon Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,

A Aldama IMTA, Mexico

C Alessandri Universita di Ferrara, Italy
D Almorza Gomar University of Cadiz,

B Alzahabi Kettering University, USA

J A C Ambrosio IDMEC, Portugal
A M Amer Cairo University, Egypt
S A Anagnostopoulos University of Patras,

M Andretta Montecatini, Italy

E Angelino A.R.P.A. Lombardia, Italy
H Antes Technische Universitat Braunschweig,

M A Atherton South Bank University, UK

A G Atkins University of Reading, UK
D Aubry Ecole Centrale de Paris, France
H Azegami Toyohashi University of
Technology, Japan

A F M Azevedo University of Porto, Portugal

J Baish Bucknell University, USA
J M Baldasano Universitat Politecnica de
Catalunya, Spain
J G Bartzis Institute of Nuclear Technology,
A Bejan Duke University, USA
M P Bekakos Democritus University of
Thrace, Greece

G Belingardi Politecnico di Torino, Italy

R Belmans Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

C D Bertram The University of New South

Wales, Australia

D E Beskos University of Patras, Greece

S K Bhattacharyya Indian Institute of
Technology, India

E Blums Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia

J Boarder Cartref Consulting Systems, UK
B Bobee Institut National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Canada

H Boileau ESIGEC, France

J J Bommer Imperial College London, UK
M Bonnet Ecole Polytechnique, France
C A Borrego University of Aveiro, Portugal
A R Bretones University of Granada, Spain
J A Bryant University of Exeter, UK
F-G Buchholz Universitat Gesanthochschule
Paderborn, Germany

M B Bush The University of Western

Australia, Australia

F Butera Politecnico di Milano, Italy

J Byrne University of Portsmouth, UK
W Cantwell Liverpool University, UK
D J Cartwright Bucknell University, USA
P G Carydis National Technical University of
Athens, Greece

J J Casares Long Universidad de Santiago de

Compostela, Spain

M A Celia Princeton University, USA

A Chakrabarti Indian Institute of Science,

A H-D Cheng University of Mississippi, USA

J Chilton University of Lincoln, UK

C-L Chiu University of Pittsburgh, USA
H Choi Kangnung National University, Korea
A Cieslak Technical University of Lodz,

S Clement Transport System Centre, Australia

M W Collins Brunel University, UK
J J Connor Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, USA

M C Constantinou State University of New

York at Buffalo, USA

D E Cormack University of Toronto, Canada

M Costantino Royal Bank of Scotland, UK
D F Cutler Royal Botanic Gardens, UK
W Czyczula Krakow University of
Technology, Poland

M da Conceicao Cunha University of

Coimbra, Portugal

L Dvid Kroly Rbert College, Hungary

A Davies University of Hertfordshire, UK
M Davis Temple University, USA
A B de Almeida Instituto Superior Tecnico,

E R de Arantes e Oliveira Instituto Superior

Tecnico, Portugal

L De Biase University of Milan, Italy

R de Borst Delft University of Technology,
G De Mey University of Ghent, Belgium
A De Montis Universita di Cagliari, Italy
A De Naeyer Universiteit Ghent, Belgium
W P De Wilde Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
L Debnath University of Texas-Pan American,
N J Dedios Mimbela Universidad de
Cordoba, Spain
G Degrande Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
S del Giudice University of Udine, Italy
G Deplano Universita di Cagliari, Italy
I Doltsinis University of Stuttgart, Germany
M Domaszewski Universite de Technologie
de Belfort-Montbeliard, France
J Dominguez University of Seville, Spain
K Dorow Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, USA
W Dover University College London, UK
C Dowlen South Bank University, UK

J P du Plessis University of Stellenbosch,

South Africa

R Duffell University of Hertfordshire, UK

A Ebel University of Cologne, Germany
E E Edoutos Democritus University of
Thrace, Greece

G K Egan Monash University, Australia

K M Elawadly Alexandria University, Egypt
K-H Elmer Universitat Hannover, Germany
D Elms University of Canterbury, New Zealand
M E M El-Sayed Kettering University, USA
D M Elsom Oxford Brookes University, UK
F Erdogan Lehigh University, USA
F P Escrig University of Seville, Spain
D J Evans Nottingham Trent University, UK
J W Everett Rowan University, USA
M Faghri University of Rhode Island, USA
R A Falconer Cardiff University, UK
M N Fardis University of Patras, Greece
P Fedelinski Silesian Technical University,

H J S Fernando Arizona State University,


S Finger Carnegie Mellon University, USA

J I Frankel University of Tennessee, USA
D M Fraser University of Cape Town, South

M J Fritzler University of Calgary, Canada

U Gabbert Otto-von-Guericke Universitat
Magdeburg, Germany

G Gambolati Universita di Padova, Italy

C J Gantes National Technical University of
Athens, Greece

L Gaul Universitat Stuttgart, Germany

A Genco University of Palermo, Italy
N Georgantzis Universitat Jaume I, Spain
P Giudici Universita di Pavia, Italy
F Gomez Universidad Politecnica de Valencia,

R Gomez Martin University of Granada,


D Goulias University of Maryland, USA

K G Goulias Pennsylvania State University,

F Grandori Politecnico di Milano, Italy

W E Grant Texas A & M University,

S Grilli University of Rhode Island, USA

R H J Grimshaw Loughborough University,


D Gross Technische Hochschule Darmstadt,


R Grundmann Technische Universitat

Dresden, Germany

M Karlsson Linkoping University, Sweden

T Katayama Doshisha University, Japan
K L Katsifarakis Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece

J T Katsikadelis National Technical

University of Athens, Greece

A Gualtierotti IDHEAP, Switzerland

R C Gupta National University of Singapore,

E Kausel Massachusetts Institute of

J M Hale University of Newcastle, UK
K Hameyer Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
C Hanke Danish Technical University,
K Hayami University of Toyko, Japan
Y Hayashi Nagoya University, Japan
L Haydock Newage International Limited, UK
A H Hendrickx Free University of Brussels,
C Herman John Hopkins University, USA
S Heslop University of Bristol, UK
I Hideaki Nagoya University, Japan
D A Hills University of Oxford, UK
W F Huebner Southwest Research Institute,
J A C Humphrey Bucknell University, USA
M Y Hussaini Florida State University, USA
W Hutchinson Edith Cowan University,
T H Hyde University of Nottingham, UK
M Iguchi Science University of Tokyo, Japan
D B Ingham University of Leeds, UK
L Int Panis VITO Expertisecentrum IMS,
N Ishikawa National Defence Academy, Japan
J Jaafar UiTm, Malaysia
W Jager Technical University of Dresden,
Y Jaluria Rutgers University, USA
C M Jefferson University of the West of
England, UK
P R Johnston Griffith University, Australia
D R H Jones University of Cambridge, UK
N Jones University of Liverpool, UK
D Kaliampakos National Technical
University of Athens, Greece
N Kamiya Nagoya University, Japan
D L Karabalis University of Patras, Greece

H Kawashima The University of Tokyo,

Technology, USA

B A Kazimee Washington State University,


S Kim University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

D Kirkland Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners
Ltd, UK

E Kita Nagoya University, Japan

A S Kobayashi University of Washington,

T Kobayashi University of Tokyo, Japan

D Koga Saga University, Japan
S Kotake University of Tokyo, Japan
A N Kounadis National Technical University
of Athens, Greece

W B Kratzig Ruhr Universitat Bochum,


T Krauthammer Penn State University, USA

C-H Lai University of Greenwich, UK
M Langseth Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Norway

B S Larsen Technical University of Denmark,


F Lattarulo Politecnico di Bari, Italy

A Lebedev Moscow State University, Russia
L J Leon University of Montreal, Canada
D Lewis Mississippi State University, USA
S lghobashi University of California Irvine,

K-C Lin University of New Brunswick,


A A Liolios Democritus University of Thrace,


S Lomov Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,


J W S Longhurst University of the West of

England, UK

G Loo The University of Auckland, New


J Lourenco Universidade do Minho, Portugal

J E Luco University of California at San
Diego, USA

H Lui State Seismological Bureau Harbin,


C J Lumsden University of Toronto, Canada

L Lundqvist Division of Transport and
Location Analysis, Sweden
T Lyons Murdoch University, Australia
Y-W Mai University of Sydney, Australia
M Majowiecki University of Bologna, Italy
D Malerba Universit degli Studi di Bari, Italy
G Manara University of Pisa, Italy
B N Mandal Indian Statistical Institute, India
Mander University of Tartu, Estonia
H A Mang Technische Universitat Wien,
G D Manolis Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece
W J Mansur COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
N Marchettini University of Siena, Italy
J D M Marsh Griffith University, Australia
J F Martin-Duque Universidad Complutense,
T Matsui Nagoya University, Japan
G Mattrisch DaimlerChrysler AG, Germany
F M Mazzolani University of Naples
Federico II, Italy
K McManis University of New Orleans, USA
A C Mendes Universidade de Beira Interior,
R A Meric Research Institute for Basic
Sciences, Turkey
J Mikielewicz Polish Academy of Sciences,
N Milic-Frayling Microsoft Research Ltd,
R A W Mines University of Liverpool, UK
C A Mitchell University of Sydney, Australia
K Miura Kajima Corporation, Japan
A Miyamoto Yamaguchi University, Japan
T Miyoshi Kobe University, Japan
G Molinari University of Genoa, Italy
T B Moodie University of Alberta, Canada
D B Murray Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
G Nakhaeizadeh DaimlerChrysler AG,
M B Neace Mercer University, USA
D Necsulescu University of Ottawa, Canada
F Neumann University of Vienna, Austria
S-I Nishida Saga University, Japan

H Nisitani Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan

B Notaros University of Massachusetts, USA
P ODonoghue University College Dublin,

R O ONeill Oak Ridge National Laboratory,


M Ohkusu Kyushu University, Japan

G Oliveto Universit di Catania, Italy
R Olsen Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., USA
E Oate Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,

K Onishi Ibaraki University, Japan

P H Oosthuizen Queens University, Canada
E L Ortiz Imperial College London, UK
E Outa Waseda University, Japan
A S Papageorgiou Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, USA

J Park Seoul National University, Korea

G Passerini Universita delle Marche, Italy
B C Patten University of Georgia, USA
G Pelosi University of Florence, Italy
G G Penelis Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece

W Perrie Bedford Institute of Oceanography,


R Pietrabissa Politecnico di Milano, Italy

H Pina Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
M F Platzer Naval Postgraduate School, USA
D Poljak University of Split, Croatia
V Popov Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
H Power University of Nottingham, UK
D Prandle Proudman Oceanographic
Laboratory, UK

M Predeleanu University Paris VI, France

M R I Purvis University of Portsmouth, UK
I S Putra Institute of Technology Bandung,

Y A Pykh Russian Academy of Sciences,


F Rachidi EMC Group, Switzerland

M Rahman Dalhousie University, Canada
K R Rajagopal Texas A & M University, USA
T Rang Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
J Rao Case Western Reserve University, USA
A M Reinhorn State University of New York
at Buffalo, USA

A D Rey McGill University, Canada

D N Riahi University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA

B Ribas Spanish National Centre for
Environmental Health, Spain
K Richter Graz University of Technology,
S Rinaldi Politecnico di Milano, Italy
F Robuste Universitat Politecnica de
Catalunya, Spain
J Roddick Flinders University, Australia
A C Rodrigues Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
F Rodrigues Poly Institute of Porto, Portugal
C W Roeder University of Washington, USA
J M Roesset Texas A & M University, USA
W Roetzel Universitaet der Bundeswehr
Hamburg, Germany
V Roje University of Split, Croatia
R Rosset Laboratoire dAerologie, France
J L Rubio Centro de Investigaciones sobre
Desertificacion, Spain
T J Rudolphi Iowa State University, USA
S Russenchuck Magnet Group, Switzerland
H Ryssel Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte
Schaltungen, Germany
S G Saad American University in Cairo, Egypt
M Saiidi University of Nevada-Reno, USA
R San Jose Technical University of Madrid,
F J Sanchez-Sesma Instituto Mexicano del
Petroleo, Mexico
B Sarler Nova Gorica Polytechnic, Slovenia
S A Savidis Technische Universitat Berlin,
A Savini Universita de Pavia, Italy
G Schmid Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
R Schmidt RWTH Aachen, Germany
B Scholtes Universitaet of Kassel, Germany
W Schreiber University of Alabama, USA
A P S Selvadurai McGill University, Canada
J J Sendra University of Seville, Spain
J J Sharp Memorial University of
Newfoundland, Canada
Q Shen Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
X Shixiong Fudan University, China
G C Sih Lehigh University, USA
L C Simoes University of Coimbra, Portugal

A C Singhal Arizona State University, USA

P Skerget University of Maribor, Slovenia
J Sladek Slovak Academy of Sciences,

V Sladek Slovak Academy of Sciences,


A C M Sousa University of New Brunswick,


H Sozer Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

D B Spalding CHAM, UK
P D Spanos Rice University, USA
T Speck Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg,

C C Spyrakos National Technical University

of Athens, Greece

I V Stangeeva St Petersburg University,


J Stasiek Technical University of Gdansk,


G E Swaters University of Alberta, Canada

S Syngellakis University of Southampton, UK
J Szmyd University of Mining and Metallurgy,

S T Tadano Hokkaido University, Japan

H Takemiya Okayama University, Japan
I Takewaki Kyoto University, Japan
C-L Tan Carleton University, Canada
E Taniguchi Kyoto University, Japan
S Tanimura Aichi University of Technology,

J L Tassoulas University of Texas at Austin,


M A P Taylor University of South Australia,


A Terranova Politecnico di Milano, Italy

A G Tijhuis Technische Universiteit
Eindhoven, Netherlands

T Tirabassi Institute FISBAT-CNR, Italy

S Tkachenko Otto-von-Guericke-University,

N Tosaka Nihon University, Japan

T Tran-Cong University of Southern
Queensland, Australia

R Tremblay Ecole Polytechnique, Canada

I Tsukrov University of New Hampshire, USA
R Turra CINECA Interuniversity Computing
Centre, Italy

S G Tushinski Moscow State University,


J-L Uso Universitat Jaume I, Spain

E Van den Bulck Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium

D Van den Poel Ghent University, Belgium

R van der Heijden Radboud University,

R van Duin Delft University of Technology,


P Vas University of Aberdeen, UK

R Verhoeven Ghent University, Belgium
A Viguri Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Y Villacampa Esteve Universidad de
Alicante, Spain

F F V Vincent University of Bath, UK

S Walker Imperial College, UK
G Walters University of Exeter, UK
B Weiss University of Vienna, Austria
H Westphal University of Magdeburg,

J R Whiteman Brunel University, UK

Z-Y Yan Peking University, China

S Yanniotis Agricultural University of Athens,

A Yeh University of Hong Kong, China

J Yoon Old Dominion University, USA
K Yoshizato Hiroshima University, Japan
T X Yu Hong Kong University of Science &
Technology, Hong Kong

M Zador Technical University of Budapest,


K Zakrzewski Politechnika Lodzka, Poland

M Zamir University of Western Ontario,

R Zarnic University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

G Zharkova Institute of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, Russia

N Zhong Maebashi Institute of Technology,


H G Zimmermann Siemens AG, Germany

Computational Methods
and Experimental
Measurements XV
G.M. Carlomagno
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
C.A. Brebbia
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK

G.M. Carlomagno
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
C.A. Brebbia
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK

Published by
WIT Press
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK
Tel: 44 (0) 238 029 3223; Fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853
For USA, Canada and Mexico
Computational Mechanics Inc
25 Bridge Street, Billerica, MA 01821, USA
Tel: 978 667 5841; Fax: 978 667 7582
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A Catalogue record for this book is available
from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-84564-540-3
ISSN: 1746-4064 (print)
ISSN: 1743-355X (on-line)
The texts of the papers in this volume were set
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Only minor corrections to the text may have been carried
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This volume contains most of the papers presented at the 15th International
Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements
(CMEM 11), held at the Wessex Institute of Technology in the New Forest, UK.
The Conference, which is reconvened every couple of years, started in Washington
DC in 1981. Since then, it has taken place in many different locations around the
world. The key objective of the Conference is to offer the scientific and technical
community an international forum to analyse the interaction between computational
methods and experimental measurements and all associated topics with special
consideration to their mutual benefits.
The constant development of numerical procedures and of computers efficiency,
coupled with their decreasing costs, have generated an ever increasing growth of
computational methods which are currently exploited both in a persistently
expanding variety of science and technology subjects, as well as in our daily life.
As these procedures continue to grow in size and complexity, it is essential to
ensure their reliability. This can only be achieved by performing dedicated and
accurate experiments. Current experimental techniques at the same time have
become more complex and elaborate and require the use of computers for running
tests and processing the resulting data.
This book presents a significant number of excellent scientific papers, dealing with
contemporary research topics in the field. The contributions have been grouped in
the following sections:

Computational and Experimental Methods

Fluid Flow
Heat Transfer and Thermal Processes
Stress Analysis
Composite Materials
Detection and Signal Processing

Advances in Measurements and Data Acquisition

Multiscale Modelling
Railway Transport

The Editors are very grateful to all the authors for their valuable contributions and
to the Members of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, as well as
other colleagues, for their help in reviewing the papers in this volume.
The Editors
Wessex Institute Campus
The New Forest, UK, 2011

Section 1: Computational and experimental methods
The exponentially weighted moving average applied to the control
and monitoring of varying sample sizes
J. E. Everett ......................................................................................................... 3
Experimental and analytical study on
high-speed fracture phenomena and mechanism of glass
H. Sakamoto, S. Kawabe, Y. Ohbuchi & S. Itoh ................................................ 15
Multiscale multifunctional progressive fracture of composite structures
C. C. Chamis & L. Minnetyan ........................................................................... 23
Enhancing simulation in complex systems
R. M. Alqirem..................................................................................................... 35
Computational aerodynamic analysis of flatback airfoils by
coupling N-S equations and transition prediction codes
L. Deng, Y. W. Gao & J. T. Xiong ..................................................................... 45
Numerical investigation of dynamic stall phenomenon on a plunging airfoil
F. Ajalli & M. Mani ........................................................................................... 55
Design optimization of a bioreactor for ethanol production
using CFD simulation and genetic algorithms
E. R. C. Gis & P. Seleghim Jr.......................................................................... 67
Design of pipelines for high operating pressure by numerical simulations
and experimental validation
Y. Theiner, H. Lehar & G. Hofstetter ................................................................ 75
Mechanical behaviour of high metakaolin lightweight aggregate concrete
A. Al-Sibahy & R. Edwards ............................................................................... 85

Experimental validation of numerical modelling of the

bridgetrackmoving train system
P. Szurgott, M. Klasztorny, J. Grosel & Z. Wojcicki ......................................... 97
Estimation of drying parameters including moisture diffusivity
by using temperature measurements
G. H. Kanevce, L. P. Kanevce, V. B. Mitrevski & G. S. Dulikravich............... 111
Investigating granular milling in a hammer mill:
experiments and simulation
S. Naik and B. Chaudhuri ................................................................................ 121
Study of the influence of asphaltenes on modeling of
viscosity of Nigerian crude mixtures
A. Miadonye, F. Dan-Ali, R. Onwude & O. O. Osirim .................................... 133
Optic Ped Scan: an alternative inexpensive technique to study
plantar arches and foot pressure sites
A. R. Jamshidi Fard & S. Jamshidi Fard......................................................... 145
Stereovision for the determination of fireline intensity in vegetation fire
L. Rossi, T. Molinier, P. Santoni, T. Barboni & F. Morandini ........................ 155
Photoelastic and numerical stress analysis of a 2D contact problem and
3D numerical solution for the case of a rigid body on a deformable one
A. Bilek & F. Djeddi ........................................................................................ 167

Section 2: Fluid flow

Large eddy simulation of a transition process in separated-reattached flows
Z. Yang............................................................................................................. 181
A numerical investigation of deployable drag surfaces used
for recovery systems
S. Abdolahi & M. Ebrahimi ............................................................................. 193
Fluid dynamics of a post-combustion chamber in
electric arc steelmaking plants
L. Labiscsak, G. Straffelini, C. Corbetta, M. Bodino....................................... 205
Apparent shear stress and boundary shear distribution in a
compound channel flow
K. K. Khatua, K. C. Patra, S. Behera & P. K. Mohanty .................................. 215

Wicking process in a capillary tube: a new zero-order asymptotic solution

O. Bautista, F. Mndez & E. Bautista ............................................................. 229

Section 3: Heat transfer and thermal processes

Experimental validation of analytical solutions for a
transient heat conduction problem
N. Simes, I. Simes, A. Tadeu, C. Vasconcellos & W. Mansur ...................... 243
On liquid crystal thermography for determination of the
heat transfer coefficient in rectangular ducts
Z. Ghorbani-Tari, B. Sunden & G. Tanda ....................................................... 255
Modelling the energy systems in a PV powered two floor desert ZEH
M. A. Serag-Eldin ............................................................................................ 267
Numerical simulation of blowing ratio effects on film cooling
on a gas turbine blade
H. A. Daud, Q. Li, O. Anwar Bg & S. A. A. AbdulGhani ............................... 279
Spray cooling by multi-walled carbon nanotubes and Fe nanoparticles
H. Bellerov & M. Pohanka ............................................................................ 293

Section 4: Stress analysis

Analyses of the robustness of the mathematical model with the
laboratory prototype of the drilling process during simulation
and vibration control experiments
F. Abdul Majeed, H. Karki, Y. Abdel Magid & M. Karkoub ........................... 307
Transverse cracking of composite bridge decks
Ayman N. Ababneh .......................................................................................... 317
Evaluation of crack growth rate and growth model of ultrafine grained copper
M. Goto, S. Z. Han, K. Euh, J.-H. Kang, K. Kamil, N. Kawagoishi
& S. S. Kim ...................................................................................................... 327
Structural characterization of electro-thermally driven micro-actuators
with immeasurable temperature-dependent material characteristics
W. Szyszkowski & D. Hill ................................................................................ 339
Impact loading of inelastic elliptical plates
J. Lellep & A. Mrk ......................................................................................... 351

A fast incremental-iterative procedure for ultimate strength analysis

of composite cross-sections of arbitrary shape
C. G. Chiorean................................................................................................. 363

Section 5: Composite materials

Compression property of waste polyurethane rubber/unsaturated
polyester composite cubes
S. Enoki, T. Tsujitan & J. Yamashita ............................................................... 377
Development of interaction diagrams for RC sections
confined with CFRP composites
P. Christou, A. Michael & Z. Neofytou............................................................ 385
Constitutive formulation of strain-rate sensitive deformation
in orthotropic composites
K. Micallef, A. Soleiman-Fallah, P. T. Curtis, D. J. Pope
& L. A. Louca .................................................................................................. 397

Section 6: Detection and signal processing

(Special session organised by Prof. A. Kawalec)
The synthesis of a radar signal having nonlinear
frequency modulation function
C. Lesnik, A. Kawalec & M. Szugajew ............................................................ 411
Synthetic aperture radar raw signal simulator for both
pulsed and FM-CW modes
P. Serafin, C. Lesnik & A. Kawalec................................................................. 423
A real time SAR processor implementation with FPGA
C. Lesnik, A. Kawalec & P. Serafin................................................................. 435
Finite element method application for simulation of
ground penetrating radar response
M. Pasternak, R. Kdzierawski & J. Pietrasiski ............................................ 445
Non-contact breath sensor based on a Doppler detector
Z. R. Szczepaniak & M. uszczyk..................................................................... 453
N2O detection with the CEAS method
J. Wojtas, B. Rutecka, T. Stacewicz, J. Mikolajczyk & Z. Bielecki .................. 461

Identity management in VHF radio systems

Z. Piotrowski & P. Gajewski ........................................................................... 473
Analytical model of a SAW gas sensor
M. Urbaczyk................................................................................................... 483

Section 7: Advances in measurements and data acquisition

Advances in low cost marine technologies
M. Marcelli, V. Piermattei & G. Zappal........................................................ 497
Computer-based data acquisition and processing in a
technical investigation department
N. J. Durley-Boot & J. R. Maguire.................................................................. 509
Research on the COD soft-measuring mechanism based on
the clustering approach
Y. Z. Feng, G. C. Chen, D. Feng & M. Zhuo ................................................... 521
Surface heat flux determination using a genetic algorithm
L. P. Kanevce, G. H. Kanevce & V. B. Mitrevski............................................. 535
New solid-state organic membrane based lead-selective micro-electrode
H. A. Arida, A. Al-Haddad & M. J. Schning.................................................. 547
Measurement of methane pressure by gas-pressure-measurement-tube sets
in underground coalbeds
S. Torno, E. Alvarez, B. Arias & J. Torao ..................................................... 559
Self assembling proteins as matrix for the construction of optical devices
U. Weinert, T. Gnther, J. Raff & K. Pollmann............................................... 569
An algorithm for the calibration of running time calculation on the
basis of GPS data
S. de Fabris, G. Longo & G. Medeossi............................................................ 577

Section 8: Multiscale modelling

Simulation of intergranular crack nucleation and evolution
in polycrystal metals on mesoscale
G. Shi & G. Renaud ......................................................................................... 589

A multiscale finite element simulation of piezoelectric materials using

realistic crystal morphology
Y. Uetsuji, H. Kuramae, K. Tsuchiya & M. Kamlah........................................ 601

Section 9: Ballistics
Coupled numerical-experimental study of an armour perforation
by the armour-piercing projectiles
B. Zduniak, A. Morka & T. Niezgoda .............................................................. 615
Numerical analysis of missile impact being shot by
rocket propelled grenades with rod armour
T. Niezgoda, R. Panowicz, K. Sybilski & W. Barnat........................................ 625
On the truss-type structures backing the ceramic tiles in the
ballistic panels subjected to the impact of hard steel projectiles
A. Morka & P. Dziewulski ............................................................................... 635
The influence of conical composite filling on energy absorption
during the progressive fracture process
W. Barnat, T. Niezgoda, R. Panowicz & K. Sybilski........................................ 645

Section 10: Railway transport

Stochastic traffic generator for Monte Carlo load flow simulation
E. Pilo de la Fuente, J. Jimnez-Octavio, R. Rodriguez-Pecharroman
& A. Lopez Lopez............................................................................................. 659
The rescheduling system for trains, drivers and crew of high speed railways
H. Shimizu, H. Tanabe & M. Matsumoto......................................................... 671
Railway disruption recovery: lessons from airlines
I. Evans ............................................................................................................ 681
Kaban: a tool for analysis of railway capacity
J. Ekman .......................................................................................................... 693
Two step method for rail potential rise analysis in a
DC traction power supply system
S. Chung, H. Kim & H. Jeong.......................................................................... 703

Author Index .................................................................................................. 713

Section 1
Computational and
experimental methods

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

The exponentially weighted moving average

applied to the control and monitoring of
varying sample sizes
J. E. Everett
Centre for Exploration Targeting,
The University of Western Australia, Australia

The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) can be used to report the
smoothed history of a production process, and has some considerable advantages
over a simple moving average (MA). Discussion of these advantages includes
comparison of the filter characteristics of the EWMA and MA in the frequency
domain. It is shown that the EWMA provides a much smoother filter than does
the MA, and the corresponding implications of this difference are examined in
the time domain. In smoothing a production process, the successive entities
being smoothed commonly have varying weights, where the weights may be
such quantities as tonnage, value or time interval. Standard textbook treatments
of moving averages and exponential smoothing are generally confined to equal
spaced data of equal weight. Adapting the average to cope with items of varying
weight is shown to be trivial for the case of MA, but is not so obvious for the
EWMA. This paper shows how the exponential smoothing constant has to be
adapted to provide a consistent EWMA. Applications of the EWMA in process
control are discussed, with particular reference to quality control in the mining
Keywords: quality control, forecasting, exponential smoothing, sample size.

1 Introduction
It is common to consider a series of observations, xn, where each observation is
equivalently spaced in time or distance or some other relevant dimension.
For forecasting and for system control purposes, it is useful to have some
summary of the performance up to the nth observation.
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4 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

The summary could be calculated as the mean (M) of all the observations
since the first one:
Mn= 1nxm/n


Usually we are mainly interested in recent history, so a straight average over

the entire history of observations. Two approaches are to consider either a
Moving Average (MA), applying equal weight to the past k observations, or an
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), where successively
declining weights are applied as we go further back in history.
1.1 Moving average (MA)
Usually we are mainly interested in recent history, perhaps over the past k
observations, so a moving average (MA) over those k observations would be
more appropriate:
MAn = m=0k-1xn-m/k


Figure 1 shows the uniform weights of 1/k that are applied to the past k


Figure 1:

Moving average (MA) weights applied to recent data.

The moving average has the disadvantage that, for the first k intervals, each of
the observations is treated as being of equal importance, but then is suddenly
disregarded, as soon as it falls off the end of the data being averaged. This
discontinuity has several disadvantages that will be discussed more fully in a
later section.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

1.2 Exponential smoothing (EWMA)

Exponential smoothing, across an exponentially weighted moving average
(EWMA), provides a smoother means of averaging, where data becomes
gradually less influential as it ages.
EWMAn = Sn

= (1-)Sn-1 + xn

= (1-)((1-)Sn-2 + xn-1) +xn

= m=0Infinity(1-)mxn-m


Figure 2 shows how the weights applied to earlier data die off exponentially
as we go back through the data history.


<-- earlier
Figure 2:

Exponential smoothing (EWMA) weights applied to recent data.

Exponential smoothing is commonly used in forecasting, and is generally

described in forecasting textbooks. Diebold [1]) provides a good description.
It can be shown that the EWMA is a minimum mean squared error predictor
when the true data generating process is ARIMA(0,1,1).ARIMA processes cover
the very wide field of Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average processes,
identified by Box and Jenkins [2]. As its parameters imply, an ARIMA(0,1,1)
process is not autoregressive, but is first-order integrated moving average.
Ramjee et al. [3] show that the EWMA method can also provide simple, yet
useful, forecasts for other types of ARIMA processes.
Treatments in the literature are generally confined to equally spaced
observations of equal weight, so that each new observation is of equal
importance. However, it is commonly the case that the desired quality control or
forecasting relates to observations that are of varying weight.
An example of this situation, with observations of varying weight, would be a
mines production, shift by shift, of ore of varying tonnage and grade. In this
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6 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

particular example, the objective may be to forecast the grade of the next shifts
production. Alternatively, the purpose may be to summarise the grade of the
recent production so that the next shifts ore can be selected so as to restore the
smoothed grade back to its target value. Everett [4] provides an example of this
type of EWMA application in the iron ore mining industry.
Whether the averaging is being used to generate a forecast or to control a
production system, it is being used to summarise recent behaviour. In doing so, it
needs to respond to sustained changes in the data, but not be over sensitive to
short-term variations. The averaging process is therefore being required to act as
a low-pass filter.
Sections 2 and 3 will discuss more fully the advantages of an exponentially
weighted EWMA over an MA. Comparing the Fourier transforms of the filters
enables their performance as low-pass filters to be evaluated, and clearly
demonstrates the advantages of the EWMA over the MA.
Adjustment for varying sample size is comparatively straightforward for the
MA. For the EWMA, the adjustment for varying sample size is not so obvious,
and appears to have been neglected in the literature.
Section 4 will consider the appropriate treatment of data where sample sizes
Both for MA and EWMA, the choice of weighting constant, and the
consequent length over which the data is averaged, depends upon the purpose for
which the average is being used.
Section 5 considers the choice of the alpha constant for an EWMA, and its
relation to the length of a comparable MA.

2 MA and EWMA compared

Figure 3 shows a signal x with a wavelet disturbance, first up and then down.

Figure 3:

Signal x with a wavelet disturbance.

Figure 4 shows the effects of applying a Moving Average (MA) and

Exponential Smoothing (EWMA) to this signal x.
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Figure 4:

Signal x with a wavelet disturbance.

In both cases the disturbance appropriately appears in the smoothed trace at

the time it occurs in the signal x.
With the MA an equal and opposite disturbance appears at a delay equal to
the length of the Moving Average. This delayed rebound effect is spurious, since
its occurrence is dependent solely on the length of the MA and has no relation to
the wavelet disturbance.
The EWMA, by contrast, is well behaved, with a gradual return to normal
after the disturbance.

3 MA and EWMA considered as low-pass filters

3.1 The Fourier transform
Fourier analysis provides a standard procedure for converting data from the time
or distance domain to the equivalent frequency domain [5].

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Consider a set of N data values, xn, equally spaced in time or distance. Their
Fourier transform generates N points in the frequency spectrum. These N points
in the frequency spectrum carry exactly the same information as the N points in
the time or distance domain. The lowest frequency has a period equal to the data
Fitting cosine and sine waves of this wavelength to the data generates the real
and imaginary components of this fundamental frequency.
Further, fitting cosine and sine waves of each multiple of the fundamental
frequency generates its real and imaginary components, up to the Nyquist
frequency. The Nyquist frequency is N times the fundamental frequency and has
a wavelength equal to twice the data interval. Any signal frequency higher than
the Nyquist frequency cannot be detected, but will fold back to add to the
amplitude of a corresponding lower frequency.
Each frequency value can be expressed either as real and imaginary
components (the cosine and sine fits), or as an amplitude and phase
The Fourier transform converts the N values in the time (or distance) domain
to the equivalent N values in the frequency domain.
Applying the Fourier transform in turn to the frequency domain data converts
them back to the time (or distance) domain.
For real-world data, the time (or distance) values are strictly real, while the
frequency values will have real (sine wave) and imaginary (cosine wave)
components corresponding to their amplitude and phase.
If the data length N is a power of 2 (i.e. N = 2r, where r is an integer), the
very efficient Fast Fourier transform algorithm can be used. Cooley and Tukey
[6] first publicised this algorithm in 1965 (although it was discovered by Gauss
in 1805).
Sequentially averaging a set of data is equivalent to applying a low-pass filter
to the frequency data.
Applying averaging weights as in equations (2) or (3) to the time (or distance)
data is a convolution operation. Multiplying the frequency spectrum of the
filter weights by the frequency spectrum of the data set is exactly equivalent to
convolving the time (or distance) domain data. The Fourier transform of the
resulting product of the two frequency spectrums gives the same result as is
obtained by convolving the corresponding MA or EWMA with the time (or
distance) data.
MA and EWMA each act as low-pass filters, so it is instructive to compare
the frequency spectrums.
3.2 Frequency spectrum for the moving average (MA)
The amplitude of the frequency spectrum for the Moving Average filter of
Figure 1 is shown in Figure 5.
The amplitude is the square root of the summed squares of the cosine and sine
Fourier components. (The phase would be the arctangent of the ratio of the sine
and cosine Fourier components, but is not being considered here).
The amplitude spectrum of the MA filter is seen to have side lobes. Instead of
the low-pass filter steadily reducing the amplitude of higher frequencies, it
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Frequency = 1/Wavelength

Figure 5:

The amplitude spectrum for an MA filter of length = 10.

completely cuts out frequencies of 0.1, which corresponds to a wavelength of 10,

the length of the Moving Average filter in Figure 1.
As we increase the frequency, the amplitude rises again, before again falling
to zero at a frequency of 0.2 (5 units wavelength). This behaviour is repeated,
allowing through ever diminishing side lobes, with complete cut-off at each
harmonic of the filter length.
So, as we consider frequencies increasing from the fundamental lowest
frequency, they will alternately be filtered out, allowed through, filtered out, and
so on repeatedly, with the proportion of signal amplitude allowed through
steadily diminishing for each side lobe.
The non-monotonic behaviour of the MA amplitude spectrum is a direct
consequence of the MA filters discontinuity in the time (or distance) domain
that we saw in Figure 1.
The operational implication is that some high-frequency disturbances will
pass through the filter, while lower-frequency disturbances will be completely
blocked if they happen to be close to one of the harmonic frequencies.
For this reason, we must conclude that the Moving Average (MA) filter is
3.3 Exponential smoothing (EWMA)
The amplitude of the frequency spectrum for an Exponentially Smoothed filter of
Figure 2 is shown in Figure 6.
The amplitude spectrum now has no side lobes, but declines steadily and
exponentially. So the EWMA filter is much better behaved than the MA filter.
The EWMA filter monotonically decreases the amplitude passed as the
frequency increases.

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Figure 6:



Frequency = 1/Wavelength

The amplitude spectrum for an EWMA filter with alpha = 0.1.

4 Adjustment for varying sample size

The treatment so far has assumed that the data are of equal importance.
However, in many real situations, successive observations may need to exert
varying influence. For example, if we are forecasting the grade of ore from
previous shifts of varying tonnage, the higher tonnage shifts should have more
influence than those of lower tonnage.
We will now consider such a situation of varying tonnage, so that
observations xn relate to tonnages wn.
4.1 Moving average (MA)
If the MA is to be taken as the moving average over a total tonnage T, then
equation (2) becomes:
MAn = m=0k[n]wn-mxn-m/T, where m=0k[n]wn-m = T


For a Moving Average, the length k[n] over which the average is taken will
therefore have to be varied so that it encompasses the same tonnage (or as nearly
as possible, the same tonnage).
4.2 Exponential smoothing (EWMA)
The treatment for exponentially smoothing over observations with varying
tonnages is not so immediately obvious.
It is clear that the appropriate alpha value is a function of the tonnage: if the
tonnage w increases we should use a larger [w], so that a larger tonnage has
more influence on the smoothed grade.
Consider two scenarios. Under the first scenario, two successive shifts have
identical grade x and equal tonnage w.
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Under the second scenario a single shift delivers ore of twice the tonnage, 2w
but again with the same grade x.
If we start with a smoothed grade SO, it is clear that under either scenario we
should end up with the same grade, which we shall call SF.
Under the first scenario, where each of the two shifts has grade xn and
tonnage wn:
SF = (1-[w])((1-[w])SO + [w]x) + [w]x
= (1-[w])2SO + [w](2-[w])x


Under the second scenario, the single shift has grade x and tonnage 2w:
SF = (1-[2w])SO + [2w]x


Equating the coefficients of SO and of x in equations (5) and (6) appears to

give rise to two conditions that have to be satisfied.
For the coefficients of SO in equations (5) and (6) to be the same:
(1-[2w]) = (1-[w])2


For the coefficients of x in equations (5) and (6) to be the same:

[2w] = [w](2-[w])


We see that these two conditions are in fact identical, both being equivalent
[2w] = (1-[w])2


By induction, the condition can be extended to:

[nw] = 1 - (1-[w])n


If w = 1, unit tonnage, then:

[W] = 1 - (1-[1])W


Equation (11) has the satisfactory properties that [0] is zero, and also that
[W] tends to 1 as W becomes very large.

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5 How large should alpha be?

We have seen that alpha for an observation of tonnage W should be a
monotonically increasing function of the tonnage W, and of [1], the alpha for
unit tonnage.
The question remains as to the appropriate choice for [1]. Clearly, this must
depend upon the purpose for which the exponentially smoothed grade or other
variable is being monitored.
In the control system discussed by Everett [4], ore was selected for each shift
so that the expected grade of the selected ore, exponentially smoothed into the
shift history, gave a grade on target. The ore was being blended onto stockpiles
of 200 kilotonnes. So if a Moving Average (MA) were being used, it would be
appropriate average over a tonnage T = 200 kt, as in equation (4), so the
averaging weight applied to each kilotonne is 1/T.
For Exponential Smoothing, the choice of [1] is not so clear cut. One
criterion is to consider the average age of the sample. For a moving average, or
for a completed stockpile of tonnage T, the average age is T/2. For an
exponentially smoothed average to have the same average age of sample:
= m=0Infinitym[1](1-[1])m


= (1-[1])/[1]


[1] = 2/(2+T) 2/T


So the starting weight for an EWMA should be about twice that of an

equivalent MA, as shown in Figure 7:




Figure 7:

Equivalent EWMA and MA weights applied to recent data.

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In a production process, such as a mining operation, T would be the

subsequent blending tonnage, achieved either by blending directly onto
stockpiles or inherent in the processing and transportation system.

6 Conclusions
By considering both the time (or distance) domain and the frequency domain,
this paper has shown that Exponential Smoothing (EWMA) has considerable
advantages over Moving Averages (MA).
The problem of varying sample sizes has been considered, and we have
shown that the appropriate exponential smoothing factor for a sample of size w is
given by equation [11], [W] = 1 - (1-[1])W, where [1] is the exponential
smoothing factor to be applied to samples of unit weight.
We have further shown, in equation (14), that [1] should be approximately
2/T, where T is the comparable MA tonnage, or the blending tonnage in a
production process.

[1] Diebold, F.X. Elements of Forecasting. Fourth ed. Mason, OH: SouthWestern, 2008.
[2] Box, G. & Jenkins, G. Times Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control. San
Francisco, CA: Holden-Day, 1970.
[3] Ramjee, R., Crato, N. & Ray, B.K. A note on moving average forecasts of
long memory processes with an application to quality control. International
Journal of Forecasting,18, pp. 291297, 2002.
[4] Everett, J.E. Computer aids for production systems management in iron ore
Mining. International Journal of Production Economics,110/1, pp. 213-223,
[5] Marks R.J. Handbook of Fourier Analysis and Its Applications. Oxford
University Press, 2009.
[6] Cooley, J.W. & Tukey, J.W. An algorithm for the machine calculation of
complex Fourier series, Mathematics of Computation,19, pp. 297301,

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Experimental and analytical study on

high-speed fracture phenomena and
mechanism of glass
H. Sakamoto1, S. Kawabe1, Y. Ohbuchi1 & S. Itoh2

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science,

Kumamoto University, Japan
Okinawa National College of Technology, Japan

The new high-speed crushing technique of glass bottles was proposed for
recycling. The proposed system uses the underwater shock-wave by explosive
energy. This method is excellent compared with the conventional mechanical
method in the crushing time, crushing efficiency, collection ratio of glass
cullet and using simple crushing apparatus etc. In this study, using commercial
beer bottle, the behaviors of underwater shock-wave by explosive energy and the
high-speed fracture phenomena of glass bottle were clarified by the experiment
and analytical method.
Keywords: glass-cullet, underwater shockwave, explosive enemy, high-speed

1 Introduction
Glass bottles are widely used as containers of drinks, food and medicine due to
their characteristics for sealing up, transparency and storage stability. Many of
these glass bottles after use are reused as returnable bottles or recycled as the raw
material of glass container which is called cullet that are crushed to small
fragments [1, 2]. The authors paid attention to this raw material recycling
process of generating cullet. In the conventional cullet generation method, a
mechanical crushing one is used [3]. In order to recycle them by using this
method, these bottles need to be washed inside before melting. As the bottles
shapes vary greatly, this washing of the bottles inside takes a lot of time and it is
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16 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

difficult to do this operation automatically. In addition, the noise of this process
is large and some of glass fragments also disperse.
Then, the new cullet generation technique which used the underwater shockwave by explosive energy was proposed for overcoming these problems. This
proposed technique has a simultaneous crushing and pre-washing function. In
this report, the behavior of underwater shock-wave by explosive energy and the
high-speed fracture phenomena of glass bottles were clarified by the experiment
and analytical method for the recycling of glass containers.

2 Experiment
2.1 Experimental method
The schemes of experimental apparatus are shown in Fig.1. The experiment was
done in an explosion-proof steel container, which had been filled with water. The
glass bottles were given underwater shockwave by two kinds of explosive, string
type (1) and ball type (2) shown in Fig.1. The glass fragments called cullet
were all collected and the weight of each fragment size was measured after the
explosive experiment.

Experimental unit

beer bottle

(1)string type
(2)ball type


Safety box

(a) Explosion proof container

Figure 1:


(b) Detail A
Scheme of experimental apparatus.

2.2 Specimens and experimental conditions

We used a commercial beer bottle (500 cc, H=250 mm, D=72 mm, 430 g) as the
experimental glass bottle (shown in fig. 2). The inside of the bottle was charged
with air and the bottle and explosive were set (as shown in fig.1).
The distance l shown in fig. 1 of the explosive and the bottle in order to
examine the effect on the fragment grain sizes have been changed. The six
distances from explosive to bottle were determined as follows: l = 100 mm,
50 mm, 40 mm, 30 mm, 20 mm and 10 mm.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 2:


Specimen (beer bottle).

The PETN(explosive rate: 6308 m/s) as explosive and the electric detonator
as ignition were used and explosive shape.
2.3 Observation of high-speed fracture process
In order to visualize the behavior of underwater shock-wave and the bottle
fracture process, a high-speed photograph system was used, which consisted of a
high-speed camera (IMECOM 468) and two Xenon flashlights (H1/20/50 type).
The optical observation system is shown in fig.3





Explosion room

Detail of specimen setting


Figure 3:

Optical observation system.

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18 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

3 Experimental results
3.1 Cullet distribution
The fragments of glass bottle were collected and these cullets were classified
by three kinds of sieves (4.75 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm) and each weight was measured.
The weight ratio in the case of string type explosive is shown in fig.4.
From fig.4, it is found that the weight of 1 mm or less cullet size decreases as
the distance increases and the weight ratio of 1 mm or less grain size increases as
the distance decreases. Here, it is interesting that the weight ratio of the 12 mm
cullet size is almost constant regardless of the distance l.

Distance (mm)

Figure 4:

Effect of distance between the explosive and the bottle on cullet

size (String type explosive case).

3.2 Fracture process observation

The glass bottle was charged the underwater shock wave by explosive shown in
Fig. 1. Here, the behaviors of underwater shock-wave by explosive energy and
the high-speed fracture phenomena of glass bottle were observed by a high-speed
photography method. The photograph was taken using an Image Converter Highspeed camera (IMECOM468) and Xenon flashlight (H1/20/50type) as lighting.
Figure 5 shows the behaviors of shock wave in the case of string type
explosive. Figure 6 shows the one in the case of ball type explosive. The
appearance of the shock wave propagation can be clearly observed from these
From figs. 5 and 6, the appearances of shock -wave propagation in the case of
string type and ball type were illustrated in fig.7 (a), (b), respectively.
Next, we show some examples of fracture framing photographs. Figure 8
shows the fracture process in the case of string type explosive. In order to clarify
the appearance of the deformation and fracture process, white paints are painted
on the bottle surface. After the shock-wave propagated, the generation of the
explosion-gas was seen from the photographs.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Shock wave

Shock wave

Shock wave

(b) 100s

(c) 120s


Explosive dir.

(a) 80s
Figure 5:

Shock-wave propagation (string type explosive).

Shock wave

Shock wave

Shock wave


(a) 80s

(c) 120s

(b) 100s

Figure 6:

Shock-wave propagation (ball type explosive).

Shock wave

Shock wave




(a) string type

Figure 7:

(b) ball type

Illustration of shock-wave propagation.

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20 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV




Figure 8:


The behaviors by underwater shock wave.

4 FEM simulation
The fracture behaviors of bottles submitted to underwater shock-wave was
simulated using the FEM analysis (FEM code: LS-DYNA) [4].
In this simulation, 2-D model (shock-wave propagation analysis) and 3Dmodel (shock-wave propagation analysis and fracture analysis) were employed.
2-D and 3-D analysis models are shown in fig.9 (a) and (b), respectively.



(a) 2-D analysis model

Figure 9:

(b) 3-D analysis model

The behaviors by underwater shock wave.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


The 2-D simulation result is shown in fig.10. The behavior of shock-wave

propagation agrees well with experimental results shown in fig.5.
Next, 3-D simulation results are shown. Figure 11 shows the fracture process
of glass bottle by string type explosive. These simulation results are
corresponding to the observation ones obtained by high-speed photography


Fracture parts

Figure 10:

The behaviors of underwater shock wave by 2-D FEM simulation.


Figure 11:

The fracture process by underwater shock wave (3-D FEM

simulation in the case of string type explosive).

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22 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

5 Conclusions
The relation between strength of underwater shockwave and fracture cullet
grain size were discussed and the behaviors of shock-wave and fracture process
by shock-wave were discussed. The results obtained are summarized as follows:
1) The weight ratio of the small cullet grain sizes increases as the distance
decrease and the weight ratio of the 12mm cullet size is almost constant
regardless of the distance l.
2) The behaviors of shock-wave generated by explosive energy and the highspeed fracture process were clarified by using a high-speed photograph
method and FEM simulation.

[1] Sakka, S., The dictionary of glass, Asakura Press Ltd., 1998.
[2] Kobayashi, A.S., Experimental Techniques in Fracture Mechnics, Society
for Experimental Stress Analysis ,1973.
[3] Sakamoto, H., et al, WIT transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol.41,
[4] V.P.W. Shim, S. Tanimura, C.T. Lim, Impact Response of Materials &
Structure, Oxford University Press, 1999.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Multiscale multifunctional progressive fracture

of composite structures
C. C. Chamis1 & L. Minnetyan2

NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, USA

Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA

A new approach is described for evaluating fracture in composite structures. This
approach is independent of classical fracture mechanics parameters like fracture
toughness. It relies on computational simulation and is programmed in a standalone integrated computer code. It is multiscale, multifunctional because it
includes composite mechanics for the composite behavior and finite element
analysis for predicting the structural response. It contains seven modules; layered
composite mechanics (micro, macro, laminate), finite element, updating scheme,
local fracture, global fracture, stress based failure modes, and fracture
progression. The computer code is called CODSTRAN (Composite Durability
Structural ANalysis). It is used in the present paper to evaluate the global
fracture of four composite shell problems and one composite built-up structure.
Results show that the composite shells. Global fracture is enhanced when
internal pressure is combined with shear loads.
Keywords: micro mechanics, laminate theory, thin shells, thick shells, built-up
structures, non-linearities.

1 Introduction
The global fracture behavior of fiber composite structures has become of
increasing interest in recent years, because of the multitude of benefits that
composites offer in practical engineering applications such as lightweight
airframes, engine structures, space structures, marine and other transportation
structures, high-precision machinery, and structural members in robotic
manipulators. Composite structures lend themselves to tailoring to achieve
desirable characteristics such as a high strength to weight ratio, dimensional
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stability under extreme thermal and hygral fluctuations, and the capability to
allow controlled detectability such as in the Stealth technology. Because of the
numerous possibilities with material combinations, composite geometry, ply
orientations, and loading conditions, it is essential to have a reliable
computational capability to predict the behavior of composites under any
loading, geometry, composite material combination, and boundary conditions. A
computational capability is also essential to design effective experiments for the
further development of composite micromechanics theories, and to utilize
existing experimental results in the most productive manner. In summary, the
development of reliable computational simulation methods is necessary for the
commercial maturation of composites technology.
The behavior of composites during progressive fracture has been investigated
both experimentally and by computational simulation [1]. Recent additions to the
computational simulation have enabled monitoring the variations in structural
properties such as natural frequencies, vibration mode shapes, and buckling
modes during progressive fracture [2]. Existing computational capabilities in the
simulation of structural damage and fracture of composite structures have been
implemented in the CODSTRAN (COmposite Durability STRuctural Analysis)
computer program [3]. The ICAN (Integrated Composite ANalyzer) and
MHOST computer codes [46] are coupled to form CODSTRAN. The
description herein is mainly to show what can be done by progressive structural
fracture. Details cannot be included because of space limitations by conference
proceedings. However, references are cited for the interested readers.

2 Fundamental concept
It is instructive to briefly describe the fundamental concepts on the origin of
CODSTRAN and the related concepts. The most obvious one is that classical

Figure 1:

Overall CODSTRAN simulation.

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fracture mechanics are not applicable to composite structural fracture. A physical

consideration on how a structure will fracture is very important in describing any
new approach.
It starts with the physical concept that a structure does not fail
instantaneously, but requires some time for local damage to accumulate prior to
structural fracture. Then the following must be happening during the process of
damage accumulation. The process is depicted schematically in fig. 1. With fig.
1 as a background, this new approach to damage tolerance, structural fracture
and risk is based on the following concepts:



Any structure or structural component can tolerate a certain amount of

damage propagation (damage tolerance) prior to global structural fracture.
During damage accumulation, the structure exhibits progressive degradation
of structural integrity (damage tolerance) as measured by global structural
response variables such as loss in frequency, loss in buckling resistance or
excessive displacements.
The critical damage can be characterized as the amount of damage beyond
which the structural integrity and damage tolerance degradation is very
rapid, induced by either (1) small additional damage or (2) small loading
Structural damage tolerance degradation is characterized by the following
sequential stages: (1) initiation, (2) growth, (3) accumulation, (4) stable or
slow propagation (up to critical stage), and (5) unstable or very rapid
propagation (beyond the critical stage) to collapse.

The global response variables are accurately predicted by finite element

structural analysis [6]. The composite degradation is simulated by composite
mechanics in ICAN [4]. The progressive degradation is predicted by an
incremental approach with damage tracking and the corresponding stress
redistribution. All these are included in CODSTRAN as is depicted
schematically in fig. 2 for the CODSTRAN computational simulation of
progressive fracture. It is interesting to note that at the bottom of fig. 2 the
constituent composite properties are degraded based on environmental and load
history effects.
2.1 Approach
The method of solution is depicted schematically in fig. 2. It starts at the
micromechanics scale as is illustrated in fig. 3 where the local stresses and
strains are described by appropriate equations programmed in [5]. Then, it
continues to micromechanics of coupling a single fiber with a matrix with
appropriate equation also programmed in [5]. It progresses to a mono fiber
laminate; to a multiply laminate; to a finite element model of the structure; to
structural scale that includes the boundary conditions, the environmental
conditions, the loading conditions, and also the structural finite element mode
The scales modeled span from constituent scale to structural scale which
definitely is multiscale. The left side of fig. 2 is called the composite synthesis
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to the single finite element node. The ICAN code is run for each ply in the
laminate and saved so that each finite element node has its own ICAN code run
to expedite decomposition. These ICAN runs are saved for the downward
composite structural decomposition as noted in the right side of fig. 2.

Figure 2:

CODSTRAN simulation cycle.

Once the finite element solution of the first load increment with internal
forces/displacements has been obtained at each node then the downward
decomposition starts. It is noted that the finite element solution requires nodal
information because it is computationally more expedient for the composite
decomposition to be performed [8]. Then the decomposition is repeated by using
the ply information stored in the synthesis process. The mono ply stresses/strains
are then evaluated by using the schematic in fig. 3 where the local failures are
identified. If any failures occurred at this level, the respective stiffness and
fractured region are eliminated for the second simulation. The process continues
until local incremental convergence has occurred. At this point the load is
increased by the second increment. Loading increments are progressively larger
at the beginning until local fracture is detected. Then the load increment is
reverted back to the last increment and is progressively halved until convergence
is achieved and the next load increment is applied by a value equal to the
previous load increment. Fig. 4 illustrates this concept. Therefore, the solution is
incremental from the micromechanics scale to the structural local/global
convergent scale. The structural dynamics equations solved by the finite element
in CODSTRAN, which have global variable convergence criteria, are
summarized in the chart as is depicted in fig. 5.
These equations are solved at each load increment. There is another level of
ply failure criteria. This is a stress failure criterion with a combined stress failure
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Figure 3:

Ply micro-stresses

Figure 4:






CODSTRAN load incrementation.

function as depicted in fig. 6. The combined stress failure criterion is applied

first. Then ply dominant stress is identified and that stress is used in the
constituents to identify which region has failed. Therefore, the solution is robust
and quite reliable as will be illustrated subsequently by the solution results of the
sample cases.
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Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Structural behavior/response governing equations.

Play failure criteria, maximum stress failure criterion.

3 Sample cases results and discussions

3.1 Composite shell with defects
The first illustrative sample problem is a composite shell subjected to internal
pressure and having structural conditions and a through-the-thickness
longitudinal defect, as shown in fig. 7(a) [8]. The type of composite and the
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laminate configuration of the shell are also shown in the title of fig. 7. Additional
details are described in [8]. The environmental conditions are noted in the small
table insert to the right of the shell. The results are plotted pressure versus
damage percent in part (b) top right. Third vibration frequency versus pressure
part (c), down left; and third vibration frequency versus damage percent (d),
down right.
Each plot has six different curves, one each for environmental effects. The
very top curve () is with no environmental effects. The second from the top
curve () is room temperature and one-percent moisture content by volume. The
third from the top curve () is for the temperature 99.9C (200F). The fourth
from the top curve () represents the combined temperature moisture effects
200F with one-percent moisture by volume. The fifth from the top curve () is
for temperature 149C (300 F) only. The last curve () is for the combined
environmental effects 148.9C (300 F) with one-percent by volume moisture.
Note that the 148.9C (300F) temperature only curve shows the second greatest
failure pressure. The reason is that that shell has the lowest residual stress that
counteracts the temperature degradation effects. The important point to observe
in these results is that the environmental effects have substantial structural
integrity degradation effects. The curves plotted in fig. 7(c) show the significant
degradation on the third vibration frequency. The structural degradation effects
are also significant when the third vibration frequency is plotted versus damage

Figure 7:

Hygrothermal effects T300/epoxy [90 15]S shell with fiber

volume ration 0.6 (a) Geometry and environment. (b) Pressure.
(c) Vibration frequency. (d) Buckling load (1 psi = 6.9 Pa).

3.2 Composite shell with defects and external pressure

The second illustrative example is a composite cylindrical shell under external
pressure with no defects, and with two types of defectssurface plies, and midthickness, fig. 8 [9]. The shell composite type and laminate configuration are
shown at the bottom of the figure as well as defect sizes. The shell with the
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surface defects showed limited damage tolerance of about 149 Pa (50 psi). The
shell with the mid-thickness defects have rather insignificant effect compared to
defect free shell which exhibited no damage tolerance at all. The important
conclusion from the evaluation of this shell is that only surface defects show a
limited damage tolerance when the shell is subjected to external pressure. The
reason is that compression has an enhancement in small defects. Additional
details for this composite shell are described in [9].

Figure 8:

Thick shell fracture under external pressure.

3.3 Composite thick shell

The third illustrative example is a thick shell subjected to external pressure and
with three types of defects as shown in fig. 9, where the composite type, laminate
configuration and finite element model are also shown [10, 11]. The location and
shape of the defects are shown in fig. 10. Results obtained are shown in fig. 11.
This figure is very important because it shows the damage initiation and fracture
of the defect free and defected shell. It is interesting to note the ply lay-up of the
shell thickness in fig. 10. The damage initiation is shown as ratios of the defect
free shell which is unity (1.0).
The damage initiation of the defect free shell is 0.84. This value indicates that
the shell has16 percent damage tolerance from initiation to global fracture. The
mid-thickness defects exhibited a 0.75 initiation and 0.77 global fracture. The
damage tolerance of the shell with the mid-thickness defects had almost no
damage tolerance. That is the shell exhibited a rather brittle behavior. The shell
with the inner surface defects had a 0.45 damage initiation and 0.85 global
fracture. This shell had the greatest damage tolerance of 40 percent from its
initial damage to its global fracture. For additional details see [11].

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Figure 9:

Figure 10:


Shell structure evaluated (1 in.= 1.5 cm).

Shell laminate structure schematic indicating initial defects (1 in. =

1.5 cm).

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Figure 11:

Summary of results. Composite shell T300/ Epoxy [902/ 15/902 /

15/902 / 15/902.

3.4 Composite thick shell global degradation

The fourth illustrative example is another thick shell under external pressure as
shown in fig. 12 where the shell composite system, laminate configuration, finite
element model are also shown. This shell was analyzed for degradation in the
frequency and the buckling load as the damage propagated along the longitudinal
direction as shown in fig. 13. The buckling load did not degrade until the damage
length was about 42cm (28 in). long. After that the buckling load degradation
was relatively great with global collapse of about 80 psi down from 2.3KPa
(340psi0 or a degradation of about 1.8KPa (260psi). This is a very interesting
result because it indicates the buckling of a composite thick shell has a relative
large damage tolerance with respect to buckling resistance. Though frequency
degradations are not shown here, these degrade slower than the buckling load.
Additional results are described in [11].

Figure 12:

Composite shell: 576 plies (2.88 in. thick) diameter = 15 ft;

length = 50 ft. (1 psi = 6.9 Pa; 1ft = 18 cm).

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Figure 13:


Damage tolerance for composite shell (1 psi = 6.9 Pa).

4 Concluding remarks
Up-dated computational simulation is one direct approach to evaluate fracture in
composite structures. CODSTRAN is a stand-alone general purpose integrated
multiscale/multifunctional computer code which consists of several modules
including micromechanics through structural analysis. It is applicable to general
classes of composite structures. Composite shells fracture investigated herein
included defect free shells and shells with defects. The simulation results
presented are from the microscale to global structural fracture. A built-up
composite structure subjected to combined loads was evaluated from
micromechanics fracture to global fracture. Results from all of the above
problems indicate that shear load combined with tension or compression stabilize
the solution as shown by the greater damage sustained at global structural
fracture. Embedded defects have no influence in the global shell fracture when
the shell is subjected to internal pressure.

The authors express their sincere appreciation to Dr. Subodh Mital whose review
comments improved the readability of the article.

[1] Chamis, C. C. and Sinclair, J. H., Dynamic Response of Damaged
Angleplied Fiber Composites. NASA TM79281, 1979.
[2] Minnetyan, L., Chamis, C. C. and Murthy, P. L. N., Structural Behavior of
Composites with Progressive Fracture, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and
Composites, Vol. 11, No. 4, April 1992, pp. 413442.
[3] Chamis, C. C. and Smith, G. T., Composite Durability Structural
Analysis. NASA TM79070, 1978.
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[4] Murthy, P. L. N. and Chamis, C. C., Integrated Composite Analyzer
(ICAN): Users and Programmers Manual. NASA Technical Paper 2515,
March 1986.
[5] Murthy, P. L. N. and Chamis, C. C., ICAN: Integrated Composites
Analyzer, Composite Technology Review, Spring 1986.
[6] Nakazawa, S., Dias, J. B. and Spiegel, M. S., MHOST Users Manual,
prepared for NASA Glenn Research Center by MARC Analysis Research
Corporation, April 1987.
[7] Irvine, T. B. and Ginty, C. A., Progressive Fracture of Fiber Composites.
NASA TM83701, 1983.
[8] Minnetyan, L, Murthy, P.L.N. and Chamis, C.C., Progressive Fracture in
Composites Subjected to Hygrothermal Environment, International
Journal of Damage Mechanics. Vol. 1, pp. 6079, 1992.
[9] Minnetyan, L., Chamis, C.C. and Murthy, P.L.N., Damage Tolerance of
Thick Composite Shells Under External Pressure. Naval Air Warfare
Center, Aircraft Division, Report No. NAWCADWAR-94096-60, Vol. II,
pp. 8595, April 1994.
[10] Minnetyan, L., Clarkson University. Progressive Fracture of Composite
Structures. NASA CR210974, July 2001.
[11] Minnetyan, L. and Chamis, C.C., Progressive Fracture of Composite
Cylindrical Shells Subjected to External Pressure. Journal of Composite
Technology & Research. Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 6571, 1997.

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Enhancing simulation in complex systems

R. M. Alqirem
Department of Management Information Systems,
Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan

Simulation is an important tool in understanding and designing physical systems,
engineering systems and social systems. Because of its importance and broad
range, it has been the subject of numerous research studies and books.
Simulation is about techniques for using computers to imitate (simulate) the
operations of various kinds of real world complex systems. It has been an
accepted tool for the improvement of decision making through learning how to
deal with the complexity of the real world. The complexity slows the learning
loop and reduces the learning gained on each cycle.
This paper illustrates the importance of system thinking in enhancing the
simulation process and providing the ability to see the world as a complex
system, where you cannot just do one thing and that everything is connected
to everything else. It is a holistic worldview that enables people to act in
consonance with the best interests of the system as a whole and thus enhance the
learning loop through various system thinking tools. The case study in this paper
illustrated the use of a system dynamics simulator to allow the financial manager
in a firm to test different account receivables scenarios and the strategies to
control these accounts. We found that this simulator has helped the manager to
get a deeper insight into the effect of their decisions and the different interrelated
variables that involve with setting a strategy to control account receivables.
Keywords: systems thinking, complex systems, systems dynamics, simulation.

1 Introduction
As the world becomes more complex, many people and organisations find
themselves bombarded with lots of problems to solve, less time to solve them,
and very few chances to learn from their mistakes. Managers will need to deal
with complexity and with these changes. Also they need to develop their new
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capabilities to be able to create an effective learning process in complex dynamic
systems to overcome the different barriers to learning which are created by
complex dynamics systems, and thus to get a significant insight into their
simulated problems. This can be done by allowing the managers to develop new
ways of thinking that allows deeply understanding of the simulation process, the
relations between the variable, and the consequences of their experiments more
Lots of philosophers, scientist and managers have been calling for a
fundamental new ways of thinking that improve the ability to see the world as a
complex system. As Sterman [1] stated, a system in which we understand that
you cant just do one thing and that everything else is connected to everything
else. He argued that its crucial to develop new ways of system thinking. He
states that if people had a holistic worldview, they would then act in
consonance with the long term best interest of the system as a whole, identify the
high leverage points in systems, and avoid policy resistance.
This can be done by using new simulation methods that increase the
capabilities of managers to experiment their decisions more effectively by using
system dynamics simulation tools.

2 Systems thinking
The systems thinking concept was produced as the world of systems found that
there is a need to shift from the more linear, analytic way of thinking that many
of us are used to, to a non linear, dynamic and holistic thinking.
Moving to new the Paradigm in analysing complex problems enables the
managers and the analyst to understand dynamic relationships and complexity
that influence the behaviour of a system as shown below
2.1 Features of systems thinking
2.1.1 Dynamic and non-linear thinking
As discussed before, the static thinking assumes that causality runs only one way
and any systems factors are independent which is quite primitive. Dynamic
thinking offers effective alternatives to see and understand systems or problems.
This creative thinking allows viewing the world with ongoing, interdependent
relations, dynamic process. Each of the causes in the dynamic thinking is linked
in a circular process to both the effect and to each of other causes. These circular
processes are the feedback loops which enable us to better understand what is
going on in the system; these circular loops represent a non-linear and dynamic
thinking (Richmond [2]).
Taking into consideration this type of thinking, the analyst or the manager can
understand the problem in a better way as the feedback process inside a firm
clarifies the dynamic relations inside a firm, analysing the causes and effects and
their interconnection and allows for observing the behaviour over time.
For example, if a firm decreases its products price, this decision has an effect
on the sales as it increases the sales, but on the other hand the firms profits will
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be less than usual, which affects the firms pricing policy and push the firm to
increase the prices.
2.1.2 Holistic thinking
Holistic thinking is one of the most significant features of systems thinking as it
allows us to see the Big Picture. So instead of examining each part of the
system, the whole system is examined. Whatever the problem we are
experiencing and searching for its source, we must always widen our focus to
include that bigger system. Dealing with the wholes rather than parts is a very
effective idea in system analysis. Each part or department in a firm is not isolated
from other department, so trying to solve a problem in one process; we must first
look the whole firm and the interconnections inside it to understand the nature
and the reasons for such problem.
This research illustrated how systems thinking tools provides managers and
analysts with a creative holism
2.1.3 Systemic thinking
In recent years, systems thinking has provided new effective methods for
tackling issues in a systemic than a reductionist way. Systems thinking allow us
to look for various patterns of behaviour, to seek underlying systemic
interrelationships which are responsible for these types of behaviour and events.
A recent study by Bartlett [3] defines systemic thinking as a technique that
provides a deeper insight into complex situation very quickly. It stated that
Systemic thinking combines analytical thinking (breaking things apart) with
synthetical thinking (putting things together) as the next figure shows.
This provides more effective holistic and systemic analysis of the system.

Figure 1:

Analysis and synthesis (Bartlett [3]).

2.2 Systems thinking approaches

Systems thinking approaches can be divided into two categories, hard systems
and soft system. Hard systems thinking is a generic title defined by Checkland
[4] to various types of systems approaches for solving problems in the real
world. The approaches related to hard systems are operational research, system
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analysis and system dynamics. It is a useful way of thinking which gives the
managers and the decision makers the ability to optimize and control the
systems performance in pursuit of clearly identified goals.
Another approach is introduced to help to decide what purpose the
organisation should pursue which is soft systems methodology and cybernetics.
In this paper, we will introduce the System Dynamics methodology.
2.2.1 System Dynamics
System Dynamics methodology is considered an important approach which has
a sophisticated tools such as Virtual world (formal models, Microworld,
management flight simulators, computer simulation) in which decision makers
and managers can refresh decision making skills, test their scenarios and
strategies, and conduct experiments through effective simulation by using system
Dynamics simulation tools.
System Dynamics is a computer-aided method for analysing, framing,
understanding, solving problems in complex real world systems. Jay W.
Forresters work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was the major
move towards developing this field to extend the range of applied system
thinking to more strategic problems in complex systems.
System Dynamics approach uses a perspective based on information feedback
and delays to understand the dynamic behaviour of complex physical, biological,
and social systems. It also helps the decision maker untangle the complexity of
the connections between various policy variables by providing a new language
and set of tools to describe. It even models the cause and effect relationships
among these variables [1, 7, 8].
Furthermore, System Dynamics method enables the decision makers or the
modeller via its tools in any system to identify the underlying structure of their
system or issue and how this structure determines the systems behaviour as
shown in the diagram in figure 2, The left arrow symbolizes the relationship
while the right arrow indicates the deeper understanding that happens from
analysing a system structure. System Dynamics can also be used to study the
changes in one part of a system in order to observe its affect on the behaviour of
the system as a whole (Martin [5]). Sterman [1] gives an insight that the real
value of an SD model should be to eliminate problems by changing the
underlying structure of the system rather than anticipating and reacting to the
environment. This allows the model to interact with the environment and
gives/alerts feedback for structure changes. This is what the term (Dynamics)
refers to, i.e. the changes in the systems variables while interacting which
stimulate changes over time.
Lyneis [6] stresses the importance of System Dynamic simulation and its
power to forecast a market demand for instance and compares this with a
statistical forecast. He mentions that an SD Model provides more reliable
forecasts than the statistical (non-structural) models and tries to understand the
underlying structure that created the data stream.

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Figure 2:


The link between structure and behaviour.

There is lots of user friendly System Dynamics software available now that
allows conversion of causal loop diagram and stock and flows diagram into
sophisticated computer simulation of the problems or issues being investigated.
Examples of these different kinds of software are DYNAMO, STELLA,
ITHINK, VENSIM, and POWERSIM (the latest is being used in my study).
Initial values are identified for the stocks, variables values are also identified
for the relationships, and the structural relationships are determined between the
variables using constants, graphical relationships, and mathematical functions
where appropriate. The computer simulation software also facilitates the creation
of Microworlds (or management flight simulators) which are kinds of System
dynamics Simulators [7, 8] as shown in the case study.

3 Case study
In this section, a simplified generic system dynamics model of a small firm has
been built. This model can be used to analyze the firm which sells product or
services to its customers and control the money owed to the firm by its
customers which is shown in its accounts as an asset called account receivables.
Figure 3 shows the account receivable structure which represents the total
monies owed the firm by its customers on credit sales made to them. It depends
mainly on the credit policy given to the customer to encourage them to increase
their purchases from the firm.
Collecting the sales revenue from the customers, new loans, and the owners
investment are the main income to the firm which increases the cash as shown in
figure 4. The cash is the most liquid asset in the firm that is always ready to be
used to pay bills, pay supplier, repayment of bank loans, and much more
expected and unexpected outlays.

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Figure 3:

Account receivables structure.

Figure 4:

The cash structure.

3.1 The Simulator

The Simulators friendly interface is designed to enable a financial manager to
analyse a firm more effectively. The manager inputs the initial data to the
simulator, interacts with various windows according to what variables or
decisions he is analysing and selects the reports or graphs he needs. The
manager is able to change his decisions about how long should the firm provide
credit facilities to their customer, and observe the outcome feedback and result
in another window. In this paper, we present only the account receivables
window which has the system dynamics inside.

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The manager has the opportunity to change the credit term allowed by the
firm to its customers. This shows the analyst the behaviour of the firm if any
changes in the credit terms happened and its effect on the monthly repayment of
loan, interest rate, and the line of credit approved by the bank.

Figure 5:

Credit Management Window.

3.1.1 Running the Simulator

If the firm is collecting its revenue from its customer immediately without
allowing them to delay their payment, then it wont need to withdraw cash from
its bank credit as shown in the manager first scenario.
This scenario increase the sales orders because of the open credit policies, as
assumed in this scenario, the firm encourages the customers to buy its product
with a credit offer to pay after 60 days. As a consequence of this decision, the
cash will rapidly decrease and the firm will need to withdraw from its credit line
as shown in figure 6 to cover the cash shortage.

Figure 6:

The behaviour of Cash and Bank Credit.

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Analyzing the performance of the firm from the financial manager point of
view does not concern only with these graphs, but most likely is to analyse the
financial ratios and the changes that might happen to these ratio when simulating
the scenario. Two ratios were used here to demonstrate these changes.
Current Ratio

Figure 7:

Current and average collection period ratios before simulating the


Examples of some of two main ratios that have significantly changed when
simulating the scenario are shown in figure 7 which shows the historical
changes during one year when the days allowed to customers payment =0,
while figure 8 depicts the changes that happened to these ratios when the firm
expand its credit policy. As assumed before, the firm offer the customers 60 days
to pay for their purchases.
Current Ratio

Figure 8:

Current and average collection period ratios with simulated scenario.

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As a consequence of expanding the credit policy given to its customers, the

risk of collecting cash increased in the firm which is a normal result of the new
policy. The average collection period increased from 3 days to 93 days at the end
of the year which means that the firm will collects its sales revenue within 93
days, which in turn decreases the cash balance in the firm, and reduces the
current ratio which measures the firms ability to meet its financial obligations.
Current ratios of 2.59 as on 1/1/2008 before simulating the scenario is
occasionally cited as good ratio, while a current ratio of 0.83 as on 1/1/2008
after simulating the new policy would be normally considered unacceptable.
On the other hand, implementing this scenario might be useful as it
encourages the customers to place more orders and increases the sales in the
The analyst was able to test and observe whatever ratios and scenarios he
found vital to analyse the firms performance from different aspects with many
times to try.

4 Conclusion
It is clear now that Systems Thinking tools especially System Dynamics are
better than others because it can easily deal with non-linearities and time which
are not considered by a static analysis.
By applying System Dynamics, one can enhance the usefulness of the model
to address and analyse problems in a complex situations and provide more
significant, rational and pertinent policy recommendations.
In summary, the process is to observe and identify problematic behaviour of
a system over time and to create a valid diagrammatic representation of the
system, capable of reproducing by computer simulation the existing system
behaviour and facilitating the design of improved system behaviour. Existing
business simulators are designed to allow the users to play a realistic role in
management decision making. Users can make decisions and receive outcome
feedback about their performance, by rehearsing strategies and observing results,
the managers in the case study were able to discover how to make better
decisions and hence improve their performance and reduce the risk of losing
money and thus increase the firms financial performance as illustrated.

[1] Sterman, J., Business Dynamics: System Thinking and modelling for a
complex world, USA, 2000
[2] Richmond, B., Systems thinking: critical thinking skills for the 1990's and
beyond. System dynamics review, 9(2), pp. 113-133, 1993
[3] Bartlett, G., Systemic thinking: a simple thinking technique for gaining
systemic focus. In the international conference on thinking, breakthroughs,
USA, 2001
[4] Checkland, P., Systems Thinking: Systems Practice, John Wiley & Sons,
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44 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

[5] Martin, L., Mistakes and Misunderstandings: System Dynamics in Education
Project. System Dynamics Group, Sloan School of Management,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
[6] Lyneis, J., System dynamics for market forecasting and structural analysis.
System Dynamics Review, 16(1), pp. 3-25, 2000
[7] Gonzalez, C., The use of Microworlds to study dynamic decision making.
Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, USA,
[8] Langley, P. & Morecroft, J., Performance and learning in a simulation of oil
industry dynamics. European Journal of Operational Research, (155), pp.
715-732, 2004

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Computational aerodynamic analysis of

flatback airfoils by coupling N-S equations and
transition prediction codes
L. Deng1, Y. W. Gao1 & J. T. Xiong2

National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerodynamic

Design and Research, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Department of M echanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California, USA

Flatback (Blunt Trailing Edge) airfoils are adopted for the inboard region of
large wind turbine blade due to their structural and aerodynamic performance
advantages. Very limited experimental data at high Reynolds Number makes it
difficult for wind turbine designers to design and use these section shapes
because the wind tunnel experiments are limited by the Reynolds Number and
the solid blockage. In this study, a 2-D Reynolds-Average Navier- Stokes Solver
coupled with a transition prediction based on the eN method is used to CFD
computation of blunt trailing edge airfoils. A new coupling structure with a timeaccurate transition prediction model taking the unsteady flow as a result of the
bluff-body vortex shedding into account is developed. The computational grid is
C-Grid generated by the tool of Gridgen, and the vertical angle at the blunt
trailing edge is smoothed slightly to increase the grid quality. An airfoil of
DU97-Flat modified by DU97-W-300 airfoil for wind turbine application is
calculated and effects of grid points are investigated. The aerodynamic
performance of DU97-W-300 is calculated and comparisons between the results
from literature and wind tunnel experimental data are performed, and the results
show that the method in present study can obtain the aerodynamics performance
with much less grid numbers while agreeing better with the wind tunnel
experimental data than the literature. One issue that requires attention is the
prediction of maximum lift and the failure to accurately capture stall behaviour
by the various computational techniques used in this study.
Keywords: wind turbine, airfoil, flatback airfoil, couple, transition prediction.
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46 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

1 Introduction
In aerodynamic performance prediction and geometry design of horizontal axis
wind turbine (HAWT), the airfoil data of lift and drag coefficient for the
different airfoils applied along the span play a significant role. As a result, the
designer will spend a lot of up-front time to prepare reliable airfoil aerodynamic
data. It is believed that the errors in airfoil data tables are the single largest
source of error in most rotor load and performance predictions [13].
Recently, the blunt trailing edge or called flatback airfoils have been proposed
for the inboard region of large wind turbine blades [46]. Flatback airfoils
provide several structural and aerodynamic performance advantages.
Structurally, the flatback increases the sectional area and section moment of
inertia for a given airfoil maximum thickness. Aerodynamically, the flatback
increases section maximum lift coefficient and lift curve slope and reduces the
well-documented sensitivity of the lift characteristics of thick airfoils to surface
soiling [7]. But the flow separation and body-off vortex shedding in the flatback
region increase the drag also. One of the problems with wind tunnel testing
thickness airfoils is that these types of models tend to create a significant amount
of solid blockage and wake blockage thereby affecting the measurements and the
flow development in the wind tunnel test section. Solid blockage is typically kept
at 5% or less, but this value limits the model chord length, which in turn limits
attainable Reynolds Numbers. The Reynolds Numbers are also restricted by load
limitations of wind tunnel pyramidal balance. As a result, the published
experimental results on flatback airfoils are obtained at low Reynolds Numbers,
or are for limited trailing edge bluntness. The lack of experimental data
precipitates the analysis of flatback airfoils using computational fluid dynamics
(CFD). Recent years, the analysis of flatback airfoils using CFD tend to using
more and more grid numbers to capture the vortex structure, but the transition
positions are generally obtained by a transition position prediction code and then
used as a fixed transition position in the N-S solver and therefore that does not
count for the unsteady nature of the flow field because of the blunt trailing edge
[812]. In present study, several computational techniques are applied including
using an N-S solver coupling a transition position prediction code and transition
flow region model, and the transition positions are predicted counting the
unsteady nature of flow.

2 Flow solver
The aerodynamic performance characteristics of flatback airfoils are calculated
using CFD code based on Reynolds-average Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations.
The code solves the compressible, two-dimensional, RANS equations. The
governing equations are central differenced in standard second-order form and
second- and fourth-order artificial dissipation terms are added for numerical
stability. The code employs local time stepping and implicit residual averaging,
multi-grid technique to accelerate convergence.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


In present RANS solver, the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) and the

zero-equation Baldwin-Lomax (B-L) model are available. Although both models
have been successfully applied to study flatback airfoils, the S-A model is
selected because the results show that it gives a better agreement with the
experimental data in separated flows.

3 The effects of grid

To reduce the calculation time, it is reasonable to keep the number of grid points
at a minimum. This minimum is defined by the number of grid points, which is
necessary to generate accurate results. In order to define the minimum number of
grid points, different grid spaces are tested. A flatback airfoil of DU97-flat (see
Fig. 1) is selected and that is created by adding thickness to the aft half of the
airfoil of DU97-W-300, giving a blunt trailing edge with a width of 10% chord
[10]. The lift coefficient at different grids numbers are calculated at Re of 3106
and Mach number of 0.165, angle of attack of 0, and at that condition the
transition position are fixed at 0.343 (upper surface) and 0.320 (lower surface).

















Figure 1:

Airfoil shapes of DU97 and DU97-flat.

In previous study, in order to keep cell skewness minimal and the angles in
the cells close to 90, a C-grid works well with sharp trailing edges. When the
trailing edge grows thicker, the cell skewness increases and the grid-shocks
appear at the blunt base; in that case, the O- grid in contrast does not generate
grid shocks and works well with blunt trailing edges [11]. But in the present
study, in order to compare with sharp trailing edge, C-grid is generated using the
grid generation tool called Gridgen. In grid generating, the vertical angle at the
blunt trailing edge is smoothed slightly to increase the grid quality, and that is
common for this kind of airfoils [13]. In this study, the RANS equations are
solved coupling a transition position prediction code to obtain the pressure
distribution of boundary layer. The accuracy of the parameters of the boundary
layer influence the accuracy of the transition position prediction, therefore an
initial spacing is 1.010-6 and the first 60 points are with equivalent spacing.
Table 1 shows a series of grid numbers. Fig. 2 shows the C-grid of 35296 that
was used and a close-up of the trailing edge.

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48 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Table 1:

Different computational grid.





far field/chord































Figure 2:

Computational grid of DU97-flat and close up.

Fig. 3 shows the calculated lift coefficient versus the number of grid points.
We can see from the figure that with grid number increasing, the lift coefficient
tends to converge toward a constant value, and in order to obtain enough
accurate aerodynamic performance, we should increase the number of grid points
but that brings a increase of computational cost; as a result, we should try to find
a trade-off between them. In the following calculation, the number of grid is
selected as 448112.



DU97-Flat 6









Grid Points

Figure 3:

Comparison of Lift coefficient for different number of grid points.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Transition prediction and transition flow model

4.1 eN method
The eN method based on linear stability analysis is used as a transition criterion.
For a set of specified dimensional frequencies, the amplification N factor is
computed as:

N i dx



here, x0 corresponds to the location where amplification rate

is zero. A

group of amplification curves (in present study, 15 curves) for different

dimensional frequencies are computed and then to determine the first
dimensional frequency that is referred to as the critical frequency which achieves
the predetermined amplification factor corresponding to transition.
4.2 Transition flow model
In a previous study, usually the point transition is applied in the N-S solver, that
is defined by merely switching on the turbulence model at transition onset. On
one hand, this procedure results in an eddy viscosity production that yields rapid
but not abrupt changes of the viscous layer properties; thus a small transition
zone is created computationally. On the other hand, point transition represents a
local perturbation due to the relatively sharp reduction in the displacement
thickness in the vicinity of transition, which produces a strong viscous/inviscid
interaction region with a remarkable upstream influence. Considerable
perturbations in wall pressure and in viscous layer properties are present, which
prevent the iteratively coupling N-S and eN method computations to converge.
To the contrary, the application of a finite length transition zone in N-S
computations will be shown to reduce the strength of the local perturbation;
correspondingly, the changes in wall pressure and viscous flow data will be more
moderate. In present study, we use the Walkers model [14], which is initially
defined as:

Re X 5.2 Re X T 3 4


here, X is the transition zone length, and X is the location of transition

onset. However, Walkers transition length model is based on restrictive
assumptions; such that the estimate is considered represent the minimum length.
Walker proposed to use the double value of the minimum length model, and then
the model is:

Re X 10.4 Re X T 3 4


This model is applicable for flow situations where transition is predicted well
upstream of laminar separation, but numerical experiments show that in cases
small separation bubbles, this model is available as well.
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5 Coupling of RANS and eN method

In published literatures on the aerodynamic performance computation of flatback
airfoils, the transition locations are computed by a transition prediction code and
then use the locations as fixed transition in RANS solver. But because the vortex
shedding in the trailing edge, the calculated coefficients show cycle changes,
thus the transition location prediction should count the unsteady of the flow field.
In this study, the algorithm for the coupling of RANS and transition prediction
works as follows:
a) The RANS solver is started with prescribed transition locations on upper
and lower sides of the airfoil. In this moment, the locations are usually set very
far downstream, such as 0.8 chord or even at the trailing edge (in the latter case,
the RANS solver computes a fully laminar flow).
b) The RANS equations are iterated cyclemax times, in that moment the
coefficients have come to the stage of cycle change.
c) The computation is continued next kcyc times, and averaged pressure
distribution of wall and boundary layer are computed, and the computed
properties are used as inputs in the boundary layer equations solving. And then,
the velocity profile and boundary layer parameters such as displacement
thickness, momentum thickness and shape factor are computed.
d) The transition prediction module is called to transition onset coordinate

of x . From the instability point to downstream, the e

method is used to

calculate the amplification factor N to check whether it is the onset point of

transition. At every point, before the calculation of N factor, a check of whether
the laminar separation has occurred; in the case of laminar separation, the
separation point is used as an approximation of the transition location.
e) The current coordinate x

is under-relaxed to use as the transition

location. A new transition location x



is defined as:

C T xT


here, C 1 . The under-relax of the determined transition location prevents the

case that at an unconverged stage, the transition location is determined to far
upstream and might not be shifted to downstream again. According to Krumbein,
the new location can be defined as[15]:

xl*,T xl*,T1 f xl*,T1 xlT



f is 0.7, and l is current iteration step of transition prediction.

f) As convergence criterion, xl


.01 , with xl*,T xl*,T xl*,T1 .

In the case that criterion is satisfied, the iteration is finished; else the algorithm

loops back to the station of c) using the transition location of xl

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


We use the DU97-flat airfoil as a validation at Re of 3106 and Mach number of

0.165, angle of attack of 0. The initial transition locations are set at 0.8 at both
sides with cyclemax of 1500 and kcyc of 200. Fig. 4 shows the curves of the
transition locations versus iteration steps of transition location, and it shows that
within 10 steps the transition locations converge on constant values. Fig. 5 shows
that the lift and drag coefficient converge toward their converged values. From
this case we can see that the coupling method in present study can be used in the
computing of the aerodynamic performance of flatback airfoils.

DU97-Flat 6
Re=3.0x10 =0


X tru , X trl


Upper Surface


Lower Surface

Figure 4:

Number of iterations


Convergence history of the transition locations.

0.5 DU97-Flat


Lift Coeffieicnt
Drag Coefficient













Number of iterations

Figure 5:

Convergence history of lift and drag coefficient.

6 Results and discussion

In 1999, Timmer published a wind tunnel measured data of airfoil of DU97-W300 at Reynolds number of 3.0106 and Mach number of 0.165 [16]. The DU97W-300 is a wind turbine airfoil with a maximum thickness of 30% chord and a
trailing edge thickness of 1.74% chord. Matthew computed DU97-W-300 with a
RANS solver of SACCARA and used almost 4105grid points, but the transition
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52 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

locations were computed by the code of Xfoil and then used as fixed locations
[10]. In the present study, we compute DU97-W-300 and compare the results
with experimental data and Matthews results. Fig. 6 is the comparison of
transition locations computed by the coupling method in this paper and Xfoil
code. We can see that at low angle of attack, the transition locations at lower
surface agrees well with Xfoil results, but with some discrepancies appearing
with angle of attack growing higher. The computed results in present study are
smaller than Xfoil results; especially at angle of attack of 12 degree, the
computed results show a separation at leading edge, but there is still 0.1 chord
laminar flow in Xfoil results.
Fig. 7 compares the lift coefficient and moment coefficient. A better
agreement is shown in lift coefficient between the computed and experimental
lift results than the SACCARA results, especially in linear region; but just as
Matthews results show, the computed results did not capture the stall angle. And


Xfoil Cal.
Coupling Cal.


Xtru ,Xxtrl


Lower Surface


Upper Surface



Figure 6:




Comparison of transition locations.


Ma=0.165 Re=3.0x106

Ma=0.165 Re=3.0x10 6




x x

x x

x x x xx

xx x x x



Figure 7:














x x x xx










Comparison of lift and moment coefficient comparison of drag


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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


very good agreement is shown in moment coefficient before angle of attack 13

degree. Fig. 8 is the comparison of drag coefficients. The SACCARA results are
almost double of experimental data and the computed results show a good
agreement with the experimental data but there are some discrepancies at high
lift coefficient. And it is interesting that there is a constant difference between
the SACCARA results and the computed results in this study.

7 Conclusion
Flatback airfoils are considered for the inner regions of large wind turbine
blades. The concept of blunt trailing edge is nothing new and has been previous
investigated by CFD method. However, previous studies are typically based on a
RANS solver using a fixed transition locations computed from a transition
prediction code, which dont take the unsteady nature of flow field because of
the vortex shedding at the trailing edge into account. From the investigation of
the effects of grid points, a trade-off should be made between the growth of the
number of grid points and the computational time. A RANS solver is coupled
with a transition prediction code with a time-accurate transition model. The
results show that the transition locations and the computed aerodynamic
coefficient converge toward constant values within 10 iteration steps. The wind
turbine airfoil of DU97-W-300 is computed by the coupling method and the
results are compared with experimental results and the results from the literature.
The comparisons show that the computed results agree better with the
experimental data than the results in the literature while with less grid points.
One issue that requires attention is the prediction of maximum lift and the failure
to accurately capture stall behavior by the various computational techniques used
in this study.

[1] Patrick J. AeroDyn Theory Manual, NREL/EL-500-36881, 2005.
[2] Simms D., Schreck S., Hand M., Fingersh L.J. NREL Unsteady
Aerodynamics Experiment in the NASA-Ames Wind Tunnel:
A Comparison of Predictions to Measurements. NREL/TP -500-29494,
[3] Tangler, J.L. The Nebulous Art of Using Wind-Tunnel Airfoil Data for
Predicting Rotor Performance. NREL/CP-500-31243, 2002.
[4] TPI Composites, Innovative Design Approaches for Large Wind Turbine
Blades Final Report, SAND2004-0074, 2004
[5] Standish, K.J., and van Dam, C.P., Aerodynamic Analysis of Blunt
Trailing Edge Airfoils, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 125(4),
pp. 479-487, Nov. 2003
[6] Jackson K, Zuteck, M., van Dam, C.P., Standish, K.J., and Berry, D.,
Innovative Design Approaches for Large Wind Turbine Blades, Wind
Energy, 8(2), pp. 141-171, 2005

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54 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

[7] Van Rooij R.P.J.O.M., and Timmer W.A., Roughness Sensitivity
Considerations for Thick Rotor Blade Airfoils, Journal of Solar Energy
Engineering, 125(4), pp. 468-478, Nov. 2003
[8] Baker J., Mayda E., and van Dam C.P. Computational and experimental
analysis of thick fatback wind turbine airfoils, AIAA Paper 2006-193,
[9] D.D. Chao, and C.P. van Dam, RaNS Analysis of an Inboard Flatback
Modification on the NREL Phase VI Rotor, AIAA Paper 2006-195,2006
[10] Matthew F. Barone, Dale Berg. Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Properties
of a Flatback Airfoil: An Update, AIAA Paper 2009-271, 2009
[11] TPI Composites. Computational Design and Analysis of Flatback Airfoil
Wind Tunnel Experiment, SAND 2008-1782, 2008
[12] Christopher Stone, Matthew Barone, C. Eric Lynch, et al. A Computational
Study of the Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of a Flatback Airfoil Using
Hybrid RANS-LES, AIAA 2009-273, 2009
[13] T. Winnemller, Design and numerical optimization of thick airfoils, AIAA
2006-238, 2006
[14] G.J. Walker, Transitional Flow on Axial Turbomachine Blading, AIAA
Journal, 27(3), pp. 595-602, 1989
[15] A. Krumbein. Navier-Stokes Airfoil Computation with Automatic
Transition Prediction Using the DLR TAU Code- A Sensitivity study, New
Results in Numerical and experimental Fluid mechanics V., Springer
Berlin/ Heidelberg, Vol. 92, 2006
[16] Timmer, W.A., and van Rooij, R.P.J.O.M. Design and Wind Tunnel Test of
Airfoil DU 97-W-300, IW-98003R, Institute for Wind Energy, Delft
University of Technology, 1999

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Numerical investigation of dynamic stall

phenomenon on a plunging airfoil
F. Ajalli1 & M. Mani2

Department of Aerospace Research Institute,

Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Center of Excellence in Computational Aerospace Engineering,
Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

The unsteady separated turbulent flow around an oscillating airfoil plunging in a
sinusoidal pattern in the regime of low Reynolds number is investigated
numerically, employing the URANS approach with advanced turbulence model,
k-SST transitional. A comparison with experimental data shows that the
Transition SST model is capable of predicting the flow characteristics for the
increasing cycle while the main difficulty lies in the accurate modeling of the
complicated separated flows during the decreasing stroke. The flow development
of the dynamic stall is also discussed.
Keywords: dynamic stall, plunging airfoil, k--SST transitional model.

1 Introduction
Dynamic stall has been widely known to significantly affect the performance of a
large variety of fluid machinery, such as helicopters, highly maneuverable
fighters, gas turbines, and wind turbines. It is well recognized that the dynamic
stall process can be categorized into four key stages, i.e. attached flow at low
angles of attack, development of the leading edge vortex (LEV), the shedding of
the LEV from the suction surface of the blade and the reattachment of the flow
[1]. Numerous experimental and computational investigations [25] have shown
that the unsteady flow can be separating or reattaching over a large portion of the
upper surface of the oscillating airfoil and that the predominant feature of the
dynamic stall is the formation and rapid convection over the upper surface of the
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56 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

airfoil of an energetic leading-edge vortex (LEV), also referred to as the
dynamic-stall vortex, which induces a nonlinearly fluctuating pressure field and
produces large transient variations in forces and moments that are fundamentally
different from their steady-state counterparts.
Although the basic image of the phenomenon has been generally clarified, the
physics of this strongly non linear unsteady flow phenomenon has not yet been
completely understood and more efforts are needed to advance the knowledge to
the level on which we could accurately predict and precisely control the dynamic
stall [6]. Most of the previous researches have investigated flows at high
Reynolds number (Re 106) or high Mach number (Ma0.3) which fall into the
compressible flow regime. However, dynamic stall at low Reynolds number has
distinct features compared with those at high Reynolds number, such as flow
transition process, laminar separation and reattachment, etc.
In the recent decades, due to the increased awareness of the environmental
issues associated with the fossil fuel based power generation industry, wind
industry is drawing more and more attention. Dynamic stall has been a critical
phenomenon which has an important effect on the operation of both Horizontal
Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) and Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT).
The objective of the present study was to investigate the ability of the
Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) method with advanced
turbulence model (k- SST transition model) in capturing the dynamic stall at
low Reynolds number flows (Reynolds number based on the chord length of the
airfoil Rec is of the order of 105), and to provide a detailed two-dimensional
analysis to gain a better understanding of the flow phenomenon. In order to
validate the numerical results the experimental measurements of surface pressure
distributions was compared with numerical ones at the same condition.

2 Numerical simulations
2.1 Case studied
The aerofoil employed in the numerical calculations is an E361 airfoil with a
chord length of c=0.15m and maximum thickness of 12%c which in this case
executes the sinusoidal plunging motion h=8(cm) +sin(t) with reduced
frequency k=c/2U=0.14. The free stream velocity is U=10m/s with a
turbulence intensity of 0.2% which corresponds to a chord Reynolds of
Rec=1105. The mean angle of oscillations was set up 12deg with in static stall
angle. Numerical set up are based on the experimental tests in order to compare
numerical results with experimental data. A more comprehensive description of
the experimental setup is detailed in [7].
2.2 Numerical techniques
Firstly for the static flow field investigations the RANS approach with advanced
turbulent model, namely the k--SST transitional model were used, furthermore
the k- RNG and the low Reynolds k--SST model were employed as the
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


baseline turbulence models to predict the performance of low Re and fully

turbulent approach without transition secondly for the dynamic simulations k-SST transitional model were applied to the all cases. The transition SST Model is
a four- equation turbulence model which is based on the coupling of the SST k-
transport equations with two other transport equations, one for the intermittency
and the other for the transition onset criteria, in terms of the momentumthickness Reynolds number. This is a reasonably new model and it is expected to
predict flows with massive separations more accurately. The FLUENT code used
to solve the Reynolds averaged NavierStokes equations using finite volume
discretization. Second order upwind discretization in space is used, and the
resulting system of equations is then solved using the SIMPLE coupled solution
procedure until convergence criteria are satisfied. The convergence rate is
monitored during the iteration process by means of the residuals of the
dependent variables of the governing differential equations. A convergence
criteria of O(5) reduction in all dependent variable residuals is accepted as
adequate for the present aerofoil study. Convergence is also checked using the
relative differences between two successive iterations for each of the integrated
force and moment coefficients. Free stream boundary conditions are used in the
upstream, downstream and outer boundaries. No-slip boundary conditions are
used at solid surfaces.
2.3 Grid design
A hybrid C-grid in figure 1 is used for the calculations and about 256 grid nodes
are placed along the aerofoil and they are clustered close to the leading and
trailing edges. The height of the first row of cells of the cells bounding the
aerofoil is set to be 10-5c which ensures y+1.0 for the cells immediately
adjacent to the aerofoil so that the boundary layer flow can be properly resolved
without using a wall function. The height of the cells expands with a growth
factor of 1.2 towards the external boundary which is set to be at 25c from the
aerofoil to eliminate the boundary reflections. The whole mesh sums up to be

Figure 1:

Hybrid grid quality close to the airfoil.

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58 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

200,000. In order to simulate the sinusoidal plunging motion of the airfoil, the
whole grid oscillates like a rigid body with the same sinusoidal mode as the
airfoil. This is achieved by using the dynamic mesh technique [8] with a User
Defined Function (UDF) subroutine developed and attached to the Fluent solver
to control the movement of the grid points. The numerical time step size is set to
be 0.001. Normally after three oscillation cycles, a perfect periodical solution can
be obtained in this study.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Static airfoil
In this part of the paper static flow field with increasing incidence at Re=105 is
presented. The identification of static flow field, laminar separation bubble and
trailing edge separation serves as a frame of reference for dynamic stall results.
Figure 2 shows the computed static pressure coefficient obtained by using
different turbulence modeling approaches, compared with the experimentally
measured results [9]. There was good agreement between the experiment and k SST transitional model at different angles of attack. According to the
experimental data laminar separation bubble (LSB) was formed near the leading
edge of the upper surface of the aerofoil, the existence of the separation bubble
produced an approximate constant pressure plateau starting from the separation
point to the transition region, followed by a sharp pressure rise in the turbulent
bubble region blending in to the turbulent boundary layer. As shown in figure 2,
k- SST transitional model predicted LSB properly but k-RNG and k- SST
turbulence models missed the separation bubble; however there is not significant
distinction between lower surface pressure coefficients of the different models.
According to the experimental data the stall angle was recorded about 11 degrees
whereas k-RNG and k- SST turbulence models over-predicted the stall angle
while k- SST transition model under-predicted it. Lastly the stalled pressure
coefficient of the airfoil are illustrated in figure 4c, accordingly, the pressure
variations of the experimental data and k- SST transitional model included
plateau as a result of stall phenomenon, however the computation data of kRNG and k- SST demonstrated high suction pressure peak near the leading
edge that indicated no stall characteristic of the aerofoil.
Information relating to the k- SST solution at =4 deg are provided in
figure 3a, according to the results of this model, at 4deg angle of attack, laminar
separation occurred on the upper surface at about 60% chord position from the
leading edge. Because the adverse pressure gradient was modest, the separated
flow was able to reattach to the surface. As the angle of attack increased, figure
3b, the adverse pressure gradient aft of the point of suction peak became stronger
and the separation point moved toward the leading edge. The stronger pressure

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

(a) =8deg


(b) =10deg

(c) =12deg
Figure 2:

Surface pressure distributions.

gradient amplified the disturbance in the separation zone and prompted transition
and the bubble was shrinking in size. According to this model, at angle of attack
of 10 deg, the separation position is at around 6% chord position and transition
occurred at 14.2% of chord position. It is noticeable to say that, at this angle of
attack the airfoil was close to stall therefore a large portion of the flow on the
aerofoil was separated and the separated vortex formed near the trailing edge.
Because of better prediction of k- SST transitional method, this model applied
for the dynamic cases.

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Figure 3:

Static pressure and streamlines of k- SST transitional,=4 and 10


3.2 Dynamic airfoil

Numerical unsteady investigations of dynamic stall phenomenon were conducted
on a plunging airfoil at mean angle of attack 12deg with amplitude of 8cm. The
reduced frequency is set k=0.141 and chord Reynolds number according to the
static surveys is 105. Figure 4 illustrates the sinusoidal plunging airfoil
displacements of the experimental tests which were transformed in to equivalent
angle of attack using the potential flow transformation formula
the mean angle of attack would be added to the equivalent angle. As it is clear in
figure 4, induced angle of attack has 90 degrees phase difference with vertical
motion of the airfoil. It is noticeable to say that, the down stroke plunging
displacement is chosen as the positive direction; besides there are four steps for
the change of h and corresponding eq such as (i) downward displacement of
h from 0-8cm that max<eq<0, (ii) upward displacement of h from 8cm-0,
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correspond to 0<eq<-max, (iii) upward displacement of h from 0-(-8cm)

correspond to -max<eq<0, (iv) downward displacement of h from (-8cm)-0,
conformable to 0<eq<max thus, according to these sequences first half of the
plunging oscillation cycle is related to the decreasing equivalent angle and the
second one attributed to increasing equivalent angle. As pictured (figure 4) eq is
a maximum or minimum whenever h=0 during down-stroke and upstroke
motions respectively. In order to better understanding of the flow field all the
results are presented according to the equivalent angle.

Figure 4:

Time history of plunging motion with corresponding equivalent

angle of attack.

Figure 5 (a-i) presents a chronology of the static fields superimposed on the

instantaneous streamlines in order to depict the complicated vortex structures
during the stall process. In the early stage of the increasing angle, the flow
remained attached except in the trailing edge region, at eq 11.76, Laminar
Separation Bubble (LSB) close to the leading edge at x/c=1.37 was detected, as
eq increases beyond the ss a thin flow reversal was observed in front of the
trailing edge to leading edge, as one can observe from figures 5b and c upstream
of the flow reversal the boundary layer remained attached on the upper surface of
the airfoil and the position of the LSB was moved toward the leading edge (for
example, figure 5b the center of the LBS changed to x/c=0.11) accordingly
figure 5d (eq= 17.55deg) the turbulent boundary layer broke down and moved
upstream and downstream, spillage the LSB, and initiated the formation of
Leading edge vortex (LEV) afterward the LEV grew and covered rapidly
downstream and covered the whole suction surface. During the further
convection of the LEV due to the recirculation of this vortex, figure 5g-i, two
secondary vortices near the leading edge were observed; aside from the vortices,
a strong counter clockwise vortex appeared at the trailing edge toward the upper
surface due to the low pressure region on the upper surface and high pressure
difference on the trailing edge of lower surface which they pushed the flow from
the lower surface and caused the CCW vortex; besides as eq increased the
trailing edge vortex was driven upward.
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e) eq=19 deg



b) eq=12.26deg



d) eq=17.55 deg
Figure 5:

f) eq=20.17 deg

g) eq=20.75

h) eq=21 deg

i) eq=21.15 deg

Pressure field superimposed on the instantaneous streamlines of

increasing angle.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 6:

a) eq=20.82 deg

f) eq=14.07 deg

b) eq=20.06 deg

g) eq=12.02 deg

c) eq=19.2 deg

h) eq=10 deg

d) eq=18.15 deg

i) eq=8.1 deg

e) eq=15.54deg

j) eq=6.27 deg


Pressure field superimposed on the instantaneous streamlines of

decreasing angle.

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Figure 6a-j shows the static fields and instantaneous streamlines during
decreasing angle. According to figure 6a (eq= 20.82deg) in decreasing cycle,
trailing edge vortex was grown and LEV became weaker, when eq decreased
further the trailing edge vortex disappeared and shed in to the flow (figure 6b)
then the clockwise main vortex (growth LEV) moved away from the surface and
again induced trailing edge vortex (figure 6c, d and e) next the separated
boundary layer flow reattached to the airfoil at lower incidences. It is significant
to note that LEV shedding was forced by the motion in decreasing angle due to
the inadequate time for fully develop of LEV before deceasing angle that had
good agreement with experimental results [9].
Figure 7 compares numerical and experimental data at mean=12 deg and
k=0.141, the hysteresis observed in the dynamic-pressure loops originated from
the asymmetry in the locations or angles of attack, of the separation and there
attachment. By inspecting the direction of the Cp hysteresis loops, it is seen that
the direction of the Cp loops for both numerical and experimental data were
clockwise, which means that the flow had lead phase. The pressure levels of the
both results near the leading edge (figure 7a, b) were almost the same in
increasing cycle and the Cp slopes were nearly identical but in decreasing stroke
the results were deviated from the experimental data.This is mainly because of
complicated separated flow and vortex shedding structure. Note that apart from
the small divergence, these two graphs rendered same pattern in decreasing angle
which indicted, this model could well predict boundary layer events, LEV,
separation, detaching and reattachment, in addition the Transition SST model
presents a too sharp drop-off of the Cp when the dynamic stall occurs giving an
over-prediction of the strength of the stall. Figure 7c, d depicts the pressure
distributions of the ports x/c=20% and 50%, according to this data narrower
hysteresis (compared to the leading edge port) was recorded because of massive
separation of the flow on the upper surface of the airfoil. In the aft portion of the
airfoil figure 8d, the experimental pressure loops were similar to figure 8 shape
| of numerical method at this position was recorded 2.9 while it
moreover |
was 1.63 for the experimental case which means the numerical method predicted
less dissipative LEV in process.
Figure 8 shows the numerical dynamic stall process of Cl versus eq at
mean=12deg and k=0.141, the validity of these processes were published by
McCroskey [3], McCroskey et al. [2], McAlister et al. [10], Lee and Gerontakos
[1112]. According to Lee and Gerontakos nomenclature point 1and 2
corresponded to the initiation and ending of the upward spread of the flow
reversal respectively besides between the points 2 an 3 turbulence bread down,
initiation and growth of the LEV were occurred and the lift coefficient
underwent a sharp drop as soon as the LEV passed off the trailing edge, and the
airfoil remained fully stalled point 3 and 4. At point 5 (decreasing eq=20.1)
there was a slight increase in Cl owing to the presence and convection of the
secondary vortex. According to explanations k--SST transitional method could
predict the boundary layer event with reasonable accuracy.

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Figure 7:


b) 10%

c) 20%

d) 50%


Comparison of numerical and experimental pressure coefficient

hysteresis loops.

Figure 8:

Variations of numerical dynamic lift coefficient.

4 Conclusions
In this paper static and dynamic flow field on an Eppler 361 airfoil at Re=105
were investigated. For a static airfoil different turbulence methods analyzed
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consequently, k- SST transitional model was capable of predicting the flow
characteristics such as LSB and trailing edge separation better than other models
therefore, in general this model employed to simulate the fluid flow around an
E361 airfoil executing a sinusoidal plunging motion. In the sequence of dynamic
motion LSB, reverse flow, turbulence breakdown, spillage of LEV, secondary
vortices and detachment of the fluid were captured accurately while the
dissipation of the progressive LEV was less than experimental data. In the
increasing cycle pressure levels of the both results near the leading edge were
almost the same however in decreasing stroke the numerical data deviated from
the experimental counterparts.

[1] P. Wernert, W. Geissler, M. Raffel, and J. Kompenhans, Experimental and
numerical investigations of dynamic
stall on a pitching airfoil, AIAA
journal, vol. 34, pp. 982-989, 1996.
[2] McCroskey, W. J., McAlister, K. W., Carr, L. W., Pucci, S. L., Lamber, O.,
and Indergrand, R. F., Dynamic Stall on Advanced Airfoil Sections, Journal
of American Helicopter Society, Vol. 26, July 1981, pp. 4050.
[3] McCroskey, W. J., Unsteady Airfoils, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics,
Vol. 14, 1982, pp. 285311.
[4] Ericsson, L. E., and Reding, J. P., Fluid Mechanics of Dynamic Stall. Part
I. Unsteady Flow Concepts, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 2,Jan.
1988, pp. 133.
[5] Lee, T., and Basu, S., Measurement of Unsteady Boundary Layer
Developed on an Oscillating Airfoil Using Multiple Hot-Film Sensors,
Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1998, pp. 108117.
[6] S. Wang, L. Ma, D. Ingham, M. Pourkashanian, and Z. Tao, Numerical
Investigations on Dynamic Stall Associated with Low Reynolds Number
Flows over Airfoils, in The 2010 International Conference On Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering (CMAE 2010) Chengdu, China, 2010.
[7] Ajalli F., Mani M., Soltani M. An Experimental Investigation of Pressure
Distribution around a Heaving Airfoil, The 5th International conference on Heat
Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, South Africa, Spring 2007.
[8] Fluent 6.3,26 (Theory Guide),"
[9] M. Mani, F. Ajalli M. R. Soltani, An experimental investigation of the
reduced frequency effects into pressure coefficients of a plunging airfoil,
Advances in Fluid Mechanic 2008.
[10] McAlister, K. W., Carr, L. W. & McCroskey, W. J., Dynamic stall
experiments on the NACA 0012 airfoil, NASA TP 1100. 1978.
[11] Lee, T., and Gerontakos, P., Investigation of Flow over an Oscillating
Airfoil, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 512, 2004, pp. 313341.
[12] T. Lee , P. Gerontakos, Investigation of flow over an oscillating airfoil, J.
Fluid Mech. (2004), vol. 512, pp. 313341

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Design optimization of a bioreactor for

ethanol production using CFD simulation
and genetic algorithms
E. R. C. Gis & P. Seleghim Jr.
Thermal and Fluids Engineering Laboratory,
University of So Paulo, Brazil

The increase of the use of biofuels, like bioethanol, has presented new challenges
to engineering problems. The optimization of bioreactors is crucial to improve
the bioethanol extraction and to avoid stagnant zones in the flow that can
compromise the chemical reactions involved in the process. This paper presents
a solution using Computational Fluid Dynamics tools coupled with Genetics
Algorithm to find an improved reactor structure. The preliminary results show
that the influence of the height outlet tube alone is able to modify completely the
flow pattern inside the reactor, improving the efficiency of the reactor.
Keywords: bioethanol, bioreactor, CFD, genetic algorithms, optimization.

1 Introduction
The search for new ways to provide fuel for the society has been constantly
increasing. One of the great challenges for scientists and academic researchers is
to provide fuels without jeopardizing the environment. An interesting alternative
is the bioethanol production from sugar cane or other kinds of biomass, like corn,
beet, etc.
The production of sugar cane ethanol is economically feasible only in large
scale, such as 45 thousand liters per hour, for instance. At these scales, any
efficiency improvement can result in a very significant overall optimization in
terms of production rates and environmental impacts as well. Due to the
difficulty to do experimental analyses, the expensive materials that are used and
the time limitations, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools are a useful
alternative to study the flow inside reactors and bioreactors, and to better define
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their design principles. CFD tools have been applied in different kinds of reactor
and bioreactor simulations. For example, Patwardhan et al. [1] studied the
relationship between geometry and operating conditions of an industrial gasliquid stirred reactor and had a good prediction of the residence time distribution
of the industrial scale reactor. CFD tools were applied to perform stirred solidliquid reactors [3]. The study of suspension of solid particles and the influence of
them in the flow were considered by Shao et al. [4].
Most of the studies, however, were developed for small-scale reactors. Largescale bioreactors, usually applied at bioethanol production, must be studied more
carefully because the rule of fluid velocity profile, shear stress, and other
physical conditions may be considerably different compared with small-scale
bioreactors. There are two possible ways of extracting ethanol from sugar cane:
the first generation ethanol and the second generation ethanol.
First generation ethanol is produced directly from the sugar cane juice. The
sugar cane juice is submitted to a fermentation process, which results in sugar or
ethanol. In this case, a bioreactor is used because there is the necessity to use live
organisms as a means of process acceleration. For the second generation
ethanol, the principle is to reuse the bagasse resulting from the sugar cane juice.
In this case, it is possible to use of a thermo-pressurized reactor with a mechanic
In both cases, the reactor should be able to provide optimum conditions to the
chemical or mechanical process. The design of the reactor has a great influence
in the flow conditions, with respect to mass transfer, shear stress, mixing, control
of pH, temperature and substrate conditions [2].
Some flow conditions can be a bad influence on the chemical and mechanical
reactions inside the bioreactor. Stagnant zones keep the sugar cane juice inside
the reactor for longer or shorter than necessary. In both cases, stagnant zones are
prejudicial to bioethanol production, consequently, the velocity flow inside the
bioreactor must be controlled.
An alternative to control the flow inside the reactor and get yields
improvements is to modify structural parameters. The geometry definition has a
great influence in the flow and consequently in the chemical reaction. Several
methods have been used in order to determine the best way to optimize and
obtain the best structural parameters. Two classes of search methods have
dominated the estimation for structural parameters: the deterministic and
stochastic methods [5].
The deterministic methods have some limitations when applied in some
recent engineering problems. This kind of methods, despite being simpler to
implement than stochastic methods, requires the calculation of second order
derivatives and are strongly dependents on the initial approximation for the
solution. In some cases there is more than one objective function, in other words,
more than one parameter to be optimized. Sometimes these parameters are
conflicting. For example, Mokeddem and Khellaf [6] tried to find an optimal
feeding profile in feed-batch reactors, intending to maximise the amount of a
protein used while simultaneously minimizing the volume of inducer employed,
minimizing the material costs. In these cases, the most convenient way to
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evaluate the best structural parameters is applying a stochastic method, like

genetic algorithms.
Genetic algorithms are a class of stochastic methods solving complex
optimization problems of the real world [7]. These methods are based on
mechanisms of natural selection and population genetics [8].
The aim of this paper is to provide an optimized structure design for a
continuous reactor applied to ethanol production from sugar cane juice. For this,
different heights outlet tube were tested, intending minimize the media of the
velocities inside the bioreactor. To find the ideal structural parameters, the flow
simulations are coupled with an optimization process based on genetic

2 Methodology
The ANSYS CFX 13.0 commercial software was used to simulate the flow
inside the bioreactor. To perform the flow inside the bioreactor, the selected fluid
was initially water. The modelling equations were the Navier-Stokes equations,
given by eqn. (1) and eqn. (2):

. U 0


( U )
. UXU p SN


where is given by:


U U .U


where U is the normal velocity, p the pressure, t the time, de density and SN
the forcing terms.
Due the computational efforts required, some simplifications in the flow and
the mesh were assumed. This simplification does not affect the objective of this
study. A steady flow simulation was performed. The flow was isothermal and
incompressible. Turbulence effects were taken in account with the K- model,
and the Navier-Stokes equations were solved using the Finite Volume method.
The advection scheme was solved using High Resolution Method.
To perform the first simulation, an initial structure was used. Figure 1 shows
the mentioned structure, composed by one tube for fluid entrance, one tube for
fluid exit, and a cylindrical reservoir. The tube diameter for flow entrance and
exit are both 5 cm, and the reservoir volume is 887 liters. These dimensions were
considered according to the requirements for ethanol sugar cane production. The
reservoir height was 1.5 m and the initial outlet tube was 1m.
A tetrahedral mesh with about 2787 nodes and 13963 cells was used in this
simulation, as shown in Fig. 2.The inlet velocity applied was 0.1m/s2 and a
steady analysis was performed, and the outlet pressure was defined as 0 Pa.
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Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Structure used for initial tests.

Domain discretization.

Besides the fluid analysis, the aim of this study was to optimize the bioreactor
structure, improving the bioreactor efficiency by velocity controlling. As
discussed previously, genetic algorithms are a useful tool in the optimizing
process, allowing multi-objective optimization.
The results presented in this paper were performed applying the MultiObjective Genetic Algorithm MOGA-II [9].MOGA II is an improved version of
MOGA (Fonseca and Fleming [10]) and uses five different operators for
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reproduction: selection, classical cross-over, directional cross-over, mutation

and elitism. At each step of the reproduction process, one of the five operators is
chosen and applied to the current individual. The directional cross-over assumes
that a direction of improvement can be detected comparing the fitness values of
two individual references, and this comparison is made in the same generation.
This kind of cross-over helps the algorithm convergence. The MOGA II is
implemented in the Mode FRONTIER 4.3 commercial software. This software
allows the coupling between the Ansys CFX 13 solver and MOGA II,
automating the process. Schematically, the coupling between CFX and Mode
FRONTIER works in this order: structure generation, mesh generation, fluid
solver, optimization and new parameters definition, new structure generation,
and so successively, until the stop criterion is reached.

3 Results
MOGA II was employed to solve the optimization problems with the parameters
shown in Table 1.
Forty-six height outlet possibilities were performed. All the height outlet tube
possibilities and feasibilities are shown in Fig. 3.
Table 1:

MOGA II parameters.

Number of generations
Probability of directional Cross-Over
Probability of selection
Probability of mutation

Figure 3:


Height outlet tube and respective velocities.

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After the evaluation of 46 different designs, the results applying MOGA II
show that the ideal height outlet tube for minimize the media of velocities is 0.46
The streamlines for the optimized structure is shown in Fig. 4. The height
outlet tube contributes for an organized flow inside the bioreactor.

Figure 4:

Streamlines for optimized case.

4 Conclusions
Propose new ways to obtain bioethanol from sugar cane and improve the existing
ones are a great challenge for engineering applications. Considering a bioreactor
applied in bioethanol production, this paper presents the results of an
investigation about the influence of the structural parameters in the flow and,
consequentially, in the chemical reactions in the bioethanol production. Were
tested 46 different values of outlet tube height, and the best value was
determined. To select the best parameters a Genetic Algorithm, MOGA II, was
applied by Mode FRONTIER 4.3 commercial software coupled with Ansys CFX
13. Despite the initial tests have computational efforts limited, due the intention
to execute the coupling between the CFD analysis and the optimization process,
a good performance was obtained.
The knowledge about the optimized structure provides a bioreactor yield
improvement, material economy and environmental impact reduction. Future
works are concerned in tests validation and verification through an experimental
prototype fabrication and improvements on CFD modeling.

[1] Patwardhan A. W., Joshi J. B., Fotedar S. & Mathew T., Optimization of
gas-liquid reactor using computational fluid dynamics. Chemical
Engineering Science.60 , pp. 30813089 (2005)
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[2] Xia J., Wang S., Zhang S. & Zhong J., Computational investigation of fluid
dynamics in a recently developed centrifugal impeller bioreactor.
Biochemical Engineering Journal.38 , pp. 406413 (2008)
[3] Micale G., Rizutti L. & Brucato A., CFD simulation of particle suspension
height in stirred vessels. Chemical Engineering Research and Design.82 ,
pp. 12041213 (2004)
[4] Shao X., Lynd L., Bakker A., LaRoche R. & Wyman C., Reactor scale-up
for biological conversion of cellusosic biomass to ethanol. Bioprocess
Biosystem Engineering. 33, pp. 485-493. (2010)
[5] Rezende M. C. A. F., Costa C. B. B., Costa A. C., Maciel M. R. W.
&Maciel R. F., Optimization of a large scale industrial reactor by genetic
algorithms. Chemical Engineering Science.63 , pp. 330341 (2008)
[6] Mokeddem D. &Khellaf A., Optimal feeding profile in fed-batch
bioreactors using a genetic algorithm. International Journal of Production
Research. 48, pp. 6125-6135. (2010)
[7] Kordabadi H. & Jahanmiri A., Optimization of methanol synthesis reactor
using genetic algorithm. Chemical Engineering Journal.108 , pp. 249255
[8] Dasgupta D., & Michalewicz, Z., (eds). Evolutionary algorithms in
engineering applications, Springer: New York, 1997.
[9] Poloni A., Giurgevich A., Onesti L. & Pediroda V., Hybridization of a
multi-objective genetic algorithm, a neural network and a classical
optimizer for a complex design in fluid dynamics. Computational methods
in applied mechanics and engineering. 186, pp. 403-420. (2000)
[10] Fonseca, C.M. & Fleming P.J., Multi objective Genetic Algorithms. Proc.
of the IEE Coloquium on Genetic Algorithm for Control Systems
Engineering, IEEE: London UK, pp. 16, 1993.

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Design of pipelines for high operating pressure

by numerical simulations and
experimental validation
Y. Theiner, H. Lehar & G. Hofstetter
Institute for Basic Sciences in Civil Engineering,
University of Innsbruck, Austria

For pipelines laid in difficult ground, as frequently encountered in Alpine
regions, a pipe system, consisting of individual pipes, made of ductile cast iron,
which are connected at joints at the construction site, are a favourable type of
construction. The paper deals with the development of such pipelines for high
operating pressures. Because the joints have to sustain both the high operating
pressure and high axial forces assuring water tightness, they are a critical part of
such pipelines. In this contribution the synthesis of numerical simulations and
experimental validation will be presented as an efficient approach for developing
such pipes. The dimensions of prototypes are determined on the basis of the
results of fully three-dimensional FE-simulations. These prototypes are then used
to check the design by ultimate load testes and to compare the numerical
prediction with the measured response.
Keywords: penstock, pipelines, high operating pressure, ductile cast iron, sleeve
joints, numerical simulation, material and geometric nonlinear behaviour,
contact behaviour, load carrying behaviour, experimental validation.

1 Introduction
In Alpine regions, frequently difficult ground conditions are encountered for the
laying of pipelines. A suitable construction type for difficult terrain is a pipe
system, consisting of individual pipes made of ductile cast iron, which are
connected at joints at the construction site.

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The flexibility of the joints allows an easy adaptation of the course of the
pipeline to irregular ground conditions, like bends in the trench (Figure 1). In the
present case pipes of five meter length are connected at a joint by locking bars
and water tightness is assured by a rubber sealing (Figure 2). There exists a
broad range of applications for such pipelines including water supply lines for
drinking water, for artificial snow machines [1] and for fire fighting services as
well as penstocks for hydro power plants [2].

Figure 1:

Laying of pipes in Alpine regions.

Figure 2:

Connection of two adjacent pipes.

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In collaboration with the Austrian company Duktus - Tiroler Rohrsysteme

GmbH and the Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis of the
University of Innsbruck, such pipelines are developed with the aims (i) to allow
high operating pressures, (ii) to minimise material requirements, (iii) to develop
geometric properties of the sleeve joints, allowing for an easy application of
coatings and (iv) to permit simple connections of adjacent pipes at the
construction site. The collaborative research project was funded by the Austrian
Research Promotion Agency (FFG). This project follows a previous project on
the development of pile-supported buried pipelines for sewage disposal at
atmospheric internal pressure in regions with poor soil conditions [3, 4].
The aim of the present paper is to describe the employed approach for
developing pipe systems for high operating pressures. The design approach is
characterized by a synthesis of numerical and experimental investigations. The
described pipe systems are developed for a large range of different diameters and
wall thicknesses. For brevity, this paper exemplarily focuses on a particular
pipeline, classified as DN 200 K13 according to the European standard NORM
EN 545 [5]. It is characterized by a pipe diameter of 200 mm and a wall
thickness of 9.1 mm. The intended operating pressure is 100 bar.

2 Numerical model
The joints are the critical regions of such pipelines. Hence, it is important to
properly reflect the behaviour of the connection of two adjacent pipes in a
numerical model. In order to comply with this requirement, two adjacent pipes,
denoted as spigot pipe and socket pipe in Figure 2, together with the locking bars
and the rubber sealing are discretized by three-dimensional finite elements with
quadratic shape functions. Because of two-fold symmetry only a quarter of the
joint is discretized (Figure 3) and the respective symmetry conditions are applied
as boundary conditions at the vertical faces of the FE-mesh.
The employed ductile cast iron is modelled as an elastic-plastic material of
the von Mises-type with isotropic strain hardening. The Youngs modulus is
given as 154050 N/mm, the yield stress at 0.2% permanent strain and the tensile
strength amount to 300 N/mm and 620 N/mm2, respectively, and the strain at
rupture is about 7%. The given material properties refer to the respective test
conducted on the joint DN 200 K13, which is described in the next section. In
particular, the measured tensile strength exceeds the respective code requirement
For describing the material behaviour of the rubber sealing the constitutive
model by Mooney-Rivlin is employed. The latter is sufficiently accurate,
because the strains in the rubber sealing do not exceed the limitations of this
constitutive model. Contact between the pipes and the locking bars as well as
between the pipes and the rubber sealing is taken into account by Coulomb-type
friction laws. The complete 3D FE-model for the prototype DN200 K13 consists
of about 1.2 Mio. degrees of freedom.

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Figure 3:

3D FE-model of a quarter of the joint.

In the first step of the FE-analysis the installation of the rubber sealing is
simulated. In this context, contact between the rubber sealing and the pipes has
to be taken into account. The deformed configuration of the rubber sealing after
installation, which was obtained from a simpler FE-simulation assuming axial
symmetry, was integrated into the 3D FE-model.
In the second step the installation of the locking bars is simulated. In this
context, contact between the locking bars and the pipes has to be taken into
Subsequently, the internal pressure is increased step by step. Figure 4 shows
the predicted deformations of the joint (magnifying the displacements by a factor
of 10) for pressure levels of 185 bar and 225 bar. According to Figure 4, the
locking bar is clamped between the welding bed of the spigot pipe and the socket
pipe. Failure of convergence of the numerical simulation occurs at an internal
pressure exceeding 225 bar. Hence, the internal pressure of 225 bar indicates the
ultimate load of the joint. At this pressure level, large domains of the joint are
characterized by plastic material behaviour, in particular, the region in the
vicinity of the contact area between the locking bar and the socket pipe and the
region in the vicinity of the contact area between the welding bed of the spigot
pipe and the locking bar.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 4:


Predicted deformations of the joint at an internal pressure of a)

185 bar and b) 225 bar (displayed displacements are magnified by a
factor of 10).

3 Experimental investigation
The test set-up for the experimental investigation, shown in Figure 5, was
selected complying with the respective code requirements of the European
standard NORM EN 545 [5]. Two connected pipe segments of 1 m length each
were supported by saddles. The latter were mounted on trolleys for reducing
restraint effects due to relative displacements of the pipe segments at the joint,
caused by the increasing internal pressure during the test.

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Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Test set-up.

Arrangement of strain gauges and displacement transducers at the


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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


In order to monitor the structural behaviour of the joint with increasing

internal pressure the pipe segments and the locking bars are equipped with strain
gauges. Figure 6 shows the arrangement of the strain gauges applied at the
socket pipe (measurement points no. 1 to 8), applied at the spigot pipe
(measurement points no. 9 to 16) and applied at the two locking bars
(measurement points no. 17 and 18), as well as the pressure transducer
(measurement point no. 21) and three displacement transducers (measurement
points no. 22 to 24). The latter are employed for measuring axial displacements
of the socket pipe relative to the spigot pipe, thereby indicating a potential
relative rotation of the pipe segments at the joint due to the application of the
internal pressure during the test.
In the experimental investigation the internal pressure was increased up to
155 bar in three steps. This pressure was kept constant for one hour and,
subsequently, it was increased further up to 185 bar. This pressure was
maintained for two minutes, before the sample was unloaded. Failure of an air
valve prevented the further increase of the pressure up to failure.
Figure 7 exemplarily shows the circumferential strains measured at the inner
surface of the socket pipe at measurement points 5 to 8 (MP5 to MP8).

Figure 7:

Measured circumferential strains at the inner surface of the socket

pipe in terms of the applied pressure.

As can be seen from Figure 7, the differences of the measured circumferential

strains at points MP5 to MP8 are relatively small. Hence, the measurement data
confirm the desired uniform straining of the joint along its circumference. The
diagram in Figure 7 shows permanent strains after complete unloading, which
can be attributed to plastic material behaviour of the pipe segments at internal
pressures, exceeding the design pressure of 100 bar considerably, and to friction
forces and keying of the pipe segments.

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In addition to the described experimental investigation with coaxial
arrangement of the pipe segments, the same samples were used to carry out an
experiment considering an intended kink of the axes of the two pipe segments of
4.8 at the joint.

4 Comparison of experimental and computed results

In order to assess the preliminary design of the joint the measured and the
computed strains are compared. Here, for brevity, the comparison is restricted to
the circumferential strains at the inner surface of the socket pipe at the pressure
level of 185 bar. Figure 8 shows the respective computed strains for one quarter
of the socket pipe segment. The two ellipses indicate the positions of the strain
gauges MP 5 to MP 8 (see Figure 6). Hence, the mean value of the measured
circumferential strains at the internal pressure of 185 bar, shown in Figure 7, can
be compared with the computed strains at the locations, indicated by the ellipses
in Figure 8. The distribution of the circumferential strains within the domain,
enclosed by the ellipses, is characterized by a large gradient with a maximum
value of 0.125%. Comparison of the mean value of the measured circumferential
strains of about 0.17% (see the dashed line in Figure 7) with the computed ones
shows satisfactory agreement, taking into account that the thickness of the tested
pipe segments is somewhat larger than the minimum thickness considered in the
numerical simulation.

Figure 8:

Computed circumferential strains at the inner surface of the socket

pipe segment at an internal pressure of 185 bar.

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5 Summary
This paper focused on the development of pipe systems for high operating
pressures, consisting of individual pipes, made of ductile cast iron, which are
connected at the construction site by joints, assuring water tightness by a rubber
sealing. Since the joints are critical parts of such pipelines, a fully threedimensional FE-model of a joint was developed for assessing the preliminary
design of a joint by numerical simulations. It was employed for studying the load
carrying behaviour of a joint up to failure. The numerical results, and, thus, the
preliminary design, were evaluated by an experimental investigation on a
prototype of a joint. In the test the structural behaviour was monitored by strain
gauges and displacement transducers. Comparison of the computed and
measured results and further numerical investigation of the impact of design
modifications on the structural behaviour led to the final design of a joint.

Financial support of this applied research project by the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency (FFG) is gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, the work
was supported by the Austrian Ministry of Science BMWF as part of the
UniInfrastrukrurprogramm of the Forschungsplattform Scientific Computing at
LFU Innsbruck.

[1] Titze, E., Duktile Gussrohre fr Beschneiungsanlagen, Gussrohrtechnik, 37,
pp. 13-17, 2003
[2] Titze, E., Extreme Belastungen Planung und Bau einer
Turbinenrohrleitung aus duktilem Gusseisen unter Bercksichtigung
bruchmechanischer Bemessungsverfahren. Gussrohrtechnik, 32, pp. 58 ff,
[3] Hofstetter, G., Lehar, H., Niederwanger, G., Design of pile-supported buried
pipelines by a synthesis of FE ultimate load analyses and experimental
investigations, Finite Element in Analysis and Design, 32, pp. 97-111, 1999.
[4] Lehar, H., Niederwanger, G., Hofstetter, G., FE ultimate load analyses of
pile-supported pipelines tackling uncertainty in a real design problem, in
Analyzing Uncertainty in Civil Engineering, Eds.: Fellin, W., Lessmann, H.,
Oberguggenberger, M., Vieider, R., Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp. 129-163,
[5] NORM EN 545., Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints
for water pipelines. Requirement ant test method, European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), B-1050 Brssel, 2007.

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Mechanical behaviour of high metakaolin

lightweight aggregate concrete
A. Al-Sibahy & R. Edwards
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering,
University of Manchester, UK

The work described in this paper forms part of a much larger investigation of the
behaviour of a new developed type of lightweight aggregate concrete which
would be suitable for use as load bearing concrete masonry units. The
experimental work investigated the effect of high metakaolin (MK) content on
the mechanical behaviour of newly modified lightweight aggregate concrete.
15% metakaolin and waste glass were used as a partial replacement for both
ordinary Portland cement and natural sand. A medium grade expanded clay type
Techni Clay was used as a coarse aggregate in the concrete mixes. Equal
amounts of waste glass with particles sizes of 0.5-1 and 1-2 mm were used
throughout this study. Unit weight, compressive and splitting tensile strengths
were measured at various ages in accordance with the relevant British/EN
standards. Fresh concrete properties were observed to justify the workability
aspect. An assessment was carried out to indentify the pozzolanic activity of
metakaolin material. The tests results were compared with the obtained results of
controlled and lower metakaolin contents concretes which were previously
studied. The tests results showed that metakaolin material had an explicit role in
improving the strength and unit weight of modified lightweight concrete mixes.
Compressive and splitting tensile strengths increase with an increase in the
metakaolin content, while a counteractive behaviour was recorded for the unit
weight aspect. The metakaolin material showed higher pozzolanic activity which
was overcame there duction of compressive strength due to the negative effect of
glass aggregate. However, the workability of concrete mixes degraded at higher
metakaolin inclusion.
Keywords: lightweight aggregate concrete, metakaolin, waste glass, mechanical
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1 Introduction
In recent years, much research has been undertaken with the aim of improving
the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete. Improvements to the strength
and unit weight are the major keys to evolution of the lightweight concrete
behaviour. The strength characteristic represents the load bearing capacity of
concrete to support the applied load. Unit weight is an indicator for its lightness
and capability to afford thermal insulation when used within the internal and
external building elements. This orientation also associated with environmental
aspects in the construction processes, and the idea of environmental friendly
solution showed up during the last few decades.
Due to huge amounts of waste glass produced in UK, crushed or ground glass
aggregate is one of most effective environmental treatments to mitigate these
wastes. The features of glass aggregates are granular particle shape, smooth
surface texture and very low tendency to absorb the mixing water. These
characteristics produce dry consistency and lower strength concrete mix. There is
a slight increase in alkalisilica reaction ASR of glass aggregate concrete
compared with normal aggregate concrete. However, this reaction can be
reduced by using mineral by product materials.
In the concrete mixes, the crushed and ground glass aggregates are usually
used as a partial replacement to the coarse or fine aggregate and Portland cement
respectively [1].
Metakaolin is a versatile mineral by product material which can be used to
improve the strength and durability of concrete mixes. It has a higher ratio of
pozzolan and it is used as a construction material has sharply increased with
consumption grows every year on a global basis. The production of metakaolin is
by calcinations of kaolinitic clay at (650C800C). It has surface area larger
than Portland cement reach to about15 times with a specific gravity about
2.4 g/cm3. It is usually used as a partial replacement for Portland cement. Since
the use of metakaolin material reduces the emissions of CO2during cement
manufacture, it was considered in the industry for the production of precast
concrete [24].
Expanded clay is an artificial lightweight aggregate which is considered as an
essential approach to reduce the demand on the natural aggregate. Concrete
mixes producing by this approach providing several advantages such as
(1) Reduction of dead load of building that will reduce the dimensions of
structural members giving a reduction in the quantity of reinforcement.
(2) Lighter and smaller pre-cast elements which lead to less expansive casting,
handling and transportation operations. (3) Providing large space due to
reductions in the sizes of columns, beams and slabs dimensions. (4) High
thermal insulation and increased fire resistance [5].
A newly modified lightweight concrete containing combination of expanded
clay, waste glass and metakaolin materials was investigated, and, herein, the
mechanical behaviour of highly metakaolin ratio is concerned.

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2 Experimental program
The experimental program of this research aims to investigate the mechanical
behaviour of high metakaolin lightweight concrete which would be suitable for
use as a load bearing concrete walls.
A medium grade expanded clay type Techni Clay was used as coarse
aggregate in the concrete mixes. This type of expanded clay was produced by the
Plasmor Concrete Product Company. It has a typical moisture content and
particle density of 20% ww and 550 kg/m3 respectively. Figure 1 shows the
grading of expanded clay.
Natural sand for building proposes was used as a fine aggregate to produce
concrete mixes. Grading of the used sand is shown in Figure 1.








Figure 1:

Grading of expanded clay and natural sand.

Waste glass with particles size of 0.5-1 and 1-2 mm was used as a partial
replacement to natural sand with ratio of 15% by volume. The waste glass was
provided by the Specialist Aggregate Ltd Company with a specific gravity of
Metakaolin material was used as a partial replacement to the ordinary
Portland cement with ratio of 15% by weight.
The mix proportions were 1: 0.76: 1.5 by volume which was equivalent to 1:
1.27: 0.63 by weight with 50 mm slump. Cement content and W/C ratio of
controlled concrete (0% glass + 0% metakaolin) were 392 kg/m3 and 0.45
respectively. Figure 2 shows the materials which were used in producing the
lightweight concrete mixes.
The mixing operation was carried out according to BS EN12390-2 [6] using
0.1 m3 vertical portable mixer. The fresh concrete was casted in moulds by
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means of three layers. Each layer was completely compacted using a vibrating
table until there was no further appearance of large air bubbles on the surface of
the concrete. The excessive concrete above the upper edge was removed to
achieve relatively smooth surface by using steel trowel.

Figure 2:

The used materials in the experimental program: A- Expanded clay,

B- Waste glass 1-2 mm, C- Waste glass 0.5-1 mm and
D- metakaolin material.

After casting, the samples were kept out in the laboratory condition and
coated by nylon sheet to ensure a humid air around the specimens. After 24
hours, the samples were demoulded, marked and immersed in a basin of water at
a temperature 20 2C until the date of test.
Before performing the experimental tests, the apparent moisture was removed
from the specimens, and the surfaces were cleaned from any loose grit or any
other materials that could be in contact with the loading plate.
The mechanical behaviour tests included unit weight, compressive and splitting
tensile strengths. All these tests were conducted according to the relevant British
/EN standards [711].
An average value of three specimens was adopted for each test result. Short
and long term behaviours were investigated. The tests results were compared
with the obtained results of controlled and lower metakaolin contents concrete
samples which were previously studied.

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3 Experimental results and discussion

3.1 Workability of concrete mixes
The approach of workability test was maintaining a constant amount of mixing
water (water/cementitious ratio) for all metakaolin replacements. The worst
workability was recorded for a mix containing 15% metakaolin. It required more
effort using vibration process to cast. This may be related to the higher specific
surface area of metakaolin particles compared to ordinary Portland cement. This
caused a higher tendency to absorb the mixing water, sequentially accelerates the
cement hydration and increases the micro-hardness of the paste-aggregate
interfacial zones [3]. The lower metakaolin contents seem to be adequate in term
of workability.
3.2 Unit weight
The unit weight behaviour of controlled and modified concrete mixes at different
test ages is shown in Figure 3. Modified concrete mixes showed slightly lower
density than the controlled mix. This is expected as the specific gravity of waste
glass at 2.52 is less than that for natural sand at 2.65. Since the glass replacement
was by volume of natural sand, the resulting unit weight of concrete will be
reduced. Among the used metakaolin replacements, the ratio of 10% showed the
higher decreasing in value of unit weight, while 15% metakaolin replacement
produced the heaviness modified concrete mix. These results confirm with the
previous studies [4].
In general, all lightweight aggregate concrete mixes exhibited a continuous
decrease in density with increasing age of test except at 28 days for the modified







Figure 3:

Effect of metakaolin ratio on the density of lightweight concretes.

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90 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

concrete mixes (Figure 4). This behaviour may be attributed to two phenomena:
the first is the consumption of the mix water by hydration processes, the second
is reduction of free water from the gel pores by evaporation. Increasing density
of modified concrete mixes at age of 28 days compared with that at 7 days could
be explained by the higher hardness of these mixes due to pozzolanic reaction of
metakaolin material associated with their capability to hold the mixing water.








Figure 4:

Density-age relationship of different metakaolin ratios.

3.3 Compressive strength

The tests results of compressive strength are presented in Figure 5. This figure
indicates that the modified concrete mixes possess higher values of compressive
strength than the controlled mix. This performance could be related to the filler
and pozzolanic reaction of metakaolin material which improves growth of
compressive strength, in addition to the acceleration of Portland cement
hydration [3, 4]. Due to the high silica content of the pozzolanic material, it has
capability to react with the calcium hydroxide which liberated from hydration
process to produce gel of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH). The CSH component is
the essential responsible of the concrete strength [1214].
For all concrete mixes, the compressive strength increase with the increasing
of time as shown in Figure 6. Percentage increases in compressive strength for
concrete mixes containing 5%, 10% and 15% metakaolin material at age of 90
days compared with the controlled concrete at the same age were 4.45%, 10.71%
and 21.6% respectively.

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Figure 5:

Effect of metakaolin ratio on the compressive strength of

lightweight concretes.









Figure 6:

Compressive strength-age relationship for various metakaolin


The expression suggested by BS EN 1992-1-1 [15] to estimate the

compressive strength at time (t) has been checked using SPSS statistic software
with a nonlinear regression scheme to investigate its consistency with the results
of high metakaolin lightweight aggregate concrete, the estimated expression is:

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s depends on the type of cement and curing temperature, it is in range of (0.20.38). However, s value of 15% metakaolin concrete mix was 0.29 with Rsquared of (80%).
The pozzolanic reactivity of metakaolin material which is described in BS EN
196-5 [16] was measured according to values of compressive strength as in [17].
The specific strength ratio R which is an indicator of contribution of mineral
admixture to strength is defined as


is the compressive strength and is the hydraulic cement or mineral

admixture percentage. By eliminating the reduction effect of the glass aggregate
on the values of compressive strength, the contribution of the pozzolanic effect
to concrete strength is given by Eq. (5).
of metakaolin
the contribution of unit hydraulic cement when metakaolin is used and
the contribution of unit hydraulic cement to the concrete strength without
using metakaolin material.
. The contribution of
The index specific strength is the ratio of
pozzolanic effect to concrete strength can be expressed as:



The values of , , and for controlled and modified concrete mixes at

ages of 7, 28, 90 and 180 days were calculated and presented in Table 1.
The benefit of metakaolin on the strength of concrete can be clearly seen.
This benefit increases with an increase of metakaolin content, where up to 30%
of the concrete strength resulted from the pozzolanic action of metakaolin
material. For all modified concrete mixes, the improvement of compressive
strength continues for long term duration (180 days), this is in agreement with
the results of [4, 17]. On the other hand, at earlier ages (7 days) the compressive
strength decreased for concrete mixes containing 5% and 10% metakaolin. This
may be due to the negative effect of glass aggregate on the strength which
reduces the amount of hydration products at this time.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)


Calculated values of R, Rp, K and P for controlled and modified concrete mixes.

Controlled mix

15% G +5% MK

15% G +10% MK

15% G +15% MK

































































































G = glass aggregate, MK = metakaolin material

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Table 1:


94 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

3.4 Splitting tensile strength

Improvements in splitting tensile strength were observed for modified concrete
mixes relative to controlled mix as shown in Figure 7. These may be related to
an increase in compressive strength of theses mixes resulting from the
pozzolanic action of metakaolin material. The splitting tensile strength increases
whenever metakaolin content increased. However, a slight decrease was
recorded for the mix containing 10% metakaolin at age of 180 days relative to
concrete mix of 5% metakaolin. This behaviour could be due to the surface effect
of specimens. Percentage increases in splitting tensile strength of concrete mixes
containing 5%, 10% and 15% metakaolin material at age of 120 day compared
with the controlled concrete mix were 11%, 12.5% and 26% respectively.









Figure 7:

Effect of metakaolin ratio on the splitting tensile strength of

lightweight concretes.

4 Conclusions
The experimental measurements of high metakaolin lightweight aggregate
concrete were reported, discussed and then compared with the mechanical
behaviour of lower metakaolin contents. The main results can be summarized as
The high metakaolin lightweight aggregate mix exhibited inferior
workability due to its role in acceleration the hydration of cement, while
an adequate workability was recorded to the lower metakaolin contents.
A slightly decreasing in density values of modified concrete mixes
compared with the controlled mix and the higher reduction was at 10%
metakaolin content for all test ages.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


A vast improvements in value of compressive strength were achieved

when metakaolin material is used as a partially substitute to ordinary
Portland cement.
The pozzolanic activity of the metakaolin material increases with an
increase of its content, and it reached up to 30% from the contribution
aspect of compressive strength.
The pozzolanic action of metakaolin material continues improved the
long term behaviour of lightweight aggregate concrete.
Consistent positive improvements in tensile strength to that in
compression feature were also recorded at short and long term

The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Plasmor Concrete
Product Company, staff of the Civil Engineering Laboratory of the University of
Manchester and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in

[1] Miao, L., Incorporating ground glass in self-compacting concrete,
Construction and Building Material, 25, 919-925, 2011.
[2] Eva, V., et al., High performance concrete with Czech metakaolin:
Experimental analysis of strength, toughness and durability characteristics,
Construction and Building Material, 24, 1404-1411, 2010.
[3] Parande, A., et al., Metakaolin: a versatile material to enhance the
durability of concrete an overview, Institute of Civil Engineering, doi:
10.1680/stco, 2009.
[4] Wild, S., et al., A relative strength, pozzolanic activity and cement
hydration in superplasticised metakaolin concrete, Cement and
Construction research, 26, No.10, 1537-1544, 1996.
[5] Kayali, O., Fly ash lightweight aggregates in high performance concrete,
Construction and Building Materials, 22 (12): 2393-2399, 2008.
[6] BS EN 12390-1, Making and curing specimens for strength test, British
Standards: 1-12, 2009.
[7] BS EN 206-1, Concrete: Specification, performance, production and
Conformity, British Standards: 1-74, 2000.
[8] BS EN 12390-7, Testing hardened concrete, Part 7: Density of hardened
concrete, British Standards: 1-14, 2009.
[9] BS EN12390-3, Testing hardened concrete, Part 3: Compressive strength
of test specimens British Standards: 1-22, 2009.
[10] BS EN 12390-6, Testing hardened concrete, Part 6: Splitting tensile
strength of test specimens, British Standards: 1-14, 2009.
[11] BS ISO 1920-10, Testing of concrete, Part 10: Determination of static
modulus of elasticity, British Standards: 1-12, 2009.
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[12] Roy, D., et al., Effect of silica fume , metakaolin, and low calcium fly ash
on chemical resistance of concrete, Cement and Concrete Researches, 31,
1809-1813, 2001.
[13] Batis G, P., The effect of metakaolin on the corrosion behaviour of cement
mortar, Cement and Concrete Composition, 27, 125-130, 2005.
[14] Kim, H., et al., Strength properties and durability aspects of high strength
concrete using Korean metakaolin, Construction and Building Materials,
21: 1229-1237, 2007.
[15] BS EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures: Part 1-1:
General rules and rules for buildings, British Standards: 1-230, 2004.
[16] BS EN 196-5, Method of testing cement: Part 5: Pozzolanicity test for
pozzolanic cement, British Standards: 1-16, 2005.
[17] Kiruthia, J., et al., Self-compensating autogenous shrinkage in PC-MK-fly
ash pastes, Advance in Cement Research, 12, No.1, 35-43, 2001.
[18] Paulo, C., et al., Effect of Portuguese metakaolin on hydraulic lime
concrete using different curing conditions, Construction and Building
Materials, 24: 71-78, 2010.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Experimental validation of numerical

modelling of the bridgetrackmoving train
P. Szurgott1, M. Klasztorny1, J. Grosel2 & Z. Wojcicki2

Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science,

Military University of Technology, Poland
Institute of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology,

A new methodology of physical and FE modelling and simulation of bridgetrack
moving train (BTT) systems has been developed with the use of commercial
CAE systems. A methodology is related to composite (steel-concrete) bridges,
ballasted tracks and high-speed trains. In the methodology, Altair HyperMesh,
LS-DYNA, LS-PrePost and HyperView software was applied. The methodology is
based on homogenization of reinforced concrete (RC) platform slab, RAIL_TRACK
and RAIL_TRAIN LS-Dynas modules for simulating the moving traintrack
interaction, non-linear modelling of rail fastenings and crushed stone ballast,
application of cylindrical and revolute constrained joints and discrete springs and
dampers for modelling suspensions in rail-vehicles. For experimental validation of
numerical modelling and simulation of BTT systems, the KNI 140070 composite
viaduct and the EuroCity EC 114 train moving at 160 km/h have been selected.
The experimental setup contained Keyence LK-G 157 system (CCD laser
displacement sensors), PULSE system (acceleration sensors), and PHANTOM v12
high-speed camera. According to the experiment plan, selected vertical
displacements and vertical and horizontal accelerations vs. time were measured.
The simulated time-histories of displacements and accelerations have been compared
to respective experimental diagrams. The results have proved that the validation
is positive.
Keywords: railway bridge, ballasted track, high-speed train, numerical
modelling, simulation, experimental tests, validation.

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1 Introduction
Nowadays, serious problems with durability protection of bridge superstructures,
tracks and approach zones loaded by high-speed trains are observed. First of all,
it results from complexity of bridge-trackmoving train (BTT) systems, for which
nonlinear models are described by a huge number of parameters. Many of these
parameters, describing fasteners, ballast, subsoil layers, rail-vehicles
suspensions, track irregularities, settlements etc., are only estimated and difficult for
identification. Producers and research institutions involved in modern high-speed
trains do not bring to light structural details, values of parameters or their
research results. These circumstances make exact prediction of dynamic response
of bridges to moving trains very difficult.
In the 2nd half of the 20th century scientists mostly developed analytic
numerical methods in dynamics of railway bridges, summarized in monographs
(Klasztorny [1, 2]). Simple problem-oriented computer codes were created and
used for simulations. At present, one may observe various numerical approaches
to dynamics of railway bridges but commercial CAE systems based on FEM are,
in general, not used in this field by Klasztorny [2], Yang et al. [3], Cheng et
al. [4], Au et al. [5], Zhang et al. [6], Song and Choi [7]. Summing up, assuming
vibrations of BTT systems may be considered as 3D but symmetric with respect to
the vertical longitudinal plane of symmetry. Applications of advanced CAE systems
in dynamics of bridges are at early stage of its development.

2 Description of the KNI 140070 composite viaduct, the

ballasted track and the EC 114 PRAHA train
The composite (steelconcrete) viaduct No. KNI 140070, located at 200.794 km
on the Polish Central Main (PCM) Line No. 4-E 65, has been selected for
numerical modelling, simulation and validation [8]. There is considered the
bridge span under track No. 1 (fig. 1).
After recent modernization, the viaduct has the k = +2 rail-line classification
coefficient. A track spacing equals 4.57 m, the spans are of 14.40 m theoretical
length and 15.34 m total length. Four main beams are 0.77 m high and made of

Figure 1:

The modernized viaduct No. KNI 140 070 composed of two

separate spans, located at 200.794 km on the PCM Line, Poland:
bottom view on the main beams and bracing.

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St3M steel. Bottom flanges have been enforced with additional cover plates. The
thickness of a new RC platform ranges from 0.29 m in the track axis to 0.25 m at
the side wall. The platform is made of C35 concrete reinforced with AII/18G2-b
steel rebars. The side wall is made of C30 concrete and has vertical dilatations at
, , and of the span length. The RESTON rolling bearings (on the left
support) can shift up to 50 mm in the longitudinal direction. Bearings under the
left inside main beam are unmovable in the lateral direction; the remaining
bearings can displace in the lateral direction up to 20 mm.
A scheme of the longitudinal section of the KNI 140070 viaduct is depicted in
fig. 2 where all elements taken in the FE modelling are marked, i.e. the homogenized
platform (the slab and the walls), the main beams set, the vertical ribs welded to
webs of the main beams, the horizontal bearing plates welded to the bottom
flanges of the main beams (over the bearings).

Track No. 1


101440 = 14400







200 200

Figure 2:


200 200


The longitudinal section of the KNI 140070 viaduct in the xz plane.

The track structure before modernization consists of UIC 60 rails, PS-94/SB/

/UIC-60 sleepers with SB3 fasteners, and crushed stone ballast of the first class.
The ballast layer is 0.35 m thick under sleepers. The embankment in the approach
zones contains cement-stabilized subsoil while outside the approach zones a 0.2 m
thick sand-gravel mix top layer has been applied. The tracks over the viaduct are
quasi-rectilinear; there exists a horizontal arc of R = 4000 m radius. Schemes of
the longitudinal and cross sections of the ballasted track in the viaduct area are
shown in fig. 3.
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Sand-Gravel Mix Layer





Subsoil Embankment






18600 = 10800

/2 = 7200
/2 = 7200











Figure 3:







The ballasted track in the KNI 140070 bridge zone: the longitudinal
section (a); the cross-section in the approach zone (b); the crosssection over the bridge span (c).

The EC 114 PRAHA EuroCity train, moving at 160 km/h over the bridge, has
been taken into consideration. The trainset consists of 6 units. Car lengths, centre
pins distances and wheel sets distances are reflected in fig. 4. All units are
equipped with two independent two-axle bogies.








Figure 4:












A scheme of EC 114 PRAHA Euro City trainset.

3 Physical and numerical modelling of the BTT system

The following concept has been developed in physic modelling of the viaduct.
Since the reinforcement of the RC platform is distributed quasi-uniformly in the
specified platform sectors, the slab and the wall of the platform can be
homogenized. After homogenization the slab and the wall are reflected by linear
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viscoelastic orthotropic materials described by 3 Youngs moduli, 3 Poissons

ratios, and 3 shear moduli in each subarea. A cross-section of the platform slab is
approximated by a rectangle of 0.27 m height. The platform is symmetrised via
replacing a single dilated wall with two smaller dilated walls on both sides of the
platform slab. The original and approximate structures have the same values of mass
and cross-section area. The material of steel main beams is linearly viscoelastic and
isotropic. The vertical and horizontal bracing in the main beams set is neglected.
All bearings on the abutments are assumed to be unmovable in the lateral direction.
The temperature changes are not taken into consideration.
Figure 5 depicts the original (dashed lines) and symmetrised (continuous
lines) cross-sections, the longitudinal section of the viaduct and the symmetrised
reinforcement close to the original one. Four homogenised subareas in the crosssection have been distinguished.

symmetrized cross-section
original cross-section





4 12 every 100/200/300

12 every 200

12 every 150

160 270

12 every 150

16 every 150

270 485














bearing axis


Figure 5:




The original and symmetrised cross-sections (a), and the

longitudinal section (b) of the KNI 140070 viaduct and the
symmetrised reinforcement.

The FE model of the bridge superstructure has been created in Altair

HyperMesh software (fig. 6). The numerical model of the bridge superstructure
consists of 3896 4-node shell elements (steel main beams) and 5568 8-node 48
DOF solid elements (the homogenized RC platform divided into orthotropic parts).
Cover plates of the beam bottom flanges are modelled as an additional layer of
finite shell elements. Roller bearings on the left bridge abutment and pivot
bearings on the right bridge abutment have been reflected by respective
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Figure 6:

The FE model of the KNI 140070 viaduct superstructure.

The following assumptions have been made in physic modelling of the track. The
rail-line axis is rectilinear, and in the unloading state the rails are
rectilinear. No rail surface irregularities appear. Vibrations of the track are small
and symmetric with respect to the vertical xz plane. The rails are prismatic beams
deformable in flexure and shear, made of linearly viscoelastic material. Layers of the
embankment are considered as a linearly viscoelastic material continuum.
Rail fasteners were simulated using massless one-dimensional discrete nonlinear spring and damper elements oriented vertically. The embankment has been
reflected approximately by a rectangular prism with unmovable side and bottom
boundary surfaces and meshed using 8-node 24 DOF solid elements. Sleepers
are modelled as rigid beams vibrating only vertically, using finite beam elements
and respective constraints. The ballast layer has been divided into cubicoid columns
in coincidence with FE mesh of the parts under the ballast (9 ballast columns under
each sleeper). Each ballast column was reflected by a vertical set of nonlinear
spring and damper elements. The lumped mass distribution for the ballast has been
put into the bottom set of the nodal points contacting the platform slab and the top
subsoil layers.
Values of geometrical and mechanical parameters of the ballasted track parts
are extracted from Klasztorny [1, 2], Niemierko et al. [11], and refs. [10, 12, 13].
RAIL_TRACK and RAIL_TRAIN modules available in LS-DYNA [15] were
applied for approximate modelling the train-track interaction (without simulation
of wheels rotation). The wheel-rail contact stiffness amounts to 2 MN/mm as
suggested in ref. [15]. Hughes-Liu beam elements (2-node elements with 12
DOFs [15]) were used for FE modelling of rails bent in the vertical planes. In
order to declare a set of integration points for the rail cross-section, the
INTEGRATION card has been applied. For each rail a substitute double-tee
asymmetric cross-section was assumed, denoted in ref. [15] as Type 10: I-Shape
1. The actual values of the centre-of-gravity location, the area and the
geometrical moment of inertia have been saved with respect to the horizontal
principal axis of the cross-section.

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The FE numerical model of the ballasted track has been created in HyperMesh
and LS-PrePost software. The main dimensions of the track, the abutments and
the embankment are depicted in fig. 3, whereas one of the FE mesh schemes of
the track are partly reflected in fig. 7.










































300 300





Figure 7:










The side view on the physical and FE model of the track in the left
abutment zone of the KNI 140070 viaduct.

The total length of the track section modelled numerically was equal to
810 m, and contains the following sections: the initial train position (with zero
static wheel pressures), the zone of increasing the static wheel pressures up to the
full values, the train-track vibration stabilization zone (lasting 1 sec), 60 m long
main zone (including the approach zones and the bridge), the zone of bridge free
vibrations (lasting 1 sec), the final train position zone. In total, the FE track
model contains ~141,800 beam, shell, brick and discrete elements and ~21,700 point
mass elements.
Modelling of the EC 114 trainset has been performed in LS-PrePost software
[15] under assumption that vibrations of the train units are symmetric with
respect to the main longitudinal vertical plane of symmetry. A numerical model of
the EC 114 trainset consists of the following components: carbodies, bogie frames,
wheel sets, and vertical massless discrete linear viscoelastic elements reflecting the
primary and secondary suspension systems. All mass components were modelled
using shell and beam elements treated as rigid bodies. Wheel sets have been reflected
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by vertical rigid beam elements. Respective constraints have been put into the
system via incorporating translational CONSTRAINED_JOINT_CYLINDRICAL
and rotational CONSTRAINED_JOINT_REVOLUTE elements [15]. A side-view
scheme of the 3D model of the train units is shown in fig. 8. The values of mechanical
parameters of the EC 114 train units have been determined based on Klasztorny [1]
and Bachmann [14].


Secondary Suspension System

Primary Suspension System

Translational Joints

Figure 8:

Bogie Frame

Rotational Joints

A side-view scheme of the 3D model of the EC 114 train units.

The FE models of carbodies, bogie frames and wheel sets were created at full
conformity between actual vehicles and the numerical models with respect to
their masses and principal mass moments of inertia. In total, the FE model of the
6-unit EC 114 train contains ~950 beam, shell and discrete finite elements and
~50 point masses. In the simulations, the DYNAMIC_RELAXATION option [15]
has been replaced with loading the system by a set of vertical forces put in the
moving vehicle-rail contact points according to the formula:
P (t )

1 cos ,



where P0 is the static pressure of a single wheel on the rail head, t0 = 2 sec is a time
of increasing of the static pressures up to the full values (0 t 2 sec).
A constant service velocity of the vehicle FE model was declared in two
steps, with options INITIAL_VELOCITY for t = 0 PRESCRIBED_MOTION_
RIGID for t > 0 applied for all carbodies and bogies FE models [15].
Selected output quantities were registered using HISTORY_NODE_SET and
HISTORY_NODE_SHELL options [15]. The sampling frequency amounts to 20 Hz
in the zone of increasing the static wheel pressures, 200 Hz in the train-track
vibration stabilization zone and 1,000 Hz in the 60 m long main zone. The
computations have been made using the 120-P supercomputer. At the service
velocity 160 km/h the real time equals 14.4 sec, while the CPU time amounts to
~90 hrs. Selected time-histories for displacements and accelerations were created
using the LS-PrePost software.

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4 A plan of the dynamic experimental test

The KNI 140070 composite viaduct located on the Polish Central Main Line has
been selected for validation tests. Spatial vibrations of the viaduct induced by
EC 114 EuroCity express train moving at 160 km/h on November 9, 2009 over
the viaduct were both registered experimentally and simulated numerically.
The following types of measurements have been executed:
measurements of selected vertical displacements vs. time using
laser sensors,
measurements of selected vertical and horizontal accelerations vs. time
using accelerometers,
measurements of the train service velocity using a high-speed camera.
Locations of the measurement points are marked in fig. 9. The vertical
vibrations in displacements were measured at the midspan under webs of the
main beams constituting a pair under the internal rail. KEYENCE CCD Laser
Displacement Sensors of LK-G 157 type have been applied, at distance of
150 mm from the beam surfaces, with sampling frequency of 2000 Hz and
measuring accuracy of 0.03%. The vertical and horizontal vibrations in
accelerations were measured at , , and of the bridge span under webs of
selected main beams (fig. 9). The acceleration measurements were carried out
with Brel & Kjr PULSE platform. Sampling frequency was equal to 4096 Hz.
Following types of accelerometers were used: miniature triaxial charge
accelerometer 4326 A, miniature triaxial DeltaTron (CCLD) accelerometers 4504 A,
high-shock DeltaTron (CCLD) accelerometers 8339-001, miniature uniaxial
CCLD piezoelectric accelerometers 4507 B 005 and 751-10. PHANTOM v12
(1280800 px, 6242 to 1 mln fps dependent on resolution) high-speed camera has
been used for measurement of the train service velocity.

A3 (Beam No.1) L1 A1 (Beam No.1) A5 (Beam No.1)

A4 (Beam No.4) L2 A7 (Beam No.2) A6 (Beam No.4)
A2 (Beam No.4)





Figure 9:




No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4

L1A1 L2A7
No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4

No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4

Dynamic experimental tests of KNI 140070 viaduct. Locations of

the measurement points on the main beams: L1 and L2 laser
sensors; A1A6 vertical accelerometers; A7 horizontal (lateral)

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5 Results and analysis of the numerical and experimental

Time-histories of the vertical deflections w1(t), w2(t), corresponding to the main
beams No. 1 and 2 are shown in fig. 10 (registered experimental time-histories)
and fig. 11 (simulated time-histories). The experimental and numerical maximum
deflections are set up in table 1. These results confirm good coincidence between
the simulation and the experiment. Figures 12 and 13 present the experimental and
simulated acceleration time-histories of the vertical accelerator A1 (see fig. 9).
w1(t) L1
w2(t) L2











t [s]

Figure 10:

The validation test. Registered experimental time-histories of

vertical displacements vs. time at the midspan for beams No. 1 and
No. 2.











t [s]

Figure 11:

The validation test. Simulated time-histories of vertical

displacements vs. time at the midspan for beams No. 1 and No. 2.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Table 1:


The experimental and simulated maximum vertical deflections of

beams No. 1 and 2 during the validation test.
max w1(t) [mm]
max w2(t) [mm]


FE Analysis











t [s]

Figure 12:

The experimental vertical acceleration time-history registered from

accelerator A1.










t [s]

Figure 13:

The simulated vertical acceleration time-history corresponding to

the accelerator A1.

First of all, qualitative conformity of the experimental and simulated diagrams

is visible but, as expected, the experimental acceleration levels are greater than
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the numerical ones owing to neglecting the effects resulting from rolling of

6 Conclusions
Based on the results of the validation test, the following main conclusions have
been formulated. The experimental validation of the numerical modelling and
simulation of the BTT systems, examined on the KNI 140070 composite viaduct,
located on the Polish Central Main Line, loaded by the EC 114 PRAHA express
train moving at 160 km/h, is positive. The simulated (numerical) and experimental
dynamic responses in displacements of the bridge superstructure are in good
conformity, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Simplifications assumed in nonlinear
physic modelling of the BTT systems are acceptable for one-track simply-supported
bridge spans loaded by high-speed passenger trains. The simulated and experimental
dynamic responses in accelerations exhibit longer durability of fully symmetric
bridge superstructures compared to slightly asymmetric real superstructures. The
examined modernized composite viaduct is insensitive dynamically at 160 km/h
service speed of the EC 114 train.
Note that the viaduct has been redesigned in order to adopt it to service speeds
of 300350 km/h. Further investigations should be aimed at the control and
validation tests at higher service velocities of trains.

This paper is a part of a research project No. N N509 2923 35, realized by Military
University of Technology, Poland in the period 20082011. Financial support of
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland is gratefully acknowledged.

[1] Klasztorny, M., Vibrations of single-track railway bridges under highspeed trains [in Polish], Wroclaw University of Technology Press:
Wroclaw, 1987.
[2] Klasztorny, M., Dynamics of beam bridges loaded by high-speed trains
[in Polish], WNT Press: Warsaw, 2005.
[3] Yang, Y.-B., et al., Vibrations of simple beams due to trains moving at high
speeds, Eng. Struct., 19(11), pp. 936944, 1997.
[4] Cheng, Y.S., et al., Vibration of railway bridges under a moving train by
using bridge-track-vehicle element, Eng. Struct., 23(12), pp. 15971606,
[5] Au, F.T.K., et al., Impact study of cable-stayed bridge under railway traffic
using various models, J. Sound & Vibration, 240(3), pp. 447465, 2001.
[6] Zhang, Q.-L., et al., Numerical simulation of train-bridge interaction
dynamics, Computers & Structures, 79, pp. 10591075, 2001.

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[7] Song, M.K., Choi, C.K., Analysis of high-speed vehicle-bridge interactions by

a simplified 3-D model, Struct. Eng. & Mech., 13(5), pp. 505532, 2002.
[8] Modernization of the rail-line 4 E 65. Viaduct No. KNI 140070. Building
Project [in Polish], Warsaw, 2007.
[9] Jones, R.M., Mechanics of composite materials, T. & F.: London, 1999.
[10] Polish Standard: PN-H-84027-07:1984. Steel for rail-engineering. Normal
rails. Sorts [in Polish], PKN Press: Warsaw, 1984.
[11] Niemierko, A., et al., Reinforcing the track and the subgrade in the
approach zones to engineering objects [in Polish], Project No. M1-123,
Research Institute for Roads and Bridges: Warsaw, 2009.
[12] EC114 PRAHA trainset on November 9, 2011 Relation: Warsaw
East Praha hl. N, PKP-PLK SA Report, Warsaw, 2009.
[14] Bachmann, H., Vibration problems in structures, Birkhuser: Berlin, 1995.
[15] Hallquist, J.O., LS-DYNA V971 R4 Beta. Keyword Users Manual, LSTC
Co.: Livermore (CA, USA), 2009.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Estimation of drying parameters

including moisture diffusivity by using
temperature measurements
G. H. Kanevce1, L. P. Kanevce2, V. B. Mitrevski2
& G. S. Dulikravich3

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Macedonia

Faculty of Technical Sciences,
St. Kliment Ohridski University, Macedonia
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida
International University, USA

This paper deals with the estimation of the moisture diffusivity, together with
other thermophysical properties, as well as the heat and mass transfer
coefficients of a convective drying body, on the basis of single thermocouple
temperature measurements by using an inverse approach. Potato and apple slices
have been chosen as representative drying bodies with significant shrinkage
effects. A mathematical model of the drying process of shrinking bodies has
been applied. The Levenberg-Marquardt method and a hybrid optimization
method of minimization of a resulting least-squares norm were used to solve the
present inverse problem. The experiments have been conducted on the
experimental setup that is designed to simulate an industrial convective dryer.
An analysis of the influence of the drying air speed, temperature and relative
humidity, drying body dimensions, and drying time on the estimation of the
unknown parameters enables the design of appropriate experiments that have
been conducted as well. The estimated moisture diffusivities are compared with
the results published by other authors. The experimental transient temperature
and moisture content changes during the drying are compared with numerical
Keywords: inverse approach, thermophysical properties, drying.

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1 Introduction
An inverse approach to parameter estimation in the last few decades has become
widely used in various scientific disciplines. In this paper, application of inverse
concepts in drying is analyzed. A mathematical model of the drying process of
shrinking bodies has been applied where the moisture content and temperature
field in the drying body are expressed by a system of two coupled partial
differential equations. The system of equations incorporates several coefficients
that are functions of temperature and moisture content and must be determined
experimentally. All the coefficients, except for the moisture diffusivity, can be
relatively easily determined by experiments. The main problem in the moisture
diffusivity determination by classical or inverse methods is the difficulty of
moisture content measurements. We have recently analyzed a method for
moisture diffusivity estimation by the temperature response of a drying body [1
6]. The main idea of this method is to make use of the interrelation between the
heat and mass transport processes within the convective drying body and from its
surface to the surroundings. Then, the moisture diffusivity, together with other
thermophysical properties of the body, as well as the heat and mass transfer
coefficients can be estimated on the basis of an accurate and easy to perform
single thermocouple temperature measurement by using an inverse approach.

2 A mathematical model of drying

Drying of a single slice of thickness 2L initially at uniform temperature and
uniform moisture content is analysed in the paper, fig. 1. The surfaces of the
drying body are in contact with the drying air. The problem is symmetrical
relative to the mid-plane of the slice. The thickness of the body changes during
the drying from 2L0 to 2Lf.

v a, T a


Figure 1:

Scheme of the drying experiment.

In the case of an infinite flat plate the unsteady temperature, T(x, t), and
moisture content, X(x, t), fields in the drying body are expressed by the following
system of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations for energy and
moisture transport
c s

s X
t x x

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

s X

D s




Here, t, x, c, k, H, , D, s are: time, normal distance from the mid-plane of the

plate, specific heat, thermal conductivity, latent heat of vaporization, ratio of
water evaporation rate to the reduction rate of the moisture content, moisture
diffusivity, and density of dry solid, respectively.
The shrinkage effect of the drying body was incorporated through the changes
of the specific volume of the drying body. There are several models for
describing the changes of the specific volume of the body during drying. In this
paper, linear relationship between the specific volume, vs, and the moisture
content, X, has been used


V 1 ' X

s ms


where ms is the mass of the dry material of the drying body, V is the volume of
the drying body, b0 is the density of a fully dried body and is the shrinkage
The problem of the moving boundaries due to the changes of the dimensions
of the body during the drying was resolved by introducing the dimensionless

L( t )


Substituting the above expression for s (=1/vs) and into eqns. (1) and (2)
and rearranging, the resulting system of equations for the temperature and
moisture content prediction becomes

k 1 2T dL T H s X dL X

t s c L2 2 L dt
c b0 t L dt


1 2 X b 0 1 ( D s ) dL X
D b0 2

s L 2 2s L2
L dt


The initial conditions are

t 0 : T ( ,0 ) T0 , X ( ,0 ) X 0 .


The temperature and the moisture content boundary conditions on the

surfaces of the drying body in contact with the drying air are
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114 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

1 T

jq H ( 1 ) jm 0
L 1


1 X

jm 0
L 1


D s

The convective heat flux, jq(t), and mass flux, jm(t), on these surfaces are

jm hD C 1 C a
jq h Ta T 1


where his the heat transfer coefficient, and hD is the mass transfer coefficient, Ta
is the temperature of the drying air, and T=1 is the temperature on the surfaces of
the drying body.
The water vapour concentration in the drying air, Ca, is calculated from
ps ( Ta )
Rw Tk ,a
where is the relative humidity of the drying air and psis the saturation
pressure. The water vapor concentration of the air in equilibrium with the surface
of the body exposed to convection is calculated from
C 1

a(T 1 , X 1 ) p s (T 1 )
Rw Tk , 1


The water activity, a, or the equilibrium relative humidity of the air in contact
with the convection surface at temperature T=1 and moisture content X=1 are
calculated from experimental water sorption isotherms.
The boundary conditions on the mid-plane of the drying slice are




Problem defined by eqns. (5)(12) is referred to as a direct problem when

initial and boundary conditions as well as all the parameters appearing in the
formulation are known. The objective of the direct problem is to determine the
temperature and moisture content fields in the drying body.
In order to approximate the solution of eqns. (5) and (6), an explicit numerical
procedure has been used.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


3 Inverse approach
For the inverse problem of interest here, the thermophysical properties and the
boundary conditions parameters of a drying body are regarded as unknown
The estimation methodology used is based on the minimization of the
ordinary least square norm
E (P ) [Y T(P)]T [Y T(P )]


Here, YT = [Y1,Y2, ,Yimax] is the vector of measured temperatures, TT = [T1(P),

T2(P), Timax(P)] is the vector of estimated temperatures at time ti (i = 1, 2, ,
imax), PT = [P1,P2, PN] is the vector of unknown parameters, imax is the total
number of measurements, and N is the total number of unknown parameters
(imax N).
A hybrid optimization algorithm OPTRAN [7] and the Levenberg-Marquardt
method [8] have been utilized for the minimization of E(P) representing the
solution of the present parameter estimation problem.
The Levenberg-Marquardt method is a stable and straightforward gradient
search minimization algorithm that has been applied to a variety of inverse
problems. It belongs to a general class of damped least squares methods.
An alternative to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, especially when
searching for a global optimum of a function with possible multiple minima, is
the hybrid optimization program OPTRAN. OPTRAN incorporates six of the
most popular optimization algorithms: the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell gradient
search, sequential quadratic programming algorithm, Pshenichny-Danilin quasiNewtonian algorithm, a modified Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, a genetic
algorithm, and a differential evolution algorithm. Each algorithm provides a
unique approach to optimization with varying degrees of convergence, reliability
and robustness at different stages during the iterative optimization procedure.
The hybrid optimizer OPTRAN includes a set of rules and switching criteria to
automatically switch back and forth among the different algorithms as the
iterative process proceeds in order to avoid local minima and accelerate
convergence towards a global minimum.

4 Experimental
Real experiments have been conducted to investigate the applicability of the
method to food processing, when involving drying of thin flat samples. The
experiments have been conducted on the experimental setup that is designed to
simulate an industrial convective dryer.
Drying of approximately three millimeter thick potato or apple slices have
been examined. The slices have been in contact with the drying air from the top
and the bottom surfaces. Two shelves, fig. 2, each holding three moist slices

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Side view

Top view
Figure 2:

Scheme of the experimental setup.

have been introduced into the rectangular experimental channel of dimensions 25

x 200 mm.
A micro-thermocouple was inserted in the midplane of each of the three slices
on the first shelf. An arithmetical mean of the readings from the three
thermocouples was used as a transient temperature reading, for the estimation of
the unknown parameters. The slices on the second shelf were weighed every ten
minutes in order to obtain the volume-averaged moisture content change during
drying. The temperature of the drying air, Ta, has been recorded as well. The
initial moisture content, X0, and the initial slices thickness, 2L0, were measured
for each of the experiments.
The experiments were designed by using the so-called D-optimum criterion.
From the relative sensitivity coefficients analysis, the drying air velocity, drying
air temperature and drying body dimension were defined. Determinant of the
information matrix with normalized elements has been calculated in order to
define drying time. The duration of the drying experiment corresponding to the
maximum determinant value was used.
A number of drying experiments with similar experimental conditions, (Ta =
56.6-59.5 OC, 2L0 = 2.36-3.14 mm, X0 = 3.70-4.83 kg/kg and T0 = 14.9-17.7 OC),
have been carried out.

5 Results and discussion

In this paper, application of the proposed method for simultaneous estimation of
the moisture diffusivity, together with other thermophysical properties of
vegetables and fruits, as well as the heat and mass transfer coefficients has been
From the conducted sensitivity coefficients analysis it was concluded that in
the convective drying experiment it is possible, based on a single thermocouple
temperature response, to estimate simultaneously the moisture diffusivity, the
convection heat and mass transfer coefficients, and the relative humidity of the

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


drying air. All other quantities appearing in the direct problem formulation were
taken from published data of other authors.
Moisture diffusivity of foods is very often considered as an Arrhenius-type
temperature function [9, 10]

D = D0 exp[-E0/(R Tk)]


with constant values of the Arrhenius factor, D0, and the activation energy for
moisture diffusion, E0.
Table 1 shows the computationally obtained parameters and RMS-error for
potato, for experiment P1: Ta = 58.13 OC, 2L0 = 3.14 mm, X0 = 4.80 kg/kg and T0
= 17.53 OC and for apple, for experiment A1: Ta = 60.17 OC, 2L0 = 2.96 mm, X0
= 6.46 kg/kg and T0 = 16.91 OC.
In fig. 3 the estimated moisture diffusivities are compared with the results
published by other authors [11].
In fig. 4 the experimental transient temperature reading, Tx=0, and the
experimental volume-averaged moisture content change during drying of potato
are compared with numerical solutions for the estimated parameters. A similar,
very good agreement was obtained for apple slice as well.
Table 1:

Estimated parameters and RMS-error.


D0103 [m2 s-1]

E0 [kJ mol-1]
h [W m -2 K-1]
hD102 [m s-1]


D [m /s]

D [m /s]







Figure 3:




[K ]



Moisture diffusivity of potatoes and apples.

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[K ]

118 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV





T [ C]



Figure 4:




X [kgkg db]


60 Time
80 [min]

The mid-plane temperature, T, the temperature of the drying air, Ta,

and the volume-averaged moisture content, X, changes during the
drying of a potato slice.

6 Conclusions
It can be concluded that in the convective drying experiments of apples and
potatoes it is possible, based on a single thermocouple temperature response, to
estimate simultaneously the moisture diffusivity, the convection heat and mass
transfer coefficients, and the relative humidity of the drying air.
Estimated moisture diffusivities compare well with the values obtained by
other authors who utilized different methods.
Very good agreement between the experimental and numerical temperature
and volume-averaged moisture content changes during drying has been obtained.

[1] Kanevce, G.H. Kanevce, L.P. & Dulikravich, G.S., Moisture diffusivity
estimation by temperature response of a drying body, Proc. of the 2nd Int.
Conf. On Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics, eds. M. Tanaka &
G. S. Dulikravich, Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 43-52, 2000.
[2] Kanevce, G.H. Kanevce, L.P. & Dulikravich, G.S., An inverse method for
drying at high mass transfer Biot number, Proc. of the HT03 ASME
Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ASME
paper HT20003-40146, 2003.
[3] Kanevce, G.H. Kanevce, L.P., Dulikravich, G.S., & Orlande, H.R.B.,
Estimation of thermophysical properties of moist materials under different
drying conditions, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 13(4),
pp. 341-354, 2005.
[4] Kanevce, G.H. Kanevce, L.P., & Dulikravich, G.S., Application of inverse
concepts to drying, Thermal Science, 9(2), pp. 31-44, 2005.

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[5] Kanevce, G.H. Kanevce, L.P., Mitrevski, V.B., Dulikravich, G.S., &
Orlande, H.R.B., Inverse approaches to drying with and without shrinkage,
Proc. of the 15th Int. Drying Symposium (IDS2006), ed. I. Farkas,
Budapest, Hungary, Vol. A, p. 576, 2006.
[6] Kanevce, G.H. Kanevce, L.P., Mitrevski, V.B., Dulikravich, G.S., &
Orlande, H.R.B., Inverse approaches to drying of thin bodies with
significant shrinkage effects, Journal of Heat Transfer, 129(3), pp. 379386, 2007.
[7] Dulikravich, G.S., Martin, T.J., Dennis, B.H. & Foster, N.F.
Multidisciplinary hybrid constrained GA optimization, Evolutionary
Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science: Recent Advances and
Industrial Applications (EUROGEN99), eds. K. Miettinen, M. M. Makela,
P. Neittaanmaki & J. Periaux, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Jyvaskyla, Finland,
pp. 231-260, 1999.
[8] Marquardt, D.W., An algorithm for least squares estimation of nonlinear
parameters, J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math., 11, pp. 431-441, 1963.
[9] Rovedo, C., Suarez C. & Viollaz P., Analysis of moisture profiles, mass
Biot number and driving forces during drying of potato slabs, J. of Food
Engineering, 36, pp. 211-231, 1998.
[10] Zogzas N.P. & Maroulis Z.B., Effective moisture diffusivity estimation
from drying data: A comparison between various methods of analysis,
Drying Technology, 14(7&8), pp. 1543-1573, 1996.
[11] Mitrevski, V.B., Investigation of the drying processes by inverse methods,
PhD. Thesis, University of Bitola, Macedonia, 2005

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Investigating granular milling in a

hammer mill: experiments and simulation
S. Naik and B. Chaudhuri
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Connecticut, USA

Particle size reduction of dry material by milling is a key unit operation for the
pharmaceutical, agricultural, food and paper industries. Knowledge of particle
flow and size reduction in a hammer mill is thus critical to optimize the design
and operation of such equipment. Milling experiments are performed using
lactose non pareils in a laboratory scale Hammer Mill. The size and shape of the
resultant progeny of particles are analyzed by sieves/light scattering and
microscope/image analysis techniques respectively. Discrete Element Method
(DEM) based computational methods are developed to perform a quantitative
examination of granular flow, fracturing and subsequently fragmentation patterns
for the same hammer mill. A parametric study was performed to understand the
effect of hammer speed (rotational), feed rate, hammer-wall tolerance on size
reduction process. Simulations were carried out to study the effect of mill speed
on kinetic energy of particles.
Keywords: discrete element method, granular flow, fragmentation, hammer mill.

1 Introduction
Particle size reduction of dry granular material by mechanical means, also known
as milling or communition, is undoubtedly a very important unit operation in
pharmaceutical, agricultural, food, mineral and paper industries. For example,
particle size reduction has a significant impact on pharmaceutical product
performance and stability as it affects the solubility and bioavailability of many
poorly soluble BCS Class II drugs [1]. The most commonly used mills are the
rotary cutter, hammer mill, roller mill, ball mills and fluid energy mills, used in
various stages of manufacturing. Size reduction is generally achieved by particle
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fracturing and subsequent fragmentation under the action of externally applied
energy Surface characteristic and fracture pattern under an applied energy is not
only influenced by material properties but also by operational conditions of mill.
Knowledge of particle flow, granular fracturing and size reduction in a mill is
thus very critical to optimize and to scale up this operation. Substantial effort has
been expended in last three decades to understand the milling performance as a
function of material properties, operational conditions and machine
configuration. Several experimental and mathematical approaches to understand
the milling behavior in Ball Mill have been performed [26]. Experiments and
Discrete Element Method (DEM) based modeling of milling of pharmaceutical
excipients in a very small scale oscillatory single was performed by Kwan et al.
[7]. Campbell et al. [8] developed the relationship between the inlet and outlet
particle size distribution in a roller milling operation. The impact mills have been
investigated by Austin [9], Gotsis and Austin [10], Vogel and Peukert [11] and
Djordjevic et al. [12] for different materials. Austin developed simplified
analytical model of high speed milling of limestone, cement in hammer mill with
parameters chosen to match the model prediction to the experimental findings,
whereas PMMA/Glass and rock was the material of interest for Vogel and
Djordjevic. A comprehensive understanding of the fragmentation mechanism
from experiments helped the development of a series of mechanistic and
population balance based models [1315]. However, these models completely
ignore the inter-particle and particle boundary interaction which dictates granular
flow behavior. DEM explicitly considers inter-particle and particle wall
interactions, providing an effective tool to simulate particles kinematics and
granular fragmentation. Comprehensive modeling of milling based on first
principles was attempted by Djordjevic et al. [12] using discrete element method
(DEM), where granular flow properties are considered. This DEM based direct
modeling of the milling process is limited to a small number (a few hundred) of
spherical particles, and derived essentially no conclusions regarding
optimization, control or scale-up of milling performance. To the best of our
knowledge, no previous work has used 3D DEM to study granular milling of
pharmaceutical granules in hammer mill. In this article, experiment and 3D DEM
modeling based method, to better understand milling behavior of pharmaceutical
powders in hammer mill is presented. The effect of material properties and
operational conditions on milling performance is also determined.

2 Experimental
The milling equipment (Thomas Wiley Mill, Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro,
NJ) used in our study is a variable speed, digitally controlled, direct drive mill;
that provides continuous variation of cutting speeds from 650 to 1140 rpm with
constant torque maintained throughout the speed range. Once the material is
loaded through the feed hopper in to the grinding chamber, it drops by gravity
and fragments after colliding with the rotating hammers. Parametric studies are
conducted to study the effect of speed, load, and impeller wall distance and feed
rate on particle size reduction. The experiments were performed using lactose
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


non pareils. In our milling experiments the material is fed at the top center,
thrown out centrifugally at first impact with the hammers and ground by impact
against the wall or cut due to presence of hammers at the periphery. The material
is retained until it is small enough to fall through the screen that forms the lower
portion of the casing. Particles fine enough to pass through the screen is
discharged almost as fast as they are formed in a glass container. To obtain
rigorous information for the parametric studies, samples are collected in the glass
container at regular intervals for example, 5 seconds for the first four samples, 10
seconds for the next four samples and 20 seconds for the next samples. All
experiments are conducted at least thrice at room temperature of 28C and relative
humidity of 35% to ensure repeatability. The effect of experimental factor was
studied at two-three levels. Average particle sizes for the entire sample are
calculated from sieve analysis using Rotap Sieve analyzer determination was
done by sieve analysis. Particle shape analysis was performed by Optical
Microscope-Camera (Olympus SZ61) and Image Analysis software (Image Pro
Plus). The conditions examined using the Wiley Mill are enlisted in Table 1.
Table 1: Conditions examined for the milling experiments with lactose.

600rpm - 1140rpm



Feed rate


3 Computational method
Numerical simulations were performed using the Discrete Element Method
(DEM) originally developed by Cundall and Strack [13, 14]. In this model the
granular material is considered as a collection of frictional inelastic spherical
particles. Each particle interacts with its neighbors or with the boundary only at
contact points through normal and tangential forces. The forces and torques
acting on each of the particles are calculated in the following way:
Fi = mig + FN + FT +Fcohes
Ti = ri FT


The force on each particle is given by the sum of gravitational, inter-particle

(normal and tangential FN and FT) and cohesive forces (Fcohes ) as indicated in eq.
(1) and eq (2). The corresponding torque on each particle is the sum of the
moment of the tangential forces (FT) arising from inter-particle contacts (eq. (2)).
The normal forces (FN ) and the tangential forces (FT) in inter-particle or particlewall collision were calculated with the latching spring model and
incrementally slipping model respectively, developed by Walton [15].
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Cohesion (Fcohes) is modeled using Equation (3) following the square-well type
forces by Chaudhuri et al. [16] in which the granular bond number (K) and
frictional parameters are varied to simulate the cohesive behavior of various
pharmaceutical excipients (Microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel 101), lactose).
Materials varying in cohesion were selected for this study which includes Fast
flow lactose, Avicel-101 and Regular lactose. Granular cohesion was introduced
by simulating a cohesive force
Fcohesion = K mg
where eq. (3) is applied between contacting particles or particle and wall where
K is the bond number and a measure of cohesion and mg is the weight of the
particle. Different K values used for this study are enlisted in table 2.
Table 2: K values of material used in study.
Fast Flow lactose

Avicel 101

Regular lactose





Incremental impact breakage of the particles is modeled, as breakage due to

single impact is certainly rare. Repeated impacts are required before a favorable
orientation relative to pre- existing flaws is available and also for the growth of a
pre-existing defect to reach a critical size prior to fracture or size reduction [17].
At each simulation time step, for each spherical particle the conditions for
fragmentation were examined using the Gradys Algorithm [18] shown in eq.

4 .472 Kl c
p r



where D is the diameter of the resultant progeny particle, Klc is fracture

toughness (Pa m0.5), is particle density Vp is propagation velocity (m/s) of
longitudinal elastic waves in the material, Sr is the induced strain rate. The strain
rate is calculated from the rotational velocity of the impeller and the radial
distance between the center of the rotation and the impact point [18]. Following,
fragmentation the resultant particles are considered as spheres, obeying the laws
of conservation of total mass and momentum [19]. Powder characteristics
responsible for breakage of solid particles such as, Youngs Modulus, hardness
and critical intensity factor were incorporated in the model. The material
properties and DEM parameters used in our simulation are shown in Table 3.
We simulated the flow and fragmentation of 4000 particles of size 5mm
radius in a hammer mill at different rotating conditions. The four hammers are
simulated by rigidly grouping particles of 2mm size which perform solid body
rotation in unison.

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Table 3: DEM parameters for simulation.

DEM parameters
Total number of particles
Radius of the particles
Hopper angle
Coefficient of restitution
Normal stiffness coefficient
Friction coefficient particle/particle
Friction coefficient particle/wall
Time step
Young Modulus

72.83 degrees

2.0 * 10-5 seconds
22.13 9.8 GPa

Critical Stress Intensity

0.5 0.8 MPa m0.5


4 Results and discussion

4.1 Experiments
4.1.1 Effect of feed rate
It is important to study the effect of feed rate on size reduction since it
determines the hold up of material in sizing chamber and hence energy required
for size reduction. Milling experiments are performed at two different feed rates
of 60g/min and 100g/min while the hammers are rotated at 600rpm and 1140
rpm. The hammer-wall clearance is kept constant at 2.9mm. Mean particle size
for all samples at different time intervals were measured. As depicted in Figure
1a and Figure 1b a lower feed rate produced a smaller size distribution at the
given impeller speeds. Besides achieving a smaller particle size, the feed rate at
60g/sec reduced the polydispersity of the sample at 1140 rpm, producing almost
a constant particle size of around 450um. Thus the right choice of the feed rate
and mill speed can also enable us to produce not only a small size but also
control the variability in size distribution. A lower size distribution is obtained at
lower feed rate due to longer path lengths of particles resulting in higher impact
velocity and hence a finer size distribution. At higher hold up the number of
collisions is high, but the kinetic energy per particle may be low leading to poor
breakage probability.

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Average particle size(microns)



126 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV




80 160 240 320 400






Figure 1:

(a) Effect of feed rate on particle size reduction at hammer tip speed
of 600rpm. (b) Effect of feed rate on particle size reductions at
hammer tip speed of 1140rpm.

4.1.2 Effect of speed

The speed of the impeller determines the mechanism of size reduction. In most
cases lower speeds result in attrition whereas as higher speeds cause size
reduction by impact. Figure 2 depicts the behavior of size reduction upon
changing the speed at a given feed rate. A higher speed of the mill produced
smaller particle size. A high feed rate with lower speed can result in choking of
the mill and can slow the process to a great extent. This is because under such
conditions the power consumption of the motor increases and rotation speed
decreases. Shape analysis Particle shape analysis was performed using Optical
Microscope-Camera (Olympus SZ61) and Image Analysis software (Image Pro
Plus). Analysis of samples at an impeller speed of 600rpm, feed rate of 60g/min
and a clearance of 2.9mm revealed a mechanism of chipping and attrition as
shown in Figure 3a. For samples at a speed of 1140 rpm as shown in Figure 3b,
the particle shape revealed that most probably, size reduction by fragmentation
dominates. This s because of the greater centrifugal force experienced by the
particle at higher impeller speeds.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV






Figure 2: Change of average particle size with time as a function of Impeller


Figure 3:


(a) Shape analysis of particles at clearance of 2.9mm, 600rpm.

(b) Shape analysis of particles at clearance of 2.9mm, 1140rpm.

4.1.3 Effect of clearance on size reduction

The distance between the hammer and the wall is an important factor that
controls size reduction. A larger clearance can result in continuous rolling of
particles and hence significantly reduce the rate of size reduction. A very small
tolerance on the other hand increases fine formation resulting in increased energy
consumption by the mill. The hammer wall clearance is determined by the
intrusion of four knives from the inner wall of mill. The knives are situated at
1.5 a part of the circular inner wall of mill. Figure 4a and Figure 4b depict the
behavior of size reduction upon changing the clearance at a given feed rate and
speed. This change in clearance significantly influenced the mechanism of size
reduction, changing it from impact to a combination of rolling and attrition
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irrespective of hammer speeds. This is because much of the particle shape was
retained at hammer tolerance of 3.7mm whereas fragmentation was observed at
hammer wall tolerance of 2.9mm As seen in figure 4a and figure 4b increasing
the clearance decreased the rate of size reduction of the mill. This resulted in
accumulation of particles in chamber. As a consequence, the particle size
distribution turned coarser and wider.





Figure 4:



(a) Change of average particle size with time as a function of

clearance at 600rpm. (b) Change of average particle size with time
as a function of clearance at 1140rpm.

4.2 Numerical simulations of granular flow and fragmentation

4.2.1 Effect of speed
The flow and fragmentation of particles in the hammer mill is simulated using
DEM as described in section 3. The hammer mill geometry is similar to the one
used in our experiments and is implemented in the particle dynamics simulation.
We use 4000 spherical particles with material properties described in table 1.
Initially all particles are deposited in the hopper. The hopper outlet is chosen to
be closed during the deposition of particles. After deposition particles are
discharged from hopper into the hammer mill. The hammer is also set into
motion at prescribed velocity of 6501140 rpm. The DEM predicted velocity
data is used to calculate the temporal function of total kinetic energy of the
particles at different impeller speeds as illustrated in Figure 5.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV





Figure 5: Temporal variation of kinetic energy of particles as function of speed.

The increase in kinetic energy of particles with increase in impeller speed is
due to greater centrifugal forces, is well predicted by the simulation model. The
velocity vector profiles of all particles illustrated in figure 6a and 6b further
corroborates the greater impact experienced by the particle at higher speed of
1140rpm as compared to lower speed of 650 rpm.





















650 rpm@2.5secs
















Figure 6: (a) Velocity profile of particles at 650 rpm. (b) Velocity profile of
particles at 650 rpm.
4.2.2 Effect of material properties
The effect of granular cohesion on fragmentation is examined while keeping the
operational condition (650rpm, 2.9mm clearance) constant. As described in
section 3, the materials of different levels of cohesion is simulated by varying K
value were used. Figures 7a and 7b shows the time series of axial snapshots from
simulation of fragmentation of Avicel-101 (MCC) and Regular Lactose granules.
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130 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Regular lactose with a higher cohesion (K value) are more difficult to mill
because of their poor flow properties, is evident from the two different sizes of
fragments (fig 7a) as compared to only one size of fragment for Avicel-101 (fig
7b). This manifests into generation of more new particles for Avicel-101 as
compared to Regular lactose as shown in figure 8a, which was also observed by
Kwan [7] in oscillatory ball mill experiments. In fig 8a, maximum number of
new particles is formed for Fast-Flo lactose which is the least cohesive material.

Ent 12 m*v 2j
j 1


Figure 7:

Evolution of particle fragmentation as function of cohesion over

time a: Regular lactose, b: Avicel-101.

We can further corroborate the behavior of fragmentation of cohesive

particles by computing the energy of fragmentation using eq (5), where m* is the
geometric mass of the colliding particles and vj is the relative velocity of the
colliding particles. Figure 8b depicts that a greater energy of fragmentation is
required for more cohesive material, regular lactose, as compared with same
used for fragmenting Avicel 101.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV



Fast-Flo Lactose

Reg Lactose

Avicel 101


Avicel 101

Regular Lactose
New particles












Time (s)

Figure 8:




time (s)


(b) Effect of cohesion on fragmentation of particles. (b) Effect of

cohesion on fragmentation energy.

5 Conclusion
DEM simulation and experiment based parametric studies is performed to study
the effect of different operating conditions on size reduction in a hammer mill. In
experiments, greater size reduction is observed at higher speeds and low feed
rates owing to the greater centrifugal force experienced by the particles and
longer mean free path lengths respectively. Particle shape analysis reveals
fragmentation as the dominant process of size reduction in Hammer mill under
the investigated conditions. In simulation, we find the kinetic energy of particles
increases with impeller speed contributing greater fragmentation. Materials with
higher cohesion show lower fragmentation.




Jounela A.J., Pentikainen P.J., Sothmann A., Effect of particle size on the
bioavailability of digoxin. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 8,
pp. 365-370, 1975.
Clearly P.W., Predicting charge motion, power draw, segregation, wear
and particle breakage in ball mills using discrete element method, Miner.
Eng., 11, pp. 1061-1080, 1998.
Watanbe, H., Critical rotation speed for ball-milling, Powder Technology,
104, pp. 95-99, 1999.
Misra B.K., Rajamani R.K., Simulation of charge motion in ball mills,
Part 2: numerical simulations, Int. J. Miner. Processing, 40, pp. 187197,1994.

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Hlungwani O., Rikhotso J., Dong H.,. Moys H., Further validation of
DEM modeling of milling: effects of linear profile and mill speed.,
Minerals Engineering, 16, pp. 993-998, 2003.
Austin L.G., Lucker P.T., A simulation model for air-swept ball mill
grinding coal, Powder Technology, 38, pp. 255-266, 1984.
Kwan C.C., Mio H., Chen Y.C., Ding Y.L., Saito F., Papadopoulos D.G.,
Benthem A.C., Ghadiri, M., Analysis of the milling rate of
pharmaceutical powders using distinct element method, Chemical
Engineering Science, 60, pp. 1441-1448 2005.
Campbell G.M., Bunn P.J., Webb C., Hook S.C.W., On predicting roller
mill performance, Part II. The breakage function, Powder Technology,
115, pp 243-255, 2001.
Austin L., A preliminary simulation model for fine grinding in high speed
hammer mills, Powder Technology, 143-144, pp 240-252, 2004.
Gotsis C., Austin L.G., Batch grinding kinetics in the presence of a dead
space as in a hammer mill, Powder Technology, 41, pp. 91-98, 1985.
Vogel L., Peukert W., From single particle impact behavior to modeling
of impact mills, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, pp. 5164-5176, 2005.
Djordjevic N., Shi F.N., Morrison R.D., Applying discrete element
modeling to vertical and horizontal shaft impact crushers, Minerals
Engineering, 16, pp. 983-991, 2003.
Cundall P.A., A computer model for simulating progressive large-scale
movements in blocky rock systems. Proceedings of Symposium
International Society of Rock Mechanics, 2, pp. 129, 1971.
Cundall P.A., O. D. L. Strack, A discrete numerical model for granular
assemblies. Geotechnique, 29, pp. 47-65, 1979
Walton O. R., Numerical simulation of inclined chute flows of mono
disperse, inelastic, frictional spheres. Mechanics of Materials, 16, 239247, 1993.
Chaudhuri B., Alexander A.W.A., Faqih A, Muzzio, F.J., Davies C.,
Tomassone M.S., Avalanching flow of cohesive powders, Powder
Technology, 164, pp. 13-21, 2006.
Morrison R.D., Shi F., Whyte R., Modeling of incremental rock breakage
by impact For use in DEM models, Mineral Engineering, 20, pp. 303309, 2007.
Grady D.E., Fragmentation under impulsive stress loading, In: W.L.
Fourney (Eds), Fragmentation by blasting, Society for Experimental
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Poschel T., Schwager T., Computational Granular Dynamics: Model and
Algorithms, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 210, 2005

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Study of the influence of asphaltenes

on modeling of viscosity of
Nigerian crude mixtures
A. Miadonye1, F. Dan-Ali2, R. Onwude2 & O. O. Osirim2

Department of Chemistry, Cape Breton University, NS, Canada

Department of Petroleum Chemistry,
American University of Nigeria, Yola, Nigeria

In this study, the effect of asphaltenes on the viscosity of Nigerian light crude
oils at different temperatures was studied. Different weight per cent of bitumen
containing 14 per cent asphaltenes and deasphalted bitumen samples from
Alberta, Canada were mixed with Nigerian crude oils. The mixtures were
prepared from five light crude oil samples and two bitumen samples. The
experimental viscosity data obtained at different temperatures and weight per
cent of the bitumen samples were correlated with the viscosity equation of Singh
et al. The viscosity of pure crude oils (for instance, Forcados crude oil)
containing asphalted and deasphalted bitumen (Rush Lake and Plover Lake
bitumen) increased by as much as 160% and 60% respectively.
However, the results obtained from correlating the viscosity data with the
equation indicated that the discrepancies in measured data could be mainly
attributed to the presence of asphaltenes, but the percent errors between
measured and predicted viscosity were consistent for the entire samples. The
results were identified the light crude oils as better alternative diluents for the
production and transportation of heavy crude petroleum.
Keywords: Nigerian crude oil, asphaltenes, bitumen, hydrocarbon condensates,
solvents, asphaltenes solubility, light crude oil, viscosity modeling.

1 Introduction
Pipeline transportation of heavy oil has been among the major challenges faced
by the upstream petroleum industry. The high viscous nature of heavy oil,
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134 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

viscosity in the range of 1x104cP, requires that the viscosity be reduced to
approximately 400cP for its effective and efficient production and transportation.
Researchers in this field have reported several techniques employed by industry
to achieve reduction in heavy oil/bitumen viscosity such as the use of heating
system in the formation and/or pipeline [1, 2], addition of liquid diluents and
injection of liquids or gaseous diluents into the formation, and the use of water
and emulsion [35]. Although these methods, to an extent have been effective in
reducing the oil viscosity the high costs of energy and diluents restrict their
frequent applications. The diluents used by producers with greater success in
large quantities are aromatic solvents, as in the Vapex process to reduce viscosity
of heavy oil under reservoir conditions. Other classical diluents which have been
used are naphthas, condensates, kerosene and light paraffins. These diluents,
although environmentally friendlier and more cost effective than the aromatic
solvents, have been identified with the problem of precipitation of asphaltenes
from the heavy oils/bitumen which can cause severe clogging of wells and
pipelines and totally halt production leading to loss in revenue [4].
Viscosity is an important physical parameter for crude oil that characterizes
not only one of the rheological property, but also the quality of most crude oil
products such as lubricating oils and lubricants [6]. Asphaltenes impact high
viscosity to crude oils, negatively impacting production. Their precipitation and
deposition are undesirable situation that can create a myriad of production
problems. The choice of appropriate diluent is essential in maintaining the
asphaltenes and other solids in solution during production operations. This study
aims at the influence of light crude from different Nigerian oilfields in reducing
the viscosity of pure bitumen and deasphalted bitumen. The effects of weight
percent of asphaltenes on the viscosity of the bitumen-light crude oil mixtures
are examined. The influence of composition and temperatures on the viscosities
of the mixtures is correlated with independent and generalized viscosity model of
Singh et al [7].

2 Experimental methods
The light crude oil samples used as diluents were obtained from oil wells in the
following locations in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria; Umutu Flow station,
Beryboye Flow station, Beniboye Flow station, Forcados field, Warri Terminal
and Kaduna Refinery. Two bitumen samples, Rush Lake and Plover Lake, (from
Alberta, Canada) were supplied by Alberta Research Council. The solvent npentane is analytical grade chemical (Sigma-Aldrich, HPLC grade, 99.9%)
commercially available and was used as received.
Asphaltene precipitation was carried out using 1:40 ml bitumen : n-pentane
ratio. The mixture was agitated using a G10 gyrotary shaker for 24 hours, left to
stand for two hours and filtered using a 7.0cm whatman filter paper as described
in ASTM 863-63. The procedure used to recover the deasphalted bitumen has
been documented in our previous publication [8]. To prepare the mixtures of
light crude oil containing 5wt% to 40wt% bitumen, a known amount of the
bitumen was added quantitatively to the light crude oil in increment of 5wt%.
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The mixtures, contained in tightly closed 200ml sample bottles, were then placed
in the shaker for 7 days. This was to ensure for complete dispersion of the
bitumen and the homogeneity of the mixtures. The kinematic viscosity of the
samples was determined with Canon-Finske opaque reversible capillary
viscometer in accordance with the procedure in ASTM D-445-83-1986.

3 Discussions of results
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the viscosity-temperature relationship for the pure light
crude oils, and the mixtures that contained different wt% of pure and deasphalted
Rush Lake and Plover Lake bitumen. As expected, the results clearly show that
the presence of asphaltenes, even in a small amount, in crude oil has a significant
impact on the viscosity of the oil. The results are consistent with those obtained
in our previous work with calorimetric method [8]. Figures 1 and 2 gave a true

Pure Farcados
Farcados + 5% bitumen


Farcados + 15% bitumen

Farcados + 15% deasphalted
Farcados + 5% deasphalted

Viscosity (cSt.)






Figure 1:


30 35 40 45
Temperature (oC)



Viscosity-temperature relationship for Farcados crude oil with

different wt% Rush Lake bitumen.

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Pure Warri Light Crude
Warri + 15% Plover Lake
Warri + 35% Plover Lake

Viscosity (cSt.)








Temperature (oC)
Figure 2:

Viscosity-temperature relationship for Warri light crude oil with

different wt% Plover Lake bitumen.

representation of the results observed with all the crude oil samples examined in
this study. The light crude oils used contained no asphaltenes, and after blending
with asphalted bitumen the mixtures remained homogeneous throughout the
experiment. Mixtures examined contained as much as 40wt% asphalted bitumen
and 25wt% deasphalted bitumen. For the light crude oil samples used in this
study, the viscosity increases exponentially with higher weight percent of
asphalted bitumen. Similar upward trend was observed with deasphalted
bitumen, but with significant reduction in the percent increment as shown in
Figures 3 and 4. The impact of asphaltenes on viscosity is clearly evident in
Figure 3. With 20wt% addition of asphalted bitumen the oil viscosity at 30C
increased by approximately 160% and by only 60% for the same amount of
deasphalted bitumen. This trend was observed over the studied temperature
range for the entire mixtures, as shown in Figure 4.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


With bitumen at 30oC


With bitumen at 50oC

With Deasphalted at 30oC
With Deasphalted at 50oC

V iscosity Increase (% )


Figure 3:

Amount of Bitumen (%)


Percent increase in viscosity of Farcados light crude with different

wt% of asphalted and deasphalted bitumen.

It is evident from the results that the presence of asphaltenes is mainly

responsible for high viscosity characteristics of crude petroleum. The results
show also that at higher temperature there is no significant difference in the
percent reductions in viscosity between the samples (light crude oils, asphalted
mixtures and deasphalted mixtures). These observations can be attributed to the
fact that asphaltenes structures are hardly affected at these temperatures to have
significant impact on viscosity, as a result of heat transfer to diluents. It is well
known that temperature has a strong effect on viscosity of heavy petroleum. At
high temperatures the high molecular weight hydrocarbon components of the
heavy petroleum disentangles, breaking the physical bonds and in most cases the
chemical structures of the asphaltenenes and other solids, and by so doing the oil
viscosity is reduced [9]. However, our results illustrate that at the temperature
range studied, viscosity reduction of heavy petroleum with diluents is mostly
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15% Ploverlake in Warri

35% Ploverlake in Warri
15% Rushlake in Farcados
15%deasphalt RL in Farcados

V isc o sity In c r e a se (% )












Temperature (oC)
Figure 4:

Effect of temperature on percent increase in Viscosity of light crude

oils with asphalted and deasphalted bitumen.

governed by molecular disentanglement through diffusion phenomenon rather

than temperature effects on the chemical structures of asphaltenes and other
heavy components in the mixtures.
The viscosity-temperature relationship for different Nigerian light crude oil
samples are shown in Figure 5, and in Figures 1 and 2 for those containing
different weight percent of asphalted and deasphalted Rush Lake and Plover
Lake bitumen. Singh et al [7] proposed a modified version of the Roelands
Equation to correlate the viscosity of light oils as follows:


T 37.78



is kinematic viscosity (cSt), T is temperature (C), C is given as -0.8690, b is

the characterization parameter defined as: b = log10 37.78C C, and S is the shape
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Beryboye Measured
Beryboye Predicted
Farcados Measured
Farcados Predicted
Warri Measured
Warri Predicted
Kaduna Measured
Kaduna Predicted


Viscosity (cSt.)


Figure 5:


Temperature (oC)



Comparison of measured and predicted viscosity for different

Nigerian Light crude oils.

factor which relates to the characterization parameter as follows: S= 0.28008*b

1.6180. The viscosity data were fitted with Eq.(1) to obtain new parameters, for
C=-2.1042 and S =.2800*3.0166, with regression coefficient, R2, of 0.998. With
the optimized characterization parameters, the equation was able to better
estimate the viscosities of the light crude oil-bitumen mixtures. Figure 5 shows
the comparison between measured and predicted viscosities at different
temperatures for different samples. Except for Beryboye light crude at 25C there
is a good match between measured and predicted viscosities for all the examined
light crude oil samples. The correlation percent errors at different temperatures
for the light crude samples, and mixtures containing different weight percent of
either asphalted or deasphalted bitumen are compared in Figures 68. The
percent errors were within 4% for pure Farcados light oil (Figure 6) and Warri
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140 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Pure Farcados
Farcados + 5% bitumen
Farcados + 5% deasphalted

Correlation Error (% )










Temperature (oC)
Figure 6:

Deviations between measured and predicted viscosity at different

temperatures for 5wt% Rush Lake in Farcados crude.

light oil (Figure 8). Similar results were obtained for the entire pure light oil
sample used in this study. The percent average deviations for the samples are
given in Table 1. The results show that the light oil viscosity characteristics were
not affected by the addition of asphalted and deasphalted bitumen up to 40wt%.
As mentioned earlier, the addition of bitumen increased the viscosity of the light
oils (Figures 1 and 2), with asphalted bitumen nearly tripled the increase in
viscosity obtained with deasphalted bitumen.
Besides this phenomenon, the overall viscosity behavior of the mixtures
remained similar to that of the pure light crude oils even at high temperatures.
The percent errors obtained with the viscosity equation (Eq.(1)) for the mixtures
illustrate that the mixtures examined were homogeneous, as the predicted
viscosity closely matched the measured viscosity. In many cases, better match
between measured and predicted viscosities were obtained for the mixtures than
for pure light crude oil samples. The percent average deviations for these
WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Pure Farcados
Farcados + 15% bitumen
Farcados + 15% deasphalted

Correlation Error (% )











Temperature (oC)
Figure 7:

Deviations between measured and predicted Viscosity at different

temperature for 15wt% Rush Lake in Farcados Crude.

samples are compared in Table 1. The results illustrate that light oil is arguably a
good solvent for bitumen, as the asphaltenes and other solids (resins, maltenes,
heavy saturates) appeared to be soluble in the oils. It is worthy to note that the
light crude oils used in this study contain no asphaltenes, and the compositions
are mainly low molecular weight paraffins. Aromatic solvents, such as toluene
and xylene, have been long identified as the best solvent for reducing viscosity
of heavy oil/bitumen due to their ability to maintain asphaltene molecules in
solution. For the light crude oils used here, molecular diffusivity, intermolecular
attraction and low hydrogen bonding rather than molecular polarity might be the
crucial factors that characterize the oil as good solvent to reduce the viscosity of

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Pure Warri Light Crude
Warri + 15% Plover Lake
Warri + 35% Plover Lake

Correlation Deviation (%)



Figure 8:


Temperature (oC)



Deviations between measured and predicted viscosity at different

temperatures for Plover Lake in Warri crude oil

4 Conclusions
The most important benefit of this study is that knowing the relatively huge
reserve of non-asphaltic light crude oils and the untapped bitumen and heavy oil
resources in Nigeria, we have shown that non-asphaltic light crude oils can be
successfully used in production and pipeline transportation of bitumen. The
results show that for up to 40wt% bitumen the viscosity characteristics of the
mixtures remain identical to that of the light crude oil, an indication that the
asphaltenes and other resinous solids remain soluble in the mixtures. The
viscosity correlations for both pure light oil samples and the mixtures gave
similar percent deviations with an overall absolute deviation of 2.6%; making
light crude oils a good diluent for bitumen.
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Table 1:


Percent average deviations between measured and predicted

viscosity values for pure and mixed samples.
Oil Sample
Beryboye light crude
Farcados light crude
Beniboye light crude
Wari light crude
Kaduna light crude
Farcados-5%-Rushlake bitumen
Farcados-10%-Rushlake bitumen
Farcados-15%-Rushlake bitumen
Farcados-20%-Rushlake bitumen
Farcados-5%-Deasphalted bitumen
Farcados-10%-Deasphalted bitumen
Farcados-15%-Deasphalted bitumen
Farcados-20%-Deasphalted bitumen
Farcados-25%-Deasphalted bitumen
Warri-15%-Plover Lake Bitumen
Warri-35%-Plover Lake Bitumen
Average Absolute Deviation (%)



This work was funded in part by NSERC, Canada, and PTF, Nigeria. The
supports of American University of Nigeria (AUN), and NNPC Research Lab
(Port Harcourt), are highly appreciated. Ours thanks to Harrigan A. Pepple
(NNPC, Warri), MacDonald I. Bara-Hart (NNPC, Benin), and Samuel O.
Robinson (AGIP Oil, Umoku) for their various contributions in the acquisition of
field samples and related data.

[1] Urquhart, R.D. Heavy Oil Transportation: Present and Future. J. Can. Petrol.
Technol., 25 (2), pp.68-71, 1986.
[2] Chang, C., Nguyen, Q.D., & Ronningsen, H.P. Isothermal start-up of
pipeline transporting waxy crude oils. J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 87,
pp.127-54, 1999.

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[3] Mokrys, I.J., & Butler, K.M. In-Situ Upgrading of Heavy Oils and Bitumen
by Propane De-Asphalting:The VAPEX Process. Paper SPE 25452
presented at SPE Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 21-23,
[4] Das, S.K., & Bulter, R.M., Mechanism of the Vapour Extraction Pocess for
Havy Oil and Bitumen. J. Petrol. Sci., 12, pp. 219-231, 1995.
[5] Byran, J.,& Kantzas, A. Enhanced Heavy-Oil Recovery by AlkalineSurfactant Flooding, Paper SPE 110738 presented at SPE Tech. Conf. &
Exhibition, Anhein, California, Nov. 11-14, 2007.
[6] Sanchez, J.H. & Mansoori, G.A. Prediction of the Phase Behavior of
Asphaltne Micelle/Aromatic Hydrocarbon Systems. Petrol. Sci. &
Technol,16 (3&4), pp.377-394, 1998.
[7] Singh, B., Miadonye, A. & Puttagunta, V.R. Modelling the Viscosity of
Middle-East Crude Oil Mixtures. Ind. & Engr. Chem. Res.,32 (9), pp.21832186, 1993.
[8] Miadonye, A., Secka, K.A., Cyr, J. & Britten, A. Study of thermo-physical
properties of bitumen in hydrocarbon condensates. WIT Transact. on
Modelling and Simulation, Numerical Methods, 48, pp.125-134, 2009.
[9] Khan, M.R. Rheological properties of heavy oil emulsions. Energy Source,
18, pp.385-391, 1996.

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Optic Ped Scan: an alternative inexpensive

technique to study plantar arches and
foot pressure sites
A. R. Jamshidi Fard1 & S. Jamshidi Fard2

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine,

Arak University of Medical Sciences, Iran
McTimoney College of Chiropractic, Abingdon, UK

Early diagnosis and management of foot arch abnormalities would reduce future
complications. Conventional, mainly non-objective clinical examinations were
not evidence based and somehow due to expert ideas with high inter rater
differences. In new Pedscope we made the Optic Ped Scan (OPS), patient stand
on a Resin made 5-10 mm Plexiglass while the image of the whole plantar
surface was digitally scanned, showing the pressure sites in different colours
based on a Ratio-Metric Scale. Any off-line measurement or relative pressure
ratios could be easily studied. The outcome of the OPS is an image file resulting
from the subjects body weight on emptying the capillaries of plantar skin which
causes the colours to change. These physiological changes of plantar colour
could be amplified when passing though the clear, hardly elastic form of
plexiglass (Acrylic or methyl methacrylate Resin or Poly methyl 2methylpropenoate - PMMA), we prepared in Arak Petrochemical Company. We
studied 2007, school age students as a pilot study of the technique in Arak
schools and measured: Foot Length, Axis Length, Heel Expanse, Mid-foot
Expanse, Forefoot Expanse, Arch Length (medial), Arch Depth, Hallux Distance
and relative pressures of 10 defined zones.
Students had 28.15% Flat Foot, 1.54% Pes Cavus, 11.01% Hallux Valgus,
0.64% Hallux Varus, 0.04% Convexus and 0.04% complex/various deformities.
OPS worked properly for both diagnosis and measurements. The new technique
could be several times cheaper than other techniques.
Keywords: foot arches, foot pressure sites, optic pod scan, foot deformity.

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1 Introduction
In 1976, Sharrard mentioned flat foot, knock knee and intoeing or metatarsus
varus, as the three most common causes for parental concern when their child
starts to walk [1]. Accurate diagnosis and proper management of foot arch
abnormalities may reduce future musculoskeletal complications. Diagnosis,
interventional treatments and estimation of the prevalence of foot deformities in
screening studies need more reliable quantitative techniques than a physicians
observation. Conventional, mainly non-objective clinical examinations were not
evidence based and somehow due to expert ideas with high inter rater
In past decades, arch exams were performed by means of a pedscope chair, a
wooden chair with a thick glass on its top roof that reflects an image of plantar
surface of the subjects foot to an oblique (45) adjusted mirror set so the image
could be seen from outside. With technique, the examiner was not able to
measure the foot arch parameters, estimate the pressure of any particular sites or
and record the findings for later comparisons but it was still helpful to show the
plantar contact and weight bearing surface area of the foot with the brighter sites
implying more contact pressures. The traditional solution to recording these sorts
of findings, as still remembered by many middle aged colleagues, was to puff
the patients bare feet with Talc powder before asking him to stand again on a
black cardboard as a printout or less durable evidence of the study.
On the other hand, new techniques such as LASER, 3D Scanners, Multi
cameras and pressure platforms or sensitive mats (Pedobarographs) are much
more accurate and advanced methods but they are mostly expensive and still not
easily accessible in a physicians office.
This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the conventional clinical
examination of the foot just by looking at a childs feet as they stand up, stand on
tiptoe or dangle the foot in the air as they sit on an exam table, is insufficient for
diagnosing of foot deformities.
Optic Ped Scan (OPS) or similar quantitative measurement can lead to a much
better views of foot plantar surface and its actual pressure bearing areas than the
conventional approach and judging based on the soft tissue mass of the medial
In this paper, OPS is introduced as an alternative technique and the results of
its first pilot application to detect foot deformities are presented.

2 Methods
In new Pedscope we made (OPS), patients stands on a Resin made of 5-10 mm
Plexiglass while the image of the whole plantar surface was digitally scanned by
an ordinary office type colour scanner (hp - 3770) fixed beneath the plexiglass
sheet to a computer. A 300 dpi resolution of scanning gave reasonably sharp
images, showing the arches and pressure sites of the subjects foot floor in
different colours based on a Ratio-Metric Scale with bright yellow indicating
highly pressured areas and dark red for non pressured areas.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 1:


Examples of OPS layouts. (a) Pes Cavus and (b) Flat foot.

The outcome of the OPS is an image file (JPG/TIFF/ BMP) resulting from the
subjects body weight on emptying the capillaries of plantar skin which turns the
pressured sites into a yellowish colour while the other areas with lower weight
bearing ratios are pink-reddish.
These physiological changes of plantar colour could be amplified when
passing though the clear, hardly elastic form of plexiglass (Acrylic or methyl
methacrylate Resin or Poly methyl 2-methylpropenoate PMMA) which was
prepared after several pilot studies (Figures 1 and 2). We optimized the aimed
optical quality of this thermoplastic PMMA by reducing its stage of Rubber
Toughening at Arak Petrochemical Co., R&D Unit ( in Arak, Iran.
The colour density of any particular area of the image could still be a rational
representative of the pressure applied or a percentage of 100% of subjects body
weight if standing on one foot. In this way, all three anatomic and functional
arches of the foot [2] could be scanned and sent to a computer. Any off-line
measurements or calculating relative pressure ratios of each part of the achieved
footprint could be easily studied.
To examine the application of the new technique and optimize the proper
thickness of the PMMA sheet for a different range of subjects weight, we
studied 2007, 12-13 year old Students in Level 5 of primary schools in Arak.
874 girls and 1133 boys participated in a pilot study of the technique. Each
subject was scanned three times while standing on one foot (right and then left
foot) and a normal double feet standing. All scanned images of each subject were
saved for later analysis.
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Figure 2:

Examples of OPS layouts. Complex deformities in a 12 y.o. girl.

Recorded files of subjects of this technique can be opened by any Windows

compatible painting or graphics software and all intended 2 dimensional
measurements could be available, using the ruler of the screen in Inches,
Centimetres, Millimetres or even Pixels. We used Corel Photo-Paint (CorelDraw
5, Corel Corporation, Canada) facilities for all measurements.
Most of the commercial graphics software also has an Equalize filter which
can redistribute shades of colours. Equalize makes the darkest colour black and
the lightest colour white and stretches the rest of the colours in between. We
used this software to equalize the outcome image of OPS first to improve its
appearance before measuring the foot plantar parameters. The Equalize filter was
not used before the relative pressure measurements were taken.
The following parameters of footprints were measured: Foot Length (from
heel to toe tip), Axis Length (from heel to second toe tip), Heel Expanse, Midfoot Expanse (Foot expanse at mid-arch level), Forefoot Expanse (Foot expanse
at the Metatarsal heads level), Arch Length (medial bow or first ray), Arch Depth
(from soft tissue line to weight borne medial border), Hallux Distance (from toe
soft tissue border to main Axis) (Figure 3).
For the evaluation of the pressure distribution of the foot, each footprint
obtained from OPS was divided into ten areas as functional columns of the
weight bearing (Figure 4). These were the first metatarsal head, second and third

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 3:


Foot parameters which can be measured exactly in each OPS


metatarsal heads, fourth and fifth metatarsal heads and their corresponding toes
in forefoot. The other areas of loading were the heel with two medial and lateral
parts, the mid-foot, and the area beneath the navicular bone as the origin of the
medial arch first ray [3, 4].
Almost all graphics software has the ability to measure a grey scale in its edit/
make colour toolbar (RGB indicator flyout) which can scale a grey colour
between white (255) and black (0) relatively. To measure the relative pressure of
10 divided zones, each footprint image was first converted from colour to grey
scale (B&W), then the mean relative whiteness (load) of each zone was
measured, assuming the total borne weight as 100% (Figure 4).
The relative pressure measurements, even for each particular zone, could not
be pooled to calculate normative data. These measurements could vary greatly
because of multiple variables and the relative pressures should be studied in each
subject separately.

3 Results
28.15% of students (boys 34.8% and girls 22.9%) had Flat feet based on clinical
observation while based on OPS results and Denis classification only 19.8% did
(boys 21.7% and girls 17.5%). In this type of foot deformity clinical observation
over estimated by 8.3% over the actual prevalence. OPS files also showed
1.54% Pes Cavus (boys 1.05% and girls 2.17%), 11.01% Hallux Valgus (boys
5.82% and girls 17.73%), 0.64% Hallux Varus (boys 0.52% and girls 0.8%),
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Figure 4:

(a) OPS of right foot in a 12 y.o. female student with Bow legs and
its abnormal relative pressure distributions on lateral border as a
second heel and (b) shows its relative pressure of ten plantar zones,
in schematic bars as percentage of 100% borne weight when
standing on her right foot.

0.04% Convexus (1 girl) and 0.04% complex/various deformities (1 girl). 222

subjects had two types of deformities, therefore a sum of 28.3% of studied
students were diagnosed with abnormal feet.
Foot Length, Axis Length, Heel Expanse, Mid-foot Expanse, Forefoot
Expanse, Arch Length, Arch Depth, and Hallux Distance measures of each foot
are summarized in Table 1. Between the two ganders, some measured
parameters such as Foot Length, Axis Length, Heel Expanse, were significantly
different in girls (P<0.05).
As an example of relative pressure measurements, the results of an abnormal
weight distribution in right foot of one subject are presented in Figure 4. She was
one of the participant students with bow legs and normal feet apparently.
Comparing to LASER, 3D Scanners, Multi cameras and Pedobarographs price
lists of several companies with OPS set, the new technique coasts significantly
less, at almost twice the price of a simple A4 colour scanner. The installed
scanner software produces the image in any desired Windows format and so
additional software is not necessary for this technique.
Furthermore other multi purpose graphics software available on an office
computer could also be used for OPS.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Table 1:


The mean of measured parameters of all subjects.

Foot Parameters

Right Foot

Left Foot

(874 girls, 1133 boys)

(Mean SD) - Cm

(Mean SD) Cm

22.56 1.02
21.85 1.13
5.3 0.09
6.66 0.1
8.13 1.01
5.85 0.89
2.42 0.66
3.24 0.99

22.46 1.06
21.76 1.03
5.29 0.07
6.66 0.08
8.15 0.93
5.85 0.96
2.8 1.03
3.28 1.12

Foot Length
Axis Length
Heel Expanse
Mid-foot Expanse
Forefoot Expanse
Arch Length
Arch Depth
Hallux Distance

4 Discussion
An OPS footprint with flatfoot could be classified according to Denis [5] into
three grades of severity: grade 1 in which the support of the lateral edge of the
foot is half of that of the metatarsal contact area (almost Mid-foot Expanse = 1/2
of Forefoot Expanse); grade 2 in which the weight bearing areas of the central
zone and forefoot are equal; and grade 3 in which the support in Mid- foot or
central zone is greater than the width of the metatarsal support area. This
classification could be described by OPS measurement methods.
Pfeiffer et al. [6], reported a prevalence of 44% in a group of 835 (411 girls
and 424 boys) children of 3 to 6 years old (52% in boys and 36% in girls). They
used a three-dimensional laser surface scanner with the subjects in a standing
position. Garca-Rodrguez et al. [9] measured the prevalence of flat feet in 1181
school age children of Malaga in Spain as 2.7% which was the prevalence of
stage 2 and 3 in Denis classification. 2.7% of students were diagnosed to have
flat feet based on plantar footprints.
Children with first degree flat foot could be considered abnormal based on
clinical observation while looking at their footprints usually shows no
enhancement of contact area at the central zone. These incomplete arches could
be considered as evolutionary foot problems without pathological significance
[7, 8]. Prevalence of flat foot in OPS results in our subjects were closer to 12.3%
Although this was mentioned by Denis, other reported a prevalence several
times higher than this figure [9, 10].
The critical age for development of the plantar arch is 6 years [11].
Consequently, if the sampled population of such studies cover this age, the
prevalence of flat feet will overestimate the problem. Infants are born with flat
feet, and the main medial arch develops gradually by weight bearing during the
first decade of life [12, 13]. Most flat feet conditions correct themselves

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spontaneously at the age of 6 or more and a retarded development of the foot
medial arch is reported in boys [6].
Significant differences in prevalence of flat foot is also found in overweight,
obese, and normal-weight children and boys showed a significantly greater
tendency for flat foot than girls [6]. It seems that different variables such as age,
weight and gender may influence the prevalence rates when the subjects feet are
examined in static, mainly standing positions. In addition to different parameters
affecting the results of prevalence of flat foot in population screening studies,
data based on clinical observations may be over estimated unless an objective
technique such as OPS is adopted.
The technique of OPS shows beneath the foot and its weight borne contact
surface and may reduce the examiners bias in evaluation of childrens feet.
It is worth mentioning that, in our normal subjects pressure distribution
patterns of feet did not differ significantly between males or females and the
right or left feet when standing on one foot alone but this pattern varied greatly
between subjects when the OPS was performed in double feet weight bearing.
Similar results were also reported with different techniques [3].

5 Conclusions
We conclude that OPS can be used sufficiently for both screening studies,
diagnosis and measurements of the foot plantar parameters and relative pressure
sites, but due to different types, sizes and contact areas, different weights,
reciprocal weight distribution and complex structure of the foot, it is difficult to
draw the line between normal and abnormal feet. The pattern of pressure
distribution in each particular area may be studied before and after different
interventions or compared for the clinical diagnosis of the abnormal cases but it
is not possible to justify a normative data even as a percentage of borne weight.
The actual prevalence rate of foot deformities are higher than appears in
literature in the region and society / school authorities involved with child health
care should reconsider the foot plantar deformities of students before they start
their more active future life.

[1] Sharrard, WJW., Intoeing and flat foot. British Medical Journal, 1,
pp. 888889, 1976.
[2] Soames, RW., Appendicular skeleton. Grays anatomy: the anatomical
basis of medicine and surgery. 38th ed., ed. Williams, PL., Bannister, LH.,
Berry, MM., Collins, P., Dyson, M., Dussek, JE. et al. Churchill
Livingstone: New York, pp. 7334, 1995.
[3] Kanatli, U., Yetkin, H., Simsek, A., Ozturk, AM., Esen, E., Besli, K.,
Pressure distribution patterns under the metatarsal heads in healthy
individuals. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 42(1), pp. 630, 2008.
[4] Myerson, MS., The diagnosis and treatment of injury to the tarsometatarsal
joint complex. J. Bone Joint Surg [Br], 81, pp. 75663, 1999.
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[5] Denis, A. Pied plat valgus statique. Encyclopedie Medico-Chirurgicale

Appareil Locomoteur. Paris, France: Editions Techniques; 1974.
[6] Pfeiffer, M., Kotz, R., Ledl, T., Hauser, G. & Sluga, M., Prevalence of Flat
Foot in Preschool-Aged Children. Pediatrics, 118, pp. 634639, 2006.
[7] Meary, R., Symposium sur le pied plant. Ann Orthop Ouest. 1, pp. 5571,
[8] Stewart, SF., Human gait the human foot: an ethological study of flatfoot.
Clinical Orthop Res. 70, pp. 111123, 1970.
[9] Garca-Rodrguez, A., Martn-Jimnez, F., Carnero-Varo, M., GmezGracia, E., Gmez-Aracena, J., Fernndez-Crehuet, J., Flexible flat feet in
children: a real problem? Pediatrics. Jun; 103(6), e84. 1999.
[10] Gil, A., Estudio epidemiologico del pie plano en escolares. Acta Peditrica
Espaola. 49(10), pp. 667670, 1992.
[11] Rose, GK., Flat feet in children. Br Med J. 301, pp. 13301331, 1990.
[12] Volpon, JB., Footprint analysis during the growth period. J. Pediatr
Orthop. 14, pp. 8385, 1994.
[13] Forriol, F., Pascual, J., Footprint analysis between three and seventeen
years of age. Foot Ankle. 11, 101104, 1990.

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Stereovision for the determination of fireline

intensity in vegetation fire
L. Rossi, T. Molinier, P. Santoni, T. Barboni & F. Morandini
UMR CNRS 6134, University of Corsica, Corsica

Fireline intensity is one of the most relevant quantities in forest fire science. It
helps to evaluate the effects of fuel treatment on fire behaviour, to establish
limits for prescribed burning. It is also used as a quantitative basis to support fire
suppression activities. However, its measurement at field scale for actual fire
remains a challenge. Hence, it has been poorly used as a key quantity to test the
new generation of models of fire spread that have been developed these last ten
years. An inverse method to obtain fireline intensity is through the observation of
the flame length. This geometrical information is measured using a stereovision
system placed in the lateral position relative to the direction of the fire spread.
Algorithms were developed in order to automatically segment the fire area of the
images and estimate the 3D coordinates of salient fire points and then the flame
length. The three dimensions of the information permit to obtain the flame length
with metric measures. In the present work, we directly measure the fireline
intensity at laboratory scale by oxygen consumption calorimetry. The results are
then used to establish a relationship between fireline intensity and flame length
obtained by the stereovision system.
Keywords: stereovision, 3D coordinates, fireline intensity, flame length, oxygen
consumption calorimetry.

1 Introduction
Fires devastate regularly forests and shrublands as well as populated areas all
over the world. Foresters and fire fighters are faced with problems such as the
management of wildland/urban interfaces, the establishment of safety zones and
suppression strategies. An important concept helpful in fire mitigation and fight
is to scale fires in function of their potential threat. This scale is based on the
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measure of the fireline intensity of fires, but such measure remains a challenge.
The concept of fireline intensity was introduced by Byram [1] in the 1950s. It is
the rate of heat released per unit time per unit length by the active flaming zone
of the fire front. It is given by:

I B Hwr


where IB (kW/m) is the fireline intensity, H (kJ/kg) is the heat yield of the fuel, w
(kg/m2) is the weight of fuel consumed in the active flame front and r (m/s) is the
rate of spread of the fire. The fireline intensity is a widely used measure in forest
fire applications: it helps to evaluate the effects of fuel treatment on fire
behaviour [2], to establish limits for prescribed burning [3], to assess fire impacts
on ecosystems [4]. It is also used as an indicator for the classification of fires in
terms of risk [1] or as a quantitative basis to support fire suppression activities
[5]. The measure of the fireline intensity according to Eqn (1) is extremely
difficult because it requires determining the fuel consumption in the fire front.
An alternative method consists in measuring the geometrical properties of the
flame and use a correlation to derive the fire intensity. The flame length is
defined as the distance from the base of the flame to the highest point of the
flame [6]. For instance Byram [1] proposed the following relationships between
flame length and intensity:
LB = 0.0775 IB0.46IB = 259LB2.17


Several authors have proposed other correlations to estimate fireline intensity

from flame length measurements [710]. These laws exhibit differences in the
coefficients and the corresponding curves are strongly different. These
differences may be attributed to the varying experimental conditions of the
observed fires, to the difficulty in measuring the flame length and to the
uncertainty in measuring the fireline intensity. For more than two decades, visual
and infrared cameras have been used as complementary metrological instruments
in fire spreading experiments [11, 12]. The image processes used only 2D
information and were not able to provide metric measurements unless calibrated
objects were present in the image.
The aim of this paper is to address both major sources of uncertainty. Firstly
the use of a stereovision system in order to determine the flame properties is
proposed. The stereovision system is built using a visual spectrum pre-calibrated
stereo camera without the need of position markers for deriving scale and
orthogonality from images. No a priori knowledge is necessary in order to use
the proposed approach. Then, we present a methodology to measure the fireline
intensity based on oxygen consumption calorimetry principle. Thanks to both
methods to measure flame length and fireline intensity, a new relationship
between these quantities is obtained at laboratory scale. It is then compared with
the existing correlations found in the literature.

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2 Stereoscopic methodology
A stereo vision system is composed by two cameras, fig. 1. Each camera,
considered as pinhole, is defined by its optical center Ol (for the left one), its
optical axis (Olzl) perpendicular to the image plane and its focal length. Each
camera has intrinsic parameters (pixel coordinates of the projection center,
vertical and horizontal distortions) and extrinsic parameters (characterizing the
position and orientation of the camera relative to an object; three rotations and
three translations parameters). Let P be a point in a 3D space; Pl and Pr are
respectively the image of P in the left and right image planes. The line (elPl) is
the epipolar line representing the set of left image points corresponding Pl [13

Figure 1:

General case of a stereo vision system.

The fundamental matrix F is the algebraic representation of the epipolar


(el Pl ) FPr


F incorporates intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the cameras. The

fundamental matrix is computed by calibration with a frame or right-left
correspondences. The 3D position is depicted by a stereo disparity defined by the
difference between the projected points in two stereo images. A 2D-search is
thus needed in order to find corresponding points in both images along the
epipolar lines. With the fundamental matrix, it is possible to do an image
rectification. The rectification procedure transforms each image plane such that
pairs of conjugate epipolar lines become collinear and parallel to one of the
image axes. The rectified images can be thought of as acquired by a new stereo
rig, obtained by rotating the original cameras. With rectification, computing
stereo correspondences is reduced to a 1-D search problem along the horizontal
raster lines of the rectified images. Once the corresponding features are
extracted, a triangulation technique is used to compute their 3D coordinates. A
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line l is passed through the point in the left image and the left optical center Cl
and a line r is passed through the corresponding point in the right image and the
right optical center Cr. A mid-point method finds the point which lies exactly at
the middle of the shortest line segment joining the two projection lines. This
point represents the 3D coordinate of the corresponding pixels, fig. 2.

Figure 2:

Triangulation method.

Feature points are salient points of the image. The Harris detector is the most
commonly used operator for corner point extraction. It is based on local autocorrelation of the signal [17, 18]. This operator measures local changes of gray
levels. In some cases, regions of interest detection is performed in a given color
system prior to salient points extraction. This segmentation permits the
extraction of connected parts of an image based on color criteria [19]. Then
follows a contour detection carried out for example by using the Harris edge
detector and the Corner detector based on global and local curvature properties
[1921]. Based on global Feature points are then searched along the contours.
When feature points are located in the right and left images, a matching
algorithm is used in order to find corresponding points in the two images.
Matching algorithms can be classified as correlation-based and feature-based
methods [17]. In correlation-based methods, used in this work, the elements to
match are image windows of fixed size, and the similarity criterion is a measure
of the correlation between windows in the two stereo images.

3 Experiments
3.1 Experimental procedure to measure the flame characteristics
The measurement of the flame length was carried out using a stereovision system
placed in lateral position relative to the direction of the fire spread (circled
system in fig. 3).A Point Grey pre-calibrated Bumblebee XB3 camera was
used [22, 23]. This camera is a trinocular multi-baseline stereo camera with an
extended baseline of 24 cm. It has a focal length of 3.8 mm with 66 HFOV. The
image sensor is a 1/3" Sony ICX445AQ CCD. This system is pre-calibrated for
stereo processing. The image resolution is 1280x960 with a frame rate of
16 FPS.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 3:


Experimental vision device.

Image acquisition was developed using C++ with Point Grey Triclops SDK.
This system permits the simultaneous acquisition of a pair of images of the
scene. The captured images are stored for further processing using algorithms
developed with Matlab. The experiments were carried out with a frame rate of
0.25 Hz. Only the images within the steady phase were treated. The threedimensional points of fire were obtained from stereoscopic images. The steps
involved in this approach are [24]:
1- Segmentation of fire regions; Kos segmentation algorithm is used in this
work [25],
2- Extraction of salient features points,
3- Features selection refinement using a normalized cross-correlation
matching strategy,
4- Computation of three-dimensional fire points using stereo
Figure 4 shows the fire area segmented in the image with the matched points
detected on the entire contour of the fire. Figure 5 shows the 3D points of the fire
obtained from the corresponding points marked in Figure 4. The X-axis
corresponds to the depth of the fire front; the Y-axis corresponds to its height,
and the Z-axis to its width. The reference frame has its origin in the left image
center point of the XB3 camera. In order to visualize the correspondence
between the 2D and the 3D information, four points are numbered in fig. 4 and
fig. 5. With 2D data, it is impossible to distinguish points that are on the ground
from points located above whereas it is possible with 3D information. For
example, the Y coordinate of the point number 1 shows that this point is not on
the ground.
The length of the flame is defined as the distance between the ground and the
highest 3D points. It is thus necessary to estimate the position of the ground. A
method was developed in order to obtain automatically the ground even if the
plane is inclined. The lowest 3D points of the back part of the smoldering fire
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Figure 4:

Segmentation of the fire region.

Figure 5:

3D fire points.

front are identified for all the images and a plane is estimated from these points
using a least square method. Then, through homography, the coordinates of the
3D points are selected to form a base plane with Y = 0. The selection of the 3D
lowest points is carried out as follow: the 3D points are divided in sets following
the Z axis. In each set, we note Ymax and Zmax the maximum Y and Z coordinate of
selected points, Ymin and Zmin the minimum Y and Z coordinate of selected
points. Then we estimate y=YmaxYmin. Due to the possible inclination of the
ground, two conditions are used to select the points of the ground: YYmin+y
and ZZmin+z. For each 3D set of fire points obtained at a given time, the Y
coordinate of the highest point corresponds to the flame length, L. This
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


procedure is carried out for each image of the set of images acquired during the
steady phase. From all the flame length values, the mean L and the standard
deviation L are computed. Then, the values of L that are within the interval
L L , L L are averaged in order to compute the estimated flame length of
the whole steady phase.

3.2 Measurement of fireline intensity by oxygen consumption calorimetry

3.2.1 Experimental device and basic equations
Oxygen Consumption (OC) calorimetry is a common method used to measure
the Heat Release Rate (HRR in kW). HRR which describes the fire size of
burning materials is a fundamental parameter that is essential to estimate fire
hazards [26]. It is then used to derive fireline intensity (kW/m). The oxygen
consumption calorimetry principle is based on the assumption that the amount of
heat released per unit mass of consumed oxygen is approximately constant for
most common burning materials containing C, H and O [27]. Thus, the heat
release rate can be approximated by measuring the oxygen deficit in the exhaust
gas flow of burning materials. HRR measurements based on OC calorimetry
were conducted using a 1 MW Large Scale Heat Release (LSHR) calorimeter
(3m 3m hood). Figure 6 shows the Open-burning HHR Calorimeter with a
combustion bench inside. The HRR is given by the following relations

E 0WO2

1 X X

H 2O

O2 V s , 298


Vs , 298 22.4 A t


X Oa2 1 X CO
X Oa2 1 X CO

X Oa2


X Oa2



where q is the HRR, E is Huggetts constant [27], 0 is the density of dry air at
298K and 1 atm, WO2 is the molecular weight of oxygen, Wair is the molecular
weight of air, X denotes the molar fraction, Vs,298 is the standard flow rate in the
exhaust duct. Superscript is for incoming air, a is for analyzers. A is the cross
sectional area of the duct, kt is a constant determined by calibration with a
propane burner, kp =1.108 for a bi-directional probe, p is the pressure drop
across the bi-directional probe and Ts is the gas temperature in the duct.

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Figure 6:

Large scale heat release calorimeter.

3.2.2 Experimental procedure and fuel bed properties

Three species of vegetation were considered: Pinuspinaster (PP) needles,
Avenafatua (AF) straw (wild oats) and Genistasalzmannii (GS) spines (an
endemic broom). Experimental fires were conducted under no slope and no wind
for line-ignition fires (see Figure3). The fuels were scattered uniformly on the
tray to obtain homogeneous beds. To ensure fast and linear ignition, a small
amount of alcohol and a flame torch were used. The range of fuel bed properties
for each vegetation species are provided in table 1 where w, , , and
represent respectively the fuel load, the depth of the fuel bed, the density of the
particles, the surface to volume ratio of the particles and the packing ratio of the
fuel bed.Hc,net is the net heat of combustion.
The fire fronts remained quasi linear during the whole spreads and exhibited a
weak curvature on the flanks when reaching the end of the combustion bench.
Table 1:

Range of fuel bed properties of the vegetation species.








Avena Fatua (AF)






Genista salzmannii






Pinus pinaster







WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


The fireline intensity obtained by OC calorimetry denoted IOC, corresponds

directly to the measured HRR for fire front of1m width. For fuel bed of smaller
width W, the fireline intensity is given by:

I OC q W


4 Results and discussion

4.1 Laboratory scale experiments
4.1.1 Geometrical characterization of the flame using stereovision
The height of the flame is estimated from visible stereoscopic images without the
need of position markers for deriving scale and orthogonality present in the
images. Stereovision gives metric measurements and it is then possible to
distinguish easily points that are on the ground from points located above (point
number 4 in Figure 5 for example). The precision of the measurement using
stereovision has been tested with a fire front model (with maximum dimensions:
height: 0.9; width: 1.9; depth: 0.9 m) which has been constructed from a metal
frame and covered with red paper. Patterns have been added in order to have
points of interest on the form that can be easily detected. The stereovision system
was positioned at 4 meters of the model. The height of the estimated 3D pattern
points and the maximum height of the model have been compared with the real
one and the accuracy is about one millimetre.
4.1.2 Fireline intensity measured by oxygen consumption calorimetry
Figure 7 displays an example of a curve of fireline intensity for fire spreading
across PP for a load of 1.2 kg/m2. The corresponding mass loss over time is
superimposed on the HRR curves.

Fireline intensity

HRR by OC calorimetry
Byram's intensity
Mass loss

Mass (g)










Quasi-steady state

Time (s)


Figure 7:









Fireline intensity and mass loss over time for fire spread across a
fuel bed of PP for a load of 1.2 kg/m2.

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Figure 8 shows OC calorimetry intensities versus Byrams intensities for the
whole set of experiments conducted. We can see that Byrams formulation IB,
overestimates IOC, the fireline intensity measured by OC calorimetry. The ratio
between both formulations given by the linear regression is I OC I B 0.84 .
Fireline Intensity
by OC (kW/m)

AF 0.6 kg/m2
GS 0.9 kg/m2
PP 0.6 kg/m2
PP 1.2 kg/m2

y = 0,843x
R = 0,949


Fireline Intensity
by Byram (kW/m)



Figure 8:





OC calorimetry Fireline intensity versus Byrams intensity.

4.1.3 Relationship between flame length and fireline intensity

The predictions of current correlation of flame length vs fireline intensity are
plotted in Figure 9. The circle represents the fireline intensities obtained with the
calorimeter. The flame length was obtained by stereovision.
L (m)



IB (kW/m)


Figure 9:

Byram (1959)
Newman (1974)


Thomas (1963)
Nelson and Adkinks (1986)

Flame length versus predicted fireline intensity, Byrams intensity

and fireline intensity measured by OC.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


We observe that all the correlation models overestimate the fireline intensity
measured by OC. It should be noticed that the Byram fireline intensity computed
from the measured flame length with eqn. (2) matches the one computed using
eqn. (1) denoted by marker in figure 9, showing that the flame length is well
measured. In order to take into account the good values (circle in figure 9) the
new correlation between the intensity and the flame length is proposed as:
L= 0.0646 I0.5281
I = 179 L1.8936 or I. 180 L1.9


5 Conclusion
Combined stereovision and oxygen consumption calorimetry allowed
establishing a new correlation to assess fireline intensity. This first step is
promising. In future, this correlation will be tested at field scale and the link
between geometrical flame properties and radiant heat flux ahead of a fire front
will be investigated.

This work was carried out in the scope of project PROTERINA-C supported by
the EU under the Thematic 3 of the Operational Program Italia/France Maritime
2007-2013, contract: G25I08000120007.

[1] Byram G.M., Combustion of forest fuels (Chapter 3). Forest fire: control
and use, ed. K.P. Davis, McGraw-Hill: New York, pp. 6189, 1959.
[2] Fites J.A. & Henson C., Real-time evaluation of effects of fuel-treatments
and other previous land management activities on fire behavior during
wildfires, Report of the Joint fires science rapid response project, US Forest
Service, pp. 113, 2004.
[3] McAthur A.G., Communication, 1962, Control burning in eucalypt forests,
Forestry and Timber Bureau Leaflet, Australia, No 80.
[4] Hammil K.A. & Bradstock R.A., Remote sensing of fire severity in Blue
Mountains: influence of vegetation type and inferring fire intensity.
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 15, pp.213226, 2006.
[5] Palheiro P.M., Fernandes P. & Cruz M.G., A fire behaviour-based fire
danger classification for maritime pine stands: comparison of two
approaches. Proc. of the Vth International Conference on Forest Fire
Research, ed. D.X. Viegas, CD-ROM, 2006.
[6] Albini F.A., Wildland fires, American Scientist, 72, pp.590597, 1984.
[7] Newman M., Toward a common language for aerial delivery mechanics.
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[8] Thomas H., The size of flames from natural fire. In: proceedings of the 9th
symposium on combustion. Proc. of the combustion Institute, Pittsburgh,
pp. 844859, 1963.
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[9] Nelson R.M. Jr. & Adkins C.A., Flame characteristics of wind-driven
surfaces fires. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 16, pp. 12931300,
[10] Weise D.R. & Biging G.S., Effects of wind velocity and slope on flame
properties. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 26, pp. 18491858, 1996.
[11] Martinez-de Dios J. R., Andr J. C., Gonalves J. C., Arrue B. Ch., Ollero
A. and Viegas D. X. Laboratory Fire Spread Analysis Using Visual and
Infrared Cameras Inter. Journ. of Wildland Fire15, pp. 175-86, 2006.
[12] Adkins C.W., Fire image Analysis System version 5.0. Proc of the 12th
Conference on fire and meteo, Jekill Island, Georgie. Poster, 1993.
[13] Hartley, R., Zissermann, A., Multiple view geometry in computer vision,
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[17] Trucco, E., Verri, A., Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision,
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[18] C. Harris, M. Stephens, A combined corner and edge detector, Proc of the
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[21] He H.C. and Yung N.H.C., A corner detector based on global and local
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[23] Bumblebee XB3 Getting Started Manual
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Photoelastic and numerical stress analysis of a

2D contact problem and 3D numerical solution
for the case of a rigid body on a deformable one
A. Bilek & F. Djeddi
Laboratoire dEnergtique, Mcanique et Matriaux,
Universit Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou, Algrie

A finite element analysis and a photoelastic stress analysis are conducted in
order to determine the stress field developed in the pin on plan contact problem.
Although this problem is relatively easy to study experimentally, the purpose
here is to show the possibilities of the finite element method; after validation of
the numerical procedure, problems with complicated geometry and boundary
conditions can then be solved numerically. Isochromatic and isoclinic fringes,
similar to the ones obtained experimentally by the photoelastic method, are
obtained numerically over the whole model. The details of the finite element
solution are fully given in the paper. Many studies have been achieved in order
to separate the principal stresses and obtain their orientations (integration of the
equilibrium equations ) in order to compare them with the simulated results.
However, this requires a high precision of measurement. Here, a whole field
comparison of the experimental and numerical photoelastic fringes and a local
analysis using the principal stresses difference, allowed us to validate the
numerical approach. Relatively good agreements were obtained. A numerical
solution for a three dimensional contact problem is also developed for a rigid
parallelepiped on a deformable cylinder. The mesh was refined in the
neighborhood of the contact zone in order to achieve better approximation of
stresses. The loading is given by the limit conditions that are simply the imposed
displacement. The calculated photoelastic fringes are obtained for various
sections inside the model. These simulated fringes can be compared to the
experimental ones which can be obtained by slicing the model and analyzing it in
a plan polariscope. The program developed allows us to calculate stresses on any

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given section inside the model, particularly in the neighborhood of the contact
Keywords: birefringent, isoclinic, isochromatic, fringe, photoelasticity, contact,
stress field, stress freezing, slicing.

1 Introduction
Several studies have shown that failure of mechanical parts occur generally in
the neighborhood of the contact zones [14]. Stress initiation is mainly
controlled by the shear stress mechanisms, particularly for metallic materials, by
displacement of the dislocations on the crystallographic plans of higher densities.
It is therefore very important to determine the type and the amplitude of the
imposed mechanical solicitations.
Theoretical and numerical studies of the contact stresses are in some cases
very complex. Several methods have been used to analyze this type of problem.
In this work two methods have been used: the photoelasticity method and the
finite elements method in order to determine stresses developed on the model.
The photoelastic fringes obtained experimentally with a plan polarized light
are used to determine the values of the principal stresses difference over the
whole model. To obtain the individual values of the stresses, that is to separate
the principal stresses, several studies have been conducted by integrating the
equilibrium equations (Zenina et al. [5] and Plouzennec [6]). However, a high
precision is required in the unwrapping of the isochromatic and the isoclinic
fringes obtained on the analyzer to determine respectively the difference and the
direction of the principal stresses.
As already done in previous papers (Bilek et al. [7, 8]), it is sufficient to make
a comparison between experimental and simulated fringes. Another comparison,
which is more accurate, is made between experimental and simulated values of
the principal stresses difference along the vertical axis of symmetry.

2 Experimental analysis
The model, made of epoxy resin (PLM-4R) mixed with a hardener, is mounted
on a loading frame (figure 1) equipped with two dynamometers. The model is
loaded via a steel pin of rectangular cross section (12x12mm), the load is set to
F=1300N. The loading frame with the model is then positioned on the
polariscope for analysis.
Plane polarized light is used to observe the photoelastic fringes. The
isochromatic and the isoclinic fringes obtained on the analyzer are used to
determine the values of the principal stresses difference and the principal stresses
directions, particularly in the neighborhood of the contact zone.
The model in the shape of a parallelepiped (67 x 58 x 10 mm) is cut in the
birefringent material. Poissons ratio and Youngs modulus, which are necessary
to implement the numerical solution, are measured with the help of electrical
strain gages mounted respectively on a tensile specimen and a cantilever beam.

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Figure 1:

Figure 2:


The model mounted on the loading frame.

Light propagation through a photoelastic model.

Strains measured on the surface of the models allowed us to obtain easily these
necessary values: = 0.37 and E=2435 MPa.
Figure 2 shows the well known photoelastic method based on the birefringent
phenomenon; the refractive index n1 and n2 which depend on stresses in the two
principal directions induce a retardation angle . The light intensity obtained on
the analyzer after traveling through the polarizer, the model and the analyzer has
two terms: sin22 and sin2/2 which give respectively the isoclinic fringes and
the isochromatic fringes (eq. (1)).
I= a2 sin22 sin2/2


The isochromatic fringes allow us to obtain the values of the principal stresses
difference on the model by using the well known relation (eq. (2)). This can
only be done once the values of the fringe order N have been completely
determined. The values of the fringe order N are determined either by the
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compensation technique or, whenever possible, by starting from a non stressed
region on the model were N=0. The fringe orders can then be easily deduced for
the other fringes.
( - ). = N (/C)/e

The ratio f=/C called the fringe constant depends on the light wave used and
the model material. Several solutions are available to obtain this value easily.
Here, we subjected a beam (40mm x10mm cross section) to a constant bending
moment (15000 in a portion of its length (figure 3), the light wave length
used is =546nm. We can see that the fringes are parallel to the horizontal axis of
symmetry as one would expect; stresses at a same distance from the neutral axis
are identical. We recall that isochromatics are loci of points having the same
principal stresses difference. The isochromatic fringes are, therefore, parallel to
the neutral axis of symmetry. Knowing the fringes orders and using the fact that
the stress 2 is equal to zero (no load is applied in that direction), the value of the
fringe constant can then be easily deduced by using (eq. (2)):

Figure 3:

Model observed on a dark field polariscope.

Once the value of the fringe constant is determined, we can proceed to

continue the analysis. The experimental isochromatic fringes (figure 4) on the
analyzer of the polariscope are obtained with monochromatic light. Two quarter
wave plates are added on the light path in order to eliminate optically the
isoclinics that can hide the isochromatics which are necessary to determine the
values of the principal stresses difference on the whole model, particularly in the
neighborhood of the contact zone. These experimental isochromatic fringes will
be compared to the simulated fringes obtained with the finite element analysis.
Another comparison is possible between the experimental isoclinics fringes
and the simulated ones. The experimental isoclinics fringes (dark fringes on
figure 5) are obtained for different positions of the polarizer and the analyzer. An
image of the photoelastic fringes is recorded after each new position, the
analyzer and the polarizer axes remain orthogonal to each other in order to
always have a plan polarized light.
We recall that dark isoclinic fringes appear where the directions of the
principal stresses coincide with the directions of the polarizer and the analyzer.
The angle gives the position of the polarizer, the reference =0 taken as the
vertical axis. The isoclinic fringes can then be easily used to obtain the principal
stress trajectories called also isostatics. Several numerical methods have been
developed to obtain the isostatics rapidly and efficiently.

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Figure 4:


Isochromatic fringes obtained experimentally.

In this paper we are interested mainly in validating the finite element solution;
it is therefore sufficient to compare the experimental and the calculated fringes.
Another comparison, which is more accurate, is made between stresses obtained
experimentally by analyzing the experimental isochromatic fringes and stresses
obtained directly with the finites elements simulation, along the vertical axis of
symmetry of the model.

Figure 5:

Isoclinic fringes at different angles.

3 Numerical analysis
In the finite element calculations, we considered that the material behaves
everywhere as a purely elastic isotropic material. Youngs modulus
(E1=210000MPa, E2=2435 MPa) and Poissons ratio (1=0.3, 2=0.37) for the
two bodies in contact were introduced in the program. The mesh was refined in
the neighborhood of the contact zone (figure 6) in order to achieve better
simulation of stresses.
To achieve a better simulation of the applied load, an imposed displacement
is applied to the model at the contact surface between the pin and the plan. The
equivalent applied load is calculated then as the sum of the elementary vertical

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Figure 6:

Finite element meshing.

load components at the nodes located at the lower surface of the model which is
in contact with the loading frame.
Iterations on displacements at the contact nodes are stopped when the
calculated corresponding load is equal to the value of the applied load within an
acceptable error (0.1%) set in the program. The isochromatic fringes represented
by sin2/2 (eq. 1) are calculated then easily over the whole model. The details of
the calculation are shown hereafter.
3.1 Numerical calculation of the isochromatic fringes
The following relation (eq. 3) which can be obtained readily from Mohrs circle
for stresses allows us to calculate the principal stresses difference at any point of
a stressed model.
((x y)2 +42xy)0.5 = 1 2 = Nf/e
The different values of the retardation angle (eq. 4) can be calculated at any
point on the model using the following relation:
= 2N = ((x y)2 +42xy)0.5 2 e/f


The different values of sin2/2 which represents the isochromatic fringes

(figure 7, left) can then be easily calculated over the whole model. A comparison
can then be made with the isochromatic fringes obtained experimentally
(figure 7, right). We can see relatively good agreement; however in the
neighborhood of the contact zone we can see some discrepancies.
Figure 8 shows the variation of the principal stresses difference along the
vertical axis. The value increases to approximately 6 MPa and then decreases
away from the contact zone. For the experimental solution it is difficult to
determine the stresses close to the contact zone.
The following hypotheses can be considered to explain these differences. For
the finite elements procedure, the constitutive equations (mechanical behavior)
taken for the material, the mesh sizes especially close to the contact zone and the
boundary condition are not exactly the same as the real ones. Also, for the
experimental procedure the loading is not perfectly symmetrical and the spatial
resolution in the neighborhood of the contact zone is limited.
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Figure 7:


Simulated isochromatic fringes (left), experimental ones (right).

Figure 8:

Principal stresses difference along the vertical axis.

The term sin2 2 represents the isoclinic fringes which are loci of points
where the principal stresses directions are parallel to the polarizer and the
analyzer. In the simulation program, the different values of the isoclinic
parameter can be calculated with the following relation (eq. 5) which can be
obtained readily from Mohrs circle for stresses:
= arct (2xy /(x-y))


The program calculates the different values of the parameter . The image
corresponding to the isoclinic fringes (sin2 2) can then be calculated and
displayed (figure 9). The comparison is then possible with the experimental
isoclinic fringes which are the dark fringes obtained experimentally (figure 5).
Experimentally it is not possible, of course, to observe the isoclinics alone
whereas for the finite element solution this is possible. Good agreement was
obtained between the experimental and the simulated isoclinic fringes.

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Figure 9:

Simulated isoclinic fringes.

4 Numerical solution for the case of a rigid parallelepiped on

a deformable cylinder
The birefringent cylindrical specimen (35mm diameter and 50mm length) is
subjected to a compressive simulated load by a steel rigid parallelepiped (cross
section 10x10 mm). The purpose here is to calculate stresses on any chosen plan
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder (figure 10), particularly in
the neighborhood of the contact zone. Simulated fringes similar to the
photoelastic fringes obtained experimentally can then be calculated and

Figure 10:

Experimental model.

The same as for the previous two dimensional case, displacements are
imposed on the upper surface of the model at the nodes that will come into
contact after the load is actually applied. The imposed displacement is calculated
separately at each node; the imposed displacement decreases from a set value
for the first point of contact and decreases as we move away from this point. The
corresponding applied load is then calculated as the sum of the elementary
vertical loads on the nodes at the lower surface of the model which is in contact
with the loading frame.

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4.1 Simulation for the case of mechanical slicing

If one uses the stress frizzing experimental technique to analyze the stress field
by mechanically slicing the model and then analyzing stresses on a regular
polariscope with circularly polarized light (quarter wave plate are added to the
polariscope in the light path) to obtain the photoelastic fringes, the light intensity
on the analyzer is given in by the following relation (eq. (6)):
I= a2 sin2 (/2)


In order to analyze stresses in three dimensional models we generally use the

stress freezing technique which consists on locking stresses in the model. The
model is then mechanically sliced with chosen plans in order to allow a two
dimensional analysis on a regular polariscope.
Since for the stress freezing technique stresses should be locked inside the
model at the stress freezing temperature, fringe constant and Youngs modulus
of the model material should be determined at this temperature. These
characteristics, f=0.44 N/mm/fringe and E=15.9 MPa, are taken from reference
(Bilek et al. [4]). These values should then be introduced in the finite elements
program in order to implement the solution.

Figure 11:

Simulated isochromatic fringes.

In the finite element solution, it is necessary to select the thickness of the slice
to be isolated. The slice thickness should be small enough so that stresses remain
relatively constant across the thickness. Here, we choose 10 mm which
corresponds approximately to the generally used thickness for a two dimensional
model. This process is repeated along the length of the cylinder in order to
determine the variation of stresses in the whole volume. Figure 11 shows the
simulated isochromatic fringes obtained with software package castem.

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Figure 12:

Principal stresses difference along the vertical axis of symmetry.

For a same slice (image 1, figure 11), we can see that stresses decrease as we
move away from the contact zone. Also as we move along the cylinder (image 1
through 8) we see less isochromatic fringes which show clearly that stresses
decrease. The stresses at the lower of the cylinder remain relatively constant; the
load is uniformly distributed over the surface of contact with the loading frame.
The principal stresses difference along the vertical axis of symmetry increases
to a maximum value of about 0.72 MPa and then decreases as we move away
from the contact zone. The value of the principal stresses difference increases
again, as we move close to the contact zone of the cylinder with the loading
frame, to reach a value of 0.27 MPa. This graph can be obtained along the
vertical axis for any plan along the length of the cylinder.

5 Conclusion
We have shown through the study of a two dimensional model that the
simulation of stresses developed on a plan loaded with a pin gives relatively
good agreements with the experimental ones. The isochromatic and the isoclinic
fringes are comparable to the photoelastic fringes obtained on a regular
polariscope. A solution for a three dimensional problem is developed. The
isochromatic fringes are obtained for various sections along the cylinder. The
principal stresses difference can be easily calculated in the volume of the
cylinder. This allows us to locate the zones of stress concentration which is of
great importance in the design of mechanical components. An experimental
solution either by the stress freezing method or the optical slicing method can be
used for comparison purposes.
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[1] Mihailidis, A., Bakolas, V., & Drivakovs, N., Subsurface stress field of a
dry line Contact. Wear V. 249, pp 546-556, 2001.
[2] Burguete, R. L. & Patterson, E. A., A photoelastic study of contact between
a cylinder and a half-space. Experimental Mechanics V.7, No. 3, 1997.
[3] Kogut, L. & Etsion I., Elastic-Plastic contact analysis of a sphere and a rigid
flat. Journal of Applied Mechanics, V.69, pp.657- 662, 2002.
[4] Bilek, A., Dupr, J. C., Ouibrahim, A. & Bremand, F., 3D Photoelasticity
and numerical analysis of a cylinder/half-space contact problem, Computer
methods and experimental measurements for surface effects and contact
mechanics VII, pp 173 -182, 2000.
[5] Zenina, A., Dupr, J.C. & Lagarde, A., Separation of isochromatic and
isoclinic patterns of a slice optically isolated in a 3-D photoelastic medium.
Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 18, pp. 633-640, 1999.
[6] Plouzennec, N., Dveloppement de Processus danalyse dImages en
Photolasticimtrie par un feuillet plan obtenue par dcoupage mcanique et
optique. Thse de lUniversit de Poitiers, 1996.
[7] Bilek, A., Dupr, J. C., Brmand, F. & Ouibrahim, A., Studies of contact
problems by 3D photoelasticity, comparison with finite element analysis,
International conference on experimental mechanics, Italy, 2004.
[8] Bilek, A., Ouibrahim, A., Brmand, F. & Dupr, J. C., Experimental and
numerical analysis of a cylinder/cylinder contact problem. ETDCM8,
Experimental techniques and design in composite materials, Italy 2007.

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Section 2
Fluid flow

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Large eddy simulation of a transition process in

separated-reattached flows
Z. Yang
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering Department,
Loughborough University, UK

Transition from laminar to turbulence in separated-reattached flow occurs
frequently and plays a very important role in engineering. Hence, accurately
predicting transition is crucial since the transition location has a significant
impact on aerodynamics performance and a thorough understanding of the
transition process can greatly help to control it, e.g. to delay the turbulent phase
where laminar flow characteristics are desirable (low friction drag) or to
accelerate it where high mixing of turbulent flow are of interest (in a combustor).
However, it is very difficult to predict transition using conventional ReynoldsAveraged-Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach and the transition process is not fully
understood. Nevertheless significant progress has been made with the simulation
tools such as Large Eddy Simulation (LES) which has shown improved
predictive capabilities over RANS and can predict transition process accurately.
This paper presents briefly LES formalism and followed by its applications to
predict/understand the transition process and unsteady behaviour of the free
shear layer in separated-reattached flow.
Keywords: transition, separated-reattached flow, LES, RANS, shear layer,
unsteady, turbulence.

1 Introduction
Separated flows are common and play an important role in many engineering
applications from cooling of small electronic devices to airfoil and turbomachinery design. If a separated flow reattaches downstream a separation bubble
is formed and its characteristics are a crucial aspect of the engineering design
process. Three types of separation bubble are possible depending on the state of
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the boundary layer at separation and reattachment: laminar, transitional and
turbulent. In a laminar separation bubble the flow at both separation and
reattachment is laminar. For a transitional separation bubble it is laminar flow at
separation while at reattachment the flow becomes turbulent, and a turbulent
separation bubble is formed over an already turbulent boundary layer. Laminar
boundary layer separation occurs in many engineering problems such as low Re
number flow over aerofoils and turbo-machinery flow. Laminar separated flow
has a tendency to become unstable even at relatively low Reynolds numbers and
therefore is likely to undergo a transition to turbulence. The location where
transition starts and the spatial extent within which transition takes place are of
crucial interest in engineering design and performance prediction applications.
Laminar-to-turbulence transition has been under intensive research for many
decades. Experimental studies have provided fundamental knowledge of
parameters influencing transition, along with indications for related physical
mechanisms. However, such data can only provide limited temporal and spatial
resolution of flow parameters and hence a thorough description of the transition
process is lacking. Theoretical studies on the other hand, suffer from the
limitation imposed by nonlinearity of the transition process at later stages.
Conventional RANS approach, based on solving the time- or ensembleaveraged governing equations and hence the effect of all the scales of
instantaneous turbulent motion is modelled, is most commonly applied to the
solution of engineering turbulent flow problems but is not adequate to predict
transition since it only predicts the time- or ensemble-averaged structure and
behaviour of transitional bubbles. Other approaches such as the semi-empirical
en method and correlations are also of limited accuracy and non universal [1].
The alternative approach is LES which was proposed as early as 1963 by
Smagorinsky [2]. LES does not adopt the conventional time- or ensembleaveraging RANS approach with additional modelled transport equations being
solved to obtain the so called Reynolds stresses resulting from the averaging
process. In LES the large scale motions (large eddies) of turbulent flow are
computed directly and only small scale (sub-grid scale) motions are
modelled.LES can be more accurate than the RANS approach since the larger
eddies contain most of the turbulent energy and are responsible for most of the
turbulent mixing, and LES captures these eddies in full detail directly whereas
they are modelled in the RANS approach. Furthermore the small scales tend to
be more isotropic and homogeneous than the large ones, and thus modelling the
sub-grid scale motions should be easier than modelling all scales within a single
model as in the RANS approach. However, LES has received increased attention
in the engineering community only since 1990s although it was proposed nearly
half a century ago, mainly due to the lack of sufficient computational power
since LES requires 3D time-dependent calculations with small time-steps and
reasonably fine meshes.
The current paper presents briefly LES formalism first followed by its
applications to study transitional separated-reattached flows, focusing on the
current understanding of physics of the transition process, and concludes with

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possible future trends in several important areas in LES and transitional bubble

2 Mathematical formulation
2.1 LES governing equations
The governing equations for any fluid flow, called the Navier-Stokes equations,
are derived according to the fundamental conservation laws for mass, momentum
and energy. In LES only large eddies (large scale motions) are computed directly
and hence a low-pass spatial filter is applied to the instantaneous conservation
equations to formulate the 3D unsteady governing LES equations. When the
finite volume method is employed to solve the LES equations numerically the
equations are integrated over control volumes, equivalent to convolution with a
top-hat filter, therefore there is no need to apply a filter to the instantaneous
equation explicitly and in this case it is called implicit filtering.
The filtered equation expressing conservation of mass and momentum in a
Newtonian incompressible flow can be written in conservative form as:

i ui 0


t (u i ) j ( u i u j ) i p 2 j ( S ij ) j ( ij )


where the bar over the variables denotes the filtered, or resolved scale quantity

S ij

( i u j j u i )

ij (ui u j ui u j )



S ij is the resolved scale strain rate tensor and ij is the unknown sub-grid scale
or residual stress tensor, representing the effects of the sub-grid scale motions on
the resolved fields of the LES, which must be modelled or approximated using a
so called sub-grid scale model.
2.2 Sub-grid scale modelling

Many different kinds of sub-grid scale models have been developed [35]and
most of them make an eddy-viscosity assumption (Boussinesqs hypothesis) to
model the sub-grid scale stress tensor as follows:


ij 2t S ij ij ll

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t is called sub-grid scale eddy viscosity and eqn. (2) then becomes:
t ( u i ) j ( u i u j ) i P 2 j [( t ) S ij ]


It should be noted that a modified pressure, P p 1 ll , has been introduced

and hence when the above equation is solved the pressure obtained is not just the
static pressure only. The question now is how to determine the sub-grid scale
eddy viscosity and the most basic model is the one originally proposed by
Smagorinsky [2]:

t (C S ) 2 S

S ( 2 S ij S ij ) 2

( x y z ) 3


C S is the so called Smagorinsky constant and typical value used for it is 0.1.
Despite increasing interest in developing more advanced sub-grid scale
models this very simple model has been used widely and proved surprisingly
successful although it has clear shortcomings such as that it is too dissipative
(not good for transition simulation) and the Smagorinsky constant needs to be
adjusted for different flows. An improvement on this simple SGS model was
suggested by Germano et al. [6] a dynamic sub-grid scale model, which
allows the model constants C S to be determined locally in space and in time
during the simulation.
2.3 Numerical methods

The finite volume method is the most popular numerical method used in fluid
flow simulation and most of LES studies have been carried out using this
method. A brief discussion on many important numerical issues will be
presented in this section.
2.3.1 Filtering
When the finite volume method is used there is no need to explicitly filter the
instantaneous Navier-Stokes equations since the governing equations can be
regarded as implicitly filtered as mentioned in section 2.1.The velocity
components at the corresponding grid points are interpreted as the volume
average. Any small scale (smaller than the mesh or control volume) motions are
averaged out and have to be accounted for by a sub-grid scale model. However,
note that it is impossible in this case to discuss the convergence properties (grid
independent solution) of the LES equations because with every mesh refinement,
more small scale eddies are resolved and strict convergence is only achieved in
the limit of the so called Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS).
2.3.2 Spatial and temporal discretization
The most popular spatial discretization scheme used in LES is the second-order
central differencing duo to its non-dissipative and conservative properties (not
only mass and momentum but also kinetic energy conserving), which are
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essential for LES. This is the reason why usually first- and second-order upwind
schemes or any upwind-biased schemes are not used in LES since they produce
too much numerical dissipation. While higher-order numerical schemes,
generally speaking, are desirable and can be applied fairly easily in simple
geometries, their use in complex configurations is rather difficult. In addition, it
is difficult, at least for incompressible flows, to construct high-order energy
conserving schemes. Hence it is likely that with increasing applications of LES
to flows of engineering interest in complex geometries the second-order central
differencing scheme is still the most popular choice.
As for the temporal discretization (time advancement), implicit schemes
allow larger time steps to be used. However, they are more expensive because at
each time step non-linear equations have to be solved. Furthermore, large time
steps are unlikely to be used in LES in order to resolve certain time scales for
accurate simulations of turbulence. Hence, explicit schemes seem to be more
suitable for LES than implicit schemes and most researchers in LES use explicit
schemes such as the second-order AdamsBashforth scheme. Since the time
steps are usually small in LES so that it is not essential to use higher-order
schemes either.
2.3.3 Inflow boundary conditions
Most boundary conditions used in LES are fairly standard and similar to those
used in the RANS approach but specifying inflow boundary conditions
accurately for LES proves to be very difficult. This is because in LES of
turbulent flow at inflow boundary, unlike the RANS computations where only
time-averaged information is required that can be usually specified according to
experimental data, three components of instantaneous velocity need to be
specified at each time step, which are almost impossible to be obtained from
experimental data. Hence normally boundary conditions in LES at inflow
boundary have to be generated numerically which usually lack physical flow
properties. For example, the simplest way is to specify the mean flow velocity
profile (usually obtained experimentally) plus some random perturbations.
However, random disturbances are nothing like real turbulence since they have
no correlations; neither in space nor in time. Therefore, they decay rapidly and it
takes usually a long distance downstream from the inflow boundary for a desired
realistic turbulence to develop, and in some cases the use of random noise at the
inlet does not develop turbulence at all. On the other hand one can use the socalled precursor simulation technique, which is basically to perform another
simulation and store the data as the input for the required simulation. This can
generate the most realistic turbulence information at inflow boundary but it is far
too expensive. Many efforts have been made to develop a method which can
generate numerically three instantaneous inflow velocity components in such a
way that they have all the desired turbulence properties. However, so far there
are methods developed which can generate inflow turbulence with certain
properties but no methods available yet to generate inflow turbulence with all the
desired characteristics such as intensity, shear stresses, length scales and power
spectrum [7].
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2.3.4 Near wall modelling
LES has been applied more and more, in recent years, to study practical
engineering turbulent flows in complex geometries at higher Reynolds number.
However, for high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows the cost of LES that
resolves all the important eddies in the near wall region (the wall-layer
structures) is far too high. Therefore methods to bypass the near wall region are
required to perform high-Reynolds-number LES at a reasonable cost. Several
methods have been developed to model the near wall region flow rather than
resolve it directly using very fine mesh and more details can be found in a review
paper by Piomelli and Balaras [8].

3 Applications of LES to study transitional bubble

This section presents some LES studies of transition in separated-reattached
flows and tries to summarise the current understanding of the transition process,
focusing on several important flow phenomena associated with the transition
3.1 Transition mechanism

Many studies have revealed that in the absence of any finite magnitude
environmental disturbances, transition in the separated shear layer of a separation
bubble is dominantly initiated through the inviscid Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH)
instability mechanism. This mode of instability closely resembles that of the
planar free-shear layer in mixing layers and jets [9]. The LES study of Yang and
Voke [10]revealed a primary 2D instability of a separated shear layer (induced
by a smooth leading edge) via the KH mechanism. A similar mechanism was
also observed by Abdalla and Yang [11] in their LES studies of a separation
bubble over a sharp leading edge. The LES study by Roberts and Yaras [12]
demonstrated that transition of a separated shear layer through the KH instability
does not eliminate the existence of a so called Tollmien-Schlichting (TS)
instability(a viscous instability typically associated with attached flow boundary
layer transition) in the inner part of the flow where the roll up of shear layer into
vortical structures occurred at the dominant TS frequency. They emphasized the
possibility of an interaction between the TS and KH instability modes. Several
other studies have shown that KH instability plays a dominant role in the
transition process of separation bubbles. A number of experimental studies have
also suggested that the TS instability mechanism plays a significant role in a
transitional separation bubble [1315].
The next stage of the transition process after the dominant primary KH
instability is less well understood. In planar free shear layers, the primary
spanwise vortices generated by the KH instability are known to undergo an
instability leading to the vortex pairing phenomenon [9, 16, 17]. This pairing of
vortices is regarded as the governing secondary mechanism associated with
growth of planar free shear layers. A similar vortex pairing phenomenon has also
been reported in separated shear layer studies [18] but Abdalla and Yang [11]
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demonstrated that transformation of 2D KH rolls into 3D structures occurs via a

slightly different secondary instability known as helical instability associated
with helical pairing of vortices. Fig. 1 shows the evolution of 2D KH rolls into
3D Lambda-shaped vortices in a transitional bubble formed on a flat plate with a
sharp leading edge [19].

Figure 1:

Low-pressure iso-surfaces showing the evolution of 2D KH rolls

into 3D Lambda-shaped vortices.

In summary, the transition process in separated-reattached flow generally

consists of the following stages:
1) a primary 2D instability (mostly KH instability),
2) a secondary instability leading to significant 3D motions and,
3) a breakdown stage where fully turbulent flow emerges.
Another key parameter influencing the transition process of a separated
boundary layer and its following reattachment is free-stream turbulence (FST).
Experimental studies have shown that FST increases the shear-layer entrainment
rates, decreases the mean reattachment length and results in an earlier transition
to turbulence in separated boundary layer. Yang and Abdalla [19, 28] performed
LES studies of separated boundary layer transition under 2% FST. They reported
a 14% reduction of the mean bubble length and an earlier breakdown of the free
shear layer compared with the zero FST case. At 2% FST, 2D KH rolls were not
as apparent as in the case with zero FST, but still coherent 2D structures in the
early part of the bubble were observable. Lambda-shaped vortices could hardly
be identified and streamwise structures were enlarged in the spanwise direction
and shortened in the streamwise direction compared with the no FST case. It was
concluded that in the presence of 2% FST the primary instability of the free
shear layer was still the same as in the zero FST case (KH instability
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mechanism) but secondary instability was different and needed to be further
3.2 Shedding phenomenon

A key feature of separated-reattached flows is vortex shedding associated with

different unsteady flow phenomena of the free shear layer at different
frequencies. In a steady laminar separation bubble one can define a reattachment
point or line where the skin friction is zero. In transitional and turbulent
separation bubbles however, the instantaneous flow field is highly unsteady
around the mean reattachment point and the notion of a reattachment point is
misleading as it continuously varies with the time. In this case, it is possible that
several small bubbles or vortices are formed and then shed afterwards, leading to
a vortex shedding phenomenon.

Figure 2:

Pressure spectra at x/l=0.75 and four vertical locations:

y/l=0.01 (a), y/l=0.05 (b), y/l=0.13 (c), y/l=0.2 (d).

Fig. 2 shows pressure spectra at several different locations in a separated

boundary layer transition [19] and a peak frequency band at about 0.80.9 U0/l
can be clearly seen (U0 is the free stream velocity and l is the mean bubble
length). This peak frequency band was also observed in several experimental
studies of separated-reattached flow over a plate with a sharp leading edge at
high Reynolds number [2022]. This peak frequency band was stated to be the
characteristic frequency of the large vortices shedding from the free shear layer
of the bubble. Furthermore, a low frequency peak (0.12 U0/l) was also reported
in those experimental studies near the separation line. This low frequency peak
was not clearly understood and was suggested as related to the large scale
shrinkage and enlargement of the bubble. A low frequency peak (0.125-0.2 U0/l)
was also observed in the LES study by Yang and Voke [10] and they suggested
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that this was associated with large shrinkage of the bubble caused by a big vortex
shedding at a lower frequency as shown in Fig. 3. However, this low frequency
peak was not observed in some other separated boundary layer transition studies
[11, 19]. Abdalla and Yang [11], in their LES of a transitional bubble over a flat
plate with a sharp leading edge, showed a characteristic frequency in the range
0.7-0.875 U0/l along with some less dominant modes between 0.3-0.6 U0/l. They
inferred that this slightly lower frequency content may be related to pairing of
vortices as a similar range of frequency had been reported for the pairing
phenomenon behind a backward facing step but no low frequency peak as
mentioned above was observed. Yang and Abdalla [19] studied the same
problem with 2% free-stream turbulence and reported a peak frequency band at
about 0.80.9 U0/l, in close agreement with the characteristic frequencies already
measured in previous studies but again no low frequency peak was observed.
Those results indicate that this low frequency mode in separatedreattached
flows may only appear in the case of turbulent separation as suggested earlier by
Cherry et al. [21] but further study is needed to clarify this.

Figure 3:

Two different topological structures of a separation bubble

associated with the onset of vortex shedding: left, normal shedding;
right, low frequency shedding.

3.3 Coherent structures

Large-scale structures (large-scale organised motions), usually called coherent

structures (CS), have been revealed in many experimental studies to dominate
the entrainment and mixing phenomena in free shear flows [23]. It is important
to understand the physics of coherent structures so that a better insight into
turbulence phenomena can be obtained (such as entrainment and mixing, heat
and mass transfer, drag and aerodynamic noise generation etc.). However,
despite considerable usage in the literature it seems that an approved definition
for coherent structures does not yet exist. Cantwell [24] describes coherent
structures as spatially coherent and temporally evolving vortical structures.
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Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) rolls, Streaks, Hairpin vortices (also called Lambdashaped vortices) and Ribs are some of the common large-scale flow structures
which are referred to as coherent structures in the literature and as shown
previously in Fig. 1, the evolution of KH rolls into Lambda-shaped vortices in a
separated boundary layer transition. Streaky structures are characterized with
narrow regions of low velocity fluid stretched in the streamwise direction [25,
26]. Streamwise vortices are vortical structures which are predominantly oriented
in the streamwise direction, although they may be bent and make an angle with
the streamwise direction. Spanwise vortices are referred to as those primarily
oriented in the spanwise direction such as KH rolls. Hairpin vortices (Lambdashaped vortices) are those with two legs of quasi-streamwise vortex pairs with
opposite signs and a tip of spanwise vorticity.
Coherent structures usually depend on flow geometry, flow condition, and
location with respect to solid surfaces. Large-scale spanwise vortices in plane
mixing layers, Lambda-shaped vortices and low-speed streaks in transitional and
turbulent boundary layers and counter-rotating vortices in wakes are the
dominant structures controlling the flow dynamics. Vortical structures in
separated shear layers grow, merge and shed periodically from the reattachment
region. KH rolls and Lambda-shaped vortices have been observed in separated
layer transition and the transition process is better understood by studying the
evolution of KH rolls into Lambda-shaped vortices [10, 11, 27, 28]. It is believed
that reorientation of vorticity in the streamwise direction is a key mechanism for
the reattachment process as it provides enhanced momentum exchange in the
wall-normal direction. Abdalla et al. [29], in a LES study of transitional
separated-reattached flow over a surface mounted obstacle and a forward-facing
step, demonstrated that the coherent structures such as the Lambda-shaped and
rib-like vortices, which are often associated with a flat plate boundary layer and
also found in the separated-reattached flow, are not common in the separatedreattached flow over obstacles and forward-facing steps.

4 Conclusions
The present paper has presented briefly LES formalism and reviewed some of its
applications to study transition process in separated-reattached flow, focusing on
the current understanding of physics of the transition process. Several important
issues associated with LES have been discussed. Although significant progress
has been made towards a better understanding of the transition process in
separated-reattached flows our current understanding is far from complete, and
there are still many areas where further investigation is needed. According to the
author the following issues/areas are particularly important and future research
should be focused on:

numerical methods to generate realistic turbulence at inflow for LES.

advanced sub-grid scale models for LES of high Reynolds number
engineering flow in complex geometry.

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secondary instability and later stage breakdown to turbulence in a

transitional bubble.
effect of high free-stream turbulence on transition in separated-reattached
transition control, crucial to practical engineering applications.

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A numerical investigation of deployable

drag surfaces used for recovery systems
S. Abdolahi & M. Ebrahimi
Aerospace Research Institute, Iran

In this research, an investigation into the aerodynamic characteristics of a body
with deployable drag surfaces for recovery system has been carried out using
computational fluid dynamics. Two models of the body with retracted position of
drag surfaces and deployed position of drag surfaces has been considered for
studying the influence of drag surfaces on the flow structure and aerodynamic
forces. For this purpose force measurement and flow visualization for each case
has been carried out in Mach numbers 0.4 and 1.5. Validation of the results has
been done through comparing aerodynamic coefficients with results of a semiexperimental method. A general study of the main aerodynamic coefficients
shows that at all angles of attack, the coefficient of lift decreases and the
coefficient of drag increases. Visualization of the flow structure shows a region
of separated flow upstream and a dead flow region with large vortices
downstream of the drag surfaces.
Keywords: numerical simulation, aerodynamic characteristics, recovery system,
drags coefficient, pressure distribution, shock wave, vortex.

1 Introduction
Several methods have been employed for recovery of flying objects with various
degrees of success. But the most prominent method, especially for heavier bodies
is parachute recovery [1], in which a number of parachutes are deployed in a predefined sequence to reduce the bodys rate of descent. Physics of supersonic
flow around parachutes has its own complexities such as area oscillation and
shock wave formation [2]. The controlled deceleration of a flying body is a vital
part of many aerospace missions that involves significant technological
challenges and creative engineering solutions [3]. For many flying objects,
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parachutes cannot be relied on as the only means of deceleration and recovery
because of their weight and altitude. Numerous studies in the past fifty years
demonstrate the benefit of developing a new decelerator technology capable of
operating at higher Mach numbers and higher dynamic pressures than existing
decelerators allow [4].
An effective recovery system must meet three principal criteria: It must be able
to reduce bodys rate of descent down to the acceptable level, it must not impose
unacceptable impact and shock loads to the body when its components are
deployed, and finally it must have minimum sensitivity to crosswinds to prevent
excessive drift.
For a flying object, which weighs approximately 100 kg, and is expected to
reach a maximum altitude of 100 km, trajectory simulation shows that deploying
parachutes shortly after re-entry could cause the flying object to drift beyond
limits of the test range, due to strong crosswinds in higher layers of atmosphere.
Trajectory simulations also show that deploying parachutes at lower levels,
where the flying object reaches supersonic speeds, would expose it to impact
loads beyond its established structural limit of 18g [5].
In this case, use of rigid aerodynamic decelerators such as drag plates and
disk gap bands is a solution for reducing body velocity to low-subsonic before
deploying parachutes [6]. A drag plate, is a circular plate with an area less than
or equal to the area of the base, which is normally connected to the body by a
number of belts and deploys after the body starts to descend from maximum
altitude [7].
Typical drag plates have a number of inherent shortcomings that have
prevented them so far from acquiring prominence among different techniques of
aerodynamic deceleration. Although a drag plate can have relatively large drag
coefficients in certain flight regimes, its drag generation capability is limited
because its effective area cannot be larger than the bodys base area. The other
problem of the drag plate is that its connection to the flying object is flexible,
and the number of connecting belts in this flexible connection is a concern. If a
small number of belts are used, they would allow the plate, which is subject to
the bodys wake, to oscillate, and even become unstable. On the other hand,
larger numbers of belts would add to the systems weight and complexity. In
some applications, design of hinges which connect the belts to the plate has also
been a challenge for the designers [7].
The mentioned shortcomings of drag plates and enhancing effectiveness and
performance of the recovery system led to development of alternative method to
use of rigid aerodynamic decelerator. The main concept for this method is taken
from grid fins [8] and other local protuberances [9] that can be used as either
aerodynamic stabilizer or a control surface. The rigid aerodynamic deceleration
system presented herein is deployable drag surface folded on the body and
released on flight computers command. The presented design is the first
application of this method to reduce bodys speed to subsonic range before
deploying parachute by increasing drag.
In this paper to study performance of using deployable drag surfaces and the
influences of them on body aerodynamic characteristics, three dimensional
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supersonic and subsonic turbulent flows around the body were numerically
investigated. The computation of the flow field around such complex
configuration, as drag surfaces adjacent fins or wings, is of considerable interest
for an accurate calculation and prediction of the shock structures because there is
an interaction between drag surfaces shock waves with fins or wings. Accurate
determination of forces is required for the calculation of trajectory and structural
analysis of body in design and operation.
In these simulations the main focus has been on aerodynamic characteristics.
To demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the present methodology the
aerodynamic characteristics of this configuration including drag and lift forces
obtained by commercial CFD code for subsonic and supersonic free stream
Mach numbers were compared with the semi-experimental measurements at
various angles of attack.

2 Computational methodologies
This study is undertaken using Fluent software as a tool to predict the flow field
around the body. To investigate the flow field, the Navier-Stokes equations are
modelled by using density-based method. The flow considered here is threedimensional, stationary, viscous, and turbulent in which the RNG K-epsilon
model has been used for turbulence modelling. To accommodate accurate
turbulence modelling, the standard wall functions are selected. A first order
accurate method is computed to establish the flow. A second order accurate
method is computed to achieve the convergence of the solution.
The verification of the CFD method included quantitative comparisons
provided by Missile DATCOM as well as qualitative study of flow structure.
Missile DATCOM is a semi-experimental aerodynamic prediction code that
calculates aerodynamic forces, moments and stability derivatives as function of
angle of attack and Mach number for a variety of axisymmetric and
nonaxisymmetric missile configurations.
2.1 Geometry and boundary conditions
In this study to find out the influence of the drag surfaces on the aerodynamic
characteristic of the body two cases have been considered. Figure 1 shows both
the models.
In first case, a body-fins configuration is examined with 2350 in length and
338 in diameter. The configuration has an ogive nose with four tail fins arranged
in a cruciform pattern. The fins have a supersonic airfoil cross section. The set of
the fins increases the lift force and stability of the body.
In the second case, four drag surfaces deployed in between of each pair of the
fins is modelled which placed across the centerline of the vehicle partially block
the flow. The drag surfaces are conformed to the outer surface of the body when
are retracted. In other words the deployable drag surfaces folded on the body.
When the deployment command is issued by the flight computer, the drag

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Figure 1:

Geometry of body a) retracted position of drag surfaces b) deployed

position of drag surfaces.

surfaces are released, and travel from the retracted position (figure 1a) to the
deployed position (figure 1b). This unconventional method has been applied to
enhance the drag forces. In this research a half of the model has been considered
because of the symmetric flow and geometry to reduce calculation time. Three
types of boundary conditions were used: wall, pressure far-field, symmetry.
2.2 Grid generation
The accuracy of the CFD results greatly depends on how accurately the
configuration is modelled and meshed. The entire solution domain is discretized
by a structured grid. Several grid studies were performed to ensure that the grid
was fine enough to capture the physical characteristics of the flow. It had been
seen that the calculated CA approaches the constant value by increasing the grid
qualification. The limitation in computer memory storage is a major factor in
preventing further increase in grid size.
The total number of cells is about 4,000,000 for body-fins configuration and
4,500,000 cells for body-fins with deployable drag surfaces. Figure 2 shows the
quality of the structured grid adjacent to the surface of the body, nose, fins and
drag surfaces. For evaluating the quality of the structured grid adjacent to the
body surface, the values of Y+ at the first of wall nodes were calculated. It was
shown that most of them have the values more than 30 except for a negligible
number of the grids. A trade off between computation time and quality of result
led to a grid with finer mesh near to solid surface and coarser mesh adjacent to
far field boundaries.
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Figure 2:

The quality of the structured grid (a) adjacent to the surface of the
nose (b) adjacent to the surface of the body, fins and drag surfaces.

3 Results and discussion

A discussion is mainly presented herein to find out the influence of the drag
surfaces on the aerodynamic characteristic of the body. A secondary interest in
the investigation is the interaction of a drag plates with a stabilizing fins and the
effects on the efficiency of stabilizing fins on vehicle in supersonic and subsonic
flow. For this purpose force measurement and flow visualization of the
numerical flow simulation for each case has been done. Validation of the results
has been done through comparing forces with results of semi-experimental

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3.1 Force coefficients
Body-fins configuration has been considered to study as the first case. The study
has been done for subsonic Mach number 0.4 and supersonic Mach number 1.5
at different angles of attack. Semi-experimental method (MD code) is used as
aerodynamic prediction code to determine the accuracy of numerical simulation
in this paper. Figure 3 shows a comparison between predictions for drag force
coefficients for numerical code and semi-experimental method for body before
releasing drag surfaces. It is evident that especially at these low angles of attack
there is an excellent consistency between solvers. There is a little difference in
Mach number 1.5.
As the second case, the configuration of the body-fins with drag surfaces as
figure 1b has been considered. In this case semi-experimental method is used as
aerodynamic prediction codes to determine the accuracy of numerical simulation
too with this difference that the drag surfaces are modelled as local protuberance
and their effects has been considered on axial force. Therefore the axial force
coefficient is only reported for this case in figure 4. This figure shows that the
results from numerical modelling agree well with the trend and almost the
magnitude of semi-experimental data.
3.2 Flow visualization and path line analysis
Figure 5 is a picture of contour of Mach number from side view of body after
releasing drag surfaces at 0 degree angle of attack and Mach number 1.5.The nose
oblique shock and expansion waves are clearly visible in this figure. There is a
flow separation upstream of the drag surfaces, which causes a thickening of the
boundary layer. The thickening leads to compression of the flow and eventually a
shock wave. Supersonic flow faces the drag surfaces causing a second shock wave.
The secondary shock structure is bowed in nature. Decreasing velocity of cross
flow results region of recirculation in flow which produces a separation upstream



Mach No. 1.5, CFD

Mach No. 1.5, MD


Mach No. 0.4, CFD

Mach No. 0.4, MD








Figure 3:

Comparison numerical and semi-experimental results of the drag

coefficient against angles of attack before releasing drag surfaces.

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Mach No. 1.5, CFD

Mach No. 1.5, MD


Mach No. 0.4, CFD

Mach No. 0.4, MD







Figure 4:

Comparison numerical and semi-experimental results of the axial

force coefficient against angles of attack after releasing drag

Figure 5:

Mach number Contours after releasing drag surfaces, M=1.5 at


of the drag surfaces which has not been seen on body before releasing drag
surfaces. The region of influence of the separation is seen to encompass a larger
area of the body at supersonic flow as compared with the subsonic flow in figure 6.
Downstream of the drag surfaces, contra rotating vortices have been predicted
which is shown in figure 7 in Mach number 0.4 and angle of attack 0 degree.
Since the surface area of body base is increased by releasing drag surfaces, it is
expected the pressure base drag increased significantly. Eventually, the
impingement upon the surface leads to changes in pressure distribution on the body
surface which is shown in figure 8. This pressure distribution change results in
different forces and moment on fins and body. Upstream of the drag surfaces, there
is a pressure increase, which produces an existence of shock waves.
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Figure 6:

Figure 7:

Mach number contours after releasing drag plates, M=0.4 at =0.

Side view of path line colored by velocity magnitude, Contra

rotating vortices, M=0.4 at=0.

A comparison between flow patterns on the body at 8 degrees angle of attack

with 0 degree shows much more differences on flow. The first major difference
between these cases and the zero incidence cases previously discussed is the
surface area of the body affected by the drag surfaces. The boundary layer
thickening occurs much earlier and the region of recirculation moves forward
with increasing angle of attack on upper surface of body. The other regions of
recirculation are those of the contra rotating vortices downstream of the drag
surfaces. Whilst they appeared symmetric at zero incidences, they are
asymmetric at an angle of attack.
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Figure 8:

Static pressure contours after releasing drag plates, M=1.5 at =0


Figure 9:

Static pressure contours after releasing drag plates, M=1.5 at =8


In figure 9, the surface static pressure contours on one side of typical fin and
drag surfaces are presented at Mach number 1.5 and 8 degrees of angle of attack.
As can be seen, the difference flow patterns and difference pressure distribution
on the opposing fin and drag surfaces produce a different load distribution.

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3.3 Discussion
A series of numerical models have been computed for a range of angles of attack
in Mach numbers 1.5 and 0.4. Analysis of the aerodynamic coefficients provides
understanding of how the drag plates affect the body aerodynamics. Figure 10 to
13 shows the change in aerodynamic coefficient versus angle of the attack for
two models, before and after releasing drag surfaces.
Figures 10 and 11 show the change in drag coefficient versus angle of the
attack for two models, before and after releasing drag surfaces. A comparison
between coefficients shows that the significant change in drag force. In fact with
releasing drag surfaces and placing them on deployed position increase
complexity in flow and produce large vortices behind the base area. This
complicated structure around the drag surfaces may consist of a strong secondary
shock on body before facing fins and drag surfaces and interaction boundary
layer of the fins and drag surfaces with shock waves. In addition second shock
wave in supersonic region has a decrease in flow velocity and reverse flow on
body. Consequence of this configuration of drag surfaces, the region of the dead
flow behind the base of body increased which produce more pressure base drag.
These phenomena cause the drag coefficient increased up to 10 times in M=0.4
and 3 to 6 times in M=1.5 at different angle of attack.
As shown in figures 12 and 13 the lift coefficient with increasing angle of
attack decreased between 25 to 45 percent in M=1.5 with different angles of
attack and about 80 percent in M=0.4. This is due to the negative lift force on
body which is produced by drag plates. In addition drag plates disturb the flow
over its neighbouring fins which change pressure distribution on body and fins
and reduce efficiency of the fins performance.



After Releasing the

Drag Plate


Before Releasing
the Drag Plate







Figure 10:

Comparison of the drag coefficient against angle of attack between

two models, before and after releasing drag plates at M=1.5.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Before Releasing
the Drag Plate



After Releasing
the Drag Plate


Figure 11:



Comparison of the drag coefficient against angle of attack between

two models, before and after releasing drag plates at M=0.4.



Before Releasing the

Drag Plate


After Releasing the

Drag Plate


Figure 12:






Comparison of the lift coefficient against angle of attack between

two models, before and after releasing drag plates at M=1.5.




Before Releasing the

Drag Plate


After Releasing the

Drag Plate




Figure 13:

Comparison of the lift coefficient against angle of attack between

two models, before and after releasing drag plates at M=0.4.

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204 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

4 Conclusion
An investigation into the aerodynamic characteristics of a body with deployable
drag surfaces is carried out. A series of numerical modelling is done for a range
of angles of attack in Mach numbers 0.4 and 1.5 to include both subsonic and
supersonic flow regimes. The study included two models of body with retracted
position of drag surfaces and deployed position of drag surfaces. The drag and
lift force coefficients were calculated from the flow field solutions. The results
for retracted and deployed models were compared with each other in order to
study the influence of drag surfaces on the aerodynamic force on the body.
A general study of the main aerodynamic coefficients shows that at all angles
of attack, the coefficient of lift decreases and the coefficient of drag increases.
This is due to the disturbing effect of the plates on the flow structure around the
nearby fins which in its own turn decreases the performance of the set of fins
significantly. The presence of the flat plate as local protuberance produces more
drag force in different angles of attack as expected. This additional drag force
brings body velocity and body rate of descent down to an acceptable level of
speed for parachute deployment.

[1] Available Online:
[2] Anita Sengupta et al, Supersonic Performance of Disk-Gap-Band Parachutes
Constrained to a 0-Degree Trim Angle, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,
Vol. 46, No. 6, NovemberDecember 2009
[3] Richard Benneyet al, Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems-Diverse Challenges
and Recent Advances, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 38, No. 5, September
October 2001
[4] Brandon P. Smith et al., A Historical Review of Inflatable Aerodynamic
Decelerator Technology Development, IEEE Aerospace Conference, March,
[5] Arash N. Lahouti et al., Design, Development and Testing of a Rigid
Aerodynamic Decelerator System for Recovery Of a High-Altitude
Sounding Rocket Payload, The 1st International ARA Days: Atmospheric
Re-entry Systems, Missions and Vehicles, France, 2006
[6] Anon., Sounding Rocket Program Handbook, NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center, Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia, USA, June. 2005
[7] SRP-4 Design Team, SRP-4 Design Document, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 2001
[8] Wm. David Washington et al., Experimental Investigation of Grid Fin
Aerodynamics, Symposium on Missile Aerodynamics, Italy, 1998
[9] Mark Bell et al., A Numerical Study into a Local Protuberance Interaction
with a Fin on Supersonic Projectile, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Florida,

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Fluid dynamics of a post-combustion chamber

in electric arc steelmaking plants
L. Labiscsak1, G. Straffelini1, C. Corbetta2 & M. Bodino2

Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies,

University of Trento, Italy
Stg Group SpA, Italy

In the present work, a complete three dimensional fluid dynamics simulation of
reacting fluid flow in post-combustion chamber of an electric arc furnace is
presented. The chemical composition of the simulated off-gases was representing
typical crucial load. The gap (where oxygen enters to combust hydrogen and
carbon monoxide) size was an independent variable. The optimal gap size is
desirable: if the gap size is too large, the thermal efficiency diminishes. On the
other hand, if the chosen gap size is too small, oxygen deficiency occurs, which
lead to incomplete combustion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Herein
established, that by means of CFD calculation, the optimal gap size can be
evaluated for a particular steelmaking furnace.
Keywords: steelmaking, post-combustion, CFD.

1 Introduction
The steel production by electric arc furnace (EAF) from scrap metal is widely
used technique. During the production of steel considerable amount of
combustible gases are formed such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which are
extracted directly through the fourth hole, which is placed on the water-cooled
furnace roof. As a result, the furnace inner is depressurized, which helps to
minimize the harmful gas emissions, and air enters the furnace from the factorys
ambient. The flow rate of the penetrating air (usually called false air), is defined
by: the suction flow-rate of the direct evacuation system (DES),the design of the
furnace inner and the amount of generated gases in the furnace. Consequently,
the operation of the DES influences the mass and energy balance of the EAF.
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The oxygen in the false air oxidizes the carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the
furnace. However, up to 10% (occasionally 30%) of carbon monoxide and 10%
of hydrogen [1, 2] remain unburned and leave the free board via the fourth hole.
Since, these reactions are highly exothermic; the complete oxidation of the
abovementioned gases is desired in order to maximize the thermal efficiency of
the EAF.
For this reasons, the primary line is equipped with a gap, where fresh air may
enter from the factorys ambient and mix with off-gases. The oxidation takes
place in the post-combustion chamber. The size of the gap can be changed and is
an important operation parameter. If the gap size is too large, the temperature
will drop, leading to lower thermal efficiency and lower reaction rates. By
contrast, the smaller the gap, the higher the temperature, this enhances the
decomposition of carbon dioxide. A small gap size also lead to oxygen
deficiency, hence the complete oxidation is inhibited. The walls of the postcombustion chamber are water-cooled, which enhances efficiency and desirable
for protecting filtering devices from high temperature as well. As a result, the
direct evacuation system plays a dominant role in the steelmaking process.
CFD calculations are increasingly used in development and improvement of
steelmaking processes [3]. Li et al. [2] presented a three-dimensional (3D) CFD
simulation about the furnace freeboard. Chattopadhyay et al. [4, 5] recently
published review about the application of CFD simulation in the field of ironand steelmaking. Furthermore, Mazudmar and Evans [6] dedicated a complete
section in their book about CFD relevance in the field of steelmaking. Kirschen
et al. [1] published an analytical model about the dedusting system of the furnace
and compared its results to experimental measurements. Due to the huge
temperature difference between the flame and surroundings, the radiation
modeling has a great importance. Habibi et al. [7] interpreted CFD simulation
about CH4/H2/air flames with different radiation heat exchange models and
compared the results to adiabatic flame.
In the present investigation, a complete 3D numerical simulation of reacting
flow, energy and concentration fields of a post-combustion chamber were carried
out. Many simulation routines were used to find the suitable models for the best
accuracy. In order to optimize the operation of the post-combustion chamber, the
size of the gap was changed and conversions along with thermal efficiencies of
the chamber were calculated simultaneously.

2 Modeling of post-combustion chamber

2.1 Geometry and computational grid
A newly designed post-combustion chamber was simulated. The geometry of the
simulated reactor is depicted in Figure 1 and the relevant chamber specifications
are listed in Table 1.
The off-gas with hydrogen and carbon monoxide enters via the inlet and
mixes with fresh air coming from the ambient through the gap. The size of the
gap is an independent variable, i.e., a design parameter (Figure 2).
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Table 1:

Chamber specification.

Total volume
Inlet area
Outlet area
Water-cooled surface

Figure 1:


388,7 m3
2,9 m2
6,6 m2
430,0 m2

Geometry of the post-combustion chamber.

Consequently, the selected operating parameters define the mixing ratio, i.e.
the ratio between the airflow through the gap (V ) and the off-gases from the
The geometry was discretized by tetrahedral elements, Figure 3. The
computational mesh was unstructured and conformal. Local mesh refinements
were applied in regions where steep gradients of the dependent variables
(temperature, velocity, pressure) were expected.
The mesh was also refined in reacting zone (where carbon monoxide,
hydrogen and oxygen mix) where high gradients of concentrations are expected.
Steep temperature gradient was likewise expected in reacting zone due to the
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208 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 2:

The gap size controls the mixing ratio (see text for definition).

exothermic reactions. The number of the cells was typically between 500.000
and 650.000, depending on the gap size. Since the present investigation is a
preliminary study, the mesh independent study was not presented herein
nevertheless it is currently in progress.
The convergence criteria of CFD calculations were achieved and the adopted
residuals for each equation are listed in Table 2.
2.2 Kinetic mechanism
The following skeleton reactions were taken into account within the reacting


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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 3:
Table 2:


The discretized 3D domain.

Adopted residuals for each equation.

Velocity (x,y,z)
Turbulent kinetic energy ()
Turbulent dissipation rate ()
DO intensity


Simplified, one-step reaction simulations give poor prediction about carbon

monoxide and hydrogen content of the exiting gas and significantly over predict
the carbon monoxide content at the outlet. Therefore, detailed kinetic mechanism
was implemented and comprises 12 species and 37 reactions and based on the
studies of Cuoci et al. [8]. The used rate constants are in good match with
experimental measurements in wide range of temperature. The reacting flows
were simulated by the Eddy dissipation concept (EDC) model [9], which allows
for integrating the detailed chemical mechanisms into turbulent reacting flows.
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210 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Non-Premixed Combustion (NPC) approach [10], and the Finite Rate/Eddy
Dissipation approach were also tested, however EDC model provided the most
reliable results [11].
2.3 Radiation modeling
Thanks to the exothermic reactions in the chamber, the difference between
fumes temperature and water-cooled walls is very large; hence, the heat transfer
by radiation plays a dominant role. The approximation adopted in this study for
radiation modeling is the Discrete-Ordinates approach, which is an accurate
method [7]. It can handle wide range of optical thickness, at the price of a high
computational cost. The absorbencies of the materials have a strong influence.
The off-gas is mixture of gases, which have different absorption coefficients.
Furthermore, the composition of the mixture changes rapidly along the chamber.
Therefore, absorption coefficients must be handled carefully; the weighted-sumof-gray-gases model (WSGGM) was used, since it is a reasonable compromise
between the oversimplified gray gas model and the complete model, which takes
into consideration the specific absorption bands [12].
2.4 Numerical scheme
The governing equations for the mass, momentum, energy, chemical species and
radiation were solved segregated and the SIMPLE method was used for pressurevelocity coupling. The non-linear equations were discretized implicitly by
second-order upwind scheme. The standard model was used for turbulence
modeling. As known, this model is widely used in CFD applications in the field
of steelmaking, since it is a reasonable compromise between accuracy and
computational cost [5]. The appropriate under-relaxation factors were set to find
the convergence.
2.5 Boundary conditions
The selected boundary conditions are shown in Table 3. The listed data are input
parameters, which were taken from literature data and experimental
measurements. The evacuation is determined by the power of the fan in the
primary line. The discharge flow rate was set to 230.000 Nm3/h.
Table 3:

Implied boundary conditions.

-10 Pa
1523 K
Chemical composition Table 4.
23,6 m/s

-10 Pa
473 K
Chemical composition Table 4.
353 K

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


The selected concentration of the entering gas at the fourth hole and at the gap
is listed in Table 4. These values represent a typical load during the melting
period, which is the most crucial period from post-combustion point of view.
Table 4:

Input data for chemical compositions. At the gap, pure air was

Inlet (%)

Gap (%)

3 Results and discussion

In our CFD calculations, the oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the
post-combustion chamber was simulated with three different gap sizes: 20, 30
and 40 cm. The heat efficiency and the conversion rates were monitored at each
The heat transfer efficiency was evaluated from the ratio between the
transferred heat via the water-cooled wall (Hwall) and the sum of the entering heat
(Hin) and reaction heat (Hreact):

The reactions occur only in case of mixing of combustible gases and oxygen.
Figure 4 showing the mass fraction of carbon monoxide and proves that the
reactions take place at the very beginning of the post-combustion chamber.
Consequently, the mixing can assumed very efficient. The calculated conversion
factors are listed in Table 5.
It can be noted, that complete combustion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen
occurred only in case of 40 cm gap size. When the gap size is 30 cm, the
conversion is almost satisfactory (Table 5). Nevertheless, in case of 20 cm gap
size, there is not enough oxygen for the complete reaction. Therefore, the
Table 5:

Results of the simulations: conversions and final contents of CO

and H2 expressed in ppm.

Gap size (cm) CO conversion


H2 conversion

CO (ppm)

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

H2 (ppm)

212 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 4:

Carbon monoxides mass fractions in the post-combustion chamber

(color maps are scaled in mass fraction); gap sizes are 20, 30 and
40 cm, from left to right respectively.

conversion rate of H2/CO remains low and its concentration at the exit is quite
In Table 6, the concentrations of the exiting gases are listed. The
compositions of the leaving gases were compared to literature data [1] and
experimental measurements, provided by the Stg Group Company. The
calculated data match with the available data. The effect of the gap size on the
oxygen content can be easily derived. The small gap size causes oxygen deficit
and incomplete combustion.
Table 6:

Results of the simulations: chemical composition of the exiting gas

(expressed in mass percentage).

Gap size (cm)


CO (%)

CO2 (%)

H2 (%)

O2 (%)

H2O (%)

Thermal efficiencies are lower when the gap size is large and the oxygen
excess also presents (Table 7). Moreover, large gap causes lower temperature at
the outlet (Figure 5), which is desirable to avoid the damage of the polymer
Table 7:

The mixing ratio, thermal efficiency and the temperature of the

exiting gas.

Gap size (cm)


Mixing Ratio

Thermal Efficiency ()

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Outlet Temp. (K)


Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 5:


Gas temperature in the post-combustion chamber (color maps are

scaled in Kelvin); gap sizes are 20, 30 and 40 cm, from left to right

Our results show, that the increase of the gap size reduces the emission of
harmful gases due to the complete oxidation. In the meantime, the value of the
thermal efficiency remains reasonably high.
From the fluid dynamic point of view, the selected geometry of the postcombustion chamber poses conflicting observations. From the one hand, the
calculated path lines demonstrated a turbulent pattern of flow, with the creation
of tortuous streamlines and recirculating zones. This is clearly due to the
presence of sharp-edge corners, abrupt changes of direction and stagnate zones.
All these factors do not help the smoothness of the flow, although help the
settling of fine particles, which may present in the off-gas. On the other hand,
this does not adversely affect the overall performance of the chamber, since
mixing is enhanced.

4 Conclusions
In the present study, we applied CFD calculation for the simulation of postcombustion chamber. First, we obtained that the mixing in the chamber is
efficient, due to the reacting zone, which is located at the beginning of the
reactor. Particularly, we focused on the importance of the gap size. When the gap
size was set to 30 and 40 cm, thanks to the oxygen content, the conversion rate
of hydrogen and carbon monoxide was high and the oxidation is complete. In
addition, we also obtained that the thermal efficiency decreases when the gap
size is larger, however the reduction is not significant. Therefore, larger gap size
is desirable in practice to avoid the carbon monoxide and hydrogen escape to the

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214 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

[1] M. Kirschen, V. Velikorodov, H. Pfeifer, Mathematical modeling of heat
transfer in dedusting plants and comparison to off-gas measurements at
electric arc furnaces, Energy, 31, pp. 2926-2939, 2006.
[2] Yun Li, Richard J. Fruehan, Computational Fluid-Dynamics Simulation of
Post combustion in the Electric-Arc Furnace, Metallurgical and Materials
Transactions B, 34B, pp. 333-343, 2003.
[3] P. Gittler, R. Kickinger, S. Pirker, E. Fuhrmann, J. Lehner, J. Steins,
Application of computational fluid dynamics in the development and
improvement of steelmaking processes, Scandinavian Journal of
Metallurgy, 29, pp. 166-176, 2000.
[4] K. Chattopadhyay, M. Isac, R. I. L. Guthrie, Application of Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in iron- and steel making: Part 1, Iron making and
Steel making, 37(8), pp. 554-561, 2010.
[5] K. Chattopadhyay, M. Isac, R. I. L. Guthrie, Application of Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in iron- and steel making: Part 2, Iron making and
Steel making, 37(8), pp. 562-569, 2010.
[6] D. Mazudmar, J. W. Evans, Modelling of steelmaking processes, Boca
Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2009.
[7] A. Habibi, B. Merci, G. J. Heynderickx, Impact of radiation models in CFD
simulations of steam cracking furnaces, Computers and Chemical
Engineering, 31, pp. 1389-1406, 2007.
[8] A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, G. Buzzi Ferraris, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, The
ignition, combustion and flame structure of carbon monoxide/hydrogen
mixtures, Note2: Fluid dynamics and kinetic aspects of syngas combustion,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32, pp. 3486-3500, 2007.
[9] Magnussen B.F, On the structure of turbulence and a generalized Eddy
dissipation concept for chemical reactions in turbulent flows. 19th AIAA
aerospace science meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, 1981.
[10] Y. R. Sivathanu & G. M. Faeth. Generalized State Relationships for Scalar
Properties in Non-premixed Hydrocarbon/Air Flames, Combustion and
Flame, 82, pp. 211-230, 1990.
[11] L. Labiscsak, G. Straffelini, F. Trivellato, M. Bodino, C. Corbetta,
Computational fluid dynamics simulations of post combustion
chambers,33th AIM National Congress, Brescia, Italy, 2010.
[12] G. Krishnamoorthy, A new weighted-sum-of-gray-gases model for CO2H2O gas mixtures, International Communications in Heat and Mass
Transfer, 37, pp. 1182-1186, 2010.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Apparent shear stress and boundary shear

distribution in a compound channel flow
K. K. Khatua, K. C. Patra, S. Behera & P. K. Mohanty
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, India

The flow structure in any compound channel is a complicated process due to the
transfer of momentum between the deep main channel section and the adjoining
shallow floodplains. The boundary shear stress distribution in the main channel
and floodplain greatly affects the momentum transfer. In the present work, the
shear stress distributions across an assumed interface plane originating from the
junction between the main channel and flood plain using the Divided Channel
Method (DCM) are analyzed and tested for different compound channels and
their flow conditions using global data. An improved equation to predict the
boundary shear distribution in compound channels for different width ratios is
derived that gives better results than other proposed models. Analyses are also
done to suitably choose an appropriate interface plane for evaluation of stagedischarge relationship for compound channels having equal roughness in the
channel beds and walls. The effectiveness of predicting the stage-discharge
relationship using the apparent shear stress equation and boundary shear
distribution models are discussed.
Keywords: apparent shear, main channel, floodplain, compound channel,
discharge estimation, interface planes.

1 Introduction
During floods, a part of the river discharge is carried by the main channel and the
rest is carried by the floodplains. Momentum transfer between the flow of deep
main channel and shallow floodplain takes place making the discharge prediction
in compound channel more difficult. In the laboratory the mechanism of
momentum transfer between the channel section and floodplain was first
investigated and demonstrated by Zheleznyakov [30] and Sellin [24].
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216 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

The traditional discharge predictive methods for compound channels either use
the Single-Channel Method (SCM) or the Divided-Channel Method (DCM). The
DCM divides a compound section into hydraulically homogeneous sub-sections
generally by vertical, inclined or horizontal division lines that lead to an
averaged flow velocity for each sub-section (e.g., Chow [4]). These approaches
have the advantage of recognizing a particular hydraulic property in the
respective compartments. Therefore, this method predicts better overall
discharge as compared to SCM (Weber and Menndez [27], and Patra and
Khatua [20]) but it overestimates the flow in main channels and underestimates
the flow in the floodplain due to the neglect of lateral momentum transfer.
While using the vertical interface division of DCM, Wormleaton et al. [28]
proposed an apparent shear stress ratio, as the useful yardstick in selecting the
best interface planes. Holden [6], Lambert and Myers [14], and Patra and Kar
[10] also proposed zero shear interface plains that nullify the lateral momentum
transfer. The empirical shear stress formulas to calculate the apparent shear at the
shear layer between main channel and floodplain (Knight and Hamid [12]) are
limited to a particular geometry and are difficult to apply to other data (Knight
and Shiono [13]). Based on the published data, Ackers [1] proposed an empirical
based correction to the DCM know as Coherence Method (COHM) that is
recommended by the UK Environmental Agency Bristol. Shiono and Knight [25]
developed a 2-dimensional (SKM) method based on the analytical solution to the
depth averaged form of the Navier-Stokes equation. Lambert and Myer [14]
developed the weighted divided channel method (WDCM) estimating the
discharge capacity for a compound channel.
Toebes and Sooky [33] carried out laboratory experiments and showed that
the horizontal interface method would be more realistic than other interface
methods. The interaction phenomenon and the discharge assessment for
compound sections using DCM were presented by many other researchers as
well (e.g., [Bousmar and Zech [3], Knight and Demetriou [11], Knight and
Shiono [13], Seckin [23], Patra et al. [19], Kejun Yang et al. [8], Khatua and
Patra [10], Abril and Knight [18], Wright and Carstens [29], Yen and Overton
[29], Huttof [7] etc. Failure of most subdivision methods are due to the
improper accounting of the complicated interaction between the main channel
and floodplain flows, more particularly for channels having wide floodplains.
The present study is aimed at understanding the general nature of the interaction
between the main channel and the floodplain flows. An attempt has been made to
study the information on boundary shear distribution basing on which models on
momentum transfer and stage-discharge relationship of compound channels are

2 Experimental analyses
In the present work, a compound channel is fabricated using Perspex sheets
inside a tilting flume in the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory of the Civil
Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. The
compound channel is symmetrical about the centerline of main channel making
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


the total width of the compound section as 440 mm (Figure 1). The main channel
is rectangular in cross section having 120 mm width and 120 mm at bank full
depth. Longitudinal bed slope of the channel is taken as 0.0019. The roughness
of the floodplain and main channel are identical. From the experimental runs in
the channel, the bed roughness coefficient (Manning n) is estimated to be 0.01. A
re-circulating system of water supply is established with pumping of water from
an underground sump to an overhead tank from where water flow under gravity
to the experimental channel through stilling chamber and baffle wall. A
transition zone between stilling tank and the channel helps to reduce the
turbulence of the flowing water. An adjustable tailgate at the downstream end of
the flume is used to achieve uniform flow over the test reach in the channel for a
given discharge. Water from the channel is collected in a volumetric tank that
helps to measure the discharge rate. From the volumetric tank water runs back to
the underground sump.

Figure 1:

Plan view of experimental set up of the compound channel.

The measuring devices consist of a point gauge mounted on a traversing

mechanism to measure flow depths with least count of 0.1 mm. Point velocities
are measured at a number of locations across the channel section using a 16-Mhz
Micro ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocity-meter) having accuracy of 1% of the
measured range. A guide rail is provided at the top of the experimental flume on
which a traveling bridge is moved in the longitudinal direction of the entire
channel. Readings from the micro-ADV were recorded in a computer. As the
ADV (down probe) is unable to read the data up to 50 mm from free surface, a
micro-Pitot tube of 4 mm external diameter in conjunction with suitable inclined
manometer is used to measure velocity at other points in the flow-grid. The Pitot
tube is physically rotated with respect to the main stream direction till it records
the maximum deflection of the manometer reading. A flow direction finder
having a least count of 0.1ois used to get the direction of maximum velocity with
respect to the longitudinal flow direction. The angle of limb of Pitot tube with
longitudinal direction of the channel is noted by the circular scale and pointer
arrangement attached to the flow direction meter.
A total 21 numbers of stage-discharge data for both in-bank and over-bank
flow conditions are observed at the test reach. Out of the 10 over-bank stagedischarge data, detailed velocity measurements for 5 stages are recorded at

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Knight and

Series Longitudinal channel
slope (S)
Width (b)
in mm

depth (h)
in mm

Ratio of
side slope

ratio ()










1.02710 3
1.02710 3
1.02710 3
1.02710 3
1.02710 3





( 8)
B/b =
B/b =2
B/b =3
B/b =4















B/b = 4.0




B/b = 4.4


Details of geometrical parameters of the experimental and other compound channels.


(Q) range in

(ranges =


0.118- 0.461



218 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

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Table 1:

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


a number of points at the pre defined grid points. The overall discharge obtained
from integrating the longitudinal velocity plot and from volumetric tank
collection is found to be within 3% of the values. Using the velocity data, the
boundary shear on the channel beds and walls are evaluated from a semi log plot
of velocity distribution. Boundary shear stresses are also obtained from the
manometric readings of the head differences of Preston tube techniques using
Patels [17] relationship. Error adjustments to the shear value are done by
comparing the corresponding shear values obtained from the energy gradient
approach. The results so obtained by the two methods are found to be
consistently within 3% values. Summary of the discharges and percentage of
boundary shear in the floodplain (%Sfp) for different relative depths () observed
from the experimental runs are given in Table 1.









interface plain

Diagonal interface
Main channel
b Horizontal interface

Figure 2:

Interface planes dividing a compound section into subsections.

3 Methodology
3.1 Shear force on the assumed interface planes
In Figure 2, the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal plains of separation of the
compound channel are represented by the interface lengths o-g, o-o, and o-c
respectively. Various boundary elements comprising the wetted parameters are
labeled as (1), (2), (3) and (4). Label (1) denotes the vertical wall(s) of floodplain
of length [2(H h)], where H = total depth of flow from main channel bed, h =
depth of main channel. Label (2) denotes floodplain beds of length (B b),
where B = total width of compound channel, and b = width or bed of main
channel represented by label (4) Label (3) denotes the two main channel walls of
length (2h). Experimental shear stress distributions at each point of the wetted
perimeter are numerically integrated over the respective sub-lengths of each
boundary element (1), (2), (3), and (4) to obtain the respective boundary shear
force per unit length for each element. Sum of the boundary shear forces for all
the beds and walls of the compound channel is used as a divisor to calculate the
shear force percentages carried by the boundary elements (1) - (4). Percentage of
shear force carried by floodplains comprising elements (1) and (2) is represented
as %Sfp and for the main channel comprising elements (3) and (4) is represented
as %Smc. Following Knight and Demetriou [11], Knight and Hamed [12]
proposed an equation for %Sfp for a compound channel section as
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220 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

% S


48 ( 0 . 8 )

0 . 289

(2 )


Equation (1) is applicable for the channels having equal surface roughness in the
floodplain and main channel. For non-homogeneous roughness channels the
equation is improved as
% S fp 48( 0.8) 0.289 ( 2 ) m {1 1.02 log }


in which width ratio = B/b relative depth = (H h)/H, = the ratio of

Mannings n of the floodplain to that for the main channel, h = bank full depth
and H = total depth of flow. The exponent m can be evaluated from the relation
m 1 / 0.75 0.38


For homogeneous roughness section (=1), equation (2) reduces to the form of
Knight and Hamed [12] i.e. equation (1). Due to complexity of the empirical
equations proposed by the previous investigators, a regression analysis is made
by Khatua and Patra [10] and equation for %Sfp is proposed as
% S fp 1 . 23


( Ln {1 1 . 02

log }


Once the shear force carried by the floodplain is known from equation (4), the
momentum transfer in terms of apparent shear force acting on the imaginary
interface of the compound section can be calculated. The analysis of momentum
transfer helps in predicting the stage-discharge relationship of a compound
channel, which is discussed in the later part of the paper. For any regular
prismatic channel under uniform flow conditions, the sum of boundary shear
forces acting on the main channel wall and bed, along with an apparent shear
force acting on the interface plane originating from the main channelfloodplain junction must be equal to the resolved weight force along the main
channel. Using the concept, Patra and Kar (2000) derived the percentage of shear
force ASFip acting at the interface plane as




{ 100

% S



in which %ASFip = percentage of shear force in the interface plane. Having

computed % Sfp using equation (2) or (4), it is easy to evaluate equation (7) for
the assumed interface plane. From experiments it is seen that apparent shear
stress is higher than the bed-shear stress at low floodplain depths and reduces
gradually as over-bank flow depth increases (Rajaratnam and Ahmadi [22],
Myers and Elsawy [16], Knight and Demetriou [11], Patra and Khatua [20]). A
smaller value of apparent shear stress renders the interface plane more suitable,
but a large negative value of apparent shear stress at higher depths makes the
interface plane unsuitable for separating the channel into hydraulically
homogeneous sub-sections for calculating discharge of compound channels by
Divided Channel Method (DCM). The momentum transfer from the main
channel to flood-plain is considered as positive percentages of apparent shear
and that from flood-plain to main channel is taken as negative.
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3.2 Shear force along assumed interface planes in terms of angle

Evaluation of apparent shear force at the imaginary interface is helpful for DCM
to choose appropriate sub-division lines for separating a compound channel into
sub-sections for discharge assessment. Based on the previous works, a general
expression for momentum transfer across any interface plane in terms of the
angle () made with the vertical line is derived. Consider an arbitrary interface
(op), lying between extreme interfaces (oa) and (oe) which make an angle to
vertical line at the junctions (Figure 2). The convention, used for is 0o for
vertical interface (og), positive if the interface lies in the main channel and
negative, if the interface lies at the floodplain side. Two situations of locating
interface plains can arise.
First, when interface (op) lies between (oa) to (oc) the ranges of angle can be
and tan( )
. The area
defined as tan
2( H h)
(H h)
(H h)
of main channel for this condition is given as A mc bH ( H h ) tan ,
where b1 and b2 are the lengths of flood plain bed at both sides measured from
vertical interface. For a symmetrical compound channel b1= b2 = (B-b)/2. The
total area of cross section of channel is A bH ( B b )( H h ) . Substituting
the value of Amc and A in (7) and simplifying, the expression for percentages of
apparent shear force in the assumed interface is
% ASF ip 100

( 2 tan )
(100 % S fp )
1 1


where = aspect ratio of the main channel =b/h, = width ratio and relative
depth which are defined earlier. The second case is when interface op lies
between oc to oe, the ranges of angle for this situation can be calculated from
the relations given as tan 2 h and tan
. The area of main

2 H h

channel is Amc bh b tan and that for whole compound channel is A =

bH+(B-b)(H-h). Substituting the value of Amc in (7) and simplifying we get
cot 4 4
% ASF ip 100
(100 % S fp )
4 1 1


For any given interfaces the angle is known so the equation (6) and (7) can be
directly used to find the apparent shear along any interfaces.

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4 Results and discussions

4.1 Boundary shear distribution results


It is seen that the magnitude of momentum transfer at an interface plains using

equations (6), or (7) depend on the dimensionless parameters like and %Sfp.
At a given over-bank flow depth for any compound river section both the
parameters andare known. The third parameter %Sfp can be calculated using
equation (2) of Knight and Hamed [12] or by equation (4) of Khatua and Patra
[10]. Knight and Hamed [12] have shown the adequacy of equation (2) for the
compound channels having width ratio up to 4. However, Khatua and Patra
[10] have shown the adequacy of up to 5.25. Interestingly, it is found that
when both the equations are tested for FCF data having 6.67, significant
error in %Sfp is estimated [around 90% by equation (2) and 71% by equation (4)].
Figure 3, illustrates the results for FCF data obtained using equations (2) and (4)
and its comparison with the observed values. The errors are found to increase
with increase in the value of (width ratio) as well as with the increase of
(relative depth). Furthermore, equation (2) and (4) estimates unrealistic value of
%Sfp, that is %Sfp>100% for a compound channel of > 10. Wide floodplains
(> 10) are generally encountered during high floods in natural channels and it
is essential to estimate boundary shear stress distribution for such channels.








Figure 3:

Variation of % error for calculating %Sfp with for FCF data.

For a better understanding the boundary shear stress distribution, the authors
have studied the five series of FCF phase A channels [=2.6, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, and
6.67], three series of compound channel data [= 2, 3, and 4] of Knight and
Demetriou [11] along with the data of present compound channel [= 3.67].
These compound channels have homogeneous roughness both in the main
channel and floodplain sub-sections. Details of the experimental arrangements
relating to phase A to C of the FCF work are obtained from Greenhill and Sellin
[5]. Experiments for other three channels are described by Knight and Demetriou
[11]. On the basis of total 62 overbank flow depth from nine different

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Calculated % of
Floodplain shear


Present Model
Knight & Demetriou Model

Patra & Khatua Model

Observed % of Floodplain shear

Figure 4: Variation between %Sfp and

corresponding flow area %Afp.

Figure 5: Variation of observed and

modeled value of %Sfp .

types of compound channels with width ratios ranging from 2.0 to 6.67 and
relative depths ranging from 0.1 to 0.5, the authors have tried to plot the
variation of percentages of floodplain area %Afp verses %Sfp in Figure 4 given as.

By substituting A fp

is rewritten as


4 . 1045

% A

0 . 6917



1 for a rectangular main channel, equation (8)

1 1
100 ( 1)
% S fp 4.105

1 ( 1)



Now, the equation (9) can be used for the channels having equal surface
roughness in the floodplain and main channel. For non-homogeneous channels,
equation (9) can further be modified as
100 ( 1)
% S fp 4 . 105

1 ( 1)

0 . 6917

{1 1 . 02 log }


Using the equation (10), the variation between the calculated %Sfp and observed
values for all the ten types of compound channels are shown in Fig.5. In the
same plot the variation of calculated %Sfp by previous investigators (i.e.
equations 2 and 4) are also shown. The plot indicates high correlations (R2 =
0.98) for(10) and R2 = 0.68 and 0.74 respectively using equations (2) and (4).
4.2 Shear force on the assumed interface planes for an angle
Further to account for the momentum transfer, the present experimental results
are analysed using equation (10) and are plotted in Figure 6. The convention for
momentum transfer is positive from the main channel to flood-plain and that
from flood-plain to main channel is negative. As can be seen, the apparent shear
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224 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

% of Apprent shear force


% of Apprent shear in various interfaces of the

Experimental Channel at NIT


Vertical Interface


Horizontal Interface



Figure 6:



Angle with vertical interface




Variation of apparent shear along various interface planes.

in the vertical interfaces is found to be 13.5% of the total shear for the overbank
flow depth of 2.12 cm (= 0.15). It is found that the apparent shear decreases as
the flow depth increases and reaches to 9.1 % for a overbank flow depth of 8.21
cm ( = 0.406). This shows that apparent shear is higher at low floodplain depths
and gradually reduces as depth over floodplain increases. Similar results are also
obtained for horizontal and diagonal interface plane for the present channels as
well as when global data sets are tested using the concept. The interface plain of
zero shear is located near the horizontal interfaces (approximately at = 99o) at
= 0.15 and for higher over-bank flow depths, the interface plane of zero shear
is observed near a diagonal line of separation (approximately at = 40o).
4.3 Estimating discharge using different approaches
Let Qc denotes the calculated discharge and Qm the measured discharge. The
percentage of error and standard error for each series of experimental runs are
computed using the equation given as
Error (%)

(Q c Q m )


Using the vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and other interface planes, the error in
discharge estimation for the experimental channel and one channel from the FCF
(series A) are plotted in Figures 7(a) and 7(b) respectively.
In DCM, proper selection of the interface plane is required using the value of
the apparent shear at the assumed interface plane. If the shear stress at this
interface is zero, then there is no momentum transfer across the selected interface
and therefore the length of the interface is not included to the wetted perimeter of
the main channel or the floodplain for discharge calculation using divided
channel method and Mannings equation. However due to the difficulty in
locating this plane for all channel geometry and flow depths, investigators either
include or exclude the interface lengths in calculating the wetted perimeter for
the estimation of discharge. By including this interface length to the wetted
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perimeter of the main channel, a shear drag of magnitude equal to the interface
length times the average boundary shear is included. However, in such situations
the actual interface shear is not considered as the shear along this interface is not
equal to the boundary shear for all depths of flow in the channel. Similarly, by
excluding these lengths, a zero shear along these interfaces is assumed.
Single channel method (curve SCM, where the whole compound section is
considered as single one) is found to give higher discharge error for lower overbank flow depths and very less error for high over-bank flow depth which is in
line with the findings of Sekin [23]. These also show that at very high overbank
depths, the compound channel behaves like a single unit (Bhowmik and
Demissie [2]). SCM also gives the maximum point error [e.g. for = 6.67
discharge error is more than 45% (Figures 7b). Similarly, VDM-II (curve Vie)
gives better discharge results than VDM-I (curve Vee) which is in line with the
findings of Mohaghegh and Kouchakzadeh [15]. VDM-1 (curve Vee) provides
higher error for compound channels of wider floodplain (e.g. = 6.67 of
Figure 7). For all the compound channels studied, the error results from HDM-I
(curve Hee) is less than that from HDM-II (i.e curve Hie) which is in line with
the findings of Sekin [23]. It is again observed that HDM-I approach gives
better discharge results than the corresponding vertical interface method (VDMI) for low depths of flow over floodplain but gives large discharge error at higher
depths. These findings are similar to the results of Mohaghegh and
Kouchakzadeh [15]. It is also noticed that, DDM (curve Dee) gives less error
(Figure 7) than all the VDM and HDM for all the compound channels studied.
This finding follows the results of Wormleaton et al [28]; Knight and Hamed
[12], Khatua [9] and Sekin [23] etc. Both the area method (curve AM) and the
variable inclined plain method (curve VI) gives higher standard error for


Experimental Compund Channel



Percentage of error

Percentage of error


FCF series-A ( =6.67)




Values of




Figure 7:



Values of


(a) and (b): Variation of percentage of error discharge with relative

depth by various approaches for experimental channel and the FCF
channel. [SCM-Single Channel Method, Vee-(VDM-1), Vie-(VDM-1I), Hee(HDM-1), Hie-(HDM-1I), Dee-DDM, Ma-Zero Shear Interface Method (ZSIM),
AM-Area Method, VI-Variable Inclined Plain Method].

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compound channels of wider floodplains (e.g FCF Series-A channels, Figure 7b).
Basing on the present analysis, it can be concluded that both HDM-1 and DDM
are good approaches. HDM-1 is better for low overbank depth and DDM is
better for higher overbank depths.

5 Conclusions
The following conclusions can be drawn from the above investigation
For a compound channel the important parameters affecting the boundary
shear distribution are the relative depth (), the width ratio (), and the
relative roughness (). These three dimensionless parameters are used to
form equations to represent the total shear force percentage carried by
floodplains. The present formulations for estimating the percentages of
shear force carried by floodplain boundary %Sfp has the distinct
improvement when compared to the previous investigators in the sense
that it is quite adequate for all types of straight compound channel
geometry (narrow as well as wide flood plain channels). Equations by the
previous investigators give %Sfp more than 100 % when applied to a
compound channel of wider floodplains (i.e. width ratio > 10).
Using the boundary shear distribution results, the momentum transfer at
different interfaces originating from the main channel and floodplain
junction for all types of geometry are quantified. The proposed equation
provides the estimation of apparent shear stress for any assumed interface
in terms of an angle it makes with the vertical line. Furthermore the
stage-discharge relationship of a compound channel using divided channel
method is decided only after finding the apparent shear stress across the
interface planes.
Basing on the present analysis using DCM, it can be concluded that both
HDM-1 and DDM are better than other approaches. HDM-1 is good for
low overbank depths and the DDM subdivision is better for higher
overbank depths. The adequacy of the developed equation for shear stress
distribution along the boundary of compound channels is verified using
the data from FCF-A channels.

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Wicking process in a capillary tube:

a new zero-order asymptotic solution
O. Bautista1, F. Mndez2 & E. Bautista1

SEPI-ESIME Azcapotzalco. Instituto Politcnico Nacional, Mexico

Facultad de Ingeniera, UNAM, Mexico

In this work, we have theoretically re-visited the capillary rise process into a
circular tube for very short time scales, retaining in this manner, the physical
influence of the inertial effects. We use the boundary-layer technique or matched
asymptotic expansion procedure in order to treat this singular problem by
identifying two appropriate time scales: one short time scale related with inertial
effects, , and the other, , the large scale which is basically associated with
imbibition effects. Considering that the well-known Washburns law was derived
by neglecting the inertial effects, the corresponding solution has a singular
behavior for short times, which is reflected by an infinite mass flow rate. Then,
for this purpose we derive a zero-order solution which is enough to avoid the
singular behavior of the solution. In this manner, the Washburns solution
represents only the external solution only valid for the large time scale . The
above analytical result is compared with a numerical solution including the case
when the contact angle between the meniscus and the inner surface of the
capillary tube becomes a dynamic contact angle. On the other hand, the presence
of inertial effects can induce oscillations of the imbibition front which are
controlled by the dynamic contact angle. Therefore, in the present work we
predict a global asymptotic formula for the temporal evolution of the height of
the liquid. In order to show the importance of the inertial terms, we present this
evolution for different values of the dimensionless parameters involved in the
Keywords: wicking process, inertial effects, singular perturbation, matched
asymptotic expansions.

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1 Introduction
In recent years, the phenomenon of capillary wicking has strongly stimulated
theoretical studies together with experimental evidences to show some peculiar
aspects of these complex processes. In real situations, the wetting of a surface is
controlled by rates of spreading of a liquid over the substrate and in general, this
effect is devoted for very short times before to reach the well-known equilibrium
thermodynamics Young's equation, where the surface tension force is exactly
balanced with the gravity force. In addition, the movement of the contact line of
the liquid front depends strongly on molecular kinetic of the dynamic contact
angle. The existing theories and experimental results about the position and
velocity of the contact line are not well understood yet. For instance, relevant
studies of the spreading of a drop over horizontal and inclined flat plates have
been developed to clarify that, in some cases; the macroscopic contact line can
be preceded by a precursor film, where the van der Waals forces are not
negligible. This idea was originally proposed by De Gennes [1]. Nowadays, an
acceptable point of view to treat the dynamic of the contact angle is to include
molecular forces, like van der Walls forces, improving in this manner, the
hydrodynamics macroscopic models. In this direction, Trevio et al. [2, 3]
carried out a theoretical analysis to predict the influence of the precursor film on
the dynamics of an axisymmetric drop spreading over a horizontal surface. The
state of the art can be found in the book of Middleman [4], where relevant topics
and applications are conducted to illustrate different wicking phenomena.
Since the pioneer work of Washburn [5], several mathematical models have
been proposed to analyze those cases where the capillary forces always have a
predominant effect. In this direction, the classical works of Joos et al. [6] and
Batten [7] show rigorously the main forces that act on a liquid rising up a
capillary tube. Hamraoui et al. [8] using high-speed imaging technique and
solving a particular WashburnRidealLucas equation based on a fully
developed flow, showed the physical influence of the dynamic contact angle on
the wicking process. In this study, the authors postulated a fundamental
relationship between the dynamic contact angle and the rate of the liquid rise
within the capillary tube and the mathematical solution was validated through the
experimental results. A similar study was reported by Hamraoui and Nylander
[9] including numerical predictions of oscillations for the imbibition front. In
reality, these oscillations were previously reported by Qur [10] if the liquid
viscosity is low enough.
In this paper, following the proposed analytical models by Hamraoui et al. [8]
and Duarte et al. [11], we present an asymptotic analysis of zero-order to
characterize the initial step of the wicking penetration process into a capillary
circular tube, for the case when the inertial terms are important. The fundamental
idea is to improve the existing theoretical predictions reported by previous
schemes and related with the velocity of the front, using singular perturbation
techniques. We anticipate that a singular behavior prevails if, for example,
inertial and gravity forces are neglected. In this case, the most simple
Washburn's law shows that the penetration velocity is of order of
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

U dh / dt t

1/ 2


(see Ref. [4]) and for values of t 0 , the velocity U is

undetermined. In order to avoid this singularity, which reflects, in addition, an

infinite mass flow rate into the capillary tube, we use two time scales to identify
the dominant forces. For each time scale, we derive an appropriate zero-order
governing equation and the corresponding solutions are matched according a
well pre-established singular perturbation technique. Recognizing the importance
of the inertial terms for the initial step of the wicking process, we anticipate that
is only sufficient to derive a zero-order global solution, correcting up to this
order the singular behavior of the Washburn's law. Therefore, in this first part of
the present work the associated corrections with higher-order terms are omitted
for simplicity.

2 Theoretical analysis
The present model corresponds to eqn. (1a) from Hamraoui et al. [8], and the
main forces that act on a liquid rising up a capillary tube are due to surface
tension, gravity, viscosity and inertia, respectively:

2 R 1

d dh
R gh 8 h R h
dt dt


where R is the radius of the capillary, is a constant related with the dynamic
contact angle, h t is the height of the liquid at time t . , , are the surface
tension, density and dynamic viscosity of the liquid, respectively, and g is the
acceleration due to gravity force. In order to derive the above equation were
basically neglected the entrance hydrodynamic effects and the liquid was
assumed Newtonian, then we can write the average velocity of liquid rising at
the capillary from Poiseuilles law as U dh / dt R P / 8 h. In addition, we

adopt the relationship between dynamic contact angle, d and the rate dh / dt
given by cos (t ) 1 / dh / dt . The details of the above considerations

can be found elsewhere, [8]. In this form, the present forces included in eqn. (1)
are expressed in terms of the unknown height h (t ) . This scheme has widely
been used in lubrication theory to analyze the fluid flow in thin-liquid films
(Oron et al. [12]). The above non-linear ordinary differential equation must
satisfy two initial conditions. Traditionally, the majority of the published works
only include the first of these initial conditions. The reason is based on
neglecting the inertia terms. However, for very short times, the inertial terms
must be included, even more for those cases of large radius. Therefore, we
propose the following initial conditions:
t 0 : h 0 and
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In the last initial condition, Q is the unknown volumetric flow rate per unit
area at the base of the capillary tube and must be determined as a part of the
solution. However, in this manner the system of eqns. (1)(2) is incomplete
because Q is unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to add other restriction. This
other condition comes from the equilibrium condition of the imbibition front.
The above means that there is an equilibrium time, t eq , for which we reach the
equilibrium height heq given by 2 / gR . This last relationship is readily
derived from the balance between the surface tension and gravity forces.
Obviously, the equilibrium time teq must then be determined as a part of the
solution. From this point of view, therefore, the additional condition can be
written as

t teq : h heq



Now, for solving eqn. (1), we use appropriate dimensionless variables taking
into account that, in a first approximation, the characteristic time tc of the
wicking penetration process is determined by a balance between the surface
tension and viscosity forces. This order relationship can be written as

2 R 8 heq / tc . Introducing the equilibrium height into the above order


relationship, we obtain that t c 16 / g R . We assume t c t eq . Therefore,


introducing the following dimensionless variables:

, Y




the system of Equations (1)(3) are transformed to:

1 dY Y Y dY d Y dY ,

d d




0 : Y 0 ,

; eq : Y 1


and the parameters , , and are defined as:


8 Q


gR gR

and =


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Bo Ga


Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


where Bo and Ga represent the Bond and Galileo numbers, respectively.

Therefore, the solution of the problem (5)(6) shall provide

Y Y , eq , , , .





eq is



g R teq / 16 with t eq unknown. Therefore, the set of eqns. (5)(6) represent


an eigenvalue problem because the time t eq is unknown. In this manner, the

solutions are constructed by taking into account that for arbitrary values of the
dimensionless parameters , and , we must obtain a unique solution of

Y Y , eq , , , for each value of the equilibrium time eq . In the

remainder of this paper we analyze and classify the solutions according to the
assumed values of , taking advantage of the fact that in general, and
are very small compared with unity. We anticipate that the values of are
irrelevant for the zero-order solution of Y .
2.1 Asymptotic limit of 1 (pre-wetting surface)

As we are concerned, a first approximation, to clarify the role of the inertial

terms we have omit in the present section, the physical influence of the dynamic
contact angle d . This particular situation can occur, for instance, when the
internal surface in contact with the liquid has been previously wetted. Thus, we
have that for 1 the dynamic contact angle, d , practically coincides with of
the equilibrium or static angle, eq . For simplicity, we take eq 0 , which is a
good approximation for wetted surfaces. However, we emphasize that this
particular restriction does not significantly affect the general validity of the
present analysis. Indeed, for eq 0 the first term of the right-hand side of eqn.
(5) can be easily modified by a constant factor given by cos e . Thus, eqn. (5)
reduces to:

1 Y Y


Y dY .

d d


The numerical values for are generally small and therefore, the above
equation dictates that the inertial terms are only important for a time scale of the
order of . Otherwise, for 1 , the inertial term represented by the last term
of the right-hand side of the above equation is negligible, in a first
approximation. Thus, we can introduce two time scales to study the problem.
2.1.1 Formulation for large times ( ~ 1)
For this relevant limit, we propose the following expansion

Y Y0 Y1 O

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and substituting into eqn. (5), by retaining only terms of zero order, we obtain

1 Y0 Y0



and the solution is readily derived and given by (undetermined only by the
constant C0 ):

1 Y0 Ln 1 Y0 C0 .


In principle, this solution can not satisfy the initial condition Y ( 0) 0 ,

because the inertial terms were neglected. Therefore, in order to evaluate the
constant C0 , we must retain the inertial terms. We show that is necessary to use a
small time scale of order consider the influence of the inertial effects.
2.1.2 Formulation for short times ( ~ )
In this case, we accept that for short times the dominant terms of eqn. (8) are
basically controlled by the surface tension and inertial forces. In this manner, the
suitable scales to analyze this initial step are / O 1 and

y Y / O 1 and eqn. (8) is transformed to:

y dy

d d

y dy 1/ 2 y 1.


Now, in order to find the zero-order solution of this equation, we propose the
following expansion:

y y0 O


and the leading order equation is governed by a balance between the inertia,
viscosity and surface tension forces, given by

y dy0 y dy0 1,
d d


with the initial conditions:

0 : y0 0 and


O 1 .


The non-linear differential equation (14) of second order can be easily solved
because admits a first integral. The resulting first order non-linear equation is
solved by using an appropriate integrating factor; for simplicity the details are
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omitted. Following the above procedure and applying the initial conditions (15),
we obtain:

2 2 exp 1.


It is very important to note that the asymptotic solution for short times

0 is y 0 1 / 6 ... . The same asymptotic formula was previously

derived by Qur [10] using other formulation for modeling the initial steps,
where predominate inertial and surface tension effects. Thus, for short times the
rising of the capillary wicking has a linear behavior, which avoids that the
velocity displays a singular behavior. In addition, the above asymptotic
relationship is independent of the dimensionless mass rate .
Retaining then the inertial terms in order to obtain a global solution valid for all
time, we can use the well-known asymptotic matching technique, which can be
found elsewhere, (Van Dyke, [13]). In this case, we construct a global solution
given by,

Y Y0 y0 Ymatch ,


where Ymatch represents the intermediate solution valid in the matching region

1 . In this zone, the solutions have a similar behavior and can be

calculated by using the following matching asymptotic principle [13],
Ymatch Y

lim 0

y .



Thus, applying this condition to the solutions (11) and (16) and expanding
adequately both solutions, can be easily shown that the constant C0 1 . In this
form, the zero-order global solution is based effectively on an intermediate
region 1 , where the short and large times solutions are equivalent. This
matching solution is given as Ymatch

2 and the global solution with the aid

of the above comments is:


2 2 exp / 1 Y0

2 ,


where Y0 is the implicit solution of:

Y0 Ln 1 Y0 .


The above transcendental equation for Y0 has an approximate analytical

solution. We follow the approach presented elsewhere (Fries and Dreyer [14]).
The solution for eqn. (20) is given by

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Y0 1 W e


where W is the Lamberts function. Finally, substituting eqn. (21) into eqn. (19),
we obtain that

2 2 exp / 1 1 W e

(1 )

2 ,


which is a global analytic solution for Y . It is really important to note that in

order to calculate the numerical value of the Lambert function W that appears on
eqns. (21)-(22), we use an approximated function previously developed [14],
with a maximum relative error of 0.1% and given by the relationship

W e

(1 )

2(1 e )


valid for e e

4.13501 2(1 e )


2(1 e )

0, where e is the well-known Eulers number given by

e 2.718281...
2.2 Numerical scheme

In this subsection, we present some details related with the numerical procedure
to complete the solutions of eqns. (5)(6) for values of 0 . We have
included these numerical estimations to compare with the asymptotic solution of
zero-order. The class of governing equation given by eqn. (5) can be readily
integrated by the classical Runge-Kutta method of fourth-order. In our case, we
can define the following variables

Y 1



2 ,


and the second-order nonlinear differential equation (5) with the aid of the above
relationships can be transformed to system of two first-order equations given by
d 2

1 1 ( 1 ) 2 2


It is well-known that this method requires initial conditions to begin the first
iterations. In our case and from eqn. (6), the part that only corresponds to the
initial conditions is provided by Y (0) 0 and dY (0) / d , which can be

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rewritten as 1 (0) 0 and 2 (0) . The use of the above initial conditions
yields a divergent behavior for both functions 1 and 2 . Therefore, the
numerical procedure to integrate eqns. (25) is to replace the above initial
conditions by the asymptotic relationships for short times derived in section
2.1.2. In terms of the functions 1 and 2 , the initial conditions are the

1 (0) 1 ( 0) =

1/ 2

5/ 2




2 (0) 2 ( 0) =

1 +O .

5/ 2
1/ 2


We can appreciate that for finite and small values of the time increment, ,
the initial condition (26) remains always different to zero and the other initial
condition, given by eqn. (27), depends only the parameter , which assumes
finite values in our numerical essays. In the present estimations, we use
0.00001 and different values of the parameter . In this manner the
divergence is eliminated numerically.

3 Results and conclusions

In this paper we developed a singular asymptotic analysis to describe the
initial steps of the temporal evolution of wicking penetration of a fluid into a
capillary tube. The use of two time scales permits us to conduct a boundary layer
analysis to clarify the physical role of the inertial terms. In such case, the
singularity of the front velocity is eliminated. On the other hand, the present
analysis serve to emphasize that the inertia terms are also important not only for
a short time scale as we comment from the analytical results, lines below. In this
direction, we see that for different substances the inertia effect has a relevant
influence even for large times. This occurs as a consequence of the
dimensionless parameters and . In Fig. 1, we have plotted the dimensionless
height of the wicking front as a function of the dimensionless time for the case of
0 and two different values of the parameter ; i. e., 0 and 0.05 ,
that correspond to the inertial and non-inertial cases, respectively. We see the
influence of the inertial terms is to decrease the temporal growth of the liquids
front for small values of the dimensionless parameter . Therefore, the
asymptotic analysis confirms that the inertial terms always modulate the initial
steps of the wicking penetration process. This is an acceptable result always that
we do not taken into account time scales smaller than , because in this case,
capillary penetration can be controlled by hydrodynamic instabilities and more
complex phenomena related with the influence of precursor film, chemical
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adsorption activity in the inner surface of capillary tube, intermolecular forces,
etc. In addition, the asymptotic solution dictated by eqn. (22) confirms that the
usage of the singular perturbation analysis, the zero-order solution is enough to
describe the main physical characteristics of the problem.


Figure 1:

Evolution of capillary rise, for

Figure 2:

Evolution of capillary rise, for 1.5 .

In Fig. 2, we have shown the combined influence of dimensionless

parameters and . For instance, in this figure, we use four different values of
the parameter ( 0.05, 0.5,1.0, 3.0) and =1.5 to plot the dimensionless

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Comparison between the Lucas-Washburns formula, the present

asymptotic zero-order solution, Eq. (22), and the non-inertial
solution ( 0) .
height of the imbibition front as a function of the dimensionless time. Clearly,
parameter works as a dissipative effect because causes a slower wicking
process. Therefore, the well-known oscillating pattern previously reported by
different authors [10, 11] is modulated by the influence of the parameter .
Thus, for increasing values of this parameter is easier to reach the equilibrium
height of the imbibition. In this sense, the limiting factor above is controlled by
the parameter . The Fig. 3 shows the difference between the Washburns law
and the obtained in the present work, showing that the evolution of the
imbibition front is strongly influenced by considering the inertial effects in the
dynamic equation describing the capillary process.
Figure 3:

This work has been supported by the research Grant No. 58817 by Consejo
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa anf 201000375 of Instituto Politcnico
Nacional at Mexico.

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Section 3
Heat transfer and
thermal processes

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Experimental validation of analytical solutions

for a transient heat conduction problem
N. Simes1, I. Simes1, A. Tadeu1, C. Vasconcellos2 & W. Mansur3
CICC, Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Fortification and Construction Engineering,
Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil
Department of Civil Engineering,
COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This paper analyses heat transfer across multilayer systems when boundary
conditions are unsteady. The results of analytical simulations and experimental
tests were compared in order to validate the analytical formulation. The
formulation that is proposed to solve this problem uses Greens functions to
handle the conduction phenomena. The Greens functions are established by
imposing the continuity of temperatures and heat fluxes at the interfaces of the
various layers. The technique used to deal with the unsteady state conditions
consists of first computing the solution in the frequency domain (after the
application of time and spatial Fourier transforms along the two horizontal
directions), and then applying (fast) inverse Fourier transforms into space-time.
The thermal properties of the multilayer system materials have been previously
defined experimentally.
For the experimental measurements the multilayer system was mounted on a
guarded hotplate capable of imposing a controlled heat variation at the top and
bottom boundaries of the system. Temperatures were recorded using a
thermocouple set connected to a data logger system. Comparison of the results
showed that the analytical solutions agree with the experimental ones.
Keywords: experimental validation, transient heat conduction, Greens functions
formulation, frequency domain.

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1 Introduction
A dwellings interior comfort is a fundamental issue in building physics and it
depends on the buildings envelope. In order to better evaluate the thermal
performance of the construction elements used throughout the building envelope,
more accurate models must be developed. Thermal behaviour depends largely on
unsteady state conditions, and so the formulations for studying those systems
should take the transient heat phenomena into consideration.
Most schemes devised to solve transient diffusion heat problems have either
been formulated in the time domain (time-marching approach) (e.g. Chang et
al. [1]) or else use Laplace transforms (e.g. Rizzo and Shippy [2]). An alternative
approach is to apply a Fourier transform to deal with the time variable of the
diffusion equation, thereby establishing a frequency domain technique, and then
obtain time solutions are obtained by using inverse Fourier transforms into
space-time (e.g. Tadeu and Simes [3]).
In general, multilayer systems, built by overlapping different layers of
materials, are used to ensure that several functional building requirements, such
as hygrothermal and acoustic comfort, are met. One of the requirements is to get
high thermal performance and thus reduce energy consumption and promote
building sustainability. The importance of multilayer solutions has motivated
some researchers to try and understand the heat transfer in those systems
(e.g. Kaka and Yumruta [4], Chen et al. [5] and Sami A. Al-Sanea [6]).
In this paper is presented an experimental validation of a semi-analytical
Greens functions solution that simulates heat conduction through multilayer
systems when they are subjected to heat generated by transient sources. The
proposed semi-analytical solutions allow the heat field inside a layered medium
to be computed, without having to discretize the interior domain. The problem is
formulated in the frequency domain using time Fourier transforms. The
technique requires knowing the Greens functions for the case of a spatially
sinusoidal, harmonic heat line source placed in an unbounded medium. The
Greens functions for a layered formation are formulated as the sum of the heat
source terms equal to those in the full-space and the surface terms required to
satisfy the boundary conditions at the interfaces, i.e. continuity of temperatures
and normal fluxes between layers. The total heat field is found by adding the
heat source terms equal to those in the unbounded space to the set of surface
terms arising within each layer and at each interface (e.g. Tadeu and Simes [3]).
The experimental results were obtained for several systems built by
overlapping different materials. These test specimens were subjected to a
transient heat flow produced by cooling and heating units which established a
heat flow rate that could reach a pre-programmed mean test temperature in the
specimen. The temperature changes in the different specimen layers were
recorded by a thermocouple data logger system. The thermal properties of the
different materials, such as thermal conductivity, mass density and specific heat
were obtained experimentally. The temperature variation in the top and bottom
surfaces of the multilayer system was used as an input for the semi-analytical
model designed using the thermal properties obtained experimentally. This
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paper first formulates the three-dimensional problem and presents the Greens
function in the frequency domain for a heat point source applied to a multilayer
formation. A brief description of the mathematical manipulation follows, and the
experimental setup is then described. Some final remarks are presented after the
experimental measurements have been compared with computational results.

2 Problem formulation
Consider a system built from a set of m plane layers of infinite extent bounded
by two flat, semi-infinite media, as shown in Figure 1. The top semi-infinite
medium is called medium 0, and the bottom semi-infinite medium is assumed to
be m+1. The thermal material properties and thickness of the various layers may
differ. This system is subjected to a point heat source somewhere in the domain.

Medium 0
Interface 1


Medium 1
Interface 2

Interface m


Medium 2

Medium m

Interface m+1

Medium m+1

Figure 1:

Multilayer system bounded by two semi-infinite media.

The transient heat transfer by conduction in each layer is expressed by the

k j 2 2 2

T (t , x, y, z )
T (t , x, y, z ) j c j


in which t is time, T (t , x, y, z ) is temperature, j identifies the layer number,

k j is the thermal conductivity, j is the mass density and c j is the specific


3 Semi-analytical solutions
The solution is defined in the frequency domain as the superposition of plane
heat sources. This is done after applying a Fourier transform in the time domain

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and a double Fourier transformation in the space domain along the x and z
Applying a Fourier transformation in the time domain to eqn (1) gives

x 2 y 2 z 2

where i 1 , K j k j

j cj


K j

T ( , x, y, z ) 0 ,


is the thermal diffusivity of the layer j , and

is the frequency. For a heat point source applied at x0 , y0 , 0 in an




Tinc , x, y , z, t x x0 y y0 z e

i t



, where x x0 , y y0

and z are Dirac-delta functions, the fundamental solution of eqn (2) can be
expressed as

Tinc ( , x , y , z )
2k j


x x0 y y 0


x x0 2 y y 0 2 z 2 .


Applying a Fourier transformation in the z direction leads to the solution

Tinc ( , x, y , k z )
k z 2 r0

4k j

where H 0



are Hankel functions of the second kind and order 0 , and

x x0 2 y y0 2 .

The full three-dimensional solution is then found by applying an inverse

Fourier transform in the k z domain. This inverse Fourier transformation can be
expressed as a discrete summation if we assume the existence of virtual sources,
equally spaced at Lz , along z, which enables the solution to be obtained by
solving a limited number of two-dimensional problems,
Tinc ( , x, y , z )

k zm 2 r0 e ik zm z

m M



m . The distance Lz
chosen must be big enough to prevent spatial contamination from the virtual
sources. Eqn (5) can be further manipulated and written as a continuous
superposition of heat plane phenomena,

with k zm being the axial wavenumber given by kzm

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Tinc ( , x, y , k z )
4 k j

where j

i j y y0

ik x x
dk x
e x



k z 2 k x 2 and Im j 0 , and the integration is performed

with respect to the horizontal wave number ( k x ) along the x direction.

Assuming the existence of an infinite number of virtual sources, we can
discretize these continuous integrals. The integral in the above equation can be
transformed into a summation if an infinite number of such sources are
distributed along the x direction, spaced at equal intervals Lx . The equation can
then be written as
n E
Tinc ( , x , y , k z )
E0 j

4k j
n nj

where E0 j

2k j Lx

Ej e

i nj y

Ed e

ik x n x


, nj

k z 2 k xn 2

n , which can in turn be approximated by a finite
sum of equations ( N ). Note that k z 0 is the two-dimensional example.
The total heat field is achieved by adding the heat source terms, equal to those
in the unbounded space, to the sets of surface terms arising within each layer and
at each interface, that are required to satisfy the boundary conditions at the
interfaces, i.e. continuity of temperatures and normal fluxes between layers.
For the layer j , the heat surface terms on the upper and lower interfaces can
be expressed as

and Im nj 0 , and k xn

Tj1 ( , x , y , k z ) E0 j
Tj 2 ( , x, y , k z ) E0 j

where E j1 e

i n j y

j 1

l 1

, E j2 e

i n

E j1

E j2



Anjt E d


Anjb Ed


l 1

and hl is the thickness of the

layer l . The heat surface terms produced at interfaces 1 and m+1, which govern
the heat that propagates through the top and bottom semi-infinite media, are
respectively expressed by

T02 ( , x, y, k z ) E00



Anb0 Ed

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248 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


E( m 1)2

T( m 1)2 ( , x, y , k z ) E0( m 1)

n ( m 1)

Ant ( m 1) Ed


A system of 2(m+1) equations is derived, ensuring the continuity of

temperatures and heat fluxes along the m+1 interfaces between layers. Each
equation takes into account the contribution of the surface terms and the
involvement of the incident field. All the terms are organized according to the
form F a b . When the heat source is placed in medium 1, the following system
of equations is obtained

0 n0


e i n1h1


e i n1h1

k1 n1


e i n1h1


e i n1h1
k1 n1

k1 n1






e i nm hm


... e i nm hm1

e i nm hm
km nm

km nm

k1 n1

k1 nm

e i n1 y0

i n1 y0

An 0 k1 n1
At i n1 h1 y0
n1 e
Anb1 e i n1 h1 y0

k1 n1




n ( m 1)



km 1 n ( m 1)

ei nm hm
km nm

The resolution of the system gives the amplitude of the surface terms at each
interface. The temperature field for each layer formation is found by adding
these surface terms to the contribution of the incident field, which leads to the
following equations:
top semi-infinite medium (medium 0 )

T ( , x, y, k z ) E00



Anb0 Ed , if y 0


layer 1 (source position)


T ( , x, y, k z )
H 0 K t1 r0 E01 11 Ant 1 12 Anb1 Ed , if 0 y h1 (14)

n n1

layer j ( j 1)

T ( , x, y, k z ) E0 j

E j1



E j2


Anjb Ed , if

j 1

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l 1

y hl (15)
l 1

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


bottom semi-infinite medium (medium m 1 )

T( m 1)2 ( , x, y , k z ) E0( m 1)

E( m 1)2

n ( m 1)

Ant ( m 1) Ed


Note that when the position of the heat source is changed, the matrix F
remains the same, while the independent terms of b are different. As the
equations can be easily manipulated to consider another position for the source,
they are not included here.

4 Experimental validation
4.1 Specimen description

The multilayer systems were built by overlapping 500x500 mm2layers of

different current insulating materials: natural cork (NC), molded expanded
polystyrene (EPS) and medium-density fibreboard (MDF).
Each multilayer system was composed of 4 layers. One homogeneous
(System 1) and two heterogeneous (Systems 2-3) systems were prepared.
System 1 is composed of four NC layers (20.63mm, 20.68mm, 20.52mm and
20.60mm thickness). System 2 was prepared with these four layers: EPS
(18.84mm), MDF (19.65mm), NC (20.60mm) and EPS (19.86). System 3 had
the following four layers: NC (20.52mm), EPS (18.84mm), MDF (19.65mm) and
NC (20.60mm). Each material used was tested to determine its thermal
conductivity, mass density and specific heat. The thermal conductivity was
found by means of the Guarded hot-plate method (ISO 8302:1991 [7]) using the
EP-500 Lambda-meter from Lambda-Mebtechnik GmbH Dresden, a singlespecimen model. The test procedure defined in EN 12667:2001[8] was used. The
mass density was determined using the procedure described in EN 1602:1996[9].
The specific heat was obtained using a Netzsch apparatus, model DSC200F3,
following the ratio method.
Table 1 gives the averages of those properties for the three materials used in
the experiments.
Table 1:

Thermal properties of the materials.

Mass density,

(W.m -1 .C -1 )

(kg.m -3 )

( -1 .C -1 )


Specific heat,

Natural Cork



Molded Expanded Polystyrene




Medium-Density Fiberboard




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4.2 Experimental procedure

The experiments required imposing an unsteady heat flow rate on each

multilayer system using the single-specimen EP-500 Lambda-meter apparatus.
Before running any test, the specimens were conditioned in a climatic chamber,
Fotoclima 300EC10 from Aralab, in a controlled environment with a set-point
temperature of (232)C and (505)% relative humidity, until constant mass was
The tests were carried out in a controlled laboratory environment
(temperature (232)C and relative humidity (505)%). The single-specimen
Lambda-meter EP-500was first programmed to reach a mean temperature of
23C in the test specimen, establishing a 15 temperature difference between the
heating and the cooling units. So, during the test, the temperature of the top
multilayer surface (in contact with the heating plate unit) increased, while the
temperature of the bottom multilayer surface (in contact with the lower plate)
decreased. The energy input was maintained until a permanent heat flow rate was
reached, that is, when there were no temperature variations at the multilayer
interfaces. The system was then allowed to cool until the initial temperatures
were reached again.
The temperature variation at each interface layer was measured using type T
(copper) thermocouples made of 0.2 mm diameter wire. Three thermocouples
were placed at each system interface, including the top and bottom surfaces,
which were in contact with the heating and cooling plates (see Figure 2). The
data were recorded by a Yokogawa MW 100 data logger, with a time interval of
10 seconds.

t ot

Thermocouples 1
Layer 1
Thermocouples 2
Layer 2
Layer 3

Thermocouples 5
Thermocouples 4

Layer 4

Thermocouples 5


Figure 2:

Thermocouple positions.

5 Results and discussion

In this section the experimental measurements are compared with the semianalytical results. The semi-analytical solutions are obtained using the
formulation presented in section 3, after they have been manipulated to simulate
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the heat transfer through the multilayer systems where the temperature variations
are prescribed for the top and bottom surfaces. The materials thermal properties
(see Table 1) were used in these simulations.
5.1 Semi-analytical model

Equations (8) and (9) are manipulated by removing the media 0 and m+1 and by
imposing temperatures t0t and t0b on the external top and bottom surfaces
(interfaces 1 and m+1). Temperatures t0t and t0b are obtained by applying a
Fourier transformation in the time domain to the temperatures recorded at the
external multilayer system surfaces during the guarded hot plate test.
The total heat field is achieved by adding together the sets of surface terms
arising within each layer at each interface and by imposing continuity of
temperatures and normal fluxes at the internal interfaces.
The following system of 2m equations is obtained:

k1 n1
e i n1h1
i h
e n1 1
1 n1

e i n1h1
k1 n1



k1 n1






k1 nm


e i nm hm
km nm

t0 t

0 nb1
... ... ...
e i nm hm Anm
i nm hm b

km nm
t0 b

km nm


Given that the temperatures t0t and t0b are uniform along the interfaces, this
system is solved by imposing k xn 0 and k z 0 . The resolution of this system
gives the amplitude of the surface terms at each interface, leading to the
following temperature fields at layer j :

E j1 t
Ej2 b
T ( , x, y, k z ) E0 j
A0 j
A0 j , if

0 j

j 1

l 1

y hl


l 1

5.2 Results

Temperatures t0t and t0b were first defined by applying a direct discrete fast
Fourier transform in the time domain to the temperatures recorded by the
thermocouples on the external surfaces of the system and subtracting the initial
temperature. Analysis of the experimental responses led to an analysis period of
16h being established. This was enough to find the energy equilibrium of the
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multilayer system with the environment (temperatures at the interfaces were
again restored almost to the initial test temperatures). The upper frequency of the
analysis was defined such that its contribution to the global response is
The analytical computations were performed in the frequency domain for
frequencies ranging from 0.0 Hz to 1.0
Hz , with a frequency increment of
32 3600

Hz ,
32 3600 2048

which determined a full analysis window of 16h.

The temperature variation imposed on the top and bottom multilayer surfaces
may be of any type. To obtain the temperature in the time domain, a discrete
inverse fast Fourier transform was applied in the frequency domain. The aliasing
phenomena were dealt by introducing complex frequencies with a small
imaginary part, taking the form c i (where 0.7 , and is the
frequency increment). This shift was subsequently taken into account in the time
domain by means of an exponential window, e t , applied to the response.
The final temperatures were obtained by adding the initial test temperatures to
these responses.

Amplitude (C)


Simulation result
Thermocouples 4
Thermocouples 3
Thermocouples 5
Thermocouples 2
Thermocouples 1






Time (hours)


Amplitude (C)

Amplitude (C)










Time (hours)


Figure 3:



Time (hours)


Semi-analytical and experimental results. Temperature change at the

layer interfaces of the multilayer systems: a) System 1
homogeneous multilayer system. b) System 2 heterogeneous
multilayer system. c) System 3 heterogeneous multilayer system.

The results of the experimental measurements are presented below and

compared with those computed analytically. In the figures the solid lines
correspond to the semi-analytical responses and the experimental measurements
are represented by the lines with marked points. The plotted experimental results
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at each interface correspond to the arithmetic mean of three thermocouple

Figure 3 shows the results obtained for the different multilayer systems.
System 1 is the natural cork (NC) homogeneous system, while the other two are
heterogeneous (see section 4.1). These responses show a good agreement
between the semi-analytical responses and the experimental results. The results
are similar over the full time window, i.e. the period in which the heating and
cooling units are receiving energy, the period with a constant heat flow rate, and
the time when apparatus has no power input. Note that at the beginning of the
process all the thermocouples show a temperature similar to the ambient
temperature, which conforms with the initial conditions defined for the semianalytical simulation.
Figure 3b) and c) shows the temperature change at each interface of the
heterogeneous systems. System 2 is composed of EPS sandwiching MDF and
NC layers, while System 3 has NC layers sandwiching an EPS and MDF layer.
Comparing the semi-analytical solutions and experimental measurements for
each system, it can be seen that the results are very similar. During the heating
and cooling phase, when temperatures are becoming constant, we can see that the
lowest temperature gradients occur in the MDF layers, given their higher
conductivity and lower thermal diffusivity.

6 Conclusions
Three-dimensional semi-analytical solutions for transient heat conduction in a
multilayer system in the frequency domain have been validated experimentally.
The results showed a good agreement between experimental measurements and
the computed solutions, thus we can conclude that the proposed semi-analytical
model formulated in the frequency domain is reliable for studying transient heat
conduction in multilayer systems.

The research work presented herein was supported by the Portuguese Foundation
for Science and Technology (FCT), under research project PTDC/ECM
/114189/2009 and doctoral grant SFRH/BD/48138/2008, and by the
Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), a
Brazilian government agency.

[1] Chang, Y.P., Kang, C.S., Chen, D.J., The use of fundamental Greens
functions for solution of problems of heat conduction in anisotropic media.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 16, pp. 1905-1918, 1973.
[2] Rizzo, F.J., Shippy, D.J., A method of solution for certain problems of
transient heat conduction. AIAA Journal 8, pp. 2004-2009, 1970.
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[3] Tadeu, A., Simes, N., Three-dimensional fundamental solutions for
transient heat transfer by conduction in an unbounded medium, half-space,
slab and layered media. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
30(5), pp. 338349, 2006.
[4] Kaka, ., Yumruta, R., Comparison of experimental and theoretical results
for transient heat flow through multilayer walls and flat roofs. Energy, 33,
pp. 1816-1823, 2008.
[5] Chen, Y., Zhou, J., Spitler, J.D., Verification for transient heat conduction
calculation of multilayer building constructions. Energy and Buildings, 38,
pp.340-348, 2006.
[6] Sami A. Al-Sanea, Thermal performance of building roof elements. Building
and Environment, 37(7), pp. 665-75, 2002.
[7] International Organization for Standardization, ISO 8302: Thermal
insulation Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related
properties Guarded hot plate apparatus, 1991.
[8] European Standards, EN 12667: Thermal performance of building materials
and products. Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot
plate and heat flow meter methods. Products of high and medium thermal
resistance, 2001.
[9] European Standards, EN 1602: Thermal insulating materials, Thermal
insulation, Construction materials, Density measurement, Bulk density, Test
specimens, Testing conditions, Buildings, 1996.

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On liquid crystal thermography for

determination of the heat transfer coefficient
in rectangular ducts
Z. Ghorbani-Tari1, B. Sunden1 & G. Tanda2

Department of Energy Sciences, Division of Heat Transfer,

Lund University, Sweden
Dipartimento di Macchine, Sistemi Energetici e Trasporti (DIMSET),
Universit degli Studi di Genova, Italy

Liquid crystal thermography (LCT) has been employed by researchers in heat
transfer and fluid flow communities as a reliable and non-intrusive temperature
measurement technique. This technique correlates the colour response to
temperature for a heated surface which has been treated with thermochromic
liquid crystals (TLCs). The LCT has been used extensively in convective heat
transfer research in duct flows. In this paper, some experiences by LCT in
thermal measurements for rectangular duct flows are provided. A few TLCs
examples associated with continuous ribs for two different values of rib pitch-toheight ratio of 4 and 8 at Re=8900 and 28500 are illustrated. Important issues
such as heating principles, calibration of TLCs, image acquiring and analysis,
problems of treating the surface by TLCs, and expected measurement accuracy
are summarized. The main purpose is to assist newcomers in the field and
provide some guidelines for proper use of the LCT in heat transfer research.
Keywords: LCT, convective heat transfer, measurement accuracy.

1 Introduction
Liquid crystal thermography (LCT) has emerged as reliable measurement
sensors for the visualization and determination of surface temperature
distributions leading to convective heat transfer coefficients [1]. The advantages
of LCT are, e.g., its flexibility to be used from micron sized electronic circuits to
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large scale gas turbine blades, high spatial resolution, steady state and transient
temperature measurements, temperature accuracy 0.1 C, optical system
based on visible light and independent of surface emissivity, ability to use with
common color video and CCD cameras and conventional recorders, cost
effective compared to infrared thermography (IR) systems etc. The LCT has
been used extensively in convective heat transfer research in duct flows
(applications in heat exchangers, and internal cooling of gas turbines and
electronics cooling). References [24] are examples of published papers.
Descriptions of LCT measurement technique can be found in, e.g., refs. [58].
The LCT correlates the color response to temperature for a heated surface
which has been treated with thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs). The TLCs
are complex organic substances that once illuminated with a white light; reflect
visible light of a narrow frequency band depending on temperature. The
dominant reflected wavelength decreases with increasing temperature of the
TLCs: red color appears at the lowest temperature of the range of indicated
temperatures and blue at the highest temperature [9]. This behavior is exhibited
within a range of temperatures called event temperature range. The TLCs with an
event temperature range within 5-30 C are termed broad band and those within
0.5-4 C are termed narrow band [5]. Bandwidth as small as 0.1 C has also been
reported [10]. The use of narrow band TLCs is an attractive alternative for
temperature and heat transfer measurements due to their higher accuracy in
temperature measurements and also the fact that narrow band TLCs are less
affected by variation in illumination-viewing angles and illumination
disturbances [5]. For full field measurements where the surface temperature is
non-uniform, the narrow band TLC cannot be used directly but instead a more
tedious procedure is needed. The wide band TLCs has better ability to record the
entire surface temperature distribution from a single image, if the TLC
bandwidth is large enough to span all temperatures experienced on a test surface.
However, the primary drawback is that wide-band TLCs require a significant
number of calibration points to accurately resolve the highly non-linear variation
of hue versus temperature of typical TLC [11].
In this paper, calibration of TLCs, image acquiring and analysis, some
important issues like heating principles (e.g., how to ensure uniform heating),
and problems of treating the surface by TLCs are summarized. Some examples
of TLCs images for a straight rectangular duct equipped with arrays of
continuous ribs at different Re values are illustrated. Two different values of rib
pitch-to-height ratio of 4 and 8 are considered to demonstrate heat transfer
coefficients distribution on the end wall. The main purpose is to assist
newcomers in the field and provide some guidelines for proper use of LCT in
heat transfer research.

2 Thermochromic liquid crystals literature review

The TLC compounds are difficult to deal with under most heat transfer
laboratory conditions. Several adverse effects are present in any laboratory or
field setting such as chemical contamination and exposure to ultra-violet (UV)
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light which primarily degrade the colour response. Several approaches have been
developed to make TLCs more practical to use [12]. Micro-encapsulation is the
most popular method of protection and the liquid crystal is enclosed in polymer
spheres which can be as small as a few microns. Commercial micro-encapsulated
TLCs may be purchased in water-based slurry and are generally applied to flat or
curved surfaces using an air-brush spray. The thickness of coating must be
controlled carefully and further reading can be found in ref. [13, 14]. The most
convenient manner to measure the thermal field on a surface is to coat it with a
pre-packaged assembly consisting of a liquid crystal layer painted on a plastic
sheet having a background colour with black ink [12]. The pre-packaged
assembly TLC is limited in application because they are not typically available
in a sprayable medium and limited to relatively flat surfaces. Edge effects due to
chemical contamination may destroy the pre-packaged surface when a cutout
portion of a manufactured sheet is used. To be used in advanced implementations
like research on heat transfer coefficients on duct walls one needs to heat the
surface of interest, apply calibration for the color-temperature response, acquire
images and analyze the images by suitable software for image processing. Huebased image processing [15] is the most common technique used in applications
of LCT to interpret the TLC signal. The color of TLCs observed by a RGB-data
(red-green-blue) acquisition system is transformed to hue (H), saturation (S) and
intensity (I) color space. HSI color space provides approximately the human
description of color [1]. Hue is an optical attribute related to actual colour of the
point of observation [12]. Hue is the only among these parameters being retained
due to its monotonic relationship with surface temperature [16]. The hue value of
each pixel indicates the temperature of corresponding location on the surface.
This property of hue and its independence of the light intensity levels make it
suitable for temperature measurements [17].
In experimental heat transfer, one demanding issue related to liquid crystals is
the colour-temperature relationship, and any quantitative application of TLCs
requires an accurate calibration [13]. It is essential to keep the lighting and
viewing conditions of the thermal experiments identical to the calibration
experiment as a colour pattern can be significantly affected by lighting and
viewing angles [12]. There are several papers related to TLC calibration and the
main factors being pertinent to calibration. Some of these are summarized here.
The illumination source has a significant effect on the shape of the huetemperature calibration curve and this may lead to higher or lower temperature
uncertainties over the applicable range. If the hue-temperature curve is a straight
line, this would be the sensitivity at every hue; however, hue-temperature curves
have regions of higher and lower sensitivity [18]. The background lighting is
another important factor which may influence the shape of the hue-temperature
calibration curve [18]. The hysteresis is characterized by a decrease in
reflectivity and a shift in temperature associated with the peak reflected intensity
for each of R, G and B components during cooling. This causes a shift in the
hue-temperature relation of the TLC. This results in temperature biases when
cooling occurs instead of heating [19]. The hysteresis is not a limiting
measurement error factor if the temperature of a measured surface remains
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within or below the active range of the TLC [17]. Conversely, the magnitude of
the hysteresis can be significant if the temperature exceeds the TLC active range
even for short periods of time [17, 19]. The magnitude of hysteresis and aging
effects is related to the bandwidth; smaller the bandwidth greater the effect [19].
Ref. [17] reported that a thickness of the TLC layer affected the calibration and
vulnerability to aging, i.e., a change in the hue-temperature relationship with
time due to prolonged exposure to high temperature and usage. Ref. [19]
reported a similar effect; the permanent damage to TLCs during exposure to
temperatures above the clearing point. The sensitivity to aging and damage is
shown to be more acute for thinner film thicknesses [13]. The reading of the
TLC colours depends on the angles between the light source and the TLC
surface, and between the camera and the TLC surface [17]. Further details about
the effects of lighting and viewing arrangements on TLCs colour can be found
in, e.g., refs. [15, 17, 20]. The perceived color of a TLC depends on the optical
properties of the measurement path and the reader is referred to refs. [13, 20].
2.1 Selection of calibration methods
The calibration experiment can be conducted in a separate system (on which
controlled thermal conditions are imposed) or directly in a test surface (in-situ),
using the same optical arrangement as thermal measurement section [12]. The
calibration conducted in a separate system may result in some problems. This
might be due to the situation imposed in the actual thermal measurements and it
might be difficult to enable the similar conditions precisely for the calibration.
The in situ calibration might be more beneficial as it is referred by refs. [11, 21].
However, the arrangement of in situ calibration is more complicated because
several thermocouples have to be fitted into a test section. Therefore, it can be

Figure 1:

Hue-temperature calibration [22].

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more practical to make calibration on a separate plate where several

thermocouples are fitted and the thermally boundary conditions can be more
easily controlled.
Fig. 1 shows an example of a typical hue-temperature calibration curve. The
process of calibration is omitted here and the reader is referred to ref. [22]. The
active range starts at a temperature of 35 C with a bandwidth of 5 C. The hue is
fairly linear and repeatable in the range of 60-120 and thus can be adopted for
the reconstruction of heat transfer coefficient distribution. The linear portion of
the hue field is usually adopted due to its higher sensitivity; sensitivity at every
hue value, and thus is reliable to be applied in thermal measurements.

3 Selection of heat measurement method

Two commonly used methods for heat transfer measurement are steady state
where experimental properties do not vary with time and transient liquid crystal
method in which heat transfer coefficients are deduced from a time-temperature
history record [1]. The steady state heat transfer experiment with a constant heat
flux density is conceptually simple and relatively easy to analyze. The heat
transfer coefficient is obtained from dividing the heat flux by the measured
temperature difference between the TLC surface and the fluid. However, the
steady state method requires the maintenance of a uniform surface heat flux and
this attainment might be difficult even by using an electric heating foil. The
maximum heat flux must not cause an appreciable temperature difference across
the TLC layer either. For the transient method a surface temperature is subject to
a step change in the fluid flow temperature. The surface is then considered to be
the interface between the fluid and a semi-infinite body, which implies that an
analytical solution for the transient heat conduction problem can be used to
evaluate the heat transfer coefficient. If a surface cannot be considered as the
boundary of a semi-infinite body but must be regarded as a thin layer, then the
temperature is assumed to be uniform in the lateral direction. A lumped heat
transfer analysis is then performed in the evaluation of the convective heat
transfer coefficient.
3.1 Steady state-constant heat flux
The steady state thermal measurement is employed and TLCs are used to
monitor the surface temperature. The test section coated by heating foil is
electrically heated to maintain the surface temperature greater than the air
temperature, i.e., TLC > Ta, and convective heat transfer occurs between the
surface and the fluid. The surface electric heater is employed such that local heat
flux is known and this, together with the local surface temperature gives the local
heat transfer coefficient [23]. The important issue is that the applied heating foil
provides a uniform heat flux through the test section. If TLC is attached to the
heating foil directly, the heat flux might be more concentrated over the electrical
path and that may lead to a non-uniform heat flux distribution over the test
surface, see fig. 2 (a). One way to solve this might be to apply a thin metallic
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plate to which a plane heater is attached and then a more uniform heat flux is
obtained, see fig 2 (b). The thermal conductivity of the selected metallic plate
may not be too high because then a uniform wall temperature distribution might
be achieved instead. The thermal contact resistance is another important issue.
This occurs when different conducting surfaces, e.g., heating foil, metallic foil,
TLC are not fit tightly together and a thin layer of air is trapped between them.
As a consequence, heat is transferred by conduction through the contact points of
the solid, while convection and radiation take place across the trapped interfacial
air and result in a temperature drop across the interface and this cannot be
ignored. The contact resistance is a function of pressure holding different
surfaces and this highlights the importance of which metallic interface should
be considered to increase the pressure and thus reduce the thermal contract
resistance. As a result, one should always be aware of the existence of
the interface resistance and the resulting temperature difference across the
interface [24].

Figure 2:


TLC directly attached to a plane heater: the electric tracks are

clearly visible, symptom of a non-uniform heat flux at surface (a);
A thin stainless steel between TLC and the plane heater: the heat
flux is more evenly distributed over the surface (b).

4 Thermal measurement
4.1 Thermal test section apparatus
The experimental apparatus is not shown here for the sake of brevity and the
reader is referred to ref. [16]. The test section is a rectangular duct as wide and
high as the entry and exit sections and delimited by a thin heated plate (0.1 m
wide and 0.28 m long) lateral and frontal Plexiglas walls. The heated side of the
test section consists of 0.5 mm-thick stainless steel foil to which a plane heating
foil is glued. A thin TLC sheet is applied on the stainless steel foil, on the side
exposed to the air flow, to measure local surface temperature. The rear side of
the heated plate is thermally insulated to convey as much as possible of the
electric power dissipated by the heater to the convective air flow. Electric power
is supplied by a DC to measure voltage and current of the heater. Fine-gauge
thermocouples were placed inside the rectangular duct, directly exposed to the
airflow, and at several sites inside the duct wall material. These sensors are used
to measure the air temperature at the test section inlet, to estimate conduction
heat losses to the surroundings and to control the attainment of the steady state
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conditions. The TLC used here is supplied by pre-packaged sheet (0.15 mm

thick) to measure temperature distribution on the heated surface. The colour
distribution of TLC is observed by a CCD video camera through the Plexiglas
wall opposite to the heated surface and stored in a PC. The light for the
illumination is switched on only for the time required for image acquisition to
avoid radiant heating of the test surface [16].
4.2 Measuring procedure
The test surface is roughened by insertion of multiple ribs. The airflow is
adjusted to a prescribed velocity and at the same time DC current is supplied to
the heater. The test surface temperature is maintained within the linear portion of
the calibration curve by controlling the input power delivered to the heater and
therefore no information is gained outside that region. That necessitates
repeating the tests at the same flow rate and for several different values of the
input power to move the color pattern toward the regions not previously
monitored and to extract local the heat transfer coefficients (h), eqn (1). One
important issue is that the input power and TLC images are recorded at steady
state. The heat transfer coefficient distributions from each test (at a given heat
flux) are superimposed on some regions of the test surface and an average value
is taken with the requirement that the discrepancy between h values for the same
pixel never exceeds 2% [16].

Qel Qloss


The convective heat flux is assumed to be uniformly distributed and it is

obtained by measuring input power to the heater (Qel) corrected by heat loss rate,
divided by the difference between surface temperature detected by the TLC and
air bulk temperature (Tb) at the current position along the streamwise direction.
The surface area (A) is assumed as that of the smooth surface. The heat loss rate
is calculated by radiation, conduction (through the insulation on the rear face of
the heater) and heat dissipation from the ribs. Although, the ribs made of
Plexiglas are deemed adiabatic due to low thermal conductivity, the conventional
one-dimensional fin model is applied to estimate the small amount of heat
transfer rate from the rib sides to the air flow [16].
4.3 Heat transfer coefficients for the ribbed duct
Continuous ribs are positioned on the surface of the duct (end wall) at periodic
sites and oriented transversely to the main flow direction. The geometric
parameters (heated surface length L and width W, channel height H, rib height e,
rib pitch p, streamwise rib length l) are summarized in table 1. The rib pitch 20
and 40 mm are considered for the demonstrated configurations. The height and
the streamwise length of the ribs were kept fixed at 5 and 3 mm, respectively.

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Table 1:

Geometric parameters of rib configurations [16].


L (mm)

W (mm)

H (mm)

l (mm)

p (mm)

e (mm)










Figure 3:

TLC image for configuration B [16].

H [W/m2K]

Figure 4:

2-D plot heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K) for configuration at Re

= 8900 [16].

An example of a TLC image taken by a CCD video camera for configuration

B at the Reynolds number (Re = 8900) and a specific heat flux is illustrated in
fig. 3. As explained previously, only points within the linear portion of the
calibration curve is taken from some images like the one illustrated in fig. 3 and
processed for the reconstruction of full field heat transfer coefficients, as shown
in fig. 4. The inter-rib h-distribution at midline is demonstrated in fig. 5 for
configurations A and B, respectively [16].
Inspection of fig. 5 shows that for the configuration A (p/e = 4), the inter-rib
h-distribution is characterised by a monotonic increase that periodically repeats
itself after the third-fourth rib. This probably indicates the presence of a trapped
vortex between ribs without a reattachment point. Conversely, for configuration
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Configuration A


Configuration B

Figure 5:

Distribution of local center-line heat transfer coefficient for the

continuous rib configuration A and B at Re = 28500 [16].

B (p/e = 8), the heat transfer coefficient reaches a maximum value at the point of
flow reattachment. Downstream of the reattachment point, the heat transfer
coefficient slightly decreases up to the vicinity of the successive rib. The
periodic fully developed conditions are attained approximately after the third
rib [16].

5 Estimation of uncertainties
Several factors (image noise, lighting angle, TLC coating thickness and coating
quality) may influence the hue-temperature relationship and the expected
measurement accuracy. In addition, the uniformity of the heating procedure and
various sources of losses to the surroundings may influence the accuracy of the
measurement. The image noise can be reduced by using filtering techniques to
erase hue spots not related to temperature and that leads to improvement in
accuracy of the measurements. The lighting angle is known to have a significant
effect on TLCs hue-temperature curve and thus on the accuracy of the
measurements. Therefore, it is important that the lighting set up in a real
measurement is the same as at the calibration stage. The coating thickness has a
significant effect on a hue-temperature curve but it has been found to have a nondistinctive effect on the measurement uncertainty. The coating quality affects
both the hue-temperature curve and the accuracy of the measurement. Further
reading is available in ref. [6]. In applications where the overall purpose is to
determine convective heat transfer coefficients, other uncertainties impact on the
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final accuracy; i.e., the uncertainties in flow rate or Reynolds number and the
flow temperatures. Consideration of all uncertainties is commonly taken into
account applying the root-sum-square combination as described in ref. [25].

6 Concluding remarks
In this paper, some important issues related to the use of TLCs for heat transfer
measurements in duct flows (treatment of the surface, TLC calibration, image
acquiring and analysis, etc.) are summarized. Regardless of calibration method,
each TLC has its own calibration curve. The linear portion of the calibration
curve is recommended to be adopted due to higher sensitivity and thus more
reliable for thermal measurements. Concerning the thermal boundary condition
typically adopted in the LCT, steady-state, heat measurement method, and care
should be taken in the use of an electrically heating foil to attain a uniform heat
flux; often the insertion of a thin metallic plate between the heater and the TLC
sheet could improve the uniform distribution of heat flux at the wall. Another
concern associated with the heating issues is the thermal contact resistance and
resulting temperature drop when different conducting surfaces, e.g., heating foil,
metallic foil, TLC are not in perfect thermal contact.
There are several factors which impact the accuracy of thermal measurements
associated with the LCT technique and some of those were outlined in this paper.
The main purpose was to highlight some important issues collected from several
researchers to assist newcomers and provide some guidelines for proper use of
LCT in heat transfer research.

Part of this work is financially supported by the Swedish Energy Agency, Volvo
Aero Corporation and Siemens Industrial Turbines through the national Swedish
research program TURBO POWER, project TURB3. The work is also supported
by a separate project by the Swedish Energy Agency.

L, W

heat transfer area

rib height
heat transfer coefficient
channel height
hue, saturation, intensity
length and width of the heated section
length of the rib
rib pitch
input power to the heater
heat loss rate by radiation and conduction
Reynolds number

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


RGB red, green, blue

air bulk temperature
TLC surface temperature detected by TLCs

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[2] Sunden. B., On heat transfer and fluid flow in ribbed ducts using liquid
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[3] Tanda. G., Heat transfer in rectangular channels with transverse and Vshaped broken ribs, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 47, 229-243, 2004.
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The basics and issues of thermochromatic liquid crystal calibrations, Exp.
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[8] Critoph, R.E., Holland, M.K. & Fisher, M., Comparison of steady state and
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processing to measure local temperature distributions by wide-band liquid
crystal thermography, Applied Scientific Research, 56, pp. 113-143, 1996.
[10] Grodzka, P.G. & Facemire, B.R. Tracking transient temperatures with
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thermochromic liquid crystals, Exp. Fluids, 30, 190-201, 2001.
[12] Tanda, G., Application of optical methods to the study of convective heat
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Accurate heat transfer measurements using thermochromic liquid crystal.
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[15] Camci, C., Kim, K. & Hippensteele, S.A., A new hue capturing technique
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[16] Cavallero, D. & Tanda, G., An experimental investigation of forced
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crystal thermography, Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci., 26, pp. 115-121, 2002.
[17] Wiberg, R. & Lior, N., Error in Thermochromic Liquid Crystal
Thermometry, Review of Scientific Instruments, 75, No. 9, pp. 2985-2994,
[18] Anderson, M.R. & Baughn, J.W., Liquid-crystal thermography:
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[23] Incropera, F.P. & DeWitt, D.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
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Thermal Fluid Science, 1, 3-17, 1988.

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Modelling the energy systems in a PV powered

two floor desert ZEH
M. A. Serag-Eldin
American University in Cairo, Egypt

The paper presents an integral computational model for the prediction of the
thermal performance of a conceptual two-floor, zero energy house (ZEH) in the
Arabian desert. The ZEH is powered by PV modules which shade the roof
during the day time and retract at night to expose it the sky, thus enhancing night
time cooling. The house boasts all modern comforts, including air-conditioning.
Solar radiation models coupled with recently published ASHRAE environmental
data and models are integrated with a time dependent heat conduction model to
predict the heating and cooling loads, for given equipment and storage
characteristics. The application of the computational model is demonstrated by
employing it to predict the effect of various design parameters on performance
and equipment sizing, for a typical desert site in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: zero-energy-house, solar energy, desert environment, sustainability,

1 Introduction
The paper is concerned with the presentation and application of an efficient
computational model for the investigation of the thermal performance of the
integrated energy systems in a modern two floor, zero energy house (ZEH)
located in the Arabian desert. Solar energy drives the whole energy system after
being converted to electrical energy employing roof mounted PV modules.
Several investigations have been reported in the past for single floor, roof
mounted ZEH designs, e.g. Serag-Eldin [1] and Beshr et al. [2], as they are much
less challenging to meet the zero external energy requirement than for two floor
houses. A two floor ZEH design was considered by Serag-Eldin [3], however
synthetic data was used for solar radiation and environmental properties and only
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a crude presentation of long-wave atmospheric radiation was employed. SeragEldin [4] demonstrated the importance of accurate site data on prediction of
performance; moreover the success of the present design depends to a large
extent on night-time cooling by atmospheric radiation. Thus the need arose for
more precise and site specific data, particularly in view of the delicate balance
between supply and demand for two floor buildings. These issues are addressed
in the present work.
The paper first describes the various models comprising the computational
model; these include solar radiation and environmental models, a long-wave
atmospheric radiation model, and equipment characteristics models. It then
demonstrates use of the computational model by analyzing the impact of each of,
the percentile design factor, room temperature, cooling-air peak temperature
reduction by evaporative-cooling, heat exchange between fresh-air and discharge
air, and COP characteristics, on the cooling load and equipment capacities.

2 Problem specification and description of ZEH

The home under consideration lies on a secluded desert plot in Dhahran, KSA,
whose elevation is 17 m above sea-level, and whose angle of latitude is 26.270
North. The house features two floors, each 3.3 m high, with a ground foot print
of 16.5 m x 16.5m. The roof-top displays 1 m overhangs on each side, in
addition to top and side-shades surrounding each window. The window heights
are each 1.5 m, and the total window area is 15% of total envelope area, assumed
uniformly distributed. The windows display a U-value of 3.1 W/m2K and a solar
heat gain coefficient F=0.71.
During day time, the roof-top is covered by a reflective cover and
Photovoltaic modules, about 0.2 m above the roof top, so as to totally shade the
roof from solar radiation, whilst simultaneously collecting solar energy; during
night time both the modules and cover are retracted to expose the roof top to the
sky immediately above it, thus enhancing night time cooling, which is substantial
in desert environments. The roof also includes good insulation material to reduce
heat transfer to the indoors.
The building side walls comprise a 0.06 m external sandstone cladding,
followed by two 0.12 m red brick walls separated by a 0.01 to 0.05 m air gap.
Research has shown that due to the appearance of natural convection effects for
air-gaps greater than 0.01 m, the overall thermal resistance in this range is almost
constant, Kreider and Rabl [5]; hence calculations are made here for conductive
resistance only, with a representative air gap of 0.01 m; however in practical
implementation a 0.05m air gap would be more realizable. The internal wall is
covered by a 0.03 m layer of plaster. The roof surface comprises a lower 0.02 m
plaster layer, above which is a 0.12 m concrete layer, covered by 0.10 m of
mortar and asbestos insulation, followed by a 0.06 m thick layer of gravel. The
surrounding ground short wave reflectivity is assumed to be 0.25.
The room temperature is maintained constant by an electrically driven
conventional air-conditioning system, which runs straight off the output of the
PV modules during day time, and extracts power from battery storage during
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night time. Displacement ventilation, e.g. Serag-Eldin [6], is employed to

maintain air quality with reduced fresh-air rates (0.5 air-exchanges/h). The house
is built to a high level of tightness, so that a 0.35 air-exchanges/h infiltration rate
is expected. The conversion efficiency of the photovoltaic cells, c is assumed to
be 15% at source; moreover an average combined electrical storage and
distribution efficiency of 70% is assumed. The nominal number of occupants is
7; the electrical light-load is estimated to be 1 kW maintained uniformly over all
night-time hours, whereas the total auxiliary electrical loads (washing machines,
TV sets, computers,..) are expressed by a uniform 980 W load maintained over
the 24 h. The latter two numbers were derived from considerations of the
experimental and theoretical work of NAHB Research Center [7], after adapting
them to the present house specifications following the procedure described by
Serag-Eldin [1].

3 Mathematical models
The basic models employed comprise a solar radiation model, an environmental
model, a heat conduction model, and an air-conditioning COP model; they are
each presented here in turn.
3.1 The Solar radiation model
The solar beam angles are determined by first deriving the declination angle
(degrees) for any day of the year from:
(n 284)
23.450 sin(2 (

where n is the number of the day of the year measured from January 1st.
Next the sun beam incidence (Zenith) angle s on a horizontal plane is
calculated from:
cos s cos . cos . cos sin . sin
where is the solar angle. The sunset angle ss is given by

cosss tan . tan

The azimuth angle from due South, s, is determined uniquely from the two
cos . sin
sin s
sin s
cos . cos .sin sin . cos
sin s
For a vertical wall, incidence angle is given by:

cos i sin s . cos( s w )

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where W is the azimuth orientation of the wall from due South.
Solar radiation is composed of two components, a direct (beam) component,
Idir, and a diffuse component, Idiff. They are derived from the following two
empirical equations:

Idir I0e[ b m



I dif I 0e

[ d m d ]

where b and d are site specific values which vary over the year and are
obtained from long period meteorological measurements; values of b and d
are reported by ASHRAE [8] for more than 4000 sites world-wide, on the 21st
day of each month. The mass exponents b and d are correlated to b and d
through the following equations:
b 1 .219 0 . 043 b 0 .151 d 0 .204 b d



d 0 .202 0 .852 b 0 .007 d 0 .357 b d

I0 is solar irradiance outside atmosphere at normal incidence expressed by the

following equation:
I 0 1367[1 0.033 cos(360 0 (n 3) / 365)]
and m is the relative air-mass ratio, representing the actual mass of atmosphere
in the sun-to-earth path to that which would exist if the sun were directly
overhead. It is a pure function of solar angle and is calculated from the following
cos s 0.50572(6.07995 (90 s ) 1.6364
The total incident radiation on a horizontal surface, Iglo,hor, is expressed by:

I glo,hor I dir cos s I diff


The total solar energy, Iglo,vert received at a vertical wall is expressed by:

I glo,vert I dir cosi I glo,hor g / 2 max(0.45,0.55 0.437cosi 0.313cos2 i )I diff

where G is the ground reflectivity. The first term on the right hand side presents
the beam radiation contribution, the second the ground reflected solar radiation,
whereas the last one presents the non-isotropic diffuse radiation; the anisotropy
is caused by some parts of the sky being brighter than others.

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3.2 Heat conduction model

Heat is transferred across the solid medium (walls, roof and glazing) by
conduction, mainly in the direction normal to the solid surface, x. Therefore, the
temperature T and heat fluxes are obtained by numerical solution of the
following unsteady heat conduction equation through the solid mediums of
density , conductivity, k, and specific heat c :

( cT ) ( k
x x


subject to boundary conditions which express heat convection with environment

and both solar and long-wave radiation exchange with the environment and
nearby surfaces. Heat transfer coefficients are estimated from appropriate
empirical relations adopting a nominal free wind velocity V= 3m/s.
The control-volume method is employed to derive the solution of the heat
conduction differential equation, using second order differencing in both space
and time. A total of 360 control-volumes were employed across the side walls
and ceiling surface. A time step of 0.05 hours was adopted for the final runs.
Grid-dependence tests showed no variations within at least 4 significant figures.
Because of the non-linearities associated with the radiation terms at the external
surfaces, air gaps and room boundaries, iteration is necessary. Moreover, to truly
reach 24 hour (day) periodicity, and eliminate effect of initial (starting solution)
temperatures, many repetitions are necessary. Iteration for non-linearity and
cycle repetitions were handled simultaneously in the solution algorithm, by
successively repeating the calculations of a full day, each time starting with the
previous day results. Cycle repetitions were stopped only after maximum
changes in temperature values were all within 6 significant figures.
3.3 Environmental models
These are classified here as two models, as follows:
3.3.1 Ambient temperatures model
For thousands of meteorological sites, ASHRAE [8] provides fairly detailed
climatic design conditions which may be used to interpolate hourly variation of
wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures. Since it is not practical to design for
extreme conditions which occur very infrequently (e.g. highest dry bulb
temperature in 50 years), practical HVAC design caters for meeting comfort
conditions for all but a specified percentage of the year. ASHRAE provides
design values for 0.4%, 2%, 5% and 10% percentiles, corresponding to 35, 175,
438 and 876 h per year, respectively. For a specified design percentile, the
procedure for estimating the instantaneous temperature profiles is as follows:

the monthly design dry bulb temperature Tdb, coincident wet bulb
temperature Twb, and their mean daily temperature ranges, Tdb-r, Twb-r,
respectively, are read from the ASHRAE table for the specified location.
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Since cooling load is considered, Tdb represents the peak daily temperature
Tdb,max to be employed in cooling load calculations. Like-wise, Twb
represents Twb,max.
the hourly values of Tdb and Twb are calculated from:
Tdb= Tdb,max Tdb-r
Twb= Twb,max Twb-r



where is a daily temperature profile shape factor which varies between 0

and 1 [8]; Hedrick [9] and Thevenard [10] showed it to represent accurately
both dry-bulb and wet bulb temperature variations on design days.
instantaneous values are interpolated from hourly values using cubic
the instantaneous dew-point temperatures Tdp in 0C, are derived from the
instantaneous values of Tdb and Twb employing the following psychrometric
Tdp= 6.54 + 14.526 lnpw + 0.7389 (lnpw)2+0.09486(lnpw)3+ 0.4569 pw0.1984
Tdp 0
Tdp= 6.09+ 12.608 lnpw + 0.4959 (lnpw)2
Tdp < 0
where pw is the water vapour partial pressure in the air, kPa. It is related to
the humidity ratio W through the relation:
pw = W p/(0.621945+W)


where p is the atmospheric air pressure, kPa, and W is derived from:

W=[ (2830 - 0.24 Twb) Ws(Twb) -1.006(Tdb-Twb)]/[2830+1.86 Tdb 2.1 Twb]
Tdb< 0
W=[(2501-2.326 Twb)Ws(Twb)- 1.006(Tdb-Twb)]/[2501+1.86Tdb 4.186 Twb]
Tdb 0
where Ws(Twb) is saturation humidity ratio at Twb. It is related to pws at wetbulb temperature pws(Twb) through the relation:
Ws(Twb)= 0.621945 pws(Twb)/(p- pws(Twb))


the latter is obtained from :

ln[pws(Twb)]=C1/Twb + C2+C3Twb + C4Twb2 + C5Twb3 + C6Twb4 + C7 lnTwb
Twb< 0
ln[pws(Twb)]=C8/Twb + C9+C10Twb + C11Twb2 + C12Twb3 + C13 lnTwb
where Twb is expressed in K and C1 .. C13 are constants whose values are
displayed in Table 1.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV




















Constants for pWS calculation.







Table 1:

3.3.2 Atmospheric radiation model

Long wave radiation exchange between roof and sky, known as atmospheric
radiation, is a key factor in the success of the proposed ZEH. Therefore accurate
estimate of its magnitude is of high importance. The net long-wave radiation
exchange between roof and sky qrs is expressed by the term:
qrs= r (Tr4 a Ta4)


where r is the long wave emissivity of the roof surface or PV/cover material, Tr
is the temperature of the roof surface or PV/cover material and Ta is the ambient
temperature. Whereas a is the apparent emissivity of the atmosphere, according
to Bliss [11] and ASHRAE [12]; it is defined as the ratio of the atmospheric
radiation on a horizontal surface per unit area to ( Ta4), and is only a function of
Tdp near ground. The latter is derived as shown in the previous section. Values of
a at given Tdp increments were deduced from Blisss graphical display, then
cubic splines were used to interpolate intermediate values.
3.4 Air conditioning model
In a desert environment water is scarce; hence cooling of the air conditioning
system condenser must rely primarily on ambient air. The COP of the airconditioning system suffers heavily with a rise of cooling media temperature;
indeed some vapour compression systems will shut down at ambient air
temperatures above 450C to protect themselves. However peak summer
temperatures in the desert often reach 500C.
Thus for exceptionally hot summer days, it is proposed here to use small
amounts of water for cooling of condenser coils by misting and evaporative
cooling; just enough to reduce the effective cooling air temperature to an upper
limit, Tul. This water need not be potable, and may be the accumulated output of
treatment of residential waste water, stored over a long period of time (extending
to cooler seasons if need be). The model employed here allows the calculation of
the daily cooling water usage for a pre-set Tul. Setting Tul above ambient
temperature naturally deactivates this feature.
Whereas different models and makes display different COP characteristics,
two characteristic profiles are considered here, one based on the average of
currently operating European residential units, ECODESIGN [13], and the other
a state of the art unit displaying an electronically controlled expansion valve,
EEV [14]. The two characteristics are displayed simultaneously in Fig. 1.
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Figure 1:

COP for EEV and European average.

In order to reduce cooling load, the fresh air is cooled prior to entering
indoors by exhaust air leaving at room temperature, in a counter flow heat
exchanger. Thus the sensible heat load is reduced, the gain increasing with
increase of outdoor temperature. Since the heat capacity of the return air is at
least as large as that of the fresh air(actually larger because of infiltration),
theoretically it is possible in a very long double pipe heat exchanger to cool the
fresh air down to room temperature and eliminate this component of the sensible
heat load altogether. However, for practical reasons a relatively short heat
exchanger is employed and it is assumed that the effectiveness of the heat
exchanger, HX = 0.7; i.e. 70% of cooling of fresh air occurs in heat exchanger.

4 Results
Figures 2-3 present results of the basic case, which employs a 2% design factor,
the EEV COP characteristic, evaporative cooling on exceptionally hot days to
reduce peak cooling air temperature to 430C , and room temperatures of 250C
and 220C for June and December months, respectively; without cooling of freshair via a heat exchanger. They display the distribution of the cooling loads for
the envelope walls, windows and auxiliary loads (fresh air, persons, infiltration,
equipment, ..) as well as their sum, for June 21st and December 21st, respectively.
Table 2 displays the results of various parameters on cooling load electricity
consumption (kW.h/day), auxiliary appliances and lighting electrical loads
(kW.h/day), and the total daily output of the PV modules (kW.h/day). It also
displays the required equipment rating for each case, namely battery storage
capacity (kW.h), PV module capacity (kW) and the cooling equipment rating
(kW).The first three rows display results of the basic design case for three key
days representing spring/autumn, summer and winter. It is apparent that
equipment rating depends only on the requirements of June 21st; only 69.8% of
the roof area is required to be covered by PV modules for June 21st, which still
leaves ample roof area for other equipment.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 2:

Figure 3:


Cooling loads on June 21st.

Cooling loads on December 21st.

Rows 46 display the above results for June 21st, for 3 different ASHRAE
design percentile values, namely 0.4%, 2% and 5%. The lower the percentile
value the higher the peak values of the ambient temperature; hence the larger the
heat gain by convection at the envelope surface, sensible heat of fresh-air and
infiltration, and long-wave atmospheric radiation. Thus the cooling load
increases from 592 kW.h/day for 5%, to 635 kW.h/day for 2%, to 691 kW.h/day
for 0.4%, corresponding to cooling equipment capacities of 36.5 kW, 38.3 kW
and 40.6 kW, respectively. Although, the basic case calculations employ 2%, as
this is the more common practice, using a 5% value is justified here since our
calculations assume that the design day conditions are continuously repeating
themselves every 24 hours; whereas in reality the previous day should be cooler
since the design criteria are for the hottest day of the month. Since our building
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276 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Daily PV output

Min battery-storage

PV modules rated
capacity (kW)

Cooling equipment

Case Description
base case, March 21st
base case, June 21st
base case, Dec. 21st
design percent,0.4%
design percent,2.0%
design percent,5.0%
cooling-air limit 400
cooling-air limit 430
cooling-air limit 460
room temp. 230C
room temp. 250C
room temp. 270C
COP Europe average
EEV + fresh-air HE

Electric appliances +
lighting (kW.h/day)


Effect of design parameters on loads and equipment capacities.

Cooling load

Row number

Table 2:







envelope displays exceptionally high thermal capacity, the effect of a cooler

previous day on cooling loads is to reduce cooling load considerably.
Rows 79 reveal the variation of equipment capacities and loads with
variation of allowable peak cooling-air temperatures, controlled by using small
amounts of evaporative cooling to lower ambient temperature to the designated
peak values. The lowering of peak cooling air temperature affects only the size
of equipment, via raising the COP, but has no bearing on the cooling loads. The
maximum ambient air temperature for this design day is 44.50C occurring at 14.5
hour solar time. Thus no lowering of ambient air peak temperature occurs with a
peak cooling air temperature of 460C. The water consumption rate for the 430C
and 400C peaks are 69.2 kg/day, and 369.5 kg/day, respectively. It is apparent
that the gains introduced by reducing the cooling air temperature peaks are small,
unless the peaks are reduced substantially, in which case the water consumption
may be unacceptably high; from a cooling perspective it may then be more
efficient to use it in an indoor evaporative cooler. However, it may be required to
restrict the peak cooling air temperature just to protect the cooling equipment
and stopping it from shutting down. Thus a peak of 430C is adopted for base
case, which should correspond to a condenser temperature of around 480C.

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Rows 10-12 reveal the variation of equipment capacities and cooling load
with specified internal room temperature for June 21st. As the room temperature
rises from 230C to 250C and then to 270C, the cooling load decreases from 701
kW.h/day, to 635 kW.h/day and to 569 kW.h/day, respectively; with
corresponding drops in PV and cooling equipment capacities. This drop is
substantial. A room temperature of 270C in a desert environment may be quite
acceptable since the relative humidity is exceptionally low; moreover, outdoor
temperatures are exceptionally high in summer and hence local summer clothing
is generally made of porous cotton and loose fitting; well adapted to high
temperatures with low humidity.
Rows 13,14 show the effect of COP on performance, the two COP
characteristics corresponding to the ones displayed in Fig. 1. The impact of COP
on capacity of equipment (PV modules, battery and air-condition) is remarkable.
For the European averaged COP, the required PV rated capacity is 53 kW,
whereas for the EEV COP the corresponding output is only 36 kW. Adding an
exhaust-air/fresh-air heat exchanger reduces the latter to 33 kW. Since PV
modules and battery storage are expensive items, it is expected to be well worth
it to purchase state of the art, highly efficient air-conditioning systems. The last
row presents results of using a fresh-air heat exchanger of effectiveness 0.7 on
capacities; it produces an attractive 10% saving in PV capacity alone.
Further savings may be introduced if clothes are dried outdoors rather than
using an indoor electric clothes drier. According to [7] the energy consumed in
clothes drying is at least 25% of the total 980 W estimated here, i.e. 245 W.
Indeed, a solar clothes drier [15] may even be employed to lower peak air
temperatures. If the load for the internal electric clothes drier is removed, the
basic case PV output will be reduced by about 6 kW.h/day, i.e. 3%.

5 Summary and conclusion

The paper presents a complete mathematical model for the prediction of the
performance of a desert ZEH with roof mounted PV modules. The model makes
use of ASHRAE meteorological data which is available for thousands of
meteorological sites world-wide; thus reducing the need for prior site
The model is employed to investigate the effect of various design and
operation parameters on the capacity of the PV modules, cooling equipment and
battery storage. It is demonstrated that under optimum design conditions the
capacity requirements may be reduced substantially over that of the basic design.

This work was funded by King Abdalla University for Science and Technology
(KAUST) project on Integrated Desert Building Tech, grant held by AUC.

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[1] Serag_eldin, M.A., Thermal design of a modern, air-conditioned, singlefloor, solar-powered desert house, in press, Int. J. of Sustainable
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Solar Stand-Alone Power System, Proc. of 1st Int. Nuclear and Renewable
Energy Conf., Amman, Jordan, March 21-24, 2010.
[3] Serag-Eldin, M.A., Thermal Design of a Modern, Two Floor, Zero Energy
House in a Desert Compound, Proc. Thermal Issues in Emerging
Technologies, Theta-3, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 19-22, 2010.
[4] Serag-Eldin, M.A., Influence of site on thermal design of a two floor ZEH
in the desert, Theta-3 Conference, Cairo, December 19-21, 2010.
[5] Kreider, J. and Rabl, A. 1994, Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Design
for Efficiency, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, pp.257.
[6] Serag-Eldin, M.A., Displacement Ventilation for Efficient Air-conditioning
and Ventilation of GYMs,
Proc. of Heat-SET-2007 Conference,
Chambery, France, 18-20 April, 2007, paper # P-128.
[7] NAHB Research Center, Inc., Zero Energy Home Armory Park Del Sol,
Tucson, Arizona, Final report submitted to NREL, 1617 Cole Boulevard,
Golden, CO 804101-3393, June 30th, 2004.
[8] ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, 2009, American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., USA.
[9] Hedrick, R. Generation of Hourly Design-Day Weather Data (RP-1363).
ASHRAE Research Project, Final Report, 2009.
[10] Thevenard, D. Updating the ASHRAE Climatic Data for Design and
Standards, (RP -1453). ASHRAE Research Project Report, 2009.
[11] Bliss, R.W., Atmospheric Radiation Near the Surface of the Ground: A
Summary for Engineers, Solar Energy 59(3), pp.103-120.
[12] ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook, 2007, American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., USA.
[13] ECODESIGN-Preparatory Study on the Environmental Performance of
Residential Room Conditioning Appliances, Draft report Task 4, July 2008,
Contract TREND/D1/40-2005/LOT10/S07.56606.
[14] Chinnaraj, C. and Govindarajan, P., Performance Analysis of Electronic
Expansion Valve in 1 TR Window Air Conditioner using Various
Refrigerants, I. J. of Eng. Sc. and Tech., Vol. 2(9), 2010, 4020-4025.
[15] Suntivarakorn, P., Satmaromg, S., Benjapiyaporn, C. and Theerakulpisut,
An experimental Study on Clothes Drying Using Waste Heat from Split
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Numerical simulation of blowing ratio effects

on film cooling on a gas turbine blade
H. A. Daud1, Q. Li1, O. Anwar Bg1 & S. A. A. AbdulGhani2

Department of Engineering and Mathematics,

Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Qatar University, Qatar

This article investigates the film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer in three
regimes for a film-cooled gas turbine blade at the leading edge of the blade with
450 angle of injection. A Rolls Royce blade has been used in this study as a solid
body with the blade cross section from Hub to Shroud varying with a degree of
skewness. A 3-D finite-volume method has been employed (FLUENT 6.3) with
a k turbulence model. The numerical results show the effectiveness cooling
and heat transfer behavior with increasing injection blowing ratio BR (1, 1.5 and
2). In terms of the film cooling performance, high BR enhances effectiveness
cooling on pressure side and extends the protected area along the spanwise
direction from hub to shroud. The influence of increased blade film cooling can
be assessed via the values of Nusselt number in terms of reduced heat transfer to
the blade.
Keywords: turbine blade, film cooling, blowing ratio, CFD, heat transfer,
effectiveness cooling.

1 Introduction
Increasing the thrust, overall efficiency and reducing the fuel consumption as
much as possible are major issues in modern gas turbine engineering, and this is
generally achieved via increasing the turbine inlet temperature. These higher
temperatures however have detrimental effects on the integrity of high pressure
turbine components and materials composing the turbine blades. Film cooling
technology is justified to protect blades surfaces from incoming hot gas and for
increasing life time. Numerical and experimental studies of three-dimensional
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film cooling for real turbine blade models are much less common than the flat
plate models which deal with injection of a coolant fluid. In addition, rotating
blade studies compared with the stationary blades are rare. The film cooling
method is an efficient way to protect the blades of turbines from the hot gas and
is widely used in contrast with Impingement Cooling, Transpiration cooling, and
Convection Cooling. Numerous of the prior studies examined aerodynamics,
heat transfer and film cooling over a flat, curved plate in two dimensions. For
example, Kadja and Bergeles [1] presented numerical computations of blade
turbine cooling via injection of a fluid into the main stream flow. The study was
conducted via creating a slot along the flat surface. Typically, the local film
cooling effectiveness increased with increasing blowing ratio and the Nusselt
number was decreased near the slot. Hung et al. [2] studied 3-D effectiveness
cooling and heat transfer over concave and convex plates using the liquid crystal
thermograph technique. The performance of film cooling was investigated with
one row of injection holes (angle of injection 350) for various blowing ratios
(BR=0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2). The concave model results showed that with increasing
blowing ratio the heat transfer coefficient and film cooling effectiveness increase
and the convex model surface results demonstrated that the compound angle (00,
450 and 900) increases both heat transfer and film cooling effectiveness at
moderate and high blowing ratio. The thermal effect of the turbine blade has
been studied for a NACA 0021 airfoil by Kassim et al. [3]. Good agreement was
obtained between the experimental and computational results using 6.2 Fluent
code for the different angles of attack, different jet angle and velocity ratio on the
penetration area. Lakehal et al. [4], Theodoridis et al. [5] utilized a simple
geometry in their study of a stationary blade (symmetrical turbine blade). Two
dimensional and three dimensional finite volume simulations were employed to
model film cooling holes at the leading edge of the blade with the FAST 3D
CFD code. The computational results for different blowing ratios (BR = 0.3 to
1.1) were compared with experimental data including isentropic Mach number,
velocity and pressure fields. Characterizations of the gas flow and heat transfer
through a modern turbine are important engineering considerations, which
represent very complex flow fields and high turbulence levels. Forest et al. [6]
described the influence of hole shape on heat transfer coefficients and film
cooling effectiveness through a series of experimental measurements compared
with a heat transfer design code (HTDC). A computational method was used to
simulate transonic flow in a Rolls Royce blade. Flared hole film cooling and
heat transfer coefficient results were found to correlate poorly on the blade
pressure side; on the suction side flared holes were found to provide increasing
effectiveness cooling compared with cylindrical holes.
Improving the arrangement of holes for the film cooling in rotating turbine
blade has a strong influence on aero-thermodynamics. Burdet and Abhari [7] and
also Garg and Abhari [8] predicted Nusselt numbers for such regimes. Their
computations were based on an explicit finite volume code with an algebraic
turbulence model and implemented in excess of 2.5 million grid points to
calculate the flow. CFD results were compared with experimental data to predict
transonic film flow. These studies highlighted the macro-flow structure for the
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interacting coolant jet process especially near the hole region, at different hole
rows. On the pressure surface the results generated however were poor.
After reviewing the previous published studies, the majority of studies
communicated hitherto have focused on 2-D or 3-D aerodynamic flow and heat
transfer for a simple blade geometry, flat or curved plate, NACA 0021,
symmetrical turbine blade and simple cross section blade from hub to tip.
Consequently, this paper aims to extend these studied by focusing on:
Using different cross section blade geometry (from hub to shroud) with
angle of twist.
The main flow (hot gas) and coolant system (cooled fluid) differing in
temperature, pressure and chemical composition for the hot gas and cooled
Solid body thermal properties which will be simulated by inserting the type
of material type e.g. carbon steel (SAE4140) in the FLUENT software
property specification pre-processor. The blade taken in the previous studies
as a shell surface is shown in Fig. 1.
Aerodynamic flow and heat transfer in modern gas turbine constitutes a very
complex flow field with high turbulence levels; therefore we apply film cooling
in this paper from the blade leading edge. This is additionally complicated due to
the resulting interference between the main flow and injected coolant.

Figure 1:

Previous studies defined blades as shell surface with cooling holes

Azzi and Jubran [9].

The motivation of this study is to achieve robust numerical predictions of film

cooling effectiveness, heat transfer, temperature distribution on a skewness solid
blade (complex geometry), effect of coolant fluid property in the hub, mid and
shroud area prior to further experimental tests which are currently being
designed at the Sheffield Hallam University Engineering Laboratory, and which
will be communicated imminently.

2 Computational flow model

Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can analyze internal and external
aerodynamic flow, heat and mass transfer and also multiphysical problems by
solving three dimensional flows, steady state mathematical equations as
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continuity equation; Reynolds averaged Navier- Stokes (RANS) flow equations
and the energy equation via numerical algorithms on a computer. The transport
equation is additional term utilize to simulates a non reacting gas mixture when
this gases jet in to a crossflow at different density (Renze et al. [10]). However,
the (k ) equation is the simplest turbulence model employed widely in
engineering simulations, for which the initial boundary conditions need to be
supplied. These involve algebraic approximations for turbulence kinetic energy
(k) and its rate of dissipation () via a semi-empirical model.
The numerical computations in this paper were completed via a series of
steps, including grid checking, model solver definition (segregate implicit CFD
technique) selection and turbulence simulation with the standard RNG (k )
model. Eghlimi, et al. [11] applied Renormalization group (RNG) model in
Fluent code to predict the turbulent gas flow and also Lakehal [12] has
elucidated that there is little advantage to using different viscosity data for
(RSM) Reynolds stress turbulence model as compared with the eddy viscosity
model. In consistency with these we implement herein turbulence (or eddy)
viscosity constants as follows: C k 2 , C1 : 1.42, C 2 : 1.68, C : 0.0845.

3 Turbine blade geometry and mesh

Fig. 2 illustrates the Rolls Royce blade model with a maximum chord length, CX
of 52 mm, where (CX) represents blade axial chord. The maximum width CY is
27.3 mm (CY is the blade true chord); in addition the film cooling geometry
contains, on each side, one row of holes located near the leading edge of the
blade. Lateral holes have a diameter of 4 mm, within inclined angle of 9.13o
along the span and the holes diameter (d) is 1 mm with a lateral spacing of 5d.
Therefore, the number of holes on the pressure side and suction side are 42 with
an angle of injection of 35o.The incoming hot gas simulation box is represented
in dimensions (4.8*2.11*3.85) Cx.
The meshing process of these complex volumes is performed using an
unstructured mesh and the best way to control size mesh intervals for edges and

Figure 2:

Local mesh of blade model as a solid body with cooling holes


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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


mesh elements for face and volumes are the selection option size function from
the tool mesh.
In this paper a high quality of mesh for the blade, hot gas and fluid coolant is
achieved via the multi-block method with fewer cells. Therefore, a size function
is employed for meshing the volumes to control the size, growth rate and (owing
to the geometric complexity in the Rolls Royce blade) the holes geometries.
Tetrahedral elements were used to complete the volumetric mesh and the final
mesh generated for the three volumes contains in excess of 10 million cells
(elements). All simulations were executed until the solution convergence factor
1*10-5and 1*10-7 were satisfied on the energy equation. The solution has been
controlled by the select SIMPLIE algorithm to solve velocity-pressure coupling
with an implicit procedure, such that more than 3500 iterations are sustained to
convergence (solution stability).

4 Boundary conditions
The initial boundary condition details are inserted in the code the inlet main
velocity at 163.4 m/sec and the mass flux (blowing) ratio values for the plenum
are 1, 1.5 and 2. In addition, the ratio of the hot gas temperature to the cooled air
temperature was specified as ( T TC 1.6 ) where; ( TC ) is the coolant temperature
and ( T ) designates the incoming hot gas temperature ( T 460 K). In the
numerical simulation the outlet flow was defined as a static pressure and the
turbulence flow (Tu) was calculated as a function of the Reynolds number. The
Reynolds number (Re) is approximately 2.57*105 based on the maximum axial
chord of the blade model. So, Tu can be written as defined as:


The Rolls Royce blade is simulated as a solid body. The blade material
properties are demonstrated in table 1.
Table 1:

The blade material properties.

Material type

Density ( )

Thermal conductivity

specific heat

(low carbon


(k) W/m-K

(CP) J/kg-K




steel )
SAE 4140

5 Result and discussion

Fig. 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) illustrate the distribution of the static temperature for the
solid blade from the hub to shroud regions and from the blade leading edge to the
trailing edge. The effects of blowing ratio (BR) on the distribution of blade
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284 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

temperature (T) via injecting coolant fluid into main hot gas are very clear.
Blowing ratio (BR) in this paper can be calculated by:



Fig. 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) depict contour temperature distributions for blowing
ratio BR=1, 1.5 and 2, respectively. The colour temperatures have been
graduated from low to high temperature (leading edge to trailing edge area).
Consequently, with increasing of mass flux ratio (BR) the blade surface
temperature will be reduced on both the pressure side and the suction side and
also from the hub to shroud. Thereby, the protected area of the blade from
incoming hot gas will be increased with increasing blowing ratio. In this study
film cooling technology will be studied firstly- convection cooling though
blowing coolant fluid in to the lateral hole from hub to shroud (internal cooling).
Secondly, coolant fluid will be injected for both the pressure and suction side as
a secondary fluid to create a blanket above the blade surface (external cooling)
simultaneously. According to Fig. 3, the drops in predicted blade temperature


418.6 K

410 K

453.9 K

445 K


401 K

410 K

436 K



Figure 3:

Predicted counters temperatures of the blade model at different

blowing ratio (a) BR=1, (b) BR=1.5, (c) BR=2.

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with rise of blowing ratio (BR) indicate that the effectiveness cooling will be
enhanced from the hub to the shroud and from the leading to trailing edge, a
result which correlates very well with the computations of Kadja and
Bergeles [1].
A unique feature of our study is to demonstrate the effect of cooling on the
blade as a solid body. In Fig. 4 therefore presented the trajectory of temperature
and effectiveness cooling distribution for both pressure side and suction side on
the solid body blade (always the effectiveness will be reversed trajectory
compares with Temperature trajectory). In addition the hub, mid and shroud area
temperature at blowing ratio BR=2 are also illustrated. The temperature along
the span of the blade can be detected from distribution of temperature at the hub
area to mid and from the mid to shroud area. Invariably the hub area
temperatures will be lower than the mid and shroud area temperatures at the
leading edge region. This is a result of the coolant fluid being blowing (injected)
from the blade base (hub area). In the midspan section the predicted temperatures
curve descends much more than the hub temperature profile at X/Cx>0.25 on the
pressure surface and at X/Cx< -0.02 on the suction side Fig. 4. This pattern is
due to the camber of blade and the angle of twist- the blade cross section with
the span and axial cord at each section changes from hub to shroud (blade design
Local film cooling effectiveness () is analyzed in this paper for both blade
sides (pressure and suction side) as a function of ( T ), ( T W ) wall temperature
and ( TC ) using this equation:

(T TW ) (T TC )






Hub area
Mid area


Effectiveness cooling

Temperature (K)




Shroud area





Hub area

Mid area

Shroud area




Suction side

Figure 4:







Pressure side






Suction side







Pressure side

Temperature and the effectiveness cooling distributions difference

in hub, mid and shroud area on the blade model by injecting
coolant air at BR=2.

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286 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Fig. 5 shows the effectiveness cooling ( ) in three regimes (hub, midspan
and shroud), for different blowing ratios, BR=1, 1.5 and 2. Fig. 5(a) displays the
effects of increasing blowing ratio (BR) from 1 to 2 at the hub area.
Significantly, with increasing blowing ratio from BR=1 to 1.5 the effectiveness
cooling will be increased by about 20.1% and 15.2% through respective
increases in BR to 1.5 and 2 (near the leading edge of blade). The pressure side
effectiveness cooling is higher than suction side at this regime (high BR
enhanced film cooling on pressure side), a trend in agreement with Burdet and
Abhari [7], and Tao et al. [13] attributable to the similar angle of injection (450)
and lateral holes inclined (9.130) design.
In the midspan area the effectiveness cooling is illustrated in Fig. 5(b) and it
also increases corresponding to bowling ratio by about 21.3% and 13.6%
through BR=1 to 1.5 and from BR=1.5 to 2. At a blowing ratio BR=1 the
effectiveness cooling near the injection zone (leading edge zone) is higher on the

Mid area



Effectiveness cooling












Suction side








Pressure side


Figure 5:

Effects of blowing ratio (BR) on the blade effectiveness cooling(a) hub, (b) mid and (c) shroud.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


suction side than that on the pressure side, but with increasing BR, the film
cooling effectiveness on the pressure side will gradually increase compared with
the suction side.
Fig. 5(c) shows variation of effectiveness cooling with blowing ratio in the
shroud regime. The trajectory of the pressure and suction side is nearly
analogous (matched). About 18.3% and 12.7% film cooling effectiveness will
be enhanced with increase blowing ratio changing from BR=1 to 1.5 and from
BR=1.5 to 2 respectively. The film cooling effectiveness contours for the
pressure and suction side on the blade model at blowing ratio BR = 2 is shown in
The values of effectiveness cooling change gradually form the leading edge to
trailing edge (colder to hottest place). Briefly, when the values of blowing ratio
(BR) are reduced the hottest area will be increased on both sides and the blade
will be exposed to incoming hot gas.
A good correlation has been found between previous studies e.g. Kadja and
Bergeles [1] and Guangchao et al. [14] and other published paper results on film
cooling effectiveness studies with cylindrical hole shapes. With increases in
values of BR the blade surface temperature drops and the effectiveness cooling is
enhanced. BR is proportional to temperature difference ( T ) and inversely
proportional to effectiveness cooling ().
Fig.7 shows the comparison between the CFD prediction of Burdet et al. [15]
and our computed film cooling effectiveness () on the blade model near hub
position for BR=1 at angle of injection 350 . At first glance, the values of
effectiveness cooling () at X/d < 0.3 on the pressure side are significantly
higher than Burdet et al. [15], which is beneficial. On the suction side at X/d <
0.18 the values of () seems to coincide with Burdet et al. [15] while, the profile
of the effectiveness cooling () descend after this region. The plummet in values
of effectiveness cooling for both sides is attributed to the blade being modeled as
a solid body which is much more realistic than the previous studies (where
blades were analyzed as a shell) and also the effects of blade design, holes




Figure 6:



Film cooling effectiveness couture at blowing ratio BR= 2 on the

blade model.

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288 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Effectiveness cooling

CFD Burdet, etal [14]

Pressure side
Suction side










Figure 7:

Distributions of film cooling effectiveness at blowing ratio BR=1 at

angle of injection 350: comparison between CFD results of Burdet
et al. [15], the blade model calculation.

diameter and number of holes along the span which are different from previous
Fig. 8 illustrates the effects of coolant fluid on the distribution of film cooling
effectiveness for the pressure side and suction side at the midspan location with
BR=1, 1.5. In this article two different coolant fluids (air at T=287.5 and T=153
K) have been injected to resolve the best way to achieve improved blade
protection. High effectiveness cooling was obtained through injected air as
coolant fluid at temperature 287.5K. Evidently, from equation (3) depends
on T , TW and TC , even with a decrease TC there is not necessarily an increase
in effectiveness cooling () since the blowing ratio (BR) will be also affected by
the temperature property as indicated by equation (2).




Mid area [BR=1.5]

Mid area (BR=1)


Tc=287.5 K


Tc=287.5 K

Tc=153 K

Tc=153 K

Effectiveness cooling

Effectiveness cooling














Suction side

Figure 8:







Pressure side





Suction side








Pressure side

Effects of coolant fluid temperature on the film cooling

effectiveness at BR=1, 1.5.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Prediction of heat transfer from the hot gas towards the blade can be achieved
via the Nusselt number (NU) based on the axial chord Cx and this is defined as:
N U =(q*Cx)/k( T TW )


where, q is the blade wall heat transfer rate. Fig. 9 shows the predicted profiles
of Nusselt number (NU) at the mid span for BR=1 1.5 and 2.
Near the leading edge along the span (from hub to shroud) the heat transfer
attains the maximum level and this is in excellent agreement with the results of
Burdet and Abhari [7], Garg and Abhari [8] and Burdet et al. [15]. On the
pressure side (NU) suddenly drops after the leading edge. Certainly, the effects of
film cooling are manifested via the creation of a layer of protection from the
incoming hot gas on this side. At X/Cx>0.15 the BR influence is clearly observed
as reducing (NU) again this trend concurs with the studies of Kadja and Bergeles
[1] and Guangchao et al. [14]. On the suction side, the Nusselt number (NU)
suddenly falls after the leading edge and in the region X/Cx=-0.25 the values of
(NU) slightly increase owing to the effects of turbulence and the camber of blade
and gradually falls; the better protection of blade from hot gas through increases
effectiveness cooling, and reduced blade Nusselt number (NU).

Figure 9:

Predicted profile of Nusselt number (Nu) at midspan for BR=1, 1.5, 2.

Fig. 10 shows Nusselt number contours at the leading edge and film cooling
regions at BR=2. The maximum value of Nusselt number (NU) is determined at
the leading edge along the blade span. This implies heat transfer from the hot gas
in the direction of the blade. Near the holes there is no heat transfer to the blade
due to coolant fluid injection. Thus, the Nusselt number (NU) drops to negative
values (heat transfer will be in the opposite direction).

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Figure 10:


Nusselt number (Nu) counter on the blade model for BR=2.

6 Conclusions
The film cooling performance for a complex gas turbine blade at the leading
edge with three blowing ratios has been studied numerically. The main findings
of this investigation are as follows:
1) Film cooling effectiveness near the leading edge significantly increases
with blowing ratio ( is proportional with BR). The influence of
increasing BR on the film cooling effectiveness appeared on the pressure
and suction side; the pressures side effectiveness cooling is much more
enhanced than the suction side (high BR enhanced film cooling on
pressure side).
2) The response of film cooling effectiveness along the span from hub to
shroud section is enhanced with increasing blowing ratio. However, if
there is dissimilarity between the published paper and the previous
studies certainly this is due to the number of holes, holes diameter, blade
section from hub to shroud and skewness.
3) There is no benefit in injection of coolant fluid at low temperature to
enhance blade cooling at constant BR (see equation (5)).
4) The heat load on the blade represented by Nusselt number (NU) is
strongly influenced by increasing BR.

The authors would like to thank the Government of Iraq, Ministry of Education
for their generous financial support during Harbi A. Dauds studies at Sheffield
Hallam University.

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equation model for predicting turbulent gas particles flow, Int. Conference
on CFD in Mineral & Metal Processing and Power Generation CSIRO,
Sydney Australia, 1997.
[12] Lakehal, D., Near wall modeling of turbulent convective heat transport in
film cooling of turbine blades with the aid of direct numerical simulation
data, ASME J. Turbomachinery, 124, pp.458-498, 2002.
[13] Tao, Z., Yang, X., Ding, S., Xu, G., Wu, H., Deng, H.& Luo, X.,
Experimental Study of Rotation effect on Film Cooling over the Flat wall
with a Single Hole, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32, pp.10811089, 2008, available online at
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[14] Guangchao, L., Huiren, Z. & Huiming, F., Influences of Hole Shape on
Film Cooling Characteristics with CO2 Injection, Chinese J. Aeronautics, 2,
pp.393-401, 2008, available online at
[15] Burdet, A., Abhari R.S & Martin, G.R., Modeling of Film Cooling part II:
Model for use in Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics,
ASME J. Turbomachinery, 129, pp.221-231. 2007.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Spray cooling by multi-walled carbon

nanotubes and Fe nanoparticles
H. Bellerov & M. Pohanka
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

An experimental investigation of spray cooling performed with water based
nanofluid containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes and Fe nanoparticles was
carried out. The concentrations of carbon nanotubes in the liquid used in the
experimental program were 1 wt.%, 0.1 wt.%, 0.01 wt.%, the concentrations of
Fe nanoparticles were 40 wt.%, 10 wt.%, 1 wt.%. The liquid was sprayed on the
surface by a full cone nozzle from distances of 40, 100 and 160 mm with flow
rates of 1 to 2 kg/min (liquid impingement densities of 1 to 40 kg/m2s). A steel
sensor measuring temperature history was cooled by spraying from 190 C. The
heat transfer coefficient was calculated at an interval of the surface temperature
from 100 C to 50 C by inverse modelling, and compared with the heat transfer
coefficient of water cooling. Using Fe nanoparticles showed a decrease of the
heat transfer coefficient on the cooled surface. The majority of experiments with
carbon nanotubes also showed a decrease of the heat transfer coefficient.
However, there were some conditions during which an increase was observed.
Keywords: nanofluids, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Fe nanoparticles, heat
transfer, spray cooling, experimental.

1 Introduction
It was anticipated that some fluid heat qualities would be improved by adding
metal parts, metal oxides parts, or generally those parts from materials which
have suitable heat transfer characteristics. Some attempts focused on cooling
were made by liquid additives in water, with particles sized in mm or m mixed
into the fluids and with nanofluids. Nanofluid is a suspension of fluid (water,
ethylene glycol, oil, bio-fluids, polymer solution, etc.) and particles (metals,
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metal oxides, nonmetals as carbon nanotubes, etc.) sized 1100 nm. Not many
works of research have been focused on the cooling intensity by nanofluids and
very few on the cooling intensity during spray cooling (e.g. Chakraborty et
al. [1], Bansal and Pyrtle [2]).
1.1 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids with carbon nanotubes
Research shows that the thermal conductivity of nanofluid is higher than that of
base fluid. The first group of researchers who studied thermal conductivity of
nanofluid with carbon nanotubes was Choi et al. [3]. They used oil with 1 vol.%
of multi-walled nanotubes sized 25 nm in diameter and 50 m in length and
discovered an enhancement of 160%. A large number of scientists showed a
keen interest in the use of carbon nanotubes, yet they did not confirm this
significant enhancement of thermal conductivity by adding carbon nanotubes.
The enhancement of thermal conductivity at room temperature was in the
majority of the research that followed (e.g. Assael et al. [4], Amrollahi et al. [5])
2040% by adding less than 3 vol.% carbon nanotubes to some fluid like water,
synthetic engine oil or ethylene glycol.
1.2 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids with Fe nanoparticles
The thermal conductivity of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in water was studied by Zhu et
al. [6] and an enhancement of 38% was observed for their concentration of 4
vol.%. This enhancement was more than for other oxide aqueous nanofluids.
Hong et al. [7] investigated 0.10.55 vol.% of Fe nanoparticles sized 10 nm in
ethylene glycol. The enhancement was 18%.
1.3 Heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids with carbon nanotubes and
Fe nanoparticles
According to the aforementioned information about thermal conductivity of
carbon nanotubes and Fe nanoparticles, the nanofluids should be a suitable
coolant and a majority of scientists really found an increase in the heat transfer
coefficient by using carbon nanotubes and Fe nanoparticles. In the work of Ding
et al. [8] the convective heat transfer of 0.5 wt.% of carbon nanotubes in water
was enhanced by over 350%. According to Liao and Liu [9], the enhancement
ratio of heat transfer coefficient was 1825% for 2 wt.% and 4956% for 1 wt.%
at 58 C. Park and Jung [10] found that there was an increase of up to 30% in the
nucleate boiling heat transfer of 1 vol.%. Unlike the findings of Park et al. [11],
concluded that the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient of aqueous suspension
with 0.00010.5 vol.% of carbon nanotubes was lower than that of pure water.
Shi et al. [12] studied the pool boiling heat transfer of Fe nanoparticles sized
26 nm in water and found that the enhancement was up to 60%.

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1.4 Spray cooling by nanofluids

To date limited research on the heat transfer of nanofluid with carbon nanotubes
or with Fe nanoparticles by spray cooling has been conducted. There are some
papers about heat transfer by spray cooling with other nanofluids.
Bansal and Pyrtle [2] examined alumina nanoparticles dispersed in water in
concentrations of 0.25 to 0.505 wt.%. The initial temperature of the surface was
150 C and the surface was cooled to 75 C. The cooling intensity was
comparable to the cooling intensity of water. Chakraborty et al. [1] used 0.1
wt.% TiO2 in water to cool a plate heated up to 1200 C. A significant
enhancement in the cooling rate was observed.

2 Basic properties of examined nanofluids

The nanofluid with 1 wt.% carbon nanotubes was produced by the Belgian
company Nanocyl S.A. The nanofluid with 40 wt.% of Fe nanoparticles was
offered by prof. Miroslav Mal from Palacky University Olomouc. In the
experiments, the concentrations of 0.1 wt.% and 0.01 wt.% of carbon nanotubes
and the concentrations of 10 wt.% and 1 wt.% of Fe nanoparticles were achieved
by diluting the original concentrations with distilled water. Both the density of
nanofluids and the specific heat were measured. A calorimeter Kalorymetr
KL-5 was used to measure the specific heat capacity.
2.1 Properties of nanofluid with carbon nanotubes
The nanofluid with carbon nanotubes is a black and odorless aqueous dispersion
with 1 wt.% of carbon nanotubes (0.51.5 wt.%). The length of multi-walled
carbon nanotubes was 1.3 m and the diameter 9 nm on average (fig. 1). The
nanoparticles were prepared by catalytic carbon vapor deposition. The nanofluid

Figure 1:

The left picture: cluster of carbon nanotubes (photo by Institute of

Material Science, Brno University of Technology); the right
picture: Fe nanoparticles (photo from prof. Miroslav Mal,
Palacky University, Olomouc).

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also contained an ionic surfactant in a concentration of 0.13 wt.%. The specific
gravity was 1000 kg/m3 at 20 C according to the product list, pH 711, boiling
point 100 C. It is usually used for waterborne systems for antistatic coatings,
transparent films, and cleaning rooms. The densities of 1 wt.%, 0.1 wt.% and
0.01 wt.% of carbon nanotubes were 1011 kg/m3, 1004 kg/m3 and 1002 kg/m3 at
room temperature. The specific heat was measured at 2060 C only for 1 wt.%
of carbon nanotubes and it was 3763 J/kg K.
2.2 Properties of nanofluid with Fe nanoparticles
The Fe nanoparticles were spherical and measured 80 nm on average (fig. 1).
The nanofluid did not contain any stabilizers. The densities of 40 wt.%, 10 wt.%
and 1 wt.% of Fe nanoparticles were 1079 kg/m3, 1006 kg/m3 and 1002 kg/m3.
The specific heat was 3528 J/kg K at 2060 C for 40 wt.% of nanoparticles.

3 Experiment
3.1 Experimental plan
The hot surface was sprayed by the full cone nozzle Lechler 460.443.17 CA with
a spray angle of 45 from three distances of 40 mm, 100 mm, and 160 mm. The
flow rates of 1 kg/min, 1.5 kg/min, and 2 kg/min were steady during the
experiment (the appropriate liquid impingement density is shown in Tab. 1). The
initial experiments were conducted by spraying pure water and after that
nanofluid. Finally, the nanofluid spray cooling intensity was compared with the
pure water spray cooling intensity. The summary of experiments is shown in
Tab. 1.
Table 1:


Pure water


C nanotubes
in water

in water


Experimental plan.
Nozzle Distance





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t density

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


3.2 The nozzle

The liquid impingement density in Tab. 1 was determined theoretically by the
type of nozzle (full cone), distance between nozzle and surface, spray angle and
flow rates. The radius of impingement area should be 41.4 mm in distance
100 mm from the nozzle. Figure 2 shows the measured pressure of water falling
from a distance of 100 mm for three flow rates. Figure 2 shows that the shape of
spray was not a full cone for flow rate of 1 kg/min.

Figure 2:

Measured pressure distribution of pure water spraying from full

cone nozzle at a distance of 100 mm, the pictures from left to right
represent the flow rates 1 kg/min, 1.5 kg/min, 2 kg/min; the axis
units are mm; the darker the colour, the higher the pressure of
water; the maximum value for 1 kg/min was 112 Pa, for 1.5 kg/min
186 Pa, for 2 kg/min 297 Pa.

3.3 The cooled sensor

The cooled sensor (fig. 3) was made from austenitic steel 314 AISI and built into
Teflon. All surfaces excluding the cooled surface were protected against cooling.
The thermocouple of type K with a diameter of 0.5 mm was soldered

Figure 3:

Cooled steel sensor; the drawing is on the left side (steel sensor
body is colored white, Teflon is light grey, channel for
thermocouple is dark grey); the photo is on the right side.

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into a cooled cylindrical steel sensor with a diameter of 20 mm and was placed
parallel to the surface 0.37 mm. The thermocouple was connected with a data
logger, which is mobile equipment for recording data.
3.4 Experiment description
The steel sensor in Teflon was heated up to 190 C by an electrical furnace and
was held at that temperature for 15 minutes then put into an experimental test
bench (fig. 4) with the tested surface face down. A nozzle was placed under the
probe. Before the experiment, the tested fluid was located in a pressure tank
pressurized by nitrogen. The manometer was located close to the nozzle. After
putting the sensor into the equipment, the fluid went through the nozzle and
sprayed the cooled surface. The fluid was caught in the experimental equipment
after spraying. At the end of the experiment, the fluid was moved again to the
pressure tank. The measurement took tenths of seconds, and the sensor surface
was cooled to approximately 30 C. During the experiment, the sensor
temperature, coolant temperature and ambient temperature were measured. These
data were saved by the data logger and downloaded to a computer after the test.
Then they were used for an inverse calculation in a non-commercial program
based on Pascal programming language. The output from the program was a
physical quantity characterizing the cooling intensity.

Figure 4:

Experimental equipment.

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4 Calculation of cooling intensity

The cooling intensity is characterized by the heat transfer coefficient HTC
[W/m2K]. The Beck algorithm of one-dimensional inverse task [13] was applied
to find the heat transfer coefficient. The direct task of the two-dimensional
thermal field was a part of the inverse solution and was solved by using the finite
difference method (fig. 5). The inverse task provides the surface temperature and
the heat transfer coefficient history.

Figure 5:

The picture on the left: control volumes covering model of steel

body that were used for direct task (dark grey is for teflon, light
grey for female screw, white for steel and for air around female
screw); the picture on the right: the thermal field in cooled steel
body after 5 s of cooling; the temperature of steel surface is 50 C,
the axis units are in mm.

5 Results
An example of record and results from the cooling experiment is shown in fig. 6.
The measured temperature history in thermocouple position, computed surface
temperature and computed HTC is shown. Some fluctuations can be seen on the
HTC curves in fig. 6, it is the result of the random fluctuation of falling droplets
in the impact area. The results for spraying with pure water were found to match
the results published by Ciofalo et al. [14]. The temperature field in the whole
steel sensor after 5 s of cooling is illustrated in fig. 5.
The average results from the experiments described in this paper are shown in
figs. 710. The average values of the heat transfer coefficient HTC were
computed for the intervals 50100 C of the surface temperatures. The graphs
show that the HTC increases with an increase in liquid impingement density and
it is possible to say that adding carbon nanotubes and Fe nanoparticles to pure
water decreases HTC in most of researched cases. The HTC was surprisingly
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Measured Temp.

HTC [W/m2K]

Temperature [C]


Surface Temp.


Time [s]

Figure 6:

An example of record and results from the cooling experiment with

pure water, flow rate of 1.5 kg/min and distance between surface
and nozzle of 100 mm.

HTC [W/m2K]


Pure Water
C_1 wt.%
C_0.1 wt.%
C_0.01 wt.%

Figure 7:

Liquid impingement density [kg/m s]


The heat transfer coefficient vs. liquid impingement density for

nanofluids with different concentrations of carbon nanotubes.

increased by nanofluid with 1 wt.% of carbon nanotubes at a distance of 100 mm

(it represents liquid impingement density 3.1 kg/m2s, 4.6 kg/m2s and 6.2 kg/m2s).
For verification of measurement, the experiments for each nanofluids at a
distance of 100 mm between cooled surface and nozzle and for flow rates of 1
and 2 kg/min were provided twice. They are shown in figs. 11 and 12.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


HTC [W/m2K]


Pure Water
Fe_40 wt.%
Fe_10 wt.%
Fe_1 wt.%



Liquid impingement density [kg/m s]

Figure 8:

The heat transfer coefficient vs. liquid impingement density for

nanofluids with different concentrations of Fe nanoparticles.


HTC [W/m2K]




1E-06 0.00001 0.0001





C nanotubes [wt.%]

Figure 9:

The heat transfer coefficient vs. concentration of carbon nanotubes

for variable impingement density shown by the curves with
numbers [kg/m2s]; pure water is shown as nanofluid with 1e005 wt.% of carbon nanotubes.

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HTC [W/m2K]




1E-06 1E-05 0.0001 0.001





Fe [wt.%]

Figure 10:

The heat transfer coefficient vs. concentration of Fe nanoparticles

for variable impingement density shown by the curves with
numbers [kg/m2s]; pure water is shown as nanofluid with
1e-005 wt.% of Fe nanoparticles.

Pure Water

HTC [W/m2K]


C_1 wt.%


C_0.1 wt.%


C_0.01 wt.%


Figure 11:

Liquid impingement density [kg/m s]

The repeated experiments for nanofluids with carbon nanotubes at a

distance of 100 mm between cooled surface and nozzle; the empty
marks represent the first measurements, the filled marks the

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Pure Water


Fe_40 wt.%
Fe_10 wt.%


HTC [W/m K]

Fe_1 wt.%





Liquid impingement density [kg/m s]

Figure 12:

The repeated experiments for nanofluids with Fe nanoparticles at a

distance of 100 mm between cooled surface and nozzle; the empty
marks represent the first measurements, the filled marks the

6 Conclusions
Most of the research confirmed an improvement in thermal conductivity and
convective heat transfer coefficient during liquid convection by adding carbon
nanotubes or Fe nanoparticles to pure water. This paper investigated spray
cooling by these nanofluids. It was found that by adding carbon nanotubes or Fe
nanoparticles to pure water the cooling intensity during spraying of the steel
surface with its temperatures of 100 to 50 C was not increased. A high increase
in cooling intensity by spraying only with 1 wt.% of carbon nanotubes at a
distance of 100 mm from the nozzle was observed. For 3.1 kg/m2s (flow rate
1 kg/min) the heat transfer coefficient was increased about 174% to the heat
transfer coefficient of pure water, for 4.6 kg/m2s (1.5 kg/min) it was 119% and
for 6.2 kg/m2s (2 kg/min) 101%. For other liquid impingement densities a
decrease in HTC up to 32%, 32%, 26% for nanofluids with 1 wt.%, 0.1 wt.%,
0.01 wt% of carbon nanotubes, respectively, and up to 22%, 18%, 23% for
nanofluids with 40 wt.%, 10 wt.%, 1 wt.% of Fe nanoparticles, respectively, in
comparison with pure water was observed. The decrease in HTC was also
observed in the work of Bansal and Pyrtle [2] by using alumina nanoparticles in
water. Contrary to this the results in Chakrabortys work [1] show an increase in
HTC by adding TiO2 nanoparticles. The reason for this could be in the
temperature range of the conducted experiments. The experiments carried out for
this paper and the Bansal and Pyrtles experiments [2] were conducted between
200 and 50 C. However, Chakrabortys research [1] was conducted for
temperatures between 1200 and 500 C.

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[1] Chakraborty, S., Chakraborty, A., Das, S., Mukherjee, T., Bhattacharjee, D.
& Ray, R.K., Application of water base- TiO2 nano-fluid for cooling of hot
steel plate. ISIJ International, 50, pp. 124127, 2010.
[2] Bansal, A. & Pyrtle, F., Alumina nanofluid for spray cooling enhancement.
ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference,
pp. 797803, 2007.
[3] Choi, S.U.S., Zhang, Z.G., Lockwood, F.E. & Grulke E.A., Anomalous
thermal conductivity enhancement in nanotubes suspensions. Physics
Letters, 79, pp. 22522254, 2001.
[4] Assael, M.J., Chen, C.F., Metala, I. & Wakeham, W.A., Thermal
conductivity of suspensions of carbon nanotubes in water. International
Journal of Thermophysics, 25, pp. 971985, 2004.
[5] Amrollahi, A., Hamidi, A.A. & Rashidi, A.M., The effects of temperature,
volume fraction and vibration time on the thermo-physical properties of a
carbon nanotube suspension (carbon nanofluid). Nanotechnology, 19 (31),
pp. 18, 2008.
[6] Zhu, H., Zhang, C., Liu, S., Tang, Y. & Yin, Y., Effect of nanoparticle
clustering and alignment on thermal conductivities of Fe3O4 aqueous
nanofluids. Applied Physics Letters, 89, article number 023123, 2006.
[7] Hong, K.S., Hong, T.K. & Yang, H.S., Thermal conductivity of Fe
nanofluids depending on the cluster size of nanoparticles. Applied Physics
Letters, 88, articles number 031901, 2006.
[8] Ding, Y., Alias, H., Wen, D. & Williams, R.A., Heat transfer of aqueous
suspensions of carbon nanotubes (CNT nanofluids). Heat and Mass
Transfer, 49, pp. 240250, 2006.
[9] Liao, L. & Liu, Z.H., Forced convective flow drag and heat transfer
characteristics of carbon nanotube suspensions in a horizontal small tube.
Heat and Mass Transfer, 45, pp. 11291136, 2009.
[10] Park, K.J. & Jung, D.S., Enhancement of nucleate boiling heat transfer
using carbon nanotubes. Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, pp. 44994502, 2007.
[11] Park, K.J., Jung, D. & Shim, S.E., Nucleate boiling heat transfer in aqueous
solutions with carbon nanotubes up to critical heat fluxes. International
Journal of Multiphase Flow, 35, pp. 525532, 2009.
[12] Shi, M.H., Shuai, M.Q., Li, Q. & Xuan, Y.M.: Study on pool boiling heat
transfer of nano-particle suspensions on plate surface. Journal of Enhanced
Heat Transfer, 14, pp. 223231, 2007.
[13] Beck, J., Blackwell, B. & Clair, C.R., Inverse Heat Conduction, Wiley,
[14] Ciofalo, M., Caronia, A., Di Liberto, M. & Puleo, S. The Nukiyama curve
in water spray cooling: Its derivation from temperature-time histories and
its dependence on the quantities that characterize drop impact. Heat and
Mass Transfer, 50, pp. 49484966, 2007.

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Section 4
Stress analysis

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Analyses of the robustness of the mathematical

model with the laboratory prototype of the
drilling process during simulation and
vibration control experiments
F. Abdul Majeed1, H. Karki1, Y. Abdel Magid2 & M. Karkoub3

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

The Petroleum Institute, U.A.E.
Department of Electrical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, U.A.E.
Mechanical engineering Department, Texas A&M University, Qatar

The drilling industry is faced with many challenges, and the sudden failure of a
drill string during drilling is one of major concern. Exploration of the causes for
the failures reveals vibrations as the major cause. In order to test and analyze the
vibration patterns of rotary drilling, a laboratory proto type of the process is set
up. The mathematical model developed to analyze the vibration presents residual
error. Robustness issues pertaining to model error and modelling error is
discussed. Methods to counter the errors and minimize the vibrations are also
Keywords: rotary drilling, robustness, modeling error, vibration, experimental
set up, unbalanced mass, parameter uncertainty.

1 Introduction and problem formulation

There are many types and designs of drilling rigs. Drilling rigs are classified by
the power used to drive the process (electric, mechanic or hydraulic), height of
the derrick or the type of drill pipe used (cable, conventional and coil tubing).
The drilling rig we are concentrating on is an electric driven, conventional
rotary drilling, fig. 1. This is the widely used method of drilling and drilling is
achieved by the drill bit as it rotates and cuts into rock. All the major items of
machinery used in the rig are driven by electric motors. Metal or plastic drill
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Anatomy of an oil rig

Figure 1:

Rotary oil rig features.

pipe for the length of the drill string, and the rotation is achieved by turning a
square or hexagonal pipe (the Kelly) on a rotary table at drill floor level.
Before drilling, a large, heavy bit is attached to the end of a hollow drill pipe.
As drilling progresses, the drill bit forces its way underground and additional
sections of pipe are connected at the top of the hole. The derrick is the name for
the structure which supports the rig above the surface. The taller the derrick, the
longer the sections of drill pipe that the derrick can hold at a time. Although
early derricks were made of wood, modern derricks are constructed of highstrength steel. Throughout the rotary drilling process, a stream of fluid called
drilling mud is continuously forced to the bottom of the hole, through the bit, and
back up to the surface. This special mud, which contains clay and chemicals
mixed with water, lubricates the bit and keeps it from getting too hot. It also acts
as a cap to keep the oil from gushing up.
The drill strings experience high vibrations and strong rocks in the path of
drilling. These cause the dynamics presented by drill strings to be highly
complex, non linear and unexpected. The drill string vibrations coupled together
with well bore friction result in many phenomenon such as bit bounce, stick slip,
forward and backward whirl. There are three main types of drill string vibration:
Axial vibration is mainly caused when drilling with roller cone bits. It leads to
jumps in drilling; bouncing and can slow down the rate of penetration.

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Torsional vibration results due to twisting of the drill string, and sometimes
breaking. It makes the rotation of the drill bit irregular and leads to the stick slip
Lateral vibration occurs when the drill string is bent or when drilling in a non
vertical well. The drill bit rotates with a center of rotation not coincident with the
center of well, leading to hole enlargement and forward or backward whirl of the
This research concentrates on lateral vibrations occurring in the drill pipe due
to a bend. Ideally with zero well bore friction and assuming the drill string is a
perfect straight beam rotated with an axial load, there will be no nonlinearities or
vibrations during drilling. However, in the presence of curved/inclined boreholes
or unbalanced WOBs the friction between the drill bit and well borehole contact
is uneven and different at different contact points. This result in the drill bit
centerline not being in the center of the hole, hence the centrifugal force will
now act as the center of gravity causing the drill string to bend. Bend drill strings
do not follow circular trajectories, causing the drill bit to hit the sides of the
borehole. This will eventually lead to the stick slip phenomenon, in which large
vibrations and sudden unexpected drill bit movements occur. The usual solution
in oil rigs is to stall the entire drilling process, and restart. In extreme cases the
drill string would break requiring a call for an entire process up haul.

2 Experimental set up and literature review

In order to understand and analyze the vibrations due to the bend drill string,
experiments are conducted. The drilling process is simulated in the laboratory by
a simple experimental set up, fig. 2. The set up operates by operating a motor,
which rotates a large rotor connected to the motor shaft. A drill string (made of
carbon steel chosen due to its proximity in properties to actual drill string
material) is attached to the upper rotor by a universal joint. This joint provides
two degree of rotational freedom (x and y axes).The motor rotation provides the
set up with 1DOF of rotation about the z axes. In order to understand the
behavior pattern of a bend drill string and accurately simulate its trajectories, a
literature review is conducted. The following are the literature review results
required for accurate modeling of the bend drill string features.
The performance of drill strings and their effect on drilling performance have
been investigated and analyzed in a number of researches [18]. Many different
models were set up to analyze drill string vibrations including lateral vibrations
(whirl) and mode coupling [3, 9, 10]. Other researchers have focused on models
which represent torsional vibration and have attempted to suggest methods to
avoid stick-slip behaviour [2, 7]. Jansen [11] proposed an unbalanced mass
model to represent a bend drill string section in which self excited vibrations
were studied. Similar models were also studied by other researchers; for
example, Melakhessou et al. [5] modelled the drill string as an unbalanced rotor
supported by two bearings and research is concentrated on a contact zone
between the drill string and the borehole wall. Dykstra et al. [1] explains that the

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Figure 2:

Laboratory drilling set up and close up of lower bit with

unbalanced mass.

source of vibration is the bit and hence the centrifugal forces developed when an
unbalanced drill string is rotated can be one of the major sources of vibrations.
Analyzing the literature, an unbalanced mass is placed on the lower rotor
representing the drill bit to simulate the bend drill string properties. The
experimental set up now has three DOFS. Apart from the rotation of the upper
rotor, and lower rotor, there is tangential angular displacement for the lower rotor
initiated by the new centre of rotation of the lower rotor not coinciding with the
centre of rotation of the upper rotor. The lower rotor now follows an elliptical
trajectory, also known popularly as bit whirl in the drilling field. This paper also
analyses the behaviour of the system at low and average operating speeds of
actual drilling.

3 Robustness issues
3.1 Residual error and Model error
The mathematical model for the process was identified using the system
identification black box modeling approach. The experimental set up was excited
with chirp input to obtain the required identification data. The chirp input has
correlation function properties very similar to white noise. A Box Jenkins model
was identified for the process. Box Jenkins models are especially useful when
the process is affected by disturbances entering late into the system.
The laboratory operating speeds are selected to represent the rotary drilling
process at its low and average operational speeds. The process is excited by
command inputs of 8 RPM and 38 RPM, figs. 3 and 4. The usual rotary drilling
speeds are around 35 to 45 RPM. The low speed is analyzed to understand the
drill string behavior in the transient time. The upper rotary speed is the input
speed of the process. The experimental responses of the process are recorded and
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plotted in figures 3 and 4. The identified model is seen to have very close
response to the process response. The residual signal graph between the process
response and model response is seen to be very low with values around 180m
RPM, figs. 5 and 6. This suggests that the model provides a good fit for
analyzing the process behavior.

Figure 3:

Figure 4:

Process data and model response for low drilling speed.

Process data and Model response at average drilling speed.

Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Residual signal for low speed analysis.

Residual signal for average speed analysis.

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Figure 7:

Larger view of vibrations in the process and model response.

However, the very small vibrations in the speed of the process at the output
due to the unbalanced mass are noticeable, fig. 7. Here the unbalanced mass is
very small nearly 57 gms, which is about 5% of the mass of the lower rotor
representing the drill bit. This mass will represent only a very small bend in the
drill string. However, in reality, drill strings when they bend slightly, present
more severe vibrations due to the presence of well bore friction and higher mass
of the bottom hole assembly. The black box model of the process is identified in
a Box Jenkins model format specifically because the Box Jenkins models are
good for processes in which disturbances enter late in to the system.
The residual error, figs. 5 and 6 presents us with a model robustness issue
which needs to be dealt with. One suggestion is to combine the black box model
with a separate model describing effect of the unbalanced mass using analytical
principles and larger degrees of freedom Liao et al. [4]. The drilling system
prototype concerned here can be seen to be a strictly proper system. In other
words the gain tends to zero in the limit as frequency tends to infinity, fig. 8.

Figure 8:

Bode plot of the model with lower (green) and upper (red) bounds.

This can be attributed to the presence of inertia in the system. The model
itself will have robustness errors and they need to be analyzed further by looking
for RHP poles and zeros, cancellations and analyzing the internal stability of the
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3.2 Modelling error

Real time systems are nonlinear, time varying, infinite dimensional and very
complicated. Modeling error is due to two major reasons.
The model obtained here assumes a third order transfer function; this
approximation leads to a simpler model and lack of robustness in the model. This
is one of the major sources of modeling error. Assuming that the best model
approximation of the plant is Gp(s);

G p ( s ) G ( s ) G ( s )


i.e. if

N (s)
i 1 D ( s )
N ( s)
i 1 D ( s )

G p (s)



G ( s )

N (s)
i k 1 D ( s )


N ( s)
is the numerator and denominator of the plant transfer function.
D( s)

G(s) is the modeling error, or the difference between the model and the best
possible plant model.
Another source of modeling error can be deduced from analyzing the
frequency response magnitude; figs. 9 and 10.The frequency response gains are
plotted for two different conditions, for small mass unbalance and large mass
unbalance. It can be seen that as the frequency increases the size of the resonant
peaks tend to decrease after a certain point . In the frequency response gain
plots, the point of the drilling system here can be seen to be around 150m Hz
for the two cases studied. This particular frequency is seen to be a constant
for a particular system and does not vary with added disturbance, here the
unbalanced mass. Hence we can safely assume that for frequencies higher than
the magnitude of the frequency response will never exceed the gain at that
value, i.e;

0; 0 '
20 log10 G ( jw)
; '


where is the value of gain at and it represents an upper bound on the

magnitude of the frequency response of the modeling error.
The second source of error in modeling is from parameter uncertainty. The
parameters estimated to obtain the model will have a tolerance associated with
their values. Hence at every frequency, the gain and phase response will have an
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Figure 9:

Frequency response magnitude plot for small mass unbalance.

Figure 10:

Frequency response magnitude plot for large mass unbalance.

uncertainty associated with its value. These are plotted in the bode plot, fig. 8,
with the upper and lower bound of the magnitude and phase curves.

4 Vibration analysis
The analytical equation for the lower rotor with the unbalanced mass can be
written as Inman [12]:

mx cx kx m0 e r2 sin r t


where m is the lower rotor mass, m0 is the unbalanced mass, c is the damper
constant, k is the spring constant (drill string considered as a spring and damper),
e is the distance of the unbalanced mass from the center axis of rotation of lower
rotor, r is the drilling rotational frequency and is the damping ratio.
The steady state displacement of the lower rotor is

m0 e
m (1 r 2 ) 2 (2r ) 2


; n is the natural frequency.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


At any particular moment t, the deflection is:

x p (t ) X sin( r t )


Analyzing the above equations it can be inferred that an increase in the

deflection amplitude can be minimized by increasing the damping in the system.
It can also be noted that the most vibrations occur when the set up is operated at
frequencies near the natural frequency. Hence it is also advisable to operate the
set up at frequencies lower or higher than the natural frequency. Sources of
model error will be further expanded in forthcoming papers.
For laboratory scale assessment of vibration and related control the Box
Jenkins model can be considered appropriate enough due to residual error values
not exceeding 200 m RPM which is 0.4% of the rotation rate. For control
purposes the controller effect is simulated and once an acceptable effect is
realized the controller can be interfaced with the drilling setup to analyze
experimental response. The under actuation of the lower rotor now presents
another difficulty, due to any effect of the controller on the simulated response of
the lower rotor will fail to achieve in the experimental set up. The unbalanced
mass presents a change in the inertial mass properties of the lower rotor. The
vibrations induced can only be minimized by assuring that the drilling is carried
out at speeds neglecting the natural frequency, preferably low speeds so that the
tangential acceleration is minimized and the drill bit does not cause too much
damage to the borehole wall by enlarging it or making wedges in the bore hole
and damaging the drill bit and other down hole components.

5 Summary
This paper discusses the model of a drill string system representing rotary
drilling. The experimental and simulated model responses are plotted and
analyzed. The residual error is discussed and the source of the error due to lack
of robustness in the model is also studied. Two major reasons for the uncertainty
and presence of modeling error are discussed. The source and control of
vibration is also discussed. Future work involves study and discussion of
robustness issues arising in the model itself, and further expansion of the
modeling errors and ways to overcome the errors for a better plant model.

[1] Dykstra, M., Christensen, H., Warren, T., and Azar, J., Drill string
component mass imbalance: A major source of drill string vibrations, SPE
Drilling and completion,Vol.11, pp.234-241,1996.
[2] Germay, C., van de Wouw, N., Nijmeijer, H., and Sepulchre, R., Nonlinear
drill string dynamics analysis, SIAM J. Applied Dynamical systems, Vol. 8,
pp.527-553, 2009.

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[3] Leine, van Campen, D.H and Keultjes, W., Stick slip whirl interaction in
drill string dynamics, ASME J. of vibration acoustics, Vol.124, pp. 209220, 2002.
[4] Liao. C et al., Reduced order models of drill string dynamics, Paper
presented at the Second international energy 2030 conference, UAE, 2008.
[5] Melakhessou, H. et al., A nonlinear well drill string interaction model,
J. Vibration acoustics, Vol.125, pp.46 -52, 2003.
[6] Mihajlovioc, N., Van Veggel, A., Van de Wouw, N. and Nijmeijer, H.,
Friction induced torsional vibrations in an experimental drill string system,
Paper presented at the 23rd IASTED international conference on modeling,
identification and control, pp.228-233, 2004.
[7] Mihajlovic, N., van Veggel, A., Nan de Wow and Nijmeijer, H., Analysis
of friction induced limit cycling in an experimental drill string system, J. of
Dynamic systems, measurement and control, ASME, Vol.126, pp.709721, 2004.
[8] Navarro Lopez, E. and Suarez, R., Modeling and Analysis of stick slip
behavior in a drill string under dry friction, Congresso Annual De La
Amca, pp. 330-336, 2004.
[9] Christoforou, A. and Yigit, A., Dynamic modeling of rotating drill string
with borehole interactions, J. sound and vibration, Vol.206, pp.243-260,
[10] Elsayed, M. A., and Dareing, D. W., Coupling of Longitudinal and
Torsional Vibrations in a Single-Mass Model of a Drillstring,
Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. XVII, University
of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, pp. 128139,1994.
[11] Jansen, J.D., Non linear rotor dynamics as applied to oil well drill string
vibrations, J. Sound and vibration, Vol.147, pp.115 -135, 1991.
[12] Inman, D.J., Engineering Vibration, Prentice Hall, pp.120-121, 2001.

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Transverse cracking of composite bridge decks

Ayman N. Ababneh
Department of Civil Engineering,
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan

Early age cracking of concrete bridge deck is a frequent problem for bridges
worldwide. This work provides a framework for a thermo-hygro-mechanical
mathematical model for the analysis of early age transverse cracking of the
bridge deck. The model includes the determination of the temperature and
moisture gradients in the deck slab, and the prediction of the thermal and drying
shrinkage strains. These strains were superimposed with the strains from creep
and mechanical loads and applied to an elasto-plastic damage approach to
quantify the damage and stresses in deck slab. The model was implemented in
finite element computer software to accurately predict the cracking and damage
evolution in concrete bridge decks. Accurate prediction of crack tendency is
essential for durability design of bridge decks, thus more sustainable bridges
with increased usable life span and low life-cycle costs.
Keywords: transverse cracking, bridge deck, thermo-hygro-mechanical model.

1 Introduction
Bridges usually developed early cracking of their decks [1]. Early age cracks
usually develop in the transverse direction of the traffic. The cracking could
initiate almost immediately after construction and sometimes appear within a
few months after deck is constructed. The problem of deck cracking is still
significant, even after the adoption of high performance concrete (HPC) for
bridge decks. In a survey conducted by New York Department of Transportation
(NYSDOT), it was observed that 48% of an 84 bridge decks built in New York
State between 1995 and 1998, using HP concrete, have developed transverse
cracks [2].
Figure 1 shows the mechanism of the transverse cracking of a concrete deck
slab. The composite action between the deck and the girders provides restraining
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to the deck. When concrete shrinks the external restraint from the girder as well
as the internal restraints from the reinforcement and aggregates produce tensile
stresses in the longitudinal direction of the deck. When these stresses reach the
tensile strength of concrete (low at early ages), transverse cracks are developed
in the deck starting from bottom and extended to the top surface. In continuous
beams or in beams with fixed-end restraint, the negative moments result from
mechanical loads produce tensile stress in the deck, which when combined with
the shrinkage stresses aggravate the problem of deck cracking.

Figure 1:

Transverse cracking of concrete.

Deck cracking has no immediate effect on the bridge safety, but it has
detrimental effects on the long-term performance. Cracks interconnect the voids
and the isolated microcracks in the concrete deck to form preferential pathways
for the ingress of chlorides from deicing chemicals thus accelerate reinforcement
corrosion. Fanous et al. [3] observed severe corrosion of black and epoxy coated
rebars extracted from cracked location in different bridge decks. Also, leakage of
water thorough cracks increases the degree of water saturation in the bridge
substructure, therefore increases the risk of freeze-thaw damage. As a result, the
bridge service life is reduced and maintenance and rehabilitation costs rise.
Bridge deck cracking occurs when restrained volumetric changes associated
with moisture and temperature changes take place. Volumetric changes are
mainly result from autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage, thermal shrinkage
and creep. These major causes of concrete volume change with time depend
primarily on the material properties and mix design, design details, construction
practices, and environmental conditions. Concrete properties are the most
important factors affecting transverse deck cracking since they control the
shrinkage and thermal strains that cause stresses and control the relationship
between strains and stresses. Understanding the concrete properties is central to
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reliably modeling the mechanisms contributing to the cracking of concrete decks.

Experimental and analytical models have been developed to enable bridge
designers to calculate shrinkage and thermal stresses in bridge decks [1, 4], so
that they can evaluate and modify designs to reduce these stresses and the risk of
transverse deck cracking. Furthermore, construction can affect transverse deck
cracking. Careful construction practices are often required to reduce such a risk
where the first large stresses in a concrete deck develop in the first 12 to
24 hours, when temperatures change rapidly from early hydration. The exposure
to environmental conditions, e.g. ambient humidity and temperature has a major
effect on transverse cracks.
Previous studies have focused primarily on unveiling the extent and
significance of cracking and trying to pinpoint possible causes. While there is
agreement among researchers on the major causes, the relative contribution of
each factor has not been completely determined and the problem of premature
deck cracking still exists. The predominant reason for this is because most of the
factors have simply been discussed qualitatively and there has been little
quantitative analysis of these mechanisms. In the last few years, researchers
have developed numerical models using finite element or finite difference
methods to simulate real structures under different environmental conditions.
Saadeghvaziri and Hadidi [5] studied the developed tensile stresses in bridge
decks under the effect of many design factors, e.g. girder stiffness, deck
thickness, girder spacing, relative stiffness of deck to girder, and amount of
reinforcements; in their simulation, they assumed that the shrinkage strain is
constant in value and over the deck depth.

2 Significance
The main objective of this research is to develop a mechanistic approach for the
analysis of transverse cracking of composite bridge decks. This work will allow
better understanding of the cracking mechanism and in turn help practical
engineers to develop preventive and remedial strategies to eliminate or at least
mitigate them. The FEM simulations will result in better-determined stresses and
crack widths in the bridge deck structures subjected to the combined effects of
hygro-thermal volume changes and load-induced cracking. Accurate prediction
of crack tendency is essential for the reliability and long-term performance of
newly constructed bridge decks at service load levels.
The report with recommendations that will result from the literature survey
and parametric studies will provide engineers with the ability to analyze the
impacts of the material properties and mix design parameters, structural design
details, and construction practices on cracking of concrete bridge decks. This
will enable engineers to develop materials and methods to construct bridge deck
structures that can withstand a multitude of harsh environmental conditions at
low life-cycle cost. These measures will result in more sustainable structures
with increased usable life span and low life-cycle costs.

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3 Formulation of computational framework

This section presents the framework for a mechanistic approach for the analysis
of early age transverse cracking of the bridge deck and it is divided into four
steps. First, mathematical models for the determination of the temperature and
moisture gradients in the deck slab are descried. The temperature variation and
moisture loss will be used to predict the thermal and drying shrinkage strains in
bridge deck. Finally, these strains will be added to the strains from creep and
mechanical loads and applied to an elasto-plastic damage approach to quantify
the damage and stresses in deck slab.
3.1 Determination of the temperature and moisture gradients
The variation of the temperature over the bridge deck is governed by the heat
transfer in concrete which can be described by the following equation

div [k grad(T)] Q


where T is the temperature, c is the heat capacity, k is the thermal conductivity

and Q is the rate of heat generation inside concrete as a result of cement
hydration. A model for the heat of hydration generation of blended cement is
described by Kishi and Maekawa [6], and it will used to calculate Q.
The moisture loss is governed by the moisture transport equation as follows
w w H

div [DH grad(H)] G

t H t


where w is the moisture content, t is the time, H is the relative humidity, DH is the
moisture diffusion coefficient, w/H is the moisture capacity and G is the rate
of moisture loss due to hydration. The heat of hydration generation model
mentioned above can be also used to determine G.
3.2 Prediction of the volumetric changes
The numerical solution of the equations above (Eq. (1) and (2)) results in
temporal and spatial distribution of the temperature (T) and relative humidity (H)
inside the concrete bridge deck. The volumetric changes in concrete are related
to environmental factors including temperate and humidity variations. The
environmental strain, ev is the summation of the drying and thermal strains

ev sh T


The thermal strain T is a function of heating and cooling cycles and can be
expressed in terms of temperature change as follows



in which is the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete and T is the

temperature change.

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The drying shrinkage strain is related to moisture loss and so it can be linked
to the change in the relative humidity as follows

sh H


where is coefficient of shrinkage strain and can be calculated by a multiscale

model [7].
3.3 Quantifying the early age transverse cracking
In practice, bridges at early ages are exposed to the simultaneous actions of
environmental and mechanical deteriorations. The development and coalescence
of early age cracks due to the combined effect of environmental factors and
traffic loads progress gradually and cause gradual strain softening in the stress
strain relation. These microcracks result in a reduction of both strength and
stiffness at the macroscopic material level. Damage mechanics not only captures
the loss of strength, but also the deterioration of material stiffness. Therefore, it
is realistic to use continuum damage theory, which has the ability to describe the
tensile strain softening and stiffness deterioration rather than a sudden complete
cracking [8]. A fully coupled hygromechanical model was developed by
Ababneh et al. [9] and Sheban et al. [10]. This model can be extended to quantify
the damage due to environmental loads including the creep effect, and the
mechanical loads. In this model, an elastoplastic-damage approach was used to
characterize the shrinkage-induced damage. Based on the small strain theory of
plasticity, the strain tensor is additively decomposed into an elastic part e and a
plastic part p. Considering the presence of environmental strain tensor ev , the
total strain tensor can be expressed as:
e p ev


The constitutive relation can then be written as:

E:( p ev )


in which E is the elastic stiffness tensor.

The elastoplastic and damage models are coupled by exploiting the effective
stress concept known from continuum damage mechanics [11]. The effective
stress represents the redistributed stress over undamaged or effective area after
the damage has taken place. Based on the scalar damage model the relation
between the effective stress eff and the nominal stress can be expressed as:

1 d
where d is the damage parameter. It is assumed that 0 < d < dcr, where dcr is the
critical damage in which a complete local rupture takes place. In practice, a
dcr = 1 is usually employed.

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Considering the undamaged elastic stiffness Eo, we have

eff Eo :( p ev )


and its corresponding time derivative takes the form:

eff Eo:( p ev )


From Eqs. (9), (10) and (11), the constitutive relation becomes:

( 1 d)Eo:( p ev ) E:( p ev )
E ( 1 d)Eo
Following the effective stress concept, it is logical to assume that the plastic
flow takes place only in undamaged area [12]. Thus, the formulae from
elastoplastic theory that are dependent on stress must be modified by substituting
the effective stress in place of the nominal stress. The problem can then be
solved by using standard elastoplastic theory. The elastoplastic behavior of
concrete will be assumed to follow the pressure-sensitive DruckerPrager
criterion. The damage initiation and evolution can be characterized by a damage
model developed by Mazars and Pijaudier-Cabot [13].

4 Simulation of bridge deck cracking

Ababneh et al. [9] and Sheban et al. [10] studied the drying shrinkage-induced
damage in concrete structures, and they developed a finite element simulation
program capable to estimate the stress and strain variations with time in bridge
decks. This program can be used to study the effects of many parameters, e.g.
concrete mixing ingredients, types and proportions, ambient dry environment,
and support restraints. A concrete bridge deck 4 [10 cm] in depth was simulated
by this model. The concrete has an average compressive strength of 5000 psi
[34.5 MPa] and is moist cured for 28 days before drying. The deck, which is
initially saturated (Hini=100%), is exposed to drying on the top and bottom
surfaces (Henv= 50 %) after curing. Figure 2 shows the geometry and boundary
conditions of the investigated structure where only one quarter of the deck is
modeled by four-noded plane strain elements.
The comparison results of the deck simulation are shown in Figure 3 for two
cases: case I, where the effect of damage on moisture diffusivity is ignored, and
case II, where the full coupling between damage and moisture diffusion is
considered. It is clear that in case I, the rate of drying process is slower than case
II, and case II reaches equilibrium with the environment faster. In the latter case,
the drying process generates damage in the concrete, which accelerates the
drying process as shown in Figure 3a. The damage parameter, d versus drying
time for the bridge deck is shown in Figure 3b for both cases. The state of
damage in concrete in case II accelerate and increase earlier and faster, and its
value is higher than the damage in case I where no coupling between the damage
and the diffusion process is assumed. Therefore, ignoring the effect of damage
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Figure 2:

Boundary conditions for the concrete bridge deck.

a. Humidity profiles
Figure 3:


b. Damage evolution

Humidity profiles and damage versus drying time for the bridge

on the moisture diffusion process yields an overestimation of the relative

humidity in concrete and a lower estimation of concrete damage states.
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This simulation demonstrated that the fully coupled hygromechanical model
can capture the concrete structural behavior under drying conditions. This model
can be used to analyze different types of concrete structures, and with some
modifications, e.g. the effect of thermal stresses and stress relaxation, the
computer program can be used for analysis of early age transverse cracks in
composite bridge decks.
Ongoing research at Jordan University of Science and Technology seeks to
develop a finite element analysis (FEA) based software to investigate the causes
of transverse concrete deck cracking, quantitatively predict the tendency of a
deck to crack and predict the crack sizes. To isolate the effects of individual
parameters that have a potential impact on transverse deck cracking,
computational software is developed, by means of which parametric studies will
be conducted using finite element analysis of the complete bridge system. The
information will then be used to make recommendations relative to design and
construction practices to reduce the potential for transverse cracks in composite
bridge decks.

5 Summary and conclusions

This paper provided a computational framework for the analysis of early age
transverse cracking in composite bridge decks. A fully hygro-thermalmechanical model for the prediction of early age transverse cracks was
formulated. The model involves the formulation of the governing coupled heat
and moisture transport equations, the quantification of the induced thermal and
hygral damage by elasto-plastic damage model and modeling the coupling
between damage and transport phenomena. The simulation of the bridge deck
demonstrated that the fully coupled hygromechanical model can capture the
concrete structural behavior under drying conditions. Ongoing research at Jordan
University of Science and technology seeks to modify the computer software by
implementing the hygro-thermal- mechanical model developed in this study.

[1] Krauss, P. D. & Rogalla, E. A., Transverse cracking in newly constructed
bridge decks. Rep. No. NCHRP Report 380, Transportation Research
Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1997.
[2] Alampalli, S. & Owens, F.T., Improved Performance of New York State
Bridge Decks. HPC bridge Views, Issue 7, 2000.
[3] Fanous, F., Wu, H., & Pape, J., Impact of deck cracking on durability,
Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA, 2000.
[4] French, C., Eppers, L., Le, Q. & Hajjar, J.F., Transverse Cracking in
Concrete Bridge Decks, Transportation Research Record, No. 1688, TRB,
National Research Council, Washington, D.C, 1999.
[5] Saadeghvaziri, M. A., & Hadidi, R., Cause and control of transverse
cracking in concrete bridge decks, Rep. No. FHWA-NJ-2002-19, Federal
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D.C., 2002.
Kishi, T. & Maekawa, K., Hydration heat model for blended cement
including blast slag and fly ash, Proceedings of the JCI, 15(1), pp. 12111216, 1993.
Lemaitre, J., A course on damage mechanics, 2nd. Ed., Springer-Verlag,
NY, 1996.
Bazant, Z., & Raftshol, W., Effect of cracking in drying and shrinkage
specimens, Cement and Concrete Research, 12(2), pp. 209-226, 1982.
Ababneh, A., Sheban, M., Suwito, A., & Xi, Y., The coupling effect of
drying shrinkage and moisture diffusion in concrete, Concreep 7, pp. 175180, 2005.
Sheban, M. A., Ababneh, A. N., & Fulton, S. R., Numerical simulation of
moisture diffusion in concrete, Joint International Conference on
Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering,
Montral, Canada, pp. 1015-1024, 2006.
Kachanov, L. M., Introduction to continuum damage mechanics., Martinus
Nijhoff Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1986.
Suwito, A., Ababneh, A., Xi, Y., & Willam, K., The coupling effect of
drying shrinkage and moisture diffusion in concrete. Computers and
Concrete, 3(2-3). pp. 103-122, 2006.
Mazars, J., & Pijaudier-Cabot, G., From damage to fracture mechanics and
conversely: a combined approach, International Journal of Solids
Structures, 335(20-22), pp. 3327-3342, 1986.

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Evaluation of crack growth rate and growth

model of ultrafine grained copper
M. Goto1, S. Z. Han2, K. Euh2, J.-H. Kang2, K. Kamil1,
N. Kawagoishi3 & S. S. Kim4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oita University, Japan

Korea Institute of Materials Science, Republic of Korea
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kagoshima University, Japan
Engineering Research Institute,
Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea

High-cycle fatigue tests were carried out on smooth specimens of ultrafine
grained (UFG) copper produced by equal channel angular pressing for 12 passes.
The growth behavior of a small surface-crack was monitored. A major crack,
which led to the final fracture of the specimen, initiated from shear bands (SBs)
at an early stage of stressing. Different tendencies of growth behavior occurred
depending on the ranges of crack length. To understand the changes in growth
rate and fracture surface morphologies, a quantitative model describing a crack
growth mechanism were developed considering the reversible plastic zone size at
a crack tip. In addition, the crack growth rate of UFG copper was evaluated by
applying the small-crack growth raw.
Keywords: fatigue, surface damage, fine grains, copper, crack propagation.

1 Introduction
Ultrafine grained (UFG) materials processed by equal channel angular pressing
(ECAP) have many unique properties due to the unusual characteristics of the
microstructure with non-equilibrium states. Regarding the fatigue of UFG
materials, most studies have concentrated on cyclic deformation, fatigue life,
surface damage formation and underlying microstructural mechanisms [16].
Since the fatigue life of machine components and structures are mainly
controlled by the growth life of a fatigue crack, the crack growth behavior should
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be clarified for the design of safe machine components and structures. Recently,
the growth behaviors of millimeter-range cracks in UFG metals were studied for
compact-tension [5, 7, 8] and single edge-notched specimens [9, 10]. On the
other hand, the fatigue life of smooth specimens is approximately controlled by
the growth life of a small surface crack [11]. This means that the growth
behavior of small cracks must be clarified to estimate the fatigue life of plain
members. However, little has been reported on the growth behavior of small
surface cracks in UFG metals.
In this study, stress-controlled fatigue tests were conducted on UFG copper.
The formation of surface damage and growth behavior of a surface crack were
monitored to clarify the physical background of fatigue damage. In addition,
fracture surface analysis was conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
The growth model of a small surface-crack was discussed by considering its
growth path on the specimen surface and the results of fracture surface analysis.

2 Experimental procedures
The material used was pure oxygen-free copper (OFC, 99.99 wt% Cu). Prior to
performing the ECAP process, the materials were annealed at 500 C for 1 hr
(average grain size: 100 m). An ECAP die used had an angle of 90 between
intersecting channels. The angles at the inner and outer corners of the channel
intersection were 90 and 45, respectively. Repetitive ECAP was accomplished
according to the Bc-route. 12 passages of extrusion resulted in an equivalent
shear strain of about 11.7, respectively. The mechanical properties before ECAP
were 232 MPa tensile strength, 65% elongation and a Vickers hardness number
of 63. After 12 passages of ECAP the properties changed to 402 MPa, 32%, and
131, respectively. The coarse grained copper and UFG copper processed through
12 passes are referred to hereafter as CG and UFG, respectively.
Round bar specimens of 5 mm diameter were machined from the respective
processed bars. The fatigue specimens were electrolytically polished ( 25 m
from the surface layer) prior to mechanical testing in order to remove any
preparation affected surface layer.
All fatigue tests were carried out at room temperature using a rotating
bending fatigue machine operating at 50 Hz. The observations of fatigue damage
on the specimen surface were performed using both optical microscopy (OM)
and SEM. The fracture surface analysis was performed by SEM. The crack
length, l, is a length measured along the circumferential direction of the surface.
The stress value referred to is that of the nominal stress amplitude, a, at the
minimum cross section (5 mm diameter).
For EBSD-analyses, the cross section perpendicular to press direction was
observed. EBSD mappings were carried out using a Tescan Mira II SEM
incorporating an EDAX-TSL Hikari EBSD detector. Each pixel was 40 nm for
UFG samples and 1.0 m for coarse grain samples and hexagonal in shape.
Transverse cross sections of as-ECAPed and post-fatigued bars were cut to
prepare specimens for transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observation.
Specimens were mechanically polished to a thickness of 100 m, and then
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subject to twin-jet electropolishing using a solution comprising 200 ml CH3OH

and 100 ml HNO3. The jet thinning was conducted at 30 C. Microstructure and
diffraction patterns were analyzed using JEOL JME-2100F at 200kV.

3 Experimental results and discussion

3.1 Microstructure
Fig. 1(a) shows inverse pole figure (IPF) maps and grain boundary (GB) maps of
UFG copper. The cross section perpendicular to pressing direction was observed
in each sample. The GBs in GB maps are denoted either by red lines
corresponding to low angle GBs where the misorientation, , is between 2 and
15 or by black lines corresponding to high angle GBs with > 15. The
microstructure retains large fraction of equiaxed grains with high angle GBs. The
average grain/cell size was measured as 295 nm.
The characteristics of GBs plotted as a function of the misorientation angle is
shown in Fig. 1(b). The solid curve in each plot represents the misorientation
profile of random orientations as calculated by Mackenzie and Thomson. Fig.
1(b) shows that the distribution of misorientation angles has a weak bimodal
character with peaks at low and high misorientation angles. The fraction of high
angle GBs is about 65%. Although there remains an excess of low angle GBs
which in inconsistent with the prediction because of the continuous introduction
of dislocations in each passage of ECAP processing, the misorientation
distribution appears to be nearly similar to the random orientation distribution.

Figure 1:

(a) OIM orientation and GB maps; (b) Histograms of the

misorientation angles; A random distribution is indicated by solid
lines superimposed on the histograms.

3.2 Fatigue characteristics and surface damage under cyclic stressing

Significant cyclic softening of UFG copper has been reported by many
investigators [1, 1214]. Agnew and Weertman [1] studied the softening
property by means of hardness measurements of post-fatigued specimens. They
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showed that UFG copper prepared by severe plastic deformation is susceptible to
cyclic softening, where softening is found to decrease at lower strain amplitudes.
In their studies, the measurements of hardness were performed on cross sections
of the post-fatigued specimens. Since fatigue cracks are usually initiated at the
sample surface, the surface hardness should be measured for understanding
fatigue damage of UFG materials. Fig. 2 shows the change in surface Vickers
hardness (load: 2.9 N) during repeated stressing of a= 120 MPa. Inserted OM
micrographs show a change in surface damage within the same observed area
monitored at initial, medium and final stages of cycling. Here, each plot
represents an average of the hardness measurements taken at six different
locations. The maximum errors of the raw average hardness measurements were
roughly within 10%. Surface hardness decreases gradually with cycling in
initial stages, followed by a significant drop in hardness. By investigating the
change in surface hardness and formation process of surface damage together, it
is found that this considerably large drop in hardness in the latter half of the
fatigue life is closely related to the significant formation of damaged areas.

Figure 2:

Change in surface hardness during stressing of a = 120 MPa.

Regarding the UFG copper processed by ECAP, most studies [1, 1214] on
low-cycle fatigue indicated that the hardness measured on cross sections of postfatigued specimens is considerably dropped but its drop is found to decrease at
lower strain amplitudes. Even in the present specimens fatigued under lower
stress amplitudes, the surface hardness exhibited a dramatically large drop. The
hardness drop was closely related to the formation behavior of surface damage:
the formation of surface damage was accelerated in the latter half of fatigue life,
resulting in a significant hardness drop, whereas the mild damage formation in
an initial stage of cycling brought a moderate hardness drop. It should be
concluded that, thus, the initial (moderate) drop in hardness appears to result
mainly from a decrease in the dislocation density inside the grains/GB-regions
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and the formation of SBs. Regarding the dislocation density after fatigue, Xu et
al. [15] conducted strain-controlled fatigue tests of commercial copper (99.8%
Cu) processed by ECAP for 6 passes through C-route (after each pressing, the
billet bar was rotated around its longitudinal axis through 180). From TEM
observations and EBSD grain maps, they indicated that post-fatigued structures
have narrower GBs and lower dislocation density in grain interiors when
compared to those in virgin microstructures. For stress-controlled fatigue tests
under low plastic strain amplitude (less than 5x10-4), Kunz et al. [12] indicated
the formation of narrower GBs and lower dislocation densities in the grain
interior for post-fatigued specimens of UFG copper (99.9% Cu).
In the latter half of the fatigue life, on the other hand, the surface hardness
exhibits a significant drop tendency with a large, simultaneous extension of
damaged regions (Fig. 2). As the microstructural background of hardness drop
(softening) of copper processed by ECAP, the coarsening of ultrafine grains has
been discussed. Hppel et al. [3] showed that pronounced grain coarsening is
related to a marked cyclic softening in strain-controlled fatigue tests. Thermally
activated grain coarsening must be considered as one other main reason for the

Figure 3:

TEM micrographs: (a) pre-fatigue, (b) post-fatigue (a = 100 MPa,

Nf = 3.1x106).

cyclic softening [16, 17]. Fig. 3 shows the TEM micrographs of as-ECAPed and
post-fatigued samples. In spite of very low applied stress amplitude (a = 100
MPa: about 25% of tensile strength) under stress controlled fatigue, coarsened
grains embedded within the original fine grain/cell regions are generated after
3.1x106 repetitions. Evidently, purity and fatigue time might be important in
determining the coarsening of microstructure.TEM micrograph of post fatigued
specimen indicated grain coarsening and decrease in dislocation density inside
coarsened grains. A cyclic softening in the latter half of the fatigue life results
from the decreased dislocation density, shear banding and cell/grain-coarsening.
The primary factor of significant hardness drop appears to be the grain
coarsening. It has been suggested that the plastic strain localization during cyclic
deformation induces the dynamic grain growth and causes the development of
SBs [18]. The heavily extended surface damage in later fatigue stages indicates
the formation of coarse grains, leading to the significant drop in surface
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3.3 Crack growth behavior
Fig. 4 shows an initial growth behavior of a major crack. After the initiation of a
crack, the crack tended to grow along the shear direction of the final pressing.
When the crack length reached specific crack length (l = 0.1 0.2 mm at a =
100 MPa), however, the change in crack growth direction occurred.

Figure 4:

Changes in the surface state during stressing (a = 100 MPa).

Fig. 5(a) shows the growth curve (ln l vs. N) of major cracks. Like
conventional grain-sized materials, the crack growth life from an initial size
(e.g. 20 m) to fracture accounts for about 6090% of the fatigue life of the
specimens. The growth curves at higher stress amplitudes tend to approximated
by straight lines, whereas the crack growth curves at a= 100 and 120 MPa are
roughly divided into three stages. In the first stage the crack length increases
sharply with stressing and this was followed by a change in the slope of the
growth curve. In the second stage the actual crack length after the slope change
is smaller than the length expected from an extension of the crack growth curve
from the first stage.

Figure 5:

(a) Crack growth curve; (b) dl/dN versus l relation.

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To study qualitatively the growth behavior of both UFG copper, a CGR

(dl/dN) was calculated based on raw growth data. Fig. 5(b) shows dl/dN vs. l
indicating a lower CGR. This retarded growth ceased before the crack length
reached about l = 0.3 to 0.5 mm depending on the applied stress amplitude. In
tertiary stage the growth curve becomes steeper and is approximated by linear
relation. The linear relation nearly holds at high stress amplitudes, however the
relations at low stress amplitudes exhibit a significant fluctuation, namely the
CGR tends to increase initially with an increasing crack length. When the CGR
reached at around dl/dN = 3 x 10-7 mm/c, however, a temporary drop of CGR
occurs. The CGR after temporary drop gradually increases with further cycling.
Once the CGR exceeds dl/dN = 10-6 mm/c, the CGR linearly increased with an
increase in crack length, holding the relation that CGR is nearly proportional to
crack length.

Figure 6:

SEM micrographs of the fractured surface formed at a = 100 MPa:

(a) macroscopic view beneath the crack initiation site, (b) planar
surface formed at about 5 m beneath the surface, (c) granulated
surface formed at about 22 and 45m beneath the surface,
respectively, (d) striation formed below 80 m beneath the surface,
and (e) a striated plateau surrounded with granulated surfaces.

To clarify the reason for transient retarded crack growth, SEM analysis of
fracture surface were carried out. Fig. 6 shows the post-fatigued fracture surface
at a = 100 MPa. Fig. 6a shows a whole macroscopic view of the crack initiation
site. Fig. 6b shows a magnified view of the fracture surface, a few micrometers
beneath the surface (a = 5 m, a: crack depth). A flat fracture surface is
observed. With further crack propagation the morphological features of the
fracture surface changed as a granulated surface is observed at 22 m beneath
the crack initiation site (Fig. 6c). Interestingly, the grain size on the granulated
fracture surface is roughly equivalent to the grain size of the material (Fig. 6c).
At about 80 m below the surface, striation features that are nearly perpendicular
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to the macroscopic growth direction are recognized (Fig. 6d). In addition, a
striated plateau (Fig. 6e) surrounded with granulated surface is observed at
equivalent crack depth where granulated surfaces are formed.
3.4 Crack growth model and evaluation of crack growth rate
Fatigue cracks usually propagate as a result of the accumulation of irreversible
plastic deformation at a crack tip. In addition, the formation of a plastically
deformed zone is closely related to microstructural inhomogeneity of materials.
To study the crack growth mechanism a relation between the reversible plastic
zone (RPZ) size at the crack tip and microstructural factors such as grain (cell)
sizes, slip orientation, etc., should be investigated. The crack growth mechanism
is thus discussed paying particular attention to the interrelationship between the
RPZ size at the crack tip and the grain (cell) size of the material.
Here, the reversible plastic zone size, rrp, under a plane strain condition was
defined as:

rrp =

2 c



where Keff is the effective stress intensity factor range and 0.2c is the cyclic
0.2% proof stress. Keff was calculated from the relation Keff = UK. U and K
are the crack opening ratio and the stress intensity factor range, respectively.
Jono et al. [19] conducted plane-bending fatigue test (with a stress ratio, R = -1)
of smooth specimens, for structural steels. They measured the opening-closing
behavior of small surface-cracks by using the unloading elastic compliance
method. The measurements showed that U-values of crack depths under 0.1 mm
are between 0.8 to 0.6. In the present calculations, U = 0.7 was used. The
solution for K was taken from Fonte and Freitas for semi-elliptical surface
cracks in round bars under bending [20]. Calculated values of rrp and ratios of the
grain size of the material, rrp /d, are shown in Table 1 for the three crack depths.
Essentially, different fracture surfaces were observed (Fig. 6). Consequently,
planer, granular and striated fracture surfaces were formed under a range of rrp
/d< 1, rrp /d 1 - 2 and rrp /d>2, respectively.
Table 1:

(Value of d)

Values of reversible plastic zone sizes and their ratio to the grain

(d = 295 nm)
*: Corresponding micrographs in Fig. 6.


r rp

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

r rp /d

Fig. 6b
Fig. 6c
Fig. 6d

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Figure 7 schematically illustrates the interrelationship between the RPZ and

grains in the vicinity of the crack tip. When the RPZ size is smaller than the
grain size (Fig. 7a), a crack appears to grow by a mechanism that conforms to the
individual deformation mode of the localized area inside the grain and adjacent
to grain boundaries (GBs). Segal [21] has shown oriented distributions of defects
along the shearing plane of the pressing in a material processed by ECAP. Here,
the defects refer to dislocations, grain boundaries and cellular substructure. This
means that diffusion is accelerated considerably in regions along the shear
direction of the final pressing, where GB sliding (GBS) can occur easily [2224].
Thus the crack may propagate with the assistance of sliding along the maximum
shear stress direction showing a planar fracture surface and a straight growth

Figure 7:

Schematic illustration of the crack growth mechanism in UFG12:

(a) rrp/d< 1: planar surface formation, (b) rrp/d 1: granular surface
formation, (c) rrp/d>>1: striation formation, and (d) striated plateau
formation within coarsened grains.

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path along the shear direction of the final pressing. When the RPZ is 1 to 2 times
the grain size (Fig. 7b) the crack should grow along GBs where an
incompatibility of deformation in adjacent grains is concentrated, showing an
intergranular crack growth path and a granulated fracture surface. Such a growth
path may be convenient for roughness-induced crack closure which contributes
to a decrease in CGR. When the RPZ size is more than 3 to 4 times the grain size
size (Fig. 7c) the crack propagates because of the striations formation mechanism
which is associated with crack tip retardation and blunting [25]. In addition to
above stated mechanisms, for coarse grains which are evolved during cyclic
stressing and are larger than a few times RPZ size, the crack grows with the
formation of striated surface inside the grains as a result of irreversible plastic
deformation at the crack tip, showing striated plateaus (Fig. 7e). It can thus be
concluded that a temporary decrease in CGR, results from a change in the crack
growth mechanism associated with the interrelationship between RPZ size and
grain sizes.

Figure 8:

Growth data of small cracks: dl/dN vs. anl relation (n = 4.4).

It has been shown that the growth rate of small cracks cannot be treated by
stress intensity factor range K. In such a case, the CGR of small crack is
determined uniquely by a term anl, which is derived from an assumption that the
CGR is proportional to RPZ size [11]. Fig. 8 shows the growth data of a
mechanically small crack; dl/dN vs. anl relation. The value of n is material
constant and was 4.4. All growth data plotted based on anl are on a straight line.
The CGR of small cracks growing by striation formation mechanism is estimated
by the term anl.

4 Conclusions
The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows:
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(1) The surface damage of UFG coppers was gradually formed with cycling, but
significant extension of damaged areas was occurred in the latter half of
fatigue life. Correspondingly, surface hardness exhibited an initial mild
dropping term and subsequent severe drop in the latter half of fatigue life.
The initial hardness drop strongly depends on the absorption of mobile
dislocations at non-equilibrium GBs. The subsequent severe drop may be
attributed to the grain coarsening.
(2) The CGR temporarily dropped at around dl/dN = 3 x 10-7 mm/c, and then
was gradually recovered with subsequent cycling.
(3) The fracture surface showed a planar, granular and striated surface as the
crack continued to grow. The ratio of the RPZ size at the crack tip to the
grain size, rrp/d, was calculated for crack lengths where a planar, granular
and striated surface was observed. The values of rrp/d for crack lengths of
the planer, granular and striated fracture surfaces corresponded to a range of
rrp/d < 1, rrp/d between 1 and 2, and rrp/d >3, respectively.
(4) To understand the change in fracture surface morphologies, a quantitative
model describing the crack growth mechanism was developed based on the
RPZ size and microstructural factors. The changes in the CGR and
morphological features of the fracture surface were successfully explained
by this model.
(5) The CGR of a mechanically small surface crack could not be estimated by
the stress intensity factor range, but it was uniquely determined by a term,
anl, which is derived from an assumption that CGR is proportional to RPZ
size. The n is material constant and was 4.4.

This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid (20560080) for Scientific Research
(C) from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan, and a grant
from the Fundamental R&D Program for Core Technology of Materials funded
by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Republic of Korea.

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Structural characterization of
electro-thermally driven micro-actuators
with immeasurable temperature-dependent
material characteristics
W. Szyszkowski & D. Hill
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan,

Multi-cell cascaded Electro-Thermal Micro-Actuators (ETMA) made of nickel
alloys are analyzed by the finite element (FE) method. The computer simulation
runs over the electrical, thermal, and mechanical phases of the ETMA
operations. The main challenges of modeling are discussed. Some of the
materials parameters such as the electrical resistivity, thermal expansion
coefficient and emission are strongly temperature dependent. Furthermore, any
measurements of such dependences are complicated by a magnetic phase
transition occurring in nickel within the operating range of temperature. All the
properties are sensitive to a particular composition of the material. The surface
convection is additionally shape-dependent and, mainly due to small dimensions
of the actuators, cannot be determined experimentally with sufficient accuracy.
For the above reasons the use of the material data estimated from the available
literature usually does not render reliable simulations.
In the approach proposed the material characteristics of the ETMA considered
are determined by utilizing the fact that for a given applied voltage the total
current and displacement in the real actuators (performance parameters) are
measured with a relatively high precision. Similar performance parameters, i.e.
the total current and displacement can be obtained as output from the FE
simulation in which some important material properties of the actuators model
are assumed in a parametric form (materials parameters). The FE simulation
procedure is integrated with these real measurements in such a way that the

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material parameters are iteratively adjusted to match the simulated and
experimental performance parameters for the sampled actuators.
Keywords: micro-actuators, finite elements, electro-thermal-mechanical fields,
uncertain material characteristics.

1 Introduction
Electro-thermal micro-actuators (ETMA) are constructed as monolithic
compliant mechanisms. They have the displacement/force outputs typically
higher than other micro-actuators, and should be easier to control [1, 2].
However, mainly due to relatively high temperatures of the operating regimes [3,
4], any analytical predictions and numerical simulations are rather challenging.
Several parameters to characterize three different physical environments
involved, i.e. electrical, thermal, and mechanical, may vary quite substantially
over the temperature ranges the actuators usually experience.
While the finite element (FE) technique is capable of handling complicated
geometrical shapes, obtaining data and modeling these material parameters for a
particular ETMA remains difficult and seems to be the main source of the
discrepancies between the computed and measured results. Some of the
parameters are also scale dependent and almost impossible to measure for such
small devices, or may be affected by the changes in the materials microstructure
triggered at some transition temperatures difficult to detect with a sufficient
precision. Consequently, analytical predictions of the structural characteristics of
such devices have not been particularly accurate so far, and thats why any new
designs still have to rely heavily on costly, time consuming, and numerous
experimental testing.
Most of the FE analysis of ETMA reported in the literature adopted the
material parameters as temperature-independent constants at best averaged over
the expected operating temperature range [5, 6], while in fact their values may
vary several times over that range.
The above issues are discussed here on the example of cascaded ETMA made
of nickel alloy and manufactured by using laser micro-fabrication technology
[7]. All the main material parameters are assumed temperature-dependant. The
materials description is assessed by comparing the ETMAs measured and the
FE simulated performance parameters. In order to improve accuracy the FE
simulation is combined with experimental testing to modify the values of some
uncertain material parameters. The procedure is iterative in which the changes in
temperature distribution, indicating the coupling between the electrical and
thermal fields, and the ETMA performance, which is sensitive to the current
values of the material parameters, are monitored. It is demonstrated that only the
measurements pertaining to the electrical and mechanical fields are needed,
while rather cumbersome, unreliable, or just impossible measurements of the
heat transfer and temperatures can be avoided.

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2 The ETMA and the governing equations

The multi-cascaded ETMA of the overall dimensions shown in Figure 1a was
manufactured from a 25m thick nickel alloy foil by a laser-material removal
process [7]. An application of two actuators to drive micro-tweezers is sketched
in Figure 1b. Each actuation unit, which has a fixed electrical anchor to apply
power to, consists of several actuation cells connected serially. The cell is
composed of two actuation beams to be referred to as hot arms, and one
constraining beam to be referred to as a constrainer. Electro-thermal microactuators utilize the effects of thermal expansion of metals upon heating due to
electrical current when voltage V a is applied. The thermal expansion is to be
converted into either the vertical displacement u of the motion platform, or the
force F, or both. For best effects, the temperature field should be such that hot
members expand as freely as possible, while the thermal expansion in
constrainers is reduced as much as possible. These requirements are not easy to
meet, because both the thermal and structural effects in hot arms and constrainers
are coupled.

motion platform


hot arm


a) A single actuator
Figure 1:

b) Micro-tweezers
Multi-cell cascaded ETMA.

The distributions of voltage V, current density i, and power Q in the actuator are
governed by the equations:
( 1 V ) 0
i V



where (T ) is a temperature dependent resistivity of the material.

Power Q is converted into Joules heat generated per unit of the volume. The
temperature raise, T, is governed by the equations representing the heat transfer
via conduction in the body and through convection/radiation on the surface in the
( K T ) Q 0
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KT h(T T0 ) eB(T 4 T04 ) 0
where K(T), h(T), and e(T) are the temperature-dependant conduction,
convection, and emissivity coefficients respectively.
Finally, the stress/strain/displacement (denoted by , , and u respectively)
field is governed by equilibrium, constitutive law, and kinematics equations in
the form:
ij , j fi 0

ij Dijkl ( kl T kl )


ij (ui , j u j ,i )

where Dijkl is defined in terms of the temperature-dependent elasticity modulus

E(T) and Poissons ratio v(T), while (T ) is the thermal expansion coefficient.
As can be seen from equations (1) and (2), the temperature T and the voltage V
distributions are both affected by the power Q effectively coupling the electrical
and thermal fields. To analyze these two phases the following material
parameters are required (T ), K(T), h(T), and e(T). Once the temperature is
determined the corresponding stress/deformations can be obtained. In this final
phase only E(T) and v(T) have to be known.
The temperature in the actuator considered varies from point to point within
the range of about 20-600C. As discussed in the next section, some of the above
parameters may vary quite substantially over that range. Also, the convection
coefficient, which varies the most, is generally almost impossible to obtain from
experimental measurements.

3 Effects of temperature on the material characteristics

Although nickels alloys are popular materials used in microelectronics, no data
were available for the alloys matching exactly the material used in this particular
ETMA (90% Nickel, 6% Copper, and 4% trace materials). However, the
published data [811] for similar compositions have generally indicated the
- The resistivity and the convection coefficients are affected by temperature
much more than the other parameters.
- In particular the temperature dependence of the resistivity is highly sensitive to
material composition.
- Within the temperature range of the ETMA operations a magnetic phase change
may occur in the material, which will affect its properties.
Another important factor is that the convection coefficient is also strongly
shape-dependent, which means, for example, that it should be measured on
micro-samples of the geometry similar to the geometry of the hot arm
( 0.010 0.025 mm rectangle), the task that practically appears to be almost
A macro-sample of dimensions 22 6 0.025 mm kept at a uniform
temperature was used to determine the resistivity and emissivity. The
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temperature was measured with the help of a hot plate and thermal glasses. It
was found that the resistivity varies quadratically with temperature up to about
306C, above this temperature the variation is linear. It was concluded that this is
due to the phase change that takes place at Tp 306 C. The following
relationship was used in the FE simulation (SI units are used):
6.77 10 5 (1 0.00476T (1 0.00303T )) if T 306

(T )
if T 306
16.4 10 5 (1 0.001872T )

In should be noticed that the magnitude of (T) changes by some 420% over
the range of 20600C.
The emissivity was found to vary pretty much linearly with temperature. The
variation was approximated by:
e(T ) 0.1 (1 0.0008T )
Note that the magnitude of this parameter varies only about 50% over the
same range of temperature.
According to [10], variation of the thermal conduction coefficient should be
less significant over that temperature range. Typically its value first slightly
drops with temperature, and then starts to increasing, the change most probably
associated with the magnetic phase change already mentioned.
92.4 0.093T

K (T )
56.3 0.025T


T 306


T 306


It should be noted that this coefficient varies about 30% over the whole
temperature range.
The relations h(T) is more difficult to establish. This is because generally the
convection coefficient dependents on the geometry of heat transferring body. On
the other hand, any direct temperature or heat flux measurements on a microsample with the dimensions comparable to the hot arms dimensions are very
challenging (too small for thermal glasses, for example). Nevertheless the
macro-sample mentioned above was used to determine this coefficient as well.
The results are denoted by the curve ht(T) shown in Figure 2. This curve is
generally in a range for a flat surface undergoing free convection [12]. Note that
for this test the value of the convection coefficient changed about 8 times over
the temperature range from 20C to 600C.
What was the most important, however, was that ht(T) used in the FE
simulation were giving consistently much higher then expected temperature of
the hot arms (around 2400C), which in turn indicated that the convection
coefficient for small dimensions members of the actuator should be much higher
than those obtained for a relatively flat surface of the macro-sample. However, it
was noticed that the convection coefficient data for small diameter wires
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published in [12] are generally of similar character, but numerical values were
higher. For example, for the wire of 100m this coefficient, denoted by hw(T) in
Figure 2, is about 5 times higher than ht(T). Also, one should realize that the
convection coefficient values shown in Figure 2 vary about 10 times over the
temperature range of 20-600C.


h (W/m K)




hht t









Temperature (C)

Figure 2:

The convection coefficient.

When the curve hw(T) was used in the ETMAs simulation, the resulting
temperature was in turn lower than expected. It indicated, when combined with
the numerical test performed on ht(T), that for the members of the actuator the
convection coefficient h(T) should be limited by ht h hw . Therefore this
coefficient is assumed in the form:
h(T ) hw (1 )ht ,
where the value of parameter is to be determined by comparing the simulation
and experimental results.
The mechanical properties such as Youngs modulus, E, and Poissons ratio v,
as well as the thermal expansion coefficient are less affected by the
temperature and the alloy composition.
The variation of E with temperature up to 600C were adopted from [8] in the
E (T ) 206.4 109 (1 0.000286T )
The Poissons ratio v, according to [11], can be considered approximately
constant and equal to 0.31.
Reference [8] also suggested the linear variation of with temperature as:
(T ) 13 106 (1 0.000343T )
However, the detailed data reported in [13,14] for a similar Nickel alloy
shown that increased with temperature up to the magnetic phase transition,
then dropped down, and started increasing again for temperatures above
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approximately 450C. The data as well as the linear formula (11) are plotted in
Figure 3. In the FE simulation the (T ) relation is approximated by piecewise
linear functions also indicated in Figure 3, with the parameters
0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , T1 , T2 , and T3 . The values of these parameters indicated in this
figure were determined by matching the simulation and experimental
displacement results as closely as possible, as explained in the next section.





From [8]

From [22]

from [13]













Temperature (C)

Figure 3:

The thermal expansion coefficient.

Note that for the temperature range considered the values of E(T) or (T )
parameters change only about 20%. Therefore any inaccuracies in these
properties should have much less effects on the response of the simulated
actuator than the inaccuracies in the convection or resistivity coefficients.

4 The FE modeling and simulation procedure

The finite element simulation of the cascaded actuation unit would have to depict
accurately the response of the system across three main physics environments;
electrical, thermal and mechanical. The flow chart in Figure 4 outlines the main
blocks of the analysis. The complete simulation procedure was setup in the
ANSYS FE program, which allows running the three blocks with a relatively
smooth flow of data between them. It has been found that 2-D elements provide
almost identical accuracy at significantly less calculations (in this case over 20
times faster than the model with 3-D elements). A heat transfer in the direction
perpendicular to the actuators plane is included in the ANSYS 2-D elements
SHELL157, which were used within the electrical and thermal blocks. Next, the
element SHELL63 was used within the mechanical block. In the areas where
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large amounts of Joule heat is produced elements are smaller and placed more
densely (Figure 7). A particular meshing of the FE model was considered
accurate (the model accuracy) when it was found insensitive to increased number
of elements.
All the three environments include temperature dependent material properties,
and therefore are coupled. However, as mentioned before, the iteration loops
running only the electrical and thermal block are required to obtain the
temperature solution.
T (x )

Electrical phase:
Need: (T) to calculate:
i(x, T), V(x, T), Q(x, T)


Thermal phase:
Need: Q and h(T), e(T), K(T)
to calculate: T (x)

T ( x ) T ( x )

|| T ( x ) T ( x ) ||


Mechanical phase:
Need: T(x) and E(T), (T), (T)
to calculate: u(x), (x)

ua, F
Figure 4:

Flow chart of the FE analysis.

To start the simulation, an external voltage Va is applied across a cascaded

actuation unit. Resistivity ( x, T ( x)) at each point x of the actuator is calculated
using an initially assumed (or calculated in the previous loop) temperature
distribution T (x) . The electrical procedures are then used to obtain current

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density i ( x, T ) , voltage V ( x, T ) and the Joule heat energy Q( x, T ) distributions.

The latter is sent to the block solving the heat transfer problem, in which a best
guess of the value for in Eqn. (7) is used. In this block the thermal properties
such as convection h(T(x)), emissivity e(T(x)), conduction K(T(x)) are evaluated
at the current temperature distribution T (x) .
With this information a new temperature distribution T ( x) is calculated. If this
new temperature is not within some preset convergence limits , then T ( x) is
substituted for T(x) and the electrical and thermal analyses are repeated.
Actually, it was solved by the standard Newton-Raphson in which the
convergence was set in such a way that i ( x, T ) / i ( x, T ) 1 0.001 for the
electrical block and q ( x, T ) / q( x, T ) 1 0.001 for the thermal block (where q
is the heat flux). Once a convergent temperature distribution is determined, the
total current for the actuator i a is calculated and the temperature field is sent to
the mechanical block. This temperature is used to assign the values of such
material constants as the elastic modulus E(T(x)), the thermal expansion
coefficient (T ( x)) to calculate the stress and displacement fields, which
ua .


Simulated, 0.83


is (mA)



i a (mA) 80





Vsa (V)
(V )

Figure 5:

The current match.

Note that the magnitude of this displacement depends on the values assigned to
parameters 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , T1 , T2 , and T3 discuss before. If the platform motion
is constrained then force F generated by the actuation unit to constrain it is
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The real actuators are usually tested for the i aexp (V a ) and uaexp (ia ) relationships
(see Figures 5 and 6).
In order to achieve as close an agreement as possible with these experimental
result the parameters , i , and Ti characterizing the material properties in the
simulation presented in Figure 4 should be properly adjusted. Note that the
difference ia iaexp depends only on the value of parameter . The best match
for the voltage from 0.25V to 3.0V was obtained for =0.83 and is shown in
Figure 5. Also included, for comparison, are the results when using ht (T ) or
hw (T ) . In turn, to minimize the difference ua uaexp the values of parameters

i and Ti indicated in Figure 3 were modified. The best match is shown as a

solid line in Figure 6.

ua (um)



u a ( m15.0










isi a(mA)

Figure 6:

The displacement match.

The displacement obtained by the applying the linear relation (9) for the
thermal expansion coefficient is also shown, for comparison.

5 Other results of the simulation

The voltage distribution for V a 0.63 V is depicted in Figure 7a. The average
voltage drop over an actuation cell is 0.09V. However, in the bottom cells a
voltage drop is ~0.067V, while in the top cells a drop is ~0.093V. This unequal
voltage distribution can be attributed to different temperatures of these cells (this
is shown in Figure 7b). Bottom cells are cooler then the top cells due to

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conduction of heat into the anchor. Since resistivity is lower in colder cells and
the same current passes through each cell, the voltage drop is not uniform.
The corresponding temperature distribution is presented in Figure 7b. It
should be noted that roughly half of the actuators material undergone the
transition phase occurring at Ta 306 C.

0.63 V

a) The voltage distribution

Figure 7:

b) The temperature distribution

The FE results.

On average the constrainers are cooler by about 35C than the hot arms.
Closer analysis reveals that this difference is responsible for about 90% of the
displacement generated by the unit at the motion platform

6 Conclusions
Detailed knowledge of the temperature dependency of several electro-thermalmechanical material properties is necessary to accurately simulate the ETMA by
the FE method. A great deal of caution should be exercised when selecting data
from the literature, because some of these properties are very sensitive to a
particular composition of the material. Also, some changes in the material
internal structure may have significant effect on these properties. For example,
the resistivity of the nickel alloys used in the ETMA presented varies
quadratically below the temperature of the magnetic phase change, but linearly
above it. Similarly, the conduction drops with temperature below the transition
point, and increases above it.
The simulation results appear to be mostly affected by the uncertainty in the
convection coefficient, the values of which may vary several times over the
temperature range involved. This coefficient happens to be also scale dependant
and impossible to measure accurately for the members of the actuator due to its
small dimensions.
The uncertain material characteristics can be tuned up by combining the
FE simulation with the experimental measurements of the ETMA performance.
It should be noticed that the electrical and thermal characteristics should be
adjusted simultaneously due to coupling, while the mechanical properties could
be modified independently.
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The FE simulation procedure is iterative, runs across the three physics
phenomena, and is computationally extensive. However, proper choices of
elements, meshing patterns, and iterative schemes may substantially reduce the
calculations and alleviate the convergence problems.

[1] T. Moulton, G.K. Ananthasuresh. Micromechanical devices with embedded
electro-thermal-compliant actuation. Sensors and Actuators A, 90, 2001,
p 38-48.
[2] D. Hill, W. Szyszkowski, and E. Bordachev, On Modeling and Computer
Simulation of an Electro-thermally Driven Cascaded Nickel Microactuator, Sensors and Actuators A, 126, 2006, pp. 253-263.
[3] C.P. Hsu, W.C. Tai, W. Hsu. Design and Analysis of an Electro-Thermally
Driven Long-Stretch Micro Drive with Cascaded Structure. Proceedings of
IMECE2002, 2002.
[4] H. Du, C. Su, M. K. Lim, W. L. Jin. A micro-machined thermally-driven
gripper: a numerical and experimental study. Smart Mater. Struct, 8, 1999,
p. 616-622.
[5] P. Lerch, C.K. Slimane, B. Romanowicz, P. Renaud. Modelization and
characterization of asymmetrical thermal micro-actuators. J. Micromech.
Microeng. 6, 1996, p 134-137.
[6] N. Mankame, G.K. Ananthasuresh. Comprehensive thermal modeling and
characterization of an electro-thermal-compliant microactuator. J.
Micromech. Microeng. 11, 2001, p 452-462.
[7] E.V. Bordatchev, S.K. Nikumb, and W. Hsu, Laser micromachining of the
miniature functional mechanisms, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5578 (SPIE,
Bellingham, WA, 2004), paper # 5578D-77, pp. 579-588.
[8] King, J., Materials Handbook for Hybrid MicroElectronics. Artech House,
Boston, 1988.
[9] Everhart, J., Engineering Properties of Nickel and Nickel Alloys. Plenum
Press, New York, 1971.
[10] Temperature Dependent Elastic & Thermal Properties Database, MPDB
(JAHM) Software, Inc., USA, 1999.
[11] Yao, Y D, Tsai, J H. Magnetic Phase Transition in Nickel-Rich NickelCopper Alloys, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 16, No 4. p. 189 195,
[12] Incropera F.P. and Dewitt D.P. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer,
Fifth Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2002.
[13] T A Faisst. Determination of the critical exponent of the linear thermal
expansion coefficient of nickel by neutron diffraction. J. Phys.: Condens.
Matter 1, 1989, p 5805-5810.
[14] T G Kollie. Measurement of the thermal-expansion coefficient of nickel
from 300 to 1000 K and determination of the power-law constants near the
curie temperature. Physical Review B, V16, N11, 1977, p 4872-4882.

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Impact loading of inelastic elliptical plates

J. Lellep & A. Mrk
Institute of Mathematics, University of Tartu, Estonia

Inelastic response of elliptical plates to impact and initial impulsive loading is
studied. For determination of the deflected shape of plates the concept of mode
form motions amalgamated with the conical velocity field in used. Theoretical
predictions of residual deflections are developed for plates of piece wise constant
thickness. The cases of circular and annular plates subjected to initial impulsive
loading are studied as particular cases of an elliptical plate.
Keywords: impulsive loading, plasticity, plate, elliptical plate, mises condition.

1 Introduction
Thin plates and shells are important elements of structures. In accidental
situations the plates can be subjected to impact and shock loadings. This involves
the need for methods of evaluation of maximal residual deflections caused by
initial impact and impulsive loading.
Exact and approximate theoretical predictions and experimental results
regarding to the behaviour of inelastic structures have been presented by several
authors. Reviews of these studies can be found in the books by Jones [2],
Kaliszky [5], Stronge and Yu [17], also in papers by Kaliszky [4], Jones [3],
Kaliszky and Logo [6], Nurick and Martin [12], Yu and Chen [21]. Shen and
Jones [15], also Wen et al. [20] studied the dynamic plastic response of fully
clamped circular plates in the cases of rate sensitive and rate insensitive
materials. Liu and Stronge [11] considered simply supported circular plates
subjected to dynamic pressure at the central part of the plate. Wang et al. [19]
used the concept of the unified strength theory in the dynamic plastic analysis.
Lellep and Hein [7], Lellep and Mrk [8, 9] studied stepped plates and shallow
shells. In papers [10, 9] the concept of plates with stable cracks located of the reentrant corners of steps was used for determination of optimal parameters of the
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Approximate methods of determination of residual displacement fields have
been suggested by Jones [2], Symonds [18], Kaliszky [4] and others. Theoretical
predictions obtained for axisymmetric and rectangular plates are in good
agreement with experimental data [2]. It is somewhat surprising that only a little
attention is paid to non-axisymmetric problems, excluding the case of
rectangular plates.
In the present paper an attempt is made to evaluate residual deflections of
stepped elliptical plates subjected to impulsive and impact loading.

2 Formulation of the problem and governing equations

Consider a thin walled plate of variable thickness h hr , . Here r , stand
for polar coordinates, which are related to Cartesians as
x r cos , y r sin .


Let the boundary of the midplane of the plate be an ellipse (fig. 1)

x2 y2

a2 b2


where a and b are given constants.

Substituting eqn. (1) to eqn. (2) one obtains the equation of the plate
boundary as r r where

a sin b 2 cos2




Figure 1:

An elliptical plate.

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The plates under consideration have piece wise constant thickness or the
thickness can be approximated with a stepped distribution, e.g. h h j for

r r j , r j 1


j 0,..., n and h j const . The curves r r j are

assumed to be given closed smooth curves.

We assume that the plate under subjected to initial impulsive loading and that
the initial kinetic energy K 0 of the plate is given. The subsequent motion is due
to inertia only so that initial kinetic energy will finally be absorbed in the plastic
work. As regards the distribution of the initial velocity we assume that it is
unidentified. However, it is expected that it can be approximated with a conical
distribution which has its apex at a given point. The vertical projection of the
apex on the middle plane of the plate is taken the origin of polar coordinates r
and .
Material of the plate is assumed to be an ideal rigid-plastic one obeying von
Mises yield condition.
The aim of the paper is to develop approximate theoretical predictions of
residual deflections for plates of elliptical shape subjected to impact loading. For
evaluation of residual deflections the method of mode form motions will be
Von Mises yield condition can be presented in the form 0 where (see
Chakrabarty [1])
M12 M1M 2 M 22 3M12
M 02 .


In eqn. (4) M1. M2 are the bending moments with respect to axes Ox and Oy,
respectively, M12 is the shear moment on the xy-plane whereas M0 stands for the
yield moment. In the case of a solid plate M 0 0h 4 / 4 ; h being the thickness of
the plate and 0 the yield stress of the material.
According to the associated flow law one has

1 (2M 1 M 2 ),
2 (2M 2 M 1 ),


12 6 M 12 ,
where is a non-negative scalar multiplier and

, 2 2 , 12 2


Making use of eqns. (6) one can present the power of the plastic dissipation
per unit area of the middle surface as

di M 11 M 2 2 M 1212
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The total internal energy rate is
D i

d dS ,

where S stands for the area of the ellipse.

For determination of residual deflections an approximate method suggested
by Jones [2, 3] will be used. According to this method the rate of the work done
by inertial forces is equalized to the internal energy dissipated in continuous
deformation fields and on discontinuous hinge lines. This method is combined
with the concept of mode form motions. Thus the foregoing analysis is based on
the equality (Jones [2])

D i A e ,


where A e is the power of external forces. Note that the work done by inertial
forces is included in A .

3 Determination of residual deflections

Consider a stepped elliptical plate simply supported at the boundary. The
boundary may be defined with the equation
r r ,

where r is specified with eqn. (3). According to the latter we can write

W r , , t W0 t f r , ,


where W is the transverse deflection and W0 stands for the deflection rate at a
specific point. Here dots denote time derivatives. As the particular case of eqn.
(9) one can take
f r , 1


for plates simply supported at their boundaries at r r .

The internal energy dissipation corresponding to the velocity field (9), (10)
can be calculated as
D i

r j 1

j 0 rj

0 j ij rdr

i 0

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where the simplifications suggested in [2] are taken into account. In eqn. (11)
M 0 j stands for the yield moment for the plate with thickness h j and ij is the
slope discontinuity at the hinge line located at i
r r j , r j 1 . Evidently

in the region

r , i , t W r ,i , t .

However, in the case of a continuous field of straight yield lines, called yield
fan, it is judicious to calculate the internal energy dissipation according to eqn.
(7). Making use of eqns. (5)-(7) and eqn. (10) one obtains
2M 0 j W0

1 2 r r
3 rr
r r


for r (r j , r j 1 ) ; j 0,..., n .
In eqn. (12) and henceforth primes denote the differation with respect to the
polar angle . Note that that the relation (12) can be reached by different ways
(Skrszypek and Hetnarski [16]; Sawczuk and Sokol-Supel [14]; Ranitsyn [13]).
Since the middle plane of the elliptical plate covers the area
0 r r , 0 2 and dS rdrd it follows from eqn. (12) that
D i

n r j 1

j 0 r j

M0 j

1 2

Thus the internal energy dissipation can be presented as

n 2

D i
j 0


r j 1 r j


r 2


The external work rate done by inertial forces can be calculated as

A e

WWdS ,


where stands for the density of the material. Calculating accelerations from
eqns. (9)-(10) and substituting in eqn. (14) yields

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356 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Ae W
0 0

r j 1

h j 1 rdrd

0 j 0



are functions of t only. Implementing integration in

where W 0 and W
eqn. (15) gives
2 n

W B h h hn r* d
0 0
j j 1

0 j 1


1 r2 2 2 3 1 4
r j r r j r j
r*2 2



for j 0,.., n .
Making use of eqns. (13)-(17) one can determine



M r


j 0

j 1 r j

13 r2 2r2 rr d

2 n

B j h j 1 h j n r2 d

0 j 1


In the particular case of the plate of constant thickness h h0 one has


2r 2 r
M 0 1 2 * d



h0 r2 d

where M 0 is the yield moment for the plate with thickness h0 .

Making use of eqn. (3) one can easily calculate derivatives

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV



ab(a 2 b 2 ) cos sin

a 2 (b 2 a 2 ) cos 2 3 / 2
ab(b 2 a 2 ) cos sin


a 2 (b 2 a 2 ) cos 2 5 / 2
sin 2 ) a 2 (b 2 a 2 ) cos 2 3 cos 2 c sin 2


and integrals

2r2 r*
d 4



r d 2ab

Substituting eqn. (21) in eqn. (19) leads to the simple expression

24 M 0


Evidently, if a=b=R then eqn. (22) presents the acceleration for a circular
plate of radius R.
const . Integrating twice
It can be easily seen from eqns. (18), (19) that W
with respect to time under initial conditions

W0 0 V0 , W0 0 V0


t V ,
W0 W


W0 W0t 2 V0t .


one obtains


The motion of the plate stops at t t1 when W0 t1 0 . From eqns. (24) and
(25) one easily obtains that
t1 0 , W f 0 .

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The initial kinetic energy corresponding to the velocity field (9), (10) can be
evaluated as
2 r*

hr , V02 1 rdrd .

0 0
where h h j for r r j , r j 1 ; j 0,.., n and W0 0 V0 . From eqn. (27) one

can define

2 n

B j h j 1 h j n r2 d

0 j 1


Making use of eqns. (26)-(28) one obtains the maximal residual deflection




j 0


r r j r2 2r2 rr d
3 j 1

4 Discussion
The accuracy of the approximate approach suggested in the present paper is
evaluated in the particular case of a circular plate in fig. 2. Note that the present
method is accommodated for the case of a Tresca material. In fig. 2 maximal
permanent deflections of a circular plate simply supported at the edge versus the
impulse are presented. The highest curve 1 in fig. 2 corresponds to the exact
solution for a circular plate made of a Tresca material and subjected to impulsive
loading [2], whereas the curve labeled with triangles is obtained in the present
study. Intermediate curves in fig. 2 are obtained for different values of the
parameter in the case of a rectangular pressure pulse. In this case following
notation is used



V0 R 2
M 0h

Here p0 is the load intensity, pc stands for the static load carrying capacity and
is the time instant when the loading is removed.

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Figure 2:


Maximal permanent deflections of a circular plate.

It can be seen from fig. 2 that in the case of a circular plate the method used in
the present study in the case of impulsive loading leads to the results which are
comparable to those corresponding to a rectangular impulse of medium value.
Maximal residual deflections versus 1 are presented in fig. 3. It is assumed
herein that the step is located at the ellipse with the semiaxes a1 1a and
b1 1b , e.g. r1 1r . Here and henceforth

W0 (t1 ) 0 .

Different curves in figs. 3, 4 correspond to different values of h1 / h0 . To

lowest curve (straight line) in fig. 3 corresponds to elliptical plates of constant
thickness. It can be seen from fig. 3 that the maximal permanent deflections
monotonically decrease when the step radius r1 (or the semiaxis a1 ) increases.
In fig. 4 similar results are presented for elliptical plates with cutouts. The
lines of cutouts are assumed to be ellipses with semiaxis a0 0 a and
b0 0b , provided a, b are the parameters of external boundary of the plate and
0 0.2 . In the case of plates with cutouts W1 presents the residual deflection
at the internal boundary of the plate.

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Figure 3:

Maximal permanent deflections of an elliptical plate.

Figure 4:

Maximal deflections of a plate with cutout.

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5 Concluding remarks
Dynamic plastic response of elliptical plates to impulsive and impact loading
was considered. An approximate method for evaluation of residual deflections of
plates with elliptical boundaries has been developed. The method can be easily
extended for stepped plates of arbitrary shape with arbitrary number of steps.
Calculations carried out in the case of elliptical plates showed that maximal
residual deflections can be remarkably shortened under given weight when redistributing the material in the plate.

The support of the Estonian Science Foundation (grant ETF7461) is

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[3] Jones, N., Recent progress in dynamic plastic behaviour of structures. The
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subjected to initial impulsive loading. Engineering Optimization, 34, pp.
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Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 35(1), pp. 1-10, 2008.
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pp. 283-299, 1996.

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[12] Nurick, G.N. & Martin, J.B., Deformation of thin plates subjected to
impulsive loading- a review. International Journal of Impact Engineering,
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[13] Ranitsyn A.R., Limit Analysis of Plates and Shells, Nauka: Moscow, (in
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[14] Sawczuk, A. & Sokol-Supel, J., Limit Analysis of Plates, PWN: Warszawa,
[15] Shen, W.Q. & Jones, N., Dynamic response and failure of fully clamped
circular plates under impulsive loading. International Journal of Impact
Engineering, 13, pp. 259-278, 1993.
[16] Skrszypek, J.J. & Hetnarski, R.B., Plasticity and Creep. Theory, Examples
and Problems, CRC Press: Boca Raton, 1993.
[17] Stronge, W. & Yu, T.X., Dynamic Models for Structural Plasticity,
Springer: New York, 1993.
[18] Symonds, PS., Elastic, finite deflection and rate effects in a mode
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Journal of Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 22, pp. 189-197, 1980.
[19] Wang, Y., Yu, M., Xiao, Y & Li, L., Dynamic plastic response of a circular
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[20] Wen, HM, Yu, TX and Reddy, TY. A note on circular clamped plates under
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dynamic loading: a review. Metals and Materials, 4, pp. 219-226, 1998.

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A fast incremental-iterative procedure for

ultimate strength analysis of composite
cross-sections of arbitrary shape
C. G. Chiorean
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Civil Engineering,

A new computer method for bi-axial ultimate strength analysis of composite
steel-concrete cross-sections of arbitrary shape subjected to axial force and
biaxial bending moments is developed. An incremental-iterative procedure based
on arc-length approach is proposed in order to determine, in a unitary
formulation, both interaction diagrams and moment capacity contours,
overcoming the difficulties and inaccuracies of the previously published
methods. This procedure adopts a tangent stiffness strategy for the solution of the
non-linear equilibrium equations thus resulting in a high rate and unconditionally
convergence. An object oriented computer program, to obtain the ultimate
strength of composite cross-sections under combined biaxial bending and axial
load was developed. Examples run and comparisons made have proved the
effectiveness and time saving of the proposed method of analysis.
Keywords: composite cross-sections, ultimate strength, arc-length method,
bi-axial bending.

1 Introduction
In recent years, some methods have been presented for the ultimate strength
analysis of various concrete and composite steel-concrete sections such as
rectangular, L and T -shape, polygonal and circular under biaxial moments and
axial loads [15]. Among several existing techniques, two are the most common;
the first consists of a direct generation of points of the failure surface by varying
the position and inclination of the neutral axis and imposing a strain distribution
corresponding to a failure condition. This technique generates the failure surface
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through 3D curves (Fig. 1) that are difficult to plot, having limited applicability
in the practical applications. The second approach is based upon the solution of
the non-linear equilibrium equations according to the classical Newtons scheme
to obtain either the strain equilibrium plane or the location and inclination of the
neutral axis. In general, these methods generates plane interaction curves and
gives fast solutions but are sensitive to the origin of the loading axes and some
problems in convergence may arise, particularly when the initial or starting
values of variables are not selected properly and under large axial forces [2].
These methods can be further distinguished by how they plot the interaction
curves. These curves may be computed, indirectly, by explicit computation of
the moment-curvature response and the failure of the cross-section corresponds
to the top of the moment-curvature diagram when any of the materials reaches its
predefined maximum allowable strain [3, 5]. This method can be used under any
loading mode, but is rather time-consuming and the basic equations of
equilibrium are not always satisfied [3]. On the other hand, to determine directly
the interaction diagrams or load contours, the exact location of the neutral axis
may be determined by solving three coupled nonlinear system of equations by an
iterative approach [1, 2, 4].

Failure su rface

Triplets of stress resultant

along a straight line

Interact ion diagram for

contours (N=constant)
Interaction diagram for
=constant (3D curves )

Figure 1:

Failure surface and interaction diagrams.

These algorithms are not straightforward to implement, starting or initial

values are not always simply to choose, and problems of convergence may arise
especially when strain softening of the concrete in compression is taken into
account, and they may become unstable near the state of the pure compression.
There exist three different methods to generate plane interaction curves for crosssections under biaxial bending: (1) interaction curves for a given bending
moment ratio [1], (2) load contours for a given axial load [2] and (3) generate
triplets of stress-resultants on the failure surface by extending an arbitrary
oriented straight line [4]. The plane interaction curves generated by these
methods are depicted in Fig. 1.
The main objective of the present paper is to present a new formulation by
which the biaxial interaction diagrams and moment capacity contours of an
arbitrary composite cross-section can be determined. Essentially, the inelastic
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cross-section analysis method employed herein uses the accuracy of the fibber
element analysis through the use of path integral approach for numerical
integration of the cross-sectional nonlinear characteristics, and addresses its
efficiency and modelling shortcomings both to failure surface generation
procedure, overcoming the difficulties and inaccuracies of the previously
proposed methods, and to postprocessing procedure of the axial force and
bending moments obtained at a cross-section level, in order to check directly that
they fulfil the ultimate limit state condition.

2 Mathematical formulation
2.1 Assumptions and problem definition
Consider the arbitrary cross-section shape subjected to the action of the external
bending moments about each global axes and axial force as shown in Figure 2. It
is assumed that plane section remains plane after deformation. This implies
perfect bonding between the steel and concrete components of a composite cross
section. Thus resultant strain distribution corresponding to the curvatures about
global axes ={x, y} and the axial compressive strain 0 can be expressed at a
generic point x, y in a linear form as:

0 x y y x


Neutral axis
Tension side


Compresion side

C (x c, yc)


Interior boundary

Exterior boundary


Figure 2:

2x 2y



Model of arbitrary composite cross-section.

The constitutive relations for concrete under compression are represented by a

combination of a second-degree parabola and a straight line as depicted in
Fig. 3(a). The parameter represents the degree of confinement in the concrete,
and allows for the modelling of creep and confinement in the concrete by simply
varying the crushing strain c0 and respectively. The tensile strength of concrete
is neglected. A multi-linear elasto-plastic stress-strain relationship, both in
tension and in compression, is assumed for the structural steel and the steel
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reinforcing bars (Fig. 3(b)). At ultimate strength capacity the equilibrium is
satisfied when the external forces are equal to the internal ones and in the most
compressed or tensioned point the ultimate strain is attained. These conditions
can be represented mathematically in terms of the following nonlinear system of
equations as:
Stress fc


f c f c'' 2
c0 c0

c 0
f c f c' ' 1

cu c 0

f'' c

f''c (1-)


Figure 3:



Stress-strain relationships: (a) for concrete in compression; (b) for


, , dA N 0; , , ydA M 0; , , xdA M 0
0 x y
0 x y
0 x y

y , x , 0
x c x y
y c x y

and in which N, Mx, My,

0 ,x , y

represent the unknown. In the Eqs. (2) the

first three relations represent the basic equations of equilibrium for the axial load
N and the biaxial bending moments Mx,, My respectively, given in terms of the
stress resultants. The last equation represents the ultimate strength capacity
condition; that is, in the most compressed or most tensioned point the ultimate
strain is attained, and in which xc x , y and yc x , y represent the coordinates

of the point in which this condition is imposed. The coordinates of the

constrained point can be always determined for each inclination of the neutral
axis defined by the parameters x and y, and u represents the ultimate strain
either in most compressed concrete point or in most tensioned reinforcement
steel fibre. Under the above assumptions, the problem of the ultimate strength
analysis of composite cross-sections can be formulated as: With strain
distribution corresponding to a failure condition, find the ultimate resistances N,
Mx, My so as to fulfil the basic equations of equilibrium and one of the following
linear constraints:

L1 N , M x , M y N N 0 0
L1 N , M x , M y M x M x 0 0
; (b )

L2 N , M x , M y M x M x 0 0

where N0,Mx0,My0 represents the given axial force and bending moments,
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(N 0, M y)

(N, Mx0, My0 )

(N 0, Mx0 )


(N0 , Mx0, M y)



(Mx0 , My0)

M x0



Figure 4:

General solution procedures. (a) Interaction diagrams for given

bending moments; (b) Moment-capacity contours for given axial
force and bending moment Mx.

The general solution procedure is organized around solving the nonlinear

system (2) for one of two linear constraints defined by the Eqs. (3a,b)
Corresponding to each linear constraints we can define a point on the failure
surface as: (I) when the constraints (a) are injected in the nonlinear system (2), a
point on the failure surface is defined computing the axial resistance N
associated to a failure criterion and for a fixed value of bending moments (Mx,
My); (II) when constraints (b) are used, the point is associated to a fixed axial
load (N) and a given bending moment Mx about x axis. All these situations are
graphically illustrated in Figure 4.
2.2 Method of solution
An incremental-iterative procedure based on arc-length constraint equation is
proposed in order to determine the biaxial strength of an arbitrary composite
steel-concrete cross section accordingly to the already described situations. The
failure diagrams corresponds either to maximum strains attained at the outer
compressed point of the concrete section (i.e. u equal to the compressive strain
at failure) or to maximum strains attained in most tensioned reinforcement steel
fibre (i.e. u equal to the tensile steel strain at failure). Consider an irregular
composite section as shown in Figure 2. The global x, y -axes of the cross section
could have their origin either in elastic or plastic centroid of the cross-section.
For each inclination of the neutral axis defined by the parameters x and y the
farthest point on the compression side (or the most tensioned steel bar position)
is determined (i.e. the point with co-ordinates xc, yc). We assume that at this point
the failure condition is met, and consequently the axial compressive strain 0 can
be expressed as:
0 u x y c y xc

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Thus, resultant strain distribution corresponding to the curvatures x and y
can be expressed in linear form as:

x , y u x y y c y x xc

In this way, substituting the strain distribution given by the Eq. (5) in the
basic equations of equilibrium, the unknown 0 together with the failure
constraint equation can be eliminated from the nonlinear system (2). Thus the
basic equations of equilibrium together with the linear constraints Eqs. (3(a))
(3(b)) forms a determined nonlinear system of equations (i.e. 5 equations and 5

x , y dA N 0

L1 N , M x , M y 0

x , y ydA M x 0
L2 N , M x , M y 0

x , y xdA M y 0


and the solutions can be obtained iteratively following an approach outlined in

the next sections.
2.2.1 Interaction diagrams for given bending moments
In this case introducing the constraints (3a) in the system (6) the problem of the
ultimate strength analysis of cross-section can be expressed mathematically as:

, dA N 0; , ydA M



, xdA M


0 (7)

in which axial load N and curvatures x and y represents the unknowns and
represents the load parameter defining the intensity of the bending moments. If
we regard the curvatures as independent variables in axial force equation, the
curvatures and the load amplifier factor are given by solving the following
nonlinear system of equations:

, ydA M 0
x y

x , y xdA M y 0 0


This can be rewritten in terms of non-linear system of equations in the

following general form:
F , f int f ext 0
To traverse a solution path a proper parametrization is needed. A common
setting of a continuation process is to augment the equilibrium equations (9) with
a constraint [6]. In this case the curvature-moment constraint can be defined by
equation g in the following form:
f int f ext 0
H ,
g , 0
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In this procedure, commonly called arc-length method, these equations are

solved in a series of steps or increments, usually starting from the unloaded state
( 0) , and the solution to (10) is referred to as equilibrium path. Instead of
solving Eqs. (10) directly, an indirect solution scheme for the constraint equation
may be introduced. According to the indirect arc-length technique [6], the
iterative changes of curvature vector for the new unknown load level
k 1 k , is written as:

K T 1F K T 1f ext F T
where F represents the out-of-balance force vector (Eq. 9) and KT represents the
tangent stiffness matrix of the cross-section:
M x int M x int

F x

M y int M y int

in which the partial derivatives are with respect to the strains and stresses
evaluated at current iteration k. Assuming the strain distribution given by the
Eq.(5), the coefficients of the stiffness matrix can be symbolically evaluated as:

M xint

x , y ydA



ydA ET y y yc dA

M xint

x , y ydA
ydA ET y x xc dA


k 21
k 22

M int
M int

xdA ET x y yc dA

, xdA

xdA ET xx xc dA

x , y xdA


where the coefficients kij are expressed in terms of the tangent modulus of
elasticity Et. Thus the incremental curvatures for the next iteration can be written
k 1 k
This procedure is iterated until convergence upon a suitable norm is attained.
Assuming that a point (, ) of the equilibrium path has been reached, the next
point (+, +) of the equilibrium path is then computed updating the loading
factor and curvatures as:

k 1

k 1


In this way with curvatures and loading factor known, the axial force
resistance N is computed based on the resultant strain distribution corresponding
to the curvatures x and y through Equation (7), and the ultimate bending
moments, Mx and My, are obtained scaling the reference external moments Mx0
and My0 through current loading factor given by Equation (15). Graphical
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representation of the present method according to Equation (10) is depicted in
Figure 5. It is important to note that, the stiffness matrix of cross-section KT
given by the Equations (13), could become negative definite or singular during
the iterative process therefore the above procedure based on arc-length constraint
equation is essential to overcome these difficulties.
Load path

Mx (or My )

det KT=0

det KT>0
det KT>0

det KT<0

Equilibrium path

det KT=0
(balance point)

Interaction curve

det KT<0

x (or y )

Figure 5:

Geometrical representation of the present method.

2.2.2 Moment capacity contour for given axial force N and bending
moment Mx
In this case, injecting the linear constraints (3b) in the nonlinear system (6), and
arranging the system accordingly with the decoupled unknowns, we obtain:

, dA N 0
x y

x , y xdA M y 0

x , y ydA M x 0 0 A


in which bending moment My and curvatures x and y represents the unknowns.

Following a similar approach as presented above, the curvatures are obtained
solving the first two equations and then with this strain distribution the bending
moment resistance about y axis is computed with the last equation of the system.
2.3 Evaluation of tangent stiffness and stress resultant
Based on Green's theorem, the integration of the stress resultant and stiffness
coefficients over the cross-section will be transformed into line integrals along
the perimeter of the cross-section. For this purpose, is necessary to transform the
variables first, so that the stress field is uniform in a particular direction, given
by the current position of the neutral axis [7]. This is achieved by rotating the
reference axes x, y to , oriented parallel to and perpendicular to the neutral
axis, respectively as shown in Fig. 2. Thus, the stress field is uniform in direction
parallel with the neutral axis and strains and the internal forces carried on by the
compressive concrete and structural steel can be obtained by the following
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

N int
M x ,int
M y ,int

x, y dxdy dd
x, y ydxdy sin cos dd M cos M sin
x, y xdxdy cos sin dd M sin M cos






where Nint, M,int and M,int are the internal axial force and bending moments
about the and axis respectively and can be computed based on the Greens
path integral approach. The tangent stiffness matrix coefficients are computed in
the same way. In order to perform the integral of a determined side of the
contour, polygonal or circular, of the integration area, the interpolatory GaussLobatto method is used. Though this rule has lower order of accuracy than
customary Gauss-Legendre rule, it has integration points at each ends of interval,
and hence performs better in detecting yielding. However, because the stress
filed is defined by a step function and there is no continuity in the derivative, the
polynomial interpolation can produce important integration errors. In this case,
an adaptive quadrature strategy can be applied. In this context of the adaptivity
quadratures, the Lobatto integration scheme has another advantage over the
Legendre integration scheme, observing that the point corresponding to the left
end in one interval is the same as the point corresponding to right end in the next.
Consequently, the cost of evaluating a Lobatto rule is reduced by about one
integrand evaluation comparing with Legendre rule. The steel bars are assumed
discrete points with area Asj, co-ordinates xsj, ysj and stress fsj.

3 Computational example
Based on the analysis algorithm just described, a computer program ASEP has
been developed to study the biaxial strength behaviour of arbitrary concrete-steel
cross sections. In order to demonstrate the validity, accuracy, unconditionally
convergence and time saving of the analytic procedure developed here, the
interaction diagrams and moment capacity contours of a rectangular crosssection with asymmetrically placed structural steel (Fig. 6(a)) are determined and
compared with the numerical procedure developed in [2].
Characteristic strength for concrete in compression is fc=31.79 Mpa and the
stress-strain curve which consists of a parabolic and linear- part was used in the
calculation, with the crushing strain 0=0.002 and ultimate strain cu=0.0035. The
Young modulus for all steel sections was 200GPa while the maximum strain was
su=1%. The yield strength of steel reinforcing bars is fy=420 MPa, whereas for
the structural steel the following values has been considered fy,flange =255 MPa
fy,web =239 MPa. In order to demonstrate the unconditionally convergence of the
algorithms developed in the current paper the cross-section has been analysed,
drawing the interaction diagrams and moment capacity contours for axial loads
near the axial load capacity, considering both geometric and plastic centroid of
the cross-section. Convergence problems have been experienced by the Chen
et al. [2] in this portion of the moment capacity contour when the geometrical
centroid of the cross-section has been taken as the reference loading axes.
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Figure 6(b) presents the moment capacity contours, obtained by the present
algorithm and those obtained by the Chen et al. [2] for axial load N=3000kN,
considering as reference loading axes, geometric (GC) and plastic centroid (PC)


Figure 6:


(a) Rectangular section with asymmetrically placed structural steel.

(b) Moment capacity contour with axial load N=3000kN.

No convergence problems have been experienced by the proposed approach,

even when the geometric centroid has been chosen as reference axes or the
strain-softening of the concrete in compression has been taken into account
(=0.15), and a maximum of just two iterations has been required during the
incremental-iterative process. As it can be seen the results obtained in the current
paper and those reported in [2] agree closely in both cases. The effect of the
strain-softening is not taken into account in the method proposed in [2]. However
it is important to note that, although claimed, the method proposed by Chen does
not generate genuinely plane moment-capacity curves. The method proposed in
[2] fails in some circumstances to draw the moment capacity contour, under a
fixed axial load, and in order to overcome some divergences, axial load value is
slightly adjusted. Figure 7(a) shows the complete interaction diagrams under
uniaxial bending moment about x axis with and without the effect of the strain
softening of the concrete. As it can be seen near the axial load capacity multiple
solutions exists in the N-M space when the strain softening is modelled. This can
be clearly observed on the moment-ultimate curvature diagrams (Fig. 7(b)),
when multiple snap-through phenomenons occur in these situations. When the
strain-softening is ignored (=0), the moment-ultimate curvature curve is flat in
that region (Fig.7.b) that explains the uniqueness of the solution in the N-M
space in this case (Fig.7(a)). Figure 8 shows the comparative interaction
diagrams for =15 and 30 respectively (My=tan()Mx). The bending moments
are computed about axes x-y, which pass through the geometric centroid of the

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Figure 7:


(a) Interaction diagrams under uniaxial bending moment about x

axis; (b) Bending moment-ultimate curvature variation.
Bending moment about Y-axis

Bending moment about X-axis

Figure 8:

Biaxial interaction diagrams.

4 Conclusions
A new computer method based on incremental-iterative arc-length technique has
been presented for the ultimate strength analysis of composite steel-concrete
cross-sections subjected to axial force and biaxial bending. Comparing the
algorithm presented in the current paper with the existing methods it can be
concluded that the proposed approach is general and complete, can determine
both interaction diagrams and moment capacity contours, and, of great
importance, it is fast, the diagrams are directly calculated by solving, at a step,
just two coupled nonlinear equations, and assures convergence for any load case,
even near the state of pure compression or tension and is not sensitive to the
initial/starting values, how the origin of the reference loading axes is chosen or
to the strain softening effect for the concrete in compression. Furthermore, the
proposed method as is formulated can be applied to provide directly the ultimate
resistances of the cross-section, supposing that one or two components of the
section forces are known, without the need of knowing in advance the whole
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interaction diagram or moment capacity contour. The method has been verified
by comparing the predicted results with the established results available from the
literature. It can be concluded that the proposed numerical method proves to be
reliable and accurate for practical applications in the design of composite steelconcrete beam-columns and can be implemented in the advanced analysis
techniques of 3D composite frame structures.

The writer gratefully acknowledges the support from Romanian Research
Foundation (CNCSIS- Grant PNII-IDEI No. 193/2008) for this study.

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Section 5
Composite materials

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Compression property of waste polyurethane

rubber/unsaturated polyester composite cubes
S. Enoki1, T. Tsujitan2 & J. Yamashita2

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Nara National College of Technology, Japan
Nara National College of Technology, Japan

This paper describes a method to recycle waste polyurethane rubbers. Waste
rubbers after manufacturing rubber products and most of the used rubber
products have affected bad effects on the environment. In the case of larger
rubber products, the waste rubbers and the used products have been recycled.
However the waste rubbers of smaller rubber products and the used products are
not recycled and are incinerated. An aseismatic mat is one of the smaller
products and it is made of polyurethane rubber. The mats are manufactured a lot
in Japan, so a lot of waste rubbers occur and are incinerated. In order to recycle
the waste polyurethane rubbers, we created a composite cube as a structural
material by using the waste rubbers. The composite cube had 15mm on a side.
Unsaturated polyester was used as a matrix, and then the waste polyurethane
rubbers were put in the unsaturated polyester. The waste polyurethane rubbers
were minced and the minced rubbers were made into a ball. Some composite
cubes on different quantities of the rubbers were prepared. Static compression
tests were carried out with the composite cubes and with a cube made of only
unsaturated polyester. Comparing with the load-displacement curves, it has been
shown that a maximum load of the 0.1g-rubber-containing composite cube is
larger than that of the rubber-free cube. However it has been shown that a
maximum load of the 0.5g-rubber-containing composite cube is not larger than
that of the rubber-free cube. So it is possible that polyurethane rubber reinforce
unsaturated polyester, if the rubber is minced and is made into a ball and is used
in the appropriate contained amount.
Keywords: waste rubber, recycle, composite, compression property.

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1 Introduction
Waste rubbers after manufacturing rubber products and most of the used rubber
products have affected bad effects on the environment. In the case of larger
rubber products which are usually manufactured in big companies, the waste
rubbers and the used rubber products have been recycled [1, 2]. For example,
waste tire rubbers are used for a pavement material. In the case of smaller rubber
products which are usually manufactured in small companies, the wastes and the
used smaller products are not recycled and are incinerated.
An aseismatic mat is one of the smaller products and it is made of
polyurethane rubber. The mat was developed for keeping up home electric
appliances and furniture in quake-prone Japan. A lot of aseismatic mats are
manufactured in Japan, so a lot of waste polyurethane rubbers occur and are
incinerated. It is difficult to recycle them, because the polyurethane rubber is
thermosetting and is not able to re-thermoform. Additionally, all of the waste
rubbers are too small and different in shape and in size to be recycled.
In order to recycle the waste polyurethane rubbers, we created a composite
cube as a structural material by using the waste rubbers. Unsaturated polyester
was used as a matrix, and then the waste polyurethane rubbers were put in the
unsaturated polyester. If compression properties of the polyurethane
rubber/unsaturated polyester composite cubes were better than that of a rubberfree cube, the composite cubes will be able to recycle the waste polyurethane
In this study, therefore, compression tests were carried out to examine the
compression properties of the composite cubes and the rubber-free cube.

2 Composite cubes
The composite cube had 15mm on a side and unsaturated polyester was used as a
matrix, and then the waste polyurethane rubbers were put in the unsaturated
polyester. In this section, characteristics of the polyurethane rubber and how to
put the waste rubbers in the matrix were described. Then a procedure for
preparing the composite cubes was proposed.
2.1 Waste polyurethane rubbers
Aseismatic mats are manufactured in Japan and a lot of waste polyurethane
rubbers occur as shown in Figure 1(a). The polyurethane rubber is thermosetting
and is not able to re-thermoform. And all of the waste rubbers are different in
shape and in size as shown in Figure 1(b). To solve the problems, we focused on
characteristics of the polyurethane rubber. The characteristics are rubber
elasticity and high-adhesive property. After the waste polyurethane rubbers were
minced, the minced rubber can be made into a ball because of the high-adhesive
property. It was thought that behaviour of the balled-up rubber was as same as
the rubber elasticity of a solid polyurethane rubber when they were put in the
unsaturated polyester.
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Polyurethane rubber sheet


Waste rubbers
(a) Production flow of aseismatic mats.

Figure 1:

(b) Waste polyurethane rubbers.

(different in size and in shape)

Generating waste polyurethane rubbers and photo of the wastes.

A 0.1g balled-up rubber, a 0.3g balled-up rubber and a 0.5g balled-up rubber
were prepared as shown in Figure 2 because of the minced rubbers was able to
be adjusted. The different quantities of balled-up rubbers were put in unsaturated
polyester and composite cubes contained different quantities of rubber were

Figure 2:



Photo of balled-up minced waste polyurethane rubbers.

2.2 Preparing composite cubes

Prepared cubes are shown in Table 1. A mold was used for preparing the cubes
which size was 15mm on a side. Unsaturated polyester mixed with a hardener
was casted into the mold. When rubber-containing composite cubes were
prepared, the balled-up minced waste polyurethane rubbers shown in Section 2.1
were put in the unsaturated polyester in the middle of the casting. All of the
balled-up rubbers put in the centre of the each cube as shown in Figure 3.
For comparison, rubber-free cubes which were made of only unsaturated
polyester were prepared. Moreover, the other rubber-containing composite
cubes, using balled-up rubbers that debased adhesive, were prepared. The lowadhesive rubbers were made by leaving balled-up rubbers in the atmosphere for
about 2 months. It is predicted that the high-adhesive rubber/unsaturated
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Table 1:

Prepared rubber-containing composite cubes and rubber-free cube.

Waste Polyurethane Rubber


Rubber-free Cube

Minced 0.1g
Minced 0.3g
Composite Cubes
balled-up rubber

Unsaturated Polyester

Minced 0.5g
Minced 0.1g
Minced 0.3g


Minced 0.5g
Balled-up rubber

(a) A section of composite cube.
Figure 3:

(b) A composite cube.

Schematic view and photo of polyurethane rubber/unsaturated

polyester composite cube.

polyester composite cubes have higher compression properties than the lowadhesive rubber/unsaturated polyester composite cubes.

3 Compression test
Static compression tests were carried out with the cubes shown in Section 2.
Hydraulic type universal testing machine (SHIMADZU CORPORATION
Model: UH-500kNI) was used for the static compression tests. The test speed is
set on 2mm/min. and the stroke is set on 2mm. Mechanical model of the
compression test and a photo of the testing situation are shown in Figure 4.
Lubricant agent was applied on upper and lower planes of the cubes. It reduces
friction on the planes faced on upper testing head and testing platform.
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Compression load
Balled-up rubber
Load cell
Model of boundary
(a) Mechanical model
Figure 4:

A composite cube
(shown in Figure 3)
Testing platform
(b) Testing situation.

Mechanical model of balled-up rubber/unsaturated polyester

composite cube and a photo of compression test for the cube.

4 Results and discussion

Compression property was evaluated with load-displacement curves and
maximum compression stress values.
4.1 Load-displacement curve
Comparing with load-displacement curves shown in Figure 5, a maximum load
of the composite cube contained 0.1g balled-up rubber is larger than that of the
rubber-free cube. However it is shown that maximum loads of the composite
cubes contained 0.3g and 0.5g balled-up rubbers are not larger than that of the
rubber-free cube. Moreover the maximum loads of the composite cubes decrease
with increasing contained amount of the rubbers.

rubber 0.1g
rubber 0.3g
rubber 0.5g

Figure 5:

Comparing with load-displacement curves of cubes with different

contained amount of rubbers.

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Plane of loading

Plane of loading



Side plane of cube

(a) Contained 0.3g balled-up rubber.
Figure 6:

Side plane of cube
(b) Contained 0.5g balled-up rubbers.

Typical of fracture morphology after compression tests.

Composite cubes contained 0.3g and 0.5g balled-up rubbers after

compression tests are shown in Figure 6. The side planes were broken in both
composite cubes. This fracture morphology is thought to be typical.
An anticipate fracture mechanism of balled-up polyurethane
rubber/unsaturated polyester composite cubes is thought as shown in Figure 7.
The balled-up rubbers are thought to deform widely to side planes of the cubes
and spread the unsaturated polyester from inside after compressive loading. It is
because the rubber Poisson ratio 0.45 is larger than the unsaturated polyester
Poisson ratio 0.34. The situation is similar to occurring hydrostatic pressure.
Therefore it is thought that the composite cube can support higher loading,
comparing with a rubber-free cube. This case agrees with the 0.1g-rubbercontaining composite cubes. However, in the case that quantities of the contained
rubber are a lot, thickness of a side plane of the cubes is small. Therefore it is
easy to be occurred plastic deformation and to be broken at the side plane. This
case agrees with the composite cubes contained 0.3g and 0.5g balled-up rubbers.
4.2 Maximum compression stress
The anticipate fracture mechanism, shown in Figure 7, is thought to be based on
high-adhesive property of the polyurethane rubber. The minced rubbers can be
made into a ball by using the high-adhesive property. To consider the influence
of adhesive property on the compression property of the composite cubes,
therefore, maximum compression stress values were calculated. Nominal stress
was used in this study. Figure 8 shows the maximum compression stress values
compared rubber-free cubes with composite cubes contained high-adhesive
minced rubbers and low-adhesive ones.

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Unsaturated polyester

Compression load

Balled-up rubber
Slide constraint
Plastic strain


Figure 7:

Anticipated fracture mechanism of balled-up rubber/unsaturated

polyester composite cube.

Figure 8:

Comparing with maximum compression stresses of cubes having

different quantities of contained rubbers and different adhesive
properties of contained rubbers.

In the case of containing the high-adhesive minced rubbers, maximum

compression stress values show a same trend of the maximum loads shown in
Section 4.1. However, maximum compression stress values of the composite
cubes contained low-adhesive minced rubbers are smaller than that of the
composite cubes contained high-adhesive ones independently of contained
The balled-up minced polyurethane rubber is similar to an aggregate of fine
polyurethane rubber fragments as shown in Figure 9. In the case of highWIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

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adhesive rubber, there are few voids in the aggregate and the aggregate has
rubber elasticity in the unsaturated polyester. In the case of low-adhesive rubber,
there are a lot of voids in the aggregate and it is thought that the balled-up rubber
dose not has rubber elasticity.
Unsaturated polyester

Minced rubbers



Balled-up minced rubber

Minced rubbers
(a) Contained

Figure 9:

(b) Contained

Model of minced rubber in unsaturated polyester.

5 Conclusion
It is possible that polyurethane rubber reinforce unsaturated polyester if the
rubber is minced and is made into a ball and is used in the appropriate quantity.
The quantity is 0.1g in the case of composite cubes which size is 15mm on a
side. It is thought that waste polyurethane rubbers can recycle as a structural

We thank SHINAGAWA Co., Ltd. (Rubber Manufacturing) and RODAN21 Co.,
Ltd. (Manufacturing Coordination) for the provision of waste polyurethane

[1] Masahito FUJII, Kenji HIMENO, Kenichi KOUGO & Masato
MURAYAMA, Physical Properties of Asphalt Rubber Mixtures, 6th ICPT,
Sapporo, Japan, July, 2008.
[2] Kenzo FUKUMORI & Mitsumasa MATSUSHITA, Material Recycling
Technology of Crosslinked Rubber Waste, R&D Review of Toyota CRDL
Vol. 38 No.1, p.39-47, 2003.

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Development of interaction diagrams for RC

sections confined with CFRP composites
P. Christou, A. Michael & Z. Neofytou
Department of Civil Engineering, Frederick University, Cyprus

The interaction diagram is a surface which defines the maximum capacity of
compression members that are subjected to axial force and bending moments. As
a result, these diagrams provide the engineers with an additional tool for the
design of such members. When the compression members are confined with FRP
their capacity increases, however in many cases the increase in capacity is
normally neglected which sometimes can lead to very conservative designs. This
work includes the development of interaction diagrams for circular compression
members confined with CFRP using the fiber model. The longitudinal
reinforcement is considered to be symmetric whereas the confinement can vary.
The method presented herein defines the location of the neutral axis and based
on that calculates the axial force and bending moment. A comparison of the
unconfined to the confined section shows a considerable difference in the
interaction diagram plot in the compression controlled region.
Keywords: interaction diagrams, confinement, section equilibrium, RC section

1 Introduction
The analysis of concrete columns using an analytical solution is not trivial. As a
result the analysis of columns is basically reduced to the development of the
interaction diagram and the plot of the load condition in order to define failure or
not for the section. Normally the confinement for compression reinforced
concrete sections is provided either by ties or spirals. However, other methods
and materials are used in the later years which can provide increased
confinement and thus satisfy the requirement for increased ductility. The column
wrapping with CFRP composites is a popular alternative for improving the
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ductility and thus the seismic resistance of columns. Fiber fabrics and
prefabricated FRP composite jackets or tubes cover the entire area of the
concrete element and therefore cannot be embedded in concrete. Another
technique is the use of a CFRP composite grid (Michael et al. [1]). The carbon
grid has approximately 69% open surface area allowing the grid to be embedded
in the concrete. Light grids are easily formed into a round shape and can provide
more effective confinement than wraps that are forced to follow the column
cross-section, which might be square or rectangular.
The work presented herein refers to a numerical procedure for the
development of interaction diagrams that are confined with CFRP and provide a
comparison with similar sections without confinement.
1.1 Approximate analyses for columns
A search in the literature reveals a number of numerical approximations for the
development of such diagrams. In the three dimensional case these methods rely
on using single axis bending response in the two principal directions for the
approximation of the biaxial bending. Some of these methods are:
The Bressler load contour method [2]
The Bressler reciprocal load method [2]
The PCA load contour method [2]
The Weber design charts [3]
1.2 Confined concrete
Confinement can improve both the compressive strength and ductility of
concrete. Steel has typically been used to confine the concrete in reinforced
concrete columns. Steel can be internal reinforcement, usually used as a spiral or
ties, or it can be external such a steel jacket that is bonded to the outside face of
the column. When fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials became widely
available in the civil sector they started replacing steel as external confinement
reinforcement. One of the primary applications of FRP materials is retrofit of
concrete elements, primarily columns, to improve their ductility. This is done
mainly in seismic regions where concrete structures experience large
deformations. Column wrapping improves the strength and ductility of the
concrete and improves its performance under earthquake loads. Xiao and Wu [4,
5] wrapped concrete cylinders using various materials and methods. Some were
wrapped with carbon fiber fabrics, while others were wrapped with glass fiber
fabrics. They also wrapped cylinders using a machine that tightly wound carbon
fibers around the cylinders. The results showed a significant improvement both
in strength and ductility. Lam and Teng [6], Li et al. [7] and Harries and Kharel
[8] wrapped cylinders with carbon fabrics with similar results as Xiao and Wu
[4]. Li and Hadi [9] and Campione and Miraglia [10] tested round concrete
columns wrapped with either glass or carbon fiber fabric sheets in a polymer
matrix. In doing so they improved the ductility of the columns. Campione and
Miraglia [10] also wrapped, in the same manner, square columns and square
columns with round corners with the same results. It was found that the round
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shape is the most effective shape for confinement while the square with sharp
corners the least effective of the three. Teng et al. [11] wrapped bridge columns
in the field using FRP wraps. Laboratory specimens were also tested with the
columns exhibiting a ductile behavior. Shahawy et al. [12] tested standard
concrete cylinders wrapped with carbon fiber fabrics in an epoxy matrix. The
results varied depending on the number of carbon layers applied. For an
unconfined concrete strength of 41.4 MPa the confined strength of cylinders was
increased to 70 MPa for the 1-layer wrap and 110 MPa for the 4-layer wrap. The
ultimate strain for the 1-layer wrap was 0.007 and for the 4-layer wrap 0.016.
Prefabricated FRP tubes can be filled with concrete and serve at the same time as
formwork, flexural reinforcement and confinement reinforcement. Davol et
al. [13] tested prefabricated round shells filled with concrete in flexure with
satisfactory results. The concrete filled FRP shells exhibited a ductile behavior.
Michael et al. [1] used a light CFRP composite grid to confine concrete. Through
a series of cylinder tests they found that the grid provides light confinement to
concrete. The crushing strain of confined concrete was twice as high compared
to the unconfined concrete tested. Michael et al. [1] used the CFRP composite
grid in a series of flexural members and had improvements in the member
ductility of more than 30% with minimal confinement reinforcement.

2 Interaction diagrams
The interaction diagram (fig. 1) is a graphical representation of the ultimate
capacity of a column subjected to axial load (Pn) and uniaxial bending (Mn). The


Point #4


Point #3

Point #2


Point #1

Figure 1:

Interaction diagram.

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interaction diagram depends on the concrete cross sectional area, the material
properties (stress and strain) and also the amount and distribution of
reinforcement. Therefore, each concrete section with a specific reinforcement
distribution is characterized by a unique interaction diagram representing failure
as the crushing of concrete at the maximum compressive strain. After the
determination of design loads (P, M) three possible load conditions plotted as
points can be defined once the interaction diagram for a section is obtained:
The load condition coincides with the interaction diagram curve:
represents the limit state.
The load condition falls inside the interaction diagram curve: causes no
failure in the section.
The load condition falls outside the interaction diagram curve: causes
failure in the section.
The interaction diagrams can also be extended to three dimensional surfaces
to account for biaxial bending. The principle regarding the load conditions
remains the same.

3 Requirements for the development of interaction diagrams

The following conditions, assumptions and limitations, the definition of the
stress vs strain relations of the material as well as the definition of the plastic
centroid of the section are required for the development of interaction diagrams.
3.1 Conditions
The following conditions must be satisfied in the development of the interaction
Force equilibrium
Strain Compatibility
Stress vs Strain relationships
3.2 Assumptions and limitations
The following assumptions and limitations are applied.
Plane sections remain plane
The strain in the reinforcement is the same as that of the adjacent
concrete interface
The tensile strength of concrete is neglected
Failure occurs in the concrete at maximum compressive strain
3.3 Stress vs strain properties
In this section the stress strain relationships for the materials are presented. The
sections that are examined refer to reinforced column sections without any
confinement and then compared to similar sections that are confined with CFRP.

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3.3.1 Concrete
The stress strain relation in the concrete that is used in this work is represented
by the parabola defined by Hognestad as this is defined in the literature [14]. The
tensile part of the graph is neglected. In order to define the curve it is required to
have the concrete strength (fc), the strain at peak stress, o, and the concrete
modulus of elasticity (Ec).
3.3.2 Steel
The stress strain relation is assumed to be elastic-plastic and it is the same in
tension and compression [14]. In order to define this curve it is required to define
the steel yield stress (fy) and the modulus of elasticity of steel (Es).
3.3.3 Experimental confinement model
Most models for concrete confined with CFRP reinforcement are based on the
fact that in most cases even one layer of carbon fabric or a carbon jacket will
provide enough reinforcement to have highly confined concrete. Therefore, the
confinement effectiveness is high leading to a failure of the CFRP jacket or
encasement at the peak axial stress. When the CFRP grid is used as confinement
reinforcement the confining pressure and confinement effectiveness is low and
therefore models developed using data from relatively high confined concrete
may not be adequate. To model the behavior of CFRP grid confined concrete
existing models were used. Existing models are based on a constant thickness of
the FRP material that covers all of the surface area of the confined concrete core.
Michael et al. [1] used the modified Hognestad stressstrain curve to model the
behavior of CFRP grid confined concrete as shown in fig. 2 [1]. In fig 2 c is the

Stress fc

Region AB
2 2
fc f


f c''

Region BC
f c f c'' 1 Dc c o

Figure 2:


Strain c

Modified Hognestad parabola used for the modeling of confined

concrete [1].

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concrete strain, o is the strain at peak stress of unconfined concrete and cu is the
ultimate strain. The modified Hognestad parabola consists of two regions. In
region AB (c < o) the Hognestad parabola is used and in region BC (o < c <
cu) a linearly descending curve. The equation for region BC is based on the
deterioration constant (Dc) that controls the slope of the line. The equations for
the two regions were modified to model the behavior of CFRP grid concrete. The
material properties of the CFRP grid strands were used in the process of
constructing the stress-strain curve of the CFRP grid confined concrete. The
average strength of the control cylinders tested in deflection control model was
taken as the strength of unconfined concrete (fc). The ultimate concrete strain cu
was assumed to be 0.00725 mm/mm. The deterioration constant was taken equal
to 130 to match post peak experimental data. All three curves are depicted in
fig. 3. The modified Hognestad matches well with the experimental curve.

Axial Stress (MPa)


Grid (Average of 6 Tests)

Control (Average of 3 Tests)


Figure 3:


Axial Strain (mm/mm)



Concrete modelling as obtained by experimental data [1].

3.4 Plastic centroid

Reference must be made as to the point about which the moments are calculated.
We refer to this point as the plastic centroid and it is the point of action of the
axial load when there is a uniform maximum compressive strain. This assures
that the moment capacity of the section is zero at maximum axial load capacity.

4 Development of the interaction diagram

The development of the interaction diagram is based on the calculation of a
series of points representing failure in the concrete subjected to maximum
compressive strain and a specified strain in the extreme steel fiber. A number of
points, axial force vs bending moment (Pn, Mn) are calculated in order to define

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the failure curve of the section. The calculation of individual points ensures
equilibrium of the section and it includes:
The definition of the neutral axis location
The calculation of the plastic centroid
The definition of the strain plane over the entire section
The calculation of strains using compatibility and the corresponding
stresses based on the stress vs strain relation
The integration of stresses over the section to calculate the axial force
and the bending moment
4.1 Neutral axis location
The neutral axis location is calculated using the values of the maximum
compressive strain in the concrete, cu, and a variable value for the strain in the
extreme reinforcing steel fiber, st. Each combination of strains (cu, st) will
define a strain distribution over the section at failure and thus a point on the
interaction diagram (axial load vs bending moment). The calculation of the
neutral axis in a circular section can take advantage of the symmetry of the
section. One point on the section (P1) is assigned the maximum compressive
strength and it is considered the extreme concrete compression fiber. The
extreme steel fiber is located at the steel bar which is located at the maximum
distance from the extreme compression fiber. Having the location of the two
extreme fibers and the values of the corresponding strains the neutral axis can be
defined as shown in fig. 4.


gc (pc)



Figure 4:

Rectangular cross sectional data.

4.2 Plastic centroid location

For symmetrical sections both in concrete geometry as well as the reinforcement
distribution the plastic centroid (pc) coincides with the geometric centroid (gc).
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When this is not the case then the location of the plastic centroid has to be
calculated accounting for the concrete geometry as well as the area and location
of each reinforcing bar.
4.3 Strain plane and calculation of strains
When the neutral axis is defined the distribution of the strain over the whole
section can be defined with the calculation of a strain plane. The strain plane is
defined using two points on the line of the neutral axis (P2, P3) and the point at
the extreme compression fiber (P1) as shown on fig. 4.
Using the strain plane equation a strain value for any point on the section can
be defined. Based on the strain and the stress vs strain relation of the material the
stress at each point can be obtained using eqn (1).

dFi i dAi


4.4 Integration of stresses to calculate axial load and bending moment

The axial load (Pn) and bending moment (Mn) can be calculated by the
integration of stresses over the section. This can be done using eqn (2) and
eqn (3):

P dFi i dA


M dFi x i x dA


4.5 Numerical procedure for the generation of the interaction diagram

The direct integration for the calculation of the axial load as well as the moment
is not trivial. For this reason a numerical procedure (and accompanying
software) was developed and used in this work for the generation of the
interaction diagrams. The range of the axial loads spans from the maximum
compressive axial load to the axial load of pure tension. In order to numerically
generate the diagram four points are identified on it (fig. 1).

Point #1: Fracture failure point (pure tension)

Point #2: Zero axial load point
Point #3: Balanced point
Point #4: Maximum compressive axial load point (pure compression)

These points are calculated independently and they define three (3) sub
regions on the diagram. For each Point the important element to be known is the
value of the net tensile strain at the extreme tension reinforcement fiber. The
strains at Point #1, Point #3 and Point #4 are known directly from material
properties. The other one has to be calculated. The strain at Point#2 represents
the point with zero axial load. However, the strain in the extreme reinforcement
bar is not known. As a result an iteration convergence procedure (secant method)
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is used to calculate the strain in the extreme steel fiber when the axial load equals
to zero. Once the strains for the boundary points of the sub regions are defined,
the diagram can be generated by assigning different values of strains for the
extreme steel fiber in each sub region and thus calculating intermediate points
within the sub regions on the interaction diagram. Fig. 5 shows the flowchart of
the numerical procedure.

Define the material

properties and section

Calculate Point #4
Net Compressive Force
(log the strain in the steel)

Calculate Point #1
Net Tensile Force (log
the strain in the steel)

Sub-Region #1
Calculate Points Using
Strain Values for Steel
Between Points 1 and 2

Calculate Point #2
Zero Axial Force. Use
Secant Iteration. (log
the strain in the steel)

Sub-Region #2
Calculate Points Using
Strain Values for Steel
Between Points 2 and 3

Calculate Point #3
Balance Point (log
the strain in the steel)

Sub-Region #3
Calculate Points Using
Strain Values for Steel
Between Points 3 and 4

Plot Pn vs Mn

Figure 5:

Flowchart describing the numerical procedure.

5 Example
The presented procedure has been used for the development of the interaction
diagram of different sections. Fig. 6 shows the interaction diagram of the same
section with three different levels of concrete strength. The inner line shows the
unconfined section whereas the intermediate line shows the section with
confinement strength as described in section 3.3.3 (Experimental results). The
outer line shows the section using the same model for confinement as that of
section 3.3.3 but with a different value of the maximum compressive strength.
Particularly the data is shown below:

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5.1 Section data
Section Radius
cu (Unconfined)
cu (Confined)
fc (Unconfined)
fc (Confined 1)
fc (Confined - 2):
Dc (Deterioration Constant)

25 cm
10 bars (dia=16 mm) distributed uniformly
0.003 mm/mm
0.00725 mm/mm
40 MPa
54 MPa
60 MPa



Unconfined Section (40 MPa)


Confined Section (54MPa)

Confined Section (60MPa)

















Figure 6:

Section comparison with variable concrete strength.

5.2 Discussion
Looking at the plots on fig. 6 it is obvious that there is a trend defined as the
value of the maximum compressive strength is increased. Specifically we see
that the plots look virtually the same at the tension controlled regions and they
diverge in the compression controlled regions as the maximum compressive
strength increases. The maximum compressive strength obviously increases as
the level of confinement increases. It is interesting to point out that the value of
the maximum compressive strain, cu, does not have an effect on the interactive
diagram. Therefore the increase of ductility which is gained due to confinement
does not play a significant role in the maximum capacity of the section. The
decisive factor that affects the section capacity is the maximum compressive
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6 Conclusions
The following conclusions have been drawn at the end of this work:
Confinement Increases the maximum compressive strength of the
Increase in the confinement reinforcement increases the capacity of the
section in the compression controlled region
Confinement affects significantly the capacity of the section when the
section is in the compression controlled region (pure compression to
balance point)
The effect of confinement is small in the region between pure bending
and the balance point
Confinement has no effect in the region between pure tension and pure
bending since concrete is primarily in tension. Therefore the presence of
reinforcement in the hoop direction offers no improvement in concrete

[1] Michael, A. P., H. R. Hamilton III, Ansley, M. H, Concrete Confinement
Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Grid, 7th International Symposium
on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures
(ACI 2005 Fall Convention), American Concrete Institute, Kansas City,
MO, Vol. 2, pp. 991-1010, 2005.
[2] Bresler, B., Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Columns under Axial
Load and Biaxial Bending, ACI Journal, Proceedings, Vol. 57, 1960.
[3] Parme, A. L., Nieves, J.M., Gouwens, A., Capacity of Reinforced
Rectangular Columns Subjected to Biaxial Bending, ACI Journal,
Proceedings, Vol. 63, No 9, 1966.
[4] Xiao, Y. and Wu, H., Compressive Behavior of Concrete Confined by
Carbon Fiber Composite Jackets, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
Vol. 12, No 2, pp. 139-146, 2000.
[5] Xiao, Y. and Wu, H., A Constitutive Model for Concrete Confinement with
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and
composites, Vol. 22, No 13, pp. 1187-1201, 2003.
[6] Lam, L., and Teng, J. G., Ultimate Condition of Fiber Reinforced PolymerConfined Concrete, Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 8, No 6,
pp 539-548, 2004.
[7] Li, Y., Lin, C. and Sung, Y., Compressive Behavior of Concrete Confined
by Various Types of FRP Composite Jackets, Mechanics of Materials, Vol.
35, No 3-6, pp. 603-619, 2002.
[8] Harries, K. A., and Kharel, G., Experimental Investigation of the Behavior
of Variably Confined Concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 33,
No 6, pp. 873-880, 2002.

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[9] Li, J., Hadi, M.N.S., Behaviour of Externally Confined High-Strength
Concrete Columns Under Eccentric Loading, Composite Structures,
Vol. 62, No 2, pp 145-153, 2003.
[10] Campione, G., Miraglia, N., Strength and Strain Capacities of Concrete
Compression Members Reinforced with FRP, Cement and Concrete
Composites, Vol. 25, No 1, pp 31-41, 2003.
[11] Teng, M., Sotelino, E. D., and Chen, W., Performance Evaluation of
Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Wrapped with Fiber Reinforced
Polymers, Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 7, No 2, pp 83-92,
[12] Shahawy, M, Mirmiran, A. and Beitelman, T., Tests and Modeling of
Carbon-Wrapped Concrete Columns, Composites Part B: Engineering,
Vol. 31, No 6-7, pp 471-480, 2000.
[13] Davol, A., Burgueno, R. and Seible, F., Flexural Behavior of Circular
Concrete Filled FRP Shells, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 127,
No 7, pp 810-817, 2001.
[14] Park, R. and Paulay, T., Ultimate Deformation and Ductility of Members
with Flexure (Chapter 6), Reinforced Concrete Structures, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, pp 195-269, 1975.

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Constitutive formulation of strain-rate sensitive

deformation in orthotropic composites
K. Micallef1, A. Soleiman-Fallah1, P. T. Curtis2, D. J. Pope2
& L. A. Louca1

Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK

Physical Sciences Department, DSTL Porton Down, UK

The aim of the current study is to develop a constitutive model which captures
the full orthotropic behaviour of a laminated composite by employing 9 material
parameters and also taking into account strain-rate sensitivity to loading.
The formulation is an extension of the work by Ogihara and Reifsnider
(DOI: 10.1023/A:1016069220255), whose model considers 4 parameters, and
with the inclusion of strain-rate effect considerations using the method employed
by Thiruppukuzhi and Sun (DOI: 10.1016/S0266-3538(00)00133-0).
A plastic potential function which can describe plasticity in all directions,
including fibre plasticity, is chosen and using an associated flow rule, the plastic
strain-rate components are derived. The plastic compliance matrix is assembled,
using a rate-dependent visco-plastic modulus. The elastic compliance matrix is
combined with its plastic counterpart to give a rate-form constitutive law.
It is found that the proposed model accounts for strain-rate dependence and
by correct choice of model parameters, the model can also be used for various
composite architectures, including woven and uni-directional architectures.
Keywords: Composites, orthotropic, constitutive modelling, strain-rate effects.

1 Introduction
The formulation of a comprehensive constitutive model is imperative for the
proper understanding of a materials behaviour under different loading
conditions. This includes fibre-reinforced laminated polymeric composites. For
efficient use of composite materials under extreme loading, it is necessary to

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consider their response beyond the linear-elastic regime and for different loading
Composites are, in general, non-isotropic materials and tend to exhibit highly
non-linear behaviour under various kinds of dynamic loadings. The severe
loading nature of dynamic loads also implies that strain-rate effects have a
repercussion on the stress-strain response of the material. In addition, it is
common for a material to be loaded beyond its elastic limit and deform
plastically, giving rise to plastic strains which lead to progressive damage of the
Thus, it is necessary to develop a constitutive relationship which can predict
non-linear, large strain, strain-rate dependent behaviour to failure of anisotropic
uni-directional and/or woven composites which are subjected to dynamic loads.
When a material, including a composite, is subjected to severe loads, it is
subjected to significantly high stresses and strains. Thus, when one analyses a
composite structure using a linear elastic technique and using a conventional
failure criterion to describe failure at a ply level, one would find that failure is
attained immediately and throughout the structure. Designing a structure not to
fail and to remain elastic under high loads will make the structures thicker and
thus heavier and more expensive.
Thus, it is required to have a non-linear response which can describe the
material performance beyond the first ply failure and which can model plastic
damage sustained by the composite when loaded at high strain-rates.
1.1 Constitutive models for composite materials
The constitutive model of a material can be defined as a relation used to
characterise its physical properties and such a model will be used to describe the
material response of the material when subjected to loading.
The non-linear response of composites has long been recognised to be an
important consideration in constitutive modelling. It is common in non-linear
constitutive theory to develop the concept of effective stress, , and effective
plastic strain, . This is similar to classical plasticity theory in metals, where
the non-linearity is defined on the basis of the effective quantities only.
In 1973, Hahn and Tsai [1] used a complementary elastic energy density
function to derive a stress-strain relation which is linear in the longitudinal and
transverse directions but non-linear in the in-plane shear. The non-linearity is
taken into account by the inclusion of a bi-quadratic term.
A non-linear plastic theory was first applied to composites by Sun and Chen
[2], who suggested that a plastic potential function could be applied to unidirectional composites. Using a simple one parameter plastic flow rule, the
potential function adopted was essentially a derivative of Hills [3] generalised
plastic potential for a 3D orthotropic material. Sun and Chen, however, assumed
a plane stress scenario, imposing that there is no plastic strain in the fibre
direction and limiting plasticity only to the matrix.
This assumption is unacceptable in the case of woven composites, since
experimental data [4] has shown that non-linearity did occur when material was
loaded in the 0 and 90 directions.
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In fact, Ogihara and Reifsnider [4] expanded the work of Sun and Chen by
using a more general plastic potential with four unknown parameters. These
parameters were determined by a number of simple tension experiments for
different specimen angles. The effective stress and effective plastic strain were
found for each test angle and the parameter combinations resulted in all effective
stress-effective plastic strain curves to converge into a single master curve.
The concept of using a master curve has been shown to be valid for various
materials by Sun, both in his original 1989 work [2] and also in subsequent
works [58]. Non-linearity is expressed by a function representing the master
curve. Sun and Chen [2] had proposed a power law relating effective stress to
effective strain:


Weeks and Sun [6] found that the exponent

in the above relation was
appropriate at all tested strain-rates and thus rate independent. Thus, the rate
sensitivity is described solely by the parameter .
For composites to be used under dynamic loading, the effects of strain-rate
need to be included in the constitutive model. Thiruppukuzhi and Sun [5, 7]
proposed a developed power lawdescribing the strain-rate dependence of :




More recently, Hufner and Accorsi [9] have extended the four parameter
plastic potential function of Ogihara and Reifsnider to include strain-rate effects
using the strain-dependent power law of Thiruppukuzhi and Sun described
It should be noted that the non-linear behaviour is characterised on a
macroscopic level. Although it is desirable to predict non-linear response of
woven composites on a micromechanical scale, i.e., based on the properties of
the fibres and the matrix, many workers have shown that it is difficult to achieve
this, even for uni-directional composites [4].
1.2 Choice and method of formulation
The present work will extend the formulation of Ogihara and Reifsnider from a
model with 4 parameters to consider all possible parameters (i.e., 9) and taking
into account the strain-rate effects as in the work of Thiruppukuzhi and Sun.

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2 Derivation of a rate-dependent constitutive model

In the present study, a plastic potential function which has the most general form
with 9 unknown parameters, that could be applied to both anisotropic unidirectional and woven composites is proposed, namely:



Using appropriate values for the various parameters, the function could be
used to describe a range of material systems. For example, choosing
1 reduces the above potential function to the one parameter
potential of Sun and Chen [2] for uni-directional composites. Similarly, by
0 gives the function used by Thiruppukuzhi and Sun
[7] for woven composites.
The generalised anisotropic constitutive equations, in rate form, are expressed
as follows:


In expanded form, this is written as:


The strain-rate tensor is decomposed into two components, namely the elastic
and the plastic strain-rate components:


Thus, the compliance matrix is expressed as the sum of the elastic and plastic


Each part of the compliance matrix will be derived in turn in the following

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2.1 Elastic compliance matrix

The elastic part of the compliance matrix is the standard orthotropic compliance
relation obtained from standard textbooks, such as Jones [10]:




This matrix is symmetric, i.e.
constants since:

and has effectively only nine unequal


The elastic constants in this matrix are assumed to be rate-dependent in

the work of Hufner and Accorsi [9] but Thiruppukuzhi and Sun [7] state that
there is no strain-rate dependence in the elastic part of loading. This is assumed
to be a valid simplification for the purpose of this study.
2.2 Plastic compliance matrix
The plastic part of the compliance matrix is assembled by first computing the
plastic strain-rate components from the potential function using an associated
flow rule:

where is the proportionality factor rate.

Applying this flow rule to the chosen plastic potential, the plastic strain-rate
components are:

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The proportionality factor rate, , is derived using the equivalence of the rate
of plastic work,
, namely:


Rearranging the equation for the flow rule:


3 and thus:

From classical plasticity theory,


This implies that

can be expressed as a function of and only:


A rate-dependent visco-plastic modulus,



, is defined as:


Thus, the proportionality factor rate is expressed as:



Using the definition of proposed by Thiruppukuzhi and Sun [5, 7] given in

eqn (3) earlier and differentiating it with respect to ,

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This implies that:



The effective stress-rate is given as:




Finally, after substitution, the proportionality factor rate is given by:








By substituting this expression for into the plastic strain-rate components

derived earlier in eqn (12), it is possible to find the individual terms of the plastic
compliance matrix.
The derivation requires extensive algebraic manipulation and, for the sake of
brevity, only one full derivation of the first row of the plastic compliance matrix
( ,
1 6) is presented as an example.

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Upon expansion and simplification,




gives the entries for the plastic

Extracting the co-efficients of each
compliance matrix. For example, the first entry of the first row of the
compliance matrix would be:



A similar procedure yields the rest of the terms in the plastic compliance
matrix, which are presented in Appendix 1. It is noted that the plastic
compliance matrix is also symmetric, i.e.

and thus the elasto-plastic

compliance matrix is overall symmetric.
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3 Conclusions and future work

The framework for a constitutive model which captures the full orthotropic
behaviour of a laminated composite has been developed. This model employs 9
material parameters and also takes into account strain-rate sensitivity to loading.
Thus, the rate form constitutive relationship is defined in terms of a compliance
matrix which also includes a visco-plastic modulus.
The devised model will be implemented in a user-defined material subroutine
(VUSDFLD and/or VUMAT) in the finite element code ABAQUS/Explicit,
using material properties obtained from small-specimen basic tensile,
compressive and shear tests at different strain-rates on specimens of various
composite layups under dynamic loads.
The proposed constitutive model will also be validated using larger
300x300mm panels of the same composites tested earlier. A series of parametric
studies will be performed using the numerical model to assess the overall
response sensitivity of the proposed material model to the parameters defining it
uniquely, such as modulii, Poisson ratios or yield locus. The study will include
both small specimens as well as large panels.

This work is part of a research project jointly funded by the Defence Science and
Technology Laboratory (DSTL) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC).

The complete list of the elasto-plastic compliance matrix terms are given below:



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[1] Hahn, H.T. and S.W. Tsai, Nonlinear elastic behaviour of unidirectional
composite laminae. Journal of Composite Materials, 1973. 7(1): p. 102-118.
[2] Sun, C.T. and J.L. Chen, A simple flow rule for characterizing nonlinear
behaviour of fibre composites. Composites, 1989. 23(10): p. 1009-1020.
[3] Hill, R., A theory of the yielding and plastic flow of anisotropic metals.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and
Physical Sciences, 1948. 193(1033): p. 281-297.
[4] Ogihara, S. and K. L. Reifsnider, Characterization of nonlinear behavior in
woven composite laminates. Applied composite materials, 2002. 9(4):
p. 249.
[5] Thiruppukuzhi, S.V. and C.T. Sun, Testing and modeling high strain rate
behavior of polymeric composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 1998.
29(5): p. 535-546.
[6] Weeks, C.A. and C.T. Sun, Modeling non-linear rate-dependent behavior
in fiber-reinforced composites. Composites Science and Technology, 1998.
58(3-4): p. 603-611.

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[7] Thiruppukuzhi, S.V. and C.T. Sun, Models for the strain-rate-dependent
behavior of polymer composites. Composites Science and Technology,
2001. 61(1): p. 1-12.
[8] Tsai, J. and C.T. Sun, Constitutive model for high strain rate response of
polymeric composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2002. 62(1011): p. 1289-1297.
[9] Hufner, D.R. and M.L. Accorsi, A progressive failure theory for woven
polymer-based composites subjected to dynamic loading. Composite
Structures, 2009. 89(2): p. 177-185.
[10] Jones, R., Mechanics of composite materials. 1999: Taylor & Francis Inc.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Section 6
Detection and
signal processing
(Special session organised by
Prof. A. Kawalec)

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


The synthesis of a radar signal having

nonlinear frequency modulation function
C. Lesnik, A. Kawalec & M. Szugajew
Institute of Radioelectronics, Military University of Technology, Poland

A method of signal synthesis is presented. After theoretical introduction an
algorithm of frequency modulated (FM) signal synthesis is presented. Simulation
results made in Matlab are presented in the last chapter.
Keywords: NLFM, signal synthesis, autocorrelation function.

1 Introduction
This paper presents the problem of the synthesis of signals modulated in
frequency with an autocorrelation function that implements an optimal
approximation to a given autocorrelation function.
The output signal of the matched filter is proportional to the autocorrelation
function of the expected signal. Because of that one would want to use a signal
whose autocorrelation function R would be similar to certain perfect
Ropt in the sense of a criterion that would provide a desirable property or
properties. In this case it is the square criterion of similarity


d .


In addition we are assuming, that the energy spectrum of the signal s t ,

G 0 for

is non zero in a finite range of frequencies.

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Realized autocorrelation function does not determine in explicit way signal
s t , it can only determine the signals amplitude spectrum:

e j d




d ,


where G - amplitude spectrum.

From the above one can see that any signal with a given amplitude spectrum
and a random phase spectrum can have the desired autocorrelation function. In
the next paragraph the signal synthesis algorithm will be presented.

2 Signal synthesis algorithm

The signals synthesis task is to determine a signal x , that is an element of a set
of frequency modulated signals X, on the basis of the set of signals Y with
desired a property or properties of the autocorrelation function. In other words
one should synthesize a signal xopt t , which is closest to the signal yopt t in

the meaning of the square criterion. The synthesis of the optimum signal xopt t

is equivalent to the determination of the shortest distance d x, y , in the sense of

the square criterion, between the X and Y sets
d min min d x, y .
x X


The square criterion specifies a rule according to which to each pair of

functions x and y distance d x, y is assigned to each other. The distance
d x, y is often called a function space metric and should not be interpreted as
the geometric distance. Signals belonging to this space are governed in terms of
energy as mentioned earlier.
There are several ways to solve the problem of the signal synthesis i.e.,
finding a signal x with lowest value of distance d x, y . The problem was
divided into two parts. The first part (first three blocks in fig. 1) was carried out
only once during the initial stage of the algorithm and its purpose was to find the
form of equation (iv) from fig. 1. The second part of the signal synthesis problem
was solved, by building two separate algorithms (last two blocks in fig. 1)
executed consecutively. In the first algorithm one chooses a facultative signal
x X and determines its best approximation on Y set of signals, [1, 2] (main
program from fig. 1).

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Quality criterion of

x opt signal approximation

R y t R x


dt min

Otherwise, maximalization of similarity coefficient

C x , Y


a b

d max


b x


B t e

j t t



Substituting the solution of (ii) to (i) one obtains

C x , Y


B t 0

c t 0

d max


Similarity criterion (iii) reaches maximum for

B 2 t dt

a 2 c d c


This equation determines the optimal frequency modulation

function of synthesized signal x opt t

Main program
Determination of zero approximation signal.
x0 , a , B t

Iterative program
Increasing the accuracy of the result


Figure 1:

Signal synthesis algorithm.

The quality of approximation is characterized by a distance expressed by the

d x, Y x y ,

where denotes the norm of the signal.

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This distance corresponds to a specific signal y0
y0 a e j 0 x .


If the signal does not have the desired properties, the signal x is changed
(moving inside X set), and the distance d x, y is determined again, this task is
carried out by iterative program from fig. 1. Successive distance values should
form a decreasing sequence
d1 d 2 d3 .

This operation is repeated until the minimum of eqn (6) is achieved. Both
algorithms were implemented in Matlab using numerical methods.
The task of the signal synthesis is to synthesize the frequency modulation
function c t that implements the best approximation to the desired signal
y t . Suppose that the elements of the set of possible signals X are given as
xt Bt e


for t T ,
where: T duration of the pulse, Bt signal envelope, t phase
modulation function.
The spectrum of the signal xt is given by
j x
X b x e


where: bx amplitude spectrum, x phase spectrum.

In the process of the synthesis, it is assumed that the envelope of the signal
( Bt ) is set, and the function t is arbitrary. The frequency modulation
function is expressed as follows
c t



Elements of Y have the following form

y t At e

j t


and their spectra

y ae


- envelope of the signal y t ,

- phase function of the signal y t ,
- phase spectrum of s the signal ~y ,
- amplitude spectrum of the signal ~
y .

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Signals xt X differ only in the form of the phase modulation function

t , but have a given envelope a . With given functions a and Bt one

synthesizes the phase modulation function t (or x ), which minimizes the

distance between the X and Y sets [3]. This means that one must determine the
similarity coefficient:
C x, Y


ab d max ,


bx ~

Bt e

j t t

dt .


The optimal frequency modulation function, which maximizes the similarity

coefficient (13), shall be determined on the basis of the differential equation
B 2 t dt

1 2
a c dc .


After determining the frequency modulation function c t from the above

equation, in the next step the phase modulation function is determined as
t c t dt .


In order to determine the phase spectrum of signal xt one must resolve the


jt t


Using the method of stationary phase [2, 4] one obtains a solution of the form
x t t 0 ,


where t0 - point of stationary phase.

In the next step, from the above equation a phase spectrum x should be
determined, which is then mapped to a specified amplitude spectrum a , in
order to obtain the signal y t closest to the signal xt
y0 ae x


The determined phase spectrum x is both the phase spectrum of the

signal xopt t and the signal y0 t . The signal y0 t is obtained by taking the
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inverse Fourier transform from the signal ~
y0 . At this stage, namely after
determination of the signal xopt t , the main algorithm ends. The results of the
main program are affected by errors. These errors are coming from the stationary
phase method and numerical methods used in the Matlab program that
implements the algorithm. In order to reduce them an iterative method was build
and the signal ~
y0 was used as the input signal for this method.
In the next paragraph the simulation results of both programs, the main one
and the iterative one, are presented.

3 Simulation results
With given functions a and Bt the phase function t (or x ) of the

optimal signal xopt t is synthesized. This function minimizes the distance

between the sets X and Y . On the basis of the shape of xopt t signal, having

the optimal phase function t , the resulting autocorrelation function Ropt t is

In order to verify the correctness of the programs performance, the synthesis
of a signal with a nonlinear frequency modulation (NLFM) was made. The signal
has a bell shaped amplitude spectrum, given by

, .


The envelope of synthesized signal was rectangular

for -
0 for t

Signal parameters that were used during the simulation:

= 200,

T = 4.

The goal of this simulation was to confirm the correctness and usefulness of
the iterative procedure for the synthesis of the signal having a nonlinear
frequency modulation function. On the basis of the given amplitude spectrum
a signal with non-linear frequency modulation function was obtained (fig. 2).
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c t

Figure 2:

Frequency modulation function.

R t dB

Figure 3:

Autocorrelation function after one iteration ( 200).

In fig. 3 the obtained spectrum and autocorrelation function is presented.

As can be seen in figures 3 and 4, the result of the synthesis is not
satisfactory. Although the level of the first side lobe of the autocorrelation
functions is -24 dB, the amplitude spectrum does not have the bell shape. The
amplitude spectrum is almost rectangular. Because of that the result is passed to
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Figure 4:

Amplitude spectrum after one iteration ( 200).

R t dB

Figure 5:

Autocorrelation function after thirty iterations ( 200).

the second (iterative) program. After the execution of thirty iterations significant
improvement of the properties of the autocorrelation function can be seen (fig. 5
and fig. 6).
In fig. 5 and fig. 6 one can see the effectiveness of the iterative method. After
thirty iterations the level of the first side lobe decreased by 7 dB (to 31 dB). In
fig. 6 one can see how the shape of the power spectral density (PSD) function
PSD of thirtieth iteration rise much slower than after the first iteration and in the
same time both PSD-s overlap in 5050 region.
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1st iteration


30th iteration

Figure 6:

Power spectral density after first iteration and after thirty iterations
( 200 ).




Figure 7:

Comparison of PSD-s after the first, second and thirtieth iterations.

Fig. 7 shows how the iterative method changes the PSD function in a chosen
number of iterations. The curve of the thirtieth iteration is filtered to improve the
clarity of the figure.
The final autocorrelation function, after 150 iterations, and the PSD are
shown in fig. 8 and fig. 9 respectively.

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R t dB

Figure 8:

Autocorrelation function after 150 iterations ( 200 ).


Figure 9:

Power spectral density after 150 iterations ( 200 ).

In fig. 8 the resulting autocorrelation function was plotted. The side lobes are
on equal level of -40 dB. The first side lobe is barely noticeable and its level is
48 dB. That is an improvement of 24 dB in comparison to the first iteration. Also
the PSD plotted in fig. 8 is almost the ideal bell shaped. This proves the
effectiveness of the iterative method. The noise that can be seen in fig. 9 comes
from used numerical methods.

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4 Conclusion
This paper discusses the key aspects of the signal synthesis needed for the
selection of signals with a desired autocorrelation function, for example in radar
technology. The results of previous theoretical studies and numerical results
confirm the usefulness of the method discussed in the article from the standpoint
of the signal optimisation. The iterative method reduces the errors introduced by
the method of the stationary phase and the errors that are coming from used
numerical methods. The presented method of the signal synthesis is very useful
for cases where the desired autocorrelation function and the subsequent results of
the calculations cannot be represented in a strict analytical form. Another key
advantage of the presented algorithm is that the used numerical methods allow us
to find the optimal solution, having at the entrance, only a discrete set of desired
signals PSD points without any prior knowledge about the signal itself.

This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher
Education from sources for science in the years 2009-2011 under project

[1] Soowicz, J., Institute of Radioelectronics Technical Report, Warsaw, 2008,
(in Polish).
[2] Vakman, D.E. & Sedleckij, R.M., Voprosy sinteza radiolokacionnych
signalov, Sovietskoye Radio: Mosva, 1973 (in Russian).
[3] Kawalec, A., Lesnik, C., Solowicz, J., Sedek, E. & Luszczyk, M., Wybrane
problemy kompresji i syntezy sygnaw radarowych. Elektronika, 3,
pp. 76-83, 2009 (in Polish).
[4] Cook, C.E. & Bernfeld, M., Radar Signals: An Introduction to Theory and
Application. Artech House: Boston and London, 1993.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Synthetic aperture radar raw signal simulator

for both pulsed and FM-CW modes
P. Serafin, C. Lesnik & A. Kawalec
Institute of Radioelectronics, Military University of Technology, Poland

Simulated raw radar signals prove to be very useful at the first stages of testing
radar signal processing algorithms and procedures. This is particularly true for
synthetic aperture radar (SAR), where the costs of real signals acquisition are
very high due to the costs of building the system as well as the costs of mission
(air or space-borne). This paper describes a multifunctional SAR raw signal
simulator that has been used for the verification of SAR image synthesis
algorithms. Generated signals can be imitated for pulsed as well as FM-CW
radars both in SLAR and squinted cases, it is also possible to choose between
video and intermediate frequency signals. The simulator allows us to generate
echo signals from stationary and moving targets. The user is able to differentiate
the statistic properties of received echo signals for each target, thus allowing us
to generate different types of reflecting surfaces. If present, a real raw SAR
signal can be merged with a simulated one to produce more complicated
scenarios. The paper presents results of the simulation of raw signals and their
image after SAR processing.
Keywords: synthetic aperture radar, SAR signal simulator, FM-CW SAR.

1 Introduction
Airborne and space borne radar imaging allows us to collect the pictures of a
terrain fragment independently of the time of the day, the weather or visibility
conditions over the imaged scene. Unfortunately, due to relatively long waves
used by the radar (compared to photography), it needs to employ large antennae
in order to achieve the desired image resolution. This can make the system
impossible to build onboard an airplane or a satellite. The solution to this
problem is the technique of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that is able to
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generate virtual antenna by scanning the observed area along a known route.
After covering a desired distance gathered signals are processed as though they
came from a real antenna giving a radar image with the resolution comparable
with the wavelength of used signals.
Due to its advantages, SAR systems became very useful and widely applied
reconnaissance tools and thanks to the rapid development of the computational
techniques, their capabilities have grown steadily over past years.
The development of SAR signal processing algorithms requires the
verification of their results with test signals. This can be difficult in the early
stages of the project, especially during system feasibility verification, when no
physical realisation of the radar that would provide data exists. Acquiring the
signals from third party institutions if possible is rather expensive due to the
expenses put into building the systems as well as conducting the mission.
Therefore one of the basic sources of radar signals used in SAR image
synthesis algorithms testing is the computer simulations. Simulated signals are
incomparably cheaper than real ones and their additional advantage is the ability
to configure the observed scene and the radar mission arbitrarily, which allows
us to test the algorithms in a wide range of parameters.
The main drawback of simulations, however, is the simplifications made in
order to keep computational costs as low as possible, which sometimes render
the results unreliable. The simulation design must be then optimised for
maximum reality and minimum complexity.
This paper presents a simulated SAR raw signal generator developed for the
verification SAR image synthesis algorithms in Military University of
Technology (MUT) in Warsaw, Poland.

2 Principle of SAR
A SAR system is typically a radar installed onboard an airplane or a spaceship
whose antenna system is illuminating the Earths surface perpendicularly or at
some squint angle to the carriers route.
A typical SAR configuration for the airborne case is Side-looking Airborne
Radar (SLAR) whose geometry is presented in fig. 1.
The carrier is moving along a set, well known and, preferably, straight, route.
During the operation, as its carrier moves the radar emits the electromagnetic
energy and receives echo signals reflected from the terrain objects. Received
signals are then pre-processed and stored in system memory.
This signal pre-processing includes filtration and down-conversion to
intermediate frequency or can be extended to baseband conversion and
subsequently range compression, depending on the type of the algorithm used.
After the radar has covered the distance equal the antenna length L needed to
achieve the desired azimuth resolution A , signals stored in memory are
processed as if they were received by a real phased array of a length L.

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Figure 1:

The geometry of a SAR system.

Let us assume the transmitted sounding signal to be of form

sT t At e j 0t ,


where: At is a modulation signal, 0 is the centre angular frequency.

Then the echo signal reflected from a single point target at the range R will
take form [1]
s t sT t e



where: is the wavelength of sounding signal, is a two way electromagnetic

wave propagation time between the radar antenna and the target given by



where c is the wave propagation velocity.

If one takes into account that the radar is moving and denote the time t
associated with wave propagation as fast-time and the time T associated with
the radar movement, as slow-time one will obtain the complete equation
describing received signal
s T , t sT t T e


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In the above equation the instantaneous (in the slow-time) range RT is
defined as follows

x R T xT 2 y R T yT 2 z R T z T 2


where: x R T , y R T , z R T is the instantaneous radar position and xT , yT , zT

is the position of the target.
Assuming the coordination system from fig. 1 one can define the coordinates
x R T x 0 v R T ,
y R T const 0 ,


z R T const H R ,


where: x0 is the initial radar position along the X axis, v R is the radar speed
and H R is the radar height above the ground. It is also assumed that the target
lies on the ground meaning
zT 0 .


Therefore one can reduce eqn (5) to


x 0 v R T xT 2 yT2 H R2


and then substitute the result to eqn (4) which takes then the following form
2 RT j
s T , t sT t

x0 v RT xT 2 yT2 H R2


If the signal is sampled with sampling frequency f s and define the range
resolution cell dimension as

2 fs


one can obtain

RT j
s m, l s T l

x0 ld xT 2 yT2 H R2

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where: m is a number of the sounding impulse emitted by the radar with the
Pulse Repetition Frequency ( PRF ), l is a number of range cell and d is
distance between two consecutive sounding positions of the radar



In order to obtain a high resolution radar image one should compress the
signal in the range (fast-time) and azimuth (slow-time) domains.
The range compression is performed by a filter matched to the form of the
sounding signal sT and can be done either before the azimuth compression or
after it. Some of the SAR image synthesis algorithms combine those two
compressions in one block. They will be, however, considered here as separate
processing steps.

a quadrature

Complex raw signal

Range Migration


Complex SAR image R

Figure 2:

Structure of the TDC SAR processor.

It will be assumed that the obtained raw SAR signal is already rangecompressed.
The azimuth compression is in fact matched filtering [1, 2], where filter
impulse response is so called azimuth chirp being actually the complex
conjugate to the exponential form in eqn (13).
Therefore the operation of azimuth compression of the SAR image would be
a convolution of the signal with the azimuth chirp. However simultaneously with
the changes of signal phase due to the changes of range the signal position in
system memory changes as well. This phenomenon, called Range Migration
(RM), if not compensated for seriously decreases maximum achievable synthetic
aperture length and consequently the maximum image resolution. Range
Migration correction procedure consists of computing the actual number of range
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cell where the signal for a given image pixel for each element of the synthetic
Therefore the structure of the SAR processor (shown in fig. 2) consists the
above mentioned convolution block following the RM correction step.
The described algorithm is called Time Domain Correlation (TDC) and
although it is computationally very expensive, it is also the most accurate due to
the lack of any simplifying assumptions. This makes this algorithm a useful
reference tool for verification of other SAR algorithms.

3 The simulation strategy

The simulated raw SAR signal generator developed in MUT was designed to
evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of SAR algorithms implemented in an
FPGA structure.
The generator can provide the single- or multi-channel raw SAR signals
reflected from user-defined objects placed in the observed space. Objects are flat
and lay on the Earth surface. They can, however, move in the X and Y
Each object consists of a number of elementary scatterers distributed within
its boundaries.
User can define the shape (rectangle, ellipse or line) of the object, its size, the
number of scatterers within the object and the v x and v y velocity components.
There are three types of objects in the program:
1) with randomly distributed scatterers that have defined parameters
such as minimal and maximal values of the Radar Cross Section
(RCS) over the object, variance of RCS and phase fluctuations of all
scatterers from pulse to pulse; additionally each scatterer can have
omnidirectional scattering characteristic in the azimuth and elevation
domain or it can have an eight shaped one in azimuth domain; in the
latter case user can also define the range of angles for azimuthal
position of the scatterers; the probability density function (PDF) for
RCS fluctuations is assumed to be Gaussian, whereas the phase
distribution is uniform and those fluctuations are uncorrelated,
2) with uniformly distributed elementary reflecting surfaces; the
statistical properties of such object are described by PDF and
autocorrelation function (AF) of those surfaces,
3) jamming sources emitting white Gaussian noise with an
omnidirectional characteristic.
The user has also to define all the radar parameters such as number of
receiving channels q max , distance between the antenna elements d a , centre
frequency f 0 and wavelength , pulse repetition frequency PRF , LFM
deviation f , pulse duration Ti , sampling frequency f s , intermediate
frequency f IM and the emitted peak power. Also the carrier parameters such as

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height, velocity, observation distance or initial coordinates need to be

Radar can have a number of receiving channels whose antennae are uniformly
distributed along the carrier movement direction.
The sounding signal in the simulated SAR system can be either pulsed or
continuous wave with linear frequency modulation (LFM-CW), the raw signal
after simulation will differ in each case. For the pulsed radar it is either video or
IM signal with or without range compression, and for the LFM-CW case it is the
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of dechirped (down-converted) received
signal. Both types of signal are stored in a text or a binary file as complex
samples arranged in range lines (signals received during one sounding).
The user can also define the standard deviation of the receiver thermal noise,
which will have added to the signal at the end of the simulation.

4 The simulation algorithm

The echo signal reflected from each element is computed accordingly to the
following algorithm
1) For each m -th position of radar (for each sounding) the distance
Rm,n between the radar antenna and the n -th scatterer is computed
accordingly to the following equation
R m,n

x Rm xTm,n 2 y Rm yTm,n 2 H R hTm,n 2 ,


where: x Rm and y Rm are the radar position coordinates in the m -th sounding,
and xTm,n and yTm,n are the coordinates of the n -th scatterer in the m -th
sounding, H R is the height of the carrier above the ground.
If the position of no. 0 antenna element would be assumed as the position of
radar x Rm , then the position of the q -th antenna element can be defined as
xaqm x Rm qd a .


As it was mentioned all the objects are flat and are placed at the height equal
hTm hT 0 .


Considering the above and the radar movement the statement for the distance
between n -th scatterer and q -th antenna element in the m -th sounding can be
rewritten as follows


xR0 qd a md xTm,n 2 y Rm yTm,n 2 H R2 .

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As in accepted model the radar Y coordinate y Rm is constant and equal to
zero, and the objects can be moving with the velocity having components vTx
and vTy the eqn (18) should take the following form

mv mvTny

y Tn 0 H R2 , (19)
R m, n, q x R 0 qd a md xTn 0 Tnx

where: xTn 0 and yTn 0 are the coordinates of the n -th scatterer.

The received echo signals reflected from the simulated objects are
created either as impulses with linear frequency modulation (LFM) or
the LFM-CW signals after dechirping. The pulsed signals can have
zero central frequency (video signals) or else their spectrum can be
centred around a non-zero intermediate frequency f IM . The video
signals are assumed to be after quadrature down-conversion and
therefore are stored as complex samples whereas signals with
nonzero f IM are real with imaginary part equal to zero.


After having computed the distance Rm,n,q , voltage samples in

receiving channel are determined

U m,n,q lt s Am,n,q sT lt s t m,n,q e

4 Rm , n , q


where: sT t is the function describing the transmitted sounding signal, t m,n,q is

the time of the two way propagation of the electromagnetic wave from the q -th
antenna element to the n -th scatterer and back to antenna in the m -th sounding
and is equal
t m, n, q

2 R m,n,q


Am,n,q is the amplitude of the echo signal dependant on scatterer reflecting

characteristic m,n,q

(RCS), antenna characteristic G A , range and the

transmitted power PN and is equal to [2]


G A2
Rm2 ,n,q

PN m,n,q


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The form of the transmitted sounding signal sT t is dependant on radar

parameters set by the user. In particular if the value of f IM is non-zero this
signal is generated as a series of real valued samples having the form of


s T l cos 2 f IM
lt s lt s .



In the case of the baseband (i.e. video) signals it takes the form of a series of
complex valued samples
lt s .
lt s j sin 2
s T l cos 2
lt s
lt s



If the scatterer under consideration is not fluctuating and it has an

omnidirectional reflecting characteristic the m,n,q parameter is constant.
However for scatterers with eight-shaped reflecting characteristic a m,n,q angle
between radar-target line and the azimuthal position of the scatterers
characteristic is established and then on its basis the m,n m,n is computed.
The signal can be range compressed by matched filtering in a FIR filter
whose coefficients are the samples of the sounding pulse replica. The filtering
itself if done in the form of so called fast convolution employing the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) on both signal and the impulse replica, then multiplication of
the spectra, and finally the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT).
In the case of LFM-CW radar the received signal is computed as the result of
downconversion with the transmitted signal and for a single scatterer it takes the
form of real valued series of samples [3]

lt s 2
U m, n, q lt s Am, n, q cos 2 f 0 lt s


After computing the values of the signal samples and their position in the
system memory the signals are added to the respective cells (their values are
summed with those already existing it the memory).
If simulated radar is working as LFM-CW the FFT in the range domain is
performed in order to obtain the range compression.
The program has the functionality of synthesising the SAR image using
described earlier the TDC algorithm, which can be used as the tool for
verification of the generated raw signals. It is also possible to merge new
situation with earlier generated signals or even with real radar signals if only all
of the needed parameters are known.

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Figure 3:

Program window with radar parameters for the simulation tab.

Fig. 3 presents the program window with radars parameters tab showing also
the distribution of the simulated objects. In fig. 4 the tab with generated raw
SAR signal is presented and in fig. 5 the tab with SAR image computed with the
TDC SAR image synthesis algorithm.

Figure 4:

Program window with SAR raw signal generated.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 5:


Program window with SAR image synthesised.

5 Conclusions
A Synthetic Aperture Radar raw signal generator developed in Military
University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland was descried in this paper.
Algorithm of the generation of echo signals from both stationary and moving
targets was presented as were the simulation results.

This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher
Education from sources for science in the years 2009-2011 under project

[1] Cumming, I.G. & Wong, F.H., Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture
Radar Data. Algorithms and Implementation, Artech House: London and
Boston, 2005.
[2] Skolnik, M., Radar Handbook, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company: New York, 1990.
[3] Stove, A.G., Linear FMCW radar techniques. IEE Proceedings F Radar and
Signal Processing, 139(5), pp. 343-350, 1992.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


A real time SAR processor implementation

with FPGA
C. Lesnik, A. Kawalec & P. Serafin
Institute of Radioelectronics, Military University of Technology, Poland

Great numerical complexity is a characteristic of synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
image synthesis algorithms that poses a particularly serious problem for realtime application. Advances in the operating speed and density of the field
programmable gate arrays (FPGA) have allowed many high-end signal
processing applications to be solved in commercially available hardware. A realtime SAR image processor was designed and implemented with the commercial
off the shelf (COTS) hardware. The hardware was based on the Xilinx Virtex 5
FPGA devices. Under the assumption of squinted SAR geometry and range
migration effect present the SAR image synthesis algorithm was developed and
implemented. The results of the processor tests conducted with simulated and
real raw SAR signals are presented in the paper.
Keywords: SAR, radar, real-time processing, FPGA, COTS.

1 Introduction
Airborne radar systems constitute the essential part of radio-electronic terrain
imaging and recognition systems. Their primary advantage is the insensitivity to
the time of the day or atmospheric conditions. However the images obtained by
radar characterises much lower than in the photographic case resolution.
In the radar imaging two resolutions can be distinguished: the range
resolution called also the fast-time resolution and the azimuth or the slow-time
If the task of achieving the high range resolution is relatively easy - it is
realized by using sounding signals with internal frequency or phase modulation
or manipulation, the high azimuth resolution is much harder to achieve. It

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requires specific and refined method of image synthesis called Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR).
This technique proved to be very useful in both civil and military
applications. One of the many applications is the employment of a SAR sensor
onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for an immediate terrain monitoring
for industrial, military, antiterrorist and crisis management purposes. The
specific nature of those areas of the practical use of a radar system requires the
image synthesis to be performed in the real-time.
The process of the radar image synthesis can be reduced to the twodimensional matched filtration problem both in range and azimuth domains.
There are a variety of different algorithms implementing this function such as
Range-Doppler (RDA), Chirp Scaling (CSA), Omega-K, SPECAN or Time
Domain Correlation (TDC) Algorithms. The last one is also called the naive
algorithm. This one was described for example by Cumming and Wong [1] and
Wang [2]. Those algorithms differ in accuracy and computational complexity. In
this work the authors made an attempt at a real-time hardware implementation of
the time domain matched filtration algorithm, which is often used as a reference
algorithm due to its accuracy, and yet the one that has the greatest requirements
for computational power among the SAR algorithms.

2 The algorithm description

For the considerations as well as for the practical implementation an assumption
of strip-map mode of the SAR sensor was made. The geometry of the system
during the observation of a single point object is presented in fig. 1.




m m+1





Figure 1:

Side-looking SAR in stripmap mode with single point target.

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The radars carrier (a plane or a UAV) is moving with a constant velocity

along a straight line at a constant height H. The distance d between the two
consecutive radar positions in which the radar emits the sounding impulses with
the pulse repetition frequency PRF is given by



The raw SAR signal s t received in consecutive observations is sampled and

denoted as a series of samples s l , where l - is a number of a sample. The size
of the range cell R , resulting from the sampling operation is equal to

ct s

2 fs


where: c - speed of light, t s - sampling time interval and f s - sampling

A the first stage of raw SAR signal processing the matched filtration in range
is performed, as a result of which we obtain for each m -th sounding and for each
l -th range cell discrete signal s R m, l . As a reference signal for the matched
filtration in range the sounding impulse replica is used.
The second and the main stage of SAR signal processing is matched filtration
in azimuth, implemented in time domain. This operation is also called SAR
image synthesis. It is performed in a synthesis window having azimuthal size
equal to bmax , expressed in the number of sounding periods. The size of the
synthesis window is also the length of the synthetic aperture. For each m -th
sounding period the length of synthesis window is defined in the limits from
m bmax 1 to m the sounding.
The nature of the pulsed radar assumes some minimal range of reception
Rmin .
For an exemplary point object P (fig. 1), laying in the l -th range cell the
minimal distance radar - object Rl , min can be defined as
Rl , min R min lR .


The distance between the radar and the point object in an arbitrary b -th
sounding period inside the synthesis window is equal to


Rl , b Rl2, min max
b d .

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Due to the changes the radar-object distance taking place during the flight the
echo signal form the point object P lying at the distance Rl , min from the radars
route, in an arbitrary b -th sounding period will fall into the range cell having
Rl , b
wl , b


where symbol
. denotes the maximal integer number not greater than the
The effect of the change of the signal position in radar memory as a function
of the number of sounding period inside of the synthesis window (number of the
synthetic aperture element) is referred to as Range Migration (RM).
The main effect of the change of this distance, however, is an additional,
dependant on the number of the synthetic aperture element, phase shift l, b ,
equal to

l , b 2k Rl , b Rl , min ,


where: k 2 , - wavelength of the sounding signal.

Finally, on the basis of eqns. (5) and (6), for each m -th sounding period, by
integration in azimuth domain, a signal for a single m -th range line of the SAR
image s RA m, l is determined. Each l -th range cell in this line take the complex
value equal to
s RA m, l

bmax 1

s R m b, wl , b exp j l , b .


b 0

Eqn. (7) constitutes the basis of the hardware implementation of the SAR
image synthesis algorithm.

3 The application description

The considerations presented above indicate very large requirements for
computational power of the hardware platform realising the above algorithm.
This task is achievable by the FPGA structures. Modern FPGA structures are not
only reconfigurable logic cells matrices, but also integrated in one chip hundreds
of computing blocks such as CMAC (complex multiplier accumulator), and
integrated one or more DSP (Digital Signal Processors), e.g. PowerPC.
Moreover the resultant capacity of the integrated RAM blocks still growing.
Those components aid the computations and help to perform the DSP functions.
If we take into account the capability of the FPGA structures of performing
parallel signal processing, the real-time hardware implementation of SAR
algorithms becomes quite feasible.

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Due to the experimental nature of the project, the decision was made on the
purchase of the COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) FPGA modules and the
dedicated software enabling development of a specialised signal processing
system with the use of PC.
Hardware platform was build on the basis of Sundance DSP/FPGA functional
modules utilising Xilinx FPGA Virtex-5 SX95T chips and Texas Instruments
C6455 DSP. The following module types were used:
1. SMT362 1 piece; DSP/FPGA module containing 2 C6455 digital signal
processors and Virtex-4 FX FPGA,
2. SMT351T 2 pieces.; a module containing Virtex-5 SX95T FPGA and
(external to FPGA chip) 2 GB of DDR2SDRAM memory.
These modules are designed to mount on a SMT310Q motherboard, made as
a long PCI card.
The SMT362 module was used for organisational tasks in the SAR
application. Mainly it was used to load the application code to the FPGA
modules and as an interface between the code executed in the FPGA modules
and the base PC (host).
The SMT351T were used as the main hardware resources for algorithm
implementation - processors. One of them was designed for the range
compression and the other one for the azimuth compression.
Fully mounted hardware platform is presented in fig. 2. This one was
described in [35].

Figure 2:

Hardware platform for real-time SAR image synthesis algorithm


The platform used for the project requires four packets of the utility software:
1. the Sundance hardware dedicated packet, containing mainly the drivers,
2. the FPGA software development and diagnostic packet,

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3. the Code Composer Studio packet designed for the development and
diagnostic of the DSP C6000 series processors software,
4. the 3L Diamond packet, aiding the development of applications combining
the C written software for the DSP and VHDL written software for the

4 Research results
The correctness of the hardware implementation of the SAR signal processing
module has been verified with a simulated raw SAR echo signal of an isolated
single point object. Signal was created in simulated raw SAR signal generator
described by Serafin [6]. As the sounding signal a Linear Frequency Modulated
(LFM) pulse was used. Such form of the testing signal simplified the application
diagnostic and debugging process.
Figure 3a presents the raw SAR signal echo of a single point object. The RM
effect is clearly visible. Moreover the effects of the real antenna sidelobe
reception are visible at the edges of the image.
In fig. 3b, the matched filtration effect of the above raw SAR signal in the
range domain is presented. The matched filtration operation was carried without
the weighting function, therefore relatively high range sidelobes are visible.
In fig. 3c, the result of SAR image synthesis is presented. As it would be
expected, a single point in the image is visible, but also the range and the
azimuth sidelobes are present.
Another testing signal used for the testing contained echo signals of some
complex objects having forms of flat geometrical figures consisting of a large
number of elementary point objects. The raw form of this signal is presented in
fig. 4a. The testing signal after the range compression is presented in fig. 4b.
Figure 4c presents the SAR image synthesised from the simulated raw signal.
In order to test the accuracy and the quality of the hardware implementation
of the SAR echo signal processing algorithm, besides the simulated signals, real
measure data from SAR/GMTI sensor AER-II was used. This data has been
obtained by the courtesy of the Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for High
Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR, Germany.
Figure 5a presents the real raw SAR signal of an exemplary fragment of a
land infrastructure. Figure 5b presents the same signal after the range
In fig. 5c, the real SAR image of an exemplary terrain fragment picturing the
intersection of a highway and a local road. The next picture (fig. 5d) presents the
same intersection, but in the process of image synthesis the squint angle of the
main beam of the radar antenna was taken into account. This allowed for a better
resolution of fine details in the image.
The results obtained during the algorithm verification are consistent with our
expectations i.e. the developed hardware implementation generates the images of
a quality comparable to the ones obtained with the application written in
C language and ran on a PC in floating point format. The main difference
between the two applications lies in the time of computations.
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV





Figure 3:

The raw SAR signal echo of a single point object (a), signal after
range compression (b) and SAR image of a simulated single point
object (c).

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Figure 4:

Simulated raw SAR echo signal of a set of complex objects (a),

signal after range compression (b) and SAR image of a set of
simulated complex objects (c).

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Figure 5:


Real raw SAR echo signal (a), real raw SAR echo signal after range
compression (b), real SAR image without taking the squint angle
into account (c) and real SAR image with a proper value of the
squint angle applied during the processing (d) (courtesy of the
Director of the Fraunhofer FHR).

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5 Conclusions
The hardware implemented in FPGA modules SAR image synthesis algorithm
proved to be able to generate SAR image of a width of about 0.5 km in the real
time, with the PRF of an order of a few hundreds of Hertz. Those values are
acceptable for the SAR sensors mounted onboard UAVs. We should, however,
mention that the implemented algorithm is very computationally demanding, and
its current implementation is the first one without any optimisations.
Despite very high complexity of the implemented algorithm, the report from
the resultant code generation indicates on a relatively low degree of the logical
FPGA resources occupied by the application (about 30%), with the exception of
the block memory (RAMB) whose usage exceeds 90%.
Presented research results of the hardware implementation of the SAR image
synthesis module confirmed the feasibility of single FPGA implementation of
the algorithm. This leads to creation of compact and low energy consuming
applications working in the real time, especially attractive for the UAV

This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher
Education from sources for science in the years 2009-2011 under project

[1] Cumming, I.G. & Wong, F.H., Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture
Radar Data. Algorithms and Implementation, Artech House: London and
Boston, 2005.
[2] Wang, Bu-Chin, Digital Signal Processing Techniques and Applications in
Radar Image Processing, John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, USA, 2008.
[3] SMT310Q User Manual, version 2.1, Sundance Multiprocessor Technology
Ltd. 2005.
[4] SMT351T User Guide, version 1.0.6, Sundance Multiprocessor Technology
Ltd. 2008.
[5] User Manual for SMT362, version 2.2, Sundance Multiprocessor
Technology Ltd. 2009.
[6] Serafin, P., Institute of Radioelectronics Technical Report, Warsaw, 2009,
(in Polish).

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Finite element method application for

simulation of ground penetrating
radar response
M. Pasternak, R. Kdzierawski & J. Pietrasiski
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

The software for the simulation of electromagnetic waves propagation through
the soil structure with buried objects has been described in the paper.
The calculations are based on the finite element method (FEM) and allow
prediction of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) echo structure from different
buried objects. Such a virtual radar seems to be useful for test of chosen objects
detection possibility in different soil structure configurations as well as for test of
different kinds of radar signals. The comparison of simulation results and real
measurements data has been also presented and discussed in the paper.
Keywords: finite element method (FEM), ground penetrating radar (GPR).

1 Introduction
The most popular method for simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation
inside the soil structure is finite difference time domain (FDTD) method [1, 2].
The main reason for the FDTD method popularity is its relative simplicity and
good enough accuracy. An alternative approach is possible using finite element
method (FEM). The solutions in this case are easier for interpretation and it gives
more precise information about material discontinuities. The last feature is very
important as far as ground penetrating radar working conditions are concerned.
Additionally, the construction of the simulation boundaries in the FEM approach
is easier and more precise [3]. Contrary to the FDTD in the case of FEM method
the main field quantity characterizes all elements of volume instead of nodes.
The material properties , and are assumed to be constant inside the single
simulation cells.

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2 Simulation description
To obtain the discrete centered differential equations spatial shift between
magnetic and electric field components is assumed. The magnetic field
components operate among simulation cells around [i, j, k] node and occupy 1/8
volume of elements [i, j, k], [i+1, j, k], [i, j+1, k],[i, j, k+1], [i+1, j+1, k],
[i+1, j, k+1], [i, j+1, k+1] and [i+1, j+1, k+1].
For time derivative centering the Yee method was used. The electric field is
defined for t nt and magnetic one for t n 1 2 t .
For simulation the integral forms of Maxwell equations was used:

E dl

H n


E n J 0 E n



H d l d A

The contour integral of magnetic field on the left hand side of equation (2) is
calculated with positive rotation along the path presented in the Fig 1.

Figure 1:

Magnetic and electric fields calculation path example [3].

The magnetic field component overlapping neighbour elements is averaged in

x direction. Summing up of all components the following integral formula
around [i, j, k] node can be obtained:

IntH xn 1 2 i, j , k H yn 1 2 i 1, j 1, k 1 H yn 1 2 i, j 1, k 1
H yn 1 2 i 1, j , k 1 H yn 1 2 i, j , k 1 H yn 1 2 i, 1 j , k
H yn 1 2 i, j , k H yn 1 2 i 1, j 1, k H yn 1 2 i, j 1, k y j / 4

i 1, j, k 1 H i, j, k 1 H i 1, j, k
i, j, k H zn1 2 i 1, j 1, k H zn1 2 i, j 1, k
H zn 1 2 i 1, j 1, k 1 H zn 1 2 i, j 1, k 1 z k / 4.
n 1 2

n 1 2

n 1 2

n 1 2

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The field component of the surface integral on the right-hand side of (1) is
equal to:

Exn 1 i, j , k Exn i, j , k



i, j , k

n 1

i, j, k E i, j, k y


j z k

In the form (4) the terms containing electric field are centered in time

t n 1 2 t . From (3) and (4) the electric field component can be obtained in
the following form:

2 i, j , k

i, j , k Exn

2 i, j , k

i, j , k
2 IntH xn 1 2
2 J 0nx1 2

y j z k

Exn 1 i, j , k


The electric field can be calculated from (2). It has the form as follows:

IntExn i, j , k E yn i, j , k E yn i 1, j , k E yn i, j 1, k
E yn i 1, j 1, k E yn i, j , k 1 E yn i 1, j , k 1
E yn i, j 1, k 1 E yn i 1, j 1, k 1 y j / 4


E i, j 1, k E i 1, j 1, k E i, j 1, k 1



Ezn i 1, j 1, k 1 Ezn i, j , k Ezn i 1, j , k

Ezn i, j , k 1 Ezn i 1, j , k 1 z k / 4.

The surface integral from right-hand side of (2) contains the magnetic
permittivity averaged from 8 neighbour cells. Using time centered derivative it
has got the following form:

i, j, k i 1, j, k y j zk
i, j 1, k i 1, j 1, k y j 1zk
i, j, k 1 i 1, j, k 1y j zk 1
i, j 1, k 1 i 1, j 1, k 1y j 1zk 1



i, j, k H x 2 i, j, k

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Based on (6) and (7) the magnetic field components obtain the form as




i, j , k H x i, j , k

IntExn i, j , k ,



MuAx i, j , k i 1, j , k y j z k
i, j 1, k i 1, j 1, k y j 1 z k

i, j, k 1 i 1, j, k 1 y j z k 1
i, j 1, k 1 i 1, j 1, k 1 y j 1 z k 1 .


The remaining components of E and H were calculated in the same way.

In the first step of simulation the electric field components are actualized by
directly replacing old values by new ones, because they are independent of
neighbour values of the field. Next the magnetic field is actualized.
The time step of the method has to be shorter than minimum field propagation
time through the smallest simulation element.
If v is the electromagnetic wave velocity inside the element the well-known
from the FDTD method Courant criterion has the following form:

x i y j z k
t min
v i v j v k


For appropriate time step, centre frequency f0 and excitation pulse bandwidth
fw of the discretized excitation wave has the form:

u n exp n t0 T sin 2 f 0 nt


where T 1 f w t , t0 5T .
In the FEM method the boundary conditions formulation is relatively simple.
The simulated region is usually surrounded by one layer with suitable material
parameters. Out of the layer the nodes having fixed magnetic field values
(usually equal to zero) are placed.
The ideal absorber has to behave like an open circuit with current value equal
to the current induced by the incident field. It can be obtained by appropriate
selection of boundary layer specific conductivity.
When flat wave incidents perpendicularly to the boundary layer with specific
conductivity and thickness and the layer has the same permittivities like
neighbour material, and electric component E x is constant in all layer

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thickness, then electric field induces current density J x E x in the layer. For
H = 0 outside of the simulated space the magnetic field component H y inside is
equal to J x . Using well-known formula:




one can obtain the specific layer conductivity necessary to terminate the wave.


If the incident angle is different from 90 then effective thickness of the layer
is equal to sin .

3 Model verification
The model shortly described above was implemented to the software operating in
Windows 7 x64 system and prepared using a six-core Pentium processor.
The software allows us to define up to ten soil layers with different thickness,
permittivities and conductivities, as well as a random number of cuboidal
objects. It is also possible to define the basic properties of antennas as well as
radar signals. Thanks to the features mentioned above, the reconstruction of real
conditions inside the simulated medium is possible with a fidelity good enough.
Significant increase of the layers or objects number makes the simulation
duration time very long. The calculations concerning for example air and two
soil layers with two buried objects takes about 14 hours in 0.7 m3virtual sandbox.
Numerical calculations were verified in laboratory conditions using dry river
sand and two buried objects: metal plate and wooden box as a surrogate of
antipersonnel mine PMD 7 (Fig. 2).

Figure 2:

Test objects: 1 metal plate, 2 wooden box as an antipersonnel

mine PMD-7 surrogate.

The measurements were carried out using vector network analyser and
Vivaldi antennas inside anechoic chamber (Fig. 3). The stepped frequency
continuous wave (SFCW) signal was generated in the range from about 1 to 3
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GHz and it consists of 512 steps with equal duration time and 4 MHz single step.
The results obtained in the frequency domain was recalculated into the time
domain using inverse discrete Fourier transform with appropriate window
function and zero padding technique.

Figure 3:

The measurement set.

The comparison of measurement and calculation of exemplary results for

the objects shown in Fig. 2 is illustrated in Fig. 4.


Figure 4:

Comparison of calculation (on the left) and measurements (on

the right).

The virtual and real environment conditions were similar as much as possible.
The results both theoretical and measured data have very good similarity.
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The FEM simulations of the GPR imaging seem to be more precise than in
the FDTD case. Main reason of the difference is caused by numerical boundary
conditions construction that is much easier for FEM method. The FDTD method
models tested earlier by authors required much bigger simulated volume for
absorbing boundary conditions implementation (PML) to obtain similar effects
as FEM with one layer only.
The simulation results give very good similarity with real data from
the laboratory environment. Moreover, it is possible to simulate GPR imaging in
more realistic environment because the software is flexible enough.
The simulation results analysis is very important from GPR image recognition
problem point of view.

This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher
Education from sources for science in the years 2009-2011 under project

[1] Taflove, A. & Hagness, S. C., Computational electrodynamics the finitedifference time domain method, Artech House, 2000.
[2] Pasternak, M. & Silko, D., Software for simulation of electromagnetic
waves propagation through the soil with buried objects, Proc. of the 11th
International Radar Symposium, pp. 524-527, 2010.
[3] Humphries, S. Jr., Field Solutions on Computers, CRC Press, 1997.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Non-contact breath sensor based on a

Doppler detector
Z. R. Szczepaniak & M. uszczyk
Przemysowy Instytut Telekomunikacji S.A. Warsaw, Poland

Respiratory activity is an important parameter for observation of human body
activity. A normal adult has a respiratory rate of 1215 breaths/min in normal
conditions. Breath sensor based on non-contact Doppler detector allows for the
measurement and detection and the absence of the breathing action, which may
cause death in a few minutes. The monitoring and detection of some respiratory
abnormality presents interest in certain situations (i.e. patients from intensive
therapy, of newborn children and many others). The paper covers a new
technical solution of the low-cost breath sensor, which consists of the microwave
generator together with a resonant patch antenna. There is only one antenna for
transmitting and receiving. The technical solution of the oscillator is based on a
single FET transistor. The microwave oscillator may be tuned by change of the
antenna dimensions. The solution presented here is designed for 2.4GHz (ISM
band). The respiratory activity is mainly detected due to the motion of the body.
The wave reflected by the moving body surface is mixed with the oscillating
frequency by FET transistor junction. Filtering the low frequency signals gives a
component that represents the Doppler frequency due to body surface motion.
Next, it is processed with high a resolution analogue-digital converter and
digitally filtered, and time-frequency analyzed as well. The processing enables
the detection of the respiration rate with accuracy 1 beat/min or 0.016Hz. Signal
processing in digital domain includes removal of DC offset and out-of-band
noise. Experimental results confirm the possibility of using a microwave Doppler
detector to measure and analyze respiratory activity signals. This method permits
to measure the breathing rate period.
Keywords:respiratory sensor, microwave Doppler detector.

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1 Introduction
Recently, interest in non-contact breath sensors has increased rapidly. Advances
in microwave technology make it possible to design very small and simple
devices for detecting vital signs. New applications of non-contact sensing of
human beings have also been conceived in medical applications and as tools for
detecting human beings hidden behind walls for instance, or as rescue tools for
finding survivors trapped under rubble [1].
The research activities are currently focussed on the use of two different
techniques for vital signs detection by means of microwave sensors: ultrawideband (UWB) radars and continuous wave (CW) radars.
UWB radars transmit short pulses with a pulse duration of the order of
nanoseconds [6]. This type of radar, as well as CW radars, is able to detect the
movement of a target by measuring the low-Doppler variation that affects the
received backscattered signal. UWB radars also provide a range resolution that
permits to eliminate the interfering pulses due to reflections of other targets in
the background. However, that characteristic requires a fast switching time
discriminator that opens the receiver when the wanted reflected pulse arrives. If
the distance is changed, the delay of the time window of the discriminator must
be adjusted.
CW radars are simpler systems than the UWB radars and the received signal
processing is independent on the target distance [3]. But in order to measure the
displacements due to breathing, other movements of the subject under
observation, different from that of respiratory, should be avoided. Several CW
radar transducer configurations have been developed to deal with sensitivity and
detection capability. Sensors working in various frequency ranges (i.e. S-band,
C-band and K-band) have been tested to adapt the transmitted wavelength to the
chest movements. Quadrature direct-conversion systems or double sideband
indirect-conversion systems have been carried out to resolve the null point
problem, which causes an accuracy decrease related to the distance between the
sensor and the chest. However, all the above-mentioned systems involve a
typical transducer with transmitting and receiving parts.

2 CW radar sensor features

Doppler-radar motion-sensing systems typically transmit a continuous-wave
(CW) signal (sometimes frequency modulated), which is reflected off a target
and then demodulated in the receiver [4]. According to Doppler theory, a target
with a time-varying position but a net zero velocity, will reflect the signal with
its phase modulated proportionally to the time-varying target position. A
stationary persons chest has a periodic movement with a zero velocity, and
therefore, a CW radar with the chest as the target will receive a signal similar to
the transmitted signal with its phase modulated by the time-varying chest
position. Demodulating the phase will then give a signal directly proportional to
the chest position, which contains information about movement due to heartbeat
and respiration, from which heart and respiration rates and signatures can be
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determined [1]. Based on this principle, a noncontact heart and respiration

monitor can be envisioned. By leveraging existing wireless technology, it would
be possible to manufacture an inexpensive and portable device to perform such
monitoring. Assuming that there is no amplitude noise, a CW radar typically
transmits a single-tone signal:

s n t An cos2ft t
f signal frequency, (t) phase noise of the oscillator,
t time.
The transmitted signal reflects from body surface and returns to the receiving
antenna. After amplification it is led to a phase detector. The received signal is
phase-shifted and this phase shift is a function of emitted wavelength and
distance between radar and monitored object. Moreover, when the surface is
being radiated (e.g. chest surface) changes its position periodically xt (with
mean value equal to zero), the resulting phase shift is periodically modulated.

4L 4xt 2 L
So t Ao cos2ft

where: c -speed of EM wave in vacuum,

- wavelength in the air

The output signal of phase detector is a function of phase difference between

transmitted and received signals.
4L 4xt

S D t cos 0

where: 4L - phase shift depending on target distance,

0 constant phase shift resulting from signal delays in the transmit/receive

circuitry (for given structure of transmitter /receiver), t component
resulting from conversion of phase noise to baseband.
The single-channel Doppler radar exhibits minima of sensitivity for specific
target distances expressed as:


3 Microwave sensor description

The sensor presented here has very simple structure. The main assumption is one
channel operation without splitting of the received signal into the in-phase and
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quadrature channels. Typically, the sensor setup consists of microwave signal
source, splitters, amplifiers, mixers and two antennas. On the other hand, there
are solutions using signal generating circuitry based on IMPATT diode and
rectangular waveguide resonator. Transmitting and receiving of the signals is
accomplished by means of one horn antenna. The IMPATT diode forms an
active circuit for oscillator and short-circuited section of rectangular waveguide
plays a role of microwave resonator, and therefore a passive circuit for oscillator.
The advantage of this solution is that the mixing of transmitted and received
signals takes place in nonlinear junction of semiconductor diode without any
additional mixer circuit. The disadvantage is that this simple one-channel circuit
suffers from the nulling effect.
The solution presented here relies on the loop-type microwave oscillator.
Here, the active circuit is formed with the use of microwave HEMT transistor (2,
see fig. 1). The active circuit is a two-port network. The passive circuit is formed
by two-port resonant circuit which simultaneously plays a role of patch antenna.
Therefore, this solution is more compact and simpler than presented earlier [5].
The use of radiating element as a resonant circuit in the oscillator gives
additional substantial advantage. When the distance from antenna to monitored
object is decreased the object enters near field area and antenna resonant circuit
starts to be tuned by presence of the object material in the field region. The
oscillator should be properly designed; it means taking into account the presence
of object at possible closest position to the antenna. As an effect, the targettuned oscillator is obtained.
For different target distance from the antenna the oscillator conditions of
generation are still fulfilled. This means that for every target position oscillator
generates output signal with different position-dependant frequency. For small
periodic variation of position the frequency modulation will occur.
Finally, the component at intermediate frequency will appear in the active
nonlinear element bias circuit (1, see fig. 1). In that way, for close range
operation, there is no nulling effect due to distance between object and antenna.

Figure 1:

Microwave Doppler sensor structure.

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4 Signal processing in Doppler sensor

In Doppler respiration measurement signal processing is realized in analogue and
digital domain. The initial part of the signal processing in discussed Doppler
sensor is baseband signal conditioning. Before a signal is digitized it must be
lowpass filtered to avoid out-of-band interference alias signals into baseband
signal. The bit resolution of the analog-to-digital converter determines kind of
preprocessing steps. 16-bit resolution converter used in measurement set-up is
enough to resolve respiration signal. In Doppler sensor the dc offset is
sufficiently large that the level of amplification must be set carefully not to
saturate the converter. When the signal is small and noisy the dc offset must be
removed before or simultaneously with amplification.
Anti-aliasing filter is required to limit a bandwidth less than half the sampled
rate to avoid aliasing effect. This problem is resolved with active analog lowpass
filter with cutoff frequency below Nyquist frequency (sampling frequency is
typically performed at five times the signal bandwidth. In measurement setup
frequency sampling is 100Hz. The filter is realized as Sallen-Key lowpass filter
with cutoff frequency equals 25Hz (fig. 2). The cutoff frequency is sufficient to
limit any sampling frequency above 50Hz [1].

Figure 2:

Anti-aliasing Sallen-key lowpass filter circuit.

The dc blocking circuit and amplification circuit is shown in figure 2. Typical

signal amplitude is between 0.5 and 1mV. To amplify the signal to full scale of
ADC (0-5V or 5 typically) the amplification of about 80dB is required. Due to
dc offset, gain below is 40dB suitable. The dc-block circuit efficiency depends
on Doppler sensor bias stability.
In the Doppler sensor the respiration and heartbeat signal are superimposed on
each other. The chest move amplitude due to breath is much bigger than this of the
heart beating. The respiration signal is typically about 100 times greater than that
of the signal due to the heartbeat. The respiration signal can be detected and
processed without filtering but detection of heartbeat signal requires filtering.
Digital signal processing (DSP) includes digitization process and digital
filtering. Digitization in discussed system is 100Hz and has 16-bit resolution.
Signal conditioning steps include removal of dc offset and filtering which
removes out-of band noise and separates breath signal and other signal (i.e.
heartbeat signal or backscatter signal or clutter signal).
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Figure 3:

DC offset reduction circuit.

The DSP is based on fact that required respiration signal and other signals are
separated in frequency domain. Resting respiration rate is between 0.15 and
0.4Hz what corresponds to 9 and 24 breaths per minute [2]. Heart rate is between
0.83 and 1.5Hz what corresponds to 50 and 90 beats per minute. This means that
the breath signal can be isolated by a lowpass filter. A sample of respiration and
heart signals measured with a microwave Doppler sensor are shown in fig. 4 and
fig. 5.

Figure 4:

Figure 5:

Respiration raw signal measured at 20cm distance (chest).

Respiration signal after the lowpass filter with 1Hz cut-off

frequency (SM) and reference signal ECG (variation of isoline).

Respiration and heart signals are separated with digital filters. Filter isolating
heartbeat must attenuate the respiration signal at last 50dB. Signal processing
with finite impulse response (FIR) is presented. The FIR filters use current and
past input samples. The number of coefficients ant its values determine the
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filters properties in frequency and time domain (i.e. cut-off frequency, the
steepness of transition between the passband and stopband, group delay and how
long the filter has an output signal given a step at the input). The phase shift of
an FIR filter is linear within passband and group delay is constant and its value
depends on filter order. To separate heartbeat and respiration signal FIR 250order Kaiser filter with parameter =2 with 3 second group delay is used.
The Fourier Transform is used to determine the frequency characteristics of
respiration signal (fig. 6). When the frequency characteristics varies in time
(non-stationary signals) what is typical for physiological signals short-time
Fourier transform should be used for analysis.

Figure 6:

Respiration signal in frequency domain.

For heart monitoring the heartbeat signal must be isolated by filtering with
highpass filter. The Doppler sensor signal filtered with 400-order Kaiser (=2.5)
filter is shown in fig. 7.

Figure 7:

Heartbeat signal measured at 20cm (chest MS-HR) with reference

from pulse oximeter (SpO2)

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5 Conclusions
A low cost microwave sensor for human breath and heart rate activity is
presented. The circuit concept is based on a loop-type microwave oscillator with
resonant circuit acting as antenna. The oscillator is designed to be frequencytuned by the change of target distance from the antenna. This feature allows
avoidance of the nulling effect. The sensor structure is very compact. The
concept has been verified by the measurement of the model sensor with the use
ECG and pulse oximeter as the reference.
Proper detection of breath action has been obtained form the distance of
20 cm from the chest surface.
This kind of sensors may be used in distributed systems for monitoring the
patient activity in the field of health-care or to verify the condition of machine
operator (pilot, drive, etc.).

[1] Droitcour A., Lubecke V., Lin J.C., Boric-Lubecke O.: A microwave radio
for Doppler radar sensing of vital signs. 2001 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave
Symp. Dig., 2001, vol. 1, pp. 175-178.
[2] Droitcour A. D., Boric-Lubecke O., Lubecke V. M., Lin J., Kovacs G.:
Range correlation and I/Q performance benefits in single-chip silicon
Doppler radars for noncontact cardiopulmonary monitoring. IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 838848, 2004
[3] Lin J.C.: Microwave sensing of physiological movement and volume
change: a review. Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 557-565, 1992
[4] Ichapurapu R.: A 2.4GHz Non-Contact Biosensor System for Continuous
Vital-Signs Monitoring, Proc. WAMICON 2009
[5] Baltag O.: Microwaves Doppler Transducer for Noninvasive Monitoring of
the Cardiorespiratory Activity, IEEE Transactions On Magnetics, vol. 44,
No. 11, November 2008
[6] Immoreev I.J.: Practical Application of Ultra-Wideband Radars.
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(UWBUSIS'06), 18-22 September, 2006, Sevastopol, Ukraine.

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N2O detection with the CEAS method

J. Wojtas1, B. Rutecka1, T. Stacewicz2, J. Mikolajczyk1
& Z. Bielecki1

Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, Poland

Department of Physics, Warsaw University, Poland

Nitrous oxide (N2O) plays a significant role in many different fields therefore its
monitoring is an important task. In this paper the opportunity of application of
cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy for N2O detection is presented. This
method is a modification of cavity ring down spectroscopy. The laser radiation
tuned to absorption line of N2O is injected into an optical cavity under a very
small angle in respect to its axis. In the case of lack of the absorption, the result
is determined by the mirrors reflectivity coefficient, diffraction losses and length
of the cavity. When the absorber is present in the cavity, the result additionally
depends on absorption and scattering of light in cavity. The method provides the
determination of a very weak absorption coefficient as well as the concentration
of the absorbing gas.
Our N2O sensor consisted of a pulsed radiation source, optical cavity,
detection module and a digital oscilloscope. As the light source anoptical
parametric generator was applied. It enabled the wavelength tuning in a broad
spectral range with resolution of 1 nm. The optical cavity was composed of two
high-reflective spherical mirrors. Optical signal registration was done with
detection module equipped with HgCdTe photodetector.
The spectral range of 4.524.53 m is the best for N2O detection. Operation
at these wavelengths provides opportunity avoiding of interferences with other
atmosphere gases, like CO2 and H2O. Assuming 2% uncertainty of
measurements and the effective value of the absorption cross section of about
610-19 cm2 the detection limit of 10 ppb was achieved.
Keywords: CEAS, N2O detection, optoelectronic sensor.

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1 Introduction
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a colorless gas with a slightly sweet odor. N2O is an
important greenhouse gas and the major natural source of NO. In consequence, it
initiates the catalytic NOx ozone destruction cycles in the stratosphere. The gas is
used as an anesthetic, especially in dentistry and minor surgery. It produces mild
hysteria and laughter preceding the anesthetic effect. Thus it is also known as
laughing gas. Excessive exposure may cause headache, nausea, fatigue and
irritability. Simultaneously, N2O is a strong oxidizer above 300C and it selfexplodes at higher temperatures. Nitrous oxide is also a characteristic compound
emitted by majority of explosive materials. Therefore, measuring and monitoring
of N2O concentration is very important [1, 2].
N2O can be analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) on a molecular sieve
column using a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). For this method detection
limit of 4 ppm is achieved [3]. In the case of the electron capture detector (ECD)
application, detection limit is about 50 ppb [4]. Nitrous oxide may be identified
by GC/MS basing on its mass spectra as well. For solid phase microextraction
GC/MS the sensitivity of 72 ppb for N2O is reported [5]. Other nitrous oxide
detection system with detection limit of 50 ppb is described by Hellebrand [6]. It
consists of Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), heated measuring
cell with an optical path length of 20 m and HgCdTe-detector (MCT).
During the last several years some spectroscopic methods for gas detection
were alsosignificantly developed. In the paper the opportunity of application of
cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) for N2O detection is presented.
This method is a modification of cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS).

2 Cavity enhanced measurements analyses

Spectroscopic measurements based on light absorption are the most popular
methods of matter investigation. Absorption spectroscopy is a simple, noninvasive, in situ technique for obtaining information about different species.
However, the sensitivity of traditional spectroscopic methods is approximately
limited to values of 10-410-5 cm-1. It is mainly caused by detection limits of
small differences of light intensities between input and output of the measuring
system. Others reasons are the instabilities in light source intensity and the
fluctuation of photodetector detectivity, which provide noises and interferences
of absorption signals [7]. To improve the sensitivity, a longer absorption path
length should be used. Such solution is used in multipass spectroscopy, e.g. in
White or Herriott cells. Also the absorption spectroscopy with a modulation
technique could be applied. OKeefe and Deacon proposed novel measuring
technique called cavity ring-down spectroscopy [8]. It allows to increase the
sensitivity of about 35 orders of magnitude or even higher. CRDS system
requires highfinesse stable optical cavity.
In this technique, the laser pulses are injected into an optical cavity
(resonator) consisting of two spherical high-reflective mirrors. The optical
radiation is multiplied by reflected inside the resonator. After each reflection, a
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small part of laser radiation leaves the optical cavity due to residual transmission
of mirrors. The transmitted light is registered with a photodetector. The signal
from the photodetector can be measured e.g. with digital oscilloscope. The
amplitude of singlemode radiation trapped within the cavity decays
exponentially over time with a time constant . The time constant is often
referred to as the decay time or ringdown time. The decay of light intensity I(t)
can be described as


The value of decay time constant depends on mirror reflectivity R, resonator

length L, and extinction factor (absorption and scattering of light in cavity) [9]


In this way determination of the absorption coefficient is possible by the

decay time measurement. Firstly, it is measured for the case without absorption
(=0), when the decay time 0 depends only on mirrors reflectivity and the cavity
length. Secondly for cavity filled the analyzed gas. By comparison of these two
times, the absorber concentration C can be achieved from


where denotes the absorption cross section.

The sensitivity of this spectroscopic method is determined with the lowest
detectable concentration of analyzed gas molecules CL, which causes measurable
change of the output signal. The concentration limit of absorbing molecules can
be described with the formula


where is the relative precision of the decay time measurement. The

relationship between uncertainty and 0 can be described as



where L denotes a decay time of the optical cavity for minimal absorber
concentration. The analysis presented in Figs. 1 and 2 show that sensitivity of the
N2O experimental setup better than 10 ppb can be obtained.
Effective storage of light in the resonator is ensured only when laser
frequency is well-matched to a cavity mode. Then the best sensitivity can be
achieved. However the major disadvantage of this method is a strong
dependence of cavity modes frequency on mechanical instabilities. They damage
cavity Q-factor and provide fluctuations of the output signal [10].
Such disadvantage is eliminated in cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy.
This modification of CRDS technique was described in 1998 by Engel et al. [11].

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Figure 1:

Dependence of the concentration limit CL on the cavity length L

and the reflectivity of mirrors R (calculations were performed for
= 2.5% and = 410-18 cm2).

Figure 2:

Dependence of the concentration limit CL on uncertainty and the

reflectivity of mirrors R (calculations were performed for L = 60cm
and = 410-18 cm2).

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CEAS is based on off-axis arrangement of the cavity and laser beam. The
beam is injected under a very small angle in respect to the cavity axis. Usually
the beam is repeatedly reflected by the mirrors, however, the reflection points are
spatially separated. As a result a dense structure of weak modes is obtained or
the modes do not occur due to overlapping. The system is much less sensitive to
mechanical instabilities. CEAS sensors attain the detection limit of about
10-9 cm-1 [12, 13]. Another advantage is that due to off-axis illumination of the
front mirror, the source interference by the optical feedback from the cavity is

3 Laboratory N2O sensing setup

Detection of nitrous oxide could be done at both the electronic and vibronic
transitions. The electronic transitions correspond to ultraviolet range, below 200
nm, where neither the suitable laser sources nor the high reflectivity mirrors are
available. Therefore N2O detection was performed at vibronic transitions related
to infrared range. The spectral region of 4.524.53 m was chosen. In this
wavelength range N2O is characterized by relatively large peak cross section
(410-18 cm2) versus weak interference by the atmospheric compounds like CO2
or H2O. Comparison of these spectra based on US Standard Atmosphere 1976 is
presented in Fig. 3. According to this standard usual CO2 concentration is 330
ppm, N2O773 ppm, while N2O0.32 ppm (at temperature 300 K and normal

Figure 3:

Absorption spectrum for N2O (dotted line), H2O (continuous line)

and CO2 (dashed line) (from HITRAN 2008).

Nitrous oxide sensing setup consisted of: source of infrared pulses, optical
cavity, detection module and an oscilloscope. Nowadays, QCL lasers just
elaborated by Alpes Lasers are the best light sources for this application. FWHM
duration time of their pulses reaches hundreds of microseconds pulses while the
repetition rate might be of some kHz. The emission wavelength can be easily
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tuned to the maxima of N2O cross section, e.g. 4.5239 m or 4.5297 m.
However, in our preliminary experiments optical parametric generator (OPG)
model PG711-DFG produced by Ekspla (Lithuania) was used. It enabled
wavelength tuning within a broad spectral range with 1 nm resolution. The OPG
was pumped with Nd:YAG pulsed laser. The output energy at the wavelength of
4.5 m was about of 8.9 J. Because of high beam divergence two-lens
collimator was applied. The scheme of lab setup for preliminary investigation of
CEAS sensor is presented in Fig. 4.

Figure 4:

The scheme of the laboratory CEAS system with PG711-DFG

radiation source.

The optical cavity was built of two spherical mirrors, which reflectivity
reaches about 0.9998 at the wavelength of interest (Los Gatos Research, Inc.,
The radiation leaving the cavity was registered with the low noise detection
module PVI-2TE (VIGO System S.A., Poland). In the module, a photodetector
(photodiode), cooling system and a preamplifier were integrated in a common
housing [14]. Such construction provides opportunity of room temperature
operating. Both mechanical and spectral parameters of the module were
optimized to the N2O sensor application. Photodetector maximum responsivity
corresponds to the absorption bands of nitrous oxide (Fig. 5).

Figure 5:

Spectral characteristics of the HgCdTe photodiode current


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The current signal from the photodetector was converted by a low-noise,

broadband transimpedance preamplifier. The preamplifier ensured the best
possible S/N ratio and matched the signal to the input circuits of the digital
oscilloscope (DPO 4104, Tektronix). The experimental setup is presented in
Fig. 6.

Figure 6:

Experimental setup for N2O detection.

Increase in mirrors reflectivity improves the detection limit. However it also

reduces the intensity of the optical signal from the cavity. As a consequence it
increases the requirements about detection module parameters. The most
important factor describing optical signal detection capability is the signal to
noise ratio (S/N). Fig. 7 presents the noise equivalent scheme of the first stage of
a detection module using a transimpedance preamplifier.


Iph I nph Rsh Ind


Figure 7:

I nb Cd


Ri Ci


Scheme of the first stage of a detection module [15].

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The signal current generator Iph represents the detected signal. Noises in a
photodiode are represented by three noise generators: Inph the shot noise
associated with photocurrent, Ind - the shot noise of a dark current, while Inb - the
shot noise from a background current. In the scheme, the value of the load
resistance of photodetector depends on the feedback resistance Rf and the
preamplifier gain A. The resistor Rf affects both the level of preamplifier output
signal and its noise. The noise current generator Inf is the thermal noise current
and excess noise of the feedback resistance. Since the thermal noise of Inf is
inversely related to the square root of the resistance, Rf should be of great value.
In the first stage of detection module the noise is a function of frequency. At
very low frequency, the photodiode is the dominant noise source. However
preamplifier noise becomes increasingly important at higher frequency. The Rsh
is the shunt resistance of a photodiode. Preamplifier noise is represented by the
voltage source Vn and the current source In. From the arrangement in Fig. 7 it
can be shown that the equivalent input noise is the square root of the sum of
squares of noise components from: the photocurrent Iph, the dark current of a
photodiode Ind, the background current Inb, thermal noise of the resistor Rf, the
noise sources from a preamplifier: In and Vn. Thus, the signal-to-noise ratio can
be expressed by
I ph


I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 4kTf Vn


In the N2O detection system, the shot noise from a background current Inb can
be negligible, then, equation (6) becomes

I ph

2 12

4kTf Vn
I nph
I nd
I n2



In the case of high frequency, the last term of the denominator should contain
additional combination of impedances across the input of the preamplifier, i.e.
(Cd)1 and (Ci)1. Assuming that Vnd is the voltage noise of the serial
resistance of the photodiode and the preamplifier capacitance Ci is conveniently
grouped with photodiode capacitance Cd, the noise equivalent signal current,
In total, is given by

I n2total I nph
I nd2 I n2
Vnd Cd Vn Cd Ci . (8)
R f

There are two terms: a white noise term in the first square brackets, and a
second term which gives frequency proportional increase in a noise current.
Although a capacitor does not add noise, the photodetector noise voltage (Vnd),
and preamplifier noise voltage (Vn) is increased by the Cd and the Cd+Ci
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respectively. Analyzing equation (8), we see that for matching a preamplifier to a

photodetector, it is important to minimize the sum of I n +Vn2 2 Cd +Ci

Thus, in order to ensure registration of low-level signals and accurate

measurements of decay time, special preamplifier was developed. Moreover,
further increase in S/N can be improved by the use of one of the advanced
methods of signal detection, i.e. coherent averaging. This technique can be
implemented in software for digital processing circuit. Thanks to this increase in
S/N is directly proportional to a root of a number of the averaging samples nsmpl,
n smpl


4 Experimental results
The main task of experiments was to check the opportunities of N2O detection by
constructed CEAS system. The research was performed for wavelengths range
from 4.519 m to 4.536 m. Measurement procedure began from setting the
appropriate wavelength of interest. Then 0 (3) was determined for the cavity
filled with pure N2. Subsequently the flow of N2O-N2 mixture was set to the
cavity and the corresponding decay time was registered. The comparison of
both signals is presented in Fig. 8.

Figure 8:

The exemplary output signals from the cavity filled with reference
gasN2 (0) (line A), and from the cavity filled with 10 ppm N2O()
(line B).

The values of decay times were used to calculate the concentration of N2O
accordingly to the relationship (3). However the line width of optical parametric
generator was about 0.001 m. Thus it overlapped several absorption peaks of
N2O (Fig. 9). Therefore, in order to determine the absorber concentration the
effective absorption cross section was taken into account. In the vicinity of the
investigated lines the mean value of this parameter reached about 610-19 cm2.

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Figure 9:

The spectral characteristics of N2O absorption cross section and the

laser radiation.

During the experiments the gas samples containing about 10 ppm N2O were
investigated. Concetration measurements were carried out at the different
wavelengths. A good agreement between various results was achieved (Fig. 10).
The differences are caused by uncertainity of gas sample preparations (~10%
precision). Furthemore, 2% uncertainty of the decay time determination was
obtained. In accordance with equation (4) the value of concentration limit of
detection CL of 10 ppb was achieved.

Figure 10:

Measured N2O concentration at the different wavelength.

5 Summary and conclusion

The paper presents the preliminary research of a nitrous oxide detection system
based on cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy. The best sensitivity was
obtained in the wavelength range of 4.52 m4.53 m. During experiments with
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a broadband parametric oscillator the sensitivity of 10 ppb was achieved. One

can expect that with a specialized narrowband light source (like QCL laser), with
a wavelength well matched to the peak of the absorption spectrum the sensitivity
might be increased about one order of magnitude.
Our N2O sensor will be applied for detection of vapours from explosive
materials. Some successful research with nitrogen dioxide sensor to detect nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose has been already performed. CEAS technique with
blue violet laser diodes was applied [9, 16, 17]. We expect that an additional
channel, i.e. the nitrous oxide sensor, would enable detection of other types of
explosives. In Fig. 11 block diagram of two-channel CEAS sensor is presented.

Figure 11:

Block diagram of NO2 and N2O optoelectronic sensor.

This work is supported from the Ministry of Science and High Education of
Poland (Project No. OR00002807).

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Identity management in VHF radio systems

Z. Piotrowski & P. Gajewski
Telecommunications Institute, Faculty of Electronics,
Military University of Technology, Poland

For up-to-date commercial short-distance communication systems, e.g. RF
systems of VHF bandwidth or WiFi wireless networks, the development of
efficient and reliable algorithms and procedures for management of the radio
network subscriber identity is becoming still more important and urgent need.
The existing systems for that purpose are limited to checking of a simple
authorization code against the tables for supervising the RF information. Identity
of a radio network subscriber is verified on the basis of the rule that hidden
messages and hidden responses are generated during the communication
sessions. The concept of the centralized system for management of identities is
based on the rule that a unique set of PIN numbers is assigned to each subscriber
of the RF communication system. Each PIN number is repeatedly changed
during a communication session in order to avoid the attack when a part of the
signal including the PIN code is copied from the communication signal for
further redistribution.
Keywords: VHF radio, hidden communication, hidden authorisation.

1 Introduction
Electronic identity understood as an unambiguous assignment of a digital ID to
an individual person fulfils many important functions in contemporary
telecommunications. Mechanisms of identification, authentication and
authorization ensure the function of incontrovertibility of sent information and
the use of abbreviation function mechanisms makes it possible also to verify the
integrity of the received information. Safe data transmission through
a telecommunication network requires the sent data to be provided with the
following information: who sent it, who the addressee is; often, also
confirmation is required of: who received the data and whether the received data
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was modified during transmission. These are the most basic functions
implemented as a standard in telecommunication systems; moreover, it is often
demanded that the information be classified, i.e. inaccessible for third parties that
are not authorized to receive it. Confidentiality functions are realized by means
of encoding in accordance with the accepted cryptology standards.
However, there exist telecommunication systems of special purpose in which
the above-described mechanisms are expanded by an additional function: the
function of hidden transmission. A hidden transmission means hiding the fact of
sending additional data through a telecommunication network by means of
standard links, protocols and open transmission. Thus, the special-purpose
telecommunication system may be one which uses a standard telecommunication
network of a set architecture in order to carry out a hidden transmission.
Subscribers identification involves recognizing the person by the system in
accordance with the name declared by the subscriber, while authentication is the
process of checking whether the declared subscriber name is coherent with the
unique data assigned to the user and that stored by the system. Proper
authentication takes place when the declared user name (so-called login) is
coherent with the password assigned to it. The password depends on the adopted
authentication scheme and may be the knowledge of the subscriber (password,
personal data), the fact of possessing something (key, token, card), a
characteristic biometric element (fingerprint, iris image, voice, anatomic face
structure) or even a skill characteristic of a given subscriber (behavioral
biometrics: handwriting, dynamics and manner of pressing keys). After a
positive authentication process the subscriber is assigned rights to specific
resources, i.e. so-called authorization.

2 Known authentication techniques and threats

According to Eric Diehl, head of an international group of experts from the
Technicolor laboratory [1] which deals with the safety of multimedia material
distribution, authentication is a hardware or software process whose aim is to
determine an impossible-to-forge identification manner of two conversation or
transaction actors. From this process it stands that the actors confirm and
authenticate one anothers identity using techniques of passwords, exchange of
confidential information or digital signature.
Authentication may be multi-stage (expanded) or hierarchical which takes
into account authorization levels. A classic example may be the scenario of
authenticating an internet banking customer in which losing a one-time password
for a transaction realization does not lead to the loss of previously acquired
resources, e.g. preview of bank account, history of operations. Here, multi-stage
authentication involves using two or more identification attributes, e.g.
a password and a token, or a password and a biometrics feature (fingerprint
reader). The problem of losing electronic identity (identity fraud) is one of the
most frequent causes for infringing safety in existing telecommunication
systems. What main threats may be identified to the loss of electronic identity?
Javelins report [2] introduces several definitions of identity loss which provide
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an insight into the existing threats. They include data breach, i.e. an
unauthorized revealing of information that compromises the safety, privacy and
integrity of user identification data; identity fraud, i.e. unauthorized use of part of
personal data for financial gain (it may be done without identity theft
familiarization with data, randomly generated credit card numbers); identity
theft, i.e. unauthorized access to personal data; Man-in-the-Middle (MTM)
defined as unauthorized access to personal information in which the perpetrator
is able to decipher, modify and embed information between two parties during a
session without their knowledge; Synthetic Identity Fraud denoting a fictional
identity created in order to deceive an organization, e.g. identity generated using
real social insurance numbers and various first and last names. Of course, there
are many other definitions and notions related to electronic identity loss.
Electronic identity theft is the most common internet offence and losses suffered
as a result of an improper distribution and protection of electronic identity are
According to the aforementioned Javelins report and the Spendonlife service
[3], in 2008 the United States of America recorded a loss of $31 billion on
account of various forms of identity loss, whereas total losses in the world
amount to $221 billion. In USA, 26% of identity theft cases involved an
unauthorized takeover of credit card numbers and purchases of material goods
made by third parties based on those numbers; 18% was theft of public utility
services (gas, electricity) involving assigning a given service to a person residing
outside their area of permanent residence; 17% was banking fraud (change of
account assets, theft of access codes for ATM systems); 12% involved theft of
social security numbers, e.g. in order to obtain employment; 5% included loan
fraud (applying for a loan on someone elses behalf, e.g. assigning a social
security number to other personal data); 9% was fraud related to taxes, drivers
license, etc.; 13% involved other types of identity theft. In 2008, 10 million
people in the US alone have become victims of identity theft, i.e. 22% more than
in 2007. In the same year (2007) 1.6 million households in USA experienced
theft which was unrelated to credit card losses, but instead - to breaches of bank
accounts or debit card accounts. Moreover, 38 to 48% of people notice the theft
of their electronic identity within 3 months, while 9 to 18% does not notice this
fact for 4 or more years.
The seriousness and scale of electronic identity loss was noted also in recent
years by decision-making authorities in the European Union, including the
European Commission. One of the many initiatives aimed at solving the
problems with assigning and distributing electronic identity is the pilot program
STORK [4] (Secure idenTity crOss boRders linKed) which pertains to a crossborder recognition of existing national electronic identity systems (eID), thus
allowing for obtaining access to public services in member states. Several dozen
million people in EU use national eID identity cards when accessing services
related to social insurance, filling in tax returns and other services. Thus, the
project is related to electronic identity management (eIDM) through a system
which is a federation of already existing systems. This is a fundamental
difference in comparison to other projects realized by EU regarding identity,
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e.g. FIDS, PRIME, PRIMELIFE, PICOS, SWIFT, SWEB where attention was
paid more to attempts at standardizing marked off, centralized systems. The
European Commission argues that eIDM is a foundation stone in the
implementation of a full scope of eGovernment services for citizens, as well as
for businesses in the entire European Union [5]. It should also be mentioned that
a number of interesting initiatives were created thus far which, according to their
creators, are aimed at facilitating the determination of a persons identity in order
to provide them with access to specific resources. One such initiative is Identity
2.0 [6]; its creator, Dick Hardt aims at co-creating and supporting an OpenID
architecture [7] (architecture of dispersed authentication and distribution of
identity in the Internet). The idea of the proposed mechanism is simple: instead
of remembering countless numbers of login-password pairs for different internet
services, it is enough that the user creates an account on an OpenID server of
their choice. Wanting to log in on any internet service, the user will be redirected
to an OpenID server by providing his/her OpenID ID in the form of a URL
address. The OpenID server authorizes the logging-in operation. An organization
supporting this technology was created under the name OpenID Europe [8].
According to Elbirt [9], the recommended measures of electronic identity
protection include personal data protection (social insurance numbers, last name
(including family name), date of birth, previous residence address, drivers
license number). Consultations are also recommended in institutions dedicated to
protecting personal data in order to familiarize oneself with forms of illegal
obtaining of personal data by third parties and with recommendations pertaining
to revealing ones personal data. Another protection measure is to retain
information confidentiality (separating personal data from business data,
restricting and not revealing data to other people or businesses, and in the case of
data loss immediate alarming and reporting the fact of data loss). In order to
minimize the risk of an unauthorized leak of personal data, tracking carried out
transactions is recommended, e.g. payments with credit cards by periodic
printouts of statements. Moreover, it is advisable to properly store personal
information by encrypting files and a periodic change of passwords.
Furthermore, it is advisable to destroy old documents, printouts from bank
accounts using shredders. In the case of electronic documents the disposal should
occur by means of special computer programs which irretrievably delete a
document from the computers memory.

3 Hidden authentication
The need to introduce effective authentication procedures is especially noticeable
in military heterogenic systems which offer speech transmission services. A
complex solution to the problem of authentication is called for especially by
short-term prototyping and implementation of new systems in accordance with
the COTS (commercial, off-the shelf) rule. The use of the networks multiservice character in the concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) may lead to
a new approach to designing innovative and effective solutions in subscriber
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The aim of this paper is to show an alternative for current solutions on

verifying electronic identity and its distribution in telecommunication networks,
using the technique of information hiding. The paper presents exemplary
scenarios of authenticating in a VHF radio link with the use of a hidden
transmission of additional information. Results are presented of tests and
experiments on two algorithms of watermarking speech signals which enable the
embedding of additional information (the personal ID of the user) in the call
(original) signal, as well as the extraction of this additional information from the
received signal. The personal identification number (PIN) is represented by a
digital watermark with a determined data payload which is inaudible in the
presence of an original call signal. One of the audio watermarking methods is
called Drift Correction Method (DCM) [10] which has unique parameters in
terms of the obtained data payload and robustness against degrading factors and
which is offered together with the described new, one-stage psychoacoustic
correction system as a basis of a new authentication standard in radio systems
and internet telecommunications. A patent was obtained in the Patent Office of
the Republic of Poland [11] for the method of one-stage psychoacoustic
correction. Because of the confirmed generated high data payload of the
watermark, the drift correction method opens up a path for carrying out not only
hidden, but also confidential acoustic transmissions. Watermark data payloads
higher than 128 bits enable the use of known methods for encrypting binary
strings with a determined cryptographic power before they are embedded into the
original signal in the form of a watermark. Thus, the use of a hidden and
confidential transmission significantly increases the safety of the carried out
transmission for especially important transmissions, e.g. radio transmissions.

4 Experimental results
In order to realize the procedure of subscriber authentication in
telecommunication links, a decision has been made to use one of the known
authentication models which involve transmitting a binary signature to
subscribers who exchange correspondence between themselves. However, it
must be noted that the authentication model has been supplemented by a hidden
signature sent through a watermark added to the call signal, which constitutes its
significant modification. This chapter presents the results of experiments related
to subscriber authentication with the use of an information hiding technique for a
radio VHF link. The link uses the drift correction modulation as a method of
embedding a watermark in the original signal. Moreover, results were discussed
from the carried out experiments.
A supplementation to the carried out experiment is a test of the hardware
encoder and decoder of the watermark a Personal Trusted Terminal (PTT) with
an algorithm based on the phase angle scanner method that uses a detector of
spectral line amplitude instead of a detector of phase angle mistuning values. A
description of the method using the detector of spectral line amplitude, as well as
a description of the hardware encoder and decoder of the watermark may be
found in [12] and [1317].
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Aim: To check the robustness of the watermark embedded in an acoustic
signal by a hardware encoder against a transmission in a VHF link.
Description of experiment: a signal with an embedded watermark was
decoded; a hardware encoder and decoder were used which are based on the
method of forming and detecting a spectral line amplitude [12]. The
watermarked signal was sent through an ultrashort wave link (VHF) with the use
of Radmor (TRC 9200) military radio stations. Transmission parameters:
sending and receiving frequency 30MHz (simplex work), F3E modulation in an
HLG working mode of the radio station at a determined frequency. A speech
signal was transmitted in real time for a watermark data payload P=15 [b] and
with a duration of the transmitted signal t=30 [s]. As a result of the experiments
realization, a chart was obtained of the effectiveness of decoding the
correspondents signature. The diagram of the VHF link was presented in
Figure 1.

Figure 1:

Scheme of the realized VHF radio link with the use of watermark
encoder and decoder.

In experiment the software encoder of the watermark embedded the

watermark signal into the speech signal in real time. In the application, the WM
binary signature denoted the PIN number of the radio correspondent. At the
receiving side of the radio link the watermark decoder compared the decoded
PIN with the PIN declared in the on the receiving side. In the case of a coherence
of both PIN numbers: the decoded with the declared one, the device displayed
information about authenticating the radio correspondent. Tests were carried out
which involved transmitting and decoding the PIN number in a radio link for
10 radio correspondents with assigned PIN values. Each correspondent read out
a fragment of a radio telegram for 30 seconds with a pressed switch (radio
station work mode on transmitting). Each radio correspondent was authenticated
three times in sessions with numbers 1-5. Only in the case of two radio
correspondents was an erroneously decoded PIN obtained in one in five sessions.
In the case of the remaining eight radio correspondents, a positive authentication
was obtained in each of the five sessions. Thus, the authentication effectiveness
in this experiment equalled 96%. An effectiveness of 100% will be required from
a professional, commercial authentication system.

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4.1 Personal trusted terminal features

The aim of the device is to transmit a Personal Identification Number (PIN)
through a telecommunication link in the form of a binary signature assigned to a
given subscriber. The binary signature (PIN) is represented by a watermark
signal which is sent together with the speech signal and which is inaudible in its
presence. At the receiving side of the link, the watermark is decoded and the
obtained binary signature is compared with the one that is stored in the database
of the handset. In the case of a coherence of the received signature with the
declared one, the caller is authorized during the realized connection. Then the
LCD of the handset displays a suitable message. If only one of the interlocutors
has a handset with the function of hidden authorization, conducting a
conversation is possible like in a standard phone; however, the user of a handset
with an authorization function receives a warning message regarding the lack of
authorization due to no watermarked signal. The system is intended to work with
military battlefield VHF radio stations. The system has advanced mechanisms of
reducing resulting frequency mistuning and psychoacoustic correction. Using a
standard handset without an authorization function the user is never sure whether
he is speaking to the dedicated caller, even despite his recognizable features: the
tone of the voice, intonation, timbre, base frequency, formant frequency
distribution, etc. This happens because of the possibility of applying an artificial
voice synthesis technique or changing the voice features of a third person during
conversation. This is even more possible because the quality of the radio link is
low and we do not always know precisely the voice of our interlocutor; thus, a
change of the callers identity is facilitated.
The basic task of the worked out handset is especially to ensure a safe
exchange of messages between the authenticated subscribers in a radio link
without openly using cryptography mechanisms. Third persons impersonating
the identity of a given interlocutor are not informed about the process and result
of the authentication; thus, the conversation with the unauthorized interlocutor
may be continued without revealing important messages or it may be finished.

5 Conclusions
The presented authentication VHF system does not interfere with the
telecommunication infrastructure of currently functioning radio systems.
The lack of a special handset with a hidden authorization function does not, in
any way, prevent the realization of a connection provided the correspondent has
a regular handset. An attempt to discover a realized connection with a watermark
sent in the background of the call signal is made more difficult because of the
inaudibility of the watermark and the necessity to analyze the speech signal in
terms of a hidden message in all call tracks realized at a given moment, e.g.
during telecommunication rush hour. The digital watermark is perceptually
transparent and inaudible on the host signals presence and is robust against
intentional and unintentional attacks. The developed system allows for
transmission together with the speech signal a watermark signal with dedicated
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480 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

data payload. Watermark signal represents PIN assigned to the specific
subscriber using encryption based on a single-use key so that the PIN number is
changing during each call session.

This paper has been co-financed from science funds granted within the years
2010-2012 as a research project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
of the Republic of Poland No. 0181/R/T00/2010/12

[2] Javelin Strategy & Research, 2009 Identity Fraud Survey Report, Feb.
[9] A.J. Elbirt, Who Are You? How to Protect Against Identity Theft, IEEE
Technology and Society Magazine, vol. 24, Issue 2, 2005, p. 5-8
[10] Z. Piotrowski, Drift Correction Modulation scheme for digital audio
watermarking. Proceedings 2010 Second International conference on
Multimedia Information Networking and Security MINES 2010, Nanjing,
China, 4-6 November 2010, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4258-4, IEEE Computer
Society, Conference Publishing Services (CPS), pp. 392-397
[11] Z. Piotrowski, Gajewski P., European Patent Application no. 09151967.8
(EP 2 085 964 A2), Method and apparatus for subscriber authorization
and audio message integrity verification. European Patent Office
[12] Gajewski P., opatka J., Piotrowski Z., A New method of frequency offset
correction using coherent averaging, Journal of Telecommunications And
Information Technology, 1/2005, National Institute of Telecommunications, ISSN 1509-4553, Warsaw 2005
[13] Piotrowski Z., Effectiveness of the frequency offset computation procedure,
Elektronika, nr 3/2010, s.76-79, Wydawnictwo Sigma-NOT, 2010
[14] Piotrowski Z., Zagodziski L., Gajewski P., Nowosielski L.: Handset with
hidden authorization function, European DSP Education & Research
Symposium EDERS 2008, Proceedings, pp.201-205, Published by Texas
Instruments, ISBN: 978-0-9552047-3-9
[15] Piotrowski Z., Nowosielski L., Zagodziski L., Gajewski P.:
Electromagnetic Compatibility of the
Military Handset with Hidden
Authorization Function Based on MIL-STD-461D Results, Progress In
Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2008 Cambridge

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Proceedings, pp.103-107, Published by The Electromagnetics Academy,

ISBN: 978-1-934142-06-6, ISSN: 1559-9450
[16] Z. Piotrowski, The National Network-Centric System and its components in
the age of information warfare, Safety and Security Engineering III, WIT
Press 2009, pp. 301-309, ISBN: 978-1-84564-193-1
[17] Z. Piotrowski, K. Sawicki, M. Bednarczyk, and P. Gajewski, New Hidden
and Secure Data Transmission Method Proposal for Military IEEE 802.11
Network Conference Proceedings, The 6th International Conference in
Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IIH-MSP
2010, Darmstadt Germany

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Analytical model of a SAW gas sensor

M. Urbaczyk
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Silesian University of Technology, Poland

SAW gas sensors are attractive because of their remarkable sensitivity due to
changes of the boundary conditions (mechanical and electrical in the
acoustoelectric effect) propagating of the Rayleigh wave, introduced by the
interaction of a thin chemically active sensor film with gas molecules. This
unusual sensitivity results from the fact that most of the acoustic wave energy is
concentrated near the waveguide surface within approximately one or two
wavelengths. In the paper a new theoretical model of analysing a SAW gas
sensor is presented. The effect of SAW velocity changes depends on the profile
concentration of diffused gas molecules in the porous sensor film. Basing on
these analytical results, the sensor structure can be optimized. Some numerical
results are shown.
Keywords: gas sensor, SAW, acoustoelectric effect, Knudsens diffusion in
porous film, numerical modelling.

1 Introduction
A very interesting feature of SAW sensors is the fact that a layered sensor
structure on a piezoelectric substrate provides new possibilities of detecting gas
making use of the acoustoelectric coupling between the Rayleigh waves and the
free charge carriers in the semiconductor sensor layer. Using a configuration
with a dual delay line and an adequately chosen active layer, a sensor with a high
sensitivity and good temperature stability can be designed [1, 2]. SAW gas
sensors are attractive because of their remarkable sensitivity due to changes of
the boundary conditions of propagating the surface wave. This unusual
sensitivity results from the simple fact that most of the acoustic wave energy is
concentrated near the crystal surface within approximately one or two
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Any change of the physical properties of the thin active layer placed on a
piezoelectric substrate can affect the SAW propagation. However, from the
practical point of view, only the following two affects are potentially significant,
namely a change in the mass of the layer and a change of its electrical
conductivity, which cause a significant change in the velocity and attenuation of
SAW. These two effects occur simultaneously. In semiconductor layers the
electric effect is much greater (several times, depending on the gas
concentration) [2].
In order to optimize the structure of the sensor it is important to get an
analytical model of the SAW sensor. This paper provides theoretical
considerations concerning the acoustoelectric effect in the piezoelectric acoustic
delay line and semiconducting sensor layer configuration. This will be the
starting point to construct a multilayer analytical model. The sensor layer with
absorbed gas molecules may be treated as a stack of partial layers with a
different electrical conductivity due to the concentration profile of gas molecules
in the sensor layer. These partial layers are positioned at different distances from
the piezoelectric surface.
The paper summarizes the acoustoelectric theory, i.e. Ingebrigtsens formula
[3], the impedance transformation law, gas concentration profiles, and predicts
the influence of a thin semiconductor sensor layer on the SAW velocity. In the
paper a new theory of analyzing a SAW gas sensor is proposed. Optimizing this
structure, we obtain a high sensitivity of specific gas detection. In order to reach
a high sensitivity we must determine the thickness and porosity of the layer for
the given gas molecules, the temperature of operation, and other parameters.

2 Acoustoelectric effect in the piezoelectric semiconductor

In the case of small disturbances, both mass and the electrical load may be
considered separately. The total effect of a relative change of the wave vector k/k0
and the velocity of propagation v/v0 is the sum of both these components [4]:
k k

k 0 m k 0

By means of the perturbation analysis the contribution of each of these effects

can be determined. We assume that the mass of the sensor layer may be
neglected. Further on only the electric effect will be taken into consideration.
2.1 Electrical surface perturbations
If the electrical boundary conditions are perturbed only at the upper surface y=0,
the perturbation formula is [5]:
0 D *y 0 * 0 D y 0


where the index refers to the change of the wave number due to electrical
surface perturbations.

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Unperturbed electrical boundary conditions are usually neither short-circuit

[(0) = 0] nor opencircuit [Dy(0)=0] ones, and it is not clear whether the
potential or the electrical displacement should be approximated by its
unperturbed value. The best agreement between the perturbation theory and
exact numerical calculations is obtained by using the so-called weak-coupling
approximation, in which the stress field T is assumed to be unchanged by the
perturbation [3, 5]. It is most convenient to express the electrical boundary
conditions in terms of the electrical surface impedance per unit area:

Z E (0)
y y 0


Z E ( h )

Z E ( 0)


i D y

i k 0 0

LiNbO3 Y-Z

Figure 1:

Electrical boundary conditions.

Let us assume that unperturbed electrical boundary conditions correspond to a

free substrate surface, i.e. the region above the substrate (y<0 in fig. 1) is a
vacuum and extends to y. The space-charge potential satisfying the Laplace
equation is reduced in this region to the form:

The unperturbed potential function is therefore:
R ( y )e ikz e ky e ikz , y<0
and the normal component of electrical displacement is:
D y k 0 e ky e ikz , y<0
Consequently, the unperturbed surface impedance is:
Z E ( 0)
i k 0 0
The perturbed normalized surface impedance is:

Z ( 0)

z E (0) E
ik 0 0
Z E ( 0)



y 0

where indicates perturbed quantities. The potential (0)of the perturbed fields
and electrical displacement Dy(0) are now related to the unperturbed fields:
(0) (0) A
D y (0) D y (0) k 0 Tp A
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where Tp Tyy zzT Tyz 2 and k0 = k0has been approximated.
Now the perturbed potential and electrical displacement Dy on the surface
may be expressed by the formula:
0 Tp
( 0 ) i z E ( 0 )

D y (0)

0 i Tp z E ( 0 )

k 0 0 0 Tp

(0 )



0 i Tp z E (0)

Finally, we obtain:

v 0 sc

1 i z E ( 0 )
1 i


z E ( 0 )


1 i z E ( 0 )
1 i



z E ( 0 )

K 2 2 - the electromechanical coupling factor, and the index sc
v 0 sc

indicate perturbation due to an electrical short circuit on the boundary. Eq. (12)
is the Ingebrigtsen formula for electrical surface perturbations.
2.2 Thin semiconducting sensor layer
In the case of the semiconducting layer the surface impedance may be
determined considering the motion of the charge carriers in the layer. Let us
assume that the semiconductor layer on the piezoelectric substrate is thinner than
a Debye length. In the one-dimensional case the equation of the current density
in the direction z (fig.1) is expressed as [6]:
I z 01 E z D 1

where 01 and 1 are the intrinsic and whole charge density per unit length,
respectively. The quantities and D are the carrier mobility and diffusion
quantity, respectively, Ez electric intensity field in the direction z. For the time
dependence of the Ez expressed as exp i(t kz) the continuity equation [8],
concerning current density in the sensor layer is:
dI z
i l 0
The surface density of charge carriers s=l/a(a width of the layer) induced
in the layer by the electric field Ez will be:



1 i


where: c=

relaxation frequency,

v 02 k B T diffusion frequency, kB


Boltzman constant, T temperature, q - electric charge.

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From the boundary conditions of the space-charge field in a single

semiconductor layer in the plane y=0 results the continuity of the potential (0-)
= (0+) and the condition of dielectric displacement Dy(0-) Dy(0+) = s, where
Dy(0-) = 0Ey(0-), and assuming the electrostatic condition we can write that Ez- =
ik0(y,z).By applying Gauss law and the potential continuity in the plane y=0,
the impedance zE(0) can be expressed in the following form:

0 v0

z E (0) i

1 i


where s = h is the surface conductivity of the layer.

In semiconducting sensor layers the diffusion effect is usually very small
(D~0) and the surface conductivity is independent of the frequency of the wave
propagation. In this case the surface impedance zE(0) is only a function of the
surface conductivity s:

z E ( 0) i s

0 0

3 Profile of the gas concentration in the sensor layer

In gas sensors the effect of SAW velocity changes vs. the surface conductivity
depends on the profile of concentration of diffused gas molecules in the porous
film. The mechanism of gas diffusion through a porous material depends on the
size of the pores and the type of surface diffusion. In porous sensing material
usually Knudsens diffusion is assumed. This type of diffusion depends on the
pore radius and prevails in pores ranging from 1 to 100 nm in radius [7]. The
Knudsen diffusion constant, DK, depends on the molecular weight of the
diffusing gas, M, the pore radius, r, temperature, T, and the universal gas
constant, R, as follows:


2 RT


If the pore radius r>2 nm, a free molecular flow exists. That means that the
gas molecules collide more frequently with the boundaries than with other gas
molecules. The original studies of a free-molecule flow were limited to small
holes in very thin plates. Gas molecules are consumed rapidly or slowly due to
the surface reaction in the sensing layer [7].
Let us consider the gas diffusion in a porous thin semiconducting film, as
shown in fig. 2.Two assumptions, i.e. Knudsen diffusion and first-order surface
reaction, allow to formulate the well-known diffusion equation [7, 9]:
2C A
kC A
x 2


where CA is the concentration of target gas, t time, DK Knudsen diffusion

constant, y distance from the bottom layer, counted from the piezoelectric
substrate, k is the rate reaction constant.
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Porous sensor layer

Piezoelectric substrate

Figure 2:

Model of a gas sensor with a sensitive layer on the piezoelectric


At steadystate conditions the general solution of the diffusion equation is:

C A C1 exp y
C 2 exp y


whereC1 and C2 are integral constants.

At boundary conditions on the surface (y =-h)CA = CAs and
profile of the gas molecules concentration in the sensor layer is:

C A ( y) C As

cosh( y k / Dk )
cosh( h k / Dk )




CAs is the target gas concentration outside the film on the surface y = -h. The
concentration profile depends on the thickness of the sensor layer and the
constants k and DK. Fig. 3 presents an example of the molecule gas concentration
profile. Similar as in resistance sensors let us now assume that the electrical
conductance (y)of the sensor layer is linear to the gas concentration CA (y) [7]:
y 0 1 a C A ( y )
where 0 is the initial layer conductance in the air, a is the sensitivity coefficient
and the sign denotes the combination layer type conductivity and oxidation or
reduction properties of the target gas. Experimental data for H2 have been
presented by Sakai et al. [7], when CAs was fixed at 800 ppm at a temperature of
350C, and assumed to be a = 1 ppm-1. For these data the sensitivity data for H2
fit fairly well to the correlation line for k / DK 0,01 nm-1.
The electrical conductance of the whole film is obtained by integrating (y)
over the whole range of y (y = -h; 0).That treatment has been proposed by Sakai,
Williams and Hilger [7, 10]. A semiconductor layer in the SAW sensor cannot be
treated in the same way.Because the profile of molecule gas concentration in a
semiconducting sensor layer changes with the distance from the piezoelectric
substrate (fig. 3), the acoustoelectric interaction differs in every sheet of the
layer. In order to analyze such a sensor layer we assume that the film is a
uniform stack of infinitesimally thin sheets (fig. 4) with a variable concentration
of gas molecules and a different electric conductance. Each sub-layer is in

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV















y [nm]

Figure 3:

Gas concentration profile in a layer 300 nm thick and for

k / DK 0,01.


Sensor layer

Piezoelectric substrate


Figure 4:

Model of a sensor layer divided into n-sub-layers.

another distance from the piezoelectric wave-guide. The schematic diagram in

fig. 5 presents the way of analyzing the SAW gas sensor.
The resultant admittance is calculated basing on the impedance
transformation law of each sub-layer to the surface of the wave guide. The
surface conductance of the sub-layers is calculated applying the profile of
concentration of the gas and Eq. (22). This resultant impedance applies the
Ingebrigtsen formula to calculate changes in the propagation velocity of the
surface wave. The transformation impedance law is derived from the general
expressions for and Dy in the region 0>y>-h [5, 11].
The normalized impedance at any arbitrary plane y is [5]:

z E' ( y )

B k 0 y k0 y
e )e
e k 0 y )e k0 y

ik 0 0 (e k0 y
k 0 0 (e

k0 y

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Sensor layer

Diffusion equation
transformation law

Resultant admittance

Gas concentration

v/v = f/f
Figure 5:

Analytical diagram of the SAW gas sensor.

The constant B/A is evaluated by setting y=-h in (23), and this gives the
impedance transformation law for a single layer in the distance -h:

i tanhk0 h z E' (h)

1 i z E' (h) tanhk 0 h

z E' (0)


It can be shown, that the Ingebrigtsen formula for n-sub-layers takes the
following form [12]:


n 1

2T (1 aCA )2 1 f ( yi , ( yi ))

i 1

n 1
n 1

2T 2 (1 aCA )2 1 f ( yi , T 2 ) 1 g( yi , ( yi )) v0CS 2
i 1
i 1


where n number of sub-layers and CS 0 Tp , exp E g T2 T1

2k T T
1 2

T1=300K, T1 = 0
n 1

f y i , CS
i 1

1 tanh ky

1 tanh(ky) tanh(ky) CS
0 v0

0 0

1 tanh(ky)2 tanh(ky) CS

1 tanh(ky)2 tanhky CS
n 1

g yi , CS
i 1

0 v0

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


4 Numerical results of modelling a SAW gas sensor

As an example of the adaptability of this theory the results of a numerical
analysis have been presented. A thin layer of a semiconductor is placed on a Y-Z
LiNbO3 waveguide. Results show the changes in the velocity of propagation
depending on the concentration of the surrounding gas (H2, CO2, NO2, NH3), the
thickness of the semiconductor layer (WO3), the pore radius and the sensor
temperature. In the numerical analysis the following values of the involved
constants have been assumed: s=v0CS =1.6x108[1 ] , sensitivity coefficient a = 1
[ppm-1], Eg=2,7 [eV] for WO3 as for solid material [13].
Experimental results confirm the analytical model of the SAW sensor (Fig.8).
300 ppm
T = 320 K
r = 2 nm

Relative change of velocity [%]












Layer thickness [nm]

Figure 6:

Changes of the SAW velocity propagation vs. the thickness of the

WO3 sensor layer at 300 ppm H2, CO2, NO2 or NH3. Pore radius
r = 2 nm.

Velocity change [%]













Temperature [K]

Figure 7:

Changes of the SAW velocity propagation vs. the temperature of

the WO3 sensor layer for H2, CO2, NO2, NH3 gases.

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492 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


x 10-4

Gas concentrations
Air/ 2%H2 - Air/ 1,5%H2 - Air/ 1%H2 - Air/ 0.5%H2
Air/ 0.5%H2 - Air/ 1%H2 - Air/ 1.5%H2 - Air/ 2%H2

(fmax - f)/fmax


100 nm



50 nm


150 nm









Time [s]


Relative change of velocity [%]













Thickness [nm]

Figure 8:

a. Experimental data concerning a WO3 layer with different

thickness (50, 100, 150 nm). b. Numerical data, 0.5 % H2 gas.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


According to numerical results the optimal thickness of the sensor layer is

about 96 nm. Experimental results reach their maximum in a 100 nm thick layer.

5 Conclusions
In this paper a new analytical model of a SAW gas sensor and numerical results
have been shown for the gases H2, CO2, NO2, NH3 and sensing layers WO3.The
profile of the concentration of gas in the sensor layer has been applied in order to
model the acoustoelectric effect in the SAW gas sensor. A porous semiconductor
layer has been divided into sub-layers. The influence of the impedance above the
piezoelectric substrate on the relative change of the SAW velocity has been
calculated. In the sensor layer the Knudsen diffusion is assumed.
Analytical results are compatible with experimental results. The new
analytical model may be used to optimize the structure of SAW gas sensors.

This work is financed by a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher
Education No. N N505 374237.

[1] W. Jakubik, M. Urbaczyk, E. Maciak, T. Pustelny, Bilayer structures of
NiOx and PdIn Surface Acoustic Wave and Electrical gas sensor systems,
Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 116, no 3, pp. 315-320, 2009.
[2] W. Jakubik, Investigation of thin film structure of WO3 and WO3 with Pd
for hydrogen detection in a surface acoustic wave sensor system, Thin Solid
Films515, pp. 8345-8350, 2007.
[3] G. Kino, T. Reeder, A Normal Mode Theory for the Rayleigh Wave
Amplifier, IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, Ed-18, 10, October
[4] W. Jakubik, M. Urbaczyk, The electrical and mass effect in gas sensors of
the SAW type, J. Tech. Phys., 38(3), pp. 589-596, 1997.
[5] B.A. Auld, Acoustic Fields and Waves, vol. 2, J Willey and Sons, NY1973.
[6] D. L. White, Amplification of ultrasonic waves in piezoelectric
semiconductors, J. Appl. Phys., Aug. 1962.
[7] Go Sakai, Naoki Matsunaga, Engo Shimanoe, Noboru Yamazone, Theory
of gas-diffusion controlled sensitivity for thin film semiconductor gas
sensor. Sensors and Actuators, B 80, pp. 125-131, 2001.
[8] K.M. Lakin, H.J. Shaw, Surface Wave Delay Line Amplifiers, IEEE Trans.
MTT-17, pp. 912-920, 1969.
[9] J. W. Gardner, A non linear diffusion reaction model of electrical
conduction in semiconductor gas sensors, Sensors and Actuators, B1,
pp. 166-170, 1990.
[10] D. E. Williams, A. Hilger, Solid state gas sensors, Bristol, 1987.
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[11] T. Hejczyk, M. Urbaczyk, W. Jakubik, Semiconductor sensor layer in
SAW gas sensors configuration, Acta Phys. Pol. A, 118(6), pp. 1153-1157,
[12] T. Hejczyk, M. Urbaczyk, W. Jakubik, Analytical model of semiconductor
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[13] J. Portier, H.S. Hilal, Thermodynamic correlations and band gap
calculations in metal oxides, Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 32,
pp. 207-217, 2004.

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Section 7
Advances in measurements
and data acquisition

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Advances in low cost marine technologies

M. Marcelli1, V. Piermattei1 & G. Zappal1,2

DECOS Experimental Oceanology and Marine Ecology Laboratory,

Tuscia University, Viterbo, Italy
Istituto per lAmbiente Marino Costiero (IAMC),
National Research Council, Messina, Italy

In order to realize prevention and ecological risk analysis systems, the world
environmental policy (UNEP, IMO, etc) is implementing complex decision
systems based on economically sustainable activities including forecasting
models, satellite images and sustainable observatory networks.
The oceanographic measurement networks play a key role both for satellite
data calibration and mathematical models validation and feeding as well as to
support the early warning systems for environmental pollution control and
The high costs of offshore mooring systems and traditional oceanographic
cruises have suggested the use of VOS (Voluntary Observing Ships) to obtain
affordable data.
Moreover, marine coastal areas can be monitored using small measure
platforms integrating on demand the various measuring systems
(meteorological stations, water samplers, automatic chemical analyzers, in situ
and pumped oceanographic probes, etc).
For this purpose a big effort has been dedicated to the design, development
and realization of new oceanographic devices.
This paper shows the advances in new technological devices: the TFLAP
(Temperature Fluorescence LAunchable Probe) and the Automatic Multiple
Launcher for expendable probes, to be used by VOS in open seas, and a coastal
buoy to be moored near Civitavecchia, as a starting point of integrated coastal
monitoring networks.

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The described devices proved to be a cost effective solution to the need of
modularity, flexibility, real time observing systems.
Keywords: observatory network, ocean color, VOS program, ocean monitoring,
TFLAP, multiple launcher, expendable probes.

1 Introduction
The focus of international policy for the seas and oceans is steadily increasing
due to the growth of consciousness, in the collective mentality, of their
importance to man and his activities.
In addition to the use of the sea and its resources, that are traditionally
exploited by humanity, and in addition to the essential role that the oceans and
phytoplankton play in the climate balance, we constantly add new and important
roles, such as exploitation of renewable energy and marine conservation of
biodiversity, conservation meant as a pool of organic molecules of
pharmaceutical compounds for possible future interest for humanity.
The oceanography sets itself as a synthesis science that can uniquely address
the complex physical, geochemical and biological processes occurring in the sea:
Oceanography personifies interdisciplinary science of the blue planet, Earth,
as reported by Dickey and Bidigare [1].
The operational oceanography has been engaged in the development of new
acquisition, transmission and assimilation systems in order to have the widest
possible coverage of real time information, reflecting the guidelines of the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) and of the Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
Moreover, physical and biological processes of marine ecosystems have a
high spatial and temporal variability, whose study is possible only through high
resolution and synoptic observations that require the simultaneous use of
different platforms. Until satellite appears, in the early 1970s, oceanography
had endured a long period of undersampling, so that, the most profund effect
of the satellite oceanography was that for the first time ocean processes were
adequately sampled as stated by Munk [2].
However, the satellites, the data assimilation of mathematical models and the
compliance with the standards for coastal studies, require in situ data. More than
for the physical variables, the biological ones have to be observed in situ as
reported by Marcelli et al. [3].
The attention to the state of marine environments is growing worldwide and
the assessment of their resources needs always innovative methodologies, in
order to develop policies and environmental governance for the sustainable
management of the marine ecosystems.
Environment monitoring systems and networks were, in the years, designed
and presented by various authors, among which, Carof et al. [4], Grisard [5],
Eriksen [6], Griffiths et al. [7], Irish et al. [8], Paul [9], Seim et al. [10], Zappal
et al. [11], Nittis et al. [12], Crisafi et al. [13], Zappal et al. [14, 15].

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The methodologies for an operational monitoring of the oceans integrate

satellite observations, drifting devices, Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) and
Satellite observation has the highest spatial and temporal sinopticity, but
is limited by a series of factors: the lack of the third dimension, the low
resolution in the coastal areas, the necessity of in situ data for sensors
Drifter systems can measure physical, chemical and biological
parameters, but their capability is limited by costs and power supply.
The use of VOS in Ships Of Opportunity Program (SOOP) allows us to
reduce operative costs of sea research, without affecting quality and
increasing the spatial and temporal sinopticity of information.
Mooring systems allow to collect a huge amount of data in near realtime for long-term monitoring.
At now, the main issue is to develop integrated measurement methods aimed
at measuring physical and biological variables, integrating various networking,
while simultaneously to develop new automated and low cost tools, primarily for
the measurement of biological and chemical variables.

2 Materials and methods

Scientific activities were performed on two main lines: VOS equipments and
2.1 VOS systems
A Ships Of Opportunity Program (SOOP) was established in the Mediterranean
Sea in September 1999, on behalf of the EC funded project Mediterranean
Forecasting System Pilot Project (MFS-PP), as described by Pinardi et al. [16].
The program is now evolving into a full Volunteer Observing Ships (VOS)
system providing sea-temperature profiles and meteorological data.
The VOS, usually cargoes or ferries, allow us to repeat the same tracks,
collecting data with a cyclic pattern.
The VOS program is based on the use of expendable probes, originally
conceived for the Navy submarine warfare and later adopted by scientific
community for oceanographic purposes.
The first expendable probe was the XBT (Expendable Bathy Thermograph),
which was followed by XCTD (Expendable Conductivity, Temperature, and
Depth profiling system) and ESV (Expendable Sound Velocimeter).
All of these probes are based on a consolidated technology: the probes can be
released using manual or automatic launchers.
The depth reached by the XBT probes is estimated using a formula of the
where Z(t) is the depth, t the time and A and B probe related coefficients.
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The traditional commercial expendable probes are limited to the measurement
of physical parameters, while also the biological ones are very important.
In this contest the TFLAP (Temperature Fluorescence LAunchable Probe), as
described by Marcelli et al. [17, 18], was developed to fill this gap, ensuring
both the quality of the measure and cost effectiveness.
TFLAP is an expendable probe which was developed for VOS purpose,
launchable, like the others, from a moving ship. It measures pressure,
temperature and fluorescence of chlorophyll a along the water column.
Unlike the traditional XBT probe, incorporating only the temperature sensor
and having no electronics on board, the TFLAP contains a modular electronic
system to manage the different measure channels. Commercial low cost
components were selected and tested for the realization of the first prototypes.
The probe (Fig. 1) is built around a central tube made in anticorodal (an
aluminium alloy) in which a measurement cell is obtained, hosting the sensors
immersed in the water flow. An outer tube, coaxial with the first, is used to
obtain a pressure case for the system electronics.
A zinc ogive is used to make the probe heavy enough to sink at a predefined
rate, while a plastic tail (hosting the reel of electrical wire connecting the probe
to the launching system) stabilizes its movement.
While the probe sinks, the wire dereels from the tail (lower) coil; in the
meantime, the wire dereeling from the upper coil compensates the ship

Figure 1:

A partially assembled TFLAP and its section.

The measurement components include: a pressure transducer, a glass bulb

temperature resistor for temperature measure; blue LEDs for fluorescence
excitation, interferential filters and a photodiode for the fluorescence measure.
To better exploit the capabilities of TFLAP an enhanced version of the
Automatic Multiple Launcher for expendable probes was set up.
The Multiple Launcher was designed in the Framework of MFS-TEP to
enhance and automate the use of expendable probes from VOS. It has been
described by Zappal et al. [19], Zappal and Manzella [20] and by Zappal [21].

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Originally designed to work with standard XBT probes, the system was
enhanced to manage also TFLAPs, with a new serial interface and new
communication and data display routines.
An example of Temperature and Fluorescence profiles measured using the
TFLAP is shown in Fig. 2.


Figure 2:

A plot of temperature and fluorescence profiles measured by the


2.2 Moorings
The buoy (or, more properly, the platform) was originally moored in Siracusa
(Sicily) coastal waters as a part of a monitoring network funded by the Italian
Ministry for University and Research, described by Zappal et al. [22, 23].

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Basically, it consisted in a 2 m x 4 m Orsogrill floor, brought about 50 cm
over the sea by ten horizontal axis cylindrical floaters distributed on the long
sides; a semi-submersed chamber (vessel) contained the measuring
instruments, the batteries, the data acquisition and transmission and the pumping
systems; an overhanging arc hosted meteorological sensors, the GSM antenna,
the blinker and the radar reflector.
The power was given by four 12 V 50 Ah accumulators recharged using four
50 W solar panels, used also to close and protect the semi-submersed chamber.
At present, the platform is undergoing a series of major modification and a
complete instrumentation refitting to be used for a new monitoring program
which is going to start in Civitavecchia waters.
The platform before the modification is shown in Fig. 3 (left); the modified
version is presented in Fig. 3 (right).

Figure 3:

The platform before (left) and after (right) the modifications; it is

evident the substitution of solar panels and the adding of the wind
generator; being them totally submersed it is difficult to see the
added floaters (two on each long side).

2.2.1 The power supply

To allow the use of more complex (and power consuming) instrumentation,
taking into account possible problems with solar panels (long periods of bad
weather, surface covering by oil film, damages caused by wave transported
materials, etc.), the following improvements were made:
a 200 W wind generator was added on the top the arc
the 50 W panels were substituted with 80 W ones
the power reserve was doubled adding four more accumulators.
Shunt or series voltage regulators, together with protecting diodes allow to
properly recharge batteries, ensuring supply also in case of failure of one or more
accumulators or generators.
The increase in weight has been balanced adding four auxiliary floaters that
also, widening the submersed surface on short sides, enhance the buoy stability.

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2.2.2 The data acquisition and transmission systems and the control
The data acquisition system uses PC/104 boards that implement a PC-like
architecture; the technological developments obtained in the years made
available new, more powerful electronic boards to substitute the Intel 386 used in
the first buoy version and the Pentium family board adopted for the first version
of the automatic multiple launcher for expendable probes.
In the current standard version up to 12 serial ports are available to connect
measuring instruments, switched on and off by solid state and electromechanical
To monitor power system status (battery level, solar panels and wind
generator voltage) a 16 single ended channels, 12 bit resolution Analog to Digital
Converter (ADC) board is installed; it is also possible to add a 16 bit resolution
ADC board to connect sensors with voltage or current output.
The original GSM modem has been substituted by a GSM-GPRS one, able
(thanks to an embedded TCP-IP stack) to directly connect to Internet, to transfer
data as e-mail messages, so allowing to de-localize the base station and to better
disseminate acquired data.
A GPS receiver is included in the system to control its position: should the
platform go out of the allowed area range, an unmoored platform alarm is sent
to the base station and to selected cellular phones.
The system software is a new release of the original one, first described by
Zappal [24] and further expanding the enhancements reported by Zappal [25].
It is coded partly in compiled BASIC and partly in Assembly in a DOS-like
environment; remote control software is written in Visual Basic in Windows
Basically, it consists in a time machine executing at pre-defined times
sequences of macro-commands able to fully control the instruments and the data
acquisition and transmission systems.
The sequences can be different for each time and are remotely
reprogrammable without suspending system activity.
Acquired data are immediately stored in the local system disk (a solid state
one), then formatted and sent via e-mail.
Being the messages sequentially numbered, it is easy for the receiving system
to automatically detect a missing message and asking for its retransmission,
simply sending an e-mail message or an SMS to the buoy.
2.2.3 The pumping system
The pumping system (shown during refitting operations in Fig. 4) uses a
peristaltic pump to drive water from five depths to feed instruments
(e.g. multiparametric probes, water samplers, colorimetric analyzers) into a
measurement chamber or in an open flow piping; after the measurements the
system can be automatically washed with fresh water contained in a reservoir.
Of course, possible alterations of sample temperature and dissolved oxygen must
be taken into account; no influence has been noticed on other parameters,

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Figure 4:

The water pumping system in the buoy (left) and on the bench
(right) during refitting operations.

however, attention must be paid to avoid mixing in calculations in situ and

pumped measured values (e.g. calculating salinity only using pumped samples).

3 Discussion and conclusions

The TFLAP probe was developed to overcome the lacking of measurements of
fluorescence from chlorophyll a in available expendable probes and to integrate
the third dimension of satellite observation. The acquisition of a huge amount of
data concerning chlorophyll a estimation, together with temperature, allows the
monitoring of marine productivity variation, giving important information to
study the state of marine ecosystem.
Worth mentioning is the cost reduction that can be achieved by using the
Automatic Multiple Launcher. One of the requirements in operational
oceanography is the collection of data allowing the spatial resolution of
mesoscale phenomena, which are of the order of 15-20 miles in the
Mediterranean Sea.
Since ships are moving faster than 20 knots, the XBTs must be dropped every
20-30 min. Data collection along a section 400-500 miles long with a manual
launcher requires the engagement of two-three technicians, having a cost of
about 25 USD per hour. The total cost for personnel amounts to 1000-2000 USD
for each trip. The cost of a multiple launcher is about 15000 USD, that can be
recovered in 1020 trips by engaging only one person.

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Coastal moorings not only offer a low-cost (or better not-too-high-cost)

solution for environment monitoring, but also help integrate and calibrate data
coming from satellite observations.
The devices here reported can be used for low cost operational oceanography
monitoring and can be further implemented with other measuring systems
(e.g. water sampler for off-line bacteriological, chemical and nutrient analyses,
multispectral instruments, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler).
Our group focused and is still working on the development of an integrated
approach including: for the open waters, the development of low-cost tools and
new sensors for the measurement of biological variables; for the coastal waters,
the development of automatic measurement systems and their integration with
the existing networks, with the ultimate goal of developing automated methods
and low cost instruments, that, in a next future, will perform (near) real time
biological and chemical measurements.

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[2] Munk, W., Oceanography before, and after, the advent of satellites,
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Science B.V., 2000.
[3] Marcelli, M., Di Maio, A., Donis, D., Mainardi, U. & Manzella, G.M.R..
Development of a new expendable probe for the study of pelagic
ecosystems from voluntary observing ships. Ocean Sci., 3, 1-10, 2007.
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surveillance system for chronic and accidental pollution. Proc. of OESIEEE OCEANS 94 Conference, III, pp. 298-302, 1994.
[5] Grisard, K., Eight years experience with the Elbe Estuary environmental
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[6] Eriksen, C. C., Instrumentation for Physical Oceanography: the last two
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[7] Griffiths, G., Davis, R., Eriksen, C., Frye, D., Marchand, P. & Dickey, T.,
Towards new platform technology for sustained observations. Proc. of
OceanObs 99,
[8] Irish, J. D., Beardsley, R. C., Williams, W. J. & Brink, K. H., Long-term
moored observations on Georges Bank as part of the U. S. Globec
Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank program. Proc. of MTS-IEEE OCEANS
99 Conference, I, pp. 273-278, 1999.
[9] Paul, W., Buoy Technology. Marine Technology Society Journal, 35(2),
pp. 54-57, 2001.
[10] Seim, H., Werner, F., Nelson, J., Jahnke, R., Mooers, C., Shay, L.,
Weisberg, R. & Luther, M., SEA-COOS: Southeast Atlantic Coastal Ocean
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Observing System. Proc. of MTS-IEEE OCEANS 2002 Conference, I,

pp. 547-555, 2002.
Zappal, G., Caruso, G. & Crisafi, E., Design and use of advanced
technology devices for sea water monitoring. Operational Oceanography.
Implementation at the European and Regional Scales, eds. Flemming N. C.,
Vallerga S., Pinardi N., Behrens H.W.A., Manzella G., Prandle D., Stel
J.H., Elsevier Oceanography Series, 66, 2002.
Nittis, K., Tziavos, C., Thanos, I., Drakopoulos, P., Cardin, V., Gacic, M.,
Petihakis, G. & Basana, R., The Mediterranean Moored Multi-sensor Array
(M3A): system development and initial results. Annales Geophysicae, 21,
pp. 75-87, 2003.
Crisafi, E., Azzaro, F., Zappal, G. & Magazz G., Integrated automatic
systems for oceanographic research: some applications. Proc. of OES-IEEE
OCEANS 94 Conference, I, pp. 455-460, 1994.
Zappal, G., Crisafi, E., Caruso, G., Azzaro, F. & Magazz, G., Coastal
monitoring by an advanced technology platform. Proc. of Oceanology
International 98 Conference Proceedings, I, pp. 69-84, 1998.
Zappal, G., Alberotanza, L. & Crisafi, E., Assessment of environmental
conditions using automatic monitoring systems. Proc. of MTS-IEEE
OCEANS 99 Conference, II, pp. 796-800, 1999.
Pinardi, N., Allen, I., Demirov, E., De Mey, P., Korres, G., Laskaratos, A.,
Le Traon, P., Y., Maillard, C., Manzella, G. & Tziavos, C., The
Mediterranean Ocean Forecasting System: first phase of implementation
(1998-2001). Annales Geophysicae, 21, pp. 3-20, 2003.
Marcelli, M., Di Maio, A., Piermattei, V., Zappal, G. & Manzella, G.,
Development of new technologies for the high variability phenomena data
acquisition in the MFSTEP-VOS project. European Operational
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Conference on EuroGOOS, eds. H. Dahlin, N.C. Flemming, P. Marchand,
S. E. Petersson, pp. 184-187, 2006.
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Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, ed E. Ozhan,
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Computer-based data acquisition and

processing in a technical
investigation department
N. J. Durley-Boot & J. R. Maguire
Technical Investigation Department, Lloyds Register, UK

This paper provides a snapshot of the current work of the Technical Investigation
Department (TID) of Lloyds Register EMEA, focusing on how computer-based
tools have been integrated to collect, process and analyse data. There are three
main parts to the paper: (1) description of the data acquisition and processing
systems both traditional analogue and more modern digital systems;
(2) discussion of the analysis techniques categorised into spreadsheets, signal
processing, and engineering design and predictive analysis; (3) example
combinations on jobs in both marine and non-marine industries.
The paper concludes with a look ahead to developments foreseen in the
coming years.
Keywords: data, acquisition, processing, technical, investigation.

1 Introduction
Since its formation in 1947, Lloyds Register EMEAs Technical Investigations
Department (TID) has been invited to investigate a wide range of engineering
problems across the marine, land-based industrial and off-shore oil and gas
industries (Carlton and Bantham [1]). The experience gained from these
investigations has been used to develop new and innovative measurement and
analysis techniques alongside more orthodox technologies. The departments
accumulated experience and contemporary measurement toolkit allows TID to
offer services for an extensive range of investigations.
This paper looks at the data acquisition and processing tools and the analysis
techniques available. Through a series of case studies, the paper demonstrates
how a technical investigation department can combine measurement, analysis,
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experience and professional engineering judgment to deliver high quality results,
enabling sound management decisions.

2 Data acquisition and processing

Accurate data acquisition and processing techniques are vital to an investigation
department. Investigators must always attempt to identify and understand the
prime cause of failures or unexpected performance before deciding on corrective
action and this would, in most cases, be impossible without accurate
measurement data.
TID has an extensive range of measurement equipment allowing the
department to react to a wide range of circumstances and to adapt to clients
requirements on an individual basis. A brief overview of some of the principal
equipment used by TID is given below.
2.1 Core digital system
National Instruments NI/CDAQ multi-channel chassis system with various
modules and sensors provides the core of the departments digital data
acquisition capabilities. This PC based system enables the department to perform
a variety of sensor measurements including:


Measurements are controlled using LabView SignalExpress and in-house

developed MatLab scripts which provide software flexibility through userdefined loggings, analysis and visualisation. More sophisticated processing
techniques are dealt with under the Analysis Techniques section later.
2.2 Still/video images
The use of low-light digital cameras allows the department to record
observations and measurements. These records can then be referenced and
referred to when recommending remedial action.
One such application is that of propeller observations. Historically, propeller
observations were performed by inserting a viewing window into the hull. This
method required a period of dry-docking and specialist work which was
expensive to the client.
With improvements in technology TID is now able to offer propeller
observations to clients without dramatically affecting the ships schedule. The
use of a borescope coupled with a low-light digital camera means that just a
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small hole of the order of 15mm diameter in the ships hull is required to obtain
observations. This technique also allows TID to refer back to the observation
when performing analysis, resulting in a more informative investigation.
Example images obtained from this method can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1:

Propeller observations, showing tip cavitation.

The video images can be synchronised with vibration and pressure

measurements to aid the understanding of propeller cavitation and its influence
on ship structural vibration.
2.3 Acoustic emission systems
Acoustic emission monitoring can be used for leak and crack detection (Rogers
[2]). It is sensitive to the propagation of growing cracks and provides
information on growth rate under service loading conditions thereby guiding
inspection and repair work for cost effective maintenance.

Figure 2:

Tubular K joint
sensors and strain
fatigue testing.

Figure 3:

An acoustic emissions
sensor attached to a
sub-sea node joint.

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2.4 Impact testing kit
Hammer test equipment as shown in Figures 4 and 5 can be used to determine
the natural frequencies of structures and components. The excitation signal from
the hammer, and the response signals from the accelerometers attached to the
structure, are acquired in the time domain by digital data acquisition equipment.
These signals are then converted by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) into the
frequency domain, which yields the power spectral densities. The power
spectrum response can then be divided by the power spectrum excitation to
produce the Frequency Response Function (FRF) which contains the natural
frequencies of the structure. Mode shapes and damping values can also be
extracted from a series of FRFs.

Figure 4:

Instrumented sledgehammer.

Figure 5:


2.5 Telemetry systems

Telemetry systems can be used to transfer data from rotating devices. Two
typical applications for such equipment are for measuring propeller blade strains,
and for monitoring the operating strain distribution across the teeth of a gear
wheel. Figures 6 and 7 shows typical installations in each case.
2.6 Portable measurement devices
TID use a range of portable measurement equipment, allowing investigators to
be flexible in their investigations. These devices normally supplement other
measurement techniques, and can offer instant data analysis. The results from

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Figure 6:

Propeller blade and strain

gauge instrumentation.

Figure 7:


Telemetry equipment
attached to a gear

these measurements are recorded and later downloaded onto a PC for subsequent
analysis if required. Such devices are used for the following measurements:

dye penetrant;
presence of cracks, using Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI);
thickness, using ultrasonics.

2.7 Calibration
Knowledge of the uncertainty of the measurement is vital to the success of the
investigation. As a general rule equipment is calibrated in a controlled laboratory
environment before and after an investigation. This provides confidence in the
measurement data and ensures that equipment has not been damaged or altered
during transit.
TID use an externally calibrated vibration table to check the frequency
response of accelerometers and velocity transducers. Sensors are calibrated with
their associated cabling to remove the effects of resistance between cable
lengths. The TID laboratory also has the equipment required to calibrate
pressure, eddy current and other types of transducer.

3 Analysis techniques
TID have a range of analysis techniques available, the application dependant on
the type of investigation and often adapted to suit the individual requirements of
the specific job.
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3.1 Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets remain a popular method for manipulating and visualizing data. A
commercial spreadsheet application (Microsoft Excel) provides a tool for
performing simple statistical analysis, Fourier Transforms and can also offer a
platform for more complex programming in Visual Basic.
3.2 Signal processing
TID uses a variety of post-processing tools including standard commercial and
custom products. MATLAB is used as the primary software for off-line signal
processing. MATLAB is a high-level technical computing language used for
algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric
computation. TID has the capability to develop its own code and are able to
perform the following types of analysis:

time domain;
frequency domain;
JTFA (joint time frequency analysis);
wavelets and filtering;
2D and 3D graphical presentation;
modal analysis.

3.3 Engineering design and predictive analysis

Anticipating and designing problems out at an early stage is an effective risk
management strategy and can prove to be extremely cost effective. TID are able
to perform analytical studies in conjunction with model tests in order to identify
potential problems at the early stages of ship design or with major conversions.
TID undertake domain specific analysis including:

propeller hydrodynamics;
ship performance;
shafting systems analysis;
diesel engine and performance;
gear tooth load distribution.

TIDs general purpose analysis tools include:


sound and noise analysis;

fatigue and crack growth analysis;
finite element analysis [FEA];
computational fluid dynamics [CFD].
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Computational Fluid Dynamics provides a useful approach for enhancing

understanding and helping to identify optimal solutions for various engineering
problems. Figure 8 shows the predicted velocity of the inflow to the propeller
after the addition of a vortex generator (Figure 9) to the side of the hull. The
results were used to minimise cavitation from the propeller and thus reduce ship
structural vibration.

Figure 8:

CFD results showing the effect

of the vortex generator on
inflow to the propeller.

Figure 9:

Vortex generator.

4 Example case studies

This section contains three case studies that demonstrate how TID has utilised
the computer based data acquisition and processing equipment discussed within
this paper. The combination of instrumentation and analysis techniques with
sound engineering judgement has provided tailored solutions to specific
4.1 Shaft alignment
When specifying the initial alignment conditions of propulsion shafting,
considerations that need to be addressed include:
- the self weight of the shaft;
- the overhung propeller and its associated operational loads;
- gear tooth load distribution;
- main engine main bearing loads;
- the flexibility and loading of the ships structure.
In this investigation TID were asked to determine the cause of the shaft
misalignment of a bulk carrier when loaded, and to make recommendations for
future operation (Lloyds Register [3]). TID measured the existing alignment
using a combination of jacking and strain gauge techniques.
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Initial measurements revealed that as the vessel's draught increased the
sterntube forward bearing became unloaded; the single plummer bearing became
overloaded, and the hogging moment imposed on the engine crankshaft
increased beyond the design limit. TID recommended a full realignment of the
system to restore it to acceptable operating conditions.

Figure 10:

Propulsion shafting.

Figure 11:

Preparation for jacking.

An analytical model of the propulsion shafting was produced, and used to

calculate the theoretical straight line bending moments and the influence
coefficients for the load-deflection response at each bearing. The results from the
model were used in conjunction with strain gauge measurements (at various axial
locations on the shaft) to determine vertical and transverse loads on each of the
shaftline bearings. The accuracy of the analytical model was confirmed by
jacking the shaft at the sterntube forward bearing and intermediate bearings.
The misalignment of the initial shafting conditions were likely to have been
exacerbated by hull structure relaxation of residual stresses on the vessels
maiden voyage. Careful consideration should be given to alignment of shafting
systems with a single plumber bearing, to accommodate the large displacement
variations between the ballast and loaded condition associated with this type of
4.2 Gear tooth strain gauge measurements and shaft alignment
A ship owner contacted TID after suffering damage to the main propulsion
secondary gearbox assembly on one of their vessels (Lloyds Register [4]).
Subsequent investigations revealed unsatisfactory alignment of shaft to main
reduction gearbox. TID were subsequently asked to examine the condition of the
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main reduction gear elements and alignment of a sister ship and to conduct load
tests while still in service.
Micro strain gauges were installed to the roots of the main wheel and
measurements were conducted during sea trials to measure the gear tooth load
distribution of the second reduction gear elements (Figures 12 and 13). Strain
gauges were also used to measure the gearbox and propulsion shaft bearing loads
and were confirmed using jacking measurements. Additionally, the main wheel
pin readings were measured and Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) of the low
speed gear elements was undertaken.

Figure 12:

Main gear

Figure 13:

Installation of the micro strain


Measuring tooth load distribution with strain gauges requires the

interpretation of large quantities of measured data. Computer based statistical
techniques were employed in order to separate the mean load distributions from
the tooth to tooth variations inherent in the meshing process. In order to
minimise the required channels of strain gauge instrumentation TID use a
Wheatstone bridge arrangement as shown in Figure 14. A typical signal
produced by this arrangement as the wheel rotates is shown in Figure 14b. This
arrangement allows four or even eight strain values depicting the general tooth
root stress distribution, to be obtained from one channel.
Evaluation of the root strain results showed that the load distribution along
the length of the secondary reduction gear elements was dominated by baseheavy helix angle mis-match. The low pressure upper pinion was subjected to
significant misalignment, which raised the peak stress at the forward end of the
forward helix, to levels in excess of the design limits. The MPI conducted on the
main wheel and secondary pinions did not show any indication of cracking. The
main wheel pin readings showed negligible change since new-build, indicating
that distortion of the gear casing had not occurred.
TID concluded that the helix alignment mis-match had been caused by
manufacturing errors. It was proposed that immediate adjustments should be
made to the pinion bearings to reduce the maximum stress, and that the bearing
position should be optimized further at the next scheduled dry-docking.
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Figure 14:

Gear tooth strain measurements.

4.3 Leak testing by acoustic emission methods

In this case TID was asked to consider the feasibility of leak monitoring an
offshore oil production manifold, using acoustic emission techniques similar to
those previously used for fatigue crack detection and monitoring (Rogers [2]).
The numerous control valves and interconnecting spool-pieces in the
manifold represented numerous possibilities for leakage, which might not be
evident until appreciable loss has occurred. Environmental regulations and
public perception make leak detection by acoustic emissions an attractive option,
especially during initial start up and early operation periods.
TID was able to study a manifold to determine the most economic
arrangement of sensors to detect leaks in high risk locations. It was concluded
that eight acoustic emission sensors, distributed around the central valve block,
and one sensor on each of the connecting hubs, would provide the required
sensitivity for leak detection.
The acoustic monitoring system sampled the root mean square signal level
within octave frequency bands covering the range 10 kHz to 170 kHz. The
measurements were relayed to the platform via a hard-wire digital
communications link that was also used to supply power to the system. A sensor
beacon would be actuated to indicate the existence of a possible leak at which
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Figure 15: AE equipment.

Figure 16:


Offshore platform (manifold at

lower deck level).

point the raw data history would be recovered via an acoustic telemetry link and
used to help identify the existence of a leak.

5 Conclusions and look ahead

Engineering failures and unexpected performance can be costly in terms of
reduced safety, down time and the expense of repairs. Establishing root causes
and taking preventative action are therefore of great importance.
Lloyds Register EMEAs Technical Investigations Department (TID) has
accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise since its formation in 1948. As
technology continues to develop and the importance of the environment and
efficiency continues to grow, it is inevitable that new technological challenges
will arise.
TID continue to combine the experience gained from each investigation with
current industry research. This allows the department to utilise new measurement
technology and to further develop current analysis techniques. In doing so, TID
continues to deliver high quality technical investigations to the marine, land
based industrial and offshore oil and gas industries.
Looking ahead it is foreseen that data acquisition hardware will become
lighter, cheaper, faster and more reliable. The bad old days of TID having to
deal with heavy, expensive and cumbersome analogue equipment are behind us.
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Processing and analysis techniques are not expected to change dramatically, but
faster and more powerful analysis will enable techniques such as FEA, CFD and
coupled fluid-structure-interaction (FSI) analysis to become more readily used as
part of the investigation process. As always there will be no substitute for good
people, adhering to proven procedures, within a supportive team.

[1] Carlton, J.S., Bantham I. The Technical Investigation Department 50 Years
of Operation. Lloyds Register Technical Association, 1998.
[2] Rogers, L.M., Structural and Engineering Monitoring by Acoustic
Emission Methods Fundamentals and Applications. Lloyds Register
Technical Association, pp. 5-25, 2001.
[3] Technical Matters, Lloyds Register EMEA, Issue 1, 1997-1998.
[4] Technical Matters, Lloyds Register EMEA, Issue 3, 2009.

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Research on the COD soft-measuring

mechanism based on the clustering approach
Y. Z. Feng1, G. C. Chen1, D. Feng2 & M. Zhuo1

Department of Management and Environmental Engineering,

Logistic Engineering College, China
School of Architecture Liverpool University, UK

By analyzing laws of growth and reproduction of microorganisms in the
activated sludge (AS) sewage treatment system, this paper proposes a multineural network (NN) COD (chemical oxygen demand) soft-measuring method
based on clustering approach for the sewage treatment project. Various reasons
which might affect the accuracy of the model are analyzed. Experiments show
that the same radiuses of multiple neural network diffusion constant are quite
close which means the prediction accuracy is high and the soft-measuring
method based on clustering approach is suitable for COD measuring.
Keywords: sewage treatment, clustering approach, neural network,

1 Introduction
Cybenko [1] has proved theoretically that if there are plenty of training data and
without restriction of the size of the network, modelling based on NN can always
get a satisfactory model structure. But, in the actual industrial process, people
often need to face the limited effective process data and due to the real-time
requirements, the network structure also cannot be expanded unlimited.
Modeling effect normally relies on the good generalization ability of the
network. Paper [2] proposed a robust classification method by combining
different models which are based on neural networks with fuzzy combination
approach. Paper [3] presented a method to improve model prediction accuracy
and robustness by adding different models together. Paper [4] discussed Stacked
Neural Network Approach for process modeling. The basic idea of these
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methods is establishing several independent neural network models and then
combining the forecast outputs of different networks together through a certain
method. Such a structure with multi-models is conductive to the real-time soft
measurement with parameters changing in a wide range and meets the
technological requirements for accurate description of the dynamic
characteristics of the process.

2 Theoretical basis of NN model in the AS process

Shi et al. [5] developed an urban sewage treatment plant operation simulation
and forecast expert system which shows that there is a strong correspondence
between simulated effluent COD (E-COD) value of the aeration tank and its
influent COD (I-COD) value. HRT (hydraulic retention time) is a large timedelay process in the sewage treatment, the correspondence misfit caused by timedelay has great influence on model, while the correspondence between effluent
and influent COD value is the basis of modeling based on multiple NN.
Therefore, it is very important to research on the causes of delay error, analyze
ways of effectively reducing the delay error and determine the theoretical basis
of multi-neural network modeling.
2.1 Growth and reproduction laws of microorganisms
Bacterial growth can be divided into at least four phases [6]: 1) Lag phase. After
cells are seeded into fresh medium, they are living in a new growth environment
and will not immediately divide over a period of time and the number of cells
basically maintain constant. 2) Exponential phase. In the exponential phase, cells
grow and divide with the greatest rate, the number of cells increases
logarithmically, different components in bacteria increase regularly according to
the corresponding proportion. 3) Stationary phase. Because of the nutrient
consumption, increase of metabolites and pH value changes, the environment is
not suitable for bacterial growth anymore, cell growth rate progressively
decrease to zero. Bacterial population growth changes from exponential phase to
stationary phase. Stationary phase owns the highest number of living bacteria
and maintain stable. 4) Death phase. Because of the nutrient depletion, toxic
metabolite accumulation and pH value changes, the bacterial death rate gradually
increase while the living bacteria and their metabolic activity progressively
decrease. Cells begin autolyze and senesce.
2.2 Microorganisms proliferation laws in AS
The proliferation of Microorganisms is the inevitable result of AS reaction and
organic matter degradation. The proliferation of microorganisms is actually the
growth of activated sludge. Activated sludge is a community of microorganisms
composed of multiple bacterial colonies with a variety of physiological
functions. All kinds of microorganisms work together to finish the
biodegradation process of AS. The proliferation laws are complicated but the
general trend can still be expressed as Fig. 1.
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Figure 1:

Growth curve of AS.

Figure 2:


Curve of I-COD and


In the practical wastewater treatment process, the conventional AS process

mainly depends on the 3 and 4 stage of bacterial population growth phases, while
improved wastewater treatment processes based on AS process can use different
time interval of the AS growth curve [6]. There are obvious rising and falling
phases in the growth curve, which is conducive to divide the treatment process
into several stages so as to facilitate the realization of multi-modeling approach.
Proliferation laws of microorganisms in the wastewater treatment process are
the interpretation of the process of growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
Through the detailed analysis of all kinds of factors associated with the
growth process, researchers can draw a growth curve of activated sludge and
decide the application stages of conventional activated sludge process. The
growth curve and its corresponding application are the theoretical basis of
composite model modeling approach. According to the actual data distribution of
sewage treatment plant, laws of the daily routine of residents also should be
considered as one of the parameters of the model. The I-COD and E-COD values
in Fig. 2 come from a wastewater treatment plant in Chongqing, China [7], with
a sampling period of 10 minutes. These data apparently can be divided into four
stages in accordance with time-series, including 0:00-8:00, 8:00-14:00, 14:0020:00, and 20:00-24:00. The fact that there is only a relatively high effluent COD
value in 9:00-14:30 on the effluent COD curve indicates that the COD removal
ability of the sewage plant can be divided into three relatively stable sections.
Based on the analysis of the 24 hours of operation data on September 1, with
the consideration of measurement error, we believe that the wastewater treating
capacity of activated sludge microorganisms can change according to certain
rules. This is the basis of multiple neural networks.

3 Data sources and processing

The research results of this paper are verified by the data provided in literature

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3.1 Normalization processing
If the number of learning samples of a sub-network is small, the estimated value
of similar data to a large extent will depend on the number of learning samples of
the network and the accurate estimates cannot be obtained because of the large
influence of other sub-networks [9]. From the point of view of mechanism of
NN, as the NN input nodes, each process variables in the NN is equally
important. So, when the output is so sensitive to a certain value of an input
variable that even a small deviation of the input variable can cause a large output
error, the value of should be increased. Conversely, the in the
corresponding formula can be assigned a slightly larger value to improve the
sensitivity of output to the secondary input variables. In this paper the is 0.9.
X i ( X i min( X )) /(max( X ) min( X )) 1


3.2 Untrusted data processing

Human error comes from manual testing stage or data entry stage. According to
3 principle, the standard deviation is calculated by the Bessel formula:
n 1

v i2


, data set 7, 39 and 43 are deleted according to the

calculating results. Meanwhile, the COD value in data set 22 is 457.5mg/L,

which greatly exceeds the corresponding integrated wastewater discharge
standard of China (120mg/L); the effluent COD value in data set 22 is greater
than its influent COD value, which is obviously not reasonable, so, both data sets
are also removed from the learning samples.
3.3 Analysis of probable influencing factors
The above data are analyzed in the form of multi-dimensional clustering
analysis, the sample group affecting effluent quality contains multiple
characteristics. Data with similar sample characteristics have the small deviation
of the sample performance, which is based on the reliability of all sample data.
In fact, there are different kinds of measurement error on field sampling data,
which will affect the clustering results. There are main factors and secondary
factors in sample groups, if there is a big deviation of the secondary factors, the
clustering results will deviate the clustering intervals defined by the main factors.
The more characteristics exist in the sampling groups; the far more deviation
from the real situation is inevitable, especially when all different secondary
factors can affect the results of clustering analysis. Even the membership
determination method proposed in literature [9] is a better method than that
chosen in literature [10], the problem still cannot be fundamentally solved. This
paper intends to try one-dimensional clustering method, namely to cluster only
the most important factors. If successful, it is apparently helpful to meet the realtime requirement of on-line running. The first step is to verify and choose the
main factors from the data relationship between removal ratio of COD and each
auxiliary variable.
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Figure 3:




Figure 4:





It can be seen from Figs. 5(a) to (d) that the variation trends of T, S, pH, Q
and MLSS do not have any correspondence with the removal ratio of COD or its
time delay. While from Fig. 5(d), there is an obvious correspondence between
COD removal ratio and I-COD values. Furthermore, from the definition of COD
removal ratio ( (CODinCODout)/CODin), it is quite reasonable to choose
I-COD value as the main factor, which is also consistent with Zhangs research
results of orthogonal test[11].


Figure 5:



The changing curve of COD reduction with (a) temperature and

sulphide, (b) pH and MLSS, (c) Q and (d) I-COD.

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3.4 Clustering analysis of historical data
After determining the I-COD value as the main factor, the normalized data of
COD data are clustered. The sample data distribution is shown in Fig. 6 in
accordance with the order from small to large. In order to improve generalization
performance, it is better to resolve the classification problem within the range of
0.1-0.5. The cluster radius r lies in [0, 0.2]. From the convenience of numerical
rounded perspective, the value of r can be given as 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2, and the
subnet numbers can be 4, 2 and 1. From the perspective of network applications,
r=0.05 is a better choice.
Table 1:

Data distribution statistics.

Data distribution
SN of sample group
4, 25,26,27,30,33,42



Figure 6:


Data distribution.

4 Establishment of multi-NN soft-measuring model

Since the NN constructed in this article is also a distributed architecture, using
current research results for reference, this paper takes fuzzy classifier shown in
Fig.8 as a tool for network synthesis. The fuzzy clustering unit shown in Fig.7,
named as PCA-DRBF, can realize the classification function of input space, in
which sample characteristics X is translated as T through a PCA dimension
reduction technique, after that, eigenvectors reduced from M dimensions to N
dimensions are distributed to N mutually exclusive subspaces. Different from the
PCA-DRBF method, this paper proposes an RBF clustering unit shown as Fig. 8,
which directly chooses a sample eigenvector, I-COD value, as the classification
indicator. From the specific operation concerned, there are many differences
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between the two methods. For a new process input data, the fuzzy clustering unit
of PCA-DRBF method firstly identifies its membership for each sub-network,
and according to the different memberships, outputs of all sub-networks are
integrated as the total output of the entire distributed network.
Because the cluster radius r equals 0.05 in this paper, the cluster centers are
also fixed as and 0.95.
According to the characteristics of samples, the cluster centers in this paper are
limited to 0.15, 0.25, 0.4 and 0.75. The respective subordinate network of each
new input is determined by Euclidean distance. In addition, to reflect the
fuzziness, using the formulation of kernel radius presented for reference [9], this
paper defines the kernel radius as 0.005, which means if an input data lies in the
interval of [-0.005, 0.005], it can be viewed as belonging to two sub-networks
and do not be classified strictly. In the training process, it is determined by the
comparison of output values of both sub-networks with test value that which
sub-network is more suitable for such an input data. Such a sub-network is
retained as retention program. In the forecasting process, the calculating process
is a little complicated. Firstly, the correlation degree of input value which lies in
the interval [-0.005, 0.005] and the corresponding sample in the retention
program will be calculated [12], then the correlation degree will be compared
with a set value to determine which subnet will be chosen. Through the above
fuzzy approach, the complexity of the wastewater treatment process has been
taken into fully consideration.
Assuming that there are N sub-networks {RBFi,i = 1,,N} in the distributed
network shown in Fig. 8, the membership degree set of new input variable x
(influent COD value) for each sub-network is {i, i = 1, ,N}, then the output of
the whole neural network Y is:

i 1

f RBF i ( x ) i 0 O R i 1


Fuzzy cluster unit

PCA unit

Fuzzy classifier

x Influent COD

Figure 7:

PCA-DRBF architecture.

Figure 8:

RBF architecture.

The membership degree of input x to each sub-network is obtained by eqn (3)

and eqn (4):
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d i x x centeri
i 1, j i 0, if : 0 d i 0.005, i 1, , N


If the input data x lies in the interval [-0.005, 0.005], then, assuming there are
two sample groups X1 and X2, corresponding to the subnet i and subnet i+1
respectively, based on the calculation of d X X 1 and d X X 2 , the
finally subnet is chosen by the comparison of the relative size of the two
membership degree.
4.1 Evaluation of the model adaptability
Through the clustering analysis, there are only 8 data in the first class. Taking 7
data among the 8 as training sample data and another one as input data,
researchers can always find the best fit point because of the convergence
performance of RBF network. However, because the sample size is too small, the
expansion constant distribution of the network does not show any regularity and
cannot be used for accurate forecast. Similar problems lie in the third class and
fifth class. Taking relative error (RE) and recognition rate (RR) as criteria of
assessing the forecast accuracy of RBF network, the forecast analysis is
performed according to the data of second class.
R E (Y P _ test ) / P _ test 1 0 0 %


RR m / n 100%


where, m is the number of actual outputs which are satisfied with the condition
(Y P _ test ) / P _ test 100% , is the forecast precision, =10% in
this paper. n is the total output number. There are two understandings about
parameter Y and P _ test . One explanation is that the two parameters represent
the desired output and actual output respectively, the other is that the two
parameters represent the anti-normalized values of the desired and actual output.
This paper adopts the second understanding. Comparing with reference [8], the
differences include: (1) calculation accuracy. The relative error of the model
proposed in this paper ranges from 0.06% to 23.01%, average relative error is
7.66%, recognition rate is 83.3% ( =10%). The relative error of the original
model ranges from 0.9% to 9.2% and the average relative error is 3.4%,
recognition rate is 92.3% ( =5%). (2) details of models. There are eight hidden
layer neurons in the original BP neural network model, training times are not less
than 10,000, excitation function of the hidden layer is tansig and learning sample
size is 30. When the SSE of the BP model is less than 0.001, the training stops
and the predict process begins when the test data are input. The hidden layer of
this RBF network provided in this paper are defined in the calculation process,
after only 13 times of iteration, the SSE drops to lower than 10-28, the learning
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sample size is only 13 groups. The above analysis shows that even the
effectiveness of the proposed new model is not as good as the original model, but
it is obviously that convergence of the RBF neural network is much better than
the original. So, the new neural network is the best choice for online operation.
4.2 Analysis of the results of model prediction
Theoretically, when the diffusion constant of network is 0.25, the prediction
results will be highly accurate; while the actual constant is 0.265, with a small
deviation from the ideal value, which verify the correctness of the theory
analysis of this paper. The new neural model can greatly reduce search range in
selecting the optimal value. From the above technical indicator comparison, the
forecast precision of the new model is not high enough because of various
reasons. Through analysis of these causes, this paper put forward several issues
that should be paid attention to in future research.
4.2.1 The lack of sample size
To achieve the desired generalization ability (prediction error is less than a given
value ) requires a large number of samples, which in turn will increase the
amount of network calculation. So, there is contradiction between the
generalization ability and the amount of calculation of learning. Literature [13]
provides an experiential formula: m d vc , where d vc is the VC dimension
of the network. It represents the capacity of function class and can be
approximate evaluated by the number of independent parameters. According to
this experiential formula, the sample size m should equal 50 ( = 0.1, dvc = 5),
while there are only 20 groups used in this case actually. The lack of sample size
is one of the reasons causing the lower prediction precision. From the common
ideas of researching an issue, we rerun the model by taking cluster radius r as 0.2
so that the sample size increases to 30. The distribution of training and testing
samples are shown in Table 2. Data in Table 3 and Fig. 3 shows that the relative
error of the model prediction results ranges from 0.16% to 13.27%, the average
relative error is 4.67% and the recognition rate is 83.3%. Compared with the
initial results above, network performance has been greatly improved. The
calculation results indicate that with the increase of sample size, the prediction
ability of the model is also improved apparently. Meanwhile, if the cluster radius
is 0.2, the diffusion constant needs to be taken 0.371 to ensure the best prediction
results. Comparing with the theoretical best value of 0.3, the deviation is
increasing, which means the value of cluster radius r (0.2) is not as appropriate
as the original value (0.05). In addition, test results also confirm that with the
sample size increasing, the number of hidden layer neurons increases
synchronously. For BP neural network, the convergence performance declines
sharply with the increasing of sample size. Even the operation time of RBF
network also increase with the increasing of sample size, its iterations (101) is
much less than that of BP neural network (104), which proves that RBF network
has obvious advantages when the sample size is large.

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530 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Table 2:

Training set and testing

10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 27
1, 2, 3,4 ,5, 6, 8, 9,11,15,16,17,20,

Figure 9:
Table 3:

Testing and forecast value.

Comparisons of test and prediction results of RBF network (mg/L).



RE (%)



RE (%)

4.2.2 Unsatisfactory choice of secondary variables

Through the initial mechanism analysis, the number of auxiliary variables
requires 8, which can be reduced by principle component analysis, by the way.
However, in order to adapt to the special case of limited sample data and because
of the traditional conception that as long as the oxygen supply is not excessive,
there is no longer need to take DO into consideration, so, DO, an important
control variable, was excluded from the secondary variables. The first deficiency
to do so is the loss of the meaning of soft measurement (saving energy
consumption), it is inappropriate to exclude the DO factor out of auxiliary
variables set because the mechanism analysis shows that the value of DO does
have a certain influence on the effluent COD value.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


4.2.3 Selection scheme of samples of training set and test set

In the modelling process discussed in this paper, the reason the samples we
chose from secondary variables are not maximum or minimum is mainly because
the effect of interpolation is better than that of the generalization. But in reality,
it is obvious that no guarantee can be provided that the value of input variable is
not the maximum or minimum value of current sample source.
4.2.4 Choice of clustering center point and secondary important factors
Two modelling processes are completed in this paper. The deviation between
clustering center point and diffusion constant is very small in the first modeling
process (0.25 and 0.265) and large in the second modeling process (0.3 and
0.371). The reasons of the existence and change of the deviation include the
following aspects. Firstly, the distribution of samples does not fluctuate with
uniform amplitude around the clustering center. Secondly, finding the
classification formed by the main vector from the five feature vectors will
certainly be influenced by the other four vectors. The author assumes that with
the sample size increasing, the fluctuation caused by the first reason will
decrease and the fluctuation caused by the second reason will increase. Because
the more samples, the greater the impact to the classification based on the main
feature vector from other feature vectors will be. Choosing the most important
feature (i.e. secondary important factor) from the rest feature vectors to balance
this effect may solve the problem. This mode of thinking is quite similar with
hierarchical clustering method. After the main and secondary factors are chosen
from the feature vector set, the selection of sub-network for input variables can
be done by fuzzy classifier which is based on the rules of fuzzy control.
4.2.5 Dynamic tracking of the actual process
There are many cases on the research and application of soft measurement, but
only a few cases combine prediction model with time series [14, 15]. This is a
common problem of current soft measurement technique research and
application. As far as wastewater treatment process is concerned, there is no
corresponding relationship between the value of input variable detected by
operator at a particular moment and the effluent quality of the sewage plant at
that time. A time delay which does not be mentioned in many literatures is
closely related with HRT in engineering application. The reasons that not many
reference literatures point this out are not only because of the sampling period
(normally one day) of the data, but also because there is no correlation with time,
which means time parameter does not be looked upon as a variable. This adverse
effect is more apparent in a distributed multi-network model, because those data
with far different time series might be clustered into the same class in the
modeling process. Due to the obvious ignorance of time variable, the credibility
and reliability of the predicting outcomes provided by such kind of clustering
method are questionable. It is obvious that with the pre-treatment of the coarse
and fine screen and primary settling tank, the index data of T, pH must have
changed after mixing with the original material in the reactor. Such a change
process is a complex function of time: the initial change is faster, and then it
gradually slows down, accompanying by the potential influences of reaction
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process. Neglecting or ignoring the impacts of these factors and other
oversimplifications of the process may compromise the credibility of model
predictions. The best and feasible way to solve these problems is the
implementation of online algorithm based on a small sampling period (such as
1 0 m ) of input variables. As a result, effluent quality at time T is a function
of feed water quality conditions at time (T-t) and other procedure parameters,
which reflects the real process of sewage treatment. Otherwise, soft measurement
technique transforms into just some kind of data-based prediction research. If the
importance of mechanism analysis to understand the reaction process has been
ignored in the modeling, the neural network is obviously not a successful soft
instrument. The clustering method needed by multiple network models can use
the time-based clustering analysis technique proposed in 2.2 of this paper. If
there are historical data of the same time frame of last cycle, they can also be
clustered into the same class.

5 The conclusion and prospects

This paper analyzes the microbial basis of multiple neural network modeling
based on clustering method in the sewage treatment works. Case analysis shows
that the proposed clustering method not only has diffusion constant close to the
cluster radius, but also has better prediction accuracy. This paper also analyzes a
variety of reasons which may affect the accuracy of model and point out that
online real-time algorithm is the future research direction and the focus of
subsequent research.

This paper is funded by Chongqing Natural Science Foundation (CSTC,
2009BB7175) and National Water Pollution Control and Management Science
and Technology Major Projects of China (2008ZX07315-003).

[1] Cybenko G. Approximation by superpositions of a sigmoidal function.
Math [J]. Control Signal System, 2, pp. 303-314, 1989.
[2] Cho, S. B. & Kim, J.H. Combining multiple neural networks by fuzzy
integral for robust classification. IEEE Trans on System, Man and
Cybernetics, 25(2), pp. 380-384, 1995.
[3] Bates, J.M. & Granger C.W.J. The combination of forecasts. Operations
Research Quarterly, 20(1), pp. 319-325, 1969.
[4] Sirdhar, D.V., Seagrave, R.C & Bartlett, E.B., Process modeling using
stacked neural networks. AICHE J, 42(9), pp. 2529-2539, 1996.
[5] Shi Han chang, Diao Huifang, Liu Heng et al. Application of treatment
plant operation simulation and forecast software. China Water and
Wastewater, 17(10), pp. 61-63, 2001.
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[6] Li Jun, Yang Xiushan, Peng Yongzhen. Microorganism and water

treatment engineering, Chemical industry press: Beijing, pp.74-98, 2002.
[7] Feng Yuzhao. Study on hybrid intelligent control for variable rate anoxic
biological filter wastewater treatment [D]. Chongqing: Chongqing
University Ph.D. Thesis, pp.5-37, 2004.
[8] Gao Ping ping, The Study Based on Neural Network of Water Quality
Prediction in Sewage Disposal [D].ChengduSouthwest Jiaotong
University, pp. 11-49, 2005.
[9] Chang Yuqing, Lin Tian, Wang Fuli. Online Learning of Distributed
Networks and Its Application in Soft Sensing. Chinese Journal of Scientific
Instrument, 23(3), pp. 295-297, 2002.
[10] Luo Rongfu, Shao Huihe. Local learning methodology for distributed
networks and its application in inferential control. Acta Automatic Sinica,
20(6), pp.739-741, 1994.
[11] Zhang Wenyi, Zhong Meiying, Cai Jian-an. Modeling Study of Activated
Sludge Process Based on Artificial Neural Network. Water & Wastewater
Engineering, 28 (6), pp.12-15, 2002.
[12] Wang Xudong, Shao Huihe, Luo Rongfu. Distributed RBF neural networks
and its application in soft sensing. Control Theory and Applications, 15(4),
pp.558-563, 1998.
[13] Yan Pingfan, Zhang Changshui. Artificial neural network and simulated
evolutionary computation. Tsinghua University Press: Beijing, pp. 32-37,
[14] Luo Jianxu, Shao Huihe. Developing dynamic soft sensors using multiple
neural networks. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering, 54(12),
pp.1770-1773, 2003.
[15] Ran Weili, Qiao Junfei. BOD Soft-Measuring Approach Based on PCA
Time-Delay Neural Network. Transaction of China Electro technical
Society19(12), pp.78-82, 2004.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Surface heat flux determination using a

genetic algorithm
L. P. Kanevce1, G. H. Kanevce2 & V. B. Mitrevski1

Faculty of Technical Sciences, St. Kliment Ohridski University,

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Macedonia

This paper deals with surface heat flux estimation on the basis of transient
temperature measurements using inverse method. As a direct problem the
transient heat conduction through a plane slab isolated at one boundary and
exposed to the heat flux on the other side is considered. The numerical
experiments have been conducted in order to simulate real measurements. The
inverse problem consists of heat flux estimation on the basis of experimental
temperature response. The objective function, which has to be minimized in
order to estimate unknown heat flux, is the least square function of experimental
and calculated temperature data. A variant of genetic algorithm has been used for
minimization of the objective function. Different convergence histories are
presented, compared and discussed. Also, comparison between estimated heat
flux change and exact solution and comparison between calculated and
experimental transient temperature response are presented.
Keywords: genetic algorithm, heat flux, inverse problems, parameter estimation.

1 Introduction
An inverse approach to parameter estimation in the last few decades has become
widely used in various scientific disciplines: like mechanical engineering, heat
and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, optimization of the processes, optimal shape
defining etc. By inverse method, on the basis of known effects, causes have to
be defined, in contrast to the standard, direct method when causes are known and
effects have to be determined. Application of inverse method is especially
important in investigation of the processes where necessary direct measurements
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are difficult or impracticable and also in finding the optimum regarding different
aspects. In fact, the values of parameters which figures in the model of a physical
process have to be obtained from the observed data.
Inverse problems of heat and mass transfer are based on temperature and/or
heat flux measurements in order to obtain unknown parameter values appearing
in the mathematical formulation of a considered problem. This approach is
applied in problems of conduction, convection, radiation, and their combination
like melting and solidification, in problems of heat and mass transfer with phase
change, in drying processes, in composite materials exposed to high
temperatures and so on [1]. In this work, the problem of heat flux evaluation on
the free surface of the heated body on the basis of transient temperature
measurements in the body is analyzed.

2 The objective function

For the parameter estimation problem the objective function is defined as the
sum of the squared errors between experimental data and corresponding model
predicted values [2, 3]:

E(P) [Y T(P)]T [Y T(P)]


where YT = [Y1,Y2, ,Yimax] is a vector of measured temperatures, TT = [T1(P),

T2(P), Timax(P)] calculated temperatures at times i (i = 1, 2, , imax), PT =
[P1, P2, , PN] vector of unknown parameters, imax total number of measured
temperatures, N total number of unknown parameters and superscript T indicates
transpose. The parameter estimation problem is solved by minimization of
function E. Parameter values at the minimum are solution of this problem. In this
paper, for minimization in such a way defined objective function the genetic
algorithm has been used.

3 Genetic algorithm
The genetic algorithm [46] is categorized as a random search method. During
performing calculations the generator of random numbers is called several
thousand times. However, the method also contains the certain rules which
systematically lead toward solution. Because of the random search characteristic
the method has slow convergence but in the same time with its reproduction and
selection rules it is stable and reliable.
There are certain variations of this method depending on the application. The
basic algorithm, fig. 1, processes the following characteristics:

An initial population of a given number of candidates is selected by random

The fitness of each of the members of the population is determined using
performance measure for the problem.

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The members of current generation of the population reproduce to create the

next generation. The choice of the parents is random but the reproduction
should favor the members with better fitness. During reproduction,
crossover of the genes results in new members (children) not originally in
the previous generation but related to them. If the child is better than the
worst of the previous generation it survives and become the member of the
new generation.
With mutation probability some of the children mutate. These mutations
introduce new characteristics not in the previous generation and not directly
related to the previous generation but they may result in a more suitable
child. Mutated child survives if it is better than the worst of the previous
The process of reproduction repeats until obtaining the member with desired
characteristics or until a preset number of generations have been created.
generation = 0

Create of population
of members
Determine the fitness of
each individual


Select next


Perform reproduction
using crossover

Perform mutation

Figure 1:

Flowchart of genetic algorithm.

In this paper a variant of the genetic method is applied for minimization of the
objective function E of N parameters Pi:
E f (P1 , P2 ,..., PN ) .


That means that values of parameters Pi have to be chosen in such a way that
the objective function E reaches the global minimum.
The applied variant of genetic algorithm can be described by the following

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Initial population The initial population (first iteration population) is typically
randomly generated i.e. every member of the initial population is combination of
randomly chosen parameters:
E 1j f(P1,1 j , P2,1 j , PN,1 j ), j 1, 2, , N pop


Each member of E1j parameters P1ij may be chosen in two ways.

According to the first the random value is generated using Gaussian
distribution with variance and mean equals to the given value of the parameter
in the zero iteration P0i:
Pi1, j Pi0 2 2 (Pi ,max Pi ,min ) ln R


where R is a random number between 0 and 1. Maximum and minimum values

of parameters Pi,max and Pi,min are defined in advance depending of considered
In the second way uniform distribution is used in the interval [Pi,max - Pi,min]:
Pi1, j (1 R )Pi ,min RPi ,max


In this work the second approach is used, which enables faster convergence
when the initial solution is far from final one.
Selection of parents The selection of parents also may be performed in different
ways. In this work, the members of one population are sorted from the worst to
the best one depending of values of the function E. The best member of the
population has the smallest value of the function E. Then, father and mother are
defined by random choice. In addition, in order to provide higher probability of
choice for parents with smaller values of E, random numbers are reduced from
the smallest to the largest one by special procedure.
Reproduction Using the method of crossover a new child is created, which
typically shares many of the characteristics of its parents. The new child may be
simple arithmetic mean of its parents. In this work the weighted mean is used
and weight is randomly defined:
Pi ,child (1 R )Pi ,father RPi , mother


The value of the random number R in eqn (6) in classical problems usually
ranges from 0 to 1, but in this case R ranges from -1 to 2 to provide wider range
of combinations of features from parents.
Mutations The algorithm allows for a small chance of mutation with probability
defined in advance. Parameters of new child are chosen randomly in the range
[ Pi ,min - Pi ,max ].

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Elitism The new member is generated by presented processes of selection of

parents, reproduction and mutations. This member survives if it is better than the
worst member in the parents generation. The procedure repeats until Nbred new
survived members are produced. Nbred ( Npop) is defined number depending of
considered problem. The new generation is created when Nbred members of the
previous generation is replaced with Nbred members of the new generation. The
procedure repeats from generation to generation until minimum of objective
function E or maximum number of iterations is reached.

4 The heat conduction model

The one-dimensional transient heat conduction through a plane slab is
considered, fig. 2. The left side of the slab (x=0) is isolated and the free surface
(x=1) is exposed to the unknown heat flux qp().
0 xm

Figure 2:

Heat conduction through a plane slab.

The mathematical formulation of this problem in dimensionless form is given

T( x, ) 2T( x, )
, 0 < x < 1, > 0,

x 2
T(0, )
0 , x = 0, > 0,
T(1, )
q p , x = 1, > 0,

T(x,0) = 0,


= 0, 0 x 1.


On the bases on solution of similar problem [3] and introducing certain

transformations analytical solution of presented problem is obtained:

T ( x, ) q p () d 2 e

m 1


where m = m.

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cos m x cos m q p () e
2 0

d (11)

540 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

It can be seen that this analytical solution is dependent of temperature flux so,
T(P) is defined.
In this work transient measured temperatures YT at the location xm are
obtained by simulated experiment i.e. from solution of the heat conduction
problem, eqn (11), defined by eqns (7)(10).

5 Results
5.1 Constant heat flux example

This example considers constant heat flux (unknown parameter) applied at the
free surface of the plane slab. The dimensionless value of the heat flux is qp = 1.
A simulated temperature sensor is placed at the isolated surface, xm = 0.
For this case, temperature response Y(0,i), i = 1,,imax obtained from eqn
(11), is shown, fig. 3. In the time interval from 0 to 2, imax (= 501) simulated
experimental values Yi are obtained. In order to analyze influence of
measurement errors, the numerical experiment in whish random distributed error
with = 0.025Tmax = 0.05 is added to the exact solution. It is significant error
value for this type of problems.
The problem is to estimate value of qp on the basis of measured
temperatures by minimization the objective function defined as the sum of the
squared errors between model-predicted value and corresponding experimental
data value, RMS. The problem has been solved using previously described
genetic algorithm. The solution has been searched in the interval -100 qp 100,
with initial value qp0 = -100.
In fig. 4, the various convergence histories are presented. Figs from 3a to 3h
represent different convergence histories until value RMS = 0.001 is achieved. It
means that the numerical value of the heat flux is estimated with error less than
0.1%. These figures represent change of RMS with number of objective function
calls. In this example it takes 7.3 s of CPU time on Pentium 4 (3.06 GHz), for
100 calls. The figures also represent the influence of the number of population

Y [-]


__ exact
- with error





t [-]

Figure 3:

Transient temperature response Y (0,i), i=1,,501, for qp = 1.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV








Npop = 20



N bred = 10

Npop = 50
N bred = 10























Npop = 30



Nbred = 10


Npop = 15
Nbred = 10





















Npop = 10
Nbred = 10












Npop = 10
Nbred = 5

100 200 300 400 500






Npop = 20
N bred = 15




Npop = 50
N bred = 20





Figure 4:



100 200 300 400 500








RMS change depending of the number of objective function calls

NRMS, different numbers of population members, Npop, and number
of generated members in each generation Nbred for case qp = 1 and
= 0.

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542 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

members, Npop, and the number of new generated members in each iteration,
Nbred, to the convergence speed. Because of the statistical nature of the algorithm,
each case has been run several times. The most rapid convergence has been
obtained for Npop = 20 and Nbred = 10, fig. 4a. If the number of population
members Npop is changed to 50, 30, 15 and 10, remaining Nbred = 10, as it is
represented in fig. 4, from 4b to 4e, respectively, the slower convergence is
obtained. It can be seen that in the case with Npop = 10 and Nbred = 10, fig. 4e,
certain runs have not solution. Similar case is with Npop = 10 and Nbred = 5,
fig. 4f. It leads to conclusion that, in considered problem here, population of 10
members is not big enough to provide new generation diversity and make
progress. Fig. 4g and fig. 4h represent combinations with 20 and 50 members
with different Nbred in respect to previous combinations. This does not lead to
improvement in regard to combination with Npop = 20 and Nbred = 10. It can be
noticed that with increasing the number of the population members, the slower
convergence history is obtained, fig. 4b and fig. 4h.
The convergence history in the case with measurement errors is given in
fig. 5. It can be seen that, very fast, for about 150-200 objective function calls,
RMS = = 0.050 is obtained. Error in the heat flux estimation in this case is less
than 0.1%.


Npop = 20
N bred = 10

Figure 5:






RMS change with objective function calls in the case qp = 1 and =


5.2 Transient heat flux example

In this example the heat flux changes in time according to the following
exponential relation:
q p () a e b
where a and b are unknown parameters need to be estimated.
As in the previous case, transient heat flux is determined on the basis of the
response of temperature sensor at the location xm = 0, fig. 2. In the same way,
temperature response is obtained using simulated experiment i.e. from eqn (11)
with inserted function for transient heat flux eqn (12). 101 temperature values
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV



__ exact
- with error



Figure 6:




t [-]


Transient temperature response, T(0,i), i=1,,101 in the case of

exponential heat flux change, without and with measurement error
( = 0.025).

have been calculated in the time interval from 0 to 2. In order to simulate real
experiment, random distributed error is added to the exact solution values with
= 0.014Tmax = 0,025, fig.6.
Fig. 7 represents convergence history. The solution is obtained for about 4000
objective function calls. In this case unknown parameters a and b can be
calculated with error less than 1% and 3% respectively. In this example it takes
1.9 s of CPU time on Pentium 4 (3.06 GHz), for 100 calls.
Model estimated and exact values of the heat flux are compared in fig. 8.


Npop = 100
N bred = 50


Figure 7:




RMS change depending of the number of objective function calls

NRMS, for exponential form of heat flux function and measurement
error with = 0.025.

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__ exact

qp [-]






t [-]

Figure 8:

Comparison between estimated heat flux change in the case of

exponential flux function and measurement temperature error with
= 0.025, and exact solution.

Fig. 9 represents comparison between the temperature calculations with exact

parameters and with estimated parameters a and b of the heat flux exponential
Increasing measurement error to = 0.050 leads to parameter estimation error
for a and b of 1% and 5% respectively.


T [-]


__ exact
_ calculated






t [-]
Figure 9:

Calculation of transient temperature response T(0,i) for the case of

exponential shape of the heat function with error ( = 0.025) in
compare to exact solution.

6 Conclusion
In this paper the application of the genetic algorithm to the heat flux estimation
on the bases of transient temperature response is presented and analyzed. The
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


case of constant heat flux (one unknown parameter) and case of exponential
transient heat flux (two parameters) are analyzed. The convergence history
dependences of different combinations of population and breed number are
presented. It can be concluded that the genetic algorithm may be successfully
used in both cases. The constant heat flux can be estimated with high accuracy
even if measurement is realized with relatively significant error. In the case of
transient heat flux, estimation depends of the measurement error.

[1] Kanevce, G.H. Kanevce, L. P., Mitrevski, V.B., Dulikravich, G. S. &
Orlande, H.R.B., Inverse approaches to drying of thin bodies with
significant shrinkage effects, Journal of heat transfer transactions of the
ASME, 129(3), pp. 379-386, 2007.
[2] Beck, J. V. & Arnold, K. J., Parameter Estimation in Engineering and
Science, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, p. 370, 1977.
[3] Ozisik M. N. & Orlande H. R. B., Inverse Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and
Applications, Taylor and Francis, New York, 2000.
[4] Woodbury K. A., Application of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
to the Solution of Inverse Heat Conduction Problems, 4th International
Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering , Ed. H. R. B. Orlande, epapers, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 73-88, 2002.
[5] Mitchell, Melanie, An introduction to Genetic Algorithms, MIT Press, 1999,
pp. 2-11, 1999.
[6] Adam Marczyk, Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation, What is
a genetic algorithm, Copyright 2004.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


New solid-state organic membrane based leadselective micro-electrode

H. A. Arida1,2, A. Al-Haddad3 & M. J. Schning4

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science,

Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Hot Laboratories Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Bahrain University, Bahrain
Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies,
Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Microfabrication, characterization and analytical application of a new thin-film
organic membrane based lead-selective micro-electrode have been elaborated.
Prior to the fabrication of the assembly, the gold thin-film substrate has been
electrochemically treated using a new technique. The developed micro-electrode
based on tert-Butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis(N,N-dimethylthioacetamide) as
electroactive sensing material, carboxylated PVC as supporting matrix, 2nitrophenyl octyl ether as solvent mediator and potassium tetrakiss (4chlorophenyl) borate as lipophilic additive, respectively, provides a nearly
Nernstian response (slope 280.5 mV/concentration decade) covering the
concentration range 1x10-6 1x10-2 mole L-1 of Pb(II) ions with reasonable
selectivity over some tested cations. The merits offered by the new
microelectrode include simple fabrication, low cost as well as automation and
integration feasibility. Moreover, the suggested microelectrode has been
successfully applied for the determination of lead ions in some aqueous samples.
These samples were also determined using inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) for comparison. The proposed electrode offers
a good accuracy (the average recovery was 95.5%), high precision (RSD was
<3%), fast response time (<30 s.) and long life span (>4 months).
Keywords: all-solid-state microelectrode, thin-film, substrate surface treatment,
organic membrane, lead determination.

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548 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

1 Introduction
Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) and potentiometric sensors are the most widely
used sensor types for the measurement of toxic heavy metal ions [1, 2]. The
development of all-solid-state micro-sensor devices originating from
potentiometric sensors has accelerated during the last few years, and this is likely
to continue. The realization of such devices seems to be accelerating as microscale construction makes it possible to apply principles that would not work in
macro-scale analogous. In addition, accurate and reliable analysis using
miniaturized chemical sensors is a very useful analytical technique because of
the avoidance of laborious and time consuming preliminary sample treatment.
Moreover, micro-scale analyses of chemical species have many advantages over
conventional methodologies, including high spatial resolution, rapid response,
and minimal disturbance of the analyzed substrate [3]. Use of different organic
and inorganic sensing materials with versatile properties in fabrication of allsolid-state micro-electrodes makes them suitable for the detection of many
chemical species in solution at concentrations lying in the ppm range [410]. In
realization of such devices, chalcogenide glasses were proven to be very
promising ion-selective membranes especially for the detection of heavy metals
in solution (Pb2+, Cd2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Ag+...) [46]. However, organic membranesensitive layers prepared on transducers, fabricated using different, less or more
complicated and expensive, technologies for measurements of potassium [7] and
lead [8] have been reported, too. In addition, nanoparticle labels (i.e., gold
nanoparticles, silver tags, and semiconductor nanocrystals) have been used in the
fabrication of potentiometric micro-sensors for detection of DNA hybridization
[9] and carbon dioxide [10]. Miniaturization of solid-electrolyte gas sensors to
thin-film micro-devices have been discussed in literature [11]. Microfabrication
of chemical sensors and biosensors [12] as well as ISFET-based micro-sensors
[13] for environmental monitoring has been reviewed. A Pt-Ir wire-based ISE
has been suggested for monitoring the local spatial distribution of magnesium,
pH and ionic currents [14]. Moreover, the realization of micro-sensors, based on
a lab-on-a-chip has also been reviewed [15].
On the other hand, the development of organic membrane based microsensors has been recently introduced to overcome the low selectivity of
chalcogenide glass and inorganic based thin-film micro-sensors [1619].
However, there is an additional problem arise that the adhesion of the organic
membrane to the thin-film substrate is usually poor, which produces an early
degradation of those micro-sensors. To solve this problem, we had recently
developed a new approach (Arida Approach) for the organic-based sensors
micro-fabrications [1719]. In this technique, the organic membrane-based
sensitive layer has been nebulized in combination with a substrate surface
treatment. Using these two steps in combination has distinctly improved the
adhesion on the wafer surface. It decreases the leaching out of the ionophore and
plasticizer, stabilizes the organic membrane, and consequently increases the
micro-electrodes life-time.

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In this paper, we describe the fabrication and characterization of PVC

membrane-based micro-sensors using tert-Butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis(N,Ndimethylthioacetamide) as lead ionophore [20], deposited on gold thin-film
silicon micro-chips by the nebulization technique in combination with substrate
surface treatment. The reliability of the suggested micro-sized lead sensors in
comparison to independent standard methods using ICP-AES has been assessed.

2 Experimental
2.1 Chemicals and apparatus
The solvent mediator, 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether and the lipophylic additive
potassium tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl) borate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(CH-9471 Buchs, Switzerland). The membrane support matrix, high molecular
weight (220,000) poly(vinylchloride) carboxylated and the membrane solvent,
THF (tetrahydrofurane) were purchased from Riedel-de Han Chemical
Company (Germany). The lead ionophore used was tert-Butylcalix[4]arenetetrakis(N,N-dimethylthio-acetamide) (15343) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
chemical company. All the standard solutions of cations were prepared from
their analytical reagent grade chemicals in deionized water, and then diluted to
the desired concentration. Nitrate or chloride salts of the metal used were
purchased from Riedel-de Han. High purity standards (2% HNO3, Pb 1000 mg
kg-1) were used for ICP-AES validation measurements after appropriate dilution
with deionized water. Deionized water with conductivity <0.2 S/cm used in the
preparation and dilution of the reagents was produced using a Millipore
Deionizer (Millipore, France, Elix 10).
The potentiometric measurements were performed at 20oC with a HANNA
microprocessor pH/ion analyzer (Model pH 211) using a thin-film lead microelectrode in conjunction with a double-junction reference electrode immersed in
stirred test solutions. The response characteristics and the selectivity coefficient
K Pb
, M (obtained by separate solution method) of the thin-film lead micro-

electrode have been measured using standard methods [21].

The morphology of the substrate surface was studied using a JEOL scanning
electron microscope SEM (Model JSM 6390, Japan). A Perkin-Elmer (Optima
2100 DV) inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES)
instrument connected with an AS 93 Plus autosampler has been used for the
standard determination of lead. The 40-MHz free-running generator was
operated at a forward power of 1300 W; the outer, intermediate and Ar carrier
gas flow rates were 15.0, 0.2 and 0.8 L/min, respectively. The pump flow rate
was 1.5 mL/min. The carrier gas flow rate was optimized to obtain maximum
signal-to-background ratios.
2.2 Micro-fabrication of the lead solid-state micro-electrode
A cocktail-coating mixture incorporating the Pb2+ ionophore was utilized as
organic membrane-sensitive layer. The stock solution of this mixture was
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prepared by mixing thoroughly 33 mg of powdered PVC, 57 mg of 2-nitrophenyl
octyl ether plasticizer, 3 mg of potassium tetrakis (p-chlorophenyl) borate anion
tert-Butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis(N,Ndimethylthioacetamide) lead (II) ionophore in a small beaker. The mixture was
then completely dissolved in 5 mL THF [1619]. The sensor chips with the thinfilm gold substrates were fabricated at Research Centre Jlich as described
elsewhere [16, 2224].
Prior to the deposition of ion-sensitive organic membrane, the gold thin-film
substrate surface was treated electrochemically to enhance the adhesion to the
organic membrane. Here, thin films of Ag precipitates have been deposited on
the substrate surfaces from 10-3 mol L-1 AgNO3 solution for 1 h using a homemade small electro-deposition cell. In combination with this step and based on
the previously reported technique [1719], the cocktail-coating mixture was
nebulized on the treated surface of the gold thin-film substrate using a small
commercial nebulizer. The nebulized solution was delivered to the substrate in
fast pulses with 2 min intervals between the pulses. The deposition time was 30
min. After deposition of the organic membrane-sensitive layer, the sensors were
scribed to single chips, glued and contacted via bonding to a printed circuit board
(PCB) and encapsulated.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Physical characterization of the lead micro-electrode
Using the nebulization method, the all-solid-state micro-electrode has been
fabricated by depositing the organic membrane sensitive-layer on the treated
surface of the silicon micro-chips (10 mm 10 mm) and tested as lead-sensitive
electrode. A video-microscopic picture of the organic membrane-based thin-film
micro-electrode after integration into a PCB is shown in Fig. 1. The diameter of
the thin-film micro-electrode is about 2 mm.

Figure 1:

Video-microscopic picture of an all-solid state lead microelectrode.

Prior to the electrochemical characterization, the morphology studies on the

gold thin-film substrate, treated substrate surface and organic membrane deposit
have been performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to
check the film/membrane interface. The micrographs obtained are shown in
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Fig. 2. The surfaces of all films do not present any observable defects. While, the
untreated film (a) appears smooth and luster with poor adhesive properties, the
treated substrate surface (b) becomes more mountain-like with high roughness
and consequently, good adhesion to the organic membrane. The organic
membrane film (c) is textured, homogenous and uniformly distributed. This
significantly enhances the stability and consequently, the life span of the
suggested micro-electrode.

Figure 2:

SEM micrograph of the thin-film surfaces; (a) untreated gold

substrate, (b) electrochemical treated and (c) nebulized organic
membrane-sensitive layer.

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3.2 Electrochemical evaluation of the lead micro-electrode
Our goal was to realize sensitive, stable and reliable all-solid-state lead microelectrodes using the commercialized tert-Butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis(N,Ndimethylthio-acetamide) lead ionophore. The suggested micro-electrode
incorporating this ionophore has been electrochemically evaluated according to
IUPAC recommendations in terms of sensitivity, stability, selectivity and
reliability. In order to assess the reliability of the suggested micro-electrode, its
response properties were compared with those reported for the bulk macroelectrode prepared by the same ionophore [20]. The data obtained are collected
in Table 1. As can be seen, the micro-electrode showed a nearly theoretical
Nernstian response (slope of 280.5 mV/concentration decade) with a straight
line between 1x10-6 and 1x10-2 mole L-1 of Pb(II) ions (see Fig. 3). The limit of
detection determined from the intersection of the two extrapolated segments of
the calibration, as recommended by IUPAC, was 5x10-7 mol L-1.
Table 1:

Potentiometric performance properties of the thin-film lead microelectrode and the bulk macro-electrode.

All-solid-state thin-film
Slope (mV/decade)
Response time t95%(s)
Linear range (mol L-1)
Detection limit (mol L-1)
Life span (months)
Lead bulk macro-electrode [Ref. 20].

Lead bulk macroelectrode


The response time and life span of an electrode are important features for
analytical applications. Hence, the potentials of the suggested micro-electrode
corresponding to four decade additions of Pb2+, starting from deionized water to
102 mol L-1 have been measured. The results obtained are presented in Fig. 4.
The response time (t95%) of the suggested micro-electrode in the whole linear
concentration range was about 30 s. The stability and lifetime of the lead microelectrode were also investigated by repeated calibrations at every two or three
days for more than four months. During this period, the response time, slope and
linear range are reproducible. Hence, the micro-electrode can be used for at least
four months with practically unimpaired performance. Moreover, the suggested
micro-electrode properties are almost similar or even somewhat better (life span)
than the results observed for the lead macro-electrode based on the same
ionophore [20]. The recently developed, nebulization technique of the organic
membrane-sensitive layer in combination with the electrochemical treatment of
the substrate surface significantly improves the adhesive properties of the
membrane to the substrate surface, decreases the leaching out of the ionophore
and plasticizer, stabilizes the organic membrane, and consequently increases the
micro-electrodes life-time (4> months).
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Figure 3: Potentiometric calibration response of the organic membrane based

lead microelectrode.

Figure 4:

Potentiometric dynamic response of the organic membrane based

lead microelectrode.

The dependence of the response of the suggested micro-electrode on the pH

value of the test solution was examined at two Pb2+ concentrations over the pH
range between 1 and 8. As illustrated in Fig. 5, for both 1.0103 and 1.0102
mol L1 Pb2+, the potential remains constant over the pH range from pH 2.2 to
6.3. As a result, this range can be taken as the working pH range of the suggested
micro-electrode. Variation of the potential at pH< 2 could be related to abundant
H+ ions which can protonate the ionophore in the membrane phase, resulting in
its decomplexation of Pb2+. While, decreasing of the potential at higher pH
values may be ascribed to the hydrolysis of Pb2+ ions, leading to a decrease in its
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Figure 5:

Effect of pH on the potentionetric response of the organic membrane

based lead microelectrode.






Log KPb,B



Na Al3+


K 2+


Na Li+




Ba Ca
Na Co2+


K 2+


Ni Co2+





Figure 6:

Thin-film micro-electrode

Bulk macro-electrode [Ref.20].

Selectivity coefficients, log KPb,B, for organic lead macro- and

micro-electrodes, [0.01 mol L-1 of Pb+ and interfering cations].

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Potentiometric selectivity reflects the relative response of the membrane

electrode for the primary ion over other ions, present in solution. This feature is
perhaps the most important characteristics, since our goal here is the realization
of a highly selective organic membrane-based lead micro-electrode instead of
inorganic-based micro-sensors with high cross-sensitivity. The potentiometric
response of the lead micro-electrode was studied in presence of some alkali,
alkaline earth, transition metals, aluminum and ammonium ions. The

potentiometric selectivity coefficients K Pb , B were determined using the separate

solution method [21]. The results depicted in Fig. 6 are compared with those
reported for the bulk lead macro-electrode prepared with the same ionophore
[20]. The data revealed that the suggested micro-electrode showed a very high
selectivity towards most of the tested ions. This behavior is similar to or even
more selective (Ba2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Co2+ and Ni2+) than values obtained from
the macro-electrode based on the same ionophore. One possible explanation
might be that the response mechanism of the micro-sized electrodes (particularly
selectivity) is significantly affected by the size (surface to volume) effect. The
enhancement of the micro-electrode selectivity may be attributed to the fact that
these chips have a large size to volume ratio as well as they offer a high density
of electronic component and interconnection possibilities in contrast with the
macro-electrodes based on the same ionophore.
3.3 Analytical applications of the proposed micro-electrode
To assess the applicability of the micro-electrode to lead measurements, an
attempt was made to determine lead in five different samples under optimized
conditions. These samples were also determined by an independent standard
method using ICP-AES, for comparison. The data obtained are summarized in
Table 2. As can be seen, there are no significant differences between the results
obtained with the proposed micro-electrode and the reference method. In short,
the results reveal a high accuracy (recovery 95.5%) and good reproducibility
(RSD<3%, n=6).
Table 2:

Determination of lead in some aqueous samples employing the

micro-electrode in comparison to the reference method ICP-AES.

Thin-film microelectrode (mg/L)

The data is a mean of n= measurements.

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Recovery %

556 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

4 Conclusion
A new thin-film organic membrane-based lead micro-electrode incorporating
tert-Butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis(N,N-dimethylthioacetamide) as electroactive
material in a PVC matrix has been realized. The micro-electrode responds to lead
ions in a nearly Nernstian behavior and presents a good selectivity and detection
limit. The micro-electrode reveals a fast response time and long-term stability. It
has been successfully applied for the determination of lead in some aqueous
samples. The micro-electrode showed a good accuracy and reproducibility in
comparison to the independent ICP-AES method.

The authors wish to thank Taif University for financial supports (Project number
766/431/1, 2010).

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Measurement of methane pressure by

gas-pressure-measurement-tube sets
in underground coalbeds
S. Torno1, E. Alvarez2, B. Arias2 & J. Torao1

School of Mines, University of Oviedo, Spain

Hullera Vasco Leonesa S.A. Santa Lucia, Leon, Spain

Sudden methane outbursts which often cause serious accidents with numerous
fatalities can be produced in underground coalbed roadways and when driving
tunnels for highways or railways passing through carboniferous materials.
Most of the factors which take part in the generation of sudden outbursts are
related to methane conditions into the coalbed and specifically to gas pressure
and coal permeability.
When excavating roadways or tunnels crossing coalbeds, it is convenient to
have easy to use equipment which allows us to know at any moment the
measured pressure and its variation in factors such as roadway and tunnel driving
velocity, geological faults which lead to fractured formations and natural or
induced overstresses.
The designed gas-pressure-measurement-tube set goes into an 8 m deep and
45 mm in diameter borehole drilled in front of the working face. The gaspressure-measurement-tube set is connected to a flexible rod with a manometer
at the end of it.
The obtained measurements are used both in the empirical formulae and in
Computational Fluid Mechanics; this allows us to predict the probability of the
occurrence of sudden outbursts.
Keywords: gas pressure, methane, outburst, gas-pressure-measurement tube,
underground mine.

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1 Introduction
Outbursts in the underground coal mines have been and will be a highly topical
question as a consequence of the repercussion which they have on miner safety.
The statistics of fatal accidents are unfortunately widespread and extensive in
mines worldwide [13].
Alterations which are originated by mining works generate a reorder of
tensional state of coalbed till it achieves a new equilibrium, being able to make
different phenomena evident during these processes. This affects the stability of
coal mine created and consequently the safety of the workers.
Under the denomination of dynamic phenomena, a set of manifestations, in a
sudden way, due to existing energetic conditions emitted, are included. As a
consequence, a process of projection of coal and rock which can be accompanied
by the gas content in the coal is produced. These energetic conditions are
generated by the interactions of the following three factors: tensional state of
coalbed, presence of gas in the coal and in some cases gravity.
In figure 1, the triangular graphic which related the three factors giving way
to the different types of gas emission phenomena is shown. Moreover, it can
clearly be seen which properties are more influenced in these factors.

Figure 1:

Triangular graphic of gas dynamic phenomena.

The outburst of coal and methane consists of sudden and violent interruption
of coal methane in the vacuum created by an explosion [4, 5]. This phenomenon
correspond to a modification of the most favorable conditions for the
disintegration of the coal close to the face and favours the intense and sudden
desorption of methane ([6] and Coal Group of Energy Division of United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) [7]).
In the Complementary Technical Instruction developed by the Principado de
Asturias (legislation applicable to the location of the mine, S.A. Hullera Vasco
Leonesa, and where the experimental measurements are carried out) outbursts of
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


coal and gas are defined as one of the most complex gas dynamic phenomena
with the following characteristics:
-The sudden destruction of face with a common cavity in the coalbed.
-The pneumatic transport of broken coal.
-A higher gas outburst to the normal content of the coal, which is
progressively reduced.
In underground coal mine of S.A. Hullera Vasco Leonesa, the outbursts could
be classified as a medium type, since from 50 - 400 t of coal are affected. In this
study, 300 t of coal were ejected and about 1000 m3 of gas have been emitted.
This classification orders the outbursts in five groups from 0.5 10 t to > 1000 t.
Most of the factors which take part in the generation of sudden outbursts are
related to methane conditions in the coalbed, especially to gas pressure and coal
In this paper, the necessity to make use of simple equipment which allows us
to know at any moment the measured pressure and its variation in factors such as
roadway and tunnel driving velocity, geological faults which lead to fractured
formations and natural or induced overstresses is manifested.
For experimental measurements a gas-pressure-measurement tube set which
goes into an 8 m deep and 45 mm in diameter borehole drilled in front of the
working face is designed. This gas-pressure-measurement tube set is connected
to a flexible rod with a manometer at the end of it.
A continuous record of the gas pressure measurements in the coalbed allows
us to take preventive measures against the outbursts. This avoids the presence of
outbursts and reduces the risk of serious accidents for the miners.

2 Risk indexes
There are numerous indexes which quantify the different factors that determine
the presence of outburst, some of them are the following: methane concentration
in coalbed [8], desorption velocity of methane [9], methane concentration in
ventilation, V30 and the German Regulation [10], drill cuttings Jahns test [11],
measurements of gas pressure in the roadway and coalbed [2], the Polish ST
index [12], the Russian Ps index, from WostNII Institute in Kuznetsk, the Psi
index from the Karaganda coalfield in Kazakhstan and the k and D indexes from
China [13].
The nature of these indexes are variable, from normal ones (some of them are
applied in other disciplines) to those which are both consider mining experiences
and useful.
In both simple indexes and combined indexes, the gas pressure is of greater
importance; therefore, it is the most important factor studied in this research.
There are two types of gas pressure measurements in coalbed: measurements in
the coalbed and measurements in the heading face. The first measurements
which correspond to the phase of coalbed research have been carried out by
means of boreholes of greater length where a gas-pressure-measurement tube set
which registers the evolution of the gas pressure in long periods of time has been
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The pressure changes according to the depth where the results are expressed
by means of quotient between the gas pressure and lithostatic pressure.
Measurements and control of gas pressure at a few meters.
These techniques associated with exploitation works have been carried out in
a mine in Czech Republic, and consist of a daily systematic measurement of the
gas pressure in boreholes of 3 m in depth and 42 mm in diameter.
This measurement instrument consists of a tube equipped with a sealing
system connected to a manometer or monitoring system.
The measurements are stabilized every 3 minutes. The critical values of this
index are specified in each coalbed and are stabilized by numerous sets of
measurements. The most common gas pressure value findings are approximately
50 kPa.
In 166 analyzed outbursts, in various coalfields such as Jagorszynski,
Kuznetsk, Donetsk or Karaganda, the following conclusions, related to the
influence of the gas pressure, have been detected [13]:
-No outbursts have been recorded for gas pressure below 6 MPa.
-For pressure between 0.6 and 0.74 MPa, 79 outbursts were generated
with a maximum intensity of 2977 and a medium of 54 t.
-For pressure above 0.74 MPa, 87 outbursts were generated with a
maximum intensity of 1500 t and a medium of 145 t.

3 Gas-pressure-measurement tube set

Hullera Vasco Leonesa S.A. Company located in the province of Leon in the
North of Spain, is an underground coal mine with three shafts connected between
them. The annual coal production is 2 million tons and the proved exploitable
coal reserves at the end of 2009 are 45 million tons.
The average coal properties of the mined coalbed are 12.39% Ash, 0.75%
Sulfur, 10.41% Volatiles, Calorific value of 7455 Kcal/Kg and Density1.45
kg/m3 Density.
Stratigraphically, the coal basin is divided into six well-defined formations.
The whole group is about 1,500 m thick, formed about 300 million years ago.
Pastora Formation shows the best economic prospects and it provides the totality
of the present coal production. The Pastora coalbed varies in thickness from 20
to 25 m, its dip is between 40 and 70 and the methane concentration varies
between 7 and 10 m3/t of coal.
The exploitation of this coalbed where the outbursts were produced was
exploited by two methods, sublevel caving and shortwall between two levels
[14]. The mining method by shortwall and sublevel caving is performed with a
particular system of shield supports. The panel width varies according to the
thickness of the coalbed. The large coalbed thickness contributes the generation
of outbursts [13].
The Mining Company S.A. Hullera Vasco Leonesa has designed a tool in
order to measure the gas pressure. Firstly, the tool or gas-pressure-measurement
tube was created piece by piece in the SolidWorks software as shown in figure 2,
where l is the length in meters and d is the diameter also in meters.
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Figure 2:

Diagram of






Secondly, the gas-pressure-measurement tube was manufactured by S.A.

Hullera Vasco Leonesa, as it is illustrated in figure 3.
In figure 3 the gas-pressure-measurement tube is illustrated with its final
configuration, demonstrating the following parts:
-Measurement tube (1).
-Sealing system (2).
-Borehole rod (3).
-Manometer or monitoring system (4).
-Borehole rod (5) to inject water at a pressure of 1.96 MPa used for the
sealing system.
When it is necessary to introduce this tube into deeper boreholes it is
lengthened by means of an extensible flexible tube.
The boreholes used for inserting the gas-pressure-measurement tube sets were
carried out at the crown of the heading face. They were 8 m in length, 45 mm in
diameter and 10 angles in upward direction.
The gas-pressure-measurement tubes were put into operation at night, on
Friday nights, in order to take gas pressure evolution measurement at heading
face until seven oclock on Monday morning.
When the gas pressure measurements were performed, the heading face was
degassed with 6 boreholes at the crown of 3.2 m in length and 65 mm in
diameter, and in the middle with 3 boreholes of 5.6 m in length and 105 mm in

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Figure 3:

Gas-pressure-measurement tube prior to being introduced into the


Figure 4:

Description of boreholes where the gas-pressure-measurement tube

is inserted in order to carry out the measurements.

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The horizontal distance that separates the face of heading and face of
shortwall-sublevel caving is denominated D. This distance changes as the mine
is being exploited and can be divided into 3 groups:
-D is positive when the two faces become closer.
-D is 0 when the two faces coincide.
-D is negative when the faces overlap.
Figure 5 illustrates the results of the evolution over time of gas pressure (kPa)
in 3 boreholes in the roof for five distances D = 33, 23, 2, -11.5 and -40m.
It can be seen how, for four hours after inserting the measurement tube
(D = 30 m), there is an increase in the gas pressure reaching maximum values of
900 kPa.

Figure 5:

Evolution of the gas pressure in the coalbed in function on distance

D and time.

When D decreases, the maximum gas pressure also decreases, reaching values
below 700 kPa. Later a faster decrease in this pressure occurs over time until
becoming 0.
When the distance D is negative, the maximum values of gas pressure are
lower than 500 kPa and when the absolute value of D is higher, the maximum
pressure is 300 kPa.
The evolution of the gas pressure shows that there is an outburst-prone zone
as a consequence of a gas pressure increase for the distance D (between 25 and
50 m).
For lower values of D, as a result of the decrease in the Protodiakonov index
of the heading face (average values of 1.31, maximum values of 2.13 and

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minimum values of 0.51), the danger of the occurrence of an outburst
diminishes, and the problems related to methane blows increase [13].

4 Conclusions
The measurements and evolution of gas pressure by boreholes in the heading
face allow us to predict by means of simple and operative tools, the trend of the
generation of outbursts in the coalbed.
It is convenient for the gas-pressure-measurement tube to be motorized in
order to have a remote and continuous register of the gas pressure.
When higher elevations of gas pressure, indicated by the gas-pressuremeasurement tube are generated, the coalbed should be degassed by means of
boreholes in the heading face with an injection of pressure water.
If the pressure increase is excessive, penalization of the works could be

[1] Belin, J. & Vandeloise, R., Rsultats des recherches efectes en Belgique et
en France sur les dgagements instantans dans les mines de charbon.
Annales des Mines de Belgique. N 2 Fvrier, 1969.
[2] Lama, R.D. & Bodziony, J., Management of outburst in underground coal
mines International Journal of Coal Geology, 35, pp. 83115, 1998.
[3] Basil Beamish, B.B. & Crosdale, P.J., Instantaneous outbursts in
underground coal mines: An overview and association with coal type
International. Journal of Coal Geology, 35, pp. 2755, 1998.
[4] Peng, S.S, Coal mine ground control. John Wiley & Sons. New York 1986.
[5] Hargraves, A.J., Update on instantaneous outbursts of coal and gas.
Proceeding of Australian Institute of Mining and. Metallurgy, 298, pp. 3
17, 1993.
[6] Belin, J., Mesures de prevention des degagement instantans de methane et
de charbon ou de roches. Organe permanente pour la securit et la
salubrit dans les mines de houlle. N 6039/81. Luxembourg, 1983.
[7] ECE, Coal Group of Energy Division of United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe. Luxembourg, 1995.
[8] ET0307-2-92. Especificacin tcnica: Mtodo para determinar la
concentracin de gas en la capa. Ministerio de Industria del Estado Espaol.
[9] ET0307-2-92. Especificacin tcnica: Mtodo para determinar la velocidad
de desorcin del gris. Ministerio de Industria del Estado Espaol.
[10] Renania, Circulares 23.10.87, 6.7.82 y 13.8.81 de la Direccin Superior de
Minas del Estado de Renania sobre DI. Dormund. Verlag. H. Bellmann,
[11] Bruner, G., Rockburst in coal mines and their prevention. Ed. Balkema.
Rotterdam, 1994.

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[12] Tarnowski, J., Calculations concerning coal and gas outburst. International
Symposium of Workshop on Management, Control of High Gas Emission
and Outburst. Ed. Lama. Wollongong, pp. 49-61, 1995.
[13] Lama, R.D., Bodziony, J., Sudden outburst of gas and coal in underground
coal mines. Final Report. Project No. C 3034. Australian Coal Association
Research Program, 1996.
[14] Torao, J., Torno, S., Menndez, M., Gent, M.R., Velasco, J., Models of
methane behaviour in auxiliary ventilation of underground coal mining.
International Journal of Coal Geology, 79, pp. 157-166, 2009.

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Self assembling proteins as matrix for the

construction of optical devices
U. Weinert, T. Gnther, J. Raff & K. Pollmann
Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Germany

Self-assembling biomolecules are widespread in nature and attractive for
technical purposes due to their size and highly ordered structures in nanometer
range. Surface-layer (S-layer) proteins are one of those self-assembling
molecules and their chemical and structural properties make them quite attractive
for nanotechnical purposes. They possess a high content of functional groups so
a sequential coupling of functional devices is possible and their ability to self
assemble in aqueous solutions or on surfaces, e.g. SiO2 wafers, qualifies them for
nanotechnical applications. In this work, first experiments were done in order to
construct a sensory device containing S-layer proteins as matrix to bind optical
elements and analytes for detection of specific substances. The S-layer proteins
were isolated from the Lysinibacillus sphaericus strain JG-A12 recovered from a
uranium mining waste pile in Germany. As optical elements fluorescent dyes or
quantum dots can be used. Three different fluorescent dyes which are able to
perform a Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) were used and
coupled to the S-layer proteins. As receptor molecule aptamers were chosen due
to their high specifity and stability towards many chemicals. Aptamers are short
oligonucleotides which are able to bind specific molecules via their three
dimensional structure. In this work, a model aptamer was used that is specific
towards human thrombin. The aim was to construct a sensor system which is
able to detect specific substances in very low concentration ranges in aqueous
Keywords: S-layer proteins, fluorescent dyes, aptamers.

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1 Introduction
S-layer proteins represent the outermost cell envelop compound of numerous
bacteria and almost all archaea. These structure proteins feature a lot of functions
such as protection, shape and molecular sieves. They are able to self assemble in
aqueous solutions and on surfaces and form regular sheets exhibiting a
paracrystalline nanostructure [1]. Generally, S-layer proteins provide a huge
amount of orientated functional groups that can be used for coupling of
molecules to the surface, thus introducing a high level of functionality in a small
device. The possibility to create highly regular arrays of nanostructured
multifunctionalized surfaces, makes S-layer proteins highly attractive for the
construction of sensory layers.
Here we present a new concept of biosensors based on the application of
S-layers. This biosensor will be able to detect various substances in a very low
concentration range, e g. pharmaceuticals in clarified waste water. Figure 4
shows the functionality of the biosensor with following compounds:
(1) S-layers that are used for the nano-structuring and functionalization of
surfaces such as SiO2-wafers or glass.
(2) Aptamers that are coupled to S-layers and work as receptors. Aptamers are
oligonucleotides that specifically bind chemical compounds via their threedimensional structure. In the present study, aptamers that specifically bind
thrombin were used as a model.
(3) Two different fluorescence dyes with overlapping excitation and emission
spectra. A unit cell of the S-layers has a size of 12.8 nm and comprises four
protein monomers. Therefore coupled fluorescence dyes are in a close proximity,
thus favouring a fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET). FRET means a
radiation free energy transfer from one fluorescence dye (donor) to another
fluorescence dye (acceptor). The energy transfer causes a decrease in donor
fluorescence and an increase in acceptor fluorescence. Such a transfer system is
very sensitive against environmental changes and can be easily disturbed e.g. by
the binding of analytes to the aptamer.

Figure 1:

Schematic drawing of a sensory device containing two fluorescent

dyes (a and b) which are able to perform a FRET and one aptamer
(c) specific for one analyte (d).

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The S-layer proteins of L. sphaericus JG-A12 that were used for the present
study contain 10 mol% NH2 and 12 mol% COOH groups, consequently
providing many residues for functionalization. These groups of the S-layers can
be easily coupled with fluorescent dyes by using crosslinking reagents like
1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimid (EDC). Additionally, hydroxylgroups of the protein can be coupled with aptamers. In the present study the
coupling of the three different fluorescent dyes Hilyte488, Hilyte555 and
TAMRA and the anti-thrombin aptamer was performed and the results analyzed.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Isolation of S-layer proteins
The isolate L. sphaericus JG-A12 was grown in Nutrient Broth medium (6 g/l,
Mast Group Ltd., Merseyside, UK) in a 50 L bioreactor over night at pH 7 and
30C. Extraction of S-layer proteins was performed according to [2].
Determination of protein concentration was determined by Lowry [3] and purity
of S-layer proteins was confirmed by SDS-PAGE. Proteins were stored in
standard buffer solution at pH 7.5 containing 50 mM Tris, 2 mM MgCl2 and
3 mM NaN3.
2.2 Functionalization of S-layer proteins
2.2.1 Binding fluorescent dyes to S-layer proteins
S-layer sheets were centrifuged and resolved in 50 mM phosphate buffer at
pH 5.6 to give a final concentration of 10 mg/mL S-layer protein polymer
solution. Coupling experiments were performed with three different fluorescence
dyes. As donor molecule, Hilyte 488 was chosen and used as hydrazide. As
acceptor molecules Hilyte555 and TAMRA were tested and used as hydrazide or
succimidyl ester (SE), respectively. The carboxyl groups of the S-layer proteins
were activated with EDC in a final concentration of 20 mM. The reaction started
immediately. Reaction tubes were incubated overnight at 4C in dark.
Afterwards the samples were centrifuged and washed several times to remove
remaining fluorescent dyes. The coupling of fluorescent dyes to the proteins was
quantified by UV/VIS (Ultrospec 1000, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, USA).
For theses measurements 50 L of the protein solutions were dissolved in 50 L
of 6 M guanidine solution pH 7 and incubated for one hour in order to get a
monomer solution.
2.2.2 Binding anti-thrombin-aptamer to S-layer proteins
Oligonucleotides with the sequence GGTTGGTGTGGTT [4], a TAMRA
modification at its 3 end and a SH-group at its 5 end were used as antithrombin-aptamer. The aptamer was linked to OH-groups of the S-layer protein
via its SH-group by using N-[p-Maleimidophenyl]isocyanate (PMPI) as
crosslinking reagent. The reaction was started by the addition of PMPI, dissolved
in DMSO, to a solution of S-layer proteins and aptamers, dissolved in distilled
water at pH 7 with a final molar ratio of 1:2.5:500 (protein:aptamer:PMPI).
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Reaction was performed overnight at 4C. Precipitated PMPI was removed by
centrifugation and selective resuspension. After reaction, the residual aptamers in
the supernatant were removed. The binding of aptamer to S-layer proteins was
controlled via UV/VIS spectroscopy and quantification of linked aptamer was
done by measuring the uncoupled aptamer in the supernatant.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Binding fluorescence dyes to S-layer proteins of L. sphaericus JG-A12
In a first step, UV/VIS spectroscopy was used to demonstrate that the S-layer
protein of L. sphaericus JG-A12 can be successfully modified with each of the
three fluorescent dyes. TAMRA was linked to the NH2-groups whereas
Hilyte488 and Hilyte555 were linked to the COOH-groups. As an example, the
results on S-layer modifications with Hilyte488 or TAMRA and with both dyes
together are shown in figure 2. Unfortunately, the spectra of free and protein
bound dyes show a slight peakshift and an overlap of donor and acceptor
absorption. These facts make it difficult to quantify the total amount of bound
fluorescence dyes by UV/VIS spectroscopy. Therefore fluorescence
spectroscopy was used to determine the amount of bound fluorescence dyes. If
two fluorescence dyes are linked to the protein the total amount of each
fluorescence dye can be determined and compared with samples where only one
fluorescence dye is linked.
For fluorescence measurements the optimal excitation and emission
wavelength of the chosen fluorescence dyes in this experimental setup have to be
determined. In result Hilyte488 was excited at a wavelength of 500 nm, TAMRA
at a wavelength of 556 nm and Hilyte555 at a wavelength of 553 nm.
Fluorescence spectra of protein modified with TAMRA and protein modified
with a combination of Hilyte488 and TAMRA show same emission intensities at
580 nm when excited at a wavelength of 556 nm (see figure 3). This fact
indicates that comparable amounts of TAMRA were linked to the protein in both
samples. An equal approach to determine the amounts of linked Hilyte488 by
excitation with light of a wavelength of 500 nm is not possible, as an occurring
FRET will cause a decrease of the fluorescence intensity at 530 nm. This effect
can be seen in figure 3, whereas the fluorescence intensity at 580 nm
simultaneously increases in comparison to the emission spectra of protein
modified with TAMRA and excited at a wavelength of 500 nm. Both
observations together are a strong indication for a FRET event.
A modification of S-layer protein with Hilyte488 and Hilyte555 at the same
time reduces the total amount of bound molecules for both dyes in comparison to
samples with only one linked fluorescence dye (data not shown). This can be
easily explained by the binding of both dyes via COOH groups so that less
binding sites are available for each fluorescence dye. Furthermore an excitation
of Hilyte555 at a wavelength of 500 nm shows a clear emission at 565 nm which

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Figure 2:

UV/VIS spectra of S-layer proteins (solid black line) modified with

Hilyte488 (dashed line), with TAMRA (dotted line) and with both
fluorescence dyes (solid grey line).

Figure 3:

Fluorescence spectra of S-layer proteins modified with Hilyte488,

TAMRA or with both fluorescence dyes; excitation wavelength for
Hilyte488 was 500 nm and for TAMRA 556 nm.

hinders a potential FRET detection due to the fact that a donor excitation
simultaneously excites the acceptor. Therefore further experiments will be done
with the Hilyte488 and TAMRA as potential FRET pair.
3.2 Binding anti-thrombin-aptamers to S-layer proteins of L. sphaericus
As presented in figures 4 and 5, anti-thrombin-aptamers were successfully
coupled to S-layer proteins of L. sphaericus JG-A12 via PMPI. Modification
degree was determined by measuring the absorption maxima of uncoupled antithrombin-aptamer that remained in the supernatant after crosslinking. Whereas
light microscopic images show that all S-layer polymers are modified with
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aptamers, the results of UV/VIS spectroscopy demonstrate that only 20% of the
applied S-layer protein monomers were modified with aptamers. Future work
will focus on an enhanced modification rate in order to increase the sensitivity of
the finally assembled sensor. Additionally S-layer proteins will be stabilized with
EDC in order to inhibit degradation after the coupling of aptamer.

Figure 4:

Light microscopic image of S-layer proteins modified with antithrombin-aptamer in phase contrast mode and in fluorescence mode
using a filter between 540 and 550 nm.

Figure 5:

UV/VIS spectra of unmodified S-layer proteins (grey line), free

anti-thrombin-aptamer (dotted line) and S-layer proteins modified
with anti-thrombin-aptamer (black line).

4 Outlook
For the construction of a biosensor that is composed of S-layers, fluorescence
dyes and aptamers, important steps are the stable coupling of the functional
molecules to the S-layer proteins without loosing the functionality of those
molecules and the structure of the S-layers. The presented results demonstrate
that such a functionalization is possible while keeping the structure of the S-layer
polymers. In further steps affinity studies of the coupled anti-thrombin-aptamers
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will be done in order to verify the intactness of the molecules. In addition,

lifetime measurements will be performed in order to prove the occurrence of an
energy transfer between the fluorescence molecules.

This study was kindly supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF), grant.01RB0805A.

[1] Sar, M. and Sleytr, U. B., S-layer proteins, Journal of Bacteriology,
182(4), pp. 859-868, 2000
[2] Raff, J. et al. Chem Mater 15(1), pp. 240-244, 2003
[3] Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L., Randall, R. J., Protein
measurement with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 193(1), pp. 265-275, 1951
[4] Bock, L. C., Griffin, L. C., Latham, J. A., Vermaas, E. H., Toole, J. J.,
Selection of Single-Stranded-DNA Molecules That Bind and Inhibit
Human Thrombin. Nature, 355(6360), pp. 564-566, 1992

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An algorithm for the calibration of running

time calculation on the basis of GPS data
S. de Fabris, G. Longo & G. Medeossi
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Trieste, Italy

Increasing the precision in timetable planning is a key success factor for all
infrastructure managers, since it allows us to minimize delay propagation
without reducing usable capacity. Since most running time calculation models
are based on standard and deterministic parameters an imprecision is implicitly
included, which has to be compensated by running time supplements.
At the same time, GPS or even more precise trackings are continuously stored
in the event recorders of most European trains. Unfortunately, this large amount
of data is normally stored but not used except for failure and maintenance
To consider real running time variability in running time calculation, an
approach has been developed, which allows us to calibrate a performance factor
for each motion phase.
Given the standard motion equation of a train, and a mesoscopic model of the
line, the tool uses a simulated annealing optimisation algorithm to find the best
regression between calculated and measured instant speed. To increase precision,
the motion is divided into four phases: acceleration, braking at stops, braking for
speed reductions/signals and cruising. By performing the procedure over a
number of train runnings, a distribution of each performance parameter is
obtained. Once the infrastructure model is defined and the trackings are
imported, the procedure is completely automated.
The approach can be used in both stochastic simulation models and as a basis
for advanced timetable planning tools, where stochastic instead of deterministic
running times are used. The tool has been tested in the north-eastern part of Italy
as input for both running time calculation and microscopic simulation.
Keywords: railway simulation, railway planning, GPS, train performance,
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1 Introduction
Increasing the precision in timetable planning is a key success factor for all
infrastructure managers, since it allows us to minimize delay propagation
without reducing usable capacity. When setting up a timetable, it is necessary to
estimate running times for different rolling stock using the current infrastructure.
Conventional running time calculators solve the motion equation, which is based
on a number of empirical parameters. Such parameters have been measured for
years for different kinds of rolling stock [1]; therefore it is possible to calculate
train speed profile in high detail. However, many influences on running times are
not deterministic, such as human behaviour, weather conditions and even
different trains of the same series could show different performances. To cope
with this variability, recovery times are inserted, implicitly including an
imprecision in the representation of train motion.
While a deterministic running time calculation is sufficient to plan timetables,
which of course must be deterministic, a more detailed representation is required
in micro-simulation and for ex-ante evaluate timetable robustness estimations,
which aim at reproducing train behaviour with highest detail.
A performance factor, which introduces a stochastic element in the motion
equation, has been proposed by some authors and inserted in proven simulation
tools. This factor in multiplied by the tractive effort, the speed limit and the
braking deceleration during acceleration, cruising and braking respectively.
To estimate the distributions of such parameters, an iterative approach was
proposed by the Authors [3]. A software tool which allowed us to compare onboard collected data and running time calculation was developed from scratch
and tested on a line in Northern Italy, demonstrating the benefits of calibrated
motion equation in stochastic micro-simulation.
The results appeared very promising, although calibration of motion equation
was performed manually by the user, graphically comparing simulated and real
speed profiles at given points.
To overcome this weakness, and to allow a more precise calibration based on
a higher number of records, a new software tool has been developed, which
allows an automatic calibration of performance factors.

2 Approach and software tool

The proposed method includes a number of steps that are required to prepare
data sets, filter the on-board collected data, calculate running time using
deterministic motion equations and then calibrate them. All steps and data are
included in a single tool to avoid exporting and importing data from in different
software, reducing the number of steps performed by the user.
The software tool has been developed using Java programming language in
order to use on different operating systems without compatibility problems,
while the Netbeans IDE development environment was chosen for the simple
windows drawing procedure and the good built-in debugging and profiling
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The tool integrates a microscopic infrastructure model, rolling stock and

timetable data to calculate running times. Real world data are filtered and then
imported. A simulated annealing algorithm is used to calibrate the performance
factor over a number of records. The distributions of performance factors are
then presented and stored, to be used in the tool or exported to other simulation
software supporting stochastic performance factors. The working flow of the
approach is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1:

Block diagram of the working flow and software tool.

2.1 Microscopic infrastructure model

The infrastructure, rolling stock and timetables are stored in a PostgreSQL
database. Compared to binary files, the database allows a simpler data model,
higher exchangeability with other tools, and a smarter management of large
amounts of data. Moreover, PostgreSQL represents a freeware, yet performing
and reliable alternative to commercial DBMS. Infrastructure is represented
according to the RailML standard [5], allowing a simple import and export from
the most common simulation tools. The well-known and proven double-vertex
graph [6] is used simplify the definition of itineraries.
A microscopic infrastructure model has been chosen rather than a mesoscopic
one, which is sufficient for running time calculation, because not only line speed,
but also signal aspects and the supervision curve of the protection systems are
considered. To achieve the highest precision in the calibration process, the speed
profile has to be calculated precisely for the entire train route: therefore the

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itineraries within station and the position (and aspects) of each signal are
Also timetable data structure is entirely RailML compatible, while rolling
stock is defined using all parameters required to solve the motion equation and
consider the Italian ATP and ATC (SSC, SCMT, RSC, ETCS L2).
2.2 Data filtering and import
The calibration of motion equation can be performed on the basis of on-board
collected GPS tracking or on the archives of digital train event recorders. Train
event recorders store very accurate data based on odometers; endowed with a
wider range of other data, such as the speed limit calculated by the protection
system, the signal aspects the throttle and brake percentage use. These files do
not require any filtering process, since tracking data are filtered in real time
comparing two odometers and using balises or a discrete calibration of distances.
Significantly more complex to perform is the preparation of GPS data.
Trackings are first post-processed using a proven algorithm based on the Kalman
filter already in use to reconstruct the trajectories of race cars [8]. The filtered
data show a sufficient precision, but do not contain any information on signal
aspects, which is required in order to reconstruct the drivers behaviour. To fill
this gap, the recorded speed profile is compared to the planned one (which
considers no route conflict), in which the train brakes only for speed reductions
and at stops.
Once unplanned brakings are found, the planned profile is recalculated,
considering a yellow aspect at the corresponding signal. On lines with discrete
ATPs, the braking curve comprehending the approach speed and distance at next
signal is computed, since the train is not allowed to re-accelerate before passing
the corresponding main signal balise. On lines equipped with continuous ATP,
where the train is allowed to accelerate as the man-machine interface shows the
green aspect again, the instant when the train re-accelerates is obtained as local
minimum of the real speed profile. The planned speed profile is then modified
considering braking and then re-accelerating. The weakness of this method is
represented by the impossibility to know exactly whether an unplanned braking
is due to a normal traffic conflict, or to a failure, where the protection system
activated the emergency braking.
GPS trackings, filtered and endowed with the corresponding signal aspects,
and train event recordings are saved and used as basis for the calibration
2.3 Performance factors and motion phase
As stated in [3] a single performance factor does not allow a precise
representation of the different motion phases. Separated parameters for
acceleration, cruising and braking phases where suggested and used in the test
Knowing the signal aspects and the planned timetable it is possible to separate
braking into three different phases: braking at a halt, for a line speed reduction
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and for a restrictive signal aspect. This separation has been decided after a first
analysis of real braking curves, which appeared significantly different depending
on the motivation of braking. Braking at halts showed lower deceleration
compared to braking for signals, and even lower values were recorded at speed
limit changes. Moreover, especially when heavy trains brake at a speed reduction
often run even lower speeds than allowed or show very variable deceleration to
avoid this excessive braking.
As a result, compared to conventional running time calculation, where the
braking distance is continuously calculated and stored, three values are
2.4 Calibration algorithm
During calibration, the best fitting set of performance factors for a train ride is
calculated. This computation is based on three assumptions:
1) The infrastructure model represents exactly the infrastructure used by
the train, in particular concerning signal positions, relative distances and
speed limits.
2) At the end of calibration, calculated running time correspond exactly to
the measured one. In other words, the set of performance factor must
lead to an exact calculation of the running time at the end of the
3) The integration period in running time calculation must correspond to
the tracking sampling period. This simplifies the calibration
significantly, since to each recorded value corresponds to a calculated
one, permitting a simple comparison in order to obtain an indicator of
the goodness of the estimated parameters.
The method used to compare the two arrays is the simple mean squared error
estimator. The software tool implements the algorithm (1)

MSE (vGPS (t) vC (t)) 2


t 1

To compute a fixed length speed vector one dependent variable and four
independent variables have to be considered. The software tool uses cruising
performance as dependent variable for three reasons:
1) It has a small variation and relative high value (always higher than 90% in
the test case)
2) Cruising running phase is the longest during a train run, therefore a
minimum variation of its value has a great impact on total train running
3) The value of cruising performance is inversely proportional to train
running time.
Assuming 3), the value of the dependant variable value can be found using the
bisection method.

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2.5 Simulated annealing
In order to find the best performance parameters, an optimisation can be
performed. It is necessary to find the minimum mean square error given four
independent variables of a not linear function resolving the equation (2).

min{ [vGPS (t ) vC (t )] }
t 1

vC f (a, b, c, d , e)
size(v ) size(v ) N


In the equation a,b,c,d,e are the five performance parameters, vc is the arrays
of the calculated speeds and vGPS is the array of measured speeds.
This appears as a nonlinear optimization problem: an adequate method to
solve it has to be found; moreover, since it is difficult to determine a priori the
properties of the target function a robust method must be used. A number of
proven algorithms to perform this computation can be found in literature.
In the first tests, using only one parameter for breaking performance, the map
represented in figure 2 has been obtained. It represents the value of target
function (z-axis) with the variation of acceleration and braking factors.
Obviously the value of cruising performance is not represented because it
depends on the other two values. Its possible to notice the optimum value point
for this train run.
The simulated annealing (SA) optimization method [9] is used in the software
tool to find the best performance parameters that reduce the difference between
computed and measured train speed. The algorithm begins finding a solution at a
random point of the feasible region; after that, many steps are performed in order
to find a better solution. It is possible to limit the maximum number of steps to
be performed in order to limit computation time.

Figure 2:

Target function (z-axis) as a function of acceleration and braking


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Each step of the SA algorithm replaces the current solution by a random

nearby solution, chosen with a probability that depends on the difference
between the corresponding function values and on a global parameter T (called
the temperature), that is gradually decreased during the process. The dependency
is such that the current solution changes almost randomly when T is large, but
increasingly downhill as T goes to zero. The allowance for uphill moves
saves the method from becoming stuck at local optima.
At the end of the optimization process both performance parameters are saved
into a custom file format in order to perform aggregate data analysis. In the same
files, the corresponding occupation steps are stored, to enable a precise
representation of the real infrastructure usage.
2.6 Multithreading
Simulated annealing algorithm performs a number of experiments looking for
value of target function in several points. Since each experiment is a train
running time calculation with different performance parameters independent
from each other, its possible to run them concurrently using modern processors
multithreading processing capacity. This permits to reduce total computation
time, allowing us to use nearly 100% of the CPU power of modern
multiprocessor workstations. The experiments to be computed are inserted in a
queue, so each thread gets one experiment input data from the queue, computes
the value of the target function, compares it with the best value ever found
before, generates up to 8 new experiments and adds them in the queue.
Synchronization between threads is needed only when accessing the queue to
add and remove experiment input data and accessing best target function value.
The synchronized code is less than 0.1% of total code lines of the optimization

3 Test and applications

The tool has been tested in North-Eastern Italy, on the Trieste Venice line. The
double track, electrified line is about 130 km long and plays an important role in
regional transport and as freight corridor between Eastern Europe and Italy. The
line is endowed with SCMT, digital, discrete ATP corresponding to ETCS
Level 1. About 100 train runs with the same rolling stock have been computed,
obtaining the corresponding parameters sets. Each set represents a driving style,
since it contains the way a driver handles in each motion phase.
Comparing the calibrated equation with 5 parameters with the conventional
running time calculation, including 7% running time supplement, the difference
between the two approaches has been pointed out, showing differences of more
than 20% in the expected occupation steps.
In Figure 2, the speed limit (black), the planned speed profile (red) the real
(green) and the calibrated (purple) ones are compared, clearly showing the
differences among them. In particular, the goodness of the fitted equation
compared to the planned one is remarkable.
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Figure 3:

Speed limit, simulated speed profile with 100% performance,

calibrated and real speed profiles.

3.1 Future applications

The obtained driving styles (calibration sets) over a statistically significant
number of records can be used to compute the stochastic behaviour of a single
train or a calibrated simulation of the interactions among trains. The second
option would lead to a precise micro-simulation that could be either
asynchronous or synchronous.
In the first option a representation of the blocking times over a number of
realistic operational days are obtained, as tested on the Trieste-Venice line. The
resulting blocking times can be stored and depicted in a timetable graph using
transparencies to represent each run. As a result, a wider occupation staircase is
obtained, which colour intensity is proportional to the probability to have the
infrastructure used. While planning a timetable, the possibility to view the
realistic infrastructure usage supports the definition of buffer times, which can be
chosen on the basis of the real variability instead of empiric rules.

4 Conclusions and outlook

In this work, an approach for thee accurate calibration of motion equation, which
introduces a quantitative representation of real driving styles has been presented.
The method has been implemented on a software tool, using standard
representation of input data and taking advantage of powerful DBMS and
multithreading to perform onerous computations in a competitive time.
The case study has shown a significant improvement in the stochastic micro
simulation output, demonstrating the importance of a precise parameter
calibration especially regarding train braking and acceleration. A further

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improvement will come from the calibration of the motion equation parameters
to fit the DIS data.
The approach appears very useful for the calibration of motion equation
within micro-simulation tools, while a promising application is represented by
the implementation of stochastic blocking time staircases instead of deterministic
ones in timetable planning software.

[1] Wende, D. Fahrdynamik des Schienenverkehrs. Wiesbaden, Teubner
Verlag, 2003.
[2] Hansen, I.A., Pachl, J., Railway Timetable & Traffic Hamburg,
Eurailpress, 2008.
[3] Medeossi, G. Capacity and Reliability on railway networks, a simulative
approach University of Trieste, 2010-07-23.
[4] de Fabris, S., G. Longo, et al. Automated analysis of train event recorder
data to improve micro-simulation models. In: J. Allan, E. Arias, C. A.
Brebbia et al., Computers in Railways XI, WIT Press, Southampton, 575585, 2008.
[5] Nash, A., Huerlimann, D., Schuette, J., Krauss, V.P., RailML A standard
data interface for railroad applications, In: Allan, J., Hill, R.J., Brebbia,
C.A., Sciutto, G., Sone, S. (eds.), Computers in Railways IX, WIT Press,
Southampton, 45-54, 2004.
[6] M. Montigel. Representation of Track Topologies with Double Vertex
Graphs. In T.K.S. Murthy, F.E. Young, S. Lehman, W.R. Smith, editor,
Computers in Railway, volume 2, Washington D.C., 1992. Computational
Mechanics Publications.
[7] Huerlimann, D., Nash, A., Railway simulation using Opentrack, In: Allan,
J., Hill, R.J., Brebbia, C.A., Sciutto, G., Sone, S. (eds.), Computers in
Railways IX, WIT Press, Southampton, 45-54, 2004.
[8] Robert Grower Brown, Patrick Y.C. Hwang, Introduction to Random
Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
NavtechGPS, 1997.
[9] Hillier, F. and Lieberman, G., Introduction to Operations Research (8th ed.),
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2005.

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Section 8
Multiscale modelling

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Simulation of intergranular crack nucleation

and evolution in polycrystal metals
on mesoscale
G. Shi & G. Renaud
Structures and Materials Performance Laboratory,
Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council, Canada

This paper presents research on the development of a simulation method for the
study of the mechanisms of intergranular crack nucleation and propagation in
polycrystal metals on the mesoscale. Microstructural geometry models were
built randomly using Voronoi techniques. Based on these grain structure
geometry models, two-dimensional grain structure finite element models were
created using a Patran Command Language (PCL) program. Techniques for the
implementation of the cohesive elements between grain boundaries were
developed in PCL for the generation of two-dimensional cohesive models.
Simulations on intergranular crack nucleation and evolution along grain
boundaries using two-dimensional finite element cohesive models were carried
out on the mesoscale level. Several aspects that affect the crack nucleation and
propagation were studied, which included random grain geometries, grain
boundary misorientations, grain boundary peak strength, grain boundary fracture
energy, grain properties, and grain plasticity. The simulations demonstrated that
the cohesive model is a useful and efficient modeling tool for the study of the
intergranular crack nucleation and evolution on the mesoscale level. The
simulation results showed that the factors studied have large impacts on
intergranular crack nucleation and evolution based on the current model
capabilities and conditions.
Keywords: intergranular crack nucleation and evolution, cohesive zone model,
polycrystal metals, mesoscale.

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1 Introduction
A major challenge in life cycle prediction and management of aircraft structural
components is the lack of information on the crack nucleation and short crack
propagation stages. However, for many airframe materials, the life of an aircraft
component could be almost completely exhausted within these two phases.
Therefore, studies on smaller-scale levels, such as the microscopic scale or the
mesoscale, are strongly needed to better understand the physical nature of the
crack nucleation and propagation.
A fundamental research project was launched at Institute for Aerospace
Research in National Research Council Canada aimed at developing a coupled
atomic-meso-macroscopic modeling strategy for the simulation of crack
nucleation and propagation in aircraft components. To this end, the development
of modelling capabilities at each length scale was essential. Research work on
the mesoscale level is presented in this paper. The simulation methods,
developed capabilities, and the studied mechanisms of intergranular crack along
grain boundaries (GB) are discussed.

2 Grain geometry model and finite element model

To study the fracture mechanism on the mesoscale, grain geometry models need
to be properly built in order to further simulate the crack nucleation and
propagation at this scale level. In this study, the microstructural geometry
models were statistically created by using Voronoi techniques [1]. A generalpurpose two-dimensional microstructure model simulation software, MicroSimu,
was used to accomplish the geometry generation with a clean database ready for
further finite element mesh generation.
Based on the grain structure geometry model, a Patran Command Language
(PCL) program was developed to automatically generate two-dimensional grain
structure finite element (FE) models. Using the developed PCL program, the
material properties and orientation angle in each grain were statistically assigned
to represent the heterogeneity of the grain structure.

3 Cohesive zone model (CZM)

Cohesive zone modeling has gained considerable attention over the past decade,
as it represents a powerful and efficient technique for fracture studies [211].
Initially, cohesive zone models were developed to study the perfectly brittle
materials [2], and later, models were extended to describe the damage that occurs
in the plastic zone ahead of a crack [3]. In recent years, cohesive models were
widely used in different areas for different applications, such as simulations of
delamination formation and propagation in composite materials and structures
[4], debonding interface separation simulations in multimedia systems [5],
simulations for bonded structures [6], dynamic fracture of homogeneous
materials [7], and simulations of grain boundary separation between grains on
the mesoscale [810].
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The major advantage of the cohesive zone models is that they can predict the
formation of damage without the need to pre-define any initial damage in the
model. Moreover, cohesive zone formulations can be easily implemented in
finite element codes using cohesive elements [4].
3.1 Traction-separation based CZMs
There are two types of cohesive zone models, the continuum-based constitutive
model and the traction-separation based constitutive model. If the interface
thickness is negligibly small (or zero), the constitutive response of the cohesive
layer can be defined directly in terms of traction versus separation. If the
cohesive layer has finite thickness and if macroscopic properties of the adhesive
material are available, the response can be modeled using conventional material
models. For the simulation of grain boundary characteristics, the tractionseparation based cohesive models can be used to define the grain boundary
One of the existing traction-separation models assumes an initial linear elastic
behavior, followed by the formation and evolution of damage, as shown in
Figure 1. The nominal traction stress vector, S, consists of two components in
two-dimensional problems, Sn and St, which represent the normal and shear
traction, respectively. The corresponding separation vector is denoted by (n,

Figure 1:

Linear damage evolution.

In Figure 1, S0 denotes the maximum traction (cohesive strength), 0 is the

separation corresponding to the maximum traction, at which the crack nucleates,
and f is the separation at which the final failure occurs.
3.2 Damage nucleation criteria [12]
3.2.1 Maximum nominal stress criterion
Damage is assumed to nucleate when the maximum nominal traction stress ratio
reaches the value of one. This can be written as below for a two-dimensional




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where S and S represent the peak values of the nominal stress when the
deformation is either purely normal to the interface or purely in the shear
direction. The symbol < > used in equation (1) represents the Macaulay bracket,
which means:
S ,S

0, S
The use of the Macaulay bracket is to signify that a pure compressive
deformation or stress state does not start damage.
3.2.2 Quadratic nominal stress criterion
Damage is assumed to nucleate when a quadratic interaction function involving
the nominal stress ratios reaches the value of one.




3.3 Damage evolution laws [12]

3.3.1 Evolution based on effective displacements
The damage evolution law describes the rate at which the material stiffness is
degraded once the damage nucleation criterion is reached. If based on
displacements, the damage evolution law can be written as


S otherwise



where S and S are the stress components predicted by the elastic tractionseparation behavior for the current strain damage. D is a damage variable
representing the overall damage in the material.
For the linear softening, the evolution of the damage variable D reduces based on
the effective displacement:



refers to the maximum value of the effective displacement attained

during the loading history, and represent the displacements at damage
nucleation and final failure, respectively.
3.3.2 Evolution based on fracture energy
The damage evolution can also be defined based on the fracture energy that is
dissipated as a result of the damage process.
The energy-based damage evolution law can be expressed by a power law
fracture criterion, which states that failure under mixed-mode conditions is
governed by a power law of the energies required to cause failure in the
individual (normal or shear) mode. For the two-dimensional problem, it is given
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whereG and G refer to the work done by the tractions and its conjugate relative
displacement in normal and shear directions, respectively. G and G are the
critical fracture energies required to cause failure in the normal and shear
directions, respectively.

4 An example of CZM applications

The application of cohesive zone models was implemented for the simulation of
crack nucleation and propagation under monotonic loading on the mesoscale.
Several samples of grain geometry were statistically created using the Voronoi
tessellation method. The sample size was 500x500m filled by 100 grains. The
grain geometry models were imported into the MSC/Patran preprocessor and the
finite element models were created with fine meshes in each grain. The grain
orientation and material properties for each grain were randomly assigned to
capture the heterogeneity using the developed PCL program. Cohesive elements
between grain boundaries were automatically inserted for the generation of twodimensional cohesive models using the developed PCL program, which included
the automatic insertion of cohesive elements between grain boundaries,
calculation of grain boundary misorientations based on random angles in each
grain, properties of the cohesive model, and criteria for crack nucleation, and
evolution. The cohesive zone model used in the study was composed of a bilinear traction-separation relationship, a stress threshold for crack nucleation and
an energy based damage evolution law. The general-purpose commercial finite
element software ABAQUS was employed to conduct the simulations in this
study [12]. The grain properties and grain boundary (GB) properties used in this
study are listed in Table 1 [8].
Table 1:

Grain and grain boundary (GB) properties.

Grain properties (orthotropic, elastic-plastic)

E11 = 72,000 MPa
y1 = 505 MPa
E22 = 42,000 MPa
y2 = 450 MPa
E12 = 26,900 MPa
y12 = 400 MPa
= 0.33

GB properties
= 0.25 N/mm
= 500 MPa
kn = 2.5 e7 MPa

In the orthotropic models, the GB parameters, such as G and S, were varied

with the misorientation angles across the boundaries [8], [9].

G Cos 4


S Cos 4




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Figure 2:




Demonstration of grain orientation.

The boundary conditions and load applied onto the samples are illustrated in
Figure 3. Three sides were pinned and one side was loaded by a displacement,
0.005mm (5 m), which was equivalent to 1% strain.

Figure 3:

Boundary and load conditions on the sample.

5 Parametric studies
Using the mesoscale models, simulations were carried out to study the effects of
several sets of parameters on the crack nucleation and evolution in the
polycrystalline samples. The studied parameters and results are described in the
next sections.
5.1 Variations of random grain geometry
In this section, the effects of random grain geometry on the crack nucleation and
evolution are examined. The grain geometry was randomly created using
Voronoi tessellation method. By fixing the overall size of the sample and the
grain number (100), samples with different grain geometries (grain size, grain
shape, aspect ratio) were generated. Figure 4 demonstrates the crack paths and
the stress distributions in the three samples with different grain geometries. From
this figure, it can be seen that the crack patterns and stress distributions are quite
different. Figure 5 shows the damage dissipation energy versus applied strain for
the three samples shown in Figure 4. The figure indicates that the crack
evolution patterns, i.e. the energies dissipated by the damage, are quite different.

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Figure 4:

Figure 5:




Crack path and stress with three different grain geometries.

Variation of damage dissipation energy with different grain


5.2 Effects of random GB misorientations

Since the grain orientation angles were randomly assigned to each grain, the
grain boundary misorientations between the conjunct grains were obtained
randomly. By keeping the grain geometry the same, three cases with different
grain orientation angles and GB misorientations were created to examine their
effects on the crack nucleation and evolution behavior. Figure 6 shows the stress
distributions and crack paths for the three cases. It can be seen that the crack
locations and their evolution paths are totally different when the grain boundary
misorientations are differently distributed. Figure 7 shows the variation of
damage dissipation energy with the randomly distributed grain boundary
misorientations. This figure demonstrates that the grain boundary misorientation
has significant effects on the crack nucleation and evolution. In the figure, it is
seen from the dissipated damage energy that crack nucleates earlier in case 2
than in case 1 and 3. Relate to Fig. 6(i), (ii), (iii).
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Figure 6:

Stress distribution and crack path with different GB misorientation

(same geometry).

Figure 7:

Variation of damage dissipation energy with different GB


5.3 Effects of grain boundary cohesive parameters

In this section, the grain boundary properties, GB strength, and GB fracture
energy, were studied for the investigation of their effects on the intergranular
crack nucleation and evolution.
5.3.1 GB strength (peak tractions)
By fixing the GB fracture energy, the GB peak tractions were varied by 20%,
10% and 0%. The mean value of the GB strength was assumed to be 500MPa.
Simulations were carried out until the crack nucleation and evolution process
were observed in the damage energy dissipated during the load increments.
Figure 8 is a plot of the variation of damage dissipation energy with GB peak
tractions. It can be seen that the GB strength had significant effects on the crack
nucleation and evolution process. The lower the GB strength, the earlier the
crack nucleates and the larger the damage dissipation energy can be generated
under the same applied load.
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Figure 8:

Figure 9:


Variation of damage dissipation energy with GB strength.

Variation of damage dissipation energy with GB fracture energy.

5.3.2 GB fracture energy

Fixing GB strength at its mean value, the GB fracture energy was varied by
20%, 10% and 0% of its mean value, which was assumed to be 0.25 N/mm.
Figure 9 shows the variation of damage dissipation energy with GB fracture
energy. From this figure, it is noted that the cracks nucleate at the same applied
load level for all GB fracture energy cases because of the constant GB strength.
However, the damage evolution processes under different GB fracture energies
are quite different. The lower the GB fracture energy the earlier and faster the
crack propagates after the crack nucleation occurred. Higher GB fracture energy
leads to larger damage dissipation energy.

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5.4 Effects of grain material properties
The effects of grain material properties on the intergranular crack nucleation and
evolution along the grain boundary was evaluated by keeping the grain boundary
properties, such as the GB stiffness, the GB strength, the GB fracture energy and
the GB misorientation, constant, while the grain properties were varied to
isotropic elastic, isotropic elastic-plastic, orthotropic elastic, orthotropic elasticplastic. Figure 10 shows the variation of damage dissipation energy with the
grain material properties. From this figure, it can be seen that for the orthotropic
case, cracks along the grain boundary nucleated at the same level for both elastic
and elastic-plastic materials, but much more damage dissipation energy was
generated in elastic material than in plastic material. This is because part of the
external work was transformed into plastic dissipation energy. The similarity can
be seen for the isotropic cases in the figure. It can also be seen that, by
comparing the isotropic and orthotropic cases, cracks nucleated much earlier and
the damage dissipation energy was much larger in the isotropic cases than in the
orthotropic cases.

Figure 10:

Variation of damage dissipation energy with grain properties.

5.5 Effects of the competition between grain plasticity and GB strength

Although the current study focuses on the intergranular crack along grain
boundaries, the grain plasticity is still a factor that affects the crack
characteristics on grain boundary. This can be shown by keeping the GB peak
strength constant at 500MPa, while varying the reference yield stresses in grains
with orthotropic elastic-plastic properties. Figure 11 shows the variation of
damage dissipation energy with grain plasticity. From the figure, it can be seen
that when the reference yield stress became higher, the damage dissipation
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energies were larger. This may be because less external work was converted
plasticity dissipation energy, and more was used to generate the crack surface
along grain boundaries. When the reference yield stress became much lower than
the GB peak strength, the damage energy dissipated along grain boundaries was
much lower, and most of the external work was converted into plasticity
deformation in the grains.

Figure 11:

Variation of damage dissipation energy with grain plasticity (the

units for reference yield stresses are MPa).

6 Summary
In the present work, capabilities for the construction of grain structure finite
element cohesive zone models were developed. Modeling and simulation of
intergranular crack nucleation and propagation in polycrystal metals on the
mesoscale were conducted. The intergranular fracture characteristics were
investigated through parametric studies. The simulation results showed that grain
boundary cohesive properties, such as the grain boundary peak strength and the
grain boundary fracture energy, directly affected the intergranular crack
nucleation and evolution. The lower the grain boundary strength, the earlier the
cracks nucleated. The lower the grain boundary fracture energy, the earlier and
faster the cracks propagated after nucleation occurred. Different grain
geometries and grain boundary misorientations resulted in different crack
nucleation and evolution patterns. Moreover, the grain material properties, and
the competition between grain plasticity and GB strength also have influences on
the crack nucleation and evolution along grain boundaries.

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This research was supported by the Technology Investment Funding (TIF) from
the Department of National Defence Canada.

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R.D.S.G., Cohesive and continuum mixed-mode damage models applied
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[7] Ruiz, G., Pandolfi, A. and Ortiz, M., Three-dimensional cohesive
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Aluminum Microstructure Models, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 33rd
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[9] Luther, Torsten and Konke, Carsten, Polycrystal models for the analysis of
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A multiscale finite element simulation of

piezoelectric materials using
realistic crystal morphology
Y. Uetsuji1, H. Kuramae2, K. Tsuchiya3 & M. Kamlah4

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Department of Technology Management,
Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Department of Precision Engineering, Tokai University, Japan
Institute for Materials Research II,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

This paper presents the full components of macroscopic homogenized material
properties and the microscopic localized response obtained through a multiscale
finite element simulation using realistic crystal morphology. Crystal morphology
analysis was performed to reveal microstructure and texture of a polycrystalline
piezoelectric material. The insulative specimen of piezoelectric material was
coated with a conductive layer of amorphous osmium to remove an electric
charge, and crystal orientations were measured by means of electron backscatter
diffraction. Then the obtained crystal orientations were applied to a multiscale
finite element simulation based on homogenization theory.
Keywords: piezoelectric material, EBSD, crystal morphology, multiscale finite
element simulation, homogenization theory.

1 Introduction
Piezoelectric materials have been used in actuators or sensors as a component of
various electronic and mechanical devices. Generally these materials consist of
many crystal grains and domains at a microscopic scale. Since each domain
shows strongly anisotropic mechanical and electrical behaviours according to
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asymmetrical crystal structure such as tetragonal and rhombohedron ones, the
macroscopic properties of polycrystalline piezoelectric materials have a large
dependence of the microscopic crystal morphology. Therefore, it is important to
understand the microstructural features. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique [1, 2] is well-established
and useful to characterize the crystal morphology in polycrystalline materials.
Electron beam is irradiated to a specimen in SEM, and then crystal orientations
of sub-micron order grains and domains can be analyzed by EBSD. SEMEBSD
technique is hitherto applied to various materials, which range from metals [3, 4]
to functional materials [5]. Especially if we focus on piezoelectric materials, a lot
of published literatures have reported their microstructures and textures for lead
titanate PbTiO3 [6], barium titanate BaTiO3 [7] and PZT Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 [8]. All of
them indicate that the microstructures have a significant role in the overall
material properties. However, there are few researches to analyze the quantitative
relationship between the microstructure and the macrostructure.
On the other hand, we employ a multiscale finite element simulation based on
homogenization theory [911] and attempt to estimate the relationship of
SEMEBSD-measured realistic microstructure with material properties and
behaviours of piezoelectric materials. In case of our previous study on BaTiO3
[12], crystal orientation maps with high resolution couldnt be obtained because
of the electrification of specimen. Additionally, in our previous investigation on
PZT [13], the computations were carried out by using uncertain material
properties to microstructural grains because single crystals are nonexistent and
their material properties were unknown. In this paper, we retry to analyze the
microstructure of BaTiO3 by SEMEBSD measurement. With the aim of a high
resolution crystal orientation map, a conductive layer of amorphous osmium is
utilized to remove an electric charge on the specimens. Then we employ a
multiscale finite element simulation and investigate on the macroscopic
homogenized material properties developed by SEMEBSD-measured realistic
microstructure and the microscopic localized behaviours in response to
macroscopic external load.

2 Crystal morphology analysis

A BaTiO3 polycrystalline piezoelectric ceramics (Murata Manufacturing Co.
Ltd.) was used for the SEMEBSD specimen. As shown in figure 1, the
specimen was a circular disk of 15 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness, and it was
electrically poled along the thickness direction. The crystal structure was
examined by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD). Figure 2 shows XRD spectrum
of BaTiO3 piezoelectric material. It has a perovskite tetragonal structure and the
lattice constants of a and c axes are 0.3995 nm and 0.4034 nm, respectively.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Poling direction




Unit: mm


Figure 1:

Geometry of SEMEBSD specimen.


Lattice constant [nm]

a = 0.3995, c = 0.4034

Intensity [cps]




Figure 2:






{220} {310}




XRD spectrum of BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics.

The observed surface was mechanically polished for 20 minutes using 3 m

diamond particles (Marumoto Struers Co., DP-Spray) with a polishing sheet
(Marumoto Struers Co., DP-Mol). And then, it was chemically polished at pH
3.5 for 20 minutes using colloidal particles (Marumoto Struers Co., OP-A) with a
polishing sheet (DP-Chem). The surface of the insulative specimen was coated
with the electrical conductive and amorphous osmium layer to defend the
electrification due to electron beam. We employed an osmium coater
(Meiwafosis Co., LTD. Neoc-ST), and set the discharging time in osmium gas to
10 seconds. The estimated thickness of osmium layer is 0.5 nm/sec. In addition,
a silver paste (Fujikura Kasei Co. Ltd., type D-500) was applied to the surface
except for the SEM-EBSD measurement region to leak the accumulated charge.
Figure 3 shows crystal morphology images obtained by means of EBSD
(Oxford Instruments plc, Link ISIS C.7272) implemented in SEM (JEOL Datum
Ltd., JSM-5410). The scanning interval was set to 0.64 m that is smaller than
one over ten of the average grain size. As shown in figure 4, crystal orientations
in four neighboring regions of 81.363.5 m2, which was the obtainable
maximum region at once, were measured successively. Their four-divided crystal
orientation maps were spliced to keep their exact spatial arrangement. As a

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result, a crystal orientation map of 127.690.8 m2 was obtained as shown in
figure 4. The mean diameter of grain was estimated to approximately 6.71 m.
Figures 3(a) and 4 are the collar map of crystal orientations, and figure 3(b) is
the grayscale map of pattern q1uality (PQ) value defined by eqn. (1).

PQ hi 3 h


i 1

where hi means the peak height of the Hough transformed i-th Kikuchis band. h
is the standard deviation of Hough transform. The PQ value represents
quantitatively the fitting condition of Kikuchi patterns with the target crystal
<001> <100>




PQ = 92.19

PQ = 86.45

PQ = 69.34

PQ = 80.88
(a) Orientation map

Figure 3:

(b) PQ map

Crystal orientation and PQ maps of BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


structure. On grain boundaries, where Kikuchi pattern may be composed of two

or more orientations from adjacent grains, the PQ parameter yielded low value.
Additionally, the reduction of PQ value appeared at the overlapping regions of
scanning electron beam as demonstrated in (iii) of figure 3.
The crystal orienting degree in eqn. (2) was employed for an indicator to
catch the orientation of domains toward an optional direction.

S yc1'


i 1

e y1'






<001> <100>
PQ = 78.73

90.8 m

127.6 m

Figure 4:

Spliced crystal orientation map of BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics.

where eci means the basis vector of c axis of the crystallographic coordinate
system in microstructural coordinate system at the ith measuring point. e y ' is
the basis vector of an optional direction y1 existing in the y1 y2 plane. And n is
the total number of measuring points. The crystal orienting degree becomes zero
when all points orient to the normal direction of the y1 y2 plane and it becomes

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Crystal orientation degree S yc '


Figure 5:

Inplane crystal orienting degree of microstructure.

one when all points orient to y1 direction. Figure 5 shows the crystal orienting
degree for the crystal orientation map in figure 4. These values were calculated
through changing the angle between y1 and y1 from 0 to 180. The crystal
orienting degree indicated a multi-directionally uniform orientation in the y1 y2

3 Multiscale finite element simulation

A three-dimensional multiscale finite element simulation based on
homogenization theory was employed to investigate the relationship between
SEMEBSD-measured realistic microstructure and macrostructure. Figure 6
illustrates the scheme of multiscale modelling for polycrystalline piezoelectric
materials. The details of formulations and computational approach were
presented in the published literatures [10, 11]. A macrostructure is enough large
compared with microstructures and it can be assumed that microstructures have
the periodicity at microscopic scale. In that case, the multiscale simulation based
on homogenization theory enables us estimate the macrostructural homogenized
material properties from heterogeneous microstructures. And it also enable us
evaluate the microscopic mechanical and electrical behaviours in response to the
external load applied to macrostructure.
Figure 7 shows the finite element modelling of SEMEBSD-measured
realistic microstructure. The crystal orientations in 90.890.8 m2, which
consisted of approximately 233 grains, were sampled from the central region of
127.690.8 m2 in figure 4. A plate-shaped regular cubic mesh, whose number
of elements corresponds exactly to one of measuring points, was employed for a
microstructural finite element model. The crystal orientation of each measuring
point was mapping independently into one element. Our previous investigation

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Mechanical load


Electrical load


Unit cell


Figure 6:


Multiscale modelling of polycrystalline piezoelectric materials.

90.8 m
90.8 m


EBSD crystal orientations

Mapping into
each element


cubic mesh

Figure 7:

Micro finite element model

FE modelling of SEMEBSD-measured realistic microstructure.

for PZT [13] indicated that the dependence on the sampling area of crystal
orientations falls off and the relative error of macroscopic homogenized material
properties becomes 1% or less if the number of grains is beyond approximately
200. Consequently, the crystal orientation map of 90.890.8 m2 can be regards
as a representative volume element of microstructure since it includes 233

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608 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Elastic compliance constant [1/TPa]

Figure 8 shows the full components of macroscopic homogenized material

properties obtained through the multiscale simulation using the SEMEBSDmeasured realistic microstructure in figure 7. The material properties of BaTiO3
single crystal [14] were utilized for each element on the assumption that each
grain is poled fully and it consists of a single domain. Figure 8 (a), (b) and (c)
indicate the elastic compliance constants, relative dielectric constants and
piezoelectric strain constants, respectively. Figure 8 (c) includes the
experimental values described in a brochure provided by Murata Manufacturing
Co. Ltd. The computational values of piezoelectric strain constants have some
correspondence to experimental values although macrod33 has relatively-large error
more than 20%. If we focus on the transverse isotropy, good agreements can be
confirmed between the components relating to inplane first and second axes.
0.50 %


0.40 %
1.5 %


macro E

macro E

macro E

macro E

macro E

macro E

macro E

macro E

macro E


Relative dielectric constant


0.49 %








(b) Relative dielectric constants

Figure 8:

Piezoelectric strain constant [pC/N]

(a) Elastic compliance constants

0.34 %




0.40 %

d31 macrod32




d24 macrod15


(c) Piezoelectric strain constants

The full components of macroscopic homogenized material

properties obtained through the multiscale finite element simulation
using SEMEBSD-measured realistic microstructure.

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And now, we discuss the microscopic localized behaviours of SEMEBSDmeasured realistic microstructure in response to a macroscopic external load.
Figure 9 (a) demonstrates the macrostructure and its boundary conditions, and
(b) shows the microstructure. While the above-mentioned 143 143 1 -divided
mesh was used for microstructure, a one-element mesh was employed for
macrostructure because of a linear displacement and electrical potential field.
The macroscopic homogenized material properties in figure 8 were introduced
into macrostructure, and the free deformation of a macrostructure was analyzed
under a uniform electric field along macrostructural x3 axis. Then material
behaviours of the SEMEBSD-measured realistic microstructure were evaluated
in response to the macroscopic external load.
The difference between single crystal and polycrystal is with and without the
interference of material behaviours among neighbouring grains. Namely, grains
show the various deformations according to their orientations and they have a
large influence on others in polycrystalline microstructure. The interference of
mechanical deformation under electrical loads appears obviously in piezoelectric
energy. Therefore, we picked out the almost [001]-orientating grains from many
grains in the microstructure as an example of computations, and investigated
their piezoelectric energy. To be more precise, firstly we calculated the angle
between crystallographic c axis, which is the direction of spontaneous
polarization in case of perovskite tetragonal structure, and microstructural y3 axis
for the microstructural finite element model. The elements whose angle between
both axes is less than 5 degree were picked out as almost [001]-orienting grains
and their piezoelectric energy was calculated from mechanical and electrical
states cased by macrostructural external load. Figure 10 shows the relation
between the piezoelectric energy and the average of orientation gap, which was
calculated from neighbouring eight elements, in the realistic microstructure.


90.8 m

E3 = 100 kV/m


90.8 m


(a) Macrostructure

Figure 9:

(b) Microstructure

The macrostructure, its boundary conditions and the microstructure

used for the estimation of microscopic localized behaviours.

Additionally, the piezoelectric energy is compared with two specified states

of [001]-orienting single crystal. One is a free deformation state and the other is
a perfect-constraint state omnidirectionally under the same electric field with the

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610 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

single crystal

Piezoelectric energy [J]




Average of neighbouring
eight elements



1 8
8 i 1


Figure 10:

Average of orientation gap [deg]


The relation between the piezoelectric energy and the average of

orientation gap in the realistic microstructure.

polycrystal. This figure indicates that the piezoelectric energy of some grains
reaches beyond one of perfect-constraint single crystal when the average of
orientation gap is over 10 degree. However, there is no strong correlation
between low piezoelectric energy and the orientation gap.

4 Conclusions
The realistic crystal morphology of a BaTiO3 polycrystalline piezoelectric
material was obtained by SEMEBSD measurement utilizing an amorphous
osmium coating for the prevention of electrification. Then we employed a
multiscale finite element simulation and investigated the effect of realistic crystal
morphology on material properties and behaviours. As a computational result,
the macroscopic homogenized material properties correspond approximately to
experimental values and they satisfy the transverse isotropy. In a realistic
polycrystal under electric field, there are some grains whose mechanical
deformation is interfered more strongly by neighbouring grains compared with
an omnidirectional-constraint state.

One of the authors (Y. Uetsuji) was financially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for
Young Scientists (B) (No. 22760087) from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

[1] Venables, J. & Harland, C., Electron back scattering patterns A new
technique for obtaining crystallographic information in the scanning
electron microscope. Philosophical Magazine, 27, pp.1193-1200, 1973.
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[2] Dingley, D. & Randel, V., Microstructure determination by electron backscatter diffraction. Journal of Material Science, 27, pp.4545-4566, 1992.
[3] Wu, X., Pan, X. & Stubbins, J.F., Analysis of notch strengthening of 316L
stainless steel with and without irradiation-induced hardening using EBSD
and FEM. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 361, pp.228-238, 2007.
[4] Calcagnotto, M., Ponge, D., Demir, E. & Raabe, D., Orientation gradients
and geometrically necessary dislocations in ultrafine grained dual-phase
steels studied by 2D and 3D EBSD. Materials Science and Engineering: A,
527, pp.2738-2746, 2010.
[5] Yasutomi, Y. & Takigawa, Y., Evaluation of crystallographic orientation
analyses in ceramics by electron back scattering patterns (EBSP) method.
Bulletin of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 37, pp.84-86, 2002.
[6] Yang, L.C., Dumler, I. & Wayman, C.M., Studies of herringbone domain
structures in lead titanate by electron back-scattering patterns. Materials
Chemistry and Physics, 36, pp.282-288, 1994.
[7] Koblischka-Veneva, A. & Mcklich, F., Orientation imaging microscopy
applied to BaTiO3 ceramics. Crystal Engineering, 5, pp.235-242, 2002.
[8] Tai, C.W., Baba-kishi, K.Z. & Wong, K.H., Microtexture characterization
of PZT ceramics and thin films by electron microscopy. Micron, 33,
pp.581-586, 2002.
[9] Gudes, J.M. & Kikuchi, N., Preprocessing and postprocessing for materials
based on the homogenization method with adaptive finite element methods.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 83, pp.143-198,
[10] Uetsuji, Y., Nakamura, Y., Ueda, S. & Nakamachi, E., Numerical
investigation on ferroelectric properties of piezoelectric materials.
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 12,
pp.S303-S317, 2004.
[11] Kuramae, H., Nishioka, H., Uetsuji, Y. & Nakamachi, E., Development and
performance evaluation of parallel iterative method. Transactions of the
Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, Paper
No.20070033, 2007.
[12] Uetsuji, Y., Yoshida, T., Yamakawa, T., Tsuchiya, K., Ueda, S. &
Nakamachi, E., Evaluation of ferroelectric properties of piezoelectric
ceramics based on crystallographic homogenization method and crystal
orientation analysis by SEMEBSD technique. JSME International Journal
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[13] Uetsuji, Y., Satou, Y., Nagakura, H., Nishioka, H., Kukamae, H. &
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[14] Jaffe, B., Piezoelectric ceramics, Academic Press: London and New York,
p.74, 1971.

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Section 9

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Coupled numerical-experimental study of

an armour perforation by the
armour-piercing projectiles
B. Zduniak, A. Morka & T. Niezgoda
Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science,
Military University of Technology, Poland

This paper concerns an analysis of target penetration by a selected armourpiercing (AP) projectile: 7.62x54R with steel core. Numerical and experimental
research was carried out. The aim of this work was a comparison of the results
obtained in real conditions of ballistic test and computer simulation. In this
study, two three-dimensional targets and the core of the projectile were built.
The structure of the projectile is complex, but steel core plays the main role in
the perforation process. Then the numerical model of the projectile was reduced
to describe only steel core dynamics. The 3D Element Free Galerkin method is
applied to solve the problem under consideration. The algorithm implemented in
the Ls-Dyna code was used. Space discretization of the analyzed problem was
prepared by means of the HyperWorks Software (HyperMesh module). The total
amount of the elements reaches 500 000 in this model. The Johnson-Cook
constitutive model is applied to describe the behaviour of the metallic parts: steel
layers and the projectiles core. The experimental results were obtained using a
high speed video-camera. The target penetrations by the projectile were
recorded. The processing of the data obtained from a high speed camera was
carried out by means of the TEMA Software. In this paper, a good correlation
between the numerical and experimental results was obtained. A lot of
interesting mechanical effects observed during the experiment were analyzed.
Keywords: penetration, perforation, numerical model, constitutive model,

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616 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

1 Introduction
The paper describes a coupled numerical-experimental study of an armour
perforation by a given type of projectile. An analysis of an AP 7.62 x 54 R type
projectile with steel core was carried out. The structure of the projectile is
complex, but steel core plays the main role in perforation process. The numerical
model of projectile was reduced to describe only steel core dynamics. Two types
of targets are used in modeling. The numerical simulations were performed using
the Element Free Galerkin Method (EFG) implemented in LS-DYNA code.
Three dimensional numerical models for each version of impact were developed.
The initial stage of the problem is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1:

The initial stage of the problem. The target block with

perpendicular impact of the 7.62 type projectile on target.

Three-dimensional models of the projectile and target were developed with a

strain rate and temperature dependant on material constitutive relations. An
impact of the 7.62 x 54R mm armour-piercing projectile on a 6 mm thick plate of
steel and 5mm thick plate of aluminum was modelled as the first type of target.
The second type was made of four 5mm thick aluminum plates. The target block
with perpendicular impact of the 7.62 type projectile on target was assumed as
reference. The perpendicular impacts are the most dangerous cases. The
7.62x54Rmm projectile belongs to level III of the ballistic protection according
to the STANAG 4569 standard. That type of projectile consists of a soft metal
jacket, incendiary material and a hard steel core which is the crucial element for
penetration effectiveness. The impact velocity equals 854 m/s. The geometry of
this kind of projectile is shown in Figure 2.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 2:


The geometry of projectile [1].

The experimental results were obtained by using a high speed video-camera.

A scheme of the experiment is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3:

Scheme of the experimental test of impact.

The target penetration by projectile 7.62x54 R type AP was recorded. The

processing of the data obtained from the high speed camera was carried out by
means of the TEMA Software. The aim of this work was a comparison between
the results obtained in real conditions of ballistic test and computer simulation.

2 Numerical model
For the purpose of this study numerical models of projectile and targets were
constructed. Target can be built using three types of configurations: with steel
plate and aluminum plate or four aluminum plates. Numerical models for panels
configurations: steel/aluminum plates, 4 aluminum plates are presented in Figure
4 (a), (b).

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Figure 4:

A 3D view of the mesh and geometry of the panels configuration,

(a) steel/ aluminum, (b) 4 aluminum plates.

Thickness of steel (ARMOX 500) plate equals 6 millimeters, thickness of

aluminum (PA11) is 5 millimeters, diameters of all plates are 50 millimeters.
Figure 1 represents meshes of the numerical model consisting of three parts:
the steel target backed by an aluminum plate and projectiles steel core. The
typical node to node distance was equal to about 1mm in all cases of targets and
projectiles. The total number of elements per single case exceeded 500k. The
Johnson-Cook [2] constitutive model was chosen for armox500 and PA11. The
data for constitutive model was derived from work [3]. The excessive
deformations often observed in the perforation/penetration issues caused the
choice of a meshless method as the method for the problem solution. The
Element Free Galerkin (EFG) [4] method implemented in the LS-DYNA solver
was selected [5, 6]. EFG only uses a set of nodal points describing geometry of
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


the body, no mesh in the classic sense is needed to define the problem. The
initial condition was reduced to the given projectile velocity, 854 m/s.
The boundary condition was assumed as the target plate fixed at its edge a
5 millimeters thick ring.

3 Experimental setup
This experimental work was carried out at a firing ground. The experimental
setup is shown in Figure 3. There was a ballistic tunnel, in which firing takes
place. A ballistic barrel was used for firing. 7.62x54R type AP of projectiles was
used. All of projectiles were turned, because fuse of projectile induces a flash,
what makes recording a film impossible. A turned projectile is shown in Figure

Figure 5:

A turned projectile.

The target plate is fixed at its edge with a 5 millimeters thick ring. A high
speed camera was put in the ballistic tunnel. It had a very resistant cover, made
of a transparent polycarbonate.

4 Results and discussion

Computer simulations were performed for the selected cases. A high
performance computing system based on the cluster architecture was used. This
allowed us to assign 4 to 8 CPUs per single job, limiting the total computing
time to a reasonable level.
The first analysed variant was the steel-aluminum target. Armox500 type of
steel was used and aluminum was of PA11 type.
This case underwent an entire perforation, in both numerical and experimental
cases. It is presented below on a plot of kinetic energy, where ending kinetic
energy value after targets perforation does not equal zero.
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Figure 6 shows the change in the kinetic energy of the projectile in time for
the first case.
Figure 7 shows the change in the velocity of projectile in time.

Figure 6:

Change in the kinetic energy of projectile in time for

steel/aluminum target for numerical simulation.

Figure 7:

The change in the velocity of projectile in time (numerical result).

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


The velocity of projectile in numerical model, after perforation of the target,

equals about 550 m/s.
In experimental result, the velocity of the projectile after perforation of the
target is about 576 m/s. This velocity is obtained from velocitys measurements
on a short-circuit sensor. The velocity measurement obtained from a film
analysis in Tema is impossible, because dust does not allow us to trace the
projectiles path.
However, we can observe similar projectiles velocity values for both
experimental and numerical cases.
Figure 8 presents a comparison of numerical model and experimental
protective panel at the same time of a perforation process. This picture shows a
very similar behavior of both targets. It means, that a damage model of
numerical simulation is similar to fracture in real material, and that the used
constitutive models and material parameters are compliant.

Figure 8:

Comparison of numerical model and experimental protective panel

at the same time of a perforation process for steel/aluminum target.

The second analysed variant is a target consisting of 4 aluminum plates. A

type of aluminum was PA11.
This case underwent an entire perforation, in both numerical and experimental
cases, which is shown in Figure 9. Figure 9 presents a change in the kinetic
energy of the projectile in time for the second case for numerical model.
Figure 10 shows a change in the velocity of projectile in time.

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622 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 9:

Change in the kinetic energy of the projectile in time for the second
case for numerical model.

Figure 10:

Change in velocity of projectile in time for second numerical


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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


The velocity of projectile in numerical model, after perforation of the target,

equals about 762 m/s.
In experimental result, the velocity of the projectile after perforation of the
target is about 706 m/s. This velocity is obtained from velocitys measurements
on a short-circuit sensor. For this velocity value can have an influence on
external factors, e.g. shock wave, fragments simulating projectile while using the
short-circuit sensor. This may cause 7% error between final experimental and
numerical results.
A velocity obtained from Tema equals 709 m/s.
Figure 11 shows a comparison between the numerical model and
experimental protective panel at the same time of a perforation process. This
picture also shows a very similar behavior of both targets.

Figure 11:

Comparison of the numerical model and experimental protective

panel at the same time of a perforation process.

5 Conclusions
The presented analysis has provided only preliminary information about the
comparison between the numerical and experimental model of the perforation
problem. There is insufficient data about the mechanical properties of the steel,

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624 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

which the projectile is made of. This makes a quantitative assessment of the
results difficult in many cases.
The most important task of this article is to show, that using numerical
models allows us to reduce the cost of experimental research, which is very
expensive. The correlation obtained in this job is enough to know if this target
gives in perforation or not. A similar behaviour of penetration targets is also
achieved. Plate materials were destroyed in similar ways. In this paper, a good
correlation of the numerical and experimental results is received. Further work
for finding a good damage parameters for steel projectile will be carried out.

[1] Paul J. Hogg, Composites for ballistic applications, Department of
Materials Queen Mary, University of London.
[2] G. R. Johnson, W. H. Cook, A constitutive model and data for metals
subjected to large strains, high strain rates and high temperatures,
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 21, Issue 1, p. 31-48, 1985.
[3] A. Morka, B. Jackowska, T. Niezgoda, Numerical study of the shape effect
In the ceramic based ballistic panels, Journal of Kones Powertrain and
Transport, Vol.16, No.4, 2009.
[4] C. Kambur, Assessment of Mesh-free Methods in LS-DYNA: Modeling of
Barriers in Crash Simulation, 2004.
[5] J. O. Hallquist, LS-DYNA Theory Manual, Livermore Software Technology
Corporation, 2006.
[6] LS-DYNA Keyword Users Manual, version 971, Livermore Software
Technology Corporation, 2007.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Numerical analysis of missile impact being shot

by rocket propelled grenades with rod armour
T. Niezgoda, R. Panowicz, K. Sybilski & W. Barnat
Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science
Military University of Technology, Poland

During the operation of the UN and NATO forces in Africa and Asia it appeared
that the equipment held and utilized by these organizations was not proof against
the missiles being shot by rocket propelled grenades. The missiles utilized by the
terrorist organizations belong to the first generation. They have a head with a
shaped charge jet permitting them to pierce up to 300 mm RHA steel.
There are four protection methods against this hazard: reactive armour, thick
proper armour, rod armour and active defence system. The reactive armour
cannot be applied on each kind of vehicle. The thick, proper armour limits other
important features of vehicles. The active defence systems continue to develop,
except the Russian system Arena. Therefore, the fast development of rod
armour appeared. The main task of this armour type is to disturb the symmetry of
the shaped charge jet as a result of the shock that is effective of the deflagration
and not the forming of cumulative jet.
The finite element model of the missile with the cumulative head and its
influence with two types of rod armour will be presented in this article. The
cases of the missile impact with circular and square section for different typical
speeds of missile will be considered.
Keywords: mechanics, finite element method, rods armour, RPG.

1 Introduction
As a result of armed conflicts observation all over the world and actions carried
on by Polish army divisions within a framework of stabilization missions, we can
notice a change in the way of fighting and the usage of available ammunition. It
appears that currently the biggest threat is posed by two types of ammunition.
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The first are all kinds of landmines and improvised explosive device (IED),
whose basic destructive factor is a pressure wave formed due to the explosion.
The destruction effect is multiplied by all kinds of shrapnel (marbles, nails,
screws etc.) placed inside or on the explosive device. The second group of the
most threatening ammunition included are bullets with accumulation heads.
They were worked out to destroy military armoured vehicles. Their popularity is
connected, before all, with high penetration (reaching 900 mm of reinforced steel
RHA [1]), low production cost and the simplicity of use.
High penetration of projectiles with an accumulation head is a big problem
for the protection against this kind of ammunition. One of the possible protection
methods against this threat is the use of rod armour. A perfect protection of this
type should not allow the creation of accumulation stream, that is the striking
power of a projectile with accumulation head. The principle of operation of this
kind of armour consists in neutralizing the accumulation insert and the explosive
material contained inside the projectile by a strong deformation of these
elements. The result is an eventual creation of accumulation stream with a lower
efficiency, in an extreme case the lack of it. In this situation the destruction
force is comparable with a detonation of an explosive material contained within
the projectile and the reaction of fragments created by the explosion.
In the following article the results of a simulation of an impact of a projectile
with an accumulation head type PG-7G in two different kinds of rod armours
will be presented. Two impacts under different angles in respect to the projectile
axis will be considered.
For the analysis LS-Dyna software was used containing an open
implementation of finite elements method.

2 Construction and principle of operation of projectile with

an accumulation head
A projectile with an accumulation head is made of three principle elements:
head, rocket engine and flight stabilizer (fig. 1) [2, 3]. The head contains the
most important parts of the projectile: accumulation insert, explosive material, a
shield and a fuse. During the shooting the projectile is fired outside the barrel
towards the target and accelerates to the maximum speed reaching 300 m/s. In
the moment of impact on the target the fuse is generating an electrical impulse
exciting through the detonator of the explosive material. The effect of exciting
the detonator is the detonation of the explosive material and creation of the
accumulation stream.
The condition of achieving the maximum destruction power of the
accumulation stream is a proper, very accurate workmanship of the device and
the accumulation insert. In the case of both of these elements the inaccuracy of
workmanship should not exceed 0,05 mm, and the radius deviation should not be
bigger than 0,03 mm. Together with the increase of the arrays inaccuracy its
effectiveness decreases. In an extreme case, with large workmanship errors, an
accumulation stream will not be created and the projectiles effect will be

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Figure 1:


An intersection of the projectile PG-7G head.

comparable with the effects of an explosion of an explosive material with a mass

of the charge contained in the head. This feature is used in rod armours. It is
assumed, that with certain probability amounting to less than 50%, it will not
come into contact between the fuse of the incoming projectile and the elements
of the armour. As a result an accumulation stream will not be created.
Results from the carried out analysis indicate that in most cases the projectile
hits the rods with the elements of the projectiles casing, which causes
deformation of the accumulation insert and crumbling of the explosive material,
reducing considerably the effectiveness of this weapon.

3 MES model construction of PG-7G projectile

To carry out the projectile PG-7G type impact simulation in different kinds of
rod armours the elaboration of a numerical model was necessary. The principal
restriction during its construction was the maximal number of used finite
elements. Together with the increase of the finite elements number the quantity
of unknown in the dynamical equation increases, and with this the time needed
to solve both this equation as well as the whole problem prolongs. To make the
limitation of the number of finite elements possible, introducing certain
simplification of the projectiles geometry was necessary (fig. 2), that do not
influence the behaviour of the array as a whole.

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In the model five main simplifications were introduced:
1. Shoulders were removed and a hole in the tube between the nozzles and
the fins.
2. The flight stabilizers were replaced by a cylinder with an identical mass.
3. Holes fastening the fins were removed.
4. Nozzles were removed.
5. A part of the fuse protruding outside the projectile was replaced with one

Figure 2:

Projectiles geometry simplifications.

The numerical model constructed and used for the calculations is composed
of 19 parts. Particular parts were attributed to material properties, that
characterize the behaviour of real materials used in the analysed projectile. For
the description of copper a simplified Johnson-Cook model was used. The
behaviour of other materials was reflected by the use of a multilinear model
(Piecewise_Linear_Plastic). This model allows to image materials characteristics
by introducing an experimental curve displaying the dependence of stress from
Between all of the parts of the model a contact was defined, that is usually
used in dynamical problems for example in analysis of crash type. In these
analyses, similarly as in described case, we deal with great deformations and
elements displacement speeds. Parts of the projectile element are connected to
each other with a screw thread. Between these elements of the model a contact,
simulating this connection, was defined. The chosen contact type enables
inserting a conditioned separation of connected elements.
During the simulation imaging of projectile PG-7G type impact into an
obstruction made out of two angle sections, being a fragment of the rod armour
structure, was endeavoured (fig. 3). In the first case rods with a circular
intersection with a diameter of 15 mm were considered, and in the second with

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a square intersection (side length 14 mm). The rods dimensions were matched so
that the mass of the armour in both solutions was close. In both cases it was
accepted, that the total length of a singular rod amounted to 500 mm. It was
assumed, that the projectile hits centrally between the rods, at the half of their
The simulation was carried out for three initial speeds of the projectile Vz. In
the first version the projectile moved with the minimal speed that it acquires
during firing (100 m/s), in the second with maximal speed (300 m/s). The third
case was put into practise for an intermediate speed amounting to 200 m/s.

Figure 3:

Initial-boundary conditions.

Numerical calculations were carried out in LS-Dyna system. This system is

used, among others, for the analysis of fast-changing processes with the finite
elements method. Based on the information contained in the model it builds a
dynamical movement equation in the following form [4]:

Mq Cq Kq f


This equation is solved then with the direct integration method (so called
Explicite), that finds a wide use in the analysis of highly nonlinear phenomena
(impacts, stamping, explosion wave influence on a structure). In calculations of
this type we have to manage with great strains and strain speeds.

4 Numerical analysis results

In figures 4 and 5 the strain process of the projectile during the impact into the
rod with a square intersection for the initial speeds amounting to 100 and 300
m/s are presented. In the initial stage we can observe the crushing of the ballistic
cap after the impact into the heads body. This impact causes strong folding of
the body that in consequence results in significant damage of the explosive

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material. In the final stage it comes to the burring of the body and passage of the
projectile between the rods. In attached figures one can notice that with the
increase of the initial speed the way the projectiles elements behaviour changes.
The heads body burring proceeds more on the outside of the projectile, the rods
strain less, but the accumulation insert is strained more.

Figure 4:

The course of the projectiles deformation for the impact speed

100 m/s.

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Figure 5:

The course of the projectiles deformation for the impact speed 300

Figure 6:

Maximal deformation of the accumulation insert and the

destruction of the explosive material for the initial speed of the
projectile flight 100 m/s.

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Figure 7:

Maximal deformation of the accumulation insert and the

destruction of the explosive material for the initial speed of the
projectile flight 200 m/s.

Figure 8:

Maximal deformation of the accumulation insert and the

destruction of the explosive material for the initial speed of the
projectile flight 300 m/s.

In figures 6, 7 and 8 the maximal destruction of the explosive material and the
accumulation insert recorded during the whole simulation, were presented. On
the basis of the figures we can observe that the destruction is greater in case of
the impact into the rods with a square intersection. Additionally, together with
the increase of the initial speed of the projectile, the explosive material is crushed
more uniformly on its whole length.

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5 Conclusions
From the point of view of protecting the soldiers and the equipment the most
important thing is the fact of the creation, or the lack of it, of the accumulation
stream. The condition of the explosive material and the accumulation insert at
the moment of the fuse actuation decide about the creation of it.
The analysis carried out showed that with the change of the rods crosswise
intersection shape (from circular to square) maintaining the same mass of the
whole armour, the efficiency of the projectile decreases. The key elements of the
projectile, such as the explosive material and the accumulation insert, are
deformed more and at the same time have lower ability of creating an
accumulation stream which is the greatest destructive power of this type of
The speed of the projectile during impact with the armour is not without
meaning. The increase of the speed causes, before all, the damage of the
explosive material on a greater surface.

[1] Winiewski A., Pancerze budowa, projektowanie i badanie, WNT,
Warszawa, 2001.
[3] Military Parade, Russia, Moscow, 2001.
[4] J.O.Hallaquist: LS-Dyna. Theoretical manual, Livermore Software
Technology Corporation, California, 2005.

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On the truss-type structures backing the

ceramic tiles in the ballistic panels subjected to
the impact of hard steel projectiles
A. Morka & P. Dziewulski

Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

The objective of this paper is a feasibility study of a new concept for ceramic
backing in multilayer ballistic panels. The truss structures were applied as a
backing layer. They were based on a diamond crystal structure. The analysis of
length/diameter ratio of the bars was performed. It was aimed at the achievement
of the required mechanical properties maximizing the ballistic resistance and
minimizing panel surface density. The panel structure is considered as a
composition of Al2O3 ceramic tile backed by a plate in a truss form made of
aluminum alloy or steel. These results were compared with classic multilayer
solutions based on solid aluminum alloy backing plates. The study was carried
out for a normal impact of the AP (armor-piercing) 7.62x51 projectile type with
tungsten carbide (WC) core. A method of computer simulation was applied to
study the problem. The Finite Element Method (FEM) implemented in the LSDYNA code was used. The full 3D models of the projectile and target were
developed with strain rate and temperature-dependent material constitutive
relations. The Johnson-Cook constitutive model with Gruneisen Equation of
State (EOS) was applied to describe the behavior of metal parts: aluminum alloy
and projectiles core. However, the Johnson-Holmquist model was used to
describe the ceramic material. The Boundary Conditions (BC) were defined by
supporting the panel at its back edges. The obtained results show the alternative
solution to the classic solid plates supporting the ceramic layers in ballistic
panels. It was identified that the main deformation mechanism in truss-type
backing components is buckling if the L/D ratio goes up. A virtual prototyping
technique could be applied to manufacture the developed truss structure.
Keywords: computational mechanics, finite element method, ballistic protection,
multilayer armour, ceramic armour systems, truss structure.
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1 Introduction
Modern ballistic protection systems, especially for light-weight armored
vehicles, are based on the multilayer armour concept, fig. 1 [11]. The main task
to resist the projectile is typically given a ceramic layer. However, the ceramic
material is known as very brittle so its strength in tension or bending loads is
very low. Therefore, the next layer behind should compensate for this
disadvantage of the ceramics. It is known as a backing effect. The solid materials
like aluminum or polymer composite are considered as the backing plate in
classic solutions of ballistic panels. The surface density of the panel is a crucial
parameter at given effectiveness, and then its minimization is especially
important. There is no alternative to ceramics in case of Armour Piercing (AP)
projectiles containing hard cores made of steel or tungsten alloys. Then the
backing plate can be considered to be replaced with a lighter material. One
possibility is a choice of a truss structure. However, selection of the best
structure is not a simple task. So we turned to nature in looking for a hint. The
answer came from space. It could be lonsdaleite; in other words hexagonal
diamond. Its crystal structure is an allotrope of carbon with hexagonal lattice. It
is formed in nature when graphite-containing meteorites strike the Earth. The
great heat and pressure of the impact transforms the graphite into diamond, but
retains graphite's hexagonal crystal lattice. Lonsdaleite was first identified from
the Canyon Diablo meteorite, where it occurs as microscopic crystals associated
with diamond. It was first discovered in nature in 1967 [4]. Specific gravity of
3.2 to 3.3, and Mohs hardness of 78 [5]. The Mohs hardness of diamond is 10,
and the lower hardness of lonsdaleite is chiefly attributed to impurities and
imperfections in the naturally-occurring material. Numerical analysis showed
that pure sample has been found to be 58% harder than diamond [6]. Lonsdaleite
is expected to be 58% harder than diamond and to resist indentation pressures of
152 GPa, whereas diamond would break at 97 GPa [6].

Figure 1:

An example of the multilayer armour concept [11].

The authors do not intend to apply such rare and strange material as the
backing plate in ballistic panels. The truss structure in demand could be based on
the lonsdaleites crystal lattice instead. The main idea is that the very high
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hardness of this crystal may partially be a result of its specific crystal structure. It
is clear that the real truss structure cannot reproduce the atomic forces of
interaction, where the force is proportional to the square of displacement. In
contrast, for macroscopic materials, the Hooks law yields only the linear
relation between force and displacement. However, it is still interesting to know
the role of the geometric factor in overall structure strength. The truss structure
formed as a plate is presented in fig. 2 with different points of view. The
characteristic size of the elementary cell is around 0.45mm.

Figure 2:

A truss structure formed based on an idea of the lonsdaleites

crystal lattice.

2 Description of the problem

An assessment of the effectiveness of the truss-type backing plate is performed
by comparison with other standard solutions. Several cases are considered:
(1) the absence of the backing plate, (2) rigid backing plate with friction,
(3) solid aluminium plate supporting the ceramics and, finally, (4) truss structure
covered by two thin aluminium alloy sheets applied as the backing of the
ceramic tile. The test problem was selected as a normal impact of the AP (armorpiercing) 7.62x51mm projectile type with WC core on 9mm thick hexagonal
ceramic tile supported by one of the above-mentioned ways. The dimensions of
the projectile and targets were depicted in fig 3. The structure of this projectile
type is complex, but the tungsten carbide core plays the main role in perforation
process. Then the problem was simplified to describe only WC core dynamics.
The experimental tests were conducted for 10mm thick Al2O3 ceramic tile
backed by PA11 aluminum alloy disc with thickness of 10mm. The final result is
shown in fig. 4, where the deformed backing plate is visible. It is important to
note that such configuration of the ballistic panel is effective enough to stop the
7.62x51mm AP projectile.
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The quantitative results assessment should be based on the independentlymeasured parameters. They are supposed to include the time history of the
projectile kinetic energy (PKE) and residual length of the projectile (RLP).
However, the qualitative evaluation is going to be based on the projectile/target
deformation at a selected moment of time after impact.

Figure 3:

Figure 4:

The dimensions of the projectile and the target configurations in the

test problem.

The result of the experimental impact test for the system of 10/10
mm thick Al2O3 ceramic tile backed by disc of PA11 aluminum
alloy, (a) front, (b) back view. The projectile was the 7.62x51mm
AP with WC core, initial velocity: 921 m/s.

3 Description of the numerical model

A method of computer simulation was applied to study the problem. The Finite
Element Method (FEM) implemented in the LS-DYNA commercial code was
used with explicit (central difference) time integration algorithm [3].
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The full 3D models of the projectile and target were developed with a strain
rate and temperature-dependent material constitutive relations. The JohnsonCook constitutive model with Gruneisen Equation of State (EOS) was applied to
describe the behavior of the metallic parts: aluminum alloy and projectiles core,
table 2. However, the Johnson-Holmquist (JH2) model was used to describe the
ceramic material Al2O3, table 1. Besides, the truss components were modeled as
a bilinear elastic-plastic material with the typical elastic parameters for
aluminum alloy (AA) or steel supplied with yield stress and hardening modulus:
350MPa, 7GPa and 1.25GPa, 20GPa respectively for AA and steel. Generally,
the failure model based on the effective plastic strain was applied, but the JH2
describes the damage evolution and even completely failed ceramics. In this
case, the given effective plastic threshold (150%) was used to limit the excessive
finite elements deformations which can lead to numerical errors like negative
The Boundary Conditions (BC) were defined by supporting the panel at its
back edges at a distance of 4.5mm. It was numerically realized by frictional
contact with a rigid body and a friction coefficient of 0.5 was assumed. The
initial conditions were limited to the given initial projectile velocity, 930 m/s.
A spatial problem discretization was conformed to available computing
resources. The projectile (WC core) mesh was built of the tetrahedronal elements
with one integration point sized from 0.1mm at the sharp head to 0.5mm
elsewhere. Similar mesh topology was selected for the hexagonal ceramic tile,
but its density gradually grows in the direction of the location of the impact
point. Characteristic single element length varies from 1 to 0.5 mm. The solid
components of the backing plate were divided into constant stress brick finite
elements with a typical size of 0.5mm. Finally, the numerical representation of
the truss structure was built with an application of 1D beam elements. A total
number of beam elements exceeded 500k with a single beam length of 0.10.15mm. Summarizing the mesh configuration of the studied problem, it comes
up in one million elements.
Table 1:

JohnsonHolmquist constitutive model constants for alumina [9].






High purity Al2O3


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Table 2:

JohnsonCook constitutive model, failure model and Gruneisen

Equation of State data for WC and aluminum alloy materials [9].


Johnson -Cook














Equation of State










D1 (JC)



PC (spall)





4 Analysis of the results

The truss type backing plate effectiveness was studied according to the
assumptions mentioned earlier. The numerical results of the computer
simulations of the impact test problem were mutually compared. The qualitative
evaluation was performed by comparison of the projectile/target deformation at
selected moment of time after impact. Figs. 5 and 6 present these results where
the targets were crossed and half of them were removed from view for better
interpretation. Two characteristic stages of the panel perforation process were
chosen: 10 s when the projectile reaches the middle surface of the ceramic tile
the most resisting stage during impact, and 20 s when the ceramic layer is
completely defeated and the projectile starts to perforate the backing plate this
stage describes the progressive loss of the panels resisting properties. The
careful examination of these images lets us form the conclusion that the backing
effect is very important in overall ballistic panel effectiveness and the perfect
stiff support gives the best result, solid backing plates are seemed to be more
realistic, preserving quite an acceptable level of functionality. And finally, the
truss based backing structures appear quite efficient but are unbeatable if
compared with the surface mass density.
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Figure 5:


The images of the projectile/target deformation at 10 s after

impact for studied cases where the following were applied as the
backing plate: (a) none, (b) rigid body, (c) solid AA, (d) truss

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Figure 6:

The images of the projectile/target deformation at 20 s after

impact for studied cases where the following were applied as the
backing plate: (a) none, (b) rigid body, (c) solid AA, (d) truss

The quantitative assessment was carried out by comparison of the specific

problem parameters. These are the time history of the projectile kinetic energy
(PKE), fig. 7, as well as the residual length of the projectile (RLP), table 3. The
rigid support of the ceramic layer ensures the most efficient dissipation of the
projectile kinetic energy and leads to its shortest residual length. Unfortunately,
it is an unrealistic case and substitute solutions have to be considered as the solid
or truss-type plates backing the ceramic tiles. Both of them mutually confronted
proved sufficient and effective in providing the global panel resistance.
Additionally, the mass effectiveness presented in table 3 emphasises the
advantages of the truss-type backing solutions.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Table 3:


The Residual Length of the Projectile (RLP) and the minimal

identified PKE as functions of the single truss characteristics (L/D,
material type).

Backing type:


Panel surface
[kg/m ]

Minimum PKE,
t=50 s

Residual Length
of the Projectile





rigid body








AA truss structure













steel truss structure

Figure 7:

The time histories of the projectile kinetic energy (PKE) for studied

5 Conclusions
The obtained results show that the satisfactory level of the ballistic protection
may be accomplished by application of the truss type backing plates with
preserving very low surface density of the panel. The hexagonal crystal lattice of
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the lonsdaleite was used as an idea to build the studied truss-type plate
successfully. It may be interesting to compare the efficiency of this structure
with other concepts like honeycomb or Kelvin structure (tetradecahedron). The
improvement in backing effectiveness was observed with scaling down the
single truss ratio L/D. It was identified that the main deformation mechanism in
truss-type backing components is buckling if the L/D ratio goes up. A virtual
prototyping technique could be applied to manufacture the developed truss
structure to confirm its properties in experimental impact tests.

The paper is supported by Grant No. O R00 0056 07, financed in year 2009-2011
by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland.

[1] Johnson, G.R., Cook, W.H., A Constitutive Model and Data for Metals
Subjected to Large Strains, High Strain Rates and High Temperatures.
Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Ballistics: Hague,
Netherlands, 1983.
[2] Kury, W.J., Breithaupt, D., Tarver, M.C., Detonation Waves in
trinitrotoluene. Shock Waves, 9(2), pp. 227-237, 1999.
[3] Hallquist, J.O. (compiled), LS-Dyna Theory Manual, Livermore Software
Technology Corporation (LSTC), 2006.
[4] Frondel, C., Marvin U.B., Lonsdaleite, a new hexagonal polymorph of
diamond. Nature, 214, pp. 587589, 1967.
[5] The mineral and locality database,
[6] Pan, Z., Sun, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, Ch., Harder than Diamond: Superior
Indentation Strength of Wurtzite BN and Lonsdaleite. Physical Review
Letters, 102(102), 2009.
[7] Tasdemirci, A., Hall I.W., Numerical and experimental studies of damage
generation in multi-layer composite materials at high strain rates.
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 34, pp. 189204, 2007.
[8] LS-DYNA Keyword Users Manual, version 971, Livermore Software
Technology Corporation (LSTC), 2007.
[9] Holmquist, T.J., Johnson G.R. & Gooch, W.A., Modeling the 14.5 mm
BS41 projectile for ballistic impact computations, Computational Ballistics
II, Transaction: Modelling and Simulation volume 40, pp. 61-75, 2005.
[10] Panov, V., Modelling of behaviour of metals at high strain rates, Cranfield
University, PhD Thesis, 2005.
[11] Morka, A., Zduniak, B., Niezgoda, T., Numerical Study of the Armour
Structure for the V+ Ballistic Protection Level according to STANAG 4569,
transl. from Polish, Technical Report PBN 03-433/2010/WAT, AMZKutno, Poland, 2010.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


The influence of conical composite filling on

energy absorption during the progressive
fracture process
W. Barnat, T. Niezgoda, R. Panowicz & K. Sybilski
Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science,
Military University of Technology, Poland

Energy absorbing composite elements, which can be used for the protection of
people, vehicles and structures, have been widely investigated in recent years.
Different kinds of materials (metals, composites, foams) and structures have
been investigated. Many articles present the glass, carbon and aramid composites
investigation results. The sleeve and conical structures are described. The impact
energy in these elements is absorbed during the progressive fracture process.
Glass composites are very popular due to their low cost.
This paper deals with numerical and experimental research on the possibilities
of energy absorption by a conical element made from a glass composite in
comparison with a conical composite element filled with polyurethane foam.
One element and a small composite panel are investigated and compared.
Keywords: blast wave, energy absorbing element and panel.

1 Introduction
The problem of energy dissipation by composite absorbing elements is
considered from an aspect of the local stability loss or a progressive destruction
[1, 2]. The work, carried out by the destruction of an energy-absorbing element,
causes a significant limitation of shock load effects of the construction, for
example an impact of the landing platform or an airship with the ground, or the
influence of a pressure wave created by an explosion [3].
The greatest absorption energy in relation to a mass unit is possessed by the
elements made of composite [4].
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The aim of this work is the estimation of the influence of the used filling of
composite elements on the absorbed energy by the energy-absorbing element in a
form of a sleeve filled with a polyurethane foam. Preliminary, quasistatic
examinations were carried out on the INSTRON machine, and then they were
verified in testing ground conditions.
Cylinder composite elements are characterized by the higher swelling
strength initiating destruction processes than the elements with a different
geometry (e.g. scones) [5]. In case of these elements, a destruction initiator
should be used to protect against catastrophic element destruction. The element
destruction in this mode shows that the absorbed energy is considerably smaller
than in the case of a progressive destruction.

2 Description of examined objects

In this work selected results from numerical-experimental research of following
energy-absorbing objects were presented: a composite sleeve, a composite sleeve
filled with a polyurethane foam, the system of three sleeves with a destruction
initiator, the system of three filled sleeves with a destruction initiator.
Additionally, in the work experimental results of loading an energy-absorbing
panel, made out of sleeves, with a pressure wave originating from an explosion
of an equivalent of 4 kg of TNT are presented.
In quasi static research the INSTRON testing machine was used. Examined
elements were squeezed kinematically with a speed of 0.01 m/s. During the
examination the displacement and the destructive force were recorded.
In the calculations the method of finite elements, implemented in MSC Dytran
program, was used. The destruction process was described with the Hashin
Composite sleeves (fig. 1 a, d) with an internal diameter of 40 mm, height 50
mm and thickness of walls equal to 3 mm were made from a glass mat with
following properties: E11=18.5 GPa, v12=0.158, G12=3.48 GPa, and next part of
them (fig. 1b, c) were filled with an air-foam foamed polyvinyl chloride
PCHW-1. The foam was characterized by following material properties: = 115
kg/m3, Er = 92.4 MPa, Ec = 80.6 MPa, Rm = 1.82 MPa, Rc = 0.911 MPa,
= 0.26.

Figure 1:

Composite sleeves investigated experimentally.

Their behaviour was described by the generalized Hooke's law [6], that can be
used for the description of composite material properties. Physical (of the
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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


material's model) and geometrical nonlinearities (great displacements and

deformations) were taken into account. Calculations were made in the Dytran
program containing an implementation of finite elements method.
The numerical model loading (figs. 2 and 3) was put into practice similarly as
in carried out experiments by a kinematical input function. Analysed models
were loaded by a stiff plate, described by a material of MATRIG type. The
superficial contact type was used. It was defined between the bottom plate,
energy-absorbing elements, and the striking plate.
foam filling

composite sleeve

Figure 2:

Numerical model of
the sleeve.

Figure 3:

composite sleeve

Numerical model of
the sleeve with a
polymer filler.

3 Research results for the composite sleeve

In figure 4, photos from experimental examinations undertaken are presented,
and in figure 5 the change of destructive force value from the upper plate
displacement in the contact zone is depicted. Analyzing this graph a really great
stiffness of the examined object in the initial, linear-elastic zone can be noticed.
Then the destruction of examined object was performed under a loading with
upsetting force of the order of 23 kN.

Figure 4:

Failure mode of the composite sleeve.

For the same arrangement numerical simulations were made. Deformations of

the composite sleeve numerical model are shown in fig. 6. The relative
absorption energy was estimated to be about 42 kJ/kg.
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A sleeve, subjected to the experimental examinations, behaved similarly as
the numerical model. The way of the composite sleeve destruction was shown in
fig. 6 and in fig. 7 the change of a value of a destructive force in dependence on
the upper plate displacement.
Upsetting force graphs, acquired numerically and from experiments, have the
same nature, which testifies the correctness of the model's assumptions and the
model's material selection.

Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Figure 7:

Experimentally obtained compressive force diagram for the

composite sleeve.

Deformation mode of the composite sleeve numerical model.

Numerically obtained compressive force diagram for the composite


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4 Research results for the composite sleeve with filling

As a result of the carried out numerical experiment, a graph of upsetting forces in
relation to the displacement was acquired (fig. 8). The use of a filler caused the
composite sleeve to be destroyed in a different way than in the former case. The
filler precludes the sleeve's burring inside of the model. Upsetting force graph
has got a complex character. On the initial part of the graph a clear leap of the
upsetting force value up to circa 37 kN is seen. Next its value (thanks to the
catastrophic sleeve destruction) falls down and attains the value of 7.5 kN. In the
next stage of the load the upsetting force value increases. The numerical model
of the composite sleeve is being destroyed in a similar was as the real object. The
deformation manner of the composite sleeve is presented in fig. 9.
Based on the numerical calculations it was found that the average upsetting
force amounts to 20 kN. After taking into account the route that is passed by stiff
plates, the upsetting force work was equal to 800 J. After taking into account the
examined element's mass it was found that the relative absorption energy for the
composite sleeve with a filling amounts to 24.4 kJ/kg.

Figure 8:

Numerically obtained compressive force diagram for the composite

sleeve with a polymer filler.

Figure 9:

Deformation mode of the numerical model of the composite sleeve

with a polymer filler.

The real object behaves similarly as the numerical models. The destruction
force graph is presented in fig. 10. In the first stage, the progressive destruction
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of few upper layers took place. Next catastrophic destruction of the sample's part
was recorded, characterized by the fall of the loading force and the appearance of
a crack on the sample, outside the contact zone. Then the upsetting force is rising

Figure 10:

F(l) graph from the epoxide composite tube reinforced with a

glass mat, filled with foam compression.

Figure 11:

Deformation mode of the numerical model of the composite sleeve

with a polymer filler.

Figure 12:

Comparison of vertical reaction value increase graphs obtained

experimentally 1 sleeve 2 sleeve with filling.

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The matching of the most important data is presented in Table 1.

The use of a filler causes the increase of the absorption energy. The use of a
filler also has got its disadvantages. When poorly selected it can cause a
deterioration of the element's energy-absorbing properties. In the case of a sleeve
with a foam filling a necessity to increase the minimal thickness of walls from
circa 2 up to circa 3 mm exists. Too thin wall doesn't withstand the foam's
pressure and yields to catastrophic destruction (the sleeve's crosswise cracking).
Whereas a too thick wall can preclude the destruction of the energy-absorbing
element, precluding at the same time the stroke's energy absorption.
Table 1:

Comparison of obtained results.

Thickness Dw2
[mm] [mm]
















Sleeve with
a filling









5 Energy-absorbing panels examination sleeves

Results obtained from the experimental examinations for hollow sleeves are
presented in figs. 13 and 14. The first figure presents the process of an element's
destruction, whereas the second depicts the upsetting force graph. The gentle
force rising caused by the use of cracking initiators (in a form of phases) for
composite tubes is characteristic for the graph. An average upsetting force was
74.3 kN, at the mass of a set amounting to 66.1 g.
The sleeves were being destroyed in a progressive way, mainly through the
material's delamination.

Figure 13:

Energy-absorbing panel way of destruction in a form of three

composite sleeves.

Absorption energy amounted to 2972 kJ, and the relative absorption energy
amounted to 45 kJ/kg.
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Figure 14:

P-l dependences for the third energy-absorbing object.

The final character of destruction is presented in fig. 15.

Figure 15:

Energy-absorbing panel way of destruction in a form of three

composite sleeves.

6 Energy-absorbing panels examination sleeves with filling

Results obtained from the experimental examinations are presented in fig. 16. An
air-foam caused a limitation of free delamination of composite elements of
energy-absorbing sleeves, which resulted in their catastrophic destruction [7].
With the use of thick-walled elements (wall thickness 3 mm) progressive
destruction of the element was also acquired but not in all cases. A part of the
sleeves with filling examinations ended in the element's catastrophic destruction
as presented on the right side of the fig. 16. Most likely it is connected with a
great dispersion of mechanical properties of composite elements. To avoid this
effect completely, in case of elements filled with foam, the walls thickness
should be further increased.
An upsetting force character is presented in fig. 17. Characteristic for the
graph is the appearance of the force refraction for the 5 mm displacement. Such
force drop is probably caused by catastrophic destruction of one of the tubes (fig.
18). The mixed destruction process of energy-absorbing elements and the
limitation of the possibility of delamination of energy-absorbing elements by the
air-foam caused an increase in the upsetting force value. The protective panel
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was destroyed with an average force of the order of 90 kN. The maximum force
that was measured amounted to, in this case, 105.7 kN. In comparison with the
former examinations of an object the upsetting force value was 1.13 times

Figure 16:

The way of energy-absorbing panel destruction in a form of three

composite sleeves filled with air-foam.

The absorption energy, for this case, amounted to 3600 kJ, whereas relative
absorption energy - 42,6 kJ/kg. The statement of the results for panels is
presented in Table 2.
Table 2:

Comparison of obtained results.







crank [mm]

3 Sleeves









3 Sleeves
with filling









Figure 17:




P-l dependence for the second energy-absorbing object.

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Figure 18:

The way of energy-absorbing panel destruction in a form of three

composite sleeves with a foam filling.

7 Testing ground examinations

Examinations presented above showed the usability of the application of the
filling in energy-absorbing elements. That is why testing ground examinations
for the panel, presented in fig. 19, with the dimensions 750 x 750 mm, were
made, composed out of 121 composite sleeves. The panel was loaded with a
blast wave originating from an explosion of an equivalent of 4 kg of TNT. The
charge was positioned centrally over the panel at the distance of 40 cm from the
panel's top surface.
Comparison examinations were made of a system with a steel plate and the
energy-absorbing panel made out of sleeves. After the experiment (fig. 19), in
both considered cases, the protected surface and the surface loaded with the
pressure wave were scanned. For this task a 3D scanner and software were used.
The comparison of deformations is presented in figs. 20 and 21.
The deformation of upper plate, loaded by the blast wave is visible (fig. 20) in
the sleeves fastening places and the differences in the final deformation of the
considered systems (figs. 20 and 21). In the case of a plate protected for the
panel with the sleeves, maximum durable deflection amounts to 15.4 mm, and
for the second case 66.3 mm. This means decreasing of the maximal durable
deflection over 4 times in case of an element, where the sleeves were used.

Figure 19:

Energy-absorbing panel before and after the experiment.

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Figure 20:

Steel plate deformation burdened with a pressure wave originating

from a detonation of an equivalent of 4 kg of TNT.

Figure 21:

Durable deformation of the plate burdened with a blast wave

originating from the detonation.

Figure 22:

Durable deformation of the protected plate.

8 Conclusions
In the work results of numerical examinations with an experimental verification
of two energy-absorbing objects are presented. Quasistatic examinations were
carried out on the testing machine INSTRON, and dynamical tests on testing
ground with the use of explosive materials.
The use of a filling in a form of a foam caused an increase in the absorption
energy at the relatively low increase of the protective panel mass. This is quite
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essential in situations, where we have to deal with a limited amount of space, and
the energy-absorbing element's mass isn't the main limitation of the designed
Based on the preliminary evaluation of acquired results it was found out that
adequate selection of the filler's material should further increase absorbed by the
elements energy needed to destroy the examined construction. The authors plan
to use for this purpose optimization procedures connected with programs for
calculations with finite elements method.

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Podstawowych Struktur Kompozytowych na Energi Zniszczenia, III
Sympozjum Mechaniki Zniszczenia Materiaw i Konstrukcji Augustw, 1
4 czerwca 2005.
[2] Nagel G., Thambiratnam D. (2003), Use of thin-walled frusta energy
absorbers in protection of structures under impact loading. Design and
Analysis of Protective Structures against impart/Impulsive/Shock Loads,
[3] Niezgoda T., Barnat W.: Analiza pasa bariery drogowej wzmocnionej
elementami kompozytowymi w zastosowaniu do poprawy energochonnoci
elementw infrastruktury Grnictwo Odkrywkowe 5-6/2006.
[4] Barnat W., Niezgoda T.,: Badania energochonnoci elementw podatnych
w aspekcie zastosowanych materiaw Journal of Kones Powertrain and
Transport vol 14 No 1/2007.
[5] Niezgoda T., Barnat W., Numeryczna Analiza Wpywu Ksztatu
Podstawowych Struktur Kompozytowych na Energi Zniszczenia, III
Sympozjum Mechaniki Zniszczenia Materiaw i Konstrukcji Augustw, 1
4 czerwca 2005.
[6] MSC Dytran, Example Problem Manual, Version 3.0 MSC 1996.
[7] Niezgoda T., Ochelski S., Barnat W. Dowiadczalne badanie wpywu
rodzaju wypenienia podstawowych struktur kompozytowych na energi
zniszczenia, Acta mechanica et automatica 1/2007.

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Section 10
Railway transport

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Stochastic traffic generator for

Monte Carlo load flow simulation
E. Pilo de la Fuente1,2, J. Jimnez-Octavio1, R. RodriguezPecharroman1 & A. Lopez Lopez1

Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, Spain

Multitest09, Madrid, Spain

This paper presents a stochastic traffic generator in which (i) the driving manner
is assumed to be stochastic, (ii) random unexpected stops are considered and (iii)
the stop time in the stations is also supposed to be stochastic. This simulation
tool provides a large number of different driving scenarios to be used for a
Monte Carlo load flow analysis. Traffic simulations algorithms are described in
detail. Reference to a section of the MadridBarcelona high-speed line illustrates
the potential of such a tool.
Keywords: power supply, train driving, stochastic simulation.

1 Introduction
One of the inputs required for designing the electrification in a railway system is
the power to be supplied to the rolling stock in each time step, which is in itself
closely related to the considered operation. Accordingly, compared to other
power systems, railways are quite different: power consumptions are moving
loads and change very quickly. The power consumption depends on the manner
in which the trains are driven (the speed along the trip, how fast it accelerates or
it brakes, etc.), the characteristics of the train (mass, running resistance, motors,
etc.) and the path (slopes, speed limits, etc). Due to its complexity, computation
of instant power consumption of the trains is normally performed by software
When traction power consumptions have to be estimated, the characteristics
of the train and the path are typically well defined. However, rail lines are
normally not equipped with automatic driving systems and each driver drives his
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own way (within mandatory safety limitations). Thus, in theory, there is an
infinite number of possible ways of driving, with very different power
consumption spatial distributions. The driving type in which the trip is done as
fast as possible, considering both the infrastructure speed and the train
operational limits, is known as minimal time driving (MTD) [1].
When performing power supply system design, MTD is normally considered
because: (i) it is very simple to define the manner in which trains are driven and
(ii) it is mistakenly believed to be the most demanding driving mode.
This paper discusses why MTD mode does not correspond to the worst
driving mode for the railways electrification and presents a simulation algorithm
which combines MTD simulations and stochasticity in the operation. The final
purpose of this simulation is to carry out stochastic analysis of power supply
Section 2 describes the power supply system, its design and why MTD does
not necessarily correspond to the worst operating conditions. Section 3 presents
the simulation procedure that is proposed in this paper. Section 4 presents some
results obtained with this simulation tool. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the
conclusions of this work.

2 Power supply system

2.1 General structure
Figure 1 shows the general structure of power-supply systems of AC electrified
railways, when they are fed from a three-phase network. Even if this paper is
focused on this case, similar conclusion can be reached in other systems.
Three-phase high-voltage network
substation 1

Sector 1-L

Sector 1-R

Figure 1:

Sector 2-L

substation 2

Sector 2-R

substation 3

Sector 3-L

Sector 3-R

Structure of the power supply system.

As shown, the electrical system is divided in electrically-isolated sectors,

which are fed from the three-phase network through a traction substation [2].


Figure 2:

Vfeed POS

Mono-voltage system configuration.

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These substations are connected between two of the three phases of the highvoltage network. Each of these sectors can use either mono-voltage system
(1x25kV) or bi-voltage system (2x25kV). In mono-voltage system, the feeding
conductors are set to the specified voltage level (see Figure 2).
In bi-voltage systems, a higher voltage is set between feeding conductors [3,
4]. This voltage is reduced by using autotransformers distributed along the
catenary (see Figure 3). In these systems, the term cell normally refers to the
portion of catenary located between two consecutive autotransformers. Typical
values for cell lengths are 1015 km.


Vfeed POS

Vfeed NEG

Figure 3:

Bi-voltage system configuration.

It has been proven that bi-voltage systems can be represented as if they were
mo-voltage [5, 6]. For that reason, in this paper only mono-voltage systems are
considered in the discussions, without loss of generality. Actually, as this paper
is focused on driving simulation, the power supply system considered for the
discussions is not a critical aspect.
2.2 Electro-technical dimensioning criteria and driving mode
Railways power supply systems are dimensioned to be able to supply the power
required by the trains, usually assuming a long-term estimation of the traffic
needs. From an electro-technical point of view, the power supply system is
considered to be able to supply the required power if the following restrictions
are fulfilled:
Voltage in the catenary has to be within the range specified by UIC-600
standard, which specifies the upper and lower limits depending of its
Currents circulating along the catenary and through transformers (and
autotransformers) have to be lower than the rated values, in order to
ensure no overheating will occur. These limits are often expressed as
power limits instead of current limits.
Power supplied by the three-phase network through the traction
substations is also frequently limited when the network is too weak, in
order in order to ensure a proper operation of the network.
Figure 4 shows the train power consumptions of two different driving modes
as a function of the train position. In the figure, driving mode 1 and 2 could
correspond respectively to a MTD and to a less aggressive driving (lower
accelerations and somehow lower speeds). Electrical sections have been
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Figure 4:

Power consumption comparison of two different driving modes.

represented and each of them is fed with one power transformer (TS1, TS2a,
TS2b and TS3), as they are electrically isolated.
The voltage

V t , ts at train t pantograph, fed from a substation

ts can be calculated using Eq. (1):

V t , ts Vno load ts Z ts I i ZCAT
I i D i, ts (1)





Vno load ts is the non-load voltage in the substation transformer ts ,

Z ts is the Thevenin equivalent impedance of substation transformer ts ,

I i is the current consumed by a train i fed by substation transformer ts ,
is the per length unit impedance of the catenary and D i, ts is the
distance between train t and substation transformer .

As shown in Eq. (1), the second term is proportional to currents (which are
proportional to power consumptions) but the third one is proportional both to
currents and to distances to the substation. When considering the driving modes
represented in Figure 4, it cannot be established that MTD (driving mode 1)
leads to lower voltages than driving mode 2, even if peak power consumptions
are higher in MTD, because distances from power peaks to substations are just
different in both cases.
As the topology of each electrical section is radial, the maximum instant
current circulating in the catenary

I C ,max ts corresponds normally to the total

current supplied by the substation, which is proportional to the supplied power as

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expressed in Eq. (2) (even if exceptions to that rule may occur when regenerated
power is high).

I C ,max ts

S* i
V* i, ts


In order to evaluate if currents are under the rated values, normally quadratic
mean currents are calculated from the instant values.
Also for currents, MTD do not necessarily correspond to the higher values
due to two different effects. First, if time is kept constant between two
consecutive trains, the distance between two consecutive trains is always higher
in MTD than in other driving modes. In other words, the same substation may
have to supply power to eventually more trains. Second, as power consumption
spatial distributions differ from one driving mode to other, the substations that
supply the power (and thus the current) may be different.
Finally, the instant power

Stotal ts supplied by the substations transformer

ts is calculated in Eq. (3)

Stotal ts Sloss ts S i



Sloss ts represents the power losses supplied by the substation

transformer ts and includes losses in the catenary, in the transformer itself and


in the three-phase network.

For the same reasons mentioned for currents, MTD is not necessarily the most
demanding driving mode for the power supply limits of each substation.

3 Simulation procedure
3.1 Overview
In order to design the power supply system of a railway network the traffic
(including train movement) and the power supply are often supposed to be
uncoupled. The design is then done iteratively in two different steps, as shown in
Figure 5.
Firstly the traffic is simulated for each discrete time step and a traffic scenario
is obtained, usually assuming MTD. A traffic scenario is composed by the list of
locations and power consumptions of each train at each time step. Then an
electrical simulator, typically solving a power flow for each time step, is used to
determine all the voltages, currents and power flows and to determine if the
power supply works properly. The design is modified and the electrical
simulation is repeated until the power supply works properly.

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Power supplysystem

Electrical simulator

Figure 5:

Power supply design process considering deterministic traffic


Once determined that MTD is not necessarily the most demanding driving
mode (neither for voltages, nor for currents, nor for power flows), it is proposed
to modify the design process so that the power supply is evaluated with a set of
stochastic scenarios (see Figure 6).
Power supplysystem



Figure 6:

Electrical simulator
Trafficscenario 1

Trafficscenario 2

Trafficscenario N

Power supply design process considering stochastic traffic


The stochastic traffic generator presented in this paper is intended to provide

such a set of scenarios to run a Monte Carlo load flow. To produce these
scenarios, well-known MTD simulations have been enriched with the following
add-ins: (i) stochastic speed profiles, (ii) random speed reductions and (iii)
stochastic stop times.
3.2 Stochastic traffic generation
Traffic generation is usually performed in two steps, which are described in the
following parts of this section: (i) stochastic minimal time single train driving
(single train movement and power consumption calculations) and (ii) stochastic
traffic mesh generation.

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3.2.1 Stochastic minimal time driving

The stochastic MTD driving simulation calculates the movement of the train
between two consecutive stops (position, speed and acceleration) as well as the
power consumption o regeneration, for each time step. To determine the
movement, Newtons second law (see Eq. (4)) is integrated:

Ft Fw Fc Fr kM
where Ft is the traction force, Fw



is the resistant force due to the slope of the

railway line, Fc is the resistant force due to the curvature of the railway line,

Fr is the running resistance force, M is the mass of the train, k is a factor that
is commonly used to consider the rotating inertia, and v is the speed of the train.
The resistance force due to the slope of the line is proportional to the mass of
the train and the slope of the line. The resistance force due to the curvature is
also proportional to the mass of the train and inverse to the curvature radius. The
running resistance force is normally approximated by a quadratic expression
function of the speed. Finally, the traction force Ft is decided for each time step
in order to fulfil the speed limits (rolling stock limits and infrastructure limits),
maximum acceleration/deceleration or other constraints defining the driving
Once the movement of the train has been solved, the electrical consumed
power Pe and regenerated power Pr is determined using Eqs. (5) and (6)


Ft v

e , m
Pr Ft v m,e Panc



e , m

m ,e

is the efficiency of the mechanical to electrical power conversion and

is the efficiency of the electrical to mechanical power conversion,

Panc is the power consumed by ancillary services (air conditioning, pressure

equipment, lights, etc.).
The simulation of each train movement between two consecutive stations is
done assuming that starting time and starting station are the temporal and spatial
origins. For that reason, once all the train movements have been calculated, the
traffic mesh has to be built-up by shifting the individual movements to their
space and time origin. To assign time origins, train frequencies and stop times in
the stations have to be specified. Once the traffic mesh has been constructed, for
each time step all the active trains are identified and the traffic scenario can be

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As discussed previously, actual traffic can be very different depending on the
driving, on the traffic contingencies or even on the number of passengers. For
that reason, the following aspects have been modelled:
Depending on the operational conditions, train driving can be faster or
slower, but maximum speed limits have always to be observed. Thus,
the speed limit of each section has been assumed to follow a normal
probability distribution, which is truncated at the maximum speed limit
(see Figure 7).
In dense traffic situations, due to track occupancy some trains may
interfere with other trains, by forcing them to reduce their speed or even
making them to stop. In many cases these situations can be identified
and eliminated when signalling is designed, but when power supply is
being designed no information is normally available. To model this kind
of situations, in some cases (randomly selected) an additional speed
reduction is added (see Figure 7): their position is assumed to be
uniformly distributed along the line and their established speed has been
assumed to take discrete values.



Random unexpectedspeed




Figure 7:

Stochastic speed limits for a single train.

While in peak hours some stations can be overcrowded and stop time
higher, in off-peak hours stop time can be reduced. To model this, the
stop time has been considered to follow a normal probability
distribution (see Figure 8), whose mean is the rated time stop, truncated
in order to have always positive times.
In all these aspects, an additional work has to be done to analyze other
probability distributions and to compare them with reality.

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Stop timesfollow


Figure 8:

Stochastic stop times when building up the traffic mesh.

4 Study case
In order to show the potential of the presented stochastic traffic generator, a 436
km long section (from Madrid to Lrida) of the Spanish high-speed line Madrid
Barcelona has been used (its cross-section is shown in Figure 9).




Figure 9:

Cross-section of considered part of high-speed line Madrid


Generic high-speed trains (410 t heavy, 168 meter long, 850 kW ancillary
services power consumption, without regeneration, 300 km/h maximum speed,
280 kN maximum traction force) have been considered. 3 min intervals have
been presumed.
Figure 10 shows, for every position, the power that should be supplied by a
substation to a standard section 35 km long. It has been calculated as the sum of
the electrical power required by all the trains within a 35km moving window,
assuming MTD. This kind of graphics gives a good idea about how does power
consumption accumulate along the railway and which parts of the line are more

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Power requirements of the line (assuming MTD)

Total power in 35 km [MVA]



Figure 10:


Position in the line [km]




Power requirements considering MTD traffic.

Figure 11 shows the same kind of graphics, but obtained from one of the
many scenarios obtained by the stochastic traffic generator. Actual speed limits
have been taken as mean values of the normal distributions, with a typical 10%
standard deviation. 3 minutes stop times have been consider, with 30 s standard
deviation. Finally, 20% steps have been considered for unexpected stops, which
occur with a 5% probability.
Power requirements of the line (stochastic traffic generator)

Total power in 35 km [MVA]


Figure 11:



Position in the line [km]




Power requirements considering stochastic traffic (one of the


Comparison of Figures 10 and 11 shows that power requirement in both cases

are slightly different. Therefore, considering several operation types would be
very enriching when carrying out the power supply design.

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5 Conclusions
This paper has presented a stochastic traffic generator in which (i) the driving
manner is assumed to be stochastic, (ii) random unexpected stops are considered
and (iii) the stop time in the stations is also supposed to be stochastic. This
simulation tool provides a large number of different driving scenarios to be used
for a Monte Carlo load flow analysis for the design of the power supply system.
This stochastic traffic generator has been used to generate traffic scenarios for
a section of the Spanish high-speed line MadridBarcelona. The power
requirement analysis shows that using this kind of tools could lead to more
accurate power supply system designs, as more operating conditions can be
Future developments should include refining probability distribution
functions and validating them with measurements. In addition, the integration of
this tool with a power flow tool would ease the penetration of such tools in the

[1] P. Lukaszewicz, Energy Consumption and Running Time for Trains:
modelling of running resistance and driver behaviour based on full scale
testing PhD Thesis. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Stockholm,
[2] E. Pilo, L. Rouco, A. Fernndez and A. Hernndez-Velilla, A simulation
tool for the design of the electrical supply system of high-speed railway
lines, in IEEE PES Summer Meeting 2000, Seattle (USA)
[3] P. H. Hsi, S. L. Chen and R. J. Li, Simulating on-line dynamic voltages of
multiple trains under real operating conditions for AC railways, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 14, pp. 452-459, 1999
[4] R. J. Hill and I. H. Cevik, On-line simulation of voltage regulation in
autotransformer-fed AC electric railroad traction networks, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 42, pp. 365-372, 1993
[5] E. Pilo, L. Rouco and A. Fernndez, A reduced representation of 2/spl
times/25 kV electrical systems for high-speed railways, in IEEE/ASME
Joint Rail Conference, Chicago, 2003, pp. 199-205
[6] G. Varju, Simplified method for calculating the equivalent impedance of an
AT system, Innotech Ltd (Innovation Park of Technical University of
Budapest), Budapest, July 1996

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The rescheduling system for trains, drivers and

crew of high speed railways
H. Shimizu1, H. Tanabe2 & M. Matsumoto2

JR East Japan Information Systems Company, Japan

East Japan Railway Company, Japan

We are developing the new rescheduling system for drivers and crew that
synchronizes the train forecasted plan. The East Japan Railway Company has
five Bullet Train lines (SHINKANSEN) operating about 800 trains per day, and
dispatching nearly 250 drivers and 350 crew per day in order to operate the
trains. To keep the operation plan and management of SHINKANSEN properly,
we have the system named COSMOS (Computerized Safety Maintenance and
Operation systems of SHINKANSEN). The drivers and crew rostering schedule
are made with the drivers and crew rescheduling system that is one of the subsystems of COSMOS Transportation Planning System. Each driver and crew
works on their trains according to a rostering scheduling decided upon
beforehand normally. However, sometimes trains would be unable to operate on
schedule when the weather is bad or car troubles happen. In such cases, the
rostering scheduling must be redesigned. The influence reaches the two or more
crews rostering scheduling by changing only one crew member. It is very
difficult to make this rescheduling because a delay of the train changes minute
by minute. To make the crews rostering scheduling change adequately, we have
developed a new system. This system displays some contradictions of the
rescheduled plan of drivers and crew if a train delay happened. Dispatchers
reschedule the plan to solve these contradictions.
We reduce the delay time of trains by utilizing this system and will improve
our services for customers.
Keywords: train traffic rescheduling, drivers rostering rescheduling, crew
rostering rescheduling, forecast, real-time rescheduling.

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1 Introduction
East Japan Railway Company (JR-East) has five Bullet Train (SHINKANSEN)
lines Tohoku line, Joetsu line, Hokuriku line, Yamagata line, and the Akita
Our network of SHINKANSEN is shown in Figure 1, and features of each
line are shown in Table 1. These lines all start from Tokyo and directly connect
to five areas in east Japan.
A part of the section of the Yamagata line between Fukushima and Shinjo
and a part of section of the Akita line between Morioka and Akita are low
speed sections. In these sections, SHINKANSEN trains and local trains are
operated in coexistence. Trains of Yamagata and Akita line are combined with
the train of Tohoku line between Tokyo and Fukushima or between Tokyo
To respond to a variety of passenger needs in the SHINKANSEN
transportation, JR-East has a variety of types of cars. The types of vehicles in
April, 2010 are shown in Table 2. The transportation scale, the number of trains
per day, car rostering, driver rostering and crew rostering are shown in Table 3.

Akita Line

Yamagata Line

Joetsu Line
Tohoku Line
Hokuriku Line

Figure 1:

Network of JR-East SHINKANSEN [3].

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Table 1:

Features of JR-East SHINKANSEN (As of March 2010).

Line name

Distance of line

Name of trains

Tohoku Line

631.9 km
(Tokyo Hachinohe)

Joetsu Line

333.9 km
(Tokyo Niigata)
222.4 km
(Tokyo Nagano)
421.4 km
(Tokyo Shinjo)
662.6 km
(Tokyo Akita)


Hokuriku Line
Yamagata Line
Akita Line
Table 2:

day of trains







Kinds of vehicles of JR-East SHINKANSEN (As of March 2010).

Name of







Table 3:

Line chiefly

Car type
10 cars, Flat
12 cars, Duplex
10 cars, Flat


8 cars, Flat
6 cars, Flat
7 cars, Flat
8 cars, Duplex


10 cars, Flat


The transportation scale of JR-East SHINKANSEN.

Car rostering
Driver rostering
Crew rostering

About 1,000
About 200
About 250
About 350

2 The transportation feature in JR-East SHINKANSEN

There are following





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(1) All trains of five lines and share limited track capacity between
Tokyo and Oomiya.
(2) To operate many trains five lines in limited track capacity, some of
them are combined with another.
(3) There is a difference at the transportation stability level between
SHINKANSEN line and conventional line, and a conventional line
train delay might influence SHINKANSEN trains.
There is the possibility of influencing all areas and all trains even if a delay
occurs in a small area. Therefore, we need to reschedule the plan of train
operation as soon as possible.
For example, in conventional sections between Fukushima and Yamagata of
Yamagata line, a delay of trains and operation suspension of trains occur owing
to rainfall or snowfall and so on.
If a delay of trains of Yamagata occurs, it influences combined trains of
Tohoku. In this case, we reschedule a splitting and combining plan of trains of
Yamagata line and Tohoku line. It is a simple solution that all splitting and
combining plans are cancelled and each train is operated by itself. But there are
the following problems.
(1) An unscheduled driver and crew is needed.
(2) It is difficult that we add trains to the section between Tokyo and
Omiya limited line capacity.
To avoid these problems, we change combined partner trains one by one. It is
called DAN-OCHI in Japanese.
One of the examples of this rescheduling is shown in figure 2.













Figure 2:

One of examples of combining plan rescheduling.

3 COSMOS overview
3.1 General overview
In an operation of JR-East SHINKANSEN, we need to reschedule the train
operation plan as soon as possible. Therefore, we have some systems called
COSMOS for supporting our judgement of rescheduling. COSMOS has eight
systems Transportation Plan System, Operation Control System, Rolling Stock
Control System, Facility Control System, Maintenance Work Control System,
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Railway Yard Work Management System, Facility Monitoring System and

Electric Power Control System. We are highly managing and controlling
information of transportation of SHINKANSEN by cooperatively using these
eight systems. Systems overview is shown in Figure 3.
In this thesis, the sub-system that the drivers and crew use in the rescheduling
system which is one of sub-systems of the Transportation Plan System,
cooperates with the train traffic rescheduling system which is one of sub-systems
of the Operation Control System is described. The overview of two systems is
shown in Figure 4. This development overview of two systems was reported in
our thesis [1]. This drivers and crew rescheduling system came into practical use
beginning in March, 2009.

Figure 3:

Overview of COSMOS systems.

Train forecasted diagram data

Figure 4:

Cooperation between rescheduling functions.

3.2 Effect of improvement

We remade and began to use the COSMOS Transportation Planning System and
Operation Control System in May, 2008. In this renewal, we redesigned some
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input window and input flow of train traffic rescheduling system. Consequently,
we achieved the effect shown in Table 4. The average input time has shortened
two minutes or more before and after the function improvement. Because it is
necessary to input a lot of train traffic rescheduling, an effect of this time crunch
is large.
Table 4:

The average input time.

Number of input times

Window 1
(Run alone)
Window 2
Window 3
(Cancel to
Figure 2

Average input time


1min 38sec


2min 36sec

1min 52sec

4min 37sec

2min 27sec

5min 52sec

3min 40sec

4 Case study
4.1 The train traffic rescheduling system
This chapter introduces the train traffic rescheduling system which is one of the
sub-systems of the COSMOS Operation Control System.

New combined train number


P 002

Delayed train number


L 051

Figure 5:

Input window of system.

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Figure 6:

Train forecasted diagram before rescheduling.

102M 104M




Figure 7:

Train forecasted diagram after rescheduling.

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If a delay occurs in a conventional section, we need to reschedule the train
operation plan as soon as possible. For example, when there is a delay of train
number 102M between Yamagata and Fukushima, we reschedule train traffic
using the input window of the system which is shown in Figure 5, and a train
forecasted diagram before rescheduling is shown in Figure 6. A train forecasted
diagram after rescheduling is shown in Figure 7.
Train 102M is combined with 102B at Fukushima. 102M is assigned
car L 051. In this case, we change the combined partner of 102M from
102B to 104B, and we change combined partner of 104M from 104B to
none. 104M is operated alone as train number 7104B from Fukushima to
4.2 The drivers and crew rescheduling system
When train traffic is rescheduled, the driver and crew rostering plan is
influenced, and we have to reschedule the rostering plan using the drivers and
crew rescheduling system.
This chapter introduces the drivers and crew rescheduling system which is
one of the sub-systems of COSMOS Transportation Plan System. In this subsystem, the forecasted driver and crew rostering diagrams and some
contradictions are displayed in a window. This forecasted rostering scheduling is
created based on a train forecasted diagram data. Dispatchers monitor this
window and input the changing data of rescheduling to the system.
For example, when there is a delay of train number 102M between
Yamagata and Fukushima, we reschedule drivers rostering plan using the input
window which is shown in Figure 8, and the drivers forecasted diagram before
rescheduling is shown in Figure 9-left figure. The drivers forecasted diagram
after rescheduling is shown in Figure 9-right figure.

Figure 8:

Input window of system.

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Contradiction mark

Figure 9:

Drivers forecasted diagram before and after rescheduling.

5 Conclusion
In this thesis, the features in JR-East SHINKANSEN and supporting systems for
train rescheduling and drivers rescheduling are shown.
When the train traffic rescheduling system and the drivers and crew
rescheduling system are not used, the planners and the dispatchers have planned
by using the paper diagram by their knowledge, experience, and capability.
After these systems have started to be used, we can quickly reschedule train
traffic and drivers and crew rostering. In addition, these systems led to the
revolution of the drastic business rule of rescheduling of drivers and crew
rostering. Dispatchers changed from a person at the center to a local person.
These systems are contributing to the stability improvement of transportation.
JR-East thinks our supporting systems to be important and will develop a further
upgrade with JR East Japan information systems Company.
We have now been developing the proposal system for SHINKANSEN using
constraint programming [2] as one of the upgrades of the train rescheduling
system for practical use.
After this proposal system is put to practical use, we expect that we will
achieve a higher effect by cooperating with the rescheduling system for drivers
and crew.

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[1] Hiroyuki SHIMIZU, Hitoshi TANABE, Satoshi HONDA, Kazutoshi
YASURA The new Shinkansen rescheduling system for drivers and crew,
Proceedings of Computer System Design and Operation in the Railway and
Other Transit Systems Computers in Railways X, pp. 227-234, (2006)
[2] Hiroyuki SHIMIZU, Hitoshi TANABE, Masashi YAMAMOTO, The
proposal system for Shinkansen using Constraint Programming,
Proceedings of World Congress on Railway Research 2008, O.,
[3] East

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Railway disruption recovery:

lessons from airlines
I. Evans
Constraint Technologies International, Australia

CTI is combining its products for situation awareness and disruption recovery
in airlines with its railway timetabling software to develop a tool for situation
awareness and disruption recovery in a railway environment.
Analysis has shown that many concepts are similar, but that the extra
complications caused by interactions between train paths require extra
visualisation options such as train diagrams and spatial network displays, along
with extra constraint checking to identify and prevent conflicts.
It has been found that these extra requirements can fit within the same overall
framework as is used for airlines. The extra visualisation options for rail were then
seen to in turn provide value for airlines, as the format used for train diagrams
is useful to visualise crew connections, and spatial network displays are useful to
visualise air corridors. The extra constraint checking required for rail can also be
useful for airlines to model flow restrictions placed on congested runways and air
Keywords: disruption management, situational awareness, recovery optimization,
airlines, railways, fleet, crew, passengers.

1 Introduction
The disruption management process in airlines has been the subject of a large
amount of academic study summarised by Kohl et al. [1] and Clausen et al. [2]
and is expedited by commercial products offered by several vendors [3, 4] that
provide integrated fleet disruption management taking into account scheduled
maintenance, crew, passengers and cargo. The situation for other modes of
transport such as heavy and light rail and buses is much less mature, yet there
are many similarities in the problems such that much can be learned and borrowed
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from the airline work. The similarities are most pronounced for scheduled services
rather than on-demand services, so that this paper will confine discussion to these.

2 Terminology
The disruption management procedure for airlines has been described using a
range of terminology, and thus it is necessary to define the terms used in this paper.
Here we use the following terms for the three main components:
Situational Awareness, where controllers of an airlines operations are
provided with accurate and timely information about all aspects affecting
the operation of a schedule.
Recovery Scenario Evaluation, where a controller can evaluate the effect of
actions that might be taken to recover from disruptions without committing
to them.
Publishing of Schedule Updates, which publishes changes in the schedule to
recover from the disruption.
We will also define the term Recovery Optimisation to describe a tool for
use during Recovery Scenario Evaluation that automatically produces on request
one or more suggestions for recovery scenarios that will minimise the amount
of disruption. Much of the academic literature for both airlines and railways
concentrates on such tools that provide a single optimal solution, however our
experience with airlines has shown that it is not possible to provide a single
solution that will be acceptable in practice for all disruptions. There are two
reasons for this:
It is difficult to state a single objective function to be minimised that
correctly encapsulates the tradeoffs that are required in all disruption
There is often extra information that is not available electronically when the
optimisation is run. An example from airlines is that the time taken for a
mechanical fault to be rectified can only be estimated, so that the ability to
produce a range of provisional solutions for comparison that are based on
different estimates is a very useful part of the decision making process.
Each of these components will be discussed separately in the following sections.

3 Operator versus network disruption management

One confusing aspect of the usage of the term disruption management in the
transport context is that disruption management occurs at two different levels.
With airlines, disruption management is performed by each airline for its own
fleet, and there is a separate level of disruption management that occurs at the level
of Air Traffic Control which is concerned with airspace and airport resource usage
by all airlines. In this paper we will use the term operator disruption management
to refer to the first of these, and network disruption management to refer to the
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A similar situation occurs for rail where above-rail operators (also known as
train operators) are concerned with disruptions to the operations of their fleet,
while below-rail operators (also known as infrastructure managers) are concerned
with managing the provision of paths in the event of disruptions to infrastructure
availability or the schedules of the above-rail operators. The distinction between
these two types of disruption management in rail is less clear where an operator
is both the above- and below-rail operator, such as commonly occurs in dedicated
metro systems.
The two levels of disruption management are interlinked, but there are well
defined systems that allow information to be exchanged between the systems
to enable good decisions to be made in the two separate systems. In the
airline context, the Air Traffic Control system allocates movement slots to limit
movements, and an airline can then make adjustments to its schedule to make best
use of its available movement slots. A similar situation occurs with paths requested
by an above-rail operator and allocated by a below-rail operator.
In this paper we are suggesting that it is best to keep these two levels of
disruption management separate, even for cases where an operator is responsible
for both levels. There are several reasons for this:
The lower level of detail that needs to be considered at the level of operator
disruption management enables options to be seen more clearly without
having to concentrate on infrastructure details.
The timeframes involved in operator disruption management are longer than
those involved in network disruption management. The extra time available
to make these decisions enables better strategic decisions to be made at the
higher level.
Operator disruption management should be concerned with more detailed
checks for non-network resources for example crews, passenger
overcrowding and scheduled maintenance for particular vehicles are not
considered in the context of network disruption management.
The systems that control the below-rail infrastructure are complex, and
since development and maintenance of these systems is costly and timeconsuming it is sensible to only include essential functionality at this level.
Separate software used to assist with disruption management currently exists
for each level, so it is much easier to take advantage of existing functionality
if this separation is maintained.
When seen from this point of view, it can then be seen that much commercial
software currently exists for both levels of disruption management for air transport
[36], but most commercial software for railways concentrates on network
disruption management or only handles a limited number of resources in the
context of operator disruption management [7, 8]. It will be further seen that there
are many similarities between operator disruption management for airlines and
other modes, and this paper will concentrate on showing the possibilities for the
use of this technology by above rail operators.

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4 Situational awareness
Situational awareness is the most critical factor in the process of disruption
management. Tools that make it easy for a controller to quickly comprehend the
essential features of a disruption increase both the speed and quality of the recovery
A vital component of situational awareness software is the ability to show events
in real-time. This requires an event-driven architecture that processes messages as
they arrive and immediately updates all visualisations. Such architectures have
been in use in an airline context at CTI for 20 years, and we are now extending this
technology for use with rail situational awareness.
To understand the full picture of the current situation it is necessary to have the
following information:
The current position and availability of all vehicles.
Current information about any network restrictions. For airlines, this
information includes arrival and departure slot availability at airports. For
railways this can include information about available paths including time
restrictions caused by factors such as timed track possessions, and other
factors such as temporary speed restrictions.
Forecast information to predict whether any current deviations from the
nominal schedule are likely to naturally correct from the built-in recovery
times in the schedule, or whether recovery actions need to be taken to
prevent problem escalation.
Information about planned crew duties, rest breaks, connections and location
of standby crew. It is important to also be able to check maximum duty and
minimum rest break rules to determine if delays will make the currently
planned duties illegal. Crew information is particularly important in longdistance networks.
Information about passenger numbers and itineraries (and/or cargo for
freight operations), or estimates if these are not accurately known. This is
vital for determination of the impact of a disruption, and particularly so in a
railway context since overcrowding has a significant effect on dwell times,
and thus can affect running times significantly.
Information about scheduled maintenance times and locations for vehicles.
This is important if repositioning a vehicle for planned maintenance would
be very expensive, as is normally the case for airlines and long-distance rail
A range of visualisation formats have been used for both airline and railway
disruption management, and as different formats have different strengths for
different classes of disruption the most desirable option is to have all formats
available so that the controller can choose the most suitable for any given situation.
It is also interesting to note that most of the formats are also applicable to other
transport types, although the amount of usage of the different formats is likely to
differ between modes.

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4.1 Gantt chart

Gantt charts (Figure 1(a)) provide easy visualisation of resource usage over time.

(a) Gantt chart

(b) Train diagram

Figure 1: Main visualisation displays for airlines and rail.

For airline operations, it is typical to show the actual or planned legs for each
vehicle as the prime visualisation tool. This display is typically annotated to show
the origin and destination of each leg as well as the flight number, with colour
coding used to show problems such as late departures or arrivals, crew or passenger
connection problems, ATC slot problems, insufficient turnaround times at airports,
aircraft unavailability and problems meeting scheduled maintenance locations or
For rail operations, this can be used in a similar way to show the trips planned for
each vehicle while highlighting any problems. In order to avoid excessive clutter,
only trip segments between major stations or junctions would be shown at this
level, with the stopping pattern information being available by clicking on each
trip segment.
A Gantt chart has the disadvantage of not highlighting the interactions between
vehicles, which is less of a problem in an airline context but is a significant factor
for rail. Thus for rail it is likely that the prime visualisation tool would instead be
a Time-Distance Chart.
4.2 Time-distance chart
Time-distance charts (Figure 1(b), commonly known for railways as Train
Diagrams or sometimes Service Planning Diagrams) are an excellent method of
visualising interactions between services and also any network limitations such as
track possessions.
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These can be updated in real time to visualise actual delays and estimated
arrival times, and can also have overlaid crew connection information to assist with
visualisation of likely crew impacts.
This type of visualisation can also be useful in an airline context to visualise
connections between services for vehicles and crew in the context of point-topoint networks with an approximately linear topography such as the east coast of

4.3 Platform occupancy diagram

Diagrams showing occupancy of platforms over a given time such as that shown
in Figure 2(a) are commonly used in rail planning, and are also very useful on the
day of operation. These are also known as Station Activity Diagrams. This type of
visualisation is also well suited to showing airport gate usage.

(a) Platform occupancy diagram

(b) Real time timetable

Figure 2: Other visualisation displays.

One of the critical factors when dealing with metro rail systems in peak periods
is the requirement to ensure that the number of passengers arriving at each
station can be transported using the available services. In many metro systems,
some overcrowding occurs even in the absence of any cancellations. If trains are
cancelled, it is vital to ensure that the capacity of subsequent trains on the same line
is sufficient to recover from the cancellation, as otherwise the resulting increase in
dwell times caused by extreme overcrowding is likely to lead to a decrease in
the line capacity and thus an escalating problem. One way of visualising whether
this is occurring would be to include estimated passenger figures on the platform
occupancy diagram.
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4.4 Timetable
A standard means of visualising a railway schedule is the timetable view. Additions
showing the actual and estimated times along with any cancellations or changes to
stopping patterns as shown in Figure 2(b) are another way of visualising the current
situation on the day of operations that is immediately familiar.
4.5 Spatial displays
Network displays such as track and signal diagrams shown in Figure 3(a) are used
extensively in railways by below-rail operators, but are in general too detailed
for higher level planning. Simplified network diagrams may be useful for aboverail operators to visualise alternative routings in complex networks with several
alternatives, however. A similar concept may also be useful for airline operators
where bad weather can cause flow restrictions through certain areas.
A geospatial display such as that in Figure 3(b) could be useful where it is
necessary to take into account options that can use other modes of transport
e.g. the use of buses for transport of passengers in the event of a major network

(a) Network diagram

(b) Geospatial display

Figure 3: Spatial visualisation displays.

4.6 Summary information

Summary information can be used to evaluate the current situation and to help to
decide whether measures need to be taken to aid recovery from a disruption. If a
timetable is robust, recovery from small delays is likely to be automatic through
the recovery time built in at certain stops. One of the key functions of situational
awareness is to understand when the situation is such that this is unlikely to happen
and that other measures need to be taken to expedite recovery.
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Table 1: Key performance indicators.
One So far
week current




to end



Delays > 5 mins



midnight month of month




Delays > 10 mins

Delays > 15 mins






Delays > 30 mins



Delays > 60 mins







Pax delayed (1000)

Delay pax-mins (1000)






Cancelled maintenance
Standby crew used






Crew overtime hours






Table 2: Remaining problems.



Insufficient turn time 1-5 mins

Insufficient turn time 6-10 mins


Insufficient turn time 11-15 mins

Insufficient turn time > 30 mins


Leg port mismatches

Missed crew connections


Missed scheduled maintenance

In both airlines and railways, periodic on-time performance statistics are

published which materially affect the profitability of the operator. For airlines,
this effect is often mainly on reputation, although there are financial repercussions
if Air Traffic Control slots are consistently missed. For railways, there are often
penalty clauses such that operators lose revenue if performance drops below
certain values. In such situations, it is useful to be able to track the performance
during the current reporting period and to forecast the likely numbers at the end of
the period. This information can then be used when choosing recovery options
for example to choose to increase the overtime payments to crew in order to avoid
excessive service cancellation.
Summary information can then be shown in real time in a manner similar to
Table 1, depending on the performance figures important to the operator.
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As it is typically not possible to solve all problems for the rest of the day
immediately, it is also important to show the number of remaining problems in
a format such as shown in Table 2.

5 Recovery scenario evaluation

Recovery Scenario Evaluation involves a controller making a number of
provisional changes in one or more private what-if? scenarios to recover from
the disruption, and then evaluating the expected outcome from these changes, often
by means of comparison of the summary statistics.
Since these changes are being made in a real-time environment, they are stored
in a format such that updates to legs that have not been changed in the scenario
are reflected as they happen. Updates to legs that have been changed, however,
can result in the scenario being updated if it is no longer possible to make the
provisional changes. For example, if a scenario plans to swap the lines of flying
for two aircraft at port ABC starting from flights 123 and 124, then if either of
these flights actually depart from port ABC then the swap is no longer possible
and will automatically be removed from the scenario.
The changes that are typically performed in an airline context are:
Delaying all legs that are to be flown by an aircraft, but reducing the
turnaround time between future legs in order to make up time. This is only
appropriate for short delays.
Swapping the lines of flying for one aircraft with another at a port so that an
aircraft that has already arrived but has a long scheduled turnaround time can
be used to fly the leg that has been planned for an aircraft that is late. This
is a good choice when the late aircraft is due to arrive before the scheduled
departure of the other aircraft.
Cancelling a set of legs in a loop (often a return trip). This is appropriate
only if the load on the legs is low and the frequency on that route is high, as
the passenger disruption would then be limited, or if flow limitations at an
airport make it essential.
Adding or removing a stop for a multi-leg flight. This is not common for
airlines, and only makes sense in certain network geographies with several
airports are located approximately in a line. The most common use of adding
a stop is for situations with strong headwinds where an extra stop is required
to take on more fuel.
Delaying, cancelling or moving scheduled vehicle maintenance activities
where this is possible. This can have a cost impact since often a maintenance
crew will have been organised at a particular location and time to perform
this maintenance.
Adding another service to cater for stranded passengers.
For an airline, the main criteria against which the impact is assessed against are:
The on-time performance statistics of the airline, which are published
regularly and can be seen as a competitive advantage or disadvantage.
The total number of affected passengers.
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The total passenger delay in passenger-minutes.
The requirement for standby crew or overtime.
The number of disrupted scheduled vehicle maintenance activities.
Similar actions are possible in the rail context as outlined in Norio et al. [9], but
the extra constraints associated with railways would result in a greater emphasis on
adding or removing stops, with this being further broken down into the following
main options:
Changing the stopping pattern on a trip section, e.g. from all-stop to express
or limited express or vice-versa.
Terminating a trip at an intermediate station and connecting it to another trip
that has been changed to start at that station.
Changing the departing or meeting orders of trains, e.g. to allow a rapid train
to overtake a local train.
For a railway, the main criteria against which the impact is assessed against
could be:
The on-time performance statistics of the railway, which may be tied to
penalties if they drop below specified levels.
The total number of affected passengers.
The total passenger delay in passenger-minutes.
The number of trips with severe overcrowding.
The requirement for standby crew or overtime.
Note that for rail lines where actual passenger numbers are not well known,
passenger statistics would have to be estimated based on expected passenger flows.
For this reason, these measures are currently mainly used in an informal way, even
though they more accurately reflect the perceived passenger service quality, and the
extent to which they are used depends on the experience of the traffic controllers.

6 Publishing of schedule updates

When an acceptable provisional recovery scenario has been produced, the set of
associated changes is published as a single action to ensure that consistency is
In an airline context, publishing normally involves sending one or more teletype
messages to the worldwide SITA or AFS [10] networks, which are then directed to
any interested airlines. Situational Awareness tools used by these airlines will then
process the received messages to update the current status of the airlines flights or
connecting flights that the airline is interested in.
In the rail context, standards for messaging are less mature due to many railways
operating on isolated networks.
In Europe, draft messaging standards have been specified in response to
Interoperability Directives 96/48/EC (High-Speed), 2001/16/EC (Conventional
Rail) and 2004/50 (alignment of High-Speed and Conventional Rail Directives and
extension of the scope). Implementation of these standards is progressing across
the network.
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In the UK, the SIRI and TransXChange standards have been developed for
publishing of real-time public transport information and are in widespread use,
although TransXChange is aimed more suited to buses than railways.

7 Recovery optimisation
The recovery optimisation problem has been the subject of much study for airlines
and for rail.
The problems studied for airlines consider a much greater range of resources,
with many considering fleet, scheduled maintenance, airport slots and full
passenger itinerary modelling [11], and several also incorporating crew [12].
For railways, most work on recovery optimisation concentrates on the fleet and
incorporates quite detailed consideration of the network paths along with some
consideration of passenger connections [13], while passenger overcrowding and
crew are only considered for simple problems [14] [15].
As crew connection problems can have a large impact on the feasibility of
solutions for complex or long-haul networks, and the passenger service quality
can have a large impact when comparing the quality of the solution and also the
feasibility (due to the effect of overcrowding on dwell times), we consider that
extensions of airline recovery optimisation formulations to allow for the more
complex constraints of railway paths would be extremely beneficial.

8 Conclusion
There are many advantages in considering disruption management in railways at a
high level, as this enables consideration of factors such as passenger overcrowding
and crew connections. When considered this way, there are many similarities that
allow the use of the mature technology used for disruption recovery in airlines to
enable more effective disruption recovery for rail.

[1] Kohl, N., Larsen, A., Larsen, J., Rossd, A. & Tiourine, S., Airline
disruption management perspectives, experiences and outlook. Journal of
Air Transport Management, 13(3), pp. 149162, 2007.
[2] Clausen, J., Larsen, A. & Larsen, J., Disruption management in the airline
industry concepts, models and methods. University of Denmark, DTU,
[3] TPAC Operations product. Constraint Technologies International, Operations/.
[4] iFlight Operations product. IBS Software,
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[6] Air
Integration, traffic management/
atm products.aspx.
[7] RailEdge Traffic Control & Dispatch Systems. GE Transport,
[8] Rail
Mobility, mobility/rail
solutions/rail automation/operations control systems.htm.
[9] Norio, T., Yoshiaki, T., Noriyuki, T., Chikara, H. & Kunimitsu, M., Train
rescheduling algorithm which minimizes passengers dissatisfaction. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Springer: Berlin and Heidelberg, volume 3533,
pp. 829838, 2005.
[10] AMC and European Fixed Service (AFS). EUROCONTROL, page/aeronautical fixed
[11] Artigues, C., Bourreau, E., Afsar, H.M., Briant, O. & Boudia, M., Disruption
management for commercial airlines: Methods and results for the ROADEF
2009 challenge. Hyper Articles en Ligne, hal-00492035, 2010.
[12] Petersen, J.D., Solveling, G., Johnson, E.L., Clarke, J.P. & Shebalov, S.,
An optimization approach to airline integrated recovery. AGIFORS Airline
Operations 2010, 2010.
[13] Tornquist, J., Computer-based decision support for railway traffic scheduling
and dispatching: A review of models and algorithms. Proc. of the 5th
Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways,
Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server: Sweden, 2006.
[14] Shaw-Ching Chang, Y.C.C., From timetabling to train regulation a new
train operation model. Information and Software Technology, 47, pp. 575
585, 2005.
[15] Walker, C.G., Snowdon, J.N. & Ryan, D.M., Simultaneous disruption
recovery of a train timetable and crew roster in real time. Computers &
Operations Research, 32(8), pp. 1492094, 2005.

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Kaban: a tool for analysis of railway capacity

J. Ekman
SICS AB, Sweden

The capacity analysis tool Kaban aims at being efficient for examining if planned
infrastructure meets the expected need for railway capacity. Infrastructure, safety
rules, signalling and traffic are all modelled in great detail in Kaban and hence
the tool is a useful support for signalling design. The tool is also useful for finding out which routing and what train order suits existing or planned track layout.
The idea of Kaban is that traffic patterns can be modelled as discrete event systems, with the minimum cycle time as a capacity measure. This measure answers
the question if a certain timetable is possible at a station and tells how much
buffer time there is. Kaban also presents results on what is critical for the capacity, aiming at explaining how to adjust to increase capacity. The GUI of Kaban
displays the infrastructure and train paths and takes care of the user interaction.
The development of Kaban is supported by the Swedish Transport Administration

1 Introduction
Kaban aims at being a user-friendly capacity analysis tool, efficient to work with
and producing relevant and dependable results. Kaban aims in particular at supporting signalling design, but the tool is useful also for other phases of building
and utilising the railway. The computations of capacity in Kaban are analytic. The
tool is based on the methods presented in [1] and [2].
1.1 The goal of capacity analysis
In this paper the point of view is that analysis of railway capacity is conducted
with the aim of supporting decisions on how to most efficiently build and utilise

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railway infrastructure. The basis for the development of the capacity analysis tool
Kaban is that
capacity analysis results of high quality make a substantial difference for
the efficiency in building and utilising the railway; and
there is a lot to gain by more efficiently building and utilising the railway.
To build railway infrastructure that efficiently meets the present and future traffic demands and to efficiently utilise the existing railway network are difficult
tasks. Nevertheless, those are important tasks and the efficiency of the railway
industry relies on how well those tasks are performed. In the railway building
phase it is important with analysis results feasible for:
suggesting how to adjust the infrastructure to increase performance
making clear advantages and drawbacks of infrastructure proposals
making a decision on an infrastructure investment.
1.2 Capacity analysis efficiency
Reducing the time and work to answer specific analysis questions is an important
step to obtain capacity analysis of higher overall quality. It enables for the analysis
to cover a larger number of cases of infrastructure and traffic. Thereby favouring
a more complete understanding of the infrastructure utilisation possibilities. The
result is that advantages and drawbacks of different proposals are better understood. Possibly the risk of mistakes or unforeseen consequences are also reduced.
In this context a capacity analysis tool needs to be supportive for entering data.
Since a lot of data is needed for analysing capacity it is often the case that entering all this data is time consuming. This is especially the case if infrastructure and
train conflicts are considered at a detailed level.
Transparency of the capacity analysis is helpful for understanding and trusting the results. Such a transparency is provided by presenting how the results are
derived. If computations are presented as divided in parts, where each part is conceived as reasonable, then the result can be trusted. A benefit of capacity analysis
of high quality in the building phase is the potential to use those results for track
utilisation at stations and for planning traffic.

2 Capacity analysis in Kaban

2.1 Basic ideas
Kaban is based on analytic methods for estimating capacity, as presented in [2].
That is, Kaban is not a simulation tool. The models of railway operation of Kaban
are static and not probabilistic. Kaban is designed for analysing capacity at complex stations with a lot of conflicting movements. These are cases where it is crucial how safety rules are interpreted and implemented in the interlocking system.
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Kaban implements the Swedish safety rules in detail and offers the possibility to
specify certain kinds of deviations from the rules.
The static and analytic character of Kaban makes it in a sense model traffic in
an ideal world. Some results can be thought of as theoretical maximum capacity, to be used as measures for comparing different solutions. Other results, to
become realistic, needs to be calibrated by asserting buffer times. There are also
results, though, that has a static nature of their own. Static are some requirements
on vehicle positions in the moment a train route is locked. Such requirements are
capacity results in their own, they are significant as they are the basis for other
capacity analysis results. The advantages with Kabans models of railway operation are that:
the assumptions are precisely defined and we know exactly what the results
fast computations are made possible and this allows for considering large
number of infrastructure proposals and modifications within available time
precise measures of capacity are provided for measuring the benefits of
infrastructure modifications, comparing infrastructure proposals and for
deciding on which proposal to choose.
It is possible to further develop Kabans, still being analytic, to become a tool
based on probabilistic models. For instance using probabilistic models for running
times. But such a development may be hard to enable without the drawback of
slowing down the computations. A development more likely to be advantageous
is the search for the minimum cycle time for all traffic pattern satisfying some
2.2 The concepts waiting point and cleared path
The essential concepts on which the method of Kaban relies are waiting point
and cleared path. Detailed description and exemplification are given also in [2].
A waiting point is a point at which a trains stops to wait for prior trains to pass.
Waiting points of trains are input to the capacity analysis. A waiting points is
associated with the end of a train route. A train path is divided into parts called
cleared paths by the waiting points. A train path here means the path on which
the train runs through the analysed railway section. Cleared paths shall not to be
confused with train routes and waiting points may not be confused with stops in
2.3 Conflicts and cycle time computation
The model of train operation of Kaban is a discrete event system (see [3]). As
events we chose starting times of movements on cleared paths. In the continuation we will just use movements to refer to those movements on cleared paths.
Considering two events separately from all other events the following principles
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will assure that the minimum duration in between two events is uniquely
a train moves unhindered by other trains on each of its cleared paths
stop durations are fixed, but waiting for other trains at waiting points is not
included in those durations
it is uniquely determined where and how two trains are in conflict.
Notice that the first two points uniquely determine the time from the start of
a movement to any point along the way to the end. The last point gives what
in addition is needed to know for uniquely determining the minimum duration
between events. Another way to formulate the first point is to say that a movement
may start no earlier than that it will be unhindered by prior movements. This
means that the speed of trains is not at all affected by the occurrence of other
trains. The interaction between trains is manifested as conditions on time for trains
to enter the analysed railway section and time to wait at waiting points. The first
point does not mean that all of the train routes of a cleared path must be locked
before the movement on the cleared path starts.
As is shown in [2] max-plus algebra provides notation for defining and characterising the cycle time of a traffic pattern in Kaban. The cycle time of a traffic
pattern in Kaban is expressed as the minimum cycle mean for a discrete event system. This suits the use of Howards algorithm [4], a fast algorithm for computing
the minimum cycle mean. The approach to model train operation as a discrete
event system and to use max-plus algebra to express cycle time is well studied,
see for instance [5]. Although such approaches are basically the same, they may
differ in what the analysis aims at and precisely how the modelling is done.
2.4 An example of a cycle time computation in Kaban
The figures 1 and 2 show the drawing area of the Kaban GUI in which a fictive
railway section is pictured. The two figures also show a traffic pattern with just

Figure 1: Movement R1 entering the railway section.

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Figure 2: Movement R2 leaving and movement V passing the railway section.

Figure 3: The conflict graph for the traffic pattern R1-V-R2.

two trains. One of the trains, say train TR, is divided in two movements, R1 and
R2, by a waiting point. The other train, say train TV, has no waiting point and
consists of just one movement V. Figure 1 shows us the movement R1 and figure
2 shows us the two movements V and R2. Assume that, for this example all data
needed for the analysis capacity has been given to the system. Among the given
data is the traffic pattern given by ordering the movements, here given as R1-VR2.
The first step in the capacity analysis is to make clear which the relevant conflicts between movements are. In Kaban, the conflicts of a traffic pattern is represented by a conflict graph. Figure 3 shows the conflict graph for the traffic pattern
R1-V-R2. The conflict graph has events, i.e. movement starts, as nodes and conflicts between movements as arcs. Subsequently we will refer to conflicts between
movements and minimum durations between two events as arcs and arc weights,
respectively. Since the analysis is concerned with a repeated traffic pattern there
are two kinds of arcs, those of conflicts of movements in the same period in
the traffic pattern and those of movements in successive periods. The first kind
is depicted and referred to as straight arcs and the second kind is depicted and
referred to as bowed arcs.
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Straight arcs:
Bowed arcs:
Critical Graph:
Cycle Time: 460


Figure 4: Some Kaban results from the cycle time computation.

Let us now study the traffic pattern R1-V-R2 as given by the conflict graph. R2
starts from a waiting point and there it waits for other trains until R2 can go on
unhindered. But the graph tells us that movement R2 and V are not in conflict,
so what does R2 wait for? The arcs ending in R2 tell us that. There are two such
arcs: R1R2 and R2R2. The arc R1R2 concerns one and the same vehicle,
the vehicle of train TR and therefore the time of the start of R2 depends on the
time of the start of R1. The other arc, R2R2, says that the time of the start of
R2 also depends on the movement R2 of the previous period. Hence, train TR in
one period waits at the waiting point for the train TR of the previous period to
move ahead far enough not to interfere with movement R2 of the waiting train.
Therefore, in this example, the waiting point makes a difference.
The critical graph is the subgraph of the conflict graph that determines the cycle
time. In figure 3 the critical graph for the traffic pattern R1-V-R2 is given by the
bold arcs. We have here chosen to show the arc weights only in the critical graph.
The weight of the arc R1V means that V can start earliest 191 seconds after
the start of R1 and the weight of the arc VR1 means that R1 can start earliest
269 seconds after the start of V. Hence, the minimum time for one period, i.e. the
cycle time, is 191 + 269 = 460 seconds. Figure 4 show us how Kaban presents
the results concerning conflict graph, critical graph and cycle time for the studied
2.5 Analysis results for separate conflicts
As is shown in the previous section Kaban estimates capacity for repeated traffic patterns on a railway section and gives as main results, cycle time, critical
sequences of movements and conflict graph. The cycle time estimates the feasibility of timetable options. For instance by answering the questions if it possible to
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run a given timetable on a railway section and how much buffer time there is. The
conflict graph tells us which the relevant conflicts are and can be used to answer
questions about slack time for a chosen sequence of movements and with respect
to the cycle time or a given timetable. The critical sequences of movements are of
interest for robustness sensitivity analysis and for finding out how to reduce the
cycle time further.
Since the cycle time can be reduced only by reducing the arc weight of arcs
in the critical graph, we need to study the computation of those arc weights for
understanding what the options are for reducing the cycle time. For this reason
Kaban describes, for each arc AB of the analysed traffic
how is the arc weight computed
the critical train route RB of the succeeding movement B
the position that vehicle A must pass before RB is locked and the position
that B must not pass before RB is locked.
Concerning the first point Kaban considers capacity limits for the surroundings of
the analysed area and hence the weight of an arc is either a consequence of that
capacity limit or an internal limitation. Moreover vehicles has a brake reaction
time and the signalling system also has some reaction time which makes the final
arc weight become a sum of some terms. That is what the first point refers to.
Regarding the second and third points let us once again consider the traffic
pattern R1VR2 described by figures 1 and 2. The arc weight of VR1 is the
minimum duration from the start of V till the start of R1. R1 consists of more than
one train routes, each one locked in one piece. It is not only the locking of the first
train route of R1 that is critical for the arc weight of VR1, it may be any of the
train routes of R1. The reason for this is the assumption that R1 is an unhindered
movement all the way to the waiting point. Hence, we need to know which is the
critical train route of R1, w.r.t. VR1 to reduce the arc weight of VR1. Given
that the capacity limitation is internal and given the critical route, then the arc
weight depends on requirements of the vehicle positions at the moment in time
the critical train route is locked. The safety regulation says which position V must
pass before locking the critical train of R1. The assumption that R1 is unhindered
does not allow the vehicle of R1 to adjust its speed to the fact that some train
route ahead is not yet locked. Hence, this assumption will determine the position
the vehicle of R1 must not pass before locking the critical train route of R1.
2.6 Support for entering data
An extensive amount of data is required for careful analysis of capacity and a
tool with a supportive user interface will save a lot of time for the users. Capacity
analysis in Kaban is based on data on

train routes and protection of train routes
trains and traffic.

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Figure 5: A station and a train. The station, Gamlestad, is based on BIS-data.

All needed data can be entered via the Kaban GUI. Some of the features of Kaban

visualisation of infrastructure, train routes and movements

import of infrastructure data
construction and modification of infrastructure data
automatic generation of train routes including protection.

Infrastructure data includes, points, track circuits, speed limits, various signals
and buffer stops. It is possible to import infrastructure data on a special XMLformat generated from BIS, the infrastructure database of Banverket (the Swedish
rail administration). Kaban does not automatically draw a visually nice picture
of the track layout, but the Kaban GUI has got drawing modification support for
concisely picturing the real track layout. Figure 5 shows an example on a Kaban
drawing obtained by modifying BIS-imported data.
The vehicle data includes length, brake reaction time, acceleration and deceleration. The computations in Kaban is based on constant acceleration and deceleration. Train routes are automatically generated for all pairs of successive main
signals. Protection for train routes are generated according to the Swedish safety
regulation, where the first valid object is chosen in all directions needing protection. For any train using any train route the user may adjust the chosen protection.
Those adjustments appear as allowance of non-valid objects to protect the train
route and by disallowance of otherwise valid protection. There is several reasons
for enabling such adjustments:
to modify the train route protection is to adopt to older safety regulation,
which may still be in use at some sites
to give the user the possibility to override the safety regulation for some
almost acceptable protective objects
to increase capacity by cancelling conflicts which in turn is done by forbidding some protective objects for certain train routes used by certain trains.
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2.7 Comparison with other tools for capacity analysis

The research in the area of capacity analysis is extensive and so are the number of tools. For surveys on methods and tools see for instance [68] and [8].
In contrast to Kaban, many of the tools simulate railway traffic and many of the
methods aim at line capacity. Another tool that is based on the same kind of cycle
time computations as Kaban, is presented in [9]. This tool used for evaluating
timetable performance. The user-friendliness of capacity analysis tools ought to
be measured by the time needed to obtain results of sufficient quality to support
decisions on how to build railway or how to utilise existing railway.

3 Conclusions
This paper views capacity analysis as a means to support efficient construction
and utilisation of railway infrastructure. Different methods and tools may contribute in different ways to help getting a solid understanding of which economic
investments will make the most for satisfying the growing railway transportation
needs. In this context time efficiency is crucial. Saving time and work is a decisive
factor for increasing the quality of analysis results, balancing operational aspects
and further developing capacity analysis, by equipping it with new powerful and
relevant results. In this context analytic, static methods of analysing capacity has
the potential to contribute with valuable results such as
fast computations that enable a lot of cases for infrastructure and traffic to
be part of the analysis
analysis of trains behaving like we would like them to behave
providing measures of capacity for comparing different solutions and
enabling automatic search for the best solution
offering results with a precise and clear meaning.
The paper presents Kaban aiming at being a user-friendly capacity analysis
tool. Kaban is based on analytic, non-probabilistic methods and the results of
Kaban aim at helping users to get a good understanding of the capacity advantages
and drawbacks of proposals infrastructure and traffic. A main result is the cycle
time of a repeated traffic pattern, useful for estimating feasibility of time table
options. Other results aim at explaining how to adjust the infrastructure to increase
capacity. The Swedish safety regulation is the basis for Kabans careful model of
train conflicts. Hence, Kaban suits capacity analysis in the signalling design phase
of railway construction.

[1] Forsgren, M., Computation of capacity on railway networks. SICS Technical
Report T2003:12, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 2003. FoU-rapport,
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[2] Ekman, J., Capacity estimation of new infrastructure based on a discrete event
model of train paths. Computers in Railways, WIT Press,,
volume IX, pp. 539548, 2004.
[3] Baccelli, F., Cohen, G., Olsder, G. & Quadrat, J.P., Synchronization and Linearity: An Algebra for Discrete Event Systems. Wiley: Chicester, 1992.
[4] Cochet-Terrasson, J., Cohen, G., Gaubert, S., Mc Gettrick, M. & Quadrat,
J.P., Numerical computation of spectral elements in max-plus algebra. IFAC
Conference on System Structure and Control, Nantes, France, 1998.
[5] Goverde, R. & Soto y Koelemeijer, G., Performance Evaluation of Periodic
Timetables: Theory and Algorithms. Number S2000/2 in TRAIL Studies in
Transportation Science, Delft University Press: Delft, The Netherlands, 2000.
[6] Barber, F., Abril, M., Salido, M., Ingolotti, L., Tormos, P. & Lova, A., Survey of automated systems for railway management. Technical Report DSICII/01/07, Department of Computer Systems and Computation, Technical University of Valencia, 2007.
[7] Abril, M., Barber, F., Ingolotti, L., Salido, M.A., Tormos, P. & Lova, A., An
assessment of railway capacity. Transportation Research, Part E(44), 2008.
[8] Kontaxi, E. & Ricci, S., Techniques and methodologies for railway capacity
analysis: comparative studies and integration perspectives. Rail Zurich 2009
3rd International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis,
[9] Goverde, R. & Odijik, M., Performance evaluation of network timetables
using peter. Computers in Railways, WIT Press: Southampton, volume VIII,

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Two step method for rail potential rise analysis

in a DC traction power supply system
S. Chung, H. Kim & H. Jeong
Electric Power Supply Research Division,
Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea

An algorithm for analyzing the rail potentials in a DC traction power supply
system is proposed. The distinctive feature of this algorithm is that it uses the
node voltage method twice in the rail potential analysis. To calculate the rail
potentials, the leakage resistance of the running rail must be included in the
equivalent network which makes it difficult to apply the node voltage method.
The mesh current method has the drawback that the initial mesh currents are
difficult to estimate, which is necessary for an iterative network solution. In this
algorithm, the rail potentials are obtained by applying the node voltage method
twice. In the first stage, the injection currents to the negative rail are obtained
from a load-flow study. In the next stage, a network consisting of the negative
rail and the injection currents is constructed. The leakage resistance to ground is
added to the network a, and the rail potentials of the network are analyzed. A
computer load flow analysis software package was developed to verify the
validity of the algorithm. The results from the software are compared with the
EMTP-RV circuit analysis results, and the results are nearly identical.
Keywords: rail potential, simulation, DC traction power.

1 Introduction
In most DC powered electric railways, running rails are also used as the negative
return path to the rectifier negative bus in the substation. In this system, the
potentials of the running rails rise with increasing load current. The increased rail
potential causes concern for human safety, due to the possibly hazardous
excessive touch voltage and step voltages [1]. For this reason, the maximum
allowable rail potential is limited by IEC standard 62128 [3]. The rail potential
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rise can also generate stray currents, which causes concern for equipment safety
due to the possibility of electro-chemical corrosion of the metal [1].
In this paper, a computer algorithm to analyze the rail potential rise is
presented. The distinctive feature of this algorithm is that it uses the node voltage
method twice in the rail potential analysis. In the node voltage network analysis
method, every node has to be directly connected to the reference node. However,
if the leakage resistance of the running rail to ground is included, it becomes
difficult to make an equivalent network in which every node is directly
connected to the reference node. Under these conditions, the mesh current
method may be used to solve the network. However, the mesh current network
method has some drawbacks in this situation because it is difficult to set the
initial mesh currents for iterative network analysis.
In the proposed algorithm, node voltage network analysis is conducted twice.
First, the load flow is studied to obtain the injection currents to the substations
and trains. The leakage resistance of the running rail is not modeled explicitly in
this step, which makes every node in the equivalent circuit directly connected to
the reference node. In the next step, a different node voltage equivalent circuit is
constructed, with only the longitudinal resistance of the negative rail and the
injection currents. The leakage resistance of the running rails is added to the
equivalent circuit. A set of node equations is constructed to analyze the circuit
and solve for the node voltages, corresponding to the potentials of the running
rail at the corresponding locations. In conclusion, by conducting node voltage
analysis twice, we can avoid using the mesh current method, which is difficult to
use in traction power supply system analysis. The leakage current can be
calculated from the rail potentials. Computer load flow analysis software using
the algorithm was developed. A test run was conducted on a test system. The
result is compared with the results of EMTP-RV circuit analysis, where the
potentials of the running rail were calculated in one step. The comparison shows
that the two results are nearly identical.

2 Review of rail potential analysis

A simple railway DC power feeding system is shown in Fig. 1, to illustrate the
method for analyzing negative rail potentials [2]. The rail potentials at the
rectifier station end and the train end are:






RS and RL are the effective resistance to ground at the rectifier station end and
the train end, respectively. They are lumped resistances obtained by converting
the distributed rail-earth conductance of the negative rail to a lumped pie
WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


resistance circuit. RN is the longitudinal resistance of the running rail. IN is the

load current in the running rail. VN is the longitudinal voltage drop in the
running rail.

Figure 1:

Basic model for rail potential analysis.

3 Proposed computer algorithm for rail potential analysis

Our purpose is to obtain the rail potentials, denoted by VGS and VGL in Fig. 1. To
analyze the circuit in Fig. 1, the mesh current network shown in Fig. 2 has to be
analyzed iteratively, which requires initial mesh currents. However, the initial
value of i2 in Fig. 2 is difficult to estimate. In the proposed algorithm, the node
voltage analysis method is applied twice. In the first step, the leakage resistance
of the running rail does not explicitly appear in the node voltage equivalent
network, as shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, RN is the parallel resistance of RN and
(RS+RL). Pt is the train load which is given. The circuit is analyzed iteratively to
find the injection currents at the DC source nodes and the train nodes, which are
Is and It in Fig. 3. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are equivalent in terms of Is and It. In the
next step, a different node voltage network is drawn, as shown in Fig. 4, with
only the longitudinal resistance of the running rail and the injection currents. In
Fig. 4, Is and It are the injection currents obtained in step 1. The leakage
resistance of the running rails is added to the equivalent circuit. The circuit in
Fig. 4 is also equivalent to Fig. 2. if only the circuit elements in Fig. 4 are

Figure 2:

Mesh equivalent network of a simple DC traction power supply


WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

706 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 3:

Node network in step 1 for the system in Fig. 2.

Figure 4:

Node network in step 2 for the system in Fig. 2.

The logic flow diagram is shown in Fig. 5. In step 3 of the logic flow
diagram, the node equation is constructed in matrix form, as shown in equation
(4). Equation (4) is set for the circuit shown in Fig. 3.


where [G]: the conductance matrix of the network

[V]: the node voltage vector
[I]: the node injection current vector
In eq. (4), the train load is given in terms of power instead of current or
resistance. Given the required power of the train, the corresponding element in
the [I] vector is obtained from eq. (5).



where Pt: the required power of the train
It: the injection current at the train node
Vt: the train node voltage (assumed value)
Because It is a function of Vt, equation (4) is nonlinear, and must be solved
iteratively. In step 4 of the logic flow diagram in Fig. 5, a new network is
constructed, and a new set of node equations is built, as shown in eq.(6).


where [G]new: the conductance matrix of the new network

[V]new: the new network node voltage vector
[I]new: the injection current vector, with elements corresponding to the
source current or train load current
WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Figure 5:


Logic flow diagram for the rail potential analysis.

Unlike equation (4), eq. (6) does not require an iterative solution because the
elements of [I]new are given as constants. All elements of [V]new represent the
running rail potential at every node location.

4 Test run
Computer load flow software for rail potential analysis was developed to
implement the algorithm proposed above. It was applied to the test system, and
the result was compared with the result of EMTP-RV analysis for the test
system. Fig. 6 shows the test system, and the symbols in Fig. 6 are explained in
Tables 1 and 2. In Fig. 6, m stands for milli-. The line parameters and the train

Figure 6:

Test system.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

708 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Table 1:

Resistance [m]




Table 2:


ns [m]





Resistances in the test system.

Internal resistance of DC source
Cable resistance between source
and positive feeding line
Cable resistance between source
and running rail
Resistance of positive feeding line

Resistance of running rail

Rectifier station and trains in the test system.

Reqd Pwr


Injection Current [A]

After load flow



= 0.0225

locations are shown in Table 1. In the test system, the rectifier produces 810V
DC with no load, and three trains are drawing power, as shown in Table 2. The
rail potentials of the test system are obtained from the developed load flow
software. The results are shown in Fig. 7. The same rail potentials were analyzed
with EMTP-RV s/w. Fig. 8 shows the EMTP-RV model of the test system.
However, EMTP-RV cannot conduct a DC load flow study, therefore, instead of
the power required for the trains, the injection currents from the load flow
software are inserted as a DC current source at the train location. This can be
validated once the power consumption of each train is identical to its required

Figure 7:

Results from simulation s/w.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV




Figure 8:

























EMTP-RV model of the test system.

power. Fig. 9 shows the resulting rail potentials from the EMTP-RV analysis.
The rail potentials from the previous two studies are summarized in Table 3, and
the two results are identical. Next, the power that each train consumed according
to the EMTP-RV analysis is compared with its required power to validate the

Figure 9:
Table 3:


EMTP-RV analysis results.

Rail potential comparison between the results of two studies.

Rail potential [V]
From the
simulation s/w

% error

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

DC Source

710 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

replacement of the required powers in the test system with the DC current
sources in the EMTP model. Fig. 10 shows the power consumed by each train
and by the rectifier, which are compared to the required powers in Table 4. The
two results are again identical. In Table 4, the output power from the rectifier is
835.09kW, while Fig. 7 shows a rectifier output power of 811.18 kW, because
the rectifier output power in the load flow study includes the i2r loss in the
0.225 source resistance. If we add the i2r loss to 811.18 kW, we obtain
835.09 kW, which is the rectifier output power before its internal resistance. In
Fig. 8, 14 are the node numbers of the train and rectifier nodes in the developed
load flow software, and S3, S6, S7 and S11 are the node numbers of the train and
rectifier nodes in the EMTP-RV model. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show the rail potential
analysis results from the EMTP-RV analysis and the simulation software
developed using the presented algorithm, respectively.

Figure 10:
Table 4:

Comparison of the power consumption results of the two studies.

Train 3
DC Source

Power generation in the trains & DC source.

Power Consumption [kW]

Results from the
Require power in the test
( before internal
resistance of the rectifier)

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

% error

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


5 Conclusion
The rail potentials in a DC traction power supply system can be analyzed by
applying the node voltage analysis method twice consecutively with the
proposed algorithm. This algorithm was validated in section 4. The advantage of
the algorithm is that we can avoid the mesh current method in the rail potential
analysis, which is difficult to use because assumed initial mesh currents must be
used in the iterative circuit analysis. The mesh current method also requires more
than twice the computer memory required for the node analysis method, because
the number of meshes is more than twice the number of nodes.

[1] Jian Guo Yu B.Sc.: Computer Analysis of touch voltages and stray currents
for DC railways, thesis for Ph.D. University of Birmingham, July, 1992.
[2] Pham, K.D., Thomas, R.S. and Stinger, W.E. Operational and safety
considerations in designing a light rail DC traction electrification system,
Proc. 2003 IEEE/ASME Joint, PP.171-189.
[3] IEC62128-1: Railway applications Fixed installations Part 1: Protective
provisions relating to electrical safety and earthing.

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

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Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV


Author Index
Ababneh Ayman N. ................. 317
Abdel Magid Y. ....................... 307
Abdolahi S. .............................. 193
Abdul Majeed F. ...................... 307
AbdulGhani S. A. A................. 279
Ajalli F. ...................................... 55
Al-Haddad A............................ 547
Alqirem R. M. ............................ 35
Al-Sibahy A. .............................. 85
Alvarez E. ................................ 559
Anwar Bg O. .......................... 279
Arias B. .................................... 559
Arida H. A. .............................. 547
Barboni T. ................................ 155
Barnat W. ......................... 625, 645
Bautista E. ................................ 229
Bautista O. ............................... 229
Behera S. .................................. 215
Bellerov H. ............................. 293
Bielecki Z. ............................... 461
Bilek A..................................... 167
Bodino M. ................................ 205

Ebrahimi M. ............................. 193

Edwards R. ................................ 85
Ekman J. .................................. 693
Enoki S. ................................... 377
Euh K. ...................................... 327
Evans I. .................................... 681
Everett J. E................................... 3
Feng D. .................................... 521
Feng Y. Z. ................................ 521
Gajewski P. .............................. 473
Gao Y. W. .................................. 45
Ghorbani-Tari Z. ...................... 255
Gis E. C. R. .............................. 67
Goto M..................................... 327
Grosel J. ..................................... 97
Gnther T................................. 569
Han S. Z. .................................. 327
Hill D. ...................................... 339
Hofstetter G. .............................. 75
Itoh S. ........................................ 15

Chamis C. C. .............................. 23
Chaudhuri B. ............................ 121
Chen G. C. ............................... 521
Chiorean C. G. ......................... 363
Christou P. ............................... 385
Chung S. .................................. 703
Corbetta C. ............................... 205
Curtis P. T. ............................... 397
Dan-Ali F. ................................ 133
Daud H. A. ............................... 279
de Fabris S. .............................. 577
Deng L. ...................................... 45
Djeddi F. .................................. 167
Dulikravich G. S. ..................... 111
Durley-Boot N. J. ..................... 509
Dziewulski P. ........................... 635

Jamshidi Fard A. R. ................. 145

Jamshidi Fard S. ...................... 145
Jeong H. ................................... 703
Jimnez-Octavio J.................... 659
Kamil K. .................................. 327
Kamlah M. ............................... 601
Kanevce G. H. ................. 111, 535
Kanevce L. P. .................. 111, 535
Kang J.-H. ................................ 327
Karki H. ................................... 307
Karkoub M............................... 307
Kawabe S. .................................. 15
Kawagoishi N. ......................... 327
Kawalec A. .............. 411, 423, 435
Kdzierawski R........................ 445

714 Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Khatua K. K. ............................ 215
Kim H. ..................................... 703
Kim S. S. .................................. 327
Klasztorny M. ............................ 97
Kuramae H. .............................. 601
Labiscsak L. ............................. 205
Lehar H. ..................................... 75
Lellep J. ................................... 351
Lesnik C. .................. 411, 423, 435
Li Q. ......................................... 279
Longo G. .................................. 577
Lopez Lopez A. ....................... 659
Louca L. A. .............................. 397
uszczyk M. ............................ 453
Maguire J. R. ........................... 509
Mani M. ..................................... 55
Mansur W. ............................... 243
Marcelli M. .............................. 497
Matsumoto M. ......................... 671
Medeossi G. ............................. 577
Mndez F. ................................ 229
Miadonye A. ............................ 133
Micallef K. ............................... 397
Michael A. ............................... 385
Mikolajczyk J. ......................... 461
Minnetyan L. ............................. 23
Mitrevski V. B. ................ 111, 535
Mohanty P. K. .......................... 215
Molinier T. ............................... 155
Morandini F. ............................ 155
Morka A. .......................... 615, 635
Mrk A. ................................... 351
Naik S. ..................................... 121
Neofytou Z. .............................. 385
Niezgoda T. ............. 615, 625, 645
Ohbuchi Y.................................. 15
Onwude R. ............................... 133
Osirim O. O. ............................ 133
Panowicz R. ..................... 625, 645
Pasternak M. ............................ 445
Patra K. C. ............................... 215

Piermattei V. ............................ 497

Pietrasiski J. ........................... 445
Pilo de la Fuente E. .................. 659
Piotrowski Z. ........................... 473
Pohanka M. .............................. 293
Pollmann K. ............................. 569
Pope D. J. ................................. 397
Raff J. ...................................... 569
Renaud G. ................................ 589
Rodriguez-Pecharroman R....... 659
Rossi L. .................................... 155
Rutecka B. ............................... 461
Sakamoto H. .............................. 15
Santoni P. ................................. 155
Schning M. J. ......................... 547
Seleghim Jr P.. ........................... 67
Serafin P. ......................... 423, 435
Serag-Eldin M. A. .................... 267
Shi G. ....................................... 589
Shimizu H. ............................... 671
Simes I. .................................. 243
Simes N. ................................ 243
Soleiman-Fallah A. .................. 397
Stacewicz T. ............................ 461
Straffelini G. ............................ 205
Sunden B. ................................ 255
Sybilski K. ....................... 625, 645
Szczepaniak Z. R. .................... 453
Szugajew M. ............................ 411
Szurgott P. ................................. 97
Szyszkowski W........................ 339
Tadeu A. .................................. 243
Tanabe H. ................................ 671
Tanda G. .................................. 255
Theiner Y. .................................. 75
Torao J. .................................. 559
Torno S. ................................... 559
Tsuchiya K............................... 601
Tsujitan T................................. 377
Uetsuji Y. ................................. 601
Urbaczyk M. .......................... 483

WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 51, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X (on-line)

Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XV

Vasconcellos C. ....................... 243

Weinert U. ............................... 569
Wojcicki Z. ................................ 97
Wojtas J. .................................. 461
Xiong J. T. ................................. 45


Yamashita J. ............................ 377

Yang Z. .................................... 181
Zappal G. ............................... 497
Zduniak B. ............................... 615
Zhuo M. ................................... 521

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