Machine Assignment Final
Machine Assignment Final
Machine Assignment Final
Consider a single turn loop ABCD rotating clock wise in a uniform magnetic
field with a constant speed as shown in figure. As the loop rotates, the flux
linking the coil sides AB and CD changes continuously. Hence the emf
induced in these coil sides also changes but the emf induced in one coil side
adds to induced in the other.
Action of a commutator:
In figure the coil sides AB and CD are under N pole and S pole
respectively. Note that segment c1connects the coil side AB to point
P of the load resistance R and the segment c2 connects the coil side
CD to point Q of the load . Also note the direction of current through
load. It is from Q to P.
After a half revolution of the loop (i.e. 180 rotation), the coil side AB
under S pole and the coil side CD under N pole. The current in the
coil side now flow in the reverse direction but the segment C1 and C2
have also moved through 180 i.e. segment C1 is now in constant
with (+ve) brush and segment C2 in contact with (-ve) brush. Note
that commutator has reversed the coil connections to the load i.e.
coil side AB is now connected to point Q of the load and coil side CD
to the point P of the load but direction of current remain same as
Construction of DC Generator:
(a) There are as many as parallel path as the no. of pole (p).
(b)Each parallel path has Z/p conductors in series where z and p are the
total no. of armature conductors and poles respectively.
(c) Total armature current ,Ia = p*current / no, of parallel path.
(d)Emf generated =emf / parallel path.
=Flux/pole in webers(wb)
Types of DC generator:
Series generator
Shunt generator
Compound generator
Series generator:
In the series wound generator the field winding is connected in series with
armature winding so that whole armature current flows through the field
winding as well as the load.
Armature current, Ia=Ise=IL=I
Terminal voltage,V=Eg I(Ra+Rse)
Power developed in armature= EgIa
Power delivered to load= [Eg I(Ra+Rse)]Ia=VIa
Shunt generator:
In a shunt generator[Fig.1.35],the field winding is connected in parallel with
the armature winding so that terminal voltage of the generator is applied
across it. The shunt winding has many turns of fine wire having high
Shunt field current, Ish =V/ Rsh
Armature current Ia = IL + Ish
Compound generator:
Short shunt
Series field current, Ise = IL
Shunt field current, Ish=V+ IseRse/ Rsh
Terminal voltage,V= Eg IaRa- IseRse
Power develop in armature,P= EgIa
Power delivered to load=VIL
(b)Long shunt:
Series field current Ise = Ia= IL+ Ish
Shunt field current Ish=V/ Rsh
Terminal voltage,V= Eg-Ia(Ra+ Rsh)-brush drop
Power developed in armature = EgIa
Power delivered to load=VIL
Problem 1: A shunt generator delivers 450 A of 230 V and the resistor of
the shunt field and armeture are 50 ohm and 0.03 ohm respectively.
Calculate the generated emf.
Eg=V + Ia.Ra
series field current,
=52 A
=1.56 V
Series winding voltage drop, IseRse=30x0.30
=9 V
Brush drop=2x1=2 V
Generated emf, Eg=V+IaRa+IseRse+Brush drop
=232.56 V
Problem-4: In a long shunt compound generator,the terminal voltage is 230 V
when generator delivers 150 A. Determine
i. Induced emf
ii. Total power generated and
iii. Distribution of this power.
Given that shunt field,series field,diverter and armature resistance are 92
ohm,0.015 ohm,0.03 ohm and 0.032 ohm respectively.
Since series field resistance and diverter are at parallel, so their combined
Ia =500+8=508A
Since the series field resistance and divertor resistance are in parallel their
combined resistance is=(0.012*0.036)/0.048=0.009
Total armature circuit resistance =0.03 -0.011+0.009=0.05
Voltage drop=508*0.05=25.4v
Voltage generated by armature=600+25.4=625.4V
Power generated=625.4*508=317,700w=317.7kw
P-5:- A four-pole generator, having wave-wound armature winding has 51
slots, each slot containing 20 conductors. What will be the voltage generated
in the machine when driven at 1500 rpm assuming the flux per pole to be
= 7*10^-3Wb,
Z = 51*20=1020,
A= P= 4, N= 1500 rpm.
Eg = ( 7*10^-3 * 1020*1500*4)/(60*2)
P -6:- A 10Kw, 250V, d.c., 6-pole shunt generator runs at 1000 rpm, when
delivering full-load. The armature has 534 lap-connected conductors. Fullload Cu loss is 0.64 Kw. The total brush drop 1 volt. Determine the flux per
pole. Neglect shunt current.
Solution:- Since shunt current is negligible, there is no shunt Cu loss. The
copper loss occurs in armature only.
I=Ia=10,000/250=40A; (Ia)^2Ra=Arm.Cu loss or 40^2*Ra=0.64*10^3;
IaRa drop = 0.4*40=16V; Brush drop= 2*1 =2V
Now, Eg=(ZNP
)/60A volt
P-8: A 500V d.c shunt motor draws a line current of 5A on light load . If
armature resistance is 0.15 and field resistance is 200 , determine the
effiency of the machine running as a ganarator, delivering a load current
of 40A.
Soln: i. As a motor , on light load out of 5A of line current 2.5A are required
for field circuit and 2.5A are required for armature. Neglecting cu loss in
armature at no load,the armature power goes towards armature coreloss
and mechanical loss at the rated speed , This amounts to
ii. As a generator,for a line current of 40A , total current for the armature
is 42.5A . output of generator =500*40=20kw
Total losses as a generator =1250+field cu loss+arm. Cu loss
P-9:The armature of a four pole d.c. shunt generator is lap wound and
generates 216v when running at600rpm . Armature has 144 slots, with 6
conductors per slot.If this armature is rewound, wave connected, find the
e.m.f generated with the same flux per pole but running at 500rpm.
Soln: Total no. of armature conductors=Z=144*6=864
For a lap winding no. of parallel paths in armature=no. of poles.In the
e.m.f. equation, E=(ZN/60)(p/a)
E= ZN/60
=216/8640=25 milli-webers
If the armature is rewound with wave connection, no. of parallel paths=2
Hence at 500r.p.m. with 25mwb as the flux per pole
The armature emf=(25*103*864*500/60)*2
Variable loss
1. copper loss in armature winding
2. copper lossin series field winding
Iron loss
Mechanical loss
Shunt field loss
Total loss= constant loss+variable loss
Power Stages:
A) Mechanical power input > Iron and friction losses
B) Electrical power developed in armature EgIa > Cu losses
C) Electrical power output VIL
Mechanical Efficiency:
m =
Mec h anical Power Input
Electrical Efficiency:
e = B = Eg . Ia
= VIL + I2Ra + Wc
= VIL + (IL + ISh)2 Ra+ Wc
The shunt field current ISh is generally small as compared to IL and therefore
can be neglected.
Generator Input = VIL + I2Ra + Wc
VIl+ I 2 R a+W c
= 1+( I 2 R a + W c )
dIl I 2 R a W c
Ra W c
V VIl 2
Ra W c
V VIl 2
IL2Ra = Wc
Variable loss = Constant loss.
Fig. 3.1
The following points may be noted from O.C.C.:
(i) When the field current is zero, there is some generated e.m.f. OA. This is
due to the residual magnetism in the field poles.
(ii) Over a fairly wide range of field current (upto point B in the curve), the
curve is linear. It is because in this range, reluctance of iron is negligible as
compared with that of air gap. The air gap reluctance is constant and hence
linear relationship.
(iii) After point B on the curve, the reluctance of iron also comes into picture.
is because a t higher flux densities, r for iron decreases and reluctance of
iron is no longer negligible. Consequently, the curve deviates from linear
(iv) After point C on the curve, the magnetic saturation of poles begins and
tends to level off.
The reader may note that the O.C.C. of even self-excited generator is
by running it as a separately excited generator.
The voltage build up in a shunt generator depends upon field circuit
resistance. If the field circuit resistance is r1 (line OA), then generator will
build up a voltage OM as shown fig 17.29. If the field circuit resistance is
increased to r2 (line OB), the generator will build up a voltage OL, slightly
less than OM, as the field circuit resistance is increased, the slop of
resistance line also increase. When the field resistance line becomes tangent
(line OC) to O.C.C. the generator would just excite. If the field circuit
resistance is increased beyond this point (say line OD), the generator will fail
to excite. The field circuit resistance is represented by line OC (tangent to
O.C.C.) is called critical field resistance Rc for the shunt generator. If may be
defined as under:
The maximum field circuit resistance (for a given
speed) with which the shunt generator would just excite is known as its
critical circuit.
Fig 17.30
= E Ia (Ra + Rse)
Therefore; external characteristics curve will lie below internal
characteristics curve by an amount equal to ohmic drop [i.e.; Ia (Ra+ Rse ) ] in
the machine as shown in fig.17.30(ii). The internal and external
characteristics of a dc series generator can be plotted from one another as
shown in fig. 17.31. Suppose we are given the internal characteristics of the
generator. Let the line OC represent the resistance of the whole machine i.e;
Ra +Rse. if the load current is OB, drop in the machine is AB i.e.
AB = ohmic drop in the machine
=OB ( Ra + Rse )
Now raise a perpendicular from point B and make a point b on this line such
that ab = AB. Then point b will lie on external characteristics of the
generator. Following similar procedure, other points of external
characteristics can be located. It is easy to see that we can also plot internal
characteristics from the external characteristics.
Fig. 17.32
External characteristic:
The series winding turns are so adjusted that with the increase in
load current the terminal voltage increases, it is called overcompounded generator. In such a case as the load current
increases, the series m.m.f. increases and tends to increase the flux
and hence the generated voltage. The the increase in generated
voltage is
greater than the Ia Ra drop so that instead of decreasing, the
terminal voltage increases as shown by curve A in fig. 17.34.
If series winding turns are so adjusted that with the increase in load
current, the terminal voltage substantially remains constant, it is
called flat-compounded generator. The series winding of such a
machine has lesser number of turns than the one in overcompounded machine and, therefore, does not increase the flux as
much for a given load current. Consequently, the full-load voltage is
nearly equal to the no-load voltage indicated by curve B is in fig.
If series field winding has lesser number of turns than for a flat
compounded machine, the terminal voltage falls with increase in
load current as indicate by curve C in fig. 17.34. Such a machine is
called under-compounded generator.
no winding resistance
no leakage flux i.e the same flux links both the windings
(iii) no iron losses(i.e eddy current and hysteresis losses) in the core.
Consider an ideal transformer on no load i.e. secondary is open-circuited as
shown in Fig.19.2(i). Under such conditions, the primary is simply a coil of
pure inductance. When an alternating voltage V1 is applied to the primary, it
draws a small magnetising current Im which lags behind the applied voltage
by 900. This alternating current Im produces an alternating flux which is
proportional to and in phase with it. The alternating flux links both the
windings and induces e.m.f. E1 in the primary and e.m.f. E2 in the secondary.
The primary e.m.f E1 is, at every instant, equal to and in opposition to V1.
Both e.m.f E1 and E2 lag behind flux by 900 which is shown in the phasor
diagram in Fig.19.2(ii). However, their magnitudes depend upon the number
of primary and secondary turns.
A transformer is a static piece of equipment used either for raising or
lowering the voltage of an a.c. supply with a corresponding decrease or
increase in current. It essentially consists of two windings, the primary and
secondary, wound on a common laminated magnetic core as shown in
Fig.19.1. The winding connected to the a.c. source is called primary winding
and the one connected to load is called secondary winding.
E2 = - N2
E2/E1 = N2/N1
e1 = -N1 dt
= -N1 dt
( m sint)
E1 =
Em 1
2 f N 1 m
= 4.44f N 1 m
E2 = 4.44f N 2 m
In an ideal transformer, E1 = V1 and E2 = V2
there occurs eddy current and hysteresis losses in it. These two
losses together are known as iron losses or core losses.the iron
losses depend upon the supply frequency, it may be noted that
magnitude of iron losses is quite small in a pratical transformer.
winding resistances: since the windings consist of copper
conductor ,it immediately follows that both primary and secondary
will have winding resistance.the primary resistance R1 and
secondary resistance R2 act in series with the respective windings
as shown in fig.19.3.
I 0 I m2 I W2
No load p.f.,
cos 0 = I W /I 0
E 2 V2
The angle at which I2 lead or lags V2 depends upon the resistance of the load.
In the present case we have considered inductive load so that current I2 lags
behind V2 by 2
The secondary current I2 sets up an m.m.f N2I2 which produce a flux in the
opposite direction to the flux originally set up in the primary by
magnetizing current. This will change the flux in the core from the original
value. However the flux in the core should not the change in the original
value. In ordered to fulfill this condition the primary must developed an
m.m.f which exactly counterbalances the secondary m.m.f N2I2 . Hence a
primary current I1 must follow such that.
N1I1 = N2I2
I1 = (N2 / N1) I2 = K I2
Phasor diagram:- Shows the Phasor diagram of an ideal transformer on load.
Note that in drawing the Phasor diagram, the valu of K has been assumed
unity so that primary Phasor are equal to secondary Phasors. The secondary
current I2 lags behind V2 by 2. It causes a primary current I1 = K I2 = I I2 =
I2 which is in antiphase with it.
1 = 2
Cos 1 = cos 2
Thus, power factor on the primary side is equal to the p.f on the secondary
secondary terminal voltage V2 is less than the secondary e.m.f E2. Let us take
the usual case of inductive load which causes the secondary current I 2 to lag
behind the secondary voltage V2 by 2. The total primary current I1 must two
requirements viz.
It must supply the no load current I0 to meet the iron losses in the
transformer and to provide flux in the core.
N1 I 2' N 2 I 2
I 2'
I 2 KI 2
I 2'
I1 = I2+I0
V1 E1 I 1 ( R1 jX 1 )
= - E1 + I1 Z1
V 2 E 2 I 2 ( R2 jX 2 )
E2 I 2 Z 2
I 1 I 0 ( KI 2 )
cos 2
cos 1
P1 V1 I1 cos 1
P2 V2 I 2 cos 2
( 2 )( 1 )
Note the importance of above relation. We can transfer the parameters from
one winding to the others, thus;
R01 R1 R2' R1 R2 / K 2
Equivalent reactance of transformer referred to primary,
X 01 X 1 X 2' X 1 X 2 / K 2
Equivalent impedance of transformer referred to primary,
Z 01 R012 X 012
R02 R2 R1' R2 R1 K 2
Equivalent reactance of transformer referred to secondary
X 02 X 2 X 1' X 2 X 1 K 2
Equivalent impedance of transformer referred to secondary,
Z 02 R022 X 022
The no load current I0 is only 1 3% of the rated primary current and may be
neglected without any serious error. The transformer can then show as in
This is an approximate representation because no load current had been
neglected. Note that all the circuit elements have been shown external so
that the transformer is the ideal one.
The equivalent circuit in fig. is an electrical circuit and can be solved for
various current voltages. Thus if we find V2 and I2 , then actual secondary
values can be determind as under:
V2 KV2'
I 2 I 2' / K
V1 V1' / K
I1 I1' K
Actual secondary current,
Voltage regulation :
The voltage regulation of a transformer is a arithmatic difference between
the no load secondary voltage (0V2) and the secondary voltage V2 on load
expresed as percetage of no load voltage i.e
% age voltage regulation =
V2 = Secondary voltage on load
We know ,
V2 V2 = I2 R02 cos 2
I2X02 sin 2
The +ve sign is for lagging p.f and ve sign is for leading p.f .
Transformer test:
The circuit constants, eficiency and voltage regulation of a transformer can
be determined by two simple test 1. Open circuit test and 2. Shot circuit
test. These tests are very convenient as they provide the required
information without actually loading the transformer .
As the normal rated voltage is applied to the primary, therefor normal iron
losses will occur in the transfomer core. Hence wattmeter will record the iron
losses and small copper loss in the primary. Since no load current I0 is very
small , Cu losses in the primary under no load condition are negligible as
compared with iron losses. Hence wattmeter reading practically gives the
iron losses in the transformer. It is reminded that iron losses are the same at
all load .
Iron losses,
P1 = Wattmeter reading = W0
No load current
= ammeter reading = I0
Applied voltage
= voltmeter reading = V1
Input power ,
W0 = V1I0 cos 0
No load p.f.
cos 0 = W0/V1I0
Iw = I0 cos 0 ; Im = I0 sin 0
Thus open circuit test gives Pi , I0, cos 0 , Iw , and Im.
2. Short-Circuit or impedance test.
In this test, the secondary in short-circuited by a tick conductor and variable
low voltage is applied to the primary as shown in fig. The low input voltage is
gradually raised till at voltage Vsc, full-load current I1 flows in the primary.
Then I2 in the secondary also has full-load value since I1/I2 = N2/N1 . Under
such conditions, the copper loss in the windings is the same as that on full
= I1
P I 2 R I 2R' I 2R
1 1 1 2
1 01
P / I2
impedance referred to primary.
V / I
sc 1
X 01
Z 01
cos s Pc / Vsc I1
Short circuit power factor
R01andX 01
The short circuit test gives full load Cu loss,
The power losses in a transformer are of two types, namely ;
1. Core or Iron losses.
2. Copper losses .
These losses appear in the form of heat and produce 1. An increase in
temperature and 2. A drop in efficiency
1. Core or Iron losses (Pi) : These consist of hysteresis and eddy current
losses and occur in the transformer core due to the alternating flux. These
can be determined by open-circuit test .
Hysteresis loss = Khf Bm1.6 watts/m3
Eddy current loss = Ke f2Bm2 t2 watts/m3
Both hysteresis and eddy current losses depend upon (i) maximum flux
density Bm in the core and (ii) supply frequency f. Since transformer are
connected to constant-frecuency, constant voltage supply, both f and Bm are
constant . Hence, core or iron losses are practically the same at all loads.
Iron or core losses, Pi = Hysteresis loss + Eddy current loss
= Constant losses .
The hysteresis loss can be minimised by using steel of high silicon content
whereas eddy current loss can be reduced by using core of thin laminations .
2. Copper losses : These losses occur in both the primary and secondary
windings due to their ohmicresistence. These can be determined by shortcircuit test.
Total Cu losses PC = I12 R1+ I22 R2
= I12 R01 Or I22 R02
It is clear that copper losses vary as the square of load current . Thus if
copper losses are 400W at a load current of 10A, Then they will be ()
400 =100 w at a load current of 5A .
Total losses in a transformer = Pi +PC
= Constant losses + Variable losses
It may be noted that in a transformer, copper losses account for about 90%
of the total losses .
F.L Iron loss = Pi
F.L Cu loss = PC
Total F.L losses = Pi + PC
We can now find the full-load efficiency of the transformer at any p.f without
actually loading the transformer.
( Fullload VA X p . f ) +
Fullload VA X p . f
Corresponding x =
( x Fullload VA X p . f )+
x Fullload VA X p . f
= Pi + PC
So , Transformer
+ R02
Pi / R02
I2 =
Total Cu losses = x2 PC
x2 PC = Pi .for maximum efficiency
Pi / PC
(Iron loss)
Solution. (1)
E2=4.44 f N2 Bm A
3000=4.44503751.2A; A=0.03 m2
A=(0.20.2)0.9=0.036 m2
Bm=1.3 T,
11000=4.4450N11.30.036, N1=1060
550=4.4450N21.30.036, N2=53
(2)e.m.f./ turn=11000/1060=10.4 V
Example 32.3. A single phase transformer has 400 primary and 1000
secondary turns The net cross sectional area of the core is 60 cm2.If the
primary winding be connected to a50 hz supply at 520 v, calculate(1)the
peak value of flux density in the core (2)the voltage induced in the
secondary winding.
(1) K=N2/N1=1000/400==2.5
E2/E1=K ; E2=KE1=2.5520=1300 v
E1=4.44 f N1 Bm A
500=4.4450400Bm(6010 -4) ;Bm =0.976
Example 32.8.A single phase, 50 hz, core type transformer has square cores
of 20 cn side. Permissible maximum flux density is 1Wb/m2.calculate the
number of turns per limb on the High and Low voltage sides for a 3000/220 V
Solution. Starting with calculation for L.V.turns, T2,
T1/T2=V1/V2; T1=263000/220=354
Number of turns on eacg Limb =177
Number of turns on each Limb=13
Example 32.7. A 25 KVA single phase transformer has 250 turns on the
primary and 40 turns on the secondary winding .The primary is connected
to 1500 volt,50 Hz mains.(1)primary and secondary currents on full load,
(2)secondary e.m.f.,(3)maximum flux in the core.
Example 32.6.A single phase transformer has 500 turns in the primary and
1200 turns in the secondary. The cross- sectional area of the core is 80 sq.
cm. If the primary winding is connected to a 50Hz supply at 500 v, calculate
(1)Peal flux density, and (2) Voltage induced in the secondary.
Soolution. From the e.m.f. equation for transformer ,
500=4.4450m500 ; m=1/222 Wb
(1) peak flux density, Bm=m/(8010-4)=0.563 wb/m2
Example 32.4. A 25 KVA transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 50
turns on the secondary winding. The primary is connected to 3000 V,50 Hz
supply. Find the full load primary and secondary currents, the secondary
e.m.f. and the maximum fiux in the core. Neglect leakage drops and no load
primary current.
Dc motor principle:
A machine that converts dc power into mechanical power is known as a dc
motor. The principle of dc motor can be stated as When a current carrying
conductor is placed in a magnetic field, the conductor experiences a
mechanical force. The direction of this force is given by fleming left hand
rule and its magnitudes is given by
Ra = armature resistance
Ia = armature current
Since back e.m.f Eb acts in opposition to the applied voltage V, the net
voltage across the armature circuit is V-Eb. The armature current Ia is given by
V = E b+ I a Ra.(i)
Power equation of d.c. motor:
Multiplying both sides of equ. (i),
V I a = EbIa+I2aRa
Eb Ia = V I a - I2aRa
Condition for maximum power:
The mechanical power developed by the motor is, Pm= Eb Ia
For maximum power,
V -2 IaRa = 0
V = 2IaRa
IaRa = V/2
ZI a P
2 A
From the Fig.1, shunt current is considered negligible because its value is not
(i) As generator[Fig.i] Eg = V+IaRa =220+(0.5x20)=230 V
(ii) As motor [Fig.ii]
Eb = V-IaRa = 220-(0.5x20)=210 V
Prob-2: A separately excited D.C. generator has armature circuit 1000 r.p.m,
it delivers a current of 100 A at 250 V to a load of constant resistance. If the
generator speed drop to 700 r.p.m, with field current unaltered, find the
current delivered to load.
RL = 250/100= 2.5 ohms.
Eg1 = 250+(100x0.1)+2 = 262 V
At 700 r.p.m., Eg2 = 262x(700/1000) = 183.4 V
If Ia is the new current, Eg2-2-(Iax0.10)= 2.5 Ia
This gives Ia = 96.77 amp.
Prob-3: A 220 V, shunt motor has armature resistance of 0.8 ohm and field
resistance of 200 ohm. Determine the back e.m.f. when giving an output of
7.46 kw at 85 percent efficiency.
Motor input power = (7.46X103)/0.85 W
Motor input current = (7460/0.85)/440 = 19.95 A
Ish = 440/200 = 2.2 A
Ia = IL-Ish = 19.95-2.25 =17.75 A
Eb = V-IaRa
= 440-(17.75x0.8) =425.8 V
Prob-4: A 25 kw, 250 V, d.c. shunt motor has armature resistance of 0.06
ohm and field resistance of 100 ohm. Determine the total armature power
As Generator[Fig.i]
Output current = 25000/250 =100A
Ish = 250/100 = 2.5 A;
Ia = 102.5 A
Generated e.m.f. = V+IaRa
= 250+(102.5x0.06) = 256.15 V
Power developed in armature = EbIa
= (256.15x102.5)/1000 = 26.25 kw
As motor [Fig.ii],
Motor input current = 100 A ; Ish = 2.5 A ; Ia = 97.5 A
Eb = 250-(97.5x0.06) = 244.15 V
Power developed in armature = EbIa
= (244.15x97.5)/1000 = 23.8 kw
Prob-5: A d.c. motor takes an armature current of 110 A at 480 V. The
armature circuit resistance is 0.2 ohm. The machine has 6-poles and the
armature is lap-connected with 864 conductors. The flux per pole is 0.05 Wb.
Calculate- (i) the speed and
(ii) the gross torque developed by the armature.
Here Eb = 480-(110x0.2)= 458 V,
=0.05 W,
Eb = (ZNP)/60A
N = 636 r.p.m.
Ta = 0.159xZIa x(P/A)
= 0.159x0.05x864x110x(6x6)
Z = 864
= 756.3 N-m
Prob-6: A 250 V, 4-pole, wave-wound d.c. series motor has 782 conductors
on its armature. It has armature and series field resistance of 0.75 ohm. The
motor takes a current of 40 A. Estimate its speed and gross torque developed
if it has a flux per pole of 25 mWb.
Here Eb = (ZNP)/60A .................(i)
Now, Eb = V-IaRa
= 250-(40x0.75) = 220 V
From equation (i),
220 = (25x10-3x782xNx4)/60x2
N = 337 r.p.m
Ta = 0.159xZIa x(P/A)
= 0.159x25x10-3x782x40x2
= 249 N-m
Prob-7: A d.c. shunt machine develops an a.c. e.m.f. of 250 V at 1500 r.p.m.
Find its torque and mechanical power developed for an armature current of
50 A.
Mechanical power developed in the armature = EbIa
= 250x50=12,500
Ta = 9.55(EbIa/N)
= 9.55(12500/1500) = 79.6 N-m
Eb = (ZNP)/60A
193= 25x10-3x800xN(4/2)
N = 289 r.p.m
2NTsh = Output
Tsh(2 x 289) = 8200
Tsh = 4.52 N -m
Prob-9: A 220-V, d.c. shunt motor runs at 500 r.p.m. when the armature
circuit is 50 A. Calculate the speed if the torque is doubled. Given that Ra =
0.2 ohm.
We know, Ta Ia
Since is constant, Ta Ia
Now, Ta1 Ia1
and Ta2 Ia2
Ta2/Ta1 = Ia2/Ia1
Ia2 = 100 A
Now, N2/N1 = Eb2/Eb1.................(i)
Eb1 = 220- (50x0.2)= 210 V
From equation (i),
N2/500 = 200/210
N2 = 476 r.p.m.
Prob-10: A 500 V, 37.3 KW, 1000 r.p.m. d.c. shunt motor has on full-load an
efficiency of 90 percent. The armature circuit resistance is 0.24 ohm and
there is total voltage drop of 2V at the brushes. The field current is 1.8 A.
Determine - (i) full-load line current
(ii) full load shaft torque in N-m and
(iii) total resistance in motor starter to limit the starting
current to 1.5 times the full load current.
(i) Motor input = 37300/0.9 = 41444 W
F.L. line current = 41444/500 = 82.9 A
(ii) Tsh = 9.55 ( Output/N)
= 9.55(37300/1000) = 356 N-m
(iii) Starting line current = 1.5 x 82.9 = 124.3 A
Arm. current at starting = 124.3-1.8 = 122.5 A
If R is the starter resistance( which is in series with armature),
then- 122.5(R+0.24) +2 = 500
R = 3.825 ohm.
Prob- 11: A 4-pole, 220 V shunt motor has 540 lap-wound conductor. It takes
32 A from the supply mains and develops output power of 5.595 KW. The
field winding takes 1 A. The armature resistance is 0.09 ohm and the flux per
pole is 30 mWb.
Calculate- (i) the speed and
(ii) the torque developed in N-m.
Ia = IL - Ish = 32-1 =31 A ; Eb = V-IaRa = 220-(31x0.09) = 217.2 V
Eb = (ZNP)/60A
217.2 = ( 30x10-3x540xNx4)x(60x4)
217.2 = 0.27 N
N = 804. 444 r.p.m.
Tsh = 9.55 ( Output/N)
= 9.55(5595/804.444)
= 66.42 N-m
Prob- 12: Determine the torque established by the armature of a four-pole
D.C. motor having 774 conductors, two paths in parallel, 24 mWb of poleflux and the armature current is 50 Amps.
We know,
Torque, T = 0.159xZIa x(P/A) Nw-m
Two paths in parallel for a 4-pole case means a wave winding.
T = 0.159x(24x10-3)x774x50x(4/2)
= 295.36 Nw-m
Prob- 13: A 500 V D.C. shunt motor draws a line-current of 5 A on light-load.
If armature resistance is 0.15 ohm and field resistance is 200 ohm,
determine the efficiency of the machine running as a generator delivering a
load current of 40 Amps.
(i) No load, running as a motor:
Input power = 500x5 = 2500 W
Field copper-loss = 500x2.5 = 1250 W