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Chapter-1 1.1 Introduction To The Project: Vehicle Theft Detection and Tracking Notification With Remote Engine Locking

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking



In recent years vehicle theft has become a significant issue which should be traced
and detected. The safety and security of the vehicle is essential. Even there are many
existing mechanisms this have some limitations and high cost. So, an efficient
security mechanism is needed. This project detects vehicle theft. Arduino is the main
component which is used to user interface DC motor and GPS, GSM. The place of
the vehicle detected using Global positioning system (GPS) and Global system mobile
communication (GSM) with the help of Wi-Fi module ESP 8266. GPS is a space-
based navigation system used to track the vehicle and it gives the location of the
stolen device in all weather conditions.

It gives the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of the device using GPS antenna.
GSM is a specialized type of modem it accepts a SIM card, and operates like a mobile
phone. It is used to provide information to the user and alert him with a message
having latitude and longitude of the vehicle. This total system is operated with a
switch which is made on, when we park the vehicles out. Now if the vehicle theft
happened, dc motor starts, the above procedure continues and the information is
posted using internet of things. This vehicle theft prevention and tracking system is
used in client’s vehicle as a theft prevention and rescue device.

is increasing day by day. The automobile manufacturers are try to improve the
security features of their products by introducing advanced technologies to avoid the
thefts particularly in the case of cars. Despite the various technologies that have been
introduced in recent years to deter car thefts and tracking it, It was reported that as
many as cars were stolen yearly in the world. According to the National Crime
Information Centre (NCIC), in 2006, 1,192,809 motor vehicles were reported stolen,
the losses were 7.9$ billion. Several security and tracking systems are designed to aid
corporations with large number of vehicles and several usage purposes.

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

A fleet management system can minimize the cost and effort of employees to
complete road assignments within a minimal time. Besides, assignments can be
scheduled in planed based on, current vehicles location. Therefore, central fleet
management is essential to all large enterprises to meet the varying requirements of
customers and to improve the productivity. However, there are still some security
gaps where these technologies can't prevent a vehicle from theft, don‘t assist to
recover it and don‘t allow the users to know the status of their vehicles. They can‘t
permit the user to communicate with the vehicle online, even if the user is certain that
his vehicle was stolen. In wireless data transporting,
it is a common feature with all mobile network service providers. Utilization of WIFI
technology has become popular because it is low cost, convenient and accessible way
of transferring and receiving data with high reliability

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking


With the advancement of innovation in the recent years, various systems and
developments are utilized in different fields. Vehicle burglary discovery focuses
essentially on the different lock framework or observing and controlling of vehicle
from a far off area. These kinds of gadgets can't be for all intents and purposes
inferred as there are different deficiencies and the rationales should be reconsidered.
A sensor based vehicle burglary discovery framework alongside certain highlights
like fire identification is executed in the vehicle.

Two android gadgets speak with one another one from the vehicle and the other is
with the proprietor of the vehicle. A secret phrase lock is utilized to control the
vehicle. At the point when a client attempts to get to the vehicle the proposed utilizes
should be approved really at that time the vehicle start can be turned on. Steady
observation of any article is kept up on vehicle. Distant checking of vehicle is spilled
through the observation cushion.

An occasion discovery module consists of occasion location sensor and occasion

recognition rationale. At whatever point the start is begun the area is refreshed in the
cushion. Secret phrase locks with distant start remove components are utilized with
the regulator of the vehicle. Assuming any inaccurate secret word is experienced
multiple occasions, the motor is cut off and the vehicle can't be gotten to any longer.
At the point when any occasion of robbery has happened is cautions the close by
client with a signal sound. Face acknowledgment systems are utilized when the motor
is turned over an image is caught and shipped off the proprietor of the vehicle. This
individual can confirm the client and recognize if the vehicle is taken. The picture is
put away in the compacted design and just when the picture is checked is vehicle's
start can be empowered.


THINGS, The framework developed successfully gives a use of associated gadgets or

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

Internet of things in Transportation. The Modules like GPS and GSM are assist us
with following the area of vehicle utilizing the GPS antenna in the vehicle. Since,
utilization of this open source technologies makes system financially savvy and easy
to understand. Versatile organization suppliers gave the security standards and
subsequently security is very good.[6]

With the help of Raspberry Pi, checking and tracking gets conceivable, System plays
a significant role in controlling and tracking vehicle live. At whatever point there is
vehicle theft situation or vehicle's mishap situations occur, the proposed system gives
the vehicle's present location, speed to the vehicle proprietor's portable. One of the
advantage is live tracking of vehicle prior. There is concern that arrangement is given
to a student according to circumstances.

Handling of data is finished by GPS device: Vehicle tracking is reflecting situation,

System mirroring the tracking scenario of a vehicle by using SPSS. The position of
vehicle as scope latitude and longitude not analysed through investigation report table
as well as tracked by line chart respect to time. The movement of vehicle as speed not
only analyzed through the report table as well as tracked by line chart concerning
time. various inputs regarding efficiency in tracking task has been recognized during
the data analysis.

4. Advance innovations like GPS/GSM/GPRS and android application are possible,

this paper has describe the design and execution of our vehicle tracking system. server
and cell phone applications make the tracking system more

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

Vehicle theft has become a major issue which should be traced and prevented.
The proposed system overcomes most of the limitations and the cost effectiveness
and also reducing complications by making use of few high priced products like
ignition key. In proposed method we have 4 pin Push button Patton based
unlocking system to turn ON the ignition. This system activates only when the
GPS module is gets activated and this extension for controlling mechanisms which
remotely locks the vehicle engine and prevents the theft. In proposed technique,
user can start/stop the vehicle either by using the android application or by the
ignition keypad based security unlocking system..


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The monitoring system contains several components. This chapter gives a

detailed review of each of this part along with its working.


The Power supplies are designed to convert high voltage AC mains electricity
to a sustainable low voltage supply for electronic circuits and other devices. A
power supply can be broken down into a series of blocks, each of which performs
a particular function. A DC power supply which maintains the output voltage
constant irrespective of AC mains.

The 5V regulated power supply system as shown in below:

Block Diagram of

Power Supply

As in above figure this circuit is an approach to obtain both 12V and 5V DC

power supply. The circuit uses two ICs 7812(IC1) and 7805 (IC2) for obtaining
the required voltages. The AC mains voltage will be stepped down by the
transformer T1, rectified by filtered by capacitor C1 to obtain a steady DC level.

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The IC1 regulates this voltage to bridge B1 and obtain a steady 12V DC. The
output of the IC1 will be regulated by the IC2 to obtain a steady 5V DC at its

output. In this way both 12V and 5V DC are obtained. Such a circuit is very
useful in cases when we need two DC voltages for the operation of a circuit.

The LM78XX series of three terminal positive regulators are available in the
TO-220 package and with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a
wide range of applications. Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal
shut down and safe operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible.
If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output current.
Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these devices can be
used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.

The power supply section is the section which provide +5V for the components
to work. IC LM7805 is used for providing a constant power of +5V.

The ac voltage, typically 220V, is connected to a transformer, which steps down

that ac voltage down to the level of the desired dc output. A diode rectifier then
provides a full-wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a simple
capacitor filter to produce a dc voltage. This resulting dc voltage usually has
some ripple or ac voltage variation.

A regulator circuit removes the ripples and also retains the same dc value
even if the input dc voltage varies, or the load connected to the output dc voltage
changes. This voltage regulation is usually obtained using one of the popular
voltage regulator IC units.


Transformers convert AC electricity from one voltage to another with little loss
of power. Transformers work only with AC and this is one of the reasons why
mains electricity is AC.

Step-up transformers increase voltage, step-down transformers reduce voltage.

Most power supplies use a step-down transformer to reduce the dangerously high
mains voltage (230V in India) to a safer low voltage.

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The input coil is called the primary and the output coil is called the secondary.
There is no electrical connection between the two coils; instead they are linked by
an alternating magnetic field created in the soft-iron core of the transformer.
Transformers waste very little power so the power out is (almost) equal to the
power in. Note that as voltage is stepped down current is stepped up.

The transformer will step down the power supply voltage (0-230V) to (0- 6V)
level. Then the secondary of the potential transformer will be connected to the
bridge rectifier, which is constructed with the help of PN junction diodes. The
advantages of using bridge rectifier are it will give peak voltage output as DC.


There are several ways of connecting diodes to make a rectifier to convert AC

to DC. The bridge rectifier is the most important and it produces full-wave
varying DC. A full-wave rectifier can also be made from just two diodes if a
centre-tap transformer is used, but this method is rarely used now that diodes are
cheaper. A single diode can be used as a rectifier but it only uses the positive (+)
parts of the AC wave to produce half-wave varying DC

Bridge Rectifier

When four diodes are connected as shown in figure, the circuit is called as
bridge rectifier. The input to the circuit is applied to the diagonally opposite
corners of the network, and the output is taken from the remaining two corners.
Let us assume that the transformer is working properly and there is a positive
potential, at point A and a negative potential at point B. the positive potential at
point A will forward bias D3 and reverse bias D4.

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Bridge rectifier

The negative potential at point B will forward bias D1 and reverse D2. At this
time D3 and D1 are forward biased and will allow current flow to pass through
them; D4 and D2 are reverse biased and will block current flow.

One advantage of a bridge rectifier over a conventional full-wave rectifier is that

with a given transformer the bridge rectifier produces a voltage output that is nearly
twice that of the conventional full-wave circuit.

i. The main advantage of this bridge circuit is that it does

not require a special centre tapped transformer, thereby
reducing its size and cost.
ii. The single secondary winding is connected to one side of the diode bridge
network and the load to the other side as shown below.

iii. The result is still a pulsating direct current but with double the frequency.

Waveform Of

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Smoothing is performed by a large value electrolytic capacitor connected

across the DC supply to act as a reservoir, supplying current to the output when
the varying DC voltage from the rectifier is falling. The capacitor charges quickly
near the peak of the varying DC, and then discharges as it supplies current to the

Voltage Regulators

Voltage regulators comprise a class of widely used ICs. Regulator IC units

contain the circuitry for reference source, comparator amplifier, control device,
and overload protection all in a single IC. IC units provide regulation of either a
fixed positive voltage, a fixed negative voltage, or an adjustably set voltage. The
regulators can be selected for operation with load currents from hundreds of milli
amperes to tens of amperes, corresponding to power ratings from milli watts to
tens of watts

A fixed three-terminal voltage regulator has an unregulated dc input voltage,

Vi, applied to one input terminal, a regulated dc output voltage, Vo, from a
second terminal, with the third terminal connected to ground.

The series 78 regulators provide fixed positive regulated voltages from 5 to 24

volts. Similarly, the series 79 regulators provide fixed negative regulated voltages
from 5 to 24 volts. Voltage regulator ICs are available with fixed (typically 5, 12
and 15V) or variable output voltages. They are also rated by the maximum
current they can pass. Negative voltage regulators are available, mainly for use in
dual supplies. Most regulators include some automatic protection from excessive
current ('overload protection') and overheating ('thermal protection').

Many of the fixed voltage regulator ICs has 3 leads and look like power
transistors, such as the 7805 +5V 1Amp regulator. They include a hole for
attaching a heat sink if necessary.

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7805 voltage

The Node MCU is an open-source firmware and development kit that helps you to
Prototype your IOT product within a few Lua script lines. The ESP8266 is the name
of a micro controller designed by Expressive Systems.
This module comes with a built in USB connector and a rich assortment of pin-outs.
With a micro USB cable, you can connect Node MCU devkit to your laptop and flash
it without any trouble, just like Arduino. It is also immediately breadboard friendly
Features of Node MCU:

 Open-source
 Interactive
 Programmable
 Low cost
 Simple
 Smart
 WI-FI enabled

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The ESP8266 is a low cost MCU with built in Wi-Fi. It can be paired with another
host microcontroller, like an Arduino, to provide Wi-Fi networking capability for a
basic IoT development platform. Additionally, the ESP8266 can be used as a stand-
alone MCU, as it includes a 32-bit 80 MHz processor, 16 GPIO pins (4 PWM
enabled) and a built in Analog-to-Digital converter, SPI and I2C interfaces and
more… The MCU has a n operating voltage of 2.5V – 3.6V and average operating
current of 80 mA.

ESP8266 – ESP-12E version

An open source, full development board around ESP8266 has been designed by
the Node MCU team that includes additional USB to Serial UART adapter, a micro

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USB port for programming and a 3.3v regulator. The Node MCU board comes
ready out-of-the-box for you to connect to your computer, install USB drivers, and
start writing programs that connect to your Wi-Fi network! All of that at an average
price of about $4 USD on eBay.

ESP8266 – Block Diagram

Features of ESP8266:
• 802.11 b/g/n
• Integrated low power 32-bit MCU
• Integrated 10-bit ADC
• Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
• Integrated TR switch, balun, LNA, power amplifier and matching network
• Integrated PLL, regulators, and power management units
• Supports antenna diversity
• WiFi 2.4 GHz, support WPA/WPA2
• Support STA/AP/STA+AP operation modes
• Support Smart Link Function for both Android and iOS devices
• SDIO 2.0, (H) SPI, UART, I2C, I2S, IR Remote Control, PWM, GPIO
• STBC, 1x1 MIMO, 2x1 MIMO

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• A-MPDU & A-MSDU aggregation & 0.4s guard interval

• Deep sleep power < 5uA
• Wake up and transmit packets in < 2ms
• Standby power consumption of < 1.0mW (DTIM3)
• +20 dBm output power in 802.11b mode
• Operating temperature range -40C ~ 125C

• FCC, CE, TELEC, Wi-Fi Alliance, and SRRC certified

The switch SW2 (Programming Switch) should be held pressed to hold the GPIO-0
pin to ground. This way we can enter into the programming mode and upload the
code. Once the code is released the switch can be released.

ESP8266 Pin Configuration:

ESP8266 Pin Configuration

Pin Alternate
Pin Name Normally used for Alternate purpose
Number Name
Connected to the ground of
1 Ground - -
the circuit
Can act as a General
Connected to Rx pin of
purpose Input/output
2 TX GPIO – 1 programmer/uC  to upload
pin when not used as
General purpose
3 GPIO-2 - -
Input/output pin
4 CH_EN - Chip Enable – Active high -
Takes module into
General purpose serial programming
5 GPIO - 0 Flash
Input/output pin when held low during
start up
6 Reset - Resets the module -
7 RX GPIO – 3 General purpose Can act as a General

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purpose Input/output
Input/output pin pin when not used as
8 Vcc - Connect to +3.3V only  

Usage of the ESP8266 Module:

There are so many methods and IDEs available to with ESP modules, but the most
commonly used on is the Arduino IDE.

The ESP8266 module works with 3.3V only, anything more than 3.7V would kill the
module. Program an ESP-01 by using the FTDI board that supports 3.3V
programming. One commonly problem that everyone faces with ESP-01 is the
powering up problem. The module is a bit power hungry while programming and
power it with a 3.3V pin on Arduino or just use a potential divider. So it is important
to make a small voltage regulator for 3.31v that could supply a minimum of 500mA.
One recommended regulator is the LM317. A simplified circuit diagram for using
the ESP8266-01 module is given below

Circuit diagram

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A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may be mechanical,
electromechanical, or piezoelectric. Typical uses of buzzers and beepers include
alarms, timers and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke. A
piezoelectric element may be driven by an oscillating electronic circuit or other audio
signal source, driven with a piezoelectric audio amplifier. Sounds commonly used to
indicate that a button has been pressed are a click, a ring or a beep.
It most commonly consists of a number of switches or sensors connected to a
control unit that determines if and which button was pushed or a preset time has
lapsed, and usually illuminates a light on the appropriate button or control panel, and
sounds a warning in the form of a continuous or intermittent buzzing or beeping
sound. Initially this device was based on an electromechanical system which was
identical to an electric bell without the metal gong (which makes the ringing noise).
Often these units were anchored to a wall or ceiling and used the ceiling or wall as a
sounding board. Another implementation with some AC-connected devices was to
implement a circuit to make the AC current into a noise loud enough to drive a
loudspeaker and hook this circuit up to a cheap 8-ohm speaker. Nowadays, it is more
popular to use a ceramic-based piezoelectric sounder like a Sonalert which makes a
high-pitched tone. Usually these were hooked up to "driver" circuits which varied the
pitch of the sound or pulsed the sound on and off.

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Rated Voltage:
A piezo buzzer is driven by square waves (V p-p).Operating Voltage: For
normal operating. But it is not guaranteed to make the minimum SPL under the rated
Consumption Current:
The current is stably consumed under the regular operation. However, it
normally takes three times of current at the moment of starting to work.

A piezo buzzer can make higher SPL with higher capacitance, but it
consumes more electricity.
Sound Output:
The sound output is measured by decibel meter. Applying rated voltage and
square waves, and the distance of 10 cm.

Rated Frequency:
A buzzer can make sound on any frequencies, but we suggest that the highest
and the most stable SPL come from the rated frequency.
Operating Temp.:
Keep working well between -30℃ and +70℃.

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A relay is an electromechanical switch, which perform ON and OFF operations

without any human interaction. General representation of double contact relay is
shown in fig.  Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-
power signal (with complete electrical isolation between control and controlled
circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal.


Generally, the relay consists a inductor coil, a spring (not shown in the figure), Swing
terminal, and two high power contacts named as normally closed (NC) and normally
opened (NO). Relay uses an Electromagnet to move swing terminal between two
contacts (NO and NC). When there is no power applied to the inductor coil (Relay is
OFF), the spring holds the swing terminal is attached to NC contact.

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Representation of Relay

Whenever required power is applied to the inductor coil, the current flowing through
the coil generates a magnetic field which is helpful to move the swing terminal and
attached it to the normally open (NO) contact. Again when power is OFF, the spring
restores the swing terminal position to NC.

Advantage of relay:
A relay takes small power to turn ON, but it can control high power devices to switch
ON and OFF. Consider an example; a relay is used to control the ceiling FAN at our
home. The ceiling FAN may runs at 230V AC and draws a current maximum of 4A.
Therefore the power required is 4X230 = 920 watts. Off course we can control AC,
lights, etc., depend up on the relay ratings. Relays can be used to control DC
motors in ROBOTICs.

Relay Driver Circuit:

The ULN2003 is a monolithic IC consists of seven NPN Darlington transistor pairs
with high voltage and current capability. It is commonly used for applications such as
relay drivers, motor, display drivers, led lamp drivers, logic buffers, line drivers,
hammer drivers and other high voltage current applications. It consists of common
cathode clamp diodes for each NPN Darlington pair which makes this driver IC useful
for switching inductive loads.

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The output of the driver is open collector and the collector current rating of each
Darlington pair is 500mA. Darlington pairs may be paralleled if higher current is
required. The driver IC also consists of a 2.7KΩ base resistor for each Darlington
pair. Thus each Darlington pair can be operated directly with TTL or 5V CMOS
devices. This driver IC can be used for high voltage applications up to 50V.

Logic Diagram of ULN2003

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Note that the driver provides open collector output, so it can only sink current, cannot
source. Thus when a 5V is given to 1B terminal, 1C terminal will be connected to
ground via Darlington pair and the maximum current that it can handle is 500A. From
the above logic diagram we can see that cathode of protection diodes are shorted to
9th pin called COM. So for driving inductive loads, it must connect to the supply
ULN2003 is widely used in relay driving and stepper motor driving applications.
* 500mA rated collector current (Single output)
* High-voltage outputs: 50V

* Inputs compatible with various types of logic.

* Relay driver application


A push-button (also spelled pushbutton) or simply button is a simple switch

mechanism for controlling some aspect of a machine or a process. Buttons are
typically made out of hard material, usually plastic or metal. The surface is usually
flat or shaped to accommodate the human finger or hand, so as to be easily depressed
or pushed. Buttons are most often biased switches, though even many un-biased
buttons (due to their physical nature) require a spring to return to their un-pushed
state. Different people use different terms for the "pushing" of the button, such as
press, depress, mash, and punch.


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In industrial and commercial applications push buttons can be linked together by a

mechanical linkage so that the act of pushing one button causes the other button to be
released. In this way, a stop button can "force" a start button to be released. This
method of linkage is used in simple manual operations in which the machine or
process have no electrical circuits for control.
Pushbuttons are often color-coded to associate them with their function so that
the operator will not push the wrong button in error. Commonly used colors are red
for stopping the machine or process and green for starting the machine or process.

Red pushbuttons can also have large heads (mushroom shaped) for easy
operation and to facilitate the stopping of a machine. These pushbuttons are called
emergency stop buttons and are mandated by the electrical code in many jurisdictions
for increased safety. This large mushroom shape can also be found in buttons for use
with operators who need to wear gloves for their work and could not actuate a regular
flush-mounted push button. As an aid for operators and users in industrial or
commercial applications, a pilot light is commonly added to draw the attention of the
user and to provide feedback if the button is pushed. Typically this light is included
into the center of the pushbutton and a lens replaces the pushbutton hard center disk.

The source of the energy to illuminate the light is not directly tied to the
contacts on the back of the pushbutton but to the action the pushbutton controls. In
this way a start button when pushed will cause the process or machine operation to be
started and a secondary contact designed into the operation or process will close to
turn on the pilot light and signify the action of pushing the button caused the resultant
process or action to start.

In popular culture, the phrase "the button" refers to a (usually fictional) button
that a military or government leader could press to launch nuclear weapons.
Push to ON button:

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Fig 4.7(a): push on button

Initially the two contacts of the button are open. When the button is pressed they
become connected. This makes the switching operation using the push button.

What is DC Motor?
A DC motor is an electric motor that runs on direct current (DC) electricity. In any
electric motor, operation is based on simple electromagnetism. A current-carrying
conductor generates a magnetic field; when this is then placed in an external magnetic

field, it will experience a force proportional to the current in the conductor, and to the
strength of the external magnetic field. As you are well aware of from playing with
magnets as a kid, opposite (North and South) polarities attract, while like polarities
(North and North, South and South) repel. The internal configuration of a DC motor is
designed to harness the magnetic interaction between a current-carrying conductor
and an external magnetic field to generate rotational motion.
Let's start by looking at a simple 2-pole DC electric motor (here red represents
a magnet or winding with a "North" polarization, while green represents a magnet or
winding with a "South" polarization).

Fig.4.8(c) DC motor

Every DC motor has six basic parts -- axle, rotor (a.k.a., armature), stator,
commutator, field magnet(s), and brushes. In most common DC motors, the external
magnetic field is produced by high-strength permanent magnets1. The stator is the
stationary part of the motor -- this includes the motor casing, as well as two or more
permanent magnet pole pieces. The rotor rotates with respect to the stator. The rotor
consists of windings (generally on a core), the windings being electrically connected

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to the commutator. The above diagram shows a common motor layout -- with the
rotor inside the stator (field) magnets.
The geometry of the brushes, commutator contacts, and rotor windings are
such that when power is applied, the polarities of the energized winding and the stator
magnet(s) are misaligned, and the rotor will rotate until it is almost aligned with the
stator's field magnets. As the rotor reaches alignment, the brushes move to the next
commutator contacts, and energize the next winding. Given our example two-pole
motor, the rotation reverses the direction of current through the rotor winding, leading
to a "flip" of the rotor's magnetic field, driving it to continue rotating.

In real life, though, DC motors will always have more than two poles (three is
a very common number). In particular, this avoids "dead spots" in the commutator.
You can imagine how with our example two-pole motor, if the rotor is exactly at the
middle of its rotation (perfectly aligned with the field magnets), it will get "stuck"
there. Meanwhile, with a two-pole motor, there is a moment where the commutator
shorts out the power supply (i.e., both brushes touch both commutator contacts
simultaneously). This would be bad for the power supply, waste energy, and damage
motor components as well. Yet another disadvantage of such a simple motor is that it
would exhibit a high amount of torque "ripple".
So since most small DC motors are of a three-pole design, let's tinker with the
workings of one via an interactive animation (JavaScript required):

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You'll notice a few things from this -- namely, one pole is fully energized at a
time (but two others are "partially" energized). As each brush transitions from one
commutator contact to the next, one coil's field will rapidly collapse, as the next coil's
field will rapidly charge up (this occurs within a few microsecond). We'll see more
about the effects of this later, but in the meantime you can see that this is a direct
result of the coil windings' series wiring.


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite
system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide
users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the

GPS is made up of three parts: between 24 and 32 satellites orbiting the Earth, four
control and monitoring stations on Earth, and the GPS receivers owned by users. GPS
satellites broadcast signals from space that are used by GPS receivers to provide
three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the time.
Why do we need GPS?
• To determine position locations;

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

For example, you need to radio a helicopter pilot the coordinates of your position
location so the pilot can pick you up.
• To navigate from one location to another; for example, you need to travel from
a lookout to the fire perimeter.
• To create digitized maps; for example, you are assigned to plot the fire
perimeter and hot spots.
• To determine distance between two points or how far you are from another
GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit
signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation
to calculate the user's exact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver compares the time
a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time
difference tells the GPS receiver how far away the satellite is. Now, with distance
measurements from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the user's
position and display it on the unit's electronic map.
The basis of the GPS is a constellation of satellites that are continuously orbiting the
earth. These satellites, which are equipped with atomic clocks, transmit radio signals
that contain their exact location, time, and other information. The radio signals from
the satellites, which are monitored and corrected by control stations, are picked up by
the GPS receiver.
A GPS receiver needs only three satellites to plot a rough, 2D position, which
will not be very accurate. Ideally, four or more satellites are needed to plot a 3D
position, which is much more accurate.
Three Segments of GPS
The three segments of GPS are the space, control, and user.
a. Space Segment — Satellites orbiting the earth

The space segment consists of 29 satellites circling the earth every 12 hours at
12,000 miles in altitude. This high altitude allows the signals to cover a greater area.
The satellites are arranged in their orbits so a GPS receiver on earth can receive a
signal from at least four satellites at any given time. Each satellite contains several
atomic clocks. The satellites transmit low radio signals with a unique code on
different frequencies, allowing the GPS receiver to identify the signals.

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

The main purpose of these coded signals is to allow the GPS receiver to calculate
travel time of the radio signal from the satellite to the receiver. The travel time
multiplied by the speed of light equals the distance from the satellite to the GPS
b. Control Segment — the control and monitoring stations

A GPS receiver must be locked on to the signal of at least three satellites to calculate
a 2D position (latitude and longitude) and track movement. With four or more
satellites in view, the receiver can determine the user's 3D position (latitude, longitude
and altitude). Once the user's position has been determined, the GPS unit can calculate
other information, such as speed, bearing, track, trip distance, distance to destination,
sunrise and sunset time and more.
The control segment tracks the satellites and then provides them with corrected orbital
and time information. The control segment consists of five unmanned monitor stations
and one Master Control Station. The five unmanned stations monitor GPS satellite
signals and then send that information to the Master Control Station where anomalies
are corrected and sent back to the GPS satellites through ground antennas.
c. User Segment — The GPS receivers owned by civilians and military

The user segment consists of the users and their GPS receivers. The number of
simultaneous users is limitless.
Waypoints/icons: 500 with name and graphic symbol, 10 nearest (automatic), 10
Routes: Automatic turn-by-turn routes; 20 manual point-to-point routes with up to 50
points each.
Tracks: Automatic track log; 10 saved tracks let you retrace your path in both
Trip computer: Resettable odometer, timers, average and maximum speeds
Alarms: Anchor drag, approach and arrival, off course and proximity waypoint
Tables: Built-in celestial tables for best times to fish and hunt, sun and moon rise/set
based on date and location
Map datums: More than 100, plus user datum

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

Position format: Lat/Lon, UTM/UPS, Maidenhead, MGRS, Loran TDs and other
grids, including user grid
Receiver: WAAS enabled, 12 parallel channel GPS receiver continuously tracks and
uses up to 12 satellites to compute and update your position
Acquisition Times:
 Warm: Approximately 15 seconds
 Cold: Approximately 45 seconds
 Auto Locate®: Approximately 5 minutes
 Update rate: 1/second, continuous

GPS Accuracy:
• Position: < 15 meters, 95% typical*
• Velocity: 0.05 meter/sec steady state
WAAS accuracy:
• Position: < 3 meters, 95% typical
• Velocity: 0.05 meter/sec steady state

Dynamics: 6g's
Interfaces: RS232 with NMEA 0183, RTCM 104 DGPS data format and proprietary
Antenna: Detachable with standard BNC connector
Differential: RTCM-104, WAAS
Physical Size: 5.0"W x 2.3"H x 1.6"D (12.7 x 5.9 x 4.1 cm)
Weight: 9 ounces (255 g) w/batteries
Display: 2.2"W x 1.5"H (5.6 x 3.8 cm), 256 x 160 pixels, high-contrast FSTN with
bright backlighting. Switchable orientation.
Case: Fully gasketed, high-impact plastic alloy, waterproof to IEC 529 IPX7
Temperature range: 5° F to 158° F (–15° C to 70° C)
User data storage: Indefinite, no memory battery required
Power Source: 8-35v DC, 4 “AA” batteries (not included)
2.7.4 Applications:

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

There are so many devices made with the implementation of Global Positioning
System. Google Earth is the most famous application that uses the signals received by
the GPS receivers. It enables public also to access the maps which tell the users about
the locations all around the world.3DEM is freely available software that will create
3D terrain scenes and flyby animations and export GIS terrain data files using any of
the following freely available terrain data as a source. People use Global Positioning
System for several uses. A research published on a magazine states that the
percentage of uses for each several requirement is as follows.
 Car navigation 37%
 Hand held 26%
 Tracking 10%
 GIS 8%
 Survey 7%
 Manufacturing 7%
 Vessel Voyage 2%
 Military Related 1%

Application GPS:
While originally a military project, GPS is considered a dual-use technology,
meaning it has significant military and civilian applications.
Military Navigation:
GPS allows soldiers to find objectives, even in the dark or in unfamiliar
territory, target tracking, missile and projectile guidance and search & rescue.
Civilian: Many civilian applications use one or more of GPS's three basic
components: absolute location, relative movement, and time transfer.

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

In thise we will get know of the process of installation of Arduino IDE and
connecting Arduino uno to Arduino IDE.
Step 1
First we must have our Arduino board (we can choose our favorite board) and
a USB cable. In case we use Adriana UNO, Arduino Duemilanove, Nano, Arduino
Mega 2560, or Diecimila, we will need a standard USB cable (A plug to B plug), t In
case we use Arduino Nano, we will need an A to Mini-B cable..
Step 2 − Download Arduino IDE Software. We can get different versions of Arduino
IDE from the Download page on the Arduino Official website. We must select wer
software, which is compatible with wer operating system (Windows, IOS, or Linux).
After wear file download is complete, unzip the file.

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

Step 3 − Power up our board.

The Arduino Uno, Mega, Duemilanove and Arduino Nano automatically draw
power from either, the USB connection to the computer or an external power supply.
If we are using an Arduino Diecimila, we have to make sure that the board is
configured to draw power from the USB connection. The power source is selected
with a jumper, a small piece of plastic that fits onto two of the three pins between the
USB and power jacks.
Check that it is on the two pins closest to the USB port.

Connect the Arduino board to wer computer using the USB cable. The green power
(labeled PWR) should glow.
Step 4 − Launch Arduino IDE.

After our Arduino IDE software is downloaded, we need to unzip the folder. Inside
the folder, we can find the application icon with an infinity label (application.exe).
Double click the icon to start the IDE.
Step 5 − Open our first project.

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

Once the software starts, we have two options

* Create a new project

* Open an existing project example.

To create a new project, select File → New.

To open an existing project example, select File → Example → Basics → Blink.

Here, we are selecting just one of the examples with the name Blink. It turns the LED
on and off with some time delay. We can select any other example from the list.
Step 6 − Select our Arduino board.

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To avoid any error while uploading wear program to the board, we must select the
correct Arduino board name, which matches with the board connected to wer
Go to Tools → Board and select wear board.

Here, we have selected Arduino Uno board according to our tutorial, but we must
the name matching the board that we are using.

Step 7 − Select wer serial port.

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Select the serial device of the Arduino board. Go to Tools → Serial Port menu. This is
likely to be COM3 or higher (COM1 and COM2 are usually reserved for hardware
serial ports). To find out, we can disconnect wer Arduino board and re-open the
menu, the entry that disappears should be of the Arduino board. Reconnect the board
and select that serial port.
Step 8 − Upload the program to wer board.
Before explaining how we can upload our program to the board, we must demonstrate
the function of each symbol appearing in the Arduino IDE toolbar.

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

A − Used to check if there is any compilation error.

B − Used to upload a program to the Arduino board.
C − Shortcut used to create a new sketch.
D − Used to directly open one of the example sketch.
E − Used to save wer sketch.
F − Serial monitor used to receive serial data from the board and send the serial data
to the board. Now, simply click the "Upload" button in the environment. Wait a few
seconds; we will see the RX and TX LEDs on the board, flashing. If the upload is
successful, the message
"Done uploading" will appear in the status bar.
Note − If we have an Arduino Mini, NG, or other board, we need to press the reset
physically on the board, immediately before clicking the upload button on the
Arduino Software.

Blynk was intended for the Internet of Things. It can handle hardware distantly, it can
show sensor data, and it can store data, visualize it and do numerous other cool things.

There are three significant parts in the stage:

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

• Blynk App - permits to you make astounding interfaces for your activities
utilizing different gadgets we give.

• Blynk Server - answerable for every one of the correspondences between the
cell phone and equipment. You can utilize our Blynk Cloud or run your private Blynk
worker locally. Its open-source, could undoubtedly deal with a huge number of
gadgets and can even be dispatched on a Raspberry Pi.

• Blynk Libraries - for all the mainstream equipment stages - empower

correspondence with the worker and cycle all the approaching and out coming orders.

Presently envision: each time you press a Button in the Blynk application, the
message goes to the Blynk Cloud, where it mysteriously discovers its way to your
equipment. It works something similar the other way and everything occurs in a blynk
of an eye.

 Similar API & UI for all supported hardware & devices

 Connection to the cloud using:
o Wi-Fi
o Bluetooth and BLE

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

o Ethernet
o USB (Serial)
 Set of easy-to-use Widgets
 Direct pin manipulation with no code composing
 Easy to integrate and add new functionality using virtual pins
 History data monitoring via Super Chart widget
 Device-to-Device communication using Bridge Widget
 Sending messages, tweets, push notifications, etc.
 New highlights are constantly added.
You can discover example sketches covering basic Blynk Features. They are included
in the library, All the sketches are designed to be simply combined with each other.
The Blynk App is well designed interface builder. It works on both iOS and Android,
so no holy wars here, 

Create a Blynk Account

After you download the Blynk App, we need to create a New Blynk account. This
account is unrelated from the accounts used for the Blynk Forums, in case you already
have now one.
We recommend using a real email address because it will work on things later.

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Create a New Project

After you’ve successfully signed into your account, start by creating a new project.

Choose Your Hardware

Select the hardware model you will use. Check out at the list of supported hardware

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Auth Token

Auth Token is a unique identifier which is used to connect your hardware to your
smartphone. Every new project you create have its own Auth Token. You’ll get Auth
Token automatically to your email after project creation. You can likewise copy it
manually. Click on devices section and select required device:

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

NOTE: Don’t share your Auth Token with anyone, unless if you want someone to
have access to your hardware.
It’s very convenient to send it over email. Press the email button and the token will be
sent to the e-mail address you used for registration. You can also click on the Token
line and it will be copied to the clipboard.
Now press on the “Create” button.

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Vehicle theft detection and tracking notification with remote engine locking

5. Add a Widget

Your project canvas is empty, let’s we add a button to control our LED.
Tap anywhere on the canvas to open the widget box, all the available widgets are
located here. Now pick a button.
Widget Box

Drag-n-Drop - Tap and hold the Widget to drag it to the new position.

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Widget Settings - Each Widget has it’s own settings. Tap on the widget to get to

The most important parameter to set is PIN . The list of pins reflects physical pins
defined by your hardware. If your LED is connected to Digital Pin 8 - then
select D8 (D - stands for Digital).
Run The Project
When you are done with the Settings - press the PLAY button. This will switch you
from EDIT mode to PLAY mode where you can interact with the hardware. While in
PLAY mode, you won’t be able to drag or set up new widgets, press STOP and get
back to EDIT mode.
You will get a message saying “Arduino UNO is offline”. We’ll deal with that in the
next section

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This project is well prepared and acting accordingly (including all the hardware
and software) as per the initial specifications and requirements of our project.
Because of the creative nature and design the idea of applying this project is very
new, the oppurtunities for this project are immense.

The practical representation of an experimental board is shown below

Fig.6.1 Practical Representation of Experiment

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An IoT based vehicle theft detection and remote engine locking system is GPS
technology that helps the users identify the vehicle in theft mode and enables the
controlling mechanism technique and In this way vehicles are provided with better
controlling mechanism and thus reducing the crimes.

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