Transformer Solved Problem
Transformer Solved Problem
Transformer Solved Problem
EE 322/ EE 421
NAME: Palada, Royce M. COURSE & YR: BSEE - 3 ID.#: 18 - 41707
1) The corrected instrument readings obtained from open and short-circuit tests
on 10-kVA, 450/120-V, 50-Hz transformer are :
O.C. test : V1 = 120 V; I1 = 4.2 A; W1 = 80 W; V1, W1 and I1 were read on the low-voltage side.
S.C. test : V1 = 9.65 V; I1 = 22.2 A ; W1 = 120 W − with low-voltage winding short-circuited
Compute :
(i) the equivalent circuit (approximate) constants,
(ii) efficiency and voltage regulation for an 80% lagging p.f. load,
(iii) the efficiency at half full-load and 80% lagging p.f. load.
From O.C. test reading
on the low-voltage side:
From S.C. test reading with
V1 = 120 V a low-voltage short circuited:
I1 = 4.2 A V1 = 9.65 V
W1o.c. = 80 W
I1 = 22.2 A
a. From O.C. Test
Equivalent Circuits:
From S.C. Test
For Full-load:
c. For Half-load:
2) A 20-kVA, 2200/220-V, 50-Hz distribution transformer is tested for efficiency and regulation as
follows :
(i) core loss
(ii) equivalent resistance referred to primary
(iii) equivalent resistance referred to secondary
(iv) equivalent reactance referred to primary
(v) equivalent reactance referredto secondary
(vi) regulation of transformer at 0.8 p.f. lagging current
(vii) efficiency at full-load and half the full-load at 0.8 p.f. lagging current
From O.C. test reading From S.C. test reading with
on the low-voltage side: a low-voltage short circuited:
V1 = 9.65 V
V1 = 220 V
I1 = 4.2 A I1 = 22.2 A
W1o.c. = 148 W W1s.c. = 120 W
a. Core loss
b. R01
c. R02
d. X01
e. X02
f. V'1
g. efficiency @ Full-load and efficiency @ Half-load