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Preliminary Test of Phytochemical Screening of Crude Ethanolic and Aqueous Extract of Moringa Pterygosperma Gaertn

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2015; 4(1): 07-09

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2015; 4(1): 07-09
Received: 20-03-2015
Accepted: 17-04-2015
Rohit kumar Bargah
Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemistry,
Govt. S.P.M. College Sitapur
Distt -Surguja (Chhattisgarh)
India 497111

Preliminary test of phytochemical screening of crude ethanolic

and aqueous extract of Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn
Rohit kumar Bargah
The bioactive compounds present in the plant are responsible for the medicinal properties of the plant.
The present investigation is aimed in screening the bioactive compounds present in the leaves, stem bark
and flowers of Moringa pterygosperma an important ethnomedicinal plant. The qualitative analysis for
the present phytochemicals was performed using ethanol and aqueous extracts of leaves, stem bark and
flowers of Moringa plant by various standard techniques available. Phytochemical analysis revealed the
presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides, steroids and phenols in all the extracts varying
quantities. Since the plant contain high quantities of these new bioactive potential compounds, it is
reliable to possess large number of pharmacological values like antioxidants, antifungal, antibacterial,
anti abortifacient, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, diuretics activities and are being employed for the
treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system of medicine.
Keywords: Moringa pterygosperma, ethanolic extract, Phytochemical Screening, antibacterial,

Rohit kumar Bargah
Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemistry,
Govt. S.P.M. College Sitapur
Distt -Surguja (Chhattisgarh)
India 497111

1. Introduction
The medicinal plants are useful for healing as well as for curing of human diseases because of
the presence of phytochemical constituents [1]. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring in the
medicinal plants leaves, stem bark, fruits and roots that have defense mechanism and protect
from various diseases. Natural products from plants called secondary metabolites are the end
products of primary metabolites such as carbohydrates, amino acid, and chlorophyll lipid so
on. They are synthesis large variety of chemical substances known as secondary metabolites
which include alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, glycoside, saponia, tannins, phenolic
compounds etc. [2] the active principle of many drugs found in plants are secondary
metabolites. [3]. Therefor1e basic phytochemical investigation is vital. The identification and
isolation of such active compounds makes it more effective therapeutic application. It present
consumes from taking certain plants that have no medicinal value or poisonous to them. It will
lead to better understanding of diseases
Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn (Moringaceae), native to the western and sub Himalayan
region, India, Pakistan, Africa and Arabia is now distributed in the Philippines, Cambodia,
Central North and Caribbean Island [4]. The Moringa tree is cultivated and uses a vegetable
(leaves, green ponds, flower, roasted seed), for spice (roots), for cooking and cosmetic oil
(seeds) and all plants organs are a medicinal properties. [5]. It has an impressive range of
medicinal uses with high nutritional value. Different parts of these plants contain a profile of
important minerals and are a good source of protein, vitamins, beta carotenes, amino acid and
various phenolic compounds. its leaves have the calcium equivalent of four times that of milk,
the vitamin C content is seven times that of orange while its potassium is three times that of
bananas, three times the iron of spinach, four time, the amount of vitamin A carrots, and two
time the protein in milk [6]. Beside, Moringa is also suggested as a viable supplement of dietary
Recently researchers have become convinced that the compounds derived from plants for
instance, phenolic, flavonoids and antioxidants compounds, do more in preventing different
disease. Moringa has been found to be a good source of poly phenols and antioxidants. The
leaves of Moringa pterygosperma have various biological activities including anticancer
activity, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, liver disease antimicrobial,
Anti-tumor, nervous disorder, anti-inflammation digestive disorders, skin disorders and
regulation of thyroid status [7, 8, 9].

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

2. Material and methods

1. Collection of plant material
The fresh sample of leaves stem barks and flower of Moringa
pterygosperma were collected from Deverikhund, Ballarpur
(C.G.) India in Nov-Dec 2012 and identified by Prof. NK
Singh, Department of Botany, Govt. E.R.R. Science P.G.
College Bilaspur (C.G.). The different parts (leaves, stem bark
and flowers) were air dried at room temperature followed by
pulverization to powder from using a mortar and pestle. The
powdered plants parts were subjected to aqueous and ethanol
2. Preparation of plant extracts
50 gram of the powdered plant samples (leaves, stem bark and
flower) were weight separately in different beakers and
percolated with 150 ml ethanol each of these beakers was
proper sealed with aluminum foil and left for 72 hours. The
solution was then filtered using a funnel filled in a filter paper
and the extracts obtained. The extracts obtained were
concentrated using rotary evaporator of 400C. The extracts
were stored in a universal bottle and refrigerated of 40 C prior
to use [10]. The above procedure was repeated on 50 g each of
the powdered leaves, stem bark and flowers of the plants with
the use of 150 ml of distilled water.
3. Phytochemical Screening
The preliminary Phytochemical analysis of the extracts carried
out using aqueous and ethanolic extracts and on the powdered
specimens using standard procedures to identify the various
constituents described by Sofowora [11], Trease and Evans [12]
and Harborne [13].

(6) Test for glycosides

To 2 ml of extract with dilute HCl and 2 ml Sodium
nitropruside in pyridine and sodium hydroxide solution were
added. Formation of pink to blood red color indicates the
presence of Cardiac glycosides.
(7) Test for Steroids
a. Salkowski,s test :- a red color produced in the lower
chloroform layer when 2 ml of organic extract was
dissolved in 2 ml of chloroform and 2 ml concentrated
sulphuric acid was added in it, indicates the presence of
b. Liebermann Burchard test: - development of a greenish
color when 2 ml of the organic extract was dissolved in 2
ml of chloroform and treated with concentrated sulphuric
acid and acetic acid indicates the presence of steroids.
(8) Test for phenols
The extract (500mg) was dissolved in 5ml of distilled water.
To this, few drops of neutral 5% ferric chloride solution were
added. A dark green clour indicated the presence of phenolic
3. Results and discussion
The curative properties of Moringa plants are perhaps due to
the presence of various secondary metabolites such as
alkaloids, flavonoids, glycoside, phenols, saponins, steroids,
tannins etc. The Phytochemical analysis of the ethanol and
aqueous extract from the leaves, stem bark and flowers of the
Moringa pterygosperma is shown in table 1 respectively.
Table 1: Phytochemical analysis of ethanol and aqueous extracts
from leaves, stem bark and flower of Moringa pterygosperma

(1) Test for tannins

About 2 ml of the extract was stirred with 2ml of distilled
water and few drops of ferric chloride (FeCl3) solution were
added. Formation of green precipitate was indication of
presence of tannins.


(2) Test for Saponins

5 ml of extract was shaken vigorously with 5 ml of distilled
water in a test tube and warmed. The formation of stable foam
was taken as an indication of the presence of saponins.
(3) Test for Alkaloids
3 ml of extract was stirred with 3 ml of 1% HCl on steam bath.
1 ml of mixture was taken separately in two test tubes. Few
drops of Dragendorffs reagent were added in one tube and
occurrence of orange red precipitated was taken as positive.
Two the second tube Mayers reagent was added and
appearance of buff colored precipitate was taken as positive
test for presence of alkaloids.
(4) Test for flavonoids
To 1 ml of extract, 1ml of 10% lead acetate solution was
added. The formation of a yellow precipitate was taken as a
positive test for presence of flavonoids.
(5) Test for Terpenoids
2 ml of the organic extract was dissolved in 2ml of CHCl3 and
evaporated to dryness. 2ml of conc. H2SO4 was then added
and heated for about 2 minutes. Development of a grayish
color indicates the presence of terpenoids

Ethanol extract
aqueous extract

Table 1 indicated the different phytochemical components of

Moringa pterygosperma. The ethanol extracts from leaves,
stem bark and flower of Moringa plants contained a number of
phytochemical such as alkaloids, flavonoids, glycoside,
phenols, saponins, steroids and tannins. This data corroborated
the findings of other authors where these compounds exhibited
antimicrobials activities [14]. Tannins and saponins are present
in leaves extracts but absent in stem bark and flower extracts.
Flavonoids are present in stem bark and flower but absent in
leaves. The presence of flavonoids indicates the natural
occurring phenolic compound, with beneficial effects in the
human diet as antioxidants and neutralizing free radicals [15].
Tannins are group of polymeric phenolic compound and cause
local tumors. Terpenoids and steroids were detected in
Moringa pterygosperma which were reported to be active
against antibacterial activity [16]. Saponins have the properties
of precipitating and coagulating red blood cells, antiinflammatory [17]. Alkaloids are used in medicines for reducing
headache he and fever. This are attributed for anti-bacterial
and analgesic properties.


Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

4. Conclusion
The Moringa pterygosperma plant is the source of the
secondary metabolites i.e. alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids,
steroids, tannins, saponins and reducing sugars. Medicinal
plant plays a vital role in preventing various diseases. The antidiuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-bacterial, antianalgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-abortifiecient of the various parts
of plants is due to the presence of the above mentioned
secondary metabolites. The phytochemical analysis of the
plants is also important and pharmaceuticals companies for the
novel drugs for treatment of various diseases. The present
study provides evidence that solvent extract of Moringa
pterygosperma contains medicinally important bioactive
compounds and this justifies the use of plant species as
traditional medicine for treatment of various diseases. Further
purification, identification and characterization of the bio
active chemical constituents compounds would be our priority
in future studies.

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