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Sacrifice and Sanctification: Leviticus

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Sacrifice And Sanctification

Detail from the Arch of Titus showing the sacking of Jerusalem. Note the Menorah being carried away.
The monument is located on the Via Sacra just to the south-east of the Forum in Rome.

Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them:
You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy (Leviticus 19:2)

David Padfield

Outline Of Leviticus
Part One:The Laws of Acceptable Approach to God: Sacrifice (1:117:16)





The Laws of Acceptable Approach to God .................................................................. 1:17:38

A. Laws of Approach to God When in Fellowship . ................................................... 1:13:17
B. Laws of Approach to God When Out of Fellowship . ............................................. 4:16:7
C. Laws for Administering Offerings ........................................................................... 6:87:38
The Laws of the Priests .................................................................................................. 8:110:20
A. The Consecration of the Priesthood . .......................................................................... 8:136
B. The Ministry of the Priesthood . .................................................................................. 9:124
C. Failure of the Priesthood ............................................................................................ 10:120
The Laws of Israel Regarding Purity ........................................................................ 11:115:33
A. Laws Concerning Clean and Unclean Food ............................................................ 11:147
B. Laws Concerning Childbirth ....................................................................................... 12:18
C. Laws Concerning Leprosy .................................................................................... 13:114:57
D. Laws Concerning Discharge ...................................................................................... 15:133
The Laws of National Atonement ............................................................................. 16:117:16
A. Laws Concerning National Cleansing Through the Day of Atonement ............. 16:134
B. Laws Concerning the Location of Sacrifices .............................................................. 17:19
C. Laws Concerning the Use of Blood . ....................................................................... 17:1016

Part Two:The Laws of Acceptable Walk with God: Sanctification (18:127:34)






The Laws of Sanctification for the People . .............................................................. 18:120:27

A. Laws of Sexual Sins ..................................................................................................... 18:130
B. Laws of Social Order ................................................................................................... 19:137
C. Laws of Penalties ......................................................................................................... 20:127
The Laws of Sanctification for the Priesthood ........................................................ 21:122:33
A. Prohibited Practices of the Priests . ........................................................................... 21:115
B. People Prohibited from the Priesthood .................................................................. 21:1624
C. Things Prohibited of the Priesthood . ....................................................................... 22:116
D. Sacrifices Prohibited of the Priesthood . ................................................................. 22:1730
E. The Purpose of the Laws of the Priesthood . ......................................................... 22:3133
The Laws of Sanctification in Worship ..................................................................... 23:124:23
A. Laws of the Sanctified Feasts of Worship . ............................................................... 23:144
B. Laws of the Sanctified Elements of Worship ............................................................. 24:19
C. Law of the Sanctified Name of God . ...................................................................... 24:1023
The Laws of Sanctification in the Land of Canaan . ............................................... 25:126:46
A. Laws of Sanctification in the Land of Canaan . ....................................................... 25:155
B. Results of Obedience and Disobedience in the Land of Canaan .......................... 26:146
The Laws of Sanctification Through Vows ................................................................... 27:134
A. The Special Consecrating of Acceptable Things ..................................................... 27:125
B. Things Excluded from Consecration ...................................................................... 27:2633
C. The Conclusion of Leviticus .......................................................................................... 27:34
(The above outline is from Nelsons Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, pp. 4142)

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

Part One:The Laws of Acceptable

Approach to God: Sacrifice (1:117:16)
I.The Laws of Acceptable Approach to God (1:17:38)
A. Laws of Approach to God When in Fellowship (1:13:17)
1. List the three types of burnt offerings found in chapter one.

2. What is the significance of placing the hands upon the animal (1:117)?

3. Describe the work of the priests when a sacrifice was made (1:117).

4. What is the purpose of a grain offering (2:116)?

5. Why was leaven prohibited from being mixed with a grain offering (2:11)?

6. What was the purpose of a peace offering (3:116)?

7. What special prohibition was given (3:17)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

B. Laws of Approach to God When Out of Fellowship (4:16:7)

1. What was to happen when an individual sinned unintentionally (4:112)?

2. What was to happen if the whole nation sinned unintentionally (4:1321)?

3. What was to happen if a ruler sinned unintentionally (4:2226)?

4. What was to happen when one of the common people sinned unintentionally

5. What types of sin would require one to make a trespass offering (5:114)?

6. Describe the laws concerning restitution (5:146:7).

C. Laws for Administering Offerings (6:87:38)

1. What special laws were given concerning burnt offerings (6:813)?

2. What special laws were given concerning grain offerings (6:1423)?

3. What special laws were given concerning sin offerings (6:2430)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

4. What special laws were given concerning trespass offerings (7:110)?

5. What special laws were given concerning peace offerings (7:1121)?

6. What parts of an animal sacrifice could not be eaten (7:2227)? Why?

7. What portion of the sacrifices were consecrated for Aaron and his sons (7:2837)?

II. The Laws of the Priests (8:110:20)

A. The Consecration of the Priesthood (8:136)
1. Describe the consecration ceremony for the priests (8:136).

2. What was the purpose of the Urim and the Thummim (8:8)?

B. The Ministry of the Priesthood (9:124)

1. Describe the sacrifices that Aaron made as he began his ministry (9:121).

2. How did God signify His approval of the sacrifices (9:2224)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

C. Failure of the Priesthood (10:120)

1. What sin did Nadab and Abihu commit (10:13)? Be specific!

2. What is the significance of the priests not being allowed to uncover their heads or
tear their clothing (10:47)?

3. What further instructions were given to the priests (10:820)?

III.The Laws of Israel Regarding Purity (11:115:33)

A. Laws Concerning Clean and Unclean Food (11:147)
1. How could the people of Israel determine which animals could be eaten (11:123)?

2. What does it mean to be unclean (11:24)?

3. What would the eating of an unclean animal have to do with holiness (12:2447)?

B. Laws Concerning Childbirth (12:18)

1. What was to happen after a woman gave birth to a male child? What was to happen
after a woman gave birth to a female child (12:15)

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

2. What type of sacrifice was to be brought after the days of her purification (12:68)?

C. Laws Concerning Leprosy (13:114:57)

1. Why would God send people to a priest instead of doctor to determine if one had
leprosy (13:146)?

2. What special commands were given to lepers (13:4546)?

3. What laws were given concerning leprous garments (13:4759)?

4. Describe the ritual for the cleansing of a healed leper (14:132).

5. What laws were given for a house where leprosy was found (14:3357)?

D. Laws Concerning Discharge (15:133)

1. What are the general laws concerning bodily discharges (15:115)?

2. What special laws are given to men (15:1618)?

3. What special laws are given to women (15:1930)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

IV. The Laws of National Atonement (16:117:16)

A. Laws Concerning National Cleansing On the Day of Atonement (16:134)
1. How and when was Aaron to come into the Holy Place (16:15)?

2. What was Aaron to do before he could make atonement for the people (16:610)?

3. Describe the ritual for the annual day of atonement (16:1134).

B. Laws Concerning the Location of Sacrifices (17:19)

1. Why were the children of Israel commanded to bring the animals they slaughtered
to the tabernacle of meeting (17:19)?

2. Why would the guilt of bloodshed be imputed to man (17:4)?

C. Laws Concerning the Use of Blood (17:1016)

1. Why is the eating of blood prohibited (17:1014)?

2. Why were they prohibited from eating animals that had died naturally (17:1516)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

Part Two:The Laws of Acceptable

Walk with God: Sanctification (18:127:34)

The Laws of Sanctification for the People (8:120:27)

A. Laws of Sexual Sins (18:130)
1. What sins had the Egyptians and Canaanites been especially guilty of (18:15)?

2. What prohibitions were given concerning sexual relations (18:618)?

3. What further laws concerning sexual relations were given (18:1923)?

4. How would the land be defiled by immorality (18:2430)?

B. Laws of Social Order (19:137)

1. What laws were given concerning holiness (19:13)?

2. What was the law concerning the corners of the fields (19:910)?

3. How were they to regard the fruit of the land for three years (19:2325)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

4. What laws were given concerning pagan practices (19:2628)?

5. How were they to treat the elderly (19:32)?

C. Laws of Penalties (20:127)

1. What was the penalty for making an offering to Molech? What about those who
stood by and said nothing (20:15)?

2. What other crimes were considered to be worthy of death (20:627)?

II. The Laws of Sanctification for the Priesthood (21:122:33)

A. Prohibited Practices of the Priests (21:115)
1. In what way could a priest defile himself with the dead (21:19)?

2. What type of woman was a priest required to marry (21:1015)?

B. People Prohibited from the Priesthood (21:1624)

1. What kind of men were prohibited from approaching God (21:1621)?

2. What could this same man do with the bread of God (21:2224)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

C. Things Prohibited of the Priesthood (22:116)

1. What actions were prohibited on the part of the priests (22:19)?

2. What law was given concerning the eating of a holy offering (22:1016)?

D. Sacrifices Prohibited of the Priesthood (22:1730)

1. What kind of sacrifices were to be rejected (22:1730)?

2. How old did an animal have to be before it could be offered (22:2630)?

E. The Purpose of the Laws of the Priesthood (22:3133)

1. What did God demand from His people (22:3133)?

2. How was God to be hallowed among the children of Israel (22:32)?

III. The Laws of Sanctification in Worship (23:124:23)

A. Laws of the Sanctified Feasts of Worship (23:144)
1. What was the purpose of the Sabbath (23:3)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield


2. What was the purpose of the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread (23:48)?

3. What was the purpose of the Feast of Firstfruits (23:914)?

4. What was the purpose of the Feast of Weeks (23:1523)?

5. What was the purpose of the Feast of Trumpets (23:2325)?

6. What was the purpose of the Day of Atonement (23:2632)?

7. What was the purpose of the Feast of Tabernacles (23:3344)?

B. Laws of the Sanctified Elements of Worship (24:19)

1. What type of oil was to be used in the Tabernacle lights (24:14)?

2. What regulations were given concerning the bread of the Tabernacle (24:59)?

C. Law of the Sanctified Name of God (24:1023)

1. What crime had the son of an Israelite woman committed? What was the penalty for
this crime (24:1016, 23)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield


2. Is an animal of equal worth to a human being (24:1723)?

IV. Laws of Sanctification in the Land of Canaan (25:126:46)

A. Laws of Sanctification in the Land of Canaan (25:155)
1. What kind of Sabbath was to be observed every seven years (25:17)?

2. What was the Year of Jubilee (25:817)?

3. What was the law concerning the redemption of property (25:2334)?

4. What was the law concerning slavery (25:3955)?

B. Results of Obedience and Disobedience in the Land of Canaan (26:146)

1. What were the blessings of obedience (26:113)?

2. What were the penalties for disobedience (26:1439)?

3. How could sinners come back into fellowship with God (26:4046)?

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield


V. The Laws of Sanctification Through Vows (27:134)

A. The Special Consecrating of Acceptable Things (27:125)
1. What type of vow is discussed (27:114)?

2. How would one dedicate a house or field to the Lord (27:1425)?

B. Things Excluded from Consecration (27:2633)

1. Why couldnt they dedicate a firstborn animal (27:2627)?

2. Why couldnt one doomed to destruction be redeemed (27:29)?

C. The Conclusion of Leviticus (27:34)

Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield


Workbook On Leviticus

David Padfield

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