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Jayabraham Xbook

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By Mr. X

A No-Nonsense Guide to Great Wealth

and a Personal Fortune.

Suite 330
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Telephone: (310) 265-1840
Facsimile: (310) 541-3192

Understanding What's Ahead

I. Customers

2. Educating


3. Host Devices


4. Start-Up Marketing


5. Motivational Marketing


6. Unique Selling Proposition


7. Direct Response


8. Writing


9. Advertising


10. Converting Prospects


II. Direct Mall Marketing


12. Telemarketing


13. Marketing Help From Your Vendors


14. Public Relations


15. Building A Powerful Sales Force


16. Barter


17. Marketing For Professionals


18. Marketing For Speclflc Businesses


19. Marketing What You Know


20. How To Put On A Great Marketing Campaign


Recommended Read1ng


In this book I'll be quoting extensively from Jay Abraham's publications and to lesser
extent-from other works, Since I want the reader to clearly differentiate between my
written comments and the material I quote, my sentences will be printed in bold type.
in that way you can pick up my comments more easily and I will only need to use quote
marks atthe beginning and end of a quote.
My comments are intended to make these valuable lessons more easily understood and
assimilated by you. In most cases I will not mention the specific publication that a quote
originates from. A bibliography is included in the back of the book that mentions all
books and publications recommended and quoted from.
The first few chapters of this book will each elaborate on one example of Jay Abraham's
principal marketing themes. Then we will switch gears and cover certain aspects of
starting a business with emphasis on marketing for new companies. Next we'll cover the
balance ofJay's marketing message and important lessons from other marketing wizards,
You should not expect to master the contents of this book in a few days or week. This
book is a virtual encyclopedla of the world's most profound marketing lessons. It will
take years of experience for you to get it all down pat. You should refer to this book
again and again over the years ahead, Each time you pick it up you will learn new
lessons of great value. Never before has a marketing book contained so much wisdom
and so many money-making insights. Study it, apply the lessons and in time you, too,
can be acknowledged as a marketing genius.

Chapter 1

The first thiDg that Jay Abraham tried to teach me was the value of a customer. I
don't mean the lukewarm. wish-washy appreciation of customers that most
businesses have. I mean the Intense Insight that It Is not new customers, but old
customers, that are the key to growth and profitabillty,
The company does not exist that fully maximizes the potential Inherent In Its
customer base. In fact, most business owners stubbornly refuse to change their
ways when It comes to marketing to their existing clients. They are blind. Jay
Abraham began to pound me Incessantly on reselling my customer base, He literally
forced me to take steps that led to marketing programs that capitalized on our
greatest asset - our customers.
Jay suggested my company buy a computerized printer, This new technology (In
1975) printed personalized letters In quantity. Up to that time we mailed a
haphazard solicitation to our customers once or twice a year. We mainly
concentrated on bringing In new clients and after the first order we left It up to
them to call us and reorder. Although we had salesmen that out-called, they had
pretty much drifted Into the habit of waiting for Incoming calls.
Next we bought a machine that signed my name to the letters In real Ink. So all day
long the printer would cough out personalized and Informative letters to
Individually addressed customers and the arm of the signature machine would crank
incessantly slgnlng my signature. Every customer began to get my letters on a
regular basis. The results were spectacular. We Just kept selling more and more.
'Your best prospects are your existing customers. If you've been putting all your
marketing efforts into acquiring new customers. stop and divert some of your resources
into reselling. upselllng, and cross-selling to those same customers. In every way
possible--through package inserts, regular mailings. special offers--stay in touch with
those customers and get them used to buying from you."
I fought Jay tooth and nall on this rather obvious business advice. I'm not a
blockhead so I know that others share the stubbornness I had. I could find all kinds
of reasons not to employ new strategies, most of which were tied to the fact I had
never done these things before. Although you may not have the benefit of direct
prodding from Jay as did I. you have a well-reasoned written argument before you
to set aside your prejudices and begin to do new and Innovative things. I Implore
you to be open-minded and to try some of these new strategies.
"First of all. your customer relationships are the number one asset you have. You can
secure customer relationsWps by:
1. Keeping in touch -- whether it be by telephone. mail, or in person --

all customers want to feel that they are special and that you take
special interest in seeing to their needs.
2. Providing post-purchase reassurance. Each time a customer places

an order with you, call him/her a week after receiving your product
or service to see how it's going. This will allay any post-purchase
3. Giving your clients the best deals and guarantees that you possibly
can get away with.
4. Preferential pricing -- let your 'old' customers In on the best deals
first. Give them the opportunity to buy your sale items before the
public does.
5. Building rapport and trust. Be as honest as you can be with your
customers. People do business with ethical people they can trust.
Keep an accurate and tlmely customer list. Updating and reusing your customer list is
crucial. If you have a solid customer list, you've got a solid customer base. Work those
customers that you already have -- they've bought from you once, and if they had a good
experience -- they'll buy from you again." This advice is the primary message of this
"Your company should be run and operated as you would expect it to be if you were the
customer. Constantly look for ways to improve the treatment ofyour customers, because
they will respond to you through the most important vote of all, their sales dollars.
Taking it further, do not accept mediocrity in any phase of your business, particularly
in your customer relations and your sales efforts. Those two functions form the basis of
every company and serve to separate the marginal companies from the most successful.
A case in point: Why do so many people appreciate McDonald's? Because of the
efficiency, cleanliness, and manners of their employees. How long do rude counter people
last at McDonald's? Consider also their product line. Every tlme you order, whether in
Maine or Californla, you know what to expect. There are no surprises.
I believe anybody who has a moderate quantity of customers should immediately begin
a perpetual communication with their customers to set the stage that they're a trusted
friend and advisor.
The first thing to do is send a letter within five days or a week from the tlme of your
customer's first transaction where you:
1. Thank them:
2. Resell the value of your company; and
3. Reassure them of the prudence of purchasing the product or service
(if that can be identified).

Such a letter essentially programs the customer to repurchase and revisit and rethink
in terms of dealing with you. (It's always a good idea to first test your messages because
they're different In every situation.
Perhaps make your customers an offer of either an additional product or service they can
purchase on a preferred basis, or if what they bought can be exchanged or returned, upsell them to a larger unit. In the power boat Industry, SeaRay has a 100% guarantee,
trade-in allowance every tlme you trade up. They get lots of trade-Ins for larger, more

expensive boats. It makes good sense.

The point Is. you must reInforce the buyer's buying declston. Thls simple action can
prove extremely powerful because It builds your long-term and back-end sales. The
marginal net worth of such customers can be very large. You must contact your
customer after that customer has made an Initial contact, and have a program set up to
reinforce that buying decision. Thank the customer and give hIm/her an opportunity to
bump to a larger sale (If It's appropriate). Also tell the customer In the letter that because
you're concerned about htm /her, because you care more than to Just make a profit and
leave, not to be surprised from time to time If you write to Inform or alert hIm/her to flnd
out about things.
You may have figured the number of times a customer will repurchase from you on their
own. But have you considered how the value of a customer Increases If you actively
sollclt them again and again? The key to determmmg what a customer Is ultimately
worth to you Is the extent of your back-end. or ancillary. sales to them.
Step one Is to upsell or resell right at. or Immediately after, the Initial sale, preferably at
the polnt of purchase. Then, If you can get them to add another Item or service that Is
synergtstlc to the one they're buying, you can dramatically Improve the profit.
ExperIment with add-on products or services. Offer a package of related Items for a 40%
discount If they buy It now.
Contact or vtstt a customer right after the sale to see how they like thelr purchase, and
offer them a deal on a related product or service. One out of every three customers may
take you up on It. Upgrade the sale by cutting $100 off. for example, a superior verston
of what they are buying. If they upgrade now.
Secure the rights to high-profit or repeat-type products or services that are logically
suited to your new customers, then follow up with calls, vistts or mailings to sell those
other products.
For example, If you sell real estate, all you get Is your share of the commlsslon, nothing
more. But, you can set up a relationship with a quality furniture company that allows
you to offer your buyer a discount, with 20% of the profits gotng to you. Then set up a
deal with a remodeler for 20%...or a carpenter... or a gardener... or a pool cleaner...or a
landscaper -- there are a number of posslbllltles. If you sell something else to 50% of
your real estate customers -- you could add thousands of dollars In profit to every sale.
Once you know how much extra Income you can earn on the "back-end," you can
dramatically expand or Increase the amount of money you spend advertising houses for
sale. You can justify spending a lot more time and money cultivating your customers -slnce they're no longer worth Just "X" dollars. but rather they're worth "X" + ''Y'' dollars.
If you don't want to push other people's products or services, you can tum over your
leads or prospects to other companies whose products or services are compatible, and
take a flat fee per lead or a percentage, albett less than If you did It yourseIf. Thls quickly
Increases the marginal net worth of a one-time-only customer. If a customer Is worth
only $20 more, that's $20 more you can afford to spend to get other customers, which
can build a pyramid of profit with an expanding customer base.


If you have a consumable, repeat-sale product or service, set up a regular monthly,

quarterly, semiannual, or annual contact strategy, based on testing.

Let's say you have a product or service your customers should replace two to six times
a year. You can send out a letter every month or quarter In whIch you acknowledge their
Importance as a preferred or valued customer. Tell them a bit about what is going on In
their Industry or in your busIness, and make them a preferential offer -- a better price,
or a special combInation package not avallable to new customers.
Be the first to approach them about new products or merchandise you are willing to
reserve for them, if they'll call you, come In, or send back the card. By "working" that
customer and repeatedly communicating with hIm/her, you can stimulate more reorders.
How many more? Every situation is different, and you must test various approaches to
find the ones that produce best, but by regularly working your customers, you can
usually pull from 200AJ to 3000/0 additional business. People are sllently begging to be
acknowledged, Informed, given advance opportunities and led to action." This last
sentence is worth m.emorizing. Read it again several times.
"It doesn't matter what busIness you're In, thIs concept works equally well anywhere. If
you're In retail, a letter is great. If you have a handful of expensive clients, give them a
call. You can use a mail-gram or a mock mall-gram, a cassette tape, a card, or a gift
bearing an offer. The point is, follow up and test new versions against your control

If you are to utilize any or all of these concepts, you must now cultivate one vital
Ingredient -- the marketer's unorthodox perspective. This is literally a new way to think,
whIch allows you to see, identify and ethIcally exploit all the. avallable marketing and
redeployment opportunities -- everythJng no one else thInks of." Try to apply the
examples Jay gives to your business.

"ThIs requires a tremendously open mind that looks far beyond the initial transaction and
sees the dormant possibilities of reworking, cross-selling, and following up activities. You
must be willing to experiment and look at your business and its related activities In
unorthodox ways. Slant your perspective diagonally, and then look at it vertically,
rethInk it sideways, etc.
Impetuousness, conjecture or bullheadedness must never be a substitute for conservative
testing and experimentation!
It is stupid to decide (In advance) what the marketplace wants. Powerful advice. You
must put those questions to the court of last resort -- your market (the buyers whose
votes not only count but can made you richer)!
From now on, when you want to know whether an idea wl1l work, or how much profit a
concept might add or subtract, you must quickly, efficiently, conservatively and
Inexpensively test that concept to a segment of your market."
Basically, in these last paragraphs Jay is mildng two different strategies, The most
important of the two is that you can dramatically improve your mainstream
business by going after your customers for more orders (Reselling), You can aiso get

dJfferent Idnds of business (cross-selling). The latter is what is typically meant by

the term. "back-end."
'The back-end (all repeat sales and ancillary sales) is where the big money is (or can be).
It's one of the keys to successful marketing. Once a person buys from you, it's much
easier to get him/her to buy again and again. It's less expensive, too, because you don't
have to spend as much money on advertising as you do on the front-end. You can resell,
upsell, and cross-sell all your customers. Reselling is simply selling them the same thing
they bought before. Up selling is getting them to buy a better, more expensive, or more
sophisticated product. Cross-selling is getting them to buy something else that's related
to the original product.
What are you selling on the back-end right now? What could you be selling? How does
this impact the Ufetime Value of your average customer?"

Jay wants you to be able to compute the profits one customer brings you so that
you spend just the right amount of money on marketing,
'The most profitable thing you'll ever do for your business is to understand and ethically
exploit the marginal net worth of a customer?
What is the current marginal net worth of one of your customers or prospects? It's the
total aggregate profit of an average customer over the lifetime of his/her patronage -including all residual sales -- less all advertising, marketing, and fulfillment expense.
Let's say that the average new customer brings you an average profit of $75 on the first
sale. He/She repurchases three more times a year, with an average reorder amount of
$300, and on each $300 reorder you make $150 gross profit. Now, with the average
patronage life lasting two years, every new customer is worth $975.
I arrived at the $975 by adding the $75 initial profit, to the three additional purchases
per year (at $150 profit per purchase) times the two years they remain a customer.
Once you know precisely how to quantify the marginal net worth of a customer, then you
must work with the data.
If a customer will be worth $975, and it costs you $30 to land him, then every $30 you
spend is worth $975. You would be foolish not to increase your ad budget to produce
more $30-cost customers.

You could, theoretically, afford to spend up to $975 to bring in a customer and still break

In other words, this is a method to plot what you can afford to spend to get a
customer. It's a littie obtuse and sometimes hard to calculate, but it's a well
thought out scheme and a prudent calculation for you to make.
"If you have modest capital, you could still easily justify spending 100% of the profits to
get the first sale -- since every $75 (first sale's average profit) you spend to acquire a
customer means $900 in the bank in the next 24 months. If you double the number of
new customers, you double the next two years' profits.

Spend everything you can Justify to bring in a customer as long as the customer costs

you less than he/she earns you. If you feel you can't afford to spend more than the
entire 1n1tial sale profit to get a customer, just remember that you'll be making money on
him/her In a few months. Start out spending only what your cash-flow canjustlfy, but
after a quarter or two of reorder profits, step up the ad budget.
Using Marginal Net Worth has one other advantage -- most of your competitors have no
idea what a customer is worth. If their marketing budget is a percentage of sales, then
during a recession they might cut their budget. If you continue advertising and
marketing at your current level you'll get their customers.

This is somewhat redundent and you may want to come back to this when you've
got time and are actually going to do the calculations for your business.
"If you haven't calculated your customer's marginal net worth yet, here's how to do it:

1. Compute your average sale and your profit per sale.

2. Compute how much additional profit a customer is worth to you by
determining how many times he/ she comes back. Be conservative.
3. Compute precisely what a customer costs by dividing the marketing
budget by the number of customers it produces.
4. Compute the cost of a prospect the same way.
5. Compute how many sales you get for so many prospects (the
percentage of prospects who become customers).
6. Compute the marginal net worth of a customer by subtracting the
cost to produce (or convert) him/her from the profit you expect to
earn from him/her over the lifetime of his/her patronage.
I ultimately want you to spend less per customer on acquisition cost -- so why am I trying
to get you to spend more? Because this is the most lucrative short-term way to get more
new customers. After a while, you can start slashing your cost per acquisition.
Everyone wants as many new customers as they can get, but almost no one quantifies
precisely what a customer ultimately is worth and how much they can spend to get one
and be profitable."
Here's an interview Jay did with a man in the vitamin business. This interview
illustrates the kinds of things Jay recommends you begin with your customers. see
if you can fashion a few of these ideas for your business or the one you are planning.
"Jay: Tell me a little bit about the company, what you do, how you currently operate,
where is your distribution, what is the size?
Richard: We basically distribute vitamIns by mail directly to the consumer.
Jay: What devices do you employ to get your distribution?

Richard: We advertise maInly in regional and national health magazines.

Jay: So when you get a customer, do you lmmediately start mal\ing to them regularly or
Richard: When we get a customer we don't start mal\ing to them, we send them all the
information that's in the mal\ing piece and we do not contact them after that. Either he
buys or he doesn't buy. If he buys, chances are he's going to stay a customer.
Jay: Can I conceptually slap your wrists?
Richard: Of course you can.
Jay: It's hard to penetrate the retail market, you've got to lay siege to customers, and
when somebody comes in your door you want to do want to do
everything in your ability, to keep those people and not sit with an attitude of, 'Well, if
you come back we've got you for life." People are inherently lazy, they're inertia-prone.
You want to make it as easy as possible for them to engage in a perpetual purchasing
relationship with you. How many customers do you tWnk you have?
Richard: Honestly, I couldn't tell you.
Jay: Are you set up to work the mall order as a profit center?
Richard: If you mean do we have everybody on the computer, we don't.
Jay: Do you have a computer you could put them on?
Richard: Well, not at the moment.
Jay: How much money does the mail order division represent on a monthly basis to you
right now?
Richard: About $25,000."

Jay's mind takes off here,

"Jay: You probably are letting at least that amount again go every month by not working
your customers with ongoing continuity mailings, proposals, offers, regular quarterly
mailing, information, a very specific type of information, setting them up on a plan, a
regimen, suggesting a buying pattern and... How many products in the line?
Richard: Several dozen.
Jay: I can safely say you're at very rock minimum allowing $350,000 or $400,000 dollars
to go unharvested. It's absolutely imperative that you buy or lease an IBM PC or a
Macintosh and dedicate it to mall order operation. Have somebody enter the names and
have a regular sequential procedure where at certain times in the progression of the life
of a customer another follow-up letter goes out to them. Do you understand what I'm
Richard: Yes, basically, yes.

Jay: What about d1rect mail--do you rent lists and mail them?
Richard: No.
Jay: What Is the average order dollar-wise? Do you know what It would be roughly?
Richard: A d1rect mail order can range anywhere from $12 to $250.
Jay: It would probably average $25. wouldn't It?
Richard: It may be a little bit more.
Jay: And on a $25 or $30 sale what do you make In profit?
Richard: So far this business Isn't making any profit.
Jay: It's losing money?
Richard: It hasn't been making any.
Jay: Why?
Richard: Because I'm spending so much money In advertising that with the advertising
outlays, the mailing outlays, It just hasn't been making money.
Jay: lf you just added a little bit of follow-up to what you're doing, you'll probably add
$300.000 In gross sales which Is $100.000 worth of profit just by following up. It's not
prudent to wait for them to order back from you. lf you Invest In a series of follow-up
letters and you developed a personality for yourself and you became the spokesman
explaining and teaching them about vttamms and the extra effort you go to In making

One of Jay's concepts is to become a personality to your clients by always having

your name in front of them. In other words, they shouldn't be doing business with
Acme Tire company. they should be doing business with President Joe G. Jones and
Acme Tire Company.
''When they order again. you go right back and work them with an acknowledging letter,
maybe external to the package, and different material In the package. and sequential
mailings at every quarter or every month. Try to Induce them to buy It, try different
There's a technique some people use where they get people to give them theIr charge card
number and they slgn what I call a TFN, ('til further notlce.I automatic charge document
where they let you every 30. 60. 45 days automatically send them out another supply of
the stuff and blll It to their credit card. And If you could see what that'll do to your cash
flow-It's enormous.
It sounds to me like you're probably sItting on more of a gold mlne than you realize and
you might see It If you just understand how to step back and organize your assets. Do
you have any Idea how many past customers you've had by mail? Do you have
thousands, hundreds?

Richard: Probably a few thousand.

Jay: I think what you ought to do is tty ads designed to pay their own way and bring
back a profit. Take the names you're sitting on and put them on computer and work up
ad packages that go in with the first vitamin shipments people buy which position and
orient them towards what you want to do and then set up a regular follow-up mal11ng."

Besides his retail vitamin business, Richard also distributed vitamins to a few
hundred health stores.
"You'll find that there are something like 2 or 3 or 4 million rentable names of people who
subscribe to Prevention Magazine and have bought vitamins and other health-related
products by mail all over the country, You could split them up geographically by regional
designation. and then send a mailing piece to health food stores and particularly mintchains and stores in geographically designated areas, and say, 'We're going to do a
mailing to all the health food enthusiasts in your area whether it's with or without your
support. guite frankly, Mr. Health Food Store Operator, what we'd like to do is have
your support because instead of having the orders corne directly to us, we will reference
your store in the malllng piece. We'll tell them they can buy it by mail from us but we'd
just as soon see them go to your health food store. In -order to do that, you've got to
agree to buy at least 300 bottles," or something like that. Enough to Justify the cost of
malllng a thousand or five thousand letters. If you do that. and make the right pitch,
I'll bet what you'd get is 300 or 400 health food stores to take on a gross of the product
or two gross of the product.
Richard: Well, it's a possibility.
Jay: All you have to do, Richard, is tty it. You tty it in a small controlled environment.
You should establish a monthly budget. Whether you're making a profit or not. it should
be a percentage of the previous month's or the previous quarter's sales, and it should be
spent to bring in new customers, to nurture and perpetuate existing customers.
You're sitting there with lots of assets that could be turned into profit. If you look at
them in a different light you could see that by not expecting the retail customer or the
mail-order customers to call you, but by guiding them and telling them what to do and
reformatting the package you put in with the first shipment of the vitamins and
subsequent ones, by sending mailings out to them on a regular basis telling them and
educating .them about your vitamins and about usages of them, and making specific
offers about what they should buy from you on a regular basis, you'll generate gobs of
Jay: Let me conclude. I think it's critically lmportant--vitaily, urgently, lmportant--that
you get all your customers on computer. And get a program that will let you keep
managing your customers and I think you should immediately get 100 to 500 new
customers a month. You should immediately sit down and draft a cover letter that goes
with all the material you use that positions. postures. and directs the people as to what
it is you want them to do."

Here's the same advice in a nutshell.

"Your best prospects are your existing customers. If you've been putting all your
marketing efforts into acquiring new customers, stop and divert some of your resources
into reselling, upselling, and cross-selling to those same customers. In every way

possible--through package inserts, regular mailings, special offers--stay in touch with

those customers and get them used to buying from you.
If this is too much to handle by yourseIf, hire someone with a marketing orientation to
do the follow-up for you. Proper follow-up can transform a marginal business into a
spectacular success."
Yes, it sounds obvious but so few people do what Jay suggests that it's apparently
far easier to grasp his concept than to employ it. Most existing businesses are
neglecting this idea and it is this single strategy that can immediately bear fruit.
This idea alone can and will make you far more money than you could ever spend
on all the expensive Jay Abraham marketing courses ever sold.
A new business should start out with this program in place, A few years ago my wife
started up a service business for women, She followed my advice and put all her
customers and customer prospects on her computer. Then every other month she
sent either a post card or a letter offering a special price that encouraged them to
return for another round of services. Within a few years her business flourished.
My own business has had many ups and downs over the years. Only one thing has
enabled me to stay afloat, Our old customers have saved us, Time and again we
would mall or call our old customers and a few of them would always reorder. In
fact, our largest order last year came from a customer who had not done business
with us in fourleen years.
We keep our list divided into customer and prospect categories. Current customers
have purchased in the last 2 years. New prospects are those added to our list in the
past 12 months, We mall the current customers every month. We mall the recent
old customers and the new prospects six times a year. When we get a hot offer that
really works. we mall it to the entire list.
We track the responses closely so that we know when a mailing to our in-house list
is working. Keeping a handie on how your lists work is crucially important.
"Overlooked opportunities almost always exist in any business, but more so in retail
businesses. Why? Because more retailers don't know or understand the real leverage
they possess. For example. 99 out of 100 retail stores rarely, if ever, capture (by this I
mean retain and record) information about their customers.
Retailers should try to capture each customer's name and address, the dollar amount of
past purchases, the number of past purchases, specific products or services the customer
bought or is interested in buying. total dollars spent. specific interests of the customer,
where the customer lives. etc." But there is no point in keeping information that
doesn't help your marketing.
"If you're one of those business people who doesn't capture customer information, don't
feel bad -- you're not alone. And the first step toward overcoming this mistake is to
recognize it. Keep this in mind: If you have your customer Information detailed and
segmented (by segmented I mean segregated in different listings), it can make you a lot
of money.
You can send direct mall to your customers (people who you know are interested in your
products & services) rather than waste your money running expensive ads that reach a

lot of people who may not be Interested In what you have to offer." More great advice,
''You can send out personalIzed, direct-mail promotional letters, instead of wasting your
time and money mailing to a general resident list. A general resident list Is an Ineffective,
untargeted, shot-In-the-dark waste -- yet that's the main promotional thrust most naive
business people opt for. By sending out a special, "preferred-customer" mailing to people
who are familiar with your business, you can be sure that you're reaching people who are
interested In what you have to offer.
In your promotional letters to your customers, you can offer goods and services that are

not stocked, "preselling" all kinds of merchandise before you invest a single dollar. You
can take deposits from customers, or they can prepay the full price." All these ideas
won't work for you, but some will and they are pure genius,
''You can also use direct mail to get rid of all sorts of overstocked, slow-moving, damaged,
or undesirable goods, and convert that stale inventory Into cash.
And, if you know a lot about each customer, you can get specific letters to specific
segments of your customer base, offering them the precise type, kind, or subject matter
of products or services you know the customer is most interested in. Let's say, for
example, you have a shoe store, and you know that 100 of your 1,000 customers are
women who buy an average of two pairs of shoes each time they come In, and they always
buy the hottest. most fashionable shoes you sell. You could write a simple letter,
exclusively to these 100 women, offering them either the newest shoes that have arrived,
or offering them a chance to prepurchase some exotic shoes before they even get to your
store. Chances are, if your letter is crafted correctly (and I'm providing a compendium
of proven sample letters) your letter could sell as many as 33 or 50 of these 100 women
a pair or two of shoes. And if the average woman purchases two pairs of $50 shoes every
time you mail to them, you'd add $3,300 In additional sales to your business every time
you mailed out 100 letters -- and conceivably a lot more if 50 people bought Instead of
But let's Just say a mere 33 women buy two pairs of shoes once a month from a simple
letter you send out. That $3,300 In added sales only cost you $50 to produce (that's
whatit cost to mail print and mail the letter). yet It yields over $1,500 In pure profit. And
if you, like many retailers, triple your markup, It may even yield as much as $2,500 In
Just for risking a "whopping" $50 on a letter, you could make $1,500 to $2,500-plus -extra profit -- from mailing one letter to one segment of your customer list. And most
customer lists can be segmented (or broken down) into at least four or five different
categories -- each of which can receive a singular type of mailing at least once every
month or two.
I won't take up important space In this report by listing all the math on a typical
business, but it's not at all uncommon for a business to have 1,000 to 10,000 customers
they've never mailed to before, or have mailed to very infrequently, or mailed a boring
approach that didn't work.
By the way, you don't have to be a huge retailer for my concepts to work. The previous
example is for a small to medium-size local merchant...not some huge chain. Local shoe
stores, clothing stores, health-food stores, landscape or nursery shops are perfect hosts
for this type of promotion."


Jay's ideas on this subject just keep on flowing,

Here's more of Jay's ideas on how to take advantage of the opportunity that exists
with current customers:
"Say that you have a business (any type of business) that sells a lot of people the same
For llIustrative purposes, let's say you're a widget store. Of the 100 people who buy
merchand1se from your store in a given week, the average purchase is about $100. What
would happen If you gave your cashiers and salespeople a simple phrase they could say
right at the point of purchase -- right when the person is ready to pay for the
merchand1se and is most excited about it -- that would persuade one out of every two
customers to add an extra 20% to their sale?
If you could successfully induce half of your customers to add $20 more to their

purchase each time they buy something from you -- you've just added $10 or more extra
profit per sale.
Remember that your business sells to 100 people a week. By using a simple little phrase,
you could instantly add $500 in profit to your cash flow or bank account every week.
Multiply that by 4.3 weeks in a month, and you've just produced $2,150 in found profit
that you never would have had before. Do this every month for a year, and you'll have
added $25,800 in pure profit, just like that!
But before you say 'O.K., Jay, what is that magic phrase I get the salespeople or cashier
to utter?' Let me tell you -- all you have to do to add 40% to 150% more profit to every
sale your business makes is to ask each customer, as they're finalizing their purchase,
If they'd like to take advantage of an unpubliclzed, 'in-store' special offer, only available
to customers buying a minimum of $X worth of merchand1se today.
All you have to do is put together an appealing 'package' of merchand1se or services (or
both) to be offered at the point of purchase. This package must be perceived by the
customer to be extremely expensive and desirable -- but in reality, the cost is very low.
Let me give you a few examples:
If your business is a hardware store, and the cashier offers a complete $50 tool set for
just $31, which actually costs you only $15 (and one out of every two customers bought
the special 'bump') -- you'd add $16 profit to every other sale -- $8 extra profit for every
customer who walks through your door. Say that 100 customers come into your store
each day and you added $8 profit per customer -- that means you'd be adding $800 a day
in absolute pure profit to your bank account. Multiply that by six days, that's $4,800
a week, times 4.3 weeks, which comes to $28,640 per month!"

He's a whiz at math,

"If your business is a video store, and you offer customers two extra rentals for just $2
when they rent any three movies at $3 each, you'd add probably a pure $1 profit per
rental per day, And many of the rental companies rent out hundreds to thousands of
tapes a day."

What a way for video stores to rent the old movies in their store that seldom go out.


"If you have a restaurant and you offer your customers free dessert and coffee If their
check is $10 or more, how many people might order a more expensive meal? You'd be

A word of clarification or explanation is in order now.

You're undoubtedly saying that this is too simple. These ideas are too obvious, everybody
does that (but everybody doesn't do Itl] People are surprisingly conservative -- they're
myopic -- they suffer from tunnel vision and don't know how to experiment, test, and try
different unfamiliar things. Not one in 20 businesses incorporates any of the techniques
I've just outlined. Stated differently, that means you have an advantage over 95 out of
100 businesses.
Another method you can use to boost your profits is telemarketing. What would happen,
for example, If somebody from a company you're familiar with, whom you liked and
trusted and had a good relationship with, called you up and offered you a proposition on
either a product or service, or a package (a combination of products or services) that was
only being made available to an exclusive group of customers, and not normally available,
or an item that was not normally stocked, but that the store could manage to get If you
were really interested in it? Chances are, If it were something you were excited about,
you'd probably agree to purchase it.
So try telemarketing to your customers. Educate them about the products and services
you have over the phone. Put a special package together and call your preferred
customers. Offer your customers a product or service that you don't normally carry.

Telemarketing can also be used to strengthen your maUing efforts. Have your sales staff
divide up your customers by those they have the best rapport with, or randomly, and
follow up via the telephone. (A client of mine made an extra rnllllon dollars a few years
back when he first started using telephone follow-up to Intensify and enhance the results
of his matltngs)."

Our upcoming chapter on telemarketing gives you the essentials of how to set up
and run a telemarketing company. Let's summarize Jay's advice:
"Once you've developed a customer, you have the most cost-effective, direct access to the
single best source of future business there is.
All you have to do is intelligently work that list, and rework it over and over again. By
intelligently, I mean logically.
First, contact the customer by letter, phone, or in person, acknowledge his or her
importance, and then make a powerful and compelling case as to the 'reason why' (this
is critically important) the customer should be interested in taking advantage of the
product or service you're now offering. Make certain you can actually proffer a reason
why (or multiple reasons why), then lead the customer to action. Tell him or her why to
buy, how to buy, what to do and why they should do it now.
If you can't answer compellingly and simply all these points -- you must concentrate your
focus on these critical issues (and If necessary get your staff, vendors or industry trade
groups to help you) until you can smoothly, concertedly, powerfully, and intimately
express them in a manner people will respect, believe and (most importantly) respond tol


Leverage off of the reasons that your customers previously purchased from you, and
repeat the essence of those reasons once more.
Most business people don't work their past customers at all. And those who do work
their past customers, produce only a fraction of the potential they're capable of
Satisfied customers lIke to be, want to be and ~ already favorably predisposed toward
workIng with you or doing business with you. They are simply sIlently begging to be led.
By that, I mean they want to repurchase -- ironically, they really do. But it's up to you
to expend the effort, the energy and the necessary overture to lead the customer back.
There's an lnfinlte number of ways this can be accomplished. For example:
Offer your customers one time, preferential pricing to Induce them to do business with
you again.
Here's a sample sales letter that a service business could use:"

Frankly, now is not the best time to carefully read these letters, Skip them for now
and read them the day you sit down to write your first marketing letter to your
clients, You can tailor these letters for your own use, They are guides to what you
will want to mail out in your business,
"Mr. John H. Customer
1209 Arlington Avenue
Milton, Iowa 00000
Dear Mr. Customer,
I've been thinking about you a great deal, and I've decided to do something a little bold
but perhaps very much appreciated by you, once you understand the method behind it.
Simply put, I've just started an automatic, ongoing, subscription-based service that I'm
inviting my better customers to take advantage of, whereby we automatically render to
you on a pre-established, appropriate intervals our cleaning service (or our tree-trimmlng
service or auto detaIling service or rug shampooing service).
Our technicians(or lawn care specialists or auto mechanic experts) will come to you,
determIne through consultation with you exactly the level of continuing service you
require, and at the same time every month (or week or three months) automaticaliy
perform that service for you.
We'll keep your home (or yard or car) at the level of perfection you want and expect,
automatically, without you having to worry about contacting us.
In addition to scheduling our service at the Intervals appropriate for you, when you sign
up for this service, you'll also get, free-of-charge, our interim catastrophe Insurance. In
other words, if something happens to your carpet we will come out and spot clean or
repair it at no charge (or if something happens to your car and the wax job on it wears

off between detailings, we'll come out on the spot and Improve it at no charge).
What's all this cost? A lot less than you might Imagine, and certainly a lot less per visit
than it would if you engaged our services one time only.

Why is it such a savlngs? The answer is very logical, actually. I have employees on my
payroll whom I have to pay whether they work or not, and for some inexplicable reason.
everyone wants to avail themselves of my services on Mondays and Fridays. Nobody
seems to need our services on Tuesday, Wednesdays. and Thursdays, but I have to keep
my employees on the payroll just the same. I have workers sitting on their thumbs
during the middle of the week, with me paying them $15 and $20 an hour to do nothing.
It's to my advantage from a utilization standpoint to bring in revenue -- even if it's not
maximum revenue -- on the off-days.
If you will allow me to schedule these services at times that are more convenient to us
but fairly appropriate for you, I'd be delighted to pass on the savings. By the way, when
you agree to allow me to set you up on this ongoing subscription service, you're never
obligated to continue.

At any time. if the service Is no longer appropriate. or our performance is no longer

satisfactory, or you have any problem of dissatisfaction, you can cancel on the spot.
Moreover, if ever our service doesn't measure up to the discriminating standards you
expect, all you have to do is call me personally and I'll eIther re-perform the service or
refund your money, whichever you prefer.
Knowing how Important a clean carpet (or a clean car or well-manicured shrubbery) Is
to you, this service will be particularly apprecIated. I think YOU'll also love the annualized
savings --both in time and money.
Unless I hear otherwise from you. I'll be contacting you In the next two or three days just
to set up the schedule and work out your requIrements. Or, if you would rather not have
me phone you, simply send back the enclosed reply card with your specifications.
Jack Mayhill
Mayhill's North CIty Cleaning Service

Notify your customers of sales or specIals ahead of the general public.

Your offer must be so compelling that they prioritize your product or service. You have
to convince them that your product or service can help them, and your offer must
support this by making It unusually easy or affordable for them to conduct business with
Here's a letter a luxury car dealer might write to his top-end customers:
I'm Writing to Alert You to an Opportunity
I Think You'll Want to Know About
Dear Mr. Customer,
As somebody who Is really Interested In exotic automoblles, I thought you would like to
know about the special AMG Mercedes 560SEL that just came out of Germany.

In case you're unaware of It, the 560SEL Is probably the Cadillac of Mercedes. No pun
It's basically the most exotic, well-appointed, powerful, streamlined,

Intlmldatlng, forrnidable version of the Mercedes that has ever been created. It's got a
special contour back. special high-performance additive. and decorative components that
distinguish It above and beyond every other Mercedes In the area.
But It's got a disarmingly handsome understatement about It that makes It stand out
when It's driving down the street. heading down the highway. or parked impressively In
front of an elegant restaurant. We've only got three of these In stock right now: One In
dramatic black. the others In mldnlght blue and knockout red.
I'm writing to you not knowing If this Is too rich or too powerful for your Interest. But I
would feel terrible If I didn't alert you to the fact that we have these In stock and are
going to make them available to the rest of the markektplace In about three weeks. When
the ads break. we ful!y expect to sel! all three of them In a matter of weeks.
I'm writing you for three reasons. One. I know you love Mercedes. Two. I know you own
a 320. and It's a beauty. Three. I would llke to have your car on my used car lot and I
am willlng to offer you an extraordinarily generous trade-In allowance and In the process.
offer you the 560SEL at $7.000 less than we are going to advertise It for In the newspaper
three weeks from Sunday.
If you would be Interested In driving this car. call me tonight or tomorrow morning. If It's

not too late.

hours. with
and beauty.
process the

I'll have the car ferried to your office or your home to drive for the next three
my compliments. If It doesn't take your breath away. both In performance
send it back. If It does take your breath away. we'll take your Mercedes and
paperwork for you.

Ronald FIscher
North Hill Mercedes-Benz

Offer better customers a l1mlted number or exclusive avallablllty first.

Here Is an example of how to alert customers to a l1mlted-avallabll1ty Item...
I've Got to Get This Off My Chest Before I Explodel
Dear Mr. Phelps.
I'm writing to alert you to an opportunity that I think Is very appealing (or very slgnillcant
or applles to you. etc.) Each year. Acme Widget Manufacturing gets In a Jam and they
overproduce certain hi-performance widget models. Then they've got to figure out what
to do with them.
Because my firtn Is the largest distributor of Acme Widgets. Acme usually calls me. Last
time they had 35 extra of these performance widgets. they called us and we contacted our
preferred customers. We sold every one of them within 48 hours. In fact. we actually
oversold by 25 which we could have fulfilled on If we had had product. Acme Just
contacted me ten mlnutes ago to tell me they have 64 Model12W3 Bi-Turbo Widgets that
they've discontinued. They asked If I wanted them and I said yes.
I have 500 customers. I'm sending this letter only to my preferred customers -- those I

think would most appreciate these widgets and to whom I would like to pass on the most

These are the very same widgets you'd pay $878 for. They carry the same 240-day 'no
questions-asked' guarantee. They are the same except for the fact that Acme has declded
to no longer manufacture them and they're no longer on the market. If you'd bought
them from any dealer (Including us) last year, you would have paid $800 to $1,200.
Because we pay cash and because Acme knows we won't Incllscrlm1nately promote them
In the marketplace, we were able to buy their last rema1nlng Inventory of Bl-Turbo
Widgets at such an advantageous price, we can pass the savings on to you. We can sell
that same $1,200 Widget for $419, and If you have any reticence about It being
appropriaate for you, you can use It for 30 days at our risk. If It's not absolutely a
wonderfully performing Widget, you can send It back to me because I'm quite sure I'll
have 25 others waiting on a stand-by list for It.
Nevertheless, we've got these 64 Widgets available -- they'll be In our warehouse In seven
days. I'm sending this letter out to only a handful of preferred customers who I reaily
want to do a service for. You're one of them. If you're Interested, please cail me
personally -- or call my assistant, Mary Smith, within the next two days, because frankly,
there aren't going to be that many left. I hope you're able to take advantage of It.
Jim McNamara

McNamara's Performance Widgets

Educate your customers and explain complex products/services to them so they can
appreciate the benefits your product/ service offers them.
When selling a hlgh-tlcket or luxury Item, you must carefully acknowledge the Issue of
price, but quickly counter with the offer you have in mind. You cannot avoid the price:
It will be a concern for 99% of your customers. However, you can turn the price Issue
into your advantage by selling the features and quality, and underscoring the tremendous
value they will be receiving.
Here's some sample copy a custom furniture dealer might use ...
The Patterns of the XYZ Custom-Designed Oriental Rugs
Are Carefully Selected to Ensure that Each Rug
Is Its Own Unique Work of Art
The fabric is handmade by craftsmen In a family-owned mill where they still weave fabrics
the way they clld 100 years ago. Each yard of fabric contalns __feet of silk and other
natural-fiber threads, and patterns are Intricately worked Into the fabric with artistic
preclslon -- one strand at a time. Embossing Is meticulously supervised by the same
ruthless perfectionist who oversaw the creation of the magnlflcent rug that graces the
TWs factory produces only 4,500 yards of handwoven, hand-embroidered, handInspected, quadruple-lined fabric each year --only enough material to make __rugs In
an entire year. We have secured the entire production of the factory for the month of
May, and we are accepting Inquiries regarding our custom-designed rugs. But please,
don't ever call us unless you can wait patiently for three months, can afford the best, and

can appreciate a genuine, one-of-a-kind work of historic art.

I could Uterally go on and on about working your current and past customers.
remember this:


It may have cost you $100 or $1.000 inltially to 'buy' or acquire a new customer. That's
taking the cost of running ads or commercials or sales efforts and drvtdtng it into the
number of ultimate sales resulting. However, the cost of reselUng an existing customer
once you've acquired them is negligible.
It costs $100 or $1.000 to generate a customer... but only 60 or 70 cents to mail them a
powerful and personal letter once you've captured their business.
It only costs a few dollars to call that customer on the phone. And perhaps $15 or $20
to visit them in person. All this is far less than you'd have to spend on the outside
market to bring in a new customer.
So first. and foremost, work your existing and inactive customers hard and often. It's

easy, inexpensive, Immediate. and the return will out-produce any other option you have
available. "

Before you begin marketing these new programs to your customers you may want
to briefly take another look at your customers and their needs.
"Ninety percent of the businesses I look at never precisely determine the needs, desires,
or requirements of the people to whom they are trying to sell.
How can you expect to adequately fill someone's needs if you never take the time to
understand them? It's laughable! Yet few companles seek to meet their customers'
needs. Those companles that do understand their customers' needs, and attempt to
satisfy those needs, seem to end up with all the business. You can end up with all the
business too, if you'll take the time to learn what your customers need and want. Let's
probe the problem a Uttle.
To induce someone to favor you with their business, you normally have to offer them
some need-fllllng advantage. Let's review just a few of the possible needs people want
filled ...
They want products that offer convenience or better quality. They want things that last
longer, save time, look better, perform more functions, are state-of-the-art. save money,
make life less difficult by saving effort. generate more money. or make their owners more
What do your customers want or need most in the product or service you offer? Do they
want the convenience of knowing they can go down the block and get it from you, or the
knowledge that your firm stocks or offers more items, or sizes, or products than any
other company? Do they want the top-of-the-line product or service? Or. do they want
highly personalized service, attention, advice, and instruction?
Perhaps they merely want to acquire the kind of goods or services you sell at the lowest
possible price. Or maybe price alone Isn't what they're after -- maybe they want the best
guarantee or the best service to support the sale.

I don't know which need, or which combination of needs, your potential customer seeks
but that customer does seek fulfillment of some singular need or combination of needs,
and sometimes he or she doesn't even fully realize it. But once you find and fill that
need, you'll own your business niche.
If you don't know what needs your customer most wants you to fill. start by recognizing
that no one can be all things to all people. You'll dilute your image as a need-filler lfyou
try to do that. So, first determine which needs you can fill, consistent with who you are,
what your business is, and how you operate.
Then talk to clients, prospects, and customers, and have your salespeople do the same.
Experiment with the image you convey in your advertising and promotion. Monitor the
consensus and gauge the feedback. Let your customers tell you which speclflc needs
they most want filled, then determine which of those needs you can actually flll.
Then, don't merely fill those needs silently. Make sure your customers, prospects,
salespeople, and your entire marketplace learn that your business listened and that you
finally did something to satisfy the needs of your customers. Continuously (tactfully)
inform, educate, and outright 'point out' that your company is filling those needs for your
customers. Change your ads to feature these speclflc need-filling advantages. Have your
field or in-store salespeople point out what you are doing. Send out letters that do the
same. Phone your customers and inform them that you're prepared to fill their needs.
Once you determine precisely what your customers' needs are and you commit to
fuIfilling those needs, then do it.
If you decide that service is the critical element, offer the best service, the fastest service,
the most skilled service people, the most knowledgeable staff. If top quality is the need
you decide to fill, don't offer mediocre goods! If you claim to be the best-quality business,
make darned certain you're a regular fussbudget about what you sell, If you promise the
lowest price, keep that promise. Integrity requires it. If you don't genuinely fill the needs
you purport to fill, your customers will soon abandon you."

Jay also believes that business owners must observe their customers closely to
clearly understand their needs,
"Get to know your customers better.
Once I spent the entire day with a client who taught me more than I taught him. I
relearned an important lesson I had forgotten. The lesson was to get back in touch with
the real, live pulse of your marketplace.
I mean actually go onto the selling floor and handle two or three dozen sales transactions
once a week to better comprehend what the customers' interests really are and what
turns them on.
You should take customer service calls once a day and re-read all the indicative customer
complaints that are received.
I'm finding that business-people tend to be more inclined to not care about the market.
but rather attempt to tell their market what they should want.


The tendency not to become Intimately familiar with the desires and problems of your
marketplace Is suIcIdal.
Not only should you try to sell, work the complaints. and read all the mall your firm
receives. you should go out on service calls and talk to a dozen or so of old customers to
see why they are or are not buying from you now.
I've always advocated shopping your competition. People respond to ever-changing
stlrnult and unless you keep a close watch on your marketplace's vital stgns, your
business can die on you very quickly.
Pivotal changes occur In the attitudes of consumers. They become risk averse,
commitment averse, change averse, and action averse, and If you fall to acknowledge this
change In motivation, your market could evaporate.
On the other hand, If you start monitoring your sales, actually start call1ng and chatting
with past and present customers, and shop both your company as well as your
competitor's, you'll gain an advantage."


Chapter 2
Jay Abraham strongly advocates that a business extend itselffar beyond the normal
advertising methods used by most firms. Too many companies use conventional
ads on a hit or miss basis that draw poorly. Bad results discourage them from
continuing to market and promote themselves. This can kill any hope of success.
"You MUST MARKET. And you must market more wisely than your competitors. You
must make every dollar you spend as efficient and as productive as you can. You must
learn and adhere to all the elements of powerful marketing.
The success of your business depends on how well you seek out new marketing
approaches and sales avenues."

The cornerstone of your marketing plan (according to Jay) should be to educate

your client. You first educate them on your product or service. Lets say you seli
home furnaces. All the interesting details regarding the construction and function
of your furnace should be included in your advertising and promotional material.
Next you should have a booklet or report on how to save on home energy costs
which is generic and can be used in a variety of promotions. Finally you could have
a report on how to buy or what to look for in an energy efficient house or an even
broader book on home construction or home budgeting that ouly touches on home
energy and heating.
In other words, you educate them on your product and your firm; you educate them
on the field in general in a way that's useful to them and you broadly educate them
on tangentially related subjects which has the effect of endearing you to them.
"One of the saddest marketing mistakes I see is the failure of businesses to educate their
customers about the unique advantages offered them. If you've reviewed 100 different
manufacturers of the products you sell, let your customers know. It'll impress them that
you've screened out products that don't have the quality, endurance. warranty,
rnanufacturlng support, service guarantees, or dependability you know they want.
Perhaps your guarantee is three times longer, or covers five times more problems than
your competitors'. Your customer won't know that unless you tactfully point it out.
When you educate your customers, you'll see your profits soar. Think about yourself:
When you buy or consider buying any item or service -- for yourself, your home, your
family, as a gift, or for your business -- you often don't know as much as you would like
about the item. If you have unanswered questions about a product, you're less likely to
shell out the money to buy it.
When a company or salesman takes the time and initiative to objectively educate you on
all the products in the field you're considering making a purchase, it gains your trust and
Education is a powerful marketing technique. Educate your prospective buyer about
everything (including a few of the bad or less positive aspects of your product or service)
and you'll sell to almost twice as many people as you do now.

This one concept -- educating your customers -- will gain you an Inordinate advantage
over your competitors."


"Few businesses realize tbat tbey must lead tbe customer to action. In additon to
developing a compelling marketing plan.
People need to be explicitly told how to act to obtain your product or service. Therefore- and this In Incredibly important -- every sales call. letter. commercial. or personal
contact should make tbe case for your product. Give prospects a brief education. tben
take tbem by tbe hand, figuratively speaking, and tell tbem what specific action to take
If you're selling an impulse item, or if tbe offer is for a limited time. tell your prospect to
get in touch witb you immediately. And don't be abstract. If you deal by phone. tell
tbem to pick up tbe phone and call a specific number."


'Whenever you make an offer. ask for a sale, run an ad. have a salesperson make a
proposition to a customer or prospect. or offer a product or service for sale at a specific
price. always tell tbe reason why.
Why can you sell a product or service at a lower price tban your competitor? Is it lower
overhead or volume buying? Do you buy odd-lot inventories? Do you not give all tbe
services? Why is your price so good?
If your price is high, tell tbe customer or prospect why. Do you offer a product far
superior tban tbe norm? Is your product made witb demonstrably finer materials? Is
your product designed to last or perform 2 1/2 times longer tban your competitors?
Why is your price high? Is it handmade? Is it made twice as durable. or witb three times
tbe personal stitching or handiwork of some machine-made similar product?
If your price or tbe package is an especially appealing value, tell me (tbe customer) why
you're making this offer. Is it because I'm going to order from you for tbe first time. and
it's an exclusive offer to first-time customers? Or, is it because you got a great purchase
on all or part of tbe components in tbe package. and you want to pass tbe savings on?
Or, is it because you're overstocked and you want to get your capital out of slowermoving inventory. so you're willing to sell at a loss.
Please, tell me your reasons why! Why should I patronize you instead of your
competitors? Tell me what you are doing tbat makes favoring your firm better for me.
Why can your salespeople handle my purchase better tban someone else?
Tell me all tbe reasons why. The more factual. believable. credible, and plausible reasons
you give me for deallng wtth you, tbe more compelled I am to favor you witb my business.
When I write a mailing piece, I do something most other people don't do: I let my readers
in on a secret. I tell tbem why I am making tbe offer and what it's all about. Then I
admit tbat I don't know for sure if it's good for tbem. So after tbey order. tbey have a

choice. If it works, they can keep it, If it doesn't work, they can send it back.
Most people just say, 'Buy from me,' in their ads, If something is expensive, they don't
say why it's expensive. For example, a product may be constructed with 12 times more
material, triple-reinforced and made with the best material available. Educate your
pubUc and they're putty in your hands.
Quite a few years ago, gems were hot; then they died. A large company was stuck with
some magnificent stones that they'd paid over a million dollars for. When they tried to
sell them, nobody wanted them. They cut the price and still nobody wanted them, This
was extremely frustrating. They had all this capital tied up in gems.
As a last ditch effort, they came to me. I turned around and started talking directly to
the reader. I said, These are the facts. We paid over a million dollars for these gems.
If we'd sold them back when the market was high, we'd have sold them to you for two
million dollars. If you'd bought them from a retail jeweler, you probably would have paid
three million dollars. Right now, we can sell them wholesale for $900,000. If you took
them to a jeweler, he'd appraise them for three times that amount.'
I built the case a step at a time. Finally I told them, 'If you've ever wanted a gem, you can
buy one you would have spent $20,000 on just a year ago for $14,000. This is the steal
of a Ufetime.'
Then I told them what to do. I told them to pick up the phone. The ma1l1ng piece
included a Ust describing the gems. I said, 'Pick the gem that sounds best to you. Call
any jeweler you respect in your city and describe that same gem to him. Ask the jeweler
what he or she would charge you to buy it. If it's not worth two or three times what we're
asking, don't buy it from us. If it is, buy it on a conditional basis. Take it to the jeweler
who gave you the quote and ask for an appraisal. You can send it back if it isn't superior
to what we charged you.'
Educate people to appreciate the value of your products and services, It worked for this
company. They sold their entire inventory in three days.
You can't appreciate value in a vacuum. You can't appreciate anything until you're
educated about it. Most people forget this when it comes to marketing, and they lose
millions of dollars!
I am frequently asked to help a company out of a problem. Often. I bail a company out
of an inventory overstock or I stimulate patronage for some service or product that's just
not sel11ng.
How do I do it? What's my secret? The answer is so basic and simple -- and obvious -you'll laugh. I tell my cllients to tell their customers and prospects the truth. For
example, if you've had 9,000 widgets gathering dust in your warehouse for six months,
and you have $90,000 tied up in them, but no one's asking for widgets, write a letter, or
dislplay ad, or1V/ radio commercial that tells your customers and prospects that: 1)you
have a huge inventory of widgets; 2)the widgets are good for such-and-such; 3)you are
interested in sel11ng them retall; and 4)their quallty composition/constructive service
functions and performance criteria are such-and-such.
Then tell people what other retailers or wholesalers would normally offer these or
comparable widgets for, and tell them the price you're willing to sell a widget or a specific

quantity of widgets for. Then tell the prospects why you're selling the widgets to them
so cheaply -- the real reason -- but with a delightful embellishment. For example, tell the
prospect the truth -- that you have 9,000 widgets in your warehouse and the real rush
is over until next fall, so you'll sell them for your actual cost. or even for cost less 20"10.
But add to that explanation a parenthetical exclusive qualifier like...
'But we're only offering this value to our best customers as a reward for your patronage.'
Or... 'But we're only making this offer to new, first-time customers who buy an equal
amount of other products or services.' Or. .. We're only making this offer available to
people who buy (some other speclflc product).'
An important point -- in fact, it's vitally essential is that your customers and prospects
won't understand or appreciate a value, or a bargain, or a service, or a benefit, unless -and until -- you first educate them to appreciate it. Merely offering a product or service
at a specific price (even the best price) doesn't generate excitement or a response until
you tell people what they're getting, what a value it is compared to other products and
services, and why you can offer such value.

This applies to any problem.

When your business has a problem (say you've taken money or advances for a product
or service) and something goes wrong, precluding you from fully rendering that service,
never fail to acknowledge your screw-up. Otherwise that's a sure way to commlt integrity
suicide. Be up-front and honest. Call, write. or individually approach your customers
and apprise them of the problem.
Tell them precisely what you were supposed to do, and tell them why you can't fulfill your
obligations. Tell them with cerlainty when you will be able to perform.
And this is the clincher. Give them some wonderful consideration to compensate them
for being put out. Give them a small gift that costs you a lot less than the profit you'll
lose if you're forced to return their money. Or, send them a discount coupon, or rebate
a portion of their original purchase price. Whatever consideration you offer, tell them
why you're doing it, apologize for what went wrong. thank them for their business. and
assure them honestly that you can and will rectify the problem -- that everything will be
put right by such-and-such a time or method."

Jay's advice on education extends to the point where you concentrate on this
function as much as any single aspect of your business. This advice is fabulous and
it's easy to do.

"Here's a market niche that's crying to be fl1led. Reposttlon your company as the source
for Industry information -- as the expert In the Industry -- and you'll be amazed at the
Increase in business that results.
First, do some homework. Read everything you can get your hands on to keep abreat of
industry trends, developments. and forecasts.
You can have somebody ghostwrite a book or report for you that you disseminate through
press releases, trade journals, or have the publication available free to anybody who
wants It. It can also be distributed for free and/or sold by people who own bookstores.


Approach bookstores, and offer to allow them to sell your publication and keep all the
money for themselves -- just for showcasing the book. lf it's a report, you can have
people give it out as a bonus or, let them sell it for pure profit. You're getting all the free
publicity you could hope for -- and the only costs are your writing and printing expenses.
You could put on seminars throughout your area -- either free or for a low cost. You
could team up with other business experts, who have complimentary products or services
and who are noncompetitive with you, to organize the seminars. For example, if you're
an accountant, you could get together with a financial planner, an attorney, and a
management consultant, and do seminars on how entrepreneurs can protect and
increase their wealth In the 1990s.
You can buy time on radio stations for half-hour shows." In fact, you can get on radio
talk shows at no cost simply by calling them and applying. 'You can become the
keynote speaker at all sorts of organizational meetings. You can start hosting regular
breakfast and lunch meetings at your facll1ty (or at a restaurant) on the subject that
you're expert In. You can publicize yourself and your product."
This also ties in with Jay's idea to make yourself a personality in your business. If
you become widely recognized as an authority (and this takes years) you instill
confidence in your customers. This is a form of branding. In other words, it's a
powerful method of brand recognition which automaticaliy leads customers to you
and your product. One obvious way to do this is to title your company under your
name. For example, I like Harry Brown Motors better than Fourth Street Auto. Use
your picture in your ads and sales literature. However, when you make yourself a
personality, you better follow through with superb service and quality, otherwise,
negative word of mouth wllI rapidiy make your name mud.
"Start sending out lots of press releases. You'll get reporters calling you. Start a local.
regional, or national telephone information holline service. You can have a free,
informative recording. At the end of the recording, make this proposition: 'lf you want
more information, call this number and talk to one of our speclallsts.'
Conversely, you could have a paid hotline that gives advice people perceive as valuable
(900 line] that you sell to people. It's inexpensive to run and can be a nice little
Everybusiness has untold opportunities to educate. For example, a stock-brokerage
firm should educate its prospects about its services, the investments it has
available, its financial strength, the number of people it employs in research to help
the client, the trading staff, special employees and other interesting and helpful
facts. Beyond the standard research reports it should have books and reports that
teach and encourage stock and bond investing. They could have a book for large
investors entitled, 'How to Manage Your Own Private Mutual Fund,' or a book for
smali investors on why you should buy Mutual Funds and not try to manage on your
own. Beyond that, there are thousands of interesting articles to reprint and books
to give away that can be effectively employed as lead generators.
As you probably know, it's a big paln to get a call from a telemarketing trainee

trying to clear the road for some stockbroker or a brassy guy asking intimate
financial questions in the first thirty seconds of the conversation. But if I ordered
their free book, I've got to hold still for it. That's human nature.


Here is an anecdote of how the foregoing examples work. Jay also crosses over into
some powerful additional strategies which will be covered more extensively In
upcoming chapters. This Is Jay at his mile-a-minute best:
"Let's talk about my biggest success of the early 1980s, Investment RarIties,
Incorporated. I first met lRI In 1978. I was Introduced to them through a previous job
I held, selling lead-generating programs to financial service companies. Investment
RarIties was a little company that somehow got Included on my prospect list.
I remember the first time I came In contact with them via telephone. Their president was
cordial, but totally oblivious to anything resembling master marketing strategy.
But almost In spite of themselves, lRI had built a profitable little brokerage business
solely off a single referral relationship they enjoyed with a popular financial newsletter
But when I pressed lRI to find out what they dld with a lead once It came In, I was
dumbfounded. They mailed to Inquiry/referrals a self-serving (not education-rendering)
cluster of nonmotlvatlng sales rhetoric -- then they threw the lead away If the prospect
didn't lmmecUately buy. They never, ever solicited that person again. At first I was
That feeling was quickly replaced by one of opportunism when I realized all I could do
with a client like this. Here's the strategy I subsequently mounted for Investment
First, I focused their overall corporate orientation toward logical and 'obvious' thinking.
I carefully explained to lRI that, If someone was Interested enough to call up or write In
for more information, they warranted a concerted follow-up effort.
Than I drafted entirely new educational material to send out to inquiries and referrals.
Next, I composed elaborately personal acknowledgement letters to accompany the
educational material. A typical letter reminded the inquirer that he had contacted lRI
seeking more Information on the Investment case for gold, silver, and/or rare coins. It
then presented an easy-to-comprehend and remarkably compelling primer on the
appropriate subjects, and went on to caution prudence and conservatism In any Initial
Investment the prospect might decide to make. Finally, the letter advised the prospect
to first talk through his desires, fears, and motivations with a knowledgeable precious
metals specialist (I never, ever referred to them as brokers) before jumping In, even If they
were not going to favor lRI with their purchase.
This approach won people over In droves.
I followed that up by formulating a long-term strategy for profoundly Increasing the
marginal net worth of a customer to lRI. I based this strategy on the knowledge that all
other precious metals Investment companies we were competing with were trying to load
people up with all they could sell them, then burning them off never to deal with them
I decided to posture lRI as a nurturing, long-term, committed, concerned brokerage
house Interested first and foremost In seeing the customer profit ahead of Itself.


To bring this 'USP' (Unique Selling Proposition) goal within range, I established a new
marketing philosophy for the sales staff: Never load up any customer. Rather, If
anything. undersell, first putting the new customer into gold before allowing them to even
consider silver or rare coins.
The commlssion on gold was smaller, granted, but by only allowing the customer to get
started on gold, we did them a safer, better service and precUsposed them toward buying
silver next, rare coins next, then adding back to gold holding. etc.
This long-term, patient, ultraprofessional approach won over so many new customers
that IRI quickly shot to over $500 million in sales, and enjoyed the highest reorder factor
in the industry.
Of course, not all this was attributable to the basic marketing strategy I Just explained.
A few other 'twists' helped make it possible.
For one, once we got a prospect In, we sent out a series of follow-up, educational (never
hard-sell), Informational mailings personally sent from IRI's president. Sometimes we'd
send out over 200,000 letters a month to customers and prospects.
I designed groups of letters for each category -- customers, silver inquirers, gold
prospects, rare coin conversions -- and we progressively kept advancing our customers'
and prospects' knowledge and motivation base by sending out still more instructive,
educational letters.
We never sent out pure sales rhetoric.
I had Investment Rarities acquire the rights to all sorts of impressive, prestigious,
valuable, and 'objective' articles. We generously offered this matterlal FREE on a noobligation basis to any and all who were interested. Soon, the requests numbered In the
hundreds of thousands, and the Inquirtes converted to customers at better than 7%.
I have never believed In buUcUng a company's entire business on only one or two pillars.
That makes the structure too precarious. So I broadly expanded IRI's base. I established
a referral/endorsement program in which I induced several financial newsletter
publishers to regularly endorse Investment Rartties.
Concurrently, I put on extravagant, free seminars and, instead of having some
salesperson from IRI be the key speaker, I paid through the nose for well-known
economists and best-selling authors that drew attendees by the thousands.
And I devised elaborate follow-up programs that cross-sold, cross-pollinated, upsold, and
resold customers, prospects, and suspects.
The persona that we have given Investment Rarities is that we educate before we ever ask
anyone to buy. It's a very powerful technique, but It's seldom used because most people
can't handle it. We'll buy people reports; we'll buy people manuals; we'll buy people
subscriptions to other people's newsletters. We'll give them tickets to expensive
seminars. And we'll say, 'Hey, learn about It! After you've learned about it. give us a call.
We'll answer any question you've got, we'll be scrupulously open with you. We'll be
unhedged; we'll be straightforward; we'll counsel you objectively whether we get your
money or not:


The person who does that clistingulshes hJmse!f as looking out for your interests before
his own. It becomes implicit that they must be darn good; they must be honest,
trustworthy, and extraordlnartly well-prtced because they have enough confidence to not
worry about trying to garner your money before they teach you what the business is. You
educate someone to appreciate what you're selling. You normally tum a one-time-buyer
into a perpetual customer.
People desperately need to be acknowledged and told that they're important. Educate
them without making them feel stupid, and then direct them to action. Believe It or not,
you also have to tell people what in the world you want them to do. Tell them what to
do next. 'I've acknowledged you; you're important, and your needs are more important
than mine. I've taught you about the product or service, and now here's what you do.
If It makes sense for you, try it! Come Into my store and take a look. Buy a piece of
furniture and try It for 30 days. If It doesn't suit your house, !fIt's not comfortable. if the
bed Isn't the best you've ever slept on. we'll take it back.' But take them to action; make
an offer that's irresistible.
The trick in the financial business is deceptively simple: make somebody an offer, a
legitimate offer. that's irresistible. Give them a value no one else can give. Give them a
better discount. more bonuses. a greater warranty, and then give them an inducement
that makes It irresistible. You say. 'I'll give you something worth $100 as a bonus if you
subscribe. If It's not what you think it Is, you get your money back, but you get to keep
that for your trouble.' That technique has value anywhere In anybody's business. Again.
you're going to have certain people who take advantage of you. but not many.
We're doing an offer now that's fascinating. It's a blind offer. We're offering something
for $100. !fyou don't like it, you get $120 back. People say. 'Oh my gosh. you're going
to lose your derriere!' Again. some people will take advantage of you. but by and large,
the offer is so inorclinately appealing that It compels people who would never normally
do so. to respond. But, if the product isn't worthwhile, if the product isn't a quality
product or doesn't fulfill the promise. you deserve to lose. The whole premise is that you
must have a quality product or service. at whatever price. Whether you're low-priced or
high-priced doesn't matter. But if the product doesn't fulfill the expectations, shame on
you. You deserve to get creamed. If the product Is a quality product, you dramatically
enhance the response and the saleability because you take all the risk away from the

"Preemptive advertising Is the single most powerful technique anyone could ever use. No
one uses It. The first person In a field that uses It has an Increclible advantage over all
other competitors. And It's so simple. It's almost scary. You Just take the time to explain
to your customer or prospect the processes that are Inherent to your business.
The classic example. going back to about 1919, Is Schlitz beer, which used to be the
bummer beer in the whole marketplace. It was number 10 or 15 when a classic
marketing strategist whom I've patterned my life after. named Claude Hopkins, was called
in to try to salvage this number ten beer and lift them to success.
When he walked In, the first thing he did was learn how beer was made. He took a
course In beer making. and he went through their facilities. and he saw that Schlitz was
domiciled right on the banks of one of the Great Lakes. And even though they were right
there with this unlimited water source. they had dug five. 4.000-foot artesian wells right


there next to Lake Michigan because they wanted pure water.

Then they took him and showed him that there was a mother yeast cell that was a result
of about 2,500 dlfferent experiments that had been done to find the quintessential yeast
to make the proper taste. And they showed him this In this special room, and they told
him about the experiments. And they showed him five different, three-foot-thick plate
glass rooms where beer was condensed and redistilled and recondensed for purity. And
then they showed him the tasters that tasted the beer five dlfferent times, and they
showed him where the bottles were cleaned and recleaned 12 times.
At the end, he was Incredulous. He said, 'My god, why don't you tell people the process
that your beer goes through?'
And they said. Well, that's Indigenous to every beer; that's how beer Is made. It's not our
beer; It's how beer is made:
And he said, Yes, but the first person that tells the public about this will gain preemptive
advantage: He got them to number one In about six months. And I've done that for a
lot of people. too. Tell them the facts. If you sell clothes, they're stitched 28 times for
triple value, and then 14 people screen them and Inspect them, or whatever. If it's dyed,
it's dyed four times and the dye comes from Europe. There's only one kind that you can
The first person to tell the public something - even something that every other competitor
is doing - if the public doesn't know anything about it, it sounds like a profound
revelation. Just tell them the things you do for them, even if It's things that you and
every other competitor take for granted, The public doesn't take It for granted, and they'll
think you're the first to do it for them.
People don't appreciate what you do for them unless you articulate it. It's a very delicate
thing. If you sort through one hundred representative examples from a hundred
manufacturers before you cull out the three brands worth offering, how will your
customers know unless you Inform them of what you've done? People don't know what
you do for them unless you tell them. But you've got to do it very delicately. I believe
everyone should always try to give more than anybody else. (1 underllned this because
if you are innovative in following this advice, you can't help but succeed.) It may
be a longer warranty period, maybe something free when they buy from you that no one
else gives, and something they get to keep even if they want their money back. I think
people should make irresistible offers. What you want to do Is get the product placed.
Get someone to buy It and try it. If it doesn't work, if the screws aren't the best screws.
if it doesn't hold your house together better, bring them back."

Jay illustrates the importance of education and instruction with the following story:
"A couple go to an art museum in London, pay $5 for the catalog, walk through to the
first aisle In the gallery, look around and see masters, are very Impressed. They know
Renolrs. Rembrandts and Gaugulns. And then they go around the bend and come to a
god-awful. mural of acrylics and psychedelic day-glo. This picture Isn't properly listed In
the catalog and they can't find it. The couple is so appalled, they hasten away and walk
through the rest of the gallery and look at the other masterpieces and the sculptures.
But as they get to the end of the gallery, 10 and behold, in the end of the book. they find
the repugnant looking piece enumerated, and in reading about It, they see that It was


only one of four pieces the artist had done. Two were in the Louvre in Paris, and one was
in the MetropoUtan Museum of Modern Art. It had taken the artist 22 years to do this
one. He was considered the master of the trade. Two of his other paintings went for
$4,600,000; one went for $3,200,000. This one had Just been acquired for $4,000,000.
The couple that was so repulsed ran back and admired the mural. They were
noweducated to appreciate its value. You must understand that the public doesn't
appreciate things unless you explain them.
If I told people my shirt was the only one made of a certain material, that the dye was
flown in from Pakistan, and that I had to have my tailor flown in from Hong Kong to
measure me -- I could build a perception of value, by educating people. Don't perceive
that people automatically understand anything about your product or service. You've got
to educate them."

What I'm all about is slmpUcity and logic. Human beings want information. If you give
them information and you give them candor, even if it doesn't always make you money,
it becomes lmpUcit that you can be trusted, and people favor you. People want to know
how they can enhance their circumstances. So you answer one key question for them:
How do they benefit by doing business with you instead of with somebody else? If you
can answer that, you're in."


Chapter 3
In this chapter Jay Abraham reveals a breakthrough marketing idea. This concept

has application for every business but is grossly underutilized. Properly employed
this idea can rapidly grow your enterprise at little cost to you.
'The average business spends hundreds of thousands of dollars in
advertising to build goodwill and develop loyal customers,

marketing and

The cost of acquiring a customer or a prospect is enormous. (Most businesspeople don't

realize it but they are in the customer- and prospect-generating business. That's the
goal of all marketing. Don't ever forget it!) A business spends its marketing dollars to
reach a vast audience and they only do business with a fraction of this audience. In
conventional marketing, this is taken for granted.
But what if you could eliminate a lot of the expense of 'prospecting' and only spend your
time and money on people who are ready to buy? Conversely, what if you could recoup
the investment you've made on past prospects whom you couldn't convert into customers
-- money you have written off as a 'cost of advertising?' Furthermore, what if you could
do all of this with very little effort?
When you advertise and market you pay to get people you don't sell to. For instance, let's
say you do a direct-mail. lead-generation campaign. The mailing costs you $1.000 per
thousand. If you do well, you'll get 10% response. That's great. You've got 100 people
as a result. Now, each one of those prospects has cost you $10 to bring in. If you're
good, you'll convert 10%. But that means you didn't convert 90% of your prospects! So
you've got $900 'wasted' on those prospects, and that cost takes away from your profits.
Arrange to 'parasitically' benefit from the customers you've acquired...or the prospects
you couldn't sell.. .or the customers you sold something to long ago. Step back and
Identify what these prospects and customers are interested in, based upon what you
know about them.

You have already established tremendous goodwill and trust with your customers and
prospects. Another business that comes in cold would have to spend a fortune in
advertising and marketing to create that trust. Your clients already have that
established, and that's worth a lot.
Ask yourself, What kind of business do I have? Why do people come to me? What do
they really want?'
And once you Identify what your customers and prospects want from you, then ask,
What related products or services do they want, need, or could they be interested in?
What are they predisposed towards?'
That's when the wheels start tumlng.
For example, one of my clients, !RI, is a 'hard-asset' company, which means they sell gold
and silver to investors. I went to diamond companies because their customers are also

hard-asset investors. I got the diamond companies to endorse IRI and then we did
special promotions to the diamond companies' customers. Those customers were already
predisposed to hard-asset investments and they trusted IRI because of the diamond
company's endorsement. (Needless to say, the diamond company was paid a percentage
of the profits for allowing us to use the endorsement.)
This concept was so profitable that we decided to tum the tables and set IRI up as the
host instead of the parasite. For instance, after IRI had saturated Its customers with all
the gold and sliver they wanted, we sought out other firms that sold something which IRI
customers could buy, (a newsletter or books about precious metals). Then IRI endorsed
that product in special mailing promotions to IRI's customers from the other company.
Those two examples are known as a 'host/parasite' relationship. In one instance, IRI was
playing off the assets of the diamond company (customer goodw1ll and trust). IRI in that
case was the parasite. In the other instance, IRI acted as the host by allowing other
companies to playoff of IRrs assets (again, goodw1ll and trust -- two valuable assets that
most companies don't exploit to their full potential).
You should locate companies that have customers logically predisposed to your product
or service. (carpet seller - carpet cleaner) Negotiate with those companies to sell your
product or service to their customers. Each company should give an endorsement to
your product or service, and in return they would receive a certain percentage of the
profits from all sales.
Now, it sounds very simple and it is. However, there are usually a few details that come
up and I will explain them for you.
First of all, it's usually necessary -- when you're the parasite -- to offer the other guy's
customers special inducements because of the relationship between you and his
company. For instance, in order to really gamer the customer's trust, you may have to
give a longer guarantee, or more product options, or a lower Inltiallnvestment. (25% off
or buy one get one free) This overcomes their natural sales resistance and it helps
make the host company look good In the eyes of Its customers because It's offering them
a special deal.
In deals like this. the payoff Is always negotiated. There are no hard and fast rules for
who gets what. Usually the parasite company pays the marketing costs and gets repaid
off the top. (When you propose a deal to access someone's client base, you pay the
marketing costs.) Both sides share in the remainder of the revenue. In some cases the
two sides split the marketing expenses and split the revenue.
Not all the splits are 50/50. It depends on the offer. Sometimes it makes sense for the
parasitical company to forego any profit on the front-end because there's heavy repeat
sales. The parasite may give the host company all the profit on the front-end and nothing
or very little thereafter, because the parasite plans to make all his money on the residual
If you wanted to be the host you Just tum the tables. The first thing you would do is find

companies with products or services that your customers would want to buy, and then
you negotiate a host/parasite deal where you give your endorsement to their products or
services in exchange for a percentage of the profits. Again, this percentage is negotiated,
and so are the expenses.


However, when there are residual sales, you want to get the largest percentage of the
profit. For example, you could go to a company and tell them that you'll allow them to
market their product or service to your customers and you'll give them an endorsement
and pay all or half of the up-front marketing costs, and you won't take any percentage
of the profits on the first sale. All you want Is 25% or 50% of the profit from all the
residual sales that company makes to your customers.
This Is an enticing offer to the parasite company because it allows them to access a whole
new group of customers with little or no up-front marketing expenses. They'll acquire
customers they probably wouldn't have been able to get, and all It costs them is a certain
percentage of the profits from future sales."

My wife, who I mentioned, has a skin care salon. She went to a neighboring hair
salon with the following proposal: We'll send a mailing to one another's customer
list endorsing the other's business, We will give a number of special gifts and
incentives to encourage these new customers to come in. For the cost of a small
mailing we can each generate a number of new clients, Inexplicably, they turned
the idea down, It now appears they are going out of bustness, It's no wonder.
''What are some of the benefits to you as the host? You are making money you otherwise
wouldn't have made! You're generating outside streams of cash flow without any cost of
sales or overhead! And you're able to recoup the investment you've already made In your
customers and prospects and all the other assets you've built up In your company over
the years.
But walt -- there's more. These new profit centers will allow you to revalue the marginal
net worth of your customers and prospects, thereby enabling you to allocate more money
for advertising and marketing. You'll know that every time you bring In a new customer,
you're not only going to make $100 from your own product or service, but you're also
going to make $1,000 because of the host/parasite deals you've got lined up. With that
In mind, you could probably afford to triple your current advertising budget.
By putting together different combinations of businesses that are synergistic, you open
up vast areas of unrealized profit for both sides. For Instance, If you're the parasite, you
can show the host company how to make easy money Just by endorsing your company.
And you get to playoff of all the assets that the host company has built up over the years
-- and do it for next to nothing!
If you're the host, it's the other way around. You make the easy money Just for endorsing
someone else. You get to recoup the Investment you've made in all of your business's
assets. And you get a perpetual stream of income from your percentage of the parasitical
company's future sales to your customers. It's a wonderful relationship no matter what
side you're on."

You need to think. about this concept more than a few minutes, Don't discard it If
you can't come up with a good flt immediately, You should try to make this idea
a permanent part of your thought process, Think about it for a few weeks on an
ongoing basis and the ideas will start to flow.
"Remember I said you could use this concept to virtually eliminate the exorbitant costs
of 'prospecting' and only spend your time and money on people who were ready to buy!
Let's say that you're spending $12,000 to bring In 100 customers, and you gross $20,000
In sales from those 100 customers. Your profit is $8,000. What If somebody were to give

you 100 new customers from whom you would gross $20,OOO? These customers
wouldn't cost you a dlme. Would you be willing to pay that person $10,000 for those
customers? You should, because that person (the host) saved you $12,000 In marketing
That's what I mean by eliminating your marketing expenses. No, you're not going to get
your customers for free. But you can significantly reduce your marketing expense.
Furthermore, thls kind of relationship Is usually not a one-time deal. The host will be
constantly bringing In new customers for you to playoff, so it's a perpetual stream of
Income for both of you.
What you're leveraging off has significant value. The parasitical company leverages off
what the host company has built up - the years of exlstence... the hundreds of thousands
of dollars worth of advertising... the tens or hundreds of sales people and employees ... the
hundreds of thousands or ml1l1ons of dollars worth of capital Invested in equipment,
offices, furnlshtngs, and Inventory... everythlng that the host company has invested In
over the years.
You get to playoff of all thls for no more than a share of the profits. That's why I always
encourage people who are contemplating being the parasite to offer the host (the one with
the customer list) the maximum front-end and residual profits because it's worth a
tremendous amount to playoff of those assets.
An illustrative example of a host/parasite relationship is the real estate agent who sells
someone a house and then misses a ton of opportunities to make money after the house
has been sold.
You've just moved Into a new city. The real estate agent worked her tall off to get you the
right house for your family. She really earned your respect and your trust because of the
good job she did finding your new home. But what does she do when the escrow closes?
She may send you a housewarming gift, but after that you'll probably never hear from her
What should she do? First of all, you're new in town and you don't know whom to trust
or where to go to get all the things you need In your new home. You'll probably need an
Interior designer a might want to have a swimming pool put in... maybe
an alarm system you need to know where to get your car fixed ...who the best
pediatrician Is ... etc., etc.
All these things are services that could easily be arranged for you by the real-estate agent
if she wanted to make a lot of extra money. All she would have to do Is set you up with
each one of the services you need and then get a percentage of the sale from each
company that sells you something. In essence, she acts as the host -- bringing other
companies to you and getting a certain percentage of the profit. And if she does this
thoroughly enough, she may end up making more money on the back-end than she does
through her commission on the outright sale of the house!
That's the power of the host/parasite relationship. It means going beyond the
conventional sales and marketing routines and tapping Into related products or services
that your customers need. It means offering your product or service to somebody else's
customers In a related field.
Here's another example:

In my neighborhood there's a young man whose mother owns a garden shop in the area.
They have 2,000 or 3,000 customers. Of those customers, 80"10 of the business comes
from 500 people. I spent some time teaching this young man how to tap into some of the
back-end business opportunities that are inherent in his business, and so he's going to
those 500 people who are spending lots of money (they Just need to be led) and suggest
other services they can buy from him.
For instance, he's going to coordinate such services as swimming pool cleaning and
ordinary gardening and landscape maintenance, and then put it all together as a package
deal. He'll pay the laborers their regular fees and then mark that up to the customer as
his compensation for bringing all these services together and making sure all the Jobs get
done right.
He'll basically be the mlddleman or broker, playing off of the business his mother's
garden shop has already generated and adding value to it by bringing in other services.
He figures he can make $200,000 a year which is what the garden shop makes.
In the same city I helped a little video store that didn't do much marketing. However,
they did have 2,500 customers. So I questioned them one day about the kind of
host/parasitical relations they could have.
'Uh, they all have video players.'

'And what do we know about video players?'

Well, they need to be cleaned and reconditioned about once every twelve to eighteen
What's the average age of a video player?' I asked.
'Probably two-and-a-half years.'
'How many do you think have been cleaned and malntaled?'
'About 4"10,' they said.
'Do people know whom to take their video players to for cleaning?'

'Is it an inconvenience?'
What do people normally do?' I asked.
Wait until it breaks down.'
'And what does it cost when it breaks down?'
'About four times as much, which means they've got to buy a new one.'
'O.K., then what's the essence of your cleaning and reconditioning service? The essence


is how to quadruple the life of your video player. right?'

'Do you know VCR cleaning shops that are good?' I asked.
Yes. we refer people to them all the time,' they replied.
'Do you make anything from referring people to the repair shop?'

So I said, What do you think about this: You've got 2,500 customers. probably 80"10 of
which need their VCRs reconditioned. What does it cost to have one reconditioned?'

'Around $50.'
'O.K.. let's say you charge $100 and you had a deal where the customers just brought
their video players to you and you gave them a FREE loaner while theirs was beIng
cleaned. and you even gave them two or more tapes, or free tapes until their player was
returned. Then you sent It out to the repair shop and they charged you $50. you would
end up making $50 on each sale. And If you got 50% of your customers to do this, you'd
make $50,000 -- which Is about what you make per year on the business alone!'
That was the first thing I suggested they do. Secondly. I told them they could make deals
with companies that sell expensive sets of video movies. I said. The company could pay
the cost of mailing their offer to your customers. and you could get 50"10 of the profits.
They would get business they never had before. and you would get more Income.
'Now. If that works, you could take the same direct-mail package and the same offer and
sell it to a hundred other video stores throughout the state or around the country.
That way you can continue to make money off the project long after you've exhausted the
profit potential within your own customer base.
'Do you see the possIbIlities?'
Perhaps you're wondering why -- If these concepts are so great -- why don't more
businesses make use of them? Well, these concepts are great, but most people are not
capable of Implementing them, and I'll explain why:
There are three reasons:
1. ACTIJAUZATION. It sounds great when I explain It, but the person
thinks there's a trick to It or they think I'm a fast talker or It's too
theoretical. They don't understand that slrnpllclty and logic are
disarmingly powerful.

2. VAUDATION. Because It's so sImple and so logical and so apparent,

people don't really think It's real. People think It's got to be complex
or unusual. It doesn't! I've always found that the most SImple, most
logical, and most obvious techniques are the ones that are the most
powerful. It's so easy It causes me to lose clients. I show them how

easy it is to implement these concepts. Once they start paying off,

the clients have to pay me and they think I'm not working hard
enough to earn all that money. Then I lose them.
3. PERPETUATION. Even when I get my clients to do It they don't have
the ability to perpetuate my concepts on their own. I find that
people tend to do things only as one-shot transactions, and that's a
big mistake. They don't understand that to make these things pay
off, they've got to become ongoing parts of a business. Otherwise It's
Just a flash In the pan, and It appears not to be worth the time and
effort to set It up.
I was on a call-In radio show one time talking about my marketing concepts. I stated
that If you spend money to get a prospect who's Interested In your product but your
product doesn't quite fill the bill, the dumbest thing In the world to do Is say, 'O.K., sorry
we couldn't help you' and forget about that prospect.
The smartest thing you could do Is say, 'Look, Mr./Ms. Prospect, I understand you're a
sincere buyer and I understand that I Just don't have the right product for you. But I've
made arrangements with a company that has what you're looking for. Although they
normally charge $2,000, I've arranged for them to sell It to you for $1,800. Normally It
comes with a 90-day warranty, but I can get them to give It to you with a six-month
warranty. Everyone has to pay for It In three Installments, but I've worked It out so you
can pay for It In six Installments.'
This concept was so unorthodox that It blew people away. A guy called In to the show
who sold for one of the major photocopier companies. He had never heard of seillng your
competition's products. I did an illustration for him.
'Look, let's say your company does a mailing to a thousand local businesses and the
mailing costs a dollar apiece. They get back a 3% response, or 30 people. Since the
mailing cost you $1,000, each one of those people cost you $30 to Identify, How many
will you close?' He said, If we're lucky, 10%.'
'O.K., you sell three. That means you're throwing away $810 on the other 27 people
whom you couldn't close. You're adding that $810 to the cost of selling the three
customers you did close. Or, more accurately, you're losing $810 In profit from the sales
to those three customers.
'Now, what If you could get half of those 27 people you didn't sell to buy somebody else's
machine and on each sale you made $1,000? Half of 27 is 13 new customers, so that's
$13,OOO! That's probably more than you made on the three sales of your product.'
It's so obvious when you put a pencll to it, but no one sees It! They all say, Well, that's
ridiculous. I don't want to sell my competitors' products!' I say to them, 'Look. If you
want to give up 90% of the profit available to you and know that the prospect is going to
buy from your competitor anyhow, that's your prerogative. But I'm suggesting that you
make a deal with your competitors so you can share In the business that they would get
anyway. What's so bad about that?'
Or you could send this qual1fled prospect to your competitor. Naturally, a referral Is not
worth as much as a sale, but it is worth something. You could make a deal with your
competitors whereby they give you so much money per lead against so much per sale.

What If you're the parasitical company? Well, let's say you sell a very inexpensive
photocopier and you know that many people can't afford the expensive copier like Xerox,
Yet Xerox brings In 1,000 prospects for every 10 they sell and theyJust basically abandon
the other 990. You should go to Xerox and say, 'Look, you're spending $10,000 ou the
990 people you don't convert. You're Just wasting your money. How would you like to
get back not Just the $10,000 you waste on them, but a $10,000 profit on top of that so
you could quadruple your advertising allowance? I'll make you a deal that's irresistible:
And then you propose to them two things: First, you'd like to get them to sell your
photocopier when they can't sell their own. But If they won't do that, you want them to
give you the leads they're finished with. In return you give them a share of the profit from
every sale you make. It's so logical, but no one does It.
The same thing applles In spades to car dealers. I once addressed car dealers and said,
'You spend $10,000 a month In advertising to bring customers onto your lot. You sell
to 5% of them. You know that of the 95% you don't sell 20% to 50% are serious buyers
and they're going to buy from someone else.
Why let them leave your lot without a car? If you can't sell them one of your cars, why
not say, 'O.K., I understand you want to buy a Toyota and I sell Mazdas. I think you're
foolish, but If you're going to buy a Toyota anyhow, I can get you a good deal on a Toyota
because I have very good relations with the Toyota dealer. I can make a deal with you
right now and you won't even have to go anywhere else. Just tell me what you want and
I'll give you the best price. If you buy It from me, you'll save at least $1,000:
I then asked these car dealers, 'How many more sales do you think you would make If
you had a program like this? Quite a few, right? So why not make them? Conversely,
you could also go to other dealerships and try to get them to sell your cars. You say,
'Look. If you know someone's not going to buy, why let them off the lot when you could
still make $500? You can actually reclalm your lost marketing expense! AIl you have to
do Is sell my car as a backup when you can't sell yours. I do It, and It works great!'
If you are In a business where you have a good product or service, but you're having a

hard time making a profit because you've got to spend so much on advertising, this Is a
wonderful way to generate an ongoing stream of profitable business. You won't have to
spend $10,000 to get $8,000 worth of sales. You'll know that every dollar coming In your
door has a guaranteed profit attached to It because you didn't have to pay any up-front
marketing cost. What a wonderful way to do business!
Here's what you should be thinking right now: 'How can I add somebody else's product - even a competitor's product -- to my business and make more money than I'm making
on my own?' Or.. :I can't add anything to my business, but I can take my product to
other businesses and take advantage of their assets!' Almost every business can go both
ways. You can bring all sorts of things to your business and you can take your business
to all sorts of other people. I call It the 'two-way valve' effect.
Moreover, If you don't have a business but you'd llke to start one without any overhead,
this Is a great way to do It. AIl you have to do Is be the middleman between the host and
the parasite and tie up the rights both ways. You go to as many businesses as possible
and say, 'I want to market your product for you by having other businesses in related
fields sell it for you. AIl I want is 25% of the profit: And then you go to the other
business (In this case, the host) and say, 'I want to bring products to you that you can
market and all I want is 25% of the profit I make for you: This way, you're putting the


deals together and profiting both ways. You will make a lot of money! By doing this, you
can put yourself into business lnunediately.
What I'm trying to teach you is a new way of seeing things -- a new perspective.
Unfortunately, most of us lack inertia and are risk-averse. Everyone is worried about
falling, or they think there's a risk I haven't mentioned. 'Oh, it's going to ruin my
business: they say. What they don't realize is that people respect a business that can
ethically recommend its competitors. It's like the scene from Miracle on 34th Street where
Macy's was telling people to go to Gimbel's if Macy's didn't have what the customer
wanted. The customers loved Macy's for that!
This 'host/parasite' concept works three ways: You're the host and you're bringing other
business to you. You're the parasite and you're taking your products to someone else's
business. You're a guy who doesn't have any assets but you want to leverage somebody
else's assets. If you understand the leverage, it's incredible! You can do it all without
really investing any money yourself. Amazing!"
Let's review how exactly to go about doing this,
'To create a 'host/parasite' relationship Identlfy all the kindred businesses, professionals,
organizations and even competitors who have viable prospects for your product or
service. Approach each targeted company to allow you to solicit the 'host's' customers
in return for a share of the resulting profits:
1. Then write a letter of endorsement -- ostensibly coming from the

owner of the business -- recommending your firm and a specific

product or service you're offering. In return, the host receives a
generous share of the profits from the deal.
2. Get the host company to agree to continually promote your products
or services to their customers, especially to people the host has sold
all he can.
3. Get the other company to let you (the host) offer their products or
services to your customers on a profit-sharing basis.
To get other companies to promote your company ask a simple, graphic and
overwhelmingly appealing proposition. Would the host company like to make $10,000,
$20,000, $30,000 or more for no effort, risk or investment? Virtually no profit-oriented
business could turn that down and would at least want to know more.
Point out the following facts:
A. Your product or service is absolutely non-competitive to the host's

product or service. In the case where you approach a competitor,

point out to them that any ancillary profits will result from
reworking their list, after they have drawn all the profits they can
from it. This may be especially appealing to companies who own
large, 'one-time' purchaser lists.
B. It's not going to take away or supplant any income or profits the host
would ordinarily realize.


C. It augments their profits.

D. They don't have to lift a finger or spend a dime. If they wish to
participate In the marketing expense, that's even better. You will be
able to reduce your capital risk.
E. You will create all the marketing material -- subject to their
approval. You will pay all the printing, postage, and other costs
(avail them of the opportunity to Joint-venture with you wherein their
profit share is greater).
F. You'll Indernnlfy and hold them harmless
unconditionally guarantee everything sold.




G. The host company can have all orders routed through them for
H. Repeat over and over, it's purely bonus for them.
Address any fears the host may have immediately and confidently. Most often, the
potential 'host' won't totally understand the concept and how it will work for them.
Educate them, tell them about yourself, your company, spell out and stress the potential
As an example, approach the host by letter or phone with an offer s1m1lar to the following:
Hello, my name is Dan McLean. I own Dan's Hobby Shop. We sell collectibles and
specialize in stamps. Our products have a natural mesh with your customers and
prospects. I'd like to offer you the following: After you have garnered all the sales or
profits you can out of a customer allow me to sell them my stamps either through an
endorsed letter from you that I will prepare and pay for (or through a telemarketing
campaign that you design and pay for or through ongoing sales pitches that we w1ll
create together). In return you share In the profits. I understand that this offer may be
far different than anything you have heard, but please consider it seriously. It may make
you a ton ofmoney... enough to pay for several months of your payroll...or enough so that
you needn't worry about your taxes this year. I'll be paying you out of the profits we
lfyou don't feel comfortable approaching possible hosts, hire a full time person to do It
for you. Compensate them with a percentage of the profits that are generated from the
relationships which they have created.
You have a high potential for profits and the risk of loss or failure Is low. At worst, you
will gain a good deal of experience for no more than the cost of a malling. If you have
done your homework, you won't approach hosts with lists that won't be profitable. You'll
approach those with compatible lists."
Here are a few examples I put together: "I recommend that a realtor advertising
vacation homes in out-of-state Sunday newspapers contact everyone else advertising outof-state vacation homes and get the names of Inquiries who did not convert. I advised
a carpet company to tie In with local realtors. The realtors gave them the names of their
clients who had recently purchased a new home. An endorsed mailing from the realtor
recommending the carpet company pulled very well. I advised an upscale remodeling

company to contact fence companies, security services and swimmlng pool companies.
The clients from those other companies were most likely to be Interested in expensive
Every asset that your company has must be fully max1rnlzed if you expect to succeed and
compete In the future. One of the most powerful assets your company has (and it won't
be found on a balance sheet) is your customer list and client base. To rephrase an old
adage, The customer is always right...for your business and mine."


"Objection #1: 'How do 1 know it's not going to take away my customers?'
Answer: 'First of all, we'll do a pilot test to see if it works. We test it on a small
percentage of your customers, not all of them. Then we'll compare the revenue from this
test against the revenue you're making from the rest of the customers who were not
approached In the test.
We just want to augment your business, never supplant any part of it. We'll take as long
as is necessary to get accurate results, and we'll be as conservative and as analytical as
you want so we can prove to you that it's only going to make you money.
Objection #2: '1 want control. 1 don't like you having control of my customers.'
Answer: To assure you that you'll have control over the quality of our product, you can
check us out as thoroughly as you want and you can impose any kind of controls or
standards that you want. We'll even create the kind of product or service that you feel
most comfortable with. We can repackage it to be anything you want. If you want it to
have a longer guarantee... a lower price, a higher price... it doesn't matter. We can do
whatever you want.'
Objection #3: 'How do 1 know I'll get paid?'
Answer: Simple, You control the money and I'll collect from you. I'll trust you even if
you don't trust me. Or if you prefer, we'll have a separate account with a separate bank
of your choice and we'll give the bank some escrow instructions so that every time 1
deposit a dollar (and 20% of sales is real profit), 10 cents out of every dollar is
automatically transferred into your account. There's no risk that you won't get paid.
When you're negotiating these ground rules and costs with the other party, 1 recommend
that you be conservative and honest with one another. The greatest wealth this kind of
program produces comes in the residual effect of enduring relationships.
If you cheat somebody by building in false costs, it makes the return marginal and the

other party may decide they don't want to keep doing it.
obscenely profitable for the other person.

You're better off making it

When you cut the deal with the host, try your hardest to get a guarantee that when the
test does a certain amount of business, your relationship with the host is automatically
renewed on an exclusive basis for a period of time.
This way you lock up the relationship so the host can't bring in a competitor or do it

himself. You want to be duly rewarded for showing him how to make all this money, so
be sure to get an 'automatic renewal and exclusive' contract.
On the other hand, when you're the host, you don't want to get Involved In a perpetual
or exclusive relationship. You want the flexibility to be able to work with whomever you
please. So If you approach a parasitical company and they want a perpetual exclusive,
don't give It to them.
By the way, depending on the amount of Ingenuity, you don't have to split 50/50. The
split can be anything the market will bear. Your goal Is to optimize and leverage
everything you do ... every dollar you spend... every customer you bring In... every resource
you have ... every effort you've formerly extended and can reclalrn... over and over again.
The worst thing you can do (when you're the parasite) Is to have a short-term deal where
your brilliance brings something to somebody and then they dump you after they see
how well It works. On the other hand, If you're the host company, you don't want to
show a parasitical company a good idea and you not profit. Tie the parasite up.
It may turn out that you could make more money letting all your competitors use your
concept If it's an exceptional idea. To secure half the profit you want all that business
to go through you. That's the only way you'll be sure to make any money. The bottom
line Is, you want to tie it all up in the beginning. You want to get all the important
concessions squared away at that point, and you want to have a very binding, long-term
contract to protect yourself.

Now, nobody In their right mind is going to give you a perpetual contract on something,
so I recommend making it provisional. As long as the initial market test does .a minimum
amount of business, the relationship is automatically renewed for a finite period of time.
When I did a lot of work in the financial newsletter field, I often acquired the rights to do
inserts In the various newsletters. The first time I did it, I tied up a mlnlrnum
performance renewal which automatically gave me a two-year relationship with my client.
As a trade-off. I had to give them a percentage of gross sales -- not the usual profit split
that I normally do.
One time I did Inserts on a 50/50 deal. Another time the client didn't want to pay me out
of profits so I gave them all the profits and they gave me their mailing list for my
unlimited use. So sometimes you've got to go around and around to get these
considerations, Sometimes the people are going to drive a hard bargain and you won't
be able to make the profit split you want. Keep in mind that If you can find a way to
make the deal profitable, you should be willing to trade the profit for other consideration
that make you money, In other words, be flexible,
And don't lose track of the fact that If I gave you $100,000 for no effort on your part,
would you give me back $90,OOO? Well, In theory, everyone would say 'yes'. But In
reality, most people get offended for having to 'pay' you so much. So Just because you
can't get exactly what you want, it doesn't mean it's not a good deal. If you get something
and it doesn't cost you any time or resources, you are a fool not to make a deal. But
most people don't see that.
For instance, If you want 50% of the profit and the guy says he's only going to give you
20% -- and you do everything in your power but you can't get more than 20% -- that 20%
Is still more than you had when you started, And If it doesn't cost you anything -- If it's
pure profit with no expenses -- what have you got to lose?

But here's the biggest reason why you shouldn't be too choosy when you're negotiating
the test deal:
You need validation!!!
When you put together a host/parastte relationship for the very first time, It's an abstract
concept. That's hard to sell. But once you've done a pllot test and It works, then you've
got validity. You've got an emplrical example. And that's easy to sell.
So if your Idea can be replicated -- meaning you can do It with more than one company
and In more than one area -- you would be a fool not to go for almost any deal you could
get when you're trying to validate your concept. As long as you don't get tied up, you're
By the way, be sure to get all the documentation you can from your pllot test. It's crucIal
so you can prove your concept to other people. Sometimes the host company Is
apprehenslve about entrusting their customer names to you. What do you do then?
Personally, I always warrant In writing that, under penalty of Incredible punitive
damages, I will not make their names available to anyone else and I will not use them for
anything other than the express purpose desIgnated In our agreement.
I lose clients for the sllliest reason: I make too much money. At least they think so.
However, I only make money by making them money, because I get paid out of the
Increase In profits. But you know what? Most people still have a problem with that.
Even when I make them a mIIllon dollars (and that happens quite often). they don't like
to have to pay me a quarter of a million In return. In theory they agree to It, but when
the money goes Into their bank account and the time comes to pay me, they no longer
see me as a cost of sales; they see me as an expense. Worse yet. an expendable expense.
So they discontinue our relationship.
However, that's as much their loss as It Is mine, because Invariably the clIents fail to
upgrade their marketing efforts (as I would have done had they retained me). Eventually
their programs become deprived of oxygen and they die. They die because they cut me
off. It's dumb to kill the goose. I hope this will convince you not to do the same thing to
someone else when you're the host. Remember: These deals will be lucrative for both
parties. If you need to re-negotiate, that's fine. Just don't kill the goose.
The late great Joe Karbo used a host technique and made a lot of money from It. He had
a horse-race gambling list, but he never rented It. Instead, he went to everybody who had
direct mall offers appropriate for that list and said, 'Look, I won't rent my names to you,
but if you'll gIve me your malling plece. I'll print It with my address -- I mayor may not
endorse It -- the money will come to me ...we'll take the cost off the top, and then we'll
split 50/50:
Do you know how much he made doIng this? $400,000 a year from only 50,000 names!
Normally you could expect to make only $50,000 a year off 50,000 good names. But Joe
made eight times that much money just by one little transactional difference.
What can you playoff of? Ask yourself that question every day. You'll be amazed at how
many possibilities you can come up with. If you want to be a parasite. look for ways to
playoff of somebody else. Think of different ways you can get your product or service
sold by somebody else. Where does It mesh? Who could host It? How could they sell It
to their customers? How could they gIve you access?


An interesting example that you might be farniliar with is one being done right now by
Ralph's Supermarkets. (I'm not sure If they have any where you live, but they're all over
Southern California.) Right there in the supermarket there are other businesses
operating on a joint venture with Ralph's! There might be a delicatessen, a bakery, a
flower shop, a seafood name it. They're all separately owned businesses that
are playing off of Ralph's enormous assets (such as location, traffic, advertising, etc.).
It makes perfect sense and it's working beautifully!
I've seen several other places where this Is also being done. A few miles from my home
in Palos Verdes there's a Vendome Liquor Store. But inside that liquor store there's a
Giuliano's Italian delicatessen. They're leveraging off of Vendome's assets. And in the
nearby city of Torrance, there's an office supply store called OMNI that has two other
businesses operating within its building. One Is a PIP printing shop, and the other
business is called Freeway Stores that sells typewriters and computer equipment and
photocopiers and things like that. They're all there, right under the same roof, leveraging
off of the office supply store's assets,
I'm delighted to see people using the concepts I advocate. And I hope you will use them,
too! But perhaps you're asking yourself, Why aren't more of these kinds of deals made?'
A big problem Is people's perspective. They don't believe it can be done. They think it's
unreal for them to be able to make so much more money with so llttle effort. They're
used to a conventional way of doing things because everybody else does it that way.
They're afraid of the unknown and they're afraid of making things happen. As a matter
of fact, most businesses are reactive, not proactive. They're not innovative or
experImental, and they're certainly not adventuresome.
Believe it or not, most
businesspeople are not entrepreneurial. They don't have that deal-making, creation-ofweaith perspective that's necessary to come up with winning concepts and make things
happen. They make a living in spite of themselves, just by feeding off the momentum of
the marketplace. If only they realized how simple it Is to do so much more."
Jay was once asked if he could only have one marketing technlque to use what
would it be? His answer was the endorsed relationship, Let's suppose you are a
stockbroker, You know that the great financial guru. Moses Jones, writes a
financial letter read by 100,000 avid readers, When he recommends a stock there
are so many buyers the stock jumps, You find a way to get his endorsement, In his
next issue he recommends a hot stock and also mentions your name and gives your
800 number for people to call and buy the stock from you, That's a big league
moneymaking endorsement,
There are all sorts of celebrities or well known individuals whose endorsement
would help your business, Any newsletters that give advice or information on your
products and service can be a tremendous ally, Don't hesitate to call them,
One of the great financial endorsements of all time was the one that Jim Cook of
Investment Rarities secured from Howard Ruff, the newsletter publlsher and bestselling book author, When the Ruff Times was a small start-up newsletter Cook
cajoled an endorsement from Ruff for his gold business. This was in 1976, just
before the gold market quadrupled andjust before Ruff grew from 2,000 subscribers
to 150,000 subscribers. many of whom were worried about inflation and wanted to
buy gold, As Ruff's subscriber base expanded dramatically, Cook's gold business
kept pace,


"I do endorsed relationships all the time, and they always come through. Think of
someone that could spread the word about your company. Get the 'connections' you
need by getting help from other companies. You can do endorsed promotions that will
get you 3 to 10 times the yield you're normally used to.
When you get an endorsement, you ellminate all the steps of trust development that are
necessary for a business in the marketplace. It Is immediate and efficient, and the cost
of accessing customers Is a fraction of what It would be in the outside market but the
yield Is many times more than It would otherwise be."

Another possibility for additional income is a straight rental of your customer llst
or prospect llst to direct mall companies. Many companies make big money
through llst rental. The following facts come from direct mall wizard Lauren Janus:
"If your own customer/InquIry list has reached 50,000 names, you're sitting on a
valuable source of additional Income to your company. A list of 10,000 - 50,000 also
represents potential but not quite as great a source of revenue.
We've often said that If rental Income from letting other direct marketers use your mailing
list does little more than pay the computer service bl1l for the year, you're ahead of the
game. You have to computerize your mailing list anyway -- the only additional costs to
rent your malling list are the running charges involved In producing the list and the
commission to the list manager for placing the rental order.
Lists are marketed through mailing list brokers. At last count, somewhere between 500
and 1,000 individuals are employed in the list brokerage business as sales or account
executives. There are five different categories of list people:
LiST OWNER: Somebody like yourseIf or your company who owns a malling list that has
been built for marketing their own products and services.
LiST BROKER: A middleman who represents the list owner to sell rentals of the list for
a 20% commission.
LiST USER: The company that rents somebody else's mailing list for the purpose of
sending out Its promotional mailings.
LiST MANAGER: A firm that undertakes the promotion and sale of your ma11lng list to
other brokers. The firm may be Involved in computer services and can also handle
computerization and maintenance of your list. It may also function as list broker and list
compiler on a fee or percentage basis.
LiST COMPILER: A firm that builds mailing lists from raw sources. Its sources can be
mail order response, business directories or telephone books. This company owns the
list that It may market ItseIf or It may market through list brokers -- or both. Some of
the better known list compilers Include DUN & BRADSTREET, NATIONAL BUSINESS
How do you generate Income from your mailing list? You can simply create a mailing
piece giving details about your list, mail It to the list brokers (whose names are readily
available out of DIRECT MAlL LiSTS RATES AND DATA) and sit back and wait for the
orders to come in. The broker will bl1l the renter on your behalf and when he receives

payment from his client will remit to you less a commission of 20%. CAUTION: Ust
brokers are frequently slow in paying for rentals. They blame it on tbe fact that thelr
client didn't pay tbem but we have documented dozens of cases where tbe broker has
taken weeks after he has been paid by his client to remit to tbe list owner.
The broker takes no liability for collection of tbe bill. If (and when) he gets paid, you get
paid. If he doesn't get paid, it is your problem. Thus, it is important tbat you exercise
credit approval on his client and do not hesitate to ask for 'cash up front' if you doubt tbe
credit worth of his client. Most brokers are reputable and will (eventually) remit to you
after they've been paid. All promotion and sales activity rests on you. Brokers will phone
you for Information and requests for clearances.
The second way to rent your mailing list is to put it in tbe hands of a mailing list
manager. You can either furn.lsh him a computer tape oftbe list and he'll do all the work
for you or you can simply send him raw data (lnqulrles, orders, etc.) and he'll
computerize and maintain your list for you. Obviously, he'll charge you for his computer
time and key-punching. If you send him your tape, he'll charge you tbe running costs
for producing labels or dupe tapes. Or, you can retain your tape at your present
computer service and he'll send you orders tbat you can produce and ship.

It you're already busy and don't have time to devote to selling effort on your mailing lists
you'll probably want to put tbe list into tbe hands of a list manager. There are a number
of good ones. The publishers of JDML (JANUZ MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS, INC.)
operate a UST BROKERAGE AND MANAGEMENT DIVISION and would be delighted to
submit a proposal to you if you'd like to consider using a list manager to market your list.
The list manager normally gets 10% to what tbe broker already gets (20%) plus charges
for his computer time at his cost or on a fixed schedule of fees.
The list manager takes tbe headaches out of running your list business -- he handles all
selling effort, inquiries, tbe furnlshlng of accounts and tbe producing of orders, bl1llng
and collecting. You won't get paid much earlier from tbe list manager (in fact, probably
an additional few days will be added for tbe processing in his office), but you'll be able
to break into tbe list business much more rapidly.
Most malling lists are rented for 'one-time use.' Most rentals begin as 'test' mailings for
5m or 10m names. Continuations will result if tbe test works. It takes a full year to
generate a good list rental business, so most managers will insist on a two-year exclusive
contract to handle tbe list.
A turnover of 6-10 times per year on your list is good. If you pay tbe broker 20%, tbe
manager 10%, and your running costs are 20% tbat leaves you 50% profit on tbe list
rental income -- tbat is pure gravy to most mail marketers.
If your list is 50,000 names and you rent for $50/M using tbe above formula at 6 rentals
a year you'll NET $7,500 on your list for tbe year. Build your list to 500,000 and you'll
quickly see tbe potential."


Chapter 4

Jay Abraham recommends one source for information on starting a business:

"A client of mine, Jim Cook, wrote a great book, The Start-Up Entrepreneur.' It's a truly
wonderful account of the ins and outs of becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Jim Cook came up the ladder of success the ultra-hard way. His cornmltments to service
and customer satisfaction don't just impress me -- they form the bedrock of the very ethic
and philosophy I use to run my own marketing business. I've learned a lot about
business from Jim Cook -- and I've polished some of my own rough edges using the
axioms and credos he extols in The Start-Up Entrepreneur.' With Jim's permission,
here's a list of 'must do's.' as he calls them. They are sound advice and echo the
philosophies I'm teaching you.
1. You must develop the ability to see the needs and wants of others.
2. You must find a market gap.
3. You must become a service and quality fanatic.
4. You must get started.
5. You must offer your original investors the chance to profit in a big
6. You must start small.
7. You must use the telephone constantly for acqulrlng all kinds of
8. You must hire the best people and generate entrepreneurial
9. You must charge enough, meet problems head on, and collect your
money up front.
10. You must develop a strategy that helps your customers grow,
improve, or profit.
11. You must alm constantly to become the dominant company in your
12. You must malntaIn honesty and integrity always -- and in all
13. You must accept no freebies, government grants or subsidJzed loans.
14. You must be generous to employees with wages, profit-sharing, and


15. You must see your company as national, rather than local or
16. You must develop tenacity and perseverance to survive days and
nights of anxiety.
17. You must manage your company for constant mistake avoidance.
18. You must win your customers back again and again.
19. You must apply a fall-safe range of management checkpoints and
20. You must establish a corporate philosophy that stresses quality and
21. You must develop an error-free reporting system.
22. You must constantly seek to pay minimum taxes, but always stay
within the law.
23. You must diversity Into those areas that fit and supplement your
existing business.
24. You must find something worthwhile to do with the money you earn.
25. You must sell your company or service only when you are no longer
excited about what you do.
I don't make a dime on Jim's book. lfyou want a copy, you'll probably have to order It
from your bookstore. Ordering a book is a pain, but The Start-Up Entrepreneur' is really
worth reading."

We lifted a few paragraphs from Cook's book that relate to marketing,

"Let's start out with the most elementary concept of what successful business Is all
about. You, the entrepreneur, must present your particular product or service, within
the framework of the marketplace, alongside all other competing products and services,
to be examined by a group of people who are the kings of the marketplace. They pick and
choose what appeals to them and ultimately spend their money on those things. These
kings of the marketplace are the consumers. They decide who wins or loses, who
succeeds or falls. They are shrewd and discerning, self-serving and unforgiving. You
must please these rulers of the market with goods and services that offer advantages to
them. Successful business begins and ends with providing these sovereigns of the
marketplace with superior products they will choose willingly.
One of the world's great inventors and entrepreneurs, Charles Kettering, observed: 'In
business the one fellow you never think much about. whom you don't know, sits back
the controls the whole thing, and that fellow is your customer.
'I have often said that all of the profit and loss on any manufacturer's books are the

applause and hisses of the customers.'

One of your principal relationships willllkely be with an advertising agency. Small startups frequently use newspapers to put together ads. They often look tacky. A
professional job by an agency enhances your image. start out by asking them to make
up your logo (trademark or motto). Then, when you need It, they can formulate your first
ad. A good ad agency account executive can also give you direction and Insight Into your
market and Its distribution channels. Use your agency as an important teacher of
advertising and marketing techniques that will be useful throughout your career.
In time, you will need to establIsh an art department within your company to facilitate
a myriad of small jobs that every venture requires. The extent of Its involvement In lofty
corporate promotions depends entirely on the skill and expertise of the people you hire.
Good art. copy, and layout people are a fine asset, particularly If they are careful, watch
costs, and m1n1m1ze mIstakes In printed material and ads.
Your ad agency can be a one- or two-person house, or a monolIth. Your primary concern
should be to make sure they have a feel for your product or service. Thls requires your
parttclpatlon In ad planning meetings. Lend all the talents you can to the advertising
process. In fact, If you have skills In this area. do what you can yourself. Only you can
fine-tune the gist of your ads. If the agency Is to develop a feel for the company's
products and mlsston, the entrepreneur must scour their efforts and critique copy and
layout. Thls can be bruising to the agency. Nevertheless, make them overwhelm you
with talent before you are satisfied.
You want a good agency. The big guys won't be too Interested in you when you start.
A lot of small guys won't be either. I once contacted a former big-agency hotshot who had
split off to start his own company. He turned up his nose at my piddling account. He
wanted major corporations. He falled to understand that growing up with small accounts
can be a superb formula for a new agency to follow. When my company boomed, he
began to call me. By then my ad needs had been met and I was too busy to talk to him.
Sometimes small agencies that have been around a long time have stayed tiny because
they were no-talent operators or outright chiselers. Uke any business that serves people,
an agency must be looking out for your Interests first.
There are a lot of part-time ad people, creative floaters, and short-term entrants in the
advertising field. You may be able to strike up a profitable relationship with one of them;
but a young. aggresstve, small house, wtlllng to gamble somewhat on your future, seems
more sultable. It should see In you not just present income but an opportunity for you
both. where their contribution will help to enhance and bulld your company.
Sometimes, because of expense or inexperience, a new company falls to advertise. No
company. large or small, can get by without advertising. If you wish to survive and grow.
you must advertise. If you plan to have a truly entrepreneurial, first-rate growth
company. advertising will speed you toward that goal. The best means of appreciating
the value of advertising is to go ahead with it. You will see lmmediately that advertising
brings results. You need to spend at least five percent or more of your gross Income on
A mandatory requirement of your advertising Is that It be truthful. Practice full
disclosure of all the facts, good and bad, In your promotions. JulIus Rosenwald made
sure that the Sears catalogue faithfully described the merchandise It offered. He

instructed. 'It may take courage to say plainly that the embroidery on the sleeve of a
woman's coat Is of artificIal stlk, but It Is better than to have even one of a hundred
women find out for herself.'
A new company should forgo Institutional-type advertising. You need specIfic offers.
return coupons. lead generators. and response vehicles. Your ad promotions should
cause people to take action -- to call. to write. to buy. to investigate. to come by. You're
trying to uncover customers and Interest them in what you have to offer. Entice them
to make a move.
My company has outpaced Its competitors by providing information and education
constantly In Its advertisIng. We send out special reports. booklets. and educational
pieces on all our investments. We try to teach and instruct. We give knowledge. We
cUspense facts. lfwe help our customers to make better dectstons, then theyw1ll prosper.
If they do well. then so will we. This philosophy should permeate your whole operation
and particularly your promotion and advertisIng.
I am touching here on a vast subject. and It would be presumptuous to reduce It to a
thumbnail presentation. I beUeve a truly successful entrepreneur must in time become
somewhat of an expert on advertisIng. Through trial and error. an understanding of the
art evolves. The Appendlx of this book Usts several books about advertising. written by
the masters. to supplement your actual experience. (They happen to be most of the
same ones we have listed in this book.) They will guide. suggest, and InspIre. If you
do not contribute cUrectly to the creative process of your advertisIng (copy. layout, medla
selection, or campaign). then you must at least recognize and sense what Is powerful and
what Is weak.
AdvertisIng Is frequently bad, generally average. and occasionally great. The best of It
(which you want for your company) comes through a process not unUke the
entrepreneurial experience. Good ads come through Innovation and creativity spawned
from deep commltment and total understanding of both product and market. Good
advertisIng catches the splrtt of the entrepreneur. It breaks new ground, seems fresh and
different, provocative and new. It will be lmltated quickly by others; for. above all. It w1ll
work. A breakthrough company supplemented by breakthrough advertising will dazzle
the marketplace. Couple entrepreneurial genius with advertising genius and no
competitor Is safe.
The bottom Une on advertisIng lies with Its integrity. You must perform as you say you
will. These words come from the great nineteenth-century merchant and entrepreneur.
John Wanamaker: What we advertise we must do. Tell the customer the exact quality
of the goods. if he does not know it. and don't let him be satisfied with a poor fit or with
a style that Is manifestly unbecoming. Don't you see that his women folk will make him
dissatisfied? Then he won't come back.'
Advertising forms part of the overall marketing strategy of a company. What exactly Is
marketing? How important is it? Peter Drucker answers. 'Because Its purpose Is to
create a customer. the business enterprtse has two -- and only these two -- basIc
functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the
rest are 'costs' ...The economic success of Japan ... rests squarely on an acceptance of
marketing as the first function of business and its crucial task. ... True marketing starts
out.i.wtth the customer. his demographics. his realities. his needs. his values. It does
not ask. What do we want to sell?' It does not say, This is what our product or service
does.' It says. These are the satisfactions the customer looks for. values and needs.'


With any new product or service you must determine to whom you are going to sell it.
Is your product suitable for the buyers you have In mind? Will they buy it? Initially, you
may not have these answers. You can implement a variety of market research methods
or use outside consultants. The best method, however, is to get on the phone and talk
with anybody and everybody related to your project. Although you get, on balance,
negatives to most fact-finding phone sessions, they are the best way to learn a lot fast.
Most entrepreneurial products (breakthroughs and Innovations) don't lend themselves
well to standardized market research. New concepts are Invariably greeted with
disparaging commentary. inevitably, you must make a commltment to them In spite of
all the negatives you hear.
The old 'better mousetrap myth' implies that the world will beat a path to your door when
you perfect and dlsplay a superior device. But rarely, If ever, does a product sell Itself.
For the entrepreneur, selling Is the guts of marketing. Selling and marketing are not
opposites, they are one and the same. If you don't get out and sell, you aren't going to
make It with a new venture.
An old sales motivator, Red Motley, used to say, 'Nothing ever happens until somebody

sells something.' There Is a lot to know about running a company. But before you learn
and practice most of It, there must first be sales.
There are reams of material on effective selling techniques. I shall repeat A.P. Giannini's
sage advice: The way to build up clientele Is to go out among them and present to them
first-hand the advantages offered by your business: Either you or some exceedingly
competent associate must go out and sell your service or product.
If you do the selling and marketing In your company's Infancy, you will be able to Instruct
others easily on how to do it later. Your product or service has its own tndtvtdual strong
points and weaknesses. If you sell the product first, you know how to emphasize benefits
and overcome objections. Then you can teach these tactics.

My definition of marketing is promoting your services. Business writer Brooks Fenno

carries this a step further --'An effective marketer promotes a product In ways that relate
to the needs of the buyer:
This is exactly what IBM chief, Tom Watson, was angling at with the formulation of IBM's
Influential and successful marketing philosophy. Mack Hanan, In his book, 'FastGrowing Management: tells us:
When IBM was you and in its entrepreneurial phase of development,
Tom Watson stood before his people and laid down policy. Assets
would thenceforth flow chiefly to marketing. Customer knowledge
would be the company's most important resource, the base from which
all products and promotion would flow. The sales force would sell as
consultants to their long-term clients. The consultant sales force
objective would be to improve customer profit, not sell computer
systems. For this, IBM would command a premium price. Premium
profits would follow. The entire organization would live as It sold -- by
being the most cost-effective processor of Information about Its markets
and then marketing the output In the twin forms of the product and
selling style.


11:I.Is philosophy must surely have emanated from National Cash Register's founder, John
Henry Patterson, who Instructed employee Watson and others, 'Don't talk machines. talk
the prospect's business:
Hanan goes on to refine further one of the most powerful marketing strategies ever
What is the one best way to grow your business? There is a single
answer: Grow the value of your customers' businesses. Help them
make more profit as the result of doing business with you. Teach them
to be profit-making Investors In the rewards you offer. Then teach them
how to reinvest their return In adding still greater values to their
businesses through applying more of your products and services.
Demonstrate the unique benefits of a planned partnership with you.
lfyou do these things, your customers will be unable to escape growth.
Their growth will leave you no recourse but to grow In response.
Customers have already been described as sources of funds. Now we
can amplify that definition. Customers are the sources ofgrowth funds.
They are the true sponsors of your profits. You are, In effect, in their
employ as a grower of their businesses just as much as you are in the
employ of your own business. Without them, you cannot speed your
growth. Without you, they cannot speed theirs.
Perhaps this is what old-time entrepreneurs mean when they say, Take
care of your customers and they will take care of you.' A good growth
relationship with your key customers is essentially a mutual aid pact:
You help me grow and I will help you grow.
Customer growth must also be the basic positioning of your business.
Why are you In business? We are In business to help our customers
speed their growth: And you yourself, In your style, your pollcles. and
your role as definer of your business, must speak out clearly for
customer profit enhancement at every opportunity.
11:I.Is Is a marvelous marketing credo for you to follow, but what exactly are the marketing
steps you must take to get sales? Let's follow your start-up through the various
marketing elements.
1. Your market research should first be done by telephone. You want

to pinpoint potential customers. Who are the buyers? Who are your
It's crucial that you also uncover the distribution system. How are
such products or services sold? By mall? By phone? Through
reps? Via salesmen? Dealers?
My partner, Bernie, called his lengthy sessions on the telephone
'braln picking.' He was constantly searching for new products, fresh
opportunities. market gaps, and breakthroughs. When he found one
he zeroed In on all the marketing dope over the phone.


2. The library offers many publications that are Imperative for you to
look over. for example. the Thomas Registers. which give listings of
every company In scores of manufacturIng and product lines. The
library has lists of trade associations. trade shows. manufacturers'
reps, and endless other rosters that you can use to contact other
companles. Usts of suppliers. dlstrlbutors, and wholesalers are
Invaluable to new ventures.
3. There are two fundamental rules of selling that must be followed
religiously: The first rule demands that you listen to your prospect.
let the customer talk. ask questions. dlscuss busIness needs.
personal affairs. or whatever the other party wants to converse
about. All of us love to talk about ourselves. The second rule
dlctates that the first sales call to the prospect should be the
openlng stanza In a five-part solicitation. First calls Invariably bring
negative responses. Follow-up sells. Your sales solicitation must be
comprlsed of a mlnlmum of five separate calls.
4. Effective marketing requires close coordInation among product
avallablllty, timely shtpping. and sales. Your product development
must ensure that the goods be available for timely delivery following
the sale. The start-up often has problems perfecting the product.
thus losIng many orders. Development and manufacture of new
products mean delays. Incredlble frustration. and more delays. In
this perlod you wlll either learn patience or you wl1l go mad. When
selling new products. It Is wlse to allow more time for delivery than
5. Once you have sold and delivered a few orders. you should develop
a postsale follow-up. If your product requires servlce, It must be
done wlth speed and timeliness. A personal contact to determine
satisfaction makes sense. Some sort of excellent. unlque follow-up
must be devlsed.
Tell your customers from time to time that you appreciate them. Letters or maillngs can
convey this message. A small gift of information or advice also shows your gratitude.
Then your customers wl1l begIn to sell for you. If you overwhelm them wtth appreclation
and concern. they wlll tell others about you. When that begins to happen. you wl1l be
exceedIngly busy.
John North Willys was a remarkable entrepreneur. He bullt the Willy-Overland Company
from next to nothIng Into a highly successful auto company In a brief span of time. Back
in 1917 Willys passed along these gems of marketing and dlstrlbution wlsdom:
I once picked up a book on busIness and. turning to the chapter on
dlstrtbutlon, I read these satisfying words: "It is always best to sell your
product to the Jobber because he will, In tum. dlspose of it to the
retailer.' In the mlnd of the author of that volume the whole problem
of dlstrlbution was contalned In --Just get the goods out of the shop:
It would be delightfully simple if real life only worked out In some such
way. But the busInessman today knows that dlstrlbution cannot be so
easlly dlsmlssed -- or dlsmlssed at all. A good part of the success of

any businessman depends on how his marketing Is done -- how the

man acts who comes Into direct contact with the ultimate consumer.
All of us are quick to recognize that the wrong kind of an agent has In
him the potentialities of much harm -- he Is the direct representative of
the maker. and whatever he does comes back squarely to the maker.
But the Independent dealer Is Just as Important as the selling agent.
If a dealer misrepresents. no legal lIabillty attaches to the
manufacturer; but the avoidance of mere legal liability Is not the
modern way of doing business. The new doctrine Is: 'Nothing Is sold
untllit Is well sold.' Bear In mind this rule: the dealer becomes part of
the manufacturing organization. and. although he Is not In the same
financial relation as an agent; he should be guided. Inspired. and
rewarded just as an agent Is gUided. Inspired. and rewarded. Only thus
can the very best results In ultimate sales and goodwill be achieved.
Help your customer. Help your dealer. The same theme Is the marrow of all exceptional
companies. large or small. John Willys said, '1 cannot too greatly Impress the fact that
big business Is only the result of hard work In small business -- the elemental facts of
small business and of large business are the same.'
The goal of your growing concern should be to capture the dominant position among all
competitors In the marketplace. lfyou follow the sound business principles I outline. If
you are Innovative both In product and service. and If you build reserves from profits to
weather cycles and setbacks. then you can pick off this premier position.
Just as my company has gained market leadership In hard-asset Investments by
Implementing sound strategies. so may your company. You will see this begin when
competitors Imitate your Innovations. They will duplicate your marketing techniques and
copy your products. Your competition will react to you. Ray Kroc satd, 'My way of
fighting the competition Is the positive approach. Stress your own strength. emphasize
quality. service. cleanliness. and value. and the competition will wear Itself out trying to
keep up.'
As your volume grows and you capture larger slices of the market. you must be certain
your profits keep pace. Mack Hanan advises that 'leadership in profit on sales is the acid
test of market preference. It validates the market's value-to-price perception of your
product by proving that premium value merits a premium price.'

Mack Hanan also stresses the need to make customers out of the biggest users of your
product. He states that, '20 percent of all your customers... contrlbute up to 80 percent
or so of your profitable sales volume. This is a precarious base. It means you must
capture all the heavy profit contributors you can persuade to do business with you.
Once captured they must be kept. Few in number though they are. they are your growth
source. They are not just your market; they are your business. To build It. build them ...

There are three principal marketing strategies to use in a new business: The
personal call, the letter. and the telephone call. You should go out among your
prospective clients. (or If you buy a small business, your existing clients) introduce
yourself and solicit their business. Follow up with a letter. Either go back and see
them again or make a telephone solicitation. Get into a pattern of a personal call,
a letter, and a phone call.


Jay Abraham elaborates on these strategies. "After doing a mailing to a customer or

prospect. follow It up with a low-pressure, information-oriented telemarketing effort (a
phone call.)
Tests have proven that telemarketing following any mailing enhances total results by
3000!6 to 1,0000/0. Let me restate -- 3 to 10 times more sales result lfyou follow up by
phone after mailing a letter.
Telemarketing Is a really powerful sales medium for a new company. It's effectively used
In cold-calling. but cold-calling Is the most dlfflcultjob in marketing because consumers
have an Inherent repugnance for It.
Keep following up tenaciously by phone or by letter with any prospect that comes into
your sphere. If someone visits your business, writes you, calls you, -- don't drop the ball.
These people are interested in your product or service -- perhaps they're not qulte ready
to flnal1ze their purchase -- but they're close. By tenaciously following up, you wlll move
them to take action.
Keep calling, writing, calling, writing. Always make certain that every direct or indirect
contact you have conveys useful Information -- not mere sales hype -- and Is effective in
logically advancing the selling process to completion. And once you convert those
prospects to customers, continue to contact them.
Customers' desires and circumstances constantly change and so do prospects. I bought
a small house some years ago and used an Interior designer to help me decorate it. I
could only afford to do a modest job on half the house, spending about $20,000. I ran
out of money, and though the designer knew the house needed a lot more work, she
never called again. Had she called me six months later when I had saved $10,000 more,
she'd have gotten the living room remodeling job I gave to someone else. Had she called
me with a piece of furniture she thought I would like, she'd have sold me the $5,000 sofa
I bought from someone else. And had she called me 18 months ago as I was about to
move into a new 4,000 square foot home, she would have gotten the $150,000 I spent on
The point Is that people's circumstances keep changing. By merely showing regular
interest and continually communicating with old customers and prospects, you increase
your chances of a sale.
Use a combination of call/letter/ call/letter/call. a sequence that Is well-honed to get new
customers. Years ago I sold an expensive lead-generating service for companies who sold
investments and life insurance -- dlfflcult sales. Our minimum sale was $25,000. The
only way I could sell the product was to contact a prospect through a series of seven
different calls and letters over an 8 to 12 week period.
If I didn't do all seven -- an introductory letter, followed by an explanatory educational
phone call. followed by another letter, followed by another telephone call. all of which
Imparted product and marketing knowledge that the prospect didn't already possess
I never closed a sale.

Whenever I worked the system of call/letter/ call/letter/call. I never faIled to close at least
7% of the people in process in a 60- to gO-day period. I never knew who they would be.
but anytime I tried to shortcut or consolidate, sales flopped.


Don't be afraid to try sending somebody seven consecutive letters to see what happens.
Make each one a complete sales pitch and give full Instructions and a request to order.
Keep giving them reasons to avail themselves of your product.
Most people don't put forth a concerted, ongoing effort to sell. They don't persevere,
they're not tenacious, they try one time and then give up. If you nurture and purvey a
series of overtures, new business wI1l enhance its closure rate many times. Experiment
and find out for yourself. I think you will find It worthwhile."

To establlsh inroads with customers your marketing must master the principles of
successful human relations, The primary book on the subject is Dale Carnegie's.
"How to Win Friends and Influence People." Although you may have read this book
before. it pays to thumb through it again and again. Anyone starting a business or
buying a business or a franchise needs to carefully read this volume. clearly
understand and apply its lessons,
Here are a few excerpts from Dale Carnegie of the kind of thinking that must
permeate your marketing:
"I often went fishing up In Maine during the summer. Personally, I am very fond of
strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer
worms. So when I went fishing, I didn't think about what I wanted. I thought about
what they wanted. I didn't bait the hook with strawberries and cream. Rather, I dangled
a worm or a grasshopper In front of the fish and said: Wouldn't you like to have that?'
Why not use the same common sense when fishing for people?
That Is what lloyd George, Great Britain's PrIme Minister during World War 1. did. When
someone asked him how he managed to stay In power after the other wartime leaders -Wilson, Orlando and Clemenceau -- had been forgotten, he replied that If his staying on
top might be attributed to anyone thing, it would be to his having learned that it was
necessary to bait the hook to suit the fish.
Why talk about what we want? That is childish. Absurd. Of course, you are interested
In what you want. You are eternally interested In it. But no one else Is. The rest of us
are just like you: we are Interested In what we want.
So the only way on earth to Influence other people Is to talk about what they want and
show them how to get it.

Harry A. Overstreet In his Illumtnating book, 'Influencing Human Behavior' said: 'Action
springs out of what we fundamentally desire ... and the best piece of advice which can be
given to would-be persuaders, whether In business, in the home, In the school, In
politics, Is: First, arouse In the other person an eager want:
Here is one of the best bits of advice ever given about the fine art of human relationships:
'If there is anyone secret of success: said Henry Ford, 'it lies In the ability to get the
other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your
That is so good, I want to repeat If: 'If there is anyone secret of success, It lies In the
ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as
well as from your own.'

That is so simple, so obvious, that anyone ought to see the truth of it at a glance; yet 90
percent of the people on this earth ignore it 90 percent of the time.
An example? Look at the letters that come across your desk tomorrow morning, and you
will find that most of them violate this important canon of common sense. Take this one.
a letter written by the head of the radio department of an advertising agency with offices
scattered across the continent. This letter was sent to the managers of local radio
stations throughout the country. (I have set down, in brackets, my reactions to each
Mr. John Blank,
Dear Mr. Blank:

company desires to retain its position in advertising agency
leadership in the radio field.
(Who cares what your company desires? I am worried about my own problems. The
bank is foreclosing the mortgage on my house. the bugs are destroying the hollyhocks,
the stock market tumbled yesterday. I missed the eight-fifteen this morning, I wasn't
invited to the Jones's dance last night. the doctor tells me I have high blood pressure and
neuritis and dandruff. And then what happens? I come down to the office this morning
worried, open my mail and here is some llttle whippersnapper off in New York yapping
about what his company wants. Bah! If he only realized what sort of impression his
letter makes, he would get out of the advertising business and start manufacturing sheep
This agency's national advertising accounts were the bulwark of the network.
Our subsequent clearances of station time have kept us at the top of agencies
year after year.
(You are big and rich and right at the top, are you? So what? I don't give two whoops

in Hades if you are as big and General Motors and General Electric and the General Staff
of the U.S. Army all combined. If you had as much sense as a half-witted humrnlngblrd,
you would realize that I am interested in how big I am -- not how big you are. Ali this
talk about your enormous success makes me feel small and unlmportant.)
We desire to service our accounts with the last word on radio station
(You desire! You desire. You unmitigated ass. I'm not interested in what you desire or
what the President of the United States desires. Let me tell you once and for all that I
am interested in what I desire -- and you haven't said a word about that yet in this
absurd letter of yours.)
The world is full of people who are grabbing and self-seeking. So the rare individual who
unselfishiy tries to serve others has an enormous advantage. He has Uttle competition.
Owen D. Young, a noted lawyer and one of America's great business leaders, once said:
'People who can put themselves in the place of other people, who can understand the
workings of their minds, need never worry about what the future has in store for them.'
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than

you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
There Is one all-Important law of human conduct. If we obey that law, we shall almost
never get into trouble. In fact, that law, If obeyed, will bring us countless friends and
constant happiness. But the very Instant we break the law, we shall get Into endless
trouble. The law Is this: Always make the other person feel Important."
We leave Mr. Carnegie with one last powerful thought from his incredible book:
"J. Pierpont Morgan observed, In one of his analytical interludes, that a person usually
has two reasons for doing a thing: one that sounds good and a real one.
The person h1mselfwlll think of the real reason. You don't need to emphasize that. But
all of us, being Idealists at heart, like to think of motives that sound good. So. In order
to change people, appeal to the nobler motives."
There are numerous other powerful lessons in Carnegies book that govern successful
people-to-people relations. Anyone in sales or management or who meets the public
must read and memorize the contents of Carnegie's masterpiece. This superb book
could serve you well as a give-away or premium for your large business accounts.
Another importsnt aspect of marketing is integrity. Everything you write or say
must be fastidious in its adherence to the truth. James Cook instructs. "Lack of
Integrity comes In various shades: outright fraud, simple advantage over the customer,
Ignorance of the law. Whatever the nomenclature of this ethical breakdown. the powerful
truth remains that no company can flourtsh for long If It practices dishonesty. Only
totally honest companies will prosper over the long term. I repeat, as long as we have
free markets, Integrity remains an essential element of success without which corporate
growth will be stymied.
Thomas B. Walker, friend of the legendary railroad entrepreneur. James J. HIlI. and
lumber mIl1Ionaire (he owned over 900.000 acres of timber In Minnesota and California).
said. 'Not only can a man be honest and grow rich, but It Is almost impossible for a man
to grow rich unless he Is honest. It Is honesty, Integrity, and uprightness that make
people trust you and that attract trade and stimulate business relations.'
We wouldn't have to dwell on this Issue If It weren't such a problem. Too many new
ventures seem to place their own Interests ahead of their clients'. And there are many
opportunities to cheat customers. The bluntest sort of fraud Is the antithesis of service
and value. In fact. such shabby acts comprise a sure-flre formula for failure. If you
practice these crimes, you will ultimately flop and probably be imprisoned as well.
Most dishonesty in business Is petty and never attracts the law. This level of chicanery.
quite commonplace, involves no more than taking simple advantage of customers. A
friend of many years has a route business wherein he delivers goods to a variety of
outlets. He's always talking about expanding and about big deals that are pending.
Nevertheless, his business Is at about the same level It was twenty years ago. Why? He
takes sneaky, piddling advantages of his customers. He nicks them just a little. Instead
of giving them extra, he gives them a fraction less. He sees his business with blinders
on, for It Is always perceived In his terms, never his customers'. Thus, he loses his
accounts and never grows In line with his hopes and expectations.
You can fool people or get the best of them only one or two times. After that, they


invariably catch on. What's worse, hell hath no fury like a person conned. That person
will never again do business with that Individual or company. So, If people sooner or
later always figure out that they've been duped or chiseled and If their reaction is always
the same, why would anyone In business follow such a policy? Stupidityl What other
label can be affixed to a procedure that guarantees the permanent loss of business and
Bernard H. Kroger, founder of the Kroger Food Chain, commented, The more I saw of
people, the clearer became my realization that they could not be fooledl How I served a
customer had something to do with why she bought. Price and appearance had
something to do with it. These made a first sale. But what made re-sales was the
satisfaction found in the article itself when put to use. lf that failed, all failed, and the
customer was lost.'
If you ever wonder why many small businesses stay small, why they sputter, plug along,
and never grow or flourish, you know the reason. The proprietor insists on outfoxing or
swindling the customers.

Andrew Carnegie, the wealthiest entrepreneur who ever lived, wrote, 'A great business is
seldom If ever built up, except on lines of the strictest integrity. A reputation for
'cuteness' and sharp dealing is fatal In great affairs. Not the letter of the law, but the
spirit, must be the rule. It is essential to permanent success that a house should obtain
a reputation for being governed by what is fair rather than what is merely legal. A rule
which we adopted and adhered to has given greater returns than one would believe
possible, namely: always give the other party the benefit of the doubt:
Ross Perot, founder of Electronic Data Systems, attributed to his father thls important
guiding principle, 'He taught me as a small boy that buying cotton from a man once had
very little value uniess you developed a personal relationsWp with WID, unless you
treated WID fairly, unless he trusted you. Otherwise he won't corne back to you next
Business dishonesty takes other forms as well. When my company decided to broaden
its line of wood-burning stoves, we took our drawings to a small metals manufacturer.
He studied the plans and wlthln a few days we agreed on price, quantity, and delivery
dates. He became intensely Interested as well as enthusiastic about the wood-stove
Much to our chagrin, he failed to deliver our stoves on the targeted date -- he had simply
lied to get our order. When we finally got the first units, they had been made with
cheaper material than our specs had called for. While we hassled with WID on this issue,
he tried to raise the price on the units to a point well above his bid. Finally, the whole
project bogged down in recurring rounds of delayed delivery, faulty product. and
Incessant bickering over price.
The climax came when our conniving manufacturer decided to bypass us. He made an
insignillcant design change in our stoves and started selling them Wrnself. He had lied
to us, cheated us, and finally wound up stealing from us.
Not that his stove venture ever amounted to anything -- it didn't he managed only to
bum off a good customer and further ensure that he would remain a marginal conniver.
And so it goes with any firms that follow dishonorable practices. If you make and sell
inferior, shoddy. or worthless merchandise. you will eventually fail. If you make bogus


claims or false warranties and put out misleading hype for your product or service, the
scam you disguise as a business will Inevitably collapse.
Not a single company listed In the Fortune 500 (America's largest enterprises) cheats or
bamboozles its customers. Companies get big because they practice honesty. Without
it, no company can benefit from referrals, one of the truly great well-springs of business
success. TIlls priceless corporate asset cannot be purchaed. It can only be earned. It
comes to you from 'word of mouth.'
Before a consumer buys a product for the first time, some unbiased source has generally
conveyed satisfaction with the product. Way back In the beginning, Henry Ford captured
market share because people told others about the reliability of hls cars. Before people
go to a movie or out to eat at a new restaurant, they tend to rely on word of mouth.
Products, services and companies alike are judged by these influential verbal verdicts.
People like to be in the know, abreast of trends, and on top of new events. Further, they
enjoy dispensing these insights to others. They love to give advice and will always rush
to help or aid others with information.
If it seems I am belaboring thls simple truth, it is because word of mouth is so critical to
start-up ventures. TWs is especially true for anything new, where every satisfied
customer becomes a salesperson. TWs indispensable asset far exceeds the benefits from
any other form of advertising or promotion. When companies mistreat or short
customers, they beat themselves out of their most powerful helper. Unless you can
unleash an avalanche of positive word of mouth, you will never advance beyond middling
success and stagnation.

Stanley Marcus was Instructed in the entrepreneurial skills by hls father, one of the
founders of Neiman-Marcus. The young Marcus built the company into a prominent.
Wgh-quality chain based on lessons that extended beyond the realm of conventional
customer service and integrity. He recounts,
Somewhat aghast at a few of the unreasonable complaints and
demands which I encountered in my first years in the business, I asked
my father, 'How can we afford to replace a garment which the customer
has clearly abused?' I was referring to a handmade lace ball gown a
customer returned after one wearing. 'She should have known it was
fragile.' My father replied, Yes, she should have, but since thts is the
first fine garment she's ever bought, she didn't. Explain to her that we
will replace it, and tactfully call her attention to the fact that a delicate
handmade lace will wear less well than a coarser machine-made lace.
She'll know better next time.' Unconvinced, I asked, 'How can we afford
to take such a loss? The manufacturer won't assume any of the cost.'
He replied very patiently, 'She's not doing business with the
manufacturer, she's doing business with us. It costs us over $200 to
get a new customer of this woman's buying potential, and I'm not going
to lose her for the $175 thls dress cost us.' And then he added, When
you tell her, do it with a smile.' Over the years, this woman spent over
$500,000 with us. I had learned one of the most important lessons in
my retail career.
Word spread quickly, and within a year of its opening the store had built a clientele of
satisfied customers who spread the news of thls unique store to all of their friends in the


Napoleon Hill tells a similar story of another great merchant.
Marshall FIeld was probably the leading merchant of his time, and the
great FIeld store. In Chicago. stands today as a monument to his
A customer purchased an expensive lace waist (blouse) at the FIeld
store. but did not wear It. Two years later she gave It to her niece as a
wedding present. The niece quietly returned the waist to the FIeld store
and exchanged It for other merchandise. despite the fact that It had
been out for more than two years and was then out of style.
Not only did the FIeld store take back the waist. but what Is of more
Importance It did so without argument:
Of course there was no obllgatlon, moral or legal, on the part of the
store to accept the return of the waist at that late date. which makes
the transaction all the more stgntflcant,
The waist was ortglnally priced at fifty dollars, and of course It had to
be thrown on the bargain counter and sold for whatever It would bring.
but the keen student of human nature will understand that the FIeld
store not only did not lose anything on the waist. but It actually profited
by the transaction to an extent that cannot be measured In mere
The woman who returned the waist knew that she was not entitled to
a rebate; therefore. when the store gave her that to which she was not
entitled the transaction won her as a permanent customer. But the
effect of the transaction did not end here; It only began; for this woman
spread the news of the 'fair treatment' she had received at the FIeld
store, far and near. It was the talk of the women of her set for many
days, and the FIeld store received more advertisIng from the transaction
than It could have purchased In any other way with ten times the value
of the waist.
WIthout Integrity. no company can have posItive word of mouth. Nobody brags about
getting cheated. Worthwhile. lasting results come from honest entrepreneurs. The
balance are second-raters.
Furthermore, It Is far easier to stay straight than not. The wrath of buyers of worthless
wares brings ulcers. legal fees. reporters. and paInful financIal setbacks. Nevertheless.
four-flushers and lying promoters abound.
It seems that many In business lack the abllJty to dtstlngutsh clearly between right and
wrong. They are so attuned to their own self-Interest that the use of unsavory means
does not appear wrong to them. What counts Is that they get the sale or the order. Their
commisston or profitjustlfies exaggerated claims or outright lies. They rationallze that
the customer needs or will benefit so greatly from thelr product or service that the truth
can be doctored.


You should make no unwarranted claims. dubious promises. or predictions. You must
never publish or speak any mIsleading Information. All facts. good or bad. should be
fully disclosed and your posItive claims must be offset by any potential negatives.
Typtcal entrepreneurs starting a new venture have a tendency to embellish the truth
about the merits of their products or services but would be astonished were anyone to
point an accusatory finger. As we have mentioned. these wrongdoings are rationalized
away by self-serving motives.
Understandably. those starting out are under tremendous pressure. They often have
blinders on and can easily compromlse ethics for short-term survival.
That's the problem. It Is almost lmpossible to make these particular transgressors see
theIr shortcomlngs. Suffice It to say that in a new venture you are. at the very least.
likely to overstate your case greatly. Unfortunately. one thing leads to another and In
time fibs can become felonies.
Whether or not you see yourself as a plllar of virtue. heed the following advice religIously:
Get Into the habit of understating your claims and promotions. Dlmlnish your
assertions. Cross-check all ad copy and sales pitches against the truth. Fastidiously
monitor yourself and your employees for anything that smacks of dishonesty. Until you
truly understand that the fanatical appllcation of unswerving Integrity (which you are not
likely to be practicing) gloriously compliments all new ventures. you can never excel."


Chapter 5
To be a world class marketer takes more than the breakthrough marketing Ideas you
will find in this book. It also requires a mental state that can best be described as
positive. dedicated and creative. Success requires strong desire. faith. Imagination
and persistence. Great success never comes overnight. Your first marketing
attempts land even some your later ones) will be disappointments. Naturally. you
must go on. despite these setbacks. with the clear understanding that your failures
act as stepping stones of experience which hasten you to ultimate success.
You need to embrace an underlying philosophy of success which gives you a definite
path to follow and guidelInes that help you to reach your goals. The great
philosopher of success. Napoleon HIl1. wrote.
"Make up your mind what you desire of life. decide to get just that. without substitutes.
and lot you will have taken possessIon of one of the most priceless of all assets avallable
to human beings.
But your desire must be no mere wish or hope!
It must be a burning desire. and It must become so definltelyan obsessional desire that
you are wUl!ng to pay whatever price its attainment may cost. The price may be much
or it may be little. but you must condition your mlnd to pay it. regardless of what the cost
The moment you choose your Definlte Major Purpose in life you will observe a strange
circumstance. consIsting In the fact that ways and means of attaining that purpose will
begin immediately to reveal themselves to you.
Opportunities you had not expected will be placed In your way.
The cooperation of others will become avallable to you. and friends will appear as If by
a stroke of magic. Your fears and doubts will begin to disappear and self-reliance will
take their place.
This may seem. to the uninitiated. a fantastic prorntse, but not so to the man who has
done away with Indecision and has chosen a definlte goal in life. I speak not from the
observation of other men alone. but from my own personal experience. I have
transformed myself from a dismal fallure to a successful man. and I have therefore
earned the right to give you this assurance of what you may expect If you follow the roadmap provided by this philosophy."
Who exactly was Napoleon HIl1? James Cook tells us.
"One day In 1908. the richest man In the world Invited a young man Into his office and
offered him the greater part of his vast fortune. It was not cash. however. that he offered.
He proposed to Instruct the young man on the manner and method In which to
accumulate such a fortune for himself.


He explalned that great success, fortune. and fame could be enjoyed by anyone w1IlIng
to follow a speclfic formula, In fact. he vowed that no one could achieve great success
without practicing thls formula.
The wealthy man was no less than the legendary steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie. In
1901, the respected Carnegie had packaged his Interests Into one company and sold his
shares to the public. The result was the formation of U.S. Steel and a $390 million
windfall to Carnegie.
The younger man was Napoleon Hill, a writer and college student. His Interview with
Carnegie extended far beyond the allotted time. Carnegie explained the rucliments of his
philosophy. formed from his expeIience as the world's most successful entrepreneur. He
proposed that Hill take his Ideas and reinforce them with the thoughts and expeIiences
of hundreds of other successful entrepreneurs. each of whom HIll was to interview
extensively. Eventually. the young man was to write a book on the results.
Carnegie offered little or no financial Inducement. He promised only to open doors for
Hill's interviews. The whole process was to take twenty or more years. To understand
his success fonnula, Carnegie knew that Hill must share the expeIiences that all
successful entrepreneurs have known. He must learn the philosophy by succeeding
himself. Hill chose to accept the challenge.
Over the next two decades, he went about the arduous task of analyzing hundreds of
successful men. Among these were Thomas Edison. Henry Ford, James J. Hill. Harvey
Firestone, Luther Burbank. and Clarence Darrow. From this experience. he was able to
art1culate the success formula used by those who gatned great wealth and achievement.
Through the 1930s and 1940s, Hill published a number of books. All were big sellers.
The greatest of these volumes. Think and Grow Rich: ensured Hill's success and gave
him financial Independence. Through two decades of struggle Hill had also learned the
lessons of lasting accomplishment.
Napoleon Hill was the first person to formulate a success philosophy that offered concrete
gutdelmes to entrepreneurs and others seeking noteworthy achievements.
Since Hill's Initial formula was art1culated, various authors have published a host of
other success and self-help books. Their contributions notwithstanding, the greatest of
these books remains Hill's.
Ortglnal Ideas, services, and products are generally copied and imitated. Sometimes we
forget to contrast the remarkable difference between what went Into an oIiginal and the
far easier task facing an imitator.
Hill fathered the self-help, motivation, and success Industry. The dimension of his
thought and the power of his writing entitle him to noteworthy credit.
Napoleon Hill wrote about, learned from, and existed alongside a group of entrepreneurs
who dramatically advanced civilization. Their towering accomplishments are prodigious
enough to designate their era a golden age. Not since the time of Pericles has such a brtef
span of years proved so fruitful to mankind.
Napoleon Hill distilled the elements of human progress and added powerful truths to our
stock of wisdom. His words are immortal, his message timeless.

Napoleon Hill cUscovered from his interviews a simple truth that is not only the core
premise of self-help and motivation, but an acknowledged fact in the science of human
behavior. Human beings are what they think they are. Our self-Image guides our
conduct. You can be only what you think you can be.
The next step for Hill was to formulate methods that alter, in a positive way, the
dominating thoughts people hold in their minds. For the entrepreneur, this means the
establlshment of an Idea, plan, or purpose to be arrived at by concentrating on your
desires. The first step is to know exactly what you want -- a step that ninety-eight out
of a hundred people never bother to articulate beyond an occasional daydream.
lf you want something badly enough and you enhance that desire by holding it in your
mind in a variety of ways outllned by Hill, you will 'cloak that desire in the physical
equivalent.' lf desire becomes great enough, it will subtly change your perception of what
you can do, and it will motivate you to proceed toward your goal. 'Everything man
creates or acquires begins in the form of desire.'
Your thoughts control your actions, according to Hill. Therefore, you must learn to direct
your thoughts in a positive and productive way. Hill postulated in 'Think and Grow Rich'
that it is no more difficult to aim high in llfe and achieve prosperity than it is to accept
and llve with poverty and misery.
He stressed that most people never do more than scratch the surface of their potential.
To convince his readers, he penned these words: 'Somewhere in your make-up there lles
sleeping, the seed of achievement which, if aroused and put into action, would carry you
to heights, such as you may never have hoped to attain.'
Hill explalns the knowledge available through the cooperation of others, the famous
Master Mind Principle, defined as a 'coordination of knowledge and effort, in a splrit of
harmony, between two or more people.' All successful men and women have availed
themselves of the advice and cooperation of other people who contribute their own store
of knowledge and experience. Beyond that, Hill advances this powerful hypothesis: 'No
two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force
which may be llkened to a third mind.'
Another cornerstone of Hill's formula is the Importance of persistence. He teaches an
Infallible lesson on how to become persistent and how to overcome fallures: 'Remember
that all who succeed in llfe get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking
struggles before they 'arrive'.'
He set down one of life's greatest truths, 'Every adversity, every failure and every
heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.' To Hill,
persistence was to human character 'what carbon is to steel.' Without it, you are doomed
to failure; with it llterally nothing can stand in your way.
Napoleon Hill spoke of faith as a state of mind that can be induced through the
encouragement of positive emotions and the application of self-suggestion. Faith is a key
Ingredient and starting point in the accumulation of all riches. He counseled faith in
yourself, faith in the future, faith in the infinite.
When I first read Hill's admonition to have faith in the infinite, it cUsturbed my rationalist
soul. I had llfted Bertrand Russell's opinions to the forefront of my self-d!rected
educational Inqulry. It was Russell who defined faith as, 'the belief in something for

which there is no evidence:

For all of Russell's skepticism, both he and Hill held many views that were not
incompatible. Like Russell, Hill also deplored the so-called faith of religious doctrines
that relied on fear to instruct or punish.
The culmination of my understanding of Hill's philosophy came only with my own
reliance on the intangible. Gripped with anxiety because of the looming collapse of my
ten-year-old empire, I had no choice. There was no saving action to be taken, no concrete
steps to be implemented. I had tried them all and they had failed.
There was no other relief from the tremendous pressure, no other escape from the pain,
no other way to sleep at night. Faith -- in myself, in the future, in the infinite. No fancy
doctrines or tortuous dogma, just a simple and firmly held belief that all would be well.
And so it was,
Aside from Think and Grow Rich' Napoleon Hill wrote two other books which
entrepreneurs are advised to read to augment their understanding of his success
philosophy. The Master-Key to Riches' and 'Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind' were both
published in the 1940s, completing an indlspensable trtlogy for entrepreneurs and
anyone else wishing to explore the rules and requirements of success. Nothing else that
I know of can help you get through the difficult times that cause so many hopeful
entrepreneurs to give up and quit.
From the first day of your new venture, you will be whipsawed by petty doubts and fears,
At times black circumstance will escalate these anxieties into moments of real terror.
Then you wlll want to flee, to recapture the simple security of your past.
When you are on the verge of such a decision, when the money is gone, when your ideas
draw brutal rejection, when your credlt cards are canceled and the snarling bill collectors
sap your wlll, when the sound of a ringing telephone claws at your guts, when you
cannot see the possibility of ever making your deal work -- then you must do one thing.
Turn to one of Hill's books and read until the gloom fades. There you will find a spark
of strength to bring you through the bleakest moments. You must do this faithfully
whenever you begin to fold. Before you qutt, before you walk away, before you seek the
relief that seems so alluring. you must turn to his pages one more time and read.
If you have read this far, you know that I have offered many ideas to you. You may

embrace what you wish. In return, I ask one small favor of you. On the day you make
the final decision to return to the old ways, before you end whatever It Is that you started,
tum to those pages of Hill's that I have advanced so ardently -- and read."

Your marketing ideas must be nurtured and integrated into the blueprint of your
future. Hill tells us:
"It is a well known fact that Ideas are the only assets which have no fixed values. It is
equally well known that Ideas are the beginning of all achievements.
Ideas form the foundation of all fortunes, the starting point of all inventions. They have
mastered the air above us and the waters of the oceans around us; they have enabled us
to harness and use the invisible energies of the universe.


All ideas begin as the result of Definiteness of Purpose.

The phonograph was nothing but an abstract idea until Edison organized it through
definiteness of purpose, and submitted it to the subconscious portion of his brain where
it was projected into the great reservoir of Inftnlte Intelligence, from which a workable
plan was flashed back to him. And this workable plan he translated into a machine
which worked.
The philosophy of individual achievement began as an idea in the mind of Andrew
Carnegie. He backed his idea with definiteness of purpose, and now the phllosophy is
available for the benefit of mUlions of people throughout the civilized world.
Moreover, his idea has more than an average chance of becoming one of the great
leavening forces of the world, for it is now being used by an ever increasing multitude of
people as a means of gutdmg them through a world of frenzied hysteria.
The great North American continent known as the 'New World' was discovered and
brought under the influence of civilization as the result of an idea which was born in the
mind of an humble sailor and backed by definiteness of purpose. And the time is at hand
when that idea, born more than four hundred years ago, may lift our nation to a position
where it will become the most en!lghtened frontier of civilization.
Any idea that is held in the mind, emphasized, feared or reverenced, begins at once to
clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical form that is available.
That which men be!leve, talk about, and fear, whether it be good or bad, has a very
definite way of making its appearance in one form or another. Let those who are
struggling to free themselves from the l1m1tations of poveriy and misery not forget this
great truth, for it applies to an individual just as it does to a nation of people."
So much of what we accomplish in business and in our marketing success hinges on

our mental attitude. Hill explains:

'The mind of man is far more wonderful than any machine. Within it, however, there
seems to be a kind of Yes-No' valve at the focal point of thinking. It is as though your
awareness of a circumstance of life -- sent to your brain by your sight, hearing and other
senses -- presents itself at the Yes-No' point to be processed. A person who maintains
a positive attitude will find every possible Yes' in that circumstance and make it part of
his life. A person who maintains a negative mental attitude will lean toward the 'No' side,
miss much that is good, llve with much that is painful and damaging.
Nothing but a mental attitude? Nothing but a mental attitude, but it is right there that
your success or your failure, your peace of mind or your nervous tension, your tendency
toward good health or your tendency toward illness begins.
Fortunately it is possible for anyone to make the change from negativism to positivism,
and thus basically condition his brain to bring all that is good in life. Moreover, there are
certain 'control levers' which the Creator makes available to us, and it is easy to see how
successful people use these levers, once you know what they are.
Control your mental attitude with definiteness of purpose. Emerson said: The world
makes way for a man who knows where he is going.'


ThInk what it means to know where you are going! Automatically you rid yourself of all
kinds of fears and doubts which may have crept into the maktng-up-your-mtnd process.
Your purpose is definite and -- presto! -- all the l1m1tless forces of your mind focus upon
that purpose and no other. Knowing your purpose. you cannot be led astray by
circumstances or words which have nothing to do with your purpose. Where. before. a
day's work may have contained a good deal of wasted motion. now your efforts are lined
up so that each mental or physical motion helps every other motion.

You can see the connection with building wealth. for work done well is a basic wealthbuilder. Now see the connection with peace of mind. A man who works wholeheartedly
at his job is not concerned with such matters as finding fault with others. disturbing his
conscience by cutting comers in his work. watching the clock and so forth. Nor will he
be discouraged by any obstacles which may crop up; his positive and focused mental
attitude keeps him in a prtme position to handle problems and overcome them.
Is this a secret of 'genius?' I have mentioned that many eminently successful men do not
possess any greater intelligence than most other men possess. Yet their achievements
are such that we may say that these men have 'genius.' Surely it is the positive mental
attitude of these men which makes their brain-power. not greater. but more efficient and
more avallable than most others'. When I spoke to such men as Henry Ford. Andrew
Carnegie and Thomas A. Edison. I spoke with minds free of any fear or doubt that they
could do anything they wished to do.
I know that Andrew Carnegie was well aware of the need for a positive mental attitude.
Before he undertook to back me in my success. he really put me 'on the spot' as to my
mental attitude.
Looking at me shrewdly across his desk. that canny SCot said: We've talked a long time
and I have shown you the greatest opportunity a young man ever had to become famous.
rich and useful. Now -- if I choose you out of the two hundred and forty other applicants
for this job -- if I introduce you to the outstandingly successful men in America -- if I help
you get their collaboration in finding out the true philosophy of success -- will you devote
twenty years to the job. earning your own living as you go along? We have had sufficient
discussion. I want your answer -- yes or no.'
I began to think of all the obstacles that would stand in my way. I began to think of all
the hurdles I would have to jump. I began to think of all the time I would have to spend.
and the big job of writing. and the problem of earning my living all that while -- and so
I spent twenty-nine seconds struggling with a negative mental attitude which. had it
overcome me. would have affected me negatively ever after.
How do I know I took just twenty-nine seconds? Because. when I found the positive
mental attitude which I had lost temporarily. and said Yes!" -- Mr. Carnegie showed me
the stopwatch he had been holding beneath his desk. He had given me just one minute
in which to show my positive state of mind -- otherwise. he felt. he would not have been
able to depend on it. I had beaten the deadline by just thirty-one seconds. and thereby
embraced an opportunity that was destined to change and improve the lives of rn1lI1ons
of people. including my own."

From time to time in your mark.eting ventures. you will suffer setbacks and
problems which will sap your spirit. If you are a pioneer or trailblazer you will suffer

greatly. If you become il creative genius (well within your power) you will have
known great adversity on your journey to success. Even the owners of modest
business establishments will suffer periods of doubt, anxiety and fear, It Is these
times when HUl's phllosophy of success can be fallen back upon to succor you and
give you the strength to continue.
'Those who have cultivated the habtt of perststence seem to enjoy Insurance against
fallure. No matter how many times they are defeated, they finally arrive up toward the
top of the ladder. Sometimes it appears that there is a hidden guide whose duty is to test
men through all sorts of discouraging experiences. Those who pick themselves up after
defeat and keep on trying, arrive; and the world cries, 'Bravo! I knew you could do it!'
The hidden guide lets no one enjoy great achievement without passIng the perststence
test. Those who can't take it simply do not make the grade.
Those who can 'take it' are bountifully rewarded for their persistence. They receive, as
their compensation, whatever goal they are pursuing. That is not all! They receive
something 1nfln1tely more important than material compensation -- the knowledge that
'every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage.'
There are exceptions to this rule; a few people know from experience the soundness of
persIstence. They are the ones who have not accepted defeat as being anything more
than temporary. They are the ones whose desires are so persistently applied that defeat
is finally changed into victory. We who stand on the side-lines of life see the
overwhelmingly large number who go down in defeat. never to rise again. We see the few
who take the punishment of defeat as an urge to greater effort. These, fortunately. never
learn to accept life's reverse gear. But what we do not see, what most of us never suspect
of existing, is the silent but irresistible power which comes to the rescue of those who
fight on in the face of discouragement. If we speak of this power at all we call it
persistence, and let it go at that. One thing we all know, if one does not possess
persistence, one does not achieve noteworthy success in any call1ng.
Lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure. Moreover. experience with
thousands of people has proved that lack of persistence Is a weakness common to the
majority of men. It Is a weakness which may be overcome by effort. The ease with which
lack of persistence may be conquered will depend entirely upon the Intensity of one's
The starting point of all achievement Is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak
desires bring weak results, Just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.
If you find yourself lacking in persistence, this weakness may be remedied by building
a stronger fire under your desires."

HUl's books are timeless, they are available in paperback at most book stores,



Chapter 6
Jay Abraham places great emphasis on a bedrock statement of your company
'Your Unique Selling Proposition is that dlstmct, appealing idea that sets your business
apart from every other 'me too' competitor.
Your entire marketing and operational success should be built upon your Unique Selling
Proposition. Your USP may touch any part of the marketing gamut -- price, service,
quality, or exclusivity.
There are many kinds of USP successes:

* Some companles position themselves as having the best selection or

broadest array of buying options. Their USP is 'broad choice.'
* Other companles may offer more limited selection, but their USP is
'low price' or 'low markup.'
* Another company may decide they don't want to be known for just
price or selection, so instead they offer the finest quality at a higher.
but still reasonable price. Quality or exclusivity -- even snob appeal
-- is its USP.
* Still, another firm may offer a product at reasonable prices, but their
clistinct selling appeal is that they offer better service, assistance, or
installation help.
The possfbllltles for builcling a USP are unlimited. It's best, however, to adopt a USP that
dynamically addresses an obvious void in the marketplace that you can flll. Beware
though: It's counterproductive to adopt a USP if you cannot fulfill the promise.
Before recommending some USPs, let me describe a curious phenomenon. When you ask
a business owner to articulate clearly and concisely in one paragraph or less, his or her
USP most business owners have no answer. Why? Because they've never thought
through or offered a Unique Selling Proposition. Most of them have no USP. only a 'me
too.' rudderless, nondescript, business that feeds solely upon the momentum of the
marketplace. There's nothing unique; there's nothing clistinct. They promise no great
value, benefit, or service -- just 'buy from us' for no justifiable reason.
It's no surprise that most businesses, lacking a USP, merely get by. Their failure rate is
high, their owners are apathetic, and they get only a small share of the potential
business. But other than a convenient location, why should they get much patronage
if they fail to offer any appealing promise, unique feature, or special service? Customers,
expect special consideration and regard in exchange for their business,
Would you want to patronize a firm that's just 'there.' with no unique benefit, no
incredible prices or selection, no especially comforting counsel, service, or guarantee?

And he says he can afford to sell for low markups ...

...Our Little Lot in the
Country Costs Us Nothing
My Dad bought It for cash 35 years ago. Our electrtc bill seems high to
me (It runs about $428 a month). I have 35 employees -- two are
salaried salespeople, three are office clerks, five are family, and the rest
are service people who work six-day weeks to serve your needs. If I
make a Utile more than $100 a car, I do really well. ABC Dealer has to
make at least $900 profit per car or he can't pay his bills. Who do you
want to buy your next new car from?
When a Dealer Buys Widgets from the
Factory, He Gets a looAl Discount for
Buying a Dozen, a 2oo/o Discount for
BUying a Gross, and a 500Al Discount For BUying 500
We buy widgets In minimum lots of 10,000 units, so our cost Is about
2oo/o less than any other dealer. Then, we mark them up only 25% over
our cost.
Where would you rather buy your widget? From the guy who buys
them In dozen-Unit lots, then doubles the price, or from us?
Now, extend the price-discount USP headUne and subhead Into the body copy of the ad:
A lot of companies sell widgets, some with a big markup, others for less.
The average Industry markup Is 225%. That means a widget that costs
the dealer $100 costs you $325.
The typical 'discount' dealer marks up his widgets 170%, so the widget
that costs you $325 at the full-markup dealer costs you $275 at the
discount dealer.
We buy more widgets at better prices than any other dealer In town.
We mark up our widgets a mere 50%. The same widget that costs you
$325 at the full-markup dealer, or $275 at the discount dealer, costs
you only $150 at our company.
The Service-Oriented USP
Here are Ideas for a service USP approach:
When You Buy a Widget from Every Other
Dealer In Town, You Get a 'LlmIted'
12-Month Warranty. When You Buy That
Widget from Us, You Get a LIfetime,
'UnUmlted' Warranty With Service
Guaranteed WIthin 24 Hours, and a

Loaner FUrnished Free. Plus.

We Make House Calls
Or. ..

When You Buy a Book from B. Dalton or

Waldenbooks, You Own That Book
Whether You Like it or Not
When you buy a book from us. you have a gO-day. 100% money-back
guarantee, in case it's not what the critics said. You get credits toward
any other book, magazine, or reference publication we sell for every
book you buy and keep.
Most Tree Trimmers Charge You $100 or
More for Every Call. And Your Trees and
Shrubs Should Be Trimmed at Least
Three Times a Year
ABC Tree Trimmers will trim and maintain your trees and shrubs six
times a year -- once every two months -- and alilt costs you is $16 a
month, billed quarierly.
Or, another possibility is...
Whenever It Snows, We'll Be Out
Within 24 Hours to Clean Your
Driveway and Walk -- Free
... Just another added benefit of placing your home-owner's policy with
Most Restaurants Charge Separately for
Appetizers and Dessert, and the Wine's
Always Extra
At Chez Abraham you always get your choice of giant prawns, caviar,
or pate -- free. And, a bottle of French champagne is included with my
compliments. Oh, yes, -- we also include your choice of Cherries
Jubilee or Baked Alaska.
Or, another option is ...
Most Computer Companies Sell You a
Computer, Then Walk Away, Leaving
You with a High-Tech Paperweight
We give you an on-site training program, plus a Saturday session for all
your staff. We also double the normal warranty period and provide a

loaner If your unit breaks down within the warranty period. If it breaks
down after the warranty period. we rent you a computer for just $100
a day. and do the repair free.
Oh, yes. we also offer for your benefit. a 45-day trial period before you
lock yourself Into your brand new purchase.
Office Cleaning is a Pretty Unimportant
Subject -- Until You Add Up How Much
It Costs You Annually

We clean your office every night -- sweep. mop. dust. vacuum. polish.
replace tissue -- all for just a dime a square foot.
Plus. we throw In carpet cleaning. window washing. upholstery
shampootng, and pest control once a quarter -- freel We also Include
24-hour emergency cleanup on weekends or early mornings after you've
worked late -- and If it's a genuIne emergency. we'll be glad to do that
The Quality/Snob-Appeal USP
How about the qualityI executive US?? Here are a few Interesting headllne and body copy
Only 1.200 XYZ Deluxe Widgets
Are Produced Annually
NIne hundred stay In Europe. where they originate. Of the remalntng
300. 50 go to Japan. Of the remaining 250. 100 go to South American
and Australia.
Each year. only 150 come into the United States. Of that 150. only 25
are sent to California -- and WEVE GOT 18 OF THEM.
We'll offer them at very fair prices to our best customers as long as they
Or. here's yet another possibility...
The Framework of the ABC
Custom-Designed Sofa is Fused
Together With 7/8-Inch Thick Dowels
It's then epoxy-melded with a graphite compound tested to a strength
tolerance of over 12.000 pounds offorce. It's designed to firmly support
the sofa for at least 50 years.
The fabric is handmade by craftsmen in a family-owned mill. where
they still weave fabrics the way they did 100 years ago. Each yard of
fabric contains 5.680 feet (over a mile) of silk and nylon threads. and

patterns are intricately worked into the fabric with artistic precision -one strand at a time. Embossing is meticulously supervised by the
same ruthless perfectionist who oversaw the creation of the magnificent
fabric that adorns the sofa in the reception area just outside the White
House's Oval Office.
This factory produces only 4,500 yards of handwoven, handembroidered. hand-inspected, quadruple-lined and finished fabric each
year -- only enough material to cover 85 sofas in an entire year. We
have secured the entire production of the factory for the month of May,
and we are accepting Inqulrtes regarding our custom-designed, customcovered sofa. But, please, don't ever call us unless you can walt
patiently for three months. can afford the best, and can appreciate a
genuine, one-of-a-kind work of historic art.
Mass-Marketed Health Clubs Have
10.000 Members All Jostling Between
6 and 9 p.m. to Use Five Nautilus
Machines, or All Trying to Squeeze into the
Sauna or Jacuzzi at the Same Time
At Club Elegance, total membership is strictly llmited to 565 families.
We have four times as many Nautilus machines as a typical. massmembership health club.
We also have 48-circuit Universal equipment. plus 10 Ufecycles; a
beautiful, carpeted. climate-controlled. refreshingly clean gym; a free
weight course; both a wet and dry Argus (top of the line) Sauna
chamber; full-time Swedish masseuse and masseur; an intimate private
restaurant that seats only 25 people. and continental breakfasts of lowcalorie. freshly baked croissants with homemade berry preserves.
Membership is $5,000 a year. with monthly dues of $100. Only 50
membershlps remaln; the other 515 have already been filled. You must
be recommended by at least five current members to be eligible to join.
If seriously interested, contact John J. Johnson, Director of
Membership, at 123-4567.
By now you should have the general idea that you should carefully integrate your newly
adopted USP Into the headline and body copy of every ad you run, and In every directmall piece you send out.
But Integrating your USP Into just your ads and mall1ng pieces is not enough. You must
integrate It into every form of your marketing.
When your salespeople calIon prospects, everything they say should clearly reinforce
your USP. They should explain the USP to the customer in a clear, concise statement.
For example:


'Hello, Mr. Prospect. I know your time is short, so I'll get right to the point, Your
company manufactures widgets, You buy steel and copper from a competitor, You're
currently paying $100 a ton and steel and $75 a ton for copper of which you waste
roughly 25%,
'My firm will sell you a higher grade steel and a higher alloy copper for $95 and $69 a
ton, respectively -- freight prepaid, which saves you an extra $3 a ton, Plus, we'll
guarantee our metal will produce a waste factor of 15% or less, and we'll replace any
wasted overage -- free,
'One last point, Mr. Prospect. It could be important. We'll furnish you with 50. #20
gauge titanium rivets and cap assemblies free with every 10 tons of steel you order this
month. May I have your order?'
'Hello, John. I've got something profitable and exciting to tell you -- a stgntflcant
development that could have a big bearing on how you protect your horne and family,
'For every home security system we sell that includes a full-alert monitoring computer - we'll provide the first year of monitoring (regularly $30 a month) free. Plus, we'll add
horne smoke detectors and swlrnrnlng pool monitoring as another bonus. Most
companies charge an additional $1.000 to $1,500 for these options. We're furnlshtng
them as a bonus because once you try us, we know you will continue using our
monitoring service for years to corne.'
Throughout the sales pitch, your salespersons should refer to the USP benefits or
advantages, showing the prospect why it's vastly superior to take advantage of your USP
rather than your competitor's USP, If he even has one.
Don't try and merely have your salespeople 'wing it.' Insist that they do their homework.
Make them sit down (figuratively speaking) and express the essence of your USP. Be sure
they can clearly and powerfully express your USP in 60 seconds (the oral equivalent of
a written paragraph), and then compelllngly state how it benefits the prospect. Furnish
your prospects with plenty of examples of how you honestly deliver your USP,
Your customers and prospects must be repeatedly informed of your USP -- why It is
important to them, how you render that USP, and why it's so unique. Your salespeople
must clearly and precisely express your USP at the beginning of any sales call and how
it is rendered. They must also explain why it's important.
When an old, tired company or profession adopts a powerful, new, and appealing USP,
it gives new life, new excitement, new interest, and new appeal to the marketing plan.
You're suddenly different. Now you're on the customer's side. You're its advocate,
championing whatever advantage your firm's USP can offer them. It's exciting and
appealing to customers, as well as to your company.


Think about your own past buying experience in light of the USP examples I gave you
earlier. When you are in the market for a product or service, wouldn't you tend to favor
any business that strongly presents one of the basic forms of USPs I've addressed? Of

course you would!

However, remember this axiom: You will not appeal to everybody. In fact, certain USPS
are designed to appeal to only one segment of a market. There is a vast gulf between the
upscale clients and the bargain seekers. and you probably can't reach them both. Which
do you want to stake out as your market niche?
Don't forget my earlier advice -- don't adopt a USP that you can't deliver. Also, analyze
the market potential of various USP positions in terms of volume. profits, and repeat
business. Your USP must not only fill a market void, but also result in adequate volume,
customers. action, and profit to suit your psychological and financial needs.
If you're like me -- never satisfied. and constantly searching for new challenges -- you can
actually compete against yourself.

There's no rule that says you can't, by adopting different USPs, develop different
businesses or separate divisions of your business which compete against one another.
For example, you could develop an exclusive and expensive boutique to go after the lowvolume. high-profit end of the market, while simultaneously developing a high-volume
discount store to go after the mass market. At the same time. you could create a superduper service to go after people requiring special attention or accommodations.


All your in-store clerks, telephone staff, receptionists, customer-service people -- everyone
with any public contact or customer interaction, or anyone who makes any decision that
impacts your business -- must fully understand, embrace, and believe in your USP. That
passionate belief in your USP must become par! of every employee.
lfyour USP is giving advice, assistance, and superior service, it can't stop with mere sales
rhetoric. It must become total company conduct. lf someone calls in with a question,
the people answering the call must extend themselves. The same goes for every person
who interacts with that customer, from the cashier and the delivery person to the service
or repairpeople. You and your employees must live. breathe. and act your USP at all
To ensure that this comrnltment operates throughout the company, everyone must fully
understand your USP. They must be able to articulate the USP. why it's important. and
how It's being fulfilled. You must also verify that each employee understands the USP,
that they can express it, and show through performance that they see how their job
fulfills the USP claim. A bad telephone operator will tum off someone responding to your
service-based ads, and a customer looking for assistance and advice will be turned off by
a clerk who's too busy talking to another clerk to wait on them.
This one aspect of the USP is usually overlooked and botched up. You can't
underestimate the importance of getting everyone in your firm to catch the spirit of your
USP. Conversely. your ads are irresistible when they project a USP that's also radiated
by every employee. Sit down and write a synopsis of your USP for your staff, how you're
trying to carry it out. and how everyone can project that USP to the world. Make their
cooperation a condition of employment.


Don't assume:
1. Everyone on your staff fully understands your USP objective.
2. That they know why it's important for them to act out your USP.
3. That even if they do understand, they know how to conduct
themselves, or how their actions are viewed by your customers.
Talk to your staff, write scripts, hold contests, and reward people who distinguish
themselves in promoting your USP. Set an example so your staff can see the USP in
action. Most human beings are silently begging to be led -- especially your employees.
Teach them how to be perpetual extensions of your USP.


Most businesses depend on repeat or back-end sales of some sort, so It's vitally important
to indelibly etch a strong, clear, compelling USP in the minds of your customers after
they've bought from you. This way, your distinct advantage and benefits will pop into
their heads when It comes time to buy again.
How can you ensure that you are In the hearts and minds of your customers after the
sale? Here are a few good approaches: lmmediately following the sale -- write, phone,
or visit your customers. During this follow-up effort, see that the customers feel
important and special, and that their 1n1tial purchases are 'resold.' Repeat your USP and
remind the customers how It helped them make their purchasing decision.
Reassure customers about their wise decisions, and show how the same USP that served
them this time will be there to serve them in the future. Again, state your USP, telling
customers why you've adopted it, and why it's such an advantage to them. People rarely
understand the benefits you provide them -- unless you carefully educate them to
appreciate your efforts on their behalf. Teach the customers why that USP advantage Is
so much more important than benefits offered by your competitors. Then, again, remind
the customers what wise buying decisions they've made -- and attribute their decisions
to your firm's USP.
A post-purchase follow-up incorporating the essence of your USP Is vital, regardless of
how frequently you 'back end' or resell to that customer. You enhance the customer's
loyalty and value to your business by following up after the sale. At the very least,a
follow-up call, letter, or sales appeal drastically reduces or el1m1nates cancellations,
returns, refunds, complaints, adjustments and disputes, and reassures customers of the
prudence of their recent purchase.
Good marketing requires that you give customers rational reasons for their emotional
buying decision. There Is a formula for success, and the USP, my dear friends, Is truly
an integral part of that formula.
Depending on the business, I usually advise my clients to offer frequent special

promotions to their customers by mail, telephone, or in person, Every human wants to

feel appreciated and personally acknowledged. By offering your customers genuine,
specially priced deals or first choice, you endear yourself to them. At the same time, you
enhance your customers' perception of your USP.
Remember the following principles when extending a special offer:
First, the customer should always see the offer as a logical extension of your basic USP.
Second, it must be clearly evident that the special offer is a genuine special value or
benefit not offered to new customers.
Third, don't cut comers by not providing a better price or higher quality product, longer
guarantee, or added services.
Fourth, don't underestimate the profit potential inherent in these special offers.
When you have a list of customers who have already shown their willingness to spend
money on your products or services, it costs very little to go to them with additional
special offers.
Remember the basic point -- integrate a powerful Unique Selling Proposition into every
aspect of your communication with prospects and customers. Special promotions can
amplify your customers' appreciation of your USP.


Provide your staff with a clear. simple text for responding to various scenarios. Spot
check your customer-service staffs performance to verify that the essence of your USP
is carried out and conveyed to all your customers and prospects. How should your
customer-service people behave? Certsinly, everybody should be extraordinarily
courteous, empathetic, genumely informative. and sincere. Most important of all. they
should offer supreme service. Integrate your USP into all customer-service functions.
Every contact your staff has with your customers is an opportunity to reinforce with
distinct appeal your USP that puts your business above and beyond all of your
If someone calls to complain about a product or service, it's vital that your customer-

service people do much more than take their name, number, and dispatch a
serviceperson. They must emphasize on the phone that service is your USP. and that
they'll bend over backwards to see that the problem is solved. The customer-service
representatives, then, should follow up to ensure that service is performed. They should
call the customer after the repairs have been made to convey their concern that your
company's USP promise has been fulfilled.
Of course, the service person should be pleasant, positive, sincere, and willing to right
any wrong. Afterwards, the customer should get a note from the owner or vice-president.
Anyone in your employ who does not, cannot, or will not promote your USP should be
immediately replaced with someone who can and will. Your real wealth comes from
repeat or residual business which will only happen if every aspect of your business is a
continuous extension of your USP.


You can send a personal thank-you note, letter, or a computer-typed letter. You can
send a gift or a gift certificate. You can send Items to correspond with holidays: A box
of candy on Valentine's Day; a poinsettia turkey, or ham at Christmas; a birthday card;
If you add up the customer's value in future business or repeat sales. you can probably
justify a sizable investment in his or her goodwill. Everyone likes to be acknowledged and
feel they are special.
Pi. card costs about 50 cents, including addressing and postage. if purchased in quantity.

Even turkeys or boxes of candy can be sent out pretty cheaply if you send enough of
What's a good dental patient or interior-design customer worth to you over their llfetime
of patronage? Hundreds. thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars? Whatever you
send should include a delightful message that really makes your USP come to llfe. Refer
to your USP and show how it continues to benefit the customer. For example:'At
Christmas time I am reminded, Mr. Jones. of all I have to give thanks for. I am reminded
of all the things I should be giving, but am not. And while we offer our customers free.
24-hour counseling lines and seven-days-a-week. on-site service calls. I realized that we
don't offer free loaners while servicing your widget.
'Merry Christmas, Mr. Jones. Throughout 1991, if your widget ever breaks down. not
only will we immediately repair it free, but if it can't be repaired in two hours or less on
your premises. we'll lend you a replacement widget at no charge to keep as long as it
takes to fix your widget. Our business is built on service, and that's what you have every
right to expect.'
You should even integrate your USP into every contact with dissatisfied customers!
Whenever someone asks for a refund, replacement. or adjustment. instead of resenting
the fact that you have to give back money. use that opportunity to reconvey the essence
of your USP -- either in person or via letter. If you have an exchange department,
instruct that staff to courteously and Sincerely reiterate your firm's USP, and assure the
dissatisfied customer of the firm's conunitment to offer more service, greater selection or
better guarantees. Then, if you issue credit or a check. include a prepared letter
expressing your deep commitment to your USP. and apologizing for any inconvenience,
disappointment. or dissatisfaction. With every refund, send a letter expressing
disappointment that you did not fulflll the customer's expectations, and strongly restate
your firm's USP and your conunitment to it.
Then ask the dissatisfied customer to please give you another chance to make good.
Make it worth their while by giving them a discount certificate, a special bonus, offering
three widgets for the price of two, or some other preferential treatment that shows
unhappy customers you want their business back, that you appreciate them, and that
YOU'll make good.
Let's look at some actual case studies of how companies have used their USP to propel
themselves to great success.
In Callfornla, one of the most innovative successes of the 1980's has been the law firm


of Jacoby & Meyers. Building their USP on modestly priced, fixed-fee, non-rip-off legal
services anyone can afford, and advertising those specific legal services at specific and
very attractive prices, Jacoby & Meyers has become a major force in the California
market. What's more, by posItioning theIr USP as legal services for the working class,
they have expanded the market while carving out their unique niche in the legal
A lot of people don't go to lawyers because they are afraid of being billed for hours they
can't control or stop, afraid of the cost of dealing with a specific legal problem, or worried
that they just plain don't have a case. Jacoby & Meyers overcomes all these problems
with an accommodating USP, which In essence says:
We'll take your personal injury case on a contingency basIs If we believe In you. If you
think you need a lawyer, but don't know for sure, come for a free (or moderately priced)
initial consultation.'
In the mall-order catalog busIness, The Sharper Image has a dynamic USP built around
exclusIve, expensive. non-essential adult toys which are all unique. high-tech, and can't
be found in ordinary stores or gift shops.
The list of ego-Indulging Items sold by The Sharper Image Is unbelievable -- everything
from computerized bathroom scales to full sets of mounted armor. TheIr USP of selling
exclusIve, exotic toys fills a voId. Believe It or not, a lot of people are willing and able to
buy these Items, especIally If they believe they are buying something unique that will
Impress their peers -- something that Is otherwise unavailable.
The Sharper Image then adds the following four subtralts to make Its USP even more
1. The presIdent of The Sharper Image personally tests, evaluates,

buys, and uses every product he sells.

stands behind every product he offers.

His personal guarantee

2. You can try out any product for one full month, solely at The
Sharper Image's risk, never your own.
3. If at any time within a 12-month period, you find the Item at a lower
price than you paid for It at The Sharper Image, they will refund the
difference on the spot.
4. They launched a frequent buyer's point program where clients get
specIal bonus gIfts for buying from them.
The Sharper Image Increased theIr volume to several hundred million in annual sales.
TheIr USP produced that success.
A Los Angeles-based pest control company also had a nifty concept. If you called them
for any specific, one-shot exterminating problem, they would 'upsell' you to a quarterly
maintenance program plus free service calls anytime a specific pest problem arises.
Signing their agreement gave you the peace of mind that no ants, roaches, fleas, spIders,
or other pests would desecrate your home. Instead of getting just $60 for solving a oneshot pest control problem, the quarterly maintenance plan earned them $200 a year.

Converting one-shot service calls Into price-Induced annual maintenance or annual

service programs has terrific USP appeal. and can be appUed In all sorts of businesses.
Your Unique Selling Proposition is vital to your marketing foundation. You must clearly
identify and articulate your firm's USP."


Chapter 7

Jay Abraham claims that almost every ad he sees is an institutional type

advertisement. He considers these ads a mistake because they don't direct the
reader, viewer or listener to any intelligent action or buying decision. He advocates
direct response advertising only.
In later chapters we will deal at greater length with specific types of direct
marketing. Later on you will get a more thorough treatment that builds on this
chapter's foundation and reinforces what you learn here.
"Direct-response advertising's name is self-explanatory. It is designed to evoke an
immediate response or action -- a visit, a call, or a purchase from the viewer or reader.
Direct-response advertising tells a complete story. It presents factual, specific reasons
why your company, product, or service is superior to others. It differs from the conjecture
of institutional advertising.
Direct-response advertising is salesmanship in print or over the air. As salesmanship,
it makes a complete case for the company, product, or service. It overcomes sales
objections. It answers all malor questions and it promises performance or results. It
backs the promise with a risk-free warranty or money-back guarantee.
Direct-response advertising compels readers, viewers, or listeners to take action, to visit
your establishment, call you or send in money. Used effectively, direct-response
advertising compels tons of super-qualified, prospects to call, write in, or buy.
You can analyze the profitability and performance of direct-response advertising because
it produces returns you can track and compute.
Institutional advertising produces no such results. lfyou are running institutional ads,
change them to direct-response ads. Give your prospects information that's Important
to them, not to you. Give them facts and performance capabilities of your product or
service. Tell them about your guarantee. Give the prospect reasons why your product
is superior.
Direct-response advertising is more effective than institutional advertising because the
prospect doesn't care one iota about your business or your motivations. The prospect
only cares about what benefit your product or service renders. How will your product
save effort, time and money? How will your product improve the prospect's life?
Tell the reader, viewer, or listener precisely what action to take. Tell them how to get to
your business, what to look for, and who to ask for. Tell them who to call. Tell them
what to do when your salesperson calls. Remind them of your risk-free purchasing deal.
Most importantly tell them what results they can expect from owning your product. Give
your prospects the answers to these kinds of questions and you'll own your market. By
switching from institutional to direct-response advertising, you should improve your
effectiveness many times over.
Most people think of 'mail order' or 'direct mail' when they hear the term 'direct response'


or 'direct marketing: Direct-response marketing, or simple 'direct response, 'Includes but

Is not 1lmlted to direct mail or mail order. As a matter of fact, it encompasses everything
from direct mail to newspapers and magazines to telemarketing to radio and 1V
Direct response is used by all types of businesses and professions. It's used to sell
everything from birth announcements to burial insurance -- and everything In between:
ball point pens ... $5,000 computers ...$50,000 and sIlver..real
estate... magazines -- you name It. You can use It to prospect or make sales. It can be
used to get customers to come to your business, seminar, luncheon or any place you
direct them.
Direct response brings measurable results. And all at a fraction of the cost of 'traditional'
marketing methods. If I had to give you a good working defln1tion of direct-response
marketing, I'd say It directs your efforts to a qualifled audience, using one or more media
for the express purpose of soliciting a response by mall, telephone, or a personal visit
from your customers.
It's your total marketing effort -- each part orchestrated in harmony with the whole. I
honestly don't believe you'll ever find a safer, lower-risk, higher-profit method of
Increasing your business or profession than direct-response marketing. What's more,
any business or profession can add at least one facet of direct-response marketing to Its
present operation. And It's worthwhile for many reasons:
1. It augments whatever you're already doing In your operation.

2. It's an affordable way to target speclflc segments of your customer

3. It's an Indispensable tool for reaching people or businesses outside
your general market area you wouldn't normally be able to access.
4. It's an alluring way to 'upsell' your products or services.
5. It's a low-cost way to obtain new business that might otherwise be
exorbitantly expensive.
6. It's a powerful way to leverage modest amounts of Increased sales
into large profits, because the cost to obtain sales is so low.
7. It's a productive way to constantly communicate with your aucl1ence,
enabling you to cement professional relationships while making a
profit in the process.
It's also a great Inventory and payroll balancing vehicle. Whenever your employees have
time on their hands or you have too much product In Inventory, you can use direct
response -- targeted at your active customers and prospects to keep the dynamics of
products and personnel in balance:' My wife sends out a post card every month to
her customers offering a slightly reduced price on salon services on the three
slowest days of the week. Consequently she Is booked up on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, and her employees (who would be there anyway) are kept busy.
"Let's say you're stuck with too much Inventory. Make a special, discreet. private offer

to old customers and prospects. You're going to lose money anyway, so why not use it
as a loss leader to get people to buy from you."

H your business enters a slack period you soo have payroll running and your
employees may not have much work, Direct response allows you to launch an
Immediate campaign to stimulate business activity. You can announce a sale or
make a special offer. You can usually get something going fast and thereby keep
your staff busy. The unprofitable lulls In business activity can be nullifled by an
active, direct response program. Every business needs to employ these tactics
aggressively to keep sales up.
"Adding direct response advertising allows you the flexibllily and ablllty to constantly
manage and balance your inventory, personnel, and payroll.


The primary purpose of direct mail is to promote a purchase or an inquiry.

The techniques to evoke a response range from 'soft sell.Twrtte in or call, request
information, visit at a later date) to 'hard sell: (send cash or call with charge-card
You need to use compelling reasons to convince your prospects to buy, and you need to
add benefits and guarantees (risk transference) to get them to buy. You've got to make
the proposition irresistible. Offer bonuses just for taking you up on your offer. Make it
impossible for them to say no.
If you already have client lists start a direct-mail program with a specific offer and make

such offers frequently. They may be once a month, every quarter, every six months, once
a year, or whatever .. depending on the product." Also depending on the success. At
times in my company our offers work every two weeks. We can mall our customers
twice a month and get good results. At others times offers may only work once a
month or every two months. H you track results closely you can gauge how often
you should be in the mall. Mter all, if it were profitable you could mall every day.
It's simply a matter of figuring the time interval necessary before another mailing
will work.
"In your direct-mail piece, grve an inducement .. some kInd of added value, to get people
to favor your firm. Explain why you're makIng the offer, for example: 'Even If I lose
money on this offer, I know that If I give you the kInd of service or product you expect,
I'll have you as a customer for life: Don't ever fail to give reasons. Always spell out your
motives: 'Here's why I'm makIng this offer Th1s is why I'm wrtting... I'Il give you this free
gIft just for allowing me to talk with you :
Your customers aren't stupid. (But advertisers are much of the time.) A case in point:
Recently, I consulted with a client who had run numerous ads full of broad claims and
then didn't explain why he was able to make such offers. His ads falled. People are
naturally suspicious of advertising: they tend to take it with a grain of salt. But the
better that people understand your motives (If you present them intelligently). the more
inclined they'll be to accept your propositlon.
As part of every letter you send out to a familiar audience, you should encourage your


customers, either in the body copy or postscript, to keep patronlztng you. It should be
something to the effect of: 'And, by the way, whether you respond to this offer or not,
please keep us in mind for this or that.' If you have a reta1l store, encourage customers
to keep visiting or If it's a service company, to keep calling in for service and If it's a
doctor's office, to keep corning in for checkups.
Case example: Let's say you own a service company. You have a llst of people who rely
on your outstanding service. Try a mal1lng offering one of two things:
1. A special on your service.

2. A remInder of the benefits of your service with additional reasons

why your cllents should keep patronizing your firm.
That letter might read something llke this:
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Moe,
If you need cesspool service, here's an irresistible opportunity for you to save a whopping

Our normal charge is $100. But we'll service your cesspool during the month of May for
only $30... If you'll let us come by without a scheduled appointment.
To tell the truth, I'm offering you this reduced-rate cesspool service for two very good
reasons (and I must admit they're a bit selfish).
The First Reason Why I'm Making
You This Offer...
Our cesspool servicepeople, you see, are out in the field all day long. So If you allow us
to come by at our convenience instead ofyours, our cost to service your cesspool is lower.
That's because our servicepeople will already be working in your neighborhood when they
come by to service your cesspool.
We simply pass the savings on to you. And everybody wins.
The Second Reason Why I'm
Making You This Offer...
The other reason I'm making you this offer is because it's a very good way for you to
sample our cesspool service. And I know once you see our qualIty service, once you've
had a chance to compare it to our competitors -- you'll see our service is far superior to
anyone else's -- at any price. (Even though our prices are already 10% to 15% lower than
our nearest competitor.) And once you're convinced of this, I know that I'll have you as
a satisfied customer for llfe.
To take advantage of this special reduced-rate service offer, just give us a call. You'll be
sure you get our best qualIty at the low price of $30 during the month of May.
If you'll call us today, as part of the service we'll also show you what you can do to take
care of your cesspool and minimize damage in the future.


Matt Morris

Even if you don't take advantage of this offer, remember, we're available for
emergency service 24 hours a day, seven days a week -- Including holidays. Our
service Is complete and provides 1000/0 of the protection you need to keep your
cesspool operating trouble-free. Why not give us a call today?

You gave an irresistible Inducement to those on your list needing your service ($70 off).
You created 'perceived value' comparing your $30 offer to your normal $100 service
charge. You even offered to m1n!In1ze damage if your customer responds today (an added
Inducement and added value). You gave reasons why you were making the offer (your
lower cost to give the service at your convenience, and a chance to demonstrate your
superior service and win a customer for life). And you Implied value again by mentioning
your service cost Is lower than the nearest competitor (IO"Al-150/0 lower).
You used the postscript to embellish your superior service and avallabillty (24 hours,
seven days a week... 100"/0 protection for trouble-free operation). So even if the customer
doesn't respond, you've created a useful tool for communicating. You have nothing to
Have someone In your office star! collecting and Identifying prospect and customer files.
Go back to your company archives, warranties, files, sales receipts, Invoices, checks,
phone and messages. Organize a central-house file. Make It a procedural part of the
purchasing function to see that the name of every prospect, customer or patient Is
recorded. Train your clerks, receptionists, secretaries and salespeople to capture the
name, address (complete with city, state, and zip code) and phone number of everyone
who comes In, calls In or with whom they come In contact. (Ask for children's names and
ages too, so you can really personalize your lists.)
After you've made this part of your procedural operation and you've star!ed collecting
names inside your business, categorize them according to whether they're active, inactive
or merely prospective customers. Then cross-file as many different ways as you can
th!nk of by frequency and size of purchase. Remember, the more Information you can
gather on your customers and prospects, the more other products or services you can sell
them. And Just because they don't buy today doesn't mean they won't buy later.
Once you've got your 'In-houseIlsts. star! working them by direct mall or telemarketing.
Then you can go 'outside' your business and buy or rent permanent lists to expand your
market. But a few words of caution: Beware of 'dump' lists. Look for quality lists that
have been recently 'cleaned.' Try lists that are more focused. It's better to use a rifle shot
than a shotgun blast. For example, if you're In the consumer market, you can get lists
of the exact names of heads of households who live on the best streets or who drive the
best cars -- or however you want to focus your list. If you're In the trade market, you can
get the names of heads of certain types of businesses.
Here's an example of how to use direct maIl to solicit new customers.
Devise a customized computer letter that promotes your company. (You don't want a
cheap multi-color, qulck-prtnt letter that won't be read.) You want a well-fashioned,


personalJzed letter explaining the reasons you're writing and the benefits the reader will
gain by acting promptly on your offer.
Here's how a letter from a carpet store owner might read:
To John Doe,
Mr. Doe, my name is Jay Abraham. I have a carpet store four miles from you at suchand-such address.
We sell Du Pont. Monsanto, and many other fine carpetings with names that most people
Quite frankly, our store is small. But so is our overhead.
That means we can offer you a very low price on almost any brand of good quality flooring
you want.
In fact, if you'll let me come out and show you the values we have compared to (name

other carpet stores). I'll give you absolutely free - $50 worth of any flooring repair you
may need in your home or business just for allowing me the privilege of showing you our
quality carpeting and comparing our price.
There's absolutely no obligation on your part. No strings attached, either.
Explanation: You personalized the letter by mentioning the prospect or customer's name.
You introduced yourself. You told the truth and stated the obvious (small store) and why
it's a benefit doing business with you (low overhead passed on to the customer, quality
products). You embellished 'perceived value.' Compared to competition it's a good buy)
You made a no-risk bonus offer ($50 flooring repair) and you explained why you were
wtlllng to make such a proposition (for the privilege of showing them your carpeting).


Bell & Howell pioneered the sale of big-ticket products direct to consumers. MercedesBenz used an eight-page letter to sell 10,000 diesel cars that weren't moving -- and won
the coveted 'Golden Mail Box Award' from the Direct Marketing Association. HewlettPackard has used direct mail to sell electronic equipment -- without their regular sales
force. These giant companies know what direct-response marketing can do for a
Telemarketing costs far less than a direct sales force. Some companies use it to 'cold
canvass' prospects and set up appointments for outside salespeople. Others solicit
business from customers or prospects who have responded to ads. You can use the
phone to generate leads or for repeat sales to active customers.



Should your company telemarket and If so, should you handle it or contract someone else
to do it? Answer the following questions to answer whether telemarketing is for you:

* What goals have you established in writing for your business?

* Can you blend the telephone into your present operation to reach
these goals?

* Do you have phone experience or sales skills that would lend itself
to telemarketing?
* Do you have the time or personnel to create and implement a
telemarketing program? Can you recruit, train, motivate and
* What type of equipment will you use? How many phone lines?
What are the costs? Do they make good economic sense?

* Are your prospects or customers available to the phone during work

hours? Are they at home or work? Do you have phone lists? Can
you get them?

* How long will your telemarketing campaign run? Will it be

permanent? Can you maintain this sales force and enhance your
* Should you have all this done outside your place of business?
Should you contract with a telemarketing service?
lf so, ask the telemarketing firm the same questions you just asked yourself. Ask about
experience, skills, schedule, and equipment. Ask who will write the script. Find out If
they have knowledge about your business, profession or industry.
lf you elect to go this route, ask the telemarketing firm for previous and current client
companies. Check with them, and find out what their results have been.
If you decide to do it on your own, here are some pointers:
1. In telephone sales, you don't have the advantage of body language

so tone of voice and rate of speech are critical. A good personality,

the ability to build confidence, and to be in charge and to work
towards a close are necessary for phone sales.
2. You must get through to the right person the one who makes the
buying decision. Expect to be confronted and rejected by many

3. Listen to what the other person is saying. Then respond to his or

her needs accordingly.
4. Answer questions by asking questions. 'If I understand you
correctly, you would be interested If... Is that correct?' Or, 'If I could
provide this service for you at a price below market with no risk on


your part, is there any reason why we couldn't do business?'

5. Read back information. Don't assume the person you're talking to
understands. Keep asking, 'Am I making myself clear?' .. .Does this
make sense to you?'.. ."Don't you agree?'
6. Don't try to sell anything that's too technical or complicated over the
telephone. Keep it simple.
7. Ask for action. Offer a choice between two alternatives. Anticipate
objections. Make it easy to say 'yes' and difficult to say 'no.' Use
post-purchase reassurance as soon as you've sold the customer.
8. Follow up a telephone purchasing commitment in writing. Verbal
commitments are quickly forgotten.
These basic pointers demonstrate some of what's involved in telemarketing.

Space means print advertising in magazines and newspapers. Space also means ads in
specialty publications, newsletters or house organs.
You can use space ads to get customers to order by phone or mall no matter what the
product or service.
How should you use space? Create ads that offer a fabulous risk-free proposition that's
irresistible to the market. Tell why you're making the offer. For example, you might say
it's a 'get acquainted offer...a chance to show what kind of value, service and quality you
John E. Powers, one of the first great copywriters told how he went about writing ad
copy. The first thing one must do to succeed in advertising is to have the attention of
the reader. That means to be interesting. The next thing is to stick to the truth, and that
means rectifying whatever's wrong in the merchant's business. lf the trust isn't tellable,
fix it so it is. That is about all there is to it:
Try to create common-sense, direct, factual ads. Use familiar, colloquial language -- a
talking style of writing -- mlxed with simple construction and short sentences. Disarm
your audience's resistance to your ads by understating your case and qualifying your
claims. Remember, people don't want to be sold. They want to be shown how your
product or service will help them get what they want.
To find out where you should advertise, look in the Standard Rate and Data Service
Directory magazines and newspapers. It's at your library. It lists all the publications in
the country. lf you don't have access to SRDS, write to them at thelr address: 3002
Glenview Rd .. Wilmette, IL 60091, and tell them your area of interest. Gale Research Co.,
835 Penobscot Building, Detroit, MI 48226, also has a list of directories. By reading
them, you'll see all the publications available to you.
Identify the magazines, newspapers or periodicals with whom you could advertise. Zero
in on those publications with plenty of direct-mall or mall-order ads in them. Don't make

the mistake of looking for virgIn publications, with no direct-response ads in them.
Usually they don't have ads In them because they don't pull. Publications like Popular
Mechanics and The National Enquirer are good for testing a product or service In the
consumer market.
Use a 'two-step' approach In these publications. Run a small, inexpensive ad designed
to pull as many Inquiries as possible, then follow up with a detailed direct-response letter
and/ or brochure. Most people don't advertise In these publications because they're full
of expensive ads. They're full of these ads because they work. Go where the smart
money goes.
If you want to appeal to the trade market contact the trade publications In your field

listed In the SRDS. Write or call those publications and request the last 12 Issues.
(You'll have to pay for anything more than a sample copy.) Go through them and call
people who've run ads In these publications (as long as they're not competitors). Tell
them you're thinking of advertising in the publication, and ask them how their ads did.
It's cheap insurance to find out how others' ads have pulled before you lay your money
on the line.
Then consider the size of your ads. Use only as much space as you need to solicit a
response to your ad. If you can get by with one-fourth or one-eighth page don't buy more
than you need. A full-page ad is worth running only when there is enough meaningful
copy and graphics to fill the entire page. If you only have enough copy for a one-quarter
or one-half page ad and you blow it up to a full page, you will be more likely to double
the cost of every lead or sale than to double your response.
A number of years ago I had a client who advertised auctions. He wanted to run full-page
ads in The Wall Street Journal. I begged him to let me run a one-quarter-page ad for his
firm. He agreed to run two ads at the smaller size. He still wasn't satisfied with that so
he made me blow up the ad to full page and run it again. Result: The one-quarter-page
ads cost $5,000. They produced 250 inquiries for his auction catalog. The full-page ad
cost $20,000. It also produced 250 inquires for his catalog. So remember, bigger Is not
better -- unless you can fill up the extra space with useful Information.
A 'double-truck' ad means two full-page ads side by side. Studies have shown they don't
usually do twice the work. The only time you should even consider such a big ad Is when
you have a lot to say. Even then, you're better off running fractional-page ads (a half
page ads four times versus one two-page ad).
I had a client who ran an interesting test. He took his firm's regular one-quarter-page
ad In The National Enquirer and ran It four times the normal size to get a full-page ad.
The next week he ran four different one-quarter-page ads. Result: The full-page ad
Increased the cost per customer 400% and pulled four times as much response as a onequarter-page ad. But the four one-quarter-page ads that ran simultaneously pulled six
times as much as one one-quarter-page ad.
I have a friend In Texas in the real-estate business. Instead of runnlng large newspaper
ads, his firm would run small 15 to twenty-word ads. Prospects would call and say, You
have more properties for sale than anyone else.' Actually, he had no more properties
than any of his competitors. But prospects equated ad frequency with volume.
Always ask the publication you plan to advertise In if they have a 'stand-by' or 'remnant'
rate. (You can save up to 40% of the cost of your space ad.) If so, you can send ad

slicks, In advance, with a purchase order to buy space at these reduced rates. They
won't guarantee placement, but it's a great way to shave the cost of your advertising
when they have 'leftover' space available.
The type style that's used and read ten times more often than any other is a 'serif font.'
Always specify 'serif In the body of your space ads and 'sans serif (such as Helvetica) In
your headline. They work well together.


You can make your business efforts more effective by using direct response to uncover
qualified prospects. Your ads should call for some kind of action or Interest on the part
of the prospect. Those who respond are your hot leads. When you send your salespeople
out to make 'cold calls' they may sell 3% to 20% of the people they call on. Even if they
managed to sell 20%, that means four out of five would be unsold. With prequa1lfled
leads you could sell four out of five. Your salespeoples' effectiveness is multiplied by
using direct response to get them leads to calion.


I once worked for International Entrepreneurs Association. They used direct response
right off the bat, but they never did anything with their customers once they got them.
We started mailing specific offers to these customers and found we made more money
following up with customers than with the normal marketing to prospects.
This follow-up led to telemarketing. It added about $50,000 a month. Then they started
running little blurbs in their publications and direct-mail pieces saying, 'If you have any
questions or need a consultation, call this number. It's not toll free, but we give you a
free consultation that can help you.'
When people called in, they got a free consultation. But the Association had a bunch of
products to sell. Almost every consultation ended with an order for three or four of these
products. That added another $50,000 to $60,000 a week to their bottom line -- all by
adding direct-response to their existing operation.
I also consulted an insurance company that sold year-long insurance programs. They
needed operating capital. So I came up with the idea of mailing all their clients four- and
five-year 'early bird' renewal specials. It brought in millions!!
For several years I offered newsletters, special reports and investment services to Howard
Ruffs readers because that was their area of interest. In each one of Howard's
newsletters I would put an insert offering a different product. We both prospered through
this form of direct marketing. So can you. Make direct response marketing an integral
part of your business."


Chapter 8

The biggest decision In advertising and marketing Is whether you're going to write
your copy or If someone else Is. There are marketing lessons In this book that
would If employed, bear fruit for the worlds largest corporations. However, no one
expects senior execs and CEO's to lift their pens and fire their ad agencies.
Nevertheless every chief executive should grasp the principles of good writing.
Every president should also be able to sniff out bad ads and promotions and Improve
them before they get to the media. Every CEO should carefully monitor the work
of their ad agency.
Entrepreneurs and chief execs of medium and small companies would be well
advised to write their own copy If they can. It helps to have a talent for writing but
If not, It's a skill that can be learned. It's easier to become a good writer than to
become a mediocre plano player. All you need to do Is read one book, follow Its
principles and keep on writing.
Before we tell you about that all Important book, you should grasp a few
generalizations about good writing.
What Is It about a magazine article or book that makes you put It down after the
first few pages? Perhaps you are not Interested In the subject but more than likely
you set It down because of bad writing. Even If you wanted to know more about the
subject, the article was boring. What made It so? Bad writing. The foremost
writing sin that turns readers off Is too many words. Not too many words as In a
long article or a thick book, but too many words In a sentence saying something
that could be said with far fewer words.
Here's a sentence you can clearly understand: We want to hit our competition and
knock them out. -. Here's how a bad writer or speaker says the same thing: As you
probably already know a good tactic or phllosophy for us to follow would certainly
be for all of us to adapt a viewpoint wherein we want to apply enough marketing
pressure as well as our other various and sundry resources to hit our competition
and deliver a well-placed blow that has enough force and power to knock them Into
a state where they are dazed and staggering and perhaps even completely out.
The exact words in the first sentence are contained In the second. Go back to this
long last paragraph with your pen and line out these excessive words. Do It now
because If you don't YOU'll miss out on the most valuable lesson In written
communication. Scratch out the extra words and make the second sentence Into
the first. Once you have done this simple drlll, you can practice It agaln and again
on other articles and books.
When you write you need to go back over your sentences and strike out the excess
verbal baggage. Most novice writers put down too many words on paper. Wordy
sentences lack punch and Impact, Too many words weaken sentences and put thc
reader to sleep.
Good writing also requires that you use action verbs. Comparc these sentences:


Joe is very active as he is getting on the school bus. Joe ran out to the bus and
jumped on. The use of verbs makes language reach out and grab you. Anytime I
find myself writing "is", "as", "was" or "were" I tear my sentences up and start over.
Try to write your sentences without is in them.
A more extensive treatment of this subject can be found in the book "How to Write,
Speak and Think Effectively," by Rudolf Flesch. In a single chapter, "Rx for
Readability," Flesch pounds out the most powerful writing advice ever penned.
His book is basically an elaborate explanation of his 25 rules of effective writing:
"1. Write about people, things, and facts.
2. Write as you talk.
3. Use contractions.

4. Use the first person.

5. guote what was said.
6. guote what was written.

7. Put yourself in the reader's place.

8. Don't hurt the reader's feelings.

9. Forestall misunderstandings.
10. Don't be too brief.
11. Plan a beginning, middle and end.
12. Go from the rule to the exception, from the familiar to the new.
13. Use short names and abbreviations.
14. Use pronouns rather than repeating nouns.
15. Use verbs rather than nouns.
16. Use the active voice and a personal subject.
17. Use small, round figures.
18. Speclfy. Use illustrations, cases, examples.
19. start a new sentence for each new idea.
20. Keep your sentences short.
21. Keep your paragraphs short.


22. Use direct questions.

23. Underl1ne for emphasis.
24. Use parentheses for casual mention.
25. Make your writing interesting to look at."
If you will write an article with role 11 in mind, dlligently apply role 20 and role 15
(a list of these verbs is provided in Flesch's R.1l: chapter) then you can immediately
become an effectlve writer (especially if you rewrite with an eye to cuttlng
unnecessary words). It may take a few weeks of practice and a few hours thumbing
through Mr. Flesch's book to get it down pat. If you take the time to learn to write
good copy you not only save the money paid out to ad agencies, but control your
own marketing destlny. Learn to write your own ads, your own headlines, your own
sales literature and your own offers and promotions. Good writing speeds you to
your financial goals.


Chapter 9

We are going to try and touch on all aspects of advertising in this chapter. In
addition to Jay's sage advice we call on other experts. Although you will learn a
great deal from this chapter, you should also buy and read the books that we
mention to further educate yourself. Jay leads off,

"First of all. understand that advertising is nothing more than salesmanship in print. It's
nothing more than salesmanship over the alr.
It's nothing more than visual
salesmanship. It's nothing more than salesmanship in a letter. Most people try to do
cutesy ads and they try to do institutional ads. An institutional ad is one that tells
people how great and wonderful you are. It tries to keep your name in front of them, and
frankly, for the most part, they're absolute wastes of time and money.
Keep in mind the reality that people don't give a flying whatever about how great you are.
All they care about is what unique benefit, advantage, service, or personal enhancement
you offer them that somebody else doesnt offer. How are you going to improve their
lives? How are you going to make their lives easier? Are you going to make them more
handsome? Are you going to make them richer?
They want to know how you're going to enhance the quality, the value, the enjoyment,
the profitability of their lives. And very few marketers truly understand that! People
don't care what you want! All the things you do in advertising, in marketing, in selling
should only be addressing what benefits you're rendering the customer and the prospect,
because they don't care about you.
However, they do want to know that you're qualified to help them. So, in your advertising
and marketing efforts, credentialize yourself. If you've got expertise and people don't
appreciate your knowledge and expertise, find a way to explain it. If, in fact, you've been
in the field longer than anyone else, you've attended important symposiums, you're a dry
cleaner and every expensive fur in Beverly Hills comes to your place, take advantage of
that and credentiaIize yourself.
You've seen us do that in a lot of our promotions, building up somebody's expertise. He
got his Ph.D in this; he did that; he studies this; he was counsel to the President.
CredentiaIizeyourself. In everything you do, give people reasons why they should believe
in you, so they'll buy.
People find it interesting that I advise so many clients to cut down or eliminate entirely
costly institutional advertising.
There's a solid reason for this ...
Institutional advertising, or the practice of running ads that are designed simply to keep
your name in front of the public, is folly.
Institutional ads are ineffectual, non-trackable, and a blatant dissipation of your
resources. These ads are totally ineffectual and accomplish nothing more than
transferring your wealth from your treasury into the treasury of the radio station,


newspaper, or magazine.
I try to get my clients to understand this: Advertising is salesmanship en masse. It's
either salesmanship In print, salesmanship on the air, or salesmanship In the mail. It's
not blind, nebulous, or Innocuous statements that say nothing, make no case, or compel
no one to action.
But few, If any business owners truly understand the purpose or reason for running an
ad. It's to stimulate a direct and lrnmediate response -- either a qualified inquiry, phone
call or visit to your facility -- or better yet, to promote an Instant sale. Nothing else
warrants expending the lavish funds that ads cost.
How do you tell the difference between an institutional ad and a direct-response ad?
Very simply.. An Institutional ad is not trackable, its purpose is merely to put a company
name In front of the general public. A direct-response ad is trackable -- it asks the
reader to respond In some way (by phone, by mall, by coupon) -- so you can measure the
effectiveness of the ad.
Direct-response advertising will help prevent you from blindly throwing money into the
coffers of the radlo and 1V stations, and the newspapers and magazines, because you can
measure whether or not your ad is effective. After all. If your ad isn't 'buying' customers
for you at a dollar amount equivalent to their marginal net worth, you might as well stop
running the ad.
Until a company understands the purpose of an ad and how to construct and formulate
it, I advise my clients to hold off and stop throwing their money away.
If you run display ads, do they make a speclflc offer that compels people to respond so
you can gauge, analyze and compare with other offers?
If the answer is 'yes: then look at the response from each ad to see which one or ones
pulled better than the others.

* What caused one ad to pull better than another? Did you record the
positioning (the page number the ad appeared on). the basic premise
of the ad, the headline? What action did you ask for?

* What Incentive did you offer to induce a response?

Did thead
Include prominent references to your USP? Did you compare the
results (the profit, and the traffic, If applicable) against other ads
you've used?

* How much did a lead or prospect cost? How much did it cost !!IT
sale? How many sales did you generate?

* How many prospects converted to sales?

How many first-time

customers bought again? Did you upsell or cross-sell to them? Did
you test different prices?

The same basic questions should be asked of your salespeople.

* Which sales approach pulls best?

* WhIch prospects are prlme? How do you identify them?

* What product. package, or promise works best?
* What packaging combinations have you tried?
* What were the results?

* What upselling or cross-selling do you do?

Get specifics on how each package or concept performs.

* What is the closing ratio per prospect contacted?

* What is the average initial sale per customer?

* How many repurchases per year is that new customer good for?
* And, how much profit is that to you?"
These tasks can be turned over to a computer and the facts served up to you on a
dally basis. These reports aren't nearly as formidable as they sound once a
computer program gets into place that deals with them.
Analyze your ads -- what they say, how they say it, the headline, whether they present
your USP, the offer, the action you direct the customer to take, the costs and the
resulting sales. After your analysis tells you which basic offer, headline and copy work
best. try to improve upon them.
Take your 'wlnnlngest' approach and begin testing different versions (starting with
headlines) against each other. Keep all other variables the same, changing only the
headline. One headline saying the same thing in a different way can outpull another
headline on the same body copy by as much as 17 1/2 times. That's one of the quickest
ways to leverage your marketing. Merely replacing one headline with a better one can
instantly increase responses by several times.
If you don't use headlines in your ads (and surprisingly, about a third of all companies
don't), start now! Headlines also apply to 1V and radlo commercials and sales pitches
used by your field salespeople, in-store clerks, telephone sales or order people.
Substitute the word 'headline' for 'opening thrust' or 'initial paragraph,' and you've got
the same thing. What you say to a prospect in the opening moments of a commercial,
sales call or telephone conversation is crucial. Compare various sales thrusts in your 1V
and radio spots and also, in your sales pitches. Then experlment to improve your most
winning theme.


1. Experlment with your basic 'control' (your current most winning ad)
to improve upon your headline.


2. Once you have the best-pulling headline based solely on hard-nosed

analysis, try to Improve the basic offer, improving the clarltv or
appeal of the proposition and reworking the copy. Test different
offers, packages, prices, and guarantees.
Test different directives at the end of the ad, telling the prospect how
to respond.
Each component of your marketing. be it ad, letter or sales pitch has six distinctive parts:

A headline or opening thrust

The basic story or pitch
The proposition
The exact offer
A guarantee
The call to action

Once you've found the best headline, test it with different body copy. Then, when you've
found the best headline and the best copy, test different propositions, offers or
Improving each component raises your leverage that much more. If an Improved headline
produces 300% more response, that's great. But if adding Improved body copy further
increases the result to 350%, that's even better. And If writing a better offer gets you
35% more, and a stronger guarantee gets another 20% -- well, you can see the leverage.
I once had a client who sold gold with the bank financing two-thirds of the purchase
price. My client had been running ads with the headline -- '2/3RDS BANK FINANCING
ON GOLD AND SILVER' That headline was making a lot of money. But I immediately
started testing the ad, restating the headline a number of different ways. Ultimately, I
came up with one headline which outpulled all other headlines by more than 300%.
Every ad, every letter, every commercial, and every sales pitch immediately became 300%
more productive. What was my winning headline?
'If Gold Is Selling For $300 an
Ounce, Send Us Just $100
an Ounce, and We'll Buy You
All The Gold You Want.'
I merely found a more compelling way to say the same thing, and it was more than three
times as effective for no more money. And I didn't guess. I tested.
Once you've produced the best hybrid you can develop, don't rest on your laurels.
Continuously experiment with new, improved, fresh restatements or derivatives of your
most winning headline and body copy offers. Always try to outpull your control. Once
you find the most productive way to bring in the prospects or customers, you need to
develop the best ways to ethically exploit them over and over.
Testing is the key to advertising success. Each variation in your ad program should be
tested to determine the most profitable tactics. Test your headlines, your opening lines
and your copy. Test one advertising vehicle against another. Test positioning within
publications. Test ad size. Keep going. Think of more. Add a guarantee. Change the
price. (I've actually seen an ad offering a product for $95 outpull the same ad offering

the same product at $59 by 300 percent in units sold -- and 5,000 percent in profit
reallzedl] Track the results each version produces.
The headline is the most important factor in any advertising. When you have decided on
your headline, you have created 80"10 of the effectiveness of your ad. Never settle on one
headline without testing at least five or ten."

In cases where you don't have the time to test this much or you don't have the
money, be satisfied with writing out five or ten headlines and selecting the one you
like the best.
"Never consider running an ad, sales pitch, or mailing piece without a headline. Great
marketers spend hours, days, even weeks struggling over the one-sentence headline that
will determine the result of their ads and sales letters. Craft the headline so it appeals
to the prospect's self-interest. Promise the prospect a big, big benefit in the headline.
People will only read the body copy If your headline arouses their interest. After creating
the very best possible headline, go to the body copy -- the essence of the offer. Be direct.
Get straight to the point. Avoid superlatives, platitudes, and vacuous, meaningless
How about long versus short copy? If your product or service has a lot of qualities,
characteristics, facts and benefits, write long, interesting copy. The universal conception
that people hate reading long sales letters is pure baloney. Ads are either boring or they
are interesting. If they are interesting, people will read page after page of your copy.
Write as much as it takes to make a complete case, whether that takes two paragraphs
or ten pages.
Also include information, education, useful advice and unselfish service to the reader.
Write your body copy in human language, not stodgy business jargon or technical lingo.
Use a lot of short words, short sentences, short paragraphs and thoroughly personal
copy, no matter how long the copy is. Copy should always be written in everyday
language. Don't bore people into buying your product; interest and educate them into
buying it. Write short sentences and paragraphs, without hard words that most people
don't know. Long copy outsells short copy If you have a lot of information to convey. But
don't write essays. Tell readers the advantages of your product. Explain what it will do
for them. If your product has a recognizable name, use it. When someone tested an ad
bearing the brand name of a well-known company against the same ad without it, the
first version pulled nearly 30 percent better. Make your ad an interesting story. Avoid
superlatives at any price. Use testimonials to enhance crediblllty.
Again, If there's one lesson you should learn from this discussion, it's to test. Test your
possfbtlttles to come up with the one that works best for you, But don't stop there. Don't
ever become complacent just because you may be running a winning ad at the moment.
No profit-oriented businessman would knowingly waste money by running an ad that
pulled only one-fifth of its potential If he knew how to do better, Until you try a different
version and compare it against a control, you never know just how much more productive
you can be. There is only one steadfast rule: test every variable and constantly re-test
once you've determined a winning combination, because who is to say how high is high?



A company I greatly respect tested a busy ad layout against a more symmetrical and
aesthetically balanced layout, both with the same copy. The busier layout pulled an
astonishing 110 percent better than the more beautlfullayout.
A marketer found that when his ads and sales pitches focused on the most universally
appealing aspect of his product, they produced double the results of ads that focus on
another application. A major advertising offered a four-week free trial exarnmatton of
their product and found that their ads, commercials, and sales pitches increased results
by 98.6 percent over ads that didn't offer the trial period.
Another advertiser used two approaches. In one, he demonstrated his product in use;
in the other, the product was stationary. The ad that depicted the product in use more
than doubled results.
In an ad for an English course, the advertiser used the same copy with two different
headlines. One was The Man Who Simplified English;' the other was 'Do You Make
These Mistakes in English?' The second headline produced nearly three times the sales
Compare 'How To Win Friends and Influence People' to 'How To Ruin Your Marriage in
the QUickest Possible Way.' Qne advertiser did and 'How To Win Friends.. .' outpulled the
other by nearly 250 percent. An insurance company tested these two headlines against
each other: What Would Become of Your Wife If Something Happened to You?'
'Retirement Income Plan' The second ad pulled 500 percent more than the first.
A famous correspondence school tested these two headlines: 'Announcing a New Course
for Men Seeking Independence in the Next Three Years' 'An Up-to-the-Minute Course To
Meet Today's Problems' The first headline trounced the second headline by about 370
An insurance company compared these two headlines: 'Auto Insurance At Lower Rates
If You Are a Careful Driver' 'How To Turn Your Careful Driving Into Money' The first
headline was 1200 percent better. General Electric ran two ads, both with the same copy
and headline, but changed the picture in the ad. In one, they used a smiling baby. In
the second, a woman was putting a GE lightbulb in a lamp. The ad demonstrating the
actual use of the product outpulled the smiling baby ad by 300 percent.
I could go on... and on! In all these cases, you would not have known without testing.
The results are often surprising. Test! Testl Testl You can have far more sales,
inquiries and store traffic for the same money Just by testing alternatives against each
By testing different ways to say the same thing.
By trying different copy.
By testing the pull of one magazine against another.
By testing one mailing list against another.
By testing one radio time slot against another.
By testing one offer with another.


One price with another.

One guarantee against another.
One sales pitch against another.
One dlrect mail package against another.
If you use a headllne, or offer, or price, or guarantee, or medlum, or maillng list or sales
pitch without testing it against another version, you are denying yourseIf and your
company the potential of increased sales and profits that cost no more than you're now
spendlng. It's relatively easy to test and track ad results and to ruthlessly leverage every
marketing dollar. Failure to test, re-test and test again is tantamount to admitting that
you aren't the business person you should be.
One of my first clients, a broker, ran a headllne to announce a new and very appealIng
marketing breakthrough. Unfortunately, he never tested his headllne land unIucklly, the
headline was boring). When I entered the picture, I came up with 10 different headllnes
to test. One of them out-pulled his headline by more than 500 percent. Instead of
spendlng $30,000 a month to produce $1 rnllllon in sales, that same $30,000 started
producing $5 mtlllon in sales per month and morel The simple act of testing one
headline against another made an annualized dlfference of something like $50 million in
gross sales -- and at the very least. $2.5 million in addltional profits.

Test only one variable at a time. This is the scientific principle of control. It means
isolating the variable so you are sure of the source of dlfferent results. If you're testing
a guarantee, don't change the headllne. If you're comparing one price against another,
don't change any other variable.
If you have two dlfferent approaches that you are testing, you must design your test to
give you specific results keyed to each approach. You must know which ad each and
every prospect is respondlng to.
You can do this in dlfferent ways:
Use a coupon -- a dlfferently coded coupon for each version of your
Tell the prospects to specify a department number when they call or
write -- there doesn't have to be an actual department.
Ask the prospect to tell you he heard it on radlo station WWXY in
order to quallfy for a dlscount or special offer.
Include a code on the mailing label that is returned with the order - the code identifies the source of the label or the version of the ad
you mailed.
Use dlfferent telephone numbers for respondents -- each offer is
accompanied by a slmllar but dlstinct phone number.

* Make d1fferent package tests and note which bonuses or prices

people ask for.

* Have the caller ask for a specific person -- the name can be
You must be able to attribute each response to one of the approaches you are testing.
Keep meticulous track of each response and Its results: simple Inquiry. sale. amount of
sale. previous customer. Keep track of every piece of Information that you need In your
marketing. And be sure to differentiate In your record-keeping between responses
(prospects) and actual sales.
Then when you have all the results tabulated by method 'A' or method B. compare the
two approaches and select the better one. Then test again. using your winner In
competition with a new contestant.


AlB splits allow you to test two approaches with one newspaper press run. Newspaper
presses print on metal cylinders on which each page Is etched twice. Each complete turn
of the cylinder produces two copies of a single page. When an advertising wants to use
a split-run test. he furnishes two different ads of the same size. The 'A' ad Is etched on
one side of the cylinder; the 'B' ad on the other side. Each complete turn of the printing
cylinder prints two separate ads. Your ad Is then d1stributed to demographically slrnllar
aud1ences. And because the ads occupy the same position within the publication. each
ad Is fairly tested under slrnllar cond1tions. AlB testing keeps you from wasting
thousands of dollars on losing ads. In this manner. you can also spend far less money
pre-testing ads In Inexpensive. smaller circulation. regional ed1tions.
Never test big If you can test small. Before you spend a lot of money on a space ad In a
magazine or paper. rent a list of subscribers to the publication you plan to advertise In
and do an Inexpensive mall test of the ad you plan to run. Say. for example. that a fullpage ad In the Los Angeles Times costs $18.000. Rather than run two ads for $36.000.
pre-test by mall 5.000 names that read this newspaper for only $1.500-$2.000. This
way. you can find out If your ad will work before you make a big expend1ture.
The purpose of testing Is to develop maximum performance from every marketing effort.
Yet. It's amazing how few companies ever test any aspect of their marketing and compare
It to something else. They bet their destiny on arbitrary. subjective decisions and
You don't have the right. or the power, to predetermine what the marketplace wants and
what the best price. package. or approach will be. Rather. you have the obligation. and
the power. to put every Important marketing question to a vote by the only people whose
ballots count -- prospects and customers.
How do we put a marketing question to a vote? By testing one sales thrust against
another. One price against another. One ad concept against another. One headline
against another. One 1V or radio commercial against another. One follow-up or
upselling overture against another.


When you test one approach against another, and carefully analyze and tabulate the
results, you will find that one approach almost always outpulls all the others by a
tremendous margin. You'll be amazed at how many more sales -- or how much larger an
average order .. you can rea1Jze from a stmllar effort.
For example, if each of your field salespeople averages 15 calls a day, doesn't it make
sense to find the one sales 'pitch' or 'package' that will let them close twice as many sales
and increase their average order to 40% to 100%, with the same amount of effort?
Remember, salaried salespeople cost you the same fixed amount whether they make one
sale a day or three sales a day.
So, tomorrow, have your salespeople try different pitches, different hot-button focuses,
different packages, dlfferent specially priced offers, different 'bumps' or upgrades, or
different follow-up offers. Each day review the specific performance of each test
approach, then analyze the data. If a speclfic new twist on your basic sales approach
outcloses the old approach by 25% or 50%, doesn't it make sense for every salesperson
to start using this new approach? Test every sales variable. If you do you can easily
achieve lmmedlate increases in sales and profits. Good data can help you improve your
sales efforts.
Make speclfic offers and analyze the number of responses, traffic, prospects, and
resulting sales for each speclfic ad. Then compute the cost-per-prospect, cost-per-sale,
the average sale-per-prospect, average conversion-per-prospect, and the average profitper-sale against your control ad or sales pitch. This reveals the obvious winner, the new
control that you will keep running until a better control beats it.
Testing applies not merely to outside sales efforts, but to every aspect of marketing. Test
your prices. Every situation is unique, so I implore you to test several different prices.
You'll be amazed at the differences in order size and overall profit one price will produce
over another."
Back in the 1920's the most revered and respected man in advertising put his
thoughts down on paper, In his books, My Life in Advertising and SCientifIc
Advertising, Claude Hopkins detailed influential and practical lessons on how to
advertise. Most of the great masters of advertising, including David Ogilvie and
John Caples. acknowledge that they learned their most important lessons from
Claude Hopkins. He had this to say about testing:
"Almost any question can be answered, cheaply, quickly and finally, by a test campaign.
And that's the way to answer them .. not by arguments around a table. Go to the court
of last resort -- the buyers of your product.
On every new project there comes up the question of selling that article profitably. You
and your friends may like it. but the majority may not. Some rival product may be better
liked or cheaper. It may be strongly entrenched. The users won away from it may cost
too much to get.
People may buy and not repeat. The article may last too long. It may appeal to a small
percentage, so most of your advertising goes to waste.
There are many surprises in advertising. A project you will laugh at may make a great
success. A project you are sure of may fall down. All because tastes differ so. None of

us know enough people's desires to get an average viewpoint.

In the old days, advertisers ventured on their own opinions. The few guessed right, the
many wrong. Those were the times of advertising disasters. Even those who succeeded
came close to the verge before the tide was turned. They did not know their cost per
customer or their sale per customer. The cost of selling might take long to come back.
Often It never came back.
Now we let thousands decide what the millions will do. We make a small venture, and
watch cost and result. When we learn what a thousand customers cost, we know almost
exactly what a million will cost. When we learn what they buy, we know what a million
will buy.
We establish averages on a small scale. and those averages always hold. We know our
cost. we know our sale. we know our profit or our loss. We know how soon our cost
comes back. Before we spread out. we prove our undertaking absolutely safe. So there
are today no advertising disasters piloted by men who know.
Perhaps we try out our project in four or five towns. We may use a sample offer or a free
package to get users started quickly. We learn in this way the cost per customer started.
Then we walt and see If users buy those samples. If they do. will they continue? How
much will they buy? How long does it take for the profit to return our cost of selling?
A test like this may cost $3.000 to $5.000.

It is not all lost, even when the product

proves unpopular. Some sales are made. Nearly every test will in time bring back the
entire cost.

Sometimes we find that the cost of the advertising comes back before the bills are due.
That means that the product can be advertised without investment. Many a great
advertiser has been built up without any cost whatever beyond immediate receipts. That
is an ideal situation.
On another product it may take three months to bring back the cost with a profit. But
one is sure of his profit in that time. When he spreads out he must finance accordingly.
Think what this means. A man has what he considers an advertising possibility. But
national advertising looks so big and expensive that he dare not undertake it.
Now he presents it in a few average towns. at a very modest cost. With almost no risk
whatever. From the few thousands he learns what the millions will do. Then he acts
accordingly. If he then branches out he knows to a certainty Just what his results will
He is playing on the safe side of a hundred to one shot. If the article is successful. it may
make him millions. If he is mistaken about it. the loss is a trlfle.
These are facts we desire to emphasize and spread. All our largest accounts are now
built in this way. from very small beginnings. When business men realize that this can
be done. hundreds of others will do it. For countless fortune-earners now lie dormant.
The largest advertiser in the world makes a business of starting such projects. One- by
one he finds out winners. Now he has twenty-six. and together they earn many millions

These test campaigns have other purposes. They answer countless questions which arise
In business.
A large food advertiser felt that his product would be more popular In another form. He
and all his advisers were certain about It. They were willing to act on this supposition
without consulting the consumers, but wiser advice prevalled.
He inserted an ad in a few towns with a coupon, good at any store for a package of the
new-style product. Then he wrote to the users about it. They were almost unanimous
in their disapproval.
Later the same product was suggested in still another form. The previous verdict made
the change look dubious. The advertiser hardly thought a test worth while. But he
submitted the question to a few thousand women In a similar way and 91 per cent voted
for it. Now he has a unique product which promises to largely Increase his sales.
These tests cost about $1,000 each. The first one saved him a very costly mistake. The
second will probably bring him large profits.
Then we use test campaigns to try out new methods on advertising already successful.
Thus we constantly seek for better methods, without Interrupting plans already proved
In five years for one food advertiser we tried out over fifty separate plans. Every little
while we found an Improvement. so the results of our advertising constantly grew. At the
end of five years we found the best plan of all. It reduced our cost of selling by 75 per
cent. That is, it was four times more effective than the best plan used before.
That is what mall order advertisers do -- try out plan after plan to constantly reduce the
cost. Why should any general advertiser be less business-like and careful?
Another service of the test campaign Is this:
An advertiser Is doing mediocre advertising. A skilled advertising agent feels that he can
greatly Increase results. The advertiser Is doubtful. He Is doing fairly well. He has
alliances which he hesitates to break. So he is Inclined to let well enough alone.
Now the question can be submitted to the verdict of a test. The new agent may take a
few towns, without interfering with the general campaign. Then compare his results with
the general results and prove his greater skill.
Plausible arguments are easy In this line. One man after another comes to an advertiser
to clalm superior knowledge or ability. It is hard to decide, and decisions may be wrong.
Now actual figures gained at a small cost can settle the question definitely. The
advertiser makes no commitment. It is like saying to a salesman. 'Go out for a week and
prove.' A large percentage of all the advertising done would change hands if this method
were applied.
Again we come back to scientific advertising. Suppose a chemist would say in an
arbitrary way that this compound was best, or that better. You would little respect his
opinion. He makes tests -- sometimes hundreds of tests -- to actually know which is
best. He will never state a supposrtion before he has proved it. How long before

advertisers in general will apply that exactness to advertising?"


Jay Abraham continues:

How Important is a headline to the success of your ad? Consider this: nearly six tlmes
as many people read the headline as the body of an ad. Unless your headline effectively
sells your product. you are blowing the majority of your advertising money. The sole
purpose of a headline is to offer the reader a reward for reading the body copy. The
wrong headline, or no headline, can result in the failure of the ad to accomplish its
primary goal: to lead the reader into the body of the ad.
To give you an idea of how Important this is and to show you how it's done, I'm
presenting here some of my best headlines:
You Don't Know Me, I Realize ... But I Want You To Have This Before It's Too Late.
To The Men and Women Who Want To Quit Work Someday.
How To Develop A Silver Tongue, A Golden Touch And A Mind Like A Steel Trap.
New Diet Bums Off More Fat Than If You Ran 98 Miles A Week.
What's Your Best Chance To Make Money In Real Estate? The Answer Below May
Surprise You.
Almost Everyone Has A $10,000 Idea. Here's How To Make It Pay.
Heart Attacks Can Be Foreseen From Minutes To Months In Advance -- And Prevented.
An Easy Way To Change Jobs.
How To Increase Your Standard Of Living Without Changing Jobs.
Send Me To Any City In The United States. Take Away My Wallet. Give Me $100 For
Living Expenses. And In 72 Hours I'll Buy An Excellent Piece Of Real Estate Using None
Of My Own Money.
Three Powerful Reasons Why Diamond Prices Are Soaring.
To A $15,000 Man Who Would Like To Be Making $25.000.
I'd Like To Give This To My Fellow Man...While I Am Still Able To Help!
Use your best headline (as determined by testing) in every ad and in every letter to
prospects, customers and past customers. You should also use a headline, orrnlnlpttch.'
in every commercial. What kind of headline works best? One that promises the reader
a large and attractive benefit.
A headline that offers topical 'news' is often very successful. If your product or service
is newsworthy. put that special news announcement right at the top of your ad.

Incorporate eye-catching words into your headline. like ANNOUNCING, AMAZING,

INIRODUCING, NOW and SUDDENLY. If you are promoting a product to one particular
group, include a 'red flag' in your headllne that w1ll single out these prospects. And
remember this: spectflcs outpull generalities.
Personal1ze a headline by stnglmg out the city, state or group to which it's dlrected.
Avoid humor and double entendre in headllnes; they waste space and are nonproductive 95 percent of the time.
Don't ever run an ad without a headllne. And test to see which one is best. How many
times have you scanned an ad in a newspaper or magazine and not had the sllghtest idea
what it was all about, or who the information was intended for? Ads, maillng pieces, or
commercials all need a headllne. A headllne is an ad for the ad. Its purpose should be
to reach only those who are most qual1fled to be a prospect for your proposition.
Without exception. humorous or abstract ads are a waste. If you run ads in general
interest publlcations or commercials on 1V and radio and your product is pest control,
you should not use headllnes or opening statements ltke, 'Got the bug to clean the
house?' or 'This problem affects every homeowner: Instead. fashion a headline or
opening that states the purpose of the ad and qual1fles the reader.
For example:
'If your home is plagued by ants, roaches, mice, or rats, we can
el1rn1nate the problem with our exciting new monthly maintenance
If you sell plumbing supplies to the contractor market and you run ads in 'Contractor'
magazine, you shouldn't run ads that begin, The best source of them all.' Instead, craft
a headllne that states your proposition, such as:
'If you are looking for a source of quality plumbing supplies. we sell
them exclustvely to contractors at 15% over our cost, with 45-day
invoicing and an added discount for orders over $2,500:

Address your target audience in the headline with teaser copy or the opening line. If you
want to reach people over 45, for instance, say:
'If you're 45 or over and thinking of adding to, replacing, or acquiring
life, health, or disabillty insurance, this information.. .'
Or. ..

'Insurance coverage for people over 45 with no physical. no waiting, no

If you're trying to reach health- or weight-conscious people for membership in your
health club, use a headllne or opening llne llke this:

'Here's a way to become tight, lean. attractive. radiant, and remarkable

healthy in just 45 minutes, three times a week:
If you want to reach people interested in furniture, don't use a cutesy headllne. Instead.



'Looking for a $1,500 sofa value for just $475? We have 150 in stock
right now:
We sell expensive furniture at deep discounts -- our average price is
45% less than the manufacturer's suggested price:
Whatever you sell, and whomever you want to reach with your story or message, be
specific. Telegraph your message directly to your prospective customers, and tell them
what you're offering.
If you want to reach working women who don't have time to cook, say:

'Here are 24 fast, easy, inexpensive dinner ideas especially created for
working women who don't have a lot of time to cook:
I could go on and one, but remember these points:
1. Attract the attention of your target audience in your headline or

opening remarks.
2. State your proposition or offer.
3. Use the rest of the ad to develop, support, and present your offer
and your reasons why the prospect should embrace it.
4. Finally, tell the prospect how to act.
From now on, always telegraph your message only to the people who are your primary
prospects. And never again be content with humorous, nonspecific, or abstract headlines
or ads."

The brilliant and highiy successful advertising genius, David Ogl1vy, had this to say
about headlines in his book, 'Confessions of an Advertising Man,' (All of OgUvies
book are good reading, but the 'Confessions' book should be read and studied for its
marvelous entertainment value and for the education it gives you.)
'The headline is the most important element in most advertisements. It is the telegram
which decides whether the reader goes on to to read the copy.
On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.
When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.
A change of headline can make a difference of ten to one in sales. I never write fewer
than sixteen headlines for a single advertisement. and I observe certain guides in writing
1. The headline is the 'ticket on the meat: Use it to flag down the

readers who are prospects for the kind of product you are
advertising. If you are selling a remedy for bladder weakness,

cUsplay the words 'bladder weakness' In your headline; they catch

the eye of everyone who suffers from this Inconvenience. If you want
mothers to read your advertisement, dlsplay mothers In your
headline. And so on.
Conversely, do not say anything In your headline which is likely to exclude
any readers who might be prospects for your product. Thus, if you are
advertising a product which can be used equally well by men and women,
don't slant your headline at women alone; It would frighten men away.
2. Every headline should appeal to the reader's self-Interest. It should
promise her a benefit, as In my headline for Helena Rubenstein's
Hormone Cream: How Women Over 35 Can Look Younger.
3. Always Try to Inject news Into your headlines, because the consumer
is always on the lookout for new products, or new ways to use an old
product, or new improvements in an old product.
The two most powerful words you can use in a headline are 'free' and 'new'.
You can seldom use 'free', but you can almost always use 'new' -- if you try
hard enough.
4. Other words and phrases which work wonders are: How To,
Suddenly, Now, Announcing, Introducing, It's Here, Just Arrived,
Important Development, Improvement. Amazing, Sensational,
Remarkable, Revolutionary, Startling, Miracle, Magic, Offer, QUick.
Easy, Wanted, Challenge, Advice To, The Truth About. Compare,
Bargain, Hurry, Last Chance.
Don't tum up your nose at these cliches. They may be shopworn, but they
work. That is why you see them tum up so often In the headlines of mallorder advertisers and others who can measure the results of their
Headlines can be strengthened by the Inclusion of emotional words like:
Darling, Love, Fear, Proud, Friend, and Baby. One of the most provocative
advertisements which has come out of our agency showed a girl in a bathtub,
talking to her lover on the telephone. The headllne: 'Darling, I'm having the
most extraordinary experience ... I'm head over heels In DOVE:
5. Five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy,
so it is important that these glancers should at least be told what
brand Is being advertised. That is why you should always Include
the brand name in your headllnes.
6. Include your selling promise In your headllne. This requires long
headlines. When the New York University School of Retaillng ran
headline tests with the cooperation of a big depariment store, they
found that headllnes of ten words or longer, containing news and
Information, consistently sold more merchancUse than short
Headllnes containing six to twelve words pull more coupon returns than short

headlines, and there is no significant difference between the readership of

twelve-word headlines and the readership of three-word headlines. The best
headline I ever wrote contained eighteen words: At Sixty Miles an Hour the
Loudest Noise in the New Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock. (When the
chief engineer at the Rolls-Royce factory read this, he shook his head sadly and
said, 'It is time we did something about that damned clock.')
7. People are most likely to read your body copy If your headline
arouses their curiosity; so you should end your headline with a lure
to read on.
8. Some copywriters write tricky headlines -- puns, literary allusions,
and other obscurttles, This is a sin.
In the average newspaper your headline has to compete for attention with 350

others. Research has shown that readers travel so fast through this Jungle
that they don't stop to decipher the meaning of obscure headlines. Your
headline must telegraph what you want to say, and it must telegraph it in plain
language. Don't play games with the reader.
9. Research shows that it is dangerous to use negatives in headlines.
If, for example, you write our salt contains no arsenic, many readers
will miss the negative and go away with the impression that you
wrote our salt contains arsenic.
10. Avoid blind headlines -- the kind which mean nothing unless you
read the body copy underneath them; most people don't."
Claude Hopkins says this about headlines:
'The difference between advertising and personal salesmanship lies largely in personal
contact. The salesman is there to demand attention. He cannot well be ignored. The
advertisement can be ignored.
But the salesman wastes much of his time on prospects whom he never can hope to
interest. He cannot pick them out. The advertisement is read only by interested people
who, by their own volition, study what we have to say.
The purpose of the headline is to pick out people you can interest. You wish to talk to
someone in a crowd. So the first thing you say is, 'Hey there, Bill Jones' to get the right
person's attention.
So in an advertisement. What you have will interest certain people only, and for certain
reasons. You care only for those people. Then create a headline which will hail those
people only.
Perhaps a blind headline or some clever conceit will attract many times as many. But
they may consist mostly of impossible subjects for what you have to offer. And the people
you are after may never realize that the ad refers to something they may want.
Headlines on ads are like headlines on news items. Nobody reads a whole newspaper.
One is interested in financial news, one in political, one in society, one in cookery, one
in sports, etc. There are whole pages in any newspaper which we never scan at all. Yet

other people may turn directly to those pages.

We pick out what we wish to read by headlines, and we don't want those headlines
misleading. The writing of headlines is one of the greatest journalistic arts. They either
conceal or reveal an interest.
Suppose a newspaper article stated that a certain woman was the most beautlfulin the
city. That article would be of intense interest to that woman and her friends. But neither
she nor her friends would ever read it If the headline was, 'Egyptian Psychology:
So in advertising. It is commonly said that people do not read advertisements. That is
silly, of course. We who spend millions in advertising and watch the returns marvel at
the readers we get. Again and again we see 20 per cent of all the readers of a newspaper
cut out a certain coupon.

But people do not read ads for amusement. They don't read ads which. at a glance, seem
to offer nothing Interesting. A double-page ad on women's dresses will not gain a glance
from a man. Nor will a shaving cream ad from a woman.
Always bear these facts in mind. People are hurried. The average person worth
cultivating has too much to read. They skip three-fourths of the reading matter which
they pay to get. They are not going to read your business talk unless you make it worth
their while and let the headline show it.
People will not be bored in print. They may listen politely at a dinner table to boasts and
personalities, life histories, etc. But in print they choose their own companions, their
own subjects. They want to be amused or benefited. They want economy, beauty, labor
saving, good things to eat and wear. There may be products which interest them more
than anything else in a magazine. But they will never know it unless the headline or the
picture tells them.
The writer of this chapter spends far more time on headlines than on writing. He often
spends hours on a single headline. Often scores of headlines are discarded before the
right one is selected. For the entire return from an ad depends on attracting the right
sort of readers. The best of salesmanship has no chance whatever unless we get a
The vast difference in headlines is shown by keyed returns which this book advocates.
The identical ad run with various headlines differs tremendously in its returns. It is not
uncommon for a change in headlines to multiply returns from five to ten times over.
So we compare headlines until we know what sort of appeal pays best. That differs in

every line, of course.

The writer has before him keyed returns on nearly two thousand headlines used on a
single product. The story in these ads is nearly identical. But the returns vary
enormously, due to the headlines. So with every keyed return in our record appears the
headline that we used.
Thus we learn what type of headline has the most wide-spread appeal. The product has
many uses. It fosters beauty. It prevents disease. It aids daintiness and cleanliness.
We learn to exactness which quality most of our readers seek.


That does not mean that we neglect the others. One sort of appeal may bring half the
returns of another, yet be important enough to be profitable. We overlook no field that
pays. But we know what proportion of our ads should, in the headline. attract any
certain class.
For this same reason we employ a vast variety of ads. If we are using twenty magazines
we may use twenty separate ads. TWs because circulations overlap. and because a
considerable percentage of people are attracted by each of several forms of approach. We
wish to reach them all.
On a soap. for instance. the headline 'Keep Clean' might attract a very small percentage.
It is too commonplace. So might the headline. 'No animal fats.' People may not care
much about that. The headline. 'It floats' might prove interesting. But a headline
referring to beauty or complexion might attract many times as many.
An automobile ad might refer in the headline to a good universal joint. It might fall flat.
because so few buyers think of universal joints. The same ad with a headline, The
Sportiest of Sport Bodies.' might outpull the other by fifty to one.
This is enough to suggest the importance of headlines. Anyone who keys ads will be
amazed at the difference. The appeals we like best will rarely prove best. because we do
not know enough people to average up their desires. So we learn on each line by
But back of all lie fixed principles. You are presenting an ad to mlllions. Among them
is a percentage. small or large, whom you hope to interest. Go after that percentage and
try to strike the chord that responds. If you are advertising corsets, men and children
don't interest you. If you are advertising cigars. you have no use for non-smokers.
Razors won't attract women, rouge will not interest men.
Don't think that those millions will read your ads to find out lf your product interests.
They will decide by a glance -- by your headline or your pictures. Address the people you
seek. and them only."
John Caples wrote great ads as VP for one of the world's largest ad agencies. His
most famous headlline was, 'They laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano.' His
book. 'Tested Advertising Methods,' is a marketing classic. Any serious student of
advertising should immediately get his hands on this must reading. He tells us:
"1. First and foremost. try to get self-interest into every headline you

write. Make your headline suggest to the reader that here is

something he wants. Thts rule is so fundamental that it would seem
obvious. Yet the rule is violated every day by scores of writers.
2. If you have news, such as a new product, or a new use for an old
product. be sure to get that news into your headline in a big way.
3. Avoid headlines that merely provoke curiosity. Curiosity combined
with news or self-interest is an excellent aid to the pulling power of
your headline. but curiosity by itself is seldom enough. This
fundamental rule is violated more often than any other. Every issue
of every magazine and newspaper contalns headlines that attempt
to sell the reader through curiosity alone.

4. Avoid, when possible, headlines that paint the gloomy or negative

side of the picture. Take the cheerful, positive angle.
5. Try to suggest in your headline that here is a quick and easy way for
the reader to get something he wants.
In using this last suggestion -- the quick and easy way -- be sure, as mentioned
previously, to make your headline believable. Here is the headline of an advertisement
that was tested by a correspondence school:


This seems to sum up in a few words what men have wanted ever since the world began.
Yet the advertisement did not bring many replies, probably because the headline was
unbelievable. It seemed too good to be true."

Since headlines are so important, you need to hear what many experts say about
them and study examples of great headlines, Here Is a list of the 100 greatest
headlines ever written:


46. lliE MAN wrrn lliE 'GRASSHOPPER MIND'





$8.95 (VALUES UP TO $15.45)

Your ads need to follow certain certain guidelInes, Claude Hopkins, the old master,
gives you a deep grasp and insight into what makes a great ad,
'To properly understand advertising or to learn even its rudiments one must start with
the right conception. Advertising is salesmanship. Its principles are the principles of
salesmanship. Successes and failures in both lines are due to like causes. Thus every
advertising question should be answered by the salesman's standards.
Let me emphasize that point. The only purpose of advertising is to make sales. It is
profitable or unprofitable according to its actual sales.
It is not for general effect.

It is not to keep your name before the people.

primarily to aid your other salesmen.

It is not

Treat it as a salesman. Force it to Justify itself. Compare it with other salesmen. Figure
its cost and result. Accept no excuses which good salesmen do not make. Then you will
not go far wrong.
The difference is only in degree. Advertising is multiplied salesmanship. It may appeal
to thousands while the salesman talks to one. It involves a corresponding cost. Some
people spend $10 per word on an average advertisement. Therefore every ad should be
a super-salesman.
A salesman's mistake may cost little. An advertising mistake may cost a thousand times
as much. Be more cautious, more exacting, therefore.
A mediocre salesman may affect a small part of your trade. Mediocre advertising affects
all of your trade.
Many think of advertising as ad-writing. Literature qualifications have no more to do
with it than oratory has with salesmanship.
One must be able to express himself briefly, clearly and convincingly, just as a salesman
must. But fine writing is a distinct disadvantage. So is unique literary style. They take
attention from the subject. They reveal the hook. Any studied attempt to sell, if
apparent, creates corresponding resistance.
That is so in personal salesmanship as in salesmanship-in-print. Fine talkers are rarely
good salesmen. They inspire buyers with the fear of over-influence. They create the
suspicion that an effort is made to sell them on other lines than merit.
Successful salesmen are rarely good speech makers. They have few oratorical graces.
They are plain and sincere men who know their customers and know their lines. So it

is in ad-writing.
Many of the ablest men in advertising are graduate salesmen. The best we know have
been house-to-house canvassers. They may know little of grammar, nothing of rhetoric,
but they know how to use words that convince.
There is one simple and right way to answer many advertising questions. Ask yourself,
Would this help a salesman sell the goods?' Would it help me sell them if I met the
buyer in person?'
A fair answer to those questions avoids countless mistakes. But when one tries to show
off, or does things merely to please himself, he is unlikely to strike a chord which leads
people to spend money.
Some argue for slogans, some like clever conceits. Would you use them in personal
salesmanship? Can you imagine a customer whom such things would impress? If not,
don't rely on them for selling in print.
Some say, 'Be very brief. People will read but little.' Would you say that to a salesman?
With a prospect standing before him, would you confine him to any certain number of
words? That would be an unthinkable handicap.
So in advertising. The only readers we get are people whom our subject interests. No
one reads ads for amusement, long or short. Consider them as prospects standing before
you, seeking for information. Give them enough to get action.
Some advocate large type and big headlines. Yet they do not admire salesmen who talk
in loud voices. People read all they care to read in 8-point type. Our magazines and
newspapers are printed in that type. Folks are accustomed to it. Anything larger is like
loud conversation. It gains no attention worth while. It may not be offensive, but it is
useless and wasteful. It multiplies the cost of your story. And to many it seems loud and
Others look for something queer and unusual. They want ads distinctive in style or
illustration. Would you want that in a salesman? Do not men who act and dress in
normal ways make a far better impression?
Some insist on dressy ads. That is all right to a certain degree, but it is quite
unimportant. Some poorly-dressed ads, like poorly-dressed men, prove to be excellent
salesmen. Over-dress in either is a fault.
So with countless questions. Measure them by salesmen's standards, not by amusement
standards. Ads are not written to entertain. When they do, those entertainment seekers
are little likely to be the people whom you want.
That is one of the greatest advertising faults. Ad-writers abandon their parts. They
forget they are salesmen and try to be performers. Instead of sales, they seek applause.
When you plan and prepare an advertisement. keep before you a typical buyer. Your
subject, your headline has gained his or her attention. Then in everything be guided by
what you would do if you met the buyer face-to-face. lfyou are a normal man and a good
salesman you will then do your level best.


Don't think of people In the mass. That gives you a blurred view. ThInk of a typical
Individual, man or woman, who is likely to want what you sell. Don't try to be amusing.
Money spending is a serious matter. Don't boast, for all people resent it. Don't try to
show off. Do just what you think a good salesman should do with a half-sold person
before him.
Remember that the people you address are selfish, as we all are. They care nothing
about your Interest or your profit. They seek service for themselves. Ignoring this fact
is a common mistake and a costly mistake In advertising. Ads say In effect, 'Buy my
brand. Give me the trade you give to others. Let me have the money: That is not a
popular appeal.
The best ads ask no one to buy. That is useless. Often they do not quote a price. They
do not say that dealers handle the product.
The ads are based entirely on service. They offer wanted Information. They cite
advantages to users. Perhaps they offer a sample, or to buy the first package, or to send
something on approval, so the customer may prove the claims without any cost or risk.
Some of these ads seem altruistic. But they are based on a knowledge of human nature.
The Writers know how people are led to buy.
Here again is salesmanship. The good salesman does not merely cry a name. He doesn't
say, 'Buy my article: He pictures the customer's side of his service until the natural
result is to buy.
A brush maker has some 2,000 canvassers who sell brushes from house to house. He
is enormously successful in a line which would seem very difficult. And it would be if his
men asked the housewives to buy.
But they don't. They go to the door and say, 'I was sent here to give you a brush. I have
samples here and I want you to take your choice:
The housewife is all smiles and attention. In picking out one brush she sees several she
wants. She is also anxious to reciprocate the gift. So the salesman gets an order.
Another concern sells coffee, etc., by wagons in some 500 cities. The man drops in with
a half-pound of coffee and says, 'Accept this package and try it. I'll come back in a few
days to ask how you like it:
Even when he comes back he doesn't ask for an order. He explains that he wants to send
the woman a fine kitchen utensil. It isn't free, but if she likes the coffee he will credit five
cents on each pound she buys until she has paid for the article. Always some service.
The maker of an electric sewing machine motor found advertising difficult. So, on good
advice, he ceased soliciting a purchase. He offered to send to any home, through any
dealer, a motor for one week's use. With it would come a man to show how to operate.
'Let us help you for a week without cost or obligation: said the ad. Such an offer was
resistless, and about nine in ten of the trials let to sales.
So In many, many lines. Cigar makers sent out boxes to anyone and say, 'Smoke ten,
then keep them or return them, as you wish:


Makers of books. typewriters. wasWng machtnes. kitchen cabinets. vacuum sweepers.

etc., send out their product without any prepayment. They say, 'Use them a week, then
do as you wish.' Practically all merchandise sold by mail is sent subject to return.
The competent advertising man must understand psychology. The more he knows about
it the better. He must learn that certain effects lead to certaln reactions, and use that
knowledge to increase results and avoid mistakes,
Human nature is perpetual. In most respects it Is the same today as in the time of
Caesar, So the principles of psychology are fixed and enduring, You will never need to
unlearn what you learn about them.
We learn. for instance, that curiosity is one of the strongest of human incentives, We
employ it whenever we can. Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice were made successful largely
through CUriosity, 'Grains puffed to 8 times normal size.' 'Foods shot from guns.'
We learn that cheapness is not a sirong appeal, Americans are extravagant, They want
bargains but not cheapness. They want to feel that they can afford to eat and have and
wear the best. Treat them as though they could not and they resent your attitude,
We learn that people judge largely by price. They are not experts. In the British National
Gallery is a painting which is announced in the catalog to have cost $750.000, Most
people at first pass it by at a glance. Then later they get farther on in the catalog and
learn what the painting cost. They return then and surround it,
A department store advertised at one Easter time a $1,000 hat. and the floor could not
hold the women who came to see it.
We often employ this factor in psychology. Perhaps we are advertistng a valuable
formula, To merely say that would not be impressive, So we state -- as a fact -- that we
paid $100,000 for that formula. That statement when tried has won a wealth of respect.
Many articles are sold under guarantee -- so commonly sold that guarantees have ceased
to be impressive, But one concern made a fortune by offering a dealer's signed warrant.
The dealer to whom one paid hls money agreed in writing to pay it back if asked, Instead
of a far-away stranger. a neighbor gave the warrant, The results have led many to try
that plan, and it has always proved effective.
Many have advertised, Try it for a week. If you don't like it we'll return your money.'
Then someone conceived the idea of sending goods without any money down, and saying,
'Pay in a week If you like them.' That proved many times as impressive.
One great advertising man stated the difference in this way: Two men came to me, each
offering me a horse, Both made equal claims. They were good horses, kind and gentle.
A child could drive them, One man said, Try the horse for a week. If my claims are not
true, come back for your money.' The other man also said, Try the horse for a week.'
But he added. 'Come and pay me then.' I naturally bought the second man's horse.'
Now countless things -- cigars, typewriters, washing machines. books, etc, -- are sent out
in this way on approval. And we find that people are honest. The losses are very small.
An advertiser offered a set of books to business men. The advertising was unprofitable.
so he consulted another expert, The ads were impressive, The offer seemed attractive,

'But,' said the second man, 'let us add one little touch which I have found effective. Let

us offer to put the buyer's name In gilt lettering on each book: That was done, and with
scarcely another change In the ads they sold some hundreds of thousands of books.
Through some peculiar kind In human psychology that name In gilt gave much added
value to the books.
Many send out small gifts, like memorandum books, to customers and prospects. They
get very small results. One man sent out a letter to the effect that he had a leathercovered book with the man's name on it. It was waiting for him and would be sent on
request. The form of request was enclosed, and it also asked for certain information.
That information Indicated lines on which the man might be sold.
Nearly all men, It was found, fllled out that request and supplied the Information. When
a man knows that something belongs to him -- something with his name on -- he will
make the effort to get it, even though the thing is a trifle.
In the same way It is found that an offer limited to a certain class of people is far more
effective than a general offer. For Instance, an offer limited to veterans of the war. Or
to members of a lodge or sect. Or to executives. Those who are entitled to any seeming
advantage will go a long way not to lose that advantage.
An advertiser suffered much from substitution. He said, 'Look out for substitutes,' 'Be
sure you get this brand,' etc., with no effect. Those were selfish appeals.
They he said, Try our rivals' too' -- said It in his headlines. He invited comparisons and
showed that he did not fear them. That corrected the situation. Buyers were careful to
get the brand so conspicuously superior that Its maker could court a trial of the rest.
Two advertisers offered food products nearly identical. Both offered a full-size package
as an Introduction. But one gave his package free. The other bought the package. A
coupon was good at any store for a package, for which the maker paid retail price.
The first advertiser failed and the second succeeded. The first even lost a large part of
the trade he had. He cheapened his product by giving a l b-cent package away. It is
hard to pay for an article which has once been free. It is like paying railroad fare after
traveling on a pass.
The other gained added respect for his article by paying retail price to let the user try it.
An article good enough for the maker to buy Is good enough for the user to buy. It Is
vastly dlfferent to pay 15 cents to let you try an article than to simply say 'It's free:
So with sampling.

Hand an unwanted product to a housewife and she pays it slight

respect. She is in no mood to see its virtues. But get her to ask for a sample after
reading your story, and she Is In a very dlfferent position. She knows your claims. She
is interested In them, else she would not act. And she expects to find the qualities you
There is a great deal In mental Impression. Submit five articles exactly alike and five
people may each choose one of them. But point out in one some qualities to notice and
everyone will find them. The five people then will all choose the same article.
lf people can be made sick or well by mental Impresstons, they can be made to favor a
certain brand in that way. And that. on some lines, Is the only way to win them.

Two concerns, side by side, sold women's clothing on installments. The appeal, of
course, was to poor girls who desired to dress better. One treated them Uke poor girls
and made the bare business offer.
The other put a woman in charge -- a motherly, dignified, capable woman. They did
business in her name. They used her picture. She signed all ads and letters. She wrote
to these girls like a friend. She knew herself what it meant to a girl not to be able to
dress her best. She had long sought a chance to supply women good clothes and give
them all season to pay. Now she was able to do so, with the aid of the men behind her.
There was no comparison in those two appeals. It was not long before this woman's longestablished next-door rival had to quit.
The backers of this business sold house furnishtngs on installments. Sending out
catalogs promiscuously did not pay. Offering long-time credit often seems llke a
But when a married woman bought garments from Mrs. _ ' and paid as agreed, they
wrote to her something Uke this: 'Mrs. _ , whom we know, tells us that you are one of
her good customers. She has dealt with you, she says, and you do just as you agree. So
we have opened with you a credit account on our books, good any time you wish. When
you want anything in furnlshlngs. just order it. Pay nothing in advance. We are very
glad to send it without any investigation to a person recommended as you are.'
That was flattering. Naturally those people, when they wanted some furniture, would
order from that house.
Platitudes and generalities roll off the human understanding llke water from a duck.
They leave no impression whatever. To say, 'Best in the world,' 'Lowest prices in
existence,' etc. are at best simple cla1rn1ng the expected. But superlatives of that sort are
usually damaging. They suggest looseness of expression, a tendency to exaggerate, a
carelessness of truth. They lead readers to discount all the statements that you make.
People recognize a certain license in selling talk as they do in poetry. A man may say,
'Supreme in quality' without seeming a liar. though one may know that other brands are
equally as good. One expects a salesman to put his best foot forward, and excuses some
exaggeration born of enthusiasm. But just for that reason general statements count for
little. And a man Incllned to superlatives must expect that his every statement will be
taken with some caution.
But a man who makes a specific claim is either telling the truth or a lle. People do not
expect an advertiser to Ile. They know that he can't lle in the best mediums. The
growing respect for advertising has largely come through a growing regard for its truth.
So a definite statement is usually accepted. Actual figures are not generally discounted.
Specific facts, when stated, have their full weight and effect.

This is very important to consider in written or personal salesmanship. The weight of an

argument may often be multiplied by making it specific. Say that a tungsten lamp gives
more light than a carbon and you leave some doubt. Say that it gives three and one-third
times the light and people realize that you have made tests and comparisons.
A dealer may say, 'Our prices have been reduced' without creating any market

Impresston, But when he says, 'Our prices have been reduced 25 per cent' he gets the
full value of his announcement.
A mati order advertiser sold women's clothing to people of the poorer classes. For years
he used the slogan, 'Lowest prices In America.' His rivals all copied that. Then he
guaranteed to undersell any other dealer. His rivals did Ilkewtse. Soon those claims
became common to every advertiser in his line, and they became commonplace.
Then, under able advice, he changed his statement to 'Our net profit Is 3 per cent.' That
was a definite statement and it proved very Impressive. With their volume of business
It was evident that their prices must be mlntmum. No one could be expected to do
business on less than 3 per cent. The next year their business made a sensational
At one time In the automobile business there was a generallInpression that profits were
excessive. One well-advised advertiser came out with the statement, 'Our profit Is 9 per
cent.' Then he cited actual costs In the hidden parts of a $1,500 car. They amounted
to $735, without including anything one could easily see. This advertiser made a great
success along those lines at that time.
Shaving soaps have long been advertised 'Abundant lather.' 'Does not dry on the face,'
'Acts quickly,' etc. One advertiser had as good a chance as another to lInpress those
Then a new maker came into the field. It was a tremendously difficult field, for every
customer had to be taken from someone else. He stated specific facts. He said,
'Multiplies itself in lather 250 times.' 'Softens the beard in one minute.' 'Maintains its
creamy fullness for ten minutes on the face.' The final result of testing and comparing
130 formulas.' Perhaps never In advertising has there been a quicker and greater
success in an equally difficult field.
Makers of safety razors have long advertised quick shaves. One maker advertised a 78second shave. That was definite. It indicated actual tests. That man at once made a
sensational advance in his sales.
In the old days all beers were advertised as 'Pure.' The claim made no Impression. The
bigger the type used, the bigger the folly. After millions had been spent to Impress a
platitude, one brewer pictures a plate glass room where beer was cooled in filtered air.
He pictured a filter of white wood pulp through which every drop was cleared. He told
how bottles were washed four times by machinery. How he went down 4,000 feet for
pure water. How 1,018 experIments had been made to attain a yeast to give beer that
matchless flavor. And how all the yeast was forever made from that adopted mother cell.
All the claims were such as any brewer might have made. They were mere essentials in
ordinary brewing. But he was the first to tell the people about them, while others cried
merely 'pure beer.' He made the greatest success that was ever made in beer advertising.
'Used the world over' is a very elastic claim. Then one advertiser said, 'Used by the
peoples of 52 nations,' and many another has followed.
One statement may take as much room as another, yet a definite statement be many
times as effective. The difference is vast. If a claim is worth making, make It in the most
Impressive way.

Whatever clalm you use to gain attention, the advertisement should tell a story
reasonably complete. If you watch returns, you will find that certain claims appeal far
more than others. But in usual lines a number of claims appeal to a large percentage.
Then present those clalms in every ad for their effect on that percentage.
Some advertisers, for the sake of brevity. present one claim at a time. Or they write a
serial ad, continued in another issue. There is no greater folly. Those serials almost
never connect.
When you once get a person's attention, then is the time to accomplish all you ever hope
with him. Bring all your good arguments to bear. Cover every phase of your subject.
One fact appeals to some, one to another. Omit anyone and a certain percentage will
lose the fact which might convince.
People are not apt to read successive advertisements on any single line. No more than
you read a news item twice. or a story. In one reading of an advertisement one decides
for or against a proposition. And that operates against a second reading. So present to
the reader. when once you get him. every important clatrn you have.
The best advertisers do that. They learn their appealing claims by tests -- by comparing
results from various headlines. Gradually they accumulate a list of claims important
enough to use. All those clalms appear in every ad thereafter.
The advertisements seem monotonous to the man who read them all. A complete story
is always the same. But one must consider that the average reader is only once a reader,
probably. And what you fail to tell him in that ad is something he may never know.
Some advertisers go so far as to never change their ads. Single mail order ads often run
year after year without diminishing returns. So with some general ads. They are
perfected ads. embodying in the best way known all that one has to say. Advertisers do
not expect a second reading. Their constant returns come from getting new readers.
In every ad consider only new customers. People using your product are not going to
read your ads. They have already read and decided. You might advertise month after
month to present users that the product they use is poison. and they would never know
it. So never waste one line of your space to say something to present users, unless you
can say it in headlines. Bear in mind always that you address an unconverted prospect.
Any reader of your ad is interested, else he would not be a reader. You are deallng with
someone wilUng to listen. Then do your level best. That reader. lfyou lose him now. may
never again be a reader.
You are like a salesman in a busy man's office. He may have tried again and again to get
entree. He may never be admitted again. This is his one chance to get action, and he
must employ it to the full.
This again brings up the question of brevity. The most common expression you hear
about advertising is that people will not read much. Yet a vast amount of the best-paying
advertising shows that people do read much. Then they write for a book. perhaps -- for
added information.
There is no fixed rule on this subject of brevity. One sentence may tell a complete story
on a line like chewing gum. It maya be an article like Cream of Wheat. But, whether

long or short, an advertising story should be reasonably complete.

A certain man desired a personal car. He cared little about the price. He wanted a car
to take pride In, else he felt he would never drive It. But, being a good business man, he
wanted value for his money.
His Inclination was toward a Rolls-Royce. He also considered a Pierce-Arrow, a
Locomobile and others.
But these famous cars offered no information. Their
advertisements were very short. Evidently the makers considered It undignIfied to argue
comparative merits.
The Marmon. on the contrary, told a complete story. He read columns and books about
it. So he bought a Marmon, and was never sorry. But he afterwards learned facts about
another car at nearly three times the price which would have sold him that car had he
known them.
What folly it Is to cry a name In a line like that, plus a few brief generalities. A car may
be a lifetime Investment. It involves an Important expenditure. A man Interested enough
to buy a car will read a volume about it if the volume is Interesting.
So with everything. You may be simple trying to change a woman from one breakfast

food to another. or one tooth paste. or one soap. She is wedded to what she Is using.
Perhaps she has used It for years.
You have a hard proposition. If you do not believe it, go to her in person and try to make
the change. Not to merely buy a first package to please you, but to adopt your brand.
A man who once does that at a women's door won't argue for brief advertisements. He
will never again say, 'A sentence will do,' or a name or a clalm or a boast. ..
David Ogllvy gives more advice on what you are trying to do in your ad,

'When you sit down to write your body copy, pretend that you are talking to the woman
on your right at a dinner party. She has asked you, 'I am thinking of buytng a new car.
Which would you recommend?' Write your copy as if you were answering that question.
1. Don't beat about the bush -- go straight to the point.

analogies of the Just as. so too' variety.
Dr. Gallup has
demonstrated that these two-stage arguments are generally

2. Avoid superlatives, generalizations. and platitudes. Be speclfic and

factual. Be enthusiastic, friendly. and memorable. Don't be a bore.
Tell the truth. but make the truth fascinating.
How long should your copy be? It depends on the product. If you are advertising
chewing gum, there Isn't much to tell. so make your copy short. If. on the other hand,
you are advertising a product which has a great many different qualities to recommend
it, write long copy: the more you tell. the more you sell.
There is a universal belief In lay circles that people won't read long copy. Nothing could
be farther from the truth. I once wrote a page of solid text for Good Luck Margarine. with
most gratifying results.


Research shows that readership falls off rapidly up to fifty words of copy, but drops very
little between fifty and 500 words. In my first Rolls-Royce advertisement I used 710
words -- piling one fascinating fact on another. In the last paragraph I wrote, 'People who
feel diffident about driving a Rolls-Royce can buy a Bentley: Judging from the number
of motorists who picked up the word 'diffldent' and bandied it about, I concluded that the
advertisement was thoroughly read. In the next one I used 1400 words.
Every advertisement should be a complete sales pitch for your product. It is unrealistic
to assume that consumers wl1l read a series of advertisements for the same product. You
should shoot the works in every advertisement. on the assumption that it is the only
chance you will ever have to sell your product to the reader -- now or never.
Says Dr. Charles Edwards of the graduate School of Retalling at New York University,
The more facts you tell, the more you sell. An advertisement's chance for success
Invariably increases as the number of pertinent merchandise facts included in the
advertisement increases:
We have been able to get people to read long copy about gasoline. One of our Shell
advertisements contained 617 words, and 22 per cent of male readers read more than
half of them.
Vic Schwab tells the story of Max Hart (of Hart, Schaffner & Marx) and his advertising
manager, George L. Dyer, arguing about long copy. Dyer satd, 'I'll bet you ten dollars I
can write a newspaper page of solid type and you'd read every word of it:
Hart scoffed at the idea. 'I don't have to write a line of it to prove my point,' Dyer replied.
'I'll only tell you the headline: This Page Is All About Max Hart:
Advertisers who put coupons in their advertisements know that short copy doesn't sell.
In split-run tests, long copy Invariably outsells short copy.
3. You should always include testimonials in your copy. The reader
finds it easier to believe the endorsement of a fellow consumer than
the puffery of an anonymous copywriter. Says Jim Young, one of the
best copywriters alive today, 'Every type of advertiser has the same
problem; namely to be believed. The mall-order man knows nothing
so potent for this purpose as the testimonial, yet the general
advertiser seldom uses it.'
Testimonials from celebrities get remarkably high readership, and if they are honestly
written they still do not seem to provoke incredulity. The better known the celebrity, the
more readers you will attract. We have featured gueen Elizabeth and Winston Churchill
in 'Come to Britain' advertisements, and we were able to persuade Mrs. Roosevelt to make
television commercials for Good Luck Margarine. When we advertised charge accounts
for Sears, Roebuck, we reproduced the credit card of Ted Williams, 'recently traded by
Boston to Sears:
4. Another profitable gambit is to give the reader helpful advice, or
service. It hooks about 75 per cent more readers than copy which
deals entirely with the product.
5. I have never admired the belles lettres school of advertising, which
reached its pompous peak in Theodore F. MacManus' famous
advertisement for Cadillac, The Penalty of Leadership: and Ned

Jordan's classic, 'Somewhere West of Laramie: Forty years ago the

business community seems to have been impressed by these pieces
of purple prose, but I have always thought them absurd; they did
not give the reader a single fact. I share Claude Hopkins' view that
'fine writing is a distinct disadvantage. So is unique literary style.
They take attention away from the subject:
6. Avoid bombast. Raymond Rubicam's famous slogan for Squlbb, The
priceless ingredient of every product is the honor and integrity of its
maker,' reminds me of my father's advice: when a company boasts
about its integrity, or a woman about her virtue, avoid the former
and cultivate the latter.
7. Unless you have some special reason to be solemn and pretentious,
write your copy in the colloquial language which your customers use
in everyday conversation."
Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz had this valuable advice reprinted
in 'Board Room Reports' and reprinted with permission by Jay Abraham:
"Let's get right down to the heart of the matter. The power, the force. the overwhelming
urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself, and not from the
copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears
and desires that already exist in the hearts of millions of people. and focus those alreadyexisting desires onto a particular product. This is the copywriter's task: not to create
this mass desire -- but to channel and direct it.
The copywriter, in his work, uses three tools: his own knowledge of people's hopes,
dreams, desires and emotions; his client's product; and the advertising message, which
connects the two.
The copywriter performs his work in three stages. In general, they go something like this:
1. Choose the most powerful desire that can possibly be applied to your
Every mass desire has three vital dimensions. The first is urgency, intensity and degree
of demand to be satisfied. For example. constant arthritic pains compared to a minor
headache. The second dimension is staying power, degree of repetition and the inability
to become satiated. For example, raw hunger compared to a craving for gourmet foods.
And the third dimension is scope -- the number of people who share this desire. For
example. the number of men willing to pay $10 for an automotive accessory that saves
gas -- as compared to those willing to pay the same price for one that merely prevents
future repair bills.
Every product appeals to two, three or four of these mass desires. But only one can
predominate; only one can reach out through your headline to your customer. Only one
is the key that unlocks the maximum economic power at the particular time your
advertisement is published. Your choice among these alternate desires is the most
important step you will take in writing your ad. If it is wrong. nothing else that you do
in the ad will matter. This choice is embodied in your headline.
To sum up, you try to choose the mass desire that gives you the most power in all three

dimenslons. you try to tap a single overwhelm1ng desire existing today In the hearts and
minds of rn1llions of people who are actively seeking to satisfy It at this very moment.
2. Acknowledge that desire -- reinforce It -- and/or offer the means to
satisfy It -- In a single statement In the headline of your ad. This
headline Is the bridge between your prospect and your product. It
touches your prospect at the point of awareness that he has arrived
at today. If he Is aware of your product. and realizes that It can
satisfy his desire. your headline starls with your product. If he Is
not aware of your product. but only of the desire Itself. your headline
starls with desire. And. If he Is not yet aware of what he really
seeks. but Is concerned only with a general problem. your headline
starls with that problem and crysta1lzes It Into a specific need.
In any case. your headline -- though It may never mention your product -- Is the first
vital step In recognizing this mass desire -- justlf'ylng and Intens!f'ylng It -- and d1rectlng
Its solution along with one specific path.
3. And then you take the series of performances that are built Into your
product -- what your product does -- and you show your prospect
how these product performances Inevitably satisfy that desire.
In reality. every product you are given to sell Is actually two products. One of them Is the
physical product -- the steel. glass. paper or tobacco that the manufacturer has shaped
Into a particular pattern. of which he Is justly proud. The other Is the functional product
-- the product In action -- the series of benefits that your product performs for your
customer. and on the basis of which he buys your product.
The physical part of your product Is of value only because It enables your product to do
things for people. The Important part of your product Is what It does. The rest -- the
steel skeleton -- the chrome or metal case that you actually deliver to your customer -Is only your excuse for charging them your price. What they are really paying you for Is
what the product will do.
No physical part of your product can ever become a headline. No one wl1l buy the size
of your client's plant or the weight of your client's steel. These facts can only be used.
later on. to document and reinforce the primary performance that you promise your
reader In your headline. In the following ways:
By justlf'ylng your price. This Is the common-sense theory that the longer the car. the
more tubes In the television set. the more stitches per Inch In the suite. then the greater
number of dollars your product can command -- If that product first delivers the
performance that your prospect demands.
By documenting the quality of your performance. Tell your prospect the weight of steel
In your car's door. and he's more likely to believe that your car will protect his life If he
should have an accident on the highway. Tell your prospect the number of times your
plant removes the impurities In your face cream. and she's more likely to believe that
your cream will remove the impurities In her skin.
By assuring your prospect that that performance will continue throughout the years.
Ceramic mufflers mean no repalr bl1ls for the life of your car. Chemical-protected paper
means you can hand your prize books down to your children. gulck-frozen food means

you can retain taste and vitamins for months after your purchase.
By sharpening the reader's mental picture of that performance. The Rolls Royce must
give you perfect riding sllence because every metal par! of the chassis is shielded from
every other metal par! by a protective coat of rubber. Helena Rubenstein's new face
cream must make your skin look younger because it contains the placenta of living
And. above all. by giving your product's claim of performance a fresh new basis for
believability. This is the most important use of the physical product in fields where a
new firm or product is attempting to invade an established mass instinct field. Others
have made the same claim before. Your product. in order to pull sales away from them.
must introduce a new mechanism that performs the claim. or a new quallty that assures
its performance. or a new freedom from old limitations that improves the performance.
This is the point of difference -- often conceived by the copywriter. and built by the
manufacturer into the product at his recornmendation.
So much for the physical product. It is always subordinated to the functional product -

- the product in action -- what the product does.

It is the performance of your product. sansfytng the mass desire of your market. that

provides the selling power of your ad. Your first task. then. in studying your product. is
to list the number of different performances it contalns -- to group these performances
against the mass desires that each of them satisfies -- and then to feature the one
performance that will harness the greatest sales power into your product at that
particular time.
Take the automobile. for example. Every automobile offers its prospective owner several
different and distinct sets of performances.
It offers him transportation. The ability to carry himself. his family. his luggage. and
perhaps (In the case of station wagons) his pets and his furniture from place to place.
It offers him dependability. The freedom from breakdown. stalling. poor performance.
repair bills. embarrassment and inconvenience.
It offers him economy. Inexpensive transportation: savings In both gas and oil: freedom
from repair bills. seen this time from the point of view of the pocket book: durability. high
trade-in value. low Insurance cost.
It offers him power. Number of horses at his command; take-off at the lights;
acceleration on hills and in traffic: top speed. even lf he never uses It. All adding up to
a feeling of dominance on the highway.
It offers him recognition. Admiration. status. subtle and accepted bragging. envy. the
feeling ofhavlng arrived. The oohs and ahs of his neighbors. the first ride. the very smell
ofa new car.
It offers him value. The number of feet of steel he can command for the price. High
trade-in value over the years. The fact that the car can last for 100.000 miles. even if he
can afford to trade it in every year.
It offers him novelty. Power steering ten years ago -- electric mirrors today. Three-tone

paint jobs yesterday -- 1r1descent paints now.

pacesetter, the proven pioneer.

The thrill of being the leader, the

And many more. Some of them hidden, never admitted, discovered only recently by
motivation research. Dozens of different performances, buUt into the same product. each
of them reaching out and tapping a different desire -- a distinct public.
And yet, your ad can feature only one of these performances; can effectively tap only one
mass desire at a time.
Your headline is limited by physical space. You have only one glance of the reader's eye
to stop him. He is preoccupied -- he Is not looking for your product or your message -the span of his attention will admlt only one thought to penetrate his indifference during
that glance.
lfyour first thought holds him. he will read the second. if the second holds him. he will
read the third. And if the third thought holds him. he will probably read through your
Every product gives you dozens of keys. But only one will fit the lock. Your job is to find
that one dominant performance -- squeeze every drop of power out of it in your
presentation -- and then convince your reader that performance and satisfaction can
come only from your product."

Australian advertising wizard Chris Newton reminds us of these valuable lessons.

"1. Avoid the 'Name, Rank, and Serial Number' Ad

In many cases, this is little more than a blown-up version of a business card...stating

name, address, phone number, and, perhaps. a slogan. Sometimes It's a product and
a price. I call it the 'Name, Rank. and Serial Number' ad. Call it anything, but don't call
it advertising.
Why do we see this waste of precious advertising dollars? The media must take some of
the responsibility. They hire advertising salespeople to go out and sell space. And when
the advertiser agrees to an ad they say, 'Could you come up with an ad?' The rep Is
expected by their employer to do just this ...wIth no particular skill or knowledge of what
makes ads work In many cases. So, naturally, he or she does the best they can. Hence,
they take the advertiser's card and tum that into an ad. This is a case of the blind
leading the blind.
Another reason for these useless ads Is the belief that plenty of white space Is good
because It gives eye appeal, and 'nobody reads a lot of words anyway!'
This is not true. While it might make the life of the ad rep and the typesetter easier,
years of testing of ad techniques proves that 'the more you tell, the more you sell:
2. Getting Your Name Across Is Not Enough
Don't believe that just because your business' name Is In an ad It is 'getting your name
across.' even If you do see any Immediate response to the ad. It isn't. To 99.9% of
people, your name means nothing unless you give them a hint as to what's in it for them.
You've got to communicate your message through salesmanship.

3. Never Assume
Never assume that because you know what you mean. your reader will.
You live and breathe your business. You know all the product codes, features,
advantages, and benefits of your lines, what they do, why they are more expensIve, or
cheaper, and so on.
Don't expect your prospects, or even your existing customers, to be as famlllar. World'
renowned retaller Murray Raphel called this the 'curse of assumption.'
You've seen ads that do assume. For example, a recent ad we saw limlts Itself to the
followIng headline and mentions only three products.

* 'GIant stock liquidation..all stock must go .. .' The question is, if the
seller has such giant stocks, what are they? In the ad just three
items are listed.
ThIs ad measured 12 ern X 4 columns. The advertiser could have packed In loads of
selling Information.
I may have no interest in the Matchbox, Lego, or Barbie dolls they mention In the ad, but
had they told me they had 100 Monopoly sets, 64 electric trains, four sizes of wading
pools. etc.. they may just hlt on somethIng that wIll have me (and a lot of other people)
rushing to their door. The more they tell, the more they'll sell. As it Is, they assume we
know they carry all those things. But how can we?

* In the same vein, We carry the whole range.'

The advertiser knows what that means, but I don't know what's in the range. If the ad
tells me, It may just spark a sale. Even one more sale may be the difference between the
failure or success of the ad.

* Here's another headline: 'Model 123Gt5 only $45.'

What is a model 123gt5? Because they know it so well, the advertiser just assumes
everybody should know. If, however, the headline explained that thIs particular model
was the new compact photocopier that wlll fit into my office without requlrtng any
expensive alterations, that it is quieter and faster and has a double guarantee, etc., then
I have some basis for getting interested.
Same goes for the awareness of your business and what it does for the prospect.
Remember, you are very close to it. So is your staff. You probably thInk about your
business most of the time. So, naturally, it is hard to remind yourself that most people
are totally and blissfully ignorant of your operation. Murray Raphel recounts the story
of new customers comlng into hts store and asking. 'My, thIs is a nIce store. How long
have you been here?' To whIch he softly replies, Thirty-one years .. .'
4. The most Successful Butcher Doesn't Sell Meat
Butchers' ads, if they get past the 'name, rank. and serial number' style of ad, fall into
the next trap. They compete solely on price.


Now prices in an ad are very effective. They give the reader something to go
on... reassured that they aren't going to be 'ripped off when they get in the door. But
does the really successful trader only sell on price? A top butcher gets there because
customers know they will get constant quallty; knowledgeable. obliging service; advice
when they have a special dish to prepare; and cleanliness.
The person. for instance. buying for a special dinner party isn't after just meat. They
want to be congratulated when the meal is finished. They want to be absolutely sure the
dish wlll be perfect. Clearly. there's an opportunity here. Promote what the customer
really wants ...
* There is the case of a North American brewery which shot ahead of

its competitors when. among other things. they promoted the purity
of their brew. Their vats. they said. were cleaned with a superheated steam. In the wake of their rise in sales. their competitors
complained. 'But we use a super-heated steam. too! What is so
special about that?" Yes.' the first brewers replied. 'but we thought
to tell people about It!'
* Take the Amoco 'Final Filter'...they don't really have more filters.

But. to put it where the consumer can see it makes it an extra

feature ...

* Volvo recently used a slmllar technique. They talk of a car body so

strong, its entire weight can be supported on just one weld point.
PossIbly other makes could. too. But Volvo Is making a pretty
strong point by saying so!
Here's a test: Pick up your Yellow Pages. Turn It to a section totally unfamiliar to you.
That Is. a series of ads for companies about which you know nothing. so you won't have
a 'bras.' Run down the ads and pick the one you'd ring If you were in the market to buy
their product or service. Clearly. you'll pick the ad that tells you the most, creates the
impression that they have the best range. that they know what they are talking about.
etc. It may not be one of the biggest ads. Rather, it will be one that communicates.
5. Expect Immediate Results, Or Don't Write The Ad
Recently we were putting together an ad for a new and rapidly expanding business
management and accounting service. The offer was attractive and exciting. It called for
a fairly detailed explanation In the copy. Thus, it required a big ad space. ThIs ad would
take a hefty sUce of their ad budget. This, I explained to them, was money well spent,
when the response and resulting business were projected...
'But how can we expect to do that with just one placement of the ad? Won't we have to
place it a few times before people become aware of It?' they InteIjected.
The answer to that is no! Except in exceptional circumstances (for example, customer
procurement programs designed to run initially at a loss). every ad should be expected
to pay for Itself. You should expect Immediate results, or don't run the ad.
In practice, possibly 80% of ads run In the hope that they're some
Immeasurable way. Or in some false hope that repetition will somehow tum a dud Into
a successful ad. Tested advertisIng statistics are against it happening. In most cases,

the effectiveness of an ad drops off with each successrve appearance.

By expecting your ad to pay lmmediately, your advertisIng becomes leaner, more efflctent,
and effective. You are then In the company of the most dollar-wise and exacting
advertisers of all. ..the direct-response marketers, who generate sales by telephone or mall
reply. David Ogilvy says, 'Direct-response advertisers ... know to a dollar how much each
advertisement sells. You ... notice Important differences between thelr techniques and the
techniques of general advertisers ... I am convinced that If all advertisers were to follow the
example of their direct-response brethren, they would get more sales per dollar.'
This GUIde shows you how to approach your ads In the way direct marketers do.
6. Guarantee Your Way To Success

You believe In your product, or you wouldn't be selUng It.

So why not guarantee It, and shout the fact In your ads. Your sales will climb because
of It.
Some operators are reluctant to guarantee for fear of losing more than they gain. But the
oppostte Is true. For a start, consIder thls ... you virtually have to guarantee what you sell.
The Trade Practices Act, Consumer Affairs, and various licensIng bodies make sure of
Some operators even fear they'll be swamped with clalms If they promote a money-back
guarantee. But It just won't happen. One manufacturer pays out $5,000 In claims a
year. But, they tum over $16 rnllllori!
Why Is a guarantee, especially a 'no-questions-asked, money-back' guarantee, so
Take our butcher. If he advertises such a generous 'satisfaction-or-your-money-backwith-a-smile' guarantee, trnaglne the confidence he'll create. Providing his product Is
what he says, how can he go wrong? Even If someone does have a complaint, they'll end
up one of his best ambassadors ... You know ABC Butchery? Well, I took some meat
back the other day. They were really nice about It. Their quality Is usually tops. It must
have been an isolated pIece.'
This Is much better than their goIng around saying, 'Ill never go back to ABC Butchery
again!' What's more, they'll broadcast It to everyone but the butcher.
7. Avoid The 'Sale' Syndrome
Used sparingly, 'sales' can be very useful.
But the public these days Is literally assaulted by sales from all directions. Beginning-ofseason sales, end-of-season sales, stock clearance sales, llquldatlon sales ... the public has
a right to be Just a little disbelieving.

If you are a retailer, overstocked and short of cash flow, a sale with 'giant discounts'
seems an easy, quick way out. But cutting your margins as an ongoIng policy is a trap.
Not only are there better ways to move stock, but you have to work twice as hard Just to

be where you were.

Take this example:
Say you normally mark up your Item at 50% above cost. Say the Item Is costing $10,
marked up to $15; that Is, with a $5 profit. On 10 sales at this original price, you'd make
a profit of $50.
Now you have a sale, and discount by 15%. When you discount by 15%, sale price
becomes $12.75. Now your profit Is only $2.75 per sale.
How many do you have to sell just to be where you were? The fact Is, you must sellSOO/o
more units! ($2.75 x IS sales = $49.50.)
Nearly twice the effort to get the same profit!
ThIs question Is often asked at live seminars.
'All that selling the features, advantages and benefits theory Is fine.
compete on price, I'll lose business.'

But If I don't

Well, there's no doubting that some businesses are more price competitive than others.
But often, It Is nowhere near as much as the business operator believes. What's more,
you'll never get all the market. So why try by cutting margins so fine you go out of
In my gourmet delicatessen, our prices were 20% to 30% higher than our competitors up

the road. And certainly higher than the supermarket next door. which carried some of
the same lines. Yet. our business grew and prospered. How was that possible?
By giving top service, friendly service, remembering customers' names. And being
paranoid about quaIlly. They all played a very big part, sure. But, more than that, we
advertised the fact that we gave customers what they really wanted. We told them how
good our product was, In detail, and what It meant to them. And, we established
ourselves as the place to go If you wanted to buy the very best.
A perfect example of how this was achieved Is the 'Discovering Manor Table Cheeses'
brochure we produced. It used the key words to make the reader Interested...
'dlscovertng... 32 really popular (e.g., being really speciflc) ... how to ... Free.'
It presented the product In a knowledgeable, Interesting way. It projected an Image that
we knew our product, so we were the authority on cheeses. Where else would you go?
Importantly, this Infonnatlon didn't talk at the reader. Rather, It gave the reader an easy
way for them to be an 'expert' at their next dinner parly. A powerful motivating factor for
people buying specially cheeses Is to Impress others, so we discovered.
Who do you think made these statements?


(We) will no longer be locked into the stupid price/item race in

newspaper advertising.
The industry has been wasting mllltons of dollars far too long.
Research revealed the ineffectiveness of item and price advertising.
Who said that? The management of the Safeway supermarket chain. in a Business
Review Weekly article.
8. 'Drip-Feeding' Is Better Than One 'Big Bang'
From time to time, you'll blow your budget on advertising. With good reason ... to take
advantage of peak sale periods. But don't use up your funds to the exclusion of
consistent year-round advertising. It is better to slowly build sales consistently, than to
put everything into one or two extravaganzas.
9. Don't Change It Because You Are Tired Of It

An ad should be dropped only when you can come up with another to beat it.
Remember, you are advertising to a 'passing parade,' not a standing army. New people
are seeing it all the time. People move into your market and then out again. What's
more, you may see your ad every time it appears, but your prospects may miss four out
of five.
So, If you have a winner, keep it working!"

Here are John Caples 20 ways to increase the selling power of your ad.
"Use Present Tense, Second Person
Keep hammering at the reader with -- you -- you -- you.
Practically all mail order advertisers use three or more subheads In
every full-page advertisement.
1. They tell your story in brief form to glancers.
2. They get copy read that might otherwise not be read.
Captions get high readership because they add to the interest of the
illustrations and help to explain their meaning.
The most important job of an advertisement Is to center all the
attention on the merchandise and none on the technique of
presenting It.
Use short simple words to express your meaning. Educated readers
understand short words just as well as long words, and the masses
understand short words much better.
Your advertisement should be arranged so that the free information
comes first and the sales talk second. If the sales talk Is placed first,
the reader may never reach the free information section.

Style copy consists mainly of unsupported claims, whereas selling

copy supports its claims with proof.
Arouse Curiosity
An advertisement that gives away its secret in advance Is like a

magician who shows the audience the secret of his tricks before he
performs them.
The statement that '97,482 people have bought one of these
appliances' is stronger than the statement 'Nearly 100,000 of these
appliances have been sold:
Use Long Copy
Advertisers who can trace the direct sales results from their ads use
long copy because It pulls better than short copy.
Write More Copy Than Is Necessary to Fill the Space
We find that copy improves in quality when we cut it. That doesn't
mean that we favor short copy. It means that the copywriter should
write more copy than Is necessary to fill a given space and then boil
it down.
Avoid Helping Your Competitors
An advertisement for a 1V set that describes in general terms the enjoyment

of television helps to sell not only your own 1V sets, but your competitor's
sets as well.
Your advertising will help your sales more If you sell your particular 1V set,
its tone, Its picture quality, Its power, or some other special feature.
Rules of mail order advertising apply with equal force to direct mail.
Rules for headlines, fJrst paragraphs, use of subheads, length of
copy, type of copy, etc.. all may be applied to direct mail.
In some cases understatement copy has shown greater pulling power
than the other kind. Do not weaken your entire advertisement by
giving the impression that you are trying to make your proposition
sound better than it really Is.
Avoid Trick Slogans
Avoid slogans and catchlines that are obviously untrue.
Get Help From Others
It is helpful to take an advertisement or a headline you have just written and
show it to someone else and get his opinion.

Do Not Say That a Salesman Will Call


Some advertisers offer a free booklet in their advertising in order to get the
names and addresses of people interested in the product. After the free
booklet has been mailed, a salesman calls on the prospect. if this is your
plan of action, do not mention in the advertising that a salesman will call.
To do so will cut down your coupon returns at least 75 per cent.

* Study the Selling Copy in Mail Order Catalogues

The next time you are puzzled as to how to sell some product, study a mail
order catalogue and see how the mail order people approach the subject. In
the large mail order catalogues you will find excellent sales talks for almost
every product you can think of.

* Make Every Advertisement a Complete Sales Talk

Write every advertisement as If it were the first and the last word to be said
on the subject. Bring In every Important sales argument.

* Urge The Reader to Act

Every mail order advertisement ends with a strong urge to 'Act Now."

How your ads are laid out and the types of illustrations to use should follow the
suggestion of David Ogllvy,
"Most copywriters think in terms of words, and devote little time to planning their
Illustrations. Yet the Illustration often occupies more space than the copy, and it should
work just as hard to sell the product. It should telegraph the same promise that you
make in your headline.
Dr. Gallup has discovered that the kind of photographs which win awards from camera
clubs -- sensitive, subtle, and beautifully composed -- don't work In advertisements.
What do work are photographs which arouse the reader's CUriosity. He glances at the
photograph and says to himself, What goes on here?' Then he reads your copy to find
out. This Is the trap to set.
Over and over again research has shown that photographs sell more than drawings.
They attract more readers. They deliver more appetite appeal. They are better
remembered. They pull more coupons. And they sell more merchandise. Photographs
represent reality, whereas drawings represent fantasy, which Is less believable.
Advertisements are twice as memorable, on the average, when they are Illustrated In
Avoid historical subjects. They may be useful for advertising whiskey, but for nothing
Don't show enlarged close-ups of the human face; they seem to repel readers.
Keep your illustrations as simple as possible, with the focus of interest on one person.
Crowd scenes don't pull.
Avoid stereotyped situations like grinning housewives pointing fatuously Into open

Always design your layout for the publication In which It will appear. and never approve
It until you have seen how It looks when pasted Into that publication.
There Is no need for advertisements to look like advertisements. If you make them look
like editorial pages. you will attract about 50 per cent more readers. You might think
that the public would resent this trick. but there Is no evidence to suggest that they do.
Magazine editors have discovered that people read the explanatory captions under
photographs more than they read the text of articles; and the same thing Is true of
advertisements. When we analyzed Starch data on Advertisements In life. we found that
on the average twice as many people read the captions as read the body copy. Thus
captions offer you twice the audience you get for body copy. It follows that you should
never use a photograph without putting a caption under It. and each caption should be
a miniature advertisement. complete with brand name and promise.
1. A display subhead of two or three lines, between your headline and

your body copy. will heighten the reader's appetite for the feast to
2. If you start your body copy with a large Initial letter. you will
Increase readership by an average of 13 per cent.
3. Keep your opening paragraph down to a maximum of eleven words.
A long first paragraph frightens readers away. All your paragraphs
should be as short as possible; long paragraphs are fatiguing.
4. After two or three Inches of copy. insert your first cross-head. and
thereafter pepper cross-heads throughout. They keep the reader
marching forward. Make some of them Interrogative. to excite
curiosity In the next run of copy. An Ingenious sequence of boldly
displayed cross-heads can deliver the substance of your entire pitch
to glancers who are too lazy to wade through the text.
5. Set your copy In columns not more than forty characters wide. Most
people acquire their reading habits from newspapers. which use
columns of about twenty-six characters. The wider the measure, the
fewer the readers.
6. Type smaller than 9-polnt Is difficult for most people to read.
7. Serif type Is easier to read than sans serif type.
8. When I was a boy It was fashionable to make copywriters square up
every paragraph. Since then It has been discovered that 'widows'
Increase readership, except at the bottom of a column. where they
make It too easy for the reader to quit.
9. Break up the monotony of long copy by setting key paragraphs in
boldface or italic.
10. Insert lllustrations from time to time.

11. Help the reader into your paragraphs with arrowheads. bullets.
asterisks. and marginal marks.
12. If you have a lot of unrelated facts to recite. don't try to relate them
with cumbersome connectives; simple number them. as I am doing
13. Never set your copy In reverse (white type on a black background),
and never set It over a gray or colored tint. The old school of art
directors believed that these devices forced people to read the copy;
we now know that they make reading physically impossible.
14. If you use leac1lng between paragraphs, you Increase readership by
an average of 12 per cent.
The more typographical changes you make In your headline. the fewer people will read
It. At our agency we run straight through our headlines In the same type face. In the
same size, and In the same weight.
Set your headline. and Indeed your whole advertisement In lower case. Capital letters are
much harder to read, probably because we learn to read In lower case. People read all
their books. newspapers. and magazines In lower case.
Never deface
c1Irectors love
average of 19
they form the

your IIlustration by printing your headline over It. Old-fashioned art

doing this. but It reduces the attention value of the advertisement by an
per cent. Newspaper editors never do It. In general imitate the editors;
reac1lng habits of your customers.

When your advertisement Is to contain a coupon. and you want the maximum returns.
put It at the top. bang In the rnIdc1le. This position pulls 80 per cent more coupons than
the trac1ltional outside-bottom of the page. (Not one advertising man In a hundred knows
H.L. Mencken once said that nobody ever went broke under-estimating the taste of the
American public. That Is not true. I have come to believe that It pays to make all your
layouts project a feeling of good taste, provided that you do It unobtrusively. An ugly
layout suggests an ugly product. There are very few products which do not benefit from
being given a First-Class ticket through life."
We'll let Jay Abraham summarize on how to write a good ad.

'There are five basic concepts to remember when writing a good advertisement:
1. Command attention


Show people the advantage of using your product or service

Prove that what you are advertising has that advantage
Persuade people to grasp that advantage
Make a call to action

The most important purpose of a headline Is to entice the reader to start reac1lng the copy

of the ad. The copy must get read if the ad Is going to pull great results. Your headline
must attract Instantaneous ana Immediate attention. There are two types of headlines
that seem to work best:
1. Headlines that convey how the reader can save. gain. or accomplish
something through the use of your product or service. How it will
increase the reader's mental, physical. financial. social. economical.
or emotional well-being.
2. Or, by acknowledging how the reader can avoid risks, worries,
losses. mistakes. or embarrassment. How it will decrease the
reader's fears of economic ruin. discomfort. boredom. sickness.
loneliness. or prestige.
Who needs a good headline?
Headlines that begin with a question are usually pretty good clinchers. But only if they
ask a question that people want to know the answer to.
Which of these words or phrases would you use?
The words: how. here's these. which, which of these, who else, where, when, what and
why usually outpull their competitors. Using the 'which of these' selling technique is very
effective because it says WhIch do you want?' not, 'Do you want?'
Make the reader a guarantee.
Guarantees In a headline are extremely compelling to readers. Make certain, however,
that you can deliver on your guarantee.
Where would you be without your customers?
Always include the reader in your headline. Remember, you're writing person-to-person.
Only one person will be reading your article at a specific time, so write to that person.
Personalize your company/your product/your service. Try to get your reader involved
in your ad. Induce the reader to participate In the experience. Use the words: you, your
and yourself. They will Involve the reader and make him feel that your ad is directed at
him. Appeal to the emotions of your readers.
The advertisement itself should be Interesting to look at, but not so overwhelming that
potential readers and customers get lost in the copy and fall to derive any message from
it. Sometimes, a little bit of Irregularity or discord in the design actually serves to attract
attention. The advertisement should move or fiow so that your reader's eye is moved
from one focal point to another and on down the page -- pulling the reader in all the time.


The reason a person reads an ad Is to find out, What can this product or service do for
me?' To make your copy hold the attention which your layout and headline have already
won, show people an advantage. It's not what the product Is, but rather, what It can do
for the customer.



This is the final staging before asking for a call to action. It is imperative that you appeal
to the emotions at this point -- for it is the last chance you will have before you ask them
to part with their money. The approach can be negative or positive. but must have
emotion. Aim at your hardest to sell. If you can appeal to them. you've got the rest.


Make an offer: a booklet. a sample. a free demonstration. an extra premium. an
introductory price. a minlature model. a contest. a chart. a free fitting. entry in a contest.
special phone rates for ordering. special bonuses for ordering by phone. or other
motivating inducements.
Since advertising is salesmanship in print. and you're the best salesperson for your
product, that means you should be able to write the best advertisement for your product
-- not an agency. And you can!

* Tape record all conversations you have with your prospects and
customers. Do this dozens of times so you have a good selection of
sales presentations to work with.
* Transcribe the tape recordings. Then number each selllng point you
make in your conversation.
* Give each point a priority number on a scale of I to 10. 10 being


* Cut out each point with a pair of scissors and divide them into three
groups. The first group consists of those points that describe the
benefits of your product. The second group consists of interesting
facts about your product. And the third group consists of those
points that don't really say anything about your product or that
don't really help to advance your presentation.
* Throw the third group away and arrange the other two in rank order
from 10 on down.
* Next. throw out all points with a rating of 5 or less.

* Now. forget that you are writing an ad or sales letter. Instead.

concentrate on writing a memo. A long memo to a friend -- don't try
to be clever.

* Concentrate on selling Just like you did in your conversations with

your prospects and customers!
A proven pattern for a good sales pitch:
1. Say something that gets your reader's attention.

2. Tell the reader why he/she should be Interested.

3. Tell the reader why he/she should believe what you are saying is
4. Prove It's true.
5. Itemize and describe all the benefits of your product.
6. Tell the reader how to order.
7. Tell the reader to order now.
The above outline is an elaboration on the formula: Attention. Interest, Desire, Action.
lf you can remember those four words, you'll write excellent ads.

* Remember, your ad will be read by only one person at a time. Do

not write to the masses -- write to one person.

* Read your copy aloud so you can see where it doesn't flow and where
it needs smoothing out.

* Edit your copy. Take out unnecessary repetitions. Use short

sentences, short paragraphs and everyday English. Use some oneword sentences. One-sentence paragraphs, etc. And use a generous
supply of subheads that make your copy Interesting and easy to
Good advertising is simple salesmanship multiplied! Put your sales pitch into your ads
and you will have multiplied yourself thousands of times over. Then sit back and reap
the rewards."
Most of this advice pertains to space ads and direct mall. We need to touch on a few
more categories. We'll start with Jay's comments on classified ads.

'There are a couple of problems with classifieds. One is: many newspapers and
magazines sort their classlfled sections alphabetically by subject. lf this is the case then
you're going to have to be sure that your first word in the ad is going to fit within that
subject. So that Umits you a little bit because it means that if your ad is for a restaurant,
you have to put 'Restaurant' first in order to get it in the right category, instead of, say,
'Authentic Indian Cuisine:
But if you put words in it that indicate super benefits just for calling, that's what counts
more than anything. Use: 'free,' 'free Information.' 'free literature,' free something. Just
the word 'free,' I don't know what it is about it, but people will go through the classtfled
ads and they'll scan. And every time there's something free, they'll stop. And you'll get
a lot more calls, whether they're quaIlfled as you'd want them to be or not, but at least
you'll get action. You get somebody to talk to.
Another problem is that I personally don't like classified display because I think if you
don't catch your reader with something really strong, It's gone.
But I do believe in multiple insertions in multiple categories. I think that the more times
you put it in, the more hits you'll get. As long as your ad is a sufficient size, you're better
off with four little ads than one big one, as long as the ads contain all the proper
elements. You have four times to sell. Four different chances. Four different
environments. Four different attention-catchers. You can change your headlines. You
can catch different people, rather than blow it out on one big ad.

You can run a full page ad, but make sure to get right-hand placement. Right-hand
placement is everything. Left-hand placement inside a magazine is death. Nobody looks
at it.
But the inside of the front cover (which is the left side) is also a good spot because the
Table of Contents is there. The inside front cover is better than the inside back cover.
If you can get on the front cover, that's of course number one. Then the back page is

number two. Then right side of the page. Then the left side of the first page. Then left
on the back pages. And then the split center spread."

Here is more from Jay on Yellow Pages.

'This is a specialized business wherein the bulk of your customers corne from randomly
searching through the Yellow Pages. You must realize and not underestimate the usage
of this commonly used directory. It should be a 'given' for every business to appear in
the Yellow Pages, and making sure it's utilizing its space effectively." In my opinion,
yellow page advertising is very expensive. A large ad in the yellow pages looks great
but when that big monthly bill rolls in it makes you wonder if its worth it. I like a
small, clean, two-color ad. a brief claim or statement that gives you credibility (e.g.
Over Fifty Years in Business; Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers in the Valley.) Then
in larger print, your unique selling proposition. More effective may be Jay
Abraham's brilliant idea of a free offer of samples or a written report that brings in
their call.

We generally think of TV advertising as the private arena of giant companies.

However. local TV advertising can be surprisingly inexpensive and highly
productive. Almost all companies need outside help with TV commercials. In this
case you need to make a careful selection of an ad agency and give them a mandate
to do exciting work for you.
David Ogilvie advises: 'The purpose of a commercial is not to entertain the viewer, but
to sell him. Horace Schwerin reports that there is no correlation between people liking
commercials and being sold by them. But this does not mean that your commercials
should be deliberately bad-mannered. On the contrary, there is reason to believe that
it pays to make them human and friendly, if you can do so without being unctuous.
In the early days of television, I made the mistake of relying on words to do the selling;
I had been accustomed to raclio, where there are no pictures. I now know that in
television you must make your pictures tell the story; what you show is more important
than what you say. Words and pictures must march together, reinforcing each other.
The only function of the words is to explain what the pictures are showing.
Dr. Gallup reports that if you say something which you don't also illustrate, the viewer
lmmecliately forgets it. I conclude that if you don't show it, there is no point in saying it.
Try running your commercial with the sound turned off; if it doesn't sell without sound,
it is useless.
Most commercials befuddle the viewer by drowning him in 'logorrhea,' a torrent ofwords.
I advise you to restrict yourself to ninety words a minute.
It is true that you can deliver somewhat more selling points in a television commercial

than in a printed advertisement. but the most effective commercials are built around only

one or two points, simply stated.


A hodgepodge of many points leaves the viewer

The purpose of most commercials is to deliver your selling prorn1se In a way the viewer
will remember next time she goes shopping. 1therefore advise you to repeat your prorn1se
at least twice In every commercial, to lIlustrate it pictorially, and to print it on the screen
as a 'title' or 'super.'
The average consumer, poor dear, is now subjected to 10,000 commercials a year. Make
sure that she knows the name of the product being advertised In your commercial.
Repeat it, ad nauseam, throughout. Show it In at least one title. And show her the
package which you want her to recognize In the store.
Make your product the hero of the commercial, as it is the hero of our famous
commercial for Maxwell House Coffee -- just a coffeepot and a cup of coffee -- 'good to the
last drop.' (1 did not Invent this slogan; Theodore Roosevelt did.)
In television advertising you have exactly fifty-eight seconds to make your sale, and your
client is paying $500 (in 1963) a second. Don't mess about with irrelevant lead-Ins.
Start selling In your first frame, and never stop selling until the last.
For products which lend themselves to selling by demonstration -- e.g. cooking
ingredients, make-up, and sinus remedies -- television is the most powerful advertising
medium ever Invented. Success in using it depends more than anything else on your
Ingenuity in devising believable demonstrations.
Dr. Gallup is a fountain of useful Information on how people react to different kinds of
commercials. He tells us that commercials which start by setting up a problem, then
wheeling up your product to solve the problem, then proving the solution by
demonstration, sell four times as many people as commercials which merely preach
about the product.
Dr. Gallup also reports that commercials with a strong element of news are particularly
effective. So you should squeeze every drop of news value out of the material available
for your commercials."

On a slightly different aspect of advertising John Caples compares large ads to small
"1. Small ads don't Impress your dealers as much as large ads.

2. You can't include a long list of names and addresses of your dealers.
3. You can't use color in small ads. It would be too expensive.
4. You can't show an appetite-arousing picture of a lemon pie or a
chocolate cake.
5. You can't create a large volume of sales quickly.
6. You can't create the Impression of Importance of bigness as well as
you can with large ads.
7. You can't show a landscape picture or a family group admiring the
new living room furniture.
8. You can't show an effective picture of your new model car or

9. You can't use certain effective editorial techniques, such as comic

strips or ads that look like magazine articles.
10. You can't get the best positions for your small ads in magazines or
in newspapers.
1. You can run a whole series of small ads for the price of a single full

page. Thus. small ads enable you to advertise frequently at low cost.
2. If you make a variety of products. you can feature a different product
in each ad in a series of small ads.
3. If your product has a variety of uses. you can feature different uses
in different ads.
4. Instead of running a series of pages in a single publication. you can
advertise in six or more publications by using small ads.
5. You can gain flexibility by putting pari of your appropriation into big
ads and part into small ads.
6. You can offer free booklets. literature. samples. and catalogues. You
can make mail order sales.
7. You can get leads for salesmen.
8. In newspapers you can get special paid position, such as running
your wedding ring ad alongside the engagement notices. your baby
carriage ad alongside the birth notices.
9. You can get high readership by using such editorial techniques as
small carioons, news items and picture-caption ads.
10. You can profitably advertise so-called 'limited-market' products or
services as illustrated by headlines such as these: Accounting.
Corns, Drafting, False Teeth. Feet Hurt. Hearing Aids. Kill Rats.
Loans, Maternity Dresses. Shorthand. Stenotype. Toothache. The
reason is this: There is not enough profit in corn remedies. for
example. to support full-page ads. Furthermore. if the reader of a
publication does not have a corn. your full-page ad. no matter how
attractive. will not sell him a corn remedy. On the other hand. if the
reader does have a corn that is bothering him. he will be stopped by
the one-word headline. 'Corns: in a small ad. Since you cannot
predict when the reader's corns will be troublesome. you are better
off with a small ad in every issue of a publication than with a big ad
once in a while."
It is possible to cut your ad cost by arranging various deals, Jay Abraham expWns,

'The sky is the limit when it comes to the klnds of ad deals that can be engineered.

You should know about PI (per-inquiry) and PO (per-order) advertising, and their infinite
PI/PO means that a station or magazine agrees to run your ad or commercial for so much
per lead, or a share of the sales dollars. instead of being paid a flat rate. Normally. PI/PO
advertising is used with mail-order or direct-response-type advertising, where the
resulting lead or order card is sent directly to the TV station. radio station, or publication
so accurate tabulation is no problem.


Customarily, payments to participating media range from 25% to 50% of gross sales or
from $3 to $3.50 per lead, depending on the quality and desirability of the product or
service, and the number of sales or leads it generates. It's smart to be generous,
particularly if you have a repeat-sale product or service, because the generous incentive
induces the medium to run your ad more often or give you more space or more time slots.
Both sides make more money.
If you sell through a retail outlet, go to only one radlo or 1V station in your community

and offer them a percentage of all sales resulting for running your ad whenever they have
unsold time or space.
You can often make slmilar deals with newspapers or city magazines.
Make a slmilar deal with an ad agency, copywriter, graphics house, or production
company to produce your ads on a PO basis -- for a percentage.
Decide how much you're willing to give up, and set some reasonable mlniInum
performance requirements on them. If you're willing to spend 15% of gross sales for
advertising, offer the production people 5% for creating two or three powerful ads or
commercials, then offer the station or publisher 10% for running the ads.
You can make similar deals with movie houses. shopping malls, elevator music
companies -- the sky is virtually the limit. But only deal with media you think can truly
help you, and monitor the results closely, changing ads and media if one doesn't work - or stops working."

My company recently cut the cost of a full page ad in a financial publication from
$3.200 to $2.200 simply by offering a dramatically reduced price from their rate
card and by agreeing to pay up front, The rate card can often be discounted by
making a reduced offer, Try negotiating with all ad media, You can generally make
steeply discounted deals with radio stations and to a lesser extent with TV stations,
The larger and most successful magazines and newspapers tend to be less fiexible
but you don't know until you ask, At least have them take your lowball offer to
their boss,
A final advertising method comes from ad wizard. John Mauldin,
'This brief monograph deals with one of the most interesting forms of marketing -- 'perInquiry' (PD advertising. This is one of the least known forms of advertising, and one of
the most difficult to get into, but because of the reduced risk. it is one of the most
Per-Inquiry advertising is exactly what the name implies. You pay only for the number
of inquiries or the number of orders you receive on a pre-negotiated basis. Therefore.
your risk is substantially reduced since you're not required to pay for an ad up front, but
only on the response you receive from the ad.
For example, I have sold a product for five years. There are some magazines that I am
more willing to place an ad in because I know I can get $2 back on every $2 I spend. If
an ad costs $3,000, and I average $5 per customer, I might expect around 1,200 orders
from two or three magazines that I'm famtllar with.
But some magazines may charge more for a page, and net fewer customers at a higher

cost per thousand (CPM) readers. It's very difficult. lf not impossible, to make a profit
from these magazines. However, I would like to be able to get all the customers I can
from their subscribers. I am not willing to lose money, so I have a dilemma. ThIs Is
where per-inquiry (PO advertising Is most helpful.
I offer the less responsive magazine the opportunity to run my ad, and I will pay them
$2.50 for every order I receive. ThIs allows me to make $2.50 on the order, which Is fair,
and allows them to make some money for their advertising, which Is only fair. If their ad
doesn't pull enough to pay the entire page, It hasn't cost me anything, but they have at
least received something.


I can't list all the people who do per-inquiry advertising, but obvious examples that
everyone has seen Include the late-night commercials for records and tapes, for kitchen
gadgets, books, magazines, and so forth, that run at odd times durtng a television
station's off-hours. These are run on a per-Inquiry basis.
Also, many magazines will accept per-Inquiry advertising, but when you call and ask
them, they Invariably tell you no. Later on, I will tell you how to get around that.
Radio stations will take per-Inquiry advertising. I've worked numerous, very profitable
deals for myself and for the stations on Items particularly adaptable to radio.
In short, just about any advertising medium can be used on a per-Inquiry basis. The
trick Is In getting the owner of the advertising medium to do It and showing him his
benefits. PI can be used to sell almost any physical product, Information services,
Investment services, books, electronic products, Insurance services and so on.

Per-Inquiry advertising Is most frequently used for lead generation (paying so much for
each sales lead that comes Into your office). A particularly good medium for getting sales
leads Is 'card decks' -- those half-Inch or one-Inch stacks of business reply cards that
come In the mall, which you sort through to find a product or service that you are
Interested In and send In the card. If you know you can close a certain percentage of all
leads, you'll be more than willing to pay for sales leads.

I suspect that every medium does some kind of per-inquiry advertising, but some media
are particularly susceptible to per-Inquiry advertising.
1) PrInt Media. Large newspapers will probably not run PI ads. It Is too difficult to verify
the results. However, small newspapers where the owner Is the editor, publisher and
advertising salesman are quite susceptible.
National magazines like TIme and Newsweek would do PI only as trade-offs with other
magazines (If at all) and the probability of doing PI with them Is very slim. However, local
or regional magazines, trade publications and special-Interest magazines are usually
willing to take PI ads. If a publication Is owned by an Individual rather than a large
corporation, the odds are much better.


The card deck Is an Interesting form of print advertising. Nearly all card decks will take
one or two quality PIs.
2) Broadcast MecUa. National N networks will not take PI advertlstng, but local
Independents, cable stations, and cable networks will. They have unsold space which
they would like to put to use.
The bigger the station, the less chance you have of placing your PI ad. For Instance, large
cable networks only take PIs from organizations with sound, proven, cUrect marketing
track records. Breaking Into these markets Is extremely difficult. If you start with
smaller stations, develop a track record, and show them [the larger stations) that their
station can make a profit from your ad, the chance of placing an ad with the network is
greatly increased.
Radio Is a shot in the dark, but lfyou have a good, proven ad, a racUo campaign can be
successful. We'll cUscuss some racUo pitfalls later.


Smaller niches that are normally cUsregarded can add up to serious profit.
example Is 'bounce-back' advertising.

A good

When you receive a product In the mail, advertising pieces for different products are often
enclosed. Most are for products sold by the same company, but often they include ads
from other companies for an Insertion charge of $40 to $60 per thousand.
Approach companies whose typical customer would benefit from your product. and ask
them to Insert your brochure along with their product. Offer them a percentage of each
sale. If they agree, code the brochure coupon so you can tell where the orders come
TWs approach provides extra profits for you and the other business without Increasing
(mailing) costs. Their main business Is not selling ads, but Incidental Income from simply
stuffing a brochure can be quite lucrative.
If you have a music- or youth-oriented Item, bounce-backs work well with book
publishers, specialty Item companies, specialty books, vitamins, mail-order electronics
companies, and companies that sell records on N.

Cater to the mall company's aucUence. Selling life Insurance to buyers of rock music is
probably not very profitable, but selling them an enhancement for their electronic music
equipment, such as a new type of turntable or needle, is of Interest to them.
Statement stuffers are another profitable mecUum that's often overlooked. Enclosing a
brochure In a company's monthly statement really works, which is why you see so many
brochures in your book club or credit card statements.
Large companies generally do not do this on a PI basis. They generally want a percentage
of the sale or they make you pay for printing the mailing piece, but your costs should still
be very small, relative to the return. With the right product, statement stuffers, while not
a pure PI, are close enough to It to be included here.


The key Is to find a medium that gets to your potential customers. Few products have
a truly universal appeal, and certain kinds of advertising reach certain audiences, but
It's not always the obvious. If you're selling an Investment package or an Investment
book, Investment magazines would be obvious. But you might try golf magazines or other
high-ticket sports publications, or magazines that cater to high-Income life-styles, like
travel magazines. Such magazines often get a much better response than obvious
Investment-oriented magazines, simple because your pitch Isn't crowded out by 47
Eveiy medium has down cycles. 1V doesn't sell as much advertising In January,
February, and the summer months. (During those months), stations and networks are
looking for advertising. In September through December, March. and April, the odds of
arranging a PI ad are relatively slim, as those are up months for advertisers. Few
stations will take a PI If they can sell a spot outright. PIs are simply filler space for them,
so make your PI ad available in months when they need advertising.
Magazine space Is also cyclical. Every Industry Is different, so there Is no general rule.
But nearly every magazine has one or two slow periods each year.


When you ask a medium If they'll do PI advertising, about 94% of the time they'll say no.
If you take no for an answer, you've done what they want you to do. They would rather
have you buy advertising.
If everybody thought they could get PI advertising, nobody would buy advertising.

So then, why would a particular advertising medium take PI advertising? There are
several reasons.
1) The most obvious reason Is money. If a magazine can sell 66 pages of advertising In
a 148-page magazine, and has only sold 60, It's got six more pages It can sell. Getting
some money Is better than no money.
Not all magazines agree with this and really do have a policy of no PI. They just cut back
on pages. It Is an Individual matter.
2) It is Important for start-up magazines and customer service-oriented magazines to
have ads to make their magazine look successful. so other advertisers will want to be
Included. You can often go to a new magazine and tell them, 'I'm not familiar with your
magazine, but I'd like to become familiar with It. I'm not willing to gamble with your
rates. If you'll run my ad on a PI basis and I get a good response, then I'll advertise
This Is fair, because you're telling the truth. Anytime you can make a dollar by spending
fifty cents, It's a good response. Most new magazines don't pay off for you If you buy the
space, which Is why you need to be careful advertising In new magazines, and why PI
advertising Is a great testing method. They look successful, and you get to try them with
hardly any risk.

3) Some media think your-product will make them more money on a PI basis than if you
pay. Several groups that knew I did PI advertising have called me to offer a PI deal.
Some magazines and audiences are particularly responsive. and it is much better for
them to take a piece of the action than to sell you space. If you have a good product, a
smart advertising director or an aggressive publisher may seek you out once they
understand that you're into PI business. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened
to me enough that I no longer discount the possibility.
4) Many magazines tell me, 'John, we don't do PIs.' I tell them, 'Fine, if you ever need
an ad or a PI, I can get one to you in 24 hours.' They will call back a few months later
and say, 'John, do you have an ad we can run?' I'll say, 'Sure, what do you want?' I give
them a choice of two or three, and they choose one or the other.
Why do they change their minds? Generally, someone has cancelled on them and they
don't have anything to fill that page. They can't restructure their magazine, and it looks
silly to leave a blank page. They've already got their own house ads in, and they want to
generate some income from the space.
One medium that didn't do PIs tried it in this situation and found they got back almost
65% of their normal income, and they were very pleased. Now, they are quite open to me.
When they get down to the last few days and haven't sold a space, they call me.
There are other organizations that l just send my PI ads. They trust me to pay them, and
they run the ads whenever they want to.
That brings me to one of the most important elements of per-Inquiry advertising -- trust.
An advertising medium does not want to be bothered with orders coming back to them.
It is cumbersome, expensive, and a hassle. They need to be able to trust you to pay
It's much easier if you can provide independent verlflcation of the orders. Otherwise,
your PI business has to be built on personal trust, and it's difficult to get to know
publishers and editors in other clties.
Verlflcation is very easy using an independent accountant. an independent post office
box, or any third party. With 1V and print media that use '800' numbers, independent
verlflcation is even easier. You can call up any of two or three dozen '800' number
services which will take your order and ship it to you the next day. They will answer
these numbers 24 hours a day and charge you $1 to $2.50, depending on the volume and
the amount of information that you need for each order. For 1V and consumer ads, this
is almost mandatory. The large majority of your orders will come from an '800' number,
so the advertising media can get the independent verlflcation, which makes them feel a
lot more comfortable -- and they're more likely to run your ad.

Now you know how per-Inquiry advertising works, but how do you choose the product
and write the ad? No matter how good your product is, a poor direct-response ad will not
generate the dollar volume required to make it a worthwhlle venture for you or the
advertising media. On the other hand, a great response ad with a poor product is Just
as crippled. You need to have the right product with a professional ad.


Don't write your own ad unless you're a professional copywriter. Just because you're
good with words doesn't mean you can write direct-response copy. Countless products
and ad campaigns have been ruined because someone trted to save a couple hundred
dollars by not hlrlng a professional copywriter.
Remember, USE PROFESSIONALS -- DONT MESS wrrn AMATEURS. TIlls goes for
every area of business, but it is especially true in advertising.
Advertising devours people who think it's a very simple occupation. You might use
people who have worked for an advertising agency for a few years and started their own
agency, but check their track record.
One other major note of caution: An ad agency that deals malnly with 1V or print media
is not necessarlly a direct-response agency. There is a world of difference. Most
advertising is image or institutional advertising. To a direct marketer such as myself,
this type of advertising is almost anathema. We don't understand why people do it.
Advertise to get a response, to get people to write back. You can create an image just as
easlly from a direct-response ad as from a 'pure image' ad.
From the agency's point of view, the problem with response advertising is that if the
results don't come in, they lose the account. Find an agency that specializes in directresponse advertising in the many direct-marketing magazines. Don't pick the first agency
you find. Interview at least three or four. You may go back to the first one, but you'll
have some basis for judging his prices and his work.
Don't be afraid to have more than one person or group involved in a marketing program.
I'm currently developing a direct-response 1V ad. I've got four principal writers writing
two ads, which seems like overkill, but working together has created a much better ad
than they would have written individually. Furthermore, because I have friends in the
industry, I've bounced the concept off them. In many cases, I've let them read the ad and
gotten their oplnions.
After you've studied an ad for ten days, you lose your perspective. A professional can
read it in two minutes, and say, You mIssed X points: You're too close to it. and too
familiar with the product. Get help. TIlls goes double with print media. To get an idea
of what type of ads work, thumb through airllne travel magazines and other regional
types of magazines, and look for ads that ask for your order. Note how they look and the
'feel' you get from them, and compare how they differ from image advertising.
Don't be afraid to use alot of words in eight-point type. Sometimes it takes a lot of words
to sell the product by mail. Generally, the more money you're asking for, the more space
and words it'll take. If you're asking for two dollars in the Enquirer for a monograph on
how to lose weight, you can get by with 40 words, but if you're trying to sell a $119 radio,
you need to explain through a magazine rather than going down to the local Radio Shack.
Quallty ads are also important from the advertising medium's standpoint. Shoddylooking workmanship reflects upon them and they don't llke It. They llke to look
professional. I go out of my way to make my per-Inquiry ads look good, as It is a positive
reflection upon the medium.
Remember, you must convince the medium to run your PI ad. It's very difficult to sell a
sloppy piece of workmanship, but if your ad Is crisp and impressive, the chances of
selling it are dramatically increased.

Now we come to the hard part -- getting the ad placed. There are two approaches, direct
and indirect.
The direct approach works with small publications and other advertising media where
an Individual Is both the owner and the advertising salesman. Send him a copy of your
brochure, your ad, or your tape so he'll know what you're talking about when you follow
up with a phone call.
The phrase 'PI ad' conjures up Images of 'sloppy advertising' In the minds of most
advertisers. Overcoming this paranoia Is a major step. Test your ad In five or six media,
get the results, then get an endorsement from the media.
For example, If you are selling a religious Item, run It on three or four religious stations
to prove its success, get the station's testimonials, then send a copy of the ad, along with
your letter, to other religious stations.
This approach Is fairly Impersonal, but If you have a good ad, some stations will pick It
up. Many of them will say, We don't do PIs, but we'll be glad to sell you time.' Your
response should be, 'I don't buy time on stations that I'm not familiar with, but I'll be
glad to do a PI for a couple of weeks (or whatever their cycle Is), then evaluate the
success. If It works, I'll either buy time, or give you the option of continutng as a PI.'
They'll all sit around and say, 'Gee, we don't do this.' Three months later when the owner
comes In, bangs his fist down and says, 'I've got to have more ad revenue, more
production: they'll look around and say, Well, gee, maybe we can get a little bit out of
this. Let's try It.'

Many PIs are placed because of relationships. It's tough to get an advertising manager
who doesn't know you to run a PI. even when he's seen the ad. This Is especially true of
television. Find out which agencies have a relationship with the media that you're
looking at. Pick one agency and give them a piece of the action to convince the media to
use your ad. So much depends on personal relationships that It makes It very difficult
for the newcomers to break in, but with time and persistence, relationships can be
established. After you've run several ads, and they know you, then you can break off
from the agency and do It on your own.
Every medium has different agencies who handle PI. In the broadcast media, ask your
local station what agencies handle the most PI advertising. In the print media, this is not
as Important, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
Remember, trust Is the key element In this relationship. If they're familiar with the
agency, and they've never been burned by them, it Is easier to believe that they won't be
ripped off of any profits that are due them.
PI Is a great way to sell. Do It right and It's a great way to make money.
Icy Hot -- Oh, what a learning example this proved to be!
I met a man who owned a l Ou-year-old 'very old-time' patent-medlclne production
company sell1ng a hokey-soundmg analgesic balm -- a glob of gelatinous goop called Icy

Hot. He wanted to make Icy Hot the nation's most successful mail-order patent medicine
in history.
At first I thought he was crazy. Then he explained the method behind his madness ...
He had carefully studied the arthritis remedy market and concluded that he could make
aggressive Inroads If he could create a powerful promise wedded to a mystique-type
product with a charming persona. The only problem was, he didn't want to spend a dime
on advertising.
There was, however, an Innovative twist... He was willing to spend 115% of the Initial
selllng price to acquire a new customer.
He taught me not to look at advertising from an abstract, nonquantifiable perspective.
as almost everybody else did. Rather. he was willlng to spend money only when he knew
-- absolutely -- that he'd acquire a customer for the expenditure.
And, he later explained, for every new 'start' or first-time customer he put on his mailing
list. he got one out of three people to reorder over and over and over again for life -- or
until someone came up with a cure for arthritis.
The average customer, In fact. ordered six more times a year. forever!
So It made enormously good sense to me when I put a pencil to his equation...

The product sold for $3. It actually cost him a bit more than 48 cents to manufacture,
package. and ship out a jar. He was willing to give someone $3.45 to sell a $3 jar.
Practically speaking, he really was spending only 93 cents -- the 45 cents he lost on every
saie, plus the 48 cent cost of the product.
And for the 93 cent loss, he got nearly one million people to try out his product at least
once. Three hundred and fifty thousand came back at least six times a year at an
average order each time of $10. So -- for a one-time loss of about $930,000 he added
$21 million a year to his business. of which over has was real profit.
A $930,000 loss -- not all Incurred at once -- produced a $10.5 million annual profit.
That alone Is remarkable, but let me tell you how we persuaded people to take all the
marketing, advertising, and promotional risk for us. It's quite fascinating.
I approached magazines, mail-order advertising agencies, and radio and television
stations all with the somewhat novel proposition of running ads for Icy Hot whenever they
had unsold time or space, or the opportunity to Insert something In a package they were
sending out.
I'd allow them to keep alI the money people sent them and I'd send them 45 cents on top
(remember. It sold for $3 and I was offering to pay 115%).
Until I did this, no one had ever paid or offered to pay someone more than the full selling
price In exchange for assuming all the selling risk.
ThIs offer took the advertising marketplace by storm, and Injust under a year I had set
up -- solely on a variable/contingency basis -- over 1,000 separate arrangements with

magazines, newspapers, television stations, radio stations, catalog name


And each and every day, we'd get 5,000 to 10,000 new orders for first-time customers.
And one out of every three of those would reorder over and over again forever. Plus the
advertising we secured -- at absolutely no charge -- generated unbelievable demand at
the retail level for our product. which we'd originally decided not to sellin stores.
We conservatively figured that in one year, our P.I. (per inquiry) advertising for Icy Hot,
generated over $10 mlllion worth of advertising exposure at no charge.
In fact, retail demand for Icy Hot became so acute, due to all the free advertising, that we
'accidentally' forced retail distribution and bullt up a $4 million retail business on top of
our mall-order sales, all without EVER sending one salesperson into the field. All we had
to instail were telephone order coordinators to maintain and manage the retail business.
EPILOGUE -- the product became so successful that G. D. Searle, the big pharmaceutical
house. bought the company for many millions of dollars.


Chapter 10

When you let a prospective customer slip through your fingers, you've just wasted:
1) the money that you've spent bringing that customer in, 2) the one-time sale
profits, and most importantiy, 3) any residual future profits from that customer.
I cannot stress enough the importance of following up leads and prospective client
Your prospects can be the public in general or specific individuals who have
responded to your advertising but still haven't purchased. Jay Abraham gives a
laundry list of devices to turn prospects into buyers.
"It surprises me that most companies never put themselves in their customer's or
prospect's position. Why else would they make doing business with them so hard?
If someone calis your company and a telephone operator is their first contact, can that
operator make a compelling response to the prospects' or customers' requests? When
people come into your store, how well-versed are your sales clerks? How much time have
you spent in preparing dialogues, phrases, questions, and advice for your people to ask
or offer to customers? How willing are you or your people to answer questions and
render truly informative advice, even if it does not dlrectly or lmmediately benefit you?

How easy is it to find things in your store? How conscientiously do you follow up on
sales requests, orders. and inquiries? How well do you keep customers informed on the
status of their order? How much do you take your customers. prospects, and business
for granted? By merely stepping outside your office and walking up to your business
wearing the hypothetical shoes of a prospect. you may see a lot of flaws in your operation.
Once they are remedied, you can dramatically improve your current and repeat business
By making it inviting, easy, informative, nonthreatening. educational. inspiring, and fun
to do business with you, you'llioft your company above your competition.
1. You cannot service too much.
2. You cannot educate enough.
3. You cannot inform too much.
4. You cannot offer too much follow up or follow through too far.
5. You cannot make ordering too easy.
6. You cannot make calling or coming into your business too desirable.
Keep following up tenaciously with any customer or prospect that comes into your
sphere. If someone visits your business, writes you or calls you, don't drop the ball.

Obviously these people are strongly motivated and interested in your product or service - perhaps they're not quite ready to finalize their purchase -- but they're close. By
tenaciously following up, you will move them to decisive action.
Keep call1ng, writing, call1ng, writing, etc., always making certain that every direct or
indirect contact you have with them conveys usefullnforrnation -- not mere sales hype - and is effective in logically advancing the commitment process to completion. And once
you convert those prospects to customers, continue to contact them. Here's why...


Customers' desires and circumstances constantly change. Here's an example of the
moving parade concept that should bring It horne for you ...
I bought a small house some years ago and used an interior designer to help me decorate
it. I could only afford to do a modest job on half the house, spending about $20,000. I
ran out of money, and though the designer knew the house needed a lot more work, she
never called again. Had she called me six months later when I had saved $10,000 more,
and shown sincere interest in what I was doing, she'd have gotten the living room
remodeling job I gave to someone else. Had she called me with a piece of furnIture she
thought I would like, she'd have sold me the $5,000 sofa I bought from someone else.
And had she called me 18 months ago as I was about to move into a new 4,000 square
foot horne, she would have gotten the $150,000 I spent on decorating.
People's circumstances keep changing.
By merely showing regular interest and
continually communtcatlng wtth old customers and prospects, you increase your chances
of prospering.
Face the facts. The marketplace is ambivalent -- even apathetic towards purchasing
anything (especially making major purchases) -- and people are practically paralyzed by
the fear of making wrong decisions. If you can overcome that fear or reluctance to take
action by offering to guarantee their purchase and reverse the risk of buying, you'll get
a lot more business.
Think of It this way... If a customer comes back to you with a problem, a complaint, or
a change of mind. you'd probably give him back his money anyway, right? But few
companies have the willlngness to make the guarantee of risk reversal a strong part of
their sales proposition. I say 'risk reversal' because most of my clients never realize that
whenever a sales proposltlon Is extended to a prospective customer, someone has to take
the risk: either the seller or the buyer.
Far too often, companies make the buyer bear the risk. That's a big mistake. By turning
the tables and taking all the risk off the buyer and assuming It yourself, your sales
proposition is so much more powerful, appealing, and embraceable that considerably
more customers will break out of their paralysis and take advantage of your offer since
there's no risk on their part to do so.
Here's some sample copy to get you going.
bodybuilding cllent:

I wrote this as part of a promotion for a

Your Bullet-Proof Protection...


If, by the 90th day of training on Power Burst principles, you haven't nearly doubled your

strength and Improved your size and/or muscle deflnltion a bare-bones minimum of 200AJ
or better, I want you to write and tell me and I'll gladly refund your entire purchase price
on the spot -- no questions asked.
On the other hand, if my Power Burst Training method produces incredible results for
you, I want you to not only write and tell me about it -- but tell your friends too!
Even if you do decide to stop the program or send for a refund, I want you to keep the
$500 weight training video program for your faith in me now.
--Leo Costa
Personal Weight Trainer
Here is the most liberal guarantee I've ever written (or seen):
Jay Abraham's Totally Risk-Free
lQOO/o Money-Back Double Guarantee...

Purchase as many sets of transcripts as you like. Read them over thoroughly (perhaps
several times each). Then, take the ideas you get from them and Immediately put them
into action.
If you discover that the ideas you use don't payoff, you can get a refund of every penny
you paid up to nine months after you order your transcripts! That's right, TAKE NINE

Or, if you read Jay's consultation transcripts and you feel right away that the information
isn't useful or appropriate for your situation -- and you honestly can't use any of the
ideas you get from it -- Jay will refund your entire purchase price on the spot. No
questions asked. No hard feelings, either.
And here's the best part: Even if you decide to ask for a refund, Jay will send you Gary
Halbert's Advertlsing BrainstormlngTranscript (valued at $2,500) absolutely FREE. Why
such a generous guarantee?
It's Jay's way of assuring you that -- in the remote possiblllty that your business is so
unique or dlfficult that not even his principles can help you -- you won't have to pay for
something you can't use. Jay is purely 'performance based,' and if you honestly can't
benefit from what he teaches or advises, he doesn't want your money. It's that simple.
However, you'll never know until you try. And that's why he's giving you nine months
to validate his concepts beyond any question -- not that they merely can help you make
money, but that they have helped you make money. If they don't, you're not out a dime.
Instead, you get a $2,500 bonus just for your trouble I He can't possibly be any fairer.

Before you get scared about reversing the risk to your customers, let me tell you this
irrefutable fact. When a company reverses the risk and assumes the risk for the
customer -- double or triple sales increases are often the result. Yes, a few customers
will take advantage of your guarantee. But, as a rule, so many people will buy from this
strategy of reversing the risk. that the refund or return levels are virtually unimportant.
Even if you do get refund requests, it's easy to turn those requests and complaints into
compound profits.

Here's Just one example (one I've used several times very successfully) of how you can
actually create a new profit center around your customer requests. Through an
inexplicable maneuver (and though I usually demand that my clients' products and
services are absolutely top-quallty and well-respected), I once took on a 'quick-fix'
consulting client whose product was of Incredibly poor quallty. In fact, he was getting
almost more returns and refund requests than he was making In sales. He was really In
I decided to craft a letter that apologized so unreservedly for the poor quallty of the
product that customers couldn't help but be lmpressed at our sincerity. But what made
this letter really successful was that we offered to make up to the customer for the III will
they felt toward us by giving them incredible savings on similar and kindred products
from sources we had negotiated wholesale prices from. We Invited the customer to slmply
telephone us and tell us what product they had selected, and we would have it shipped
out lmmediately and adjust their account accordingly -- refunding the difference or bllllng
their charge card the slight additional amount.
The customers loved us. They got rid of the terrible purchase they had made and they
got to purchase the top-quality products they really wanted. Everybody (including my
client) won something out of the deal. Of course, if the customer was dead-set on getting
a complete refund, we happlly sent it to them. But so many people took advantage of the
discount pricing on the other products, we ended up making more from the other
products than we did off the original product!


The standard guarantee is to offer customers their money back if they return the product
within thirty days. A stronger guarantee is to let them try your product for free, bllllng
them only after thirty days have expired.
Stronger still is the 'pay only if it valldates' guarantee: They only have to pay your invoIce
after your product has made them, say, five times the price of the product. Or, you can
offer them one of my favorites: The 'better-than-risk-free' guarantee.
Wlll customers take advantage of you when you offer a strong guarantee? A few wtll, but
the money you lose on those customers is a tiny fraction of the increased sales you'll get
by offering the guarantee in the first place.


In addition to the usual money-back guarantee, offer the customer free bonuses they'll
receive along with your product. (Ideally, these bonuses cost you very little, but have a
high perceived value.) The better-than-risk-free offer is this: The customer gets to keep
the bonuses even if he returns the product.
I recommend that when you make your offer, you explain it this way: These bonuses are
worth more than $150, so even if you decide to ask for your money back, you'll be $150
ahead just for trying my product.'
This concept is a powerful extension of working the back-end. Its logic is this: You
should be willing to break even on your initial promotion -- or even lose a little -- if you

know you'll make a profit on the back-end.

Charge less for the 1n1tial purchase. This will bring in new customers -- customers who
were going elsewhere to fulftll their needs. Because these customers will get such a good
deal on their 1n1tial purchase, they'll be bound to come back again. There's your backend.
Add extra incentives to buy. Add an extended warranty or guarantee. Include a free
bonus if they order before a certain date.
Add a special bonus if they pay in full rather than in monthly installments. If you sell
lawnmowers your bonus could be a terrific lawn fertilizer.
Give a bigger sales commission to your salespeople. If your salespeople bring in a new
customer, give them the net profit on the initial sale. You can also have monthly contests
for your sales force. promoting competition. Provide incentives -- like cash prizes. a
dinner for two at a fancy restaurant. or a weekend getaway vacation -- to the top
The more expensive. abstract, complex. and profound the purchasing decision you want
someone to make the more nurturous you have to be. the more questions you have to
answer. the more powerful case you've got to offer. the more credibility you've got to
induce and the more risk reversal you've got to offer. And. often. it's not a simple oneor two-step process. It's a multi-step process. Many people sell items at a very modest
price just to quallfy people. Many people sell books or introductory quantities of a
product just to get somebody as a prospect. That's just the first step. The subsequent
step is nurturously converting them to a larger unit of purchase. or to the next product
or service.
A trip I took to Acapulco really showed me what it takes to win over people who are
reluctant to buy.
In Acapulco. I was totally intrigued by the level of entrepreneurial1sm I saw. Certain
cultures live by their wits and. in the process. naturally employ the kinds of marketing
techniques I've tried to teach you. Let's start with the beach. The little urchin boys and
girls there are remarkable. When you sit on the beach. all sorts of varied entrepreneurs
come up to you with Varied of marketing approaches.
First. they get to know you -- and are they every charismatic! Then. after they've
developed a rapport with you. they go for the 'hit' -- offering to sell you their jewelry or
clothing items or foodstuffs for a certain price (which seems dirt cheap). You, of course.
refuse. This begins one of the most incredible processes of brilliant selling and marketing
you will ever behold. These 'natural' salespeople try everything from discounting the
price -- to adding more to the purchase (bonusing) they are offering. to guaranteeing the
sale. then to discounting the price again.
They are absolutely the most tenacious. persevering people I've ever observed. Not only
do they never give up. but because they change their pace. their tenacity rarely offends 162

- rather it fascinates and overcomes your resistance. And because they work everybody
Just as hard. Just as enthusiastically, Just as personably, they make a lot of sales -- and
they earn a lot of money (relative to the Mexican economy).
Also, they employ the 'turnabout' proposition (as I call It) and try to buy something from
you -- your watch, Jewelry, shoes, glasses, sunglasses, portable radios, pens, you name
It -- hoping to either: 1) Actually get you to give the desired object to them for free so
they can walk down the beach and resell It to someone else, or 2) Lower your resistance
towards their original offer which, of course, they go right back to when you're least
expecting it.
Probably the greatest attribute I observed In these fascinating young merchants is their
tenaclty. Their pitch, sincerely made to enough quallfled prospects, will always payoff.
Stated differently, the numbers always payoff if you work them properly.
One of the interesting concessionaires on the beach rented horses to ride. This vendor
stationed ten separate pitchmen up and down the beach and each one resoltclted the
same people as they progressively walked down the beach. Each one had a different
approach or pitch. OVERKILL? QUite the opposite. The guy with the horses kept all 25
horses constantly rented by using these ten men. Ten different approaches. Doesn't this
give you ideas???
We engaged a driver, who for $10 an hour, extended himself In manners I'd never seen
done. He was bilingual. He was an exceptional tour guide. He knew everybody. He got
us the best seats at the best shows. He introduced us to the artists. He negotiated our
way around tricky regulatory problems. He was incredible. And he was so rare that
everybody wanted him. He had a backlog. And he made a ton of money on percentage
deals with all the vendors he took us to -- with tips and with extra fees he was able to
charge for every extraordinary service he was able to render.
It proves that anyone willing to extend themselves above and beyond the average will
distinguish themselves in any pursuit. Also, you'll make incredible profits, enjoy amazing
referral and repeat business, and realize remarkable ancillary profit opportunities by
committing yourself to superlative service. If it works such wonders in Mexico, it could
do even greater for you here.
We purchased some art in Mexico. This was even more interesting. The gallery owner
was not a wheeler-dealer. Price was not the marketing premise he built his success on.
Rather, it was elitism. He carefully spent 20 minutes developing our awareness of who
collected his artist's work. Then he showed validating press releases, pictures and
articles about the artist he represented, and nonchalantly offered us refreslunents.
About ten minutes later he brought out a price list for the affiliated Beverly Hills gallery
that was displaying the same artist, and showed us that they were charging $10,000
more, on the average, for the same works he had available.
He kept going back to all the influential politicians, business people, movie stars. etc.,
who owned and collected pieces by the artist that we were interested in. Next, he
explained that only one or two more of each piece would ever be made available (they are
bronze castings). Our party was hooked. We tried to secure a price reduction and were
nicely but firmly informed that this gallery never did that, and that they were already
offering the piece for about $10,000 less than It was selling for In Los Angeles. He came
back innovatively with a willingness to take payments for as long as nine months -- but
still no discount.

Our friends bought a $35,000 sculpture. On the way out the door, a salesman
confronted us with an armful of bracelets. 'How much?' we asked. First it was X. Too
much. Okay, he came down, first on a package price for his entire inventory, then on a
better per-bracelet price. Back and forth, back and forth. He'd add an extra bonus
occasionally. Never did he lose his smile, his perseverance, or his sincere enthusiasm.
We left, buying 30 or more bracelets.
My point in all this? It's to show you that perseverance, playing the numbers, packaging,
discounting. and trying various hot button approaches almost always win out. It's also
to teach you that service almost always buoys your business to the top. It's also to teach
you to carefully observe how all sorts of business people succeed and to incorporate (or
at least pennlt) their techniques into a fabric of your marketing wherever applicable.
Finally, I want to remind you of the Immutable law of probability and outcome. Make a
good pitch or sales presentation to enough people every day or every week, trying out
enough various twists, and you cannot help but succeed. I learned or relearned a lot
from observing the entrepreneurs of Mexico. What can you learn from observing
entrepreneurs all around you? F. W. Statler, the famous hotel man, said: Life is service.
The one who progresses the most is Invariably the one who gives a little more, or a little
better, service. Think about it.
Offer package deals. Packaging is absolutely one of the most effective marketing
maneuvers for winning people over. I have been enticed by the package concept myself - for a Hawallan vacation. It was a wonderful 'package' that a classy travel agent put
together called, 'Posh Hawall.' 'Posh' -- what image does that conjure up in your mind?
In mine, it's class and quality. Here's the neat package 'Posh' offered me:
It started out with first-class airfare from Los Angeles to Hawan. followed by beautiful
hotel accommodations overlooking the magnificent Maut beach in large, SUite-sized
rooms. at the luxurious Marriott. Add to that a top-of-the-line Chrysler New Yorker
sedan and some high-end sightseeing tours, and you'll begin to see what a wonderful
value this all represents for less than $5,000. Parenthetically, when I'd arranged my own
luxury trips in the past, I, too, would travel first-class. I, too, would rent a top-of-the-line
automobile. and I. too, would reserve an ocean-view room at the same Marriott. The only
difference lay in the increased cost and time I spent planning. When I'd do it myself, it
would cost nearly $10,000 and I'd always have problems and difficulties. With 'Posh
Hawall,' everything was taken care of for me and it cost less than half the price.
That 'package' sold me on the concepts of value, luxury, reduction of grief, and
tremendous cost savings.
Let's look at other packaging concepts I've responded to in the past. A few years ago, a
little English guy came to me with a very appealing proposal. For $240, he would
meticulously take care of my automobile every week for 13 weeks. He promised to come
to my office or home (or wherever my car might be on Thursday afternoon), and he'd
painstakingly hand wash. wax, and chamois the car. Plus anytime for three months -he'd repeat the meticulous detalljob absolutely free. Three months worth ofweekiy hand
washing along with as many detailings as I required, all for just $240.
At first I balked. The price seemed high. But the tenacious Englishman asked me to put
a qutck pencil to it. He pointed out that a good detalljob inside and out for my Mercedes
sedan would easily cost $100. I agreed. He further asked what I pald to have the car

hand washed. I replied $15 to $20. And he pointed out that I had to go to the car wash,
the car wash didn't come to me.
He mentally tabulated 13 X $20 plus $100, and pointed out that it was costing me $360
right now, not counting time and inconvenience, to get my car washed and waxed, and
for 33% less, he'd do it all, come to me to do it, and he'd perform additional details free
whenever needed. His package, coupled with his ability to educate me to the real facts
about what I was already paying, really sold me.
Moreover, by repackaging your existing product or service, or at least an introductory
product or service designed to win people over to you, you can build tremendous ongoing
or renewable business No matter what products or services you market. by packaging
together a value and benefit combination of features for a single, fixed price -- you can
own your market, provided you carefully and effectively inform and educate your prospect
to properly perceive and desire the combined value you are offering. Look within your
existing business for ways to package your products and services.
For example: If you've got a plumbing company, consider packaging annual maintenance
agreements wherein you offer quarterly routing of all pipes, free 24-hour-a-day emergency
service and annual replacement of all Ioose-flttlng washers and valves. By charging an
annual fee, which you bill quarterly to the homeowner's credit card, you make such an
offer irresistible.
Tree surgeons could offer monthly t:rirrun:lng maintenance for an annual fee -- again,
breaking the fee down into modest, nonthreatening monthly or quarterly installments.
If you own a gas station, package quarterly tune-ups with free fill-up and other various
mechanical services -- all for a discount over what it would cost If individually purchased
-- then reduce the cost by bUling it quarterly.

It you're a dentist, offer annual cleaning, maintenance, check-up, for free or other
services for a modest fee blllable monthly to a charge card.
If you're a clothing retailer, you could try out a four-Item wardrobe of two pairs of
pants/slacks each season, two shirts or blouses, two jackets/sport coats each season for
the next four seasons or year for 'X' dollars -- chargeable to a credit card in four equal
If you are an office supply company, you could offer a basic plan of standard office
supplies, t.e., all the yellow pads, staples, and paper clips you can use and up to 500 or
5,000 sheets of copier paper a month for 'X' dollars per employee.
If you are a hairdresser, you could offer eight stylings a year plus unlimited trims, when
and as needed, plus one perm or partial perm a year as desired, all for a flat annual price
payable or blllable to a credit card on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Well, you can let your imagination pretty much go wild.


Remember these points,

1. The more synergy you can bring together In your package, the

2. By setting people up on an annuallzed service orientation, you

position them favorably for perpetually renewing the arrangement

every year -- thus turning a one-shot sale into a perpetual one.
3. By reducing the cost to a modest and nonthreatening monthly or
quarterly payment, you dramatically increase appeal.
4. By using simple, nonthreatening terms like, 'billable quarterly to
your credit card,' you set up an appealing reason for the customer
to furnish you with their credit card number to automatically charge
every three months, without the hassle of normal corporate billing
5. By assembling a lot of different products or services together into
one package, you can sell a lot of normally 1lmlted-appeal or slow
items or services. Even though you may discount the price on a
given item or service, you aggregate more total profit per customer
or per sale that even a 50"10 reduction in pricing could translate into
a 300"10 increase in realized profit. You'll be able to control your
inventory far more efficiently, and you can use packaging to rid
yourself of a poor-selling product line. Don't, however, make the
mistake of offering a product nobody wants within your package.
That one unwanted item could turn them off to the rest of the
6. Don't forget, you have to first educate the marketplace before they
can be expected to see and then seize the value you are offering.
7. Packaging offers enormous opportunity to tie up a lot of people, for
a lot of purposes, for a long, long time and lock in a predictable and
dependable stream of cash flow and profits you can build on. Give
packaging a serious thought no matter what business you are in.
One more point. Packaging brings 'value' to the mind of many consumers, so packaging
should have tremendous appeal in any business slowdown.
I once had a client who desperately needed a premium bonus to offer prior customers to
get them to repurchase. He told me he was willing to spend $4 to $6 for the bonus, but
he lamented his terrible difficulty in finding a high-perceived-value, product or service he
could 'tack on' to a purchase -- a bonus that would compel an old, Inactive customer to
want to purchase again.
I offered to put together a suitable premium for him provided It was clearly understood
and acknowledged by all concerned that as long as I met or exceeded their $4 to $6
criteria, I could make a fair profit in exchange for involving myself. I point this out
because they were a percent-of-profit client of mine, as well.
Once they agreed, I found a newsletter subscription agency that had a fabulous trial
arrangement with 100 desirable publications. They would allow people to 'try out up to
twenty selected publications for nothing,' The agency received a percentage of all
I could acquire their program for zero dollars. But to preserve goodwill, I offered them
$1 and guaranteed them 10,000 new customers for which they would probably realize

a 4% to 15% conversion rate. I then took the package. modified it slightly with the
subscription agency's approval and permission, and offered it to my client for $3 which,
of course, was $1 to $3 less than they were wllUng to pay. So they were absolutely
deUghted -- plus the perceived or real worlds' dollar value of the package I offered them
exceeded $150, and all they asked their old customers to spend to receive this 'bonus'
was $69 on a keep-the-bonus, 45-day, 100% money-back guarantee basis.
My cUent loved the package. Their old customers loved it even more and they SOLD
20.000 people. I picked up $40,000 in 'packaging' profits in a mere 30-day period just
for putting the bonus program together. The subscription agency made $20,000 they
hadn't expected. I got a generous participation on all renewals, as well as a profit share
from my client, too. All on the up and up, so everyone came out happy. More
importantly, the concept of 'packaging for profit' really hit home for me.


Often, a campaign to generate sales leads is not successful because salespeople become
discouraged in trying to follow up on leads that are unquaIlfied. When sales-people fall
to follow up then opportunities may be missed and prospects may view the company as
uninterested. Salespeople must spend their valuable time selUng to qualified prospects.
A good system is needed to provide sales-people with prospects. It should include:

* A mechanism to get audience response (direct mall, print ads, trade shows).
* A device for quick response to the audience (letter, brochure, sample).
* A follow-up phone call.

* A record of the inquiry noting Its source and interest.

Toll-free numbers should be included for quick audience response. Only after these steps
have been taken should there be any field action. The follow-up phone call Is a key to
the success of the system. It shows the prospect that the company Is concerned.
Questions can be answered, and the next step can be decided.
When recording Inquiries, categorize each one as a 'hot lead' (buytng within three
months), a 'warm lead' (buying within twelve months), 'long-term potential' (not buying
In the next twelve months but still a prospect), 'no potential' (no need for the product or
no authority to make the buying decision), and 'unusable' (no longer in business). As
always -- test, test, test. Record the source of each Inquiry and weed out promotions that
aren't producing qualified leads.


Here are some techniques that successful direct-marketing companies use to get orders
or increase the size of their orders.
1. Offer credit terms. It Is often the case that customers will buy more
if they can buy on credit.


2. Introduce a trade-up offer. A company might offer. for example. that

for an additional $35. the customer can get a typewriter that can
also be used as a computer printer.
3. Increase the assortment. For example. a customer may order a fourcan gift pack of roasted almonds. You might point out the
advantages of purchasing the 'executive gift pack,' which includes
not only roasted almonds. but also cheese. barbecue. and hickory
almonds for only $6.00 more (adding that it's gift-wrapped and
shipped at no additional charge).
4. Offer special packaging. This might include holiday. birthday. or
other special-event gift wrapping. or unique. reusable boxes.
5. Present a compatible item. After a sale is made on prescription
sunglasses. for instance. try to sell the customer a second pair of
glasses at a discount.
6. Offer an extension. New-car dealers and home-appliance retailers.
for example, offer extended warranties or extended service contracts.
7. Make selective price increases. You might try raising prices of hardto-get or hard-to-find products.
8. Increase minimum-order requirements. If you're a business-tobusiness office supply marketer. try increasing the minimum
purchase requirements on selected products.
9. Offer bulk discounts. Some of your customers will respond to bulk
purchases if they get price breaks from you.
10. Offer a premium on specific purchases. For some customers. a free
gift will convince them to buy from you. For example. you could give
the customer a free can of auto polish when he or she purchases an
electric buffer.
11. Introduce 'bundle' deals. Computer marketers have increased sales
by making 'bundled' offers -- e.g., offering a computer. a printer.
software, and paper at a lower price than what the total cost of the
separate items would be.


Companies often overlook common-sense sources of valuable marketing research
information. For example. after one pancake syrup company invested several months of
expensive research to study the feasibility of reducing the amount of maple syrup in its
product. it learned that its major competitor had reduced the maple content a year
earlier. No one bothered to read the label on the competitor's product. For companies
planning to enter a new market or introduce or reposition a product, here are some
resources to consider for gathering research information:

* The local library.

Some libraries have access to computerized


pertodlcal Indexes that can be very helpful.

* Trade assoclations. Most trade associations maintain extensive

libraries with members' annual reports, transcripts' of meetings and
conventions, and other market data.
To locate the trade
associations, consult the Encyclopedla of Associations In your local
library or the Yellow Pages of your local phone book.

* Industry consultants. For a relatively small fee, you can hire an

Industry expert -- someone who has years of experience In your
particular industry. Be sure to check the consultant's references
before hiring.

* Credlt rating services. Check credlt rating services such as Dun &
Bradstreet or TRW. Ask your public library for a copy of Dun &
Bradstreet's Million Dollar Directory.
* The U.S. Government. Since the Freedom of Information Act was
passed In 1967, a great deal of free information has been made
available to the public from the government. More than 100
agencies (e.g., the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the
Food and Drug Administration) can be contacted for Information
about businesses and their products. The agencies are listed In a
publication titled 'How to Find Information About Companies.'
(Available from Washington Researchers, 2812 P Street N.W..
Washington DC, 20007-3062. phone (202) 333-3333.)
* Company publications. Company published magazines. newsletters,
annual reports, stockholders' reports. executive speeches, earnings
statements, and press releases can provide a plethora of valuable

* Information Services. An information service can be hired for about

$35 - $50 an hour. Be sure to specify exactly what you are looking

I learned a wonderful lesson years ago when I was In the self-publishing book and
reporting business. We sold all our publications entirely by mail.
I observed, to my chagrin I might add, that most people wanting to promote and publish
their own book by mail would spend two or three years painstakingly constructing the
editorlal content of their book. They'd then spend another three to nine months
meticulously editing their book or report.
But when It came to the promotion of their book, most of these self-styled publishers
would, quite literally, Invest a 'whopping' day or two throwing together the promotion they
Intended to bear all the responsibility of profitably selling their book. And, of course,
more often than not. their ads bombed and two or three years of their life went down the
drain -- not to mention the 5,000 or 10,000 copies of their book they would Invariably
have already printed up at $3 to $5 apiece.


On the other hand, I observed that the really astute book promoters were the people who
would spend six months to a year palnstakingly crafting not one but two or three totally
separate ads to test out In behalf of a book they'd conceIved. One that wasn't even yet
These logIcal promoters accurately figured that It was more critically Important to vertfy
that the marketplace wanted the book they were contemplating publishing, and that the
ad would bring In more orders than the promotional and publishing expense so that a
profit would be assured.
The smart publisher put the same money that more illogical writers blew on pre-printing
books Into pre-testing the viability of their book concept and testing the pulling power of
their ad.
And, If the market told them that It wasn't Interested In a gIven book concept or an ad
approach, the astute publisher would move on to some other concept, while the more
Illogical 'zealots' wasted all theIr capItal, time and energy on a losIng concept and all they
had to show for It was a garage full of dusty, totally unsellable books.
To ad Insult to Injury consIder tWs:
The difference In refunds between the best written and the worst written book was
negligIble, while the difference between the best written and worst written ad was the
difference between fabulous profits and horrible failure.
But the person who spent all his time and money on promotion and valldatlon efforts got
rich whIle the one who put all his time In writing the book went bust.
Put your effort and money Into validating market Interest. Next, before you spend a ton
of money Investing In production and Inventory, make certain through what I call a 'dry
test' that validates or Invalidates the viability of your advertisIng or promotion.
You need both a product or service that the marketplace Is willing to buy and an
advertising approach that can sell that product or service at a profit.
Unless you have both, why Invest the time and precious capItal Into pursuing a costly
project creating expensIve Inventory or going Into an unprofitable business?

Creative emulation Is not to be confused wIth outright plagiarism. Creative emulation,
as I define It at least, Is the highly-leveraged art of studying and observing all sorts of
effective (and successful) marketing techniques and concepts that companies totally
outsIde of your marketing sphere are using -- and Inventively adapting variations of these
concepts to fresh applications In your business.
Let me first gIve you a few Innovative examples of what I mean to better understand the
A few years ago, I was reading The National Enquirer -- I read everything, and I mean
everythIng, that I can get my hands on -- and I saw a hokey ad offering 'emeralds' for a
mere $3 apiece as part of a purported test. At first glance I viewed this concept as

stupid, but when the ads kept repeating themselves over and over again, and when these
and all kinds of other renditions like complete fishing sets for $4 and knife sets for $5
began appearing in all sorts of magazines and newspapers, I finally took heed and I
realIzed that this 'marketing test' approach and its corresponding advertising rationale
had enormous lateral application into all kinds of marketing areas I was involved in, So
I started creatively emulating the marketing test concept I'd discovered over to newsletter
offers. We applied it to course offers, we adapted it to seminar offers, to transcripts, to
computer software, to art, to pest control services, to restaurants, to all sorts of
situations that the original creator had never imagined.
Did it work for me? Did it ever! Combined, I think it generated over $10 million -- plus
five of my competitors totally plagiarized my adaptation to the tune of nearly $6 mtlllon
more. So a casual observation of a concept I came across in a magazine turned into
nearly $20 million worth of sales and probably $5 million worth of profit, not considering
the back-end.
But that's just one example. A few others are in order:
A newsletter publisher friend of mine was sitting in bed reading his Wall Street Journal
and read about a little restaurant in Pennsylvania that allowed customers to pay
whatever price they felt their meal was worth. This restaurant was doing a landslide
business. So my newsletter friend tried a 'name your own price' approach to renewals.
He doubled the number of people renewing and ended up realizing many hundreds of
percent gross profit.
Let me give you one more example of someone seeing a good marketing concept being
applied and adapting it to a totally different application.
Another friend of mine in the precious metals business was reading his mail, and he saw
a solicitation from a nationwide insurance company offering to compare their rates with
his current insurance rates if he'd mail back to them a copy of his current policy. It got
my precious metals dealer friend's mind humming. He came up with a fascinating
He ran ads offering to compare commlssions between his firm and others on certain
negotiable commlssion trades if customers of other firms would mail him a copy of their
confirmation receipt. Over 5,000 people who were ongoing metals traders did just that,
and nearly 800 of them became my friend's customers.
I can go on and on, but I think you get the point. In case, however, you don't see it in
its entirety, allow me to restate it here and now:
1. It's perfectly acceptable to emulate someone else's concept -particularly when you see tangible evidence that it is very
successfully working in some other application.

2. Some of the most successful and profitable marketing breakthroughs

I've ever seen or been personally involved with were adaptations of
concepts other people had developed for totally foreign industries
and businesses.
By cultivating an inquisitive, curious, and investigative attitude and perusing all sorts
of unrelated avenues in search of concept inspiration, you increase your chances of

coming across usable or emulatable ideas manyfold.

Here are some of the research approaches I use when looking for good ideas to adapt:
First, I read as many unrelated publications as possible, looking both at ads as well as
articles. For example, I read all the ads in The Wall Street Journal, The National
Enquirer. Forbes, 1V GUide, USA Today, and my local newspaper. I read all the rags-toriches stories and the marketing columns in all sorts of business and trade publications.
I read biographies of self-made successes, looking for the specific techniques these people
cultivated so I can apply them. I look backwards -- two to twenty years or more -- to
concepts that were successful long ago and that could be revised and applied today.
I observe everybody and everything in stores, at theaters, at restaurants, on menus, and
on billboards. I listen to people talk in groups -- at parties, around hotel lobbies, and
poolside. I sit in airports and listen. I stay up late and watch the hokey-seemlng latenight 1V commercials for mail-order companies and car dealers looking for valuable
ideas. I interview people for jobs from all sorts of other fields I'm not familiar with, and
I ask tons of questions.
I've learned to look at things in what I've come to refer to as a 'CAT scan' perspective,
whereby I see things cockeyed and sideways and orbitally and pivotally and vertically and
diagonally, looking for fresh new fits or innovative ways to reconstruct and present a
concept. You should learn to do this, too.
lf you start developing an attitude of emulating the successful concepts other industries
or companies have spent a ton of time and money testing and perfecting, you could save
yourself a lot of wasteful effort and increase your fortunes markedly. At least give the
concept of emulation your serious consideration.


How much is an education in the skills you need to succeed worth to you?
In my time I have paid thousands of dollars to people just to interview them or talk to
them or watch them work. The average businessperson, I find, is leery of someone who
wants to know what they know for free. But If you pay them lavishly for their trouble,
they will be flattered and more than willing to teach you.
It's a way of gaining uncommon leverage. For a mere $200 or so, you can have the
undivided attention of someone with twenty years of experience and millions of dollars
of success stories and possibly that same amount of failure and it can be yours to mine
for all it's worth.
So why not have some fun and set aside a measly $500 or so each month to see two or
three people you've identified as knowledgeable in the fields you want to know more
about? It's an investment in your education and in the future success of your enterprise.
By paying someone for their time, you have the right to tape record the session, ask
probing questions, ask for recommendations, opinions, comments on the competition,
referrals to other vendors, etc.
Can you see the potential for your personal growth if you did this? You could go straight

to the leaders of any field or business around, and simply by paying for the time, have
complete and uninterrupted access to the wealth of insight and knowledge stored inside
the person you interview!
One tip: Be prepared. You're paying for their time, but you may only get one shot at the
person you're interviewing, so don't waste it. Carefully prepare your questions
beforehand, spend the night before reading background material, and have a written
sheet of questions and areas you want to explore with him/her. Don't. simply freewheel
It, as many people are prone to do. You want to leverage your investment. to the hilt.
It's a different. way of looking at the business world, isn't it?"

Here's a review of Jay Abraham's special promotional techniques that can help you
turn prospects into customers,

"How do you promote a brand new, small business? The cost of acquiring a new
customer must be measured against the sum total of what that. customer is worth to you
in sales and profits over his or her expected purchasing life. (It is crucial that you
conduct research to estimate and calculat.e these numbers.)
Let's say a dry cleaner has a 'typical' customer who comes in 18 times a year, and he/she
nets $10 from each visit the cust.omer makes.
Every new customer is worth
approximately $180 a year.
It's vital to understand this 'marginal net worth' concept before you set up any kind of
'grand opening' or special promotion for acquiring new customers.
Until you know precisely how much a new customer is really worth, you can't possibly
determine how much you should or could spend to acquire one, nor can you determine
what kind of promotional event to spend your marketing dollars on.
Our hypothetical dry cleaner det.ermined that a new customer is worth $180 a year, so
he/she could easily afford to spend at least a month's worth of profit (about $15) to
acquire a new customer. Actually, the dry cleaner could afford to spend up to $179 and
still come out $1 ahead in year one, and $180 ahead in year two.
lfyou don't have a lot of capital, why not try a promotion that 'gives away' a discount to
any new customer? For example:
All New Customers Pay Half Price for Their
First Two Visits to Our Dry Cleaners
Modify your offer according to your profit margin, but make the offer cover at least two
visits so the new cust.omer gets into the habit of visiting your store before you bump up
your price. Let them sample your performance, service, and quality first. 'Grand
Opening' or other special promotions should lock in customers for the long term.
Here's another twist on this promotion:
Become a customer of XYZ Dry Cleaners
during our Special Promotion, and

not only will you get your first two visits at

half price, but for the next 12 months when
you bring In at least two pairs of slacks,
we'll do two shirts free.
SInce processing shirts costs only 50 cents, while slacks bring In $3.50, you lock In a
sure profit.
Here's another 'lock-In' technique:
Come to XYZ Dry Cleaners for Three
Months and Your Fourth Month Is Free.
Calculate the average spent per month over the three months, and give a credit for that
amount In month four. In terms of cash flow, this means that Instead of forgoing upfront profits like In the previous examples, three month's profit Is 'banked' before
providing $30 (retail value) worth of dry cleaning. Thls will cost you only $15 for each
customer If you work on a 50% margIn.
The whole purpose of your 'grand opening' or specIal promotion Is not merely to get
people In your door, but to get them committed to come In again and again.
How can you promote a new service-type busIness, such as a gas station/car wash, for
FIgure that the average customer would return twenty times a year, spend $4.75 ($3.50
profit) on a wash and $22 ($4 profit) on gas on each vtstt, You make $7.50 each time,
or $150 In annual profits from every customer.
It would pay to offer a free wash to all new customers living within a two-mile radius -close enough that they'll probably keep coming back. But make them sign up for the free
wash -- filling out a card with theIr name, address, phone number, and also the make
and model of their car -- so you can build a customer/prospect file.
For a whoppIng $1,250 -- the hard cost of giving 1,000 new customers a first-time free
car wash -- you accrue $150,000 In potential profits for the next year. Even If only 10%
of these new customers stick with you, your $1,250 investment pays off ten times over
In the first year, and for years afterward.
Don't make It hard (in any type of busIness) for a new customer to try you out -- put all
the risk on your back. .. not on the customer's. Extend an offer something like this:
If you live In our neIghborhood but have
never tried us out, come In for a free wash
and a free $3.50 Carnauba hot wax. Your
first visit Is on us, so we can get acquainted. But hurry! ThIs offer Is valid
only If you live or work within two miles of
our car wash and have never visited us

That offer Is far more potent than:


$4.50 Wash at Half Price for First-TIme

Customers Only
There are many other ways for service companies to attract new customers.
If you own a pest control service and the average customer calls you three times a year,
it would produce a net profit of $130 a year. You can easily Justify giving him/her the
first bug or flea treatment free. if he/ she agrees to have you come out at least once more
in the first year.

Consider how successfully book clubs operate. The book buyer gives the book club a
penny, and the club in return gives away four free books -- as long as the customer
agrees to buy four more books at full price within two years. The club buys books for $2
each, so for its $8 investment it receives perhaps $80 over the next two years, plus
shipping and handling.
Shouldn't you spend $8 now to get $80 back in 24 months or less -- netting almost $65?
That's an 800% return in just 24 months. Even if you borrow the capital at usurious
rates, you can double or triple your money.
If you're a doctor just starting a practice, your office will overflow with new patients if you
run an ad saying:

I've just opened an office in your neighborhood, and I want to build up my practice, so
I'll give your entire family one free physical,
just to introduce myseif to you. If you need
shots, I'll only charge my real costs.
Every new patient is probably worth $100 a year in profits and at least thousands of
dollars over their life of patronage.
I know some doctors think profit discussions are tacky, but we all need profits to do good
work and survive in business.
If you sell copiers, offer to put a copier into a qualified customer's office for 30 days solely
at your expense -- not theirs -- if they agree to pay for the suppUes they use. If your
equipment really performs, it should sell itself. If it doesn't -- look for another line that
lives up to its reputation.
If you're an art dealer trying to sell quality original art to businesses, why not offer to put
three paintings or etchings on their wall(s) for a one-month trial? They're under no
obUgation unless they damage the paintings, and they agree to either buy them at the
end of thirty days or have you take your art back.
If you're a car dealer, why not allow serious prospects to rent a new car for a half day or
a weekend, by putting a rental deposit on their credit card and leaving their car with you?
Then, if they buy, forgive the rental charge.
If you're a printer, I understand the printing business is extremely cost competitive. Offer
to have your copywriter write a free sales letter or brochure for new clients -- if they'll
agree to have you print some set minimum amount of brochures or letters.


Or. offer free typesetting lfyou get the printing job.

Or. offer the first job at cost. provided it's prepaid -- just to show how good you are.


How can you stimulate more business from your present customer base when business
goes sour'? Here are some neat ideas I've used before They can be related to all retail or
service businesses.
Truthfully admit your problem. and then tie it to an offer. Write or call your customers
and tell them:
Winter is our slowest time and because of the extreme cold and snow
this winter. business is slower than usuai.
We have to pay our full staff of technicians. installers. sales counselors.
and maintenance people whether there's much business or not. I'd Uke
to keep them busy.
I've stocked inventory for a normal winter. but this one is 20% slower
than usual. Since I've got the people and excess inventory. I'm offering
my best customers a complete set of widgets for only X' dollars. which
normally sells for Y dollars.
This is a 25% savings and a 35% lower markup than any other widget
dealer Is currently charging. But. while things are slow and I've got
plenty of inventory. I might as well make you a good deal. Next
summer. demand will increase. and we'll be back-ordered 'x' days
(weeks. months) again.
I've never before made an offer like this. and this offer is only being
made to our very best customers. It's only valid for two weeks. and only
covers my current inventory.
As soon as the weather improves. people start thinking widgets. but

because things are slow now. I'll let you capitalize on my distress ...
I've got an embarrassing problem.
I had to order widgets for April delivery last December. Prices had been
going up and supplies were tight, so I ordered 2.500 widgets in ten
different styles and models. I usually ask for 1.000 and get 700.
This time I got all 2,500, and customer demand for widgets is down
10% this year.
So. I'm badly overstocked. I've got a lot of money tied up in widgets.

and they just aren't moving.


My warehouse Is filled to the ceiling wIth crates of widgets and we'll be

getting two semis full of doodads In a month. r don't have anywhere to
put the little devils!
So, r decided to offer you the chance for the next twelve days to buy
wIdgets from me for only 25% more than r paid for them.

The normal markup for wIdgets Is triple thIs amount, so you can save
$150 to $500 on every wIdget you buy, If you buy wIthin the next two

r checked all ten of our competitors today. They are all asking more than r am for their
The cheapest was 15% higher than our price.
In June -- when demand soars --

r expect wIdget prices to double.

But I need to get some money out of my widgets to put Into doodads.
And If r don't clear out some warehouse space, I'll have to pay
thousands of dollars to rent temporary warehouse space for all those
doodads coming In next month.
After I put my pencil to It all. I decided to pass some savings on to
you ...

A lot of companies are overstocked and/ or have salespeople, servlcepeople, delivery

people, or technicians who aren't fully utilized. My advice to clients suffering these
problems Is to convert thIs problem Into an opportunity for your customers.
Back In 1978, one client had been sitting on $1 million worth of precious gems -- rubles,
sapphires, emeralds, etc. for nearly a year. He had to borrow to finance his Inventory,
and Interest rates were nearly 20%.

r showed the client that If he sold his Inventory at a 20% loss, he was almost breaking
even If he Just Invested the money In T-bills.
Moreover, that same client sold rare coins that made 15% to 20% per sale, and the
average sale was $5,000. Furthermore, the average coin customer repurchased three
times In the first year alone.
lf they sold their $1 million worth of gems for $800,000, that $1 million they had tied up
In Inventory for nearly a year could be converted Into a 300% profit In six months, If they
used the $800,000 sale proceeds to generate (through efficient and effective advertising)
rare coin sales.

r made my point, but the client did the typical thing.

He tried to sell the gems by himself

to avoid my large fee. He sold nothing. Why? Because buyers don't recognize a value
until you educate them.


I subsequently did just that. Here's a summary of the letter I mailed to 20,000 people
that sold out the entire inventory in three days:
First, I told them that we had an unusual inventory of gems that we'd paid for long ago
that were not selllng. I told them that we'd actually paid $1 million cash, and that if
these goods had been sold through regular jewelers, they'd have carried combined price
tags of well over $4 milllon.
All this was true.
I then explained that we needed the cash for our rare coin promotion (also true) and that
I had two choices:
1. Sell back to the wholesalers who'd only pay fire sale prices; or
2. Sell the gems to them (the reader) for what the wholesaler would
pay. plus a modest amount for handling individual sales,
commlsstons. etc.
I reiterated that the same gems from a jeweler would cost at least four times as much.
and I gave them a list and a detailed description of each gem.
Then I challenged them to contact any jeweler for an estimate of what he'd charge for a
stone of that quality. I said that if the jeweler's estimate wasn't at least three times
higher. they shouldn't consider buying the gem from us.
Furthermore, even if I told them that the jeweler's estimate was three times our cost, I
still didn't expect them to buy the stone until it had been sent for them to take to the
same jeweler to vertfy its value, if the jeweler's appraisal was less then three times, we'd
send them a refund.
That concept sold $1 million worth of dead inventory and freed up $800,000 for rare
coins marketing that produced well over $5 million in first-year profits.
Uquidating your excess inventory or offering a discount on some service and utilizing idle
people can get you new customers who w1ll come back over and over -- at full prices.


Tax Problem' promotions near the end of your company's fiscal year can give you tax
deductions and help you roll income into the next fiscal year. Here are the mechanIcs:

Send letters, run ads, or prepare commercials explaining your tax problem -- you made
so much money this year that your tax b1ll has doubled or tripled since last year, and any
more money you make this fiscal year will only cost you additional taxes, So, you really
don't want to make any more money. but (and this is really important) you have
employees you can't layoff and overhead you're locked into, so you're holding a one-timeonly special sale at cost plus enough to cover basic overhead.
No profit above that amount,
Thls rationale allows you to cut prices, still cover costs, and spend a lot of money before

year-end on a sale which is so compelling, customers will buy in droves, You can attract
a lot of new customers and move a ton of merchandise.
Explain to your customers that you'd rather have them benefit from the savings than pay
huge parts of your profits to the IRS.
But remember, openly acknowledge that you are offering the customer the deal of a
llfetime. You'll gain his/her goodwill, and when your prices go back to normal after yearend, he or she wlll continue to patronize your business.
This powerful promotional technique is a terrific source to attract new customers.


Another equally powerful technique (which has generated rnlllions for me) is my
'Marketing Test' approach.
You offer a product or service that normally has a high retail price for an incredibly low
'marketing test' price. You must give an honest and believable rationale for the discount.
then put qualifying exceptions and realistic stipulations on your offer.
I did it with expensive investment newsletters, offering them to first-time subscribers for
just $19, provided they met certain criteria:
1. They were first-time subscribers.

2. They weren't making credit card orders (because they were too
expensive for us to process).
3. They didn't expect bonus gifts to be included in the offer.
My rationale (which I explained thoroughly to the consumer) for offering a $95 to $195
a year newsletter for $19 was this:
1. I wanted to see exactly what bearing price alone had on the success
of a newsletter promotion.
2. I'd persuaded a handful of outstanding publishers who genuinely
believed they could give profitable investment advice to charge only
what it actually cost them to publish the letter, because if their
advice did payoff handsomely, trial subscribers would be fools not
to renew at the full retail price.
3. I made only a modest profit on the $19 sale, but would make 25%
on all renewals, so if only 25% of the people who responded to the
$19 offer renewed at the full price one year later, I'd make hundreds
of thousands of dollars -- which I did.
The marketing test concept works for any high-margined, repeat-business service or
product. It works for health clubs, termite services, weight-loss clinics. etc.
This is a multimillion-dollar promotional concept. Respect its power and think through

Its application for your business.



One of my favorite special promotions Is the etbical bribe -- an irresistible deal on a

desirable product or service that a lot of people are Interested In, such as collections of
books, educational courses, manuals, artwork, newsletters, or other 'soft dollar,' highperceived-value bonuses.
Articulate your etbical bribe clearly so your prospects can clearly see how It benefits
them. For example:
1. Offer your widgets at a huge discount -- as cheaply as you can while
still reallzmg a profit -- pointing out the specific savings In dollars
and In percentages.
2. Highlight the quality, value and performance of your widget, and
trumpet what It sells for at full list price.
3. Sweeten the pot with a bonus or collection of bonuses (unlike the
'Marketing Test' approach) such as a set of books, reports, a
newsletter, a painting, membership In a club, theater tickets -anytbing with a high perceived value, yet a very low real acquisition
cost for you.
4. Total the value of all the bonuses, plus the retail value of the main
product (or service), and compare the total with the cost of tbis
special offer for the entire package.
5. Carefully analyze the specific dollar and percentage savings again.
This time It's even more impressive because the prospect now
understands the high value of the premlum(s).
6. Double or triple the warranty/guarantee orfree trial. and beefup the
warranty benefits.
7. Finally, tell the customer that even If he/she asks for a refund,
he/ she can keep all the valuable bonuses Just for responding in the
first place.
This gives the customer a 'better-than-risk-free' guarantee, because at the very
worse he/she comes out many dollars ahead, even with a refund request.
This etbical bribe technique has made my clients millions of dollars. Crafted correctly,
It has never, ever failed to work.
Play around with variations of these promotional concepts to adapt to your product or
service for your letters, display ads, sales pitches or commercials,



It doesn't do you any good to convert a prospect into a customer If they don't follow
through with payment or decide to return the merchandise.
Post-Purchase Reassurance is the simple process of resell1ng your product, your service
and your company to the customer -- reassuring the purchaser that he or she made a
shrewd buy.
By doing that for your customer:
1. You allay any 'post-purchase dissonance' (buyer's remorse) that may
be festering in the mind of your customer, his/her family or
2. You dramatically reduce -- and perhaps eliminate -- the refunds.
exchanges or costly service expenses that disenchantment always
3. You make the customer more receptive to your next offer.
4. You develop a closer relationship with your customers and satisfy
their cravings to be acknowledged.
5. You give yourself an opportunity to recommend a buying strategy
that includes continuous repurchasing.
6. You get the chance to immediately 'upsell' the customer to some
more expensive product or service that you make available
exclusively to them at a preferential price. terms. etc. -- If they buy
it within. let's say. thirty days of the original purchase. If you do it
right, about 25% to 35% of all original customers wll1 respond. and
the added profit will be considerable.
7. You can solicit a customer's sales referral.
8. You can often tum the initial sale into a renewable annual contract
by adding more products or services at a discount.
9. You can explain the use of the product so It will be used more often
and reordered sooner."

My company once had a problem with clients returning a high percentage of the
product they were buying. Jay instructed us to write up a strong statement
extolling the virtues of the product and include it in the order confirmation we sent
them the day following the transaction. We found that broken trades (returned
merchandise) fell off dramatically. Nowadays we include a buck slip (1/4 page card)
with the confirmation that congratulates them on thelrwise decision and tells them
how great the product is and how it will benefit them.


Another strategy that Jay taught us for picking up additional prospects worked well.
We wrote our customers and offered them a special gift (in this case a sUver dollar)

If they would give us the name of a prospective client. We asked them to refer a
friend or relative who we could send our literature to and in turn we would mall
them a gift.

These prospects were highly quallfled and although we didn't get great numbers, the
ones we got were choice.

Once you have referrals or other hot leads you can use the "assumptive letter"
'The essence of this technique is to aim your letter solely at those people who are
seriously thinking about acqutrtng the very product or service you're selling. This is
unlike most direct mail sales letters or lead generating devices which ask a question such
as: 'Have you been thinking about investing in stocks?' or 'Are you thinking about
buying a new car?'
The assumptive approach actually assumes the prospects are inextricably desirous of
acquiring the goods or services you offer. Where the typical sales letter ask -- you state.
For example, in an assumptive letter for a car dealer you would write:
'1 know you're within weeks of trading in your Edsel on a new model but 1 don't know
what you've been thinking of buying. However, before you sign a sales contract, I'd like
you to consider my company's offer for a minute.'
An assumptive letter for a real estate firm looking for listings would begin as follows:

'A friend of yours told me you're about ready to put your horne up for sale. Before you
arbitrarily list your house with any old firm, I'd like to explain to you the ten most
important ways to increase the selling price and reduce the listing period of any horne
yo u ever sell.'
An assumptive letter for a plastic surgeon might be a letter that goes to women between
the ages of 35 to 60 and starts like this:

'A colleague of mine told me you've contemplated cosmetic facial surgery' or 'A friend of
yours suggested I write to you in confidence about the cosmetic surgical procedures my
office performs.'
An assumptive letter for a software company soliciting businesses might read:

'One of your employees asked me to write you about our software' or 'One of my friends
told me you're really fed-up with trying to manage your accounting system manually.'
The main factors that differentiate an assumptrve letter from a typical general sales letter
are that it assumes every recipient is fervently in the market for the product or service
you sell.
To be most effective, the assumptive letter should be personalized with the person's name
and address and laser printed on a computer. Furthermore, the assumptive letter should
offer some enormously informative and educational benefits -- for example, a seminar,
a consultation, free advice, a review, or even a report. These things must genuinely

provide valuable techniques that will help the recipients become more knowledgeable,
better informed, and better-prepared-to-buy customers -- even if they don't buy from your
I repeat: It's critically important that you make a noble informational offer in the
assumptive letter. Also, clearly inform the recipient that your offer of free information
education is being rendered on a no-obligation, totally risk-free basis.
Finally, you must clearly and openly reveal the methods to your seeming madness of
offering information which the recipients can benefit from even if they don't buy from
you. Simply state the fact that, all things being equal, you've found that once you
honestly and conscientiously inform and educate someone, they become a far more
discerning buyer -- and more often than not they tum to your firm once they are
educated to what you're all about.
Conclude an assumptive letter with a clear, concerned request for action. For example:
Whether you're ready to buy today or in two months, you'll make a better buying
decision once you learn these facts. To get the information, call me or my assistant,
Betty, at 555-1234 or send me the enclosed card in the postage-paid envelope I've
Jay learned the following from newsletter and marketing wizard, Gary Halbert.

Gary's premise is that before you can effectively sell to someone you first have to drop
down or up to their comfort zone. Gary uses graphic analogies to lllustrate his point.
A tugboat, for instance, that's attempting to pull a hugh freighter out to sea doesn't heave
a huge heavy cable over to the freighter to connect, rather, they first shoot a thin, fine,
light string-type rope over the bow of the boat for the crew to catch and start pulling up.
Attached to that rope is a slightly heavier rope that's attached to a slightly heavier rope
that's ultimately attached to a heavy massive cable that's fastened to the ship for the ship
to pull.
You can't always pole vault your way to marketing objectives. It's often far more practical
to stair step your way to your sales or marketing goals. Much like a canal uses a series
of progressively raised locks that fIoat a ship through it.
Gary Halbert says you should experlment with non-threatening, big promise, lead
generating ways to gravitate or gently seduce your prospect over to you. For example, an
ad or commercial offering a wonderful demonstration or trial offer for a free gift just for
visitlng your store or office. Or an irresistible introductory price on some extremely
desirable product or service.
You want what you're suggesting. to bring quallfled buyers to you. Too many people try
the slam-dunk, one-shot, sell-a-thon approach.
Consider experlmenting with a
compelling but less threatening proposition, explanation. overture or offer than a full
head-on, one-stop offer. People don't want to be threatened. They fear being asked to
commlt to something they're not sure they want or believe they can afford.
Stair step the sale. call. follow up with a letter, send out informative materials and some
educational offers. Then. follow up again. Let them sample your wares in a risk-free

manner that costs them little. Ultlmately you will win the prospect over to your viewpoint
and to a higher ticket product or service.
Keep in mind that if you can induce hundreds of thousands of people to seek you out
even if it's only initially for a modest purchase or to garner more information on your
product or service, you'll end up nurturing thousands and thousands of customers to
buy over and over again from you. Always try to achieve your goals in a series of
progressively more encompassing, small non-threatening steps. I think you'll sell a lot
more people more easily."

My company once offered a $12 item through the mall. It was timely. a good deal
and so inexpensive that people were prone to go for it. We generated 40,000 leads
in a year-Ioug direct mall campaign. A high percentage of these prospects (maybe
10% to 15%) converted to a more expensive purchase. The average sale on these
secondary purchases was $2,000. Eight years later we can still mall or call these
prospects from time to time and get business.
Not only did we give them an offer low enough to be in their comfort zone but by
doing business with them for the first time we established our credibility. Once we
gained their trust they were easier to sell on our other products.



Chapter 11

Jay Abraham has strong opinions on how to make direct mall work.
'There are four types of direct mail promotions:
1. Direct sales (asking for the order)

2. Lead generating (asking for an inquiry)

3. Third-party endorsements (such as host/parasite deals)
4. Database marketing (mailing to your own customers)



No one will buy your product or service if they're not interested in it. You should only
mail to people who have a history of buying your type of product or service. or who are
logically predisposed to what you're offering.
There are two types of mailing lists:
1. Complied (such as directories. phone books, etc.).

2. Direct response (which includes those people who have ordered

through the mail before and have a proven history of being
responsive). You can buy such lists through list brokers. They are
sorted according to nature of purchase, cost. demographics. or
psychographies, so you can target your mailing to an especially
responsive audience.
In most cases. complied lists do not pull as well as direct-response lists. Always use
direct-response lists before you try complied lists (unless there are no direct-response
lists for your market).


The carrier envelope: The outside packaging which holds the components. It needs to
be enticing enough that it won't be considered just another piece of 'junk mail' and end
up in the recipient's trash.
Accordingly, there are a multitude of decisions to be made about the carrier envelope, like
size. color. postage (meter versus live postage). paper stock and color, whether it should
include a 'teaser' (copy printed on the outside that will entice the recipient to open it).
and so on.
A word about teaser copy. Many opt not to use teaser copy because it Immediately
distinguishes your package as 'junk mall.' However, teaser copy may also lure the reader
into opening an otherwise nondescript envelope. Weigh your decision In the matter of
teaser copy thoroughly. and choose your copy carefully.

The letter: Is the actual sales pitch -- the 'beef of your package. ThIs relays what the
product is, how it can benefit the customer. short, everything that a traditional sales
pitch does.
A brochure: An advertising piece that should further your pitch -- usually more glossy
and colorful than the letter.
A lift note: Any very brief, introductory, easy-to-read note that prompts the recipient to
continue reading.
An order form: Keep it simple:
concise wording.

Standard size, with easy-to-understand, clear, and

A reply envelope: Makes it convenient for the customer to return his order form to you.
Mail-order advertising must tell a complete story to make an immediate sale. There are
no limitations on the amount of copy. The motto is, The more you tell, the more you
sell.' Mail-order can be solo, it can preface sales calls, it can follow sales calls, it can
preface telemarketing, it can follow telemarketing.
In the last decade or so, a set of 'rules' has been established in the direct mail industry
that provide guldeltnes on how to write a good letter, how to call the buyer to action, and
so on. Marketing courses, books, and seminars have made these rules widespread. As
a result, many direct mailings have become similar in content and appearance.
I advise against doing anything wildly different to set your mailing apart. These rules
have become widely used because they work. Testing has proven what techniques work
and which don't. So I advise you to stick with the 'tried and true' format.
There is still room for doing things innovatively to make your direct mailing stand out.
Just keep your creativity balanced and within the realms of good taste. It's OK to
experiment, but do so cautiously. Carefully consider any changes.
You can use direct mail to prospect nationally or locally: to target narrow audiences, like

doctors, lawyers, plumbers, new mothers, right or left-wing political donors, people who
own BMWs or airplanes, pilots, accountants, school teachers, maintenance engineers, name it!
You can use direct mail immediately after a sales or service call to reduce or eliminate

refunds or complaints.
You can use direct mail to solicit or work special segments of your customer base where

it would not be practical to mass-solicit. For example, you may have 10,000 customers,
but only 500 are high-ticket buyers interested in high-end products like expensive shoes
or sweaters. It's not feasible to mail a letter to all 10,000 clients about your new stock
of expensive sweaters when you want the message to go to only 500 primary prospects.
Segmenting mailing lists allows you to focus your offer on the right prospects.
You can use direct mail to promote store traffic by letting potential customers know who,

what, and where you are.

You can use direct mail to introduce your product, service, or business to specific new

areas of your marketing community when your business expands.


You can use direct mail (Instead of display advertising) to generate a list of favorably
disposed prospects. Then you can have salespeople solicit them, cutting your sales
expense by half.
You can use direct mail to Identify and attract any customer, prospect or industry
market. You can use direct mail to revitalize former customers or prospects.
You can use direct mail to lmmediately multiply your sales force 5,000, 10.000 or
100,000 times, all for a mere 35 or so per salesperson. You can use direct mail to
generate leads when it's too expensive to send salespeople out cold-calling.
You can use direct mail to recruit salespeople, executives and specialized personnel
anywhere in the country by zeroing in on targeted lists of specialized professions.
You can use direct mail whenever your company is stuck with overstocked. slow-moving,
imperfect or undesirable inventory or with excess labor capacity you need to put to use.
You can use direct mail to add a mail or telephone order division to your store operations.
You can use direct mail to quickly and accurately test all sorts of sales, pricing.
conceptual, and packaging propositions. Test results will tell you how to expand the
application of the tested concept of 'IV, radio. print, outside sales calls, and
You can use direct mail to promote high-ticket. high-profit products when you don't want
to tie up your money in inventory. By utilizing direct mail to presell special-order items,
you not only get pre-paid orders for positive cash flow; you also can pre-book enough
advance orders to enable you to negotiate a better price from the supplier. And that's
just for starters.
Once you've mastered direct mail, you possess a potent marketing tool that can stretch
your marketing ablUties many times over.


Direct mail has exploded because it is the fastest growing, most profitable and most
easily traceable means of marketing: thanks in part to the phenomenal growth and
sophistication of computer programming and the availabillty of highly specialized mailing
lists, categorized by every imaginable classification. Readily available are compiled lists
that categorize virtually everyone: attorneys, golfers, company presidents, company
personnel managers, company fleet managers, computer experts, members of Elks
Lodges, swimming pool owners, dog owners, horse owners, gardeners, tennis club
members, or what make. model and year of car people own.
That's merely the beginning of the new and sophisticated ways you can microscopically
focus on prospects for any business product. Want to know who subscribes to any of a
thousand different magazines, journals. newspapers. and newsletters? No problem; You
can readily rent the subscribers of all but a tiny handful of pubUcations. Wish you could
tap into the people who bought merchandise from The Sharper Image? Hey, that
customer ltst can be rented. So, too, can the customer lists of nearly 5,000 other mailorder firms.
LIkewise, you can rent Ilsts of voters, of donors. of churchgoers. or of any demographic

designation you can dream up. Thanks to the magic of computers, you can ellmlnate the
possibility of duplicating names, even If you rent a hundred lists. You can avoid wasting
your money mailing to people who hate Junk' mall, You can personalize every letter by
name, address and salutation. It only costs a mere 25 to 35 to personalize each letter!
And, you don't have to sniff around In a mlllion different places In order to ferret out
these mailing lists. Standard Rate and Data Service (1-800-323-4601; 3004 Glenview
Road, Wilmette. IL 60091) and R.L. Polk and Co. (404-447-1280; 6065 Atlantic Blvd.,
SUite E .. Norcross, GA 30071) can provide you with catalogues of their lists. Or check
your local Yellow Pages under 'Mailing Lists.'


Direct mal! has grown Into a multt-blllton dollar Industry. The major players who've
discovered the gold mine of opportunity Include magazine and newsletter publishers,
catalogue companies, department stores, and record and book clubs.
The next time you come home and find a stack of so-called junk mail In your mal! box,
don't pitch It Into your round file! Take a few moments to read a letter or two.
People don't keep mailing these letters because they don't work. They mal! hundreds of
millions because they do work. You, too, can tap this potential marketing technique. All
you need is a basic understanding.


With conventional advertising (like 1V or display ads) it's hard to Identify and correlate
results. But direct mail provides the tools to measure your results to the penny. You
can test and compare all sorts of marketing possibilities.
Direct mail Is the least expensive and most effective way for you to tell your full sales
story to your customers and prospects. I know you have thrown away a lot of direct mal!
literature and wondered just how such advertising could possibly payoff. The successful
direct mal! advertiser knows that a huge percentage of the people who receive a letter
from them will probably do just as you have done: Throw It out. But If the letter is
properly crafted and intelligently tested to a small segment of the list before being
aggressively rolled out. It will indeed get sales from an Impressive number of people.
In my own mailing experiences. we are perfectly satisfied If 95 out of 100 people receiving
our cold prospect mailings don't open It, so long as half of the remalnmg five reply. Let's
look at the math. (It's really strnple.]
1. At a price of approximately 35 a letter, it costs about $350 to mail

out 1,000 letters.

2. If only 2% (20 people) respond with an average sale of $100, the
gross is $2,000 for the $350 spent.
3. Deduct 50% of gross for selling expenses and the $350 for mailing
and advertising. then subtract 10% of the remaining for G&A
(general and administrative) expenses.

4. A mere 2% response can still net almost $600 sheer profit for every
1,000 letters mailed out.
Obviously. Ifmaillng a milllon letters gives the same percentage response (and it will), you
can make a killing. Even half of that yield would still be pretty impressive. These returns
are possible with the right llsts and the right offer.


Let's assume you are in the manufacturing business: You make and sell products
directly or through salespeople. You are succeeding modestly, but you crave larger
Your sales staff calls on each account once every two or three months. Using properly
crafted direct mail, you can calion many more prospects every month. And each 'sales
call' will cost you $1 or less, Instead of $125 or more.
An inteillgently crafted, direct mail offer can present your prospect with all your products
or services, or you can focus special attention on a single product. At their convenience
your prospects can review and reflect on your selling proposition.
Time can work to your advantage. When you mail the prospect a compelling direct mail
letter, your customer isn't time-pressured to say 'yes' or 'no' within the IS minutes your
salesperson would get.
Your prospect has plenty of time to evaluate and reflect on your proposition.

You obviously don't have all the business or customers you would llke to have or you
wouldn't be reading this. Direct mail can help develop new customers and accounts.
You haven't acquired all the cllents you want for a number of reasons:

* It isn't profitable or economical to sollclt them through salespeople

or via ads in magazines, newspapers. radio or N.

* It costs too much time and sales power to convert prospects to

* You don't have a cost-effective way to tdentlfy the best prospects or
to get the prospects to Identify themselves.
Direct mail overcomes all these obstacles, and is a dynamic adjunct to your sales staff.
For just pennies per piece, you can unleash an army of paper salespeople allover the
city. marketing area. or industry you want to penetrate. And, in a surprisingly large
number of cases direct mail does better dollar-for-dollar than salespeople.



The carrier envelope can present a sales message that does the same Job as an ad
headline. The Job of the envelope Is to get the letter opened. Crafted properly, the
envelope can prevent the recipient from throwing away the letter. This envelope can
promise a powerful benefit Inside and get the letter opened and read.
Take a tested headline from your most productive display ad and put It boldly on the
outside, lower left corner of your envelope. Or, boll down the first few words from your
most .effectlve sales pitch and put them on the outside or back of your envelope.
Remember, space Is limited.
Also, postal restrictions limit your message to a certain portion of one side of the front
and back of the envelope. Check with your local Postmaster for current llrnltations. You
must be ruthless In condensing down to the most powerful, high Impact words that
arouse curtoslty.
On the other hand. the envelope may be plaln (white or colored), resembling a personal
letter - with no hint as to Its contents. By disguising your direct mall to look like
personal correspondence. It can get by the secretary and avoid the circular flle.
Some people put distinctive language on the upper left corner of their carrier envelopes,
like 'Executive Offices,' 'President,' Initials, 'Research Department,' or Treasurer.'
Experiment and find what works best for you.
I've used both 'teaser copy' and plain white envelopes. Both worked well. but for different
purposes. Test to see which approach yields the most profitable response.
Keep a written record and a flle of carrier envelopes that got your attention. Remember,
the envelope must get opened In order for the enclosed letter to be read. Once this allImportant task is done, the envelope's job Is over.


The maln selling device Is a letter that looks as much as possible like personal
correspondence. However, most direct mail has become far more elaborate. These
days we see four-color extravaganzas, catalogues, thick brochures and even tapes.
That's not to say that the single letter doesn't work just as well.
'Copy' Is the direct mall term for the words In the sales presentation that help to pique
interest and convince the prospect to buy. call. write. or come In. Its objective Is the
same as your salesperson's: To convey your product's Image through examples, promises
and benefits.
If your business Is successful. It's probably because you know how to sell. You can adapt
those live sales techniques to direct mall. If you currently use radio. 1V or print, It's a
simple transition to direct mall. If you use salespeople, translating your oral sales pitch
to written form should be easy.
Your sales pitch probably contains the following:
* A strong. urgent appeal that creates a need or desire for your
product or service.


* Strong reasons why your product or service can satisfy those


* Tightly edited copy, devoid of needless words and sentences.

* Words that overcome objections.
* Answers to questions.

* A strong close.
You already know the hot buttons, buzz words and strongest propositions. Translate
them onto the printed page. Create a personal letter that conveys your sincerity and the
image that you wish to project. As much as possible, the letter should replicate a one-onone, cozy conversation around the fireplace.
If you decide to include a brochure, test it against no brochure. Don't make the letter

technical. A brochure is the place for hard facts, specs and performance figures.


Joe Karbo was an advertising genius who practiced simplicity. He expressed his
philosophy In a wonderful little book entitled, The Lazy Man's Way to Riches. You should
search out and buy this great book! It's all about Joe's successful experiences in mail
order and includes a simple formula for writing an almost Infallibly successful ad or
mailing piece.
It's so basic that I'm going to paraphrase Joe's suggestions. Joe recommended two
simple tasks in preparing a good mailing piece:
1. Think about all the benefits and advantages your product or service
will bring to the people you're offering them to, and write them down.
2. Pick out the singularly best, most powerful or all-encompassing
advantage. This will be your headline.
A headline should appeal to one or more of four human needs - what he called the "Four
R 's. ,
REINCARNATION: The desire for immortality, youth or vitality.
RECOGNmON: Acknowledgement, Identification or being dtstmgutshed.
ROMANCE: Attractiveness, desirablllty or popularity.
REWARD: Wealth, achievement, money or power.
After he came up with his headline, he would think about what that product should offer
him and what problems he'd like it to solve, and write down all the Ideas that would come
to him. He'd write down every crazy, off-the-wall, wild and fresh thought that his fertile
brain would produce.


His best solutions to copywriting problems came when he turned the task over to his
subconscious and then did something removed from writing - like mowtng the grass or
riding his bike. But he always kept his notepad handy. Joe focused on the desired effect
or results people wanted as opposed to the vehicle people used to get there. He used this
example: His wife thought she wanted an expensive vacuum cleaner or a maid when all
she wanted was an easy way to clean the house.
Joe focused on results. He constantly thought about what his product did better or
cheaper or faster than anyone else's. And he wrote ads and letters geared to that focus.
He told his copywriting students to tWnk about the reasons that would make them buy.
Joe recommended that his students immerse themselves in the facts and figures about
the product. Then after they packed their brains he suggested they go relax and do
something else so that their subconscious would take over.
This process would gestate, then pour out thoughts, ideas, phrases, and copy. He would
sit down when thls creativity started and write. The subconscious edited his outflow.
Once you've written down all that your subconscious gushes out, read it aloud and hear
if what you are reading sounds like conversation. This is crucial. It should feel and
sound like you are talking to another person.
Joe hated sophisticated writing. He felt that as soon as a reader catches on and notices
your attempt to write too clearly, you're done for. All his writing was so natural you
thought you were talking to him across the table.
Joe would have other people read his letter to see if the message was clear. He didn't
worry whether the reader liked his style as much as whether they clearly understood the
offer. If they didn't understand it he'd rework it. If a sentence was unclear, he'd rewrite
it. He felt that, after reading his letter, they should know what his product or service
would do and what it wouldn't do - its advantages and disadvantages - how much it cost
- where and how to buy it or secure more Information - plus one more very unusual
thing. He would always tell his reader about the disadvantages of his product. The
small. weak points. Why? So the reader would believe him. To be completely honest,
Joe felt you must layout the detrimental side. as well as the good. He always told the
truth. It's a powerful selling technique.


Here are specific components your sales letter should contaln:

* It must get the reader's attention with a powerful headline.

* The letter must show distinct advantages in the body copy.

* The letter has to prove or validate your claim of benefits or

advantages through factual examples - comparisons, testimonials or
* The letter must persuade the reader to reach out and seize the
advantage you promise.


* The letter must motivate the reader to act, to respond, order, write,
come in or send back the coupon.


Here's a quick refresher course on headlines. The headline is the ad for the letter. It
flags down readers to read more. Offer the reader a desirable reward for reading the
letter. Tell him how he can gain, save, profit, achieve or accomplish something through
your product or service. Or, show how the product or service will increase mental,
physical, financial, social, spiritual or intellectual well-being, satisfaction or fulfillment.
Show the reader how to avoid, reduce or elimlnate problems, risks, difficulties, worries
or fears by using your product.


After the 'Dear Friend' salutation the body of the letter shows people the advantages of
your product. The reader wants to know: What will the product or service do for me?'
Begin by clearly disclosing a single powerful advantage. Then show more progressive
advantages throughout the letter. When you write the body copy, you are wearing two
hats. You want to sell, but you must also put yourself in the shoes of the reader.
Write the entire letter from the consumer's side. The consumer wants to know the same
things we covered in our discussion of headlines. Body copy is the same as headlines,
only more specific and detailed. Show in words and concrete imagery what they can gain
or save or achieve using your product or service: How will it benefit them?
Here are some desires and needs you might address:

* Improved appearance or health

* Business achievement, advancement, profits or savings
Praise from others

* Becoming a better parent

Influencing others
Expressing yourself more potently
Satisfying curiosity
You must then validate your claim. Facts, and plenty of them, solidify reader conviction
and legtttrruze your offer. People need and want facts as rational reasons for making
emotional buying decisions. Facts and proofs build belief and make the readers feel their
buying decision is wise. Belief is a by-product of emotion. Never forget that the heart
dictates to the head. Your reader wants to believe your letter.


To write a compelling d1rect mail letter first spend time thinking about it. Take the effort
to dissect your product and find fresh new ideas and insights that turn your readers on.
Analyze the claims of your competitors and you'll often come up with imaginative and
convincing arguments for your own product. If you analyze your sales records, customer
profiles and service records, you can generate ideas that readers will really eat up.
I've talked before about viewing your product as if seeing it for the very first time. This
is important because your letter will be the first exposure many readers have to your
Explore all advantages you can offer.


When you present the facts, begin with a statement of basic truth, known and accepted
by the reader. By introducing known facts, you create bel1evability for later statements.
As you present more facts, your reader will unconsciously say, The first statements were
true, so the others must be:
Facts and statements that may impress your reader include:

* Specifics about construction, material and worlananship.

* Facts about the reputation and the standing of your business: Your
facilities, research, location, or night and week-end hours.

* Details about employees' experience, credentials, and skills; how

many people you employ, by Job category; their specializations.

* Special production processes which your competitors don't have.

Also, processes everyone uses that your competitors have never
promoted - even standard operating procedures.
* Usage of data, records and documents or case studies. People love
to see data, even if they can't evaluate it.

* Names of prestigious past or present customers and their

Always use specifics instead of generalizations when citing facts.
arrived at the facts.

And tell how you

Explain clearly and carefully all the sound business reasons why you can offer such a
wondrous deal. For example, if you can produce widgets for one-third the cost of your
competitors, explain the precise dynamics.


Now get your reader to act.

If your headline is great, your body copy loaded with compelling facts. your proof solid,

and your advantage appealing, it still won't be profitable unless you ask the reader to act
- now!
Many good sales letters end flat, by falling to tell the recipient to act. TWs results in a
waste of the momentum you established. A salesperson can get a second chance if they
fall to close but a direct mall letter can't.
Action-inducing techniques should be direct. Tell the reader exactly what to do:
'Pick up the phone and call our customer order lines.'
Or, 'Go to our closest store.'
Or, 'Don't let another day go by without sending in for this free information. Return the
postage-paid reply envelope today.'
Or, 'Send your order before the sale ends. Mall It today.'
You get the idea.
Amplify the appeal of the request for action with risk transferal: Tell them the risk is all
on you. Show the readers they have zero risk or obligation.
I often use these devices to provoke action:

* I ask them to immediately respond to a specific offer totally at my


* I limit the time and restrict the quantity of the offer, clearly
explalning why.

* I explaln in detail the loss of sampling opportunities or free bonuses

the reader will lose by falling to respond in time.

* I provide a better-than-risk-free guarantee that makes It just short

of ludicrous not to take me up on my proposition.

* I tell the reader precisely and in progressive steps exactly how to

For example:
'Pick up the phone.
malntenance offer.

Tell the service representative you're replying to my free lawn

'Give your address and the first day you'll be avallable for a no-obligation, free evaluation.
'Remind the service rep that if you decide to have us malntaln your yard for the next
twelve months, you can cancel services at any time and owe us nothing.
'Be sure to order the full 600/0 off the normal twelve-month service rate with two extra
months free.'



Should your letter be long or short? Make it long enough to tell a complete, informative
and interesting story. People think others won't read long, multi-page letters. That
couldn't be further from the truth.
When I first published Marketing Genius, my first letter was twelve pages long with a
four-page brochure, a coupon, and a ton of teaser copy on the outside of the envelope.
But it was interesting and educational. You'll read any number of pages if a letter
captures your interest. Make your sales letter long enough to tell a complete story and
to thoroughly address all the necessary components.
Don't short-cut to save space. Edit ruthlessly for waste or boring content, but never
Jettison fascinating facts, forceful reasons or specific infonnation that add to your
compelling story.
In Scientific Advertising, Claude Hopkins asks if you had a salesperson calling on a
customer whether you would tell that person to stop their presentation after thirty
seconds to save time? Of course not! You want that salesperson to take as much time
as necessary to make a compelling case. That same applies to sales letters.
My most successful sales letters have been eight, ten, twelve, even 16 pages long. But
every page was fascinating, every paragraph Inforrnatlve, and every section advanced the
case. If you have a hobby or profession, how much will you read on that subject? A
page? A chapter? A book? The answer is: A lot. Provided it is interesting. If your sales
letters are interesting, people will gladly read them.


Your sales letter should be warm, human, sincere, honest, personal and one-on-one.
Your brochure should be technical.
It showcases the attractions, components,
advantages or positive benefits of the product. It should be written in terse one-sentence
or one-paragraph statements that give a solid list of facts and benefits. Reprint or
excerpt your best testimonials, endorsements and recommendations.
Begin your brochure with a headline that summarizes the contents:





Before you list all the data in your brochure, write tight sentences or paragraphs that set
the stage for each cluster of facts and figures. When listing performance characteristics,
for example, preface the list with something like:
You probably are interested in hard facts. These performance characteristics distinguish
our widget from our competitors: Then provide the list. When listing or reprinting
testimonials, preface them with an introductory statement like this:
We are biased in favor of our product. You'd probably like to know what users say about
it, so here are unsolicited testimonials we've received. You can have any of their
addresses and phone numbers if you'd like to contact them: Then, print your
testimonials or endorsements.
At the end of your brochure, summarize and repeat a call to action.
For example:
These are some pretty compelling reasons to purchase or at least try our product risk
free! Don't you agree? Take us up on on our money-back offer. Come in. Or send in
the...Or call in and let us send you .. .'
Also, clearly and prominently restate your guarantee as powerfully as possible, and
summarize the entire proposition. It's absolutely essential.


A coupon-oriented, direct mall offer can track your responses. Write a powerful, oneparagraph statement of affirmation, repeating the offer and the appeal as if the reader
were stating it aloud:
YES!! I agree!! Your proposition is irresistible and your product appears superior. Also,
your bonuses are so darned attractive it's hard to refuse. But your 100% money-back
guarantee, keep-all-the-bonuses, better-than-risk-free proposition is the real reason I am
'I will take you up on the exact guarantee and try the product, but only for the next 60
days. If It doesn't perform or if I don't benefit Just as you promised, I will send it back
and expect a full and lmmediate refund. And I'll get to keep all those desirable bonuses
for my trouble.
'On that basis only, here is my order:
If you are seeking leads or inquiries, say something like:

Your case is indeed compelling. I don't know if your product is for me, but I want to
learn more. So send me the kit or have a representative call and answer my questions.
Better yet, do both.
'But only on the condition that I am under absolutely no obligation and no risk
Go from there to name, address, city, state, zip and phone. Always get phone numbers
for follow-up. It'll make you a lot of money. If the reply is cash-with-order or a charge

card order. get all the vital Information.


Make the reply card postage paid. Most offers do not. Make It as easy as pie to respond.
Ellmtnate all reasons for delay or procrastination."
Here are a number of suggestions from direct mall wizard. Lauren R. -Januz,
reprinted by permission.

* MAKE SURE that direct maills a proper medium for your business
or organization. . .that you can use It effectively to contact a
sufficient number of Identifiable and addressable good prospects..
.with sufficient frequency. . .at sufficiently low cost. . .to show a
satisfactory net profit on your direct mall efforts.
* For direct mall to be most successful, It should offer the right
product or the right the right time.. In
the right manner to cause enough prospects to buy enough of these
products or services to provide the marketer wlth a satisfactory net
* Develop and maintain an accurate. up-to-date demographic and
psychographic proflle of each Important segment of your customers.
Study the proflles carefully and frequently. noting especially any
slgntflcant Increases or decreases In the number of customers who
fit a specific proflle. Use these proflles for guidance In: product
selection. pricing. payment terms and presentation: selecting
customers who are most llkely to be Interested In the offers
contained In specific malltngs: and selecting malllng llsts containing
prospects with proflles similar to those of your customers.
* Direct marketing experts agree that selection of a suitable product
or products is the first step - and one of the most crucial elements in making a direct marketing company successful, Select products
(I) that wlll satisfy the prospect's needs. tastes or desires at a
satisfactory price on satisfactory terms and (2J that the marketer can
sell at a satisfactory net profit. taking Into account such factors as:
appearance. spoilage.
durabillty. installation. operation.
maintenance. repair. legality. shipping considerations. Inventory.
fulfillment. guarantees and warranties. returns and refurbishing.
and duration of demand.
* Use action stimulators to get recipients to open your envelope.

* Use ordering stimulators from start to finish of your mailing



* Stimulate action by featuring (in large type or with a simulated

rubber stamp Imprint) your cutoff date or time 1Imlt on one or more
of the following components:
On the mailing envelope: front. back or both.
At the top of your letter.
On the order form or response vehicle.
On the reply envelope.
On a separate leaflet or other enclosure included in the mailing package for
this specific purpose.

* A double coupon may double or triple sales volume.

* Multiple coupons multiply direct mail response.

* Offer several coupons with different effective dates to stimulate

repeat purchases.

* Use multiple early bird discount stickers - with reductions in the size
of the discounts as the season approaches - to bring in seasonal
business ahead of time.
* Offer prizes of diminishing value to stimulate prompt action.
* Offer gifts or other worthwhile incentives to encourage prospects to
order early.

* Offer discounts of various amounts to encourage customers to

increase the size of their orderts).

* Give special discounts. prizes or gifts to get prospects to make the

first purchase.
* One business supply firm offers new customers a 10% discount on

their next purchase in order to encourage them to become regular


* Another marketer offers discounts that can be used on the current

order or deferred for use on a later order.
* Offer special discounts. prizes or gifts to former customers to
encourage them to become active again.
* If one premium increases sales. test the effectiveness of offering more
than one.
* Stimulate faster action and bigger orders by offering multiple
premiums with values based on the size of the purchase or the date

on which the order is placed.


Use multiple premiums to achieve multiple objectives.

Multiple premiums multiplying buying incentives.
Multiple premiums make your mailing of interest to a wider variety
of prospects.
A logical tie-in of a premium with your business makes the premium
more effective.
Make your premiums unusual but related to your offer and your
The more timely your premium is, the more effective it will be.
To develop repeat orders, use one of your products as a premium.
Name brand premiums usually have more appeal than unknown
brands or unbranded items.
A free small gold coin makes an interesting - and inexpensive premium.
Use replicas of historic or nostalgic items as action stimulators.
Many marketers have found sweepstakes to be an extremely
successful promotional device for stimulating response.

* Give purchasers a timely reason for paying promptly.

* Offer a free sample in teaser copy.
* Open your letter by offering a free gift for just trying your product.
Mystery copy and mystery gifts can strongly stimulate action.
Use a 'Publisher's Letter' to give prospects an extra reason for

* Use an in-WATS llne to get more orders.

* Use the telephone aggressively - both outgoing and incoming - to
stimulate business, customer activity and the productivity of sales

* Well-Illustrated, detalled descriptions in print can do a better selling

job than most salespersons in retail stores. It also makes it easier
for the recipient to absorb and understand more of the selling
features of the product.
A distinctive personality and copy-writing style gives your business


a powerful plus.
Avoid 'ad-Iness' in your copy style. Make copy sincere rather than
sophisticated, conversational rather than 'cute' or so clever it
distracts the reader's attention from the essential selling elements of
the message.
Unless you believe in what you're writing, the reader probably won't
Design your copy to create rapport with your readers.
Make your copy warm and conversational.
Make your copy interesting to read by using an open, specific,
concise and easy-to-read style.
Use short, colorful words that are simple, concrete and active.
If you're going to talk to people, learn the language they use in

talking to each other - and use that type of language In your copy.
Use the kind of language you know the reader likes to hear language that appeals to the reader's favorable attitudes towards life
and toward himself.
Use language attuned to the product or service advertised.
Occasionally use words which disrupt the reader a bit in the smooth
reading of the copy. . .words which will make him pause, maybe
make him wonder; but don't let your style distract from the selling
Follow one of the better-known copy-writing formulas - use it as a
guide - in preparing your mailing pieces.
Make your copy paint word pictures for your readers.
Use the story-telling style, well laced with tiny boredom busters.
Use 'spooflsrn' occasionally to add warmth and friendliness to your

* Use the 'cordial contact' approach in reminder letters.

A chatty style may increase readership and credibility.
Using negative wording - while maintainlng a positive viewpoint - can
increase impact and credibility and reduce customer dissatisfaction
and merchandise returns.
Use fragmentary sentences separated by three dots (. ..) to create
rhythm In your copy.

Asking questions may be more effective than making statements.

Use the questionnaire format to highllght the principal feature of
your product.
Describing product features is fine - but describing their benefits to
the owner or user is much more effective in producing sales.
If your product or service offers numerous benefits. assign each one
of them a number and list all of them in numerical order for extra

Sell the benefits of ordering by mall or phone in addJtion to the

benefits of your product or service.
Putting your letterhead at the bottom of the sheet leaves the top of
the sheet free for selling headlines.
The area where the name, address and salutation usually appear
frequently can be used to better advantage by placIng selling
headlines in the area instead.
Spotlight your most important sales points in your headline.
* Design the heading or opening paragraph of your letter to grab the

recipient's attention. . .spark his interest in your message. . .and

whet his appetite for more.

* In the first few lines of your letter, give the recipient a special
incentive to read the rest of it.
* A good descriptive headline can get a prospect interested in your

* Project the reader into the enjoyment of your offers as soon as

possible in the copy.

* Summarize your offer at the start of your letter if it has a lot of

* Present the gist of your message in 'billboard' style at the top of your
* Mention the referrer's name at the beginning of the letter to increase
receptivity and interest on the part of persons whose names the
referrer gave you as prospects.
* Increase the impact of both the first words and the last words of
your mailing.
* Use a testimonial as a headline or the opening paragraph of your



Make a testimonial letter the heart of your letter. Never

underestimate the selling power of believable testimonials and case
Impressive case histories make exceptionally effective sell1ng copy.
Use case histories to support claims and to suggest slm1lar users) of
your products by the recipients of your mailings.
If you offer more than one product of the same type. use tables
and/or 'parallel' descriptive copy to make accurate comparison and
selection easier for the prospect.

Match-up and comparison tables increase the ease of making

accurate selection and reduce the number of merchandise returns.
Product-use information can increase sales and enhance your image.
Give prospects useful information concerning product use. operation
and maintenance.
Suggest numerous uses for your product or service - especially new
or little-known uses - to expand its appeal to a greater variety of
Inviting the prospect to make his own comparison of your product(s)
and competitive product(s) is a powerful confldence builder and
stimulus to order.
Offer specific suggestions and inducements to prospects for
increasing the size of their orders (see 'Action Stimulators').
A meaningful tie-in with a timely topic (inflation, energy, ecology.
shortages, specific holidays, major events of national interest, etc.)
is one of the best ways to attract attention and capitalize upon the
publicity given and public interest in such topics.
If your product is - or can be - described as an inflation fighter.
emphasize that fact.

Feature your coupons, discounts, rebates and reduced prices as

lnfiation fighters.
Describe your products or services as 'problem solvers' by using
'How to' headings in your mailing pieces.
Describe a present or potential problem, tell how your product or
service can solve it.
Show how specific merchandise can solve specific problems for the
user and enhance his or her business or social status.
Help your reader solve problems and give him assurance that he can


do, can achieve, can succeed, can enjoy.

* If your product carries a higher-than-average price, Justify It to your

* To secure maximum benefit from your credit terms, spell them out
clearly, boldly and prominently.
* Be sure to spell out alternative payment plans available to
* For maximum clarity and sales effectiveness, spell out savings
* If you're selling low-priced, highly competitive merchandise,
emphasize value In addition to low price.

* Stress the benefits your shipping service offers customers.

* Dramatize the return and refund privileges you offer.
* Make more effective use of the twelve most persuasive words In the
English language: Save, Money, You, New, Health, Results, Easy,
Safety, Love, Discovery, Proven and Guarantee.
* The word 'Free' Is still one of the most powerful action stimulators
In the English language.
* Feature 'Free' from start to finish of your mal1lng package.
* Prove to your prospects that your 'Free' gifts are really free.
* 'Important' Is a power word - but use It only when your message
justifies It.
* The word 'Charter' In subscription, reservation. membership or other
types of offers attracts many persons who like to 'get In on the
ground floor.'
* Mention of a 'Reference Card' adds Interest and Impact when
recruiting salesmen.

* 'Never sold In stores' adds distinction to your product.

* 'DONT send any money now' or 'Don't buy It, just try It' enhances
the quality Image of your product and helps convert borderline
prospects to customers.

* Express huge figures

In terms that are easier for your recipients to


* If your offer Is seasonal. It may pay to say 'This Is the ONLY time this
offer will be made this year.'

Use a 'Last Chance' follow-up mailing to remind prospects of your

cutoff date.
Telling the recipient not to usually makes him want to.
Repeat key words several times in big type for extra attention, value
and impact.
If you use sweepstakes regularly as a promotional device, show

photos and names of previous winners and the amounts they won
when you announce a new contest.
Use a photograph of a previous winner and let him or her make a
promotional statement in connection with the start of a new
sweepstakes contest.
Relate to the unrelated If you can make the relationship meaningful.
Take advantage of the fact that people love to take tests.
Involvement tokens and stamps are no longer new but they're still
If nothing else works, test using 'snob' appeal.

Identify the recipient as a member of a select group that is receiving

this mailing.
Tell the recipient what a select group he wlIl join If he accepts your
Ask and answer questions frequently asked by prospects that may
reduce sales If this Information is not made available.
If you ask a recipient to give you certain information, explain why

you need it and how he will benefit as a result of sending it.

* Outlining the step-by-step procedure to follow in ordering many

increase the number of orders received.

* Sometimes a letter 'written' and signed by the spouse of a marketer

can be very effective.

* Use a postscript on every direct mail letter. The P.S. is second only
to the headline in importance.

* Use a postscrtpt to give your prospect an extra reason for ordering.

. .ordering promptly...and/or sending payment with order.
Print premium Information or testimonials on the back of your letter.

* Long, long letters frequently payoff.


* The secret of writing is rewriting. Put your completed copy aside for
a day or two - then read it again and see if there isn't room for

Accepting credit card business usually increases the size of the

order...encourages ordering of more expensive merchandise...and
simplifies ordering by phone.

* Addressing prospects by title instead of by name offers six major

* Buck slips or pass-along slips contalning the titles of persons in the
company or organization who should see your malUng can vastly
increase Its circulation.
* Pass-along request on the envelope, in the postscript or on an

enclosure may salvage duplicate or misdirected mailing packages.

* Make more sophisticated use of your own list and the lists you rent
or buy by looking for those segments of people in a list who buy..
.and forget the others.
* Test selective distribution to your list. Some malUng should go to
the entire list but it may be profitable to send additional mailings to
selected portions of the list.
* Test an arrangement for Including some of your mailing material in
the envelope of another mailer and permitting him to Include some
of his malUng in yours.

* Investigate the desirability of participating In co-op malUngs.


* Simulated 'tearouts' of newspaper stories bearing a brief notation in

simulated handwriting attract attention and Increase readership and
* Enclose reprints of newspaper or magazine articles to strengthen
* Use reprints to capltallze on favorable mentions In well-known
* Pre-prints of company ads are usually more effective than reprints

as enclosures.

* Including third-party endorsements in your malUng package can

hype sales.

* Letters from two different persons in the same mailing package may
increase interest and step up sales.

* Use a second letter in the mailing package to increase Impact.

* Use a second letter in the mailing package to make a second offer.
* Including a 'Publisher's Letter' in your mailing package may salvage
sales you would otherwise lose.
* Sell different business-related products or services to the same
prospect and to his secretary with the same mailings by enclosing a
sealed envelope with words 'FOR YOUR SECREfARY printed in the
address area.

* MIniature tlp-ons affixed to the mailing piece(s) in your mailing

package add attention and interest value and increase readership.

* Insert one or more flyers - on white or colored paper - in your

mailing to:
Add extra emphasis to one of the principal benefits you offer.
Stimulate increasing orders to specified sizes Or larger sizes.
Encourage mailing the order by a specified date or dates.
Emphasize the cutoff date for certain offers contained in the mailing.
Emphasize the final deadline for ordering anything offered in this
Encourage payment with order.
Describe items added to the line too late to be included in other
pieces in the package.
Present information about mystery gifts you offer.
Correct errors in other, more expensive pieces in the package.
Warn of Impending price increases.
Ask for change of address or other updating information.
Ask for names and addresses of friends of the recipient who may be
interested in receiving your mailings.
Ask for confirmation of recipient's desire to continue receiving such
items as free periodicals and other publications.
Put in a plug for your prompt shipping service If it is better than

Emphasize telephone ordering service.

Emphasize acceptance of specific credit cards or ease of openIng
charge accounts.
Thank customers for this and/or previous purchases and express
your desire to serve them even better in the future.

* If you're soliciting memberships. enclose a membership card in the

mailing which becomes effective as soon as the recipient applies for
* If your product or service is bought infrequently. enclose an
imprinted service item that the prospect or customer can keep until
he is ready to place an order.


* Let the reader 'peek Inside' your mailing envelope through front
and/ or back windows.
* Use Full-View window envelopes to display attractive literature
enclosed in your mailing envelope.
* Circular windows in mailing envelopes focus attention on the showthrough items.
* Using mailing envelopes with the window shaped like the silhouette
of your product makes it very distinctive and increases its attention
and identification value.

* A mailing envelope with a distinctive product-related imprint can

attract extra attention and start selling before the envelope is

* Change the appearance of your mailing envelope every now and

* Use a mailing envelope without a return card occasionally.
* Make your mailing envelope look like a personal letter occasionally
and adapt the copy style in your letter to fit.
* Thumb-cut. pull-open mailing envelopes have outpulled conventional
envelopes as much as 30%.
* Tests have shown that it cost less to mati in Polyrnatic envelopes
with glassine windows or panels.
* Make the outside front and back of your mailing envelope major
selling elements of your mailing package.


* Use effective teaser copy to make the recipient want to open the
mailing envelope for more information.

* Use unusual techniques to get your customer Into your envelope.

* Put an unusual message on the outside of your envelope.
* Lead your recipient Into the mailing envelope by starting your story
on the outside front and/ or back of the envelope.
* If your product or service provides a powerful benefit to the user.
promote that benefit on the outside of the mailing envelope.

* Present major elements of your sales story on the front and/ or back
of the mailing envelope.
* Print your entire letter on the front and/or back of the mailing
envelope occasionally.
* Use the outside back of your mailing envelope to feature good Items
added to your line too late to be Included In the mailing material
Inside the envelope.
* When a giveaway or sweepstakes Is part of your marketing strategy.
print the rules on the outside back of your mailing envelope.
* Use the white space Inside your envelope mailing for additional
selling copy. information or offers - and call the recipient's attention
to this Information with prominent notations on the outside front
and/ or back of the mailing envelope.

* Use reply envelopes to:

Summarize and/or expand upon the selling message. offer.
premium. etc.. presented In the rest of the mailing package.
Offer special Inducements - not mentioned elsewhere - to purchase
the merchandise described in the mailing package.
Illustrate, describe and sell merchandise In addition to that offered
elsewhere In the mailing package.
Repeat or emphasize your guarantee.
Include a built-in order form or response vehicle.
Provide space for the recipient to list the names of other persons who
might be interested in the merchandise offered in this mailing or in
receiving other mailings by this marketer.


Provide or repeat specific instructions to be followed in placing the

order, making a contribution, paying the enclosed bllI, correcting
error in the recipient's name and address, etc.
Remind the customer to enclose the order form, check and/or other
essential items before sea1lng the envelope.
Remind the customer to affix postage (if postage is required);
otherwise the post office will not deliver the envelope.
Emphasize your prompt shipping service.
Encourage ordering by phone, especially if you provide toll-free
Remind the donor that his contribution is tax-deductible (if true).
State that no receipt for the contribution will be mailed, unless the
donor requires one, by placing a checkmark or other notation on the
envelope (if true).
Thank the customer or donor for his order or contribution.
Perform other functions you desire.

* If you include both a Yes' reply envelope and a 'No' reply envelope
in your mailing package, insert a leaflet in the 'No' envelope
containing working Similar to a 'Publisher's Letter' or describing one
or more alternate offers.

* A reply envelope plus a loose stamp may be more effective than a

business reply envelope.

* BangtaIl reply envelopes can be used for many purpose, including:

selling. . .testing. . .securing inquiries. . .surveylng customers
and/or prospects...featuring premiums, free gifts or bonus offers.
. .making bank deposits or withdrawals. . .billing cycle mailing.
.making instaIlment payments on charge accounts or mortgages.


* Remember that most sales are made after several calIs instead of
durtng the first one, so follow up inquiries and leads numerous
times before abandoning them.
* Use a simulated 'carbon copy' of your original letter for a follow-up


* Use telephone follow-ups to supplement your direct mall campaign.

* Send a special Thank you' letter to new customers as soon as you
receive their first order.

* Thank your customers for every order.

* Send a letter every now and then - when no Immediate purchase is
involved - to thank customers for previous purchases. invite them to
order again soon and enclose some promotional material to
supplement the invitation.
* Cultivating customers with regular mailings containing special offers
for customers only and saying Thanks' for their previous business
is one of your best investments.
* Send purchasers of big-ticket items a follow-up letter reassuring
them that they made a good buy to offset possible 'post-purchase
depression or dubiousness.'
* Keep your customer sold on your products or service after he buys.
Send him follow-up mailings to ask how he likes the product. .
.whether he would like any further information about it. ..and, if
appropriate, suggest ways to use it that he may not have thought
about or may have forgotten.
* Increase your customers' goodwill and purchases by sending them
advance notices of sales or other special events.
* The New Year season is an especially good time to invite former
customers to become active again.
* One realtor builds goodwill by introducing newcomers to the
neighbors by mail.
* If you make a mistake in your printed material. follow up promptly
with a letter of correction that also does some additional selling.
* If special circumstances delay or threaten to delay mail delivery, use
an insert postscript, simulated rubber stamp imprint or follow-up
mailing to notify the recipient that the cutoff date specified in the
original mailing material has been extended to a specific date or for
a specified number of days after the mailing arrives.
* If follow-up mailings to a prospect or customer are not generating

any response, try sending a mailing to his wife explaining the

impcrtance of hearing from him.


* Make your formats as distinctive as possible without distracting

attention from the selling message. Make the distinctive elements
of the format fit - and enhance the image of your company and/ or
your merchandise as much as possible.
* Try an unusual format that you've never used before.


* Vary your formats at frequent Intervals to avoid monotony and to

strengthen your presentation.
* Change the size of your mailing package frequently to Increase
Interest and appeal.
* Use an oversized or undersized letterhead and envelope to create
extra attention. Interest and lmpact.
* Test a tiny letter with a tiny pencil accompanying it.
* Test a jumbo letterhead In your envelope - or mall it In jumbo
* Specialized mailing formats frequently are more effective and more
economical than standard formats.
* Consider using specialized formats that make ordering extra easy.
* Use specialized promotional letterheads regularly or occasionally.
* Test using illustrated letterheads against using conventional
* Dramatize big news by using a big format to present your message.
* Use a big sheet to emphasize big size or big quantities.
* Present outstanding testimonials In a big way for big impact.
* A double-gatefold center spread In a mailing piece makes the display
of your merchandise more Irnpresstve and simplifies comparing
several products of the same type.
* Use a simulated statement with a zero balance to tell the customer
you've missed him or her lately.
* Offering a discount in the form of an actual or simulated check
increases attention value. Interest and impact.
* Use a simulated check to dramatize savings.
* Simulated calendar pad sheets attract attention.
timeliness and specific dates...and stimulate action.


* Use a bond-style border to add lmportance and credibility to your

guarantee, prize-eligibility certificate and other slmllar components.
* Use appropriate gadgets to increase attention. value and Interest.

* Use three-dimensional devices to create action in your mailing piece.

Intensify impact.


Include smart-selling stuffers in envelopes, packages, etc.

Make your malling package look like a bound proposal.
A piggy-back letter gets extra attention and readership.
Using the formal invitation format is very effective for many
Use a legal-brief format to promote legal-oriented products or
Use a simulated telegram for urgent messages or final clean-up of a
Use one or more of the special 'Gram' formats for extra attention,
readership and impact - plus low postage cost if mailed at the bulk
If you can tell your story on a postcard test this format.
If a postcard is too small, step up to a self-mailer of whatever size
you need.

Use Single postcards for:

Announcements of sales and special prices for a l1m1ted period of

Information concerning special features of future issues of a

periodical and deadlines for placing advertising in those issues.
Change-of-address notification or notice that you're moving - and
Follow-up on sales announced in previous mailings with emphasis
on the cutoff date.
Follow-up on a request for information to a reader.
Advance notice that a special mailing will arrive shortiy and asking
the reclplent to be on the lookout for it and to take prompt action
when it arrives.
Describing a service and emphasizing a strong guarantee of
Describing and selllng specific merchandise.
Use double postcards to:
Offer free gifts in return for (a) ordering merchandise, (b) su bmlttmg
names of a specific number of persons with certain quallfications

that make them good prospects or (c) returning the reply portion of
the card to request an updated edition of a free book previously
received by the addressee.
Show and sell actual samples of one or more small products or
samples of material on the outgoing half of the card. With the other
half to be used for ordering the products described on the outgoing
Ask an inquirer whether he: received the information requested; was
called on by a salesperson; bought the product (If not. is he still
interested?): desires any additional information.
Request information that can be provided by checking boxes on the
reply half.
Investigate to see If you can use a newsletter format effectively to
promote your products or service and/or maintain contact With
customers or donors between purchases or personal sales calls.

To raise funds by mail:
Be sure to select mailing lists that represent the right market for
your appeal.
Design your mailing pieces to sell your appeal just as other mailing
pieces are designed to sell other services or products.
Explain what your organization is and what it does.
Explain why your organization needs the money and what it Will be
used for.
Acknowledge all gifts received. promptly and sincerely.
Avoid making your mailing pieces look so expensive that the
prospective donor may think you're spending money on promotion
that ought to be used to accomplish your primary objective.
Make it easy for the prospect to respond (name and address label of
donor affixed to the reply envelope. acceptance of credit cards. etc.)
Notify donor between solicitations (by letter. newsletter or other
format) how his contribution is being spent and the good it is
accomplishing so he Will be predisposed to contribute again the next
time you ask. and possibly increase his contribution.
Test repeatedly: (lists. approaches. layouts. numbers of colors.
formats. paying reply postage yourself or asking the contributor to
pay postage. etc.).

Ask donors for the names of up to six friends who may be willing to
Make your letter friendly and sincere and use the 'you' approach
instead of the 'we' approach.
Be satisfied to break even on your first campaign to a 'cold' list,
relying on repeat donations to make future mailings show a profit.
Seek professional direct mail advice and guidance, especially at the
Consider using cl1rect mail specialty formulas.
Feel free to borrow good ideas of other mailers and adapt them to
your use.
Real1ze that the consistent and skillful use of direct mail over a long
period of time will be much more productive than short-term or
spasmocl1c use of this powerful mecl1um.

* In fund-raising mailings. tell prospective donors how much can be

accomplished with contributions of various amounts (Including
small amounts).
* If administrative expenses take a very small percentage of the total
income from your fund-raising campaigns, point this out - in speclflc
terms - in every mall1ng.

* One fund-raising organization affixed two pennies to its letter to

dramatize how it holds administrative costs to a mlnimum.

* When one marketer offered to send a contribution in the recipient's

name to a well-known health organization if the recipient would fill
out and return a short questionnaire, almost 65% of the recipients

* State your guarantee and warranties in the strongest possible,

legally perrntsstble terms - and repeat or refer to them often
throughout the mailing package.
* 'Sell' your guarantees and warranties right from the start - beginning

with the front of the mailing envelope.

* If your guarantee or warranty is stronger than most others in the

same field of business, call the recipient's special attention to this
* A full, one-year, money-back guarantee on a new business book was
a powerful selling point.



Answer inquiries, complaints and compliments promptly, completely,

adequately and with thanks to the sender.
In replying to inquiries, give the Inquirer the information requested
plus a strong 'sell' about the product plus the name, address and
phone number of the nearest dealer or salesperson who can supply
additional Information if desired.
If you answer a request within 24 hours after you receive it, Include
a statement to that effect in a small leaflet enclosed with the
Information requested.

When you mail the Information requested, Include on the front of the
mailing envelope some such statement as 'Here's the information you
requested' or You asked for this Important information.'
If information requested will be delayed, notlfy the inquirer promptly
and, If possible, provide other information of Interest to him for his

A well-displayed, well-illustrated product Increases the sales

effectiveness of the mailing.
Give special emphasis to each Important element of the offer so that
none of them are buried or overlooked.
Use diagonal Indentation to emphasize all Items in a large group.
Make liberal use of white space In designing mailing pieces.
Break up a long story by using numerous background panels of
different colors.
Repetition of colors throughout a mailing piece enhances continuity
and stimulates continued readership.
Use distinctive, subject-oriented hand lettering In your headlines.
Use hand lettering to spotlight benefits.
Use simulated handwriting for all or part of your message.
Use simulated handwriting to attract attention and to emphasize
certain statements.
Test a 'handwritten' letter occasionally, especially if you are soliciting
Use 'blockbuster' quotation marks for attention and emphasis.

Use an appropriate photograph or drawing to illustrate the copy on

your mailing envelope, letter, reply envelope or reply card and other
Make your Illustrations dramatic and meaningful.
Test drawings (line and wash) against photographs for your mailing
Test Illustrations of the product alone vs. product in a setting with
no action involved vs. action Illustrations.
Test atmospheric art against reallst art.
Use 'call-outs' to spotlight important features.
Use cutaway views to spotlight important features or emphasize
Showing the product in actual size (if possible) adds reallsm and
Picture a massive display of your merchandise in your mailing
Comparative illustrations of different products in use slmpltfy
selection and encourage trade-up by the prospect.
Picturing product testing procedures increases confidence in product
Use a brick wall to represent your building fund and list on each
brick the name of a contributor to the fund.
Dramatize your message with 'before' and 'after' photographs.
Let the product 'speak for itself by using a cartoon-type speech
Talking money?

Use financial symbols for attention value and

Make your mailing pieces look more professional - at low cost - buy
using clip art and stock photographs.
Informal pictures of a well-known person who signs the letter
scattered throughout the letter increases Interest and readability.
Use a simulated clip-on memo slip for statement of special
Liven up your mailing piece with a cartoon-type Illustration every
now and then.


* Mail to your customers more often. If you are now mailing four
times a year, increase the number to six or eight times a year. If you
increase your number of mailings by 25% you should increase your
sales by approximately the same percentage - maybe more.

* Remall your mailings to your better customers three or four weeks

later. You should do 50-7M''o as well on the second mailing as you
did on the first one.
* Mailing every business day for six days proved very successful in

selling big-ticket equipment and service orders for one industrial


* Try mailing every day for a week - or three mailings three days apart
- with an lmmediate follow-up by telephone,
* Test bulk rate third-class postage against first-class.

* Using one cent stamps - and lots of them - on your envelope

increases attention, interest.
* Make use of U.S. Postal Service 'How to' films, publications and

* Think of your customers as prospects for your current offer who

have bought from you before.
* Ask present customers to get new customers for you - and make it
worth their while.
* Ask your customers for the names of friends who may be interested
in your products or services.
* Test mailing to neighbors of your customers on the theory that many

persons who !lve in the same neighborhood have simllar tastes

and/ or interests.

* Coordinate your direct mail advertising with your advertising in

other media.
* Occupant mail containing coupons has out-pulled coupons in
freestanding newspaper inserts more than 2 to 1 for some retailers.
* Check co-op postcard mai!lngs as a source of low-cost leads.
* Use the

space inside your merchandise cartons for special


In addition to reducing mailing costs, package inserts offer such

advantages as: distribution Is restricted to currently active mall

order customers...Information concerning customer characteristics
permits selection of those who have characteristics ofgood prospects
for your merchandise. . .lmplied approval of the merchandise
described in the insert by the company shipping the packages
creates confidence by the prospects in the merchandise and your
company. . .If the person receiving the package llkes the
merchandise It contalns he may be more inclined to order the
merchandise described in your insert than If he received the insert
in a separate maUing... If he Is not satisfied with the merchandise
in the package and decides to return It, he may seriously consider
spending all or part of the money saved on that purchase to buy one
or more of the products advertised in your insert.


Always clearly define the specific objectives of a mailing before you

write copy or make layouts.
Many maUing objectives are mentioned throughout this report.
Others include using direct mall to:
Develop sales leads for your sales force.
Follow up personal sales calls.
Acquaint prospects with new or Improved products before the
salesperson calls so the prospect can ask for additional Information
durtng the sales call.

* Secure testimonials from satisfied customers and obtain their

permission to use the testimonials In your advertising.

* Include more offers In your mailing package than you are at present.

Study the mailings of firms such as Haband Co. which packs a

volume of material Into Its envelope.
How many offers can you Include profitably In a mailing package?
Only testing can tell.

* Include at least as many offers or promotion pieces In your mailing

package as necessary to bring the weight of the package up to the
weight you're paying postage on.

* Try to develop new, more effective wording for your standard offer(s)
instead of repeating the same wording In every mailing. For
example, offer a "baker's dozen" Instead of twelve . . .or sell 110
instead of 100.

* A special We care' offer may increase the effectiveness of your


* Make your free trial period long enough to impress the prospect with
the quallty of your product(s).

* Offering a longer trial period than usual may convert more

borderline prospects into customers.
* Promote seasonal products during off-season periods and offer

alternate selections.
* Stimulate off-season business by asking for it. If you normally have

a summer slump, have a special 'summer sale' mailing in the

summer. You can boost your sales any time of the year you need a
boost through effective direct mail.

* Offer to defer the billing of Christmas purchases until the following

* Occasionally offer your prospect the opportunity to determine how
much he wants to spend on your product, service, or publication
* When you ask customers to send you the names of prospects:

Offer to provide specific benefits to the customer if he complies.

Offer potential benefits to both the customer and the prospect if he

* Make your response vehicle sound more important and more

beneficial to the prospect by calling it a 'Special Opportunity
Application,' 'Reservation Certificate,' 'Reservation Form,' 'Free
Information Certificate,' etc., instead of Just 'Order Form,'
* Make your order form/response vehicle promotional as well as


* Use selling copy on your response form (order form/response


* Picture the product on your response form.

* Feature gifts, prizes, etc., on your response form.

* Summarize your offer on your response form.

* Summarize benefits on your response form.

* Feature telephone ordering service on your response form.


* Use the back or stub of any bound-in response vehicle to feature

last-minute additions to your product line.


* Look at your mailing pIeces through the eyes of your prospect and
be sure the mailing pIece answers this question: What's In It for
me?' clearly, convincIngly and persuasIvely.
* If appropriate and possIble, use a celebrity's name, pIcture and
promotional statement(s) In your mailing pIeces.
* Ideas that work well for one product or service can often be adapted
successfully to other products or services.


* Get to know your printers - not printer but printers. Every dIrect
marketer needs different types of printers with different capablUties
to come up with different printed pIeces at the best possIble prices.
* Get several quotations each time you buy printing, envelopes,
lettershop service.
* Save money on Inserting by brtngtng your printer, bIndery and
lettershop together to work out the best solution before you print.
* Cut printing costs by purchasIng printer's waste or trim stock.
* Color-printing spectallsts may be able to print your mailing pIeces in
color at a surprisIngly low cost.
* Ink jet Image printing has boosted response for numerous


* Scented Ink can add a lot of sell-power to mailings for certain types
of products.
* Upgrading the quality of paper used has substantially upgraded the

effectiveness of some mailings.

* What Is your 'wastebasket readablllty factor' ...and what can you do

to get people to read your mailing pIece when It Is sItting on
somebody else's desk - or has already landed in the wastebasket?
One marketer Improved this readabl1lly factor apprecIably by
printing his self-mailers on fluorescent orange or bright yellow paper
- with an accompanying Increase In response to the mailing.
* Use lightweIght paper to save postage and allow you to put more in
your envelope.


* Select a folding arrangement that will enable you to use all available
printing space most effectively.

* Avoid setting copy in extra-wide lines of all capital letters with no

heading between lines.

* Use display type in unconventional arrangements.

* Make a printed letter look as if it were typewritten instead of setting
it in regular printing type.
* Use oversized typewriter type to start your letter.
* Try oversized typewriter type for letters to senior citizens.


* Look for other products you can successfully sell to your customers.
* Thinking about promoting a new product? First ask your customers
if they would be interested in such a product - in order to more
accurately estimate the product's potential profitability - or lack of


* Make it as easy as possible for a prospect to respond to your

mailing, including supplying a return envelope for the prospect to
use for mailing his order to you.
* When offering a 'bill me' option, include both a BRC (Business Reply
Card) and a BRE (Business Reply Envelope).

* Provide space on reply cards, coupons and order forms for the
customer's apartment number in order to expedite delivery.

* If you offer toll-free telephone response service, promote it

prominently and frequently in your promotional pieces and on order
forms and reply envelopes or cards.
* Try a customized response vehicle to get your customers to respond.
* Acknowledge orders promptly and include additional sales literature

with your letter of acknowledgment.


* If your product can be sampled, test its selling power as an

enclosure in your mailing package.

* Enclose a sample of your product, if practicable, and suggest ways


for the recipient to test It for himself.


* Major anniversaries provide excellent opportunities for special

promotions and image enhancement.
* Capltallze on principal holidays and other widely celebrated special

* Tie in with a timely topic (current events, special problems, etc.).

* Ride on the coattails of current events (energy crisis, elections, cold

winters, etc.). When inflation increases sharply, have an 'inflationfighting' special, etc.
* Moving time for a business is a good time for direct mall contacts by
present and potential suppliers.
* Send new stockholders a letter of welcome from the president of the

* Carefully selected specialty advertising can send sales soaring.

* Enclosing foreign coins in a mailing has doubled response for some

* Use mini-coins to dramatize the effect of inflation.

* 'Stretch-Your-Money' promotional coins dramatize savings and low

* Remember the 5 basic rules of direct mall: test, test, test, test, test.
* Test continuously to discover more effective offers, prices, payment

terms, copy, premiums, formats, etc.

* Don't be afraid to run without a test If your gamble Is small.

It goes without saying that the reason for your direct marketing campaign Is to make a

profit. lf you're a non-profit organization, your goal Is to collect a certain amount of

money or to reach a certain number of people and stay within your budget, so 'the
numbers' are of vital Importance for you, too.
And If you are trying to determine whether a certain product or service Is ripe for direct
marketing techniques, working out the dollar figures involved will give you a good feeling
for the feasibility of the project you're considering.


There are several measures of direct mail efficiency which wIll be of great benefit to you.
Use them as benchmarks. as projecting tools. and as Indicators of failure or success.


Most direct mailers measure the cost of their mailing programs by 'cost per thousand' In other words. the complete cost of putting 1.000 packages in the mail.
Let's say you are planning to sell a course on interior decorating by mail. Here are some
of the cost Involved which would figure in your cost per thousand. This may not cover
every last cost your firm might Incur. but it will give you a very good start at budgeting
your cost per thousand. For purposes of this exercise. we will estimate cost per thousand
(CPM) to work with.



Color Separations
a) Brochure (100M)
b) Letter (lOOM)
c) Order Form (lOOM)
d) Outer Envelope (100M)
e) Business Reply Envelope (100M)
Ust Rental (lOOM names averaging $60/M)
Ust Preparation/Merge Purge
Mailing @ $24/M
Postage @ $100.80/M for bulk rate



If this mailing consists of 100M names. the costs per thousand is $40.200/100 - or $402
per thousand. Let us look at each of these entries to clarify what they might Include.

1. IAYOUTS/ARTWORK. If you are creating a new mailing 'from

scratch,' you will need layouts and perhaps photography and
illustrations. If you do not have a layout artist on your staff. you will
need an outside source. and the cost will be allocated to the mailing.
If you do have a staff artist, his/her work may be allocated to
'overhead.' Paying for this help will be a part of the 'contribution to
overhead' you must figure into your evaluation of the job's

2. COPY. The same holds true for copy as for layouts.

3. TIPESETTING/KEYLINE/PASTEUP. These jobs may all be handled
by the same source as the layouts. or you may have a separate
production studio do these tasks. Once again. if you have a
production department 'in house.' their work may be considered part
of overhead instead of job cost.
4. COLOR SEPARATIONS. If you plan to do a four-color printing job,

you must budget for color separations which prepare your

photography for the printing process. Your art studio can help you
find sources for this.
Keep in mind that if the job you are budgeting is a reprint or a slight revision of a
previous job, Items 1 through 4 may not be necessary at all. Or you may have only a
small bill for resetting type to update your copy, and pasting up the new type in place.
The irony of a direct mail campaign like this is that the heavy production expenses corne
before you know whether you've got a winning product or concept. Speak to your
accounting department about ways to spread out the burden of the original production
expense over the life of the project so you can get a good 'read' on the product's viability.
For instance, here we have a test quantity of 100M at a cost per thousand of $402. Of
that, $4000, or $40 per thousand is production expense that will occur only once,
assuming the package is successful with only minor modifications required. Therefore,
you should keep the $O/M burden in mind when you evaluate the test performance reallze that you won't be making real money until you are able to roll out and print larger
quantities of the material already produced. Then you will have a lower cost per
Back to an evaluation of expenses:
5. PRINTING. It pays to talk with at least several printers when
planning a mailing, especially the first time around. Getting several
quotes will give you a feel for what you should be spending - and you
may locate a printer who can give you an especially good deal
because his/her equipment is compatible with your job.
The printing bill for a test mailing may be extra high for at least three reasons. First, any
halftones and plates which need to be made will be costed to this ortglnal job, They can
be used again when you reprint without incurring additional costs.
Second, the test quantity most likely will be smaller than the roll outs you will plan. In
printing - especially four-color printing - the 'price breaks' for increased quantities can
be very impressive. You might want to get quotes on some large quantities at the time
of the test so you'll have an idea of what to expect when planning subsequent phases of
the mailing.
Third, the test may include several versions of the job. Each time you change a piece,
the cost of printing goes up because of plate changes, color changes, labor cost, etc.
Once you estabUsh your 'control' package, your printing will be 'straight run' material
that is less costly to have printed.
A note about envelopes: It is faster to have stock envelopes overprinted with your indicia,
return address and any envelope teaser copy, but is substantially more costly. The
budget-wtse way to order envelopes is to standardize as much as you can, and have them
made to order in advance. To be safe, allow six weeks from the time you award the job
if you plan to have envelopes made to order.
6. UST RENTAL. If you are using your house file of names for a part
of the mailing, list costs per thousand will decrease because those
are 'free' names to you. It is not safe to use an average like $50 a

thousand unless you have worked out the lnd1viduallist costs and
found that this is the average. If you order a number of highly
specialized lists. your list costs may be somewhat higher than this.
You may save on lists by arranging list exchanges - but remember.
if you do this. the other firm will be able to mail to your list free just
as you will be mailing to its list.
Costs for this function vary
substantially and have to do with the size of the mailing. the
complexity of the job and your relationship with the computer
house. If the computer house does the maintenance on your firm's
list, you should be able to work out some type of volume 'deal.' The
'prep' job normally includes putting all the names you're mailing In
one zip string (l.e., zip code sequence from 00000 to 99999) - or In
any number of zip strings according to your test plan. You may also
have the names coded. checked against a 'nlx1es' list to drop out the
outdated addresses, and checked against a 'pander' Itst to make sure
you do not mail to people who have asked not to receive direct mail
solicitations. There are a number of other services a computer
house can perform for you if you so desire. but of course each
service adds to the bill.
8. MAILING. The term 'mailing' here means lettershop service. This
includes inserting to your specifications, labeling, sealing envelopes.
stamping or metering the envelopes if necessary, bagging the mail.
delivering it to the post office, and making sure it is accepted and
entered into the system. The lettershop may also help you obtain
the permits you need, give you advice about methods of Inserting,
and hold Inventory for you.
9. POSTAGE. In this hypothetical example. we are assuming that you
will mail bulk rate. To do this. you must follow a set of procedures
spelled out by the post office. In brief, for a bulk rate mailing, your
pieces must be in zip code sequence. they must be separated by zip
code, and labeled by zip code to speed post office sorting. You must
also obtain a bulk rate permit in order to mail at the lower rate. You
may save a bit more money by sorting your mail Into carrier routes called 'carrier route presort.' This procedure will be beneficial to
very large national mailers or for local mailers with heavy
concentration in a few zip codes. It is not worth the savings for
those with light penetration among large numbers of zip codes - for
one thing, the cost of having the pieces sorted by carrier route must
be weighed carefully against the post office savings.
Bulk rate mail does not get delivered as fast as first class mail In most cases. It is wise
to allow a good ten days for national penetration - especially if you are mailing from a
very busy bulk rate mail center, such as Chicago.
First class mail has more urgency than bulk rate mail, but it is almost twice as costly.
You may save a bit by presorting first class mail - again, if you have high concentration
in most zip codes. Most mailers find that bulk rate mail serves their purpose best for the
general mailings they do - and first class is warranted In the case of messages to
customers and some time-dated mailings.



Let's get back to the interior decorating course, and the mailing at $402 per thousand.
Let us say that we mailed the 100M pieces and received 1,000 orders. That's ten orders
per thousand pieces mailed. To obtain the cost per order, therefore, we simply divide
$402/10 - $40.20 per order.
This figure In and of itself means little until we plug it Into an overall budget Including
the cost of the product and the minimum amount needed to cover overhead and profit.
A rule of thumb for many direct mail products is that they require a 'three-time markup'
in order to succeed. Say that our interior decorating course has a basic cost of $40. A
three-time markup would make the retail cost of the product about $120.
That means that so far we have spent:
$40.20 per order on direct mail costs
$40.00 per order on the product itself
$80.20 subtotal
lfwe take In $125 per course, the amount left over for overhead and profit is:
( 80.201
$ 44.80
This $44.80 (or $44,800 for the mailing) must cover contribution to overhead, shipping
and packaging (if not included in the $40 product cost), returns, and any other cost of
doing business not included in the product cost or direct mail costs.


This example works backwards - it assumes that we already know how many orders we
will receive. But with a new mailing, you may have scant information to help you
determine what amount of response you may receive. To decide whether to proceed at
all, and if so on what basis to proceed, it is advisable to do some 'worst case,' 'best case,'
'likely case' projecting.
Say you have sold a course in cooking by mail before, and your average sale was six
orders per thousand. (Depending upon the sophistication of your records, you may have
average sales figures by season, by list. by product type, and so on. Some mailers even
do regression analysis to find out how these and other factors work together to affect the
results of a mailing.)
To prepare a forecast for your upcoming mailing on the interior decorating course, you
may want to use the figure of six orders per thousand as a benchmark - assuming that
the cooking course was the most slrnllar product you could find in terms of price, offer,
appeal, etc. Adjust that figure based on what you know about the new course. lf it Is
more expensive, less generally appealing, or different in some other obvious way, you may
want to adjust the basic 6 OPM figure up or down.
Now, figure out the monetary results if you receive the projected 6 OPM, and also for a

higher figure (best case) and a lower one (worst case). These figures will have to be
compared with your break-even figure (i.e. the amount you need to cover product cost,
direct mall cost and overhead before any profit is figured in).
Here is how your projection might look:
Best Case:

10 OPM - At $402 per thousand, your cost per order is $40.20

Ukely Case: 6 OPM - At $402 per thousand, your cost per order is $67.00
Worst Case: 3 OPM - At $402 per thousand, your cost per order is $134.00
You can see from these figures that at a $125 sell1ng price, the 'worst case' results would
not even cover the direct mall costs. On top of this you would have the product cost of,
say $40, and your overhead to cover. You might be w1ll1ng to go ahead, even in this
circumstance, however, if you were willing to invest the money in the test, and felt
confident that subsequent roll outs would bring about a profitable overall picture.
Some complete malltngs are done at break-even, or actually 'in the red.' in order to
develop a list of buyers who will be profitable names for the firm over a period of time.
Your firm's objectives will be highly individual, based upon the amount of capital you
have available. your firm's goals, how long you have been in business, etc. These basic
tools will help you to work with your own figures to see how the ma1l1ng you're planning
will meet the objectives which you set. In order to obtain the figures, you need to
estimate break-even, overhead and other important amounts for planning. It is wise to
work closely with your accounting department, or your outside accountant if he/ she is
not on staff with you. Careful evaluation of all costs, obvious and more hidden, will pay
off in the long run. Looking at 'the numbers' well in advance will help you to make sure
you are protected against the irony of a ma1l1ng which is successful by all standards
except the most important one: profitability.


Each lesson in the DIRECT MARKETER ends with a few self-answering questions which
serve as a review of the main topics covered in the lesson. Check back over the lesson
to see how well you have answered them.
1. Name the various expenses which contribute to direct marketing
cost per thousand (CPM). Try to identify other costs, not mentioned
here, which might apply speclfically to mailings done by your firm.

2. Which expenses are 'one-time' and which are likely to recur with
each ma1l1ng promotion?
3. If your ma1l1ng cost is $250 per thousand, and you mall50M pieces,
what is your cost per order if you receive 750 orders? What is the
cost if you receive 1,000 orders?



Pick up any newspaper or magazine and look at the consumer ads. Not a single major
advertiser 'rolls out' a major campaign without extensive copy and graphics testing. As
a matter of fact, general advertisers spend more than $75 rnIllIon each year for market
research and testing - attempting to determine just how the consumer will react to a
single ad.
Unfortunately, most consumer advertisers who use the conventional media (newspapers,
magazines, radio and television) can only rely on marketing research to determine which
ad will pull best. If they wish to test two ads they must do It In two different markets.
Hardly a scientific method of testing an ad.
That's one of the things that makes direct marketing Unique. We can scientifically test
copy, layout, mailing lists, mailing dates...just about any factor that we want to test.
Ad agency President James Kobs, author of Profitable Direct Marketing Methods (Crain
Books, 1979), cites a case where 400 direct marketing pros examined eight direct mall
packages and not a Single one of the pros picked more than six of the eight test winners.
Even the pros of the direct marketing business are unable to judge which advertising
package the consumer Is most likely to respond to.
There are several rules to testing...rules that If broken will invalidate the test and make
It impossible to predict (with even reasonable standards of predictability) the ultimate roll
out results.
letter or price vs. price. Or, brochure vs. brochure. Or package vs. package. But you
cannot attempt to test two elements at a time. If you do, your test will be Invalid.
Probably the most tested components of direct mail packages are letters, envelope teaser
copy, price and, of course, mailing lists.
When attempting to determine what to test. look for the areas in your package that you
can vary the greatest! Some years ago we were Involved In a four-way test for an
Industrial marketer who was seeking leads for his salespeople and the difference between
best and worst of the four tests was nearly 300%. Obviously, the mailer rolled out the
package that had the greatest likelihood of success. We're often reminded that direct
marketing can be much like a Las Vegas roulette wheel - but that we can control the
odds If we do appropriate testing.
ALWAYSTRY TO BEST YOUR 'BEST PACKAGE. Never be happy with your best-pulling
package - always test against It In the optimism that you can Improve on Its results.
Kiplinger Washington Letter has been testing against its 'More boom and Inflation ahead'
letter for nearly thiriy years and has never found a roll out package that beat that
package. But the firm keeps trying!
list management has substantially Improved the control that direct marketers have over
recording the results from their mailings. Any good list broker will help you set up a
method of controlling your response and recording It. It simply means assigning a series
of numbers (or numbers and letters) to each list used and making sure that you receive
the label back on your order or Inquiry form.
USE THE RULE OF 5'S. When you test a list you must make certain that you are testing
a large enough segment so that the results will be statistically valid. A good statistics

textbook with a probability table will be of help to every marketer. But I like a simpler
method of testing. If you test quantity 'X on your first mailing, your next maillng of that
segment should be no greater than 5X. In other words, if you test a 5,OOO-unlt segment.
your second mailing should be no greater than 25,000 pieces. Your third maillng,
provided the second malllngs holds up, can expand to 125,000. The fourth could
theoretically go to 625,000 - and you should be working in relatively valid segments.
that you analyze the results from your test mailing in terms of your 'net dollar return' .
. .or contribution to gross profit. After you deduct your mailing costs, don't forget your
product costs, warehouse and fulfillment, shipping, etc.

like to mail dally to avoid having skids and skids of mail bags clogging their traffic flow
on their work floor. As a result. on a larger mailing there could be a discrepancy of
several days from first drop to final. You should insist that your lettershop drop the
entire quantity on the same day to make sure that all mailing packages have an equal
chance of success. Thts may take a little convincing your lettershop...but I assure you
it can be done.
YOU ARE TI-lE BEST TESTER' EVER INVENTED. If you're new to the Job. . .or have
inherited test statistics that were created by somebody else...tread with extreme caution.
Some years ago your author purchased a newsletter and with it got very complete records
of previous mailings - or so we thought. Based on those statistics we dropped 280,000
pieces on our first mailing - using modest size roll out quantities on lists the previous
owner of this pu blication claimed success on. In some cases the results held up...but
in others we had an absolute disaster. One list of a major business mailer had a 90%
fall-off from the records we had inherited on our first drop to that list. Fortunately, we
had only included 25,000 of that list in the overall mailing - but it was enough to hurt.
We lost about $20,000 on the mailing - which for our little company hurt! Believe only
the results from your own tests. Any other results are subject to the creator's
interpretations and that could lead you astray.
ROLL OUT. If you made a test three years ago the results are no longer valid. You must
analyze and make your decisions from a test within a relatively scant period. Lists
change. Consumers change. Attitudes change. Just as everything in this world is
changing, you will find that the results of a test will change because of changes in the
world. If more than six months have passed from the test until you want to roll out, we
suggest you retest.
DONT TEST PINK ENVEWPES VS. BLUE ENVEWPES. Back in the early 1950's direct
marketers spent tremendous sums of money trying to determine what color reply
envelopes brought in the most orders. Even the biggest marketers were involved in this
testing. After much statistical reporting, testing and comparing results by numerous
direct marketers the hearty conclusion was that the color of the return envelope had very
little effect on response to a mailing. We tell this story because it is a prime example of
'testing insignificant' items.
If you test at all. make sure that the items you are testing are not trivial. Test copy,
headlines, brochures, packages, lists - don't test one photograph in a brochure vs.
another. Don't test green ink vs. blue ink on the order card.


These insignificant Items - If added together might have a very slight affect on your
mailing results. But the time and cost of testing these Insignificant Items would far
outweigh any results gained from the testing.


We suggest that for the newer company you first must establish a 'control" package so
that you have something to test against. Developing the control package can be done by
creating two (or more) variations of the same package - keeping the brochure (the most
costly element) the same In both but changing all other elements. Thls becomes a
'package' test - Package A vs. Package B. Thls wl1l help you establish a 'control" whichever one of these packages pulls best. you'll use as the control.
Then we suggest that your next test should Include either a 'copy' test of the letter - letter
vs. letter - or an envelope test - change the teaser copy on the outside of your envelope
and test a new envelope against your present envelope.
We like to spend time testing letters because a new letter can have a major effect on a
direct mall package. A long letter vs. a short letter Is one of the first things we like to
test. Contrary to what many novices tend to believe, long letters frequently outpull short
If you're going to use premiums In your package - as Is so often done In both consumer
and salesmen's lead mailings - you'll want to test various premiums against each other
to determine what type of premium brings In the greatest response.

A few years ago calculators were a 'hot' premium...then when the market became nearly
saturated, calculators virtually died as a premium. In recent months they have made a
strong comeback In the form of the business card-sized calculator. Had a mailer not
been continually testing his premium, he could have gone through a pretty dry spell In
response because the premium was wrong. Six months from now the situation may be
entirely different again. Premiums are a volatile business. . .and must be tested
frequently If you're going to have continual success.

Sweetening the offer with a premium can have a large effect on response. Every major
direct marketer can tell stories about what will happen. I don't think that anybody can
top the one, however, that happened to your author In the early 70's while working with
a major business machine manufacturer. Our effort was designed to get leads for
salesmen and we were dropping millions of pieces of mall a year. By finding the right
premium, we jumped front-end response from under 2% to over 7%. Our premium was
simply an 'Idea Handbook' that described the various products manufactured by the
company and showed the prospective customer how he could better use the equipment.
Obviously the client was delighted with the results, though the sales force was slightly
less enthusiastic because the premium resulted In a looser lead than the previous mail
effort that did not give a 'bribe' for a response. The campaign continued for nearly five
years - the best indication of Its success.
Testing the format Is probably one of the most Important test Items. Should your mailing
package be a #10 envelope, 6x9, 9x12, Dartnell self-mailer type format? Should your
mailing be In full color or can you get by with two colors? Should the ad have a two color
bind-in card or Is a coupon In the ad adequate? Should one of the Response Graphics
computerized formats be used for the mailing package? Every direct marketer worth

his/her salt maintains an 'idea file' - samples of what other mailers have done, If you're
going to successfully test, you must be continually on the lookout for new formats that
can open the doors for major success.
Envelope tests are equally as IInportant. Most envelope companies are not creative! As
a result. it normally pays to buy envelopes from the 'low bidder' rather than working with
anyone particular envelope company. Exception: if an envelope company can provide
you some unique format, you'll want to latch onto them and test some of their formats
even if their envelopes cost you a few cents more. The only creative envelope company
that we've come across in nearly twenty years is TENSION ENVELOPE COMPANY (12th
and Campbell Sts., Kansas City, MO 64108). Drop a note to Bob Bonebrake at TENSION
and ask h1m to send you one of their envelope idea kits. They make envelopes for every
direct mail purpose and own more patents for creative ideas than all other envelope
companies put together.
JIIn Robs suggests that a test for a new venture should be concentrated on the two most

signiflcant parts of the campaign - lists and offers.

Once you have proved that the product or service is salable by mail (and not all are) you'll
then want to refine your testing and test:

Adc1ltional lists.
Free vs. sample offers.
Premiums vs. no premiums.
Premiums vs. other premiums.
Elaborate vs. simple mailing packages.
Four-color vs. two-color printing.
Sophisticated computer formats.
Bounce-back offers vs. no bounce-back offers.
Frequency of mailing to the same auc1lence.

Back in the old days BITC (Before the Federal Trade Commission) book marketers used
to do extensive 'dry testing' - put out a mailing to sell a product before the product was
actually created. Obviously, the saving to the marketer was tremendous. if the product
didn't sell, the expense of creating it wasn't necessary. The Federal Trade Commission,
however, has put some restrictions on how dry testing can be used. They do not object
to the use of dry testing so long as:

* The public will not be misled to think that the books (or products)
are already manufactured or will definitely be manufactured.
* Notice of the conc1ltional nature of publication is made in the

* Notice will be given to those who ordered within four months if

publication will not be completed.

* There is no substitution of product - the product offered is the only

one delivered.
Few clirect marketing firms do as much testing as they should. if they did, they would
find that they could improve many of their results by substantial percentages. The major

agencies recommend that a fixed percentage of the overall advertising budget be devoted
strictly to testing. If you test and continually retest - using the results of your analysis
to make further marketing decisions - the results can help a company grow from a small
marketer into a substantial one.
'Monday morning quarterbacking' or 'postrnatllng analysis meetings' are frequently the
best-spent time that a direct marketer can be Involved in. The author spends 50-60
days a year with cllents helping them analyze results from previous maillngs and 'Monday
morning quarterbacking' previous mal1lng efforts. It is this effort that can make a
company see just where It stands and how It can best proceed to grow.
We would be blatantly remiss lfwe didn't comment (despite the fact that this may sound
llke a commercial for our consulting services) that frequently an outside consultant can
help a marketer better understand what he has accompllshed - or wants to accompllsh through testing.
Testing will help you progress faster than you would through bllnd mailing based on
hunches. Be sure that what you are testing Is slgnlflcant and that you make a valtd test
(one element at a time). Through ongoing testing, re-analysts and retesting you will
Increase the response from your rnalllngs. It may seem llke a slow process but it's the
only stable one for best growth.

After you answer the questions below, check back through this Notebook section to see
how accurately and thoroughly you absorbed the information It contains.
1. What big advantages does direct mail have over other media when
it comes to testing the effectiveness of a speciflc promotional effort?

2. In testing direct mail packages, which components should you test?

3. Which components of a direct mail package should you test? Why?
4. What is the rule of 5's? How Is it used?
5. Should all direct mail packages included In a test be mailed within
the same month, the same week or the same day? Why?
6. How soon after the test is completed should your roll out mailing be
made? Why?
7. What is a 'control' package? How is It selected? How is It used in a
testing program? When should It be replaced by a different
8. What is the value of including a premium offer In a mailing package?
How do you select the premium to be used?
9. What is an 'Idea file?' Why is It important?
10. What is 'dry testing?' Is It still permitted by the FTC?

11. Why is it important to accurately:

a. Record the results of each test?
b. Make the proper analysis of those results?
12. Does 'Monday morning quarterbacking' on test mailings payoff?
13. Should testing be done once a year, once a month, or more or less
continuously as far as your promotional budget will permit? Should
a definite appropriation be provided for testing?"
Direct mall marketing wizard. Don Hauptman. advises:
'''Real people' have appeal, and human interest can be a powerful selling tool. Here's how
other direct mailers have done it. and a step-by-step program you can put into action to
harness this overlooked technique and make it pay for you.
When I was 16, my father died of a heart attack. . .'
Recently, a client of mine acquired a newsletter called Cardiac Alert and assigned me to
write a direct mail subscription promotion package.
During our discussions, he mentioned hJs intense personal interest in the subject,
stemming from a family hJstory of heart disease. Sensing an idea. I probed further for
the details.
When the package appeared, it contained a 'publisher's letter' - a brief note in addition
to the main sales letter. The outside of the folded note contained. in simulated
handwriting, the eleven words above.
Inside. the copy I wrote ran as follows:
Dear Reader:
When I was 16, my father died of a single massive heart attack. He was only 46 years old.
The shock of this tragedy had an enormous impact on my life. As I grew older, I found
myself increasingly concerned about heart disease. I vowed that I would not follow in my
father's footsteps.
Heredity was, of course, beyond my control. But environmental factors were not. I knew
there were actions I could take to minimize the chances of falling victim to America's # 1
I began by reading whatever I could find on heart attacks. When Cardiac Alert first
appeared, I became a Charter Subscriber. (I still have the first tssue.) I was impressed
by the newsletter, and by its excellent research and writing.
Then came an unusual twist of fate. As president of PhJll1ps Publishing. Inc.. I was
suddenly presented With the opportunity to become the publisher of Cardiac Alert. And
I did.
I consider it a privilege to be able to help others protect themselves against this savage


disease that killed my father.

I hope you'll read the enclosed letter and decide - as I did years ago - to become a
Thomas L. Ph1lllps
What Is It that makes this short note so powerful?
First. It's dramatic. It tells a story. The reader's curiosity Is aroused, and he Is 'drawn
In.' Uke any good story, It has a beginning, a middle and an end. Next, It's Incredible.
It sounds like the truth - because It Is the truth. This Is important. Today, many people
are skeptical of advertising. Puffery and exaggeration claims tum them off Instantly.
Sincerity Is welcomed - If only because of Its comparative rarity.
The reader can Identify with the situation presented. All of us are conscious of our
mortality. We've experienced the serious lllness or death of someone we know, and we've
thought about the possibility of such a catastrophe striking us. As a result of Its strong
emotional component, the reader Is affected more profoundly than If the copy relied
exclusively on abstract Intellectual argument.
In sum, the copy has human Interest. 'Real people' are Involved In events that matter that matter to the reader. Nothing Is more Interesting to people than people.
Finally, It's worth noting that the reader Isn't being subjected here to a blatant sales
pitch. Instead, he Is Informed, engrossed, Intrigued, educated, seduced. The point Is
made, not by lecturing, but through the more palatable devices of storytelling and
Used properly, human Interest can be an extraordinarily effective advertismg tool.
Novelists, playwrights - all storytellers know its appeal. So do journalists and publicists.
Magazines and newspapers long ago discovered the impact of photos of people,
particularly close-ups and action shots, with descriptive captions. Fund raisers have
learned that the picture and story of a single woebegone child Is worth more In
contributions than reams of statistics on poverty and starvation.
Why, then, is the human Interest technique used so infrequently In direct response
One answer may be that it Isn't easy to pull off. Good 'people' stories are tough to find.
Occasionally, a superb anecdote might come your way by chance. But far more often
you've got to dig for them. And that requires time and hard work.



Here are a few illustrations of human Interest In direct response copy.

For Decker Communications Report. a publication that helps executives improve their
speaking skills. I found a relevant incident in the background of editor/publisher Bert
Ten years ago. my film company bid on a major project for the National Park Service.
It was a $400,000 contract. The written proposal was regarded as excellent by everyone
who read it. I went to Washington to sell the concept to a five-man board - and lost!
Why? A friend on the board told me afterward: "Bert, you seemed nervous. You didn't
look confident. They just couldn't believe you could handle the project." That was when
I decided to do something about my presentation abllities.'
For a tax advisory service, I decided to exploit a terrific subscriber anecdote, heading it
'A True Story:'
'One day last November. the president of a firm based In Washington, D. C. picked up his
copy of Tax Angles and read this item: (Citation of a federal tax exemption). The
executive, unaware of this point, had been paying Social Security taxes on his employees'
sick pay for many years. Justifiably annoyed, he confronted his outside accountant:
'Why didn't you tell me about his? Why did I have to read about it In Tax Angles?'"
For a company that sells cigars by mail:
'Shortly after Fidel Castro seized power, the United States declared an embargo on Cuban
products. But a Cuban grower managed to smuggle out of his country twelve pounds of
the finest Pinar del Rio tobacco seed - hidden in the diplomatic pouch of a sympathetic
ambassador stationed In Havana.'
And for Office Technology Management, a newsletter, I had the publisher relate his own
'A year-and-a-half ago. we decided to automate our offices with word processors to
compose and edit our publications. We installed the latest equipment, the most
advanced technology. But we made one serious mistake. We didn't know how to exploit
the full capabllities of our expensive and sophisticated new machinery. As a result. many
thousands of dollars were being wasted. In talking with others, I discovered that the
mistake we made is far from unique.. .'
Study these examples. Do any of them suggest a 'human interest' approach that you
might be able to take in your advertising?

Is a customer testimonial or endorsement an application of the human interest principle?
Yes, but not always. To understand this paradox, let's consider two very different types
of user testimonials, which might be categorized as follows:
1. SUPERIATIVE. These are the familiar effusive quotes: 'Sensational!'
'I use it every day!' Wouldn't be without one!'

These narrate an incident relating to the user's


experiences with the product. 'Case histories' and 'before-and-after'

accounts fall into this category.
While the first should not be dismissed, their only human interest element consists of the
fact that a human being Is quoted. Superlatives tend to lack credibillty.
The second type of testimonial, well-handled, Is far more powerful than a truck-load of
adjectives. Such anecdotes are more bellevable because, Instead of empty praise, they
cite a reason for the user's satisfaction. It's easy for the reader to doubt the sincerity of
a gushing tribute. It's a lot harder for him to be skeptical of a first-hand report of a
s peclfic event.
Could 'the human factor' Increase the Impact of your advertising? Probably. But to do
It right, you need a systematic approach. Here are some suggestions:
1. 'Capture' every promotional Idea. Save unsollclted customer letters.
Instruct salespeople and telephone personnel to llsten for and jot
down comments that express satisfaction, unusual product
applications. benefits or results. Remember: once they get away,
they're gone forever. Don't let that happen.
2. Begin a program to generate material. But don't stop with the ones
that fall Into your lap. Initiate a system that will produce usable
anecdotes and testimonials. One of my cllents automatically sends
a letter to all customers four months after purchase, sollclting just
such feedback. A mall or telephone survey can be very productive.
Bear In mind, however, that most people are not natural storytellers.
To get them to open up, they must be prompted and coaxed by a
skilled interviewer.
3. Speclfics beat generalities. When Interviewing, don't settle for vague
replles such as the statement that the product 'saved us money.'
How much money? S1rn1larly, 'Ajax widgets cut our production
delays by 35 percent' is superior to We saved time.' Probe for
success stories, problems solved, concrete results. The more details,
the better. Speclfics supply a ring of truth that cloudy generalities
can't equal. And they provide 'color' - vivid, descriptive touches that
convey a sense of authenticity and realism. Unless confidentiality
is a factor, or permission Impossible to obtain, attribute fully: name,
title, company, city. Photo, too. This makes the quote more
bellevable than 'J .S., Illlnots.'
4. Don't fake it. While effective human interest stories often have the
dramatic appeal of a good novel, play or film, their real power
springs from a solld basis in fact. This kind of credib11lty can't be
fabricated, so don't try It. Aside from the ethical question, there are
FTC rules governing the use of testimonials. And some marketers
(such as those selling certain Investment products and services) are
legally prohibited by regulatory agencies from using testimonials at
all. If in doubt, check with your attorney or trade association. Be
sure to save orlglnalletters in case you're asked for documentation.


And obtain permlsston, prefemblya signed release, If you use names

or photos,"

Here's an idea that no one had ever tried until Jay did it.
"I took a prospect list and sent 5,000 copies of a hard-cover bonus book that retailed for
$20, along with a note telling the recipients that we thought It'd be nice for them to
receive something unexpected, since everyone was always trying to get them to try new
I told them why I'd selected the book - it had Ideas and insight Into subjects that could
make or save them money and that the book mirrored my client's views. There was no
obligation to do anything, Just read the book - but If they did, we were certain they would
become interested in my client's product.
And, since I was sending the book, I would also tell them about our newest promotion,
offering a reduced-price chance to get it before the masses.
That single idea made my client $1,300,000.
If not a book. then a report, tickets to a show, a coupon, something usable on Its own without spending any other money.
Most companies offer customer 7, 14, or 30 days to try a purchase or own It.
I came up with 60, 90, 120, even 360 day money-back offers. I call It risk transfer.
I take the risk on my own shoulders (or my client's shoulders) Instead of leaving It on the

Furthermore, I give that customer two or three times the needed review period to make
the purchase non-threatening and non-intimidating.
Finally, I throw In a bonus worth almost or more than the cash purchase price I'm trying
to get.
And the customer keeps the bonus even If he or she asks for their money back; thus, a
better-than-risk-free proposition.
In many cases, it has tripled up-front response and increased returns by a negligible

The following facts come from Direct Mall Briefs.

1. TEASERS: Without telIlng the whole story, pique the reader's
curiosity. A technique being used by lots of mailers is to have the
beginning of the sales letter on the outside envelope, which forces

the prospect to open the envelope In order to finish the story.

2. TARGETING: If appropriate, target your audience on the envelope
(e.g. If the package is a proposition for Insurance Salesmen, address
them on the outside envelope).
3. FREE GIFf: If there's a premium or giveaway in your offer, tell your
prospect about It on the envelope.
4. mE OFFICIAL LOOK: If the envelope looks like It's from the
government or an important corporation, It has a better chance of
being opened. Boardroom Books has used this kind of envelope
successfully for two titles, Book Of Inside Information and How To
Beat The IRS - samples of those rnalllng pieces are available on
5. UNDERSTATEMENT: An effective technique Is to make the envelope
plain and the texture rich enough so that It won't be recognized as
advertising. Bare envelopes, with nothing more than a return
address and prospect's address, work best when the mailer has a
name that gets immediate attention. If you are unsure of the impact
of your name (Le., you don't know how recognizable It Is or how
favorably It will be viewed), a bare envelope with only the prospect's
name and address may be more effective.
6. PERSONAliZATION: This is really the opposite of #4, but If you're
not going the 'official/corporate' route, the other extreme Is also
effective - that Is. give the envelope the appearance of being sent
from one person to another. Best: Personally addressed envelope
(typed or Ink-jet printed on the outside). rather than a window
envelope (which usually has a card with a label showing through the
window). Also: Avoid using P.O. box for the return address; it
detracts from the 'personal touch.'
7. LONG COPY; General rule for any outside envelope is to make sure
what you promise on the outside is backed up on the Inside. As a
rule, overprinted envelopes pull better than bare or understated
Sc why do so many mall marketers fall to keep, file and use these Uttle response-building

gems? When used correctly, testimonials boost response - sometimes dramatically. They
help build the prospect's perception of bellevablllty, stability. honesty, and value. Galen
Stilson, direct response copywriter and pubUsher of Mall Order Connection, offers these
tips on how to get and use response-building testimonials:
UNSOLICITED 1YPE: Many times, testimonials will arrive without you asking for them.
The key here Is to immediately get permission to use these In upcoming promotions and
then file them for easy reference and future use. You should develop a standardized
system for following up on the receipt of customer comments. You thank them, and you
ask for permission to use their positive comments with attribution (name and address)
In your future national advertising. Important: If you haven't received a written O.K. to


print the testimonial with attribution, the only Identification you can use Is Initials. And
Initials aren't nearly as effective as full Identification.
SOLICITED 1YPE: You can ask for testimonials In a number of ways. You can ask
dlrectly through a letter, you can use evaluation forms sent separately or Included with
your product shipment, or you can use the phone. Important: Be tactful. Don't say,
'Please send me a testimonial.' Instead, ask for comments, both pro and con. (The
negative comments can be as revealing as the positive ones. Save them for yourself and
your copywriter. They help tdentlfy problems and objections which can be corrected or
overcome In future promotions..)
GETTING SPECIFIC, TARGETED TESTIMONIALS: Testlrnonlals are no different than ad
copy - the more specific they are, the more potent (especially when these specifics back
up your benefits claIms). Most testimonials are very general (e.g., 'It's great,' 'It's
wonderful,' etc.) - and while these comments may make you feel good, they are not as
useful as specific, targeted testimonials. Reason: They lose Impact because they begin
sounding unbelievable. However, through edlting and subtle suggestion, you can
Increase a testimonial's Impact and specificity without changing the meaning.
For example, testimonials with various references to the product should be edlted to fit
the list you are mailing to and/or the space you have available. Also, testimonials can
be molded to what you need them for through subtle suggestion.
For example, In your letter or evaluation form, ask for comments about your product (or
service) In the specific areas you would most like to have your testimonials cover. Even
when you receive the 'It's the greatest thing since sex' type of testimonial, don't simply
chuckle and file It. Instead, rewrite the testimonial according to the way you'd like It to
read. Then mall your version to the customer and ask If It accurately reflects his/her
opinion, and If so, may you have permission to use It with attribution.
MAINTAINING TESTIMONIALS: Instead of filing ail of the letters you receive under one
category titled Testimonials,' file by potential use. Possible categories: 'Benefit' (what
customer Ilke about product); 'Name value' (Is testimonial from a recognizable person or
company); 'Customer type' (male/female, Job titles, etc.): 'Product type' (what they bought
and liked): 'Geographic location.' Each testimonial category should have a code and each
testimonial a number (the same testimonial may, and should, fall Into many categories).
USING TESTIMONIALS EFFECTIVELY: Testimonials can be used in direct-mail packages
or ads In many ways. They can be used for headlines. headline lead-ins, In the sales
letter to give immediate proof of a benefit claIm, on the order form to reaffirm value at the
point of decision-making. grouped together under a 'see what other sharp people are
saying' insert or section, as envelope teasers or as a buck sUp/lift-letter Insert.
Testimonials represent one of the most versatile copywrtting tools at your disposal. To
be most effective, they need to include attribution and be believably specific. Ideally, they
should not all praise the same aspect of your product or company - dlversity will add to
their potency.
THREE FINAL NOTES: First, the best customers to approach are your repeat buyers.
You know they are satisfied. Second, spend time refining your request so that It 'sounds
right.' You are asklng for help, not demanding it. And third, include a postage-paid
response device (a business-reply envelope or self-addressed stamped envelope) with
every request."


Its always nice to be In a business where you get your money up front. Here are
"Ten Techniques To Get Your Money Up-Front." by Luther Brock. Ph. D .. from Direct
MarketlJ1( Muazlne.
"Even though your customers love your products, that's not enough to keep you in love
with dlrect mail as a selling medium. In today's world, It pays to get payment-with-order
whenever possible.
1. Give a gift for paying with order. Just make sure the gift Is desirable

enough to make folks rush for their checkbooks. Important: Cost

out the premium as compared with the benefits of getting your
money fast. In most cases, you'll dlscover you can offer a very
enticing gift and still come out way ahead.
2. Offer credlt cards. You may not get ail your money this way due to
the charge you have to pay to the credlt card companies. But It may
be better to get 'almost all' than worry about collections. And you'll
get more orders - If people know they can charge It, they're more apt
to buy.
3. Use 'even' prices and encourage the customer to send cash.
Strategy: 'Just stick a $20 blll in the enclosed Safety Protection
Envelope, then tuck It in the postage-free reply envelope and mall
today: Risk: Cash can be lost or stolen so this ploy Is daring.
Advantages: Ease of ordering - no check to write out. no moneyorder to buy, great for Impulse buying. Especially good for selling to
older people. Use of 'even' prices may be less deceptive - 'odd' prices
don't fool people the way they used to. (Editor's note: Even If you
don't ask for a $20 blll, a $20 or $15 price may be more desirable
than a $19.95 or $14.95 price. 'Even' prices should at least be
4. Tie up-front paying to your guarantee. Strategy: We'll hold your
check for 31 days. If you're not completely satisfied, write to us and
we'll send your actual uncashed check back to you:
5. Offer to pay shipping when customer pays up-front. Especially
effective when product is bulky and shipping is slgnlflcant. Also,
works better with consumers than in business markets.
6. Sendlng C.O.D. Although there are collection and receipt problems,
this can still be effective when selllng to the lower end of the market.
Shouldn't be completely overlooked.
7. Push an 800 toll-free number. By accepting all credlt cards and
stressing free phone-In ordering, you get many more cash orders.
Warning: You'd better have expert order-takers or this system will
fallon its face.
8. Ask for up-front payment on the initial order when selling to
businesses. This will give you time to check the buyer's credlt
history before establishing a line of credlt. But let the business
know that you will extend credit in the future as long as they pay the

first order with cash up-front. Most businesses appreciate this

practice and will go along with it.
9. Emphasize that cash up-front keeps the cost to the customer low.
Strategy: 'As a business person you know that collections can pose
quite a problem to any firm. In fact, a recent study showed we can
actually price our products $X cheaper by getting rid of collection
10. LInk cash-with-order to a limited time special offer. Strategy:
'Because the price is so low, we're asking for your check with your
order. Please hurry. If we run out when we receive your check. we'll
return the check immediately, of course. '"
The HoUetter offers this advice on coupons from James Kobs and Glenn Peters,

Don't camouflage the coupon. It may sound simple, but if you're

going to do a coupon - do a coupon. Hiding the coupon may be
aesthetically pleasing, but it's bad marketing. Your coupon should
say, 'Here I am. Mail mel' Helpful: Put a bold dotted line around
the coupon. Also, if the rest of the ad uses a tint behind it, drop the
tint out of the coupon. Bottom line: Make the coupon stand out.

* Put the return address and toll-free number inside the coupon.
Assume that your prospect is going to tear out the coupon and mail
it later. If he/she doesn't know where to send it or whom to call,
you've lost a response.
* Repeat the offer and major benefit inside the coupon. Don't say,
'Send me more information.' Say, 'Send me more information on
how the Widget can solve all my cooking problems.' Another good
idea is to have a 'hard' and 'soft' offer option. Have one box that
says, 'Give me more information on how the Widget can solve all my
cooking problems, and please have a representative call.' Another
box would say 'I still have a few questions. Please send me more
information.' This technique will qualify the leads a little more than
using only one option and it can boost total response. Other ideas:
Statement of a money-back guarantee; statement of 'no obligation for
free information;' a picture in or near the coupon of your
information kit or catalog to give the offer more substance.
* Tell the prospect whom to make the check out to inside the coupon.
When you've gotten to the point where your prospect has his/her
checkbook out, don't let that order slip away! Make it as easy as
possible for the prospect to pay - don't hide whom is supposed to get
the money.

* Give your coupon a name.

Are you soliciting book club

memberships? Call your coupon a membership application. Are
you offering free information? Call it an information request. Give
your coupon some extra value - after all. it is the most important
element of your ad. And no matter what you call It, put a dotted line
around it.

Give your prospect enough space to write in name and address.

This also sounds simple, but it's amazing how many coupons you
can find that are virtually impossible to fill in. Also important:
Make the coupons easy to understand. lf you have a lot of
information to put inside, make the coupon bigger. Bottom line:
Coupons are response devices - make it as easy as possible for the
prospect to read it, understand it and respond with it."

Here is another tip from The Hotletter.

". Begin with the strongest point or the best promise, Fire the 'big gun'
Use an opening that promises the reader a benefit.
Ask a question that gets the reader to agree with the points in your
Keep the opening paragraph short. Alternate long and short
paragraphs. NO paragraph should be longer than seven lines.
After writing the first paragraph, ask yourself: 'Is that what I'd say
after the handshake if I were calling in person?'
Keep the tone personal, low-pressured, friendly, sincere, informal.
Write the way people talk.
Address the reader as an individual. Fill the letter with 'you'
references. Pretend you are the recipient and 'write to yourself:
* Don't annoy the reader - and lose him - by telling him obvious things
about his own business. And never talk down to your audience;
better yet. 'talk up' to them.
* Get news into the message and get to the point quickly.
Use an occasional handwritten note in the margin (or underline).
* Single-space the copy. Sklp an extra space between paragraphs.
* To carry a reader through the entire letter, use conjunctions
liberally. They work particularly well at the opening of sentences
and paragraphs.

* Use a Post Scrip - evetybody reads a P.S.

* Ask for the order - don't just hint. Tell your audience what you want
them to do. Make and offer (and make it clear) and give the benefits
of doing it now."




Again, by offering the better-than-risk-free guarantee and allowing the customer to keep

a valuable product or service even If they ask for a refund, you convey your confidence
in your product's ability to perform to their satisfaction,
It's obvious that If you had to payoff often, you'd lose your shirt. The better-than-riskfree guarantee implies that your offer lives up to its promise.
By offering to reward the customers for their effort or trouble, the better-than-risk-free
guarantee acknowledges their value to you.'


Letter # 1: A personalized letter to established customers

I'm Writing to Alert You to an Opportunity We're Only
Making Available to Our Best Customers...
Ms. Jane H. Customer
1209 Arlington Avenue
Anytown, USA 00000
Dear Ms. Customer,
About once a year, we get the opportunity to purchase some very special _ _. There
aren't enough of them made that we can stock them in the store, because too many
people would want one and we'd sell out too quickly. Therefore, we've started a policy of
picking out our most special and preferred customers and alerting them in advance to
the fact that we're buying these _ _, and that we're only going to have (number)
available, and offering them the chance to reserve or buy one or two or (number) of these
before they even come in. That assures them to be able to receive at least one of these
before our supplies are exhausted.
The last time we got in 50 of these _ _' we sold them out in the first few days. You
weren't able to take advantage, and I know you were disappointed. This time I want to
give you first shot.
Here's a description of the _ _ and a few of the reasons I think it's so special (describe
and explain product or service here).
I'm holding one of these in your name for the next three days. Call me to confirm that
you want it. You can give me your charge card number. or you can come in and give us
a check, or you can mail us a check, whlchever you prefer. The moment it arrives, we'll
call you, and you can either corne in or we'll have it sent out to you.
Then, If for any reason you don't like it. we'll be glad to take it back, because we know
we'll sell it out. I just know you'll love your _ _once it arrives, and you would hit
yourself If I didn't make it available this time, since you mtssed out last time. If you'd like
to be one of the (number) people who gets one of these _ _ when they corne in, contact
me right away.


Letter #2: To sell people a larger quantity of something than they normally would buy
I'm Writing to Offer You an Opportunity to
Save $__ (or _%) On _ _
Ms. Jane H. Customer
1209 ArUngton Avenue
Anytown, USA 00000
Dear Ms. Customer:
We know you are interested in _ _. You're one of our very best customers and probably
buy more _ _ than anybody else who patronizes us. For that reason, we decided to
offer you a very special purchase opportunity. We just rea!lzed we could afford to make
you an extraordinarily generous price on a larger quantity of _ _ than you normally
buy. Given the fact that you seem to buy often from us, we thought that you probably
would just as soon buy a two or three month's supply, rather than just one, particularly
if we can save you a lot of money on it. So we've put together a special 'package' just for
you. It's (number) of _ _, enough to last you three full months. And we'll sell it to you
for just (dollars). That's a (dollar) savings over what YOU'd probably pay if you bought it
the way you normally do. We're not going to make as much profit, but we're going to
make you a wonderful value, and we hope that because of it, you'll come back more
often, and you'll buy more things, and you'll refer more people to us.
In the long run, we all benefit, and that's fair and equitable. If you'd like to take
advantage of this offer, pick up the phone and call me personally, or call one of our
salespeople and tell them. They'll be only too happy to provide you with deUvery or hold
it at the store for you to pick up at our offices. By the way, any purchase you make is
fully guaranteed. just Uke when you buy a one-month supply. So you're risking nothing.
You're just saving a lot.
It's our way of thanking you for all the past business you've given us and to show you
that we really appreciate you. Thank you very much for your past, present, and future
Name, Title
Phone Number

Letter #3: For a customer Ust that's never before been mailed
I'm Writing to Alert You to an Opportunity
I've Never Shared With My Customers Before...
Mr. John H. Customer
1209 Arlington Avenue
Anytown, USA 00000
Dear Mr. Customer:
We got to thinking a few days ago about how valuable our customers really are to us, and

we realized we'd never before expressed our appreciation or tried in any way to show you
how valuable we find you to be. I want to do something about that. Something that
would really make you see how much I appreciate your past business, and would
encourage you to do business with us over and over again In the future.
How could we persuade you? What could we possibly do to induce you to really love
doing business with us? The answer, actually, was painfully obvious. A staff member
suggested, 'Why don't we make them an offer that's better-priced and more advantageous
than any offer we've ever made to our outside customers?'
Why would we make such an offer to you? The answer Is equally simple. You're worth
more to us. You've got the capacity to buy more frequently, and buy more of our product
(or use our service more) and we'd like to reward you for It. So, for the next seven
working day, we're going to allow you to purchase all the _ _(or up to $ _ worth of
~ you want for 30% less than anyone else in the store can buy It for.
differently, every time you spend $100, you're going to get $130 worth of value. Are there
any catches to this proposition? Only one. I think you'll agree it's quite reasonable. We
ask that you be discreet. Walk up to the salesperson and quietly mention this letter, and
mention that you want to take advantage of the 30% savings because you're a priority
client. Since It's an offer we're only making to certain select people, we would not want
to embarrass, offend, or hurt any of our other customers who may be browsing In the
store. But as long as you're wll1Ing to respect this request, you can come Into our store,
or If you prefer you can call and have It charged to your credit card and we'll sell you up
to _ _ for 30% less than anyone else can pay for It today.
We hope that by making you a generous proposttlon, you will appreciate the value and
Importance we place on you and your business. In order to take advantage of this
preferential offer, Just come In or call us before (date, or seven days) and mention this
letter. Do, however, be discreet about It. We appreciate your business. We hope that
you realize how true that statement Is. Thank you for the past, thank you for the
present, thank you for the future business.
Business Owner

Letter #4: This letter Is to pre-sell something that's not stockable, but that could be
lucrative for the store
I'm Writing to Alert You to a BUying Opportunity Not One In a Thousand
of Our Customers Can Take Advantage of...
Mr. John H. Customer
1209 Arlington Avenue
Anytown, USA 00000
Dear Mr. Customer:
We know you have a strong interest or enthusiasm In the _ _ area. How do we know
that? Because you're one of our better customers, and you seem to buy the best
specimens of _ _ that we have ever stocked.
Recently our buyer uncovered a source of unbelievably high quality _ _ In New York

that. frankly. exceeds the quality and construction limits of anything we've ever stocked
or sold in the store before. They're not cheap. But then again. the best of anythtng
rarely Is. They're made to sell for $_ _ and at that price they're probably a steal given
their construction, their beauty, and their performance characteristics (or capabilities).
However, because you are one of our very best customers, we wanted to both Inform and
reward you at the same time. So we decided to write this letter and tell you about the
_ _, and also tell you about a problem we have and tum that Into a buying opportunity
for you.
The problem: The _ _ we're In love with are too expensive to be stocked In the store.
They're only going to appeal to the most dlscrlrn1nating and purist amongst all of our
_ _ oriented customers. Uke you!
It doesn't justify buying three or four of these and stocking them. Parenthetically, all we
could buy If we wanted to Is a handful of them, because they're made In such small
quantities and they're so expensive to manufacture. We decided that If we could get you
to advance order one or more of these. we'd allow you the opportunity to buy them for
a very advantageous price. far below their suggested retall price.
How much are we talking about? Would you believe a savings of _ _%? That's the
reduction we're willing to give you, That amounts to $_ _ off the suggested retall price.
Admittedly. we're not planning on making much of any profit on the Item. But we
thought It was such a spectacular product that It would be grievous not to alert you to
it. But it was too specialized for us to stock. So If you'd like to own one of these as your
own, you can buy it today, not for the $_ _ it was Intended to sell for, but for only
$_ _, which is a _ _% savings.
Is there a catch? Only one, and It's quite reasonable, To buy it at this profound
discount, you've got to agree to pay us a deposit of $_ _. and when the product comes
in, pay the rest in about three weeks. Otherwise, the only way you'll probably be able to
buy It is If you're In New York at one of the more expensive stores that stocks them -- of
which there are only two that we know of. But then, you'd have to pay the $_ _ Instead
of the $_ _ we're willing to sell It to you for today.
In other words. we want to reward you for being our favorite customer by giving you
almost a 40% discount on a product that is probably the most spectacular specimen of
its kind in the country, and one we know you'll treasure owning because It will perform
so well (or look so beautlful-- modify this to the product you're selling). We're certain we
can only get a handful of these _ _ this year. so we must limit you to a maximum of
(one or two, you decide based on availability) and we must get your order request In
person or by telephone (we can charge it to your charge card or bill your company)
lrnrnedlately, If we're to order one of these for you.
In a month or so, you'll probably kick yourself If you don't take advantage of this offer.
particularly If you see any of your friends or associates, or colleagues ustng one (or
wearing one. whatever the appropriate application is).
In order to reserve one of these _ _ for yourself, call me personally at (phone number)
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays. and tell me the size and the style you want. For
your benefit, I've included a descriptive catalogue sheet on the product In with this letter,
and a few of the rave reviews that have been lavished upon it. I appreciate your past
business. We look forward to having you be a client in the future. Thank you.

The Owner
Telephone Number

Letter #5: For retail businesses

Mr. John H. Customer
1209 Arlington Avenue
Anytown, USA 00000
Dear Mr. Customer,
I'm writing to let you know about a new service we're offering only to our preferred
customers. Irs a service designed to give you, the people who favor us with a larger
amount of business, an advantage in accessing the products or services you're most
interested in.
Simply put, we typically carry a large selection of exclusive widgets. These widgets often
are a bit more exotic (or more quality-constructed or special handmade items or are the
highest-performing widgets carried anywhere), but because of our inventory capacity, we
can only order very small quantities. Consequently, within a few days of receiving them,
our supply is usually depleted.
We know from experience that you enjoy, prefer, and appreciate these kinds of items, so
we are going to start, unless you tell us otherwise, to call or write to notify you before
putting these items out in the store.
Whenever we are approached with a new item, or whenever we send our buyer to New
York, we're going to contact you first - ahead of time - to give you the first opportunity
to take advantage of these widgets -- not only ahead of everybody else, but at a preferred
price as well.
Lest you think we're crazy, there is a method to our madness: I) We'll tum our inventory
faster; 2) We'll make you a lot happier because you'll be able to buy more of what you
really love -- hopefully, you'll buy more often so we'll make more cumulative profit; and
3) We'll have the satisfaction of knowing we're offering our very best merchandise and
price to the customers that have been faithful and loyal and enormously generous in their
Unless we hear from you otherwise, we'll simply notify you in advance and give you the
first opportunity to be one of a handful of people that can own these items.

Letter #6: For customers who purchased in the past, but not recently
Mr. John H. Customer
1209 Arlington Avenue Anytown, USA 00000


Dear Mr. Customer,

We are so pleased that you favored us with your business two weeks ago (a year ago,
etc.), but you haven't been back since then and we're a Utile perplexed, mystified, and,
frankly, confused. Maybe you didn't rea1Jze that we're not just a source you turn to In
a catastrophe. We keep 8,700 different widgets In stock at all times In 47 separate colors
and styles.
And, our average selling price Is 25% below the market. How can we sell at such low
prices? Two reasons really: We buy ten times the volume most widget suppUers do and
we have a lot of Items manufactured to our own specs.
The point of this letter Is that we haven't heard from you In a great while. I'm Incllned
to bet It's because you didn't rea1Jze the scope, flexibility, and the size of our operation.
You may not have rea1Jzed also that you don't have to buy In the quantity you did before
to get great prices and same-day shipping.
We've got flve warehouses around the country, so we can fly In a purchase as small as
$10 or $20. Of course, there's never a surcharge when it's shipped out to you
Immediately. We'll even offer to put It on open account for you.
I recommend that lfyou continually need, use, or replace widgets, you should absolutely
call us the next time you need to purchase, because we've probably got a better price and
a better product.
In fact. to shamelessly bribe you Into repatronizlng us, I'm going to make you an offer
that's Irresistible. If you need widgets within the next seven days, we'll sell you four gross
of our best #87XX widget -- normally $87 a keg -- for only $64. Plus, we'll throw In
financing Interest-free for 90 days. If, after receiving them, they're not superior to the
ones you have been using, send back your unused amount and we'll refund all your
money. We can't be any fairer than that.
guite frankly, once most companies start dealing with us for all their widget purchases,
they very rarely ever leave. We're out to get your business.

Letter #7: For new customers

Mr. John H. Customer
1209 Arllngton Avenue
Anytown, USA 00000
Dear Mr. Customer,
Our records Indicate (or one of our sales staff told me) that you visited my store today for
the first time. Because customers are so Important to me, I wanted to write you
personally and thank you for your first visit.
To commemorate that visit. I want to invite you to return again soon, and here's what I
suggest: Bundle up all the dry cleaning that you need right now and put It In a bag (or

put It In your car) along with this letter. When you drop off your dry cleaning at the store
on your very next visit. I'll personally take 50% off your regular dry cleaning bill. There's
absolutely no limlt on the number of garments I'll allow at this reduced price.
And, I'm not going to Impose a tlme limlt. I simply want you to experience the quality
work we do. how quickly we can have your order ready for you (how well-starched the
shirts are, how delicately we treat your fine sport coats, etc.). even how we perform minor
repair work at no additional charge.
I know through experience that If I can get you to come back here a second ttme, you'll
think of Majestic Dry Cleaning and Laundry whenever you need laundry or dry cleaning

Since there's a 90% probability you'll come back to me again and again, It's a small
Investment on my part to forego entirely the profit I'd normally make on your next order.
I want your business and I'm willing to Invest back In you to earn It.



Chapter 12

Telemarketing expert, James Cook. leads off this chapter on telemarketing.

''What kind of product or service lends Itself to telemarketing? The answer has 3 parts:
1. It should be a unit with a high price.

2. There should be enough markup In It to pay the telemarketers a

good commission.
3. After all expenses are taken out there should be a healthy profit left.
In other words, you aren't going to have much success telemarketing a $19.00 item. Of
course, if it's one of many Items (from a catalogue), that's a different story. Ideally, out
of a $300 profit on a sale, 1/3 would go to the telemarketer, 1/3 would cover your costs
and 1/3 would be left for you. Apply that loose formula when analyzing a product for Its
telemarketing potential.
It's a poor pollcy to telemarket to the phone book. Let's say you are selling tires. Yes,
you can call all the tire dealers In the yellow pages, but you need to better qualify these
prospects or at least let them know in advance you are going to caIl them. With a good
program of lead generation your salespeople won't burn out the way they do calling high
rejection names.
Your telemarketers are always going to prefer call1ng the good leads your company
acquires for them. A good telemarketing firm does not make It too tough for the
telemarketer to sell. If the closing ratio Is too low the sales people leave. You want to
mail all the prospective buyers an offer that stimulates their response (a reply card). You
may need to give them a premium to get a response. It could be a booklet or special
report that you write that gives them valuable information on their product and how to
sell it. It could be a free paperback book that helps their business.
In any case those response cards should be entered on your computer list and handed
out to your sales force soon after you have fulfilled the offer. You can put your
promotional material and a good strong letter in with the fulfillment mailing. Once your
telemarketer calls them and sells something, they go off the prospect llstand onto the
customer llst. After a few months you can hand the prospect leads out again and have
a different person call and try to convert them.
If you are going to call raw leads from a mailing llst, you should not call until you've
mailed them a set-up mailing advising them of your forthcoming call. This mailing
should be an interesting commentary that briefly advises them you will be calling. You
should mention what you will be talking to them about and ask them to give your
salesperson a minute or two of their valuable time.

You should set your prospects up the same way (Le., set-up ma1l1ng) Mail them and caIl
them. Let a decent interval elapse. Mail them again and caIl them again. Persistence
reaIly pays in telemarketing.

Always have a toll free line prominently displayed on ali your mailings so that the
customer or prospect can call in to you for more information or to order. You can let
your telemarketers handle these Incoming calls rather than have house accounts. This
makes for fewer hard feelings. It's also a nice perk for your sales force. If you begin to
get a lot of Incoming calls some of your sales people will slow down their outcalllng In
hopes of getting these Incoming calls. If you get a blizzard of Incoming calls you actually
risk ruining your sales force. Consequently you must lecture them sternly about staying
on the phone and outcalling. Make sure any Incoming calis are handed out equitably.
otherwise the sales staff becomes disgruntled.
Once you've run an ad to hire telemarketers. screen them with a brief Intelligence test.
The smarter your sales force, the more persuasive they are. There are no absolute
formulas for hiring good telemarketers but I've had the best luck with people 25 to 45
years of age. They should have telephone experience and If they had been a sales leader
at their prior Job they tend to work out best.
No matter how much screening and testing you do It's stlll a hit and miss process. Out
of ten hires only one or two are likely to work out. Remember that. If they're not
productive in sixty days, in most cases they never will be and you need to cut them fast.
My company pays a salary for the first month and a higher than normal commission for
three additional months. This enables them to break into this straight commission Job
at a workable pace and not go without income. In telemarketing you have to recruit. hire
and fire almost constantly If you wish to build a highly professional sales staff.
Some telemarketing companies have two tiers of callers. The first calls the leads and
finds out If they are interested. Then a 'closer: or a more experienced sales person takes
over and calls them back. Each type of product may have a slightly different approach.
In the investment business you can buy qualified leads from telemarketing companies
for $50 to $75 each. We let our newly hired brokers perform this function. They call
scores of leads and begin a relationship with a few clients. They mail them special
reports and begin to take orders. If they fail or quit (and a high percentage do) we take
their new clients or prospects and pass them out to the remaining broker staff to follow
up. The older brokers do a good percentage of their business with these pre-quallfled
people. In other words, we not only build our sales force but those salespeople who don't
work out have at least generated a number of qualified leads before they leave us.
One of the 'secrets of telemarketing success is to keep everyone on the phone for the
entire eight hours they work each day. Some people stay on the phone relentlessly. They
are the top producers. Many others begin to sluff off when they make a certain level of
commission. A good sales manager is a necessity to keep those people dialing. It's
always a battle to keep everybody working.
You also need to monitor what your telemarketers say. You must make sure they do not
make unsupportable claims or lie to the prospect. Most companies use a script and
make everyone follow it religiously. Others have a script for new employees only and let
the other telemarketers employ their own selling skills. One way to make sure the sales
people stick to the truth Is to install a monitoring phone. The telephone company can
set you up with a line that listens in to any of these conversations.
The best telemarketers establish a sound, trusting relationship with their customers. It's
a friendship. Consequently, those people with extroverted, pleasant personalities do
better than less confident people and introverts. You will want to train your salespeople

on how to develop sklllful relationsWps. They should all read, 'How To Win Friends and
Influence People', by Dale Carnegie.
A telephone sales team is a powerful marketing force. However, it's a delicate and
complicated mechanism to make work in the most efficient manner. Follow this advice
and you can make it work for you."
A telemarketing company of the type James Cook runs is entirely different than you

picking up the phone and making a few sales calls in your business or having several
sales people on hand. For companies that have not telemarketed much or who are
not pure telemarketing companies, here's how to do it from Jay Abraham's
'When selllng by telephone, you have approximately thirty seconds to convince the
customer to listen to you. You need an opening statement that will capture the
prospect's interest. This statement should convey who you are, what you want. and why
the prospect should listen.
State your name and your company's name clearly. Then state the reason you're calling.
Tell the prospect how you obtained their name. State an important benefit of your
product and mention a feature that backs up that benefit. Ask for the prospect's time;
then ask preliminary probing questions to help you qualify the prospect.
incorporating these elements into your opening statement in a creative manner, you can
persuade the customer to listen to your presentation.


Learn to ask questions as you talk to prospects. It's the best way to sell. Keep the
following nine points in mind as you refine your telephone skills:
1. Develop a plan. Before placing a call, be aware of exactly what it is
you want to learn before the callis over.
2. Prepare a list of topics to cover. Have a specific question under each
3. Ask permission. It's cornmon courtesy to ask the customer's
permission to ask questions.
4. Time questions properly. Avoid making your presentation sound like
an interrogation.
5. Begin with broad questions that relax the prospect and 'get the ball
rolling.' Then your questions can become more specific as the
prospect reveals certain needs and concerns.
6. Build upon previous answers. Your feedback shows the prospect
that you're listening.
7. Balance the number and type of questions. Though asking too few
questions isn't a good practice, too many questions can make the
prospect impatient for you to 'get to the point:

8. Don't ask manipulative questions (e.g., 'of course you would like to
save 6QO/o on your matertals' costs, wouldn't you?'). They Insult the
prospect's Intelligence.
9. Be relaxed and conversational.
talking. Usten carefully.

Always let the prospect finish


Call under the auspices of service to your customers. After somebody buys something
or a service Is rendered, call to be sure everything went rtght: 'And by the way, Mr.
SChmldlapper, because you're a new customer, you're entitled to add 25-gauge piping
that we'll Install.'
Use a sales letter to Invite people to call you. Make them a great offer through the mall.
When they call In you're getting a tailor-made opportunity to sell them.
A call to current customers can be equally successful. When you serve their needs, show

an Interest and give Information you have a good chance of getting another order. 'Mr.
Schmldlapper, the boss just wanted me to call. You haven't bought for a long time and
he doesn't know If you're unhappy with us or If you found something else, or If your
needs might have changed. We've come out with a brand new widget. We have a limited
supply, but because you've been a good customer, he wanted me to call and extend to
you an offer that you may like.'

Don't call and Immediately go Into your sales pitch; ask If this Is a
convenient time to call.
Don't presume an Intimacy; don't give the person you are talking to
a name you think he should have. (If his name Is 'John', don't call
him 'Johnny').
Don't try something trtcky on the phone -- like saying you're
returning his call.


1. Use your phone to connect with people who have already expressed
an Interest In what you're selling. They should have taken the
Initiative to get In touch with you, either by returning some type of
coupon or card or by telephoning you. In some way, they should be
qualified as prospects. Your job Is to follow up this Interest and give
them the solution they want (which just happens to be what you are

2. Use the telephone to follow up mailings to selected prospects. Follow

up by telephone to make appointments or sales.


3. Use your telephone to call people who know nothing about you and
have not Indicated an interest in you or your problem solving
service. This is the most difficult kind of telemarketing.


After you stimulate enough interest to have a prospect call you, follow these guidelines.
1. Be an interested and knowledgeable person.
2. Communicate to the prospect that you understand their needs and
3. Let them know you have solutions for them.

4. Create a mutually convenient appointment time (in person or by



When you send out direct mail with response devices people are going to write you to let
you know they have an interest in your product. They may also let you know their
problems, needs and objectives. Be prepared when you call them.
Review the response device they have returned and learn their objectives. Be ready to sell
them a specific product or service and be ready to answer any question they have about
this product. Make sure the product or service fits them best and not your commission
needs. Preparation will insure that you come across as a problem-solver or benefitprovider and not Just a peddler.
When you call them, the phone conversation should go something like this:

'Hello, is Carol Jones in, please?'

Yes, this is Carol.'
'Carol, this is Joe White, with Kingdom Carpeting. I'm calling you because I can help you
find, order, and install new carpets. You remember you Indicated to me that you were
interested in doing this. Am I calling at a good time to cUscuss how I can?'
Yes, Joe. Thanks for calling. Now is a good time to talk.'
'Can you tell me a little bit about what you're looking for, Carol? Then I can be sure I
understand your situation.'
'I'm an interior designer. I'm interested in buytng several different types of carpeting for
the homes I'm working on.'
'I know I can help you find the carpeting you need. At this Juncture it would be most


helpful if we could explore your objectives and your business sItuation In more depth.
Would you be amenable to that?'
'I'm not sure, Joe. What do you mean?'
'It would be helpful to both of us to arrange a mutually convenient time when we could
sIt down uninterrupted without any cost or obligation to you, and explore In greater
detall your objectives and needs, and then determine how I can specifically help you to
achieve them. How does your schedule look for next week?
Tuesday Is a posstbllrty, Joe. How much time would you need?'
'Approximately 1 1/2 hours. How about Tuesday morning at 8:30 at my office? It's
located at 100 South Main Street, downtown:
'Next Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at your place of business would be fine:
Let's look at what Is goIng on!

* Carol wrote In with her objectives, to tell me what she needs for her

* The caller established himself as someone who Is genuinely

Interested In her problems and her objectives.
* His purpose was to get an appointment when they can mutually
discuss her carpet needs. To do that she has to feel that It will
benefit her. You don't sell her an appoIntment. You tell her what's
In It for her to arrange an appointment and she will agree to meet
with you.
1. Follow up on leads promptly. Your goal should be to call them up
the same day you receive them. Here's why... the day they write or
call you Is the day they have the most enthusiasm. From that point
on It dwindles dally until they don't remember respondlng. Prompt
follow-up Is essential!

2. When you call tell them you're calling to help solve their needs. Your
prospect only cares about achieving their objectives. The reason for
your call Is to help them achieve what they want.
3. Once a prospect indicates an objective or a problem they will move
toward solving It. But It may not be with you. If you don't solve the
problem or help them to their objective, someone else will.



Chapter 13
Here's another of Jay's breakthrough concepts,
"If you or I were to walk Into the nearest advertising agency or direct mail list broker's
office and hire them, they would be more than happy to help us - as long as we paid our

'No problem there: you say, 'I'll gladly pay vendors who can help me make money."
O.K. But did you know that you're not going to get the maximum effort and results from
most of these vendors? That's right. they're not going to give you their all. They're going
to give you what you pay for, nothing more, and hopefully nothing less.
Why aren't they going to give you their all? Two reasons: Number one, you're just
another client to them - someone who will give them money so they can meet their
overhead and maintain their lifestyle. You're just one of many clients, and you will
probably leave them for another vendor someday or give them more headaches than
you're worth.
These vendors (If they're like most people) often think they're worth more than they
charge. In the back of their minds, they think they should be earning a lot more money
for the service they give you - especially If what they do makes you a lot of money.
In other words, you aren't getting as much as you could from your vendors. You may get
75%, sometimes only 50%, but never 100%. That's the way of the world. Most people
don't like to work, and they will do as little as they can to get by. If they're only being
paid a fee, chances are they will do just enough to justify their fee, but no more than they
have to.
The surest way to overcome this problem is to forget about paying your vendors their
regular charges and Instead offer them a chance to make really big money by being
compensated on a Variable basts, Pay them In direct proportion to the results they
achieve for you. And when I say paid, I mean PAID! Big, generous payments. The kind
that wIll make their mouth water and get them to bust their tails to give you the
extraordinary results you desire.
You can't do it without them because you don't know as much about their field. You
don't know all their valuable contacts and sources of Information. For you to match their
expertise would take years. It would take you away from your own business and what
you do best. It would also cost you a hundred times more than you would otherwise pay
the vendor, even on a variable where he gets paid lavishly.

If you use this concept properly, you will end up paying more money for your vendors'
services than you would on the traditional fee structure. In fact. your accountants will


think you're crazy for paying people such generous variables when you could get the
'same thing' for a paltry fee.
But you want to get the best possible effort and results from the vendors you deal with,
and the best way to do that Is to reward them lavishly, based on the results they produce
for you. Instead of a way to cut costs, thls Is a way to pay 'through the nose' for superior
results. Because whlle the vendor Is being paid lavishly, you are experiencing success
In greater degrees than you could have otherwise.
You must approach this concept with that attitude, otherwise It won't work. Your
vendors will think you're trying to get something for notblng, and they won't go along
with you. You must convince them that you're going to pay them extremely well if they'll
take a chance on you.

The basic Idea behind Incentives Is simple: If the work you do for me Is successful, I'll
reward you far beyond your normal compensation.
I call this an 'ethical gauntlet.' You put It before your vendors in an honorable and
generous manner. It's a bit of a challenge, but It really doesn't involve a lot of undue risk
for either party. If your product Is viable in the market and you can prove this to your
vendors, and the vendors are confident of their abillty to be successful with your product,
then there Is no real risk.
The only risk you take Is on the vendors' ablllty, and the only risk they take Is foregoing
their normal fee and 'gambling' that their expertise will allow them to get rich from the
results they know they can produce.
Deal only with vendors you know to be true experts and worthy of your trust. I
recommend approaching the vendors you're already doing business with, you trust them
and they trust you.
What you are doing Is Investing In each other. The vendors are investing In your
potential success, and you're Investing in their expertise. In essence, you are selllng
them on your future - a future they will have a hand in building.
With their compensation tied to their efforts the greater the success, the greater their
reward. Certainly an exciting proposition for any competent vendor.
There are two basic, yet crucial, criteria for structuring a workable incentive plan:
1. It must be generous.

2. It must be Identifiable.
It's Important you offer more than a small bonus as Inducement, There Is no incentive
If the rewards are not perceived as generous. You want people's mouths to water and
their eyes to widen when they hear how much you're wIlUng to pay them. You want them
to be excited, not Just 'interested.' Enthusiasm, dedication, and fanaticism are the
necessary conditions for getting the most out of your vendor, and you cannot produce
those emotions with anytblng less than an extremely generous incentive.

However, let me point out that this lavish compensation will not come out of your own
pocket In the usual sense. It will come out of the money you earn from the superior
results the vendor produces for you. After all, everything will be tied to performance and
profits - an area you don't mind sharing because it will be above and beyond what you
could achieve without the vendor's help.
What do you care If you pay 35% of your net to vendors who normally get 10% If the
extra incentive Induced them to help expand your business by 200%? Without the super
performance of your vendors, you might spend a fortune and years of effort trying to
reach the same goal.
Here's the second criteria: The performance-to-results relationship must be clearly
identifiable, measurable and consistent. The incentives provided must be tied explicitly
to results. For instance, the number of leads generated, sales closed, conversions
consummated, amount of cash received on the front end or volume of phone calls. Don't
make it vague. Make It speclfic and measurable so the vendors can see the results of
their efforts and really sink their teeth Into your campaign.
Vendors who are at the top of their craft, whether they're list brokers, copywriters, ad
agency presidents, media buyers. or whatever - can make the crucial difference in how
fast you obtain the success you're looking for. By making these vendors partners in your
success, they have a real Incentive to pull out all the stops and take you to the top.


You're probably asking, 'How does he expect me to pay all these vendors so lavishly when
I barely make a profit now?'
Good question. You can only use this concept lfyou have a profitable back-end to your
business (reseIling, cross-seIling, upseIling or host-parasite marketing methods for
seIling a customer or prospect more than once, either the same product or a new
product), If you follow what I've taught you, you should have a back-end In operation
or you're making the biggest marketing mistake of all time!
For the purposes of this Chapter, I will assume that you do have a back-end. If you
don't, please do yourself a favor and get one going as soon as possible. Don't go another
day without working on this crucial aspect of your business.
You see, the key to paying lavish rewards to your vendors is that, with a profitable backend, you can afford to lose money If necessary on the front-end because your biggest goal
is to get a ton of long-term customers whom you can market to Indefinitely. Your backend profits are the leverage you use to cover the expenses of the front-end, and In this
case your front-end will be more expensive than normal because you're going to be
getting better results than normal. If you want to achieve success at warp speed, you
have to pay the price. But with a good back-end, you can afford to pay a high price on
the front-end.
It's sad how people don't take full advantage of everything a vendor has to offer. Take,
for example, direct mall list brokers. Most people go to them, ask for a list which they
think is right for them, pay the fee, and wander off to take their chances. Yet these listbrokers have been watching people come and go for years. If they're any good, they know
which lists are working and which aren't. They know who these lists are working for and

they know what sort of promotion was used to make the list such a success. They may
even know the creative team who put the package together. After years of being In the
business they're friends with a good printer. They know where the best work Is done for
the least money.
They've seen failures, too - maybe the same sorts of failure over and over again. Many
newcomers to direct mall make the same mistakes. Wouldn't you appreciate a push In
the right direction and a warning not to try a 'brilliant' Idea that has sent twenty other
marketers to the cleaners over the years?
The veteran list-brokers could tell you about It. lfyou offered a generous reward for their
input, they'd fall allover themselves giving you a complete history of every successful
mailing they were ever involved with.
Perhaps they know of a small list - too small for them to make a decent commission that would be perfect for your malltng. On a fee basis they have little or no incentive to
recommend It to you.
Imagine these list-brokers' reaction if you promised them 100% of the front-end for any
rnalllng they did for you. lfyou convinced them you had a viable, successful product that
would sell like hot cakes, you might even induce them to take on part of all of the initial
financial risk!
For example, if they know that a product l1ke yours will pull In, say, $100,000 in frontend sales, what do they care if It costs them $20,000 to send out your promotion? They
stand to make an enormous profit!
Most of the vendors in this industry, such as list-brokers or copywriters or ad agencies,
are very good at what they do. But all they're doing is helping entrepreneurs get rich
They don't have a product to sell like you do. They're not mass marketers, although they
deal in mass marketing. Every one of them wishes they had a product they could mass
market and profit from. They spend every day doing the same thing for other people's
products, so why not do the same thing for themselves. The answer is simple. They
don't have a product that is sure of selling. Marketable products aren't just lying around
for anyone who wants them, They're hard to come by.
So they have to be satisfied making other people wealthyl

This is where you come in. You've got the marketable product. You want to get the best
results. To do that, you need the vendors' help. Will they put their heart and soul into
your marketing campaign for a fee? It's not likely.
They give you the effort they feel like giving you which Is usually not their best. In a
sense, you don't maximize the additional profits you would have made if your vendors
gave you their all. So why not offer them the variable incentive? Give them the majority
or perhaps all of your front-end profit if they'll put up the marketing money and do
everything they can to make the carnpalgn a huge success, Chances are they'll jump at
that kind of deal, It's their dream come true! Finally, a product to market that they can
profit from! Plus, they didn't have to invest a d1rne in the product itself, just the
marketing costs. They have no product liability, no overhead, and essentially no risk

since the product has already been validated as a success in the marketplace I
Now it's up to them to go full throttle into your marketing campaign and muster every
successful technique they know of to put your campaign in the Guinness Book of World
Records. After all, it's their campaign, tool They have a lucrative interest in your
success! And you? You've got your back-end to keep you happy. And the bigger the
front-end, the bigger the back-end.


You can even offer a piece of the back-end to your vendors If there isn't enough of the
front-end to go around, or If it's too small to begin with. There are no rules for deals like
Or perhaps you won't have to offer 100% of the front-end. It's all relative to both your
circumstances. You have to gauge what's an effective incentive and what are the
flnanctal risks. If the front-end profits aren't enough to cover their risk adjust the deal
in their favor. You may have to finance part of the campaign. Do whatever it takes to
get your vendors excited about giving you the best possible effort. That's the goal. I
suggest, however. that you err on the side of generosity. Don't concentrate solely on the
profit or loss on the front-end. Look ahead to the profits down the road.
You can work this deal with virtually any vendor. Different people have different
expertise, and you can use different types of incentives tied to their performance. For
example, copywriters are judged by the effectiveness of their copy in producing sales - ad
agencies are judged by the results of their campaign for you - media buyers are judged
by the quality and price-efficiency of the media they purchase for your ads.
If you apply this sort of deal wisely you could have mtlllons of dollars worth of
professionals working for you overnight - and it would cost you nothing out of pocket
assumlng you arrange the compensation solely on profits.


Let's go back to our list-broker example. Instead of asking for recommendations on Ilsts
to rent, tell them you've got a product that sells for $X. costs $Y to produce, and has a
history of being sold successfully through the mail. You're willing to spend up to 100%
of the full sales amount to generate a new customer because you have a lucrative backend that generates your real profits.
Rather than spending good money to rent lists that may not work you'd Ilke to give 100%
of the front-end to the Ilst brokers and have them handle the whole campaign.
That means, instead of renting a list and making a $100 commlsston, they can now make
many times that amount by doing all they can to generate a large response. They have
no llrnltatlons - they can use all the small, normally unprofitable lists they know will
work for your product because they no longer have an eye on your commlssion. They can
tweak your promotion piece In all the ways they know are effective, even to the point of
having it completely redone by professional writers and designers at their expense.



What's their motivation? They're suddenly in the business of generating sales, instead
of simply providing l1sts. What do they care If it costs them a few thousand dollars to
rent l1sts or to create a winning mail1ng package? All the money that comes in is theirs
to keep!
Tell them they can take your piece around to their competition and let them have a
strnllar deal. They take the risk of malllng, but for every response they receive, they keep
85% of the front-end. The original brokers keep the remaining 15% and you get the
customers. As your agent they are rewarded lavishly.
The more customers they generate the more money they get. As they get more money,
you get more customers. Each customer may be worth $10 Initially which the vendors
keep - but a customer can be worth ten times that amount to you. For example, what
is the total worth of a customer who comes back to you for reorders three times a year
for life?
Answer: A lot! Of course you're willing to spend the entire $10 of the front-end to get a
customer worth $30 and more a year for eternity. Customers aren't free - they all cost
something to produce. But what are you paying? Nothing, really. You pay for the
production of the product. The $10 your vendor keeps comes from the additional profits
you would never have realized on your own.


The idea Is not to get the best of them. You are using variable compensation to enrich
them. Your success means their success. They have motivation to use everything they
know to help you reach your goals - things you could never do.
1. The variable compensation you use must be attainable. The vendors
must bel1eve that they can real1stically reach expl1clt goals along the
way, and be rewarded In an exact manner (so much per lead or sale,
or a percentage of the total front-end or even a percentage of your
back-end If necessary).
2. It must be generous. If every 10 people your Iist-broker brings you
contains five customers for life, you should be del1ghted to break
even up front. You'll make a fortune down the road. So don't
begrudge a generous 'finder's fee'.
3. Offer an environment of 'excluslvitv: Let the vendors feel they have
a franchised right to the compensation. If It takes a written
contract, do that.


You can't be too rigid in structuring a variable compensation plan.
PLAN A. Let's say you know from experience that It takes $5 to bring In a customer, and
that customer Is worth $10 to you on the back-end. Your production and profit goals call

for producing 1,000 customers each month. So. you have $5,000 to play with - your
'budget' for generating customers.
Now, why not find the best vendor you can, either an ad agency or a consultant or even
a good list-broker - and just give them the $5,OOO? You tell them that they may use the
money however they please so long as you receive your 1,000 new customers a month.
If they can get those 1.000 new customers for $500, they make a profit of $4,500. And
you won't begrudge them the windfall because once they have cracked the code for
generating customers you can expand your prospecting by leaps and bounds. The
experts will be running your customer prospecting plan with everything they have to

PIAN B. You can also work It without a budget. In Plan A, you are defraying your
budget costs with whatever you're making on the front-end. In some cases, that may
leave you with a profit.
If. however, your front-end simply covers your lead generation costs, why not shift the
risk to the vendors whose job It Is to bring you leads? If they know ways to generate
more names than you're getting on your own or on a fee basis. they would have the
Incentive to take on a variable, since their compensation was dependent on how
productive they were.

Let's say that your front-end sale Is $5 - and you know you can convert a substantial
number of those sales to a much more profitable back-end. where you can make $10 or
more. Tell your vendors that they can keep 100% of that $5 front-end for every name
they generate. All you want Is the name, so you can work the back-end.
That $5 per name may represent an enormous jump In the usual profit structure your
vendors are used to. But to get It, you are asking them to use every angle they know to
get better results. You can also ask them to simply take over your lead generation
It's a small risk. Vendors In any field should be able to gauge the viability of your
product - and even If they're wrong. they never risk 1000/0 of their Investment. Even !fthe
package they mall for your product turns out to be a bomb. they'll still get some
response. You can probably figure It out. What's the worst case scenario? A loss of 200J6
Twice that?
Without extremely odd circumstances. the loss will never be 100%. Let's say It costs the
vendors $10,000 to have your promotion created. printed, and mailed. If it works - and
you can bet they've done everything in their power to ensure that it will - they stand to
make a fortune, while sending qualified customer names. If it bombs. they may get only
$8,000 In responses. That leaves them $2.000 In the hole - not much of a disaster,
really, especially considering you've given them a rare shot at making a lot.

Let's say you've got a product that sells for $100. Production costs are $20, which covers
assembly, packaging and warehousing. That leaves $80 of gross profit, which Is quite

a bit and gives you leverage. It also gives you an opportunity to see how spending more
can actually get you more. Most marketers would be tempted to earmark only about $10
of that $80 for generating new customers. That's chintzy. Why not spend a little more
in order to blow the roof off your profit ceiling?
Go to your advertising agency and tell them, 'I've got a product that sells for $100, costs
$20 to produce, and leaves me with $80 of profit from every sale. I'm willing to give you
$50 of that $80 to spend on marketing if I can get superior results from you:
'I'll give you the exclusive rights to television, print. or direct mail for sales of my product,
but I want you to handle everything. I want you to write the best copy, buy the best
media, rent the best lists, get the best printing, handle the mailing, all of it. And for every
sale you generate, I'll give you $50:
You can try to get them to finance all or part of your campaign. Look at how much
money they'll make if they get excellent results for you. They might spend $100,000 on
a major campaign, mail 200,000 pieces, generate a 5% response (10,000 units) and bring
in $500,000 altogether. That's $400,000 profit, which is probably 10 times what they
would normally make off a major campaign. Plus, they normally wouldn't have the
incentive to get that 5% response; they'd probably be satisfied giving you a 1% or 2%
response. So it's better for everybody!


What can you do to adjust a too-sweet deal? First. try being honest. Tell them it's too
generous and you want to renegotiate. second, put a clause in your contract that
automatically sets a time limit for exclusivity. After a period of time, you and your vendor
can renegotiate.
Third, you can simply offer to buy them out. If they have created a super-effective
winning ad or mailing piece, offer them a chunk of cash to buy the rights to it so you can
own it outright. Or, you can offer them a percentage of future sales from their existing
work - less than the current deal, but still an attractive return that requires no further
effort on their part.
It's important to have an out - because you can never predict the future. Your
relationship with the vendors may not work out. They may not respond as they should
to the incentive. They may not have the depth of resources you initially thought they did.
Or you may simply decide that the variable is too generous for what you're getting.


There are interesting ways to offer variable compensations without money changing
hands. In fact, money may not be the best way to motivate a vendor. One of the most
obvious is to promise to continue giving all your business to a vendor; say, a printer or
list-broker or ad agency. As you grow, with their help, you'll become a larger and larger
client for them to call their own.
Though you may be only a small account now, you can make a good case that, in time
and with the right help, you will grow to become one of their largest accounts. So by
pouring their energy and resources into you at the $1O.000-a-year stage, in a short time

you will be a $l,OOO,OOO-a-year client. By nurturing your business Into a super-power,

vendors can develop their own businesses. nus sounds obvious, but It's a bargaining
chip that Is frequently Ignored by most businesses when deallng with outsIde vendors.


Only you know the extent of your true assets. Look around. Have you got anything else
of value to offer prospective vendors In the way of Incentive?
How about business equipment? Can you offer better prices on raw materials they need?
Free rent In your bu1ldlng? Cut rates on hotels, air fare, ad space, new cars, clothes,
furniture, computers, or whatever you sell or have access to?
You're notjust trying to avoid exchanging cash for services here. Rather, you are offering
enhanced compensation for superior service. The vendors you're deal1ng with have
something you need, and you want to motivate them to help you far beyond their usual


Let's say the person who owns your office bu1ldIng has 30,000 square feet of unused
space. You would like to have a large chunk of It In order to Immediately expand your
sales campaign and have the room to handIe the Increased activity.
Go to Will and say, "Look. I'd like to rent the space for the next six months for free. If
you'll let me do that, at the end of the three months, I'll not only begin paying for the
space, but I'll give you ten cents more per square foot than you're asking. And I'll stgn
a two-year lease to make It worth your wh1le."
What's the risk for the landlord? He might think he could rent the space sooner, but by
giving you the six-month free rent period, he'll see a better profit at the end of the year
when you start paying Will ten cents more per square foot.
The risk, really, Is that you won't grow as you plan. And that could happen; there are
no sure things In this world. However, because you're such a savvy busInessperson, the
odds are that you will grow as fast you anticipate. especially since the top ad agency In
town Is behind you 100"10.
Even better, show Will how the extra $10,000 or so you'll save durtng those three months
w1ll give you an even greater shot at succeeding because you'll be able to afford to do even
more advertising, giving you a 200"10 better chance of succeeding.


ThIs is a way to provide extra funds for your marketing plans, gather capital to expand
and create beneficial bonds between you and your vendors. What if you could tum your
vendors Into "non-equity venture capitalists?" By that I mean. a source of capital to
whom you don't have to give any ownership of your business.
Let's say you have a mailing piece that you know - from tests - will work for a million
pieces. Go directly to the heads of the companies that will provide the envelopes, the


printing, or the lists, and make them a creative proposition: Tell them you have this
profitable project, but you need all the help and guidance you can muster. say. 'I don't
have the resources to market It to Its full potential. You, however, are well-established
and have access to capital. If you will help me, I will make a pact with you which you will
find rewarding.
'I will give you the exclusive rights to mall my piece to as many names as we can mall It
to profitably, which Is In the millions. If you fund the campaign, you can take your
expenses off the top, plus take a fair profit for your contribution to the campaign. If your
normal take works out to 15% of costs, then take 25% - as long as the mal1lng works.
Also, you have my permission to change my mal1lng piece as much as you deem
necessary to get the utmost response:
Not all the vendors you encounter will want to do variable compensation deals. It takes
an open mind to see the potential value In such an arrangement. So the time you spend
finding these people Is well spent and will reward you many time over.
Decide what qualifications you're looking for In your vendors and then track down the
ones who meet your criteria. ThIs Isn't easy, but It's worth the effort. It means combing
through publications. It means calling one vendor after another, asking questions,
asking for opinions, asking for referrals and recommendations. Who's considered the
best? Who has the most success? Who seems to be the most knowledgeable and most
respected? Who looks like the sort of person you could effectively do business with?
Leave no stone unturned In your search for the right vendor. Approach vendors who are
financially successful. If they risk money on your campaign It Is a drop In the bucket for
them. Also, a successful vendor who has fallen on lean times may see you as a good way
to turn things around.
Pitching a variable compensation deal Is not child's play.
Never approach anyone with just an abstract outline of your plan. Do your homework
and have all your Information carefully prepared, as If you were applying for a loan. You
should also know how much commission they usually make and what their normal profit
structure Is so you can offer a variable compensation plan that will motivate them.
Have your criteria listed: These are my marketing goals, here's how much money I have
In the budget, the product costs this amount to produce, there's this much profit on each
sale, here's how the back-end works. etc. Finally, make your case for the variable. Show
how the risk/reward breakdown can be so favorable to them. Make up best-case and
worst-case scenarios. Help them see how their expertise and the viability of your product
can lower the odds offallure and how they could double their profit margin based on the
superior results they know they are capable of producing for you.


If you represent a substantial outlet or number of sales for certain suppliers, you have
every right to go to those suppliers and Impose upon them the requirement that they


cooperatively help finance promotions. If you are a big outlet or user go to the source
and request that they put up a certain amount of money for a one-shot promotion or as
a lump sum contribution for ongoing marketing. In other words, a percentage of sales.
Go to all the suppliers you deal with and say: We want you to cooperate and help us
grow our business. We found out analytically that every time we bring in a thousand
new customers, we buy $10,000 more worth of your product so you have a vested
interest in putting up $5,000 or $10,000 to help us get those new customers.' No one
ever asks for this money, but it's available.
If you're a substantial, pivotal client for that company, you can deal from strength. You

should say: You know, Mr. Widget Dealer, it's arbitrary whom we obtain our widgets
from. We've been giving you a lot of business, and we're planning to continue to give you
a lot of business, but we put our own money on the line all day long trying to find new
customers (or build new business) and that costs a lot. Since you're the main beneficiary
of our efforts, I want you to cooperate with me. We're going to start off right now by you
giving me $10,000 that we'll put Into a pool. Ongoing, we want you to give us 3% of sales
(or 5% of sales or whatever). thereafter.
'It may seem unfair and Inequitable to you, but look at the alternatives. We're going to
make this same offer to somebody else If you aren't interested. As a consideration, we're
willing to stipulate that it's only applicable If we keep growing our business with you.'
Why should you, the ultimate seller, be shackled with 100% of the risk when everybody
else on the line is the beneficiary? Why shouldn't they be willing, able, and asked to help
with the building of your business, and with the innovative marketing you're going to use
that's designed to benefit everybody?


Another way to use vendors or suppliers is to use one against another. I'm not saying
this Is right or wrong, but it's my opinion you should favor the vendor who is more
interested in growing your business.
I frequently teach vendors that the way to grow their business Is to go to the customer
and say, 'I want to offer you something valuable. I want to help you grow your business.
If you'll give me your business, I'll reinvest some of what I get in helping to grow your
But now I'm saying reverse that. Look for the vendors who would like to have your
business, and solicit them with the following: 'Mr. Widget Dealer, we're looking for a
vendor. Frankly, your quality Is fine, service is fine, timeliness is fine, and price is
relatively decent, but we're tired of being the only ones that are at risk trying to grow our
business so that everyone else can benefit.
We want somebody who wants to risk with us. And, we want you to risk one of three
1. Either risk in the form of money.

2. Risk in the form of credit.

3. Risk in the form of price reduction, but risk an amount that can be correlated


to our sales so you have a vested Interest In seeing us grow.

'If you're Interested and willlng to do that, we'll start with you Immediately. and, as our
business grows, you'll continue to get our business.'


How else can you use vendors? Any vendor that respects you may be willing to endorse
your product or service.
The most logical entities for endorsement are professional services: Accountants,
lawyers, etc. Your vendors could Introduce you and buy their customers the first hour
of your services, ostensibly as a gift. The vendor could tell the story about how you (an
accountant. perhaps) saved or made them money and how the vendors now want to tell
all their customers and friends because they appreciate their patronage.
Have your vendors and suppliers send a letter to their other customers telling them that
in appreciation for their patronage they have bought them two or three hours of your
time. You should tell them you are an excellent accountant. that you find deductions
that no one else ever thought about.
You can have your vendors contact not only their customers, but also their own vendors.
Your vendors can give you lists of other people they vend to who are not competitive
and who are perfectly compatible to buy from you, represent you or sell through you.
One final point: Most companies forget their vendors. They take their vendors for
granted rather than even giving them a second thought. Acknowledge those vendors.
Use the same techniques as you would your best customers. And thank the vendors for
serving you and acknowledge that they are appreciated.


You can get all your professional relationships to recommend you. You can do things
with endorsed letters. You can make a list of all the people you know or do business with
and figure out how they, In turn, can get more business for you from their contacts.
One idea is to approach everybody in your industry or professional circle who's got
employees, vendors, or customers and arrange to send them all a letter offering a really
great deal for them on your product or service. Have the endorser explain that you are
a friend and are offering a special deal for customers, employees, vendors. The deal is
a 50% reduction in commission on the transaction. To track the results, instruct the
recipient of the letter that the offer applies only if they speak with you personally. Offer
them their money back if not satisfied.
Most people don't use their vendors enough. Vendors have the staff, they have the
resources, they have the professtonals. They pay big money for advertising, marketing,
accounting and huge pools of technical assistance.
I hope I've opened your mind to a new way of thinking about your business. I truly
believe that if you diligently apply yourself to integrating this new concept into your
business, you can grow your business exponentially into a marketing powerhouse

virtually overnight because of all the valuable resources you'll have behind you in the
form of vendor partners who will be working harder than ever for your success, It will
take some getting used to, but once you master this concept, you'll be able to position
your business far above your largest competitor. You could overtake them with no risk.
Do you know of any other business concept that can do this for you? I surely don't.
I recommend that you read this chapter several times in order to fully grasp the
intricacies of the concepts I've given you.
I suggest you start thinking - right now - of all the vendors you deal with and how you
could put together a deal that would entice them to work for you on a variable. Look at
your own business and see how much you can offer them, either on the front-end or the
back-end or both, and then prepare your sales pitch to persuade them to go for it. I
think you'll be truly surprised at the power of this unique concept."


Chapter 14

Jay Abraham ferreted out this excellent advice on publIc relations.

"One of the most powerful techniques every business should use Is free publicity. As the
name Implies, there Is no cost, just the time and effort required to attract attention to
your business. Ron Tepper, a Los Angeles public relations expert, can teach you how to
publicize your company without spending any cash. I've secured the rights to reprint a
report of his, entitled An Insider's GUide To Effective Publicity.
'Only a handful of companies are blessed with a multimillion-dollar advertising budget
or a household name. Even those that have been blessed use some small part of the
promotional method which I'm going to tell you about.
This method Is not very new, but has been used so haphazardly, so Ineffectively, and only
by a very small segment of today's corporations, that you can thank your lucky stars that
you have this material In your hands.
At the very least, this course Is worth thousands of dollars to you. Used properly, you
will make tens of thousands of dollars. Following this advice exactly, having the right
consumer product or service, and having an outstanding 'sales-type' personality, you
could make hundreds of thousands of dollars from this,

Celebrities must live on a steady diet of publicity, Politicians could never win an election
without plenty of It (some quit their campaigns If they get the wrong kind of It). Authors
could never get on the best-seller's list unless they lived, ate, and breathed publicity.
Companies with a household name use It at one time or another for recognition. Fortune
500 companies pay around $30,000 per month for less publicity than you're going to get
If you study this report.
The public loves reading, seeing and hearing publicity, whether they'll admit It or not.
Sports pages are nothing but publicity. Shows like 'Entertainment Tonight' and The
Tonight Show' are nothing but publicity vehicles.
Whether we like It or not, the very fabric of this society Is sewn together by publicity,
So what Is publicity? Publicity, as defined by the American Heritage Dlsclonary (Second

College Edition), Is defined In three parts:

a, Information that concerns a person, group, event, or product and Is
disseminated through various communications media to attract
public notice.
b. Public Interest, notice or notoriety achieved by the spreacUng of such


c. The act, process, or occupation of disseminating Information to gain

public interest.
The least-respected publicity tool Is probably radio. Use It to your advantage. Most of
my clients have gotten their first big break with It. First let me sell you on radio's
advantages. It has many distinct benefits that will help you get sales.
First benefit. Radio publicity, on many radio stations, can be done without any travel at
all. When you realize that there are over 10,000 radio stations in the world, and that
some will give you the opportunity to appear on their station without any travel at all,
you will understand the clout I am talking about. You can simply pick up the telephone
and be interviewed from hundreds or thousands of mUes away. Nearly all publishing
companies use this and run their authors through 'the publicity circuit' -- drastically
increasing their audience reach and dramatically decreasing their costs. Having picked
up dozens of authors who had gone through this 'circuit' before getting to me, I can
assure you that the contacts I'm giving you would do wonders for even many publishing
Second benefit. My company has piloted [rather successfully) the use of publicity in
much the same way as direct mail. You appear on the show as a guest. But, we also
make sure you get a toll-free number mentioned, or a Post Office Box, or something
where the audience can reach you and buy from you. As you're getting your message
across, you're getting sales. (This Is nearly impossible to do on television or in the
newspapers unless you advertise.)
Third benefit. You get to target your audience. Radio offers so many d1fferent shows
every day or week. For instance, you might get on a hard-news show in the morning if
there Is a way to fit you in. If you're promoting a cookbook, you could appear on a foodrelated show on Saturday. Should you have a financial service or product, you might
get onto a financial talk show In the afternoon. And if you have some sports-related
product, you might get on during the weekend or at night. [The above times are
hypothetical and just give you a range of what radio offers.) The only restrictions would
be if you were selling something generally tasteless, such as pornography, drug
paraphernalia or firearms -- or if you were selling something to another business -- then
this Is really the wrong medium for you.
Fourth benefit. You'll get a lot more time on radio, on the average, as compared to
television or print. True, there might be appearances where you'll get a mere five minutes
or less, but there are shows where you can also appear for one hour or longer. Average
segments on radio tend to run about twenty minutes [Including time for commercials)
while segments on television will only last about five to eight minutes.
Fifth benefit. You'll get a true opportunity to tell your story. In newspaper or magazine
interviews there are far too many misquotes, words or phrases taken out of context, and
so forth for most articles to do you any good or get your point across. And if that doesn't
ruin It for you, the editor will-- he's got his point of view, and yours Is probably d1fferent.
S1m1larly, television Is so quick and the talk-show host's personality Is often so strong
[and Insecure) that you may never get your point across. You may get asked questions
you can't stand or questions which won't help you, or you may just be getting It together
when your segment Is done. With radio, you'll often get your side of the story on the air.
The extra time really does help. Almost never will you be challenged without some


chance to fully rebut your story.

Sixth benefit. Audience participation. Radio Is excellent because many stations have
call-Ins. Television rarely does this, and even more rarely does It well. That caller can
actually help sell your product or ask the right question to get you going. With a live
audience, you get listeners who are able to participate and who are participating. People
who are participating In something are more likely to buy.
Seventh benefit. Repeat shows. If you do well on a show, the host or producer will want
you back. It might be three to six months before you can get back on that show, but you
have a good chance If you perform well to get a repeat show. One broker (a client) has
been asked by several major shows to come back on a regular basis; just think, he's on
every two months -- at the station's request! Consider the possibility of doing a talk show
every three months for five to ten years. Consider having a dozen or more shows like
that. There aren't many television shows that give you that opportunity and even fewer
newspapers or magazines.
Eighth benefit. Getting on the program at all. I know too many aspiring talk-show
guests. Few will ever get the chance to appear on a decent television show In a large city
at a good hour. Fewer yet will ever be interviewed by a large circulation newspaper or
magazine. But with radio, there Is an excellent opportunity for your views, product,
book, or service. There are thousands of radio shows. There are dozens of different
'classes' of stations based on performance. There are so many shows and the possibilities
are Incredible. I have known businessmen with hardly a following, even just 'starteruppers,' who get on wonderful radio talk shows. I have seen self-published authors, who
didn't have a leg to stand on, make a fortune using radio; (I even have several clients like
this making money hand over fist using this method). So, radio gives you opportunity
(something you may just not get with the other media unless you spend advertising
In the past year I've known several publicity people who failed to meet my standards for
speed and volume. Unfortunately, I had to dismiss them. My standard Is this: If the

client Is worth promoting, he ought to be able to do no less than ten shows per month.
Each problem client or problem publicist had this at Its foundation: The story wasn't
good enough!
I've lost track of how many clients have told me they want to tell their story. While their
story might be great at a cocktail party, for impressing a business associate, or for
romancing someone -- to get on the air, with speed, on the very best shows, and on lots
of shows, you must have the right story.
A bustness-to-busmess story will rarely work. I've tried a few and they generally backfire.
That's not what radio Is for. Radio Is for the consumer. Radio reaches consumers at
home or at work or while driving around. Your story must reach those consumers. It
must provide that consumer with timely information. Generally, that timely information
must be there to better that consumer's life. lfyou can offer the consumer a solution on
how he can better his life, you'll get sales.
Your story must fit the definition of what radio Is all about: Timely Information for the


Unless you're a nonfiction author, you're going to have to study this section carefully.
There's an easy way to assemble your story... and a painful way. The painful way is to
summarize or expand your advertising message and use that. Most producers wll1
recommend you then contact their sales department to buy air time. That's an Insult and
I hope that never happens to you. Far too many presentations to the media are like that.
That's what producers have told me. That's why so many stories are simply thrown

The producer is either your friend or foe at the radio station. He or she decides If your
story is worth telling. Unless he or she knows you, the deciding factor is your story. At
smaller stations or shows. the producer may sometimes be the talk-show host himself.
In any event, don't antagonize the producer. He or she may just be an assistant to the
host, chief coffee maker, summer intern. or whatever, but that person decides lfyou wll1
appear on that show or not.
In schoolchildren's games, when one child rides on another's back, it is called a

piggyback. The term is also for hopping onto something else. This is not networking, so
don't confuse the two terms. Networking is when you hop onto someone else's contacts.
Piggybacking is when you hop onto something that's happening. You hop onto something
or someone who is making news. If you are a celebrity, you are the person others want
to be a part of. You are the news. How many times have you seen magazines,
newspapers, or other media carrying stories Uke: The Ten Best-Dressed Women,' The
Ten Most Decadent Women: or The year's sexiest Men'? These celebrities mayor may
not be those things, but some media will cover you If you make up llsts like that and
include celebrities.
The cover of Business Week magazine last year stated that If you want to sell something,
hire a sports figure! That's piggybacking onto someone who is well-known and wellthought of. Try having a grand opening of a restaurant without one or more celebrities.
see how few media attend. Bring In a major television star, the governor, and so forth,
and count on television crews and photographers. I've done both and I know the
Your story must PIGGYBACK. I'll say it again, your story MUST PIGGYBACK. One more
You story doesn't have to be celebrity- or politically-related. The bigger the news, the
greater the coverage. This is a guarantee. For instance, if I were a commodities broker
and I wanted some quick leads, I would call the big radio stations and say I wanted to
comment on something really big in the news. Something that I heard on the morning's
news, or last night's television news, or on the radio driving Into work, or in the morning
newspaper. I would try to tie it Into headline stories in the major papers, preferably on
the front page. This is piggybacking at its finest.
As you proceed toward the largest shows in the largest markets, you cannot succeed
without this method... unless you have a book on the best-seller list, just starred In a
popular movie, or are running for a major political office.


If I were a novel1st, I would find something in my book that relates to what's going on
today or has been in the recent headl1nes. That will open doors to many, many talk
shows. Or If I were a travel agent, I would look through the newspapers, the weekly
news-magazines, watch a few news programs on televtston, and then devise my story.
A few years ago, many travel agents pIggybacked on the European terrorist attacks for
their publlclty, and included areas where they felt It was safe to travel. It was certa1nIy
an outstanding use of this method for getting in front of the public's eye.

WIth the financIal cl1ents my company has, we've piggybacked onto the PersIan Gulf
Crlsts. the widening trade deficit, and the Japanese economy to get on the most popular
shows. Almost any news coming out ofWashlngton, D.C. can be used In some way to
further your cause. Pol1tical headlines can finally be put to good use. Even a cookbook
can be piggybacked. Take, for Instance, the trend that people are spending less time in
the kitchen (or even dining at home). We used this news to place one cookbook author
on shows dlscusstng 'rush hour' recipes -- or foods that can be prepared and eaten
qulckly. I doubt that there Is a business that sells to consumers that can't take
advantage of a headl1ne story to get publicity.

In the above paragraph I mentioned 'trend.' In the event of a rnlsstng hard-news Item,
look for a trend. In the 1950s, the hula-hoop made a bIg splash. In the 1960s, we had
love-Ins, long hair, and drugs. In the 1980s we had AIDS, natural foods, and the stock
market. Trends can be cataclysmic or a quick fad. They can be spotted If you look
carefulIy. If you see the fad more than twice, It could be a quick trend to piggyback
upon. You might not always get a headline news Item to play upon. So, you'll have to
settle for a trend. They're not so bad. They're easier to manipulate to your advantage,
you have less competition from others trying to capItalize on them, and you can probably
use them for longer than they exist for themselves.


As previously mentioned, your story should start out with a headl1ne, a hard-news Item,

or a trend. The places to look for such hard news Items would be in the pages of weekly
magazInes such as TIme, Newsweek, or U.S. News & World Report. I would also search
through recent pages of USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. The national pages of
your local paper may not necessarily suffice. Larger circulation Is a must here. The
larger clrculatlon papers are the ones In the major metropol1tan areas nearest you.
Examples might Include: The New York TImes, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago
Tribune, The Boston Globe, The San FrancIsco Chronicle, and similar ones. Because
these have a national following, more attention wIll be paid to stories out of their
metropol1tan area than, say, a paper like The all CIty Derrick, which will feature local
Board of Education fights In the first few pages. If you want national news -- news with
story slants or angles that wIll be effective In Denver, Cincinnati, Detroit, and yes, even
all City -- you'll want to get those top stories.

There are two types of top stories: Top national stories and top local stories. Top
national stories have a large national impact. Top local stories have largely a local

impact. A top story that you're Interested In would be the kind that's going to be featured
on the front page of the newspaper, and possibly the front page of the business section.
If it's on page one, then your story wl1l go further.
Here's what most radio talk show producers are Interested In as story grist for their mill:
The economy and personal finances, health, politics, big names, or controversial stories.
Most newspaper editors, stmllarly. wl1l give page-one category to stories that concentrate
on big names, big money, violence, sex, and controversy. The more elements of the above
you have In your story, the longer it plays. For Instance, a local story that made national
headlines (and still makes a good story for some perverted reporter): Son of Sam. Here
was violence and sex. If he was a ml1lionaire murderer, that would work even better.
And someone like Marilyn Monroe who died from a drug overdose, supposedly slept with
a very rich President (who was assassinated) and died controversially, will be paid
massive tribute. And Elvis -- who was a sex symbol, very rich, a big name, and died from
something controversial (drugs?). always gets headlines, even years later.
I've worked in nearly every aspect of the media industry. Let me go over a few. Many of
us are already familiar with economic doomsayers. Some of us have probably read their
books, subscribed to their newsletters, and so forth. My company promoted one such
book that spent nearly a year on The New York Times Best-Seller Ust. It's called, The
Great Depression of 1990, by Dr. Ravi Batra (Simon & Schuster, 1987). I've never seen
such a success occur so quickly. Here's an economics professor from Southern
Methodist University In Dallas who's going to weather any upcoming depression nicely
from his book royalties. When he first came to us, he was self-published, unable to get
a major chain to carry his book. After three months of radio publicity using our program,
he sold his hardcover rights to Simon & Schuster for $125,000 as an advance against
royalties. In July, 1987 he sold his paperback rights to Dell for $300,000. Promoting his
book has been a breeze because of the examples I gave you: Depression means big
money (big money lost, but nevertheless big money). Depression means violence; the
thought of a depression is certainly controversial. And now that he's a best-selling
author, we've got a big name. His second book shot to the top of The New York Times
Best-Seller Ust on his name alone.
An entirely different story is Dale Alexander. Dale is probably the biggest publicity hound
in history. He has appeared on nearly 10,000 talk shows, including every major show
you can name, and got launched onto the best-seller list in 1957. He is a crusader who
advocates the use of cod-liver oll as a cure for nearly everything, including arthritis.
Arthritis is big business to big medicine. Here is money and names rolled into one.
Arthritis is also a painful problem for the afflicted. Cod-liver oll tastes awful (another
view of violence). The entire concept is controversy. Dale also solved the sex problem by
stating unequivocally that cod-liver oil. taken over six months, will solve any sex problem
you have, improving your sex life. He's covered all the bases!

Now, whether you have a hard news story or trend upon which to piggyback. you need
that extra touch to separate you from the rest of the pack. For instance, say you chose
the Persian Gulf story. Where is your participation? Your comment? How do you fit In?
More importantly, how does it affect the consumer? I used: 'Gasoline Unes Longer in
the 1990s?' as the twist. We started with the OPEC oll conference because the story
really read that gas prices would go higher and that oll production would be lowered to
below current levels. There was enough play in that story proving that oll would go

higher that we went with It. The commodIties finn made a tremendous killing for their
clients -- the radIo Usteners.
Always include the consumer in your story. That is the basis of your story. Twist the
hard news angle or trend to affect the consumer. How can you help him? How can the
news hurt him? Where wtll tt hurt him? Just place yourself in your lrsteners' shoes.
Why should the listeners want to listen to you? If you exclude the consumer from your
story it won't work. Consumers are llsteners, and llsteners mean rating points.
Rating points are the yardstick as to how many people are llstenlng to the show. If
ratings are up, the percentage of listeners increased. If they're down, a percentage
dropped -- meaning less Iisteners.
The producer is entrusting you to make his ratings go up. If you talk about something
in the news -- something Usteners easlly understand and can relate to lrnmedIately -then Ustenership will not drop off. It may even increase. The producer will be happy to
have you back. All this must occur before you are even scheduled. The producer must
evaluate and determine whether you and your story will increase or decrease his ratings.
Please learn this lesson well: Fit the consumer into your story. The broadcast medIa -radio and television -- pride themselves in being publlc service media. Radio talk shows
exist only to give Usteners an in -depth look at the issues of the day. See how you fit in.
Include those consumers into your story.


To begin with, determine how you are helping the consumer, by either increasing his
wealth, improving his health, or attacking his enemies. Your challenge is to isolate how
you're helping the consumer and match that with something in the headline news or
feature trends.
For instance, Dale Alexander had been promoting his cod-liver oll for over thirty years,
first in his books and then with his product as well. There wasn't any real news here.
But luck was on his side. Medical researchers broke the news in mid-1986 that what
he'd been saying all along was true. There was a correlation between fish ollintake and
reduced arthritic swelUng. It was hard news! He piggybacked it backwards, so to speak.
But he did piggyback. He got hundreds of shows in this way -- and quickly.
Dr. Batra's Great Depression book fit well with the Dow Jones averages which were
making incredIble highs. But his piggyback was someone else's piggyback. Robert
Prechter, an Elliot Wave Theorist. predIcted the market would cUrnb much higher and
crash in mid-1989. coincidental with Dr. Batra's prediction. So, we piggybacked him,
since he was hard news at the time. And it appears that Dr. Batra, himself, is becoming
hard news now, so my company is now piggybacking him!
The point here is not to boast about our successes, but rather to show you that spotting
trends just means reading the papers and thinking. Virtually any story you have will
match up with some hard news item or trend that affects the consumer. One book. for
instance, that we're promoting is about tracking animals in the wilderness. Well, there
has been a trend that Yuppies appreciate the outdoors. So, we Jumped on that
bandwagon with our twist.


Another example Is a water purlficatlon product. Sounds pretty dull. Well, bone up on
how bad water Is In this country -- It's toxic. Now say so to the producer and you'll get
plenty of talk shows. Toxic wastes are a hard-news trend. Any time the story comes up
It's news. It should be easy to jump onto. Just say something like. Your water may have
some extra molecules that would kill rats: How's that for consumer-oriented, violence,
controversy, and big money? (Where did the toxins come from? Big companies.)
Remember the consumer and you get on the show. Forget the consumer and forget
about appearing on radio or television.


Now that you've gotten your story together and can make It help the consumer, your task
Is to Interest a few people Into using it. The more the better. Over the years, press
agents and then public relations firms relied on something called a press release. A press
release is something that releases hard news, financlallnformatlon ( such as dividend
Information for a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange). candidacy for
presidency, or signing a major movie star to an upcoming movie. Announcing the
opening of yet another chiropractic clinic Isn't going to get taken seriously unless you're
also buying space In one of those low clrculatlon weekly papers that give you editorial
exposure lfyou buy an ad. You're not even going to get a sneer from these guys In the
media. There are dozens of busy journalists, reporters, television-assignment editors,
and radio producers who have better things to do than read your press releases. Most
are just thrown out after a qutck glance. They're mostly silly, archaic tools. They just
got overused, then abused, and now they're just impractical. Most editors will get the
news they want to cover from the Assoclated Press or United Press International Daybook
Wire. Your press release Is clutter.
This segment Is devoted entirely to getting your story taken seriously, not just half-read
and thrown In the trash basket.


Producers generally schedule guests for talk shows. They probably also make coffee, pick
up the host's dry cleaning, and open mail. In some cases, the producer and the host are
the same person. Yes, they are fearsome, loathsome creatures. as any publicist will
claim, but they are also real people. And real people will listen lfyou talk their language.
Here Is their language: Tell It to me qutck!'
I'm going to make this really simple. Please don't improvise, because that's why getting
to producers Is often so confusing.


Step one:

Summarize your entire story or 'pitch' Into one sentence. Don't get fancy.
Example: 'I've got something on the Persian Gulf and It could mean longer
gasoline lines In the next few years.' Bingo. No more. That's all for now.

Step Two:

Call the producer. Tell him or her just that and no more.


Step Three:

He or she will probably ask for more information on the phone really quick
(this is called sorting the loonies from the guests). At this point. explain
your story in another few sentences. Don't get fancy here, either.

Step Four:

The producer will ask you to send information. You say you will. This will
be covered in the next few pages. Don't try to sell him or her at this point.

Step Five:

Send it.

Step Six:

Recontact the producer in about seven to ten days.

Step Seven: Recontact the producer as necessary.


You will send the producer a pitch letter. This is your presentation. You won't send your
picture or press release, just a pitch letter. Now, what is a pitch letter?
This pitch letter is not a real letter. The decision to have you or not to have you on their
show will occur in abcut five to ten seconds, during which time the producer will have
scanned over the first paragraph and decided either yea or nay.
You are to take the entire one-sentence summary of your story and repeat that in writing
at the beginning of your letter. Thts is your opening. You then follow with the rest of
your story, chopping out any unnecessary verbiage and just sticking to your story.
Omit any solicitous or gratuitous greetings. Omit all greetings. 'Dear Ms. Jones: Longer
gasoline lines are forecast in the 1990s. The Persian Gulf crisis only means bad news.'
And so on. Forget saying, 'I'm really happy to have spoken to you the other day. I hope
the weather is great in Milwaukee.' What a lot of junk. He or she will see right through
that. His or her job is not to be flattered or admired. It's to get the ratings even higher.
Period. Keep that in mind.
The rest of your letter should be short and simple. Don't get complex. Just state what
you're going to talk abcut. Don't use complicated technical terms, as that will clue the
producer in as to what kind of awful guest you're going to be. The whole letter should
be under 150 words, and certainly no longer than one page!


Along with your pitch letter, you're going to have to send two other items: Recent press
clippings about your company, product, book or service, and your biography. Let me
start with press clippings.
Unless you are very fortunate, you won't have press clippings. But your hard news story
or trend will have clippings. You clip from the places where you read. I find that using
newspaper or magazine clippings that relate to your story will get the guest or expert the
better shows, more shows, and longer shows (for instance, a 15-minute scheduled
interview would become a 40-minute interview). I also believe that this will get you a
repeat appearance at some later date.


To obtain these clippings, Just clip while you're researching your hard news angle or
trend. Use The Wall Street Journal, USA Today or The New York Times for best results.
The Los Angeles Times and The CWCagO Tribune are also very good.
If you need to do in-depth research, go to a library and ask for The Reader's Guide To
PeriocUcal Literature. Most magazine ecUtors live and cUe with thls reference guide. Ask
your librarian how to use it. It will give you many (if not all) major topics in past
magazine issues and in which issue they are located. It's great for locating clippings from
the past few months or years that support your current topic, You'll probably notice that
news, like hlstory, is circular and tends to repeat itself.

You'll also need a biography. This Is not a resume, but close enough to resemble one.
This sheet supports why you're the expert, where you studied to become an expert, what
positions you have held and hold now, and honors or achievements you've earned. Also
include published books or articles as that adds credence to you. Don't Include that you
are a bowling champion, speak French, etc., as these are unnecessary. lfyou've written
It like a personal advertisement. start over again. Your objective here Is to show the
credentials you have that will convince the producer that you, not your competitors,
should be on the air.

You've previously contacted the producer. You've sent the required Information. You
have not jumped the gun and called four times before he or she should have received the
information. You have waited, discreetly, for the Information to arrive and for It to be
read (amidst hundreds of other submissions). and for that decision to have been made.
Do not contact the producer until you are certain the above has really occurred.
It's happened. Now what? Well, a decision has probably been made. The producer may
have already contacted you. Chances are he or she hasn't though. So, pick up the
phone and call.
In tWs phone call. gently remind the producer who you are. Say sometWng like: 'Hi! I'm
the one who's predicting long gasoline lines In the 1990s.' Throw the hook out again.
Get It out fast. Don't dawdle, because you're wasting the producer's time. Your Job is
to get your point across for a third time without wasting his or her time. Tough task.
lfyou mess up, they'll dump you. So, be quick about It. Be friendly. but not overly so.
If the producer Is friendly, that's great. You're probably going to be a guest.
Now, here's the test. The producer will be searching you out to see how you sound. Do
you have an accent? Do you answer In yes-or-no answers? Do you hesitate ten or more
seconds before answering? These are killers.
Sometimes, It's Just too hard to get on a particular show. Or, the show is Just flooded
with great guests. If all else fails, simply say, 'Please do keep my material on file. I'm
always avallable. If you need me as a guest, I'll be there for you. Just call me. even if It's
at the last moment.' Wlll such a wimpy line work? Well, one friend tried thts with The
Larry King Show' (one of the largest shows In the country and certainly the largest radio
show In the country). It worked. He was called on the evening of an upcoming religious
holiday. He appeared and got thousands of calls. Make sure the producer knows you're
available, Just In case. And mean It. Once you promise, you can't let that producer
down ... ever!



With some media people you might have to keep calling back. Many are Juggl1ng several
guests and deal1ng with a crazy host. Don't get pushy. Be polite. Promise to call back
at a certain time. Sometimes your material doesn't get read. Let it go. Be polite and
offer to call in a week or so. Don't corne across as desperate or tough. Don't keep the
producer on the phone. Be friendly. Have good manners. Keep call1ng. Resend your kit
as necessary, if there is genuine interest.


Occasionally, I see a few guests go out of their way to ruin their appearance. You really
have to work at it to mess it up. Here are a few cautions.

Avoid the Commercial

You are not there, in the talk-show host's eyes, to sell your product. book, or service.
Rather, you are there to provide an excellent. informative show. Remember, timely
information for the consumer. If you treat the show as an advertisement or commercial,
you'll get dumped. Fast. Faster than you want to. That scheduled 15-minute interview
suddenly ends at two minutes. I've seen it happen, and you'll never, ever appear on that
show again. You are there to discuss your specialty. You have been elected because you
are an expert. You have something to say. For one reason or another, the producer felt
you would help the show keep its audience. Treat it like a commercial and you'll get
thrown off, or insulted live, on the air.
Next to treating the show as a personal commercial is the aggravation of the monosyllabic
interview. Responding by saying 'yes' or 'no' to a host's questions will not get your
product, book or service sold. It will drastically reduce your appearance on that show.
You'll get cut off in a few minutes or so. You'll never appear again. You'll be made fun
of before getting cut off, and again after you leave the studio.

Beating a Dead Horse

Some guests will answer the questions with variations of the same answer. Let's say you
actually do have a cure for bad health. The cure is 'eat brown rice.' If you repeat the
cure in practically every answer, you're going to sound awfully dull, probably s1lly, after
a while. Don't alienate your host, your audience, and the producer by repeating the same
answer to every question -- or even anywhere near that frequently. That's Just wasting
everyone's time.
The Perfect Al?l?earance
Now that I told you what not to do, let me tell you what to do.


Thank the host for your appearance. This makes him look good and
gets him on your side,
Answer the host's questions completely, honestly and without hyperbole.


Mention your toll-free number at the end (or earlier If a listener asks)
and how you or your product can be reached Or order.
Use every spare minute to focus on how your subject benefits the
If there are call-Ins, answer questions fully using real-life examples.
Thank the host for having you on his show. This often opens the door
for another Invitation.

The only thing I've left out Is this: Speak about what you know about and don't speak
about something you don't know. Of course, I'll also Include the platitude: Be natural.
That's simple. Just don't get phony. You'll find yourself magnified many times over
when you're In the public eyes or ears like this. If you treat this lightly, think about how
someone like Gary Hart must feel now that he's been exposed In the manner he has.
That's what happens when you're In the media.

Getting the Sale

You've been scheduled. You're on the show. Now, what about actually selling your
wares? I know of three different methods for getting your book, product or service sold.
If your book, product or service Is nationally dtstrtbuted, merely mention the local outlet
where consumers can purchase your produce, service or book. Say something like, Well,
If you want your taxes prepared by us, Just call your neighborhood D & B Rock office.
It's In the phone book.' Or, Those who want my elk-hunting video can call Vldeorama
stores In Detroit. They're carrying them.' That's all that method takes. If your product
or service or book Is not nationally dlstrfbuted, you'll have to sell It direct. The two
methods are toll-free numbers or Post Office Boxes.

I prefer toll-free numbers. It's easier to call and order something with your credit card
and dial a toll-free number than it Is to write a check, address an envelope, put on
postage, and mail. Toll-free numbers are fast. Many charge between $1.50 and $2.50
per order (and other costs which you don't find out until later). If your book or product
Is $4.95, use the Post Office Box method. Toll-free numbers are effective If you charge
more than $19.95 per order.
And even If your product Is nationally dlstrtbuted. It's wise to Include the toll-free
number. Some people may be elderly, handicapped or Infirm, and can't get to their local
outlet. Others are lazy and won't, Get those extra sales this way.

When Do I Mention It?

Leave It for the end. Those who are still Interested In your product, book or service (or
even you) will stick It out for the end. But remember, you're not going to sell everyone.
I would not risk missing a reappearance on the show because I kept mentioning my
phone number.
There are guests who, because they continually mentioned their toll-free numbers, will
not repeat as guests on some shows. Don't be one of those. Hosts 'Will attack you for
abusing this privilege.
If you pull It off well, the host will repeat the number back to you. encourage his

audience to call and order the product, and pat you on the back. Compare that to a
stream of insults you might get if you continue repeating your number throughout the
show, It's not worth It.
I do know of people who 'forgot' to mention their toll-free number or Post Office Box. Too
bad. Those people threw away hundreds of dollars of valuable air time, their own time,
whatever It cost to get on the show, and so on. For God's sake, write down your toll-free
number and keep It In front of you while you're being Interviewed for the first few times.
You must remember that your reason for doing the show Is to sell your product, book or
service. Of course, you're not going to be obvious about It while you're on the show, But
your aggressive drive should be toward creating an entertaining and educational show
so that the consumer Is on your side, the host Is on your side, and the audlence is fully
prepared to order your product.
Please realize that when you are appearing on a talk show that you are reaching many
thousands of people at one time. Many will respond to you and want to buy your product
or service, So, while you are going through this report, I vigorously recommend that you
review your personal (or company's) abl1lty to service all of the phone calls, letters, orders,
sales leads, inquiries, or whatever you ask for on the alr. Personally, I believe you should
respond to whomever calls you,
Some of my clients In the past have been so deluged with phone calls they've actually
wasted their publlclty efforts, One doctor appeared in a magazine and got his 800
number mentioned. He received over 8,000 responses. He had to throw over 2/3 of them
I don't Issue this warning lightly. Beef up. If you do this right, you'll get lot of phone

James Cook tells a few basics about public relations:

"Since a new company can't usually afford a P.R. firm. new entrepreneurs must learn
how to handle the public relations task themselves. When I had a small struggling
company (now I have a large struggling company) I got lucky with P.R. We were selling
wood-burning stoves. This was Just after the first energy crisis In 1973 and I had
developed ('copted' Is a better word) a heavy steel wood burner that we named the Sierra
Wood Stove.
My company couldn't afford to advertise; I had to go many months without a paycheck
and unpald bills cluttered my desk. Sales petrified, my secretary worried about her
paycheck clearing the bank and the landlord was ready to shut us down with an eviction
notice. A few weeks prior to our looming financial crisis I had typed up a few paragraphs
about our Sierra stove, enclosed a black and white picture and sent It to some local
newspapers and magazines.
One day an editor called. He told me he had started up a brand new magazine for small
farmers and he wanted to do a story on the Sierra stove. He had my press release. He
did the story and almost immediately the new magazine went to press. The story
included our phone number. In a month we sold 25 of our stoves at $400 each. We
made $200 per stove and that $5,000 gross profit paid the bills. my secretary's salary

and the rent. It kept us going until another part of our business sprang to llfe and got
us around the comer.
When I started to make money, I hired a high priced P.R. firm. What did they do? Typed
up a bunch of press releases and sent them around to newspapers and magazines Just
as I had done for my stove. Can you do that for your product or service? Of course.
Type a couple of tight paragraphs and mail them out. Send your release to publications
that have a kinship with what you're offering. lfyou have a local service business, depict
an interesting slant on your business and send it to local newspapers.
However, understand that magazines and newspapers get flooded with press releases.
You may be lucky and have your press release published, but the odds are against it.
You need to go beyond the simple exercise of mailing out a publicity release. I once knew
an inventor who had a fireplace grate that he invented written up in Time Magazine. He
was flooded with inquiries. How did he do it? The energy crisis had blossomed. He
played off that story and called the science editor of Time Magazine directly on the
telephone. The timely subject and the direct call got hlm the story.
Consequently, I believe you are better off cultivating one or two editors directly by
telephone. You need to establish a relationship with them by calling, writing and calling.
You will know on the first call if it's worth pursuing. If so, bulld up a rapport and
consistently ply them with interesting data. Not only might they give you a money
making plug, but you may be able to cultivate them enough so they continuously look
to you for information on one or more subjects. In other words try for a long-term
relationship. If you get one nice piece of publicity don't drop them like a hot potato.
Keep nurturing the relationship.
Be sure the publicity you get benefits you. Make certain it translates into orders. What
good is a mention in the media without your company name, speclflc addresses, phone
numbers and product pricing'? A gold dealer I know always has his opinion quoted in the
Wall Street Journal. So what. They never mention his company, his phone number or
what exactly it is that he sells. A lot of press releases only glorify sorneone's ego. It's not
worth the time or money unless it translates into sales.
When I promoted the sale of my book, "The Start-up Entrepreneur," I went from city to city
for radio, and to appearances and to meet business writers at various newspapers. I had
a P.R. firm make these arrangements. About one of every two newspaper writers did a
story on me or my book. Because I saw them in person, the story got written. Don't
hesitate to call a feature writer at your local newspaper and set up an appointment to sell
them on a story about your business. You must have an interesting angle or be tied in
with a hot national or local story. The personal visit accomplishes far more than a
telephone call or a press release in the mail. I am trying to teach you that whatever you
try to accomplish, you must extend yourself beyond what others do in business. Like
anything else the best public relations results come from going the extra mile."
Ron Tepper tells us more about News Releases:
"How would you like to make $10. 000 with three days of work?
I can tell you exactly how, but there is, of course, a slight catch -- you would benefit more
if you're a service business. But, don't fret if you're not in a service business, because
I have some ways for you to make money as well. Whether you are a wholesaler,
distributor, manufacturer, or retailer, you can increase your business through a simple


technique called promotion.

Here's how to collect that $10.000.
Your city probably has a convention or exhibit center which hosts hundreds of
conventions every year. and those conventioneers have needs.
For example, most centers require convention sponsors and exhibitors to carry a liability
policy In excess of $1 million dollars. The convention center will happily supply
Insurance at a premium price, but if you're In the insurance business. you can supply
that policy.
Conventions also require catering, entertainment. printing. and travel assistance.
But how do you make the $10,000? Here Is how (an) Instant printer in Los Angeles did

A few years ago, this instant printer phoned the local Visitors and Convention Bureau
and asked for a list of every upcoming convention, as well as the names and telephone
numbers of each convention coordinator.
The printer looked down the list and saw a Small Business Expo scheduled. He called
the convention coordinator.
'1 am Joe Jones, local instant printer. When you get to town you will probably have some
printing needs, which I can take care of. I'll pick up your printing each rnorrung and
deliver It each afternoon.'
The convention coordinator said. 'That's great. No other printer has offered such service.'
By the end of the three-day convention. the printer had made $10,000.
There's a lesson In this story -- you must be alert to promotional opportunities. Most
business people who are aware of conventions coming to town just send a form letter
saying, 'If you would like our service, give us a call.'
That Is not the way to promote your business. Never leave it up to them to call you. You
call them. Convention coordinators are busy. They will call only after they get to your
city. and only If they're desperate. And. they usually look in the Yellow Pages. forgetting
about your letter. But not If you call them.
I used to work with the International Entrepreneurs Association. We held conventions
In a major city each month. In more than thirty months, we were never personally
contacted by a service organization offering printing. photography, or catering needs.
This is an opportunity for you.
For those of you who cannot earn $10,000 that way, don't be discouraged. There are
countless other ways to promote your business and make a lot of money at nunlmal cost.
Anyone can learn to promote. A Gallup study showed that 64% of American men share
the American Dream of owning their own business. And with the growing number of
working women, I'm sure many of them would like to 'do their own thing' as well.


However, the Small Business Administration will tell you that three out of four small
businesses will go broke. You'll hear a lot of interesting reasons, such as a lack of capital
or mismanagement. But, I don't think that's why most businesses falI.
Most businesses fall because they neglect to promote their business in three key
promotional areas:
1. Public Relations or Publicity:
2. Merchandising; and
3. Promotions.

You can master these areas, and they're practically free. You might spend $50 on hard
costs, but they have ten times the impact of any advertising.
The key to successful promotion Is to know your market, and you don't need an
expensive market-research firm for that. It only takes common sense.
If you're a local retailer, where Is your market? Unless your product Is extraordinary,
80% of your customers will come from within five miles of your store.
If you're in a service business, where is your market? Most services draw way beyond
that five-mile area. The last time you called a plumber, where did he come from? Most
service businesses cover an entire metropolitan area of 50 to 100 miles, sometimes even
If you're In distribution and manufacturing, your market depends on what you're
distributing and how far you're distributing it. A manufacturer may have a national or
international market.

Once you know your market and who your customers are, you can answer the question:
What media -- newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and television stations -- do those
people read or listen or watch?
These media will often promote your business free and give you millions of dollars worth
of exposure.
Local retailers' customers within a five-mile radius probably read a large, dally
metropolitan newspaper and a suburban newspaper as well. They probably also listen
to local radio and watch local television.
What media reach a service business customer? Let's say you provide secretarial
services. In a city like L.A., your customer Is every business professional in that area.
What media reach those people? The Los Angeles Times. the largest newspapers in the
city, and several suburban newspapers.
What type of radio would reach a business professional? He goes to work In the morning
and comes home in the evening -- usually In a car, so radio reaches the business
professional between 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.. DUring the
day he's probably In his office, so during those hours radio Is of no use to you. But
which radio stations reach the business professional during the commute hours? He
probably listens to traffic reports or news, so all-news and all-talk stations will reach
your market effectively.


In your own industry, there are probably trade publications. The restaurant industry has

Nation's Restaurant News, people in the music field read Blllboard, Cash Box, and Record
World. OM uses a trade paper called Automotive News. (There are a number of other
auto trades but Automotive News reaches the whole market.)


Once you know your market, your customer, and the media, you're ready to promote
your business. The best way to start is through public relations or publicity (P.R.)
Everyone has his own definition of P.R., but I think of it as advertising you don't pay for.
There are two kinds of P.R. The first kind is 'hard news.' It's last night's crime, the
election. etc... It's news the media has to cover now, before it gets too old.
Most of the TV. nightly news is hard news. The same is true for newspapers -- 90% of
page one is hard news. Hard news won't help you much.
The second type of P.R. is feature news.
This is most helpful to small businesses. The media covers feature stories about
business, people, and products that aren't time dated. They can run almost any time.
Johnny Carson has feature guests all the time. They usually talk about their career,
their product, or something related to their life. Carson gives them exposure to millions
of people. Whether they were on last night, tonight or tomorrow night, it doesn't make
any difference. The topics they're talking about are often timeless. They can be used in
a one-. two-, or three-week time frame.
Local 1V talk show guests talk about their products, businesses, or careers, and they
don't pay a cent. These guests are all in the 'feature news' category.
In your local suburban newspaper or any large metropolitan dally, you'll find feature
stories about people and products -- all free. All those guests on the Carson show, all
that feature material in the newspaper, all those feature stories on radJo -- they all cost
nothing (for them).
Before we go any further, let's redefine the word 'product.' A 'product' is whatever you're
promoting -- a person. a bar of soap. or a service. They're all products because the
promotional techniques are all the same. Your business is a product.
Every national magazine has feature stories about products. but how do these products
get that kind of exposure? Why does a 1V show like the Carson show have a certain
person as a guest?
Some P.R. person sold them to the media. A P.R. person is no more than a salesman
who sells his clients and products to the media by finding something unique about them
and bringing them to the media's attention.
A good salesman finds out what the prospective buyer needs. When you go into a
Chevrolet dealer to buy a new automobile. a good salesman doesn't say, 'Let me show you
this Monte Carlo, sir.' He asks, 'Can I help you. sir?' because he first wants to determine
your needs. Then he knows the 'hook' or angle to use. If you need an economy car. he'll


show you a Chevette Instead of a Monte Carlo.

The same Is true when a P.R. man 'sells' a client to the media. He tries to find the unique
'hook.' He's no more than a salesman. He's meeting the needs of the media.
All media need to keep their audience, If they lose their audience, they lose sponsors;
and If they lose sponsors, they lose money -- and they're not In business to lose money.
The editorial staffs of news programs and newspapers may not consider advertising
Important, but management does. It can't exist without the revenue. The stations and
newspapers with the highest ratings and largest circulations earn the most revenue.
Consequently, they try to entertain their audience. They're always looking for a story
that has a unique angle to help them fill their needs.
The successful P,R. person never forgets this. He sells a story to an editor by thinking
about the editor's audience and the kind of story that audience would like to see or read.
The editor's audience Is your market.
Every product has some unique feature that can be sold to the media. It only takes a
little time and thought. Anyone can hire a professional P.R. person, If he has the money.
But you can be your own P.R. representative, doing the selling yourself and approaching
the media with various angles and hooks about your product.
Once an angle Is developed, you can approach the media several ways, but the news
release Is the most Important and probably the easiest to master. It Is a basic P.R. selling
tool for almost every successful business. I can guarantee you won't find one Fortune
500 company that has not effectively utilized news releases. You can do the same.
Good news releases are easy to write, You don't nave to be a college graduate, an English
major, or an authority onjoumallsm. Good news releases are written so a sixth grader
can understand them. If they're not simple, they're no good.
Many people send out news releases which are never printed, usually because of simple
structural rnlstakes, such as:
1. It Isn't dou ble spaced. After a full day on the job, editors have seen
hundreds of news releases, and those that are not double spaced
appear unprofessional and hard to read. so they get thrown out.
2. There Is a typographical error. When this happens. the editor
usually thinks, 'If they don't care enough to spell It right, It must not
be Important enough to use.'
3. The news release Is unprofessionally duplicated. People tend to run
their news releases through the 'Instant-copy' machine Instead of
taking them to a qulck-prtnt shop and having 50 or 100 copies run
off profess tonally. Using an Instant-copy machine Is a big rnlstake.
Such copies are usually hard to read. have smudged, pale
impressions, or crooked on the page, while professionally printed
copies are easier to read. Don't Instant-copy your news releases.
4. The wrong color paper and Ink. News releases should always be on
plain white paper with black Ink. Don't try to be fancy and use red


stationery with pink type. Remember, the edltor has been reading
all day. Make it easy for his tired eyes. PInk on red is hard to see;
black on white is easy.

5. No dateline. Ideally, the dateline should be the day you mail the
release. The date serves as a reference point for the medla. If
there's no date on it, how can the edltor possibly know when it was
malled or if it is still valid. How does he know it wasn't lost in the
mail for six months? Also include the city in your dateline.
6. No contact source.

This is a name and phone number where an

editor can call to ask questions. A contact source should be part of
every news release.

7. No letterhead.
News releases should go on your company's
letterhead, not plain white paper. Letterhead is part of your image.
Just add the word, 'news' to your letterhead, and you have a news
8. Poor construction, The most important news items in the news
release (should) go at the top, and the least important toward the
bottom, Editors cut from the bottom up.
9. Too much hype, News releases should only contain four basic facts:

who, what, when, and where. Don't use a lot of adjectives. An

edltor isn't interested in reading a quote from you on how great your
product is or how great your new salesman is, He only wants facts,
and that's exactly what you should give him,
Anyone can write a good news release. Once you give the facts, you've written a news
Let's repeat those nine points in a good news release:
1. Double space;

2. No typos:
3. Use a professional printer;
4. Use plain, black type and white paper;
5. Use a dateline;
6. Include a source -- your name and phone number;
7. Use your letterhead:
8. Put the most important information at the top;
9. Give Just the facts -- who, what. when, and where.
If you have ever sent out news releases that were unused, you probably violated one of


those rules.
Now. once the sImple technical aspects are mastered. what do you put in a news release?


Let's say your company introduces a new or remodeled product. Put the price in the last
paragraph. lfthe release is being sent to trade journals, Include your discount structure.
advertising allowances. displays. etc.
There are many other types of news releases:
1. An executive-appointment release. announcing the appointment of
someone to a new position.
2. A community-involvement release. lfyour company sponsors some
event or service. or receives or gives an award. submit a news release
to the community section of the newspaper.
3. Industry forecast. You can release an industry survey. Talk to some
suppliers and customers and project where your industry and your
company are going in the next six months. Become a spokesperson
for the industry.
4. The topical news release. relating to a trend or trends. The media is
particularly interested in certain trends -- energy. inflation. and
consumerism. Your products, no matter what they are. will tie into
at least two of those.
One example of how a company exploited the consumerism trend is the International
Entrepreneurs Association (I.E.A.). which specialized in reporting on new and unique
businesses. (Now it has more than 227.000 subscribers and is called Entrepreneur
Magazine.) But at that time. it had about 72,000 members who paid dues of about $55
per year. One of the things I.E.A. published was monthly information on business
opportunity fraud. Each month. it sent its members fraud reports and told them to
beware of particular types of fraud. In late 1978. I.E.A. put together a booklet called
'Business Opportunity Frauds.' It was 47 pages long. and contained 15 of the most
common business opportunity frauds perpetuated on the public.
What was this booklet. really? It was a new product. How did I.E.A. market it? First
they asked themselves the same question you should ask yourself: Where's my market?'
They sell business information to business professionals. so they reached those people
through the business pages of every major newspaper in the U.S.
They started with a new product news release. and sent it to the business editors of every
major newspaper in the U.S. At the bottom of the release was the price -- it was freel
Consumers only had to send 50 cents for postage and handling to receive a copy of the
booklet. They sent the news release to the editors. but not a copy of the booklet. You
don't have to send samples with new product news releases.
At the upper right-hand comer of the release was the contact source. so any editor or
consumer who actually wanted a copy could call for one. After I.E.A. sent the releases.

they received a number of phone calls from editors asking for copies, so they sent them
out. and waited,
In eight weeks, I.E.A. received 55,000 requests altogether for the booklet -- $27,500
worth of business. The 50 cents per booklet barely covered the printing and postage, but
they didn't plan to make money on that.
I.E.A. also used a cllpplng service which clipped all the news items pitching the booklet.
In that eight weeks, they received approximately $150,000 in free pubUclly. Even more
important were those 55,000 booklet requests. They generated 55,000 names of potential
customers for their other services.
Anyone who sent for that booklet was interested in small business, and was a potential
customer of I.E.A. Where else could you get 55,000 leads for your business for about
$50? That's what it cost I.E.A. to conduct that program -- $50 to print and mall that
news release.
With a llttle thought, you can construct a new product news release just llke I.E.A. did.


All businesses relate to consumerism in some way. Constder, for example, the
construction business. Anyone in the construction business has consumer problems.
Before Issutng any news release, look at the market. A contractor's market might extend
throughout an entire cily. How can he use consumerism to aid his bustness?
He needs to analyze what bothers his customers most. If you were going to hire a
contractor to remodel your house, what would be your biggest fears?
1. Shoddy workmanship;
2. The contractor's dishonesty: and
3. Whether or not the contract protects you as it should.
A contractor could help consumers and build his business by developing a brochure,
'How to Avoid Being Ripped Off By Contractors, or The Do's and Don'ts of Choosing
Construction Contractors.' It doesn't have to be a fancy, detailed booklet -- it could be
an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper with a checklist of 15 or 20 ways consumers can avoid
being ripped off.
In ten minutes, most contractors could write out thlrty ways to avoid being ripped off and
explain step-by-step how to get the best deai. Thls information could be printed and
folded at a local print shop, and a new product would be created. The next step would
be to develop a new product news release for whichever medium reaches his market.
Contractors deal with an entire metropolitan area, so every newspaper -- both major
metropolitan dailies and local suburban newspapers -- will reach this market, as will
radio stations. You could send out a news release about this pamphlet to local papers,
radio stations, and 1V news directors -- anyone interested in consumerism.


In the case oflocal newspapers, you would send it to the editor of the Home or Building
sections, or to the city editor, who would funnel It to the correct section, possibly the real
estate section,
In the news release, you would offer free copies of the booklet to anyone who writes In or
stops by the office.
The news release will be printed often because It relates to consumerism. If you give
editors what they want, and give the market what It wants, they'll give you the pubUcity
and response that you want.
Some people will write or call In for the brochure simply because It's free, but most who
request brochures are thinking about remodeUng. These are leads.
A program llke this can go beyond the media. A contractor could call a local
homeowner's association and offer a presentation on how their members can save money.
These associations are not Interested In having a contractor come out and pitch his
company. But they are Interested In having a contractor tell them the do's and don'ts of
picking contractors. He becomes a good guy. He won't get all the business, but If any
of those homeowners are thinking about remodeUng. they'll think about him, because he
has been honest enough to tell them about the construction business. After all, he Is
trying to help them avoid expensive mistakes.
That's the only way to use 'consumerism.' You are all capable of doing similar things.
What are your customers afraid of? How can they be protected from financial traps?
How can you help them? How about a Realtor, an auto repair specialist, an auto body
worker, or secretarial service? What type of consumer brochure might they put together?
Think of ways to save energy and cut costs that relate to your business. News releases
are a terrific way to publicize a product or business, The principles remain the same,
regardless of the product or service.


Where do you send a news release?
A Realtor opens a new office, or hires a new account executive. There are two 'new' news
releases, Opening a new office Is no more than a new product news release.
The first question the Realtor should ask Is, Where Is my market?' A Realtor usually
services an entire city. He needs to reach those who want to buy or rent homes within
that city, so he should send that release to the editors of all the real estate sections of all
local and suburban newspapers In the city.
Extend the concept a bit furiher. Suppose you sell records, and you sign a new artist
who is releasing a new record.
First, ask the magic question, 'Where's my market?' Send a news release to Industry
trade papers, such as Billboard, Cash Box, and Record World, which report the names
of artists and the companies that have signed them. In the music business, If you sign
an artist, you send a news release to trade papers because program directors and station


librarians -- those people who select the records to be played -- read the trades, They're
part of your market, You must familiarize them with the name of your new artist,
How about the entertainment pages of daily newspapers nationwide? An artist simply
signing with a label Is not of great Interest to the entertainment pages, unless the artist
Is well known, or has an unusual background, or has composed and recorded a dlfferent
type of song. But because many record buyers read the entertainment pages, you're
reaching your market.
Suppose you start a unique service to Insurance companies, such as a secretarial service
where all the secretaries have Insurance backgrounds, When a company calls for parttime help, your people not only can do the work, but also they don't need specialized
instructions before they start -- they already know about insurance.
Where would you send a news release in this case?
First, to the insurance industry trade publications. Second, to the business pages of the
local and metropolitan newspapers.
The answer is easy if you have a clearly defined product that goes to a certain section
of a publication, but many people have products that don't quite fit in anyone section,
that are not as well-defined as real estate, entertainment. or insurance.
Pick one section editor of the publication who you think would be most interested in your
news Item, and send him one copy. Then send a second copy to the city editor of that
same publication. The city editor, if the release doesn't apply to his area, will forward it
to the correct section.
News releases can be sent to every magazine, newspaper, and television station that
reach your market. The editor of one newspaper knows that the release you sent him has
gone to his competitors as well. It does not matter. The only thing that counts is the
correct hook or angle.

How do you reach national magazines and trade papers?
Bacon's Publicitv Checker is one of the finest resources to determine where to send your
news releases because it lists all trade categories.
For example, if you wanted to find all the publications in the music field, under 'Music,'
Bacon's lists the names and addresses of every trade publication that caters to the music
field, along with the name of each editor. But don't use the name of the listed editor, as
editors change frequently. Call first, or just address your news release to 'Editor.'
Bacon's also lists the names and addresses of every major newspaper in the United
States, the names and addresses of every major wire service and syndicated columnist,
and the names and addresses of every major national magazine.
Bacon's also has a code at the bottom of every Usting that tells you what kinds of news
releases each publication uses, so you never have to waste effort. If you have a new
product news release for the insurance Industry, look up 'Insurance' in Bacon's index,
and YOU'll finel about 25 different publications -- and ycull also find which ones use new

product news releases.

If you have problems getting purchasing agents to look at your product, Bacon's llsts 37
publlcations under 'Purchasing' that reach purchasing agents. Every one uses new
product news releases. It's a way to get your foot in the door. Bacon's is available at
most local llbraries. ('They have an office in Chicago -- (312) 922-2400; Bacon's
Publlshlng Co., 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 606045.)
There are several other books that can help you zero in on your market. Working Press
of the Nation breaks the medla down into magazines, newspapers, syndlcated columnlsts,
1V, wire services, and the trade publlcations. It gives names and addresses of each
pu bllcation, plus the names of the edltors. (Again, don't use the names of edltors without
checking. There is no guarantee that the names are current.)
Many companies llke General Motors have put Bacon's on computer. Whenever they
have a product news release, they just punch a button, and out come the maillng labels
for the release.
Start a file of media names and addresses, and update it frequently. It can do amazing
things for your business.


AI Fluster was a 60-year-old retired postal worker who had an idea for a new product
back in 1977. AI's only problem was that he didn't have enough money to manufacture
it, nor did he know how to market it. However, AI felt strongly that there was a market
for his product. The Catchall.'
The Catchall was designed for restaurants and housewives, but he needed a way to reach
them. How could he tell them about the Catchall, and even more importantly, how could
he determine if there was really a market for his product?
First, he had a prototype made of the Catchall, then he wrote a new product news release
about it. He realized it was hard to visualize the product, so he photographed it. The
Catchall was a 2- or 3-inch high funnel that ran between two ketchup bottles so the
remnant of an old bottle would drain into a new bottle.
AI put a human hand in his photograph so editors could get a better idea of how big the
Catchall was. He then had both the news release and the photo professionally
The next problem was how to reach his market -- restaurants and housewives. He felt
every restaurant would want his product because it answered two needs; 1) waitresses
no longer had to shake the last drop of ketchup out of the bottle, and; 2) the restaurant
no longer wasted any ketchup.
So, AI picked up a copy of Bacon's Publlcitv Checker. looked under 'Restaurants.' and
found 60 different publications that went to restaurants and restaurant companies. He
picked the largest, National Restaurant News, called them, and found that they didn't
have a new products editor. so he got the name of the editor who handled releases.

AI also found a number of women's magazines listed under 'Consumer Magazines.' The

code in Bacon's told him that several of them use new product news releases, so he called
them and asked for the names of the new product editors. He then sent his news
releases and photos (packed with cardboard to protect the photos) to the 60 restaurant
publications and 30 women's publications, including Nation's Restaurant News, Good
Housekeeping and Better Homes and Gardens. To those three editors, he enclosed this
Dear Editor.
I thought your readers might be interest in the enclosed.
AI Fluster

He waited a week, then called the editors. He introduced himself and asked if they had
received the release and the photo of ills Catchall. All three had. He asked if there were
any questions. There were none, so he thanked them for their time and hung up.
What happened? A few weeks later, Nation's Restaurant News printed his news release,
ran the photo, and included the price and where it could be obtained. Within two days,
AI received calls from three of the largest restaurant companies in the United States. One
was International Food service, which owns restaurants throughout the country. They
asked if AI could custom-design a Catchall for them, and put their name on it. He
received enough orders from International Food service alone to set up ills business.
Better Homes and Gardens and Good Housekeeping also printed his news release and
photo, resulting in thousands of orders.
AI became one of the most successful manufacturers in the country, making a variety of
plastic products for the restaurant industry, and his entire business was launched
through a news release that was written and handled professionally. His cost was $150.
For $150 AI Fluster got into the manufacturing business.
lfyou are in the manufacturing business, you know how competitive it is. Could you get
into it for $150? AI Fluster did, and his company grosses nearly $1 million a year.



Chatper 15

The salespeople that will put you on the map are hard to find. You want to bulld a
sales staff of greats. They do 80% of the business. They usually number no more
than 20% of your force. You have to improve that percentage.
Recognize that for every ten sales people you hire only one or two will be great. You
may keep some of the rest but if you analyze it carefully, some of them will be
costs. This will be especially true if you're spending big money to generate leads.
A mediocre performer will not capitalize fully on those leads. Poor sales people are
no more than costs of doing business. You need to cut them and upgrade your
Hire and fire. If you have a formula that works, enough leads, a good percentage of
your sales force making you money, and you can replicate that for other sales
people, then roll it out. Hire and fire.
Jay Abraham gives a few comments on sales.
Here are some guidelines for getting the most from your salespeople:
* Make sure salespeople understand that you won't settle for less than
a 100% commitment from them. If your sales reps aren't the best
salespeople they can be, they will never sell at their maximum

* Encourage reps to emulate a top-selling sales rep.

By using a
respected, hlgh-performing salesperson as a role model, sales reps
can pick up the techniques that lead to success.

* The sales rep should develop a pre-call selling plan whlch Is based
on the known characteristics and needs of each specific customer.
* Reps should attempt to encourage buyers to discuss their problems

and needs. Once the salesperson can get buyers to talk about their
problems as they relate to the product, the sale Is practically made.
* To generate repeat business, your salespeople have to demonstrate
to buyers that they are better than anyone else at fulfllling needs
and solving problems.
* Reps should have qutck access to Information -- both from wtthln

and outside your company.


Being bright and articulate and able to answer all the questions your prospects ask are

qualities that provide you with a good foundation, but they're not enough. Salespeople
need something more -- they need to be conscientious listeners so they can help
prospects solve their problems.
The first step toward understanding the problem-solving method is answering a very
basic question: What are you selling? Some would say they are selling a product.
Others would say they are selling themselves. The answer is that you are selling
Using the problem-solving approach, the customer and salesperson work together toward
a common goal. The salesperson's objectives are profitable selling and customer
satisfaction. Everyone derives benefits. Using the problem-solving method, salespeople
must also learn to be service-oriented, not Just sales-oriented. Salespeople need to be
friendly, helpful, straightforward and ask more questions than they answer. They need
to use questions to guide the conversation and then listen more than they talk. Ustening
and understanding the customer's needs will help you sell. Your ears are more important
to selling than your mouth.


Most sales managers claim to use motivational talks. sales contests, compliments and
other techniques to motivate their salespeople. However, what motivates one person on
your sales staff may not motivate another. The sales manager should attempt to find the
'Motivational Hot Button' of each person on the sales staff.
The seven motivational forces to which people respond are:
* Acceptance: People want to be reassured that they are needed.
* Accomplishment: They derive pleasure from a task completed.
* Environment: They have great desire for pleasant surroundings and

friendly associates.
* Recognition: They need praise.
* Responsibility: They want authority.

* Security: They are deeply concerned about the future.

* Status: Status symbols impress them. They want status.


Since selling is becoming increasingly expensive the productivity of salespeople is a
grov:ing concern. To encourage increased productivity, stress professionalism through
Point out that professionals, such as doctors study to keep abreast of developments in
their fields. Ask that your salespeople read a book each month about salesmanship. Ask
them to report on what they've read and learned. Some people may balk at doing


'homework,' but productivity wtll Increase.


Seven rules for coaching sales forces:

1. Don't criticize. Instead, provide salespeople with 'how to' advice.
Repeatedly tell them what you llke about their performance.

2. Build their self-confidence.

3. Ask questions. By asking questions. the sales manager gets the
salespeople actively involved.
4. Build on your strengths. Take advantage of training materials that
might help struggl1ng salespeople.
5. Pressure the salespersons to evaluate themselves. This Is the first
step In getting salespeople to traIn themselves.
6. Always come to an agreement about what corrective action to take
to Improve.
7. Keep records. Set specific standards of performance and make sure
they're being met within stated time llmits.


Salespeople should learn to see rejection as a challenge. Here's how I've learned over the
years to 'cash in' on rejection:
1. Find out why. A rejection can be educational if you find out the
reason -- be it logical or frivolous.

2. Find out if the competition is meeting the customer's needs. and

learn how. It is crucial to identify. pinpoint. and satisfy customer
needs. Have a response prepared for rejection.
3. Exit gracefully from a non-productive sales call because time is the
salesperson's most Important asset. Identify sales calls that are
4. See the interview from the buyer's perspective. Listen 'between the
5. Leave the door open. Try to end the sales calion a positive note.


1. Divorce your ego from the sale. Remember that the prospect is not


attacking you personally.

2. RealJze that the 'intimidating' prospect you are facing may have a lot
of problems.
3, Don't automatically assume the problem is on your end.
4. Plant a lot of seeds. Salespeople who generate a lot of activity have
little time to mourn over the loss of one sale.
5. Anticipate rejection so you won't be overwhelmed by it.
6. Give failure minimal attention and keep on calling.


1. Let your customers tell their stories first.
2. Remember that you can't listen and talk at the same time.
3. Listen for psychological needs. These are needs other than what the
prospect may mention,
4. Listen for the main ideas. What is central to the prospect?
5. Don't lose concentration and miss the speaker's main message.
6. Take brief notes regarding important data.
7. React to the message -- not the person. Don't allow your mental
impressions of the speaker to influence your reaction.
8. Listen selectively. Listen in such a way that you can uncover hidden
9. Relax. When the prospect speaks, try to put them at ease,
10. Don't criticize your customer's point of view.
11. Listen attentively and ask good questions.


The old books on selling usually defined 'closing' as the last step in the seiling process.
Some salespeople dread this part of selling. Some firms even employ a 'closing specialist'
who accompanies the field sales representatives when they need help closing specific
deals. Closing begins when you state your first sales benefit or advantage. Closing is
actually a process of explaining how your product's advantages "ill benefit the prospect.
A key sales technique is to get the prospect to state agreement on several crucial points.


The benefits are clearly understood.

Benefits apply to the speclflc situation.
The benefit Is desirable.
If your first sales point Is powerful and well-received, try to get a purchase commitment
from the prospect. Don't proceed to your next benefit until you get agreement from the
prospect on your first claim.


The first step in selling Is feeling successful. You can't lead a cavalry charge If you think
you look funny sitting on a horse. Salespeople who feel successful help everyone around
them share those feelings.
Salespeople lose the feeling of success the moment they try too hard to sell their Ideas,
when they try to push their Ideas through resistance. Even experienced salespeople
sometlmes forget that selling Is problem solving -- meeting other people's needs as well
as their own. Sales begin with the customer's objectives, not with the product. Selling
requires thinking from the customer's viewpoint and always thinking In terms of solving
problems for the customer.
Mental toughness Is 50% of selling. Salespeople need to create and maintain the right
kind offocus regardless of the obstacles they encounter. If you're confident. you can stay
focused on the customer."
Here's powerful information from Sales Wizard, Jim Cecil.
'What I want to give you Is a recipe that you can use If you have a problem In selecting
salespeople. There Is a process of selection, of recruiting, attracting, selecting and
training salespeople. You can stop turnover dead In Its tracks.
In order to know how to select salespeople, It's Important to understand them. How do
you diagnose the problem to determine whether It's the product. the price, the marketing,
the medium, the offer, the tJrnJng, or, In fact, Is It the harvesting that's causing the
problem? And It may be all of those, and each of those have a different problem and a
different solution. I want to discuss harvesting. One way you might want to look at this
Is: 'How can I determine If In fact I have a deficient sales organization?'
About four years ago, I had a client who asked me to take a look at a selling
organization's plans for West Coast distribution for a shipping line out of Japan to
capture the Asian trade. They wanted to know what would be the proper channels of
distribution: Should they put In a field sales force with branches and managers: or
should they use rep firms: or should they use telemarketing? What would be the best
strategy? And I didn't know. I called two behavioral psychologists at the University of
Texas and asked them what was going on In this decade of selling that has changed?
What was dIfferent? And they started me on this process that I call, 'precision selection
of salespeople.' This allows us to understand, before we hire, exactly who we need and
exactly who we're getting.
I want to give you a fast overview on recruiting. Even If you're an organization of one
person, or you're a corporation with hundreds of thousands of salespeople, the same
principles apply. Fundamentally there is a market, and there Is a product. and there Is

a necessity for a live communicator of some sort to sell the product.


So, Step Number One Is to recognIze In sales managing that recruiting Is a continuous
process. One of the problems I find In companies Is that sales managers think: 'As soon

as I get this sales force up to level, and up to speed, I can then go, 'Whew! Got that taken
care of.'" I call that the 'suicide wish.' Because a sales force Is constantly In flux. We
do make mistakes In hiring, and those mistakes have to be recognIzed and changed.
And, more Importantly, people come to work for us with a different agenda than ours.
and they don't come In with a lifetime promise. They may only come on board for six
months or a year, find out what they can from us, and then go on. So, recognIze that
turnover Is a fact of life -- the abl1lty to see that and take care of that Is a major
breakthrough. Also recognIze that recruiting and selection Is a technology.
In recruiting and selection, you must come up with a strategy that says: 'I know exactly
what I'm dealing with. I know what I need In salespeople. I know what kinds of
salespeople I need. I know exactly what compensation plan wIll work best. I know what
support programs work best, and I have a system.' Now, that's precision. And you can
do It for a one-person organization or for a multinational group of thousands.
Recognize that there are some people who love to sell and some people who hate to sell.
Only hire those people who love to sell. I tell sales managers: You don't have to have a
master's degree In sales management to figure this out. All you have to do Is watch
behavior.' If the person that's working for you would rather talk about, think about, plan
about, write about. do almost anything about other than be about sel1lng, you have
somebody that would rather not. That's an observable phenomenon. Look at the
number of calls they make. Great artists have died, starved to death, because they would
rather paint than sell.
And It's been my experience that when you get around great salespeople, you'll usually
find those people selling. Seme of these salespeople almost have the same process that
a runner has, that If they don't get their run In today, they'll feel sick.
Observe what salespeople do. There's something I call the 'unwilling behavior.' Listen
to salespeople. When you hear them start complaining about the company and the
product and the market and the advertising and the lead generation and the support and
compensation -- guess what you're hearing? You're not hearing sales behavior. What
you're hearing Is unwilling behavior.
You're hearing people saying. 'Ifyou get the world going my way, I'll get on the train. But
until that happens, I'll make It your fault. I'm failing, but I'll make It your fault.' Slug
behavior. Watch the trail of slime that develops behind them.


Step Number 1\vo In success and recruiting Is to offer salespeople a payoff that they
really want. Everybody has an outcome In mind. Seme people want education. and
they're wll1Ing to attach themselves to an organization Just to learn the Industry, or to
learn selling. And If you have an opportunity to train. you can do a great deal with those

Other people want an opportunity for instant income. They don't want fixed salaries,
they want to be paid only on their results. And other people want to have a daddy. They
want somebody to take responsibility for their life and to take them through every step
of the process.
And all you have to do then is examine how you operate, and understand how they
operate. and see If you can match those two together. That's the simple part. You don't
need science to do it that way.
First, figure out who likes to sell and who doesn't like to sell. and second, observe their
behavior. Find out what they did on a past job, because the probability Is that they're
not going to change behaviors very much. You cannot change somebody until they're
ready to make that change.


Step Number Three: Is your organization going to be a cllmate In which that kind of
person is going to flourish and be successful? You cannot take a tropical plant and put
it in the Arctic and expect it to survive. Consider your sales reps ...
Number one, many of them want independence, and those who want independence
require self-discipline. And you can find that out without any scientific testing. Just find
out If in their past jobs they exercised discipline to get a result.
Number two, many times the opportunity that they're seeking requires more risk than
they're willing to invest, and that's why you hear people saying, 'I'm willlng to work on
commtsston, but I've got to have a $4,000-a-month draw.' I think all selling is straight
commlssion at its heart. That why I love selling so much. It is the most measurable of
all the marketing steps. I either sell or I don't. I either produce a result or I don't.
Number three, there is a group of people who want security, and they will trade loyalty
for that security. Unfortunately, they rarely become high achievers.
In the last five years, some great universities, notably UCLA, and the Universities of
Arizona, Iowa, and Colorado, have been working on psychological profiling instruments
that now make it possible to determine, well In advance, exactly what personallty style
and behavioral process you're going to see six months ahead on the job. There's an
Interesting development In selling, especially in the interview process. Somebody wants
the option on every job interview they go on. Even If they don't want the job, they want
the offer. Do you agree with that? And the company that's hiring wants the person to
want the job. Even If they don't want to hire them. they want them to want the job. And
both parties are trying to get the option on their side of the table.
Here's what happens in most situations. Most companies utilize a hiring process that's
very qulck. They go 'O.K., let's see. Breathing regular, appropriate number of eyebrows,
good-looking kid. Let me tell you about our company.' And they immediately go into a
sales Job. By the way. the fastest way I know to scare a pro off is to start selling before
you have examined what they are. If you do get a pro, and that pro walks into the
Interview. and immediately the manager starts selling -- the pro's going to think. 'He
knows nothing about me. This Job could be had by anybody. It isn't a place where I


want to work. I'm looking for someplace special.'

The biggest part of salesmanship and proper selection is diagnosis -- knowing what's
going on. So in the profiling, then. It's possible to proflle a job. You've got components
that are going on In any sales situation. You have a behavior package. All of us have
developed a set of behaviors. sort ofllke a 'modus operandi' that. by the time they get into
business, we operate on most of the time in our lives. and we don't change it very much.
And behaviors. by the way, can be measured, How I behaved on the last job is probably
how I'm going to behave on thls job. The old way to determine behavior was to do a good
job screerung, and checking with other employers. That's getting more dIfficult now,
because a lot of people have a vested interest to not reveal their past employees'
performance to you, and a lot of companies have corporate policies against it.
Profillng the employee is now possible to do with scientific instruments. It is possible to
test the brain of a human being to determine what facets of personallty are going to be
built into their operating system that you're going to be seeing continuously. So If you
can profile the job to determine exactly what behaviors you need on a job, It then gives
you something to hire with. A matrix. If you will. If you know, for example, that you're
Wring hurdlers, you'd probably look for muscle in the lower body, rather than a weight
lifter's body. It's the same thing in Wring salespeople. Some sales jobs require an
enormous amount of cold calling. Others require a tremendous amount of teaching and
nurturing. And still others need compellers, people that can close a sale,
And so, in this process that I was talking about, these psychiatrists from the University
of Houston discovered that there were really three sales personalltles. There was
something called 'the engager.' something called 'the assurer,' and something called 'the
compeller.' Everyone falls into one of these categories,
Let me put you to rest for a minute, by the way, Just because your salesperson (or
potential salesperson) happens to have a dominant behavior strategy for one of those
three doesn't mean that he can't do the work of the other two. All it means Is that If he
stays on autopilot, he'll do most of his work In one of those three areas. But If he wants
to wake up, he can get Wmself to do anytWng. See. necessity Is the mother of behavior.
Step One: Profile. Know what the job is, know what kinds of people you need for that
kind of job, and set up a system of measurement so you can pick the diamonds in the
rough out of the lumps of clay. And then you can write a 'Help Wanted' ad. Profiling,
knowing what you need, Is the biggest step.
Step Two: Write an ad that attracts those kinds of people. Writing an ad that appeals
to the values of that group dictates that you will probably get the kind of response that
you're looking for.
Step Three: Recruit. Recruiting is different than attracting. Attracting, by the way, is
principally advertising. But recruiting is a multiple process, and I believe sharp
managers are constantly recruiting. Walk through the shopping malls, and take a look
at the people in the retail stores who seem to have a certain brightness about them.
They're bright, they're quick, they're alert, they seem to be persuasive, and they seem to
have a warm personality. Recognize that you may be spotting a diamond In the rough.
People work bizarre hours for very little pay here, And many times they can be converted
into great salespeople, working for you, very easily.


I'm always surprised at how sales managers say it's tough to find good salespeople.
There are good salespeople everywhere, and most salespeople are mistreated. They're
either mismanaged. undercompensated, undertralned, or they're under-rewarded. So if
you can become better spotters of talent, you can help solve problems.
The selection process. then. says you know what you're looking for and you have secured
an abundant number of candidates so that you are In a position to select the diamonds
In the rough. Then train, develop. measure. and tennlnate.
Now. in the selection strategy, the key Issue Is to recognize what you need in this job.
If you need a software developer. you may need a different mentality than if you need

someone to answer the telephone and take casual questions about avallablllty.
understanding what degree of core intelligence is needed.



Of all the components in selection and sales. Intelligence Is the least important. In my
mind. We know that every human being operates on an unconscious set of values.
Values fundamentally are a description of what we will trade for something we want.
What I value is what I will trade for. If I value anything you have. I will trade you my
time, my money. my knowledge. and my resources for that. That's a value.
Behavioral experts believe in business that human beings have six fundamental values.
We have a value of the 'need to know.' There are some people that must know a great
deal in order to be satisfied. A professor. for example. Knowledge is the senior value for
them. They take less money to be in an environment where they can learn.
There is an economic value that people have about work.
For others, It's the value of individualism. They'll take a job because It gives them
freedom of action at less pay than a job that Is more confining.
Value number four is altruism. That Is, the need for love. How I behave Is based on
getting feedback that I am valuable. Recognition. love, and making a meaningful
contribution to someone else is a value called altruism.
There's another value called power. Some people work In order to gain power over other
people. It gives them a feeling of safety and security.
And finally there are people that can only work in a structured environment. They like
to have rules, regulations, and deeply detailed plans.
See how those values are? Let me tell you why some people are driven to do what they
do. They know that values are implanted In us, probably by our parents. They've always
believed that values are implanted pre-logic. that is, under the age of five, and they now
know that most of our values are implanted pre-verbal, before we're even able to
articulate, The values become an unconscious ruler of our lives. Values are really what
cause us to do what We do in our lives.
Let's take a salesperson. for example. who was trained as a child that getting love was
safer than being effective. Keep your mouth shut, and smile. and that gets you safety.
Not effectiveness, not producing. not being tntelllgent or being better or faster or quicker:

but being quiet, or being lovable. Women In our culture are sometimes trained that way.
They may grow up with a high altruistic value and a low economic value. I see thls all
the time. I see highly-skilled salespeople who are continuously short of money or short
of success, and once you analyze their values you'll discover that what they're doing Is
respondIng to this Inside, unconscious, hidden drummer called values.
Here's a sales rep starting the day, and sitting at the desk (I always visuallze them as
being In a trance). They're not really thInking about the day. The day's golng to kind of
flow, because there's no plan, there's no strategy, no dtsclpllne. and there's nobody
pushing the sales rep. I always thInk of these values as a board of dlrectors that are
meeting somewhere down In the gut. And they're saying:
Well. what are we going to do with Jim today? What options does he have? He's goIng
to make some prospecting calls, and he's got some customers that are upset, and he's
got to deliver a couple of proposals. What's he like? He likes to be loved. It's the most
important thIng to hlm, to have people recognize hJm and appreciate hJm and tell hJm
how Important he Is. Well, how about economIcs? No, he doesn't need that, he's getting
by, he's getting hls draw. Ifwe send hIm out on cold calls, what happens? Nineteen out
of twenty are going to cause hlm paln . We don't want that. good Lord, he starts drinking,
he gets upset and stressed. What If we send him out on the customer calls? He loves
that. People just adore him, they thank him for coming by and going out of hls way and
helping them solve these problems.'
So guess what the 'values team' has hJm do today? Since the unconscious Is operating
the system, the unconscious moves that person every day to do those thlngs that get love.
I've rarely found that the things that get you love get you money. Especially in selling.
Customer calls are important. and they are part of future business, but today's business
is about new relationships.

When you hire someone, you're really hlrtng three things. Number one: you're Wring
base intelligence. You're hiring experience and knowledge and education -- a number of
factors you can measure, You can measure how many jobs they've had, what kinds of
jobs they've had, how they've performed on those jobs, and whether or not those jobs are
related to what you're doing.
You're also hiring behavior.
And the third component Is values. And of all of those three, In my mind, the most
significant of all predictors of behavior in the future are the values."


In order to sell efficiently you must be able to establish a rapport with other people,
That means that introverts, shy incllviduals or people with serious inferiority
complexes may not fare well in sales. Extroverts with good personalities and high
levels of self-confidence make the best sales men and women. However, a person
can be shy in a crowd, backward in front of a group or of a quiet nature and still be
good at sales because it's all what happens one on one. Can they make friends, get
a rapport going and build confidence with that one person? In a sense this type of
personality is in control of the relationship between seller and buyer. They lead.
They give cllrection. They are in charge. They control.


Frankly, I'm not sure you can teach that ablllty. Furthermore, I'm certain you can'f
teach the second most important aspect of sales success, which is hard work. Most
people tend to be lazy. You can hire ten great extroverts who can establish rapport
and be in charge throughout a sales call, but only a few of them wlll make calls
consistentIy over the loug term. Many of these people experience immediate
success, then lack the discipline to perform steadily. They waste time, reach an
income level that's satisfactory and never fulfill close to their potential. They drive
the sales manager crazy.
A third requirement is the ablllty to think big. Many sales people ask for orders in
line with what they can afford to buy. So if you have a great sales personallty and
that person only tries to close littIe deals, you have a wasted talent. You can
ultimately teach the ablllty to think in bigger terms and sometimes experience
makes a small hitter grow. However, this can be a drawn out process. This problem
ties in to some extent with a salesperson's income expectations. People who want
to make a lot of money usually do bigger deals. So always find out how much
money your sales applicants want to make.
Another quality that some great sales people seem to have is a touch of larceny in
their hearts. They are cons. They can talk people into anythiug. These people are
fine to hire. You just need to train them to be honest and the minute they break
the rules, jump all over them. Keep them on a tight chain and sharply discipline
them when they speak with forked tongue. Initially, theywlll test the limits of your
system but after you spank them a few times, they settIe in and foliow the rules.
A few, of course, are incorrigible and you must fire them.
Alcohol and drugs are always the enemy of your sales force and affect it's efficiency.
Some big producers can have a weakness for chemicals. Too much success can also
corrupt individuals and turn them towards these devices. You need to closely
monitor such abuses. Let it be known you don't tolerate them (especially on the
job) and have counseling and treatment readily available.
A great sales person is rare indeed. There are no perfect people for this job. All
have drawbacks. The biggest producers can be difficult, egotistical and hard to
manage. To build a great sales force you must develop an eye for talent, treat your
people fairly and let them make a lot of money.


Chapter 16

In this chapter we boll down Jay's views on barter.

"Some of the most exciting (and most profitable) ventures I've engaged in have util1zed
barter. I'm not talking about basic product-for-product transactions, but ingenious
Barter sounds like extremely sophisticated stuff but that's not true. Virtualiy any person
with a sound understanding of value can become a barter profiteer in a matter of hours.
The rewards can be astounding.

With barter you can:

1. Enjoy up to 80% cash savings on your purchases.

2. Acquire needed items with money you've already spent.

3. Finance major purchases interest-free for up to two years, and get
the purchaser to carry the paper at a discount.
And that's Just the beginning!

If this sounds like hyped-up promotion. it is not. Incredible profit opportunities exist for
the astute practitioner of sophisticated barter.


First determine what your barter leverage is. Suppose you own a company that
manufactures or sells a product. As long as there is an established market for your
product. you've got the basis for building a profitable barter opporturuy,
Perhaps you run a mill that makes carpet. or a plant that manufactures furniture and
accessories. The items you create in your factories cost you a fraction of the retail price,
So, make up a list of all the goods or services you need or want for both your business
and your home. You may need new office equipment: typewriters, dictation equipment.
or new heating units for your office. Once you've determined exactly what you need
you're ready to begin bartering -- and profiting -- greatly.


Start by going to the most direct and logical prospects first, and proposing a direct


exchange of your goods or services for theirs.

Let's say you're trying to get office furniture and your business Is alr-conditioning sales
and service. Go through the phone book and call every retailer of the furn1ture you seek,
Introduce yourself and your business. Tell the owner of the furniture store (always speak
principal to principal) that you need nearly $8,000, (or any amount) worth of furn1ture
to revamp your office. Tell him you'd like to trade an equal dollar amount of airconditioning equipment and service for the amount of furn1ture you need, would he be
Be sure to stress that you seek to trade for retail value and not necessarily the
discounted price that the furniture dealer may be selling the furniture for. Dealing on
a retail or suggested retall price basis is an excellent way to effect most trades. Why?
The reason is very simple -- markup. Most retallers have a minimum of 100%, and
oftentimes up to 300%, at full suggested retail value.
Unfortunately for them, our ultracompetitive society usually prohibits ever achlevtng
such lavish profit margins, and the furniture store owner must content himself by
earning a still-respectable 35%, 40%, or 50% markup. But when you come to him
offering to trade $8,000 worth of atr-conditiontng equipment for an equal dollar value of
retall furniture. at full list price, the dealer Immediately sees the opportunity of making
that 300% markup on the transaction.
Whether he presently needs the alr-condJtioning items or services now really doesn't
matter, as long as he Is persuaded that he will be able to use these items or services in
the near future.
Herein lies a very important secret to effecting exchange transactions. Whenever you
require something right now, and the person or company you are trying to trade with
doesn't need or want to avail themselves of your firm's goods or services right away, don't
let the deal slip away. Offer the prospective trader this option: Tell him he can have
unllmited time to take your goods or services and that he may assign the credit you are
offering him to anyone else he may designate.
Now you have created rational and persuasive reasons for him to exchange with you. If
he knows he uses approximately $2,000 worth of atr-condttlorung services a year, If he
understands he can 'buy' these services from you at 35 cents on the dollar, and If he
realizes he can pay for this alr-conditioning with dollars he's already tied up in slowmoving furniture. he comes out smelling like a rose.
An astute business person would Jump at that chance. Any person who would normally
take the 2% early payment discount on an invoice should Jump at the chance to pick up
a 66% discount just for entering into a trade with you. Point these things out If he still
resists the idea of barter.
If he is receptive to the prospect of trading, and concedes he will need the services you
are offering in the near future, but claims his money is all tied up in the inventory he
needs to sell, suggest two things: Perhaps he has a friend or business acquaintance he
knows who can use $8,000 worth of alr-conditioning services that he can sell
lmmediately to a friend for $4,000 or more in cash. It doesn't take a shrewd
mathematician to realize that this would yield our hypothetical trading prospect a nearly

1000/0 profit and also provide him with much-needed cash.

The creative possibilities of such an approach are virtually 1lmItiess.
ground rules you should always follow:

Here are some

1. Insist on asslgnablllty for any Item or service you ever receive a

credit for.

2. Never try to trade your goods or services at anything less than retail
value. Remember, the higher the valuation you place on the goods
or services you trade, the greater the buying advantage.




Let's explore some unlque profiteering opportunlties. Let's say you are the manager of
a very swank restaurant -- the kind that charges $100 or more for a gourmet dlnner for
two ...
Go through the Yellow Pages; call all the proprietors of every business dispensing highclass services or products, and offer to trade $X In restaurant credit for an equal dollar
credit In their goods or services.
Tell them they can use their credit with your restaurant forever until It's used up -- but
stipulate that you want to acqulre your proceeds of the trade within the next few weeks.
And stipulate asslgnablllty on both sides of the exchange.
After consummating the trade, place small classified ads In your local newspaper, offering
to sell the recently acquired trade credits for 25% to 40% off. Let's examine quickly what
you've just accomplished:
1. You've just bought X thousands of dollars worth of Intrinsic value for
food and beverages which, at most. cost you approximately 1/4 that

2. By Issuing a nonexplring credit, you've assured yourself that the

credit won't be frivolously used soon, but rather will be judiciously
preserved by the recipient for many months -- possibly years -thereby creating the equivalentofinterest-free balloon-note financing
for you to pay for your trade acquisitions.
3. By immediately turning around and liquidating the trade credit you
received for 60% of face value In today's dollars, you end up making
an immediate 200% or more on your money.


Perhaps the single most valuable technique for the creative barterer to master is the art
of triangulation. Triangulation is the use of three separate transactions (or more) to
achieve your ultimate barter objective. And while it may seem complex It is really quite

Triangulation becomes Invaluable when you cannot achieve your primary barter objective
through the conventional two-party trade. Whenever you can't convince a barter prospect
to accept your goods or services directly for his goods or services, triangulation can save
the deal.


Suppose you own a classy and prestigious restaurant that sells food and beverages that
have an average gross markup of 500% over your out-of-pocket costs.
You'd like to trade food and beverage credits for a new car. SImple enough, until you
approach the local car dealer, who has absolutely no need whatsoever for $10,000 worth
of your food and beverage credits. If he refuses, don't give up.
Stop for a moment and analyze the car dealer's profit-or-loss perspective. Are there goods
or services that can make the dealer more money? How about -- advertlstng! Most
dealers spend between $5,000 and $10,000 a month on radio, Tv, and newspaper. How
can you use advertisIng to help you trade credits at your restaurant for a new car?
Through trIangulation.

Approach all of the prominent radio and television stations in your market plus the local
newspapers. Offer to provide them with restaurant credits they can use to 'wine and
dine' their customers in exchange for advertising credits, which you have the right to
assign. Since car dealers don't begin to have the same margins as restaurants, to make
the 'triangulated trade' work, you must acquire at least twice as much advertising credit
to offer the dealer.
So you trade $20,000 worth of restaurant credits, to be used as the newspaper or station
sees fit. with no expiration date and with the provision that you can assign your newly
acquired credits at any tlme. As long as your restaurant has a solid reputation, chances
are good that the station will go for that trade. Then, with $20,000 worth of advertising
in hand, you go back to the car dealer. But now you have a different barter proposition:
In essence, you offer to trade him advertising tlme or space in exchange for the car, but
at the rate of $1. 75 to $1 in his favor!

You are giving the dealer $17,500 worth of advertising for a car with a retaIl sticker price
of $10,000. [Why not the full $20,000? I'll get to that in a moment.) You're offering the
car dealer something he can definitely use -- at a better discount than he can get.
Chances are, he'll accept your deal. Why shouldn't he? You're giving him $17,500 worth
of advertising credit -- something he would have to normally pay real cash for -- in return
for a $10,000 automobile that probably cost him S7,500, max. The car dealer, who
normally makes less than 10% on an all-cash new car sale, increases his profit by 233%!


But what about your 'hidden' profits? You traded S20,000 worth of restaurant credlts
(that, at most. cost you 1/5 that amount. or $4,000) for a $10,000 car, right? You
bought your car for 40% of retaIl -- an unprecedented savings of 60% off the sticker price!
That's only the beginning. Chances are good you won't have to payoff on the restaurant

food and beverage credits for a long time. In essence. the radio station. television station,
or newspaper winds up 'financing' your $4,000 purchase price for months or years -- at
no interest to you!
If it's beginning to sound unbelievable, walt. It doesn't stop there, Since your prices are
bound to rise over the next few years, by the time the stations or publishers start to use
all of their credits, the purchasing power has been discounted, The longer the station or
publisher watts to use up their credits, the less it will cost you.
By putting a three-year expiration date (or no expiration date at all) on the restaurant
credits you provide, you may have actually discounted your already drastically
discounted purchase price of the automobile by another 10% or 15% or 25% -- or another
$1,000. Now that brand-new $10,000 automobile has cost you as llttle as $3,000 in
'hard' dollars -- and it's being financed, interest-free, for three years.


But walt! Remember that you originally traded for $20,000 in advertising, but you only
used $17,500, What happens to the remalning $2,500? You could go to other
merchants and sell them the advertising credit at 65 cents on the dollar (a 35% savings
over what they could buy it for direct), and get $1,625 in cash. That would be enough
to pay all licensing and taxes on that new car, the first year's insurance premium, and
a full tank of gas -- and still have a few hundred dollars left over! Or, you can use the
advertising yourself,
I used restaurants, advertising, and cars only as an illustration, In truth, almost any
conceivable combination of goods-for-services, services-for-goods, or any other vartable
can be used in triangulation to achieve your objective, Always identify the personal hot
button of the person who controls the goods or services you want and then satisfy those


Controlling the goods can be just as satisfying as owning the goods. If the car dealer
won't trade outright for the actual 'ownership' of the new car, how about the use of the
car for two years? Or a new demonstrator every two or three months for two years? I
think you get the idea,"



Chapter 17

While this chapter is directed to professionals, Jay's advice applies to any bustneas.
"A professional runs a business, just like a shopkeeper or a software consultant. As in
any business the bottom will show a profit only if enough clients come through the door.
The way to procure these clients is through advertising. Effective advertising does not
have to be crass and commercial, but it must be used to get your name out to the public.
If your name is not familiar to people, they will not come to you. Your fixed costs will
literally eat up your business.
Advertising can be effective in bringing you new clients. If you expose your name to
sufficiently large numbers of people, some of them are bound to need your services. But
what kind of ad should you run? I recommend 'reader' ads, which not only place your
name before your audience, but provides information that you have expertise in. The
theme will vary from profession to profession.
Run a series of informative, educational ads with headlines such as: 'How to get the most
deductions from this year's tax return.' Continue in a series of ads that provide a short
course on the chosen topic in three, four, five or ten paragraphs. An on-going series of
such ads establishes you as a source of reliable information on a variety of subjects in
your field.
For example, a doctor would run ads providing capsules of information about common
health problems, using headlines like the following:


Reduce Your Chances of a Heart Attack

Reduce Your Chances of Getting Arthritis
Reduce Your Chances of Getting Cancer
Enhance Your Longevity
Avoid Catching The Flu

A lawyer can do the same thing:

How Corporations Can Avoid Getting Caught in Lawsuits
How to Write Agreements
How to Avoid Collection Problems in Your Business

A dentist could run ads with headlines such as the following:

How to Keep Your Teeth Forever
How to Never Get Another Cavity
How to Have a Mouth Full of Teeth When You're 70
How to Avoid Root Canals
Are Root Canals Really Necessary?


A financial planner can grab the reader with such headlines as:
How to Become Financially Independent in the Next Three Years. Then
Double Your Net Worth Every Five Years
How to Out-Perform the Money Market
How to Out-Perform the Stock Market
How to Increase the Return on Your Investments
How to Conservatively and Sensibly Invest Capital Gains
How to Manage Your Money for High Yields
Write a correspondlng special. more elaborate report for those who call or come in. Offer
free counseling if the prospect wants to know more. Send them your special report plus
a review of your practice. your phllosophy and the kind of work you specialize in. as well
as a couple of case studies. Case studies let the professional showcase his or her
Innovativeness and success.
At the end of the ad. offer additional information in order to develop a prospect list. Write
a booklet such as 'A Guide to Better Health: Write a nutritional pamphlet. Write a
health plan for a family or their chlldren. Offer a copy free to those who call or visit your
office. If they call or write In send them details about your practice. the kind of work you
do and your phllosophy.
Try different versions of the offer geared to different applications. For instance. create
a special report on women: 'How and Why Women's Health (or Legal) Problems Are
Different -- How to Take Care of Them: At the end of this brief educational ad series.
conclude with a specific offer. For example. 'I have prepared two special reports entitled.
'101 Tax Deductions You May Not Be Aware You're Entitled To' and '100 Tax Deductions
Your Corporation Is Entitled To That You May Not Know About: A copy of each will be
sent to you upon request. If I can be of help to you in answering any questions you
might have after reading the reports. call me. I'll also Include information about the work
we do. the clients we help and the solutions we prepare for businesses or for individuals:
Always tie your ads to a specific offer. Then test which approach or version pulled the
most responses.
After sending out the reports. your office should follow up. The caller might say. 'Mr.
Schmidt. this is Susan Smith. Dr. Gonzales' assistant. He asked me to call and see if you
received the report he sent and If you have any questions about It. He's very busy but
he would be glad to find the time to respond to any inquiry you might have. He also
wanted to know if perhaps you don't have a physician (or lawyer or accountant. .. J that
you are comfortable with. He has a very full schedule but he could include you if you
wanted to come for a visit. We want you to know that he Is available: Just a charming.
non-threatening conversation.
You need to follow up constantly on the prospects you locate. Their names are on your
mailing list. At three. four or five months intervals. send further Information with
another follow-up letter saying. We thought you might be Interested in this. Anytime you
need the doctor's help or counselor you want to visit. we will be pleased to schedule you:
Always be:


One of the most consulted books in the world must certainly be the Yellow Pages. Don't
consider this very effective directory of professional services as merely a phone book.
Many people consult the Yellow Pages first when looking for a service. And display ads
there are very effective.
The critical concept in advertising is to set your name apart from the crowd. Don't
consider a simple llsting. That's fine lfthe potential client knows your name...but then
they could look you up in the White Pages. You don't want people to call you at random.
lfyou're a tax lawyer, you don't need phone calls from people in need of legal advice for
a crlmlnal defense. A surgeon does not want to hear from someone looking for a
podlatrtst.. .and so on.
Everyone has the Yellow Pages. And there is no question but that display ads draw more
business than simple directory entries. So use your ad to its greatest effectiveness.
Yellow Page ads should be value-oriented and offer risk transference. The headllne for
a doctor's ad could read: 'How to find the right doctor.' Offer anyone who calls a report
on how to find the right doctor -- a doctor who cares, who's gentle, who's reasonably
priced, whose techniques are right for you. Offer the first visit free for new patients. In
the course of the body copy of the ad, tell people why you're doing it:
The doctor-patient relationship lasts a long time. We have a lot at stake between us; we
make a commitment to you. When sorneone's embarking on what could be a Itfelong
relationship, irs worth investing a lot into it.
'I'm not llke other doctors. I don't ask you to pay me until you decide I'm the kind of
doctor you want. Consequently, I've establlshed a rule: the first consultation is free for
every new patient. In other words, I'll buy you the first consultation.
'DUring that time, I'll give you a full check-up. We'll talk about your medical history,
your diet, your attitudes toward preventive medicine. We'll talk about my philosophies.
I'll tell you about what I do. We'll see If we're philosophically harmonious, If you feel
comfortable with me, If I speak your language. And If I do, then I invite you to become
a patient. If you're unhappy or uncomfortable, you owe me nothing.'
For financial planners, this basic concept would be applicable. A financial planner's
headllne could say: Your first two-hour consultation is free.' 'There are a lot of financial
planners in the marketplace. Many use confusing, technical words to conceal that they
are trying to sell you stock, bonds or insurance. I'm not that way. I'll be glad simply to
counsel you. You can buy from somebody else. Of course, I'll be glad to sell you what
you really need. Depending on your needs, I may advise you against particular kinds of
investments that I would profit from if that's not the best investment for you.
'The financial planning relationship is a long and enduring one. It doesn't just happen.
Irs not a single two-hour session. It grows and endures, much like a doctor-patient
relationship. 'Over the years and the decades, it becomes Involved with complex and
sensitive personal issues. It involves your life's financial achievement; your goals, hopes
and dreams; retirement and estate planning; and what you want to bequeath to your
children and your spouse. Unlike many financial planners, I believe that irs best to see
if we're philosophically harmonious before we begin such an intimate and long-term
relationship. I'd rather buy you the first two hours of my time with no obllgation on
either pari. I may not be compatible with you. You or your goals may not be compatible

with my areas of expertise. I'll try to see If we have enough in common to develop a
'So rather than put us both at risk. I encourage you to call to schedule an appointment
at your convenience. I make myself available on scheduled evenings. some Saturdays
and occaslonal Sundays. During Our consultation. I'll ask you a number of questions.
the answers to all of which are confidential and will be shared only between you and me.
I'll detail my baste philosophy and I'll ask you yours. I'll tell you what I think about
certain Investments and you tell me what you think. I'll try to ascertain the level of your
risk orientation. whether you're very conservative or whether you like growth. whether
you like dividends or whether you like Income. your attitudes on retirement
plannIng... the whole spectrum of financIal Issues In a nutshell.

'I'll give you strategies which you can use and benefit from. even If we never talk again.
I'll tell you how I price my services. I'll tell you how I work with my clients. And I'll ask
you If what I offer Is something you really want for yourself. If you do, then we'll work
out a plan for a long-term relationship. If you don't, there'll be no hard feelings. In
leaving. I'll also give you somethlng whIch will greatly benefit you: a report I've wrItten
on how to be your own financial planner. That's as faIr as I can be. Since we are
consIdering a long-term relationship. I don't want to make any mistakes. I don't think
you do, either.'

If you are a doctor who wants to attract new patients, define a neighborhood or
geographic area that holds the most viable prospects you want -- they're close. they're

Draft a personalized letter sim1lar to your ads. Obtain names from a local mailing list
house and have a computer address them. But don't mass-produce them. Send fewer
letters and avoId a large, Impersonal mailing. The letter could say:
Mr. Smith:
You may be unfamiliar with me but I'm famIliar with your community. Many
people in this neIghborhood are more concerned about maxImum physical
health than In other parts of our city. Why? Maybe they enjoy life more fully;
maybe they already keep themselves in better health; maybe they treasure
their bodIes. Many of them come to see me and have asked for ways In which
they can enhance their health. As a result. I've developed a report that you
might profit from called. .
.' I'd like to send it to you. If you're already
comfortable with a physician In the neighborhood. I'd still like to send It to
you If you' I! send back the enclosed card. If you don't have a physician. come
to my office anytime and I'd be glad to gIve you the report.
In the meantime. although I have a busy schedule, If I can answer any
questions I'll certainly find the time or have my assistant respond. If there's
anything I can do for you, please call.
A letter like that Is very simple. basic and straightforward to produce. A more complex
package could feature a letter with an accompanying report. pamphlet or tape. The letter
mIght say:


Dear Mr. Jones:

I've just presented a seminar at the local community college on the subject
of cancer prevention. One way. of course, is to have regular check-ups by a
physician you trust. Another is to modify your eating habits. But there are
many other innovative approaches that most people never think about.
I've taken a llberty that I hope you'll appreciate. I've included a portion of the
seminar text here. You might enjoy reading it. If you would like the complete
text, call or come in and we'll give it to you.
This report presents some ideas, techniques and therapeutic methods which
will enhance the quality, length and gratification of your life. It's my gift to
you. If I can ever be of service in any way and you can benefit from me, I
hope you'll call or visit my offices.

An accountant who wants to bulld year-round business might try this letter:
Dear Mr. Smith:
A person in your income bracket may have more complex financial needs
than you recognize. Perhaps your current accountant hasn't' realized or
hasn't pointed out some additional services you could benefit from. Perhaps
he hasn't shown you ways you could save on taxes. Perhaps he hasn't
suggested tax-saving strategies that others in your income or professional
group are currently taking advantage of. I am always disappointed when
professionals only react and don't take time to care about their needs ahead
of time.
Corne December 31st, all the recommendations in the world won't help. The
time to develop your tax strategy is right now. I have an advantage. My
practice is busier than can be in November and December; right now I have
free time.

If you'd like, I'd be willlng to spend an hour or two with you for a modest
consultation fee (or free, depending on what you want to do). We would
examine your financial situation and review your last year's taxes. I will ask
you a number of questions and, moreover, recommend some strategies. I'll
do it as a service to you. I would be delighted if you wanted to retain me after
the consultation, but don't feel obligated.
I've helped many people in situations simllar to yours and I believe I could
help you. Maybe more than your present accountant -- maybe less. I don't
know for certain, but I would be willing to spend the time to see if I could. If
I can help you, it could represent thousands or tens of thousands of dollars
that you can put in the bank. Money you could save. Money you could
invest. Money you could enjoy. And it may change your entire thinking
about tax planning and investments.
[have some innovative ideas that are absolutely legal and ethical but that are
much more dynamic than those of most accountants. My practice has grown
because of these ideas. I'd like to share them with you if you're interested.

If you are curious, call or send In the enclosed card. My secretary will get
back to you. Or come in at your convenience. But because I have a very
variable schedule, I suggest that you arrange an appointment.

A financial planner could use this letter to reach prospective clients in his community:
Achieve financial independence in the next twenty years
Five easy ways to overcome money problems
For the rest of your life.
Dear Mr. Smlth:
The headline of tills letter may sound audacious but frankly. it's true. As a
practicing financial planner in tills city for the last ten years, I've been able
to show 500 of your neighbors and friends ways, means and techniques that
have allowed them to structure a financial plan that will assure them of all
the money they want for retirement or for vacations, for business investment,
for a comfortable cushion of money in the bank. for their children's
education. or for the exciting luxuries that they have dreamt about.
I often achieve these goals without changing a person's lifestyle in the least.
most often with dollars normally paid to the government through innovative
tax-sheltering strategies. Most people have no real financial plan and don't
understand that. for no more money than they already spend on taxes, they
could create more than a nest egg -- they could create financial
I've prepared a report entitled, 'How to Achleve Total Financial Independence
Long Before You Retire. Plus Have the Money for All Your Purposes From
Here on Out.' I'd be delighted to send you a copy or sit down with you and
explain my techniques in person.
My practice is located at
which is very convenient. I keep normal
business hours and am also available for evening and weekend consultations.
If you don't have time for a personal consultation. I would be glad to show
you a simple way to create your own financial plan. I have a form that's very
easy to f!ll out which I'll be glad to send you. as well.
Enclosed is a card. Send it back to me and my assistant will send you the
form and the report. Afterwards I'll follow up and see what I can do for you.
In the meantime. if you have questions or if I can be of any help, feel free to
call me with no obligation.



The best way to market is to educate. inform and service your prospects and customer
base. The single most productive marketing tool is a newsletter. It's effective because
it gives you a large amount of space in which to present vignettes of non-proprietary.

non-confidential case studies or to Issue short courses or primers. In the course of

writing that newsletter. give the recIpIent the value you would render If someone paid you
$100 privately.
The newsletter should be approximately eight single-spaced typewritten pages. photo
offset. The Inclination of shortsighted people Is to titillate, hold back and provide full
Information only when paid. I adhere to the opposite school of thought. GIve so much
freely that It becomes apparent that you are the person to turn to when more extensive
Information Is needed. ThIs strategy has two advantages:
1. It establishes credlblllty and expertise.
2. Human nature Is by and large recIprocating. If you give something
of value, the recipient has a tendency to want to reciprocate. The
best way they can do that Is to patronize you.

In your newsletter, write In on a one-on-one style. Avoid formality and technical

termInology. Write as If your reader were sitting across the sofa from you In your living
room. Tell them what's going on In your practice, about Innovations and problems In
your field. You might say, "I'd like to share an Interesting or a curious story about a
particular situation." and then tell stories that make you human. Tell them how you
helped somebody or how you solved a dilemma. Choose a common dilemma that could
apply to many of your readers.
Give examples and techniques that could help them In theIr business, theIr life or their
profession. Then present a specifIc offer. For example: a great many people are
concerned about a certain aspect of health, finance, etc., and as a response, you've
prepared a booklet, a report or a tape on the subject. Or that you have a sessIon on the
subject at your office every Saturday and they're Invited to attend.
Make It clear that If they are already a client. you're always avallable to consult with
them. If they've never used you, you're always available for an Initial consultation to see
If you can be of use to them. Encourage them to call, write or visit. Always enclose a
response card that they can send In for somethIng that will rnaintaln their Interest and
keep this dialogue going.
A cover letter sent with the newsletter should be used to attract new patients or clients.
Dear Ms. Antonnuccl:
My name Is John O'Grade. I'm a doctor (lawyer, dentist, etc.) In your
communIty. I have developed a substantial practice. My clients enjoy receiving
the monthly newsletter that we pu bllsh. It's Informative, Interesting and helpful.
We've enhanced people's health (or financial or legal situation); we've been told
that people have saved money usIng It.
I don't know If we could help you, too, but I thought you might enjoy reviewing
a few copies. I've arranged to send you a copy with my compliments for the next
three months. I hope It helps you, that It's valuable, that It warrants your
spending five, ten or fifteen mInutes a month reading It. Most of all. I hope It
makes you reflect.
After reading It, If you feel that I could be of service to you, I would be delighted
to dIscuss your particular situation. Arrange an appointment and I will be glad

to confer with you for half an hour free of charge to see if I can be of service. At
that time I'll tell you some of the things I've done. about some of my past cases
and about my philosophy.
In the meantime. I publlsh several reports. booklets and tapes on subjects of
Interest to people llke yourself. I've llsted them on the enclosed card. If you send
It back. I'll send you any of them with my compllments. I hope I can be of
service to you but. moreover. I hope that what I have already Included can
benefit you. The next two newsletters will arrive with my compllrnents.


Free lectures and seminars attract potential cllents. The cost Iles In some prellminary
advertising or maillng and the cost of a hall. Your audience may already be concerned
about the topic you choose and are looking for solutions (weight loss or money
By making the seminar or lecture free. you engender goodwill from your audience. By
addressing Issues of concern to them. you are valldating their perceptions that the topic
is an lrnportant one. By offering good. sound. and thorough advice. you establlsh
yourself as an expert.
Give complete Information In conjunction with your self-promotion. Don't hold back.
don't offer Just enough to titillate their Interest. Elaborate on each topic you choose.
supplementing theoretical information with case studies or anecdotes. Establish depth
of knowledge along with experience.
You won't gain 100% of the attendees as cllents. Some people attend such events out of
general Interest rather than particular need. But If you dedicate two or three hours of
your time one or two evenings a month to addressing subjects with which you are already
very familiar. you will see an Increase in your client base that will repay your mintmal
expense and effort.
How do you design the campaign? It's very slrnple.
Create an ad or maillng piece announcing a free 90 or 120 mlnute lecture on a topical
subject of wide general interest. Relate the presentation to your specialty. For a general
practitioner. it might be breakthrough techniques for overcoming. ellrninating or avoiding
cancer or arthritis. or ten medically safe methods for losing weight. A plastic surgeon
could discuss innovations in cosmetic surgery. A tax accountant could present a semlnar
on sheltering income: and so on.
After a headllne announcing the topic. the copy chronicles your credentials. your
accompllshments. achievements. professional memberships. and articles about your
practice and specialty: "Dr. Curran is a speclallst in this subject. He's conducted
research and he's perfected techniques. He will present a lecture for people interested in
the topic but who do not know the facts. This lecture will be held from

Admission must be free but instruct interested people to reserve tickets and give them
a number to call. thereby capturing their names and addresses for future mailings. Or
you could collect names at the door. which Is simpler.

Another way to create an audience for a seminar is to go to affinity groups, social groups,
fraternal groups, business groups and so on. Offer to speak on subjects of Importance
to that group. For example, a doctor might talk about stress reduction to businessmen.
A dentist might address dental bonding. A CPA might offer to speak on loopholes still
available to corporations after recent tax changes. A lawyer might talk about how to
write non-compete clauses, or how to write contracts or ten legal situations that don't
require a lawyer. It should be something provocative so that when the group Invites Its
members, they will all be Inclined to come.
Your lecture should be split Into two parts. In the first half, titillate them with anecdotal
Information. Then break for coffee. Mingle with the audience, distributing your business
card and an Information package you have put together, which could Include the reports
that we've talked about and a statement on your practice.
In the second half, offer some service that's free but designed to capture valuable
information. For example, conduct a qulck nutritional survey on your audience. Have
them respond to 25 basic questions, providing their name, address and telephone
number on the questionnaire. Your office will tabulate the results and send a brief
summary back to them. Of offer to perform a quick business accounting survey to see
whether they're using all the accounting opportunities available to them. Ask twenty or
thirty primary questions and obtaln their names and addresses.
At the end of the seminar, you will have established Initial contact for an on-going
dialogue. Don't let the lecture be a one-shot deal. You should have eUcited names and
addresses to add to your mailing list of htgh-probablltty potential clients. You could have
the attendees register at the door -- this is a better time to get names than at the end
when they may be thinking of their next appointment, their errands, or sImply going
home to bed. It makes attendance at the lecture hinge on providing some easy
Another approach Is to require pre-registration. Stipulate in your advertising that
admlssion is free but that tickets are required. The interested reader then calls your
office and your staff can obtain those vital names and addresses. This method is also
good because it gives you an advance idea of the audience's size. Also, because the
attendees then have something physical (the ticket) to remind them of the place and time
of your presentation It will ensure the attendance of a larger percentage of respondents.
Once you have names and addresses, don't file them away. Use them! MaIntaln the
dialogue which you have begun. Send the attendees follow-up packages. A sImple
questionnaire two weeks later on the quality of the seminar will continue your tenuous
relationship, as well as possibly eUclting some testimonials you can use In the future.
An announcement of future free seminars will strengthen your Image as a concerned
professional. A newsletter can allow you to elaborate on some areas you touched on In
the presentation.
Whatever method you choose, don't let go of these highly motivated Individuals once you
establish a dialogue. The more often they see your name, the more likely they are to
think of you when they need your professional services.




Whether a seminar is successful or unsuccessful, it has residual value if you record or

transcribe the text. You can make transcripts or recordings available to both current and
potential cl1ents.
Send the tape or the transcript to prospective cl1ents, along with a cover letter tell1ng
them that a great many people tell you that they learned a lot from the presentation, that
it changed their attitudes on medicine (or dentistry or about accounting or on how to use
an attorney). Indicate that you've taken the I1berty of sending them a transcript or a
recording of your speech or lecture in its entirety, including questions and answers, in
hopes that they will benefit as well. Encourage them to read it or listen to it and stress
that you hope that they'll find it useful and informative. If they find that they have
questions, assure them that you are avallable to respond.
If they are interested in your services, offer to taIk to them in person or by phone to
explaln your philosophy and how you operate. Provide some case studies. Tell them that
you think the best way for people to learn about how a professional operates is to listen
to what he says and to meet him or her. Since they were unable to attend your seminar,
this tape or transcript Is second best. And always encourage them to feel free to call with
You can use the transcript or tape In several ways. You can offer it through your Yellow
Pages ad, through your display ad, to the groups to whom you give presentations on
other topics. to the referrals you have obtaIned. You can mall It to residents of entire
neighborhoods. If portions of It are topical or time-sensitive, you can elimrnate or
occasionally update those parts. If you make a tape or transcript once, you have a
valuable product that you can use forever.
You don't even need to hold an actual seminar. You can simply record a session as
though people had attended. You can then offer the tape or transcripts In promotion,
advertising or rnalllng so then you can say: This private seminar Is worth $400 (or
whatever you perceive Its value to be) and it Is worth every cent. But it's worth me
buying you $100 worth of my expertise to give you a chance to famtllartze yourself with
how I think and how I work.'


Paying for referral Is unethical In the professions; the alternative Is to give value for
consideration. In other words. make yourself avallable to provide valuable services to
groups or individuals with the understanding that you're extending yourself. expecting
them to reciprocate.
A doctor or lawyer could go to businesses and offer to be the resident counsel for the
employees, giving lectures on a scheduled frequency, such as monthly or quarterly, and
perhaps holding special programs for whole weekends.
At these times you knowingly and wtllmgly give for free what a cl1ent would normally pay
S100 or $200 to receive with the knowledge that you are accessing a great many people.
some of whom could ultimately become your clients.
The same pattern can be followed with fraternal groups. You go to them and say. being
very up-front: 'I'd like to build my practice. The way I do this is to get a showcase. an
endorsement. If you will allow me to access your members by sending them information.

holding a lecture or speaking at one of your gatherings, I'll provide information that
would normaliy be worth $50 or $100 if they bought it themselves.' The key is to be
There are also other ways to gain referrals. Although you cannot pay percentages, you
could pay for leads by the lead. You can contact various people and say very simply, You
know me by reputation. You know that I'm a talented doctor or lawyer. I know that a
lot of your clients (customers, employees, members, etc.) could benefit from improved
medical or legal services. I have a service to offer: a free consultation (or a free report
or a free copy of my tape) to anyone that would send for it. I will pay for the leads that
come from it at a rate of __ per lead.'
I used to have a standing offer. I was interested in obtaining a certain kind of person as
a client. To find that person, I offered a hundred qualified people 15 minutes of my time
for free with the knowledge that I was looking for a single client out of those hundred.
I always tell my contacts that they can give my time to their customers as a gift. I give
them a vehicle from which they benefit because they ali get a 15-minute consultation.
They all get a fine consultation because I want the exposure.
Go to your contacts and say, 'I'll give my time and my expertise freely to as many of your
customers, prospects or friends as you want. provided they meet my speclfled
qualifications. They get something, win. lose or draw, whether I get any business or not.
They get a tutorial on accounting (or on law, weight loss or cancer prevention) that would
cost them $50 if they came Into my office. It's my way of showing that I want their
business and can provide effective service.' Tell them your motives up front.


Allocate time to marketing. Work with different associations, different groups, different
ads and different mailings. Sometimes you'll have a hundred responses; other times
you'll have twenty. It's a cumulative process. Always experiment to find the approach,
the articulation, the headline, the unique selllng proposition that draws and converts the
most responses.
Keep in mind that 'most responses' does not always mean 'most clients.' You have to
analyze the results of each marketing effort. And It's not a one-shot deal; It's a perpetual
Professionals have to look at time and financial Investment In marketing as businessmen
would. Seed your strategy with capital -- whatever you can alford. Therealter, reinvest
a significant percentage of the new business that comes In. In other words, if you know
that thirty days alter presenting a seminar you normally get 10% of the people as clients
and If the average seminar draws a hundred people, that means ten new clients per
seminar. 11 you charge $50 the first time a client visits, the lecture Is worth $500. And
most will return many times. Commit the whole $500 to the next promotion.
Or, to use another example, every time you mail a newsletter to 1,000 people, 45 days
later you get ten new clients. 11 ten new clients are worth $200 each In the first month,
that means the mailing Is worth $2000. Reinvest that $2000 or a percentage of every
month's additional revenue In marketing the next newsletter.
You need a commitment to reinvest and reinvest on a regular. structured basis or your


marketing efforts will fall through. In order to maximize its effect. it must be a perpetual
program whlch you're commJtted to forever. or until you achleve saturation of your


Barter is a very effective way to leverage your total marketing power. If you think that
advertising and other marketing expenses are available only for cash on the barrel head.
think again. Your services are valuable enough for people to spend their hard-earned
money on. By the same token. If offered in trade. they carry that same value.
And since your services are not something that most people walk out of your office with
on a one-shot deal. your 'payments' in service are automatically financed over a
potentially long period of time -- and interest freel This frees up your cash flow for other
areas where cash is required -- your personal salary, adm1nlstrative cots, and so on.
Another advantage to barter is that. as a professional. you charge clients primarily for
your time, rather than the actual cost of materials, so your 'mark-up' is based only on
adm1nistrative expenses (e.g. office space. staff salaries. and other current expenses). Five
hundred dollars of your service may cost you only $150 in actual cash laid out. So in
effect you are purchasing $500 dollars in advertising for only $150. Compound this
discount with the normal situation where your service is not requested until weeks or
months later and you have created a situation of marketing leverage where you take a
tremendous long-term financial advantage whlle reaping the short-term benefltyou need.
Think of barter as a real alternative to cash and credit purchases. And not Just for
marketing efforts, but for other purchases that could pinch your cash flow.
But how is this done? What are the nuts and bolts of barter?
You can barter to purchase anything that you would normally buy for cash. If you
present seminars as part of your marketing plan, offer to trade your services for hotel
seminar space. If you don't want personally to perform the work with whlch you've
bartered. divert the Job to an associate or employee. Let's say you employ an accountant
who costs you $20 an hour and your firm's billing rate is $200 an hour. If you trade
$200-an-hour accounting or legal services for a $200 ad, you've bought that asset for
one-tenth of its market value. Moreover. you finance it interest-free over perhaps a year,
whlle reaping the benefits right away.
You could take it one step further. If the vendor you are seeking to exchange services
with doesn't want your services directly, suggest triangulation. In other words, go to a
radio station with the intent of purchasing $5.000 in advertising and offer $5,000 worth
of your services. If they don't want the service themselves, suggest that they package it
into a promotion to be offered to somebody who buys $2000 worth of advertising. They
benefit in that way.
It's unorthodox, but it provides a way for the ultimate user to benefit. If he can't benefit
himself show hlrn how to sell it, trade it. package it to a third party. If you can help him
find a way to profit from your services. he'll be happy to exchange.
You obtain the advertising. the printing, the hotel room or the billboard at pennies on the
dollar, financed by showing an unllrruted time credit with no pressure for the reciplents
to avail themselves of it right away. The longer It takes them to use It, the less It costs


you in real dollars to fulflll and the more money you've made up front on what they've
given you, You can reinvest It and keep extending It,
You can also barter for other Items and services In addition to those related to your
marketing plan. Go to a car dealer and offer to trade the car dealer $20,000 worth of
prepaid services to his employees for a car. If he had to give employees raises, he'd have
to pay for them In cash. You can offer your services at your full rate.
In barter, It's critically Important to recognize sornebody's margin. If you went to a car
dealer and wanted to trade credits for professional services for a car, It may not be so
appealing because they don't work on the margin. A $20,000 car probably costs the
dealer $15,000. The way to make It work Is to say, 'I'll give you one-and-a-halftirnes the
value of the car In my credits.'
It's very Important that you know your real margins, your real cost to render a dollar's
worth of service. If rendering a dollar's worth of service costs you thirty cents and you
trade that for something you'd normally buy for cash, you are still making seventy cents
on the dollar. If you trade at twice your rate, you're still getting something you'd pay a
dollar for and paying only sixty cents, realizing forty cents in profit.
As long as you understand this, the sky's the limit. Of course, barter agreements assume
that your practice Is not filled. If you practice is saturated, then you would be giving up
real money. But up to the point where you would become saturated or where you can
take an associate Into your practice, whenever you obtain something In trade that costs
you less than a dollar, trade It for something else that's worth a dollar.
Go to the printer, to radio stations, to newspapers, to local magazines, to anybody who
can provide advertising exposure to reach the desired market, whether it is business
people or the masses. Explain to your target that you are willing to exchange your
professional services at retail for their product or service at retail.
This Is how It works. You want to place an ad In the local newspaper that would cost
$2000. You get your ad right away and Issue a credit that the newspaper can use
forever. The later they use the credit, the less It really costs you to fulftll. $2000 worth
of your time today is worth more than $2000 of your time a year from now after Inflation
and when your rates have Increased.
If the credit as Issued specifies a dollar value (as It should) and no time constraint, the
recipient won't be eager to use It right away. You have made your purchase with soft
dollars. What does It cost you as a service provider to render the service to pay for your
past purchase? You could answer - nothing. Whatever the cost, you're buying It at a
discount over cash, financed Interest-free for as long as it takes them to use the credit,
while you receive the benefit of the advertisement. the mailing or the radio advertising
The following Is an application of barter: Make an offer to other owners of a big office
complex or to a big company that owns perhaps half the building and has employees on
site. Offer to trade your services to the employees In exchange for office space.
The company can offer this benefit as a perk or in lieu of raises. If average $100 raises
are due next month, that could translate to a $1200 expense per employee over the
course of a year. Offer to give each employee a $600 credit with you to provide service.
In exchange, you obtain $600 rent credit for every employee.

Another way to trade Is triangulating. You may be able to trade service for office space
you DON! want. If you trade a $50 vtstt (that costs you $10) for $50 worth of rent. you
can rent to a third party for $40. You're taking somethlng that costs you $10 and
making 300% profit, while your renter enjoys a 20% discount.
You can trade for all sorts of things whether you want them or not; you can always sell
them off to somebody else. You could have a practice bullt on trade and still make a
fortune. You may never see a dime In cash come from clients. All your Income could
come from the way you dispose of assets you have traded services for. It's up to your
Barter Is a great way to free up your cash flow, but be warned! The exchange Is judged
by the tax men to be taxable to each partner Involved. It Is taxed based on the amount
of the fair market value of the service or product Involved, Including rental. The amount
of taxable value Is based on whichever is most easily valued.
Anyone Involved in barter arrangements should keep excellent records of such
transactions. Check with your tax advisor as to the amount to be counted as income in
specific cases.


Depending upon your profession and the various types of clients you serve, a client Is
worth a certain average amount of dollars to you over the period of your assoclation.
If an average client stays with you two-and-a-half years and each year you charge an
average $2000, of which you realize $1000 in profit, then with two-and-a-half years'
worth at $1000, every new client is worth an average $2500 in profit. Some will be worth
only $500, some wlll be worth $5000 -- work on the basis of an average. If you know on
average what a new client is worth in profit before they're done beIng a client, you can
work backwards and flgure what you can afford to pay to bring in a new client assuming
you have the cash flow to handle it.
If you knew with certainty that a clJent would be worth $2500, you could actually spend
$2499 and still make a profit. Certainly you could afford $100 to $500. When you
understand theIr worth over the course of your relationship, then you can Justify
spending more money to bring them In.

It's certainly justiflable to spend at least what they're worth on the first hill. If the first
bill brings In $200 in profit, you can spend that $200 to obtain the client. give up the
profit on that and be philosophically delighted to bring them in. At a mtntmurn. you
could spend the profit because your service costs you only time. If you have the cash
flow, you could afford to spend both the profit and the actual cost of services.
If you gain a client with $2500 in average profit for every $200 you spend, you still make
$2300. Every time you spend $200, you accrue $2300 to your practice over the following
two-and-a-half years. Once you understand that. it gives you great flexibl1Jty in what
you're willing to spend to bring in a new client. You could even hire a sales rep and say,
'Every time you bring a new client In, I'll give you 100 percent of the first month's blllJng.'

Marginal net worth is powerful. but most people don't see It. When you do, you see how

much you can afford to spend. You must calculate the time value of money. If you get
a new client worth $2500 over his life to you, what would you spend for him? If you
spend $0 per new client. that's cheap. If you spend one vtstt's revenue or the first billlng
to get them In, that's cheap compared to their worth over time. Most people don't have
that long-term perspective.
You need to allocate enough money, to be willing to spend $50 or $100. If you can
subordinate short-term goals to long-term perspective, YOU'll get rich spending money to
bring clients In.
MedIcal practice Is different because It may Involve more than Just time. Cost of
materials for treatment must also be consIdered. As a result, a physician may not earn
as much on each patient. However, the patient's longevity Is much, much greater for a
general medical practice than for a legal or accounting firm. For example, you may know
that every new patient will make an average of three visits a year at an average blll of $50
per visIt. If you realize $30 In profit on the $50, every new patient is worth $90 In real
profit on an annual basts. If the average patient stays with you ten years, he or she Is
worth $900.
What is It worth to get a patient In the front door? Certainly you can give up the revenue
from the first visit. If you admlnlster no drugs or Injections, that visit costs you nothing
but time, so you could easily give up the profit. You could offer the first visit at a
discount to be sure to cover costs, but It's best to make It complimentary and give up all
revenue. For every quallfied patient that you don't make a dime on for the first vtslt, you
are accruing money over time.


You can use the marginal net worth concept to cut taxes legally. Once you determine a
potential customer's long-term worth, you can pay for certain expenses durtng the last
few months of your fiscal year, such as advertlstng. promotion or mailing pieces that
you've tested. When you mail 1000 pieces. you get 100 responses of whom you convert
ten new clients. Those clients are worth a predictable amount of money to you in the
following tax year.
Once you know with fair certainty what a promotion will be worth, put whatever you can
afford Into marketing at the end of your fiscal year. The campaign will generate no
revenue for two or four months but. having tested It. you know with some certainty that
the money (wrttten off this year as a marketing expense) will come back next year as new
If you conduct seminars or trips, pay in advance for hotels and other related expenses
of holding the seminar thIs year and have It roll back next year when your clients attend
and pay you for it.

Test and learn the marginal net worth. Once you know with fair certainty how many
inquIries, prospects and, ultimately, clients an ad produces and how long It takes to
convert them, spend your money on marketing towards the end of your fiscal year. The
ad will bring in prospects relatively quickly but they won't convert until three months
later -- In the following fiscal year. Once you know the potential value of new clients,
spend on marketing whatever you need to spend in order to reduce your taxes. Your
Investment will accrue future earnings.


If you understand the dynamics In thls course and you have an under-utilized practice,
the smartest thlng you could do Is buy somebody else's practice on a vartable basis. Use
the techniques In thls course to enhance the profit by 15 or 20 percent and pay for the
practice with that enhanced profit. The rest is gravy.
If you have a fully utilized practice but are entrepreneurially oriented, you could buy a
second practice on a no-money-down, deferred-payment basis, bring in associates to run
It on salary or a percentage and still make money by keeping the lion's share of the

It doesn't matter what you pay for the practice: It matters more how you pay for it. If a
practice Is billing $500,000 a year, you can pay two or three times its marketable worth
if the duration of payment Is long enough. In other words, if you acquire $500,000 worth
of under-deployed billing and the going market price Is one half times annual billings,
you could offer two or three times that amount as long as you negotiate a sufftctently long
payment period. By implementing the marketing techniques detailed in thls report, you
could enhance the cash flow and profit enough that additional billings will pay the debt
service. The rest will be profit to you. After a couple of years, you could sell it for three
times what you paid for It, based on the increased bllllng you have developed.
Payments are all you should care about. I'll gladly pay $3 million for $1 million of profit
if the payments can be strung out long enough. Terms are more important than
purchase price.
Locate a practice that interests you and make a proposition: 'If you're close to retiring
and you're trying to decide how to dispose of your practice, I'm interested in buying it at
a premium.' Most people will pay only the going rate for a practice, perhaps half a year's
billing. Offer one-and-a-half times annual billing or even two or three times, but stretch
payments out over a longer period. Build your reputation on building practices. Offer
to take over right away and provide the seller a great retirement.
Craft a letter of solicitation that will be appealing because you offer much more than
anyone else. Knowing that the purchase can pay for itself, bring in an associate, use the
techniques of marketing to build the practice and sell it to that associate as soon as it
gets built up. You can buy and sell, buy and sell all day long. It could be a wonderful
entrepreneurial endeavor.
The history of a practice Indicates what you should be willing to pay In cash or as a
reasonable down payment. To quantify the marginal net worth, you need to determine:
a) the average customer's worth over the course of a year and, b) the average life of a
client's association with the practice.
With this information you can project the probable life income (or marginal net worth) of
the client base. Factor in enhancements to the practice, using the techniques in thls
report. This will provide you with a good estimate of Its worth.
On tile other hand, if you have cash, you can easlly buy a practice at discount. In other
words, you can calculate that you're buying a million dollars of income for $200,000 that
you can build up and sell. If you don't have cash, develop a relationship with a banker,
empirically chronicling to the banker the practice's worth by taking the seller's records,


showing the income history and calculating each client's worth. Then project future
income. When a banker or financial group sees the marginal net worth, you can raise
money from almost anybody.


No matter your profession -- accountant. doctor, lawyer -- a core segment of your client
By identifying those people and
catering to them in a unique way, you can make money leading them on trips.

mix has acute needs, problems and requirements.

For example, an accounting practice may have 500 clients: 300 Individuals. 150 small
businesses and 50 heavy-duty corporations. You could organize weekend or week-long
trips as often as practical to exotic places where you hold intensive seminars, workshops
or clinics on the problems of particular interest to this group.
A doctor could present special trips featuring discussions of speclfic nutritional,
preventive or medlcal therapeutic subjects. A lawyer could sponsor a cruise for clients
concerned about speclfic aspects of legal maneuvers.
The topic doesn't matter; focus on a subject of particular appeal to this core segment.
Charge between $50 and $1000 per person or per couple to attend. Attendees should
arrange and pay for their own transportation and accommodations separately, unless you
can make a profit dotng It yourself.
LImit attendance to between ten and fifty people. You are able to render excellent service

because you work with a concentrated group. Basically, you are conducting group
counseling, leveraging yourself and focusing on speclfic Issues In a way you couldn't
justify in the office environment.
Hold the seminar some place nice that you want to go to, too. You get a vacation with
pay because you earn an extra $10,000 or $15,000. Holdlng such a seminar in a
vacation spot Ingratiates you to your clients. Offer the seminar at a time when you want
a vacation. Depending on tax laws, you can write off some of your costs. Talk to your
tax advisor In advance in order to structure the event properly and to take utmost
advantage of allowable tax breaks.
You can offer a series of seminars or workshops: weekend one, week-long ones, twoweek-long ones. You can solicit attendees by sending letters to your clients or by hiring
people to call them. If the price Is right. the subject matter compelling, the location good,
you will be able to make it a success.
It's almost no problem to get ten or fifty people to go on a weekend or week-long Jaunt.
If you hold two of them a year, you can make $25,000, $30,000, 850,000, depending on
your pricing. In addition. you can pay your spouse to organize the event, keeping the
money In the family. You can bring your whole family along, as long as you hire them.
Talk to an accountant to take fullest advantage. Not everything Is a write-off and you will
need assistance to organize the event In accordance with current tax regulations.



If you are structured as a professIonal corporation, then you as an lndlvidual can engage
that corporation for marketing services.

You can conduct seminars outside your practice, paying your corporation to manage the
marketing for you. Pay them $10,000 to promote a seminar. You present the seminar
and make all the money from It writing off the $10,000 payment. They conduct the
promotion. If you pay your corporation to manage an event for you, you receive the
revenue but the corporation gets a fee for managing it. Pay the fee at the end of the
taxable year and write It off. The $10,000 expense comes back to you In the form of
Conversely, your professIonal corporation could pay you as an lndlvidual to market for
them. Roll the fees back and forth. First, pay them to manage your personal marketing;
then gain income directly by doing some of the things we're talking about. Use speaking
engagements to break even.
Roll your money back and forth, engaging one another to manage each other's marketing.
Several things to consider and to discuss with your tax advisors (and believe me, you will
need a tax advisor in order to do this kind of financial maneuvering). Tlm1ng is critical;
tax rates vary from the personal tax rate to corporate; and the corporation must be real,
not simply a corporate shell.
Once you have arranged this kind of a relations hlp, you may feel you can proceed to do
it again, but always keep a tax expert handy.


Most professionals live in communities with a local newspaper or a suburban edltion of
a major newspaper. You can propose to that newspaper or to a local radlo station that
you'll provide them with a weekly or monthly column or five-minute radio show for which
you would like only a brief, tasteful acknowledgement:
'Dr. Singer practices at 1234 Main Street.

Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Or, 'John FIlibuster's accounting offices are at 7862 Vine Street.

corporate taxes and Is available for consultation.'

He specializes in

If the subject matter that you address is sufficiently valuable or exciting. you could take
it one step further and ask for compensation. You can take the compensation in the form
of advertising, credit or exposure, thereby freeing up your cash flow. If you offer fiveminute vignettes to a radio station, negotiate and arrange to accrue a thirty-second
commercial to run at some other time every time they air your program.

But beware of the tax man! This approach Is barter and as such Is taxable Income to
each partner Involved, based on the fair market value of the service provided.


Serving as the medical. legal or financial director of a business Is a great way to promote

yourself. In fact. It can work In three ways:

1. Advertisement - You expose yourself to potential clients. who then
begin to feel comfortable with you and may eventually even refer
outside acquaintances to you as clients:
2. Cash Flow - You can potentially earn an honorarium from the
company you serve: and
3. Reputation - You Increase your community prestige by taking on
another duty. which can also be used to enhance your stature If
mentioned In a biography distributed at seminars or In other
marketing efforts such as newsletters and special reports.

And all of this can be your harvest of time and zero financial Investment.
How do you go about placing yourself In a position In a business enterprise?
You do this by going to companies and offering them the following proposition: Tell them
that you are Interested In expanding your practice and In rendering service. The greatest
service you can render to that business Is to become medical (or legal or financial)
director. You will Issue a monthly publication on various subjects of Interest. An
accountant would offer Information on ftnanclal Issues. a lawyer on legal matters. etc.
This will benefit their employees. associates or members. Offer to present a brief lecture
to that organization monthly either at lunch time. after hours. before hours or on the
weekend. After the presentation. answer basic questions and perform basic services for
free. Offer to perform these services provided the company endorses and promotes them.
You can offer service gratis or you could specify a $lOO-a month honorarium. The
corporation can apply this honorarium fully to any services It would avail Itself of from
you directly. so It really costs them nothing.
If you make such an arrangement with twenty corporations. you can earn $2000 a month

by making twenty visits each month. At each site you could be exposed to as many as
100 employees. You could ultimately get at least five percent of them as patients or
clients. If you select organizations with a high predisposition as good prospects.
In this way you can potentially double or triple the size of your practice in the course of
a year or two and make $25.000 a year to boot. Moreover. you could use that money to
hire assistants to visit these companies In your stead.
The key Is to make this offer under the auspices of service. For example. you own a
company. I come to you and say. '1 want to be your designated medical director (or
employee accounting counselor legal advisor. etc.). Once a month or every two or three
months. at a frequency most practical for my profession and your business. I will give a
three-hour clinic at lunch time. In the evening or on a Saturday.'
The clinic will consist of three parts:
1. General techniques that most people should know but probably

2. More Innovative Issues: In accounting or law. how to protect

yourself; In medicine. how to prevent disease; and


3. IndivIdual examlnatlons or counseling: a dentist wI1l look at teeth:

a doctor will conduct brief. cursory physIcal examinations; a lawyer
will answer Individual questions.
There will be no charge to the employee but you can expect to develop new clients or
patients through the exposure. Explain this ultimate motive clearly to the company
representative with whom you are negotiating.
Irrespective of the honorarium. It Is Important that the company actively endorse and
promote your services and furnlsh the facIlities you need. The company could ensure
that every employee get a promotional pIeces that you have prepared. New employees
should receIve a package describing you as the recommended professional In your field.
At Christmas time the company can provide you with employees' addresses so you can
communIcate with them.


You can buy a telephone answering machine that rewinds for a mere $100 to $2000.
depending on the number of lines It accommodates. For a few dollars more. you can run
dIsplay ads In newspapers or on radio. The test of the ad. of course. will vary depending
on your profession and specialty. but In general the ad should briefly summarize the
subject of the tape and then urge the reader to call 24 hours a day for free Information.
Your topic should be titillating and provocative. compellJng listeners to call.
The tape should play for flve minutes. DUring the first three minutes. address the topic
which you announced In your advertisement; use the last two minutes to describe your
practice -- who you serve. your philosophIes. Include a phone number to call for further
Information or to schedule a free consultation.
As a physician. you could take topical subjects appealing to people you want to add to
your practice. The ad could say. for example. Ten proven ways to lose weight without
suffering. Call this number 24 hours a day.' When they call It. you say:
This Is Dr. John Sorenson. Although my practice is broadly encompassIng. one of my
specialties Is weight reduction. I've found that most of the people who come to me for
weight loss don't do these ten things that would help them lose weight by themselves.
Let me tell you about them.' At the end you say. '1 hope that this Information has been
helpful and that you can do It on your own. If you feel you need my assIstance. I'Il be glad
to consult with you. Feel free to come Into the cllnlc. Call my offices at .... .'
As a lawyer wanting to reach businesses. you would write an ad saying. Ten ways your
company might be exposed to the danger of a lawsuit. For free Information call this
number 24 hours a day.' It should make businessmen thInk they might be exposed to
a complex legal situation. with all its attendant time-consumIng expense. It should be
a sufficiently provocative topic to get someone to call In.
Your five-mInute tape says. This Is Mary Pierce. My legal practice caters primarily to
entrepreneurs. Ninety percent of my clients come to me because they overlooked the
following critical legal functions in their business ... (enumerate the issues). I don't know
if you are commltting any of these faults. but awareness is critical. I suggest that you
examlne your documents tomorrow morning or today. If you think you might have a
problem. I offer you a free consultation to see if I can help you.


'If you don't have this concern, you should know that my practice concentrates on
entrepreneurs. Anytime you might need us, we're available.'

Give information. Tell them abou t yourself. Make them an offer to sample your services
to see If there is compatiblUty. Always give them information. Always educate,
demonstrating that you have expertise above and beyond that of your peers. Make them
assess how they might be exposed or where they might not be utilizing your profession
to the utmost. This will cause them to say to themselves, 'I would probably benefit from
talking to that man or woman.' And then invite them to do that.

Information sells, that's clear. And what better way to sell than to large groups of people
in a single place? You can sell the information that your specialty focuses on to large
groups as easily as to single clients.
Of course, speclflc appllcatlon to individual problems requires a different approach, but
there is nothing wrong with dispensing general inforrnation of widespread appeal to
people for their personal use. And, if you structure the seminar properly, you can
respond to questions asked in public or afterwards in private.
The information you provide will be the bedrock of your profession and will not require
extensive research (and hours of time) to prepare. It is more a question of organizing the
style of presentation, the flow of information, and the organization and assembly of any
materials for distribution. But don't skimp on the information -- present hard fact; just
remember that to make a stgruflcant impression on the non-professional attendees will
require the repetition of what you consider to be the extremely obvious or well-know
facts. The point is to make a few good points stick, not to make your ltsteners instant
experts on a particular corner of your profession.
Organize a two or three hour information-packed seminar, adding bonus packages such
as personalized counsel, vitamins, nutrients, menus, dietary plans, tax or financial
savings plans, free wills.
Advertise it in a newspaper or issue direct mailings to your clients or your prospects.
Hire a man or woman on a percentage basis to promote it over the telephone to groups,
organizations or companies. Experiment with different promotional mediums and
organizations available to you until you find the right market, device or company.
Hold the programs at the frequency you desire, allowing others to do the work for you.
You can come up with ads and run them as often as you like. Each time you present a
seminar, you bring in 100 or 200 people and charge each of them S50. After promotional
expenses, your only expense is for the facl1Jty you use.
The ad, should start with a provocative headline such as:

How to Eliminate the Risk of Cancer

How to Avoid a Heart Attack
How to Extend Your Life by Five Years
How to Save an Addltional 10% Per Year in Taxes
Loopholes Allowed by the New Tax Reform
Ten Ways a Lawyer Could Help Your Business


Then Introduce the content of the semlnar by listing about twenty bulleted topics to be
covered. End with a succlnct but provocative biography of you or the speakers you will
be presenting.
You can simply sponsor the seminar, brtnging In other speakers with the ad detailing
theIr expertise: 'Dr. Joshua Stein Is probably the most knowledgeable spectallst In weIght
loss In Acme County, having concentrated on this topic for the last thirty years. He has
personally counseled and treated 8000 people with an 87% success rate. He has
developed dietary formulas which, In most cases, eUmlnate overweight by 20% and
reduce blood pressure by 15% In the first thirty days. In this session he will present his
philosophies, his techniques and a plan of living that could be used by anyone to
radically reduce their weight.'
Specify the seminar location and time, how to register, how to attend.
prepayment, telephone payment, pay at the door, etc. Direct people to act. Offer tapes
or transcripts If they cannot attend at the designated time.
You can also develop seminars in cooperation with corporations. Say you are an
accountant and know that ABC Corporation sells something that helps businesses save
money on taxes. You gD to ABC and say, 'I would like you to sponsor a sernmar that I
will hold on a corporate tax saving. I would like you to furnlsh me with your maillng Ilst,
pay the postage and prepare a letter of invitation from you to them. Explain in the letter
that this program would normally cost them $1000 but that you have engaged me to give
this seminar as a service to them.
We can have a three hour presentation; break for lunch: and three more hours of the
seminar. Then I will provide counseling. What I want is $500 plus the !lst of attendees
so that I can sollctt them one time myself.'
Show the company that they are giving every one of their customers a free $1000 gift.
This will precUspose these customers toward the sponsoring company and will encourage
them to reciprocate with future business. You will be paid for the privilege of soliciting
After the seminar, write a letter to each participant saying; Thank you. I'm pleased you
had the interest in the subject. I hope I helped you, I enjoyed talking with you.'
Encourage them to contact you if they have questions or need the service you offer on a
permanent basis. Offer a no-cost initial consultation prior to any long-term arrangement.
If offering evenIng or weekend office hours would gain YDU clients, make sure they are
aware of this.
YDU can also offer special seminars to current clients. First, review your client base and
identify subjects appealing to most of them. If you offered an Intensive three hour
seminar every Saturday on a topic or cluster of topics and had 100 people each week, you
would tum a nice profit. You could send a letter monthly including a list of the next
twelve weeks' conferences. Charge $50 or $100 per person to attend the sernmar. You
would probably get thirty or forty people to attend each semlnar.


The clinic approach Is Similar to the semInar approach. It can be presented In either of
tWD ways: 1) by accessing existing clients, or 2) through promotion and advertising.

List the most provocative. signlficant subjects in your profession: tax shelters. tax
savings audits and penalties if you are an accountant; weight loss. cancer. arthritis.
longevity and heart attacks if you are a physician.
Then create cllnlcs that you promote. either internally or externally through
endorsements from organizations. These will be weekend or evening cllnlcs. You invite
a lot of people at attend; they get lectures and certain special treatment. A physician
could give formulas. vitamins. diets. An accountant might provide prepared forms or
one-on-one counseling to review tax returns. Distribute forms to compute things. printed
plans of action. reports on topics of current interest.
For example, as a doctor who feels that weight loss is important. you might offer a weekly
or monthly weight loss cllnlc. Hold the cllriic in a big room in your office or rent space
in a community center. church or hotel. Then send out a mailer or soUcit your patients
by phone. saying, This Saturday. Dr. McDowell will hold a cllnlc costing $50. You will
get a lecture on 100 ways you can change your eating habits to lose your problem weight.
The second part will show easy and effective exercises. Third, you will receive a cursory
medical examination, including blood pressure and weight analysis. Fourth. you will
receive menus for diet planning. Fifth. the doctor will provide you with a supply of
nutrients to take home.'
You can do this in an infinite number of ways, Umited only by your imagination. You can
also go the other way. taking a topic with Umited appeal and charging a premium for
speciaUzed information.
Professionals often fail to convey to their cUents that the cUents are important or that the
cUent's views and opinions are important. To overcome this obstacle. professionals
should have an initial consultation form that solicits the names of the client's spouse and
children. his or her interests. etc. This lets you know something about the cUent so you
can make him or her feel important.
After the visit, you or your assistant should telephone to Inquired how he or she is doing,
did the technique or medicine work well. etc. Indicate that you are always available if
they have any questions.
Sending Christmas and birthday cards or notes with a personal touch makes people feel
important. It is vital not to drop patients once their problem is resolved.
Doctors and dentists especially need to pay attention to their Walting areas. Often the
magazines and pubUcations offered are worn and out of date. Professtonals should
maintain a high tone by making available new pubUcations on a rack or table. It would
be even nicer if the receptionist kept some magazines at the desk, handing them to the
patient when she or he signed in.
The receptionist should be warm, inviting and friendly. She or he should know
something about the patient and be able to converse in a meaningful way. If the doctor
is running late. the receptionist could announce. The doctor is running a Uttle late. Do
you have an errand you need to run or do you need to use the phone to call anyone?'
Do anything you can to make that patient feel important.


Have current publJcations, a television, warm and cold beverages, possibly bookshelfwith
books on a variety of topics. These are ways to make the Individual feel Important.
Perhaps another convenience could be the availability of a VCR with a selection of good
G-rated or PG-rated movies. What Is a $400 Investment? Nothing. If you are a
pediatrician, have a IJttle play area. Hire high school or college girls to come In and play
with the children.
A professional can also acknowledge personal events such as birthdays and holidays.
It pays to acknowledge these events for family members as well, not just for the patient.
Cards are nice. What Is even nicer Is If the receptionist calls on the morning of your
birthday to wish him or her a Happy Birthday. Or If the patient has a IJttle girl and the
receptionist calls and says, 'Dr. Luden couldn't call this morning, but he asked me to
wish your daughter, Julie, a Happy Birthday. He Is sending some McDonald's certificates
so she can take some of her friends to Mcl.ronalds.'
What Is this worth In terms of goodwill? Give something mealnngful that reminds them
of you, something that will Ingratiate them to you for rendering noble service.
If you can't allocate your staffs time, It Is worth hiring a part-timer for a few hours or at

Christmas time. Instead of sending Christmas cards, he or she will call your clients and
say: 'I'm calling for Dr, Wu who Is too busy to come to the phone. He wanted me to call
and tell you that he wishes you and your family the happiest of Christmases (or
Hanukkahs) and the very, very greatest new year, He hopes It will be a good year for
you: What Is that worth? It will cost you $5 an hour -- $100 to call all your clients or
All humanity wants to feel that the professional cares about them, rather thanjust about
the money. It Is the easiest thing In the world to do and the hardest for most
Every person wants to know that they are singularly Important to their professional: that
the professional cares about him and not just about dispensing medicine or advice In
return for money. He cares about their dreams, hopes, needs, fears, requirements and
Always take the time to be Interested In more than just what you're doing for them In
your office, no matter how busy you are. Probe a little bit. Ask about them. Be
Interested, not just Interesting. Talk In lay terms with compassion, sensitivity and love.
Take the time to talk In a simple, warm, conversational manner. They will never think
less of you: they will always think more. Show Interest, Be sensitive. Thank them at the
end for coming and for choosing you as their professional
All professional practices are rendering service, Don't lose track of the fact that people
want to feel singularly Important. 'We all have a tendency to become casual In our
treatment of others. If you have given someone advice, follow up and find out If they are
following It. Don't just send them a bill: show you care, ask them If they need additional
assistance. If you always ask If you can help, you will make more than enough money
to pay for extra time.


Professionals have a reputation for communicating in complex verbiage that makes their
clients or patients look intellectually Inferior. It Is a terrible feeling to leave the office of
a professional feeling patronized. Always address them as equals. Don't talk down to
people. Brtlllance is the ability to explain and express complexities in simple terms,
If you are talking far above your client's head. stop it. Get interested and you'll discover
how exciting your clients can become. Start caring more about how you can serve them.
Worry about them. Have them come up every so often in a tickler file and have your
designated representative call them to find out how they are doing. Send them personal
notes offering suggestions, These little gestures will make a difference in the way your
clients will respect you and respond to you. As a result, they will ask more services of
you and the longevity of your client base will increase.


Most professionals have a desire to give of themselves to noble causes. If you structure
your giVing to showcase your expertise. it will be more beneficial. There are many noble
causes you could dedicate your time and services to. If you embrace the philosophy of
leveraging your opportunities. choose the ones that have the highest probability of
generating clients.
Give the services in a way that showcases your ability. As long as your schedule will
permit. offer those In attendance the opportunity to meet with you later for free advice.
People are silently begging to be led. lf you dedicate yourself to working with a service
organization. offer to speak to the group free of charge in an evening or at lunch time as
a service to the organization. In the course of your speaking engagement. subtly suggest
that if anyone has a problem, needs advice or has questions that need clarification. you
would be happy, as a service to the organization. to talk on the phone with them or even
to meet with them in your office. Start planting the seeds, Tell them what to do,
Encourage them. People are begging to be told what to do.
You can also dedicate your time or services as a fundraiser. You can present a clinic or
a seminar and donate the money that would have come to you. Structure it in such a
way that you perform a noble service for the organization and the organization performs
a noble service for you.

In every marketing effort you undertake. whether running an ad. pu bllshlng a newsletter,
donating time to a service organization, speaking to a business or fraternal group. writing
an article for a newspaper or running a regular show on radio or television, you owe it
to yourself to quantify and analyze the productive benefit each endeavor produced. It is
a waste of your valuable time and money to engage in activities that don't produce
revenue when you could use the time and money to greater advantage,
Every marketing activity you undertake should include an offer or request for people to
call you or to send something that allows you to track how many people respond to that
marketing endeavor. Then determine how many respondents actually engage your
services. This enables you to evaluate which activities return the highest payoff for the
least ex-pense and effort. The average. logical. leveraged marketer will then direct his
efforts. resources and finances only toward those projects or ads that produce the best


You have to know what works. You could pay $1000 for an ad that produces only $500
in business or with that same $1000 Investment you could present seminars that
produce $10,000 In business. You need to know where you can optimJze your time,
resources and exposure.


The simple fact that you have an obligation to fulfill does not necessarily mean that you
have personally to be the one to fulfill it. Even though your name may appear as
sponsoring or dlrecting an event, this does not indlcate that you will also be the speaker.
Other people are willing, ready and available to take over parts of your obligations that
you find distasteful or time-consuming. They will, of course, require compensation, but
you can still make a profit on the operation if you structure It properly. This is true for
one-shot deals such as seminars, as well as for on-going enterprises such as other
practices which you have purchased.
If you do not feel comfortable speaking in public, hire associates to speak for you. Hire
a professional speaker or an Intern who knows the subject, who will be working under
you as an associate. A member of your staff could speak for you.

Don't be afraid to thtnk of other people. Do you want to buy businesses you don't have
to run? Buy the business and hire someone to run it or have them Invest in It. Buy
sorneone's practice, use the techniques In this report to build It. pay for It monthly on a
small percentage of billings and bring In an associate who doesn't have the money but
wishes to own hls own practice. Offer him or her a purchased buy-out based on billing:
sell it to htm for three times the payments you are making to somebody else and let hlrn
take It over.
You can engage in a great many profitable endeavors if you have an entrepreneurial
perspective. If you want to undertake any of the marketing activities presented in this
report and you can't find the time yourself, use associates. If you don't want to do it
yourself, organize the activity and delegate Its execution to an associate.
Conversely, if you don't want to organize it. you can hire somebody to do it all for you.
Engage a young, ambitious, enterprisingly resourceful man or woman with vision and
offer him or her 10% or 5% of the proceeds, a fixed amount or put them on salary. If it
makes money, It may bring them $3000 or $5000 a month. If the particular person
you've engaged is effective, you'll know relatively quickly: If he or she is Ineffective, find
somebody else and keep trying until you find someone. Give them a title of Communlty
Affairs Director for your practice. Their Job Is to coordinate and facilitate and promote
Someone is always available in the labor pool to do what you can't or won't do -- at a
price. Weigh the price of the service against all the activity's benefits not Just revenue
directly attributable to the activity, but long-term benefits such as retained clients, as
This results automatically when you Implement many of the strategies presented in this


Publishing newsletters
Writing Informative, educational ads
Conducting seminars, particularly under the auspices of groups,
associates or companles
Becoming the medical director or the accounting consultant of
organizations or businesses
In this way, you lift yourself up in the eyes of your community, becoming a local celebrity
and gaining credibility and prestige. Advertising and promotion should be very
understated, tasteful and ethical, designed not only to bring you business, but also to
make you a distinctly known professional in your community."



Chapter 18

In this chapter Jay Abraham has taken fifty separate kinds of businesses and
applied quick-fix marketing solutions to them. These are the strategies he would
choose if he could apply only one basic tactic to improve profits and increase sales
immediately. All of these quick-fix solutions also apply to other business situations,

Most clothiers don't capture and use their customer names correctly. If anything, they
send out one or two lousy mailers a year that don't really say anything or address the
needs of their customers.
Here's what I suggest: First of all. capture all client names, addresses, and phone
numbers. Second, categorize each customer accorcUng to areas of interest, For example,
certain women will like exotic shoes, or more expensive dresses, or will need particular
sizes, etc. When you get something in that you know they'll like, call them or rnall to
them immediately, and tell them about these items.
Third, when people come in, say to them (almost as a trial sales close), 'From time to time
we get some wonderful things in, but they go very quickly, Since you're one of our better
customers, would you like me to call you when something comes in? I'd be glad to hold
it for you for two days, as long as you promise you'll come in,' This will build customer
loyalty and response very quickly, Fourth, make deals with kindred retailers who have
customer names - for example, beauty salons, restaurants, health clubs and spas,
jewelers, furntture stores, draperies, cleaners, florists, photographers, etc. - and give one
another reciprocal endorsement,
Here's how it works: If Acme Beauty Salon has a great clientele, a clothier could do a
mailing for the beauty salon in which the beauty salon pays the expense to mail the
clothier's list one time (the clothier keeps control of the list, so the names aren't released).
The clothier writes a letter on the company's letterhead extolling the benefits of the
beauty salon and saying that the salon has authorized him or her to make a special
introductory offer. It can be a price inducement, something free for buying something,
or preferential treatment. All the customers have to do is bring in the letter so they can
be identified.
Then, the beauty salon owner writes a similar letter to customers extolling the benefits
of the clothier and making a specific offer. The two businesses can make a straight trade
- names for names - or pay a percentage, say $5 - $10 for each customer who buys. The
Important thing to keep in mind is, don't be stingy. Make your deal so appealing that it
will be worthwhile to the endorser.
I can't resist the opportunity to digress here and remind you to calculate the marginal
net worth or 'lifetime value' of each new customer you acquire, It's the total aggregate
profit you make over the life of an average customer. For example, let's say you mail
5,000 names and get 300 new customers. Each new customer buys three times per year
at an average sale of $100. Let's say your net profit is 70%. Your total profit per year is

as follows:
300 customers x $100 sale x three sales/year x 70% - $63,000,
As you can see, you can easlly afford to break even, or perhaps lose money, on your
initial sale to accrue the profit from repeat sales to a new customer. In fact, entire
industries have been bullt and sustalned on the strength of this one concept - e,g"
insurance companies, magazine and newsletter subscriptions, book clubs, record and
tape clubs, etc, Using this principle will allow you to increase your advertising and
marketing budget while your competitors are cutting back on theirs, Guess who will
come out on top?

Wholesalers, by and large, all sell the same thing, the same way, to the same customers,
at the same price, To beat your competitors, you must create a Unique Seillng
Proposition for your company, If you product allows it, you can independently embeillsh
certaln things, For example, if the manufacturer's warranty is 12 months, you can offer
an additional 12-month warranty for your customers, Or, you can offer some additional
service, such as toll-free, phone-in ordering: no minimum order: free shipping; special
terms, etc,
Those things notwithstanding. the best way to get someone's business is to help them
grow their business, If you help a company grow its business, even if it has no direct
relation to your product sales, they almost always reciprocate the gesture (and the profit
you've contributed) by buying whatever you're selling, So consider sending your
customers a regular newsletter on profit-making ideas to help bulld their businesses,
Also buy quantities of the best business books and send them as gifts with Thank You'

Most people in the mall-order business don't understand the residual value and anctllary
worth of a customer name, After they've sold something to the customer, they merely try
to rent the name out, without considering one important fact: If another company is
renting our list and malllng to customers continuously, isn't it obvious that they're
making money from your customers? Wouldn't you rather make that money from your
Here's how: You go to these other mall-order operators and say, 'Look, you're already
getting a good response from mailing to my list, But you'd get an even better response
if your malling pieces had my name on it. because my customers trust me implicitly and
they buy anything I offer them, If you lend me your malling piece, I'll put my name on
it and mall it out at my expense, and you get the names and half the profits.' That one
little twist can normally make you about five times the profit of merely renting your

Most lawyers don't realize how powerful it is to educate the public, By this, I mean they

state your offer and guarantee elsewhere in the note.

If you do this, you will build a reputation as a real nice person. Selling is notyelUng, and
this understated approach is one of the most power ones you could use.


First, realize that the cost to acquire a new customer Is very high. The cost to keep a
satisfied customer is very low. The key to success in the hotel business Is to build such
fabulous acknowledgement gestures Into your procedures that people will be falling all
over to get themselves a room.
Welcome the guest at the desk with a refreshing cold or hot drink, depending on the
cllrnate. Provide refreshments for the children while the weary travelers check In. Give
them a check-In voucher good for bottle of wine, a poolside bench, a free movie, $10
credit at the gift shop, a boat ride, a dinner show, etc.
Have the manager send anyone checking Into a minimum-dollar-rate room - say $225 a wonderful basket of fruit, cheese, crackers, and an iced pitcher of freshly squeezed local
frult juices. Have the manager or the assistant manager follow up In two to five hours
with a phone call, telling the guest how much the hotel appreciates their staying with
them - and offering to do whatever is possible to make their stay wonderful. Conclude
the call with an invitation to a cocktail-and-cheese party, show. or other event.
Provide shampoo and other niceties free. If all this sounds like it will cost an arm and
a leg. consider this: By adding $20 extra onto the daily room rate. in a typical seven-day
vacation, you'd generate $140. which would pay for all the extras. Also. not everyone will
take advantage of all the extras you offer. But the mere fact that you've offered them
these services free will stand out so favorably in their minds and wallets that they will
sing your praises to all they meet. You will have maximum occupancy before you know


For anyone selUng advice, nothing is more powerful than a free seminar. Your seminars
should offer incredible perceived value by applying a variation of the Market Test
Principle. If you don't want to do a seminar, you could offer free consultations to
qualified prospects in which you prove you can improve their coverage and long-term
savings buildup. This is a prime example of 'reversing the risk.' Your closing rate will
skyrocket and your bank account balance will, too.


I did a delightful consultation with a company that sold bus tours over the country. I
taught them to use 'contrast selling' to emphasize and romanticize the advantages of bus
travel over other modes of recreational travel. (In their catalog and other promotional
literature. they had been almost apologetic about their perceived inferiority.)
I taught them to articulate and romanticize the advantages - the convenience (pickup at
a central location); comfort; scenery; frequent stops; a way to meet people In a leisurely,

pleasant, fraternal environment; one package price Includes everything,

I also taught them to downplay the dlsadvantages. 'Sure, It's not as fast a plane, but do
you really want to get to Los Angeles that fast? Wouldn't you rather see and enjoy the
Grand Canyon at your own pace, Instead of flying over It for a fleeting view from a
distance and missing all that beauty?'
Does your business have a hidden USP that you can bring out through 'contract selltng"romanticizing the advantages and benefits, and downplaylng the negatives In a warm,
congenial manner? If so, use It and capltal1ze on It.


With this business (as In all businesses that must constantly generate and convert leads)
the most powerful 'qulck-flx' formula Is this: 1) Experiment with headlines In your
advertising, 2) Send out follow-up literature Immedlately upon receipt of a lead by flrstclass mall.
Anybody who knows me knows that I consider the headline of an ad to be the most
Important factor In Its success or failure. And yet. even though they spend thousands
of dollars on advertising, almost nobody tests their headlines (let alone any other parts
of their ads or offers). If a better headline than the one you're using can bring in two or
three times as many leads as you're getting now, what's that worth to you? Is It worth
the extra expense and hassle of a one-time test? You bet it is! Once you dlscover this
winning headline, it will payoff for you in Increased profits for years to come (until you
find another one that beats your 'control').
This Is leverage at Its best, because you'll spend the same amount on your ads, but get
a much better return on your investment. It's foolish not to test.
Here's another pet peeve of mine; Most companies scrimp on follow-up costs. They
spend all this money to bring In a lead, and then they try to find the cheapest way to
convert the lead. How stupid! If you don't convert the lead, all that advertising money
goes down the drain!
My philosophy Is that you should be willing to spend at least as much to convert the
leads as you did to bring them In. It amounts to spending half your budget to save the
other half. (Actually, if you know the 'lifetime value' of your customers, you'll know
exactly how much you can afford to spend to convert any lead, regardless of how much
It cost you.)
Time Is a great factor here that Is often Ignored. The value of leads diminishes In dlrect
proportion to the amount of time It takes to follow up on them. When customers or
prospects are Interested, the time to pounce Is Immedlately, before their Interest wanes.
I've seen people sit on leads for two or three weeks, expecting those prospects to be just
as thrilled to hear from the salesperson as when they first called or sent In the coupon.
If doesn't work that way. You've got to have the manpower and the operational setup to
respond to your leads Immediately, or someone will get them before you do,
Finally, once you have made the first contact with the lead, keep sending repeated followups until It's no longer producing profitable conversions. Too many companies send only
one follow-up piece, whereas I've seen successful follow-up series number anywhere from

five to eIght contacts - sometimes even more!

Lead generating and conversIon can be dramatically enhanced through smart marketing
techniques. Don't let the numbers scare you until you really know what they mean and
how to manIpulate them.


I have an Idea that can make any vtdeo store boom.
FIrst, you must understand the behavIor of a VCR owner. When they first get a VCR,
they go crazy. They rent ten or 15 movIes at a time, watching all the old movIes they
missed or haven't seen for a long time. After a three-to-four month bInge, the novelty
wears off and they find themselves on a Friday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. at the vIdeo store,
fighting with everyone else for the few copIes of the three or four new releases. If they're
too late, they often leave empty-handed.
Here's an Idea that can easily double your vIdeo rentals. FIrst, make all your sales
personnel watch all the movies In stock on theIr own time. (They shouldn't mInd seeIng
unllmtted movies for free.) They will soon become knowledgeable about all the movIes In
your Inventory.
When customers start to leave the store empty-handed, stop them and say, 'Excuse me,
but what were you looking for?' Let's say they were looking for the new Woody Allen
movIe. You say, 'Oh, do you like comedy?' Probe them for theIr Interests.
Then make thIs offer: 'Mr. Customer, there are a few overlooked greats whlch I thInk
you'd really like. I know we have them In stock. Why don't you take them home, and If
you don't like them, then don't pay us for the ones you don't like. Fair enough?'
You'll probably rent two or three movies to everyone thIs way, Instead of letting them go
out empty-handed because you couldn't rent them the one they came In for. The
customers will end up paying for all or most of the rentals. And you'll probably Increase
rentals by $10,000 a month.
Here's another terrifIc Idea. Most people don't take the time to have theIr VCRs
recondItioned. They walt until the heads get so dIrty that they can't stand to watch the
awful pIcture It produces, and then they take It In for cleanIng - and then they go wIthout
a VCR for several days. You should make a specIal offer to your customers to recondItion
theIr VCRs for $100 and gIve them a free loaner VCR while you work on theIrs. You
mIght even offer to go to theIr house, disconnect their current VCR and Install the loaner.
(Why? Because most people hate to mess with this part of the process and therefore
won't take up on your offer if they have to do all the work themselves, plus go to your
store to drop off their VCR and pick up the loaner. If just won't happen unless you do
It for them.)
MeanwhIle, you arrange a joint venture with a good VCR repair shop that will supply the
free loaners and take care of the removal and Installation of the loaner. They get 850 for
each reconditioning, which I'll bet is far more than they make normally. And since the
volume of work will be much more than they would ever get otherwise, It's worth it for
them to supply the loaners. For instance, If you get 500 people to take you up on It at
8100 apiece, you and the repair shop will each make 825,000 on the deal! That's a nIce

contribution to your annual profit!


TWs is a perfect industry to apply the Marketing Test Princlple. You start off with two
related pieces of software, each with a market value of $200. They cost you $5 to make,
but you sell one of them for $29.
Then explain your motives: We believe that once you get used to using our software,
you'll see that it's as good as software costing five times as much - and we think you'll
only be too happy to pay $200 for this second software program which does this and
that.' TWs approach is a real lead generator and list builder. Then Vigorously work the
back-end with more offers to get repeat business. Rent your list for increased income,
and do all sorts of joint ventures with companies that would love to sell to your


As with every business that depends heavily on space advertising, test various headlines
in your ads. You'll be amazed at the increased results one headline will get over another.
Also, make very attractive offers to generate new traffic. For example, I would give away
something free every day. It doesn't have to be anything expensive - a package of toilet
paper is a good example. You could give away a different thing every day so people have
to read your advertising (make them bring in the coupon) or stop by to find out what it
Or perhaps you could run certain regular items in a weekly cycle so people consistently
come into your store to get them.
The key is to get them coming to your store on a regular basis, and giving away free items
is just a cost of advertising.
In contrast to the chaln stores, project a warm persona that reflects the store's
atmosphere. There's a small chain in Southern California called Trader Joe's that, in my
mind, is one of the best 'grocery store' marketers in the country. Their niche is that they
carry unusual items not found in your typical supermarket. (For instance, in addltion
to natural peanut butter, they also have cashew butter, almond butter, macadamia nut
butter, and all kinds of cheeses, wines, vitamins, nuts, juices, breads, muffins, etc.).
Anyway, they mall out a twenty page brochure five times a year called The Fearless Flyer'
that's full of charming, yet informative, articles on their products, Including value-toounce price comparisons, food content, nutrient value, how they're able to make such
extraorcl1nary offers, and local, homespun philosophy. You should consider mailing out
a strnilar brochure every three to eight weeks. Rent lists of local residents and mall to
all your customers.
What? You don't have your customers' names and addresses on computer? Then set out
immediately to capture these names through in-store promotions such as drawings,
sweepstakes, etc. Drawings are usually the best. with 'Free Groceries For A Month' being

something that no customer could possIbly tum down. You can also get names and
addresses from checks and credit card slips. Also use in-store demonstrations of your
products: free coffee, cheese and crackers, yogurt, ice cream. etc. to generate store
Don't forget to fully exploit co-op deals with all your suppliers. Many suppliers make coop advertising funds available to retailers If you ask,

Banks have two types of customers - borrowers and lenders - and each want different
things. The key to successfully marketing to these groups Is to segment your list In as
many ways as possible, according to the type of customer and his/her degree of
sophistication. Then develop specific offers for each segment of your list and regularly
solicit each group, offering specific services.
This should be done by computer-personalized direct mail, and by having your customerservice representatives call the better customers when they're ripe to refinance a loan, roll
over a CD, or whatever. Thoroughly explain all charges and costs Involved, but do things
like waive a refinancing fee or other gesture that will pay goodwill dividends forever.


First, locate your market. You can buy lists of mail-order respondents who are not
crecUt-worthy. Also, car dealers are a good source of names of people who couldn't buy
a car because of credit problems. Work with several good list brokers who can counsel
you on the best lists for your offer. Test many lists and mail all those that are profitable.
Second, educate and inform your prospect. Write warm, yet informative, letters filled
with facts, forms, case histories, testimonials, procedures for letters and telephone
correspondence, etc. Offer a free report on how to obtain, Interpret, and understand a
credit report.
Third, approach other mail-order dealers to Include your mailers to their lists for 25% to
50% of the profit.

Send personalIzed letters to your prospects. Warm, personal letters will sharply stand
out against the cold memos most finance companies send out. Educate and inform your
prospects with newsletters, booklets, and reports such as What To Know Before You
Borrow Money.' Offer valuable premiums such as books, tapes, etc. for new borrowers.
Offer preferred rates to new borrowers using the Marketing Test Principle. Offer free
informative seminars. Ask all customers for referrals. Test ail prospecting letters for the
best-pulling offers. Set up joint ventures with retailers in which you'll flnance their deals
in exchange for discounts to your customers.



I once consulted with an Importer/wholesaler of Oriental rugs. The Ideas I gave h1m can
be applied to many stmllar businesses.
Instead of Ieastng/buytng a 30,000 square foot showroom, locate retailers who reach your
target market (restaurants, car dealers, furniture showrooms. etc.) Make written
consignment deals with trustworthy businesspeople to display your wares for sale In theIr
places of busIness. Specify that the rugs remain your properly and can be removed at
any time. You'll call back or vtstt every two weeks to take Inventory. replace sold rugs,
and collect a check for rugs sold. Offer 50% of the gross to make It excIting and
attractive to your joint venture partners. If you locate 50 outlets, place 1,000 rugs, and
sell 200 units per month; and lfyou make $40 per rug on the average, that's $8,000 per
month profit you'll make with negllgIble risk and no Increase of overhead!

I recently helped a service selling Indoor and outdoor plants, trees. etc. They had about
2,000 customers. about 20% of whom generated about 80% of theIr business. I told the
company to call these customers personally and offer to contact them right away when
special thIngs come in that you think they mIght be interested In. I told them to gIve
those customers a preferential first chance to buy new Items.
Another Idea: Set up a servIce whereby you hire people on comrrusston to take twenty
or thirty plants by your customers' homes or offices. and simply leave what they like.
(You've already Inventoried what they have. You're selling related Items you think they'll
llke.) Also sell accessories such as pots, fertlllzers, etc. Take your charge card machine
with you. Your sales will boom with no added overhead!
1 must digress again to poInt out something which I hope Is very obvious to you at this
point. Go back and reread my commentary on Clothiers. The marketing techniques I
recommend for Clothiers and Plant Shops are Identical, with slight variations in
appllcation. It all bolls down to four basic steps:
STEP ONE: Capture the names and addresses of all your customers.
STEP1WO: Systematically contact all of your customers and ask them
for more business, starting with your best customers.
STEP lliREE: Offer a specIal Inducement to the customers whenever
you ask them for more busIness.
STEP FOUR: Continually look for added products or services to offer
to your existing market - eIther by yourself or through joint ventures so that you continually redeploy your marketing assets.
Whether you're a clothier, a plant shop, or whatever. you have a strategy here that can
make you a ton of money. Just remember that you're a marketing company selllng a
product or service, and these concepts apply to you no matter what you are selling.


One such company I consulted with set up coin-operated photocopying machines In drug

stores. They came up with a special customer card good for 100, 500, or 1.000 copies.
They found that If customers used 100 copIes or more, they kept reordering cards.
The company Increased Its average order dramatically and boosted cash flow
tremendously with prepayments from the cards. They asked me how to sell more cards.
I told them to hire college students or retirees. Give them cards which normally sell for
$15 that they may sell for $7.50, and they keep all the money, provided: They tum In
all the money, a name, and an address to you first (to prove they actually sold the cards)
- you'll cut them a check In a week, after the customer's check clears the bank.
As you should already realize, you can afford to break even (or even lose a little bit up
front) In order to get a new customer, because of the lifetime value of that customer. Put
a pencil to It and see what a new customer Is worth to you over a year's time. You will
then know how much you can afford to spend to bring the customer In. Next, craft the
most attractive offer you can make to get that all-Important first sale.

Here's a simple, powerful way to make a quick-prInt shop grow like crazy. Offer free
pickup and delivery. HIre sharp-lookIng men and women to pIck up and deliver to area
businesses, paying them by the hour or giving them 10% to 15% of the job. Offer your
customers OD or an open account. Guarantee delivery: If a job Is picked up by 11 a.m..
It's back by 4 p.m. (or If It's picked up by 4 p.m.. It's back by 11 a.m. the next day).
You'll expand your busIness exponentially In all dIrections, all on contingency, with no
Increase In fixed overhead!


Put a team of college kIds to work, calling all the classifIed advertisers In local papers
(IncludIng 'throw-away' papers) who offer goods for sale or are having garage sales. Offer
a special deal to all who mIght be Interested In storing the excess goods they don't sell.
(Pay the callers a commissIon of, say, 50% of the first month's rent.)
You can offer the customer a free month's rent If they agree to a minimum of three
months. Or you can offer free Insurance, free move-ins, and access to free extra space
for up to two weeks a year to anyone who signs a rental agreement for a year. HIre these
same college kIds to call local businesses that might need storage space and make the
same offer. The same college kIds can provide the free move-In services for an added
percentage, thus savIng harried businesspeople the hassle of moving the stuff

I've spent many years publishIng my own newsletters. while at the same time boosting
sales and profits for many other publishers. I've used the Marketing Test Prtnclple,
renewal Inducements, joint venturing and other concepts. But one of the best techniques
was origInated by Howard Ruff for hIs newsletter. The Ruff Times.' It's called the 'Name
Your Own Price' offer. and had made a fortune for many who have used it properly.
It's an embarrassingly easy way to get non-responsive leads or renewals to respond. You


mati a letter with this posture:

'Mr. Prospect, we've tried In vain to get you to subscribe to our newsletter. We honestly
feel It's worth many times our $69/year subscription price, but we realize you may not
feel the same way. But you must feel It has some value to you. We want you (or we want
you back) so badly that we're willing to let you subscribe at any price you feel Is fair to
try us. Let us tell you, however, that It costs us $28/year to produce this newsletter, so
we ask you to be fair and at least cover our costs, and hopefully let us make some profit
on the deal. Here's how It works, , .'
TWs gambit works for many dlfferent types of businesses, Possibly yours!
It's Important In this approach to openly and honestly explain your motives, You want
to get them back In the fold because you know that once they experience the benefits of
your product or service, they'll want to renew at a full rate later; you have other products
or services you want to sell them that you know they'll enjoy; etc. Also, be sure to tell
them what your minimum expenses are, or set a floor so you aren't taken advantage of.
All In all. this Is a very powerful device when properly implemented,

You can use my concepts to passively Invest $1.000 to $5,000 In seed money, and turn
a 2,000% annual profit on the upside with no more than a $250 to $1,000 risk on the
downside.. All Investors should realize, however, that Investing In new ventures - based
on pro forma financial statements, sales projections, marketing studies, and ratios - Is
riddled with potential pitfalls if they aren't familiar with the realities of a specific market.
Here's one way to mlntmtze downside risk and receive a first-class education as well.
Good deals are a-dime-a-dozen. There's practically a new good deal every day, If one
comes your way, and the numbers are foreign to you, then spend the time to look at 100
deals before you comrnlt time, emotions, and money. Call other people in that field and
ask their opinion before you comrnlt. Or try to sell the deal to somebody else.

Every publisher should answer one very important question - do you really deliver the
market (the readership) you claim you do? If the answer Is yes, then try one of these two
approaches with your advertisers. These approaches have worked successfully for
newspaper publishers I've consulted with.
NUMBER ONE: As long as the advertiser will agree to run a specific,
Irresistible offer In your paper and nowhere else, you'll run one ad free,
provided that If you deliver an agree upon minimum response
performance (e.g.. ten 'IV sets sold), the advertiser will sign a one year
contract to run ads In your paper at full rate.
NUMBER TWO: If you can't get them to advertise, offer to Joint venture
with them. If they'll run all their advertising with you exclusively - for
an agreed upon minimum size and frequency - you'll let them have that
space for free as long as you get a certain percentage of their gross sales

for the coming year.

Both approaches have been tried successfully. I would test and analyze both approaches
to see which one works best for you.


One such company I consulted with had 10.000 names of customers they had collected
over five years. They had never called the customers or mailed to them. Not even once.
I told them to mall to theIr llst, testing several different offers - price reduction. free
Installation, free bonus (a speclal rug or a set of throw rugs). etc.
Then, of course, (and I hope thIs Is obvious to you by now) I told them to set up joInt
ventures with kindred companies - rug dealers. carpet cleaners, draperies. furniture
stores. Interior decorators, etc.
WhIch leads me to my next example.


Several approaches work well here.

For commercIal buildings. offer one month's free cleaning with one stipulation: If you do
a more satisfactory job than the people they're currently using, they agree to give you a
one-year contract at the same prIce or sllghtly less than they're currently giving someone
For resIdential customers. gtve one cleaning free in return for a one year contract at $50
a quarter, for four cleanings billed automatically to the customer's credit card. This locks
up $200 per year per customer, forever.
One company I consulted with trIed this and Immediately boosted their sales by 12%,
improving the company's closing ratio to three out of five. That's a 60% closIng ratio!
And they hadn't even begun to flntsh working thelr entire list!
Don't forget to approach carpet companies and offer to joInt venture with them. The
carpet company can make your offer to their customers as an Inducement to buy their


Regularly vtstt other restaurants of all types in your area. Take detailed notes on what
turns you on or off about the atmosphere. persona. service, food, entertainment, special
gestures, decor, etc. Play customer and see how theIr treatment differs from your own.
As far as marketing goes, the most important thing you must do Is capture the names
and addresses of all your customers. Here's one way: Have each waiter or waitress give
a card to each customer after they've enjoyed the entree and are llngerIng over coffee or
dessert, and tell them about a free drawing you're having - a gourmet dinner for two,
complete with champagne and caviar! In a few weeks, pIck a winner and send them a

letter they can bring in for their free meal. Also, send everyone else a letter offering a
second prize of a bottle of champagne, free appetizer with the next dinner, free dessert,
etc. Make it good for one month, provided they bring the letter with them.
Set up Joint ventures with local artists whose works fit your restaurant decor. Display
their wares on your walls and offer them for sale (and, coincidentally, decorate your
restaurant for free).
Needless to say, mall your Ilst frequently, testing all types of offers, Then test other Ilsts local residents, special groups (such as 'Dentist's Special' or a 'Lawyer's Special').
Remember - collect names and addresses, ask for the business. and offer a strong
Inducement. You'll run rings around your competitors.


If your product Is no better or worse than your competitor's, and your prices are about
the same, then the best thing you can do is help your customers make more money.
Give them Ideas on how to make their advertisIng more effective; how to service theIr
customers; how to capture theIr customer names and render a noble service to theIr
customers; how to work the back-end for repeat busIness. Your USP becomes the
valuable and unselfish service you render In improving your clients' busIness.

Ifyou're selllng a franchise, test different headllnes and specific offers. Process the leads
Immediately. Mall follow-up material by first-class mall. If your incidence of franchise
success is high, then offer a guarantee that If they're not satisfied with their level of
success after, say, six months of concentrated effort, then you'll take back all unsold
Inventory and refund theIr full franchise fee. What a USP!
Also, go to all your active competitors and offer them a flat fee or a percentage of profit
for all the leads they can't convert, after they've mailed their last follow-up piece. By the
way, 5% to 10% conversIon Is good In this business, so you'll have plenty ofleads to work
with from people Interested In franchises. Your offer may push a hot button that your
competitors didn't push!


Hold a drawing for 'Free Flowers For A Year - A $200 Value' in order to capture names
and addresses of your customers. GIve the winner a specIal arrangement that's
appropriate for each holiday. birthday, annIversary, spouse's birthday. and other specIal
occasIons. On the drawing card, have each customer gIve the dates of these special
occasIons. Then send a personalized letter ten days before each occasIon, remincUng
them of it and making a special offer so they buy theIr flowers from you.
Here's a way to lock In dozens of customers and produce tons of front-end cash: Offer
your customers a reduced rate on all the flowers they buy If they'll pay In advance for
them now (or In quarterly Installments on theIr credit card). Your pItch would go
something like this: The price of flowers Is goIng up all the time. A year from now, a


dozen roses may cost 50% more than they do now, There's nothing we can do about
that, but here's a way you can avoid those price increases and still get the fine quality
fiowers you've come to expect from our shop, Simply pay us "in advance" for the fiowers
you expect to buy during the coming year, We'll even sell them to you below today's
current prices, so you're actually getting a double savings!'
Then add some rationale for why you're doing this, such as: We're going to expand our
store and make a ton of new renovations that we've been wanting to do for a long time
but didn't have the money for. With this prepayment plan, we'll be able to generate the
capital we need without having to take out a loan and pay all that interest. We're
therefore willing to give you an enormous price savings on all the flowers you buy, and
we're more than happy to pass the savings on to you since we won't have to make
payments on a loan from the bank.'
This can work for any kind of business in which the customer's future purchases are
more or less predictable. After all, a sale today is worth two sales next month - and who
couldn't use an enormous increase in cash flow? Be sure to use the rationale to explain
why you're making such an incredible offer. Don't make it sound like you're hurting,
though, or people will be reluctant to give you their money for the future.


Just about every marketing principle I teach can be applied to an office supply store, It's
a veritable gold mine of profits if approached properly.
The absolute first thing you should do is capture your customer's names and addresses,
Almost none of the office supply stores I've ever been in do this, They Just take your
money over the counter and that's it. Once you get your list together, mail special offers
to those customers. Remember - your current customers are your best prospects for
future business. Before you try to get a new customer, sell to an existing customer first.
When you're ready to do some 'prospecting' to find new customers, the most effective
medium is direct mail to smaller businesses in your market area. Offer a free calendar
or paper clip holder to anyone who comes In by a certain date, Hire people to give free
delivery on regular routes to area businesses for 10% to 15% commission. Use eight to
twelve pages catalogs for your customer list, with advance notices of special offers. Set
up Joint ventures with a local print shop to mail to each other's list.
Reread the Quick-Print Shop example, Try using the same young men and women to
pick up and deliver for both you and the printer.
By 'piggybacking' your distribution, you'll help ensure more loyal, prosperous employees,
since they'll make more money doing 'double duty' for both of you.


Mail to your local area, offering free samples of your 'homemade' apple pie or cheesecake.
Set up a free drawing for a special cake, a dozen of their favorite donuts every week for
a year, or whatever. Use a huge sign in high-traffic locations to announce 'Free
Cheesecake' to stop traffic and pull in the crowds. Capture names, addresses, and
birthdays of all family members. Send a letter with a special birthday cake offer. Give


special offers for weddings, graduations, catered parties, etc. You'll be amazed at the
amount of front-end traffic this wlll bring you. If you deliver quality goods, they'll come
back again and again.


Offer the first month of service for free. If they're not delighted, they don't pay. If you
perform well, they agree to a year's service In advance. Again, you're bulldlng cash flow.
Start working on renewals three to six months before the service expires. Offer special
rates for advance renewals. Mail special offers to new busIness start-up (look In the
newspaper for DBA's) and professIonals of all kinds In your area. Ask the local office
supply store to send an endorsement letter to theIr customers, recommending that If
anyone needs a good answering service, they should hire you.


In hlgh-trafflc locations such as malls, have your cutest puppies or kittens un display
where they'll stop traffic. (You'd be surprIsed how many pet shops Just throw any old
thIng Into the front window, and sometlmes nothing at all. I'd stock 'cute pupples'
continuously Just to bring In traffic!) Whenever some exotic or unusual animal arrives,
give It a name, a story, and a persona. If you can get an especially talkative parrot or
a smart dog that does Incredible tricks, make It your store's main attraction. Then offer
free classes on how to teach bIrds to talk. how to teach dogs to do tricks, how to handle
snakes, etc.
Go to a good direct-mall list broker and ask for help In getting a list of animal lovers In
your area. These names can be obtalned from magazine subscription lists, animalprotection donor and membership lists, and membership lists of anlmal show clubs.
Your local veterinarians are also a good source of names. Send a direct-mall letter
offering free products that everyone would love to have. (See the grocery store example
above.) Ask each customer what his or her Interests are - exotic fish, birds. certaIn
breeds of dogs or cats. etc. - and store thIs In your database of your computer so that you
can segment your list and make speclal offers to each particular group. For Instance,
you can mall special notices when somethIng comes In you think they'Il llke.
Much as with the florist example above, offer a year's supply of dog food, bIrd seed, etc.
for a reduced rate for advance payment.


Offer an entire year of professional services for a flat advance fee - tax planning, Informal
or formal audit, etc. Offer free consultation to custom-design a plan to your customers'
special needs from an entire menu of your available services. Mall out regular
newsletters, explaJnJng the latest wrinkle In the tax laws and how It affects them, and
making a speclflc offer or recommendation. GIve good books on Investing - or any topics
related to the business of living - Just to build goodwill. Don't forget to set up reciprocal
endorsements with kindred professionals, either on a name-for-name basts or for a
percentage of profit.


Mail to local resident Itsts, offering a free dry cleaning for first-time customers to get
them acclimated. Offer a year's unlJrnited dry cleaning with a stipulated maximum
number of gannents for a one-time advance payment. Set up Joint ventures with
clothiers whereby they can offer your services to customers at a reduced rate, or an
introductory free month's dry cleaning, as an inducement to buy a certain minimum
dollar value of suits, dresses, etc. Or you can set up a simple reciprocal endorsement.
(Reread the Clothiers example.)

Mail to local residents and subscribers to such magazines as Bon Appetit, offering a
bottle of wine every week for the next 52 weeks for an advance payment now, adding a
set of wine glasses, a corkscrew, and an Ice bucket. Also test a Wine Lovers Clu b.' where
they get invitations to free wine tastings which you host. either at local restaurants (jotnt
venture), private homes, etc.
You can also make your 'Bottle of Wine a Week' offer an educational and cultural
experience by having a wine expert (or yourself. if you are one) write a description of each
different wine, extolling its virtues, its history, suggesting what foods to use it with, etc.


Your competitors probably come out on a call. repair the unit. and go away.
customer never hears from them again.


You should call your customer the next day to be sure the job was done right. Send a
warm, personal Thank you for choosing my company' note, reminding them of your
commitment to follow up on every job, your 100% guarantee on all repair work, etc. Also,
offer 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week service. Explain how there is no extra charge for
weekend or hoUday service. Offer twice-a-year. complete maintenance checks absolutely
This will help your business because it shows your concern and gives the customer peace
of mind. Also, it locates potential problems before they tum into expensive, inconvenient
emergencies. Early detection for preventive maintenance will generate more than enough
money in scheduled repair charges to pay many times for the cost of the 'no charge' free
maintenance checks.

Most agencies are content to run the same old ads, collect their 15% commission, and
leave it at that. But you can build a money machine by engineering a PI (per Inquiry)
deal for a percentage of the profit, by using direct-response advertising, speclflc
irresistible offers, testing your headlines. engineering joint ventures, and applying my
marketing concepts. You can tum your advertising agency into a 'marketing agency.'


One MD I consulted with specialized in treating chronic head and facial paln. He had a
90% success rate In relieving symptoms. but almost no way to get new patients except
through referrals from other doctors. And most were reluctant to admit their Inability
to treat hard-to-diagnose conditions.
I suggested writing a booklet explaining how to relieve chronic 'untreatable' pain. which
he would give to doctors for theIr waiting rooms. If you're In a similar situation, you can
advertise the booklet on radio and In newspapers, and through PI deals as a lead
generator. Follow up with mailings and phone calls to booklet buyers offering free
seminars on how to deal with neck. joint. and facial pain. You'll produce an endless
stream of new patients through hands-on demonstrations. To enhance your credibility,
produce articles for trade and consumer publications, and offer to appear on 1V and
radio talk shows. Through this Increased exposure, you will undoubtedly increase your
patient base.

Get all your patients listed on a computer. Mail twice a year, asking directly for referrals
- explaining that referrals are the only legItimate, effective means by which you can
maintain growth In your practice. Also, mail to Inactive patients, asking what you can
do to help them. Send Christmas cards, birthday cards, handwritten notes after visits,
etc. Make them feel they're special and that you appreciate them as people, not just for
their money or the business they bring you.
Mail to all current patients, extolling some great Item you have just come across (a great
novel, for example) which you are giving to them as a free gift. As an aside, of course, ask
them to keep in touch for preventive dentistry, and to refer their friends to you.


Approach employment agencies and offer to set up resume-writing services In-house, at
no risk to them, and they get 25% of the profit. Many agencies get people in the door
whom they can't place, orwho are not presentable, or whatever. You can show them how
to capture that market and make money while helping the Job hunters make themselves
more marketable with a powerful resume.
Also, advertise resume writing by mail. Test the Wall Street Journal, Ad Week, the help
wanted sections of metropolitan newspapers, etc. Write a book on The 100 Best
Resumes We've Ever Seen,' and offer the book by mail, through employment agencies,
and even through conventional bookstore channels.

Assuming prescriptions and prices are all about the same, one powerful USP would be
free delivery wtthln a mile radius, and $2 outside the radius. Mail to local lists offering
free delivery. If you're in a chain store or supermarket, Joint venture with the main
company so that you both use the delivery service.
Here are three examples - not of businesses - but of groups of people who could make
good use of the marketing principles I teach:



Retirees can take the techniques I teach and approach all sorts of businesses that have
assets they are not redeploying - customer names they don't mall; goodwill relationships
that could be Joint ventured with somebody else; sales closing techniques; sales
solicitation and promotional techniques; advertising concepts, copy, and campaigns;
production techniques. etc. With no Investment except your time. you can act as an
Intermedlary to acquire the rights for yourself and then joint venture with somebody else.
Or you can act as a broker on behalf of businesses. bringing them deals for 20% to 25%
of the profits you bring to the business,
If you have money to Invest, you can go to these same companies and offer to put up the
minimum amount of money necessary to test a customer 1Jst on a jolnt venture, with you
getting 50% of all the profit. You can make a plle of money if you only stalk companies
that are so favorably disposed to my concepts that It's about a 90% setup - companies
with names they've never mailed. and so on. If you never risk more than about $1,000
per transaction, your potential downside risk Is never more than a few hundred dollars,
but the upside potential Is 20,OOO%!!! If you do three or four deals per year, how would
that change your llfe?


PresumIng you're competent, presumIng your job Is not In jeopardy, and presurnlng you
understand how to apply my concepts, your advantage here Is the speclflc knowledge you
have about your company's untapped assets and how they can be redeployed.
Go to your employer with the following posture: "I have aspIrations to be an
entrepreneur, but I really love this company and I'd really like to grow with It. If there's
no established procedure, I'd like to ask the following. If I can come up with business
adjuncts that we're not Involved In and not planning to be Involved In, and that will
augment rather than supplement anything we're Involved In, and if I am willing to finance
all the activities myself and I am willIng to expend my own time, and if It requIres any
other personnel I am willing to engage that personnel.would you allow me to have 50%
of the profit the new project brings to the company - forever - with the understanding
that if I ever leave the company, you have the right to buy It out from me at an agreedupon price?'
You may want to settle for 25% for five years and then sell out, and give the company
complete edltortal control and approval of what you're doIng. If the company doesn't
want to buy you out, then you want the right to compete with them in a sirnllar endeavor
if you ever leave the company. It's a power approach that could net you more In profits
than your regular salary!


Entrepreneurs must understand that my marketing leverage techniques are desIgned to

increase the velocity of cash flow and direct more of it Into the hands of the person
applying the techniques.
You can buy companies that are stodgy but marketing-acute for little or no money down,


or else option those same companies - contingent on certain specific performance.

During the option period, you can try three or four of my concepts to revalidate that they
will work for you In this business. If they work, then you can exercise your option, buy
the business, use the enhanced cash flow from applying my techniques to service all the
debt, Increase the volume of sales and profit, then sell the business a year later at a
profound profit.
Another approach Is 'Concept Brokerlng'. You can sell or license these concepts within
your industry or in kindred industries, that either make or save people money, for a
percentage of the increased profit. Or, you can hire people to do the brokering for you,
train them In my techniques, and split your profits with them. Can you see the
possibilities here?

Let's stop here. We've applied my marketing concepts to several dozen different types of
businesses. Do you see how It Is all done? Let me give you an analogy. Thlnk of an
accomplished musician. To become a virtuoso, he must master the notes of the scale.
Then he learns which combination of notes (chords) sound good together. Then he adds
nuances such as varying volume, tones, and accents. Then he simply combines and
recombines all the basic elements of music into countless creative variations, to the
delight of his listeners.
As a budding 'marketing genius,' your task is to combine and recombine the basic
marketing concepts I've taught you into new and creative applications to your speclfic
business. Most of the concepts work beautifully and harmoniously In combination with
one another. By testing everything and using what works on a continuing basis, you can
create a money machine that Just won't qutt!"



Chapter 19

This chapter includes some of Jay Abraham's more complex concepts. Nobody
expects you to plunge right in and put everything he teaches you to immediate use.
However, by starting modestly you can ultimately master these techniques.
''If you've developed advertising. promotion. merchandlstng. sales pitches or inventorycontrol techniques that are superior to the norm in the industry, you should be able to
sell a license to hundreds of related and unrelated firms. It only requires the ability to
market an intangible (your concept) and imbue it with the perception of value.

I've resold early renewal concepts over and over again, earning over $300.000 for the
same one. I've licensed old ads for $15,000 plus a royalty. I've resold mailing pieces for
variable fees and earned $30,000 In found money. I've bought ads for $1,000 and resold
them for $10.000.
What can you sell for a fee plus a percentage of the profits. or sales or savings?
Here's an lIIustration of how to license your own concepts -- advertising upselling
techniques. cost saving ideas. whatever. You go to Mr. Business Owner:
'1 have an advertising technique that will out-produce the one you are currently using by
20%-30%. I'll let you use it for a fee that is much less than the amount it will make you
in profits and you only have to pay me the fee after the technique has proven itself.'

You need to take a different viewpoint on what your assets are when employing this
"Besides the more obvious assets such as personnel or your customer list. you also have
ads you no longer use. techniques you have mastered. ideas for productivity. cost-saving
or sales strategies that you can license and sell to other people.
Your obvious assets are on your balance sheet; your building, land. machinery and
equipment, vehicles. inventory. materials. cash in the bank, receivables. etc. But to get
ahead. focus on the 'hidden' assets that you have: your customers (active and inactive).
your prospects (whether you identify them individually or not). your sales resources -a field sales force, an inside telephone sales force. sales clerks -- and your advertising.
You probably have a strong 'franchise' -- the image or position your company has in the
marketplace. Other intangible 'assets' include relationships you've cultivated with
important customers. perhaps the ironclad hold your company has on the biggest
department. These relationships probably took years to cultivate and solidify.
Equally as valuable are strong relationships with vendors. suppliers or advertising medla.
Other assets you've probably failed to identify include proprietary techniques you have
used successfully to build your business. These include methods of closing sales and of
solicitation, promotional techniques, advertising concepts, copy, campaigns, and special
packaging of product or services in unique formats that are more profitable or appealing
than those used by competitors. Even more abstract. but equally valuable, are key
employees, salespecple, manufacturing and service managers.

All these overlooked assets can be turned Into real cash flow. year after year and that
cash flow can come from d1rectlons you never thought of. Just by recognizing you have
these type of abstract assets will give you new Ideas to make money."
Here's a twist wherein you educate others on Jay Abraham's concepts,
"If you are self-employed, unemployed, or retired, take the marketing ideas you learn
from me to the most likely business prospects in your area. Before revealing any of these
ideas, ask them:
'If I bring you a dollar you never before had, will you give me back a quarter?'

Almost any business will accept that concept. Have them sign a simple 'non-competitive,'
confidential 'Intellectual Property Agreement,' acknowledging that these ideas are your
property, and that as long as they use your ideas they will pay you X% of the gross.
After getting the signed agreement, reveal the ideas and implement them. It'll take a few
weeks or months before you see the money rollin, but if you apply a few of my ideas, you
should make tens of thousands of dollars.
If you work for someone else, Identify specific techniques and marketing concepts that
could be appUed to your current employer. Once you've identified the most appropriate
concepts, tell your employer you'd Uke to set up a separate profit center on your own time
to apply these techniques. Ask for either a percentage of the gross sales, the gross profit,
or the net profit, for initiating and managing the profit center. If you do it on your own
time, you can ask for a percentage on top of your salary."

Jay goes beyond marketing your own ideas or his ideas to marketing someone elses
ideas, All of these ideas are selling knowledge for a fee,
"Find what other people are doing right -- and teach businesspeople how to copy them.
There are a lot of ways to Ucense other business owners' techniques and 'rellcense' them
to other businesses in noncompeting markets, even in entirely different industries, and
make a lot of money. The easiest technique is to Ucense something you already know you
want from somebody.
For example, if a business owner has a technique or a procedure that you're interested
In. Simply approach the business owner and say:
'Mr. Business Owner, I'm really impressed with the way you do this. I would venture to
say that you probably are 100% more profitable, using this procedure than most others
In your Industry. In fact, the same techniques would probably apply equally as well to
related Industries.
'It's wonderful that you've got this technique, but beyond your business here In Des
Moines, the probablllty of you ever using it anywhere else In the United States Is remote.
I think I could persuade thousands of businesses outside your area to pay a usage fee
for the privilege of adopting your technique. After all, why wouldn't they pay if It makes
them a lot of money?'
To actually Ucense business concepts, try this pitch:


'I want to license your concept and sell It to the marketplace. I'm going to put up my own
time. my effort. the telephone. the travel. the expense. the postage and the advertising.
[ want to give you 25 cents out of every dollar I make. as long as the llcensees continue
to use the concept.
'If [ am right. It Is possible I can make you more Income In royalty payments than you

could make In your business. [would llke to arrange a llcenslng agreement. I'll tell you
In advance who I'm proposing a llcense to. so you have to agree with each one."
In the following interview Jay teaches a real estste agent how to make use of her
knowledge to educate others as a way to gain leads or for a fee.
"Allee has been in real estate for many years. She was ready for a change. but dldri't
know what to do next. In this consultation. I showed her several ways to capltallze on
the knowledge she already had. As you read this transcript. be thinking of ways to do
the same thing with the knowledge you already have. Properly presented. that knowledge
could be worth a fortune to other businesses.
Jay: I read your material and I have a couple of questions. Give me just about a three
minute background on yourself. Help me to understand what you want most.
Allee: I'm currently working for a developer. Our city Is pretty depressed and he Is no
longer able to afford my services.
O.K.. you have been actively involved In development. contracting. and
Allee: That's correct. for the last eight years. Before that I was in real estate property
management. principally condominiums. And before that I was a secretary.
Jay: The condo markets collapsed too?
Allee: All real estate has collapsed here.
Jay: You are now llcensed to be either a broker or sales person?
Allee: Yes. [ am a broker so I could go solo.
Jay: Would you go into residential. commercial. or both?
Allee: It would probably be residential.
Jay: What you sent me were a lot of ads for foreclosure properties.
Allee: Yes. That company in the ad Is a mortgage guarantee insurance corporation who
ended up with a lot of property.
Jay: When they list a foreclosure property. are they steadfast In the asking price or is
there flexlbillty?
Allee: There is a lot of flexibllity.
Jay: I'm looking at an ad where they're asking $68.000. Might that house sell for a lot
less or is that a firm price?

Alice: It could and we have sold items like that for $35-40,000.
Jay: It depends on how desperate they are to get rid of it.
Alice: They're pretty desperate right now.
Jay: O.K., is there anybody that specializes in foreclosures trying to teach the buyers
how to capItalize on foreclosures? I'm talkJng about people who are 100kJng for prospects,
but are also trying to teach them. In other words, 'If you're 100kJng for a foreclosure to
buy, here are twenty ways you can improve your chances of getting the deal of a lifetime.'
Is anyone doIng anything like that?
Alice: Not to my knowledge.
Jay: What if I set up an arrangement where you run ads, put on seminars where you
address groups of people 100kJng to buy houses and teach them how to take advantage
of foreclosures? Is that something you can do comfortably or is that something out of
Alice: I'm very Intelligent and I'm very organized and I would have no problem organizing
a seminar like that.
Jay: I try to teach people to disseminate valuable and useful knowledge that can be so
appealing and profitable that if somebody is wIlling to give that knowledge free wtthcu t
obligation they must be incredibly valuable to advise and work with.
Would you have the knowledge to put together a two-hour or 90-minute seminar on the
subject: 'How to take advantage of foreclosure properties. When a price is negotiable ...
when to make offers ... How to feel people out... How to know which properties could
conceivably sell for half the listing price'? You want fascinating and appealing specific
how-to information about purchasing foreclosed properly.
My first recommendation to you is what I think your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
should be: 'If you're goIng to buy a foreclosed properly for $49,500, you should know
that you might be able to get it for $25,500. I'm going to put on a seminar. And I'm
goIng to teach you twenty ways to enhance the deal you get when buying a foreclosed or
repossessed home.'
You would either run ads or you would mail letters out. depending on the financial
dynamics. You indicated you could afford to put capital in, but the question Is do you
need to? If you go to a big realtor who has more to gain than you and you say, 'Look, I'll
put together the promotional concept if you front the advertising, and the advertising
costs will come off my comrnlssions.' do you think that anyone would do that?
Alice: Sure. you bet.
Jay: I'm a great believer in going to people that have more to gain than you do. In other
words, a real estate firm that's got a 10,000 square foot office and an overhead of 82030,000 a month and maybe hurting has more to gain by you being successful than you
do. By that I mean if you can get them to advance or share the cost of running retail ads
to promote seminars-- that would be wonderful, wouldn't it?
Alice: Yes, and in fact, one of the largest ones in town already has a full real estate

school where they put on a number of things.

Jay: Do you have skillin advertisIng and marketing?
Allee: No.
Jay: You have to come up with a program that can be repeated and spans the market
for prospects. You seek to Identify people who want to buy a home who have decided
they want a foreclosed property and don't really know the different ways to bring the
selling price down.
In your ad. you want to have a headline such as: 'How to reduce the price you pay for
any foreclosed property:
The copy would say: 'Foreclosure specialist, Allee E. Jones, will hold a gO-minute
seminar for serious buyers interested in snapping up values on foreclosed properties.
The seminar will reveal proven but overlooked ways to dramatically reduce the final
selling price.' Then you include bullets that list provocative items that you will reveal at
this seminar that are genuinely enticing. For example, 'How to tell which properties have
the most price flexibility (a ten-potnt strategy):
Then at the end you list twenty different provocative topics or subjects or fascinating
negotiating technIques you will reveal at the sernlnar. plus you offer to talk about ten
actual case study examples of where this paid off at 50% of the asking price.
You can't promise that that wJll happen on every house they buy, but you can tell them
that by being armed with this material and by letting you represent them In search of
their desired house, the odds are good that you'll help them effect an incredible buy far
below asking price on a wonderful foreclosed home.
Then you tell them in the ad, that attendance is strictly by reservation. There is no
obligation, and it will cost nothing to attend. You tell them about your services and the
reason you're willing to give them this education is that once they get the knowledge they
realize that by letting the right person represent them, they can reduce their purchase
price by 20-50%.
For that reason, you're willing to buy them a ticket or buy them attendance at the
seminar. But they must call in advance, and when they call you get a lot of information
about them: name, spouse. market price they're looking for, and a little bit about their
background so you see how strong they are financially. That's an approach and it could
be a very powerful one. Does that stimulate your thoughts a little bit?
Allee: Yes.
Jay: I want to suggest something about experimentation, testing, and letting the market
tell you what the customer really wants and not trying to tell them. I urge that you don't
put all your effort on one approach, because the marketplace is flukey. Sometimes one
headline will out-produce another ten times over. What you and I might think is great,
the market doesn't, and all you can do is experiment with it. You've got to try a lot of
small conservative tests before you spend much money. That's why I strongly urge you
to come up with all sorts of approaches.
Let's say you're wtlltng to spend $10,000-$15,000 yourself to go to a big real estate firm


and make the following proposition: you want them to underwrite the ads 50% paid by
them, 500A> by you. If they won't do that offer to treat It as a draw against commission.
The deal Is they agree that all attendants go to you first and If you get more than you can
handle, you'll let their people work them as long as you get 50% of the commission.
Allee: When I go In to this real estate firm, and say, This Is what I want to do and this
Is what I want you to do.' How am I going to prevent them from doing It themselves?
Jay: One way Is a simple non-disclosure agreement protecting your Intellectual property
rights. Another Is to approach a firm with a proposition that, 'I have a marketing
technique which I think could prove very valuable and could sell a ton of property. I
would like to explain It to you and make you a proposition, It will cost you nothing If It
doesn't work, However, before I reveal It to you, I want you to warrant to me that If
you're not doing It. then you will only do It through me.' Somebody will accept that.
If they're afraid to sign, I wouldn't present It. If they're wtlllng to sign, then you present
the Idea. A lot of people would say that they've already been thinking about doing
seminars. You must show them It's a specific kind of seminar designed to show people
how to buy foreclosed properties. The headline might say Why pay $50,000 for a
$100,000 house when you might be able to get the same house for $35,OOO?" That's a
powerful approach, don't you think?
Allee: Yes, It Is.
Jay: Yes, It Is, and you know how to do It. So you go to them and you tell them that It's
alarmingly simple, but It's not being done. You tell them, 'Every week I want to run an
ad for a Saturday or Sunday or evening seminar, I'll put all the dollars together, I'll
prepare the material for distribution.' Give them enough Information to titillate them but
don't give them so much that they can do It on their own. Tell them, We have enough
knowledge to save people as much as 50% on the acqulsttton price, and It's highly
probable that we are going to get a bunch of serious buyers to represent.' So with that
as the premise you go to the real estate company.
You tell them again, What I want you to do Is advance the cost of running an ad once a
week. preferably on Saturday or Sunday for four or five weeks.' Tell them you are going
to try four or five different ad approaches looking for the one that gives the most leverage-the one that produces the maxlrnurn yield for the money.
In other words, one approach may draw 200 people, but they may only be 'lookle-Ioos'
and you may get one sale. Another may only bring fifty. but 35 are serious Investors who
are looking to buy a home. So you want to experiment with different headlines, different
size offers, different seminar titles to see which produces attendees and conversions.
You want them to guarantee to do It five or six times. They, being the real estate
company, front the cost of the ads. They furnish you with a space so you don't have to
do It at a hotel. You do It at your office (If they have an adequate conference room). You
accrue against them as' a debit either 100% or 50% (whatever you can negotiate) of the
cost of the ads. You will be responsible for paying that cost out of your Side of the
commissions for every house you sell and If you don't pay all the cumulative costs of
running those ads In the course of six or nine months, you will make good the difference.
So they have nothing to lose. It's not Just an oral agreement.


You're willing to basically let them access your concept at no risk on their part. Yes, they
have to advance the money but they're going to do promotions anyhow on behalf of their
salesmen and properties. They may as well do this as part of It. Because If you're right,
within a month It will evidence to them that you brought In Incredible quantities of
qualilled buyers and you can keep doing it every week.
Allee: Should I have control over the advertising?
Jay: You collaborate. You tell them that they will have editorial approval to assure that
the content Is legal, ethical, and accurate. You've got to make sure you have great
headlines--great, provocative, and benefit-filled headllnes-va series of bullets, a rationale
of why you're doing It. And you must direct them to action.
You have attendance strictly by reservation. They've got to call In advance to get their
name approved. lf they can't attend, they can get a transcript, provided that they give
you certain kinds of information about themselves so you know they're qualilled.
lf everybody already wants to buy foreclosed property, you must be the one person who
says, Yes, you can buy foreclosed property better than market price but how would you
like to buy below that? There are techniques that can get you values that are 10-500/0
iess and you can reduce your interest cost by another 200/0 and you can get longer terms.
You would be a fool not to buy from us because we can teach you and guide you and
advise you on ways to save tens of thousands of dollars.'
People are delighted to get a good deal. But why should they be satisfied with just a good
deal if you can save them another $10,000 on interest or points and all that? 'Our goal
is not to get you the most expensive house but to get you the very best aggregate on
purchase, price-reduction, financing, and terms.' That's a very powerful approach.
The headline could say, 'Why buy a $100,000 house foreclosure for $50,000 when we can
teach you how to buy it for $35,000 and maybe save you another $10,000 on the
financing?' That's a very powerful approach."

The education of customers can be turned into a money-making opportunity in

itself, Seminars, reports, books or even products useful to a specific business can
be sold in conjunction with your main business, These are the ancillary or back-end
opportunities Jay always talks about.
"Are any of your competitors offering free expert knowledge to prospective customers?
If none of them are, why not become the one to do it?
Think of all the things you know that could help a prospect make a good buying decision.
Then create a seminar or a booklet or a telephone 'hotllne' that tells people how they can
save money. time, or effort in buying and using your kind of product or service.
People appreciate being educated, and you'll be surprised at all the business this can
bring you.
At the same time, make a list of all the things you've learned through your own
experience that could help another, non-competing company in your industry. Offer to
teach other companies what you know, and get them to agree to give you a percentage
of the added profit. savings, etc. that your methods bring them.


The fact Is, most business people own a huge amount of 'Intellectual property' that can
be turned Into profit.
Another approach Is to put on a seminar with very focused subject matter and sell
expensive, or relatively expensive tickets to It -- say $395. At a higher price, you know
you'll only get a very small number of attendees, but those who do attend will be
supremely Interested In the subject matter, and they will be as attentive as can be for the
two or three or six days you're holding the seminar.
During that period, they'll actually be paying for the privilege of being solicited. The
biggest benefit of doing seminars Is that you get to keep the attendees' names.
An additional approach Is to offer free seminars that last anywhere from ninety minutes
to three hours, and put them on at multiple locations if you're In a big city, or in multiple
cities if you're conducting them nationally.
Make a tape or a transcribed version available for a fee to people who can't attend. You
want a device that will maximize appeal and response from qualified people.
My recommended seminar approach Is an Invitation to spend three-and-a-half Intense
days (or two-and-a-half Intense hours) with a famous expert speaking on the seminar's
First and foremost explain that person's credentials. You can say:
'Mr. So-and-So may very well be the most knowledgeable expert on exporting In all
America. He's studied under this, under that. He travels the world consulting. He
charges several hundred dollars an hour, several thousand dollars a day, and even then
he's booked solid for the next two years In his 1Im1ted consulting schedule.
'He's consented to spend two-and-a-half days with an Intimate group of serious
participants for the purpose of discussing the most overlooked subjects In exporting.
A few of the more Interesting topics he has agreed to explain and thoroughly discuss

* Topic A
* Topic B
* Topic C
In addition to that he has agreed to spend at the very least a full, solid hour on:

* Topic X
* Topic Y
* Topic Z
'Finally, at the end of the session he has agreed to set aside at least ninety minutes for
not only questions and answers, but to illustrate precise techniques. He'll also be
distributing exact blueprint documentations of his process.
The price to attend is $495 per person; $695 for two from the same company. It's strictly

limlted to a maximum of 40 people. In order to attend you have to be a certified

operations person at a company doing a mlnlmum of $10,000,000.
We think It's 1rnportant to Insure that It will be worth your while. If for any reason you
don't get $700 worth of value at the end of the first three hours, we wlII return your
uncashed check or charge-card slip.
'Attendance Is strictly by reservation only. You cannot get a seat the day of the event
unless you have registered ahead of time and the seat IS reserved for you. The number
to call Is 1(800)777-7777.'
Another approach for a s1rnple down-and-dirty sern1nar Is to offer a free gO-minute, 'howto' seminar.
It's got to be provocative, and the headline has to offer a colorful prorn1se of a big result
that an attendee would realize by corning to the sern1nar. It should 1rnply that the
seminar wlII enrich the attendee (enrichment meaning flrianclal. knowledge, savings,
prestige). EstabI1sh the credibility and qualifications of the seminar before you talk about
what the seminar's going to entail.
Seminars are wonderful vehicles for three reasons: 1) They estabI1sh your company's
credtbillty: 2) They 1rnpact people; and 3) You get all to yourself people who pay to sit In
on a concentrated, fully attentive environment.
By presenting your thoughts and your knowledge on a subject via a seminar, you'll end
up creating (If you record and transcribe It) promotional collateral material you can send
out all the time. In other words, a good seminar could end up creating three or four
different types of collateral material that you couldn't create If you hired $10,000 worth
of experts to write It for you."

Jay argues that you have to develop the ability to see these opportunities.
'There Is one critical aspect of marketing that far too many people still have yet to
understand. That Is the abil1ty to perceive a situation or asset as an opportunity. By
cultivating a new perspective you can view every marketing opportunity as a chance to
profit handsomely.
In order for you to capitalize on an opportunity. you pay the person that has control of
the opportunity you wish to exploit. That consideration Is more than the possessor of
that opportunity would have otherwise made.
I look at every facet of someone else's business. I read newspapers and magazines
looking at the ads for marketing concepts or services with a new application In a different
field. I look at how many customer and prospect names that advertiser might have to sell
related products to or to license other people.
I make notes and cI1p out examples. I send out hundreds of provocative, exploratory-type
letters. I make many probing telephone calls to see what assets I can tie up.
I once met a man who had a business that generated thousands of customer and
prospect names he used only once. Afterwards, he literally threw them away. I tied up
a 50/50 deal with hlrn to exploit those names after he was done with them. I put the I1st
In the hands of a I1st broker who put It on the rental market. That transaction took 15

minutes and cost me $5 In telephone fees. So far. I've earned over $38.000 as my share
of list Income.
Another time I saw a copy of a magazine with an ad I thought would fit perfectly for one
of my client's projects. I called the original advertiser. found out that they no longer ran
the ad. made a deal to license the ad for $500 a quarter and licensed the same ad to my
client on a percentage deal. payable only if It made the advertiser a profit. I earned nearly
$60.000. pald the original creator of the ad $2.000. and spent less than one day on the
Another time. I found a company doing a unique sampling service of publications that
no one else In the country knew about. I tied up -- for absolutely no upfront cost -rights to use this service as an advertising premium. paying the provider of the service
just $1 per order generated. I then turned around and 'packaged' the service as a
valuable purchase bonus for two of my client's advertlstng offers. and In the first three
months of tests. those ads generated 26.000 orders for the service. Remember -- I had
to pay just $1 per order for the service. but I charged my client $5 per order.
One time. I was Involved with a group of people who put on trade shows. I provided
consulting services In exchange for a fee plus free booth space. I found a group of
publishers who wanted to display at these shows. but didn't want to pay the $10.000
exhlbtt fee. I traded my bartered exhlblt space to the publishers for a load of books they
had published. I then sold the books to a magazine In trade for $20.000 worth of ad
space which I. In tum. sold to a client for $10.000. The client was elated that he got the
advertlsmg for half price. and I essentially made an extra $10.000 for the original
consulting work I had done.
Still another time. I bought the rights to reactivate expired subscribers from a number
of companies In the subscription field. Then I sold off my rights to people who specialized
In reactivation for 50%. All I had to pay the newsletter people was 20%. Just for
acquIring the rights and knowing how to structure the deal. I made over $100.000.
Remember the scene from Tom Sawyer when Tom got everyone else to paint the fence for
htrn. If everyone you Involve In the deal Is happy why should anyone care if you earn ten
times more than everyone else?
In 1978 I worked for Entrepreneur Newsletter (which became Entrepreneur MagazIne).
Back then. we had trouble selling this expensive 'business opportunity' newsletter by
mail. The newsletter came out once a month. and every month It featured one or two 15
or 20-page features chronicling new and promIsIng business opportunlttes, which we
thoroughly analyzed and evaluated.
Once an Issue was out. the publishers did nothing with It. That Is until we got Involved.
I realized that once the Issue was published. we could take the two overview articles and
by adding 10-20 pages of boller-plate material (e.g.. general start-up-type Information any
aspiring entrepreneur should know). we could convert these articles Into full-fledged.
'start-up' manuals that could be sold for $24.95 each.
That one solution of converting old articles Into 'start-up' manuals turned a struggling
little business Into a $20 mlllton-a-year market leader. which sold over 500.000 separate
A few years ago. I acquired the rights to the tapes of an Investment seminar. No one buys

these tapes after two or three months pass, so you can acquire the lights for almost
nothing. After I acquired the lights, I sent the tape out to a typist to transcribe them.
Then I sat down and wrote a promotional piece based on the concept of looking
backwards to see actually how well an investment advisor's advice had panned out. My
promotion was based on the assumption that a lot of people would not have paid the
$2,000 it would have cost them to attend, but that people were interested in how the
expert's advice proved out.
I suggested that by reviewing the recommendations you could now (six to twelve months
later) track performance and determine whether you wanted to subscribe to the advisor's
newsletter. We sold something like 100,000 total transcripts at $39.99 each, and net of
expenses and royalties. made a half million dollars -- merely by identlf'ylng an innovative
twist on an overlooked asset.
We used to also make deals with publishers of out-of-print books that were
fundamentally timeless -- business, moneymaking. or investment information -- and
acquIre rights to republish them as dramatically condensed 'Special Situation Reports'.
Typically, we'd find a nice, readable and genurnely useful book on a given subject, say
option investing. that didn't sell well enough to succeed in book form. We'd acquire
rights then. I'd pay an editor $1,000 to edit a 200-500 page book into a 60-120 page
special report. I'd add a unique bonus to the package and turn around and sell 10,000
to 20,000 of them at $39.99
After interest died down for my special reports or transcripts, I'd sell off rights to
businesses who wanted to offer my reports as bonuses.
A friend of mine spent nearly one year and $40,000 trying to develop a project with a
famous television personality who, for some reason, kept leading him on. Finally to my
friend's disappointment, the deal fell apart. One day he was on the phone telling me
about the deal when he remarked that it really annoyed him that somebody else had
made a deal with the television personality years ago, and wasn't doing 'tlddly' with it.
I suggested to my friend that he contact the other person who already possessed a rights
deal. and propose that my friend acquire it and the rights it contained. He didjust that,
and found out that the rights had possibilities and opportunities the current owner had
done little with. My friend purchased the rights for almost nothing and initiated five new
programming projects for a million dollar profit.
Start looking now at every untapped or distress opportunity you come in contact with as
a chance to develop a new source of income for yourself and your busIness."



Chapter 20

You've read enough of Jay Abraham's marketing strategies that by now you probably
want to begin a marketing campaign of your own. In this chapter Jay will take you
through a marketing campaign from start to finish.
Follow his advice in this chapter and it can make you many times the cost of this
book. Nobody expects you to master all of Jay's concepts through reading a few
chapters. You must master his ideas one at a time. Here in this chapter are his
fundamental concepts presented in a way you cannot help but understand. Apply
oniyone of them to begin with and you can build on that initiative. start small and
grow to a complete understanding of these strategic principles by applying them to
your business.
'The key to a great marketing campaign begins with understanding how the needs of your
prospect relate to your product or service. It's a simple idea, but most business owners
look right past it. Until you can Identify those desires precisely and determine how you
can satisfy those desires, you can't fashion a meaningful campaign. How can you aim
your rifle when you don't know what you are shooting at?
Get a pencl! and pad and ask yourself these questions:
lf I were a prospect getting solicited by my company, what would it take to get my
attention? What promise would I want fulfllled? What needs would I want to have met?
Now ask yourself: What needs and desires are my competitors missing?
At the same time, list all the needs and desires your competitors are satisfying. This
exercise is crucial, because in formulating any successful marketing campaign, you must
focus on that single or composite need fulfillment that your business can perform best - or at the very least, can articulate better than your competitors!
At the same time, by Identlfytng the Unique Selllng Propositions (USP's) that your
competitors have already filled, you can combine or mold those already successfullyproven USP's into a 'hybrid' of super-need fulfillment.
This is your 'big promise' USP that becomes your firm's marketing theme. Accomplishing
this may sound hard, but it's not. Let me reduce it to simple terms. Find what needs
and desires your prospect wants filled. Many of these needs and desires are not even
clearly known by that person. You have to do some digging to find what optimum
fulfillment promise would most satisfy. please, or benefit a given prospect.
Let's say you're developing a marketing campaign for a service business -- a dry cleaner
or a telephone answering service, for instance. Logical questions include:
1. How can I show more interest in my customers than my competition
2. How much more service can I offer than my competitor does?


3. What are my specific added or extended service benefits?

4. When I have used strntlar services from competitors, where have I
been most lmpressed -- or most disappointed? Why?
5. How can I make my customers understand how lmportant they are
to me?
6. How can I persuade them they are being treated with professional
Interest and courtesy?
7. What specific needs should my service fulfill?
Let's make up a hypothetical IJst. If you have a heating and alr-condtttorung repair
service, you might jot down the following:
A. The competition comes out, repairs the unit and goes away -- and Is never heard from
again, unless the customer calls them.
What I can do: 1) Call the customer the next day to be sure the job was done right. 2)
Send a warm, personal 'thank-you' for choosing my company, reminding them of our
commitment to follow up on every job, our 100% guarantee on all repair work, etc.
B. Most air-conditioning and heating repair companles are hard to reach. When you do
get through, you can't get repairs after 5:00 p.m. or on weekends -- just when most air
conditioners and heating units seem to break down.
What I can do: 1) Tell customers about our 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week service.
2) Explain how there Is no extra charge for weekend or holJday service. When you have
no control over the timlng of the breakdown, why should I penalize you?
C. Most air-condtnorung or heating service companies only react -- they come only when
an emergency Is called In.
What I can do: Offer a twtcc-a-year, complete maintenance check absolutely free.
This will help my business because it shows my concern, and gives the customer peace
of mind. Also, It locates potential problems before they tum Into expensive, Inconvenient
If a typical maintenance check has a market value of $50, twice a year Is $100. This
represents a nice complimentary service for the customer. From a practical perspective
you can't possibly lose with this offer, since the odds are good that In a given year almost
every heating or air-condltionlng system will quit. Early detection from preventive
maintenance will generate more than enough money In scheduled repair charges to pay
many times over for the cost of the 'no charge' free maintenance checks.
D. Conventional heating and air-conditioning repair companles come out only to repair
a specific problem, then leave.
What I can do: My repalrpeople, after solving the problem, will stay long enough to check
out other equipment -- at no charge. This lets me detect possible difficulties and correct
them before they, too, tum Into expensive, Inconvenient catastrophes. This should


encourage customer confidence and appreciation.

E. What do my friends, relatives, and acquaintances say about their past experiences
with my competitors' repair services? What Impresses, pleases, or satisfies them?
What I can do: I can Incorporate any and all of their winning approaches Into my own
list of benefits.
Make your clients feel Important.
You could prepare a simple script for all your servicepeople to:
1. Thank the customer for choosing your firm.
2. Tell the customer you will follow up In a day or so to ensure that the
job stays repaired.
3. Explain your free twice-a-year preventative maintenance checks.
4. Mention that the repair Is guaranteed for a full six months.
5. Say that If another emergency arises, you hope they will calion you.
6. Emphasize that If an emergency arises after business hours or on
weekends or holidays. you'll come out promptly and that there Is no
extra charge above your regular weekday rate.
By having a customer service representative follow up, asking questions and reassuring
the customer of your comrn.1tment to them, you'll create friends for life. It takes so Ilttle
effort or expense, yet has such a profound positive Impact, that It's amazing so few take
the time or effort to do it.
Another potentially invaluable 'acknowledgment' strategy Is education. The more people
understand a complex, Intirn1dating, or confusing subject, the more they will trust those
who educate and clarify things for them.
Here's a nice little letter to a repair customer Immediately after a service job was
'Most of our customers are in the dark about how an air-conditioning or heating system
works. When something breaks down or malfunctions, all they know Is that it's an
Imposition, a discomfort, and an expensive bIll.
'I thought I might make the pain a bit less biting by explaining to you what went wrong
with you're system, and why we're lucky that systems don't break down more often. You
see, the condenser unit on your air-conditioning system is a turbine that rotates 4,000
times a minute. If you run it all day and all night every day, that fan turns 240,000
times an hour, or more than five million times a day. During the course of a long, hot
summer like this one, your condenser could turn almost 10 bllllcn times!
When you consider that, It's remarkable that your ltttle condenser has only broken down


one time In the last three years, given the fact that It's probably gone through 30 billion
'Nevertheless, the replacement bearing and main we Installed should guarantee you
another three years, or 30 billion turns: at least. we hope so. Even though we make our
living fixIng air conditioners that have broken down, our goal Is to fix them so they stay
Do you see how comforting a little follow-up note like this could be?
When setting down on paper what your service should provide, consider the following
essentials every business should offer:
* Extra avallablllty
* Customer acknowledgments
* Free benefits
* Guarantees
* Regular follow-ups

Add anything and everything else you can think of to this list.
Now you've formulated a pretty hefty list to help you understand your customers' needs
and desires. But that's only part of the process of creating a great marketing campaign.
The next step Is putting together the sales offer.
How are the components of an offer coordinated? These steps are basically the same,
whether you use advertising or direct sales.

Step # 1 - The Headline

You want to grab your prospect's attention. How? By using a headline (or a solid
opening llne for radio, 1V, or In-person sale) that flags down quallfled prospects.
Examples of appropriate headlines, using the same air-conditioning and heating service
company as an Illustration, include:
If Your Air Conditioner Quits
At Any Hour of the Day or Night,
Even on Weekends, Call For Fast Service.

Twenty-four-Hours, Seven-Days-a-Week,
Immediate Professional
Air-Conditioning Repair
at Modest Prices. Ail Work
Guaranteed For Six Full Months.
Immediate Repair Service On All
Air-Conditioning and Heating
Systems. We Have Most Broker
Air-Conditioning Systems
Cooling Again Within Three Hours of


Receiving Your Call.

Here are examples of headlines not suitable because they fail to communicate your basis
ABC Air-Conditioning Company
When You Want a Good Job Done...
What's In a Name?
SInce 1954...
A headlines serves as an ad for your ad. It should telegraph immediately and clearly the
essence of what you are trying to say in the body copy of the ad or letter.
It should zero in on precisely whom you want to reach.
confusing. abstract or self-serving.

It should not be cute or

So create a headline that tells the right people precisely what you offer.

Step #2 - Benefits
Now you talk about all the benefits you offer. What you've written down may seem
obvious to you, but your prospects need to be educated -- they don't work in your field
every day.
Don't make assumptions. Explain everything clearly and Simply.

Step #3 - Fulfllling Needs

After spelling out all the benefits, Identify the specific needs particular customers would
like to have filled -- whether they know It or not! Then you explain in simple, factual,
easy-to-comprehend language why and how your service satisfies those needs.
People didn't know they 'needed' televisions, dishwashers, washers and dryers, and VCRs
until someone started convincing them. Things that used to be luxuries for the rich are
now considered necessities for the middle class.

Step #4 - Guarantees
Next, offer risk-free assurances of satisfactory performance. This can be done several
Tell them what your guarantee really means. You could say:
1. The bill isn't due until the machine Is functioning properly for at
least one hour,' or We will bill you Instead of asking to be paid on
the spot.'


2. The job Is not considered complete until the repaired unlt performs
perfectly for at least six months,'

3. 'After the job Is repaired, a senior supervisor will personally

reinspect the repairs to assure absolute satisfaction and
Let your Imagination run wild and you'll formulate a list of assurances that works best
for your business.

Step #5 - The Proposition

State your proposition as precisely and clearly as possible. Moreover, tell your prospects
exactly what action you want them to take. For example, after the headline, the benefits,
and need fulfillment sections, you get to your proposition, which might be:
'If your home or business air-conditioning system stops working -- If your cooling level
goes down, but your electric bill goes up -- If your system breaks down In the middle of
the night or on the weekend -- or even worse, on a holiday -- we'll rush out and fix the
problem quickly, properly, and, most Importantly, very inexpensively. In most cases, It
doesn't take more than a few hours to put your system back In operation -- and our bill
rarely exceeds $

Now you have to tell the prospect how to act:

We hope your alr-conditionlng system never breaks down, but If It does, give us a call,
day or night at (phone number). A live service assistant will take the call - not a machine
or an Impersonal answering service. A skilled servlceperson will Immediately be
dispatched. We can usually bring all necessary parts to correct the problem on the spot.
'Even the toughest repair problems can usually be fixed within three hours.
'Our fees are modest -- just $
per hour -- and they are the same whether you call
us at 10:00 a.m. or 10:00 p.m. We never charge more for evening, holiday or weekend
hours! Best of all, all our repairs are unconditionally guaranteed for six full months.
When you need expert, efficient, Inexpensive repair service, please give us a call at
(phone numbed.
We're there around the clock, because we never know when your air conditioner will
break down.'
Okay. Now you understand the components of the offer.
The same marketing preparation exercise applies to any tangible or intangible service or

Human beings are silently begging to be acknowledged and led!

You are tool!
And so am HI
All of us want to be considered unique and somehow special in the eyes of those people
we do business with.
Price -- all other things being equal -- is actually subordinate to personal
acknowledgment. when it comes to marketing. Why else do you think people buy
expensive, self-indulgent products and services? It's because the seller understands how
to make customers feel all-important and, indeed, uniquely special.
Think about it. When a doctor, dry cleaner, interior decorator, carpenter, or insurance
agent treats you special... makes you feel you are important to them... that they are
striving to give you extra special attention, effort, service, or value ...what happens? Your
sense of satisfaction buoys, your heart grows warm, your gratification is ready to spill
over into spending money.
You can incorporate personal acknowledgment into any marketing activity with
tremendous results. It will give zest to your ads, your mailing pieces. and your
correspondence. It will add a friendly glow to your clerks, your customer service people,
your dispatcher, your bookkeeper, your accounts-receivable personnel, your counter
people, your receptionist, and your operators.
Every time you contact a customer, you can give that special attention that tells people
you care. But don't put on an act. Internalize the sincere belief that each customer,
prospect, and client is vitally important to you and your business. Appreciate them.
don't patronize them. Give them a real smile.
Follow these simple rules and you'll stand out so far above your generic competitors that
it won't be a fair marketing contest -- you'll win hands down.

All your ads and sales efforts should address the proposition in an individualized, flrstperson, human, empathic manner instead of an impersonal, dehumanized manner.
Genuinely thank customers for their business. And thank them for seeking you out,
even if they don't buy. Send follow-up notes, make calls, or send someone to stop by
their office or home.
Think and act especially interested in each and every customer you have. Demand from
every member of your staff -- from truck drivers through executives -- the same sincere
level of acknowledgment and conduct, and you'll own your market.


Now, how can you subtly lead your prospect to action? We all are sometimes
apprehensive about our Judgment or ability to make the right declsion. The ablUty to
take independent action is rare. We want reassurance before making any buying
decision. Then we need to be gently and subtly guided to action. By taking the
responsiblUty for leading the customer to action, you do both your business and your
customer a favor. In your ads, stop assuming that the reader will know how or when to

Ask the prospects to take action -- now. Tell them exactly what to do -- now. TIl1s is a
step that most advertisers overlook, and it can cost you thousands of dollars in lost sales.
Grease the chute. It's the most powerful art of your marketing strategy. Don't leave such
an Important step to the whlms of your customers. Tell them what to do, how to do it.
why they should do it right now, and do It in every ad. I can't overemphasize the
Importance of leading people Into action! Here are some more examples of how to do It:
... So If your furnace stops heating -- don't get upset. Pick up the telephone -- whatever

the time -- and call 555-1234. One of our knowledgeable service assistants will diagnose
your problem and we'll send a repalrperson immediately.'
When your carpet looks lJfeless, smells musty or has accumulated ground-in stains that
your best efforts slmply won't get out, call ABC Carpet Cleaners at 555-1234. We'll be
there in less than 24 hours. If it's a carpet emergency, we can get there even faster. And
we're not just proud of our service! Our work Is unconditionally guaranteed and our
current special rates are only 25 cents a square foot, which Includes stain-proofing after
the carpet has been made sparkling clean. If your carpet has lost Its sheen. call 5551234 right away. Do It now, because this special offer expires (date).'
... So next time you're having special guests over for dinner, come to Deluxe Meat Market
on Broad Street. We're there from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Including Saturdays. And for only
21 cents more per pound than the prices charged at Safeway or Kroeger, you can have
prime grade -- elite cuts that usually go to the most expensive restaurants.

'YouIl Iove our prime beef because we guarantee it to be at least 30% leaner, at least 25%
more succulent, and 100% more flavorful. If you call us in advance, we'll have your
personally cut beef selection ready, wrapped, and waiting. As an added bonus, If your
order totals 50 pounds or more, we'll deliver it to your home, free.

'Act now because this special prime shipment of beef Is llrnlted. It's first-come, firstserved.'
When a child needs braces. you can choose from many 'good' orthodontists. But I offer
a number of outstanding services you can't get just anywhere. For example, your first
consultation is absolutely free, It allows me to get comfortable with you and your child,
and you can get comfortable with ME, You can also ask questions and talk to patients
and parents in the office.
'I'll show you pictorial case studies so you can judge my results for yourself. I'll gladly
extend liberal payment terms, so don't delay your child's care because of money worries.
'Please call soon. My delightful assistant. Marge Johnson, will schedule a no-charge and
no-obligation preliminary consultation at your convenience. I am also available early
evenings and Saturdays, If that's better for you. Why not call Marge right now at 5551234?'


Another critical Ingredient I Incorporate Into almost every marketing activity Is the
'powerful case.'
If your product has a demonstrable advantage. or an easy-to-explain USP, or If no one
In your field or Industry has given their product a distinct personality or demonstrated
top quality; If. In fact, there are unique qualities, performance. or service characteristics
that none of your competitors can claim -- then you must make the mos t powerful case

But how?
Let me count the ways:
1. Describe In detail the components. construction, method. or process

that goes Into the creation or manufacturing of your product.


Spotlight all the unIque advantages or characteristics of your

product or service. compared to your competitors, such as llfe
expectancy. warranty. service policy. cost. craftsmanship. money
savings. etc.

3. Compare the performance or useful life of your product against your

competitor's. And If the case for yours. on a dollar-cost basis. Is

superior. say so.
4. Use testimonials.

5. Describe the problems they will avoid If they buy your product or
6. Ust all the benefits and advantages of your product or service.

7. Potnt out any prestige or status value for the purchaser.

8. Advocate the selection of your product over the competition -- but

offer solid reasons why your product Is superior on a cost. value.

construction. or performance basis.


'SItting around the fire' Is a style of communicating In a manner that promotes Intimacy.
humanness. sincertty, and genuineness. It's talking to someone in an ad. mailing piece.
commercial, or telephone solicItation In the same warm. personal manner you would use
over coffee or cocktails, sitting around the fire.
It's communicating 'one-on-one.' It's not talking In legalese. or complicated technical
Jargon. Dorr't worry too much about form. Rather, focus on the flow of Ideas, and
address the feelings of the people you're trying to reach.


If you run a newspaper ad that reaches one mllllon people, 1\1 commercials that are
viewed by three mJllion people, or send out one million letters, only one person at a time
hears, sees, or reads your marketing effort. Why then, do so many businesses talk to the
masses, when, in fact, they're talking to one million Individuals one at a time? If you
want the customer to believe that you really are sincerely speaking personally to him,
doesn't It make more sense to talk one-an-one? By adopting my 'cozy fire' approach, you
abandon any 'stuck-up' communication style and replace it with a natural, honest,
believable and sincere communication.

Try this experiment. It will shock you. Write down what you want to convey In an ad -or mailing piece or commercial or sales pitch. Then, c1Jctate the same basic Ideas Into a
tape recorder: The spoken attempt will be far more natural and sincere. Why? I
honestly don't know. Maybe It's because we feel our writing Is being Judged, or because
we're Inhibited.
I do know that the more your marketing resembles the spoken natural flow of
communjcatton, the more effective and successful It will be. Write from the heart -- not
worrying terribly about structure, style, or even grammatical correctness. Tell the reader
what you want to convey and why you believe as you do. Tell them about the faith and
confidence you have in your product or service and the benefits you believe you can give

Don't be afraid to raise probable objections. I write and tell about my product or service,
but halfway through the I realize the readers may not be sure they can benefit from it.
So, I address that uncertainty:
You're probably not certain our widgets can benefit your family. But a family that takes
an average of four baths per person, per week; washes ten loads of clothes and 15 sets
of dishes and waters 280 square feet of lawn, flowers, shrubs, or trees cannot only benefit
-- It can save at least $350 a year on Its water bill. And If you're like most Southern
Californians, you wash your car two or three times a month. That only adds to the

Another example of Integrating the prospect into your marketing Is to Invite them to nod
silently In agreement. Here are some examples:
This Is a superior product, don't you agree?'
'Isn't this the kind of service you'd create If you had enough time, resources, and capital?'
You might be confused -- so let me clarify:
Ask yourself this same question.'
Why not stop a minute and think about how you've been Inconvenlenced when this has
'Seems too good to be true doesn't It? But, It's not. Here are the practical reasons why
I can provide this service (or benefit) for this low price.'

Whenever possible, Introduce the human, personallzed element Into your marketing
attempts, personally acknowledging the readers' vlews. Don't make your ads too serlous
-- too medicinal. Practice my 'sitting around the fire' approach, one-on-one. Talk' your
thoughts out extemporaneously as If to someone sitting across the room. Develop the
abliity to wrlte more llke you talk. Remember thls point: Even If your ad or commercial
Is read or seen by five milllon people, It Is still received by one person at a tlrne, so talk
to them as Indlvlduals - not as a crowd.


Here In abbrevlated revlew are some of my 'don'ts:'
Don't ever declde what the marketplace will respond to. Always put your marketlng
strategy to the test.
Don't ever make a marketing offer that falls to contain a headllne (or equivalent). benefits,
advantages, a powerful case, guarantees, a specific offer, and finally, a direct call to
Don't ever forget that human beings need to be acknowledged as being special and need
to be led.
Don't ever fall to see how many different marketing options you can use profitably at the
same tlrne. Test varlous approaches, analyze results, and always let the market tell you
what to do next, and what to stop doing.
Your market wtll never lle to you If you ask Its oplnlon.


Now that you've learned how a low-cost, effective marketing campaign can get more
results than a high-cost. poor marketing campaign, let's talk a bit about how to thlnk llke
a world-class marketer:
Here are 15 slmple steps on how to do It.

Step #1 - Read
Read every good ad you see published. then clip and save It for future reference. Do the
same with dlrect-rnalllng pieces that come to your home or office. Record on your vldeo
player all the good TV commercials that convince you to buy -- especIally the ones that
almost convlnce you even though you don't need the product.

Step #2 - Observe
Spend weekends and evenings shopping. Note the conduct. personallties, and actions
of retailers and service companles. Keep a notebook In your pocket for Jotting down Ideas
and observations.


Every time something irritates you, make a note of it.

Every time something delights and pleases you, write It down.

Step #3 - Get Involved

Ask your customers questions. Go out In the field and spend some time as a
salesperson. Find what your prospects really want -- and what their major sales
objections are.
Spend one day a week working the customer service phone or counter.
Go out on service calls.

Step #4 - Play Customer

Order something from your own company under an assumed name and see how the
average customer Is treated. Complain about the purchase and see how your problem
Is handled.
Do the same thing with your competition and observe how their treatment differs from
or Is similar to your company's.

Step #5 - Listen
Let your employees share with you their observations and opinions, and pay close
attention to what they say.
Call customers and ask questions about your performance, Image, conduct, etc.

Step #6 - Nurture Ideas

Encourage your marketing people, sales manager, ad people, etc. to try a lot of new Ideas,
concepts, approaches, offers and packages.
Emancipate them from fear of criticism so they're not Inhibited and they won't placate
or patronize you.
Be sure all your people know your basic advertlslng or marketing philosophy so absolute
continuity runs true throughout your firm.
Coddle people who come up with new Ideas and money makers. They're worth the time
you spend praising them, and probably deserve a bonus.
In other words, share the wealth. Be generous enough to Induce people to contribute.

Step #7 - Show People You Care


Acknowledge your staff, your customers, your vendors,

customers and the prospects you don't sell.

Don't forget about past

Service the Irving daylights out of everyone -- no holds barred,

Follow up on inquiries. Follow up on delayed orders. Follow up on problems. Follow up
after every sale.

Step #8 - Learn From Others

Keep a notebook at home, at the office, in the car. Whenever you observe a powerful
marketing technique that captivates you -- makes you want or crave or respond to a
product or service -- Jot down the concept, approach, language, sales pitch, etc. that
captivated you and incorporate similar or related techniques into your marketing tests.
A great marketer picks the brains of peers, competitors, employees, and retired

Step #9 - Test, Test, Test

* Test as many premises and concepts as possible.

Test your


* Test various media to determine which ones give you the most
leveraged return for your ad dollar.
* Test various headlines or their equivalents.
* Test the size of your mailings, and the length of your sales pitches.

* Test your packaging.

* Test the 'marginal net worth' of customers and prospects.
* Test your sales approach and varying scripts.
* Test commercials.
Never, ever stop testing and retesting. Your marketing will never stop improving.
Remember also that profit is a function of time. Speed up the process of testing and
evaluation, and you can leverage your return 5, 10. 100 times.

Step #10 - Improve The Best. Not The Worst

Also, remember this:
Most marketers spend far too much time, effort, and money trying to revive or salvage
products that are in trouble or are not viable -- and far too little time worrying about how
to make successful products or services even more successful.

A truly brave world-class marketer has the 'chutzpah' to look unfavorable test results in
the face, cut losses, and move on to new products, services, or concepts.

Step #11 - Don't Shout

Good advertising, good sales letters, good sales pitches -- good overall marketing
successfully sells the product or service without drawing attention to Itself.

Step # 12 - Be Compelling
Think about the ads, sales letters, or sales pitches that compelled you to buy. If they are
truly compelling, you become lrnrnersed in the facts, benefits, or explanation of
construction or performance and forget that you are reading a sales pitch.

Step #13 - The Idea Is Everything

A great marketer learns quickly that what you say is Infinitely more important than how
you say it. Marketing is effective because of content, not form. A great concept will
transcend mediocre copy. Great copy will not transcend a bad concept. Focus your
attention and effort on developing great concepts.
Find the biggest, most believable, embraceable, and honest promise possible.
Identifying the correct 'big promise' is 'world-class marketing: Unless your marketing
campaign is built around a truly great idea and a really big (but believable) promise, your
efforts will be mediocre at best.

Step #14 - Give 'Ern The Facts

Pack as many facts as possible into all of your marketing. Few advertisers give enough
facts to compellingly sell their products.
A lot of Ignorant marketers believe prospective buyers aren't interested in learning all the
facts they can about a product or service they're contemplating buying. They're wrong.
I think that It Is pure bunk to believe that people buy because of silly slogans or a
handful of vacuous superlatives.
Buyers want all the facts and information they can get before they make a buying
decision. Usually, the higher the price tag, the more they want to know.
Claude Hopkins put it qulte succinctly when he said, The more you tell (factually). the
more you sell.'

Step # 15 - Keep A Good Thing Going

Once you come up with great marketing, you will tire of It far earlier than the


Too many marketers kill their ads, stop their mailings, or try and change their
salespeople's pitches because they are tired of hearing them, The marketplace Is not.
David Ogllvy taught me a powerfully Important fact: you are marketing to a moving
parade, not a standing army.
Ogilvy uses as his illustrative example: People getting married. Some three mlllton or
so people get married every year. Ads that successfully sold a refrigerator to newly
married couples last year will probably prove equally successful In sellJng refrigerators
to newly married couples next year -- and the year after that.
An advertising or marketing program Is IJke a radar sweep, constantly hunting down new

prospects as they come Into the market or as their needs grow or declJne. Ogilvy says to.
'get a good radar and keep sweeping.'


I was born in IndianapolJs, Indiana. I don't have a college education. I think that worked
out fine -- I learned about business firsthand In the only way that makes any permanent
Impact -- via experience.
I had two children before I was 20 years old, and the corresponding responslbllJties of
someone nearly twice my age.
Because of my financial situation, I was forced to tum to producer (as opposed to
consumer) endeavors. I had to make things happen.
Not all my jobs were this way, but most were! Among my (over) 165 different jobs, Joint
ventures, and business Involvements:
I was a cost accountant.
I sold trucks for Hertz.
I sold shavers for Schick.
I ran a mlnortty-owned Janitorial service.
I sold 8-track stereo tapes.
I sold chernlcals.
I sold pest control products.
I sold patent medicine.
I sold collectibles.
I ran an affinity travel club.
I sold uniform rentals.


I sold radio advertising.

I owned a half interest in an advertising agency.
I developed lead generating for 250 different brokerage flrms.
I sold dry cleaning.
I sold hotel valet services.
I was in real estate.
I sold tax services.
I sold entrepreneuriallsm.
I bartered advertising and travel.
I sold aerospace parts.
I sold construction services.
I've worked with office supply companies. retailers. books, loads of newsletters.
insurance, courses. seminars. investments. gold and sliver. financial planning.
jewelry and gems. silverware, furniture. auto repairs, lingerie...
And so much more I simply don't have time to cover it all.
But I concentrated on learning the marketing marrow or essence of what made an
industry work.
I also realized that most people who have spent their whole careers in one field are
myopic -- even though they seem Ilke experts.
Sure, they understand the predictable ways their industry markets.
But I found that if I took the essence of successful marketing techniques in unrelated
industries and melded them into a hybrid for cllents in myopic industries where
everybody did the same thing the same way, we could come up with blockbuster
marketing techniques that ran rings around the competition.
That notion let me take Icy Hot from almost zero to $13 mllllon in sales in 18 months,
an international entrepreneurial association from $800,000 to $7 milllon in sales, and
a gold dealer to nearly $500 million in sales.
I've learned my skills in the real world -- through on-the-job emplrical experience.


How would you Ilke to increase your income Immediately -- by at least 50%, and maybe
as much as 300% or more?


Sounds too good to be hue? Well. this isn't a get-rich-quick scheme that won't pan out,
It is a simple three-step process for expanding your customer base and developing longterm customer loyalty,
First, let me share with you a premlse that every business owner should hang on his
wall: Everyone is in the business of selling,
It's that simple. Think about it. You're reading this chapter because you want to learn
how to:


more goods and services

to more people
more quickly
most cost-effectively

I'm going to use a restaurant to illustrate the principle. You'll see right away how you
can apply it. Then I'll make some specific suggestions for other businesses.
There is one more principle: Good salesmanship is not a substitute for value.
The following three-step method is based on the assumption that you have a worthwhile
product or service. In our example, we're relying on the fact that John Jones offers good
food and good service at reasonable prices.

John Jones has a nice little restaurant in Anytown, but he's still not making enough
money -- he just doesn't have a regular flow of regular customers. What's wrong?
John doesn't know who his customers are!

Step #1 - Capture the names and addresses of all your customers.

Make it second nature. Etch it in your mlnd. Remind yourself until it becomes as
automatic as brushing your teeth in the morning.

Step #2 - Systematically contact all of your customers and ask them for more business.

Step #3 (the clincher) - Offer a reward when you ask for more business. Not just any
reward -- but something that directly relates to your business. John can offer a free
dessert or a glass of wine or a gourmet dinner for two, complete with caviar.
The point Is, it gives people a reason to come In and have dinner at little or no risk. Once
they're in the door, you impress them so they will come back -- again and again.


How can John specifically put these three steps to work?


He can print up 1,000 small cards with a space for each customer to print a name and
address. On the card are the words 'GRAND PRIZE EUGIBIUlY CARD.'
Each water or waitress gives one to each customer just after they have eaten their entree
and are In a pleasant, satisfied mood, lingering over coffee or dessert.
John writes a short script which they can put Into their own words so that It doesn't
sound like a canned pitch.
For Instance:
'I hope you enjoyed your meal. Was everything satisfactory? Good. I'd like to tel! you
about our free drawing for a very nice price -- a gourmet dinner for two, complete with
champagne and caviar! To enter, simply fill In this little card and I'll pick It up when I
bring your check. If you're the winner, we'll notify you by mall. That's all there Is to it!'
Let's assume that you get most of your customers to fill out the cards. In a few weeks.
you pick a winner and send them a letter that they can bring In for their free mea!'
That's the obvious part.
Now, here's the Important part.
Everyone else gets a letter too. that says something like this:
Dear Friend,
My name is John Jones, owner of John's Restaurant on Oak Street here
in Anytown.
I'd like to thank you for entering our drawing for a free gourmet dinner
for two. Mr.and Mrs. Donald Beeler won the prize and they sald It was
wonderful. But I'm sorry YOU didn't win first prize.
So here's the good news. You've won a valuable second prize. If you
will bring this letter with you the next time you come In for dinner. I
will present you with a bottle of fine champagne.

Thank you again for entering our contest. We hope to see you soon.
John Jones
P.S. Your free champagne will be waitlng any afternoon or evening this
month -- and please remember to bring your letter with you. Thank
you again.
Now John could go the cheap route and photocopy these letters In the local library or at
a quick-print place. But he's cutting his own throat. He should take a perfect (no
mistakes. no smudges) copy of his letter. typed on a white sheet of paper, to a reliable
printer and have the letter printed on his business stationery, then he'll mall them.


What will happen? People will bring In their spouses, farnllles. dates and friends, and the
letter. That means the walters can greet them by name and say a personal good-bye
when they leave. What better way to make customers feel Important?


Can you really afford not to do this? Sure It will cost you some time (to write the letter
and set up the printing), some money (stationery, postage, employee time to do the
malling). and supplies (the champagne) but you'll soon see profitable results.
If only 10% of the people who get the letter come In, John could establish a bond that
turns 100 people Into customers for life. Some will eat at the restaurant once a month
every month, and some may come In once a week. A few may even stop In several times
a week.

But walt! That's not the only benefit. Now John has a malling list. He can send out:
* Postcards saying that he misses their patronage
* Letters that tell them about 'specials'

* Thank-you' letters
* New additions to hls menu or a talented new cook.
John should send out a letter every month! And because he's probably the only
restaurant owner In town doing this, he'll get more and more business.
Does he have to have a drawing? Not necessarily. Here are other ways to get those
Important names and addresses:
1. Ask for people's business cards.
2. Photocopy their personal checks (whlch usually have a name,
address and even a phone number).
3. Ask for an address on all charge slips.
4. Hold other contests as an excuse to have people fill out little cards.
You're only limited by your imagination.
Just remember that you must:
1. Capture the names and addresses of all of your customers;
2. Systematically contact all of your customers and ask them for more
3. Offer a reward when you ask for more business.



'Okay: you may be saying. 'that's fine for people who've already corne to my business.
What about all those other people who haven't corne yet?'
You can use the same basic approach with them too. Instead of collecting their names
and address on the premises. rent a maillng Ilst.
The beauty of maillng Ilsts Is that you can select the kinds of people you want to contact.
For Instance, most list-rental companies can provide you with a list of:

* Only those people who live In the same zip code as your business. or
only nearby zip codes
* Homeowners
* Apartment renters
* Business owners

* SpecIfic types of business owners (hardware stores. paint stores,

auto dealers, drug stores, auto repair shops. etc.)
* Executives
* Insurance agents

* Doctors
* Lawyers

* Dentists
* Regtstered nurses
* Accountants
* Engineers
* Pilots. real estate agents. brokers, schoolteachers. contractors,
pharmacists. and on and on, etc.
You could even get a list of people who own swtrnmlng pools.
For local malling-Itst brokers. consult your yellow pages under 'mailing lists: If you don't
have any luck there. try these companies listed below. which can provide you with lists
no matter where you live:
R. L. Polk & Company
6065 Atlantic Boulevard. Suite #
Norcross, GA 30071 (404/447-1280)


Donnelly Ust Marketing

70 Seaview Avenue
Stamford, cr 06904 (800/433-5478)
Renting a matlmg llst Isn't very expensive. It usually costs about a nickel per name,
which Includes maillng labels In whatever form you want them (e.g .. single column, four
across, etc.).
You don't own these names. You usually rent them for onetime use only.
Of course, once you get responses, they become your customers, and therefore become
your names.
Now that you have some names, you can write letters to those who've never tried your
product or service.
You don't need to be an 'expert' to write a top-notch sales letter, Just sincere. Try to be
Simple, truthful, and tasteful. Your offer of a reward should come from the heart. Here's
a very basic letter that John, our restaurant owner, may use:
Dear Friend,
My name Is John Jones, owner of John's Restaurant here In Anytown.
I'd love to have you as a customer. In fact, I want your business so much that
If you will come in anytime between the 15th and the 30th of this month. and
bring this letter with you, I'll present you with a free bottle of champagne to
enjoy with your meal.
I hope to see you soon!
John Jones
Certainly, this is not the most sophisticated letter you've ever read. But it's courteous
and It asks for a sale -- It asks for the business.
Think of the Impact this one llttle letter could have on a 5,000-name maillng within a
three-mile radius of John's restaurant!


Before you get your hopes pinned on stratospheric results, let's look at what you can
reasonably expect from a 5.000-plecemaillng.EvenIfonly2%respond.that.s 100
brand-new, first-time customers -- or 'sales.'
Once you have first-time customers, you have a new mailing list of your own -- of
qual1fied buyers that you know are Interested In good food at good prices. If you take
care of these people properly on their first Visit, half will come back again.


"My Ufe in Advertising/SCientific Advertisng," by Claude Hopkins (Crane Books, Chicago)
"Think And Grow Rich," by Napoleon HJll (Fawcett Books, New York)
"Grow Riehl - With Peace of Mind," by Napoleon Hill (Hawthorne Books, New York)
'The Master Key to Riches," by Napoleon Hill (Fawcett Books, New York)
'The Lazy Man's Way To Riches," by Joe Karbo (Karbo, Huntington Beach, CAl
"Breakthrough Advertising," by Eugene SChwartz (Boardroom Books, New York)
'The Start-up Entrepreneur," by James R. Cook (E.P. Dalton, New York)
"Confessions Of An Advertising Man," by David OgIlvy (Crane Books, Chicago)
"OgIlvy On Advertising," by David OgIlvy (Random House, New York)
"Direct Mall And Mall Order Handbook," by Dick Hodgson (Dartnell, Chicago)
"How To Make Money In Mall Order," by Melvin Powers (WIlshire Publishing, Los Angeles)
"Secrets Of A Successful Mall Order Guru: Chase Revel," by Ron Tepper (John WIley and
Sons, New York)
"Successful Direct Marketing Methods," by Bob Stone (Crane Books, Chicago)
'The Greatest Direct Mall Sales Letters Of All TIme," by Dick Hodgson (Dartnell, Chicago)
'Tested Advertising Methods," by John Caples (Reward Books, New York)
"How To Win Friends and Influence People," by Dale Carnegie (SImon and SChuster, New
"How To Write Good Advertising," by Vic Schwab (WIlshire Publishing, Los Angeles)
'The Robert Collier Letter Book" (Prentice Hall, New York)
"How To Write, Speak and Think More Effectively," by Rudolf Flesch (New American
Library, New York)
'Writing That Works," by Roman and Raphaelson (Harper & Rowe, New York)
"Direct Marketing Success: What Works And Why," by Freeman Gosden (John WIley and
Sons, New York)
"Maxi-Marketing," by Rapp and Collins (McGraw Hill. New York)

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