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Bible Reading Plan Brochure LGL

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How should we read our Bible? Should we (2Tim 3:16; 2Pet 1:21).

2Pet 1:21). God revealed himself place to read it than right before the Gospels?  Some daily readings may seem a little dry. Try
just pick it up and read it front to back? There is through his word over the course of time (Heb I placed the Gospels ahead of the New Testa- to remember as you are reading the genealogies, for
nothing sacred about the arrangement of the indi- 1:1). This is called ‘progressive revelation.’ ment letters. Though many of these letters were example, that each one of those names represents a
vidual books common to all Protestant English The Bible is God's self-revelation to us, and it actually written before the Gospels, the letters real person created by God. Even though we know
Bibles. This arrangement does not correspond to makes sense to read it in the order he wrote it. For were written to explain the content of the Gos- almost nothing of his or her story, God mentioned
ancient Hebrew and Greek scripture arrange- example: the books of Kings and Chronicles con- pels—the life and ministry of Jesus. The Gospel them by name for all of history. Won’t that be spe-
ments. Not only that, but the German Lutheran tain parallel content, so historical chronologies narratives were already circulating orally in the cial to you too some day?
Bible has yet a third sequence. And the current will often cut and paste them together. But those Christian community, even if they hadn’t been
arrangements are sometimes unhelpful. Take two books were written at different times and for put down in writing yet. So it made sense that we Week 1 Week 7
Paul's letters for example: in English Bibles they different purposes. Kings was written during the should read the Gospels first. (But not all the  Gen. 1-4  Num. 7-9
are arranged mostly in order of their size from Babylonian exile to explain why the people of Gospels: I placed John’s gospel at the end of the  Gen. 5-10  Num. 10-13
longest to shortest. I suppose this is logical to a God were seemingly rejected by God and sent reading plan along with John’s other writings. I  Gen. 11-15  Num. 14-17
printer. But the arrangement is not helpful for into exile (hence the emphasis in Kings on the also placed Acts before the letters because I  Gen. 16-19  Num. 18-21
comprehending the apostle’s message and minis- sins of the people and their kings). But Chronicles thought it beneficial to read both of Luke’s books  Gen. 20-24  Num. 22-25
try development. Reading your Bible in the order was written some time later after the return from together.)
it's bound is not necessarily the best. exile, and its purpose seems to be to teach the Why read the Bible in this order? It gives the Week 2 Week 8
In what order should the Bible be read? There people about the legitimacy of the kingdom and reader the opportunity to read each book in its  Gen. 25-27  Num. 26-29
are several alternative reading plans available. chosen status of God's people (hence all the gene- entirety without interruption; so that the message  Gen. 28-31  Num. 30-33
They can be found in pamphlet form, or as a list- alogies showing the continuity of the family of of each book can be discerned. It also allows the  Gen. 32-35  Num. 34-36
ing on the internet. There are also special Bibles Israel). Though God was using the same subject reader to see the progress of God’s revelation of  Gen. 36-39  Deut. 1-4
that are arranged and printed for daily orderly matter, he had different points to make to the two himself to humanity; to build an understanding of  Gen. 40-42  Deut. 5-8
reading. Many of these plans and Bibles are la- different historical audiences. God piece by piece.
Week 3 Week 9
beled ‘Chronological’ and they follow a historical So, if we wished to read the Scriptures in the In conclusion, I recall what I wrote at begin-  Gen. 43-46  Deut. 9-13
chronology based on the internal narrative events. order God revealed them, what order would that ning about the arrangement of our Bibles. There's  Gen. 47-50  Deut. 14-19
Other reading plans and Daily Bibles will jump be? The answer to that question turns out to be a nothing sacred about this arrangement either.  Ex. 1-5  Deut. 20-25
back and forth between the Old and New Testa- somewhat complicated. For one thing, there is People who read through the entire Bible will be  Ex. 6-9  Deut. 26-29
ments based on a theory that readers will tire of quite a wide range of dates proposed for many of blessed and will profit from it, no matter what  Ex. 10-14  Deut. 30-34
reading only Old Testament for over nine months the books. Secondly, some of the books seem to order they read it in. May God bless you as you
before they get to any New Testament material. have existed in oral form long before they were read his Word. Week 4 Week 10
I never liked the back and forth a-little-of-each committed to the written form we have now.  Ex. 15-18  Josh. 1-6
-testament-every-day method. It breaks up the Regarding the first issue, I have chosen to Tips for Reading  Ex. 19-22  Josh. 7-9
books too much; and it underestimates the capa- follow the dating conclusions of conservative  Pray before and after for understanding.  Ex. 23-27  Josh. 10-13
bility of believing readers to read through the Old evangelical scholars. They don’t always agree,  The readings are arranged with five readings  Ex. 28-31  Josh. 14-18
Testament. but a consensus is possible in most cases. Regard- per week. This allows the reader to miss a day  Ex. 32-35  Josh. 19-21
Historical chronologies ‘harmonize’ many of ing the second issue, I made choices in a few ar- now and then without falling behind.
the books of the Bible, weaving together passages eas. Firstly, the wisdom/poetry books I placed at Week 5 Week 11
from different books that tell of the same event. the end of the Old Testament (similar to the He-  Don’t be discouraged by all the Old Testa-  Ex. 36-40  Josh. 22-24
The benefit of reading such a chronology is that brew Bible). I did this partly because some of ment reading. This was the Scripture Jesus read  Lev. 1-4  Jdg. 1-4
readers become familiar with Biblical history and them are extremely hard to put a date on (e.g. and quoted from. There are many treasures to be  Lev. 5-9  Jdg. 5-8
characters. The disadvantage is that such plans Job). I also did this in particular because of the found. (I recommend Philip Yancey’s book The  Lev. 10-14  Jdg. 10-12
fragment many of the original books. nature of the book of Psalms. Many of the indi- Bible Jesus Read to those who want help under-  Lev. 15-18  Jdg. 13-17
Another type of chronological arrangement is vidual Psalms were composed very early on by standing the Old Testament.)
possible. It might be called the order of ‘Salvation David and others. But the book in the form we  Read an introduction to each of the books Week 6 Week 12
-History.’ Christians believe that that Bible, have it now was probably a compilation of the from a study Bible. This will give you some in-  Lev. 19-22  Jdg. 18-21
though written by many human authors, was existing psalms made by a priest in post-exilic sights into the historical context of the writer and  Lev. 23-25  Ruth
above all inspired in its entirety by the one true Israel, just a few centuries before Christ. The the message of the book that God intended for the  Lev. 26-27  Obad., Joel
God. As Paul and Peter wrote, God breathed out book of Psalms was the worship book that Israel people of that time, as well as how its message  Num. 1-3  Jonah
the Scriptures through individual human authors used as they waited for the Messiah. What better may apply to you today.  Num. 4-6  Amos 1-5
Week 13 Week 20 Week 27 Week 34 Week 41 Week 47

A One
 Amos 6-9  Jer. 51-52  Ezek. 24-27  Job 6-10  Psa. 120-135  James
 Mic. 1-4  Lam. 1-2  Ezek. 28-31  Job 11-15  Psa. 136-143  Galatians
 Mic. 5-7  Lam. 3-5  Ezek. 32-35  Job 16-20  Psa. 144-150  1Ths., 2Ths.
 Hos. 1-7  1Sam. 1-5  Ezek. 36-39  Job 21-27  Mark 1-4  1Cor. 1-6
 Hos. 8-14  1Sam. 6-11  Ezek. 40-43  Job 28-31  Mark 5-9  1Cor. 7-12

Week 14
 Isa. 1-5
 Isa. 6-10
Week 21
 1Sam. 12-14
 1Sam. 15-17
Week 28
 Ezek. 44-48
 Dan. 1-3
Week 35
 Job 32-37
 Job 38-42
Week 42
 Mark 10-12
 Mark 13-16
Week 48
 1Cor. 13-16
 2Cor. 1-7
Year Bible
 Isa. 11-15  1Sam. 18-22  Dan. 4-7  Prov. 1-5  Matt. 1-4  2Cor. 8-13

 Isa. 16-21  1Sam. 23-26  Dan. 8-12  Prov. 6-10  Matt. 5-8  Rom. 1-5
 Isa. 22-26  1Sam. 28-31  Haggai  Prov. 11-14  Matt. 9-12  Rom. 6-10

Week 15 Week 22 Week 29 Week 36 Week 43 Week 49

 Isa. 27-30  2Sam. 1-3  Zech. 1-8  Prov. 15-18  Matt. 13-15  Rom. 11-16

 Isa. 31-35  2Sam. 4-9  Zech. 9-14  Prov. 19-22  Matt. 16-19  Ephesians
 Isa. 36-39  2Sam. 10-13  1Chr. 1-3  Prov. 23-27  Matt. 20-22  Colossians
 Isa. 40-42  2Sam. 14-17  1Chr. 4-6  Prov. 28-31  Matt. 23-25  Phmn., Phil.
 Isa. 43-45  2Sam. 18-20  1Chr. 7-10  Ecc. 1-6  Matt. 26-28  1 Timothy

Week 16 Week 23 Week 30 Week 37 Week 44 Week 50

 Isa. 46-49  2Sam. 21-24  1Chr. 11-14  Ecc. 7-12  Luke 1-3  Tit., 2Tim.
 Isa. 50-54  1Kgs. 1-3  1Chr. 15-19  SS. 1-4  Luke 4-6  Heb. 1-8
 Isa. 55-59  1Kgs. 4-6  1Chr. 20-24  SS. 5-8  Luke 7-9  Heb. 9-13
 Isa. 60-63  1Kgs. 7-8  1Chr. 25-29  Psa. 1-8  Luke 10-12  1 Peter
 Isa. 64-66  1Kgs. 9-11  2Chr. 1-5  Psa. 9-17  Luke 13-15  2Pet., Jude

Week 17 Week 24 Week 31 Week 38 Week 45 Week 51

 Nah., Zeph.  1Kgs. 12-15  2Chr. 6-9  Psa. 18-23  Luke 16-19  John 1-4
 Habakkuk  1Kgs. 16-19  2Chr. 10-15  Psa. 24-31  Luke 20-22  John 5-8
 Jer. 1-3  1Kgs. 20-22  2Chr. 16-20  Psa. 32-37  Luke 23-24  John 9-12
 Jer. 4-6  2Kgs. 1-4  2Chr. 21-25  Psa. 38-44  Acts 1-4  John 13-17
 Jer. 7-10  2Kgs. 5-8  2Chr. 26-29  Psa. 45-51  Acts 5-8  John 18-21

Week 18 Week 25 Week 32 Week 39 Week 46 Week 52

 Jer. 11-14  2Kgs. 9-11  2Chr. 30-33  Psa. 52-60  Acts 9-12  1Jn, 2Jn, 3Jn
 Jer. 15-18  2Kgs. 12-15  2Chr. 33-36  Psa. 61-68  Acts 13-16  Rev. 1-5
 Jer. 19-23  2Kgs. 16-18  Ezra 1-5  Psa. 69-74  Acts 17-20  Rev. 6-11
 Jer. 24-27  2Kgs. 19-22  Ezra 6-10  Psa. 75-80  Acts 21-24  Rev. 12-17
 Jer. 28-31  2Kgs. 23-25  Neh. 1-5  Psa. 81-89  Acts 25-28  Rev. 18-22

Week 19 Week 26 Week 33 Week 40

 Jer. 32-35  Ezek. 1-6  Neh. 6-9  Psa. 90-96
 Jer. 36-40  Ezek. 7-12  Neh. 10-13  Psa. 97-104
Designed by Dave Hoffner
 Jer. 41-45  Ezek. 13-16  Malachi  Psa. 105-107 2008
 Jer. 46-48  Ezek. 17-20  Esther  Psa. 108-118
 Jer. 49-50  Ezek. 21-23  Job 1-5  Psa. 119

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