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Small-Sided Games and Integrating Physical Preparation

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vski games

gn=Zoran Shterjovski
c=Macedonia, The Former
Yugoslavian Republic l=MK
Reason: I am the author of
this document
Date: 2015-06-21

integrating physical preparation
By Zoran Shterjovski

100 training games

Small-sided games and

integrated physical
100 training games

Use of the masculine gender in this manual

Although, for reasons of simplicity, the masculine gender is used in this manual to refer to coaches,
players, officials, administrators, etc., it applies to both genders.

Table of contents | Physical preparation

Table of




About this manual

A brief history of physical preparation in football


Role of the fitness coach


Physical demands of top-level football


Physical qualities of top-level footballers


Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical



Quantifying the training load


Development of physical qualities according to the age

of the players


Managing the training load


Small-sided games

FIFA 11+




Key and list of abbreviations



Foreword | Physical preparation

FIFA is constantly striving to improve the range of its programmes and information for
its member associations to support them in their work. We are therefore delighted to
present this manual, which will strengthen the existing documentation available to the
technical departments of all of our members.
Physical activity is vital to childrens growth and fitness plays a key role in modern football, which is why it is essential that footballers have the best tools at their disposal to
improve the skills needed for their actions on the pitch.
The information and knowledge in this document will enable all coaches to shape the
physical development of their players.
Each stage of development in the training exercises has its own physical characteristics,
and the extent to which exertion is stimulated depends essentially on the knowledge
and experience acquired. Coaches will also find instant solutions that deploy playful
situations with a view to guiding their players towards predefined objectives.
This manual aims to apply scientific theory to actual game situations and convey the
message that every activity on the pitch involves different physical factors that contribute to the players development.
Ultimately, the game itself must remain the principle tool with which to attempt to
improve a players physical potential, and the value of this manual lies in the way that
it combines football with the development of the physical capacities that are so important to playing it.
For the Game. For the World.

Joseph S. Blatter
President of FIFA

About this manual | Physical preparation

About this manual

Apart from in top-level football, where the massed ranks

to achieve their ultimate aim: to win everything by playing

of technical staff enable the team coach to rely on a large

good football and enjoy it at the same time?

number of assistants, experts and specialists in their field,

Apart from the fact that one session devoted specifically

most coaches and their assistants are often confronted with

to physical preparation is not sufficient, it represents time

the same issues:

that could be spent on tactical adjustments. Add to that the

How to maintain and develop the players physical

constant need for the coach to keep his players interested by

qualities, which are so vital to performance;

How to improve the team at a technical and tactical level,

arranging varied and enjoyable sessions, and it is not hard

to understand just how challenging it can be to organise

which is key to supporting a particular style of play and

training sessions geared towards purely football demands.

to ensuring a permanent balance of the formation by

The great majority of coaches therefore favour mixed

recovering the ball as a unit, keeping it and circulating it

sessions that integrate a range of performance objectives.

efficiently and thus optimise finishing.

This manual Small-sided games and integrated physical

Making technical and tactical adjustments is painstaking,

preparation is intended to be a tool for coaches

repetitive work that requires numerous training sessions

everywhere, one that can be considered an essential

focusing on both the players technical skills and their

reference on the pitch.

football intelligence.

Its aim is to provide coaches with all the information they

How, therefore, can coaches rationally organise their work

need to organise mixed training sessions.

in a week of training between two competitive matches

About this manual | Physical preparation

The 100 training games contained in the manual will enable

The second part contains the practical football-orientated

coaches to plan and develop training sessions that integrate

exercises, i.e. a significant number of situations based on

all performance-related parameters: technical, tactical,

small-sided games, outlining the organisation of the work,

physical and mental.

the playing surface and the number of players required.

Improve or maintain players physiological potential in

The technical and tactical themes covered and the physical

close conjunction with the technical and tactical aspects of

qualities targeted and developed are defined in accordance


with the targeted training loads.

The central theme of this manual is the concept of

This tool can therefore be adapted by anyone with

integrating motor skills specific to football into a players

experience of football and football training to their own

physical training via small-sided games.

specific needs.

After a brief rsum of how physical preparation has

developed through different systems, the first part of this
manual focuses on the theory behind the sessions and
covers the basic points, such as the demands of top-level
football, the physical qualities of young footballers to be
developed and worked on and the problems associated with
quantifying the training load, along with a summary on
planning the training programme.

1. A brief history of
physical preparation
in football


A brief history of physical preparation in football | Physical preparation

A brief history of physical preparation in football

To perform to a high level in football in the early 1950s, it

for regaining composure by means of walking slowly and

was first and foremost necessary to be an athlete because

breathing exercises would round off the session.

the body must be able to produce the effort required for

the player to win the ball and thus to dictate the play

The end of the 1950s saw an increase in the frequency of

(Baquet, 1957). Young players were told to follow these

training sessions from a few per week to one, sometimes

instructions in the required order. The essential qualities were

two or three sessions a day, resulting in the systematic

resistance, endurance, jumping, speed, strength and skill.

development of footballers physical qualities.

Resistance and endurance enable improvement in

Reflections on athletic preparation highlighted the need to

technique through the physiological development of the

not focus solely on speed, accuracy, resistance and strength,

heart and lungs. Qualities like jumping and speed were

but to include jumping, flexibility, balance and tempo to

considered innate: Strength depends on physique, and

the physical qualities being worked on. The prevailing view

accuracy is perhaps a quality that can be perfected.

was that all of these attributes could be perfected through

(Baquet, 1957)

repetition and the amount of physical work. An article from

Sessions devoted to athletic preparation were mainly

the University of Pennsylvania in 1958 entitled Ninety-

analytical and about 45 minutes long. They would start with

nine exercises for strength-flexibility: all sports showed the

a warm-up of running or walking involving arm movements,

universal nature of athletic preparation. (Doherty, 1958)

followed by exercises to develop the muscles and flexibility

In football, highly diverse training methods were rewritten.

performed alone or in pairs, sometimes using a medicine

They were mainly based on analytical methods like those


practised by young Yugoslav footballers (Baron, 1951),

Short exercises for agility and courage, some for football

whose training sessions comprised a combination of

technique without the ball, in the form of a mime and

athletic work based on accuracy, flexibility and endurance,

performed by the player with the ball: suspended ball,

A brief history of physical preparation in football | Physical preparation


circuit between sandbags, corridor (running with the

ball down a narrow corridor), hitting the ball in a tunnel
so that the ball rebounds in all directions.
From the early 1960s to the 1980s, the athletic approach
was replaced by a more physical one that applied scientific
theory based principally on physiology to sporting practice.
The trailblazers for physical preparation enabled practitioners
to benefit from basic research mainly in the cardiovascular,
respiratory, muscular and neurophysiological fields.
At the end of the 1950s, Reindell and Roskham combined
cardiovascular (and respiratory) functioning with exertion
and its application on the pitch by introducing interval
training (workout/rest). The work of P.O. Astrand in the
1960s led to the introduction of methods for developing
various energy processes to training by applying the
physiological processes of interval training and intermittent
training (dividing up the running distances), the aim being
to improve the athletes lactic capacity (Astrand and Kaare,
The manual by Fox and Matthews (1974) called The
Physiological Basis of Training would serve as a reference

by giants in the field of physical preparation: Zatsiorsky

point for generations of coaches in their training planning

(1966), Kuznetsov (1975), Platonov (1988), Letzelter (1978),

and content. The sessions became more specific and control

Weineck (1983) and Matveyev (1980).

tests were implemented. Ideas of maximal aerobic speed,

From then on, football would endeavour to define specific

VO2max, anaerobic thresholds and heart rate began to set

fundamental physical qualities, such as endurance, speed,

the standard for training sessions.

flexibility, coordination and strength, and combined qualities

The work on muscular activity carried out by A.V. Hill,

including endurance-speed, strength-speed, power and even

winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1922, focused


on understanding the mechanical work produced in

Energy exertions and muscle groups were studied. The

muscles and culminated in the approval of a muscle model

concept of maximal aerobic speed (MAS) was applied in

corresponding to all of a muscles characteristics (Hill, 1927).

practice to measure the intensity of exercises. Laboratory

In 1987, the model, which comprised three elements (series

evaluation tests, such as setting aerobic and anaerobic

elastic element, parallel elastic element and contractile

thresholds by analysing exhaled gas and field tests

element) was adopted by Shorten (1987), who combined

focusing on energy or muscles, enabled medicine and

the connective structures with the contractile structures of

technology to be brought together, and thus also the

the muscle. This model corresponded to the physiology of

activities of the coach.

the muscle and is still used for reference purposes today.

Significant advances in methodologies for muscle
development emerged principally in countries of Eastern
Europe after the 1960s, and were based on works produced


A brief history of physical preparation in football | Physical preparation

Physical preparation becomes the norm.

two ascending/descending pyramid methods would jostle

In the 1990s, however, the place of physical preparation in

for position for 30 years, each focusing on a particular type

football would be constantly defined and redefined, leading

of in-demand physiological preparation.

to a collision of different concepts and methodologies and

Gradually, using analyses of football matches and of the

sparking lively discussions in a sport dominated by technical

players exertions during them, it became possible to

and tactical qualities:

define the players activity as a series of brief and intense

Is a fitness coach a general physical trainer or is he a football



Meticulous analysis of matches and ongoing technological

Is there one basic physical quality to be placed above all

progress highlighted the amount of effort and intensity of

others? Is there a set order for developing physical qualities?

the players activity along with the distance covered on the

pitch in accordance with their position.

The quality of endurance based on the number of

Thus, a players explosiveness, speed and endurance became

repetitions has thus long been accepted as a basis of

tacitly accepted as the basic qualities that a footballer should

physical preparation in the form of a pyramid, in which


different levels increase the amount of effort as the number

Given the growing difficulty for coaches to manage the

of repetitions decreases. In 1966, Zatsiorsky advocated

time devoted to training, a concept of integrated physical

reversing this pyramid logic by starting with maximum effort

preparation appeared, enabling physical qualities to be

that would generate little fatigue, followed by progressively

incorporated into match situations specific to football.

reducing the intensity and increasing the repetitions. The

Athletic training was still important, but footballers were

also required to have other skills (technique, reading of the

A brief history of physical preparation in football | Physical preparation

game, decision-making, etc.), which led to the development

The balanced development of physical qualities is now a

of athletic sessions focusing on football.

constant aim of top fitness coaches.


Integrating these concepts involved creating football-specific

training including the individual technical dimension and the

As a result, this modern approach to a footballers physical

tactical dimension with team-mates and opponents together

preparation has changed the profile of the fitness coach.

with a strong athletic focus, all in the same session.

Previously associated with athletics or individual sports,

This type of integrated preparation necessarily called for

todays fitness coach is a former practitioner not necessarily

small-sided games.

an ex-player who played at a high level but someone who

has a lengthy practical experience of football and who can

At the same time, the development of footballers athletic

quickly grasp match situations and integrate them easily into

preparation was accompanied by a gradual increase in

training sessions.

specialist technical staff. The idea of the general coach in

charge of everything was over and has since been replaced
by a manager surrounded by specialists. Initially a team
of two (head coach and assistant), the coaching staff was
enhanced by the arrival of a goalkeeping coach, then, more
recently, a fitness coach.
Today, integrated physical preparation is assuming an
increasingly important role as it combines physical qualities,
the work cycle and technical-tactical aspects.

2. Role of the
fitness coach


Role of the fitness coach | Physical preparation

Role of the fitness coach

The balanced development of physical qualities is a constant

This involves identifying players who are more susceptible

aim of top fitness coaches today.

to tire during a match by analysing their actual physical

Fitness coaches must master various methodologies and be

capacities in competitive situations or by quantifying the

highly skilled in implementing training content. They must

training load and carrying out tests in order to individualise

also bring together the sporting project, the group of players

the players training. They prepare the players so that they

and the environment of the club. It is a position that calls

can perform frequent high-intensity runs and repeat their

for an ability to adapt quickly to unforeseen circumstances

exertions for the entire match and throughout the season.

and have an alternative available that will meet everyones

interests, regardless of the fitness coachs plans and

They need to create a group road map to monitor the


performance of the players as a whole. The data gathered

Their work consists of presenting a realistic and effective

on a regular basis should be used as a basis for building

project that dovetails with the main project.

specific physical preparation programmes during periods of

The fitness coach is the intermediary between the medical

competition and rest.

staff and the coach, an assistant to the coach and hands-on

Fitness coaches must be able to make use of criteria and

scientist rolled into one, and a member of the technical staff.

indicators from the pitch that correlate the physical demands

The fitness coach is a key figure for performance on

of the match with the quality of physical preparation

the pitch.


Their relationship with the other members of staff must

As a matter of course, they must take into account the

be based on trust, loyalty and respect. They relay the head

following in their analysis:

coachs instructions both on and off the pitch, ensuring

The style of play (formation, game plan, team tactics, etc.)

compatibility with the physiotherapist, the doctor and the

The physical capacity (effective playing time, positions,

technical staff.
Their job is to drive home the arguments of the sporting

experience of the players, etc.)

The season and its different phases (pre-season,

project through practice and through their interaction

competition, breaks and resumptions, frequency of

with others. They must be neither too friendly nor too

matches, etc.)

authoritative and need to manage conflicts involving hurt

feelings. They are as involved in the players performance as

Management of the squad (players, replacements, injuries,

suspensions, etc.)

they are in their reduced energy levels.

As players do not always want to do highly intensive

They are also fully involved in the preventative approach with

and tiring training, fitness coaches must make difficult

regard to muscle strengthening, core conditioning, recovery,

work seem pleasant. They must encourage players to get

nutrition and healthy living in training and in a match.

involved for themselves and for the squad, anticipating their

Physical preparation now contains multiple objectives,

concerns regarding the difficulty of the training. They need

depending on the stage of the season and the characteristics

to motivate the players and be understanding. Deploying all

of the players:

the available data, they must anticipate players questions

Physical (or general) pre-season training is a period of

and provide individual, concrete and constructive answers to

around five to six weeks, during which the player should

protect and energise players, providing explanations where

reach peak physical condition in terms of explosiveness,

needed and support in moments of doubt and even failure.

endurance, speed strength and proprioception. The

Their job is to create a sense of relative independence,

weights room can be open next to the pitch to make it

focusing on the individual for the benefit of the team. They

easier to alternate between different forms of training.

motivate players to improve, to try harder, even to be the

Integrating physical preparation into football via small-


sided games enables a better control of individual exertion

Role of the fitness coach | Physical preparation

and workloads. This phase corresponds to the period

remedy weaknesses revealed by physiological and

when the players physical potential is evaluated.

musculo-articular tests and evaluations to promote the

The second phase, or competition phase, is when the

physical development of the younger players as they

busy match calendar makes it more difficult to accumulate

mature and to ensure the physical well-being of players

loads. Here, the fitness coach must makes choices in line

with a long career behind them.

with the coachs technical-tactical choices, the aim being

to improve the strong points, work on the weak points

Over time, the fitness coach has therefore become a

and ensure preventative strengthening.

key member of the technical staff, and it is becoming

Another of the tasks of the fitness coach is to return

increasingly common for coaches moving to a new club to

to action players who are injured or ill (or out of action

insist on bringing their own technical team, including the

for a lengthy period) by means of reconditioning or

fitness coach.

rehabilitation programmes. A further objective is to


3. Physical demands of
top-level football


Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation

Physical demands of top-level football

Analysing competitive performances is considered to be a

Summary: development of the game, technical-tactical

way of delivering objective data on players individual and


collective characteristics.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis reveals key aspects,

All of footballs technical-tactical aspects (possession, transi-

such as physical capacity, technique and tactics. The qualita-

tion, switching play, finishing, etc.) depend on the players

tive data objectivised by analysing the movements of the

physical qualities. Physical preparation is therefore directly

group enable the tactics to be visualised by style of play,

related to the requirements imposed by the development

movements on and off the ball and by dead-ball situations.

and construction of the style of play.

The technical data details the players involvement in the

match and enables statistical summaries to be produced,

Development of the game

including the number of favourable and unfavourable

The major events in football, such as the FIFA World Cup,

actions, shots on goal, passes, etc.

the interclub continental competitions and the other con-

Quantitative data on distance travelled, the number of

tinental championships, highlight the development of the

sprints, the number of one-on-ones and the number of

modern footballer and enable future models to be envis-

actions throughout the match reveals the different types of

aged. The aim of the technical staff is thus to prepare for the

run used and the type of energy exerted. Each player within

demands of the game and the needs of the players.

the team deploys his or her individual qualities for the bene-

With their effectiveness and modernity, tracking tools deliver

fit of the collective strategy. Athletic qualities are in evidence

precise data on the activity of players and teams in com-

throughout the game, albeit in different quantities when it

petition. The new technology supporting football analysis

comes to shots, jumps, one-on-ones and sprints. Aerobic

highlights the increasing trend towards a higher tempo,

qualities enable footballers to maintain a high tempo for as

more entertainment and the increasing versatility and physi-

long as possible during a match and come to the fore in the

cal strength of modern players.

second half and during any extra time. Anaerobic qualities

Analysis of football reveals the speed of the game and the

characterise the players ability to perform a large number of

importance of winning one-on-ones, as well as the fact that

sets of sprints.

the most successful teams are those that dominate play

This objective analysis of the demands of the activity at the

while endeavouring to display minimal defensive vulner-

physical and technical-tactical level conditions the physi-

ability. Todays top teams no longer necessarily have the best

cal preparation. Coaches thus rely on the objective reports

defence, which is increasingly vulnerable to attack down the

and analyses produced by the fitness coach to choose their

flanks, but use their attacking midfielders and full backs to

tactics according to individual player and collective charac-

outnumber the opposition.

teristics when creating a style of play. For the fitness coach,

the aim is also to have enough information in advance to

Technical-technical aspects

develop a specific physical programme in harmony with


the technical-tactical work of the group. The analysis of the

Other trends concerning the game and particularly players

performance may also help in recruiting players and in iden-

indicate that the teams that take hold of the match focus

tifying the game strategies of model teams and opponents.

on transition to ball-recovery, pressing actively to launch a

counter-attack as soon as they have regained possession.
The objective is to catch the opposing defence off guard
before it can reorganise. This is often the only time when
space can be found. The counter-attack used to be considered negative but it has become successful as it is an integral
part of the tactics of the top teams. As well as retaining

Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation

possession, such teams quickly place the accent on defence

as soon as they lose the ball to restrict their opponents
opportunities and regain possession as soon as possible.
Positive possession
Positive possession means holding the ball while waiting to
catch the opposing team off guard (either partially or completely). For example, the Spanish game is primarily based
on its mastery of positive possession, retaining the ball even
if the current situation in the game does not immediately
present any opportunity to threaten the opposition. This
enables the team to avoid sitting back while waiting for the
right moment to build moves designed to disrupt the oppositions balance, working and moving together as a unit and
creating gaps by quickly circulating the ball forwards, thus
introducing an element of depth to the game. In general,
the big teams win their matches by dominating their opponents in a key area: possession. This style of play is based on
outstanding timing in triangular moves during phases of the
match when the player with the ball receives support high
up the pitch, with team-mates creating opportunities in the
spine of the opposition defence.

Ball possession
Positions of

of subjects

% of

of forward

Number of
times ball in

ball loss/

Time in
possession in

Average no.
of touches of
the ball




7,79 3,05

43.04 7.6

0.37 0.13

54.19 16.0

2.01 0.55




13,06 3,40

57.12 8.3

0.26 0.13

76.09 18.4

2.24 0.45




14,46 4

56.24 8.9

0.27 0.13

77.85 22.4

2.24 0.54




14,52 3,90

53.22 9.5

0.26 0.12

60.76 16.2

2.01 0.46

Full backs



20,30 4,28

58.88 8.9

0.20 0.11

59.76 13.8

1.84 0.79




15,16 4,52

41.22 10.1

0.27 0.16

41.72 15.4

1.74 0.39

Figure 1: Different types of ball possession by position examples taken from the English Premier League Amisco data



Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation

Perfecting the art of finishing

Furthermore, 55% of goals are scored in situations

The development of the game is essentially based on

where defence outnumbers attack. Thus 23% are scored

finishing moves, with teams that perfect the art of moving

after a period of ball retention or of positive possession

forward and positive possession having greater opportunities

accompanied by acceleration. 20% of goals scored from

to score. The various types of finishing show that more

open play have been rehearsed, i.e. combination play

than 80% of goals are scored without controlling the ball

practised on the training ground and applied in a match.

or with a maximum of two touches. If we look at the last

Thus, at the 2010 FIFA World Cup alone, 21% of the

two FIFA World Cups , in Germany 2006, 67% of goals

goals were created from passes into space from the middle

were scored with one touch and 16% with two touches

of the pitch.


(total 83%), while in South Africa 2010, 68% of goals were

scored with one touch and 16% with two touches (total


84%). This indicates the speed of the game. These actions

Both connected and complementary, positive possession

are performed despite packed defences and a marked lack

and asymmetric play, when well executed, can break down

of space, hence the need for strikers to be highly skilled in

the most robust of defences through players making runs

terms of agility, speed and accuracy. Shots from distance

in behind a defence that has been drawn towards the

represented 18% of goals scored during South Africa 2010,

other side of the pitch. When the action takes place on

highlighting the quality of the shot.

the right-hand flank, the left-sided attacking midfielder (or

Over 50% of goals came from the flanks (centres, throw-

left winger) moves to the centre and the left back takes his

ins, corners, etc.). Long crosses made up the majority, as

place on the left wing. Conversely, when the action is taking

they open up defences when space and the options for

place in the left channel, the right-sided player moves to the

circulating the ball are limited.

centre and the right back takes his place. This is the use of

Certain periods of the match are more favourable than

a support/back-up player followed by a switch for a run in

others for scoring goals. On average, 35% of goals are

the opposite direction behind the defence. The supporting

scored in the last 30 minutes, a figure which increased to

player often has more time and opportunity to pass the ball

40% for the 2010 FIFA World Cup , half of which were in

long towards the opposite channel to the arriving full back.

the last fifteen minutes

This also takes place in the centre, through possible runs


behind the defence, or via a long ball towards the same

channel with a view to bypassing the defence.
Using the width of the pitch
A significant amount of the action in modern football takes
place in the middle of the pitch, always followed by rapid


movements towards the flanks to create opportunities for

opening up the defence. The aim is to draw out the defence,
thus creating space and the potential for through-balls
towards the goal.


Wing play involves use of the flanks by full backs and

wingers, who spread the play when the team has the
ball. The objective is to stretch the opposing defence

and create space to facilitate rapid runs behind it and

own goal

outnumber it.
Asymmetry-switch: asymmetric play helps to unsettle
defences by running behind them after a move on the

Figure 2: Goals scored by position at the 2002 FIFA World


opposite flank and involves switching the run of the

support/back-up player. When the action takes place on

Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation

the right flank, the left-sided midfielder moves to the

of instability, the average amount of time is six seconds

centre and the left back takes his place on the left wing.

and only one pass is involved.


Conversely, when the action is taking place on the left

flank, the right winger moves to the centre and the right

Individual and collective mental quality

back takes his place.

In order to limit the amount of uncertainty in football,

The move involves passing the ball back to a supporting

players must develop their mental capacity and strength of

defender, who often has more time and choice, facing

character alongside their physical qualities with a view to

the game, to play a long ball towards the full back who

increasing their involvement in the game. A winning team is

is on the opposite flank, or down the centre behind the

a unit that plays well and has total commitment.

defence, or even deep to create space in front of the

To achieve this, players must be able to adapt to and

opposing goal.

anticipate changes in situation, exploiting their potential to

the full despite the stress and the challenge this involves.

Distribution of play according to the zone where

They must be inventive and unpredictable to create doubt in

possession is regained

the minds of their opponents, and pass accurately and with

The transition from regaining possession to counter-attack

precision timing to make swift exchanges of passes, dribbles

takes place on average in 18 seconds and involves five

and shots, even when tired. They must exert themselves

passes before reaching the goal. When transition is made

with maximum commitment and controlled aggression and

from midfield, it takes 14 seconds and involves three passes

generally have a communicative approach within the group.

on average. However, when the transition starts in the zone

They must possess two basic complementary qualities:


Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation

intelligence and desire. Their ability to read the game quickly

Quantitative and qualitative data from analysis of

and anticipate gives them time to prepare for their attacking


or defensive actions. Players are both specialists and jacks of

The quantitative analysis of football activity based on an

all trades, and must be able to play elsewhere on the pitch

objective evaluation of the position and movements of the

for the benefit of the team even if they have been assigned

players and ball for the whole of the match using sensors in

a specific position. For example, a lone striker could switch

the stadium provides useful data for physical preparation.

to the wing to provide defensive cover.

The resulting quantitative and qualitative data enables a

detailed analysis of a players activity in terms of intensity

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of matches

of running, movements achieved and actions performed

Players and actual playing time

on and off the ball. This type of analysis allows a players

In a match lasting 93 to 98 minutes, the average actual

entire physical parameters to be studied in direct relation to

playing time per player has gone from 50-55 minutes in

technical-tactical data for an entire football match.

1990 to over 60 minutes today.

The analysis provides insights into the nature of exertion

The actual playing time can deliver important data on

demanded in the game and shows that most of the effort

players involvement. By excluding actions outside the actual

put in by a player is slow or at average speed, whereas brief,

playing time, the objective data per player shows an upward

rapid (i.e. explosive) effort only represents a low percentage

trend. Ranging from 49 to 68 minutes, the actual playing

of playing time. Modern football is thus an intermittent

time has increased (figure 3), putting more strain on the

activity that can be defined as a succession of active or

body via the proportionate increase in the distance covered.

passive periods of effort and recuperation. This has led to an

This rise also impacts on the number of sprints and intense

interest in specialist intermittent-type training in football.

International players nowadays play 60 to 70 matches a
season (club, country, pre-season friendlies, etc.) and young
international players (16-to-20-years-old) play 50 to 60
matches a season, with ten months of competition, while
the figure for trainee players is 35 to 40 matches.

Actual playing time (in minutes)



Match 10

Match 9

Match 8

Match 7

Match 6

Match 5

Match 4

Match 3

Match 2

Match 1

Time in minutes


Figure 3: Actual playing time in ten matches of Ligue 1 in


Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation


Technical averages
Three European leagues (France, England, Germany) in the 2010-2011 season. Data analysed
from 380 matches (Amisco).

Ave. SD


0.29 0.03


2.53 0.23

Shots/goals scored

8.90 1.32

Entering final third of


6.33 0.46


1.73 0.29


32 2

Individuel possession

44 2.65

One-on-ones on the

8.67 1.10

One-on-ones in the air

6.57 1.17


Ligue 1


Premier League




* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation these averages only include players who played in the entire match
Page 1


Central midfielder

Ave. SD

Individual possession

56.67 1.53

Individual possession in
opponents half

28.67 2.08

Forward passes


Balls won

16 1
1.33 0.15

Central midfielder

Ligue 1



Balls won balls lost

-1.33 4.62


One-on-ones on the

7.97 0.86

One-on-ones in the air

3.32 0.35

Fouls committed

1.60 0.26

Premier League



Wide midfielder

Page 1

Ave. SD
52 2

Wide midfielder

Individual possession

Individual possession in
opponents half

33.33 1.53

Forward passes

12.67 0.58


2.80 0.53


2.30 0.40



1.70 0.06

Balls won



Balls lost

14.67 0.58


Balls won balls lost

-2.67 10.12


Ligue 1
Premier League

* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation

Page 1


Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation


Full back

Ave. SD

Individual possession

54 1.73

Individual possession in
opponents half

Forward passes

20.67 0.58

Full back


20 1



2.10 0.10


Balls won

10.33 0.58


Balls lost

12.33 0.58


Balls won balls lost

-2 1

One-on-ones on the

5.80 0.78

One-on-ones in the air

3.67 0.67

Ligue 1
Premier League



Central defender

Ave. SD

Individual possession

44 2.65

Forward passes

Very long passes (+ 30m)

Balls won

16 1
8.33 0.58
12 0

Balls won balls lost

2.33 0.58

One-on-ones on the

5.10 0.40

One-on-ones in the air

5.30 0.92

Fouls committed

1.13 0.21

Yellow cards

0.17 0.06

Page 1

Central defender

Ligue 1


Premier League




* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation

Page 1

Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation


Profile of top-level football team

Average distance, intensity and number of runs per match in three European leagues (England, France, Germany) in the
2010-2011 season.
Data analysed from 140 matches (Amisco). These averages only include players who played in the entire match.


Ave. SD

Total distance covered by team (in m)


+ 24 km/h (in m)

2734 91

21-24 km/h (in m)

3072 97

No. of sprints at over 24 km/h

123 4,24

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Total distance covered

Ligue 1

217.5 7.78

Premier League

* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation



Distance covered by intensity






Ligue 1

Ligue 1


Premier League



Premier League







Total distance covered by team (in m)

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h


Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation

Profile of top-level striker

Striker (average for all positions)

Ave. SD

Total distance covered (in m)

10979 163

+ 24 km/h (in m)

318,67 29

21-24 km/h (in m)

325 16

No. of sprints at over 24 km/h

Total distance covered by striker

13,5 0,71

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Ligue 1
Premier League

23 0


* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation


Distance covered by intensity and striker





Ligue 1

Ligue 1


Premier League

Premier League









Total distance covered by team (in m)

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Profile of top-level wide midfielder

Wide midfielder

Ave. SD

Total distance covered (in m)

11366 50

+ 24 km/h (in m)

354,67 13

21-24 km/h (in m)

363,67 7

No. of sprints at over 24 km/h

15,5 0,71

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Total distance covered by wide midfielder

Ligue 1
Premier League

26 0


* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation


Distance covered by intensity and wide midfielder






Ligue 1


Ligue 1


Premier League

Premier League







Total distance covered by team (in m)

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation


Profile of top-level central midfielder

Central midfielder

Ave. SD

Total distance covered (in m)

10979 163

+ 24 km/h (in m)

318,67 29

21-24 km/h (in m)

325 16

No. of sprints at over 24 km/h

Distance covered by central midfielder

13,5 0,71

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/

Ligue 1
Premier League

23 0


* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation

Distance covered by intensity and central midfielder




Ligue 1


Premier League

Ligue 1


Premier League







Total distance covered by team (in m)

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Profile of top-level full back

Full back

Ave. SD

Total distance covered ( in m)

11366 50

+ 24 km/h (in m)

354,67 13

21-24 km/h (in m)

363,67 7

No. of sprints at over 24 km/h

15,5 0,71

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Total distance covered by full back

Ligue 1
Premier League

26 0


* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation


Distance covered by intensity and full back





Ligue 1


Ligue 1


Premier League

Premier League







Total distance covered by team (in m)

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h


Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation

Profile of top-level central defender

Central defender

Ave. SD

Total distance covered ( in m)

10979 163

+ 24 km/h (in m)

318,67 29

21-24 km/h (in m)

Distance covered by central defender

325 16

No. of sprints at over 24 km/h

13,5 0,71

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Ligue 1
Premier League

23 0


* Ave. SD: Average standard deviation

Distance covered by intensity and central defender




Ligue 1

Ligue 1

Premier League

Premier League






Total distance covered by team (in m)

No. of sprints between 21-24 km/h

Physical demands of top-level football | Physical preparation


Qualitative and quantitative summary of matches in European leagues

Average distance covered
(in m)




Full back














Individual possession






One-on-ones on the ground




One-on-ones in the air








Distance sprinted over

24km/h (in m)

Balls won/lost


Figure 4: profile of top-level footballer in Europe

Football is essentially a sport of duels and

by speed of thought, a players reactions and anticipation


call for outstanding reflexes and involve very little time in

The medium through which communication is made is the

which to take the necessary action. Speed is responsible for

ball, and the players movements are always directly related

the intensity of the game and makes the difference when

to their position on the pitch. The basic technical qualities

it comes to decisive actions in a match. Of course, ball

control, dribbling, shooting, passing (direct and indirect play)

control is still essential for decisive, unexpected acceleration

represent the non-verbal expression of this communication.

designed to disrupt and unbalance opponents.

The distance covered in the three leagues studied is around

The anaerobic alactic system supports the running speed

10,000 to 12,000 metres per match without any significant

at its highest intensity but with successive sprints it is more

difference between positions (figure4). This supports the

a matter of speed endurance, where the aerobic system

theory that football is an intermittent aerobics-based activity

functions alternately to enable maximum participation of the

that tests the players aerobic capacity and power and lactic

two anaerobic alactic and lactic systems.

anaerobic capacity (speeds of between 21 and 24km/h). A

Described as mental speed or reflexes, a top-level

players ability to repeatedly sprint at over 24km/h (endurance

footballers reactions are the basis of other types of speed,

specific to footballers) depends on his aerobic qualities,

such as:

regardless of the league. The key technical qualities (oneon-ones, shooting, heading, tackling) and physical qualities

Speed off the mark

(energy, velocity, speed off the mark, acceleration) thus

Speed of movement

depend on qualities of power and speed. The technological

Speed required to return to defensive position

and scientific evolution shows that a footballers physical

Speed of execution

preparation must be geared towards the simultaneous and

Speed of anticipation

cohesive development of aerobic qualities along with his

Speed of action

strength, speed and explosiveness.

Speed of ball delivery.

Football is a combination of technique and speed.

Todays top-level footballers are able to synchronise their
speed qualities with their technical qualities so as to avoid
situations where they confuse speed for haste. Conditioned

The future of football will continue to be built on

collective play combining technique, speed and

4. Physical qualities of
top-level footballers


Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Physical qualities of top-level footballers

The physical qualities that are specific to footballers are

Endurance or aerobic capacity

strength, speed, endurance and flexibility, qualities that

Developing the aerobic capacity is an excellent way of

ensure brief, intense and repeated exertions throughout

preparing the psychological terrain of a footballer, who

the match and allow players to express themselves in every

can then develop all of the other qualities in complete safety.

game situation.

As illustrated in figure 3, the capacity of the energy systems

In the current context, physical preparation is a high priority

is represented by the reservoirs and power is represented by

in top-level football. It enables a physical potential to be

the tubes (AP, ALP, AAP). The aerobic capacity represents the

created for the whole season and personalised for individual

ability of the system to last over time by using the aerobic

players in terms of their physical optimisation, prevention

system to provide energy.

and reconditioning. The science and technology now

The aim is to develop the glycolytic potential and the

available to fitness coaches provides for a more refined

enzyme activity specific to glycolysis. The cardiovascular

way of working and involves the coherent development of

system, called into use on a sustained basis at this intensity,

strength, speed, explosiveness and endurance (see figure

will in the long run show an improvement in cardiovascular

3). The aim is to achieve a level of performance in line with

capacity by increasing the capillary and mitochondrial

the potential of each player for the good of the team as a

surfaces and densities. One can also observe an increase

whole. The development of players physical qualities must

in the density and activity of the aerobic systems catalytic

dovetail with the sporting and professional objectives. To

enzymes at the level of the muscular groups most needed.

this end, the technical staff apply themselves to guiding their

players towards a regular and constant level of fitness as the
season progresses.

(Strength + endurance)




(Strength + speed)

(Endurance + speed)

Figure 1: the relationship between physical qualities

Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation



The various forms of endurance

Endurance is an essential quality in football, enabling players

The various forms of endurance can be prioritised depending

to last the match and to express their technical and tactical

on the training period. Each form of training is developed


at a specific rhythm or speed that is tailored to the MAS

It is also crucial to the optimisation of other performance

corresponding to the lowest speed associated with reaching

factors, such as strength and speed, and to developing all of

the VO2max or the maximum heart rate (HRmax). These

the other performance factors in football.

values are calculated via ongoing or periodic preliminary

Endurance training takes many forms, depending on the


desired aim: basic endurance, aerobic capacity, aerobic

power, resistance, optimising the maximal aerobic speed
(MAS) or even the speed associated with VO2max.

Energy supply systems

Capacity and power

AP: Aerobic power

ALP: Anaerobic lactic power
AAP: Anaerobic alactic

Aerobic capacity

Lactic anaerobic

alactic capacity

Aerobic system

Anaerobic lactic




ATP: energy



ATP: energy

The three systems are deployed together when exertion commences.

The anaerobic alactic system enables powerful, intensive actions, yet it quickly runs out (in less than 20 seconds).
The anaerobic lactic system enables actions of a higher intensity without reaching the limit, and runs out after about
three minutes, emitting lactic acid as an end product. In this case, glucose is the substrate responsible for synthesising the ATP.
The aerobic system enables long-lasting actions to be produced. Its maximum intensity is determined by the maximum aerobic power (MAP), the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) or the maximum aerobic speed (MAS).
This system uses glucose, lipids and a fraction of amino acids combined with O2 as substrates. It emits lactic acid,
water and carbon dioxide as an end product.
Figure 2: diagram showing the activation of the different energy systems


Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Basic endurance

are intermittent exercises of short runs, firstly for a single

Basic endurance training involves a speed higher than 50%

distance and then on a shuttle basis, over the course

of the MAS. This type of training is normally used at the

of the season. These are basically intermittent exercises as

start of the season in order to get the player to a level of

follows (seconds of training-rest): 30-30, 45-15, 20-20,

basic physical fitness so as to carry out more specific physical

15-15, 10-10 and 5-25.


preparation sessions. The aim here is for players to return

to their ideal weight. Basic endurance sessions may be

Endurance training

used over the season to maintain a necessary level of basic

The period of endurance training is generally seven weeks


of preparation: two weeks of basic endurance and aerobic

capacity, four weeks of specific work on the aerobic capacity

Aerobic capacity

and aerobic power, and one week of fine-tuning to prepare

Aerobic capacity training involves a speed of between

for competition.

70% and 85% of the MAS, and it is advisable to base it

on heart rates of between 150 and 170 beats per minute.

Work on thresholds

It is also used at the start of the season in the form of

Working on lactate 1 (aerobic) and lactate 2 (anaerobic)

jogging to prepare the physiological ground, to develop

thresholds is a method that is very often used to increase

endurance-specific physiological structures and to find the

endurance levels. To determine the desired training intensity,

level at which the player can breathe easily. The cycle is

values for lactic acid, heart rate or speed are compared with

very short, around two or three weeks. Aerobic capacity

the thresholds (see figures 3 and 4). This makes it easier

is also recommended as well as intensity for the purposes

to work from data for the heart rate or speed in order to

of recuperation. Work on aerobic capacity is based on the

provide a means of controlling the intensity, the exercise

heart rate, the MAS or the thresholds. Regular matches and

load or the training.

training sessions help to maintain the aerobic capacity at

Lactate threshold 1 corresponds to levels of intensity of

its optimum level. Aerobic exercise represents the energy

between 80% and 90% of the maximum heart rate or

system that enables players to perform very long exercises

65% to 75% of the MAS, and lactate threshold 2 to levels

of medium intensity. It is characterised by two qualities

of intensity of between 90% and 97% the maximum heart

aerobic endurance and aerobic power.

rate or 80% to 90% of the MAS.

The aim is to prepare the physiological ground by testing a

Basic endurance (or recovery) training involves a level of

range of components of the cardiovascular system at a rate

intensity of between 50% and 60% of the MAS. Levels of

of three, four or five training sessions per microcycle, or even

intensity exceeding 90% of the MAS correspond to aerobic

more, with a view to making physiological modifications

power training. However, the anaerobic system generally

that enable an efficient response to the demands on the

requires a minimum training intensity of 100% of the MAS.

footballers capacity, thus developing the aerobic potential

to be used as the basis of physical qualities such as speed,
strength and endurance.
Aerobic power
Aerobic power represents intensity, which is used to optimise
the endurance potential. It corresponds to the capacity
to maintain high-intensity runs and involves a speed of
between 90% and 120% of the MAS. It is developed from
the second to the third week of training by increasing the
intensity and the duration and number of the training
blocks and forms. The most frequently used exercises


Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Endurance and integrated physical training

The heart rate values obtained from a 5 versus 5 training

Optimising endurance is a prerequisite for improved

game are equivalent to those from short, intermittent

performances over the entire football season. There are

exercises, while 6 versus 6 and 3 versus 3 games enable

several methods of improving endurance: continuous or

heart rate values to be obtained that are 85% and 90%

intermittent training, interval training or integrated physical

respectively of the maximum heart rate.

preparation. Training in the form of small-sided games

The level of intensity in small-sided games can be varied

enables players to develop their endurance qualities in the

by changing a number of factors, such as playing with or

same way as continuous or intermittent training. Small-sided

without a ball or goalkeeper, pitch size, type of opposition,

games have the advantage of increasing the maximum

use of support players, length of game, number of ball

oxygen uptake (VO2max) while enabling the tactical and

touches, availability of balls, length of training and breaks,

technical aspects to be worked on for the player and team.

use of small or large goals or restriction to specific zones. As

As the name suggests, small-sided games involve fewer

a rule, the level of intensity increases if the pitch size reduces

players per side (which may or may not have the same

or if there are no goalkeepers, more players are introduced,

number of players) than in a normal match, for which the

play is restricted to zones, or where there are multiple balls,

rules are changed accordingly. They also enable players to

the goals are small and the opposition consists of a single

improve their aerobic capacity. The average heart rate values


obtained in such games represent 85% of the maximum

heart rate (HRmax).

Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Lactic acid in mol/l

Heart rate in beats/minute (bpm)

Concept of threshold-specific training

50% VMA


Basic endurance



65% VMA

75% VMA

Lactate threshold 1

90% VMA

Lactate threshold 2



100% VMA




30km/h and +




30km/h and +

Figure 3: Threshold-specific training according to MAS


active break

Lactate threshold 1





Lactate threshold 2


Transition from aerobic

to anaerobic

50-60% MAS
70% HRmax

65-75% MAS
80-90% HRmax



90-97% HRmax

Figure 4: Physiological threshold-specific training according to intensity and mode of exercise

100% MAS



Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation


Speed coordination. This describes the ability to perform

This represents the ability to repeat sprints at the highest

actions economically in predictable (automatisms) or

level. Speed training is introduced around halfway through

unpredictable (adaptation) situations, and to quickly learn

the initial training session, when the player is able to

movements at a certain speed.

withstand it without restriction. This training focuses on

The exercises focus on technical actions and movements

explosiveness, strength and speed, the main objective being

(dribbling, control and pass, etc.) at optimum speed.

to maintain explosiveness for as long as possible in a match.

Overspeed. Overspeed consists of running faster than

It involves the ability to repeat series of sprints for the entire

the optimum speed so that players become accustomed

match without a significant loss of performance.

to new frequencies of arm and leg movement and to

A footballers physical performance is very often linked to his

other technical speed elements. The exercises are generally

ability to repeat sprints at an optimum level. The speed and

carried out on a slope with a maximum gradient of 3% to

energy levels of top players are crucial to their performance.


Speed is thus essential to modern football. During a match,

Speed endurance. This represents the players ability to

a player sprints for a total of around 600 metres at a speed

repeat short or long sprints without losing speed. The

of over 20 km/h. Speed is a multifaceted quality that requires

exercises enable sprints to be repeated and to maintain

suppleness, flexibility, coordination and strength.

maximum speed for as long as possible. This form of

speed can be included in short, intense, intermittent

Different forms of speed

exercises in which players perform a certain number of

Factors affecting the development of a players speed are

sprints with a predefined recovery time and a measured

reaction times, speed of leg and arm movements and

performance to be attained.

frequency of leg and arm movements.

Speed strength. A players speed strength is directly

Speed has many factors and exists in different forms:

influenced by the strength of his legs and pelvic

Maximum speed. This is the maximum speed a player

girdle muscles, which is why speed training should be

can reach when sprinting or accelerating, and varies

accompanied by strength training. Other training methods

from individual to individual as well as from distance to

enable work to be carried out on both strength and speed

distance, depending on the players position and how the

by means of various rapid actions, with players being

game is organised.

subjected to a load (or equivalent), such as speed resistors,

A player reaches his maximum speed after 18 metres,

resistance bands, muddy surfaces, working on a slope,

regardless of his position .

sand pits or even the weight of another player.

Short speed. This encompasses the players acceleration

Speed power. This can be worked on using slopes with

capacity and ability to achieve maximum speed over short

a gradient of 10% to 15% or during step training on low

distances (5-20 metres), directly influenced by his ability


in terms of reactions, anticipation and actions. Because

of footballs changes of direction and rhythm, these short
actions call for a high quality in terms of maintaining ones
footing and of frequency of leg and arm movement.
Agility. This concerns an athletes ability to perform rapid
actions within a few metres while changing direction
quickly. The ability to maintain footing, rhythm and
frequency of arm and leg movement is essential at this
Agility is regularly worked on the day before a match, with
exercises focusing on maintaining footing and changes of
direction while combining different types of visual or aural
stimuli or movements.

Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation


Backwards running

running also avoids crossing feet. The average distance

Even if it is only for a short time, it allows quick regrouping

covered by backwards running during a match is 600m. At

as soon as possession is lost and during the subsequent

the biomechanical level, backwards running is characterised

defensive retreat. It enables the runner to continue to be

by an increase in bending movement of the hip combined

aware of his position in relation to the ball, his opponents,

with maximum extension of the knee. Contact with the

his team-mates and the goal.

ground is made first with the toes and then with the heel,

In duels, it is also indispensable to ensure a good retreat

propelling the foot backwards, leading to significant strain

from the player in possession, and may enable the opponent

being placed on the triceps surae when bending the foot.

to be directed towards a zone to isolate him. Backwards

Practising backwards running may improve balance and

Direction of movement


Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

proprioception; in certain cases it may also be used for

Specific muscle-building programmes for the most-used

athletes returning to sport after injury or breaks. In terms of

muscle groups are used in the pre-season and inter-season

energy, running backwards at the same speed as running

periods, and then as refresher programmes depending

forwards increases the heart rate, VO2 and respiratory rate.

on the individual needs of the players (strengthening,

stretching, proprioception). It is therefore difficult to put


together a reliable and tailored programme. Nevertheless,

The lack of continuity caused by footballers full and

within the context of muscle-strengthening and injury

irregular schedules means that strength-development

prevention, strength tests aimed at evaluating and

training is difficult. The process for developing strength takes

monitoring players are regularly scheduled in order to flag


up any muscle weaknesses and/or imbalances resulting from

in a isolated manner by increasing weights in the weights

joint instabilities. Data from physiological and biomechanical


tests can be of use for possible physical reconditioning

in an integrated manner by creating muscular tension

programmes, re-education or rehabilitation. However, as the

through additional weights followed by exercises that are

fixtures are set in advance, the muscle-building programme

more dynamic or explosive.

is spread over the medium and long term throughout the

integrated into the training, through small-sided games

season and tailored to the players individual profiles. Muscle

working particularly on speed off the mark, reaction

strengthening aimed at increasing players physical potential

strength and solid footwork in different directions.

is preferably carried out during periods when the frequency

of matches is decreasing, allowing muscular plasticity so that
the consequences of muscle-strengthening do not have any
adverse effect on performance.

Isometric Strength
(Maintaining length of
Negative static-dynamic

Positive static-dynamic

Different types of
muscle contraction
Eccentric Strength
(Lengthening of

Figure 5: different types of muscle contraction


Concentric Strength
(Shortening of

Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation


Strength development methods

Maximum efforts
Maximum loads
Nerve factors

90 to 100% of 1 MR
Reps: 1 to 3
Break: 2 to 3
Speed: <30% of max. speed
Sets: 3 to 5
2 sessions 24 to 48 hrs apart
Concentric method

Repeated efforts
Until tired
Maximum tension

Eccentric method

70 to 80% of 1 MR
Reps: 8 to 12
Speed: 30 to 50% of max. speed
Break: 2 to 4
Sets: 8 to 10
2 sessions 24 to 48 hrs apart
Concentric method

Dynamic efforts
Non-maximum loads

> to 130% of 1 MR
Reps: 2 to 4
Slow speed
Break: 4 to 7
Sets: 2 to 3
2 sessions more than 72
110 to 130% of 1 MR
Reps: 3 to 4
Slow speed
Break: 1
Sets: 5 to 7
2 sessions 72 hrs apart
Eccentric method

80 to 130% of 1 MR
Reps: 2 to 6
Duration of contractions: 3 to 5
Break: 20 to 3
Sets: 4 to 8
2 sessions 48 to 72 hrs apart
Isometric method

50% of 1 MR
Reps: 10 to 12
Extra slow speed (>3)
Break: 2 to 4
Sets: 6 to 8
2 sessions 48 hrs apart
Extra slow concentric method

45 to 60% of 1 MR
Reps: 4 to 6
Speed: 50 to 60% of max. speed
Break: 3 to 5
Sets: 3 to 4
2 sessions 24 hrs apart
Concentric method

Dynamic efforts
Non-maximum loads

30 to 45% of 1 MR
Reps: 4 to 8
Speed: 50 to 60% of max. speed
Break: 3 to 5
Sets: 1 to 3
2 sessions 24 to 48 hrs apart
Concentric method

Dynamic efforts
Non-maximum loads

80 to 100% of 1 MR
Reps: 2 to 4
Duration of contractions: 10 to 15
Active break: 30 to 1
Sets: 1 to 2
2 sessions 48 to 72 hrs apart

30 to 60% of 1 MR
Reps: 15 to 35
Speed: 40 to 50% of max. speed
Break: 30 to 2
Sets: 5 to 10
2 sessions 24 to 48 hrs apart
Concentric method

Isometric method

Figure 6: different methods of strength development (C. Tourny)

Japanese studies have shown that performing extremely slow concentric contractions for more than three seconds
promotes muscular hypertrophy by increasing the plasma concentration of anabolic hormones.
Low-intensity training applied to the isolated muscle and to the entire body at 50% of maximum intensity has led to
muscular hypertrophy comparable to higher-intensity training at 80% of maximum intensity at normal speed.
Goto et al., 2009, Tanimoto et Ishii, 2006
Methods for developing explosive strength

10 at a given angle
50 to 70% of MR
3 to 6 reps
Maximum speed
Break: 2 to 3
2 sessions 48 hrs apart

Change in height 40 to 80 cm
Load: body weight
Reps: 6 to 8
Break: 3 to 4
2 sessions 48 hrs apart

Figure 7: development of explosive strength in footballers

Heavy load: 2 to 4 MR
Light load: 40% of MR
Reps: 6 to 8
Light-heavy sequence
without stopping
Sets: 3 to 4
Break: 3
2 sessions 48 hrs apart

Pulling loads
Elastic load strapped around
Maximum running speed
Speed must be greater than
or equal to 50% of max.
Return running backwards


Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Example I A mixed session: muscle-building and small-sided games

Exercise 1: heavy-light muscle-building combined with 2 versus 2 small-sided game.
Heavy-light: (3 x heavy + 6 x light) x 2 break = 130

Physical quality: aerobic power (MAS)

2 versus 2 without goalkeeper with central support and back-up player
Attack: attacking 2 small goals
Defence: defending 2 small goals
Organisation: pitch: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 two-person play and twoperson play for a third player using pitch length
Procedure: free game. Attack and defend 2 small goals with 1 neutral
central support player and 1 neutral central back-up player.
Instructions: use the partner as direct assistance and the neutral players
as indirect assistance.
Working time 130

Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Example II Muscle-building with sled-dragging combined with 2 versus 2

small-sided game
15m run pulling weight 15m return walk 15m backwards run 15m run pulling weight x 2 break 130

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers + support players and back-up players
Attack: keeping possession of ball between support players and back-up players
Defence: intercepting and regaining possession of the ball
Organisation: 2 intersecting rectangles with a 15 x 15m central zone for
keeping possession of the ball in a 2 versus 2 with support players and
back-up players (15 x 5m zones for support players and back-up players)
Procedure: the blues keep the ball using their support player and back-up
player in one direction. The yellows must intercept, regain possession
(regaining possession possible with one of the two yellows being permitted
to go into the support or back-up zone) and keep possession of the ball
and then use their own support and back-up players in the other direction.
Instructions: to keep the ball, use the spaces and the gaps in the direction
of the game. In defence, anticipate in order to press the receiver.
Variant: each time the ball goes out, throw in a new one. Only 1 touch for
support and back-up players or they must take 2 touches.
Working time 130



Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation

Combination of physical qualities to be developed in football players

Aerobic capacity

Target heart rate:

active break

Aerobic power

Lactate threshold 1


Lactate threshold 2


Anaerobic lactic


Anaerobic lactic

Repeated sprints
6x30, 1 break


In stages


Alactic anaerobic capacity

Anaerobic alactic power


Speed power


Strength power

Maximum strength
Endurance strength

Sprints 3x15, 30 break

Sprints off the mark, short
speed 1 to 5

Rate of leg and

arm movements


Ability to do
consecutive technical actions

Weights room

Weights room


Figure 8: summary of aerobic, anaerobic, speed and strength exercises

* Mixed: Muscle-building apparatus followed by pitch exercise

Physical qualities of top-level footballers | Physical preparation



Advantages of
small-sided games
in integrated
physical preparation


Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

Advantages of small-sided games in

integrated physical preparation
The benefit of small-sided games for the coach is that they

small-sided games and some types of intermittent exercises,

can offer an insight into real game situations. This type of

to our knowledge there is no valid data concerning the

activity has multiple objectives and draws upon different

peripheral muscular response. Despite data showing that

energy pathways as well as skills and tactics specific to

they meet many objectives, small-sided games cannot match

football. Small-sided games are difficult to quantify in terms

the precision of traditional physical exercises or the longer

of intensity, but they enable the different aspects of players

and more controlled strenuous physical exertion that the

potential in specific match situations to be evaluated.

latter entail, and should not completely substitute these.

The fewer the number of players, the more they will be

The use of lactic or alactic anaerobic systems depends on

individually exposed to the demands of the game and the

the duration of rest periods between the repetitions. For the

greater the exertion.

same overall amount of time using the aerobic system, it

Small-sided games can be played with equal or unequal

has been observed that the shorter and more repetitive the

numbers of players and with the organisation and procedure

opposing stages, the more demands are made on the lactic

defined according to the chosen objective. They reproduce a

and alactic anaerobic systems. This depends on the pace of

specific playing system situation. The exercises are selected

the match.

according to the time available, the number of players and

The combination of the different types of small-sided games

the surface used. The demands on the players are intended

used in the session should add up to a total distance covered

to replicate as closely as possible the actions used in a

of between 3,600m and 4,200m. The intensity should

match. Based on data relating to players cardiac activity,

preferably be in the range of 6 to 45 in duration.

various studies show that small-sided games, from 3versus3

to 5 versus 5, achieve maximum heart rate percentages
which are similar to those achieved during intermittent or
continuous endurance training exercises (figure 1).
Comparing data from small-sided games with data obtained
from intermittent exercises of identical ratios (30-30
and 15-15) at 100% of MAS with active breaks shows a
similarity with small-sided games of 6 versus 6 on half a
pitch or 8 verus8 on three-quarters of a pitch.
The results of a comparative analysis between small-sided
games (1 versus 1, 2 versus 2, 4 versus 4, 8 versus 8 and
10versus 10 with or without goalkeepers) and short
intermittent exercises (30 activity 30 active or passive
break, 15-15 with passive break and 5-20 with passive or
active break) show the physiological similarities between
these two types of activity. Therefore, some small-sided
games can provide a form of activity that is similar to short
intermittent exercises. Taking into account the high intensity
and technical demands placed on footballers, combining
technical-tactical components with physical activity enables
small-sided games to be assimilated into football-specific
integrated physical training. However, although physiological
data shows that there is a similarity between some types of

Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation


Example of a 4 versus 4 game: impact on the energy, cardiac and muscular demands placed on the football
Organisation: 40 x 33m playing area (2 penalty areas)
First game: 4 versus 4 in six periods of 3 (18)

break 2 (10)

total 28

Second game: Five periods of 4

break 2

total 28

Third game: Four periods of 5

break 2

total 26

The three configurations induce exhaustive stress on the

aerobic system. The first and second games show higher
levels of lactic acid with high muscular fatigue of the legs.

7 versus 7

length of game

6 versus 6

8 versus 8

7 versus 7




4 versus 4

1 versus 1

3 versus 3

2 versus 2







4 versus 4

Figure 1: small-sided games quantified by duration

4 versus 4 structure
4 versus 4 is the smallest form of a full match
Using a diamond-shaped formation, which allows many

By adjusting the dimensions of the pitch, the working

game situations in groups of three in triangles, enables the

time, the length of break, the number of repetitions or

coach to use this form of small-sided game to develop the

even the number of sets, the coach or fitness coach can

tactical sense and behaviour of his players and to constantly

easily regulate the amount of energy that he wants the

provide them with the attacking and defending situations

players to expend while remaining in a football context.

that they would find in an 11 versus 11 game.

Therefore, the small-sided 4 versus 4 game may be said to

Likewise, when used during physical preparation, playing

be the meeting point of methods.

a 4 versus 4 game deploys all the energy processes, thus

enabling the coach to develop and/or to maintain the
physical qualities required for an 11 versus 11 match.


Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

Evaluation and tests

Aerobic test to check the level of intensity
In order to split players into exercise groups, it is important
to perform various endurance tests at the beginning of the
season. The aim is to obtain correlating accurate and reliable
physiological data from the laboratory tests (analysis of
exhaled breath) and the field tests. The exercises will increase
in volume and then progressively in intensity in order to
rapidly evolve into intermittent exercises with the aim of
naturally reproducing the specific nature of football.
The test is performed on a football pitch (68mx105m) with a
300m lap marked around it (figure 2). It allows the intensity
of running at speed to be determined while monitoring
the heart rate to develop the players endurance potential
(Chanon and Stephan, 1986).

After warming up, the player completes three stages:

PS1 : run 1,000m in 6 (i.e. 148 per 300m lap) at a speed

of 10km/h

1 break

S2 : run 1,000m in 5 (i.e. 130 per 300m lap) at a speed

of 14km/h

1 break

S3 : run 1,500m as fast as possible

Complete break

The heart rate is measured at the end of each stage, and

every 30 during the complete break.
These three stages form a series, and the maximum heart rate
at the third stage allows the VO2max index to be estimated.
VO2max (ml/min/kg) = 3.5 x speed (km/h)
The maximum speed of the third stage corresponds to the
maximal aerobic speed (MAS).
Figure 2: 300m lap on football pitch

Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation



The heart rate is measured every 30 during the five minutes

A 20-year-old footballer with a resting heart rate of 60

of break time to evaluate the recovery index, which is

beats per minute (bpm) completes:

calculated as follows:

Stage 1 with a heart rate of 150 bpm (checked during

Heart rate at end of S3 - heart rate after 1 break

the minute of break time),

Stage 2 with a heart rate of 175 bpm (checked during

A good recovery rate would be a lowering of the max HR to

the threshold HR (Z2) in less than 45 seconds, or a lowering

the minute of break time),

Stage 3 with a heart rate of 190 bpm (checked during

of 50 bpm in one minute. The recovery rate serves as an

indicator for monitoring the quality of recovery during the

the complete break),

repetitions and during the sets. When the heart rate at the
After the one-minute break at the end of S3 which he

end of the repetition or between the sets is higher than the

ran in five minutes (18km/h), his heart rate is 140 bpm

recovery rate, it means that the activity is too strenuous and

and it goes down to 100 bpm after three minutes. The

the number of repetitions can then be reduced, or the break

graph below shows three corresponding zones of effort:

period extended in order for the heart rate to return to the

Zone 1: between S1 and S2 at the aerobic threshold

value indicated by the recovery rate. These recovery rates

allow us to find out how much effort is being exerted in

(AeT) or lactate threshold 1

Zone 2: corresponding to the aerobic capacity (AC)

training situations.

during S2
Zone 3: corresponding to the maximal aerobic power















Figure 3: heart rate and recovery rate

P1: 10 km/h

P2: 12 km/h

P3: 18 km/h

1 break

3 break


Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

Exercises with balls and aerobic capacity games

Examples of threshold activity
3 game / 130 break
4 game / 2 break
6 game / 2 break

6 - 8 times
4 - 5 times
3 - 4 times

Principle: not to go below 130/140 bpm before starting again.

Note: to reach the objective of the activity at lactate threshold 2 in an adult,
extend the playing time as, in general, the longer adults play for, the less energy
they will expend.
Basic aerobics ---> improvement in physical capacity
Example: (the time will depend on the fitness of the player)
12 x 2 ---> (4)

} Speed: 70% MAS

} Pulse: 160

Step training
10 at 70% MAS
10 at 80% MAS
10 at 70% MAS
10 at 80% MAS
5 at 85% MAS
10 break at 60% MAS
Staircase structure
10 at 70%
10 at 75%
10 at 70 %
10 at 80 %
10 at 70 %

And increase the duration of the exercise: ---------------------> 30 to 45 min

Then, increase the intensity: 70% -------------> 75% -------------> 80%

5 at 85%

Aerobic endurance improving the threshold:

10 break at 65% MAS

To improve the lactate threshold, effort should be exerted close to the threshold:
2 x 12 at anaerobic threshold (break 3 at 50% MAS)
3 x 12 at anaerobic threshold (break 3 at 50% MAS)
2 x 15 at anaerobic threshold (break 3 at 50% MAS)
2 x 20 at anaerobic threshold (break 3 at 50% MAS)

Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

How to mark out a 300m lap on a football pitch?

Practical tips:
Mark out a line 60m in length along the 5.5m line,
stopping 4m from the touch line at either side.
Mark out a line 95m in length at right angles to the other
line and 4m from the touch line.
To round off the lap at the four corners, plot the angle arc
2.5m from the right angle on the angle bisector. The bend
will then measure 8m.
The player starts running at the halfway line and runs:
42m along the length,
8m on the bend,
50m along the width,
8m on the bend,
84m along the length,
8m on the bend,
50m along the width,
8m on the bend,
50 m de largeur,
8m on the bend,
42m along the length, back to the starting point (halfway
line). Each circuit is 300m which can be divided into stages
of 50 100 150 200 and 250m.

Figure 4: 300m track on a football pitch



Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

Speed test: IPTS-FB

Intermittent performance test specific to football

The physiological development of footballers plays a crucial

Field tests such as the Loughborough intermittent shuttle

role in their physical potential and is a decisive factor for

test have been used to create training sessions that make

performance. Research has largely shown that improving

the same physical demands on a footballer as a match

aerobic and anaerobic capacity plays a major role in a

situation (Ali et al., 2010; Magalhaes et al., 2010; Nicholas

football players success (Bangsbo, 1994).

et al., 2000).

Analysing the demands placed on footballers has revealed

The intermittent performance test specific to football

the intermittent nature of actions in a game and the

(IPTS-FB) is a test to evaluate the physical-technical criteria

necessity of being able to repeat high-intensity exercises.

for the analysis of anaerobic-type qualities specific to

At the physiological level, training through intermittent


exercises makes demands on the aerobic and anaerobic

Good performance in football depends on the coherence

metabolism at the same time. It has been shown that

and complementarity of the qualities of different players

improving the oxidative capacity of enzymes and reaction

within a group. Thus, one single player, however talented,

times has an impact on the peripheral components of

cannot alone combine all the technical and physical qualities

performance (Lemmink and Visscher, 2005).

required to ensure regular good results and performance.

Traditional physiological responses in intermittent shuttle-

By gathering information about repeat-sprinting ability,

type exercise tests with single-distance races are well known

the IPTS-FB makes it possible to update the distribution

(Prommer et al., 2007; Pradet, 2002).

of performance criteria across the group. This involves

However, football involves a lot of changing direction

classifying players according to various performance criteria

and dribbling combined with explosive actions and rapid

and distributing these criteria depending on the group of

acceleration and deceleration. Such changes in speed and

players and positions.

direction affect the muscular development of the football

The random nature of the IPTS-FB, combined with the

player and have an impact on the amount of energy used.

speed of execution and the information included, pushes

In comparisons with tests using normal running, higher

players to organise their decisions and their motor actions

physiological responses were recorded (Dellal et al., 2011).

by successive steps according to their quality of observation.

Field tests on footballers have enabled the maximal aerobic

The effect of fatigue is decisive in this context (Labsy et al.,

speed to be measured (such as the Probst test suggested by


Labsy et al., 2004), involving changes of direction. Moreover,

The focus is on performance criteria specific to football,

the various technical skills required of football players during

such as speed endurance or the ability to sprint repeatedly,

a match may be altered by metabolic modifications, in

on observing rates of fatigue and its effect on technical

particular the quality of sprints and passes, and accuracy of

qualities, and on taking into account coordination factors


relating to speed and game skills.

Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

Results of tests have several objectives:

To evaluate the physical and technical activity carried
out throughout the season according to the age of the
To identify players strengths and weaknesses according to
selected criteria;
To perform an objective distribution of physical and
technical qualities according to the players and their
To obtain an objective classification of performance criteria
specific to the players;

To identify players according to the most relevant criteria

for each position;
Finally, to create a database organised by age group in
order to have points of comparison between different
schools and countries.



Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

Data, performance criteria and conditions for carrying out the IPTS-FB
Performance criteria

Conditions for carrying out the test

Maximum speed

20m change direction

Without ball

Maximum speed

15m change direction

Slalom with ball then shot at target

Average speed

On 20m change direction

Without ball per exercise

Average speed


With ball
2 cones then 1 shot per exercise

Maximum speed


In a row

Average speed

As per exercise 1

Average speed

As per exercise 2

Speed endurance rate

Accuracy rate

Best time/average time of 6 attempts

(100 average time for exercise)/
number of errors

Speed off the mark

10m standing start

Backwards running speed

10m standing start

The more accurate the player, the

higher the rate

Figure 5

IPTS: procedure
Football skills (FS): three successive sprints including one FS with a 30 active break (walking) between the sprints.
Time of exertion in football (TEF): 30m walking, 10m standing start sprint, 20m walking, 30m jogging, 10m
backwards sprint, 20m walking.
Football skills: three successive sprints including one FS with a 30 active break (walking) between the sprints.

Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation


IPTS with photocells (five gates) and three ball sources overview
Procedure for football skills section (FS)
Instructions to players
First signal = start: (the player must remember three things
with one signal)

Break route
of break, 30

10 m
1- start
2- choice of change in direction (left right)
3- choice of ball to kick at the end of the circuit.
Number 3 will be the opposite direction of the first
change in direction (left right). If the first change in
direction is to the right, the ball to be kicked at the end of
the circuit will be on the left (and vice versa).

3 ball

10 m

Second signal during the slalom: choice of direction

of kick (to the right-hand or left-hand side of the goal). The
player should look up to see the signal telling him which
side of the goal he should aim at.
After the first change in direction, the player must
complete a 10m slalom without stepping outside the limits,
without touching the cones, stop the ball between the
two last cones of the circuit and then move without the
ball towards the ball situated on the side opposite to
the side already taken during the first change in direction.
Lastly, kick in the direction indicated.



10 m


10 m

Football skills section

10 m

Time of exertion in football (TEF)


3x 10m waking

3 X 10 m : marche

X 10
m : sprint

30m walking
10m sprint
4 break (20m walking)
30m jogging
10m backwards sprint, 20m walking
4 break (20m walking)

4 break

4 sec : rcupration

3x 10m jogging

3 X 10 m : jogging

10 m

1x 10m
1 X 10 msprint
: course


30 m

4 break

Intermittent exertion section

Figure 6


Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation

IPTS data (figure 6)

Maximum speed 20m with change in direction without ball
Maximum speed 15m with ball (slalom two cones then shot at target)
Average speed 20m with change in direction without ball per exercise
Average speed 15m with ball (two cones then shot) per exercise
Maximum speed 35m in a row
Average speed for exercise 1
Average speed for exercise 2
Speed endurance rate: best time/average time of 6 attempts
Accuracy rate: (100 average time for exercise)/number of errors: the more accurate the player, the higher the rate
Speed off the mark: 10m standing start
Backwards running speed: 10m standing start

Evaluation throughout the season


Identification of strengths and

Allocation of positions according to
relevant criteria pertinents selon les

Advantages of small-sided games in integrated physical preparation | Physical preparation


IPTS-FB with manual timing and only one source of balls

Football skills (FS)
Three successive sprints with 30 walking break.
Timing 1: from start/take ball when it is reached/kick the
ball (35m from start).
One single ball source at the start of the ball dribbling area.
The player continues to move right or left with the same
ball before kicking it.
Time of exertion in football
Timing 2: 10m sprint off the mark from when the foot
leaves the ground
Timing 3: 10m backwards running off the mark from
when the foot leaves the ground
Simplified analysis of IPTS-FB data
Maximum speed 35m of FS
Average speed over 35m per exercise
Speed off the mark: speed at 10m standing start at the
Speed backwards running: speed at 10m standing start
at the TEF

Figure 7: IPTS with manual timing and only one ball source

10 m

Only one
ball source

10 m



10 m

10 m

6. Quantifying the
training load


Quantifying the training load | Physical preparation

Quantifying the training load

During the last 20 years, the workload imposed on football

as a valid method of estimating, specifying and monitoring

players has risen relentlessly. The training load may be

the intensity of the exercise.

influenced by the level of physical fitness, injuries, illness,

Quantifying the training load, very often combining

environmental conditions and psychological state of the

physiological and psychological factors, is carried out in

player. Quantifying the load is thus of great importance

group sports such as football using the TRIMP (training

in modern training programmes for physical preparation,

impulse) method developed by Banister et al. (1975) and the

monitoring performance, preventing injuries and when

perceived exertion method (Borg, 1977) modified by Foster

returning to sport after injury.

et al. (1996). These methods have shown their effectiveness

Quantifying the load must take into consideration the

in quantifying the load when evaluating different training

combination of physiological and psychological aspects.


Physiological indicators are essentially found in the intensity,

Studies using the RPE show strong correlation with changes

frequency and duration of matches and training sessions.

in the heart rate during training.

During a match or training session, the physical effort

causes physiological stress in the player, which characterises
the internal load that is generally seen in the physiological
responses of the body to the effort exerted. The external
load represents the physical work that has actually been
done, which is determined by the combination of the
intensity, duration and frequency of the training or match.
Psychological factors (cognitive, affective and perceptive)
may also influence the energy metabolism required during
training sessions or matches, and are therefore additional
factors to be taken into consideration when quantifying the
load. Psychological indicators are generally based on the
amount of perceived effort using analogue scales.
Physical effort generally consists of three components:
frequency, duration and intensity of training sessions. In
football, the duration and frequency of training sessions
or matches are easy to quantify. This is not the case for
At the physiological level, because of the linear relationship
between expenditure of energy (VO2) and heart rate for
all levels of intensity, the heart rate is very often used to
estimate the intensity of the workload on the pitch; as it is
easy to measure, it is a tool that allows the rhythm of the
intensity of the activity to be monitored and adjusted.
At the psychological level, the rating of perceived exertion
(RPE) described by Borg (1970) has numerous sporting
applications. The perceived difficulty of effort increases
linearly according to the intensity and duration of the
activity. It serves as an indicator of physical capacity as well

Quantifying the training load | Physical preparation


Measuring perceived exertion: RPE

The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) is a method of monitoring the
training load in which each athlete estimates the amount of perceived
exertion of each session, with the training time also recorded (Foster et
al., 2001). To calculate the intensity of a session, footballers are asked
to respond to the following question during the cool-down part of the
session (often the last ten minutes):
How did you feel during the training session?
In 1990, Borg developed a 15-level scale to describe the intensity of
exertion during physical exercise, with the intensity going from rest to
maximum exertion (from six to 20, i.e. a heart rate of 60 bpm to 200
bpm). He created the following formula for the relationship between
heart rate and perception of exertion:

HR = RPE x 10

The perception of exertion largely depends on the degree of

strain felt by the muscles or by breathlessness and the degree
of exertion experienced.
Six signifies no exertion at all and 20 signifies maximum
Example rating 9: perceived exertion very light. 13: perceived
exertion slightly hard but the subject feels able to continue.
17: perceived exertion very hard. 19: perceived exertion at an
extremely tiring level of intensity (figure 1).


No exertion
Extremely light
Very light
Slightly hard
Very hard
Extremely hard
Figure 1

Practical tips for use:

Instructions for the player: Evaluate your feeling of exertion, ignoring
the objective data about the actual physical demands. Do not
overestimate or underestimate. It is your own feeling of exertion that is
important, you should not be influenced by how other people say they
feel. Ignore the opinions of others.
Tip: use a double-sided piece of paper; the player should write without
communicating with the other players, the training is on the front, the
rating of perceived exertion is on the back, the coach writes the value on
the front.


Quantifying the training load | Physical preparation

Evaluating an integrated physical

preparation session

loads for each player during a training period to be

measured. Each missed session is counted as 0. Replacement
sessions following injury are evaluated as well as individual

A session is prepared and evaluated in terms of arbitrary

additional sessions. All the individual sheets are compared

units and calculated according to the formula:

with the group sheet and allow the state of fitness of the
player to be observed and the necessary adjustments to be

RPE x time of exertion (in min) = value in arbitrary

carried out.

units (AU)
To complete these reports, it is possible to ask the player
This quantification may be analytical or global; evaluation of

before each session about any delayed onset muscle

the RPE is done at the end of the session. This calculation of

soreness (DOMS), in order to evaluate the DOMS using a

the training load in arbitrary units is done by the coach and

verbal scale (Hooper scale, figure 13) converted to a numeric

by the players. The difference between the intensity of the

value from 1 to 7 (Hooper et al., 1995).

sessions indicates whether the coachs objectives match the

amount of exertion perceived by the players.
The total weekly training load should be between
3,200 AU and 4,000 AU not including matches.

1. No pain
2. Very slight muscle fatigue
3. Slight muscle fatigue
4. Muscle fatigue

An estimate shows that the risk of injury increases when the

load is greater than 4,500 AU per week (excluding matches).
A monotony index is calculated, which corresponds to
the difference between the daily loads. The smaller the

5. Slight muscle pain

6. Medium muscle pain
7. Severe muscle pain

difference, the more monotonous it may seem.

These quantification methods also enable the individual

Figure 2: Hooper scale, muscle soreness

Quantifying the training load | Physical preparation

Quantifying the training load

Session type / TOTAL AU: 496 / DOMS: 3/7

Physical quality: aerobic capacity

Without goalkeeper. 2 or 3 groups of 6 players : PIGGY 4 versus 2
Attack: keeping the ball, changing side compulsory
Defence: intercepting passes in the square
Warm-up: 10
RPE : 7 x 10 70 AU

Heart rate check

Resting heart rate at

end of sets

Organisation: 2 groups of 6 players. 10 x 10m pitch 4 versus 2

Procedure: 4 players around the square. 2 players inside the square.
The players outside the square have two touches of the ball. If the ball is
intercepted or lost through a bad pass, the passer goes into the middle.
After completing a pass, players may switch sides.
Instructions: look up to receive information. Use gaps play on the
move. Play accurate passes anticipate runs execute rapidly. Constant
Variantes: Increase or reduce the number of touches play 4 versus 3
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break

Time for changing



Physical quality: aerobic power 4 versus 4

4 versus 4 without goalkeepers and with two mini-goals play using the width of pitch
Attack: using the width and depth of the pitch
Defence: defending zones using lateral movements
RPE: 18 x 12
216 AU

Heart rate check

Resting heart rate at

end of sets

Organisation: 40 x 25m pitch 4 groups of 4 players

Procedure: opposition and play using the width of the pitch with 3
touches of the ball. A goal is only awarded if all of the players in the
attacking team cross the halfway line. Play the offside rule.
Instructions: use actions of support/back-up/runs into space and switches
of play to create gaps in the oppositions defence.
Variantes : 2 touches in the defending half and free play in the attacking
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




Quantifying the training load | Physical preparation

Physical quality: work in transitional zone (between LT1 LT2)

Technical-tactical: 8 versus 8 with goalkeepers
Attack: using the width and depth of the pitch
Defence: defending zones, moving laterally and cutting off trajectories
Activity time: 14
RPE: 15 x 14 210 AU

Heart rate check

Resting heart rate at

end of sets

Organisation: surface: half-pitch with 2 channels: 8 versus 8

Procedure: goals scored from a pass from a channel count double.
Instructions: rapid sequences. Varied angles of passes. Look for gaps. Use
the width. Cut off trajectory. Close down spaces. Pack defence.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break

Cool down

Figure 3: example of sheet for quantifying team training (session-type)

Time in
min. and
average RPE

Session: morning or afternoon



Individual load
in AU







Warm up


Activity cycles
Aerobic cycle
Speed cycle


Threshold 1 activity

AU coach


Threshold 2 activity

MAP activity



Technical-tactical activity



Other situations

Evaluating and quantifying the training load is an effective factor in analysing collective performance



AU players




Quantifying the training load | Physical preparation



Development of
physical qualities
according to the
age of the players


Development of physical qualities according to the age of the players | Physical preparation

Development of physical qualities according

to the age of the players
The level of development in puberty of the player must be

Their overall workload should be reduced and the reduction

taken into account when planning physical preparation and

should be greater the older the player.

the development of physical qualities. Although it is difficult

As the development of physical qualities is affected by

to plan physical preparation specific to the stages of maturity

the level of maturity, it is important to recognise when

and the bone age of players, it is possible to plan the

is the best time to work on them. The level of training

development, optimisation, frequency of training and injury

load combined with puberty accelerates the development

prevention according to age category.

of certain physical qualities such as strength and

In training centres or academies, young players are generally

speed. Similarly, the training load may negatively affect

grouped into U-15 and U-19 categories. The main objective

performance through the prevalence of injuries around the

for young players is to develop their physical qualities.

time of puberty or in older players.

Coaches should work on the entire motor repertoire specific

Thus, combining scientific data from the literature and

to football in order to minimise motor deficiencies.

practical experience of planning the careers of professional

Above the age of 20, work on various physical qualities

players has enabled us to understand the question of how to

should be optimised and monitored. Optimising a players

build and maintain players physical qualities as they become

strengths becomes a priority alongside working on weak

experienced players.

points through small specific stimulation exercises. For

In the U-15 to U-19 categories, aerobic power exercises

players with a long career behind them, recovery between

may be performed separately or in an integrated manner.

matches is fundamental and specific training is essentially

Each of these methods has advantages. In U-15s, aerobic

aimed at preventing injury, taking into account previous

power exercises done in an integrated manner may involve

injuries suffered. Technical experience, excellent motor skills

more playful activities with the ball. The fitness coach

and tactical qualities are the strengths of these players.

may combine aerobic power exercises with a coordination

exercise, such as running circuits with the ball and taking
decisions. However, this method carries a greater risk of
Performing aerobic power exercises separately allows the
training to be more individually tailored, thus enabling the
MAS percentage to be quantified. The problem with this
method is the difficulty of then transposing it to a game
situation, but the advantage is that the players are less
exposed to injury.
Maintaining and developing aerobic potential is usually
done in two ways, one centred on developing maximal
aerobic power and the other on aerobic capacity. The level
of aerobic potential determines the ability of the player to
recover between periods of activity and training sessions.
Maintaining a high MAS throughout the players career can
help to optimise performance.
Exercising at the level of lactate threshold 2 is preferably
only started in the U-17 age group. It may be done with
younger players (14 years plus), depending on their stage of

Development of physical qualities according to the age of the players | Physical preparation


development. This type of activity requires precise evaluation

It is the quantity and quality of these prior learning

of the threshold: although in theory it is between 80 and

experiences that give the footballer a very high level

90% of MAS, there may be wide individual variations in

of coordination. To achieve this effect, agility ladders,

this age group. A test for maximum effort carried out in a

skipping, hurdles and hoops can be used regularly in

laboratory or with a portable device for analysing exhaled

circuits for the development of coordination and motor

breath should be prioritised for U-17s in order to accurately

skills. Coordination exercises with a ball for more specific

assess the thresholds, the target heart rate and the areas

motor skills include forward and backward movement,

of activity of the players. Exercising at lactate threshold 2

suggested or forced changes in pace (smart speed) with

may be performed separately or in an integrated manner.

different types of information: visual, aural, opposite or

While the heart rate is always monitored, the following

additional; changing direction on both sides. Speed of leg

factors may vary from session to session: time of effort,

and arm movements is an important factor in mastering

MAS percentages, the duration and the number of blocks/

more complex coordination skills. Studies carried out at the

units, as well as the type and length of the break. This

FC Barcelona training centre have shown the positive effect

lactic activity is mainly done with post-pubescent players,

of targeted complex coordination training on the level of

however simple modifications to the forms played may be

technical football skills.

implemented for younger players with small-sided game

The aim for players in the U-17 and U-19 age groups is to

situations such as 2v2. At top-level training it is imperative

improve motor skills and gain broad coordination skills, and

that the players activity thresholds are accurately

to be able to play on the right and the left (symmetry being

measured at least once a year.

preferable). For mature players, it is preferable to optimise

their strengths.

Mixed training sessions with short and medium-length

intermittent exercises may be used in all age groups,

The development of muscular strength in the young

replicating the intermittent activity of a match: 10-20, 15-15

footballer is dependent on his level of maturity. Strength

and 30-30, with ball control skills. Depending on the aims of

increases in a more or less linear correlation with age.

the session and on peripheral or central fatigue, the intensity

Muscle-strengthening and strength endurance training

of the game and the number of balls touched or the running

may start to be practised in the U-15 age group. Muscular

time may be increased.

strength is proportional to the sum of the muscle cross

sections, i.e. the more footballers increase their lean body

Speed, agility and coordination activities: the

mass, the stronger they become. In fact, from the U-15

development of speed of leg and arm movements before

age group, muscle-building with small additional weights is

and during puberty is essential, but it is around the age of

possible. This type of training may be begun relatively early,

seven that it is most important to increase the frequency

as learning the techniques is fundamental. Body weight and

and speed of movement. If this quality is not sufficiently

small apparatus (medicine ball, weighted wristbands, empty

developed at an early age, it is difficult to develop after

barbells, traction belts) are often used for core conditioning

puberty. Making rapid movements increases neuro-motor

and muscle-strengthening exercises and sessions take the

plasticity, which has the effect of developing coordination

form of circuit training. In the U-15 age group, low-intensity

abilities, improving complex motor skills and increasing

plyometric training can be very useful by applying the force

learning ability. Thus, by practising these types of motor

of gravity in order to increase bone mineral density. These

skills, young footballers gain transferable motor skills that

mechanical stimuli affect the growth of the long bones,

they can use and adapt to reduce learning time and improve

as the newly formed trabeculae (inner part of the bone:

effectiveness of technical moves.

lamellae, cervical fasicles and trabeculae) move according to


Development of physical qualities according to the age of the players | Physical preparation

the direction of the predominant mechanical forces so as to

can cause over-training injuries. The prevalence of groin

optimise the resistance of the bone tissue to stresses. This

injuries, which often begin with pains in the adductors,

stimulation of the bones by exercise can partly be explained

hamstrings and iliopsoas, should be borne in mind. The

by the increase in the diameter of the blood vessels. The

reasons for these pains are due to the physical demands

impacts generated by kicking, receiving the ball, running and

specific to footballers, such as flexion of the trunk on the

shooting all require good bone and vascular development.

leg when shooting, tackling and use of the adductors

Starting from the U-17 age group, after growth has peaked,

when stretching out the leg or changing direction. The

developing maximum strength and explosiveness are the

characteristic stiffness of players after the peak in growth

priorities. This physical quality benefits from the increasing

of the hamstrings, the psoas and the quadratus lomborum

levels of testosterone in this age group. This effect,

combined with a lack of strength of the oblique muscles,

combined with the increased level of training load, will help

can cause shearing at the pubis, creating localised pain

to accelerate tissue and cell growth. Thus, in the U-17 and

of the symphysis pubis. Additional stretching and core

U-19 age groups, young footballers move from muscle-

conditioning exercises can help to prevent the occurrence of

strengthening to muscle-building. Muscle building must be


done progressively and taken into account when calculating

the training load. Muscle strength or explosiveness training

Development of proprioception is a recent idea in the

(which combines strength and speed) can take place in the

world of football; it is aimed at improving balance and

weights room or on the field or even in mixed situations.

coordination and can help prevent ankle and knee injuries.

This activity may vary depending on the objectives and the

Exercises for developing proprioception may be started from

individual characteristics or positions of players.

the U-15 age group with floor work, ball-juggling, exercising

In players over the age of 30, strength training is similar to

on sand or playing football barefoot, all being good for the

training to maintain fitness or reconditioning after a break.

development of proprioception. Starting from the U-17 age

Because of its prophylactic aspects, muscle-building is

group, more challenging proprioception exercises may be

generally done in short targeted sets. The eccentric method

introduced, with the use of balance balls and gym balls,

can improve the resistance or volume of connective tissues

while maintaining a high level of safety. These proprioception

such as fasciae and tendinous structures. In experienced

exercises should be done every week in blocks of 20 minutes

players, good self-awareness usually leads to a reduction in

on average. For more expert players, the exercises can be

the training load and optimisation of the regeneration and

done while standing with the gym ball, coordination then

recuperation processes.

reaching its peak. Proprioception, coordination and motor

This reduction in training load should also be applied to

skills are closely linked; these qualities may be exercised in

young players who have recently started at training centres,

warm-ups, as an alternative to the laps of the pitch that are

as going from two sessions a week to seven or nine sessions

still a too-common fallback for coaches.

Development of physical qualities according to the age of the players | Physical preparation

Physical qualities to be developed according to the age of the players






Aerobic capacity +++

Intermittent ++
Continuous +

Aerobic capacity ++
Lactate threshold 1 ++
Maximum aerobic
power +++

Aerobic capacity ++
Maximum aerobic
power ++

Aerobic capacity
Maintaining fitness
Maximum aerobic
power ++

Activity at
lactate threshold 2

(games: 6 versus 6,
7 versus 7, 8 versus 8)

Intermittent long
(games: 6 versus 6,
7 versus 7, 8 versus 8)
(4 versus 4) +

Intermittent medium
(games: 6 versus 6,
7 versus 7, 8 versus 8)
(4 versus 4) ++
(2 versus 2,
3 versus 3) +

Closer to MAS
(4 versus 4)
(games: from 1 versus 1
=> 8 versus 8) +++
(4 versus 4) +++


++ max. development
Sprint off the mark
Intermittent short
Frequency of movement


Reinforce general core

In the form of circuit

Muscle building
Endurance strength
Low-intensity plyometric

Maximum hypertrophic
strength (upper and
lower body)
Speed power

Maximum strength
Integrated planning
Strength power
Strength speed


Motor skills circuit

Football technique
Agility ladders change
in direction +++

Football technique
Complex coordination
with ball +++

Widening the range of

max. coordination +++


Global balance
Barefoot football

Ball-juggling balance
Practising on sand
Tennis ball

Balance board

Complex balance
Balance board and gym

Figure 1

+++ max. development ++ lactic activity

Enable recovery
Intermittent short
Repeated sprints with or
without ball, changing


8. Managing the
training load


Managing the training load | Physical preparation

Managing the training load

Physical preparation must take into account in particular

sessions may therefore take the form of muscle-building

characteristics linked to the age of the players (young players

sessions, sessions based on speed or aerobic-based sessions,

within the professional group or players over the age of 30),

for the physical aspects, and may also look at the technical,

the level of expertise (number of matches per week), the

tactical and psychological aspects. In all cases the training

level of the competition (cup match, national championship

is individually tailored in these sessions. General training

or international matches), players previous injuries and

sessions should be planned with some whole-group activities

finally the weekly timetable (training sessions and number of

and some more tailored activities.

matches per week).

Young players who are part of the professional group should

Another purpose of physical preparation is of course to

have more training time, with extra sessions and/or a specific

reduce the risk of injury. Previous injuries and the position

additional activity at the end of the regular session. The

and profile of the player should be taken into account. The

coach may provide approximately two to three extra sessions

risk of injury is greater in older players, players with previous

per week depending on the number required to achieve

injuries, tired players and players who do not have strong

the necessary level. Depending on the needs identified, the

muscles. It is therefore necessary to assess the level of

coach may set objectives with the player in order to estimate

possible risk of injury. The most frequent injuries in football

the time required to achieve the desired progress. Training

involve the hamstrings, the adductors, the ankles, the knees

Managing the training load | Physical preparation


and the quadriceps, in that order. After this assessment, a

if performed in the late afternoon. The opposite order, i.e.

tailored training programme aimed at reducing these risks

physical activity in the morning and technical-tactical work in

should be drawn up based on the eccentric strengthening of

the afternoon, can be chosen with the aim of creating reflex

the muscles at risk of injury and on proprioception.

actions which require less motor intelligence than technical-

Proper recovery is essential to ensure that training sessions

tactical work. The disadvantage is that the participants will

and also matches can be performed under the best possible

come to the technical-tactical session feeling tired (Labsy et

conditions. Taking a cold bath immediately after intense

al., 2009).

sessions or matches can reduce recovery time. The day after

a match, a session can often involve the exercise bike or

However, if technical-tactical work is carried out in the

ergo bike to avoid the body impacting against the ground.

morning and physical activity in the afternoon, players

When training is scheduled twice a day, physical training

will be physically and mentally fresh, enabling them to

can either be done in the morning or afternoon session,

understand and resolve the tactical problems in game

with the technical-tactical training taking place during

situations presented by the coach during the session,

the other session. However, chronobiological studies have

and the effectiveness of the physical activity in the

shown that technical-tactical work is more effective if carried

afternoon will also not be impaired. Nowadays, coaches

out late-morning, while physical activity is more effective

are usually encouraged to integrate physical activity into a


Managing the training load | Physical preparation

technical-tactical session. Furthermore, in the majority of

games should be avoided. Energetic play and rapid stops are

cases in top-level football, it is rare to organise two sessions

preferred, with playing time limited to eight minutes, four of

a day when clubs are often faced with matches every four

which can be used for dynamic and short small-sided games


not requiring maximum intensity.

The integrated solution is a possible response to this

problem, particularly at top-level clubs where the calendars

Post-match recovery depends on the amount of time each

are often overloaded.

player was on the pitch. Immediately after the match, the

lower limbs can be bathed in cold water (around 12C)

At the very beginning of the season, when training has just

for between seven and eight minutes, this process having

restarted, sessions may be extended to two hours. In this

analgesic and vasoconstrictive effects that aid recovery. The

case, many precautions must be taken not to incur serious

day after the match is usually a rest day and cold water

muscle fatigue. For example, the adductors may suffer

baths are taken again. Hydration and glycogenic repletion

decompensation as a result of frequently stopping abruptly,

(eat and drink products with high sugar content) should be

which may over-expose the player to injuries.

prioritised. It should also be remembered that good-quality

How a session should be divided up in terms of physical,

sleep is fundamental to the recovery process, as the growth

technical or tactical parts is decided in collaboration with the

hormone is secreted at night.

coach, and the intensity or volume of the training is then

decided upon.

More specifically, two days after the match, players who

have played for less than 60 minutes should recover actively

Physical preparation the day before a match should take

by exercising on an ergo bike for 20 minutes at an intensity

place during a one-hour session of moderate intensity (RPE

of between 40 and 50% of MAS. This activity may be

average 13). The aim here is to prevent pain and muscle

accompanied by core conditioning exercises with upper body



Explosive actions may be practised while being careful to

Players who did not play or who played for less than 30

avoid using up too much energy, with very few long sprints

minutes should complete a one-hour high-intensity session

for example, 10m sprints with the ball and shooting.

(RPE average 17).

Swerving runs should be used to avoid stopping abruptly

If two matches are played in the same week, recovery should

when changing direction.

consist of a 20-minute run at 60% of MAS on the day after

High-impact and high-energy situations, exercises requiring a

each match, preferably in the afternoon.

high MAS and very long small-sided 4 versus 4 or 3 versus 3

Managing the training load | Physical preparation


9. Small-sided games


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games

Path of the player without the ball
Path of the player with the ball
Path of the ball (from a pass or shot)

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

The training process is recorded in an annual programme

The training load

made up of linked periods of time that are as coherent as

The overall training planning should take the activity load


into account. It must strike a balance between the amount

The pre-season period is split into two stages: the basic

of work required and the demands of the activity load. It

stage and the pre-competition stage, with the competition

is calculated from the quantity of activity multiplied by the

period being the longest. It may include some first-leg

intensity required and the relationship between the volume

matches and possibly even second-leg matches.

and the intensity.

The winter and spring break periods are interspersed

with two large competition blocks.

Load = volume x intensity

The training session should take into account the results of

assessments, tests or matches. Its objectives should be based

The volume is the number of repetitions multiplied by the

on volume of activity, characteristics of the players and social

number of sets.

or environmental conditions.

The intensity can be measured using the percentage of

The training session. Spread over several days, the sessions

the maximum heart rate (% HR max) or of the RPE or the

are intended to meet particular objectives corresponding

to the stages outlined in the general preparation.
The microcycle is a group of training sessions taking
place over the course of approximately one week (weekly
The mesocycle is a group of two, three or four microcycles
applied coherently and progressively.
The macrocycle is a group of mesocycles (and microcycles)
making up a season or part of a season. It enables specific
physical, technical and tactical qualities to be developed.

maximal aerobic speed (% MAS).



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Heart rate
Heart rate (HR), a tool for measuring training and adaptation to exertion:
Enables targeting intensity
Enables evaluating the quality of the recovery
Evaluation of the training load using the reserve heart rate (max HR HR rest)

HR at rest (HR rest) + % reserve HR (res HR)

Low +

HR < HR rest + 60% res HR

Maximum amount

Medium ++ HR rest + 60% res HR < HR < HR rest + 80% res HR

2 x 20 at lactate threshold 2

High +++

2.5 x time for which the MAS is maintained (15 max.)

HR > HR rest + 80% res HR

Measuring recovery
The heart rate measured 3 after exertion has ended is a good indicator of
physical condition.
A difference of 40 to 70 bpm between exertion and recovery indicates proper
Another indicator is when the heart rate drops from 180 to 120 bpm in 1,
indicating proper recovery.
Using the HR/MAS relation (based on the Karvonen method, 1957)
Working with percentage heart rate:
max HR HR rest = reserve HR
Target HR = HR rest + reserve HR x % MAS

Example: For 80% MAS, HR rest = 60 bpm and max HR = 190 bpm:
Target HR = 60 + [(190 60) x 80%] = 164 bpm, i.e. 16 AU
For a 22-year-old player with: HR rest = 60 bpm if the intensity =
80% MAS
max HR (in theory): 220 age => 220 22 = 198 bpm
reserve HR = max HR HR rest => reserve HR = 198 60 = 138 bpm
HR at 80% MAS

= 60 + (138 x 80%) = 170 bpm

= 60 + 110 = 170 bpm

Direct method:
Reserve HR = 198 x 80% (0.8) = 158.4 bpm (70% MAS)

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Quantifying the training load by measuring the rate of perceived exertion (RPE)

Elements for calculating the training load (tips from chapter 6)

RPE and its relation to
heart rate

HR = RPE x 10

Training load formula

Theory by the coach
Felt by the players at
the end of the session

RPE x time of exertion (in min) = arbitrary units (AU)

Aim: to set the load of each of the training sessions

Sum of the training loads

per week (not including

To set the objectives and the load of the micro-cycle.

Warning: you must alternate the game situations and the intensity
of the exertion because training loads of over 4,500 AU on a weekly
basis (not including matches) result in a higher risk of injury.

Made up of between
3,200 AU and
4,000 AU

Week with one match

Value of one match

864 AU + micro-cycle
3,200 to 4,000 AU

Total load for the week:

4,064 to 4,864 AU

Value of two matches

864 AU x 2 = 1,728

Total load for a week excluding matches:

2,336 to 3,136 AU

Total load for a week with 2 matches:

4,064 to 4,864 AU

Week with two matches.

It would be better to
rotate the squads in
order to avoid players
losing out on training
during periods of
important games


Take actual playing time into account for an average span of 54.
Training load proportionally lower for players who have had more
match time. To obtain acceptable values, lowering the training load
based on individual playing times during matches is recommended.

Missed session

0 rating (zero) AU

Monotony index

Avoid monotony by using various loads throughout the week

Number of matches for

each player.
Take each players actual
playing time into account
to balance out the load.

Quantified based on average playing time

Zero AU
For example: 16 RPE
x 54, i.e. 864 AU per
54 = 27 of actual play
per half



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games and playing zones

Small-sided games set up different match situations that are played out in different zones of the pitch based on match
contexts. Implementing these situations relates to the desired objectives based on the content to be developed.

Small-sided games | Physical preparation



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Selection of small-sided games (quantifying the load)


Physical quality: max. speed based on MAP

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers
Attack: taking out opponent and going towards the goal to score
Defence: preventing the ball carrier from going towards the goal,
regaining possession

2. Physical quality: max. speed based on MAP

2 versus 2 with goalkeepers
Attack: two-person play going towards the goal
Defence: preventing the opponents from moving forward, regaining


3. Physical quality: max. speed based on MAP

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers
Attack: support and back-up play for taking out opponents and moving
Defence: closing down the gaps and preventing opponents from moving

Pitch 1

Pitch 2

Pitch 3

Technical and tactical work

18 RPE x 4 = 72 AU

17 RPE x 8 = 136 AU

15 RPE x 9 = 135 AU

Heart rate after a break

of 3

To be measured to ascertain if players can adapt to the desired intensity


20 x 15m pitch
2 drills
1 group of 1 versus 1

25 x 16m pitch
2 drills
1 group of 2 versus 2


1 versus 1 with mini-goals

2 versus 2 with mini-goals and 3 versus 3 with large

goals and goalkeepers


Based on the topic proposed


Use support players

Use support players and specified number of touches

Working time for each drill

4 x 1

4 x 2

3 x 3

Recovery time for each drill

Number of times each drill

is repeated

Type of break for each set




30 x 25m pitch
2 drills
1 group of 3 versus 3

Small-sided games | Physical preparation


Selection of small-sided games (quantifying the load)

Physical quality: speed based on MAP
8 versus 8 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking quickly after a set piece (8 set pieces)
Defence: defending in position after each dead ball


Techniques and tactics:

16 min

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

RPE 16 x 16 = 256 UA

Pitch size: three-quarters. 8 attacking drills and 8 defending drills per team.
Group of 8 versus 8.


8 versus 8 with big goals. Attack 8 times and defend 8 times. Comparisons.


Tough attacking and defending as per the Laws of the Game.

Working time

Length of break

Number of repetitions

Type of break

Between 30 and
1 depending on the intensity
of the opposition

8 attacking drills and

8 defending drills


Dead-ball situation

Position on the pitch


Ball no. 1

Ball no. 5

Indirect free kicks

Ball no. 2

Ball no. 6

Direct free kicks

Ball no. 3

Ball no. 7


Ball no. 4

Ball no. 8


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

1 versus 1

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed 

1 versus 1 without goalkeepers + 2 attacking support players
Attack: dribbling the ball through a goal
Defence: defending 2 goals
RPE: 16 x 12
192 AU

Heart rate check


1 versus 1 / Game 1

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 16.5m 1 versus 1 with attacking support players.

Procedure: start: 2 players back to back. The coach throws the ball into
the defending half of the player facing him. Dribble the ball through a
Instructions: once the drill is completed, the player returns to his half, the
other player gets the ball and attacks.
Variant: use the neutral players as support and back-up players.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break





Physical quality: speed

1 versus 1 / Game 2
1 versus 1 without goalkeeper + 2 attacking support players and 2 stationary neutral support midfielders
Attack: dribbling the ball through a goal
Defence: defending 2 goals

RPE: 16 x 12
192 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 16.5m 1 versus 1 with attacking support players and

neutral support players out wide.
Procedure: start: 2 players back to back. The coach throws the ball into
the defending half of the player facing him. Dribble the ball through a
goal. Once the drill is completed, the player returns to his half and the
other player gets the ball and attacks. Use the attacking support players
and neutral support players to move forward and attempt to get through
the goals.
Instructions: once the drill is completed, the player returns to his half and
the other player gets the ball and attacks.
Variant: the goal counts double from a lay-off.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break






Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed 

1 versus 1 without goalkeeper + 1 floating player and 2 support players
Attack: passing through the goals
Defence: defending the two goals
RPE: 16 x 6
96 AU

Heart rate check

1 versus 1 / Game 3

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 16.5m. Use a floating player and support players to

score points.
Procedure: objective: use direct assistance. Start: 2 players back to back.
The coach throws the ball into the defending half of the player facing him:
Bring a floating player into the game with 2 touches of the ball. Time
available for the player to get free from the player marking him.
Instructions: once the drill is completed, the player returns to his half and
the other player gets the ball and attacks.
Variant: one floating player per player in the players defending half who
does not play in the attacking half.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Passive between

Physical quality: speed 

1 versus 1 + support players
Attack: scoring points by heading past the goal line
Defence: defending own goal line
RPE: 15 x 6
90 AU

Heart rate check

1 versus 1 / Game 4

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 16.5 x 10m. Heading the ball using a wide support player
to reach the central support player.
Procedure: a point is scored if the ball crosses the goal line or bounces
behind it.
Instructions: neutral support players moving along the wings. Players
cannot catch the ball with their hands until after the first bounce.
Variant: chest-hand trap. Then direct hand-head play.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Passive between

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and MAP 

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers
Attack: dribbling forward to score
Defence: defending own goal

RPE: 18 X 4
72 AU


1 versus 1 / Game 5

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 20 x 18m. When a player receives a ball, his opponent

quickly runs around a cone in the corner of the pitch and runs back to
Procedure: ball source at the goals of one of the goalkeepers. The coach
passes to one of the goalkeepers the game starts.
Instructions: the player who scores gets a ball from the source. The player
who concedes a goal must run around one of the cones on his goal line
before returning to defend; the same applies if the ball is put out of play.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Passive between

Physical quality: speed and MAP 

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers
Attack: dribbling forward to score
Defence: defending own goal
RPE: 18 x 4
72 AU

1 versus 1 / Game 6

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 20 x 18m. When a player receives the ball from a clearance

by the opposing goalkeeper, the defender must run around a cone in the
corner of the pitch.
Procedure: yellow score a goal. Blue dribble through one of the two
goals. Ball source at the goals. The goalkeeper throws a high ball to the
yellow striker the game starts.
Instructions: if the yellow player scores, he returns to his defending half
of the pitch and receives a new ball. The blue player runs around a cone
on his goal line and goes into defence. If the blue player gets a point,
he returns to his defending half. The yellow player returns to his half for
another restart by the goalkeeper.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Passive between


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed 

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers and neutral floating players in 2 zones
Attack: using the floating players to score a goal
Defence: defending own goal
RPE: 18 x 4
72 AU

Heart rate check

1 versus 1 / Game 7

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 20 x 18m in 1 versus 1 with goalkeepers and neutral

floating players in each zone.
Procedure: score a goal using 2 floating players in two successive zones,
in defence and attack. The ball source is at the goals. One floating player
in defending zone can touch the ball 2-3 times, while the other floating
player in the attacking zone has just 1 touch.


Instructions: if the yellow player scores, he returns to his defending half

of the pitch and receives a new ball. The blue player runs around a cone
on his goal line and goes into defence. If the blue player scores, the yellow
player runs around a cone on his goal line and goes into defence.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Passive between

Physical quality: speed 

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking quickly deep into opponents half
Defence: defending quickly in the centre

RPE: 19 x 40
12.5 AU

Heart rate check

1 versus 1 / Game 8

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 15 x 40m
Procedure: 2 goals on a reduced-size pitch, 2 teams facing each other, 1
with a ball and the other without + 1 stationary support player between
the two teams. Pass to the support player who flicks the balls on to the
right or left + duel for scoring. The player who touches the ball first
chooses which goal he attacks.


Instructions: use dynamic footwork. React by passing in front of the

opponent or stepping aside depending on his position. Feint to shoot.
Sprint to join the opposite line.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed (work in rounds) 

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers
Attack: playing with back to goal
Defence: defending own goal with the goalkeeper (handicap for defence)
RPE: 19 x 40
12.5 AU

Heart rate check


1 versus 1 / Game 9

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 18 x 25m 2 areas of 1 versus 1 with back-up player and

Procedure: 6 defenders/10 attackers, 2 goals side by side with two 1
versus 1 drills playing at the same time (2 ball sources). Duel with the
attacker whose back is to goal and who has a minimum of 2 touches of
the ball. Prevent him from turning and shooting. Win the ball back and
feed it back to team-mates waiting to play. Switch roles.
Instructions: defending on your feet without fouling.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Passive between

Physical quality: speed (playing the ball with the body) 

1 versus 1 with back to goal without goalkeeper on small pitch
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch
Defence: defending using the width
RPE: 18 x 2
36 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 40m 1 versus 1. 2 mini-goals for defending and 2

mini-goals for attacking with back-up players.
Procedure: on a 5 x 12m area: 2 teams of 3 take turns to defend. Prevent
the attacker from turning and running through a goal. 2 areas. Switch
Instructions: quickly advance without making a mistake. Control your
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




1 versus 1 / Game 10


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed 

1 versus 1 + goalkeeper and 2 support players
Attack: using the support players or dribbling to shoot at goal
Defence: preventing opponents from going towards goal
RPE: 18 x 2
36 AU

Heart rate check

1 versus 1 / Game 11

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 16.5m playing area groups of 6 or 8 players.

Procedure: use 1 of the 2 wide support players for a 1-2 that leads into a
Instructions: give a strong pass to the support player and start running
forward. Carry the ball towards the defender while keeping your head up
to see all the options. Draw the defender without being beaten by him.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




Physical quality: speed 

1 versus 1 without goalkeeper stop-ball on one of the two lines
Attack: attacking duel
Defence: protecting the line
RPE: 18 x 6
108 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 16.5 x 25m 1 versus 1 with 4 ball sources. 2 neutral

support players and 2 neutral back-up players.
Procedure: moving into open space to win the ball back and attack the
opposite line.
Instructions: go back to the centre of the square after each goal
scored; attacking-defending and defending-attacking transition work.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Passive between

1 versus 1 / Game 12

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed (max. S), short sprint (work in rounds) 

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers
Attack: scoring from a cross
Defence: none
RPE: 19 x 40
12.5 AU

Heart rate check


1 versus 1 / Game 13

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: half-pitch playing area sprinting to connect with a cross

and shoot.
Procedure: 1 player passes a long ball for the other player to run onto (1)
and runs to receive the ball at the opposite goal (2).

30 m

Instructions: overlapping circuit with crosses and sprint for scoring.

Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed (max. S), short sprint (work in rounds) 

1 versus 1 with goalkeepers
Attack: scoring from an anticipated pass
Defence: none
RPE: 19 x 40
12.5 AU

Heart rate check

30 m

1 versus 1 / Game 14

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 20m exchange of passes and finish.

Procedure: pull-back sprint shot at goal.
Instructions: sprint as the ball is passed (anticipating-coinciding, timing).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



20 m


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: max. speed 

1 versus 1 without goalkeeper (stop-ball) with wide support players and back-up players
Attack: dribbling into the zone by getting past the defender
Defence: stopping the player from coming forward, winning the ball back
RPE: 18 x 6
108 AU

Heart rate check

1 versus 1 / Game 15

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 10 x 15m playing area: 3 pairs of attackers/defenders

Procedure: 1 versus 1 after receiving the ball from a midfielder. Twoperson play of 1 versus 1 with 2 back-up players and 2 wide support
players playing against each other on the sides. If a player loses possession,
a defender plays stop-ball. 2 areas.
Instructions: run off the ball into space and decoy runs, then fall back
slightly to draw the defender to the side. Change pace. Use the support
players for passes or dummies. If blocked, use back-up player. The support
player moves to stay level with the ball carrier.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed work in rounds 

1 versus 1 with goalkeeper
Attack: scoring from a cross after sprinting round a cone
Defence: none
RPE: 19 x 1
19 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: half-pitch playing area 1-2s in the channel and receiving

the ball at the 16.5m line.
Procedure: player gives a long ball into the channel after the 1-2 for the
other player to run onto and runs to receive the ball at the 16.5m line for
shooting after having sprinted around the defence markers.
Instructions: overlapping circuit, cross and sprinting around cones before
Variant: running off the ball into space/decoy runs for both the player
who receives the pass and the cross.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



1 versus 1 / Game 16

Small-sided games | Physical preparation



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

2 versus 2

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on aerobic power (MAS) 

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers with central support and back-up players
Attack: attacking 2 mini-goals with central support players
Defence: defending 2 mini-goals
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 1

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 two-person play and two-person

play for a third player look for length.
Procedure: free play. Attack 2 mini-goals with 1 neutral central support
player and 1 neutral central back-up player.
Instructions: use the partner for direct assistance and the neutral players
for indirect assistance.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on aerobic power (MAS) 

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers with neutral wide support players
Attack: attacking 2 mini-goals with wide support players
Defence: defending 2 mini-goals
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 in 3 zones with 2 neutral wide

support players.
Procedure: free play. Attack 2 mini-goals with 1 neutral wide support
player and 1 neutral wide back-up player.
Instructions: use the partner as direct assistance and the neutral players
as indirect assistance: use the width.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

2 versus 2 / Game 2


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration aerobic power (MAS) 

2 versus 2 with goalkeepers + central support and back-up players
Attack: two-player attack on goal with central support and back-up players
Defence: defending own goal by closing down spaces and using lateral movements
RPE: 15 x 730
112.5 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 3

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m 2 versus 2 two-person play and two-person

play for a third player look for length.
Procedure: free play. Attack 2 goals with 2 neutral central support players
and 2 neutral central back-up players.
Instructions: use the partner for direct assistance and the neutral players
for indirect assistance.
Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: maximum aerobic power (MAP) 

2 versus 2 with goalkeepers, moving up, moving down
Attack: attacking with 2 players to score
Defence: defending own goal with 2 players plus goalkeeper
Heart rate after a break
of 3

Organisation: 40 x 16.5m 6 groups of 3 players, 1 of whom is the

Procedure: 2 versus 2 over 2. The winning team changes pitch by moving
up to pitch no. 1. The losing team moves in the opposite direction to
pitch no. 3. If the game finishes as a draw, the team that scored the first
goal is the winner and moves up. If the game is a 0-0 draw, the team that
attacked most is the winner.
Instructions: use team-mates as support players and the goalkeeper as a
back-up player. Provoke in attack and harass in defence.
Variant: the goalkeepers can create a numerical advantage in the
attacking phase without passing the halfway line.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Semi-active, with
or without ball

moving up
moving down

Heart rate check

moving up
moving down

RPE: 17 x 16
272 AU

2 versus 2 / Game 4

Pitch no. 3

Number of

Pitch no. 2

Length of break

Pitch no. 1

Working time

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: max. speed based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers staggered defence
Attack: attacking 2 mini-goals or dribbling through the goals
Defence: defending own goal by closing down spaces and using lateral movements
RPE: 16 x 730
120 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 5

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 in staggered zonal defence with 2

mini-goals for defending and 2 mini-goals for attacking.
Procedure: free play. One defender in each half. Objective: attack 2 minigoals by eliminating the defenders one after another in the attacking and
defending zones.
Instructions: regardless of the outcome of the action, players return to
their defending and attacking zone.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: max. speed based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers with staggered defence
Attack: reaching the goal area (stop-ball)
Defence: defending own goal area (stop-ball)
RPE: 16 x 730
120 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 6

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 in staggered zonal defence with 2

stop-ball areas for defending and attacking.
Procedure: free play. 1 defender in each half. Objective: dribble up to the
goal area by taking out the defenders one by one in the attacking and
defending areas.
Instructions: at the end of the action, players return to their defending
and attacking areas.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: max. speed based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers and with floating players
Attack: attacking 2 mini-goals
Defence: defending 2 mini-goals
RPE: 16 x 730
120 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 7

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 in staggered zonal defence with 2

mini-goals for defending and attacking.
Procedure: free play. 1 floating player in each half. The team with the
ball can use its floating player (limited to 2 touches of the ball) in its own
defending half.
Instructions: if the opposing team has the ball, the floating player
defends the 2 mini-goals.
Variant: at the end of the action, the players return to their defending
zone. To score a point, reach the floating player with a pass into one of the
2 goals.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: max. speed based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeeper + 1 floating player in each attacking and defending zone
Attack: attacking opponents goal line
Defence: defending own goal line
RPE: 16 x 730
120 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 in zonal play with 2 stop-ball areas

and with support players for defending and attacking.
Procedure: free play. 1 floating player in each half. The team with the
ball can use its floating player (limited to 2 touches of the ball) in its own
defending half. If the opposing team has the ball, the floating player
defends the stop-ball area.
Instructions: at the end of the action, the players return to their
defending zone.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

2 versus 2 / Game 8


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP 

2 versus 2 + goalkeepers and 4 neutral crossers
Attack: scoring with a header from a cross
Defence: defending own goal by intercepting the crosses
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 9

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m 2 versus 2 with zonal wide support players and

Procedure: goalkeeper releases to neutral player in support and back-up
(2 touches of the ball). Running from end to end to score with a header
from a cross or lay-off.
Instructions: get organised in pairs (man-to-man or zonal marking).
Variant: scoring from a volley after a lay-off.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: MAP 

2 versus 2 + goalkeepers and 2 central attacking support players
Attack: attacking goal with goalkeeper as support and back-up
Defence: defending own goal with a numerical disadvantage
RPE: 16 x 730
120 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m 2 versus 2 with attacking support players.

Procedure: goalkeeper plays the ball to his players. 4 neutral back-up
players (2 touches of the ball). Attack and defend. Changing from end
to end to score. The team that scores looks for the ball again from its
Instructions: if the ball goes out, the other teams goalkeeper restarts
play. At the end of the action, the players return to their defending half.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

2 versus 2 / Game 10

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP and mental strength 

2 versus 2 + 1 floating player per team
Attack: attacking with numerical superiority
Defence: defending against the clock and with a numerical disadvantage
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 11

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m 2 versus 2 neutral floating players.

Procedure: floating players in red (3 touches of the ball). Free play. Manto-man marking. Each team plays with a floating player covering the whole
playing area, but who does not defend when possession is lost.
Instructions: the floating player does not change areas and plays with the
team in possession.
Variant: the floating players do not change areas and play with the team
in possession. An intentional pass from 1 floating player to the other
changes the direction of play.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: MAP and max. speed 

2 versus 2 with goalkeepers, 2 of whom are defenders in 2 staggered zones
Attack: attacking in 2 staggered zones
Defence: defending in staggered zones with a numerical disadvantage
RPE: 15 x 730
112.5 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 12

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m. 2 versus 2 pitch divided into 3 staggered

defending zones.

Procedure: free play. Push forward zone by zone. Goalkeeper restarts

the game in zone 1. Get past the first defender in zone 2 and take out
the second in zone 3, who can make for his own zone 2 if the ball is

Instructions: at the end of the action or if possession is lost, return as

quickly as possible to zones 1 and 2.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP and changing pace 

2 versus 2 without goalkeeper + support players
Attack: attacking opponents goal line
Defence: defending own stop-ball zone
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 13

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 + 1 back-up player (2 touches max.).

Procedure: stop-ball area to be defended. Possibility of releasing the
ball to a back-up player when play is blocked (the back-up player cannot
defend the stop-ball zone).
Instructions: create an imbalance in 1 versus 1 or 2 versus 1 through a
coordinated move and a change of pace. 1-2, overlapping run, diagonal run
off the ball into space in front or behind. Find space to face play again.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: MAP and changing pace 

2 versus 2 with goalkeeper + support players
Attack: attacking opponents goal
Defence: defending own stop-ball zone
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 14

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m 2 versus 2 + 2 back-up players (2 touches

Procedure: same as previous drill, but attacking a goal with goalkeeper
and defending stop-ball zone.
Instructions: create an imbalance in 1 versus 1 or 2 versus 1 through a
coordinated move and a change of pace + shot. Find space to build up
Variant: after passing to the back-up player, take his place and the
back-up player moves into play (moderate intensity).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed 

2 versus 2 with back-up player
Attack: keeping possession with a numerical advantage, 2 players + back-up player
Defence: winning the ball back and using the back-up player to play out wide
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 15

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 20m including a 10 x 20m ball possession area. 2

versus 2 with back-up player.
Procedure: keep possession in a 2 versus 2 with 2 neutral wide support
players. Possibility of attacking goal after exchanging passes with the
2 support players (possession along the width, then playing deep into
opponents half).
Instructions: uninterrupted play: use the support players, then attack
quickly deep into opponents half.
Variant: possibility of using a third central neutral back-up player. Use the
neutral support players in the playing area and attack after 5 consecutive
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: speed 

2 versus 2 + goalkeeper or stop-ball zone
Attack: coordinating the attacking moves in pairs
Defence: closing down space, defending goal
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 16

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m 2 versus 2 stop-ball zone with support player

and defending zone with goalkeeper.
Procedure: after each attempt, the teams receive a ball from their source
(return to their defending zone). If intercepted, possibility of finishing off
straight away.
Instructions: optional use of partners direct assistance. Always use
dribbling as an alternative to each solution. Look for the ball directly
going forwards, or indirectly. Pass into gaps. Runs off the ball into a space
ahead. Runs behind opponents or into gaps. Use the space between the
player and the line. Use screening. The solutions used need to be prepared
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed endurance 

2 versus 2 with goalkeeper + support players
Attack: retaining possession with a numerical advantage, then finishing off
Defence: zonal defending and stopping opponent from reaching goal
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 17

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 20m including a 10 x 20m ball possession area.

Defend as soon as ball possession is lost.
Procedure: keep possession in 2 versus 2 with 2 neutral wide support
players. Possibility of attacking goal after exchanging passes with the
support players (possession along the width, then playing deep into
opponents half).
Instructions: actively keep possession of the ball (use support players),
then quickly attack deep into opponents half.
Variant: possibility of using a third central neutral back-up player. Use the
neutral support players in the playing area and attack after 5 consecutive
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: speed endurance 

2 versus 2 + goalkeepers
Attack: coordinating the attacking moves in pairs
Defence: closing down space, defending goal
RPE: 17 x 730
127.5 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 18

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 25m 2 versus 2, pass from back-up player to lead

into an attack.
Procedure: after each attempt, the teams receive a ball from their source
(return to their defending zone). If intercepted, possibility of finishing off
straight away.
Instructions: optional use of partners direct assistance. Always use
dribbling as an alternative to each solution. Look for the ball directly going
forwards, or indirectly. Pass into gaps. Runs off the ball into a space ahead.
Runs behind opponents or into gaps. Use the space between the player
and the line. Use screening.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP 

2 versus 2 with goalkeeper + support players + stop-ball zone
Attack: 2-person play and in pairs for scoring
Defence: lateral movements and mutually covering each other to protect own goal
RPE: 16 x 730
120 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 19

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 20m 2 versus 2 with back-up player at source for

the blue team and 2 back-up players for the yellow team.
Procedure: ball put into play from a throw-in for the blue team. The
yellow team defends the goal and attacks in a stop-ball situation using the
2 back-up players.
Instructions: the player throwing the ball in looks first for the player
furthest down the pitch. Do not be on the same line at the start.
Anticipate possible flick-on while speeding up.
Variant: after the throw-in, player must protect the ball and use the
back-up player at the ball source.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers + support and back-up players
Attack: keeping possession of ball between support and back-up players
Defence: regaining ball when possession is lost
RPE: 18 x 730
135 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 2 intersecting rectangles with a 15 x 15m central zone for

keeping possession of the ball in a 2 versus 2 with a support player and a
back-up player (15 x 5m zones for support players and back-up players).
Procedure: the yellow team keeps the ball using their support player and
back-up player in one direction. The blue team must intercept, regain
possession (possible with one of the two blue players being permitted to
go into the support or back-up zone) and keep possession to then use
their own support and back-up players in the other direction.
Instructions: to keep the ball, use the spaces and the gaps in the direction
of play. In defence, anticipate in order to harass the possible receiver.
Variants: each time the ball goes out, throw in a new one. Only 1 touch
for support and back-up players. 2 touches.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

2 versus 2 / Game 20

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeepers + neutral support players
Attack: retaining the ball neutral support and back-up players
Defence: closing down space, intercepting passes and regaining possession
RPE: 18 x 730
135 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 21

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 20m playing area for retaining possession in a 2 versus

2 with neutral support and back-up players.
Procedure: the yellow team keeps possession using the neutral support
and back-up players. The blue team must regain the ball and retain
possession using the neutral support and back-up players.
Instructions: to keep the ball, use the spaces and the gaps. In defence,
work in pairs to intercept the ball.
Variants: everyone is limited to 2 touches of the ball. Then, just 1 touch
for the support and back-up players and unlimited for the central players
(possibility of having 1 support player on each side of the square).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: speed based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeeper + support players
Attack: short passing game and sequence
Defence: regaining ball when possession is lost
RPE: 15 x 10
150 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 22

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 20 x 15m in 2 versus 2 with 2 central support players and 1

central back-up player, and 2 neutral support players out wide.
Procedure: retaining possession in pairs with 2 indirect helpers per team
and 2 neutral indirect helpers (red). The support players are limited to 1 or
2 touches of the ball.
Instructions: retain possession playing from one end to the other. Ball to
be played on the ground only. Players to speed up when receiving passes.
Take in information before receiving the ball. Position yourself well to make
better use of the support players.
Variant: long ball to a support player and take his place.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on MAP 

2 versus 2 without goalkeeper + support players
Attack: retaining possession of the ball using support players
Defence: intercepting, recovering the ball and passing sequence
RPE: 16 x 730
120 AU

Heart rate check

2 versus 2 / Game 23

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 2 versus 2 in the centre circle with 2 mobile neutral support

players outside the circle.
Procedure: ensure you have 12 players to allow for a break of twice the
playing time (3).
Instructions: man-to-man marking: lose marker + control on the turn +
give to a support player outside the circle or to a partner inside it. Control
on the turn and passing sequences.
Variant: duel in each semi-circle and 1 mobile support player per
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: max. speed (anaerobic)

2 versus 2 with goalkeeper plus a floating player
Attack: taking out opponents and scoring
Defence: pressing up high regaining possession and passing to the floating player
RPE: 18 x 3
54 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 33m 2 versus 2 with floating player 2 attackers

and 2 defenders (possibility of working in rounds by limiting the playing
Procedure: goalkeeper passes to the floating player who passes the ball
to the right or left to a yellow attacker. 2 versus 2 on goal. If the blue
defenders intercept the ball, they try to pass back out to the floating
player, with the two yellow attackers trying to stop the pass.
Instructions: if the defenders intercept, they pass the ball to the
goalkeeper who passes out to the floating player, which leads into 2 other
attackers starting (working in rounds).
Variant: the attackers press and try to stop the goalkeeper from passing
the ball out to the floating player.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

2 versus 2 / Game 24

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: max. speed (anaerobic)

2 versus 2 with goalkeeper + floating player
Attack: taking out opponents and scoring
Defence: pressing up high regaining possession and passing to the floating player
RPE: 18 x 3
54 AU

Heart rate check


2 versus 2 / Game 25

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 15m 2 versus 2 with a floating player 2 attackers

and 2 defenders (possibility of working in rounds by limiting the playing
Procedure: the goalkeeper passes to the floating player who passes to the
right or left to launch attack on goal. If the defenders intercept the ball,
they try to pass back out to the floating player.
Instructions: if the defenders intercept, they pass the ball back to the
goalkeeper who kicks the ball out to the floating player.
Variant: the attackers press and try to stop the goalkeeper from passing
the ball out to the floating player.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: speed (alactic anaerobic capacity) 

2 versus 2 / Game 26
2 (+1) versus 2 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking quickly from out wide and finishing
Defence: organised defending in pairs chasing the ball. Managing the pitch depth for the goalkeeper.
RPE: 17 x 4
68 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: half-pitch with mobile goals and goalkeepers: 2 blue

attackers plus the player laying the ball off against 2 yellow defenders.
Work in rounds and rotate.
Procedure: 2 versus 2 down the side after retaining possession of the ball
(possibility of using the player laying the ball off).
Instructions: fast attacking work: diagonal run off the ball from the centre
into space behind the defender. Pass all the way down the line + finish
in front of goal in a 2 versus 2. If intercepted by the defenders, the ball is
passed to the goalkeeper who kicks it clear into the other square.
Variant: working on the right and on the left.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active (walking
or easy jogging)


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

3 versus 3

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP 

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers, moving up, moving down
Attack: attacking with 3 players to score
Defence: defending own goal with 3 players plus goalkeeper
RPE: 15 x 12
180 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3


3 versus 3 / Game 1

moving up
moving down

moving up
moving down

Organisation: 40 x 16.5m 6 groups of 3 players (+ goalkeeper).

Procedure: 3 versus 3 over 2. The winning team changes pitches and
moves up to pitch no. 1. The losing team moves down to pitch no. 3. If the
game finishes as a draw, the team that scored the first goal is the winner.
If the game is a 0-0 draw, the team that attacked most is considered the
Instructions: the goalkeeper is to be used as a back-up player. Provoke in
attack and harass in defence (resisting pressure).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break

Active, with or
without ball

Physical quality: MAP and sprint repetitions

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking by preferably using the width
Defence: 3-person zonal defending
RPE: 17 x 12
204 AU

Heart rate check

Pitch no. 1

Pitch no. 2

Pitch no. 3

3 versus 3 / Game 2

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 30m pitch divided into 3 channels 2 groups of 3 +

Procedure: free play. Goal is awarded if at least 2 of the 3 channels are
occupied. Pass from the central channel, go to the channel opposite the
one passed to. If the ball is passed from a side channel to the central
channel, go to the channel on the other side.
Instructions: use the width and length of the pitch. Move around and
create space while playing. Favour dribbling.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP and sprint repetitions 

3 versus 3 without goalkeepers, attacking and defending 3 goals
Attack: attacking a central goal and 2 goals on the sides
Defence: defending a central goal and 2 goals on the sides
RPE: 16 x 12
192 AU

Heart rate check

3 versus 3 / Game 3

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 20m 3 versus 3 with 2 small central goals and 2

mini-goals on the sides.
Procedure: free play. Scoring with 1 touch of the ball.
Instructions: use the playing possibilities along the width to better exploit
the length. Defend by pressing.
Variant: once past the 2 side goals, only the central goal can be attacked
to score a point.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent) 

3 versus 3 without goalkeepers stop-ball + 2 side goals
Attack: drawing in on one side to facilitate playing long balls
Defence: zonal defending and preventing long balls

RPE: 16 x 14
224 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 20m 3 versus 3 with 2 central stop-ball zones and 2

mini-goals on the sides.
Procedure: free play: 2 points for a ball stopped in the stop-ball zones. 1
point for a goal scored with 1 touch of the ball into the side goals.
Instructions: alternate attacking play between using the width and long
balls. Retain possession as a group. In defence, press opponents to prevent
them from pushing forward and using the length.
Variant: goal awarded if all team members get past the goal on either
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

3 versus 3 / Game 4

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent) 

3 versus 3 without goalkeepers + 2 mobile support players and 2 mini-goals
Attack: playing using the width and switching to score
Defence: defending 2 goals with a player moving all along the end
RPE: 16 x 14
224 AU

Heart rate check


3 versus 3 / Game 5

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 20m 3 versus 3 with 2 mini-goals at the pitch ends

and an attacking support player for each team.
Procedure: free play. 1 point for passing to the support player in the
centre. 2 points for passing to the support player in the goals.
Instructions: work as a team to reach the player moving along the end
(look for and use the gaps).
Variant: play tag to encourage pressing (if tagged while in possession of
the ball, give the ball to the other team) and fluid movement (anticipation).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent)

3 versus 3 2 goals at the ends with goalkeepers and 2 on the sides without goalkeepers
Attack: attacking the 3 goals
Defence: defending the 3 goals
RPE: 16 x 14
224 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 30m
Procedure: free play; 2 points for a goal scored in the end goal; 1 point
for a goal scored into the side goals with 1 touch of the ball.
Instructions: use the playing possibilities along the width to better exploit
the length. Defend by pressing.
Variants: (1) Playing tag. (2) Once past the 2 side goals, only the central
goal can be attacked to score a point.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

3 versus 3 / Game 6


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed (anaerobic work) 

3 versus 3 staggered 3 versus (2+1) without goalkeepers (mini-goals)
Attack: attacking 3 versus 2
Defence: defending 2 versus 3 with handicap on losing possession
RPE: 18 x 14
252 AU

Heart rate check


3 versus 3 / Game 7

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 30m 3 versus 3 with a run around the cone

(handicap) on losing possession.
Procedure: free play; 2 defenders playing over the whole playing area and
an attacker stationed in the attacking area. Alternating between 3 versus
2 and 2 versus 3. The team with the ball uses all 3 players to attack. At the
end of the action, set it up again with 1 player in the attacking area and
the 2 others in the defending area.
Instructions: move as a group and support each other in attack and
Variant: on losing possession, 1 of the 3 players must run around one of
the cones on the halfway line.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent) 

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers (3 teams of 3)
Attack: attacking in 3 versus 3 in the attacking half
Defence: defending in 3 versus 3 in the defending half
RPE: 16 x 14
224 AU

Heart rate check

3 versus 3 / Game 8

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 30m 3 teams of 3 + 2 goalkeepers 2 large goals.

Procedure: free play; the blue team tries to score; if it loses the ball, the
red team attacks the opposite goal defended by the yellow team. The blue
team is out of the game. If a team scores a goal, it keeps the ball and may
attack the other goal.
Instructions: restart from the neutral central area of the pitch. Alternate
keeping the ball and risk-taking for finishing off.
Variant: if the attackers lose the ball in the attacking zone, they can try to
regain possession by pressing and marking. Stop pressing to return to the
midfield area for the defending team.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent) 

3 versus 3 with goalkeeper + support players (channels)
Attack: attacking by linking with the support and back-up players in the channels
Defence: closing down spaces and anticipating crosses
RPE: 17 x 14
238 AU

Heart rate check

3 versus 3 / Game 9

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40x 30m 3 versus 3 with 2 neutral wide support players.

Procedure: support players limited to 1 touch of the ball. Goalkeepers to
put ball into play. Use the wide support players to take out opponent and
take a shot on goal.
Instructions: move onto the return pass from the neutral support player.
Finish off or look for a 1-2 or 1-2-3. Players to move onto the second last
pass. Draw in the opponent before passing. Anticipate a return pass or a
flick-on and accelerate after the pass.
Variants: (1) Playing tag. (2) 2 touches of the ball for the neutral support
players (with more time available for losing the marker).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent)

3 versus 3 with goalkeeper on a short and wide pitch + wide support players
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch
Defence: defending along the width and intercepting crosses
RPE: 18 x 9
162 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 40m (pitch divided in 2). 3 versus 3 + 2 attacking

support players out wide: 1 on each wing. 2 touches of the ball.
Procedure: 3 versus 3 in front of each goal with 2 support players out
wide on each wing: goalkeeper passes to a support player + cross and
aerial play by attackers (heading or volleying). If intercepted, play is
restarted directly by the defender passing to the support player in his team.
Remember to change the crossers.
Instructions: coordinate runs to intercept crosses. Defensive heading
under pressure in front of goal.
Variant: 4 neutral support players; passing between the 2 support players
on the same side before playing a cross.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Active or

3 versus 3 / Game 10

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent) 

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers + support players
Attack: opening up access to goal. 2-person play and shot on goal
Defence: closing down the shot on goal
RPE: 17 x 14
238 AU

Heart rate check


3 versus 3 / Game 11

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 30m. 2 goals brought closer together with

goalkeepers (sources of balls). 3 versus 3 + 2 attacking support players.
Procedure: receive pass from support player before taking a shot on goal,
except if possession is regained in front of the opponents goal. After each
goal or ball put out of play by the opponents, goalkeeper to restart play.
Instructions: increase the shots on goal after dribbling, return pass or a
1-2. React quickly to set up a new attack.
Variant: 4 neutral support players, 2 as back-up players and the 2 others
as support players.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

Physical quality: MAP (medium intermittent) 

3 versus 3 versus 3 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking 2 goals using the best opportunities
Defence: defending own goal against two teams
RPE: 17 x 14
238 AU

Heart rate check

3 versus 3 / Game 12

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 52 x 40m 3 teams of 3 players in 3 different colours + 3

goalkeepers 3 large goals and only one ball in play.
Procedure: each team plays against the two other teams. Players try to
score against the 2 other teams. Free play.
Instructions: make the right decisions when setting up again after a
breakdown in formation (attack-defence or defence-attack transition).
Alternate the goals to be defended.
Variants: (1) 1 floating player playing with all 3 teams. (2) 2 teams against
1 single team (the team that lost the ball).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: acceleration speed based on MAP

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers + neutral support players in midfield
Attack: playing 1-2-3s and looking for depth to finish
Defence: protecting own goal and intercepting passes
RPE: 12 x 14
168 AU

Heart rate check


3 versus 3 / Game 13

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: half-pitch, 16.5m wide with goalkeepers: 3 versus 3 in

front of each goal + 2 neutral midfielders who guide and support the
attackers in each team.
Procedure: after regaining possession, restart play by passing to
midfielders or attackers. Change the 2 neutral players every 2 (1 per
Instructions: protect the ball; play physically (tussling); create uncertainty.
Variant: the neutral midfielder can follow and create a numerical
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

Physical quality: acceleration speed based on MAP

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers and neutral support players in midfield
Attack: playing 1-2-3s and looking for depth to finish
Defence: protecting own goal and intercepting passes
RPE: 17 x 14
238 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 30m with 2 goals closer together and 1 midfielder: 3

versus 3 + 1 neutral player.
Procedure: play 4 versus 3 in attack. Change the neutral player every 2.
Instructions: move forward as you receive the ball, play quick, snappy
passes and look for depth.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

3 versus 3 / Game 14


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP

3 versus 3 + 3 without goalkeeper
Attack: controlling and retaining possession
Defence: regaining possession by limiting the ball carriers options
RPE: 16 x 12
192 AU

Heart rate check

3 versus 3 / Game 15

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 10 x 20m: 6 versus 3.

Procedure: retain possession without passing back to the same player. The
team that loses possession is to take up defence.
Instructions: be active while the ball is in movement. Look before
receiving the ball. Keep moving. Be available and accessible.
Variant: 1 team to play as floating players for 2 and then change.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP

3 versus 3 in the centre with goalkeepers + 2 versus 1 or 1 versus 2 in the channels
Attack: deep play and turning play
Defence: protecting the centre and covering the wings
RPE: 16 x 14
224 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: half-pitch with goals and goalkeepers: 3 versus 3 in the

central area and 2 versus 1 or 1 versus 2 out wide.
Procedure: play 3 versus 3 in the centre as support and back-up players
with overlapping. Use the numerical advantage in the channels to facilitate
Instructions: score from a cross. Change pace, vary the passing and feign
passing. Give and move in behind the defence.
Variant: a defender may come to rebalance the sides on the goal-side.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Active or

3 versus 3 / Game 16

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: MAP 

3 versus 3 without goalkeeper with 1 floating player and 2 support players at each end
Attack: support and back-up play and overlapping, stop-ball scoring
Defence: stopping the ball from circulating and anticipating passes
RPE: 15 x 8
120 AU

Heart rate check


3 versus 3 / Game 17

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: 15 x 20m: 3 versus 3 plus a floating player with 1 back-up

player per team.
Procedure: stop-ball scoring. Change the floating player every 2.
Instructions: overlapping runs or feign overlapping. Draw in the defender
and change pace when moving behind opponent for the ball.
Variants: (1) central support players and floating player limited to 1 touch
of the ball. (2) 2 touches of the ball for the players in both teams.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: aerobic capacity

3 + 3 without goalkeepers, 3 players intercepting passes
Attack: playing into gaps
Defence: intercepting and anticipating opponents passes
RPE: 13 x 18
234 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after a break

of 3

Organisation: playing area split into 3 zones, 7m wide x 15m long 9

players (3 teams). Objective: make as many passes into gaps as possible in
a row. The team that loses the ball changes to defence.
Procedure: two teams facing each other exchange passes against a team
in the middle that must intercept.
Instructions: move around in own zone as the ball is being passed.
Fall back to create space in the middle. Avoid being hidden behind an
opponent. Dynamic footwork, snappy play and control the pass.
Variant: switching zones after passing.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


3 versus 3 / Game 18


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed (intermittent) 

3 versus 3 + 3 without goalkeeper
Attack: controlling and retaining possession
Defence: regaining possession by limiting the ball carriers options
RPE: 18 x 6
108 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: opposition in centre circle: 3 versus 3 with 3 neutral

support players outside.
Procedure: individual marking. 2 groups.
Instructions: use directed controls and flicks. Lose marker. Use external
support players and team-mates in the playing area.
Variant: limit the game to 2 touches of the ball.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break

Slightly active

3 versus 3 / Game 19

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: maximum speed (intermittent) based on MAP 

3 versus 3 with goalkeepers (with scoring and time pressure)
Attack: attacking with determination
Defence: protecting the centre and covering the wings
RPE: 19 x 12
228 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: pitch: 40 x 30m, 3 versus 3 in free play for a maximum of 2.

Procedure: the team that scores eliminates the other team, and a third
team takes the losing teams place. The team that won is then eliminated
if it concedes a goal or if it draws the next game at the end of the allotted
time (2). If the first match ends in a draw, the team that scored first wins
the game and stays on the pitch. If a match ends in a 0-0 draw, the team
that was the most attacking stays on the pitch.
Instructions: press all over the pitch and do not leave yourself open to
attack. Prioritise protecting the centre if unbalanced. Take risks. Look for
Variant: play with 2 touches of the ball, then with 1 touch of the ball,
except for the goalkeeper.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



3 versus 3 / Game 20


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

4 versus 4
The principles of 4 versus 4

Structure of 4 versus 4

4 versus 4 allows players to discover all of the principles of

4 versus 4 is the smallest version of a full match.

attacking and defensive play.

Studies comparing 4 versus 4 football with 11 versus
In attack, the objective is to:

11 football show:

score a goal;

The players touch the ball five times more often in 4

play while on the move;

versus 4. They play three times as many game situations in

retain possession;

1 versus 1.

lose ones marker;

create and use space.

On average, a goal is scored every two minutes in game

situations in 4 versus 4

In defence, the objective is to:

The ball is out of play:

stop attacks;

no more than 8% of the time in 4 versus 4;

quickly close down the player in possession;

more than 34% of the time in 11 versus 11

take up a position between the ball and the goal;

close down space;

Other advantages of 4 versus 4

regain possession;

The game is easy to understand.

restrict the time and space for the player in possession.

Freedom of expression = enjoyment of playing.

More individual initiative is used.
Basic tactical awareness is developed.
Game intelligence is developed.
More forward play.
More play in the goal area.
Many more shots on goal.
Active and constant participation enhances the development
of specific physical qualities (integrated physical preparation),
in particular for the development or training of aerobic
power or capacity.

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

By using the shape of a diamond, in other words four

triangles, all game conditions are used: attacking play,
transitions, defensive play and all types of transition.


Learning basic team tasks here helps players to transfer

the skills they have learnt into a real match situation.
In fact, transferring the individual and team skills learnt
during training sessions into a real match situation is even
more efficient if there are common points between the
two situations.

It is therefore preferable if training sessions use game

situations similar to those that will be encountered during
competitive matches.
Training using small-sided games

Game situations that are practised in isolation

during training sessions may not be recognised by
players during matches.

This type of game allows players to learn about the

notion of a team, about attacking together and
about defending together, but especially about
moving together to occupy the pitch better. Finally, it
continually develops the idea of playing forward.

Training using small-sided games

The most important criteria is not technical perfection, but

and encourages them to make an effort and creates a good

choosing the right moment, in the right direction and at the

learning atmosphere.

right speed.
Anticipation/vision and communication among players are

Change the type of game by varying it, starting

therefore essential objectives. This basic form, which has

from the basic structure

many variants, gives players the opportunity to train in the

best possible manner, using the joy of playing because the

It is possible to change the type of game by varying it

players feel like they are in a real match, which motivates

after starting from the basic structure, which gives players

different ways to learn and discover. Consequently, the
coach has to set new objectives.


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on aerobic capacity 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers and defensive imbalance
Attack: attacking fast with numerical superiority
Defence: moving laterally and cutting off trajectories
RPE: 18 x 10
180 AU

Heart rate check


4 versus 4 / Game 1

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 33 x 50m. 4 versus 4. Attack and defend.

Procedure: if the ball is lost, 1 yellow player has to complete a sprint
(there and back) before returning to the defence. During this time, the
blue team counter-attacks with 4 players against 3 yellow defenders.
Instructions: in attack, inject pace into sequences and trajectories. Play
between the goal and the defenders. Break free after winning the ball.
Inject speed and accuracy into passes. Link up quickly. In defence, practise
retreating (jockey move) while waiting for the sprinting players to return.
Read the trajectories, close down space and gaps.
Variant: the teams handicap moves progressively from 1 to 2 and then to
3 players to regulate the speed of counter-attacks.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: anaerobic lactic capacity

Without goalkeepers. 2 groups of 4 versus 2
Attack: retaining possession, completing a pass and changing sides
Defence: intercepting passes while inside the square
RPE: 14 x 15
210 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 2 groups of 4 versus 2.

Procedure: the four players around the square have 2 touches of the ball.
If a pass is intercepted, the player who played the pass moves into the
middle. If a pass is misdirected: ditto. After completing a pass, players have
to switch sides.
Instructions: play on the move and with flicks. Accuracy of passes.
Rapidity of execution.
Variant: look to play passes through gaps between the 2 players in the
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



4 versus 4 / Game 2


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: anaerobic lactic capacity 

4 versus 4 without goalkeepers and with 2 mini-goals play using the width of the pitch
Attack: attacking using the width of the pitch
Defence: defending using lateral movements to protect the 2 mini-goals
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check

4 versus 4 / Game 3

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 16.5m 4 groups of 4 players 2 groups playing each

other, 2 groups on an active break.
Procedure: play using the width of the pitch and 3 touches of the ball.
A goal is only awarded if all of the players in the attacking team cross the
halfway line. Respect the offside rule. Create goalscoring opportunities by
switching sides. Great ball speed. Direct play. Choose the right moment
to switch play. In defence, prevent opposition from using deep balls,
stay compact, press. Good organisation (occupation of pitch). Active and
constant defending.
Instructions: use the support/back-up players and switches of play to
create gaps in the opposition defence.
Variant: 2 touches in the defensive half and free play in the attacking half.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: anaerobic lactic capacity 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers and 2 large goals
Attack: attacking 2 large goals using 2 channels
Defence: defending the width with 2 large goals and goalkeepers
RPE: 15 x 12
180 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 16.5m divided into 2. 2 groups of 4 versus 4 1

group as neutral support, 1 group on a break.
Procedure: attack and defend 2 goals using 2 channels.
Instructions: occupy all the width. Create space by stretching the lines
and use the gaps created. Look quickly for depth. Use support/back-up
players and switches of play. Create imbalances.
Variant: a goal counts double if there was a switch after using a support/
back-up player.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


4 versus 4 / Game 4

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: lactic anaerobic capacity (speed) 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers and 2 large goals narrow pitch
Attack: attacking down the narrow centre of the pitch
Defence: defending in the centre
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check


4 versus 4 / Game 5

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m 4 versus 4 and 1 group of 4 players as neutral

support and 1 group on a break.
Procedure: leave the pressing area, and as soon as possession has been
regained, pass to the strikers and accompany them to the finish.
Instructions: in attack, look to play long balls quickly. Look to play 1-2s or
1-2-3s. Play balls out to the flanks. In defence, defend while pushing up.
Press the ball carrier. Read and close passing lines for long balls.
Variant: add neutral back-up and support players outside the pitch (by the
side of the goals).
Type of break


Physical quality: MAP

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers, moving up, moving down (small tournament)
Attack: attacking with determination
Defence: defending effectively
Heart rate after break
of 3

Organisation: 40 x 40m 6 groups of 4 players, plus 1 goalkeeper.

Procedure: 4 versus 4 over 2. The winning team changes pitches by
moving up to pitch no. 1. The losing team moves down to pitch no. 3.
If the game finishes as a draw, the team that scored the first goal is the
winner. If the game is a 0-0 draw, the team that was the most attacking is
considered the winner.
Instructions: provoke in attack and harass in defence.
Variant: the goalkeepers can create a numerical advantage in the
attacking phase but without passing the halfway line.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


moving up
moving down

Heart rate check

moving up
moving down

RPE: 15 x 12
180 AU

4 versus 4 / Game 6

Pitch no. 3

Number of

Pitch no. 2

Length of break

Pitch no. 1

Working time


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: lactic anaerobic capacity 

4 versus 4 without goalkeepers + 4 neutral support/back-up players
Attack: retaining possession using support and back-up players
Defence: covering and playing inside
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 30m 3 groups of 4 players as neutral support and

back-up players 2 groups of 4 players playing each other.
Procedure: retain possession by using the neutral support and back-up
Instructions: in attack, the team in possession tries to pass the ball to the
support players (1 point). If they succeed, they keep the ball and attack in
the other direction. While in possession, they can play backwards towards
the back-up players. In defence, follow and anticipate the movement of
the attacker. Requirement: development of attention to frequent changes
of direction and possession.
Variant: play with 2 touches of the ball play with just 1 touch of the ball.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


4 versus 4 / Game 7

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: aerobic capacity (90-95% of MAP) 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers, behind goal lines
Attack: attacking to cross the goal line
Defence: defending own goal line
RPE : 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check


4 versus 4 / Game 8

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 30m + 3 teams of 4 players 1 team on a break and

2 teams playing each other.
Procedure: free play. Try to play an accurate pass to a goalkeeper behind
the goal line.
Instructions: in attack, while in possession of the ball, spread the play
and make passes into the gaps. Score behind the line after a pass to the
goalkeeper. Direct play. Choose the right moment to play long. In defence,
close the gaps and defend laterally to prevent opponents from playing
the ball long. Defend own zone. Think about covering. Permanent, active
Variant: a goal is only awarded if all of the team passes the halfway line.
A goal is only awarded after a 1-2 or a 1-2-3. A goal is only awarded if a
pass is played from the attacking half. Then, a goal is only awarded if a
pass was played from the defending half (pressing of opponents).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on aerobic capacity (90-95% MAP) 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers
Attack: scoring with a header from a cross
Defence: defending aerial balls
RPE: 16 x 10
160 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 20 x 40m 4 versus 4.

Meeting crosses, headers.
Procedure: heading crosses. Increase the number of crosses. Keep a 5m
area on the wings free to prepare crosses.
Instructions: in attack, score with a header. Free play for the players on
the flanks. Play long balls and balls out to the flanks. Frequency, quality
and diversity of crosses. Choose the right moment to play long and to play
the ball out wide. Place the players in their specific positions (wingers).
Read the trajectory of crosses. Quality of the goalkeepers ball release. In
defence, aerial play. Defend own zone well. Active defending.
Variant: a goal is only awarded if all of the team passes the halfway line.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


4 versus 4 / Game 9

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration (medium intermittent) based on MAP

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers and 2 large goals narrow pitch
Attack: attacking down the narrow centre of the pitch
Defence: defending in the centre
RPE: 15 x 16
240 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: pitch of 40 x 50m 4 versus 4 with goalkeepers. 1 team

on a break and 2 teams playing each other.
Procedure: teams playing each other, with goalkeepers. Two-touch play in
own half; free play in attacking half. High pressing on opposition.
Instructions: in attack, look to play long balls quickly. Play forward quickly.
Short and fast combination play. Look to play 1-2s or 1-2-3s. Play balls out
to the flanks. In defence, defend while pushing up. Pressure on the ball
carrier. Read and close passing lines for long balls.
Variant: 2-touch play all over the pitch. 1 touch only with free play in oneon-ones with goalkeeper.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




4 versus 4 / Game 10


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration (medium intermittent) based on MAP 

4 versus 4 with 1 goalkeeper and 1 large goal on a short and wide pitch
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch
Defence: defending using the width
RPE: 15 x 16
240 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 40m. 1 team on a break and 2 teams playing each

Procedure: 1 team defends the width of the pitch and shoots at the large
goal (gradual build-up attack) The team with the goalkeeper scores a goal
by running with the ball over the line (counter-attack). The 2 teams swap
positions and roles every 2.
Instructions: team without goalkeeper attack: gradual build-up attack.
Retain possession. Use the width. Try to play in the gaps. Look to play 1-2s
or 1-2-3s. Play long balls and balls out to the flanks. Defence: counter
the counter-attacks. Defend while pushing up. Press the ball. Read and
close passing lines for long balls. Team with goalkeeper defence: stay
balanced. Defend zones. Move behind the ball. Close down routes to own
goal. Position to intercept and counter-attack. Press the ball carrier. Read
and close passing lines for long balls. Attack: fast attacks and counterattacks. Play forward quickly. Direct play and without controlling. Try to
play in the gaps. Look to play 1-2s or 1-2-3s. Play long and out to the
Variant: limit the number of touches of the ball.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



4 versus 4 / Game 11

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on MAP (medium intermittent) 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers on a short and wide pitch + wide support players
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch
Defence: defending using the width
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 50m 4 versus 4 wide support players in 1 versus 1.

Procedure: opposition with free play in central area. Use the wide support
players to get past the defence and approach the goal or cross to score.
Instructions: be in a position to use at least 3 solutions: get down
the channels, play long or switch the play to create difficulties for the
opposition defence.
Variant: a player who uses a support player swaps places with the support
player, who moves into the central area to take part in the game play.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



4 versus 4 / Game 12


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers on a short and wide pitch + central and wide support players
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch
Defence: defending using the width
RPE: 18 x 12
216 AU

Heart rate check

4 versus 4 / Game 13

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 40m 4 teams in 2 colours. The 2 teams in the same

colour take it in turns to attack the same goal. 2 teams playing each
other with 2 touches of the ball and 2 others as central and wide support
Procedure: 2 goals brought close together with goalkeepers (sources of
balls). 4 versus 4 + 2 central support players and 2 wide support players.
Swap roles every 2 minutes.
Instructions: when attacking, create gaps to shoot at goal if well placed;
be mobile and visible. When defending, close down space and anticipate
opponents movements.
Variant: goals only count if they are scored after a pass from the support
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed based on MAP (medium intermittent)

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers + 2 floating players in middle zone
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch
Defence: defending while unbalanced
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m pitch, divided into 3 zones 4 versus 4 with

goals and goalkeepers, plus 2 central floating players laying the ball off.
Procedure: 2 versus 2 in front of each goal + 2 neutral players in the
middle who guide and support the attackers of each team. After regaining
possession, play a pass to the central players or attackers.
Instructions: obligation to use the central floating players. In attack,
use the central players (in red) as support players to get the ball to
the attackers and as back-up players to retain possession and create a
numerical advantage. In defence, press high in 2 versus 2 to prevent passes
to the floating players. Change positions every 3 minutes.
Variant: the central floating players can create a numerical advantage by
leaving their zone.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


4 versus 4 / Game 14

Small-sided games | Physical preparation


Physical quality: speed and acceleration, headers (anaerobic lactic power) 

4 versus 4 / Game 15
4 versus 4 with goalkeepers, wide support players and 2 floating players in play
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch floaters flicking on with the head and meeting the cross
Defence: defending using the width intercepting crosses
RPE: 18 x 10
180 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: pitch: 25 x 40m 2 groups of 4 players, 2 floating players

in playing zone and 2 wide support players per team.
Procedure: 2 versus 1 in front of each goal + 2 crossers and 2 floating
players in middle zone. Direct pass to a floating player, who flicks the ball
on with his head to a crosser, who controls the ball and crosses for a goal
to be scored with a header or volley. Change positions every 2.
Instructions: lose marker to flick balls on to players down channels. In
attack, use good runs and decoys to get into a position for an effort on
goal (header or volley) from the cross from the channel. In defence, take
up a position in relation to own goal and goalkeeper to intercept a cross or
to distract the opponents attackers.
Variant: control on the turn and pass into the channel. Flick into the
channel and create numerical advantage with floating players.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed based on MAP 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers on a short and wide pitch free central zone
Attack: attacking using the width
Defence: defending using the width
RPE: 16 x 16
256 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m zone 4m wide 4 versus 4 in both halves of

the pitch.
Procedure: pass to an attacker, who breaks into the free zone, controls
the ball and links up. Dribble or play with a team-mate before finishing.
Instructions: pick up speed while approaching goal and try to score. 1
attacker in the free zone at a time, for no longer than 5. Change pace
after a pass and controlling the ball. Use runs into space and decoy runs.
Use the support players. If blocked, play back towards the back-up players.
Support player moves to be visible.
Variant: 1 defender follows 2 attackers who break into the free zone.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



4 versus 4 / Game 16


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on MAP 

4 versus 4 + 2 goalkeepers + wide and central support players
Attack: attacking the opponents goal by using external support players
Defence: closing down space and defending own goal
RPE: 16 x 16
256 AU

Heart rate check

4 versus 4 / Game 17

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 33 x 40m 4 versus 4 + goalkeepers + support players in

each channel and at the side of each goal. Spare balls around the pitch
and in the goals.
Procedure: players wearing the same colour play with each other as well
as with the support players wearing the same colour. The support players
are on a break.
Instructions: in attack, increase the alternatives: short play/long play;
indirect play/direct play. Increase the options for the ball carrier; play the
ball in behind for the player making a run. Play in the gaps play on the
move to create time for rapid ball circulation. In defence, mobile defensive
block close down goal area.
Variant: the goalkeepers may advance to the halfway line to create a
numerical advantage as a back-up player.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed (lactic anaerobic capacity)

4 versus 4 without goalkeepers + neutral floating players
Attack: retaining possession and finishing
Defence: regaining possession
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check

4 versus 4 / Game 18

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: pitch divided into 2 zones (A + B) with 4 mini-goals in the

Procedure: 4 versus 4 in each zone with 1 or 2 touches. The neutral
floating player has 1 touch. 1 point awarded after 6th pass (not including
passes from the floating player).
Instructions: control the ball with the feet either intercept the first pass
or delay to wait for defensive assistance move while the ball is en route.
Variant: each team defends 2 goals and attacks the other 2.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP 

4 versus 4 and duels with goalkeepers
Attack: duels with goalkeepers
Defence: defending the central zone
16 x 16
256 UA

Heart rate check


4 versus 4 / Game 19

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 70 x 40m, neutral zone, 2 teams of 4 players with 2

goalkeepers. Pitch divided into 3 zones. 2 large goals.
Procedure: free play in neutral zone. Try to cross the defensive line with
the ball at feet to score past the goalkeeper in a one-on-one. 1 point
awarded for crossing the line; 2 points for scoring a goal. 1 point awarded
to the goalkeeper for saving a shot.
Instructions: in attack, string passes together and play long balls in
behind defenders to bring players into a position to shoot. In defence,
develop a sense for the timing of the game (anticipation) stay at a good
distance to complicate the game for the opponents (defensive block).
Defend as a unit. Density and compact block.
Variant: a defender follows the attacker into the scoring zone once he is
facing the goalkeeper.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed and acceleration (lactic anaerobic capacity) 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers (3 teams of 4)
Attack: attacking in 4 versus 4 in the attacking half
Defence: defending in 4 versus 4 in the defending half
RPE: 18 x 430
81 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m 3 teams of 4 + 2 goalkeepers in 3 zones.

Middle: free zone.
Procedure: free play; the blue team tries to score a goal. If it loses the
ball, the red team attacks the other goal defended by the yellow team. The
blue team leaves the game. If a team scores a goal, it keeps the ball and
may attack the other goal. The defensive zones are the pressing zones to
prevent opponents moving towards the neutral zone.
Instructions: aggressive play in duels transition from attacking situation
into defensive situation. Switch between watching zone and marking
Variant: if the attackers lose the ball in the attacking zone, they can try
and regain possession by pressing and then shooting at goal.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



4 versus 4 / Game 20


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed endurance 

4 versus 4 / Game 21
4 versus 4 with goalkeepers + 2 neutral wide support players, 2 central support players and a floating player
Attack: trying to score quickly
Defence: attacking the ball carrier while protecting the goal
RPE: 18 x 16
288 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 20m. Mobile goals and goalkeepers: 4 versus 4 +

neutral wide and central support players with 1 touch.
Procedure: goalkeeper plays the ball to the wide support players. 2
touches of the ball. A goal scored after 1 touch of the ball counts double.
Instructions: be mobile and available. Take the speed of trajectory into
account; controls on the turn. In defence and attack, create uncertainty.
Variant: 1 touch of the ball in own defensive half; free play in attacking
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: strength and speed (heading)

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers heading
Attack: playing with the head to score a goal
Defence: intercepting in the air
RPE: 18 x 16
288 AU

Heart rate check

4 versus 4 / Game 22

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 16.5m 4 versus 4 with central support players.

Procedure: all actions are completed with the head, including the first
pass, apart from when the ball touches the ground. Restarts are also with
the head. Goals scored from passes by the support players count double.
Instructions: the goalkeeper plays the ball towards the attacking players,
who flick the ball on with the head towards the support players or the
other players. No use of the hands (except the goalkeepers).
Variant: goalkeeper plays directly to central support players.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed endurance (high pressing) 

4 versus 4 with goalkeepers + neutral support and back-up players
Attack: fast forward play
Defence: regaining possession
RPE: 19 x 24
456 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m 3 teams in 3 colours. 2 teams playing each other,

1 team on an active break. If a team concedes a goal, it leaves the pitch
immediately and is replaced by the team taking a break. The winning team
will leave if it concedes a goal or draws a game. Etc.
Procedure: 2 goals brought close together with goalkeepers (sources of
balls). 4 versus 4 + 4 attacking support players. Maximum of 2 passes +
shot. Swap roles every 2.
Instructions: in attack, link-up play transition between defence and attack
/ between attack and defence retain time advantage (lose marker) use
space create numerical advantage in attack on the move. In defence, hold
up, stop the opponent from progressing manage players who move
zones manage players between lines manage depth aerial duels: flicks,
2nd ball.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



4 versus 4 / Game 23


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

5 versus 5

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on lactic anaerobic capacity 

5 versus 5 without goalkeepers + central support players
Attack: retaining possession
Defence: pressing zone, intercepting
RPE: 18 x 16
288 AU

Heart rate check


5 versus 5 / Game 1

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 22m retain possession in 5 versus 5 + 2 central

support players 5 players in 1 zone: 2 defenders, 1 midfielder, 2
Procedure: create a numerical advantage in midfield with 1 attacker
dropping after losing the ball quickly move into space after regaining
possession close down space quickly (pressing zone) after losing
Instructions: to prevent harassing of opponents, do not play quickly
systematically. Be able to retain possession individually (shielding, dribbling
to escape opponent) under pressure.
Variant: add 2 more central support players to give direction to the game
scoring points: 10 passes without back-and-forward 1-2s = 1 point.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed based on lactic anaerobic capacity

5 versus 5 without goalkeepers + central and wide support players
Attack: retaining possession
Defence: transition between interception and retaining possession
RPE: 17 x 16
272 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 25 x 22m, 2 teams of 5 players + 2 support players attempt

to retain possession and complete 10 passes to score 1 point. The support
players come into play each time they touch the ball. Another player of
that team then takes a place in the support zone. 1 team uses the width of
the pitch, the other the length of the pitch. Swap ends regularly.
Procedure: improve team play in short game and on the ground under
pressure. The player will be able to adapt his choices depending on the
stress created by the game conditions.
Instructions: move into space and use controls on the turn to escape
difficult situations, eliminate an opponent with the first touch or protect
the ball.
Variant: change the teams sides from time to time.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



5 versus 5 / Game 2


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: repeated short sprints based on aerobic capacity 

5 versus 5 with goalkeepers in 3 zones, 2 floating players
Attack: retaining possession
Defence: regaining possession
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check

5 versus 5 / Game 3

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. Pitch divided into 3 zones with 2 channels.

Procedure: a player may help an attacking team-mate during an attacking
phase by switching zones. The support players play with their team along
the length of the pitch with a pre-determined number of touches.
Instructions: players in the channels actively participate in the game.
Play long balls from 1 zone to another. Use the channels to get round the
Variant: possibility to swap positions with players in the channels after a
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: repeated short sprints based on aerobic capacity 

5 versus 5 in central pressing zone and duels with goalkeepers
Attack: leaving pressing zone followed by duel with goalkeeper to score
Defence: defending in pressing zone
RPE: 18 x 15
270 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 70 x 40m. 2 teams of 5 players with 2 goalkeepers. Pitch

divided into 3 zones. 2 large goals. Free play in zone with goalkeeper.
Procedure: free play in central zone. Try to cross the defensive line with
the ball at feet to score past the goalkeeper in a one-on-one. 1 point
awarded for crossing the line; 2 points for scoring a goal. 1 point awarded
to the goalkeeper for saving a shot.
Instructions: enter the goalkeepers zone with ball at feet. Call for the ball
after a run in behind the defence.
Variant: a defender can follow the attacker into the finishing zone once
he is facing the goalkeeper.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


5 versus 5 / Game 4

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: repeated short sprints based on aerobic capacity 

5 versus 5 with goalkeepers in 3 zones, 2 attacking support players
Attack: turning and overlapping
Defence: regaining possession
RPE: 18 x 15
270 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 33 x 40m. 2 teams of 5 players + 2 goalkeepers + 2

support players in the attacking zone.
Procedure: free play. After a support player receives the ball, he may take
2 touches.
Instructions: attack the goal by crossing or running around. Runs into
space and dummy runs, overlapping.
Variant: the support player may enter the game, and the player who
passed to him takes his place.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



5 versus 5 / Game 5


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP 

5 versus 5 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking as a unit in the attacking zone
Defence: pressing zone and retreating into defence
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check

5 versus 5 / Game 6

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. 3 teams of 5 play each other alternately.

Procedure: 1 touch of the ball in the defensive zones and 2 touches of the
ball in the attacking zone. A goal is only awarded if all of the team crosses
the halfway line.
Instructions: in attack, create space and be available for the ball carrier.
Play deep as a unit to avoid counter-attacks. In defence, be active in the
pressing zone upon losing possession and while retreating.
Variant: play with 2 touches of the ball in the defensive zone and freely in
the attacking zone.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on lactic capacity 

5 versus 5 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking as a unit in 2 attacking and midfield zones
Defence: pressing zone and retreating into defence
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m 3 teams of 5 play each other alternately with 3

Procedure: 5 versus 5 a goal is only awarded if the team is divided over
2 adjoining zones. 2 working times, 1 break time.
Instructions: in attack, create space and be available for passes. Play as a
unit in 2 adjoining zones. In defence, reorganise upon losing possession.
Be active in the pressing zone, as high as possible without losing shape
and balance.
Variant: the defending team is also divided over 2 zones.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


5 versus 5 / Game 7

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP 

5 versus 5 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking by alternating between short and long play
Defence: preventing exchanges in no-go zone and intercepting long passes
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check


5 versus 5 / Game 8

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. 3 teams of 5 organised in 5 versus 5 (teams

organised in 3/2) and 1 team on a break. 1 no-go zone of 10 x 10m.
Procedure: skip a line to play deep or to switch the play. Opposition with
free play. A goal counts double if there is an alternation between short and
long play.
Instructions: attack by using switches of play or turns. Alternate between
short play and long play. Create space and lose marker to be visible.
Variant: the no-go zone becomes (1) a flick-on zone, then (2) a free
zone for support or back-up players.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed and jumps based on lactic capacity

5 versus 5 with goalkeepers corner kicks
Attack: attacking corner kicks
Defence: intercepting corners by defence or goalkeeper
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m with balls placed in all 4 corners.

Procedure: 6 attacking corners and 6 defensive corners for each team.
The 2 teams oppose 6 consecutive corners. Try to get a defender to launch
a counter-attack on the opposing goal. Then change roles.
Instructions: in attack, avoid being too far forward at the start, then push
up quickly as soon as the shooter prepares to shoot to force the attackers
back. Anticipate in the direction of the goal. In defence, 1 player is free
near the near post, individual marking for the others. Players impose
themselves physically.
Variant: the play is only over when the ball has left the pitch.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


5 versus 5 / Game 9


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

6 versus 6

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on lactic capacity 

6 versus 6 with goalkeepers on a short and wide pitch
Attack: attacking using the width on a short pitch
Defence: defending using the width and length of the pitch
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check


6 versus 6 / Game 1

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 45 x 40m on half a pitch with a 10 x 40m no-go zone.

Procedure: skip a line to play deep. Free play.
Instructions: attack by using switches of play or turns. Alternate between
short play and long play. Create space and lose marker to be visible.
Variant: the no-go zone becomes (1) a flick-on zone, then (2) it
becomes a free zone for support or back-up players.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on lactic capacity

6 versus 6 (4 versus 4 + 2 versus 2) with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking from the middle zone
Defence: defending in the middle zone and protecting in the defending zones
RPE: 18 x 12
216 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 45 x 40m divided into 3 zones. Middle zone with 4 versus

4 and 2 finishing zones with 2 versus 2 in front of goal.
Procedure: create a numerical advantage after linking with 1 or 2
attackers: 3 versus 2 + finish.
Instructions: in attack, retain possession. Play the ball in to an attacker
behind the defence, using gaps. Create a numerical advantage to finish the
move. In defence, press to prevent an attacker running into the defending
zone to create a numerical advantage. Only 1 defender may retreat into
the finishing zone.
Variant: an attacker drops back to create a numerical advantage in the
middle zone. Maximum of 2 touches in the middle zone.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



6 versus 6 / Game 2


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: acceleration based on lactic capacity 

6 versus 6 without goalkeepers (free zone)
Attack: using support players and a 3rd player
Defence: intercepting and linking play
RPE: 14 x 12
168 AU

Heart rate check

6 versus 6 / Game 3

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 40m with a neutral middle zone of 10 x 10m. 4 ball

sources. Each team has 1 free player in the neutral zone.
Procedure: free play in 6 versus 6.
Instructions: to score 1 point, a team has to start in the neutral zone and
create a link between the passer, the player laying the ball off and the 3rd
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: acceleration based on lactic capacity 

6 versus 6 with goalkeepers in normal goals
Attack: attacking by switching play
Defence: transition between regaining possession and counter-attack
RPE: 16 x 12
192 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. 4 goals (2 normal goals and 2 small goals). 4 ball

Procedure: change and re-occupy positions in attacking and defensive
play change the game.
Instructions: each team attacks and defends 2 goals.
Variant: 1 team scores in the normal goals, the other team scores in the
small goals.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



6 versus 6 / Game 4

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on MAP 

6 versus 6 with goalkeepers
Attack: shooting or passing with or without control (finish)
Defence: intercepting passes and preventing shots
RPE: 17 x 15
255 AU

Heart rate check


6 versus 6 / Game 5

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. 6 versus 6. 3 teams. Score with a limited

number of touches.
Procedure: game limited to 2 touches of the ball. Control and pass. Or
control and shoot. Ball sources near the goals.
Instructions: shoot with or without controlling. Shoot at goal as soon as
possible, regardless of position.
Variant: 2 touches of the ball in the defensive zone; 3 touches of the ball
in the attacking zone
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed based on MAP

6 versus 6 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking using the width and length of the pitch with crosses
Defence: defending using the width and intercepting crosses
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. 6 versus 6. 3 teams 2 wide channels.

Procedure: the 2 teams both have 2 wide channels that are protected and
allow a player to cross without being challenged. Players may not enter
these channels with the ball at their feet, or simply wait there for the ball.
They must enter these channels to demand the ball (run) and to receive it
while running.
Instructions: in attack, use the channels to eliminate opponents. In
defence, protect the centre and try to intercept passes towards the
channels. Intercept crosses to protect the goal.
Variant: if a team scores a goal, it wins a corner.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



6 versus 6 / Game 6


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on lactic capacity 

6 versus 6 + goalkeepers + wide and central support players
Attack: retaining possession + finishing
Defence: regaining possession
RPE: 17 x 15
255 AU

Heart rate check

6 versus 6 / Game 7

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 33m. 3 teams of 6 players + goalkeepers + support

players. Spare balls around the pitch and in the goals.
Procedure: the players in the same team play with each other as well as
with the support players wearing the same colour. Try to score by using the
support players.
Instructions: in attack, create space and find finishing opportunities
by using the teams support players. In defence, close down space and
anticipate opponents movements to regain possession.
Variant: goals count double if scored from a cross.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed based on MAP 

6 versus 6 with support players
Attack: attacking using the width and length of the pitch using crosses
Defence: defending using the width and length and intercepting crosses
RPE: 18 x 15
270 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 33m. 2 teams of 6 players + 2 support players try to

retain possession and complete 10 passes and score 1 point. The support
players come into play each time they touch the ball. Another player in
that team then takes a place in the support zone. 1 team uses the width of
the pitch, the other the length of the pitch. Swap wings regularly.
Procedure: improve team play in short game and on the ground under
pressure. Adapt choices depending on the stress created by the game
Instructions: create and use space, eliminate an opponent with the first
touch or protect the ball.
Variant: play with 2 floating players to give the team in possession of the
ball a numerical advantage.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



6 versus 6 / Game 8

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and precision based on lactic capacity 

6 versus 6 + goalkeepers + gates
Attack: ball possession and finishes
Defence: regaining the ball; transition and finish
RPE: 17 x 15
255 AU

Heart rate check


6 versus 6 / Game 9

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m 7 gates randomly placed around the pitch.

Procedure: alternate between short and long play by using the gates all
over the pitch.
Instructions: 1 point is scored if a player passes the ball through a gate to
a team-mate (no return passes allowed). Goal scored = 2 points.
Variant: limit the number of touches of the ball.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed endurance based on lactic capacity

6 versus 6 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking by switching sides to score
Defence: defending using lateral movements
RPE: 18 x 15
270 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. 6 versus 6. 4 zones in all 4 corners of the pitch.

Procedure: pass through 1 zone on the right and 1 zone on the left
before scoring. A team that intercepts in the attacking zone only passes
through 1 zone. Free in the zone.
Instructions: retain the ball to find an opening. Play in twos at the right
time. Precision and timing of passes. Anticipate passes towards the free
Variant: maximum of 2 touches of the ball in the 4 free zones.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



6 versus 6 / Game 10


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed endurance based on lactic capacity 

6 versus 6 + goalkeepers duel with goalkeeper
Attack: attacking with deep passes after runs into space + duel with goalkeeper
Defence: preventing and intercepting deep passes
RPE: 18 x 12
216 AU

Heart rate check

6 versus 6 / Game 11

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 70 x 50m with middle zone of 30m.

Procedure: after a minimum of 3 passes, play the ball into space after runs
into space or dummy runs by the attackers, who finish in a duel with the
Instructions: make runs in behind the defence dart into space and make
runs and dummy runs into gaps finish in duels.
Variant: only 1 defender retreats with 1 extra attacker (1 defender and 1
goalkeeper versus 2 attackers).
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed endurance based on MAP 

6 versus 6 with a goalkeeper and a stop-ball line
Attack: looking for depth or turns depending on defensive movement
Defence: organising cover for partner
RPE: 18 x 18
324 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 70 x 50m. 6 defenders versus 6 attackers with 1 free player

with free play behind the line.
Procedure: 6 defenders, occupying the whole pitch, against 4 attackers (1
in stop-ball zone and 2 in the channels).
Instructions: in attack, regain possession and counter-attack into the
stop-ball zone. In defence, close down the ball carrier. Cover partner in
the centre. Cover partner in the channel. Mark the potential recipient and
cover partner. Manage the depth if the attackers play using the free player.
Cover your partner in duels and protect your goal.
Variant: attackers free in the channels, but with a maximum of 2 touches
of the ball.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


6 versus 6 / Game 12

Small-sided games | Physical preparation



Small-sided games | Physical preparation

7 versus 7

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: series of sprints and jumps based on MAP 

7 versus 7 with goalkeepers and free floating players in defensive and attacking zones
Attack: attacking with long passes and by flicking the ball on
Defence: cutting off trajectories and intercepting long passes
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check


7 versus 7 / Game 1

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 70 x 40m. 7 versus 7 including 1 versus 1 with 1 neutral

attacker in front of each goal. 6 versus 6 in middle zone.
Procedure: 1 player of a team can switch zones after the ball has been
flicked on with the head. Play a long ball to a pivot after at least 2 passes.
Instructions: play to a retreating player make runs into space to be
visible to the ball carrier. Flick the ball into space.
Variant: use the channels (2 touches of the ball if possible) to switch the
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on aerobic capacity

7 versus 7 with 1 goalkeeper and mini-goals on a short and wide pitch
Attack: attacking using the width
Defence: defending using the width
RPE: 14 x 15
210 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 30 x 40m. 7 versus 7 including 4 versus 4 in a 10 x 40m

zone with mini-goals. 3 attackers wait with 3 defenders in the other part
of the pitch: break time + rapid attack on a goal with a goalkeeper.
Procedure: coordinated positioning and movement from a low block.
Switch the players waiting. Change positions every 3 minutes.
Instructions: read attacking play. The centre-forward plays as a support
player and the attackers move into space.
Variant: a player from the 4 versus 4 group moves into the 3 versus 3
zone to create a numerical advantage.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



7 versus 7 / Game 2


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: series of sprints (short intermittent) based on MAP 

7 versus 7 with 1 goalkeeper and 2 mini-goals on a short and wide pitch
Attack: turning, advancing and finishing
Defence: defending laterally and harassing
RPE: 18 x 15
270 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m. 2 attackers, 3 midfielders and 2 wide players

against 7 players in a high block.
Procedure: draw in on 1 side and pass on the other with the active
participation of the winger. Switch the play or play deep to finish.
Instructions: in attack, the wide wingers are not on the same level as
the centre-forward. The midfielders are positioned on the same level. The
wingers push forward on the opposite side. Create space depending on
the movements and runs of the ball carrier. In defence, defend laterally,
with jockey movements and pressure, to regain possession.
Variant: break up the defence into 2 zones of 3 and 4 players. Players may
not retreat from a zone. The attackers can advance to create a numerical
advantage while paying attention to imbalances and counter-attacks.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



7 versus 7 / Game 3

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and sprints based on aerobic capacity 

7 versus 7 with 1 goalkeeper on a short and wide pitch
Attack: looking for depth in the centre or down the wings
Defence: closing the gaps and space to regain possession
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check


7 versus 7 / Game 4

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 60 x 50m. 7 attackers against 7 defenders in a high block.

Procedure: the defenders try to regain possession. If they give the ball to
their goalkeeper, they score 1 point. The goalkeeper passes the ball to the
attackers, who move forward and try to score by using deep passes.
Instructions: in attack, try to play the ball long. Use the second pass
(behind). Play to the playmaker, who can flick the ball on, control and
advance. Look for the centre-forward or winger to play deep. Unbalance
the defence. In defence, move into the balls trajectory. Move across
together, close the gaps. Prevent balls being played in behind the defence.
Variant: only 1 defender retreats back behind the zone to defend, then 2.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed endurance based on aerobic capacity 

7 versus 7 with goalkeepers and 3 zones
Attack: fast transition from defensive zone to attacking zone
Defence: preventing opponents from progressing
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 67 x 50m. 7 versus 7 in 3 zones. 4 versus 4 in middle zone

and 3 versus 2 in finishing zones.
Procedure: each team plays with 1 goalkeeper, 3 defenders, 2 midfielders
and 2 attackers.
Instructions: players may not leave their zone unless a defender passes
to a midfielder or a midfielder passes to an attacker. The passer can then
move into this zone and create a numerical advantage (4 versus 3).
Variant: progressively increase numerical advantage to 2 or 3 attackers.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



7 versus 7 / Game 5


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: specific sprints based on aerobic power (short intermittent)

7 versus 7 without goalkeepers, with mini-goals
Attack: retaining possession and playing in small spaces
Defence: intercepting and protecting mini-goals
RPE: 15 x 15
225 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 2 teams of 7 players. The team in possession of the ball

attempts to score in the goals in the corners.
Procedure: for a goal to be scored, the ball must be played back and
forth, but not between the same 2 players. As soon as 3 new passes have
been completed, it is possible to score in the same goal or in another goal.
Change players every 3.
Instructions: retain possession and play in small spaces. Adapt choices to
the zones and instructions, and provide solutions adapted to zones.
Variant: add a third team to play 2 teams against 1, or add floating
players to create a numerical advantage.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



7 versus 7 / Game 6

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on MAP 

7 versus 7 with goalkeepers on a short and wide pitch
Attack: positive possession and ball retention
Defence: preventing exchanges by closing down spaces and gaps
RPE: 16 x 15
240 AU

Heart rate check


7 versus 7 / Game 7

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 67 x 50m. 2 neutral goalkeepers play behind the lines.

Procedure: retain possession and occupy the pitch. Maximum of 3
touches. A goal is scored after 5 passes followed by an aerial pass into the
hands of a goalkeeper.
Instructions: be available for the ball carrier. Create space to receive the
ball. Use gaps to eliminate opponents and gain ground.
Variants: (1) 2-touch play. (2) with 2 goals. After 5 passes, a goal may be
scored in the 2 goals.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



Physical quality: speed endurance based on aerobic capacity

7 versus 7 with goalkeepers on a short and wide pitch in 3 zones
Attack: playing long and flicking into finishing zone
Defence: intercepting long passes and protecting the goal
RPE: 17 x 15
255 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 60 x 45m. 2 teams of 7 players + 2 goalkeepers pitch

divided into 3 zones 2 versus 2 in middle zone and 3 versus 2 in finishing
Procedure: the game starts with the goalkeeper, who plays the ball to the
middle of the pitch. 2 versus 2 play. The blue team tries to play with a red
attacker, who loses his marker. If he succeeds, a midfielder can advance into
the attacking zone (3 versus 3).
Instructions: flick the goalkeepers pass into the finishing zone, or play the
ball back to a support player, who can play a deep ball.
Variant: (1) 2 midfielders can advance into the attacking zone. (2) 1 or 2
defenders can advance into the middle zone.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break



7 versus 7 / Game 8


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed based on anaerobic capacity 

7 versus 7 with goalkeepers on a short and wide pitch
Attack: deep play by support players
Defence: preventing exchanges by closing gaps and space
RPE: 17 x 24
408 AU

Heart rate check


7 versus 7 / Game 9

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 70 x 50m. 3 teams of 7 with goalkeepers play each other

alternately. Attack 2 gates and 1 large goal with a goalkeeper.
Procedure: the team that concedes a goal leaves the pitch. The winning
team is the team that wins the most games.
Instructions: retreat into defence after losing the ball intercept, regain
possession and launch a counter-attack. Use the support and back-up
players to play deep.
Variant: the winning team stays on the pitch but can no longer draw.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




Physical quality: speed endurance based on MAP/MAS 

7 versus 7 with goalkeepers, 3 goals
Attack: scoring with a volley and/or a header after switching play
Defence: intercepting long passes and preventing crosses
RPE: 15 x 24
360 AU

Heart rate check

7 versus 7 / Game 10

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m 7 versus 7 and 3 goals switch play.

Procedure: switch play when blocked.
Instructions: movement all over the pitch.
Variant: players who lose the ball complete a coordination circuit
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break






Small-sided games | Physical preparation

8 versus 8

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: sprints based on aerobic capacity 

8 versus 8 with goalkeepers
Attack: playing long and accompanying the attack
Defence: intercepting long passes and protecting the goal
RPE: 15 x 18
270 AU

Heart rate check


8 versus 8 / Game 1

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40m. Middle zone of 20m width, 3 versus 3: finishing

zones 3 versus 2.
Procedure: middle no-go zone: skip the middle.
Instructions: the attackers compete for aerial balls and the midfielders
play the second balls.
Variant: free play.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed and series of sprints based on lactic capacity

8 versus 8 with goalkeepers and wide support players
Attack: attacking by using the width
Defence: defending by closing down space
RPE: 15 x 18
270 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 40 m with channels: 8 versus 8.

Procedure: the team in possession occupies the 2 channels. Free play in
the channels and 1-2 touches in the middle.
Instructions: in attack, open the play up; in defence, close the play down.
Variant: defensive imbalance as if a team loses the ball, a player leaves the
pitch and is replaced by an additional player waiting for the other team.
The players take it in turns to leave and enter the pitch.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


8 versus 8 / Game 2


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and intermittent sprints based on MAP 

8 versus 8 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking using long balls over the middle zone
Defence: intercepting long passes and regaining possession
RPE: 13 x 24
312 AU

Heart rate check

8 versus 8 / Game 3

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 67 x 50m. Pitch divided into 3 zones. 1 middle zone

(8 versus 8) and 2 finishing zones.
Procedure: retain possession for at least 4 passes, then play a long ball
over the middle zone to a player on the run. Try to score.
Instructions: play to 2 attackers when they break free. Watch out for
Variant: (1) only 1 player can defend outside of the middle zone. (2)
progressively increase the number of defenders.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on lactic capacity 

8 versus 8 (7 versus 7 + 1 versus 1)
Attack: retaining possession then accelerating to score
Defence: regaining possession and defending 1 versus 1
RPE: 15 x 24
360 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 67 x 50m with middle zone of 30m, 8 versus 8 (7 versus 7

+ 1 versus 1 in front of the goal).
Procedure: retain possession. Look to play towards a deep support player.
Instructions: link up and finish.
Variant: in the finishing zones, move progressively from 1 versus 1 to 3
versus 3.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




8 versus 8 / Game 4

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: series of movements based on lactic capacity 

8 versus 8 with 2 attacking support players per team
Attack: support/back-up players and switches of play
Defence: supporting, covering and defending laterally
RPE: 16 x 24
384 AU

Heart rate check


8 versus 8 / Game 5

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m: 8 versus 8 (6 versus 6 + 2 attacking support

players per team).
Procedure: 1 touch for the support players. Change the support players
every 3 minutes.
Instructions: in attack, retain possession. Use support/back-up players
and switches of play. Goals scored from a pass from a support player
count double or triple. In defence, close down space and anticipate the
opponents movements.
Variant: play at least 4 passes before playing towards the deep support
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




Physical quality: speed based on aerobic capacity

8 versus 8 (6 versus 6 with 2 attacking support players) with 3 goalkeepers
Attack: support/back-up players and switches of play
Defence: closing down space and regaining possession of the ball
RPE: 16 x 24
384 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 40 x 50m. Attack/defence 8 versus 8 (6 + 2 support players

Procedure: the blue team shoots at the 2 wide goals with the help of the
support players; the yellow team shoots at the large goal. Change sides
and roles for the 2 teams every 3.
Instructions: in attack, the attackers break free to act as intermediate
support players and to push the game forward. 1 touch for the support
players. Create space and use gaps to gain ground and eliminate
opponents. In defence, intercept deep passes by anticipating and closing
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break




8 versus 8 / Game 6


Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: series of movements based on lactic capacity 

8 versus 8 without goalkeepers
Attack: alternating between short and long passes
Defence: preventing progression and intercepting long passes
RPE: 16 x 24
384 AU

Heart rate check

8 versus 8 / Game 7

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 50m. 4 goal zones of 10 x 10m to attack and defend.

Procedure: stop the ball in one of the goal zones after controlling an
aerial ball.
Instructions: react to switches of play. Improve the quality of support
play and the accuracy of passes.Look around before controlling the ball.
Controls on the turn.
Variant: receive and control the ball in one of the zones from long and
high balls.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on aerobic capacity 

8 versus 8 with goalkeepers and defensive imbalance
Attack: attacking rapidly with a numerical advantage
Defence: defending laterally and cutting off trajectories
RPE: 16 x 24
384 AU

Heart rate check

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 50 x 50m. 8 versus 8. Attack with a numerical advantage,

defend with a numerical disadvantage.
Procedure: if possession is lost, 2 yellow players complete a sprint (there
and back) before returning to the defence. During this time, the blue team
counter-attacks with 8 players against 6 yellow defenders.
Instructions: in attack, inject pace into sequences and trajectories. Play
between the goal and the defenders. Break free after receiving the ball. In
defence, practise retreating (jockey move) while waiting for the sprinting
players to return. Read the trajectories, close down space and gaps.
Variant: the teams handicap moves progressively from 2 to 4 and then to
6 players to regulate the speed of counter-attacks.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break


8 versus 8 / Game 8

Small-sided games | Physical preparation

Physical quality: speed and acceleration based on aerobic capacity 

8 versus 8 with goalkeepers
Attack: attacking and finishing from 8 set pieces
Defence: individual marking and interception of passes
RPE: 18 x 16
288 AU

Heart rate check


8 versus 8 / Game 9

Heart rate after break

of 3

Organisation: 70 x 50m, 8 versus 8.

Procedure: each team takes 8 set pieces to start the game with 2 throwins, 2 corner kicks, 2 indirect free kicks, 1 direct free kick, 1 penalty kick. If
the other team regains possession, it launches a counter-attack. Change
the roles after 8 set pieces.
Instructions: in attack, move forward and create space. Take up positions
in gaps. Move in behind the defence. Make yourself visible to passers.
In defence, ensure coverage ball-side. The opposite wing player watches
the diagonal play. If a defender is eliminated, the central defender takes
over and the other defender retreats into a covering position. The central
defence takes up positions behind the ball to ensure coverage. The nearer
the ball, the tighter the marking. Be responsible for your opponent. Win
your duel.
Working time

Length of break

Number of

Type of break






10. FIFA 11+


FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

FIFA 11+
A complete warm-up programme to prevent
football injuries

Field set-up

The FIFA 11+ injury prevention programme was developed

The course is made up of six to ten pairs of parallel cones,

by an international group of experts based on their practical

approximately 5-6m apart. Two players start at the same

experience with various injury prevention programmes for

time from the rst pair of cones, jog along the inside of the

amateur players aged 14 or older.

cones and do the various exercises on the way. After the

In a scientific study, it was shown that youth football

last cone they run back along the outside. On the way back,

teams using the FIFA 11+ as a standard warm-up had a

speed can be increased progressively as players warm up.

significantly lower risk of injury than teams that warmed up

as usual. Teams that performed the FIFA 11+ regularly at
least twice a week had 37% fewer training injuries and 29%
fewer match injuries. Severe injuries were reduced by almost

Parts 1 and 3

50%. This study was published in the renowned British

Medical Journal in 2008.

The programme should be performed, as a standard
warm-up, at the start of each training session at least twice


Part 2

a week and it takes around 20 minutes to complete. Prior to

matches, only the running exercises (parts 1 and 3) should be
Structure of the FIFA 11+
The FIFA 11+ has three parts with a total of 15 exercises,
which should be performed in the specified sequence at the
start of each training session.
Part 1: six running exercises at a slow speed combined with
active stretching and controlled partner contacts;
Part 2: six sets of exercises, focusing on core and leg
strength, balance, and plyometrics/agility, each with three
levels of increasing difficulty;
Part 3: three running exercises at moderate/high speed
combined with planting/cutting movements.
A key point in the programme is to use the proper technique
during all of the exercises. Pay full attention to correct
posture and good body control, including straight leg
alignment, knee-over-toe position and soft landings.

A: Running exercises
B: Return

FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

Part 1: Running exercises 8 minutes


Running straight ahead

Jog straight to the last cone. Make sure you keep your upper body
straight. Your hip, knee and foot are aligned. Do not let your knee buckle
inwards. Run slightly more quickly on the way back. 2 sets.

Running hip out

Jog to the first cone, stop and lift your knee forwards. Rotate your knee
to the side and put your foot down. At the next cone repeat the exercise
on the other leg. Repeat until you reach the other side of the pitch. 2

Running hip in

Jog to the first cone, stop and lift your knee to the side. Rotate your knee
forwards and put your foot down. At the next cone repeat the exercise
on the other leg. Repeat until you reach the other side of the pitch. 2

Running circling partner

Jog to the first cone. Shuffle sideways towards your partner, shuffle an
entire circle around one another (without changing the direction you are
facing) and then shuffle back to the first cone. Repeat until you reach the
other side of the pitch. 2 sets.



FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

Running jumping with shoulder contact

Jog to the first cone. Shuffle sideways towards your partner. In the middle
jump sideways towards each other and make shoulder-to-shoulder
contact. Land on both feet with your hips and knees bent. Shuffle back
to the first cone. Repeat until you reach the other side of the pitch. 2

Running quick forwards and backwards sprints

Run quickly to the second cone then quickly run backwards to the first
cone, keeping your hips and knees slightly bent. Repeat, running two
cones forwards and one cone back until you reach the other side of the
pitch. 2 sets.

FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

Part 2: Strength, plyometrics and balance 10 minutes

7.1 The bench static

Starting position: Lie on your front, support the upper body with your
forearms. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders.
Exercise: Lift the upper body, pelvis and legs up until your body forms a
straight line from head to foot. Pull in stomach and gluteal muscles and
hold the position for 20-30 sec. 3 sets.
Important: Do not sway or arch your back. Do not move your buttocks

7.2 The bench alternate legs

Starting position: Lie on your front, support the upper body with your
forearms. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders.
Exercise: Lift the upper body, pelvis and legs up until your body forms a
straight line from head to foot. Pull in stomach and gluteal muscles. Lift
each leg in turn, holding for a count of 2 sec. Continue for 40-60 sec.
3 sets
Important: Do not sway or arch your back. Do not move your buttocks
upwards. Keep pelvis stable and do not let it tilt to the side.
7.3 The bench one leg lift and hold
Starting position: Lie on your front, supporting your upper body with
your forearms. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders.
Exercise: Lift the upper body, pelvis and legs up until your body forms
a straight line. Pull in stomach and gluteal muscles. Lift one leg about
10-15cm off the ground and hold the position for 20-30 sec. Repeat
with other leg. 3 sets.
Important: Do not sway or arch your back. Do not move your buttocks
upwards. Ensure the pelvis is stable and do not let it tilt to the side.
8.1 Sideways bench static
Starting position: Lie on your side with the knee of your lower leg bent
to 90 degrees, support yourself on forearm and lower leg. Keep the
elbow of your supporting arm directly under the shoulder.
Exercise: Lift pelvis and upper leg until they form a straight line with your
shoulder and hold the position for 20-30 sec. Repeat on other side. 3
Important: Keep pelvis stable and do not let it tilt downwards. Do not
tilt shoulders, pelvis or leg forwards or backwards.



FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

8.2 Sideways bench raise and lower hip

Starting position: Lie on your side with both legs straight, support
yourself on your forearm. Keep the elbow of your supporting arm
directly under the shoulder.
Exercise: Raise pelvis and legs until your body forms a straight line from
the upper shoulder to the upper foot. Lower hips to the ground and
raise them back up again. Continue for 20-30 sec. Repeat on other
side. 3 sets.
Important: Do not tilt shoulders or pelvis forwards or backwards. Do not
rest your head on your shoulder.
8.3 Sideways bench with leg lift
Starting position: Lie on your side with both legs straight, support
yourself on your forearm and lower leg. Keep the elbow of your
supporting arm directly under the shoulder.
Exercise: Raise pelvis and legs until your body forms a straight line from
the upper shoulder to the upper foot. Lift upper leg up and slowly
lower it down again. Continue for 20-30 sec. Repeat on other side. 3
Important: Keep pelvis stable and do not let it tilt downwards. Do not
tilt shoulders or pelvis forwards or backwards.

9.1 Hamstrings beginner

Starting position: Kneel with knees apart at hips width; partner pins
your ankles firmly to the ground with both hands.
Exercise: Slowly lean forward while keeping your body straight from the
head to the knees. When you can no longer hold the position, gently
take your weight with your hands, falling into a press-up position. 3-5
Important: Do exercise slowly at first, but once you feel more
comfortable speed it up.
9.2 Hamstrings intermediate
Starting position and exercise: As described in 9.1. 7-10 repetitions.
9.3 Hamstrings advanced
Starting position and exercise: As described in 9.1. Minimum of 12-15
10.1 Single-leg stance hold the ball
Starting position: Stand on one leg, knee and hip slightly bent and hold
the ball in both hands.
Exercise: Hold balance and keep body weight on the ball of your foot.
Hold for 30 sec. and repeat on the other leg. The exercise can be made
more difficult by lifting the heel from the ground slightly or passing the
ball around your waist and/or under your other knee. 2 sets on each
Important: Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Keep pelvis horizontal
and do not let it tilt to the side.

FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

10.2 Single-leg stance throwing ball with partner

Starting position: Stand on one leg, face a partner at a distance of 2-3 m.
Exercise: Maintain your balance while you throw the ball to one another.
Hold in your stomach and keep your weight on the ball of your foot.
Continue for 30 sec. and repeat on the other leg. The exercise can be
made more difficult by lifting the heel from the ground slightly. 2 sets
on each leg.
Important: Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Keep pelvis horizontal
and do not let it tilt to the side.

10.3 Single-leg stance test your partner

Starting position: Stand on one leg, at arms length from your partner.
Exercise: Maintain your balance while you and your partner take it
in turns to try to push the other off balance in different directions.
Continue for 30 sec. and repeat on the other leg. 2 sets on each leg.
Important: Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Keep pelvis horizontal
and do not let it tilt to the side.

11.1 Squats with toe raise

Starting position: Stand with your feet apart under your hips, hands on
your hips.
Exercise: Slowly bend hips, knees and ankles until your knees are flexed
to 90 degrees. Lean your upper body forwards. Then straighten the
upper body, hips and knees and stand up on your toes. Then slowly
lower yourself again and straighten up slightly more quickly. Repeat for
30 sec. 2 sets.
Important: Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Lean upper body
forward with a straight back.

11.2 Squats walking lunges

Starting position: Stand with feet apart under your hips, hands on your
Exercise: Lunge forward slowly at an even pace. Bend hips and knees
slowly until your leading knee is flexed to 90 degrees. The bent knee
should not extend outside the line of the toes. 10 lunges on each leg.
2 sets.
Important: Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Keep upper body
straight and pelvis horizontal.



FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

11.3 Squats one-leg squats

Starting position: Stand on one leg, loosely hold on to your partner.
Exercise: Slowly bend your knee, if possible until it is flexed to 90
degrees, and straighten up again. Bend slowly then straighten slightly
more quickly. Repeat on the other leg. 10 squats on each leg. 2 sets.
Important: Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Keep upper body facing
forward and pelvis horizontal.

12.1 Jumping vertical jumps

Starting position: Stand with your feet apart under your hips, hands on
your hips.
Exercise: Slowly bend hips, knees and ankles until your knees are flexed
to 90 degrees. Lean upper body forwards. Hold this position for 1 sec.
then jump as high as you can, and straighten your whole body. Land
softly on the balls of your feet. Repeat for 30 sec. 2 sets.
Important: Jump off both feet. Land gently on the balls of both feet
with your knees bent.

12.2 Jumping lateral jumps

Starting position: Stand on one leg. Bend hips, knee and ankle slightly
and lean upper body forwards.
Exercise: Jump off your supporting leg, landing approximately 1m
sideways onto the other leg. Land gently on the ball of your foot and
bend your hips, knee and ankle. Hold this position for about a second
and then jump onto the other leg. Repeat for 30 sec. 2 sets.
Important: Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Keep upper body stable
and facing forward and pelvis horizontal.

12.3 Jumping box jumps

Starting position: Stand with feet apart under your hips, imagine you
are standing in the middle of a cross.
Exercise: Jump with both legs forwards and backwards, from side to
side, and diagonally over the cross. Keep upper body slightly leaned
forwards. Jump as quickly and explosively as possible. Repeat for 30
sec. 2 sets.
Important: Land softly on the balls of both feet. Bend hips, knees and
ankles on landing. Do not let your knee buckle inwards.

FIFA 11+ | Physical preparation

Part 3: running exercises 2 minutes

13 Running across the pitch
Run approx 40m across the pitch at 75-80% of maximum pace and then
jog the rest of the way. Keep your upper body straight. Your hip, knee
and foot are aligned. Do not let your knees buckle inwards. Jog back
gently. 2 sets.

14 Running bounding
Take a few warm-up steps then take 6-8 high bounding steps with a high
knee lift and then jog the rest of the way across the pitch. Lift the knee of
the leading leg as high as possible and swing the opposite arm across the
body. Keep your upper body straight. Land on the ball of the foot with
your knee bent and spring. Do not let your knee buckle inwards. Jog back
gently to recover. 2 sets.

15 Running plant & cut

Jog 4-5 steps straight ahead. Then plant the right leg and cut to change
direction to the left and accelerate again. Sprint 5-7 steps (80-90% of
maximum pace) before you decelerate and plant the left foot and cut
to change direction to the right. Do not let your knee buckle inwards.
Repeat the exercise until you reach the other side of the pitch, then jog
back. 2 sets.



Bibliography | Physical preparation

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Banister EW, Calvert TW, Savage MV and Bach TM. A system model of training for athletic performance. Australian J
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Borg G. Perceived Exertion as an indicator of somatic stress. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2: 92-98, 1970.
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Key and list of abbreviations | Physical preparation

Path of the player without the ball
Path of the player with the ball
Path of the ball (from a pass or shot)

List of abbreviations (in order of appearance):

VO2 max:

heart rate


maximum aerobic speed


aerobic power


anaerobic lactic power


anaerobic alactic power


adenosine triphosphate


eccentric contraction


concentric contraction


isometric contraction


maximum repetition = load that can only be performed once

(MR 4 means a load that can only be performed four times)

max. S:

maximum speed


football skills


time of exertion in football


rating of perceived exertion


training impulse (training load)


delayed onset muscle soreness


arbitrary units


maximum aerobic power; the power at which the consumption of oxygen peaks and corresponds to lactic
threshold 2 up to VO2 max.

maximum oxygen consumption (Abbreviation VO2max used for typographical reasons)



Physical preparation


Joseph S. Blatter

Secretary General:

Jrme Valcke


Fdration Internationale de Football Association

FIFA-Strasse 20

P.O. Box

8044 Zurich



+41-(0)43-222 7777


+41-(0)43-222 7878


Physical preparation
Concept: FIFA Education & Technical Development Department, in cooperation with Dr. Zakaria Labsy (FIFA
instructor University of Orsay South Paris XI France), Prof. Claire Tourny (University of Rouen
France); Jean Gallice (National Coach of the French Football Federation); Prof. Sad Ahmadi
(University of Picardie France), Jean-Michel Bnzet (Technical Advisor of FIFA)

FIFA, Getty Images, foto-net


FIFA Translations


FIFA / mbDesign, Zurich, Switzerland


RVA Druck und Medien, Altsttten, Switzerland

Fdration Internationale de Football Association

FIFA-Strasse 20 P.O. Box
Tel.: +41-(0)43-222 7777

8044 Zurich Switzerland

Fax: +41-(0)43-222 7878

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