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Body fat assessed from total body density and its 
estimation from skinfold thickness: measurements on 481 
men and women aged from 16 to 72 Years
J. V. G. A. Durnin and J. Womersley

British Journal of Nutrition / Volume 32 / Issue 01 / July 1974, pp 77 ­ 97
DOI: 10.1079/BJN19740060, Published online: 09 March 2007

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How to cite this article:
J. V. G. A. Durnin and J. Womersley (1974). Body fat assessed from total body density and its 
estimation from skinfold thickness: measurements on 481 men and women aged from 16 to 72 Years. 
British Journal of Nutrition, 32, pp 77­97 doi:10.1079/BJN19740060

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Body fat assessed from total body density

and its estimation from skinfold thickness : measurements on
481 men and women aged from 16 to 72 years

Institute of Physiology, The University, Glasgow G I ZSQQ

(Received 16 May 1973 - Accepted 123 n e 1973)

I. Skinfold thicknesses at four sites - biceps, triceps, subscapular and supra-iliac - and
total body density (by underwater weighing) were measured on 209 males and 272 females
aged from 16 to 72 years. The fat content varied from 5 to 5 0 % of body-weight in the men
and from 10to 61 % in the women.
2. When the results were plotted it was found necessary to use the logarithm of skinfold
measurements in order to achieve a linear relationship with body density.
3. Linear regression equations were calculated for the estimation of body density, and hence
body fat, using single skinfolds and all possible sums of two or more skinfolds. Separate
equations for the different age-groupings are given. A table is derived where percentage body
fat can be read off corresponding to differing values for the total of the four standard skinfolds.
This table is subdivided for sex and for age.
4. The possible reasons for the altered position of the regression lines with sex and age,
and the validation of the use of body density measurements, are discussed.

The fat content of the human body has physiological and medical importance. It
may influence morbidity and mortality, it may aIter the effectiveness of drugs and
anaesthetics, and it may affect the ability to withstand exposure to cold and starvation.
Thus the measurement of the total body fat provides useful information.
In many people, but by no means everyone, a moderately satisfactory estimate of the
body fat content can be obtained from the height and weight. However, for more
precise evaluation several methods are available which give a reasonably accurate
measure of body fat both in normal subjects and in individuals with unusual body
builds. Most of these methods are based on the assumption that the body can be
considered to consist of two compartments of relatively constant composition but
which are distinctly different; these compartments are: (I) the body fat, which in-
cludes the entire content of chemical fat or lipids in the body, and (2)the fat-free mass
(FFM), which includes all the rest of the body apart from fat.
The body fat compartment is anhydrous, contains no potassium and has a fairly
constant density of about 0.90 x 103kg/m3. The fat-free compartment on the other hand
probably has a fairly constant density of about 1.10x 103kg/m3, a potassium content of
about 68 mequiv./kg in males (about 10% less in females) and a water content of
about 720 g/kg. Thus measurement of body density or of total body K or of total body
water allows a calculation of the relative proportion of these two compartments in the
body and therefore also of the total fat content. The accuracy of these measures, how-
ever, is limited by the variability of the composition and density of the fat-free com-
partment in different individuals. In particular, individuals with a relatively high or
78 J. V. G. A. DURNIN
Table I. Mean hekhts and weights of the subjects, with the standard deviation and
range of values, classified in age-groups
Height (m) Weight (kg)
Age No. of r , f

(years) subjects Mean SD Range Mean SD Range

17-19 24 1.78 0.088 1.65-1.92 73'1 16.1 50.8-121.4
20-29 92 1'77 0.069 1'52-1'93 70.1 12.2 49.8-116.5
30-39 34 1.76 0.056 1.63-1.89 79-8 10.4 61.7-118.6
40-49 35 1.75 0.070 1'63-1.87 76.9 9'2 62.0-95.7
50-72 24 1.72 0.078 1.50-1.87 80.4 11.7 60.3-101.4
16-19 29 1.63 0.056 1'50-1'72 57.8 10-9 42.3-85.2
20-29 I00 1.63 0.061 1'46-1.78 63.2 144 46.7-113.7
30-39 58 1.62 0052 1'52-1'73 68-1 16.1 43.9-108.9
40-49 48 1.62 0.066 1.46-1.77 68.1 13.8 50.3-116.3
50-68 37 1.61 0.060 1'49-1'72 69.I 16.1 444-121'5

low proportion of bone (which has a low water and K content but a high density com-
pared with the rest of the FFM) may have their fat content under- or over-estimated
by these methods. Very little information is available on the variability of the bone
content of the body. Similar considerations apply, although to a lesser degree, to
individuals who have an abnormally high or low proportion of muscle.
Measurements of total body water, total body K, or of body density are difficult
procedures requiring complex laboratory equipment, and frequent attempts have been
made to find a simple technique which will give good agreement with these more
established methods. One possibility involves the measurement of skinfold thickness.
A previous paper from this laboratory (Durnin & Rahaman, 1967)suggested that the
relationship between body density and skinfolds was sufficiently uniform that re-
gression equations and tables could be constructed to calculate body fat on this basis
in adolescents and young adults. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation-
ship between skinfold thickness and body density in individuals of widely different
age-groups, and also to determine the accuracy with which body density can be
estimated from measurements of skinfolds.

Studies were made on 209 men and 272 women between the ages of 16and 72.The
numbers of subjects in each of the age-groups 16-19,20-29,30-39,40-49 years, and
50 years and over are given in Table I together with the means, standard deviations
and ranges of their heights and weights. No attempt was made to obtain a random
sample of the population and there is probably a preponderance of moderately
sedentary, middle-class men and women (students, business and professional men and
women and their spouses). However, the subjects were deliberately selected to repre-
sent a variety of body types (some volunteers were obtained from an obesity clinic,
Vol. 32 Body fat and skinfolds 79
from local health clubs and sports organizations, a ballet company and other sources).
All the subjects were apparently healthy.

Skinfold thickness and body circumferences

Skinfofd thickness was measured to the nearest mm, except for low values (usually
5 mm or less) when it was taken to the nearest 0.5 mm. These readings were made at
four sites on all subjects, at the biceps, triceps, subscapular and supra-iliac areas.
These were usually done on the right side of the body with the subject standing in a
relaxed condition, although we have not found any statistical difference between
measurements on either side of the body (Womersley & Durnin, 1973). Nor, ap-
parently, is there any effect caused on the overlying subcutaneous fat of muscular
activity in the limb, so that the skinfold thickness of a tennis player is no different at
the upper arm sites in the active arm compared to the less active arm (Gwinup,
Chelvam & Steinberg, 1971). The instrument used was either the Harpenden caliper
(Holtain Ltd, Bryberian, Crymmych, Pembrokeshire) or the Lange caliper (Cambridge
Scientific Industries Inc., Cambridge, Maryland, USA); again, we have found no sig-
nificant differencein the results obtained using these two calipers (Womersley& Durnin,
1973). The circumference at the upper arm, upper thigh and calf were obtained using
a flexible steel tape ; on some subjects the maximum circumference over the buttocks
was also measured. Skinfolds and circumferences were metered by the standard
technique described by Weiner & Lourie (1969), except that the subscapular skinfold
was always taken at an angle of about 45"to the vertical and the position of the supra-
iliac skinfold was just above the iliac crest in the mid-axillary line. Body-weight was
measured to the nearest 0-1kg using a calibrated Avery beam balance.

Body density
The body density of each individual was found using the technique of Durnin &
Rahaman (1967) and the volume of air in the lungs at the moment of underwater
weighing was measured by the three-breath nitrogen dilution method (Rahn, Fenn &
Otis, 1949). The 0, content in the bag was obtained using a Servomex paramagnetic
0, analyser (Model OA 1 0 1 , Mark 11),calibrated using standard gas mixtures main-
tained in cylinders which, in their turn, were calibrated using a Lloyd-Haldane
apparatus, A Hartmann & Braun infrared analyser was used for CO, analysis,
similarly calibrated.
The whole procedure was carried out in triplicate with an interval of at least 5 min
between measurements. Calculations of density were completed using an Olivetti desk
computer while the subject remained in the tank so that, in the unusual event of there
being poor agreement between the three sets of results, a further measurement could
be done. Body fat was calculated from density using Siri's (1956) equation,

yo fat = (3
density -4'50

although no significant difference arises from the use of the equation of Brozek,
Grande, Anderson & Keys (1963).
80 J. V. G. A. DURNIN
Table 2. Mean skinfold thicknesses (mm) of the subjects at four sites, with the standard
deviation and range of values, classi$ed in age-groups
Biceps Triceps Subscapular Supra-iliac
Age No. of 7 P
(years) subjects Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD Range
17-19 24 46 3'0 2-13 11 7'0 4-35 11 6.5 5-24 14 12 4-52
20-29 92 48 4 2 2-29 9.8 5.8 3-39 12 8.9 5-58 16 12 3-59
30-39 34 7'1 4'1 4-23 11 5'2 9-33 I9 9'5 1-47 24 8.9 12-44
40-49 35 7'1 43 3-20 II 5.6 5-29 17 7.3 7-38 19 8.6 5-40
5-72 24 6.6 3.8 2-16 11 5.9 4-27 21 10 9-52 21 11 6-52
16-19 29 8.7 5.4 4-27 16 8.0 5-41 14 9.4 6-45 16 93 4-36
20-29 100 11 7 5 2-36 21 10 7-50 18 1 1 5-48 18 12 4-48
30-39 58 1.5 10 4-45 25 12 7-54 24 15 7-57 21 13 6-56
40-49 48 14 8.1 4-44 23 10 1-55 22 11 8-56 19 12 6-60
50-68 37 15 7'9 5-36 25 9'7 13-49 24 11.7 7'57 23 14 5-60

Linear regression equations were formulated to estimate body density from single
skinfold measurements, and from the sums of two or more skinfolds. These cal-
culations were carried out for the five age-groups of both sexes, and also for groups
comprising all the members of each sex over the age of 17 years for males and 16years
for females.
Similar calculations were carried out using the logarithm of each skinfold thickness
rather than the actual measurement (Edwards, Hammond, Healy, Tanner &
Whitehouse, 1955; Tanner, 1962; Tanner & Whitehouse, 1962). The logarithmic
transformation is desirable because ( a ) the frequency distribution of most skinfold
measurements in the general population is skewed, with a long tail of high readings
(although this may well represent a pathological state of common obesity) and (b) the
relationship of body density to skinfolds may not be rectilinear because of a larger
proportion of the body fat which is deposited subcutaneously with increasing obesity.
Also, since it has been suggested (Edwards et al. 1955)that subtraction of 1.8mm
(which is supposed to be the thickness of a double layer of skin when the caliper
tension is 9.8 x 104N/m2 from each measurement of skinfold might provide a better
correlation with density, these calculations were repeated on this basis, both in
logarithmic and non-logarithmic form.
Multiple regression analyses were then carried out for the calculation of body
density, incorporating measurements of limb circumferences, height and weight to
try and reduce the error of the estimate.

The values obtained for the skinfold thicknesses at the four separate sites are given
in Table 2.
Table 3 shows the values for the total of the four skinfolds, the density, and the fat
content of the body expressed as a percentage of body-weight,
VOl. 32 Body fat and skinfolds 81

Table 3. Total of four skinfolds, total body density and f a t content of the subjects,
classified in age-groups
Total skinfold (mm) Density x xoS (kg/ms) Fat (% of body-wt)
Age No. of I 7

(years) subjects Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD Range

17-19 24 40 27 16-114 1.066 0.016 1*033-1.082 I5 7'0 7-30
20-29 92 42 29 16-182 1-064 0.016 1.016-1.087 15 7'0 5-38
30-39 34 62 25 30-145 1.046 o.012 1.015-1.070 23 5'4 13-38
40-49 35 55 24 22-123 1'043 0'015 1'017-1'073 25 6.7 11-37
50-72 24 61 30 21-142 1-036 0018 o-990-1,074 28 8-5 11-50

16-19 29 55 30 22-123 1.040 0.017 1*004-1~067 26 7.8 14-43
2-29 100 66 39 23-140 1'034 0.021 0.983-1'078 29 I0 1-54
30-39 58 85 48 20-172 1.025 0.020 0.985-1.077 33 9'5 19-53
40-49 48 78 38 26-196 1.020 0.016 0968-1.045 35 7'5 24-61
50-68 37 86 41 34-202 1.013 0.016 0.986-1.041 39 7.6 26-52

The correlation coefficients for sums of two and more skinfolds (in the logarithmic
transformation) and body density varied from about - 0.7 to - 0.9 for the different
age-groups of both the men and the women.
Table 4 shows the standard errors of the estimate of density using the logarithm of
each of the four separate skinfolds, the logarithm of combinations of two and more
skinfolds, and the logarithm of the sum of the four skinfolds in the respective linear
regression equations. The SES for the logarithmic form are slightly lower than those
for the raw measurement in the men whereas there is no consistent difference in the
women. The SE of the estimate is considerably greater in both sexes for the combined
age-group 17years and over than for the selected smaller age-ranges.
When a deduction of 1.8mm was made from each measurement of skinfold thick-
ness, no significant alteration was obtained in the SE of the estimate of density (the
SE actually increased for the log values) nor in the correlation coefficients of density and
skinfolds. Therefore, there seems no practical advantage in making this adjustment.
The pooled SE of the estimate of body density obtained from the linear regression
equation using the logarithmic transformation of the sum of the four skinfold thick-
nesses was 0.0084 (range 0.0073-0.0og2) for the groups of men and 0.0102 (range
0~0082-0~0125) for the women. When multiple regression analyses were done using
the four individual skinfolds, there was no reduction in the SE for the men and a
diminution of 0.007 units (equivalent to 0.3% fat) for the women. Multiple regression
analyses incorporating height and weight again caused no improvement in the SE in
the case of the men and a reduction of 0.005 units (0.25% fat) for the women. No
consistent change resulted from including limb circumferences. From our results,
the use of the more complex equations results in minimal increase in accuracy.
J. V. G. A. DURNIN '974
Table 4. Standard erron of the estimate of body density obtained from regression
on log of skinfold measurements
( a ) Males
Age (years)
Skinfold 17-19 2-29 30-39 4-49 50-68 17-72
Biceps 0.0066 0.0096 0~0092 0'0095 O'OIZO 0.0115
Triceps 0'0077 0.0113 0.0105 0~0090 0.0117 0.0141
Subscapular 0.0083 0.0081 0~0091 0.0085 0'0102 0'0097
Supra-iliac 0.0103 0'0101 0.0098 0'01I I 0.0105 0.0126
Biceps triceps 0.0062 0'0102 0.0096 0.0086 0'0112 0.0I 24
Biceps subscapular 0.007I 0~0080 0.0088 00080 00100 0'0094
Biceps supra-iliac 0~0091 0'0094 0~0092 0'0102 0'0102 0.0116
Triceps subscapular 0.0065 0.0089 0~0090 0.0070 0.0096 0'0102
Triceps supra-iliac 0.0083 0'0094 0.0094 0~0090 0.0098 0.0118
Subscapular supra-iliac 0.0089 0.0086 0~0090 0'0095 0.0091 0.0105
Biceps +triceps subscapular 0'0059 0.0087 0.0089 0'0073 0'0097 0'0100
+ +
Biceps triceps supra-iliac 0'0077 0.0091 0.0091 0.0088 0'0099 0.0114
Biceps subscapular + 00083 0.0084 00088 0~0091 00092 0'0102
Triceps fsubscapular + 0'0077 0,0085 0.0088 0.0082 0~0090 0'0104
All four skinfolds 0'0073 0.0084 0.0087 0.0082 0~0092 0.0103
( b ) Females
Age (years)

Skinfold 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-68 I 7-68

Biceps 0'01I 2 0.0116 0.0129 0.01 15 0.0088 0.0123
Triceps 0.0108 0.0120 0.0134 0.0106 0.0098 0.0126
Subscapular 0.0098 0.0108 0.0129 0'0120 0.0089 0.0119
Supra-iliac 0'01 I I 0,0137 0'0144 0'0122 0.0098 0.0143
Biceps triceps 0.0103 0.0113 0.0126 0'0102 0.0087 0.0118
Biceps subscapular 0.0096 0.0104 0'0122 0.0113 0.0082 0~0114
Biceps supra-iliac 0.0104 0.0125 0.0134 0'01 14 0.0088 0.0130
Triceps subscapular 0.0086 0'0102 0~0123 0~0109 0.0084 0'0113
Triceps supra-iliac 0'0099 0'0121 0.0132 0.0105 0~0090 0.0125
Subscapular supra-iliac 0~0091 0.0118 0.0132 0.01 16 0~0090 0.0125
Biceps triceps fsubscapular 0~0090 0'0102 0'0121 0.0107 0.0080 0'01I I
+ +
Biceps triceps supra-iliac 0.0098 17
0.01 0.0128 0.0104 0.0085 0'0121
+ +
Biceps subscapuIar 0.0087 0 0 1I I 0.0127 00108 0.0085 0'0120
+ +
Triceps subscapular 0.0093 0.0114 0.0128 0'0112 0.0085 0.0118
All four skinfolds 0.0089 0.0109 0.0125 0.0107 0~0082 0.0116


Fig. I shows plots of the values for body density and the sum of the four skinfolds
for the I 16 men and 129women aged between 16 and 29 years. It is evident that the
relationship between body density and skinfold is not a linear one in either sex: in the
more obese subjects relatively large increments in skinfold thickness are associated
with only small changes in body density. T h e relationship would seem from inspec-
tion of the plots to be logarithmic or quadratic in form, and since the range of den-
sities which correspond to a single value for skinfold thickness is often considerable
it is unlikely to matter which of these two relationships is chosen. For ease of cal-
culation therefore it was decided to assume a logarithmic relationship for subsequent
VOl. 32 Body fat and skinfolds
1.10 r

1.08 -

r 1.04 -

a, 1.02

Total skinfold (mm)



q 1.06

2, 1.04

E 1.02
2 1.00


0 40 80 120 160 200
Total skinfold (mm)

Fig. I (a)Individual values for body density and sum of four skinfolds with best-fit regression
line derived from log values of skinfolds: I 16 men aged 17-29. (a) Individual values for body
density and sum of four skinfolds with best-fit regression line derived from log values of
skinfolds: 129women aged 16-29.
J. V. G. A. DURNIN '974
r (a)
0 .


.?E 1.06
23 1.04
1.02 \.
2 1.00

0.96 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,

1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4

Log total skinfold (mm)


1.08 I

5 1.04
f 1.02

2 1.00

0.96 L


1 1

1 1

1 I

1 1

1 1


Log total skinfold (mm)

Fig. z (a) Individual values for body density and log of sum of four skinfolds: I 16 men aged
17-29 years. (b) Individual values for body density and log of sum of four skinfolds:
129women aged 16-29 years.

work, and the best-fit logarithmic regression line is shown in the figure. T h e plots for
the other age-groups are similar.
Fig. z shows the values for body density and the logarithm of the sum of the four
skinfolds for the 16- to 29-year-old men and women. T h e relationship is now
apparently linear in form and the regression line of best fit is shown in each instance.
Vol. 3 2 Body fat and skinfolds 8.5
Table 5 gives, for the different age-groupings in men and in women, all the linear
regression equations for the estimation of density from the logarithm of skinfold thick-
ness using single skinfolds and the sums of two or more skinfold thicknesses.
Fig. 3 shows the relationships between the regression lines of the logarithm of the
total skinfold thickness (the sum of the four single skinfolds) and body density for the
different age-groups of the men and women.
Figs. 4 and 5 demonstrate that most of the single skinfolds show the same pattern
as that of the four total skinfolds. The gradient for the regression lines is less for the
supra-iliac than for the other skinfolds, possibly reinforcing the common impression
that relatively more fat is deposited in that region compared to other sites in the body
(also cf. Table 5).
The regression coefficients for the five age-groups of men and of women were tested
for significant difference (Table 6) and this was found to exist only in one out of
these ten groups; the subscapular skinfold in men. The other skinfolds showed no
significant variation in slope and a joint estimate of the slope was calculated in these
instances, together with intercepts estimated assuming a common slope (Table 7).
Table 7 shows a consistent trend for the intercept to become lower as age
increases in all skinfolds, the only qualification being that in three skinfolds (supra-
iliac and total skinfolds for men and triceps for women) there is a negligible change
between the 16-19-and the zo-29-year-old groups. Even the single. skinfold
(subscapular in men) which showed significant differences in slope of the regression
lines, also demonstrates the lower position of the lines as age increases (see Fig. 4c).
Table 8 shows that the regression lines of body density on skinfold thickness for
which a common slope could be estimated were highly significantly different for the
different age-groups, and this justifies the separate consideration of the relationship
for each age-group.
It is thus apparent that both sex and age exert an influence on the position of these
regression lines. In the relationships between skinfold thickness and body density, a
given skinfold corresponds to a considerably lower body density in women than in
men, and this implies that in women a greater proportion of the body fat content is
situated internally. In the females the value for body density which corresponds to a
given total of four skinfold thicknesses decreases by about 0.15 x 1 0 3 kg/m3 between
early adulthood and the ' 50 + ' group - about 0.004x 103 kg/m3 per decade. This
decrement is slightly greater in the men (about 0.005 x 103 kg/m3 per decade) and is
more marked in the more obese individuals.

( a ) The proportion of body f a t situated subcutaneously

One possible reason for the change in position of the regression lines with ageing
(as also in the instance of the sex difference) may be that a greater proportion of the
total body fat is situated internally than subcutaneously. Evidence that this might be
the situation has been put forward by Skerlj, Brozek&Hunt (1953);in a study on three
groups of women, one aged from 18to 30 years, a second from 3 1 to 45 years, and a
third from 46 to 67 years, they found that the ratio, subcutaneous fat: total body fat
was 0.26 in the first two groups but had fallen to 0.22 in the third and oldest group.
J. V. G. A. DURNIN '974

Table 5. Linear regression equations for the estimation of body density x 103 (kgzglm3)from
the logarithm of the skinfold thickness: density = c - m x log skinfold
( a ) Males
Age (years)

Biceps c 1.1066 I'IOI~ 1.0781 1.0829 1.0833 1.0997

m 0.0686 0.0616 0.0396 0.0508 0,0617 0.0659
Triceps c 1'1252 1.1131 1.0834 1.1041 1.1027 1.1143
m 0.0625 00530 0.0361 0.0609 0.0662 0.0618
Subscapular c 1.1312 1.1360 1.0978 1.1246 1,1334 1.1369
m 0.0670 0'0700 0.0416 0.0686 0.0760 0,0741
Supra-iliac c 1.1092 1.1117 1.1047 1.1029 1.1193 1.1171
m 0.0420 0.0431 0,0432 0.0483 0.0652 0.0530
Biceps triceps c 1'1423 1'1307 1'0995 1.1174 1.1185 1.1356
m 00687 0.0603 0.0431 0.0614 0.0683 0.0700
Biceps subscapular c 1'1457 1.1469 1'0753 1'1341 1.1427 1.1498
m 0.0707 0.0709 0,0445 0.0680 0.0762 0,0759
Biceps supra-iliac C 1'1247 1'1259 1.1174 1,1171 1'1307 1'1331
m O'O~OI 0'0502 0.0486 0,0539 0.0678 0.0601
Triceps + subscapular C 1.1561 1'1525 1.1165 1'1519 1'1527 1.1625
m 0.071I 0.0687 0,0484 0,0771 0.0793 0.0797
Triceps supra-iliac C 1'1370 1.1362 1'1273 1.1383 1.141j 1.1463
m 0.0545 0.0538 0'053 I 0.0660 0.0718 0.0656
Subscapular + supra-iliac c 1.1374 1'1429 1.1260 1'1392 1,1582 1'1522
m 0'0.544 0.0573 0'0497 0.0633 00771 0,0671
Biceps triceps +subscapular c 1.1643 1.=593 1-1213 5'1530 1-1569 1.1689
m 50727 0.0694 0,0487 00730 0.0780 0'0793
Biceps +triceps + supra-iliac c 1-1466 1'1451 1'1332 1.1422 1.1473 1.r556
111 0.0584 0'0572 0'0542 0.0647 0.0718 0.0683
Biceps subscapular +- C 1.1469 1.1508 1'1315 1'1452 1.1626 1.1605
supra-iliac m 0.0583 0.0599 0.05I 0 0.0640 0.0768 0.0694
Triceps subscapular + c 1'1555 1.1575 1'1393 1.1604 1.1689 1'1704
supra-iliac m 0.0607 0.0617 0.0544 0.0716 0.0787 0.073I
All four skinfolds C 1.1620 1.1631 1'1422 1.1620 1.1715 1.1765
m 0.0630 0.0632 0.0544 0.0700 0'0779 0'0744

Chen (1953) and Young and her colleagues (Young, Blondin, Tensuan & Fryer, 1963)
found that there was apparently little alteration in the ratio, subcutaneous fat: deep
body fat in women up to the age of 45-50, but for older women the proportion in
the subcutaneous tissues became relatively decreased. Other data on the relationship
between skinfolds and body density in individuals of different ages have been reported
by Brozek & Keys (19j I), Brozek & Mori (1958), Chinn & Allen (1960), Steinkamp,
Cohen, Gaffey, McKey, Bron, Siri, Sargent & Isaacs (1965), and Pai-izkovh & Eiselt
(1966). However, since the method in these studies for the estimation of total body fat
was by densitometry, one of the basic assumptions was that the FFM has a fairly
constant density which does not alter with age within that age-range. Whether or
not this is valid is discussed below.
Vol. 32 Body fat and skinfolds 87
Table 5 (cont.)
(b) Females
Age (years)

Skinfold 16-19 20-29 30-39 4-49 50 + 16-68

Biceps C 1.0889 1.0903 1'0794 1.0736 1.0682 1.0871
m 0'0553 0.0601 0.05 I I 0'0492 0.05 1 0 0.0593
Triceps C 1.1159 1'1319 1.1176 1'1 I 2 1 1.1160 1.1278
m 0.0648 0.0776 0.0686 0,0691 0.0762 0.0775
Subscapular C 1.1081 1.1184 1.0979 1.0860 1.0899 1'1100
m 0.062I 0.0716 0.0567 0.0505 0'0590 0.0669
Supra-iliac C 1.093I 1'0923 1.0860 1.0691 1-0656 1.0884
m 0'0470 0'0509 0.0497 0'0407 0'04I9 0'0514
Biceps + triceps C 1.1290 1.1398 1.1243 1.1230 1.1226 1.1362
m 0.0657 0.0738 0.0646 0.0672 0.0710 00740
Biceps subscapular C 1.1241 1.1314 1'1120 1.1031 1.1029 1'1245
m 0.0643 0.0706 0.0581 0'0549 0'0592 0.0674
Biceps +supra-iliac C 1.1113 1'1112 1'1020 I '092I 1.0857 1.1090
m 0.0537 0.0568 0.0528 0.0494 0'0490 0.0577
Triceps fsubscapular C 1.1468 1.1582 1.1356 1.1230 1.1347 1'1507
m 0'0740 0.0813 0.0680 0.0635 0'0742 0.0785
Triceps supra-iliac C 1.1311 1'1377 1.1281 1.1198 1.1158 1.1367
m 0.0624 0.0684 0.0644 0.0630 0.0635 0'0704
Subscapular supra-iliac C 1.1278 1.1280 1,1132 1'0997 I ,0963 1'1234
m 0.0616 0.0640 0.0564 0'0509 0.0523 0.0632
+ +
Biceps triceps subscapularc 1'1509 1.1605 1.1385 1'1303 1'1372 1'1543
m 0.0715 0.0777 0.0654 0.0635 0.0710 0.0756
Biceps +triceps supra-iliac c 1.1382 1.1441 1.1319 1.1267 1.1227 1'1432
m 0.0628 0.0680 0.0624 0.0626 0.0633 0.0696
Biceps subscapular+ C 1.1355 1.1366 1'1212 1.1108 1.1063 1'1530
supra-iliac m 0.0622 0.0648 0'0570 0.0536 0'0544 0'0727
Triceps subscapular + c 1.1517 1.1566 1'1397 1.1278 1.1298 1'1327
supra-iliac m 0.0689 0.0728 0.0646 0.0609 0.0650 0.0643
All four skinfolds C 1.1549 1.1599 1.1423 1'1333 1.1339 1.1567
m 0.0678 0'0717 0.0632 0.0612 0.0645 0'0717

Independent of ageing, the nature of this distribution of subcutaneous and internal

fat has been commented on by several authors but there is considerable variation, and
indeed contradiction, in their respective findings. Vierordt ( I 906) reported that about
half the total fat content of the body is subcutaneous and this value is sometimes
quoted in general texbooks. Edwards (1950)found that in women the proportion of
the total fat which was laid down subcutaneously rose with increasing obesity.
Pochin (see Edwards, 1950) estimated, in forty-three women, that about 70% of
adipose tissue was subcutaneous. Allen, Peng, Chen, Huang, Chang & Fang (1956),
from measurements on eighty-seven Formosan men and women, showed that the
subcutaneous fat increased from a ratio of about 0*25-0-33 of total body fat in lean
individuals to about 0-5 in obese individuals. Alexander (1964) analysed fat distribu-
tion in twenty cadavers and found that the subcutaneous fat accounted for only 0-2
of the total fat in the men and 0.1 in the women.
J. V. G. A. DURNIN I974

0.95 I I I
1.5 2.0 2.5
1 .o
Log total skinfold (mm)

0.95L 1 1 I
1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5
Log total skinfold (mm)
Fig. 3 (a) Regressions for log total skinfold thickness and whole body density for different
age-groupings (males): -, 17-19 years; --,2-29 years; -. -,30-39 years; ---,40-49
years; .. ..., 50+years. (b) Regressions for log total skinfold thickness and whole body
density for different age-groupings (females): -, 16-19 years; --, 20-29 years; -*-, 30-39
. . . ..
years; ---, 40-49 years; . . ., so+ years.

One of the most interesting discussions on this topic appears in the paper by Forbes
& Amirhakimi (1970) on their measurements of 40K and skinfolds of 293 boys aged
8-5-18years and 179 girls aged 7.5-18 years. These authors found, as we did in the
present study, that males may have a higher proportion of their body fat situated
subcutaneously than do females.
In two human subjects, in whom the distribution of the adipose tissue was measured,
Vol. 32 Body fat and skinfolds
1.10 1.10



5 1.00 1.oo
0 0.5 1.o 1.5 210 0 0.5 1.o I.5 2.0
Log biceps skinfold (mm) Log triceps skinfold (mm)
1.10 - 1.10 -
o 1.05 -
1.00 - 1.00 -
0.95 I I I I I I I 1

Fig. 4. Regressions for log of single skinfolds and whole body density for different age-
groupings (males): (a) biceps; (b) triceps; (c) subscapular; (d)supra-iliac. -, 17-19years;
-_ , 20-29 years; -.-, 30-39 years; ---, 40-49 years; ,. .. ., so+ years.

Forbes (1962)found in a neonate that 42% was in the subcutaneous tissues and
Moore, Lister, Boyden, Ball, Sullivan & Dagher (1968),in an elderly woman who had
died of cancer, assessed the value at 32 %.
I n studies on animds, Pitts (1956) from analyses of seventy-two guinea-pig
carcasses, concluded that the proportion of total body fat situated subcutaneously
remained constant for all degrees of fatness; the actual values were 16% in the males
and 22% in the females.
In later work on thirty-two non-primate mammalian species, Pitts & Bullard (1968)
found the proportion of the total fat located subcutaneously to vary from 4 to 43 %.
The range of values from these authors is great and the uncertainty of the propor-
tion of total body fat which is situated subcutaneously is not widely appreciated, even
by workers in the subject. For example, in a recent publication on the composition
of adipose tissue at subcutaneous sites, Brook (1971) states: ‘However, because the
majority of adipose tissue is subcutaneous . . . .’ Further work clearly needs to be
carried out on this aspect of body composition.

1-10 - 1.10 -
- \
"E (4 (b)

Yx 1.05

:1.00 -
- '
\\- .:..* ''+
- -+,
0.95 I I I I I I I I

1.10 - (4
1.10 - (4
B 1.05 -

1.00 - 1.00 -
x \
0.95 I I I I I I I I

Table 6. F-statisticsfor testing equality of regression coeficients for Jive age-groups in the
regression of skinfold thickness on body density. The degrees of freedom are 4 and 199
for males, and 4 and 262 for females
Biceps Triceps Subscapular Supra-iliac Total
Males 1-89 1'33 2.88 1.30 1.03
Females 0.75 0.46 1.93 0.56 0.59
NS, not significant. *P < 0.05.

(b) Variation in skinfold compressibility

A second possible reason for the shift in the relationship between body density and
skinfold thickness with age is that skinfold compressibility may become greater in
older people. T h e available evidence, however, suggests that the converse is true.
Hammond (1955) reported skinfold compressibility of 42-43 % in children, Garn
(1956) and Garn & Gormon (1956) skinfold compressibility of 30-35 % in 21- to 22-
year-old men, and Brozek & Mori (1958) skinfold compressibility of 16% in 56- to
62-year-old men. I n all these investigations X-radiography was used as a standard for
Vol. 32 Body fat and skinfolds 91
Table 7 . Common slope and intercept estimates from instances where regression coeficients
are not sknificantly dzrcrent
Biceps Triceps Subscapular Supra-iliac Total
Common slope 005731 0.05523 0,06496
16-19years 1.0998 1.1183 1.1653
20-29 years 1.0989 1'1155 1.1659
30-39 years 1'0923 1.1030 1.1607
40-49 years 1.0881 1.0984 1.1533
50-59 years 1~0800 1'0917 1'1490

Common slope 0.05492 0.07284 0.06248 3'04765 0.0671I
16-19years 1.0884 1'1253 1.1085 1.0938 1.1537
20-29 years 1.0855 1.1259 1.1076 1.0886 1.1518
30-39 years 1.0832 1.1233 1'1054 1.0835 1.1495
40-49 years 1.0798 1.1171 1'101 j 1.0775 1'1443
50-59 years 1'0725 1.1115 1.0952 1'0730 1.1389

Table 8. F-statistics for the analysis of covariance of skinfold thickness on body density
for jive age-groups. The degrees of freedom are 4 and 203 for males, and 4 and 266 for
Biceps Triceps Subscapular Supra-iliac Total
Males 21.90 ;
3 - 24.88 26.07
#** **# *#X

Females I 0.85 12.85 9.63 16.85 12.93

**# **# ##* #X# *#*
*** P < 0'001.

comparisonof the skinfolds and the calipers exerted a pressure of 9.8 x 104 N/m3. I n the
investigations of Hammond and of Garn compressibility was not influenced by the
thickness of the skinfold (Brozek & Mori did not assess this). Brozek & Kinsey (1960)
used calipers which exerted pressures of either 4'9,9.8 or 19.6x 104 N/m2 to study the
influence of age on skinfold compressibility in 107 men, and they found a tendency
for skinfold compressibility to decrease with age although this was of statistical
significance at only two of the four sites measured. They suggested that this decrease
in skinfold compressibility with age may be due to a reported decrease in the water
content of the tissues present in the skinfold.
Although changes in skinfold compressibility do not apparently account for the
altered relationships we have found between body density and skinfold thickness (and
in fact have the opposite effect) they may be responsible for a proportion of the
difference between the sexes; a possible sex difference in skinfold compressibility,
however, has apparently not been reported.
92 J. V. G. A. DURNIN
(c) Density of the skeleton and ageing
Apart from a change in the proportion of body fat in the subcutaneous tissues
resulting from ageing, a second possible cause for the shift in position of the regression
line with age is that the density of the FFM may alter. The most likely source of any
alteration is in the skeleton. Sorenson, Mazess, Smith, Clark & Cameron (1968)
measured the mineral content of the radius over a transverse path one-third of the
distance between the distal and proximal end. A photon absorptiometric technique
was used. This was done on 327 boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 17 years,
and on 390 adults between 18and over 75 years of age; none of the subjects was known
to suffer from any bone disease. Results were expressed as g of mineral per unit length
of bone. In the males the mineral content of the bone increased steadily from about
50 g/m at age 6 years to about 130g/m at age 20; it then remained fairly constant
until age 50-60 years but thereafter fell gradually to about 120g/m at age 75. In
females over the age of about I 2 years the bone mineral content increased less rapidly
than in the males, reaching a peak of about 100 g/m at age 30-35 years; a decline then
followed to values of about 70 g/m at age 80 years but, as with the men, the mineral
content of the radius at age 40-50 years was about the same as at 20 years.
Smith, Anderson, Shimmins, Speirs & Barnett (1969)used an X-ray absorption
technique to assess the mineral content of the third metacarpal bone of 3 12males and
317females aged between about 2 and 88 years. A measure of the bone mineral was
the ‘standardized aluminium equivalent’ (SAE), which was derived from the amount
of mineral in the path of the X-ray beam divided by the external diameter of the
metacarpal. In the males the mean SAE was about 32 in the late teens, rose to 34 at
age 25 and remained at this level until age 55 ; thereafter the value declined slightly
to 32 and remained there from age 65 up to about 80 years. In the females the mean
SAE was about 33 at age 15, remained about 35 till age 50, then declined to about 28
at age 65. The main difference between the sexes is the rapid decline in the mineral
content of the bone which takes place in women soon after the menopause.
Smith et al. (1969)quoted several authors who have reported similar losses, with
ageing, of mineral content from the humerus, femur and vertebrae. If, however, the
demineralization of the metacarpal (Smith et al. 1969)and of the radius (Sorenson et
al. 1968)is representative of changes which take place with age in all the bones of the
body then this would mean that, from the age of 50, women seem to lose about I yo
of the mineral content per year whereas for men the loss from the body is only about
one-third of this from age 50 to 75.
Baker & Angel (1965)measured the density (from mass and actual volume of bone
substance) of the dry fat-free bone, the ash density, the protein density and the ash
content of dry fat-free bone, in bone segments taken from forty-eight cadavers dis-
sected in the anatomy departments of two American medical schools. All the cadavers
were of individuals over 40 years of age and most were over 65 (mean age was 62
years for the Negro males and ranged from 70 to 74 years for the Negro females and
the White groups). Segments of bone were taken for analysis from the 7th thoracic
vertebra, the 8th rib, the tibia, the fibula, the calcaneus, the radius and the ulna of each
Vol. 32 Body fat and skinfolds 93
cadaver. The density of different bone segments was found to vary considerably in the
same cadaver and so the density of any one bone segment was a poor indication of the
density of other bone segments or of total skeletal density in the same individual. The
density of the segments was significantly higher in the Negro males than in the White
males but there was no such racial difference in the females. I n both these groups of
elderly Negroes and Whites, the density of almost all bone segments was higher in the
males than in the females and this was due to a lower mineral content in the bones of
these elderly females. Some association between age and density was found in most
bone segments, except in the group of Negro males, although this was not often statis-
tically significant; the lack of statistical significance is perhaps less surprising than the
authors suggest in view of the relatively small number of specimens and the somewhat
advanced age of the individuals.
Baker & Little (1965) made similar measurements to those described above on the
cadavers of eighteen males from Lima, Peru, and seventeen males and thirteen females
from the highlands of Peru ;the ages ranged from about 20 to 80 years. The density of
almost all those parts of the skeleton which were measured appeared to decrease with
age in these groups.
Trotter & Peterson (1955) analysed most of the individual bones of the complete
skeletons of seven male cadavers and the limb bones only in another ten male cadavers,
aged between 41 and 89 years. In the complete skeletons it was found that the ash
contents of the separate bones was similar and was usually within 5 % of the value for
the skeleton as a whole. When two age-groups, 41-60 years and 61-89 years, were
compared, a tendency for the ash content of bone to decrease with age was apparent,
but only to the extent of about 1.5 yo.However, ash content was expressed as a per-
centage of the fat-free weight of bone, and changes in this reflect only an alteration in
the balance between the organic and inorganic components of bone; changes in the
absolute mineral content of bone would not be demonstrated by this method.
Trotter, Broman & Peterson (1959) studied eighty skeletons - twenty in each of four
groups (Negroes and Whites, males and females) -with an age-range of 45-80 years.
The mean densities of the cervical and lumbar vertebrae, and of the humerus and
femur, were 10% higher in the men than in the women and about the same amount
higher in the Negroes than in the Whites. In both races there was a tendency for the
mean density of all four bones to decrease with age. There were differences in the
density of the four bones in the same skeleton.
In view of this evidence, culled from several different sources where there had been
a variety of experimental techniques, it seems that there is a real decrease in the
mineral content of the body from middle age onwards. Estimates of the rate of this
decrease in total body mineral content vary from about 8 to 1 5 % in men between
the ages of 50 and 75 ; for the women the range is from about 18% up to about 30 %
from age 45 to 75 years. These values are based on estimates obtained for the apparent
rates of demineralization of bone at certain selected sites and it may not be appropriate
to extrapolate these findings to the skeleton as a whole; Mainland (1957), for example,
has found that although the density of the middle phalange of the fifth finger appears
to decrease with age, there appears to be no such alteration in the density of the
4 N U T 31
J. V. G. A. DURNIN I974
metacarpal, lunate, capitate or radius bones. However, in the absence of more extensive
information, it may not be unreasonable to use some of the above values to investigate
the possible influence of changes in the body mineral content on the density of the
fat-free mass.
The fat-free mass is composed of about 72 % water, of density 1.00x 103 kg/m3,
20% protein, of density 1.34x 103 kg/m3, and about 7% mineral, of density about
3.00 x 103 kg/m3 (a little less than I yowill be carbohydrate) and the density of a fat-
free mass of this composition is about 1-11 x 103 kg/m3. A fall in the mineral content
of the body of the order of 8 % is equivalent to a fall in density of the fat-free mass of
about 0.003 x 103 kg/m3. A 15% change in mineral content corresponds to a fall in
density of the fat-free mass of about 0.006x 103 kg/m3. This rate of demineralization
would not account, in our results on the men, for the difference in the position of
the regression lines relative to the vertical axis. For the women, the maximum
decrease in mineral content which has been reported (30%) would just about explain
the different positions of the regression lines.

( d ) Changes in FFM with obesity

The water content of the fat-free mass probably decreases with age but it is unlikely
that changes in either this or in the protein content of the fat-free mass could be
responsible for the observed changes in the position of the regression lines with age.
A further possibility, however, is that the greater obesity in older people may be an
important factor in that it alters the density of the FFM.
The calculated values for the fat-free mass of our male and female subjects are about
60 and 44 kg respectively, with little variation for the different age-groups. The fat
content of the body, however, shows a marked increase with age: in the men from a
mean value of about 11 kg fat in the 17-to 29-year-old group, to over 22 kg in the
group aged 50 years and older, and in the women from a mean value of about 15 kg
fat in the 17-to 29-year-old group, to about 27 kg in the over 50-year-olds. It is,
however, the adipose tissue component of the body that tends to increase with age,
not fat alone, and adipose tissue comprises about 64% fat, 22% ‘cell residue’ and
14% extracellular water (Brozek et al. 1963).The added ‘cell residue’ and extra-
cellular water become a part of the fat-free mass. Since the density of water at 37O
is approximately unity and that of the ‘ cell residue’ is about 1.078x 103 kg/m3 (Brozek
et al. 1963)this addition to the fat-free mass has the relatively low density of about
1.047x 103kg/m3 and increase in the fat content of the body is thus accompanied by a
fall in the density of the fat-free mass. The observed mean changes in adiposity with
increasing age of our male and female subjects would bring about a mean reduction
in the density of the fat-free mass of only about 0.003 x 103kg/m3 in the men and
about 0.004x 103 kg/m3 in the women.
It would thus appear that the observed change with age in the relationship between
skinfold thickness and body density is unlikely to be accounted for by changes in the
composition of the fat-free mass. The conclusion is that it is due to a decrease in the
proportion of the total body fat which is subcutaneous,
It therefore seems justifiable to assume, for the age-range of subjects in the present
Vol. 32 Body fat and skinfolds 95
Table 9. The equivalentfat content, as a percentage of body-wekht, for a range of values
for the sum of fow skinfolds (biceps, triceps, subscapular and supra-iliac) of males and
femafes of diflerent ages
Males (age in years) Females (age in years)
* >
17-29 30-39 40-49 50 + 16-29 3-39 40-49 50 +
48 - - - I05 - - -
8.1 12'2 12'2 12.6 141 17.0 19.8 21.4
10.5 I42 15.0 15.6 16.8 19'4 22'2 240
12.9 16.2 17.7 18.6 19.5 21.8 245 26.6
147 17'7 19.6 208 21'5 23'7 26.4 28.5
I 6.4 19.2 21.4 22.9 23'4 25'5 28.2 30'3
17'7 204 23.0 247 25.0 26.9 296 31.9
19.0 21.5 246 26.5 26.5 28.2 31-0 33'4
20'1 22.5 25'9 27'9 27.8 29.4 32.1 346
21'2 23'5 27.1 292 29I 306 33'2 35'7
222 243 28.2 30'4 30.2 31.6 341 36.7
23.1 25.1 29.3 31.6 31.2 32'5 35'0 37'7
240 25'9 303 32'7 32.2 33'4 35'9 38.7
248 26.6 31.2 33.8 33'1 34'3 36.7 39.6
25'5 27.2 32.1 348 340 35.1 37'5 40'4
26.2 27.8 33'0 35.8 348 35.8 38.3 41.2
26.9 28.4 33'7 36.6 35.6 365 39'0 41'9
27.6 29.0 344 37'4 36.4 37'2 39'7 42'6
28.2 29.6 35'1 38.2 37.1 37'9 40'4 43'3
28.8 30.1 35.8 39'0 37.8 38'6 41.0 43'9
29.4 30.6 36.4 39'7 38.4 39'1 41.5 44'5
30.0 31.1 37'0 40'4 39'0 39.6 42'0 45.1
305 31.5 37.6 41.1 39.6 40.1 42'5 45'7
31.0 31'9 38.2 41.8 402 406 43.0 46.2
31-5 32'3 38.7 42'4 40.8 41.1 43-5 46.7
320 32'7 39'2 43'0 41'3 41.6 44.0 47'2
32'5 33'1 39'7 43.6 41.8 42-1 44.5 47'7
32'9 33'5 40.2 44.1 42'3 42.6 45.0 48.2
33'3 33'9 40'7 44.6 42.8 43'1 45'4 48.7
33'7 343 41.2 45'1 43'3 43.6 45.8 49'2
341 346 41.6 45.6 43'7 44'0 46.2 49.6
345 348 42.0 46.I 44.4 46.6 50.0
349 - - - 44.1
- 44.8 47'0 50'4
35'3 - - - - 45'2 47'4 50'8
35-6 - - - - 45.6 47.8 51.2
35'9 - - - - 45'9 48.2 51.6
- - - - - 46.2 48.5 52.0
- - - - - 46.5 48.8 52'4
- - - - - - 49'1 52'7
- - - - - - 494 53'0
In two-thirds of the instances the error was within k 3.5 % of the body-weight as fat for the women
and k 5 % for the men.

study, that the density of the FFM is a reasonably constant measurement and that
equations can be derived for various age groupings to calculate density and body fat
from skinfold thickness. In Table 5, equations were given from which density and
body fat can be calculated from single skinfolds or from multiples of two or more
skinfold thicknesses. Table 9 gives values of the fat content of the body, as a ratio of
body-weight, corresponding to various values of the sum of the four skinfold thick-
nesses in both men and women divided into four age-groupings. The calculations
96 J. V. G. A. DURNIN
have been made from the logarithmic transformation of the sum of the four skinfolds
using the regression equations given in Table 5 . There are some peculiarities about
Table 9 which it is as well to point out. As a table for practical use in the great majority
of people within these age-ranges, it should prove to be quite satisfactory and of
reasonable reliability. Nevertheless, at the ‘lean’ end of the scale it is clear that more
information will be needed before the table becomes really adequate. There are too
large variations in body fat for too small variations in skinfolds, and a very low value
for the total of four skinfolds (20 mm) is still equivalent to apparently having
moderate quantities of fat. The reasons for this unsatisfactory state are basically a
lack of fundamental information on FFM in women, although perhaps more complex
mathematical treatment of information on large numbers of ‘lean’ women of all ages
may improve the relationship. We are at present collecting more information.
Workers who have measured fewer than four skinfolds may construct a similar
table. However, although the standard error is very little different when two, and
perhaps even single skinfolds have been measured instead of four, there are occasional
individuals where, because of unusual fat distribution, the likelihood of large error
may be reduced by using multiple skinfolds.
The procedure described above for assessing total body fat with relative ease and
reasonable accuracy on men and women of widely differing age should make it of
common use in many fields of medicine, physiology, nutrition and anthropology.

We are very grateful to Dr R. A. Elton, Department of Virology, University of

Glasgow, for help and advice about statistical aspects of the analysis and also to Dr
Knill-Jones and Miss Mary Nicholson of the Department of Medicine in Relation to
Mathematics and Computing, University of Glasgow. Mrs Margaret Band and Mr
Robert Campbell gave much technical assistance.
Part of this work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and
from the US Public Health Service (AM 5104).

Alexander, M.L. (1964).Clin.Sci. 26, 193.
Allen, T.H., Peng, M. T., Chen, K. P., Huang, T. F., Chang, C. & Fang, H. S. (1956).Metabolism
5, 346.
Baker, P. T. & Angel, J. L. (1965).Hum. Biol. 37, 104.
Baker, P.T.& Little, M. A. (1965). Hum. Biol. 37, 122.
Brook, C. G. D. (1971).Br.J. Nutr. 25, 377.
Brozek, J. & Keys, A. (1951).Br.J. Nutr. 5, 194.
Brozek, J. & Kinsey, W. (1960).J. Geront. 15,45.
Brozek, J. & Mori, H. (1958).Hum. Biol. 30, 322.
Brozek, J., Grande, F., Anderson, J. T. & Keys, A. (1963).Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 110, 113.
Chen, K. P. (1953).J. Formosan med. Ass. 52, 271.
Chinn, K. S. K. & Allen, T. H. (1960).Rep. U.S.Army med. Res. Nutr. Lab. no. 248.
Durnin, J. V. G. A. & Rahaman, M. M. (1967). BY.J. Nutr. 21, 681.
Edwards, D.A. W.(1950).Clin. Sci. 9,259.
Edwards, D. A. W., Hammond, W. H., Healy, M. J. R., Tanner, J. M. & Whitehouse, R. H. (1955).
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