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Standard Score Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Teaching Mathematics
Grade 11
(Feb. 10, 2023-St. Edmund)

Submitted by:
Dulce F. Moso
Student Teacher

Submitted to:
Mr. Al Betantos
Cooperating Teacher

Takeover 2
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Grade 11

I. Learning Outcomes :

At the end of sixty (60) minutes, with the use of paper and pencil, 85% of the
students are expected to:
A. computes probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table;
B. appreciate beauty and natural environment; and
C. converts a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice
versa. (M11/12SP-IIIc-4)

II. Subject Matter: Standard Score

References: Orines,Fernando B. & Mercado, Jesus P.(2016). Next Century
Mathematics Grade 11 & 12, Statistics and Probability, Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc.
III. Instructional Materials: Power point presentation visuals, manila paper, pentel pen.

IV. Learning Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity


Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon ma’am.

Before we start, let’s bow our heads and

let us pray. In the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amen! Amen!

How are you today? Good po ma’am.

Fine po ma’am.
That’s good to hear.
Now, let’s check the attendance. No ma’am.
Is anyone absent today?

Before we get down to our topic, let us first be

reminded of our classroom rules.

Please read it class.

Respect Respect
Effort Effort
Attitude Attitude
Cooperation Cooperation
Honesty Honesty

Now, are you ready to know our topic for Yes ma’am!

So before we start our lesson this afternoon,

let us have some short review from the last
discussion that you had.
We learned about Normal Distribution
What have you learned last meeting? ma’am.

And how do we describe normal curve? Normal Distribution is also called as

Gaussian Distribution. It is the probability of
continuous random variable and consider
as the most important curve in statistics.

The normal distribution is often called the

Why is it called the Normal curve? bell curve because the graph of its
Anyone? probability density looks like a bell.

Very good!

In graphical form, the normal distribution

appears as a "bell curve".

So last time we talked about what “Normal” is.

Now, let’s tackle “Standards”


But before that, let’s have an activity first.

I will flash a word or phrase, and let’s try to
guess what is the norm, the usual, the typical,
or the standard of the society.


He/She must have a porcelain skin, sexy,
From the word beautiful what comes in your
pretty, tall, clear skin, narrower face shape
mind? What features does he/she have so we
and nose.
can say that person is beautiful?
Yes ma’am.
So, all of those features are what you think the
standard of society should be, to consider
yourself beautiful.
No ma’am, the word beautiful it is not
But is that really the standard of being necessarily pertains to physical appearance.
beautiful class?
We can say the person is beautiful because
she/he is kind, thoughtful, respectful,
generous, intelligent, and honest.

Very good!

So therefore, beauty is diverse; it may be the
inside or outside appearance of a person. So
we must appreciate the beauty and
uniqueness of individuals. If you know that you
are beautiful, then be confident. Don’t let
yourself down because of others.
How about, HAPPINESS I can say that I’m happy when someone
treats me with food.
When can you say that you’re happy?
Happiness is when you feel joy, excitement,
love ma’am.
How about others?
Happiness ma’am is when you have a lots
of money and you can buy all the things
that you want.

Very good

Each person has something unique that makes

them happy. We have different perspectives
when it comes to happiness. Someone may
feel happy because they got their dream job.
Just like you, you feel happiness if you’re able
to pass your exams, all your hard work is
paying off knowing that you passed the tests.

Thus, this implies that each of us has different
standards when it comes to things. It may not
be for others, but for you, it is. All you need to
do is appreciate the little things that we have
and be grateful because you’re more privileged
than others.


And since we’re talking about standards,

today, we will be tackling the standard score

So what is Standard score?

The standard score or z-score measures
Please read how many standard deviation a given value
(x) is above or below the mean. The z-
The standard score or z-score measures how scores are useful in comparing observed
many standard deviation a given value (x) is values.
above or below the mean. The z-scores are
useful in comparing observed values. A positive z-score indicates that the score
or observed value is above the mean,
A positive z-score indicates that the score or whereas a negative z-score indicates that
observed value is above the mean, whereas a the score or observed value is below the
negative z-score indicates that the score or mean.
observed value is below the mean.

As what you have noticed in the figure, this

line here in the middle or the green line is
called the mean where the value of mean is (listening)
always zero.
Thus, the black line is also what you called the
observation. Basically, z-score measures the
distance between the mean and the
observation. And also, are measured in
“standard deviation”.

The z-score is found by using the following

Standard deviation

A. For Sample:


z = standard score
x = raw score or observed value
x̄ = sample mean
s = sample standard deviation

B. For Population:



z = standard score
x = raw score or observed value
μ = population mean
σ =¿ population standard deviation

So let’s have an example. On a final examination in Biology, the mean

was 75 and the standard deviation was 12.
Kindly read the example 1 class. Determine the standard score of a student
who received a score of 60 assuming that
Example 1: the scores are normally distributed.

On a final examination in Biology, the mean

was 75 and the standard deviation was 12. We will use the formula for sample ma’am.
Determine the standard score of a student
who received a score of 60 assuming that the z=
scores are normally distributed.

Based on the given problem, what do you think

will be the formula that we will be using?
x= 60
x̄ = 75
Very good!

What are the given?


So, now that we have the given data, let’s now 12
substitute the given from its formula.


60−75 The answer is -1.25 ma’am.



So what is the answer? You can use your

calculator if you have.

The figure shows that 60 is the mean and

1.25 is the standard deviation below the
mean. It is below the mean since the value
of the z-score is negative.

Then, what does the figure shows or implies?

What is the mean and the standard deviation?

Very good!

Now we have example 2. Kindly read it class. On the first periodic exam in Statistics, the
population mean was 70 and the
Example 2: population standard deviation was 9.
Determine the standard score of a student
On the first periodic exam in Statistics, the who got a score of 88 assuming that the
population mean was 70 and the population scores are normally distributed.
standard deviation was 9. Determine the
standard score of a student who got a score of
88 assuming that the scores are normally We will use the formula for population
distributed. ma’am,
Here in example 2, based on the given data, σ
what do you think is the formula that we will
be using?
The population mean is 70.
The observed value is 88.

Very good!

What are the given? x−μ

What is the observed value or the x-value and
the population mean? 88−70
Now substitute the given values from its ¿ 2


The answer is 2 ma’am.

What is the answer class?

Luz scored 90 in an English test and 70 in a
Physics test. Scores in the English test have
a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of
10. Scores in the Physics test have a mean
of 60 and a standard deviation of 8. In
which subject was her standing better
This means that 88 and 2 standard deviation assuming that the scores in her English and
above the mean. Physics class are normally distributed?

Next we have example 3. Kindly read the

Two ma’am and these are English and
Example 3: Physics.

Luz scored 90 in an English test and 70 in a

Physics test. Scores in the English test have a
mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 10. x̄=80
Scores in the Physics test have a mean of 60 s=10
and a standard deviation of 8. In which subject
was her standing better assuming that the
scores in her English and Physics class are
normally distributed?

Based on the problem, how many subjects do s
we need to solve? And what are these?
Now let’s solve first for English. 10
What are the given for the English subject?

Now substitute the given.


For English Yes ma’am!

z= x=70
90−80 s=8
Now that we’re done solving for the English
subject, let’s solve for the Physics. 70−60
Are we still going to use the same formula
class? z=1.25

So same process, write the given and

substitute it from its formula.

1 ma’am!

For Physics: 1.25 ma’am


70−60 (listening)


Based on the results, Luz standard score in

English is?

And how about in Physics?

The mean height of grade nine students at
a certain high school is 164 centimeters and
Therefore, her standing in Physics was better the standard deviation) is 10 centimeters.
than her standing in English. Her score in Assuming the heights are normally
English was one standard deviation above the distributed, what percent of the heights is
mean of the scores in English whereas in greater that
Physics, her score was 1.25 standard deviation 168 centimeters?
above the mean of the scores in Physics.

Please read example 4 class


The mean height of grade nine students at a

certain high school is 164 centimeters and the
standard deviation is 10 centimeters. Assuming
the heights are normally distributed, what
percent of the heights is greater that x−x̄
168 centimeters? s
Let’s write the given data. 10
x=168 ¿ 0.4
The z-score is 0.4 ma’am.

Then try to solve it on your paper. Substitute

the following given data its formula.
1. Convert 168 to z-score.
Sketch the normal curve

What is the answer class?

Then let’s sketch the normal curve.

Anyone who can draw the normal curve on the
2. Sketch the normal curve.

It’s 0.1554 ma’am.

Very good!

Now from the figure, we will now write the

given and we will let;

A = area above z= 0.4

A1=areabetween z =0∧z =0.4
A2=area of half the curve

Now, we will use the z-table to get the value of

z which is 0.4

By locating at the z-table, what is the value of


Then let’s substitute the A1.

From the table :

A1=0.1554 The standard score or z-score measures
A ¿ A2− A 1 how many standard deviation a given value
¿ 0.5 −¿ 0.1554 (x) is above or below the mean. The z-
¿ 0.3446 scores are useful in comparing observed
values. A positive z-score indicates that the
And since the problem is asking for the score or observed value is above the mean,
percentage of the heights that are greater than whereas a negative z-score indicates that
168 centimeters, we will minus the A2 and A1 the score or observed value is below the
which is also the area between the mean and mean.
the standard score of 0.4.
Hence, 34.46% of the heights are greater than As the formula shows, the z-score is simply
168 centimeters. the raw score minus the sample mean,
divided by the sample standard deviation.

Now that we’re done, let’s have a recap.

Again what is Standard score or z-score?

How do we solve for the z-score?

Very good!

(the students will collaborate within their


Now that we’re done, let’s try answering this


But I will group you into 4 groups first.

(the teacher will group the class)

Now that you’re in your respective group,

please answer this one:

A. In a given normal distribution, the

sample mean is 75 and the sample
standard deviation is 4. Find the
corresponding standard score of the
following values.

1. 69
2. 85
3. 70


Let’s have a short by-pair quiz.

Answer the following given problem.

A. In a given normal distribution, the

population mean is 60 and the
population standard deviation is 3.2.
Find the corresponding standard score
of the following values.

1. 56
2. 68
3. 64

B. On a test in Statistics, the mean is 65

and the standard deviation is 3.
Assuming normality, what is the
standard score of a student who
receives a score of 60?

Direction: Study your lessons and prepare for the upcoming unit test.

Approved by:

Mr. Al Betantos
Cooperating Teacher

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