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Tugas Legal Ethic B. Inggris

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Usually debates about abortion should abortion be outlawed and treated like the
murder of a human person, or remain a legal choice available to all women. Much
debate about the legality of abortion involves debating the legal status of the fetus. If the
fetus is a person, so abortion is murder and should be illegal. Even if the fetus is a
person, though, abortion may justified as necessary to womens bodily autonomy but
that wouldnt mean that abortion is automatically ethical. Perhaps the state cant force
women to carry pregnancies to term, but it could argue that it is the most ethical choice.
Various states have laws on abortion, some of which refer to as feticide. Some
states have sought to ban abortion by means of an amendment to the state
constitution.These amendments, dubbed "personhood amendments," have so far
contained far-reaching language that go beyond simply banning abortion. They define
personhood as beginning from the moment of conception and/or fertilization, which
would potentially outlaw forms of birth control, in addition to potentially banning invitro fertilization. Other states are considering personhood amendments banning
abortion, some through legislative methods and others through citizen initiative
campaigns. Among these states are Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Texas, and Arkansas. In
2015 Kansas became the first state to ban the dilation and evacuation procedure, a
common second-trimester abortion procedure. Abortion in the Northern Mariana
Islands, a United States Commonwealth, is illegal.
Qualifying requirements for performing abortions vary from state to
state.Currently, California, Oregon, Montana, Vermont, and New Hampshire allow
qualified non-physician health professionals, such as physicians' assistants, nurse
practitioners, and certified nursemidwives, to do first-trimester aspiration abortions, and
to prescribe drugs for medical abortions. Additionally, Washington State, New Mexico,
Illinois, Maryland, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey allow
qualified non-physicians to prescribe drugs for medical abortions only. In all other
states, only licensed physicians may perform abortions.

While in as much as 30 countries, abortion is legalized, remaining countries have

partial restrictions or complete ban on abortion, unless life of the mother is at stake. You
would be surprised to know that abortion caused due to rape and other health
complications account to nearly 7%, while the remaining cases of abortion are primarily
a result of personal and social issues. Its interesting to learn the pros and cons of
abortion as it offers us a great insight about this issue. Lets move on to the pros and
cons of abortion.
Abortion Cons:

By all accounts, abortion appears like an awful crime. After all, abortion implies
denying someone a well-deserved life. Just because the odds are not in our favor,
can we deprive someone the chance to live?

By terminating a life, can we justify our acts? A baby is often considered as a

Gods gift, and its believed that every living being has a purpose behind his/her
birth. By tampering with a life, arent we acting against the creator of the world?

Having an abortion done always carries the risk of not being able to become
pregnant ever again in life.

Abortion can also lead to serious health complications, and in some cases the
worst case scenario can be death.

It often leads to unwanted memories, which can result into great stress and
depression. Some women experience a feeling of guilt, which lasts for their
whole lifetime. In short, abortion can turn out to be a lifetime worth of burden.

Abortion Pros:

Sometimes life can be really harsh on us. There are times when abortion may
appear as the only option for the betterment. Although a mother may have a hard
time opting for this option, she may eventually consider this soul-killing
decision, keeping in mind all the pros and cons of this decision.

At the end of the day, a mother has to go through the actual labor pain and other
issues involved with parenting and juggling responsibilities. Others cant
precisely gauge or understand the level of trauma that a woman may be
experiencing in her personal life. She is the only person who knows best, if she
would be able to take care of the unplanned child or not. We all know that its
merely impossible to raise a child without family support and finance in hand.
To a great extent, the life of the baby depends upon the mothers health.

In some cases, medical emergencies compel a woman to resort to this action.

There is a possibility that her own life might be at risk, if she delivers the child.

Some of the rape victims can be minors. They wouldnt be mentally or

physically prepared to take care of the newborn baby. Why should such victims
go through the ordeal of bearing a child, which is a product of some unfortunate
incident of their life?

Technologies have enabled disease detection amongst unborn babies. Giving life
to an unhealthy baby and watching it suffer all day and night can be highly
jeopardizing for the family as well as the newborn child.

Can a woman be forced to produce a life? Giving life to an unwanted child

might invite world of troubles for both mother and the child. So, are we being
fair to the child?
Whether you agree or not, if you are indonesian peoples. the fact that abortion is

generally illegal. Thats According Indonesian Penal Code, abortion is a criminal activity
and will be punished under the law. The punishment is vary depend on who made the
decision for abortion and impact of the abortion to the mother. Who was involve in
abortion or who help abortion process also will be punished. If a physician, the midwife
or pharmacists involve in abortion, they will not only get legal punishment but also
professional punishment (Indonesian Penal Code, Republic of Indonesia). While there
are a lot of controversies behind policy to reduce the death rate because unsafe abortion.
The major strategies are legal reform, communication and advocacies. Socialization
about abortion law in Indonesia should be important part in the strategy. Improving the

quality and quality of contraceptive access as well as advocacies for schooling, working
place and society are important arm for the implementation of the strategy.

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