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Min: 22.6OC
RH: 76% Pak NAB feezes Messi wins the Ballon ‘I am detached...
Rainfall: Trace
Shehbaz’s assets d’Or for the sixth time after the shoot’
Forecast: Haze.
Max/Min temp. 37/28ºC,,, Vol. 35 No. 190 Established 1938 | 32 PAGES | `6.00

Vikari; Dakshinayana
Tithi: Margasira Shudda Ashtami
BJP has tough fight at hand Cong got `170cr
from city firm: I-T
till 1.44 am (Thursday)
Star: Shatabhisha till 5.09 pm Congress-JMM to focus on tribal issues in Jharkhand polls
Varjyam: 12.20 am to 2.08 am
Durmuhurtam: 11.43 am to YOJNA GUSAI | DC party, the Jharkhand whatsoever in the state.” under the BJP’s double
12.28 pm RANCHI, DEC. 3 BJP displays confidence Charged up after the engine ki sarkaar (BJP
about returning to power, turn of events in Mahara- central and state govern-
Rahukalam: 12 noon to 1.30 pm
The economic slowdown
could emerge as the
though it may be tricky:
within the party it is
shtra, the Congress has
come out all guns blazing.
ment),” he told this news-
paper. “The CM has only
Claims money was sent to the party as part of
Rabi-ul-Akher 6, 1441 AH
Frankenstein’s monster
for the ruling BJP in
whispered that Chief
Minister Raghubar Das
The Congress is in allian-
ce with the Jharkhand
signed MoUs, while 90 per
cent of industries have
hawala racket; AP party is also under scanner
Fajar: 5.10 am Jharkhand. One of the “failed to M u k t i shut down.” New Delhi, Dec. 3: The leading corporate houses
Zohar: 1.30 pm
“poorest states”, a lack of perform.” BATTLEGROUND Morcha The second arrow in the income-tax department has ● Some functionaries in the infrastructure sector
industry and develop- Trouble and the Congress quiver will be issued a notice to the of the Congress and through bogus contracts
Asar: 5.00 pm
Maghrib: 5.26 pm
ment have contributed to
rising unemployment in
k e e p s
gnawing at
Janata Dal.
tribal-related issues. In
the land of Birsa Munda
Congress seeking an expla-
nation over the party
an Andhra Pradesh- and bills, it added.
Hawala denotes illegal
Isha: 8.30 pm the state. UNDP data indi- the saffron heels: just a This correspondent where 26 per cent popula- allegedly receiving funds based political party transaction of funds by
SUNSET TODAY 5.21 PM cate that nearly “46 per few days back, party caught up with the tion is tribal, the Congr- to the tune of `170 crore and a politician are skirting the legal banking
SUNRISE TOMORROW 6.13 AM cent of the state is living spokesman Praveen party’s campaign com- ess is trying to rally them from a Hyderabad-based also under the scan- channels.
MOONSET TOMORROW 12.13 AM in poverty,” a key issue Prabhakar quit the party. mittee head, Subodh Kant against the OBC CM. firm as part of its tax eva- ner of the taxman, the According to the CBDT,
being raised by the BJP is He’s expected to contest Sahay, and found the “The CM is not a son of sion probe in a `3,300-crore funds meant for public
the National Register of the assembly election party is attacking where the soil and has no knowl- hawala racket case, offi- officials said. infrastructure projects
Citizens (NRC). Though from Nala on a National it thinks hurts the BJP edge about tribal customs cials said on Tuesday. were siphoned off through
the experiment of the Peoples’ Party (NPP) tick- the most — on the econo- or culture,” Sahay said. They said the notice was raids to unearth the large entry operators, lobbyists
COUNTER POINT nationalist and Hindutva
cards in Maharashtra did
et. The BJP, however,
brushed him aside claim-
my. “Not even a single
puncture-repair shop has ■ Page 7: Tribal arrests
issued to the party to take
the probe forward in the
tax evasion nexus were
conducted in the first week
and hawala dealers in this
not work well for the ing he “had no influence been opened in the state may affect BJP’s prospects case that came to light last of the month. The companies involved
month after multiple raids, The raids were conducted in siphoning of funds were
with links to “leading cor- on 42 premises in Delhi, said to be mostly located in

BOAT TRAGEDY porate houses” in the infra- Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ero- the National Capital

Youth held for vulgar PROBE BLAMES

structure sector, were con-
ducted in Delhi, Mumbai
and Hyderabad.
According to the officials,
the funds to the Congress
de, Pune, Agra and Goa on
a group of people issuing
bogus bills and conducting
hawala transactions, the
statement had said.
Region and Mumbai.
“The projects involved in
bogus billing are major
infrastructure and EWS
(economically weaker sec-

comments on Disha
were sent by Hyderabad- “The search action was tion) projects located in
based infrastructure com- successful in unearthing south India.
N. VAMSI SRINIVAS | DC pany. incriminating evidences “Evidence of cash pay-
VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 Some functionaries of the and establishing the nexus ment of more than `150
Congress and an Andhra between big corporates, crore to a prominent per-
The magisterial probe Pradesh-based political hawala operators and iden- son in Andhra Pradesh has
Search is on for 4 others for derogatory posts into the boat accident on
the river Godavari that
party are also under the
scanner of the taxman in
tification of entire chain of
delivery, as well as siphon-
also been unearthed during
the search,” the CBDT had
JAYENDRA claimed at least 46 lives this case, they said. ing of funds by way of said.

Probe on security
Suspended cop held "collective human
error" responsible, and
termed the incident "pre-
The Central Board of
Direct Taxes (CBDT),
which makes policy for the
income-tax (I-T) depart-
bogus contracts to the tune
of `3,300 crore,” the CBDT
had said.
The raids resulted in
“Unexplained cash of
`4.19 crore and jewellery
worth in excess of `3.2
crore was also seized dur-
breach ordered
New Delhi: Union home
minister Amit Shah on
A 22-year-old man who
vulgarly commented on
‘Disha’ on social media
rapes minor girl Maintaining that the
driver ought not to have
taken the route avoided
by drivers of other boats,
ment, had said in a state-
ment in November that the
busting of a “major racket
of cash generation” by
ing the search operation,”
it had said. — PTI

Tuesday said three officials

have been suspended for an
alleged security breach at
Congress leader Priyanka
was arrested by the
Hyderabad cyber-crime
police on Tuesday.
Chavan Sriram (22) from
so far,” deputy inspector
general of police Ashish
Singh said. “Four teams
are investigating. We will
the probe also pointed
out lapses on the part of
ports and irrigation
departments but inter-
Cabinet may clear CAB today
Gandhi’s official residence Fakirabad in Nizamabad In the wake of the Disha also seek trial in a fast- estingly exonerated the ANIMESH SINGH | DC to highly-placed sources, from the Northeast over
last month and an inquiry posted nasty comments gangrape-murder last track court. Chargesheet police. Passengers too NEW DELHI, DEC. 3 the Centre might introduce the past few days, includ-
will be conducted by IG through Facebook. Police week, a minor girl’s will be filed within 20 were at fault for not it in Rajya Sabha on ing a meeting which took
rank officer of CRPF. are looking for four oth- alleged gang-rape in days.” wearing life jackets, the While the entire northeast- December 10. place on Tuesday, there is a
He, however, said that the ers for derogatory posts. Odisha’s Puri district has Cases under the IPC and report said. ern region is up in arms Sources in the know strong likelihood that the
breach was coincidental. After veterinarian left many shocked. POSCO were registered. The Sri Vasista Punn- over the proposed Citizen- pointed out that with home Bill could be cleared at the
Disha’s gangrape-murder She was on Monday The DIG said special ami Royal carrying 69 ship Amendment Bill, the minister Amit Shah hold- Cabinet meeting due to
■ More reports on Page 6 at Shamshabad, the evening waiting for a bus lawyers would be enlisted passengers and a crew of Union Cabinet is likely to ing regular discussions take place on December 4.
nation largely condoled at Nimapara Square to go to ensure severe punish- eight capsized on Sept- clear the contentious legis- with key political leaders,
her death and supported to Kakatpur. Four per- ment. ember 15 near Katcha- lation at its meeting here students’ representatives ■ Page 7: Non-M
Most cars to get her family. A few, howev-
er, used social media to
sons, including former
constable Jitendra Sethi,
Jitender Sethi was dis-
missed from service in
luru village. As many as
26 survived and of the re-
on Wednesday. According and civil society members migrants don’t need docs

costly from Jan demonstrate their anti- stopped their car and February by the then SP maining, 46 bodies were
social behaviour. offered her a lift. She of Puri after multiple identified, three sent for
New Delhi: Maruti Suzuki
India on Tuesday said it will
hike prices of its vehicles
from January to offset ris-
Sriram, an ITI graduate,
worked at a fast food out-
let in the city and return-
ed home two months ago.
turned it down. The four
then forced her into the
car and locked the doors.
They then took her to a
charges of misconduct
including physical
harassment were report-
ed against him. He con-
a DNA test and two were
yet to be traced.
East Godavari joint col-
lector G. Lakshmi Shah
Enraged jumbos OF AGITATION
ing input costs. Other car
makers such as Toyota,
He was jobless since. He
used Facebook with the
government quarter (allo-
tted to Jitendra) near Jha-
tinued to use a police
identity card, so an addi-
conducted the inquiry.
According to sources,
destroy crops ON ONION PRICE
M&M and Mercedes-Benz profile ‘Stalin Sriram’ deswari Club in Puri, and tional case has been filed the joint collector found
said they are also planning and posted vulgar thoug- raped her. Two of the four against him. “Misusing of that the port department DC CORRESPONDENT
a similar move. Hyundai and hts about Disha. His com- including Jitendra were police ID card is a crimi- erred while issuing the AVINASH P. TIRUPATI, DEC. 3
Honda Cars India, however, ments were objection- arrested on Tuesday. nal offence,” the DIG said. registration certificate. SUBRAMANYAM I DC ● An elephant had
said they will wait till BS-6 able. Jitendra was dismissed Protests erupted around It did not insist for the TIRUPATI, DEC. 3 come in contact with Blaming the state gov-
vehicles are introduced in Sriram is a migrant from the Odisha police in the state with people tak- free board limits pre- a low-hanging electric ernment for the short
the market. — PTI from Maharashtra. His February for misconduct. ing to streets to condemn scribed in the Inland A herd of wild elephants on supply of onions in the
parents are vegetable ven- “Dismissed constable the act and seeking strict Vessel Rules. The irriga- Tuesday wreaked havoc at
line when it was market, which has resul-
crossing the field at
Onion stock dors who were at a loss as
to why their son was
Jitendra Sethi and Rajesh
Sethi have been arrested
action against the cul-
tion department failed to
take into consideration
a village where a 25-year-
old male pachyderm had 11.30 pm, Sunday.
ted in a steep rise in
prices, Jana Sena Party
limit reduced picked up by the police.
On coming across the
the changes in water lev-
els due to construction of
died of electrocution on
Sunday, and destroyed
● A herd of wild ele-
(JSP) chief Pawan
Kalyan asked the Jagan
New Delhi: Continuing the posts, the Hyderabad Cyber crime inspector However, the accused the coffer dam in acres of paddy cultivation. phants on Tuesday Mohan Reddy govern-
efforts to curb rising onion cyber-crime police regis- N. Mohan Rao said: absconded before the cops Polavaram. The depart- The wild elephants entered farmlands ment to quit and go for
prices, the government on tered a suo moto case on “Teams are working to arrived. ment also failed to act on strayed into the farmlands apparently in search fresh elections, if they
Tuesday reduced the stock November 30. Technical trace and nab the others.” Separately, the Cybera- the recommendations of on the outskirts of cannot bring down
holding limit for retailers clues helped trace Meanwhile, the bad cyber crime police a high-powered commit- Mogilivaripalli in
of the carcass of the prices of essential com-
and wholesalers to 5 tonnes Sriram. He was produced Rachakonda cyber-crime also registered a case tee to establish a mecha- Bangarupalem mandal, elephant and modities.
and 25 tonnes, respectively. in court and was remand- police have also regis- against a person for mak- nism to provide a safe under the West forest destroyed the fields He warned that the JSP
Earlier, retailers were allow- ed to judicial custody. tered a case against a per- ing derogatory comments route by conducting range of Chittoor district. would launch an agita-
ed to hold onion stock up Police are hunting for son who posted objection- about the Chief Minister bathymetry survey from On Sunday, the elephant tion with the support of
to 10 tonnes and wholesa- others like him, but they able content about Disha and his daughter, a for- time to time. had come in contact with a phants. On learning about the people, if the govern-
lers up to 50 tonnes, said a turned off their mobile on social media. A team mer parliamentarian, low-hanging electric line the incident, forest officials ment fails to make avail-
government order. — PTI phones and went under- has gone to Guntur in alleging inaction by the ■ Page 5: Passengers when it was crossing the rushed to the spot and man- able onions is justifiable
ground. Andhra Pradesh. government. didn’t wear life jackets field at about 11.30 pm. The aged to drive away the ele- rates.
forest official conducted a phants. He made a surprise
post-mortem and buried Farmers said they had visit to the Rythu bazar
EUREKA | MOMENT ■ Chennai man scanned Nasa’s moon images, spotted debris the carcass in the woods
near the village on
incurred huge losses due to
the elephant menace which
in the city on Tuesday
and interacted with the
Monday. has become a regular fea- people, who were waiting
A herd of wild elephants ture as these villages are in queues to buy onions,

Techie helps Nasa find Vikram lander on Tuesday entered farm-

lands apparently in search
of the carcass of the ele-
phant. They destroyed the
fields after they didn’t find
located close to the forest
area. “A herd of wild eleph-
ants moves in the nearby
jungle. We spend sleepless
nights due to the elephant
and received their griev-
ances. Later, he alleged
that though the govern-
ment has declared that it
would supply onions for
YAMUNA R. I DC and what they did was to and Isro in a tweet on the carcass, the villagers movement. The herd, wh- `25 a kg, the same is not
With agency inputs ● Every day after closely search the lunar October 3, and asked, “Is said. They also said that ich has come from TN and being implemented in
CHENNAI, DEC. 3 returning from work surface based on the loca- this Vikram lander? (1 km acres of paddy cultivation Karnataka, also destroys the government-run
tion I gave and pick up the from the landing spot) were destroyed by the ele- the crops,” said a villager. Rythu Baazars.
A Chennai techie, Mr
at a top IT firm, he location of the larger deb- Lander might have been
Shanmuga Subramanian, used to analyse data ris,” Mr Subramanian told buried in Lunar sand?”.
has helped Nasa (National
Aeronautics and Space
Administration) identify
the spot where the Vikram
lander of Chandrayaan-2
between 10 pm and 2
am and again from 8
am to 10 am before
going to office.
DC, amid the tight stream
of media interviews at his
Besant Nagar apartment.
Nasa’s LROC team had
released the first mosaic of
On November 17, he
zeroed in on his observa-
tions and tweeted out the
possible crash site of the
lander. “This might be
Naidu dares Jagan for AP
D. SIVA RAMI REDDY | DC (Jagan’s) political image,” In his diatribe against the
crashed on the moon’s sur- Shanmuga Subramanian images acquired during its Vikram lander’s crash site KURNOOL, DEC. 3 the TD chief remarked on Jagan Cabinet, Mr Naidu
face, the US space agency September 17 flyby of the (Lat:-70.8552 Lon:21.71233) & the second day of his visit said YSRC ministers had
confirmed on Tuesday. The the lunar surface. responded after a delay, Moon on September 26, and the ejecta that was thrown Telugu Desam president N. to Kurnool, where he inter- perfected the art of hurling
lander had crashlanded on He went through Nasa’s with an apology. There was invited people to compare it out of it might have landed Chandrababu Naidu chal- acted with victims of abuses against him and his
September 7. Lunar Reconnaissance Or- silence from Isro. with images of the same over here (The one on the lenged Chief Minister Y.S. alleged atrocities by party men. He suggested
Mr Subramanian had first biter Camera (LROC) ima- “I went through the LROC area before the crash to left side was taken on July Jagan Mohan Reddy to YSRCP supporters in vil- that Jagan could change
spotted it on October 3, and ges “pixel by pixel” to iden- images pixel by pixel and find signs of the lander. 16th & one on the right side develop the state better lages under the Nandyal his ministers’ portfolios as
tweeted the location on tity a single bright pixel found some minute varia- Two subsequent image was from Sept 17),” he said than him, rather than constituency. “ministers for abuse and
November 17. The tec-hie from its mosaic taken on tions at a spot on the lunar sequences were acquired in a tweet accompanying unleashing a battery of Telugu Desam activists scandalous talk”.
said Nasa had credited him November 11 and e-mailed surface between the image on October 14 and 15, and the images. He was spot on. ministers and party from Allagadda , Banagan- Mr Naidu said the abuse
with finding the debris of his conclusion to both the of December 2017 and the November 11, PTI reported activists just to abuse him. apalle, Nandyal, Panyam was such that it forced for-
the lander based on his Nasa and Isro. one taken on September 17. Mr Subramanian tagged ■ Page 7: Techie searched “This will do no good and Nandikotkur attended mer speaker Kodela Siva
analysis of Nasa images of While Nasa agency I sent my finding to Nasa the Twitter handles of Nasa moon for seven days either to his party’s or his the interactive meet. Prasad commit suicide.
Sudden inspection
Home minister M. Sucharita goes on a
sudden inspection to a women’s police
station in Guntur district
| 4| DECEMBER 2019

Authorities gear up to
Scarcity of onions in
the market is
face floods next year
because of Water resources officials revise inundation assessment
government failure SAMPAT G. SAMRITAN | the latest.
DC POLAVARAM AND FLOODS The authorities are con-
— Pawan Kalyan VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 fident that by the next
flood season, they can
To avoid recurrence of divert water to flow on
inundation of nearly 110 spillway so that they can
villages in the low-lying take up construction of
OTHER STORIES areas, which would affect coffer dam both upstream
26,000 families when River and downstream without
Jagan to be Godavari witnesses floods,
the water resources
resulting in inundation of
villages located in low-
chief guest authorities have come up
with a revised assessment
lying areas.
The upstream coffer dam
Home minister M. Sucharitha launches ‘Be Safe app’ at the Women Safety in Cyber
on inundation at 41.15 has two large gaps and its
at Navy Day metres contour-level and
are getting ready to pro-
height varies from a mini-
mum of 17 meters to a
space programme in Vijayawada on Tuesday. DGP Gautam Sawang, minister T.
Vanitha and Women’s Commission chairman Vadireddy Padma are also seen. — DC
DC CORRESPONDENT vide relief, rehabilitation maximum of 30 meters.
VISAKHAPATNAM, DEC 3 and safety to about 3 lakh The authorities will fill
project displaced people the gaps and level its

55-yr-old woman raped,

Polavaram project spillway works in progress at
Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan on priority basis before height.
Polavaram in West Godavari. The authorities are yet
Mohan Reddy will be the chief the onset of flood season
guest at the Navy Day celebra- to the river. ■ The earth-cum-rock-fill dam will be to take up construction of
tions and demo to be held on As Godavari recently coffer dam downstream

murdered by neighbour
December 4 at the Rama witnessed heavy floods for coming up at a height beyond 50-mt with a River Godavari.
Krishna beach. He wll arrive in a long time following length of 1.2 km with FRL of 45.72 mt. It Once the execution of
the city by about 3 pm and will incessant rainfall in its will have a total storage capacity of 190 cofferdam both upstream
stop briefly at the Government catchment areas and with tmc ft of water. and downstream of the
Circuit House before taking 72 villages in both the river gets completed, the DC CORRESPONDENT
parti in the Navy Day celebra-
tions. The Chief Minister will
Godavari district being
affected, the authorities
■ When Godavari
river witnessed
■ Authorities are
taking up plantation
authorities will take up
construction of earth-
Implement Zero FIR in
cum-rock-fill dam. Works
also participate At Home (high
tea) hosting by the Chief of
Eastern Naval Command, Vice
had to shift the people to
safer place on a war-foot-
floods to the tune of on a large-scale on
15 lakh cusecs Polavaram dump of
on ECRF dam will be
taken up after completion
A 55-year-old woman was
allegedly raped and
murdered and robbed of
all police stations: DGP
Admiral A.K. Jain at Navy In case of floods, the recently, 72 villages soil and rocks to of flood season to the river `80,000 in cash and her DC CORRESPONDENT to the police station con-
House. According to the infor- authorities do not want to located at 29-mt promote greenery in November-December, mobile phone by a neigh- VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 cerned. He further said
mation from the Chief take any chances and are 2020 and the dam works bour who was under the that the police officer
Minister’s Office, Jagan Mohan planning to set up rehabil-
contour level were and protect environ- are expected to be totally influence of liquor at G. AP DGP Goutam Sawang was clearly informed
Reddy’s visit restricted to only itation centres and move affected. ment. completed by June-July, Vemavaram village, I. directed the police dep- that the failure to com-
to the Navy Day celebrations vulnerable villagers to 2021. Polavaram mandal, East artment to implement ply with the direction of
and he would return at about safer places where ■ As the Centre declared Polavaram proj- Polavaram irrigation Godavari late on Monday the ‘Zero FIR’ policy in registration of Zero FIR
7.30 pm to Gannavaram. required infrastructure ect as a national project, the authorities project chief engineer B. night. all police stations of the may lead to the prosecu-
would be developed. sound confident to get funds spent on exe- Sudhakar Babu said, “We According to police, 13 districts. This will pr- tion of the police officer
Bandi Maria is Earlier, the authorities
drew criticism for causing cution of works.
are revising the assess-
ment of inundation when
K e s a n a k u r t h y
Nagamani, 55, from G.
event jurisdictional has-
sles like the one faced by
under section 166-A of
IPC and may also involve
inundation of several vil- the river witnesses floods Vemavaram village, was the family of veterinari- departmental action
AP Biodiversity lages in the Agency vil-
lages when they con-
dated the low-lying areas.
Now, the water resources
an expeditious manner by
enhancing targeted earth-
at 41.15 contour level and
planning to ensure safety
living alone in her house
as her husband died
an Disha whose family
was sent from one police
against the officials.
Mr Sawang said that all
Board chairman structed a coffer dam
upstream which prevent-
authorities are trying to
ensure completion of of
works to 20,000 to 25,000
cubic metres per day from
to all the vulnerable peo-
ple. We are trying to expe-
some 15 years ago while
her son died some four
station to the other.
He said instructions
the police stations and
police officials are direc-
DC CORRESPONDENT ed the flow of river in its spillway works through the present 1,000 to 2,000 dite the works so as to years ago. Her daughter were issued to register ted to follow the Zero FIR
VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 course resulting in a rise the execution agency cubic metres per day so complete the project by is staying in Hyderabad. Zero FIRs after receiving norm and warned about
in the water-level of the Megha Engineering and that the work could be the end of 2021 as per As the villagers were complaints without obje- stern disciplinary action
The state government has backwaters which inun- Infrastructures Limited in completed by June, 2020 at schedule.” celebrating subramanya cting the limits of police against erring police off-
appointed retired scientist sashti vratam on stations. He said that it icials for refusal to file a
from New Delhi-based Indian Monday, a man identified is observed that when Zero FIR complaint.
Council of Agriculture
Research Dr Bandi Maria
Kumar Reddy as the chairman
of Andhra Pradesh State
BAR OWNERS TO Provide onion on subsidy as
liquor and gained entry
into her house when she
the public are approach-
ing the police for regis-
tration of their cases,
they are being directed
AP home minister
Mekathoti Sucharita
said that police stations
will not refuse com-
Biodiversity Board.
The state government issued
an order on Tuesday appoint-
ing Dr Reddy as the chairman
of APSBB considering his
in all Rythu Bazaars: CM
was sleeping in the late
hours. He allegedly
raped her, strangulated
her to death and robbed
cash and her mobile
to go to other police sta-
tions on point of the ter-
ritorial jurisdictions and
felt it is not correct.
Mr Sawang said that
plaints on the basis of
station limits and asked
the public to make good
use of the Zero FIR
which would be helpful
knowledge and experience in
agriculture and biodiversity
related activities with immedi-

AP government suffered

Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan

Locals noticed her dead
body in the early hours
there are specific direc-
tions about registering
of complaints and reiter-
to complainants and also
to the police department
to respond quickly dur-
ate effect. With the appoint-
ment of the new chairman,
a setback when the High
Court responding to
Mohan Reddy directed the
officials to continue sup-
TO BE SET UP BY JAN. 1: MINISTER on Tuesday and found
the man guilty of the
ated that even if the all-
eged offence has been
ing emergencies.
Guntur Urban SP, PHD,
principal chief conservator of petitions by several bar plying onions at a sub- DC CORRESPONDENT minister stated that each crime, beat him up and committed outside the Ramakrishna, and Gunt-
forests N. Prateep Kumar, who licensees found fault sidised price of `25 a kg in KAKINADA, DEC. 3 Centre would be having alerted the police. territorial jurisdiction ur Rural, SP, Ch. Vijaya
was holding the post of chair- with the government in Rythu Bazaars till they an agriculture input The police rushed to of the police station, an Rao said that directions
man of APSBB as in-charge cancellation of their were available abundantly As many as 2,000 YSR shop and also village the house with a dog FIR should be regis- were given to all police
was relieved. licences in advance dur- in the market. He said that Rythu Bharosa centres knowledge centre and squad and noticed that tered. stations to implement
ing the hearing on the state government are to be set up in AP in added that the knowl- the accused had sprin- He said that later the the Zero FIR system to
IIT Tirupati bags Tuesday.
The petitioners’ main
would bear the financial
burden of supplying of
phase-I by January next.
Minister for agricul-
edge centres would pro-
vide training on cultiva-
kled chilli powder in the
house to avoid detection.
FIR might be transferred help the public.

contention was that onions at subsidised price ture K. Kannababu, at a tion practices to the Based on a preliminary
Swachh Campus their licence was still
valid for some months
and directed them to con-
duct raids on those hoard-
review meeting with
agriculture officials at
farmers in addition to
keeping agriculture
inquiry, the police said
that the accused was CM planning new law
award, ranked 6 and the state govern- ing onions illegally. his camp office at related publications for deserted by his wife for

ment issued an order
cancelling them by Dec.
31, 2019. They pleaded
The CM held a review
meeting with officials on
Tuesday and enquired
Kakinada on Tuesday,
said that these centres
would be initially set up
the sake of information
to the farmers.
The minister said that
the last two years as he
was addicted to the con-
sumption of liquor and
for women’s safety: HM
the court to stay the them about the present in agriculture market the agriculture input some other bad habits. DC CORRESPONDENT women to make adequate
Indian Institute of Technology implementation of gov- situation. The officials committee buildings and shops would keep stocks Both the victim and the VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 use of the new applica-
(IIT), Tirupati, has bagged ernment order. told the CM that the gov- sounded confident that of quality tested seeds, culprit belonged to the tion, she stated that
‘Swachh Campus’ award stand- Advocate general rep- ernment spent `9.50 crore by 2022, they would be fertilisers and pesticides same community. Home Minister Mekathoti BeSafe mobile application
ing sixth among all other uni- resenting the state gov- on purchase of onions in accommodated in perma- so that the farmers could The police booked a Sucharita underscored will help women to lodge a
versities, including IITs, ernment informed the the last 18 days. They nent buildings near vil- use them based on need case under sections 302, the importance of using complaint without visit-
IISERs and Central universi- court that they deferred informed him that the lage secretariats. without suffering any 376, 380 and 201 of IPC technology to resolve sev- ing the police station.
ties, having AICTE recognition conduct of draw of lot to price has escalated to `100 Explaining the impor- issues similar on lines of and took up an investiga- eral issues confronting Ms Sucharita lamented
in the country. select licencees to Dece- from `80 a kg and that 500- tance of YSR Rytu usage of spurious seeds tion. women. She was speaking that Gandhi’s dream of
At a function held in New mber 15 from the earlier 1,200 quintal of onions Bharosa centres, the and fertilisers. East Godavari, SP, at the launch of BeSafe ‘India’ remains Utopian
Delhi on Tuesday, Secretary of date of December 7. was being purchased by Adnan Nayeem Asmi, mobile application while even after seven decades
Human Resources After hearing both the the marketing department The CM said that the was used to provide sub- said, “A man aged 35 inaugurating ‘Women of Independence.
Development ministry Reddy parties, the court asked every day and shifting price of onion was high sidy to the public. years and deserted by his Safety in Cyber Space’ She asked everyone to
Subramanyam has given away the petitioners to submit them to Rythu Bazaars to across the country and He further directed the wife, raped an older awareness programme stay guarded against
the award and merit certificate the documents by Dec. sell them at the subsidised added that the state gov- vigilance and other woman at her home, here on Tuesday. falling prey to cyber
to IIT-Tirupati Registrar A.V.B. 10 and it also asked the price. ernment had decided to departments to conduct strangulated her to death She stated that Chief Mi- frauds.
Prasad and Prof N.N. Kishore. state government to file They said that 16,000 supply onions at sub- raids frequently against and lifted some cash and nister Y.S. Jagan Mohan She said that 181 and 100
IIT-Tirupati director Prof. its counter affidavit by quintal of onions was pur- sidised price to give some those hoarding onions her mobile phone. We Reddy was planning to emergency numbers will
K.N. Satyanarayana congratu- Dec. 16. Later, the court chased in the open market relief to the public. and to take stern action have booked a case and shortly bring in new laws help the public during
lated all the faculty, staff and listed the case for hear- and supplied to the public He said that the market against those selling taking up an inquiry to to ensure complete protec- emergencies and when
students for their cooperation ing on December 18. in the last 18 days. price stabilisation fund onion at exorbitant prices. find out more details.” tion for women. Urging facing threats to life.
in achieving the distinction.
The Union government
appointed committees which
went to all the institutions to
identify best Swachh campuses
Muslims angered HIGH | HOPES Vijayawada girl won a gold and a silver medal at Bangkok meet
across the country.

AP handloom by MLA’s comment Archer Surekha eyes World Cup glory

products to be DC CORRESPONDENT
ping multiple god is
strictly forbidden and is a
Speaking to Deccan
Chronicle, Surekha, said ■ Surekha said that con-
She was integral to
Indian women’s team that
violation of faith for any- VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 she was indebted to the rose to the zenith and fin-
sold on Amazon Members of a minority
community objected to
believing Muslim in
Almighty. Anyone doing Fresh from an impressive
national compound
archery chief coach Jiwan
tinuously maintaining a
berth in the national team
ished World No. One last
year. She also helped India
DC CORRESPONDENT the statement on god with that naturally will have outing in the 21st Asian Jyot Singh Teja for the is itself an achievement achieve No. 3 ranking in
VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan no place in the communi- Archery Championship at memorable mentorship given that competition is mixed team category.
Mohan Reddy and sought ty of Islam. Bangkok, where she won a and the overwhelming getting tougher by the At present she is actively
Minister for IT and industries an unconditional apology. Mr Basheer said that gold and silver medals, 23- encouragement from her involved as a Swachha
Mekapati Goutham Reddy Earlier, YSR Congress many great leaders year-old Vijayawada girl, parents Surendra Kumar day. She says that Bharat campaign ambas-
announced that Andhra Guntur East MLA Md served the public in all Vennam Jyothi Surekha, and Sri Durga. diligence and com- sador for Tenali munici-
Pradesh State Handloom Mustafa, during the possible manners but has set her sights on next Retracing her nine-year mitment are her pality in Andhra Pradesh.
Weavers Cooperative Society launch of postoperative they did not turn as gods. year’s World Cup. international career, driving forces, That she takes it seriously
(APCO) and Amazon signed a sustenance scheme for He alleged that MLA ‘A podium finish in an Surekha said that she has is evident by the fact that
pact as part of which the latter patients at Guntur on Mustafa tried to appease individual event is my im- a tally of 33 medals, which are being she participates in the ini-
would promote and sell hand- Monday declared Jagan Chief Minister Jagan mediate goal,’ she declares including nine gold, 13 sil- moulded to tiative’s awareness cam-
loom products of APCO. as ‘the god for resolving Mohan Reddy, hence he with nonchalance. ver and 11 bronze medals appropriate lev- paigns as and when she is
Speaking to the media here financial difficulties of compared the CM with On coming home from while wearing the India els by the in town.
on Tuesday, the minister said patients.’ god which automatically the Bangkok conquests, colours. Surekha said that contin-
that this agreement will benefit Indian Union Muslim dismisses him from where she partnered One of the finest contem-
coaches. uously maintaining a ber-
APCO in a big manner by cre- League (IUML) Andhra Islam. He demanded Mr Abhishek Varma for the porary archers, a major th in the national team is
ating an international market Pradesh president Mustafa to express mixed doubles gold and accomplishment of her World Archery Champion- belongs to a farming fami- itself an achievement giv-
for handloom products. Basheer Ahmad said that unconditional apology to followed it up with team career has been that she ship, she had a haul of one ly, is the only compound en that competition is get-
He said that before the imple- every Muslim has to have the Muslim community silver along with Muskan remains the only one to silver and two bronze player with a top 10 world ting tougher by the day.
mentation of GST, tax was a firm belief that Allah is and rejoin in the Muslim Kirar and Priya Gurjar, represent India in five medals, including emerg- ranking in three cate- She says that diligence
taken from buyers but now, it is one and with no partners. community. TD leaders the Bharat Petroleum Cor- Asian Archery Champion- ing as the first Indian gories-individual, mixed and commitment are her
being collected from sellers, He stated that there is no Syed Subhan, Sk Umar, poration Limited (BPCL) ships between 2011 and woman (compound or team and women team, driving forces, which are
which means whatever the GST chance of multiple gods Gouse Peera and others employee was accorded a 2019. recurve) to win an individ- which is a rarity in the being moulded to appro-
we get through APCO, it will go in Islam. also objected to the com- warm welcome on Of the eight medals ual medal. ruthlessly competitive priate levels by the coach-
to Andhra Pradesh. He said that worship- ments of Mr Mustafa. Monday. Indians won in the 2019 Jyothi Surekha, who sport. es.
Completely ignored
Chandrababu Naidu says the YSRC
government completely ignored the 3
specially-abled persons

CM seeks details of metro Happy moments

I appeal to people of
the nation to
rail master plan for Vizag
download '112' 10 corridors would be built in 10 phases with a total length of 140.13 km
emergency helpline DC CORRESPONDENT tion due to dumping of changes for an Integrated
app VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 REVIEW MEETING waste materials since the
past few years.
Museum at Beach Road.
The officials explained
— G. Kishan Reddy Andhra Pradesh Chief ■ CHIEF MINISTER ■ THE CM decided For the same, the Chief about a Submarine
Union minister Minister Y.S. Jagan to conduct Minister decided to con- Museum, the food court,
Mohan Reddy has sought
Jagan Mohan Reddy duct bio-mining process and Planetarium at
details of proposals for ordered to repair all bio-mining process in Kapuluppada dumping Kailasagiri.
the Metro Rail Master the roads in in Kapuluppada yard. Subsequently, bio- The CM has ordered to
IN BRIEF Plan for Visakhapatnam. Visakhapatnam. dumping yard. mining should be intro- begin the works soon.
In a review meeting held duced in all the dumping The officials concerned
Youth found here on Tuesday, the
Chief Minister reviewed
■ THE CHIEF Minister reviewed transport, yards to prevent pollu-
gave the detail on Metro
Rail Master Plan propos-
drinking water, development of roads and
murdered in WG transport, drinking
water, development of tourism projects for Visakhapatnam.
The Chief Minister
ordered to repair all the
als, 10 corridors would be
constructed in 10 phases
A child cheers up as he holds a monkey with his hands on
the sands of Ramakrishna Beach in Visakhapatnam on
Rajahmundry: A youth was roads and tourism proj- roads in Visakhapatnam with a total length of Tuesday. — DECCAN CHRONICLE
found murdered following ects for Visakhapatnam. asked to prepare propos- mentioned that Israel has and for the same, the offi- 140.13 km.
brawl after consumption of The officials concerned als to meet the require- been using desalinated cials concerned told the The first phase covers
liquor at Peddevam village of briefed the Chief ment of drinking water water for industrial pur- Chief Minister that they 46.40 km, steel plant to
Tallapudi mandal in West Minister that around 40 facilities at Payakarao- poses. were drafting a plan. Kommadi covers 34.23
Godavari in the late hours on
per cent of water from
canals is being wasted
peta, Yalamanchili, Nar-
sipatnam and Anakapalli
He said that it costs 57
cents for 1,000 litres
He directed the officials
concerned to set up
km, Gurudwar to Old
Post office covers 5.26 ENC TO SET UP 2MW SOLAR
According to police, K. Durga
Rao, 35 working as a labour-
er consumed liquor along
and said that water
should be supplied
through the pipeline as
The Chief Minister sug-
gested the officials con-
which means 4 paise per
litre. They discussed the
measures to be taken to
underground drainage
within city limits. He
suggested the officials
km, Thatichetlapalem to
RK Beach covers 6.91 km.
It is proposed to com-
with his friends on Monday part of the water grid. cerned to use desalinated prevent pollution and concerned regarding a plete the project between DC CORRESPONDENT Speaking about various
night. His body was found on The Chief Minister water for industries and groundwater contamina- few architectural 2020-24. VISAKHAPATNAM, DEC. 3 green initiatives, ENC
Tuesday early morning. commanding-in-chief vice
Based on preliminary inquiry, Eastern Naval Command admiral Atul Kumar Jain
following dispute over an
issue, after consumption of DOCTORS TAKE MP’s PLEA TO (ENC) will commission 2
MW solar power project at
said, “A total 2.5 lakh
saplings were planted in

liquor, among the friends, the INS Kalinga in Bheemili last five years, with 70,000
youth was beaten up with
sticks resulting in his death. OUT HELMET during this month. It has
few more solar plants and
saplings planted in the last
year alone.”
Later, his body was dumped
near the bushes. His wife wo-
rks in Dubai. A case is regis-
RALLY IN VIZAG BIZ FLIGHT SLOTS sewage treatment plants
(STPs) in the pipeline.
In association with the
He further said that solar
power projects would be
started at three Naval
tered and investigation is on DC CORRESPONDENT DC CORRESPONDENT GVMC, the ENC is pursu- Stations including INS
VISAKHAPATNAM, DEC. 3 VISAKHAPATNAM, DEC. 3 ing state-of-the-art STPs at Rajali and INS
seven different locations Kattabomman in Tamil

Govt’s priority to The Department

Traumatic Brain Injury
With growing demand
from various people to
increase the number of
in Visakhapatnam. It has
significantly increased the
green cover in the city and
Nadu. The ENC has com-
pletely banned the single-
use plastic items at all
protect rights of (TBT) of Andhra
Medical College con-
flights from Visakhapat-
nam Airport, MP M.V.V.
across other regions under
its command.
naval ships and establish-
differently-abled ducted a helmet rally
alerting the dangerous
urged Defence Minister

road accidents on Rajnath Singh for addi-


Visakhapatnam Metro Region

Superintendent, KGH
Dr G. Arjuna and
Principal, Andhra Minister for Home affairs M. Sucharitha receiving grievance from women dur-
tional commercial flight
slots during peak hours.
According to the MP,
the Union Minister has
Kin take away lover,
Development Authority (VMR-
DA) chairman Dronamraju
Srinivasa Rao has said that the
Medical College, Dr. P.V.
Sudhakar, jointly
flagged off the rally.
ing her surprise visit to Guntur Urban women’s police station, Guntur city on
Tuesday. Guntur Rural SP Ch. Vijaya Rao is and other police officials are seen.
responded positively to
his request. The airlines
have been facing chal-
youth attempts suicide
state government is giving The doctors, staff, and lenges in introducing
highest priority to protect the
rights of differently-abled per-
sons and also their welfare.
Participating at the
students of neuro-
surgery have been con-
ducting similar rallies
for the past three years.
Minister assures action new flights at the airport
as the Eastern Naval
Command (ENC) oper-
ates its flights from the

A youth attempted to com-

house of the youth and took
the minor girl along them to
their house.
A series of talks between
International Day of Disabled
Persons’ celebrations, Mr
Srinivasa Rao claimed that
various welfare programmes
Dr Jogi. V. Pattisapu,
paediatric Neuro sur-
geon from USA partici-
pated in the rally as a
on police if found guilty same airbase. Flying
slots are not available
for new flights, particu-
larly in the peak hours.
mit suicide by consuming
pesticide alleging that he
was separated from his girl-
friend by her family mem-
the members of both the
families failed to yield any
result as the youth was
insisting on having the girl
were introduced during the special guest. DC CORRESPONDENT „ The minister Police Department, whi- When asked about the bers and posted the video with him claiming that they
past six months. Later, principal, VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 ch is very sad, and direc- same, ENC Flag Officer clip on TikTok asking his got married.
Highlighting a few, he men- Andhra Medical College directed the police ted the Police Departme- Commanding-in-chief friends to make it viral on The police also advised the
tioned that the monthly pen- convened a video confer- Home minister Mekat- to register a zero nt to serve the public in Vice Admiral Atul social media. youth not to insist on it as it
sion has been hiked to `10,000 ence with other govern- hoti Sucharita conduct- FIR to initiate an all possible ways to Kumar Jain said: “The According to Mandapeta was illegal to marry a
and reservation quota was also ment hospital heads. ed a surprise check at investigation build a good image. airlines want the flying police, D. Vijay Kumar hail- minor girl. It all happened
increased for the differently- Doctors from Rajahmu- the women’s police sta- She said that the slots in evening hours. ing from Mandapeta report- in the month of October.
abled persons. ndry, Kakinada, Anaka- tion in Guntur, based on immediately, after debate on women’s safe- We have restrictions as edly loved a minor girl hail- As repeated attempts
DLSA secretary Damodara palli, Vizianagaram, complaints against receiving com- ty has been progressing this is a unidirectional ing from Rapaka village of failed to help the youth to
Rao, Joint Collector-2 Tekkali and Srikakulam police. Women victims plaints from the in the country in the airport. When an air- Iragavaram mandal. He get back his lover, he posted
Suryakala and several others participated in the con- had lodged complaints victim, without ver- wake of recent case of craft comes here, it takes took her away from home a video clip on TikTok stat-
were attended and explained ference. with the minister about Dr Disha in Telangana six minutes to clear and and allegedly married her. ing that his girl friend was
the rights of the differently- Dr Kee Park, Professor the delay in taking up
ifying jurisdiction. state and directed the a second flight to land at However, the girl’s elder taken away by her family
abled. of Neuro Surgery from complaints. case with the help of police to be alert and to the airport. So, a maxi- sister and brother-in-law, members and he was not
During the day-long event, Harvard University int- The office of the min- technical evidence. maintain friendly polic- mum of 10 flights can lodged a complaint with the knowing what to do and was
numerous cultural progra- eracted with the doctors ister has been receiving Two victims Gousia ing with complainants. visit in an hour.” police at Iragavaram alleg- getting ready to commit sui-
mmes were performed by dif- and inquired about the grievances, mainly from Begam and Mabhu had She directed the police “Around 30-40 flights ing that her young sister cide.
ferently-abled students from number of road acciden- women. Hence, she con- lodged a complaint to shun arrogance come in an hour at other was taken away by a youth. Later, the youth attempted
various institutions. Mr ts in which the people ducted the surprise against the police, alleg- against complainants airports where parallel Based on the compliant, to commit suicide and he
Srinivasa Rao presented cer- suffered head injuries. inspection and interact- ing delay in the registra- who come to the police tracks are available. To the minor girl’s elder sister was shifted to government
tificates and prizes to the par- During the meeting the ed with the women who tion of their complaints. station for justice. improve the situation in and kin along with a police hospital for medical treat-
ticipants. doctors analysed the came to the police sta- Ms Sucharita assured She said that the gov- Vizag airport, the ENC constable arrived to the ment at Kakinada.
NTPC Distributes Kits severity and preventing tion to lodge complaints. stern action against the ernment will appoint has proposed a new tra-
To commemorate the severity of head She verified the recor- police official concern- women police officers in ck apart from the one
International Day of Disabled injuries and how to mod- ds and directed the po- ed, if they are found Women Police Stations under construction by
Persons, NTPC Simhadri CSR ify them according to lice personnel to resolve guilty during inquiry. and would set up com- the Airports Authority
wing distributed motorised tri- Indian scenario were the problems of the pub- She said that the peo- plaint boxes in every po- of India. We are seeking
cycles, hand-propelled tricy- discussed. lic by investigating the ple are angry with the lice station in the state. funds from the govern-
cles, hearing aids, kit for MR, ment. It may take two to
kit for visually impaired,
wheelchairs for orthopaedical- POLICE CHIEF three years to complete
it,” he informed.

ly handicapped. Currently, N 3 and N 4
The Plant has invested a sum taxi tracks at the city
of `6.72 lakh for the procure-
airport are handling 10
ment of kits. NTPC chief gen-
eral manager, NTPC Simhadri,
V. Sudharshan Babu partici-
movements per hour.
The AAI had spent `23
crore on the construc-
pated as a chief guest in the
Siddharth Kaushal, IPS,
superintendent of poli-
ce, Prakasam district,
tion of an additional
track N 5 to accommo-
date new flights. This is
„ The monthly pension
has been hiked to
`10,000 and reservation
bagged the prestigious
Skoch award at the nat-
ional level recently. He
likely to open in a couple
of months. However, the
ENC has no plans to
received the honour in revive the disused
quota was also New Delhi. Mr Kaushal airstrip at Badangi.
increased for the earlier bagged the pres-
differently-abled tigious 7th G.files gover- „ The airlines have
persons. nance award, 2019. The been facing chal-
award is given to the bet- lenges in introduc-
„ The NTPC has ter among the best.
ing new flights as
invested a sum of `6.72 The Jury announce
this award for the con- the ENC operates its
lakh for the procurement Students of Rajamahendri College present a skit during a protest against the
fluence of various civil flights from the
of kits. servants who are highly atrocities on women and demand justice for Dr Disha, in Rajahmundry on
Tuesday. —DECCAN CHRONICLE same airbase.

SPURIOUS | OIL One person arrested and 8 containers filled with 25kg oil each were seized

Edible oil made using cow fat yet to be controlled

V.K.L.GAYATRI | DC huge rate in north coastal the official suddenly ing from the rear side door. Srirama Murthy said.
„ GVMC chief on

Enforcement authorities
districts, some people have
been making oil by using
cow fat. As there are not
Tuesday found a
group of people
entered, some accused ran
away from the spot.
In fact, the building was
After observing that such
spurious cooking oil was
made by using cow fat, the
Anakapalle urban police
station Sub-Inspector Ram-
akrishna said that they
have been registering
numerous cases at various
places as edible oils, being
enough number of food ins-
pectors and enough raids
to check the quality of food
making cooking oil,
by using cow fat, at
constructed for slaughter-
ing goats and presently,
there was no activity and it
staff immediately caught
the person and another ran
away from the spot. The
have registered a case un-
der Section 6 and Section 10
of the Cow Slaughtering
made using animal fat, is items, strangers are mak- a defunct building had become defunct. accused was handed over to Act. The accused was iden-
not being controlled in ing spurious oils at various belonging to Greater While observing the the police along with the tified as K. Suribabu of
north coastal districts. locations in the region. Visakhapatnam. GVMC Board on the build- seized oil, fat and cows. Arundhathinagar in Ana-
With the price of edible P. Srirama Murthy, Gre- ing, the Zonal Commissio- Using such spurious oils kapalle. “It is a very simple
oil skyrocketing in mar- ater Visakhapatnam Muni- to Greater Visakhapatnam. ner entered into the prem- for making food items is crime and the accused
kets, some hotels, restau- cipal Corporation Comm- On the spot, the ises and found that 10 cows very dangerous to health. would pay of `100 and
rants and road side food issioner, Anakapalle, on Commissioner seized eight were tied up in the open According to medical would come out. The Food
vendors are allegedly buy- Tuesday found a group of containers filled with 25 kg place. As the main door of reports, people would suf- Inspector and Veterinary
ing spurious oils. people making cooking oil, oil each, made by using the building was locked, fer from various health dis- Doctors would come and
After illegal slaughtering by using cow fat, at a cow fat. He also found 10 the Commissioner and oth- orders, including cancer, certify the fat and spurious
of cows increasing at a defunct building belonging cows on the premises. After ers entered into the build- Zonal Commissioner P. oil,” the SI detailed.
Complaint over attack
TD leader Atchannaidu files compaint with
Governor Biswabhushan Harichandan over the 4
attack on bus carrying Chandrababu in Amaravati

It’s a tough task to find

Pawan Kalyan is
land for distribution
trying to invoke 21,163 acres needed for distribution among beneficiaries
communal clashes DC CORRESPONDENT Certificate is mandatory.
with his comments VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 HOUSE SITES FOR POOR Plots will be linked with
Aadhaar / Ration Card so
— P. Anil Kumar Yadav It is not going to be an ■ As per the data accessed ■ Plan is to as to avoid duplication of
easy task for the govern- beneficiaries and the data
AP minister ment to implement anoth-
from the government, the provide at base shall be maintained
er ambitious programme housing department had least one for future purposes also.
of Chief Minister Y.S. identified 11,78,056 benefici- cent of land The present house site
IN BRIEF Jagan Mohan Reddy to aries in the rural tracts and site to each allotment is treated as TD leaders K. Atchannaidu, Gadde Rammohan, Nimmala Ramanaidu and others hand
provide house sites to concessional allotment over a complaint on the attack of their leader N. Chandrababu Naidu’s bus when he
poor. While the target has the land available for distri- beneficiary and not a free assignment.
CM STEPS IN TO been fixed to provide
house sites to at least 25
bution is 18,752.95 acres. family. Accordingly, plots shall be
allotted duly collecting `20
visitital capital region, at Raj Bhavan in Vijayawada on Tuesday. — DC

HELP 4-YR-OLD lakh beneficiaries by ■ Around 63 per cent (7,50,118) of the total (`10 towards cost of stamp

Ugadi next year, the hous-
ing department had esti-
mated that it requires an
additional at least 11,768
beneficiaries can be accommodated in the
available land.
■ Construction of flats (G+3) shall be taken
paper and `10 towards
lamination charges) from
the beneficiary.
Plot allotment certificate
TD lodges complaint with

Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan

acres of land in rural
tracts and 9,395 acres in
urban areas.
The government is also
up wherever adequate land is not available.
In the urban areas, vidual plot to an extent of
(Patta) shall be issued on
free hold basis with a lock-
in period of 5 years for
sale purpose from the date
Guv over Naidu bus attack
Mohan Reddy has instructed readying to buy private around 10,99,160 benefici- 1 cent (Ac.0.01 cent) shall of issue of allotment DC CORRESPONDENT „ THE LEADERS some of the YSRC act-
the officials to arrange for land if there is any need. aries have been identified be provided instead of order. VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 ivists attacked the convoy,
medical treatment of a four- Plan is to provide at least and 4428.42 acres of gov- flats in urban areas, thus In case of personal exig- alleged that there pelted stones at the vehi-
year-old girl who lost her eye- one cent of land site to ernment land is available accommodate 55 plots per ency, beneficiary can sell Telugu Desam lodged a were 2,000 policemen cle in which the leaders
sight due to cancer. each beneficiary family. for the house distribution. acre. the plot and sub-registrar complaint with AP Gover- on duty for the visit of were traveling and also
The four-year-old Hema lost As per the data accessed Only 22 per cent (2,43,563) Construction of flats shall honour for registra- nor B. Harichandan agai- Mr Naidu to Amara- threw a chappal at the bus
her vision due to retinoblas- from the government, the of the beneficiaries can be (G+3) shall be taken up tion without any NOC nst YSRC government and with an intention to harm
toma - eye cancer among chil- housing department had accommodated in the land wherever adequate land is from any department AP police on Tuesday exp-
vati on November 28 TD leaders. They said that
dren - and when the issue came identified 11,78,056 benefi- available. not available. Those fami- whatsoever. However, the ressing suspicion over the who, they said, failed the convoy of TD leaders
to the notice of the Chief ciaries in the rural tracts In urban areas, the gov- lies eligible for ration beneficiaries will not be involvement of police and to control a group of had to rush through the
Minister, on being reported in and the land available for ernment also has plans to cards but not yet been entitled for house site failure of YSRC govern- 30 protestors which melee and alleged that the
a section of the media, he has distribution is 18,752.95 accommodate 3 lakh bene- issued shall also be includ- once again, and are ment in the alleged attack agitators burned an effigy
taken personal interest and acres. Around 63 per cent ficiaries in APTIDCO ed in the list of eligible debarred permanently. on a bus in which opposi-
raises suspicion on of Naidu.
instructed the authorities con- (7,50,118) of the total bene- housing units. beneficiaries for house The house site is a bank- tion leader N. Chandraba- the situation. TD leaders objected to
cerned to arrange for the ficiaries can be accommo- As per the new guide- sites. able document and bank bu Naidu was travelling. ments. They claimed that the statement of APDGP
required medical treatment. dated in the available lines issued recently, In respect of all such loan can be raised at any TD leaders K. the Ministry of Home Gowtham Sawang stating
The Chief Minister enquired land. wherever possible, indi- cases, Mee-Seva Income time. Atchannaidu, Nimmala Affairs decided to contin- that the person who pelted
about the child’s health condi- Rama Naidu, Gadde ue the Z-plus scale of sec- stone at the convoy is a
tion and spoke to the parents of Rammohan, Maddali Giri, urity with NSG mobile small realtor and the per-
Hema, who hail from Kadiya-
pulanka of Kadiyam mandal NREGS: TOMAR YSR Law Nestham Varla Ramaiah and others
met the Governor to sub-
cover recently for the for-
mer CM.
son who threw chappal is
a farmer who are dissatis-
in East Godavari district. mit a memorandum. They mentioned that Mr fied with the actions of
A day after the launch of YSR
Aarogya Asara, which pro-
ASSERTS NO The leaders alleged that
there were 2,000 police-
Naidu planned to visit
Amaravati to see the
the former CM and might
have resorted to this act.
vides sustenance allowance to
the patients, the CM said that GENDER BIAS men on duty for the visit
of Mr Naidu to Amaravati
development activity and
to bring awareness among
They recalled that the
DGP also stated that in
the government has already on November 28 who, they people as the leaders of democracy, everybody
decided to make major reforms DC CORRESPONDENT said, failed to control a YSR Congress have been has a constitutional right
in the health sector to address NELLORE, DEC. 3 group of 30 protestors claiming that there has to express their protest.
all such issues. which raises suspicion on been no development in They alleged that the DGP
He instructed the officials to Union minister for rural the situation. Amaravati. They said that acted like a YSRC leader.
give the required treatment for development Narendra TD leaders stated that the convoy of Mr Naidu Mr Achannaidu and Mr
cancer patients and said that Singh Tomar said that Mr Naidu, is a Z-plus cate- was approaching Seed Ramaiah opined that
the government is providing there is no gender-based gory protectee with NSG Access Road when about there is no use of appoint-
treatment for the required discrimination under mobile cover as he faces 50 to 100 YSRC activists ing an SIT to probe the
cycles of treatment for cancer the Mahatma Gandhi threat from extremists, gathered at the site and attack on Naidu and stat-
patients. National Rural terrorists, fundamental- raised slogans against the ed that the Governor
“Unlike in the past, there Employment Generation ists, red sander smugglers TD leader displaying plac- should respond positively
shall be no upper limit for Scheme MGNREGS. He and other anti-social ele- ards. They alleged that to their complaint.
treatment of cancer patients said that his ministry
under Aarogyasri and this will along with states and
Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy launches YSR Law Nestham at camp office on

TD files plaint against Nani

be implemented from January Union territories has
1,” he said. been making all efforts Tuesday. —DC
Meanwhile, he ordered the to improve the participa-
officials to provide treatment tion of women under the
for emergency cases that come
before January 1.
He was reacting to a
question from Nellore
MP Adala Prabhakar
TD tries to get support of DC CORRESPONDENT
his objectionable com-
ments against the holy
Tirumala temple.
holy Tirumala temple
used abused language
while leveling allegations
Arrest of TD
woman activist
Reddy over discrimina-
tion in providing
employment to women
and corrective steps of
the government for
all sections for Amaravati
DC CORRESPONDENT into the masses. They said
Telugu Desam lodged a
complaint against minis-
ter for civil supplies
Kodali Venkateswara Rao
alias Nani seeking stern
TD leaders led by former
municipal chairman
Ganji Chiranjeevi lodged
a complaint
Mangalagiri police sta-
alleged that Mr Nani once
abused Naidu
November 22 insulting
creates a flutter equal distribution of
work in Lok Sabha on
alleged that there
were 2,000 policemen
that now they were plan-
ning to highlight the neg-
action for abusing TD
supremo N Chandrababu
tion alleging minister
Nani trying to create dif-
Naidu using abusive and
objectionable words. They
Tuesday. The Telugu Desam began ligence rendered to the Naidu. TD leaders lodged ferences among the public demanded to register of
DC CORRESPONDENT “To facilitate greater efforts to garner support on duty for the visit of development of the capi- their complaint in the in the name of religion cases against minister
VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 participation of women from all sections of the Mr Naidu to Amara- tal city by the YSRC and Mangalagiri police sta- and caste. They recalled Nani under section 505,
wage seekers, a separate society regarding continu- unite the farmers to stage tion on Tuesday alleging that on November 16, min- 506, 505 (2) and 290 of IPC
Kanchikacharla police arrest- schedule of rate has ation of Amaravati as the vati on November 28 protests against shifting hurting of religious senti- ister Nani objecting the and demanded to arrest
ed Telugu Desam activist been mandated for them capital of AP. The party the capital to other place. ments of Hindus through declaration system in the minister.
Yalamanchili Padmaja for her with flexible working leaders are meeting lead- ministers issuing state- The TD lodged complaints
derogatory remarks against hours. The percentage of ers of all political parties, ments that the capital with AP Governor, princi-
Minister for Civil Supplies women participation except the YSR Congress, might be shifted to anoth- pal secretary, home secre-
Kodali Venkateswara Rao alias
was 54.57 under MGN-
REGS during 2018-19”
and other organisations
and inviting them to
er place.
On November 28, Mr
tary, Union home minister
Amit Shah and the AP
Support disabled
She made these allegations Mr Tomar informed. attend a round table con- Naidu went on a tour to police on the attack dur-
during a protest meeting of ference on Amaravati to Amaravati to take stock of ing Amaravati tour.
farmers seeking clarification be held in Vijayawada on the situation in the capital The people of a majority
on Amaravati on November 26.
A complaint was lodged
NO PM MEET, December 5.
The TD is also planning
but he faced the wrath of
some of the farmers, who
of the districts, barring
Krishna and Guntur, did
against her based on which the
police took her into custody for KCR RETURNS to raise Amaravati issue
in the forthcoming Asse-
threw footwear at the bus
in which he and his party
not respond to the TD’s
demand of continuing
inquiry. mbly Session scheduled to leaders reached the place. with Amaravati as the
Meanwhile, TD National DC CORRESPONDENT begin on December 9. Fur- They also pelted stones at capital and hence, the TD
Secretary N Lokesh con- HYDERABAD, DEC. 3 ther, it is also planning to the bus. The farmers in is planning is to gain
demned the arrest of Padmaja draw the support of vari- Amaravati were divided strength to their demand
and wondered if "only YSRC Telangana Chief Mini- ous associations and intel- into two groups, one sup- by taking the help of polit-
enjoyed freedom of speech" in ster K. Chandrasekhar lectuals on the same. porting the ruling YSRC ical parties and some
the State. Mr Lokesh posted on Rao returned to Hyde- On November 26, farm- and the other supporting organisations and explain
his Twitter posted “we stand rabad on Tuesday night ers of Amaravati, led by TD. to the people the benefit of
with Padmaja” poster express- after attending the mar- the TD, staged a protest in The change in the atti- having Amaravati as the
ing support to Padmaja. riage reception of Gove- Amaravati demanding tude of some of the farm- world-class capital.
AP TD president K. Kala rnment chief adviser that AP’s capital should ers worried the TD chief Former minister K.
Venkata Rao objected to her Rajiv Sharma’s son in not be shifted to any other as the party had already Atchennaidu said that the
arrest and alleged that YSRC New Delhi. There were place. They also demand- lost two MLA seats in the TD invited all the political
was harassing TD activists by reports that the Chief ed that Chief minister Y.S. region, Tadikonda and parties and organisations,
registering false police cases. Minister will stay for Jagan Mohan Reddy Mangalagiri. barring the YSRC. He said
Earlier Padmaja warned Mr three days and will meet should give clarification Sources in the TD said that besides intellectuals, Ministers Taneti Vanitha, Velampalli Srinivas and others watch the limbs at the World
Nani that they will send back Prime Minister Narend- on continuation of Naidu’s tour in the capital the TD would also invite Disabled day celebrations at Tummalapalli Kalakshetram in Vijayawada on Tuesday.
his dead body if he comes ra Modi to represent the Amaravati as the capital region helped the party general public to the — DC
before the public. Using abu- pending issues of TS. of the state, in the wake of take the Amaravati issue round table.
sive an dunparliamentary lan-
guage, she said TD women
would not sit quietly if
Ministers and ruling party
GRIEVANCE | REDRESSAL Jagan’s initiative was launched on June 24 and funds were allocated to collectors
keep criticising their party

Spandana a big hit, registers high succcess rate

chief, N. Chandrababu Naidu.
The three-minute video of
Padmaja went viral on social
media platforms and YSRC
leaders and activists severely
protested the abusive language DC CORRESPONDENT zens can raise their issues received through Department-wise, over plaints were solved in a
and comments. VIJAYAWADA, DEC. 3 with the authorities con-
„ About 78.2 per cent were resolved, 14.4 Spandana. Moreover, he 11,525 petitions were of week.
A resident of Gottemukkala cerned at the village, man- per cent were rejected and 7.3 per cent of ordered the officials to civil issues, 7,188 of body A majority of the com-
of Kanchikacharla Mandal Spandana, the weekly dal, district and state- the petitions are pending. conduct contingency line offences, 6,773 related plaints are issues related
Mangalampudi Mukteswara grievance redressal pro- level. checks and make the offi- to crimes against women, to ration cards, house site
Rao lodged a complaint in gramme of the Andhra In a majority of the „ A majority of the complaints are issues cers accountable. 5,490 other complaints, pattas, houses in towns,
Kanchikacharla police station Pradesh government, cases, the grievances were related to ration cards, house site pattas, Periodically, he is also con- 4,733 white-collar offences, pensions, land disputes,
against Padmaja. On knowing appears to be a runaway redressed within the stipu- houses in towns, pensions, land disputes, ducting review meetings 3,786 family disputes, 2,462 approval for houses. The
of her arrest, TD leaders, hit with high success rate lated time recording a suc- approval for houses. with district SPs and property disputes, 1,010 East Godavari district
including former MLA and people receiving cess rate of 98 per cent in police officials on petitions concerning nui- received the highest num-
Tangirala Sowmya, rushed to replies to their long pend- some departments and 78.2 Spandana. sance, 966 petitions on ber of requests followed by
the police station and staged a ing issues in the revenue, per cent in a few other the 8,15,461 petitions November 25, 98 per cent The initiative, which road accidents, 274 to Kurnool and Krishna.
protest. Padmaja was released social welfare, home and departments. received in Spandana, of them were resolved. earned appreciation from cyber crime, 245 petitions Vizianagaram tops the
after police recorded her state- other departments. With the CM himself about 78.2 per cent were This apart, 94 per cent of Prime Minister Narendra related to offences against districts wherein there
ment. The programme was showing interest in the resolved, 14.4 per cent the 8,894 online com- Modi, is a platform that SCs and STs. has been a grievance
On her release, Padmaja introduced by Chief initiative, the officials are were rejected and 7.3 per plaints were also cleared. enables citizens to directly Of the 44,452 petitions redressal of 1,09,876 peti-
demanded stern action against Minister Y.S. Jagan resolving the problems cent of the petitions are The CM allocated funds approach district officials, received through tions, which means 86.6
Nani for comparing Amaravati Mohan Reddy on June 24, fast. pending. Of the 44,452 to collectors to enable including high-ranking Spandana, FIR was regis- per cent success rate fol-
people with buffaloes and ani- this year. In the six-month rule of complaints received by the them take immediate ones too such as SPs and tered on 13,003 complaints lowed by Kurnool and East
mals. Every Monday, the citi- the YSRC government, of police department till action on the complaints district magistrates. and 95 per cent of the com- Godavari districts.
No proof
Nara Lokesh says YSRC government could-
n’t prove any allegations it laid against 5
Telugu Desam in the last six months

Due to artificial
sand scarcity created
by government, 40
construction workers
committed suicide
— Jayadev Galla

IN BRIEF Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy congratulates

RSI Arjuna Rao at camp office on Tuesday, who saved
PASSENGERS woman life Monday on Bandar canal near
Krishnalanka. — DC
LIFE JACKETS ENC on alert as Intel
From Page 1

The report also referred to the

passengers removing life jack-
ets once they crossed the
confirms terror threat
police outpost. DC CORRESPONDENT nam as their naval base.
It made a mere mention of Hundreds of IT employees took out a protest rally against the gangrape and murder of Disha at the Hitec City on Tuesday. — S. SURENDER REDDY VISAKHAPATNAM, DEC. 3 We are focussed on creat-
the police stopping the vessel ing robust maritime
and letting it go after some With intelligence reports domain awareness. We

No porn for kids, check wine

time. warning of terrorist hold exercises with for-
Sources said the inquiry attacks through the sea eign navies to share com-
authority was of the view that route, the Eastern Naval mon practices.”
the roles and responsibilities Command has made itself Speaking about the new
of each government depart- combat-ready for under- assets of ENC, he said:
ment was clear in the rule- taking mission-based “With decommissioning

sale to curb rapes: RS panel

book but the implementing deployments across the of some old ships, the
agencies perhaps failed to coastline. It is also toning command will be adding
understand or was confused up its aviation assets at modern ships and avia-
about their roles. Visakhapatnam and tion assets in coming five
The irrigation department Chennai. to six years,” he
initially maintained that the Intelligence reports sus- announced.
entire subject was transferred
to the port department but the
Some members suggest time-bound punishment for culprits pect a possible threat to
India from Pakistan-sup-
INS Rajput, having ren-
dered service for more
perusal of records established ported jihadist groups, on than 30 years, may be
that the port department’s role
ends with registration while
the operations are to be con-
trolled by the irrigation.

Seeking ways to prevent

Disha case: Cops to file
the lines of terror attacks
in Sri Lanka on April 21.
Following this, ENC has
enhanced bilateral enga-

by decommissioning of
INS Rana. INS Ranjit has
year. This will be followed

The investigation report also

blamed the greed of the boat
owners and the boat owners'
association representatives
who pressurised the police
heinous crimes against
women like the Hyderabad
gang-rape and murder, a
group of Rajya Sabha MPs
feel that there should be a
watertight charge-sheet
JAYENDRA CHAITHANYA build the case. and DCP (Traffic) S.M.
DC Correspondent
Hyderabad, Dec 3: Chief
gements with its counter-
parts in all friendly
neighbouring nations.
Towards this, it launched
Operation Sankalp in the
already been decommis-
sioned. In place of these
ships, new assets will be
commissioned next year.
The vice admiral dis-
administration to allow the total ban on children’s T. | DC Elsewhere, the hearing Vijay Kumar held a meet- Minister K Chandrasekhar Persian Gulf and the Gulf closed that INS Vikrant
boat to continue with its access to pornography. HYDERABAD, DEC. 3 on the petition of ing on Tuesday with the Rao on Tuesday did not of Oman to safely guide will be ready by early 2021
cruise. East Godavari district The informal group of 14 Shadnagar police to take owners of the petrol respond when scribes at vessels. and infrastructure is
collector D. Muralidhar Reddy MPs called the “Study A dozen teams have custody of the accused pumps located in Sham- Delhi questioned him why ENC commanding-in- being developed for it.
told Deccan Chronicle that the Group”, which has repre- reportedly been set up by was put off to Wednesday. shabad. They urged offi- he has not responded to chief vice admiral Atul Once it is inducted, a
report was submitted to the sentatives from 10 politi- Cyberabad police to pur- On Monday, the police had cials of municipalities Disha rape and murder Kumar Jain said, “As blue MiG-29 squadron will
government. cal parties met for the first sue the Disha rape-murder sought 10 days custody of and National Highways case and why he did not economy is growing in also be positioned. The
time at AIADMK MP case and file a water-tight the accused — Mohd Ali Authority of India (NHAI) meet the family members the country, 45 ships of squadron would be ini-
AWARENESS Vijila Sathyanath’s resi-
dence on Monday evening.
charge-sheet. The teams
will scan CCTV footage for
alias Arif, J. Shiva, J.
Naveen, and C. Chenna-
to increase illumination
on medians and at villages
of the victim.
Mr. Rao has reached to
ENC are stationed at var-
ious points along the East
tially used for training
and later on fighter mis-
VITAL FOR The group briefed Rajya
Sabha Chairperson M.
further details on the four
accused and trace the
As the local advocates
along highway and pro-
vide separate truck bays
Delhi on Monday night to
attend the Chief Advisor to
Coast with Visakhapat- sions, he added.

Venkaiah Naidu on route taken by their lorry. have decided not to take so that the vehicles do not the state government Mr.
WOMEN’S SAFETY Tuesday and said that one
of the foremost sugges-
It would use forensic
reports, clues from the
up the case of the accused,
they were served notices
wait near the ORR entry
gates. Increasing the num-
Rajiv Sharma son’s mar-
riage on Tuesday.
DC CORRESPONDENT tions was that children’s scene and call data records in this regard on Tuesday. ber of highway patrol As soon as the Chief
HYDERABAD, DEC. 3 access to pornography of the accused besides Meanwhile, Shamshabad vehicles was also dis- Minister arrived in Delhi
should be banned. seeking legal assistance to DCP N. Prakash Reddy cussed. Airport media reporters at
Continuous awareness for “Nowadays everybody tried hard to seek reaction
safety of women is important has a smart phone and of Mr. Rao questioning
and it must not be only when with it the access to inter- ulators like TRAI and AIADMK, Jaya Bachchan net and the attendant him that "Sir you are here
an incident occurs stated the net and pornography. This social media companies of Samajwadi Party, child abuse in Rajya Sabha in Delhi to attend a wed-
officers of women develop- issue needs to be like WhatsApp, Google Vandana Chavan of NCP, on November 28, a day ding but you have no time
ment and child welfare depart- addressed first and fore- and Facebook, sources Amar Patnaik of BJD, after the horrific rape and to visit the Cyberabad vic-
ment in the backdrop of Disha most,” one of the MPs said. Kahkashan Perween of murder of a young veteri- tim's family."
case. There is a need to sensi- said. The Informal Group JD(U) and Sanjay Singh of nary doctor in Hyderabad. Mr. Rao remained tight-
tize people and they must be Some of the other sug- comprises Vinay P. AAP. The Rajya Sabha lipped and walked away
comfortable to call the police. gestions were limiting sale Shasrabuddhe, Rajeev Those who called on Mr Chairperson assured the from the Airport and when
There is also a need felt to of alcohol and time-bound Chandrashekar and Naidu included Mr Study Group that their the chief minister arrived
have toll free helpline num- punishment for culprits. Roopa Ganguly of BJP, Sahasrabuddhe, Mr suggestions would be sent to attend the marriage on
bers so that the women in dis- The group has decided to Jairam Ramesh, Rajeev Ramesh, Ms Bachchan, Ms to the Minister of Tuesday some media Commander-in-Chief of Eastern Naval Command, Vice
tress can seek help. Isolated hold further discussions Gowda and Amee Yajnik Chavan, and Mr Siva. Communications and IT reporters tried hard to Admiral Atul Kumar Jain briefs on Indian Navy
incidents continue to happen with stakeholders, includ- of the Congress, Derek O` The group had been and Minister of reach Mr. Rao at the venue, Capabilities during a media conference on the eve of
rued the officers who have ing civil society groups, Brien of Trinamul formed by Mr Naidu after Information and but the security personnel Navy Day onboard INS Jalashwa at Naval Dockyard in
time and again interacted parent groups, law Congress, Tiruchi Siva of Ms Sathyanath raised the Broadcasting for consider- prevented them at a dis-
issue of misuse of inter- ation. Visakhapatnam on Tuesday.
with women and young girls enforcement agencies, reg- DMK, Vijila Sathyanath of tance.
who have been alone. These
incidents are the root cause of
trauma and they need to be
tackled properly.
1,383 ISB students get placement
DC CORRESPONDENT ■ DR CHANDAN Chowdhury, senior associate success. The students
IIT-H designs new

A total of 1,383 students of

its Post Graduate
Programme (PGP) got
dean and head of placements at ISB, said that 884
of the total 890 students had opted for the place-
ment process this year. Nearly 39 per cent of
them were women.
worked hard on them-
selves, gaining both hard
and soft learning. The fac-
ulty too was proactive in
that it imparted a lot of
medical device
placement offers, the learning both in and out of ADITYA CHUNDURU I DC dated their method on various ECG abnormali-
Indian Business School the classroom,” he said. HYDERABAD, DEC. 3 healthy and unhealthy ties to come up with a pro-
announced on Tuesday.
■ THE PGP class of 2020, at 39 per cent has the Dr Chowdhury said cases from the Physionet totype board that looks
The derailed train. — DC This is a substantial largest-ever representation of women. nearly 85 per cent of all Researchers from IIT- database. Their research similar to a smartphone.
increase from the 1,194 students who opted for Hyderabad have designed has been published in the The researchers have
registered last year.
■ NEARLY 22.75 per cent of the offers were made placement have landed up a device to diagnose med- international journal overcome challenges of
SHIRDI EXPRESS The average annual cost-
to-company (CTC) for
by the consulting sector. IT/ITES (14.93%), e-
commerce (11.30) and BFSI (11.23) and consulting
with a job.
“The rest of them won’t
ical conditions from real-
time ECG data. The low-
Scientific Reports.
Dr Acharyya said, “CVD
keeping power consump-
tion and complexity low
DERAILS NEAR these students as `26.15
lakh, which the institute
made up for more than half of the offers. have to worry as they can
be part of the rolling
power device can, accord-
ing to a release from the
is one of the deadliest dis-
eases. It manifests in dif-
with their novel SoC
architecture. They have
claimed was a 124 per cent placement process. There institute, scan monitor ferent forms, necessitat- proposed certain techni-
RAILWAY KODUR increase from the offers
before they joined ISB. As
ISB for recruitment
include AT Kearney, Bain
and Gamble and Samsung.
Dr Chandan Chowdhury,
is ample time,” he added.
Mr Rachit Jain, a student
electrocardiogram (ECG)
data and alert patients
ing early diagnosis, thera-
py and prognosis. The
cal features which were
stated in a press note as “a
DC CORRESPONDENT many as 231 companies, and Company, Boston senior associate dean and who has been placed at and doctors in real time proposed work on the low-complex boundary
TIRUPATI, DEC.3 including 65 first-time Consulting Group, head of placements at ISB, Bain and Company, a con- about the risk of cardio- classification will be of detection (BD) and feature
recruiters, have made Dalberg, E&Y, KPMG, said that 884 of the total sulting firm, echoed simi- vascular disease (CVD). immense help to the socie- extraction (FE), low-com-
The Tirupati– Sainagar Shirdi offers. McKinsey & Company, 890 students had opted for lar sentiments. The team of researchers ty.” The team of plex f-QRS detection and
Express train derailed near Nearly 22.75 per cent of Amazon, Blackbuck, the placement process this Head of the institute’s comprising Vemishetty researchers has also morphology identifica-
Railway Koduru station on the offers were made by Byju’s, Electronic Arts, year. Nearly 39 per cent of consulting club observed, Naresh, a PhD research worked on developing tion (FDMI) architecture,
Tuesday morning. The pas- the consulting sector. Flipkart, Google, InMobi, them were women. “A lot of work went into scholar, Advanced classification techniques rule engine (RE), and
sengers travelling in the train IT/ITES (14.93 per cent), e- Citibank, Credit Suisse, The PGP class of 2020, at the placement process. In Embedded Systems and to make a generic algo- token-based compression
had a miraculous escape and commerce (11.30) and Estee Advisors, ICICI 39 per cent has the largest- our time at the club, we IC Design Laboratory at rithm. technique.”
were unhurt. BFSI (11.23) and consult- Bank, Matrix Partners, ever representation of interacted with a lot of IIT-H's department of The system-on-chip These methodologies
According to the sources, ing made up for more than Coca-Cola, Colgate women. “A lot of stake- consulting companies. electrical engineering, (SoC) architecture has will allow the system to
The incident happened when half of the offers. Palmolive, Godrej, HUL, holders worked on making This helped us a lot during and Dr Amit Acharayya, been developed in a way compare ECB beats with
the train was about to enter Companies that came to L’Oreal, Nestle, Procter the placement process a the interviews.” associate professor, vali- that the system can cover standard values.
the Railway Koduru station at
around 9.27 am when One of

Girls want to be agriculture officers, boys policemen

the coaches, found to be a
ladies sleeper coach, slipped
off the track. On noticing this,
the alert driver immediately
brought the train to a halt and
prevented any further dam- DC CORRESPONDENT districts jointly by the girls picked agriculture food (15 per cent); engi- ty’ and ‘extraversion’. and technology and 11 per science, marketing, and
age. HYDERABAD, DEC. 3 state government and and food (20 per cent); neering and technology Data showed that model cent inclined towards paramedical services,
The authorities concerned BodhBridge, a company medicine and healthcare (11 per cent); sports (9 per school students were more entre preneurship. whereas girls preferred
claimed that none of the pas- Girls studying in the incubated by IIT-Madras. (17 per cent); police (12 per cent) and defence (7 per suited to careers in Interestingly, over half of journalism, sales, art and
sengers was injured in the state’s model schools want The survey covered cent) engineering and cent) as their top career human services, enter- them were found to have design.
incident. Passengers in the a career in agriculture 18,000 students and technology (8 per cent) interests. tainment, hospitality and ‘low suitability’ to careers In Karimnagar, boys
damaged coach were later and boys see themselves intends to help guide and government and pub- When it came to career- tourism, education, law, in defence. showed interest in market-
shifted to a general sleeper in the police. Their prefer- teachers in understand lic administration (7 per oriented traits, close to 48 art, marketing, journal- The survey also has data ing, defence and architec-
coach. The train continued its ences were indicated in a their students' abilities cent) as their top five per cent were ‘commu- ism, sales, paramedical, corresponding to each dis- ture, while girls chose
journey at around 12 noon “My Choice My Future” and, accordingly, provide career interests. nicative and expressive’, finance and allied fields. trict. For instance, in entrepreneurship, para-
after the derailed coach was survey was conducted career guidance to them. Boys preferred Police (27 followed by ‘compas- Only 18 per cent of them Adilabad, boys expressed medical services and
separated from the train. across 194 schools in 27 The survey found that per cent), agriculture and sion/generosity’, ‘creativi- are suited for engineering interest in environmental sales.
RJD founder Lalu Prasad, serving sentences
in fodder scam cases, declared elected 6
unopposed as the party’s national president

SPG Bill passed amid Oppn uproar SEEKS TO BOOST
Congress calls it political vendetta in RS, Amit Shah says inquiry will be conducted SRIDHAR KUMARASWAMI
DC CORRESPONDENT Amit Shah, rejecting the that happened at | DC

BJP is skilled at
selling, not creating.

The Rajya Sabha on

Tuesday passed a bill to
Opposition’s claim, said
the government was con-
cerned about security of
all 130 crore Indians and
Vadra calls breach
big security lapse
● Congress leader
Priyanka Gandhi’s offi-
cial residence
November, the home min-
ister said that the breach
in We wanted to meet NEW DELHI, DEC. 3

Tajikistan is considering
making the system of issu-
They will sell railways
amend the Act governing
the elite Special
Protection Group. The bill
had already been passed
not just the Gandhi fami-
ly. Participating in the
debate over the Special
Protection Group
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s
husband Robert Vadra on
Tuesday described as a
“very big” security lapse
at Priyanka Gandhi’s resi-
dence was coincidental.
He said that the security
was informed that Rahul
Priyanka: Sharada
Meerut, Dec. 3: In an president in 1987 and con-
ing of visas easier, Tajik
Rahimzoda said

Tuesday, while seeking to


— Priyanka Gandhi by the Lok Sabha last (Amendment) Bill, 2019, the incident of unidenti- Gandhi was due to arrive interesting development tested the elections on a further boost ties with
Congress Leader week. Congress MP Vivek fied people driving up to at his sister’s house in a in the alleged security Congress ticket in 1991,” India. In an interaction
The passage of the Tankha said everyone the porch of their home black SUV. At the exact breach at Congress leader Ms Sharda Tyagi said on with this newspaper, the
amendments to the SPG wants the Gandhi family last week, and alleged time that Rahul Gandhi Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s Tuesday. Tajik envoy said there was
Act will pave the way for to be protected and there that the removal of the was expected, a black residence, the family She said that they had a lot of “untapped poten-
IN BRIEF only the Prime Minister
and his “immediate fami-
should not be “a party pol-
itics” on it.
Gandhi family’s SPG
cover was a "political”
SUV owned by Congress
worker Sharda Tyagi
involved has claimed to be
workers of the party and
been wanting to meet the
Congress leader for some
tial” in trade ties between
the two countries. “We are
ly residing with him at “What kind of democra- move. arrived there. said that they wanted to time and had gone to her looking to increase annual
IIMC protests over his official residence”, as
well as any former Prime
cy it is? You are putting
the Opposition under for the family of ex-PMs.
He further added, “If
they were seriously con-
talk to the leader.
Ms Sharda Tyagi, the
residence in New Delhi in
order to seek an appoint-
trade with India much
beyond the current $100
unaffordable fees Minister and members of
his immediate family
threat,” said Mr Tankha,
reminding the House
“We are spending
money on this, which is
cerned about Priyanka
Gandhi’s security, they
mother of the car owner,
Chandrashekhar Tyagi,
“Although I have been in
million. This is just not suf-
ficient,” the Tajik envoy
New Delhi, Dec. 3: The stu- “residing with him at the about the fateful inci- not needed,” he said, could have written a con- said that her son is con- politics for over forty said. “There is cooperation
dents at Institute of Mass residence allotted to him dents in which Indira adding that all previous fidential letter to me or to testing the elections and years, I have only met between the two countries
Communication (IIMC) on for a period of five years, Ganhi and Rajiv Gandhi amendments extending D-G CRPF or the security they wanted to talk to the Priyanka Gandhi once in the energy sector, indus-
Tuesday, agitated against the from the date he ceases to were killed. BJP MP SPG security to former in charge, instead of rais- Congress leader about the quite some time back. She try, tourism, mining and
“unaffordable” fee structure, hold the office of Prime Neeraj Shekhar, who him- PMs’ family, were wrong. ing the issue here or same. was very young when I medical tourism. For trade
claiming the administration Minister,” to be given SPG self was a SPG protectee However, he suggested going to the press.” “We are staunch had first met her. This ties to be further strength-
has turned a “blind eye” to cover. The Congress has for 11 years, being the son former PMs and their Mr Shah further said ‘Congressis. Our family time we only managed to ened, direct air-connectivi-
their issues. been claiming that SPG for former Prime families should be pro- that three officials have members have been mem- talk to her for a minute ty between the two coun-
Astha Savyasachi, a student Act has been amended Minister Chandra tected by raising another been suspended and an bers of Congress for gen- and my family spent that tries is extremely impor-
of IIMC said `1,68,500 for a only because of political Shekhar, said there was force. Addressing the inquiry will be conducted erations. I was even a time clicking selfies,” Ms tant,” Mr Rahimzoda said.
ten-month course, in addition vendetta. Home minister no need for such a cover alleged security breach by an I-G rank officer. party Commissonerate Tyagi said. — ANI He added that his country
to hostel and mess charges is was “considering making
unaffordable for poor stu- the issue of visas more
dents. Students also com-
plained that not everyone gets
accommodation in hostels.
However, official sources
said that the administration
‘Govt must adopt PPP for schools’
ANIMESH SINGH | DC in school education toilets had been set up
easy” for a “simplified visa
The Tajik ambassador
was speaking at an event on
Tuesday to mark the launch
has addresses some of the NEW DELHI, DEC. 3 across the country, Ms for them. of direct flights on
demands. –PTI Malini while speaking However she lamanted December 1 by Tajik pri-
Bharatiya Janata Party during Zero Hour, noted the fact that despite the vate airline Somon Air
(BJP) MP and veteran that it was only after the initiatives of the Centre, between New Delhi and
Congress MLA inks film artiste Hema Malini
on Tuesday in Lok Sabha
introduction of the Right
To Education law (which
the situation is such that
the admission rate of
Dushanbe. In addition to
New Delhi, the private car-
posters with blood criticised the laxity on
part of several states
was enacted by the erst-
while UPA regime) in
children in government
schools is less than 60
rier is also planning to
launch flights from
Guwahati, Dec. 3: Congress
MLA Rupjyoti Kurmi, who is
known for his unusual styles
including the party-
ruled Uttar Pradesh
towards implementing
Hema Malini

teacher ratio is com-

2009 that the number of
schools had increased,
teachers appointments
per cent and children are
not going to school.
“This is mainly due to
PARLIAMENT DIARY Dushanbe to Goa by 2021.
Meanwhile, the Tajik
envoy said that in February
of protest, on Tuesday slit his the Centre’s education pletely lop-sided. had gone up and chil- the fact that several
BY GAUTAM LAHIRI next year, a joint commis-
palm at the Assam Assembly schemes, due to which Highlighting the dren’s enrolment in gov- states have not imple- NEW MAHARASHTRA MINISTERS IN DELHI sion meeting between the
premises and wrote with his the admission rate in importance of introduc- ernment schools had mented the Centre’s poli- two countries would be
blood his objection to the state government-run schools ing the public-private seen an improvement cies properly and shown FOR LOBBYING held. “Tajikistan is one of

government’s alleged move to is poor and the student- partnership (PPP) model after playgrounds and a lot of laxity.” ome of the recently sworn-in the safest countries in the
sell some of its defunct enter- Cabinet ministers of world and has a beautiful
prises. Maharashtra have reached the landscape. We are attract-
Kurmi, who is often termed
GIRL RAPED, capital for lobbying with the ing more tourists from
‘quirky’ and ‘maverick’ for his
protest styles, was seen com-
ing out of the Assembly hall,
taking a blade, cutting his
TRS, TD join Oppn for SHOT, BURNT IN
Congress high command. Officially,
they say that they had come for a
courtesy call with Congress presi-
dent Sonia Gandhi. But
India. The two countries
are bound by historical and
cultural ties. We are look-
ing to strengthen this. We
palm and writing his protests
in blood at the exit of the
Assembly Hall. The legislator,
who represents Mariani, wrote
return to paper ballots BUXAR DISTRICT
Buxar, Dec. 3: In a grue-
Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav
Thackeray has neither expanded his cabinet nor has
decided the portfolios. On Tuesday, Shiv Sena leader
Sanjay Raut got a huge reception from many MPs.
want launch of more direct
flights connecting the two
capital cities,” he said. He
added that Tajik national
slogans against the state gov- SREEPARNA ■ ALTOUGH opposi- parties want to raise, some incident akin to the Informally, it was discussed that for the time being carrier Tajik Air had also
ernment’s alleged move to sell CHAKRABARTY I DC tion parties have been sources told this news- Hyderabad veterinary Shiv Sena will keep the home portfolio and NCP will just launched flights direct-
off Nagaon and Cachar Paper NEW DELHI, DEC. 3 paper. doctor killing, a girl was be given finance. Now, it’s almost certain that both ly connecting Dushanbe
raising the issue of with New Delhi.
Mills, Brahmaputra Valley “We do not expect the shot dead and burnt after former CM Prithviraj Chavan and Ashok Chavan
Fertilizer Corporation Ltd, Opposition parties, return to ballot papers matter to come up this being allegedly raped in will be sworn in as Cabinet ministers. But specula-
time and again, the
Halmari Tea Estate in including TRS and the week, but would cer- Kukudha village of tion is going on who will get the irrigation portfolio
Dibrugarh and Ailabari Tea Telugu Desam, have government has been tainly expect that it is Bihar’s Buxar district on as NCP’s Ajit Pawar, who was facing a SIT probe,
Estate in Karimganj. given a notice in the dismissing the question taken up next week,” a Monday night, police was ultimately given clean chit.
Assam government will not
be allowed to sell the state’s
Rajya Sabha for a dis-
cussion on electoral
of fault in EVMs senior Opposition
leader said adding that
said on Tuesday.
Police recovered the
future, he said. reforms with a focus on Nationalist Congress the parties are likely to charred body of the girl
returning to ballot Party, Shiv Sena, BSP, meet Mr Naidu and on Tuesday morning DRAW ATTENTION OF CHAIR

papers. Samajwadi Party, RJD, urge him to list the mat- (around 6 am) from a pposition members of Parliament (MPs) in
The notice submitted AAP, PDP, CPI, CPM, ter urgently. deserted field under the Rajya Sabha were not sure whether their New Delhi, Dec. 3: The
DEAD RAT to Rajya
Telugu Desam and the
The issue of return to
ballot papers has been
jurisdiction of Itadhi
police station, Buxar
notice for a discussion on electoral reforms
would be accepted by the chair. They have now for-
Supreme Court is sched-
uled to pronounce verdict
FOUND IN UP Venkaiah Naidu has
been signed by 16 par-
Though the notice is
given under the broad
raised time and again
by Opposition parties,
Deputy Superintendent
of Police Satish Kumar
mulated a new strategy for signing the notice to
draw attention of the chair. Last week, the chair
MIDDAY MEAL ties and demands a
short-duration discus-
heading of “Electoral
Reforms for Free and
but any question of
fault in EVMs has been
Buxar is around 100 km
allowed detailed discussion on the economic situa-
tion of the country. Leaders of main Opposition par-
Chidambaram's plea seek-
ing bail in the INX Media
sion under Rule 176 of Fair Elections”, the dismissed by the gov- from the capital Patna. ties have now decided to sign the notice by a fresh money laundering case. A
Muzaffarnagar (UP), Dec 3: Parliamentary parties have agreed ernment. “After being informed set of MPs who have not asked for discussion on any bench headed by Justice R
In yet another instance of neg- Procedures. amongst themselves Several parties have by people police recov- subject. As they have convinced the leaders of Banumathi had on
ligence in midday meal distri- The parties which that the focus needs to demanded a return to ered the body of a girl Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and Telangana Rashtra November 28 reserved
bution, a dead rat was found in have signed the notice be on return to paper paper ballot for the Lok who was burnt above her Samithi (TRS) for the discussion on electoral judgement on the appeal
the food served at a school include Congress, ballot. Sabha elections. The waist”, the Dy SP said reforms, it’s now sure that their demand will be filed by Chidambaram who
here on Tuesday, following Trinamul Congress, Electoral bonds is ruling party has, how- adding it appears she accepted. has challenged the
which an inquiry has been DMK, MDMK, RJD, another issue which the ever opposed it. was raped before being November 15 verdict of the
ordered by the district admin- murdered. The Dy SP Delhi high court denying
istration. said the incident may NAIDU’S LUNCH HOSTING IN MID-SESSION him bail in the case. During
Additional District have occurred on the arguments, the
Magistrate Amit Kumar Singh
said that eight students and a
teacher of Janata Inter-
College in Mustafabad
Rajnath flays party MPs Monday night.
The officer said the
identity and age of the
victim were yet to be

ajya Sabha chairman
Venkaiah Naidu will host a
lunch for some of the
Enforcement Directorate
(ED) had claimed in the
apex court that the 74-year-
old former finance minister
Panchenda village were taken
ill and sent to hospital after
the rat was found in one of the
plates, though no one had
for skipping sessions ascertained.
“Wether the girl is a
minor or major will be
clear once the post-
Opposition leaders on Wednesday
where Union ministers will be
present. Generally, the chairman
hosts the lunch for the MPs at the
continues to wield "sub-
stantial influence" on cru-
cial witnesses in the case
even from the custody,
eaten the food at that time. NITIN MAHAJAN I DC yada (dignity). Mr ing Mr Modi’s dissatis- mortem report comes,” end of the session. But hosting a while he said that the
NGO Janklyan Samiti of NEW DELHI, DEC. 3 Singh asked the MPs to faction over lack of he added. lunch in the middle of the ongoing agency cannot "destroy" his
Hapur supplied the mid-day be prepared to take on their adequate presence Itadhi police station session has created lot of specula- career and reputation by
meal to the school. Peeved over attacks by the Opposition when at times. Rajnath asked officials said that the girl tion. Now that the government is determined to making baseless allega-
An inquiry has been ordered the Congress and they term the Prime the MPs to maintain a was allegedly raped and bring Citizenship Act amendment bill in the current tions. Opposing his bail
into the incident and strict Opposition parties aga- Minister and the home good attendance record shot dead by the perpe- session of the Parliament, many MPs speculate plea, Solicitor General
action will be taken against inst Prime Minister minister ‘infiltrators’ and ensure their pres- trators before being whether the Rajya Sabha chairman has created a Tushar Mehta, appearing
those found guilty of negli- Narendra Modi, BJP and call the country’s ence in Parliament dur- burnt with the intention platform to discuss about the timing of tabling the for the ED, maintained that
gence, Singh said. chief Amit Shah and finance minister ‘nir- ing discussions on to destroy the evidence. controversial bill. Some MPs believe that though the economic offences like
The district authorities have finance minister Nirm- bala’ (powerless). important Bills or The victim was shot Cabinet will meet on Wednesday, the decision for money laundering are
ordered lodging an FIR ala Sitharaman, the The minister, asked issues. He called for the one bullet in her head, taking up the bill may take another day. grave in nature as they not
against the NGO, the official BJP Parliamentary Par- them to be cautious rpesence of party MPs they said adding police only affect the nation's
said. ty was told by former while making any state- when Mr Shah tables have recovered an empty economy but also shake
The students and the teacher party president and ment. Mr Singh lament- the Citizenship Amen- cartridge from the spot. people's faith in the system,


complained of vomiting after defence minister Raj- ed that several party dment Bill, which is Villagers gathered at especially when it is com-
they saw the rat and were nath Singh on Tuesday MPs were not regular likely to be cleared by the spot in the morning mitted by people in power.
taken to hospital. –PTI to retaliate, albeit with- in attending the House the Union Cabinet on but none of them could Senior advocates Kapil
in parliamentary mar- proceedings, underlin- Wednesday. identify her. — PTI
Chidambaram, had coun-

New Delhi, Nov. 3: The

MAHA | REVIEW CM says critical projects may be given priority over others Parliament on Tuesday
trative cost, he said,
adding the move was sup-
tered Mr Mehta's submis-
sions and said there was no
passed a bill to merge two ported by civil societies any evidence linking

No hassles for bullet train project: Uddhav

Union territories Daman along with the elected Chidambaram to offence
and Diu, and Dadra and member of Parliament of directly or indirectly with
Nagar Haveli into one that area. the alleged offence nor
unit. The Rajya Sabha “The local administra- there was any material to
passed the Dadra and tion also requested for show that he had influ-
DC CORRESPONDENT meeting of top state offi- ■ UDDHAV THACKERAY that the government would parts of the state. NCP Nagar Haveli and Daman integration, hence we enced witnesses or tam-
MUMBAI, DEC. 3 cials at Mantralaya here on said there is no stay on shelve mega-projects due to supremo Sharad Pawar, in and Diu (Merger of Union have taken this step,” said pered with any evidence.
Tuesday to discuss develop- any project barring the car a staggering `6.71 lakh his second big disclosure in Territories) Bill, 2019 Reddy. The merged Union Chidambaram was first
Maharashtra Chief ment projects. The meeting shed and that a discussion crore debt burden. two days, said on Tuesday through voice vote. Territory will be named arrested by the CBI on
Minister Uddhav assumed significance in was held on how to expe- “We are now reviewing that he was aware that Lok Sabha has already as Dadra and Nagar August 21 in the INX Media
Thackeray on Tuesday the light of reports that the what projects are critical party leader Ajit Pawar passed this bill on Haveli and Daman and corruption case and was
clarified that the Mumbai- Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) dite development projects for the development of the was in touch with November 27. Diu. granted bail by the top
Ahmedabad bullet train government had decided to in the state state and whether others Devendra Fadnavis even as Responding to the bill, “The name is long but court on October 22. The
project would be carried review the bullet train, a such as the bullet train he distanced himself from Minister of State for we have taken this keep- ED had arrested him on
out without any hassles. pet project of Prime held on how to expedite project can be postponed to his nephew’s sudden politi- Home G Kishen Reddy ing in the sentiments of October 16 in the money
The Shiv Sena chief, in Minister Narendra Modi. development projects in a later stage,” senior minis- cal move to join hands with said that the measure will the local people there,” laundering case. The CBI
fact, said no stay was Speaking to reporters the state. We also discussed ter Jayant Patil had said. the BJP on November 23. help in strengthening said Reddy. Replying to registered its case on May
ordered on any develop- after chairing the meeting, the implementation of The new government Mr Pawar had on Monday administrative efficiency the concerns of some 15, 2017, alleging irregulari-
ment project, barring the Mr Thackeray said, “There other projects that we want made it clear that its prior- said Prime Minister and fast track the devel- members, Reddy said that ties in a FIPB clearance
Metro car shed at Aarey is no stay on any project, to carry out ourselves,” he ity was to offer a total loan Narendra Modi had pro- opment of the two union the merged UTs would granted to the INX Media
Colony in suburban barring the car shed, nor said. waiver to farmers hit by posed “working together” territories. officially function in the group for receiving over-
Goregaon. has any project been Mr Thackeray’s assertion recent unseasonal rainfall but he rejected the Merging will also help same language in which seas funds of Rs 305 crore
The CM had called a scrapped. A discussion was has put to rest speculation and flooding in various offer. in cutting down adminis- they were working.— PTI in 2007, during
Law & order
Congress leader K.C. Venugopal says
by withdrawing SPG protection, the 7
government is putting leaders at risk

Chennai inundated 2 killed, 9 hurt

in Pak shelling
Infrastructure should
be made accessible
Two civilians, including a
woman, were killed on
to the specially-abled Tuesday and seven others
injured, a few of them PETROL BOMBS
persons seriously, when Pakistani
troops pounded with mor- DC CORRESPONDENT
— M Venkaiah Naidu tars and small arms for- SRINAGAR, DEC. 3
ward Indian military
Vice-President posts and civilian areas The Jammu and Kashmir
along the Line of Control police on Tuesday
in Jammu and Kashmir’s claimed arresting five
SHORT TAKES Poonch district, officials
persons involved in hurl-
ing Molotov cocktails
They identified the slain (petrol bombs) at securi-
NON-MUSLIMS as 35-year-old Gulnaz
Akhter and 16-year-old
boy Sho’ab Ahmed.
ty forces vehicles and
threatening traders and
local residents of central
DON’T NEED Doctors said that the
woman was brought dead
Srinagar to force shut-

DOCS to the district hospital in

Poonch, whereas the criti-
cally injured boy died
Separately, four persons
were arrested in north-
western town of Bara-
From Page 1 soon after being admitted mulla for allegedly being
there. responsible for acts of
Poonch’s deputy com- arson and issuing threats
The proposed legislation is missioner Rahul Yadav to shopkeepers for same
likely to be introduced by the confirmed the death of purpose, the police clai-
government in the Upper the two civilians and med.
House on December 10, the injuries to at least seven The police said that
sources added. A man pushes his scooter through the flood-water in a suburban locality, after heavy rains in Chennai on Tuesday. — PTI others in Pakistani four “miscreants” arrest-
The BJP-led NDA govern- shelling and firing in ed in Srinagar had target-
ment had introduced the bill Bandi and Chechian vil- ed vehicles of local police
in its previous tenure and got
the Lok Sabha’s approval. But
it couldn’t pass in the Rajya
Sabha due to the vehement
protests in the Northeast
Funds crunch hits Navy’s plans lages of Poonch. The seri-
ously injured persons are
being shifted to Jammu
for specialised treatment.
A report from Poonch put
and various central secu-
rity forces with petrol
bombs in the areas of
Saraf Kadal, Bohuri
Kadal, Rajwari Kadal,
The bill lapsed after the dis- Chief of Staff says pushing for maximise effectiveness with current fleet the number of injured in
Pakistani shelling and fir-
Khanyar and Nowhatta
of central Srinagar.


solution of the 16th Lok ing at nine. “They were involved also
Sabha. PAWAN BALI | DC of its navy. At present, the terms of its effectiveness “The Pakistani troops in intimidating and thre-
Under the previous bill, NEW DELHI, DEC. 3 Navy is operating around and not count how many initiated unprovoked atening shopkeepers and
those who came to India on or 130-odd ships and is build- ships “we have.” RAJIB CHOWDHURI | DC Chinese Navy is all over ceasefire violation by fir- other businessmen based
before December 31, 2014 will A shortage in funds is ing around 50 ships. “The Chinese are doing KOLKATA, DEC. 3 the Indian Ocean. Right ing of small arms and in the old city,” a state-
benefit from the law after it forcing the Indian Navy to However, many ships what they have to do. It is now the Chinese Navy and shelling with mortars ment issued by it here
receives the President’s assent curtail its plan to be a 200- which are currently oper- moving at a pace it is capa- The Chinese Navy has Pakistan Navy are doing along the LoC in Shahpur said. It added that the
and is notified. ship fleet by 2027 as per the ating are likely to be ble of. We will move at a been found to have an exercise. It is interna- and Kirni sectors. The police investigators also
The new bill seeks to amend maritime capability per- decommissioned in the pace we are capable of. increased its presence in tional water after 12 nauti- Indian Army is retaliat- found that the “miscre-
the Citizenship Act 1955, in spective plan. Navy Chief coming years. India may Our (Indian Navy) aim the Indian Ocean for cal miles. Everybody can ing befittingly,” a brief ants” were forcing
order to grant Indian national- of Staff Adm. Karambir have 175 ships by 2027, a will be to get the maxi- snooping on India. The come. You cannot stop it. statement issued by the minors to track the move-
ity to Hindus, Sikhs, Singh on Tuesday flagged number which the Navy mum bang for the buck,” revelation comes close on But as long as we know Army’s Northern Comm- ment of J&K police and
Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and concerns over the decline Chief has termed as “opti- said Adm. Singh. the heels of reports of a they are present there, we and at Udhampur said. security forces’ vehicles
Christians who came to India in the Navy’s share in the mistic”. The Indian Navy, which PLA research vessel track them,” naval officer Earlier on Sunday, in the area. Police also
due to religious persecution in defence budget from 18 per Putting up a brave front, is circumspect of the forced by the Indian Navy Incharge (West Bengal) Pakistani authorities clai- said that four “miscre-
Bangladesh, Pakistan and cent in 2012-13 to 13 per Adm. Singh said that he Chinese presence in the to return from the exclu- Commodore Suprobho K. med that two officers of ants” involved in arson
Afghanistan even if they don’t cent in 2019-20, at a time has asked his staff to find Indian Ocean, is not invit- sive economic zone off De said at INS Netaji their Army were injured and threatening of the
have proper documents. when China is undertak- out how the Indian Navy ing the People’s Liberation Andaman & Nicobar Subhas on Tuesday during in Indian troops’ “unpro- locals in Baramulla were
Mr Shah on Tuesday held ing a rapid modernisation can maximise each ship in Army Navy to its largest Islands recently. “The Navy Day celebrations. voked” firing in Rakh- also arrested.
discussions with members of chikri area of Rawalakot

students’ bodies and civil soci- sector on their side of the Rakhchikri, Rawalakot
ety groups of Assam on the
proposed law. Assam CM
Sarbananda Sonowal was
among those who attended the MALIWAL STAGES Techie searched moon 7 hours a day LoC (opposite Poonch).
Major General Asif
Ghafoor, spokesperson of
Pakistan armed forces,
sector, along LoC. Mortar
rounds were fired on the
Pakistani post. Indian fire
effectively responded.
The groups, including the
influential All Assam

From the two LROC

every day for a week (49
hours), going through the
LROC images from Nasa.
had in a tweet said,
“Indian Army’s unpro-
voked firing in
During exchange of fire,
two officers of Pakistan
Army got injured.”
Students Union, are learnt to New Delhi, Dec. 3: images, Mr Subramanian It was worth it,”
have told the home minister of Delhi Commission for could point out to Nasa Subramanian said.
their concerns and how the
proposed legislation could
Women (DCW) chief
Swati Maliwal dug her
that a 2017 image he
analysed had no white dot
“Thank you for your
email informing us of ROW OVER TRIBAL ARRESTS
affect the indigenous people of
the Northeast, sources
heels and insisted on
staging an indefinite
whereas the September
2019 image had it at that
your discovery of debris
from the Vikram lander. ‘SACKING’ OF MAY AFFECT BJP
said. hunger strike at Jantar spot, and that could only The LROC team con-
Last week the home minister
assured a group of leaders and
Mantar here on Tuesday,
demanding capital pun-
mean that it was Vikram
lander. It was visible only
firmed that the location
does exhibit changes in RAJEEV DHAVAN
chief ministers from the ishment for rapists, even as a dot because of the res- images taken before and
Northeast that states like as police asked her to olution of 1.25 metre per after the date of the land- PARMOD KUMAR | DC From Page 1
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram vacate the place, citing pixel. ing,” said deputy project NEW DELHI, DEC. 3
and Nagaland, which are pro- court orders. “I saw the internet land- scientist Lunar The Congress is also
tected by the Inner Line Maliwal sat on a dhar- ing location. From Reconnaissance Orbiter A row has erupted exploiting the ongoing
Permit (ILP), would be shield- na at Jantar Mantar in Vikram lander’s last mission John Keller, amongst the Muslim liti- trouble over the
ed from the impact of the pro- the morning, demand- known location, I knew it according to PTI. gants who were parties “Pathalgarhi move-
posed legislation. ing capital punishment must be somewhere “Using this information, to title suit after Jamiat ment”, which considers
In other words, those non- in rape cases within six around that. I searched the LROC team did addi- Ulama-e-Hind ‘sacked’ a gram sabha as an
Muslim refugees from months of conviction. the 2x2 km sq area pixel by In this Nasa picture, a mosaic of the impact site of tional searches in the area senior counsel Rajeev autonomous unit. It
Bangladesh, Pakistan and Later, she was sta- pixel. Since the lander was Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander, found by Nasa’s Lunar and located the site of the Dhavan as its lead seeks to challenge the
Afghanistan who don’t have tioned their along with so small, I had to search Reconnaissance Orbiter. — PTI primary impact as well as lawyer while filing its right of the Indian state
valid documents, and who her supporters even as each and every pixel. I was other debris around the plea on December 2 seek- to govern tribal areas
take up Indian citizenship officials cited a court able to find something out sion, as also several inter- Subramanian’s mail land- impact location and has ing the reconsideration without violating the
under the new law, will not be order prohibiting of ordinary over there and national agencies, collabo- ed with the two space announced the sighting on of November 9 Ayodhya law. The movement’s
allowed to settle in these areas protests at Jantar I sent out a mail to Nasa”, rated in the Isro search for agencies. the Nasa and ASU pages judgment. protests are spreading
and states. Mantar beyond 5 pm and he said. clues about the lander’s “I feel happy I could find where you have been given The day started with rapidly and the govern-
A large section of people and asked her to shift to Nasa, which has been whereabouts. Nothing the debris. I had worked credit for your observa- Rajeev Dhavan describ- ment has cracked down
a few organisations in the some other place. — PTI closely following the mis- much happened, until Mr for close to seven hours tion,” he said. ing as “malicious and on the agitators. Sahay
Northeast have opposed the untrue” a statement mentioned sedition
bill, saying it will nullify the attributed to Arshad cases against 15,000 trib-
provisions of the 1985 Assam
Accord, that fixed March 24,
1971 as the cut-off date for the
deportation of all illegal
immigrants irrespective of
BJP ‘suicide squad’ ready to pull down BSY
K.N. REDDY | DC majority in the Assembly eran more than once. Most more so, by the undue ous districts have decided
Madani saying that they
wanted to file the review
petition on December 2
itself and Dhavan was
not available to settle the
als filed by the govern-
The CM had claimed
only 36 arrests.
“The BJP finds
religion. KALABURAGI, DEC. 3 after the December 5 BJP leaders are relaxing importance accorded to to strike at the opportune petition. Pathalgarhi anti-nation-
bypolls. after a hectic bypoll cam- disqualified legislators time as they feel they do However, sources said al. The government has
Denial of cabinet berths, Sources claim that a ‘sui- paign confident that the who have all been prom- not have a bright future in that it was decided that amended the rules to
which was one of the cide squad’ is taking shape party will romp home in at ised ministerial berths. the party, especially after all the petitions were benefit business houses
MAN EXPELS prime reasons for the col-
lapse of the previous JDS-
Congress coalition gov-
within the BJP which
could make a strong bid to
torpedo the Yediyurappa
least eight seats and
ensure the stability of
their government. There
They are waiting for the
post-bypoll scenario, when
major political develop-
the entry of the disquali-
fied legislators into the
being drafted under the
supervision of Rajeev
Dhavan, would be filed
and plunder forests and
mines that belong to the
tribals,” Sahay alleged.
WIFE OVER ernment in the state, could
soon haunt the B.S.
government and ensure
the installation of promi-
is however a lurking dan-
ger ‘within’ — with a
ments can be expected in
the state. As per a legisla-
He said that the proposed
‘squad’ includes MLAs
simultaneously on the
same day.
“BJP zameen bhi legi
aur tribals ki jaan bhi.”

GIRL CHILD Yediyurappa government

too with a section of dis-
gruntled BJP MLAs set to
nent Congress leader from
the Hyderabad-Karnataka
region — Mallikarjun
group of BJP legislators
who could be described as
the ‘suicide squad,’ fum-
tor of Hyderabad-
Karnataka, who is an
active member of the
drawn from Kalaburagi,
which has been denied
representation in the
A source said that
Jamiat’s action amount-
ed to sealing a march
Notwithstanding oppo-
sition attacks, BJP spin
doctors want a “blend of
Banda, Dec. 3: A 40-year-old rock the boat even if the Kharge as CM — a post ing over being neglected squad, a group of ten leg- Cabinet for the first time over other who too were local and national
woman in a village in Uttar CM secures a simple which has eluded the vet- by the party top brass and islators drawn from vari- since independence. ready with petitions. issues.”
Pradesh’s Banda district has
accused her husband of
expelling her from the house
along with her six daughters
ETERNAL | WAIT PCB-MPPCB tussle delays disposal of toxic waste, contaminates ground water BJP MP SEEKS
for allegedly giving birth to
only girls, police said on
A case was registered
against the husband and his
elder brother under various
35 years on, Bhopal awaits toxic waste disposal TROLLING OF MPS
sections of the IPC, police RABINDRA NATH Pollution Control Board incineration of one metric caused by the toxic waste DC CORRESPONDENT
said, adding that the efforts CHOUDHURY I DC (CPCB) and Madhya ton of toxic waste from the so far was the compilation NEW DELHI, DEC. 3
are on to arrest the abscond- BHOPAL, DEC. 3 Pradesh Pollution Control plant site was conducted of around 337 metric tons
ing siblings. Board (MPPCB), an esti- in Pithampur area in of chemical waste of the A day after being mas-
Banda Superintendent of Three and half decades mated ten metric tons of Indore district in 2015. factor and their storage in sively trolled on the
Police Ganesh Prasad Saha have passed since the cata- highly toxic waste, buried However, it was called off a go-down at the disaster social media following
said, “The matter pertains to strophic disaster caused inside the premises of the following locals’ protests. site. his comments on GDP
Korrahi village under Bisanda by leakage of deadly now-closed factory, were “We have been demand- A report released by MP about which he had said
police station area.” methyl isocyanate (MIC) yet to be disposed off, lead- ing the Centre to move the government recently said that it has no relevance
Accompanied by her six in the pesticide plant of ing to contamination of UN Environment Progra- plans were afoot to dispose and should not be treat-
daughters, Shahjahan met the Union Carbide here, ground water in the mme for technology to off 1.1 metric tons of con- ed as ‘Bible, Ramayan
SP at his office on Monday struck Bhopal in Madhya region. incinerate the toxic waste taminated soil, one metric and Mahabharat,’ BJP
alleging that her husband Pradesh in the night of “A tussle has been going buried in the factory site. ton of mercury spillage, MP Nishikant Dubey
Lukman had expelled her December 2-3, 1984, leav- on between CPCB and But, our pleas have gone the corroded factory weig- urged the government to
from the house for giving ing over 15000 people dead MPPCB over taking The Union Carbide factory in Bhopal. — DC unheard,” Rachna Dhin- hing around 1500 metric frame a law to regulate
birth to only girls. and impacting even third responsibility of dispos- gra, another activist strug- tons and 150 metric tons of social media with regard
The woman also accused her generation of survivors, ing of the toxic waste of water from 18 colonies an organisation fighting gling to provide succor to chemical dumps from the to Parliament proceed-
husband and brother-in-law of but the toxic waste of the buried in the factory to 48 colonies over three for the causes of the vic- the tragedy victims. site. However, experts ings. He also sought pro-
injuring her with a knife, the killer factory was yet to be premises. This has halted and half decades”, tims of Bhopal gas The only measure under- feared that around 11 lakh tection from the Lok
SP said. She also alleged that disposed off. the process of clearing the Satinath Sarangi of tragedy, told this newspa- taken by the MP govern- metric tons of soil in and Sabha Speaker for law-
her husband was trying to Thanks to the tussle site of the toxic waste, Bhopal Group for per on Tuesday. According ment so far to mitigate the around the factory may makers from being
divorce her and re-marry. between the Central leading to contamination Information and Action, to official sources, test environment problems have been contaminated. trolled.
Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our Do what you feel in your heart to be right —
most secret self for you’ll be criticised anyway


Homilies, impotent rage Subhani

hide the sickness within
arliament was rightly exercised over the gruesome crime against
Hyderabadi vet “Disha” (police officially adopted this pseudonym
long after millions had already chanted her real name in street
protests, social media posts and newspaper debates). She was the
victim of a spontaneous crime by four men who then, perhaps fearing the
consequences of their actions given the existing stringent punishment
enacted by Parliament with the Nirbhaya law of 2013, burned her with
diesel purchased “loose” at a nearby petrol pump. The nation is shocked,
and that was reflected as members across parties rose to speak their
anguish of a young and promising life snuffed out.
However, Parliament expressed its impotence by wrongly resorting to
bloodlust. “Lynch them,” said Rajya Sabha member Jaya Bachchan — in
English. Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu spoke of showing no mercy to the

rapist-murderers, just in case anyone was contemplating being merciful.
Both he and Leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad spoke of bringing in
stringent laws and nipping these crimes in the bud. Others used the occa-
sion to settle political scores. A bunch of homilies which generated a lot of
heat but shed no light.
The laws are stringent enough. Indeed, the law includes capital punish-
ment which is of dubious value when it comes to deterrence of crime —
If trust breaks down, a NEW LOW
What was said by the par-

society cannot survive

nowhere in the world has capital punishment led to a downward trend in liamentarians on the rape
heinous crimes. Certainly none of the four accused would have thought and murder of Disha is
that they might end up on the gallows when they suddenly hatched their nothing new, except that
plot, reportedly in a haze of alcohol. But as is increasingly the case, once
they embarked on the crime and realised it could turn out badly for them, some of the suggestions
they burned Disha’s body. It was not enough for them to get away with it, were more barbaric like
but it highlighted the trend of rapists killing their victims so as to wipe out a country’s policy envi- Aadhaar? It’s the fear of lynching, castration and
any evidence of their crime. ronment, they hesitate descent into an
And still, in Parliament, they talked not just about capital punishment as to sink money into it.” Orwellian state. In the immediate hanging
a panacea for rape, but also of lynching. As it is, state-sanctioned murder Patralekha Is it only economists
who are critical of the
Hollywood conspiracy
thriller, Enemy of the
(Bloodlust in Parliament
is something civilised societies ought to steer clear of, and here some par- over Disha’s gang-rape.
liamentarians were talking of society-sanctioned mob violence. The test of Chatterjee Narendra Modi govern- State, rogue elements of
Dec. 2). These are the pun-
our civility is our adherence to law in the face of the most heinous and ment and are flagging the American NSA use
ghastly crimes that occur. the urgent need to technology to falsely ishments to be meted out
As for nipping it in the bud: the only way to do so is for our glorious civil- Dev 360 restore trust in the implicate the character after the incident has hap-
isation to overhaul itself. It is not just the patriarchy, or the objectification social and economic fab- played by actor Will pened. What was not heard
of women, or the putting on a pedestal the son by Mommy dearest, or our ric of the country? Smith, gets him fired
was how such heinous

political leaders telling women what clothes to wear; it is a fundamental magine going to a about commentary in a What should an ordi- from his job, and shuts
change we have to bring to our collective thinking, the pathology of which restaurant, order- national daily, former nary Indian make of two down his phone, credit crime can be nipped in the
was manifest in Hyderabad lately by people searching porn sites for videos ing a meal, paying Prime Minister Man- eminent Indian entre- cards and bank bud. Enforce the law with-
of Disha’s rape, or by the sight of families stopping at the site where she for it, expecting to mohan Singh, a globally- preneurs publicly talk- accounts. All these tech-
was raped and killed — for a selfie. Truly, we are a sick society, and no be served and then renowned economist, ing about the debilitat- nologies are being out fear or favour.
amount of breast-beating and lynching is going to change that. discovering that neither linked the deeply worry- ing nature of fear and deployed today so it’s G. Atchitanand Reddy
the dishes you ordered, ing trends in the econo- the lack of trust in the hard to dismiss them as Tanuku
nor anything else that my with a deeper under- past week? mere fantasy. In a coun-
you fancy, are available. lying malaise. As nomi- Biocon chairperson try where corruption is The urban class has expressed dis-
What’s happening in Iran? Imagine if the person
managing the place also
tells that you can’t have
nal GDP growth falls to a
15-year low, joblessness
rises to a 45-year high,
and managing director
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
has been quoted in the
rampant, where trust in
the government — any
government — is low,
tress and protests still continuing
to condemn the ghastly gang-rape
and murder of Disha. There was
where predatory rogue

ince Iran’s media isn’t free and the state is authoritarian, and your money back since household consumption media saying that the megre cognizance, formal mention
Western reporting must be viewed with caution due to the curbs in he does not have sinks to a four-decade government did not officials abound, where and coverage by the media in the
place, it isn’t easy to ascertain the political impact of the protests that change, and that you low, bad loans in banks want to hear any criti- institutions are routine- same urban class about the tribal
rocked the country in November, and the strong governmental repression can come back the next breaking all records, cism of the economy, ly subverted to settle woman Aparichita, a hawker who
that followed. day for your meal. Or and growth in electricity while expressing hope scores and where the was gang-raped and murdered in
The protests after the November 14 rationing of already very cheap imagine the reverse — generation standing at a that it reaches out to judiciary cannot be daylight (Dalit alleges bias after
petrol, and raising of its price by 50 per cent, spread rapidly across Iran, that you are a restau- 15-year low, Dr Singh India Inc to work out counted on to reliably wife's rape, Dec. 2). This pathetic
suggesting public receptivity. At some places it turned violent. Initial rant owner and a cus- argued that the function- solutions to revive uphold the rule of law scenario can be attributed to pref-
reports of deaths after police firing were modest, but later Amnesty tomer refuses to pay ing of any economy is growth. Her observa- and protect citizens’ erential n biased attitudes of offi-
International spoke of 208 deaths, which Tehran denied. after having had a meal. the result of the com- tions come soon after rights, it is no surprise cials at the helm of affairs and the
This figure is unsubstantiated. But the official Iranian media too have Luckily, this does not bined set of exchanges veteran industrialist that there is so much media.
spoken of many deaths in police action, though no figure was provided. happen often because and social interactions Rahul Bajaj told home angst around the exten- Kottala Venkataramudu
What is undeniable is the frequency of large-scale public protests that there is tacit trust among its people and minister Amit Shah at a sion of Aadhaar to sce- Anantapur
spread quickly. In December 2017-January 2018, nationwide protests were between a consumer institutions and that public event in Mumbai narios well beyond its
set off by a hike in food prices. Two years later, petrol is the trigger.
Officially, Tehran accepts that 75 per cent of the population is vulnera-
and a service provider
and both parties respect
“mutual trust and self-
confidence are the
that there was an
“atmosphere of fear”
original scope,” Mr
Venkatesan observed. JAGAN’S VIEW
ble. The US sanctions under President Donald Trump’s “maximum pres- the deal that something bedrock of such social and that people were Much of what these The statement of Chief Minister
sure” policy, after Washington resiled from the 2015 nuclear agreement that has been consumed transactions among peo- afraid to criticise the eminent persons say is Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy is both
with Iran last year, have evidently taken their toll. The economy con- has to be paid for, and ple that foster economic government because well known. They are noteworthy and praiseworthy
tracted nine per cent, inflation is at 40 per cent, and unemployment is vice versa. growth. Our social fab- they do not have the articulating that the (Humanity is my religion: Jagan,
high. It’s probably to address this situation that President Hassan As we know from our ric of trust and confi- confidence that the gov- economy doesn’t exist in Dec. 2). It has very broad implica-
Rouhani’s government decided last month to cut petrol subsidies to meet day-to-day experience, dence is now torn and ernment will appreciate a vacuum, that to do tions if implemented in the truest
other pressing needs of the bulk of the 82 million population. without a degree of ruptured”. any criticism. well it needs rules of the of spirit. In yesteryears,
But the timing of implementing the IMF-mandated move seems odd as trust, no economic Lack of trust in the Last year, Ravi game, and it is the elect- Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and
parliamentary elections are due in two months. If that suggests a quiet transaction is possible. fairness of the system Venkatesan, a well- ed government’s job to Swami Vivekananda said that
move within the higher levels of the ecclesiastical regime to embarrass Trust lies at the heart plays out at several lev- known business leader create institutions that many views, many paths leading to
the moderate President, more information is needed for a confirmation. of today’s complex glob- els. If you fear that your and former chairman of make sure that the rules God are genuine and would lead to
al economy. action or word may be Microsoft India, pub- are fairly and equally the Ultimate destination if pursued
Prosperous countries misconstrued, you could licly pointed out that the applied to everyone. sincerely without hatred for other
often tend to be those retreat into a shell of strident and polarised Without this, economic paths. These days, religious fanati-
DECCAN CHRONICLE where business relations silence and inactivity. debate around Aadhaar transactions, invest- cism is the prime cause for blood-
between people can be Dr Singh said that many was actually a reflection ment and risk-taking shed the world over. People have to
ADITYA SINHA T. VENKATESWARLU conducted on the basis of industrialists have told of the fact that India is a can’t proceed with mini- seek refuge in the sage of this age
Editor Printer & Publisher trust, such as Germany, him that they live in low-trust society and mal costs and smoothly. like Ramakrishna.
Japan and (perhaps sur- fear of harassment by this has profound conse- That is currently not Dr E. Praveen Kumar
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: prisingly) the United the government authori- quences for our future. happening in India. Kakinada
States, as political scien- ties, that bankers were “Why are so many peo- Arguably, the absence
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad - 500 003, Ph: 040-27803930-4; Fax : 040-27805256
tist Francis Fukuyama reluctant to give new ple anxious about of trust between citizens
Vijayawada: No.C-3 & 4 Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.), Ph: 0866-
2555284/2555287; Telefax: 0866-2555234 famously argued in his loans for fear of retribu- Aadhaar despite the and the state is not
Visakhapatnam: Survey No.1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony, 1996 bestseller Trust: tion and that entrepre- assurances of the gov- entirely a new phenom- At the end of the TSRTC strike, TS
Visakhapatnam - 530 017 (A.P), Ph: 0891-2552333/2552334; Fax: 0891-2755285 The Social Virtues And neurs were hesitant to ernment and Nandan enon. But with the Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawaleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry, Ph: 0883-2417618/2417208; Telefax: 0883- The Creation Of Pros- put up fresh projects for Nilekani, the well- Indian economy in dire Rao held a two-hour session with
2417208 perity: Human Nature fear of failure attributed respected father of straits, articulation of its employees in a congenial atmos-
Anantapur: Thapovan colony, Bangalore By-Pass Road, Anantapur - 515004, Ph: 08554-276903; Fax: and the Reconstitution of to ulterior motives. these thoughts by pub- phere to win their heart and good-
08554-276904 Social Order. In a commentary in the lic figures is something will by announcing reliefs (KCR
Karimnagar: Survey No.1341, Vavilalapally Colony, Jagityala Road, Karimnagar - 505 001, Ph: 0878-
One should not have to New York Times, titled
It is the elected that can’t be ignored. showers sops on RTC staff, Dec. 2).
2228908; Telefax: 0878-2220433
reaffirm such first prin- “India and the Mistrust government’s job to Shooting the messen- Thus the suffering of RTC employ-
Nellore: Survey No.527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemmudugunta Panchayat, Nellore,
Ph: 0861-2348581/82; Telefax: 0861-2348580 ciples. But recent state- Economy”, Kaushik create institutions ger, or dismissing them ees becomes a forgotten happening
Chennai: SP-3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032, Ph: 044-22254747/ ments by several public Basu, a former chief eco- that make sure that as people with ulterior in the history.
48/50/51; Advt Fax: 22254765/22254766/42305325 figures, including a for- nomic adviser to the motives, would be P. Koormarao
Government of India
the rules are fairly unfortunate.
Bengaluru: 5th Floor, BMTC Commercial Complex, 80 Feet Road, Koramangala, Bengaluru-560 095 Ph: mer Prime Minister, Visakhapatnam
080-43460500; Fax: 080-22960552. zeroing in on how mis- and now a Cornell applied to everyone.
Coimbatore: 77, Vivekananda Road, Ramnagar, Coimbatore - 641 009, Ph : 0422 2231255 trust is corroding not University professor, Without this, trans- The writer focuses on Email your letters to
Kochi: No.3-B, 3rd Floor of DD TRADE TOWER, Kaloor-Kadavanthara Road, Ernakulam, Ph: 0484- only the social fabric also pointed out: “A drop development issues in
4039408 actions, investment,
but also the health of the in investment is usually and risk-taking India and emerging
Thiruvananthapuram: St Joseph s Press, TC 15/1040, Cotton Hill, Thycaud (PO), Thiruvananthapuram
economy, tells you how connected to a lack of economies. She can be You can
695 014 can’t proceed with
Kozhikode: Door No 6/1002 E, First Floor of City Mall, Opp. YMCA, Kannur Road, Kozhikode - 673 critical it is to address trust in the present and reached at also send them to Editor, Deccan
001, Fax : 0495 4019 018 the issue. the near future. When minimal costs and patralekha.chatterjee@g Chronicle, 36, Sarojini Devi Road,
Gram: CHRONICLE Postal registration no: No. H/SD-348/2006-08 In a widely talked businesses worry about smoothly. Secunderabad-500 003.

very few months or so, the dential fetishism is also slightly dif- tem allows them to build a motorway tarian behaviour with minority back to Deng’s reform period,
demand for a ‘presidential ferent from previous iterations on at at lightning speed, it’s surely worth groups, it is worth clarifying some Milanovic argues that political capi-
system’ of government in least two counts. One is its frequen- importing’. Less facetiously, high important features of China’s politi- talism exhibits two main features:
Pakistan makes an appear- cy, which seems to be picking up growth rates, ‘strict rule of law’, zero- cal economy before embracing it as The first is a highly skilled, techno-
ance on various social media sites. pace since this government took tolerance for corruption, and the an ideal. cratically efficient, and meritocrati-
This happens most prominently on office in July 2018. It appears an ever- overall welfare success of this devel- In an excellent new book on the cally recruited bureaucracy. This
Umair Javed Twitter, where a number of users
share similarly worded tweets, all
increasing number of people from
one side of the partisan divide
opmental model are usually cited as
reasons for systemic emulation.
past, present, and future of economic
systems, titled Capitalism, Alone,
bureaucracy (which is clearly the
primary beneficiary of the system)
using the same hashtag. believe that the lack of executive This is curious because China’s Branko Milanovic draws a sharp has as its main duty to realise high
On its own, there’s nothing wrong authority with the Prime Minister’s actually existing political system contrast between two ideal types of economic growth and implement
with the demand for a constitutional Office, the reliance on largely incom- (what drives its well-publicised capitalism that have shown relative policies that allow this goal to be
redesign. Political systems are, theo- petent ministers, and the cumber- growth story) is considerably under- durability. Liberal meritocratic capi- achieved. Growth is ultimately need-

Here’s why the retically, not set in stone, and neither

are constitutions. Parties in a num-
ber of countries have contested for
power on platforms that seek to
some legislative procedures required
to push through ‘change’, are hold-
ing the country back.
The second change is the citation of
discussed in mainstream political
conversations across Pakistan. The
print and electronic media doesn’t
report on China’s domestic politics,
talism, exemplified by the US, and
increasingly characterised by pluto-
cratic levels of inequality and dispar-
ity. And political capitalism, exem-
ed for the legitimisation of continued
bureaucratic and party rule.
The second feature is the absence of
rule of law, rather than its unequivo-

Chinese model change electoral systems, voting for-

mulae, power-sharing arrangements
between different social groups, and
two countries as case studies worthy
of emulation — China and Turkey.
While the infatuation with Erdogan
and it rarely reveals any insight into
what drives economic growth.
There’s a recurring caricature of
plified by China, which stands as the
only present-day alternative to
organising politics and economics in
cal application. This, Milanovic
argues, is necessary to ensure that
the interests of businessmen (and the

is unsuitable for relations between the executive, leg-

islature, and the judiciary. If any-
thing, initiating a public conversa-
tion on institutional redesign is cer-
has been around for a while, the sys-
temic embrace of Turkey is relative-
ly new. What’s also interesting is
that believers in the ‘China model’
strong leadership, mythical levels of
anti-corruption, and decisiveness, in
drawing rooms, WhatsApp groups,
and TV studios alike, but that’s
a particular configuration, since the
implosion of communism (or state
China’s political capitalism,
private sector in general) are never
in a position to become primary dri-
vers of government behaviour.
Instead, the state retains authority

Pakistan’s govt tainly more practical and preferable

than cheerleading for ad hoc inter-
ventions by a particular organ of the
seem to be increasing in proportion
to the country’s enhanced footprint
on Pakistan’s economic and strategic
where the depth of it ends.
Leaving aside the moral and func-
tional desirability of parliamentary
according to Milanovic, rests ironi-
cally on certain pillars some of which
seem to be at odds with its popular
and autonomy precisely because it
can choose to apply the law to
whomever and wherever it wishes.
state. decision-making. The drawing room democracy in ethnically fractured caricature in the Pakistani imagina-
The most recent chorus of presi- logic is some variant of ‘if their sys- societies, and China’s own authori- tion. Tracing the current system By arrangement with Dawn
Word SPY
One who believes the US government A jobless person who has access to money — especially a
perpetrated or allowed 9/11 trust fund income — and who affects a bohemian lifestyle
| 4| DECEMBER 2019

Will Hyd get 5 acres to build a new Charminar?

manages the Charminar, Majlis (MIM) leadership
There is now a sec- has in no uncertain terms care about it or dare to do
tarian conflict declared the structure as anything about it. Now the
brewing out of a an unauthorized construc- temple’s builders are
Mohan Guruswamy plan to expand the tion. The Hyderabad high
court has stopped any fur-
claiming it was the
Charminar that came up
Bhagyalaxmi ther expansion of the tem- around it. This is a traves-
Temple growing out ple. While the origin of the ty, and an outright lie. This
of the southeastern temple is now disputed, the temple must be removed
corner of current structure that and the Charminar
Hyderabad’s iconic houses the idol was erected restored to its original con-

he Charminar is jaise (Fill this city of mine in the 1990s. ception. The two “then”
to Hyderabad with people as You filled Charminar Several magazines and and “now” photos tell the
what the Eiffel the river with fishes, O newspapers have pub- truth.
Tower is to Paris Lord).” Clearly the Lord lished old photos that show Over the years we have a
or the Hawa listened to his prayers, for the monument has no reli- the temple never existed. A tacit understanding that
Mahal is to Jaipur. It is its now Hyderabad is India’s gious overtones. It has temple became visible in religious encroachments
signature monument. The fastest growing metropolis, never been used as a the Charminar photos only on public spaces and even
former Hyderabad state and was listed by National mosque. To me it is a rare after 1990. I have been visit- property will not be
had the Charminar on all Geographic magazine in instance of secular Islamic ing the Charminar since I removed, even if it causes
its coinage. It is as old as 2015 as the second best architecture in India. The was a child and have also the people much disloca-
Hyderabad itself. place in the world to visit. Archaeological Survey of seen the small stone with tion and distorts the origi-
Muhammed Quli Qutb How Hyderabad came to India (ASI), the current vermillion applied, which nal pristinity. Thus, we
Shah (1580-1611 CE), the be called that is a now a leg- caretaker of the structure, grew from a passerby’s have mandirs and mazars
fifth sultan of the Qutb endary love story that mentions in its records: whim to a small shrine, rampantly encroaching on
Shahi dynasty of Golconda, begins with the young “There are various theo- and now a full-blown tem- public space and our sensi-
laid the foundation of the prince falling in love with a ries regarding the purpose ple. It is also said that a bilities. We need a serious
iconic Charminar to sym- beautiful Hindu woman he Charminar earlier; Charminar now for which the Charminar stone was placed in that conversation on this.
bolise the founding of espied at the exact spot the was constructed. However, corner as a RTC bus doing Secularism does not mean
Hyderabad. He was a con- Charminar stands today. Abu al-Faiz ibn Mubarak, event was celebrated far ple to the demand in cer- it is widely accepted that a turn around the indifference to lawlessness.
temporary of both Akbar More contemporary ver- popularly known by his and wide in the Islamic tain rabid RSS quarters to the Charminar was built at Charminar brushed it, and It actually means greater
and Jehangir. Hyderabad sions have another Salim- pen name, Faizi, who was world, thus Qutb Shah rename the city as the centre of the city to the stone was placed to pro- respect for the law. Now
was intended as a citadel of Anarkali tale in the the Malik-ush-Shu’ara founded the city of Bhagyanagar. A BJP MLA, commemorate the eradica- tect it from future errant that is something for the
Muslim power in the Deccan. Only this time (poet laureate) of Akbar’s Hyderabad to celebrate the Raja Singh, from the near- tion of cholera", a deadly drivers. In time the stone courts to once again define.
Deccan. Qutb Shah was an beauty was rewarded with court, after a visit to event and commemorate it by Hindu-dominated con- disease which was wide- gathered vermillion on it. I wonder how the courts
accomplished poet and a city. In 1589, Muhammed Hyderabad wrote to Akbar with the construction of stituency of Maharajganj, spread at that time. The present governor, a will view the Charminar’s
wrote his poetry in Quli Qutb Shah married that the place commemo- this building. Due to its has been quite shrill about True, there is a mosque RSS appointee, even visit- desecration. Maybe they
Persian, Telugu and Urdu. the Hindu woman, rates “a hardened whore”. architecture, it is also this. Given Bhagmati’s on the top deck. But that ed the temple to offer will give the people of
His famous ghazal “piya Bhagmati, reputed to be a According to Jean de called the Arc de Triomphe questionable antecedents, was par for the course in all prayers, further sanctify- Hyderabad five acres of
baaj pyaala piya jaye na, courtesan, who remained Thévenot, a French trav- of the East. the likes of Raja Singh need Muslim structures. Even ing its illegality. It has land elsewhere to build a
piya baaj ek din jiya jaye with him as his queen till eller of the 17th century There is now a sectarian a better genealogy for the Taj Mahal, a maqbara, grown like a giant carbun- new Charminar?
na” is still a favourite at his death in 1611. The sul- whose narration was com- conflict brewing out of a Bhagyanagar, hence the has a mosque. This reflect- cle and right under the
soirees today. While laying tan bestowed the title of plemented with the avail- plan to expand the concocted story of a temple ed the socio-political reali- nose of the Charminar The writer, a policy analyst
the foundation of Hyder Mahal on Bhagmati, able Persian texts, the Bhagyalaxmi Temple of Bhagyalaxmi. The exis- ty of the era. police station. studying economic and
Charminar, Qutb Shah and hence the name of the Charminar was construct- growing out of the south- tence of this shrine and its About the temple named Over the years I have security issues, held senior
recited a couplet in new city came to be ed in the year 1591, to com- eastern corner of expansion now threatens Bhagyalaxmi Temple, that been asking various people positions in government
Dakhni: “Mere shahr logon Hyderabad. Bhagmati’s memorate the beginning of Hyderabad’s iconic the syncretic culture of is now located at the south- in authority to demolish it. and industry. He also spe-
se mamoor kar, Rakhiyo lowly origins evoked some the second Islamic millen- Charminar. One must Hyderabad. Contrary to a west base of the Char- Neither the police, nor any cialises in the Chinese econ-
joto darya mein machhli harsh opinions. Shaikh nium year (1000 AH). The relate the name of this tem- widely held misconception, minar, the ASI, which chief minister or even the omy.

Ordinary Muslims ready to accept Let’s not abandon elders

Babri ruling, but who’s listening? who suffer memory loss laugh. Yes, we had driven quently illustrated by the
the world”, says Khalil, mosque also ever thinks of together from Pisa air- psychiatrist Colin
“It’s all a question of
‘Young Muslims like
me do not even fre- the Muslims of Ayodhya. Elisa Segrave port to his father-in-law’s Brewer’s new book title:
how we deal with issues as “Except for Zafaryab house. “I remember it all O, Let me not get
they arise.” quent our neigh- Jilani who has been there very clearly!” he Alzheimer’s, Sweet
Javed Anand By way of illustration, bourhood mosque; once or twice, no religious declared. Heaven! I understand it’s

he cites an example from why on earth or political leader has ever y beloved At other times, his painful to see someone
the time when he was thought it fit to visit grandmother memories were more you’ve known as full of
sarpanch. In Lasangaon
should we be wor- Ayodhya and meet those muddled. I mentioned life sometimes talking
died at 90, and
the gram panchayat rying about a they claim to lead,” my mother at Pamela Berry, wife of gibberish, but we must
office, an Urdu medium mosque a thousand laments Halim. 89, after having Michael Berry, his for- not abandon that person.

he high priests say save the mosque, I say school and a small Maruti miles away? Why Here is how he began an Alzheimer’s for 11 years. mer Telegraph employer. Cynthia Kee, who
of Indian Islam save the Muslims). He temple had stood cheek by doesn’t anyone article he wrote in Bedari, So I am not rattled by the “I was very fond of her. Is turned 90 in May, is
have decided to proceeded to add: jowl. In the late 1980s, following his last trip to old; I find their memory she still alive?” another friend of mine
file a review “Hamare jaise naujawan Hindus demanded more focus on what our Ayodhya in 2017: “In lapses challenging rather When I said she’d died a with memory loss. It was
petition chal- Musalman apne paas ki space for a grander tem- real issues are?’ Ayodhya there is no than frightening. (If I while ago (1982), he in her house in Goodge
lenging the recent deci- masjid to jaate nahin; phir ple. “As sarpanch, I fully Muslim doctor, no lawyer, were the full-time carer of exclaimed “Oh no!” and Street that I first met
sion of the apex court in hajaar meel door Ayodhya supported the demand. no engineer, no teacher. an elderly husband, it then declared: “She had a Perry, at one of her par-
the Ayodhya land dispute. ki masjid ko bachane ki The gram panchayat Muslims there do not have might be another matter. lavish life.” ties. Cynthia can be
In his recent column on kisko padi hai? Hamare office and the Urdu medi- a single school or college One woman described it What about old family? vague about the present
these pages (‘Ayodhya: asli sawaalon par koyee um school were relocated shahar mein shandaar of their own. There’s not as being strangled slowly Did he remember his but she tells lively anec-
Seek compromise, don’t kyon nahin jor deta? and the whole issue was dawatein sajengee. Babri even a madarsa, no Mus- by a python.) mother? dotes about her early life.
stoke fires’, Nov. 22) (Young Muslims like me amicably resolved,” Masjid to wapas banne se lim organisation, no busi- I recently visited 96- “Very distantly.” She was told she was too
Saeed Naqvi indicated do not even frequent our Khalil recalls. rahi, kya mile ga aam nessman, no organisation year-old Sir Peregrine Although he was physi- fat to be a -dancer (though
that a pollster is planning neighbourhood mosque; What does he think of the Musalman ko is review se? for the welfare of the com- Worsthorne, former cally helpless for all of in her eighties she jitter-
an opinion poll among why on earth should we proposed review petition? (What will the review munity worth mention... columnist, journalist and my visit, Perry retained bugged regularly at the
Indian Muslims on where be worrying about a Khalil: “Muslims must achieve? Except that it Such is the fate of Ayo- editor of the Sunday his beautiful manners 100 Club on Oxford
they stand on the mandir- mosque a thousand miles gracefully accept the ver- will keep our ulema and dhya’s Muslims 25 years Telegraph, at his house in and seemed concerned Street) so instead she
masjid row. That, I think, away? Why doesn’t any- dict of the Supreme Court. other leaders in the lime- after the demolition.” Bucks. In May, his wife when I brought his lunch became a journalist. She
is a splendid idea. one focus on what our Whether we agree with light for some more years? The article notes that (writer Lucinda that I might not be going got a job on Smallholder
Leaders don’t think they real issues are?)” the judgment or not, we They will fly around from survival for a large num- Lambton) and a kind to have some too. I found magazine.
ever need to consult the Meet political activist should desist from doing city to city, deliver stir- ber of Muslim families Croatian carer were pre- his company soothing For her first story she
led: the shepherd must Khalil Deshmukh, a anything to vitiate the ring speeches, feast on lav- depends on the flower gar- sent. This time, the two of and didn’t mind that he had to cover a reception
herd his flock and that’s native of Lasgaon village, atmosphere. We should ish spreads arranged in lands the women make us were alone for three couldn’t always summon — “John Innes No. 2
that. So the outcome of Pachora taluka, Jalgaon. treat this issue as a closed their honour. Forget the daily, for the Hindu pil- hours. Perhaps this made the words that were in his Compost”. She ending up
the opinion poll may About 25 per cent of the chapter and concentrate Babri mosque ever being grims to offer to the gods it easier for Perry, and brain. After all, it was writing a weekly ‘Pig and
leave the self-proclaimed population in this Hindu- on issues of peace and rebuilt, what will the com- at the over one thousand me, to focus. more frustrating for him Poultry’ piece. After win-
custodians of faith un- majority village is progress, for the commu- mon Muslim gain from temples in Ayodhya. It I brought up key figures than me. ning the Vogue talent
moved. But it could be an Muslim. When the first nity and the country.” this review?)” also talks of the many from his past. When I Many readers will be contest, she went on to
eye-opener for the rest of gram panchayat was set Meet Halim Siddiqui, While the Babri mosque mosques in the town mentioned the deceased familiar with the sorts of work at the photojournal-
us. While we await the re- up in Lasgaon in the 1950s, social activist and editor in Ayodhya remains which are routinely short Telegraph writer Colin excuses one hears far too istic magazine Picture
sults of such a poll, for a Khalil’s father, Dada of Bedari, a monthly Urdu among the top priorities of of namaazis. And several Welch, Perry responded: often from friends of Post, and then became
foretaste of what the opin- Miyan Deshmukh was magazine published from the ulema and leaders others where no namaaz “Yes, we were great those who are suffering one of the few women in
ion seekers might find, elected the sarpanch and Malegaon, a Muslim- such as Asaduddin is offered post sunset as friends. We were at from memory loss. “No television at the time,
here read the responses of he stayed in that post for majority textile town in Owaisi, what continues to the local Muslims cannot school together. We went point visiting. He’s too where she found intervie-
three Muslims from three 12 uninterrupted years. north Maharashtra. A agonise Halim is the sta- afford to pay electricity into the army together. far gone.” “No, I haven’t wees as a researcher on
different districts of Years later, Khalil was soft-spoken person, he tus of the Muslims of that bills. We were in a show togeth- been to see her. I gather the BBC’s Tonight pro-
Maharashtra. sarpanch for 10 long years. normally measures his temple town. Since the For the Muslim leader- er. His son came here a she’s out with the gramme. (Nina Simone,
Meet Akbar Shaikh, a Even today, the Lasgaon words. But ask him what mosque’s demolition in ship, the demolished few days ago. He comes fairies.” Are diagnoses of her favourite, asked
small farmer, author, poet village credit society is he thinks about the review 1992, he has made three Babri Masjid remains a very often.” Alzheimer’s or dementia Cynthia for “haff a
and social activist from run by a team that looks petition and he erupts. trips there, the last being national concern. As for (I checked with Welch’s perhaps giving potential boiled egg”.)
Ujni village in Madha up to Khalil for inspira- “Review se kya nikle ga? two years ago. The pur- the Muslims of Ayodhya, daughter Frances and she visitors a get-out? These We must keep listening
taluka, Solapur. Asked tion and direction. Bus itna hi na ki hamare pose of his visit each time who cares? confirmed all this; her medical terms, though to the very old. It’s like
what he thought of the Does Lasgaon not have a ulema aur digar Muslim was the same: to talk to as brother Nick visits fre- important concerning panning for gold — every
proposed review petition, Hindu-Muslim, mandir- leadron ki dukaan kuch many as he can, to under- The writer in convener, quently.) He could recall medication and future so often we may find
pat came the response: masjid problem? “It’s not aur saal chamkegi? Yeh stand their situation and Indian Muslims for some incidents with clar- cures, tend to separate treasure.
“Woh kahte hain masjid just my village, inter-com- sab hawayee jahaz se to enquire if the national Secular Democracy, and ity. “Do you remember ‘us’ from ‘them’. There’s
bachao, mai kehta hoon munity relations continue hawa mein udenge, taqreer leadership which is so co-editor, Sabrang going to Italy, you and also the fear of ending up By arrangement with
Musalman bachao” (They to be cordial in our part of jhadenge. Inke liye shahar concerned with the India Online me?” he asked, with a like ‘them’, as is elo- the Spectator

Noisy scenes in Lok Sabha

Abide by Buddha’s three great truths over Bengal affairs

way to happiness, fulfilment, matter as trees and stones. Like Buddha, the true teachers believe in integration, not
NEW DELHI, Dec. 3.
THE Lok Sabha today 50 YEARS AGO IN
and tranquillity. Buddha believed that knowing have always emphasised the dichotomies. witnessed noisy scenes
Moin At the heart of Buddha’s teach-
ings are the three great truths
that all things are impermanent
subdues the proud and gives
need for retaining the equilibri-
um between the material and
What we do in our physical
lives affects us spiritually and
with the CPI and CPI(M)
engaged in exchanges
Qazi known as the Seal of the Tree
Laws: first, “All things are
hope to the wretched, encourag-
ing them both to make spiritual
spiritual scales of life. In an anal-
ogy, the Sufi master Rumi likens
vice versa. We cannot look at
our lives in a vacuum. Spinoza
with Jana Sangh, PSP and
Swatantra Party mem- the House had no jurisdic-
impermanent,” that is, all things progress. By his own action he the world to a river and the indi- says, “Nature abhors vacuum”. bers over the law and tion to discuss the matter.
and phenomena constantly showed the wis- vidual to a boat. In order to He might as well have said that order situation in West Home Minister Y.B.
change; second, “Nothing has an dom of modera- float the boat needs the sup- life abhors a vacuum. Bengal. Chavan said “it is not the
ego,” which is to say, all things tion. He was born port of water, but when the Thus, the achievement of an As the House took up a intention of the Central

pictetus was born into in the universe exist in interre- into a life of great boat develops a hole the ideal and perfect life is not call-attention motion on Government to take any
slavery in the eastern lationship with one another; and luxury, and he same water fills the boat restricted to any particular the fast undertaken by precipitate action” in
outreaches of the Roman third, “Nirvana is quiescence,” soon got tired of and drowns it. Similarly, an class of people, nor is it related Chief Minister Ajoy West Bengal. At this
empire. Sold as a child that is, the ultimate freedom lies it. Then he tried a individual needs certain with the degree of learning, Mukherjee “in protest stage, he said, “we can
and crippled from the beatings in getting rid of greed, aggres- life of excessive basic necessities for his wealth or power. It is a mindset against the widespread only wish him (Mr. Ajoy
of his master, Epictetus was sion and self-delusion. The law, mortification, daily sustenance. But once that grows out of a pure heart. violence and lawlessness” Mukherjee) well.”
eventually freed. He rose from or truth, “All things are imper- and before long these material things preoc- in the State, the CPI and Mr. Chavan said the fast
his bitter beginning to establish manent,” refers to the unceasing he grew weary of that too. At last cupy his mind, they ruin him Moin Qazi is a well-known CPI(M) members unsuc- by Mr. Mukherjee “is
an influential school of Stoic changes occurring in our minds, he chose a middle course and spiritually. banker, author and Islamic cessfully tried to stall con- indicative of his deep con-
philosophy. Epictetus dedicated in all phenomena as also in found true happiness in the doc- Sufis consider the spirit and researcher. He can be reached at sideration of the issue by cern over the deteriorat-
his life to outlining the simple solid, physical manifestation of trine of “nothing too much”. body to be one whole. They raising a series of points ing law and order situa-
of order, contending that tion in the State.”
US President Donald Trump said he did not want to
interfere in Britain’s election, and that he thinks PM Boris 10
Johnson is capable of doing a good job

2019 in top three hottest Christmas feast

They (predeccesors)
years on record, UN says
were unable to Climate change outpaces humanity’s ability to adapt to it
prevent the spread of
Islamic extremism
—Gotabaya Rajapaksa
Sri Lankan President
Madrid, Dec. 3: This
decade is set to be the
hottest in history, the
United Nations said on
Extreme weather unhealthy
Tuesday in an annual Geneva, Dec. 3: Climate through lower air pollu- mate action goes to the
assessment outlining the change is harming human tion alone. health sector, she said,
ways in which climate health as more people suf- “Health is paying the calling it ‘absolutely out-
change is outpacing fer from heat stress, price of the climate crisis. rageous’.
IN BRIEF humanity’s ability to extreme weather and mos- Why? Because our lungs, Global temperatures co-
adapt to it. quito-borne diseases our brains, our cardiovas- uld rise sharply this cen-
Dutch police The World Meterological
Organisation said global
including malaria, the
World Health Organisa-
cular system is very much
suffering from the causes
tury with “wide-ranging
and destructive” conse-
arrest rape gang temperatures so far this
year were 1.1 degrees
tion (Who) said.
The UN agency, in a
of climate change which
are overlapping very
quences after greenhouse
gas emissions hit record
The Hague: Police have Celsius above the pre- report issued a day after a much with the causes of levels last year, interna-
arrested eight men suspect- industrial average, put- climate summit began in air pollution,” Maria tional climate experts
ed of being part of a sex ring ting 2019 on course to be in Madrid, urged govern- Neira, director of Who’s warned last week.
who drugged underaged the top three warmest ments to meet ambitious department of environ- “Who considers that cli-
girls before gang raping years ever recorded. targets to reduce heat- ment, climate change and mate change is potentially
them at a car workshop in Man-made emissions trapping carbon emis- health, said. the greatest health threat
southern Netherlands. The from burning fossil fuels, sions saying it could save Yet less than 1% of inter- of the 21st Century,” said a
arrests were made in Den building infrastructure, a million lives a year national financing for cli- Who expert. — Reuters
Bosch and comes after sepa- growing crops and trans-
rate rape charges were filed porting goods mean 2019 is
by three girls aged 15-16. set to break the record for gases, are now at their jobs. In October, the global ter than the last. The
“The girls, who were atmospheric carbon con- highest recorded tempera- mean sea level reached its report said more than 10
believed to have been centrations, locking in tures. The world’s seas are highest on record, fuelled million people were inter-
drugged, were then abused further warming, the now a quarter more acidic by the 329 billion tonnes of nally displaced in the first
in their helpless condition by WMO said. than 150 years ago, threat- ice lost from the half of 2019, due to
several men in the group. Oceans, which absorb 90 ening vital marine ecosys- Greenland ice sheet in 12 extreme weather events
Sometimes violence was per cent of the excess heat tems upon which billions months. Each of the last such as storms, flooding
used. The girls met the men produced by greenhouse of people rely for food and four decades has been hot- and drought. — AFP
via social media,” a cop said.
An investigation started
early this year and forensic
detectives combed the
workshop for clues in April.

Nijab corruption
Sikh woman enters Pak FACE SCANS FOR
trial opens
Kuala Lumpur: Former
sans visa to meet FB pal
Lahore, Dec. 3: In a
Washington, Dec. 3:
The Trump administra-

Pak court to hear

Malaysian prime minister
Najib Razak sought to show filmy-style act, an Indian tion intends to propose a
he was the victim of a cun- Sikh woman visiting the regulation next year A diver dressed as Santa Claus feeds a ray at the aquarium of the Multimar
ning fugitive financier as he Gurdwara Darbar Sahib that would require all Wattforum national park centre in Toenning, northern Germany, during a rehearsal
opened his defense on
Tuesday in his first corrup-
tion trial linked to the multi-
billion-dollar looting of the
in Pakistan’s Kartarpur
tried to go to Faisalabad
city of Punjab province
without a visa to meet a
Zardari bail plea travellers, including US
citizens, to be photogra-
phed when entering or
leaving the United Sta-
for a visitor event on St Nicholas Day. — AFP

1MDB state investment fund.

Najib is defending himself
against seven charges of
abuse of power, breach of
trust and money laundering
Pakistani man she befrie-
nded on Facebook, offi-
cials said on Tuesday.
Manjit Kaur, in her early
20s, visited the Gurdwara

Pakistan’s Islamabad
High Court on Tuesday
tes, according to the
administration’s regula-
tory agenda.
The proposed regula-
tion, slated to be issued
Amnesty: 208 killed in
relating to 42 million ringgit
that allegedly went into his
bank accounts from SRC
International, a former unit
Darbar Sahib via the
Kartarpur corridor, some
125kms from Lahore, in
last week of November,
fixed for hearing former
president Asif Ali Zardari
and his sister Faryal
Talpur’s bail petitions for
in July by the homeland
security department,
would be part of a
broader system to track
Iran protests, violence
of the 1MDB fund. The high
court judge said it was clear
sources said.
Kaur, who was in touch
today (Wednesday) in the
money laundering thro-
travellers as they enter
and exit the US.
Dubai, Dec. 3: At least
208 people in Iran have ■ IRAN’S mission to the ‘RIOTERS’ SHOT
Najib, who was also finance with the man through ugh fake bank accounts
Asif Ali Zardari
The plan has already been killed amid protests United Nations disputed
minister at the time, wielded Facebook, met him at the and Park Lane corruption drawn opposition from over sharply rising gaso- Amnesty’s findings,
“overarching authority and gurdwara and attempted references. body. He said that he also some privacy advocates. line prices and a subse- though it offered no evi-
power” in SRC and had
acted for personal gains.
to go along with him to
Faisalabad by showing a
A two-member bench of
the court is scheduled to
suffers from diabetes
which means that he has
Jay Stanley, a senior pol-
icy analyst with the
quent crackdown by secu-
rity forces, Amnesty
dence to support its
Pakistani woman’s per- preside over the hearing to constantly monitor his American Civil Libe- International has said, as
mit. of the bail applications blood sugar levels. rties Union, blasted the one government official ■ Iran shut down inter- Dubai, Dec. 3: Iranian
Typhoon Kammuri Indian pilgrims can visit
the Gurdwara Darbar
filed by Farooq H Naek on
behalf of both Pakistan
The PPP co-chairper-
son’s medical reports
idea in a written state-
ment on Monday.
acknowledged telling
police to shoot demonstra-
net access amid the state television
Tuesday acknowledged
unrest, blocking those
hammers Manila Sahib through the recent-
ly-opened Kartarpur cor-
People’s Party leaders.
The National Acco-unt-
were submitted along
with the application to the
“Travellers, including
US citizens, should not
Iran has yet to release
inside the country from security forces shot and
killed what it described as
Manila: Typhoon Kammuri ridor without visa but ability Bureau (NAB) and IHC. Zardari, who has have to submit to inva- any nationwide statistics sharing their videos and “rioters” in multiple citi-
lashed the Philippines with cannot go to the other Accountability Court No. been detained on charges sive biometric scans over the unrest that information with the es amid recent protests
fierce winds and heavy rain parts of Pakistan. 2 have been made respon- of money laundering simply as a condition of gripped the Islamic Repu- outside world over the spike in govern-
on Tuesday as hundreds of “This is the first inci- dents in the petitions. through fake bank exercising their consti- blic beginning November ment-set gasoline prices
thousands took refuge in dent in which an Indian Earlier, Zardari filed a accounts and is presently tutional right to travel,” 15 with minimum prices rallies. — the first time that
shelters and the capital Sikh woman attempted to bail plea on medical undergoing treatment at he said. for government-sub- That shows the wide- authorities have offered
Manila shut down its interna- leave the restricted area of grounds whereas Talpur the Pakistan Institute of The Trump adminis- sidised gasoline rising by spread economic discon- any sort of accounting for
tional airport over safety the Kartarpur corridor sought bail from the same Medical Sciences, agreed tration contends in its 50 per cent. Iran’s mission tent gripping the country the violence they used to
concerns. The powerful since its opening on court while pleading with to file a bail plea on med- regulatory agenda that to the United Nations dis- since May 2018, when put down the demonstra-
storm, which blew in win- November 9,” a senior the court that she was a ical grounds at the insis- the face scan require- puted Amnesty’s findings President Donald Trump tions.
dows and sheared off roofs, official of the Evacuee mother of a differently- tence of his family mem- ment will combat the early Tuesday, though it imposed crushing sanc- The acknowledgment
roared ashore late Monday Trust Property Board abled child, and therefore bers. fraudulent use of US offered no evidence to sup- tions after unilaterally came in a television pack-
and was due to pass south of said. He said the woman she needed to take care of On November 12, an travel documents and port its claim. withdrawing from Tehr- age that criticised inter-
Manila — home to some 13 wanted to go along with that child. accountability court in aid the identification of Iran shut down internet an’s nuclear deal with national Farsi-language
million people — and thou- the Pakistani man but the Zardari has maintained Islamabad had rejected criminals and suspected access amid the unrest, world powers. channels for their report-
sands of athletes at the security officials did not that he is suffering from a Zardari’s application for terrorists. blocking those inside the Since the summer, ten- ing on the crisis, which
regional Southeast Asian let her cross the restricted heart ailment and has had transferring him to The public typically country from sharing sions across the Mideast began on Nov. 15.
Games. Forecasters said area. three stents placed in his Karachi for treatment. has 30 to 60 days to com- their videos and informa- have spiked with attacks The state TV report
Kammuri had weakened but While Pakistani officials ment on a proposed US tion, as well as limiting the US blames on Tehran. sought to describe
remained strong, with sus- said she hailed from regulation. The federal the outside world from Iran, meanwhile, began to killings in four categories,
tained winds of up to 150 Amritsar, media reports sent the Indian woman security officials detained agency then needs to knowing the scale of the break the deal’s cen- alleging some of those kil-
kilometres per hour, and in India claimed that she back and also informed the man along with his review and respond to protests and violence. trifuges, enrichment and led were “rioters who
maximum gusts of 205 kph is from Rohtak, Haryana. their counterpart about two friends, including a comments, a process The restoration of the stockpile limitations with have attacked sensitive or
as it tracked northwest. “A “The security officials it,” he said. The Pakistani woman. — PTI that can be time-con- internet in recent days hopes of pressuring Euro- military centres with
lot of trees fell. There were a suming for major regu- across much of the coun- pe to offer it a way to sell firearms or knives, or
lot of roofs flying during the lations. try has seen other videos crude oil abroad despite have taken hostages in

NAB freezes Sharif assets

typhoon too,” said Junie — Reuters surface. Washington’s sanctions. some areas.” The report
Castillo, a disaster officer in “We’ve seen over 200 peo- In a statement on described others killed as
one of the areas first hit. ple killed in a very swift Monday, Amnesty said passers-by, security forces
“We have yet to quantify the time, in under a week,” there had been dozens of and peaceful protesters,
extent of the damage.” allegedly based on TT (tel- Meanwhile, senior PML- said Mansoureh Mills, an deaths in the Tehran sub- without assigning blame
DC CORRESPONDENT egraphic transfer). N leader Ahsan Iqbal Iran researcher at urb of Shahriar, likely for their deaths.
ISLAMABAD, DEC. 3 The anti-graft body has chaired a meeting of joint Amnesty. “It’s something one of the areas with the In one case, the report
LAM: U.S. LAW Pakistan’s National Acco-
ordered to freeze 96-H,
Model Town – Shehbaz
opposition to deliberate
on the appointment of
pretty unprecedented eve-
nt in the history of the
highest toll of those killed
in the unrest. Shahriar
said security forces con-
fronted a separatist group
Sharif ’s residence in Election Commission of human rights violations had seen heavy protests. in the city of Mahshahr
WILL HURT untability Bureau (NAB)
has tightened the noose
around Pakistan Muslim
Lahore. The PML-N
leader’s 9-kanal home in
Pakistan (ECP) members.
Consultation on the
in the Islamic Republic.”
While not drawing as
Amnesty offered no
breakdown for the deaths
armed with “semi-heavy
weapons.” “For hours,
HONG KONG League (Nawaz) President
Shehbaz Sharif, and fur-
Abbottabad has been
frozen as well.
names for hiring of two
ECP members and Chief
many Iranians into the
streets as those protesting
elsewhere in the country,
though it said “the real
armed rioters had waged
an armed struggle,” the
Hong Kong, Dec. 3: Hong ther froze his family Furthermore, it has also Election Commissioner the disputed 2009 presi- figure is likely to be high- report alle-ged. “In such
Kong leader Carrie Lam said assets on Tuesday. been ordered to freeze the (CEC) was carried out dential election, the gaso- er.” Mills said there was a circumstan-ces, security
US legislation supporting pro- Shehbaz Sharif will not assets of Tehmina with participants belong- line price demonstrations “general environment of forces took action to save
testers may damage business be able benefit from his Durrani – one of the wives ing to other political par- rapidly turned violent fear inside of Iran at the the lives of Mahshahr’s
confidence in the financial family’s assets which are of Shehbaz Sharif. ties including PPP. faster than any previous moment. — AP people.” — AP
hub, as she announced a
fourth round of relief meas-
ures to boost the city’s bat-
tered economy. WORKPLACE | WOES ■ Strict office dress codes force women to wear high heels, stockings and make-up
Lam said the Hong Kong
Human Rights and Democracy
Act signed into US law last
week was ‘wholly unneces-
sary’, as the former British
colony grapples with its first
Japanese activists urge changes to anti-harassment code
recession in a decade. Tokyo, Dec. 3: Yumi October against workplace selves wearing high heels protest movement, spar- At the time, one cabinet
The act requires the US state Ishikawa’s feet bled after a ■ THE #KUTOO move- harassment — known as and all of these people are ked by her own memories minister said dress code
department to certify at least day in the high heels ment whose name plays ‘power harassment’ or women. If we’re working of being forced to wear 7- expectations were “neces-
annually that Hong Kong required by her job, a on the Japanese words ‘power hara’, but failed to the same jobs, we have the cm (2.8-inch) heels at a job sary and appropriate” at
retains enough autonomy to memory that led her and for ‘shoe’ and ‘pain’, address the issue of right to work under the at a funeral parlour as well the workplace, though sev-
justify favourable US trading other Japanese activists to swelled into a viral out- employers dictating how same conditions.” as numerous similar sto- eral have since comment-
terms, and threatens sanc- demand on Tuesday that cry. More than 31,000 female employees should Just hours before, ries from other women. ed that the reports of
tions for human rights viola- forcing women to wear dress. Ishikawa and other The movement, whose women being forced to
tions. “The impact currently certain items be treated as
people have signed an “You might think this is activists submitted papers name plays on the wear contact lenses
is on confidence because cor- workplace harassment. online petition against nothing, but the fact is to the labour ministry call- Japanese words for ‘shoe’ instead of spectacles at
porates will be worried about Japanese women took to wearing high heels that some peoples’ lives ing for such dress codes to and ‘pain’, swelled into a work appeared to violate
the actions the US may take in social media in November have been changed be seen as power harass- viral outcry on social gender equality rules.
the future after they review to insist on the right to because of these rules,” ment under the new guide- media about women being “That’s why it was such a
this legislation,” Lam said, but wear spectacles at work office dress codes that stipulating what colour Ishikawa, an actress and lines, expected to be forced to wear high heels. shock to not have anything
did not specify what addition- after reports employers included forcing women to hair they can have. activist, told a Tuesday finalised this month. More than 31,000 people about this in the draft anti-
al measures would be taken to were imposing bans, the wear high heels, stockings The labour ministry news conference. Ishikawa earlier this have to date signed an harassment guidelines,”
boost economic activity latest outcry against strict and makeup, and even drafted guidelines in “People have hurt them- year began the #KuToo online petition against it. she said. — Reuters
Technomics 11
Indian variants
HP expands its Chromebook portfolio in India with the
new Chromebook x360 in 12”, 14” variants, catering to
diverse computing and entertainment needs


Azure login system

If not averted, vulnerability would have affected thousands
Washington, Dec. 3: In a were vulnerable to this
shocking revelation, secu- „ The bug, addressed „ This kind of type of attack. The apps
rity researchers said by Microsoft weeks vulnerability’s are automatically
Microsoft fixed a vulnera- after it was alerted, approved within any
attack surface is
GOOGLE TRIES TO bility in its login system
that could have put thou- would have given very wide and its
Microsoft account, mean-
ing attackers don’t require
sands of users at risk of hackers access to steal impact can be any user consent to
GAMIFY ACTIONS having their accounts
account tokens, which very powerful, exploit them, researchers
allow users to access researchers said.
WITH AI Researchers at Israeli
cybersecurity company, their accounts without In some cases, this could
have been done in what
Washington, Dec. 3: Google’s CyberArk, said the vul- having to constantly re- researchers call a ‘zero-
DeepMind unit is working on a nerability, associated with enter passwords. click’ way — an attack SAYS UNIVERSITY OF
project to recreate how a sense Microsoft Azure accounts which doesn’t require CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
of consequence develops over and Microsoft’s OAuth 2.0 „ Apps like Azure user interaction. PSYCHOLOGIST,
a period of time. They tried to applications, could have could have been “This vulnerability’s MATTHEW
create a software that acts sim- been used to trick users approved within attack surface is very wide
ilar to what people do when into giving attackers and its impact can be very WALKER, IN HIS
any account. BOOK, WHY WE

they figure out the long-term access to their online powerful. By doing noth-
consequences of their choices. accounts. ing more than clicking or SLEEP. WITH THE
DeepMind’s project is a deep The researchers said addressed by Microsoft nerability allowed for the visiting a website, the vic- OBSESSION OVER
learning program called there was no scope for weeks after it was alerted, creation of tokens, with tim can experience the
“Temporal Value Transport.” users to fix the vulnerabil- would have allowed hack- the victim’s permissions, theft of sensitive data, ACHIEVING 'SLEEP
It is a way to send back les- ity or prevent it from ers to steal account which could let the hacker compromised production EFFICIENCY' PERHAPS The global sleep-
sons from the future, to the accessing the accounts. tokens. access and control the servers, lost data, manipu- AT ITS PEAK IN HUMAN tracking market topped
past, to inform actions. The impact could have Account tokens, used by account, researchers lation of data, encryption HISTORY, SLEEP TRACKERS $1 billion in 2016 and it is
They say that in a way, it is been ‘very powerful,’ due websites and applications, said. of all the organisation’s expected to increase
‘gamifying’ actions and conse- to Microsoft’s bug, they allow users to access their CyberArk researchers data with ransomware LIKE FITBIT, WHICH
quences, showing that there added. accounts without having said they have already and more,” researchers MEASURE THE DURATION by another
can be a way to make actions The bug, which is to constantly re-enter found applications pub- said. AND QUALITY OF SLEEP, 18 percent by
in one moment obey the proba- believed to have been their passwords. The vul- lished by Microsoft that — Agencies THE GLOBAL SLEEP- 2024.
bility of later developments to
score points. They offer an
EXPECTED TO RISE IN THE „ Maiken Nedergaard, a
account of behaviours that
may inspire models in neuro-
science, psychology,
behavioural economics. The
point of departure for the
Twitter to tweak privacy IN ‘ANTI-APPLE’
neuroscientist leading a research
showing the biological value of
sleep, documented how during

policy amid concerns LEGISLATION

game is called ‘long-term cred- CALCULATION ON SLEEP sleep, fluid washes over our
it assignment,’ which is the TIME ARE ONLY ADDING TO brains, clearing out toxins like
ability of people to figure out THE WOES IN DEVELOPING beta amyloid, which is linked to
the utility of a current action Moscow, Dec. 3: SLEEP DISORDERS neuro-degenerative diseases.
based on what may be the con- San Fransisco, Dec. 3: We want to be would likely be restricted Russian President,
sequences. — Agencies Twitter Inc. is updating by the General Data Vladimir Putin, has
its global privacy policy to
able to Protection Regulation signed a law requiring „ Results in research made her anxious about her own bedtime
give users more informa- experiment without (GDPR), Europe’s land- all smartphones and priorities, to the point that she now says she takes sleep very
tion about what data immediately running mark digital privacy law. computers sold in the seriously.
advertisers might receive afoul of the GDPR “We want to be able to country to come pre-
and is launching a site to provisions. The goal is experiment without installed with Russian „ There exists a range of „ Sleep is now considered as the
provide clarity on its data immediately running software.
protection efforts, the to learn from those afoul of the GDPR provi- The legislation, which gadgets offering the pinnacle of well-being as a
company said. experiments and then sions,” Twitter’s data pro- will take effect in July illusion of science, with lifestyle trend. Ironically,
The changes, which will provide those same tection officer Damien 2020, is aimed at promot- reports full of numbers and scientists say, with much by
take effect on Jan. 1, 2020, experiences to people Kieran said in a phone ing Russian-made soft- charts purporting to show agony over sleep, it is also
will comply with the interview. ware. But it has been
California Consumer all around the “The goal is to learn dubbed the ‘anti-Apple’ just how well we're turning into a source of anxiety,
Privacy Act (CCPA). world from those experiments law because it would performing while sleeping. which is in turn keeping people
The California law and then provide those force the US tech giant to
„ Fitbit kicked off this up at night.
CLOUDWALKER requires large businesses
to give consumers more
data protection
same experiences to peo-
ple all around the world,”
pre-install non-Apple
software on its products. trend when it released the „ Fitbits and Apple Watches
transparency and control he said. The Russian govern- first tracker in 2009, which around wrists, Beddits and
LAUNCHES 4K over their personal infor-
mation, such as allowing
officer, Twitter The company, which
said it has upped its com-
ment will now draw up a
list of products affected
couldn't monitor heart Emfits beneath sheets and
rate but included a mattresses and sensors
SMART SCREENS them to request that their
data be deleted and to opt
that it is moving the
accounts of users outside
munications about data
and security-related dis-
by the law, published
and signed by Putin, as sleep tracker that promise to monitor
Hyderabad, Dec. 3: out of having their data of the US and the closures over the last two well as a list of applica- that heart rates and sleep
CloudWalker Streaming sold to third parties. European Union, previ- years, emphasized in a tions that would need to measured cycles are all
Technologies, the revolution- Social media companies ously contracted by blog post that it was work- be pre-installed. the leading to what
ary tech company creating dig- including Facebook Inc. Twitter International ing to upgrade systems It comes amid a slew of
ital products for smart enter- and Alphabet Inc.’s Company in Dublin, and build privacy into measures taken by duration scientists call
tainment on the big screen, Google have come under Ireland, to the San new products. Russian officials to con- of sleep, orthosomnia - a
has announced the launch of scrutiny on data privacy Francisco-based Twitter In October, Twitter trol the tech sector, producing condition where
its ground-breaking 4K LED issues, fuelled by Inc. announced it had found including a law that took sleep anxiety over proper
Smart Screens that will be Facebook’s Cambridge The company said this that phone numbers and effect on November 1,
available on Amazon. Analytica scandal in move would allow it the email addresses used for requiring local internet efficiency sleep metrics actually
It is a one-of-its-kind, multi- which personal data were flexibility to test different two-factor authentication providers to install score. induces insomnia.
tasking screen that offers the harvested from millions of settings and controls with may inadvertently have devices provided by
latest innovation and smart users without their con- these users, such as addi- been used for advertising authorities to enable „ All this measuring, rating, tracking, and comparing now
upgrade for home entertain- sent. tional opt-in or opt-out purposes. centralised control of amounts to a new sleep disorder.
ment. Twitter also announced privacy preferences, that — Reuters traffic. — AFP
The CloudWalker 4K LED
Smart Screens come with an
entertainment mode for multi-
media playback, personal com-
puter mode, child safe mode,
mobile connectivity, content
discovery engine and content
China aspires to make it big with e-vehicles
partners. Beijing, Dec. 3: China cle battery technologies, tive industry has staked
It also comes with a wireless Washington, Dec. 3: (phishing) pages when should adopt a plan that improve infrastructure for its future.
keyboard, mouse and remote Security researchers tapping on a legitimate will see electric vehicles hydrogen fuel cell vehicles But, after years of strong
for operation. from Promon, a application. make up a quarter of all and driverless cars, it said. growth, car sales fell last
If you want to get enter- Norwegian firm said they The firm said the flaw autos sold in the country The draft proposal, year for the first time
tained on a brilliant display by identified a bug in the has already been exploit- in six years’ time, the which includes guidelines since the 1990s, hit by a
watching your favourite digi- Android OS that lets mali- ed in the wild by malware country’s industry min- for the development of the slowing economy, US trade
tal content or discover cious apps hijack legiti- gangs. istry said on Tuesday, as new energy vehicle sector, tensions and a Chinese
Android Apps or use the mate app, and perform The company said it the sector struggles with from 2021 to 2035, is open crackdown on shady cred-
Smart Screen as a personal malicious operations on “identified the falling sales. for public feedback until it practices that has
computer to work on docu- their behalf. StrandHogg vulnerability A draft blueprint for the December 9. crimped car-financing
ments or presentations, In a report, Promon’s after it was informed by development of the ‘new A previous state target channels.
browse the web, catch up with research team said the an Eastern European energy vehicle’ sector — set in 2017 had called for 20 Passenger vehicles sales
emails, make video calls or vulnerability can be used security company for the which includes hybrids per cent of cars sold to be in China have now fallen
shop online, you will to trick users into financial sector (to which and fully-electric vehicles September, according to either hybrids or fully- electric vehicles by 2020, for 15 consecutive months,
love it. granting intrusive per- Promon supplies app — comes after the govern- the China Association of electric vehicles. but the draft released on according to the CAAM.
missions to malicious security support) that ment withdrew subsidies Automobile Manufac- The measures are partly Tuesday gave no indica- The government had ear-
apps when they tap and several banks in the for car-makers earlier this turers (CAAM). to ensure the country tion whether China was lier said it was planning to
GLOBAL MEET interact with legitimate
Czech Republic
reported money disap-
had year.
China is the world’s
The ministry of industry
and information technolo-
meets its air pollution tar-
gets, and to reduce
on track to meet that goal.
Fuelled by rising
impose quotas requiring
car-makers to maintain a
ON E-MOBILITY The vulnerability —
which Promon named
pearing from customer
largest new energy vehicle
market, but sales of elec-
gy’s draft proposal said
China should seek to
Beijing’s dependence on
imported oil.
incomes and government
sales incentives, China is
certain percentage of new
energy vehicles in their
StrandHogg — can also be — Agencies tric motors plummeted 34 ensure one in four of all China would also contin- the golden goose upon Chinese production.
IN BENGALURU used to show fake login percent on-year in vehicles sold in 2025 were ue to develop electric vehi- which the global automo- — AFP

Bengaluru, Dec. 3: The third

edition of an international
transportation electrification TWITTER | TROUBLE Tesla boss, facing a defamation trial, is to testify over his intentions behind the comment
conference-India 2019 on e-

Musk faces defamation trial for ‘pedo guy’ tweet

mobility solutions will be held
here from December 17, organ-
isers said on Tuesday.
“This meet is one of its kind
because we are not only target-
ing the technology companies Los Angeles, Dec. 3: Elon ‘PR stunt.’ The tweet, ■ After calling Vernon Musk and Tesla reached company. The cave drama
across the world but also tak-
ing into consideration the
Musk will be tried for his
troublesome tweets in a
widely interpreted as a ref-
erence to a pedophile, was
Unsworth, who helped a $40 million settlement
with the Securities and
played out for more than
two weeks in the summer VIDEO GAME MAKER TO PAY
rescue 12 boys trapped
community,” chairman of the
organising committee, Girish
defamation case pitting
the billionaire against a
removed by Musk, who
disputed that’s what he in a Thailand cave, a
Exchange Commission
last year on allegations he
of 2018, when the 12 boys
— aged 11-16 — and their $10M IN GENDER BIAS CASE
Ramaswamy, said at a press British diver he allegedly meant. ‘pedo guy,’ Musk misled investors with a soccer coach were trapped Los Angeles, Dec. 3: for promotions and fos-
conference. branded a paedophile. “‘Pedo guy’ was a com- tweet declaring he had in a flooded cave in north- The maker of popular tered a ‘bro culture’ that
The conference will see 13 The Tesla CEO will be mon insult used in South explained that it was a secured financing to buy ern Thailand. video game League of excluded them.
international speakers from called to testify early in Africa when I was growing common insult which out the electric car-maker. Musk and engineers Legends has agreed to The lawsuit claims that
across the globe - Europe, US the case in the Los Angeles up,” Musk said in a court means ‘creepy old He agreed in the settle- from his SpaceX rocket pay $10 million to its culture led to sexual
and China - and 19 from India, federal court to explain declaration. ment to have future tweets company custom built a female employees to set- harassment and miscon-
he said. There would be a what he meant when he “It is synonymous with man.’ about the company mini-submarine to help tle a broad gender dis- duct.
panel discussion by experts called Vernon Unsworth, ‘creepy old man’ and is screened. with the rescue. The crimination case. Allegations of miscon-
from the field and policy-mak- who helped rescue youth used to insult a person’s being a paedophile. He was forced back into device was heavily publi- Los Angeles-based Riot duct against women have
ers during the event, he said. soccer players trapped appearance and The lawyers also said he court on accusations that cised but never used. Games will pay about plagued the video game
“Not only will exhibitions underwater in a Thailand demeanor.” hired private investigators he violated that agreement Unsworth, a diver and 1,000 current and former industry for years.
and presentations will be part cave, ‘pedo guy’ in a Unsworth’s lawyers have to dig up evidence by tweeting a misleading caving expert, whose female employees who The plaintiff ’s lawyer,
of the event, but also an organ- Twitter spat more than laughed off that explana- Unsworth was a child figure about how many advice was considered cru- have worked with the Ryan Saba, said the large
ised ride-and-drag event year ago. tion and said his claim molester, which they never cars Tesla would manufac- cial in the rescue opera- company over the last settlement amount shows
where people can drive the Musk later apologised for was undercut by a subse- found, according to ture this year. The SEC tion, said the sub would five years. The case that Riot was serious
vehicles at the venue so that lashing out at Unsworth quent tweet when he said, Unsworth’s lawyers. sought to hold him in con- never have fit in the cave’s against Riot Games about changing its cul-
you can feel the technology on Twitter after the diver “Bet ya a signed dollar it’s The lawsuit is not the tempt of court, which led tight spaces. He told CNN claimed the company ture. A spokesman said
that will soon be running on belittled Musk’s efforts to true” in response to a first time Musk’s tweets to a new agreement impos- that Musk could “stick his paid women less than the company was pleased
Indian roads will be on offer, build a tiny submarine to question about whether he have landed him in hot ing tighter controls on submarine where it men, passed them over to have the settlement.
said Ramaswamy. — PTI save the trapped boys as a had accused Unsworth of water. Musk’s tweets about the hurts.” — AP
Cook gets Trump sees
brand right no deadline
for India, for a China
Lanka trade deal

quick Transfer of stocks to Karvy

■ Interim stay follows appeal by Bajaj Finance & private banks Foreign control of
airlines mulled to
BITES clients halted on SAT order push Air India sale
Sensex 40,675.45 -0.31 ASHWIN J PUNNEN claim in the case. The regulator, through an
Nifty 50 11,994.20 -0.45 MUMBAI, DEC. 3 Separately, HDFC Bank, order passed on November The government is consid-
ICICI Bank and IndusInd 22, had barred KSBL from ering amending a rule to
S&P 500 3,079.49 -1.10 The Securities Appellate Bank have also approached taking new clients in allow overseas control of
Dollar (`) 71.83 +0.01 Tribunal (SAT) has direct- the SAT contesting the Sebi respect of its stock broking local airlines, according to
Pound Sterling (`) 93.32 +0.62 ed the National Securities decision. activity and also prevented a person familiar with the
Depository (NSDL) to stop Since most shares were it from using the power of matter, which may help its the government to go down
Euro (`) 79.62 +0.54 transfer of the remaining kept as securities for loans attorney (PoA) given by indebted national carrier the politically contentious
Gold (10gm)* (`) 38,768▲816 2.15 investor securities that made by banks, any "uni- clients after the broker was lure a foreign suitor after route of lifting the cap on
Karvy Stock Broking had lateral" transfer of shares found to have allegedly multiple failed attempts for overseas equity invest-
Brent crude ($/bbl)* $61.06 +0.14 pledged with lenders. will have a chilling effect misused clients' securities. a sale. ment.
IN 10-Yr bond yield +6.462 -0.022 The decision came after on this stream of lending, The order was a result of At a meeting in early Currently, foreign air-
Bajaj Finance challenged tehy argued. a preliminary report for- November, the Depart- lines are barred from buy-
US 10-Yr T-bill yield +1.759 -0.077 warded by the NSE on the
Sebi's decision to return to HDFC Bank has lent Rs ment for Promotion of ing more than 49 per cent
* As of 9:30 pm IST Karvy’s clients the securi- 400 crore to Karvy based on non-compliances observed Industry and Internal in a local carrier, and for-
ties that the broking house the pledged shares. with respect to pledging/ Trade (DPIIT) asked the eign investors, other than
had illegally pledged to The counsel for the misuse of client securities aviation ministry if it airlines, need government

`2.79 L cr raised
raise money for itself. banks sought immediate by Karvy. would be feasible to change approval to buy a stake big-
Issuing an interim stay, a freezing of all securities The SAT has asked the the so-called “substantial ger than 49 per cent.
two-member SAT bench money from the brokerage crore to Karvy against that have been transferred regulator to hear "the ownership and effective An email to the DPIIT
via selloff in comprising MT Joshi and
C.K.G. Nair said the final
once the pledged shares are
shifted to clients' accounts.
pledged securities.
Most of the remaining
to client accounts.
"Pledged shares cannot be
appellant (Bajaj Finance)
on the basis of their repre-
control” clause, the person
said, asking not to be iden-
was unanswered. A repre-
sentative for the aviation

last five years order will be issued

Wednesday afternoon.
The tribunal also asked
Karvy has taken loans to
the tune of Rs 600 crore by
pledging securities worth
accounts are in dispute
with Karvy Stock Broking,
so they may get their
transferred without the
consent of the banks," the
counsel said.
sentation dated November
23, and or any other addi-
tional representation
tified as the details aren’t
public yet.
The rule mandates that
ministry didn’t immediate-
ly respond to a request for
The government raised Rs the Securities and more than Rs 2,300 crore of money/securities only The counsel further which they may like to control of an airline Finance Minister
2,79,622 crore from the disinves- Exchange Board of India 95,000 clients with various after clearing dues with argued that going forward make. always remain in Indian Nirmala Sitharaman in
ment of PSUs during 2014-19 to hear out the lender's lenders, including Bajaj Karvy. banks will be forced to seek If the appellant is hands, one of several rea- her budget speech in July
compared to Rs 1,07,833 crore concerns by December 4 Finance. The latest SAT ruling additional collateral from desirous to make any addi- sons global firms have had said Prime Minister
during the 10-year UPA rule from and pass an order by Of these, 95,000 clients, puts a question mark on all brokers due to Sebi's tional representation it been wary of bidding for Narendra Modi’s govern-
2004-14, Union minister Anurag December 10. nearly 83,000 have got back the receipt of securities for December 2 action. shall be made latest by Air India Ltd. ment will look into sugges-
Singh Thakur said in the Rajya NSDL has transferred their securities, which these investors. The SAT also asked the December 4." Doing away with the tions of opening up sec-
Sabha. "In five years, we raised securities worth Rs 2,013.77 were were illegally trans- Bajaj Finance had lent Rs National Stock Exchange It further directed Sebi “substantial ownership” tors, including aviation, to
double the amount. This was crore to the accounts of ferred by KSBL to its own 100 crore after Sebi's June to take a decision on "to consider the represen- clause will enable an over- more foreign investment. It
done in an average 21 transac- 83,806 clients who have account. circular that mandated seg- Karvy's trading licence by tation(s) of the appellant seas stakeholder weigh in has already eased rules in
tions each year, while it was four paid full amount for these Bajaj Finance, which regating client and propri- December 6. Both NSE and, after giving an oppor- on major decisions of local a number of areas such as
between 2004-2014,” he said. securities. appealed against the Sebi- etary accounts. This could and BSE suspended tunity for personal hear- airlines. That may lure for- retail, manufacturing and
Lenders fear that they NSDL decision, has given indicate that Bajaj Finance Karvy's trading licence on ing, pass an order as per eign investors to the Air coal mining.
would be unable to recover loans to the tune of Rs 345 does not have a strong Monday. law latest by December 10. India sale without forcing —Bloomberg

19 lakh director
numbers spiked
Sugar production Stock limits tightened as Govt committed to
halves in Oct-Nov onion heads to `150 a kg more reforms: FM
FC BUREAU body had said that sugar Kolkata/New Delhi, Dec FC BUREAU
NEW DELHI, DEC. 3 output was estimated to 3: Onion prices could soon NEW DELHI, DEC 3

Sugar production fell 54

fall 21.5 per cent to 26 mil-
lion tonne in the 2019-20
touch a new high of Rs 150
per kg in the Kolkata man- Finance Minister
Tax dept
per cent during October-
November owing to a steep
fall in outout at several
marketing year. The sugar
season or marketing year
runs from October to
dis, traders and analysts
said, even as the central
government imposed
Nirmala Sitharaman, on
Tuesday, said the gov-
ernment is committed to
issues 2.1 cr
The Corporate Affairs Ministry
has deactivated over 19 lakh
director identification numbers
Maharashtra sugar mills,
which were hit by drought
and floods, the Indian
Only 279 sugar mills were
operating as on November
stock limits on onion trade
on Tuesday.
In most markets of the
further reforms for
making India a more
attractive investment
tax refunds
(DIN) for non-compliance with Sugar Mills Association 30 this year compared with eastern metropolis, the and wholesalers to 5 the key kitchen staple. destination. New Delhi, Dec. 3: The
KYC norms. Individuals are (Isma) said on Tuesday. 418 units crushing sugar- vegetable is being sold at tonnes and 25 tonnes, The Centre has already “I only can invite and Income Tax Depart-
required to have a DIN issued “Sugar production till cane a year ago, Isma said Rs 110-130 per kg, which is respectively. banned onion exports and assure that the ment processed as
by the ministry to serve as a November 30, 2019 in the in its latest statement. expected to rise to Rs 150 a Earlier, retailers were decided to import 1.2 lakh Government of India is many as 2.10 crore tax
board member of a company. current 2019-20 sugar sea- According to the data, kg if wholesale prices are allowed to hold onion tonnes. committed to further refund cases, returning
As on Nov. 28, 19,40,313 DINs son is 18.85 lakh tonne, sugar production in Uttar any indication, they said. stock up to 10 tonnes and Sources had on Sunday reforms in various sec- back over Rs 1.46 lakh
have been de-activated, Minis- which was 40.69 lakh tonne Pradesh increased to 10.81 “At Nasik, the highest wholesalers up to 50 said that state-owned trad- tors whether it is bank- crore in first eight
ter of State for Corporate Affa- last year on November 30, lakh tonne during October- wholesale rate was Rs tonnes. Now, they can hold ing firm MMTC, which is ing, mining or insurance months of 2019-20, up 20
irs Anurag Singh Thakur said. 2018,” Isma said. November from 9.14 lakh 5,400/40 kg, which trans- half of it, as per an order importing onion on behalf and so on,” Sitharaman per cent over the last
India is the world’s tonne in the year-ago peri- lates to Rs 135 a kg," agri issued by the Consumer of the Centre, has placed said, addressing the year, officials said. The
largest sugar producer and od. In Karnataka, the out- analyst Sibu Malakar said. Affairs Ministry. an order of 11,000 tonnes India-Sweden Business Centralised Processing
lower output here could put dropped to 5.21 lakh Onions will be dear at The revised stock hold- of the edible bulb from Summit here. Centre processed 4.70
MPC starts push up sugar prices glob-
tonne from 8.40 lakh tonne.
Trade and market
least till January, when the
new crop hits markets in
ing limit would not be
applicable for imported
Many traders in Kolkata
Though the minister
did not reveal more, she
crore tax returns
between April 2019 and
deliberations on Production in Maharash-
tra fell to 67,000 tonnes dur-
sources said about 15 lakh
tonne of sugar has been
Nasik and Bengaluru, a
trader said.
Onion prices have been
claimed that the vegetable
is being illegally exported
has indicated that the
government is address-
November 28. —PTI

ing the two-month period contracted for exports, In order to curb the ris- ruling high for the past to neighbouring Bangla- ing challenges faced by
monetary policy compared with 1.9 million
tonnes a year ago.
which includes contracts
made with port-based
ing prices, the Centre on
Tuesday reduced the stock
few weeks even as various
measures have been initi-
desh from the border areas
of West Bengal.
industry, not just Indian-
owned but all opera-
ment-mandated outreach
RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das- Last month, the trade refiners. holding limit for retailers ated to increase supply of — Agencies tional industries present Banks disbursed Rs 2.52
headed Monetary Policy in India. lakh crore in October
Committee (MPC) started its She invited Swedish and Rs 2.39 lakh crore in
firms to invest in infra- November, taking the

Gold imports surge 78% in November

three-day deliberations on the
policy review amid high expec- structure development total disbursement to Rs
tations of another round of projects. “Our step of 4.91 lakh crore.
reduction in the key policy rate corporate tax reduction To boost consumption
to revive the sagging economy. shows how much our and revive the economy,
If the RBI cuts the repo rate on SANGEETHA G November imports totalled $2.94 high levels in the domestic mar- is an indicator of a potential government believes in Sitharaman had in
Thursday, it would be the sixth CHENNAI, DEC. 3 billion, slightly higher than last ket. Further, the last quarter of the demand in the retail market. reforms. There are many September asked banks
reduction in the short-term year’s $2.76 billion. calendar year usually sees a higher The share of dore in India’s gold more steps that we have to reach out to customers
lending rate in 2019. Post-festive season, gold imports According to P. R. Somasunda- consumption. “Higher import in imports in November was 33 to take,” she said, adding and signal their willing-
surged 78 per cent month-on- ram, Managing Director, India, November makes sense as the tonnes, compared with imports of that the government has ness to lend, particularly
month in November, touching a World Gold Council, the trade had prices have stabilised and the mar- 8.5 tonnes in October, as per formed a task force, to MSMEs, shadow
five-month high. However, it was enough stocks in the run up to the ket expects the demand to return reports. According to industry which will come out with banks, corporates, retail
still down from the imports in festive season. Hence the imports in the fourth quarter,” an indus- experts, the government calculates a list 10 major infrastruc- and agriculture sector
Nearly 3% of November 2018.
The country imported 71 tonnes
were lower during the previous
months as well as in October.
try expert said.
Unrefined dore imports
dore in absolute terms and not the
gold derived out of the dore. If one
ture projects
December 15.
by borrowers.
During the two months,

Mudra loans of gold in November, compared

with 40 tonnes in October, reports
quoting government officials said.
Post-festive season, the
bullion dealers and
jewellers found an
too have bounced back
after the discounts went
off and gold started
has to consider the refined gold,
the imports will be slightly lower
than 71 tonnes.
The finance ministry,
meanwhile, said public
sector banks have dis-
banks have given Rs
72,985 crore to the MSME
sector while loans to cor-
turn bad: Govt Even five months ahead of the fes-
tive season in October, the monthly
opportunity to replen-
ish their stocks when
becoming available in
the bullion market for a
However, imports were still down
16 per cent from November 2018
bursed a record Rs 4.91
lakh crore of loans dur-
porates stood at Rs 2.2
lakh crore. For NBFCs,
The government on Tuesday imports were lower than that in the prices fell by around premium over the levels, indicating that the market ing October-November, the banks disbursed Rs
said 2.86 per cent, Rs 17,251.52 November. In value terms, Rs 200 per gm from record landed rate. This also sentiments are not that strong. as part of the govern- 45,153 crore.
crore, of Rs 6.04 lakh crore
worth of loans sanctioned
under the Pradhan Mantri
Mudra Yojana (PMMY) has
turned into bad loans as of
March 2019. The scheme was
launched on April 8, 2015 for
Gandhi-giri comes full circle with bots and artificial intelligence
providing collateral-free loans RITWIK MUKHERJEE which will be released and board of network statis- as a first pilot we shall and tailored to the needs of 2024. These phases would that can be used by any
of up to Rs 10 lakh to non-cor- KOLKATA, DEC 3 searchable on the portal. tics,” said Prof Animesh consider a crisis event and the browser. An interac- involve increasing the age-group for understand-
porate, non-farm small/micro The books will be further Mukherjee from IIT try to check whether the tive conversation assis- number of digitized publi- ing the life-events of
enterprises. Now, bots and artificial used to reconstruct the Kharagpur’s department social bots are able to tance will certainly add cations by processing 100 Mahatma. It might present
intelligence too will join social network of the of computer science and reduce the spread of value and enable youth volumes of collected some very interesting
efforts to preserve the Mahatma, including his engineering who is lead- hatred, fear and trauma and people to rethink and works of Mahatma serendipitous relations
Gandhian legacy. IIT KGP influencers and people ing the project. among the public by take action on Mahatma Gandhi, each volume con- among different personali-
has teamed up with the whom he inspired. The first phase will also injecting positive and Gandhi’s philosophy, life taining several letters, ties, which are otherwise
National Council of “We will initially use his involve launching of motivating thoughts from and thoughts,” said Dr speeches, chapters, etc. not yet explored/studied,”
Science Museums and IIT book My Experiments with social bots on Twitter that the writings of the .Shobhana Radhakrishna, and further scaling up the said Prof Mayank Singh of
Gandhinagar to develop Truth for reconstructing can regularly post text Mahatma,” said Prof. Chief Functionary at social network construct IIT Gandhinagar.
Gandhipedia, a one-stop the social network. This excerpts from Gandhiji’s Mukherjee. Gandhian Forum for for all of these hundred In the later phases of the
portal for browsing work would require AI works and observe how “Gandhipedia will rein- Ethical Corporate Govern- books. project the researchers
Gandhian literature, life- enabled tools to read the these posts spread over the force learning from an ance. “We hope to include have plans to include simi-
events and his social net- indexed and digitized ver- social media. unbiased and un-opinion- The phase-I is expected research work on Gandhiji lar digitised works (books,
work. Phase-I of the proj- sion. The results will be “There will be two types ated real time insights eas- to be completed by March which are otherwise not writings, thesis, etc.) of
ect will involve digitisa- visualised by the modern of bots—(a) event-agnostic ily about Gandhian values 2020. It will be followed by referred to in popular other freedom fighters to
tion and indexing of over powerful network visuali- and (b) event-specific bots. which are uplifting, moti- four more phases continu- Gandhian literature. The mark the 75th year of
40 books of M. K. Gandhi sation tools and a dash- In the event-specific case, vating, revolutionising ing year wise till March aim is to create a system Independence.

Financial 13
WEDNESDAY 2019 |2019

■ US President prefers to wait for 2020 election next Nov.

‘No word on Thomas Cook OPENING
deposit cover’
Trump sees no deadline gets brand right BELL PROJECTION FOR TODAY

New Delhi, Dec 3:

There is "no informa-
tion" on raising the Rs 1
for a China trade deal for India, Lanka Market
lakh insurance limit on SANGEETHA G
bank deposits, according DEREK WALLBANK & CHENNAI, DEC. 3
to the Deposit Insurance
and Credit Guarantee
Corporation (DICGC), a
DEC. 3
France vows retaliation EU to respond Travel service provider
Thomas Cook India (TCIL)
ahead of
wholly owned subsidiary
of the Reserve Bank of
Finance Minister
President Donald Trump
signalled he would be will-
ing to wait for another year
before striking a trade
companies,” would hit the
revenues of large tech
companies, including
‘as one’ to US will be acquiring rights to
use the iconic brand in
India as well as Sri Lanka
and Mauritius for a one- MPC meet
Nirmala Sitharaman agreement with China, DEC. 3 Google, Apple Inc., Brussles, Dec 3: The time payment of Rs 13.9
last month said the gov- casting doubt on the likeli- Facebook Inc. and European Union will crore. The market fell in line
ernment plans to bring hood of a phase-one accord France’s government Inc. answer tariff threats by TCIL has signed an agree- with weakness in Asian
in legislation on raising within weeks between said the European The American tariffs the United States against ment with AlixPartners, uidator or go for a new markets as the US
the insurance cover on Washington and Beijing. Union would retaliate in response could target France "as one" and Thomas Cook UK’s appoint- brand after the tenure to use slapped tariffs on
bank deposits from the “I have no deadline,” he if the US follows sparkling wine, cheeses, urged Washington to ed Special Managers in this the current one ceases,” imports from Brazil and
current Rs 1 lakh during told reporters Tuesday on through on a threat to handbags and makeup. engage in dialogue, an EU regard. TCIL has been in said Rajeev Kale, President Argentina opening a
the winter session of London when asked if he hit about $2.4 billion “It’s not worthy of an spokesman said on talks with the liquidator of and Country Head – new front in global trade
Parliament. wanted an agreement by of French products ally, and it’s not the Tuesday. its UK namesake as it has Holidays, MICE, Visa, war. The Sensex closed
Her assertion came year end. with tariffs over a behavior we expect "As in all other trade- the right to use the brand in Thomas Cook India. at 40,675.45, down 0.31
days after Sahakar Stocks dropped in Europe dispute concerning from the US toward related matters the EU India only till 2024. Now on, Building a new brand would per cent or 126.72 points,
Bharati, a non-profit and US equity futures sold how large tech one of its main will act and react as one TCIL can use rights in per- have been an arduous and while the Nifty settled at
with many of its office off as Trump’s comments companies are allies, France, and and it will remain unit- petuity on a royalty-free expensive task for the com- 11,994.20, down 0.45 per
bearers close to the RSS, indicated no urgency to taxed. more generally, ed," said EU Commission basis. TCIL was previously pany. cent or 54 points.
pitched for an increase reach a deal by Dec. 15, The decision by Europe,” French spokesman Daniel paying an annual brand In addition to Thomas Banking stocks saw
in deposit insurance lim- which US Commerce the office of the Finance Minister Rosario after the US licence fee of Rs 2 crore to Cook, the Thomas Cook selling pressure as
its to Rs 5 lakh for indi- Secretary Wilbur Ross on US Trade Bruno Le Maire threatened tariffs on TCUK, the company India Group operates lead- investors took a cau-
viduals. Monday called a “logical Representative said on Radio French goods on Monday. informed the stock ing B2C and B2B travel tious stance ahead of
"The corporation does deadline.” The Trump marks a setback Classique on The threat was in exchanges. brands including SOTC, the RBI monetary policy
not have the requisite administration has threat- for efforts to stop Tuesday.“If there response to a French digi- “In 2012 when TCIL were TCI, SITA, Asian Trails, meet outcome this
information," DICGC ened to impose tariffs on a conflict over a were new US tal services tax that acquired by Fairfax Allied T Pro (ATP), Austra- Friday. Of the 19 sec-
said in response to an more Chinese imports digital services sanctions, the EU Washington says is dis- Financial Holdings of lian Tours Management toral indices, 15 closed
RTI query on whether starting that day. Those tax. The levy, would be ready to criminatory, claiming Canada, we had entered into (ATM), Desert Adventures, in the red and 4 ended in
there is any proposal levies would hit American which the USTR retaliate.” that it singles out US tech a Brand Licence Agreement Luxe Asia, Kuoni Hong the green.
under consideration to consumer products such as says “discrimi- giants such as Google and with the erstwhile Thomas Kong, TC Travel, Private Technical View
raise the limit of Rs 1 smartphones, toys and chil- nates against US —Bloomberg Facebook. —AFP Cook Group of the UK to Safaris East & South Africa,
lakh insured in the bank. drens’ clothing just before give us exclusive use of the Sterling Holidays and “The market recovered
The DICGC insures all the Christmas holiday. brand until 2024 across Digiphoto Entertainment from the lows of 11960
bank deposits. “If nothing happens India, Sri Lanka and Imaging (DEI), with strate- and closed around the
—PTI between now and then, the Tariffs on 3/1/2018—and not the deal is going to be jumped to records on opti- Mauritius for an annual gic investments in Ithaka by levels of 12000. Real
president has made quite the US is taking in massive right. It’s got to be right,” mism for a truce in an 20- licence fee of Rs 2 crore. So Travel Junkie Solutions. estate and consumer
clear he’ll put the tariffs in amounts of money (and he said. “The China trade month tariff war between when this very attractive Unlike it UK namesake, durable stocks showed
—the increased tariffs,” giving some to our farmers, deal is dependent on one the world’s two largest investment opportunity of which has gone into liquida- signs of fresh buying
Syndicate Bank Ross said on Fox Business
A flurry of US trade
who have been targeted by
China)!” Trump tweeted on
thing: Do I want to make it?
Because we’re doing very
well with China right now
economies that has led to
tariffs on some $500 billion
in bilateral trade.
complete ownership of the
brand name across these
markets, for a onetime pay-
tion, TCIL is financially
strong. It has operations in
29 countries and five conti-
from experts. Techni-
cally, it seems that the
market is going to con-
allows MSMEs moves in the past 24 hours
has eroded investor opti-
mism that Trump would
Speaking to reporters on
a trip to attend a summit
for the 70th anniversary of
and we could do even better
with the flick of a pen.”
The dollar reversed early
Earlier on Tuesday,
Chinese state media said
the government would soon
ment of Rs 13.9 crore came
up, it truly was an opportu-
nity we had to grab!”,
nents, a team of over 9,700
and had combined revenue
in excess of Rs 6718.7 crore
solidate ahead of the
announcement of credit
policy which is due on
to recast loans ease up on tariffs that have
slowed the global economy.
Rather than ratcheting
NATO, Trump suggested
that in some ways, it might
be better to wait until after
gains versus the yen, and
Treasuries advanced.
The U.S. and China have
publish a list of “unreliable
entities” that could lead to
sanctions against US com-
Madhavan Menon, Chair-
man & Managing Director,
Thomas Cook (India) said.
for 2018-19.
It has cash and bank
deposits balances of Rs.
5th December. Nifty
should remain between
the range of 11900 and
Bengaluru, Dec. 3: down trade tensions, the US presidential election been trying to conclude panies, signaling trade This move by TCIL also 1088 crore as of September 12150 and our strategy
Syndicate Bank said on Trump is indicating confi- next November. phase one of a trade deal talks between the two prevents possible new 30, 2019. On a standalone should be to byhuy on
Tuesday it is providing a dence that his import taxes “I like the idea of waiting that White House economic nations are increasingly entrants into these markets, basis Thomas Cook India is dips,” said Shrikant
breather to all of its are good for America. until after the election for adviser Larry Kudlow said under threat from disputes using the brand name after debt-free and the group gen- Chouhan, Senior Vice-
Micro, Small and “US markets are up as the China deal. But they more than two weeks ago over human rights in Hong 2024. “We had two options. erates an average annual President, Equity
Medium Enterprises much as 21 per cent since want to make a deal now was “coming down to the Kong and Xinjiang. We could either get the free cash flow of around Rs Technical Research,
(MSME) customers by the announcement of and we’ll see whether or short strokes.” Stocks have — Bloomberg brand forever from the liq- 200 crore. Kotak Securities.
extending the facility for “Technically, Nifty
restructuring of the made a lower highs for
loan. third consecutive ses-
This will provide them
a flexible repayment
option and prevent their
NBCC, Suraksha place Jaypee bids Motilal starts ETFs NSE identifies
sion and formed a red
body candle on daily
chart. On hourly chart,
accounts from being
8 stocks for we witnessed Head &
classified as non-per-
forming assets (NPAs), it
said in a statement.
Restructuring of loan
New Delhi, Dec. 3: State-
owned NBCC Ltd and
Mumbai-based Suraksha
Realty on Tuesday submit-
on Nifty-50, Next 50 connects Noida to Agra in
Uttar Pradesh.
On the other hand,
Suraksha Realty has also
Shoulder pattern break-
down; however, it is hov-
ering around lower end
of a Rising Channel.
is a facility given to cus- ted their final bids and improved its resolution FC BUREAU “In the recent past, mid- New Delhi, Dec. 3: The momentum oscilla-
tomers to reschedule the offered more land parcels to plan and is now offering MUMBAI, DEC.3 cap and small-cap compa- Leading stock exchange tor RSI indicates a nega-
repayment structure of lenders to acquire bankrupt 2,220 acres of land worth Rs nies have underperformed NSE has shortlisted tive divergence on daily
their loan accounts, it realtor Jaypee Infratech 9,800 crore under the land- Motilal Oswal Asset significantly and in any eight companies, includ- chart and till the time,
was noted. through insolvency process, debt swap deal. Earlier, it Management Company case for investors desirous ing Future Enterprises Nifty sustains below
The provision is given sources said. had offered 1,934 acres of owned by Motilal Oswal of managing a pure alloca- and GMR Infrastruc- 12000 – 12025 zone, we
to those customers Lenders had asked both land worth Rs 7,857 crore. Group has come out with tion, mixing of market ture, that have higher may see a profit booking
whose units are under the suitors to sweeten their It has also increased two large-cap index fund - caps to beat indices is not levels of pledged shares move towards 11850 –
stress due to various resolution plans and submit three-and-a-half years from upfront cash payment to Motilal Oswal Nifty 50 ideal because it increases by promoters, for sur- 11800 levels. On the flip-
internal or external rea- their bids by December 3. the earlier four years for the lenders to Rs 175 crore from Index Fund and their risk,” Motilal veillance action. side, 12158 levels
sons, thereby helping According to sources, completion of over 20,000 Rs 25 crore earlier. Motilal Oswal Large- Oswal Mutual The exchange would remains major hurdle
them to stabilise their NBCC in its final bid has flats. For homebuyers, Surak- Nifty Next 50 cap index Fund said. levy minimum margin for the index,”
business over time. offered 1,526 acres of land to For lenders, the public sec- sha has set aside Rs 250 Index Fund, funds are expec- “Large-cap of 35 per cent on the Siddhartha Khemka,
The Bank's MD & CEO, lenders as against its earlier tor firm has also proposed crore worth land against based on the ted to mirror index funds shares, including on Head - Retail Research,
Mrutyunjay Mahapatra, proposal of 1,426 acres. to increase concession land parcels worth Rs 100 two popular have a purity of stocks in derivatives Motilal Oswal Financial
benchmark returns
said MSMEs contribute For homebuyers, it has agreement by 10 years on crore earmarked earlier. indices—Nifty allocation to segment. Services Private Ltd.
significantly to the coun- reduced the timeline to Yamuna Expressway, which — PTI more closely large caps and
50 and Nifty Jindal Steel & Power, Market View
try's economic growth. Next 50. than active provide stability Dish TV India, Gayatri
Any MSME with aggre- The new fund funds as they are large in Projects, Max India, Foreign institutional
gate debt of Rs 25 crore
or below as on January
1, 2019 are eligible to
apply for this facility, the
Emkay app for wealth management offer for both the
funds opens

December 17.
December 3 and closes on
size, dominant in
their sectors and general-
ly have good customer rep-
utation. It provides addi-
Sadbhav Infrastructure
Project and Sequent
Scientific are the other
six companies identified
investors sold shares
worth Rs 1,731.33 crore
in the capital market in
the previous session.
bank said. —PTI Aashish Somaiyaa, MD & tional income in the form for surveillance action, "Domestic markets
FC BUREAU introduced a wealth man- ing that security or not and CEO, Motilal Oswal AMC, of dividends as many large- according to a circular. remained muted on
MUMBAI, DEC. 3 agement app for the ultra how much of it is in their said, “These launches are caps generally pay steady "The applicable rate of account of downbeat
rich that offers fund analyt- product portfolio. in continuation of our dividends,” the fund said. margin in equity and global sentiments after

White-collar The ultra rich will no

longer have to rely on their
portfolio managers to know
ics wherein user can com-
pare funds, see portfolio
overlaps and manage risks.
Bhavesh Sanghvi, CEO,
Emkay Wealth Manage-
ment, said, “We continue to
recent efforts to make pas-
sive investing popular
among the retail investors.”
“Large-cap index compa-
nies are more transparent
in terms of statements and
equity derivatives seg-
ment shall be 35 per cent
or existing margin,
US reinstated tariffs on
Argentina and Brazil
and threatened even

crimes on the their investment detail.

They now can scan their
investments and gains/
Key features of Emkay
Wealth Management App
include search for a securi-
leverage technology to pro-
vide world-class experience
to our esteemed clients.
The large-cap index funds
are expected to mirror
benchmark index returns
workings leads to ease in
decision making for long
term investors. The accura-
whichever is higher
with effect from
December 5 on all open
harsher penalties on
dozens of popular
French products" said
losses by themselves, ty and the weightage of the Users can analyse their more closely contrary to cy in evaluation is more positions as on Paras Bothra, President
rise: Survey
thanks to a new mobile
application being intro-
same in their portfolio,
especially given the credit
defaults in the fixed income
portfolio on real-time basis,
view current balance,
available funds and ledger
the active large-cap funds
that include some percent-
age of mid-cap & small-cap
due to established knowl-
edge of company history,
and wider coverage of cur-
December 4 and new
positions created from
December 5," the bourse
of Equity Research,
Ashika Stock Broking.
duced by the wealth man-
NEW DELHI, DEC 3 agers. Emkay Global space, one knows whether balances at an ease of fin- companies in their portfo- rent activities and finan- said. —PTI — Ashwin J Punnen
Financial Services has the fund manager is hold- gertips.” lios. cial statements,” it said.
With massive irregulari-
ties in financial transac-

Mercedes-Benz GLC What’ll happen to markets on Dec. 15

tions, white-collar
crimes are on the rise. It
has been observed that a
total of 3,766 incidents
GKN Aerospace
to open new
facelift for `52.75 L
of fraud were detected
in the last fiscal (FY19), ERIC LAM & Investment Officer at strike a deal of some sort. and Europe are likely an
rising by 15 per cent
from a year ago, while
losses incurred due to
facility in Pune DEC. 3

pened recently makes this

That will reduce uncertain-
ty and help the global econ-
omy do well.”
effort to bolster Trump’s
“tariff man” image ahead
of a trade deal with China,
frauds have also risen President Donald Trump’s trade deal more costly for For Kerry Craig, global he said.
by 80 per cent, according MICHAEL GONSALVES MICHAEL GONSALVES latest missives on trade are Chinese leaders -- so I’m market strategist at “With the economy in a
to a survey. PUNE, DEC. 03 PUNE, DEC. 3 a wake-up call to markets seeing a gloomy future for JPMorgan Asset Manage- very delicate situation, if
Understanding the risk close to record highs that a the short term, one-to-two ment, a key concern is mar- this came on, it would seri-
posed by white-collar GKN Aerospace, the UK- Mercedes-Benz, India’s major deadline is looming months.” kets have already priced in ously ratchet up the risk of
crimes, Netrika based and London-stock largest German luxury car with China. With the clock running the prospect of a trade deal a recession—and the White
Consulting, a profession- exchange listed 3.5 billion maker, which showcased The Dec. 15 flashpoint on down on 2019 and a that has yet to be signed. House wouldn’t want this
al risk and integrity pound multi-technology Mercedes GLC SUV facelift tariffs was thrown into prospects of a trade deal “There had been a lot of situation going into the
management company, tier 1 aerospace supplier, is earlier this year at the 2019 sharp relief on Tuesday looking more remote it’s optimism built in around a 2020 presidential election
conducted a survey cov- opening a new factory in Geneva Motor Show, has when Trump said he sees time for investors to take a trade deal and it’s still the next year,” Lee said.
ering respondents from Pune on Wednesday to now launched it in India. no urgency to complete a little bit of risk off the thing that will weigh on There may be some mas-
law firms, media houses manufacture electrical Priced at Rs 52.75 lakh to deal. “If tariffs scheduled table, said Steve Brice, markets over the coming sive initial market swings
and corporate house. wiring interconnection Rs 57.75 at pan-India show- for Dec. 15 are implemented Chief Investment months,” Craig said on in store, said Chris Weston,
White-collar crimes are systems (EWIS). room, the Mercedes GLC tweaks, BS-6 compliant it would be a huge shock to Strategist at Standard Bloomberg TV. “In the head of research at
committed for financial The company is investing SUV comes in two options - petrol and diesel engines the market consensus,” Chartered bank. meantime we need to see Pepperstone Group Ltd. in
gains and usually by peo- Rs 154 crore for now. The GLC 200 and GLC 220d and the new MBUX inter- said Sue Trinh, MD for “It looks like it’s going to more of a pick-up in the a note to clients.
ple in higher positions. new facility, aimed at both 4Matic. It will rival the face system, which debuts global macro strategy at be pushed to the beginning global economy to really “We could face a wild
Statistics has, however, the local and global mar- Land Rover Discovery in India for the first time Manulife Investment of next year at the best offset some of those uncer- day,” he said. The S&P 500
showed that there is a kets, would directly Sport, the Audi Q5, the on the Mercedes-Benz GLC Management in Hong case,” Brice said. The mes- tainties.” is likely to fall about 2 per
trading value of Rs 4,000 employ 800 skilled opera- BMW X3 and the Volvo SUV. Kong. “Trump would be the sage to investors is “maybe For some, the retreat in cent, with currencies
crore using fake or dupli- tors and engineers. XC60 in the country. The new MBUX gets ‘Hey Grinch that stole trim a little bit of equity equities at the start of the including the yuan,
cate PAN cards. “An “We are investing Rs 72 At present, the Pune- Mercedes’ voice command Christmas,” she said. exposure, or certainly not week already presents a Australian dollar and
approximate 3.2 million crore in the new factory," headquartered Mercedes- interface and a large cen- The following are the chase the market at this buying opportunity. Korean won also likely to
people have lost card Michiel Barenose, VP and Benz offers the largest SUV tral touchpad that is seen views of a number of mar- stage. But look to do so in “I’d fade the correction move, he said. A relief rally
details at banks ATMs MD, Aerostructures and portfolio in the luxury car for the first time on the ket participants on what the next few weeks if we today,” Eli Lee, head of may be in the offing after-
pointing to increasing Systems Europe and Asia segment in the country at GLC range. Additionally, happens if the tariffs on see a 5-to-7 per cent pull- investment strategy at ward, particularly if
adoption of technology at GKN Aerospace told FC. eight SUVs. the GLC facelift also gets China kick in Dec. 15. back.” Bank of Singapore, told there’s agreement to revisit
by white-collar crimi- He said an additional Rs 72 The new SUV receives a updated textures to name It will be “definitely risk- Longer term, Brice Bloomberg TV. talks in 2020, he said.
nals,” the survey said. crore would be invested mid-life cycle update and it another change in the off across the screen,” said remains optimistic “the The renewed tariff pres-
over 10 years . now gets subtle styling cabin. Tongli Han, Chief U.S. and China will still sures on South America — Bloomberg
Chinese whisperer
Fabio Cannavaro expects to remain the
coach of Chinese football team Guangzhou 14
Evergrande after wining the league

Indians have a field day

Pressure is
on Joshua,
says Ruiz
Riyadh, Dec. 3:
I'll be disappointed
if they are cheering
Clinch 27 medals on day two, second at South Asian Games Heavyweight champion
Andy Ruiz Jr. said on
Monday that all the pres-
enthusiastically for Pokhara, Dec. 3: Indian
men’s and women’s bad-
sure will be on dethroned
champion Anthony
Tiger Woods. minton team expectedly Joshua in their con-
claimed gold medals after tentious showdown in
— Adam Scott, International team’s beating Sri Lanka in its Saudi Arabia.
golfer, asking the fans to not cheers respective finals at the Ruiz, who was born in
for Woods at the President’s Cup 13th South Asian Games the United States but
(SAG) here on Monday. fights as a Mexican,
The men’s team, led by caused one of boxing’s
SHORT TAKES Kidambi Srikanth, defeat-
ed Sri Lanka 3-1 in the
biggest upsets in New
York in June when he
finals, while the women’s handed Joshua a first
Austin wins it side blanked the same
opponents 3-0 in the sum-
defeat to win the WBA,
IBF and WBO crowns in
for West Brom mit clash to make it a dou-
ble bonanza for India.
New York.
The pair will fight the
London: Charlie Austin’s 90th- Srikanth started the pro- rematch on Saturday in
minute penalty sent West Brom ceedings for the men’s, Diriyah, close to the
back to the Championship sum- struggling past Dinuka Saudi capital Riyadh, in a
mit with a 1-0 win at Preston. Karunaratne 17-21, 21-15, hotly-anticipated contest
Austin converted from the 21-11 in the opening dubbed “Clash on the
spot to secure the Baggies a match. Siril Verma then Dunes”.
fifth successive victory and gave India a 2-0 lead after “We’ve got to see where
move them back above Leeds. his opponent Sachin he's at because all the
Slaven Bilic’s side looked set to Premashan retired with pressure is on him. The
rue a number of missed oppor- the scoreline reading 21- pressure isn’t on me
tunities in the first half as they 17, 11-5 in the Indian’s because I followed my
struggled to break through a favour. dream, made my dreams
resilient Preston defence. Arun George and come true,” Ruiz said in
But Austin’s spot-kick moves Sanyam Shukla, however, Riyadh.
them two points clear of Leeds, suffered a 18-21, 21-14, 11-21 “Of course I want more
while Preston slipped to a third loss to Sachin and B. though — I want the lega-
successive defeat. Tharindu Goonathilake as cy of Andy Ruiz Jr.,” he
“I’m an experienced cool head Sri Lanka grabbed one added.
and I know what I'm doing,” point to make it 1-2. Meanwhile, Joshua said
Austin told said. Krishna Prasad Garanga he was “comfortable” and
“I had a look at the 'keeper and Dhruv Kapila then “very relaxed” ahead of
and sent him the wrong way. completed the win with a the rematch.
We’ve got great youngsters, 21-14, 21-18 win over “I am just going to win. I
we’re top of the league and it’s Karunaratne and Hasitha know I can do it.I was this
an exciting future for us,” he Chanaka in the second close last time, so next
added. doubles match. time I won’t mess up,”
The visitors were much the In the women’s finals, Joshua said.
better side in the first half and Ashmita Chaliha, Saturday’s bout is mired
Bilic would have been frustrat- Aakarshi Kashyap and in controversy. The
ed his side failed to lead at the Gayatri Gopichand Saudis have faced intense
break. Preston were vastly claimed victories in the diplomatic fallout over
improved in the second period three singles to give India last year’s murder of dis-
and created a flurry of chances a 3-0 win against Sri sident journalist Jamal
just after the hour mark while Lanka. Khashoggi in the conser-
West Brom increasingly strug- Earlier in the day, the vative kingdom’s con-
gled to break through a men’s team mauled sulate in Istanbul. — AFP
resilient Preston defence. Pakistan 3-0 with doubles
— AFP pair of Arun George and We’ve got to see where
Sanyam Shukla, singles he's at because all the
players Krishna Prasad pressure is on him. The
Spanish league Garanga and Siril Varma
registering easy wins. The Indian women’s badminton team pose with their gold medals after beating Sri Lanka 3-0 in their South Asian Games final on Tuesday.
pressure isn’t on me
because I followed my
president resigns While Arun and Sanyam dream, made my
Madrid: Javier Tebas has
announced that he will stand
down as head of the Spanish
football league (LFP) in a bid
beat Raja Muhammad
Hasnain and
Muhammad 21-12, 21-12,

Siril thrashed Zahid Awais

21-7 21-7 and Krishna
Prasad Garanga overcame
Five-star champs blank Maldives dreams come true.
champion on his
bout against
to win a third term as president Pokhara, Dec. 3: Bala
in new elections.
“I have presented my resigna-
tion as president of La Liga in
Ali Murad 21-19, 21-18.
Up against the same
opponents, the India
Devi grabbed a brace as
the Indian women’s foot-
ball team mauled Maldives
1,500m Anthony Joshua

order to begin new presidential

elections, in which I will be a
candidate,” Tebas said on
women’s team also
blanked Pakistan 3-0 in the
semifinals to enter the
5-0 in their opening game
of the 13th South Asian
Games here on Tuesday.
Twitter. Tebas, 57, was first
named president of the LFP,
which runs Spain’s two profes-
summit clash against Sri
While Sai Uttejitha Rao
Apart from
Dangmei Grace, Manisha

and Jabamani Tudu — all

sional divisions, in 2013 before Chukka overcame Mahoor scored a goal apiece to Kathmandu, Dec. 3:
being re-elected three years Shahzad 21-12, 21-18; hand India three points at India’s athletes contin-
later after resigning and then Gayatri Gopichand the Pokhara Stadium here. ued their fine show at
standing unopposed. brushed aside Palwasha It only took five minutes the 13th South Asian
Elections to decide the new Bashir 21-14, 21-11 and dou- for the Maymol Rocky- Games by adding four
president were initially sched- bles pairing of Meghna coached side to take the medals, including a gold
uled for October next year, but Jakkampudi and N. Sikki lead through Grace, who in men’s 1500m race at
Reddy saw off Javeed
Tebas said in a letter to Spanish
clubs that he had forced an
early poll in order to “give the
Huma and Akram Sheera
21-14, 21-12.
rifled in a shot from the
right flank.
Bala, who returned last
the Dasarath Stadium
here on Tuesday.
The Indians bagged
greatest level of stability” to
the LFP. Tebas cites the bidding
for TV rights for 2022-25, which
week from a trial with
Scottish club Rangers
WFC, scored two goals in
the gold and silver in
the men’s the 1500m
besides winning the sil-
wins on
will begin “between March and
June 2021 ... Too close to the
original election schedule”.
The Indian men’s and
women’s table tennis
teams claimed gold medals
quick succession to put
India in a commanding
ver and bronze in the
women’s 1500m event.
Ajay Kumar Saro won
“Over the years, we have fol- after defeating Nepal and In the 25th minute, she Bala Devi (in blue) vies for the ball during their match against Maldives at the South the gold in men’s 1500m Greater Noida, Dec. 3:
lowed a genuine strategy for Sri Lanka in its respective latched on to a pass from Asian Games in Pokhara on Tuesday. India won 5-0. with a timing of 3.54.18 Mandeep Jangra marked
our TV rights, it’s not simply a finals Jabamani from the left seconds while Ajeet his return to the ring
case of results on the day of India beat hosts Nepal 3-0 flank to score. Eight min- Kumar clinched the sil- with a hard-fought split
the competition, we are work-
ing with this in mind, we are
in the men’s final, while
their women’s counter-
utes later, she was on the
end of a cross from substi-
MEHULI LEADS SHOOTING MEDAL HAUL ver by clocking 3.57.18s.
The bronze went to
decision win over Dinesh
Dagar to help North East
preparing the market,” he parts defeated Sri Lanka tute Manisha — making Kathmandu, Dec. 3: ● Mehuli Ghosh India also won the team Tanka Karki (3.50.20s) of Rhinos hold Bengaluru
added. — AFP by an identical 3-0 margin no mistake with the finish. Indian shooters bagged claimed gold with a gold in the 10m air rifle Nepal. Brawlers to a 1-1 draw at
to win a gold each. The defending champi- nine medals, including event. Earlier in the day, the Big Bout Indian
Santoo Shrestha gave ons then scored two more four golds in the 13th score of 253.3 while In the men’s 50m 3P India’s Chanda (4.34.51s) Boxing League here on
some torrid moments to goals in two minutes in the South Asian Games here Shriyanka Sadangi event, Chain Singh clinched the silver Tuesday.
Anthony Amalraj before closing moments of the on Tuesday, with Mehuli (250.8) took silver clinched the gold medal medal in the women’s The Brawlers’ 91kg
TYPHOON AT the Indian rallied to win
12-10, 14-16, 11-5, 11-8 to put
● Bala Devi netted a
— PTI Ghosh finishing on top of
podium with a score better
and Shreya Agrawal
(227.2) clinched
with compatriot Akhil
Sheoran winning the sil-
1500m event while com-
patriot Chitra Palakeez
Reyal Puri left Uzbek
boxer Ergashev Timor
his team in the lead. than the world record. ver. (4.35.46s) settled for the with a bloodied nose in
IT AGAIN, HITS Soumyajit Ghosh then
accounted for Shiva
brace while
Dangmei Grace,
The 19-year-old Mehuli
clinched the gold with a
bronze in women’s
10m air rifle.
Yogesh Singh
Gurpreet Singh won the
and bronze. The gold in this
event was bagged by
the second round.
That result did put pres-

SEA GAMES Sunder Gothe 11-3, 11-2, 12-

10 and Harmeet Desai fin-
ished it off in style with a
Manisha and
Jabamani Tudu — all
score of 253.3 in the final,
which is 0.4 more than the
current world record of the silver with a score of
gold and silver medal in
the 25m center fire pistol
event respectively. India
Uda Kuburalage.
The Indians have so
far accumulated 21
sure on the 2013 Asian
Mandeep when
Clark, Philippines: Powerful 11-4, 11-4, 11-8 win over scored a goal apiece 252.9 which is in the name 250.8, while Shreya also won a silver medal in medals, including six stepped into the ring
Typhoon Kammuri forced Purushottam Borja- to hand India three of another Indian, Apurvu Agrawal (227.2) clinched the 25m center fire pistol gold, 11 silver and four against the taller and
organisers of the Southeast cahrya. points. Chandela. the bronze in a 1-2-3 podi- team event. bronze. — PTI younger Dinesh in the
Asian Games in the Philippines — PTI Shriyanka Sadangi took um finish by the Indians. — PTI men’s 57kg bout. — PTI
to reschedule about half of the
events set for Tuesday, but they

Milwaukee rout hapless Knicks Woods gets better of

pledged the competition would
finish on time.
The storm, which made land-
fall late Monday, wrought par-
ticular havoc on water-based
and outdoor events, causing
approximately 16 of them to be
However, roughly 17 other
competitions — primarily indoor
Los Angeles Dec. 3:
Giannis Antetokounmpo
scored 29 points as the
Milwaukee Bucks
stretched their winning
Spieth in Hero Shot
● Giannis Antetokounmpo scored 29
points as the Milwaukee Bucks stretched
their winning streak to 12 games with a
132-88 demolition of New York Knicks.
the hunt on Monday,
claiming a 103-94 win over
the Utah Jazz.
Tobias Harris led the
scoring for the Sixers Nassau (Bahamas), Dec. each took another six shots
ones — were supposed to go streak to 12 games on with 26 points, while Joel 3: Golf legend Tiger Woods GOLF | CHALLENGE with the highest two second
ahead as planned, a statement Monday with a 132-88 Embiid added 16 points defeated fellow American round scores advancing to
from the organisers said. demolition of the hapless and D.J. Wilson, who Antetokounmpo mean- and 11 rebounds in what Jordan Spieth to win the over reflections pool at the championship. Spieth
“It’s not safe to play and we New York Knicks. added 19 off the bench. while said Milwaukee had threatened to become inaugural Hero Shot event, Baha Mar. and Woods moved on, post-
apologise,” Ramon Suzara, the The Eastern Conference No fewer than six were not thinking about a rout at Philadelphia’s an ideal warm-up ahead of The first round of the ing scores of 900 each while
organising committee’s chief leaders showed no mercy Milwaukee players fin- their winning streak but Wells Fargo Center. the high-profile Hero World Hero Shot featured three Stenson was eliminated
operating officer, told a news to the worst side in the ished in double digits, rather looking ahead to The Sixers had surged Challenge here. head-to-head match-ups — after posting a score of 800.
conference, announcing the division, outscoring the including Antetoko- their next game. into a 60-42 lead at half- Woods defeated Spieth in Rahm vs Stenson, In the championship
rescheduling. Knicks by 33-15 in the unmpo’s elder brother Knicks coach David time and looked to be in the championship round by Woodland vs Spieth and round, Spieth took on
Kammuri brought high winds first quarter and showing Thanasis who chipped in Fizdale admitted his team control until a sustained a score of 1,800-900 on DeChambeau vs Woods — Woods with each taking
and heavy rains across the no let-up through a one- with 10 points from his 12 had been bracing for an Utah fightback. Monday. with each player taking six final six shots at the target.
northern Philippines, but did sided encounter. minutes on the court. onslaught from the tip-off. The Jazz had trailed by The 43-year-old defeated a shots at the target. Woods won in walk-off
not directly hit the region Antetokounmpo was on The win saw the Bucks The Bucks are two 19 points after three quar- star-studded field featuring Stenson advanced by a fashion as the two were tied
around the capital Manila, court for just 21 minutes, improve to 18-3 at the top games clear of second- ters and managed to claw Spieth, Bryson score of 1,200-1100, while going into the final shot.
which is home to the three main adding 15 rebounds and of the Eastern placed Toronto, who back the deficit to seven DeChambeau, Jon Rahm, Spieth won his match-up by Woods called game, hitting
event hubs. The storm’s potent shooting 10-of-14 while Conference, while the stand at 15-4, just ahead of points with one minute Henrik Stenson and Gary a playoff score of 200-100, bulls eye and earned 1,000
gusts also forced officials to leading the scoring. Knicks remained rooted the Miami Heat and remaining before the Woodland. Woods earned a 900-700 vic- points in the process.
close Manila’s international air- The Greek star was to the bottom of the Boston Celtics (14-5). Sixers steadied the ship The players took their tory. The Hero World
port as a precaution. backed by Khris standings with just four The Philadelphia 76ers for the win. best shots at a bulls eye 130 In the second round, Challenge begins here from
— AFP Middleton with 16 points wins against 17 defeats. meanwhile remained in — AFP yards away, hitting shots Stenson, Spieth and Woods Wednesday. — PTI
Court Date
Former Pakistan cricketer Nasir Jamshed, who is accused of
being a part of an alleged spot-fixing conspiracy in the 15
Pakistan Super League, will go on trial in Britain on Tuesday

We lacked a lot in
the bowling
department, we
Bumrah’s back
Pacer works with trainer rejected by CoA panel BCCI President
couldn’t build any New Delhi, Dec. 3: The
much-talked about legacy
wants India to
pressure & dismiss that former India trainer
Shankar Basu had sup-
play D/N Tests
Australian batsmen. posedly created over the Kolkata, Dec. 3: With
— Misbah-ul-Haq, Pakistan head years around the Indian support from skipper
coach-cum-chief selector team and the National Virat Kohli, BCCI presi-
Cricket Academy (NCA) dent Sourav Ganguly
seems to have fallen flat wants the Indian cricket
SHORT TAKES once again.
Contrary to the general
team to play a pink ball
Test in every series.
rule of injured Indian India took to pink ball
players undergoing rehab Tests after initial resist-
at the NCA, pace spear- ance on Ganguly’’s insis-
head Jasprit Bumrah has tence as Kohli and boys
been working on his took on Bangladesh at the
strength and fitness Eden Gardens last month.
under Delhi Capitals It was a gala affair as
trainer Rajnikanth Eden witnessed sellout
Sivagnanam. crowd although the match
Interestingly, Rajni- was as lopsided as it can
Jofra Archer kanth is the same person get with the home team
who had been rejected for winning by a massive
Kiwi police to the position of Strength
and Conditioning Coach
“I am pretty upbeat
probe racial abuse back in August and the
job was handed to Nick
about it,” Ganguly told
The Week.
Hamilton: New Zealand police Webb under the “I feel this is the way for-
were on Tuesday asked to Committee of ward. Not every Test, but
investigate racial abuse direct- Administrators (CoA). at least one Test in a
ed at England cricketer Jofra The panel for conducting series.”
Archer during last week’s first practical exams consisted Ganguly said he will
Test, following information sup- of the national selectors share his experiences of
plied by New Zealand Cricket and Ranadeep Moitra — hosting a pink ball Test at
officials. NZC chief executive owner of the Endorphins Jasprit Bumrah during a gym session. — TWITTER Eden with other associa- Kieron Pollard during a training session in Hyderabad on
David White said they lodged a Gym in Kolkata. And they tions. Tuesday. — P. SURENDRA
complaint with police after placed Webb and Luke Rajni. He was asked to do with one of your best pure merit. “I will share my experi-

Pollard sets the

studying CCTV footage, listen- Woodhouse over things by the gym trainer bowlers even though his “You tell me something, ences with the board and
ing to audio, interviewing spec- Rajnikanth. on the panel that no one body was on auto heal who decided that NCA we will try and imple-
tators and obtaining material Speaking to IANS, a else was. What was curi- mode. So, he was sent to trainers have to be below ment it in other places.
on social media. Archer com- BCCI official not only ous was that the person the UK for consultation. 35? The last employment After this, everyone is
plained of being racially abused questioned the turn of on the panel had not We have an important advertisement given by ready. Nobody wants to
during the first Test against
New Zealand in Mount
Maunganui last week. In a mes-
sage on social media he said it
events, but also asked if
the process followed in
the appointment during
the CoA regime needs a
worked at the level that
Rajni had worked at. It
would be interesting to
know who placed him on
tour of New Zealand com-
ing up in the new year
and he will be an integral
part of the planning
the BCCI for Strength &
Conditioning Coach at
the academy required the
person to be below 35. So,
play Test cricket in front
of 5,000 people,” the for-
mer India captain said.
— Agencies
tone in training
was “disturbing hearing racial re-look. the panel,” he said. there. So, the team man- who exactly are we trying GANDHARV KAMALA I DC tions this time around.
insults today whilst battling to “This is not a judgment Bumrah’s importance in agement was very clear to push and who are we HYDERABAD, DEC. 3 Earlier last month,
help save my team, the crowd on Nick in any way, but the Indian set-up is pretty that they are happy to trying to keep away? Windies whitewashed
was been amazing this week the process was harder well known and sources wait and have him back at When national interest is West Indies skipper Kieron Afghanistan in the ODI
except for that one guy.” White for Rajni than any- in the know of develop- his best in time for the at stake, why such a Pollard set the tone with series (3-0), won the one-off
said the information gathered one else. I had ments said that even the New Zealand tour,” the bizarre rule? We have some powerful shots dur- Test, but lost the T20 series
by NZC did not conclusively enquired Indian team management source said. been training domestic ing their first practice ses- 1-2.
identify the person responsible from a didn’t wish to take any This isn’t the first case teams over the years and sion ahead of their first The reigning World T20
but there was enough evidence member on chance with his of India players refusing when we have reached a T20 against India at the champions are without
to bring the police into the the panel recovery post the to head to the NCA for level of experience, we Rajiv Gandhi Stadium their attacking opener
investigation. — AFP who was stress fracture on his rehab and trainer across are told that the age is an here. Chris Gayle and leading
surprised back and that is why he the country believe that it issue,” one of the trainers Tall, muscular and allrounders Andre Russell
at the was sent to the UK for is the result of having associated with a state I will share my flaunting gold chains, the and Dwayne Bravo. Gayle
Pak bowlers will apparent hos-
tility towards
“Can’t take a chance
trainers who are picked
on reasons other than
team said.
— Agencies
experiences Windies cricketers were a
chirpy bunch. Pollard led
decided to take a break
from all forms of cricket,
with the Board
improve: Waqar and we will try
from the front. After every
ball he faced — during his
while Russell, despite
being fit, did not find a
Karachi: Pakistan’s young pace
attack might have failed to
Ponting feels Australia’s bowling attack better than India and implement it in
other places. After
40-odd minute stint in the
nets — the allrounder had
place in the team. Bravo,
who had earlier hinted at
deliver in Australia but bowling Adelaide, Dec. 3: why he has to pick them amazing for the last cou- this, everyone is an opinion. He even had an international comeback
coach Waqar Younis has backed Cricketing great Ricky over the Indian bowling ple of years and then you friendly banters with the was not considered either.
the under-fire bowlers, saying Ponting reckons line-up. put Umesh Yadav into the ready. Nobody bowlers and his batting The three-match series
with experience they will only Australias bowling “I am taking ours every equation with Ishant wants to play Test partners. kicks off in Hyderabad on
get better. attack is better than day of the week,” Ponting Sharma, they’ve got some cricket in front of Unlike their previous December 6, while the sec-
Pakistan had picked three the current Indian was quoted as saying by very good fast bowlers. 5,000 people. tour to India, West Indies ond T20 is in
young pacers for the Australia bowling as And when you put R. have been in the country Thiruvananthapuram on
tour but the decision backfired Australians are better “India’’s is fantastic; Ashwin and Jadeja in — SOURAV for over a month and are December 8. The third T20
as they allowed the hosts to suited in different (Jasprit) Bumrah and there, their attack is very GANGULY better equipped to tackle will be played in Mumbai
amass huge runs in both the Ricky Ponting conditions and that is (Mohd.) Shami have been good.” — Agencies the sub-continent condi- on December 11.
Test matches. With the young
seamers failing to take wickets
or stem the flow of runs,

Father’s sacrifices helped Kane, Taylor lead NZ to series win

Pakistan suffered innings
defeats in the two Tests at
Brisbane and Adelaide. Their
poor show prompted former
Australia skipper Ricky Ponting
to lebel the bowling unit as the
“worst attack” he has seen in a
long time playing on their soil.
Waqar admitted it was a disap-
Priyam fulfil his dreams KIWIS WIN SPIRIT OF CRICKET
Hamilton, Dec.
Centuries from Kane
Williamson and Ross
Taylor ensured New
New Zealand 375 and
241/2 (K. Williamson 104
pointing performance. Lucknow, Dec. 3: Zealand drew the rain-hit not out, Taylor 105 n. o.)
“Yes I admit that we didn’t get Priyam Garg says his second Test against Hamilton, Dec. 3: The lowing a controversial drew with England 476
the sort of performances or journey from a small England in Hamilton on New Zealand cricket overthrow that allowed (Root 226, Burns 101, Pope
results we wanted from them. child without means to Tuesday, sealing a 1-0 team has been bestowed England to take the final 75, Wagner 5/124).
But for teenagers you tend to buy cricket gear to series win. with the Christopher to the super over and
be unable to maintain the line becoming Indian team New Zealand batted the Martin-Jenkins Spirit of eventually claim their Williamson gently
and length you need to bowl in captain for Under-19 final day needing a sub- Cricket award for its maiden crown on bound- chipped a slower delivery
test matches,” Waqar said in World Cup would not stantial innings to avoid exemplary show of ary count. from Jofra Archer
podcast from the Pakistan have been possible with- defeat and were helped by sportsmanship during The team was present- straight to Denly at short
Cricket Board. out the sacrifice of his sloppy England fielding. the epic final of the ICC ed the award, the brain- midwicket and, as the
The former Pakistan captain, father, who resorted to Williamson, who had World Cup at Lord’s in child of the Marylebone bowler leapt in celebra-
however, insisted that the driving a school van to three lives including a July, which it lost under Cricket Club and the tion and Williamson
teenaged pacers like Naseem fulfil his son’s ambitions. howler of a dropped controversial circum- British Broadcasting made an apologetic ges-
Shah, Musa Khan, Muhammad The 19-year-old Priyam catch by Joe Denly, stances. Corporation, during the ture to Taylor, the ball
Hasnain and Shaheen Shah was on Monday named described it as a “good Kane Williamson and drawn second Test popped out of Denly’s
Afridi were all the future assets captain of the Indian effort” to end up with a his men were robbed off against England at hands. “It was a one-off
of Pakistan cricket. “I think under-19 team for the draw. the World Cup title fol- Seddon Park. — PTI goober,” said Root.
once they play few matches World Cup to be played “A lot of hard work had There were compar-
more over a period of a year in South Africa from to go into saving the Williamson brought up wickets but their plans isons drawn on social
they will get better and January 17 to February match when time didn’t his 21st Test century with went off track when Ollie media to the widely
Shaheen is a example of this,” 9. Hailing from village allow us an opportunity a four off Joe Root in the Pope and then Denly regarded worst dropped
he added. — PTI Quila Parikshitgarh, to win it,” he said. third over after lunch, spilled simple chances catch in Test history
about 25km from Meerut, However, England cap- while Taylor reached cen- from Williamson. when England’s Mike
Priyam picked up the bat tain Joe Root felt the Test tury number 19 with a The New Zealand skip- Gatting put down a sitter
and ball at the tender age was always heading for a flourish in Root’s next per was on 39 when wick- off the gloves of India
“My father Naresh
draw, saying even if the
weather and fielding had
over when he smacked a
four and two sixes in con-
etkeeper Pope put down a
regulation offering off
batsman Kiran More in
1993. — AFP
SAURASHTRA Garg drives a school van.
I have one elder brother
gone England’s way “we
still couldn’t have forced
secutive balls.
Two balls after
the gloves, much to Ben
Stokes annoyance, and on
and three sisters. I am a result.” Taylor had 62 Denly inexplicably
RANJI COACH the youngest in the fami-
ly. My father didn’t have Priyam Garg with Rahul Dravid.
Heavy rain arrived soon
after lunch to end play on
raised his bat
and poked his
dropped an even easier
Rajkot: Former India pacer enough money to take dream that I play cricket ished runner-up in the the fifth day when New tongue out in
Karsan Ghavri has been care of such a big family for India and now that Deodhar Trophy. Zealand were 241 for two his signature
appointed as the coach for the and support my cricket I’m the captain of the “I used to practice in their second innings, celebration, the
Saurashtra Ranji team. career,” Priyam said. under-19 team she is not cricket for 7-8 hours a 140 ahead with Taylor on rain arrived to
Saurashtra Cricket Association “But seeing my love here to see it. I regret day while continuing my 105 and Williamson on wash out
secretary Himanshu Shah con- and dedication for the that the most.” India is studies. Sanjay Rastogi, 104. England’s faint
firmed Ghavri’s appointment. sport, he borrowed some the most successful team my coach in Meerut used It ensured the spoils hopes.
“Yes, he (Ghavri) has joined money from his friend in the tournament, hav- to help me and because went to New Zealand New Zealand
(the team) as the head coach,” and bought me a cricket ing won four titles till of that and my father’s after their innings victo- resumed the
Shah said. The 68-year-old kit and arranged for my date, including the last efforts I was selected in ry in the first Test, and day at 96 for
Ghavri, a former left-arm coaching. I started play- edition in 2018. the Ranji team in 2018,” improved their record to two with
speedster, has played 39 Tests ing cricket and due to my Priyam will now carry Priyam said. eight wins, a draw and England
and 19 ODIs, picking up 109 and father’s hard work today the same responsibility A right handed top- one loss to South Africa hunt-
15 wickets respectively in the I’m captain of the under- which was once on the order batsman, he scored in their past 10 Test i n g
two formats. He was earlier a 19 team,” he added. shoulders of Mohammad 800-plus runs in his series. e a rl y New Zealand captain
part of the Cricket Priyam suffered a per- Kaif (2000), the current debut Ranji Trophy 2018- Kane Williamson
Improvement Committee of the sonal setback when he India senior team skip- 19 season for Uttar dodges a bouncer from
Mumbai Cricket Association. lost his mother at the age per Virat Kohli (2008) Pradesh, scored a centu- England’s Jofra Archer.
Saurashtra finished runners-up of 11. His only regret and batsman Prithvi ry in his debut game — AFP
in the last Ranji season after now is that his mother Shaw (2018). against Goa. Like every
losing to Vidarbha in the final. can’t see him play for the Priyam has a first-class other Indian cricketer,
“I take it as a challenge and I Indian team, which was double hundred and a Priyam too aspires to
am doing it after 10-11 years. It her dream. List A century to his meet Sachin Tendulkar
is a new beginning (for me),” “My mother died in name. He was a part of to take tips from the leg-
Ghavri said. — PTI 2011 and it was her the India C team that fin- end. — PTI
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer does not fear for
his future as Manchester United manager 16
despite a spate of Premier League sackings

1. Lionel Messi
Unfortunately there 2. Virgil van Dijk
are a couple of (NED/Liverpool)
3. Cristiano Ronaldo
players like him (POR/Juventus)
4. Sadio Mane
(Messi) who are a bit (SEN/Liverpool)
5. Mohamed Salah
unnatural. Six times (EGY/Liverpool)
Ballon d’Or — you 6. Kylia
an Mbappe
need to respect 7. Alisson Becker
greatness as well 8. Robert Lewandowski
(POL/Bayern Munich)
— Virgil van Dijk,

9. Bernardo Silva
Liverpool defender (POR/Manchester City)
10. Riyad Mahrez

SHORT TAKES Lionel Messi wins record

(ALG/Manchester City)

Chandigarh, Punjab sixth Ballon d’Or as USA 1. Megan Raapinoe
boxers dominate World Cup superstar
(USA/Reign FC)
2. Lucy Bronze
Kannur, Kerala: Boxers from (ENG/Lyon)
Chandigarh and Punjab domi-
nated the proceedings on the Megan Rapinoe 3. Alex Morgan
(USA/Orlando Pride)
4. Ada Hegerberg
second day of 4th Elite
Women’s National Boxing
Championships here on
takes women’s prize (NOR/Lyon)
5. Viviane Miedema
Tuesday. 6. Wendie Renard
The day began with a fiery (FRA/Lyon)
encounter between last year’s Paris, Dec. 3: Lionel 48 journalists — has been It is 10 years 7. Sa
am Kerr
bronze medallists K.H. Shamim Messi said he hoped to awarded, with Rapinoe since I won my (AUS/Chicago Red Stars)
Banu from Manipur and carry on undimmed by age succeeding Norway’s Ada first Ballon 8. Rose Lavelle
Chandigarh’s Savita in the 54kg after claiming a record Hegerberg. d'Or here in Paris (USA/Washington Spirit)
bantam weight category. Savita sixth men’s Ballon d’Or Rapinoe was the star of 9. Ellen White
landed a flurry of punches in award at the age of 32 in the Women’s World Cup and I remember (ENG/Manchester City)
the dying seconds to outclass Paris on Monday, while on, and off, the field, win- coming here with my 10. Dzsenifer Marozsan
the Banu in a 3-2 split verdict USA World Cup superstar ning the Golden Boot for three brothers, I was (GER/Lyon)
to win the bout. Megan Rapinoe took the top scorer, with six goals, 22 and it was all
Last year’s silver medallist women’s prize. and Golden Ball for best unthinkable for me KOPA TROPHY
Nupur (75kg) from Haryana Rapinoe was not at the player. what I was going (BEST PLAYER UNDER 21
began her campaign with an Chatelet Theatre in the She scored the opening ON DECEMBER 31)
easy 5-0 win over Rajasthan’s French capital, unable to goal as the USA beat the 1. Matthijs de Ligt
Shweta. In the 64 kg category, make the trip back to the Netherlands 2-0 in the — Lionel Messi (NED/Ajax Amsterdam
Chandigarh’s Neema showed country where she led the final. then Juventus)
superb form and fitness to USA to victory in July. But the 34-year-old femi- 2. Jadon Sancho
I want to (ENG/Borussia
notch up a win against Sarmila However, Messi was nist icon made headlines
Rai of Sikkim. Monika (51kg), there with his wife, with her outspoken criti-
say a huge Dortmund)
thank you to 3. Joao Felix
Ritu (57 kg), Manju (60 kg) Antonella Roccuzzo, and cism of US President (POR/Benfica then
were other boxers to win from two of their children. It is Donald Trump during the my team-mates, the
Atletico Madrid)
Chandigarh. Punjab’s Mandeep Messi’s first Ballon d’Or tournament and has led coaches, the US
Kaur Sandhu blanked Uttar since 2015 and his sixth calls for her team to be Soccer Federation, YASHIN TROPHY
Pradesh’s Shilpa Baliyan 5-0 in overall as he moves one paid the same as their for all of the support
the featherweight category. ahead of old rival male counterparts. to allow me to be (BEST GOALKEEPER)
— Agencies Cristiano Ronaldo. “It’s been an incredible who I am and do 1. Alisson Becker
“It is 10 years since I won year,” said Rapinoe in a (BRA/Liverpool)
my first Ballon d’Or here recorded video message.
what I do on the field 2. Marc-Andre ter Stegen
but also be the
East Bengal up in Paris and I remember
coming here with my A video of Reign FC's US midfielder Megan Rapinoe is displayed after she won the
“I want to say a huge
thank you to my team- person who I am off
(GER/FC Barcelona)
3. Ederson

for Kashmir test three brothers, I was 22

and it was all unthinkable
Ballon d’r France Football 2019 women’s trophy in Paris on Monday. Above:
Argentinian forward Lionel Messi reacts after winning the Ballon d’Or. — AFP
mates, the coaches, the US
Soccer Federation, for all
the field
— Megan Repinoe
(BRA/Manchester City)

Kalyani, West Bengal: Last edi- for me what I was going of the support to allow me
tion runners-up side East through,” Messi said on VAN DIJK COMES alent prize, The Best, in 2019, and netted 36 times to be who I am and do what
Bengal will begin their I-League stage after receiving the SECOND September. in total in 34 La Liga I do on the field but also be
campaign against Real Kashmir
Football Club here on
award from last year’s
winner Luka Modric.
The Barcelona number 10
won this year’s prize —
“Unfortunately there are
a couple of players like
matches last season as
Barcelona won the title.
the person who I am off
the field.”
Ballon d’Or showing can
A title eluded East Bengal last
season as, in spite of defeating
“I hope I have several
years left to keep enjoying
my football. I am aware of
organised by
Football magazine and

voted for by a panel of

him who are a bit unnatu-
ral. Six times Ballon d’Or
— you need to respect
He did not enjoy a suc-
cessful Copa America with
Argentina but was also the
Rapinoe was one of four
members of the US side
that lifted the World Cup to
spur The Reds: Van Dijk
Gokulam Kerala 2-1 on the last the age I have and these journalists from around greatness as well,” said top scorer in last season’s be nominated for the prize, Paris, Dec. 3: Virgil van Dijk said that seeing four
day of competitions, they fell moments are all the more the world — ahead of Van Dijk. Champions League with 12 along with Tobin Heath, Liverpool players finish in the top 10 in the ranking for
one point shy of eventual enjoyable because the Liverpool defender Virgil Van Dijk was one of four goals. Rose Lavelle and Alex this year’s Ballon d’Or can be an extra source of moti-
champions Chennai City FC. moment when I have to van Dijk, with Ronaldo Liverpool players in the As if any reminder of Morgan, who finished vation for the Anfield club in their quest for more on-
Under the guidance of head retire is getting closer and third. top 10, with Sadio Mane his brilliance were third on Monday. field success this season.
coach Alejandro Menendez, the that is difficult. It is the first time since fourth, Mohamed Salah required, on Sunday he England’s Lucy Bronze “Obviously the season we had was outstanding. We
red-and-gold brigade drew with “All going well I’ll have 2010 that Ronaldo has fifth and goalkeeper scored a wonderful late came second. had even more players than that on the total shortlist so
Real Kashmir at home and several years left but at the failed to rank in the top Alisson seventh. winner for Barcelona Dutch defender Matthijs everyone can be proud of the achievement,” said Van
scored a victory in Srinagar last moment time seems to be two. The latter won a new against Atletico Madrid. de Ligt, the ex-Ajax star Dijk after coming second behind Lionel Messi at the
season and this will give them a flying and everything is Having starred in the prize for the goalkeeper of ‘INCREDIBLE YEAR’ now at Juventus, succeed- awards ceremony in Paris on Monday.
psychological advantage before happening very quickly. Liverpool team that won the year, named after for- FOR RAPINOE ed Kylian Mbappe as the Sadio Mane finished fourth, Mohamed Salah was fifth,
they start their season. “I hope to keep enjoying the Champions League, mer USSR icon Lev winner of the Kopa and goalkeeper Alisson Becker came seventh in the vot-
The Kalyani Municipality my football, my family, fac- Van Dijk finished second Yashin. This is just the second Trophy for the best player ing by journalists from around the world for the prize
Stadium will serve as the home ing my rivals and all of to Messi just as he did in Messi has scored 46 goals year that a women’s aged under 21. organised by France Football magazine. — AFP
venue of both East Bengal and this life that I have.” the voting for Fifa’s equiv- in 54 matches so far in Ballon d’Or — voted for by — AFP
Mohun Bagan except for the
two derby matches.
“Speaking before the match,
Menendez said, “Real Kashmir
are a very solid and strong side,
their defence is very compact.
We are very well aware that
they are a very competitive
outfit. The onus now lies on us,
we need to be really accurate
Man Utd ‘a closed chapter’ for Mourinho ODISHA FC
and sharp whenever we have
the chance to attack.” — PTI
London, Dec. 3: Jose
Mourinho says his time at
Manchester United is “a
Live on TV
by such a beautiful recep-
tion. Tomorrow I go back as
the coach of the team that
judgement (on Chelsea’s
plans for January) until we
get the judgement and see
closed chapter” and he is PREMIER LEAGUE will try and beat Manchester where we want to go from Pune, Dec. 3: Odisha FC
EVERTON DRAW only interested in beating
them when he takes his in- Chelsea vs Aston Villa
“I understand that what
Fourth-placed Chelsea will
would look to break their
string of draws with a vic-
form side to Old Trafford on from 1 am (Thursday) on they want is the exact oppo- give Tammy Abraham tory when they host
It is the new Tottenham
Star Sports 3 site of what I want. Of
course during the match I
“every possible chance” to
face Aston Villa on
defending champions
Bengaluru FC here on
manager’s first return to the Man United vs Tottenham expect them to forget me.” Wednesday as the England Wednesday.
FA CUP ROUND 3 touchline at United’s home
ground since his sacking by
from 1 am (Thursday) on
Star Sports Select 1, HD CHELSEA FACE striker recovers from a hip
Josep Gombau’s side
come into this tie after
London: Liverpool will face the club last December. Lampard admitted the 22- playing out three succes-
local rivals Everton in the FA “This is a closed chapter
Liverpool vs Everton Frank Lampard expects to year-old, who has scored 10 sive draws, two goal-less
Cup third round while non- for me,” said Mourinho, who from 1.45 am (Thursday) find out “very soon” Premier League goals this results against ATK and
league side AFC Fylde will trav- has won all three of his on Star Sports Select 2 whether Chelsea will be free season, is still battling Kerala Blasters, followed
el to Premier League outfit matches in charge of Spurs. to make any January sign- pain from the prob- by a 2-2 draw away to
Sheffield United after Monday’s “I left the club, I took my ference. “I analyse them as ings, with the club waiting lem he picked up in Chennaiyin FC.
draw. time to process everything an opponent, how they play. to learn the outcome of their the 2-2 The pattern of play in
Jurgen Klopp’s league leaders that happened, I took my How can we beat them? How FIFA transfer ban appeal. Champions Lea- all these matches have
will have home advantage in time to prepare myself for can they beat us? For me Chelsea’s appeal to the gue draw at been similar. They domi-
the Merseyside derby. Ties will the next challenge. that is the important thing.” Court of Arbitration for Valencia. nated the ball with slick
take place between January 3 “Honestly, United for me is Mourinho is excited about Sport (CAS) was heard last “We’re giving movement and passing,
and January 6. in my book of experiences, the prospect of returning to month, with the Blues con- him every pos- but failed to take their
Everton, who face Liverpool on it’s in my history book.” Old Trafford. testing FIFA’s two-window sible chance to chances and convert their
Wednesday in the league, have United are struggling He said: “I feel good, I like ban relating to the recruit- be fit,” said dominance into results.
not won at Anfield for 20 years. under Mourinho’s succes- to play big matches, I like to ment of minors. the Chelsea As Gombau seeks to
The third round is the stage at sor, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, play against the best teams When asked when he boss, whose deliver results, he faces a
which clubs from the Premier but go into the game just two and go back to a place where expects to discover the side have lost tough challenge in
League and the Championship points behind fifth-placed I was happy. result of that appeal, their past two Bengaluru FC. The Blues
enter the FA Cup. Spurs. “I have a great relationship Lampard replied: “Very league mat- are undefeated in the
Holders Manchester City landed “It is not for me to analyse with the Manchester United soon I believe. Days, I think. ches after a league so far and boast a
a home tie against fourth-tier United now,” Mourinho said supporters. I went back as a “I haven’t heard any more, fine run. water-tight defence which
Port Vale, while Manchester at his pre-match press con- pundit and I was humbled so I would wait and reserve — AFP has conceded only two
United will visit Wolves, the goals in six matches.
club that knocked them out of “It is a beautiful game
last season’s competition at the against Bengaluru, who
quarter-final stage. are one of the strongest
Fylde, from the fifth level, will London, Dec. 3: Liverpool maintaining their winning the Merseyside sides and the current
mark their first third-round
appearance with a trip to
LIVERPOOL midfielder Alex Oxlade-
Chamberlain says the
run, which appears to grow
with every game for a club
derby at home to
struggling Everton on
champions of the ISL. I
think it will be an inter-
Sheffield. — AFP Premier League leaders are searching for their first Wednesday, with the esting game because both

Regd No.J/VM-RNP/72
andNo. H/SD/509/2018-20
Published from Visakhapatnam
BELIEF IS going into every game
believing they can win after
league title since 1990, has
not affected the mentality
Reds unbeaten against
their local rivals at
teams play similar foot-
ball. I am happy with the
racking up 13 victories in 14 within the club, according Anfield since 1999. way we are preparing
by K. Sudhakar
Printed on behalf by
and Published of
T. Venkateswarlu
Deccan on behalf
Chronicle Holdings Limitedofat games. to Oxlade-Chamberlain. But Klopp’s side well for this game and the
Chronicle Holdings
Chronicle Press,Limited. Jurgen Klopp’s unbeaten “I’m going into it (a game) have not kept a clean mentality of the team,”
Printed at Deccan
Survey No.1/3A,Chronicle
Beach Road,Press side have dropped just two with the mindset that we’re sheet at home all sea- said Gombau.
at Plot No.
Near Kailasagiri
Vallabh Nagar Taluk, Medchal
SAYS OX points this season and
established an eight-point
going to win. I think that’s
how we all feel,” the
England international told
son and are without
suspended first-
choice goalkeeper
Odisha will bank on
Aridane Santana, who
has scored four goals so
Phones: 2552333/2552334/2553806.
Published at 36, S.D. Road, advantage over second-
Fax: 2755285. Grams: CHRONICLE.
Secunderabad-3. placed Leicester. the PA news agency. Alisson Becker. far, to help breach the
RNI Registration No.Sinha.
Editor: Aditya 3081/1957. But even the pressure of Liverpool’s next match is — AFP Bengaluru backline.
Editor: Aditya
RNI Registration Sinha
No.44813/85. — PTI

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