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Fellowship News: Bixby Knolls Christian Church (A Disciples of Christ Church) (562) 426-0428

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Bixby Knolls Christian Church

(a Disciples of Christ Church)

(562) 426-0428
the Fellowship News
NUMBER 07 APRIL 6, 2010

Lives are being saved when we lift up people

in prayer.
Jesus said that he came that people “may have
life, and have it abundantly.” Through the church,
Christ continues to provide abundant life, a life of
wholeness, to the people of the world.
Dear friends, Shalom,
This Easter, some of our youth have given up
sodas and energy drinks, and have vowed to drink
only water for a week or two. The money that
they would have spent on those beverages, they
are instead donating to build wells for people in
regions of the world where clean, fresh water is
In promoting this program to the youth, I was
amazed at how easy it can be to save lives. (Not
everything we are called to do is easy; however,
often the hardest thing is making up our minds to
do it.) We learned, for example, that one dollar
will provide a child clean water for a year, and
that ten dollars will provide a child with a lifetime
of clean water. Children are literally dying – 3.3
million of them every year – because they do not
have access to clean water. If just one percent of
the U.S. population did what these youth are doing,
all 3.3 million of those children would have clean
water to drink.
In the day-to-day life of a church, it is some-
times easy to forget the impact we have on our
community and our world. It is no exaggeration to
say that, through us, God is saving lives.
Lives are being saved when we give to the
church, especially to our special offerings.
Lives are being saved when we let folks know
that God does not judge or condemn, but rather
welcomes and accepts people as they are.
Lives are being saved when we provide pro-
grams for our children and youth, or when we send
them to camp, and they make a decision to follow
Lives are being saved when we visit and care
for homebound members, sharing God’s love with
them, letting them know that they are not alone. ~ FROM THE PASTOR
Lives are being saved when we speak in favor ~ TAKE A HIKE WITH PSWR DISCIPLES
of kingdom values such as peace and justice, and ~ LADIES TEA - MAY 1
let our elected officials know that we advocate ~ “OUR PRAYER FOR YOU....”
policies and programs that promote peace and and so much more...
justice for all God’s children.
Our Prayer for You . . . .

It started simply enough, Pastor Danny invited the congregation to join him for a Lenten Bible study. The foundation of
the time would be built upon Martha Grace Reese’s book Unbinding Your Heart. This would enable the Lenten Bible
study to parallel the study being undertaken by the Elders. On the first Sunday in Lent a small, but determined group
joined Pastor Danny on the beginning of a remarkable journey. While Pat Cohen, Marlene Kobel, Margo Morales, Bar-
bara Peebles and Bobby Smith started the journey thinking their hearts didn’t need unbinding, they quickly found their
hearts opening to new experiences.

The 40 days of guided prayer and faith sharing were at times challenging (finding quiet time), enlightening, joyous, and
transformative. In addition to six chapters on the importance of prayer and evangelism the book provided daily scrip-
ture readings and suggestions for ways to focus prayer. One day the participants were encouraged to take a walk and
look for things that they could to pray for. Another day encouraged setting aside time to sit in a public place and listen
or observe strangers and then pray for them. Often the guided prayer suggested a bible passage and encouraged sit-
ting quietly and opening your heart to God’s message.

On Sundays the group would meet after church to share experiences from the prior week, pray for our congregation
and encourage each other in moving forward the next week. The meetings were filled with laughter, tears and fellow-
ship. On the first Sunday each member shared a story of when they were most aware of God’s presence. After each
member shared their story Pastor Danny explained they had just practiced evangelism and it wasn’t as hard as each
had imagined.
In closing the study each participant was asked what they had most enjoyed or learned during the study, they re-
sponded as follows:
• Marlene found a deeper meaning of what change prayer can bring.
• Pat learned that evangelism can be as simple as inviting someone to attend church with you.
• Barbara found one hour of dedicated time for inner peace and discerning God’s messages.
• Pastor Danny enjoyed the sharing and fellowship before prayer each Sunday, as it provided an opportunity
to get to know each participant in a different light.
• Bobbie discovered how deep and meaningful prayer can be.
• Margo learned to slow down and listen for the direction God has for her life.

If you find yourself thinking, darn I missed a great opportunity you would be wrong. The spirit has so moved the partici-
pants that they have agreed to lead small groups if other members are interested in taking this journey. If you feel
moved to try 40 days of guided prayer, please speak to Pat, Marlene, Margo, Barbara, Bobbie or Pastor Danny, they
would be more than happy to share more of their experience with you or start another group. In closing, here is the
prayer the group would like for you to start with; Lord, help me to care. Open my eyes. Unlock my heart. Direct my
steps toward whomever you need me to love, to care for. I want to help others because I love you. Amen.

An Invitation Christian Women’s Fellowship will host a salad

potluck on Thursday, April 22 at 10:30. Our
The Congregation is invited to a coffee Fellowship of
“Titanic” proportions on May 9th honoring Mother’s speaker will be Mary Ochs, a legal aid volunteer.
Day. In addition to the usual refreshments there will be She will be speaking on legal aid and immigration
a contest. On the refreshment table(s) will be a stage services. Please plan to join us in the Fellowship
prop from the movie “Titanic.” We invite all of the Hall.
women to cast a ballot for the piece of silver used in the
movie which is now being used on the refreshment table.
The woman (women) who correctly guesses the movie
prop will receive a prize. VBS Meeting Thursday, April 15th at 7:00 in
room 115. This meeting is for all of you who
We hope to see all of you there! have volunteered to work with our children
this summer.
Men’s Fellowship
Summer camps for our youth and children are
fast approaching. As always, BKCC will provide
partial registration fees for our campers. One
of the ways we are able to fund this is from
the collection of aluminum cans and clear plas-
The Women’s tea will be on tic bottles. Please bring your cans and bottles
May 1st—May Day. We will celebrate to church. There is a large trash can next to
this day of flowers with a demonstration of the soda machine to put them in.
flower arranging by
Melinda of Melinda McCoy’s Flowers. At the Potato Bake, John Solan
Perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones turned over $800 from the
to go home with one of profits of the soda machine and
the special floral arrangements the recycling of our cans and bottles. Thanks
made that afternoon. to John and Gayle for maintaining the soda ma-
Bixby Knolls Christian Church chine and redeeming the recyclables. That is
Saturday, May 1st at 1:00 pm almost 5 camperships.
Tickets are a $12.00 donation to BKCC.
There are only 15 spaces left, so please make
reservations as soon as possible. Did you feel it?
Call Sandy Jeglum today. The 7.2 earthquake that struck on Easter
427-4387 Sunday was larger than the one that struck Haiti; and
even though it was felt widely in Long Beach and
surrounding communities, the fact that its epicenter
was so far away kept it from causing damage locally.
The SCIC CAA summer However, it’s only a matter of time before a
softball season will start major earthquake hits near Long Beach. Are you
with classification games ready? Do you know what to do?
Saturday May 1 and Sat- A major earthquake is likely to knock out
urday May 8. We will play power and water service for days, if not weeks.
games against other Keep a flashlight (with fresh batteries) near your
churches in Lakewood bed, and make sure you have water stored for every-
parks through Au- one who lives in your house: at least three gallons
gust. Players must be 13 per person. Don’t forget about pets!
years of age or older be- Also, make sure you keep any necessary
fore January 1, 2011. Each team must have a items, like prescription medications, well-stocked.
least three female players in the field each in- Don’t let your supply get too low.
ning. We must have a team of at least seven During an earthquake, experts recommend
players to avoid forfeit and accompanying that you drop, cover, and hold on. Don’t run into
fees. another room or outside! With California’s strict
building codes, the greatest danger is not from col-
Due to increase costs for scheduling local lapsing buildings, but from falling objects such as
parks, the fee for participating has to be bookcases, lamps, appliances, etc. If possible, get
higher as well. The cost this year will be be- under a table, and then hold on, because the shaking
tween $30 and $40 per player depending on of a strong earthquake can send you (and the table)
the number of people on the team. We will be sliding back and forth across the floor.
scheduling the classification games on April A number of websites have more detailed
12. Please let Leo
information about how to be prepared for earth- (562) 429-
quakes. Educate yourself and those around you, so
2137 know if you or someone you know wants
to participate on the BKCC team.
that when the next quake happens, you’ll be ready!
Water Wells of
The scarcity of water in
Machaze is a very serious
problem and heavily affects women and girls
who walk long distances and stand in line for
hours to get one bucket of water. In many
cases, girls are forced to abandon school to
guarantee water for the family. In addition to the
scarcity of water, past efforts to provide more
access have had limited results because the
water table in this area is very deep and wells
have not been dug deeply enough.
There for the Long Haul
When the levees broke in New Or-
Global Ministries is currently sponsoring a pro- leans, our entire church felt called to
ject that will consist in the construction of four respond.
water wells with depths more than 110 meters. Congregations from across North America contrib-
One well will be dug in the four communities of uted millions of dollars, and more than 1,100 mis-
sion groups have contributed 432,000 hours, and
Chitobe, District Centre, Basane and Chidoko. It counting, in response to the ongoing needs along
is estimated that about 100 families would bene- the Gulf Coast. Through the partnerships of Week
of Compassion, Disciples Volunteering, the
fit from each of these wells. Great River Region, and many on-the-ground
long-term recovery organizations, we have been
able to rebuild more than 170 homes and restore
Your tithes and offerings to Bixby Knolls Chris-
hope to countless people in serious need.
tian Church help make projects like this possi-
Our work is far from complete, though. Most calcu-
ble. Thank you.
lations estimate that the recovery process will take
at least five more years, and some estimate as many
as ten more years will be required to restore and
repair New Orleans. Some of us have forgotten
SCRIP about the Gulf Coast. Our news reports celebrate a
Scrip sales continue each Sunday after wor- Saints Super Bowl victory as proof that the Gulf
ship. Bixby Knolls Christian Church sells Coast is back, but simply ask anyone who has
scrip for a variety of businesses in Long served with a work group repairing a roof or re-
Beach and throughout the United States. building walls, and they'll tell you just how far we
Simply purchase a Scrip gift card at face have to go.
value, and the business you patronize will do-
Disciples congregations have likewise responded
nate a percentage to Bixby Knolls Christian
faithfully to the earthquake in Haiti. As we are in
New Orleans, we are also in Haiti for the long haul.
Scrip cards make excellent gifts for Thank you for your gifts to Week of Compassion
birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduation, etc. and Bixby Knolls Christian Church, and for your
Get yours this week! ongoing prayers.
Coffee Hour Hostesses!

Your contributions for coffee hour are 1. What prized animal was killed for food when the
truly appreciated and have been enjoyed prodigal son returned home?
by many. Luke 15:23
2. What did Moses do to make the bitter waters of
We would ask that anyone wishing to Marah drinkable?
donate towards the coffee hour with a Exodus 15:25
hot or cold dish to please check with the 3. In what village did Jesus have his first dinner after
designated hostess so they will know the his Resurrections?
number of tables needed for set-up or to Luke 24:30
accommodate your donation. 4. What was mingled with the wine Jesus was offered
on the cross?
We have many open dates that need coffee hour host- Mark 15:23
esses. You are encouraged to “spread the wealth” and 5. What dreaming ruler gave Joseph his own ring?
sign up for your very own Sunday! We still need host- Genesis 41:42
ess for the following dates: 6. What two cities of the plain were destroyed by God
for their wickedness?
April 18, 25 Sept 12, 19, 26 Genesis 19
May 2, 16, 23, 30 Oct. 10, 24 7. What city was the home of Peter, Andrew and
June 6, 13, 27 Nov 9, 11 Philip?
July 11 Dec. 26 John 1
Aug. 1, 8, 15, 29 8. What Christian woman worshiped with a group that
met by a river?
If you would like to sign up but need assistance, just Acts 16:13-14
ask. 9. Who found a baby while down by the riverside?
Exodus 2:5
Every month, a group 10. What sign did God set in the clouds to indicate that
of young* Disciples he would never again flood the world?
Genesis 9:13
from the Pacific
embark on a hike.
This month, they will
2010 Quadrennial Assembly—a gathering
venture out on a mod-
for all women of the Disciples of Christ
erate, six mile hike Church and their friends and family—will
on Saturday after- be held in
noon, April 17, in Crystal Cove State Park. Let Greensboro,
Pastor Danny know if you are interested in at- North Carolina
tending. (*Note: when asked what “young” June 23-27th.
means, hike organizer Jae Hyung Cho replied,
“all ages!”)

Early bird registration is $375.00 and after

April 1st $400.00. For more information
 Brenda Torres, mother of Lacy and Spencer
go to or ask Sandy
and daughter-in-law to Hazel Torres, is recover-
for registration.
ing from a stroke she suffered in March.

 Prayers for Sarah Stolze’s husband, Robert, will

be undergoing an angiogram at St. Mary’s Hos- Regional Camp Scholarship
pital this Friday. Pray for Robert and Sarah. Are you hoping for a Regional Camp Scholar-
ship? All applications must be postmarked by
To have your news, joys, or concerns included in next April 12. Sponsorship letters must be included
month’s newsletter, send a note to Pastor Danny at with application to be accepted. Have all paper-, or call the church office. work submitted by this Thursday, April 8.
The Fellowship News


April 11 - John 20: 19-31 Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long
Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church)
Sermon: Room for Doubt 1240 E. Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90807

April 18 - Acts 9: 1-6 Editor:

Monica Lanz
Sermon:With Eyes Open 562-426-0428
fax 562-426-0429

April 25 - Job 12: 7-12, Genesis 1:26-28 Pastor:

Daniel Bradfield
Sermon: Earth Blessings
The Fellowship News is published
twice monthly.

Coffee Hour Host/Hostess Newsletter Article

April 11 - Ken Brown/Margo
Morales Deadline
April 18
April 18 - no one

April 25 - no one

(Disciples of Christ)
9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Children’s Church

Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Friday closed

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