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Generous Loving. Generous Living.: Worship Services

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204 S. Ninth St. Columbia, MO 65201-4818 573-443-3111 www.moumc.

org November 10, 2016 Volume 29, Number 42

Four unique
are offered on


Informal worship
with a personal
touch. Sharing
prayer concerns
is welcomed.


Worship that
includes a
childrens time
and the Agape

CLC Atrium
Ignite Worship
designed with
college age
worshippers in


Worship with
music from the
Chancel Choir.

This Sunday, Nov. 13

Worship at 8am, 9:15am & 10:30am
Rev. Kendall Waller
Ignite Worship at 10:30am in the Atrium,
Rev. Kim Parker
Ignite will not have services on Nov. 20 or
Nov. 27.
Organ and Tissue Donation Sunday


A Note from Ann Covington, MUMC Member
My reasons for continuing to support Missouri United Methodist Church are numerous. The one word
that seems best to capture the essence of my thinking about the answer to the question of why I give
is gratitude. I am thankful, and I want to give back.
A little preface: Life as part of the church, as a child, a Presbyterian, was one of my parents gifts to
my brother and me. As many of our generation, we learned and sang our way through the King James
and Holy, Holy, Holy. Little did we then understand how deeply Gods presence, how faith and hope,
would be our linchpin for life. My parents and grandparents left that inheritance. I am daily grateful.
Since 1977 Missouri United Methodist Church has been a central place and the body corporate for
helping me to keep the linchpin I inherited. The people of this church share customs of worship and
of helping others. We share commitment to this church itself. I experience Gods grace here in the
words and deeds of fellow travelers. Here I am often able to begin a week hoping to become a little
less imperfect. As they have for many others, those who stand alongside us in this congregation in
times of joy and of sadness have gently guided and upheld me. There are those no longer among us,
clergy and congregants alike, who have done the same. Marriages, my own and my familys, baptisms,
confirmations,and, yes, memorial services mark part of the fabric of this Missouri United Methodist
Church. The inheritance continues. Again, gratitude is in my heart.
There is something else for which to be thankful: it is not only I who benefit. Our church serves many
other kinds of needs. Missouri United Methodist Church is the center for many ministriesstudents,
small groups, classes, mission journeys near and far, community assistance. Where do so many
organizations, as well as individuals in need, come for assistance? Missouri United Methodist Church.
We are connected to each other and to those beyond our walls through these ways of giving and
serving.The reach of our church will continue to grow beyond our physical walls. Furthermore, I have
confidence that our shared ways of determining how our gifts to this church will be used is generally
superior to individual decisions. I trust our church to be a faithful steward of what we give and share
together. For this trust, I am grateful.
Missouri United Methodist Church is a community that was here before us, and it will be here when
we are gone. I believe that our commitment to God through this church is somewhat of a covenant.
In gratitude for those who came before us and guided us and in thanksgiving for those who stand
alongside now, I want to try to repay this inheritance. As the saying goes, I want to pay it forward.
I am grateful.

A Walk in Her Shoes: A Poverty


Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 6-8pm at

Missouri UMC
Free dinner served at 5:15pm
The poverty simulation experience is
designed to help us begin to understand
what it might be like to live in a typical
low-income family trying to survive from
month to month. It is a simulation, not
a game. The object is to sensitize participants to the
realities faced by people who have low incomes.
Led by Rev. Angela Olsen, Mission and Outreach Strategist,
Missouri Annual Conference
Sign up:

Events for Advent

Nov. 18-20: Street Stories Play

Street Stories: Glimpses of Homelessness will be

performed Nov. 18 and 19 at 7pm and Nov. 20 at 3pm at
the First Christian Church (10th and Walnut in Columbia)
to mark National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Month.
Co-Directed by Caryl Bryan and Nora Dietzel. Street
Stories is a collection of original monologues, vignettes,
and songs and dance performed by members of the MidMissouri community. Performers include Rev. Brad Bryan,
Pastor of Wilkes Methodist Church, Nora Dietzel, Marcus
Reynolds, Caryl Bryan, Julie Walker, David Webber and
other members of the community.
This event aims to inform the public about the Homeless
Experience and to raise funds for Turning Point and Room
at the Inn. Last years performance, A Night at the
Shelter drew overflow crowds, indicating Columbias
interest in helping the homeless. This year we have a
larger venue and an extra performance night!
All proceeds go to Turning Point and Room at the Inn. A
$10 minimum donation is suggested. Tickets available
at the door or at

Sing Handels Messiah

Sing in the choir for the performance of Handels MESSIAH

on Dec. 10. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 7-8pm in the
Choir Room.

MUMC Concert Series

Next concert: Monday, Nov. 28 at 7pm (Free) The annual

Holiday Brass Concert will kick off the holiday season
If you want to be part of the MUMC Concert Series
hospitality team, please sign up at

Buy Concert Series tickets online at

Mark your calendars now for these events you wont want
to miss!
Sunday, Nov. 27, 3-5pm Advent Wreath Workshop
Bring your family and make your own Advent Wreath.
If you have your base from last year, bring it along and
well have plenty of greenery and decorations to make it
fabulous! Start your Advent season off right with a focus
on the true meaning of the season.
Friday, Dec. 2, 6-8pm Advent Crafts and FX production
during Living Windows - Bring the kids and make some
simple crafts. Time spent working together as a family is
so important and heres a chance to do just that. Make
sure and stop by the front steps of the church too and
check out what our Wednesday night group has been
working on. It promises to be entertaining!
Sunday, Nov. 27 8am-5pm in the Library (2nd floor) Advent Prayer Vigil - Sign up in the Connector this Sunday
for a time slot to pray at the vigil.
Sundays, Dec. 4,11 and 18 at 3pm in the Chapel Characters of the Season: An Advent Study led by Rev.
Dr. Elmer Revelle

Hurricane Matthew Relief

Heifer International began work in Haiti in 1999 and

currently serves 30,000 families in 36 communities. More
than 6,500 families were affected by Hurricane Matthew;
losses include over 1,000 acres of cropland, over 4,000
goats, and 60-70% of poultry. In the aftermath Heifer Haiti
worked to provide food kits, sanitary packets, and help
with treatment of livestock. Contributions may be made
to MUMC designated "Heifer Haiti."

VAC Holiday Family Signup

Thanks to all of you who signed up to sponsor 71

individuals and families for Christmas through Voluntary
Action Center! If anyone is still interested, please call VAC
at 573-874-2273 to be assigned a family. Please let them
know youre from the MUMC church family!


November 10, 2016 - Vol. 29, No. 41

SATURDAY: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (MSG) Regrets

When we lose our way, as the scripture suggests is possible, we inevitably have
regrets. Although as human beings we often make mistakes, we should strive to
live a life that is positive in the eyes of God and that leads to fulfillment and
not regret.
PRAYER: Help me, God, and guide me to live a life in thanksgiving for the
blessings of life and with a focus on what truly matters.

FRIDAY: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (MSG) Obsession

Some who read this passage would say that having wealth is wrong, but a closer
look tells us that is not the case. Having wealth is not in itself intrinsically bad.
But being obsessed with accumulation can be our downfall.
CONSIDER: Consider your relationship with money. Is it part of your life, or the
controller of your life?

THURSDAY: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (MSG) Focus

This passage warns against having an unstable focus. When we focus our lives
on something that is transient, we leave ourselves open to disappointment and
QUESTION: What is stable in your life? What is transient in your life? What do
you need to do to focus on what is really important?

WEDNESDAY: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (MSG) Necessities

Scripture goes on to say that we should be content if we have food to eat and
shoes on our feet. Have I interpreted some of my wants to be needs?
REFLECTION: Has my standard of living changed over the years; if so, how? If I
have more than I need, should I share; if so, how?

TUESDAY: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (MSG) Simplicity

This weeks scripture tells us that wealth is the rich simplicity of being
yourself before God.
QUESTION: How can I be myself before God? Are there times when I am not
honest before God?

MONDAY: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (MSG) Wealth

When we think of wealth, we automatically think of money and possessions.
But life-lessons may teach us differently as in song lyrics like The best things
in life are free or Money cant buy me love.
REFLECTION: Think about the things in your life that are the best. List the
treasured aspects of your life that do not revolve around possessions.

Week of November 7 - November 12

a daily scripture guide

Growing Deeply

My Notes:

Read or subscribe to the weekly guide at

Printed copies are available at the Connector Desk.

The Message (MSG) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

But if its only money these leaders are after, theyll self-destruct in no time. Lust
for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble. Going down that path, some lose
their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after.

A devout life does bring wealth, but its the rich simplicity of being yourself before
God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have
bread on the table and shoes on our feet, thats enough.

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (MSG)

Blessed Contentment - November 6

Sunday Sermon

Missouri United Methodist Church

204 S. Ninth St.
Columbia, MO 65201-4899

Columbia, MO
USPS No. 355460

We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ. We do this by

welcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.

Send in Your RSVP Now!

Join Us Nov. 12!

Celebration Luncheon on Nov. 20

Did you mail in your RSVP card yet? If not, grab one from
the usher stands and turn it in at the office. We need to
have a your responses this week so we can
order enough food!

This Sunday, Nov. 13

Organ and Tissue Donation Sabbath

This day is celebrated by the United Methodist Church

as an expression of our Christian gratitude for the gift of
life. Please stop by the Caring Committees table in the
Connector to learn more about this ministry to others.

Cake Pans & Cookware Orders

Cake pans and personalized cookware items are back!

Sophia Circle members are in the Connector today and
next Sunday with samples, catalogs and information on
how to order items online directly with the company.
Payment will be via credit card when ordering or
through special arrangement with Sophia Circle. Back by

We invite all members and
visitors of Missouri UMC to
#BeABlessing on Saturday,
Nov. 12 at the Food Bank of
Central and Northeast Missouri
from 10am to Noon. We will
work together as a community
as we volunteer at the food
bank preparing items to be
delivered to those in need. We
encourage all classes, groups,
families or individuals to be a
part of this day of service. For
any questions, email Rev. Hank
Jenkins at

popular demand, selected collegiate logos are available,

including our Mizzou Tiger! Items will be delivered in
time for holiday giving. One hundred percent of profits
will go directly to UMW mission projects.

Pecan Pickup

Searcy Feeley Circle will have your pecan orders ready

for pick up in the Connector this Sunday, Nov. 13! Forgot
to order, or wish you had ordered more? We have a
very limited number of pecans left over from the cases
ordered, and we will be selling them in the parlor. Get
yours while they last!

Advent Prayer Vigil

Sign up in the Connector this Sunday for a time slot!

Photo Disclaimer: Services and events hosted by the church are considered public. The church has permission to use images of church members for promotion, publicity and
outreach materials unless advised through a non-consent form. The church will not attach names to the photographs of individuals or groups unless prior permission is given. To obtain a
non-consent form, please contact the church office.

Want to get the Church Newsletter via email? Have you changed email addresses? Go to: to subscribe or update.
The church provides bus transportation to the 10:30am Sunday worship service.
Call 443-3111 before noon on Fridays. Bus service is available to all.
The Messenger (USPS No. 355460) is published weekly except the last week of the year by Missouri United Methodist Church at 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO. Periodical postage paid at Columbia, MO.
POSTMASTER: for change of address, send to Missouri United Methodist Church Messenger, 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO 65201-4818, October 27, 2016

Staff: Ashley Cooper, Nursery Coordinator;Nancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life Leader; Dakota Crider, Facility Steward; Joan DeBoe, Pastor of
Worship & Administration; Adriene Floyd, Executive Assistant; Courtney Gaunt, Director, Discovery Days; Teressa Gilbreth, Director of Communications;
Charity Goodwin, Pastor of Discipleship; Hank Jenkins, Pastor of Missions and Youth Ministries; Jo Lee, Events Coordinator;Chris Munsterman,
Administrative Assistant; Kim Parker, Pastor of New Generations; Kendall Waller, Lead Pastor;Preston Williams, Tech & Facility Steward;Anna Zacherl,
Assistant Director, Discovery Days. Music Staff: Craig Datz, Organist; Kaye Miller, Director of Wesleyan Ringers; Rochelle Parker, Associate Organist;
Marilyn Rowe, Serendipity Choir; Rachel Blomquist, Grace Notes Choir

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