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St Marks, Raumati Beach St Paul's, Paraparaumu St Peter's, Paekakariki

9.30 am 8.30 am & 10 am 10 am

Kapiti Anglicans
20 JUNE 2021
Morena tatou, welcome to you all as we gather for worship today.
May you meet with God through our offering of worship and re-enter the
world renewed and strengthened for God's mission.
The fifth anniversary of the partnership in ministry and mission between this
Parish and me as Vicar falls in October 2021. When wrestling with my sense
of call to this Parish I felt that with my particular gifts I could help the church
become more engaged in mission in the community and globally- globally enabling
us to turn more inside out if you like. When I first arrived one of my tasks was
to listen to individuals, groups, ministries in the church to get to know people
and the understand the heart-beat
heart of the parish; the God- dreams, hopes
and aspirations of the collective entity that is the body of Christ in this place.
I was asked to cast a vision within 6 months, and after much prayer and
listening to what God and the church were saying, I did just that. I believe
God was calling us to be " A Church for the community. A Christ centred,
spirit filled faith community who is consciously giving itself for those who do
not yet belong ( Laying out a Vision March 2017) ". I believed that our focus
needed to be initially on strengthening the markers of our identity and
mission, that are also part of the Diocesan Values; we are ffamily,
amily, we are
disciples, we care for the last, the lost and the least. A further 6 months of
listening and prayer and the clear sense that investment in Children and
Families was a next and necessary step for us emerged and our mission
further expanded. Forr the past four years we have been embodying that
vision to turn inside out and be a church that is wholehearted engaged with
and for our community, whilst also seeking to strengthen our community life
as family and be transformed as disciples of Christ. We e have increased our
community engagement and service, and the opportunities to share God's
love in action have multiplied through ministries and also by individuals
being more confident in their identity as God's children. Praise God!
It is now time to take stock and together discern if and how we continue to
grow in this direct or whether God might be saying something new.
The generation of a Mission Action Plan for the next five years needs your
input and participation. Please sign up to be apart of the six week discovery
group process (Sundays 27 June June-1 Aug 3,30-Spm
Spm Parish Hall) as we listen to
God and to one another to discern where we need to focus for the next
period in our life together. Sign up sheets are in each of the churches or you
can email the office.

A warm welcome to all who are visiting with us

Readings 20 June 27 June
First Reading 1 Sam 17:S7-18:S, 10-16 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27
Epistle 2 Cor 6:1-13 2 Corinthians 8:7-1S
Gospel Mark 4:3S-41 Mark S:21-43

Sentence and Collect for the Day

The Sentence of the Day: "See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the
day of salvation." ( 2 Car 6:2)
The Collect of the Day: Creator God, you spoke the word and the wind and
waves responded; speak your word to the storms of doubt and fear that assail
our troubled world; set within us a love for your creation, and for all your
people, that our actions may honour and care for this fragile world: through
Jesus Christ
Lectionary Readings for Sunday 20 June 2021
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Green
Psalm 133 A song in celebration of families that live in unity and Godly love,
for the Lord will bless them forevermore.
1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 10-16 The young shepherd David slays Goliath, and the
key to his triumph lies in putting his trust in the Lord. "The Lord will save me
from the hand of this Philistine . for the battle is the Lord's, and He will
deliver you into our hands."
2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Paul is writing to the Corinthian Church from
Macedonia in SS AD, answering criticism from those who challenge his
integrity and authority as an apostle. He points to the hardships,
imprisonment and persecution he has suffered on his mission, and asks them
to 'open their hearts to him'.
Mark 4:35-41 Crossing the Sea of Galilee, the disciples' boat is struck by a
fierce squall and nearly swamped. Woken from his sleep by the frightened
disciples, Jesus commands the wind and the waves to be still. The disciples,
chided by Jesus for their lack of faith, are awed by the extent of his revealed
power and authority. Chris Durrant
Mission Action Plan
Discovery Groups
For six weeks we will meet from 27th June to 1st August,
Sunday 3.30-Sm in the Parish Hall.
The Discovery Groups are really the place in which the desires and dreams
and discernment of Parishioners can be shared and recorded as we begin to
consider our mission as a church for the next five years. From the
Discovery Group process a mission action plan will be generated.
We really need as many parishioners as possible to participate in this
process and sign up for the discovery groups.
Anglican Diocese of Wellington—Training Day
We all want to see God's transformation in our local communities and
throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. To equip us for this calling, we are all
invited to attend this year's first Training Day - to be held in Wellington .
It's open to everyone, and it's our opportunity to gather as one big diocesan
family for shared learning and fellowship.
The day begins with morning tea and an "all together" session with the
Bishops, before we take our choice of workshops across a number of useful
streams. After one workshop, we gather again for lunch, then break into two
more workshop options. Then we gather together again with the Bishops for
one more session before home time by 4pm.
Saturday, 31 July, 9:30 am—4:00 pm, Samuel Marsden Collegiate,
Marsden Avenue, Wellington

Celtic Rhythms .Games Afternoon

You are invited to a Celtic Rhythms Wednesday 23rd June, 2-4pm
meditative prayer event. St Paul's lounge. All welcome!
Today at St Paul's Church Koha for afternoon tea
Please let Lynda know
if you can come for

Anglican Mission Updates Marksmen

Mobilising—Partnering– Resourcing "Not old enough"- Ulysses Motorcycle
Papua New Guinea: Club with the motto 'grow old
ACPNG_Newsletter_April_May_2021_1ssue_23_24.pdf disgracefully' welcome members from
40 upwards! Come and enjoy
NZCMS: friendship with other men, not only
Where Two or Three are Gathered. I NZCMS members of the Parish, for a
beverage, a meal and often an
American Friends of the Episcopal enlightening speaker addressing a
Diocese of Jerusalem: contemporary topic. This month
Amidst the destruction in Gaza, Ahli Arab Hospital offers compas-
sion and care to all ( we're joined by Kapiti Librarian Tony
Cuttriss who will be speaking about
Council for reading as source of enjoyment and a
International Development: men's book club he is the convener
C1D Weekly: Dawn Raids formal apology, and the G7 'Moral fail-
ure'. (
of. Interested, call Stephen Oatley
All are links to our current Anglican 021 0S81094 to register. Cost $1S
Mission Updates includes dinner and a beverage."
Ahli Arab Hospital Get One Give One Campaign
Emergency Appeal This awesome campaign is being
"I've lived through three wars in Gaza prepared by Anglican Missions and
and I've seen nothing like this." the Wellington social justice team.
Suhaila Tarazi, Hospital Director
Director— Called 'Get One, Give One', the idea
The compounding effects of Covid19 is that when every Anglican gets their
and the recent conflict in Gaza has health-system
system funded vaccine, they
exhausted the Al-Ahli
Ahli Arab Hospital's are invited to donate the price of
resources. Now more than ever th they another vaccine for someone in the
require our support. Al-Ahli
Ahli is calling majority world who otherwise might
for help to fund medical supplies, not get one, or would be delayed in
essential medicines, and fuel to keep receiving it. Suggested amount of
the generators operating Please $20 per vaccine.
support now.
Link details for donating— Psalm 23 Study Guide or For those that attended the Bishop
tagged as such in the offertory plate. Ellie's talk on Psalm 23, you may be
interested in this link https:// .
It gives the option of ordering study
guides for small groups.

Parish Prayer Chain: Contact Marion Henderson via email on: or phone 90S 1171
Join Morning Prayer online.
online.8am Tues to Fri
Meeting ID: 703 S43 297 Passcode: 6NpsHP
Evening Prayer online 9pm Monday to Friday
Meeting ID: 211-936-7784 Password: prayers We use the evening devotions
and night prayer liturgy from the Anglican Prayer Book.
Parish Directory
Vicar: Ven. Julie Rokotakala 021 118 36S7
St Mark's: Rev. John & Barbara Bonifant (04) 90S 3301
St Peter's: Rev. Lynda Wards 027 714 613S
Children and Families: Rev Fiona Thomson 021 442 676
Parish Pastoral Care /Prayer—Lynda 027 714 613S
Home Groups: Kathleen Fleck (04) 298 S630
Wardens: Paul Bull & Mary Cropp (04) 904 7300
Treasurer: Paul Bull (04) 904 7300
Parish Administration: Vickie Riceman (04) 904 7300 Library—

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