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Assignment and analysis of

The Ford Motor Company
Bishnu Dhamala
International American University
To: Prof. Raj K. Sharma

Nowadays, the automobile company The Ford Motor Company is successful to be one
of the largest companies in the world. It has been successful to launch the better service day by
day. In the between period of 1990s and 2000s, it did many things to get new market as well as
did many efforts or experiment to enhance its standard. Again in the year between 2006 and
2012, it has decided to go with the ford strategy.
The stadium like Amsterdam in the year of 2012, which was packed with suppliers of
European, at that, we found the version like Fiesta and Monde. At the same time, the company
was able to launched named ECOSPORT especially for the use of Indian people as a spot
vehicle. Within the eighteen months, it launched the same sport vehicle in the European market.
The company consists 94 platforms, 9 of them should be launch at limited period of time. The
company makes a strategy to supply higher with reduction of the cost to increase the profit. In
year 2006, one ford consider as one of the important part.
Chrysler and General Motors, which is American, manufacture who fight for the
challenges and came into the market with improvement to get higher profit margin. According to
the CEO, Alan Mullaly, who announced the role of the ford strategy One Ford, referring to him,
it can play significant role to uplift its market in the automobile industry. As he explained, it
helps to develop the operational management of the organization, to reduce the costs, helpful to
produce high standard of the product.
Looking about the whole case of the Ford Motor, it did various types of the experiment to
attract the customer. The strategy of the Ford One Ford, definitely able to gets good impact
towards the automobile on the people.

The company named Ford, normally used to sell its product to the customer with the help
of the distributional channel, suppliers who consider as the mediator or agent of the company.
The company able to produce various types of the vehicle from low to heavy vehicle, for
example it launch car, trucks, buses and some other types of the light vehicle. To attract the
customer, and fulfill social corporate responsibility, it develops the health as well as emergency
vehicle. But the whole its life cycle, it never develops the two wheel vehicle.
As we know that, to develop any types of industry, it requires different types of research,
and the analysis. The research reports shows that the latest status of the market. As a result, the
company also developed this, with help of research; its been able to attract the customer.
During the time of unfavorable environment for automobile industry, the company faces
different types of the challenges. The organization tried to enhance the crisis, when the countries
prefer to have the product which is helpful to degrading the economy. They was able to increase
sales volume within 5 years and on the other hand, they were able to launch electric vehicles for
the development of the products as well as to attract the customer, increase the market share, and
last and most important is to increase the profit margin.

Q.N.2In the year of 2007, the ford strategy One Ford was played significant role to manage
the organization ever. Referring to the strategy, there was four strategies which is vital to get
objective of the organization, they are as follows:

Meeting the requirement of the customer and get objective, modified structure
To enhance the customer satisfaction and meeting the demands of the customer,

launching new products

Improvement of the finance decision as well as balance sheet
Team based system which is helpful to create the harmony between the staffs and the

Referring to the ford strategy, One Ford is based on the team work which consists of the
decision making, developing plan and policies as well as implementing should be finalize in the
group. This can handle any types of problem as well as it enhances the individual productivity.
From this, the satisfaction of the employee will be high, there will be more chances of good
partnership, increase the customer satisfaction, manages proper suppliers etc. on the other hand,
the ford strategy will be able to enhance the behavior of the employees. It develops the company
plans by targeting various types of things, some of the important are as follows:

Products including facilities like attractive design

Profitable portfolio which is based on the standard quality of the product
Best performance among the automobile industry
It main objective is to get its target with providing best services to the customer.

Some circumstances show that, the company faced different types of the challenges while it
is expanding the business in different area and different countries. The strategy works under the
planning strategy, operation strategy as well as organizational planning.

In year 2013, referring to the financial department of the company, it was able to gain around
$8.6 billion. It has best history in the automobile industry and achieved its target in the year of
2001. It is able to make good impact on the people of Asia Pacific Africa as well as North
America at the period of 2000. Unfortunately, at the same periods, they got huge loss from the
European market and decrease sales in the South Africa. Even though that, its been able to get
high profit on its whole business which is the best thing behind its One Ford strategy.
To attract the customer, to enhance the market share as well as to increase the profit margin,
it is able to provide the best product to the customer as per the necessary and wants, no matter
what the situation they have. The company main aim is to satisfy the customer, through the
operation strategy, product launching, by enhancing the activity and through offers rights product
to the right person.
For the improvement of the efficiency and the quality, the company focus on the
implementing the advance technology on its operation which is establish with the standard like
fuel, plugs, eco boosts and power batteries. The company wants to meet its target by delivering
attractive brand to the customer as well as serving the customer and providing post sales service
to the customer. From this way, the company wants to operate its own business and wants to go
ahead to be one the famous brand in the automobile industry. And many of the circumstance,
they were also successful in their mission.

Q.N.3The company able to attract its customer through the product designs as well as its
manufacturing. Some of the important points regarding this are as follows:

Decision regarding to eliminate around 44000 jobs in the year of 2012 as well as 16

plants were close, in the year of 2008. Nine of the plants were closed.
Some circumstances, the organization suggest to close 16 plants
Improvement on its goods by taking the cost strategy.
Through the improvement leads to drastic change on its services
The company thinks safety as a key to success.
For the standard performance, there should be make good coordination between the

Strategic alliance and the partnership for the aim to enhance the market share to the

Marketing aspect of the organization


It consist the brand of Lincoln and Ford only.

It has aim to sell truck in the market of America to huge profit
Its been able to consists of hundred name plates and wants to reduce that
The chief executive global marketing named James wants to more target on the premium
of Lincoln.


In the year of 2012, decided to reduce 44,000 jobs

Worker are only allowed to work per hour
No additional involuntary as well as non voluntary, it only takes place when the

organization needs.
Increment of the 7000 work number within 2 years
In the year of 2006, the health care facility, $3.10 billion is provided to the employee
To motivate the employee, it was able to provide to health care facilities to the

Corporate Culture

The organization wants to implement the favorable policies, suitable norms and value

inside the company.

It has been able to sent massage to public that big is far better to get its objective.
But some circumstance, it was failed to bring change on operation team.

In the year of 1990s, there is revolution stage for the automobile industry. And each of
every player of this industry able to improve it standard through the merger between the big
organization or multinational organization. Nowadays, we can find out the rules and regulation
which is changed by the automobile industry like Ford General Motors, Volkswagen, and Toyota
as well as other key players. As we know that, the automobile industry is one which is develop
through the high advance technology from the America.
Due to reduction in the cost, there is more chance to sell more and more product to the
customer. Some of the key product develops in the North America, South Korea, Japan and
Europe and Ford was developing in the U.S. Only few amount errors are found in the product.

they able to creates drafts through the public to come out planning strategy found significant
difference between trans regional and multi regional due to lack of the headquarter.
The company is not famous only on to develop and launch the car, sometimes it able to
develops other types of product. As a result, it is possible to be well known in the world market.
At last we can say that multinational is one stage of learning phase which tries to helps in
establishment and development of the company. Through analyzing different aspect of the
business, it launches different important product to the customer.
Here, my simple suggestion is that there is another way in spite of merger which is
helpful to achieve goal of individual employee working in the organization. As we found that, in
a single working of company or environment, it is easier to implement the various types of rules
and regulation which can achieve the goals as well as objectives. It is easier to bring
effectiveness of the operational management. As we earlier discussed on in the above, if we want
to attract the customer, we should know about their needs and the requirement, only after that we
can come up to fulfill their needs which brings handsome money for the organization. here, for
the organization it is easier to gain merit through its manufacturing strategy and operational
management. Due to have good governance of the country, there is huge chances for the bright
future for the product as well.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Normally, as we know that, four wheel vehicle indicate car, and other types of heavy
vans, trucks etc. The company has got success to provides the best favorable transportation to the
customer and supplying better due to existence of few number on transportation which seems
like very less vehicles in the road. And at the same time, it fight the updated risks.
Being in the same environment, the automobile industry as well as people should care
and protect the environment. To get success and to obtain the objective of the organization, it is
not enough only from sell of huge number of vehicle in the market. To sustain for long period of
time, it needs high level of research and analysis regarding to protect the natural environment
too. The company should launched the product at appropriate the location to targeting to the


appropriate people. To enhance and uplifts the industry above some of the important points as we
discussed should be kept in the mind when we are in the process to expand the business of the
The company Ford had fight to many challenges to bring evolution in the automobile
industry. Sometimes the organization feels that, other is not the suitable to be in the competitive
environment and market. it is the reality that some of the small organization has started through
the small entity regarding products and services. Here, ford is one of the great company in the
world in automobile industry. Throughout its establishment it is one of the famous company who
fight with different types of obstacles and now, converting into the one of great in its automobile

Ford Motor Company. Retrieved from New Strategy of Ford:
Ford Motor Company: Strategy,one Ford. Retrieved from

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