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Package and Practices For Integrated Pest Management of Mango

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Popular Kheti
Volume -2, Issue-3 (July-September), 2014
Available online at
ISSN: 2321-0001

Package and Practices for Integrated Pest Management of Mango

(Mangifera indica)
B. M. Meena1, Anirudha Chattopadhyay2, S. C. Meena3* and S. S. Rathore4
Research Scholar, Department of Entomology, RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Asstt. Prof., Department of Plant Pathology, C.P. College of Agriculture,
S. D. Agricultural University, S. K. Nagar, Gujarat
3, 4
Research Scholars, Department of Plant Pathology, RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan

*Email of corresponding author:

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a suitable approach for the management of

pests and diseases of mango. There are number of insect-pests and diseases
reported to cause havoc in mango orchard. Their occurrence and distribution is
varying based on seasonal change and agro-climatic locations. Therefore, mango
growers are adopting some generic approaches to solve pest problem and getting
some considerable output. However, to achieve better yield, there is need to adopt
some specific pest management practices which are mainly need based on
prevalence of the pest and diseases in specific crop season. Therefore, taking this
in consideration, a general Integrated Pest Management schedule was formulated
based on the calendar of pest and disease profile of mango for managing pests and
diseases of mango.
Mango has been described as the king of fruits, known for its strong aroma, delicious taste,
and high nutritive value, is a prominent horticultural crop of India. Mango is a tropical and
subtropical fruit crop grown in India over an area of 2.5 million hectares with production of
18.02 million tonnes during 2012-13 (NCIPM). The perennial crop grown in diverse
agro-climatic conditions face differential biotic and abiotic stress limiting the production and
productivity of mango. But its productivity is comparatively lower than other countries like
china. This may be due to certain limitations viz., traditional low density cultivation and poor
plant population, growing of traditional low yielding varieties, poor nutrient, water, and
climate change is expected to trigger the changes in diversity and abundance of arthropods and
diseases and poor management practices, etc. There are nearly 1000 mango varieties in
India. However, only about 20 varieties are grown commercially. Most of the Indian mango
varieties have specific eco-geographical requirements for optimum growth and fruiting. Thus,
grown in different ecological regions like Dashehari, Langra, Chausa, Bombay Green and Fazri
in North India; Banganapalli, Totapuri, Neelum, Pairi, Suvarnarekha, Mulgoa, Kalapadi and
Rumani in South India; Alphonso, Kesar, Mankurad, Fernandin and Vanraj in Western
India; Langra, Fazri; Chausa, Zardalu, Himsagar and Malda in Eastern India, etc. This huge

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Meena et al., 2014, Pop. Kheti, 2(3): 100-107


genetic diversity was exploited for better crop improvement programme to produce various
export quality cultivars. Although Mango (fresh fruits) and processed mango products are
exported from India to different importing countries like United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh,
United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Nepal, USA, Oman, Singapore, etc
and earned some foreign exchange also. But Indian exports are not significant in comparison to
the other mango producing countries of the world. Its export is mainly hindered due to
quarantine concerns. Fruit flies, stone weevil and pulp weevil infesting mango fruits in India
are of quarantine concerns to many countries viz., Japan (fruit flies), USA (fruit flies & Stone
weevil), etc. The excessive use of some hazardous pesticides to control these pests, there would
be the chance to reduce acceptance of Indian Mango in world market. The heavy use of these
chemical pesticides also has resulted in high degree of environmental pollution, reduction in
natural enemies of insect pests and pollinators, high incidence of pests and diseases, resurgence
of pests, occupational health hazard, social risk and low profitability with low benefit cost
ratio, etc. Complete reliance only on organic to control pests is also impossible in large scale
successfully. To mitigate these problems, there is a need of adoption of suitable integrated pest
management practises by mango growers that will help in following ways:
1. Maximise production of healthy, good quality fruit
2. Minimise the use of the quantum of pesticides
3. Promoting non-chemical eco-friendly approaches
4. Reduce pesticide residues on fruit
5. Production of import quality fruits
6. Maximize the benefit/ cost ratio
Pest Status on Mango in India
There are more than 175 species of insects, 17 species of mites and 26 species of nematodes to
infest mango trees and about 45 per cent of which have been reported from India. Some of the
major insect-pests and diseases are listed here:
A. List of Insect-Pests Of National Importance
S. No.

Key pests



Mango hopper
clypealis, I. nitidulus
and Amritodus
atkinsoni )

Most destructive pests of all varieties

of mango and widespread pest
throughout the country, three most
common and destructive species of
hoppers. Nymphs and adults suck the
sap of inflorescence causes withering,
Shedding of flower buds and flowers
and honey dew secrecation on lower
leaves and development of sooty


Mango mealy

Popular Kheti

Seasonal distribution

A low population of
hoppers has been recorded
throughout the year but it
shoots up during FebruaryApril
JuneAugust. Shade and high
humidity conditions with
temperature are favourable
for their multiplication.
bug It is a polyphagous pest, besides Low temperature, pest is
mango, it also attacks about 62 other active from November to
plants and widely distributed in the May.
Indo-Gangetic plains. Due to pest
attack drying of leaves and

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Fruit fly (Bactrocera The genus Bactrocera includes about

500 species. It is widely distributed in
India and south east Asia, direct and
indirect economic losses (36-40%). In
India, eight species of genus
Bactrocera are identified among
quarantine pests. Oriental fruit fly B.
dorsalisis the most destructive of all
fruit flies. Maggot of fruit fly bore
into semi-ripen fruits with decayed
spots, oozing of fluid and brownish
rotten patches on fruits.
Stem borer (Batocera Both beetles are serious pests of
B. mango in north-western parts of the
India sub- continent. Grub bore into
the sap wood and macking irregular
tunnels and feeding the vascular
tissues due to this wilting of branches
or entire tree.
eating It also feeds on other fruit plants, old,
catterpiller (Inderbela shady and neglected orchards are
more prone to attack by this pest.
Larvae of this moth feed on the bark
and weaken the tree.
scale This pest is found throughout India.
Both nymphs and adults desap the
leaves cause yellowing.


High temperature coupled

prevailing during May-July

Moderate temperature and


This pest remains active

during December- April.

High temperature and high

Mango stone weevil Important monophagous pest of High humidity in coastal
mango, it is common pest in southern areas
India. Varieties with high TSS and infestation.
sugar such as Alphonso, Bangalo,
Totapuri, Neelum, Banganpalli are
more prone to attack by this pest.Grub
makes zigzag tunnels in pulp and eats
unripe tissue and bore into
Mango Pulp Weevil Exist in north-east India, looks similar High humidity enhances its
to the mango seed weevil, attacks the population. More activity
flesh rather than the seed. No signs of during March-May.
the weevil on the outside of the fruit.
Mango bud

The pest has three seasonal

populations, the highest
population is found in
February, June and July
Mango gall Midges It is widely distributed throughout Moderate
(Procystiphora sp.)
India. Maggots feed on flower buds, temperature
humidity prevailing during
ovary, anthers and stalks of stamens.
January-March are the ideal
environmental conditions
for the development and
reproduction of mango

Popular Kheti

mite Exit in north India, especially in Uttar

Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. Due to
mite attack malformed leaves and
buds giving bunchy top appearance.

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Meena et al., 2014, Pop. Kheti, 2(3): 100-107



Leaf webber
(Orthaga sp.)

It is a common pest of mango

throughout India. Caterpillars feed
gregariously by the scraping the leaf
surface and they soon get webbed
together shoots and leaves and feed
Red ant (Oecophyllas Found throughout India. Construct the
nests by webbing together the leaves
and influence the photosynthesis
process of plants.


High temperature and high

humidity during JuneNovember is suitable for its
Active throughout the year.

B. List of Diseases of National Importance

S. No.



Environmental factors


Powdery mildew
(Oidium mangiferae)



White superficial powdery growth of

fungus on inflorescence, stalk, leaves
and young fruits. Dropping of
unfertilized infected flowers, marble
size fruits)
Brown spots of various sizes scattered
on leaf surface, blighted leaves, fruitsruptured and shot hole symptom.
Drying back of twigs from top
downwards, particularly in older trees
followed by drying of leaves,
Black velvety thin covering on the
surface of the leaves, stem and fruits

Cool & cloudy weather,

heavy morning mist and
moderate humidity (70%) are
highly favourable for disease
Optimum temperature of 25
C and favourable moisture



Sooty Mould
(Capnodium sp.)


Bacterial canker
Angular brown cankerous
campestrispv. surrounded by chlorotic halo.
mangiferae-indicae )


High humidity and presence

of sugary substances

spot The disease spreads rapidly

during rains and is severe
atmospheric temperature 2830C coupled with above
80% humidity are congenial
for its multiplication.
Mango Malformation UP, MP, AP, Bihar, Punjab, HP, Moisture
Haryana, J&K, Gujarat, Maharastra, vegetative growth, Cool (10moniliforme
var. Vegetative and floral malformation.
15C) & humid
during Dec-Jan. in north-west

IPM Strategies on Mango

There are some basic steps involved for the implementation of IPM on mango. These include
evolving efficient methods of pest control through pest surveys and monitoring, development
of suitable IPM modules and validation of IPM modules. Different steps of the module are:
1. Survey: The main aim is to observe the initial development of pest and diseases in endemic
area and to warn the farmers for field scouting in that area having indication of pest and disease
build up.
2. Monitoring/ Field Scouting: To assess the increasing/decreasing trend in pest and disease
incidence in orchard at regular interval.

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Meena et al., 2014, Pop. Kheti, 2(3): 100-107


3. IPM Module: Need based, area wise suitable IPM module should be generated depending
on crop ecology and pest profiling of the specific area.
4. Validation: The IPM module generated in this way should be validated through field trails
in various locations.
5. Implementation: After validation, the generated IPM module can implemented and
recommended for mango growers.
Calendar of IPM Activities to be Performed Throughout the Year based on Pest and
Disease Profile
Target pest
IPM strategy
Mealy bug,
Reduce the mealy bug population by removing weeds
like Clerodendrum
infortunatum and
ploughing during June-July in the mango orchard.
Stem borer, bark Remove and destroy midge affected flowers and tender
eating caterpillar,
Mango Scale,
Raking soil below the tree to destroy the pupae helps to
Red rust
manage the mango inflorescence midge.
Deep ploughing of orchard to expose the egg after
harvesting, remove and destroy dead and severely
affected branches of the tree, remove alternate host, silk
cotton and other hosts and grow tolerant mango varieties
viz., Neelam, Humayudin helping us to reduce the
infestation of mango stem borer. To prevent bark eating
caterpillar and oviposition by adult beetles of mango
stem borer swab Coal tar + Kerosene @ 1:2 or Carbaryl
50 WP 20 g / l (basal portion of the trunk - 3 feet height)
after scraping the loose bark.
If infestation of mango stem borer and bark eating
caterpillar are severe then apply the copper oxychloride
paste on the trunk of the tree or hook out the grub from
the bore hole - apply monocrotophos 36 WSC 10 to 20
ml/ hole or apply carbofuran 3G 5 g per hole and plug
with mud.
For the management of mango scales pruning of infested
branches and burning them. If infestation is severe spray
with phosphomidon 40SL 2 ml/lit.
Spraying of copper oxychloride (COC) @ 0.3% for
timely picking of fruits
Leaf webber,
Spraying of quinalphos @ 0.05%.
Red rust,
Webbed leaves should be removed and burnt wherever
possible for the management of mango leaf webber.
If infestation of leaf webber is severe, spray with
quinalphos 0.05% @ 2ml/lit.
Spraying of copper oxychloride (COC) for red rust and
Proper drainage in nursery.
Sanitation and removal of weeds from orchard.

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Meena et al., 2014, Pop. Kheti, 2(3): 100-107


Eggs of mealy
Fruit fly,
Phoma blight

November Mealy bugs,

Phoma blight


Mealy bug,


Mealy bug,
Powdery mildew


Mango bud mite


Powdery mildew
Powdery mildew

Popular Kheti


Flooding of orchards with water in October kills the eggs

of mealy bug
Pruning of infected and dried branches, 10 cm below the
dried portion and pasting of copper oxy-chloride
Spray of 0.3% copper oxy-chloride (g/L) after pruning.
Removal of diseased foliage / twigs infected with
anthracnose (twig blight stage)
Deep ploughing of orchards for exposing eggs and pupae
of insects.
Release of Australian ladybird beetle, Cryptolaemus
montrouzieri @ 50/tree for the biological control of
mealy bug.
Spray of karanj based or neem based biodynamic
preparation for eco-friendly management of mealy bugs.
Removal of weeds in orchards which harbour insects and
Spraying of copper oxychloride (3 g/L) for die back.
Alkathene sheets (30 cm wide, 400 gauges thick) should
be put around the tree trunk at 0.5 to 1 meter above the
ground level and fastened by twine with a grease barrier
at the lower end to control mealy bug populations.
Raking of soil around the tree trunk and mixing with
Neem Cake.
Removal of weeds and regular ploughing to clean
For the reduction of hopper populations, avoid close
planting, as the incidence very severe in overcrowded
orchards, orchards must be kept clean by ploughing and
removal of weeds. If infestations of hoppers are severe
spray two rounds of acephate 75 SP@ 1g/lit. or Spray
two rounds of imidacloprid 0.2ml/lit or phosphamidon
40SL 2 ml/lit of water, first spray at the time of panicle
emergence and second spray two weeks after first spray.
If population of midge rises towards the economic
injury, spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/lit., methyl
demeton 25 EC @ 1-2 ml/lit. or fenitrothion 50 EC 12ml/lit. of water.
In case of heavy infestation of mealy bugs apply
Profenofos 50 EC 1.5 ml/lit. or chlopyriphos 20EC 2.5
ml/lit. of water.
Removal of weeds and infected young leaves for
powdery mildew.
Spray with dicofol 18.5 EC 2.5ml/lit or wettable sulphur
50WP 2 g /lit. for the control of mango bud mite.
Spraying with sulphur @ 2 g/L
Second spraying of wettable sulphur @ 2 g/ L after fruit

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Meena et al., 2014, Pop. Kheti, 2(3): 100-107




For the management of fruit fly, collect fallen infested

fruits and dispose them by dumping in a pit, provide
summer ploughing to expose the pupa and monitor the
activity of flies with methyl eugenol sex lure traps. Bait
spray - combing molasses or jaggery 10 g and dimethoate
30 EC 1 ml/lit. Hanging of methyl eugenol traps (0.1%) +
malathion (0.1%) to trap the fruit flies.
Fruit fly,
Collection and destruction of fallen fruits will prevent the
multiplication of both stone weevil and pulp weevil and
fruit fly.
weevil, Spray application of fenthion 100EC 1ml/lit. (First at
Mango bud mite,
marble stage of the fruit second at 15 days interval) and
Red ants
during non flowering season direct spray towards the
base of the trunk.
Spray with dicofol 18.5 EC 2.5ml/lit. for the management
of bud mite.
For the management of red ants nests should be removed
and destroyed mechanically or by spraying any of the
contact insecticides Monocrotophos 2ml/lit.
Fruit fly,
sooty mould

Post Harvest IPM Activities of Mango

A. Pre Harvest Practices
1. Pre harvest spray of Carbendazim (0.1%) or Penconazole (0.05) 15 days before
2. Bagging of fruits (for controlling the post harvest diseases and bruises) with newspaper
or brown paper bags one month prior to harvest.
3. Harvested fruits ripe uniformly without any disease and fruit fly infestation.
4. Install male annihilation methyl eugenol trap @ 5 nos. /ha, before 45 days prior to
5. Ensure traps are active till harvest by replacing lures.
6. Avoid delay in harvest and may be done before onset of rain.
7. Harvesting at proper maturity stage.
B. Post Harvest Practices
1. Hot water dip treatment to be given to harvested fruits in 0.025 percent Carbendazim in
hot water (52 1C) for 5-10 minutes depending on the variety, size and maturity to
control anthracnose, stem end rot and black rot.
2. Treat the fruits with hot water at 48-49C for one hour, where fruit fly is the target insect.
3. Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT): For exporting mangoes to Japan, vapour heat treatment is
required to control fruit fly. VHT is generally done at 46-49C for 20-30 minutes
depending on variety.
4. Fruits are irradiated 0.25 KGY to 0.75 KGY to control fruit fly and stone weevil to export
fruits to USA.
5. Uniform ripening.
6. Proper packaging /wrapping of fruits.
7. Cold storage (5% CO2 and 5% O2 at 13C temperature and 85-90% relative humidity) to
extend shelf life up to 4-5 weeks.

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ISSN: 2321-0001


Meena et al., 2014, Pop. Kheti, 2(3): 100-107


IPM module described in the present article is simple to apply irrespective of locality and
socioeconomic status of the mango growers. It is suitable IPM package and practices for
mango pests and diseases that can easily be adopted by any mango growers. Any need based
modification or change in the strategic plan based on situation, location and pest profiling of
any region, it can be modified accordingly by the farmers themselves. Always socio-economic
condition of the growers should be kept in consideration before recommendation and
implementation of this strategy. Area wide, community approach among mango growers
should be promoted. This will help for its success in long run. Any Government subsidy if
available should easily be accessible to farmers. The economic benefit of the recommended
IPM schedule is to be quantified. Time to time assessment of implemented IPM module is also
necessary for its betterment and improvement in long run.
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Popular Kheti

ISSN: 2321-0001


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