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Wheel Time RPG Saga Conversion

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The Wheel of Time

The Roleplaying Game

Star Wars Saga Edition Conversion

By Randall Bruner
With abundant help from the Call of the Horn Roleplaying Game Community at

Chapter One: The Wheel of Time . . . . .
Chapter Two: Backgrounds
. . . . . . .
Chapter Three: Heroic Classes . . . . . .
Chapter Four: Skills . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Five: Feats . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Six: Heroic Traits . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Seven: Equipment . . . . . . . .
Chapter Eight: Combat . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Nine: The One Power . . . . . . .
Chapter Ten: Latent Abilities . . . . . . .
Chapter Eleven: Advanced Classes . . . . .
Chapter Twelve: The Westlands and Beyond
Chapter Thirteen: Organizations . . . . . .
Chapter Fourteen: Gamemastering . . . . .
Chapter Fifteen: Eras of Play . . . . . . .
Chapter Sixteen: Allies and Enemies . . . .

















This is the Star Wars: Saga Edition conversion of the Wheel of Time roleplaying game.
The Wheel
heel of Time is a great setting for roleplaying, with a few unique characteristics
that make it unlike any other fantasy setting.


There are some obvious differences between Star Wars and the Wheel of Time settings.
While this is a conversion of the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game to the Star Wars:
Saga Edition Roleplaying Game, there are obvious differences in setting and technology.
These differences are generally covered in the chapters found in this book.
The Wheel of Time roleplaying game is one of unlimited possibilities, just like Star
Wars, except it is confined to one world, and specifically, in most cases, one part of one
continent. Nearly anything that is possible in any other fantasy setting is possible in the
Wheel of Time, but the Wheel of Time setting is phenomenal in its ambition. Not typical
to other fantasy
asy settings, each story in the Wheel of Time has a purpose, and should be
told not like an epic adventure, but as a grand litany, a song to the heroes that gave birth
to the legends that unfolded because of them.


The Wheel of Time itself consists of seven Ages. This book is written for the Third Age,
which is the same Age used in the Wheel of Time novel series.
An Age is an era, consisting of many centuries. Because time in
in- this setting is cyclic,
an Age will come to pass, and then will come again when the Wheel of Time returns to
the same point. Events of an Age become
history in the Age that immediately follows it,
then legend in the ones after, slowly fading as
myth until it is completely forgotten by the
time the Age comes again.
To incorporate this into your own game,
explore mythologies an
and legends from
different cultures.. Have the players select
heroes and heroines from ancien
ancient stories to
The Gamemaster and players

should converse about the characters and what legends they become. Most importantly,
remember that the story is thee seed of the eventual legend, so it doesnt need to be played
out exactly like the legend, though there should be many similarities.
In many cases, an individual is a reborn person from a past age, or from several ages
before. Perhaps in such a previous life they were someone of greatness, whether for good
or evil. However, not every person is someone who has lived lives before the present
Just as there is a Wheel of Time, there is a Great Tapestry, which weaves the threads of
each individual throughout
ughout the Pattern. Any given persons thread may cross several
others in a short time, or it may be straight for most of its entire existence. While some
threads affect the direction of many others, some remain straight on the same course for
most of their
eir lives. Taveren are individuals whose threads are so impacting that they
affect numerous threads wherever they go, and can even be the focal points of the Pattern
for periods of time. Taveren are rare, though some taveren exist that have more of an
impact on the threads around them than other taveren.
The Great Tapestry has a rhyme and reason for everything that transpires. The Pattern
is emerging as something wondrous. Characters have destinies that are to be fulfilled,
and the Pattern will helpp these heroes along the way. Whether traveling alone against all
the dangers of the world, or traveling with companions to complement each others
strengths and weaknesses, the heroes of the Wheel of Time play an important part in the
outcome of the very future, and past, of the world.

This is a setting in which the Dark One
exists, and ordinary citizens fear his return.
Colossal magic can alter the very Pattern and
physical world in such phenomenal ways that
innocent bystanders can have their lives
completely changed forever for generations
to come. Yet, individuals with such power
are rare. Nonetheless, the Last Battle looms,
the Dragon has been reborn, and the Dark
One and his Forsaken have returned.

In a world of such powerful magic, it can seem overwhelming, or even foolish, to play
a hero who cannot wield this power. Yet, the focus of the Wheel of Time is not to win a
story, nor is it to notch kills on a sheet of paper. The focus is to tell a story that will be
told and magnified for generations to come, one that centers on the characters and the
lives they lead as they go forth through the Pattern and perform their heroic deeds.
This is a roleplaying game. Everyone has a role, especially in this setting. There are
very few completely black villains, and very few completely white heroes. Nearly
all are shades of gray. Male channelers may oppose the Dark One vehemently, but
insanity may take a toll on them. A tavern carouser my lie, cheat, steal, gamble,
womanize, and fight, but he may be the first to stand up against Shadowspawn who
suddenly emerge. The heroes who save the world might end up being the people once
thought to be villainous, while those who join the Dark One may very well be the ones
once considered heroes. Even heroes might have rivalries and dislike one another.
The One Power doesnt need to be an unbalancing presence in the game. Every
character should focus on his role in the story, and roles are ever-changing. Channelers
cannot do everything, and they have drawbacks as well.
In the Westlands, depending on the timeframe, people can travel and be reasonably
assured they are not going to encounter monsters on the road. Many go their entire lives
without seeing the One Power used, and some consider Shadowspawn to be a myth to
scare children. This is not a high-combat setting. Heroes may go very far between fights
unless they choose to throw themselves into the various wars brewing. In a world where
Tuathaan heroes exist, many possibilities for story and character roleplaying come

Gamemasters choosing to play in the Wheel of Time setting are advised to really focus
on the story and the characters themselves. Playing a story in the Wheel of Time should
be much like experiencing a legend in the making. The mood is one of dark evil, yet
vibrant colors and hope where once there was none. No odds are too overwhelming for
the strong, clever, mystical heroes that will emerge in the stories told, from fierce fights
to ancient mysteries, political intrigue, and magnificent fanfare. Heroes come in all
shapes and sizes, from all over the land, each one unique from the others.
Make sure everyone has a chance to have their thread be one of importance.
Welcome to the Wheel of Time!


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become
legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it
birth comes again.
The Wheel has turned once more and the final battle approaches along with the
conclusion of the Wheel of Time novels. The Muse has left us but his world and the ideas
contained in them will live as long as we continue to dream of Aes Sedai, the
Borderlands, and Myrddraal. But many of us want to do more than reflect on the stories
told in the novels; we want to craft our own characters and throw them at the Wheel to
see where the pattern will weave them. We want to roleplay in one of the richest fantasy
settings ever created.
Once, in another age, we roleplayers were brought together by a game. I had the
pleasure of running Call of the Horn where like minded people gathered to write propose
new rules, fill setting gaps, and write adventures to expand on what Wizards of the Coast
had provided with the original Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game. We are a close
community that continues to discuss roleplaying and the WoT.
Now, Two Rivers Wolfbrother has crafted an updated roleplaying game to allow us to
take up the Hunt for the Horn once more. You can play a cardinsor-wrapped Maiden of
the Spear or a thief-taker. Discover the terror inspired by the Neverborn as your Warder
defends his Aes Sedai. The beauty of a roleplaying game is that its only limit is our fertile
imaginations. These rules allow you to play one of Lews Therins Hundred Companions
or forge an empire with Arthur Hawkwing. They are your ticket to crafting your own
stories in the Wheel of Time setting.
This book is an effort sustained by a passion for the world of the Wheel of Time; a
Herculean task undertaken by a fan for other fans. I hope you enjoy it.
May you always find Water and Shade.



At the time of the novels, there are several kingdoms and nations throughout what is
known as the Westlands, as well as people coming from other places as well, such as the
Aiel Waste, a far away continent called Seandar, and evenn the islands of the sea itself.
There is also a giant race of people called the Ogier, who are not humans, though they
have many similar traits to humans. Though life is mostly similar in the Westlands,
cultures and backgrounds are different enough that for the purposes of character creation,
the cultures have been split into groups, and these groups have been split into individual
You may choose to be from any background, though there are certain limitations for
some backgrounds. While many backgrounds
ackgrounds tend to favor certain roles, others may
rarely have certain types of heroes. For example, Borderlanders produce many armsman
heroes, yet among the Tuathaan, armsmen are almost unheard of, and armsmen from the
Aiel Waste are very different from armsmen in Amadicia. Ogier characters cannot be
initiates, because Ogier cannot channel the One Power.
Because the possibilities are vast in the Wheel of Time, you are encouraged to use your
creativity, whether it is to play a more common type of hero orr a rare find in the Great
Tapestry. No matter what you are, you can make your character unique in many ways.

Humans are the main race in the Wheel of Time, and nearly all heroes from any Age will
be human. Following are the different backgrounds for human characters.

Human Traits
All Humans have the following traits:
Ability Scores: A human character does not gain any bonuses or take any penalties to
ability scores at character creation.
Bonus Feat: At first level, a human character gains a bonus
onus feat.

The Aiel are a clan-based
based society in the vast desert to the east of the mountain range
known as the Spine of the World. This land is called the Aiel Waste by those in the
Westlands, but the Aiel call it the Threefold Land, because to them it is a shaping stone to

make them, a testing ground to prove their worth, and a punishment for their sin. While
most members live in communities and in relative peace, trying to survive in such a harsh
place, there are also warrior societies that exist as well, often uniting members of
different clans.
Culture: There are twelve clans (excluding the thirteenth Jenn clan), and each clan
is divided into communities, called septs. A character will introduce herself as being a
member of a clan as well as a sept. Each clan has its own Clan Chief, always a male, as
well as several Wise Ones, who are female.
There are also twelve warrior societies, each with its own unique role in battle and
general security of the Aiel, which exist simultaneously together and separately from the
clans and septs. Members from any clan can be in any society, and indeed each society is
represented by each clan. Even when clans are enemies, members within the same
warrior society will not fight each other.
Aiel follow a code of ethics called jietoh,, which means honor and obligation. This
code governs most aspects of life for an Aiel, and all follow it except most of the
members of the Shaido Aiel. Among the many tenets of this code is the rule of gaishain,
which causes that any individual captured in battle becomes a servant to the captor for a
year and a day. It is also against the code to kill a gaishain.
Appearance: Aiel have tan skin and tend to be much taller than humans from other
places. They usually have light hair and pale eyes.
societies often wear clothing
they call a cadinsor, which
helps them blend into their
surroundings in the Threefold
Whenever an Aiel
fights, he covers his face due
to ancient traditions that state
this must be done.
aggressive, and tend to be
much more fearless than those

on the other side of the Spine of the World. Honor is essential to them as well, and few
Aiel will do anything to stain their honor, even if doing so would greatly benefit them.
Example Aiel: Aviendha, Rhuarc, Couladin, Amys, Sevanna, Bain, Chiad.

Aiel Traits
All Aiel characters have the following traits:
Desert Survivor: When in a desert environment, Aiel may reroll any Survi
Survival check,
though they must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
Durable: Aiel may spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll any Endurance check,
though they must keep the second result, even if it is worse.

The Athaan Miere, orr Sea Folk as they are commonly called by people in the Westlands,
are the exotic, hardy people who inhabit the sea and the distant islands they fiercely
guard. Legends of the sea, the Athaan Miere have ship designs and sailing expertise
unmatched by any other culture, and while they trade and interact with Westlanders, they
are strongly tight-lipped about their own lands and culture.
Culture: Athaan Miere life is spend mostly at sea, where they are born, grow, and
eventually die.
The leader of the Sea Folk carries the title of Mistress of Ships, whose counterpart is
the Master of the Blades. Athaan Miere culture
is divided into clans, with the head of a clan
having the title of Wavemistress, with her
counterpart being the Swordsmaster. On each
ship, the captain is the Sailmistress, whose
counterpart is the Cargomaster.
important role on each ship is the Windfinder, a
channeler who is in charge of gathering winds
and moving waves with the One Power, and
who is outranked on her own ship only by the
ships Sailmistress and Cargomaster.
Appearance: Sea Folk have dark brown skin
and are taller than most Westlanders (though
shorter than Aiel). They have black hair and
dark eyes.
Athaan Miere tend to wear lightweight
clothes, and when they are out at sea and out of

view of Westlander ports, they wear no shirts, including the females, and they dont often
wear shoes on their ships. Athaan Miere like to wear jewelry, and often have many
jeweled and precious facial piercings, which are often connected
by chains.
Psychology: Athaan Miere are shrewd negotiators and traders, and are very proud of
their culture. Indeed, the idea of bargaining itself is so important to the Sea Folk that it is
incorporated into nearly every facet of life. In return
retur for anything given by the Athaan
Miere, they will always seek to be given something in return as a fair trade, even when it
comes to the Caramoor.
Example Athaan Miere: Zaida din Parede Blackwing,
Blackwing Harine din Togara Two
Winds, Talaan din Gelyn, Moad.

Athaan Miere Traits

All Athaan Miere characters have the following traits:
Expert Sailor: Sail is always a class skill for Athaan Miere. Furthermore, once per
encounter, an Athaan Miere may spend a Hero Point as a free action to take 20 on a Sail
ck, even when taking 20 would not normally be allowed.

The Seanchan are the descendants of a fleet of ships that left the Westlands in the time of
Artur Hawkwing. Among those ships was Artur Hawkwings own son, Luthair Paendrag
Mondwin. Once thought
ought lost forever, the Seanchan have returned to the Westlands and
have begun conquering lands with their Ever Victorious Army, forcing any they conquer
to swear oaths of allegiance to them. Most Seanchan live on the continent of the same
name far to the west of the Westlands, beyond the Aryth Ocean.
Culture: The Seanchan of the home continent of Seanchan live in a strict culture
structured by class. The lowest class are called dacovale,
dacovale which means those who are
property. The highest residents of Seanchan
eanchan are called the Blood, and are revered as
descendants of Hawkwing himself, though a few are adopted into their ranks.
In the Westlands, the Seanchan are mostly a military presence. They allow nations and
individuals to live their lives however theyy wish, for the most part, as long as they do not
forsake their oaths.
Appearance: The Seanchan can be of virtually any skin type, shape, or size.
The Seanchan dress according to their rank. Members of the Low Blood wear bowl
cuts and wear a tail on the back of their head. They lacquer the last one or two nails on
each hand, depending on rank. The High Blood nobles shave the sides of their head and
lacquer the first one or two nails on each hand. Members of the Imperial Family shave
their head and lacquer all fingernails on each hand.

Psychology: The Seanchan arrogantly believe

they are be destined to reclaim the entire continent
that Artur Hawkwing once claimed. They do not
tolerate misbehavior by the people they conquer,
whom they see as commoners at best.
Few Seanchan have any desire to acclimate into
Westland society. Instead, they continue to live they
way they would have in Seanchan.
Example Seanchan: Tuon Athaem Kore
Paendrag, Alivia, Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
Meldarath, Selucia,
Almurat Mor, Egeanin Tamarath, Turok Aladon,
Furyk Karede, Seta Zarbey.
Seanchan Traits
All Seanchan characters have the following traits:
Disciplined: Seanchan may spend a Hero Point
as a free action to reroll any Focus check and keep the better result.
Rememberer: Seanchann may reroll any Knowledge (academics) check made to
remember events as far back as the time of Artur Hawkwing. If they reroll the check,
they must keep the second result, even if it is worse than the first result.

The Tuathaan, often called the
he Traveling Folk or simply the Tinkers, are an unusual
people loved by some, and despised by others. They travel the Westlands and Aiel Waste
(though more frequently the former), searching for the Song. They have yet to find it,
yet this does not stop their search. They travel on, never settling anywhere long, and
passively bringing their customs and ways to anyone who will befriend them.
Culture: Tuathaan follow the Way of the Leaf. They believe that there is never a
reason to do violence, not evenn to defend their own family or fight off evil beings. A
Tuathaan who turns his back on this way of life is called a Lost One, and is considered
no longer to be a part of the Tuathaan.
The Traveling Folk are renowned for their ability to fix things (wh
(which is indeed where
they gained their nickname tinkers). In their travels, they frequently stop by villages
and cities, offering to fix things for local residents, and also proselytizing their beliefs to
anyone who will listen. For their attempts to convert
nvert others to their ways, they have
gained a reputation as baby thieves (as well as ordinary thieves).
Tuathaan also love music, and spend much of their time in the late afternoons and
evenings dancing and playing various instruments.

Appearance: Tinkers come from a variety

of backgrounds, especially considering that a
percentage of their population is converts to
their ways. Most tend to have light or dark
brown hair and dark eyes.
Tuathaan paint their traveling home-wagons
in the same way they dress: in bright, vibrant
colors that stands out and even agitates the
eyes of some. Their demeanors are typically
cheery and bright, and they walk with a rhythm
to their step, as though they are listening to
music nobody else can hear.
Psychology: To a Tinker, violence damages
a persons soul every bit as much as the
damage they cause by their violence, even if
the violence is for what others might consider a
noble reason. They abhor violence, but will
seek to help in other ways as they can, though they will
w never ask others to fight for them.
They are welcoming, helpful, and joyful, though they can seem intrusive and falsefalse
handed to some.
Example Tuathaan: Raen, Aram, Ila.

Tuathaan Traits
All Tuathaan characters have the following traits:
Persuasive: Tuathaan may spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll any
Persuasion check and keep the better result.
Gatherer: Tinkers may always take 10 on Survival checks made to do anything except
hunt wild animals or track.

The Westlands have diverse geography, including plains, forests, hills, mountains, and
several cities and communities throughout. The Aiel call it the Wetlands due to the fact
that there is much more rain than in their Threefold Land. Numerous kingdoms and
independent city-states
states can be found from the coasts to the south and west to the
mountain ranges to the east and the Blight to the north.
Below are the three major divisions of the Westlands: the Borderlands, which include
the northernmost kingdoms nearest
est the Blight, the Coastlands, which include the nations

to the south and west along the coastline,

and the Midlands, which include the
countries throughout the fertile plains and
woodlands between the ocean and the

It often happens that characters are born
in one land and are raised in another. It
also occurs sometimes where a character
is born and raised one place and has only
been living in a place for a short time.
Your background reflects your
general upbringing. When determining
your background traits, if you were born
and raised through most of your
childhood and adolescence in a certain
place, that place should be chosen as
your background. Even if your character
currently lives, and has lived for some
time, in a different place, the place she
was born and raised is her background.
If the character was born somewhere
but raised in a different land, the land he
was raised in is his background when
determining traits. For example, Rand
alThor could be considered an Aiel, but
the fact that he was raised in the Two
Rivers gives him the traits from the Two
Rivers background.
Alternately, for characters whose
backgrounds are still vague, a generic
human background can be used. A
generic human gains the human traits,
plus one extra trained skill.
characters do not gain benefits from
having any background.

As the years go by the deadly Blight gains
ground, ever moving southward. In the
Westlands, the kingdoms of Saldaea,
Kandor, Arafel, and Shienar stand to stave
the Blight and its dangerous minions off.
Until recently, these nations included
Malkier, but Malkier finally became
overwhelmed and swallowed by the Blight.
These resilient people have their own
kingdoms, their own cultures and societies,
but the thing they are easily most renowned
for is their stalwart stance against the forces
of the Blight.
Mandragoran (Malkieri), Zarine ti Bashere
t'Aybara (Saldaean), Mazrim Taim,
(Saldaean), Agelmar Jagad (Shienaran),
Alanna Mosvanni (Arafellin), Masema
Dogar (Shienaran), Jahar Narishma
(Arafellin), Davram Bashere (Saldaean),
(Shienaran), Uno Nomesta (Shienaran),
Nesune Bihara (Kandori).

Borderlander Traits
All Borderlanders have the following traits.
Vigilant: Borderlanders are always
ready for combat. They may reroll their
Initiative checks if they choose, but must
keep the second result, even if it is worse.

Arafellins are a staunch, proud people, and protect the Westlands from the Blight just as
much as their neighbors. Though their pride is abundant, Arafellins are a humble nation,
willing to do whatever it takes to do their duty, even if it means expending their lives for
the cause.
Culture: Arafellins, perhaps more than any of the Borderlanders, love artistic
endeavors as well as ones of battle. Though seen as rough and unsophisticated by some
other cultures in the Westlands, Arafellin art is an expression of the souls of battlebattle
hardened warriors and gritty survivors.
As Borderlanders, certainly their culture is in a state of constant readiness against raids
from the Blight, and Arafellins are not outdone by their neighbors along the Blights
borders. Their warriors prefer to wield two swords,
rds, both sheathed on their backs, and
they fight with a mixture of grace, fortitude, and soulful passion as though each battle is a
blessing, whether they die or not.
Appearance: Arafellins are fair-skinned
skinned and light-haired,
and tall, typically with broad
shoulders and large muscles. They dress conservatively and practically, and both men
and women wear their hair long. Men will often braid their hair into two thick braids and
wear silver bells or other trinkets on the ends.
Psychology: Arafellins love art and dutifully fight the Blight, but their vigilance and
alertness is also legendary. Part of their success is their ability to see danger coming
before it arrives at their walls.

Arafellin Traits
All Arafellin characters have the following traits:
Alert: Once per encounter, Arafellins may spend a Hero Point as a free action to take
20 on any Perception check, even when taking 20 would not normally be allowed.

The Kandori are tough, strong, and earnest, and the minions of the Blight have
nary difficulty getting past their stalwart and often brutal guardians. Above the
other Borderlander nations, Kandori love combat and beating up on Shadowspawn
creatures the most, though rarely to the point of doing it just for savagery sake.
Culture: Thee merchants of Kandor are among the best in the Westlands, especially
considering their limitations in their tradable goods. With few marketable items, Kandori
still manage to have a hefty presence in marketplaces all the way south even to the
coastal towns,
ns, where they trade with merchants and even Sea Folk.
Kandors seem to live in the moment, and can be raucous and loud when the time
doesnt warrant better behavior. Though their vigilance is high, they know how to rest

when the time comes for resting, and

nd be frivolous when times arent as gray as they
sometimes are along the Blight.
Appearance: Kandori are light-skinned
skinned and of average height. Both men and women
wear jewelry, especially earrings, and embroidered clothes that seem elegant for
Borderland cultures. The men usually wear long, forked beard, though they are neat and
Psychology: Natives of Kandor know they will likely die in battle, so they try to live
life to the fullest every day. They are also cunning, able to see strengths and, perhaps
more importantly, weaknesses. Kandori dont appreciate unearned frivolity, and can
seem quite gruff in most scenarios, despite their sociability.

Kandori Traits
All Kandori characters have the following traits:
Savvy: Kandori may spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll any Persuasion
check, though they must keep the second result, even if it is worse.

Saldaeans are swift riders and swift killers of Blight creatures. Their range of the Blight
is vast, so their coverage must equal the challenge. Among the Saldaeans, women fight
alongside their men, and are equally capable in combat. Though they generally prefer
light weapons such as short swords and daggers, they manage to inflict damage swiftly
and beat the threats that come into their lands back.
Culture: The people of Saldaea enjoy feats of physical dexterity and balance. Men
and women train themselves to be master horse riders and acrobats, not only for the
benefits on the battlefield, but also to display and put on a show for those around them.
Horsemanship is an important part of Saldaean culture.
Above all else, however, Saldaeans take very seriously their responsibility to protect
their portion of the border from the constant raids of the Shadowspawn
dowspawn abominations.
Their duty is to keep the Blight back along mostly flat lands, except the lands to the far
west along the coast, where they become treacherously rocky and mountainous. Still, the
Saldaeans rise to the challenge with their ingenuity and bold fearlessness.
Appearance: Saldaeans have light to tan skin and dark hair is generally worn at
medium length. Their almond-shaped
shaped eyes are generally found to be exotic and even
alluring, and Saldaean women particularly are found to be extremely attractive not only
for their toughness, but also their ironic wiles.
Saldaean clothing tends to be cut and crafted for riding, with few extra niceties except
for colors and patterns designed to show the wearers family.

Psychology: Saldaeans are bold, willing

illing to do daring things most wouldnt even
imagine to attempt. To them, risks are worth taking if the reward is great, and bravery is
its own reward.

Saldaean Traits
All Saldaean characters have the following traits:
Master Rider: Saldaeans can spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll any failed
Ride check. They must keep the second result, even if it is worse.

The Shienarans are an extraordinarily proud
warrior culture in the far eastern reach of the
Borderlands. Every bit as vigilant and sturdy as
the other Borderland kingdoms, these warriors do
not fear the Shadowspawn they must fight so often
along the Blights borders. Shienarans yearn for
peace, though they know it wont likely happen for
a very long time.
Culture: Shienarans
arans revere life and honor death.
They admire peace, but master combat. A great
deal of their cultural and general outlooks seem
like an oxymoron to most other cultures, but
Shienarans recognize the virtues of these things,
and it causes their admiration of them to increase.
Nobody, not visitors or natives, is allowed to
wear a mask or hood within the walls of a city.
Baths are taken publicly, which can be something
of a shock to conservative and modest visitors.
Above all else, Shienaran culture is a warrior one,
and nobody is more important than the brave individuals that fight and die to protect all
decent life from the ravaging forces of the Blight.
Appearance: Shienarans are tall, slightly shorter than Athaan Miere, but taller than
other Westlanders.
ders. They have light tan skin and dark eyes. Their dark hair is worn long,
though the men often shave all parts of their head except the topmost part, which is tied
into a topknot.
Shienaran warriors wear breastplates and often wear two swords in battle.
battl When not in
battle, the men wear robelike garb and boots, while the women wear elaborate dresses
tied at the waist.

Psychology: Shienarans are generally fearless, though they are considerably more
careful and calculating in their ventures. They have a sense of duty that prevails most
other things, and Shienarans who give their word will do everything in their power to
fulfill it.

Shienaran Traits
All Shienaran characters have the following traits:
Heroic Stealth: Any time a Shienaran spends a Hero Point
oint to gain a bonus die to a
Stealth check, she can roll one additional die, keeping the highest die.

All along the southern and western coasts of the Westlands, from Tear to Bandar Eban,
merchants and sailors trade their goods in the diversee coastal kingdoms. In the major port
cities, trade happens at the docks, but most of the similarities end there. While these are
among the wealthiest nations in the entire Westlands, they are also diverse and vibrant.
Example Coastlanders: Siuan Sanche (Tairen), Juilin Sandar (Tairen), Leane Sharif
(Domani), Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron (Mayener), Bayle Domon (Illianer), Nalesean
Aldiaya (Tairen), Alise Tenjile (Taraboner), Liandrin (Taraboner), Tylin Quintara
Mitsobar (Altaran), Teslyn Baradon (Illianer).

Coastlander Traits
All Borderlanders have the following traits.
Sociable: Coastlanders are naturally sociable. They may always reroll Persuasion
checks, but they must keep the second result, even if it is worse.

Much of Altaran culture and fame lies in its main city, the large port of Ebou Dar. While
many call the residents of this city the Ebou Dari, the rest of Altara also has a vibrant and
colorful presence in the Westlands. Renowned for their festivals as much for their
dagger-dueling, Altarans tend to think of themselves as belonging to their region or city,
not generally their kingdom.
Culture: Altarans are justly famous for the significance of daggers in their culture.
Duels are commonplace, even to the death. A woman will even we
wear a marriage knife as
a necklace around her neck, with stones on the hilt to represent her children. Different
colors tell of the state of the child, whether they are alive or not, if they died in a duel,
and other things. She is to stab the husband withh it if he ever displeases her
Altarans have many festivals, including the Festival of the Birds, during which Ebou
Dari natives will dress in feathered costumes and masks, and the Festival of Lanterns,

which is not unique to them, and during which fancy,

colorful paper lanterns are hung from windows, tree
branches, and anything else that can hold lanterns.
Indeed, Altarans know how to celebrate their holidays.
Appearance: Altarans have olive skin and dark hair
and eyes. They are shorter in general thann other
Westlanders. Scars are considered beauty marks.
To complement their olive skin, Altarans tend to favor
light shades of clothes. The men often wear vests, and
frequently without shirts, while the women wear snug
dresses that show a lot of cleavagee (and their marriage
knives). Both men and women like jewelry, including
rings and earrings.
Psychology: Though many consider them violent in
their customs, Altarans, and specifically Ebou Dari people,
are generally easy-going and friendly. They settle insults with
duels, but are generally respectful to each other and those from
beyond their borders.

Altaran Traits
All Altaran characters have the following traits:
Always Ready: An Altaran may spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll any
Initiative check, though the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.

Arad Doman is a nation full of political and social strength. The Domani are outdone by
no one when it comes
es to getting what they want or need, especially when they are trying
to get what they want from a member of the opposite sex. Domani men and women
especially the womenare
are famous throughout the Westlands for their ability to seduce.
Despite being an isolated
lated nation, Arad Doman is a powerful land, with a strong military
and a rich culture.
Culture: Domani women are raised to be seductive and attractive. They are taught
from childhood by their mothers everything from attire to kissing techniques, all to attract
men. Indeed, no women are considered more alluring than Domani women. Men are
good at attraction as well, but they dont have the same amount of fame that the women
Luxuries and hedonistic endeavors are enjoyed to the fullest, perhaps more by Domani
than by anyone else. Falconry, fine food and drink, gambling, plays and live music,
sports, and many other things are enjoyed to the fullest by the Domani. They are good at

what they do, and have a progressive, industrious culture, but they al
also know how to have
Appearance: Domani skin tones range from pale to coppery. They usually have dark
hair and eyes, and are of average height. Most Domani are thin, but their lifestyles can
bring some to portliness.
Male Domani dress in shirts and trousers, made from fine material whenever possible.
They often grow mustaches that are trimmed thin. Females wear body
body-covering dresses
that cling to every curve and are often made from sheer material. This gives the
impression of nudity while actually exposing very little.
Psychology: Domani live frivolous lives, and they are natural pleasure
pleasure-seekers. While
they are generally easy-going,
going, enraged frenzies can happen at the slightest provocation,
especially among the men. Domani are unpredictable.
Domani Traits
All Domani characters have the following traits:
Fiery: Domani characters may spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll Persuasion
checks made to intimidate. They must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
Seductive: When dealing with members of the opposite sex, Domani characters may
reroll Persuasion checks made to change the persons attitude as a free action and keep
the better result.

Illian is a nation of freedom-loving
loving people with a certain sense of aadventure that
permeates from them. There are perhaps no better seamen in the Westlands than the men
from Illian. Meanwhile, on the land they will stand up to any threat, and with their
balanced governance, they have very few enemies.
Culture: Illianers abhor tyranny, despite the fact that they are ruled by a king (though
they do have other ruling bodies as well). To them, tyranny represents, among other
things, an opposition of freedom, and few things are more important to Illianers than their
Illian is also the traditional starting place of the Great Hunt, which sees thousands of
people from across the Westlands gather at the Square of Tammaz to begin their search
for the Horn of Valere. It is a major port, and Illianers frequently see peopl
people from many
different lands and nations in their communities.
Appearance: Illianers are slightly above typical average height and build, and they
tend to be light-skinned
skinned and have dark hair and eyes. Both men and women are sturdily
built, with a tendency for stockiness.

Among both nobility and the common folk, men favor beards that leave their upper lip
bare. Clothing for men is typically simply shirt and trousers, whereas for women it is
dresses with low-cut necklines.
Psychology: From the founder of their kingdom, Illianers revere adventure and
freedom to be among the loftiest of virtues and ideals. Their sense of adventure is
unrivaled, while their love of freedom drives them. Illianers are a versatile people, and
can be found in virtually any role.

Illianer Traits
All Illianer characters have the following traits:
In the Know: An Illianer may spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll any Gather
Information check. The second result must be kept, even if it is worse than the original.

Other than the White Tower, perhaps no other place is more wellwell
known and magnificent than the Stone of Tear. From nobles to
commoners, Tairens strive for greatness in any endeavor that they do,
and their beliefs are that there is nobody out there who has
ha more
potential than they do. Though many see them as arrogant,
often it is simply confidence in themselves.
Culture: Tairens do not like channelers, yet ironically they
have a constant reminder of the power of the One Power in
the form of the Stone of Tear, which itself was created using
the One Power, and the Prophecies of the Dragon include the
Stone. Even though they do not like channelers, many Aes
Sedai come from Tear.
All throughout the Westlands, there is a notable difference
between commoner and
nd noble. Yet, in Tear this is particularly
noticeable. Nobles elevate themselves to extraordinary heights
while the commoners toil in astounding poverty in some parts of
the kingdom. The nobles consider it their responsibility to use
whatever means necessary
essary to fulfill their demands, which, to
many, includes protecting their people and even the entire world,
starting at the Stone of Tear.
Appearance: Tairens are generally of average height and
weight, and they have light skin. They have dark hair and eyes.
Tairen noblemen wear elaborate clothes, including colorful
coats with puffy, padded sleeves and embroidered sashes. The

noblewomen wear long silk gowns that leave the shoulders and a fair amount of the chest
bare. Commoners wear much more drab attire, with the men wearing snug-fitting coats,
and the women often wearing aprons over plain-colored dresses. Commoners also often
wear wide-brimmed, conical straw hats.
Psychology: With very rare exceptions, Tairens are, as a whole, very confident,
sometimes even to the point of arrogance. Yet, Tairens see themselves as vessels of
greatness, and they do what they can to fulfill what they believe their potential is.
Tairen Traits
All Tairens gain the following traits:
Bluff: Any time a Tairen spends a Hero Point to add a bonus die to a Deception check,
the number of dice rolled increases by one, and the best result is kept.

In the southwestern corner of the Westlands lies the cultural and artistic kingdom of
Tarabon, as well as its major port city Tanchico. Tarabon is a progressive kingdom with
a great respect for historical artifacts and art in its many forms. Even though their
location makes them the first nation to be conquered by the Seanchan invaders, their
sense of culture helps them keep many of their traditions alive. Tanchico is one of the
most important port cities in the Westlands, as it joins the west with the south in both
culture and trade.
Culture: Taraboners have a very old culture, with a great deal of history. It is a
society that spawns a high percentage of unique thinkers and great artists, from sculptors
and painters to minstrels and actors. Many gleemen come from Tarabon, and the
Illuminators Guild was started there.
Taraboners seem to have an optimistic outlook on the world more frequently than other
nations. These Taraboners see life as an opportunity to explore possibilities and pursue
dreams, and their society certainly doesnt discourage them.
Appearance: Taraboners have light to tan skin, and are of average height and build.
They have a have dark hair, which the women wear in small braids worn long, and dark
Male Taraboners often wear bushy mustaches and cylindrical hats, and prefer baggy
shirts and pants. The women wear dresses similar in style to Domani dresses, which
cling to every curve and leave little to the imagination, though they are certainly less
transparent than the ones worn by their Domani counterparts. Men and women alike
wear semi-transparent veils that partially conceal their faces, leaving only their eyes in
Psychology: Taraboners are generally optimistic and hopeful in their endeavors. They
tend to aim high in their goals and dont quit on their dreams easily.

Taraboner Traits
All Taraboners gain the following traits:
Conceal Intent: A Taraboner may spend a Hero Point as a free action to take 20 on a
Deception check, even when taking 20 would not normally be allowed.

In the heart of the Westlands lies the Midlands, the nations that neither border the Blight
nor the sea. These nations are in the center of everything, from trade and culture to wars
that may occur. Still, these hardy people are in the center of everything not only
geographically, but socially, politically, and economically as well.

Wedged between Altara and Tanchico, Amadicia is a kingdom with a relatively weak
government that rules beside the influential Fortress of the Light, the headquarters of the
Children of the Light. Despite their neighbors, they are a conservative people, with a
love of simplicity and tradition. Amadicians do not trust channelers, and no channelers
are allowed within their borders. This is most likely due to the influence of the Children
of the Light.
Culture: Life is peaceful in Amadicia, despite the unmistakable presence of one of the
most powerful independent military organizations in the Westlands. Their orderly
lifestyle and strict laws make life safe for the common man, perhaps safer than anywhere
else in the known world.
Amadicians are proud of their traditions, and do everything they can to cling to them
and keep them unchanged except when they are obviously beneficial. They have a
tendency to distrust change done in the name of progress unless they can see plainly how
it will improve their way of life. This is not to say that things never change, but rather
that changes are done conservatively.
Appearance: Amadicians are of the typical Midlander build, which is what is
considered average for the rest of the Westlands. Amadicians, however, have a tendency
for stockiness among both men and women. They have light skin with dark, curly hair
and eyes.
Women and men both dress modestly. The women wear body-covering, long-sleeved
dresses that extend to the ankles at the bottom and the neck at the top, and bonnets. The
dresses and bonnets are decorated with velvet bows. The men wear knee-length coats
and otherwise plain shirts and trousers. Colors are generally earth-tones, except in the
case of the coats, which have a tendency to be somewhat more colorful.

Psychology: Amadicians strive to be in control of every aspect of their lives. They

seek order and justice in all things, and can be content with simplicity and mediocrity as
long as they can live comfortably and contribute to their community.
Amadician Traits
All Amadicians gain the following traits:
Informed: Any time an Amadician spends a Hero Point to gain a bonus to a Gather
Information check, they roll one additional die and keep the highest result.

The largest kingdom in the midlands is among the most powerful in all the Westlands in
virtually every way. Andor has a strong military, nobles who rule well, commoners who
are proud of their nation, economic stability, and a culture rich with tradition and
vibrancy. Generally considered
sidered the average that many others are compared to,
Andorans are very versatile and reliable.
Culture: Andor is a secure nation, and this security grants Andorans the ability to
pursue the trades and skills they want. The Queens Guard is among the bbest national
militaries south of the Borderlands, and the people are generally happy and friendly.
With its diverse land and people, individuals of nearly any specialty can be found
somewhere within the borders of Andor.
Andoran life is relatively simple and peaceful. Though there are many who may
consider Andor less than friendly allies, their strong military presence and economic and
cultural importance keeps would-be
be enemies at home. Andor is often considered to be
the nation that is good at everything,
ng, best at nothing. While this is debatable in a general
sense, individuals from Andor are just as likely to be significant people, or even heroes.
Appearance: Andorans are light-skinned,
skinned, with dark hair and dark eyes, though since
they are in the midst of so many crossing routes and cultures, traits from many other
lands can be found frequently. Most Andorans are of average height and weight.
General appearances can vary from region to region, though in general, Andorans look
similar to each other wherever in the country they are.
Andorans dress moderately. While the nobles prefer silken clothes, commoners wear
hardy, practical clothes made from wool, cotton, or other durable, reliable fabrics.
Simply put, nobles and commoners alike dress for their lifestyles.
Psychology: Perhaps no single other kingdom in the Westlands has a more diverse
people than Andor. Their unifying traits are their general patriotism, their sense of
security, and their sense of significance, almost as though they are a part oof something
greater than themselves.

Andoran Traits
All Andorans gain the following traits:

Significance: Any time an Andoran spends a Hero Point to add a bonus die to any
Wisdom-related or Charisma-related
related skill check, she adds an additional +1 bonus to the

A vast kingdom that shares its name with its capital city, Cairhien is a kingdom rich with
political maneuvering and national pride. Cairhienins from the nobility to the lowest
commoners are masters of the Great Game, a system in which
even the slightest gaffe can
earn you a lifelong enemy. Though seen as unnecessarily frivolous by many, Cairhienins
stand their own in military and intellectual endeavors as well. While Cairhien enjoys a
very good relationship with the Aiel before King
ng Lamans disastrous mistake of cutting
their gift of an avendoraldera tree. Before that error, they were among the only people
allowed to travel through the Aiel Waste. Since then, they are the most reviled people by
the Aiel.
Culture: Daes Daemar is at the heart of everything Cairhienins do. Even among the
commoners, the Great Game is essential to a persons social, and sometimes their
physical, standing. A person can rise and fall in their social ranking with the slightest
maneuvers or mistakes.
Despite their love of pomp, Cairhienins are typically very reserved and orderly. They
will do virtually nothing without careful planning, partially as a result of their adherence
to the Great Game. This makes Cairhienins very good at battle
batt strategy, governance, city
planning, and creative learning, among many other things.
Appearance: Cairhienins are, on average, the
shortest people in the Westlands. They have dark hair
and eyes, and light, even pale skin. Among the
nobility, features are graceful and soft, and are even so
among the commoners when compared with
commoners from other nations.
Cairhienin attire among nobles includes dark clothes
and lace with narrow, brightly colored horizontal
sashes or bars of gold, silver, and scarlet,, the number
of which announces their rank in society. Their hair is
dressed as elaborately as their lifestyles. Men and
women wear it long, and the women curl it into a
tower of beautiful locks.
Psychology: Cairhienins are master planners, and
they demand
and to be in control of their own lives, which
they desire to be orderly and full of comforts.

Cairhienin Traits
All Cairhienins gain the following traits:
Elegance: A Cairhienin spend a Hero Point as a free action to take 20 on a Persuasion
check, even when taking 20 would not normally be allowed.

The hilly, forested kingdom of Ghealdan lies between the easternmost parts of Andor and
the kingdom of Amadicia. To the east are the Mountains of Mist. The Forest of
Shadows can be found along the northern border, where nobody travels, and the Rivers
Eldar, Boern, and Manatherendrelle run through it as well. Ghealdan is a land of
mysteries and intrigue, and its people are diverse and hardy.
Culture: Ghealdan has a history of trouble with neighboring countries, and while they
are not completely xenophobic, they do take steps to ensure they are well-defended if
anyone does try to attack them. Their cities are walled, and they have a stout military
renowned for its toughness and keen knowledge of the land.
Communities in Ghealdan are centered around individual families, with men and
women generally responsible as parents and raising their children well. Marriages are
very happy occasions, as are other events throughout a childs life, such as their
completion of apprenticeship. The birth of a child is also an occasion celebrated
throughout the community.
Appearance: Ghealdani men and women have a tendency for stockiness. They are
generally of average height, though above-average weight. Skin tones range from
slightly tanned to light, and hair and eyes are usually dark tones, typically brown.
Hairstyles among men are diverse, but among women the popular style is pigtails held by
curled ribbons.
Ghealdani males favor dark coats with double rows of wooden buttons, and short,
baggy trousers that extend to the knee-high, thick boots they wear. The women prefer
practical dresses that are modest, with a lot of knit clothing and thick aprons.
Psychology: There is very little fear among the Ghealdani, though they do love their
lifestyle and take many steps to protect themselves. They are passionate about their
families and communities. A Ghealdani militia is a force to be reckoned with simply
because they are tough and passionate, a difficult combination to overcome.

With a history of weak nobles and near-total xenophobia, Murandy is a kingdom
renowned for its instability. The governing nobles are ever-changing, trade is nearly nonexistent, and people live in a state of virtually no confidence in those above them. Still,
their self-reliance makes them stronger in many ways.
Culture: Murandians have more admiration for their local rulers than their national
ones, and as such, local laws are generally enforced over those set forth by the national
rulers. This makes it much more possible for the commoners to have a more say in what
happens in their local area, but it creates a dangerously fragmented kingdom and makes it
vulnerable to outside threats. It also creates very little national pride and the large cities,
such as the capital city of Lugard, are run-down and dilapidated from lack of attention.
Murandians are very aware of their political situation, and it can make many of them
quite self-minded. To them, it is a matter of survival, and if survival means taking more
than is owed to you, or disregarding rules entirely, then that is what they will do. With
the country itself in constant jeopardy, stability must begin with oneself, according to
many Murandians.
Appearance: Murandians are of average height and weight. They have light-colored
skin and dark hair and eyes, like nearly all Westlanders.
Male Murandians often grow mustaches and goatees, which they painstakingly curl
and fashion. Men wear knee-length coats and high-crowned hats, and typical trousers
and shirts that are common in the Midlands. Women wear modest dresses that are also
typical, though they tend to be slightly higher up on the ankle. They wear colorful and
often striped aprons. Bright scarves often adorn their heads.
Psychology: Murandians are not fatalist, but they have next to no confidence in the
future of their nation. Most of them yearn for a strong government, but at the same time
they do not respect it and admire the strong local governments that oversee them.
Murandians have a tendency to be stubborn and licentious.

Murandian Traits
All Murandians gain the following traits.
Suspiciousness: Any time a Murandian spends a Hero Point to add a bonus die to a
Perception check, the number of dice rolled is increased by one, and the best roll is

Ghealdani Traits
All Ghealdani characters gain the following traits:
Sturdy: A Ghealdani may spend a Hero Point as a free action to take 20 on any
Endurance check, even when taking 20 would not normally be allowed.

Throughout the Westlands, there are a few independent city-states. Easily the most
influential of these is the city of Tar Valon, the location of the White Tower, center of the
Aes Sedai. Merchants and diplomats from all over the Westlands come to Tar Valon. It

is a center of politics, commerce, and trade, and with the help of the powerful Aes Sedai,
it has enough might that it rarely has to be concerned with being conquered, and indeed it
hasnt been in a very long time.
Culture: Tar Valon culture is unique in that it has elements of the multitudes of
cultures within it. It resembles a coastal port city in many ways, but the people behave
much like Midlanders as well, and their firm military tradition reminds one of the
Borderlands. Nearly the entire city was built by ogier stonemasons, and it is widely
regarded as perhaps the most beautiful city in the Westlands.
The White Tower stands tall in the center of the island-city, and Dragonmount can be
seen from anywhere in the city. The magnitude for the good and bad that can come from
the One Power is constantly being pressed into the minds of citizens and visitors alike as
a constant reminder. One cannot come within several leagues of the city without
receiving these reminders, and the locals generally admire the Aes Sedai and the
wondrous things that can be done with the One Power.
Appearance: Tar Valoners are similar in build to other Midlanders, except many of
them have traits and appearances from other lands. It is common for a person claiming to
be a Tar Valoner to have parentage from other lands, such as the Borderlands or
Attire also varies by land. An Amadician Tar Valoner is likely to dress much like an
Amadician in Amador would, while a Domani would dress like she would in Bandar
Eban. However, a common Tar Valoner style of dress is simple, Midlander-style attire,
with trousers and shirts, dresses, and coats in the winter.
Psychology: Tar Valoners are secure with themselves, and many are fascinated by the
different cultures that pass through their city. Many love the independence they enjoy,
and the freedoms that come with that independence.

Tar Valoner Traits

All Tar Valoners characters gain the following traits:
Multicultural: Any time a Tar Valoner spends a Hero Point to add a bonus die to a
Persuasion check, the number of dice rolled is increased by one, and the highest result is


Though it is considered to be a part of Andor, the Two Rivers region is quite different
from the rest of Andor, especially western Andor. Lying between the Manetherendrelle
and While the Two Rivers is lightly populated, their wool and tabac are sold throughout
the Westlands and even beyond by merchants. Two Rivers folk are hardy and
bullheaded, though few ever leave their remote region of the Westlands.

Culture: Two Rivers folk are generally welcoming and pleasant people. They tend to
become fascinated with visitors who do things other than farm, and it can be years
between sightings of such a person as a gleeman or noble. Still, the simple life is best for
them, and they wouldnt want it any other way.
It is said that the people of the Two Rivers never give up, no matter what occurs.
Through the harshest winters and the worst disasters, Two Rivers natives band together to
get through everything that comes their way.
Appearance: Two Rivers folk are mostly built like other Andorans, though their
lifestyle makes them somewhat more hardy and stout than most other Midlanders. They
have dark hair and eyes, and light skin.
Natives of the Two Rivers wear hardy clothes, typically made from wool and furs.
They dress modestly, with men wearing trousers or breeches and thick shirts, while the
women wear ankle-length dresses and aprons. Grown women of marrying age wear their
hair long, in a single, thick braid.
Psychology: While most inhabitants of the Two Rivers are largely ignorant of the
world beyond their small region, they have their own wisdom, and are fast learners. They
do not allow themselves to be defeated, stubbornly clinging to hope even when others
would call the situation hopeless.

Two Rivers Folk Traits

All Two Rivers characters gain the following traits:
Survivor: A native of the Two Rivers may spend a Hero Point as a free action to reroll
Survival checks. The second roll must be kept, even if it is worse.

Not all of the residents of the Westlands are humans. Living in mysterious places called
steddings are a giant race called Ogier. Ogier are found in other lands as well, though
they do not live in steddings in these other lands.
Ogier stand about eight to ten feet tall and weigh twice to three times as much as
humans. They normally have brown hair and eye colors within the same color range as
humans. Even for their size, they have thick fingers and wide noses, and their ears are
long and pointed, ending in small tufts of hair. They have light skin.
Ogier lifespans are much longer than humans. An Ogier can expect to live over six
hundred years, and reaches full maturity at around eighty to a hundred years of age.

Ogier Traits
All Ogier have the following traits:

Ability Modifiers: +4 Strength, -44 Dexterity. Ogier are very powerfully built, but not
very agile.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Ogier take a -11 size penalty to Reflex Defense, a -5
size penalty on Stealth checks, and gain a +5 size bonus
us to their damage threshold. Their
lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium characters.
Speed: Ogier base speed is 8 squares.
Great Fortitude: Ogier gain a +2 racial bonus to Fortitude Defense.
Keen Senses: Ogier may reroll any Perception check, but must keep the second result,
even if it is worse.
Ogier in the Westlands are Ogier from steddings, called Stedding
Stedding Ogier in this book
for differentiation and specification. In the Westlands, they would simply be called
Ogier, or other honorifics.

Found in steddings throughout the Westlands, stedding Ogier are the master stoneworkers
and builders whose works can be seen in many of the major cities throughout the
Westlands, including Cairhien, Caemlyn, and others. Most of their original work done in
Tar Valon can still be seen. They are renowned for their wisdom, pacifism, and
longevity, among many other things.
Culture: Hierarchy in the stedding consists of a council of
Elders, called the Stump, who make important decisions for
the whole of the community and meet with any visitors.
Community, specifically
fically family, is very important to
these Ogier.
Stedding Ogier spend much of their lives in
study, and their longevity enables them to become
extraordinarily wise by their adult years. This
longevity also gives them great patience. While
they have beenn involved in wars in the past,
they have been choosing neutrality for the past
few centuries because they generally do not like
violence. While they are now very rarely seen
outside the stedding
stedding, their stoneworking
techniques have been passed down throug
through the
generations, and they are still very capable
builders. Trees are held in such high esteem
that harming one even for practical or even

necessary use causes the Ogier grief, even if they are not a Treesinger.
Appearance: Stedding Ogier look just like ordinary Ogier in general appearance.
Male Ogier often grow bushy sideburns and eyebrows.
Dress styles among stedding Ogier is generally fancy, though not frivolous. Males
wear fine coats with embroidery, while females often wear flowers in their hair. The
number of embroideries on an ogiers clothes displays rank in society.
Psychology: Stedding Ogier value wisdom, and are indeed very well-educated.
are certainly more patient than humans are typically capable of being, and when
diplomacy can work,
rk, it is always preferable to resorting to violence, though violence is a
reasonable alternative in some cases.

Stedding Ogier Traits

All stedding Ogier characters gain the following traits:
Longing: Stedding Ogier who spend too much time outside steddings risk their wellbeing. After a number of consecutive months equal to their Constitution modifier, the
Gamemaster makes a secret attack against the Ogiers Will Defense (1d20 + 10). This
attack gains a +5 modifier for each week after the first roll
the Ogier spends out of
steddings.. Success causes the Ogier to move one persistent step down the condition
track. This condition track damage persists until the Ogier spends at least one day in a

Ogier from the continent Seanchan live as part of the Seanchan Empire. For many, their
most important role is in the military, fighting as barely-controlled
brutes on the
battlefield known as Gardeners. This is not the role of all Ogier in Seanchan, however,
and many serve in other
her roles. While their cousins in the Westlands are patient and
generally peaceful, the ones in Seanchan are virtually the opposite.
Culture: Seanchan Ogier that become Gardeners cultivate their primal natures, living
in their units as united as legions often are, ready to die for each other, but more
importantly kill before they are killed. They are not mindless barbarians, but rather brutal
masters of physical power.
Appearance: Seanchan Ogier that become Gardeners tend to look rough, with coarse
ures and wild styles of hair and grooming. They tend to be even more muscular than
Westland stedding Ogier.
Psychology: Seanchan Ogier are loyal to the Imperial Family and to their cultural
legacy. Though it isnt possible for them to join the Blood, their
th place in the Imperial
scheme helps them feel revered and important.

Seanchan Ogier Traits

All Seanchan Ogier have the following traits:
Extreme Hardiness: Seanchan Ogier may add their Strength modifier to their Damage


Heroic ogier characters have access to the following talent trees.


You are an Ogier from the Westlands, and have spent nearly your entire life in a stedding.
Great Patience: You are extraordinarily patient. Once per encounter you may extend
the time it takes to make an Intelligence-based or Wisdom-based ability or skill check
that normally takes a swift, move, or standard action to a full-round action, or a fullround action to one full minute. Doing so allows you to take 20 on the skill or ability
Great Wisdom: Any time you spend a Hero Point to increase an Intelligence-based or
Charisma-based ability check or skill check, you increase the number of dice rolled by
Reduced Longing: You make Longing checks once a month, rather than once a week.
The difficulty similarly only increases once a month.
Stonework Mastery: You are trained in the Craft skill.
Any time you are working on a project that includes masonry or stonework, you may
reroll any failed checks, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
Woodland Resolve: Any time you damage an opponent who has caused harm to any
plant or animal in a woodland environment, you gain a +1 morale bonus to all Defenses
for the remainder of the encounter. This bonus can only be increased once per encounter.


There is a saying that goes "to anger the Ogier and pull the mountains down on your
head." You are the embodiment of such rage.
Brutal Rage: Any time you use the Ogier rage ability, your bonus to attack rolls and
damage increases by an additional +6.
Prerequisite: Ogier Rage.

Intimidating Rage: While raging, you may reroll any Persuasion checks made to
intimidate and keep the better result. Furthermore, you can make Persuasion checks to
intimidate as a swift action rather than a full-round action.
Prerequisite: Ogier Rage.
Ogier Rage: Once per encounter, you can fly into an Ogier rage. While raging, you
gain a +2 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and damage rolls, and Damage Threshold.
You also gain one additional hit point per character level.
The rage lasts a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier. At the end
of this rage, you move -1 persistent step along the condition track. This penalty is
imposed until you spend at least 10 minutes recuperating, during which time you cannot
engage in any strenuous activity.
You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, it increases the number of times
you may use this ability per day by one.
Undying Rage: You take no penalties from Condition Track damage during your
Ogier Rage. Furthermore, your rage continues to the end of its duration, no matter how
much damage you take. If you take damage that results in you being reduced to 0 hit
points, you may continue on until the end of the Ogier rage. At the end of this rage, if you
were reduced to 0 hit points, you fall unconscious, or, if you took damage that exceeded
your damage threshold and reduced you to 0 hit points, you die. Regardless, at the end of
the Ogier rage, you take one additional step down the condition track normally.
Prerequisite: Ogier Rage.


You are an Ogier from the Westlands, and have spent nearly your entire life in a stedding.
Dominating: You are able to use your mass and powerful, rough appearance to
intimidate your opponents. Any time you make a Persuasion check to intimidate, you
add your Strength modifier to the check (as well as your Charisma modifier).
Durable: You are extremely sturdy. Any time you spend a Hero Point to add a bonus
to a Constitution check or Constitution-based Skill check, you may reroll the lowest
result and keep the higher of the two rolls.
Musclebound: You are extremely strong. Any time you spend a Hero Point to add a
bonus to a Strength check or Strength-based Skill check, you may reroll the lowest result
and keep the higher of the two rolls.


Detailed in this chapter are the five base heroic classes. Each is unique in design and
Presented immediately below is a list of each heroic class and its role in the Wheel of


Talent trees aside, there are several advantages and disadvantages to each class. Of
course, you should always choose the class that fits your characters storyline and role.

The nobles foremost abilities lie in her skillfulness. No class is the nobles equal for
skill versatility and proficiency. The noble also has the highest Will Defense of any of
the classes, and if that is coupled with a high Wisdom score, she can be nigh impossible
to manipulate.
The nobles most glaring weakness can be her lack of hit points. Her feats tend to be
selfless, so while she works well with others, by herself she can often be lacking.


A tough martial warrior skilled withh weaponry and combat



A trained channeler belonging to a channeling organizations.

A skillful hero who does well at inspiring allies and awing foes.


A master of the wild who is adept at surviving and overcoming.

A clever rogue who uses skillfulness, cunning, and also luck.

A scout is skillful, but also resilient. While a majority of his abilities are most useful in
the wilderness, he is able to use most in urban areas as well.
A scouts drawback is his lack of any great strengths. He is skillful, but not as skillful
as others can be. He is tough and good in combat, but again, not as much as its possible
to be. While not the worst at anything, hes not the best at anything either. Unless, that
is, hes in the wilderness.



An armsmans strengths are his combat prowess. He is resilient, with the highest hit
points gained at each level and a high starting Fortitude Defense. He is also the class
with the highest attack bonus, gaining a full point each class level.
The drawback to the armsman class is the lack of versatility in its starting feats, and
also in its lack of skills. With the lowest amount of trained skills to start with and such a
small list to go on with, this is a class designed for fighters, but not for a whole lot else.

A wanderer is a jack-of-all-trades.
trades. All skills are available to her. She is also the best at
specializing in them, and her feats tend to be more various than any other class. A
wanderer can be good at a whole array of things, while other classes tend to be much
more specific.
Wanderers tend to be best only when they are in their game, however. They arent
particularly tough, either, with no bonus at all to Fortitude and lot hit point dice.

The initiates strengths lie in her feat choices. The class is designed to provide
channelers with options that arent available to those who arent trained. Th
The initiate has
many channeling-oriented
oriented feats available to her, and is a great class to get a head
head-start on
becoming as powerful a channeler as she desires to be.
Initiates, however, have low hit points and no high defense bonuses. While she may be
a master
ter of the One Power, the initiate may find herself unable to do things that require
skillfulness or combat ability.

A heroic
oic character is an important person in the Grand Tapestry. Whether she is a reborn
hero from Ages long forgotten or acting heroically for the first time, she is special from
other people.
Heroic characters differ from nonheroic characters in many ways. Only heroic
characters gain access to heroic classes, and the talents they provide. All heroic
characters also gain Hero Points, which enable them to step forward and perform heroic
deeds where nonheroic characters would often fail.

The armored soldier on the battlefield. The Child of
Light patrolling the town. The warder keeping
vigilance over his Aes Sedai. The spear dancer. The
Borderlander guardian. The weapon expert. These
and many more are examples of the armsman.
An armsman is one who trains and focuses on
martial combat. He is a master of war and can often
use a broader range of weapons and armor. No class
is better equipped to make a hero who can fight battle
after battle and weave his own thread into the
Tapestry with legends of battle glory and weapon

Every armsman is different, even if many are similar. An armsman from the Borderlands
is almost certainly a man or woman who has spent time fighting back the Shadowspawn
raiding from the Blight. Meanwhile, an armsman from the Midlands and Coastlands are
often members of national armies or militias, with others belonging to specific martial
organizations such as the Children of the Light or the Band of the Red Hand.
Among the Athaan Miere, armsmen may be thee Masters of the Blades and
Swordmasters of their ships. Aiel armsmen are the bulk of the ferocious algaidsiswai.
The Seanchan have several different martial organizations, including the Deathwatch
Guard. Tuathaan do not believe in violence, so a Tinker-raised
raised armsman is a former
formerTinker by default.
Ogier armsmen are only somewhat common among the Seanchan, and can be mighty


alLan Mandragoran, Galad Damodred, Gawyn Trakand, Gareth Bryne, Birgitte, A
Dain Bornhald, Eamon Valda, Couladin.

Hit Points
Armsmen begin play with a number of hit points equal to 30 + Constitution modifier. At
each level after their first, they gain 1d10 hit points plus their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Armsmen gain a number of Hero Points equal to 5 + one-half
their character level
(rounded down) at 1st level and every time they gain a new level in this class. Any Hero
Points left over from the previous level are lost.

The following are class features of the armsman class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you get a +1 bonus to Reflex Defense, and a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense.

Starting Feats
At 1st level, you gain five of the following feats for free.
Armor Proficiency (light, medium)
Shield Proficiency
Weapon Proficiency (any)


Class Skills


At 1st level, you gain a number of

trained skills equal to 2 + your
Intelligence modifier. These skills
must be taken from the following list
of class skills.
Knowledge (tactics),
Perception, Persuasion, Ride.

At 1st level, and every oddnumbered level of this class
thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.), you
select a talent from any of the
following talent trees. You may
select from any talent tree you wish,
but you must meet any prerequisites.
Unless specifically stated otherwise



Defense bonuses,
starting feats, talents
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat

in the description of the talent, you can only take a talent once.


You can maximize the benefits you receive from wearing armor or using shields and
reduce some of the drawbacks.
Armor Mastery: The maximum Dexterity bonus of your armor improves by +1. You
must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
Armored Defense: When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add either your
heroic level or your armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the
armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
Improved Armored Defense: When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add
your heroic level plus one-half of your armor bonus (rounded down) or your armor
bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to
gain this benefit.
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
Juggernaut: Your armor does not reduce your speed or the distance you can move
while running. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
Second Skin: When wearing armor with which you are proficient, your armor bonus
to your Reflex Defense and equipment bonus to your Fortitude Defense increase by +1.
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
Shield Block: Any time an opponent successfully hits you in combat, you may
sacrifice your upcoming attack and instead immediately make a melee attack roll with
your shield to negate the attack. If your attack roll is greater than the opponents
successful attack roll, the attack is instead negated.
You may only use this attack once per round. You must be proficient with shield you
are using to gain this benefit.


You are an agile combatant and weave through the battlefield with deft ability.
Acrobatic Recovery: If an effect causes you to fall prone, you can make a DC 20
Acrobatics check to remain on your feet.
Elusive Target: When fighting an opponent or multiple opponents in melee, other
opponents attempting to target you with ranged attacks suffer a -5 penalty. This penalty is
in addition to the normal -5 penalty for firing into melee, making the penalty to target you

Improved Feint: When using the Deception skill to make a feint, you may do so as a
swift action instead of a standard action.
Improved Initiative: You may choose to reroll any Initiative check, but the result of
the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Deception skill.
Skirmisher: If you move at least 2 squares before you attack and end your move in a
different square from where you started, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls until the start
of your next turn.
You may take this talent multiple times. Each time, it grants an additional +1 bonus on
attack rolls until the start of your next turn when you move at least 2 squares.
You excel at man-to-man, melee combat.
Expert Grappler: You gain a +2 competence bonus on grapple attacks.
Melee Smash: You deal +1 point of damage with melee attacks.
Stunning Strike: When you damage an opponent with a melee attack, your opponent
moves an additional -1 step along the condition track if your attack roll result equals or
exceeds the targets damage threshold.
Prerequisite: Melee Smash.
Unbalance Opponent: You are skilled at keeping your opponents off balance in melee
combat. During your action, you designate an opponent no more than one size category
larger or smaller than you. That opponent doesnt get to add his Strength bonus on attack
rolls when targeting you. If the opponent has a Strength penalty, he still suffers that
penalty. The opponents Strength modifier still applies to damage, as usual. You can
select a new opponent on your next turn.
Prerequisite: Expert Grappler.


You use advanced combat tactics to bring down opponents quickly and shield opponents
from harm.
Battle Analysis: As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check.
If the check succeeds, you know which allies and opponents in your line of sight are
reduced to at least half of their maximum total hit points.
Devastating Attack: Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you
are proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack against a target using such a
weapon, you treat your targets damage threshold as if it were 5 points lower when
determining the result of your attack.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies to
a different exotic weapon or weapon group.

Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with the chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
Harms Way: Once per round, you may spend a swift action to shield a single
adjacent ally from attacks, taking the damage and suffering the ill effects in your allys
stead. Until the start of your next turn, any attacks made against the protected ally affects
you instead. You may elect not to shield your protected ally against a given attack,
provided the decision is made before the attack roll is made.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Initiative skill.
Penetrating Attack: Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you
are proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack against a target using such a
weapon, you treat your targets
ts damage reduction as if it were 5 points lower when
determining the result of your attack.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies to
a different exotic weapon or weapon group.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with the chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
Weapon Specialization: Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which
you are proficient. You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with such weapons.
You may select this talent multiple times.
s. Each time you select this talent, it applies to
a different exotic weapon or weapon group.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with the chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.

Class Feats
At every even-numbered
numbered level (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), you gain a bonus feat. This feat must
be selected from the following list, and you must meet any prerequisites for that feat.
Acrobatic Strike, Armor Proficiency (any), Bull Rush, Careful Shot, Cleave, Combat
Reflexes, Coordinated Attack, Crush, Daggermaster, Deadeye, Dodge, Double Attack,
Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Improved Charge, Improved Disarm,
Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Martial Arts III, Melee Defense, Mi
Mighty Swing, Mobility,
Momentum Strike, Mounted Defense, Quick Draw, Pin, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack,
Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Rapid Strike, Running Attack, Shake It Off,
Shield Proficiency, Ship Combat, Skill Focus, Sniper, Staffmaster, Throw, Toughness,
Trip, Triple Attack, Triple Crit, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Focus, Weapon Proficiency
(any), Whirlwind Attack.

The Aes Sedai in the White Tower. The Ashaman
in the Black Tower. The Windfinder summoning
wind from the back of an Athaan Miere ship. The
suldam as well as her damane. The One Power
specialist. The secret student of an old channeler.
The focused channeling disciple. All of these are
examples of the initiate.
The initiate is one who focuses on improving her
channelingg ability. The One Power is her ally, and
it makes her extremely powerful. Note that this
class is not for wilders, as it is a class designed for
students trained in the One Power by people or,
more commonly, organizations.

Most female channelers
lers in the Westlands (including among the Tuathaan) who are a part
of an organization are trained for at least some time in the White Tower. Those who fail
to become Accepted either use what they learned in their homeland or wherever they
decide to channel,
nel, or they join the Kinship in Ebou Dar. Male channelers born after Rand
alThor declares himself to be the Dragon Reborn join the Black Tower if they join any
organization. Any other organizations in the Westlands are rare, tiny, and usually very
Among the Aiel, women who can channel are trained as Wise Ones. Female
channelers among the Athaan Miere are trained to be Windfinders. The Seanchan train
women who are known to be able to channel as damane, though unbeknownst to them,
the suldams
dams who hold the leashes are also channelers of the One Power.
There are no Ogier initiates because they cannot channel.


Egwene alVere, Moiraine Demandred, Siuan Sanche, Mazrim Taim, Elaida do Avriny
aRoihan,, Alise Tenjile, Cadsuane Meliandhrin, Talaan din Gelyn.

Hit Points
Initiates begin play with a number of hit points equal to 18 + Constitution modifier. At
each level after their first, they gain 1d6 hit points plus their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points


Initiates gain a number of Hero

Points equal to 5 + one-half their
character level (rounded down) at
1st level and every time they gain
a new level in this class. Any Hero
Points left over from the previous
level are lost.


The following are class features of
the initiate class.
Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you get a +1 bonus to
Reflex Defense, a +1 bonus to
Fortitude Defense, and a +1 bonus
to Will Defense.

Starting Feats
At 1st level, you gain four of the
following feats for free.
Channeler (Gift)
Extra Affinity
Remove Block
Skill Training
Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)



Defense bonuses,
starting feats, talents
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat

Class Skills
At 1st level, you gain a number of trained skills equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
These skills must be taken from the following list:
Craft, Deception, Endurance, Focus, Gather Information, Initiative, Knowledge (any),
Perception, Persuasion, Ride, Survival, Treat Injury.

At 1st level, and every odd-numbered level of this class thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.),
you select a talent from any of the following talent trees. You may select from any talent

tree you wish, but you must meet any prerequisites. Unless specifically stated otherwise
in the description of the talent, you can only take a talent once.


You are a deft channeler on the battlefield or in other combat situations.
Defensive Channeling: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when creating
weaves with an activation of a standard action.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.
Hasten Weave: You may spend a Hero Point to use a weave more quickly. A fullround activation becomes a standard action. A standard action becomes a move action. A
move action becomes a swift action. These benefits apply specifically to creating weaves.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.
Improved Defensive Channeling: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when
creating weaves with a full-round action activation.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill, Defensive Channeling.


You are a master of your own body and mind, and your self-balance.
Equilibrium: As a swift action, you can spend a Hero Point to remove all debilitating
conditions affecting you and return to a normal state.
Improved Focus: You can reroll any Focus check, but you must keep the second
result, even if it is worse.
Physical Recovery: Whenever you use your second wind, you regain a number of
additional hit points equal to 1d6 per Hero Points you possess (maximum 10d6).
Prerequisite: Equilibrium.
Physical Stillness: You may always reroll Survival checks made to endure extreme
temperatures and keep the better result.
Furthermore, you gain a +2 bonus to your Fortitude Defense to avoid taking full
damage from extreme heat or cold.


You have honed your ability to channel, and have the One Power coursing through you.
Channeler Health: Your Fortitude Defense is considered to be 5 higher when
resisting toxins, poisons, and disease.
Prerequisite: Channeler feat.
Enhanced One Power Awareness: Any time you make a Channel check to sense the
One Power or sense your surroundings, you may reroll the Channel check and keep the
better result.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.

Weave Precision: Any time you use a weave that has a cone, ray, oor area effect, you
may spend a Hero Point to reroll the Channel check made to create the weave and keep
the better result.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.


You have learned unique ways to thread with weaves of the One Po
Copy Weave: You may spend a Hero Point to duplicate a weave not in your own
Weave Suite after one is created. You must be able to see the weave being used, or be
able to successfully analyze the residue of the weave in order to duplicate it.
After successfully
cessfully analyzing the weave or residue, you may recreate the weave
weave. In
creating the weave, you still must succeed in the Channel check to create the weave.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.
Link Mastery: Any time you lead a group of channelers in linking for a weave, you
may always reroll your initial and final Channel checks in casting the weave. If you are a
member of the link, but not the leader, you may reroll your Channel check to aid the
Furthermore, if you successfully aid the leader,
ader, he gains an additional +1 bonus to his
check from you, in addition to the regular bonuses gained from aiding another.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.
Quick Analyzer: Whenever you use the Channel skill to analyze a weave, the time
required to do so is halved.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.
Unweave: You may use the Channel skill to undo weaves you have created, making
the residue much less noticeable by other channelers. If successful, the difficulty of any
Channel checks made too detect the weave in the future are increased by +10.
Furthermore, if you are successful in undoing the weave, other channelers may not
analyze the weave, nor learn the weave from observing it.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.
Weave Focus: Choose one weave in your Weave Suite. Any time you make a Channel
check to create that weave, you may reroll the Channel check and keep the better result.
You may take this talent multiple times, selecting a new weave for this bonus to apply
to each time.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.
Weave Student: You are a particularly skillful learner and master weaves with great
efficiency. Any time you channel the weave for which you have taken the Weave Focus
talent, and if your weave is successful, you treat the effect as though it was +5 higher.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Channel skill.

Class Feats
At every even-numbered
numbered level (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), you gain a bonus feat. This feat must
be selected from the following list, and you must meet any prerequisites
for that feat.
Able Channeler, Channeler, Extra Affinity, Extra Talent, Foreboding, Herbal
Remedies, Heroic Readiness, Melee Defense, Old Tongue, Poison Resistance, Rapport,
Recall, Remove Block, Skill Focus, Skill Training, Tie Off Weave, Weapon Proficiency

The traveling regent to the throne. The hunter for the
Horn of Valere. The courtier in the finest royal courts.
The leader of a smugglers guild. The royal princess.
The local governor. The field officer. All of these are
examples of the noble.
The noble is a natural leader, but also a socially
adept person in nearly any given situation, with
prowess and resources to accomplish any of her goals
and aid others assisting her in her pursuits. They
dont necessarily have to be members of noble
families, but they are generally well-connected
connected and
great at interacting with other people.

Nobles do not necessarily have to be members of Noble Houses. They can be people
with no titles at all. In the Westlands, courtly nobles
bles tend to own lands and may even
control armies. Those who dont have titles are normally leaders in their own rights,
from the leaders of organizations to simply those who have a knack for working with
The same can be said in the Threefold Land.
nd. People with the noble class could be
Wise Ones or Clan Chiefs. Athaan Miere Sailmistresses and other taskmasters can
frequently be nobles. The Seanchan Blood are certainly nobles. The noble is one of the
more common classes among the Tuathaan, with
th not only the Mahdi often having levels,
but various heroes who have the knack for social cunning.
Ogier nobles are common. Scholars and Elders are certainly great candidates for this
class, and there are many scholars among the Ogier.


Elayne Trakand, Morgase Trakand, Berelain dur Paendrag Paeron, Zarine ni Bashere
tAybara, Davram Bashere, Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag, Gareth Bryne, Bair, Tylin
Quintara Mitsobar, Jaichim Carridin, Amys.

Hit Points
Nobles begin play with a number of hit points equal to 18 + Constitution modifier. At
each level after their first, they gain 1d6 hit points plus their Constitution modifier.

Nobles gain a number of Hero Points equal to 5 + one-half their character level (rounded
down) at 1st level and every time they gain a new level in this class. Any Hero Points left
over from the previous level are lost.
The following are class features of the
noble class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you get a +1 bonus to
Reflex Defense, and a +2 bonus to
Will Defense.

Starting Feats
At 1st level, you gain four of the
following feats.
Armor Proficiency (light)
Skill Focus
Skill Training
Weapon Proficiency (any).

Class Skills
At 1st level, you gain a number of
trained skills equal to 6 + your
Intelligence modifier. These skills
must be taken from the following list:

At 1st level, and every odd-numbered level of this class thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.),
you select a talent from any of the following talent trees. You may select from any talent
tree you wish, but you must meet any prerequisites. Unless specifically stated otherwise
in the description of the talent, you can only take a talent once.


Hero Points


Deception, Gather Information, Focus, Initiative, Knowledge (any), Perception,

Persuasion, Ride, Treat Injury.



Defense bonuses,
starting feats, talents
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat

One of your greatest strengths is your ability to exert influence over your opponents.
Demand Surrender: Once per encounter, you can make a Persuasion check as a
standard action to demand surrender from an opponent who has been reduced to one-half
or less of its hit points. If your check result equals or exceeds the targets Will Defense, it
surrenders to you and your allies, drops any weapons it is holding, and takes no hostile
actions. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense. If
you or any of your allies attack it, it no longer submits to your will and can act normally.
You can only use this talent against a particular target once per encounter. This is a fear
Prerequisite: Presence.
Improved Weaken Resolve: As Weaken Resolve (see below), except that the target
doesnt stop fleeing from you if it is wounded.
Prerequisites: Presence, Weaken Resolve.
Presence: You can make a Persuasion check to intimidate a creature as a standard
action (instead of a full-round action).
Weaken Resolve: Once per round, when you deal damage equal to or greater than the
targets damage threshold, make a Persuasion check as a free action; if the result equals
or exceeds the targets Will Defense, you fill the target with terror, causing it to flee from
you at top speed for 1 minute. The target cant take standard actions, swift actions, or
full-round actions while fleeing, and the target stops fleeing and can act normally if it is
wounded. As a free action or reaction, the target can spend a Hero Point (if it has not
already spent one earlier in the round) to negate the effect. The effect is automatically
negated if the targets level is equal to or higher than your character level. This is a fear
Prerequisite: Presence.


You have abilities that enable you to better inspire your followers and allies and urge
them to greatness.

Bolster Ally: As a standard action, you can bolster an ally within line of sight, moving
him +1 step along the condition track, and giving him a number of bonus hit points equal
to his character level if hes at one-half his maximum hit points or less. Damage is
subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end
of the encounter go away. You cant bolster the same ally more than once in a single
encounter, and you cant bolster yourself.
Ignite Fervor: Whenever you hit an opponent with a melee or ranged attack, you can
(as a free action) choose to give one ally within your line of sight a bonus to damage on
his next attack equal to his character level. Once his fervor has been ignited, the affected
ally doesnt need to remain within line of sight of you; if his next attack misses, he loses
the bonus to damage granted by this talent. You cant ignite fervor in yourself.
Prerequisites: Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence.
Inspire Confidence: As a standard action, you can inspire confidence in all allies in
your line of sight, granting them a +1 moral bonus on attack rolls and a +1 morale bonus
on skill checks for the rest of the encounter or until youre unconscious or dead. Once
inspired, your allies dont need to remain within line of sight of you. You cant inspire
confidence in yourself.
Inspire Haste: As a swift action, you can encourage one of your allies within line of
sight to make haste with a skill check. On that allys next turn, that ally can make a skill
check that requires a standard action as a move action instead. You cannot inspire haste
in yourself.
Inspire Zeal: Whenever an ally within line of sight of you makes an attack that moves
an opponent down the condition track (such as by dealing damage that equals or exceeds
the targets damage threshold), that ally moves the target an additional -1 step down the
condition track.
Prerequisites: Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence, Ignite Fervor.


You know how to take charge and lead your companions to success.
Born Leader: Once per encounter, as a swift action, you grant all allies within your
line of sight a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls. This effect lasts for as long as they remain
within line of sight of you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if line of sight is broken
or if you are unconscious or dead. You cannot use this ability on yourself.
Coordinate: A noble with this talent has a knack for getting people to work together.
When you use this talent as a standard action, all allies within your line of sight grant an
additional +1 bonus when they use the aid another action until the start of your next turn.
You cannot use this ability on yourself.
Distant Command: Any ally who gains the benefit of your Born Leader talent does
not lose the benefit if their line of sight to you is broken.

Prerequisite: Born Leader.

Fearless Leader: As a swift action, you provide a courageous example for your allies.
For the remainder of the encounter, your allies receive a +5 morale bonus to their Will
Defense against any fear effect. Your allies lose this benefit if they lose line of sight to
you, or if you are killed or knocked unconscious. You cannot use this ability on yourself.
Prerequisite: Born Leader.
Rally: Once per encounter, you can rally your allies and bring them back from the
edge of defeat. As a swift action, any allies within your line of sight who have less than
half their total hit points remaining gain a +2 morale bonus to their Reflex Defense and a
+2 bonus to all damage rolls for the remainder of the encounter.
Prerequisites: Born Leader, Distant Command.
Trust: You can give up your standard action to give one ally within your line of sight
an extra standard action or move action on his next turn, to do with as he pleases. The
ally does not lose the action if line of sight is later broken.
Prerequisites: Born Leader, Coordinate.


You lead a privileged life and gain benefits of an upbringing beyond most people of the
Connections: You are able to obtain licensed, restricted, military, or illegal equipment
without having to pay a licensing fee or endure a background check, provided the total
cost of the desired equipment is equal to or less than your character level x 100 silver
marks. In addition, when obtaining equipment or services through the black market, you
reduce the blank market cost multiplier by 1.
Educated: You may make any Knowledge check untrained.
Wealth: Each time you gain a level (imcluding the level at which you select this
talent), you receive an amount of silver marks equal to 500 x your noble level. You can
spend these marks as you see fit. The marks are given by a close ally or family member,
who must give it in person or through a trusted giver.
Bonus Feats
At every even-numbered level (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), you gain a bonus feat. This feat must
be selected from the following list, and you must meet any prerequisites for that feat.
Affluent, Armor Proficiency (light, heavy, medium), Coordinated Strike, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency, Heroic Focus, Heroic Readiness, Informer, Melee Defense,
Mounted Defense, Old Tongue, Performer, Quick Draw, Rapport, Recall, Shield
Proficiency, Skill Focus, Skill Training, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon
Proficiency (any).

The wild woodsman. The sneaky brigand. The everalert investigator. The moratraken. The wilderness
savant. The survivor. The explorer. The hunter. All of
these are examples of scouts in the Wheel of Time.
The scout is one who knows trials will come, and
more importantly, he knows how to get through them.
He is a rural hero, and a survivor. More importantly,
he doesnt just survive and endure, he overcomes and
finds victory where there otherwise wouldnt be any.

Scouts from the Midlands and Coastlands tend to
emerge from areas of little to no populations of other
people, such as regions like the Two Rivers, or any other area with small towns or no
towns at all. In the Borderlands, scouts are often the ones who venture forth and survey
the Shadowspawn hordes emerging, and they often fight alongside
ongside any of the soldiers
defending the land from the Blight.
Scouts are common among the Aiel, especially among some of the warrior societies.
Maidens of the Spear, Black Eyes, Brothers of the Eagle, Dawn Runners, Night Spears,
and Water Seekers commonly
nly have scouts among their ranks. Among the Athaan Miere,
scouts are especially common on rakers and other smaller ships, and on exploring vessels.
Scouts are perhaps slightly less common among the Seanchan in the Westlands, though
heroic morats are frequently
equently scouts. Among the Tuathaan, scouts are rare, but possible
among the people who spend their lives constantly traveling the Westlands.


Perrin Aybara, Abel Cauthon, Chel Vanin, Juilin Sandar, Bain, Chiad, Hu

Hit Points
Scouts begin play with a number of hit points equal to 24 + Constitution modifier. At
each level after their first, they gain 1d8 hit points plus their Constitution modifier.

The following are class features of
the scout class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you get a +2 bonus to
Reflex Defense, and a +1 bonus to
Fortitude Defense.

Starting Feats
At 1st level, you gain four of the
following feats for free.
Armor Proficiency (light)
Shake It Off
Skill Training
Weapon Proficiency (any).

Class Skills



At 1st level, you gain a number of

trained skills equal to 5 + Int
modifier. These skills must be taken
from the following list.
Focus, Initiative, Knowledge (any),
Perception, Ride, Stealth, Survival, Treat Injury.


Defense bonuses,
starting feats, talents
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat

At 1st level, and every odd-numbered level of this class thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.),
you select a talent from any of the following talent trees. You may select from any talent
tree you wish, but you must meet any prerequisites. Unless specifically stated otherwise
in the description of the talent, you can only take a talent once.


Hero Points
Scouts gain a number of Hero Points equal to 5 + one-half
half their character level (rounded
down) at 1st level and every time they gain a new level in this class. Any Hero Points left
over from the previous level are lost.

You are very alert and good at avoiding peril.

Acute Senses: You may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the
reroll must be kept, even if it is worse.

There are certain advantages to multiclassing, including an extra feat upon the
first level of the new class, access to
more skills, improved defenses, and
possibly even access to more talents.
The benefits to sticking with a single
class include more class feats, greater
mastery in a singular field, and greater
bonuses on class-specific bonuses.
In the end, characters should not be
made by taking paths that give them the
greatest benefits simply to make the
character more powerful. A character
should always take talents and feats that
best fit him, and ones that make sense to
gain along the adventures path.
The following rules apply to uniclass
Seven Levels: A character with
seven levels in any single heroic class
gains an additional Hero Point at each
Twelve Levels: A character with
twelve levels in any single heroic class
gains one Destiny Point upon taking the
twelfth level of the class.

Keen Shot: You take no penalty on your

attack roll when attacking a target with
concealment (but not total concealment).
Prerequisite: Acute Senses.
Uncanny Dodge I: You retain your
Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense
regardless of being caught flat
flat-footed or
struck by a hidden attacker. You still lose
your Dexterity bonus to your Reflex
Defense if you are immobilized.
Prerequisite: Acute Senses.
Uncanny Dodge II: You cannot be
flanked. You can react to opponents on
opposite sides of you as easily as you can
react to a single attacker.
Prerequisites: Acute Senses, Uncanny
Dodge I.


You are great at keeping yourself
Hidden Movement: Youre very good at
hiding when mobile. You take no penalty
on your Stealth check when moving your
normal speed.
Prerequisite: Improved Stealth.
Improved Stealth: You may choose to
reroll any Stealth check, but the result of the
reroll must be accepted eve
even it if is worse.
Total Concealment: Any situation that
would give you concealment grants you
total concealment instead.
Improved Stealth.


You are able to react to danger quickly and
get yourself out of tight spots.

Evasion: If you are hit by an area attack,

ttack, you take half damage if the attack hits you. If
the area misses you, you take no damage.
Extreme Effort: You can spend two swift actions to gain a +5 bonus on a single
Strength check or Strength-based
based skill check made during the same round.
Sprint: When you use the run action, you can move up to five times your speed
(instead of the normal four times your speed).


Your place is in a specific environment, such as the woods, mountains, plains, or even the
Threefold Land.
Expert Tracker: You take no penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks while
moving your normal speed. (Without this talent, you take a -5 penalty on Survival checks
made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed.)
Prerequisite: Trained in the Survival skill.
Favored Environment: You gain a +2 bonus to Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump,
Knowledge (nature), Perception, Ride, Stealth, Survival, and Swim checks made in any
environment chosen from the following list: the Blight, desert
(includes the Threefold
Land), forest, mountains, plains. Furthermore, when you are in your chosen environment,
you may always spend a Hero Point to gain a reroll with any of the skills above, and you
keep the better result.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different
Fringe Savant: Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check during an encounter,
you gain one temporary Hero Point. If the Hero Point is not used before the end of the
encounter, it is lost.
Long Stride: Your speed increases by 2 squares if you are wearing light armor or no
armor. You cannot use this talent if you are wearing medium or heavy armor.
Bonus Feats
At every even-numbered
numbered level (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), you gain a bonus feat. This feat must
be selected from the following list, and you must meet any prerequisites for that feat.
Animal Empathy, Armor Proficiency (light or medium), Careful Shot, Deadeye,
Dodge, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Mastery III,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Extra Second Wind,, Far Shot, Herbal Remedies, Mobility,
Momentum Strike, Mounted Defense, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot,
Running Attack, Shake It Off, Ship Combat, Skill Focus, Skill Training, Sniper,
Staffmaster, Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (any).

The traveler from far away. The lucky gambler. The
disruptive sneak. The master sailor. The jack-of-alltrades. The smuggler. The rogue. All of these are
examples of wanderers in the Wheel of Time.
The wanderer relies on skillfulness and luck to get to
the next day. He is a masterful blend of charms and
daring, and can be the wild card in any encounter,
whether as an enemy or ally.

The wanderer is possibly the most diverse class, and
anyone from any walk of life may have levels in it. In
the Borderlands, wanderers are far less common than
armsmen and scouts, as they tend to focus on the Blight. However, merchants from the
Borderlands can certainly be wanderers, as can many other people. In the Midl
wanderers are frequent from Tar Valon to Ghealdan, and can emerge from any place in
society, though they tend to come from the larger towns and cities more frequently. In
the Coastlands, the wanderer is easily the most common heroic class, with dock
docks and
taverns throughout the land.
Wanderers are actually somewhat rare among the Aiel. Among the Athaan Miere
they are common, especially among heroes who dont have positions on ships, though
among the leaders as well. The Seanchan dont have a lot off need for wanderers in the
Westlands apart from manning their ships. The wanderer is the most common hero raised
among the Tuathaan.


TABLE 3-5:

The following are class features of the

wanderer class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you get a +2 bonus to
Reflex Defense, and a +1 bonus to
Will Defense.

Starting Feats
At 1st level, you gain five of the
following feats for free.
Skill Focus
Skill Training


Starting Skills





Defense bonuses,
starting feats,
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat
Bonus feat

At 1st level, you gain a number of

trained skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.
These skills must be taken from the
following list.
Deception, Endurance, Focus, Gather Information, Initiative, Knowledge (any),
Perception, Persuasion, Ride, Sail, Stealth, Survival, Treat Injury.


Matrim Cauthon, Loial, Padan Fain, Bayle Domon, Aludra, Setalle Anan


Wanderers begin play with a number of hit points equal to 18 + Constitution modifier. At
each level after their first, they gain 1d6 hit points plus their Constitution modifier.

At 1st level, and every odd-numbered

numbered level of this class thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.),
you select a talent from any of the following talent trees. You may select from any talent
tree you wish, but you must meet any prerequisites. Unless specifically stated otherwise
in the description of the talent, you can only take a talent once.

Hero Points


Wanderers gain a number of Hero Points equal to 5 + one-half

half their character level
(rounded down) at 1st level and every time they gain a new level in this class. Any Hero
Points left over from the previous level are lost.

You have a certain luck about you that gets you out of situations and guides you.

Hit Points

Fools Luck: As a standard action, you can spend a Hero Point to gain one of the
following benefits for the rest of the encounter: a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, a +5 luck
bonus on skill checks, or a +1 luck bonus to all your defenses.
Fortunes Favor: Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee or ranged attack, you
gain a free standard action. You must take the extra standard action before the end of
your turn, or else it is lost.
Gambler: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Wisdom checks made when you
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you take this talent, the
competence bonus increases by +2.
Knack: Once per day, you can reroll a skill check and take the better result.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you take this talent, you can use it
one additional time per day.
Lucky Hit: Once per day, you can reroll an attack roll and take the better result.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you take this talent, you can use it
one additional time per day.
Prerequisite: Knack.


You are very roguish and good at defeating your opponents through cunning and
Dastardly Strike: Whenever you make a successful attack against an opponent that is
denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, the target moves -1 step along the condition
Disruptive: By spending two swift actions, you can use your knack for causing trouble
and instigating chaos to disrupt your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, you
suppress all morale and insight bonus applies to enemies in your line of sight.
Sneak Attack: Any time your opponent is flat-footed or otherwise denied its Dexterity
bonus to Reflex Defense, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage with a successful melee
or ranged attack. You must be within 6 squares of the target to make a sneak attack with a
ranged weapon.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, your sneak attack
damage increases by +1d6.
Walk the Line: As a standard action, you can do or say something that catches your
enemies off guard. All opponents within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight take a 2 penalty to their defenses until the start of your next turn. The penalty is negated if line
of sight is broken.
Prerequisite: Disruptive.


You are at home on a ship, and have advantages there.
Marine Warrior: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls while aboard a ship. This
applies to ranged attacks from the ship (even attacking targets off the ship), as well as
personal weapons used aboard the ship.
Prerequisite: Sea Legs.
Sea Legs: You may reroll Acrobatics checks made to keep your balance on a ship and
keep the better result. Furthermore, you are considered to be trained in the Acrobatics
skill when balancing, even if you are not, though this does not give you a +5 advantage to
checks made to balance.
Wavedriven: Once per day while aboard a ship, you can add your wanderer class level
as a bonus on a single attack roll, skill check, or ability check. The decision to add this
bonus can be made after the result of the roll or check is known.


You know how to get information and are a savvy merchant, and you are an adept trader,
within the underworld or without.
Barter: You may reroll any Persuasion check made to haggle and keep the better
City Knowledge: You may reroll any Knowledge (Bureaucracy) checks made about a
specific city of your choice and keep the better result. Furthermore, you gain a +2 bonus
to all Gather Information and Persuasion checks when you are in that city.
You may take this talent multiple times. Each time you take it, choose a different city
for it to be applied to.
Improved Gather Information: You may reroll any Gather Information check, but
must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
Urban Tracker: You reduce the time it takes to make a Gather Information by 1/2.
When making a Gather Information check, divide the amount it normally would have
taken by 2.
Prerequisite: Improved Gather Information.

Bonus Feats
At every even-numbered level (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), you gain a bonus feat. This feat must
be selected from the following list, and you must meet any prerequisites for that feat.
Craft Specialist, Daggermaster, Deadeye, Dodge, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual
Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Jack-of-AllTrades, Lock Picker, Mobility, Performer, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot,
Running Attack, Ship Combat, Skill Focus, Skill Training, Sniper, Staffmaster, Weapon
Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency (any).


Skills in the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game work with the same mechanics as in the
Star Wars: Saga Edition Roleplaying Game. Some exceptions exist, as a few skills are
not present in the Wheel of Time, while others existt that wouldnt be in Star Wars.
Finally, some skills have been modified to make things more clean in this setting.

The following skills are not available in the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game.
Use Computer
Use the Force
In some cases, a new skill has been created that resembles one of the skills on the above
list. Some have been merged into one skill, called Athletics. Use Computer has no
replacement. Focus is a new skill.

The following are new skills for the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game.

Armor Check Penalty
Use this skill to climb or repel down a cliff, or jump for height or length.
Climb: All uses of the Climb skill presented in Star Wars: Saga Edition Roleplaying
Game may be used with the Athletics skill.
Jump: All uses of the Jump skill presented in the Star Wars: Saga Edition Roleplaying
Game may be used with the Athletics skill.

Requires the Channeler Feat
You can use the One Power, manipulating it to your will and using it to enhance your
own capabilities.
Activate Weave (Trained Only): You make a Channel check to use a weave. The
duration of the use of this action varies by weave.
Embrace the One Power (Trained Only): You can embrace the One Power with a
DC 10 Channel check. This must be done before using the Channel skill in any other
way. Embracing the One Power is a move action for men or two swift actions for
men. For women, the swift actions can be distributed between two consecutive
rounds. Maintaining your embrace of the One Power requires a swift action each round,
unless you are casting a Weave Power as a full-round
round action.
When you are embracing the One Power,
ower, you are immune to compulsion effects.
One Power Meditation (Trained Only): As a full-round
action, you can enter a
Force trance with a DC 10 Channel check. In this state, you remain fully aware of your
surroundings. Each hour you remain in the trance,
tranc you move up one step on the
condition track. You can emerge from
m the trance as a swift action.
Sense the One Power (Trained Only): You automatically sense when another
character of the same gender makes a Channel check. To determine the distance from
ich a weave can be sensed multiple the Channel check result by 5 miles. The residue
of the weave remains a total number of minutes equal to 20 x the Channel check result.
This ability may also be used to notice channelers of the same gender holding the
One Power. They may be noticed at a range of a number of miles equal to their base
Channel skill, including feat and attribute bonus modifiers. This range is doubled if the
channeler being detected has the Strong Channeler feat, or quadrupled if they have the
Powerful Channeler feat.
You may detect the ability to channel in a person, even if the person is not actively
channeling. The subject must be in line of sight to use this ability. If you succeed at a
DC 15 Channel check, you can sense the channeler, and also their strength in the One
Power (number of weaves known, if they have the Strong Channeler or Powerful
Channeler feat, etc.). This use of the Channel skill requires the target to be trained in the
Channel skill in order to be detected.

The Disable Device, Jury-Rig,
Rig, and Repair Object applications of the Mechanics check
found in the Star Wars: Saga Edition Roleplaying Game are available for the Craft skill.
Furthermore, the following application may be used with the Craft skill.
Create Object: You can make a Craft check to create an object from available
materials. Creating an object requires proper tools, though some objects may be made
without tools at the gamemasters discretion.
scretion. Raw materials have a basic cost of threethree
quarters of the items listed cost, though the cost can be lower or higher based on
availability in the region.
The first thing to determine when building an object is the difficulty, which is
determined based on the first and second charts below. Next, determine how long the
project will take based on the cost of the item in silver marks. Each success represents
an hour of work and builds 5 mk toward the object for weapons, shields, and armor, or 1
mk for general items (multiplied according to the chart). Failure on this check means an
hour of work was spent, but no more progress was added to the total.

Finally, you may detect the ability to learn to channel in an individual. The
individual must be within line of sight and 6 squares. If you succeed at a DC 15 Channel
check, you can determine if the person has the Channeler feat, but does not have the
Channel skill trained.
Sense Surroundings (Trained Only): As a swift action, you can make a DC 15
Channel check to ignore the effects of cover or concealment when you make Perception
checks to detect or observe targets. This DC is increased by +5 if this ability is used
against targets with total cover.
Stave off Fatigue (Trained Only): While embracing the One Power, once per
round as a reaction, you may make a Channel check to temporarily avoid moving down
the condition track for a number of rounds equal to your Constitut
Constitution modifier
(minimum 1 round) by making a Channel check DC 15 + 5 for each additional step you
would be moved down the condition track. When you do finally move down the
condition track, you move an additional -11 step, and your condition track penalties
become persistent.

Small or smaller
Colossal (building)










Based on a common item
Detailed knowledge of
Detailed schematics
Low quality materials


One material type (wood, cotton, etc.),
uses common tools
A few materials, requires specialized
knowledge and/or tools
Several materials, requires special
facilities, tools, and/or expertise

Handle Illuminations: You may use this skill to handle Illuminations. Creating an
Illuminations display
play has a DC of 15. Rigging Illuminations to explode has a DC of 20.
Jury-Rig: You may temporarily rig an object to work again with a successful DC 25
Craft check. The object works until it is either damaged again or until the end of the
scene, at which point it becomes disabled again.
Repair: By spending at least 1 hour of work on an object, you may repair an object.
At the end of the hour, make a Craft check. The DC is 5 more than the DC would be to
finish creating the item from scratch.
Traps: You may
ay use this skill to disarm traps or rig an object to fall on someone or
similar tasks. The DCs on these checks vary, but a full-round
round action is required to
disarm traps, while setting up traps generally requires several rounds.

Use this skill to ignore distractions, maintain concentration, and maintain composure.
Composure: You can compose yourself, mind and body, to overcome failure and
embarassment. You can make a Focus check (DC 20) as a reaction to gain a retry on a
failed Knowledge or Persuasion check. The second result must be kept, even if it is
You may also use this application as a full-round
round action to gain the emotional state
required to channel if you have a block when the circumstances do not naturally bring
you into that state of emotion. Composing yourself this way has a DC of 20.
Concentrate: In any round during which you suffer a distraction or threat, you may
make a Focus check as a swift action to resist the distraction. At DC 20, any penalties
imposed by unfavorable circumstances on a skill check are halved. You may enable
yourself to take
ake 10 despite threats or distractions with a Focus check (DC 10 + DC of
A female channeler may use this application when embracing the One Power. If she
does so, she may take 10 on Channel checks that would normally allow 10 to be taken
despite threats
reats of distractions with a Focus check (DC 5 + DC of task).
Flame and Void (trained only): Any round before you aim, as a standard action, you
may make a Focus check (DC 20) to reduce the range penalty of the shot by 1. You
may also spend three swift actions
tions in any round and make a DC 20 Focus check to gain
a +1 bonus on attacks made until the beginning of your next turn.
Male channelers may also use this application of the Focus skill to embrace the One
Power more securely. With a success, the male channeler
neler may spend an extra swift
action whenever he uses a weave that applies or heals damage to increase the die type
by one.
Use Blade Technique: You may use a blade technique gained from the Blade
Techniques feat, using the DCs presented in the descriptions.

This skill works identically to the version presented in the Star Wars book, except with
different fields.
Academics: History, geography, mathematics, astronomy, sciences, arts, architecture.
Culture: Behaviors, lifestyles, linguistic differences,
ifferences, streetwise
Health: Medicines, psychology, healing herbs and plants, human biology
Nature: Animal and plant identification, weather prediction, animal behavior, geology
Politics: Daes Daemar,, Noble Houses, etiquette, political maneuvering
Tactics: Battlefield strategies, army logistics, recruitment
Technology: Physics, inventions, chemistry

The sail skill encompasses the Avoid Collision, Dogfight, Engage the Enemy, Increase
Vehicle Speed, and Ram uses of the Pilot skill found in the Star Wars book. It applies
to ships and other boats.


Like skills, feats in the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game work very similarly to the way
they do in the Star Wars: Saga Edition Roleplaying Game. And, like skills, there are
some feats that no longer apply to the Wheel of Time setting, some that have been
modified, and some new feats altogether.

The following feats are not available in the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game: Burst
Fire, Cybernetic Surgery, Dreadful Rage, Extra Rage, Force Boon, Force Sensitivity,
Force Training, Linguist, and Strong in the Force. This is just the list from the Core
Rulebook. Other feats may not be available as well, pending the judgment of the

The following list provides feats found in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game book (in
parentheses) and the new names for them in the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game.
Included in the list are feats that have few or no differences in their de
Bull Rush (Bantha Rush)
Foreboding (Bad Feeling)
Heroic Focus (Strong in the Force)
Heroic Readiness (Force Readiness)
Ship Combat (Vehicular Combat)

The following are new feats available for the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game.

Your social graces and acquisitions bring you great success, and can be called upon when
you need them most.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+.

Benefit: Any time you roll a natural 20 on a Charisma-based

skill check or ability
check, you immediately gain 1 Hero Point. If this Hero Point is not used by the end of
the encounter, it is lost.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Noble heroic class.

You have a rapport with animals, and are able to befriend and calm them.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Survival Skill.
Benefit: You may make Survival checks to calm or befriend animals. This check
works much like a Persuasion check made to change a persons attitude. The check is
made versus the target animals Will Defense, and if successful, its attitude toward you
increases ass it would on the Persuasion chart. All animals gain a +10 bonus to their Will
Defense to avoid this check.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Scout heroic class.

You have mastered three blade techniques. See Chapter Eight: Combat for more rules on
blade techniques and for the list.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (heavy blades) or Weapon Focus (light blades).
Benefit: You gain a number of blade techniques equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier
(minimum 1).
Special: You can select
ect this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain an
additional number of blade techniques equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier.

You are able to make special adjustments when crafting or repairing objects such as
weapons, tools, armor, etc..
Prerequisite: Trained in the Craft skill.
Benefit: You can modify armor, objects, shields, or weapons so that they gain special
traits. Unless otherwise noted, you cannot add more than one modification to any object.
When crafting an object, you may add one hour per five marks to the total time to
make the project as you increase what you add to the item. If the object is a general item,

you may add one hour per mark to the total time to finish the project. Adding these hours
enable you to create the mastercraft item.
When repairing an object, you may add one hour total to the project (making it two
hours of work). Adding this hour of work enables you to not only repair the item, but
also add the modification to make it a mastercrafted item.
When your project is complete, the item gains the modification and is considered a
mastercrafted item.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Wanderer heroic class.
Armor Trait
Agile Armor
Fortifying Armor
Protective Armor
General Item Trait
Specialist Bonus
Shield Trait
Guardian Shield

The armor's maximum Dexterity bonus increases by
The armor's bonus to damage threshold increases by
The armor's bonus to Reflex Defense increases by 1.
All bonuses to Skill checks granted by the item
increase by 2.
The tower shield allows you to protect one additional
person from one attacker.

Melee Protection

The shield forces an additional -1 penalty to the

selected opponent's melee attack roll.

Ranged Protection

The shield forces an additional -1 penalty to the

selected opponent's ranged attack roll.

Weapon Trait
Brutal Surface
Improved Accuracy
Improved Damage

The bludgeoning weapon treats a damaged opponent's
damage threshold as though it was 1 point less.
The weapon gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
The weapon gains +2 points of damage on successful
attack rolls.

Injuring Point

The piercing weapon deals 1 additional point of

damage for a number of rounds after the initial attack
for 1d4 rounds.

Keen Blade

The slashing weapon gains an additional 1d4

whenever the wielder scores a successful critical hit.

You are a master with daggers, and turn them into swift, lethal weapons.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (basic weapons)
or Weapon Proficiency (light blades).
Benefit: You score an automatic hit with a natural 19 as well as a natural 20 when
using a dagger. You also gain your Dexterity modifier to damage instead of Strength.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Armsman and Wanderer heroic

You have the rare ability of being able to detect taveren.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13+.
Benefit: Any time you are near a character who is taveren, your Gamemaster must
make an immediate Perception check to determine if you notice the aura around the
character, outlining him as a taveren. The DC to notice this is 15. If the check fails, you
do not notice the aura.

You have a skill for manipulating Flows of the One Power related to a particular element.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Channel skill.
Benefit: You gain one Affinity.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Initiate heroic class.

You are capable in more One Power Talents.
Benefit: You gain a number of Talents equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Initiate heroic class.

You are difficult to intimidate.
Benefit: You gain a bonus of +5 to your Will Defense when resisting Persuasion skill
checks made to intimidate you. This bonus also applies to attacks against your Will
Defense when facing an overwhelming opponent, such as a clearly more powerful enemy
or a much larger army.

You are skilled at using herbs, teas, and various natural ingredients to heal.
Prerequisites: Trained in Treat Injury.

Benefit: You may choose to double the time it takes to use the Treat Injury skill. By
doing so, you gain a +5 bonus to your Skill check and you may reroll any failed checks
and keep the second result. The second result must be kept, even if it is worse.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Scout heroic class.

the result of the check determines an entire days worth of effort. You gain a number of
silver pennies equal to the result of your roll.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Noble and Wanderer heroic classes.

You have a knack for all skills.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can
make a skill check as though you are
proficient with that skill. You gain no
bonus to that skill (as you normally would if
you were proficient), but you take no
penalty when using the skill. This feat does
not apply to the Channel skill.

You know how to pick locks.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Craft skill.
Benefit: You may use the Craft skill to
pick locks. The DC of this check is
determined by the lock.
For more
information on locks, see Chapter Seven:
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class
feat for the Wanderer heroic class.

You can do performances to earn money or
other things.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Persuasion
Benefit: You can make a Persuasion
check to determine the results of your time
spent performing. The result of the
Persuasion check determines the result and
success of your performance.
To gain money from your performance,
you must perform for at least two hours, and

You understand the Old Tongue.

Prerequisites: Int 13+.
Benefit: You can read, write,
understand, and speak the Old Tongue.

You are able to treat characters with
Madness scores to reduce their scores.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, trained in
Knowledge: Health.
Benefit: You may use the Knowledge:
Health skill to treat insanity. In order for
this treatment to work, you must meet with
the character suffering
from madness for a
total of two hours no less frequently than
every other day for a total of ten hours
(minimum five days, maximum ten days).
During each treatment, for the hours to
count, a Knowledge: Health roll must be
made (DC equal to the characters
Defense). Once this is done, the characters
Madness score is reduced by one (see
Chapter 10: Latent Abilities for more
information on Madness).
degradations may be
eliminated using this treatment as well.
Once the characters Madness
score is
reduced to a score equal to or less than one
quarter of his Wisdom score, an attempt
may be made to eliminate a permanent
degradation. This requires twice as much
work (four hours over the course of ten to
twenty days, no less than every other
othe day),

and the DC for the attempt is equal to 10 +

the characters Will Defense.
A characters Madness score can never be
reduced below 1 in this fashion. Once a
character has gained some Madness,
unfortunately no amount of treatment can
fully eliminate it.

Special: This weave may be taken

multiple times. Each additional time, the
multiplier increases. So the second time you
take this feat, your
you weaves per hour becomes
triple your Constitution modifier plus
Wisdom modifier. The third time, it is
quadrupled, and so on.



You overcome your block so that you no

longer need it to channel.
Prerequisite: Channeler.
Benefit: You no longer need to meet the
conditions of your block in order to channel.
You may channel in any emotional condition.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat
for the Initiate heroic class.

You can tie off weaves, holding them in a

more enduring state.
Prerequisites: Channeler.
Benefit: You are able to tie off eligible
weaves, making them last as long as you
desire. Make a DC 25 Channel check to tie
off a weave that states in its description that
it can be tied. It takes one full-round action
to successfully tie off a weave. You can
choosee any duration you desire up to
Normal: Without this feat, weaves you
activate dissipate when you stop embracing
the True Source, or when you stop
concentrating on them.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class
feat for the Initiate heroic class.

You are proficient with shields.
Benefit: You are proficient with shields.
For more information on shields, see Chapter
Seven: Equipment.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat
for the Armsman and Noble heroic classes.

You are a master of staff weapons.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+, Melee Defense, Weapon Proficiency (simple
weapons) or Weapon Proficiency (polearms)
Benefit: Any time you fight defensively while wielding a quarterstaff or similar
weapon, you gain a bonus to your Reflex Defense equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Armsman, Scout, and Wanderer
heroic classes.

You are well above average in channeling strength.
Benefit: You double your weaves per hour.

You are proficient with a single weapon group, chosen from the following list.
Benefit: Choose a weapon group from the following group. You are proficient with
weapons from this weapon group. For more information on these specific weapons, see
Chapter Seven: Equipment.
Normal: If you wield a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take
a -5
penalty to all attack rolls made with that weapon.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, you choose a new weapon
group. The weapon groups are Axes Picks and Hammers, Basic Weapons, Bows,
Crossbows, Exotic Weapons, Heavy Blades,
des, Light Blades, Maces, Polearms, Slings and
Thrown Weapons, and Spears and Lances.


Most of the heroes played in the Wheel of Time are going to be Humans, and the Star
Wars: Saga Edition Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook provides statistics for humans
average height, weight, and lifespan. These rules suffice for the Wheel of Time
Roleplaying Game as well, though Athaan Miere and Borderlanders tend to be taller on
average, while Cairhienins tend to be shorter than average. Overall, however, the range
is roughly the same for all backgrounds.
Ogier characters are considered to be a child from age 1 19, a young adult from 20
99, an adult from 100 349, middle aged from 350 449, old fro
from 450 549, and
venerable from age 550. Their average height and weight is 2.8 meters and 190 kg for
males, and 2.4 meters and 150 kg for females.

In the Wheel of Time RPG, characters do not gain Force Points. Instead, they are called
Hero Points, which work just like they do in the Star Wars RPG. Some intuitive
differences exist, and other obvious differences where the Force wouldnt apply. Other
uses for Hero Points include the following:
- Background skill bonuses.
- Some talents and weaves require you to spend a Hero Point to activate.
- As a swift action, gain one additional weave that doesn't count against your channeling
- Reduce your Madness or Taint score by 1.

The rules for Destinies in the Wheel of Time game
ame work just like the rules in the Star
Wars game, though specifics about the various destinies might be different.
- Increase the effects of some weaves.
- Immediately gain 3 Hero Points.

At the Gamemasters choice, a character may be made into a taveren, which is a special
individual around whom the Great Tapestry bends and turns. Even with no effort, grand
events, good and bad, happen around the character. In game terms, the Gamemaster may
have such events happen, which may or may not affect the story, though they should
never be under the control of the player. Such significant events should not happen more
than a number of times per level equal to the characters Charisma modifier, and
a the GM
should be very careful about letting these things affect the overall story. Rather, they
should be background events for the main story most of the time if not every time.
In addition to these out-of-control effects, taveren gain one additional Hero Point at
each level. Furthermore, the characters Destiny and Hero Points become more useful, as

Whenever a taveren rolls multiple dice to improve an attack roll, skill check, or ability
check, she may reroll the lowest die, and keep the highest of all the results.
Other taveren Hero Point uses:
- Add Charisma modifier to all Defenses for one round.
- Add Charisma modifier to all attack rolls and damage for one round.
- Reroll any failed Charisma-based
based skill check and keep the second result.
- Reduce your Madness or Taint score by a number of points equal to your Charisma
modifier or by 2, whichever is higher.
Whenever the GM makes a character a taveren,, he immediately gains one Destiny Point.
Other taveren Destiny Point uses:
- Reroll any failed attack roll and keep the second result.
- Immediately gain 5 Hero Points.

As the Wheel of Time turns, Ages are repeated after they have become long forgotten.
Individuals may also be born again. The Great Tapestry recreates the thread of old
heroes and weaves them into the Pattern time and again. Not all people are reborn
heroes. Only those worthy and vital to the Tapestry are woven again and again, and
The Gamemaster must grant permission for a character to become a Reborn character.
A character must spend his first-level
level Destiny Point if he chooses and is able to be a
Reborn Hero. Different Reborn Heroes gain different benefits, as follows:

Reborn Commander
You were once an uncanny,
ncanny, nearly unbeatable commander of troops, and if you choose
the same path in this life, you could become at least equal to that past life.
Commander Hero: Any time you spend a Hero Point to gain bonus dice to
Knowledge (tactics) or Persuasion checks, the die type increases by one (d6 becomes d8,

Commander Destiny: Any time you provide a beneficial effect to your allies or a
detrimental one to your enemies, you may spend a Destiny Point to add one-half
heroic level to the bonus or penalty (minimum
minimum one).

Reborn Healer
In a past life, you were able to heal anything. Now, your potential is just as great.
Healing Hero: You may spend a Hero Point to heal additional hit points equal to five
plus your heroic level any time you restore hit points to
t a character.
Healing Destiny: You may spend a Destiny Point to take 20 on any Treat Injury
check, even when distracted or threatened. Furthermore, if this Treat Injury check is
made to revivify a being, you may make the check a number of rounds after the fallen
creature falls to 0 hit points equal to one-half
half your heroic level.

Reborn Jack-of-all-Trades
You had a knack for knowing how to do everything in a previous life, and you seem to
have the same knack in your current life.

Skilled Hero: Once per day,

y, you may spend a Hero
Point to make a skill check with any skill you are not
trained in (except Channel) as though you are trained
in it.
Skilled Destiny: You may spend a Destiny Point to
take 20 with any skill you are not trained in (except
Channel) and act as though you are trained in the skill.

Reborn Journeyman
You were once a traveler who saw all of the known
world, and the thrill of the journey has not left you
after many lives.
Journey Hero: Any time you spend a Hero Point to
gain bonus dice to Gather
ther Information and Knowledge
(culture) checks, the die type increases by one (d6
becomes d8, etc.).
Journey Destiny: Any time you spend a Destiny Point to gain Hero Points, you also
gain an additional number of Hero Points equal to one-quarter
quarter your heroi
heroic level, rounded

Reborn Leader
You were once a talented and revered leader, and in this life leadership skills come
naturally to you.
Leader Hero: Any time you spend a Hero Point to gain bonus dice to Knowledge
(politics) and Persuasion checks, the die type increases by one (d6 becomes d8, etc.).
Leader Destiny: Any time you make a Charisma check or Charisma
Charisma-based skill check
(other than Channel), you
ou may spend a Destiny Point to take 20, even if circumstances
wouldn't normally allow 20 to be taken.

Reborn Ranger
You were once an unstoppable defender of the wilds, and now you feel a kinship in
wilderness areas.
Wild Hero: Any time you spend a Hero Point to gain bonus dice to Knowledge
(nature) and Survival cehcks, the die type increases by one (d6 becomes d8, etc.).
Wild Destiny: Any time you are traveling more than twenty miles, you may spend a
Destiny Point to halve the time it would normally take (whether by foot, mount, ship, or
other means).

Reborn Survivor
You have always been hard to kill and have
been able to survive things most can't.
Tough Hero: Whenever you use your
second wind ability, you may spend a Hero
Point to regain additional hit points equal to
5 + your heroic level.
Tough Destiny: You may spend a
Destiny Point to gain damage reduction
equal to your Constitution modifier. This
damage reduction bonus lasts until the end
of the encounter.

Reborn Weaponmaster
You were a legendary bowman in a past life,
and your potential with the bow is equally
Weapon Hero: Whenever you spend a Hero Point to gain bonus dice to an attack roll
made with a weapon in your chosen weapon group,
group the die type increases by one (d6
becomes d8, etc.).
Weapon Destiny: You may spend a Destiny Point to deal severe damage on one
successful attack made with your chosen weapon group.
group By spending this Destiny Point
after a successful attack, you deal one additional die of damage with the attack, and
tead of rolling the dice for damage, you deal damage as though you had rolled the
maximum possible results.

Reborn Weavemaster
In a past life, you were a master of the One Power, able to channel many weaves with
such mastery that you became renowned for it.
Weavemaster Hero: Whenever you spend a Hero Point to gain bonus dice to Channel
checks made to learn or create a weave, the die type increases by one (d6 becomes d8,
Weavemaster Destiny: You may spend a Destiny Point to take 20 on any Channel
ck made to create a weave. Any variables in the weave's effect is maximized when
creating this weave.

Gifts are innate abilities characters are born with. They must be taken at first level, by
using one of the following methods:
- Replacing a starting feat.
- Sacrificing your first-level Destiny Point.
- Sacrificing five of your first-level Hero Points.

You are a channeler, and able to use the One Power.
Prerequisites: Human.
Benefit: Channel is considered a class skill for you, no matter your class. You start
with a number of Talents equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. You also begin with two
Furthermore, you gain a +1 bonus to Will Defense.
Class Feats: This feat is a bonus class feat for the Initiate heroic class.

You have a latent ability. See Chapter Ten: Latencies for more information.
Benefit: You may choose one of the following abilities: Dark One's Own Luck,
Dreamer, Old Blood, Sniffer, Treesinger, Viewer, or Wolfbrother.
Once per encounter, you may spend a Hero Point as a swift action to increase your
Fortitude or Will Defense by a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1).
This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
Also, you gain access to the Latent Talent Tree of your choice.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each additional time you take it, you
may select another latent ability from the list and gain access to that abilitys Talent Tree,
as well as the ability to increase your Fortitude or Will Defense an additional time per
Only Ogier characters can take the Treesinger ability. Ogier may not take any other
abilities from the list.


Perhaps the biggest difference between Star Wars and the Wheel of Time is the
equipment. All new equipment, from weapons and armor, is presented here, as well as
new rules for shields, and other equipment. There are also several wondrous items
presented, including angreal, saangreal, and terangreal.

Following are a list of examples of generic goods that may be carried by cargo merchants
or other traders, or found in cities and towns by locals, as well as their general prices. In
some places, they may be used instead of money.

In the Westlands, currency varies from nation to nation, and is even more different in
lands beyond the Westland. While in the Threefold Land, valuables are often whole
objects made from precious materials, this section focuses on the generic moneys and
coins of the Westlands.
For simplicity, coins presented in this RPG are valued as follows:
10 copper pennies (cp) = 1 silver penny
40 silver pennies (sp) = 1 silver mark
10 silver marks (sm) = 1 silver crown
10 silver crowns (sc) = 1 gold mark
10 gold marks (gm) = 1 gold crown (gc)
If the GM decides, a more detailed, book-accurate
accurate system may be used.
Listed among the items in this chapter are prices for items, abbreviated as shown
above. Because items may be priced lower or higher in towns of varying size, the price
should be modified in small towns or major cities. In villages or thorps, the price of
items should generally be decreased by three-quarters
quarters to a half, while in major cities and
s, the prices should be increased to one and a quarter to one and a half of the original
price listed.
Various items may cost more or less in certain areas. For example, Two Rivers tabac
is very cheap in Emonds Field, but more expensive in Tear or Fal D
Dara. Weaponry is
generally somewhat common, and therefore cheaper, than in smaller towns in peaceful
areas. It is up to the GM to decide how much more to add or take away from a specific
item in any given location, and it is also up to him to determine tthe availability of such

Table 7-1:
1: Trade Goods
Chicken (1)
Copper (1 lb)
Cow (1)
Dog (1)
Flour (1 lb)
Ice peppers (1 lb)
Goat (1)
Gold (1 lb)
Iron (1 lb)
Ivory (1 lb)
Kaf (1 lb)
Linen (1 lb, 1 sq yd)
Ox (1)
Pig (1)
Salt (1 lb)
Sea Folk porcelain (1 lb)
Sheep (1)
Silk (1 lb, 2 sq yds)
Silver (1 lb)
Spices (1 lb)
Tabac (1 lb)
Tea leaves (1 lb)
Wheat (1 lb)

2 cp
5 sp
10 mk
15 mk
2 cp
5 mk
1 mk
5 gc
1 sp
6 gc
1 mk
4 mk
15 mk
3 mk
5 mk
10 mk
2 mk
20 mk
10 mk
15 mk
5 mk
2 sp
1 cp

Axes, Picks, and Hammers
This group includes the Axes, Picks, and Hammers categories.
Basic Weapons
These weapons come from multiple groups. They include clubs, daggers, and various
other simple weapons. A person with the feat Weapon Group: Basic Weapons is
proficient in all of the weapons on the chart listed as Basic.
Bows include the Bows category.
Crossbows include the Crossbows category.
Exotic Weapons
This group is not a specific group. Rather, it is combined with a martial weapon group and
allows proficiency in all exotic weapons for that martial weapon group.
Flexible Weapons
This group includes the Flexible Weapons category.
Heavy Blades
This group includes the Heavy Blades category.
Light Blades
This group includes the Light Blades category.
This group includes the Maces category.
This group includes the Polearms category.

Slings and Thrown Weapons

This group includes the Slings category and also any weapons designed to also be used as
thrown weapons.
Spears and Lances
This group includes the Spears and Lances categories.

Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 11, 13, 15
Light axes are similar to hatchets, only they are designed as weapons of war. Heavy axes
are the size of woodchopping axes. Battle axes typically have two very large, heavy heads.
Light axes are one-handed weapons, heavy axes and battle axes are two-handed.
Any wielder of a light axe, heavy axe, or battle axe with the Mighty Swing feat
increases the die type by one when adding a die to the damage roll. For example, someone
wielding a heavy axe who uses the Mighty Swing feat rolls 2d10 for damage. If the
Double Attack, Triple Attack, or Rapid Strike feats are used with one of these weapons,
the wielder takes an additional -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 11, 13, 15
Light picks are like rock climbing picks, except they are designed as weapons. Heavy
picks are similar to mining picks. Warpicks have very long, especially sharp pick-heads.
Light picks are one-handed weapons, heavy picks and warpicks are two-handed.
Any wielder of a light pick, heavy pick, or warpick with the Triple Crit feat multiplies
damage by 4 instead of 3 when she scores a critical hit. If the Double Attack, Triple
Attack, or Rapid Strike feats are used with one of these weapons, the wielder takes an
additional -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 11, 13, 15
Light hammers are similar to carpenter hammers used for hammering nails, except they are
designed as weapons of war. Heavy hammers are like sledge hammers. Warhammers are
like massive-headed mauls. Light hammers are one-handed weapons, heavy hammers and
warhammers are two-handed weapons.

Any wielder of a hammer may use the Power Attack bonus against objects and
structures. If the Double Attack, Triple Attack, or Rapid Strike feats are used with one of
these weapons, the wielder takes an additional -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9
Shortbows have a range of 10 (point blank), 20 (short), 30 (medium), and 40 (long). They
require two free hands to wield.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 11
Longbows have a range of 10 (point blank), 20 (short), 40 (medium), and 60 (long). They
require two free hands to wield.
Two Rivers Longbow
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 13
Two Rivers longbows have a range of 10 (point blank), 20 (short), 40 (medium), and 80
(long). They require two free hands to wield.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9, 11
Crossbows have a range of 10 (point blank), 20 (short), 40 (medium), and 60 (long). They
require two free hands to wield.
Flail (and Chain)
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9, 11, 13
Chains are strength-enhanced chains, often with heavy balls at the ends. Flails have thorny
weights at the ends of chains, which are connected to handles. Flails do piercing and
bludgeoning damage.
A character who spends a full-round action to make a single attack with a chain or flail
increases the die type by one (d4 to d6, etc.). If the Double Attack, Triple Attack, or Rapid
Strike feats are used with one of these weapons, the wielder takes an additional -2 penalty
to attack rolls.

Exotic Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9
Whips have a reach of 2 squares. Anyone wielding a whip threatens any enemy within 2
A character wielding a whip can use the trip or pin actions even if they do not have the
feat. If the Double Attack, Triple Attack, or Rapid Strike feats are used with a whip, the
wielder takes an additional -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9
A character wielding a sabre and uses the Melee Defense feat gains an additional +1 bonus
to Reflex Defense for the duration of the feat. Sabres can only be used one-handed.
Sabres are able to have two benefits crafted into them when crafted by someone with
the Craft Specialist feat.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9 or 11
A character can wield a longsword one-handed if he has a Strength of 11, or two-handed if
he has a Strength of 9, without penalty.
Longswords are able to have two benefits crafted into them when crafted by someone
with the Craft Specialist feat.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 13
Broadswords can only be used two-handed.
Broadswords are able to have two benefits crafted into them when crafted by someone
with the Craft Specialist feat.
Power-Wrought Blademaster Sword
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9 or 11
Typically heron-marked swords, this is the most elite type of sword used by blademasters
(though not all are marked with the heron). These swords are not breakable.
using one of these swords automatically gains a +1 equipment bonus to attack rolls and a
+2 equipment bonus to damage (this damage bonus is shown in the stats above).

Basic Weapon
Strength Requirement: 5
Daggers are able to have two benefits crafted into them when crafted by someone with
the Craft Specialist feat.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 7
A character wielding a sword-breaker who has the Improved Disarm feat may spend a
swift action to attempt a disarm against an opponent who attacks her with a weapon from
the Light Blades or Heavy Blades weapon groups and misses. Doing so causes a -5 penalty
to the attack roll to disarm.

Strength Requirement: 9
Quarterstaffs may be treated as double-weapons, or it may be used as a long weapon with
a reach of 2 squares. Either way, it takes two hands to use, and if used as a single weapon,
you gain double your Strength bonus to damage rolls.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 11
Glaives have a reach of 2 squares.
Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 13
Halberds have a reach of 2 squares.

Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 7
A character wielding a sabre may treat it as a small weapon whenever doing so would be
beneficial. Rapiers can only be used one-handed.
Rapiers are able to have two benefits crafted into them when crafted by someone with
the Craft Specialist feat.

Exotic Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9
Ashandareis have a reach of 2 squares.
Ashandareis may be used as a double weapon, or a single weapon. When used as a
double weapon, one end is either slashing or piercing damage, while the other is

Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9
Shortswords are able to have two benefits crafted into them when crafted by someone
with the Craft Specialist feat.

Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 5
Slings have a range of 8 squares (point blank), 12 squares (short), 16 squares (medium),
and 20 squares (long). They require only one weapon to use (though two to load).

Basic Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9

Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 9, 11, 13
Short spears are about 1 to 1.5 meters long. Tridents are about 2 meters long. Long spears
are 3 meters long. Tridents take only a half penalty when being used to attack a target
underwater. Longspears have a reach of 2 squares.

Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 11, 13
Basic Weapon

Martial Weapon
Strength Requirement: 13

A wielder of a lance increases the damage by one die type when using the Momentum
Strike feat.

Shields may be worn to protect a character from weapon damage. They create a penalty to
an opponents attack rolls when used properly. When you spend a swift action, you may
select an enemy and prepare yourself for attack rolls against them. Only one opponent
may be selected per turn.
Carrying a buckler does not require the use of a free hand.
Tower Shield
Tower shields require two hands to use. They provide the same penalty to ranged attacks
against any one ally behind them in addition to the carrier.

Armor grants benefits to Reflex Defense and Damage Threshold, but the wearer only gains
the benefit to Reflex Defense if they have the appropriate Talents.

Most items are self-explanatory. The following items have special rules.
Caltrops: Caltrops are tiny barbed spiked dropped on the ground with the intention of
puncturing the feet of anyone who steps on them. They attack anyone who steps on them
with an area attack versus the characters Reflex Defense. If the victim is wearing
footwear, they gain a +1 bonus to Reflex Defense versus this attack. If the attack is
successful, the caltrops deal 1 point of damage, and the beings base speed is reduced by
half. This penalty to speed endures for twenty-four hours or until a Treat Injury Skill
check is made to treat the wound (DC 15) or receives at least one point of healing by the
One Power. A charging or running creature must immediately stop if they take damage
from the caltrops, though a creature moving at half speed or slower can move through the
caltrops with no trouble.
Candle: A candle illuminates a 5-foot radius and provides dim light in a 15 foot
radius. It burns for one hour.
Lamp (common): A lamp clearly illuminates a 15-foot radius and provides dim light
in a 45-foot radius. It burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil.

Lantern (hooded): A hooded lantern illuminates objects in a 30-foot radius and

provides dim light in a 90-foot radius. It burns for 6 hours on a pint of oil.
Lock: The Craft check to pick a lock is 20 for a very simple lock, 25 for an average
lock, 30 for a good lock, and 40 for an amazing lock.
Manacles: A manacled character can escape ordinary manacles with an Acrobatics
check of DC 30, and can escape masterwork manacles with a successful check of DC 35.
Portable ram: A character using a portable ram gets a +5 bonus to Strength checks
made to break through things such as doors or walls. A second person adds an additional
+2 to the check (in addition to their +2 bonus when aiding another).
Torch: A torch illuminates a 20-foot radius and provides dim light in a 60-foot radius.
It burns for 1 hour.

Skill kits generally provide bonuses to specific types of Skill checks.
Artisans tools: These tools are designed for a specific trade, such as blacksmithing,
carpentry, bookbinding, etc. Without these tools, the character takes a -5 penalty to Craft
checks for the trade. Masterwork artisans tools work as regular ones except they also
grant a +5 bonus to the Craft checks.
Climbers kit: Climbers kits provide a +5 bonus to Athletics checks made to climb.
Disguise kit: Disguide kits provide a +5 bonus to Deception checks made to create a
Healers kit: Healers kits provide a +5 bonus to all Treat Injury checks.
Magnifying glass: Provides a +5 bonus to Perception checks made to appraise an
Musical instrument: Enables Persuasion checks made to perform using a musical
instrument. Masterwork musical instruments grant a +5 bonus to Persuasion checks made
to perform.
Thieves tools: These tools are designed for various tasks such as picking locks or
disabling devices. Without these tools, the character takes a -5 penalty to these types of
Craft checks. Masterwork thieves tools work like the regular ones except they also grant
a +5 bonus to the Craft checks.

Clothing is generally self-explanatory. Clothing that provides benefits includes the
following set.
Cadinsor: A cadin'sor grants a +5 bonus to Stealth checks made to sneak in desert
terrains, and a +2 bonus in all other environments.


There are certain items that perform special functions.
Acid: Acid may be thrown in a flask or vial to create a grenade-like weapon. Any
being who comes in contact with acid by any means suffers 2d6 damage.
Antitoxin: If a character drinks antitoxin, she gains a +2 Fortitude bonus against
poisons for one hour.
Healers balm: Healers balm may be used to move a character suffering burn damage
up one step on the condition track (if the condition track penalty was due to burn damage).
It may also be used to give a character a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense to avoid dying
when brought to negative hit points. Finally, a character with healing balm may heal an
additional 1 hit point per the characters level.
Illuminators flare: An illuminators flare clearly illuminates a 50-foot radius and
provides dim light in a 150-foot radius. It burns for one hour.
Illuminators rocket: An illuminators rocket is actually designed to create visually
appealing shows in nighttime skies, but can be used as weapons as well.
Warders cloak: These items are not sold anywhere except the underground markets,
and even then, they are extraordinarily rare. Anyone looking at a character wearing a
Warders cloak must reroll any Perception check made to do so and keep the worse of the
two results. The cloak also provides the wearer a +1 bonus to Reflex Defense against
melee and ranged attacks.
Mastercrafted items are any items that have been created with enhancements found in the
Craft Specialist feat.
Power-wrought items have unlimited hit points, and can only be broken by powerful use of
the One Power or by other Power-wrought items. Power-wrought weapons gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Sungwood items are created when an Ogier Treesinger sings a wooden item from a tree.
See the Create Sungwood Item Talent in the Treesinger Talent Tree in Chapter 10: Latent
Abilities for more information.
Shadow-blades are created on the slopes of Shayol Ghul. Wounds caused by them never
heal naturally. They are typically carried only by Myrddraal. For more information, see
Chapter Sixteen: Allies and Enemies.

Axe, light
Axe, heavy
Battle Axe

8 sp
4 mk
10 mk


3 lbs
6 lbs
12 lbs



Pick, light
Pick, heavy

1 mk
6 mk
16 mk


3 lbs
6 lbs
12 lbs



Hammer, light
Hammer, heavy

4 sp
2 mk
8 mk


4 lbs
8 lbs
16 lbs



Longbow, Two Rivers

4 mk
8 mk
20 mk


2 lbs
3 lbs
3 lbs



Crossbow, light
Crossbow, heavy

10 mk
24 mk


4 lbs
8 lbs



Flail, light
Flail, heavy

2 mk
4 mk
14 mk


4 lbs
5 lbs
10 lbs









Blademaster sword

8 sp


l lb

16 mk
18 mk
30 mk


2 lbs
3 lbs
6 lbs





3 lbs



1 mk


1 lb




16 mk
10 mk


2 lbs
2 lbs




28 mk


1 lb



2 sp


3 lbs



4 mk
10 mk


4 lbs
8 lbs



Mace, light
Mace, heavy

4 sp
8 mk
10 mk


4 lbs
10 lbs
12 lbs





12 lbs




1 sp






1 mk
12 mk
4 mk


3 lbs
4 lbs
8 lbs




10 mk


10 lbs



2 mk
1 mk
8 mk
4 mk
20 mk
14 mk
40 mk



2 lbs
3 lbs
6 lbs
5 lbs
16 lbs
10 lbs
40 lbs


Small Wooden
Small Steel
Large Wooden
Large Steel
Tower Wooden
Tower Steel





Cloth Armor

10 mk





Leather Armor

20 mk





Studded Leather Armor

28 mk





Chain Shirt

40 mk





22 mk




4 sq

Armor Check Penalty







Scale Mail

34 mk




4 sq


50 mk




4 sq


60 mk




4 sq

Splint Mail

60 mk




4 sq*

Banded Mail

70 mk




4 sq*


100 mk




4 sq*

Full Plate

200 mk




4 sq*



Backpack (empty)
Barrel (empty)
Basket (empty)
Block and tackle
Bucket (empty)
Canvas (square yard)
Case (map or scroll)
Chain (10 ft)
Chalk (1 piece)
Chest (empty)
Dice (set of five)
Firewood (1 day)
Fishing net

2 mk
1 mk
4 sp
3 sp
1 mk
8 sp
9 sp
5 sp
1 mk
1 cp
1 sp
1 mk
2 mk
1 cp
2 mk
2 mk
5 mk
1 cp
1 sp
4 mk
3 cp

2 lbs
30 lbs
1 lb
5 lbs
3 lbs
5 lbs
3 lbs
1/2 lbs
1 lb
1/2 lbs
4 lbs
25 lbs
5 lbs
20 lbs
5 lbs


Flint and steel

Grappling hook
Ink (1 oz vial)
Jug (clay)
Ladder (10 ft)
Lamp (common)
Lantern (hooded)
Very simple
Looking glass
Manacles (simple)
Manacles (masterwork)
Mirror (small steel)
Mug/tankard (clay)
Oil (1 pint flask)
Paper (sheet)
Parchment (sheet)
Pick (miner's)
Pitcher (clay)
Playing cards (deck)
Pole (10 ft)
Pot (iron)
Pouch (belt)
Ram (portable)
Rations (trail, per day)
Rope (hemp, 50 ft)
Rope (silk, 50 ft)
Sack (empty)
Sealing wax
Sewing needle
Signal whistle
Signet ring

1 mk
1 mk
3 sp
8 mk
3 cp
5 cp
1 sp
7 mk

4 lbs
2 lbs
2 lbs
20 lbs
1 lb
2 lbs

8 mk
2 gc
6 gc
12 gc
60 mk
15 mk
2 gc
10 mk
2 cp
3 mk
4 sp
2 sp
8 sp
2 cp
1 sp
10 mk
2 sp
5 sp
1 mk
10 mk
5 sp
1 mk
10 mk
1 sp
1 mk
1 sp
8 sp
5 mk
1 mk
5 sp

1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
2 lbs
2 lbs
1/2 lbs
1 lb
1 lb
2 lbs
1 lb
1/2 lbs
1/4 lbs
8 lbs
10 lbs
1 lb
20 lbs
1 lb
10 lbs
5 lbs
1/2 lbs
1 lb
7 lbs
1 lb

Atrisan's tools
Artisan's tools
Climber's kit
Disguise kit
Healer's kit
Magnifying glass
Musical instrument
Musical instrument
Scale (merchant)
Thieves' tools
Thieves' tools

Artisan's outfit
Cold weather outfit
Courtier's outfit
Gleeman's outfit
Explorer's outfit
Noble's outfit
Peasant's outfit
Royal outfit
Scholar's outfit
Traveler's outfit

2 mk
10 mk
2 cp
1 mk
1 mk
2 cp

6 lbs
20 lbs
1 lb
4 lbs
1 lb

5 mk

5 lbs

55 mk

5 lbs

80 mk
50 mk
50 mk
25 mk
10 gc

5 lbs
8 lbs
1 lb
1 lb

5 mk


10 gc


2 mk
30 mk

1 lb
1 lb

10 gc

2 lbs

1 mk
8 mk
30 mk
3 mk
10 mk
8 mk
8 gc
1 sp
20 gc
5 mk
1 mk

4 lbs
7 lbs
6 lbs
4 lbs
8 lbs
2 lbs
10 lbs
2 lbs
15 lbs
6 lbs
5 lbs

Bread (loaf)
Cheese (chunk)
Inn stay (per night)
Meals (per day)
Meat (chunk)
Oosquai (jug)
Rations (per day)
Common (pitcher)
Fine (bottle)
Medium-size creature
Large creature
Bit and bridle
Donkey or mule
Feed (per day)
Horse (heavy)
Horse (light)
Warhorse (heavy)
Warhorse (light)

2 sp
4 cp
2 cp
1 sp

8 lbs
1 lb
1/2 lbs
1/2 lbs

2 mk
5 sp
2 sp


5 sp
3 sp
1 sp
3 sp
5 mk
5 sp

---1/2 lbs
4 lbs
1 lb

2 sp
10 mk

6 lbs
2 lbs

2 mk
15 mk
8 mk
5 cp

1 lb
200 lbs
-10 lbs

20 mk
10 mk
5 mk
40 gc
15 gc


20 mk

30 lbs

Saddle (exotic)
Stabling (per day)
Acid (flask)
Illuminator's flare
Antitoxin (vial)
Healer's balm
Warder's cloak

5 mk
10 mk

15 lbs
25 lbs

60 mk
15 mk
30 mk
4 mk
20 mk
5 sp
35 mk

40 lbs
20 lbs
30 lbs
8 lbs
300 lbs
-400 lbs

25 mk
5 mk
5 gc
15 mk
1,000 gc

1 lb
1/2 lbs
1/4 lbs
1 lb

Angreals add a bonus of +5, +10, or +15 to Channel checks made to create weaves,
based on their Power Rating (1 granting +5, 2 granting +10, and 3 granting +15). They
also grant a bonus to Fortitude Defense when trying to avoid damage from
overchanneling equal to their class when the Channel check is made using the angreal.
Therefore, an angreal with a Power Rating of 1 grants a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense
when attempting to overchannel. The highest Power Rating of any angreal is 3.
Lily Petal Brooch
Class: 1
Attunement: Female
Ivory Woman Statuette
Class: 2
Attunement: Female

Acid (flask)
Oil (flask)
Illuminator's rocket

25 mk
3 mk
100 mk


1 lb
1 lb
2 lbs


Though they are rare, items created with the use of the One Power exist. These are called
angreal, saangreal, and terangreal. Angreal and saangreal are items that increase a
channelers ability to use the One Power, whereas terangreal have other uses that may
or may not require the user be able to channel, and are often themselves unique items.
Angreal allow the user to use weaves at the height of human possibility, but above what
is normally possible at any except the most powerful levels. In all weave descriptions,
the highest possible DC result, the angreal can create weaves up to that level. Weaves
that have no specified DC can have a maximum result of 40.

Amber Turtle Carving

Class: 2
Attunement: Female
Stone Swordsman Statuette
Class: 2
Attunement: Male
Golden Ring
Class: 3
Attunement: Female
Even more powerful than angreal, and even more rare as well, are saangreal. While the
function they perform is similar, it is also grander.
Saangreal have similar benefits as those granted from angreal. With saangreal,
however, the power of the wielder is multiplied, rather than added to, as with angreal.
Saangreal grant automatic multiplications, and some have other benefits as well.
A saangreals power is given as a multiplier, from 2 to 10. The wielder makes a
Channel check to create a weave and then multiplies the result by the rating of his
saangreal. The wielder also gains a bonus equal to the multiplier (though added, rather
than multiplied) to his Fortitude Defense to avoid the negative effects of overchanneling
when the Channel check to create the weave was done through the saangreal.

Fluted Bone Rod
Multiplier: 3
Attunement: Female
Multiplier: 4
Attunement: Male
This sword may also be used as a Powerwrought sword, though other Powerwrought weapons cannot break it.
Choedan Kal
Multiplier: 10
Attunement: Male, Female
These two giant statues are each attuned to one specific gender. They may only be
accessed through keys, otherwise the Power that goes through the use
user will kill him.
Terangreal are very different from angreal and saangreal,, and they are only slightly
more common. While angreal and saangreal are attuned to a specific gender and
enhance One Power use, terangreal do not enhance One Power use, and are not attuned
to a specific gender.
Access Key
Weight: 1 lb
The access key is used to channel the One Power between the user and Choedan Kal, so
that the user of the powerful saangreal will nott kill the channeler.
Weight: 2 lbs
An adam is a device used to connect two people. One user wears the bracelet end of the
item, while the other end is worn around the neck, with the two ends connected by a
chain. The female bracelet wearer and the
he female leash wearer must both have the ability
to channel, though the bracelet wearer has near-total
total control over the leash wearer.

The bracelet-wearing
wearing channeler can channel pain through the bracelet, causing 1d6
points of damage to the leashed channeler. In addition to this, the adam makes an attack
against the leash-wearers
wearers Fortitude Defense equal to 1d20+10. If the attack succeeds,
causes the leashed channeler to move one step down the condition track and spend the
round writhing in pain. In this way, the bracelet wearer controls the leash wearer. If the
bracelet wearer places the bracelet end somewhere, the leashed person cannot move it,
even through indirect means. Any attempts to do so cause the same 1d6 points of
damage and attack against her Fortitude Defense.
The Seanchan, who create the adam,, believe that all channeling women belong in the
leashes (called damane),
), and believe that certain gifted women should be the bracelet
wearers (called suldam).
). In reality, any channeling woman can be in either role. Nonchannelers do not gain any benefits or penalties from wearing either end of the adam.
These items can only be used on women. If a male even touches any part of the adam
while a female channeler wears either end, both he and the female channeler take 2d6
points of damage and automatically move one level down the condition track.
Any emotions or general states of being by the leashed female are felt by the bracelet
wearer. If the bracelet-wearer
wearer takes condition track damage, the leash-wearer takes the
same amount of condition track damage plus one, no matter the cause or source of the
Finally, the bracelet-wearer can force the leash-wearer to embrace the One Power at
Bowl of Winds
Weight: 6 lbs.
The Bowl of Winds allows a
circle of channelers to control
the weather, creating the
chosen type of weather at a
range far greater than even
powerful Windfinders can.
Use of the Bowl of Winds
takes four minutes, and the
range is a forty mile radius
from the terangreal. Once
the Bowl of Winds is used, it
begins the weather change,
which can take several hours
to fully form.
Unlike with the Alter

Weather weave, this terangreal, and the weave created with it, can alter the overall
temperature as well. If desired, the weather can go from balmy hot to wintry cold.
Snowfall can be cleared and make way for clear sunshine. For every five degrees in
difference from the areas beginning temperature, the time is increased by one hour.
To use the Bowl of Winds, a weave using all five Affinities must be created and
channeled directly into the bowl. The DC of the weave begins at 50, and increases based
on the degree of change forced into the skies. For every ten degrees of temperature
change, the DC of this weave is increased by 5, and adding or removing precipitation
adds 10 to the difficulty. Other changes in weather may increase or decrease the
difficulty as well.
Fluted Black Rod
Weight: 1 lb
The fluted black rod is a long rod roughly a pace in length. It allows a female channeler
to create powerful weaves of balefire. When using the rod, the channeler makes a
Channel check and adds +10 to the result. The rod creates the weave, so the channeler
does not need to know how to create balefire to use this item. Because it is the rod
creating the weave (and not the channeler), the weave does not count against the
channelers One Power usage when considering channeling fatigue.
Foxhead Medallion
Weight: lbs
The foxhead medallion disrupts any weaves created to directly affect the wearer. As long
as it is in direct contact with the wearers skin, the One Power cannot directly touch the
The foxhead medallion turns ice cold whenever anyone within 5 squares of the wearer
uses the One Power. For reasons unknown, the foxhead medallion burns gholams,
inflicting 2d4 points of damage to them as though it was burning hot.
Glass Columns
Weight: n/a
The glass columns cause an individual to experience the lives of several Aiel ancestors,
giving them the true knowledge of the dwellers of the Threefold Land. If the person
entering the terangreal survives the experience, he emerges with a dragon tattoo on his
Hummingbird Hair Ornament
Weight: negligible

A well is used to store the One Power to be used at a later time. A female channeler
attempting to use the One Power with this well may create one weave or use it to hold a
weave for up to one minute without having it count against her channeling fatigue.
Alternately, the ornament may be used to create a weave in a stedding or other location
where the One Power is otherwise inaccessible.
Oath Rod
Weight: 1 lb
The Oath Rod is used by the Aes Sedai to swear the Three Oaths. When a channeler
swears on the Oath Rod, the oath is bound so that the oath taker literally cannot break the
oaths. When held, threads of Spirit are channeled into the end to bind the oaths to the
person swearing the oaths. This causes the oath takers skin to tighten slightly, and also
shortens the persons life by roughly twenty-five percent. Though channelers have
longer lifespans, this causes their lengthened lifespans to be shorter than they would have
been without the influence of the Oath Rod.
The Oath Rod can be used to end oaths sworn into the Oath Rod through a more
complicated ritual also involving threads of Spirit woven into the Oath Rod. The oath
forsaker releases her oaths in much the same way she would have taken the oaths in the
first place.
Portal Stone
Weight: n/a
A Portal Stone can be used to transport people from one portal stone to another instantly
through use of the One Power. A channeler uses the use Portal Stone weave and he or
she, along with people with him or her are teleported to the chosen location. This
location can be on the same plane, or can be on a different plane, depending on the
symbol chosen.
Silver Arches
Weight: n/a
The silver arches cause a person to experience the fears of their past, present, and future
when they enter through each archway. Currently, the silver arches are used to test
women who desire to become Aes Sedai. Someone must channel into the three archways
at all times while a person is inside them.
Once inside, the channelers Will Defense is attacked by the arches (1d20-5 for the
first archway, 1d20 for the second, and 1d20+5 for the third). If the attack is successful,
the channeler takes a -5 penalty to all Wisdom-based Skill checks and a -2 penalty to Will
Defense while experiencing what she goes through within the arches as she primarily
forgets that the experience is not real life. If the check fails, she still loses most of her

sense of reality, but takes no additional penalties to Will Defense or Wisdom-based Skill
During each experience, a doorway appears, which will allow the woman being tested
to exit. To do so, she must endure an attack on her Will Defense (1d20-2 during the first
experience, 1d20 during the second, and 1d20+2 during the third). If the attack succeeds,
she must make a Focus check (DC 20) to successfully bring herself to exit the scene. If it
fails, she may do so without the Focus check. Failing to exit causes the character to
remain in the arch forever. The only other way out is to create another doorway with a
successful DC 25 Channel check.
Any attempts to Channel within the archway causes an immediate attack against the
channelers Fortitude Defense (1d20+10). If the attack succeeds by less than five, the
woman is temporarily unable to channel when she reemerges. If the attack succeeds by
five or more but less than ten, the woman is stilled. If she does not emerge through the
doorway after being stilled, no other doorway will ever appear.
Twisted Redstone Doorframe
Weight: 1000 lbs
There are two twisted redstone doorframes. One has wavy lines in the design and leads
to the Aelfinn, while the other has triangular designs and leads to the realm of the
Each doorframe can be used by any person only once. Any attempt to pass through a
second time simply causes the individual to pass through the doorframe to the other side
of it. Due to an ancient pact between the Finns and the humans, no sources of light,
musical instruments, or items made of iron can be brought into the realms of the Aelfinn
or Eelfinn.
Twisted Stone Ring
Weight: negligible
When worn by a sleeping female channeler, the twisted stone ring causes her to enter

There are certain items that are specialized and unique. Though not necessarily One
Power-related, they are indeed wondrous.
Horn of Valere
The Horn of Valere is an ancient artifact. When it is blown, the Heroes of the Horn will
emerge and serve the blower within 2d4 rounds. Once a person blows the Horn of
Valere, he is the only one for whom it will work until he dies.

Ruby-Hilted Dagger
The ruby-hilted dagger was taken from Shadar Logoth by Matrim Cauthon, who became
tainted by it. After finally being healed from the taint, Mat became free of it. Not long
afterwards, it was stolen by Padan Fain.
The dagger taints anyone who carries it. If a person has the dagger for one day, its
presence attacks the holders Fortitude Defense with a 1d20+20 attack. If the attack
succeeds, the user becomes tainted and the evil presence within the dagger forms a bond
with him. As long as the dagger is on the person, his Taint score increases by one point
every month. If the dagger is separated from the person, the Taint score increases more
rapidly, at a rate of one point per week.
Anyone damaged by the ruby-hilted dagger is attacked with a 1d20+25 attack against
their Fortitude Defense. If this attack succeeds, they are infected by a dangerous disease.
This disease causes one point of Strength damage every round. Once the victim is
reduced to zero Strength, he dies.

Shadar Logoth, and objects in Shadar Logoth, are tainted by an ancient presence that
causes a taint on a persons physical and mental well-being. Any person in possession of
an item from Shadar Logoth or other similarly corrupted places becomes infected with a
taint that is impossible to heal except with the One Power, and even then is extremely
When a character holds an object from Shadar Logoth, the evil taint within the object
makes an attack against the characters Will Defense (1d20+20). If this attack succeeds,
the character gains the taint from the object.
As long as the character remains in contact with the item, once per month the character
endures two attacks, (1d20+10) against his Fortitude Defense and Will Defense (one
attack each). If the attack is successful, he gains one Taint Point. If the character is not
in contact with the item, this attack is made once per week.
If the character gains a number of Taint Points more than half of his Strength points, he
takes a permanent -5 penalty to his Strength modifier when determining carrying
capacity. If he loses more than half of his Intelligence points, he takes a permanent -5
penalty to Intelligence checks to remember life events. Even if he is healed, these
penalties always remain.
Any character damaged by a weapon from Shadar Logoth is attacked by the taint as
well, but this attack is against his Fortitude Defense. If the attack succeeds, he takes a -1
penalty on his Condition Track each round until the character is reduced to the bottom
level of the Condition Track. Once this happens, the character dies. Even if the character
is healed by the One Power before dying in this manner, he takes a permanent -1 penalty
on the Condition Track.


Though the inhabitants generally desire peace, skirmishes, battles, and wars happen
throughout the Westlands. The Combat rules in Star Wars: Saga Edition work well for
nearly all combat situations in the Wheel of Time, with exceptions inclu
including Autofire,
Ion Damage, Shield Rating, and Stunning. Presented in this chapter are a few additional
rules specifically for use in the Wheel of Time, which are ramming, which governs
characters running into other characters at a run, and also ranged att
attacks in adverse
weather, which, obviously, covers rules for shooting arrows or bolts in windy or raining
Also presented are the blademaster forms, which can be learned by taking the feat:
Blade Techniques. By no means are the forms presented here
ere all
all-inclusive, as there are
many more besides them.

If you succeed, you move your opponent one square in the direction in which you are
running. If your Strength check also exceeds their damage threshold, they are pushed
back a number of squares equal to 1 + your Strength modifier and knocked prone.


When attempting to make a ranged attack in adverse
adver weather, your accuracy may be
compromised, as follows:
Wind (Into or Sideways)
Mild (up to a gentle breeze)
Moderate (noticeable winds)


Heavy (powerful winds)

When making a Charge attack, instead of gaining a +2 bonus on your attack roll, you may
attempt to ram your opponent. First, you must make an unarmed attack roll. If you are
successful with the unarmed attack roll, you then make an opposed Strength check. If this
Strength check is in your favor, the opponent is pushed back a square (or more) in
addition to taking damage. If you fail, you still deal damage, your opponent doesn't
move, and you stay in the nearest square. Ramming uses your unarmed attack for damage
and is considered to be an attack (requiring an attack action).
You gain benefits or take penalties to your Strength check as follows:
Size Difference
Four or more sizes smaller
Two or three sizes smaller
One size smaller
Same size
One size larger
Two or three sizes larger
Four or more sizes larger

cannot move opponent

Mighty (hurricane)

No effect
Range reduced by one quarter, -2 penalty to attack
Range reduced by half, -4 penalty to attack roll
Range reduced by seven eighths, -10 penalty to
attack roll

Wind (With)
Mild (up to a gentle breeze)
Moderate (noticeable winds)
Heavy (powerful winds)
Mighty (hurricane)

No effect
Range increased by one quarter
Range increased by half
Range increased by seven eighths


No effect
-1 penalty
-2 penalty
-4 penalty

Wind and rain modifications stack.

Presented below is a list of blade techniques. They are meant to be potentially minor in
effect, but overall positive, though it limits the blademaster somewhat to use them.
Unless otherwise stated, a blade technique requires one swift action to use.

Arc of the Moon

You make an attack at the opponent's head.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as below:
DC 15: You take a -5 penalty to your attack roll, but your critical range increases by 1.
If the attack is a critical hit, you add your Dexterity modifier in addition to your Strength
modifier when determining damage.
DC 20: As above, except you only take a -2 penalty to your attack roll.
DC 25: As above, except you only take a -1 penalty to your attack roll.
DC 30: As above, except you take no penalty to your attack roll.
Form Bonus: If you have the Vital Form talent, you add double your Strength and
Dexterity modifiers on a successful critical hit when using this technique.

DC 20: As above, except you deal +4 points of damage.

DC 25: As above, except you deal +6 points of damage.
DC 30: As above, except you deal +8 points of damage.
Form Bonus: If you have the Powerful Form talent, you also cause the opponent to
move an additional -1 step along the Condition Track when you successfully deal

Bundling Straw
You make a quick thrust against a melee combatant in an effort to get by their defenses.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: Your opponent's shield bonus to Reflex Defense is reduced by 1.
DC 20: As above, except the penalty is -2.
DC 25: As above, except the penalty is -4.
DC 30: As above, except the opponent loses her entire shield bonus to Reflex Defense.
Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, your opponent also takes the penalty
against all remaining attacks made by you for the round.

Boar Rushes Down the Mountain

Cat Crosses the Courtyard

You make a charging, vertical slash downward at your opponent, causing greater
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: If you successfully hit your opponent after you take a move action to move,
you may reroll your damage roll, taking the better result. You take a -4 penalty to Reflex
Defense until the beginning of your next turn.
DC 25: As above, except your penalty to Reflex Defense is -2.
DC 30: As above, except your penalty to Reflex Defense is -1.
DC 35: As above, except you take no penalty to Reflex Defense.
Form Bonus: If you have the Powerful Form talent, you deal an additional die of
damage in addition to rerolling damage.

You move quickly and alertly, ready for any attacks that come.
Make a Focus check. The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 15: You gain a +1 bonus to Initiative checks and Perception checks made until the
next round.
DC 20: As above, except the bonus is +2.
DC 25: As above, except the bonus is +3.
DC 30: As above, except the bonus is +5.
Form Bonus: If you have the Defensive Form talent, you retain your Dexterity
modifier to Reflex Defense if you are attacked during the surprise round while this form
is being used.

Boar Rushes Downhill

You make a simple downward slash meant for power.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You take a -1 penalty to your attack roll, and a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense. If
your attack is successful, you deal +2 points of damage.

Cat Dances on the Wall

You can make a series of tentative slashes meant more to buy time than cause serious
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You gain a +5 bonus your next Deception check made to feint, but you take a 5 penalty to your damage check for the attack.
DC 20: As above, except your penalty to damage is -2.

DC 25: As above, except your penalty to damage is -1.

DC 30: As above, except you take no penalty to damage.
Form Bonus: If you have the Defensive Form talent, you can reroll your Deception
check to feint and keep the better result.

Cat on Hot Sand

You can make a series of tentative slashes against multiple opponents to distract them.
Make one Focus check. The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 20: You can make a Deception check against a number of opponents equal to your
Dexterity modifier. The same check effects each of these opponents. You take a -5 to the
Deception check, however.
DC 25: As above, except your penalty to the Deception check is -2.
DC 30: As above, except your penalty to the Deception check is -1.
DC 35: As above, except you take no penalty to the Deception check.
Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, you can affect a number of opponents
equal to twice you Dexterity modifier.

Courtier Taps His Fan

You can make an attack that is particularly harmful to one nearby enemy.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You treat your opponent's damage threshold as though it is 1 point less.
DC 20: As above, except the threshold is treated as 2 points less.
DC 25: As above, except the threshold is treated as 3 points less.
DC 30: As above, except the threshold is treated as 5 points less.
Form Bonus: If you have the Vital Form talent, the target also moves one additional
step down the Condition Track.

Falcon Dives
An opening attack that is good at hitting your opponent at the expense of defense.
Make a Focus check before making your first attack roll. The result determines the
effects, as follows:
DC 15: You take a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense for the round against the opponent
you are attacking, but gain a +1 bonus to your attack roll.
DC 20: As above, except your bonus to your attack roll is increased to +2
DC 25: As above, except your bonus to your attack roll is increased to +3
DC 30: As above, except your bonus to your attack roll is increased to +5.
Form Bonus: If you have the Aggressive Form talent, your penalty to Reflex Defense
is -2 only against the first attack made by your opponent until the beginning of your next

Falling Leaf
You make downward, diagonal attacks against multiple opponents in the hopes of
fending them off and possibly harming them.
Make a Focus check at the beginning of your turn. The result determines the effects, as
DC 20: You gain a +1 shield bonus against all adjacent opponents until the beginning
of your next turn, though all attacks you make during the round take a -5 penalty to the
attack roll.
DC 25: As above, except your attack rolls are made at a -2 penalty.
DC 30: As above, except your attack rolls are made at a -1 penalty.
DC 35: As above, except your attack rolls are made at no penalty.
Form Bonus: If you have the Patient Form talent, your shield bonus is equal to 1 +
your Wisdom modifier against all adjacent opponents.

Folding the Fan

Cutting the Clouds
You make an extremely fast strike against an opponent.
Make a Focus check before making your first attack roll. The result determines the
effects, as follows:
DC 20: You gain one attack as a swift action at a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If
successful, the attack deals normal damage with a -10 penalty.
DC 25: As above, except there is a -8 penalty to damage.
DC 25: As above, except there is a -6 penalty to damage.
DC 25: As above, except there is a -4 penalty to damage.
Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, you take no penalty to the attack roll.

You can draw or sheath your sword with amazing quickness. Drawing your sword using
this technique is often called "Unfolding the Fan."
Make a Focus check. The result determines the effects, as follows:
Benefit: You can draw or sheath your sword as a swift action, rather than a move
Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, you can immediately make an attack
against an adjacent opponent at a -5 penalty to your attack roll as a free action after
drawing your sword (or before sheathing it).

Grapevine Twists
You twirl your sword around your opponent's in an effort to disarm him.
Make a Focus check before making your disarm roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You gain a +1 bonus to your disarm check.
DC 20: As above, except your bonus is +2.
DC 25: As above, except your bonus is +3.
DC 30: As above, except your bonus is +5.
Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, you can throw the disarmed weapon a
distance away equal to your Strength modifier.

Heron Spreads Its Wings

You make a calculated attack from a risky stance.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: You take a -55 penalty to your Reflex Defense until the beginning of your nex
turn. However, you deal an additional 1d4 points of damage if your attack is successful.
DC 25: As above, except you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage.
DC 30: As above, except you deal an additional 1d8 points of damage.
DC 35: As above, except you deal an additional 1d10 points of damage.
Form Bonus: If you have the Vital Form talent, your critical range is increased by 1
point on your attack, and if you score a critical hit, you deal two dice of extra damage
instead of one.

Heron Wading in the Rushes

You make a slow, risky attack at your opponent's head.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 25: You take a -55 penalty to your Reflex Defense until the beginning of your next
turn. However,, your critical range is increased by 1. Note that you still only gain an
automatic hit on a natural 20.
DC 30: As above, except your critical range is increased by 2.
DC 35: As above, except your critical range is increased by 3.
DC 40: As above, except your critical range is increased by 4.
Form Bonus: If you have the Vital Form talent, if you roll a successful critical hit with
your attack you may reroll the lowest damage die and keep the higher result.

Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose

You make a stab at the opponent's face.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 25: You take a -10
10 penalty to your attack roll, but your critical threat range is

DC 30: As above, plus your opponent moves one additional step down the condition
track if you score a critical hit.
DC 35: As above, plus your opponent moves two additional steps down the condition
track if you score a critical hit.
DC 40: As above, plus your opponent moves three additional steps down the condition
track if you score a critical hit.
Form Bonus: If you have the Vital Form talent, you also deal triple damage with a
successful critical hit.

Kingfisher Takes a Silverback

You take a stab from a high stance at the opponent's legs.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You deal half damage, but your opponent's base speed is reduced by 1 square
(minimum 1), until he heals the damage.
DC 20: As above, except your opponent's base speed is reduced by 2 squares
(minimum 1).
DC 25: As above, except your opponent's base speed is reduced by 3 squares
(minimum 1).
DC 30: As above, except your opponent's base speed is reduced by 4 squares
(minimum 1).
Form Bonus: If you have the Vital Form talent, your opponent cannot move during his
upcoming turn in addition to the penalty to his speed for all rounds after that until he
heals the damage.

Leopard in the Tree

You attack your opponent fiercely and suddenly.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: If your opponent is flat-footed or otherwise without her Dexterity modifier to
Reflex Defense, you deal an additional 2 damage.
DC 25: As above, except you deal an additional 4 damage.
DC 30: As above, except you deal an additional 6 damage.
DC 35: As above, except you deal an additional 8 damage.
Form Bonus: If you have the Aggressive Form talent, you deal an additional 2d4
damage in addiiton to the extra damage from this ability.

Lightning of Three Prongs

You make three stabs at an opponent. One to each side, then finally to the center.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: As a standard attack, you make three quick strikes. Make one attack roll. If
your attack is successful, your damage die increases by one die type.
DC 20: As above, except your damage die increases by two die types.
DC 25: As above, except your damage die increases by three die types.
DC 30: As above, except your damage die increases by four die types.
Form Bonus: If you have the Aggressive Form talent, your opponent takes a -1 penalty
to Reflex Defense until the beginning of your next turn if you successfully deal damage
with this attack.

Leaf Floating in the Breeze

Lion on the Hill

You defend against your opponent's attacks and return with attacks of your own.
Make a Focus check and choose one opponent. The result determines the effects, as
DC 20: If your opponent attacks you during his turn and misses, you gain an
immediate attack of opportunity, though the atack is made at a -5 penalty.
DC 25: As above, except your attack roll is made at a -2 penalty.
DC 30: As above, except your attack roll is made at a -1 penalty.
DC 35: As above, except your attack roll is made at no penalty.
Form Bonus: If you have the Patient Form talent, you can use this ability against any
single opponent who attacks you, rather than chosing one opponent at the time of the roll.
You make the roll as a reaction in this case.

You stand in a guard position, ready to strike at anyone who strikes at you.
Make a Focus check. The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 20: Against a number of opponents equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1),
any time they successfully hit you with a melee attack, you may make an attack against
them, though you take a -5 penalty to the attack rolls. You can make a number of such
reactive attacks up to your Dexterity modifier.
DC 25: As above, except you take a -2 penalty to the attack rolls.
DC 30: As above, except you take a -1 penalty to the attack rolls.
DC 35: As above, except you take no penalty to the attack rolls.
Form Bonus: If you have the Defensive Form talent, you can make unlimited attacks
against opponents using this technique, but only one per successful attack against you.

Lizard in the Thornbush

Ribbon in the Air

You can make two quick, painful attacks against two opponents flanking you.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: Whenever you are flanked, you may make a standard attack and try one attack
against two opponents flanking you. Each attack is done at a -5 penalty and does -5
DC 25: As above, except your penalty to the attack rolls is -2.
DC 30: As above, except your penalty to the attack rolls is -1.
DC 35: As above, except there is no penalty to the attack rolls.
Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, you take no penalty to damage when
using this technique.

You make a slash that changes directions in mid-swing that can more easily get past your
opponent's defenses.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You lose your Strength bonus to damage, but your opponent takes a penalty to
his shield bonus to Reflex Defense equal to -1.
DC 20: As above, except your opponent's shield bonus to Reflex Defense is reduced
by -2.
DC 25: As above, except your opponent's shield bonus to Reflex Defense is reduced
by -3.
DC 30: As above, except your opponent's shield bonus to Reflex Defense is
Form Bonus: If you have the Aggressive Form talent, your opponent takes an equal
penalty to his armor bonus to Reflex Defense in addition to the penalty to his shield

Moon Rises Over the Water

You can make two sudden, swift attacks against your opponent.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You make two quick attacks with one standard action (and one attack roll).
Your opponent takes a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense against this attack, though your
damage is reduced by 10.
DC 20: As above, except your damage is reduced by 8.
DC 25: As above, except your damage is reduced by 6.
DC 30: As above, except your damage is reduced by 4.
Form Bonus: If you have the Aggressive Form talent, you take no penalty to damage
when using this ability.

Parting the Silk

You make an accurate swipe at your enemy.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You gain a +1 bonus to your attack roll, though you take a -5 penalty to
DC 20: As above, except your penalty to damage is -2.
DC 25: As above, except your penalty to damage is -1.
DC 30: As above, except you take no penalty to damage.
Form Bonus: If you have the Vital Form talent, you can reroll a failed attack roll when
using this ability, though you must keep the second roll, even if it is worse.

River Undercuts the Bank

You make a slash against an opponent that is difficult to avoid.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: You gain a +1 bonus to your attack roll, but you cannot gain a critical hit with
your attack, even if your roll is in your critical threat range. Furthermore, your attack
takes a -5 penalty to damage.
DC 25: As above, except your bonus to your attack roll is +2.
DC 30: As above, except your bonus to your attack roll is +3.
DC 35: As above, except your bonus to your attack roll is +5.
Form Bonus: If you have the Powerful Form talent, if you roll a natural 20, you can
make a second attack roll. If this second attack roll exceeds your opponent's Reflex
Defense, the attack is considered to be a critical hit.

Rose Unfolds
You make an extended attack against multiple opponents.
Make a Focus check and ready an attack action against a number of charging
opponents up to your Dexterity modifier. The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 20: You can reroll your attacks of opportunity against each of the chosen
opponents, though each attack has a -5 penalty to attack and damage.
DC 25: As above, except your penalty to the damage rolls is -2.

DC 30: As above, except your penalty to the damage rolls is -1.

DC 35: As above, except you take no penalty to the damage rolls.
Form Bonus: If you have the Patient Form talent, your Initiative roll result is
considered to be one more than the highest of your opponents in melee range if you
successfully deal damage against at least one of them.

Stones Falling from the Cliff

You bring your sword down vertically with great
power, dealing greater damage or blocking a blow that
would otherwise have hit you.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll.
The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 15: You take a -1 penalty to your attack roll,
though your opponent's damage threshold is reduced by
1 against your attack, and their armor bonus is also
reduced by 1.
DC 20: As above, except your opponent's damage
threshold is reduced by 2.
DC 25: As above, except your opponent's damage
threshold is reduced by 3.
DC 30: As above, except your opponent's damage
threshold is reduced by 5.
Form Bonus: If you have the Defensive Form talent,
you can use this ability as a reaction to gain a an
additional +1 shield bonus to Reflex Defense that
stacks with any preexisting shield bonuses. This bonus
lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Condition Track.
DC 20: As above, except your bonus to damage is +2.
DC 25: As above, except your bonus to damage is +3.
DC 30: As above, except your bonus to damage is +5.
Form Bonus: If you have the Aggressive Form
talent, you gain a +5 bonus on attack rolls and damage
rolls for the round,
nd, but the DC for the Endurance check
becomes 30 + 5 for each attack made during the round.

Swallow Rides the Air

You are adept at defending yourself while moving.
Make a Focus check before using a move action to
move at least a number of squares equal to your speed.
The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 15: You take a -5 penalty to attack rolls, and
gain a +1 shield bonus to Reflex Defense for the round
against melee attacks.
DC 20: As above, except your penalty to attack rolls
is reduced to -2.
DC 25: As above, except your penalty to attack rolls
is reduced to -1.
DC 30: As above, except you take no penalty to
attack rolls.
Form Bonus: If you have the Defensive Form talent,
you gain a bonus to shield bonus equal to your Wisdom

llow Takes Flight
Striking the Spark
You can make an exhausting series of quick blows
against an opponent.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll.
The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 15: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and
damage rolls for the round. However, at the beginning
of your next turn, you must make an Endurance check
(DC 20 + 5 for each attack made during the round). If
the check fails, you move down one step on the

You make swift attacks against your opponent meant to

hit them for little damage.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll.
The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 15: If your attack misses, you still deal 1 point of
mage to your opponent.
DC 20: As above, except you deal 2 points of
damage if you miss.
DC 25: As above, except you deal 3 points of
damage if you miss.

DC 30: As above, except you deal 5 points of damage if you miss.

Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, you deal the additional damage even if
you hit.

Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind

You make a jumping beheading attempt at your opponent.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: You make an Athletics check to jump (DC 20). If successful, you move your
opponent down an additional step along the Condition Track, though you take a -5
penalty to your attack roll.
DC 25: As above, except your penalty to your attack roll is -2.
DC 30: As above, except your penalty to your attack roll is -1.
DC 35: As above, except you take no penalty to your attack roll.
Form Bonus: If you have the Aggressive Form talent, you move the target down an
additional step along the condition track.

Tower of the Morning

You slash at your opponent vertically, starting low and ending high, causing serious
damage at the expense of speed.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll that uses a full-round action. The
result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 20: Your attack ignores damage reduction and deals +1 point of damage.
DC 25: As above, except your damage bonus is increased to +2.
DC 30: As above, except your damage bonus is increased to +3.
DC 35: As above, except your damage bonus is increased to +5.
Form Bonus: If you have the Powerful Form talent, this technique only uses a standard

Twisting the Wind

You parry and twist against multiple opponents cornering you.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: You gain a +1 shield bonus to Reflex Defense against a number of opponents
adjacent to you equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). However, you cannot
move during the round.

DC 25: As above, except you can move at one-quarter your base speed (rounded
DC 30: As above, except you can move at one-half your base speed (rounded down).
DC 35: As above, except you can move at three-quarters your base speed (rounded
Form Bonus: If you have the Defensive Form talent, your shield bonus to Reflex
Defense increases to +2 when using this technique.

Water Flows Downhill

You make a careful attack meant to hit but do little harm to an opponent.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 15: You gain a +1 bonus on your attack roll, but if you hit, you lose your Strength
bonus to the damage roll and your damage die type is reduced by one step.
DC 20: As above, except your bonus is +2 to your attack roll.
DC 25: As above, except your bonus is +3 to your attack roll.
DC 30: As above, except your bonus is +5 to your attack roll.
Form Bonus: If you have the Deft Form talent, you deal the normal damage die type
(though you still lose your Dexterity modifier from the damage roll).

Wood Grouse Dances

You gain a feel for your opponent with multiple slashes and parries.
Make a Focus check before making your attack roll. The result determines the effects,
as follows:
DC 20: You take a -2 penalty to the attack roll and damage roll and make a free
Perception check against one opponent. If the check exceeds the opponent's Will
Defense, you find out the opponent's heroic level.
DC 25: As above, except you also determine the opponent's base attack bonus.
DC 30: As above, except you also determine the opponent's Reflex Defense.
DC 35: As above, except you also determine the number of hit points the opponent
Form Bonus: If you have the Patient Form talent, you can also find out how many
Hero Points and Destiny Points the opponent has.



The One Power is a wonderful and controversial tool with which some people are gifted
in The Wheel of Time. While some, such as the sturdy warrior people of the Borderlands
and the mysterious sailors of the Sea Folk, consider it to be a boon and a tool to be used
for good, others, especially the Children of the Light, consider it to be a powerful evil and
a sign of the Dark One. Certainly
nly a wielder of the One Power has abilities at her disposal
that give her overwhelming advantages against any danger she may face.


The True Source is a mystical force set in place by the Creator to eternally fuel the Wheel
of Time. The One Power can be drawn from the True Source by gifted individuals called
channelers. The One Power is composed of five Flows: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, and
Water. Wielding the One Power to create affects is referred to as weaving the flows,
ile particular strength with individual flows is called an Affinity.
The One Power is divided into two halves which constantly struggle against one
another to turn the Wheel. The female half, saidar,, can only be wielded by women and
the male half, saidin, can only be wielded by men. From just before the Breaking of the
World up to the time of the Cleansing of Saidin,, a taint, caused by the Dark Ones
backlash from the Sealing of the Bore, causes madness in any male who uses it
extensively (see Chapter Five: Heroic Characteristics). In addition to using different
halves of the True Source, women and men have different ways of manipulating the One

A channeler is a man or woman who has the ability to channel. In world terms, this
means they have
ave the spark of the One Power in them, and could, with training or through
explosive accident, harness this power. In game terms, this means they have taken the
Channeler feat. Although channelers even within individual organizations are diverse and
e, there are general differences between types of channelers and the organizations
that train them. Only humans may have the ability to touch the True Source.
Women: A female channeler opens herself to the One Power, submitting herself to
saidars will andd influencing it with subtlety. Any woman trained in the Channel skill
must spend two swift actions to open herself to the One Power, but she receives a +5

bonus to her Embrace the One Power check because of saidars serene nature. In general,
women have more
ore finesse with the one power than men. Women receive a +2 bonus to
maintain weaves when they are distracted or take damage in combat. As a generalization,
women have stronger Affinities for Air and Water. (see Affinities, below).
Men: A male channeler wrestles
estles with the One Power, molding it to do his bidding
through sheer strength and force of will. A man only needs to spend one move action to
Embrace the One Power, but he suffers a -22 penalty to do so, thanks to the violent nature
of saidin. Men tend to have more raw strength in the One Power than women and
therefore start with +1 weaves per hour.. Men are usually stronger in Earth and Fire.
Because of the Dark Ones taint, men suffer possible Madness whenever they channel.

While the Aes Sedai consider
onsider anyone not trained by Aes Sedai to be a wilder, in reality a
wilder is any channeler who does not have a mentor or organization to teach her to use
the One Power. A wilder may be of any class or nation, even including lands unknown.
Wilders lead a potentially dangerous life, assuming they even survive their first
channeling experiences (see Overchanneling, below). Once they realize their powers,
normally through accident, they often react with fear or mind-clouding
disbelief. In the
Westlands, the ability
bility to channel is kept secret if possible. Otherwise the discovery is met
as the culture deems appropriate. This means gentling if the wilder is a male or a trip to
the White Tower for training if the wilder is a female. In the Aiel Waste, males who sho w
the ability to channel go on suicide missions to the Blight, while females are normally
trained under Wise Ones. Among the Seanchan, female wilders almost universally
become damane (see below).
Wilders who never receive formalized training can still learn
lear to control the One Power.
Wilders always have Blocks, subconscious barriers within their minds which protect
them from the dangers of channeling. While students of the various organizations learn
specific weaves deemed important by the organization, wilders
may experiment with the
One Power, creating weaves that are often unique or uncommon. Another common way
that wilders learn weaves is through accidental channeling, though this must be done
when the channeler is in the specific emotional state necessary
necessar to overcome their Block.
Such spontaneous channeling can be unpredictable at best, and is dangerous or even

lethal at worst, and not just to the channeler. Weaves are very precise, and even one
thread out of place can create a completely different weave or lead to cataclysmic effects.
Wilders have all options of learning weaves available to them, though they rarely learn
weaves through training, since they seldom have access to instructors.
Game Definition: A channeler with no membership in an organizatio
organization (see Chapter
Thirteen: Organizations) is considered to be a wilder.

ever), wilders suffer a -55 penalty to Channel checks made to learn weaves by practice or
training. Furthermore, the time that is required to learn or practice a weave to usefulness
is multiplied
lied by 4, owing to the fact that you must overcome your Block even to be able
to use the One Power, and that isnt reliably the case in all situations.
Untrained: Wilders have no list of organization weaves. They must learn all of their
weaves without access
ess to such a list or join the organization.

Wilder Benefits

A Note on Wilders

Wilders have the following benefits.

Overchanneling: Wilders gain a +1 bonus to their Fortitude Defense to resist the
negative effects of overchanneling.
Remember Weave: Wilders who are aware of their ability to channel tend to be adept
at remembering weaves they see. When a wilder spontaneously creates or sees a new
weave, she gains a +5 bonus to learn the weave.
Spontaneous Channeler: While anyone with the One Pow
Power can attempt to create
weaves, wilders do it much more frequently than students of channeling organizations,
because they possess a special ability to do so.

Wilders, in game terms, have the restriction of not belonging to an organization and not
having a solid trainer. Rand alThor, for example, went from being a wilder to being a
student of the One Power when he was trained by the Forsaken Asmodean. Nynaeve
alMeara went from being a wilder to a student of the One Power when she had been a
member of the Aes Sedai for a sufficient amount of time to effectively lose her wilder
While both types of channelers are free to take levels in any class, wilders are more
likely to take levels in classes other than initiate, and are indeed more likely to start from
first level unable to effectively channel.

Wilder Drawbacks
Wilders have the following drawbacks.
Slow Weave Learner: Until they become sufficiently acclimated to an organization (if

Not every person bornn with the ability to channel left untrained is a wilder. In fact, only
about one in four people who can channel have the spark so strongly that they will
channel without training. Most of those who are born with the ability never have the
experiences of self-learning
learning and sudden surges as wilders do. The majority of these
individuals go their entire lives never knowing of their abilities, or the ability in them is
so weak that it would never be useful. Others are found before they risk their well being
and that of those around them and are trained at least sufficiently not to be a danger to the
world. Still others are found and go on to become members of various organizations.
In game terms, it is possible to have the ability to channel simply by taking the
Channeler feat. This feat can be taken at any point when a feat would normally be
allowed to be taken throughout a characters life. For some, this is early on in their lives.
For others, it is much later, even after becoming renowned heroes.
To create thiss type of character in the game, simply hold off on taking the Channeler
feat until your character is revealed to be a channeler. A player should decide from the
beginning if his character is such a person, and the Game Master should know as well.
Note thatt this does not necessarily mean taking the Channeler feat early on. If your
character doesnt become aware of his ability to channel until tenth level, hold off on
taking the Skill Training (Channel) feat until your character has experienced some
training in it.

For example, Kilan Jurona is a scout for the Tairen military. He fights in many battles
and finds himself traveling across the Westlands, encountering dangers and fighting them
off with his cunning skill and expertise with his weapons. He advances in scout and
armsman levels, and eventually even takes a level or two in the veteran warrior prestige
class. Somewhere over the course of your adventures, you take the Channeler feat
(though the character isnt aware of gaining this ability). On one fatefu
fateful mission, he
works alongside (or against) a mysterious man dressed in a long black coat with
dangerous powers you have only heard about in stories. To your unbelief, he tells you
that you have the ability in you to wield such power, and invites you to joi
join the
Ashaman in the Black Tower. The choice is yours, but he insists that he can prove it.
Game Definition: A character with the Channeler feat who is still unaware of his
ability to channel is a potential channeler.


There are many organizations throughout the world of the Wheel of Time. In the
Westlands, the Aes Sedai is the most prominent and visible organization, based in Tar
Valon, while the organization known as the Kinship exists in assumed secrecy centered in
ou Dar. Shortly after the Dragon is reborn, he creates an organization called the
Ashaman for male channelers, despite the abundance of controversies and challenges
involved with training men in the tainted
male half of the One Power. Among the
Athaan Miere,
iere, channeling women called
Windfinders channel the One Power and
learn weaves that are usually geared
toward aiding the ship and helping it move
The Aiel have no formal
channeling organization, though women
who can channel usually become Wise
A student of the One Power typically
belongs to an organization. He does not
gain the benefits or drawbacks of being a
wilder. In order to avoid the traits of being
a wilder without belonging to an
organization from first level, the channeler
must havee spent an extended period of
time with an instructor determined by your
characters Intelligence rating (9 or less:

two years or more, 10 13: one year or more, 14 17: six months or more, 18 or higher:
two months or more).
Game Definition: A channeler with membership in a Channeling organization or
having been sufficiently trained by a master of the One Power.

A Note on Students of the One Power

While wilders have benefits and drawbacks, this doesnt unbalance them with students of
the One Power. Students
nts of the One Power do not have drawbacks, and gain the benefits
of their organization.
Students of the One Power can start in any class. It is not unreasonable to assume that
an Aes Sedai or Wise One heroic apprentice could start as a first-level
noble, for
example. Other examples could include an Ashaman whose first level is armsman, or a
Windfinder whose first level is wanderer. Virtually anything is possible. The initiate class
is ideal for many and is universal to basically any channeling organization.

Just as with any organization, a majority of channelers are in fact nonheroic. A typical
channeler of any organization, or any typical wilder is likely to be nonheroic. For more
information, see Chapter Sixteen: Allies and Enemies for more information on nonheroic


The following are special rules for channelers.

Learning New Weaves

To learn new weaves, you must either have seen the weave or actively experiment to
create a new weave. In the first instance, the DC of the Channel check is determined by
the result of the caster of the weave and modified as follows:
Taught: Another character or NPC is actively teaching you a weave. +0 DC Modifier;
each Channel check represents 1 hour of study.
Seen: You have seen a weave cast. You gain a +10 DC modifier,
and each Channel
check is a reaction to seeing the weave activated.
Learning weaves outside your Talents is even more difficult, resulting in a +10 DC
modifier. Note that weaves created through
rough the Spontaneous Caster ability count as Seen
for the purposes of learning the weaves.
Experimentation: Creating a weave you have never seen is more difficult. First, make
a Channel check. As long as the result of your first Channel is 20 or more, that check sets
the DC of your second Channel check. If you succeed at the second Channel check, you

have made one step of progress towards learning your weave. Reduce the DC modifier of
the next step by 5. Once you succeed on the +0 DC modifier Channel che
check, you have
successfully learned the weave. Learning weaves outside your Talents this way is even
more difficult, adding +10 to the modifier. Each Channel check represents 8 hours of
effort creating the weave.
Tried: You are attempting to create a weave. +15 DC Modifier

Examples of Learning New Weaves

For example, your Accepted character wants to learn Heal. If she has a mentor willing to
teach her, learning a new weave is a simple matter. The Aes Sedai in charge of her
training simply creates a Heal weave
ave with the minimum DC 15, and the your Accepted
has to make a Channel check DC 15 to learn the Heal weave. If Heal is not one of your
Accepteds Talents, she has to make a DC 25 Channel check instead.
Now, consider a wilder who sees an Aes Sedai create a Ward Against the One Power
weave the wilder has never seen. The Aes Sedai creates a DC 25 weave. If the wilder has
the Warding Talent, she can make a DC 35 Channel check to learn the weave this time.
Even if she fails the check, the next time she sees the
he same weave activated, her DC is
reduced by 5. If the wilder doesnt have the Warding Talent, the initial DC 45, and its
very unlikely that she will succeed on her first attempt. If she sees the weave cast four
times, though, her penalty to learn it by seeing it will be completely negated.

When a channeler decides to create a weave, he makes a Channel check and follows the
instructions of the weave description (below). Ordinarily, the maximum effect of a
weave is the highest DC listed (or 40 if there is none listed).
Channeling Strength
A characters channeling strength is a consideration of several attributes starting
ratings. Because Constitution and Wisdom go into the channelers Weaves per Hour, and
Charisma aids in any Channel Skill checks, all three are taken into consideration. Simply
add the modifiers of the three ratings together to determine channeling strength. If the
sum is less than three, then the character is considered to be a weak channeler, barely
worthy of consideration
on by most channeling organizations. If the sum is four through six,
the channeler is of average strength and would be taken into most organizations. If the
sum is seven through nine, the channeler is perceived as a strong channeler. If the result
is tenn or greater, she is considered to be a person of unusually high strength, such as
Alivia, Talaan din Gelyn, and Nynaeve, as well as Rand alThor, and the Forsaken.
Of course, a characters Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma scores may increase as
she gains
ns levels. By recording the characters starting ability scores, we find what truly is

their starting point and can determine what their

potential can be if they survive long enough to
fulfill it.
Weaves per Hour
Using the One Power is exhausting even for the
most powerful channelers. A channeler can create
a number of weaves equal to her (Wisdom
modifier + Constitution modifier) + her
character level. If she takes the Strong Channeler
feat, the number in the parenthesis is multiplied.
For more information, see Chapter 5: Feats.
This number of weaves per hour also governs
how many rounds a weave may be held and also
overchanneling. One weave created without
overchanneling counts as one weave for the
purposes of weaves per hour. When a weave is
held, the first round it is held counts as an
additional weave, as does every tenth minute (100
rounds) afterwards it is held. If the channeler
overchannels to create the weave or hold the
weave, it counts double against the channelers
weaves per hour.
Once a channelers weaves per hour runs out,
she becomes fatigued and moves 1 step down the
condition track.
If she wants to continue
channeling, she must overchannel to do so.
For example, Kassendra Sedai has the Strong
Channeler feat, has a Wisdom modifier of +2, and
a Constitution modifier of +1. Her weaves per
hour started at 3, then is doubled, making it 6.
She could create seven weaves without
overchanneling before she begins to suffer fatigue
or before she needs to start overchanneling to
continue channeling. Alternately, she could create
a weave and hold it for sixty minutes without
needing to overchannel.
Untrained, weak channelers may never have the
ability to channel more than one weave per hour

(or zero if they have no Constitution or Wisdom modifiers). More powerful channelers
who take the Strong Channeler feat multiple times may gain many weaves per hour.
Maintaining a Weave
Certain weaves may be maintained. If the channeler decides to do this, he must spend a
swift action each round to keep the weave intact. No further Channel checks are needed,
but Focus checks may be required if the channeler takes damage or is otherwise
distracted. Releasing the weave is a swift action.
A channeler may maintain up to three weaves per round (because she has three swift
actions per round). To maintain more, she must overchannel.

Linking is the technique through which channelers can join their strength in the One
Power to accomplish things that none could accomplish alone. The strength of the circle
is greater than any individual in the circle, but not as strong as the separate strengths
added together. Two women who link could handle more of the power than either could
alone, but not as much as both could handle separately, although they can handle the
power with more skill. A group of linked channelers is referred to as a circle.
There are gender-based differences in linking. Only a woman may form a link,
although she can add any eligible channeler to the link, even if they do not know how to
form a link themselves. The woman who forms the circle is not necessarily the channeler
who leads the circle, as choosing the leader of a circle is often a matter of strength and
The rules for linking are very specific. Up to thirteen women can link without a man.
In order to expand beyond thirteen, one man is necessary, which allows thirteen more
women to enter the circle, for a total of twenty-seven channelers. Two men can take the
circle to thirty-six, three men to forty-five, four men to fifty-four, five men to sixty-three,
and finally, six men and sixty-six women allow for the largest circle possible, seventytwo. However, a circle can contain any combination of men and women, so long as there
is at least one more woman than there are men, with two exceptions; one man and one
woman can form a link, and so can two men and two women. The strongest possible
circle, in numbers, would contain thirty-five men and thirty-seven women. There must
always be more women than men except when the link includes only one man and one
woman, two men and one woman, or two men and two women.
Either a man or a woman can lead a circle, in most cases. With certain combinations,
however, the leader must be either male or female. In the case of a full circle of seventytwo, a circle of only one man and woman, or in most circles of up to thirteen containing
more than one man, a man must lead the circle. Excepting these cases, and other circles
of thirteen or less, a woman must lead where the minimum number of men is present.

The leader of a circle of linked channelers receives a Linking bonus to their Channel
skill and to their Fortitude bonus for the purposes of over-channeling. Every woman
provides a bonus to the Channel check equal to her Charisma modifier, a +1 bonus to
Fortitude Defense to avoid the negative effects of overchanneling, and a +1 bonus to the
leaders weaves per hour. Every man provides a bonus to Fortitude Defense equal to his
Constitution modifier to avoid damage from overchanneling, a bonus to the leaders
weaves per hour equal to his Wisdom modifier, and a +1 bonus to the Channel check.
Any Hero Points spent to improve the weave must come from the leader.

There are many ways in which you can overchanneling, which is defined as drawing on
more of the One Power than you can safely handle.
You can choose to overchannel if you wish to cast a weave if it is not within one of
your Talents, assuming you know the weave.
You may overchannel to maintain one or more weaves without spending a swift action.
In this event, you have to make an overchanneling check every round for each weave you
are maintaining beyond your action limit.
You may choose to overchannel to increase your Channel skill check result by +5 for
weaves that affect characters or by one step for weaves with no target. You must decide
whether you are going to overchannel before you make your Channel skill check.
You may overchannel to create a weave beyond the highest DC rating of the weave. In
order to do this, you must still succeed in the Channel check to create the weave.
You may overchannel to create weaves when you have run out of weaves per hour.
In any round, a character who belongs to a channeling organization may not
overchannel more than three times. A character who does not belong to a channeling
organization may overchannel up to four times. This represents the fact that members of
organizations receive training and have learned their limits.
Overchanneling results in an attack roll by the One Power versus your Fortitude
Defense of 1d20 + X, where X is the number of times you have overchanneled during an
hour. This represents more of a danger to novice channelers, whereas more experienced
channelers do not have quite as much to fear, although even an experienced channeler
can quickly find themselves overwhelmed by overchanneling.
The result of the attack roll determines the effect that overchanneling has on the
channeler as follows.
Exceeds Fortitude 1-9: -2 persistent step on the condition track
Exceeds Fortitude 10-14: -5 persistent steps on the condition track and unable to
channel for remaineder of the day
Exceeds Fortitude 15+: Severed and can no longer channel
You may always spend a Hero point to avoid being severed by overchanneling, in
addition to any other Hero points spent in the same round.

The following section details the weaves available too channelers.


(or Cloud Dancing)
You can change the weather, clearing or creating precipitation. Time: 1 minute. Range:
40 squares.
Affinities: Air, Water.
Make a Channel Check. The result allows you to clear or create precipitous weather,
as follows:
DC 20: Clear or create fog.
DC 25: Clear or create moderate rain.
DC 30: Clear or create rain torrent.
Note: This weave may create icy weather (sleet, snow, etc.) in cold weather by
increasing the DC by +5.
This weather calls
ls or dissipates clouds, which can be used for other weaves (such as
Lightning, etc.).
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to contain the weather to a confined location.

The weather will remain [One-Power-enhanced]

enhanced] for 2d4 hours, after which normal
weather will take over.
This weave may not be tied off.
You can feel what the weather will be before it comes. Time: 1 minute. Range: 40
Affinities: Air, Water.
Make a Channel Check. The result allows you to feel what type of weather is
coming, as follows.
DC 15: Six hours in the future.
DC 20: One day in the future.
DC 25: Two weeks in the future.
DC 30: Two months in the future.
Note: This weave will tell you general forthcoming weather,
such as coming coldness
or heat, storms (and their severity), and if the weather changes will be earlier or later than
Special: You can spend a Hero Point to double the amount of time you perceive into
the future.
This weave may not be tied off.
You can create bolts of lightning and control where they strike. Time: 3 full-round
actions; standard action. Range: 30 squares.
Affinities: Air, Fire.
Make a Channel Check. The result of the check determines the size and area damage,
as follows:
DC 30: 2-square radius, 4d10 damage.
DC 35: 4-square radius, 5d10 damage.
DC 40: 6-square radius, 6d10 damage.
Note: This weave can only be cast under clouds.
The time required to create
eate this weave is three full-round
actions for the first bolt, and
one standard action for all subsequent bolts you decide to cast after the first.
Special: You can spend a Hero Point to increase the damage of the bolt by 1d10.
This weave may not be tied off.

You can move clouds. Time: 2 full rounds. Range: 40 squares.

Affinities: Air, Water.

Make a Channel Check. The result of the check determines how many clouds can be
moved. You move clouds a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier. The
amount of cloud cover moved is as follows:
DC 15: Sparse, cirrus.
DC 20: Medium-cover, cumulus.
DC 25: Nearly complete cover, stratus, gray cumulus.
DC 30: Complete overcast, may include fog, gray stratus.
Note: This weave may be used to move clouds nearer or farther, by your choice.
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the clouds moving. After ten
consecutive rounds, the clouds will move on their own, but will stop on their own within
1d4 minutes and continue as nature would have them.
You can spend a Hero Point to instead change the clouds, reshaping them, lifting or
lowering them, or spreading or condensing.
This weave may not be tied off.


(or Earth Singing)
You imbue a stone with explosive properties, making it explode when it strikes a hard
surface. Time: Standard action. Target: One stone.
Affinities: Earth, Fire.
Make a Channel check. The check determines the size of the stone imbued, as well as
the burst radius and damage, as follows:
DC 15: pebble, 1 square, 1d8 damage
DC 20: fist-sized, 3-square diameter, 3d8 damage
DC 25: catapult stone, 5-square diameter, 5d8 damage
Note: In order for the stone to explode, it needs to collide with a hard surface, such as
being thrown or flung.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to increase the damage dealt by the stone by an
additional 1d8.
This weave may not be tied off. Its effects last as long as the stone does, until it is used.
You create a torrent of earth and fire, like a whirlpool of magma and rock, causing heavy
damage to anything caught within. Time: Full-round action. Range: 30 squares.
Affinities: Earth, Fire.

Make a Channel check. The torrent is created where you point, dealing 3d8 damage
and knocking them prone. If your Channel check also defeats their Fortitude Defense,
they take 1d4 burning damage each round after the weave is created for 2d4 rounds.
radius of the weave is determined as follows:
DC 25: 2-square radius.
DC 30: 4-square radius.
DC 35: 6-square radius.
DC 40: 8-square radius.
This weave may only be used in places where the ground is solid earth, not in the
upper floors of buildings or on ships, for example.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to increase the damage dealt by this weave by
This weave may not be tied off.

You point to a spot of earth and cause it to erupt into an explosion of rock, dirt, and fire.
Time: Standard action. Range: 40 squares.
Affinities: Earth, Fire.
Make a Channel check. The
ground explodes where you point,
dealing 3d10 damage to anyone
standing within the explosion and
knocking them prone. The radius of
the explosion is determined as
DC 20: 2-square radius.
DC 25: 4-square radius.
DC 30: 6-square radius.
DC 35: 8-square radius.
Note: This weave may only be
used in places where the ground is
solid earth, not in the upper floors of
buildings or on ships, for example.
Special: You may spend a Hero
Point to increase the damage dealt
by this weave by 1d10.
This weave may not be tied off.

You cause the earth under a person to suddenly rise up and crush them, like jaws of the
ground itself. Time: Standard action. Range: 20 squares.
Affinities: Air, Earth.
Make a Channel check. The ground suddenly rises like clapping stones, with the
target in the middle. If the Channel check exceeds the targets Reflex Defense, the target
takes 4d8 damage. After this, the earth falls back to the earth.
Note: The damage may vary depending on the type of ground beneath the target. If it is
solid stone, increase the damage to 4d10 or possibly 4d12. If it is sandy and airy,
decrease the damage to 4d4, while if it is muddy
ddy and soft decrease it to 4d6.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to increase the damage by an additional die.
This weave may not be tied off.


You create a flurry of large, flaming needles that shoot from your finge
fingers into an area,
damaging anyone there. Time: Standard action. Range: 10 squares.
Affinities: Earth, Fire.
Make a Channel check. Anyone struck by the flurry of needles takes 3d6 damage. If
your Channel check also defeats their Fortitude Defense, they take 1d4 burning damage
each round after the weave is created for 2d4 rounds. The area affected by this weave is
determined as follows:
DC 20: 2 squares by 4 squares.
DC 25: 2 squares by 8 squares.
DC 30: 4 squares by 16 squares.
DC 35: 4 squares by 32 squares.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to do an additional die of damage.
This weave may not be tied off.
You create pillars of surging fire that devastate your opponent. Time: Full-round action.
Range: 20 squares.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Fire.
Make a Channel check. You motion to a place on the ground and a massive pillar of
erupting flames emerges, burning everything in its expansion. All within the pillar take
damage. If your Channel check also defeats their Fortitude Defense
Defense, they take 1d4
burning damage each round after the weave is created for 2d4 rounds. The width of the
pillar is determined as follows:

DC 30: 2-square radius, 4d6

DC 35: 4-square radius, 5d6
DC 40: 6-square radius, 6d6
Special: You may spend a
Hero Point to increase the
damage by an additional 1d6.
This weave may not be tied
You conjure a ball of fire,
which explodes upon impact.
Time: Standard action. Range:
20 squares.
Affinities: Air, Fire.
Make a Channel check. You extend your hand and a ball of fire shoots out. To hit a
specific target, your channel check must exceed the targets Reflex Defense. If your
Channel check also defeats their Fortitude Defense, they take 1d4 burning damage each
round after the weave is created for 2d4 rounds. The burst radius of the fireball and
damage is as follows:
DC 15: 1 square; 2d6.
DC 20: 2 squares; 3d6.
DC 25: 4 squares; 4d6.
DC 30: 6 squares; 5d6.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to increase the damage dealt by an additional
This weave may not be tied off.
You create a surge of fire that emerges in all directions from you, blasting all within
range. Time: Full-round action. Range: See text.
Affinities: Air, Fire.
Make a Channel check. The result of the check determines the range of the weave, as
well as the damage, as follows:
DC 15: 2 squares, 2d6 damage.
DC 20: 4 squares, 3d6 damage.

DC 25: 6 squares, 4d6 damage.

DC 30: 8 squares, 5d6 damage.
All targets, in addition to taking damage, are pushed back one square.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to also knock all targets of this weave prone if
their Fortitude Defense is exceeded by your Channel check.
This weave may not be tied off.

All that is needed to cause damage to the target is physical contact.

Special: You may spend a Hero Point to increase the damage dealt by an additional
This weave may not be tied off. Its effects are permanent until used.

You cause a person or object to burst into flames from within. Time: Full-round action.
Range: 6 squares.
Affinities: Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. If the result exceeds the targets Fortitude Defense, that target
takes damage. For every size category the target is above Medium, the targets Fortitude
Defense is increased by +5 to resist this weaves effects. Damage is determined by how
much your roll result exceeds the targets Fortitude Defense, as follows:

You create a whirlpool which sucks anything caught in it downward. Time: Full-round
action. Range: 40 squares.
Affinities: Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. Anyone or anything caught in it must make a successful
Swim or Sail check each round they are stuck in the whirlpool to avoid being sucked in.
If they succeed, they move one square toward the edge until they are out. If they fail by
less than ten, they are sucked further. If they fail by ten or more, they are pulled under
and, if they are a living creature, they start to drown (if appropriate). The DC of this
Swim or Sail check is the result of your Channel check. The size of the whirlpool is as
DC 20: 5-square radius.
DC 25: 10-square radius.
DC 30: 15-square radius.
DC 35: 20-square radius.
Note: This weave may only be used in bodies of water large enough to sustain such a
whirlpool, meaning the sea or a lake or river at least four-times the size of the whirlpool
You may maintain concentration each round to keep the whirlpool going, though you
must succeed at the DC of the whirlpool in order to keep it from shrinking. Failure means
the whirlpool shrinks in size to the appropriate DCs size, and it may not be made bigger
without starting the weave over. Once you stop concentrating on the weave, it continues
on its own for a number of rounds equal to one-half the number of rounds you held the
whirlpool (minimum 1)
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to cause that a failure by five or more causes the
target to sink under.
This weave may not be tied off.

0-4: 3d6.
5-9: 4d6.
10-14: 5d6.
15-19: 6d6.
20-24: 7d6.
25-29: 8d6
30+: 9d6.
If your Channel check also defeats their Fortitude Defense, they take 1d4 burning damage
each round after the weave is created for 2d4 rounds.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to increase the damage by an additional 1d6.
This weave may not be tied off.
You charge an otherwise mundane object, such as a branch or rod, with a powerful
charge of fire that causes damage to its victim. Time: Standard action. Target: Nonliving object.
Affinities: Earth, Fire.
Make a Channel check. The check determines the amount of damage the object will
do once it touches the skin of a target creature, as follows:
DC 15: 1d6.
DC 20: 2d6.
DC 25: 3d6.


You create a blazing ray of balefire from your extended finger, destroying anything
caught in the ray not just from existence, but from a certain distance into the past as well.
Time: Standard action. Range: Ray, 1 square wide, up to 250 squares long.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. If the result of the Channel check is at least 25, compare the
check result to the targets Reflex Defense. Range penalties apply as they would with a
standard longbow.
Once the hit is successful,
ul, it must beat the targets Fortitude Defense as well.
If the check defeats the targets Fortitude Defense, determine additional effects by how
much the check defeats the targets Fortitude Defense, as follows:

Note: The target of this weave is the first object hit by it. If it is a wall, that wall has
a chunk of it removed from it, as of the past. If its a living thing, that living things
thread is removed from the Pattern, and everything it affected during
that time burned out
of the thread is undone.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to double the amount of time burned out of the
targets thread from this weave. You may increase the DC of this weave by up to 20.
Each increase in difficulty increasess the size of the affected target by one category
starting at large (so adding a +5 to the difficulty increases the target to huge, increasing it
by +10 increases the target to gargantuan, +15 increases it to colossal, and +20 increases
it to above colossall (such as immense structures). In such cases, if the target contains
objects or creatures, those are all destroyed by the weave as well.
This weave may not be tied off.

9 or less: Target is killed that instant.
10 14: Target is killed as of one minute previous.
15 19: Target is killed as of ten minutes previous.
20 24: Target is killed as of one hour previous.
25 29: Target is killed as of one day previous.
30 34: Target is killed as of one week previous.

You form a bond, using the One Power, with another person,
giving them certain benefits
with you. Time: Standard action. Target: Person touched.
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel check. The DC for this check is 25. You create a bond with the
person touched. This provides several benefits.
Both the channeler and the bonded individual are able to spend a swift action and
detect the others emotional and physical state. This lets the perceiver detect the others
emotions, roughly how many hit points they have, if they are feeling ecstasy, etc. They
can also sense one anothers exact direction from them and their vague distance from
The bonded person gains a permanent +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense, and a +1 bonus
to Will Defense against Dark powers. The bonded person also gains a +5 bonus to
Perception checks made to notice Shadowspawn.
Both parties can voluntarily sacrifice up to +4 of any of their Defenses and grant it to
their bond companion as a swift action. They may also grant their use of second wind to
their companion as a swift action.
The person creating the bond can, if desired, make a special action to compel their
warder. They make a Channel check against their warders Will Defense. If successful,
they may command their warder, who must obey.
Notes: If the warder bonded is a channeler, they are immune to compulsion if they are
holding the One Power.
This weave is automatically permanent.

If the bond is broken (either by death or by removing the weave), certain negative
things may happen. The GM makes an attack with a +20 bonus against the survivors
Will Defense. If the attack fails, the survivor takes a -1 penalty on all Defenses for 24
hours. If the attack succeeds, the warder (if alive) goes into a blood rage, taking a +4
bonus to Strength and Stamina and gaining an extra standard action each round for a
number of rounds equal to 4 + Constitution modifier or until all enemies in sight are
dead, at the end of which they move down -5 persistent steps on the condition track.
If the attack succeeds against the bonder, they go into a depression, gaining a
temporary +4 bonus to Will Defense and immunity to fear for a number of rounds equal
to 4 + Charisma modifier, after which they move -5 persistent steps on the condition
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to instead create a bond between two other
people, excluding yourself.
This weave may not be tied off. Its effects are permanent (though breakable).
You give an order, then use the One Power to force the person to do as you ordered.
Time: Swift action. Target: Person within 6 squares.
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel check. This check is made after making a command of someone. If
your Channel check exceeds the targets Will Defense, the target must obey the
command. This command must be something feasibly doable and not obviously perilous
to the targets life.
Note: For every five times this weave is used against the same target, that target takes a
-1 penalty to Will Defense against this weave.
If the command is something that is an innermost desire of the target, that target will
be obedient to that command (even without being asked in the future) for the rest of her
If the command is something the target abhors or is extremely desirous to not do, the
target gains a +5 bonus to Will Defense to resist.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to command the target to do something
impossible or life-threatening. If successful, the target will keep trying indefinitely.
This weave may not be tied off.
You form a route for your warder bond to take once you either die or your bond is
otherwise broken. Time: Standard action. Target: Person within 6 squares.
Affinities: Spirit.

Make a Channel check. Upon your death of the breaking of your bond, your warder
bond passes immediately to the new person. When this happens, the attack on the
warders Will Defense upon the breaking of the bond automatically fails.
Note: This weave is automatically permanent.
This can only be done to transfer a warder to another person, not to pass the bonder to
another warder.
If this bond is broken, the negative effects of the bond being broken still take place.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to have this bond pass without the negative
effects of having a bond break happen at all.
This weave may not be tied off. Its effects are permanent (though breakable).
You sense the recent passage of a person known to you. Time: Swift action. Range: See
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel check. You know the exact location of a person known to you, and
the direction in which he is going. The range at which you can sense him is a number of
miles equal to 1 x your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If he is feeling intense emotion,
the range is doubled. If he is carrying a gift from you, the range is multiplied by one
hundred, and you can also sense whether he is alive or dead.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to detect a person known to you if they have
passed within the range within a number of hours in the past equal to 12 x your Charisma
This weave may not be tied off.

These weaves are available to all channelers and do not require a Talent.
You can create and manipulate air. (Note that unless otherwise specified, these weaves do
not work where air is inaccessible or otherwise not present, such as within solid rock.)
Affinities: Air.
Create Air
You can create breathable air. Time: Standard action. Target: Space within 6 squares of
Make a Channel check. You create an amount of breathable air as follows:
DC 15: 1 cubic foot.
DC 20: 5 cubic feet.

DC 25: 20 cubit feet.

DC 30: 100 cubic feet.
Note: Air created in this way will behave as normal air. If it is created in a gust of
wind, it will blow away quickly. If it is created under water, it will form a bubble and rise
rapidly to the top. If it is created in a large room, it will spread and mix with the air
around it.
Special: You may maintain concentration to contain the air in a chosen location,
specified by you. Any within the chosen area will be able to breathe it, and wind, water,
space, or other such factors will not remove it. Each round you maintain this
concentration, a new Channel check is required. Any Channel checks that would create a
smaller area of breathable air diminish the size. Once diminished, the size cannot be
increased without creating the weave again.
You may spend a Hero Point to have the pocket of air follow a specific target instead
of staying in one place.
This weave may be tied off.
Harden Air
You harden the air around a person or object, making it unable to move. Time: Standard
action. Target: Person or object within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check. Make one roll and compare the results to the target's Reflex
Defense. If the result equals or exceeds the target's Reflex Defense, the target in not able
to move any parts of his body. The target adds a size modifier to its Reflex Defense as
follows: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller,
At the channeler's choice, the target is unable to breathe in addition to the effect of the
If the target is an object, treat the object as having a Reflex Defense of 10 for the use of
this weave.
Special: You may maintain concentration to hold the air around the chosen target.
Each round you maintain this concentration, a new Channel check is required.
You may spend a Hero Point to trap a specific limb or part of the target, which requires
an Acrobatics check (DC 30) to escape.
This weave may be tied off.
Move Air
You create wind. Time: Standard action. Target: Designated area within one mile.
Make a Channel check. You create a gust of wind as follows:
DC 15: Puff of air (Blow out a candle).
DC 20: Gust of air (Blow a hat off someone's head).

DC 25: Blast of air (Knock over a person).

DC 30: Force of air (Uproot a tree).
Note: When the goal is something in between difficulties, the higher difficulty must be
reached. It is up to the Gamemaster to decide where the task lies.
A person knocked over or into something may take damage. At DC 20, the person
takes 1d6 points of damage. At DC 25, the person takes 2d6 points of damage.
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the wind blowing. After ten
consecutive rounds, the winds will come naturally, but will dissipate after an hour.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase any damage dealt by this weave by an
additional 2d6.
This weave may not be tied off.
Tool of Air
You use air to push, pull, lift, or otherwise manipulate objects, much like a material tool
would. Time: Standard action. Target: Object within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You can create an ordinary tool such as a hammer or wedge,
or weapons such as a blade or spear. In order to make a common tool (maximum damage
1d4), the DC is 15, but to make a weapon (as the normal stats for the weapon, minus one
die type), the DC is 25. You can use an ordinary tool with weaves of air by making
subsequent Channel checks to continue to manipulate the tool. You can wield an airweapon by using your Charisma modifier (instead of your Strength modifier).
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the tool or weapon in existence, held
continually by your focus.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase your attack rolls made with a weapon of air
by +1.
This weave may be tied off to be used in your hand instead of with your concentrated
Affinity Additions: Add Water to Create Air to create mist, Add Earth to Create Air to
create dust, add Fire to Create Air to create smoke.
You can create and manipulate earth and stone. (Note that unless otherwise specified,
these weaves do not work where earth is inaccessible or otherwise not present, such as in
deep water.)
Affinities: Earth.

Create Earth
You can create solid rock or a certain amount of sandy dirt. Time: Standard action.
Target: Space within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You create an amount of solid rock or sandy dirt as follows:
DC 15: 1 cubic foot.
DC 20: 5 cubic feet.
DC 25: 20 cubit feet.
DC 30: 100 cubic feet.
Note: Earth created in this way will behave as normal earth. If it is created in midair, it
will fall. If it is created on another rock, it will follow the laws of gravity (but not
connect). The type of rock created is any common type found in the area.
You may increase the DC by 5 to create the solid rock in a shape of your choice,
though this shape must be a rough shape, such as a solid six inch-thick wall or rough
Special: If anything physical is present where the weave is being created, it is slid in
the most immediate direction available. Each round you maintain this concentration, a
new Channel check is required.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase the break DC of the rock by 5. Normally, the
break DC is normal for the type of rock created.
This weave may be tied off, but it is never necessary. Earth created in this fashion is as
permanent as normal rock.
Move Earth
You move earth, making it tremble and shift. Time: Standard action. Target: Designated
area within one mile.
Make a Channel check. You shift earth as follows:
DC 15: Minor tremble (move a light object one foot).
DC 20: Discernable quake (make a light object jump one foot into the air).
DC 25: Forceful shift (Knock over a person).
DC 30: Powerful quake (Ruin a buildings foundation).
Note: When the goal is something in between difficulties, the higher difficulty must be
reached. It is up to the Gamemaster to decide where the task lies.
A person knocked over or into something may take damage. At DC 20, the person
takes 1d6 points of damage. At DC 25, the person takes 2d6 points of damage.
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the earth quaking. After ten
consecutive rounds, the quake will come naturally, but will dissipate after one minute.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase any damage dealt by this weave by an
additional 2d6.
This weave may not be tied off.

You renew an object, removing rust and corrosion and any other signs of decomposition.
Time: Full-round action. Target: Object within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check: You renew an object as follows:
DC 15: Surface slightly blemished. (5% damaged)
DC 20: Surface covered in rust or tarnish. (10% damaged)
DC 25: Surface crumbling. (25% damaged)
Note: This weave may only be used on non-living objects.
Once this weave is completed, its new statistics are restored.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to reinforce the object, giving it double the
resistance to effects such as rust and corrosion.
This weave may not be tied off. Its effects are permanent (though the object will again
age as normal).
Tool of Earth
You use earth to push, pull, lift, or otherwise manipulate objects, much like an ordinary
tool would. Time: Standard action. Target: Object within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You can create an ordinary tool such as a hammer or wedge,
or weapons such as a blade or spear. In order to make a common tool (maximum damage
1d4), the DC is 15, but to make a weapon (as the normal stats for the weapon, minus one
die type), the DC is 25. You can use an ordinary tool with weaves of earth by making
subsequent Channel checks to continue to manipulate the tool. You can wield an earthweapon by using your Charisma modifier (instead of your Strength modifier).
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the tool or weapon in existence, held
continually by your focus.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase your attack rolls made with a weapon of air
by +1.
This weave may be tied off to be used in your hand instead of with your concentrated
Affinity Additions: Add Air to Create Earth to create fertile soil. Add Water to Create
Earth to create clay. Add Fire to Create Earth to create sulfur.
You can create and manipulate fire and heat. (Note that unless otherwise specified, these
weaves do not work where fire is inaccessible or otherwise not present, such as in deep
water, solid rock, or deoxygenated air.)
Affinities: Fire.

Create Fire
You can create a blaze of fire. Time:
Standard action. Target: Space within 6
squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You create
an amount of fire as follows:
DC 15: 1 cubic foot. (Torch)
DC 20: 5 cubic feet. (Large campfire)
DC 25: 20 cubit feet. (Large bonfire)
DC 30: 100 cubic feet. (Inferno)
Note: Fire created in this way will
behave as normal fire. If it is created in a
place with nothing to fuel it, it will
immediately dissipate.
You may increase the DC by 5 to
make the fire brighter or hotter (or may
increase it by 10 to create both effects).
Fire created this way wont stay this way
unless given the proper fuel.
concentration to contain the fire in a chosen location, specified by you. The fire will not
spread (nor consume fuel) while this concentration remains. Each round you maintain
this concentration, a new Channel check is required. Anyy Channel checks that would
create a smaller fire diminish the size. Once diminished, the size cannot be increased
without creating the weave again (or giving it fuel).
You may spend a Hero Point to have the fire be unaffected by environmental
s, such as rain or wind. This will not allow the fire to withstand submersion
in water or storm-like
like winds, but it will allow it to withstand mild yet present threats to its
This weave may be tied off, though only the original size and area oof the fire it tied off.
Any new fires or growths can still be dissipated.
Create Flash
You can create light. Time: Standard action. Target: Space within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You create a quick flash of light as follows:
DC 15: Moderate light. (Torch)
DC 20: Consistent light. (Glowbulb)
DC 25: Bright light..(Signaling light)
DC 30: Blinding light. (Blast of lightning)

Note: Light created this way will emanate to wherever possible. Itll reflect off mirrors,
create shadows, and all
ll the other things that light normally does. It must, however, have a
source, which can be any non-living
living thing that could produce or reflect light, such as a
metallic surface. The light lasts for just a moment, typically the duration of a standard
Special: You may maintain concentration to aim the light in a specific direction. Each
round you maintain this concentration, a new Channel check is required. Any Channel
checks that would create a smaller light diminish it. Once diminished, the size cannot
increased without creating the weave again.
You may spend a Hero Point to have the fire emanate from a non-reflective
such as cloth.
This weave may be tied off.
Tool of Fire
You use fire to push, pull, lift, or otherwise manipulate objects,
objects much like an ordinary
tool would. Time: Standard action. Target: Object within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You can create an ordinary tool such as a hammer or wedge,
or weapons such as a blade or spear. In order to make a common tool (maximum damage
1d4), the DC is 15, but to make a weapon (as the normal stats for the weapon, minus one
die type), the DC is 25. You can use an ordinary tool with weaves of fire by making
subsequent Channel checks to continue to manipulate the tool. You can wield a fireweapon by using your Charisma modifier (instead of your Strength modifier).
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the tool or weapon in existence, held
continually by your focus.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase your attack rolls made
mad with a weapon of air
by +1.
This weave may be tied off to be used in your hand instead of with your concentrated
Warm Object
You can warm an object or a target. Time: Standard action. Target: Space within 6
squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You warm an object or living being. The size of the target
affected is as follows:
DC 15: Up to small. (Chair or human child)
DC 20: Medium. (Bookshelf or human adult)
DC 25: Large. (Wagon or Ogier adult)
DC 30: Huge. (Shed or raken)

Note: This ability makes the objects temperature increase to room temperature (or
decrease to room temperature). It will not remove water, though it can melt ice, which
becomes liquid.
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the object warm for longer than the
initial action. The object or target will resist outside influences to increase or decrease
their temperature. Each round you maintain concentration, a new Channel check is
required. Failure to meet the minimal DC means the weave slips and fails.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase the temperature to boiling (or decrease it to
freezing). This may damage the object. If the object or target is in danger of taking
damage from the temperature, treat it as enduring extreme temperatures.
This weave may not be tied off.
Affinity Additions: Add Air to Create Fire to create electricity. Add Earth to Create Fire
to create magma. Add Water to Create Fire to create acid.
Add Air to Create Flash to create a self-sustaining, floating light that may be tied off.
Add Air to Warm Object to warm an area of space rather than just a specific object or
You can create and manipulate water. (Note that unless otherwise specified, these weaves
do not work in areas where water is not present in liquid form, such as in air or solid
Affinities: Water.
Create Water
You can create drinkable water. Time: Standard action. Target: Space within 6 squares
of you.
Make a Channel check. You create an amount of drinkable water as follows:
DC 15: 1 cubic foot.
DC 20: 5 cubic feet.
DC 25: 20 cubit feet.
DC 30: 100 cubic feet.
Note: Water created this way will behave as normal water. If it is created on top of a
slide, it will cascade down. If it is created in salt water, it will mix with the salt water
instantly. If it is created in an extremely hot inferno, it will evaporate, while if it is
created in frozen temperatures, it will freeze. There must be space in which to create the
water, such as open air or a pocket of air within an otherwise solid object.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to have the water maintain a comfortable
(lukewarm) temperature no matter the temperature (except in extreme temperatures).

This weave may be tied off.

Move Water
You create a current (or a whirlpool). Time: Standard action. Target: Designated area
within one mile.
Make a Channel check. You create a current or whirlpool of wind as follows:
DC 15: Steady flow (move a floating object; pull a small jar under)
DC 20: Heavy flow (break through thin cloth; pull a cat under)
DC 25: Powerful flow (break through half-inch-thick wood, pull a person under).
DC 30: Force of air (break through inch-thick stone, pull a small boat under).
Note: When the goal is something in between difficulties, the higher difficulty must be
reached. It is up to the Gamemaster to decide where the task lies.
A person knocked over or into something may take damage. At DC 20, the person
takes 1d6 points of damage. At DC 25, the person takes 2d6 points of damage.
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the water moving. After ten
consecutive rounds, the current will come naturally, but will dissipate after ten minutes.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase any damage dealt by this weave by an
additional 2d6.
This weave may not be tied off.
Remove Water
You dry an object. Time: Full-round action. Target: Object or person.
Make a Channel check. You remove excess water from the object. The size of the
object determines the difficulty as follows:
DC 15: Large or smaller
DC 20: Huge or Gargantuan
DC 25: Colossal or larger
Note: This weave removes excess water from an object, but it does not remove all
water if the object needs some water (such as drying a frog or loaf of bread).
Also, this weave may be used in reverse, to make something wet. If used in this way, it
makes an object wet as though it has been immersed in a dense fog for several minutes.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to remove more water than is necessary. For
every 5 points the Channel check exceeds the objects Damage Threshold, it moves -1
step along the Condition Track.
If using the reverse effect, you may spend a Hero Point to make the object soaked,
removing one level of Condition Track damage it had taken from dehydration, if any, for
every 5 points you exceed the DC.
This weave may not be tied off.

Tool of Water
You use water to push, pull, lift, or otherwise manipulate objects, much like a material
tool would. Time: Standard action. Target: Object within 6 squares of you.
Make a Channel check. You can create an ordinary tool such as a hammer or wedge,
or weapons such as a blade or spear. In order to make a common tool (maximum damage
1d4), the DC is 15, but to make a weapon (as the normall stats for the weapon, minus one
die type), the DC is 25. You can use an ordinary tool with weaves of water by making
subsequent Channel checks to continue to manipulate the tool. You can wield a water
waterweapon by using your Charisma modifier (instead of your
ur Strength modifier).
Special: You may maintain concentration to keep the tool or weapon in existence, held
continually by your focus.
If you are concentrating on the tool, it may be used in normal air circumstances, held in
your hand and maintaining its shape and purpose (see below). To do this, however, you
must first either have access to water, or create water using the Create Water application
of this weave.
You may spend a Hero Point to increase your attack rolls made with a weapon of air
by +1.
This weave may be tied off to be used in your hand instead of with your concentrated
Affinity Additions: Add Air to Create Water to
create ice. Add Earth to Create Water to create
salt water. Add Fire to Create Water to create

You use the One Power to investigate a targets
physical health and possible problems they may
be having physically. Time: Standard action.
Target: One touched target.
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. If the check exceeds
the targets Fortitude
ude Defense, you find out any
sicknesses, injuries, or poison effects the target is

Note: This weave does not do anything to cure the problem. It simply finds out what
the problem is.
Special: You can spend a Hero Point to search for supernatural
supernatura ailments as well as
anything else this weave may normally find.
This weave may not be tied off.
You use the One Power to fix wounds and correct damage in living things. This weave
may only be used once per target per day per channeler. Time: Standard action, Target:
One touched target.
Affinities: Air, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 15: The target heals a number of hit points equal to its character level + 1 for each
point by which your Channel check exceeds this DC.
DC 20: As above, except the target heals a number of hit points equal to 2 x its
character level + 1 for each point above the DC.
DC 25: As above, except the target heals a number of hit points equal to 4 x its
character level + 4 for each point above the DC.
Special: You can spend
pend a Hero Point to also move the target one step up the condition
This weave may not be tied off.
You help heal the mind of a creature in the
throes of a fit of insanity, if only for a little
while. Time: full-round action, Target: One
target with a Madness score touched.
Affinities: Air, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel Check. The result of the
check determines the effect of the weave power.
DC 15: End a temporary bout of insanity
DC 20: Remove a long-term insanity
DC 25: Targets Madness score reduced by
one quarter of his Wisdom score for 24 hours
DC 30: Targets Madness score reduced by
one half of his Wisdom score for 36 hours
DC 35: Targets Madness score reduced to 0
for 48 hours
Special: You may spend a Hero point to

double the duration of the effect.

This weave cannot be maintained or tied off.
You use the One Power to tear apart a person from the inside, causing skin, muscle, and
possibly even bones to tear apart. Time: Standard action. Target: One creature within 6
squares of you and within line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. Make one roll and compare the results with the target's
Fortitude Defense. If the result exceeds the target's Fortitude Defense, the target
immediately takes damage equal to your character level + 1 point of damage for each
point by which your Channel check exceeded the targets Fortitude Defense.
Special: If the target moves 1 or more steps down the condition track as a result of
damage from this weave, the condition becomes persistent until the target is treated with
a DC 25 Treat Injury check to perform surgery.
You can spend a Hero Point to increase the damage of this weave by your character
This weave may not be tied off.
You use the One Power to energize and invigorate a living being. Time: Standard action.
Target: One touched target.
Affinities: Air, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. The result determines the effects, as follows:
DC 15: The target moves one step up on the Condition Track.
DC 20: The target moves two steps up on the Condition Track.
DC 25: The target moves three steps up on the Condition Track.
DC 30: The target moves four steps up on the Condition Track.
Note: This weave does not affect Condition Track damage that is persistent.
Special: You can spend a Hero Point to move the target up an additional two steps on
the Condition Track.
This weave may not be tied off.
This weave heals a severed channelers connection to the True Source. Unfortunately, it
is very difficult to restore the severed target to full power; in most cases, the target suffers
a skill penalty to Channel checks. If the channeler is later severed and restores again, the
skill penalties are cumulative. Time: 10 minutes, Target: 1 severed target touched.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water.

Make a Channel Check. Your skill check determines the permanent Channel check
penalty of the target, once restored.
DC 30: -15 skill penalty
DC 35: -10 skill penalty
DC 40: -5 skill penalty
DC 45: No skill penalty
Special: Channelers of the opposite gender as the target receive a +5 bonus to the
Channel skill check.
You can spend a Hero Point to reduce the time it takes to perform this weave to two
This weave cannot be maintained or tied off.
You send tendrils of the One Power into the targets body to deal severe damage without
visible injury. Time: full round action, Target: one target within 6 squares and line of
Affinities: Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. Compare your channel check to the targets Fortitude
Defense. If your check exceeds the targets Fortitude Defense, you deal damage to the
target as follows:
DC 20: your character level
DC 25: your character level and target loses a move action
DC 30: your character level and the target loses a standard action
DC 35: your character level and the target can only take a swift action
Special: This weave may be maintained as a standard action.
You may spend a Hero point to move the target -1 step down the condition track in
addition to damage dealt.
This weave cannot be tied off.

You cast a complex weave around yourself, shielding your actions from sight. Time: full
round action, Target: self.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. Your skill check determines the effect, if any.
DC 15: You gain concealment from all targets for the duration of the effect as long as
you do not move from the spot.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you also gain +2 to Stealth checks if you choose to move.

DC 25: As DC 15, except you also gain +3 to Stealth checks if you choose to move.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you also gain +5 to Stealth checks if you choose to move.
Special: This weave can be maintained as a standard action.
You can spend a Hero point to increase
crease the Stealth bonus by +5.
This weave may be tied off, but in doing so, you forfeit any bonus to Stealth checks.
You create a false trail that others think is real. Time: Full-round
round action. Range: See text.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. Any who pass the spot where the false trail begins believes
you to have gone in that direction if your Channel check is higher than their Will
Defense. The maximum length of the trail
is a number of miles equal to 1 + your
Charisma modifier. This weave may affect
up to a number of creatures equal to 1,000
x your Charisma modifier. If a creature is
fooled by the trail, any Survival checks
made to track succeed in keeping them
along the false trail.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point
to double the distance of the false trail.
This weave may be tied off.
You create a weave to block an object,
person, or group from view. Movement
creates a slight blur, but might be noticed
with a Perception check DC 25. The
screen only blocks vision, not scent,
sound, or other sensory clues. The screen
is 10 feet tall. Time: standard action,
Target: 1 target square within 12 squares
and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire.
Make a Channel check. Your check
determines the result of the weave, if any.
DC 15: 5 ft wide, 1 object
DC 20: 10 ft wide, 1 person
DC 25: 15 ft wide, a group of objects

DC 30: 20 ft wide, a group of people

Special: This weave may be maintained as a move action.
action You may freely modify the
exact dimensions of your screen, provided you doo not
n exceed the total area provided by
your check result.
You can spend a Hero point to double the dimensions of the weave created.
This weave may be tied off.
You cast a complex weave around the target, which alters her appearance, granting a skill
bonus to Deception checks made to alter appearance. Time: full round action, Target:
self or 1 person within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. Your skill
check determines the effect, if any.
DC 15: You may reroll any Deception
check and keep the better result while this
weave is in effect.
DC 20:
20 As above, plus you gain a +2
bonus to Deception checks.
DC 25:
25 As above, plus you gain a +3
bonus to Deception checks.
DC 30:
30 As above, plus you gain a +5
bonus to Deception checks.
Special: Add 5 to the DC to affect
someone besides yourself. This weave may
bee maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to add a +5
bonus to your Deception checks.
This weave may be tied off, but doing
so forfeits any skill bonus.
You appear to grow in size, allowing you
to be extremely intimidating. You gain a
bonus to Persuasion checks made to
intimidate. Time: standard action, Target:
all targets in line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. Compare your

check to the Will Defense of all targets within range. You receive a bonus against any
target whose Will Defense your check exceeds. Your check also determines the effects of
the weave, if any.
DC 15: 2 feet taller, +2 to Persuasion checks made to intimidate.
DC 20: Double height, +3 to Persuasion checks made to intimidate.
DC 25: Quadruple height, +5 to Persuasion checks made to intimidate.
Special: This weave may be maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to increase the Persuasion bonus granted by +5.
This weave cannot be tied off.
You can amplify the targets voice so that they can address large crowds and increase
their intimidation factor. The target can be heard up to four miles away. Time: 1 standard
action, Target: self or person touched.
Affinities: Air, Fire.
Make a Channel check. Your check determines the effect of this weave, if any.
DC 15: +1 bonus to Persuasion checks to intimidate
DC 20: +2 bonus to Persuasion checks to intimidate
Special: This weave may be maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to double the range the voice carries and to increase the
bonus to Persuasion checks by +5.
This weave cannot be tied off.

You create a gateway between the real world and Telaranrhiod, allowing you to
physically enter the dream world. Time: full round action, Target: 1 square within 6
Affinities: Earth, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. Your skill check determines the size of the gateway and the
length of time the portal remains open.
DC 25: 1 sq wide x 2 sq tall, 2 rounds
DC 35: 2 sq wide x 3 sq tall, 3 rounds
DC 45: 6 sq wide x 4 sq tall, 5 rounds
Special: This weave can be maintained as a standard action.
You may spend a Hero point to cast this weave as a move action.
This weave may not be tied off.

You open a gateway to another place. Your Channel check determines whether the
gateway opens into the space between places or into another location in the physical
world. Your check also determines the size and duration of the gateway. Opening a
gateway to the Place Between Spaces is pointless unless you also know the Skimming
weave. Time: full round action, Target: 1 square within 6 squares.
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel check. Your skill check determines the size of the gateway and the
length of time the portal remains open as well as the destination.
DC 15: 1 sq wide x 2 sq tall, 2 rounds, Place Between Spaces
DC 20: 2 sq wide x 3 sq tall, 3 rounds, Place Between Spaces
DC 25: 6 sq wide x 4 sq tall, 5 rounds, Place Between Spaces
DC 30: 20 sq wide x 5 sq tall, 10 rounds, Place Between Spaces
DC 35: 1 sq wide x 2 sq tall, 2 rounds, Physical World
DC 40: 60 sq wide x 7 sq tall, 20 rounds, Place Between Spaces
DC 45: 1 sq wide x 3 sq tall, 3 rounds, Physical World
DC 50: 6 sq wide x 4 sq tall, 5 rounds, Physical World
Special: This weave can be maintained as a standard action.
You may spend a Hero point to maintain this power while you use the Skimming
This weave may not be tied off.
This weave allows you to travel through the Space Between Places. You must cast this
weave through an open gateway. Doing so creates a platform just on the other side of the
gateway in the Space Between Places. This platform can be used to travel or skim
through the Space Between Places, shortening the time necessary to travel long distances.
The details of the platform are under your control, although the Channel skill check
determines the size of the platform created.
In order to skim to a location, you must be able to visualize it, requiring you to have
spent at least several hours there. For every 100 miles you travel, 1d6+1 minutes pass.
You must open a second gateway in order to exit the Space Between Worlds.
If the platform you are on disappears, you fall endlessly through the Space Between
Worlds. Only the creation of another platform or the creation of a gateway for you to fall
through can save you. If the initial gateway closes before you enter, all creatures and
objects already on the platform will fall endlessly. If you allow the terminal gateway to
close, the platform will disappear with the same results. Time: full round, Target: any
square within the Space Between Worlds within 6 squares.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Spirit.

Make a Channel Check. The result of the Channel check determines the size of the
platform you create and the number of passengers.
DC 15: 1 x 1 sq platform, no passengers
DC 20: 2 x 2 sq platform, 4 passengers
DC 25: 3 x 3 sq platform, 9 passengers
DC 30: 5 x 5 sq platform, 25 passengers
DC 35: 7 x 7 sq platform, 49 passengers
DC 40: 9 x 9 sq platform, 81 passengers
Special: This weave can be maintained
aintained as a standard action. As a full
full-round action, it
may be maintained, and Create Gateway may be created as well.
You may spend a Hero point to increase the number of passengers allowable on the
platform by twenty-five percent.
This weave may not be tied off.
This weave allows you to harness the power of the Portal Stones to instantly travel
between stones on the same plane or to other Portal Stones on Mirror Worlds. In order to
travel between Portal Stones, you must choose a symbol on the stone and cast this w
on that symbol. When activating this weave, you must choose your goal DC before
rolling your Channel check. Time: full round, Target: Portal Stone touched.
Affinities: Spirit
Make a Channel Check. You, along
with a number of creatures determined
by the
he Channel check, are instantly
transported to the stone which
corresponds to the symbol chosen.
DC 15: 5 creatures same plane
DC 25: 50 creatures same plane
DC 30: 100 creatures same plane
DC 40: 500 creatures same plane
Increase the DC by 5 if the symb
represents a Mirror World. A Portal
Stone mishap occurs when you fail to
meet the target DC, resulting in time
passing while you are trapped by the
Portal Stone. If you fail by 5 or less,
1d4 days have passed. Fail by 10 or less
and 1d4 weeks have passed
passed. Fail by 15
or less and 1d4 months have passed.

Fail by more than 15 and 1d4 years have passed.

Special: You may spend a Hero point to receive a glimpse of the location indicated by
a symbol on the Portal Stone.
This weave may not be tied off.

You create a dome-shaped
shaped opaque weave around an area. The weave blocks line of sight.
Those inside the area only see a wavering image of the outside, just as those outside the
area can only see a wavering image of the interior. The weave does not impede
movement or create a physical barrier of any kind. Time: standard action, Target: target
square within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. Your Channel check determines the radius of the dome
created. Weaves requiring you to see your target cannot be cast across a Barrier to Sight
as the weave blocks line of sight.
DC 15: 2 sq. radius
DC 20: 5 sq. radius
DC 25: 10 sq. radius
DC 30: 20 sq. radius
DC 35: 50 sq. radius
DC 40: 100 sq. radius
DC 45: 200 sq. radius
DC 50: 500 sq. radius
Special: This weave can bee maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to double the radius of the dome.
This weave can be tied off.
This weave functions similarly to Barrier to Sight, except that it prevents sound from
passing through the barrier. The edge of the Circle of Silence is not visible to anyone
except Channelers who make successful Channel checks to identify the Weave. Time:
standard action, Target: target square within
in 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Water.
Make a Channel Check. Your Channel check determines the radius of the dome
created. All sound is blocked by this weave. Any weave which requires your target to be
able to hear or understand you is effectively blocked by this weave.
DC 15: 2 sq. radius

DC 20: 5 sq. radius

DC 25: 10 sq. radius
DC 30: 20 sq. radius
DC 35: 50 sq. radius
DC 40: 100 sq. radius
DC 45: 200 sq. radius
DC 50: 500 sq. radius
Special: This weave can be maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to double the radius of the dome.
This weave can be tied off.
You cut the flows of the One Power which maintain a weave. Time: standard action or
reaction, Target: one instantaneous weave targeting you, or one weave maintained or
tied off in line of sight
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel check. If the target is a tied off weave, a DC 25 Channel check as a
standard action ends the weaves effect.
Make an opposed Channel check as a standard action ff the target weave is being
maintained. If your Channel check exceeds the Channel check of the weaves activator,
the weaves effect is ended.
If the target weave has an instantaneous effect that targets you, make an opposed
Channel check as a reaction. If your Channel check exceeds the Channel check of the
weaves activator, the weave has no effect.
Special: This weave may not be maintained.
You can spend a Hero point to attempt to cut a weave targeting another character as a
This weave may not be tied off.
You create a dome-shaped weave around, an invisible barrier against intrusion by
Dreamwalkers. Dreamwalkers may not enter the dreams of those inside the shielded area
and they may not observe the dreams of those inside the area. The ward does not extend
any protection to those who enter Telaranrhiod. Time: standard action, Target: target
square within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. Your Channel check determines the radius of the dome
DC 15: 2 sq. radius

DC 20: 5 sq. radius

DC 25: 10 sq. radius
DC 30: 20 sq. radius
DC 35: 50 sq. radius
DC 40: 100 sq. radius
DC 45: 200 sq. radius
DC 50: 500 sq. radius
Special: This weave can be maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to double the radius of the dome.
This weave can be tied off. You must tie off this weave to protect your own dreams as
you may not maintain a weave while sleeping.
You place a ward on an object or target square. The ward placed creates a blast of fire if
the object or square is touched by anyone but you. Time: full round action, Target:
target square or object touched.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. Your Channel check determines the effect of the weave
created. When the weave is triggered, your channel check is compared to the Reflex
Defense of all targets in the blast radius. If your Channel check equals or exceeds their
Reflex Defense, they take damage according to the table and are set aflame. Each round
after the first, your channel check is reduced by five and compared to the targets Reflex
Defense again to determine if they are still on fire. All combustible materials in the area
have a chance to be set on fire. The fire lasts up to five rounds.
DC 20: 1 sq. radius, 2d6 per round on fire
DC 25: 2 sq. radius, 3d6 per round on fire
DC 30: 3 sq. radius, 4d6 per round on fire
Special: This weave can be maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to double the radius of the blast.
This weave can be tied off.
You create a dome-shaped weave around an area, through which no physical object, or
the One Power, can pass. This weave cannot be the target of physical attacks. Time: full
round action, Target: target square within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel Check. Your Channel check determines the size of the weave
DC 20: 2 sq. radius

DC 30: 5 sq. radius

DC 35: 10 sq. radius
DC 40: 20 sq. radius
DC 45: 50 sq. radius
DC 50: 100 sq. radius
Special: This weave can be maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero Point to make the barrier opaque and sound proof.
This weave can be tied off.
You cut another channeler off from the True Source, preventing them from channeling
and immediately ending any weaves they are maintaining through concentration. The
target is no longer considered to be embracing the True Source and must embrace the
Source again when the Shield is removed. Time: standard action, Target: one character
within line of sight.
Affinities: Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. If the target is currently not embracing the True Source,
compare your Channel check to the targets Fortitude Defense.
efense. If you equal or exceed
their Fortitude Defense, they are shielded.
If a target is currently embracing the True Source, may make an opposed Channel skill
check to resist being shielded. Targets of the opposite gender to you receive a +5 bonus
to their Fortitude Defense or Channel skill check.
Special: This weave can be maintained as a standard action.
You may spend a Hero point to instead sever the target upon success
success. This can only be
done if your success was also higher than their Will Defense.
This weave can be tied off, but a target attempting to break the Shield receives a +10
bonus to their Channel skill check to do so.
When you cast this weave, you name a particular type of Shadowspawn. Lightning bolts
of power surge throughh the area of effect, potentially killing all creatures of the specified
type. Time: 1 full round, Target: all creatures of the named Shadowspawn subtype in the
area of effect.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. Your Channel check determines
nes the area of effect. Compare
your channel check to the Will Defense of all valid targets in range. If your Channel
check equals or exceeds the targets Will Defense, the target is destroyed. Otherwise, the
target is moved 1 step down on the condition track.
DC 25: 6 squares

DC 30: 30 squares
DC 35: 150 squares
DC 40: 750 squares
Special: You may spend a Hero point to name an additional type of Shadowspawn.
This weave may not be tied off.
When you activate this weave, it creates a dome-shaped
barrier through which
Shadowspawn cannot pass. Time: 1 full round, Target: 1 square within line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel Check. You Channel check determines the size of the weave
DC 15: 2 sq. radius
DC 20: 5 sq. radius
DC 25: 10 sq. radius
DC 30: 20 sq. radius
DC 35: 50 sq. radius
DC 40: 100 sq. radius

DC 45: 200 sq. radius

DC 50: 500 sq. radius
Special: You can maintain this weave as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to double the radius of the dome.
You may tie off this weave.
When you activate this weave, you create a dome-shaped barrier to the One Power,
blocking line of effect. Channelers outside the dome cannot cast weaves into or directly
affect targets within the area of effect. Channelers inside the weave are similarly
restricted from affecting targets outside the area of effect. Time: 1 full round, Target: 1
square within line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel Check. You Channel check determines the size of the weave
DC 15: 2 sq. radius
DC 20: 5 sq. radius
DC 25: 10 sq. radius
DC 30: 20 sq. radius
DC 35: 50 sq. radius
DC 40: 100 sq. radius
DC 45: 200 sq. radius
DC 50: 500 sq. radius
Special: You can maintain this weave as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero point to double the area of effect.
You may tie off this weave.
You use all Five Powers to examine another channelers weave from the Warding Talent
that you have detected. Time: 1 minute, Target: 1 weave of the Warding Talent with a
duration longer than instantaneous and within line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel skill check. If your Channel skill check equals or exceeds the target
weaves Channel skill check, you open a hole in the weave. If you fail, there is no result,
unless the weave is being held and you fail by more than 10, in which case the other
Channeler detects your channeling, although she does not know you are responsible.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to use this Weave without being able to embrace
the One Power, such as when you are trying to break through a Shield.
This weave may not be tied off.

Each channeling organization has its own list of weaves that are considered to be
organizational weaves. These weaves are more accessible, and much more common
among these organizations.
Advanced Air: Foretell Weather, Lightning, Move Clouds; Advanced Earth: Grenade;
Advanced Fire: Fireball, Immolate, Wand of Fire; Advanced Water: Whirlpool;
Conjunction: Bond Warder, Pass Bond, Trace; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate
Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Renew;
Illusions: Cloak, False Trail, Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of
Power; Traveling: Use Portal Stone; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut
Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward against Creatures,
Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Advanced Air: Foretell Weather, Lightning, Move Clouds; Advanced Earth: Grenade;
Advanced Fire: Fireball, Immolate, Wand of Fire; Advanced Water: Whirlpool;
Conjunction: Bond Warder, Pass Bond, Trace; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate
Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Renew;
Illusions: Cloak, False Trail, Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of
Power; Traveling: Bridge between WorldsCreate Gateway, Skimming, Use Portal Stone;
Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap,
Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward against Creatures, Ward against the One Power,
Ward Bore
Advanced Air: Lightning; Advanced Earth: Grenade, Magma Torrent, Riven Earth,
Stone Slam; Advanced Fire: Arrows of Fire, Blossoms of Fire, Fireball, Flame Surge,
Immolate, Wand of Fire; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire,
Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Rend, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, False Trail,
Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power; Traveling: Create
Gateway, Skimming, Use Portal Stone; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut
Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Strike of Death, Ward
against Creatures, Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Advanced Air: Lightning; Advanced Earth: Grenade, Magma Torrent, Riven Earth,
Stone Slam; Advanced Fire: Arrows of Fire, Blossoms of Fire, Fireball, Flame Surge,

Immolate, Wand of Fire; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire,
Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Rend, Renew; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of
Silence, Cut Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Strike of
Death, Ward against
inst Creatures, Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Advanced Air: Foretell Weather, Move Clouds; Conjunction: Trace; General:
Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve,
Heal, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, False Trail, Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of
Mists, Voice of Power; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Dream
Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward against Creatures, Ward against the
One Power, Ward Bore
Advanced Air: Alter Weather, Foretell Weather, Lightning, Move Clouds; Advanced
Water: Whirlpool; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire,
Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, False Trail, Mirror of
Mists, Voice of Power; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Dream
Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Shield, Ward against Creatures, Ward against the One
Power, Ward Bore


Channeling Talent
alent Trees can be taken by any character with the Channeler feat at any
heroic level they would normally be able to take talents. This talent is taken instead of a
normal class talent.


You are specifically powerful with one or more of the five Affinities.
Affinity Detection: Choose one Affinity for which you have the Affinity Power talent.
You may always reroll checks made to detect a weave being channeled or recently
channeled if it used the chosen Affinity.
You may select thiss talent multiple times. Each additional time, you gain its benefits
for another Affinity. You must have the Affinity Power talent for the Affinity in order to
take this talent for any given Affinity.
Prerequisites: Affinity Power talent.
Affinity Mastery: Choose one Affinity for which you have the Affinity Power talent.
You may spend a Hero Point to reroll Channel checks made to use weaves that include
the chosen Affinity, but you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.

You may select this talent multiple times. Each additional time, you gain its benefits
for another Affinity. You must have the Affinity Power talent for the Affinity in order to
take this talent for any given Affinity.
Prerequisites: Affinity Power talent.
Affinity Power: Choose onee Affinity for which you have the Extra Affinity feat.
Whenever you use a weave with this Affinity, the opponents appropriate Defense takes a
-2 penalty against your weave.
This talent may be taken multiple times. Each additional time, it gives you the benefit
for a new Affinity. Therefore, it can only be taken up to five times.


You are more durable than most channelers, able to create more weaves and even
overchannel better than most other channelers.
Able Channeler: Weaves created at a difficulty of 15 or less do not count against your
Weaves per Hour. Holding weaves of this difficulty level also does not count against
your Weaves per Hour.
Channeling Resilience: Any time you overchannel, the attack roll against your
tude Defense is rolled twice, with the worst result kept.

Great Capacity: Any time you use the Channel skill to create a weave, you may add
your Wisdom modifier in addition to your Charisma modifier to the result of the roll.
Improved Channeling Durability: Your Fortitude is considered to be two points
higher when defending against attacks made against you due to overchanneling.
Increased Weaves per Hour: You gain your character level (rather than one
one-half your
character level) when determining Weaves per Hour.
Overchanneling Mastery: When you overchannel to increase the result of your
channel check, you may increase it by +10, rather than +5.

Some channelers become so advanced with their mastery of the True Source that they
learn ways to manipulate the threads in ways few others learn to do. These are reflected
in Channeling Techniques, described in greater detail below, and are ava
available to
characters with at least two levels in the Advanced Channeler, Aes Sedai, and/or
Ashaman prestige classes.

Channeling Might
You are able to manipulate threads in such a way that without any additional effort, they
are mightier. Each time you take
ake this Channeling Technique, you gain a +2 bonus to
damage done with any weaves. It also applies to hit points healed, adding the bonus to
any number of hit points you cause a person to heal.
Channeling Precision
You are so precise with your weaves thatt they penetrate defenses much more easily than
other channelers weaves of similar strength. Each time you take this Channeling
Technique, any time you create a weave that affects a target, that targets Defenses are
decreased by 1.

Heroic Channeler
The Pattern has blessed you with incredible ability when called upon your strength in the
Pattern. While ordinary heroic channelers gain bonus d6s when they spend Hero Points
to increase a Channel check, your die type increases by one for each time you take this
Channeling Technique. The increments are d8s, d10s, d12s, 2d8s, 2d10s, 2d12s, 3d8s,


Some individuals, a rare few indeed, are born with special abilities. Some are able to
enter the Dream World. Others are able to communicate and gain kinships with wolves.
Still others can view symbolic auras around other individuals. These abilities are
extraordinarily rare, and even most heroes do not have even one of these abilities. For
expediency, in this book these are called latent abilities.
While the ability to channel may itself be considered a latent ability, channeling and
the One Power are covered in Chapter Eight: The One Power.
An individual who has a latent ability does not initiallyy know it. In fact, some may go
their entire lives never realizing their abilities. Often, however, what will happen is an
individual will discover his ability at some point in his life, whether he is young or old.
The method of discovery varies by the ability.


The Dark One's Own Luck is the only one in this list that is perhaps not a latent ability.
Rather than granting specific abilities, it acts as an aura of wild luck, normally good, but
it can also be quite bad. A hero with the Dark One's Own Luck normally shows uncanny
luck her whole life. The point of realization is when something is noticed, a constant,
unstopping sensation that lasts to a certain, climactic point.
As previously stated, the Dark One's Own Luck gives wild luc
luck. At times, this luck
will be very good, even unnaturally good. "Stacked" cards will still give the best hand, a
randomly chosen road will lead her where she needs to go, she will fall onto the only pile
of leaves at the base of the tree, etc. Such supernatural
atural luck is prone to raise suspicions if
witnessed often enough. Sometimes, however, luck will be terrible. Weighted dice will
still result in bad rolls, the house fire will somehow send an ember at her and ignite her
coat, etc.


You have the Dark One's Own Luck, possessing not only phenomenal luck, but luck that
can change the entire outcome of encounters in which you find yourself.
Dark One's Own Luck: You have the Dark One's Own Luck. Any time you perform
an action that requires an ability check, skill check, or attack roll, you may choose to
leave the result to pure chance. Doing so, you roll a 1d4 in addition to the check, and the
result of the d4 grants a bonus or penalty as follows:

1: Subtract your Charisma modifier as a luck penalty.

2: No change.
3: Add your Charisma modifier as a luck bonus.
4: Add double your Charisma modifier as a luck bonus.
If the check already involves your Charisma modifier,
modifie you add the above results after
adding your original Charisma modifier.
You must declare that you are leaving the roll to chance before taking the action. The
Gamemaster may decide that some actions are not able to be left to luck, at her discretion.
is is always applied to luck checks and games of complete chance.
Improved Dark One's Own Luck: When using the Dark One's Own Luck to leave an
ability check, skill check, or attack roll to pure chance, you roll a d6 instead of a d4,
which grants the following
ing results depending on the die result:
1: Subtract double your Charisma modifier as a luck penalty.
2: Subtract your Charisma modifier as a luck penalty.
3: No change.
4: Add your Charisma modifier as a luck bonus.
5: Add double your Charisma modifier as a luck bonus.
6: Add triple your Charisma modifier as a luck bonus.
Furthermore, you may apply this bonus die to any Hero Point bonus die result. You may
also apply it to any reroll when you are able to roll again and keep the second result. In
gameplay terms, this is an unpredicted stroke of luck.
Prerequisite: Dark One's Own Luck.
Lucky Defenses: Once per encounter, your luck comes in and affects your Defenses.
As a free action, you gain a modifier to all three of your Defenses equal to negative two
plus the result of a d4. This modifier lasts a
number of rounds equal to your Charisma
This talent may be taken multiple times. Each
additional time it is taken, you can use it an
additional time per encounter.
Prerequisite: Dark One's Own Luck.
Period of Luck: You go for minutes, hours,
or even days in which your luck is completely

wild. You may use this ability up to a number of times per month equal to your Charisma
modifier, but you must use it at least once a month.
Roll a 1d4. The result determines the duration of this spurt of luck or unluck, as
1: A number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
2: A number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier x 4 (minimum 4).
3: A number of hours equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
4: A number of hours equal to your Charisma modifier x 4 (minimum 4).
Next, roll 1d8. The result affects all roll results as follows:
1: You take a -5 penalty to all ability checks, skill checks, and attack rolls, and take a 2 luck penalty to all Defenses. Furthermore, you cannot use any Hero Points except to
avoid death when reduced to 0 hit points.
2: You take a -2 penalty to all ability checks, skill checks, and attack rolls, and take a 1 luck penalty to all Defenses. Furthermore, you temporarily lose one Hero Point unless
you only have one left.
3: You must reroll any successful check and keep the second result.
4: You gain a +2 bonus to all ability checks, skill checks, and attack rolls, and you gain
a +1 luck bonus to all Defenses.
5: You gain a +5 bonus to all ability checks, skill checks, and attack rolls, and you gain
a +2 luck bonus to all Defenses.
6: You may reroll any failed ability check, skill check, or attack roll, but the result of
the reroll must be kept, even if it is worse. You also gain 1 temporary Hero Point. If this
Hero Point is not used by the end of the period of luck, it is lost.
7: You may reroll all ability checks, skill checks, and keep the better result. You also
gain 1 temporary Hero Point. If this Hero Point is not used by the end of the period of
luck, it is lost.
8: You may reroll all ability checks, skill checks, and keep the better result. You also
gain 1 temporary Destiny Point. If this Destiny Point is not used by the end of the period
of luck, it is lost.
At the end of this period of luck, if your character has a Destiny, you either gain the
Destiny Bonus or take the Destiny Penalty, depending on whether or not the period of
luck brought you closer or further away from your Destiny.
Prerequisite: Dark One's Own Luck.

Dreaming is the ability to enter Tel'aran'rhiod at will, and also the ability to perform
wondrous feats once there. Masters of the Dream World can teleport themselves
throughout the known world with their will, control their appearance, view others'
dreams, and even witness prophetic visions.

The ability to channel is not necessary to be a Dreamer. A Dreamer may enter the
Dream World by mistake the first few times, or otherwise unintentionally. Typically,
control of this ability must either be figured out by the Dreamer or taught by another with
this ability. More information on Telaranrhiod is available in Chapter X: The Westlands
and Beyond.
Any hero with the Wolfbrother Talent automatically qualifies for this Talent Tree as


You are a Dreamer, able to enter Tel'aran'rhiod at will, but potentially manipulate your
surroundings as well.
Note that any character with the Wolfbrother talent automatically qualifies for this
talent tree as well.
Control Self: You are able to maintain concentration on your own self while in the
Dream World, appearing as you wish to be presented while still able to do other things at
the same time. Keeping concentration while in the Dream World requires only a swift
action any time you wish to take another action in the same round.
Prerequisite: Dreamer
Dreamer: You may make special Wisdom checks (DC 20) to enter the Dream World
at will. Doing so requires a full minute of time spent in concentration, during which you
attempt to fall asleep. Once you enter the Dream World, you are asleep in the physical
Dreamport: You are able to move great distances at will while in the Dream World.
By making a Wisdom check, you may travel to any place you are aware of, with a base
DC of 10 to travel (if the location is nearby and very familiar to you). Traveling in this
way takes a full-round action.
The DC may increase, depending on several factors, including distance and lack of
familiarity with the destination, as follows:
+2 for every 100 miles from you
+5 if you know the location, yet not very well
+10 if you know of the location, but have never been there
You must be able to maintain concentration on moving. If you are distracted or
threatened, the DC is increased by an additional +10.
Prerequisite: Dreamer.
Dreamvision: You are able to see brief visions of the future in the Dream World. By
making a special Perception check (DC 30), you are able to see glimpses of a loved one's
future. If the person is not a loved one, the DC is increased by +5.
Note that this check is only allowed when the GM tells you there may be something to
see. If the check fails, the character is unaware of any attempt to see the future (or is


Gamemasters completely control the
contents of any visions of the future in
their games. A player never chooses
these contents, though he may decide
with his GM the contents of any tellings
or visions of the future if they pertain to
the characters back story.
Gamemasters should be very careful
in the frequency at which they allow
characters to have prophetic visions and
tellings in their games. They should only
happen rarely, not more than a handful of
times over the course of any book.
Furthermore, Gamemasters should be
extremely careful about what they
include in the wording and symbols of
the visions. Usually, they are meant to
be mysterious, with many possible
interpretations and vagueness to the
actual subjects. It is too easy to have a
prophetic element in the game that is
quickly and correctly interpreted,
possibly ruining the mystery.
uncontrolled statements, often not even
about a specific person. The symbols
and auras a Viewer sees are always about
the subject around which the auras rotate.
Dreamers, including Wolfbrothers, can
see visions of the future in
Telaranrhiod, though not all have this

otherwise unaware that there is anything to

see). This is not a conscious check, but a
reaction to something presented to you.
Prerequisite: Dreamer.
ed Dreamer: The DC for you to
enter the Dream World is 15. You may
spend a Hero Point to enter the Dream
World as a standard action.
Prerequisite: Dreamer.
Interpret Dreams: You are able to make
Intelligence checks (DC 20) to interpret
someone's dreams. Wh
When interpreting a
dream, you may also decipher any
additional meanings the dream has, such as
tellings of future events, seeds of problems
forming or currently presenting, current
status, etc.
You may reroll this check and keep the
better result if you wit
witness the dream in the
Dream World.
You may also reroll Intelligence checks
made to remember your own dreams and
keep the better result.
Dreamer, Remember

Foretelling is a mysterious ability which
manifests itself in cryptic statements made
by a Foreteller. They always invariably
come true, though the in
interpretation can be
mysterious and difficult to discern before
the foretold event comes true.
Foretelling only occurs when the GM has
it occur through the Foreteller. It is
unpredictable and uncontrollable. A person
with this ability will use it spontaneou
and suddenly, and possibly from a very

young age. Only channelers can be Foretellers.


You are a Foreteller, and have the ability to make prophetic statements.
Foreteller: At the GMs discretion, you may make a cryptic statement about a future
event or the future of a person. The Gamemaster decides the contents of the statement.

A hero with the Old Blood is a character with access, through her very blood, to her
ancestors. They may "whisper" to her, giving her long-forgotten
knowledge, sudden skill
mastery, and other helpful guidances.
An Old Blooded hero will show flashes of unknown brilliance in previously untrained
skills, and just as suddenly, they may lose the
he skill. Other indicators include speaking
random Old Tongue phrases or a feeling that ancestors are near or watching over her.


You are descended
cended from an ancient and powerful bloodline, and your connection is such
that your lineage gives you certain benefits.
Ancestral Warrior: Once per encounter, you may spend a Force Point as a swift
action to designate one opponent in your line of sight. For the remainder of the encounter,
you may reroll your first attack roll each round against that
opponent and keep the better
Prerequisites: Old Blood.
Ancient Tactics: Knowledge (tactics) is a trained skill for you.
Also, all allies (excluding you) may reroll their Initiative checks, but must keep the
second result.
Prerequisites: Old Blood.
Old Blood: Once per encounter, you may take 20 on any skill check, even if the skill
doesn't normally allow 20 to be taken.
Spontaneous Skill: Once per day, you may make an untrained skill check as though
you were trained in the skill. You cannot
not use this talent to make an untrained Channel
check as though you were trained in the skill unless you have the Channeler feat.
You can select this talent multiple times; each time you do, you can use it one
additional time per day.
Prerequisite: Old Blood

Sniffing is a special ability that enables the Sniffer to literally be able to smell recent
anger or acts of violence. These sensory presentations will be stronger depending on how
much time has transpired or how violent the act was. For this reason, the rare individuals
found with this ability are often used as detectives or scouts.
A latent Sniffer who hasn't yet realized his ability will literally smell strange, foul
scents when near anger or violence and not realize what he is experiencing. These smells
may be unexplained for years, though an intelligent hero will figure it out fairly quickly,
or a person with knowledge of Sniffers may inform them.


You are a Sniffer, able to smell recent violence and track by it.
Increased Sniffer Range: The range units for the Sniffer talent is increased to leagues,
rather than miles. Furthermore, when using the Smell Intent talent, the range is increased
to a number of squares equal to one-half your heroic level (minimum 2).
Prerequisite: Sniffer.
Sense Old Violence: The DC of Perception checks made to use the Sniffer ability
increases by 2 for each week that has passed, rather than for each day that has passed.
Prerequisite: Sniffer.
Smell Intent: You can sense a person's intentions for violence (or lack thereof). Any
time you are within two squares of someone, you can make a Perception check to sense
whether or not their intentions are violent. They may oppose this with a Deception check
to maintain their composure, but they take a -5 penalty to the check as you do not read
their facial expressions, but rather smell their bloodthirst or anger. Success means you
realize they are likely to do violence soon. If they attack, you may act alertly during the
surprise round.
Prerequisite: Sniffer.
Sniffer: You may make a Perception check to detect recent violence. You are
considered trained in the Perception skill when using this ability, even if you are not.
The difficulty depends on how recent the violence was, how many people were hurt,
and how violent it was. For every day that has gone by, increase the DC by 2. For every
ten people involved, decrease the DC by 1.
The move violent the act, the easier it is to detect. Having someone brutally tortured to
death (or something similarly violent) has a base DC of 15. A person murdered who
suffered for a few hours has a base DC of 20. A person quickly murdered has a base DC
of 25. Brutality that doesn't result in death has a base DC of 30. Violence that results in

some pain but no severe injuries has a base DC of 35. Finally, fierce anger and lightly
painful violence has a base DC of 40.
Intent may also affect the DC, as may the level of anger. If someone was extremely
angry, the DC is decreased by 5, just the same as if someone was extremely afraid.
Passionless or accidental violence increases the DC by 5.
Because of the nature of smelling violence, you can become physically ill from using
this ability. Any time you use this ability, the GM makes a secret attack against your
Fortitude Defense (1d20 + 0). Each subsequent check made to use this ability increases
the bonus the GM gets on this roll by +5. If such an attack is successful, you begin to
become physically ill, and you move -1 persistent step along the Condition Track for
each success the GM has until you get at least eight hours of rest.
This ability has a range of a number of miles equal to your heroic level, and the DC is
increased by +1 for every mile beyond that.

Treesinging is the only latent ability presented in this chapter available to Ogier heroes,
and indeed may only be manifested in Ogier characters. This ability is all but unheard of
even among the Ogier.
Treesinging is the ability to soothe and otherwise manipulate plant life, specifically
wood-based plant life such as trees or vines, though special songs and hands-on
interaction. The Ogier may "ask" the tree for a sungwood item, which is much harder
than other types of wood or wooden items. Additional specific abilities include healing
plants, giving plants fortitude, enhancing growth, or even communicating with them.
Ogier with this ability tend to feel an especially close kinship with trees, even above that
of other Ogier.


You are a Treesinger. You can do legendary things with trees, including creating
sungwood items, give trees extra resilience, and more. This talent tree is only available to
Ogier characters with the Latent Ability feat.
Commune with Trees: As a full-round action, you may create a relationship with a
tree and gain recent memories from things it has witnessed. By making a Persuasion
check (DC 15), you may find out anything that has happened to the tree or within ten
squares of the tree for the past week.
Prerequisite: Treesinger.
Create Sungwood Item: You can create an item of sungwood. Doing so takes a
number of minutes equal to the base DC an ordinary item of its type.

To do this, you must have a tree and be able

to touch it. Instead of making a Crafts check
and damaging the tree, you make a
Persuasion check with the tree, and the
DC is equal to what the Craft check
would have been. The tree takes no
damage from doing this.
Items made with Treesung wood
have a hardness and hit points as a
normal wooden item would, but
increased by 50%.
Armor made with Treesung wood
are treated
ted as a normal piece of
armor, plus an additional +1 bonus to
the wearer's Fortitude Defense. Note
that "normal piece of armor" means a
piece of armor made from wood, not
from metal. So, a "normal breastplace"
made from Treesung wood would grant a
+1 bonuss to Fortitude Defense more than a
breastplate made from wood.
Weapons made from Treesung wood are treated
as masterwork items.
Prerequisite: Treesinger.
Heal Tree: You may heal a tree's hit points or heal it from diseases. Instead of making
a Treat Injury check, you make a Persuasion check (DC 20 for healing hit points, 25 for
healing diseases). If the check is successful, the tree gains a number of hit points equal to
5 + your heroic level. Or, if you were trying to heal it from a disease, a successful ch
cures the disease. Performing this action requires ten minutes of coaxing the tree.
Prerequisite: Treesinger.
Tree Resilience: You grant a tree a +20 bonus to Fortitude Defense, and increase its
hardness and hit points by 25%. Doing this requires a fulll minute of coaxing the tree.
Prerequisite: Treesinger.
Treesinger: You may perform Persuasion checks with trees.
Furthermore, you may use Persuasion checks to find out if there is anything ailing the
tree, such as damage taken or diseases or other parasites within it. Doing so requires a full
round action and a DC 15 Persuasion check. In order to interact with a tree you must be
able to touch it.

Viewing is a cryptic ability to perceive visual auras around another individual's head that
hintt at future destinies and fates. Nobody can see these auras except the Viewer, and they
only appear briefly and never reappear. Like Foretelling, this ability is uncontrollable and
may come to the perceptive Viewer at random. The interpretation of these Viewings
or may not be correct or easily discernable.
Viewers will often see faint auras at first, early in their lives, around others. These
symbols will be more pronounced around heroic characters, and especially around
channelers or characters with destinies.


You are a Viewer, and are able to see auras and even symbols around a person that enable
you to know something of a person's role in the Pattern.
Notice Viewings: The GM can make involuntary rolls for your Viewing ability. Doing
so is a free action from you, though the DC is the same, as are the limitations of your
viewing ability.
Prerequisite: Viewer.
See Aura: You can discern auras around people, which give you vague impressions of
a person's destiny and soul. When you use the Viewer ability, you can also determine that
character's Madness score, Taint score, and whether or not they are a Darkfriend.
You may also reroll Perception checks made to sense deceit, though
you must keep the
second result, even if it is worse.
Prerequisite: Viewer.
See Symbols: You see symbols that give hints to the person's future. When you use the
Viewer ability, you see symbols that hint at future, present, or past roles and events in
that person's life. The GM, of course, determines the exact symbols and their meanings.
Your character understands the symbols' meanings with a successful Intelligence check
(DC 20). Failure on the Intelligence check means you don't understand what the symbols
mean (though you remember them). Success means you gain understanding of an event
that will happen in a person's life or an important event in the person's past that affects his
Prerequisite: See Aura, Viewer.
Viewer: You can see faint auras around certain people. Only Reborn characters,
ta'veren, and people with Destinies may be sensed with this Talent.
Any time you see a person, you may make a special Perception check to see if you
sense a faint aura around the person as a full-round
round action. Success means that you gain a
sense of their role in the Pattern. You find out how many Hero Points and Destiny Points
they have and their heroic level.

The DC to sense this in a ta'veren is 20. The DC to sense it in a Reborn hero is 25. The
DC to sense itt in a person only with a Destiny (and not Reborn nor ta'veren) is 30.
This ability may only be successfully used on a person once a month. If the check fails,
it may not be used again for at least one week.

Wolfbrothers (or Wolfsisters) are humans
umans with a special kinship with wolves. In the
Wheel of Time world, wolves themselves have special abilities such as the ability to
communicate through telepathy and enter Tel'aran'rhiod. These abilities, and others, such
as superb senses and pack unity, are available to Wolfbrothers. Unlike other latent
abilities, being a Wolfbrother may result in madness.
Typically, Wolfbrothers who are unaware of their special condition will have frequent
dreams in which wolves are present, receive sudden communicativ
communicative sensations, their
senses will sharpen, or their eyes will begin to turn gold. It may take even longer for them
to realize what is happening.


You are a Wolfbrother. Wolves see you as a human-shaped
shaped wolf, and you can gain
certain abilities that cause you to become more wolf-like,
like, and more attuned to your wolf
Wolf Alpha: There are always a
number of wolves equal to one
your heroic level within 1 mile of
you, or within 1 mile of any city you
are in. Additionally, wolve
wolves you
communicate with are always
considered Friendly when you
communicate with them.
Prerequisite: Wolfbrother.
Wolf Hearing: You may reroll
Perception checks made to avoid
surprise, eavesdrop, hear distant or
ambient noises, and notice targets,
and keep the better result.
Prerequisite: Wolfbrother.
Wolf Scent: You may reroll
Perception checks made to search or
sense deception, and Survival checks

made to track, and keep the better result. You may use the track ability of the Survival
skill even if you are not trained in that skill.
The use of this talent is a Madness trigger for Wolfbrothers.
Prerequisite: Wolfbrother.
Wolf Vision: You ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
urthermore, your eyes turn gold, granting you the ability to always take 10 on
Persuasion checks made to intimidate (except checks made to intimidate wolves).
The use of this talent is a Madness trigger for Wolfbrothers.
Prerequisite: Wolfbrother.
Wolfbrother: You are able to speak telepathically with wolves. You can make Gather
Information and Persuasion checks with wolves, who are always treated as Indifferent or
better (GMs discretion)
n) at a range in miles of up to 2 x your Charisma modifier, though
you take a -10
10 penalty to the rolls. Communicating this way requires no sounds to be
made, nor even does it require you to be able to see the target or targets. It is all done
Communicating with wolves telepathically is a Madness trigger for Wolfbrothers.
Wolfspeak: You may use Gather Information and Persuasion checks at a range of
miles up to 10 x your Charisma modifier. Furthermore, you do not take a penalty to these
rolls when communicating with wolves.
Prerequisite: Wolfbrother.

Some characters have abilities that can cause their brain to weaken and malfunction.
Specifically, male channelers and Wolfbrothers can suffer Madness if they use their
Any time a character gains a Madness Point, he also risks a bout of temporary insanity.
Furthermore, whenever a character acquires a number of Madness Points equal to half his
Wisdom score, he takes a permanent degradation.
Degradations are permanent, though they can be overcome by treating the mad
characters insanity (see Psychologist merit in Chapter Five: Feats). The degradation is
triggered whenever an event occurs as described in the description of the degradation.
No matter the situation, however, thee degradation is a permanent piece of the characters
behavior, so it will always affect the characters behavior even if the trigger for the
degradation isnt me at the moment.
Degradations can be overcome. Any time a degradation is triggered, it makes a an
attack equal to 1d20 + 20 + your Madness score. This attack goes against your Will
Defense. If the attack fails, you may continue to act without the degradation being
triggered (though you still have to experience the permanent effects).

Whenever a character performs a trigger for Madness, an attack is made against his
Will Defense. The bonus to the attack varies, depending on the trigger. If the attack
succeeds, the character gains a Madness Point.

Channelers who use saidin risk a weakening of their mental strength every time they so
much as hold the One Power, and it can be even more severely weakened with strong

The following actions trigger attacks against the characters Will Defense.
Gripping Saidin: Any time a channeler touches saidin, an attack equal to 1d20 + 10 +
the characters current Madness rating is made.
Holding Saidin: For every minute the character holds the One Power, an attack is
made equal to 1d20 + the characters current Madness rating.
Creating Weaves: Every weave created causes an attack equal to 1d20 + the result of
the Channel check to be made. If the character is using an angreal, the attack gains a +5
bonus. If the character is using a saangreal, the attack gains a +10 bonus. If the
character is overchanneling, the attack is rerolled, and the best result is kept.

Any time the character gains a degradation, he chooses from the following list:
Dillusions: Dillusions give the character false impressions of himself and his abilities.
He may think himself a grand weapon master, even though he has little to no training, or
he may think he is a Whitecloak where he never joined and used to despise the
organization. At all times, he will think in those terms, such as making plans to attack
with the real weapon masters or walk into the Whitecloak camp to gain advice from his
Any time the character fails a Charisma check (except ones made to Channel), this
degradation causes the character to descend even further into dillusion, giving him a -5
penalty to all Charisma checks for the rest of the scene in addition to the above described
Hallucinations: Hallucinations create false sensations that the character is convinced
are real. This may be there is a massive monstrous being just ahead of them, dangerously
evil whispers at night, or the feeling that it is becoming too hot no matter the real
temperature. While the hallucination is not in effect at all times, the character believes
that the coming and going sensations are real, so it is only a matter of time before they
happen again.

Any time the character fails a Wisdom check, this degradation causes the character to
experience the hallucination even more fully. He takes a -5 penalty to all Wisdom
checks, and probably can do little besides acting with or against the perceived presence.
Paranoia: Paranoia is unreasonable fear, typically of things that might not even be
present or true. The character will become edgy, always double- and triple-checking
their food for poison, scouting out four or five times because they are worried someone is
following them, etc. This doesnt necessarily mean that the character cowers away from
combat situation, though it can in extreme cases.
The GM picks a circumstantial trigger for this, such as sleeping anywhere indoors that
is not the characters own home, or seeing a body of water. Any time the character
experiences this trigger, he becomes irrationally afraid and can only make either a move
action or a standard action each round for the duration of the scene.
Regression: The character becomes less intelligent and more child-like. His
knowledge of his real age has nothing to do with his behavior, he simply becomes more
immature and unthoughtful.
Any time the character fails an Intelligence check, this degradation causes the
character to lose virtually any understanding of his surroundings. The battle going on
around him, the nobles debating various laws, nothing will be fully fathomed.
Additionally, the character takes a -5 penalty to all Intelligence checks for the rest of the

Loss of Mind
If the character ever gains a number of Madness Points equal to his Wisdom score, he
loses his mind. For a male channeler, this means that his degradations take over and he is
beyond repair. All of his degradations are treated as being permanently triggered (and
with the roll against his Will Defense succeeding). He is forever lost and can no longer
be played.

Wolfbrothers risk insanity when they communicate with wolves or use their other
abilities. Each passing week, they struggle with canine urges that they must overcome,
because if they do not overcome them, they can become, mentally and behaviorally, more

The following actions trigger attacks against the characters Will Defense.
Using Wolfbrother Talent: Certain Wolfbrother talents trigger an attack against the
characters Will Defense, as described in the talent description. This attack is equal to
1d20 + 10 + the characters current Madness rating.

Any time the character gains a degradation, he chooses from the following list:
Carnivore: The character gains a strong taste for raw flesh (though not human or wolf
flesh). Cooked meat is barely adequate and loses most of its good flavor, and vegetables
and fruit are only something to eat if you are forced to or if you know enough about
nutrition to know that your body needs such things.
Any time the character smells meat (cooking or raw), the character gains an
erwhelming urge to eat raw meat. For the remainder of the scene, the only thing he
will eat is raw meat, though he wont necessarily lose his civility and humanity to get it.
Frightening Dreams: For most Wolfbrothers, the ability to walk in the Dream Wo
is a boon. Even for this Wolfbrother, it is a boon most of the time. However, two or
three times a week the character will have wretched nightmares that cause him to wake
up having barely slept and preventing him from easily returning to sleep.

Once per week, the character

experiences a dream so terrifying that it
limits his ability to function at his maximum
level for the rest of the day. He takes a -2
penalty to Will Defense for the rest of the
day and moves down one step on the
Condition Track until
un he sleeps for at least
eight hours.
Tooth and Claw: The character
realizes that it is unnatural for him to fight
with man-made
weapons, for his teeth and
claws are far deadlier weapons. He will
often scratch or bite people during fights,
even if he is using melee or ranged weapons.
Any time the character takes damage
that brings him down one step on the
Condition Track, he drops his weapons and
fights the rest of the scene unarmed.
Wildheart: The character becomes
uncomfortable in urban settings, or even in
large groups. All the while, he has a
yearning to be out in the wild, where he feels
he belongs.
The GM picks a circumstantial trigger
for this degradation. It could be things such
as seeing wolves in the wild, or being in an
enclosed space crowded
with people, etc.
When the trigger occurs, the character makes every reasonable effort to get out into the
wild. A reasonable effort is one that includes still keeping your mind for the most part,
so he wouldnt attack his friends necessarily, nor
or would he injure himself greatly, etc.
Once in the wild, he remains there for the remainder of the scene, after which he sort of
comes to.

Loss of Mind
If the character ever gains a number of Madness Points equal to his Wisdom score, he
loses his mind. For a Wolfbrother, this means that he loses all semblances (except
physical) of humanity, and becomes, mentally, a wolf. All of his degradations are treated
as being permanently triggered (and with the roll against his Will Defense succeeding).
He is forever lost and can no longer be played.


This chapter presents classes for characters beyond the early levels. While heroic
characters themselves are rare in the Westlands, heroic characters
acters beyond fifth or sixth
level are extraordinarily rare. Most non-player
player characters encountered will be members
of the non-heroic class presented in the Gamemastering chapter.


Egwene alVere, Nynaeve alMeara, Elayne Trakand, Logain Ablar.


A character does not have to take levels only in the base heroic classes. Characters who
desire to focus their expertise somewhat may branch into what are called prestige classes,
granting them different abilities. Prestige classes work much like prestige classes
presented in the Star Wars: Saga Edition Roleplaying
aying Game. However, these classes are
unique to the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, and are presented below.

An advanced channeler is a channeler who has
achieved great levels of mastery in using the
One Power. Whether she is a wilder who has
managed to survive and thrive, or an Aes Sedai
with specialties in channeling, she may use
this class to enhance and diversify her
channeling abilities.
This prestige class is also used for
organizations other than the Asha'man or Aes
Sedai channeling organizations, such as the
Kinship and the Windfinders. Though, like
with any prestige class,
ss, one doesn't need levels in this class to be members of those
organizations. Furthermore, this class is useful for Aes Sedai and Ashaman who want to
gain abilities either not common or very advanced for those organizations.

To qualify to become an advanced channeler, a character must fulfill the following

Character Level: 7th.
Trained Skill: Channel.
Feats: Channeler, Extra Talent.
Talents: At least two talents from any of the One Power talent trees or any Channeling
Organizational Talent Tree.


Advanced channelers have the following game statistics.
TABLE 11-1:

Hit Points
At each level, advanced
channelers gain 1d6 hit points +
their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Advanced channelers gain a
number of Hero Points equal to
6 + one-half their character
level, rounded down, every time
they gain a new level.



Defense bonuses, talent
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique

The following are features of the advanced channeler prestige class.

At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Weavemaster talent tree, or the Advanced Channeler or Expert
Windfinder talent trees, presented below.

Prerequisites: Advanced Channeler.

Torrent Weave: You open yourself to a torrent of the One Power for the duration of
one weave. Whenever you channel a weave that deals damage or heals damage, you may
spend a Hero Point to move the target an additional step along the Condition Track (-1 if
damaging, +1 if healing). This is in addition to any Condition Track steps taken normally
from the weave. Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point to move the target all the
way up or down the Condition Track.
Prerequisites: Advanced Channeler.



You have learned things about the One Power and channeling weaves that are much more
advanced than most people ever reach.
Accurate Weave: When using a weave that has a ray effect, you may spend a Hero
Point take a +10 bonus to the roll result against the target's Defense score, but the effect
is reduced by one step. Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point to score an
automatic hit with no penalty to the weave's power.
Prerequisite: Advanced Channeler.
Advanced Channeling: You have begun to delve into the most advanced secrets of
the One Power. Whenever you spend a Hero Point to modify a Channel check, you roll
one additional d6 and take the best of the rolls.
Control Weave: When using a weave with a sustained effect, you may spend a Hero
Point to have the difficulty to maintain the weave after the first round reduced by 10.
Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point to automatically succeed at sustaining the
weave for a number of rounds equal to twice your character level, after which the
difficulty is reduced by 15 to maintain concentration.
Prerequisites: Advanced Channeler.
Empower Weave: When using a weave that deals damage or heals damage, you may
spend a Hero Point to increase the weave's damage dice by 50% (minimum +1 die).
Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point to double the number of damage dice.
Prerequisite: Advanced Channeler.
Maximize Weave: When using a weave that deals damage or heals damage, you may
spend a Hero Point to deal the maximum amount of damage, as though you had gotten
the highest result on each die. Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point to also
increase the damage by 25% (rounded down).
Prerequisite: Advanced Channeler.
Multitarget Weave: When using a weave that has a single target, you may spend a
Hero Point to reduce the weave's effect by one step and have it affect one additional
target. Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point to have it affect one target per four
character levels.

You are a highly experienced Windfinder, and can command the weaves you use with
incredible ability.
Aura of Oceanic Might: As a swift action, you may add your Charisma modifier to
damage done by any weave that uses the Air and/or Water Affinities and causes hit point
Prerequisites: At least one talent from the Windfinder talent tree.
Command of the Seas: Any time you create a weave that includes the Air and/or
Water Affinities, but no others, you may hold the weave twice as long before you begin
to suffer condition track damage from channeling fatigue.
Prerequisites: At least one talent from the Windfinder talent tree.
Ride the Waves: Any time you are holding the One Power while on a ship that is out
at sea, all allies on the same ship may take 10 on Acrobatics checks made to keep their
balance. Furthermore, if they lose their balance, they lose a swift action as opposed to a
move action, though they still lose their Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense.
Prerequisites: At least one talent from the Windfinder talent tree.
Storm Master: You may spend three consecutive swift actions to take 20 on a
Channel check to create a weave that uses Air and/or Water as its Affinities (but no other
Prerequisites: At least one talent from the Windfinder talent tree.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4 class bonus to your Will Defense and a +2 bonus to Reflex


Channeling Technique
You have learned improved techniques that enhance your ability to channel. At every
even-numbered level (2nd, 4th, etc.), you gain a new Channeling Technique.

Among the most respected people in the
Westlands and Aiel Waste, the Aes Sedai are
defenders of the Light. Each Sister belongs to
one of the seven Ajahs: Yellow, Red, Green,
White, Gray, Brown, or Blue, and with each Ajah
comes potential abilities and weaves unique to
that Ajah.


Moiraine Damodred, Siuan Sanche, Egwene
alVere, Cadsuane Melaidhrin, Elaida do Avriny
a'Roihan, Verin Mathwin, Leane Sharif.

Defense Bonuses



At 1st level, you gain a +4

class bonus to Will Defense,
and a +2 bonus to Reflex




At every odd-numbered level

(1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain
a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Influence
talent tree, One Power Savant
talent tree, or the Aes Sedai
talent tree, or one of the Ajah
talent trees or Sister talent tree, presented below.

Defense bonuses, talent
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique

To qualify to become an Aes Sedai, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Trained Skill: Channel.
Feats: Channeler, Weave Training.
Talents: At least one talent from the Aes Sedai, One Power Savant
Savant, or Weavemaster
talent trees.
Special: Must be a member of the Aes Sedai organization.


Aes Sedai have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, Aes Sedai gain 1d6 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Aes Sedai gain a number of Hero Points equal to 6 + one-half
half their character level,
rounded down, every time they gain a new level.

The following are features of the Aes Sedai prestige class.


You are a Sister of the Blue Ajah. Your devotion to causes is unrivaled among the other
Aura of Determination: You gain +2 to your Will Defense.
Furthermore, you may spend a swift action while channeling the One Power to grant a
number of allies equal to one-half
half your heroic level in line of sight to you a +1 bonus to
Will Defense for one round.
Focus on the Cause: Once per encounter, you may add your Charisma modifier to
your Fortitude and Will Defenses for one full round.
Passionate Helper: Any time you aid an ally on a Skill check or Ability check, you
grant an additional bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.
Passionate Leader: Once per encounter, while channeling the One Power, you may
grant a number of allies equal to one-half
half your heroic level one of the following benefits:
the ability to reroll any one failed attack roll, one additional die of damage on a
successful attack, or a +5 boost to one Defense for one full round. You choose the benefit
(which applies to all targets). The targets must use the ability by the end of the encounter,
or the bonus is lost.


You are a Sister of the Brown Ajah. Your general
eral knowledge and ability to study is

Enhanced Learning: By spending a Hero Point as a swift action, you may substitute a
Channel check for any Knowledge check in which you are not trained.
Enhanced Memory: You may add your Charisma modifier to any Intelligence checks
made to remember past events.
Mental Clarity: Any time you are using resources (such as a library) to make a
Knowledge check to look up information, you may make a DC 20 Channel check as a
swift action. If the check succeeds, you may reroll any Knowledge checks made while
using the resources for the remainder of the encounter.
Mental Savant: Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a Knowledge check, you gain one
temporary Hero Point. This Hero Point must be spent by the end of the encounter. If it is
not spent by the end of the encounter, it is lost.

Improved Battle Ajah: You add double your Charisma modifier to the damage of
weave powers used against Shadowspawn and Shadowsworn.
Prerequisite: Battle Ajah.
Improved Warder Bond: Your warders may transfer up to +5 bonus to Defenses as a
swift action, instead of the usual +4. As a reaction, you may redistribute the bonus among
your Warders. You must do so before you know the result of any attacks made against
Warder Coordination: You and your Warders are adept at working together. As long
as you and your Warders begin combat within 6 squares of one another, you all roll
Initiative checks normally, and act on the highest Initiative rolled, as if you had all rolled
the same.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Initiative skill.


You are a Sister of the Gray Ajah, and your diplomatic skills rival even the best
negotiators and nobles in the known world.
Adept Negotiator: As a swift action, you may make a Channel check (DC 20). If the
check succeeds, you may, as a standard action in the same turn, make a Persuasion check
against a target with Intelligence 3 or higher who can see, hear, and understand you. If
your Persuasion check exceeds the target's Will Defense, it moves -1 step along the
condition track. The target gets a +5 bonus to Will Defense if it is higher level than you.
If the target reaches the end of the condition track, it doesn't fall unconscious, but rather
loses the ability to attack you or any of your allies for the remainder of the encounter
unless you or one of your allies attacks it. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Enhanced Bearing: Any time you are holding the One Power, your Charisma
modifier is doubled when using it for anything other than making Channel checks.
Enhanced Diplomacy: As a swift action, you may make a Channel check to improve
the attitude of a target with Intelligence 3 or higher who can see, hear, and understand
you. The DC of this check is 20. If it is successful, you may reroll any Persuasion checks
made to change the target's attitude toward you and keep the better result.
Master Negotiator: Whenever you use the Adept Negotiator talent successfully, the
target moves an additional step down the condition track when you are successful, for a
total of -2 steps.
Prerequisites: Adept Negotiator.


You are a Sister of the Green Ajah, also known as the Battle Ajah, ready to be at the
forefront of the conflicts of the world.
Battle Ajah: You add your Charisma modifier to the damage of weave powers used
against Shadowspawn and Shadowsworn.


You are a Sister of the Red Ajah, with the goal of making sure the world is never broken
again and finding and gentling any male channelers found in the world.
Shielding Specialty: Whenever you activate a Shield weave, you gain a +5 bonus to
your Channel check.
Improved Shielding Specialty: You may maintain a Shield weave as a move action,
instead of a standard action.
Prerequisites: Shield Specialty.
Broke The World: When you activate a Shield weave against a male channeler, his
bonus to opposed channeling checks due to being male is reduced by 5.
Improved Broke the World: When you activate a Shield weave against a male
channeler, he receives no bonus for being of the opposite gender.
Prerequisites: Broke the World.


You are a Sister, an Aes Sedai.
Channeling Secrets: You have begun to learn secrets to channeling the One Power
that are unique to the Aes Sedai. Once per encounter, when using any Channeling
Technique, you may gain the effect that would be gained by spending a Hero Point
without using a Hero Point.
Secret of Mastery: You have learned secret techniques of channeling mastery. You
may spend a Hero Point to reroll any Channel check made to create a weave, though you
must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
Prerequisite: Channeling Secrets.
Secret of Serenity: You have honed secret techniques of channeling serenity. You
may spend a full round in a semi-meditative state during which you remain aware of your

surroundings, but you lose your Dexterity modifier to your Reflex Defense. On your next
turn, you may spend a Hero Point to have your next Channel check considered to be a
natural 20.
Prerequisite: Channeling Secrets.


You are a Sister of the White Ajah, a master of logic and reason.
Logical Mind: Any time you take 10 or 20 on a skill check, if you spend a Hero Point,
you may add your Intelligence modifier in addition to the result of the bonus die to the
result in addition to the normal ability modifier involved. If the skill uses your
Intelligence modifier, you may double it for the purposes of this talent.
Moment of Genius: You gain a +1 bonus to all Intelligence checks. Any time you
spend a Hero Point to gain a bonus to Intelligence
elligence checks, you gain the result of the die
roll +5, replacing +1 bonus automatically received from this talent.
Riddle Genius: You may add one-half
half your heroic level to Intelligence checks made
to solve riddles, mysteries, and enigmas.
Riddle Master: You may spend a Hero Point to reroll Intelligence checks made to
solve riddles, mysteries, and enigmas, keeping the better result.


You are a Sister of the Yellow Ajah, highly skilled in healing weaves.
Healing Touch: Whenever you use the Heal weave, you heal an additional 1 point of
damage per your class level.
Improved Healing Touch: Whenever you use the Heal weave, you heal an additional
amount of damage equal to your Charisma modifier x your class level.
Prerequisite: Healing Touch.
Improved Revivify: You can use the revivify application of the Treat Injury skill or
the Heal weave to bring back a person who has just died within a number of rounds equal
to one-half your heroic level.
Soothing Touch: When you use the Renew weave, you may spend a Hero Point to
make the target's persistent condition no longer persistent.

Channeling Technique
You have learned improved techniques that enhance your ability to channel. At every
even-numbered level (2nd, 4th, etc.), you gain a new Channeling Technique.

Algai'd'siswai are the dangerous spear warriors from
the Aiel Waste. Divided into multiple warrior
societies, each with a different purpose, the
algai'd'siswai are renowned for their agility,
toughness, ferocity
city in battle, as well as their stealth
and alertness.


Aviendha, Rhuarc, Couladin, Chiad, Bain.

To qualify to become an algai'd'siswai,, a character
must fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Trained Skills: Initiative, Perception.
Talents: At least two talents from the Algaidsiswai,
Algaidsiswai Awareness, Battle Dancer, or
Camouflage talent trees.
Weapon Group Proficiency: Spears and Lances.
Special: Must be Aiel or accepted as a Spear Dancer among the Aiel.


following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, algai'd'siswai
gain 1d8 hit points + their
Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Algai'd'siswai gain a number
of Hero Points equal to 6 +
one-half their character level,
rounded down, every time
they gain a new level.




Defense bonuses, talent
Dance the spears
Dance the spears
Dance the spears
Dance the spears
Dance the spears

The following are features of the algai'd'siswai prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4 class bonus to your Reflex Defense and a +2 bonus to
Fortitude Defense.

At every odd-numbered
numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Awareness or Battle Dancer talent tree, or the Algai'd'siswai or Maiden
of the Spear talent trees presented below.


You are an elite spear dancer, and among the fiercest of these world-renowned, fierce
Alert Defense: When using a buckler, you can spend a Hero Point to gain a bonus to
Reflex Defense against melee attacks versus your opponent equal to your Wi
modifier in addition to the bonuses granted by the buckler.
Improved Avoid Feint: You may reroll checks made to avoid feints and keep the
better result.
Improved Reactive Strike: When using the Reactive Strike ability, your opponent
loses his Dexterity modifier to Reflex Defense.
Prerequisite: Reactive Strike.
Improved Skirmisher: Any time you use the Skirmisher talent, you also gain a +1
bonus to Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn for each time you have taken the
Skirmisher talent.
Prerequisite: Skirmisher.
Superior Initiative: Any time your Initiative is the highest of anyone else in the battle,
you gain one additional swift action each round.


You are a talented Maiden of the Spear, a hero among your
our kind. Your abilities in
scouting and spear combat are nearly unrivaled.
Distant Sight: You only take a -22 penalty when noticing distant targets using the
Perception skill. Furthermore, the target must be 20 squares away or more before you
start taking penalties to notice it.
Enhanced Vision: When actively looking for hidden enemies, you may make a
Perception check as a swift action.

Out of Sight: Once per encounter, you may take 20 on any Stealth check made to
Quick Step: As a swift action, you can
an move 1 square without provoking an attack of

Dance the Spears

You gain a bonus to Acrobatics and Initiative checks at every even-numbered
level. This
bonus is equal to one-half
half your class level, rounded down.

Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, founded
the Asha'man channeling organization to
train male channelers in the One Power and
also to be used in battle as weapons. They
blend close melee combat and devastating
offensive channeling in such a way that few
can stand against them. While lower-level
members of the organization are called
soldiers, those who qualify for this prestige
class are typically more advanced, and may
even be Dedicated or Asha'man in rank.

Mazrim Taim, Damer Flinn, Jahar
Narishma, Eben Hopwil, Fedwin Morr.

To qualify to become an Asha'man, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Trained Skill: Channel.
Feats: Channeler, Extra Talent.
Talents: At least one talent from the Ashaman, Combat Channeler, or Soldier talent
Special: Must be a member of the Asha'man organization.


Asha'man have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, Asha'man gain 1d10 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Asha'man gain a number of
Hero Points equal to 6 + onehalf their character level,
rounded down, every time they
gain a new level.

The following are features of
the Asha'man prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +2
class bonus to your Fortitude,
Reflex, and Will Defenses.

Mighty Weave: Choose one damage-dealing

dealing weave. Whenever you successfully
damage an opponent, all enemies who see the weave channeled lose one swift action
from their upcoming turn. You may spend a Force Point to also cause them to take a -5
penalty to Will Defense for the remainder of the encounter.
Staggering Weave: Choose one damage-dealing
dealing weave. When you successfully deal
damage with that weave, that target loses its next move action.




Channeling Technique
Defense bonuses, talent
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique
Channeling technique

At every odd-numbered
numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Combat Channeler or Soldier talent tree, or the Asha'man talent tree
presented below.


You have learned advanced techniques for blending channeling with martial combat, to
deadly levels.
Devastating Weave: Choose one damage-dealing
dealing weave. When channeling that
weave, you treat the opponent's damage threshold as though it was five points lower.
Efficient Killer: Any time you use a melee weapon to reduce an enemy to a number of
hit points equal to one-half yourr character level, you can spend a swift action to make an
immediate attack against that opponent. If that attack succeeds, it does damage equal to
the opponent's remaining hit points +1, even if it is more damage than the weapon can do.
Merciless Channeling: Any time you exceed a target's damage threshold with a
weave, that target takes a -22 penalty to all defenses against weaves created by you for the
rest of the encounter. Any single target may only receive up to a -2 penalty from this
talent, though it may be used against multiple targets.

You have learned improved techniques that enhance your ability

abili to channel. At every
numbered level (2nd, 4th, etc.), you gain a new Channeling Technique.

Masters of the sword, true blademasters are rare.
To many, blademasters are ultimate fighters, and
few warriors can stand toe-to-toe with them for
Many, though not all, blademasters have a
heron-marked sword, a sign of their mastery.
These weapons were crafted long ago.

alLan Mandragoran, Rand alThor, Galad
Damodred, Tam alThor, Turan, Rodel Ituralde,
Eamon Valda, Turak Aladon, Toram Riatin.

To qualify to become a blademaster, a character
must fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Feats: Melee Defense, Weapon Focus (heavy blades or light blades).


Blademasters have the following game statistics.

Hit Points

At each level, blademasters gain 1d10 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Blademasters gain a number
of Hero Points equal to 6 +
one-half their character
level, rounded down, every
time they gain a new level.

The following are features of
the blademaster prestige

Defense Bonuses




At 1st level, you gain a +4

class bonus to your Reflex
Defense and a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense.

Defense bonuses, talent
Blademaster defense
Blademaster defense
Blademaster defense
Blademaster defense
Blademaster defense

At every odd-numbered
numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Soldier talent tree, or the Blademaster talent tree presented below.


You have mastered the sword, and can use techniques that give you great advantage over
your enemies in close combat.
Aggressive Form: Once per encounter you may spend a Hero Point to designate a
single enemy in your line of sight. For the remainder of the encounter, when using a
sword, you may reroll your first attack roll each round against the opponent and keep the
better result.
Defensive Form: When fighting defensively, you may add your Wisdom modifier to
your Reflex Defense,
nse, or +1, whichever is higher. If you make no attacks during the
round, the bonus provided by this talent is doubled.
Deft Form: You may add your Dexterity bonus instead of your Strength bonus to
damage rolls made with a sword. When you wield a blade two
two-handed, you may apply
double your Dexterity bonus to damage rather than double your Strength bonus.

Patient Form: By spending two swift actions in the round, you may roll a 1d4 and add
the bonus to either your Reflex Defense against one attack in the round
roun or one attack roll
made during the round.
Powerful Form: When attacking with a blade, you can spend a swift action to deal
one additional die of damage on all attacks made in the same round.
Vital Form: When making an attack with a sword, you score a critical hit on a natural
19 or 20 die roll result. A natural 19 isn't considered an automatic hit, however, and if
you roll a natural 19 and still miss the target, you do not get a critical hit.

Blademaster Defense
When wielding a sword, you gain a shield bonus to Reflex Defense against incoming
melee attacks. This bonus is equal to half your class level. This bonus stacks with any
shield bonuses gained from blade techniques.

There are many armies in the known
world, from the standing armies of the
many nations to the independent
armies of the Band of the Red Hand or
the rebel Aes Sedai army, to the
various Aiel warrior societies and
even the invading Ever Victorious
Army, battles rage throughout the
lands at different times throughout the
ages, especially during the times
leading up to the Final Battle. These
armies are led by commanding
officers, the greatest of whom are
capable of turning the tides of battles
with their prowess and leadership.


Matrim Cauthon, Gareth Bryne, Davram Bashere, Agelmar Jagad, Rodel Ituralde, Pedron
Niall, Sammael.

To qualify to become a commander, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Character Level: 7th.

Trained Skill: Knowledge (tactics).
Talents: At least one talent from the Leadership or Soldier talent trees.
Special: Must belong to an organization with a military division. Examples include the
Band of the Red Hand or any nation's military organization.


Commanders have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, commanders
gain 1d8 hit points + their
Constitution modifier.


Defense bonuses, talent
Assist army
Hero Points
Commanders gain a number
Assist army
of Hero Points equal to 6 +
one-half their character level,
Assist army
rounded down, every time
they gain a new level.
Assist army
Assist army
The following are features of the commander prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4 class bonus to your Will Defense and a +2 bonus to Reflex

Raider Tactics: As a move action, you may grant any allies within line of sight a +1
bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls. These bonuses last until the
beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Tactics Expert.
Shieldbearer Tactics: As a move action, you may grant any allies within line of sight
a +1 shield bonus to Reflex Defense. This bonus is extended to any allies adjacent to
them. Any allies using a shield gain a +2 bonus to Reflex Defense and extend an
additional +2 bonus to adjacent allies, even if those allies do not have a shield. These
bonuses last until the beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Tactics Expert.
Spearhead Tactics: As a move action, you may grant any allies within line of sight a
+1 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to base speed. These bonuses last until the
beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Tactics Expert.
Stalwart Morale: Any time an opponent attempts to affect one of your allies within
your line of sight with an effect that targets Will Defense, you may add your Charisma
modifier to that ally's Will Defense against the attempt. You may do this for each ally
once per encounter, though it costs you a swift action.
Tactics Expert: You may reroll any Knowledge (tactics) skill check as a free action,
though you must keep
ep the second result, even if it is worse.

Assist Army
Starting at 2nd level, your ability to help your troops is enhanced. Any time you grant a
morale or insight bonus, the bonus is increased by an additional +1. Furthermore, the
range at which you can use
se "line of sight" abilities increases as you advance. At second
level, this range becomes line of sight or 10 squares, whichever is greater. At fourth level,
the range becomes 20 squares or line of sight. At sixth level, it becomes 50 squares or
line of sight.
ight. At eighth level, it is 100 squares or line of sight. Finally, it is one mile or
line of sight at tenth level.

At every odd-numbered
numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Leadership or Soldier talent tree, or the Military Tactics talent tree
presented below.


You are a master of battle strategy, and have abilities that help give your units the edge.
Master Tactician: Whenever you reroll a Knowledge (tactics) skill check, you may
keep the better of the two rolls.
Prerequisite: Tactics Expert.

The bow can be a powerful weapon, and none
are greater with it than elite archers. More than

great shooters, the elite archer has incredible accuracy and can perform bow tricks of


Birgitte Silverbow, Tam alThor.

To qualify to become an elite archer, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (bows or crossbows).


Elite archers have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, elite archers
gain 1d8 hit points + their
Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Elite archers gain a number
of Hero Points equal to 6 +
one-half their character level,
rounded down, every time
they gain a new level.

The following are features of
the elite archer prestige class.




Defense bonuses, talent
Improved range +10%
Improved range +20%
Improved range +30%
Improved range +40%
Improved range +50%

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4 class bonus to your Reflex Defense and a +2 bonus to
Fortitide Defense.

At every odd-numbered
numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Awareness or Soldier talent tree, or the Marksman talent trees presented


You rarely miss, especially when you aim, and your shots alone can decide the entire
outcome of skirmishes.
Alert Aim: You can abandon when aiming and regain your Dexterity bonus to your
Reflex Defense. You lose the benefits from aiming if you abandon, but you can regain
the benefits by spending a third
rd swift action if it's within the same round.
Deft Accuracy: Any time you exceed a target's Reflex Defense by 10 or more with a
ranged attack, you deal damage as though it was a critical hit, even if it was not a natural
Feel the Shot: You may spend
nd a Hero Point to reroll any missed ranged attack if you
aimed before the attack, but you must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse.
Hole in the Armor: Once per encounter, you may ignore the armor bonus granted by a
target's armor.
True Accuracy: You ignore any penalties taken if your opponent has concealment or
total concealment.
Weather Adjustments: The penalties you take to ranged attacks from adverse weather
are reduced by half.

Improved Range
At every even-numbered level (2nd, 4th, etc.),
c.), your range is increased by a cumulative
ten percent.

Of all the bards, singers, musicians,
storytellers, dancers, acrobats, and other
performers throughout the Westlands, none
are more famed, or more sought after, than a
gleeman. With their patched cloaks and their
entertaining abilities, the gleeman is a oneman show, and a necessarily knowledgeable
person as well.


Thomdril Merrilin.

To qualify to become a gleeman, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Trained Skills: Knowledge (history), Persuasion.
Feat: Skill Focus (Persuasion).
Talents: At least two talents from the Inspiration or Streetwise talent trees.


Gleemen have the following
game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, gleemen gain
1d6 hit points + their
Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Gleemen gain a number of
Hero Points equal to 6 + onehalf their character level,
rounded down, every time
they gain a new level.




Defense bonuses, talent
Gleeman knowledge
Gleeman knowledge
Gleeman knowledge
Gleeman knowledge
Gleeman knowledge

The following are features of the gleeman prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4 class bonus to your Reflex Defense and a +2 bonus to Will

At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Inspiration, or Streetwise talent trees, or the Lore or Performer talent
trees presented below.

You know stories, and you can tell true legends from myths, and the differences between
Eavesdropper: When you make a Gather Information check, you may also make a
Perception check and keep the better of the two skill checks.
Historical Knowledge: You may make an Intelligence check (DC 15) to determine the
validity of a story and deduce whether it is a true, historically accurate recounting of
actual events or a figment of false stories. You can also determine if it is a legend based
on actual facts.
Prerequisite: Trained in Knowledge (academics).
In the Know: Once per encounter, you may add your Intelligence modifier to any
Gather Information or Knowledge check.
Scholarly Knowledge: As a swift action, you can reroll a Knowledge check in which
you are trained and keep the better of the two results.
Well Informed: Any time you spend a Hero Point to add bonus dice to a Gather
Information check, you gain an additional die. You may reroll the lowest die. You keep
the highest result of all the dice.


Your skills in performance are uncanny, enough so that you can mesmerize virtually
anyone with relative ease.
Actor: You may use the Deception skill instead of the Persuasion skill when using the
Master Performer Unforgettable Performance talent.
Prerequisite: Master Performer.
Master Performer: You may always reroll Persuasion checks made to perform and
keep the higher result.
Musical Skill: Select one musical instrument. When using the Master Performer
talent, and using that instrument, you gain a +5 bonus to the Persuasion check.
Prerequisite: Master Performer.
Tumbler: You may use the Acrobatics skill instead of the Persuasion skill when using
the Master Performer or Unforgettable Performance talent.
Prerequisite: Master Performer.
Unforgettable Performance: Any time you make a Persuasion check to improve the
attitude of other characters, you may reroll the check and keep the better result.
Prerequisite: Master Performer.

Gleeman Knowledge

Starting at second level, you no longer need to pay money to use the Gather Information
skill. Furthermore, you gain a class bonus to all Knowledge checks equal to one
one-half your
class level, rounded down.

For reasons unknown, the Pattern selects
individuals who are given extraordinary
abilities. Some tap in to their abilities more
than others, even to the point of being heroes
who make a lasting impact on the history of


Perrin Aybara, Egwene alVere, Elyas

To qualify to become a latent hero, a
character must fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Feat: Latent Ability (any one).
Talents: At least two talents from any Latent Ability talent tree.


Latent heroes have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, latent heroes gain 1d8 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points

TABLE 11-9:

Latent heroes gain a number

of Hero Points equal to 6 +
one-half their character level,
rounded down, every time
they gain a new level.


The following are features of
the latent hero prestige class.

Defense Bonuses


At 1st level, you gain a +2

class bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Defenses.

Defense bonuses, talent
Latent blessing 1/encounter
Latent blessing 2/encounter
Latent blessing 3/encounter
Latent blessing 4/encounter
Latent blessing 5/encounter

At every level you gain a talent. This talent can be selected from any of your chosen
Latent Ability talent trees, or the Advanced Latent Ability talent trees presented below.


You have mastered your Dreamer abilities and are especially adept in Tel'aran'rhiod.
Enter Dream: You may locate dreams and enter them with a DC 30 Perception check
followed by a DC 20 Charisma check. Doing so can be dangerous (as you have no
control over your own actions while in the dream).
Prerequisites: Dreamer, Dreamport.
Master of Tel'aran'rhiod: Any time you enter Tel'aran'rhiod, you gain a temporary
Hero Point. This Hero Point remains with you until you leave the Dream World.
Prerequisites: Any two talents from the Dreamer Talent Tree.
Waking Dream: You may enter Tel'aran'rhiod while still semi-awake.
Doing so still
requires at least a standard action.
While in the Dream World, you are awake, but you can only use swift actions, move
actions, and reactions in the physical world. Any actions taken in the physical world also
force you to make a reflexive Wisdom check (DC 20). Success means you remain in the
Dream World.
In the Dream World, you must spend an additional swift point any time you ma ke a
standard or full-round
round action to maintain your concentration in that world, or make any
skill check, ability check, or attack.

Finally, you may spend a Hero Point instead of making the Wisdom check to stay in
the Dream World if you take an action in the physical world.
Prerequisites: Dreamer, Improved Dreamer.


You can smell violence even most other Sniffers would miss, and very little violence
escapes your notice.
Durable Sniffer: The bonus to attacks made against your For
Fortitude Defense increase
only by +1 for each use of the Sniffer ability after the first.
Prerequisite: Any two talents from the Sniffer Talent Tree.
Improved Sniffer: You may spend a Hero Point to reroll Perception checks made to
use the Sniffer ability or the abilities of any talent with Sniffer as a prerequisite. You
keep the better result.
Prerequisite: Any two talents from the Sniffer Talent Tree.

Defense. This bonus lasts only for the duration of the specific, named attack against that
Defense, and one use is consumed even if the attack succeeds and overcomes the bonus
as well.

Regents are people of social importance, from royals to underground
smuggling leaders, heirs to great fortunes or influential military


Elayne Trakand, Morgase Trakand. Berelain dur Paendrag
Paeron, Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag, Pedron Niall.



Your connection with wolves, and your wolf-like

like abilities, are phenomonal.
Pack Hunter: You grant an additional +2 to attack rolls or +1 to Reflex Defense when
aiding another wolf in combat. Furthermore, you deal +2 damage on successful melee
attacks whenever you are within two squares of an allied wolf or whenever you flank an
opponent with a wolf.
Prerequisites: Any two talents from the Wolfbrother Talent Tree, Coordinated Attack.
Wolf Frenzy: You may fly into a frenzy with a swift action. This frenzy lasts a
number of rounds equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier, and afterwa
afterwards, you move -1
persistent step down the Condition Track.
During the frenzy, you may use one additional move action or standard action each
round. If you take a full-round
round action during the round, you gain one additional swift
action to use during the round.
nd. You may not use any skills that require concentration or
patience, such as Craft, Deception, or Stealth, during this frenzy.
Entering a frenzy is a Madness trigger for Wolfbrothers.
Prerequisites: Any two talents from the Wolfbrother Talent Tree.

To qualify to become a regent, a character must fulfill the

following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Trained Skills: Knowledge (politics), Persuasion.
Talents: At least two talents from the Influence, Leadership, or
Lineage talent trees or any Noble House Organizational Talent Tree.

Latent Blessing
The Pattern gives you extra strength to survive the dangers of the world. Because of this,
you may increase your defenses against sudden dangers reflexively (and possibly even
without knowing that youre doing so). A number of times per eencounter equal to onehalf your class level, you may do one of the following for one Defense as a reaction when
that Defense is attacked: add your Intelligence modifier to your Reflex Defense, add your
Strength modifier to your Fortitude Defense, or add your
ur Charisma modifier to your Will


Regents have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, regents gain 1d6 hit points + their Constitution

Hero Points
Regents gain a number of Hero Points equal to 6 + one-half
their character level, rounded
down, every time they gain a new level.

The following are features of the regent prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4
class bonus to your Will
Defense, and a +2 bonus to
your Reflex Defense.

At every odd-numbered level
(1st, 3rd, and so on), you
gain a talent. This talent can
be selected from any of your
Leadership talent trees, or
the Heir or Mastermind
talent trees presented below.




Defense bonuses, talent


You are the heir to great fortunes, allies, lands, and prestige.
Allies: When interacting with any target who has a friendly attitude toward you or
better, you may reroll any Persuasion check made to gain a favor from them. This ability
may be used only once per level for any one target, though it may be used on multiple
targets at different times. This favor must be within the means of the one granting the
favor, and a reasonable request. An innkeeper may grant a free stay at an inn and free
meals for a week, but cannot necessarily call off an assassin trying to kill you, nor is he
likely to give you his wife. A wealthy member of the royal family may be able to
guarantee safe passage, but if the escort is killed off, the guarantee is likely gone.
Aura of Respect: Any time you make a Gather Information or Persuasion check with
anyone who has heard of you, you may add your entire level to the check, rather than
Prerequisites: Prestige.
Fortunes: You gain a number of gold marks equal to 1,000 x your class level upon
meeting the person leaving you with the inheritance, or upon meeting the keeper of the
estate upon the benefactor's death.
Lands: You gain lands from a benefactor. The number of people living on these lands
is equal to 1,000 x your class level. The number of skilled people (nonheroic level 5+) is
equal to 10 x your class level. The number of heroic characters living in your lands is
equal to 2 x your class level. The maximum heroic level of any resident living in your
lands gained from this talent is your heroic level -2.

Prestige: Others grant you honor and awe worthy of your social position. Any time
you are in your own lands or in a land within a number of miles equal to 100 x your
heroic level, you grant an additional 1 point whenever you grant a morale or insight
bonus to any allies. You also treat any opponent's Will Defense as being 2 points lower
when making Persuasion checks to intimidate.


You are socially adept and a great planner and schemer.
Inspirer: Any time you grant an inspiration or morale bonus, you also grant the
affected allies a temporary Hero Point which they can use starting on their next turn. If
this Hero Point is not used by the end of the encounter, it is lost.
Master Manipulator: You may reroll Persuasion checks made to change a character's
attitude or haggle and keep the better result.
Master Executor: Your plans run smoothly. Once per encounter, when in a noncombat scenario, any time you successfully aid another on a skill check, you grant the
person aided a temporary Hero Point and the ability to spend Hero Points to reroll any
skill checks made for the rest of the encounter. This benefit lasts as long as things don't
dissolve into combat. If the temporary Hero Point isn't spent by the end of the encounter,
it is lost.
Social Adept: You may spend a Hero Point to add your Intelligence modifier (in
addition to the bonus die) to any Charisma-based ability check or skill check (except
Channel checks).
Social Genius: You may reroll any Charisma-based ability check or skill check
(except Channel) that is opposed by a target's opposed roll or Will Defense. You keep the
better result.
Prerequisite: Social Adept.

At every even-numbered level, the regent gains an ally from among his contacts, whose
heroic level is no more than one-half your heroic level. Various allies give different
benefits. The player chooses the type of ally and their general purpose, and the
Gamemaster creates the character statistics. Generally speaking, the ally doesnt travel
with the hero, or at least for longer than short amounts of time. They become more able
contacts, for the most part, though they can step up and do more when the needs arise.
This ally is an NPC controlled by the Gamemaster.

Thief-takers, or thief-catchers, as they are called in
some lands, are highly-skilled hunters of people.
Criminals and wanted outlaws have powerful
enemies in thief-takers indeed, as nobody is better
at bringing them to justice.


Juilin Sandar, Hurin

To qualify to become a thief-taker, a character must
fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.
Trained Skills: Gather Information, Stealth,
Feats: Weapon Proficiency (light blades).
Talents: At least two talents from the Awareness
or Thief-Taker talent tree.


Thief-takers have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, thief-takers
takers gain 1d8 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Thief-takers gain a number of Hero Points equal to 6 + one-half
half their character level,
rounded down, every time they gain a new level.

The following are features of the thief-taker prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4
class bonus to your Reflex
Defense, and a +2 bonus to
your Fortitude Defense.

At every odd-numbered level
(1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain
a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Awareness
or Misfortune talent trees, or
the Thief-Taker talent tree
presented below.

TABLE 11-11:


Defense bonuses, talent
Favored enemy
Favored enemy
Favored enemy
Favored enemy
Favored enemy


You are a great thief-taker,
taker, among the very best in the Westlands.
Brotherhood Contacts: Other thief-takers respect you enough that they will aid you,
to a point. Any time you enter a populated location that has at least one thousand people,
you automatically succeed on any checks made to find other thief-takers,
as long as they
are not actively trying to hide. All thief-takers
takers you interact with start at Friendly or
Helpful (GM's discretion).
Any thief-taker
taker who aids you in a Gather Information, Knowledge (Culture), or
Knowledge (Politics) check grants you an additional +2 circumstance bonus if he is
Capture Alive: You may deal subdual damage with slashing and bludgeoning
weapons, though you take a -11 penalty to the attack roll.
Furthermore, the DC to escape from bonds of any kind applied to a person by you is
increased by +5.
Evasive Thief-Taker: You gain a +2 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against attacks
made against you by the opponent you marked with the Thief-Taker's
Mark talent.
Prerequisites: Thief-Taker's Mark.
Outmanned Thief-Taker: You may use the Thief-Taker's
Mark ability against a
er of opponents equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 2). It still takes one
swift action to create each mark.
Prerequisites: Thief-Taker's Mark.
Quickstrike Thief-Taker: If, during the surprise round, you successfully attack and
damage an opponent you have
ve selected with the Thief-Taker's
Mark talent before they

have a chance to act, you gain an immediate additional attack, though this attack takes a 5 penalty to the attack roll.
Prerequisite: Thief-Taker's Mark.
Thief-Taker's Mark: At any time during the encounter, you may select one opponent
as a swift action. You deal an additional +1d4 damage on every successful attack made
against that opponent.
Unhindered Thief-Taker: When you move in a straight line toward the opponent you
marked with the Thief-Taker's
r's Mark talent, you are not slowed by difficult terrain. You
may also spend a swift action to move one additional square, but that square must be
directly toward the mark.
Prerequisites: Thief-Taker's Mark.

Favored Enemy
You may spend a full-round actionn observing an enemy within line of sight. After this
action, you gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to one-half
half your class level (rounded down).
Also, whenever you spend a Hero Point to gain a bonus to any attack roll or skill check
made against the target,
t, you gain an additional bonus equal to one
one-half your class level
(rounded down). This ability lasts until the end of the encounter, and it cannot be used
until after the enemy has acted at least once in combat.

You have undergone so much training in martial combat,
and have experienced so many battles, that your prowess in
combat is great. Any army you belong to considers you to
be an elite soldier.
You may also be a warder for an Aes Sedai, using this
class to gain even more powerful abilities.



Base Attack Bonus: +7.

Feats: Double Attack, Melee Defense, Weapon Focus (any one Weapon Group).
Talents: At least two talents from the Armor Specialist, Brawler, or Soldier talent trees
or any Military Organizational Talent Tree.


Veteran warriors have the
following game statistics.

TABLE 11-12:

Hit Points
At each level, veteran warriors
gain 1d10 hit points + their
Constitution modifier.
Hero Points
Veteran warriors gain a
number of Hero Points equal
to 6 + one-half their character 9th
level, rounded down, every time 10th
they gain a new level.


Defense bonuses, talent
Damage reduction +1
Damage reduction +1
Damage reduction +1
Damage reduction +1
Damage reduction +1

The following are features of the veteran warrior prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4 class bonus to your Fortitude Defense, and a +2 bonus to your
Reflex Defense.


alLan Mandragoran, Gawyn Trakand, Dain Bornhald,

Pedron Niall, Tam alThor.

At every odd-numbered
numbered level (1st, 3rd, and so on), you gain a talent. This talent can be
selected from the Armor Specialist, Brawler, or Soldier talent trees, or the Child of the
t, Elite Soldier, or Warder talent trees presented below.



To qualify to become a veteran warrior, a character must

fulfill the following criteria.
Character Level: 7th.

You have gained such renown and combat skill from the Children of the Light
organization that you are a master of the battlefield.
Blazing Charge: Once per encounter,
ncounter, when making a charge on horseback, you may
make the damage roll twice and keep the better result.

Prerequisite: Momentum Strike, trained in Ride.

Fervor of the Light: Against Shadowspawn and suspected Darkfriends, you gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.
Justice of the Light: Against Shadowspawn and suspected Darkfriends, you deal one
additional die of damage on successful attack rolls.
Resolution of the Light: Against Shadowspawn and suspected Darkfriends, you gain
a +5 bonus to Fortitude and Will Defense.


You are among the greatest soldiers in the known world, and dominate any battlefield.
Greater Devastating Attack: Choose one weapon group for which you have chosen
the Devastating Attack talent. When using the Devastating Attack talent, you treat the
target's damage threshold as though it were 10 points lower when determining the results
of your attack, rather than 5.
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus, Devastating Attack, and Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon group.
Greater Penetrating Attack: Choose one weapon group for which you have chosen
the Penetrating Attack talent. When using the Penetrating Attack talent, you treat the
target's damage reduction as though it were 10 points lower when determining the results
of your attack, rather than 5.
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus, Penetrating Attack, and Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon group.
Greater Weapon Focus: Choose one weapon group with which you are proficient.
You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with that weapon group. This bonus stacks with the
bonus gained from the Weapon Focus feat.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus feat with chosen weapon group.
Greater Weapon Specialization: Choose one weapon group with which you are
proficient. You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with that weapon group. This bonus
stacks with the bonus gained from the Weapon Specialization talent.
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon group.
Multiattack Proficiency: Choose one weapon group with which you are proficient.
Whenever you make multiple attacks with any weapon in that weapon group as a full
attack action, you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times. Each time you take it, you apply it to a
different weapon group, or you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls for a chosen
weapon group by an additional 2.


You are the warder of an Aes Sedai, having not only the bond with her, but a loyalty that
is nearly impossible to sever.
Improved Bond: You may always reroll Perception checks made to know the distance
and direction of your Aes Sedai, her health status, and her emotional state. You may keep
the better result.
Prerequisite: Bonded to female channeler.
Improved Vitality: Any time you gain vitality from your Aes Sedai, you move an
additional step along the Condition Track, and this doesn't drain any extra health from the
Aes Sedai.
Furthermore, you may use your Aes Sedai's daily use of her Second Wind ability. If
you do so, she loses one use that day.
Prerequisite: Bonded to female channeler.
Lend Strength: As a swift action, you may remove any condition track penalties your
Aes Sedai is suffering, though you move -1 persistent step along the condition track
yourself. This does not remove any actual condition track damage, only the penalties. If
the Aes Sedai takes any more condition track damage, all penalties are restored.
Prerequisite: Bonded to female channeler.
Protective Surge: Whenever your Aes Sedai is reduced to a number of hit points equal
to your heroic level or lower, you can immediately move up to your speed toward her as a
reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Bonded to female channeler.

Damage Reduction
You gain damage reduction equal to one-half your class level (rounded down). This
reduces the amount of damage you take from every physical attack by the rating.


There is no limit to the number of levels a character can have. In a normal lifespan, the
most legendary, epic characters may get to level twenty, or even beyond, though
generally the majority of characters who exceed level twenty are characters who are able
to live beyond normal lifespans, such as Heroes of the Horn or the Forsaken, or even
long-lived characters such as Aes Sedai. Ogier are generally too passive and slow-acting
to gain such high level, though it is certainly possible for them as well. Despite this, even
characters of normal longevity may go well beyond twentieth level, though this is
exceptionally rare.

It is possible for a character to reach twentieth level, advance more, learn more, and
gain enoughh experience points to advance beyond that level. Below are rules for such

Heroic characters are capable of wondrous feats, especially those beyond twentieth level.
There is, however, a limit to what humans and Ogier are capable
le of doing.
A characters maximum ability scores are equal to their starting ability scores plus ten.
This maximum is determined after any racial bonuses are applied at character creation.
Characters continue to advance their ability scores just as theyy would at other levels.
For example, Doran, an Ogier, starts with the following ability scores: Str 17, Dex 6,
Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10. If he advances past twentieth level, the maximum scores
he could ever have would be Str 27, Dex 16, Con 22, Intt 25, Wis 22, Cha 20. His body
simply can never be any stronger or quicker, and his mind can never be more acute or
perceptive than that (though the scores are quite high).
Even if the character continues to advance after they have maximized all of their
ability scores, they do not continue to gain ability scores after maximizing them. If a
character ever takes permanent ability score damage, their maximum ability score is
reduced by the penalty at equal measure. So if the character learns a rare weave that
permanently reduces a beings Constitution by 2, their maximum Constitution is likewise
reduced by 2.


For the purposes of determining modifiers (for Defenses, skills, etc.), a characters heroic
level is never considered to be more than twentieth.
For example, a character who reaches twenty-second
second level gains a +10 level bonus to
skill checks and damage, and a +20 level bonus to Defenses, which are the same bonuses
she would receive at 20th level.


The maximum base attack bonus a character can have is +20. Therefore, a 22 nd-level
character who is a 12th-level armsman and a 10th-level
level veteran warrior still only has a
base attack bonus of +20. A character who is a 12 th-level
level noble a 10th-level gleeman has
a basee attack bonus of +16, and therefore can still gain when the class would normally
grant an increase.

Each base heroic class is presented up to twentieth level. A character could, if desired,
become a twentieth level initiate and continue advancing as an initiate or wanderer after
twentieth level, never taking levels in any other class.
Prestige classes, presented in this chapter, are written up to tenth level. Until a
character reaches twentieth level, she cannot have more than ten level
levels in a prestige class.
Therefore, a 19th-level
level character who has nine levels in wanderer and ten levels in latent
hero cannot take another level in latent hero when the character advances to twentieth
level. Upon reaching twenty-first, however, the character
cter can start taking as many levels
in that class as desired. Prerequisites always apply for any prestige class.
For the purposes of determining class bonuses or modifiers, a characters class level is
never considered to be more than twenty in the case of base heroic classes, and ten for
advanced classes (including epic classes).

Characters beyond twentieth level continue to gain talents at every odd
odd-numbered heroic
class level. These talents must come from the available talents for that class or from
talents available to characters regardless of class (such as racial talents or latent ability

Characters beyond twentieth level continue to gain feats at every 3 rd level starting at 21st
level. Therefore, they gain a new feat at 21st level, 24th level, 27th, 30th, 33rd, and so on.
If the character advances in a base heroic class, he continues to gain bonus class feats
at every even-numbered class level for that base heroic class.

You are one whom the populace of the world
refers to as Forsaken, chosen by the Dark One
himself to further his causes and lead his armies in
the grand conflicts of history. He has granted you
endless life in exchange for your unholy vows of
servitude to him.
You are the subject of
frightening tales that frighten children and adults
All members of this class are channelers, but
also typically powerful in other fields as well.
Semirhage, Rahvin, Aginor, Belal, Balthamel,
Moghedien, Demandred, Mesaana, Asmodean.
To qualify to become a Chosen,, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Minimum Heroic Level: 20th.
Trained Skill: Channel
Special: Must be chosen by the Dark One as a Chosen.


Chosen have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, Chosen gain 1d10 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Hero Points
Chosen gain a number of Hero Points equal to 8 + one-half
their character level, rounded
down, every time they gain a new level.

The following are features of the Chosen prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +2
class bonus to your Reflex and
a +6 to your Will Defense.

Servant of the Dark One

TABLE 11-13:


Defense bonuses, talent
Dark destiny
Dark destiny
Dark destiny
Dark destiny
Dark destiny

You have made vows to serve

the Dark One for the rest of
time. While you may have
your own agenda and goals,
above all else, you must serve
the Dark One or suffer the
Due to these vows, if you
are killed by any means other than Balefire, the Dark One may grant you another
opportunity if he sees fit (and if you havent already failed him too many times already).
If you are reborn in such a way, you retain all levels and mental ability scores
(Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma), though your physical ability scores may change.
Even if you are reborn in a body of the opposing gender, your soul retains your original
gender, allowing you to continue to use that
at genders side of the One Power.
As one among the highest servants of the Dark One, you have access to the True
Power. For more information on the True Power, see Chapter Nine: The One Power.
Finally, you do not age, but are granted eternal agelessnesss by the Dark One.

At every odd-numbered
numbered level, you gain a talent. This talent may be selected from any
talent tree in which you already have a talent, or from the Chosen talent tree.


You are a Chosen of the Dark One, with powers granted and learned that give you power
beyond measure.
Chosen of the Dark One: Your reputation as a Forsaken allows you to reroll
Persuasion checks made to intimidate, though you must keep the second result, even if it
is worse.
Furthermore, once per
er encounter, you may double your Charisma modifier to any
based skill check or ability check, excepting Channel checks.
Dark Deceiver: You can use your Channel check modifier instead of your Deception
check when making Deception checks.
Prerequisite: Chosen of the Dark One.

Dark Leader: Any time you interact with a known Darkfriend and grant them a
morale or insight bonus, you grant them an additional +2 bonus.
Prerequisite: Chosen of the Dark One.
Forsaken Reputation: Your name strikes fear into everyone who hears it. You may
make Persuasion checks to intimidate all targets within a six-square
radius of you (rather
than a single target) whenever you make such checks.
Prerequisite: Chosen of the Dark One.
Overpowering Channeler: Whenever you are making a Channel check in opposition
to another Channel check, you may spend a Hero Point as a move action to take 20 on the
Prerequisite: Chosen of the Dark One.

Dark Destiny
The Dark One has blessed you with a stronger destiny than other people. Any time you
spend a Destiny Point to reroll a failed roll and keep the second result, you gain a bonus
to the second roll equal to one-half your class level.


You have been chosen by the Pattern to be a Hero
of the Horn of Valere. When the Horn is blown,
you will ride forth and join in any battle in which
the Horn is blown. Members of this class are
diverse, with many being warriors or nobles, but
having each class represented well.


Artur Paendrag Tanreall, Birgitte Silverbow,
Gaidal Cain.

To qualify to become a Hero of the Horn, a
character must fulfill the following criteria.
Minimum Heroic Level: 20th.
Special: Must be chosen by the Pattern to be a Hero of the Horn.


Heroes of the Horn have the following game statistics.

Hit Points
At each level, Heroes of the Horn of Valere gain 1d10 hit points + their Constitution

Hero Points
Heroes of the Horn gain a number of Hero Points equal to 8 + one-half their character
level, rounded down, every time they gain a new level.

The following are features of the Hero of the Horn prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +4 class bonus to your Reflex, Fortitude, and Will Defenses.

Call of the Horn

Starting at first level, when the Horn of Valere is blown, no matter where you are, you
can hear it and you are impelled to respond in as hasty a manner as possible. If you are
currently living one of your lives, you go to the place by horse and ship. If you are
between lives, you travel much more quickly through Tel'aran'rhiod and in the normal
time by the Dream World's standard.
You retain this ability even if you are currently experiencing a life and have no levels
of this class during that life.

At every odd-numbered level, you gain a talent. This talent may be selected from any
talent tree in which you already have a talent, or from the Hero of the Horn talent tree.


You are a Hero of the Horn, destined to be reborn into the world time and again, and ever
ready to fight against the forces of the Shadow when the Horn of Valere is blown.
Channeler of the Horn: Any time you spend a Hero Point to use an improved version
of a weave, you also treat the weave as though the Channel check had been one step
higher on the results list.

Leader of the Horn: Any time you grant allies a morale or insight bonus, you may
spend a Hero Point and roll 1d4, adding the result of the roll to the bonus.
Legend of the Horn: Once per encounter, you may use two Hero Points to do what
would normally cost a Destiny Point to do. This may be used for any Destiny Point
ability except gaining more Hero Points.
Master of the Horn: Select one of your proficient skills for which you have taken the
Skill Focus feat. Any time you roll a natural 20 on your skill check when using that skill,
you gain a temporary Hero Point. This Hero Point must be used by the end of the
encounter, or it is lost.
Furthermore, you may spend a Hero Point to reroll any failed skill check with that
skill, though you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus in
the selected skill.
Protector of the Horn: You
may spend a Hero Point to
Defense bonuses, talent
immediately gain a move action.
Heroic destiny
This may be used out of turn or
during your turn, whichever you
Heroic destiny
choose, and may even be used to
interrupt another characters
Heroic destiny
Sage of the Horn: You may
Heroic destiny
spend a Hero Point as a swift
action to take 20 on any
Heroic destiny
Knowledge check for any
Knowledge field in which you are trained.
Survivor of the Horn: If you spend a Hero Point when you are brought to zero hit
points and would be killed, you avoid death and also gain a number of hit points equal to
your level.
Warrior of the Horn: Any time you score a critical hit, you gain one temporary Hero
Point. This Hero Point must be used by the end of the encounter, or it is lost.
Weavemaster of the Horn: Any time you spend a Hero Point to gain a weave that
doesnt count against your channeling durability, you may do so as a free action.

Heroic Destiny
Once per encounter, you may spend a Destiny Point to gain a number of temporary Hero
Points equal to one-half your level in this class, rounded down. These Hero Points are in
addition to the ones normally added when spending a Destiny Point to gain Hero Points.



The Westlands are diverse, with each kingdom and nation being very different even from
its own neighbors. A traveler can spend months in one city, move to another only a few
leagues away and find herself in a completely different culture.
To the east of the Westlands is the Aiel Waste, where the desert
desert-dwelling Aiel reside
with a culture even more different from that of those they call Wetlanders. Beyond that
is a land called Shara. To the south, the islands of the Sea Folk lie. Far to the west is the
ntinent of Seandar, the place from which the Seanchan have emerged. To the north is
the dangerous and deadly Blight, ever encroaching on all lands southward.
Beyond these locations are places mystical and mysterious. Ogier steddings dot the
Westlands. The Ways, a labyrinth of pathways once safe but now perilous, exists behind
gateways where once many more steddings existed. Telaranrhiod
Telaranrhiod, the World of
Dreams, exists apart yet with the physical world, and those who have mastered the ability
may use thiss place to find secrets, though not without risk. The domains of the Aelfinn
and Eelfinn exist somewhere outside the regular world, accessible through certain
terangreal.. Finally, countless Mirror Worlds exist simultaneously with the world in
which the books take place. Some of these worlds are nearly identical to the world in the
books, while others are extremely different.
There is no shortage of places to travel to in the Wheel of Time.

The kingdoms of the Westlands, and other important
nt locations, are detailed in this

The four kingdoms of the Borderlands are Arafel, Kandor, Saldaea, and Shienar.

Current Ruler: Paitar Neramovni Nachiman (monarch)
Major Cities: Shol Arbela (capital)

Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The white and red roses on a quartered field of red and white is the symbol of
DC 25: Highways connect Shol Arbela with Chachin in Kandor, Fal Moran in Shienar,
and Tar Valon.
DC 30: Shol Arbela is one of the largest cities in the Westlands not containing Ogier
stonework or built on Ogier-built ruins.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Male Arafellins wear bells in their braided hair.
DC 20: Arafellins have a complex honor code understood by few outside their borders.
DC 25: Shol Arbela, the capital,, is known as the City of Ten Thousand Bells.
DC 30: Arafellins fight with a two-sword style
DC 35: Arafellins will very willingly sacrifice their own lives in their fight against the
Dark Ones forces.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Arafel can be ruled by a king or queen.
DC 20: The current ruler, King Paitar, is extremely loyal to his wife Menuki.
DC 25: Paitar Nachimans sister Kiruna is an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.

Current Ruler: Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga (monarch)
Major Cities: Chachin (capital)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The red horse is the symbol of Kandor.
DC 25: Chachin, the capital city, is built around and on mountains, with fortifying walls
protecting the citizens. It rivals Tear in size.

Current Ruler: Tenobia Kazadi (monarch)
Major Cities: Maradon (capital)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The silver fish is the symbol of Saldaea.
DC 25: Saldaea is larger in size than Arafel and Shienar combined.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Saldaeans are renowned horsemen, and have a powerful light cavalry.
DC 20: Saldaean ice peppers and other Saldaean goods are popular throughout the
DC 25: The sasara is a sensual dance performed by women known to drive men wild. It
is outlawed
DC 30: Saldaean women accompany their husbands on all military campaigns except
ones that venture into the Blight. They are usually capable in combat themselves.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Saldaea can be ruled by a king or queen.
DC 20: Davram Bashere, Marshal-General
General of Saldaea, is Queen Tenobias uncle.

Current Ruler: Easar Togita (monarch)
Major Cities: Fal Moran (capital), Fal Dara
DC 30: The Aeshdaishar Palace is the dwelling of the ruler of Kandor. It sits atop the
tallest mountain in Chachin.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Male Kandori can be easily identified by their forked beards
DC 20: Kandori warriors often fight with heavy two-handed
handed swords.
DC 25: Kandori merchants have one of the oldest and most successful merchant guilds in
the Westlands. These merchants wear silver chains across their chests. Kandori furs,
especially fox hides, are prized throughout the Westlands.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Kandor can be ruled by a king or queen.

Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The swooping black hawk is the symbol of Shienar.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Shienarans are renowned lancers, often fighting with long spears.
DC 20: Sheinarans guard Tarwins Gap, which is the largest pass through the Mountains
of Dhoom into the Blight.
DC 25: Shienaran honor is paramount, and they consider such things as failing a task to
be on the level that most would call heinous crimes.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Shienar can be ruled by a king or queen.
DC 20: Shienaran nobles tend to enjoy a good relationship with the White Tower.

The coastal kingdoms are Altara, Arad Doman, Illian, Tarabon, and Tear.

Current Ruler: Beslan of House Mitsobar (monarch)
Major Cities: Ebou Dar (capital), Salidar (the little White Tower)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The Golden Leopard is the symbol of Altara.
DC 25: Altaran buildings are nearly all made of white stone or painted white.
DC 30: Ebou Dar conducts extensive trade with the Sea Folk.
DC 35: The Kin, a group of women channelers put out of the White Tower, operate out
of the Farm near Ebou Dar.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Altaran women are polite but ready to answer any insult with a knife.
DC 20: Dueling is a way of life for Altarans, very few reach adulthood without having
fought in a few.
DC 25: A marriage knife (or lack of one) indicates if a woman is taken.
DC 35: "You may lean on your dagger," means that one may speak freely without fear of
provoking a duel.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Altara is a nation in name only. Most citizens consider themselves as belonging
to their town or city.
DC 20: The Rahad is a slum within Ebou Dar
DC 25: Queen Tylin has steadily amassed power and now controls Ebou Dar and around
one hundred miles around the city.
DC 30: The Children of the Light pressure the Altara and would like to control it - and all
trade on the Eldar.
DC 35: Nobody wants the Throne of Winds. Many nobles have turned down the
opportunity to rule Altara.

Arad Doman
Current Ruler: Alsalam Saeed Almadar (monarch)
Major Cities: Bandar Eban (capital), Katar

Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The Silver Sword is the symbol of Arad Doman.
DC 25: Arad Doman has long maneuvered against Tarabon for control of the Almoth
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Domani women are seductive and wear scandalously transparent clothing, even
in public.
DC 20: Domani girls are taught the arts of seduction from a young age.
DC 25: The merchants guilds of Arad Doman are among the most influential and
powerful in the Westlands.
DC 30: Katar is a major trading city on the western foothills of the Mountains of Mist.
The city often tries to remain neutral in conflicts between the Domani and Taraboners.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Arad Doman is an absolute monarchy.
DC 20: The Council of Merchants comprises mostly women, and is in charge of ensuring
financial wealth for Arad Doman, as well as electing and deposing kings.
DC 25: Rand alThor, the Dragon Reborn, has begun concentrating his army in Arad
Doman in preparation for the Final Battle.

Current Ruler: Rand alThor (monarch)
Major Cities: Illian (capital)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The Nine Bees is the symbol of Illian.
DC 25: Illians rivalry with Tear goes back a thousand years.
DC 30: The Great Hunt for the Horn always starts in the city of Illian. Recently, a new
hunt was called.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Illian ranks as perhaps the greatest port city in the Westlands.
DC 20: Illians elite military force is called the Companions. These soldiers are ranked
by merit, not background, and foreigners can become members.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Illian is led by three, theoretically equal bodies: the monarchy, the Council of
Nine, and the Assembly.

DC 20: Because they do little more than squabble constantly, Illianer commoners are
freer than most from other nations.
DC 25: The Great Hall of the Council is identical to the Kings Palace in every way,
except it is slightly smaller in every dimension.

Current Ruler: none
Major Cities: Tanchico (capital), Elmora
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The Golden Tree is the symbol of Illian.
DC 25: The Panarchs Palace is believed to be one of the oldest structures in the
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Tanchico, the capital city, is situated on three small peninsulas at the mo
mouth of the
River Andahar.
DC 20: Tanchico is the location of the headquarters of the Illuminators Guild.
DC 25: Part of the Panarchs Palace is open weekly to commoners and nobles alike. It
includes numerous skeletons of animals no living person has ever seen, cuendillar
figurines, and an angreal.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Tarabon is ruled by a diarchy, with a hereditary King and a Panarch (always
female) elected by the Assembly of Lords.
DC 20: The Assembly of Lords has little power or responsibility beyond electing the

Current Ruler: High Lords of Tear, Rand alThor (Dragon Reborn)
Major Cities: Tear (capital), Godan
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The Three Crescent Moons is the symbol of Tear.
DC 25: The Stone of Tear is a mountain-sized
ed fortress connected with the Dragon Reborn
by prophecy.
DC 30: Until the Dragon Reborn came, the Stone of Tear had never been penetrated by a
foreign force.

DC 35: The Stone of Tear was built by Aes Sedai after the Breaking, making it perhaps
the oldest structure in the Westlands.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Tear has a great divide between nobles and commoners.
DC 20: Horse races are popular in Tear, and Tairen horse breeds are among the most
prized in the Westlands.
DC 25: Wooden clogs are popularly worn by commoners.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Tear is led by the High Lords of Tear, who make absolute decisions for the
DC 20: The Inner City is surrounded by walls and has fine living conditions for the
nobles within.
DC 25: Tairen lords generally believe themselves to be superior to commoners, and until
recently, were not allowed to be brought before magistrates.
DC 30: Rand alThor established new orders, bringing the societal classes closer together,
and ordered the nobles into various places throughout
oughout the Westlands.

The lands between the Borderlands and the Coastlands constitute the Midlands. They
include Amadicia, Andor, Cairhien, Ghealdan, and Murandy. The Two Rivers region is
actually a part of Andor, but significant in recent events. Tar Valon is an independent
city-state north of Cairhien.

Current Rulers: vacant monarch, Lord Captain Commander Galadedrid Damodred of the
Children of the Light
Major Cities: Amador (capital)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The Thistle and Star are the symbols of Amidicia
DC 25: The Fortress of Light, headquarters of the Children, is in Amador.
DC 30: Amador was founded after the Trolloc Wars and has no Ogier Masonry nor Ogier
groves (no waygates).
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Channelers are outlawed in Amidicia.
DC 20: Thievery is punished by branding, second offense is behanding, third offense is
DC 25: Herbists and Healers are usually men in Amidicia.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: The Children of the Light rule Amidicia in all but name.
DC 20: Nobles must build their estates of wood to prevent any uprisings.
DC 25: The court of the King is full of pomp and finery to hide the lack of power.
DC 30: Amidicia intends to take the East bank of the Eldar river from Altara.
DC 35: Sebban Balwer commands the intelligence network of the Children of the Light
answering only to Pedron Niall

Current Ruler: Elayne Trakand (monarch)
Major Cities: Baerlon, Caemlyn (capital), Four Kings, New Braem, Whitebridge
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: Andor is the largest nation in the West and one of the oldest nations.
DC 25: Andor produces some of the finest tabac in the West.

DC 30: Numerous relics, ruins, and statues lie forgotten in the wilderness of Andor.
DC 35: The Royal Library in Caemlyn is considered the one of the best in the world.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: The Lion Throne and the Rose Crown are symbols of Andor.
DC 20: Caemlyn is second only to Tar Valon in beauty.
DC 25: Andor is a prosperous nation with vigorous trade.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Andor is the only nation ruled by a hereditary queen.
DC 20: Andor and Cairhien have fought nearly as many wars as Illian and Tear, but they
are currently on good terms.
DC 25: Andor does not control many of its lands due to decreasing population and
DC 30: The eldest daughter and heir of Andor is traditionally sent to the White Tower to
DC 35: Many noble houses have equally valid claims on the Lion Throne, succession is a
bloody affair if there is no clear cut heir.

Current Ruler: Dobraine Taborwin (steward), Elayne Trakand (eventual), Rand alThor
Major Cities: Cairhien (capital), Eianrod, Jurene, Maerone, Morelle, Selean, Taien,
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: Daes Dae'mar, the Game of Houses, was created and mastered in Cairhien.
DC 25: Before the Aiel War, House Mercades traded along the Silk Path through the
Three-Fold Lands of the Aiel.
DC 30: Twelve powerful noble houses control Cairhien.
DC 35: The Aiel War was revenge for Laman cutting down the Avendoraldera Tree.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: The civil war has caused riots and food shortages within the city and surrounding
DC 20: Andor and Cairhien have fought nearly as many wars as Illian and Tear, but they
are currently on good terms.

DC 20: Though small, Ghealdan is rich in resources in the foothills of the Mountains of
Mist and the thick forests.
DC 25: Garens Wall in Ghealdan is named after a general at the time of Artur
DC 30: Recently, Ghealdan was thrown into shaky upheaval first by Logain Ablar, the
False Dragon, and then by Masema Dagar, the Prophet of the Dragon.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Ghealdan is a major exporter of alum.
DC 20: Ghealdan doesnt have a major army. Instead, it relies on the Legion of the Wall,
which polices Jehannah and protects Ghealdans borders.

DC 25: During the Aiel War the city of Cairhien was burned and partially destroyed, and
as of the rise of the Dragon Reborn, its famous "topless towers" had not yet been
totally rebuilt.
DC 35: Since the Aiel War many of the rural farms havee been abandoned.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: The Houses are identified by the colored slashes they wear.
DC 20: Since the death of Gallrain there are four Houses vying for the throne.
DC 25: Rand placed Dobraine Taborwin of Tear to be the steward of Cair
Cairhien until
Elayne claims the Sun Throne but not all in Cairhien are happy with Dobraine.
DC 30: There are Andoran soldiers in Cairhien. They want to take the Sun Throne for

Current Rulers: Alliandre Maritha Kigarin (monarch)
Major Cities: Jehannah (capital)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 15: The Silver Stars are the symbol of Ghealdan.

Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: The Ghealdani have managed, largely, to remain viable despite all
al of the
opposing forces around them.
DC 20: The ruling monarch is advised by a council called the Crown High Council.
DC 25: Queen Alliandre thwarted recent attempts by the Crown High Council to take
over government.
DC 30: The Battle of Malden recently took
ook place in Ghealdan, which included the Legion
of the Wall.

Current Rulers: Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a'Naloy (monarch)
Major Cities: Lugard (capital)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 15: The Red Bull is the symbol of Murandy.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 15: Murandys capital city, Lugard, is located near the center of the kingdom.
DC 20: Lugard flourishes with trade despite any political upheavals that frequently occur.
DC 25: It is dangerous to travel the streets of Lugard beyond the main highways.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 15: Murandy is ruled by a king.
DC 20: Most natives of Murandy are more likely to label themselves as subject to a local
lord or lady than to the monarch.
DC 25: Murandy is considered a weak presence in Westland politics due to its very
limited monarch and fragmented nobility.

DC 30: Throughout Murandy, local lords and ladies are likely to have much more power
even than the ruler of the country.

Two Rivers
Current Rulers: Lord Perrin Aybara (local, popular), Elayne Trakand (monarch)
Major Cities: Emond's Field
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 25:: Two Rivers is the westernmost part of the Kingdom of Andor.
DC 30:: A major battle recently took place in the region, with the locals winning.
DC 35: Refugees from Tarabon and other places have been moving to the Two Rivers
region in historic numbers.
DC 40:: A kingdom called Manetheren used to exist where Two Rivers currently stands,
and nearly all of the locals of that region are direct descendants of the Manetheren

Knowledge (Culture)
DC 20: Two Rivers is mainly a farming region.
DC 25:: Two Rivers wool and tabac is of top quality.
DC 30:: Local people from the Two Rivers are considered to be stubborn and simple.
DC 35:: Two Rivers longbows are of much better quality than most other typical
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 25:: Two Rivers is one of the Queen of Andor's lands, and does not rule itself.
DC 30:: Perrin Aybara has emerged as the leader of the Two Rivers people.

Tar Valon
Current Ruler: Egwene alVere (Amyrlin Seat)
Knowledge (Academics)
DC 20: The White Tower is the location of the headquarters of the Aes Sedai. This is
located in Tar Valon.
DC 25: Tar Valon is located on a large island in the middle of the River Erinin.
DC 30: Tar Valon has remained independent its entire existence,
though it has endured
several sieges and attacks.
DC 35: An Ogier grove can be found on the island near the eastern shore. This is the
only well-tended
tended Ogier grove remaining in any major city in the Westlands.
Knowledge (Culture)
DC 20: The Aes Sedai control the White Tower, and the White Tower oversees the city.
DC 25: Several trade routes go through Tar Valon. It is directly connected by road or
river with Fal Moran, Shol Arbela, Chachin,, Maradon, Cairhien, Caemlyn, and Tear.
DC 30: Tar Valon is considered by many to be the most beautiful city in the Westlands.
Knowledge (Politics)
DC 25: The Amyrlin Seat is among the most powerful individuals in the Westlands, and
DC 30: The White Tower gets much of its funding through taxation on trade.


While natives of the Westlands call it the Aiel Waste, the desert east of the Spine of the
World is called by the native Aiel the Three-fold
fold Land. Trollocs call it the Dying
For Westlanders, the Aiel Waste is an appropriate name because the land is largely
useless to them. Containing virtually no natural resources or conditions for agriculture or
comfortable living, the Aiel Waste is, to them, simply a land of harsh terrain, dry land,
and heat.
Because they are such fierce warriors, Aiel swiftly kill any Shadowspawn who enter
the Dying Grounds. Trollocs, though much stronger, have little chance against the
deftness of the Aiel warrior societies.
The Aiel revere their native land as the Three-fold
fold Land because iit gives them three
things: a shaping stone to make them, a testing ground to prove their worth, and a
punishment for their sin. Though they have adapted to life in this unforgiving place, they
acknowledge the difficulty of dwelling there.
The Aiel Waste is a shaping stone to make them because they are the natives of the
land. They are made harder, tougher, and stronger because they emerged from the desert.
It is a testing ground to prove their worth because only the strongest and most durable

survive andd become what they are to become. It is a punishment for their sin because
they feel they deserve nothing short of a harsh desert in which it is difficult to survive
after failing to adequately serve the Aes Sedai in their ancient history (though not all Aiel
understand this part of their history).
Not much is known of the Aiel or their lands by Wetlanders, as they are called by the
Aiel. Only peddlers, gleemen, and Tuathaan are allowed to travel through their lands.
Everyone else is killed on sight.


There are many dangers the Aiel Waste presents, even to the natives.
Anyone in the Aiel Waste takes a -55 penalty to Survival checks made for basic survival.
Finding water, food, and shelter is a much more difficult
difficu task there than it is in the
Because of such extreme temperatures, Survival checks to endure extreme
temperatures must be made as well. Anyone not wearing attire specifically designed for
use in dry heat (such as a cadinsor or other Aiel attire) must make these checks daily.
Anyone wearing proper attire must only make these checks if the temperatures rise
particularly high.
The native Aiel have excellent scouts. Anyone travelling through the Aiel Waste will not
travel for long before
re they are discovered. Unless they are a gleeman, peddler, or Tinker,
they are attacked by the Aiel who discover them.

Rhuidean is the ruins of an ancient city near the Spine of the World within the Threefold
Land. It is the place prospective Clan Chiefs and Wise Ones go to be tested for their
worthiness, and it is a place held in sacred awe by the Aiel as a whole. Hundreds,
perhaps thousands of wondrous items, including angreal,
angreal saangreal, and terangreal, as
well as relics from the Age of Legends, can be found in Rhuidean.


To the north of the Borderlands, and indeed the main concern of the Borderlands, is the
cursed, wretched lands that span across the globe.


To the north of the Borderlands, and indeed the main concern of the Borderlands, is the
cursed, wretched lands that span across the globe. While it is not as much a concern in
the Aiel Waste or in Seanchan, it is certainly a concern everywhere. This place is called
the Great Blight.
Poisonous plants, twisted creatures, and brutal Shadowspawn live throughout the
Blight. Very few venture into the Blight willingly, and very few among those who do so
survive to tell about it. Trolloc communities are scattered throughout the Blight, and any
party, great or small, wont go long without finding one.
In the months leading up to the Final Battle, the Blight has become eerily silent as
trollocs use the Ways to travel into the Westlands south of the Borderlands, bypassing the
staunch defenses of the warriors there. Because of this, trollocs are much less common
than in centuries past.

The Ways are pathways originally intended as shortcuts between stedding for use by
Ogier. They exist in an otherworld created by the One Power, making travel much
shorter than travel on the normal surface of the world. They consist of platforms that
seem to hover above an endless void with stone pathways between the platforms.
A person enters the Ways through a Waygate, which are created by the Talisman of
Growing. While recently they had fallen into disrepair and were largely forgotten, the
Waygates have come into use recently, primarily by trollocs going to the Westlands and
skipping the nearly impossible task of penetrating through the Borderlands.
While they were once well groomed and tidy, the Ways are now dark and ominous,
with many paths completely worn away and others in such a state of ruin as to render
them virtually unusable. On top of that, the Black Wind exists in the Ways, destroying
the soul of anyone caught in it. Only the desperate and foolishly brave dare to use the
Ways anymore, though this doesnt seem to stop the trollocs.
A Gamemaster may have the characters perform a Skill Challenge to travel through the
Ways. Alternately, the characters can attempt to go platform to platform, navigating and
playing it out as the Gamemaster presents. Traveling this way takes 2d8 hours between
platforms, and requires 2d4 platforms between stedding, 2d6 platforms between a
stedding and a city, or 2d8 platforms between two cities.
Time passes differently in the Ways than on the regular surface, but unpredictably.
When a character spends any amount of time in the Ways, the Gamemaster rolls 2d4,
then divides the amount of time actually spent in the Ways by the result of the roll.

Therefore, a character who travels five platforms, with an average of ten hours at each
platform, she spends fifty hours in the Ways. However, on the outside world, due to the
difference in time passage, the GM rolls a 2d4 and gets a 6. Dividing 50 into 6, the GM
gets an 8.333 (and rounds it to 8.5). While the characters traveled in the Ways for fifty
hours, eight and a half hours passed on the surface world.

The World of Dreams, Telaranrhiod, is the alternate realm where mortal men and
women often are taken in particularly vivid and realistic dreams. Not all dreams take
place in the Dream World, and most who enter only do so for a brief glimpse of time.
However, anything that happens when a person enters Telaranrhiod has lingering
effects on that person. If a man enters the World of Dreams and burns his finger, his
finger is burned when he wakes up. If a woman enters the Dream World and dies, she
dies in the real world and never wakes up.
Telaranrhiod resembles the normal physical world, but with many differences.
Mountains, forests, oceans, rives, and other geographical things exist largely the same in
both worlds. Buildings and other man-made objects exist only if they have been around
long enough to leave an impression in the World of Dreams. While wild animals do exist
in the Dream World, domesticated ones do not.
There are a few ways to enter the Dream World. Any person can enter, though they
usually only stay for a brief moment. Anyone holding a terangreal designed for
entering Telaranrhiod, while sleeping, will enter this realm. Dreamwalkers may enter
the Dream World when they are asleep at will (by using the Dreamwalker Talent).
Finally, Wolfbrothers may also enter through the Wolf Dream (also by using the
Dreamwalker Talent). For more information on Dreamwalkers and Wolfbrothers, see
Chapter Ten: Latent Abilities. Dreamwalkers and Wolfbrothers are, to an extent, able to
manipulate the Dream World and see symbolic visions of future events.
Travel can work just like it does in the regular world. However, people trained in
manipulating the Dream World can move vast distances by the strength of their will.

To the north of the Borderlands, and indeed the main concern of the Borderlands, is the
cursed, wretched lands that span across the globe. While it is not as much a concern in
the Aiel Waste or in Seanchan, it is certainly a concern everywhere. This place is called
the Great Blight.


Organizations are an important part of the Wheel of Time setting. They exist all
throughout the Westlands.
Some organizations are militaries. While most soldiers belong to official kingdom
armies, there are other organizations, such as the Children of the Light and the Band of
the Red Hand that are formidable in their own right.
Other organizations are more trade-based,
based, such as the Illuminators, while noble houses
such as House Trakand and House Damodred compete with
ith others in the courts of Andor
and Cairhien, while other noble houses exist in those and other lands.
Channelers have organizations as well. The Aes Sedai, centered in the river island
metropolis of Tar Valon might be the most influential organization in the known world.

Among female channelers, there are also the Windfinders, who have their own loose-knit
organization, and the Kin, which is centered in Ebou Dar and consists almost entirely of
White Tower runaways. For the male channelers, Rand alThor organized the Ashaman,
where the initiates are trained in combat as well as the One Power.


When you choose an organization, you gain access to a special ability, a talent tree (from
which the character can take talents in place of the talent granted by any heroic or
advanced class), and list of feats available only to members of that
tha organization. Each
organization also comes with inherent obligations. These responsibilities carry honor
when fulfilled, but also consequences if they are not met. To join any organization, oaths
of loyalty must be taken, and each has its own way of doing
Note that there may be additional benefits and obligations to any organization, at the
GMs discretion.

Following are several organizations found in the Wheel of Time. By no means are these
all of the organizations. This represents
ents only some of the organizations that can be found
in the Wheel of Time setting.

The Aes Sedai consist of seven Ajahs, separated by ideals and emphasis on certain fields
of expertise. These Ajahs are represented by colors: Red, Yellow, Green,
Green Blue, White,
Gray, and Brown. There is also a Black Ajah, but many Aes Sedai are hesitant to
acknowledge their existence. The Aes Sedai are involved in everything from politics to
scholastic learning, and are either revered as powerful defenders of the Light or regarded
as untrustworthy meddlers of everyday life.
The lowest members of the Aes Sedai organization are novices, whose responsibilities
lie mainly in taking lessons on use of the One Power and general education and etiquette,
as well as chores throughout the Tower between lessons. They are forbidden from
leaving the Tower until they become Accepted. Accepted are not required to do chores,
but they have more lessons and more responsibilities, and they are allowed to venture

into the city of Tarr Valon (though not beyond the city). Typically a woman is an
Accepted of the White Tower for about ten years before they are considered for full
membership in the organization. If they pass this test to become a full Sister in the
organization, they choose
ose an Ajah and are welcomed into that Ajah fully, and given the
rights and responsibilities of full membership. All Sisters must take the Three Oaths on
the Oath Rod which are too speak no word that is not true, to make no weapon with which
one man may kill
ll another, and never to use the One Power as a weapon except against
Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme defense of her life, the life of her Warder or another
Aes Sedai.
Higher up titles include Ajah Heads, members of the Hall of the Tower, and Keeper oof
the Chronicles. The head of the Aes Sedai is called the Amyrlin Seat, and she is
officially considered to belong to no Ajah and all Ajahs simultaneously (though most
Amyrlin Seats tend to favor the tendencies of their former Ajah).
Technical Truth: Aes Sedai take no penalty to Deception checks despite saying they
will speak no word that is not true while holding the Oath Rod.
You are a member of the Aes Sedai organization.
Composed: You may reroll Focus checks made to keep your composure and keep the
better result.
Dominating: Any time you intimidate a person using a Persuasion check
check, that person
also takes a penalty to Will Defense equal to your Charisma modifier for a one minute.
Good Rapport: You work well with others and take the fullest advantage of any help
given you. Any time someone aids you on a Skill check, the bonus they grant is
increased by +1.
Stinging Weave: Any time you create a hit point-damaging
damaging weave, instead of ha
the weave cause physical damage, you can have it move the target one step down the
Condition Track and cause one point of damage to the victims Will Defense per ten
points of damage that would have happened (maximum 5).

The Blue Ajah concerns
rns itself with causes, often to levels of what others might consider
obsession. Their web of contacts throughout the Westlands is second in size and
information to none.
Blue Ajah Weaves: Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah have secret weaves. They are not
wed to use these weaves in the presence of any other female channelers. These
weaves are below.

You instill fear in your enemy. Time: Standard action, Target: One creature within 12
squares and within line of sight.
Affinities: Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any:
Compare the result to the targets Will Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds
the targets Will Defense, the target is affected as determined by the results of your
annel check. The following effects are determined based on by how much the targets
Will is overcome.
0 to 5: The target can take only one standard action on the next turn.
6 to 10: The target can take only one move action on the next turn.
11 to 15: The
he target can take only one swift action on the next turn.
16 or more: The target can take no actions on its next turn.

Special: When you successfully use this power on an opponent, you can spend a Hero
Point to impose a -2 penalty to all of the opponents
s Defenses until the beginning of your
next turn.

Brown Ajah Weaves: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah have secret weaves. They are not
allowed to use these weaves in the presence of any other female channelers. These
weaves are below.

You select a nearby area of land, and within seconds hundreds of nearby insects gather
and start to bite any living targets in the selected area. Time: full round action, Target:
target square within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. Your Channel
hannel check determines the effectiveness and size of
the swarm.
DC 15: -1 step along the condition track, -11 penalty to Will Defense; 55-foot radius.
DC 20: As above, except 10-foot radius.
DC 25: As above, except 15-foot radius.
DC 30: As above, except 20-foot radius.
Special: This weave can be maintained as a swift action.
You may spend a Hero Point to double the penalties of any target in the area, causing a
-2 step along the condition track penalty and a -22 penalty to Will Defense.
Alternately, this weave can be used to rid an area of insects. The area is equal to the
area effect of the weave DCs above.
This weave cannot be tied off.

You cause the mucus in a persons eye to suddenly multiply and obscure the persons
vision. Time: Standard action, Target: One living target within 6 squares and line of
Affinities: Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. This check is opposedd by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
your result is equal to or greater than the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
An affected character must reroll all Perception checks using vision until he takes a swift
action to clear his eyes out
ut and keep the lower result.
Special: If you spend a Hero Point with this weave the target must use a standard
action to clear his eyes out.
This weave may not be tied off, though it can be maintained. If it is maintained, the
targets eyes become blurred again each round.


The following feat is available to members of the Blue Ajah whenever character feats
would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she would gain a bonus
feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
You have an affinity for manipulating Flows of the One Power related to a particular
Prerequisites: Member of the Aes Sedai organization (Blue Ajah)
Benefit: Once per scene, you may reroll any Charisma-based
based skill check (except
Channel) made with any one being whose
ose demeanor toward you is Friendly. You may
keep the higher of the two rolls.

The Brown Ajah seeks knowledge in all fields, such as ancient history, cultures,
academia, etc.

You use the One Power to press cause a persons body down, and greatly increasing their
weight. Time: Full-round action, Target: One individual within 12 squares and line of
Affinities: Earth, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. This check is opposed by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
your result is equal to or greater than the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
The effect is determined by the amount you exceed the targets Fortitude Defense, as
0-4: Targets speed is reduced by , takes a -5 penalty to all Strength-based or
Dexterity-based skill checks.
5-9: As above, except targets speed is instead reduced by .
10-14: As above, except targets speed is instead reduced by .
15 or more: As above, except targets speed is reduced to 1.
Special: You can spend a Hero Point to also reduce the targets Reflex Defense by 1.
This weave may not be tied off, though it can be maintained.
The following feat is available to members of the Brown Ajah whenever character feats
would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she would gain a bonus
feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
You have broadened your knowledge to multiple fields.
Prerequisites: Member of the Aes Sedai organization (Brown Ajah).
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to any two Knowledge skills of your choice.


Make a Channel check. This check is opposed by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
your result is equal to or greater than the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
The effect is determined by the amount you exceed the targets Fortitude Defense, as
0-4: Target becomes dizzy and loses her move action for the round.
5-9: As above, plus target loses one swift action for the round.
10-14: As above, plus target loses two swift actions for the round.
15 or more: As above, plus target loses two swift actions. Furthermore, target
becomes nauseous and moves 1 step down the condition track.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to move the target 2 steps down the condition
track in addition to the effects above.
Alternately, this weave may be used to restore natural equilibrium. It has no effect on
nausea, even if the nausea is suffered from a lack of equilibrium.
This weave may not be tied off, but it can be maintained.
You cause a persons skin to suddenly erupt in hundreds of tiny bursts of icy cold,
causing discomfort and possible pain, while also reducing the targets outside body
temperature. Time: Standard action, Target: One living target within 12 squares and
line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. This check is opposed by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
the check exceeds the targets Defense, the target takes a -5 penalty to any Dexteritybased skill checks or melee attack rolls. He also moves 1 step down the condition track.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to cause the target to experience extreme cold.
Alternately, if the target is experiencing extreme heat, this weave can be used to cool the
target, but he still suffers the effects outlined above.
This weave may not be tied off, but it can be maintained.

The Gray Ajah seeks to solve problems in government and all other social organizations
through mediation and negotiation.
Gray Ajah Weaves: Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah have secret weaves. They are not
allowed to use these weaves in the presence of any other female channelers. These
weaves are below.


The following feat is available to members of the Gray Ajah whenever character feats
would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she would gain a bonus
feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.

You affect a persons equilibrium, causing dizziness and possibly nausea. Time: Fullround action, Target: One living target within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Fire, Spirit, Water.

When helping to negotiate a peaceful resolution, you gain the upper hand through your
Prerequisites: Member of the Aes Sedai organization (Gray Ajah).

Benefit: You may reroll Persuasion checks made to improve a characters attitude
toward you, though you must keep the second result, even if it is worse.

The Green Ajah feels it is important to always be ready for the Last Battle. Sometimes
called the Battle Ajah, the Green Sisters are more militaristic than the other Ajahs.
Green Ajah Weaves: Aes Sedai of the Battle Ajah have secret weaves. They are not
allowed to use these weaves in the presence of any other female channelers. These
weaves are below.
You motion at a persons feet, which must be on the ground. The ground and ai
air around
the target holds his feet and body firmly in place. Time: Standard action, Area: The
square on which the target stands, within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Earth, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. The result of this channell check is added to the targets
Fortitude Defense, the combination determining the amount of damage he must take in

order to be moved from the spot on which he stands. If a character or creature runs into
the target or attempts to lift him, it is only successful
ccessful if its check to do so exceeds your
Channel check plus his Fortitude Defense. The ground on which the target stands has the
same DC to be affected, such as by the Riven Earth weave. Strong winds may whip his
clothes and hair about, but his body stays
tays firmly in place.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to double the DC for the ground the target stand
on, making it more difficult to anyone attempting to do so to move it.
This weave may not be tied off, but it can be maintained.
ou locate the physically weakest point of an object, learning where to strike for most
effect. Time: Full-round action, Target: One object within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Earth.
Make a Channel check. The result of the check determines
the following effect:
15: The objects damage threshold is reduced by 5 (but never below 1).
20: The objects damage threshold is reduced by 10 (but never below 1).
25: The objects damage threshold is reduced by 15 (but never below 1).
30: The objects
ects damage threshold is reduced by 20 (but never below 1).
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to reduce the objects damage threshold by an
additional 10.
This weave may not be tied off or maintained.
The following feat is available to members of the Green Ajah whenever character feats
would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she would gain a bonus
feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
You have spent your life preparing for battle situations. You are always ready for battle,
are quick to react, and are seldom surprised.
Prerequisites: Member of the Aes Sedai organization (Green Ajah).
Benefit: You add your Intelligence modifier to all Initiative and Perception checks.

Thee Red Ajah seeks to avoid another breaking of the world at all costs. To this end, they
lead efforts to gentle any man found to be using the One Power.
Red Ajah Weaves: Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah have secret weaves. They are not
allowed to use these weaves
es in the presence of any other female channelers. These
weaves are below.

You create a blast of pressure on a targets ears, causing pain and potentially creating a
distracting ringing in the targets ears. It also causes temporary deafness, and if done
powerfully enough, it can cause permanent hearing loss. Time: Standard action, Target:
One living target within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Earth.
Make a Channel check. This check is opposed by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
your result is equal to or greater than the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
The effect is determined by the amount you exceed the targets Fortitude Defense, as
0-4: Target is deafened for a number of rounds equal to 5 the targets Constitution
modifier (minimum 1 round). He is also distracted by the ringing this weave causes in
his ears, taking a -5 penalty to any checks requiring concentration for the duration of the
5-9: As above, except target is deafened for a number of rounds equal to 10 the
targets Constitution modifier. Additionally, the target takes 1d4 damage.
10-14: As above, except target is deafened for a number of rounds equal to 15 the
targets Constitution modifier. Additionally, the target takes 1d6 damage.
15-19: As above, except target is deafened for a number of rounds equal to 20 the
targets Constitution modifier. Additionally, the target takes 1d8 damage.
20 or more: As above, except target is permanently deafened, though the distracting
ringing lasts a number of rounds equal to 25 the targets Constitution modifier.
Additionally, the target takes 1d10 damage.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to move the target 1 step down the condition
track in addition to the effects above.
This weave may not be maintained or tied off.
You cause a target to be surrounded by a faint light. Time: Standard action, Target: One
living target within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. The result of the Channel check is as follows:
15: The target gains no benefit for being in conditions of total darkness, though may
still benefit from conditions of dim light or twilight.
20: The target gains no benefit for being in conditions of partial darkness, such as
twilight or candlelight, nor for being in conditions of total darkness.
25: As DC 20, plus the target takes a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense versus ranged
attacks or weaves requiring line of sight.

30: As DC 25, except the penalty to the targets Reflex Defense is -2.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to cause the targets Reflex Defense to be
penalized by an additional -1. This is added to the penalties above (or given as a penalty
if no penalty would have been gained).
This weave may be maintained, but not tied off.
The following feat is available to members of the Red Ajah whenever character feats
would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she would gain a bonus
feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
You are eager to face male channelers, and when the time comes, you are ready to defeat
the man and gentle him.
Prerequisites: Member of the Aes Sedai organization (Red Ajah).
Benefit: When facing a male channeler in combat, you may reroll your Initiative check
made to start the battle and keep the better result.

The White Ajah seeks to solve problems through intellectual mastery and logical
reasoning. They are lovers of riddles and enigmas, especially when the enigma is one
that is hindering societal progress.
White Ajah Weaves: Aes Sedai of the White Ajah have secret weaves. They are not
allowed to use these weaves in the presence of any other female channelers. These
weaves are below.
The targets vision becomes foggy, limiting her ability to see. Time: Full-round action,
Target: One living target within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. This check is opposed by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
your result is equal to or greater than the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
The affected character loses her Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense and takes a penalty to
all Perception checks made to see (as well as any other checks that require sight) as
DC 20: -5 penalty.
DC 25: -10 penalty.
DC 30: -15 penalty.
DC 35: -20 penalty.

Special: You may spend a Hero Point to cause the target to see swirls among the
fogginess, causing the character to lose her ability score modifier to any checks made to
see as well.
This weave may be maintained, but not tied off.
You cause the targets muscles to spasm uncontrollably. Time: Standard action, Target:
One living target within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. This check is opposed by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
your result is equal to or greater than the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
The affected character takes the following penalties
lties to Strength
Strength-based and Dexteritybased checks if the check exceeds his Fortitude Defense:
DC 20: -5 penalty to all Strength-based or Dexterity-based
based checks, including attack
rolls, skill checks, or opposed rolls.
DC 25: As above, except the target takes a -10 penalty.
DC 30: As above, except the target takes a -15 penalty.
DC 35: As above, except the target takes a -20 penalty.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to cause the target to lose his Strength
Strength- or
Dexterity modifier to any checks including those abilities.
This weave may not maintained or tied off.
The following feat is available to members of
the White Ajah whenever character feats would
be available. It is also available to the
character whenever she would gain a bonus
feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
Your intellect is rivaled by few, and you can
make sense of virtually any enigma.
Prerequisites: Member of the Aes Sedai
organization (White Ajah).
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on any
Intelligence check that is not a Skill check,
such as a check made to make sense of clues or
remember past events.

The Yellow Ajah seeks to support humankind by becoming healers and masters of the
body. Their healing abilities are the greatestt of any Ajah.
Yellow Ajah Weaves: Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah have secret weaves. They are
not allowed to use these weaves in the presence of any other female channelers. These
weaves are below.
The targets skin becomes irritated to the point that
hat it becomes a distraction. Time:
Standard action, Target: One living target within 6 squares and line of sight.
Affinities: Air, Fire, Spirit, Water.
Make a Channel check. This check is opposed by the targets Fortitude Defense. If
your result is equal
qual to or greater than the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
They are considered to be distracted when making any Intelligence-based,
Wisdombased, or Charisma-based
based Skill checks, making it impossible for the target to take 10 on
these checks. Furthermore, they take the following penalties to Focus checks:
DC 20: -5 penalty.
DC 25: -10 penalty.
DC 30: -15 penalty.
DC 35: -20 penalty.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to cause the target to include Constitution-based
Skill checks as well.
This weave may be maintained, but not tied off.
You create a bond with an inanimate object so that the object will seem familiar to you
next time you touch it. Time: Standard action, Target: One object touched.
Affinities: Fire, Spirit.
Make a Channel check. The result of the check determines the familiarity when the
object is touched.
DC 10: -11 penalty to the Intelligence check, but the object seems familiar.
DC 15: No bonus to the Intelligence check, but the object seems familiar.
DC 20: +1 bonus to the Intelligence check and the object seems familiar.
DC 25: +2 bonus to the Intelligence check and the object seems familiar.
Special: You may spend a Hero Point to increase the bonus to the Intelligence check
by an additional +1.
This weave may not maintained, but is tied off.


The following feat is available to members of the Yellow Ajah whenever character feats
would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she would gain a bonus
feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
You are particularly skilled with one specific weave in the Healing Talent.
Prerequisites: Member of the Aes Sedai organization (Yellow Ajah).
Benefit: Select one weave in the Healing Talent. You gain a +3 bonus on Channel
checks made to create this weave.

Among the Aiel, there are many Septs and Clans. However, together with these exist
twelve warrior societies, each with a general function and specialization. These are the
algaidsiswai, and while their culture is different from the typical culture of the
Westlands, they are capable of standing up against any of the armies of the Westlands.
Desert Dwellers: Algaidsiswai gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the
negative effects of extreme heat.
You are a member of one of the Aiel warrior societies.
Accurate Stab: Any time you score a critical hit with a spear, your damage die is
increased by one type (d4s become d6s, d6s become d8s, etc.) before doubling the
Special: You can take this talent multiple times. Each additional time, it increases the
die type by an additional type, up to d12s.
Dancer of the Spears: When wielding a spear, you may reroll any Initiative checks
made to feint and keep the better result.
Reactive Strike: Any time an opponent uses a full-attack action and misses you, you
may, as a reaction, make one attack against the opponent.
Readiness: When your readied action is triggered, you may keep your original place in
the Initiative order, or your new one, whichever is better.
Veiled Terror: The Algaidsiswai instills terror and mystery in her enemies. When
veiled, she may reroll Persuasion checks made to intimidate and keep the better of the
two rolls.


One of the twelve warrior societies is the female-only Maidens of the Spear, called in
their native tongue Far Dareis Mai. Their responsibility is scouting, and few in the
world are better at quiet observation than these women. After meeting the CaraCarn
Rand alThor, most of the Maidens of the Spear take it upon themselves to be his
personal guard of honor. They take this position very seriously, and are offended any
time he tries to do activities without them.
Silent and Unseen: The Far Dareis Mai are talented hiders and sneakers. They gain a
+2 bonus to all Stealth checks made to sneak.
The following feat is available to members of the Far Dareis Mai organization whenever
character feats would be available. It is also available to the character whenever he
would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Scout class.
You understand the secret Maiden of the Spear hand signal language.
Prerequisites: Member of the Far Dareis Mai organization.
Benefit: You can understand and sign in Maiden Hand-Talk.

Rand alThor, hoping to add a powerful weapon to his side in the struggle against the
Dark One, established the Ashaman, teaching them and organizing them into a martial
order of male channelers. In the beginning months of the organization, male channelers
still suffered from the madness that comes from using the male half of the One Power,
but after Rand cleanses the taint, this obstacle no longer hinders them.
The lowest members of the Black Tower, as they are often called, are called
Soldiers. Their duties, like all Ashaman, include chores and learning from their
instructors. Those who achieve the next rank within the organization are called
Dedicated, and are given a black coat to wear, and a pin in the shape of a sword to wear
on the collar. Dedicated are given more responsibilities, including Traveling throughout
the Westlands to deliver messages or seek other male channelers. The highest rank in the
Black Tower is called Ashaman, which means Guardian in the Old Tongue. They wear
the sword pin as well as a red and gold dragon on their collar, and are given more
responsibilities, as well as more freedoms. Even with these freedoms, they still answer to
those of the highest individual rank, and of course to the Dragon Reborn himself.

The following feat is available to members of the Ashaman organization whenever
character feats would be available. It is also available
to the character whenever he
would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
You understand that the best way to start a battle is with brutal aggressiveness, and you
have become an efficient killing weapon with this understanding.
Prerequisites: Member of the Ashaman organization.
Benefit: During combat, when you make your first attack roll or Channel check to
create a damaging weave, you may reroll the check and keep the better result.


Various members exist with leadership roles, called MHaels exist, such as the
Baijanmhael (attack leader), labeling those men with ranks of leadership among the
Ashaman. The highest leader, under the Dragon Reborn, is called the MHael.
Battle Ready: All members of the Ashaman organization are brimming with
readiness to join any battle they are commanded to enter. Ashaman gain a +2 bonus to
all Initiative rolls made to start a battle.
You are a member of the Ashaman organization.
Asha'man Warrior: When using melee weapons, you may use your Charisma
modifier instead of your Strength modifier for attack rolls.
Battle Focus: When holding the One Power, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and
damage rolls made with melee weapons.
Deadly Channeler: Anytime you create a weave that kills an opponent, you gain one
swift action the following round.
Weave Specialization: Choose one damage-dealing
dealing weave. When channeling that
weave, you deal an additional two points of damage.

Matrim Cauthon, one of the most powerful taveren of all time, established the Band of
the Red Hand as an independent military force under his own command. The army has
grown to several thousand strong, including nobles and soldiers from many kingdoms.
One unique thing about this army is their utter confidence
nfidence in their leader, who has won
battles with astoundingly sound strategies and incredible luck.
As a military organization, the Band of the Red Hand has officers and ranks that
become responsible for increasingly large numbers of men. The lowest ranks
common soldiers either in the foot or horse battalions. Leaders of Troops report to
leaders of Squadrons, who report to leaders of Banners. Mat Cauthon leads the entire
Common Confidence: It is difficult to intimidate members of the Band of
o the Red
Hand. All members gain a +1 to Will Defense to resist any efforts made to intimidate
You are a member of the Band of the Red Hand organization.
Confidence in Leadership: Any time you are granted a morale bonus by one of your
leaders, your Will Defense also increases by +1. If the morale bonus also increases Will
Defense, the bonuses are combined.
Disciplined Formation: Any time you and an ally flank an opponent, you and the ally
each gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Firm Allegiance: You gain a +5 bonus to Will Defense when resisting attacks against
your morale due to battle.
Watch Your Back: If you are adjacent to at least one ally, enemies gain no benefit
from flanking you or any adjacent allies.


The following feat is available to members of the Band of the Red Hand organization
whenever character feats would be available. It is also available to the character
whenever he would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Armsman class.
Members of the Band of the Red Hand seem to share a small portion of their leaders
luck. You are more difficult to kill than typical soldiers due partially to this luck.
Prerequisites: Member of the Band of the Red Hand organization
Benefit: Three times per combat scene, the soldier of the Band of the Red Hand may
add to a Defense to increase his chances of survival. Once per combat scene, he may add
his Strength modifier to his Fortitude Defense. Once per combat sce
scene, he may add his
Intelligence modifier to his Reflex Defense. Finally, once per combat scene, he may add
his Charisma modifier to his Will Defense. Each Defense may be increased only once
per battle, for a total of three Defense increases per combat scene.


Among the most powerful independent military organizations in the Westlands is also
one of the oldest. The Children of the Light, commonly called Whitecloaks because of
their pristine white cloakcs, fervently seek out minions off the Dark One and anything
affected by the Dark Ones influence and do everything in their power to snuff it out.
Their methods are seen by others as unnecessarily brutal, but to them, leniency only
allows the Dark One to grab firmer hold wherever he is established.
The Whitecloaks are independent of any nation, though they have much influence in
Amadicia, where the Fortress of Light, their headquarters, is located. The soldiers are led
by file leaders, who report to squadmen and second squadmen. Movin
Moving up the ranks
would put a man into the ranks of second bannerman, bannerman, and hundredman.
Officer ranks include Under-Lieutenants, Lieutenants, Senior-Lieutenants,
Lieutenants, Lord Captains,
and finally, the Lord Captain Commander, who leads the entire organizati
The Hand of Light is a part of the Children of the Light organization, led by the High
Inquisitor. The Hand of the Light, with individuals often called Questioners, are less
militaristic than their Whitecloak counterparts. Instead, they take the res
responsibility of
getting confessions from suspected darkfriends, often by means of torture. Though they
are a part of the organization, they are considered to be somewhat separate as well.
Lights Aura: Children of the Light and Hands of the Light inspire respect and fear
from who see them. They gain a +2 bonus to Persuasion checks made to intimidate.


You are a member of the Children of the Light organization.
Armored Confidence: When wearing armor, you gain a bonus to Will Defense equal
to the bonus to your Damage Threshold -1.
Furious Blaze: Any time you are damaged by a suspected Darkfriend or
Shadowspawn, you can go into a righteous, all-encompasing
encompasing fury for a number of rounds
equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier. During this fury, you deal double your Strength
modifier with weapons heldd in one hand, or triple damage with weapons held in both
hands on successful melee attacks.
Glorious Attack: When you reduce an enemys hit points to zero, you gain a +5 bonus
to all damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier.
Whitecloak Determination: As a free action, on your turn, you can spend a Force
Point to gain a bonus to your base speed equal to your Wisdom modifier for a number of
rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1).
Witchslayer: Whenever you are facing
cing a known channeler, you gain a +2 bonus to
attack rolls and your Fortitude and Will Defenses.


You are a member of the Hand of the Light organization.
Creators Gift: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws to resist fear an
and despair
Light's Embrace: As an immediate action, you can reduce your class bonus to Will
Defense to +0 and gain a bonus to your Reflex Defense equal to the amount of the
reduction. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
Shepherds Crook: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Persuasion checks to
intimidate and Perception checks made to sense motive made when interacting with
suspected Darkfriends and Shadowspawn.
The following feat is available to members of the Children of the Light organization
whenever character feats would be available. It is also available to the character
whenever he would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Armsman class.
You are a soldier in the Children of the Light army, and proud of it. You gain confidence
from knowing you are helping to stamp out all darkness from the world.
Prerequisites: Member of the Children of the Light organization
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Will Defense.
more, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls made against suspected darkfriends,
whether proven darkfriends or not.
The following feat is available to members of the Hand of the Light organization
whenever character feats would be available. It is also available to the character
whenever he would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Noble class.
You know where to find darkfriends, and how to find out local rumors to help lead you to
where the Light is needed.
Prerequisites: Member of the Hand of the Light organization..
Benefit: You can reroll Gather Information checks made to learn news and rumors or
learn secret information. The result of your second roll must be accepted, even if it is

In no other kingdom of the Westlands is the Daes
Daemar the Game of Houes played like in
Cairhien. Few noble Houses are better at Daes
Daemar than House Damodred, which boasts a
royal history and power well beyond most
Houses in the Westlands. Indeed, the influence
of House Damodred can be seen beyond the
borders of Cairhien, with royalty in other
powerful nations such as Andor directly
affected by them. Uncannily efficient, House
Damodreds members are either born into the
House or married into it.
Details: As such a powerful group of
nobles, members of House Damodred are
keen at sensing falsities. They gain a +2
bonus on Perception checks made to sense
You are a member of House Damodred.
Charismatic Aura: As a full-round
action, you may increase the Will Defense
of all allies in sight of you by a number equal
to your Charisma modifier. This bonus lasts
until the beginning of your next turn.
Damodred Diplomat: When acting in an official capacity representing House
Damodred, you may, once per encounter, reroll any Charisma-based
Skill check and keep
the better result.
Damodred Royal: You have the presence
ence of a member of the royal family. Any time
you spend a Hero Point to add a bonus to a Charisma-based
Skill check, you also double
your Charisma modifier and add that to the bonus created for the check.
Social Savant: Whenever you spend a Hero Point to increase the result of a Charismabased Skill check, you may also reroll the check, though the reroll doesnt get the bonus
die from the Hero Point. If you reroll the check, you must keep the second result, even if
it is worse.


The following feat is available to members of the House Damodred organization
whenever character feats would be available. It is also available to the character
whenever she would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Noble class.


The following feat is available to members of the House Trakand organization whenever
character feats would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she
would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Noble class.


You have lived your entire life around people putting a face up and keeping secrets from
you. You have become skilled at sensing when someone is being less than honest.
Prerequisites: Member of the House Damodred organization.
Benefit: You may reroll any Perception checks made to sense deception, but you must
keep the second result, even if it is worse.

Nobody is perfect, but you have learned that the secret to survival in the Game of Houses
is to recover gracefully whenever you make a mistake.
Prerequisites: Member of the House Trakand organization.
Benefit: Any time you fail a Charisma-based Skill check, you may reroll any Focus
check made to regain your composure, though you must keep the second result, even if it
is worse.

Andor is a kingdom with many powerful noble Houses, but in recent times, none is more
powerful than House Trakand. The most recent Queen of Andor was from Houe
Trakand, and her daughter is positioned well to become the next Queen, and at a very
young age. Like many of the most powerful noble Houses in the Westlands, House
Trakands influence extends well beyond the borders of Andor, and they have allies
among the highest nobles in many kingdoms.
Diplomacy Expertise: Members of House Trakand are masters of diplomacy and
conversation. They gain a +2 bonus to Persuasion checks made to change a persons
attitude toward them.
You are a member of House Trakand.
Nuance: Once per encounter you may add your Wisdom modifier to any Charismabased Skill Check (except Channel).
Presence of Nobility: When socializing with other members of noble Houses, you can
spend a Hero Point to gain a +5 bonus to your Will Defense for a number of rounds equal
to your Wisdom modifier. This bonus applies to any Charisma-based Skill checks that
attack your Will Defense.
Social Composure: Any time you make a Focus check to maintain your composure,
you may add your Charisma modifier in addition to your Wisdom modifier to the check.
Trakand Diplomat: When acting in an official capacity representing House
Damodred, you may, once per encounter, reroll any Charisma-based Skill check and keep
the better result.

Though small in number, the Guild of Illuminators is among the most successful guilds in
the Westlands. Originating in Tarabon, most Illuminators live in Tanchico or in the area
near the city. However, there is also a chapter house in Cairhien. Though the Seanchan
destroy the Guild Chapterhouse during their conquest of Tarabon, it is possible that a few
Illuminators remain to carry on their secret craft.
Members of this organization are expected to keep their secrets of firework-making
just that: a secret. People throughout the Westlands enjoy the majestic beauty and
splendor of the fireworks they create, but betraying the secrets of the guild will often
result in a swift death, or at least a total loss of honor with the guild.
Firework Artist: Illuminators gain a +2 bonus to Craft checks made to handle
You are a member of the Illuminators Guild.
Demolitionist: When you use the Craft skill to place an explosive device, the
explosion deals +2 dice of damage.
You may take this talent multiple times. Its effects stack.
Extreme Explosion: Any time you set up an explosion, you increase the blast radius
by 1 square.
Prerequisite: Demolitionist.
Firework Artist: You may use Craft checks to create fireworks shows that work like
Persuasion checks made to perform (see the Performer feat).
Improved Firework Artist: When you use the Firework Artist talent, you gain a +5
bonus to the check.
Prerequisite: Firework Artist.

The following feat is available to members of the Illuminators Guild organization
whenever character feats would be available. It is also available to the character
whenever she would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Wanderer class.
You are a master of your craft, and rarely waste materials.
Prerequisites: Member of the Illuminators Guild organization.
Benefit: When making the final Craft check during the process of making fireworks,
you may roll twice and keep the better result.

Very few organizations of female channelers exist in the Westlands outside the White
Towers Aes Sedai, since the White Tower will find them and punish them for using the
One Power without their authority. However, the Kin have managed to exist as a secret
organization of female channelers based in Altara for a very long time. Most of their
members are either White Tower rejects or White Tower runaways, with a few women
joining the organization without ever visiting Tar Valon.
Among the Kin, age is most important when determining rank. Even a relatively weak
channeler will be considered above a more powerful one if she is the older. The oldest
thirteen members reside in Ebou Dar and form the governing body of the organization,
known as the Knitting Circle. Most members of the organization are able to live much
longer than most Aes Sedai because they are not affected by the drawbacks of the Oath
Members of this organization can be found virtually anywhere, but they tend to stay in
Altara and the nearby area. While each member has responsibilities, the women are
generally free to live how they wish and go where they want, as long as they do not
betray the knowledge of the organization to anyone, especially to the Aes Sedai.
Secretly, the Aes Sedai are aware of the organization, and they keep tabs on these women
to maintain rudimentary control over them.
Master of Wards: Members of the Kin gain a +1 bonus on Channel checks made to
create any weave in the Ward Talent.
You are a member of the Kin organization.
Careful Channeler: When creating weaves, you can increase the amount of time it
takes to create the weave to increase its effectiveness.
In order to gain the benefits, a weave that would normally be created as a swift action
must consume a move action (or standard action). One that would require a move action

requires a standard action. If it requires a standard action, it has to take a full-round

action. If it takes a full-round action or more, the time to create the weave is doubled.
If you do the above, you gain a +5 bonus to the weaves effect.
Channeling Expert: Age has brought you a great deal of experience channeling. As a
swift action, you may spend a Hero Point to reroll any Channel check made to create a
Heroic Channeler: Whenever you gain a level, you gain an additional number of Hero
Points equal to the number of Channeler Talent Tree Talents you have (maximum +6).
Sure Channeler: Any time you roll a natural 1 on a Channel check to create a weave,
you may reroll the check as a free action and keep the second result.
The following feat is available to members of the Kin organization whenever character
feats would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she would gain a
bonus feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
Your mastery of the One Power has come with considerable effort, but that effort has
brought you a new level of mastery.
Prerequisites: Member of the Kin organization.
Benefit: Any time you fail a Focus check made to concentrate, you may reroll the
check. The second result must be kept, even if it is worse.

Though small in influence, thief-catchers are present throughout the Westlands, ready to
take on bounties and hunt down criminals in any locale. Wise criminals fear the pursuit
of thief-catchers (or "thief-takers," as they are called in Tear), because nobody is better
and more specialized at tracking down those who do wrong.
Though they do not often gather socially, thief-takers have an expansive network and
respect each others' bounties with unwritten codes of honor. No honorable thief-catcher
would claim another's bounty under any circumstances.
While most thief-catchers work for a hefty fee, and therefore exclusively with nobles,
some will work with commoners at more reasonable prices to help them when they can.
Tracker of Criminals: Thief-Catchers gain a +2 bonus to Gather Information checks
made to gain information specific to an individual they are tracking down.
You are a member of the Kin organization.

Advantageous Strike: You gain a +5 bonus on attacks of opportunity when using

weapons with which you are proficient.
Quick Strike: During the initial round of combat, if you successfully damage an
enemy who has not yet acted in the combat, you can make an immediate attack as a free
action against a different target within 6 squares of the first target.
Retaliation Strike: If an enemy misses you with a melee attack, as a reaction you can
automatically deal damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1) to your attacker,
if the attacker is within reach of you.
Shift: As a move action, you may move 1 square without provoking an attack of
The following feat is available to members of the Thief-Catchers organization whenever
character feats would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she
would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Scout class.
You have mastered certain skills so well that you virtually never make mistakes with
Prerequisites: Member of the Thief-Catchers organization.
Benefit: Choose a number of skills equal to your Intelligence modifier. With these
skills, you can always take 10, even when distracted or threatened.


Aes Sedai are formidable in their own right. When teamed up with some of the besttrained warriors in the known world, Aes Sedai become even more awe-inspiring. Sisters
of the Red Ajah never take Warders, and some from other Ajahs do not as well.
Meanwhile, members of the Green Ajah are known to often take more than one Warder.
Traditionally, all Warders are male, but the weave that creates the Warder bond can be
used on anyone of any gender.
Warders go through rigorous training, mainly in combat and defensive techniques.
They also learn to be stealthy, and learn many other skills that are necessary for their
profession. Some Aes Sedai take their Warders from beyond this group of White Towertrained men, but those who select from the men trained in the White Tower are rarely
disappointed in their loyalty and dedication.
Though it is not a self-standing organization, Warders of the White Tower rise up
through the same training until they are selected by an Aes Sedai and bound to her. The
organization as a whole answers to the Aes Sedai organization, and more specifically to
the Amyrlin Seat.

Weapon Power: Warders of the White Tower gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls any
time they successfully deal damage with a specific weapon group.
You are a warder trained in the White Tower.
Adamant Protector: When adjacent to your Aes Sedai, you gain a +5 bonus to your
Fortitude Defense.
Dedicated Protector: Your Aes Sedai gains a +1 morale bonus to Reflex Defense as
long as she remains adjacent to you.
Power Fortification: As a reaction, you can spend a Hero Point to negate a critical hit
scored against you and take normal damage instead. You can spend this Hero Point even
if youve already spent a Hero Point earlier in the round.
Tested in Battle: When you catch a second wind, you move +2 steps on the Condition
Track in addition to regaining hit points.
The following feat is available to members of the Warders of the White Tower
organization whenever character feats would be available. It is also available to the
character whenever she would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Armsman
Sometimes you must act quickly to avert danger and keep your Aes Sedai safe. You are
alert and quick to react to battle situations.
Prerequisites: Member of the Warders of the White Tower organization.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to Perception checks made to avoid surprise and
Initiative checks made to start battle.

Though a handful of Athaan Miere girls go to the White Tower every generation, most
channeling women among the Sea Folk stay and become Windfinders. Though not an
independent organization with ranks and leaders in the more traditional sense,
Windfinders are united in the expertise they share with each other and their loyalty to
their culture as a whole.
The Athaan Miere are renowned for their speed on the water. While their boats are
indeed built well for speed, Windfinders contribute by using the One Power to affect
wind and water using weave with flows of Air and Water more immense than most Aes
Sedai would dare to touch.

The Sea Folk, as a rule, do not allow Aes Sedai on

their ships for fear of their Windfinders being
discovered and forced to go to the White Tower. The
Athaan Miere do send some of their girls up to the
White Tower to be trained to keep the Aes Sedai
uninterested in attempting to investigate their culture
and methods of travel more deeply.
Windfinders are not leaders of ships. They yield to
the command of the Sailmistress, and also are
considered to be below the Cargomaster, despite their
importance to the ship and their often abundant
strength in the One Power.
Powerful with the Power: Windfinders Fortitude
Defense is considered to be 1 point higher when
resisting the negative effects of overchanneling.
You are a Windfinder aboard an Athaan Miere vessel
Improved Stave Off Fatigue: Whenever you use
the Channel skill to stave off fatigue, you do not move
an additional step down the Condition Track when you
finally do take the Condition Track damage.
Improved Vision: If you are trained in both
Channel and Perception skills, you can rreroll any
Perception checks made to see while you are holding
the One Power.
Enhanced Fortitude: Whenever you are
holding the One Power, you gain a +1 bonus to your
Fortitude Defense.
Enhanced Willpower: Whenever you are
holding the One Power,, you gain a +1 bonus to your
Will Defense.
The following feat is available to members of the
Windfinders organization whenever character feats
would be available. It is also available to the character
whenever she would gain a bonus feat when taking
levels in the Initiate class.

No matter the distractions caused, if your feet are touching the deck of a ship, you are
much more able to avoid distractions.
Prerequisites: Member of the Windfinders organization.
Benefit: Whenever you are on a ship, you may reroll any Focus check made to
concentrate and keep the better result.

Among the Aiel, the matriarchal leaders are women called Wise Ones. While many are
able to Channel or Dreamwalk (or sometimes both), neither of these things are required
to become a Wise One. Wise Ones avoid Aes Sedai for fear of their
ability to channel being discovered.
Wise Ones make most of the most impactful decisions in
Aiel society. While Clan Chiefs generally oversee specific
Clans, Clan Chief applicants must be approved by Wise
Ones before entering Rhuidean to be tested. They stand
aside in battles or feuds between clans, and jietoh does
not permit harming Wise Ones nor taking them as
gaishain. In many ways, Wise Ones lead
ad Aiel society
without actually participating in many aspects of it.
A woman who would be considered for joining the
loose organization of Wise Ones is given tasks and
chores by a Wise One. These chores often seem
pointless, and they become more demanding
ng and
difficult each time.
The apprentice is not given
permission to begin training until she, during this period
declares she is ready to become a Wise One. Wise Ones
have a loose hierarchy, but generally they are led by
whichever has the strongest will.
l. Even a more powerful
channeler in the organization will yield to an Aiel she
knows has the greater will to lead.
Abundant Will: All Wise Ones gain a +2 bonus to
Focus checks made to compose themselves.
You are a Wise One of the Aiel.
Focus Mastery: Whenever you spend a Hero Point to add a
bonus to a Focus check, you may also reroll the check and keep

the better result. The second result does not gain the bonus granted from spending the
Hero Point.
Presence of Will: Once per encounter, you may substitute your Wisdom modifier for
your Charisma when making a Charisma-based Skill check (except for Channel checks).
Sense Experience: You are good at perceiving the value and expertise of another
person with little more than looking at them. With a successful Perception check versus a
targets Will Defense, you can determine the characters CL.
Threefold Fortitude: You gain a +2 bonus to your Fortitude and Will Defenses.
The following feat is available to members of the Wise One organization whenever
character feats would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she
would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Noble class.
Your will is strong, and you are able to convey that when dealing with others.
Prerequisites: Member of the Wise One organization.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Will Defense, and a +3 bonus to Persuasion checks
made to improve the attitude of a target.

Younglings are the Warder apprentices who sided with the Aes Sedai of the White Tower
during the schism that split the Tower. Though young, they try to make up for their lack
of experience with enthusiasm and wise leadership.
The Younglings have the basic training of Warders, and their reason for coming to Tar
Valon was to be trained as one, but they have put that goal on hold to join the Youngling
army. They are small in number, especially when compared to most other military
organizations, but they put themselves in position to aid the Amyrlin Seat whenever she
finds a use for them.
Weapon Power: Younglings gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls any time they
successfully deal damage with a specific weapon group.
You are a member of the Youngling organization.
Aggressive Attack: You may put yourself at risk and at the same time increase your
chances of damaging your opponent. You may deduct up to five points from your Reflex
Defense until the next round and add the same amount to your next attacks attack roll
and damage.

Brutal Swing: You may make an attack that deals more damage. By declaring the use
of this talent, you gain a +5 bonus to damage on your next attack. However, if the attack
misses, you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense until the beginning of your next
turn. This talent cannot be used on attacks of opportunity.
Invigorating Success: Whenever you successfully bring an opponent to 0 hit points,
you may, by spending one swift action, immediately move one step up the Condition
Youthful Exuberance: When you catch a second wind, you may immediately recover
a number of hit points equal to one third your total hit points or your Constitution
modifier +2, whichever is greater.
The following feat is available to members of the Youngling organization whenever
character feats would be available. It is also available to the character whenever she
would gain a bonus feat when taking levels in the Initiate class.
Full of youth and a desire to prove yourself, you start battle aggressively.
Prerequisites: Member of the Youngling organization.
Benefit: During the first round of combat, or the first round after the surprise round if
you were surprised, you may reroll all damage rolls and keep the better result.

Organizations are great ways to give characters small advantages with commitments
made to the organization. Each one should require something from the members,
including time, loyalty, and service, as well as repercussions for failing to live up to the
roles expected of members of the organization.
Every organization gains a benefit. This benefit should be roughly half as beneficial to
a character as a feat. If the organization is going to be further divided into suborganizations (such as the algaidsiswai), the benefit for the grander organization and
the sub-organizations should together equal roughly half of a feat.
Another benefit to organizations is that they have feats available to them. These feats
should be unique, and specific to the benefits members of the organization would want.
They are available at all levels characters would gain feats. Furthermore, they can gain
these feats as bonus class feats for one specific base class, chosen as the most likely class
that would be taken by heroic members of the organization.


The Wheel of Time is a story. Think of this book as rules for telling a cooperative story,
rather than playing a game. Each character plays her role in the story. There isnt a
battle in every chapter of any of the Wheel of Time novels, and sometimes en
entire novels
go without any major combat situations. The Wheel of Time series moves toward its
grand ending.
This chapter presents Gamemaster options and advice, but the Gamemaster should
always feel free to run her game in whichever way works best for hher.

Divide your story. Divide the grand epic story into books, and divide those books into
chapters. Even if you never write out the
adventure in book form, it gives it a more
familiar feel comparable to the Wheel of
Time series.

Every chapter should include at least one
interesting event that would grant
experience points, though they may include
several. More importantly, chapters should
each have a beginning, content, and then an
ending of sorts. They should each be
reated like a miniature story, even if the
chapter is a continuation of events from a
previous chapter and an extension of what
will continue in the following chapter.
Note that a game session does not
necessarily equal a chapter. One chapter
may take several
veral sessions to complete, or if
it is a long session, multiple chapters may
fit into one session.

Every book should begin with most of the problems from the previous book resolved. Of
course, there may be grand destinies to fulfill that can take several books to complete,
villains that harass the characters for multiple volumes, or personal challenges for the
characters to overcome, but each book should have several smaller resolutions, and
progress made by each character. A Gamemasters responsibility
is to make sure that
stories resolve themselves as appropriate, and that characters get the proper experience
points for their efforts. A players responsibility is to ensure that he roleplays his
characters progress as the game itself moves forward.
ard. A character that doesnt progress
is not realistic.
Each book should have a beginning, and throughout the book, in the chapters, should
present the character with the challenges typical to fantasy adventures. Finally, it should
come to a resolution by the final chapter. One book should consist of roughly twenty to
forty chapters. If desires, the Gamemaster may include a prologue and epilogue, but
these should provide very few experience points (if any).


While many characters
ers live entire lives full of battles and bloodshed, there are several
character types that should experience very little combat. Tuathaan characters should
actively avoid combat situations if they are following the Way of the Leaf. Ogier tend to
avoid combat, as do many Aes Sedai.
Presented in this chapter are Skill Challenges, which can provide experience points to
those who successfully perform them. In all cases, they can be done without combat, and
therefore help a character gain experience.
Also presented below are rules for providing characters with bonus experience points
at the end of chapters and books.

Chapter Experience Points

Each character should gain any experience points gained throughout the chapter at the
end of the chapter. If the chapter included two fights, the experience for those fights
should be granted at the resolution of the chapter, when the characters have been
be given a
moment to reflect on what they learned.

In addition to regular experience earned through challenges and combat, each character
is given a bonus supply of experience points at the end of each chapter. This amount
equals 100 x their characters level. Therefore, a 4th-level
level character finishing a chapter
would get 400 experience points at the end of each chapter in addition to any earned
during the chapter.

Book Experience Points

As with chapter experience points, book experience points are gran
granted at the end of each
book. These experience points equal 100 x their character level x a number between one
and three. The Gamemaster should grant multipliers based on the following ingredients.
A multiplier of one is always granted. A character gains
ns at least one experience point
just for playing and being a part of the story. The multiplier can be further increased by
either dramatic heroism and/or wise problem-solving.
solving. If both of these factors apply, the
multiplier is 3. If only one apply, the multiplier is 2. If neither apply, the multiplier is 1.
Dramatic heroism can be defined as the character coming through for the other
characters or for the greater good as a whole. It means that the character did something
exceptional and heroic, and possibly
ssibly (though not necessarily) dangerous. Running back
through an active battlefield to pull an injured ally against overwhelming odds,
overchanneling at great personal risk to take on an entire hoard of trollocs while allies
secure an escape route, and coming through on a negotiation that at first seemed
impossibly difficult are all examples of dramatic heroism.
Wise problem-solving
solving can be defined as an instance when a character finds alternate
solutions that alleviate difficulty and danger to other characters.
racters. It means that the
character did something particularly beneficial to the group that was unexpected or
creative. Attacking an invading Seanchan army before they can gain secure footing,
mediating a problem between two quarreling companions, and ttracking down a nearby
difficult-to-find stedding so that the party can rest are examples of wise problem
Experience points should never be based on favoritism, and every character,
throughout each book, should be given plenty of opportunities to show heroism and

Skill challenges present an alternate way for characters to gain experience without
necessarily going through combat. They include one or more skills, and multiple checks
that need to be met before a certain number of failures are made. A skill challenge with a
complexity of 1 requires five successes before three failures. A skill challenge with a
complexity of 2 requires eight successes before three failures occur. Finally, a skill

challenge with a complexity

ity of 3 requires eleven successes be earned before three
Skill challenges consist of skill checks that are done over the course of an entire scene.
The roll results may increase or decrease your chances of overall success, depending on
the types
es of challenges. After determining how long the skill challenge will take and the
overall difficulty, it must be determined which skill checks can affect the overall
outcome. There is always a primary skill, and a handful of secondary skills that can be
used once each to affect the outcome.
Allies can work together in some skill challenges, and potentially aid another when the
skill challenge uses one primary character.

Skill challenges should never replace roleplaying. Rather, they should be a guide to a
characters success over the course of a scene. If the skill challenge is a diplomatic
negotiation, for example, characters should still roleplay the scene out, if desired. Use
the roll results to determine reactions and scene results.
Difficulties may vary, depending on elements presented by the Gamemaster.

Certain obstacles can modify the results or course toward success, as follows.
Catastrophic Failure: If the participant fails the check by 10 or more, he accrues two
failures instead of one.
Close Call: The heroes accrue a failure only if they fail a skill check by 5 or more.
Degrees of Failure: The skill challenge ends when three failures are accrued or when
the number of successes is met, but each failure brings certain negative things.
Degrees of Success: Each success or every two or three successes brings a certain
benefit, even if the participant takes three failures before she gains the required number
of successes.
Extreme Success: If a hero earns a success with a check result that is 10 or more
points higher than the target DC, the hero earns two successes instead of one. This can
only be done with the Primary Skill.
Individual Effort: Each hero must earn a number of individual successes equal to the
challenges complexity before the party accrues enough failures as a whole to fail the
Opposed DC: The DCs are determined by an opposed check or Defense.
Recovery: When a hero succeeds on a check by 5 or more, she may choose to remove
one failure instead of earning a success.
Retries: After failure, the heroes may immediately attempt to try again, but the
difficulties of all checks increase.
Timed Challenge: Instead of accruing a number of successes before three failures, the
characters must earn a number of successes within a certain timeframe.


In this challenge, the novice of the White Tower is put through the silver arches
terangreal to prove her worthiness to become an Accepted of the White Tower. All
women seeking to become Aes Sedai must be put through this test.

CL 4
Complexity: 3 (11 successes before 3 failures)

Primary Skill: Focus (DC 20)
Secondary Skill: The following is a suggested secondary skills for this skill challenge.
Channel [DC +5]: Though it is extremely dangerous to do so, the hero may attempt to
channel within the silver arches. If she does, the DC to do so is five more than normally
required to create the weave outside the terangreal. Whether she is successful or not,
she is subsequently attacked against her Fortitude Defense (1d20+10). See Chapter
Seven: Equipment for more details.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effect is in place for this challenge.
Recovery: When the hero succeeds on a check by 5 or more, she may choose to
remove one failure instead of earning a success.
Success: The hero passes through the first archway successfully once she achieves
three successes and may attempt to go through the second one.
Failure: The hero may find a way to reemerge from the archways, but even if she
does, she is likely stilled. More likely, she misses her opportunity to come back out of
the archways and is lost to the known world forever.

Primary Skill: Focus (DC 20)
Secondary Skill: The following is a suggested secondary skills for this skill challenge.
Channel [DC +5]: Though it is extremely dangerous to do so, the hero may attempt to
channel within the silver arches. If she does, the DC to do so is five more than normally
required to create the weave outside the terangreal. Whether she is successful or not,
she is subsequently attacked against her Fortitude Defense (1d20+10). See Chapter
Seven: Equipment for more details.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effect is in place for this challenge.
Recovery: When the hero succeeds on a check by 5 or more, she may choose to
remove one failure instead of earning a success.
Success: The hero passes through the second archway successfully once she
accumulates seven successes and may attempt to go through the second one.
Failure: The hero may find a way to reemerge from the archways, but even if she
does, she is likely stilled. More likely, she misses her opportunity to come back out of
the archways and is lost to the known world forever.

Primary Skill: Focus (DC 20)
Secondary Skill: The following is a suggested secondary skills for this skill challenge.
Channel [DC +5]: Though it is extremely dangerous to do so, the hero may attempt to
channel within the silver arches. If she does, the DC to do so is five more than normally
required to create the weave outside the terangreal.. Whether she is successful or not,
she is subsequently
ubsequently attacked against her Fortitude Defense (1d20+10). See Chapter
Seven: Equipment for more details.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effect is in place for this challenge.
Recovery: When the hero succeeds on a check by 5 or more, she may choose to
remove one failure instead of earning a success.
Success: The hero passes through the first archway successfully once she achieves
eleven successes and may attempt to go through the second one.
Failure: The hero may find a way to reemerge from
rom the archways, but even if she
does, she is likely stilled. More likely, she misses her opportunity to come back out of
the archways and is lost to the known world forever.


In this challenge, a prospective Aiel male journeys through the glass columns in
Rhuidean, witnessing the history of the Aiel people through the eyes of his ancestors.
CL 8
Complexity: 3 (11 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Focus (DC 28)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Endurance [DC 29]: The hero overcomes fatigue and thirst during the test.
Perception [DC 26]: The hero notices things in the displays that uplift his morale.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Degrees of Failure: The skill challenge ends when the hero accrues three failures or
when the number of successes is met, but each failure causes the character to move two
steps down the Condition Track.
Success: The hero emerges from the glass columns with a tattoo of a dragon and
knowing the true history of the Aiel. He is now a clan chief.
Failure: The hero is reduced to zero hit points and falls unconscious in the glass
columns, after which he begins suffering
ng from the effects of dehydration and exhaustion.
He must make a Constitution check to determine if he recovers, with failure bringing his

In this challenge, a primary channeler, possibly combined in a channeling circle, is
ing to cleanse one person from a dark taint. Siuan Sanche once performed this
skill challenge on Matrim Cauthon.
CL 14
Complexity: 3 (11 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Channel (DC 38)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Focus [DC 37]: The hero can attempt to recover from a failed save and compose
Knowledge (Health) [DC 33]: The heroes can attempt to remember knowledge
acquired regarding tainted
nted objects and its effects on the human body.
Treat Injury [DC 36]: The heroes can attempt to stave off the negative effects, and
death, by successfully applying medical aid.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.

Catastrophic Failure: If the primary channeler fails a skill check by 10 or more, the
heroes accrue two failures instead of one.
Degrees of Success: Even if the primary channeler fails this skill challenge, the tainted
person gains a number of Constitution and Wisdom points back equal to the number of
Recovery: If the primary channeler succeeds on a check by 5 or more, the hero can
choose to remove one failure instead of earning a success.

Success: The heroes convince the noble to grant them a reasonable favor, such as a
pardon for a minor crime, a loan of money, or resources to complete a task, or even to
argue for their cause in a court session.
Failure: The noble declines to help the heroes. He might remain amiable with the
heroes, or he may become an enemy. Depending on the situation, he might even call for
their immediate arrest.

Success: The tainted person is fully relieved of the taint and its negative effects. He is
fatigued, however, and moves four steps down the condition track immediately upon
Failure: The tainted person is not relieved of the taint, but regains Constitution and
Wisdom each equal to the successes gained. He is fatigued, and moves four steps down
the condition track immediately after the skill challenge. This skill challenge cannot be
attempted again until he fully recovers from his fatigue.


In this challenge, a hero or group of heroes tries to gain the favor of a high-ranking noble,
such as a High Lord.
CL 5
Complexity: 2 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Persuasion (varies; as change attitude)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Deception [opposed DC]: The hero may try to embellish or deceive the noble in order
to impress him or gain his sympathy.
Focus [DC 26]: A hero may recover from a failed roll by making a successful Focus
check to compose herself and getting things back on track.
Knowledge (politics) [DC 27]: The hero may use her knowledge of daes daemar to
gain an upper hand or find something to use against the noble.
Perception [DC 30]: A hero may attempt to read the surface emotions and feelings of
the noble.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Opposed DC: The DCs of Deception checks are opposed the nobles Perception check.
Recovery: When a hero succeeds on a check by 5 or more, she may choose to remove
one failure instead of earning a success.

In this challenge, a hero tracks down a brigand who is hiding in the countryside,
harassing a nearby town or village. After this challenge, a fight may likely ensue.
CL 5
Complexity: 2 (11 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Survival (DC 29)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Endurance [DC 31]: The hero can forgo sleep to continue the search if it goes into the
Knowledge (nature) [DC 30]: The hero can use his knowledge of the natural
environment to his advantage.
Challenge Effects: There are no challenge effects in place for this challenge.
Success: The hero manages to track down the brigand and determine his exact
Failure: The hero loses track of any clues of the brigands traverse, and fails to locate


In this challenge, a hero displays his swordsmanship in front of blademasters, who then
determine his worthiness to carry a heron-marked blade.
CL 6
Complexity: 3 (11 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Focus (DC 27)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Acrobatics [DC 28]: The hero can use tumbles and other feats of agility during his

Athletics [DC 27]: The hero can use jumps and other feats of athleticism during his
Deception [DC 29]: The hero can use impressive feints during his display.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge
Extreme Success: If the hero earns a success with a check result that of 37 or more on a
Focus check made for this challenge, he earns two successes instead of one.

Secondary Skills: There are no secondary skills for this skill challenge.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Opposed DC: The DC is determined by the Ride checks of all other participants.
Timed Challenge: Instead of accruing
ing a number of successes before three failures, the
jockey must earn eleven successes before any other opponents do. If there is a tie, all
racers involved with the tie make one final Ride check to determine the winner.

Success: The man being tested is granted the right to wield and carry the heron
blade and is given the official status of blademaster.
Failure: The judges deem the applicant unworthy of carrying the heron
heron-marked blade
and do not give him the title of blademaster.



In this scene, the hero, within the duties of his rank, leads the strategy and tactics of a

In this scene, the character is racing a horse on a track against

ainst other horses. Whoever
gets to eleven successes first wins.
CL 2
Complexity: 3 (11 successes before race ends)
Primary Skill: Ride (opposed DC, bonus or penalty depending on horses of opponents
or heros own horse)

Success: The hero wins the race.

Failure: The hero loses the race.

CL 14
Complexity: 2 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Knowledge (tactics; opposed DC)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Deception [DC 28]: The heroes can attempt tactical feints, false retreats or charges, or

other displays to trick the enemy army.

Perception [DC 22]: The heroes attempt to see holes in the opponents strategy and
take advantage of them.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Opposed DC: The Knowledge (tactics) check DC is determined by the Knowledge
(tactics) checks of all other military commanders.
Success: The heros tactical brilliance gives your army a +1 morale bonus to attack
rolls and all Defenses until the end of the battle.
Failure: The heros tactics are bested by the enemy. The opposing army gains a +1
morale bonus to attack rolls and all Defenses until the end of the battle.


In this scene, the hero meets with the Amyrlin Seat and attempts to gain her favor or aid.
CL 8
Complexity: 2 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Persuasion (varies; as change attitude)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Deception [opposed DC]: The hero may try to embellish or deceive the Amyrlin Seat
in order to impress her or gain her sympathy.
Focus [DC 30]: A hero may recover from a failed roll by making a successful Focus
check to compose himself and getting things back on track.
Perception [DC 35]: A hero may attempt to read the surface emotions and feelings of
the Amyrlin Seat.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Opposed DC: The DCs of Deception checks are opposed the Amyrlin Seats
Perception check.
Recovery: When a hero succeeds on a check by 5 or more, he may choose to remove
one failure instead of earning a success.
Success: The hero gains the Amyrlins favor and she is willing to aid him with any
reasonable thing requested.
Failure: The Amyrlin declines to help the hero and he does not gain her favor.
Depending on the circumstances and nature of the requests, she may become hostile or
even attempt to have the hero and any allies arrested.


In this scene, the hero meets with the Elders of an Ogier stedding and attempts to gain his
favor or aid.
CL 7
Complexity: 2 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Persuasion (varies; as change attitude +5)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Deception [opposed DC +5]: The hero may try to embellish or deceive the Ogier Elder
in order to impress her or gain her sympathy.
Focus [DC 29]: A hero may recover from a failed roll by making a successful Focus
check to compose himself and getting things back on track.
Perception [DC 39]: A hero may attempt to read the surface emotions and feelings of
the Ogier Elder.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Opposed DC: The DCs of Deception checks are opposed the Elders Perception check.
Recovery: When a hero succeeds on a check by 5 or more, he may choose to remove
one failure instead of earning a success.
Success: The hero gains the Ogier Elders favor and he is willing to aid him with any
reasonable thing requested.
Failure: The Elder declines to help the hero and he does not gain his favor.
Depending on the circumstances and nature of the requests, he may have the hero and any
with him forced to leave the stedding if they are in one.


In this scene, the hero attempts to navigate the dangerous Ways, doing so quickly enough
to avoid Machin Shin.
CL 9
Complexity: 2 (8 successes before 3 failures) for desired destination, 1 (5 successes
before 3 failures) for any destination
Primary Skill: Survival (DC 28)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Endurance [DC 26]: If this is a chance besides the first attempt at navigating the
Ways, an Endurance check may be made to avoid penalties from retries.

Focus [DC 28]: When Machin Shin becomes a factor, the hero may make a Focus
check. Success on this check means that the penalties to all Skill checks as a result of the
Black Wind are avoided.
Knowledge (academics) [DC 29]: The hero uses her knowledge of the Ways to
advance the expedition.
Perception [DC 27]: The hero attempts to perceive surroundings and potential dangers
to improve the chances of success and survival.
* Note that if the no member of the party is able to understand Ogier writing,
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Retries: After failure, the hero may immediately attempt to try again, but the
difficulties of all checks increase by +5 (including Endurance and Focus, above).
Success: The hero is able to navigate the ways either to the desired location
(Complexity 2), or to any destination (Complexity 1).
Failure: The hero becomes lost in the Ways, and must find a way out by trying again.
The GM may determine when Machin Shin becomes a threat and all DCs to Skill checks
increase by +5 (including all checks above, as well as Focus). Once it does, failure
results in consumption by the Black Wind.

The hero does research on a large field of study, such as biographies of the male
channelers who broke the world, tactics of the greatest five generals of the past hundred
years, or architectural designs of Ogier-made cities.

The hero sells carried goods. This is especially common for merchants and Tinkers.
This process may take several hours, or several days, depending on the amount of goods.
CL 1
Complexity: 2 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Persuasion (DC 20)
Secondary Skills: The following are suggested secondary skills for this skill
Deception [DC 22]: The hero may try to exaggerate the worth of his items through
cleverly placed words and salesmanship.
Gather Information [DC22]: The hero gets to know the locale and their general moods
and needs, helping him determine how best to sell them his goods.
Knowledge (culture) [DC 21]: The hero uses previous knowledge of the local residents
to help him determine how best to sell them his goods.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Close Call: The hero accrues a failure only if she fails a skill check by 5 or more.
Success: The hero sells his goods, gaining their listed value plus 25%, then minus 10%
for each failure.
Failure: The hero manages to only sell a few items. He unloads 0% of his goods plus
10% for each success.


CL 2
Complexity: 3 (11 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Knowledge (most applicable; DC 24)
Secondary Skills: The following is a suggested secondary skill for this skill challenge.
Gather Information [DC 27]: The hero may try to find out local rumors that may shed
light or hint at answers she is seeking.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Close Call: The hero accrues a failure only if she fails a skill check by 5 or more.
Success: The hero gains the knowledge desired on the subject, and may reroll
Knowledge checks made pertaining to that specific knowledge for the rest of the book.
Failure: The hero does not gain the knowledge desired.

The hero takes the test to become a Sister, a full Aes Sedai.
CL 8
Complexity: 3 (11 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skill: Channel (DC 30)
Secondary Skills: The following is a suggested secondary skill for this skill challenge.
Focus [DC 29]: The hero may compose herself and open herself to the One Power in a
way that eliminates distractions.
Challenge Effects: The following challenge effects are in place for this challenge.
Close Call: The hero accrues a failure only if she fails a skill check by 5 or more.
Success: Each Channel skill success represents nine to ten simple weaves, which must
be performed perfectly. If the hero succeeds at all the checks, she gains the shawl and
becomes an Aes Sedai Sister. She swears the Three Oaths on the Oath Rod and chooses
an Ajah.
Failure: The hero fails the test and does not become an Aes Sedai Sister at this time.


This roleplaying book is written at the end of Book Twelve of the series. Tarmon
Gaidon is fast approaching, and the awesome inevitability of the Last Battle is a reality
nearly all people in every land know. It is the end of the Third Age. The Aiel have left
the Threefold Land, the Seanchan have conquered the southwest portion of the
Westlands. The Forsaken have emerged, and some have even been killed.
The Blight has become silent.
In such a setting, with all nations preparing for war, emerge many heroes from every
land. Use this book as written for the setting.
Following are general descriptions of other settings. In thee Third Age, people use
similar technology, and latent abilities and channelers are just as likely to appear. The
Age of Legends has a different array of technology and channeling strength, briefly
described below.

mutual protection that would last for centuries.

A major event that took place during
ing this time was the Trolloc Wars. During the
Trolloc Wars, an immense hoard of trollocs and other Shadowspawn invaded the
Westlands, destroying major kingdoms such as Aridhol and Manetheren before finally
being defeated by massive armies of the Light ledd by Rashima Kerenmosa, the Amyrlin
Seat. Only a few years after the decisive Battle of Maighande, the ten nations broke up
into smaller nations, ushering in the Free Years.


The Third Age is the setting in which the books take place. The previous Age, called the
Age of Legends, is vaguely remembered in some of the earlier epochs, but mostly
forgotten by the end.

The era of the Free Years covers the time period from the end of the Ten Nations Era to
the conquest of Artur Hawkwing, culminating in the Consolidation.
The Trolloc Wars during the Ten Nations era weakened the Westland kingdoms so
much that they broke up into twenty-nine
nine new kingdoms, many of which existed in
regions that have no major habitations any longer in the main era of the novels. The era
is noteworthy for the completion of the translation of the Karaethon Cycle, but is known
more for minor events and skirmishes throughout the lands leading up to the conquest of
Artur Hawkwing.



The era of the Ten Nations covers the time

period from the Breaking of the World to the
Free Years.
The Dragon locked the Dark One away in a
prison, and the most powerful of the Forsaken
with him, but what followed was a
catastrophic transformation of the land in the
form of cataclysmic weaves created by insane
male Aes Sedai. It was devastating, but when
it finally ended and the nations picked up the
pieces of their cultures. The Compact of the
Ten Nations formed a peaceful agreement of

The era of the Consolidation is the era of time around the life and conquest of Artur
Artur Paendrag Tanreall, better known in legends as Artur Hawkwing, defeated the
False Dragon Guaire Amalasan when nobodyy else could. When he took Amalasan to the
White Tower to be gentled, he violated Tower law by bringing a foreign force into the
realm of Tar Valon. Though he was ultimately allowed to leave by Bonwhin Meraighdin,
the Amyrlin Seat, an army loyal to the False
alse Dragon attacked. Though Artur Hawkwing
helped repel the army, he left on bad terms with the Amyrlin Seat.
Wars followed, and some believe that the Amyrlin was behind them. Nonetheless,
Artur Hawkwing managed to win war after war, eventually conquering
the entirety of the
Westlands except the White Tower. Under the advice of a member of his court,
Hawkwing sacked every Aes Sedai in his inner circles, and put a price on the head of
every Aes Sedai who would not denounce the White Tower.


Eventually, the High King (as he was often called in his day), sent two massive fleets
into the sea to venture into distant lands. One, sent under the leadership of his son
Luthair, went west and lost all contact with the Westlands (though they would go on to
become the Seanchan). The other was sent to Shara under the command of one of his
daughters, but the entire fleet was destroyed. A year later, Artur Hawkwing died of
illness without a definite heir, which set the scene for the War of the Hundred Years


The New Era is the span of time leading up to the return of the Dragon and the centuries
leading up to Tarmon Gaidon.
Almost immediately after the death of the High King, what is now called the War of
the Hundred Years started. High nobles emerged and
nd claimed lands as independent
kingdoms, including Andor, Tear, and Cairhien. The Borderlands divided into five parts
under the united goal of defending the Westlands against the Blight. The Children of the
Light were formed, initially as a peaceful society
iety spreading teachings on living in the
Light, but eventually becoming militaristic. By the end of the War of the Hundred Years,
the nations looked much like they do in the novels.
Less impactful wars occurred throughout the centuries, including the Great Winter War
and the Third War of Garens Wall. More recently, the Whitecloak War and the Aiel

War occurred, the latter one ending at the same time the Dragon was Reborn to an Aiel


The Age of Legends is the previous Age, before the current Age in which the events of
the novel series takes place.
The Age of Legends was, at one time, an idealized society, where material wealth
mattered very little and social status
tatus gained by contributing to society was what gave a
person stature and was what people understood as happiness. Aes Sedai served as
councilors, and the One Power was used as a tool toward a solution, not as a solution
itself. The Dashain Aiel served the Aes Sedai and followed the Way of the Leaf.
Technology was much more advanced than in the setting of the novels. Items such as
glowbulbs, projectors, sho-wings,
wings, and stasis boxes, among other things, were common.
In the current age, these items are found only rarely, and most often are either unusable or
have unknown uses.
Indeed, the only people who remember the Age of Legends are the Forsaken and the
Heroes of the Horn (because they lived during the Age of legends), and people with the
Old Blood, though these individuals memories of this Age is scattered and vague at best,
normally coming in short bursts of indecipherable memories.




hp 3; Threshold 10

Here are some typical NPCs that may be found throughout the Westlands, and beyond.
Note, these are mainly nonheroic characters because these are meant to be "average"
characters, not primary or even secondary characters.

Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed -1 (1d3-1)
Base Atk +0; Grp +0


Abilities Str 9, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12
Feats Skill Training (Focus, Perception, Persuasion, Ride, Survival)
Skills Craft +5, Focus +5, Perception +5, Persuasion +6, Ride +5, Survival +5

Throughout the Westlands,, average inhabitants of the various towns and cities can be
found. In the stories, women and men are usually quite different. These commoners take
into consideration that men are generally stronger than women, while women are
generally more physically appealing.
ppealing. They can fill generally any role, and are typically
good though not heroic.
Craftsmen are the workers of society, including blacksmiths, coopers, etc. Wisdoms
are healers and leaders in their communities. Lords and ladies are the minor nobili
nobility and
community leaders. Militiamen are the standard ready-to-fight
fight men of society.
Common Man
Medium nonheroic 1
Init +0; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 9
hp 3; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +1 (1d3+1)
Base Atk +0; Grp +1
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Feats Skill Training (Athletics, Perception, Ride, Survival), Weapon Proficiency (simple
Skills Athletics +6, Craft +5, Perception +4, Ride +5, Survival +4
Common Woman
Medium nonheroic 1
Init +0; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 10

Medium nonheroic 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +6
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 10
hp 6; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +2 (1d3+1)
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats Skill Focus (Craft), Skill Training (Perception, Ride, Survival), Weapon
Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Craft +11, Perception +6, Persuasion +6, Ride +6, Survival +6
Medium nonheroic 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +7
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 11
hp 6; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +0 (1d3-1)
Base Atk +1; Grp +1
Abilities Str 9, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13
Feats Skill Training (Focus, Knowledge [health], Persuasion, Ride, Treat Injury)

Skills Craft +7, Focus +7, Knowledge (health) +7, Perception +7, Persuasion +7, Ride
+6, Treat Injury +7
Minor Lord
Medium nonheroic 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +6

Feats Skill Training (Athletics, Ride), Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons,
spears and lances)
Skills Athletics +7, Initiative +6, Ride +6

Aes Sedai

Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1)
Base Atk +1; Grp +2

Aes Sedai can be found throughout the Westlands in roles varying from court advisor to
healer, in all seeming walks of life. Accepted are extremely rare outside the White
Tower, but in the White Tower they are plentiful.
Sisters can be found throughout the Westlands, and have much more freedom than
Accepted do. Most Aes Sedai outside the Red Ajah will have a warder, and many
members of the Green Ajah will have two or more warders.

Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Feats Skill Training (Deception, Knowledge [academics], Perception, Ride), Weapon
Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Deception +7, Knowledge (academics) +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +7, Ride +6

Medium nonheroic 3 {Aes Sedai}
Init +9; Senses Perception +3

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 10

hp 6; Threshold 10

Minor Lady
Medium nonheroic 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +6
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 11
hp 6; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +0 (1d4-1)
Base Atk +1; Grp +1
Abilities Str 9, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Feats Skill Training (Deception, Knowledge [academics], Perception, Ride), Weapon
Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Deception +7, Knowledge (academics) +6, Perception +7, Persuasion +7, Ride +6
Medium nonheroic 2
Init +6; Senses Perception +1
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 11, Will 10
hp 7; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee long spear +2 (1d8+2)
Base Atk +1; Grp +1
Abilities Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 9

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 13

hp 9; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Affinities: Air, Spirit
Weaves Known (Weaves per Hour 3): Advanced Air: Lightning; General: Manipulate
Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Renew
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14
Gifts Channeler
Feats Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel, Focus), Skill Training (Focus, Persuasion)
Skills Channel +13, Focus +13, Knowledge (academics) +7, Persuasion +8
Medium nonheroic 6 {Aes Sedai}
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 13
hp 21; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Affinities: Air, Spirit
Weaves Known (Weaves per Hour 6): Advanced Air: Foretell Weather, Lightning;
Advanced Fire: Fireball; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate

Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Renew; Illusions: Folded Light, Mirror of
Mists, Voice of Power
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14
Gifts Channeler
Feats Extra Talent, Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel, Focus), Skill Training (Focus,
Skills Channel +15, Focus +15, Knowledge (academics) +9, Persuasion +10
Possessions Accepted dress
Medium nonheroic 6 / initiate 2 / Aes Sedai 1 {Aes Sedai}
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 15), Fort 14, Will 20
hp 42; Threshold 14
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +5; Grp +5
Affinities: Air, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (Weaves per Hour 14): Advanced Air: Foretell Weather, Lightning;
Advanced Fire: Fireball, Wand of Fire;
Conjunction: Bond Warder, Trace;
General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate
Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate
Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the
Mind, Renew; Illusions: Folded Light,
Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power;
Warding: Circle of Silence, Cut Weave,
Shield, Ward against Shadowspawn,
Ward Bore
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis
14, Cha 15
Talents Channeling Secrets, Weave
Gifts Channeler
Feats Extra Affinity (Water), Extra Talent
(2), Remove Block, Skill Focus
(Channel, Focus), Skill Training (Focus,
Persuasion), Strong Channeler (x2)
Skills Channel +17, Focus +17, Knowledge

(academics) +11, Persuasion +12

Possessions Serpent Ring

The spear dancers of the Aiel Waste are tenacious fighters, with dangerous quickness and
survival skills. Typical algai'd'siswai make up around ninety percent of a typical Aiel
army, and the ones shown below can represent ones from any warrior society.
Advanced algai'd'siswai are the minority, tougher soldiers but still not at the same level
as heroic spear dancers.
Medium Aiel nonheroic 3 {any Aiel warrior society}
Init +8; Senses Perception +7
Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 11, Will 11
hp 11; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee shortspear +2 (1d6)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Feats Skill Training (Acrobatics, Endurance, Perception, Survival), Weapon Proficiency
(Simple Weapons, Spears)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Endurance +7 (may reroll and keep second result), Initiative +8,
Perception +7, Stealth +8 (+13 in deserts, +10 in other environments when wearing
cadin'sor), Survival +7 (may reroll and keep second result)
Possessions shortspear, cadin'sor
Algai'd'siswai, Advanced
Medium Aiel nonheroic 6 {any Aiel warrior society}
Init +10; Senses Perception +9
Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed
footed 10), Fort 11, Will 11; Dodge
hp 21; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee shortspear +2 (1d6)
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 8
Feats Dodge, Shield Proficiency, Skill Training
ining (Acrobatics, Endurance, Perception,
Survival), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons, Spears)

Skills Endurance +9 (may reroll and keep second result), Initiative +10, Perception +9,
Stealth +10 (+15 in deserts, +12 in other environments when wearing cadin'sor),
Survival +8 (may reroll and keep second result)
Possessions shortspear, cadin'sor

Ashaman can be found throughout the Westlands, normally searching for other male
channelers, and if not, they are normally on a special assignment from their superiors,
perhaps even the Dragon Reborn himself. Before the Cleansing, most are insane to some
degree, whereas afterwards, much more are insane.
Soldiers are the basest Ashaman, and are normally found at the Black Tower near
Andor. Dedicated are more advanced Ashaman, and are also commonly found at the
Black Tower, though are more common than Soldiers outside that area.
Medium nonheroic 3 {Ashaman}
Init +6; Senses Perception +2
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 12, Will 12
hp 15; Threshold 12
Speed 6 squares
Melee shortsword +2 (1d6)
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Affinities: Fire, Spirit
Weaves Known (Weaves per Hour 4): General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth,
Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Traveling: Create Gateway
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11
Gifts Channeler
Feats Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel), Skill Training (Focus, Initiative), Weapon
Proficiency (light blades)
Skills Channel +11, Focus +7, Initiative +6
Possessions Ashaman attire
Medium nonheroic 6 {Ashaman}
Madness 1
Init +9; Senses Perception +4
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 12, Will 13
hp 30; Threshold 12

Speed 6 squares
Melee shortsword +4 (1d6)
Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Affinities: Fire, Spirit
Weaves Known (Weaves per Hour 7): Advanced Earth: Riven Earth; Advanced Fire:
Fireball, Flame Surge, Wand of Fire; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth,
Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Rend, Renew; Traveling:
Create Gateway; Warding: Cut Weave, Shield, Ward Bore
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11
Gifts Channeler
Feats Extra Talent, Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel), Skill Training (Focus,
Initiative), Weapon Proficiency (light blades)
Skills Channel +14, Focus +11, Initiative +9
Possessions Ashaman attire, Dedicated pin
Medium nonheroic 6 / armsman 1 / initiate 1 / Ashaman 1 {Ashaman}
Madness 5
Init +10; Senses Perception +7
Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 15), Fort 17, Will 18
hp 65; Threshold 17
Speed 6 squares
Melee shortsword +6 (1d6+1)
Base Atk +5; Grp +5
Affinities: Fire, Spirit
Weaves Known (Weaves per Hour 16): Advanced Earth: Grenade, Riven Earth;
Advanced Fire: Arrows of Fire, Fireball, Flame Surge, Immolate, Wand of Fire;
General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water;
Heal: Delve, Heal, Rend, Renew; Traveling: Create Gateway; Warding: Cut Weave,
Shield, Ward against Shadowspawn, Ward Bore
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
Talents Battle Analysis, Defensive Channeling, Merciless Channeling
Gifts Channeler
Feats Extra Affinity (Earth), Extra Talent, Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel), Skill
Training (Focus, Initiative), Strong Channeler (x2), Weapon Focus (light blades),
Weapon Proficiency (light blades)
Skills Channel +16, Focus +12, Initiative +10
Possessions Ashaman attire, Dedicated pin, Ashaman pin

Blight Guardians
The guardians of the Blight are the [mostly] men of Kandor, Shienar Arafel, and Saldaea
who stand firm against the advances of the terrible forces of the Blight, fighting trollocs,
fades, and other horrors constantly.
Arafellin Blight Guardian
Medium Arafellin nonheroic 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +7
Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 11, Will 11
hp 12; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+1) or
Melee longswords -2/-2 (1d8+1) with Dual Weapon Mastery
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Skill Training
(Perception), Weapon Proficiency (polearms, light blades)
Skills Perception +7, Ride +8
Possessions longswords (2), leather armor
Arafellin Blight Guardian, Advanced
Medium Arafellin nonheroic 6
Init +5; Senses Perception +9
Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 13, Will 12
hp 30; Threshold 13
Speed 6 squares
Melee longsword +5 (1d8+1) or
Melee longswords +0/+0 (1d8+1) with Dual Weapon Mastery
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Improved Defenses,
Skill Training (Perception), Weapon Proficiency (polearms, light blades)
Skills Perception +9, Ride +10
Possessions longswords (2), leather armor
Kandori Blight Guardian
Medium Kandori nonheroic 3
Init +2; Senses Perception +1

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 12, Will 10

hp 15; Threshold 12
Speed 6 squares
Melee broadsword +4 (1d10+4) or
Melee broadsword +4 (2d10+4) with Mighty Swing
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Mighty Swing, Power Attack, Weapon
Proficiency (polearms, heavy blades)
Skills Ride +7
Possessions broadsword, leather armor
Kandori Blight Guardian, Advanced
Medium Kandori nonheroic 6
Init +4; Senses Perception +3
Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 12, Will 10
hp 30; Threshold 17
Speed 6 squares
Melee broadsword +8 (1d10+4) or
Melee broadsword +8 (2d10+4) with Mighty Swing
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 15, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Improved Damage Threshold, Mighty Swing,
Power Attack, Weapon Proficiency (polearms, heavy blades)
Skills Ride +9
Possessions broadsword, leather armor
Saldaean Blight Guardian
Medium Saldaean nonheroic 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 12, Will 10
hp 15; Threshold 12
Speed 6 squares
Melee shortsword +3 (1d6+1)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Mounted Defense, Skill Focus (Ride), Weapon
Proficiency (spears and lances, light blades)

Skills Ride +13

Possessions shortsword, leather armor
Saldaean Blight Guardian, Advanced
Medium Saldaean nonheroic 6
Init +5; Senses Perception +3
Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 12, Will 10
hp 30; Threshold 12
Speed 6 squares
Melee shortsword +5 (1d6+1)
Base Atk +4; Grp +7
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Momentum Strike, Mounted Defense, Skill
Focus (Ride), Weapon Proficiency (spears and lances, light blades
Skills Ride +16
Possessions shortsword, leather armor
Shienaran Blight Guardian
Medium Shienaran nonheroic 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +1

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 12, Will 10

hp 30; Threshold 12
Speed 6 squares
Melee long spear +7 (1d8+4)
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Combat Reflexes, Shake It Off, Weapon Focus
(spears and lances), Weapon Proficiency (spears
spears and lances,
lances light blades)
Skills Ride +9
Possessions long spear, leather armor

Children of the Light

The Children of the Light are among the most powerful independent
military forces in the
Westlands. Typical children of the light are powerful lance-bearing
Advanced Children of the Light are much more well-trained
and able to hold their own
in battles, though they are still much weaker than heroic characters.
Hundredmen are minor captains, the first rank above soldiers.
Questioners are a different breed from the Children of the Light, responsible for getting
confessions from suspected Darkfriends through torture and interrogation.

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 12,

Will 10
hp 15; Threshold 12

Child of the Light

Medium nonheroic 3 {Children of the Light}
Init +2; Senses Perception +2

Speed 6 squares
Melee long spear +5 (1d8+4)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 15), Fort 11, Will 10

hp 11; Threshold 14

Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis
10, Cha 9
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium),
Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (spears
and lances), Weapon Proficiency (spears
and lances, light blades)
Skills Ride +9
Possessions long spear, leather armor
Shienaran Blight Guardian, Advanced
Medium Shienaran nonheroic 6
Init +5; Senses Perception +3

Speed 6 squares
Melee lance +3 (1d8+1)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+1)
Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Abilities Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Skill Proficiency (Persuasion), Weapon
Proficiency (lances, simple weapons)
Skills Persuasion +6, Ride +7
Possessions lance, dagger, breastplate, large steel shield, simple
Child of the Light, Advanced
Medium nonheroic 6 {Children of the Light}
Init +4; Senses Perception +4

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 15), Fort 11, Will 10

hp 21; Threshold 14
Speed 6 squares
Melee lance +6 (1d8+2) or
Melee lance +6 (1d10+2) with Momentum Strike
Melee dagger +6 (1d4+2)
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Momentum Strike, Skill Proficiency
(Persuasion), Weapon Proficiency (lances, simple weapons)
Skills Persuasion +8, Ride +9
Possessions lance, dagger, breastplate, large steel shield, simple warhorse

Base Atk +4; Grp +5

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis
10, Cha 13
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Skill Focus
(Persuasion), Skill Proficiency (Gather
Proficiency (light blades, simple weapons)
Skills Gather Information +9, Persuasion +9,
Ride +9
Possessions short sword, dagger, chain shirt,
simple riding horse

Child of the Light, Hundredman
Medium nonheroic 6/ armsman 2/ commander 1 {Children of the Light}
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 15), Fort 16, Will 17
hp 40; Threshold 19
Speed 6 squares
Melee lance +8 (1d8+3) or
Melee lance +8 (1d10+3) with Momentum Strike
Melee longsword +8 (1d8+3)
Base Atk +6; Grp +8
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11
Talents Battle Analysis, Born Leader
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Momentum Strike, Shield Proficiency, Skill
Proficiency (Persuasion), Weapon Proficiency (heavy blades, lances, simple weapons)
Skills Persuasion +9, Ride +10
Possessions lance, longsword, breastplate, large steel shield, simple warhorse
Child of the Light, Questioner
Medium nonheroic 6 {Children of the Light}
Init +4; Senses Perception +4
Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 15), Fort 11, Will 10
hp 21; Threshold 14
Speed 6 squares
Melee short sword +5 (1d6)
Melee dagger +5 (1d4)

There are other significant nonheroic

characters throughout the Westlands and
beyond. Below are several examples of some
of these people.

Gleemen are found throughout the Westlands. They are masters of music, oration,
tumbling, and other entertainment styles.
Medium nonheroic 6
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 11
hp 18; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Melee quarterstaff +4 (1d6/1d6)
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 15
Feats Improved Defenses, Performer, Skill Focus (Acrobatics, Persuasion), Skill
Training (Acrobatics, Athletics), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +8, Craft +10, Knowledge (academics) +10, Persuasion
Possessions quarterstaff, Gleemans cloak, lute, juggling balls


Tavern Carouser

A Mahdi is a leader of a Tuathaan caravan.

In nearly any city worth placing on a map, there are men doing all the most unsavory
things: gambling, drinking, bragging, brawling, and womanizing.

Medium nonheroic 5
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 12
hp 15; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +3; Grp +3
Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Feats Improved Defenses, Performer, Skill Focus (Craft, Knowledge [geography],
Persuasion), Skill Training (Gather Information)
Skills Craft +16, Gather Information +11, Knowledge (geography) +16, Persuasion +16
Merchants can be found throughout the Westlands, selling their wares to any who need
them or convincing people that they do need them. Athaan Miere are renowned
merchants, as are many Coastlanders, though they can come from anywhere. Merchants
guilds can be found in every nation, including notable ones in Arad Doman and Kandor,
among others.

Tavern Carouser
Medium nonheroic 3
Init +1; Senses Perception +2
Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 12
hp 9; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +2 (1d4)
Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13
Feats Improved Defenses, Skill Focus (Deception), Skill Training (Gather Information,
Knowledge [geography], Perception), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Deception +12, Gather Information +7, Knowledge (geography) +7, Perception +7,
Persuasion +7
Possessions Dagger, dice

When people with a bit of money need a criminal captured, they contact a thief-taker and
can rest assured that the job will be done.

Medium nonheroic 3
Init +1; Senses Perception +2
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 11
hp 9; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +2 (1d4)
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 15
Feats Skill Focus (Persuasion), Skill Training (Gather Information, Knowledge
[geography], Ride), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Deception +8, Gather Information +8, Knowledge (geography) +7, Persuasion
+13, Ride +6
Possessions Dagger, goods

Medium nonheroic 6
Init +5; Senses Perception +10
Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 11, Will 12
hp 24; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee shortsword +4 (1d6)
Melee swordbreaker +4 (1d6)
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (light blades), Skill Training (Gather Information,
Knowledge [geography], Perception), Weapon Proficiency (light blades, simple
Skills Gather Information +8, Knowledge (geography) +9, Perception +10, Survival +10
Possessions Swordbreaker, shortsword, dice



Among the Sea Folk, Windfinders use the One Power to create winds and currents.

In recent times, Ogier only rarely emerge from

their stedding, but in times past they built
magnificent stoneworks and tended to wondrous
groves of trees. Most Ogier travelers found
outside the stedding are going between Ogier
meetings. Those who know about Ogier
societies know that the wisdom of Ogier Elders
is years of patient, brilliant advice.

Medium nonheroic 3
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 11, Will 13
hp 12; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Affinities: Air, Water
Weaves Known (Weaves per Hour 3): Advanced Air: Alter Weather, Foretell Weather,
Lightning, Move Clouds; Advanced Air: Whirlpool; General: Manipulate Air,
Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 14
Gifts Channeler
Feats Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel, Focus), Skill Training (Focus, Persuasion)
Skills Channel +13, Focus +13, Persuasion +8

Wise One
Wise Ones lead the Aiel and make such important decisions as when to go to war and
who may attempt to become a Clan Chief. Many of them have the ability to Dreamwalk.
Any women who are found to have the ability to channel are trained as Wise One
These women are exempt from becoming gaishain and are never to be impeded or
attacked. They stand apart from blood feuds.
Wise One
Medium nonheroic 6
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 12
hp 15; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +4; Grp +3
Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14
Feats Improved Defenses, Skill Focus (Persuasion), Skill Training (Craft, Focus,
Knowledge [geography], Persuasion)
Skills Craft +9, Endurance +9, Focus +9, Knowledge
owledge (geography) +9, Persuasion +15,
Survival +9

Ogier Traveler
Large Ogier nonheroic 1
Init -2; Senses Perception +0 (may reroll)
Defenses Ref 7 (flat-footed 7), Fort 12, Will 10
hp 3; Threshold 15
Speed 8 squares
Melee staff +2 (1d8+2)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Abilities Str 14, Dex 7, Con 11, Int 12,, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats Skill Focus [Knowledge (academics)]
Skills Knowledge (academics) +10, Knowledge (nature) +5
Possessions staff
Ogier Elder
Large Ogier nonheroic 10
Init +1; Senses Perception +6 (may reroll)
Defenses Ref 6 (flat-footed 6), Fort 11, Will 10
hp 25; Threshold 15
Speed 8 squares
Melee staff +7 (1d8)
Base Atk +7; Grp +7
Abilities Str 11, Dex 4, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 13
Feats Old Tongue, Skill Focus [Knowledge (academics)], Skill Training [Knowledge
Skills Knowledge (academics) +17, Knowledge (nature) +12, Perception +11, Persuasion
Possessions staff

Ursine Traits
Low-Light Vision: Bears ignore partial concealment from light (though not total
Mauling Attack: Any time a bear spends a full-round action to make an attack, its
Strength modifier is doubled. This modification applies before any additional multipliers
or modifiers are applied.
Scent: At close range, (within 10 squares), bears ignore concealment and cover for
purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty from poor visibility when
Ursine Skills: Bears may take 10 on Athletics checks made to climb and swim, even
when threatened or distracted.
Ursine Vigor: Bears gain 1d10 hit points per level, rather than the standard 1d8 for

Average Black Bear

Large Beast 3
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, scent, Perception +8
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 14, Will 12
hp 27; Threshold 19
Speed 6 squares
Melee bite +7 (1d6+4)
Melee claw +7 (1d6+4) or
Melee claw +7 (2d6+8) with Mighty Swing
Base Atk +3; Grp +7
Attack Options Mighty Swing
Abilities Str 19, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11
Special Qualities Ursine traits
Feats Mighty Swing, Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Perception +8, Survival +8

Average Giant Bear

Huge Beast 6
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +10

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 15, Will 12

hp 63; Threshold 25
Speed 8 squares
Melee bite +11 (1d8+7)
Melee claw +11 (1d8+7) or
Melee claw +11 (2d8+14) with Mighty Swing
Base Atk +4; Grp +11
Attack Options Mighty Swing, Power Attack
Abilities Str 25, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11
Special Qualities Ursine traits
Feats Mighty Swing, Power Attack, Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Perception +10, Survival +10

Feline Traits
Extraordinary Agility: They may make an Acrobatics check (DC 15) to remain on
their feet if an effect causes them to be knocked prone.
Feline Reflexes: Cats gain a +1 bonus to their Reflex Defense.
Feline Skills: Cats are always trained in Athletics, Acrobatics, and Stealth.
Low-Light Vision: Cats ignore partial concealment from light (though not total

Average Mountain Cat

Medium Beast 3
Init +4; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9
Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 13
hp 17; Threshold 11
Speed 8 squares
Melee bite +4 (1d4+2)
Melee claw +4 (1d4+2) or
Melee claw +4 (2d4+2) with Rapid Strike
Base Atk +2; Grp +5
Attack Options Rapid Strike
Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 11
Special Qualities Feline traits
Feats Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Athletics +8, Acrobatics +9, Perception +9, Stealth +9, Survival +9

Canine Traits
Canine Bite: Dogs gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made when using
their bite attack.
Canine Skills: Dogs may reroll Perception checks made to hear distant or ambient
noises and to search and keep the better result.
Low-Light Vision: Dogs ignore partial concealment from light (though not total
Pack Hunter: Dogs deal an additional 2 points of damage to opponents they flank.
Scent: At close range, (within 10 squares), dogs ignore concealment and cover for
purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty from poor visibility when

Average Wolf
Medium Beast 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +10
Defenses 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 12, Will 14
hp 20; Threshold 12
Speed 8 squares
Melee bite +5 (1d4+3)
Melee claw +4 (1d4+2)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Attack Options Coordinated Attack
Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 18, Cha 13
Special Qualities Canine traits
Feats Coordinated Attack, Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Perception +10, Survival +10
Wolf Dream: Wolves may enter the Dream World when sleeping as a full-round action
by making a successful Charisma check (DC 20). Wolves in the Dream World may
"leap" a distance equal to 10 leagues x their level, and may reroll Perception checks
while in the Dream World, but must keep the second result.


Equine Carry: Horses can carry a load in pounds equal to the square of double their
Strength score.
Equine Senses: Because they have lateral vision, horses may reroll any Perception
check made to avoid surprise.
Equine Skills: Horses are always trained in the Endurance skill. Also, they may
always reroll Acrobatics checks to maintain their balance.
Hoof: Horses deal double damage dice with hoof attacks.

Light Horse
Large Beast 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +9
Defenses 9 (flat-footed 9), Fort 13, Will 13
hp 20; Threshold 13
Speed 10 squares
Melee bite +5 (1d6+4)
Melee hoof +5 (2d6+4)
Base Atk +1; Grp +5
Abilities Str 18, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 11
Special Qualities Equine traits
Feats Skill Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +9, Perception +9

Heavy Horse
Huge Beast 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +9
Defenses 8 (flat-footed 8), Fort 14, Will 13
hp 22; Threshold 14
Speed 10 squares
Melee bite +7 (1d8+6)
Melee hoof +7 (2d8+6)
Base Atk +1; Grp +7
Abilities Str 22, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 11
Special Qualities Equine traits
Feats Skill Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +9, Perception +9

Equine Traits
Allowance of Control: Whenever a horse is serving as a mount, the rider is in control.
The riders Initiative check supersedes the horses.

Large Beast 4

Init +1; Senses Perception +9

Defenses 9 (flat-footed 9), Fort 12, Will 13
hp 36; Threshold 12

Melee bite +5 (1d6+4)

Melee hoof +5 (2d6+4)
Base Atk +1; Grp +5

Speed 12 squares
Melee bite +5 (1d6+4)
Melee hoof +5 (2d6+4)
Base Atk +3; Grp +7

Abilities Str 18, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 11
Special Qualities Equine traits
Feats Improved Defenses, Shake It Off, Skill Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +9, Perception +9

Abilities Str 18, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 11
Special Qualities Equine traits
Feats Burst of Speed*, Skill Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +10, Perception +10
Racer: Any time a racehorse is involved in a skill challenge involving Ride checks made
to race, the rider gains a +2 bonus to any Ride checks made.
* see page 21 of Scum and Villainy

Huge Beast 6
Init +1; Senses Perception +9
Defenses 8 (flat-footed 8), Fort 15, Will 13
hp 72; Threshold 15
Speed 10 squares
Melee bite +11 (1d8+7)
Melee hoof +11 (2d8+7)
Base Atk +4; Grp +11
Abilities Str 24, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 16,
Cha 11
Special Qualities Equine traits
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Fearless, Skill
Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +13, Perception +9

Large Beast 7
Init +1; Senses Perception +9
Defenses 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 14, Will 14
hp 70; Threshold 14
Speed 10 squares

Corlm are used by Seanchan to track and flightless attack birds.

Corlm Traits
Scent: At close range, (within 10 squares), corlm ignore concealment and cover for
purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty from poor visibility when

Large Beast 2
Init +3; Senses Perception +8
Defenses 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 12,
Will 12
hp 18; Threshold 12
Speed 6 squares
Melee bite +4 (1d4+3)
Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2,
Wis 14, Cha 11
Special Qualities Corlm traits
Feats Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Perception +8, Survival +8

Grolm are used by Seanchan as mounts
or as military beasts, to penetrate the
lines of lightly-armored troops.

Grolm Traits


Damage Reduction: All grolm gain

Damage Reduction 6.
Improved Vision: Grolm may reroll
Perception checks made to see and keep
the second result.
Scent: At close range, (within 10
squares), grolm ignore concealment
and cover for purposes of Perception
checks, and they take no penalty from
poor visibility when tracking.

Large Beast 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +10

Large Beast 2
Init +1; Senses Perception +10
Defenses 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 15, Will 12
hp 24; Threshold 15; DR 6
Speed 8 squares
Melee bite +6 (1d6+6)
Melee claw +6 (1d6+6)
Base Atk +1; Grp +6
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2,
Wis 14, Cha 9
Special Qualities Grolm traits
Feats Skill Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +11, Perception
+8 (may reroll and keep better

Grolm are used by Seanchan as
brutish shock animals, used as
guardian and watch animals.

Lopar Traits
Damage Reduction: All lopar gain
Damage Reduction 6.

Defenses 8 (flat-footed 8), Fort 15, Will 10

hp 24; Threshold 20; DR 6
Speed 12 squares
Melee bite +6 (1d6+6)
Melee claw +6 (1d6+6)
Base Atk +1; Grp +6
Abilities Str 24, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 9
Special Qualities Lopar traits
Feats Improved Damage Threshold
Skills Endurance +11, Perception +6

Raken are used by Seanchan as mounts for scouting and message carrying.
Toraken are larger cousins
sins of raken and are used for scouting, messaging, and warrior

Raken Traits
Flying: All raken fly at a base speed of 18 squares.

Large Beast 4
Init +5; Senses Perception +10
Defenses 13 (flat-footed 10), Fort 12, Will 13
hp 36; Threshold 12
Speed 4 squares, fly 18 squares
Melee bite +6 (1d6+3)
Melee claw +6 (1d6+3)
Base Atk +3; Grp +6
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 10
Special Qualities Raken traits
Feats Skill Focus (Endurance), Skill Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +14, Perception +10

hp 50; Threshold 13
Speed 4 squares, fly 24 squares
Melee bite +9 (1d8+6)
Melee claw +6 (1d8+6)
Base Atk +3; Grp +9
Abilities Str 22, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8
Special Qualities Toraken traits
Feats Skill Focus (Endurance), Skill Training (Perception)
Skills Endurance +15, Perception +8

Sredit are used by Seanchan as beasts of burden and mounts.

Sredit Traits
Brutal Damage: Sredits deal two die of
damage with unarmed attacks, rather than the
standard one die.
Damage Reduction: All sredit gain
Damage Reduction 10.
Scent: At close range, (within 10
squares), sredit ignore concealment
and cover for purposes of
Perception checks, and they take
no penalty from poor visibility
when tracking.
Sredit Vigor: Sredits gain 1d12
hit points per level, rather than the
standard 1d8 for beasts.

Toraken Traits
Flying: All toraken fly at a base speed of 24 squares.

Huge Beast 5
Init +3; Senses Perception +8
Defenses 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 13, Will 11

Huge Beast 3
Init +1; Senses Perception +7
Defenses 10 (flat-footed
10), Fort 16, Will 10
hp 57; Threshold 12; DR
Speed 10 squares
Melee slam +14 (2d8+12)

Melee stamp +14 (2d8+12)

Melee gore +14 (2d8+12)
Base Atk +2; Grp +14
Abilities Str 34, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 11
Special Qualities Sredit traits
Feats Improved Damage Threshold, Power Attack
Skills Endurance +13, Perception +7

Torm are used by Seanchan as mounts and trackers.

Frenzy: Any time a torm is in combat for a number of rounds equal to twice its
Wisdom rating, there becomes a risk it will enter a bloodlust. When this happens, the
torm begins attacking any
nearby targets, friend or foe,
with the exception of its rider.
A successful Ride check can
be made (DC 25) to prevent
During the frenzy, the torm
gains the benefits of the
Double Attack feat (even if it
doesnt qualify for the feat)
and also gains a bonus to
Strength and Dexterity of +2
and a +2 bonus to its Will
Defense. It calms down after
a number of rounds equal to
twice its Wisdom score or
when the fighting ends,
whichever comes first.
Improved Vision: Torm
may reroll Perception checks
made to see and keep the
second result.
Scent: At close range,
(within 10 squares), torm

ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no
penalty from poor visibility when tracking.
Torm Intelligence: Sredits gain one additional skill at first level.

Large Beast 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +8
Defenses 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 13, Will 12
hp 30; Threshold 13
Speed 14 squares
Melee bite +8 (1d6+6)
Melee claw +8 (1d6+6)
Base Atk +2; Grp +8
Abilities Str 23, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 9
Special Qualities Torm traits
Feats Skill Training (Endurance, Survival)
Skills Athletics +12, Endurance +9, Perception +8 (may reroll and keep better result),
Survival +8

The Shadowspawn are creatures of the Dark One. Aginor, of the Forsaken, created the
Shadowspawn during the War of Power using human and animal stock.
Shadowspawn cannot Travel, and instantly die if they pass through a gateway. They
are universally loyal to the Dark One.

Darkhounds resemble large wolves. They have charcoal-black
hides and glowing eyes.
They serve as the scouts of the Dark One, seeking and killing difficult-to-find
enemies of
the Shadow. However, they do not like water, and will be stopped entirely by
thunderstorms or running water. They have a sulfuric scent
scen to them.
Wherever they go, Darkhounds never leave footprints, except when they step on stone
ground. They have sharp fangs that carry deadly venom that can quickly kill even the
hardiest of men, and some greater specimens can only be killed by powerful weaves.
Their blood is also poisonous. Greater Darkhounds regenerate normal damage at an
incredibly fast rate, and cannot be killed without use of the One Power.
Darkhounds typically run in packs of four or more. About one in ten Darkhounds is a
greater Darkhound.

Lesser Darkhound
Medium Beast 6
Init +6; Senses Perception +10
Defenses 13 (flat-footed 10), Fort 14, Will 12; Dodge
hp 60; Threshold 14
Speed 8 squares
Melee bite +8 (1d4+4 plus venom)
Base Atk +4; Grp +8
Attack Options Coordinated Attack
Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 8
Special Qualities Canine traits
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Perception +10, Survival +10
Venom: Any being damaged by a lesser Darkhounds bite is also attacked by a deadly
venom. For lesser darkhounds, this attack roll gains no bonus. If the attack roll
exceeds the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is infected by the venom and takes
1d4 pointss of Strength damage each round thereafter. Once the target reaches a
Strength rating of zero, he dies. This venom can be extracted with a successful Heal
weave, or alternately with a Treat Injury check, but the DC for the Treat Injury check
is 30. If one
ne of these methods is successful, the victim discontinues to take Strength
damage, and he regains them at a rate of 1 point per day. He can spend a Hero Point
each day to restore one additional point each day.
Any being who simply touches a Darkhounds venomous saliva takes 1d8 points of
damage (though this damage cannot reduce the victim below 1 hit point.
Poisonous Blood: A Darkhounds blood is poisonous. Anyone who damages a lesser
Darkhhound with a melee or unarmed attack or otherwise comes in cont
contact with its
blood is attacked by the blood. There is no bonus to this attack roll, but if the attack is
successful, the target takes 1 point of Constitution damage each round for 1d6 rounds.
A damaged victim heals Constitution damage at a rate of 1 poin
point per day and can heal
one additional point per day if he spends a Hero Point each day.

Greater Darkhound
Medium Beast 8
Init +7; Senses Perception +10
Defenses 13 (flat-footed 10), Fort 15, Will 12; Dodge
hp 95; Threshold 15
Speed 8 squares
Melee bite +11 (1d4+5 plus venom)

Base Atk +6; Grp +11

Attack Options Coordinated Attack
Abilities Str 20, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 8
Special Qualities Canine traits
Feats Dodge, Improved Defenses, Mobility, Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Perception +11, Survival +11
Venom: Any being damaged by a lesser Darkhounds bite is also attacked by a deadly
venom. For greater darkhounds, this attack roll gains a +5 bonus. If the attack roll
exceeds the targets Fortitude Defense, the target is infected by the
t venom and takes
1d6 points of Strength damage each round thereafter. Once the target reaches a
Strength rating of zero, he dies. This venom can be extracted with a successful Heal
weave, or alternately with a Treat Injury check, but the DC for the Treat
Tre Injury check
is 30. If one of these methods is successful, the victim discontinues to take Strength
damage, and he regains them at a rate of 1 point per day. He can spend a Hero Point
each day to restore one additional point each day.
Any being who simply touches a Darkhounds venomous saliva takes 1d8 points of
damage (though this damage cannot reduce the victim below 1 hit point.
Poisonous Blood: A Darkhounds blood is poisonous. Anyone who damages a greater
Darkhhound with a melee or unarmed attack
ck or otherwise comes in contact with its
blood is attacked by the blood. There is no bonus to this attack roll, but if the attack is
successful, the target takes 1 point of Constitution damage each round for 1d8 rounds.
A damaged victim heals Constitution
on damage at a rate of 1 point per day and can heal
one additional point per day if he spends a Hero Point each day.

Regeneration: A greater Darkhound regenerates all damage taken by ordinary weapons

at a rate of 4 points per round. No matter how much damage
age the Darkhound takes, if
none of the damage was caused by the One Power, it will regenerate the damage

Draghkar are Shadowspawn that serve the Dark One as scouts and assassins. They
resemble pale, gaunt humans with large, leathery wings they normally wear like cloaks.
They have sharp talons on their fingers and unnaturally large eyes.
Draghkar lure their victims into a hypnotic state with an unnaturally dulling song, then
embrace them fatally, stealing the victims soul and leavingg them hollow, soulless husks.
They typically work alone

Draghkar Traits
following traits:
Constitution, +2 Charisma.
Draghkar are naturally haunting
and captivating, but tend to be
Medium Size: Draghkar
gain no special benefits or
penalties due to their size.
Speed: Draghkar base speed
is 6 squares. Their flying speed
is 8 squares.
Captivating Song
Song: As a
standard action, a Draghkar can
make a special attack against
any creature within twelve
squares with a bonus equal to
character level plus his
Charisma modifier.
If the
attack defeats the targets
Fortitude Defense, the targe
moves one step down the

Condition Track. Once the target reaches the bottom of the Condition Track, rather than
falling unconscious, the target becomes mesmerized by the Draghkar, losing all actions
and becoming prone as long as the Draghkar is present up to a number of rounds equal to
10 + the Draghkars Charisma modifier.
Low-Light Vision: Draghkar ignore partial concealment from light (though not total
Natural Weapons: Draghkar has natural weapons in the form of sharp talons. When
ng an unarmed attack, a Draghkar can use his natural weapons, dealing 1d4 points of
slashing damage instead of normal unarmed damage. Draghkar are always considered
armed with their natural weapons.
Soul-Stealing Embrace: As a standard action, the Draghkar
Draghka can steal the soul of any
conscious victim. If the target is not affected by the Draghkars Captivating Song ability
(above), he must make an attack roll and takes a -10
10 penalty to the roll.
The victim of this ability takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage each
round the embrace
continues, and the Draghkar gains one temporary hit point per point of Wisdom taken.
These temporary hit points last a number of rounds equal to 10 + his Constitution
modifier. Once the target is reduced to a Wisdom score of zero, the
t Draghkar gains a
Hero Point (even if he has no heroic levels). A target reduced to a Wisdom score of zero
is soulless and no longer playable.
Medium nonheroic 4
Init +9; Senses Perception +13
Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 10, Will 12;; Dodge
hp 8; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares, fly 8 squares
Melee unarmed +3 (1d4)
Base Atk +3; Grp +5
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 17
Feats Improved Defenses, Skill Focus (Perception, Stealth), Skill Training (Initiative,
Skills Initiative +9, Perception +13, Stealth +14

Gholam are special, boneless, humanoid assassins for the Dark One. They resemble
ordinary humans, though are much stronger and faster. Only six were ever made, three
male and three female, and at least one made it to the Third Age.

Gholams are able to squeeze through spaces as small as

one-sixteenth of an inch and are immune to the One Power.
They are vulnerable to terangreal that provide protection
from the One Power.
Gholam (L9)
Medium wanderer 3 / scout 3 / armsman 3
Init +19; Senses Perception +16
Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 21), Fort 26, Will 22;
hp 118; Threshold 26
Hero 9
Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +13 (1d4+9)
Base Atk +7; Grp +12
Abilities Str 21, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha
Talents Devastating Attack, Hidden Movement,
Improved Initiative, Improved Stealth, Sneak Attack
Feats Acrobatic Strike, Dodge, Extra Second Wind, Melee Defense, Power Attack,
Triple Crit, Skill Focus (Acrobatics, Initiative, Perception,
n, Stealth), Skill Training
(Athletics), Weapon Focus (light blades), Weapon Proficiency (light blades, simple
Skills Acrobatics +19, Athletics +14, Focus +11, Initiative +19, Perception +16, Stealth
Possessions dagger
Boneless: Gholams may fit through any opening as long as there is at least one
of an inch space for them to pass through. They are immune to critical hits.
Damage Reduction: Gholams have damage reduction 4.
Terangreal Vulnerability: Terangreal that create
ate immunity to the One Power, such as
the foxhead medallion, burn gholams, inflicting 2d4 points of damage to them as
though it was burning hot.
Weave Immunity: The One Power cannot directly touch the gholams.

Gray Man
Gray Men, who are also known as the Soulless are Shadowspawn who have given their
souls to the Dark One. Because they have no soul, they are extremely difficult to notice,
even in crowded rooms. Because of this, the Dark One uses them primarily as assassins.
Gray Men are rare, and it is unknown how many there are.

Gray Man Traits

All Gray Men have the following traits:
Ability Modifiers: None.
Medium Size: Gray Men gain no special benefits or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Gray Man base speed is 6 squares.
Beneath Notice: Gray Men gain a +10 bonus to Stealth checks.
Gray Man (L7)
Medium scout 1 / wanderer 5 / armsman 1
Init +16; Senses Perception +9
Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 19), Fort 19, Will 17;; Dodge
hp 64; Threshold 19
Hero 7
Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +7 (1d4+4)
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8
Talents Devastating Attack, Improved Stealth, Sneak Attack (+3d6)
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Athletics, Initiative, Stealth), Skill
Training (Athletics), Triple
ple Crit, Weapon Focus (simple weapons), Weapon
Proficiency (light blades, simple weapons)
Skills Athletics +16, Initiative +16, Perception +9, Stealth +26 (may reroll and keep
second result)
Possessions dagger

Also called Fades, Eyeless, Halfmen,
n, Shadowmen, Lurks, and Fetches, Myrddraal are
throwback offspring of trollocs. They are more fearsome and intelligent,
typically leading groups of trollocs in battle and performing other tasks for the Dark One
that require more cleverness or finesse
se than could otherwise be handled by a trolloc.
Myrddraal resemble tall, pale, eyeless humans. Despite their lack of eyes, they are
able to see just fine, and their gaze causes terror in all but the most resolute people. Their


Some trollocs carry scytheswords, which
are exotic weapons in the heavy blades
weapon group. They deal 1d12 damage,
and large creatures such as trollocs must
hold them with two hands. As with other
swords, scytheswords have may have
two modifications done with the craft
specialist feat.
Myrddraal sometimes carry Shadowblades.
These vicious weapons are
longswords crafted on the slopes of
Shayol Ghul, dipped in the tainted water
of that mountain and used in a sacrifice
of a human life. Damage dealt by these
Furthermore, any being damaged by a
Shadow-blade is also attacked by a
festering disease. This attack roll is
1d20+10. If the attack roll exceeds the
targets Fortitude Defense, the target is
infected by the disease and takes 1d4
points of Constitution damage each
round thereafter. Once the target reaches
a Strength rating of zero, he dies.
Anyone besides a Shadowspawn who
carries a Shadow-blade's Fortitude is
attacked by the weapon (1d20) each day.
If the attack succeeds, the carrier loses
one point of Constitution that day.

cloaks do not move in the wind, and they

are able to enter shadows and reappear
through another. Like Darkhounds, they
have acidic blood.
Trollocs will often become linked
psychologically with a Myrddraal, at the
Halfmans choice. Any trollocs linked to a
Fade who dies will fal
fall into convulsions and
die within a few rounds.
Killing a
Myrddraal is a difficult task, because even
when killed, it will randomly lash out with
uncontrolled ferocity until the next setting
of the sun.
Some, though not all, Myrddraal carry
shadow-blades.. All Fades are male.

Myrddraal Traits
All Myrddraal have the following traits:
Ability Modifier
Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2
Dexterity, +2 Constitution.
Medium Size: Myrddraal gain no special
benefits or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Myrddraal base speed is 6
Halfman Vitality: Myrddraal do not die
when they are brought to the bottom of the
Condition Track and zero hit points.
Instead, when this happens, they flail
randomly and ceaselessly until the next
sunset, at which point they finally cease.
yone struck by the Halfman during this
time takes damage as normal.
Poisonous Blood: A Myrddraals blood
is poisonous. Anyone who damages a Fade
with a melee or unarmed attack or otherwise
comes in contact with its blood is attacked
by the blood. There is no bonus to this
attack roll, but if the attack is successful, the

target takes 1 point of Constitution

damage each round for 1d6 rounds.
A damaged victim heals Constitution
damage at a rate of 1 point per day
and can heal one additional point per
day if he spends a Hero Point each
Shadow Walk: A Myrddraal can
travel through shadows (though not
its own). It enters one shadow as a
move action, and reappears instantly
through another shadow.
distance this reappearance can be is
up to a number of miles equal to 10 x
the Fetchs Wisdom modifier.
Myrddraal (L8)
Medium armsman 7 / noble 1
Init +8; Senses Perception +12
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 24),
Fort 23, Will 22
hp 107; Threshold 23
Hero 7
Speed 6 squares
Melee Shadow-blade +12 (1d8+8)
Base Atk +7; Grp +11
Abilities Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 14
Talents Armored Defense, Battle Analysis, Improved Armored Defense, Terrifying
Gaze, Trolloc Hoard
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Double Attack,
Mighty Swing, Power Attack, Skill Training (Persuasion), Weapon Focus (heavy
blades), Weapon Proficiency (heavy blades, light blades, spears and lances)
Skills Perception +11, Persuasion +11, Ride +12
Possessions Shadow-blade, scale mail
A heroic Myrddraal can take the following talents any time he would be allowed to take

Increased Trolloc Hoard: When determining the number of Trollocs attuned by the
Trolloc Hoard ability (below), their total heroic levels may equal up to ten times your
heroic level, rather than four.
Prerequisite: Trolloc Hoard.
Terrifying Aura: You may use the Terrifying Gaze ability (below) against all targets
within 10 squares of you simultaneously as a full-round
round action. You still need line of
sight, and any you fail to terrify may be targeted again, at the same penalty as Terrifying
Prerequisite: Terrifying Gaze.
Terrifying Gaze: As a standard action, you may make a special attack against any one
target within line of sight. Make a Persuasion check versus the target's Will Defense. If
this check is successful, the target may only make a swift action until your next tturn and
moves -1 step on the Condition Track.
A character may only suffer these effects once per encounter, though multiple beings
may be targeted. If your check fails, you may try again against the target, but each
attempt after suffers a -5 penalty per attempt (-55 for the second attempt, -10 for the third,
Trolloc Hoard: By spending a Hero Point and spending a full
full-round action, you attune
a group of Trollocs to you. You automatically succeed any attempts to use Deception or

Persuasion checks with these Trollocs, and any mind-affecting

effects you use on them
automatically succeed as well.
The number of Trollocs you may attune is decided by their levels versus your heroic
level. In total, the Trollocs' total number of heroic levels may be up to four
fo times your
heroic level. Note that four non-heroic
heroic levels equals one heroic level.
If you die, these Trollocs die within 1d4 rounds. This attunement lasts a number of
days equal to your heroic level plus your Charisma modifier, or until you dismiss it as a
swift action.

Trollocs are the brutish ground troops of the Dark One, the ones tasked with fighting and
killing on the battlefield or in raids. They are generally unintelligent, but make up for it
with incredible strength and toughness.

Trolloc Traits
Ability Modifiers: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2

Large Size: As Large creatures, Trollocs take a -11 size penalty to Reflex Defense and
a -55 size penalty on Stealth checks. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of
Medium characters.
Speed: Trolloc base speed is 6 squares.
Darkvision: Trollocs ignore concealment
oncealment (even total concealment) from darkness.
Light Sensitivity: A Trolloc suffers a -22 penalty to attack rolls in bright light. If they
are exposed to sudden bright light, they are attacked by the light (1d20 + [10 to 25
depending on the brightness] versus their Fortitude Defense. Success means they are
blinded for 2d4 rounds.
In addition to the above traits, Trollocs gain one of the following traits.
Bear-Like: Once per encounter, the Trolloc may spend a swift action to gain a +5
bonus to damage with one successful melee attack roll.
Boar-Like: Once per encounter, when an attack exceeds the Trolloc's damage
threshold, it does not bring the Trolloc a step down the Condition Track.
Goat-Like: The Trolloc has natural weapons, in the form of horns. When the Trolloc
makes an unarmed attack, it may choose to use its natural weapons, dealing 1d8 points of
piercing damage with that instead of normal unarmed damage. Goat
Goat-like Trollocs are
always considered armed with their
natural weapons.
Ram-Like: Any time the Trolloc
charges, he gains a +4 bonus to
damage on the first attack made after
the charge.
Raven-Like: The Trolloc only
takes a -5 penalty to Perception
checks made to notice targets for
every 40 squares of distance between
the Trolloc and the target.
Wolf-Like: The Trolloc may
reroll Perception checks made to
avoid surprise, eavesdrop, hear
distant or ambient noises, or notice
targets, but must keep the second
result, even if it is worse.
Large nonheroic 3
Init +7; Senses Perception +0

Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 10), Fort 11, Will 9

hp 13; Threshold 11
Speed 6 squares
Melee scythesword +7 (2d4+5)
Base Atk +2; Grp +7
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 5,, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats Power Attack, Skill Training (Initiative, Survival), Weapon Proficiency (heavy
blades, simple weapons)
Skills Initiative +7, Stealth +7, Survival +5
Possessions scythesword


Following are some of the main protagonists
sts and antagonists from the Wheel of Time
series. They are given at the levels they would be in The Gathering Storm (or at their
peak before they left the series for whatever reason).

Rand alThor
Rand alThor is the Caracarn, the Caramoor,, and the Dragon
Reborn. He is the one
destined to battle against the Dark One in the Last Battle. He is a powerful taveren, an
immensely powerful channeler, founder of the Ashaman, and a blademaster.
Rand alThor (L20)
Medium Two Rivers scout 1 / armsman 5 / initiate
tiate 5 / noble 1 / advanced channeler 6 /
blademaster 1 / Ashaman 1
Destiny 8; Hero 17; taveren, reborn Dragon; Madness 16 (Hallucinations)
Init +12; Senses Perception +19
Defenses Ref 37 (flat-footed 35), Fort 37, Will 40
hp 213; Threshold 37; permanent injury (permanent -1 on condition track)
Speed 6 squares
Melee Callandor +20 (1d8+14)
Base Atk +13; Grp +15
Affinities Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 42): Advanced Air: Compress Air, Lightning;
Advanced Earth: Grenade, Magma Torrent, Riven Earth, Stone Slam; Advanced
Fire: Arrows of Fire, Blossoms of Fire, Fireball, Flame Surge, Immolate, Wand of
Fire; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water;
Heal: Delve, Heal, Rend, Renew, Touch of Agony; Illusions: Cloak, False Trail,
Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power; Traveling: Bridge

between Worlds, Create Gateway, Deathgate, Skimming, Use Portal Stone; Warding:
Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward,
Sever, Shield, Strike of Death, Ward against Creatures, Ward against the One Power,
Ward Bore
Channeling Techniques Channeling Might (+4), Heroic Channeler (d12s)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 20
Talents Advanced Channeling, Ashaman Warrior, Battle Analysis, Defensive Form,
Empower Weave, Fringe Savant, Great Capacity, Improved Channeling Durability,
Improved Focus, Inspire Confidence, Maximize Weave,
ave, Overchanneling Mastery,
Weave Focus (Gateway)
Gifts Channeler
Feats Able Channeler, Blade Techniques, Extra Affinity (Air, Earth), Extra Talent,
Melee Defense, Remove Block, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Channel), Strong Channeler
(x4), Tie Off Weave, Weapon
apon Focus (heavy blades), Weapon Proficiency (bows,
heavy blades, spears and lances)
Skills Athletics +16, Channel +25, Endurance +19, Focus +24, Perception +19, Ride +17
Possessions Callandor, noble attire

Matrim Cauthon
Mat Cauthon is the leader of the Band of the Red Hand, and is a powerful taveren. He
has the Dark Ones Own Luck, and the Old Blood flows strongly within him. During
visits to the Aelfinn and Eelfinn, he gained his ashandarei and Foxhead Medallion.
Matrim Cauthon (L19)
Medium Two Rivers wanderer 9 / armsman 5 / commander 5
Destiny 5; Hero 15; taveren, reborn commander
Init +17; Senses Perception +14
Defenses Ref 35 (flat-footed
footed 32), Fort 34, Will 31; Foxhead Medallion
hp 171; Threshold 34
Speed 6 squares
Melee ashandarei +19 (1d10+11 / 1d6+11) or
Melee ashandarei +14/+14 (1d10+11 / 1d6+11) with Double Attack
Melee dagger +19 (1d4+9)
Base Atk +14; Grp +17
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16*, Wis 11, Cha 19
Talents Battle Analysis, Born Leader, The Dark Ones Own Luck, Fools Luck,
Gambler, Improved Dark Ones Own Luck, Old Blood, Period of Luck, Tactics
Expert, Weapon Defense (polearms, +2)

Class Abilities Assist Army

Gifts Latent Ability (Dark Ones Own Luck, Old Blood)
Feats Dodge, Double Attack (polearms), Exotic Weapons Proficiency (ashandarei),
Heroic Focus, Improved Defenses, Jack-of-All--Trades, Melee Defense, Skill Focus
(Deception, Gather Information, Knowledge [tactics],
Persuasion), Staffmaster,

Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (polearms), Weapon Proficiency (bows, simple

weapons, polearms)
Skills Deception +23, Gather Information +23, Initiative +17, Knowledge (tactics) +23,
Perception +14, Persuasion +23, Ride +17, Survival +14
Possessions Ashandarei,, Foxhead Medallion, dagger, noble attire
* Mat takes a -55 penalty to all Intelligence checks made to remember life events

Perrin Aybara
Perrin Aybara is the reluctant Lord of the Two Rivers, and is also a powerful taveren.
He is a Wolfbrother.
Perrin Aybara (L19)
Medium Two Rivers scout 5 / armsman 9 / latent hero 5
Destiny 12; Hero 15; taveren; Madness 7
Init +17; Senses Perception +14, Wolf Hearing, Wolf Scent, Wolf Vision
Defenses Ref 33 (flat-footed 32), Fort 36, Will 37
hp 254; Threshold 41
Speed 6 squares
Melee heavy hammer +22 (1d6+13) or
Melee heavy hammer +17/+17 (1d6+13) with Double Attack or
Melee heavy hammer +22 (2d6+13) with Mighty Swing or
Melee heavy hammer +17 (2d6+18) with Mighty Swing and Power Attack
Base Atk +17; Grp +21
Abilities Str 18, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 20, Cha 14
Talents Acute Senses, Control Self, Dreamer, Dream Vision, Pack Hunter, Wolf Alpha,
Wolf Hearing, Wolf Scent, Wolf Vision, Wolfbrother, Wolfspeak
Class Abilities Latent Blessing 2/day
Gifts Latent Ability (Wolfbrother)
Feats Bull Rush, Craft Specialist, Double Attack (axes picks and hammers), Extra
Second Wind, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Defenses, Mighty Swing,
Power Attack, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Craft, Perception), Skill Training (Perception,
Persuasion), Toughness,
ness, Weapon Focus (axes picks and hammers), Weapon
Proficiency (axes picks and hammers, bows, simple weapons)
Skills Athletics +18, Craft +19, Endurance +18, Perception +25, Persuasion +16, Ride
+15, Stealth +15, Survival +20
Possessions Heavy hammer, travelers gear

Egwene alVere
Egwene alVere is the Amyrlin Seat. She is an adept
Dreamer and a powerful channeler as well.
Egwene alVere (L19)
Medium Two Rivers noble 3 / initiate 5 / latent hero 3 /
advanced channeler 5 / Aes Sedai 1
Destiny 10; Hero 13
Init +9; Senses Perception +18
Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed 32), Fort 34, Will 40
hp 140; Threshold 34
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +10; Grp +10
Affinities Air, Earth, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 27): Advanced Air:
Foretell Weather, Lightning, Move Clouds; Advanced
Earth: Grenade; Advanced Fire: Fireball, Wand of Fire;
Aligning the Matrix: Create Cuendillar, Conjunction:
Bond Warder, Compulsion, Pass Bond, Trace; General:
Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire,
Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind,
Keeping, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, False Trail, Folded
Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power; Traveling: Bridge between
Worlds, Create Gateway, Skimming; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut
Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward against Creatures,
Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Channeling Techniques Channeling Precision (+2), Heroic Channeler (d8s)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 19, Cha 18
Talents Advanced Channeling, Affinity Power (Earth), Channeling Secrets, Control Self,
Dreamer, Dreamport, Dreamvision, Enter Dream, Improved Dreamer, Master of
Telaranrhiod, Presence
Gifts Channeler, Latent Ability (Dreamer)
Feats Able Channeler, Affluent, Extra Affinity (Air, Water), Extra Talent, Heroic Focus,
Improved Defenses, Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel, Focus, Persuasion), Strong
Channeler (x3), Tie Off Weave, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Channel
nnel +23, Endurance +16, Focus +23, Knowledge (culture) +16, Knowledge
(health) +16, Perception +18, Persuasion +23, Ride +14, Treat Injury +16
Possessions Serpent Ring, Amyrlin Stole, noble attire

Nynaeve alMeara

Moiraine Damodred

Nynaeve alMeara is an Aes Sedai of the Yellow

Ajah and former Wisdom of Emonds Field. She is
an extremely powerful channeler.

Moiraine Damodred is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She devoted her life to finding the
Dragon Reborn, and succeeded in doing so.

Nynaeve alMeara (L18)

Medium Two Rivers scout 7 / initiate 5 / advanced
channeler 6
Destiny 9; Hero 12
Init +9; Senses Perception +16
Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 30), Fort 32, Will 35
hp 175; Threshold 32
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +12; Grp +12
Affinities Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 29): Advanced
Air: Alter Weather, Foretell Weather, Lightning,
Move Clouds; Advanced Earth: Grenade;
Advanced Fire: Fireball, Wand of Fire; Conjunction: Bond Warder, Conpulsion,
Pass Bond, Trace; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire,
Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Keeping
Keeping, Renew, Restore the
Power; Illusions: Cloak,
ak, False Trail, Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists,
Voice of Power; Traveling: Create Gateway, Skimming; Warding: Barrier to Sight,
Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield,
Ward against Creatures, Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Channeling Techniques Channeling Might (+4), Heroic Channeler (d8s)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 19
Talents Advanced Channeling, Affinity Power (Spirit), Empower Weave, Expert
Tracker, Fringe Savant,
t, Great Capacity, Maximize Weave, Weave Focus (Heal),
Weave Focus (Restore the Power), Weave Student
Gifts Channeler
Feats Able Channeler, Extra Affinity (Earth, Fire, Water), Extra Talents, Herbal
Remedies, Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel, Survival, Treat
reat Injury), Skill Training
(Craft, Knowledge [nature], Perception), Strong Channeler (x4), Weapon Proficiency
(simple weapons)
Skills Channel +23, Craft +15, Endurance +17, Knowledge (nature) +15, Perception +16,
Persuasion +18, Ride +14, Survival +21, Treat Injury +20
Possessions Serpent Ring, noble attire

Moiraine Damodred (L18)

Medium Cairhienin initiate 9 / Aes Sedai 9
Destiny 5; Hero 10
Init +8; Senses Perception +16
Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 29), Fort 28, Will 37
hp 123; Threshold 28
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +10; Grp +10
Affinities Air, Fire, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 24): Advanced Air: Foretell Weather, Lightning,
Move Clouds; Advanced Earth: Grenade; Advanced Fire: Fireball, Wand of Fire;
Balefire: Balefire; Conjunction: Bond Warder, Fear, Pass Bond, Trace; General:
Insect Swarm, Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate
Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, Eavesdrop, False Trail,
Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power; Warding: Barrier to
Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward,
War Sever,
Shield, Ward against Creatures, Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Channeling Techniques Channeling Might (+4), Channeling Precision (-1),
Channeler (d8s)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 16,, Wis 18, Cha 17
Talents Affinity Mastery (Fire, Spirit), Affinity Power (Spirit), Channeling Secrets,
Enhanced One Power Awareness, Focus on the Cause, Passionate Helper, Secret of
Mastery, Secret of Serenity, Weave Precision
Gifts Channel
Feats Able Channeler, Affluent, Detect Taveren,, Extra Affinity (Fire, Water), Extra
Talents, Old Tongue, Remove Block, Strong Channeler (x3), Skill Focus (Channel,
Focus), Skill Training (Gather Information, Ride)
Skills Channel +22, Deception +17, Focus +23,, Gather Information +17, Knowledge
(academics) +17, Knowledge (nobility) +17,, Perception +18, Persuasion +17, Ride
Possessions Serpent Ring, Ivory Woman Statuette, noble attire

Melee Power-wrought heron-marked

marked sword +24 (1d8+17) or
Melee Power-wrought heron-marked
marked sword +19/+19 (1d8+17) or
Melee Power-wrought heron-marked swordd +14/+14/+14 (1d8+17)
Base Atk +19; Grp +22
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Talents Aggressive Form, Battle Analysis, Defensive Form, Devastating Attack, Harms
Way, Lend Strength, Patient Form, Powerful Form, Vital Form, Weapon
Specialization (heavy blades)
Class Abilities Blademaster Defense (+5)
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Blademaster
aster Techniques (4), Double Attack, Melee
Defense, Old Tongue, Quick Draw, Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus (Focus), Skill
Training (Focus), Triple Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Weapon Proficiency
(heavy blades, light blades, polearms)
Skills Focus +22, Initiative +16, Knowledge (tactics) +15, Perception +17, Ride +16
Possessions Power-wrought
wrought Blademaster sword, Warders cloak, travelling clothes

Thomdril Merrilin
Thom Merrilin is an accomplished gleeman and
formerly was a renowned court bard.
Thomdril Merrilin (L19)
Medium Andoran wanderer 3 / noble 3 / armsman 3 /
gleeman 10
Destiny 5; Hero 15
Init +17; Senses Perception +14

alLan Mandragoran
Lan Mandragoran is the last known descendant of the Malkieri people. He accompanied
oiraine Damodred as the Aes Sedais warder, and later became Nynaeve alMearas
warder and husband. He is a blademaster.
Lan Mandragoran (L19)
Medium Malkieri armsman 8 / blademaster 10 / veteran warrior 1
Destiny 7; Hero 15
Init +16; Senses Perception +17
Defenses Ref 35 (flat-footed 33), Fort 34, Will 33
hp 231; Threshold 34
Speed 6 squares

Defenses Ref 35 (flat-footed 33), Fort 31, Will 33

hp 176; Threshold 33
Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +16 (1d4+11) or
Melee dagger +11/+11 (1d4+11 / 1d4+11) with Dual
Weapon Mastery I
Base Atk +13; Grp +15
Abilities Str 11, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha
Talents Acrobatic Recovery, Connections, Devastating
Attack (simple weapons), Historical Knowledge,
Improved Gatherr Information, In the Know, Inspire

Confidence, Master Performer, Unforgettable Performance, Urban Tracker, Well

Class Abilities Gleeman Knowledge
Feats Daggermaster, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Performer, Quick Draw, Skill Focus
(Acrobatics, Deception, Gather Information, Knowledge [politics], Persuasion), Skill
Training (Athletics, Craft, Ride), Triple Crit, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (basic
weapons), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +14, Craft +19, Deception +24, Gather Information +24,
Initiative +16, Knowledge (academics) +16, Knowledge (culture) +16, Knowledge
(politics) +21, Perception +16, Persuasion +24, Ride +16
Possessions Gleemans outfit, daggers (10), mastercraft flute, mastercraft harp, juggling

Loial son of Arent son of Halen is a young Ogier
Treesinger from the stedding Shangtai.
Loial (L12)
Large Ogier wanderer 2 / noble 5 / scout 4 / armsman 1
Destiny 9; Hero 11, Heroic Focus
Init +5; Senses Perception +12; keen senses
Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 23), Fort 27, Will 25
hp 96; Threshold 27
Speed 10 squares
Melee heavy axe +16 (1d8+11) or
Base Atk +11; Grp +16
Abilities Str 21, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14
Racial Traits Keen Senses
Talents Coordinate, Create Sungwood Item, Heal Tree, Long Stride, Reduced Longing,
Tree Resilience, Treesinger
Gifts Latent Ability (Treesinger)
Feats Extra Second Wind, Heroic Focus, Heroic Readiness, Improved Defenses,
Improved Damage Threshold, Melee Defense, Old Tongue, Shake It Off, Skill Focus
(Knowledge [academics], Knowledge [nature], Persuasion), Skill Training (Craft,
Survival), Toughness, Weapon
pon Proficiency (axes picks and hammers, simple weapons)
Skills Athletics +16, Craft +13, Focus +12, Knowledge (academics) +18, Knowledge
(nature) +18, Perception +12, Persuasion +18, Survival +12
Possessions heavy axe, sungwood staff, travelers clothes

Elayne Trakand
Elayne Trakand is the Queen of Andor and a
powerful Aes Sedai. She is one of Rand
alThors three lovers.
Elaine Trakand (L17)
Medium Andoran noble 7 / initiate 5 / regent
4 / Aes Sedai 1
Destiny 10; Hero 13
Init +9; Senses Perception +18
Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 30), Fort 31,
Will 36
hp 132; Threshold 31
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +11; Grp +11
Affinities Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 28): Advanced Air: Alter Weather, Foretell Weather,
Lightning, Move Clouds; Advanced Earth: Grenade; Advanced Fire: Fireball, Wand
of Fire; Create Terangreal: Create Terangreal;
Terangreal Conjunction: Bond Warder, Pass
Bond, Trace; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire,
Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Keeping, Renew; Illusions:
Cloak, False Trail, Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power;
Traveling: Create Gateway, Skimming; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence,
Cut Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap,
p, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward against
Creatures, Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 19
Talents Advanced Channeling, Affinity Power (Air), Aura of Respect, Bolster Ally,
Born Leader, Channeling Secrets,
ecrets, Coordinate (2), Inspire Confidence, Weave
Class Abilities Allies (2)
Gifts Channeler
Feats Able Channeler, Extra Affinity (Earth, Fire, Spirit), Extra Talent, Improved
Defenses, Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel, Focus, Knowledge [politics],
Persuasion), Skill Training (Channel), Strong Channeler (x3), Tie Off Weave, Weapon
Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Channel +22, Deception +17, Gather Information +17, Focus +22, Knowledge
(academics) +14, Knowledge (politics) +19, Perception
Percepti +17, Persuasion +22, Ride +13
Possessions Serpent Ring, noble attire

Elmindreda Farshaw


Min Farshaw is a woman with the rare ability of

Viewing. She is one of Rand alThors three

Aviendha is a former Maiden of the Spear of the Nine

Valleys sept of the Taardad clan. She is a Wise One
apprentice, and is one of Rand alThors three lovers.

Min Farshaw (L11)

Medium Andoran wanderer 10 / armsman 1
Destiny 8; Hero 11, Heroic Focus
Init +17; Senses Perception +18

Elaine Trakand (L15)

Medium Aiel scout 5 / armsman 3 / initiate 2 /
algaidsiswai 5
Destiny 9; Hero 12
Init +9; Senses Perception +18

Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 24), Fort 24, Will

27, Dodge
hp 71; Threshold 24
Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +11 (1d4+7) or
Base Atk +8; Grp +10
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 16,
Cha 14
Talents Devastating Attack, Fools Luck,
Knack, Notice Viewings, See Symbols,
Gifts Latent Ability (Viewer)
Feats Daggermaster, Dodge, Foreboding, Heroic Focus, Improved Defenses, Latent
Ability (Viewer),
r), Mobility, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Initiative, Perception), Skill
Training (Acrobatics, Deception, Stealth), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (simple
weapons), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +10, Deception +12, Gather Information +12, Initiative
+17, Perception +18, Ride +12, Stealth +12
Possessions travelling gear, daggers (8)

Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed

footed 29), Fort 29, Will 30, Dodge
hp 151; Threshold 29
Speed 8 squares
Melee dagger +15 (1d4+8)
Base Atk +11; Grp +14
Affinities Air, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 22):
Advanced Air: Alter Weather, Foretell Weather, Lightning, Move Clouds;
Conjunction: Bond Warder, Pass Bond, Trace; General: Manipulate Air, Manipulate
Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Renew;
Illusions: Cloak, False Trail, Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of
Power; Traveling: Create Gateway, Skimming;; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of
Silence, Cut Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward
against Creatures, Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 11
Talents Acrobatic Recovery, Acute Senses,, Enhanced Vision, Improved Skirmisher,
Improved Stealth, Long Stride, Quick Step, Skirmisher, Unweave
Gifts Channeler
Feats Dodge, Extra Affinity (Water), Extra Talent, Maiden Hand-Talk,
Mobile Scout,
Mobility, Remove Block, Skill Focus (Perception), Skill
Skil Training (Acrobatics,
Channel), Shield Proficiency, Strong Channeler (x3), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
(spears and lances), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons, spears and lances)
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +13, Channel +12, Endurance +14, Perception
Stealth +20, Survival +15
Possessions dagger, travelers clothes

Zarine ni Bashere tAybara

Logain Ablar

Zarine ni Bashere tAybara, more commonly

known as Faile, is the daughter of the Marshall
General of Saldaea. She is Perrin Aybaras wife.
Zarine ni Bashere tAybara (L13)
Medium Aiel noble 4 / scout 1 / armsman 7 /
regent 1
Destiny 11; Hero 12, Heroic Focus
Init +9; Senses Perception +18

Logain Ablar is a former False Dragon. He

is the first person known to have had his
ability to channel restored after being
gentled. He is also a powerful Ashaman.
Logain Ablar (L15)
Medium Murandian noble 9 / armsman 1 /
initiate 1 / commander 3 / Ashaman 1
Destiny 7; Hero 12; Madness 6
Init +8; Senses Perception +15

Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 26), Fort 27, Will 28,

hp 114; Threshold 27

Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 27), Fort 29,

Will 34
hp 129; Threshold 29

Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +13 (1d4+8)
Base Atk +10; Grp +12

Speed 6 squares
Melee longsword +10 (1d8+8)
Base Atk +9; Grp +10
Affinities Earth, Fire, Spirit
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 22):
Advanced Air: Compress Air, Lightning;
Advanced Earth: Grenade, Magma Torrent, Riven Earth; Advanced Fire: Arrows of
Fire, Blossoms of Fire, Fireball, Flame Surge, Immolate, Wand of Fire; General:
Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve,
Heal, Rend, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists,
Voice of Power; Traveling: Create Gateway, Deathgate, Skimming, Use Portal Stone;
Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Master Ward, Sever, Shield,
Strike of Death, Ward against Creatures, Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore

Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14,
Cha 15
Talents Acute Senses, Aura of Respect, Battle
Analysis, Born Leader, Devastating Attack
(simple weapons), Presence, Skirmisher (2)
Feats Affluent, Daggermaster, Dodge, Heroic
ic Focus, Heroic Readiness, Improved
Defenses, Mounted Defense, Quick Draw, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Persuasion,
Ride), Skill Training (Athletics), Triple Crit, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (light
blades), Weapon Proficiency (light blades, simple weapons)
Skills Athletics +11, Deception +13, Gather Information +13, Initiative +13, Knowledge
(politics) +12, Perception +13, Persuasion +18, Ride +18
Possessions daggers (8), noble attire

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 16
Talents Battle Analysis, Born Leader, Defensive Channeling, Distant Command, Inspire
Confidence, Master Technician,, Merciless Channeling, Presence, Weaken Resolve
Class Abilities Assist Army
Gifts Channeler
Feats Able Channeler, Detect Taveren, Extra Affinity (Spirit), Extra Talent, Foreboding,
Remove Block, Skill Focus (Channel, Deception, Focus, Persuasion), Skill Training
(Channel), Strong Channeler (x3), Weapon Proficiency (light blades, polearms, simple
Skills Channel +20, Deception +20, Gather Information +15, Focus +20, Knowledge
(politics) +13, Perception +15, Persuasion +20, Ride +13
Possessions longsword, Ashaman uniform

Galadedrid Damodred

Gawyn Trakand

Lord Galadedrid of House Damodred is the Lord

Captain Commander of the Children of the
Light. He is the half-brother of Rand alThor
through his mother and of Elayne and Gawyn
Trakand through his father.
Galad Damodred (L17)
Medium Andoran noble 5 / armsman 5 /
blademaster 4 / regent 1 / veteran warrior 1 /
commander 1
Destiny 13; Hero 13
Init +10; Senses Perception +9

Lord Gawyn of House Trakand is the

former leader of the Younglings. He is
the brother of Elayne Trakand and halfbrother of Galad Damodred.

Defenses Ref 37 (flat-footed 35), Fort 33, Will

hp 164; Threshold 31
Speed 6 squares
Melee mastercrafted longsword +17 (1d8+12) or
Melee mastercrafted longsword +12/+12 (1d8+12) with Double Attack or
Melee mastercrafted longsword
ord +7/+7/+7 (1d8+12) with Triple Attack
Base Atk +13; Grp +15
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 19
Talents Aggressive Form, Armored Defense, Battle Analysis, Bolster Ally, Born Leader,
Fearless Leader, Improved Armored Defense, Patient Form, Presence, Tactics Expert,
Vital Form
Class Abilities Blademaster Defense (+2)
Feats Affluent, Armor Proficiency (heavy, light, medium), Blademaster Techniques (4),
Double Attack, Melee Defense, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Triple Attack, Weapon
Focus (heavy
heavy blades), Weapon Proficiency (heavy blades, light blades, spears and
Skills Athletics +15, Gather Information +17, Focus +14, Initiative +15, Knowledge
(politics) +14, Persuasion +17, Ride +15
Possessions mastercrafted longsword, breastplate, Whitecloak attire

Gawyn Trakand (L16)

Medium Andoran noble 2 / armsman 5 /
blademaster 8 / commander 1
Destiny 10; Hero 12
Init +15; Senses Perception +10
Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed 30), Fort 30,
Will 30
hp 166; Threshold 30
Speed 6 squares
Melee mastercrafted longsword +18 (1d8+12) or
Melee mastercrafted longsword +13/+13 (1d8+12) with Double Attack or
Melee mastercrafted longsword +8/+8/+8 (1d8+12) with Triple Attack
Base Atk +14; Grp +16
Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16
Talents Aggressive Form, Battle Analysis, Born Leader, Defensive Form, Harms Way,
Patient Form, Presence, Vital Form, Weapon Specialization (heavy blades)
Class Abilities Blademaster Defense (+4)
Feats Affluent, Blademaster Techniques (4), Double Attack, Melee Defense,
Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Training (Initiative), Triple Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy
blades), Weapon Proficiency (heavy blades, light blades, spears and lances)
Skills Deception +16, Gather Information +16, Initiative +15, Focus +15, Initiative +15,
Knowledge (politics) +14, Persuasion +16, Ride +15
Possessions mastercrafted longsword, noble attire

Siuan Sanche

Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag

Siuan Sanche is the former Amyrlin Seat emerging

from the Blue Ajah. She was stilled, but had her
ability to channel restored by Nynaeve alMeara.

Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag is the Empress of

the Seanchan Empire. She is secretly married to
Matrim Cauthon.

Siuan Sanche (L18)

Medium Tairen initiate 9 / Aes Sedai 9
Destiny 5; Hero 14
Init +9; Senses Perception +18

Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag (L14)

Medium Seanchan noble 7 / regent 7
Destiny 10; Hero 9
Init +20; Senses Perception +15

Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 30), Fort 27, Will 40

hp 121; Threshold 27

Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 29), Fort 26, Will

hp 97; Threshold 26

Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +12; Grp +12
Affinities Air, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 12): Advanced Air: Foretell Weather, Lightning,
Move Clouds; Advanced Earth: Grenade; Advanced Fire: Fireball, Wand of Fire;
Balefire: Balefire; Conjunction: Bond Warder, Fear, Pass Bond, Trace; General:
Insect Swarm, Manipulate Air, Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water;
Heal: Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, Eavesdrop, False Trail,
Folded Light, Mask of Mirrors, Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power; Traveling: Great
Gateway; Warding: Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut Weave, Dream Shield,
Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward against Creatures, Ward against the One
Power, Ward Bore
Channeling Techniques Channeling Precision (-3),
3), Heroic Channeler (d8s)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 19, Cha 16
Talents Affinity Power (Air, Spirit), Aura of Determination, Channeling Secrets,
Enhanced One Power Awareness, Focus on the Cause, Link Mastery, Passionate
Leader, Secret of Mastery, Weave Precision
Gifts Channeler
Feats Able Channeler, Extra Affinity (Water), Extra Talent, Remove Block, Skill Focus
(Channel, Focus, Gather Information), Skill Training (Gather Information, Knowledge
[culture, politics], Perception, Persuasion), Strong Channeler (x3), Tie Off Weave
Skills Channel +11*, Craft +16, Deception +17, Focus +23, Gather Information +2,
Knowledge (academics) +16, Knowledge (culture) +16, Knowledge (politics) +16,
Perception +18, Persuasion +17
Possessions Serpent Ring, common attire
* Siuan was stilled and had her ability to channel restored by a female, causing her
Weaves per Hour and Channel Skill modifier each to be reduced by half.

Speed 6 squares
Melee dagger +13 (1d4+8)
Base Atk +10; Grp +10
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 16,
Cha 16
Talents Born Leader, Coordinate (+2), Educated, Inspire Confidence, Presence, Social
Adept, Social Genius
Class Abilities Allies (3)
Feats Affluent, Channeler, Daggermaster, Heroic Focus, Heroic Readiness, Improved
Defenses, Quick Draw, Old Tongue, Skill Focus (Focus, Initiative), Weapon Finesse,
Weapon Focus (light blades), Weapon Proficiency (light blades)
Skills Deception +15, Gather Information
rmation +15, Focus +20, Initiative +19, Knowledge
(politics) +14, Perception +15, Persuasion +15, Ride +14
Possessions daggers (3), royal attire

Elaida do Avriny aRoihan

Padan Fain

Elaida do Avriny aRoihan is the former Amyrlin

Seat emerging from the Red Ajah and former advisor
to the Queen of Andor. She is a Foreteller.

Padan Fain is a former peddler and darkfriend.

In his journeys, he has become completely
corrupted by the presence known as Mordeth,
and the two have merged to become a
powerful, evil being.

Elaida do Avriny aRoihan (L16)

Medium Murandian initiate 7 / Aes Sedai 9
Destiny 5; Hero 10
Init +8; Senses Perception +21
Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 28), Fort 29, Will 35
hp 109; Threshold 29
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +11; Grp +11
Affinities Air, Fire, Spirit, Water
Weaves Known (weaves per hour 24): Advanced
Air: Foretell Weather, Lightning, Move Clouds;
Advanced Earth: Grenade; Advanced Fire:
Fireball, Wand of Fire; Conjunction: Bond Warder, Trace; General: Manipulate Air,
Manipulate Earth, Manipulate Fire, Manipulate Water; Heal: Delve, Ear Tap, Heal,
Keeping, Renew; Illusions: Cloak, False Trail, Folded Light, Halo, Mask of Mirrors,
Mirror of Mists, Voice of Power; Warding: Barrier
er to Sight, Circle of Silence, Cut
Weave, Dream Shield, Fire Trap, Master Ward, Sever, Shield, Ward against Creatures,
Ward against the One Power, Ward Bore
Channeling Techniques Channeling Precision (-3),
3), Heroic Channeler (d8s)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 13
Talents Affinity Power (Spirit),
Spirit), Broke the World, Channeling Secrets, Enhanced One
Power Awareness, Foreteller, Link Mastery, Secret of Mastery, Shielding Specialty
Gifts Channeler, Latent Ability (Foreteller)
Feats Able Channeler, Affluent, Extra Affinity (Air, Fire), Extra Talent, Remove Block,
Skill Focus (Channel, Perception), Skill Training (Gather Information), Strong
Channeler (x3)
Skills Channel +19, Craft +15, Deception +14, Gather Information +14, Perception +21,
Persuasion +14
Possessions Serpent Ring, noble attire

Padan Fain (L13)

Medium Murandian* wanderer 12 / noble 1
Destiny 3; Hero 13; Madness 12
Init +17; Senses Perception +12
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 26), Fort 25, Will
hp 91; Threshold 25
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +9 (1d3+6 plus pain**
Melee cursed ruby dagger +9 (1d4+6 plus taint***) or
Melee cursed ruby dagger +4/+4 (1d4+6 plus taint***) with Double Attack
Base Atk +9; Grp +10
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Talents Dastardly Strike, Disruptive, Fools Luck, Improved Gather Information, Knack,
Lucky Hit, Presence, Urban Tracker
Feats Affluent, Combat Reflexes, Double Attack, Extra Second Wind, Heroic Focus,
Improved Defenses, Jack-of-All-Trades,
Trades, Skill Focus (Deception, Gather Information,
Initiative, Knowledge [Culture], Persuasion), Skill Training (Craft, Knowledge
[culture], Persuasion), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Craft +13, Deception +18, Endurance +12, Gather Information +18, Initiative +17,
Knowledge (Culture) +18, Perception +12, Persuasion
Persuasio +18, Ride +12
Possessions cursed dagger
Padan Fain shares his presence with an absolutely evil being named Mordeth. He
is immune to Taint. By spending a Hero Point, he can produce haunting images of
dead people. These images are believed if a roll of 1d20+30 exceeds the targets Will
Padan Fain can cause pain with only a touch. As a standard action, he can touch
a target and cause 1d8+6 points of damage in addition to any damage dealt with the
physical touch. He can spend a Hero Point to increase the damage to 2d8+6.
*** See Taint, Chapter Seven: Equipment.

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