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Wheel of Time Web Enhancement

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The document provides background on the Wheel of Time roleplaying game and describes some additional feats, items, and locations that can be used to enhance gameplay.

The document mentions that the Atha'an Miere believe the people there never recovered from the Breaking and live in squalid conditions amid ruins. Explorers encountered both male and female channelers who were wild and uncontrolled, and the ordinary folk are dangerous and attack in mobs to kill and rob strangers.

Magical items described include a gold bracelet-and-rings angreal, the Adornments of Vaerlin Sha'raelle ter'angreal set, the Chalice of Safety ter'angreal, and the Helm of Majesty ter'angreal.

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Design Assistance: DAVID ECKELBERRY,

Development and Editing: CHARLES RYAN Visual Creative Director: JON SCHINDEHETTE


Typesetting: SUE WEINLEIN COOK Licensing Approval: ROBERT JORDAN,


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This d20 System game utilizes mechanics developed for the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.


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Play in the world of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time™ novel minates a 40-foot radius and burns for 2 hours or until in-
series with the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game! Not only tentionally extinguished. Users must extinguish the flare
does it utilize the d20 system’s core game mechanics, but by crushing the burning end, for the illuminator’s flare
it also uses them in such a way as to allow both players burns underwater (it still must be ignited in open air).
and Gamemasters to experience the Wheel of Time world The flare illuminates a 30-foot radius in clear water, a 20-
fully. foot radius at depths beyond 30 feet, and only a 5-foot ra-
To further enhance your gaming experience, here are dius in especially murky water.
a few extras that you can use in your Wheel of Time cam- The Illuminator’s Guild protects its secrets closely.
paign right away! From background feats to items, this Only a renegade Illuminator would sell flares on the open
web enhancement gives you a wide range of more great market, and being involved in any such transaction risks
material to drop into the game. the ire of the Guild.

Illuminator’s flare 5 mk 1/2 lb.

In Chapter 2: Backgrounds, you can find a variety of op-
tions for your character’s background, including your
choice of background feats. Wealth is just such a feat that Both players and Gamemasters can make use of the weave
you can choose. descriptions found within Chapter 9: The One Power. To
add some more options, here are two weaves for the Tal-
ents Traveling and Warding, in that order.
It’s good to be rich. It’s even better to be born rich.
Background: Tar Valoner, Taraboner, Tairen. H OLD GATEWAY
Benefit: You begin the game with an extra 250 silver [Spirit] (Lost)
marks (mk). Furthermore, every time you go up in level, Level: 5
you can draw upon your family’s investments, gaining 250 Casting Time: 1 action
mk for each point of Reputation you have when your level Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
increase occurs. This wealth does not magically appear in Target: Open gateway
your pockets; you must collect it from a family business, a Duration: Concentration
relation, or some other source of your family’s wealth. If Saving Throw: None
you cannot collect the money before you go up a level Weave Resistance: No
again, you lose the benefit for that level (but you can, of
course, collect the money gained for your new level). You cast this weave on an open gateway (see the create
For example, you have a Reputation of 4 when you at- gateway weave). The gateway remains open for the dura-
tain 7th level. You are entitled to immediately collect tion of this weave.
1,000 mk—but you are traveling and can’t collect it right
away. After a few weeks, you reach a place where you can
collect it. In the meantime, you’ve gained another point
[Fire, Spirit] (Common)
of Reputation, but you still are entitled only to 1,000 mk,
Level: 1–10
because you had only 4 points of Reputation when you
Casting Time: 1 full round
reached 7th level. If your travels kept you away from your
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
money until after you reached 8th level, you could not
Target: See text
collect your 7th-level wealth. You could, however, collect
Duration: Concentration
your wealth for attaining 8th level—in this case, 1,250 mk:
Saving Throw: None
250 mk multiplied by a Reputation score of 5.
Weave Resistance: No

You create a dome-shaped weave around an area, through

ADDITIONAL which channelers of the same gender as you cannot pass.
Channelers outside the dome cannot enter it; channelers
EQUIPMENT inside (including the caster) cannot exit it. Physical ob-
In Chapter 7: Equipment, you can choose from a wide jects, creatures, channelers of the opposite gender, and
range of equipment. Here is a special item that you can people of your gender who cannot channel can pass
add to your game, as well. through the boundaries of the dome without affecting
Illuminator’s Flare: A waxen paper cylinder created the weave.
only by illuminators, this flare burns more brightly than This weave typically appears as a dome, but you can
a torch and lasts longer. It can be lighted with flint and alter its shape to any equivalent volume when cast. When
steel, or without flint or steel by striking the cap against cast within an enclosed area, such as a room or cavern,
rough stone or metal. An illuminator’s flare clearly illu- the weave tends to conform to the shape of the space.

Casting Level Area Feats: Alertness, Bullheaded, Combat Reflexes, Exotic
1 5-ft.-radius circle Weapon Proficiency (Warder’s sword), Improved Initia-
2 10-ft.-radius circle or small room tive, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Warder’s sword),
3 25-ft.-radius circle or large room Weapon Specialization (Warder’s sword).
4 50-ft.-radius circle or moderate-sized Possessions: Warder’s sword, dagger, full mail.

5 150-ft.-radius circle or large building
6 300-ft.-radius circle or very large building
Galadedrid Damodred is the son of Tigraine, then the
7 750-ft.-radius circle
Daughter-Heir of Andor, and Taringail Damodred. This
8 1,500-ft.-radius circle
makes him half-brother to both Elayne and Gawyn,
9 1-mile circle
though Elayne refuses to acknowledge him as such.
An extremely attractive man, he is commonly called
simply Galad. He is tall and graceful and moves with as-
MAJOR surance and confidence. He went to train in Tar Valon
with Gawyn, though he left shortly before the coup and
N O N P L AY E R joined the Whitecloaks.
CHARACTERS Galad always does what he believes is right, regardless
of the consequences. Though this seems commendable,
Gamemasters can use the major nonplayer characters
he is entirely heartless in doing his duty as he sees it. He
found both in Chapter 11: Encounters and in this web
has saved the life of Gawyn, but he has also started riots
enhancement to make the players feel more a part of the
in Samara while securing a ship for Nynaeve to flee to se-
world that their characters live in.
curity. It is unclear whether he will support Rand (or
Elayne) or the Whitecloaks, though it is guaranteed he
GAWYN T RAKAN D will do whichever seems right.
Gawyn Trakand is the First Prince of the Sword of
Andor and older brother of Elayne Trakand, Daughter- Galadedrid Damodred: Midlander Armsman 10; hp 60;
Heir of Andor. He is taller than Elayne and shares her Init +4 (Dex); Defense 23 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk
red-gold hair and fair complexion. When he was just a +15/+10 melee (1d10+5/19–20, Warder’s sword),
child he was taken to Elayne’s crib and made to swear an +12/+7 melee (1d4+2/19–20, dagger); SQ Armor com-
oath—that his blood would be shed before hers, and his patibility; SV Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +5; SZ M; Rep 5; Str
life given to save hers. Though he was too young to un- 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18.
derstand what the oath meant at the time, he has taken Skills: Balance +8, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal
it to heart as he grew older and will do anything to pro- +8, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4,
tect his sister. Ride +10, Sense Motive +7, Speak Language (Midlands),
When Elayne went to Tar Valon to train, he went with Spot +3.
her, in accordance with Andoran tradition. However, Feats: Bullheaded, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon
when a coup moved to overthrow Suian Sanche, the Proficiency (Warder’s sword), Dodge, Mobility, Spring At-
Amyrlin Seat, Gawyn led a group of Warders-in-training, tack, Weapon Finesse (Warder’s sword), Weapon Focus
who called themselves the Younglings, against her. He (Warder’s sword), Weapon Specialization (Warder’s sword).
later aided Sanche in her escape with Min, suggesting his Possessions: Warder’s sword, dagger, mail shirt, Chil-
support for the new Amyrlin is less than complete. dren of the Light cloak, traveler’s outfit.
Gawyn has heard and believes rumors that Rand
al’Thor was responsible for Queen Morgase’s death, and
as a result he wants to kill Rand. However, he is in love
with Egwene, feelings she returns, and she has asked him
to take no action against the Dragon Reborn. This leaves OF THE
Gawyn in a precarious position, which so far he has no
way to resolve.
The world that surrounds the characters as they adventure
Gawyn Trakand: Midlander Armsman 9/Commander 1; in the Wheel of Time setting is filled with magic, wonder,
hp 78; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense and danger. You can find quite a bit of it in Chapter 12:
23 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; Atk +12/+7 melee The Westlands. Gamemasters can add the following areas
(1d10+5/19–20, Warder’s sword), +11/+6 melee to their campaign to enhance the adventure.
(1d4+2/19–20, dagger); SQ Armor compatibility, strat-
egy; SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +5; SZ M; Rep 6; Str 15,
Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14.
Symbol: The Silver Stars.
Skills: Balance +3, Diplomacy +12, Handle Animal
A tiny nation wedged between the Mountains of
+8, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +6,
Mist, Amadicia, Altara, and Garen’s Wall, Ghealdan has
Listen +5, Ride +14, Speak Language (Cairhien, Mid-
never enjoyed the prosperity of other nations. Its often
lands), Spot +5.

rocky soil is not good for farming, and the mines of the Valon, Tear, and Far Madding, which escaped being
southern mountains have never produced as well as those sacked altogether, fared better during a time when most
of more northerly regions. Fortunately, the craftsmen of cities were taken and looted frequently. (Some suggest
Ghealdan are well known for the quality of their work, that even Tar Valon may have suffered at least partial
which brings traders and gold coins to the kingdom. looting.)
Following the War of the Hundred Years, numerous In approximately FY 1004, a youth was brought to
attempts were made to restore Dhowlan, with the longest the city, calling himself Tyrn sur Paendrag Mashera and
having an apparent success that lasted only twenty years claiming to be Hawkwing’s grandson (or great-grandson;
and collapsed upon the death of the woman who led it. accounts vary). Mayerners believed the claims, and while
In FY 1109 Lord Kirin Almeyda, Lady Valera Prosnarin, he and his followers denied any desire to try to retake
Lord Cynric Talvaen, and Lady Iona Ashmar founded Hawkwing’s empire, Mayene welcomed him, perhaps as a
Ghealdan in the same region. This union of four strong symbol of stability, and styled him the First Lord of
Houses, and the balance of power between the King Mayene.
(Kirin) and the Crown High Council (the three other Few if any outside Mayene believe that Tyrn sur Paen-
lords and ladies initially, though other Houses were later drag was any relation to Hawkwing, perhaps because no
added), lent the country a stability that allowed its suc- claim was made on his behalf for the empire as a whole,
cess. Although royal succession is usually hereditary, the and while great efforts had been expended in killing all of
Crown High Council can choose a successor if there is no Hawkwing’s known descendents, few attempts were made
heir or if they feel that the throne would be in better on Tyrn’s life. He died of a fever in 1054, whereupon his
hands with someone else. eldest daughter, Miselle, was given the title First Lady of
For the most part, Kirin’s successors have changed lit- Mayene. While Tyrn had become extremely influential in
tle, continuing to rule their quiet little kingdom from the the city during his lifetime, Miselle was the first to be ac-
Jheda Palace and doing their best to stave off possible in- knowledged as actual ruler of Mayene.
vasion from Amadicia, with which Ghealdan has fought Over the years there have been a few coups and other
several decidedly minor wars. Things changed for King disruptions to the hereditary line, as in most countries.
Johanin in 998 NE, when the Prophet of the Dragon Re- However, only those who descend from Rys have been
born came to Ghealdan. The Prophet almost instantly at- recognized as legitimate Firsts. (The “Lord” or “Lady”
tracted swarms of followers, and King Johanin ordered portion of the title was eventually dropped.) Originally
him to leave the kingdom and his people to disperse. A there was only one Second, who was usually the succes-
few days later, Johanin had the misfortune to die in a sor to the First, but this is no longer the case: In the last
hunting accident. His successor, Queen Elizelle, commit- century, as many as nine nobles have held the title at the
ted suicide after her armies also failed to drive away the same time. Seconds are always the high seats of their
Prophet. The queen that followed, Teresia, abdicated after noble Houses, and they are ranked above other lords and
a mere ten days to marry a commoner (thereby relin- ladies.
quishing all right to the throne under Ghealdan law). The Tairen lords have tried many times to conquer
With no more heirs of Johanin’s body available, the rule Mayene, but the forces of nature, combined with fierce
passed to a distaff relative of his house, Queen Alliandre Mayener resistance led by the famed Winged Guards,
Maritha Kigarin. have foiled every attempt. In recent decades, the Tairens
Queen Alliandre is no fool. She realized that the have limited their efforts to political and economic ma-
High Crown Council, deeply concerned about antago- nipulation. They also occasionally employ assassins,
nizing the Prophet, had eliminated her predecessors. Pre- which is why every First learns secret fighting skills.
ferring to remain alive and on the throne, she has wel- The current First, Berelain sur Paendrag, a young
comed the Prophet and allowed him to remain in the woman of striking beauty, strong passions, and fierce will,
kingdom. This has caused much unrest and could lead to continues the long-standing tradition of maintaining her
an attack by the Whitecloaks at any time, but so far Al- city’s independence. High in the favor of the Dragon Re-
liandre has retained as much control as she can. born, she has served as his regent in Cairhien, and with
his protection undoubtedly will maintain her nation’s
freedom. In her absence, her group of Seconds (loyal no-
M AYENE bles she trusts and relies upon for advice and assistance)
Symbol: The Golden Hawk.
keep the city running smoothly.
The city-state of Mayene, easternmost city of the
westlands, occupies the southern tip of a peninsula point-
ing at the Sea Folk island of Cindaking. Although not
The Drowned Lands: A natural bulwark keeping
Mayene safe from landward invasion, the Drowned
counted among the kingdoms of the westlands because
Lands are a vast saltwater marsh with no lengthy open wa-
the nation of Tear claims it, Mayene defiantly asserts its
terways or truly solid high ground. Junglelike areas grow
independence and struggles constantly for security and
amid seas of chest-high grass, providing homes for dozens
of distinctive creatures that make travel through the
Protected by its location, guarded by the sea and by
swamps even more hazardous. In addition to a plethora
the Drowned Lands, Mayene avoided most of the direct
of highly venomous serpents, these creatures include the
warfare that ravaged the rest of Hawkwing’s empire, al-
nedar, a tusked water-pig that reaches up to 50 pounds;
though it was sacked twice during that time. Only Tar

the soetam, a gigantic rat weighing as much as 15 pounds;
twenty-foot-long carnivorous water lizards that do not
hesitate to attack humans; and the swamp cat, a predatory WESTLANDS
feline of about 20 pounds.
In addition to using the kingdoms of the Westlands,
Gamemasters can add the following material to their

campaigns. These areas are further descriptions of places
Symbol: The Red Bull. found in Chapter 12: The Westlands.
A small, almost backwater kingdom north of Altara
and Illian and south of Andor, Murandy contains fields
and forests to the south, and hills and bluffs toward the
Unbeknownst to most westlanders, the Atha’an Miere are
north and west. Although mostly quiet, even provincial,
not the only people who live on the Sea Folk islands.
it boasts one large city, Lugard, which features all the best
When the Sea Folk found their islands after the Breaking
and worst of what westland cities have to offer.
of the World, they encountered a strange people calling
Murandy was founded in approximately FY 1047 by
themselves the Amayar already living there. However, the
Lady Katrine do Catalan a’Coralle, who had just captured
Amayar inhabit the deep interior of the islands, disliking
the city of Lugard. She named the nation after an ancient
the water and sea travel as much as the Sea Folk dislike
term for the region. Katrine was assassinated after less
being on land.
than a year on her new throne, and some historians have
Followers of the Water Way, a code of pacifism and
estimated that during the War of the Hundred Years Mu-
nonviolence similar to the Way of the Leaf, the Amayar
randy averaged a new ruler every two years.
welcomed the newcomers. However, they considered the
Even after the war ended, the life expectancy of a
Sea Folk’s fascination with sailing and the sea, and their
new ruler averaged only eight years, with overt assassi-
sometimes boisterous customs, unpleasant. Despite this
nation or mysterious accident the most common cause
distaste, when the Amayar discerned that the Atha’an
of death. By around 200 NE, however, rulers began
Miere wished to make the islands their territory, for rea-
holding the throne for much longer periods, but this
sons of their own they indicated their willingness for the
was mainly because the crown had become essentially
Sea Folk to “rule” them. This arrangement has worked
meaningless in a nation that was only a patchwork of al-
out well for all concerned, since the Sea Folk don’t want
legiances between towns and local lords. It is believed
to visit the inland Amayar settlements and effectively
that Murandy survived as an independent nation in
leave them to govern themselves most of the time. How-
large part because its stronger neighbors all had oppo-
ever, they do trade for Amayar goods—including their ex-
nents too strong to ignore long enough to swallow Mu-
quisite, delicate porcelain and glassware—much of which
they in turn trade to the mainland. They also grant the
Few of Murandy’s kings have attempted to introduce
gift of passage to any Amayar who asks it.
more centralized authority to the realm, preferring in-
Physically, the Amayar are short and stocky compared
stead to spend their days in dissolution and vapid pur-
to the Atha’an Miere—they have about the same average
suits. Such a ruler is the present king, Roedran Almaric do
height as the folk of Cairhien. Their skin is fair, their eyes
Arreloa a’Naloy. He exercises no real control over any of
typically blue, green, or hazel, and their hair blond or
his nobles, and in fact, rarely even bothers to try. Instead,
light brown (in short, they bear no physical resemblance
he uses his position as king to indulge his love of food
to the Sea Folk). Besides crafting porcelain and glass, they
and pleasures of the flesh, and to pursue hobbies of in-
farm and raise animals (sheep, goats, cattle, and oxen),
terest to him, such as playing cards, falconry, and paint-
though their animals are smaller than typical mainland
varieties. A few become fishers, rowing out from the coast
in small boats, but that’s as much water travel as they de-
Lugard: Murandy’s capital, Lugard, sits on the banks sire.
of the River Storn. An old, decrepit city whose walls are
crumbling around its famed Shilene Gate (and have ac-
tually collapsed in many other places), it actually has LAN D OF TH E M ADM EN
walls (also crumbling) through parts of its interior, Far to the south, across the Sea of Storms, exists an-
where feuding nobles have tried to separate their terri- other continent known only as the “Land of the Mad-
tory from that of their rivals. Its unpaved streets choke men.” Approximately 750 leagues long and 500 leagues
the air with dust during dry periods and become seas of wide, it lies within 500 miles of the southern icecap. Be-
mud in wet. tween frequent storms, errant icebergs, and wave-generat-
Though Lugard relies heavily on trade and sees hun- ing earthquakes, the seas here pose difficulties for even
dreds of visitors every month, its residents bear the usual Atha’an Miere mariners.
suspicion and hatred of foreigners. Regarding them as According to the Sea Folk, the Land of the Madmen
sheep ready for the fleecing, the Lugarders steal from and contains many active coastal volcanoes. The interior is al-
defraud outsiders whenever they get the chance. The wise most equally hostile, with more volcanoes, some moun-
traveler keeps hand on purse at all times when visiting tain ranges, wastelands, and scrubby forests. The worst
King Roedran’s seat of “power.” threat, they say, is the people who live there. The Atha’an
Miere believe that civilization there never recovered from

the Breaking. The people live squalid, wretched, impov- throws and an additional +1 bonus on Will saving throws
erished existences, often amid ruins that offer mute testi- to resist the powers of Shadowspawn.
mony to the greatness of their forebears. Sea Folk explor- Necklace: Increases the damage caused by all weaves
ers encountered both male and female channelers, and used to injure Shadowspawn, Friends of the Dark, and
found the wild and uncontrolled women little better than other servants of the Shadow by 1d6 points.
their insane male counterparts. The ordinary folk are dan- Some records say Vaerlin Sha’raelle created a second
gerous enough; fearful of strangers and covetous of their set of Adornments with additional powers, but if so, they
goods, they attack in mobs, hoping to kill and rob them. were not among the Ebou Dar hoard.

WONDROUS ITEMS Activation: Wield
Affinities: None
The following angreal and ter’angreal are additions to the
Size: Small
items found in Chapter 14: Wondrous Items. Each de-
Weight: 1 lb.
scription lists what type of item it is.
Occurrence: Rare

G OLD B RAC ELET-AN D -R I NGS The Chalice of Safety is a ter’angreal that also comes in
Power Rating: 3 the shape of many other utensils designed for holding or
Attunement: Female consuming food and drink. It automatically detects and
neutralizes poison. The person eating or drinking from it
The oddest angreal found in Ebou Dar was this unusual may still taste the poison (and thus realize someone tried
piece of jewelry—an adornment perhaps the height of to kill him), but it has no effect on her. On the other
fashion in the Age of Legends but one that simply looks hand, if she tries to consume any beneficial drugs or med-
odd today. It consists of a golden bracelet and four icines using the chalice, they, too, have no effect on her.
golden finger-rings, the rings connected to the bracelet by Most Chalices of Safety are made of precious metals
four flat gold chains. Intricate, mazelike geometric en- and adorned with etching, gems, enamel, or other deco-
gravings cover the rings and bracelet. Also attached to the rations. Some, however, resemble common utensils.
bracelet, by a removable chain, is a tiny key that fits an
equally tiny lock on the bracelet. Nynaeve al’Meara cur-
rently uses this angreal.
Activation: Wear
Affinities: None
Weight: 2 lb.
S HA’RAELLE Occurrence: Unique
Activation: Wear (channeler only)
Affinities: None
The Helm of Majesty is a ter’angreal that resembles a stan-
Size: Small
dard military helm made of metal feathers. It enhances
Weight: 2 lb.
the wearer’s leadership and morale-boosting skills. While
Occurrence: Rare
worn, it increases the wearer’s Charisma by +4.
The Adornments of Vaerlin Sha’raelle, a set of linked,
matching ter’angreal, consists of a finger-ring, a belt of
leather and gold set with gems, a bracelet set with gems
complementing the belt, and a gem-studded necklace that
matches them both. Although the Aes Sedai as yet remain
uncertain of these objects’ nature, powers, and origin,
some of the more scholarly sisters believe them to be the
Adornments of Vaerlin Sha’raelle, who is thought to be
an Aes Sedai from the time of the Breaking. According to
the records of the Tower, the Adornments function only
if worn together. That information is not entirely true,
though. Individually, the items do have effects, although
they are fairly subtle. These effects are given below.
When all of the Adornments are worn together, how-
ever, the true strength of this ter’angreal comes to light.
All of the effects below are tripled.
Belt: Increases the wearer’s Defense by +1.
Bracelet: Grants the wearer a +2 competence bonus on
damage dealt by melee attacks against Shadowspawn.
Ring: Provides a +1 resistance bonus on all saving

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