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Pact of the

Dragon God

A New Otherworldly Patron

Deadly Elemental Breath Weapons | Become a Dragon
Designed By Raymond O'Connor
Pact Of The Dragon God

our patron is a dragon god. Perhaps you are the Gifts of Grandeur
harbinger of Tiamat, chosen to herald her
conquest over the material plane. Maybe Starting at 1st level You can speak, read, and write Draconic.
Bahamut has looked down upon you in favor, Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when
selecting you to thwart his sister's vial schemes. interacting with dragons, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or
Will your quest for exalted power cost your lower as a 10.
humanity? Humanity is cheap. You learn the spell Draconic Adaptation. It counts as a
Your connection with a diety of dragons allows you to warlock spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number
assume the form of a dragon. Perhaps one day you choose to of spells you know.
make the transformation permanent... You can cast Draconic Adaptation once at the level of your
highest Warlock spell slot without expending a spell slot, and
you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
Class Features
This Otherworldly Patron was designed by Raymond Draconic Prism
O'Connor. Please share your thoughts and feedback in this Beginning at 6th level, you choose acid, cold, fire, lightning,
feedback form poison, or thunder for the type of your Draconic Prism each
time you finish a long rest. You may choose to replace the
Expanded Spell List damage type of any spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning,
Your patron lets you choose from an expanded list of spells poison, or thunder damage with the damage type of your
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are draconic prism instead.
added to the warlock spell list for you. In addition, when you deal damage to a creature with a
spell that deals damage of the type of your draconic prism,
Dragon God Expanded Spell List you can increase the damage by an amount equal to your
Spell Level Spells warlock level. Once you increase a spell's damage in this way,
1st Burning Hands, Identify
you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
2nd Bark Skin, Zone of Truth
3rd Lightning Bolt, Slow Elemental Prism And Breath Weapons
4th Dominate Beast, Stone Skin Elemental Prism grants players a great deal of
5th Cone of Cold, Control Winds versatility to emulate a dragon's breath weapon.
The most obvious use is to change the elemental
damage type of Cone of Cold and Lightning Bolt.
Melee combatants can make use of the
Prismatic Hunter eldrich invocation to emulate the
elemental damage that often accompanies a
Dragon Pact Magic dragon's deadly bite or claw attack.
Players are encouraged to reskin the spells granted
by the expanded spell list to thematically align with
the idea that they are becoming more dragon-like
over time. Here are some examples...
Burning Hands: You breathe in deeply, Elemental Affinity
remembering that you attuned yourself to the
memory of Eldrax the Emerald this morning. Starting at 10th level, when you take damage of same type as
You exhale a noxious sweeping wave of poison your Draconic Prism, you may use your reaction to absorb
gas. "Armor won't save you now." some incoming energy, lessening its effect on you. The
Identify: You are not sure why, but your instincts triggering damage is halved and the damage increase feature
tell you this is a treasure worth great value... "Ah of Draconic Prism is regained if it was expended.
yes, what a clever magical enchantment... This
will fit nicely in my hoard, I mean collection..."
Zone of Truth: This impudent welp thinks that
they might deceive me? "You will tell me what
you know!" you roar, a frightful aura emanating
from you. You can smell their fear... "Now let's
try that again..."
Barkskin: You prepare yourself for battle. These
impudent bandits would dare invade your
stronghold? Golden scales harder than metal
grow from your skin forming a protective hide.

1 Designed By Raymond O'Connor

Draconic Ascendant New Spell
At 14th level, as an action, you imitate the effects of casting Draconic Adaptation
the Polymorph spell on yourself, transforming into a dragon 1st-level transmutation
instead of a beast. The transformation does not grant you
access to Legendary Actions, Legendary Resistances, and Casting Time: 1 action
Lair Actions. This ability is innate and does not require Range: Self
spellcasting components. This ability cannot be used again Components: S
until you finish a long rest. Duration: Concentration, 1 hour
Your mortal humanoid form now shows signs of hidden You assume a different form. When you cast the spell,
draconic might. Your creature type is now also dragon. choose one of the following options, the effects of which last
Additionally, while your outward appearance does not for the duration of the spell. While the spell lasts, you can end
change, your body becomes significantly denser. Your weight one option as an action to gain the benefits of a different one.
is now 100 times your Constitution score. Aquatic Adaptation. You adapt your body to an aquatic
Starting at 20th level, as an action, you can use Draconic environment. You can breathe underwater and gain a
Ascendant to cast True Polymorph on yourself, transforming swimming speed of 10ft.
into a dragon instead of a beast. Even if your new form Aerial Adaptation. You grow dragon wings. You gain a
becomes permanent, you retain the Draconic Ascendant flying speed of 10ft.
feature and may use it to return to back to your original form. Natural Weapons. You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns,
The ability may still only be used once per long rest across or a different natural weapon of your choice. Your unarmed
forms. strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage,
as appropriate to the natural weapon you chose, and you are
Dragons in Plain Sight proficient with your unarmed strikes. Finally, the natural
It is common for dragons to shape change into
weapon is magic and you have a +1 bonus to the attack and
varied humanoid forms. These dragons will often
damage rolls you make using it.
appear mortal in all ways with the exception of At Higher Levels. Whenever this spell would grant you a
their density. This strange magical property often movement speed, the speed increases by 10ft for each slot
leads to outrageous moments of realization for level above 1st.
protagonists and now antagonists alike.

Designed By Raymond O'Connor

New Eldritch Invocations Credits
Prismatic Blast Pact of the Dragon God is designed by Raymond O'Connor
Prerequisite: eldrich blast cantrip
We used Homebrewery the layout of Pact Of The Dragon
Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder for the God.
type of your Prismatic Blast each time you finish a short or
long rest. When you cast eldrich blast you may deal the The cover art is by Refluo and the canyon image is by
chosen damage type instead. Metehan Bahadir
Prismatic Hunter A special thank you to Lucritius, whose critical eye and sense
Prerequisite: 5th level for design greatly increased the readability and clarity of Pact
of the Dragon God.
Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder for the
type of your Prismatic Hunter ability each time you finish a Respectful mention to the other authors on the DM's Guild
short or long rest. When you hit with a melee attack, you add who thought making a dragon-themed warlock patron was a
1d4 of the chosen damage type of damage. worthwhile endeavor.
Fin J., Timothy Gonzalez, Matt Newman, Royal City
Want More? Society, Pedro Filippo, Zachary Tounzen, Dylan Lundquist,
If you have thoughts and feedback about the Draconic Wyatt Trull, Dani Sankovich, Thieves' Cant Games, and Evan
Patron, please let us know via the feedback form. We will be Jackson
updating this document on DM's Guild after the internet has It was humbling to discover your work and we wish you
a chance to break it. everlasting glory and prosperity.
If you want to share this subclass with your friends, that's Legal Junk
awesome! Please consider recommending that they acquire it
via the DM's Guild. We want to get as much player feedback DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
as possible and the best way to get eyeballs and playtesters is Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
to climb the best-selling ladder the old fashioned way. ampersand, Ravnica, and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Consider visiting our website Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
for similar content and tools to bring your game to the next This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
level. the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for
We discuss all of our homebrew on our podcast. Running Off Dungeon Masters Guild.
The Rails is available on all major platforms. We discuss the All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by
nuances of running D&D and offer tips and tricks to help new Raymond O'Connor and published under the Community
and experienced DMs. Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
We announce all our new content via our Instagram Image(s) used under license from

3 Designed By Raymond O'Connor

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