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Benet Mercie Breech

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(No Model.


_6 Sheets-Sheet l.



Patented'Apr. 30, 1895. _




(No Model.)

'6 Sheet-Sheet 2.



No. 538,227.

Patented Apr. 30, 1895.

THE NOR 1s PETERS co. FHOTO-UTHO.. wAsmNmoN, u c.

(No Model.)


e Sheets-Sheet 3.


No. 538,227.

Patented Apr. 80, 1895.


we. lI

/ 5 f6

""IPBK4, I3




(N0 ModeL)

6 Sheets-Sheet 4.


No. 538,227.

Patented Apr. 30, 1895.

H k; ?ven$431

(No Model.)

L. V; BE

No: 533,227.

176% 6'


_6 Sheet sSheet



Patented Apr. 30, 1895;

,fj'ziy, 7,

176;, a?

(No Model.)


6 Sheets-Sheet e.



No. 538,327.


Patented Apr. 30, 1895.



S'rn'rns ATENT



SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 538,227, dated April 30, 1895.
Application ?led September 25, 1894. Serial No. 524,099. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that we, LAURENCE V.BENET,
a citizen of the United States, and HENRI A.
MEROIE, a citizen of the Republic of France,
5 both residing at Paris, France,have invented
new and useful Improvements in Breech-Op-

of the spring box on the line 22 22 of Fig. 21.

Fig. 23 is a plan of the trigger shaft and
spring; Fig. 24, an elevation of its outer end,
and 'Fig. 25 a section of the same on the line

25 25 of Fig.23. Fig. 26 is a plan view of the 55

lanyard hook.
crating Mechanism for Breech-Loading Guns,
In all of the ?gures like letters designate
of which the following is a speci?cation.
Our invention relates to that class of guns

10 wherein the powder charge and primer are

contained in, and the obturation performed
by a metallic cartridge case, and particularly
to that class of gun wherein its breech is
opened and closed byahorizontal movement

[5 of the wedge or breech block.

like parts.
For the sake of illustration we have shown

our mechanism applied to the breech block 60

of the well known Hotchkiss mountain gun,
and in connection with the breech block is
indicated the well known Hotchkiss extractor
and stop bolt. . We shall ?rst describe our

mechanism in detail and ?nally describe its 65

The object of our invention is to furnish

action as a whole.

an improved percussion mechanism for this

class of gun with improved means for cocking, maintaining, and releasing the ?ring
20 pin, improved means for assembling and dismountingthe mechanism andimprovedmethods of preventing the discharge of the gun

In the drawings the gun body is shown as

a single forging, comprising in one piece the
barrel and the enlarged breech for the recep

before the breech block is fully closed and

25 In the accompanying drawings, which illus~
trate our invention, Figure 1 is a side eleva
tion of the breech of the gun, with the breech
' closed and its hammer cooked and ready for

to the tube or barrel of the gun.

A is the breech block located in a horizon
tal mortise Bin the gun breech and having a 75
horizontal movement, which is controlled in
the following way: In the bottom of the
breech mortise is formed the projecting guide -

tion of the breech mechanism. It is obvious 7o

however that the breech may be formed in a

separate jacket shrunk or otherwise attached

?ring. Fig. 2 is the corresponding rear ele- a Fig. 1 which enters and registers with the
30 vation of the breech of the gun.

Fig. 3 is a corresponding recess ct in the bottom face of 80

horizontal section through the axis of the gun, the breech block Figs. 1, 6 and 9, thus guiding
showing the hammer in full. Fig. 4 is a section along the linell 4 of Fig-1. Fig. 5 is a
section on the line 5 5 of Fig. 11. Fig. 6 is a

35 bottom view of the breech block. Fig. 7 is'a

front view of the same with ?ring plate and
hammer removed; and Fig.8 is a top view of
the same. Fig. 9 is a section of the breech
block on the line 9 9 of Fig. 7. Fig. 10 is a
40 front face, and Fig. 11 a section, of the ?ring
plate. Fig.12 is an elevation,and Fig. 13 isa
plan view, of_ the locking screw and cooking

Fig. 14 is a section of the same on the

the breech block in its horizontal movement.

This recess a is inclined to the axis of the
gun atsuch an angle (Fig. 6) that as the
breech block is withdrawn it is pushed acer~> 85
tain distance to the rear, thus carrying the
front face of the breech block away from its
forward abutment face in the breech mortise
and the entrance to the bore of the gun.. To
permit of this movement the rear face a2 of the 90
breech block and the rear face b of the mor
tise in the gun breech are inclined at an an
gle parallel with the breech block recess a '
while the front face a3 of the breech block,
the front face I) of the gun-breech mortise 95
and the mortise guide a are substantially per
pendicular to the axis of the gun. The inner
end of the front face a3 of the breech block is

line 14 111 of Fig. 12; and Fig. 15 is an elevav45 tion of the outer end of the locking screw.
Fig. 16 is an elevation, and Fig. 17 a plan, of
the working handle and shaft. Fig.18 is a
plan, and Fig. 19 a rear elevation, of the
hammer; and Fig. 20 is a plan of the ?ring inclined rearwardly at of. (Figs. 3 and 7) in
50 pin. Fig. 21 is a plan, and Fig. 22 a section, order to pass over the projecting head of the ICC

cartridge, and to drive the cartridge fully one piece with the cocking cam I hereinafter
described. The locking screw E2 is prefer
ably cut as shown in Figs. 12 and 13 with a 70
To limit the extent to which the breech thread of rectangular section, and engages in
block A can be withdrawn, the under face of a partial female screw E3 (Fig. 4:) cut in the

into the bore of the gun, as the breech block

is being inserted.

the breech block is formed with a groove 0

rear face of the breech mortise.

\Vhen the

(Fig. 6) which is parallel to the inclined rear locking screw is home, the breech is locked,
face a2 of the breech block. Through the un and the ?ring mechanism substantially in line 75
der side of the breech is screwed a stout bolt

0 Figs. 1 and 2 the extremity of which pro

jects into the mortise through the breech and
engages in the grooveC thus limiting the hori
zontal motion of the breech piece when with

with the axis of the bore. The thread of the

locking screw makes but one revolution
around its axis and terminates at 62 Figs. 12
and 13 so that when the handleE and with it
the locking screw E2 is given a half turn to

drawn. To prevent the accidental unscrew the rear, its thread is disengaged from the
ing of the bolt C, a spring washer C2 is in female thread in the breech of the gun, and
terposed between the head of the bolt and the breech block is then free or no longer
the under surface of the breech of the gun. locked and may be withdrawn.
On the shaft E is formed a disk F on the
On the under surface of the washer are formed
lugs c which engage in corresponding recesses inner side of which is cut a recess F limited
20 c in the .upper face of the bolt head, and
at each end by the two abutment surfaces ff.
cause the washer to turn with the bolt. On In this recess engages a projection or stop f2,
the upper surface of the washer are rounded which is formed in a recess in the breech
lugs c2 which engage in corresponding rounded block, wherein the disk is lodged and may 90
recesses c3 in the lower surface of the breech freely revolve. The abutment surfaces fand
25 of the gun. The bolt head 0 is cut away at f are at such a distance apart that they strike
04 under the lugs c2 in such manner that if the stop f2 according as the locking screw is
sufficient force be exerted to turn the bolt, fully home, or given a half turn to the rear to
the washer will be able to spring back per withdraw the breech block; that is to say, the 95
mitting the lugs c2 to ride out of their recesses, abutment surfaces fand f with the stop f2
thus allowing the boltto be readily unscrewed. operate to limit the rotary motion of the han
A Figs. 2, 3, and 7 is a circular aperture in dle E together with the shaft E and the look

ing screw E2. The shaft E is held in place,

and the force applied to the handle E for

the end of the breech block, which registers

with the bore of the gun and the enlarged ap
erture B in the breech, to permit the inser
35 tion of the cartridges, when the breech block

the shoulder 0 of the trigger shaft 0' as here

has been withdrawn to the full extent per

mitted by the bolt 0 and groove 0.

inafter described and the shaft E2 cannot be

removed from the breech block without ?rst

withdrawing the breech block is resisted, by

The extractor D (Fig. 1) of a well known removing the trigger shaft.

construction consists of a single piece of

To automatically cook the hammer on clos

metal, which is lodged in a T shaped mortise

d (Fig. 2) formed in the breech of the gun.
Its front end is provided with a claw d2 (Fig.
1) for grasping the head of the cartridge, and

ing and locking the breech we provide the fol

lowing mechanism; a trigger shaft 0 (Figs.
4 and 23) hereinafter more fully described, is


inclosed in a spring box G (Fig. 21) capable

of a limited longitudinal play on the trigger

45 engages the groove (1 (Fig. 8) formed in the shaft as an axis. Around the shaft 0 within
upper surface of the breech block parallel to the box is coiled the main spring H having one
the front face of the breech block'for a cer end abutting against the shoulder 0 of the
tain distance, and then inclined abruptly to trigger and the other against the bottom of 115
the rear. As the breech block is withdrawn the spring box. rlhe spring box G and the
the stud engaging the groove cl causes the ex trigger O are located in a longitudinal cylin
tractor D to follow the rearward motion of the drical chamber g (Figs. 4 and 9) formed in
breech block, thus starting the cartridge from the breech block in which the trigger O is
the chamber of the gun.. When the breech stationary in respect to longitudinal motion. [20
block is so far withdrawn as to nearly bring On one side of the spring box is formed the
55 the openings A and B in line, the stud of the cocking toe orlugg which projecting through
extractor striking the abruptly inclined por a longitudinal slot g2 in the wall of the chaintion of the grooved is caused to movesharply her 9 parallel with the axis of the chamber,
to the rear, ejecting the ?red cartridge case engages with the cocking cam I. The cock 125
from the gun.
ing cam I (Figs. 4, 12 and 13) is formed in one
The breech block is withdrawn by means of piece with the locking screw E2 and partakes
the handle E (Figs. 1,2, 4., 16, and17) mounted of its rotary motion when the handle E is
on a shaft E journaled in the breech block, turned to the front or to the rear. The sur
and sensibly perpendicular to the vertical face of thecocking cam has a helical thread
plane of the gun. On the shaft E is formed 1' extending upward from its tip, and making
65 a key or spline e which engages in a keyway part of a complete revolution around its axis,
e cut in the locking screw E2 (Figs. 4, 12 so as to leave, a plain surface t" extending
and 15). The locking screw E2 is formed in along the axis unoccupied by'a thread or any
. a stud d3 formed on its lower surface which

obstruction. See Fig. 12. When the breech
is locked, and when the spring box G is pressed
inward by the main spring H the cocking toe
g rests against the tip end of the helical

rocks, is a recessed seat L in which is seated

a ?ring plate M (Figs. 3, 10, and 11) remov

ably secured in place by a screw thread formed 70
around it which registers with a correspond

thread 11 of the cocking cam. On turning the ing thread formed in the ?ring plate seat L.
handle E to the rear to unlock the breech block Two or more recesses m m (Fig. 10) in the
the cocking cam I partakes of the rotary mo ?ring plate M are provided, by which the plate
tion and the helical thread causes the cock may be removed with a wrench. In the axis 75


ing toe g and with it the spring box G to of the ?ring plate M is formed a shouldered
move longitudinally outward on the trigger or stepped aperture m which registers with
shaft thus compressing the main spring H be the primer and with the ?ringpin of the ham
tween the bottom of the box against which it mer when the latter is in the forward position.

abuts and the shoulder o of the trigger shaft. Into this aperture is forced a hardened and
The spring box G is prevented from turning removable bushing N, wherein is formed a
about its axis by the cooking toe, in the slot passage for the ?ring pin (Fig. 3). When
92. Just before the handle E has reached its this passage has become corroded through the
extreme position, that is, just before thesur leakage of defective primers, it may be re
face f has struck the' stop f2, the plane sur placed with a new bushing, thus obviating 85
face 2" of the cockin g cam passes over the cock the necessity of renewing the ?ring plate as
'20 ing toe holding itpositivelytothe'rear. - .

a whole.


The hammer J (Figs'. 3, 4, :18, and 19)'con

The trigger shaft 0 (Figs. 23, 24, and 25)

sists of a single piece of metal, provided with consists ofa single piece of metaland per
a detachable or permanent ?ring pin j.(Fig.
20), and is located in a slot or mortise K (Figs.
25 3, '7, ahd9)in'the axis of the breechfblock
which permits it ~to rock within certain limits,
while a further mortise K atright angles'to
the mortise K affords space for its shaft j.
On the shaft j is formed the tooth 7'2, one or

forms the functions of trigger, sear, support

ofmain~ spring and lock for mechanism. Be.
ginning at the inner end we ?nd the shaft 0

on which is placed the main spring H, which

abuts against the shoulder o. _ Near this

shoulder. is the projecting sear 02, which can 95

engage in the cooking notch gsformed in the
30 more, which engages between the two or more walls of the spring box G. In Fig. 4 the sear

teeth 91 g4 of the cooking rack G formed is shown engaged with the cooking notch, and
on the spring box G, (Figs. 4. and 19.) As it is clear that if the trigger shaft be turned -

to the rear about its longitudinal axis the sear

in journals, it is evident that it will revolve will leave the notch permitting the spring
to thexrear or to the front according as the box to ?y forward causing in its turn the
spring box moves outwardly or inwardly un hammer to strike and explode the primer of
der the action of the cooking cam upon the the cartridge.
cooking toe. . Onv one side of the shaft or axis
To the rear of the projecting sear 02 of the
ofthe hammer. is formed a lug or tailjs, to trigger shaft is formed the annular shoulder
facilitate the removal of the hammer when 03 which engages in the annular groove 04 (Fig.
dismounting the mechanism. The extremi 5) in the breech block. Both the shoulder 03
ties of the shaft of the hammer (Figs. 18 and and the metal covering the groove 04 are cut
19) are reduced in diameter, and journal in away so as to form'a bayonet joint, in such
bearings is (Fig. 7) formed in the upper and manner that the trigger shaft may be slipped
lower faces of the mortise K in the breech into place and given a half turn, when it will
block. These holes is are cut away toward be locked. In order that the annular shoul
the front face of the breech block, forming der 08 may pass the disk F of the shaft of the

- the shaft of the hammer is free to revolve






channels 702 through which the*axis of the handle E, a circular passage f3 (Fig. l) is
hammer may he slipped into place. As shown formed in the disk, in such manner that the
the extremities of the axis of the hammer are handle E being turnedto an essentially ver
cut away atj4 in order that when turned to a tical position, the passage f3 registers with

given position theyr may pass through the the cylindrical chamber g which contains the
channels 702 into their bearings k. This po spring box G and trigger shaft 0. In this
sition is determined in such manner that the position the trigger shaft may be introduced
55 hammer can onlybe slipped into place and into its place and when locked'its head 0


the toothj2 register with the cooking rack, (Fig. 1) bearing against the disk F prevents

when the spring box G has been withdrawn a the withdrawal of the handle E and its shaft
greater distance than it moves under the in E. It is obvious that the trigger shaft can~ 125
?uence of the cooking cam I. Hence to dis not be unlocked and withdrawn except when
mount or mount the hammer it is necessary the handle E is in the vertical position, as in
?rst to remove the mainspring, when the any other position the face 05 of the annular
spring box may be sufficiently withdrawn to stop, 03 will strike the rear wall f4 on the in~
permit the extremities of. the shaft or axis of ner recess F of the disk F.
the hammer to engage in and move along the
The sear o2 of the triggershaft is made to


channels 102.

engage with the cocking notch g3 of the spring

In the front face of the breech block in box G by means of the face 06 of the annular
front of the mortise K in which the hammer shoulder o3 as follows: When the handle E is




turned to the rear to unlock the breech, the moves slowly away from the chamber of the
face f ' formed in the recess F" of the" disk F gun thus starting the ?red cartridge case with

strikes the face 06, just before it strikes the a powerful leverage. When the extractor stud 70
stop f2 in the breech block, thus causing the strikes the abruptly inclined portion of the
trigger piece to revolve sufficiently to bring groove (1, the extractor is caused to move vio
the sear o2 in line and into engagement with
the cocking notch 93. Once the scar is en
gaged in the cocking notch and the handle E
turned to the front, the spring box G will be

lently to the rear throwing the empty car

tridge case clear of the gun. The gun is now

ready for loading, the new cartridge is passed 75

into the chamber of the gun through the open

entirely supported against the pressure of the ings B A, until its head or ?ange takes
main spring by the sear. If now the trigger against the claw d2 of the extractor. The
shaft be turned to the rear disengaging the breech of the gun is now closed by pushing
sear from the cocking notch, the spring box the handle E smartly toward the breech of the
will ?y inward under the impulse of the main gun. Theinclined face a4 of the breech block

15 spring causing the hammer to'revolve and ?re acting againstthe head of the cartridge causes
the gun. On the end of the trigger shaft is the latter to enter fully into the bore of the
7 formed a projecting lug'or trigger P which is gun. When the breech is closed further mo
eccentric to the axis of the trigger shaft. tion is prevented by the last thread of the 85
Formed on or attachedto the breech block is locking screw Eg'striking the ?rst thread of
a projecting hook Q, which when the gun is the female screw in the breech of the gun.
cooked abuts against theltrigger P forming The breech is now locked by turning the han
an eye or aperture E. To ?re the gun an or dle E fully to the front when the full portion
dinary lanyard is provided to the end of which of the locking screw E2 engages with the fe 9O
is attached a hook shaped piece S (Fig. 26) male thread in the breech of the gun. When
25 of metal. Introducing the lanyard hook into fully locked further movement of the handle
the. eye R, a smart jerk on the lanyard will E is prevented by the face f striking the stop
cause the trigger shaft to revolve freeing the f2. As the handle turns to the front, the heli
sear from the cooking notch and ?ring the cal thread of the cooking cam I previously in 95
gun. At the same time the lanyard hook engagement with the cocking toe g',>which it
30 passes between the trigger P andvthe project had driven outward in the process of cooking,

ing hook R thus disengaging the lanyard from

This disengaging arrangement is
necessary in all mountain, ?eld and siege guns
having a great recoil, in order to prevent in
jury to the hand grasping the lanyard.

~ the gun.


is rotated away from it, leaving the spring box

G locked and the hammer cocked, as already
described;.so that when the handle is fully
turned and the block locked, the unthreaded


or plain surface of the axis of the cam I reg

isters with the cooking toe leaving the latter

The gun having been ?red, the handle E is free to move inward under the impetus of
given a half turn to the rear. The locking the spring, when the spring box is unlocked.
The action of the mechanism is as follows:

screw E2 revolving with the handle releases its

thread from the female thread in the breech
of the gun, thus unlocking the breech. The
cocking cam I being in one piece with the
locking screw revolves with it, and its helical

The mechanism is now as shown in Fig. 4.

The lanyard hook is now inserted in the eye

R and the gun is ready for ?ring. Pulling

the lanyard the trigger piece is caused to
revolve, freeing the sear 02 from the cocking
thread idrives the cooking toe. g. outward, notch g, the spring box G ?ies inward under
45 drawing with it the spring box Glwhich slides the impulse of the main spring, theoutward
upon the trigger shaft 0, and compressesthe tooth of the rack G acting on the tooth j2


main spring Hsbetween the bottom of the box causes the hammer J to revolve-about its axis,
and the shoulder o of the trigger shaft. At and the ?ring pin passing through the hole 115
the end'of themotion the cocking notch g3 has in the bushing of the?ring plate strikes the slightly passed the sear 02. As the springbox primer of the cartridge ?ring the gun.
To dismount the mechanism proceed as fol
G moves to-the side, the inward tooth of the
rack G acting against the tooth 3'2 causes the lows: Turn thehandle E to a nearly vertical
hammer J to revolve to the cooked position. position when thepassage f 3 will register with 12C
Just before the handle E and with it the disk. the cylindrical chamber 9. A screw driver
55 F has completed itsrevolution, but after the is now engaged in the'slot formed in the head
spring box G has been fully retracted, the face 0 of the trigger shaft and the latter turned
f ' strikes the'face o6 causing the trigger shaft until the bayonet joint formed by the shoul
to revolve to the front bringing the sear 02 in der'o3 and the groove 04 is unlocked. The 125
line with the cocking notch g3 and the trigger trigger and with it the main spring may now
P in contact with the hook Q. The breech be removed. The handle E with its shaft are
may now be opened by pulling the handle now free and may bewithdrawn. The lock
smartly outward from the gun, until its lat ing screw and cockingcam are now free and

eral movement is arrested by the stop bolt 0'. may be removed. Passing the ?nger under 130

As the breechblock ispulled outward it moves the tail j3 of the hammer the latter may be

65 slightly to the rear'following the guide a. As removed, and ?nally the spring box, which is
the blockzmoves outward, the. extractor fol

now- free.

To remove thev breech block, un

lowing the parallel portion of the guide at screw the stop bolt and pull out the block and

?nally remove the extractor which is now partially at right angles to its axis, a spring
free. The breech block and mechanism are box located in achamber in said breech block

mounted in the reverse order, but it is evident parallel to the axis of said cam, adapted to 70
that the percussion mechanism may be com move longitudinally in said chamber, and hav~
pletely mounted and dismounted with the ing a laterally projecting lug which engages
breech block either in or out of the gun.

with said cam surface through a longitudinal

Having now fully described our invention, slot in said chamber wall, and ahelical spring
located in said spring box, having one end 75
what we claim is~

1. In a breech loading gun closed by a abutting against the bottom of said spring
box and the other against a bearing in said

breech block moving essentially at right an

gles to the bore, the combination with the
breech block having suitable recesses, of a
locking screw, a cam integral with said lock

chamber, all contained within and moving

with said blockwhereby when said locking
screw is unlocked, said spring is compressed,

ing screw and consisting of a helical thread substantially as described.

5. ,In a breech loading gun closed by a
making a partial revolution around the ex
tended axis thereof, a spring actuated percus breech block moving essentially at right an- .
sion mechanism, and suitable intermediate gles to the bore and having a locking screw

devices operatively connected to the spring

of the percussion mechanism and arranged to
be acted upon by the cam, all contained and
moving with said block, whereby when the
block is unlocked, the said percussion mech
anism is cooked, substantially as described.

mounted in the block andahammer journaled 85

in a suitable recess in the block, the combi
nation with the locking screw of a helically
threaded cocking cam located in the breech
block forming an extension of the axis of the

locking screw and integral therewith, said 9O

2. In a breech loading gun closed by a cocking cam having a surface partially heli

25 breech block moving essentially at right an

cal and partially at right angles to its axis, a

~ gles to the bore and having a locking screw

spring box located in a chamberin said breech

mounted on the breech block, thecombina

block parallel to the axis of said cam, adapted

tion with the lockingscrew of a helically to move longitudinally in said chamber and 95.
threaded cam located in the breech block and having a laterally projecting lug which en
forming an extension of the axis of the look gages with said cam surface through a longi
ing screw, and integral therewith a helical tudinal slot in said chamber wall, a hammer '
spring located in a chamber in said breech
block parallel to the axis of, and
suitable intermediate devices arranged to be
35 acted upon by said cam and operatively con
nected to said spring, all contained within

having a shaftjournaled in a suitable recess

in said breech block, said shaft being at right


angles to said spring box, one or more teeth

upon said shaft, two or more teeth upon said

spring box in engagement with the teeth upon

and moving with said block whereby when said shaft, and a helical spring located in said
said locking screw is unlocked said spring is spring box having one end abutting against 105
the bottom of said box and the other against
compressed, substantially as described.
3. In a breech loading gun closed by a

breech block moving essentially at right an

gles to the bore and having a locking screw
mounted in the block and a hammer j ournaled
in a suitable recess in the block, the combi
45 nation with the locking screw of a helically
threaded cocking cam located in the breech
block forming an extension of the axis of the

a bearing in said chamber, all contained With

in and moving with said block whereby when

said locking screw is unlocked, said hammer

is cooked, substantially as described.
6. In a breech loading gun closed by a
breech block moving essentially at right an
gles to the bore and having a locking screw
mounted in the block, the combination with


the hammer journaled in a suitable recess in

cal spring located in a chamber in said breech the block, of the hammer shaft, a tooth upon
block parallel to the axis of said cam, suitable said shaft, a spring box located in a chamber in

locking screw and integral therewith, a heli

intermediate devices arranged to be acted

upon by said cam and operatively connected
to said spring and suitable connecting mech
anism between said spring and said hammer

said breech block at right angles to the shaft

and adapted to move longitudinally therein,
one or more teeth upon said spring box con


?ning between them the single tooth upon said

55 all contained within and movable with said shaft, a helical spring located in said spring
.block, whereby when said locking screw is box and abutting as described, and a device
unlocked said spring is compressed and the mounted upon the block which imparts a longi
hammer is cooked, substantially as described. tudinal movement to said spring box against 125
4. In a breech loading gun closed by a the stress of the spring, all of said parts being
breech block moving essentially at right an movable with said block whereby the hammer
gles to the bore and having a locking screw is cocked, substantially as described.
7. In a breech loading gun} closed by a
.mounted in the block, the combination with
the locking screw of a helically threaded cock breech block moving essentially at right an_
ing cam located in the breech block forming gles to the bore, the combination with a spring
located in a chamber in said breech block,
65 an extension of the axis of the locking screw box,
and integral therewith, said cocking cam hav and adapted to move longitudinally therein,
in g a surface partially helically threaded and and having a section of its wall removed and

trigger head, a hook upon the gun breech
in said chamber and having one end abutting forming a closed eye with the trigger head lug
against the bottom of said spring box and the when the spring is compressed and the sear 70
other against a bearing in said chamber, and locked and a device for opening the eye to re
a rotating trigger shaft, removably and rotat lease the spring, substantially as described.
ably secured to the breech block and passing
10. In a breech loading gun closed by a
axially through said helical spring and spring breech block moving essentially at right an
box, and having a scar adapted to registerand gles to the bore, the combination with a re 75
to lock with said sear notch _on the spring box, movable locking screw and helical cam in
a scar notch thereon of a helical spring located

when said spring is compressed and the trig

ger rotated, substantially as described.
8. In a breech loading gun closed by a
breech block moving essentially at right an
gles to the bore the combination with a spring

tegral therewith, consisting of a helical thread

making part of a complete revolution around
the prolonged axis of the locking screw lo
cated in the breech block of a handle and 80

shaft removably secured to thelocking screw,

box located in a chamber in said breech block substantially as described.

and adapted to move longitudinally therein, _ 11. In a breech loading gun closed by a
and having a section of its wall removed and breech-block moving essentially at right an~

a sear notch therein, of a helical spring located gles to the bore, and having the Within de 85
in said chamber and having one end abutting scribed spring compressing mechanism, the
20 against the bottom of said spring box, a rotat
combination with a removable locking screw
ing trigger having a head removably and ro having a spring actuating cam integral there
tatably secured to the breech block and a shaft with, consisting of a helical thread making
passing axially through said helical spring part of a complete revolution around the pro
and spring box, a shoulder on said trigger longed axis of the locking screwa cylindrical
25 shaft forming an abutment for the other end axial chamber and a key way in said chamber,
of said spring, a scar on said shaft adapted of a removable handle having a shaft jour
to register and lock with said sear notch on naled in said breech block and locking screw
the spring box, when the spring is compressed and having a key on the shaft which engages 95
and the trigger rotated, an eccentric lug upon the keyway on the locking screw, a disk
the trigger head, a hook upon the gun breech shaped head on the shaft handle rotating
forming a closed eye with the trigger head lug, therewith and having a recessed guide way
when the spring is compressed and the sear on its under surface next to the breech block,
locked, and a device for opening the eye to and a stop on the breech block, engaging in
release the spring, substantially as described. said guide way, substantially as described.
12. In a breech loading gun closed by a
35 9. In a breech loading gun closed by a

breech block moving essentially at right an

breech block moving essentially at right an

gles to the bore and having a locking screw gles to the bore, and having the within de
mounted in the block and a hammerjournaled scribed spring actuated percussion mechan :05
in a suitable recess in the block, the combina ism, the combination with the removable han
tion of the locking screw, the helical cam lo dle journaled in the breech block as described,
cated in the breech block forming an extension and the disk shaped head rotating therewith
of the axis of the locking screw and integral and having a circular notch in its periphery,
therewith having a surface partially helical of the removable trigger shaft mounted in the I10

andpartially at right angles to its axis, a spring breech block adjacent to and parallel with
45 box located in a chamberin said breech block the handle, having a rotatable bayonet joint
parallel to the axis of said cam adapted to adapted to lock with the breech block below
move longitudinally in said chamber and hav said handle disk, and a head adapted to bear

ing a laterally projecting lug which engages against the outer surface of said handle disk I15
with said cam surface through alongitudinai and retain it in place against thebreech block
slot in said chamber wall, a hammer having when the trigger shaft is locked, substantially
a shaft journaled in a suitable recess in said

breech block at right angles to said spring

as described.

13. In a breech loading gun closed by a

breech block moving essentially at right an

gles to the bore and having the within de
55 ment with the teeth upon said shaft, a helical scribed spring actuated mechanism, the com
spring located in said spring box and having bination with the spring box having the sear
one end abutting against the bottom of said notch, its contained spring, and rotatable trig
box, one or more teeth upon said shaft, two
or more teeth upon said spring boxin engage

box, a rotating trigger having a head remov

ger shaft with its sear all located as described 125

ably and rotatably secured to the breech block

60 and a shaft passing axially through said heli
cal spring and spring box, a shoulder on said
trigger shaft forming an abutment for the

the face 06 and the handle and shaft rotatably

mounted on the block, having the disk with
the recess F and abutment f on its under

other end of said spring, a sear on said trig

periphery, which engages with said trigger

ger shaft, a sear notch on said spring box


of the annular trigger shaft shoulder 03 having

face 06 to rotate the trigger when the handle

adapted to register and lock with said trigger is turned, substantially as described.
shaft sear, when the spring is compressed and
14. The combination with the breech block
the trigger rotated, an eccentric lug upon the A having the chambers K and K and the re

cessed bearings k and their entrances k2 for bearings It and their entrances k2 for intro
introducing and mounting the hammer and ducing and mounting the hammer and its
its shaft, of the removable hammer J and its shaft, and the screw threaded ?ring plate seat
shaft j having the extremities of reduced di L, of the removable hammer J and its shaft j


ameter and cut away to pass through the en

constructed as described to ?t into the breech

trance k2 and ?t into the bearing is in the

breech block, substantially as described.
15. The combination with the breech block
A having the chambers K K the recessed
bearings 70, and their entrances k2 for intro

block, the removable screw threaded ?ring

ducingand mounting the hammer and its

plate M, having the removable bushing N and 25

Wrench holes m m, and the tail 7'3 on the ham
mer shaft, substantially as described.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto set

.our hands in the presence of two subscribing ' ,

shaft, of the removable hammer J and its witnesses.

shaft j constructed as described to ?t into the
chambers and bearings in the breech block,
and the tail 7'3 on the hammer shaft for remov

ing the hammer, substantially as described,

16. The combination with the breech block

A having the chambers K K, the recessed



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