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Post 6 38604 Reifgraber Auto

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urmcgnon FILED smmzs, 1907.

' 929,491.

Patented July 27, 1909.












929,49 1 .

Patented July 27, 1909.


Isl-T d2









D m 26 19? Patented July 27,1909.







Patented July 27, 1909.






J ?lwEgEr??E?


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aorrsn ' sTATEs PATENT, entries. I



Speci?cation of Letters Patent;

No. 929,491.

Patented July 27, 1909'.

r - Application ?led September 26, 1907. Serial No. 394,739.

cross-pin in the position it occupies when the

Be it known that I, JosnPH Jo'AonIM REIF_ jaws of the casing are drawn, together and
GRABER, a citizen of the United States, and a the pin adjusted} to hold the safety lever.

To all whom 'it may concern:

- residentof St. Louis, Missouri, have in

Fig. 12 is a vertical cross-section of the di

1 in Automatic Firearms, of which the fol


vented certain new and useful Improvements vided end of the casing on aboutlinc 12--12

9. Fig. 13 is a detail perspective

view of the sliding barrel and of the latch
This invention is an improvement in ?re for securing the, same i-n engagement with
arms of the automatic class, such for in-' the breech block, the. latch being detached
stance,'as illustrated in my former patents from the barrel. Fig. 14 is a detail perspec
No. 729,413, issued May 26, 1903 and No. tive'view of the safety lever with hammer,
834,7 53, issued Oct. 30, 1906, and the present sear and springs applied. Fig. 15 is a cross- .
invention consists in certain novel construc section on about line 1515 of Flg. 3. Fig.4

~ lowing is a speci?cation.


' tions and combinations ofgparts, as; will be

16 is a detail vertical longitudinal section

hereinafter described and claimed.
on about line 1616 of Fig. 5. Fig. 17 is
Inthe drawings Figure 1 is a side viewv a cross-section on about line 17-17 of Fig.
v ,of the ?re-arm. Fig. 2 is a'vertical longi 16. Fig. 18, is a rear elevation of the maga
tudinal section thereof, parts being in ?ring zine with the followerblock in its extreme
position. Fig. '3 is a vertical longitudinal uppermost position. Fig. 19 is a detail cross
section showing the parts in ?red position
is aondetail
line 19'19 View
of F ig.
of 18.
the fol
just before the bullet leaves the'muzzle of 20
the arm, and before the gases have operated lower bloclr. Fig. 21 is a detail longitudi~
, to force thesliding barrel, breech block, etc? nal section of the lower portion of. the maga
rearwardly, and the casing forward. , Fig. 4 is zine with the bottom plate in position. Fig.
25 a vertical longitudinal section of thearm with 22 is a bottom planview of the magazine
the parts in position to receive a cartridge withthe bottom plate in osition. Fig. 23' is
from the magazineand' the breech block in a longitudinal section of the lower portion



its rearmost position. Fig. 5 is a horizontal of the magazine with'the bottom plate ad
longitudinal section of the arm' withits parts justed to position it assumes in. inserting
in the position they'assume after'the ?ring and removing said plate. Fig. 24 is a detail
operation and immediately after a shell has section of the lower portion of the magazine

been ejected. Fig. 6 visa horizontal longi

casing showing the undercut openings. for

tudinal section of the arm with the parts .in the'lateral projections on the bottom plate, '
, the position shownin Fig. 4, except that the and Fig. 25 is a detail view of the bottom
.breech block has moved forward. Fig. 7 is a plate showing the lateral projections. '
l side View partly in section of the gun with
The present arm is similar in many re
the breech block in its rea rmost position and spects to that. shown in my prior patent No.

the/safety lever in safety position. Fig. 8 834,753 and in the following description I
shall, in} part at least, identify the parts in

' is a partial vertical longitudinal section

4 0 of the ?re arm \showing a- portion of the


the present invention by the same reference

safety lever, a portion of the casing and the letters or characters applied to the corre
back plug in position and illustrating the sponding parts of the construction shown in
cross-pin for connecting thedivided rear my said prior patent. In'the present inven
end of'the casing in positionto permit the tion the casing A receives the sliding barrel
application and removal of. \he safety lever. D and the latter is interlocked during a por~


Fig. 9' illustrates. the rear portion of the tion of its rearward movement with the
breech block I, the latter having a rearward.

casing in vertical longitudinal section and

the back plug detached, the cross-pin and its
lever being in the position'to which it is' ad
justed to release or .free the divided rear
end of the casing so the back plug can be

movement beyond that ofthe sliding barrel

and the breech block during such further


rearward movement operating- to cook the

hammer, the latter being carried in a mov

applied or removed. Fig. 10 is an elevation able safety lever all as more fully described
of the inner end of the vback plug. Fig. 11 ' hereinafter. It will also, be noticed that
. is a- detail side elevation of the rear portion when the hammer is down the safety lever 110
of the ?re arm from the opposite side from cannot move to its released position, thus

Fig. 1 showingthe. handle portion'of thev indicating by sight and touch that the ham.

mer is down and when the hammer is down Q and journaled at one end atsQ2 in one of

the side lock T cannot be moved to its dotted, the jaws of the plug-holding portion of the
line position.

The casing or frame A supports the several

movable parts and comprises a barrel por
tion A, a body portion A2 in rear of the
barrel portion, and a handle portion A.


casing and having its other end turning in

the threaded bearing at Q3 in the opposite
jaw so that by properly turning the pin Q

the jaws may be drawn". toward each other to

clamp the back plug and thus lock the same
The barrel portion is provided at its front in place _or be turned in the opposite direc
end inwardly pro'ecting annular tion to release the jaws so the back plug may
?ange A11 at the center 0 w ich is provided be readily turned intoor out of its seat in
the opening A10 in which operates the front the rear of the casing, as may be desired.
end of the sliding barrel resently described. The threaded bearing for the cross pin Q
The interior of the barre portion A imme may have a removable nut as shown so it
diately in rear of the ?ange A11 forms a can be readily replaced when worn, a set
cylinder A4 in which operates the aswhieh screw holding the nut as shown and permit
pushes back the sliding barrel in t e opera ting the adjustment of the nut. The pin Q

tion of the ?re arm. The pressure also oper

also serves another'function in that it forms

thus in a measure counteracts the recoil. It

turned to the position shown in Figs. 2, 3



ates forwardly against the ?ange A11 and a pivotal support for the safety lever P when


will be noticed that the sliding barrel at its

front end has a portion ?tting the venting
opening A10 in the ?ange A11 and also has
in advance of said ?tting ortion areduced

and 4 and when given a quarter turn per 85

mit-s the removal and application of the

safety lever. To this end the safety lever is
provided in its 'upper edge near its rear end
extension A. This enab es me to provide with an opening Q,4 receiving the cross pin
25 any desired length of barrel in advance of Q and having at its upper end a contracted
the casing and yet secure the desired venting opening Q, the body of the opening Q4 be
of the cylinder without increasing the length ing of a size to receive the pin Q when the
of the stroke of the sliding barrel on its rear latter is turned to the position shown in
ward movement. The body portion A2 is Figs. 2, 3 and/l and the openings Q, being
30 provided in its op osite sides with openings smaller than the greatest width of the pin
A12 and A13 in WllCh operate the gripping Q- and su?iciently wide to permit the pas
side win 5 of the longitudinally movable "sage of the ?attened pin Q. when the latter
breech b ock and in rear of the slots A1? is given a quarter turn from the position
and A13 the body portion is provided shown inFigs. 2, 3 and 4. The safety lever


with laterally bulging portions A7 which is provided with an extension P in rear of

form guides or reoe tacles for the gripping the opening Q4 and which prevents any
side wings of the reech block when the displacement of the safety lever when the
breech block is moved'to itsrearmost posi pin Q, is in the position shown in Fig. 2 by

tion. The rear end of the casing is provided preventing the rocking of the lever to such
with interru ted threads, the ortion' A" and position that the pin A can escape through
the groove 2 interrupting t e threads A the contracted opening Q. It will be un
which threads receive the interru ted threads derstood from the foregoing that the pin Q
on the back plug B when the atter is in may be given .a quarter turn from the posi
sorted and turned to place. ' '
tion shown in Fig. 2, to permit the removal
The back plug B is provided at its rear and application of the, safety lever and may
end with the handle portion B by which it be then given a further quarter turn in order
may be turned, to set its threads into_and out to release the jaws of the casing sufficiently
of engagement with those of the caslng, and to free the back plug and permit the same
it is provided in its front end with a recess to be turned in order to remove it, as may

50 B2 whose upperwall at B3 forms a cam bear

ing to operate upon the rear end of the rock

ing latch C, which forms a detachable con
nection between the breech block and the
sliding barrel as more fully described here
inafter. The purpose of the cam bearing B3
is to shift the latch C which latter is carried
by the sl-idin barrel out of engagement with
the breech b ock at the proper time so the

be desired.







The barrel D is movable longitudinally in

the frame and is constructed with the front
portion or barrel D and the rear extension
or receiver D2, the latter projecting rear

wardly from the upper side of the barrel and

overlying the breech block I, which latter


has a limited movement'with and a further

movement independent of the sliding barrel,

breech block may be moved'rearwardly inde as more fully described hereinafter. This
endent of the sliding barrel after the latter rear extension Dzis slotted at D12 to ,receive

iias reached its rearmost position.

the latch C and has a cross pin D1v on which

The rear end of the body portion A2 of the latch C rocks. This latch C ?ts partially
' the casing is split or divided at its lower end in the recess D12, is notched in its underside
forming the'opposite jaws which are con at C to ?t'on the pin D1, is provided. near
65 nected by the cross pin Q having a handle its front end with the forwardly facing 130


929,491 _

shoulder C2 to- engage upon the rear end of shown in liig. 4, the breech block'eontinuing

its rearward movement to the position

, position shown in Fig. 2, and has on its up. shown in Fig. 4-. .To prevent the rebound

I - the breech block I when the parts are in the

per side 1n front of its pivot, a can: surface

. 1:) to engage with the shoulder Dlton the

casing whereby it may be depressed art-its

front end to-thepositionv shown in Fl". 2 b


the forward movement of the barrel with

_.i_ng of the-sliding barrel and its readjust

ment, in advance of the forward movement

. of thebreeeh block-from the position'shown

in Fig. 4Vto that shown'in Fig. 2, I provide '

the barrel lock J which when the :arts are

in the position shown in Fig. 5 ocks the

at D-15 is adapted by engagement with the barrel against forward movement ant is I
bearing B- in the back plug to rock the latch adapted to hold the barrel against the 'for-'
the latch thereon. The rear end of the latch -


' from the position shown in Fig. 2 to the _ _ward movement until the said barrel lock is

positionv shown in Fig. 4- when the parts are released -by the action of the bree'chibloek,
.in the position shown in said Fig. 4, and when the latter reaches its foremost'posi
15 thus release the breech bl'ockso the '_latter_ tion. This barrel lock has an important 80
may continue its rearward movement be function in that it'prevents the forward r,

yond the ,correspomling movement of the

sliding barrel.

movement of the barrel by the? rebounding, . '

It will .be vnoticed that the .orother action until the breech block is re
latch by the form of pivot shown and dc" adjusted into proper relation with the
scribed is conveniently detachable from the sliding barrel. It. will be understood that
sliding barrel when the latter is removed if the sliding barrel were permit-ted to move
from the casing and may be removed and, forward'before the breech block moves for- replaced by simply dropping it in'and lift ward, into connection with the sliding bar

ing it out of-position. In permitting the rel, as shown in Fig. 2, the latch C would
operation of the latch it will be-notieed' I 'likel y be forced down upon the breech block 1 so
provide the casing-A in the under si'ii'faee and bind the same and it .is to avoid any

of its upper wall near itsv rear end with the such action that I provide the barrel, lock
groove or recess A into which the latch J. This lock is shown asa lever pivoted

C adjustsv when the barrel is in its real-most between'its ends at J to the sliding barrel,
position and the breech block is freed from arranged at its'front end J? to engage in
said barrel by such adjustment of the latch rear of the rearwardly facing shoulder J3
. and asthe'barrel moves forward by the'tor on the casing when the sliding barrel is in
ward movement of the breech block pres its rearmost position and the breech block
'ently. described it operates to adjust the is also in its rearmost position and thelsaid
latch C from the position shown in Fig. 'lererhas its rear end. J4 arranged to be en 100
4- to that shown 1n Fig. 2 in which the said gaged and actuated by the portion Jj" at the
.latch will hold the breech block in connec front end of the breech bloclc'when the
tion with the sliding barrel until the latter latter reaches its foremost. position, as
hasagain- readjusted to its rearmost posi; shown-in Fig. 6 so thebreeeh block when
tion in the operation of the invention.
adjusted to the position shown in Fig. 6 . 105
In I the operation before 2described, it will will ' free the front end .of the barrel lock J '


be understood the barrel 1s forced rear

from engagement at J3 with the casing so ~

wa rdly, and the breech block with it-by the .the barrel may nioi'e forward under the
action of the gas in the cylinder A, the gas in?uence of the breech block, the latter be

45 being generated by the vexplosioi'i of the

cartridge and passing through an opening
I) in' the barrel D and operatingbetween
the front ?ange A and a piston, 1)23 se

ing actuated by'its spring as presently de



The barrel lock J is spring aetu- -

atrd at J" from the position shown in Fig.

6 to that shown in F iv. 5 when the ' art-sate ;.

cured upon the barrel and seated at its rear in the position shown 1n 141g. 50f the draw-

side against a forwardly facing shoulder.

Dm'on the barrel. This piston D2 is re-








_ 115

The hammer N, sear O. and springs for.

operating the hammer, sear and safety lever

siderable depth forming a thin outer ring ,are carried in-the safety lever P, which is
eessed or cupped in its front face for a con

which willl'be expanded by the pressure of _. pivoted on the cross pin Q, and is also held

.the gas against the interior of the cylinder

A and thus avoid the necessity of separate
packing and will also operate to protect
;the inner wallgotf the cylinder

vent to a considerable extent the corrosion

by said cross pin Q, when the latter is rocked


to the position shown in Fig. 2. The

extension, I of the safety lever limits the
rearward or outward movement of the lever
and stops the same in the vposition shown'in

thereof by the action of the gas. "The gas Fig. 7, in which Position, the hammer en
passing to the cylinder A4 when the parts gages with theshoulder I3 on the under side
are in the position shown in Fig.2 will of thebreechbloek and prevents any for

operate to force the; sliding barrel rear-v ward movement-of-the breech block so long .

a; 65

wardly= and the latter carryingvwith it-Ithe as the safety vlever is in. the position shown
breech block will be adjusted to the position in Fig.7. However, the safety levermay



bepressed by the act of gripping the handle trigger or in any suitable notches 21 therein.v

from the position shown in Fig. 7 to that The sliding barrel is recessed at 22 to receive
shown in Fig. 2, releasing the breech block the upper end of the tri ger look when the
so the latter may be moved by its actuating sliding barrel is forwar as shown in Fig.
spring forward to the position shown, for 2, so the spring 23 will move the lock out
instance, in Fig.9.

of engagement with the trigger.


The hammer N is pivoted by the cross however, the sliding barrel is moved rear
pin 1" to the side plates, P of the safety wardly from the position shown in Fig. 2
lever and has the sear shoulder N4 below it will force the trigger lock downward
which the sear operates and is also provided against the action of the spring 23 and into
with the roller N2 for engagement by the the path of the trigver to lock the same, as
will be understood from the drawings.
hannner spring.
The hammer spring N is arranged at its
The scar () operates to hold and release
the hammer and also acts as an escapement upper end to operate the hammer in the
usual manner and has at its lower end the
15 for the trigger. To this end the sear is piv
oted midway between its ends so it may be upturned portion N6 whose free end is held
rocked'into and out of engagement with the by the cross pin N10 on the safety lever so
hammer and is movable longitudinally along the spring Nn may be conveniently secured
its pivot, so itmay be moved down into and may be released from the safety lever
?ring position by the pressure of the ham whenever desired without the use of any
mer, on the sear, the hammer spring. pres separate instrument after the hammer has
ently described being stronger than the sear been removed, and the tension of the spring
spring and the scar also permits the passage N5 thereby released.
The safety lever is pressed to its outer
of the trigger in the movement of the same
to its retracted or ?ring position. The sear or normal position by the spring R which
is pivoted on the pin 0 and is slotted at O" bears between the lower end of the safety
for the passage of said pin, the slot ()2 being lever and the frame and by preference the
elongated in the direction of length of the spring arm for actuating the safety lever,
sear, so the sear can move longitudinally the sear spring R for actuating the sear,
and also rock in the operation of the device. and the trigger spring R2 are made in one
At its upper end the sear is adapted to hold piece, as best shown in Fig. 14 of the draw
and release the hammer by engagement with ings, to which end the spring plate is ?tted
the shoulder or projection N4 thereof, as ,to form the springs R and R2, as shown.
shown in Figs. st and 7. When the parts ' The trigger spring is preferably made of two
are in the position shown in Fig. 7 the upper side sections and the upper ends of the
end of the" sear bears directly in rear of a springs R and R2 are preferably deflected

4- 0

in O







locking pin or portion 1 1 of the casing. In so that they will exert a forward and up
this position itwill be noticed the sear is ward tension on respectively, the scar and locked so that it cannot be rocked on its the rear end of the trigger 'in the operation
pivot to release the hammer, the position "of the gun, as presently described. In secur

shown in Fig. 7 being that occupied by the ing the spring R inthe safety lever, the lat~
parts when the safety lever P is released ter is provided at itslower end with the up
from pressure and is forced rearwardly by wardly facing notch in which the lower end
its spring Ps presently described. In this of-the spring plate is seated, as best shown
position, therefore, the trigger cannot oper in Fig. 14 of the drawings.
ate to release the hammer, nor can it so oper
ate. nor can the hammer be otherwise re

At its lower end the sear is provided with

the projecting ?ngers or portions ()l for en
gagement by the trigger and these ?ngers are

throws the upper end of the sear above the

which operates upon the sear, as shown in

shown in Figs. 3 and 4, so the sear may op

erate to release the hammer.

shoulder or projection N pressing upon the

ger h having the cross bar S near the rear

downward into position to be engaged by

leased until the safety lever is pressed for

wardly to the position shown in Figs. 3 and preferably spaced apart to permit the op
it. This pressing of the safety lever forward eration between them of the scar spring 1t '

locking portion A of the casing to position the drawings.



\Vhen the hammer is in firing, position its

For operating the sear I provide the trig~ upper end of the scar will force the latter

ends of its side bars S", the triggervbeing the cross bar S of the trigger S when the
capable of longitudinal movemtmt and also latter is pulled. After the trigger 1s pulled
having a limited up and down movement at and the hammer is down ,the sear will be
forced upward by the actlon of lts spring I
its rear end.
' .
.-\ trigger lock is provided in the casing and permit the cross bar of the trigger S to
and comprises a sliding pin 20 which is escape in the forward or readjusted move
spring actuated to force its upper end into ment of the trigger, the latter having a lim
the path of the barrel and is arranged at ited up and down movement at its rear end 130
its lower end to operate in front of the to facilitate this escapemcnt action in read

justingihe trigger in the operation of the in
v'vention. In this operation it- will be under

l d

at L for the passage of the aide pin E of

the spring E. This spring " encircles and

stood'the sear is pressed downward by the is guided by the pin E and bears between

pressure of the main spring acting through the arm L of the extractor L and the back

theharnmer so the lower end of the sear-will 'plu'g B.v >' The back plug B has an opening 70
be in position to be operated by the trigger B1? in" which ?ts the rear end of the guide

' - after the latter is pulled, and when the ham

mer is released by the sear 'the latter will be

forced upward by'the sear spring and set to
a position in which the trigger can pass the
lower end of the sear. In this operationthe

pin E. and the pin E protrudes through the

opening in the arm L4 of the extractor when

the breech plug is pushed back to the osi

tion shown in Fig; 5 and operates to hol the

extractor in such position so it will hold the
trigger spring operates to force'the trigger edge of the shell while the ejectorL5 on'the


forward'and also to press the rear end of the ' under side of the rear extension of the slid
ing barrel and which operatesin a groove
-L""' on the upper side of the breech block 80

said trigger upwardly with a yielding ac


The side lock T is arranged to engage with ejects the shell. In this operation the pro
' . the safety lever and also with the hammer; truding front end of the pin E being en
as well as with the breech bolt in order to gaged by the shell operates as a de?ector for
lock the safety lever and the hammer and the shell and prevents the latter from being. '
'20 the breech block when the said side lock is thrown back against a person standing as
moved from the position shown in full lines alongside the one ?ring the arm. It will be
in Fig. 1 to the dotted line position shown noticed that the spring E operates directly
in the same ?gure. This side lock is shown upon the breech block and between the
in detail in Fig.- 17, and consists of the outer breech block and the back plug and is alsov


or gripping plate T, the inwardly project

so arranged as to actuate the extractor so

face of the side plate of the frameand ear;

into engagement with the flange on the shell

ing plate or wing T2; which operates in the the latter may yield as the breech block
slot A21 in the frame A, and the depending 7 moves forward to the position shown in Fig.
wing T, which operates along the inner (3. in which'position the extractor springs

ries the inwardly projecting in T4 which as will be understood from Fig. (iof the
movesinto the slot 254 in the sa ety lever and drawing and in this position the front end
the slot N12 in the hammer when the side of the guide pin E" does not interfere with

lock is moved rearwardly to the dotted line the yielding of the extractor. This arrange
position shown in Fig. 1 and so operates to ment of the'spring also permits the ready
35 lock the safety lever and the hammer from removal of the spring for any desired pur 100
movenient. 'hen moved to such dotted pose and simpli?es the construction-6f the
line position7 the side lock also operates upon arm to a very considerable extent, as will be
a pin >t,' which is movable in the frame into understood from the drawings.
The cartridge magazine'll ?ts within its
and out of engagement -with the breech
40 block and presses suchpm upwardly into recess in the handle of the gun. is adapt-ed
- engagement with. the said block, a spring to receive a number of cartridges and has a
acting upon the pin 'to force the same nor spring pressed follower U which forces the .

mally downward and release the breech cartridges upwardly to feed the latter into,
block. In this operation an edge or surface the gun. This follower is provided at its

'45 T on the side lock, Fig. 16 engages the in- ' rear end with a shoulder or projection U2, no

clined lower end t of the pin t (see Fig. 16) which moves upward into the pathv of the

and as the lock is moved longitudinally breech block when the magazine is empty

forces the pin :3 up, as will be, understood

from Fig. 16. The side look not only oper


and by engaging with said breech-block

prevents the forward movement of the latter

ates as a lock, but also acts as an indicator when the last cartridge has been ejected from
to show the operator both by sight and touch the magazine and ?red in the operation of


when the safety lever and hammer are locked _the invention, thus indicating at once to
the operator that the magazine ,has disl
for action, the side lock'operating thus in charged its last cartridge. At its rear side connection with the safety lever to indicate the ollower U is provided with the vrear 120

and when such parts are unlocked and ready


go tcllie operator when the gun is ready to be wardly projecting ?nger or thumb piece U,



undercut at U with its undercut portion

The breech block I has the gripping wings sliding in a slot U" in the back plate of the
II andH' integral with it and the said block magazine and forming a thumb piece by
is provided witha ?ring pin K and with an which the follower block may be conven
extractor L. The latter is arranged at one iently pushed down for the insertion of the
side of thecartridge seat and is pivoted at cartridges. At its lower end the vslot Ur has

L and has a hook L2 to engage with the an enlarged portion U through which the. x
?ange on the cartridge shell and is also pro projection U" may be passed in inserting the
vided with the arm~L3 which is perforated ollower block in the magazine casing from 130

the lower end of the latter. The lower end

of the'magazine casing is closed by the re

movable plate U7 provided with lateral pro
jections U8 which ?t in openings U in the
side plates of the magazine casing, the said
openings UD having contracted outlet slots
U1 through which the projections U"z may
pass when the plate U is arranged edge

trigger and at its other end into the path

of the sliding barrel whereby it may be op
erated by the latter into engagement with
the trigger, the portion of the trigger en

gaging with the lock being movable at an

angle to the said lock whereby a pull on the

~trigger will not cause the lock to bind fric

tionally against the barrel, the lock being,

wise, as shown in Fig. 23 and then may be adapted in operation to prevent the pulling .
turned to the position shown in Figs. 21 and of the trigger if the barrel is in rear of its 75
22 to lock the plate in place, the front end normal position, and also operating to pre
of the plate UT bearing when the parts are ,vent any forward movement ofthe trigger
arranged. as shown in Fig. 7, against the when the barrel is moved rearwardly.

lower end of the front plate of the magazine

15 casing.


From the foregoing description it will be

noticed that the gripping plates which are
integrai with the breech block are arranged
at the opposite sides of the casing and oper
ate in the opposite side openings in the cus

3. The combination 1]] a ?re arm, of a

casing, a trigger, a'trigger lock consistingv at.

of a pin'movable in the casing and arrange

at one end to engage with the tri ger, and a

barrel slidable in the casing an having a

recess entered by the trigger lock in one po
sition ofthe barrel, the barrel being mov

ing and within the laterally bulging por able from such position whereby to actuate

tions A in rear of the lateral openings in .the trigger lock into engagement with the


the casing and the safety lever which is trigger, the portion of the trigger engaging
spring pressed normally to the outer posi with the lock being movable at an angle to
tion carries the ?ring devices and may be the said lock whereby a pull on the trigger
depressed in grasping the grip of the arm will not cause the lock .to bind frictiona 1y
to bring the ?ring devices into position for against the barrel, the lock being ada ted
the firing operation.
in operation to prevent the pulling o the

In operation when the breech block has trigger if the barrel is in_ rear of its normal
reached its rearmost position the cartridges position, and also operating to prevent any
maybe fed up from the magazine and the forward movement of the trigger when the
breech block may then move forward with
the barrel and the breech block latch will



barrel is moved rearwardly.

4. In an automatic ?re-arm the combina

adjust in rear of the breech block and travel '

'tion of?thelcasing having a cylinder for

the operation of the gases and a venting
opening therefor, a barrel reciprocating in
said cylinder and having a port leading to
the cylinder and also having a portion ?t
ting the venting opening therefor, and a

sliding barrel, the portion of the trigger e'n

breech block sliding with and independently

therewith and with the barrel forwardly
locking the breech block from any rearward
movement until the lmrrelhas again been
pushed back in position in which the lock
latch C may be released to release the~
40 breech block.
reduced extension beyond said portion.
5. In an automatic ?re-arm the combina
While the pistol form is chosen for illus
tration only it should be understood the use tion of the casing having a cylinder for the
of any or all of the improvements are not operation of the gases evolved from the
to any particular kind of ?re-arm vevplosion, a barrel reciprocating in the cas~
'45 restricted
and the right is reserved for various changes ing, and a cup-shape piston oirsaid barrel
in form and arrangement of parts within within the cylinder and at a point 1n rear of
' the scope of the invention.
the muzzle of the barrel.
6. The combination of the casing, a slid-v
I claim :
ing barrel having a rear extension provided
a trigger, and a trigger lock operated by the with a slot, and a pin crossing the same, a L'


gaging with the lock being movable at an

angle to the said lock whereby a pull on the
trigger will not cause the lock to bind fric

of the barrel, and located in one position

under the rear extension of the barrel, and
a latch for holding the breech block in con

tionally against the barreh-the lock being nection with the barrel7 said latch ?tting and '
adapted in operation to prevent the pulling operating within the slot in the barrel ex~


of the trigger if the barrel is in rear of its tension and having a notch receiving the
normal position, and also operating to pre cross-pin of such extension whereby to p1v
vent any forward movement ofthe trigger otally mount the latch.
when the barrel is moved rearwardly.
7. A ?re-arm comprising 'a sliding barrel, ,
2. The combination in a tire arm with the

a trigger sliding approximately paralle

casing, a trigger and a sliding barrel, of a. with the barrel, and a trigger locl: operated
trigger lock consisting , of a pin movable

by the sliding barrel, the lock being adapted

longitudinally in the casing and arranged in operation to prevent the pulling of the
to project at one end .into the path of the trigger if the barrel is in rear 9f its normal


_ 999,491


position, and also operating to prevent any breech bloekgand a pin guiding said spring
forward movement of the trigger when the and carried by the back plug whereby it
barrel is moved rea'rwardly.
may be applied and removed therewith, said
8. The combinationof the casing, a sliding pin protruding forwardly; beyond the breech
barrel, a barrel lock adapted. to lock the block when the latter is retracted whereby

barrel in its rearmost. positiorr when the

- breech block is moved rearwardly' beyond
the barrel, a breech block engaging and re
leasing the latch on its forward movement,
10 a latch carried by and movable with the
sliding barrel for holdin the breech block

it may operate to de?ect an ejected shell.

15. The combination of the casing, a slid


ing barrel, a back plug in the casing, a

breech block,- an extractor pivoted to the

breech block and having an arm;beyond the

.pivot and provided with an 0pen_ing,a spring
in connection with the siding barrel, and operating between the breech block and the
means for positively releasing said latch back plug and hearing at its front end


when the barrel and vbreech block are moved


against the arm of the extractor, and a guide

pm extending through said' spring and ar
9. The combination of the breech block, ranged to protrude at its front end through
the ejector, the extractor carried by the the opening in the extractor arm when the



breech block, the breech block. spring, and,

a guide pin, for said spring arranged vto'pro

s'pring'is compressed.



16. The combination of a back pluo' and a

20 trude beyond the extractor when the breech . casing, having its rear end split or divided, . 85

block is forced rearwardly whereby the pro

truding 'end of the pin may operate to de

?ect an ejected shell.


10. The combination of the sliding barrel,


forming opposite spaced apart jaws adapted

to receive the back plug and to be contracted

thereupon and an operating device between
said jaws.

the breech block operating in connection

17. The eombinationof a casingv having 90
therewith, the extractor movably connected its rear end split or divided, forming oppo
1 with the breech block, andv a spring'opera-t site spaced apart jaws, a back plug, and a
ing upon said extractor and through the cross pin connecting said jaws and threaded
same upon the breech block and operatinor in one of same, whereby the pin ma be


through the breech block upon the barre

turned to contract the divided end 0 the

whereby the same spring mayoperate the casing to grip the back plug.
extractor and alsooperate the breech block , 18. The combination of a casing, a safety
'and also operate the, barrel sliding in _ eon lever having an undercut opening or seat
nection-with the breech block.
_ for a pivot pin, and a pivot pin turning in
11. The combination-of a casing, a sliding the casing and within the undercut opening
barrel, a breech block. sliding with and inde of the safety lever, whereby it may be ad
pendently of the barrel, an extractor pivoted _ justed to position to secure the safety lever
to the breech block and having an arm be or permit the application or removal thereof.
' yond said pivot and provided with an open- _ .
19. The combination of a casi'n , a safety
40 ing, a spring for actuating the breech bloclc lever having an opening or seat' or a ivot
and bearing against said arm of the ex pin, and a contracted slot leading there rom,
tractor, and a guide pin for sa1d spring pro



and 'a pivot pin turningin the casing and

truding. when the spring is contracted adapte to be turned within the opening or through the opening in the extractor arm. - seat of the safety lever and when properlyv
45 12. .The' combination of asliding barrel, a adjusted, to pass through the contracted
. casin having a lateral recess alongside the slot leading thereto.

' barre, a latch pivoted between its ends to > 20. The combination of a casing, a safety

.the barrel opposite the casing recess .and lever, and a cross pin movable rotarily in
having its front end spring-into engagement one of said parts, the other of said arts
50 with the front wall of said recess when'the having a seat for the. in with a relatlvely 115
barrel is in its rearinost position, and the cdntracted' opening lea 1n thereto.
breech block operating when advanced upon
21. The combination 0 av casing having .
the rear end of therlatch to release its front its rear end- split or ~divided, forming 0p-.
end from such engagement, substantially as posite spaced apart jaws,-a back plug ?tting
55 set forth.
within the rear end of the jeasing, a cross 120
13. The combination with the breech block pin connecting the casing jaws, and threaded
and an extractor, of the breech block spring, ' into connection with-one of said jaws, where
'and a- guide pin ,for said spring; protruding by it may be turned to tighten the jaws, and
'through the breechblock when the latter is a safety lever havin a seat for the cross
60 retracted whereby the said guide pin may pin with a relative y. contracted opening 125
. operate to de?ect or eject a shell.

r14. The combination of the casing, the

leading thereto.

22.v The combination of a casing having a 1

back plug ?tted removably thereto, abreech sear stop, a safety. lever supporting the ?r-

block, an extractor carried by the breech , ing mechanism, including a hammer and a

as block, a spring operating the extractor and sear for holding and releasing the same,





such safety iever being movably connected

_ 25. The combination of a back plug, a

with the casing, whereby it may be moved casing receiving said plug and adapted to be

to 'set the sear into and out/of pos'ition to be contracted thereon, and means for contract
stopped by the sear stop of the casing.
* .ing the casing upon the back plug.
23. The combination of a casing having a > a 26. The combination of a caslng split or
sear stop7 a sear, and a safety lever carrying
the scar and movable whereby to set the sear


plug ?tting within said jaws, and meansfor

into and out of position to be stopped by contracting the jaws upon the back plug.
27.- The combination of a back plug a
24. The combination of a casing having split casin receiving and contracte upon

the sear


divided forming spaced apart jaws, a back







a sear stop, a safety lever movable relatively

to the casing, a. scar supported in the said

safety. lever and having a forwardly pro

,jecting portion resting normall in rear of
the sear stop, whereby to be loe ed thereby,
and adapted to be moved by the movement
of the safety 'levento a position above the
sear stop whereby it will clear the sear stop.

the said p u? and means for moving the,

jaws relative yto each other.







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