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Breech - Loadng G Un

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2 sheets-Sheet 1.

(No Model.) P. B. LATRIGE.

No. 543,939. Patented Aug. 6, 1896.

(No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 543,939, Patented Aug. 6, 1895,

SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 543,989, dated August 6, 1895.
Application filed October 23, 1893, Serial No. 488,920. (No model.) Patented in France March 24, 1893, No. 228,786; in
Belgium March 27, 1893, No, 104,069, and in England March 28, 1893, No. 6,539,
To cu00, twhom, it may concern: it is disengaged from the barrel. Figs: 9 and
Be it known that I, PAUL BRUN LATRIGE, 10 represent by side views the relative posi
a citizen of the Republic of France, residing tions of the firing-pin, extractor, plug, and car
at Saint-Etienne, France, have invented cer. tridge after the firing-pin has been moved for
tain new and useful Improvements in Sport Wardly and before such movement, respect
ing-Guns, (for which I have obtained Letters ively.
Patent in France, No. 228,786, dated March In a gun constructed according to this in
24, 1893; in Belgium, No. 104,069, dated March vention the barrels are stationary and the
27, 1893, and in England, No. 6,539, dated breech-block A is arranged to slide upon the
Io March 28, 1893.) of which the following is a false breech by means of grooves and ribs a
Specification. a provided on the sides of the breech and
This invention has relation to firearms, and Said breech-block. The breech carries the
among the objects in view is to provide a fire intermediate pins b, Figs. 1, 2, and 3, which
arm which is of simple construction and read Whenever the gun is fired are retained in the
ily operated; and the invention consists in the position to which they are moved by a spring
novel construction, arrangement, and combi. c, which prevents their descent, and which
nation of parts, as hereinafter fully described, are acted on by another spring d, which pre
illustrated in the drawings, and pointed out vents their projecting beyond the upper sur
in the appended claims. face of the false breech when the trigger 7O
2o This invention will be best understood by propere is not pressed. The breech also car
reference to the accompanying drawings, in ries a stopf, whereby the backward movement,
which of the breech-block A is limited.
Figure 1 is a side elevation of the complete In Fig. 2 is shown a recess B, of suitable
breech arrangement, the breech-block Aitself shape, formed in the top surface of the false 75
25 being drawn back. Fig. 2 is a plan of the breech to receive the heel g of the cocking
shoe or false breech carrying the barrels of and breech-locking key G. This recess serves
the gun. Fig. 3 illustrates by a side view the for locking the breech - block to the false
relative positions of the firing-pins F, searh, breech and for preventing any backward
Sear-Spring , trigger e, intermediate pin b, movement or recoil of the block when the gun
and Spring d. The respective positions of is fired. Another recess is provided in the
these parts upon and in relation to the breech false breech at D to receive the hook E of the
and breech-block are, moreover, illustrated in barrels, Figs. 1, 2, 7, and 8. In the false
Fig. 1. Fig. 4 represents by a plan view the breech there are two small apertures for the
breech-bolt G, which is also adapted to engage points of the intermediate pins b to pass
35 with the barrels, as illustrated in Fig. 7, and through.
assists in locking the breech-block A upon Within the breech-block are located the fir
the false breech, as hereinafter more fully ex ing-pins F, each surrounded by a spiral spring,
plained. In this figure is also shown the rela the searh, sear-springs i, Figs. 1 and 3, and,
tive position of the firing-pins E to the breech somewhat further in the rear, the breech go
bolt G when the gun is ready for firing and the bolt G, hereinafter more particularly de
grooves in n, provided to facilitate cocking. scribed. There are besides, at the front of
Fig. 5 is a detail sectional view of the handle of the breech-block, cylindrical projections H,
the breech-bolt G, and it also shows the heel screwed or otherwise secured on the breech
g, whereby the block A is locked on the false block, which fit into the back ends H of the 95
45 breech. Fig. 6 is an under side view of the barrels, which are provided with suitably
breech-bolt handle. Fig. 7 illustrates by a shaped recesses for the purpose. This pro
side view the manner in which the breech jection H serves to render the connection of
bolt G engages with the barrel when the gun the breech-block with the barrels more per
is closed and ready for firing. Fig. 8 is a fect and to counteract the tendency of the OO
So similar view to Fig. 7, except that the key has block to rise under the pressure of the ex
been moved a quarter of a revolution, so that panding gas when the gun is fired. The block
2 548,989

is further provided with two extractors j, the anterior edge of the screw-plug H-i. e.,
hereinafter more particularly described. when the gun is uncocked-the heel of the ex
The breech-bolt G in its closed position, to tractor is applied against this edge of the
gether with the firing-pins in the position screw-plug H. Further, there is between the
they occupy when the gun is ready for firing, hook i of the extractor and the posterior ex
are shown in Fig. 4. The breech-bolt consists tremity of the screw-plug a small space, equal
of a cylindrical rod with a spring IK fitted in in size to the rim of a cartridge-case. When
it. It terminates at the back in a handle pro one of the barrels has been fired, the extractor 75
vided with a projection g of segmental shape, is pushed forward by the firing-pin F, which
O Figs. 1, 5, and 6. When the breech-bolt is in has struck upon the heel of the extractor.
its locking position, as shown in Fig. 4, this The large branch of the latter has been pro
projection or heel g enters the recess B, Figs. pelled and has passed over and seized the rim
1 and 2, and thereby prevents the breech of the cartridge when the breech-bolt is turned
block A. from receding. A groove l and a for the opening of the gun. On withdrawing
screw engaging there with serves to retain the the block the hook i carries backward the
hreech-bolt upon the breech-block. On the fired cartridge. Since, however, it is the fir
front end of the breech-bolt are arranged two ing - pin which in discharging the gun has
helical or inclined grooves in n, which serve pushed on the heel of the extractor of its side
for cocking the firing-pins F. Each of these and has caused it to be seized by the hook i
is for the purpose provided with a lug o, en the fired cartridge of this side only is ex
gaging in a groove or recess provided for the tracted. On the other side-viz., in the undis
purpose in the breech-block, whereby the fir charged barrel-the respective position of the
ing-pins are effectively prevented from turn parts is represented in Fig. i0. It is only af
ing about their axes, although they may freely ter firing that the extractor seizes the rim of
25 shift longitudinally. The point or end of the cartridge and performs its function.
each of these lugs enters a recess formed in The extractor can only act after firing. If,
the metal in cutting the helical grooves. t for example, the left barrel of the gun has
Will readily be understood that when the been fired and it is desired to put a fresh car 95
breech-bolt is turned to its unlocking position tridge in this barrel on opening the gun, the
the firing-pins, being guided by their lugs and cartridge on the right will not be extracted
prevented from turning on their axes, must and only the cartridge-case on the left will be
of necessity, when the breech-bolt is turned, removed from the barrel.
lmove along the helical inclines and back to My extractor can be placed above, below, or IOO
the “cocked’ position, in which they compress at the side of the block in a recess designed
35 the spiral Springs surrounding them. for its reception. It is capable of backward
The manner in which the breech -bolt is and forward motion within this, but its move
hooked on to or engages with the barrel is ments are limited by the screw - plug II in
illustrated in Figs. 4, 7, and 8, from which it front. I o5
Will be seen that at the extreme front end of The operation of the improved firearm will
40 the breech-bolt is provided the hook p, by be readily understood. By pressing the trig
which the connection or engagement with the ger the intermediate pin b is caused to rise
false breech or barrels is effected. Fig. 4 and release both the sear h and the firing
shows the breech-bolt in the engaged or lock pins from the cocked position, whereupon the IO
ing position. Fig. 7 is a side view showing latter are forced forward under the action of
45 the manner in which the “hooking’ is ef. their springs.
fected when the breech-bolt is in the locking I claim
position, and Fig. 8 shows the position which 1. In a breech-loading fire-arm, the combi
the breech-bolt assumes in relation to the nation with the breech having the longitudi If 5
hook E when such hook p is turned a quarter nal recess D and the transverse recess B, the
So of a revolution for the purpose of opening the ribs on opposite sides of the breech, the ver
breech. tically-movable spring-actuated pins b, pro
I will now describe the system of extraction jecting upwardly through the breech, and the
which at the same time is adapted to ejec stopf, of the barrels having a hook engaging
tion. My extractor-ejector presents thispe the recess D, the breech-block adapted to
5 culiarity, that when one barrel is fired the car slide longitudinally of the breech and having
tridge-case of that side is ejected, while the grooves receiving the ribs on the breech, the
full cartridge of the other barrel remains in projection g, on the breech-block adapted to
the same. It is mainly necessary for extrac enter the recess B, the breech-bolt carried by I 25
tion to take place that the firing-pins should the breech block, the firing pins carried by
cause the cartridge or cartridges, if both bar the breech block, and a sear adapted to en
rels are fired off, to explode. The following de gage a firing pin and to be operated by a pin
scription will render this fact perfectly plain. b, to release said firing-pin, all as and for the
The extractor consists of a two - branched purpose specified. I 30
spring it, one of the branches terminating in 2. In a breech-loading fire-arm, the combi
a hook j. The larger branch carries a heelt, nation with the breech, of the breech-block
which engages in a groove t in the firing-pin adapted to slide longitudinally thereon, the
in such a way that when the firing-pin touches breech-bolt carried by the breech block and
543,939 8

provided with helical grooves toward its front lugs within the grooves when the breech bolt
end and adapted to be turned transversely of is turned as described, the springs surround
the breech, the firing pins each provided with ing the firing pins and adapted to be com
a lug engaging the grooves and adapted to be pressed by the backward movement of the
automatically moved backward to a cocked firing pins, the extractors carried by the
position by reason of the engagement of the breech block and adapted for forward and
lugs within the grooves when the breech bolt backward movement therein, said extractors
is turned as described, the springs surround consisting each of a two-branched spring it,
ing the firing pins and adapted to be com one of the branches terminating in a hook.j,
O pressed by the backward movement of the and having downwardly-extending projection
firing pins, the extractors carried by the t, adapted to engage in a groove tin the firing
breech block and adapted for forward and pin and be struck by the latter during the
backward movement therein, said extractors forward movement thereof to cause the ex 45
consisting each of a two-branched spring u, tractor to move forward and its hooki, to en- .
one of the branches terminating in a hook.j, gage the rim of the fired cartridge, and trig
and having downwardly extending projection ger mechanism for releasing the firing pins
i, adapted to engage in a groove t in the firing consisting of the sear h, terminating at one
pin and be struck by the latter during the end in a hook adapted to engage in a notch
forward movement thereof to cause the ex in the firing pin, the spring , the vertically
tractor to move forward and its hooki, to en movable pin h adapted to strike the other end
for thethepurpose
rim of the fired cartridge, all as and
of the sear to cause the latter to release the
firing pin, and a trigger adapted to operate
3. In a breech-loading fire-arm, the combi the vertically-movable pin, all as and for the
nation with the breech, of the breech-block purpose specified. -
25 adapted to slide longitudinally thereon, the In testimony whereof I have hereto set my
breech-bolt carried by the breech-block and hand in the presence of the two subscribing
provided with helical grooves toward its front witnesses. -
end and adapted to be turned transversely of PAUL BRUN LATRIGE.
the breech, the firing pins each provided with
a lug engaging the grooves and adapted to be Witnesses: -
automatically moved backward to a cocked W. AUTAMIN,
position by reason of the engagement of the HASTINGS BURROUGHS,

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