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Sexual Qigong

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Sexual Qigong: Secret Tao Path to Completing our Human Identity By Michael Winn Note: This transcript is from

a spontaneous talk on Taoist sexual practice given in Switzerland a few years ago. It is mostly the theoretical discussion of the relationship between Taoist cosmology, sexual identity, and the spiritual fall tha t occurred through the splitting of the original human being into male and femal e sexes. And how the loss of yuan chi that resulted from this fall can be healed w ith sexual qigong and inner alchemy. If we are to discuss the topic of sex with its many taboos, may I ask everyone p resent to first take both of your hands, and cover up your sexual organs like a fig leaf. I want you to feel personally safe - while I remove the fig leaf from the biblical Adam and Eve story that has confused our cultural consciousness in the West for two thousand years. We re going to replace it with a Taoist sexual co smology, and explore why the Taoists felt the need to develop a practical qigong science of sexology to resolve what is hiding beneath that fig leaf. We traditionally say qigong is divided into medical, martial, and spiritual aspe cts. Sexual qigong, like human sex, is a bit messy and doesn t easily fit into any of those categories. Rather sexual qigong is an alchemical art, as it bonds all categories into one core process. Sexual Qigong explains why we fight to love a nd heal each other in the name of some nameless holy cause. It reveals why the b ody is so precious in Taoist cultivation. The whole challenge in clearing our sexual identity confusion is that we're livi ng in the middle of it. You can't really escape having a sexually prejudiced per spective. You're in a sexed male or female sexed body, and the basic problem is that the core of your being what Taoists call your Original Spirit- is not sexed . So there is a tension right away between your manifest sexual self and your co re self. If we were going to put this into a little cosmological story, our original self is birthed in from the wuji, which means the Supreme Mystery. From this pre-cos mic womb our Original Spirit appears. There is no male; there is no female, ther e's no sexual tension, there's no sexual identity- because there is only one ide ntity. Cosmic Gourd Births Itself The jing, chi, and shen our primordial substance, energy (literally inner breath ) a nd intelligence are still merged together, folded inside the cosmic egg, In some variations of this Taoist cosmology, all the original ingredients of Nature are mixed inside a cosmic gourd. This gourd is often depicted on Chinese statues an d paintings, and represents the primordial self, perhaps an ancient myth about a vegetative deity that bursts forth into fullness out of thin air. The empty space inside the gourd holds the essences of primordial yin and yang, reflected in the figure 8 shape of the gourd. This is the stage of hun tun, or c haos-unity, a kind of primordial heaven. Somehow that gourd or egg cracks open a nd begins having a type of primal sex. It means the polar male and female force, living within the same consciousness, starts multiplying. In the Tao Te Ching s famous verse 42 this cosmology is described with sexed Numbe rs: Tao births One, One births Two, Two births Three, the Three births the Ten T housand Things. This describes the process of our original breath, or yuan chi, polarizing itself into yin and yang. The sexual friction between yin and yang bi rths our prenatal self, an intermediate dimension called Early Heaven. This formless early heaven realm is not entirely formless, as it holds subtle ener getic shapes. Within the moving friction between yin and yang, known as taiji, o r Supreme Greatness, early heaven has both sexes. The Chinese myth here is of a primal brother and sister having an incestuous love affair. This is a way of des cribing the androgynous nature of this phase of our being, as we humans now cons ciously have an internal male and an internal female. One could say we are now bisexual, but the exact term is androgynous. We are not male and we are not female. We hold both elements withina single Energy Body. B ecause we have still a lot of yuan chi at the core of that body, those two sexed elements are perfectly in harmony. They identify each aspect of themselves as p

art of one whole. So there's still a unified sense of self. Even though we have these male and female sides. The Origin of Sexual Tension Then we somehow make a transition from our prenatal or Early Heaven self to our postnatal or Later Heaven physical self. In the process of shifting from an quas i-formless energetic dimension into our physicality, we split apart our male-fem ale Energy Body. We push part of ourselves into a male body, and another aspect into a female body. So here we are today, a few million years later, trying to figure out what happe ned. We are still running around trying to complete ourselves, like chickens wit h our heads cut off. Trying to figure out, "Where is my other sexed half?" We ke ep looking for this perfect partner, who is going to be the other half, so that we can go back to being our whole self, the androgynous self that had both halve s. In order for this story to be perfect and have a happy ending, we have to sew th e two halves of the body together to make them back into one body. But we can't do that physically, because the original pieces of ourselves are scattered over millions of years of separate male and female ancestors. We can only do it energ etically hence the development of sexual qigong science. So here is our confusion. We're in a sexed body- dominated by either yang or yin chi, in order to sustain those male or female physical body functions and the d ifferent cultural roles to which sex predisposes us. We also know that yin and y ang are never totally separate. Even though we are dominant male or female, ther e has to be this other side of us - our unconscious male or female, or our inner male or inner female, as opposed to our outer sexed body. That inner male or inner female is a carryover from our prenatal self. Those pre natal forces are still there hiding inside of us, but they've gone deep unconsci ous because of the separation into different sexed bodies for so long. This is w hat accounts for the struggle between the sexes. When it gets nasty, we call it the battle of the sexes . We naturally seek to sustain our own sexual body functions. Yet we try, at the s ame time, to complete our self by seeking the missing half of our sexual nature, t he half that used to consciously function in our pre-natal self. So our natural biological instinct is to behave as male or be female. Yet this polarized sexual behavior creates at the same time a separation between us and the other half of the planet s population. This makes it even more difficult to find the other half of our sexual self within. These forces tend to widen the gulf between the human male and the female. We kn ow men and women tend to think a bit differently- their energetic natures are di fferent. Their biological needs are different. The challenge is that at the same time we're trying to reconcile the tension within our own sexed nature, we find ourselves in sexual relationships interacting with someone with a polar opposit e nature. Core Human Destiny: To Complete our Sexual Drive While we are struggling with the inner and outer sexual polarity, the question i s: How do you get completion? How do you, in the middle of all this sexual separ ation and confusion, how do you return to your original self? Your original self is neutral. It's pre-sexual and has no sexual identity. And our manifest self i s very sexually polarized. So this is the challenge. Its also the solution provi ded by sexual qigong. This is why sex is usually avoided by most spiritual teachings and most spiritua l teachers. Because it's a mine field. It's a dangerous place for the original s pirit to try and get involved. Original Spirit includes what is called the Inner Observer or Witness The Original Spirit s very neutrality is what allows it to be so all embracing of the good, bad, and the ugly aspects of ourselves. Its virtu e is its unconditioned nature. It s difficult to embody the original self because ou r sexual energy- the jing body- is at the opposite end of the spectrum of consci ousness, it is very polarized. Our male or female body and its deep drives overw helms our sense of our neutral core self. It's much easier to drop out and meditate on your neutral spirit and avoid dealing

with this "problem down there" of separation at the jing level. Yet no matter h ow much you meditate and open up your third eye and your crown and see all the h eavens and taste enlightenment, your sex doesn't change. Most qigong is very hel pful in this regard, it is embodied and helps us focus on both the yin and yang currents of chi. But most qigong players never learn to resolve the tension between their shen an d the polarized sexual energy. Even when you allow your spirit to enter more ful ly into the body, it does not change the body s sexuality. The jing chi is so powe rful it still holds its form. Its only when you split it open like an atom that you can tap into the cosmic orgasm pulsating like a silent nuclear exposion insi de all body/matter. Click here to continue reading Michael Winn s lecture So, where do we go from here? Do we get a sex change operation? Do we sew on bot h a penis and a vagina? Will we feel better about our sexual identity then? Anyb ody tried that? Want to share your experience? Or some of us, instead of having sex change operations, may prefer acting out different sexual identities with di fferent partners. We may be heteroal. All are energetic ways of expressing that same "uncertainty" over what to be. Another layer of complication. People sometimes have a male bo dy, but they feel like a female inside. Or vice versa. The church's solution is to basically have a baby and forget about it. Don't tal k about it anymore. Don't get involved in it. Just pray. Get through your life. Eventually "God" will solve your problem for you. This approach glosses over the issue of who exactly created this separation of the sexes, as that is where you get the idea of original sin. In the Bible Adam and Eve sinned by eating from the Tree of Knowledge and this s omehow got them into trouble with God. Only the story is very confused. It's not clear what exactly who is responsible. Does the responsibility lie with man, wi th woman, or with God? The fig leaf s real function is to cover up the truth, not to reveal it. Yuan Chi Lost when the Sexes Split Let s look at sexual birth as the final movement through primordial, early, and la ter heaven. I think the story gets much clearer when you look deeply inside the Taoist cosmology. What happened when we shifted from early heaven to later heave n, and we split into a male and female body is that the yuan chi was lost. It go t scattered here in the physical plane. It was the loss of this yuan chi that is creating the confusion. If we still had our core identity - a strong sense of our core channel within our physical body - and not a mostly polarized yin/yang or female/male identity- we would not be s o confused. But instead we are like half of a magnet walking around trying to fi nd the other half to get stability. There are two basic Taoist approaches in sexual qigong to achieving sexual equil ibrium: one is external and one is internal. The external involves finding a sex ual partner. And forming some type of dyadic relationship(s). In which you try a nd exchange and get some harmony between these two polarities of male-female. Th is gave rise to the Taoist bedroom arts, the external sexual qigong known popula rly as dual cultivation. It also developed into a medical branch of sexology to heal the physical sexual dysfunction. This level is mostly about stabilizing the postnatal yin-yang interaction in the body, it s not subtle enough to grasp the i nternal energy dynamics. Of course you quickly find out that there are not just two sexual polarities- th ere are four poles here. Because regardless of your sexual preference. each pers on has an inner male and an inner female. Both partners have a physical body, an d both partners have an inner male and a female. That makes two boys and two gir ls trying to find harmony in every relationship. You are going to play out these roles and explore them through an exchange of en ergy. The drama of every relationship is trying to find some kind of equilibrium . If it becomes stable and if you love each other, using that love word very loose ly, you might build up some yuan chi in the center of those four poles. Then you r relationship itself becomes a container for the neutral force or Original Spir

it, which in religious language, would be called Divine Love. The yuan chi is what ultimately holds our human love together, just as its matri x binds the body of Nature into one. That's what actually makes human love feel sacred. It is not held together by a bunch of outer-projected emotions and words there has to be some internal energetic glue. The second approach of the Taoist s focused on this internal glue , preserved in the internal qigong science, known a s neidangong or inner alchemy tradition. This involves self-intercourse , inducing the copulation of the yin and yang chi within a single body. The Spiritual Purpose Behind Every Relationship That's the hidden purpose of any long-term commitment to help each other grow th eir original nature. It's really a spiritual purpose, even though people ostensi bly stay together for all kinds of reasons: economic, social, personal fear of c hange, for the kids, or just out of habit. There are all kinds of reasons why pe ople believe they stay together, but underneath it is a deeper reason. The spiri tual reason would be because we can continue creating something together through this interaction of yin and yang energies, creating an equilibrium in which yua n chi can manifest. Why is Original Breath so important? Because its restoration completes the very purpose of human incarnation the task of cultivating the original self within th e physical plane. This original energy field, the neutral force holding the cent er between male and female, between yang and yin, is basically a love child. Yua n chi is the aspect of the Life Force that holds the quality of unconditional ac ceptance. Call it Divine Love if you prefer; but it does not imply a need for an y action to prove its worth. Yuan chi is the is , the matrix, the primal stuff birt hing our bodies and the body of Nature. Yuan chi, Original Breath, is a state of being, or rather the dynamic aspect of the ground of being. It manifests strongly whenever you have sex or exchange you r essence in other ways with another being. It's not male or female love. It s not "I love you because you do this for me" type of reciprocal love. That is still polarized, basically an emotional exchange. We won't call that love - we'll say it's a balancing act of the emotions. Whenever a couple begins to fuse identities, something from our androgynous prenatal self forms. Some people form it instantly, other cultivate it slowly over decades. This original essence, once formed here in the physical plane, stays he re. Whenever we grow our original essence, it serves the Tao by helping Tao to c omplete itself. Sexual qigong is designed to accelerate and intensify that proce ss. Because what happened to the Original Spirit is that it lost or scattered some o f the neutral force its Original Breath or yuan chi - in the physical plane in t he initial act of birthing itself here. This loss occurred at the moment of the splitting of yin-yang into male and female bodies. The restoration of that origi nal yin-yang harmony within its original matrix of yuan chi is the greatest te , or virtue of the Way. We could say it is the Original Virtue that precedes all oth er virtues. How the Separation of Sexes Led to Loss of Original Chi The original human collective lived in androgynous energy bodies in the pre-nata l realm. We began this process of physical reincarnation in separate male-female bodies to recover our Original Breath scattered here and to reduce the sense of separation that resulted. We could speculate this loss of yuan chi was unforeseen, an accident. Since the Tao as the original wholeness of Nature is stepping into the unknown as well, cr eating itself anew in each moment, there's nothing that says it couldn't acciden tally create a false separation that persisted in the Later Heaven dimension. Hu mans became like lost, half-asleep children, whose multiple split streams of con sciousness is continually recycled in an attempt to awaken it and integrate it. Note this is NOT the standard concept of reincarnation, with single hard shelled soul recycling endlessly. The wisdom here is that the Tao itself isn't actually creating anything. It empo wered the original self (yuan jing-chi-shen) sitting in the Cosmic Egg or Gourd to procreate. Once the original or primordial self began dividing, it shifted so

me aspect of the original spirit and original will (jing) into Early Heaven, whi ch in turn experimented by splitting itself into separate bodies in the physical plane, or Later Heaven. There's nothing, no spiritual law, that prevented some aspect of our prenatal co nsciousness from falling into state of semi-permanent separation. We won't call it an error, we'll just say we got into trouble exercising the free will to self -create given to all beings by the Tao. Humans got into a confused state, where we did not have a clear center. No center means the yuan chi which balances all yi n-yang chi flow got dispersed when our pre-natal self shifted into our post-nata l physical body with split sexes. The lack of yuan chi in the physical plane makes it difficult to communicate wit h our prenatal or our primordial self. This loss of yuan chi that occurred at th e moment of the splitting of the androgynous bi-sexed self into physical male an d female is what eventually caused us humans to think that our core reality was here in the physical, or even that there is no other dimension of our self other than the physical. Our energy body became so polarized, we began to believe that this is our only r eality. That led to a control struggle for the life and death of our physical bo dy, which in turn got acted out as a struggle with the opposite sex. Because som ehow we know unconsciously that the opposite sex is holding another piece of our identity. We find ourselves in the classic I can t live with them, and I can t live without them . Now I would like to point out to you, in case you were sleeping, that I just gav e you the all important hidden key to understanding the split between our sexual Becoming self and our non-sexed Original Being. You will not find this informat ion reading ancient Taoist texts, or modern ones for that matter. I have never s een it in print anywhere, so some academically minded folks will say I made it u p. This information about the link between sexuality and the dispersion of yuan chi was given to me as a result of my spending some years deeply probing a celestia l immortal (physical, but in a parallel dimension) who had become clear enough t o access the collective human memory bank. It took me years of practice in the e xternal sexual arts as well as internal alchemy to even ask the right questions. You can accept this story, or not. My source is ultimately irrelevant. All that matters is that when you contemplate this information, does it have the ring of truth that makes sense of the mystery of sexuality? External vs. Internal Tao Sexual Arts That is what drives us toward one solution - the external solution, the path of sexually joining together with another being. The difficulty on this path is how to skillfully meet someone in the middle so that both can grasp or create toget her the yuan chi, the original breath that is missing. This leads us to work out a ll kinds of compromises along the way. This external path is what inspired the ancient Taoists to create the bedroom ar ts (fang zhang). It is what inspired them to write the oldest text books in the world on medical sexology. The external approach says, the sexual polarity is her e to stay, so let s manage it energetically as best we can. Let s take advantage of it to improve our health and pleasure . This is the path of external sexual alchem y taught as Healing Love. You live out the male or the female side to its very m aximum, but make sure you don t create an excess or deficiency of your yin or yang energy. Sexual intercourse is played as a two person qigong form. The other Taoist solution to our core sexual tension is the internal path. This path considers the issue from many levels. The polarization of the sexes is a ph ysical problem, and it's a spiritual problem. It's also an emotional/mental prob lem. If I am going to solve all these levels simultaneously and internally, I mu st cultivate both my inner male and my inner female. I must find the equilibrium internally between those two poles of my sexed self. This approach solves the problem by working from the inside out. The goal of thi s path is to grow my yuan chi and restore communication with my original being, my pre-sexual being. But in order to do that, you have to go through the interme diate stage, your androgynous self. You can't go directly from a sexed body to b

eing no-sexed. This is why you need an energy body, that has both poles, male an d female, in some type of functional harmony. This energy body can act as the go between. The later heaven state is where you are still polarized. The reality is that you are going to remain polarized physi cally. But you can grow the bi-sexed energy body until it becomes your central i dentity. Once it is stable enough, that Energy Body can then mature and re-birth our original identity, which is pre-sexual and sometimes known as the original Spiritual Body. So that constitutes a complete "conscious" journey from Creation back to Origin. This is not a regression into a primal or primitive state; the second half of t hat journey back into Creation requires the integration of our primal and social ized self. Managing our sexual issue during this journey is very tricky, we coul d say even sticky. Sticky in the sense that sexual chi tends to get stuck or ver y attached to others at various stages of its development. Sexual energy, or jin g chi, functions in the universe like superglue. It holds our different energy b odies together during that journey. Inner Alchemy Formulas as Way to Regrow the Original Self Most of us are concerned with the external or social management of our relations hips. We re mostly in the transition stage, getting ready to cultivate the inner m ale and inner female. This is the practice of the Fusion of the Five Elements, i t addresses the issues on the emotional and mental levels, and gives us some pow erful tools for harmonizing yin and yang,. These tools include the inner smile, six healing sounds, the microcosmic orbit, and the macrocosmic orbit (eight extr aordinary vessels). The "Lesser Enlightenment of Kan and Li" formula, which I call Inner Sexual Alch emy, is the next step, as it involves coupling the inner male and the inner fema le. We move from mere harmony of outer yin and yang, female and male, into deep intimacy internally. We begin to birth our original self by consciously planting its seed in our inner space, like an egg clinging to the side of a woman s womb. The next four alchemy formulas are essentially how to couple the sexual polariti es at increasinglysubtle levels of nature sun-moon, inner-earth and inner sun, b etween humans and stars. You birth your inner immortal child, and then have to r aise it up to the level of sagehood. We begin looking at the health side. How do we solve sexual or reproductive dysf unctions? Whether it's difficult flow of a woman's menstrual cycle, P.M.S., or w hether it's some type of sexual dysfunction- premature ejaculation in males, ina bility to have orgasm, general weakness in sexual vitality. We need to look at t he other end of it. How does sexual vitality relate to having a strong Qigong an d meditation practice? That's the big picture. The Taoists developed one school of practices, which is called Fan Zhang, which are basically the bedroom arts. That's how to harmonize your sexual energy with our partner. Included with that are various therapeutic arts of using sexual ene rgy for self healing. That is very much about our sexual energy affects our phys ical functioning and also our mental and emotional health. That s a different set of trainings and practices than the nei dan gong, the inter nal alchemy practices, where the inner male and the inner female couple and join . But the first set of external sexual practices are very helpful, if not essent ial, in doing the second set of internal practices. The outer sexual practices k eep the physical body strong. The Polarity between Shen/Spirit and Sex/Jing Because what happens if we try to get to a higher level of internal practice and we haven't dealt with our sexual energy? Our sexual identity issues will hang o n us like a huge subconscious weight. Our unresolved sexuality becomes a kind of conscious darkness which is working as resistance against our attempt to restor e spiritual neutrality, detachment or an inner sense of peace. You have this unr esolved sexual desire running about in the subconscious, trying to complete itse lf by creating a viable destiny in the physical world. So this is why so many very high, powerful, spiritual teachers came from a celib ate life in India and they suddenly found themselves having groupie type of sex with dozens of their students. I ve documented this on the articles page of my web

site, its called the Quest for Spiritual Orgasm . It goes into the distinction betw een the quest for enlightenment and the quest for immortality. The latter involv es transmuting your sexual substance. What happened is that these gurus pulled in all this higher shen energy into the ir head and it just amplified the imbalance at their jing-sexual level. If you i ntensify the shen awareness, it will vibrate the suppressed sexual jing chi into awareness. Our shen, our body spirits, activates the sexual jing because they a re in a polar relationship. If the jing is incomplete or unconscious, as it vibr ationally expands it begins acting out. What is the difference between jing and jing chi? The jing is our deep essence t hat's holding our form together. It's considered to be stored in the bone marrow , which also produces our blood and our hormonal precursors. These hormonal prec ursors are manufactured inside the bones, before they move to the glands or the blood moves into the bloodstream. In Chinese medicine the jing has a function somewhat similar to what western med icine calls the stem cells. You have an undifferentiated substance which then di fferentiates itself out into many different functions. The stem cells can become a heart cell or a kidney cell, or a skin cell or a brain cell, or whatever it n eeds to become. So we basically are manufacturing ourselves inside the bones. Ou r cells get distributed and become more specialized. This substance is jing; jin g chi is sexual energy arising from it. What exactly is Sexual Energy, anyway? Now if you go to Western sexology, and you ask them what sexual energy is, basic ally all they can say is: "Well we measure physiological response." We know that when someone gets sexually excited there's more blood flow, the heart is beatin g a little faster, there may be increased hormonal activity. Testosterone, estro gen levels may change, and that's about it. There's some tumescence, some swelli ng in the genitals, what we call an erection. There may be a swelling of the spo ngy tissue in the vagina, which increases friction, and a swelling against certa in nerves, and that's it. Is that an adequate description of sexual energy? Does that explain its complexi ties of the sexual drive? What it's doing - it's psychic effect on us? No. It do esn't explain it at all. The western model is physiological. And so, it can't un derstand it. It can't really grasp the inner process that is driving sex. It can take statistics and look at trends and say well this is this type of person doe s this and this one does that. We know someone screws from this position and som eone else needs to talk dirty to get aroused. Western sexology doesn't have an internal model for understanding this. What's t he model of the mind? So you go to psychology. Do they have an explanation for w hat sexual energy is? Well, this is quite interesting. We'll find that Western P sychology has essentially evolved around the sexual impulse. Starting with Freud and his sexual neuroses. Of course he was mostly looking at the cause of the de fects, not the functioning of the whole person. This starts with mental illness and he's focusing on what causes the sexual neurosis obsession at various stages , penile, oral, whatever. Freud didn't really have an idea of what sexual energy was. He was just noticing some patterns that somehow your sexual identity was very tied in to other parts of your identity, and then Jung took this further, and started looking at the c ollective aspects and the function of sexuality , and Wilhelm Reich took it furt her than that and actually came up with a theory which I am quite certain was st imulated by Eastern theories, the theory of orgone carrying the sexual energy. A nd his theory was that orgasm was the center of the universe. And that basically we are all gravitating towards orgasm. That's basically very close to the Taoist theory. Taoist theory is that primordi al yin/yang activity is what's creating things, is what's birthing everything. T his copulation of yin and yang, continually, at all levels, is what's birthing o ut the ten thousand things . So essentially, nature is having sex, continuously. It 's having a perpetual, nonstop, orgasm. And that's why plants, planets, stars, h umans, insects, everything is just bursting with this reproductive vitality. Yin Yang Theory is Universal Sexual Theory

So the process of Nature itself, according to Taoist Cosmology, is in effect a s exual theory. It's saying, how is creation happening? Creation is sexual. So dri ving us back to the human process of creation, we have two levels of sexuality h appening. One is procreation with male and female producing another being, a chi ld, and one is procreating yourself, your cells dividing and you basically cloni ng your body-mind. Producing another version of our self each moment. Slowly, cell by cell. And sin ce we ve got 80 trillion cells, that's a lot of sexual activity. Imagine 80 trilli on cells, each one having a little mini orgasm and reproducing itself! The conti nuous orgasm of recreating yourself is not a literary metaphor, it is biological reality. If you were able to amplify and expand your awareness of that cellular orgasm then you would experience a whole body orgasm. Do you think that might h elp solve our sexual-spiritual identity crisis? This is what the jing-chi-shen relationship is about in Taoist inner alchemy. Th is transformation from one end of the continuum to the other, exchanging and rec reating yourself each moment. Rebirthing yourself produces a blissful state whic h is essentially a steady-state orgasm. On the other end of this spectrum we could talk about a two person orgasm, what happens when you have the proper exchange of energy between a male and a female. But no matter how to look at it, energetic subtle body orgasm and physical orga sm are two ends looking at the same process. It is a genital orgasm at one end, at the other we are having a cellular orgasm which ultimately is a whole body or gasm. We can begin to realize we are actually reproducing ourself each moment. Accept that you actually have your male-female poles flowing in harmony and you are hav ing sex all the time. Would you feel so frustrated? You might think, "Wow, I've already had 23 and a half hours of sex, do I really want to have this extra half hour of sex with you honey? I might be getting too much here." I am kidding, of course. The cosmic whole body sexual vibration overflows effortlessly into phys ical sex if the energetic alignment with one s partner is proper. ________________________________________ End of Lecture excerpt. Copyright Michael Winn 2003.

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