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Underground RPG - Fully Strapped Always Packed

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Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Crass Suburban Materialism:

Mitch Gitelman (Author)

Terminal Irony:
Ray Winninger (Underground Creator; Additional Material; Editing)

Laserbeam Analysis and Dismissal:

Christopher Kubasik (Additional Editing)

Latent Disgust for A11 We Hold Dear:

Mari Paz Cabardo (ArtDirector)
Freeform Rebellion:
Mike Russo (Graphic Design)

On Point:
Ed Lee (Cover Illustration)

Utter Disregard tar Human life:

Rob McLees (Technical Assistance and Computer Illustration)

Splatter Boys:
Ed Lee, Rob McLees, Andrew Robinson (Interior Art)

Checkin My Six:
Mike Nystul, the Prince of Pain; Reader critic Stephanie Shaw; Lawboy Keith Hanningan; Brian Nystul-Mr. Success; Doug Tabb
(Im good enough, Im smart enough and doggone it, people like me!); Hank Boland (subreference #28 in a series of 40); the Earth
Mother-Robin (Gaia) Gitelman; and Emily Rose (who has a little nose)

Crime Crew:
Joe Adlesic and the Penial Gland; Allison Souter-my Vet; SuperDad Mike Malony; Tracey Sicard and BBV for the day job ducats; Jim
Knowles for putting up with my crap at work (Now whats this book about?); Jennifer Santana (what he needs is a good shtup);
Special Shout out to Syb and Floyd for the Values; and Barney.

Too many to name. Youll get yours.

Authors Note:
Proponents of existentialism will remind us that we are simply staving off the screaming hysteria of a pointless universe by role-playing. True, but my wizard is level 7, so I get Cloudkill.

UNDERGROUND is a trademark of Mayfair Games Inc.

Copyright 01993 Mayfair Games Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

The world of 2021 is confused, valueless, and depressing. The only thing that I
fort is the knowledge that my toaster knows how much ammo I have left.

Fully Strapped, Always Packed is a reference for the veteran who wants to know what it takes to play the game.
Guns are everywhere in Underground, and its important to understand what kind of firepower is out there before
you attempt to change the world. Violence is a way of life in the United States of the future. It permeates every facet of s(
ety, from childrens books to office life to prime-time vid-net. In a world where all battles are won with superior firepow
times your only friend is cold steel.

The bulk of Fully Strapped consists of fiction and source material designed to illustrate how the widespread availability of potent
firearms has warped society on the fringes of the Underground, Inside, in addition to this source material, youll find dozens of new
rules and new weapons. All of the important game information associated with these weapons is summarized on the final 32 pages
of this book which were designed to be tom out and added to the Underground Notebook. Finally, rounding out the package are a
few adventure hooks tied to the Underground Parameter rules (Underground Rulebook, Chapter Twelve). These hooks can be easily
expanded into full-blown stories.

Technology in Underground
In 2021, with few exceptions, truly innovative hardware and weaponry can only be created by major corporations. Only the corps
have the money and resources necessary to bum digital chips and mass produce goods, and only the corps are legally licensed to
engage in research.
Of course, some folks dont feel they need a license. Digital information technology makes it possible to link virtually any piece of
hardware to any other. Your vidset, quadrasound system, cellular fax, pulse oven, garage door, personal computer pack, Urban
Nightmare Ironmonger 20mm AutoPistol, and Pueblo Commando! confrontation software all interact with one another. This,
along with modular weapons systems, makes it very easy to customize and kit-bash new equipment in the field.

New developments in technology are no longer met with awe. Apathy is a way of life, and there are few advances capable of dropping jaws. Children in 2021 greet new video games with Is it a run-around-and-kill game or a solve-the-stupid-puzzle game?
Office workers, tired of rushing to keep up with the latest business software, rely on daily Quickstart program tutorials to keep
them up and running. Every day another basic human function is automated.
Nowhere are the effects of the technological revolution more apparent than on the vid-net screen. Because of sophisticated vid-net
remote controls allowing viewers to scan hundreds of channels in minutes, program producers strive to grab the publics attention
in 4.5 seconds. And as always, viewers are grabbed and held with startling images of extreme violence and pornography. At present,
most vid-net shows last no more than fifteen minutes - the average attention span of the 2021 viewer. With so many channels to
choose from, competition is fierce between vid stations. Many resort to militant corporations to settle contract disputes or fight for
important time slots. Things are starting to get even worse. New soma-remotes change vid-channels for the user, automatically displaying on screen the entertainment most wanted subliminally. Violence and pornography programs, along with home-shopping
networks and romance dramas, blur across the viewers screen, blinking on and off according to the moment-to-moment changes
in the viewers desires.
In upcoming Underground supplements, we will explore the many facets of 2021 technology in greater detail. Today, our subject is


Readers with an eve for detail may notice contradictions between Fully Strapped, Always Packed and the Underground Rulebook
regarding weapons statistics, costs, and availability. This book and its pull-out pages supersede any previously printed materials.
We have included a listing of every weapon from both books to ensure consistency and game balance.

Have fun.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)




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Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)


Robert Sendler (order #493062)

To Some, It's Full of Holes.

To You, It's Full of Memories.
Seems like only yesterday that your
father brought you here for the first

endorsed by the Tastee Ghoul Shooting

the X-ring at 75 feet, there's an Urban

Team due to their accuracy, durability,

Nightmare waiting for you.

Memories and nuclear fallout

time. Those sure were good timesjust you, Dad, and his Urban

aren't the only things that should last a



Urban Nightmare offers a full line of


small-bore plinkers and target pistols for

Robert Sendler (order #493062)


and fun colors. So whether your game is

I '" I


Greetings from the Bush, fellow pawns. Im at a classified location, typing feverishly away
at my pack and hoping that I can hit my deadline for this edition. Im also hoping to
avoid being turned into primordial soup by the fine folks at AMI.
This column is devoted to the Great Equalizer-paste.
Paste kills, my brothers. In-freaking-dubitably! Ive seen boosted operatives the size of
armored personnel carriers, who could take a direct hit from a Pumpit-40mm grenade
launcher, turned to goo by that insidious ooze. This weapons lack of fairness is staggering. What is the point of going through months of genetic engineering, Slumberland, and
reorientation, only to be slapped down by something that looks like toe cheese?

Its Un-American.
Ive been working semi-covert for 3 years. In that time, two entire units worth of boosted
infantry have gone down whiie protecting American interests abroad. Admittedly, with the
number of long-range, high powered, computer-assisted weapons currently in use on the
modem battlefield, my team and myself have as much chance of survival as President
Milkovich. But paste...p aste is somehow unholy.
Dont get me wrong. I haven%turned Deutch-Scientologistor anything. But some things
just arent right.

Fax your Congressman. E-mail the press. Get a license and bomb a post ofice. But do
something. Were out here fighting to allow you the freedom to get really pissed off and
blow up something. Dont turn your backs on us, safe in your suburban communities,

while we take hits from Darwins Revenge.

And heres a special note to the Anti-Sedition Squad all you guys who think you can stop
the TruthWspbefh
Chew me, baby. Im untouchable.
Thanks for reading. Im J.B and I am outta here.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

This months crop of

The Angry Young Boost

letters is all over the

place. It occurs t o me

that I have no idea who

reads our mag.

No matter. though.

Dear Limp-Wrists,
I just got finished reading issue #87 and stopped puking just long enough to fax this off. Gert
Frobes description of the Zermalmen modular system was about as informative as an issue of USA
ALlVE! In other words, it was written for the HS wanna-dies that hang out at the Clark and Belmont
Tastee Ghoul here in Chicago. No substance, no accuracy ratings, just color photos of the Meat
Substitute pretending that he knows which end is which.
Get with it DH! Find some guys with real field experience. Or do I have to get a license?
Silver Slayer
Chicago, IL

[Gee, you sound really mad! Id be careful boys! They grow some perty ornery characters in the midwest. By the way, dumbass, you never changed your fax signature. So if anyone would like to correspond with Larry Schindler (oops, I mean Siver Slayer...nyuk)write or letter-bomb him at 7416
Newark; Chicago, II 60614-5573.-Marvelous Maw]

Back in da day
Dear Marv,

As long as you keep

dropping the rubles and

shekels in the mail, well

Issue #87 was by far your finest. As a retired career soldier, days can seem pretty long. The one
thing that still keeps me going though, is your magazine. My first engagement, nearly 30 years ago,
was in Operation Desert Storm. I will never forget it -the camaraderie, the support from back home.
Back then, the VA did something for returning vets. It had the respect of all the other agencies
because it never forgot its purpose -to aid soldiers returning home after fighting for their country.
Not like now. Now, the VA is as corrupt and useless as the government that funds it.
So thanks, Marv. Thanks for reminding me of what was good and right in the America of my
Capt. Wayne Mazursky
USMC (Retired)
[yeah, I long for those good old days too. The Gulf Conflict reigns as one of this nations finest hou%
That and the Final Episode of Cop Rock avaitnbfe at the ChartbusterSomavid near you.-Mr.


continue to provide you

We can be thoughtful, t o o
with the best in boosted

news, reviews and


You should be proud to print such a fine publication. Disposable Hero isntjust another gun
magazine. Its a forum to air conflicting views regarding life, the military, and everything. For
instance, last issues article showing both sides of the millimeter debate was fair and insightful. For
the record, I dont see any reason why cartridges over 9 m m should be banned in public schools.The
Second Amendment guarantees certain rights to all Americans, even students. What will they take
away next, our right to kill transients?
Thoughtful in the Can
Delaware, PA
[There is no question about it. The founding fathers surely had PSI85 in mind when they declared
the right to bear arms. For those not following the debate, this ban does not affect teachers, who,
under current law, may utilize any size o r d i i c e excepting shotguns (which may injure non-combatant students with scattered shot).--Marvin the Wonderdog]

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

ar Disposable Hero,
I never thought Id be writing a letter to you, hut I just had an expeence that I had to relate. I am currently slationed overseas in a third
world county for Allied Mayhem Inc. Ohviously, I cant name the cow
try, hut lets just say that Im not officially here.
Anyway, the other night my unit went on an HK mission. HK is
what we call a hunt and kill scenario. We look for people whom the
brass have designated DO!\-Dead
Upon Our
Arrival (so far its been everyone we meet).
Our unit leader usually pairs us up and sends
us out to see what we can find. Most of u s
hring hack trophies from our kills. A lot of
the guys show up with weapons and unit designation patches torn off bodies. Other guys
make necklaces of ears, scalps and other
bio-wear. This time, I was paired with a
boost 111 call Barking Ken (not his real codename). Barking Ken is well known as a weapons specialist who t
exacting care of his company made 50mm bolt-action recoilless overand-under rifle with 40mm Pumpit grenade launcher.
Before we started out, Barking Ken ran hack to the personnel carrier
and came out with a very large package wrapped in anti-environment plastic. He hefted it well, but I could tell that whatever it was, it was heavy! His
corded muscles pushed against the fabric of his heavykev sleeves, and I
could see by his heat signature that he was putting out some effort to
carry it. We started out towards the place
claimed hid a Charli
Angel (enemy air-mobile troop) encampment. As we trotted through ti
woods, Ken looked at me with a weird cat that got the canary smile. I
was wondering just what he was up lo when we came upon a deserted
farmhouse. Looking over his shoulder with a sly look, Barking Ken heckoned me to follow him inside.
Well Maw, Ive seen a lot of guys develop feedback trauma dL....,
my tour so Ive got to admit, I was a little wary. Of course, as a boost Im
not bad myself. I stand a sturdy 73 with a 55 chest and well-developed
biceps. My most startling assets, however, are the well-developed legs that
have earned me the monicker Leapin Bob, since I can vault an Abrams
MI1tank without breaking a sweat. That and my trusty DW770 assaull
rifle kept me feeling confided that I could get myself out of whatever
might happen inside the little house. When we entered and swept the
building for undesirables, Barking Ken turned to me and said, I have
something Ive wanted to show you for a long time. And with that, ho
slowly unzipped the shroud that covered the item that he had toted 1
him for a full click.
I gasped as I gazed along the length of it. It was huge and thick u
ree independent heads and long lengths of chain fed ammunition flo
s barely able to catch
ing down from the sides of the outer t~
like i
my breath as I heard him mutter, Do
My God, what is it? I gasped.

He glanced lovingly (
Its called the Cerherus
9mm rounds.. .
shafts. The two CTuIca- mini
9mm. Oh my!
And the third head, in the middle, fire!
Triangulation, right. I could feel my sweat gl
ously to cool the heat rising between us in the room
The whob rid is atlachod fr) a gynmount hari.-.,~--.
your pack here.
M-My pack?
Thats right, Leaping Bob, yours. - .>ant you to try this baby. He
stood up and helped me slide into the shou
straps. The canisters that
contained the 9mm slurry rounds were huge, but I had no trouble supporting the weight. Tonight, I felt like I could kill tho whole world!
like Ill end I
Its so big, I said. What about the recoil. It I
flat on my back the second 1 pull the trigger!
He winked. You let me worry about that. Lets go.
We left the farmhouse and headed hack to where we left our mission
guideline. Pueblo Mapit! top1 us on course until we came to the enemy

camp. Or so I thought. \Vith so much wooded area ahead of us, 1 had no

way of knowing for certain where they were.
Barking Ken came up close behind me, his mouth close to my ear.
Warm em up, he whispered. I flipped a switch on my pack and the
gyromount leapt into action. The weapon swung up from its resting position at my side and settled nicely below my helt. Another switch caused
the twin miniguns to whir into action. They sounded like the ultimate
neat processor. I shivered. It would he moments before the distinctive
sound alerted any resistance to our attack.
What about the recoil? I insisted.
He reached around me and depressed an
unmarked button. The sound of hydraulics
filled my ears as the two pods that protruded
into the air from the backpack swung down to
create a tripod. My own powerful legs acted as
the third leg. I was still worried about the stability, but the Cerberus was one step ahead of
me. The foot pods let out a loud report as the
integral nail guns at their bases slammed steel spikes into the ground to
hold me in place. I shivered with anticipation and the knowledge thal I
was vulnerable, rooted in plz--a
target. My fingers ached to fire.
Let er rip!
It seemed as if I squeezed the trigger for a long, long time. Seconds
elongated as a fountain of lead erupted from my Wardog. Flames spudoA
again and again in cones three feet long and I heard myself laughing
lin of destruction. My body rocked in spasms as I let loose my flu
,.!foliating death. I closed my eyes tight and let my weapon do its
The forest before me shredded and flew back from my turgid tommytreehucking torrent. I bucked and bucked and bucked. feeling the
r issuing from my rod.
And then it was over. All that was left was the whirring
ny ammo
We rested, just enjoying each others company in the glow of the
ng flora. After a while, we made our way back to the unit to discover
hey had engaged the enemy several kilometers from our location.
Then who did we frag?, I asked our platoon commander.
Just some Red Cross Volunteers, he laughed. Dont worry, well
egister the kills.
l,,-L-d ?cross at Barkina Ken. If yo- **n find any remains, he said.
mile remi
:ring my
s I let loose on the treeline.




Robert Sendler (order #493062)



A few years ago, I heard about a gun that could pel

ecently, during a private hypnotherapy session with

my VA-appointed shrink, I had a past-life experience
wherein I was convinced that I was Sir William
Shatner, the soma-vid superstar whose work inspired
the late President Raymond Milkovichs inaugural We
are human, we do feel emotions speech in 1998. The
shrink found nothing odd about this and informed me
that many returning veterans experience similar
episodes. What causes them, and should I be womedp ,

trate heavy MONDO armor at insane ranges (lib

mile). That would be weird enough, but I also heard
that the sighting system was somehow linked to an
@e or some such crap. Could this be true?
-H.R.P., Cleveland, Ohio

Let me get #is strabht. You can accept the idea

of human bemgs genetically altered to secrete acid,
but you have a hard time with the idea of linking a
gun to a b i d s brain? Your ability to create new base-R.A.W. Chicago, Illinois
lines for reality is enviable. The gun that you are
We all wish that we were someone else from
thinh-ing of was created by Allied Mayhem Inc., purtime to time. Some of us just wish this unconsciousveyors o f fine hardware and the manfleshto wield it.
ly. I am not making light of your experience, which I
The gun fires a projectile resembling a gram of rice.
am sure, affectedyou deeply. It is not every day that
Gram o f rice? How can such a meager sliver of metal
realizes that he was once the man responsible
rend someone like ManmountainOpie (the A M I test
in the Middle East. Shatners work in
subject) into an unrecognizable lump o f gore? .The
Project Mindmeld was an important moment in hisanswer rests m a unique propulsion system that uses
toy. It just seems odd that every time someone has
an enormous amount of energy to generate a cona past life experience, they remember being someone
tained magnetic pulse. This pulse propels the grain
famous. When will someone remember that Yes! I
down a four-foot-longbarrel (a sort of rail-gun).
was Herman Glimpsher, an Amway salesman hom
Remember h-ih,itsnot the size o f the projectile, its
Tacoma, WA? Anyway, one reason so many veterthe velocity of the launch. As far as the imagmg sysans have similar experiences is because o f the
tem in the scope is concermd,yes, it is wet-wired to
the brain of an eagle (we here at DH hope that it k, in fact, a bald Bromley computer virus that infected Slumberland during the
eagle, symbol of America). The eagles brain allows the firer to early days of the project. The virus caused personas in the virtual
track small moving objects better than conventional lenses or reality world to miw occasionally and manifestwhen conhonted by
uplinks. This, in theory, would be intensely useful by airmobile items or events that effectedtheir pastlives.
In your case, it might happen when you see dead men in red
snipers who can use the weapon to turn boosts into red mist clouds
h m posiiiohs that are nearly sub-orbital. I f you are considering an shirts.
attempt to order this gun through some catdog, think again.. All of
A M . s hardware is militarily restricted and unavailable to the public.



B a c k in Paraguay, I can remember guys rigging their guns to fire

via voice command and then mounting them on their shoulders facw h y do the mkers of the 15Gsa handgun insiit on calling it a light ing backwards. When their packs registered unfriendlies to the rear,
they would just yell Fire! and the gun would do the rest. It even
sidearm? 20 millimeters seems like an awful lot of lead to me.
replied Roger, G.! Can I get the stuff I need to do that now that
-B.R. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Irony seems to be in great demand these days, probably Im back in the states?
-G.D.W. Macon, Texas
because the need to be hip weighs heavier on the mind than the

need for social change. The folks at Glint of Cold Steel Ordinance
Co. are not without their wry humor as well. What could be funnier
than a bullet that can kill you through the wall of your house? To
answer your question, 20 millimeters does not a lbht sidearm make.
The standard sideann for most non-boosted soldiers continues to be
the Zermalmen Waffen Totscheiben 9mm semi-automatic.
However, standard for one species may not be the standard for
another. The 15Gsa is a h e weapon (see review in issue #8?) that
has enjoyed immense populmifywith the Homosuperor community because of its large bore and 11-round staggered magazme. But
light its not.
Robert Sendler (order #493062)

The system that you are describing is not found commercially

anywhere. From what you have said, it sounds as ifyour buddies
Pueblo Firefight! to a servo-motor mounted on their
shoulders along with a standard Vocalizer program. The motors
would allow heedom of action for the weapon and permit the program to track moving targets. As far as the gun doingthe rest is
concerned, unless your pals
the program to fire the
weapon at a certain rate, they yelled, Fire!, every time the pack
got a lock on the target. The voice activation itself is not a problem. Many gangsters program their weapons to fire when they say,
Itsa deal!


Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)


Howitzer 2 120A1 75mm Mancannon


The whc

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

lnc ,


Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Manufacturedby Zerrnalmen Waffen. NeoDeutchianc

and yes, i quote, "a singusystem that is unstoppable by EMP and

What they are describing is a radtal
hanicaily snapped, sending an
appliance hurtlingthrough
dummy grenades, In an
give the NBs a fair shake. Not only did i miss my
, I broke ME.OLeary's window, and almost distract<
husband from watching the Toftinis


Abby Normal

Manufactur-- -y Lewisgun ini-

dtional, Ohio

When i think of chum. it always takes me back to the days on me ooat with my cohorr aeercan we were fishin' for shark
those days, and the best way to attract one was with dead, bioody fish Something about the mangled sea creatures stru
my fancy and got me to thinking about how I could reduce human tissue to a bucke
s these wistful rememle savor the life i chose fpr myself- that of a freelance gun reviewer Then somethina s
k to realit
rust write a
iew describingthe pros and cons of a weapon that has
discernible purpose other than to bleed eight-month-olds
use as a party favor. Twenty-lwo caliber?What the hell is
t? I heard about it once, but never dreamed i would see
e. I thought it had gone the way of the velociraptor
id it be true? Only one way to check1 Yest The decoder
is stili attached, and so is the whistle1 TweetfTweet1 Oh,
at joy to know that I can gun down mustachioed
oper- Tannies with my new heater

Robert Sendler (order #493062)






read by American Human Beings. If not

American Human Beings, I will settle for just
plain Human Beings. To date, according to my
calculations, there are fewer than one billion of
us left in the United States.

Keep reading.
This is a call to arms. You have been
invaded and you are too brainwashed and apathetic to realize it. Since 1990, alien life forms
have been insidiously introducing themselves
into our society. In the guise of so-called normal Americans and their spawn, the PreFrontals, they have begun a campaign to systematically insert themselves into many
aspects of American life in order spread their
inhuman filth into our greatest cities.
Near the end of the twentieth century, a
secret army created by the NSA, began to investigate UFO sightings
around the country. Traveling in black helicopters and wearing
black uniforms, these operatives were encountered by many private
citizens investigating the UFO testing facility at Area 51 near Las
Vegas. For several years, UFOs had been seen in this area. What was
this clandestine army doing when running the 100+ missions to
underground bases throughout the western states? Patrolling alien
centers, where thousands of human abductees were taken for gross
genetic testing. The United States, then under the control of a weakwilled communitarian government, discovered the centers accidentally while experimentingwith laser technology in the desert. The
President (who never served a day in defense of his country) tried to
extend an olive branch and covered-up the invasion for the aliens
and began a secret trade route to their beachhead in Nevada. This
short-sighted and limp-wristed error in judgement will one day prove
fatal to all life on the planet.
Readers will notice that no mention of the subverted U. S.
funds for the creatures was ever mentioned in the press. You will
also notice that the men in black working for the NSA have never
been cited in any reference, be it government, corporate, or private,
dealing with a listing of military units operating in the U. S.
Individuals hoping to get a glimpse of the aliens will notice that certain routes into the Nevada desert are cordoned off, allowing no out~ d e r in.
How can all this happen without alerting the population that
they are being invaded, and that the invaders are being aided and
abetted by their own government? The story has been TOTALLY
suppressed in the U. S. print and broadcast media which, at the
time of the invasion, was controlled by just 29 corporations. And
how did the aliens come to control at least 29 major corporations?
The answer lies in the bloodstream of every pre-frontal aberration that has made America into the cesspool it has become.
The entire world was affected forever when an alien spacecraft
crash-landed in Florida in 1996. These were the same type of aliens
that had been living out west for several years. What the govern-

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

ment so quaintly labeled Alpha and Beta

were actually sacrificial lambs, set up to die so
that the joint U. .%/Alien Consortium along
with the leaders of the five major Mafia families (now legitimate businessmen) could
introduce some of the alien technology into
mainstream life. The entire event was created
to reap financial rewards while driving America
nearer to the edge of Ragnarok! Dont you
think that if the government had wanted to
conceal the true nature of the spacecraft that it
could simply make the event disappear? Do
you really think that they are the bunglers that
they appeared to be to the international intelligence community? I have been active in
company business nearly all my life. I know
what these organizations can do.
Every phase of the alien infiltration was
orchestrated by Plutocrats and Republocrats
seeking to twist America into an unholy nightmare of crime, mindwiping, and consumerism gone amok. Dont you realize that they
have been among us for years and are responsible for all that is
wrong with America? By sharing a small amount of their genetic
technology, they have paved the way for our eventual destruction.
We have created the means of our self-destructionand made it look
The technology that remains secret is devastating. It will topple
governments, create disorder, and end civilization as we know it. The
genetic science the aliens possess allows them to appear human.
When they are in human form, they are completely unrecognizable
to us. Even genetic testing will not unmask them. The reason? They
are the ones who created the DNA scanners! They only let us know
what we need to know. Nothing more.
So how do we combat this enemy when we cant determine who
they are? Kill their offspring. Destroy every last cro-mag on the planet. No one will be safe until we do. They are time bombs sitting in
our midst. It will not be hard. They still have but limited mental acumen. They are cattle that consume OUR food, steal OUR jobs, and
watch OUR television. They are thieves and perverts. They are the
murderers and abductors of children. They steal our money and our
jobs and ask us for rights within the constitution. The constitution
is for HUMANS!
We can do it. The aliens have given us the means with their
weapons of war. The answer is Paste. It is quick, lethal, and inexpensive. Mass produced, it can bring an end to our enslavement by our
government of traitors as well as thinning the line at the MacRaneys
Hamburger stand. Hitler never had the means to prove his enemies
were genetically inferior. That is why he failed. We know the cromags are less than human. The world would hail our achievement as
the last great act of cleansing.
- Sgt. T. E. Bickel is a concerned member of the N M and
NationalAnti-Socialist Party as well as a staunch supporter of




. .
Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Cruising the mean streets of Los Angeles County, the boosted
veteran known as the Sado-Intellectual and his cronies are looking
to hurt. They are part of the growing class of war survivors who
have returned to an America that is unrecognizable as the one they
had left.
Disenchanted with the realiiies of stateside life, they lash out at
the government, big business, organized religion, the media, sports
figures, fashion, and Tastee Ghoul. They move and in their wake,
they leave broken glass, spent shells and spray-painted epithets,
forcing the people o f the city to acknowledge guilt. The mirror the
Sado-Intellectual holds up is cracked, but its reflection is clearLos Angeles is a crimson zone, the designation given to the most
dangerous of conflict areas. Roaming with automatic weapons and
crushed hopes for the future, the Intellectual and his band of bent
henchmen destroy property and preach a new form of existentialism. They are nihilists, but with a sense of style.
Not much is known about the S I 3 pre-enhancement life. He
admits to being raised in middle-class Orange County, to having
siblings, and to joining the Homosuperior Expeditionay Force in
order to escapefrom working at Taco Express.
Contributing Editor Gert Frobe met several times with the
articulate outlaw, who sometimes brought along a batch of newspaper clippings, Army discharge papers, or parts of his AntiSedition file. They were stolen for me by a fan on the Squad,,,he
says. W y public loves me, yet must always keep their identities
secret for fear of retribution by the militay-industrial complex. It
is true that the SI has a following among the young, who see him
as a speaker who can express their disgust with their parents, their
teachers, and the manufacturersof inferiorvideo games.
Frobe described his first meeting with the ex-soldier as frustrating. Here was a man with a great deal to say; a trulg superior
intelligence. His head must be two feet tall, yet he chooses to
encase it in zippered black leather to make a point that he believes I
should understand without asking.

Give us your appraisal: Is America doomed to follow in the footsteps

of the Roman Empire?
I believe that you overestimate the Roman Empire. The traits commonly associated with it-conspiracy, betrayal, sodomy, and murder-were never defining features of the government as controlled by
the aristocracy. They were defining features layered onto the Empire
by modem writers reflecting their own society. So, in a sense, of
course we are doomed to follow them. They are us.

ror of a meaningless existence. The pablum the media passes off for
news is at once revolting and exhilarating. The knowledge that the
swine sluice that is America can be manipulated so easily by newscasters and sit-com stars who are barely recognizable as sentient
imbues me with a sense of profound freedom that will ultimately
allow me to bend the will of the people towards my own decidedly
perverse agenda.

And that agenda is?

That would be telling. But you must keep in mind that I have been
altered on a genetic level and programmed to kill for my masters
profit-and-loss statements. I take responsibility for my actions, and
am accountable to no court that this society can convene. I remind
you that I am a paranoiac and prone to irrational outbursts of violence. Whatever my plans, rest assured that bloody mayhem will play
a part.

122 be careful. You recently destroyed an entire city block of retail
stores including the downtown location of Barneys and Barneys
Bookstores. Was that in retribution for their refusal to cary your
The attack was again
aimed at the draftbeasts that roam shopping malls in the hope
of acquiring enough
consumables to fill their
homes and thereby alert
others that they indeed
have some worth. They
buy to fdl a void left by a
latent knowing that they
have no purpose other
than reproduction. The
decision by Barneys
management not to
carry my book because
it was too political was ironic when you consider that the chain has
devoted entire aisles to capitalism and money management. The
Barneys buyers must be unaware that money is the only political
force in the world. They will pay.

Boosted Americas elder

statesman reflects on

death, Slumberland, and

the rise Violent Crime

vs. the innocent.

As long as were talking about society, what trends do you see devel-

oping in our current age of information?

It depends on the information. If you mean the age of factual information, none at all, other than to distract herd animals from the hor-

As far as guns go, do you have a preference?

Considering the sort that reads your magazine, I expected that to

be question one. Well, for your drooling poseurs, I will admit to a
fondness for the Punk-Roaster Napalm Projector. Heat intrigues
me, as does pain. The adjustable cook settings are wonderfully easy
(continued on page 140)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

r r "1



- -


DW 770/g

Glint of Cold Steel firearms are prouen designs well known for their rugged durability and lethal accuracy. Our ciuilian
models are built to the exact same specifications required of our military firearms In September, the auresome killing
power of the famous M92 PIC wilt return as the M92 PRC1g.
Cold *Steel
Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)


Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Father Decker Invited to Neo-Vatican summit

Marjorie Anderson


Our beloved Father Decker has been invited to attend a Neo-Vatican meeting of American priests by Cardinal Templar of the Arch-diocese of Ohio.
Father Decker did not say what the meeting was about, but it is obviously a great honor to be asked to attend any sort of event in the NeoVatican. It looks like Father Decker may be out of town for several
weeks, but not to worry! Father Needam from Lima will be coming up to
lead the congregation for the next several Sundays. Thanks Father
Needam! In the meantime, be sure to congratulate Father Decker when you
see him. Its terrific to know that Toledo will be represented by someone
who embodies the ideals of brotherhood in these troubled times.
Graffiti Alert1
by, Jay Riggins

They call themselves "taggers" and they're ruining our neighborhood. of

course, they're nothing new. Vandals have been defacing buildings since
before I was born. But now they've gone too far! Our church bus has been
defiled so badly that I can't read the words spray-painted on it! These
little punks have been allowed to get away with this kind of thing far
too long and its high time we do something about it! That's why itrn
organizing the Graffiti Alert Reconnaissance Patrol (or G.A.R.P. for
short). We must teach these hooligans that when they are violating o u r
propertyf they are violating us. I called the police to ask their advice
in handling this sort of thing, and they warned me that these pee-wee
purveyors of urban blight go armed these days.
Raffle Winner

Congratulations to Dale McCormick!

Dale won the new "Backlash" Virtual Danger Game System for her children,
Norman and Lydia- Happy hunting, kids and be sure to duck! Proceeds from
the raffle that were to feed the homeless are now being used to get a
Paint job for the church bus.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

The Big Book

The King James Bible of the 20th century was only one of 2,875 English-language versions published during
the last two thousand years. At the end of the century, several publishers recognized the money to be made in tailoring the Bible to special interests, and thus the Bible Glut was born. Jumping on the bandwagon, hundreds of ethnic
groups, businesses, communities, economic classes, and sexual orientations began rewriting the holy scriptures to
better reflect their values and interpretations.
In the beginning, most of these publishers were sincere; they simply hoped to make the Word accessible to new
generations of readers. But ultimately, the result was a breakdown of unity within the Christian world. Where most
Christian churches once observed basically the same tenants, 21st century Christians are as varied as snowflakes. In
many social circles, discussions of religion are shunned not because of the threat of offending a neighbor, but
because the variety of splinter beliefs and lack of common language makes such discussions too complicated to
even begin. To this day, many new versions of the scriptures are published each year. Sales of the Big Book, as it
has come to be called, have made religion a big business. Currently, sales figures put the Bible (in all its incarnations) into the 300 billion plus revenue bracket, making it far-and-away the best selling book in the history of publishing. The following is a sampling of a familiar passage from several popular bibles.
The King James Bible: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He
leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul. . .
The Living Bible: Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass
and leads me beside the quiet streams. He restores my failing health. (published by the World Organization of
Healers and Mystics)
The Good News E-Z Reader (hologram edition): God helps me. (published by E-Z Reader Inc.)
The Act-Out Bible: Dont let anyone rock your boat! Maintain. Its all here for you. You have come a long way, and
by accepting Gods gift of individuality, you will transcend barriers. . . (published by Act Out)
The MacRaneys Family Fun Bible: Mayor Fat Mac has made MacRaneyland fun for all to enjoy! He allows us to
play in the forest of Hot Pies, and splash in the gurgling fountain of Icee-Frostees . He redeems my coupons. . .
(published by MacRaneys Inc.)
The Upscale Bible: Everything God made is mine for the taking! Hes given me high yield money market funds
for the short term and tax free investments to roll over into IRAs. He provides me junkets. . . (published by
Upscale Magazine)

The Elmwood Park Community Bible: Why are you such an ungrateful slob? Look around you, peckerhead! Look
at all this good stuff dat Gods freakin given yous. You got the forest preserve to play softball, you got da 7-11 for
beer. . .It makes ya feel good, ya know? (paid for by the Elmood Park Citizens Board)
The Gangbangers Guide To God: The Lord is one fly-ass, hustler, gangster, OG, pimp, mutha. Yo, check it out, G!
He created the crazy freaks to give me play. He gives me schoolyards and playgrounds to bust caps in. He bails
me out when my backs to the mat. . . (published by NasteePress Inc.)
The National Rifle Association Holy Bible: I once spoke to the Lord, after a lunch date with Ava Gardner. I found
him on my private range in San Fernando. He was happy with the way the filming was going, though He was
concerned about DeMilles ability to capture the scale and wonder of the Red Sea parting. We chatted for several
minutes, and as He popped off a few rounds, he said, Chuck, . . . with one of these .30-.06s youll never want. .
. (published by the National Rifle Association, with narration by Charleton Heston)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Ms. Gunn: Lets start a war.

Mr. Pahner: Limited engagement.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Anonymous weeps, sometimes f o r days. He

t o his children and asks them f o r forgivenes:5 . Other times
ini nn t-..-.,
h i nnc
he rocks i n place, cradling the oldest, expla-..-,,,


s i t s i n a corner o f the tenement basement staring a t him coldly. She does

not speak. They have not spoken i n years. He t r i e s t o g e t her t o see a


about t h e i r problems-tries hard, he thinks. But she j u s t glares a t him.

,6r, lried




Ler ,4r


Lappened. d

e Low3


Le mudt, in dome w a p , d L a r e tLe


The problem stems from a lack of communication. He accepts that families have p
that problems must be resolved.

The boys understand. Even the younger ones, t

SHE can't seem to keep clean, cling to him for security. H e is

the bread winner. He brings home the bacon.

She stays home with the children; he delivers groceries. He is sure he can be more.

The poster tells him so.The poster is big. It is colorful-larger




s p a t 4 4 to

L i d w$


enkstiy. j t



tLode w X i p w d conuerdatioM in Led, a s tLe sweat dried in tXe smatYo/ Let-

teed Aer a d o u ~X i s dmamd,

o u t d e tLeir window. 3 L e is eOot4iny up


Xim dweet4, Xer




'Y L


He makes her agree, but she is scared. She's heard t

strong, and none of the

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

than life.

to keep

people and nice to strangers and give money

them safe.

A o n y m o u d cLxcAd tLe puPPon L i d eigLt-pound trigger: Cadey re5ponL wit1 a dati&ny





J L e p tLe bid5 LeaALy a n d wePP/xl. 7 L e y wiPP &ring you yreat



cliPdren are L i s



tXe douLPe-mtion doe5

kb a n d Le p & p

witL t l e m a d

Le can.

He is getting ready for work.

Tomrny is in a holster on his left side, butt forward. H e is in the "terrible twos"and
hard to control, so Anonymous only lets hum out once in awhile. Tommy is strong and
Anonymous needs two hands to control him.He used to get tired, lugging
around all night, but a parent gets strong after time and no longer feels th

Time to bring home the bacon.



She began to wonder if he was ever coming home. She knew he would be in the tank a long time,
but it had been almost nine months with no word. He wasn't even there to see Michael take his first few
steps. She assumed he was alive because the checks kept coming, but nine months! What are they doing
to him?

The blanket was pulled t i g h t around her when t h e phone

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Anonymous walks to the convenience store on the corner. The children are quiet and respectful,
and he offers the Paraguayan clerk a proud parents smile. The clerk says nothing and looks past him as if
he is not there. Just like a Paraguayan, he thinks. They care for no one. They proved it to him many times.

He helps himself to a Biglim (25% more man in every

bite)and the GUay, busy stocking the counter, still doesnt
notice him. He expects this but it still infuriates him. He leans
in, fuming, his face inches from the Guays.No response. His
ys to Casey, and brushes the hair from his sonsface.
Anonymous unlocks the safety on the 20mm, fully automatic, Urban Nightmare Ironmonger.


dptded /mm



L i d fatLer

w i t 1 tLe

Xi3 p P L on A o n y m o u d


eyed of

a cLi&




and put3

pkaA wid


Lim;re@ Letween

parent3 to



d i 3 y r u n t L d fattier

a n d tLe cLr A . J


Anonymous quickly checks the Ironmongers sights, and puts its barrel to the clerks head.

No. Not in front of the kids. Not in front of the kids.

Casey moves back to his fathers side and presses his head against his fathers hip for comfort.

DNA is tricky, the man with the guttural accent said. The process was not without its risks, but he

was quick to point out that her husband knew that when he signed the paper and the paper was very clear
on this and he usually comes to the house, but it was a very busy month and she should see the paperpiling up on his desk.

till doing some tests

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

He punches the time-

clock and begins h i s s h i f t .

He hides i n a dum

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

7 L e y ca!P;t S L m L r U , but it

id mytLing

tLe maA rouering


b e

and jupp&ity

Lim oxyyen.



e nee&

A id

u m m o/

o/ tLe catLeter

L t u L . A L m LmwLcLp

L no e&ct


Lid pria'e or




Inside, they have programmed him a sidekick who can lift a tank. He has teammates who
would give their lives for him. He operates from a secret base and takes his orders from a silhouetted
figure on a flatscreen who may or may not be the President himself. The figure gives his team assign-

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

and his wife is finally

pleased. It was a long

yrnous is very par-

ticular about his workThe bacon slowly regains consciousness and becomes aware of his surroundi
chair. His face twitches involuntarily as his head rocks from side-to-sicle. It is too much. The bugs and
wet have done horrible things to his body. A dead woman stares at him with words still on her lips, her
glazed and sunken eyes still pleading.

e is a strong woman. All her friends think so. Shell be fine. Shell work hard and raise the chilerself. Shes already done that for nearly a year; theres no reason to believe that she cant continue
grown. She doesnt think about finding another man, although her friends have delicately
mentioned it to her. Survival. The boys will adapt. Shell make a life for them all and nothing will stop her.
She is strong.

The bacon regains consciousness for the second time and knows that
he is not alone.

walls, but he c

h~ head to focus on the metallic noise.

click, shliiiiiiiiiiicccccckk
click, shliiiiiiiiiiicccccckkkkk.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

A kitchen sound. Finally, the bacon hears a voice-calm,

casual, almost off-hand.

SoAnonymous says, Whats your name?

click, ~hliiiiiiiiiii~c~~~~kkkkk.

The freshly code-named Anonymous awakens on a cot in a room devoid of any sensory input save
and blue stripes adorning the wall. He cannot feel or speak.
A metallic whisper issues forth from a speaker beneath his pillow.

You are just fine, Anonymous. Nothing to worry about. We have a lot to talk about.

He struggles to move and discovers he is unrestrained.

Do you know where you are?

He does not. Many thoughts are wrestling to reach the surface. The Rail Baron. Johnny One-Note.
Dr. Darke. It could be any one of them, or another, even more sinister foe.

He hears a muffled discussion under his pillow. He concentrates on the sound, relaxing as the Master taught him
and the words become clearer.
Atrophy. That and the drugs.
There isnt supposed to be any atrophy. This entire batch is polluted somehow.
Did the seizure have any adverse affects?
No way of knowing yet.
I recodtioning decpeme.7

I dunno. I dunno. We really have to get him in-country within 45 day

God. Who gave that order?

Does it matter? Operchons

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

clozapine to

Anonymous remembers he has next of kin. He fights to understand. His tongue, now able to move,
runs along the inside of his mouth . He feels the missing chunk of meat from his left cheek. Seizure. His
mind is a blur of only four colors. He struggles for something he cannot see and fails. He remembers a
womans face, and holds it, grips it, tugging his way back.

The voice from under h i s pillow i s talking t o him.

Anonymous, your country needs you and . . .

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

best of him several times until his stomach is finally empty.

"Rccul," the bacon stutters, "my name is Rad Mcutinez."

A reply comes from only inches away from his ear. He jumps, the soft, warm breath mistaken for

the moment of death.

"Raul." A n o n y m o u s repeats. "Hmmm. I'm going to kill

you, Raul. But first, I want to get to k n o w you."
Raul is cold now. He can no longer feel his fingers. He focuses on his feet sticking to the floor-like
movie theater. He wishes he was in a movie theater. He wishes a Preat manv thins!

The fie1

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

weapons. They are all that is left of his unit, some twenty men, and they keep their th
on him, burning to pull their triggers. Eight men cut in their sleep.

How long has he been tallung to knives?

Bout a month. Ever since he saw his first kill, one of the soldiers replies.
What does he say?

Whatsthe difference. Lets cap him.

Another soldier speaks up. He started talking to it when he saw Turner die. They were tight.
the knife sort of took his place. I mean, he called it Turner.
chart as if it will tell him what to do. This is his first tour.

So we do him, right Doc? We d

Robert Sendler (order #493062)





g for something to say.

kwirl of red tape.
Does anybody know if hes got any next of kin?
Yeah,a soldier answers, hes always mumbling about a woman named Barbara.

Other soldiers murmur their agreement. The doctor pushes through

their ranks, coming as close as he dares to the blood-stained patient.

Barbara. Its better than nothing.

Anonymous, dont you want to go home?

R - ES

izn o n

m n v ~ 5 -, ~ n ni n

O ~ ~ ET W
, E L V E
i =

i n ~ + f :T
~I s

Dont you want to see Barbara? Anonymous? Barbara is waiting for you.

. .

.. ..

- _

They have been talking a long t h e . Anonymous pulls up a chair and

sits, listening intently. Rcrul is unaware of ths. He knows only that someone
asks questions and the longer and more detailed h s answers, the longer he
lives. R d tells him everything. H e explains his job. He lays out his family
tree, pcrylng particular attention to his wife and kids. H e discusses his prob-

lems with friends (always borrowing money), with his wife, (always co
plaining), with work (a dead end). H e is dehydrated.

how long he has been in this basement.

tight from the

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Once he runs out of things to talk about, he finally summons up the courage to ask a question of
his own. " W h y am I here?"

"Barbara, could you please get Raul something t o drink?"

Raul glances over at the dead woman in the corner. "Please
forgive her, Raul. Ever since she had the twins, she's

energy at all."
Robert Sendler (order #493062)

d i d time in-county a J

tLe ,&ierzA Le

d tLere L v e tauyLt Lim


Le can never Lope to /&et.

Lesson one: Anyone can be killed. Boost level has no meaning. If the
target's skin can shrug off 20mm rounds, switch to hot loads. If hot loads
don't work, try napalm. If nccpalm doesn't work, paste will, whch r

hum of lesson two: In-country, carry it all,

There are more. Lessons only five-year vets know.
that make hirn forget Slumberland, forget America. H e
clings, however, to one memory that neither Slumberland,
reconditioning, or eighteen months of casualties could
erase-his wife, his children. And now, he is going to them.
His homecoming will be ~oyous.H e will walk through the
front door and they will be unable to let hirn go. The boys will
latch onto his arms and legs, squeezing and squealing his
name. Barbara will come out of the kitchen, wiping her
hands on a dishrag, wondering what all the commotion is
about. She won't run to him. She will simply stand there
beaming, tears of


and relief filling her eyes, watching

hirn play with the boys. That will happen soon. For now,

Barabara has a life, and it no longer includ

her for days before first contact.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

practiced the right things to say and the memories to evoke.

SI, id

j t a r t k d ,Len

dLimmering Sfur. 4




Le jnaf& d p e d d ,

e can Le$ Ler,

to Lid aid,


d Le rund

decaude *Le cannot dee Lim. J i , e n L e m e n t r c

witL a tricL Le k a r n e d during tLe


Land akng Lid


w p e r m e n t h k/

mid. J e cut3 Lid

d i n , painting Limde4 J i d $&e


Lim a dudtee,

Ld,deep a L n g


m u e a k d in d i n y md.

She reacts, her eyes open wide, as he knew they would when he returned. Finally, she embraces him.

close. Raul weeps as well.

why he must die.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

took place at

home. TheVA
was a long
way, and the
came quicker
than anyone
would have

elp, holding Barbara'shands and whpering words of encouragement.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

There was a complicati

out. She begged-A

thinewas slipping.

The same.
He tried to hide them from her because he knew what her reaction would be. She became angry,
and then afraid. She begged him for her boys, crying his name, pleading. He knew she woul
them. Not now. He held the two boys who looked just like him and stared across her body at
Michael. They could help him, and then she would see.


cut i n eiyLteen m o n A , dut tLe b n i b moued e a i h i n



As the life drained from David and Michael, Anonymous dipped the twins into the widening pool of

their blood. Holding the twins high, he turned to his wife, smiling the smile of a proud parent. His smile
faded quickly when she lunged at him, clawing at her children, his face, and the knife on his belt. His
instinct and training took over. His wife Barbara was dead before he could withdraw the blade from her
throat. He looked at his twin boys bloody and unmoving forms. Slowly, he sat down and withdrew his
gun from its holster.

Yo d i r t y , L e murmumd, WLy c m i your

motLer beep you c k m .1

Anonymous is sure now that Raul understands why he needs him. They walk together to the shattered mirror in the basement, arm-in-arm.

Raul helps him see and Anonymous smiles.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Violence and the Entertainment Industry

Americans have always had a lovehate relationship
with guns and the people who use them. From the earliest flatscreen Westerns to the current UltraViolents, we
have watched in fascination as the hero discovers a
wrong and fights to right it. Along the way, she might
discover something about herself or become romantically
involved, but more often she simply blazes away until
every last enemy is dead. As is often the case in real life,
we are repulsed by the people trying to protect us or promote our causes. We fear those who can casually take
life, yet we envy them and covet their abilities.
Over the years, as we became more and more jaded,
producers of action-oriented entertainment were forced
to become increasingly graphic in order to satisfy the
consumers prurient interests. In recent years, even the
Ultraviolent wave of films including Ilsa, She-Devil With
a Gun and Screaming, Blazing, Bizarre, and Mutilating
Death have failed to capture the publics interest. As
mainstream Americans become desensitized to the horror of war and murder, filmmakers are forced to resort to
showing real loss of life in order to attract viewers and
sponsors. According to fans of vidshows like Combat!
Combat! Combat!, only real-life violence is entertaining
anymore. They say that only by seeing an actual death
can they appreciate the nuances of the pain inflicted and
the excitement of the moment. Viewers of these videos
make a game out of tracking body counts and adjudicating Quality Kills. Make-believe somavids leave them
cold and unfulfilled.
What is next? Well, for many years, entertainment
and violence pundits have projected that bloodsports
(gladiatorial games and the like) would eventually move
into the mainstream. For years, there have been reports
of staged combat shows like Homosuperior Showdown
touring the country or cropping up in the depressed areas
of urban America. But, as the ratings verified for these
types of shows, the public has become disinterested in
anything they perceive as staged or contrived. Only the
real-life drama of actual firefights get the ratings. The
report cards are in-bloodsport is out. So where do we go
from here, knowing that violence is big business and NO
ONE is going to stop riding that gravy train? Perhaps the
new crop of premeditated murder shows like Transient
Hunt will survive the ratings wars. More than likely
though, gun-cam offerings like Combat! Combat!

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

the ma
years to __..._...._.
unexplored areas of conflict on the globe
and viewers have reacted positively to the exot
changes in scenery.

The Age of InformationAffects the Public

Years of watching their favorite characters blow
away the enemy have given the average citizen an
unprecedented understanding of firearms. Once again,
Combat! Combat! Combat! is the leader in the transfer of
knowledge to the public. During its 2019-2020 season,
the writers, responding to audience E-mail, began examining the various weapons used during the action. The
response to this was tremendous and the audience clamored for more. More statistics, schematics, ammunition
explanations and their comparisons gave birth to a new
phenomenon: cyberceleb color-commentary. Cybercelebs
(cryogenically frozen celebrities from the twentieth century who were thawed and boosted into combat troops)
began announcing play-by-play action of the armed conflict taking place as it happened. Now, after each kill, a
sidebar style statscreen appears illustrating the weapon
and ammunition used, its kill ratio in similar situations,
and the soldiers vital signs. Recently, the Meat
Substitute, a cyberceleb manufactured from the remains
of vidstar George Hamilton, has been bringing in the
highest ratings with his dry humor and droll delivery.
The effect of all this is that the man on the street has
a thorough knowledge of the weapons of war and their
uses. After a Sunday Night episode of In Country, talk
around the water cooler Monday morning eventually
leads to the kill of the night and a mimed reenactment
of the scene.
Discussions of the evenings events often take place
during manicures, shopping trips and business meetings.
Often, the person who is not familiar with the state-ofthe-art weapons or their statistics is frowned upon by his
superiors. For years and years, business people and their
associates have compared themselves to sports teams and
military leaders. Now, with the widespread acceptance of
warfare as entertainment, this practice is reaching its
zenith. Rotisserie league fire-teaming has become the
major avocation for upwardly mobile professionals who
stage elaborate invasions of foreign countries in computer simulations.
In the 21st century, management consultant firms
specialize in selling motivational accessories that illus-

trate a firms aggressive posture or dedication to a cause.

Posters line CEOs offices proclaiming: Americans love a
winner and will not tolerate a loser!-General George S.
Patton. Desktop calendars have taken a distinctly
maudlin flavor reminding mid-level executives every day
to Save the last bullet for yourself (if this project is late)
and What are you prepared to do? (to get ahead).
Children Seem Immune to Violence
There is a bright side to the discussion of violence
and society. Children seem oddly immune to its effects.
For decades, children have played Cowboys & Indians
and Cops & Robbers. One child shoots at another using
his finger as a weapon. The second child falls down
screaming, You got me!, and remains still for as long as
her attention span allows before jumping up to reap her
revenge. In the 21st century, these games have all but
fallen by the wayside in the wake of high-tech replacements. The invention of video games during the late
1980s captured the attention of children the world over.
Beginning with Pong and continuing on through Bad
Clowns (a stab at educational software to alert kids to
the dangers of pedophiles in the 199Os), the rise of the
video game industry has all but taken the place of games
children act out. As the 20th century drew to a close,
virtual reality hardware was almost as common in the

home as a microwave oven. Now, in 2021, children no

longer need to leave the safety of their homes to have
fun. By slipping on a VR headset and gloves, any child
can instantly be transported to far away planets or bleak
urban environments without having to rely on childish
rules or their imaginations. Children are also safe from
the bad habits of others because they are insulated by a
complete library of games that require no interaction
with others.
Basic video game concepts have remained over the
years and have not changed since the inception of VR.
There are puzzle games in which the object is to discover the puzzles solution before a victim is put to
death. There are adventure games where the child
adventures as a fictitious person. And of course, there are
the standard shoot em ups and hand-to-hand combat games where the object is to destroy any opposition
standing between you and your goal of killing the most
impressive enemy.
Most researchers agree that the risk of childhood
accidents has decreased dramatically with the saturation
of VR units into Americans homes. As one scientist put
it, Kids today dont have to move a muscle if they dont
want to. While many purists argue that youngsters are
becoming video zombies with few social skills, far more
parents counter that the new Virtual Babysitter is the

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

greatest advancement for relieving parental stress since

the pacifier. The VR sitter also teaches the rapid eye-hand
coordination needed in the higher level video games.

Innovations in Firearms
The last thirty years have seen many innovations in
science and its applications. The weapons industry has
not missed out on these advances, and weapons that
would have been inconceivable at the end of the twentieth century are now used by police and criminals alike.
Heres a summary of some of the innovations that
Mother Necessity has spawned.

The Problem
Obviously, the larger the shell, the more stopping
power the weapon possesses. In the twentieth century,
however, handgun barrels had topped out at .50 caliber.
At .50 caliber, a strong man using a solid stance encountered a recoil that brought the pistol to his ear (at least)
after firing. Stopping power was high, but rate of fire was
slow, as the shooter was forced to re-acquire his target.
With the advent of enhanced soldiers, gun manufacturers have been forced to increase muzzle size in order
to provide an adequate slug to take down a homosuperior combatant. Whereas the average NATO soldier in the
1990s carried 9mm parabellum sidearms, the boosted
mercenary soldier in 2021 uses a 20mm semiautomatic
pistol. Because semiauto pistols contain ammunition in
their grips, it would stand to reason that any ammunition over 12.7mm would be impossible to feed in this
way. The average human hand could not hold a grip of
this size.
Extra-Large Bore Weapons
Two scientific discoveries have made extra-large bore
pistols possible. The first is the genetic enhancement
technology. As the boosted soldier increases in strength,
her mass and size also increase, allowing her to use larger
firearms. The other innovation is the slurry or mud
round. Slurry is a semi-liquid propellant that takes the
place of the solid propellants used until 1997. Slurry
rounds have the advantage of taking far less space than
gunpowder. The average .357 magnum round uses well
over 300 grains of gunpowder. In contrast, a 20mm mud

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

round uses less than3ml of slurry. Since there is less propellant used, the bullet requires far less brass to contain
it. Less brass results in a far smaller round and considerably less weight for the shooter to carry. Slurry rounds
make also even higher magazine capacities possible, as
long as the size of the pistols handle is increased Most
boosted soldiers consider the longer handle aesthetically
pleasing and take great pride in the fact that there is
more room on the handle for notches.

Laser Sights
Laser sights or red dots that greatly increased
accuracy and quick target acquisition were in vogue
toward the end of the 20th century. As more and more
gun manufacturers began to produce low cost laser
sights, integral laser sights were soon on their way to
becoming standard equipment on virtually all projectile
Laser sights in 2021 have advanced substantially
from their earlier counterparts. Range is greatly
increased, and because of advances in confrontation software and combat eyewear, laser sights no longer need the
tell-tale red lines or dots, making them much more useful for sniping or nocturnal raids. Another leap forward in
the area of laser sighting is the split beam triangulator
that adjusts for the aspect of the target. Unless otherwise
noted, all guns in Underground use some form of laser
sighting system. Guns without this system, or with systems that are disabled because of EMP grenades suffer a
penalty of -3 in Accuracy for pistols and -1 in Accuracy
for long arms.

Recoil Compensators
When you look at a 20mm handgun, your first
impression probably tells you the gun is uncontrollable. If
the gun was manufactured in the twentieth century, any
doubts regarding recoil would be well founded. But
today, gas venting to reduce recoil and increase accuracy
has become an industry standard. Also, because of the
lack of gas created by slurry rounds, recoil is kept to a
minimum. By a minimum, it is not at all implied that
even the strongest of mundanes would be able to fire a
20mm pistol or rifle without equipment like a tripod.
Besides gas venting, counter balance systems like the one
used in the Silver Bullet Arms SSF 2/30 make it possible
to control absurdly large bore fully automatic pistols.

Many soldiers go to elaborate lengths to control their

guns. Often, boosts will use guns well beyond their ability
to control in order to wield the stopping power they
believe they need and make the impression they desire.
Such usage is permited by a new device known as the
vambrace. Vambracing involves acquiring custom-tailored cuffs that encase the shooters forearm and attach
to the gun (and often to the shoulder or waist as well).
Vambracing allows the firer to subtract 2 from a weapons
listed STR minimum. The drawback is a distinct lack of
freedom of movement and loss of a free hand for other,
important priorities (tossing a grenade, waving at school
children or zipping a fly, for example). Some private
weapons specialists manufacture gyroclamps that allow
freedom of movement and recoil compensation together.
Costs of such harnesses are exorbitant, running into the
hundreds of thousands for one mounting. Veterans have
been known to wear two or more mounts attached to different weapons.

After the smoke clears and the deafening cacophony

of rifle reports is over, bodies are looted in the hopes of
recovering undamaged weapons or extra ammunition.
The first pickings always go to the shooters who won the
spoils of war, but afterwards, in Los Angeles and other
metropolitan areas, gangs of children sweep the combat
sight, hunting for re-salable items and brass. Brass is big
business in many areas, where its expenditure is commonplace and the respect for life is low. Scoop gangs
roam the most dangerous streets with canvas bags.
Often, particularly trigger-happy veterans will be shad-

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

owed for days by these little pilot fish who know that it
will only be a matter of time before lead will fly.
The scurrying bottom feeders are barely noticed by
the pedestrians trying hard to deny that a firefight has
broken out feet from their phone booth. What many people do not realize, however, is that these gangs of children are an organized group recruited by arms manufacturers to recycle spent brass into new ammunition at a
fraction of the cost. The children have value in other
ways as well. Since the armed conflict is their source of
cash, scoopers make it their business to know what is
happening on the street. They are intimately aware of the
veterans who prowl the streets and the ordinance they
use. A good rapport with a scooper might yield valuable
information regarding the an enemys munitions.

Salvage by Combatants
Throughout history, soldiers have taken trophies
from fallen enemies. These trophies were then worn as
symbols of fighting prowess or hung on a wall as ornaments and conversation pieces. In 2021, while veterans
often do not have permanent homes, trophies are still
collected. They are necessary for survival. The gun taken
off of a ventilated hardcore might still perform when all
other guns are out of ammunition.
Some trophies are taken to provide salvagers much
needed staples; food for long paranoid nights sleeping in
alleys or rent to pay for a flophouse and a decent bed.

Fencing booty
Veterans can acquire dozens of weapons after only a
few firefights, and may wish to sell some when they
become overloaded with hardware. Those characters
interested in selling weapons to street scum (who will
then uinboubtedly use the weapons to conduct murders
and drug wars, turning the vets community into a combat zone) may do so using the following procedure:
The seller must first make a P/F
StreetwiseKonnections Challenge against a Difficulty set
by the GM (usually Difficult or Impressive) in order to
make contact with a fence. Note that if the character
alreadyhas a contact who is a fence, she may skip this
step. If successful, the character then makes a Difficult
StreehuiseKustoms Challenge. The results determine the
amount the fence offers for the weapon

A The character is able to sell the weapon at 5%

below the retail price.

B The character is able to sell the weapon at

10%below the retail price.
C The character is able to sell the weapon at
20% below the retail price.
D The character is able to sell the weapon at
30%below the retail price.

Conflict Resolution Software

Homosapiens have never been ideal predators.
Compared to other animals, humans are slow, with limited senses of sight and smell. True, man can wipe out
entire geographical areas with a single stroke of an executive order, but that just makes him a mere murderer, not
a true killer.
This shortcoming has finallg been corrected!
The programmers at Pueblo Software International,
themselves veterans of many campaigns, have designed
what may be the greatest advancements on the modem
battlefield since soldiers were enhanced.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Their advances lie in the realm of confrontation

software, programs that aid in the speedy resolution of
armed engagements. Such software allows for the
smooth integration of several digital chip devices through
one master control program. Using software such as this,
a combatant can identify the current risk to life and limb,
determine the correct ammunition to use in a given firefight, or assess ambient weather conditions in relationship to murderous impulses.
It is not uncommon to walk down a city street and
see all manner of people running software programs
through pack and visor systems. A homemaker may be
running through his shopping list, a banker through her
appointment schedule, a writer through her journal. On
todays Post-Pueblo streets, however, you never know
what program the person walking toward you is running.
The homemaker with the shopping list could be running
surveillance for the Anti-Sedition Squad. The banker with
the dayplanner could be assessing the approximate level
of your physical enhancement to determine how many
operatives will be needed during tonights ambush. The
writer with the journal could be acting as a forward
observer for a missile that is currently headed for your
unarmored melon. Whatever the ultimate goal of the
user, it is a good idea to know what is currently available
to the man on the street.

Availability: A, Cost $12,000
Memory: 3

Availability: A, Cost $15,000
Memory: 4

Sniper! was the first program to use holographic

imaging technology. With Sniper! an assassin could
enhance the image of a target, removing or lowering disadvantages caused by adverse conditions such as smoke,
rain, and dense fog. The software also compensates for
projectile drag coefficients, wind resistance, and gas venting. Undoubtedly, Sniper!s most useful feature is digital
image magnification capable of magnifying a target as
many as twenty five times.
Sniper! takes several seconds (one full Turn) to run.
During this time, the shooter is making targeting decisions and can take no other action. After image enhancements are complete, long and medium range opponents
are much easier to target (+4 to the shooters Skill during his To Hit Challenge for long-range targets, +2 for

Firefight! is billed as the ultimate combat software

package. It comes with a number of friend or foe
transponders, that flash corresponding icons over targets
in the users goggles in order to alert the shooter to group
affiliations . It can also be switched to a select fire mode
that will not allow the user to fire at targets designated as
friendly. In theory, using Firefight!, a soldier could aim his
weapon into a crowd and fire only at targets marked as
foes. The software also interacts with the weapon used to
display a running ammunition total and act as a targeting
computer that decreases the shooters Range Difficulty
Modifier by one at both medium and long range.
Another application of Firefight! is provided by its
threat evaluation subroutine. Using the subroutine, a
combatant can assess the defensive capabilities of the target by measuring his or her physique using holographic
imaging. The larger the physique, the greater the implied
epidermal defense. The subroutine also boasts a nearly
complete visual library of modern weaponry and can
assess obvious offensive capability by identifying hardware in view.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

To determine the report returned by the software

when the defensive capability of a target is assessed, add
the targets STR and RES (including armor) together and
refer to the following chart:
Total Defense

Warning! Badass!

When the subroutine is used to determine the targets offensive capability, compare the caliber of the targets largest visible weapon to the chart below
Below 15mm


Low/Wus- Do this guy!
ModeratePlayer-Off him quick!
Higmardcore-Switch to hot loads!
ExtremeiMoFo-Paste him if ya got em!

Other suggestions will appear on the heads-up display as information presents itself. One suggestion might
be to change ammunition. Another could be to use less
expensive ammunition because of a relatively low threat.
The GM should make these decisions in a somewhat arbitrary, but always entertaining, manner.
Availability: B, Cost $40,000
Memory: 7
Commando! is a military program designed to aid
operatives on covert missions. It possesses three different
applications. The first serves as a mission briefing mentor.
Using cartographic software such as that used by Pueblo
Mapit!, the mentor lays out primary, secondary, and tertiary infiltration and extraction routes. The program also
monitors the commandos progress over the route, all the
while timing and recording the mission for playback
debriefing. Note that a Personal Identification Number
(PIN) must be entered into the users pack before system
shutdown or the mission recording is voided.
The second application for Pueblo Commando! functions as a Medikit Vitals Monitor. During a mission, the
MVM tracks the subjects vital signs and blood chemistry.
When the subject is in need of vitamins, adrenaline, or
pharmaceuticals, Commando! activates a micro-syringe

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

(sold separately), located near the lymph node under the
arm, and pumps the necessary chemical into the bloodstream. There are several effects that these pharmaceuticals may generate based on the GMs judgment. The programs main purpose is to simulate the effects of a
MedicineFirst Aid Specialty rated at 7 Units as described
in Chapter Nine of the Underground rulebook. The programs First Aid Challenge is Standard rather than P/F,
however, because the effects of its drugs are limited. The
duration of the drugs effects is shown below:

Effects last 4 hours
Effects last 3 hours
Effects last 2 hours
Effects last 1 hour

The drugs always reverse the effects of a KO result

after 2 full Turns. In addition, a character already affected
by an ST result recovers from Stun after only one full
Turn. The downside to using drugs to extend a characters usefulness in combat is that the drugs stimulant
rush immediately inflicts 2 Stress upon the user.
The last application of Pueblo Commando! acts as a
counselor in enemy territory. Using visual input and preprogrammed cartography, the software displays possible
ambush sights and booby trap emplacements. In essence,
this gives the commando the equivalent of the Military
ScienceRactics Specialty rated at 7 Units.

Availability: A, Cost $ 13,000
Memory: 3
Dodge-Man is Genevas entry into the conflict software market. Essentially a tool to combat Pueblos
Firefight!, Dodge-Man is billed as the ultimate first alert
system, linking the Punkbuster radar detector (and
other brands), a Lockout laser-sight system foiler, and a
patented electrode system. Before leaving a place of safety, the user covers her body in adhesive electrodes. She
then covers her body in Heavykev and/or MONDO armors
as usual. When confronted by a positive lock from Pueblo
Sniper! or Firefight!, Dodge-man fires a small electrical
charge into the epidermis of the wearer. This buzz
alerts the user to incoming fire and indicates the targeted
area, allowing the user to get a jump on her dodge.

Running the program gives the user + 2 to her

AcrobaticsDodge Specialty. It will take some time to get
used to the muscle spasdimmediate movement component of the system. Most veterans practice several times
with empty magazines to get the feel of the software.

Availability: A, Cost $13,000
Memory: 4
Drive-By! is the newest Pueblo system on the market. It
combines elements of Pueblo Firefight! with Dressens
Runabout vehicle navigatiodmaintenance software. The
result is a program ideally suited for the urban experience. Drive-By!s function is to facilitate the delivery of
gunfire to pedestrian targets while maintaining a high
velocity. The system allows for wind resistance, vehicle
drag, and vehicle speed, granting the shooter an excellent
advantage (+2) to his Gun Combat Skill during To Hit
Challenges. To be effective, Drive-By! must be run
through an on-board vehicle computer to allow for the
instant changes in speed and aspect that invariably happen when killers ambush victims in fast moving cars. The
true selling point of Drive-By! is that it interfaces with
any on-board computer, allowing the drivers pack to
continue running Pueblo Commando! or other important
programs. As an added feature, the program suggests getaway routes based on traffic signal information and police
band radio monitoring.

PABLOS SNITCH! version 1.1

Availability: E, Cost $20,000
Memory: 2
Snitch! is a piece of black market software designed
to act as a library of facts and near-facts regarding boosted veterans in and around the Los Angeles area. An ingenious piece of programming, Snitch! is a card catalog
of boosted veterans current codenames, vital statistics
and enhancements, along with rumors and limited military history.
If these were the programs only features, it might be
worth some cash, but Pablos Snitch! goes one better. It
contains the restricted military identification photos of
many boosts mustering out through the Los Angeles area.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

These photos can then be compared (using two full Turns)

to individuals targeted using either Pueblos Sniper! or
Firefight! ,allowing the firer to identify those targets.
To operate Snitch!, the user simply targets the subject on her goggles (this can be done without alerting the
target, who must make a Difficult P/F INT Challenge to
notice). The targets image is then frozen and moved to
the upper left comer of the users heads-up display. The
computer then attempts to match the image with the
identification photos in its database. These ID photos are
shown in the upper right hand comer of the heads-up
display. Once the program discovers a possible match, it
digitizes and superimposes the two images. Upon matching positively, the program displays the subjects codename at the time of the photo and prompts the user for
more information.
Not much is known as to how Pablo acquires the
restricted photos and information, but the word on the
street is that Pablo is either a recruiter or pencil pusher
for AMI or TWD. Others (who should keep their mouths
shut for fear of car bombs) claim that Pablo is a VA psychiatrist who sells unpatriotic patients secrets to fund an
Underground cell. So far the information database is limited to Los Angeles boosts, and covers only 25% of the
veterans in the city. Rumor has it that Pablo is now
beginning to ship versions covering places as far away as
New York City.

Custom Made Firearms

Many vets simply cant find an off-the-rack
shootin iron that fulfills all their needs. Sure the HOG
Excommunicator features the extra-large magazine veteran leadslingers love; but at ranges greater than 50 feet,
its almost impossible to melt a cap into anything larger
than a barn. Similarly, the Melbourne Arms Hogan 10 is
one hell of an accurate weapon, but dont count on
bringing down anything tougher than grandma.
Over the last ten years, a huge custom-built firearms
industry has cropped up to fill this void. Many of the
worlds leading munitions manufacturers (like Urban
Nightmare Inc., Neomag Inc., and Glint of Cold Steel
Ltd.) now make modular firearm components that experienced gunsmiths can use to construct a nearly unlimited variety of heaters. Usually, such a gunsmith can be
found at your neighborhood gun shop. For a few thou-

sand bucks, hell be more than happy to scratch-build the

rod of your dreams.

Designing a Custom Firearm

Designing a custom gat is a six step process:

- Step One: Decide If You Are Building a Handgun or a

Larger Weapon
This step is pretty self-explanatory. Handguns can be
fired with one hand; larger weapons must be fired using
both hands. Your choice during this step will influence
your guns statistics and cost.
Example: The Atomic Gump pops down to his local Fast
Freddys Firearms outlet and orders a custom hog-leg.
The Gump decides that he wants a handgun.

Step Two: Choose a Primary Armament

Next, select the firearms caliber or armament. All of
the various possibilities are listed on the Armament
Tables below. Note that your choice of handgun or larger
weapon determines the available armaments. For
instance, .50 cal is available as a handgun armament, but
not as a larger weapon armament.
Once you have selected an armament, you can
record your weapons base statistics by reading them off
the armament table. Note that all handguns begin with
an Accuracy of -3 and all rifles begin with an Accuracy of
-1. These base Accuracies are added to the Accuracy of
your chosen armament to calculate the starting Accuracy
of the firearm. In addition to recording the weapons base
statistics, you should also record its base cost. Most of
the remaining steps in the design process alter the
weapons statistics or cost. As you complete the process,
continue to change the weapons stats and cost as
instructed. Once you have finished all the design steps in
order, you have calculated the weapons final statistics
and cost.

Example: The Gump selects an 8 gauge shotgun as his

handguns primary armament, giving the weapon a base
cost o f $6,000 and the following base statistics:

Acc: -2 (base of -3 + the shotguns +l),Pen: 9, Rng:

5/7/9, Str: 3, Dmg: L W / W / f l / I N

Step Three: Choose Secondary Armaments

Although most firearms feature only a single armament, some feature multiple barrels or firing bays that
are each capable of launching a projectile. The GDW
BARR, for instance, features both a 50mm recoilless rifle
and a 40mm Pumpit grenade launcher attached to the
same frame. If you so desire, you can place additional
armaments on your custom firearm.
Additional armaments are purchased in the same
fashion as the primary armament (ie. adding a secondary
8 gauge shotgun costs $6,000) and each additional armament has its own set of statistics (record the base stats in
the same way you recorded the base stats of your primary
armament, remembering to add in the appropriate base
Accuracy). Each additional armament you add to a
weapon reduces the Accuracy of each of the weapons
armaments by -1. In combat, you can only use one of
the weapons armaments each Turn, though you can
freely switch active armaments between Turns.

Link Option
If you place one or more secondary armaments on
your weapon that are identical to your primary armament, you have the option of linking these armaments so
they fire together. In this case, all the linked armaments
have only a single stat line. Take the stats of the base
a r m a m e n t and add +1 t o its Accuracy, + l to its
Penetration, and +2 to its STR for each additional linked
armament. Note that from this point on, a magazine configuration or accessory selected for any of the linked
armaments must be selected for all the linked armaments.
Example: The Gump purchases two secondary armaments, another 8 gauge shotgun (making the weapon a
double-barrelshotgun) and a Taser. Since the 8 gauge is
identical to his primary armament, he decides to link the
shotguns. The weapons cost now stands at $62,000
(adding in the cost of a second shotgun and the Taser)
and its stast now look like this:

Shotguns-Acc: -3 (-2 minus 2 for the additional

weapons plus one for the linked weapon),Pen: 10, Rng:
4/7/9, STR: 5 (3 plus 2 for the linked weapon), DMG:
LW / W / W / I N
Taser-Acc: -3 (pistol base of -3plus the Tasers 0), Pen:
12, Rng: 2/4/6, STR: 1, Dmg: Special

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

- Step Four: Choose Magazineboad Configuration

- Step Five: Select a Rate of Fire

You must now choose a magazinelload configuration

for each of your weapons armaments. Your choice will
determine your weapons Ammo rating and might affect
its other stats. You have five possibilities to choose from:
revolver, clip, extended (or banana) clip, boddrum, and
belt-fed. Revolvers feature multiple loaded chambers that
spin to place a new cartridge into firing position. Clips,
extended clips, and boxes/drums carry a large supply of
cartridges and use the gas that escapes from a fired cartridge to pop a new cartridge into firing position. Belt-fed
weapons use belts of cartridges linked together and feed
new cartridges into position through the mechanical
action of the weapons firing mechanism. Each configuration has an associated cost as summarized below:

Next, you should select a rate of fire for each of your

armaments. The possibilites are all listed in the Rate of
Fire Table, below. Note that each choice has an associated
cost and a set of Acc, Str, and Rng modifiers.
If your weapon features one or more linked armaments, purchase only a single rate of fire for all the armaments. Flamethrowers and Tasers automatically have a
rate of fire of 1.

Extended Clip


Once you have selected a magazinefload configuration, cross-index your choice with the armaments caliber
on the Magazine/Load Configuration Table below. The
result is the Ammo rating of the weapon. Note that if you
are building a handgun, this Ammo rating is immediately
chopped in half.
As noted on the Table, selecting a revolver configuration adds 0/-l/-1 to the armaments Rng, selecting a
boddrum configuration adds +1 to the weapons STR,
and selecting a belt-fed configuration adds +2 to the
weapons STR.
Magazine configurations are not purchased for
flamethrowers and Tasers. See the special instructions on
the Armament Tables.

Example: The Gump selects a clip configurationfor both

his 8 gauge shotguns and neednl select a configuration
for his taser. Each o f the clip configurations cost $500,
increasing the weapons cost to $63,000. The clips give
the linked shotguns an Ammo rating of 5 (shotgun clips
hold 10 she& but this number is cut in half because the
Gump is building a handgun).

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Example: The Gump selects a Rate of 1/2 for his shotguns, adding -1 to their Accuracy, adding +I to their
STR (since they are larger than 10 gauge) and adding 0/2/-2 to their range. This increases the cost of the weapon
to $63,000. The weapons stats now look like this:

Shotguns-Ace: -4, Pen: 10, Rng: 4/5/7, STR: 6, DMG:

L W/Mw/Hw/W/IN,Rate: 1/2, Ammo: 5
Taser-Acc: -3, Pen: 12, Rng: 2/4/6, STR: 1, Dmg:
Special, Rate: 1, Ammo: 1

Step Six: Add Accessories

Finally, a wide variety of accessories are available to
round out the weapon. Accessories affect only a single
stat line, but may be purchased more than once to affect
mutliple stat lines (ie. if the gump wants Precision
Construction to increase the Accuracy of both his shotguns and tasers, he must purchase it twice). Accessories
have no affect on flamethrowers, tasers, and greande
launchers. The available accessories are:
Bayonet: Places a bayonet on the end of the weapon (Pen:
6, LW/LW/MW/HWj and reduces the weapons Accuracy
by -1. Bayonets cost $500. Articulated bayonets capable of
folding back when not in use are available for $700.
Weapons equipped with these devices suffer the Accuracy
penalty only when the bayonet is actually deployed.
Elongated Barrel: Adds +2/+3/+3 to the weapons
Range and costs $1000.
Hand Tailoring: This process takes several weeks to
complete and costs $20,000. Once a weapon has been
hand-tailored it is ideally suited to a single-firer. This firer
gains a +1 Accuracy bonus when firing the weapon, but

all other firers receive a -1 Accurac penalty when firing

the weapon. Unlike most accessories, Hand Tailoring
affects all the weapons armaments when purchased (ie.
it neednt be purchased more than once to affect multiple

Improved Venting: Installs digital circuits that control

gas venting, helping to stabilize the weapon. Increases
t h e Accuracy of t h e g u n by +1, b u t lowers t h e
Penetration by 1. Improved venting costs $2200
Increased Charge Cartridges: Restructures the weapon
to fit cartridges with higher powder charges. Doubles the
cost of ammunition, increases Range and increases STR.
Select one of the following options:

o/+ 1/+1
+ 1/+4/+4



Integral Laser Sights: Featured on most firearms.

Increases Accuracy by +3 on handguns and + 1 on larger weapons. Laser sights cost $500.
Integral Silencer: Builds a silencer into the weapons
barrel. Not available for a r m a m e n t s larger t h a n
25mm/10 gauge. Decreases Pen by -2 and allows
weapon to be heard only 7 Units away.
Precision Construction: Increases weapons Accuracy
by +1 (at a cost of $15,000) o r + 2 (at a cost of
Recoil Compensator: Decreases weapons STK by -1 (at
a cost of $6000) or -2 (at a cost of $9000). Both versions
reduce the weapons Accuracy by -1.
Recoiless Option: Opens the weapons breech to allow
gasses to escape out the back, virtually eliminating
recoil. Lowers the weapons STR by -1, incrzases
Accuracy by +2, and adds +2/+1/0 to Range. The
Recoiless Option costs $60,000.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Reduced Charge Cartridges: Restructures the weapon to

fit cartridges with lower powder charges. Doubles the cost
of ammunition, decreases Range and decreases STR.
Select one of the following options:

01- 11-1
- 11-41-4


Shotguns-Acc: +1, Pen: 10, Rng: 4/5/7, STR: 6, DMG:

L W/Mw/Hw/M/IN,Rate: 1/2,Ammo: 5
Taser-Acc: -3, Pen: 12, Rng: 2/4/6, STR: 1, Dmg:
Special, Rate: 1, Ammo: 1
Installing Accessories in Off-the-Rack Heaters
Skilled gunsmiths are capable of installing any of the
available accessories in off-the-rack firearms at a cost of
120%ot the accesorys listed price.


Building Your Own Custom Firearms

Modular weapons components are a controlled subSelf-Destructor: Turns the entire weapon into a hand stance. By law, only registered firearms vendors are
grenade. Useful in last-ditch situations! The grenade has allowed to obtain them. Of course, its always possible to
a Blast of 3, a Penetration of 12, and a Range of 3/5/8. locate the components on the black market, allowing a
vet to assemble a firearm himself and cut out the middle
The entire mechanism costs $10,000.
man. Black market components are available at 60% of
listed prices and are treated as Availability X items.
Tapered Barrel: Increases the weapons Penetration by
Actually assembling the components into a working
+1, but lowers the Accuracy by -1 for a cost of $2200
firearm requires a succesful P/F InventionIRepair
Example: To round out his weapon, the Gump buys (Gunsmith) Challenge against a Difficulty of 4 (Very
Hand Tailoring, Integral laser sights, and one level o f Difficult action).
precision construction. In the end, his gun costs $98,500
and looks like this:

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Aiming and Cover

Plot Hooks

The Underground rules assume that the combatants

are snapping off shots with a minimum of aim time and
preparation. Spending a full Turn to draw a bead on a
target (ie. performing no Challenge Actions, just aiming)
adds + 3 to the shooters appropriate Skill during her To
Hit Challenge. Note that this effect lasts for a single shot
only. To regain the bonus, the shooter must spend
another Turn aiming.
Situations in which the target has full or partial
cover are adjudicated using the Difficulty Chart. A shooting a kneeling figure or a figure behind partial cover is a
Tricky Action ( + 2 to the Difficulty of t h e To Hit
Challenge), while shooting a prone figure or a figure
behind full cover is a Difficult Action (+3 to the Difficulty
of the To Hit Challenge).

The following are suggested adventure threads that

are usable in a wide variety of campaigns. Each is tied to
the Parameter rules found in Chapter Twelve of the
Underground Rulebook. The hooks are all in reaction to
Parameter changes t h e players affect. By running
adventures such as these,. GMs give their players a
stronger sense of being a part of the Underground
world. Since they give the players an opportunity to see
their actions causing results, plots that begin due to the
vets actions encourage players to do things that affect
the world and empower them to seek change. Because
the world is a dangerous and complex place, the results
brought about by the vets actions might not reflect
their original goals, but no one said that changing the
world was easy-only that it was possible.

Underground GMs wishing to account for weapon
jams and misfires can use the following rules. Whenever
a shooter rolls particularly low during his To Hit
Challenge, his weapon jams. How low the shooter must
roll to incur a jam depends upon the weapon he is

Full Auto*
Any other

Roll To Jam
4 or less
3 or less

*Full autos are any weapons with a Rate higher than 1.

Note that only the shooters first dice roll can jam
his gun. If the shooter rolls his jam number on a second
or subsequent roll (ie. after rolling doubles on his first
roll), his weapon does not jam.
Clearing a jam requires a successful Gun Combat
Challenge against a Difficulty of 2 (Tricky action) and
attempts to clear jams count as the shooters one allowable Challenge Action during a Turn. Jammed guns may
not be fired until they have been cleared.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

When the Wealth of a campaign city is increased by 2

A rise in the citys upwardly mobile population has
increased the tax coffers as young families pay higher
income taxes and buy homes. Concerned by growing
threats to personal safety, the members of one community pool their resources to employ a private police
force. The force is comprised of policemen who have
been lured by higher pay and emotionally stable veterans
seeking a dependable paycheck. Crime drops as the mercenary police patrol the neighborhood ejecting anyone
who does not look like he belongs there. The idea of
neighborhood purity begins to catch on as more and
more affluent neighborhoods begin erecting barricades to
keep out undesirables. Soon, laws are being proposed
to sell city stickers that allow residents to move freely
about a neighborhood. It is clear that certain city officials
plan to limit stickers sold to certain groups including prefrontals and veterans.
If they can alert the citizens of the discriminatory
practices and stopping the law from passing, the vets
automatically raise Government Purity by a single point
without suffering any repercussions.

When the Safety of a campaign city is decreased by 2

Racist forces within the city government develop a
plot to increase the safety of average citizens living on
the fringes of the local slum. The plan is to cut off the
power in the grid servicing the low rent area during the

Tahlles FOP Custom Firearm Design

Step Two - Armament Table 1 Handguns
Base ACC = -3

.22 cal

.50 cal











Special (as Turbo-Taser)




Shotgun Armaments
























Special Weaponry








*IT=Flame Thrower; no accessories or allowed; do not purchase magazine; automatically comes with an Ammo: 4 load.
?See Turbo-Tazer for damage; no accessories allowed; do not purchase magazine comes with standard load (see Turbo Tazer for details).
**GL = 40mm Pumpit" Grenade Launcher; no accessories allowed

Step Five Choose Rate of Fire









- $700
- $500

*Only if weapon size >15mm or 10 gauge

01-210 or


?A Rate of 1/4 or 1/5 indicates that the firearm is a mini







+3 or
+4 or





Robert Sendler (order #493062)

01-21-2 or
01-21-3 or
01-21-4 or

gun consisting of several linked, rotating barrels.


Step Two - Armament Table f Long Arms

Base ACC = -1














Special Weaponry








Shotgun Armaments





















)ecial (as Turbo-Taser)







*FT=Flame Thrower; no accessories or allowed; do not purchase magazine; automatically comes with an Ammo: 9 load.
tSee Turbo-Tazer for damage; no accessories allowed; do not purchase magazine comes with standard load (see Turbo Tazer for details).
**GL = 40mm Pumpit" Grenade Launcher; no accessoriesallowed

Step Four Choose MagazineKOad Configuration


Ext. Clip
Belt Fedtf

~ x tclip
Belt Fedt

























*Adds O/-1/-1 to Range

?Adds + I to STR
ttAdds +2 to STR

Robert Sendler (order #493062)



.50 ea1


















citys 4th of July celebration. The lack of power, along

with the heat and the drinking are hoped to cause looting, riots, and mayhem. The plan is to call in the national
guard to quell the rioters with an unwritten open season order. The guardsmen will then clean up the streets
by flooding them with the blood of the poor. The players
can stumble into the plot if they have any ties to the government or national guard. The plan is called Operation

When the Gov. Purity of a campaign city is increased

by 2
After the PCs help to reform the mayors office, the
new mayor begins sweeping changes within the corrupt
police department. A special investigator is charged with
finding waste of tax dollars in the department and begins
cutting projects that he deems wasteful, corrupt, or mismanaged. Certain policemen, worried that their jobs may
be next, begin acts of violent crime in order to appear
needed. A gang war could easily flare up because of
undercover policemen fanning the flames.

When the Quality of Life of a campaign city is

increased by 2
From the unwashed masses rises a new politician
who truly attempts to represent the people who elected
her. She is bright, well-spoken and seemingly incorruptible. She is oddly militant, yet almost Libertarian in her
views on social programs. When it is discovered that she
was boosted by Disposable Heroes Incorporated, factions
of the National Anti-Socialist Party attempt to discredit
her using forged Pueblo Commando! mission logs that
allegedly link her to the Shadow Team responsible for the
Chuck D-Day assassination of President Milkovich. Any
character who was a member of the DHI Pathfinders
might choose to come to her aid out of a sense of unit
pride. In desperation, she may invoke the unwritten
code to request the players gather proof of the fraud.

When the Take Home Pay of a campaign city is

decreased by 2
The city has hired a new school superintendent. She
is bold and fearless, with a brilliant plan for keeping
young people in schools and out of gangs. Moreover, her
new techniques for motivating learning and increasing

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

information retention have earned her the name Lady

411. She is not without detractors, however. The program s h e has in mind will cost t h e taxpayers
$140,000,000 to institute. Many lobbies in the city government would rather the funds be allocated to their programs. Some might be desperate enough to fund illegal
activities to ensure her budget not be ratified. The local
street gangs, worried about recent drops in membership,
might begin a campaign of harassment to drive her from
the city. An arms manufacturer, who needs the street
gangs plentiful (and in conflict) in order to make budget
would be willing to fund the demolition of an entire
school for the gangs good will and eventual profit. When
an innocent child dies because of this mercenary behavior, the characters are drawn into this conspiracy of greed
and murder.


hand-made hollow point rounds.


Hollow point rounds are bullets with machine-drilled

dimples in the nose. Their purpose is to increase stopping power - the Holy Grail of gun nuts. Stopping
power is the term used to describe a bullets chance to
overwhelm a target without firing a second round. Many
veterans make their own hollow point rounds for two
reasons. One, the cost savings of do-it-yourself is substantial, often 15%below retail. Two, many vets find pleasure in machining their own weapons and accouterments. To manufacture hollow points, a character must
attempt a P/F Inventioflepair Challenge vs. a Difficulty
of 4. Success results in ten rounds of hollow points.
Failure renders ten rounds unusable. A target wounded
by a hollow point round has the Difficulty of his or her
ST result Challenge increased from 0 to 5.



Sutter a Yenetration Challenge

with a Penetration of 14 (21-7=14).


-1 for each promotion opponent received beyond


-1 for each decoration Bronze or Silver Star received.

-2 if the opponent received the Congressional Medal of

While youre here, here are some stats for another muscle powered weapon:

-3 if the opponent was the Tastee Ghoul Soldier of the.

Month (winners are always advertised in participating

Broken Bottle (Cost:varies by brand, Avail: A)

Penetration: 4, Dmg: LW/LW/MW/MW, STR: -4, RES: 3
Standard side-arm of drunks and racists.

give these boys to the Dingbat.


group of targets.

-1 for each contact the opponent gained (its a small world).


Any character using the IntimidatiodInterrogation Skill

to extract information from a helpless subject has the
option of using Torture. If using Torture, the Interrogator
makes a P/F Challenge against the targets WILL. Success
causes the target to automatically answer one question.
Failure causes the target to immediately make a RES
challenge against a Difficulty of 3. If the target fails her
roll, she drops instantly passes out and remains unconscious for an amount of time equal to 20 minutes (25
Units) minus her RES score. If the torture attempt is successful, the Interrogator may ask more questions, but
each question asked past the first increases the difficulty
of the targets RES challenge by one. The more torture
suffered, the harder it is to remain coherent. Note that
torture is only effective against targets with a RES score
that is less than or equal to the Interrogators
Intimidatioflnterrogation score.

The GM may also assign minuses for appropriate catastrophic events undergone or trophies received.
A successful recognition reveals the opponents name,
unit, and a few sketchy details about his past.


Veteran characters may make an INT Challenge versus a
Difficulty of 4 (Very Difficult action) to identify a weapon
by the sound it makes. The GM might adjust the
Difficulty of recognizing unique or unusually hard to find
weapons upward, or adjust the Difficulty of recognizing
legendary heaters like the Cerberus Wardog downward.
Silencers or noise suppressers increase the Difficulty of
identifying a weapon by +6.


synchronized rolling maneuver.


Being airborne has its advantages. Characters with

Military Science Skill using the Nowlan Flying Harness
may increase their Acrobatics (Dodge) Skill by +3 when
airborne. This represents the characters training in aerial
tactics. Since synchronized air strikes require lots of
practice, whenever airborne characters are in combat formation (within 4 Units, or 25 feet of each other) they
must each make P/F a Military Science Challenge against
a Difficulty of 3 (Difficult action) to maintain the
Acrobatic bonus. Failure indicates a brief loss of balance,
formation, or orientation resulting in no Dodge increase.
Double 1s indicate a mid-air collision on such a
Challenge indicates a mid-air collision!


Grenades and explosives automatically conduct a

Penetration Challenge against all targets that fall within
their listed Blast Radius. The Penetration of a grenade or
missile attack is always decreased by the distance in units
between the weapon and its target. For example, a missile
has a Penetration of 21 and a Blast Radius of 10.
Everyone within 100 feet (10 Units) of the missiles detonation is automatically hit and must suffer a Penetration
Challenge. Any target within 0 Units (10 feet) is attacked

Robert Sendler (order #493062)


Characters with the Military Science Skill I I I ~ Y(ILLCIII~L LU

recognize an opponent due to the opponents battle reputation. The base Challenge is P/F Military Science against
a Difficulty of 9. Each of the following background situations decreases the Difficulty of the Challenge:

Screwdriver (Cost: $45, Avail: A)

Penetration: 3, Dmg: LW/LW/MW/MW, STR: -2, RES: 10
Standard side-arm of the 4077 Engineers.


militay record.


re-slings his weapon..

p. 14 take them through the eye.


used effectively by non-boosts.


6 range.



attempting to escape.


Characters may attempt to redlinea vehicle if they have

the appropriate Vehicles Specialty. Treat this as a spectacular stunt and ask the character to make a P/F
Impressive Vehicle Skill Challenge (Difficulty of 9).
Success indicates the character was able to push the
vehicle to its extreme limits, increase the vehicles speed
by 1 unit for 5 full Turns. Failure indicates that the vehicle spins out of control and collides (see Underground
Rulebook, Chapter Nine).





Nicaraguan jungle.


Nicaragua is home to the Neo-Vatican, founded in 2013

by religious pilgrims and exiles from Italy. Four years
later, in what came to be named Operation Archangel,
Pope Paul VI11 was installed as El President6 in the bloodiest coup in that nations history. While the Neo-Vatican
is quite stable and known as a world class tourist spot,
the surrounding jungle is teaming with banditos and
renegade cardinals determined to oust the Bad Padre.

In a leapfrog movement pattern, a covering soldier

holds his Challenge Action while an allied soldier moves.
While holding his Challenge action, if his moving teammate is targeted by an enemy, the covering soldier may
pre-empt the enemys shot with a shot of his own (providing that the covering soldiers Initiative is higher than
the enemys Initiative). In this way, one soldier may yell
cover me! and know that he has a chance to get to the
next piece of cover.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Disposable Heroes 8063rd Air-Lance.

The 8063rd is the primary air-mobile combat unit of

Disposable Heroes, Inc. Led by the jolly Danger-Danger,
this merry band of warriors is well known for its highly
disciplined fighting style and unshakable morale.
Members of the 8063rd who muster out to the States
enjoy unrivaled support and camaraderie, and unlike
many other units, the 8063rd boasts no feud with other
military organizations. It is well known that making one
member of the 8063rd your enemy is, without a doubt,
making all your enemy. Stateside, easily 90% of the
Lance end up in the Underground or aid in the efforts of
other freedom fighters. This is due, in part, to the moral
guidance and strong values of Danger Danger.

Claw length, like the size of an enhanced brain, increases

in relation to the number of Units bought: 0 Unit claws
are one inch long, 3 Unit claws are two inches long, 6
Units claws are four inches long, and 9 Units claws are
eight inches long. Characters who purchases 8 or more
Units of Claws are automatically unable to retract their
Claws and must purchase the Enhancments special limitation.


ramming speed!
Striking a target with a moving vehicle is a standard To
Hit Challenge in which the attacker uses her Vehicles
Skill. The Penetration of a ramming vehicle is equal to its
SPD. Upon impact, many vehicles explode. As an optional
rule, the GM may attempt a RES Challenge for the vehicle
against its own SPD. A result of an A or B will cause the
vehicle to detonate. Treat this as a separated attack, with a
Penetration Challenge being equal to the vehicles RES
score. Assign a standard Blast of 3 Units to most midsized vehicles, and increase when appropriate and fun. A
large vehicle may target multiple opponents when ramming. GMs should simply use their judgment in these
cases allowing reasonable Acrobatics maneuvers, etc.

Weapons with strength minimums above a characters

STR may still be fired at an Accuracy of -3 if the firers
STR is between one and three Units less than necessary.



Firing a called shot adds 6 to the Difficulty of the shots

To Hit Challenge, while decreasing the Difficulty of the
Penetration Challenge by 6. For show-offs, GMs may
wish to adjust the To Hit Challenge penalty based on the
size of the target. For example, targeting a head (+6) is
less difficult than targeting a single eye (+9).

Slinging a weapon is an Automatic Action but consumes an entire Turn. Drawing a weapon is an
Automatic Action that can be combined with a
Challenge (like firing) within one Turn. Since reloading
a weapon takes two full Turns, many vets carry as
many as twenty pistols. Its faster simply to pull another piece than to drop a magazine, reach into a pouch,
find another, insert it into the weapon, and chamber
the first round. This is why modern battlefields are
often littered with discarded weapons. Some seasoned
veterans have increased the Ammo ratings on automatic weapons by taping two magazines together, one
upside down. When such vets run out of ammo, they
simply pull, flip, cock and rock. This tactic decreases
the reload time to only one full Turn. Many vets color
code the tape used in this fashion to denote the ammo
type housed within the magazine - red for hot loads,
blue for dum-dums, etc.


Operation Archangel.


The formal title of the Ascension - the rise of El

President6 de Nicaragua, Pope Paul the VIII. This confirmation was marked by the taking of 1,250 political prisoners and the excommunication (termination with
extreme prejudice) of 50 terrorist rebels. Also of special
note was the re-dedication of the Sistine Chapel, moved
at great expense in its entirety from Old Vatican City.





Rebel freedom fighters backed, in part by Candy Cola Co.,

a conglomerate with commercial interests in Central


1st Airmobile Crusaders.


The first and only flight-enhanced soldiers of the NeoVatican, the Crusaders are known for their mercy in battle and skill with the Spanish language. Organized by
Cardinal Walter Silver Seraph Kowalski, the unit is
comprised of heavily armed priests with a love of God
and the will to do good. The newest of the modem NeoVatican military units, no one from the Crusaders has
surfaced after mustering out. It is rumored that none
ever will due to a clandestine operation being mounted
on the island of Sicily.



This illegal activity was banned several years ago. It calls

upon the unique natural abilities of various animal brains
by electrically attaching them to the circuitry in select
pieces of hardware. The practice was finally outlaws when
the Supreme Court ruled that it was unnecessarily cruel
to the animals who unwillingly give up their brains and
thus, their lives. Since they are sentient creatures capable
of making their own choices, humans, on the other
hand, are allowed to sell their brains as comptcr memory to major software firms in return for money and 64k


heavily armed priest.



automatic confessional.


Halloween Ban.


A moritorium on the discharge of automatic weapons,

the ban took effect October lst, 2019 due to fatalities suffered at many midwestern college campuses during
Halloween weekend festivities. The University of Chicago,
long acknowledged as the Windy Citys Party School,
was one of the primary sources of the trendy carnage. In
2013, students dressed as the Leopold and Loeb went on
a killing spree, executing any party-goer with a dumb
costume. What constituted dumb was never defined.
The University Police Force shot both students dead as
they attempted to attach a grenade to a freshman in an
Uncle Whit Tortini costume. Even though the attempt
to weed out bad costumes was ultimately fatal, several
fraternities on nearby campuses followed suit, staining
campus quads with blood and spirit gum.




commercials designed to evoke a buying frenzy by

manipulating the alpha waves in lower IQ consumers.
While many people pretend that they are unaffected by
the rush, they are nevertheless prone to buy products
they do not want and could not hope to use.

Background: Enraged citizens out to protect their parish,

GARP members are proud to stand in the path of urban
violence and shout, Not on my block. What began as an
anti-graffiti task force quickly blossomed into a vigilante
unit. While most members adhere to a strict code versus
killing, several fringe groups have already developed to
take back whats ours.



A consulting firm that specializes in understanding the

Quote: Afterwe buck down these chumps, why dont we

make banners for the bake sale?

fears of consumers. Fear is the Great Salesman, the firm

contends. If you want to sell deodorant, prey on the fear
of social inadequacy, etc.

Robert Sendler (order #493062)


In order to fund Operation Archangel and similar Church

activities, the Clergy Corps of Engineers has installed
confessional doors with automatic change feeders. When
forty dollars in coins are slipped into the feeder, the door
opens and the closet illuminates. When the confessor
sits, the confessional window slides open. After three
minutes, the window slides shut and will not reopen
until another twenty dollar coin is deposited. Thereafter,
twenty dollars must be deposited every three minutes
until penance is adjudicated.


Average G.A.R.P. member:

STR: 2, DEX 2
Acrobatics/Dodge:2, Gun Combat: 2
Murry Slaughter Beanbag Gun

golden BB.

man into a puddle of genetic slop. The device is called the

golden BB due to its rarity.

This designation is reserved for select members of the

clergy who are appointed to fight the forces of darkness
using any means necessary. HAPs are known for their
devotion to the common man and their relentless struggle to protect him from enemies within and without.
This vague charter allows some over-zealous HAPs to
make private war against evilcorporations and to justify Inquisitions into the genetic purity of rural Americans.

p .47

A grenade housing Paste, a bio-weapon that can turn a



BacklashVirtual Danger Game System..

Currently the hottest computer game on the market,

Backlash features state-of-the-art stimu-packs that
simulate weapon hits on the user. What begin as simple
vibrations can be scaled up to painful electric shocks by
using the joypad controller to enter the proper secret
sequence at a designated time. This sequence can only
be acquired from the customer service department of
Virtual Danger Enterprises, and is only given out to consenting adults.




part is programming the computer to select the rate of

fire. With a Difficult Computer Science Challenge, the
user can program a rigged weapon to continue firing until
the target is deemed inactiveby the Firefight! program.

Paste is an adhesive jelly that dissolves organic compounds, reducing them to puddles of genetic slop. The
appearance of Paste on a battlefield sends a clear message
to all concerned: The gloves are off! There have been
just under a dozen confirmed instances of Paste use
since its creation, but the mere threat of Paste sends
shivers down the most hardened soldiers spine. Who can
forget the famous Forester Photos showing, in vivid
detail, the slow gelatinization of Redwood Forester,
Pastes first victim? This devastating weapon is the most
difficult to acquire in the early 21st century.





banned in public schools.


right to kill transients.

STR: 18, DEX 3, SPD: 3, RES: 8, INT: 3

Julio-Micro Vision: 8; Alejandro-Hyper Touch: 8
Acrobatics: 6, Gun Combat: 6, Inventioflepair: 9
The twins personal weapons are reported to be unintelligible to anyone outside the family. Many speculate that
the Piazzas have bought or stolen some still secret alien
technology that will be part of their new line of weapons
for the 4th quarter of 2022.


The right to kill transients was established in 2009 in the

landmark State of California v. Abramson case. Floyd
Abramson, a butcher, shot and killed a homeless woman
who was sleeping on an air vent outside his shop during
the winter of 2007. Abramsons defense, which became
the precedent allowing vagrancy murder, was based on
the principal that public property was being violated, and
that the bums were trespassers. The State Supreme
Court upheld the ruling, thus declaring open season on
the poor.




linked.. .modified..


This is possible. Since all tech in Underground is digital,

joining a computer program like Pueblo Firefight! to a
servo motor requires the Computer Science skill. Such a
Challenge is simply Average. Connecting a VOX (voice
activated) system isnt even a Challenge at all. The hard

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

surefire deal.


While automatic and semiautomatic weapons may jam,

any vet worth his bootstraps knows that revolvers are
purely mechanical and that only by grabbing the cylinder
or hammer can you stop one from firing. Such a feat can
only be accomplished by being in close proximity to the
shooter and by scoring a Called Shot hit in a Hand-ToHand (or Martial Arts)attack.

Military intelligence. The generic term for an information

gathering agency.



The Twins

Current policy deems any caliber over 9mm to be detrimental to the equipment and operations of the
Pennsylvania School System. This policy was enacted
after it was discovered that bullets below 9mm caused no
significant damage to classroom computer hardware.


Julio and Alejandro Piazza.

The so-called twins of fury and founders of Silver Bullet

Arms, Julio and Alejandro are themselves combat-hardened veterans of several conflicts and canny inventors of
outrageous weapons. Every one of their guns is a piece of
post-modern-uberart, displaying contempt for physics
and human life. Many a vet has heard, Compliments of
Julie and Al, as his soul departs.

Whenever a fax message is sent from terminal-to-terminal it is automatically imprinted with the name and
address of the sender. Changing this imprinted fax signature requires a P/F Average Computer Science Skill
Challenge. Success allows the user to replace his name
and address with any alias he desires



Street price is $1000 apiece. Costs can be significantly

cut by crimping two magazines together and soldering
them in place with an iron. This requires a Difficult P/F
Inventioflepair Challenge. Success indicates a double
capacity magazine. Magazines created in this jury-rigged
manner are prone to jam. See the jamming rules found
later in this volume.

Free Speech Registration #59124 J/8100.

fax signature.

custom large capacity magazines.

Margaret Mary Vincents Very Final



This is the National Anti-Socialist Partys campaign to

exterminate all Pre-Frontal Americans using organic
weapons. The Anti-Socialists blame all of Americas problems on the so called Cro-magswhom they believe to be
the offspring of super-terrestriallifeforms Alpha and Beta,
whom the Anti-Socialists believe were sent to Earth as part
of a conspiracy to destroy human society from within.








Robert Sendler (order #493062)











Robert Sendler (order #493062)







Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)






Robert Sendler (order #493062)


Robert Sendler (order #493062)






Robert Sendler (order #493062)



Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)




2E .






Robert Sendler (order #493062)







Robert Sendler (order #493062)



Robert Sendler (order #493062)

- -













Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)












Robert Sendler (order #493062)


Robert Sendler (order #493062)
















Robert Sendler (order #493062)


Robert Sendler (order #493062)













Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)













Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

Robert Sendler (order #493062)








Robert Sendler (order #493062)








Robert Sendler (order #493062)













Robert Sendler (order #493062)










Robert Sendler (order #493062)




780923 763961
I S B N 0 - 9 2 3 7 b 3 -9b-1,

Robert Sendler (order #493062)

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