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Police, Stats & Gangs

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Weapons Package #1

Brass Knuckles, Bat, 9mm, Shotgun, Micro MP5, AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotos, S!ra" #an$
Weapons Package #2
Knife, %esert &agle, Sa'e(-)ff, *ec-9, M4, Sni!er Rifle, +lame *hro'er, ,rena(es, +ire &stinguisher$
Weapons Package #3
#hainsa', Silence( 9mm, S!a-, MP5, M4, Sni!er Rifle, .eat Seaking Rocket Laucher, Remote &/!losies$
$250,000 & Full Health & Armor
In!n!te Health "
Makes "ou mostl" 0ullet!roof, an( fire, !unches an( melee attacks (on1t hurt "ou an"more$ 2ou can still 0e
hurt 0" e/!losions, falling, getting run oer, an( (ro'ning$
In!n!te Ammo
In!n!te #$%gen &'ung (apac!t%) "
S'im un(er'ater an( neer hae to 'orr" a0out (ro'ning3
(omm!t *u!c!+e
A+renal!ne ,o+e " /et Hungr% "
H!tman le.el !n all 0eapons
Automaticall" gies "ou the hitman leel for all 'ea!ons$
Police, Stats & Gangs Wante+
4ante( leel neer increases$ %oesn1t erase stars "ou alrea(" hae$
1 *tar Wante+ 'e.el "
'o0er Wante+ 'e.el
%ecreases the 'ante( leel 0" (ecrements of 5 each time the the co(e is use($
2ecru!t An%one &3,,) "
Recruit normal !e(estrians into "our gang$ 6f the" (on1t normall" hae a 'ea!on, the"1ll carr" a 9mm$
,a$!mum 4eh!cle *tats
,a$!mum 2espect
,a$!mum *e$ Appeal
2ecru!t An%one &2ocket 'auncher)
Recruits get rocket launchers if the" (on1t alrea(" hae 'ea!ons$
Increase Wante+ 'e.el
6ncreases the 'ante( leel 0" increments of 5 each time the the co(e is use($
2eall% Fat (5
+at leel for #7 goes to ma/imum$
2eall% *k!nn% (5
Muscle an( fat leels are (ro!!e( to -ero$
2eall% ,uscle+ (5
Muscle leel for #7 goes to ma/imum$
/angs (ontrol the *treets "
Streets (eserte( e/ce!t for gunmen fighting in the streets$ 8o co!s or regular citi-ens$ 8o traffic e/ce!t in
gang territories$
/ang ,em6ers "
,ore /ore All the state !s one 6!g 6each 0!th pe+s !n
s0!msu!ts an+ shorts Pe+estr!an Attack &8)cannot 6e
turne+ o&8) Pe+estr!an 2!ot &8)cannot 6e turne+ o&8)
-o pe+estr!ans &8) (an9t 6e turne+ o &8) (thanks to
Matt) 2a!n% Weather *unn%
Weather Fogg% Weather
(lou+% Weather *unset (thanks to
San9An(reas9Su!erStar) Al0a%s ,!+n!ght (thanks to
%arranator, Matt an( &(isoncarter) Faster (lock
*lo0er /amepla% Faster
/amepla% A!m 0eapon an%0here Wh!le :r!.!ng
2e+uce tra!c #range *k%
/angs (ontrol the *treets
All pe+s 6ecome gang mem6ers *!ll% cars an+ s!ll% pe+s
*an+storm All tra!c
l!ghts turn green (thanks to San9An(reas9Su!erStar)
2ecru!t an%one as a gang mem6er (thanks to &(isoncarter)
2ecru!t an%one &0!th rockets) (thanks to Matt an( &(isoncarter)
-!n;a <heme = as!an gu%s 0!th katanas stroll the streets, certa!n
6!kes an+ cop cars are 6lack> (5 gets a katana> (thanks to &(isoncarter)
All Pe+s 6ecome 7l.!s (thanks to ski!!"s'eet)
Hookers Pa% ?ou (thanks to 0one an( &(isoncarter)
(haos ,o+e Pedestrians riot, just like they do in the final mission strand. Houses
are on fire, people run down the streets carrying !"s and so on.. (thanks to Skiller )
In!n!te Ammo (thanks to Skiller )
Pla%er (heats
<he @est (heat &Armor> '!e ,one% an+ 2espect888)
Full Health <ougher (5#ostly immune to
$ullets, fire, punches and melee weapons. (thanks to %aranator an( &(isoncarter)
Weapons *et 1 &8)th!s cheats negat!.el% aects %ou stats&8)
Weapons *et 2 &8)th!s cheats negat!.el% aects
%ou stats&8) Weapons *et 3 &8)th!s cheats
negat!.el% aects %ou stats&8) /et $250000
+ollars 'o0er Wante+ 'e.el
2a!se Wante+ 'e.el get a
0ante+ le.el (thanks to &(isoncarter) 1 star 0ante+ le.el
(thanks to &(isoncarter) ,ore 2espect &stats upgra+e)
!n!n!te lung capac!t% ,a$!mum
muscle ,a$!mum sk!n!ness muscle
,a$!mum Fat (thanks to Matt) (omm!t *u!c!+e
,ega Punch 'a+!es 'o.e (5 an+
Follo0 h!m *uper 5ump (*hanks to Matt)
A+renal!ne ,o+e *lut ,agnet (thanks to
(arranator) /et Hungr% (thanks to &(isoncarter)
H!tman !n all 0eapons %utomatically gi&es you the hitman
le&el for all weapons. (thanks to Skiller )
,a$!mum 2espect (thanks to Skiller )
,a$!mum *e$ Appeal (thanks to Skiller ) Pe+s
Attack &guns) (thanks to Skiller )
(ar (heats
Anlock 2omero Anlock <rashmaster
*pa0n A 2h!no *pa0n
2ancher *pa0n @loo+r!ng @anger
*pa0n (a++% *pa0n a Hotr!ng 2acer
#101 *pa0n Hotr!ng 2acer
*pa0n a *tretch *pa0n a ;et pack :*hanks to Remi;
:&(ite( 0" e((aket; *pa0n a monster truck
*pa0n :oBer *pa0n
H%+ra ACA ,!l!tar% 5et ( thanks to Matt ) *pa0n *tunt
Plane *pa0n Dua+6!ke (thanks to *oni)
*pa0n 4orte$ &ho.ercrat) (thanks to Matt)
*pa0n a Parachute (thanks to %ai()
*pa0n Hunter (thanks to Skiller )
*pa0n <anker (thanks to Skiller ) Perect
Han+l!ng Faster (ars
<ra!c 6ecomes h!gher spee+ cars> &(ars +r!.!ng aroun+ 6ecome all the 6est cars !n
the game) All *pa0ne+ (ars are P!nk
Fl%!ng (ars Fl%!ng @oats
(ars can :r!.e on Water :estro%
All (ars aroun+ %ou &!nclu+!ng the one %ou are s!tt!ng !n %es)
All (ar *pa0ne+ are @lack
Aggress!.e <ra!c Huge 6unn%hops
4eh!cle # :eath &.eh!cle !n 0h!ch (5 !s 6ecomes tank=l!ke)
<a$!s Ha.e -!trous an+ '3 @unn% Hop
All <a$!s ha.e -!tros (thanks to ski!!"s'eet)
All cars ha.e -!tros (thanks to Skiller )
#ther .eh!cles l% a0a% 0hen %ou tap them All
4eh!cles In.!s!6le &7$cept ,otorc%cles) (thanks to San9An(reas9Su!erStar)
<ra!c @ecomes countr% .eh!cles (thanks to Phantasma55)
,a$!mum 4eh!cle *tats (thanks to Skiller )
All tra!c !s crap cars (thanks to Skiller )

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