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Regulation EG 2104

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Mounds View Public Schools

Ends and Goals Regulation


Use of Technology - Students

Mounds View Schools strive to prepare all students for the future by providing a challenging education
which builds academic competence, develops responsible citizenship, encourages creativity, promotes
lifelong learning, advances critical thinking skills, instills a commitment to personal wellness, and fosters
respect for self and others.
In carrying out this goal, the District may provide students with access to computers and other equipment
or allow students to utilize compatible personal electronic devices. This access will enable them to access
the Internet, to use electronic mail, to create Internet web pages, and to send, receive, and store
documents. Use of this equipment will be limited to educational purposes, including classroom instruction
and educational research collaborative projects, homework and other unspecified uses that fall within the
districts acceptable use regulations.
District System
The District System is all of the School District computers and communications equipment, including but
not limited to all computers, Internet access including wired and wireless connections, electronic mail
systems, voice mail systems, databases, course management systems, student information systems,
network storage devices, facsimile machines, cable television system, and all other audio or video
systems. Guest Internet access on personal electronic devices is considered part of the District System.
Acceptable Use
General Definition and Parameters
The Districts System is intended for appropriate educational purposes. In general terms, appropriate
educational purposes include school administration, classroom instruction, educational research and
curriculum, professional development, homework or other collaborative work.
The District may establish a process and criteria for the creation and posting of material on the Districts
Web site and/or other District-managed web-based systems. All student, staff, school, or classroom Web
pages or District-managed web-based systems will adhere to these criteria.
With the approval of the school building principal or his/her designee, school-sponsored extracurricular
organizations may be permitted to create and publish Web pages on the Districts website or place links to
external websites on the Districts System, provided that the material is consistent with the Districts
policies and regulations. Such web pages must relate to the activities of the organization and include only
material created by student members of the organization.
Restrictions and Limitations on Acceptable Use
Access to the Districts System is a privilege. The District may revoke the access of any user who violates
any District policy or applicable law. In addition, users are prohibited from using the District System or
personal electronic devices to send or receive messages, pictures, or documents that are fraudulent,
illegal, pornographic, obscene, indecent, sexually explicit, discriminatory, harassing, defamatory,
threatening, or which are intended to promote or incite violence against person or property. Any electronic
recording, including audio and visual, or staff or students is not allowed without the express written
permission of those being recorded.

Mounds View Public Schools

Ends and Goals Regulation

Use of Technology - Students (continued)

Users are prohibited from installing, without authorization, software on the District System.
Students will not disclose to others via the District System information such as last names, home
addresses, telephone numbers, or other information that may identify themselves or other students to
The District System will not be used for political lobbying, including the endorsement of political candidates
(with the exception that students and staff may use the District System to communicate with their elected
representatives). In addition, the District System will not be used for personal commercial activity,
including selling, purchasing, advertising, or soliciting goods or services. The School District will not be
responsible for any financial obligations arising from a users activities on the District System, and users
will be held responsible for such obligations.
Users are prohibited from using software that is designed to destroy data, provide unauthorized access to
computer or communication equipment, or which would disrupt the District System in any way. This
includes, by way of example only, using any software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other invasive
Users are prohibited from doing anything which would degrade the performance of the Districts System
including, but not limited to, deliberately disrupting a computer or the computer network.
Users are prohibited from forging, altering, or otherwise concealing the identity of the person sending
messages or other forms of communication with the District System.
Consequences for student violations of any of the provisions of this policy are found in Policy EG-3109 Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Electronic communications must conform with the definition of acceptable uses. The School District
reserves the right to read, listen to, or otherwise access files and information transmitted on District
systems. Employees, students, and also the public, should therefore have no expectation of privacy in
any message or file created, sent, stored, or received using the Districts system. Routine inspection
and/or maintenance and monitoring of District systems may lead to discovery of violations of this policy,
other District policy or regulations, or the law.
The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to illegal
Intellectual Property Rights
Users of the District System will respect the rights of others in their intellectual property, including
copyrights, trademarks, End User License Agreements and Terms of Use, and will abide by the principles
of fair use as that term is defined in the federal Copyright Act. Improper use of copyrighted or other
licensed information is not permitted. If a system user repeatedly infringes upon copyrighted or licensed
works, the District will terminate the students account.
The District will accommodate and not interfere with the standard technical measures used by copyright
owners to identify or protect copyrighted works. Works created by students are the property of the

Mounds View Public Schools

Ends and Goals Regulation

Use of Technology - Students (continued)

Consistent with applicable Federal law, the District will filter, block, or otherwise prevent the use of the
District System for the transmission of any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other
communication which: (1) is fraudulent, illegal, pornographic, obscene, indecent, sexually explicit,
discriminatory, harassing, or defamatory; (2) is intended to promote or incite violence towards person or
property; (3) otherwise violates the Districts policies or regulations or applicable law.
No Warranty
The District makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, that the function of the services
provided by or through the Districts System will be error-free or without defect. The District will not be
held responsible for any damage users may suffer including, but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions
of service, or damage to personal electronic devices. Students choose to bring personal electronic
devices into the district and connect to the District System at their own risk. The District does not
guarantee that students using the Districts System will not encounter offensive or otherwise inappropriate
material. The District is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or
stored on the District System.
Student Server Usage Guidelines
The Mounds View Public Schools Student Server System is a resource provided to support the computing
needs of the Mounds View Public Schools Students. This resource is the property of the Mounds View
Public Schools, all users must comply with policies and laws enforced by Mounds View Public Schools,
local, state and federal governments.
Student Server System Access is a privilege granted by Mounds View Public Schools. All users of this
system must agree with the following:
This system is intended to be used for educational/academic purposes only.
Students are to use only the account created for them. At no time should a student ever log in using
another users account.
Students will be provided 150 MB of data storage from grade levels K-5, 200 MB from grades 6-8, and 250
MB of data storage from grades 9-12. Specific needs or requests for more storage space will be reviewed
and approved by the Mounds View Public Schools Technology Department.
Mounds View Public Schools Technology Department administrators have full access to any information
stored on this system for the purposes of usage monitoring, system maintenance and backups.
No games, applications or utilities are to be downloaded and stored within server folders.
Any use of software or utilities that could affect the integrity or operation of this system is strictly
All student created data will be erased from the student server system at the end of each school year.
Data will not be retained from year to year.

Mounds View Public Schools

Ends and Goals Regulation

Use of Technology - Students (continued)

Students will be notified at the end of the school year to back up any data intended to be kept by the
student. All end-of-year backups will be performed by the student (with direction from staff if needed).
CD-R media used for this purpose will be provided by the student/parent/guardian.
Data backups will be performed on a daily, weekly and monthly frequency. Daily Backups will be retained
for 2-weeks. Weekly backups will be retained for 1-month. Monthly backups will be retained for one
Backups will only be retained for a period of one semester with the exception of year-long classes.
Mounds View Public Schools will honor all copyrighted materials. Any MP3, AAC, WMA files will be
automatically removed from the server on a scheduled basis.
Web-Based Applications Usage Guidelines
Students may be provided access to web-based applications which may include, but are not limited to,
online course management programs, email, calendar, productivity and collaborative applications and
other curriculum-specific applications.
Web-based Applications Access is a privilege granted by Mounds View Public Schools. All users of these
systems must agree with the following:

This system is intended to be used for educational/academic purposes only.

Students are to use only the account created for them. At no time should a student ever log in
using another users account.
Access to specific applications may be differentiated by grade level and/or curricular areas.
Mounds View Public Schools Technology Department administrators have full access to any
information stored on this system for the purposes of usage monitoring, system maintenance and

Consequences for student violations of any of the provisions of this policy are found in Policy EG-3109
Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Mounds View Public Schools reserves the right to revoke system access, usage privileges or disable
All teachers and staff will follow the acceptable use policy and accompanying regulations. Individual
teachers will define their classroom rules as it pertains to the use of personal or school provided electronic
devices within the boundaries of their classrooms as long as they do not exceed those expressed in the
policy and regulation. The teachers acceptable use policy will be posted in the room, in the course
syllabus and on the teachers web page.
Ref: Policy EG-3104 - Harassment and Violence
Policy EG-3109 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
Policy EG-2100 Curriculum and Instruction
Policy EG-3100 - Protection and Privacy of Student Records
Revised: August 2011

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